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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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5ae0ea No.116921 [Last50 Posts]

/qresearch/ Canada

Re-Posts of notables

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2fac48 No.129056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20004140 (301831ZNOV23) Notable: Christine Anderson’s Ottawa event goes ahead despite cancellation campaign

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Christine Anderson’s Ottawa event goes ahead despite cancellation campaign


An Ottawa event featuring right-wing German politician

Christine Anderson and Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek went ahead despite multiple cancellation attempts from left-wing activists – and a last-minute venue change.

Hundreds showed up to the event, part of Anderson’s “Make It our Business” tour, organized by Canadian organization Trinity Productions.

The event was initially supposed to take place at the Ottawa Conference and Event Centre, but the venue cancelled at the last minute amid pressure from left-wing activists – who deemed the speakers “hateful.”

“Today, it has been brought to our attention that your event features two speakers, Christine Anderson and Eva Vlaardingerbroek, commonly associated with hate speech and beliefs that are antithetical and completely unwelcome to (the Ottawa Conference and Event Centre), its management, employees and others who use our Conference and Event Centre,” reads a Nov. 28 email sent by catering director Claudio Dinardo.

While left-wing activists initially celebrated the event’s cancellation on social media, the organizers quickly found another venue.

“Unfortunately for them, it did not work, their plans were foiled.” said tour organizer Bethan Nodwell in an interview with True North. “It was literally within an hour or two that we had locked down a second venue.”

Left wing activists attempted to get the second venue, the Preston Event Centre, to also cancel – but were unsuccessful in doing so.

“They did send all their henchmen to call, harass, badger, intimidate (the second) venue,” said Nodwell. “(But) the owners from this venue said, ‘we will not bend the knee to the woke,’ and that was just amazing.”

Anderson also gave a shout-out to the venue’s owner in her speech, which was followed by the crowd giving him a standing ovation.

Another one of the tour’s organizers, Stacey Kauder, said the cancel culture attempts resulted in a last-minute increase in ticket sales.

“We sold more tickets in the last 24 hours than we did in the weeks leading up to the tour,” she said.

“The freedom movement can’t be beaten, for raising money and rallying around people when they need a rally,” Nodwell added. Continue...>>129054

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2fac48 No.129057

File: 38da7965b7e134c⋯.png (7.54 MB,2560x1857,2560:1857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008732 (011518ZDEC23) Notable: Trudeau gov’t minister takes heat for saying Canadians who ‘can’t work’ should get free housing

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Trudeau gov’t minister takes heat for saying Canadians who ‘can’t work’ should get free housing


Critics called Housing Minister Sean Fraser's comments 'full-on communism' and '100% socialism.'

In a scenario akin to the former Soviet Union but not in free market-based Western nations such as Canada, Housing Minister Sean Fraser proclaimed that all Canadians who cannot work should be given free housing.

As per Blacklock’s Reporter, Fraser said recently to Canada’s Senate banking committee that “If you are an adult working in Canada you should be able to buy a home,” adding, “If you cannot work you should have a home too.”

“Government should work together to provide it to you. In a country as wealthy as Canada it is very difficult to accept that people go to sleep without a roof over their head. These problems are solvable,” he said. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129058

File: eae022eff0ae781⋯.png (992.66 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008741 (011522ZDEC23) Notable: Dwindling Canadian navy on brink of crisis, unprepared to meet future challenges

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Dwindling Canadian navy on brink of crisis, unprepared to meet future challenges


The commander of the Royal Canadian Navy is warning that serious challenges threaten to derail its readiness commitments in 2024 and beyond.

Vice-Admiral Angus Topshee, the Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) commander blamed severe personnel shortages and aging equipment in a YouTube video on Monday

“The RCN faces some very serious challenges right now that could mean we fail to meet our force posture and readiness commitments in 2024 and beyond,” said Topshee.

The navy is grappling with significant staffing shortages, which Topshee said puts the RCN in a critical state. Many occupations are experiencing staffing shortages at 20% and higher.

The root of these challenges lies in a decade-long recruitment crisis.

“Despite their very best efforts, CFRG [Canadian Forces Recruiting Group] has not delivered the required intake for the RCN for over ten years,” Topshee explained.

True North previously reported on the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) recruitment shortage. A briefing note obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter showed that the government’s plan was to boost recruitment by lowering standards and promoting diversity over merit.

Communications between the Department of National Defence and the CAF revealed a preoccupation with concepts like equity, critical race theory, and gender ideology. Despite woke ideology policy changes like gender-neutral uniforms and drag queen bingo, the recruitment numbers have continued to falter. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129059

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008749 (011524ZDEC23) Notable: Redacted: "Canada's Ukraine trade deal is a TOTAL JOKE" Trudeau should be ashamed (vidro)

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"Canada's Ukraine trade deal is a TOTAL JOKE" Trudeau should be ashamed | Redacted w Clayton Morris


While Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been outspoken about Israeli violence against civilians, he is holding his warmongering line on Ukraine. It would seem he doesn't care so much about civilian populations if they are Russian speaking. Canadian journalist David Krayden joins us to discuss this.

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2fac48 No.129060

File: dfc06f163cc9a38⋯.png (607.38 KB,900x544,225:136,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fee81416339532⋯.png (917 KB,1280x957,1280:957,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008785 (011532ZDEC23) Notable: The West Pushed Ukraine To War And Kiev Now Is Paying The Butcher’s Bill

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The West Pushed Ukraine To War And Kiev Now Is Paying The Butcher’s Bill


This is a follow up to my previous piece describing how the United States and NATO sabotaged the peace talks between Russia and Ukraine in March 2022. Within the last week we have two members of Ukraine’s negotiating team confirm the information that was published two weeks ago by Hajo Funke and Harald Kujat, Harald Kujat is not just some guy with an opinion. He was the head of Germany’s military. The two members of the Ukrainian team — Oleksiy Arestovich (Zelensky’s former righthand man) and David Arakhamia (a Zelensky look alike who is a member of the Rada).

Vladimir Putin was the first person to publicly describe what happened with the negotiations when he met with an African delegation in July 2023. Putin told the African leaders: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129061

File: e03814aae557f44⋯.png (458.92 KB,1023x577,1023:577,Clipboard.png)

File: a66c74a81734c07⋯.png (734.57 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008835 (011544ZDEC23) Notable: Robert Fico’s Slovakia Is a Source of Problems for Ukraine, Stopping Military Aid and Implementing Protectionist Trade Policies

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Robert Fico’s Slovakia Is a Source of Problems for Ukraine, Stopping Military Aid and Implementing Protectionist Trade Policies


First it was the end of the military aid, then it was the grain products ban, now it’s a truck blockade at the border.

Since late September, when former Prime Minister Robert Fico was reelected in Slovakia, the bilateral relations between this eastern European country and its neighbor Ukraine have changed rapidly and decisively.

Fico’s SMER party won on a leftwing populist platform that promised, among other things, to cut back on support to Ukraine – including the immediate end to all military aid.

But that is not the only area of friction, now. There is also the most relevant issue of the Ukrainian grain export.

The Slovak government will not only extend but also drastically expand the ban on Ukrainian agricultural products.

This was formulated in an Agriculture Ministry proposal that was approved on Nov. 29.

Kyiv Independent reported: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129062

File: bc4863f9cf81375⋯.png (60.12 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: d8e99b9e34e20c8⋯.png (198.14 KB,416x389,416:389,Clipboard.png)

File: e9540edcedf4835⋯.png (1.59 MB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: e3abe94bd25230a⋯.png (944.44 KB,900x601,900:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bf5c58b2bf2e50⋯.png (990.28 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20008997 (011629ZDEC23) Notable: War Resumes After Hamas Breaks Truce With Terror and Rocket Attacks; Israel Responds With Air Strikes on Gaza

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War Resumes After Hamas Breaks Truce With Terror and Rocket Attacks; Israel Responds With Air Strikes on Gaza


The war between Israel and Hamas resumed on Friday after Hamas broke the day-to-day ceasefire for hostages agreement with a deadly terror attack in Jerusalem on Thursday and rocket fire on Israel early Friday morning. Also, Hamas had reportedly not sent a list of hostages to be released for Friday. Israel responded with air strikes on Gaza after 7 a.m. local time, and ground attacks. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129063

File: 544ef3b2abf067c⋯.png (849.03 KB,1284x674,642:337,Clipboard.png)

File: af961e1faf2dc1a⋯.png (984.86 KB,1021x1270,1021:1270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009084 (011650ZDEC23) Notable: Attorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Information Censorship

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Attorney General Ken Paxton Files Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresentation of COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Information Censorship


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has initiated legal action against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc., citing allegations of deceptive practices related to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine.

The lawsuit asserts that Pfizer engaged in misrepresenting the vaccine’s efficacy, particularly challenging the claim of 95% effectiveness, and accuses the company of trying to stifle public debate on the matter.

Attorney General Paxton accuses Pfizer of violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act through “false, deceptive, and misleading acts and practices.”

The lawsuit highlights the company’s claims that the vaccine has a 95% efficacy rate against COVID-19 infection, stating that this was based on “relative risk reduction” in Pfizer’s initial short-term clinical trial results.

It is argued that this figure is a misleading statistic that should not be used to unduly influence consumer choice, especially since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has indicated that long-term vaccine protection could not accurately be predicted at that point.

Furthermore, the lawsuit alleges that Pfizer misrepresented the durability of the vaccine’s protection and failed to disclose information that contradicted its claims. Additionally, it is claimed that Pfizer did not measure whether the vaccine prevents transmission but still promoted it as necessary to protect others.

As the vaccine’s efficacy came under scrutiny, Pfizer is accused of taking aggressive measures to suppress critics and silence truth-tellers, who the company labeled as “criminals” spreading “misinformation,” according to the lawsuit.

“We are pursuing justice for the people of Texas,” Attorney General Paxton stated. “Many were coerced by tyrannical vaccine mandates to take a product that was sold based on lies.”

“The Biden Administration may have weaponized the pandemic to force public health decrees and enrich big pharma, but my office will use every tool available to protect our citizens who were misled and harmed by Pfizer’s actions.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129064

File: e4831c38d444b44⋯.png (430.16 KB,735x780,49:52,Clipboard.png)

File: fca5e37c877f07a⋯.png (396.42 KB,735x782,735:782,Clipboard.png)

File: 234287404a6f6ba⋯.png (322.47 KB,655x807,655:807,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d29957c1fd787b⋯.png (165.87 KB,662x822,331:411,Clipboard.png)

File: 4be489735a5a5f4⋯.png (287.57 KB,498x797,498:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009130 (011659ZDEC23) Notable: Time To Boycott Elon's Boycotters

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Time To Boycott Elon's Boycotters


It was about four years ago that ZeroHedge went through ad monetization hell, having lost most of our advertisers because they did not approve of the content on this website and as a result they - together with such members of the Censorship Industrial Complex such as Newsguard, Sleeping Giants and CheckMyAds and various three letter US government agencies - did everything in their power to kill the site by starving it of ad revenue (it's what prompted us to launch a premium, subscription-supported version without which we would not have survived, and therefore we wish to personally thank all of our premium subscribers).

Fast forward to today, when Elon Musk is going through the same hell, as a growing group of companies are trying to do to X/Twitter what they tried to do to us by targeting the social media network and trying to starve it of ad revenue (their stated trigger of responding to the Media Matters fake news "report" was just a red herring: if it hadn't been for Media Matters, they would have found some other point of "virtue" to rally around, and pull their ads).

Of course, there is one key difference: Elon is the world's richest man, and if Twitter does not generate even one additional dollar of revenue, Elon will still be a multi-billionaire, and X can continue to operate for a long, long time if not in perpetuity (if costs are trimmed enough). It's also why Elon yesterday had some choice words for those advertisers who had halted advertising, telling them "go fuck yourself" (with a shout out to Disney chief Bob Iger) if they think they can blackmail Musk... which is precisely what ad demonetization is: a not so subtle way of pushing content and editorial direction in exchange for a monthly stipend. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129065

File: f775af64e67b8fc⋯.png (520.36 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009166 (011704ZDEC23) Notable: These Are The Countries Pledging The Most Humanitarian Aid

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Blood Money? These Are The Countries Pledging The Most Humanitarian Aid

The world is facing a number of significant humanitarian crises in 2023, with war, food insecurity and forced displacement, among others, causing great hardship around the globe.

As part of United Nations coordinated humanitarian aid plans, around $20 billion has been contributed by governments in 2023 so far.

Statista's Martin Armstrong shows in the infographic below, the United States has delivered almost half of this aid, at $9.3 billion. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129066

File: e4e68f2a3d19269⋯.png (268.12 KB,500x276,125:69,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c1cd3c3dc21c4c⋯.png (404.44 KB,746x787,746:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d5fc53555f6e1f⋯.png (570.53 KB,732x788,183:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009243 (011718ZDEC23) Notable: Entire Board Of Major UK Charity Sacked For Being White

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Entire Board Of Major UK Charity Sacked For Being White


A major charity in the UK has dismissed its entire board claiming that they are all too “white and privileged”.

The Daily Mail reports that The Tudor Trust, which has a net worth of £288million and gives away around £20 million a year, is ‘rethinking’ its future, pledging to be a “more diverse group” and to put “social justice and anti-racism” at the centre of its activity.

After offing the entire board based on their skin colour, remaining staff have been mandated to to undergo training in ‘racial justice’ and ‘white supremacy culture’, according to the report.

White staff were reportedly separated from black, Asian and other minority ethnic staff and given separate training on “the different characteristics of racism born of Britain’s colonial history, as well as the white supremacy culture that prevails”.

The charity, founded in 1955, conducted an internal “anti-racist review” overseen by interim director Raji Hunjan (pictured above) and issued a press release describing the move as “a journey towards a better understanding of the history of racism”.

The charity claims the move was inspired by Black Lives Matter protests. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129067

File: 4d2bccc7f035869⋯.png (334.01 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009297 (011724ZDEC23) Notable: Hungary Rejects "Completely Premature" Proposal To Admit Ukraine Into EU

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Hungary Rejects "Completely Premature" Proposal To Admit Ukraine Into EU


The government of Viktor Orban in Hungary has blasted a proposal to admit Ukraine into the European Union as "completely premature". Orban's chief of staff, Gergely Gulyas, on Thursday told a news conference in Budapest that it is too early to so much as begin formal talks on the matter, according to the AP.

"We are dealing with a completely premature proposal," Gulyas emphasized, explaining that Hungary "cannot contribute to a common decision" on inviting Ukraine to join the bloc. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129068

File: c925a04a88b3688⋯.png (369.64 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 865027c7f2d06ee⋯.png (368.69 KB,783x776,783:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009687 (011836ZDEC23) Notable: Russia's Supreme Court Bans "International LGBT Movement" As An "Extremist" Organization

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Russia's Supreme Court Bans "International LGBT Movement" As An "Extremist" Organization


Russia has long faced widespread international condemnation for what outside countries have decried as a crackdown on sexual minorities. President Vladimir Putin has persisted in stressing that Russia must safeguard traditional family values, and that this means protecting children from the pervasive propaganda of the West which seeks to sexualize young people.

Russia’s Supreme Court on Thursday in an official ruling designated what it called the "international LGBT public movement" as a banned "extremist" organization. The new ban is expected to take full effect by early next year - but some reports have said it is effective immediately - and while specifics haven't been forthcoming, the label would clearly give state authorities much broader powers to go after activist groups. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129069

File: 921d915fdfc5a43⋯.png (809.65 KB,804x487,804:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009781 (011855ZDEC23) Notable: Is Your Money Safe? Within A Year, Millions May Lose Their Savings Due To AI Threat, Warns Cybercrime Expert

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Is Your Money Safe? Within A Year, Millions May Lose Their Savings Due To AI Threat, Warns Cybercrime Expert


Artificial intelligence is advancing at lightning speed, and these advances are not only set to reshape our very reality, they could leave many losing all of their savings, according to cybercrime expert Marc Maisch, who also works as a lawyer helping victims reclaim their lost savings after they fall victim on the web.

He warned in an interview with Germany’s Die Welt newspaper that authorities will be powerless to stop this new coming crime wave, which will see criminals use AI tools to fleece potentially millions out of their money. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129070

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009913 (011924ZDEC23) Notable: Ratio’d: Digital tyranny takes over Ireland and Canada is next (video)

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Ratio’d | Digital tyranny takes over Ireland and Canada is next…


After riots erupted in Dublin, Ireland last week when an Algerian-born man went on a stabbing rampage injuring 3 Irish school children, Ireland PM Leo Varadkar responded by committing to strengthen online hate speech laws in the country. Despite Ireland being in the midst of a migrant surge, the Irish government is seeking to crack down on anyone voicing dissent over irreversible changes happening in their country. Those that do speak up – like UFC superstar Conor McGregor – end up being investigated for spreading hate speech.

If all of this sounds concerning to you, that’s because. In Canada, Justin Trudeau is seeking to do the exact same thing. The yet to be reintroduced Bill C-36 would criminalize any online speech that is perceived to incite hatred against a protected class in the Canadian Human Rights Act. Even worse, Canadians can be subject to harsh penalties before even committing any crime at all so long as a judge has reason to believe that you may commit hate speech violations in the future. Pre-crime punishment is coming to Canada.

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2fac48 No.129071

File: a72e03fcf119278⋯.png (873.01 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20009946 (011931ZDEC23) Notable: Guilbault jets to Dubai COP28 summit, expected to make climate announcement

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Guilbault jets to Dubai COP28 summit, expected to make climate announcement


Liberal Minister of Environment Steven Guilbeault will has flown to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28, in Dubai, where he is expected to make a ministerial announcement on Monday.

According to his itinerary, Guilbeault is scheduled to attend various events during the two week conference. Notably, on Monday, he’s slated to speak during the COP28 Global Methane Pledge session.

This comes amid growing international attention on this year’s summit in the oil-rich Middle Eastern emirate.

Just ahead of COP28, Canada forged a “Green Alliance” with the European Union, signifying a commitment to spread carbon pricing schemes globally.

The alliance includes a pledge by Ottawa to triple its renewable energy sources and double energy efficiency by 2030.

The “Green Alliance” emphasizes the role of carbon taxes as “one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129072

File: 6afc2823a065821⋯.png (1.05 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010069 (011959ZDEC23) Notable: Feds could subsidize half of Canadian journalist salaries following Google agreement

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Feds could subsidize half of Canadian journalist salaries following Google agreement


The announcement of a deal struck between the Trudeau government and Google over Bill C-18, seeing the tech giant pay out $100 million to Canadian news outlets brings about a flurry of concerns regarding how that money will be divvied out.

Bill C-18, also known as the Online News Act, was first passed in June 2023 and mandates that tech giants like Google and Meta compensate Canadian news outlets for news content posted on their platforms.

Initially, Google responded to the legislation by threatening to remove all news content and links from their platforms as a way to opt out of the payment, giving the Trudeau government a deadline of Dec. 19 to propose a better deal.

On Wednesday, they announced an agreement that would see Google pay out $100 million to media outlets annually.

Meta however, removed all news links and content several months ago and have stuck to their guns in their resolve to not comply with Bill C-18.

With the Google deal now finalized, many wonder how the outlets and which ones will receive funding under the new agreement.

“We’re pretty close, by my estimation, to a 50 percent wage subsidy on journalist salaries up to $85,000 per year,” said Rudyard Griffiths, executive director of the Hub. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129073

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010215 (012031ZDEC23) Notable: The Candice Malcolm Show: The legacy media got it wrong again! (video)

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The Candice Malcolm Show | The legacy media got it wrong again!


Last week, the legacy media told us that Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre had committed a serious misstep and that he would pay for his mistake.

Of course, it was the legacy – and not Poilievre – who were wrong.

They invented a fake news narrative about him, which he easily, firmly and correctly debunked.

In response, legacy media journalists lost their minds, called Poilievre a liar and bully, and predicted he was about to plummet in the polls.

Well, a new round of polling has been released, and it paints a picture quite different than what the legacy media predicted.

Poilievre is doing better than ever, with impressive massive gains even among traditional Liberal stronghold demographics – young Canadians, immigrants, women and even public sector unions.

It’s Fake News Friday on the Candice Malcolm Show, and – surprise, surprise – the legacy media got it wrong again.

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2fac48 No.129074

File: 200aaadb3ee5f60⋯.png (912.2 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 36f214f8173a3ba⋯.png (111.46 KB,970x862,485:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010250 (012041ZDEC23) Notable: Children suffering from learning loss due to pandemic-era school closures

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Children suffering from learning loss due to pandemic-era school closures


A new report has found that the pandemic-era policies of shutting down schools for extended periods of time are having long-term impacts on children who are now suffering from learning loss.

The report from faith-oriented thinktank Cardus, titled Pandemic Fallout lays the blame for the “substantial learning deficit” on the pandemic-era policy approach towards school closures and educational authorities and experts’ focus on pursuing a “build back better” narrative.

As a result, Canadian children fell behind on their learning, especially students with special education needs, those in struggling and marginalised communities, and at-risk children.

Across Canada, provincial health authorities ordered the closure of schools for extended periods of time – the longest being Ontario’s school closures for some 20 weeks from March 14, 2020 to May 15, 2021.

The school closures resulted in an estimated 200,000 children not attending any schooling at all during the height of the pandemic, according to policy analyst Irvin Studin. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129075

File: 6b1bdd1ff157ef4⋯.png (951.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010343 (012108ZDEC23) Notable: Ottawa wants to pass Bill C-21 in the 'coming weeks,' ban ‘high capacity’ firearm chargers

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Ottawa wants to pass Bill C-21 in the 'coming weeks,' ban ‘high capacity’ firearm chargers


Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said gun manufacturers should no longer be able to sell modifiable chargers that hold up to 30 bullets. He also wants to pass Bill C-21 'in the coming weeks.'

Gun control remains a top priority for Public Safety Canada, with a ban on high-capacity firearms chargers expected in the future.

In an interview with La Presse, Minister Dominic LeBlanc said gun manufacturers should no longer be able to sell chargers to Canadians that can be modified to hold 20 and 30 bullets.

"We will also apply obligations to arms manufacturers to ensure that we cannot easily alter a high-capacity charger,” he told the publication.

Under the Criminal Code, it is strictly forbidden for civilians to possess a magazine of more than five cartridges for most semi-automatic long weapons. However, the current regulation allows manufacturers to sell magazines designed to hold 20 or 30 bullets, provided they limit their capacity to five bullets.

Richard Bain, who gunned down one person at a Québec nightclub in September 2012, altered the weapon used in the shooting to include a modifiable charger that holds 30 bullets.

“People who find it funny to go to their basement, with a screwdriver, to alter a charger, will face significant criminal penalties,” noted LeBlanc. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129076

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010363 (012112ZDEC23) Notable: Notley spread so much misinformation about the Kearl spill that the Chief Scientist had to step in (video)

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Notley spread so much misinformation about the Kearl spill that the Chief Scientist had to step in


Last week, the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation reported a leak of 670,000 litres of treated water escaping a settling pond into the Muskeg river.

The Alberta NDP leader accused Imperial Oil and the Alberta Energy Regulator of downplaying an allegedly arsenic-laced toxic spill in Fort McMurray from the company's oil sands facility, which was later revealed to be regular muddy rainwater.

"Additionally, no exceedances in arsenic have been measured in the drinking water. Lab reports of hydrocarbons and toluene in some samples were determined to be false positives due to lab error," wrote Chief Scientist Jonathan Thompson.

Last week, the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation reported a leak of 670,000 litres of treated water escaping a settling pond into the Muskeg river.

The First Nation reported 140 mg of suspended solids per litre, which is 4 times the legal limit.

According to the oil company, it was sediment from the soil around an overflow culvert.

Rain and snow runoff caused mud. The Alberta Energy Regulator noted the pond in question collects runoff water from areas not disturbed by mining.

But according to Rachel Notley, former premier and current leader of the NDP opposition, it's systemic racism against First Nations via toxic tailings pond runoff, and she's demanding an apology from anyone who says anything different. Evidence or testing be damned. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129077

File: 23362fd1e5b35ab⋯.png (2.35 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010410 (012121ZDEC23) Notable: Anti-Israel protesters block railway for Palestine, police on scene

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BREAKING: Anti-Israel protesters block railway for Palestine, police on scene


According to Alexa Lavoie, the police have not yet intervened with the protesters and are currently preventing her from reporting on the situation.

Alexa Lavoie is reporting live from the scene in Montreal, Quebec, where anti-Israeli protesters appear to be blocking railway lines in support of Palestine.

Lavoie is currently facing obstacles reporting on the ongoing events as the police are restricting her coverage.


Anti-Israel activists who blocked the CN train rail in Montreal resisted arrest! They tried to escape but were caught, handcuffed, and arrested.

Montreal police are detaining an anti-Israel protester who was allegedly blocking the railway.

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2fac48 No.129078

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010429 (012128ZDEC23) Notable: Chaos unfolds at Mission school board’s 'SOGI Myth Busters' event

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Chaos unfolds at Mission school board’s 'SOGI Myth Busters' event


An uproar arose from parents opposed to the role SOGI 123 plays in the sexual indoctrination of kids in schools after Superintendent Angus Wilson announced that they would only be reading selected questions from a written format.

A "SOGI Myth Busters" event hosted by Mission Public Schools District 75 came to an abrupt stop on Tuesday, and Rebel News captured the chaos that unfolded.

The information session, held at Mission's Clarke Foundation Theatre, aimed to address concerns viewed as "myths" by the district, raised by parents who oppose Western Canada’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity program SOGI 123.

One common concern is the inability for parents to opt out, even though the program encourages the educators to adopt and pass on the ideology that children can be born in the wrong body and become the opposite sex.

Critics also express worries about sexually explicit books being approved for school libraries under the label of “SOGI-inclusive resources.”

Click on the full video report to witness parents opposing the program and criticizing Superintendent Angus Wilson's decision not to take vocal questions during the supposed Q&A period.

You will also see the moment of cognitive dissonance when a pro-SOGI attendee has a change of heart after we showed her examples of the sexually explicit "SOGI-inclusive" learning resources many parents want out of their kids' school libraries.

If you appreciate that unlike the “Myth Busters” at this so-called information session, Rebel News doesn’t back down from showing you the real reasons people are speaking out against the sexualization of kids in schools, please consider donating what you can to cover our expenses at StopClassroomGrooming.com.

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2fac48 No.129079

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010466 (012139ZDEC23) Notable: Social discrimination through 'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion'

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Social discrimination through 'Diversity, Equity and Inclusion'


Federal and provincial programs excessively prioritizing visible minorities and LGBTQ+ individuals have resulted in overlooking the best person for the job. The push for DEI, seen as a woke and leftist agenda fueled by government subsidies, raises concerns about the compromised quality and effectiveness of services.

As discussions on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) surge, the societal role of straight white men comes under scrutiny. The emphasis on DEI has, at times, led to discrimination against highly qualified individuals, specifically targeting white straight men.

This shift toward prioritizing certain demographics over competence and merit is notably observed in corporate settings and politics.

The question arises: Shouldn’t decisions be based on competence rather than demographic or sexual characteristics?

Last year, Laval University's exclusion of white straight men from a research position highlighted clear-cut discrimination. More recently, concerns were raised about Quebec Solidaire's announcement limiting candidacy to women and non-binary individuals, questioning the undefined criteria for identification. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129080

File: 737f5e59ea1161f⋯.png (749.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010492 (012146ZDEC23) Notable: Former RCMP official investigated for alleged theft of sensitive intelligence to China

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Former RCMP official investigated for alleged theft of sensitive intelligence to China


The investigation was sparked by the discovery of approximately 500 national security records in Ortis' Ottawa apartment, including 100 'Gamma Special Intelligence' documents from the Five Eyes network. These documents are of such high sensitivity that access is limited even among intelligence officials of Canada’s closest allies.

Cameron Ortis, a former high-ranking official with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), is under investigation for allegedly stealing and processing highly classified intelligence documents from the United States, potentially valuable to Beijing.

According to a report by The Bureau, this development comes after Ortis' release on bail in October 2019, raising concerns among the RCMP about the risk of foreign entities facilitating his escape from Canadian legal jurisdiction.

The investigation was sparked by the discovery of approximately 500 national security records in Ortis' Ottawa apartment, including 100 "Gamma Special Intelligence" documents from the Five Eyes network. These documents are of such high sensitivity that access is limited even among intelligence officials of Canada’s closest allies.

Ortis is accused of preparing some of these records for a meeting, with handwritten notes suggesting potential contact with an individual in Ottawa. His meticulous planning was evident in his "To Do" lists, which played a crucial role in securing his conviction.

The RCMP investigation report, now unsealed, highlights the severe risk posed by the disclosure of these documents, including jeopardizing the lives of human intelligence sources and exposing sensitive intelligence-gathering methods.

The court documents reveal that Ortis had also illegally collected files from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Communications Security Establishment (CSE). The Crown's report underscores the potential for foreign intelligence agencies to draw significant conclusions about Canadian and allied intelligence targets from these documents.

Ortis' actions have been characterized as an asset risk by Crown prosecutor Judy Kliewer. Despite his arrest, many of Ortis' encrypted devices remain inaccessible to the police, containing evidence of his "Project" spanning from 2015 to 2019.

The sensitivity of the information involved led to the dropping of charges related to Ortis' plans to share documents at a pub in Ottawa in September 2019. This decision suggests that the potential damage to Canada's national interest outweighed the benefits of submitting these records as evidence in court.

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2fac48 No.129081

File: ec04e23ed8545ef⋯.png (1.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010512 (012151ZDEC23) Notable: Trudeau Liberals are ‘happy to defend’ the CBC from Conservative critics

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Trudeau Liberals are ‘happy to defend’ the CBC from Conservative critics


Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge said she is 'happy' to defend the CBC from their Conservative critics, notably Pierre Poilievre, who proposed $1 billion in cuts to CBC-TV English language services. 'The CBC frankly is a biased propaganda arm of the Liberal Party,' he told reporters earlier.

Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge told the Commons heritage committee Thursday she is 'happy' to defend the CBC from Conservative critics, reported Blacklock’s Reporter.

"Our national broadcaster is affected by a current crisis," she said. "Their revenues are affected. Their income is affected. This is without even including the impact of continuous attacks by the Conservative Party."

"They are defending themselves from that and I am happy to help them do that," said St-Onge. "I am proud to do so."

While the minister did not outline what steps she took to help the network, its largest source of revenue includes a $1.3 billion annual parliamentary grant.

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has proposed $1 billion in cuts to CBC-TV English language services. "The CBC frankly is a biased propaganda arm of the Liberal Party," he told reporters last April 13.

A Canadian Press reporter asked him if he would change the Broadcasting Act to defund the English-language CBC. He pivoted, calling them the state broadcaster's "biggest client."

"I just want to be careful that we don't get you into a conflict of interest here," said the Tory leader. The Canadian Press is a wire service which prominent Canadian publications like the CBC and The Globe and Mail pay into. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129082

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010546 (012159ZDEC23) Notable: Christine Anderson on how to stop the WHO's power-grabbing health treaties (video)

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Christine Anderson on how to stop the WHO's power-grabbing health treaties


Drea Humphrey sits down for an exclusive interview with German MEP Christine Anderson, who discussed a new European initiative designed to expose the political forces seeking to surrender our health sovereignty to globalists at the World Health Organization.

During the spread of mandated COVID-19 tyranny, Canadians saw just how heavily our elected officials and health bureaucrats deferred to the advice of the unelected oligarchs of the World Health Organization (WHO).

They continued to do so even after much of the WHO’s advice proved to be incorrect, or in the case of their pro-lockdown stance, harmful for society.

In today’s report, we sat down for an exclusive interview with German member of European Parliament Christine Anderson, who was in Vancouver for the first event in her “Make It Your Business” North American tour. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129083

File: b7e0219c35ff4d5⋯.png (659.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010593 (012208ZDEC23) Notable: Hypocrisy: COP28 set to break carbon emissions records amid surge in attendee turnout

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Hypocrisy: COP28 set to break carbon emissions records amid surge in attendee turnout


The event, scheduled from November 30 to December 12, anticipates around 400,000 visitors, including 97,000 individuals who have registered as official delegates and will have access to the 'Blue Zone' reserved for accredited government representatives and corporate entities. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129084

File: 0a889935ce1fa72⋯.png (681.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010641 (012217ZDEC23) Notable: King of Jordan says Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza has a heavy climate impact

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King of Jordan says Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza has a heavy climate impact


In Gaza, over 1.7 million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes. Tens of thousands have been injured or killed in a region already on the front lines of climate change,' King Abdullah II told the audience. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129085

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010717 (012230ZDEC23) Notable: StatsCan acknowledges skewing MAID death numbers downward

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StatsCan acknowledges skewing MAID death numbers downward


The latest data indicates 10,029 medically assisted deaths in Canada in 2021, an increase of 34.7% from the 7,446 deaths in 2020.

The agency admitted on X, formerly known as Twitter, to altering the national death statistics by attributing deaths to an underlying condition for which the medically-enabled, government-sanctioned homicide occurred, rather than the act of medical assistance in dying itself.

StatsCan offloaded the blame to the United Nations, as the agency follows the WHO's means of cataloguing deaths which uses attribution to an underlying condition.

The latest data indicates 10,029 medically assisted deaths in Canada in 2021, an increase of 34.7% from the 7,446 deaths in 2020. MAID accounted for 3.3% of all deaths in Canada in 2021, up from 2.4% of all reported deaths in the previous year. But given what we know about how StatsCan counts the data, the numbers are likely far worse.

The College of Surgeons of Ontario advises doctors to not record euthanasia as a cause of death in a draft policy. When completing the medical certificate of death, physicians must list the illness, disease, or disability leading to the request for MAID as the cause of death; and must not make any reference to MAID or the medications administered on the certificate. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129086

File: f5fa7242f70640a⋯.png (629.5 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010805 (012246ZDEC23) Notable: MPs ask CBSA ‘32 times’ to identify recipient of ArriveCAN contract

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MPs ask CBSA ‘32 times’ to identify recipient of ArriveCAN contract


Public Works Minister Jean-Yves Duclos declined 32 times to answer who awarded GC Strategies $11.2 million to subcontract IT work on the ArriveCan app.

CBSA Officials refused to tell MPs Tuesday which company they awarded the ArriveCan contract — despite being asked 32 times.

"Nobody wants to take responsibility," said Conservative MP Garnett Genuis on the government operations committee.

In October 2022, GCStrategies received more than $8.9 million to work on the ArriveCan app, a costly pandemic tool that tracked traveler vaccination status.

Coradix and Dalian Enterprises received a combined $4.3 million, while the GC Strategies sum grew to $11.2 million. Each company is now subject to an RCMP investigation following a whistleblower complaint.

As reported extensively by The Globe and Mail, Botler co-founders Ritika Dutt and Amir Morv learned that GC Strategies, Dalian and Coradix collected extensive commissions, used personal information without consent and exaggerated their work experience.

Kristian Firth, managing partner of GC Strategies, told a Parliamentary committee last year that he and his business partner, Darren Anthony hired subcontractors to work on the app. They collected between 30% of contract values or $2.7 million without performing any IT work from their private home office.

Botler, which worked on a pilot project for detecting sexual harassment, said the funding came from a larger $21.2 million contract for “general services” that CBSA also used to outsource work for the $55 million ArriveCan app.

On November 28, Public Works Minister Jean-Yves Duclos declined 32 times to answer who awarded the company the sweetheart contract, reported Blacklock’s Reporter.

"Who is responsible for the decision?" asked Genuis. He replied: "Well I can provide information on what ArriveCan did."

"No that’s not what the question is, Minister," repeated Genuis. "The question is who’s responsible for the decision?"

"Your title is Minister of Public Services and Procurement and you’re telling us you’re not responsible for procurement and you don’t know who is," he continued. "I am left wondering, what is it that you do?"

Conservative MP Larry Brock, bewildered over the contract to GC Strategies, said the two-person company works out of their basement and merely did a simple Google search to find IT professionals.

"Canadians want a straight answer from this government," he said, noting that senior bureaucrats are not being forthwith on the contract.

"Who was responsible?" repeated Brock. "We are there to help," replied Duclos. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20010925 (012306ZDEC23) Notable: Protester challenges COVID-19 overreach in legal battle, exposing sanctioned democratic erosion

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Protester challenges COVID-19 overreach in legal battle, exposing sanctioned democratic erosion


One self-represented man stands as a symbol of resistance against unjust government-imposed COVID-19 health measures. His continued legal battle for peacefully protesting at the historic Victoria Hall highlights the erosion of democratic rights during the pandemic.

The story of Graham Walker has been culminating over the last two-and-a-half years and is a direct result of the tyrannical, unjustified government-imposed COVID-19-related health protection measures that we put in place throughout 2020 and 2021.

Walker is a man of conviction and determination who is representing himself against four tickets in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. He was in court earlier this week for a ticket he received on May 8 for the crime of peacefully standing in front of Cobourg’s iconic Victoria Hall.

The town square is a highly historic and traditional place of protest which became a hub during the COVID hysteria beginning in April 2020, drawing both small and large groups. A dedicated few continued the protests through years of rolling restrictions and Graham Walker was often one of them.

Mr. Walker and like-minded individuals persisted in exercising what they thought was a democratic right — to have and be able to voice an unpopular opinion in the face of a tyrannical majority — despite harshly imposed suppressive public health measures.

Not only has this hearing far surpassed the time laid out to receive access to a fair and timely trial, but it took the Crown over two years to figure out what law Walker was being charged under.

“The tickets were written under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA), which didn’t say anything about the ‘stay-at-home order,’” Walker explains of his unclear fine. “Two years and two months later [the prosecution] said it had to do with the stay-at-home-order.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129088

File: 3e2e9aff364413c⋯.png (788.48 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011257 (020004ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian university’s ‘Bug Bake Off’ promotes eating insects as ‘beneficial to the environment’

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Canadian university’s ‘Bug Bake Off’ promotes eating insects as ‘beneficial to the environment’


'One of my goals is to reduce the negative perceptions people may have of eating bugs,' University of British Columbia course instructor and entomologist Yasmin Akhtar said.

On November 28, legacy media journalists gathered at the University of British Columbia’s “Bug Bake Off” to taste insects cooked by UBC students as part of an initiative to promote insects as an alternative food source.

“One of my goals is to reduce the negative perceptions people may have of eating bugs,” course instructor and entomologist Yasmin Akhtar said.

He added that the competition aimed to “raise awareness among students about the nutritional value of insects, their role in sustainable food systems and the importance of considering alternative protein sources.”

“In addition to being really tasty, there are two main benefits of eating insects,” Akhtar said, claiming that insects are “incredibly nutritious” and beneficial to the environment.

“They produce much lower greenhouse gas emissions than cattle or pigs, for example. It also encourages the sustainable use of diverse insect species, rather than relying on a small number of traditional livestock species to meet the world’s needs,” he continued. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129089

File: 991e885447f82ee⋯.png (1.44 MB,1478x926,739:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011283 (020009ZDEC23) Notable: Disney’s new Christmas movie features homosexual parents, dialogue

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Disney’s new Christmas movie features homosexual parents, dialogue


Disney's new film 'The Naughty Nine' features a family headed by two 'dads' and contains sexually charged dialogue between young male characters.

With the release of its latest original movie, Disney is once again promoting the LGBT agenda, this time in the form of a Christmas film geared towards kids.

“The Naughty Nine” was released on November 22 on the Disney Channel and follows nine kids who, after finding themselves on Santa’s naughty list one holiday, set out to the North Pole to take back the presents they weren’t given on Christmas morning.

The movie takes inspiration from the decades-old classic “Ocean’s Eleven,” the 2001 remake of which was wildly popular with an all-star cast that portrayed a group of conmen who use their respective skills to perform an intricate heist at several casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“The Naughty Nine,” however, expands the storyline to include references to homosexuality between both grown men and underage boys. According to a review by The Federalist features editor Eleanor Bartow, the female protagonist is part of a family with five children who are raised by two “dads,” with no mother figure. This is first insinuated barely more than 10 minutes into the film, when the family is opening gifts on Christmas morning.

Shortly after, a boy named Jon is selling clothes he designed refers to another male as a “hottie.” Later, the same character describes the lead male protagonist as “cute.” While the age of Jon is unclear, Bartow pointed out that he “is using sexually charged language with a fifth-grader.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129090

File: 149e92b102afc70⋯.png (410.14 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011546 (020102ZDEC23) Notable: Both ‘unspecified’ and COVID deaths skyrocketed in Canada after mass vaccination

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Both ‘unspecified’ and COVID deaths skyrocketed in Canada after mass vaccination


'These numbers should be front-page news,' PPC leader Maxime Bernier reacted. 'We were bombarded daily with data about deaths during three years. But the lying media are completely ignoring it.'

A newly released government report shows that deaths from both COVID-19 and “unspecified causes” surged following the release of the so-called “safe and effective” vaccines.

On November 29, People’s Party of Canada (PPC) leader Maxime Bernier, citing a November 27 report by Statistics Canada, pointed out that deaths from COVID increased in 2022, after the COVID vaccine was introduced, while deaths due to “unspecified” causes also skyrocketed.

“Not only were there more official COVID deaths in 2022 than in 2021 and 2020 despite the fact that 85% of Canadians had by then received a supposedly ‘safe and effective’ vaccine,” Beriner wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“But the number of deaths due to ‘Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality’ skyrocketed from 3,378 in 2019 to 9,471 in 2021 and to 16,043 in 2022!” he added.

“What happened in 2021 that could have caused this explosion of unexplained deaths??” he questioned.

“These numbers should be front-page news,” Bernier said. “We were bombarded daily with data about deaths during three years. But the lying media are completely ignoring it.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011610 (020121ZDEC23) Notable: Calgary COVID-19 doc, outed NDP supporter Vipond, trashes Alberta at COP28

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Calgary COVID-19 doc, outed NDP supporter Vipond, trashes Alberta at COP28


Calgary’s favourite COVID-19 zealot has taken his crusade to Dubai — N-95 mask and all — to trash Canada and Alberta for climate inaction at the COP28 climate summit.

Dr. Joe Vipond, who is attending the UN confab on behalf of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and the Calgary Climate Hub, appeared at a press conference organized by Environmental Defence Canada to “lay out our expectations” for the summit, as per a press release on Thursday.

Specifically, the group is urging delegates to “land an agreement to phase out fossil fuels. Big Oil and Finance are stalling action and promoting dangerous distractions that put indigenous communities at further risk (like carbon capture and carbon markets) and what Canadian premiers with little interest in taking climate action are doing at COP.”

Dutifully donning his mask — the only one on the panel to do so — Vipond blamed Alberta and the UCP government for causing Canada to miss its emissions reduction targets under the Paris Accord. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20011771 (020201ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun / Crown seeks publication ban on Randy Hillier trial

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Crown seeks publication ban on Randy Hillier trial


The courtroom was cleared and Zoom link cancelled at the pre-trial of Randy Hillier in Ottawa Thursday after the Crown requested a publication ban.

The former MPP faces nine charges for protesting Covid-19 mandates during the Freedom Convoy in February 2022, including mischief, counselling to commit mischief, assaulting a peace officer, and obstructing a peace officer.

“What they did today, unexpectedly, was they cleared the courtroom, they cleared the zoom link, they would not allow anybody to see what was going on," Hillier said. “The Crown is seeking a publication ban on pre-trial evidence."

As courts in Canada, once a global bastion of democracy, become less transparent — with Hillier's case, the prevention of proceedings being shared from inside the courtroom of the trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, and the publication ban on the Coutts 4 as their proceedings transpire in Alberta — it was recently reported courts in Hong Kong will be broadcast in an attempt to win public trust.

Hillier decries the lack of transparency in the Canadian judicial system and said he was going to do all he can to oppose the publication ban. He also criticized the Crown for the long delay in handing over the disclosure to him. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129093

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013759 (021453ZDEC23) Notable: Press for Truth: 80% of Canadians Believe In “Conspiracy Theories” As Government Propaganda Crumbles To The NEW Media

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80% of Canadians Believe In “Conspiracy Theories” As Government Propaganda Crumbles To The NEW Media


A recent survey seems to indicate that more and more people are gaining a healthy distrust for their government and this is creating quite the conundrum for the powers that ought not be. In an effort to counter this with propaganda a man by the name of Dr. David Grimes published a paper “proving” that conspiracy theories don’t add up by using math and statistics.

The paper is called “On The Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs” and was published in the open-access peer-reviewed journal PLOS One. This paper may be the best example of why “peer-reviewed” doesn’t equal scientific proof!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth celebrates the new numbers of awakened individuals while at the same time completely debunking and destroying the paper "on the viability of conspiratorial beliefs".

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2fac48 No.129094

File: 03e4236f088ae15⋯.png (312.03 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013823 (021510ZDEC23) Notable: Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger

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Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger


The next generation of RNA-based injections will contain self-amplifying RNA (saRNA). If the term “self-amplifying RNA” sounds frightening, it should. It likely brings to mind images of scientific experiments run amok.

As discussed in a previous article, “mRNA vaccines” are not made with messenger RNA but with modified RNA (modRNA). These so-called vaccines are actually gene therapy products (GTPs), as modRNA hijacks our cells’ software. We have no possibility at all to gain influence on modRNA (or saRNA) after it has been injected.

What Distinguishes saRNA From modRNA? Continue...

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2fac48 No.129095

File: 8a15c57d58b310a⋯.png (1.32 MB,1022x573,1022:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013898 (021528ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuela Votes in a Referendum Asking Whether They Should Invade Neighbor Guyana and Occupy 74% Of Its Territory (video)

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POWDER KEG AMERICA: Venezuela Votes in a Referendum Asking Whether They Should Invade Neighbor Guyana and Occupy 74% Of Its Territory!


All over the world, old borders and treaties are back in play.

South America is tense as Venezuela flexes its political and military muscles to try and solve its territorial dispute most favorably, with the annexation of no less than 74% of neighboring Guyana’s territory.

Miami Herald reported:

“Venezuelans going to the polls Sunday will be asked to answer an unusually provocative question: Should their government be given a blank check to invade neighboring Guyana, and wrest away three-quarters of its oil-rich territory?”

Socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro is putting the question before voters, raising tensions in the region and threatening to escalate into a kinetic war.

“The question will be on the ballot in a five-part referendum that, among other things, would grant Maduro special powers to invade Guyana and create a new Venezuelan state encompassing 74% of English-speaking Guyana’s current landmass. The new area would be called Guayana Esequiba.”

Some see it as a mere political ploy, though many Guyanese citizens see the threat as real and fear the loss of their identity and citizenship. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20013962 (021540ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Pounds Southern Gaza As Officials Say 'Long War' Expected For A Year Or More

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Israel Pounds Southern Gaza As Officials Say 'Long War' Expected For A Year Or More


All hell has broken loose on the first day of renewed fighting in Gaza post-truce. A UNICEF spokesperson said of the Friday bombardment, "This nightmare for people today just somehow got so much worse." Already, Palestinian sources have said that over 100 have been killed in the last hours of IDF bombing of the Strip. Israeli media is reporting that at least 50 rockets have been launched from Gaza onto southern Israel.

The aerial campaign has even expanded to include the southern half of the Strip, after throughout the early phase of the conflict Gazans were told to abandon their homes in the north and flee south for safety:

Footage verified by Al Jazeera shows numerous plumes of smoke in the sky from Israeli army strikes on Khan Younis. ...Khan Younis in southern Gaza is where thousands of Palestinians have fled from bombing farther north.

Earlier in the day, the Israeli army dropped leaflets on the city, instructing Palestinians there to flee farther south to Rafah.

The White House has said it supports Israel, and has blamed Hamas for the ceasefire's collapse. Israeli officials have explained that Hamas refused to release ten more women captives. Israel says "This violated the terms of the agreement, which specified that Hamas would first release all women and children being held in Gaza in exchange for Israel agreeing to a truce for as long as nine days."

Perhaps the biggest and most ominous development in terms of what the future holds is seen in Israeli officials' words to Financial Times. The Netanyahu is planning for a "long war" which could reach over the next year or more. FT writes in a new report: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129097

File: bd6a13bc2a4efab⋯.png (2.07 MB,1920x1079,1920:1079,Clipboard.png)

File: 955c9f5a68be9cd⋯.png (1.58 MB,1920x767,1920:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014321 (021701ZDEC23) Notable: Soros Jr. Secures Reported Chemical Waste Agreement With Ukraine — Journalist

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Soros Jr. Secures Reported Chemical Waste Agreement With Ukraine — Journalist


The deal will purportedly see Dow Chemical, DuPont, BASF, Evonik Industries, Vitol and Sanofi burying hazardous waste in the European country free of charge.

Alexander Soros, the son of controversial American financier George Soros, has reached an agreement with Ukrainian authorities to allocate 400 square kilometers of land for the disposal of hazardous waste, according to an investigation by French journalist Jules Vincent.

Materials published by Vincent on the X (formerly Twitter) indicate he was approached by an anonymous source from Kiev's Ministry of Agriculture.

The source revealed that the agreement was reached during a meeting on November 7 between Soros Jr. and the head of Volodymyr Zelensky's office, Andriy Yermak. Under the terms of the agreement, Ukraine will transfer land to American companies for the burial of hazardous waste from chemical, pharmaceutical and oil companies for an indefinite period of time and free of charge. The companies include Dow Chemical, DuPont, BASF, Evonik Industries, Vitol and Sanofi.

Vincent published a document signed by the parties with a statement to that effect. It states that Soros "intends to ensure reliable communication between Zelensky's office and the representatives of the said companies."

According to the source, the land in question is located in the Ternopol, Khmelnitsky, and Chernovitsky regions - fertile black soil farming areas in the western part of Ukraine. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129098

File: 118c3dda0f0d395⋯.png (892.42 KB,1000x565,200:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014380 (021711ZDEC23) Notable: Elon Musk warns A.I. could create an ‘immortal dictator from which we can never escape’

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Elon Musk warns A.I. could create an ‘immortal dictator from which we can never escape’


Superintelligence — a form of artificial intelligence (AI) smarter than humans — could create an “immortal dictator,” billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk warned.

In a documentary by American filmmaker Chris Paine, Musk said that the development of superintelligence by a company or other organization of people could result in a form of AI that governs the world.

“The least scary future I can think of is one where we have at least democratized AI because if one company or small group of people manages to develop godlike digital superintelligence, they could take over the world,” Musk said.

“At least when there’s an evil dictator, that human is going to die. But for an AI, there would be no death. It would live forever. And then you’d have an immortal dictator from which we can never escape.”

The documentary by Paine examines a number of examples of AI, including autonomous weapons, Wall Street technology and algorithms driving fake news. It also draws from cultural examples of AI, such as the 1999 film “The Matrix” and 2016 film “Ex Machina.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129099

File: 3a10c23cae22fba⋯.png (850.08 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014465 (021731ZDEC23) Notable: Canada paid highest prices in the world for COVID vaccines: professor

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Canada paid highest prices in the world for COVID vaccines: professor


A University of British Columbia neurology professor is writing a book about the widespread misuse of science during the period of pandemic hysteria and estimates that Canadians paid the highest prices in the world for Covid-19 vaccines at $38 per Pfizer dose.

Comparatively, the US and Europe paid about $22-$23 a shot.

Prof. Steven Pelech, author and editor of the forthcoming book Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic, alongside Christopher Shaw, offered a preview of the volume’s contents at a Nov. 26 speaking event.

“The impression that one would get from the popular media is that this was a lethal virus that had a lethality rate even as high as 20% in the elderly,” Pelech said during his presentation.

“The average lethality rate was 4-5%. It was complete nonsense. What we now know is that, three and a half years plus into the pandemic, if you are under 65 and infected with the virus, the chances of dying is actually probably in the order of 0.3%.”

According to Pelech, people who had Covid-19 died of an average age of 84 in British Columbia, whereas the province’s average age of death is 82.

“The threat wasn’t there from the virus,” he said.

“Unfortunately for most of us the threat was actually from the cure – the vaccine.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129100

File: 47babea3f59fd21⋯.png (1.32 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014573 (021809ZDEC23) Notable: Quebec’s Bill 15 amendment threatens English healthcare services

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Quebec’s Bill 15 amendment threatens English healthcare services


Anglophone Canadians might have a harder time accessing healthcare in Quebec, should the provincial government’s amendments to Bill 15 pass.

Bill 15 is healthcare reform legislation, spanning over 300 pages with more than 1,110 clauses, designed to modify approximately 36 laws and overhaul Quebec’s healthcare system.

Health Minister Christian Dubé’s proposal enables the provincial government’s new health agency, Santé Québec, to withdraw the right of healthcare institutions to offer services in English if the English-speaking population in their area falls below 50%. Opponents of the amendment argue that it threatens Canada’s bilingualism.

Liberal health and social services critic André Fortin raised issues at the legislature committee studying Bill 15.

“The problem with (the amendment) is a government so inclined to take away English services could do it unilaterally,” he said.

Approximately 50 health and social service institutions throughout Quebec are eligible to provide services in languages other than French, as permitted by the Charter of the French Language, based on demographic requirements.

The province wants to give Santé Québec the ability to revoke the right to offer such services in areas where the minority communities have shrunk below 50%. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129101

File: 6c70ae5e02822b4⋯.png (74.84 KB,803x522,803:522,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014925 (021931ZDEC23) Notable: Trudeau-funded media demands pro sports boycott Elon Musk’s X

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Trudeau-funded media demands pro sports boycott Elon Musk’s X


Hockey conversation on X "is often more entertaining than the games themselves."

On Saturday, Canadian news outlet The Globe and Mail, which received a government subsidy in 2019, suggested that due to the "growing toxicity" on the social media platform X, professional sports leagues should cut ties with the platform.

In the article, The Globe explains how the Sportsnet account has been posting hockey clips as memes and that the hockey conversation on X "is often more entertaining than the games themselves."

However, it claims that X owner Elon Musk "torched what little brand value remains of the service he bought only 13 months" when he told advertisers to "f*ck off" earlier this week. The Globe says that the organizations should join the advertiser boycott that was sparked after a Media Matters hit piece about Musk was published.

The Globe argued that because sports contracts have a "morality clause" and organizations use the platform to support social causes "It’s hard to understand why any of them would want to continue engaging with Musk’s capriciousness and his broken platform."

According to True North, The Globe and Mail was one of several news organizations that received money from the Canadian government's $595 million subsidy program for media organizations in 2019. The outlet also reports that The Globe received $2 million worth of untendered contracts from the federal government.

The Globe publisher Phillip Crawley was again asking for more assistance in May 2020 due to a forecasted 32 percent drop in print advertising. He said, "That’s many millions of dollars of high-margin revenue, and we won’t be the biggest victims in Canada.”

Of the assistance received from the government, Crawley said, "This is welcome and substantial assistance from the government, but let’s be clear: the long-term outlook for The Globe and many others has darkened because of the pandemic." He added, "Print advertising revenue, once the backbone of newspapers, will go into accelerated decline.”

In an interview at the New York Times Dealbook Summit on Wednesday, Musk sent a message to the number of advertisers that are banding together to "blackmail" X, telling them, "Go f*ck yourself" and to not advertise on the platform.

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2fac48 No.129102

File: 7ebf6cdb24f1f82⋯.png (764.29 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20014945 (021936ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian cancer patient told condition untreatable, doctors offer government-assisted suicide—she gets life-saving surgery in the US

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Canadian cancer patient told condition untreatable, doctors offer government-assisted suicide—she gets life-saving surgery in the US


“How can you prioritize cases so that people with aggressive stage four cancer get seen by someone and when they do get seen, they get offered treatment and not MAiD like I was the first time?”

A Victoria, BC woman with abdominal cancer had to go to the United States for a life-saving operation because wait times in Canada are so long.

Allison Ducluzeau told Global News that after being diagnosed with cancer she was told she was eligible for Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program before any significant medical assistance was offered.

She began feeling pain in her abdomen in early November 2022, had some tests done and waited for an appointment with her family doctor. Then she collapsed.

“In November, I ended up at emergency because the pain was just getting progressively worse,” she told Global. “I didn’t get to sleep one night and I woke up my now husband and said, I think we better go to emergency. So we did. And when I was there, I got a CT scan or I was booked for one the next day and the results of the CT scan indicated it looked like it might be something called peritoneal carcinomatosis, which is abdominal cancer.”

Only after further tests revealed she had stage 4 cancer, did her doctor refer Ducluzeau to the BC Cancer Agency. A consulting surgeon with the agency told her she wasn't a candidate for surgery, despite her family doctor stating that a HIPEC procedure, in which chemotherapy doses are delivered into the abdomen, was what is usually done to treat this type of cancer.

"Chemotherapy is not very effective with this type of cancer,” Ducluzeau said the surgeon told her. “It only works in about 50 percent of the cases to slow it down. And you have a life span of what looks like to be two months to two years. And I suggest you talk to your family, get your affairs in order, talk to them about your wishes, which was indicating, you know, whether you want to have medically assisted dying or not.”

Ducluzeau got another opinion, in which the doctor confirmed HIPEC was the procedure she needed, and sought treatment in the US. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129103

File: 1b400e7959b1dd9⋯.png (954 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: aaa83ee2ac6dfb7⋯.png (2.06 MB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: c104737589cf24d⋯.png (123.02 KB,542x606,271:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20015538 (022144ZDEC23) Notable: 'We need to reclaim our democracies': Christine Anderson, Eva Vlaardingerbroek urge Canadians to fight globalism

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'We need to reclaim our democracies': Christine Anderson, Eva Vlaardingerbroek urge Canadians to fight globalism


"This whole tour has been about making it my business. It's also about getting involved in your municipality, at the local level, the school boards … we need to reclaim our democracies."

Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Christine Anderson was in Ottawa Wednesday night to tell a full house at the Preston Event Centre that Canadians need to “reclaim their democracy.”

Anderson is visiting several cities in Canada and the US part of her “Make it Your Business North American Tour.” She was joined in Ottawa by Dutch lawyer and political pundit Eva Vlaardingerbroek. Other speakers included a pastor, a municipal councilor and a journalist.

Anderson told The Post Millennial that she was “very happy to be back in Canada and meeting with so many people who love freedom and want to work to preserve their freedom.”

The MEP became a hero to supporters of the Freedom Convoy when she castigated Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for snuffing out protests against his Covid-19 mandates and lockdowns with the Emergencies Act – which effectively installed martial law in sections of Canada.

"Mr. Trudeau, you are a disgrace for any democracy," she told the European Parliament in March 2022.

Anderson scathingly dismissed Trudeau for lecturing Europeans about democratic values, saying he acted like a dictator, crushed civil dissent and treated truckers like “terrorists.”

Freedom Convoy personality Chris Barber, who, along with Tamara Lich, is facing charges of mischief and counseling to commit mischief in an Ottawa courthouse, attended the speech along with about 1,500 people. Several speakers recognized Barber as a “Canadian hero.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129104

File: d3ae65183fff366⋯.png (1.83 MB,1478x926,739:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019158 (031531ZDEC23) Notable: Bloc Québécois bill seeks to eliminate religious belief as a defense against ‘hate speech’

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Bloc Québécois bill seeks to eliminate religious belief as a defense against ‘hate speech’


'This Bloc Quebecois bill is just a Trojan Horse to enable future pogroms against Christians and any religious believer from other faiths who publicly disagree with LGBT ideology,' reacted Campaign Life Coalition's Jack Fonseca.

The Bloc Québécois party is citing growing tensions in Canada as a reason to remove religion as a defense against “hate speech” charges in a newly tabled federal bill.

On November 28, Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet tabled Bill C-367 which aims to eliminate the provisions for religion to be used as a defense against “hate speech” charges, alleging that the change is necessary given the rise in “antisemitic” attacks in Canada since the Israel-Hamas war broke out in early October.

“We can fear that these acts were encouraged by an exception in the Criminal Code,” Blanchet told the House of Commons.

The bill would amend “the Criminal Code to eliminate as a defense against wilful promotion of hatred or antisemitism the fact that a person, in good faith, expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to the bill saying, “We will be looking at my honorable colleague’s bill to see whether it can help combat hate and incitement of violence. This is a complex issue, but we are here to work constructively to protect Canadians.”

Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition told LifeSiteNews, “I fear this bill is not at all about protecting Jews from violence. I believe its real purpose is to allow Christians to be charged with hate speech in the future, for expressing peaceful Biblical beliefs about homosexuality and transgenderism.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019226 (031550ZDEC23) Notable: Greg Gutfeld Drops Bomb on Fox News Over Tucker Carlson’s Firing — Panel Gasps

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HE WENT THERE: Greg Gutfeld Drops Bomb on Fox News Over Tucker Carlson’s Firing — Panel Gasps (VIDEO)


Fox News host Greg Gutfeld dropped a bomb on his own network over the firing of Tucker Carlson while praising Elon Musk’s stand against censorship.

Gutfeld began by talking about Musk’s recent interview at the New York Times DealBook Summit, in which he told fleeing advertisers to “go f-ck yourself.”

“If somebody has been trying to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go fuck yourself,” Musk said.

Gutfeld played the clip before weighing in, saying, “G.F. Y. What could that stand for? Gutfeld’s Frickin Yummy? But he’s got a point. How insane is it that companies are trying to blackmail the world’s richest man with money? That’s like extorting Jerry Nadler with salad. Or blackmailing sports fans by threatening to cancel PBS.”

“The fact is, Musk may be the last man standing between real freedom of speech and the suffocating block of this censorship industrial complex, which is made up of government, media, and tech forces,” Gutfeld continued.

“He realizes that advertisers have no spine and can be easily cowed by special interest groups in cahoots with political allies.”

Then Gutfeld stunned the audience and panel by saying, “If you don’t believe me, I’ve got two words for you: Tucker Carlson.”

The studio fell silent momentarily before a few panelists broke the silence, saying things like, “Whoa.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019263 (031601ZDEC23) Notable: U.S. Government Inks $75 Million Contract for Recently Approved Anthrax Vaccines

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U.S. Governmnent Inks $75 Million Contract for Recently Approved Anthrax Vaccines


The Gateway Pundit reported in July that the FDA approved Emergent BioSolution’s new anthrax vaccine for adults 18-65.

The FDA approved Emergent Biosolution’s Cyfendus for use following any confirmed or suspected exposure to anthrax, but it was also noted it must be administered with antibacterial drugs.

Now Emergent BioSolutions has announced that the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) has “exercised an option valued on an existing deal to procure additional doses of its recently approved anthrax vaccine Cyfendus (AV7909).”

The additional doses bought by BARDA will cost an additional $75 million.

Dr. Peter McCullough Urges Preparedness on News of Chinese Pneumonia Outbreak

In case you are unfamiliar with the office of BARDA, it is an office under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) office that is in charge of the procurement and research of medical countermeasures, mostly against bioterrorism and emerging pandemics. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019291 (031611ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Talks About Leaving FOX News and How Advertisers Can Shape Media Stories

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Tucker Carlson Talks About Leaving FOX News and How Advertisers Can Shape Media Stories (VIDEO)


Tucker Carlson recently appeared on the ‘All-In’ podcast and talked about leaving FOX News, saying that he still has not been given an explanation by the network. He is surprisingly kind in his remarks, saying that this is just the nature of the TV business.

He also talks about how advertisers, particularly big pharma, can shape how news stories are presented.

He uses specific examples, such as COVID, the lockdowns and the vaccine.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics: Continue...

If you want to watch the whole episode, it’s here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pLY1X46H1E

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2fac48 No.129108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019338 (031623ZDEC23) Notable: US Says Warship Attacked, UK-Owned Ship Hit By ‘Rocket Fire’

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Here we go anons!

Stay frosty


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2fac48 No.129109

File: f9422d2fb87e226⋯.png (484.78 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019421 (031646ZDEC23) Notable: Philippines Bans Smartmatic Voting Machines from Country’s Elections to ‘Safeguard Integrity of Elections’

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Philippines Bans Smartmatic Voting Machines from Country’s Elections to ‘Safeguard Integrity of Elections’


The Philippine Commission on Elections has banned Smartmatic Philippines Inc. from the nation’s elections, ending 13 years of the company being the main provider of election technology to the nation.

The decision revolved around allegations of bribery that claim commission chairman Andres Bautista was paid off to ensure Smartmatic won the contract for the 2016 elections, according to the Philippine edition of CNN. Bautista has denied the allegations.

Although Smartmatic argued it has followed the rules, noting that there are nothing but allegations against it, the commission was unmoved. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129110

File: 9bc71e2104276e0⋯.png (790.11 KB,1018x574,509:287,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019529 (031717ZDEC23) Notable: Russians Are Advancing ‘On All Sides’

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Russians Are Advancing ‘On All Sides’! Watch: Victory Banner Flies Over Maryinka – Missiles at Tunnels Under Coke Plant in Avdiivka – Su-25 Aircraft Blasted by Lancet Drone


The Mainstream Media in the west continues with their (for them) painful work of realigning the public’s expectations in face of the upcoming Russian victory in the war against Ukraine.

While today’s main theme was Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s assessment of the war, let’s just take a peek at a couple of developments.

For starters, look what a once-great magazine has belatedly understood:

The Economist reported:

“For the first time since Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24th 2022, he looks as if he could win. Russia’s president has put his country on a war footing and strengthened his grip on power. He has procured military supplies abroad and is helping turn the global south against America. Crucially, he is undermining the conviction in the West that Ukraine can—and must—emerge from the war as a thriving European democracy.”

Ok, for the lads at The Economist, it’s ‘the first time’ they realize that. Let’s carry on.

WATCH: Guided missiles hit the Ukrainian defenders underground tunnels beneath the Coke plant in Avdiivka.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has declared that Ukraine will build defensive structures from Donbas to Western Ukraine.

There will be fortifications on the main defensive lines, including the Avdeevsky, Maryinsky and Kupyansk-Limansky directions – as well as along the borders with Russia and Belarus.

Zelensky and his generals: no sign of Zaluzhny.

Also vital to note: Ukraine’s Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny was conspicuously absent when Volodymyr Zelensky met with army commanders yesterday. The undeclared civil war is on.

Sputnik reported: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019600 (031736ZDEC23) Notable: VINDICATED: Israeli Intelligence Knew October 7 Attack Plan a Year in Advance

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VINDICATED: Israeli Intelligence Knew October 7 Attack Plan a Year in Advance


On October 8th, the day after the Hamas attack, I penned an article calling bullshit on the “intelligence failure” narrative that emerged immediately in the aftermath — how could the governing authorities and media call it confidently an “intelligence failure” mere hours after the event? — just as the same narrative emerged just following the 9/11 attacks in Manhattan and DC.

Although I always take the time to carefully weigh evidence before making any definitive statements, as responsible journalists do, I didn’t feel compelled to wait or hedge in this case because it was palpably clear from the start that the narrative was total propaganda and would subsequently be debunked in the coming days and weeks.

Even based on the limited evidence available on October 8th, basic logic defied the “intelligence failure” story: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129112

File: 40e34b81b418e96⋯.png (248.67 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019669 (031758ZDEC23) Notable: NATO Chief: West Should Brace For More 'Bad News' From Ukraine

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NATO Chief: West Should Brace For More 'Bad News' From Ukraine


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in a fresh interview warned the Western alliance to brace for more "bad news" from Ukraine, according to Saturday remarks given to Germany's national ARD television.

He was asked whether he thinks the situation will worsen for Ukrainian forces in the future, after the counteroffensive has been widely acknowledged as a failure. "We should also be prepared for bad news," he responded. "Wars develop in phases. But we have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times."

He said that in response to the current "critical situation" the West must boost ammunition production. "I will leave it to the Ukrainians and military commanders to make these difficult operational decisions," Stoltenberg explained.

"One of the issues we should address is the fragmentation of the European defense industry," he said. Countries have gone from being enthusiastic supporters and donors of Ukraine's cause to more lately sounding the alarm over dwindling or tapped defense stockpiles, as ammo production also can't keep up.

A week ago, a German official raised eyebrows by speculating that if Germany was forced to enter a major war its troops would only last "two days in battle" due to severe shortages of defense supplied and ammunition as a result of giving them to Ukraine. Below are the German politician's words, according to a translation: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129113

File: 3c82167ea67fce1⋯.png (170 KB,500x250,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 582856b7eb58165⋯.png (178.88 KB,500x277,500:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 844e78ee5e43fdc⋯.png (56.99 KB,500x380,25:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019860 (031848ZDEC23) Notable: King Charles Delivers Highly-Politicised Speech To Support Collectivist Net Zero Project

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King Charles Delivers Highly-Politicised Speech To Support Collectivist Net Zero Project


It could have been worse. King Charles could have ascended to his desert dais and pronounced that we had just 96 months to avert “irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse”. But that was the Right Charlie back in 2009, giving us the benefit of his sandwich-board scientific wisdom. These days it is all fashionable bad weather and undefined “tipping points”. The man is now King, and at COP28 he threw away his irksome politically-neutral constitutional role, wrapped himself in Guardianista pseudoscience, and punched down hard on the poor who will be forced to pay for the collectivist madness that is the Net Zero project. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129114

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019883 (031856ZDEC23) Notable: US Says Warship Attacked, UK-Owned Ship Hit By ‘Rocket Fire’

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Seems to have originated with Bloomberg

US Says Warship Attacked, UK-Owned Ship Hit By ‘Rocket Fire’

By Christine Burke Bloomberg December 3, 2023

Dec 3, 2023 (Bloomberg) –A US warship, the USS Carney, and multiple commercial ships came under attack Sunday in the Red Sea, Associated Press reported, citing a statement from the Pentagon.

The incidents are the latest in a string of attacks on vessels in the region since rebels in Yemen last month issued a threat against ships with ties to Israel. The Pentagon didn’t identify where the latest fire came from, AP said.

Earlier, Al Arabiya reported that a UK-owned ship transiting the Red Sea was “struck by a rocket” off Yemen’s western coast, citing the maritime security firm Ambrey.

The Bahamas-flagged vessel, which was on its way to Singapore from the US, issued “distress calls related to piracy/missile attack,” Al Arabiya cited Ambrey as saying.

The ship’s owner was linked to Dan David Ungar, a UK citizen listed in British directories as an Israeli resident, Al Arabiya said.

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations said it received a report of a drone attack in the vicinity of the Bab el Mandeb Strait near Yemen. It’s unclear if the incidents are related.

US Central Command on Saturday said on X, formerly Twitter, that a US military plane had intercepted an Iranian drone “operating in an unsafe and unprofessional manner during aircraft carrier flight operations in the Arabian Gulf.”


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2fac48 No.129115

File: 5faec45497ff305⋯.png (251.82 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: bcc10dbaac84a4d⋯.png (252.52 KB,497x746,497:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019902 (031901ZDEC23) Notable: Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War

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Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War


Tel Aviv has been relying on an AI Program dubbed "the Gospel" to select targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. In past operations in Gaza, the IDF ran out of targets to strike in the besieged enclave.

A statement on the IDF website says the Israeli military is using the Gospel to "produce targets at a fast pace." It continues, "Through the rapid and automatic extraction of intelligence," the Gospel produced targeting recommendations for its researchers "with the goal of a complete match between the recommendation of the machine and the identification carried out by a person."

Aviv Kochavi, former head of the IDF, said the system was first used in the May 2021 bombing campaign in Gaza. “To put that into perspective, in the past we would produce 50 targets in Gaza per year,” he said. “Now, this machine produces 100 targets a single day, with 50% of them being attacked.”

The IDF does not disclose what it inputs into the Gospel for the program to produce a list of targets.

Thursday, the Israeli outlet +972 Magazine reported Tel Aviv was using AI to pick targets in Gaza. A former Israeli official told the +972 that the Gospel was being used as a “mass assassination factory.” The program is selecting the home of suspected low-level Hamas members for destruction. Sources told the outlet that strikes on homes can kill numerous civilians. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129116

File: e97b9504fecb2d4⋯.png (448 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019964 (031919ZDEC23) Notable: Canada unveils 9-8-8, an around-the-clock suicide prevention hotline

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Canada unveils 9-8-8, an around-the-clock suicide prevention hotline


The Government of Canada has announced the launch of 9-8-8, a new three-digit suicide crisis helpline.

The helpline is now available to call or text 24/7 in French or English for those in urgent need.

The Government of Canada has provided $156 million to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) over three years to implement and operate 9-8-8. Experienced partners and trained responders are standing by, ready to answer calls and texts to 9-8-8.

“Responders will provide support and compassion without judgment. They are here to help callers and texters explore ways to keep themselves safe when things are overwhelming,” wrote the Government of Canada in its news release.

The launch of the hotline comes after a Conservative motion three years ago by MP Todd Doherty, who lost his best friend to suicide.

“Every day in Canada there are approximately twelve people who die by suicide,” Doherty said. “Often, they have nowhere to turn, no one to talk to and no way of getting help. With the implementation of 9-8-8, we have one more tool in the toolbox to make sure people have access to trained professionals.”

The new three-digit line replaces the 10-digital national number, Talk Suicide, which had been in place for several years. Talk Suicide Canada was about a quarter of the size of 9-8-8 in terms of coverage across the country. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129117

File: b477c740df6b515⋯.png (1.39 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20019991 (031926ZDEC23) Notable: Rate of international students seeking asylum in Canada has more than doubled since 2018

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Rate of international students seeking asylum in Canada has more than doubled since 2018


International students seeking asylum in Canada has become an explosive trend, with the number more than doubling over the last five years.

Government data obtained under an access to information request by the Toronto Star has revealed that the number of refugee claims made by international students is 2.7 times higher than the amount of claims in 2018.

Last year, there were 4,880 cases and in 2018, there were only 1,835.

Additionally, the amount of international students coming to Canada has shot up by 1.4 times the amount over the same time period from 567,065 in 2018 to 807,750 in 2022.

Since 2018, a total of 15,935 international students have filed a refugee claim in Canada.

Between 2018 and 2022, the annual rate of international students seeking asylum doubled from 0.3% to 0.6%, despite the fact that less than 1% ended up seeking protection in Canada. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129118

File: c7e0dc6c5c5d75b⋯.png (731.33 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

File: ad316425c4f4fbd⋯.png (350.92 KB,542x816,271:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020103 (031957ZDEC23) Notable: Bonnie Crombie wins Ontario Liberal leadership race

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Bonnie Crombie wins Ontario Liberal leadership race


Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie has won the leadership of the Ontario Liberal Party.

In an election using the ranked choice voting system, Crombie narrowly beat out Beaches—East York MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith on the third and last ballot, 53.4% to 46.6%.

Crombie campaigned on being a consensus candidate, appealing to centrist Liberals who would like to see the party moderate.

In an interview with TVO, Crombie told Ontarians that the Ontario Liberals had moved too far to the left under the leadership of Kathleen Wynne and Steven Del Duca, claiming that she would like to govern the province from “right of centre.”

“I think the Liberal party moved much too far to the left,” said Crombie.

“I think traditionally our roots are in the centre. I believe we govern from right of centre.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129119

File: 7896e7a7227ae51⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020127 (032003ZDEC23) Notable: Canada's homicide rate has increased for the fourth year in a row

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Canada's homicide rate has increased for the fourth year in a row


Among the provinces, Manitoba had the highest homicide rate last year, followed by Saskatchewan and British Columbia, while Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador had the lowest rates.

According to recently released Statistics Canada data, Canada’s homicide rate is at the highest level since 1992, as police-reported crime continues to surge under Trudeau.

According to the number crunchers at the agency, a total of 874 people were killed in 2022, a nearly nine per cent increase over 2021 data.

Among the provinces, Manitoba had the highest homicide rate last year, followed by Saskatchewan and British Columbia, while Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador had the lowest rates.

Kids are getting more violent. Police reported 90 youths accused in 2022, compared with 33 the year before.

Indigenous people made up 27 percent of total homicide victims, while one-third 30 percent of the victims were identified as being "racialized people," something other than white.

While firearms-related homicides accounted for 41 percent of Canada’s homicides in 2022, similar to 2021 levels, it's not Jane and Joe Duck Hunter using their favorite, lawfully acquired hunting guns to murder anyone.

Gang violence is driving the homicide trend.

Gang-related homicides made up a quarter of homicides by 2022, what StatCan called "a large contributor to the overall national homicide increase" compared to 2021.

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2fac48 No.129120

File: 16e47f8eb384a96⋯.png (2.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020227 (032039ZDEC23) Notable: Edmonton spent millions on electric buses that are not roadworthy

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Edmonton spent millions on electric buses that are not roadworthy


One Calgary city councillor has urged his colleagues to press pause on developing its own fleet.

The City of Edmonton has left taxpayers on the hook for a $60 million boondoggle in which three-quarters of their electric buses don’t work.

Although 6% of its 1,000-bus fleet is electric, most are inoperable with poor immediate prospects for parts to fix them, reported the Edmonton Journal.

“Parts are not available to properly run their buses […] it’s very problematic,” said Steve Bradshaw, president and business agent for Amalgamated Transit Union Local 569, which represents Edmonton workers in operations, maintenance and security.

He cites pandemic-induced closures by the company for the parts shortage.

To add insult to injury, Proterra, the American company the city purchased the electric buses from, recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

As of writing, Edmonton is seeking $1.3 million and fulfillment of service and warranties for their fleet.

Courtesy of the stalled Edmonton pilot, one Calgary city councillor has urged his colleagues to press pause on developing its own fleet of electric buses.

“Regarding the City of Calgary’s plans to potentially purchase 259 electric buses […] perhaps we should wait and see how the Edmonton pilot went before we spend millions of taxpayer dollars,” said Ward 13 city councillor Dan McLean. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020605 (032230ZDEC23) Notable: Whose police? RCMP unit acts as a private security force, critics say

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Whose police? RCMP unit acts as a private security force, critics say – The Fifth Estate – Video


A controversial RCMP unit in B.C. acts as a de facto private security force for resource companies, and not for public safety, according to critics and many Indigenous communities.

The Fifth Estate’s Steven D’Souza uncovers leaked documents that show how industry leaders influenced RCMP bosses who are part of the Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG).

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2fac48 No.129122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20020686 (032248ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Protests Bun

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Updated Protests Bun

>>128794 City of Calgary drops bylaw charge on 'private conversation' concerning the '1 Million March 4 Children'

>>128804 Australian Senator compares Trudeau’s handling of Freedom Convoy to communist China

>>128825 Tommy Robinson exposes alarming rise in extremism (video)

>>128944 Ontario policeman fights conviction, penalty for donating to the Freedom Convoy

>>128947 Prosecutors in Freedom Convoy leaders’ case abruptly stop calling witnesses

>>128960 3rd Anniversary of the Adamson BBQ Rebellion Against Restaurant Lockdowns (video)

>>128997 Freedom Convoy leaders’ lawyers ask court to dismiss ‘weak’ case over lack of evidence

>>129003 Councillor Calls Irish Protesters Against Open Migration "Organized Far Right Terrorists"

>>129092 Crown seeks publication ban on Randy Hillier trial

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2fac48 No.129123

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023568 (041441ZDEC23) Notable: New Zealand Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested by Police for Exposing Deaths Linked to ‘Bad Batches’ of COVID Vaccine — Another Person Also Targeted in Raids (video)

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BREAKING: New Zealand Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested by Police for Exposing Deaths Linked to ‘Bad Batches’ of COVID Vaccine — Another Person Also Targeted in Raids (VIDEO)


A Ministry of Health employee-turned-whistleblower and another individual have been targeted by police raids on Sunday. The whistleblower’s actions in exposing a connection between certain Pfizer vaccine batches and a series of deaths have led to a dramatic confrontation with law enforcement. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129124

File: 31fa750b514b2ab⋯.png (380.52 KB,1027x576,1027:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023700 (041505ZDEC23) Notable: Commie Pope Calls for Elimination of Fossil Fuels in Historic Speech at Cop28 Conference

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Commie Pope Calls for Elimination of Fossil Fuels in Historic Speech at Cop28 Conference


Pope Francis is a very dangerous man.

The first Communist pope called on the complete elimination of fossil fuels during his speech at the Cop28 Conference in Dubai.

Francis was too sick to deliver the speech so Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary of State, delivered the speech to the conference.

It is widely known that ending fossil fuels would kill off a significant percentage of the world’s population. And every year nine times more people die from freezing than from heat-related causes.

Does the commie Pope Francis really support this?

The Daily Mail reported

Pope Francis has called for the elimination of fossil fuels in an historic speech to the UN climate conference Cop28 in Dubai.

He was suffering from a lung infection and was too unwell to deliver the speech, so it was given by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary of State.

He said: ‘Destruction of the environment is an offence against God, a sin . . . that greatly endangers all human beings, especially the most vulnerable in our midst and threatens to unleash a conflict between generations.

‘Are we working for a culture of life or a culture of death? To all of you I make this heartfelt appeal: Let us choose life!’

The Pope also called for a ‘decisive acceleration’ in energy efficiency, renewable sources, eliminating fossil fuels and educating people to do without them.

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2fac48 No.129125

File: 3fac27b1ce46a15⋯.png (778.45 KB,1023x575,1023:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 75919929064979a⋯.png (96.97 KB,865x547,865:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023844 (041538ZDEC23) Notable: Increasingly Authoritarian Zelensky Forbids Former President Poroshenko From Leaving Ukraine

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Defender of Democracy? Increasingly Authoritarian Zelensky Forbids Former President Poroshenko From Leaving Ukraine, Calls Him ‘A Tool in the Hands of the Russians’


Ukraine turns into a tyranny before our eyes.

Imagine a leader who has banned the opposition parties, totally censored the press, canceled the elections, and now is indulging in paranoid behavior to keep former presidents from even leaving the country.

Stop imagining: that’s Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine.

It is indeed a bad joke to call him a “defender of democracy.”

We are now informed that former President Petro Poroshenko was denied permission to leave Ukraine.

Kiev regime’s authorities say he was heading to a planned meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Associated Press reported: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129126

File: 055b8f10137222f⋯.png (601.88 KB,810x808,405:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20023952 (041605ZDEC23) Notable: 71-Year-Old Romanian Yoga Guru Arrested in France for Allegedly Running International Sex Cult

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71-Year-Old Romanian Yoga Guru Arrested in France for Allegedly Running International Sex Cult


A 71-year-old Romanian Tantric yoga guru and 14 others have been charged in France for crimes involving an alleged international sex cult.

Gregorian Bivolaru has been charged with human trafficking, sequestration or arbitrary detention of numerous people along with rape, and “abusing the weakness of a group” via psychological or physical subjection.

Bivolaru is also accused of being involved in the kidnapping of 26 women who were seeking spiritual guidance. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129127

File: d3797433385bdcd⋯.png (1.29 MB,1169x643,1169:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024027 (041623ZDEC23) Notable: Vegan Eco-Terrorists Outraged as Meat Lobbyists, Ranchers Descend on COP28 Climate Change Conference to Counter Attack on Meat Consumption

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Vegan Eco-Terrorists Outraged as Meat Lobbyists, Ranchers Descend on COP28 Climate Change Conference to Counter Attack on Meat Consumption


A WEF article from 2016 says it all: “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better”

Vegan eco-terrorists are outraged that meat lobbyists descended on the COP28 climate conference in Dubai to counter the attack on meat consumption in first-world countries.

The climate change zealots (Communists) are not only coming for your gas-powered vehicles, they want to destroy the cattle and farming industry under the guise of reducing carbon emissions with a ‘net zero plan.’

The ‘net zero plan’ will lead to famine. Of course, this is the plan and it isn’t the first time junk science will be used to starve millions (or billions) of people. The Soviet Union used Communist pseudo-scientist Trofim Lysenko to starve millions in the 20th century.

How To Join The "Secret Boycott" Patriots Are Using To Crush Woke Corporationsions that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.” Bloomberg reported.

Meat lobbyists and ranchers are pushing back on the eco-terrorists at COP28.

The Guardian reported: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024094 (041647ZDEC23) Notable: Israel Expands Ground Operations To Whole Of Gaza, Seeking "Total Victory"

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Israel Expands Ground Operations To Whole Of Gaza, Seeking "Total Victory"


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Sunday announced for the first time that not only are its air strikes extending to the south of the Gaza Strip, where the bulk of civilians from the north have fled, but it is expanding its ground operations to the whole of Gaza.

Following the collapse of the week-long truce on Friday, spokesman Daniel Hagari said in a press briefing, "The IDF is resuming and expanding the ground operation against Hamas’ strongholds across the whole Gaza Strip."

"Our policy is clear — we will forcefully strike any threat posed against our territory," he emphasized in words that came the day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged "total victory" and that the war will be taken to Hamas "until the end." Continue...

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2fac48 No.129129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024110 (041654ZDEC23) Notable: Irish Journalist Defends Suppressing Stories For The Public Good

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"The Responsibility To Not Report": Irish Journalist Defends Suppressing Stories For The Public Good


We have been discussing the latest Irish law to crackdown on free speech. Yet, even with the criminalization of speech, there is apparently still the danger of citizens reading or hearing facts from reporters that are best kept from them. Thus, Kitty Holland, a correspondent with the Irish Times, is defending the media’s decision to suppress stories that would “incite hatred” and undermine journalistic viewpoints. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129130

File: a160485940481ce⋯.png (360.69 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024141 (041704ZDEC23) Notable: Moderna Employs Former FBI Analyst, AI To Secretly Police COVID 'Vaccine Misinformation'

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Moderna Employs Former FBI Analyst, AI To Secretly Police COVID 'Vaccine Misinformation'


Pharmaceutical giant Moderna is policing what it calls “vaccine misinformation” online through its disinformation department aimed at shutting down dissenting voices and anything that might undermine COVID-19-related policies, such as lockdowns, vaccine passports, and mass vaccination.

According to an exclusive report by investigative journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson published on Nov. 20 in UnHerd, Moderna isn’t just manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines; it has an entire team dedicated to monitoring a wide range of social media platforms, government agencies, and news websites in the name of addressing the “root cause of vaccine hesitancy” by identifying and “shutting down misinformation” that may negatively affect the vaccine debate.

The internal documents show a “sprawling effort to monitor basically everything said online, on social media, and in the news media about vaccine policy, COVID policy, about Moderna, and other vaccine companies,” Mr. Fang told The Hill.

Monitoring Team of Former FBI, Secret Service, and Pharma-Funded NGOs Continue...

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2fac48 No.129131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024158 (041710ZDEC23) Notable: Europe In Deep Freeze As Kerry Warns Of Rampant Global Warming

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Europe In Deep Freeze As Kerry Warns Of Rampant Global Warming


On the same day as Biden Administration ‘climate czar’ John Kerry warned of out of control global warming at the UN climate conference in Dubai, the entirety of Europe is experiencing an unprecedented deep freeze.

Kerry called on the world to “judge with our own eyes what science is telling us” and warned that the arctic, the antarctic and the permafrost are in danger of melting. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129132

File: 50ee5d20f48b8c1⋯.png (274.98 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024265 (041744ZDEC23) Notable: DNA Sequence In Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Could Spur New Lawsuits: Lawyers

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DNA Sequence In Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Could Spur New Lawsuits: Lawyers


Pfizer and its partner BioNTech could be open to lawsuits for including a DNA sequence in their COVID-19 vaccine.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, known as the PREP Act, largely shields COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits, but companies can be sued for "willful misconduct," which includes acts taken "intentionally to achieve a wrongful purpose."

"I think what we have here is willful misconduct," Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, told The Epoch Times.

The Pfizer-BioNTech, in testing by outside scientists, was discovered to contain a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence despite the public never being told about the sequence.

Regulators in Canada and Europe have since acknowledged that the companies did not highlight the sequence and that they should have, although regulatory submissions did show the full DNA sequence of the vaccine plasmid.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has refused to disclose whether the companies highlighted the sequence.

The FDA alleged no safety concerns have been identified from the residual DNA left behind by the SV40 sequence, though the agency provided no evidence on the matter. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129133

File: 9e746e1bed2d013⋯.png (301.72 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024365 (041809ZDEC23) Notable: ‘No science’ behind calls to phase out fossil fuels - COP28 president

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‘No science’ behind calls to phase out fossil fuels – COP28 president


The UAE’s Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber reportedly says gradual cuts in oil, gas and coal use would 'take the world back into caves'

The president of the COP28 climate conference, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, has cast great doubt over zero-emissions policies being pushed by the United Nations, claiming there is “no science” to show that stage-by-stage cuts in fossil fuel use would decrease global heating, the Guardian reported on Sunday.

The chair of the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, now underway in Dubai, claimed that a gradual reduction in fossil fuel consumption would hold back sustainable development and drag humanity back to the Paleolithic period.

His comments, made in response to questions from former UN special envoy for climate change Mary Robinson during a live online event in late November, are fundamentally at odds with the position of the UN and its secretary general Antonio Guterres.

“We’re in an absolute crisis that is hurting women and children more than anyone… and it’s because we have not yet committed to phasing out fossil fuel,” Robinson, who chairs The Elders, a London-based human rights and environmental NGO, was quoted by the Guardian as saying.

“That is the one decision that Cop28 can take and in many ways, because you’re head of Adnoc, you could actually take it with more credibility,” she added.

Al Jaber serves as chief executive of the United Arab Emirates state oil company Adnoc, while also chairing Cop28 in Dubai. Many critics have described the two roles as a serious conflict of interest. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129134

File: 7efb59f002d80fe⋯.png (1.26 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 5767c4f11393a42⋯.png (1.01 MB,926x1200,463:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024418 (041818ZDEC23) Notable: Prominent New Brunswick parental rights advocate running for provincial office

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Prominent New Brunswick parental rights advocate running for provincial office


New Brunswick activist and TV personality Faytene Grasseschi is running to become a provincial Progressive Conservative legislature member.

She is seeking the Progressive Conservative nomination in the riding of Hampton-Fundy-St. Martin, a riding currently represented by New Brunswick PC Environment Minister Gary Crossman, who is not seeking re-election.

Grasseschi made the announcement in a Facebook post, writing “after much deep thought and many late-night conversations with my husband and trusted friends, I have decided to put my name forward to run for office provincially.”

While her focus has traditionally been on federal politics, she noted that “in reality, many of the issues I care most deeply about are equally provincial.”

“I am getting involved with this party because I appreciate the work it is has been doing, and the values it has been standing for,” Grasseschi told True North.

“When Premier Higgs stuck his neck out for parents last summer, we launched the petition to support him — but at the same time there were those, even within his own party that really opposed him. I feel it is important for the Premier to have people around him that have the same core values, especially considering that according to polling his stance for parents is reflective of the majority.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024467 (041830ZDEC23) Notable: Assisted suicide patients are “white and privileged”: Trudeau Foundation fellow

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Assisted suicide patients are “white and privileged”: Trudeau Foundation fellow


Patients seeking assisted suicide in Canada are mostly privileged white people, according to Trudeau Foundation fellow and medical ethicist Dr. Jocelyn Downie.

Downie, an advocate of expanding assisted suicide, or MAID, to those who suffer from mental illness, testified before the House of Commons medical assistance in dying committee Nov. 21 and asked the government to move forward with its legislation. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129136

File: ee51cd92fd24731⋯.png (1.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024509 (041838ZDEC23) Notable: MPs unanimously condemn report that calls Christmas 'racist'

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MPs unanimously condemn report that calls Christmas 'racist'


Members of Parliament on November 29 condemned a Human Rights Commission report for calling Christmas 'an obvious example' of racism and colonialism. They said people must be free to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ without fear of discrimination. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129137

File: 6e6ff367d228072⋯.png (1.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024551 (041845ZDEC23) Notable: MPs unanimously condemn report that calls Christmas 'racist'

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Heritage Canada takes legal action against antisemite they hired in 2021


Laith Marouf has frequently disparaged the Jewish people, calling them 'human feces' and fantasizing about shooting them. He even threatened to put a bullet in telecom consultant Mark Goldberg, who warned the Commons heritage committee of Marouf’s conduct on April 20, 2022.

Heritage Canada is trying to recoup a six-figure 'anti-racism' grant from a virulent antisemite, according to legal action by the department.

Laith Marouf, a senior consultant with the Community Media Advocacy Centre, received $133,822 in funding on July 30, 2021 — the same time he received a suspension from X for making antisemitic remarks.

Since 2020, Marouf has frequently disparaged the Jewish people on social media, including fantasizing about shooting Jews, whom he described as "human feces." He even threatened to put a bullet in telecom consultant Mark Goldberg, who warned the Commons heritage committee of Marouf’s conduct on April 20, 2022.

"MPs on both sides of the House were notified in advance including members of this committee," wrote Goldberg. "They did nothing to counter it."

Heritage Canada did not cancel the contract until September 23, 2022, and have since been unsuccessful in recuperating the taxpayer funds, reported Blacklock’s Reporter. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129138

File: c9ed0f3d2d35e06⋯.png (3.1 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d2b3b78dae42f69⋯.png (1.67 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: f840bf61d4ab8ac⋯.png (118.24 KB,811x692,811:692,Clipboard.png)

File: dde4c1a9c410d6f⋯.png (384 KB,538x673,538:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024607 (041858ZDEC23) Notable: Bus company boycotts pro-Israel rally in Ottawa

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Bus company boycotts pro-Israel rally in Ottawa


'What happened today is sickening and outrageous. We will respond aggressively with every legal and public affairs tool at our disposal,' said Adam Minsky, CEO of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto.

According to an emailed statement from Adam Minsky, CEO of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, "UJA is already working with legal counsel and will be proceeding with strong, decisive actions against this company. Hate and discrimination against any community can never be tolerated in Canada."

Posts from the VP of marketing and communications for UJA, Steve McDonald, explained that Prestige Worldwide was paid in full upfront. However, a number of buses hired to take rallygoers from the Toronto area to the nation's capital did not show up, with no explanation offered. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129139

File: 7e9aa625d7703b7⋯.png (920.14 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024664 (041909ZDEC23) Notable: Conspiracy to assassinate Canadian Sikh activist foiled by US authorities

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U.S. indicts Indian national Nikhil Gupta in alleged assassination plot


The charges against Gupta, filed in June, accuse him of participating in a failed murder-for-hire plot, ostensibly under the guidance of an employee from the Indian government. This revelation has drawn attention to the broader context of international security and diplomatic relations, especially in light of Trudeau's prior allegations.

The United States Department of Justice announced on Wednesday the indictment of Nikhil Gupta, an Indian national, for his alleged involvement in an assassination attempt against a Sikh separatist leader who holds dual U.S. and Canadian citizenship. This indictment seemingly supports the claims made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau regarding the possible involvement of the Indian government in activities endangering Canadian citizens, CTV News reports.

The charges against Gupta, filed in June, accuse him of participating in a failed murder-for-hire plot, ostensibly under the guidance of an employee from the Indian government. This revelation has drawn attention to the broader context of international security and diplomatic relations, especially in light of Trudeau's prior allegations. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129140

File: c591a90e5cb53f9⋯.png (1.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20024841 (041950ZDEC23) Notable: Trudeau Liberals to pursue internet censorship bill against 'online hate'

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Trudeau Liberals to pursue internet censorship bill against 'online hate'


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has repeatedly said legal internet content must be regulated, despite issuing so-called support for free speech. 'The government believes in free speech,' he testified at the Emergencies Act inquiry in Ottawa on September 9, 2022.

The Trudeau Liberals are reviewing "international best practices" to censor the internet, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

"We are studying what’s working in foreign jurisdictions and we’re definitely working with different online entities including online companies," said Justice Minister Arif Virani. "We’ve seen great progress."

However, he provided no examples of legal content they would censor when asked by reporters.

Asked when Canadians could expect online harm legislation, Virani replied, "It is really critical that we get this right."

"You didn’t answer the question," said a reporter. "We are looking at international best practices," he countered.

Cabinet in June 2021 introduced Bill C-36, An Act To Amend The Criminal Code, that proposed $70,000 fines for legal content deemed "likely to foment detestation or vilification."

Among the categories of harm identified by Parliament then included hate speech and terrorist content.

A July 29, 2021, Technical Paper and Discussion Paper pondered hiring a Digital Safety Commissioner to investigate anonymous complaints, conduct closed-door hearings and block websites, reported Blacklock’s Reporter. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129141

File: 04f018927ea47c8⋯.png (462.58 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: c571669928a5a00⋯.png (180.38 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20025184 (042100ZDEC23) Notable: 23andMe Admits Major Data Breach as Hackers Access Ancestry Information of Millions

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23andMe Admits Major Data Breach as Hackers Access Ancestry Information of Millions


Genetic testing giant 23andMe has admitted in a SEC filing that it has suffered a massive breach that has exposed the ancestry information of millions of customers utilizing the DNA Relatives feature.

Engadget reports that 23andMe, a popular genetic testing and analysis company, recently admitted it experienced a major data breach. According to an SEC filing, this breach affected a portion of the company’s user base, specifically targeting the opt-in DNA Relatives (DNAR) feature. This feature, designed to match users with genetic relatives, was exploited by hackers to access the accounts of about 14,000 of the 14 million total customers, representing roughly 0.1 percent of 23andMe’s user base. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129142

File: a016dd62a7f67d1⋯.png (305.37 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20025213 (042106ZDEC23) Notable: 72% of Canadians want Trudeau gone: poll

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72% of Canadians want Trudeau gone: poll


More than 165,000 Canadians have signed a petition for a vote of non-confidence in the House of Commons against the minority Liberal government.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in political free-fall.

In the latest Ipsos poll, 72 percent of Canadians want Trudeau to exit federal politics and leave as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.

Ipsos says that number is up from 60 percent in September. Even within his own party, 33 percent of Liberal supporters would like Trudeau to resign.

That's consistent with other recent polls that show the Conservative Party of Canada, under its leader Pierre Poilievre, 19 percentage points ahead of the Liberals and headed for one of the larger majority governments in Canadian history.

Nanos Research founder Nik Nanos described what the Liberals need to stand a chance in the next federal election is a "complete reboot."

"Either with a new leader or… Justin Trudeau with a renewed vision of why he believes that he should deserve another mandate," Nanos said in a recent episode of CTV News Trend Line.

Canadians have even taken to the internet to try to remove Trudeau from office through the traditional legislative process.

As of Monday morning, more than 175,000 Canadians have signed a petition for a vote of non-confidence in the House of Commons against the minority Liberal government.

The petition is sponsored by MP Michelle Ferreri (CPC-Peterborough-Kawartha) and reads: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20026445 (050132ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian government agency declares that Christmas is racist, rooted in ‘colonialism’

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Canadian government agency declares that Christmas is racist, rooted in ‘colonialism’

"According to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the simple celebration of Christmas – the tree, the family, the music, the gifts – is systemic racism."

Was only a matter of time before some idiot said it.


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2fac48 No.129144

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20028558 (051407ZDEC23) Notable: Hope for the Vaxxed: Dr. Peter McCullough (video)

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Hope for the Vaxxed: Dr. Peter McCullough


Vaccine injuries are rampant. From recent studies which show that everyone, everyone, who has taken a Covid vaccine has suffered at least some heart damage, to those who are now unable to work, the tens of millions of doses that have been administered in Canada have caused immeasurable harm.

What is worse, is that we still don’t know if the body can heal itself. If mitochondrial DNA which has been reprogrammed by the DNA in the shots, will ever stop manufacturing toxic spike proteins.

While scientists around the world continue to research to find ways to reverse the damage, there are, right now, effective treatments for the vaccine injured.

Dr. Peter McCullough may very well be the best known name in this area. From the creation of the McCullough Protocol, an effective early treatment for Covid that has saved countless people, to his association with The Wellness Company, Dr. McCullough has worked tirelessly to help those either at risk from Covid, or who have been injured by the vaccines.

He joins me today with a list of effective, affordable treatments that are available now, without a prescription.

If you or someone you know has been vaccine injured, or if you are often exposed to the vaccinated and are concerned about shedding, this is a must watch interview. It is for this reason that this interview is being released free in its entirety.

With such a well known guest, I could have put most of this interview behind a paywall and used it to drive more memberships at Iron Will Report.com. Memberships, the purpose of which is not to enrich myself, but to finance our efforts at our freedom organization, Strong and Free Canada.org.

But my wife and I founded Strong And Free Canada to help our fellow Canadians recover and defend their rights and freedoms and to help people who have been harmed by our government’s draconian mandates.

And so, all I will ask with this interview with Dr. McCullough is that you share it widely. In so doing, you will help us to help others.

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2fac48 No.129145

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20028597 (051423ZDEC23) Notable: Press for Truth: ISRAEL KNEW: Operation “JERICHO WALL” Document Detailed Hamas Attack over 1 year in advance (video)

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ISRAEL KNEW: Operation “JERICHO WALL” Document Detailed Hamas Attack OVER 1 YEAR IN ADVANCE!!!


On Friday December 1st 2023 The New York Times reported that “Israel knew” of the Hamas attack 1 year in advance suggesting that Israeli intelligence allowed this attack to happen in order to justify their “retaliation” at the Gaza Strip.

This new NYT report vindicates Press For Truth who reported the same thing on October 9th, nearly two months prior.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers this now not so breaking news that the MSM has taken almost two months to figure out!

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2fac48 No.129146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20028749 (051459ZDEC23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Destroys John Kerry and Climate Change Zealots with Facts

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Tucker Carlson Destroys John Kerry and Climate Change Zealots with Facts (VIDEO)


Tucker Carlson on Monday released episode 44 of his show on X.

“Another half-demented 80-year-old yelling about things he doesn’t understand. These are our leaders. They don’t care about our future because they don’t have one of their own,” Tucker said of Biden’s Climate Envoy John Kerry.

Tucker Carlson destroyed John Kerry and the climate change zealots with facts on Monday night’s episode.

“There might be no one in the country who cares less about the future of the United States than climate czar John Kerry who turns 80 next week,” Tucker said. “Kerry turned up at a conference in the Middle East the other day and announced that at his advanced age, he’s become a “militant” of coal-fired electricity plants,” Tucker said as he played a video of John Kerry at this year’s COP28 climate conference.

The vegan eco-terrorists are waging a war on meat and demanding first-world countries reduce meat consumption to reduce carbon emissions.

The United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) rolled out its food guidance for first-world countries at this year’s COP28 in Dubai.

If the climate change zealots succeed with their ‘net zero plan,’ the world will go dark and there will be famine.

Journalist and author Michael Shellenberger also joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the global effort to force only certain countries to reduce carbon emissions.

Shellenberger pointed out that China and India have both increased their coal usage while the United States is being forced to increasingly rely on wind turbines and solar panels.

“You can’t maintain civilization without cheap energy,” Shellenberger said. “The attack on cheap energy is truly an attack on modern civilization and it should frighten us and we should be aware to it and alive to it.”


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2fac48 No.129147

File: 10c9a82664f1ee6⋯.png (565.7 KB,1012x538,506:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 247701d58cb1b02⋯.png (246.05 KB,542x745,542:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20028856 (051517ZDEC23) Notable: IDF Prepares to Flood Terror Tunnels as Hamas Monsters 17 Women and Two Children Hostages

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Israel Victory: IDF Prepares to Flood Terror Tunnels as Hamas Monsters 17 Women and Two Children Hostages


“Israel has assembled a system of large pumps it could use to flood Hamas’s vast network of tunnels under the Gaza Strip with seawater, a tactic that could destroy the tunnels and drive the fighters from their underground refuge but also threaten Gaza’s water supply,” The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing US officials.

In November, the Israeli army IDF completed setting up at least five pumps about a mile north of the Al-Shati refugee camp that could move thousands of cubic meters of water per hour, flooding the tunnels within weeks, the Wall Street Journal reported, as Gateway Pundit had predicted Nov. 10.

Each of at least five pumps can draw water from the Mediterranean Sea and move thousands of cubic meters of water per hour into the tunnels, flooding them within weeks.

The Wall Street Journal report said that Israel presented the plan to the United States last month. US officials believe that Israel hasn’t made a final decision to move ahead with the plan, nor has it ruled it out.

Flooding the tunnels would also endanger the 130 hostages held by their barbaric Hamas captors, over 100 of them men. The IDF may calculate it may be safer to flush the terrorists out and hope they emerge from the tunnels with their human shields alive. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129148

File: 99f6b75712ddabe⋯.png (1.36 MB,2048x1237,2048:1237,Clipboard.png)

File: 306753a5c43a664⋯.png (388.76 KB,979x845,979:845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029017 (051552ZDEC23) Notable: Hillary Clinton Raises Concern on Climate Change Body Count: ‘We are Beginning to Count and Record Climate-Related Deaths’

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Hillary Clinton Raises Concern on Climate Change Body Count: ‘We are Beginning to Count and Record Climate-Related Deaths’ (VIDEO)


Failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, attended the 28th annual United Nations climate conference (COP28) in Dubai to lie about the number of deaths attributed to climate change, focusing on issues caused by extreme heat, which experts referred to as “global boiling.

Speaking to an international audience, Clinton suggested that climate-related deaths are being meticulously tallied, indicating an ‘already high’ and growing body count.

“We are seeing and beginning to pay attention and to count and record the deaths that are related to climate. And by far the biggest killer is extreme heat,” she said.

She referenced a European heatwave allegedly responsible for 61,000 deaths and insinuated that unrecorded. She also claimed that climate change-related deaths can be influenced by gender. According to Harvard Business Review, “We can’t fight climate change without fighting for gender equity.”

Clinton said, “I mean, even in Europe last summer, which has the ability to count and figure out what happened, they recorded 61,000 deaths because heat in Europe, we don’t have that kind of number yet from Africa, Asia, Latin America. But we know and estimate that we probably could measure about 500,000 deaths, and the majority of those are women and girls, and particularly pregnant women.”

WATCH: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129149

File: f46e231d043712c⋯.png (1.45 MB,1395x714,465:238,Clipboard.png)

File: eb12b328d9db029⋯.png (1.23 MB,1400x726,700:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029064 (051600ZDEC23) Notable: Ukrainians Sick of War - Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko Supports General Zaluzhny over Zelensky (video)

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Time to Say Good-Bye, Volodymyr: Ukrainians Sick of War – Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko Supports General Zaluzhny over Zelensky


Ukrainian wives and mothers have taken to protesting for their men to be returned from the front on Kiev’s Maidan Square. Now the media stage is being set for a regime change and possible end of the hopeless proxy war, as President Volodymyr Zelensky fights with his Commander-in-Chief and the Mayor of Kiev backs the rebel General. The Gateway Pundit was one of the only news media covering the near-total failure of the Biden-Obama-backed “Spring offensive” in Ukraine, which cost approximately 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129150

File: ba62b82ee4d782a⋯.png (835.8 KB,1025x575,41:23,Clipboard.png)

File: d72eea5e2ee0167⋯.png (435.25 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029126 (051607ZDEC23) Notable: Europe’s Right Wing Gathers in Italy To Plan For More Gains in Next Year’s Elections for the European Parliament

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Europe’s Right Wing Gathers in Italy To Plan For More Gains in Next Year’s Elections for the European Parliament


European voters seem inclined to do ‘the right thing’.

In face of the new geopolitical realities and the recent gains by European populist right wingers, we can see how voters in the ‘old world’ have woken up from their liberal dreams to find their societies torn by a host of globalist policies, namely unchecked mass migration.

As European parties on the right of the political spectrum met in Italy on Sunday, vowing to reshape the European Union, you will find everywhere the same definition for them: ‘far-right’.

Yes, because as far as the MSM is concerned, there are only extremist right wingers and moderate leftists. That’s the way they roll. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129151

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029293 (051634ZDEC23) Notable: It’s a Death Cult: Israeli UN Ambassador Slams George Soros for Funding Hamas-Supporting NGOs with $15 Million

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It’s a Death Cult: Israeli UN Ambassador Slams George Soros for Funding Hamas-Supporting NGOs with $15 Million


Far-left activist George Soros is facing intense criticism from Israel’s UN ambassador for funding NGOs that support brutal terror organization Hamas with over $15 million. As Gateway Pundit reported, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the EU also fund NGOs with ties to the radical terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is the “Palestinian” offshoot. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129152

File: e7d636462dfaa57⋯.png (437 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029353 (051643ZDEC23) Notable: US Joins 21 Other Countries In Pledge To Triple Nuclear Energy Capacity By 2050

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US Joins 21 Other Countries In Pledge To Triple Nuclear Energy Capacity By 2050


The United States and 21 other countries from four continents signed a pledge at the United Nations climate summit on Dec. 2 to triple global nuclear energy capacity by 2050 from the levels recorded in 2020.

The declaration was signed at the U.N. Climate Change Conference, also known as COP28, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It recognizes "the key role of nuclear energy in achieving global net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and keeping the 1.5-degree goal within reach."

"Core elements of the declaration include working together to advance a goal of tripling nuclear energy capacity globally by 2050 and inviting shareholders of international financial institutions to encourage the inclusion of nuclear energy in energy lending policies," the U.S. Department of Energy stated.

The countries that endorsed the pledge are the United States, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Ghana, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

In the declaration, the 22 signatory countries promise to "support the development and construction of nuclear reactors," such as small modular and other advanced reactors for power generation.

They pledged to "mobilize investments in nuclear power," including through innovative financing mechanisms, such as engaging with shareholders of the World Bank, international financial institutions, and regional development banks. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129153

File: 415888e67fb99c6⋯.png (453.05 KB,500x330,50:33,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029457 (051659ZDEC23) Notable: CCP Deploys Cover-Up For Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak In Children

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CCP Deploys Cover-Up For Mysterious Pneumonia Outbreak In Children


The sense of helplessness that has gripped the Chinese people on and off since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic three years ago is again returning as the country grapples with an unidentified pneumonia outbreak that is sickening children and overwhelming hospitals.

In strollers, or carried by their parents, sick children have been filling hospital waiting rooms, hallways, and spilling outside the main gates. They wait for hours hoping for their number to be called on the loudspeaker before the day is over.

Waiting up to 12 hours is not uncommon—if one can get in line at all. After staying past midnight in a hospital hallway teeming with people, a Beijing resident shared a photo while holding a ticket number in the 1800s—the placement in the day’s queue—reminding would-be visitors to bring a stool with them, because “there’s nowhere to sit if you need to get an IV drip.”

From north to south, the spike in children’s respiratory hospitalizations is shutting classrooms and pushing health authorities to issue a flurry of announcements telling teachers and students who feel unwell to stay home.

"Everyone in the class is coughing—you can't even hear what the teacher is saying," a man surnamed Chen told The Epoch Times, recounting what he heard from his school-aged daughter from Beijing.

Just like three years ago, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) appears dismissive of the disease’s risk, telling a concerned World Health Organization that there are no “unusual or new pathogens” or clinical symptoms.

The regime partially attributed the uptick to a mid-October upgrade in a respiratory surveillance mechanism, and asserted that the existing Chinese hospital capacities have been sufficient to handle the situation. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129154

File: 29f65d6808c3a42⋯.png (187.48 KB,500x459,500:459,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029502 (051707ZDEC23) Notable: Hamas Rocket Struck Base Linked To Israel's (Not So Secret) Nuclear Missile Program

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Hamas Rocket Struck Base Linked To Israel's (Not So Secret) Nuclear Missile Program


It's such an open secret and so much of a 'given' assumption that it can just be casually written straight into the New York Times headline at this point...

Nuclear missile program you say? (What nuclear program—nothing to see here... or the country's worst kept secret.) Militant Rocket Hit Base Linked to Israeli Nuclear Missile Program...

"A rocket most likely fired by Hamas militants during their Oct. 7 attack on Israel struck an Israeli military base where, experts say, many of the country’s nuclear-capable missiles are based, according to a visual analysis of the attack’s aftermath by The New York Times."

The report details the highly dangerous episode, noting that while no missiles or warheads were directly hit, a large fire was sparked and nearly spread to storage facilities that contained "sensitive weaponry" at the Sdot Micha military base in central Israel.

One weapons expert was cited as saying there may be up to 25 to 50 nuclear-capable Jericho missiles at the base where the fire raged. However, the nuclear warheads themselves are likely stored at a separate base, according to the analyst. But clearly the base in central Israel was directly targeted by Hamas, or also possibly Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) - which worked in concert.

The Times concludes that what happened on Oct.7 was even scarier in terms of the potential for a bigger catastrophic event than previously believed: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129155

File: 74e4938d89adbc8⋯.png (270.5 KB,500x289,500:289,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029911 (051813ZDEC23) Notable: FDA Shuts Down Enquiries About DNA Contamination In COVID Vaccines

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FDA Shuts Down Enquiries About DNA Contamination In COVID Vaccines


The recent findings of DNA fragments in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines has led many to question why the FDA, which is responsible for monitoring the quality and safety of the vaccines, has failed to sound the alarm.

For years, the FDA has known about the risk posed by residual DNA in vaccines. Its own guidance to industry states:

“Residual DNA might be a risk to your final product because of oncogenic and/or infectivity potential. There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration.”

Put simply, the FDA acknowledges the possibility that fragments of DNA left over by the manufacturing process can be incorporated into a patient’s own DNA, to potentially cause cancer.

FDA and WHO guidelines consider the amount of residual DNA in a single dose of traditional vaccine should not exceed 10 ng (one billionth of a gram).

But this limit – used for traditional vaccines – is unlikely to be relevant to the mRNA vaccines whose lipid nanoparticles can penetrate inside cells to deliver the mRNA efficiently.

A recent preprint paper by Speicher et al analysed batches of the monovalent and bivalent mRNA vaccines in Canada.

The authors found “the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose.”

Speicher et al also reported finding fragments of DNA larger than 200 base pairs (a measure of the length of the DNA) which also exceeds FDA guidelines.

Notably, the authors commented that for the Pfizer product, the higher the level of DNA fragments found in the vaccine, the higher the rate of serious adverse events.

Some experts say the risk of genome integration in humans is very low, but a recent publication in Nature found that around 7 percent of cells are integrated when mixed with a transfection solution containing linear pieces of DNA.

Is the FDA Concerned? Continue...

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2fac48 No.129156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029933 (051817ZDEC23) Notable: King Charles Delivers Highly-Politicised Speech To Support Collectivist Net Zero Project

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King Charles III Opens COP 28 With A Call To Global Paganism


King Charles III was the opening speaker for the COP 28 Global Warming Conference in Dubai, he did not disappoint. He called for a swift return to paganism, to be like the indigenous people who worshipped the earth, and to allow that to connect and drive our global society.

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2fac48 No.129157

File: 8b6810959810512⋯.png (1.14 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20029988 (051826ZDEC23) Notable: Rile up public to see climate change like WWII, a pandemic: journalist panel

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Rile up public to see climate change like WWII, a pandemic: journalist panel


Journalists affiliated with legacy media outlets like Global News and CBC demanded that newsrooms rile up Canadians to view climate change with the same urgency as a global pandemic or World War II.

While speaking at a Nov. 22 panel hosted by Simon Fraser University’s Community-Engaged Research Initiative (SFU CERi), a panel featuring former CBC Radio producer Donya Ziaee, Global News climate change reporter Kamyar Razavi and National Observer columnist Seth Klein demanded that the media employ the same tactics to cover climate change used during major global emergencies. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129158

File: ecbae86132100fb⋯.png (1.58 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030081 (051840ZDEC23) Notable: Carbon tax straining volunteer emergency services

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Carbon tax straining volunteer emergency services


Nova Scotia’s volunteer fire services is demanding a federal carbon tax exemption as it faces evermore stringent budget constraints.

The carbon tax added 14 to 17 cents per litre to the price of gas for Nova Scotians in July, with the price of propane and heating oil also increasing.

President and treasurer for the Island & Barrington Passage Volunteer Fire Department Garnet Sullivan was perplexed as to why these expenses should be passed onto emergency services.

“It’s a lot of money,” Sullivan told CBC News. “Let’s say our ladder truck or our main pumper is out on a large call and we’re there for six or eight hours.… We burn a lot of fuel.”

Sullivan’s department serves several nearby communities on the mainland as well as Cape Sable Island. While the kitchen at the firehall uses heat pumps, the firetruck bays are kept warm using oil heating.

Both the municipalities of the District of Barrington and the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth have requested a carve-out exemption from federal carbon pricing for volunteer emergency services. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129159

File: 9f2cb9a39323336⋯.png (1.19 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030179 (051857ZDEC23) Notable: Alberta gov criticizes federal methane emissions cap as “unrealistic” and “unconstitutional”

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Alberta gov criticizes federal methane emissions cap as “unrealistic” and “unconstitutional”


Alberta Premier Danielle Smith shot down any suggestion that a methane emissions cap would be implemented in the province on Monday after federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault announced new regulations at the COP28 conference in Dubai.

The new regulations call for methane emissions to be reduced by at least 75% from 2012 levels by 2030.

Smith accused Ottawa of embarking on an unrealistic, costly, and unconstitutional path.

“The federal government has unilaterally established new methane emissions rules and targets to help win international headlines,” wrote the statement co-authored by Smith and Alberta Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz.

The joint statement criticized Ottawa for trying to replace Alberta’s approach with costly, dangerous, and unconstitutional new federal regulations. According to the statement, the new regulations won’t benefit anyone beyond Guilbeault’s post-office career.

True North reported that Smith had previously criticized Guilbeault for other unconstitutional decisions, like the Impact Assessment Act. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129160

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030247 (051911ZDEC23) Notable: Ratio’d: Pierre Poilievre won’t say this about Canada’s housing crisis [Immigration] (video)

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Ratio’d | Pierre Poilievre won’t say this about Canada’s housing crisis


A video produced by Pierre Poilievre about Canada’s housing crisis is going viral on social media, amassing millions of views. But many Canadians noticed something was missing from his 15-minute analysis – any mention of Trudeau’s open borders mass immigration agenda. Last week, Abacus Research published a poll indicating that 69% of Canadians think immigration is negatively impacting the housing crisis and 62% of immigrants think Trudeau’s immigration levels are too high.

So why are the Conservatives refusing to talk about mass immigration?

Are they afraid of being called racist by their opposition? Are they afraid of alienating new immigrant voters? The data, year after year, has proven that Canadians want a serious conversation about immigration.

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2fac48 No.129161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030273 (051917ZDEC23) Notable: Speaker of the House Greg Fergus under fire speaking at Ontario Liberal leadership event

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Speaker of the House Greg Fergus under fire speaking at Ontario Liberal leadership event


Members of Parliament from the Conservative Party and Bloc Quebecois are calling for the resignation of Greg Fergus, the Speaker of the House of Commons.

The calls for resignation follow Fergus’ controversial appearance in a video at the leadership election for the Ontario Liberal Party, sparking widespread criticism and raising questions about the non-partisan nature of his position.

Dressed in his official Speaker’s robes and filmed in his office, Fergus’ appearance has been deemed inappropriate by MPs.

Andrew Scheer, a former Speaker of the House and Conservative House Leader, wrote a letter to Fergus and published the letter to X (formerly Twitter). Scheer’s letter deemed the conduct unacceptable, saying that it defied all longstanding traditions and expectations attached to the role of Speaker.

“This is incredibly inappropriate to have a person who fulfills a non-partisan, impartial role in the House of Commons participate in a political leadership election convention,” Scheer said in an interview with True North. “It undermines the trust that members have in the position of Speaker and is very damaging to the institution.”

The Conservatives have officially called on the Speaker to resign. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030387 (051936ZDEC23) Notable: CBC to lay off 700 people despite potential $100 million media bailout from Google

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CBC to lay off 700 people despite potential $100 million media bailout from Google


Apparently, the lion’s share of a $100 million media payout from Google isn’t enough to keep the CBC afloat as a new report reveals the public broadcaster is expected to announce major layoffs soon.

Reports from multiple sources, including Le Journal de Montreal, indicate that 600 to 700 employees across the country could be out of work.

Employees are scheduled to have a virtual meeting with CEO Catherine Tait on Monday to discuss the organization’s “financial challenges” and looming cuts.

These anticipated layoffs, affecting both English and French services, mark a significant reduction in CBC/Radio-Canada’s workforce, with over 300 positions in Quebec on the line.

Ottawa recently reached a deal with Google, which promised to pay legacy media $100 million a year. As reported by True North, CBC would be the largest beneficiary of C-18. The public broadcaster is poised to receive up to a third of this fund as it employs a significant share of journalists within Canada.

Catherine Tait sent an email to all employees on November 29. The email said that she wanted to “provide an update on [the] financial challenges and “give an update on what’s coming in the next few months.”

Last November, Tait announced that “difficult efforts” would be required to reduce CBC’s expenses by $100 million over the next three years. Job cuts were not ruled out.

During the same month, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) said that CBC bonuses and raises had cost taxpayers $156 million since 2015. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030411 (051941ZDEC23) Notable: CBC to lay off 700 people despite potential $100 million media bailout from Google

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CBC President Catherine Tait won’t rule out giving substantial bonuses despite laying off hundreds of employees


‘It’s too early to say where we are for this year,’ said the CBC president and CEO.

During an interview with CBC News Chief Correspondent Adrienne Arsenault, CBC President Catherine Tait refused to say whether bonuses will be awarded to staff this year.

Speaking about bonuses, Arsenault said to Tait, "Can we establish that that is not happening this year?"

Tait responded, "It’s too early to say where we are for this year. We'll be looking at that like we do all our line items in the coming months."

Arsenault pressed Tait, asking, "So there's a chance bonuses could still happen at a time when jobs are being cut?"

Tait replied, "Again, I'm not going to comment on something that hasn't been discussed at this point."

Just yesterday, the public broadcaster announced that CBC and Radio Canada will be laying off approximately 800 employees in total.

As reported by the National Post, "CBC attributed the cuts to 'the same structural factors affecting all media companies,' which the broadcaster specified include rising production costs, declining television advertising revenue and fierce competition from tech giants."

According to documents obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), “The CBC handed out more than $16 million in bonuses to staff in 2022."

The CTF also noted, "Last year, CBC management issued bonuses to 1,142 employees, for an average of $14,056 per staffer and a total cost to taxpayers of $16,052,148."

Despite announcing the layoff of approximately 10% of its workforce less than a month before Christmas, Catherine Tait was tight-lipped while discussing potential bonuses for staff this year.

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2fac48 No.129164

File: af7e299c590a788⋯.png (1.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030571 (052005ZDEC23) Notable: Canada denies entry to dozens of Iranian officials, with dozens more under investigation

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Canada denies entry to dozens of Iranian officials, with dozens more under investigation


As of November 20, CBSA has denied 78 people entry into Canada following a review of 17,800 visa applications for potential inadmissibility. Courtesy of tips from the public and referrals from Immigration Canada, authorities are also investigating 141 persons of interest with status in Canada. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129165

File: 6a35981c514be4d⋯.png (618.91 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030618 (052015ZDEC23) Notable: Investor group accuses Mark Carney’s firm Brookfield of underreporting carbon emissions

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Investor group accuses Mark Carney’s firm Brookfield of underreporting carbon emissions


The group particularly points out the omission of emissions from Oaktree Capital Management, a company majority-owned by Brookfield and accounting for 22% of its assets under management. Oaktree reportedly has stakes in at least 118 fossil fuel assets.

Mark Carney's private equity firm, Brookfield, faces allegations from the campaign group Investors for Paris Compliance (I4PC) of significantly underreporting its carbon emissions. I4PC claims that the actual emissions could be up to 13 times higher than Brookfield's official disclosures, accusing Canada's largest private equity investor of omitting substantial parts of its business in its reports.

Carney, the former Bank of England governor, chairs Brookfield and also serves as a special UN envoy for climate finance and action. I4PC alleges that Brookfield has only reported emissions for about 50% of its assets, the Telegraph reported. The group particularly points out the omission of emissions from Oaktree Capital Management, a company majority-owned by Brookfield and accounting for 22% of its assets under management. Oaktree reportedly has stakes in at least 118 fossil fuel assets.

Furthermore, I4PC criticizes Brookfield for excluding "downstream" emissions, which are the emissions produced by the companies it finances. While Brookfield reported 11.8 million tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2022, an analysis conducted by Private Equity Climate Risks (PECR) for I4PC estimated that Brookfield's total emissions across all energy investments in 2023 could be as high as 159 million tonnes.

Kyra Bell-Pasht, I4PC’s director of research and policy, commented on the disparity, stating, "Brookfield positions itself as a leader in financing the net-zero transition, but it is still a major fossil fuel funder." She emphasized the need for Brookfield to fully report its climate transition risks and not solely focus on positive developments in renewables.

Brookfield has disputed these figures, questioning the clarity of inputs and methodology used in the analysis. A spokesperson for the firm highlighted concerns about potential misconstructions of their corporate structure and the context of emissions data, which could lead to significant inaccuracies.

Mark Carney, in his role at Brookfield, has committed to achieving net-zero financed emissions by 2050 for the firm's portfolio. He has been vocal in urging CEOs and policymakers worldwide to accelerate efforts towards net-zero targets. Speaking at the COP28 conference, Carney highlighted the importance of accountability among oil and gas companies and countries in their environmental commitments.

Brookfield, managing over $850 million in investor funds, is at the center of these allegations, raising questions about the accuracy of carbon emissions reporting and the accountability of major investors in the transition to a net-zero economy.

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2fac48 No.129166

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030695 (052027ZDEC23) Notable: Opposition parties won't be able to question witnesses or see all the evidence in foreign interference inquiry

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Opposition parties won't be able to question witnesses or see all the evidence in foreign interference inquiry


Commissioner Marie-Josee Hogue ruled that the Conservative Party and NDP will have intervener status in the inquiry, as opposed to full party standing.

Members of Canadian opposition parties will not be able to ask questions in the upcoming foreign interference inquiry, a judge has decided.

Commissioner Marie-Josée Hogue on Monday laid down a ruling dividing participants in the inquiry into two groups. The Conservative and New Democratic Parties will be granted “intervenor standing,” giving them the ability to make submissions and see public evidence. Those with “party standing” will be able to see all evidence and question witnesses.

The Liberal Party of Canada itself appears not to have applied for status. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129167

File: ef0cf6bda10e409⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030728 (052035ZDEC23) Notable: Feds testify on $173 million COVID-19 vaccine factory that never got built

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Feds testify on $173 million COVID-19 vaccine factory that never got built


In October 2020, the Trudeau Liberals signed a 'non-refundable' advance purchase agreement with Medicago despite no reassurances that Health Canada would approve the vaccine for consumption.

The feds admitted Monday that their $323 million taxpayer gambit into Medicago failed without a factory built or a single COVID jab administered.

The Department of Public Works acknowledged it "took a risk" in subsidizing the manufacturer’s plant located in Minister Jean-Yves Duclos’ riding, reported Blacklock’s Reporter.

"We took a risk of putting contracts with various suppliers for enough vaccines for all Canadians," said Joelle Paquette, director general with the public works department.

In October 2020, the Trudeau Liberals signed a "non-refundable" advance purchase agreement with Medicago despite no reassurances that Health Canada would approve the vaccine for consumption.

Conservative MP Rick Perkins called the arrangement "just unbelievable," which Paquette confirmed as unusual contracting.

"We did not know at the time which vaccines would actually be authorized," she said. "There was no vaccine that existed at the time we put these contracts in place. We took a risk." Continue...

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2fac48 No.129168

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030764 (052045ZDEC23) Notable: Pfizer Under Fire: Texas attorney general’s lawsuit claims misrepresentation and censorship collusion (video)

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Pfizer Under Fire: Texas attorney general’s lawsuit claims misrepresentation and censorship collusion


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launched a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical giant last week, citing misrepresentation of efficacy and conspiracy to censor public discussion.

Pfizer is under fire as Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launched a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical behemoth last week that claims the manufacturer of the novel mRNA injections misrepresented its product then conspired to censor anyone who pointed it out.

“Pfizer engaged in false, deceptive and misleading acts and practices by making unsupported claims regarding the company's COVID-19 vaccine in violation of the Texas Deceptive Trades Practices Act,” a press release issued by Paxton reads.

Paxton calls Pfizer out for its 95% efficacy claims and how it used misleading relative risk reduction statistics to skew public perception of the novel mRNA product.

That was a topic of discussion that Rebel News covered two years ago in December of 2021 with clinical research and medical analysis expert Deanna McLeod.

“The manner in which [Pfizer] was reporting efficacy was talking about relative-risk reductions,” details McLeod. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129169

File: 2238b507c3577a9⋯.png (898.72 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20030988 (052142ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian House of Commons committee admits China operated ‘police service stations’ in 3 cities

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Canadian House of Commons committee admits China operated ‘police service stations’ in 3 cities


'To date, no individuals have been arrested or had their diplomatic credentials removed in relation to the overseas police service stations.'

Canadians learned last Wednesday from MPs that “yes,” the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operated police “stations” in multiple locations in Canada, which allegedly serve to target its citizens abroad, but no one has been held accountable yet for allowing this to happen.

As per Blacklock’s Reporter, the Special Committee on Canada-China Relations noted in a report to Parliament titled Chinese Communist Party’s Overseas Police Service Stations that despite the CCP “police service stations” operating in three major Canadian cities, there have been “no arrests” made.

“To date, no individuals have been arrested or had their diplomatic credentials removed in relation to the overseas police service stations,” the committee wrote in its report.

The police stations are currently being investigated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) including “formal diplomatic protests to the Chinese Ambassador.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129170

File: 6aa2eb3fb4b5d5e⋯.png (602.05 KB,1250x746,625:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20031040 (052155ZDEC23) Notable: Neurology professor says Canada likely paid more for COVID vaccines than all other countries

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Neurology professor says Canada likely paid more for COVID vaccines than all other countries


While the official number remains secret, neurology professor Steven Pelech estimated Canada paid $38 per shot compared to $22-$23 paid per shot by the United States and Europe.

A neurology professor says that Canada likely paid the highest prices in the world for the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

On November 26, University of British Columbia professor Steven Pelech joined pro-family and pro-freedom activists, including Member of European Parliament Christine Anderson, in Vancouver where he discussed Canada’s handling of COVID vaccines.

“So, it was negotiated, of course it was a secret contract,” he said, referring to the sale of experimental COVID vaccines in Canada. “We still don’t know what we paid per shot.”

While the official number is unknown, Pelech revealed that the Auditor General of Canada “gave us a clue, and it was close to $38 per shot” for the Pfizer vaccine.

This number is compared to United States and Europe paying about $22-$23 a shot. Notably, the vaccine cost Pfizer about U.S.$1.18 per shot to produce.

Additionally, in his upcoming book, Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic, Pelech wrote that vaccine in Albania, Brazil, and South Africa cost U.S.$12, U.S.$10, and U.S.$10, respectively.

“Canada has paid the highest prices in probably the world for these vaccines,” he added.

According to Pelech, the Canadian government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, negotiated to purchase seven COVID shots for each Canadian. He added that the deal was set before the vaccines were approved in Canada.

Notably, Pelech’s comments come just days before a Statistic Canada report showed that deaths from both COVID-19 and “unspecified causes” surged following the release of the so-called “safe and effective” vaccines. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129171

File: a261eed5329a94b⋯.png (2 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20033958 (061428ZDEC23) Notable: Zelensky Blows Off Congress as Republicans Walk Out of Ukraine Funding Meet: “There Has to be Border Security First”

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Zelensky Blows Off Congress as Republicans Walk Out of Ukraine Funding Meet: “There Has to be Border Security First”


Several Republican senators walked out of a briefing on Ukraine aid Tuesday as it descended into a row over the border crisis, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky unexpectedly canceled a video link appearance to appeal for more US money.

Utah Senator Mitt Romney and Nebraska Sen Deb Fischer walker out of the classified briefing early, the AP reported, saying that Republicans were angry they heard nothing on the migrant crisis at the US-Mexico border.

“The briefers were saying things we’ve all known, we can read about in any newspaper, had been said publicly,” Romney told reporters according to AP. “There’s nothing new in what they’re describing, and Republicans are saying that there’s support for Ukraine, but there has to be security of our border.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was supposed to try and cajole Congress to approve an emergency aid package of more than $60 billion for Kyiv Wednesday.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Zelensky had been prevented from taking part by a “last minute” hiccup, but pressed ahead with the briefing anyway — only for the proceedings to turn into a war of words, AP reports.

Senate Republicans are making their support for extra Ukraine funding contingent on reforms of the fake “asylum” scam and restored border security — measures the Democrats have already rejected. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129172

File: 7217fb1102cd24d⋯.png (703.33 KB,1021x572,1021:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034112 (061510ZDEC23) Notable: German FM Baerbock Scolds Hungarian PM Orbán Over His Vetoes of Ukrainian EU Ascension and Further Military Aid for Kiev

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German FM Baerbock Scolds Hungarian PM Orbán Over His Vetoes of Ukrainian EU Ascension and Further Military Aid for Kiev


Germans will be Germans.

For a long time, any European Union action meant basically doing Germany’s bidding. And it may or not have made sense to do so, in the past.

But since at least since 2015, Germans have championed a frankly suicidal policy of open borders ushering in an age of unchecked mass migration that has all but destroyed the social fabric of so many European societies.

The current governing coalition led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz is extremely unpopular and dysfunctional in many ways – but they still feel entitled to dictate the direction in which Europe must follow.

And so it happened that, during a meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock rebuked Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for his vetoes on launching EU membership talks with Ukraine, and also of approving new financial aid for Kiev.

Conservative Champion Orbán is the man the MSM loves to hate. The suspected reasons for his vetoes are a) he is ‘determined to derail support for Ukraine’ – a.k.a. ‘Putin’s puppet’, or b) blackmail of Brussels, to unblocking EU funds.

This is incredibly dishonest, since the list of Hungarians grievances is long and very serious. Did you know that the Hungarian minority in Ukraine is forbidden to use their mother tongue in school? There you go: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129173

File: 8aa9827daaa9ca6⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x574,512:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034147 (061517ZDEC23) Notable: Despite All the Climate Alarmism Over ‘Global Warming’ at the COP28, the Northern Hemisphere Suffers Through Blistering Cold Temperatures at the Onset of Winter

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Despite All the Climate Alarmism Over ‘Global Warming’ at the COP28, the Northern Hemisphere Suffers Through Blistering Cold Temperatures at the Onset of Winter


‘Forget about the extreme cold’, they’ll say – ‘it’s Global Warming!’

During all 2023, we had to bear the climate alarmist cult shouting to the winds how ‘this year was by far the hottest one in recorded history’.

But the alarmists seem to have jumped the gun, since the year hasn’t ended yet – and the winter has come with a blistering vengeance against the Northern Hemisphere.

It is also fitting that this wave of extreme cold should hit right as the chief Climate Fearmongers are all gathered at the COP28 in Dubai peddling their ‘Global Warming’ hoaxes. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129174

File: a9d9f475c0b2f24⋯.png (142.72 KB,547x812,547:812,Clipboard.png)

File: a7a7d2fa158927a⋯.png (111.77 KB,545x806,545:806,Clipboard.png)

File: cdb38cf3d8ecff1⋯.png (81.4 KB,275x184,275:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 7be55779c71f035⋯.png (1.63 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034210 (061531ZDEC23) Notable: Ignored by COP28 Death Cult: Major Study Finds Nine Times more Deaths Due to Freezing Cold than to Heat Deaths Every Year

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Ignored by COP28 Death Cult: Major Study Finds Nine Times more Deaths Due to Freezing Cold than to Heat Deaths Every Year


A Lancet study revealed that cold weather is responsible for approximately 90% of the 5.1 million annual excess deaths attributed to temperature.

We could use some more heat.

Via Kanekoa.

And less people are dying from naturaly disasters and climate today than at any time in history.

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2fac48 No.129175

File: 4454159e6ae2013⋯.png (340.98 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: eaace9c3326f555⋯.png (325.27 KB,500x328,125:82,Clipboard.png)

File: e76e9f91c399663⋯.png (370.68 KB,500x330,50:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034269 (061544ZDEC23) Notable: "Has Kyiv Already Lost?" - Germany's Welt Newspaper Claims Ukraine Is "Crumbling" & That Orbán Was Right But "Nobody Dares Admit It"

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"Has Kyiv Already Lost?" – Germany's Welt Newspaper Claims Ukraine Is "Crumbling" & That Orbán Was Right But "Nobody Dares Admit It"


Germany’s Welt newspaper, perhaps the most popular publication in the country, is well known for its pro-Ukraine stance and ran numerous articles in the past about the likely success of Ukraine’s military offensive against Russia.

However, in a column published yesterday by the paper’s chief correspondent, Sascha Lehnartz, the assessment of Ukraine’s chances in the war is decidedly bleak.

Entitled “Has Kyiv already lost?” the article describes Ukraine’s military growing increasingly despondent to the point that the country’s commander-in-chief admits there is a “stalemate” at the front.

“Winter is just around the corner. The counteroffensive seems to have failed. The allies are weary. And since the beginning of November at the latest, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has a new opponent who was not necessarily to be expected: his own commander-in-chief, Valery Zaluzhny,” writes Die Welt.

Welt is referring to a recent interview in the Economist, in which Ukraine’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, stated that “(a)s in the First World War, we have reached a technical level that puts us in a stalemate situation” and that in order for Ukraine to win, it would take miracle weapons to defeat the Russians, “like Chinese gunpowder.”

The paper details how the admission from Zaluzhny is a clear embarrassment for Zelensky.

“Everyone is tired and there are different opinions, regardless of their status,” said Zelensky in response to the comments at a press conference with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, adding:

“But it’s not a stalemate.” His deputy bureau chief, Ihor Zhovkva said that talks of a stalemate “makes the aggressor’s job easier” and causes “panic” among Ukraine’s allies. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129176

File: 99f0f20618eb61b⋯.png (83.77 KB,500x270,50:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 536ceedc8cd8807⋯.png (26.6 KB,500x59,500:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034308 (061555ZDEC23) Notable: Bank of Canada Keeps Rates At 5% As Expected, Drops Language On Rising Inflation Risks

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Bank of Canada Keeps Rates At 5% As Expected, Drops Language On Rising Inflation Risks


The Bank of Canada kept its overnight lending rate at 5% for the third consecutive meeting - where it has been since mid-July and tied for the highest rate since April 2001 - in line with Wall Street estimates, and acknowledging a stalled economy while keeping the door open to further hikes as they watch for more progress on slowing inflation

Echoing similar dovish twists by other central banks, BOC officials said recent data suggest the economy is no longer in “excess demand” and their hiking campaign is dampening spending and price pressures. As a result, the statement dropped its October language about rising inflationary risks even as it reiterated that it was prepared to hike if needed.

“Governing council is still concerned about the risks to the outlook for inflation and remains prepared to raise the policy rate further if needed,” the bank said, adding that they want to see “further and sustained easing in core inflation.”

Here are some highlights from the statement: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034544 (061633ZDEC23) Notable: Putin's Saudi Visit To Talk OPEC+ Cuts & Gaza War Highlights US Failure To Isolate Russia

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Putin's Saudi Visit To Talk OPEC+ Cuts & Gaza War Highlights US Failure To Isolate Russia


Russian President Vladimir Putin hasn't embarked on a lot of international travel since the Hague-based ICC issued an arrest warrant for him back in March, related to the Ukraine war. His most significant trip came in October to Beijing, where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Wednesday will see the Russian leader make his first visit to the Middle East in a long time, and since the ICC warrant was issued. By it, he'll seek to demonstrate that Western sanctions have not isolated him and that Russia can still assert its influence in the Middle East and elsewhere.

He's expected to meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) and President of the United Arab Emirates Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan—with the Israel-Hamas war high on the agenda. Of course, neither Gulf leaders have signed the founding ICC treaty, and their meeting with Putin is sure to greatly annoy Washington and European leaders. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129178

File: 9411dcadae70231⋯.png (747.68 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034744 (061704ZDEC23) Notable: Canada has least amount of doctors per capita than any other OECD country

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Canada has least amount of doctors per capita than any other OECD country


A new report found that over 95% of people in developed countries have regular access to a primary care provider. However, Canada trails behind in key areas compared to other Organization for Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.

Monday’s Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) report revealed that Canada has fewer physicians per capita and spends the least of its total health budget on primary care.

The report also found that Canada has a relatively high rate of maternal and infant mortality.

In contrast, every resident is automatically assigned a family doctor in Norway. The Netherlands offers 24-hour daily access to primary care through various after-hours care programs. In Britain, every newborn has to be registered with a local medical practice within six weeks of birth.

Data compiled by Statistics Canada in 2021 shows that 14.4% of Canadians lack a regular health care provider.

Additionally, older doctors are beginning to retire and younger doctors are moving away from traditional family practice, meaning the number of patients without access to primary care is expected to rise.

“We have to have a goal of guaranteed access to primary care and fund it appropriately,” said Tara Kiran, co-author of the report and a family doctor at St. Michael’s Hospital in an interview with the Globe and Mail. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129179

File: 783daf96e9d0190⋯.png (1.55 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034775 (061709ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian students’ math scores continue to drop in international rankings

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Canadian students’ math scores continue to drop in international rankings


Canadian students are lagging in mathematics compared to their international peers, according to global rankings compiled by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

The test is conducted every three years and measures 15-year-olds in the subjects of math, science and reading. During the latest round of assessments, PISA placed its focus on math, with fewer questions devoted to science and reading.

The assessment was released on Tuesday and revealed that Canada’s overall scores have declined by 35 points from 2003 to 2022.

In the area of math, only 12% of Canadian students ranked as high achievers, scoring at Level 5 or 6. In Singapore, 41% of students scored at the top level, in Hong Kong, it was 27% and in Japan and South Korea, it was 23%.

In 2022, the test was conducted in 81 countries, with Canada enrolling 23,000 high-school students to participate. The test helps guide curriculum changes and future policy decisions around education and also serves as a review of government action.

With Canadian math scores steadily declining over the years, math pedagogy has been a focus of debate amongst parents, politicians and educators.

Some experts and parents have been campaigning for a back-to-basics approach, with more of an emphasis on math’s fundamentals as opposed to an inquiry-model, that uses pattern discovery and problem-solving to educate in a more open-ended fashion. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129180

File: 118339c3926b864⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034804 (061715ZDEC23) Notable: The cost of baby formula continues to rise as supply becomes more scarce

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The cost of baby formula continues to rise as supply becomes more scarce


Canadian parents are stuck between a rock and a hard place when faced with the rising cost and dwindling supply of baby formula.

Ashleigh Ottley, a 20-year-old mother from Chilliwack, B.C. who is unable to produce enough breast milk following an emergency C-section said that she has had to have family members living in other parts of the country mail her formula.

Her son Colt is only able to stomach the Similac formula, which has become evermore difficult to procure at grocery outlets like Walmart.

“At what point do you stop calling it a shortage because it’s been so long?” Ottley told CBC News in an interview.

Supply chain shortages from U.S. manufacturers are being felt by families with small infants across Canada, and with fewer supplies available, the price continues to rise.

Between September 2022 and September 2023, the price of formula went up by over 20%, going from $31 per bottle to over $38 per bottle.

“Infant formula has risen [in price] almost five times more than the average food product in a grocery store since March of 2022,” said Dalhousie University food policy researcher Sylvain Charlebois. “That is pretty significant.”

Ottley’s son Colt consumes between 24 and 30 ounces of formula daily, costing his mother over $280 per month.

“It’s rough,” said Ottley. “I’m spending $70 a week, when I could be putting that money in a gas tank.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129181

File: 0dc4f93f254f7a9⋯.png (2.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034889 (061729ZDEC23) Notable: Ottawa pauses 'unmarked graves' contract over lack of Indigenous heritage

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Ottawa pauses 'unmarked graves' contract over lack of Indigenous heritage


Ottawa has paused its $2 million contract on locating alleged 'unmarked graves,' owing to push back from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. They voiced concerns about the Dutch-based Commission's lack of Indigenous heritage.

Ottawa has paused its $2 million contract on locating alleged 'unmarked graves,' owing to push back from Indigenous Canadians.

A spokesperson for Indigenous Relations Minister Gary Anandasangaree confirmed that "concerns" had been relayed about their contract with the International Commission on Missing Persons. "We are working to determine a path forward," said Matthieu Perrotin in a statement to the Canadian Press.

In February, Ottawa reached an agreement with the Dutch-based commission on behalf of First Nations across Western Canada and parts of Ontario to use ground-penetrating radar to locate possible graves at former residential schools. The commission specializes in finding people who have disappeared, reported the publication.

Initially, it planned an outreach campaign on its DNA analysis and other forensic techniques that could expedite efforts, however that came to a screeching halt after the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation voiced concerns about its lack of Indigenous heritage.

The centre and government-appointed interlocutor Kimberly Murray, a former executive director of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, concurred that such work must be Indigenous-led to account for communal sensitives on the matter. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129182

File: d6fb2dbc2f14939⋯.png (3.93 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0220b5f680b9432⋯.png (161.69 KB,542x630,271:315,Clipboard.png)

File: f0a51497a588137⋯.png (149.7 KB,537x647,537:647,Clipboard.png)

File: e783b4f1f723ec8⋯.png (282.36 KB,538x737,538:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034921 (061734ZDEC23) Notable: Information commissioner's office recommends criminal investigations after record destruction

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Information commissioner's office recommends criminal investigations after record destruction


The Globe and Mail states, 'Canada’s information laws are supposed to punish public servants that wrongfully keep information secret. But when it comes to laying charges, watchdogs find those laws have no teeth.'

The Office of Caroline Maynard has referred seven cases for investigation or criminal referral, according to records previously released in response to an access request and information.

However, no charges have ever been laid.

Reporting by The Globe and Mail's Tom Cardoso and Robyn Doolittle on the findings has noted the lack of consequences faced by bureaucrats who break Canada's access filing regulations.

"Canada’s information laws are supposed to punish public servants that wrongfully keep information secret. But when it comes to laying charges, watchdogs find those laws have no teeth," stated the Globe.

Rebel News routinely experiences years-long delays in access filings. One recent document on the RCMP's efforts to find a new sidearm was five years overdue.

Frequent delays of up to a year and a half are commonplace when Rebel News files for access to documents.

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2fac48 No.129183

File: a789f66a47553d1⋯.png (4.2 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 754f6e52d0cf545⋯.png (189 KB,542x700,271:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e9e9706328f567⋯.png (218.7 KB,540x735,36:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20034973 (061741ZDEC23) Notable: The push to outlaw 'residential school denialism' continues

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The push to outlaw 'residential school denialism' continues


The Liberal's special adviser wants to criminalize members of the public for engaging in 'residential school denialism' and 'minimizing.'

A special interlocutor appointed by the Liberals says Indigenous leaders want Canada to move on criminalizing residential school denialism and has written recommendations for the same.

In her interim report, Kimberly Murray, the former executive director of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada and current Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves at former residential schools, is encouraging lawmakers to consider "legal mechanisms" to address the "minimizing" and "denialism" of abuse against Indigenous children who attended residential schools.

While her interim report was released in June, its recommendations gained new attention after a more recent Canadian Press article published that a spokesperson for Federal Justice Minister Arif Virani claims he is "considering the options" raised by Murray.

According to the Canadian Press, Murray suggested amending the Criminal Code to criminalize residential school denialism, adding that "Ottawa did so last year on the issue of Holocaust denialism."

While the terms "denialism" and "minimizing" were never clearly defined, Murray claims that everyone in Indigenous leadership wants to see such an amendment take place.

Murray further claims that there is a troubling rise in denialism regarding what former residential school students and their communities claim about children going missing or dying at such institutions, as well as unmarked graves. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129184

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20035078 (061801ZDEC23) Notable: 50-year-old man 'identifying' as teenage girl competes in swim competition, uses girls' changeroom (video)

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50-year-old man 'identifying' as teenage girl competes in swim competition, uses girls' changeroom


Nicholas Cepeda 'transitioned' several years after puberty… so why is this dude being accommodated? Why isn’t he swimming in the 'Other' category, as per World Aquatics regulations?

There was perversity in the pool at the East Bayfield Community Centre in Barrie, Ont., last weekend.

This was the venue for the Trojan Cup swimming competition. And guess who dropped by for a dip in the pool? That would be none other than Nicholas Cepeda, a.k.a., “Melody Wiseheart."

We first got wind of Cepeda back in October when he competed at a swim meet in Markham, Ont. We were tipped off by concerned parents that this 50-year-old biological man prefers to compete with teenage girls, some as young as 13! And incredibly, everyone from the Barrie Trojans Swim Club to Swim Ontario to Swim Canada seems to be perfectly fine with this gender-bending grifter breaking the rules. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129185

File: 4dc1de34fcef0d2⋯.png (876.18 KB,1456x1048,182:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 15eef7cf0841b05⋯.png (262.23 KB,632x515,632:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 0beb4aa13019fd5⋯.pdf (149.15 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20036177 (062220ZDEC23) Notable: Canadians are dying of "unspecified causes" at skyrocketing numbers since 2020 - StatCan

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Canadians are dying of "unspecified causes" at skyrocketing numbers since 2020 - StatCan


According to a recent Statistics Canada report, occurrences of "unspecified causes" of death in the country have skyrocketed since 2020. Not only has this number spiked dramatically, but in 2022, it became the 5th leading cause of death in Canada.

The report shows that in 2019, there were 3,378 cases of "unspecified causes" of death. This number more than doubled to 6,841 in 2020, rose to 9,471 in 2021, and then surged to a whopping 16,043 deaths in 2022.

You can review the report at the link below.


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2fac48 No.129186

File: f5368233b088cd5⋯.png (935.66 KB,812x502,406:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20036219 (062228ZDEC23) Notable: Saskatchewan set to defy Trudeau gov’t, stop collecting carbon tax on electric home heat

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Saskatchewan set to defy Trudeau gov’t, stop collecting carbon tax on electric home heat


Premier Scott Moe is ignoring a threat from Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that he could serve jail time for failing to impose the tax.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe now says that starting January 1 his province will no longer collect a federally imposed carbon tax on electric heat in addition to natural gas despite a threat from the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that he could serve jail time should he defy the feds.

Moe and Saskatchewan Party MLA Jim Lemaigreas made the announcement last Thursday in a video posted on X (formerly Twitter).

“We are going to need to determine who is heating their home with electricity and then estimate the percentage of their power bill that is being used for that heat,” Moe said.

Moe added that his government is working out how to stop collecting the carbon tax on electric home heat. Regardless, anyone using electric heat in the province or natural gas to warm their home will not pay a federal carbon tax.

According to Moe, extending the carbon tax exemption to electric heat makes sense because 15 percent of people in the province use it to heat their homes. The other 85 percent use natural gas to heat their homes.

January and February can bring brutally cold temperatures to many parts of the province, and natural gas-fired furnaces are best at handling extreme temperatures. However, many in the province, especially those in the north, use electric heaters to heat their homes.

Moe noted how Saskatchewan owns its natural gas utility SaskEnergy, which by extension means taxpayers own it. He said the move to stop collecting the tax is ideal given the province controls its utilities, which acts as a safeguard from federal overreach.

“Well, we also own the electrical utility, and that’s why our government has decided that SaskPower will also stop collecting the carbon tax on electric heat,” Moe said.

On October 30, Moe first announced that he would stop collecting the carbon tax on home heating starting January 1, after Trudeau suspended his carbon tax on home heating oil, which is almost exclusively used in Atlantic Canada to heat homes, and not in his province. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129187

File: a1ce8bc53f2a73a⋯.png (487.85 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20036254 (062236ZDEC23) Notable: Ontario city officials could ban abortion victim photographs on public property

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Ontario city officials could ban abortion victim photographs on public property


During the meeting, Councilor Sam Trosow recognized that both the 2022 bylaw and the newly proposed motion violate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

City councilors in London, Ontario, have passed a motion to consider banning all images of unborn children from public property.

On Tuesday, December 5, councilors Hadleigh McAlister and Sam Trosow brought this motion to the city’s Community and Protective Services Committee to expand the controversial 2022 bylaw that bans all images of fetuses from being openly delivered to private homes. The new motion seeks to ban pro-life demonstrations on sidewalks with so-called “graphic images,” meaning any images of unborn children, either whole or dismembered.

During the meeting, Councilor Trosow recognized that both the 2022 bylaw and the newly proposed motion violate the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

“[The bylaw] created a burden on freedom of expression and indeed constituted a violation of section 2b of the Charter… There is no dispute of that,” he said.

“It was a content-based measure, and it limited otherwise permissible speech.”

Despite this admission, the councilor attempted to justify this infringement by citing Section 1 of the Charter, commonly known as the Reasonable Limits clause.

The five councilors of the committee, Jerry Pribil, Elizabeth Peloza, David Ferreira, Sam Trosow, and Hadleigh McAlister all unanimously voted in favor of the motion. The motion calls for a public participation meeting on the proposed bylaw amendment as well as city staff to generate a report for the committee on the subject.

London is only one of a series of Canadian cities that have restricted free speech for pro-life activists. Blaise Alleyne of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform told LifeSiteNews that Toronto, Calgary, and St. Catharines have all implemented their own restrictions on delivering photographs of aborted remains of children to homes.

Alleyne said that this new motion, however, would be the first of its kind. “No city has passed any legislation that restricts pro-life signs on the sidewalks,” he said. “It would just be such a brazen violation of the Charter” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129188

File: 359a1bb39bc01e4⋯.png (1.21 MB,1568x848,98:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20036332 (062251ZDEC23) Notable: Rile up public to see climate change like WWII, a pandemic: journalist panel

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Journalists suggest reporting on ‘climate change’ like war or COVID to rile up Canadians


Regardless of researched data to the contrary, politicians and media continue to push the narrative that there is a climate crisis and carbon emissions must be reduced to 'save' the planet.

A panel of journalists has instructed mainstream media to rile up Canadians to consider “climate change” as serious as war or a pandemic to encourage political and civil action.

On November 22, Simon Fraser University’s Community-Engaged Research Initiative (SFU CERi) hosted a panel for mainstream media journalists which focused on “the responsibility of Canadian media in the climate emergency.”

“[During the ‘pandemic’] we heard a lot of scientists on the air, they were the voices of authority,” former CBC Radio producer Donya Ziaee said. “Public health officials also got quite a bit of air time and sometimes were approached not critically enough or questioned about the policies they were enacting.”

“The point is there was a clear decision to devote the resources and airtime it took to treat the pandemic with the urgency and gravity that it called for and we’ve seen no vision or leadership of that kind from the CBC when it comes to the climate crisis,” she added. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129189

File: 33aba2b6b442116⋯.png (1.64 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20036510 (062331ZDEC23) Notable: Forbes names ‘most powerful woman’ award winner: Ursula von der Leyen second year running

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Forbes names ‘most powerful woman’ award winner


Ursula von der Leyen’s backing of Ukraine saw her take the spot for a second year running

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has been named ‘The World’s Most Powerful Woman’ by Forbes magazine for the second year in a row. She beat off competition from European Central Bank chief Christine Lagarde and US Vice President Kamala Harris to clinch the top spot.

Von der Leyen rose from eighth on the annual list in 2021 to first in 2022, with Forbes citing her “strong and decisive support of Ukraine, as well as her continued leadership in bringing Europe through the coronavirus pandemic.”

Her support for Ukraine was cited again this year, with the magazine describing her as “one of the West's staunchest supporters of Ukraine amid Russia's unprovoked invasion.”

Unlike in 2022, von der Leyen did not get a feature article this year, with Forbes simply naming her atop its list on Wednesday and updating its biography of her. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129190

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20037197 (070221ZDEC23) Notable: Cancer Patients Be Dammed, This Is Medically Assisted MURDER, Not “Assistance in Dying” (video)

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Cancer Patients Be Dammed, This Is Medically Assisted MURDER, Not “Assistance in Dying”


A grieving family is speaking out after a B.C. cancer patient awaiting treatment chose MAID because the long wait and pain was unbearable.

Meanwhile a woman with cancer was told to consider “assisted suicide” by Canadian doctors but instead she went to the US for treatment and lived.

There is a resistance to MAID in Canada and there is also a group of death cult activists who are actively trying to shut it down!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest news regarding Canada’s controversial MAID program and also the resistance movement that seeks to provide support and advocacy for authentic, dignified palliative care through a euthanasia-free program.

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2fac48 No.129191

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20038218 (070624ZDEC23) Notable: The Woke Indoctrination of Canadian Lawyers: Roger Song

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The Woke Indoctrination of Canadian Lawyers: Roger Song


You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

In 1949 China fell to communism, and their promise to the workers was much the same. Farmers were granted land to work with a promise that all their needs would be met by the government, as long as they did as they were told.

Roger Song was born two years before the Maoist cultural revolution in 1966. One of two children, he remembers that he and his family lived on 20 eggs a month, two kilos of meat, rice and a few vegetables. All provided by the government under a social credit score system.

Roger immigrated to Canada twenty three years ago. He has been practicing law here since 2008. Roger is suing the Alberta Law Society over their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda, which has been codified by the society under section 67.4 of their mandate. Section 67.4 allows the society not only to dictate that lawyers complete continuing education requirements, but what exactly those requirements are. This year’s course, titled The Path, is a five hour indoctrination video on indigenous culture. Failure to complete the course, which has everything to do with woke politics, and nothing to do with practicing law, will result in suspension of a lawyer’s license.

Roger remembers being subjected to indoctrination growing up in China. The government told people what to believe, where they could go, what they could eat, and above all, what they could and could not say.

In this interview, Roger Song reveals the startling parallels between the woke movement in Canada that is infecting our schools, our colleges and of course the internet, with Chinese Maoism. A system that promised you would own nothing, and you would be happy.

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2fac48 No.129192

File: b5e1057fa25ae2b⋯.png (886.4 KB,1020x649,1020:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20039526 (071538ZDEC23) Notable: Senate Republicans Vote Down $60 Billion in Ukraine Aid as Russia Blasts West for Obstructing Peace Talks

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Senate Republicans Vote Down $60 Billion in Ukraine Aid as Russia Blasts West for Obstructing Peace Talks


Senate Republicans voted down $60 billion in new aid to Ukraine in the US on Wednesday, holding out for radical changes to US immigration policy before sending any more money to the corrupt Kiev regime’s losing attempt to conquer ethnically Russian territories in Eastern Ukraine. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova charged the UK with sabotaging a peace deal in 2022 and accused Ukraine of “doing the will of the United States and Britain.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129193

File: c5483f0ae4f717e⋯.png (64.81 KB,348x145,12:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b58a9facadef49⋯.png (2.79 MB,1152x1536,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20039612 (071556ZDEC23) Notable: Ukraine’s Zelensky Running out of Time While Russia Motors On

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Ukraine’s Zelensky Running out of Time While Russia Motors On


The news out of Ukraine late today is dire for Volodomyr Zelenksy. General Zaluzhny reportedly gave him the Clint Eastwood threat, “Go ahead punk; make my day. According to a Ukrainian Telegram channel:

Zelensky demanded that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zaluzhny, resign of his own free will or due to health problems, etc. (to leave for any personal reason in order to avert suspicions that the commander-in-chief is being leaked personally by ZeErmak).

Zaluzhny refused to leave himself, believing that he brought many victories to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, saved many lives of ordinary soldiers and did/will do a lot more good. According to the source, Zaluzhny said directly in army style: “I myself will not leave, if you are personally dissatisfied with me – “fire”, but this will be your personal decision for which you will have to answer.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129194

File: 8f211f6a6e26e1d⋯.png (1.45 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20039740 (071624ZDEC23) Notable: World Health Organization Calls for Huge Global Tax Increases on Alcohol, Soda

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World Health Organization Calls for Huge Global Tax Increases on Alcohol, Soda


The World Health Organization is advising the government to use taxes to take your freedoms away.

In a Tuesday news release, WHO called for huge global tax increases on alcohol and sugary drinks, suggesting that increasing the price of these beverages by a whopping 50 percent would create healthier societies.

Sounds just ducky, right?

Citing a 2017 study, WHO claimed that its recommended tax increases would “help avert over 21 million deaths over 50 years and generate nearly US$17 trillion in additional revenues. This is equivalent to the total government revenue of eight of the world’s largest economies in one year.”

And there you have the real concern — $17 trillion in new revenue. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20039764 (071631ZDEC23) Notable: Mayor Suddenly Collapses While Giving a Press Conference on Live TV

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VIDEO: Mayor Suddenly Collapses While Giving a Press Conference on Live TV


The mayor of Montreal suddenly collapsed while giving a press conference on live TV at City Hall Tuesday morning, raising concerns about her health.

CTV News Montreal reported that Mayor Valérie Plante was answering a question about homelessness in the city when she stopped talking and crumpled.

The video below shows Plante briefly speaking before pausing for about nine seconds. She then sinks onto the floor, to everyone’s surprise.

Plante is clearly distressed and unwell as her staff rushes to her assistance.

WATCH: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20039814 (071642ZDEC23) Notable: IMF Boss Says Governments Need to Impose Global Carbon Tax on Citizens to Punish Them for Using Energy

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Leo Hohmann: IMF Boss Says Governments Need to Impose Global Carbon Tax on Citizens to Punish Them for Using Energy


Kristalina Georgieva, a Bulgarian economist who serves as the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said Monday that the IMF wants to see countries implement punishing new carbon taxes to “fight climate change.”

She delivered her dire message at the United Nations COP28 climate summit, where globalists in attendance flew in on jets and you can bet they are being chauffeured around in luxury automobiles and dining on the finest cuts of beef and other delicacies.

“We are very keen to give the biggest possible incentive for decarbonization, which is putting a price on carbon,” Georgieva said at the summit in the United Arab Emirates. “That price needs to go up, up, up if we are to speed up decarbonization.”

The IMF boss also tried to justify carbon taxes by saying they would raise revenues for governments.

“We are a huge proponent of carbon price,” she said, in a bold statement that seems to indicate only the rich will be allowed to maintain their current lifestyles if the globalists get their way on climate change policies.

Check out her audacious comments in the video below. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129197

File: 250fcb1ef29e004⋯.png (770.39 KB,1020x576,85:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20039858 (071659ZDEC23) Notable: European Parliament Rejects Landmark Legislation in the EU’s Agriculture Reforms - Climate Alarmism Is Losing Ground as Economic Situation Deteriorates

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European Parliament Rejects Landmark Legislation in the EU’s Agriculture Reforms – Climate Alarmism Is Losing Ground as Economic Situation Deteriorates


The European Green Deal is under attack.

As we continue to follow the relentless news cycle coming from Europe, we can identify two major trends that are in play both inside the countries and also in Pan-European terms.

The first, of course, is the rejection of unchecked mass migration. And the second, equally as urgent, is the pushback against the European climate alarmist policies.

It came to a point where the European Green Deal, that was once a point of political convergence, has now become a source of discord within the EU.

Euronews reported: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129198

File: 3628d34f1ac0005⋯.png (251.8 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 269b0c8d6c61cc7⋯.png (81.45 KB,881x618,881:618,Clipboard.png)

File: 6561d291d173f2d⋯.png (101.26 KB,880x700,44:35,Clipboard.png)

File: f005a44ac04b6a8⋯.png (145.59 KB,652x820,163:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 03369053b08f78e⋯.png (100.18 KB,496x786,248:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20039957 (071720ZDEC23) Notable: "Why No Advertiser Boycott?" Musk Nails Disney's Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell

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"Why No Advertiser Boycott?" Musk Nails Disney's Iger After Facebook Child Sexual Abuse Bombshell


Elon Musk took another shot at Disney CEO Bob Iger Thursday, after the state of New Mexico sued Meta for allegedly enabling child sexual abuse and trafficking - yet Disney and other woke advertisers, who paused advertising on X in a kneejerk reaction to claims of antisemitism - apparently have no problem when it comes to the sexual exploitation of minors.

"Why no advertiser boycott, Bob Eiger? [sic]" Musk posted on X. "You are endorsing this material!"

"He should be fired immediately," Musk continued in a response to a question over why Disney hasn't canned Bob.

On Tuesday, New Mexico sued Meta for "knowingly" exposing children to 'sexual exploitation and mental health harm.'

In a Tuesday court filing, New Mexico’s Attorney General’s (NMAG) Office revealed that it had conducted an undercover investigation, creating fake accounts of minors which were then used to fish for offending content, according to a press release reported by the Daily Caller.

"Meta and its CEO tell the public that Meta’s social media platforms are safe and good for kids," reads the lawsuit. "The reality is far different. Meta knowingly exposes children to the twin dangers of sexual exploitation and mental health harm. Meta’s conduct has turned New Mexico children who are on its platforms into victims. Meta’s motive for doing so is profit."

And crickets from Disney... Continue...

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2fac48 No.129199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20039970 (071724ZDEC23) Notable: Ukrainians Sick of War - Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko Supports General Zaluzhny over Zelensky (video)

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Zelensky Will "Pay For His Mistakes" Says Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko


Volodymyr Zelensky failed to prepare Ukraine properly for the war with Russia and will “pay for his mistakes,” warned Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko.

The former heavyweight boxing champion made the comments to Swiss news outlet 20 Minuten.

Klitschko was asked if he was surprised to see Zelensky’s popularity declining across the country.

“No. People see who is effective and who is not, and there were and are many expectations. Zelensky is paying for the mistakes he made,” he responded.

The Ukrainian President failed to heed warnings that his armed forces were ill-prepared and “denied until the end that it would happen,” said Klitschko.

The Mayor questioned “why it was possible that the Russians were able to reach Kyiv so quickly” and chastised Zelensky for providing too much information “that didn’t match reality.”

Although he cautioned that Zelensky “will pay” for his mistakes, Klitschko urged Ukrainians that “we must support him until the end of the war,” while ruling out any prospects of him replacing Zelensky as president, at least until the end of the conflict.

Klitschko’s remarks arrive amidst a wave of disillusionment about the way the war is heading for Ukraine. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129200

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040010 (071734ZDEC23) Notable: Venezuela Votes in a Referendum Asking Whether They Should Invade Neighbor Guyana and Occupy 74% Of Its Territory (video)

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Blinken Conveys 'Unwavering Support' For Guyana After Venezuela's Maduro Proclaims "Esequibo Is Ours", Gives Energy Companies 3 Mos To Exit


Neighboring Venezuela now considers around three-quarters of the oil-rich nation theirs - with President Nicolás Maduro presenting a map on television that shows Guyana's Esequibo region as under the jurisdiction of Caracas.

Maduro vowed to create a Venezuelan state known as Guyana Esequibo, for which he will grant Venezuelan citizenship to Guyanese residents there.

Maduro will has granted licenses and ordered state oil company PDVSA and state metal conglomerate CVG to drill for oil in the area.

A special military unit will be created for the territory.

Energy companies in the Esequibo region such as Exxon Mobil will "have three months to withdraw."

Guyanese President Irfaan Ali said he would report the matter to the UN Security Council, saying in a late-night televised address "The Guyana Defense Force is on high alert," adding "Venezuela has clearly declared itself an outlaw nation."

The UN Security Council will hold a closed-door meeting on the issue Friday, Bloomberg reports.

And last night, a Guyana army helicopter was reported missing near the border with Venezuela.

Now, the US State Department is involved.

"Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with Guyanese President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali to reaffirm the United States’ unwavering support for Guyana’s sovereignty," said the State Department in a late Wednesday news release.

Department spokesman Matthew Miller also told reporters that the Biden administration supports a peaceful resolution. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129201

File: a3f0d49bf071f75⋯.png (823.48 KB,800x439,800:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fce0003161219b⋯.png (248.75 KB,552x894,92:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20040149 (071803ZDEC23) Notable: Canada Reports 135% Spike in Deaths from ‘Unspecified Causes’

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Canada Reports 135% Spike in Deaths from ‘Unspecified Causes’


New Canadian government data has revealed the nation has suffered a staggering 135% spike in listed as “unspecified causes.”

Statistics Canada, an agency of the Canadian government, has just published a new report revealing that the nation smashed records for deaths in 2022.

Aside from soaring numbers of Canadians dying from “unspecified causes,” the nation recorded a record number of Covid deaths, despite high vaccination uptake and the pandemic being over.

A report released by Statistics Canada last week admitted that deaths due to COVID-19 in Canada rose by 36% last year.

According to the government, Covid caused 19,716 deaths in total.

However, deaths due to “Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality” rose by a shocking 135% from 2020 to 2022.

Statistics Canada blames the increase in Covid deaths on the relaxing of the tyrannical mandates, masking, and lockdowns.

The government agency also argues the “new highly transmissible COVID-19 variants” are causing deaths to spike.

Additionally, the report reveals that Canadian life expectancy dropped for the third year in a row.

The falling life expectancy trend coincidentally started in 2020.

Maxime Bernier, the leader of the conservative-populist People’s Party of Canada (PPC), took to Twitter/X to blow the whistle on this development. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129202

File: 9fb4e12cf13537b⋯.png (837.58 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041165 (072149ZDEC23) Notable: Data shows only 11% of human trafficking cases end with guilty verdict

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Data shows only 11% of human trafficking cases end with guilty verdict


Human trafficking in Canada often goes unpunished, new statistics show despite a troubling rise in cases.

On Monday, data published by Statistics Canada revealed that only a marginal portion of trafficking victims can see justice, as police only solve less than half of the cases.

Additionally, the majority of incidents that are reported to police do not end in charges being laid.

“Hearing those statistics, it’s enough to bring tears to my eyes,” Wyndolyn Brown, a trafficking survivor, told Global News.

The Statistics Canada report shows that the justice system appears to be stacked against survivors, as only 40% of the 4000 incidents reported between 2012 and 2022 resulted in police laying charges, or recommending charges.

“If [human traffickers are] not stopped, how many other girls do they traffic along the way?” asked Sarah Dillon, another survivor.

Almost all of the incidents were against women and girls, with 70% of the victims being under the age of 25, states the report and 25% were under the age of 18.

Of the incidents reported, 56% remain unsolved, however, some are still under investigation.

Over 3,500 charges were laid in a little over 1,000 cases, yet only 11% of the completed adult criminal cases resulted in a guilty verdict.

The majority of cases, 83%, resulted in charges being either stayed, withdrawn, dismissed or discharged. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129203

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041182 (072154ZDEC23) Notable: The Candice Malcolm Show: This is a low point in the history of Parliament: political scientist (video)

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The Candice Malcolm Show | This is a low point in the history of Parliament: political scientist


Many Canadians believe utter falsehoods about Canada’s residential school program.

After an absolute bombshell of an accusation leveled by in 2021 – that human remains had been discovered in unmarked graves near a residential school in Kamloops BC – the legacy media took these accusations and weaved together one of the most destructive fake news narratives in Canada’s history.

On today’s episode of The Candice Malcolm Show, Candice is joined by author and historian Dr. Tom Flanagan to discuss his new book, Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (And the Truth about Residential Schools).

Dr. Flanagan walks the audience through the real history behind residential schools and discusses many of the falsehoods Canadians believe about this program.

They discuss why and how the media got this story so wrong, the incentives behind the false narrative and their efforts to correct the record on this issue.

Dr. Flanagan explains how a moral panic led all Parliamentarians to unanimously support a motion falsely and recklessly declaring that Canada committed “genocide” – calling the episode a “low point in the history of Parliament.”

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2fac48 No.129204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041246 (072208ZDEC23) Notable: Conservative MP kicked out of House of Commons for calling Trudeau a liar

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Conservative MP kicked out of House of Commons for calling Trudeau a liar


Conservative MP Damien Kurek was kicked out of the House of Commons Wednesday after he called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a liar.

Kurek, who represents the riding of Battle River-Crowfoot, accused Trudeau and the Liberal caucus of lying after leveling the accusation that the prime minister met with Senators over the weekend, pressuring them to scrap Bill C-234.

The bill was initially introduced in February 2020 by Conservative MP Philip Lawrence and aimed to give farmers an exemption from the carbon tax levied on natural gas and propane used in farming operations. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129205

File: 2633657548eceb1⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041262 (072212ZDEC23) Notable: Speaker of the House Greg Fergus under fire speaking at Ontario Liberal leadership event

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Speaker Greg Fergus says he will not resign amid uproar from MPs


Greg Fergus intends to remain as the House of Commons Speaker despite calls from the Conservatives and Bloc Quebecois to resign due to his breach of impartiality. He apologized Monday while in Washington D.C., citing miscommunication about the video’s intended use.

The Speaker is facing severe criticism for his participation in a video tribute shown at the Ontario Liberal leadership convention, which led to many MPs questioning the non-partisan nature of his role as Speaker, as previously reported by True North.

Despite the calls for resignation, Fergus told CBC he won’t resign, saying he plans to demonstrate fairness and impartiality.

The video showed Fergus in the Speaker’s office, wearing his official Speaker’s robes while paying tribute to interim Ontario Liberal leader John Fraser. Fergus said the video was not intended to be broadcast at the event.

Shortly after the video controversy, Fergus travelled to Washington.

“Following weeks of planning, Speaker Fergus will spend two days in Washington, D.C., carrying out the diplomatic portion of the Speaker’s role. He will be meeting with members of the diplomatic community and elected officials from both sides of the aisle,” said Mathieu Gravel, a spokesperson at Fergus’ office.

Fergus is expected to remain in Washington until Wednesday evening. During his trip, he will be taking part in a number of meetings, namely with former US Speakers Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129206

File: d90b07c56869379⋯.png (2.02 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041295 (072220ZDEC23) Notable: Food bills for Canadian families expected to go up by $700 in 2024

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Food bills for Canadian families expected to go up by $700 in 2024


Food prices are set to increase by $700 more for Canadian families in 2024, according to an annual report on grocery pricing.

According to the Canada Food Price Report, grocery prices will rise between 2.5% and 4.5% next year.

A family with two parents and two children can expect to pay $16,297.20 for their annual grocery bill.

The annual report was released on Thursday and first began 14 years ago, published by Dalhousie University, the University of British Columbia, the University of Guelph and the University of Saskatchewan.

It estimates that in 2024, certain items like bakery, meat and vegetables will go up in cost by 7%.

While the rate of inflation is slowing, with the estimated 4.5% peak being less than the 5.9% increase of 2022, the cost of groceries is expected to go up overall.

Interest rates will contribute to the price hikes, as well as energy costs brought on by policies related to climate change like the carbon tax. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041312 (072227ZDEC23) Notable: “Climate genocide” and “white supremacy” dominates COP28 discussion

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“Climate genocide” and “white supremacy” dominates COP28 discussion


The world can’t tackle climate change unless it first deals with the prevailing problems of “white supremacy” and “colonialism,” according to a COP28 panel of climate activists from Canada and abroad in Dubai.

On Tuesday, Indigenous Climate Action executive director Erial Deranger of Alberta blasted oil sands development and claimed that “patriarchy” and “white supremacy” stood in the way of solving climate change. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129208

File: da78c49022ffdb2⋯.png (1000.15 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041343 (072235ZDEC23) Notable: Senior Iranian living comfortably in Toronto, prompting deportation case

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Senior Iranian living comfortably in Toronto, prompting deportation case


A senior Iranian government official has been discovered living comfortably in Toronto, prompting Canada to launch a deportation case against him.

A member of Iran’s Islamist dictatorship, Seyed Salman Samani, 42, now faces a deportation hearing under sanctions that were imposed last year, banning any senior member of the Iranian regime from Canada. Proceedings are scheduled to start on Jan. 3, 2024.

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) requested the Immigration and Refugee Board hold a hearing for Samani that could result in his deportation.

“Samani was referred for an admissibility hearing on Nov. 10, 2023,” Anna Pape, a spokesperson for the Refugee Board told Global News.

Samani’s case will mark the first of its kind under the new sanctions, implemented following the murder of Mahsa Amini by Iranian morality police after she showed her hair in public.

Amini’s death sparked outrage from women under Iran’s regime and prompted the Canadian government to designate Iran’s government as a regim engaged in “terrorism and systematic and gross human rights violations.” Continue...

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2fac48 No.129209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041354 (072240ZDEC23) Notable: Alberta rebukes Ottawa’s “intentional attack” on the province’s economy

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Alberta rebukes Ottawa’s “intentional attack” on the province’s economy


The Alberta government strongly opposed Ottawa’s latest emissions cap. The measure announced on Thursday mandates the oil and gas industry to reduce emissions by over one-third compared to the 2019 levels by 2030.

Premier Danielle Smith and Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz issued a joint statement in reaction to the Liberal government’s announcement.

The statement comes only hours after the federal government introduced their framework.

“This announced de facto production cap on Alberta’s oil and gas sector amounts to an intentional attack by the federal government on the economy of Alberta and the financial well-being of millions of Albertans and Canadians,” reads Alberta’s statement.

The federal framework, outlined early Thursday by Minister of Environment Steven Guilbeault and Minister of Energy, Jonathan Wilkinson, will abide by draft regulations expected by mid-2024. Final regulations will be implemented by 2025.

The framework demands the oil and gas sector reduce emissions by 35% to 38% below 2019 levels by 2030. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041360 (072241ZDEC23) Notable: Alberta rebukes Ottawa’s “intentional attack” on the province’s economy

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2fac48 No.129211

File: e38f4e14322d417⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041413 (072253ZDEC23) Notable: Mayor Jyoti Gondek sparks outrage over boycott of Calgary menorah lighting

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Mayor Jyoti Gondek sparks outrage over boycott of Calgary menorah lighting


Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek announced her decision to skip the city’s annual menorah lighting ceremony at City Hall, claiming she could not attend because of the event’s support for Israel.

Gondek wrote in her press release, posted to X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday, that she has looked forward to attending the event over the years.

She said that when she initially asked to speak weeks ago, it was to bring traditional greetings celebrating Hanukkah and the spirit of Calgary’s Jewish community. However, she claimed in her release that the event had been repositioned as an event to support Israel.

“This last minute change goes against the original intention, and has left me feeling let down by leadership,” Gondek wrote.

She added that this change makes it impossible for her to attend, citing concern that people wishing to celebrate Hanukkah will have their good intentions compromised.

Calgary’s mayor recognized her responsibility to attend diverse and inclusive events with and for Calgarians from many faith-based and ethnic communities.

“However, when a celebration of community is turned into something with political intentions, it goes against the mission to uphold diversity and inclusion,” she said. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129212

File: 99f256aa8d04e3d⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041448 (072300ZDEC23) Notable: BC gang extortion letters have South Asian community fearing for their lives

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BC gang extortion letters have South Asian community fearing for their lives


A surge of extortion letters, aimed at South Asian businesses in British Columbia’s Fraser Valley, has the local community fearing for their lives as tensions rise between conflicting ethnic groups.

The letters, purportedly originating from a group identifying as “an Indian gang,” insist on large sum payments from the recipients, accompanied by threats of death in case of non-compliance or if the matter is reported to law enforcement.

Letters shared online alleged that two residences had already been targeted with gunfire due to the owner’s failure to meet the financial demands outlined in the extortion threats.

The letter further asserts that those seeking to engage in business activities in Abbotsford must provide a share of their earnings, or they will encounter severe repercussions.

“We want your share from your business like protection money,” the letter reads.

“We are asking only two million. We have links all over. Do not ignore us. It will affect you real bad.”

BC Conservative leader John Rustad said that based on a recent meeting with local business owners in Abbotsford, a gang task force must be assigned to the case immediately. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129213

File: 792db82c9d4b00a⋯.png (3.13 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041464 (072304ZDEC23) Notable: Mainstream media downplays COVID-19 vaccine 'glitch' impacting up to 30% of recipients

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Mainstream media downplays COVID-19 vaccine 'glitch' impacting up to 30% of recipients


A recent Nature publication has revealed unintended consequences of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, causing citizen scientists to raise additional safety and efficacy concerns. They are calling for a thorough investigation and public disclosure from regulatory agencies.

There continue to be mounting safety concerns with the mRNA platform globally, and yet, when those concerns are scientifically proven, the mainstream media works to quickly brush them off as harmless.

A recent Nature publication by Mulroney et al, conducted under the guidance of the UK government, revealed the unintended consequences of adding modified DNA to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

This modified DNA is a synthetic compound of uridine known as N1-methyl pseudouridine [N1]. It’s often used to reduce the chances of the immune system reacting too strongly to the vaccination and to enhance the translation of mRNA into the cells – a process known as transcription.

The authors observed a change in how the cells of vaccinated individuals read genetic instructions due to the addition of N1. In turn, this created the formation of unintended and abnormal proteins, a phenomenon referred to as “ribosomal frameshifting.”

While the Telegraph disregarded this as a mostly harmless immune system “glitch,” the consequences are completely unknown when this frameshifting occurs at certain and/or unknown points in the genetic code.

Genomics expert Kevin McKernan, scientists David Speicher and David Wiseman, along with microbiologist Jessica Rose and pharmacist Maria Gutschi—citizen scientists in their own right—are raising urgent concerns. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129214

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041523 (072313ZDEC23) Notable: Fighting back against COVID-19 fines with The Democracy Fund's Jenna Little

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Fighting back against COVID-19 fines with The Democracy Fund's Jenna Little


Paralegal Jenna Little provides an update on her team's legal battle against COVID-19 fines.

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Jenna Little from The Democracy Fund joined the show to provide an update on the myriad of cases being handled by her team of paralegals.

The Democracy Fund has represented thousands of people who are facing charges stemming from COVID-19 infractions at no cost to them.

Speaking with Little, Ezra said, "You're fighting for the little guy...a lot of these people were low income people, many of them were new Canadians who didn't have a familiarity with our legal system, didn't know what their rights were."

"And by the way, the fines were atrociously large, $5,000+ per person. So you have a family of lets say four, coming into the country, that's $20,000 worth of fines. That's going to destroy a normal family," added Ezra.

Little replied, "Absolutely. With the surcharge, which is 25%, one of those tickets comes to $6,250 each. And we've had people who've had six kids, eight members of the family total and each person gets a ticket."

"Even one person can't afford a $6,000 fine," she said.

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2fac48 No.129215

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041564 (072319ZDEC23) Notable: Steven Guilbeault finally pays Rebel News — with YOUR money!

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Steven Guilbeault finally pays Rebel News — with YOUR money!


Despite arguing his account was personal, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault paid his debt using tax dollars. Ezra Levant is calling on Guilbeault to pay the money back to the people.

Last week, Rebel News reported how time was running out for Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault to pay his debt after settling a lawsuit launched by Ezra Levant, who was blocked on X (formerly Twitter) by the minister.

While the matter might seem trivial on the surface, however Guilbeault's account is an official government account. This means that not only are staff involved with the account, it's also providing a government service.

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra revealed the $20,000 cheque had arrived in time before the deadline, but it came with a catch. The cheque came from the Government of Canada — not Steven Guilbeault, which certainly differed from the minister's legal defence.

Ezra explained: Continue...

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2fac48 No.129216

File: a733aa2c8e407f3⋯.png (670.98 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041635 (072334ZDEC23) Notable: Black Lives Matter activist sentenced to 30 days in prison for assaulting off-duty sheriff

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Black Lives Matter activist sentenced to 30 days in prison for assaulting off-duty sheriff


Taylor McNallie, 32, also faced several charges stemming from a May 17 protest on 'radical gender ideology,' including two counts of assault, one count of unlawful confinement, and one count of sexual assault.

Black Lives Matter activist Taylor McNallie has been sentenced to 30 days in prison for striking an off-duty sheriff with a megaphone.

In August 2021, McNallie led a nearly two-week protest outside the Calgary Courts Centre against Calgary Police Service Const. Alex Dunn, who body-slammed a handcuffed woman and later lost his job.

Dunn received a judicial stay on appeal, serving 30 days after Justice Nancy Dilts acknowledged he already completed his original 30-day conditional sentence.

On August 12, 2021, McNallie got into an altercation with off-duty sheriff Elena Cunningham, where she struck the victim with the megaphone while protesting the Dunn verdict.

Justice Peter Barley ruled Monday that she would serve her sentence of 30 days in prison starting the first weekend of January. The 'anti-racism' advocate also received two 14-day sentences stemming from a two mischief charges following a separate incident in front of the courthouse.

McNallie had to pay $2,800 in restitution for damaging the photographer’s equipment for the latter. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129217

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041672 (072340ZDEC23) Notable: World Boxing Council recognizes female boxer for refusing fight against transgender opponent

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World Boxing Council recognizes female boxer for refusing fight against transgender opponent


This acknowledgment underscored the WBC's commitment to prioritizing the safety of female athletes in the realm of professional boxing. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129218

File: d3d911a81075a1c⋯.png (1.37 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041689 (072345ZDEC23) Notable: Green ‘slush fund’ gave $400,000 to company with ties to board director

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Green ‘slush fund’ gave $400,000 to company with ties to board director


Guy Ouimet, a Liberal-appointed director to a controversial green ‘slush fund,’ awarded $393,805 in COVID-19 grants to a Québec company from a pool of $20 million.

A Liberal-appointed director to a controversial green ‘slush fund’ gave nearly $400,000 in grants to a Québec company in which he had a direct interest.

“We all declared conflicts of interest — well, not everyone,” testified Guy Ouimet at the Commons industry committee.

According to True North, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) allocated tens of millions of dollars to firms in which its board members are financially vested.

Among the alleged culprits include director Guy Ouimet, who served on the Project Review Committee while working on the board of Lithion Technologies.

Ouimet voted to award $393,805 in grants to the Québec company from a pool of $20 million, reported Blacklock’s Reporter. On August 29, 2018, the board also approved $3,842,000 in funding for Lithion — less than two months after the company’s incorporation.

Conservative MP Michael Barrett questioned the director on whether he awarded pandemic relief grants to the company at the expense of taxpayers.

“Were you in attendance at those meetings? You didn’t leave the room for the decision on Covid payments, is that correct?” asked Barrett.

Ouimet replied “Yes” to both questions.

“You voted in both cases to award the money to a company you have an interest in, is that correct?” asked Barrett. “Yes,” said the director.

“This kind of insider dealing, and corruption is very problematic for Canadians,” said the Conservative MP. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129219

File: c5e9b12d36ec758⋯.png (737.24 KB,812x500,203:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041803 (080013ZDEC23) Notable: Conservative MP says it’s ‘fair and right’ for Canada to approve Christian Heritage Month bill

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Conservative MP says it’s ‘fair and right’ for Canada to approve Christian Heritage Month bill


“We have Sikh Heritage Month, Hindu Heritage Month, Muslim history month, Jewish Heritage Month and so many more. It is only fair and right that we have a Christian heritage month since there are 19.6 million Christians in Canada according to the last census,' MP Marilyn Gladu said. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129220

File: 64c801baed5b541⋯.png (548.21 KB,809x501,809:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041911 (080037ZDEC23) Notable: Only 3% of Canadians have taken most recent COVID booster: gov’t data

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Only 3% of Canadians have taken most recent COVID booster: gov’t data


The decreasing vaccination rate comes amid overwhelming research and evidence that the experimental vaccines cause a sundry of health problems, many of which are permanent and life-threatening. Continue...

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2fac48 No.129221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20041973 (080048ZDEC23) Notable: Alex Jones tells Tucker Carlson that Joe Biden walks around the White House naked on drugs and the deep state's 'only next move' is to assassinate Trump in jaw-dropping interview on X

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BREAKING: Alex Jones tells Tucker Carlson that Joe Biden walks around the White House naked on drugs and the deep state's 'only next move' is to assassinate Trump in jaw-dropping interview on X


Carlson kicked off the interview by introducing Jones as "the world's most dangerous man."

In the latest episode of Tucker on X, Tucker Carlson spoke right-wing commentator Alex Jones, who has become one of the most censored individuals in the world.

Carlson kicked off the highly anticipated interview by introducing Jones as "the world's most dangerous man," which was said in a comedic manner.

"The most censored man in the English language," Carlson continued, who then stated that "when you get him (Jones) in front of an outhouse in the woods, he doesn't seem so dangerous."

The two discussed a wide variety of topics that included de-platforming, the border, the New World Order, depopulation, intentional racial division, the upcoming presidential election, and Alex Jones's predictions which Carlson said were "spot on."

The explosive interview came on the same day that X owner Elon Musk announced that he will consider reinstating Alex Jones to the social media platform. Musk said that he would hold a poll on the matter to make a decision, which is a frequent method Musk has used to reinstate prior banned accounts.

In the interview, Jones said that the Deep State killing Trump is “their only next move because this is failing.” He added “I think they’re going to kill Biden too.”

Jones also claimed that government sources told him that Biden wanders around the White House naked at night, and “doesn’t know who he is.”

Jones, who is the host of InfoWars, was permanently banned from the social media platform in 2018 before Musk acquired the company. At the time, Twitter said they made the decision to ban Jones for violating the company's "abusive behavior" policy.

According to AP, Jones's "Twitter crime" was insulting a CNN reporter outside a congressional hearing. Someone had filmed the interaction on Periscope which was a live-streaming service on Twitter, although the feature has since been discontinued. Jones reportedly did not film or upload the altercation.

This is a breaking story and will be updated.

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2fac48 No.129222

File: 8e353b958a9ea6a⋯.png (681.58 KB,1000x495,200:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20042033 (080100ZDEC23) Notable: University of Toronto commemorates 34th anniversary of École Polytechnique massacre with keynote speech by trans-identified male

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University of Toronto commemorates 34th anniversary of École Polytechnique massacre with keynote speech by trans-identified male


During his speech, Thom read poetry and ranted about the "rise in transmisogyny and violence against queer and trans women globally."

On Wednesday, Canadians commemorated the 34th anniversary of the École Polytechnique massacre with solemn ceremonies that sought to bring attention to violence against women and girls.

While most institutes of higher learning memorialized the tragic event with passionate speeches by female students and staff, the University of Toronto's keynote address was delivered by Kai Cheng Thom, a trans-identifying biological male and former prostitute, who spoke little of the murders, focusing instead on "transmisogyny."

According to Reduxx, the event was hosted by UofT's Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Center on the main campus downtown, and opened with speeches from two students, one of whom identified as a "racialized queer non-binary femme," about how gender-based violence was a colonial phenomenon. The pair suggested that the practice was nonexistent in Indigenous cultures.

UofT Vice-Provost Sandy Welsh and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow also addressed the crowd, before opening up the stage for Thom.

During his speech, Thom read poetry and ranted about the "rise in transmisogyny and violence against queer and trans women globally."

"I am affected to my core by transphobia and misogyny; they keep me up at night, haunting me with questions for which I do not have answers," Thom said, citing issues such as sex-segregated bathrooms and the mutilation of children who believe they are the opposite gender.

Thom repeatedly referred to violence committed against transgender women, however as Reduxx points out, there has not been a single case of a male who identifies as a female being murdered in Canada since 2008, when recordings of such things began.

During the event, a link was sent out, allowing the audience and community to submit questions for Thom, though it was soon closed due to the fact that the majority of submissions were critical of his presence.

"Why did you invite a male to give a keynote address during an event intended to commemorate femicide?" one person asked.

The self-proclaimed "anti-feminist" gunman responsible for the École Polytechnique massacre of December 6, 1989 murdered 14 engineering students at the Montreal school simply because they were women.

Since 1991, it has been memorialized via the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada.

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5ae0ea No.130356

File: 08fcacda32d34ff⋯.png (585.34 KB,941x529,941:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044381 (081508ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Dissecting The Washington Post’s “Analysis” Of Ukraine’s Failed Counter Offensive (Parts 1&2)

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Dissecting The Washington Post’s “Analysis” Of Ukraine’s Failed Counter Offensive — Part 1


The blame game about who lost Ukraine is starting. We know this thanks to the Washington Post, which managed to do some real reporting by publishing a two-part series on Ukraine’s failed counter-offensive. Yep, kudos on that. The bad news? The analysis is shallow and repeats many of the false claims made by Ukrainian officials. That’s why I am here. To help you sort out the bullshit. Put on your hip waders. The bottomline is simple — the war is lost and the task of assigning blame is at hand.

The Washington Post pieces are:

Miscalculations, divisions marked offensive planning by U.S., Ukraine


In Ukraine, a war of incremental gains as counteroffensive stalls

Let’s start with the “Miscalculations” piece. There is some misdirection and bullshit in this piece that you need to take into account. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130357

File: 41951e0f15091d9⋯.png (1.16 MB,1022x575,1022:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044468 (081530ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Panic in Brussels: France’s Macron and Other European Leaders Scramble To Try To Make Hungarian PM Orbán Remove His Opposition to Ukraine EU Accession Talks

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Panic in Brussels: France’s Macron and Other European Leaders Scramble To Try To Make Hungarian PM Orbán Remove His Opposition to Ukraine EU Accession Talks


One week before a very consequential European Union summit, various leaders are in ‘panic mode.’

The meeting is expected to discuss opening EU accession talks with Ukraine.

But the reason for the discomfort is conservative champion Viktor Orbán. The Hungarian prime minister has shown an entrenched position on Ukraine, and EU diplomats and officials struggle to see what in this world, or who can change his mind.

Even self-appointed ‘master negotiator’ French President Emmanuel Macron is always ready to fail in yet another diplomatic challenge.

Politico reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130358

File: ba4112c6ff57243⋯.png (689.43 KB,1022x575,1022:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044486 (081538ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Russia Confirms Presidential Elections for March 2024 - Unlike Ukraine’s Zelensky Who Cancelled Vote Because of the War

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Russia Confirms Presidential Elections for March 2024 – Unlike Ukraine’s Zelensky Who Cancelled Vote Because of the War, Putin Is Set To Win His Fifth Term in Office


Elections in Russia, but not Ukraine?

While the mighty ‘defender of democracy’, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has banned all opposition parties before cancelling next year’s elections, the veritable ‘boogie man’ of democratic societies, Rssian President Vladimir Putin, has confirmed elections for next year.

Russian lawmakers set the date of the country’s 2024 presidential election for March 17, moving Putin a step closer to his fifth term in office.

War or no war, the members of upper house of parliament voted unanimously to approve a decree setting this date.

Associated Press reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130359

File: 0517418450eecea⋯.png (2.79 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 742c7e387c7693c⋯.png (494 KB,624x390,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: d4ac690091376ab⋯.png (505.3 KB,624x418,312:209,Clipboard.png)

File: d6c79866590aad8⋯.png (305.28 KB,468x266,234:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044577 (081611ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Dozens of Reported Hamas Savages Surrender to Israeli Soldiers in Humiliating Fashion

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WATCH: Dozens of Reported Hamas Savages Surrender to Israeli Soldiers in Humiliating Fashion


Several clips emerged from the Gaza Strip Thursday showing how the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) rounded up dozens of reported Hamas terrorists and forced them to surrender in humiliating fashion.

The Times of Israel reported that the savages turned themselves in after being pushed back by the advancing Israel Defense Forces near Jabaliya.

Multiple Israeli outlets report the men captured are Hamas fighters of the Shejaya battalion. Palestinian media, for what little they are worth, are issuing denials. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130360

File: cb3cdf81b8f5e7c⋯.png (403.44 KB,500x331,500:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d23920d4353fc6⋯.png (446.06 KB,500x327,500:327,Clipboard.png)

File: 172755507543faa⋯.png (374.28 KB,500x321,500:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ec591b7c35ca6b⋯.png (361.96 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 5652cc56bb83a32⋯.png (205.47 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044618 (081624ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Religious Leaders Join UN, WEF To Push the Global Climate Agenda

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Religious Leaders Join UN, WEF To Push the Global Climate Agenda


Deep in a Cambodian old-growth forest, Buddhist "ecology monks" wrap trees in saffron clerical robes before ordaining the trees into the Buddhist faith.

The practice is an example of "forest activism" that spread to Cambodia after Thai monks in the 1990s began ordaining trees as they would a new monk.

Ordained trees become sacred and protected from illegal logging because harming an ordained monk is taboo in the Buddhist religion.

The recognition that religion can be a powerful tool when applied to selling the global warming narrative has been gaining traction at the United Nations and the World Economic Forum (WEF), where faith has traditionally been kept at arm's length.

The globalist agencies are now welcoming help from religious leaders fighting climate change, one of the 17 U.N. sustainable development goals for 2030.

But some religious leaders are alarmed by their colleagues' involvement in the climate debate.

"I think this is a dangerous agenda, and it keeps the church from doing what its primary calling is, and that is to win people to faith in Jesus Christ," Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, told The Epoch Times.

"We ought to be much more concerned about what God thinks."

The U.N. predicts doom if urgent action isn't taken to save the earth from the calamity of rising oceans and extreme weather caused by global warming, although scientific evidence remains controversial.

The U.N.'s 2030 climate goal calls for "deep, rapid, and sustained" reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 42 percent, and the U.N. is aiming for net zero emissions by 2050. It predicts that global temperatures will rise by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2035. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044633 (081628ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

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Shocking Report: U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with the normal replication and replacement of cells in the body. Cells start to grow uncontrollably and may form a tumour. It is the No. 2 leading cause of death in the United States.

Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 injections. Because official U.S. Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination increases by a shocking 143,233%.


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5ae0ea No.130362

File: eba3e2c642f0e4c⋯.png (354.79 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 44c67e05b1d7e0c⋯.png (368.95 KB,500x332,125:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044651 (081634ZDEC23) Notable: The CIA Sure Looks Busy; Regions/cities with highest data center power capacity

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The CIA Sure Looks Busy


The rise of generative AI applications like ChatGPT, Midjourney or Bard already leads to increased demand in the world's data center network due to its sometimes hefty requirements for the underlying large language models.

This computing demand will only increase in the upcoming years, necessitating the building of new data centers and expanding the capacities of existing ones.

As Statista's Florian Zandt shows in the following chart, based on 2022 data collected by commercial real estate company Cushman & Wakefield, the race between the global superpowers China and the United States also extends to data centers.

The highest concentration of data center power capacity in the world can be found in Northern Virginia, particularly the counties of Loudoun and Prince William.

According to an interview with the vice chairman of real estate service provider CBRE, Rob Faktorow, with radio broadcaster WTOP in 2022, the main reasons are tax incentives, superior connectivity and infrastructure well suited to the resource needs of big server farms.

“It is true Northern Virginia is the data center capital of the world, the largest market in the world, by three times,” said Faktorow.

“It encompasses almost 50% of the data centers in the United States.”

We couldn't help but notice that both those Northern Virginia counties border The CIA's 'Langley' HQ in Fairfax County. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130363

File: c4c3393df1f7c4a⋯.png (400.73 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044694 (081645ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Japan's First-Ever Conviction For Illegal Organ Trafficking Shines Light On Forced Organ Harvesting

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Japan's First-Ever Conviction For Illegal Organ Trafficking Shines Light On Forced Organ Harvesting


In a landmark ruling, a Japanese court has convicted a non-profit executive of facilitating illegal overseas organ transplants for Japanese citizens.

On Nov. 28, the Tokyo District Court sentenced 63-year-old Hiromichi Kikuchi, chairman of the Association for Patients of Intractable Diseases, a non-profit organization. Kikuchi received an eight-month prison term and a fine of 1 million yen (around $6,800) for arranging organ transplants abroad for two Japanese citizens without government approval. His organization, which has been working with transplant patients for over fifteen years, is now under scrutiny.

The case, the first of its kind in Japan, has prompted widespread media coverage and heightened concerns over illegal organ transplants.

Mr. Kikuchi's conviction shows Japan's efforts to crack down on organ trafficking and forced organ harvesting. The transplants that led to his arrest took place in Belarus in 2022. However, the case has drawn attention to the grim reality of forced organ harvesting in China, as Mr. Kikuchi admitted that the vast majority of the transplants he has orchestrated since 2007 involved organs from China.

This verdict has sparked intense public debate in Japan, where organ harvesting is already a hotly contested topic because of widespread ethical reservations about the source of organs for transplant.

Forced Organ Harvesting

For years, investigations and reports have highlighted the practice of forced organ harvesting in China's major hospitals, with substantial evidence supporting the claims.

On June 25, 2022, The Epoch Times Japanese edition published an exclusive interview with Ushio Sugawara, a former member of Japan's largest "Yakuza" crime syndicate, Yamaguchi-gumi.

Mr. Sugawara, who left the underworld in 2015 to become an economic commentator, recalled an incident from 2007. At that time, he was involved in a liver transplant for a friend's brother, arranged through an intermediary, and costing about $220,000. The liver transplant took place at Beijing's Armed Police General Hospital.

After arriving in China, Mr. Sugawara visited his friend's brother at the hospital the day before the scheduled surgery.

He described seeing the donor, a 21-year-old Falun Gong practitioner labeled a "terrorist" and sentenced to death, unconscious and medicated, with bandages on his hands and feet. The hospital staff explained that the severing of tendons in the donor's hands and feet was to prevent escape and ensure the quality of the organs.

The transplant ultimately failed, resulting in the deaths of both the recipient and the donor.

After the report on forced organ harvesting practices by The Epoch Times Japan, several prominent Japanese media outlets, including Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan's largest newspaper, launched investigations into Japanese intermediaries in overseas organ transplants and found evidence against the Association for Patients of Intractable Diseases and Mr. Kikuchi. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130364

File: a308aee4353917b⋯.png (213.4 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 28fddfa2784de20⋯.png (331.99 KB,900x703,900:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044728 (081655ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Starlink Completes "Successful" Military Test Deep In Arctic

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Starlink Completes "Successful" Military Test Deep In Arctic


The one thing progressive corporate media and the radical left in the White House cannot stand is Elon Musk deepening his ties with the Department of Defense from rocket launches to providing the military with high-speed internet beamed from low-Earth orbit.

According to Bloomberg, Musk's satellite internet service called "Starlink" successfully completed a nine-month pilot test in the harsh, snowy environment in the Arctic.

Brian Beal, principal engineer with the Air Force Research Laboratory's Integrated Capabilities Directorate, stated that StarLink was a "reliable and high-performance communications system in the Arctic, including on-the-move applications."

Beal said the test ended in June and evaluated Starlink's usefulness for high-speed internet in remote areas that can be set up in minutes.

"We tested in some very high winds and very cold temperatures," he said, adding, "That all went smoothly though. Once we got the terminals mounted securely to withstand high winds, they worked great with no issues." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130365

File: 36f039a7cac724a⋯.png (268.75 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: d49f06a2eb6be12⋯.png (299.55 KB,500x328,125:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 49615578c107d3d⋯.png (385.5 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 87f6869d08a7bf2⋯.png (366.37 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 80a50560736a83c⋯.png (260.08 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044788 (081712ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / FDA Approved, Controversial Lab-Grown Meat Becomes A Reality

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FDA Approved, Controversial Lab-Grown Meat Becomes A Reality


In an effort to protect its farming industry, its economy, and the health of its citizens, Italy recently became the first country to officially ban cultivated meat.

Cultivated meat, also known as lab-grown meat, is created in a lab through a five-step process in which stem cells from an animal are replicated and grown in a series of bioreactors before being blended with additives to create a more realistic texture. The meat cells are then drained in a centrifuge, formed, and packaged for distribution, according to consulting firm McKinsey & Company.

In a Nov. 16 Facebook post, Italian Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida said, “In defense of health, of the Italian production system, of thousands of jobs, of our culture and tradition, with the law approved today, Italy is the first nation in the world to be safe from the social and economic risks of synthetic food," according to an English translation.

The bill passed the Italian Senate by a measure of 159–53 and was supported by the country's agricultural groups, which worked to protect Italy's $10.1 billion meat-processing industry.

Efforts in the United States to block lab-grown meat, or to ensure that consumers know what they're buying, include a 2018 law in Missouri that prohibits plant-based and lab-grown food from being labeled as “meat.”

"​​This act also prohibits misrepresenting a product as meat that is not derived from harvested production livestock or poultry," the law states. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130366

File: 132c733f79c1b6f⋯.png (83.73 KB,908x632,227:158,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d69c0c9a2a2fcb⋯.png (30.8 KB,841x393,841:393,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7f389bf5106fdd2⋯.png (78.86 KB,912x640,57:40,Clipboard.png)

File: ace6453eeacf781⋯.png (87.49 KB,888x594,148:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044871 (081738ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / 2 Sides Of The Same Coin: Sendai Framework And International Health Regulations

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2 Sides Of The Same Coin: Sendai Framework And International Health Regulations


This topic isn’t revolutionary. However, it’s interesting how different pieces of legislation (supposedly brought for completely different areas of life) can serve much the same purpose. Laws that seemingly have no connection to each other can end up having very similar results.

Let’s look at a few of them.

For emergency and disaster management:

-U.N. Sustainable Development Agenda (Agenda 21) signed in 1992

–Yokohama Strategy for a Safer World signed in 1994

–Hyogo Framework for Action signed, goes from 2005 to 2015

-U.N. Sustainable Development Agenda (Agenda 2030) signed in 2015

–Sendai Framework signed, goes from 2015 to 2030.

For public health management:

–W.H.O. Constitution signed in 1946

-W.H.O. International Sanitary Regulations signed in 1951

-W.H.O. International Health Regulations (First Edition) signed in 1969

-W.H.O. International Health Regulations (Second Edition) signed in 1995

–W.H.O. International Health Regulations (Third Edition) signed in 2005

Now, what can these things have in common? Quite simply, they are pretexts for removing rights and property from people, under the cloak of being an emergency. True, the nature of it will vary, but the results are the same. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130367

File: c91a615cc3ff88a⋯.png (766.97 KB,1456x2398,728:1199,Clipboard.png)

File: 23b7daa77edb73a⋯.png (956.59 KB,1200x2058,200:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 1360746d04650d0⋯.png (1.13 MB,1200x855,80:57,Clipboard.png)

File: f704190fda817a3⋯.png (806.45 KB,750x719,750:719,Clipboard.png)

File: ef683af6935d7fd⋯.png (961.89 KB,789x651,263:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20044909 (081748ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders

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Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders


Why We Will Never Forget—Nor Let You

“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”

—Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter & Forgetting: A Novel (Kindle, paperback, hardcover, audiobook)

You want to know why so many people erupt when you say you “didn’t know,” you “were doing [your] best,” and “mistakes were made” so we should forget about it and move on?

Because WE knew, and when we told you, you called us selfish immoral science-denying far-right-wing–extremist anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists.

But we were the ones following the science, and you were the ones following the television. We’re batting a thousand, and your “experts” are batting zero.

We were like the bystanders in The Birds frantically trying to warn the man standing in the puddle of gas not to throw down his match, only to be persistently ignored until he self-immolates. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130368

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045003 (081810ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Ratio’d: Don’t let them get away with it! (video)

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Ratio’d | Don’t let them get away with it!


Somehow political leaders and unelected bureaucrats across the country have managed to escape any form of accountability despite leading the worst assault on Canadian freedoms since WW2. As Western countries begin the process of holding formal inquiries into what exactly happened during the Covid-19 pandemic, nobody at the political level in Canada seems interested in doing the same. What are they so afraid of?

A group of patriotic citizens took it upon themselves to hold our officials accountable for what they did to us and launched the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI), a monumental citizen-led effort. Not a single public health official or politician responded to invitations to testify in front of the NCI. That should scare Canadians.

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5ae0ea No.130369

File: 0a0aa1d1b940ec0⋯.png (1.11 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045042 (081817ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Higher permit fees, fewer work hours incoming for international students

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Higher permit fees, fewer work hours incoming for international students


The federal government announced that the number of future study permits being issued will be “significantly” limited in the wake of massive fraud in Canada’s international student program.

“Enough is enough,” said Immigration Minister Marc Miller during a press conference on Thursday.

Miller announced that the government would increase the financial commitment required of incoming international students as well as restrict their number of permissible work hours each week.

Beginning on Jan. 1, 2024, applicants will have to pay $20,635 for their cost-of-living study permit, up from the initial $10,000 financial requirement. That fee does not include their tuition or travel costs.

The raised cost-of-living permit is designed to ensure better housing for international students once they arrive in Canada and will be adjusted yearly.

Miller claims that the new measures will dial back the current business model of post-secondary education institutions, which he likened to “puppy mills.”

“The fraud and abuse needs to end,” said Miller.

Since 2013, the number of study permit holders has tripled, from 300,000 to 900,000. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130370

File: c060012a6de71e0⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045066 (081824ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Pornographers appear before commission to discuss Canadian content

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Pornographers appear before commission to discuss Canadian content


Two representatives from Ethical Capital Partners (ECP), the firm that owns Pornhub, Youporn and many other pornographic websites, testified in front of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) on December 7.

The private equity firm acquired Aylo (formerly known as Mindgeek) in March 2023.

Mindgeek, the parent company of Pornhub and the like, rebranded to Aylo amid a series of lawsuits from individuals alleging the company’s former owners profited off of revenge porn, rape, and child sex trafficking uploaded to the site without checks and balances.

Lawyer and rabbi Solomon Friedman, as well as law student and pornographer Kate Sinclaire, argued to the commission on behalf of Ethical Capital Partners that internet pornography platforms should be exempt from promoting and funding Canadian Content (CanCon) under the Online Streaming Act.

Sinclaire said she has worked as a producer and director in the adult industry in Canada for approximately 15 years.

“I have, in short, to put it in a straightforward way, been making adult CanCon for a fair portion of my life,” she said.

Friedman and Sinclaire argued that if adult sites are subject to regulation, then pornographers should be able to access government funding. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130371

File: 1df284ff99a849c⋯.png (1.37 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045089 (081829ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Alberta NDP proposed rent control bill could cause more harm than good, say critics

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Alberta NDP proposed rent control bill could cause more harm than good, say critics


Alberta NDP is proposing a temporary cap on rent increases for what they claim will protect tenants from soaring housing costs, but critics are warning the policy could have disastrous consequences.

The Alberta NDP’s introduction of Bill 205, The Alberta Housing Security Amendment Act, seeks to cap rent increases altogether.

NDP housing critic Janis Irwin told reporters that this bill is an emergency measure to provide immediate relief amid concerns from renters, including some facing up to 50% rent increases.

“This is forcing families to stretch their household budgets to the breaking point,” said Irwin. The bill proposes capping rent increases at 2% for two years and then tying them to the Consumer Price Index for a maximum of 5% for the following two years.

Neil Sharma, a reporter who has covered the housing market for over a decade, said that a rental cap could only do so much given the immense housing demand driven by immigration.

Sharma, who lives in Toronto, not Alberta, said that renters in Ontario are also spending over 50% of their monthly income on rent..

Sharma said that unless immigration is addressed, the demand for housing and basic necessities will continue going up.

Jen Lamoureux, a mortgage broker and landlord for over 11 years, listed some concerns for renters as a result of the proposed policy. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130372

File: 106d3b2e06134f4⋯.png (1.26 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045643 (082111ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Taxpayers to pay $200 million extra for carbon tax administration fees

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Taxpayers to pay $200 million extra for carbon tax administration fees


Canadian taxpayers will have to dish out $200 million extra in hidden administration fees for the carbon tax as of its inception in 2019.

The costs were revealed by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) after obtaining government records based on an article by Blacklock’s Reporter on the issue.

The Trudeau government assigned 465 full-time employees to administer the carbon tax rebate scheme, costing Canadian taxpayers $82.6 million last year alone.

“The carbon tax is a double whammy for taxpayers,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “First, it makes our gas, heating and groceries more expensive. And then we’re forced to pay higher taxes to fund Trudeau’s battalion of carbon tax bureaucrats.”

Conservative MP for Grande Prairie-Mackenzie, Chris Warkentin, requested order paper questions to release the details of what the cost was regarding the administration of federal carbon tax.

In 2022, carbon tax administration costs came to $82.6 million and totalled $116.5 million between 2019 and 2021. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130373

File: caf780369f519aa⋯.png (1.79 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: a9ea76d0343af3d⋯.png (323.76 KB,546x803,546:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045658 (082120ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms

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Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms


In a move to align with the Liberal government’s commitment to “inclusivity,” Canadian military bases are required to provide menstrual products, including tampons and pads, in men’s washrooms by December 15.

This directive, issued by Employment and Social Development Canada, extends to all federally regulated workplaces and military installations.

True North has independently verified the implementation of this policy in at least one Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) military base, where menstruation kits are now available in men’s washrooms. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130374

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045714 (082137ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Ex-CBC journalist warns: objective media and free speech are the last defence against government overreach (video)

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Ex-CBC journalist warns: objective media and free speech are the last defence against government overreach


Former CBC science journalist discusses the erosion of free speech in Canada, citing her awakening during the pandemic in 2020 where she observed blatant censorship and bias from the media traditionally tasked with facilitating open discourse on critical issues. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130375

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045760 (082153ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Facts and debate are incompatible with totalitarian 'woke' ideology: James Lindsay (video)

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Facts and debate are incompatible with totalitarian 'woke' ideology: James Lindsay


'What Mao taught is what they're teaching today — that there are the people, and then there are the enemies of the people, and what you teach is hate across that dividing line,' said Lindsay. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130376

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20045784 (082202ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / James Lindsay explains that there are 'two classes of people' (video)

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James Lindsay explains that there are 'two classes of people'


'Almost everything the Left does only makes sense when you understand that there are broadly two classes of people with wholly different rules,' said Lindsay. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130377

File: 74b1e4b4b29b34f⋯.png (670.04 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046103 (082334ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / British Columbia doctor fired for refusing COVID shot loses appeal to return to work

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British Columbia doctor fired for refusing COVID shot loses appeal to return to work


The board ruled that Dr. Theresa Szezepaniak had the right to deny the experimental vaccine but is not immune 'from the consequences of her decision.'

A British Columbia doctor has lost an appeal to keep working after being suspended for not receiving the experimental COVID-19 vaccine.

On November 20, the British Columbia Hospital Appeal Board ruled that Dr. Theresa Szezepaniak’s hospital privileges must remain suspended as she refuses the COVID vaccine mandated by the province to work in health care settings.

“This Panel acknowledges that the Appellant has the right to make decisions impacting her bodily integrity and accepts that she strongly and sincerely believes in her views,” the decision said. “That does not mean, however, that she is immune from the consequences of her decision.”

“Hospital privileges” is a health care term referring to authority which a hospital gives to a doctor or nurse to treat patients at that hospital.

According to the ruling, Szezepaniak will remain suspended “until such time as the Appellant is eligible to fulfill her service obligations,” meaning until she receives the COVID vaccine, or the province lifts the mandate.

The ruling further states that Szezepaniak’s privileges should be canceled if she is not eligible to work by the time of her annual review.

In March 2020, Szezepaniak, a doctor in the province for over 20 years, took a position at the Royal Inland Hospital (RIH) in Kelowna.

On October 25, 2021, the health orders mandated that staff members receive the COVID vaccine to work in healthcare settings “unless they had received a COVID-19 vaccine or had been granted an exemption from the PHO.”

As a result, Szezepaniak was unable to work at RIH as of October 26 and filed for an exemption from the shot based on the argument that it violated her rights and freedoms. She supported her appeal with “numerous requests for information related to disclosure of scientific evidence regarding the vaccines and how Charter requirements were being met.”

Despite her evidence, Szezepaniak’s exemption was denied, and she was terminated from her position by the Interior Health Authority on November 19, 2021. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130378

File: c69fd776ddf4888⋯.png (1.56 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046210 (090012ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / US blocks UN Gaza ceasefire appeal

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US blocks UN Gaza ceasefire appeal


Washington has vetoed a resolution demanding a humanitarian cessation of fighting in the Israel-Hamas war

The US has cast the lone dissenting vote against a proposed UN Security Council resolution that would have demanded a humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war amid rising civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip.

Thirteen member states voted in favor of the resolution, which was put forward by the United Arab Emirates, on Friday in New York. The UK abstained, leaving Washington diplomatically isolated in blocking the measure.

“What is the message we are sending Palestinians if we cannot unite behind a call to halt the relentless bombardment of Gaza?” Deputy UAE UN Ambassador Mohamed Abushahab asked members of the council. “Indeed, what is the message we are sending civilians across the world who may find themselves in similar situations?”

Friday’s vote came after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres invoked Article 99, a rarely used provision in the UN charter, to warn the Security Council of an impending “humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza. He said that with the war raging on for two months and counting, the humanitarian support net in Gaza faces a “severe risk of collapse.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130379

File: 37ec652a4fa7ab4⋯.png (1.69 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046298 (090037ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Who benefits from blaming India for murder plots in the US and Canada?

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Who benefits from blaming India for murder plots in the US and Canada?


Washington’s allegations of New Delhi’s involvement in the assassination attempt against Sikh extremists has become a serious diplomatic issue

The governments of the US and India are under tremendous diplomatic pressure after Washington accused New Delhi of orchestrating a plot to murder US-based Khalistan movement leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun.

Designated by the Indian government as a terrorist, Pannun is a lawyer in New York, who in 2007 founded Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), an organization that is banned in India, as it advocates for a separate homeland for Sikhs – Khalistan – that would be carved out of the state of Punjab and some neighbouring areas.

The plot was foiled by the US FBI. Last week, the US Department of Justice charged Indian national and drug smuggler Nikhil Gupta of plotting to kill Pannun, who is not directly named in the indictment, at the behest of an Indian official.

The US is taking the case very seriously and has in recent months pressed the Indian government to investigate the matter on its end.

India has set up a high level committee to look into the case. Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has stated more than once that if India was provided with specific information, it would act on it, adding that it is not the Indian government’s policy to undertake actions such as this.

Pannun’s saga is unfolding against the backdrop of a similar case – which is, unsurprisingly, mentioned in the FBI investigation.

Canadian-based Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was also on India’s terrorism list, was murdered in June this year by unknown assailants. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged in September that Nijjar’s murder had potential links to the Indian government.

Trudeau believed that the allegations were credible and chose to make his sensational accusation on the floor of the Canadian parliament in September, which led to an unprecedented diplomatic spat between the two countries. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130380

File: e5bbd070e3c1558⋯.png (663.2 KB,700x392,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20046390 (090105ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Ottawa police settle complaint against detective's investigation of COVID vaccine deaths

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Ottawa police settle complaint against detective's investigation of COVID vaccine deaths


The Ottawa Police Services Board settled a lawsuit December 7 involving an officer accused of invading a grieving family's privacy by trying to determine the vaccination status of a recently deceased infant's mother.

Const. Helen Grus, a detective with the Ottawa Police Service's sexual assault and child abuse unit, was accused of discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act for allegedly accessing records related to infant and child deaths for no investigative purpose.

Grus is alleged to have contacted a deceased baby's father on January 30 2022, to ask about the mother's COVID-19 vaccination status. She was suspended with pay on February 4. Police disciplinary proceedings against her are expected to resume in January.

In a media release Thursday, lawyer Lawrence Greenspon said a family wishing to remain anonymous has settled a civil claim against the police board in "relation to the invasion of privacy of their deceased child's records by Constable Helen Grus."

Grus is accused under the Police Services Act of improperly accessing records related to nine infant deaths in Ottawa for the purpose of trying to find out if the parents of the deceased children had been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Greenspon was a lawyer for Tamara Lich in her recent trial for involvement in the February 2022 Ottawa trucker convoy.

The police board did not admit any liability in the settlement and the amount has not been disclosed.

The anonymous family is quoted in the media release saying the "blatant disregard shown for the families involved shows just how far some people are willing to go to push their own agendas.

"Targeting grieving families who have experienced the worst tragedy any parent can face in this lifetime is truly abhorrent and should be condemned in the strongest way possible."

Retired Toronto police officer and independent journalist Donald Best remains a staunch defender of Grus and says maintstream media's reporting on Grus’ case is full of “lies, defamation, [and] hypocrisy.”

The settlement came just one day before a Divisional Court Judicial Review application filed by Grus’ defense lawyers was to be heard in court and Best alleged the timing was designed to put Grus in a bad light.

According to Best, court evidence showed both that Grus did not access the vaccination records and that she had nothing to do with any public release of the investigation. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048234 (091429ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / “Israel’s Lady in Red” Goes Public After Surviving the Hamas Massacre at the Nova Concert on Oct. 7 (video)

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“Israel’s Lady in Red” Goes Public After Surviving the Hamas Massacre at the Nova Concert on Oct. 7 (VIDEO)


Hamas barbarians slaughtered 1,300 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023 in a surprise dawn attack.

The Islamists specifically targeted the NOVA Concert in southern Israel.

The Hamas terrorists flew paragliders into the concert on that Saturday morning and slaughtered nearly 300 of the 3,600 partygoers around 6:30 AM.

The killers also raped the young beautiful women and took dozens of hostages, both young men and young women. Their whereabouts are now unknown but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Isreal will keep electricity and water from Gaza until all the prisoners – nearly 300 – are returned by the barbarians.

One photo released after the Hamas mass murder attack shows one of the Hamas Islamists with an AK47 as he entered the party area to slaughter Jews.

How To Join The "Secret Boycott" Patriots Are Using To Crush Woke Corporations

Hamas killers came with sniper rifles, drones, paragliders, and rocket launchers to kill the innocent youths at the party.

It was an organized and planned attack – A war crime that shocked the civilized world.

Chaos erupted after Hamas reportedly opened fire on the gathering. Hundreds of Israelis ran into the desert to hide.

Several of the women who attended the party are still missing and may have been brought back to Gaza.

One of the most famous photos was of the beautiful young Israeli woman running from the barbarians in a red shawl.

She survived and now that woman is finally going public.

Vlada Patapov – a 25-year-old Ukrainian-born mother of one – told her story to Mail Online. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130382

File: edcabad2cda4c80⋯.png (516.72 KB,1023x573,341:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 2eb5b6e05e73793⋯.png (747.63 KB,793x741,61:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048289 (091447ZDEC23) Notable: Negotiations for Turkey to Approve Sweden’s Bid to NATO Membership Devolve Into Ugly Bargaining

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Negotiations for Turkey to Approve Sweden’s Bid to NATO Membership Devolve Into Ugly Bargaining – Conflict in Middle East May Further Complicate Things


The long soap opera of Sweden’s accession is ongoing, and in many ways, it has devolved into an unashamed bargain season over Turkey’s defense needs that are currently overlooked by its ‘partners’ in NATO.

Many times Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is pictured as ‘blackmailing’ the West, as holding Sweden’s membership ‘hostage’ – but it does seem to be a mutual give-and-take political exercise that – ugly as it is to behold – is not that unusual.

Erdogan expects Washington to ‘simultaneously’ approve the sale of F-16 jets to Ankara in exchange for their ratifying Sweden’s stalled bid to join the NATO alliance.

Erdogan believes he did his ‘duty’ by referring Sweden’s NATO accession decision to the Turkish parliament, and expects US Congress to similarly approve Turkey’s request to buy billions of dollars worth of F-16 fighters.

Financial Times reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130383

File: 150feb07e668670⋯.png (632.29 KB,1024x680,128:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e09b412800995f⋯.png (1.37 MB,1104x1278,184:213,Clipboard.png)

File: f304963a3b1da5a⋯.png (238.93 KB,1023x486,341:162,Clipboard.png)

File: 92de1c9ebd96d3a⋯.png (211.3 KB,1328x452,332:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b89017599686fc⋯.png (428.68 KB,788x713,788:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048336 (091502ZDEC23) Notable: New Mexico Complaints Against Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Reveal Disturbing Development — Shows Sex Predators Used “PIZZA” to Hide Their Criminal Activities on Facebook and Instagram

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New Mexico Complaints Against Meta and Mark Zuckerberg Reveal Disturbing Development — Shows Sex Predators Used “PIZZA” to Hide Their Criminal Activities on Facebook and Instagram (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)


In a chilling revelation, New Mexico authorities have uncovered a series of communications among sex predators operating within the state, utilizing the seemingly innocuous term “PIZZA” as a code word to obscure their illicit activities.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the New Mexico Democrat Attorney General Raúl Torrez took decisive action against tech giant Meta Platforms, Inc., its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and associated entities, including Instagram, LLC, and Facebook Holdings, LLC.

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, represents a bold effort to curb the exploitation of children on social media platforms.

“Our investigation into Meta’s social media platforms demonstrates that they are not safe spaces for children but rather prime locations for predators to trade child pornography and solicit minors for sex,” Attorney General Torrez said in a statement.

“As a career prosecutor who specialized in internet crimes against children, I am committed to using every available tool to put an end to these horrific practices and I will hold companies — and their executives — accountable whenever they put profits ahead of children’s safety,” he added.

During the past several months, the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office launched an undercover operation posing as minors under 14 on Meta’s platforms. This sting operation led to disturbing findings, where it was discovered that: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130384

File: 69b1d018543af3a⋯.png (1.47 MB,1499x1536,1499:1536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048432 (091528ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Dissecting The Washington Post’s “Analysis” Of Ukraine’s Failed Counter Offensive (Parts 1&2)

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Dissecting The Washington Post’s “Analysis” Of Ukraine’s Failed Counter Offensive — Part 2


This two-part series in the Washington Post is a must-read because of what it tells the reader about the abysmal performance of the White House and the Department of Defense. I found it genuinely shocking. I knew that Biden, Austin and Milley were bad. I just did not appreciate how bad. On a scale of 1 to 10, with a 10 marking the biggest fuck up in history, these guys rate an 11.

Part two, In Ukraine, a war of incremental gains as counteroffensive stalls, pushes the false narrative that what is happening on the ground in Ukraine is a “stalemate.” No. What is going on is a major ass kicking by Russia. Here is the definition of a stalemate in chess, which also applies to war:

A stalemate is a special type of draw in the game of chess that occurs when the chess player who has to move cannot make any legal moves to a safe square but is also not in check. Stalemate typically ends the game with a draw—a scenario in which there is no way for either player to win the game.

No way for Russia to win? Think again. By decimating Ukraine’s army that is precisely a path to victory.

Part 2 describes in detail how the U.S. designed plan of attack fell apart during the first week of the counter offensive. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130385

File: 8bedc4d25c58179⋯.png (353.64 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: f4dc7e5e8a944d1⋯.png (457.56 KB,658x808,329:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048470 (091537ZDEC23) Notable: NATO Aspirant Sweden Signs Deal To Let US Military Use All Its Bases

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NATO Aspirant Sweden Signs Deal To Let US Military Use All Its Bases


Sweden is not even in NATO yet—amid the continuing holdup and objections from Turkey and Hungary—but that didn't stop the US and Sweden this week from brokering a deal to let American troops have wide use of Swedish military bases for the first time.

The newly inked Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) this week signals Stockholm finally and fully abandoning its its centuries-old policy of neutrality, given the Pentagon has confirmed that US forces can now "operate in Sweden, including the legal status of US military personnel, access to deployment areas (and) prepositioning of military materiel."

Defense Lloyd Austin and Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson held a signing ceremony on Tuesday, and hailed that the deal will "create better conditions for Sweden to be able to receive support from the United States in the event of a war or crisis."

At a moment Sweden is still waiting anxiously for its accession into NATO to be announced, the US State Department has said the DCA with Sweden will "apply seamlessly before and after Sweden’s accession to the NATO Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130386

File: 4ee34489c44d360⋯.png (325.25 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048508 (091548ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / French Farmers Dump Manure On Govt Buildings To Protest Climate Hysteria

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French Farmers Dump Manure On Govt Buildings To Protest Climate Hysteria


French farmers are dumping vast quantities of manure on government buildings to protest against excessive environmental regulations that threaten their way of life.

The farmers are protesting against excessive regulations and climate hysteria technocracy that threatens to ruin their livelihoods, as well as an EU ban on glyphosate.

Roads were also blockaded and vehicles set ablaze.

Hundreds of farmers also blocked roads near council buildings around Saint-Brieuc.

Farmers carrying signs that said “France, do you still want your farmers?” and “Without support, France is starving” sprayed manure on the offices of Brittany Regional Council in Rennes.

There have also been clashes with police.

One organization leading the protests said the demonstrations will “remain complete as long as the government does not provide French agriculture with all the means allowing it to be fully involved in the food, energy and environmental issues of the future.”

The Netherlands has been rocked by similar protests in recent years against limits on nitrogen emissions that would have led to the shut down of thousands of farms.

That played a huge role in populist Geert Wilders soaring to victory in last month’s election.

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5ae0ea No.130387

File: d02f9e0f62c206e⋯.png (354.99 KB,500x627,500:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dcc09b6f4bb6d3⋯.png (175.07 KB,500x275,20:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048540 (091559ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Escobar: How Kiev Wanted To Expand The War To Belarus

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Escobar: How Kiev Wanted To Expand The War To Belarus


Well, Kiev – literally – never sleeps.

This document – attached, and verified at the highest level, is a report on several recon operations on the Ukraine-Belarus border conducted four months ago.

Several Ukrainian Special Ops groups had been engaged in deep recon previous to a possible Hail Mary-style plan: launching an offensive against the territory of Belarus, thus expanding the U.S. proxy war on Russia “multilaterally”.

It’s not clear if this was a Kiev idea; a plan dictated by the NATO masters; or a mix of the two. Minsk, of course, was not exactly observing from a distance.

Now let’s get to the meat of the matter. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130388

File: 8972e8a1eca656c⋯.png (344.82 KB,657x810,73:90,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048603 (091626ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / 'Shadow Fleet' Tanker Runs Aground Near Singapore

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'Shadow Fleet' Tanker Runs Aground Near Singapore


A petroleum tanker, part of a global "shadow fleet" of vessels, hauled upwards of a million barrels of Venezuelan oil and ran aground near Singapore. Blomberg reported that this incident occurred shortly after the tanker falsified its location to avoid detection.

The 23- year-old oil tanker, "Liberty," was sailing under the Cameroon flag and ran aground on Sunday. An Indonesian navy spokesman said an investigation into Liberty is underway.

Satellite research from TankerTrackers said the vessel was 'spoofing' its location in October, making it appear as if the ship was off the coast of West Africa while actually filling up on sanctioned oil in Venezuela. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048627 (091637ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Putin Formally Announces 2024 Election Bid

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Putin Formally Announces 2024 Election Bid


As was long anticipated, Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a formal announcement saying he's seeking re-election in 2024 - a vote that will be held between March 15 and March 17, 2024. The winner will be inaugurated in early May. Assuming a Putin victory, it would be his fifth term as head of state, and this would put him in office until 2030, after already approaching nearly a quarter-century in power.

Interestingly, the Kremlin cast Putin's declaration as part of "spontaneous" remarks which followed an award ceremony honoring war veterans. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130390

File: b6a927b50292a28⋯.png (127.76 KB,500x219,500:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f5d6d3883f5fc3⋯.png (51.56 KB,500x238,250:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ee55702d6a7def⋯.png (421 KB,500x316,125:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048645 (091642ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Russia's Flagship Crude Oil Falls Below The $60 Price-Cap, But…

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Russia's Flagship Crude Oil Falls Below The $60 Price-Cap, But...


The price of Russia’s flagship crude, Urals, has dropped below the $60 per barrel price cap for the first time in months amid plunging international benchmarks.

The price of Urals crude loaded from Russia’s Baltic Sea port of Primorsk fell to $56.15 a barrel, while the price of Urals at the Novorossiysk port in the Black Sea slumped to $56.55, Bloomberg reported on Thursday citing data from Argus Media.

The data is used to inform G-7 policy on the price cap.

Brent Crude prices fell below $75 per barrel on Wednesday, settling at the lowest level since June, amid rising U.S. oil production and inventories, concerns about the Chinese economy, and underwhelming OPEC+ cuts.

Urals crude has been trading above the price cap since July, and reports have emerged that the West is considering toughening up the sanction enforcement on evaders of the price cap on Russian oil, almost none of which has recently traded below the ceiling of $60 per barrel.

The recent rout in the oil market has driven Urals below the price cap, for now.

The average price of Urals dropped in November from October but was still way above the Western price cap of $60 per barrel, data from Russia’s Finance Ministry showed last week.

The average price of the Urals grade was $72.84 per barrel last month, down from $81.52 a barrel in October, but higher than the $66.47 average price in November 2022, according to the data.

Despite the Urals prices holding above the price cap, Russia’s largest oil and gas exporters saw their total revenues plunge by 41% between January and September compared to the same period last year, due to lower commodity prices and lower exports, Russia’s central bank said in a financial stability review on Thursday.

Over the first nine months of the year, the share of Chinese yuan in payments for Russia’s oil and gas exports jumped from 13% in January to 35% in September. The share of the exports in Russian rubles remains significant – at 39% in September 2023, the Bank of Russia said.


As the price of Russia’s flagship crude fell below the $60 per barrel price cap and international benchmarks slumped, India expects to increase its purchases of Russian oil, an anonymous senior government official in India told Reuters on Friday.

The Indian official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said there would not be any impact on India's intake of Russian oil due to Western sanctions on ships as enough vessels were available in the market.

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5ae0ea No.130391

File: 3d49f1ea61c223e⋯.png (1.11 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048713 (091707ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Canada pledges to triple nuclear power production by 2050 at COP28

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Canada pledges to triple nuclear power production by 2050 at COP28


The Canadian government announced plans to substantially increase its production of nuclear energy by signing a pledge to triple its nuclear capacity by 2050, along with 22 other countries at COP28.

“This is very significant. Canada is joining 22 countries in signing a pledge to triple its nuclear capacity by 2050,” said Chris Keefer, co-founder of Canadians for Nuclear Energy.

COP28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference is taking place in the United Arab Emirates, which began on Nov. 30 and will continue until Dec. 12.

Canada had previously left nuclear energy out of its 2022 Green Bond program, which is aimed at supporting clean energy projects, however, it’s now planning on using the source as its primary energy source towards reaching its 2050 Net Zero emissions targets.

“This represents, I’ll call it a U-turn, in Canadian policy. We’ve gone in the last two years from a very lukewarm approach to nuclear to a very warm embrace,” said Keefer. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130392

File: 0d0e34e080bf85d⋯.png (1.48 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048745 (091717ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber adjourned until 2024

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Trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber adjourned until 2024


The trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, two organizers in the Freedom Convoy protest, have had their trial adjourned following over 30 days of evidence and arguments.

The trial is expected to resume next month.

First beginning in September, the trial was initially scheduled to finish by Oct. 13, however it will now continue well into 2024.

Both Lich and Barber are accused of mischief, intimidation and several other charges in relation to counseling others to break the law.

The protest, which took place for several weeks in February 2022, saw massive crowds of people from all across Canada demonstrating against Covid-19 mandates.

A number of Ottawa residents have also testified in the trial about their experiences during that time.

Defence lawyers for Lich and Barber maintain that their clients did not engage in any form of counseling of others to commit acts of mischief.

They allege that in all video evidence presented of the two defendants, they’re only shown to be asking protesters to remain peaceful, respectful to law enforcement and to the residents of Ottawa.The trial is expected to resume on Jan. 4, however no additional dates have been scheduled, according to CP24.

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5ae0ea No.130393

File: e4eb6c15ffbe72a⋯.png (719.54 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048761 (091723ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Albertans divided on proposed pension plan: engagement panel

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Albertans divided on proposed pension plan: engagement panel


Following a series of telephone town hall meetings, the Alberta Pension Plan Engagement Panel, led by former provincial treasurer Jim Dinning, reports that approximately half of the participants oppose the proposed Alberta Pension Plan.

Initially planned for December, the panel postponed in-person engagements until the release of the federal report. This decision aims to ensure that further public engagement is grounded on comprehensive and precise information.

In a recent update by Dinning alongside Finance Minister Nate Horner, the panel revealed that over 76,000 Albertans participated in the telephone town halls and more than 94,000 completed an online survey.

Dinning summarized the public response, stating, “It’s fair to say that we heard from many Albertans who oppose the idea of exiting the Canadian Pension Plan and moving to an Alberta plan, many of them passionate.”

Some Albertans were mailing back their APP flyers, with “no to the APP” and “hands off my CPP” written across some of them, with several containing personal notes, as previously reported by The Edmonton Journal.

However, Dinning noted that others were “entirely in favour” of a provincial pension plan. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130394

File: 5c5595c0c9c1700⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2779227cc73704c⋯.png (186.3 KB,360x636,30:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048804 (091750ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Syrian national Ibrahim Ali convicted of first-degree murder in death of 13-year-old B.C. girl

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BREAKING: Syrian national Ibrahim Ali convicted of first-degree murder in death of 13-year-old B.C. girl


Ibrahim Ali has been found guilty of first-degree murder in the death of a 13-year-old Burnaby, B.C. girl — mere months after he arrived in Canada as a single, military-aged refugee from Syria.

Justice has finally been served for the family of a 13-year-old, Burnaby, B.C. girl found dead following a gruesome sexual assault.

On December 8, the jury, who began their deliberations Thursday evening, unanimously agreed that Ibrahim Ali attacked then sexually assaulted the child on July 24, 2017.

They found him guilty of first-degree murder.

The details of his sentencing are not yet known as of writing. However, Justice L. Bernard, who presided over the case, gave the jury a lengthy set of instructions on December 7 to clarify their duty and how they needed to assess the evidence.

Ali, a single, 28-year-old Syrian refugee when he murdered the young teen, became a permanent resident before his arrest on September 7, 2018.

This is a developing story.

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5ae0ea No.130395

File: 0f5cfaf4553087e⋯.png (659.5 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2451d0e5c04c8b7⋯.png (68.58 KB,360x577,360:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048820 (091759ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Elon Musk Reinstates Alex Jones on Social Media Platform X (video)

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BREAKING: Alex Jones to be reinstated to X


"The people have spoken," Alx wrote. "It’s time to reinstate @RealAlexJones Vox Populi, Vox Dei."

Elon Musk said he's considering reinstating Alex Jones on Twitter. He said he'd run a poll and perhaps let the people decide. While waiting for that poll to commence, Alx decided to get one going himself.

The positive response was astounding. Of the 58,901 who participated in the poll, 92 percent of those surveyed said that yes, Jones should be reinstated.

"The people have spoken," Alx wrote. "It’s time to reinstate @RealAlexJones Vox Populi, Vox Dei."

"Ok," Musk replied. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130396

File: d22887c3d3e37e8⋯.png (984.3 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048851 (091807ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / 12-Year-Olds Charged After Woman Beaten Unconscious at Public Transit Station

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12-Year-Olds Charged After Woman Beaten Unconscious at Public Transit Station


Two 12-year-old girls have been charged after what police describe as a “violent assault” left a woman unconscious at an Edmonton train station.

Edmonton Police say the incident happened on Nov. 26 at 8:30 p.m. at the Coliseum LRT station.

“It was reported to police that a 55-year-old woman was sitting on a bench waiting for the LRT when she was approached by two female youth who began berating her, subsequently assaulted her to the point of unconsciousness,” a police media release said.

The girls ran from the area, but were located by police a short distance away, the release says. They have both been charged with aggravated assault.

Police say the woman was in critical condition and remains in hospital with “significant head and facial injuries.”

“We understand there were witnesses on the platform at the time of the assault who we are looking to speak with,” says Staff Sgt. Ian Brooks. “We encourage those witnesses to contact police at their earliest convenience.”

Violent Crimes by Youth on the Rise

The number of violent crimes committed by those under 18 has been increasing, according to Statistics Canada. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130397

File: 2b738aee805e2ff⋯.png (702.04 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20048910 (091833ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / 2 More Churches Burned in Alberta, RCMP Suspect Arson

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2 More Churches Burned in Alberta, RCMP Suspect Arson


The RCMP in Alberta says they suspect arson is the cause of two fires that destroyed two churches in a community northwest of Edmonton.

Barrhead RCMP responded to the first fire at The Glenreagh Church on Range Road 40 at 7:52 p.m. Dec. 7, according to an RCMP news release. At 9 p.m., they were called to a second fire at The United Church on Range Road 54.

“RCMP and the Barrhead Fire Services continue to investigate the cause of the fires and both are being treated as arson,” the release said.

The fires were put out quickly and there were no injuries reported, RCMP said. However, both churches were “extremely damaged.”

An initial investigation by the fire examiner led officials to believe the fires were intentional, the release said.

An older model two-tonne truck was seen at the scene of The Glenreagh Church and is believed to be connected to the fires, according to the RCMP. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130398

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052694 (101622ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Elon Musk Reinstates Alex Jones on Social Media Platform X (video)

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Elon Musk Was WRONG About Alex Jones And Is Now USING HIM As X Prepares To WELCOME HIM BACK!!!


Alex Jones is coming back to Twitter/X not because of a policy change but because of a “change of heart” from Elon Musk.

A poll is currently being conducted where the inevitable outcome will be that Alex Jones will be allowed back onto the platform, but is any of this coming unexpectedly to Musk or does he know exactly what he’s doing?

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth continues his coverage of the Alex Jones/Elon Musk Twitter(X) debate as “free speech absolutism” is about to get a major reality check!

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5ae0ea No.130399

File: 7b3d592ef33608f⋯.png (1.25 MB,1194x758,597:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c0abe672f5c389⋯.png (535.51 KB,863x787,863:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 16675ac64ae8fd6⋯.png (96.41 KB,861x627,287:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 20001ee56c289ff⋯.png (75.88 KB,862x707,862:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b223edde712c59⋯.png (312.23 KB,717x815,717:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052769 (101639ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Elon Musk Reinstates Alex Jones on Social Media Platform X (video)

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BREAKING: Elon Musk Reinstates Alex Jones on Social Media Platform X


Elon Musk, the visionary owner of pioneering social media Platform X, has restored the account of broadcaster Alex Jones. Recommitting to his promise to protect free speech, Musk’s bold action sparks hope for a more communicative and undiscriminating internet.

This was the final tweet Alex Jones posted before his suspension from the woke Twitter previously overseen by far-left Jack Dorsey.

Media analyst Mark Dice provided an in-depth account of the rationale for Jones’ suspension, in which Elon Musk agreed. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130400

File: 07ac7b3b721f7e3⋯.png (862.13 KB,768x484,192:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052813 (101647ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Teens More Likely to be Mentally Healthy if They Have Conservative Parents, Study Says

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Teens More Likely to be Mentally Healthy if They Have Conservative Parents, Study Says


‘Liberal parents score the lowest’My colleagues and I at Gallup launched a study this summer to understand the causes. We surveyed 6,643 parents, including 2,956 who live with an adolescent, and we surveyed an additional 1,580 of those adolescents. We asked about mental health, visits to doctors, parenting practices, family relationships, activities, personality traits, attitudes toward marriage, and other topics, including excessive social media use, as discussed in prior work. I present the results in a new Institute for Family Studies and Gallup research brief.

The findings are clear. The most important factor in the mental health of adolescent children is the quality of the relationship with their caregivers. This, in turn, is strongly related to parenting practices—with the best results coming from warm, responsive, and rule-bound, disciplined parenting. The data also reveal the characteristics of parents who engage in best-practices and enjoy the highest quality relationships. Continue...

A new study reveals what would be a big ho-hum for conservatives, but might be revelatory for others: that teens with conservative parents are likely to be more health mentally.

The comes from the Institute for Family Studies and Gallup, and a report authored by Jonathan Rothwell found:

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5ae0ea No.130401

File: 44262d8fbad0cc2⋯.png (2.1 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a15c57d58b310a⋯.png (1.32 MB,1022x573,1022:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a7c0a81292ccea⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052862 (101656ZDEC23) Notable: As Threat of Invasion From Venezuela Escalates, the US Runs Military Drills With Allied Guyanese Armed Forces; UK sends warship

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As Threat of Invasion From Venezuela Escalates, the US Runs Military Drills With Allied Guyanese Armed Forces


While the world is shaken right now by no less than 55 military conflicts – a record since the Second World War – the western hemisphere, an area of primary US influence, is also now bracing itself for the prospect of war.

Not many people know much about Guyana, a former British and Dutch colony located on the northeastern coast of South America, eight across the equator line in the Northern Hemisphere.

The dispute with socialist-run Venezuela deals with the Essequibo region, which Guyana insists has frontiers determined by an international arbitration panel in 1899.

Venezuela, on the other hand, claims the Essequibo River to the region’s east forms its natural border recognized as far back as 1777.

The dispute was reignited in 2015 when massive oil reserves were found in the region’s territorial waters.

CBS News reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130402

File: 41ee4e2eae82d56⋯.png (572.65 KB,799x453,799:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052914 (101704ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Nebraska Begins Mass Collection of Digital Health Data on All its Citizens

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Here We Go: Nebraska Begins Mass Collection of Digital Health Data on All its Citizens


In an unprecedented move that has chilling implications for personal privacy, the State of Nebraska has begun the mass collection of digital health data on all its citizens, Reclaim The Net reported.

This initiative, part of a state Health Information Technology (HIT) Board’s mandate, consolidates health records in a way that has never been done before, raising alarm over the state’s direction toward a possible national digital ID system and the specter of surveillance that could follow.

The Nebraska Legislature made a law (LB 411) that says all healthcare facilities must share their health records in this system to help patients and improve how healthcare works together.

But, if a facility finds it too hard or impossible to do this because of tech issues, they need to fill out a waiver to explain their situation. The Health Information Technology Board will look at their reasons and decide if they can be excused from joining this system.

Centralized under the auspices of CyncHealth, the health data of over five million patients from 1,100 healthcare institutions are being compiled into a single, sprawling digital database. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130403

File: 8f97644d6acb063⋯.png (698.21 KB,1050x600,7:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fdbd19bfaca17a⋯.png (103.51 KB,807x722,807:722,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f66c1c79743d00⋯.png (483.21 KB,542x798,271:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20052972 (101714ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / ‘I Am the Science’ Anthony Fauci Explains Why He No Longer Practice the Catholic Faith

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‘I Am the Science’ Anthony Fauci Explains Why He No Longer Practice the Catholic Faith (VIDEO)


In a BBC interview conducted by Katy Kay at the grounds of Georgetown University, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and current Distinguished University Professor at Georgetown University, has shared his personal perspective on faith and his decision to step away from traditional religious practice.

In a clip shared on social media, Dr. Fauci pointed out Dahlgren Chapel, a significant landmark in his life where he and his wife Christine were married, prompting Kay to delve deeper into his current relationship with the church. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130404

File: 00a9492e3190058⋯.png (1.3 MB,1140x684,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: b7c476332b91bdd⋯.png (226.64 KB,1536x826,768:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053047 (101728ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / America Last: Joe Biden Announces Additional $175 Million Security Assistance to Ukraine

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America Last: Joe Biden Announces Additional $175 Million Security Assistance to Ukraine


On Wednesday, the Biden regime recently announced additional U.S. security assistance for Ukraine.

This latest package, valued at $175 million, is aimed at supporting Ukraine in its ongoing defense against Russian aggression. The assistance includes a variety of military equipment and support, such as air defense munitions, artillery ammunition, and anti-armor missiles.

With limited resources available, the Biden regime has signaled that without further action from Congress, this could be one of the last security assistance packages provided to Ukraine.

According to the press release: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130405

File: f16056559ac661d⋯.png (758.14 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053187 (101814ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Shattered Dream: Rising Cost of Living and Housing Crisis Are Driving Immigrants To Leave Canada in Growing Numbers

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Shattered Dream: Rising Cost of Living and Housing Crisis Are Driving Immigrants To Leave Canada in Growing Numbers


We live now in times when most Western developed countries are dealing with the consequences of unchecked mass migration, and the impact in their societies.

But now, in Canada, the opposite situation is starting to unfold – and it’s also a problem scenario.

The battle for survival for many Canadian immigrants is becoming so hard, due to the high cost of living and rental shortages, that emigration numbers are rising at an alarming pace.

Immigration is widely credited with helping to fuel economic growth, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used it as a strategy to face Canada’s big challenge of an aging population with slowing population growth numbers.

As a result, Canada’s population grew at the fastest rate in more than six decades, this year.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053216 (101819ZDEC23) Notable: Leo Hohmann: Enjoy this Christmas Season — It May Be the Last One We Have to Celebrate in ‘Normal’ Times — WEF Warns 2024 Likely to Bring ‘Cataclysmic’ Changes (video)

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Leo Hohmann: Enjoy this Christmas Season — It May Be the Last One We Have to Celebrate in ‘Normal’ Times — WEF Warns 2024 Likely to Bring ‘Cataclysmic’ Changes


World War III, cyber-attacks, and economic meltdowns could change life forever; all three scenarios are simmering and ready to explode.

Chanukah is underway and Christmas is just a couple of weeks off. Another year will go by the wayside.

As we approach December 31, you will hear people chirping on social media that they are glad such a bad year is fading into the rearview mirror and how much they are looking forward to brighter times in 2024.

These people are not awake. Don’t get lulled into their fantasyland.

It’s more likely that we will look back on 2023 as perhaps the last year in which we enjoyed a somewhat normal life here in America, still perched atop the global order and enjoying all the benefits of that status. Our dollars still buy food for our Christmas table and energy to heat our homes, even if it’s more expensive than in previous years.

With the world’s superpowers remaining at loggerheads as to how we move forward into a new era marked by artificial intelligence and digital currencies, we can count on being moved closer to World War III next year, if not fully embroiled in it. And living through war and economic upheaval is never easy.

The Luciferian globalist elites have done their best to lay hints of what they plan to hit us with next in their list of conjured-up crises. They talk a lot about cyber attacks. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130407

File: 2d4bf74e1edaaeb⋯.png (2.86 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053307 (101837ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / CDC Issues Health Alert Over Deadly, Fast-Spreading Strain of Monkeypox

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Here We Go: CDC Issues Health Alert Over Deadly, Fast-Spreading Strain of Monkeypox


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a health alert on Thursday to inform clinicians and health departments nationwide about the emergence and spread of a deadly subtype of the monkeypox virus, known as Clade I, predominantly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

This health advisory, part of the CDC’s Health Alert Network (HAN), underscores the necessity for heightened vigilance, particularly among travelers returning from the DRC. Clade I, distinguished as a distinct genetic grouping of the monkeypox virus, has not been reported in the United States to date, according to the health alert.

There is currently an outbreak of deadly monkeypox in 22 out of 26 provinces, including urban areas in Congo. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130408

File: 895c14822350f7c⋯.png (359.45 KB,785x788,785:788,Clipboard.png)

File: bd8e7a2a505e00d⋯.png (278.34 KB,500x283,500:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b63d661d49997f⋯.png (348.62 KB,665x811,665:811,Clipboard.png)

File: cbb79af10921105⋯.png (326.69 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053360 (101848ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / UNfortunately Predictable: United Nations Declares UNRWA Terrorism Story "Misinformation"

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UNfortunately Predictable: United Nations Declares UNRWA Terrorism Story "Misinformation"


United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has issued a warning that a story about its staff holding hostages in Gaza is possible “misinformation” and should be removed from the media.

As Jonathan Turley details below, the UN has long supported censorship and we previously discussed how figures like World Health Organization (WHO) head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for such action to combat what he called the “infodemic” - a claim made as his own organization came under fire for its actions vis-a-vis China on the pandemic.

Now UNRWA is raising possible defamation of the group. Indeed, the latest statement reads like a notice letter in a defamation case, but how serious is it?

This controversy began with the report on Israeli Channel 13 that a UNRWA teacher held an Israeli hostage in an attic for 50 days:

“A teacher with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) reportedly held an Israeli hostage taken captive by Hamas on Oct. 7 in an attic.

The teacher, a father of 10 children, kept the hostage for almost 50 days, barely provided food, and neglected the hostage’s medical needs, Israeli Channel 13’s Almog Boker reported Wednesday.

A Gazan doctor also held another hostage, according to Boker.”

The Times of Israel has also reported that Israeli forces have found boxes bearing the UNRWA logo at terrorist sites and found rockets underneath boxes with UNRWA markings in a residential home. The allegations have led to a call from one U.S. Senator for an investigation. ;;Continue...''

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5ae0ea No.130409

File: 42d66c4f38c3984⋯.png (127.98 KB,500x278,250:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d3056a4f3b606e⋯.png (427.19 KB,655x807,655:807,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c13bd1b62a72d2⋯.png (448.67 KB,500x331,500:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053485 (101912ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / EU Policymakers Complete World's First AI Regulatory Framework

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"Historic!" - EU Policymakers Complete World's First AI Regulatory Framework


Concerns over the potential misuse of AI have prompted the U.S., U.K., China and the G7 to speed up regulation of the technology, but Europe is already ahead

European Union policymakers agreed Friday on a comprehensive regulation for artificial intelligence, the AI Act.

This makes the EU the first governing body to pass AI legislation of the sort.

The deal was struck following a nearly 24-hour debate on Dec. 8 and 15 hours of negotiations after that.

As CoinTelegraph's Amaka Nwaokocha reports, the agreement covers the governmental use of AI in biometric surveillance, how to regulate AI systems such as ChatGPT, and the transparency rules to follow before market entry.

This covers technical documents, adherence to European Union copyright and sharing training content summaries.

The agreement stipulates that AI models with significant impact and systemic risks must evaluate and address those risks, perform adversarial testing for system resilience, report incidents to the European Commission, ensure cybersecurity and disclose energy efficiency.

“Correct implementation will be essential - the Parliament will keep a close eye on supporting new business ideas with sandboxes and effective rules for the most powerful models.”

After the deal was made, European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton posted on X: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130410

File: 1e8b4a28ed72570⋯.png (245.03 KB,500x254,250:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053515 (101919ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / "No NATO" For Ukraine, Ukrainian Politician Says

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"No NATO" For Ukraine, Ukrainian Politician Says


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is pressuring European diplomats to cease any talks about Ukraine joining NATO, according to a member of Rada (the Ukrainian parliament), Oleksiy Goncharenko.

This is no minor politician.

The son of a former Odessa mayor, he is a member of the Ukrainian Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The allegations were publicly made in a series of texts posted in his Telegram channel (in Ukrainian). He wrote:

“Unfortunately, there will be no NATO [for Ukraine]. Forget about it - it won't happen.”

Goncharenko claims that “several sources” in Washington told him the topic of Ukraine’s accession to the Atlantic Alliance “annoys the US elite” and even “after war” the country should not expect it.

The politician also commented on the ongoing friction between the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valery Zaluzhny. According to Goncharenko, Washington is “not happy” about it. In addition, he says, one should expect the next aid package to Ukraine to be the last one: “In a year, at the end of 2024, we will not be given any more money… Most likely, we will switch to a credit form of cooperation. They’ll give a loan. Not a grant that won’t need to be repaid.”

Could such allegations be a fabrication created for propaganda purposes? There is no reason to think so and the logic of it in this case would be far from clear. In fact, Goncharenko’s claims make perfect sense in light of what we already know by now. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053572 (101932ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Dutch commentator predicts end of Trudeau in next election

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CANTIN-NANTEL: Dutch commentator predicts end of Trudeau in next election


Dutch conservative political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek says she is hopeful that Canadians will vote out Justin Trudeau in the next federal election.

Vlaardingerbroek made the comments in an interview with True North’s Elie Cantin-Nantel. They also discussed the recent Dutch election, the Dutch farmers’ protest, and cancel culture.

Vlaardingerbroek was in Canada for a cross-country tour with German MEP Christine Anderson aimed at encouraging increased civic engagement.

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5ae0ea No.130412

File: 03d32d539fd9204⋯.png (1.05 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053587 (101936ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canada faces longest healthcare wait times ever recorded, research shows

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Canada faces longest healthcare wait times ever recorded, research shows


Canadians are waiting longer than ever to see a healthcare specialist and receive treatment in 2023, according to a recent Fraser Institute report.

The Fraser Institute polled physicians from 12 specialties and ten provinces for almost three decades.

This year, the data collected from January to June consisted of 1,269 physicians responses. The report, titled Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2023 Report, showed the results of this year’s survey.

A median wait time of 27.7 weeks between referral from a general practitioner and receipt of treatment was reported in 2023. This is longer than the 27.4 weeks reported in 2022. This year’s wait time is the longest recorded in the survey’s history and is 198% longer than the 9.3-week wait time documented in 1993.

The 27.7-week total was broken down into two segments – a referral by a general practitioner to consultation with a specialist takes 14.6 weeks, followed by consultation with a specialist and receiving treatment, which takes 13.1 weeks.

The report also revealed that the differences in wait times across provinces are substantial. Ontario reported the shortest total wait time of 21.6 weeks. Nova Scotia reported the longest wait time of 56.7 weeks, almost triple Ontario’s. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130413

File: 8f1fb872bdbb53c⋯.png (1004.85 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053615 (101941ZDEC23) Notable: Canadians will see less in their paycheques in 2024 due to new tax hikes

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Canadians will see less in their paycheques in 2024 due to new tax hikes


Canadians are about to take home less from each paycheque starting in January, as income taxes are set to increase.

Federal Employment Insurance (EI) and the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) will have changes made to them in 2024 that will lessen the amount of how much Canadians will ultimately take home.

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) provided a breakdown of what the new year will look like for both employees and employers.

Beginning on Jan. 1, the EI premium rate will go from $1.63 to $1.66 per $100 earned for employees and from $2.28 to $2,32 for every $100 earned by employers.

Additionally, the rate for Maximum Insurable Earnings (MIE) will be increased from $61,500 to $63,200.

The MIE is the maximum threshold that employees have to pay into EI, meaning that the annual maximum for EI will increase for employers to $1,468.77 per employee, a $65.34 difference compared to last year.

CPP contributions, which have an annual ceiling of 5.95%, will have its maximum contribution raised from $3,754.45 to $3,867.50. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130414

File: 61369b1fd188e6f⋯.png (837.08 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053641 (101946ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Canada-U.S. border a human smuggling hotspot: RCMP

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Canada-U.S. border a human smuggling hotspot: RCMP


The RCMP is warning of a surge in human smuggling activities across the border with the United States, particularly in the areas of Ontario and Quebec that border New York and Vermont.

According to Chief Supt. Mathieu Bertrand, who oversees border policing, criminal groups are exploiting the “vulnerability” of people who want to enter the U.S. illegally and charging them thousands of dollars for the risky journey.

The U.S. Border Patrol reported a 550 per cent increase in the number of people apprehended after crossing illegally from Canada in the Swanton Sector, which covers 295 miles of land and water boundaries.

Between October 2022 and September 2023, agents arrested 6,925 people from 79 different countries, mostly from Mexico and India.

Just in the last weekend of November, 71 people were detained in this region.

The RCMP said it is working with its U.S. counterparts and other law enforcement agencies to disrupt and dismantle the smuggling networks.

Despite this, the RCMP faces challenges in preventing people from reaching the border. U.S. court documents show that smugglers charge between $3,000 and $6,000 US per person and use vehicles, boats and trails to evade detection. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130415

File: 7d8a5c7a2a7f990⋯.png (1.13 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053687 (101957ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canada faces longest healthcare wait times ever recorded, research shows

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OP-ED: Reforming health care will save lives


Should we be proud of a health care system where governments are abandoning patients to die? Obviously not.

The Canadian health care crisis has been steadily getting worse over the past decades. Covid didn’t help the situation, but our country has had a problem with wait times since well before the pandemic.

New SecondStreet.org research highlights one of the most tragic consequences of a poorly-run health care system – death.

The fifth annual Died on a Waiting List report uncovered data from across the country through freedom of information requests on cases where surgeries and diagnostic scans were canceled due to patients having died. Sadly, it’s no surprise that the numbers have risen once again.

Over 17,000 Canadians died while waiting for surgery or a diagnostic scan in 2022-23. Since many provinces and health bodies didn’t provide complete data, we estimate the true total to be nearly double that figure. These numbers are up substantially – data suggest a 64% increase since 2018.

It’s important to distinguish the two types of deaths on waitlists. First, there are those who die while waiting for procedures that could have saved their lives – things like heart or brain surgery. Second, there are those who die while waiting for scans or surgeries that would have improved their quality of life, like a hip operation.

Critics might be tempted to dismiss the second type of case, but would you like to spend the final years of your life with a bad knee, unable to walk around and play with your grandchildren? Or with cloudy vision from cataracts, unable to even step outside on a bright day without being blinded?

You’d have to be rather dishonest to answer ‘yes.’ Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130416

File: 46b27b06e83769c⋯.png (1.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053712 (102003ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Canadians spent $769 million to accommodate refugees and illegal immigrants this year

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Canadians spent $769 million to accommodate refugees and illegal immigrants this year


Of the 105,315 illegal immigrants who entered Canada at Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, Québec via Roxham Road, their meals and accommodation cost $127.5 million over a five-year period.

Illegal immigrants and refugee applicants billed taxpayers a pretty penny this year for food and hotel accommodations. Courtesy of the Department of Immigration, Canadians are $769 million in the red.

“There are two mechanisms of funding,” clarified Nathalie Manseau, chief financial officer for Immigration Canada. In testimony to the Senate national finance committee, she said the $769 million expenditure represented their combined cost.

“The first one is the interim lodging sites which are the hotels,” said Manseau. “The anticipated expenditure for this fiscal year is $557 million.”

Lengths of hotel stays ranged “from a few weeks to a few months,” said another official. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130417

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20053725 (102007ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / New book explores what really happened at the Kamloops residential school (video)

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New book explores what really happened at the Kamloops residential school


Political scientist Dr. Tom Flanagan's new book, Grave Error: How The Media Misled Us (and the Truth about Residential Schools), is likely to be ignored by the mainstream press.

On Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra was joined by Canadian academic and author Dr. Tom Flanagan to discuss the false media narrative of 'unmarked graves' at a former Kamloops residential school.

Tom's new book, Grave Error: How The Media Misled Us (and the Truth about Residential Schools), is a call to reason against the moral panic unleashed on May 27, 2021.

Tom told Ezra how mainstream media outlets didn't want to touch the writing that is compiled in the book, which Ezra predicted will be totally ignored by those same outlets. Even to criticize the arguments contained in the book would draw too much attention.

While so far the book is selling well despite being limited to alternative promotion sources, it remains to be seen if it will face censorship pressures for questioning the mainstream narrative surrounding the findings at the Kamloops school.

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5ae0ea No.130418

File: 42162cd946f95d3⋯.png (978 KB,1016x582,508:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054141 (102144ZDEC23) Notable: The Pentagon’s Rush To Deploy AI-Enabled Weapons Is Going To Kill Us All

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The Pentagon’s Rush To Deploy AI-Enabled Weapons Is Going To Kill Us All


While experts warn about the risk of human extinction, the Department of Defense plows full speed ahead…

The recent boardroom drama over the leadership of OpenAI—the San Francisco–based tech startup behind the immensely popular ChatGPT computer program—has been described as a corporate power struggle, an ego-driven personality clash, and a strategic dispute over the release of more capable ChatGPT variants. It was all that and more, but at heart represented an unusually bitter fight between those company officials who favor unrestricted research on advanced forms of artificial intelligence (AI) and those who, fearing the potentially catastrophic outcomes of such endeavors, sought to slow the pace of AI development.

At approximately the same time as this epochal battle was getting under way, a similar struggle was unfolding at the United Nations in New York and government offices in Washington, D.C., over the development of autonomous weapons systems—drone ships, planes, and tanks operated by AI rather than humans. In this contest, a broad coalition of diplomats and human rights activists have sought to impose a legally binding ban on such devices—called “killer robots” by opponents—while officials at the Departments of State and Defense have argued for their rapid development. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130419

File: a8f6d94b2c92647⋯.png (642.85 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: bbb4eb85a6cbc9c⋯.png (591.26 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: fdd5e349df13fa8⋯.png (632.76 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: dbeaee43a988d71⋯.png (598.95 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 8036709c04ee123⋯.png (624.29 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054346 (102227ZDEC23) Notable: Libertarian Javier Milei Inaugurated President of Argentina, Cuts Almost a Dozen Government Ministries on His First Day in Office

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PHOTOS: Libertarian Javier Milei Inaugurated President of Argentina


Libertarian economist Javier Milei was inaugurated president of Argentina on Sunday, flanked by a host of heads of state – including Spanish King Felipe VI and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky – and surrounded by thousands of supporters in Buenos Aires.

Milei’s inauguration concludes a dramatic, and rapid, ascent to political power for the economist and television commentator, who formed his political party, Liberty Advances, in 2021. Liberty Advances won its first seats in the Argentine Congress that year on an anti-socialist, small-government platform. Milei’s first and only public office before becoming president was to serve in the Argentine Congress for two years. He is the nation’s first libertarian president and vanquished both the deeply entrenched leftist Peronist elite previously in power and the establishment “center-right” coalition that controlled the opposition for nearly two decades.

Milei won Argentina’s presidential election on November 19 against Sergio Massa, the socialist now-former Economy Minister whose government presided over an unprecedented economic crisis that has led to triple-digit inflation, fueling soaring poverty rates, unemployment, and emigration of skilled youth. Campaigning on the slogan “¡viva la libertad, carajo!” – which roughly translates to “long live liberty, damn it!” – Milei asked voters to choose “courage” to overthrow “the same people as always,” the established politicians in the orbit of former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner whose tenure was marked by lavish government spending, the reduction in civil liberties during the coronavirus pandemic, and a foreign policy prizing relations with rogue states such as China and Iran. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130420

File: e18e6adf691b0a3⋯.png (496.23 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: ebb449ac485ced2⋯.png (524.08 KB,726x807,242:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 764ac0d23f19bc2⋯.png (366.65 KB,718x801,718:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054402 (102238ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Soros Son Meets Zelensky as Globalists Circle Wagons Around Ukraine

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Soros Son Meets Zelensky as Globalists Circle Wagons Around Ukraine


The scion of the globalist George Soros Open Society Foundations network of international influence schemes, travelled to Kyiv this weekend to reaffirm his support for the Zelensky government as the largest independent financier of Ukraine.

While there is growing weariness in the West of the war in Ukraine as it approaches two years since the Russian invasion was launched, with hundreds of thousands of casualties and hundreds of billions spent for what at best could be described as a stalemate, it appears that globalist agenda setters are intent on doubling down on their support for Ukraine.

Alexander Soros, 38, who took over as the head of operations for his father’s Open Society Foundations earlier this year, travelled to Kyiv on Saturday, meeting with First Lady Olena Zelenska and later joining President Zelensky to speak at a meeting concerning the thousands of Ukrainian children currently in Russian occupied territory.

During his trip, the Soros heir committed $1 million to First Lady Zelenska’s charity and announced a partnership with the Open Society Foundations.

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Soros influence empire has deeply embedded itself within Ukraine, establishing the International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) in Kyiv in 1990.

The Soros network claims that the IRF has been the “largest independent funder of Ukraine’s vibrant array of civil society and citizen’s groups for more than three decades.”

Over the past decade, the Open Society has sent over $230 million in grants to various organisations in the country, focussing heavily on the education system and media, including helping launch the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine in 2015.

“The foundation has supported the development of independent media outlets in Ukraine and has supported a range of fact-checking initiatives and other efforts to counter disinformation and promote informed public debate,” Open Society said last month. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130421

File: dafc2ea298fb060⋯.png (429.28 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054471 (102250ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Zelensky to meet Biden

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Zelensky to meet Biden


The two leaders will discuss joint military projects, the Ukrainian president's office announced

Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky will pay a visit to the US on December 12, his office has announced. He is set to meet with his American counterpart Joe Biden who extended the invitation, according to the White House.

“Among the key topics at the talks in Washington will be the continuation of defense cooperation between Ukraine and the United States, in particular, joint projects for the production of weapons and air defense systems, as well as coordination of efforts of the two states next year,” the announcement on Sunday said.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed Zelensky’s visit in a statement, saying that the meeting is intended “to underscore the United States’ unshakeable commitment to supporting the people of Ukraine as they defend themselves against Russia’s brutal invasion.” The “urgent needs” of the country will be discussed “as Russia ramps up its missile and drone strikes,” the White House said.

On Sunday, Zelensky visited Argentina to congratulate newly elected libertarian president Javier Milei on his inauguration. It marked the first time the Ukrainian has visited Latin America since the war with Russia began in 2022. He also used Milei’s inauguration as an opportunity to chat with another guest at the event, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who may be standing in the way of an EU aid package for Kiev. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20054612 (102317ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Zelensky’s wife pleads for more US cash

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Zelensky’s wife pleads for more US cash


Ukraine is in “mortal danger” without billions more dollars from Washington, Elena Zelenskaya told the BBC

Ukraine “will die” without continued US military aid, President Vladimir Zelensky’s wife, Elena Zelenskaya, has told British state broadcaster, the BBC. Zelenskaya’s plea came a day after US Republicans shot down a bill that would have given Kiev more than $60 billion worth of arms, ammunition, and training.

In an interview taped on Thursday, Zelenskaya claimed that she sees “signs that the passionate willingness to help [Ukraine] may fade.”

The day before, Republicans in the US Senate blocked a $110 billion spending bill that would have allocated $61 billion in military aid to Ukraine, as well as more than $10 billion to Israel and $13.6 billion to secure the US’ southern border. Republicans argue that the border funding does not go far enough, and want the bill to include substantial changes to immigration law.

With Congress deadlocked and public support for President Joe Biden’s Ukraine policy faltering, Zelenskaya implored the West to keep the weapons flowing.

“We really need the help. In simple words, we cannot get tired of this situation, because if we do, we die,” she said. “And if the world gets tired, they will simply let us die.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130423

File: e463a76da6d8cc3⋯.png (529.91 KB,700x418,350:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20055382 (110128ZDEC23) Notable: Alberta man wants to be charged criminally after CRA destroyed his life

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CORBELLA: Alberta man wants to be charged criminally after CRA destroyed his life


The only thing Calgary engineer and high-tech inventor David Elderfield wants for Christmas is to be charged criminally by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Sounds nuts, right? But Elderfield is neither crazy nor suffering from some bizarre case of masochism. Rather, defending himself before a transparent criminal court would be a relief, compared to remaining trapped inside the bureaucratic black hole of unaccountability, indifference and "ongoing torture" created by the CRA.

Following an extensive investigation into his case, it's easy to understand Elderfield's strange wish.

In short, the CRA seized his intellectual property, destroyed his business and his reputation.

Elderfield, now 61 years old, was president and CEO of WayFare Identifiers Inc. (WFI) which had already made enormous technological leaps with unique sensor technology that could better secure our borders, airports and ports in a post-9/11 world.

Testing was in place at the Prince Rupert Port, a UK port, and was approved for BC-Alaska border crossings when the CRA initiated actions against WFI.

The CRA allegedly violated Elderfield's privacy and other edicts in the Canadian government's Taxpayer Bill of Rights through its handling of his file. As he attempted to seek restitution and closure, he was met with a vicious circle of buck passing from one government department or office to the next.

The case falls outside of their jurisdiction, these offices have stated, including the Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsman (OTO), the Department of Justice, Revenue Canada, the Prime Minister's Office, and others.

Now, after denying him any service for six years, the OTO finally has run a year-long investigation and found the WayFare team has been due an apology from the CRA for more than 15 years. An apology is the greatest penalty the OTO can request of their peers at the CRA.

Without any real explanation, the CRA has simply refused to apologize, so the OTO has just shrugged and closed the file. Just another example of government pretending to establish checks and balances on powerful state players when really just creating costly toothless tigers.

Elderfield’s story is a maddening, stomach-churning cautionary tale to all Canadians of how the CRA — a bureaucracy of almost 60,000 employees — can destroy lives with no accountability.

"I asked the CRA to charge me criminally so I could defend myself in an open court, with an impartial judge, with rules of disclosure and witnesses testifying under oath," says Elderfield. "The CRA won't even release my files to me under the freedom of information act ... I've only received 22 pages out of 900 and those only arrived after seven years of repeated access to information requests from legal professionals had been ignored. It's abuse of power and smells of corruption." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057864 (111540ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Ha- Mass Surrender: “Terrorists Surrendering, System Disintegrating” as Hamas Beats and Robs Gazans for Aid

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Ha- Mass Surrender: “Terrorists Surrendering, System Disintegrating” as Hamas Beats and Robs Gazans for Aid


At least 150 Hamas Terrorists have surrendered to the Israeli Army as IDF Arabic spokesman Avichay Adraee posted a video showing Hamas terrorists beating Gazans to steal their humanitarian aid. 106 IDF soldiers have died since the beginning of Operation “Swords of Iron,” and 1,593 Israeli soldiers have been injured. Over 7000 terrorists have been eliminated.

Video circulating on social media on Saturday appeared to show dozens of Hamas terrorists surrendering to IDF soldiers at the UNRWA compound in Jabalia. The video shows the men with their arms raised, dressed only in underwear. One of the terrorists hands over his weapon to Israeli troops. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130425

File: befe9666528a781⋯.png (803.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20057903 (111550ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Locked Out: Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish Truckers Are Blocking Border Checkpoints With Ukraine - Protests Over Kiev’s Haulers Privileges Are Hurting Military Campaign

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Locked Out: Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish Truckers Are Blocking Border Checkpoints With Ukraine – Protests Over Kiev’s Haulers Privileges Are Hurting Military Campaign


After Black Sea ports were blocked by Russia, the land exits faced disruptive protests by neighbor truckers.

Hungarian freight carriers, starting December 11, begin an official demonstration and block a checkpoint on the border with Ukraine, according to the Association of Hungarian Road Carriers.

Yahoo reported:

“Truckers from Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia argue they are being unfairly treated by existing EU policies because their Ukrainian counterparts do not have to purchase expensive permits.

Prior to Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukrainian drivers had to apply for permits to enter EU countries. But Brussels suspended transport permits last year until June 2024 as part of the Solidarity Lanes Initiative to help Ukraine’s struggling export industry after Russia blocked Ukraine’s Black Sea ports. The protesters are demanding the EU reinstate permits for Ukrainian drivers.”

The development comes right after Truckers in Slovakia joined the Polish counterparts, who pioneered staging blockades at the border with Ukraine.

The spreading of the blockades in a protest over competition creates a situation that Kiev says has disrupted crucial humanitarian aid imports.

Bloomberg reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130426

File: 42c70af489b546a⋯.png (331.51 KB,500x292,125:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 20d65c3c751f0f9⋯.png (91.2 KB,785x540,157:108,Clipboard.png)

File: c3622e92ea0a304⋯.png (393.77 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058279 (111720ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / UN Climate Karens Melt Down After COP28 Summit Ditches Fossil Fuel 'Phase-Out' Language

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UN Climate Karens Melt Down After COP28 Summit Ditches Fossil Fuel 'Phase-Out' Language


Last week, Sultan al Jaber, the president of the UN's COP28 climate summit, insisted that there is "no science" behind calls to phase-out fossil fuels, before getting in a hilarious eco-fight with three leading women from the conference over climate change and gender.

“You’re asking for a phase-out of fossil fuel," al-Jaber said.

"Please, help me, show me for a phase-out of fossil fuel that will allow for sustainable socio-economic development, unless you want to take the world back into caves.”

Responding to the remark, U.N. Environment Program Executive Director Inger Andersen said she lives in Kenya with solar power and clean electricity from the local utility.

“I'm not living in a cave," she added.

"That's all I can say.”

The remarks from al Jaber draw criticism from scientists and are in contrast with the view of Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who said at the climate summit on Friday,

“The science is clear: The 1.5C limit is only possible if we ultimately stop burning all fossil fuels. Not reduce, not abate. Phase out, with a clear timeframe.”

Fast forward to Monday, with the Financial Times reporting that a draft agreement from the summit has dropped all references to the phaseout of fossil fuels, following opposition from oil and gas-producing countries led by Saudi Arabia.

The document — which will have to be agreed by almost 200 countries at the summit in Dubai — sets out an optional range of actions that countries “could” take to cut emissions to net zero by 2050.

This includes reducing “consumption and production of fossil fuels, in a just, orderly and equitable manner so as to achieve net zero [carbon emissions] by, before, or around 2050 in keeping with the science”. -FT

The climate Karens, however, want the text to go further by committing to a phase out of fossil fuels - which any honest idiot could tell you would have extreme repercussions in terms of both energy price inflation (which of course hurts the poor the most), and the logistics of shifting developed nations onto unreliable primary energy sources. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130427

File: 91001489e470d43⋯.png (410.62 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

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File: 44d8784087ef62c⋯.png (446.22 KB,657x747,73:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058301 (111727ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Israeli Troop Deaths Surpass 100 in Gaza, Thousands Wounded As Hospitals Deal With 'Tsunami Of Trauma'

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Israeli Troop Deaths Surpass 100 in Gaza, Thousands Wounded As Hospitals Deal With 'Tsunami Of Trauma'


Shortly after weekend reports of Israeli tanks having reached the center of the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday issued a new casualty count of its soldiers slain since the ground offensive began.

Seven new deaths were announced, which includes six killed Sunday while fighting in the southern Gaza Strip, bringing the official IDF death toll to 104. Also on Sunday the IDF for the first time issued an official tally of troops wounded in action, saying that 1,593 Israeli soldiers have been wounded since Oct.7.

However, Haaretz alongside other publications have speculated that the real casualty figure is much higher, with Haaretz in particular reporting that accessible hospital data points to much higher than published troop casualties (possibly double) from the Gaza operations. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058312 (111732ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy" (video)

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Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy"


Al Gore says that people having access to information outside of mainstream media sources is a threat to “democracy” and that social media algorithms “ought to be banned.”

Yes, really.

Gore made the comments during an appearance at the Cop28 climate change hysteria conference in Dubai.

Gore whined that social media had “disrupted the balances that used to exist that made representative democracy work much better.”

The former Vice President said that functioning democracy relied on a “shared base of knowledge that serves as a basis for reasoning together collectively” but that “social media that is dominated by algorithms” upsets this balance.

According to Gore, people are being pulled down “rabbit holes” by algorithms that are “the digital equivalent of AR-15s – they ought to be banned, they really ought to be banned!”

Gore claimed, “It’s an abuse of the public forum” and that people were being sucked into echo chambers.

“If you spend too much time in the echo chamber, what’s weaponized is another form of AI, not artificial intelligence, artificial insanity! I’m serious!” he added.

Apparently, the only echo chamber that should be allowed to exist is Gore’s own rabbit hole, wherein the earth is constantly on the brink of destruction thanks to people not obeying his technocratic mandates.

Perhaps Gore is unhappy at his own misinformation being fact checked by individuals who have access to information not produced by corporate media sources that are friendly to him.

Gore infamously predicted that the north polar ice cap would be “ice free” within 5 to 7 years.

It never happened.

As Thomas Cartenacci documents, Gore has a storied history of making climate change predictions that turn out to be spectacularly wrong.

No wonder he wants to ban dissent.

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5ae0ea No.130429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058348 (111744ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy" (video)

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Zero With Akshat Rathi: Al Gore


Al Gore, former US Vice President and Generation Investment Management Founding Partner and Chair, discusses his priorities in the climate fight and shares his thoughts on this year’s UN Climate Change Conference with Zero podcast host, Bloomberg’s Akshat Rathi, at Bloomberg Green at COP28 in Dubai.

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5ae0ea No.130430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058361 (111751ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Hamas Warns No Hostage Will Leave "Alive" If Demands Aren't Met

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Hamas Warns No Hostage Will Leave "Alive" If Demands Aren't Met


Hamas says it's ready and willing for another temporary truce and hostage/prisoner deal exchange with Israel, while issuing a new warning Sunday saying that if its demands aren't met, no hostage would leave the Gaza Strip alive.

"Neither the fascist enemy and its arrogant leadership... nor its supporters... can take their prisoners alive without an exchange and negotiation and meeting the demands of the resistance," Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida said in a televised broadcast. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130431

File: 04f8d32fe27e7e3⋯.png (220.43 KB,500x340,25:17,Clipboard.png)

File: b21814e2392b3c3⋯.png (417.43 KB,512x800,16:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058389 (111802ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / "Get Tough On Immigration Or Risk Radicals Taking Charge", Warns Merkel's Former Health Minister

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"Get Tough On Immigration Or Risk Radicals Taking Charge", Warns Merkel's Former Health Minister


Germany is facing an unprecedented influx of illegal immigration from predominantly Islamic nations that hate Western culture, and mainstream parties must solve the problem before voters trust more radical groups to take control, a former German minister has warned. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130432

File: c19a280723b6285⋯.png (461.81 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058410 (111806ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / USA Is Not #1! These Are The Top-Performing Countries For Education

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USA Is Not #1! These Are The Top-Performing Countries For Education


Singapore has topped the latest world education ranking informally known as PISA, the Program for International Student Assessment, run by the OECD. The city-state’s pupils excelled in the core areas of math, science and reading, securing a high score of 560 points with students ahead of their peers on average by almost three to five years. As the following chart shows, several other countries and places in Asia feature high on the list, with Macau, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea rounding off the top 5.

Students in 81 countries and economies completed a series of tests to gauge and compare national averages in education in 2022.

Usually carried out every three years, these results have been hotly anticipated, since there was a delay in testing due to the Covid pandemic.

As Statista's Anna Fleck shows in the following chart, Estonia scored the highest of any European nation with a score of 516, showing particular excellency in science (526), while Ireland placed in rank nine, with students doing especially well in the reading exam (516).

Canada received the highest marks for North America, as the United States trailed behind in rank 18 with an overall score of 489. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130433

File: d87da6d16e02891⋯.png (189.27 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 699004ec742fa2b⋯.png (260.68 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: b1f86b742b553d7⋯.png (330.49 KB,500x554,250:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 48323d136a1f30c⋯.png (222.25 KB,662x763,662:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ef8ea68c6f3293⋯.png (569.45 KB,882x502,441:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058535 (111837ZDEC23) Notable: SpaceX Launches Mysterious X-37B Spaceplane Into Orbit

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Watch Live: SpaceX Launches Mysterious X-37B Spaceplane Into Orbit


The US Space Force's Boeing X-37B unmanned, reusable space plane will be launched atop a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on Sunday evening.

The mysterious spaceplane is built by Boeing and operated by the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office and the Space Force. Its last mission ended a little over a year ago after spending 2.5 years in low-Earth orbit.

"The X-37B continues to equip the United States with the knowledge to enhance current and future space operations," Chief of Space Operations Gen. B. Chance Saltzman said in a statement.

Saltzman continued: "X-37B Mission 7 demonstrates the USSF's commitment to innovation and defining the art-of-the-possible in the space domain."

With each successive top-secret mission, the X-37B spends long and longer time in orbit:

OTV-1: launched on Apr. 22, 2010 and landed on Dec. 3, 2010, spending over 224 days in orbit.

OTV-2: launched on Mar. 5, 2011 and landed on Jun. 16, 2012, spending over 468 days in orbit.

OTV-3: launched on Dec. 11, 2012 and landed on Oct. 17, 2014, spending over 674 days in orbit.

OTV-4: launched on May 20, 2015 and landed on May 7, 2015, spending nearly 718 days in orbit.

OTV-5: launched on Sept. 7, 2017 and landed on Oct. 27, 2019, spending nearly 780 days in orbit.

OTV-6: launched on May 17, 2020 and landed on Nov. 12, 2022, spending over 908 days in orbit.

The liftoff window begins at 8:14 p.m. EST (0114 GMT) at Launch Complex-39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

Democrats are furious with all of Elon Musk's space accomplishments.

Even Jeff Bezos had to hire Musk for rocket launches.

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5ae0ea No.130434

File: 7b13656d235c017⋯.png (276.42 KB,500x340,25:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058629 (111857ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Biden Wants To Seize Patents Of Pricey Drugs And Use Government To Make Them Cheaper

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Biden Wants To Seize Patents Of Pricey Drugs And Use Government To Make Them Cheaper


The Biden administration has proposed a new rule that would allow federal authorities to seize the patents of costly drugs that were developed using taxpayer dollars and to let third parties use those patents to make the drugs available more cheaply.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, on Dec. 7 published a set of draft guidelines for government agencies to evaluate when it might be appropriate to invoke what are known as "march-in" rights under the legal framework of the Bayh-Dole Act.

The Bayh-Dole Act, which is shorthand for the University and Small Business Patent Procedures Act of 1980, grants the government the authority to suspend the patents of products of inventions that were developed with federal funding if those products or inventions are not made available to the public.

The new proposed guidelines, which were reviewed by The Epoch Times, seek to modify the Bayh-Dole Act in such a way as to make high price alone (of a product or invention developed using taxpayer dollars) a sufficient condition to trigger the government's exercise of the act's march-in provisions.

The march-in provisions—which the government has been asked to invoke in the past but never has—would let authorities seize the patents of drugs deemed too expensive (when offered for sale by the original patent holder) and grant licenses to third parties to produce those drugs to sell more cheaply.

"We'll make it clear that when drug companies won't sell taxpayer funded drugs at reasonable prices, we will be prepared to allow other companies to provide those drugs for less," White House adviser Lael Brainard said on a call with reporters.

The draft will be published in the Federal Register on Dec. 8 and is being subjected to a 60-day public comment period.

President Joe Biden hailed the draft proposal as a way to rein in "Big Pharma price gouging," while the main pharmaceutical industry trade group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, said it would be a loss to American patients by causing government-funded research to sit "on a shelf, not benefiting anyone." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130435

File: 23b34b46e5056cd⋯.png (525.83 KB,727x428,727:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058658 (111903ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / 7 Serious Concerns As Transhumanism Threatens Our Humanity And The Human Race

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7 Serious Concerns As Transhumanism Threatens Our Humanity And The Human Race


Transhumanism in relation to artificial intelligence has been regarded by some people as an upgrade to Homo sapiens mark 2.

Avid proponents have claimed that the new so-called Homo sapiens mark 2 will be such an improvement over Homo sapiens mark 1 it will lead to having superhuman qualities. Some of those qualities they say are beyond our current imagination!

However, it could be argued that these proponents are so disinterested in the current human form that they have wilfully ignored the many wonderful attributes we presently hold.

Because of these wonderful attributes that we humans already hold, is transhumanism an overlooked idealism that comes with serious concerns? Is transhumanism a trapping and in its development will take our human race in the catastrophically wrong direction?

Consider the following 7 gravely serious concerns: why transhumanism could be a massive threat to our humanity and the human race. Consider the actions needed to stop transhumanism. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130436

File: 9500148633fcd43⋯.png (648.76 KB,618x970,309:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058717 (111915ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Canada Tackles Methane Emissions From COW BURPS with Credit Plan

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NOT BABYLON BEE: Canada Tackles Methane Emissions From COW BURPS with Credit Plan


Welcome to Insanity

No, it is not satire.

According to Bloomberg, Canada will tackle a Climate Hoax with “a plan to reduce emissions from cattle through a credit trading system”.

Farmers who manage to reduce emissions from COW BURPS will earn credits “that can be sold to other businesses to meet their own emission targets. “

Makes total sense 🤡

Thanks to Kill Bates, there are cow masks farmers can use to help them achieve these noble goals.

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5ae0ea No.130437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058781 (111926ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / The Rupa Subramanya Show: Are we witnessing the END of free speech? (video)

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The Rupa Subramanya Show | Are we witnessing the END of free speech?


Last week, True North’s Rupa Subramanya testified before the U.S. Congress, cautioning lawmakers about the decline of free speech in Canada and urging them not to adopt the policies of the Trudeau government.

While free speech, even expressing the most deplorable views, is still valued in the U.S., the same cannot be said for other Western countries, particularly in Canada. Here, the government can freeze your bank account if you express certain political views, and news publications are banned on social platforms due to Bill C-18.

In this episode of The Rupa Subramanya Show, Rupa recounts her experience at the U.S. Congress and elaborates on how we are witnessing the erosion of free speech in Canada and beyond. Tune in now!

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5ae0ea No.130438

File: d91a87e4fa9423e⋯.png (963.42 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058840 (111936ZDEC23) Notable: Liberals unveil dental insurance for seniors and children

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Liberals unveil dental insurance for seniors and children


A new federal dental insurance plan is expected to be launched today by a number of government ministers, which will provide direct benefits to eligible Canadians, however the first claims won’t be processed until May 2024.

The new program is a crucial matter in securing the Liberals’ supply-and-confidence deal with the NDP, which the Liberal’s are relying on to maintain their minority government until 2025.

“As minister of health, I’m deeply proud that Canada has one of the best health systems in the world,” said Minister of Health Mark Holland, during Monday’s press conference at Algonquin College. “But we know we can do better, we know we can have the best health care system in the world. “Today is a monumental step in that direction.”

“Up to nine million Canadians today do not have dental insurance. This action today will help to get them the access they need to oral healthcare. Oral healthcare they need and deserve,” added Holland.

The Liberals assured the NDP that they would launch a dental insurance plan for seniors, people with disabilities and children under the age of 18 by next year.

The program will start being phased in slowly over the next year, said government officials during a briefing with the Canadian Press, prior to the announcement on Monday. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130439

File: 4ed91240fee72b5⋯.png (705.58 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058903 (111949ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Northwest Territories premier requests full exemption from carbon tax

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Northwest Territories premier requests full exemption from carbon tax


The Northwest Territories’ newly elected premier, R.J. Simpson, is the latest premier to demand a blanket exemption from Ottawa’s carbon tax.

“I mean, ideally, a complete exemption for the territory is what we would hope for,” said Simpson in a Sunday interview with CBC’s Rosemary Barton. “The costs are already high — higher costs are not the solution up here.”

Federal carbon pricing requires provinces and territories to set up their own collection system if they don’t want to use the system already in place by the Trudeau government.

Simpson’s government chose to create its own carbon pricing system, meaning if it wishes to make an exemption on home oil heating, it will be required to create its own processes regarding changes.

Initially, the territory had revised its process to stop issuing rebates on home heating fuels in April, however the territory’s legislature dissolved in October for an election.

During that same time period, the federal government announced that it would grant an exemption on home heating oil, while the legislature was out.

Following Simpsons’ election win, he stated that the carbon tax simply “doesn’t work” for the people of his territory. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130440

File: 94cb30bde3133d8⋯.png (3.87 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058954 (111958ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Expert panel will examine CBC's future, says Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge

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Expert panel will examine CBC's future, says Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge


The Liberals have modernized the Broadcasting Act, 'and the next step is really CBC/Radio-Canada,' St-Onge said.

The Trudeau Liberals are setting up an expert panel to plan the future of CBC/Radio-Canada and to ensure the public broadcaster is 'sustainable' moving forward.

Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge made the announcement during a Sunday interview with Radio-Canada. Last week, it was revealed the public broadcaster would be laying off 600 employees due to a $125 million shortfall in its budget after the Liberal budget sought 3.3% cuts across Crown corporations and federal departments.

“It's part of my mandate letter to think about the future of the public broadcaster. We have modernized the Broadcasting Act, and the next step is really CBC/Radio-Canada,” the minister told the outlet. A further announcement on how the government will work with the expert panel is coming in the future, St-Onge said.

Among the panel's considerations will be whether CBC should withdraw completely from the advertising market, where revenues have diminished in recent years.

While Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has campaigned on cutting the Crown corporation altogether, St-Onge maintained the government's commitment, noting the Liberals “will continue to work to ensure that it has a strong public broadcaster from one end of the country to the other. We have always been convinced of the importance of the public broadcaster to democratic life.”

CBC President Catherine Tait will appear before the House of Commons heritage committee to discuss the broadcaster's cuts in the new year. No date has been scheduled for the hearing, though the committee hopes to hear from Tate at its first session in January.

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5ae0ea No.130441

File: a0d8722b304bd8c⋯.png (802.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20058999 (112006ZDEC23) Notable: Indian government officials interfered in Conservative Party's leadership race: report

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Indian government officials interfered in Conservative Party's leadership race: report


A CSIS intelligence assessment from October 2022 detailed efforts from foreign governments, including India and China, to influence Canadian elections.

In 2022, Indian government agents reportedly interfered with the Conservative Party's leadership race and bragged about funding "a number of politicians at all levels of government," according to CSIS.

The Bureau recently reported on an intelligence assessment by the Canadian intelligence agency from October 2022, detailing interference operations in Canadian elections by states including China and India.

While Chinese operations have received more attention and pose a greater threat, the report underlines that some of the same tactics are being used by the Indian government.

According to the CSIS report, “A body of CSIS reporting since 2020 indicates that a Canadian GoI [Government of India] proxy agent continues to claim that they are providing electoral support – including significant amounts of money – to a number of politicians at all levels of government.”

CSIS states that the unnamed government agent is a "gatekeeper" for community support of the kind that electoral candidates rely on in electoral districts with high numbers of South Asian voters.

The report also suggests that the Indian government tried to influence the outcome of the Conservatives' leadership race. "Recent CSIS reporting indicates that a proxy agent claims the Government of India is providing support to an elected Canadian politician’s campaign for the leadership of a political party in Canada, by securing party memberships for that campaign," it reads. The elected official wasn't identified. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059097 (112031ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Toronto police arrest anti-Israel protester over alleged assault on officer

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Toronto police arrest anti-Israel protester over alleged assault on officer


During a protest calling to 'globalize the intifada,' an anti-Israel protester allegedly shoved an officer to the ground resulting in an arrest. Protesters then demonstrated outside a police station demanding the suspect's release. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130443

File: 86995ced7082fa3⋯.png (3.53 MB,2000x1338,1000:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059237 (112109ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / National Governments Are All Following a Genocide Agenda

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National Governments Are All Following a Genocide Agenda


No thoughtful self-respecting human being can deny that within the political institutions responsible for administrating human affairs today, there are only a tiny fraction of individuals who put responsibility for caring for fellow humans and our planet, at the top of their agenda – if at all.

‘Democracy’ is what many still believe to be the best solution for citizen governance, these same people also hold that the politicians elected via national voting systems are ‘servants of the people’, since constitutionally that is what is indicated. Members of parliament entrusted with responsibility for accounting to those who elect them.

However, is spite of the fact that the general mass of the populace cling to the dream of a world in which democracy means a form of governance being ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’, upon inspection the reality is precisely the opposite.

Those beguiling men and women who portray themselves as saviours and saints of their communities prior to their election, shape shift into self serving parasites to the program of the globalist shadow government as soon as they become elected into office.

And what does the electorate do about this? Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130444

File: 38f5bc1d9fac42a⋯.png (685.72 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059287 (112120ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Russian Arctic investment booming - official

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Russian Arctic investment booming – official


Hundreds of projects are expected to be implemented in the region

The launch of a special economic zone with a wide range of tax breaks and other business incentives in the Russian Arctic has helped to attract significant investment, First Deputy Minister for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, Gadzhimagomed Guseynov, has said.

According to the official, who was addressing a conference dedicated to development of the region last week, over 760 projects with total investments of 1.75 trillion rubles ($18.4 billion) could be realized due to the mechanisms of state support approved in 2020.

This would help in creating around 40,000 jobs, with more than 13,000 positions having been already set up, he said. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130445

File: 384eca3b69f3a46⋯.png (911.19 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059334 (112130ZDEC23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Freedom truckers being 'punished' with lengthy trial, delays, says defendant Tamara Lich

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Freedom truckers being 'punished' with lengthy trial, delays, says defendant Tamara Lich


"I don't know why it's taking so long but it's true what they say in the Canadian legal system: the punishment is the process."

Freedom Convoy personality Tamara Lich said Friday that her joint trial with Chris Barber has again recessed and she doesn’t expect the defense to begin summarizing its case until “hopefully 10 days in mid-March” 2024. That means a verdict shouldn’t be expected until at least the summer.

One should bear in mind that this trial began on the Tuesday after the Labor Day long weekend in September.

The pair are charged with mischief, counseling others to commit mischief, intimidation, and obstructing police as members of the Freedom Convoy that polarized residents of Ottawa in 2022 and arguably began to roll back Covid mandates.

“I don't know why it's taking so long but it's true what they say in the Canadian legal system: the punishment is the process,” Lich told The Post Millennial in an exclusive interview.

The Alberta woman said the punishment is also meant for any Canadian who decides to protest policies that are being promoted by governments that would prefer to ignore criticism of their narrative – especially when it involves Covid-19 mandates. Lich was at the center of the January to February 2022 Freedom Convoy protest against those mandates that brought down the full force of the federal government when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act on Feb. 14, 2022.

Lich says the legal battle has left her undeterred and she is committed to fighting for justice.

“Unfortunately for them, they picked on the wrong woman because I am not going to back down and they do not scare me and they do not intimidate me and so they have no power over me. But what they're trying to do is scare everybody else – right? Well, don't do this.”

But the activist says that’s not what Canada is all about and that’s what the Freedom Convoy showed the world.

“But, I mean, we're Canadians: some of the most positive people on the planet.”

“You know when we started organizing this we had no idea how it was going to take off and no idea that it would go global. You know that was a shock to us but it really did it and resonated all around the world.”

Lich thanks The Democracy Fund for assisting her with her legal fees,”but all the cost of us traveling back and forth staying there, eating there, all comes out of our pocket. So, you know, it is ‘lawfare,’ they want to deplete your resources and demoralize you and intimidate you and unfortunately for them in my case, it's not going to work.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130446

File: e9092d185135d63⋯.png (6.03 MB,1490x2048,745:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: da4a5992e7564cf⋯.png (902.37 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059428 (112148ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Let Food Be Thy Medicine

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Let Food Be Thy Medicine


Dr Tess Lawrie, Christof Plothe DO, and Matthew Anderson

The advice of the Godfather of Medicine is eternally valid. I mean the Godfather of real medicine, honest medicine, before-the-Rockefellers-and-without-them medicine: Hippocrates.

Pharmaceutical drugs are almost all poisons, by definition. Nutrients are not. They are the opposite. Food contains the keys, the molecules needed to maintain healthy functions of all our cellular processes. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130447

File: 4530ad46f1b069c⋯.png (934.2 KB,704x1080,88:135,Clipboard.png)

File: 484936081cf5497⋯.png (485.24 KB,489x698,489:698,Clipboard.png)

File: ff57250702418df⋯.png (1.69 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20059512 (112212ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canada’s Original Covid Hero Adam Skelly and New Year’s Eve

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Canada’s Original Covid Hero Adam Skelly and New Year’s Eve


Before “vax passes” and the Canadian Truckers’ convoy, there was Adamson’s BBQ.

Before “vax passes”, and before the Canadian Truckers’ convoy, there was Adamson’s BBQ. One Canadian man, Adam Skelly, stood against the tyranny. He said “No!” and took on the fight for all of our rights.

Currently the WHO and their accomplices are plotting more viruses, lockdowns, and forced injections. Meanwhile, Skelly and his team are fighting in the Canadian courts to defend our fundamental rights and freedoms.

I’ll be attending and speaking at the Adam Skelly BBQ Rebellion New Year’s Eve Fundraiser in Toronto. Please join us if you can. There is a simultaneous event in Windsor Ontario. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130448

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20061492 (120517ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / How Many Have the Vaccines Killed?: Dr. Joseph Hickey (video)

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How Many Have the Vaccines Killed?: Dr. Joseph Hickey


Quite some time ago a paper was published in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, which claimed that the Covid vaccines had saved millions of lives. The paper was widely quoted as justification for vaccine mandates and endless boosters.

But the study was wrong. The researchers manipulated and misrepresented the data to get the result they had been paid by their big pharma sponsors to find.

Fortunately, we have right here in Canada two exceptional researchers of our own. Dr. Joseph Hickey and Dr. Denis Rancourt. It was they and their team who proved, based upon all cause mortality data from around the world that Covid 19 did not in and of itself, result in any extra deaths. Covid did not kill anyone who wasn’t going to die anyway. You can find my previous interview with Dr. Rancourt on that subject at IronWillReport.com

Now Drs. Rancourt and Hickey have analyzed the data from the Lancet study, and their findings do not just soundly debunk the claim of millions of lives saved from the vaccines, but give us the first reliable estimates of the obscene number of people worldwide who have died from those same vaccines.

In this interview I am joined by Dr. Hickey, who shows us the methodology used and the resulting charts from their research. You may find Joseph’s style of presentation to be somewhat dry. But I would urge you to take the time to not only watch this interview, but pay close attention to the science presented, which is understandable for most of us.

It is important to see the degree to which data has been blatantly manipulated in order to support the Covid narrative, and to understand the analyses of Drs. Hickey and Rancourt, which shows that the Lancet study wasn’t a mistake. It wasn’t sloppy research. It was an outright lie.

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5ae0ea No.130449

File: e39d7e861992ca4⋯.png (2.33 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063001 (121550ZDEC23) Notable: Libertarian Javier Milei Inaugurated President of Argentina, Cuts Almost a Dozen Government Ministries on His First Day in Office

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SLASH AND BURN: Javier Milei Cuts Almost a Dozen Government Ministries on His First Day in Office


Argentina’s new President Javier Milei promised the people of his country that if elected, he would slash the size of their government and so far, he is delivering.

On his first day in office, he cut the number of government ministries from 21 to 9 and he is probably not even finished yet.

The departments he cut are largely the ones based on progressive ideas like social justice. He is clearly serious about radical reform for Argentina.

RedState reports:

Javier Milei Takes Office in Argentina, and His First Move Immediately Triggers All the Right People Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063095 (121608ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / CEO of IBM Admits to Using Coercion to Fire People and Take Away Their Bonuses Unless They Discriminate in the Hiring Process

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LEAKED VIDEO: CEO of IBM Admits to Using Coercion to Fire People and Take Away Their Bonuses Unless They Discriminate in the Hiring Process


O’Keefe Media Group on Monday evening released a leaked video of IBM CEO Arvind Krishna admitting to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in the hiring process.

“You got to move both forward by a percentage that leads to a plus on your bonus,” Krishna said about hiring Hispanics, “and by the way if you lose, you lose part of your bonus.”

James O’Keege pointed out that after pulling ads from X for ‘racism,’ IBM chief Arvind Krishna says he will fire, demote or strip bonuses from execs who don’t hire enough blacks, Hispanics — or hire too many Asians.

“Asians are not an underrepresented minority in tech in America…I’m not going to finess this, for blacks we should try to get towards 13 percent,” says Krishna.

O’Keefe: Paul Cormier, the chairman of Red Hat, a subsidiary of IBM, says in the leaked recording that Red Hat has terminated people because they weren’t willing to engage in racial discrimination through hiring and promotion.

“Title VII of the Civil Rights Act makes it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race in the workplace,” James O’Keefe said.


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5ae0ea No.130451

File: 5226f28c2798818⋯.png (502.24 KB,934x525,934:525,Clipboard.png)

File: bcdaa88f98fa655⋯.png (285.57 KB,812x798,58:57,Clipboard.png)

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File: dcd234cdc8254e8⋯.png (235.2 KB,727x820,727:820,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063115 (121611ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / New Obama Produced Apocalypse Film Warns ‘White People Should Not Be Trusted’

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New Obama Produced Apocalypse Film Warns ‘White People Should Not Be Trusted’ (VIDEO)


etflix’s new cyber apocalypse film, “Leave the World Behind,” warns that white people should not be trusted if the world faces an apocalypse disaster.

The new film was co-produced by Barack and Michelle Obama and stars Julia Roberts and Kevin Bacon.

The movie’s plot follows a white family vacationing in a rented house on Long Island.

At the beginning of the movie, the vacation home’s owner, G.H. Scott, and his daughter, Ruth, arrive at their home after a major cyber attack occurs across the United States.

During one scene, G.H. and his daughter Ruth are seen together about to sleep, and his daughter states, “If the world falls apart, trust should not be doled out easily to anyone, especially white people.”

WATCH: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130452

File: 3f8e8b61733a0bf⋯.png (3.15 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f9784237059f2c⋯.png (510.17 KB,542x767,542:767,Clipboard.png)

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File: 323a8aecf33c74f⋯.png (205.09 KB,542x595,542:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063292 (121700ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Netanyahu: “First We Will Win in the South and Then We Will Deal With the North”

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Netanyahu: “First We Will Win in the South and Then We Will Deal With the North”


Dozens of Hamas terrorists have been killed in Israel Air Force strikes over the past 24 hours, the IDF reported, including armed terrorists exiting a medical clinic. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that neither Hamas nor the Palestinian Authority will run Gaza when Operation “Swords of Iron” is completed. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130453

File: d2d1599390107b6⋯.png (432.99 KB,722x811,722:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f7de502caf1c6a⋯.png (200.54 KB,546x762,91:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063339 (121712ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Man Who Allegedly Killed 6 Had Previously Been Bailed Out by Soros-Backed Group

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Man Who Allegedly Killed 6 Had Previously Been Bailed Out by Soros-Backed Group


The money of billionaire philanthropist George Soros continues to be found in the darkest of places.

KSAT-TV in San Antonio first revealed a man charged with killing six people in a series of deadly shootings last week was previously bailed out of jail by the Texas Organizing Project.

The organization, which claims its purpose is to advocate for bail reform, has received more than $1.2 million from one of Soros’ liberal nonprofits, Fox News reported Thursday.

“The Open Society Policy Center, the advocacy nonprofit in the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations network, provided $700,000 to the Texas Organizing Project in 2019 for organizational support,” the outlet reported. “Later, in 2021, the policy center gave the group $565,000 to ‘support policy advocacy on democracy reform and government accountability in Texas,’ according to its grant database.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130454

File: b96b294e7426836⋯.png (186.3 KB,746x787,746:787,Clipboard.png)

File: f0ff9f50fe59c5a⋯.png (298.82 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063376 (121721ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Ukraine's Largest Mobile Network Hit By Major Cyberattack Blamed On Russia

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Ukraine's Largest Mobile Network Hit By Major Cyberattack Blamed On Russia


Ukraine has accused Russia of being behind a major cyberattack against the country's main mobile network Kyivstar, which has left masses of customers without phone or internet access. The outage has reportedly even left one city, Sumy, without its mobile air raid sirens, crucial for warning residents of inbound Russian drones or missiles.

Kyivstar says it was targeted in a "powerful hacker attack" which Ukraine's security services are currently investigating. The network is responsible for about 24 million mobile customers and supplying internet access to some one million homes. Businesses too have been impacted. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130455

File: 14df38012445d37⋯.png (205.58 KB,500x288,125:72,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a1c8ed203bd7da⋯.png (88.99 KB,660x802,330:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b2364dd58f43f0⋯.png (83.99 KB,653x697,653:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063399 (121728ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Rumble Hit With "Unprecedented" Cyber Attack After Posting J6 Security Cam Footage

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Rumble Hit With "Unprecedented" Cyber Attack After Posting J6 Security Cam Footage


Free speech video hosting platform Rumble was hit with an “unprecedented” cyber attack shortly after new security camera footage from January 6 was posted on the platform.

Last week it was revealed that the GOP-controlled Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight had created a new Rumble channel to post hours of security footage from Capitol Police taken on January 6, 2021.

“The first few videos were posted to the Rumble channel on Dec. 5. By the next day, the collection grew to 135 clips—each about 10 minutes long. The channel had nearly 700 followers on Dec. 7,” reported the Epoch Times.

Apparently, that upset some people.

Shortly after, Rumble was hit by a massive and seemingly organized attack that left people unable to upload or watch content.

“I can confirm that this attack has been unprecedented and has been happening since this weekend,” Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski posted on X.

“I also suspect it is political, coming from activists and/or organizations who want to censor our creators, and related to J6 videos being posted on Rumble,” he added.

Rumble was only able to completely restore services last night.

“A major thank you to our cyber security partners and our entire team. This was a massive learning experience that will only make us stronger,” said the company.

“A big thank you to all users and creators who have been incredibly patient with us during this time.”

Censorship takes another L.

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5ae0ea No.130456

File: 1f0ead6810334c4⋯.png (340.75 KB,500x303,500:303,Clipboard.png)

File: 445d897e5912695⋯.png (335.45 KB,493x806,493:806,Clipboard.png)

File: ba4cda5ce0c142a⋯.png (60.27 KB,500x276,125:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063427 (121736ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Houthi Rebels Hit Norwegian-Flagged Tanker With Anti-Ship Cruise Missile At Key Maritime Chokepoint

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Houthi Rebels Hit Norwegian-Flagged Tanker With Anti-Ship Cruise Missile At Key Maritime Chokepoint


An anti-ship cruise missile fired by Yemen's Houthi rebels struck a Norwegian-flagged tanker in the Red Sea near a key maritime chokepoint known as the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, where nearly 10% of all crude traded at sea passes through.

Reuters quoted Houthi military spokesperson Yehia Sarea, who said the tanker - named "Strinda" - was targeted because it was headed to an Israeli terminal, and the crew ignored all warnings.

However, Strinda's owner, Norway's Mowinckel Chemical Tankers, said the vessel was bound for the Suez Canal and then on to Italy with a cargo containing vegetable oil and biofuels. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130457

File: 482cb06851f14d1⋯.png (215.27 KB,500x279,500:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f3f0f0d7361c1a⋯.png (181.38 KB,500x314,250:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063465 (121745ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Ford's "Test For EV Adoption" Fails: Carmaker Slashes Production Plans For Electric F-150 In Half

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Ford's "Test For EV Adoption" Fails: Carmaker Slashes Production Plans For Electric F-150 In Half


Less than a week after Elon Musk unveiled his apocalypse-surviving, Porsche-out-accelerating, bulletproof CyberTruck, Ford's EV effort is crashing on the Biden-administration ignited fire of unaffordability and high costs.

Having signaled in October during its Q3 earnings call plans to “adjust” production of its all-electric vehicles and delay about $12 billion in investments due to softening demand for higher-priced premium electric vehicles; a memo to suppliers - which was viewed and reported first tonight by Automotive News - indicated plans beginning in January to produce an average of about 1,600 Lightning trucks a week at its Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan.

Ford had planned for an annual production capacity of 150,000 Lightnings a year, or about 3,200 a week.

That means its production target for 2024 has been halved. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130458

File: 856a3fd8638e71a⋯.png (159.46 KB,500x342,250:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063497 (121754ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Is This The End For Zelenskyy?

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Is This The End For Zelenskyy?


Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Western public has been sold the story of a Ukrainian front united in its unwavering commitment to a total military victory over Russia. Over the past few weeks, however, this narrative has started to crumble.

Despite the failure of Ukraine’s Nato-backed counteroffensive, which is now universally accepted, Zelenskyy continues to stick to the maximalist victory-at-all-costs narrative — that Ukraine must go on fighting until it retakes every inch of lost territory, including Crimea, and that Putin should not be negotiated with. This is understandable: he has staked everything on achieving that objective — anything less would probably mean the end of his political career.

But Zelenskyy’s position is looking increasingly isolated. As Simon Shuster wrote in Time magazine, “Zelenskyy’s associates themselves are extremely skeptical about the [current] policy”, describing the president’s belief in Ukraine’s ultimate victory over Russia as “immovable, verging on the messianic”. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130459

File: d7e5ae013fbe783⋯.png (343.07 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063513 (121800ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Canadian Human Rights Commission Labels Christmas Celebration “Discrimination Grounded In Colonialism”

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Canadian Human Rights Commission Labels Christmas Celebration “Discrimination Grounded In Colonialism”


The cancerous spread of woke ideology into every facet of society and government is more obvious in some places compared to others, but every so often the movement crosses a line and sparks considerable opposition. In the US, the social justice movement seems to have hit a few snags; numerous companies adopting and promoting ESG related propaganda have been pummeled with successful boycotts, losing billions in profits and in stock value. Overall public sentiment is quickly turning against major universities as a root source of woke beliefs. And, government officials pandering to the extreme left are confronted with increasing vitriol from the populace.

It would seem that Canadians are also hitting their limit these days when it comes to the far-left, and it took a thinly veiled attack on Christmas to do it.

Part of the ongoing invasion of the woke movement involves regular attempts to undermine Christian holidays as “problematic” and archaic. Leftists argue that increasing diversity (mostly through open border policies or illegal immigration) requires increasing inclusion at the national level. Meaning, it is not for immigrants to adapt to the west, the west must adapt to them. National celebrations like Christmas are therefore a representation of “discrimination” because they are being given preference over minority holidays.

This was the message given by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) in a paper published under the radar in October. The treatise on “Religious Intolerance” was then condemned in a motion unanimously adopted on Nov. 30 by the House of Commons, the lower chamber of the Canadian Parliament. The paper cited Christianity’s two biggest holy days (Christmas and Easter) as examples of “present-day systemic religious discrimination” linked to colonialism because they are statutory holidays in Canada.

The CHRC was established by the Canadian government in 1977 and claims to be an “independent” watchdog. It is empowered under the Canadian Human Rights Act to investigate and to settle complaints of discrimination in employment and in the provision of services within federal jurisdiction. The group is similar to the ACLU in that its momentum is ever to the deepest reaches of the political left. Their ideological positions carry weight in the higher echelons of government; for example, their paper attacking Christmas has since been avidly defended by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130460

File: fd09e9cb0bfd033⋯.png (296.68 KB,500x272,125:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063525 (121803ZDEC23) Notable: Raytheon's Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle Defeats Ballistic Missile in Test Over Pacific

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Raytheon's Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle Defeats Ballistic Missile in Test Over Pacific


Raytheon has successfully tested its "Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle," designed to defend the US by intercepting and neutralizing long-range ballistic missiles in low-Earth orbit.

The kinetic-force weapon successfully destroyed an intermediate-range ballistic missile during a test in the Pacific region by the US Missile Defense Agency and the US Northern Command on Monday.

"This test demonstrates that the US ballistic missile defense system is operational, reliable, and ready to protect the country," said Wes Kremer, president of Raytheon.

Kremer continued, "Raytheon kill vehicles have now successfully completed nearly 50 space intercepts, which underscores our expertise and ability to design and develop these systems to defeat the evolving threat."

Also known as "EKV," the weapon is an intercept component of the Ground-Based Interceptor and part of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System. It uses multi-color sensors, advanced computers, and rocket motors that help it maneuver in space to neutralize the threat.

Raytheon said it is currently developing advanced ballistic missile interceptors and kill vehicles that will protect the US and allies with "more robust missile defense capability against current and future threats."

There was no word if EKV could defend the US and its allies from Russian and Chinese hypersonic threats.

The US lags behind in the hypersonic race while other superpowers rapidly add these new weapons to the modern battlefield.

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5ae0ea No.130461

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20063638 (121837ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Ratio’d: ‘Frozen communist s***hole’: Joe Rogan blasts Trudeau’s Canada (video

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Ratio’d | ‘Frozen communist s***hole’: Joe Rogan blasts Trudeau’s Canada


It has been a bad week for the pro-censorship legacy media press in Canada. First it began with Elon Musk noting the obvious – that freedom of speech doesn’t exist in Canada. Then Joe Rogan followed up by blasting Canada as a ‘frozen communist s***hole country’ and attacking Justin Trudeau…again. Following that, Tucker Carlson, one of Justin Trudeau’s harshest critics, interviewed another notable Trudeau critic, Alex Jones. To cap it all off, Elon Musk followed up Jones’ viral interview with Carlson by reinstating Jones’ account on X.

Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones and others have been some of the loudest voices against the Trudeau regime. All of them at one point or another have compared Justin Trudeau to some of the most evil dictators the world has ever seen. While these men represent free speech, Justin Trudeau has come to represent censorship. When the rest of the world is telling you that your country has a problem but the legacy media press who exist only because of government bailouts tell you there’s no problem, it may be time to listen to everyone else.

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5ae0ea No.130462

File: c89f34973b16a2b⋯.png (1.24 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d447fad4a12e88⋯.png (767.32 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20064360 (122149ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Canadian Medical Association Journal recognizes people who are ‘greysexual’

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Canadian Medical Association Journal recognizes people who are ‘greysexual’


The latest sexual orientation to be recognized by the Canadian Medical Association Journal is ‘greysexuality,’ a relatively new subset of asexuality.

Originally published on Dec. 4, the paper featured in Canada’s top medical journal discussed greysexuality as defined as someone who is “experiencing sexual attraction rarely or under specific circumstances.”

Demisexual and greysexual people can still “engage in sex and experience romantic attraction,” according to the article, which was co-authored by Stella A. Schneckenburger, Michelle W.Y. Tam and Lori E. Ross

The term was part of an article on asexuality, which is an umbrella term for those who only form a sexual attraction to someone after their emotional needs are met or for those who are greysexual.

It was referenced from another article in the Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, according to the National Post.

Furthermore, the article outlines the struggles of asexual people, with researchers writing that they can experience mental stress and a sense of stigma from discrimination.

“Asexual people also have unique physical and sexual health needs, such as navigating arousal without attraction and learning to set boundaries in relationships,” writes the article. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130463

File: 52e583eaa334e9c⋯.png (785.13 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20064397 (122158ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Indian official ordered “sophisticated crackdown” prior to Sikh activist’s murder: report

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Indian official ordered “sophisticated crackdown” prior to Sikh activist’s murder: report


A leaked memorandum from the Indian government instructed consulates in North America to launch a “sophisticated crackdown scheme” against Sikh diaspora organizations in Western countries in April 2023, according to a report.

The memo was obtained from India’s Ministry of External Affairs by The Intercept and lists several Sikh dissidents who were under investigation by India’s government, including Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

“Concrete measures shall be adopted to hold the suspects accountable,” reads the memo.

In June, Nijjar was murdered in Surrey, B.C., only two months after being named as a target in the document.

Titled “Action Points on Khalistan Extremism,” the memo blamed Sikh activists for engaging in “anti-India propaganda,” as well as acts of “arson and vandalization.”

The document instructs officials at its consulate to confront the groups Sikhs for Justice, Babbar Khalsa International, Sikh Youth of America, Sikh Coordination Committee East Coast, World Sikh Parliament, and Shiromani Akali Dal Amritsar America.

Nijjar is listed as one of the “suspects” affiliated in one of these groups, as well as a leader of one of the other listed groups, Sikhs for Justice, who was the target of an assassination attempt foiled by U.S. agents last week, involving Nikhil Gupta and potentially targeted Gurpatwant Singh Pannun.

After it was leaked to the press the Indian government responded by saying, “there is no such memo.”

“We strongly assert that such reports are fake and completely fabricated,” wrote Indian spokesperson Shri Arindam Bagchi. “This is part of a sustained disinformation campaign against India.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20064413 (122202ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / New Details Emerge on MT Strinda Missile Attack: French Navy Downs Drone

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New Details Emerge on MT Strinda Missile Attack: French Navy Downs Drone

Mike Schuler December 12, 2023

The French Navy has released new details about a missile attack on the Norwegian chemical tanker MT Strinda that occurred in the Bam-el-Mandem Strait.

According to the Navy’s statement, the FREMM Languedoc was patrolling the area when it “intercepted and destroyed” a drone that posed a “direct threat” to the Strinda. Afterwards, the frigate “placed itself in protection” of the Strinda and thwarted “an attempt to hijack the ship.”

The Navy reports that the fire on board the Strinda was brought under control and no injuries were reported.

“The USS Mason then escorted the Strinda towards the Gulf of Aden out of the threat zone.”

The statement provides new details of how the attack unfolded after initial reports emerged overnight. Late Monday, the US Central Command confirmed that the Norwegian-flagged MT Strinda had been struck by an Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (ASCM) launched from a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen while passing through the Bab-el-Mandeb. Although there were no US ships in the vicinity at the time, the USS Mason responded to the Strinda’s distress call and offered assistance.

The drone strike conducted by the FREMM Languedoc marks another success for the frigate, which only began freedom of navigation patrols in the region on December 8th. Just over the weekend, the vessel had already shot down two drones approximately 110 km from the Yemeni coast, near Al Hudaydah.

These incident follow threats made by Houthi officials to target all Israel-linked ships and any vessels bound for Israel. Notably, the ship owner of the Strinda, Norway’s Mowinckel Chemical Tankers, has now confirmed that the ship had a tentative port call in Israel in January, although this information was initially withheld as a precaution.

The escalation of threats against shipping along the Yemeni coast, including the Red Sea, Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, and Gulf of Aden, has been a growing concern since the beginning of the Israeli-Hamas war in October. Given that the region serves as a crucial trade route, with the Suez Canal as its main chokepoint accounting for 12% of global trade, the security of shipping in this area is of global significance.

The U.S. has blamed Iran for not only supplying Houthis with weapons, but also to plan and execute the attacks.

The French Navy’s full statement, translated using Google Translate, is below:

On the evening of Monday December 11, the oil tanker Strinda (Norwegian flag) was the victim of a complex air attack from Yemen causing a fire on board.

The FREMM Languedoc which was patrolling the area intercepted and destroyed a drone directly threatening the Strinda. The FREMM then placed itself in protection of the affected vessel, preventing the attempt to hijack the ship.

The fire on board the Strinda was brought under control. No injuries were reported. The USS Mason then escorted the Strinda towards the Gulf of Aden out of the threat zone. FREMM Languedoc has resumed its patrol towards the North.

FREMM Languedoc has been involved in the Gulf of Aden and the southern Red Sea since December 8 in order to contribute to maritime security and the freedom of navigation of ships (around 20,000 commercial ships pass through this area each year ).


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5ae0ea No.130465

File: 2244fedfdf770f0⋯.png (843.45 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20064432 (122207ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Canada signs joint statement calling for “sustainable ceasefire” in Israel

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Canada signs joint statement calling for “sustainable ceasefire” in Israel


Canada, New Zealand, and Australia issued a joint statement calling on “Israel must respect humanitarian law” and backing support for a “sustainable ceasefire.”

This statement comes hours after U.S. President Joe Biden said Israel was beginning to lose support around the world.

The leaders unequivocally condemned the terror attacks by Hamas on October 7, which resulted in significant loss of life and included heinous acts of violence., while affording Israel’s right to exist and defend itself.

However, the statement also argued that the price of defeating Hamas cannot be the continuous suffering of all Palestinian civilians.

“We are alarmed at the diminishing safe space for civilians in Gaza,” read the statement.

At the same time, the three countries condemned Hamas’ unacceptable treatment of hostages and called for the immediate and unconditional release of all remaining hostages.

The countries noted that the recent pause in hostilities allowed for the release of more than 100 hostages. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130466

File: 9954bf17010d22a⋯.png (963.05 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20064466 (122214ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Several companies pull ads from X after over presence of “offensive” content

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Several companies pull ads from X after over presence of “offensive” content


Several Canadian companies have decided to pull their advertising from X, after discovering that their ads were appearing in the feeds of certain “offensive” accounts.

An investigation by CBC News found about two dozen social media accounts that were linked to white supremacists and others the network branded as “extremist” who had advertising from Samsung Canada, CF Montréal and Pathways Alliance in their feeds.

The Tech Transparency Project, a watchdog group, found that Samsung ads were circulating through feeds that they had previously flagged for spreading antisemitic and Islamophobic rhetoric.

Samsung ads were also found in the feeds of Libs of TikTok, an account that LGBTQ advocates have alleged is hateful towards transgender people.

Carl Benjamin, also known as Sargon of Akkad, was found to have ads appear in his feed from Pathways Alliance, which represents Cenovus Energy and Suncor. Benjamin has been accused of making racist and misogynist comments in the past.

Pathways Alliance ads were also appearing in the feed of a far-right fitness group.

B’nai Brith, a Jewish advocacy group, had its ads appearing in Richard Spencer’s feed, a white-nationalist who led the 2017 alt-right march infamous for members chanting “Jews will not replace us.”

CEO of B’nai Brith Canada Michael Mostyn said his organization has no plans to stop advertising on X, despite what antisemitism may appear on the platform formerly known as Twitter. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130467

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20064510 (122226ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Safety signals ignored as censored genomics expert vindicated on vaccine data integrity concerns (video)

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Safety signals ignored as censored genomics expert vindicated on vaccine data integrity concerns


A Nature journal publication reveals concerns about genetic frameshifting resulting from the injection of modified RNA that will create unintended and abnormal peptides. Genomics expert Kevin McKernan raises questions about manipulated data from vaccine manufacturers and criticizes regulatory oversight for missing safety signals. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130468

File: ebd47ee86b403b0⋯.png (1.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20064562 (122242ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Liberal MP office vandalized with red paint by far-left anti-Israel activists

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Liberal MP office vandalized with red paint by far-left anti-Israel activists


'FILOMENA, STOP ENABLING ISRAEL’S GENOCIDE,' posted the pro-Hamas group on social media, boasting about the vandalism committed against the Hamilton Liberal MP with red paint, chalk, and posters featuring anti-Israel messaging on the windows.

Early Monday morning in Hamilton, Ontario, the office of Liberal Member of Parliament Filomena Tassi was vandalized. This act was in response to her not signing the ceasefire letter endorsed by 23 other Liberal MPs. The letter calls on Israel to halt its military operation aimed at finding the hostages held by Hamas after the October 7 massacre perpetrated by the terrorist group.

"We call on Filomena Tassi to add her voice to the ceasefire letter," stated in a social media post on Instagram by a pro-Hamas activist page, which showcased the vandalism against the federal member of parliament's office.

Red painted handprints covered the glass windows of the empty office, with a "genocide enabler" poster paper taped to the front door. The public sidewalk and steps leading up to the office featured anti-Israel messaging.

“...and demand she facilitate an end to Israel’s decades-long occupation” the post continues, bragging about the defacement. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130469

File: d1b7fc5a119f554⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20064618 (122254ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Medicago refunds Ottawa $40 million from ‘irrelevant’ vaccine contract

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Medicago refunds Ottawa $40 million from ‘irrelevant’ vaccine contract


On December 11, Toshifumi Tada, president and CEO of Medicago, testified to the House of Commons health committee amid a parliamentary inquiry into their $323 million vaccine contract that delivered no doses. Of that amount, $40 million will be returned to government coffers. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130470

File: 00a48f13680f298⋯.png (1.78 MB,2000x959,2000:959,Clipboard.png)

File: da41de22eda7728⋯.pdf (1.36 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20065115 (130020ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / WEF Likens “Misinformation” To A Cybersecurity Issue In Calls For More Action | A new way of justifying censorship

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WEF Likens “Misinformation” To A Cybersecurity Issue In Calls For More Action | A new way of justifying censorship


According to a recent study by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and allied organizations, cybersecurity concerns are taking on new dimensions. Misinformation and disinformation disseminated via the internet are now being framed as key challenges in ensuring “cybersecurity.” The troubling report was launched on December 5 and designated as “Cybersecurity Futures 2030: New Foundations.”

The study postulates the future of cybersecurity lies rather in safeguarding the integrity and source of data. This introduces a novel perspective on the significance of locating and quashing fabricated information, cynically tagged as “mis”- or “dis-information” held in the cybersecurity domain.

Various international conferences, both virtual and geo-located, were instrumental in shaping the insights of the study. Sessions held across the world, in conjunction with an online gathering inviting participants across Europe, were supposedly catalysts in outlining the futuristic, hypothetical scenarios catapulting cybersecurity to 2030.

The WEF report pushes digital security “literacy training” as quintessential to warding off the threats posed by misinformation and disinformation, referring to them as the “core of cyber concerns.” This is similar to controversial proposals for “media literacy” that are taking place across some governments, most recently California.

The authors opine that a widespread competence in internet literacy is the sine qua non in warred zones of data fraud and run-of-the-mill cybercrime.

The report’s writers unfold an interesting perspective where “stable governments,” with long-term tech and cybersecurity strategies up their sleeves, morph into reliable and trustworthy information gatekeepers. The study also puts the roles of government and the private sector in preserving trust under its lens, particularly in the US context, deliberating who should be entrusted with the key censorship task.

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5ae0ea No.130471

File: 48f8dacbdc01da1⋯.png (922.1 KB,1740x1084,435:271,Clipboard.png)

File: b7caf5c9060935c⋯.png (1.95 MB,2152x1210,1076:605,Clipboard.png)

File: b1fc870931b7012⋯.png (2.95 MB,2494x1404,1247:702,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dc4f64f16f180c⋯.png (2.37 MB,2494x1454,1247:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c3c1692dd0a025⋯.png (2.28 MB,2494x1454,1247:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20065278 (130100ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Ontario Catholic school encourages staff to actively promote LGBT agenda, memo shows

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Ontario Catholic school encourages staff to actively promote LGBT agenda, memo shows


Regardless of the school's instruction, The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly states that God created humans 'male and female' and that '[e]veryone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity.'

An Ontario Catholic school is instructing its staff to push the LGBT agenda, in seeming contradiction to the authentic teaching of the Church, according to an internal memo obtained by LifeSiteNews.

On December 4, Cardinal Leger Secondary School in Brampton, Ontario, hosted an all-staff meeting which included directives on promoting the LGBT agenda as an “ally,” in addition to claiming that a person’s gender can be different than their sex, according to a memo obtained by LifeSiteNews. The nominally Catholic school’s statements are in contradiction to the authentic and unchangeable teachings of the Catholic Church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly states that God created humans “male and female” and that “[e]veryone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity.”

“Physical, moral, and spiritual difference and complementarity are oriented toward the goods of marriage and the flourishing of family life. the harmony of the couple and of society depends in part on the way in which the complementarity, needs, and mutual support between the sexes are lived out,” the Catechism continues, further declaring that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered” and “under no circumstances can they be approved.”

Despite this, the document begins with the title, “Why Ally is a verb, not a noun,” indicating that staff should promote, not refute, the claims of the LGBT agenda. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130472

File: 25e11d761f3887e⋯.png (752.67 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20065783 (130255ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Canadian mayor backs Israel’s actions no matter how many children die

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Canadian mayor backs Israel’s actions no matter how many children die


Montreal suburb’s Jewish head Jeremy Levi said the IDF’s campaign in Gaza is a battle between “good and evil”

The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Hampstead Jeremy Levi has said that, regardless of the number of children’s lives taken, he would continue to support Israel in its ongoing offensive in Gaza.

More than 18,200 people have so far died in the nine-week bombardment of Gaza, health officials in the besieged enclave said on Monday, as Israel’s retaliatory campaign in response to Hamas’ October 7 cross-border attack continues at pace. Israeli officials say that 1,147 of its citizens were killed in the October assault, while another 240 were seized as hostages.

But as international condemnation of Israel’s siege of Gaza swells, Levi – who was elected last year to govern the predominantly Jewish Hampstead community – has said that Israel’s military offensive must continue until “good” prevails over “evil.”

“I’m not calling for a ceasefire,” Levi said in a video posted to social media on Monday by Yves Engler, a vocal critic of Israel. “I want the hostages home, but I’m not calling for a ceasefire.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130473

File: 5484e10ff544ef3⋯.png (4.76 MB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20066036 (130351ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / ‘Queers For Palestine’ Protesters Shut Down Manhattan Bridge

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‘Queers For Palestine’ Protesters Shut Down Manhattan Bridge


Hundreds of people participating in a “Queers for Palestine” protest blocked the Manhattan Bridge in New York City on Monday evening.

The pro-Palestinian protesters marched from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn across the bridge into Manhattan calling for a “Free Palestine.” Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have become more widespread since the terror group Hamas killed roughly 1,200 Israeli civilians and took hundreds more captive in a terror attack on October 7.

The protesters touted LGBT and trans pride flags while chanting slogans such as “queer, trans, no peace on stolen land” and “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a popular phrase among pro-Palestinian activists that effectively calls for genocide against Israelis. The protesters also compared Israel’s military and the New York Police Department to the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan, chanting “NYPD, KKK, IDF, they’re all the same.”

The crowd was led by protesters carrying banners with messages such as “Queers for Liberated Palestine,” “No Pride in Genocide,” and “Queer Jews say: F*** the West. Let Gaza Live.”

Many have noted the irony in the trend of groups such as “Queers for Palestine.” Homosexuality is punished in the Gaza Strip, which is run by Hamas, and large portions of Judea and Samaria, also known as the West Bank, run by the Palestinian Authority. Vontinue...

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5ae0ea No.130474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20066333 (130523ZDEC23) Notable: Trudeau warns Poilievre won’t tax-and-spend Canadians into prosperity

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Trudeau warns Poilievre won’t tax-and-spend Canadians into prosperity


Prime Minister Trudeau says his Liberal government knows best and warned a Conservative government led by Pierre Poilievre would act much differently.

The Liberal Party of Canada released a 34-second clip on Twitter ("X") showing Trudeau delivering his comments in French before a live audience.

“Since 2015, we've been delivering real progress by investing in Canadians, because we know that's the best way to grow the middle class, support families and build a strong economy,” the post read.

“But Pierre Poilievre and his Conservatives want to cut that progress and take Canada backward.”

Trudeau made his comments with a Canadian flag in the background and a backdrop with the Liberal Party logo.

“If we listen to the Conservatives, the best thing to do now, facing all these challenges, these difficult challenges to Canadians is to cut programs, is to cut services and care for Canadians, to cut the investments that people rely on to build a better world,” Trudeau said.

“Excuse me, but that’s not the approach we should take and it’s not an approach that will amplify the concerns and worries of Canadians either, that will solve the challenges we are facing.”

Trudeau contradicted himself, as an approach that failed to amplify concerns would mean it was doing no worse.

Of course, all government 'investments' are done either by current taxation or delayed taxation through deficit spending.

The post prompted a flurry of skepticism from everyday Canadians in minutes, including Pete (@sidestreamFB).

“Moving backwards from drastically increased cost of living, crumbling institutions, and international embarrassment is a good thing,” he said.

Maximo said, “No such thing as free money and all benefits come with a huge cost and the usual inefficient bureaucracy; most Canadians are not on board with liberal policies.”

“Is that what they want? Whoever came up with this should be fired, along with most (all?) Liberal communications staff,” wrote Kyle Riley of Edmonton. “This stuff is terrible.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130475

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20067753 (131406ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Press for Truth: Bizarre Hamas Massacre Fashion Show And The Zara Boycott Explained (video)

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BIZARRE Hamas Massacre FASHION SHOW And The Zara Boycott EXPLAINED!!!


Pro-Palestine activists are calling for a boycott on the fashion company Zara following a new promotional campaign they say is mocking the deaths of children in Gaza, not knowing that the Zara campaign was conceived and filmed a month before the massacre.

Meanwhile a fashion show called POV (point of view) seeks to highlight the atrocities by making dresses and images of gore that are worn by actual survivors of the attack.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the POV show while also explaining why Zara shouldn’t be the enemy of these activists and why the Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) should be!

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5ae0ea No.130476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20067792 (131418ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Trump Prosecutor, Jack Smith’s Alleged Role In Extortion Scheme While At the International Court of Justice Is Revealed

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5ae0ea No.130477

File: 10e341daae9560e⋯.png (536.3 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b51ab189f8a1a8⋯.png (237.95 KB,547x339,547:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20067796 (131420ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Trump Prosecutor, Jack Smith’s Alleged Role In Extortion Scheme While At the International Court of Justice Is Revealed

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BREAKING: Trump Prosecutor, Jack Smith’s Alleged Role In Extortion Scheme While At the International Court of Justice Is Revealed


My old friend and business partner, John Moynihan, filed a whistleblower complaint with the Department of Justice Inspector General’s Office on November 28 alleging that Jack Smith, the Special Prosecutor pursuing Donald Trump, was engaged in an extortion scheme while he was working at the International Court of Justice. (You can find the complaint at the bottom of this linked article by Patrick Byrne.) It is no coincidence that Jack Smith, in the wake of that complaint, made an impromptu move on Monday (December 11) asking the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether Donald Trump had immunity to the charges filed by Smith. Moynihan’s complaint was filed on November 28, 2023 and Smith, 13 days later decides to bypass the Appeals Courts. Smells like politics.

The Moynihan complaint is political dynamite because it provides circumstantial evidence to support Donald Trump’s belief that Jack Smith is not only politically motivated but corrupt. The Trump team wisely has refrained from piling on this news in order to avoid accusations that this was a manufactured hit job. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130478

File: 3d30559a268c07b⋯.png (1.76 MB,1290x725,258:145,Clipboard.png)

File: a01bc3b5f3aba30⋯.png (96.39 KB,600x433,600:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20067824 (131436ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Secret Service Boats Were Inoperable During Rescue Attempt of Obama’s Chef Tafari Campbell, Newly Released Records Reveal

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Secret Service Boats Were Inoperable During Rescue Attempt of Obama’s Chef Tafari Campbell, Newly Released Records Reveal


Judicial Watch has disclosed new documents concerning the unfortunate drowning of Tafari Campbell, the former personal chef of the Obama family, revealing that there were operational failures with Secret Service rescue boats during the emergency.

On July 23, 45-year-old Tafari Campbell met his tragic end while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond, Martha’s Vineyard. A female Obama staffer was reportedly paddle boarding with him.

According to witness accounts, without a life jacket and wasn’t tethered to his board, Campbell lost his balance and fell off his paddleboard into the water. Desperately struggling to stay afloat, he eventually slipped beneath the surface, never to resurface again.

Campbell, who could swim as evidenced by a video he’d previously posted, was found in eight-deep water.

According to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Massachusetts, the official cause of his death was ruled as an accidental drowning. No signs of external trauma were found on his body, as confirmed by Timothy McGuirk, a spokesman for the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security.

On Tuesday, Documents obtained by Judicial Watch through a FOIA lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security uncovered that the Secret Service encountered crucial issues deploying their boats to aid Campbell.

“Newly released records show that when Secret Service agents rushed to try to rescue Obama’s chef Tafari Campbell, who was drowning, both of the agency’s boats were inoperable,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton wrote on X. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20067922 (131500ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Vigilant Fox: Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths

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Vigilant Fox: Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths


“He knew the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects.”

“Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza is under investigation for homicide after emails reveal that from the very start of the vaccinations, he knew the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects in order to reassure Italian citizens of their safety and to not jeopardize the vaccination campaign,” reported InfoWars contributor Greg Reese in viral X post shared by Alex Jones. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130480

File: 76398213470dedb⋯.png (1.44 MB,1019x576,1019:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20067976 (131514ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Globalism 101: Chosen by Polish Parliament as the New PM, Donald Tusk Vows Loyalty to the EU and the US, Calls for ‘World Mobilization’ To Help Ukraine

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Globalism 101: Chosen by Polish Parliament as the New PM, Donald Tusk Vows Loyalty to the EU and the US, Calls for ‘World Mobilization’ To Help Ukraine


Tusk is showing his globalist colors on day one.

As was fairly expected, caretaker Prime Minister, conservative Mateusz Morawiecki, was not able to form a government, and Parliament chose opposition leader Donald Turk as the new designate Premier.

Tusk laid out his political program to parliament Tuesday ahead of a confidence vote scheduled for later in the afternoon.

Tusk finally became prime minister nearly two months after the national elections. While ruling PiS was the most voted party, a coalition of parties, ranging from left-wing to moderately conservative, led by Tusk, was able to form a majority.

Tusk was Poland’s prime minister from 2007 to 2014 and European Council president from 2014 to 2019.

Deutsche Welle reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130481

File: f8de4334db56f0e⋯.png (221.11 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 41b417a5cf0b594⋯.png (36.07 KB,500x234,250:117,Clipboard.png)

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File: 3aea3b15a86be3d⋯.png (140.48 KB,500x391,500:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068023 (131525ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / FCC Rejects $900 Million Subsidy For SpaceX Amid Concerns Of Gov't Weaponization

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FCC Rejects $900 Million Subsidy For SpaceX Amid Concerns Of Gov't Weaponization


Elon Musk has voiced concerns that radicals within the Biden administration might attempt to 'weaponize' federal agencies against his businesses, citing his move to make X a 'free speech' social media platform. This concern was underscored in a decision by the US Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday to withhold approximately $900 million in rural broadband subsidies from SpaceX's satellite internet unit, Starlink. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068048 (131531ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Hunter Biden Ditches Deposition, Instead Gives Capitol Hill Speech Claiming Joe Biden 'Not Involved' In Business (video)

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Watch: Hunter Biden Ditches Deposition, Instead Gives Capitol Hill Speech Claiming Joe Biden 'Not Involved' In Business


Hunter Biden's legal team set up a podium on Capitol Hill Wednesday, where the First Son decided to make his case in the court of public opinion, as opposed to appearing in a closed-door deposition by House investigators. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130483

File: f7ddefac18b8bb4⋯.png (55.76 KB,500x276,125:69,Clipboard.png)

File: e8e435d1f1b4d6a⋯.png (57.55 KB,500x276,125:69,Clipboard.png)

File: f5deca35239f93f⋯.png (39.79 KB,500x209,500:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068211 (131556ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Pfizer Shares Plunge On Gloomy 2024 Outlook

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Pfizer Shares Plunge On Gloomy 2024 Outlook


Shares of Pfizer tumbled in premarket trading in New York after the pharmaceutical company announced a forecasted revenue slump next year. The dismal outlook falls below the average estimates of analysts, attributed to sliding demand for Pfizer's Covid vaccines and other related products.

Pfizer wrote in a press release titled "Pfizer Provides Full-Year 2024 Guidance" that full-year 2024 revenues are expected to be in the range of $58.5 to $61.5 billion, below the $62.9 billion analysts surveyed by Bloomberg expected. It expects annual earnings of $2.05 to $2.25 a share, far below analysts' $3.21 average estimate.

The revenue guidance for next year also includes an estimated $8 billion from its Covid vaccine Comirnaty and its antiviral Paxlovid, along with approximately $3.1 billion from Seagen and about $1 billion from the reclassification of its royalty income from other (income)/deductions into the revenue. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130484

File: 677df2276c79735⋯.png (192.19 KB,500x292,125:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bd473726c4b1b3⋯.png (239.73 KB,741x777,247:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 89b023b40afc393⋯.png (320.32 KB,641x817,641:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ef01f78069df05⋯.png (77.63 KB,657x627,219:209,Clipboard.png)

File: d24923684a91faa⋯.png (95.1 KB,655x512,655:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068356 (131615ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / IBM Slapped With Federal Civil Rights Complaint After Racist CEO's "Obviously Illegal" Hiring Practices Leak

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IBM Slapped With Federal Civil Rights Complaint After Racist CEO's "Obviously Illegal" Hiring Practices Leak


IBM has been hit with a federal civil rights complaint after James O'Keefe posted video leaked by an insider of CEO and Chairman Arvind Krishna outlining racist business practices.

"On December 11, 2023, a tape of IBM Chief Executive Officer and Board Chairman Arvind Krishna was released on X.4 In the video, Krishna promises to fire, demote, or deny bonuses to corporate executives who either fail to meet the corporation’s racial and national origin hiring quotas or who hire too many Asian individuals," reads a letter from America First Legal Foundation. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130485

File: b22093df7f87fa6⋯.png (50.79 KB,780x491,780:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 14ec948a6150b1f⋯.png (155.85 KB,787x775,787:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e3f952888d18d8⋯.png (193.72 KB,498x782,249:391,Clipboard.png)

File: c56451698c84065⋯.png (169.7 KB,496x827,496:827,Clipboard.png)

File: f2cb08d33ec2f4c⋯.png (73.49 KB,336x632,42:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068460 (131630ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Lawsuits Against Censorship-Industrial Complex Heat Up After Musk Kicks Open The Floodgates

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Ready To Rumble: Lawsuits Against Censorship-Industrial Complex Heat Up After Musk Kicks Open The Floodgates


It took the richest man in the world to begin dismantling the censorship-industrial complex; a tightly connected network of government agencies, think tanks, private media platforms, and activist organizations whose goal is to censor, control, and bankrupt free speech platforms under the guise of battling 'hate speech' and 'misinformation' that run counter to prevailing establishment narratives.

One of these entities, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, is a dark money organization run by an alleged former British intelligence operative.

We know all this because just over a year ago, X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk disseminated the "Twitter Files" to a small group of independent journalists, from which we learned that the Biden administration collaborated with Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story, ban Donald Trump, and that the FBI essentially had its entire arm up Twitter's ass in order to shape and control narratives.

We also learned about the aforementioned relationships between the censorship-industrial complex.

Let the games begin! Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130486

File: 1558a1cbf144117⋯.png (242.55 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068535 (131646ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Canadian Medical Schools Asked To Shift From "Medical Expertise" To Anti-Racism & Social Justice Training

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Canadian Medical Schools Asked To Shift From "Medical Expertise" To Anti-Racism & Social Justice Training


There is a major controversy brewing in Canada over a proposal in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons that schools shift from emphasizing “medical expertise” in favor of teaching “anti-racism” and social justice values.

An organization of physicians called Do No Harm is opposing the recommendation of the interim report by the college’s Anti-Racism Expert Working Group.

The report states that the new emphasis should center around “values such as anti-oppression, anti-racism, and social justice, rather than medical expertise.”

By “de-centering medical expertise,” the anti-racism experts suggest courses focusing on “anti-racism,” “anti-oppression,” “social justice and equity,” “inclusive compassion,” and “decolonization.”

That includes the perils of capitalism and other “power structures”:

“Anti-racism is deeply rooted in anti-oppression, which analyzes the world through the lens of power, including the historical and ongoing structures of racism, white supremacy, settler colonialism, heteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, classism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and more. Anti-racism and antioppression call for action on the manifestations of oppression based on race, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, immigration status and more. “

In a separate report, the group has also opposed U.S. medical schools filtering out applicants who opposed DEI values.

The group states that it found that “the admissions process at 50 of the top-ranked medical schools found that 36 asked applicants their views on, or experience in, DEI efforts” to “screen out dissenters.”

Most U.S. medical schools currently have some DEI and diversity courses incorporated into their curriculums. Some now give an alternative hippocratic oath pledging social justice and anti-racist action.

It is not clear how much of the traditional curriculum would be displaced under the recommendation in Canada.

With a kid in his first-year of medical school at Georgetown, I am amazed at the overwhelming burden on these students in taking these medical courses. The first year curriculum seems an all-consuming effort to cover the basic medical jargon, training, and science. I cannot imagine shoe-horning other subjects into that dense coverage or what would be jettisoned to make room for the new emphasis.

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5ae0ea No.130487

File: da8624c8a41e601⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068635 (131705ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Canada falls to 62nd out of 67 on Climate Change Performance Index

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Canada falls to 62nd out of 67 on Climate Change Performance Index


Canada’s steep – and increasing – carbon tax is not improving the country’s performance on climate change, according to an international watchdog.

Despite the steady stream of climate initiatives being implemented by the Canadian government, Canada has fallen to 62nd place out of 67 on the Climate Change Performance Index.

Last year, Canada placed 58th out of 63 countries for which data are available. Four new countries were added in the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)’s 2024 edition: Nigeria, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, and the United Arab Emirates.

While Canada technically dropped in placements, as all four new countries placed above it, it was the sixth lowest-ranked country in the last two years.

“Justin Trudeau’s failed environmental policies are not only costing Canadians — but they’re also not working,” said Conservative MP Dan Mazier in a post to X (formerly Twitter).

Saskatchewan Conservative MP Michael Kram raised a similar concern in the House of Commons..

“The Climate Change Performance Index ranked Canada 62nd out of 67 countries on climate change performance despite the fact that Canada has one of the highest carbon taxes in the world,” said Kram. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130488

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068647 (131708ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Trudeau's $1B green slush fund whistleblower exposes corruption and high-level cover-ups (video)

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Trudeau's $1B green slush fund whistleblower exposes corruption and high-level cover-ups


Justin Trudeau's Liberals are embroiled in yet another scandal, this time involving a $1 billion green slush fund as a whistleblower comes forward with allegations of corruption and cover-ups along with a squandering of tax dollars and flagrant disregard for ethics. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130489

File: 6efdcf5f8fc262f⋯.png (1.29 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068728 (131724ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Trudeau's $1B green slush fund whistleblower exposes corruption and high-level cover-ups (video)

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Green tech agency whistleblower claims Minister Champagne lied to ethics committee


A whistleblower on corporate mismanagement in the federal government’s green tech fund delivered explosive testimony to Parliament’s industry and technology committee claiming that the industry minister, François-Philippe Champagne, lied to the ethics committee.

Israr Ahmad, a former employee at Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) claimed that minister Champagne misled the ethics committee by claiming he only learned of the findings from a private-sector report concluding that SDTC had significant problems with corporate mismanagement.

“The minister has spoken on-the-record multiple times that he was only briefed about the outcome on Aug. 27 when that is definitively not true and he has lied at the ethics committee,” said Ahmad.

“The deputy minister spoke to the minister’s office and the minister on several occasions before the briefings were finalized including edits that were made on behalf of the minister’s office.”

Champagne’s office did not respond to a request for comment from True North. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130490

File: 0416ac07bd73aba⋯.png (982.9 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20068866 (131755ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Canadian mother given sole decision-making powers over son in ‘transgender father’ case

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Canadian mother given sole decision-making powers over son in ‘transgender father’ case


LifeSiteNews can finally produce details of a court document attesting to the 'transgender father' case and supply readers with a case number to which they can refer when making known their concerns about current parenthood legislation to their Members of Parliament.

The mother at the heart of the “Felicity and Pip” case has been allowed sole decision-making powers over her son despite the claims of a gender-confused woman who calls herself the boy’s father.

For the first time, LifeSiteNews can produce details of a court document attesting to the case and supply readers with a case number to which they can refer when making known their concerns about current parenthood legislation to their Members of Parliament: 2023 NBQB 218.

LifeSiteNews will also stop using pseudonyms for the parties in the dispute.

On December 8, the Hon. Mr. Justice Danys R.X. Delaquis of the Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick, Family Division gave an interim parenting order in favor of J.S.K. [hitherto “Felicity”], the biological mother of L.A.J.M.-R., the three-year-old boy hitherto known to LifeSiteNews readers as “Pip.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130491

File: c23e4d74dc3739c⋯.png (674.22 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20069095 (131850ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Zelensky Meets with Defense Contractors in D.C. During Bid for U.S. Taxpayer Money

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Zelensky Meets with Defense Contractors in D.C. During Bid for U.S. Taxpayer Money


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with defense contractors during his visit to Washington, DC, this week, amid a bid for $61 billion in U.S. taxpayer support for Ukraine, according to a video he posted on social media.

Zelensky said Ukraine was prepared to produce more ammunition and military vehicles, but it required support. He posted on X:

I met with leaders of US defense companies and expressed my gratitude to every American worker who manufactures weapons that help us safeguard our people and defend our land.

I appreciated all American companies that attended last week’s US-Ukraine defense industry conference.

I also proposed establishing a European defense hub in Ukraine. We are prepared to make all essential decisions, cut red tape, and allocate orders.

We are ready to produce more ammunition and military vehicles, but we require support. It is important to develop joint production of artillery ammo, air defense systems, and artillery and missile systems.

Together, we can create more jobs, generate more strength, and provide more opportunities for both of our nations. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130492

File: a73492622a8cd28⋯.png (1.62 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20069256 (131922ZDEC23) Notable: Panama Canal drought hampering global trade

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Panama Canal drought hampering global trade


Disruptions are forcing shippers to use longer and costlier routes, analysts say

Reduced water levels along the Panama Canal are disrupting global trade, forcing shippers to sail longer routes and pay higher freight costs, Reuters reported on Monday.

The man-made waterway in Central America, which provides a much cheaper route for ships to move between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and handles about 5% of international seaborne trade, has been hit by severe drought in recent years.

A lack of water has created expensive challenges for companies as vessels have faced wait times of up to three weeks to pass through the canal. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130493

File: 00bc129ce150858⋯.png (1002.14 KB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20069291 (131933ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Third EU state objects to Ukrainian membership talks

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Third EU state objects to Ukrainian membership talks


Austria has joined Hungary and Slovakia in opposing fast track procedures for accepting Ukraine and Moldova into the union

There should be no preferential treatment for Ukraine in regards to its path to becoming a member of the European Union, Austrian Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer said during a government meeting on Monday.

His statement came in response to proposals from the European Commission to launch accession talks with Ukraine as soon as possible. However, after opposition from Hungary and Slovakia, EC President Ursula von der Leyen said on Sunday that the bloc’s leaders would only discuss “the opening of accession negotiations, not accession itself” at the upcoming European Council summit this week.

Answering questions from members of Austria’s EU Main Committee, Nehammer stated that his country was generally in favor of EU enlargement and agreed to offering Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova accession prospects.

However, he insisted that there should be no “fast-track procedure” for the two states and that internal EU reforms would also be needed to prepare the bloc for enlargement. He stressed that Austria would not agree to any accession talks with Ukraine under the current conditions.

Nehammer also noted that von der Leyen had not consulted with him or any other EU leaders before issuing a recommendation last month to open formal membership talks with Ukraine, arguing that it had made significant progress in internal reforms to warrant such a step.

This recommendation was also met with opposition by Slovakia and Hungary, whose Prime Minister Viktor Orban called it “unfounded and poorly prepared.” Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanar also stated that he “couldn’t imagine” Kiev joining the union while it was still in a “state of war,” noting that its membership was still “terribly far away.”

Kiev, meanwhile, has insisted that it has already fulfilled all the key requirements in its bid to join the bloc and demanded that EU members “play fairly” and recognize its efforts.

“We can jump, we can dance if that is requested in addition,” said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, insisting that “If we are told to do something, and we do that, that must be registered as a result.”

For years, the Ukrainian government has cited accession to the bloc as one of its priorities, with little actual progress made. Ukraine officially applied for membership in February 2022, days after Russia launched its military operation.

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5ae0ea No.130494

File: 24c17224992d9c7⋯.png (447.12 KB,700x442,350:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20069748 (132134ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Smith, Schulz blast Guibeault’s ‘continued treachery’ at COP28

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BREAKING: Smith, Schulz blast Guibeault’s ‘continued treachery’ at COP28


It’s good to be back home.

But Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz are none-too-pleased with the federal government’s performance at the COP28 summit in Dubai and specifically the antics of Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault’s “incoherent and illegal policy pronouncements” at the United Nations conference climate last week.

The pair barely had time to catch a cab from the airport before calling for the Liberal cabinet minister’s outright dismissal for his “continued treachery against our province and millions of other Canadians.”

“Although he ultimately failed in his ambitions to include language in the final COP28 agreement regarding the elimination of oil and gas production, Albertans will not forget his continued treachery against our province and millions of other Canadians,” they said in a joint statement.

“We once again call on the prime minister to replace this minister immediately, as he continues to damage Canada’s international reputation and sell out the interests and livelihoods of millions of Canadians with his misguided personal obsessions.”

Meanwhile, Guilbeault was presumably somewhere over the ocean jetting back to Canada after taking a victory lap at the Dubai International Airport to gloat over his role in drafting an agreement that actually mentions the words “fossil fuels” for the very first time.

But Smith and Schulz disputed his insistence that Canada had convinced anyone — and certainly not the world’s biggest polluters — that they should abate their own use of coal, oil or natural gas.

“That extreme position was defeated at COP28 by a growing alliance of thoughtful world leaders that well understand we can indeed grow our economies, develop our natural resources and ensure energy and food security for the world while simultaneously reducing emissions through technology and multilateral cooperation.“

Guilbeault used the conference to impose emissions cap a on oil and gas and even methane from beef cattle — which they described as embarrassing — in addition to being illegal and unconstitutional.

“It was a national embarrassment to witness Minister Guilbeault at an international conference actively sabotaging the interests of Albertans and other Canadians by releasing a series of incoherent and illegal policy pronouncements that he and his government have absolutely no legal authority to impose upon the provinces of Canada,” they said.

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5ae0ea No.130495

File: a197c1503db3b58⋯.png (1.8 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20074047 (141745ZDEC23) Notable: Trudeau reveals he wanted to ‘put a chill’ on India

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Trudeau reveals he wanted to ‘put a chill’ on India


The Canadian PM said he publicly linked New Delhi to the killing of a Khalistan activist to protect the Sikh community

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said the safety of the Sikh community in his country and the need to “put a chill on India” were the main reasons why he publicly accused New Delhi of being linked to the assassination of a pro-Khalistan activist on Canadian soil.

In an address to Canada’s House of Commons on September 18, Trudeau had announced that his government was pursuing “credible allegations” of links connecting agents of the Indian government to the killing in June of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a prominent leader in the movement for the creation of a Khalistan nation-state to be carved out of India.

The Indian government vehemently denied the allegations and sought evidence from Ottawa to prove the claims.

In a year-end interview with the Canadian Press news agency published this week, Trudeau claimed that his parliamentary message had been intended as an extra “level of deterrence” to keep Canadians safe.

He also said he had gone public with the allegations against New Delhi after weeks of “quiet diplomacy,” which included raising the matter with India at the highest levels. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130496

File: 41404bf91d31673⋯.png (683.62 KB,825x406,825:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20074084 (141752ZDEC23) Notable: Delta’s Biometric Digital ID Program Expands to 3 Major US Airports

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Delta’s Biometric Digital ID Program Expands to 3 Major US Airports


Delta has announced that its digital ID program is now expanding to three major airports – Los Angeles (LAX), LaGuardia (LGA), and John F. Kennedy International (JFK), the latter of which launches on December 14th. The program uses biometric face matching to eliminate the need for manual ID checks at checkpoints like bag drop and security.

The program is eligible for customers who have a TSA PreCheck membership, have a free SkyMiles membership, and have the Fly Delta app. They must also have their passport information and a Known Traveler Number stored in their Delta profile.

Eligible customers get an automatic notification in the app when traveling from an airport with the digital ID program. Once they opt in, the Delta Digital ID becomes a part of their SkyMiles profile. Customers can opt out at any time and Delta does not store any biometric data, the announcement notes. The face biometrics capability at the original Delta Digital ID locations is provided by Pangiam.

Once their information is verified, customers can use Delta Digital ID to check bags and move through security without needing to show their physical ID. Individuals go to the line designated for digital IDs with the green “Delta Digital ID” icon and look into the camera at the checkpoint to use their digital IDs in place of physical IDs. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130497

File: 8382315cd569143⋯.png (686.52 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20074104 (141756ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Alberta faces over 25% surge in opioid deaths, government intensifies recovery efforts

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Alberta faces over 25% surge in opioid deaths, government intensifies recovery efforts


Alberta has witnessed a sharp increase of over 25% in opioid poisoning deaths this year compared to the same period last year.

According to Alberta’s Substance Use Surveillance System data, Edmonton and Lethbridge are among the hardest hit, with opioid poisoning rates soaring to alarming levels.

In September alone, Edmonton reported 62 drug poisoning deaths, 60 of which involved opioids. The city’s rate of opioid poisoning deaths stands at 66.3 per 100,000 residents, a figure only surpassed by Lethbridge’s 117 fatalities per 100,000 the same month.

As of September, Edmonton has experienced an increase in opioid-related fatalities compared to the previous year, with 492 opioid poisonings reported in the first nine months, surpassing the 428 cases recorded during the same period in 2022.

Provincially, the situation is equally grim. A total of 1,411 Albertans have succumbed to opioid poisonings so far, a steep rise from 1,124 at this point last year, a nearly 26% increase.

This increase is part of a disturbing trend that saw opioid-related deaths peak at 187 in April of this year.

A spokesperson for Alberta Mental Health and Addiction Minister Dan Williams said these figures are why Alberta’s government had committed to a drug recovery agenda. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130498

File: d01756832e47ebd⋯.png (1.66 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20074152 (141809ZDEC23) Notable: Statistics Canada excludes MAID from death totals, despite being sixth highest cause

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Statistics Canada excludes MAID from death totals, despite being sixth highest cause


Statistics Canada confirmed that its annual mortality datasets do not include medically-assisted deaths due to the lack of an official classification by the World Health Organization.

This exclusion occurs despite Health Canada’s report indicating significant MAID-related deaths last year.

Health Canada’s fourth annual report on medical assistance in dying (MAID) highlighted 13,241 MAID deaths in 2022, positioning it as the sixth-leading cause of death in the country. MAID accounted for 4.1% of all deaths in Canada in 2022. However, this figure remains conspicuously absent from Statistics Canada’s annual mortality data.

The agency’s recent report showed a 7.3% increase in overall deaths across Canada in 2022, alongside a decrease in life expectancy for the third consecutive year.

There were 334,081 total reported deaths in Canada for 2022. The leading causes of death, as per Statistics Canada’s report, were cancer (24.7%), heart disease (17.2%), COVID-19 (5.90%), accidents (unintentional injuries) (5.50%), cerebrovascular diseases (4.17%), and chronic lower respiratory diseases (3.73%).

“In the database, the underlying cause of death is defined as the disease or injury that initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death. As such, MAID deaths are coded to the underlying condition for which MAID was requested,” said Statistics Canada in a clarifying post on social media.

“Causes of death are coded using the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) 10th revision (ICD-10)… There is no code for MAID in the ICD,” Statistics Canada told the Epoch Times.

In other words, someone suffering from cancer who dies by MAID would be classified as a cancer death. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130499

File: 0bb216d7f695348⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20074202 (141827ZDEC23) Notable: For the Keks: The Andrew Lawton Show: Jordan Peterson offers to take over as Harvard president (video)

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The Andrew Lawton Show | Jordan Peterson offers to take over as Harvard president


Renowned psychologist and author Jordan Peterson had jokingly offered to take over as Harvard president following a plagiarism scandal embroiling the Ivy League school’s current president, Claudine Gay, and backlash to the school’s light touch when it comes to rampant on-campus antisemitism. In a post on X, Peterson hinted that he has a “proven academic track record, a now-international reputation, and the ability to stand up to the bloody narcissists of the woke mob.” Would you support a Peterson takeover of the Ivy League?

Also, the House of Commons has voted to advance a bill requiring age verification to access online pornography, with only the Liberals opposed. True North’s Andrew Lawton says the goal of keeping porn away from children is a noble one, but this bill is the wrong way to do it.

Plus, Prof. Tom Flanagan joins the show to discuss his new book “Grave Error,” an anthology challenging the mainstream media and establishment narrative about residential schools and unmarked graves.

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5ae0ea No.130500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20074788 (142117ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Ottawa kept Saskatchewan in the dark on oil production cap during UN Climate Summit

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Ottawa kept Saskatchewan in the dark on oil production cap during UN Climate Summit


Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe received no details in advance of Ottawa's announcement to regulate Canada's oil and gas sector. According to the regulatory framework, it expects to curb oil and gas emissions between 35% to 38% below 2019 levels by 2030

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) tried to keep Saskatchewan in the dark on Ottawa’s production cap announced by the feds in Dubai.

Premier Scott Moe confirmed in a video posted to X that he received no details in advance on their plan to regulate the oil and gas sector.

“Our energy minister had a five-minute phone call with [Guilbeault's] counterpart,” he said. “[They] would not only share none of the details with respect to the policy that was coming forward but wouldn't even share the date or the time on when they were going to announce.”

On December 7, Canada announced plans to cut oil and gas emissions by one-third amid their scheme to avoid consultations with provincial partners.

Moe told reporters December 9 that Ottawa has been uncooperative on the environment, contending the “minister of environment is refusing […] to work with the provinces.”

Ottawa’s attempt to curb oil and gas production includes an emissions target between 35% to 38% below 2019 levels by 2030. According to the regulatory framework, it expects to cut emissions from oil sand operations and methane by 20 and 37 megatonnes respectively.

It is part of a 2021 election campaign promise to reduce emissions by 40% to 45% across all sectors during that period.

"Unlike almost every other sector of our economy, pollution from the oil and gas sector is still going up," said federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault. "No one should be allowed unlimited pollution. It harms our health and environment."

On December 8, Alberta also scoffed at signing a non-disclosure agreement to view details on the cap.

Bewildered by the bizarre request, Alberta’s Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz took to X to voice her concerns. "He wouldn’t talk about his plans or entertain any discussions unless Alberta signed an NDA," she said, calling the request "wildly disrespectful." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20074835 (142128ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Trudeau's $1B green slush fund whistleblower exposes corruption and high-level cover-ups (video)

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Former ‘slush fund’ chair abruptly fled committee hearing on alleged misuse of taxpayer funds


A former SDTC financial compliance officer said Annette Verschuren, former board chair of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), sought millions in grants for her sustainable energy centre at Cape Breton University, where she became chancellor.

A cabinet appointee to a federal green 'slush fund' abruptly fled a Commons committee hearing Tuesday on the alleged misuse of taxpayer dollars.

Annette Verschuren, former board chair of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), faces an ethics investigation over alleged insider dealing.

Whistleblowers accuse the Liberal Party donor of approving a $217,000 COVID grant to her money-losing non-profit. It landed her in hot water with the Ethics Commissioner for a suspected breach of the Conflict Of Interest Act.

"Look, we’re entrepreneurs," she told the committee by videoconference. "We are investing in the future of our country."

In addition, Verschuren could not recall if she pursued funding for the Verschuren Centre, a research facility in Sydney, Nova Scotia.

"Are you aware staff were told to find other financing for your Centre?" asked Conservative MP Rick Perkins.

"No, I am not," she replied.

"I take responsibility in governance very seriously," added the former SDTC chair. "I am chair of a governance committee of a major company in Canada. I understand — "

Verschuren then abruptly stood and ended her testimony, reported Blacklock’s Reporter. The incident followed testimony by one whistleblower who said the Verschuren Centre relied on a taxpayer bailout.

A former SDTC financial compliance officer said Verschuren sought millions in grants for her sustainable energy centre at Cape Breton University, where she became chancellor. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130502

File: 37f2443fdfdad8c⋯.png (1.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20074862 (142135ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Former Bank of Canada governor suggests mass immigration hampering Canadian productivity

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Former Bank of Canada governor suggests mass immigration hampering Canadian productivity


A report co-written by David Dodge indicates that Canada’s GDP per capita is being hindered by an influx of low-skilled immigrants.

As Canadians grapple with soaring home prices and a rising cost of living, former Bank of Canada governor David Dodge has suggested that mass immigration is also impacting Canada’s competitiveness on the global stage.

A report prepared in part by Dodge for the law firm Bennett Jones outlined Canada’s declining productivity in relation to other advanced economies. It also posited that the recent high number of low-skilled immigrants entering Canada risks further negatively impacting wages.

As detailed in the National Post, Dodge's report declared that "In the last years, we have altered an economic immigration system that stood as a model for the world." The report added that "Poor administration and the abuse of some programs are damaging the credibility of the system for immigrants and Canadians."

Canada has accepted record-numbers of immigrants in recent years, and the population of the country grew by over one million people in 2022. The United States also grew by approximately one million people in 2022, although its population is about 10 times the size of Canada's.

Dodge argues in the report that Canada's high number of unskilled workers is propping up "uncompetitive" businesses which will hurt Canadian productivity in the long-run. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130503

File: 61b5588e19f3d1e⋯.png (1.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20074872 (142137ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Trudeau Liberals to create citizenship pathway for 'undocumented' immigrants next spring

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Trudeau Liberals to create citizenship pathway for 'undocumented' immigrants next spring


Immigration Minister Marc Miller expects to table a proposal to 'regularize' undocumented immigrants sometime in the spring — impacting an estimated 300,000 to 600,000 people on expired visa.

A pathway to citizenship is in the works for the hundreds of thousands of immigrants residing in Canada illegally, according to the Department of Immigration.

In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Immigration Minister Marc Miller said a "broad and comprehensive program" is in the works to "regularize the status" of temporary workers and international students on expired visas.

The minister told the publication he expects to table a proposal sometime in the spring — impacting an estimated 300,000 to 600,000 people in the country without proper documentation. In some instances, they are with children and have worked in Canada for decades without formal status.

"These are people that are already here, already contributing and have kids," he said. "People do get worked up about numbers, but the reality is that they are already here." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130504

File: 09cdd0c4933784a⋯.png (968.69 KB,800x494,400:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20075064 (142225ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Is the transgender movement losing steam in the face of increasing opposition?

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Is the transgender movement losing steam in the face of increasing opposition?


On this week's episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon discusses what may happen to the transgender movement as criticism of its tenets begins to go mainstream.

On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon explores the future of the “transgender” debate, maintaining that while society is at an “inflection point” on the issue, activists and the parents of “trans” children will continue fighting on the movement’s behalf.

Jonathon frames the conversation in light of a forthcoming sequel to his 2016 book The Culture War, exploring how the shape of the culture war has changed since its release. He notes the positive cultural changes surrounding the pornography question though observes that he only spent around two paragraphs on the question of gender ideology.

From this Jonathon explores the linguistic changes surrounding gender theory since he began writing cultural commentary about a decade ago. He notes how the terminology moved from “sex-change” surgeries to “transitions” to “gender confirmation.”

Remarking on the last change, Jonathon recalls “that was one of the first big switches that I saw because I was like, ‘Oh, I can see what they’re doing, because they’re already arguing that we’re confirming the gender. So it’s not transitioning from one to another. It’s not changing from one to another. This is just confirming what’s already there.’” The change in language from “transition” to “confirmation,” he adds, was swift and almost uniform. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130505

File: b221899bd615343⋯.png (161.69 KB,810x496,405:248,Clipboard.png)

File: 75e423c7f13533c⋯.png (62.33 KB,547x662,547:662,Clipboard.png)

File: 36d78948bf52f4c⋯.png (237.73 KB,542x658,271:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20075099 (142231ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Ontario school allegedly shows students vile anti-Catholic video of ‘priest’ abusing ‘Mother Earth’

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Ontario school allegedly shows students vile anti-Catholic video of ‘priest’ abusing ‘Mother Earth’


The disturbing video, which depicts a cassocked 'priest' assaulting a scantily-clad woman representing 'Mother Earth,' was blasted by student activist Josh Alexander who wrote on social media: 'Why is this conduct ok but Christianity isn't?'

An Ontario high school reportedly played a disturbing anti-Catholic video for students which depicted a “priest” abusing “Mother Earth” – with “Mother Earth” being portrayed by a scantily-clad woman.

On December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) showed students at Opeongo High School in Douglas, Ontario, a short film titled “The Sickness: Earth,” according to student activist Josh Alexander.

“On Friday the @RCDSB at Opeongo high school played this video for the entire school to see,” Alexander posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “My little brother was recently suspended from the same high school for wearing my ‘Save Canada’ hat.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130506

File: e00c65854172ba3⋯.png (844.42 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20075133 (142238ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Alberta premier slams Trudeau gov’t for ‘ridiculous’ attempt to regulate cattle emissions

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Alberta premier slams Trudeau gov’t for ‘ridiculous’ attempt to regulate cattle emissions


Danielle Smith said she is in disbelief that limiting cattle farts and burps is an important issue and warned that restrictions could lead to food shortages.

The Premier of Canada’s largest beef-producing province blasted what she said is a “ridiculous” new Liberal federal government climate policy that aims to incentive beef cattle ranchers to reduce how much gas their cows emit by giving them feed additives.

After first attacking Canada’s oil and gas industry a few weeks ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault announced at the United Nations’ “climate change” COP28 conference in Dubai a few days ago a draft version of Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle protocol.

The Trudeau government claims that farmers who participate in the program will get green credits they can sell off to other companies if they can reduce the amount of methane their cows emit, which they say can be done by giving cattle feed additives.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said that she was in disbelief the Trudeau government is attacking beef products and food in general.

“Incredibly, this is actually real,” Smith posted Monday on X (formerly Twitter).

“How is going after ranchers and dairy farmers a priority of this federal government? Completely ridiculous.”

Should beef cattle farmers go along with Trudeau’s plan, it would add extra costs that would lead to higher food prices and possibly food shortages.

Cows fed a diet richer in corn silage can reduce how much methane an animal emits; however, this adds costs.

As a natural course of digestion, as will all animals and humans, cows produce methane gas as a byproduct. Methane quickly breaks down in the atmosphere, but the Trudeau government says 31% of emissions from it come from beef and dairy cattle. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130507

File: 174dceb43071761⋯.png (477.29 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20075242 (142302ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Trudeau’s labor minister pushes ‘equity’ mandate to favor LGBT job applicants

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Trudeau’s labor minister pushes ‘equity’ mandate to favor LGBT job applicants


The report presented by Liberal Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan suggests giving special privileges to 'LGBT-identifying and Black Canadians' in the hiring process in the name of 'equity,' and dismisses concerns that such a move is tantamount to discrimination.

The Trudeau government is celebrating a newly proposed equity mandate which would reward LGBT-identifying job applicants over those with natural sexual proclivities.

On December 11, Liberal Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan announced the Employment Equity Act Review Task Force report, which seeks to add “LGBT-identifying and Black Canadians” to the list of those with special hiring privileges.

“It’s pretty historical,” O’Regan said outside the House of Commons foyer on Monday. “We are naming Black people and 2SLGBTQI+ individuals as designated groups under the Employment Equity Act.”

According to information obtained by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), the Liberal government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, “broadly supports” the recommendation.

The report, led by McGill University law professor Adelle Blackett, assured Canadians that it would not lead to “reverse discrimination” or abolish a merit-based hiring system, despite seemingly being formulated to do exactly that. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130508

File: a0c1c7d7a29f672⋯.png (246.04 KB,600x875,24:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20075267 (142307ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Journalist who advocated that the unvaccinated be put in concentration camps dies suddenly at the young age of 33

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Journalist who advocated that the unvaccinated be put in concentration camps dies suddenly at the young age of 33:

“Ian Vandaelle has died after being hospitalized and “declared neurologically dead,” his family revealed.

Vandaelle was a business journalist who worked as a reporter and editor at the Financial Post.

He was also previously a producer at BNN Bloomberg for over a decade.

Vandaelle advocated for vaccine passports and mandates and called for the firing of anyone who refused the injections.

He also suggested that unvaccinated people should be arrested and taken away to concentration camps.”


5:53 PM · Dec 13, 2023

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5ae0ea No.130509

File: 38af29d617a37b9⋯.png (1.29 MB,1656x1014,276:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dc590b8c5db693⋯.png (332.25 KB,717x736,717:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20075394 (142334ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre’s wife doubles down on couple’s pro-abortion ‘values’

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Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre’s wife doubles down on couple’s pro-abortion ‘values’


While Pierre Poilievre continues to surge in the polls, his wife's recent statement reminds social conservatives that he fails to differ from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberals on the issue of abortion.

Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre’s wife has revealed that she and her husband support killing babies through abortion in Canada.

“We are pro-choice,” Anaida Poilievre Galindo, wife of Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre, told French media outlet TVA Nouvelles on December 11.

“We have spoken out on this,” she continued. “I am a woman from Quebec, I grew up here. And it’s part of my values.”

The announcement was met with disappointment by the pro-life movement in Canada. Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) Youth announced, “The abortion debate has never been closed. There is no right to abortion in Canada. Pro-abortion politicians are not supportable.”

Poilievre has been previously “red lighted” by CLC which rates politicians on their commitment to pro-life and pro-family values, noting that, “In the 2022 leadership debates, Poilievre flatly stated that he is “pro-choice” and “pro-choix” on abortion, in both official languages.”

Similarly, Poilievre supports homosexual “marriage” and vowed never to introduce pro-life legislation.

Additionally, in September, Poilievre failed to support the Million Person March for Children against LGBT indoctrination in schools and even went as far as having his office tell his caucus to refrain from making any statements about the movement.

This led many online to accuse the Conservative leader of cowardice and having missed a good opportunity to rally his grassroots base.

Following the outcry, along with overwhelming evidence that Conservative Canadians are in favor of pro-family legislation, Poilievre voiced support for parental rights, blasting Trudeau for “demonizing concerned parents” who attended the Million Person March against LGBT indoctrination. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130510

File: 86758bd313828be⋯.png (1.16 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20075609 (150025ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / BREATHING Is Bad For The Environment According to Scientists AKA Climate Change Alarmists (video)

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Breathing contributes to global warming – study


Methane and nitrous oxide found in human exhalations are worse for the environment than carbon dioxide, scientists say

Human breathing contributes to global warming, according to a study published Wednesday in PLoS One. The authors argued that human respiration’s contribution to climate change has been underestimated and merits further study.

After measuring the gas composition in the exhaled breaths of 328 study participants, the researchers concluded human breath comprises 0.05% of the UK’s methane emissions and 0.1% of its nitrous oxide. Both of those gasses “have a much higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide,” the study notes.

“Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,” the researchers, led by atmospheric physicist Nicholas Cowan of the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, wrote. “We would urge caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible.”

While Cowan explained that “CO2 contribution in human breath to climate change is essentially zero” because plants absorb nearly all the carbon dioxide humans breathe out, the other two gasses are left in the atmosphere. Methane traps 80 times the amount of heat as carbon dioxide during its first 20 years in the atmosphere, though this potency decreases over time. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20075615 (150026ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Vote Of No Confidence For Trudeau Gov. reached 300k Threshold

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Vote Of No Confidence For Trudeau Gov. reached 300k Threshold



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5ae0ea No.130512

File: a55c7ba47f29bc8⋯.png (979.82 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20075711 (150041ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Trudeau government paid Twitter 'influencers' to promote Covid vaccines

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REVEALED: Trudeau government paid Twitter 'influencers' to promote Covid vaccines


The Trudeau government has paid out $682,000 to "influencers" on Twitter, now known as X, since 2021.

The Trudeau government has paid out $682,000 to “influencers” on Twitter, now known as X, since 2021 to try to convince Canadians to take the Covid-19 vaccine and embrace Liberal policies.

According to Blacklock’s Report, Health Canada has been a major contributor to this stealth paid advertising campaign.

The campaign description states that it is an "Influencer campaign to help people in Canada make informed decisions about COVID-19 vaccines."

"Expenditures relate to work by the agency including planning, material development, influencer outreach and liaison, updates, content monitoring, evaluation, and as management of payments to influencers."

X influencers that were paid as part of the program include lanisDesilets, ArcticMakeup, BreCarpeRuns, CaleonTwins, CassandraBouchard, CharlotteB123, ChelazonLeroux, ChKairyn, ChristineKissickHome, DanielleIsAnxious, DashingDad_YYC, DoTheDaniel, EveMartel, FleurMaison, IAmSukhManGill, Indigenous_Baddie, ItsChrisRobins, JahJahBanks, JemmyEchd and JoselyneEffa.

Other paid influencers were Life_With_Benjamin, MomRdy2Go, OhKairyn, PascaleDeblois, PlayingWithApparelMen, RafaelLeroy, Riddjyy, ShaneWhalley, ShoshanaRose, SidAfz, ThatWarriorPrincess, TheDadCode, TheDiyMommy, TheLoistGirlsGuide, TheTinaSingh, ThreeLittleSeedlings, TresDuchelle, TychonCarter, UrduMom, VahineLefebvre, VardaEtienne and YoutheCEO.

A March 31, 2022 report from CTV News also indicates that the Trudeau government had used social media influencers throughout its federal departments and had spent just over $600,000 at that time to promote the vaccine and other government ventures.

The CTV story appears to applaud the Liberals’ initiative, claiming that “[s]eeking out influencers—social media users often with large followings who often use their platforms to make money by promoting products or events—to amplify government messages is a relatively new strategy being deployed by administrations across the world, and Canada is no exception.”

However, when asked about the ethics of promoting the vaccine, Ontario Dr. Mark Trozzi, who has been disciplined by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons for promoting “misinformation” about the vaccine, told The Post Millennial that “17 million human beings are dead as a direct effect of these injections. Hundreds of millions of human beings were seriously injured. Almost everybody who can still think straight, looks around and knows a dead loved one, or a neighbor that's had a stroke or a heart attack or somebody whose cancer’s come back with a fury.”

“Now we have young people with turbo cancers, you're diagnosing stage four breast cancer in 30-year-old women or people who just face-planted at the table and dropped dead unexpectedly. Canadian data shows the same thing,” Trozzi continued.

“I have made it very clear, this injection was never a vaccine. This is a genetic experiment, and at this point, it can only be called a bio-weapon. Anybody promoting it, or enforcing its promotion or trying to duct tape my mouth or anyone like me for saying it is guilty of crimes against humanity,” said Trozzi.

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5ae0ea No.130513

File: 881ff3d8718d7d4⋯.png (150.86 KB,700x424,175:106,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b8f449266aafb5⋯.png (603.96 KB,768x511,768:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 8176e51e8e707ef⋯.png (78.28 KB,868x587,868:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20076070 (150152ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Tesla recall affects almost 90% of all EVs in Canada

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Tesla recall affects almost 90% of all EVs in Canada


It’s a total Tesla recall.

Faulty Tesla software affects almost nine in 10 electric vehicles on the road in Canada, according to the latest Statistics Canada data.

On Wednesday, Transport Canada officially posted a recall notice which affects virtually every Tesla sold in this country since 2017, or about 193,000 units, for its faulty Autosteer or advanced driver assistance feature.

By comparison, there are only 220,000 battery electric cars of all makes registered in the Great White North. And it is the first time a vehicle — any make or model — has been recalled for anything other than a mechanical issue.

It’s essentially a software issue.

According to Transport Canada’s website, the Tesla controls that monitor driver ‘engagement’ may not kick in with audible and visual alerts to warn the driver the feature is not available or about to disengage. That means a higher risk of a crash if the driver fails to realize it has been automatically shut off — or falls asleep at the wheel.

It comes after a two-year investigation from the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) following 35 crashes affecting Tesla Evs stateside, killing at least 17 people.

That includes a fatal crash in Virginia that resulted from the Autopilot improperly speeding through an intersection and was t-boned by a semi-trailer. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20076185 (150216ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Pornhub Manager Admits Pornography Is Unhealthy, Addictive In Undercover Video

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Pornhub Manager Admits Pornography Is Unhealthy, Addictive In Undercover Video


A manager for the parent company of Pornhub admitted that pornography is unhealthy, addictive, and destructive in a newly released undercover video.

Mike Farley, a Senior Product Manager at Aylo, the parent company of Pornhub formerly called Mindgeek, made the admissions in undercover video captured by Sound Investigations, noting that the porn website has 180 million unique visitors every day.

“I definitely think porn addiction is definitely a thing, that’s for sure,” Farley said in the footage. “I don’t think it’s a positive thing in general.”

“Liberating?” he questioned before saying, “I don’t know, I think it’s just the easy way out. To me it doesn’t seem like something that would be good … I don’t think anybody watches porn and then feels good about themselves after.”

Farley said that the company doesn’t “really know the implications of this sh*t,” citing critiques made by psychologist Jordan Peterson, host of the Jordan Peterson Podcast on Dailywire+. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130515

File: d39063f235f1c23⋯.png (2.66 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d98b3e61955617d⋯.png (1.26 MB,1323x788,1323:788,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f34c6c483f4154⋯.png (1.23 MB,1163x687,1163:687,Clipboard.png)

File: 83457e7f7c96e30⋯.png (624.95 KB,1008x572,252:143,Clipboard.png)

File: a6e21c7dc3b02a9⋯.png (901.09 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20078513 (151430ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Putin Holds a Marathon 4-Hour Press Conference: “We Will Bolster Russia’s Sovereignty, Fortify Border Security, Safeguard Rights and Freedoms of Our Citizens”

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Putin Holds a Marathon 4-Hour Press Conference: “We Will Bolster Russia’s Sovereignty, Fortify Border Security, Safeguard Rights and Freedoms of Our Citizens” (VIDEOS)


Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his year-end press conference with a Q&A session. It was a monumental affair, that lasted 4 hours and 4 minutes, in which Putin answered 67 questions from journalists – both Russian and foreign – and citizens.

Naturally, the western media needs to take him down a peg, so it is said that the questions were ‘carefully curated’, which is, of course, true. But just compare that to feeble Joe Biden squinting his eyes closed as he takes a couple of questions from pre-selected journalists and reads pre-written replies.

The difference between the leaders couldn’t be more clear.

We will present some highlights of the questioning marathon, with translation and reporting from Sputnik, RT, Sky News, New York Times and several Telegram channels.

The Russian President began by saying that ‘strengthening sovereignty is one of his priorities’, and that ‘Russia cannot exist without it’.

“The primary objective is to bolster Russia’s sovereignty, fortify border security, and safeguard the rights and freedoms of [our] citizens.”

“The world has been surprised the Russian economy has not collapsed under Western sanctions, but it has proved resilient and this will continue.”

Russia’s objectives in the ‘Special Military Operation’ in Ukraine remain ‘unchanged’ – the ‘denazification and demilitarization’ of Kiev’s regime remain top goals.

“Their national hero [Stephan Bandera] is a well-known Nazi figure.”

“Peace will come when we reach our goals,” he says. “Ukraine virtually produces or manufactures nothing… they have been importing things for free, freeloading.”

Putin stressed that 244,000 Russian troops are currently on the battlefield in Ukraine.

“Some 486,000 people had so far signed up voluntarily as contract soldiers, on top of the 300,000 people called up last year, and the flow is not diminishing.

In all, 1,500 people are recruited every day, with contracts signed for two or three years among volunteers.”

The Kremlin said that no less than 2 million questions were submitted – with many projected in screens in the studio – including blistering criticism.

On the subject of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin’s take was not perhaps the expected warlike one:

“The Russians and the Ukrainians are one people, essentially, and what we are witnessing now is a great tragedy resembling a civil war between brothers on opposing sides. And it is not even their fault, the entire southeast of Ukraine has always been pro-Russian.”

Kiev’s forces have ‘failed everywhere’ in their counteroffensive, and the much vaunted bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper is just a PR act.

“They are pushing their people and these people are going to be killed. They are going to other countries asking for money, and now they have to show the Ukrainian army has at least some chances of reaching something without thinking about any losses.”

A citizen showed outrage that Russia was being insulted around the world, and asked Putin what he thought about people who are against him.

“In many towns of the world, many people think what we are doing is correct. We have a huge number of supporters in protecting traditional values. The number of people supporting Russia is rising exponentially.”

Valerie Hopkins, from the NYT’s Moscow bureau: ‘This is the first time since the war began that Western journalists have been allowed to attend such an event.’

“It’s all Peskov’s fault,” Putin jokes. “I am a democratic person,” he says.

The subject of the questions tended to return to the War often. Putin told the audience that the line of contact is now more than 2,000 kilometers long, and there are 617,000 fighting men in the combat zone.

In a noteworthy aside, Zelensky’s former advisor, now in self-imposed exile, Arestovich: “Putin calls us brothers and a united people, and we call them pigs and orcs. On the screen Putin has uncomfortable questions from Russians. Who do you think has the advantage: us or them?”

There was a crazy moment when an AI-generated video of Vladimir Putin appeared in the monitor to ask a question.

“Do you have a lot of twins (clones/doppelgangers)? What is your attitude dangers with… artificial intelligence?”

Putin responded: “You can talk like me and use my voice, my pitch, but I figured only one person can speak like myself and use my voice, and this is going to be me. As regards the AI, this is my first twin.”

Putin was the image of optimism, as he assured the world that Russia will win in the Special Military Operation.

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5ae0ea No.130516

File: eb37faa44884609⋯.png (802.74 KB,946x535,946:535,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f9346ea706556c⋯.png (1.61 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20078530 (151434ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Putin Holds Year-End Presser Along With Annual Q&A Session in Moscow

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Putin Holds Year-End Presser Along With Annual Q&A Session in Moscow


Today Russian President Vladimir Putin holds his year-end press conference, combined with the annual ‘Direct Line’ Q&A Session in Moscow.

Sputnik comes to you live as President Vladimir Putin proceeds with his major yearly press event, which is combined with a live tv-special “Direct Line With Vladimir Putin”.

The two occasions are among the most exciting of the year, since the president addresses a number of pressing social, political and economic issues on domestic and global levels. The live Q&A session is a significant event in the Russia’s public life, as the head of state answers Russian citizen’s questions in real-time.

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5ae0ea No.130517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20078583 (151445ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Ukraine Deputy Detonates Grenade in Council Meeting Live on Camera - One Dead, Dozens Injured

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Ukraine Deputy Detonates Grenade in Council Meeting Live on Camera – One Dead, Dozens Injured


A Ukrainian deputy blew himself up with a grenade at a council meeting on Friday. At least 30 were injured in the blast.

Via Michael Elgort: A deputy of a local council in Zakarpatska oblast in Ukraine came to a meeting among deputies with a hand grenade and exploded it

Reportedly, he was killed himself there, almost 30 people were wounded Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130518

File: 4384d5b747813c9⋯.png (375.85 KB,624x390,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 956dedb2ea6eb1a⋯.png (269.74 KB,468x291,156:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 960a2a51c655cde⋯.png (321.5 KB,468x282,78:47,Clipboard.png)

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File: fb22c058f73f2af⋯.png (317.71 KB,468x286,18:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20078648 (151507ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Tucker Carlson’s Media Company Savagely Trolls Liberal Corporate Media Outlets Outside their Headquarters With Trucks Carrying a Blunt Message

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Tucker Carlson’s Media Company Savagely Trolls Liberal Corporate Media Outlets Outside their Headquarters With Trucks Carrying a Blunt Message (PHOTOS)


President Donald Trump may have a bit of competition in the world’s greatest troll department. Tucker Carlson, via his new media company, unleashed a creative advertising campaign brutally mocking the liberal establishment press in a fashion that would likely make Trump proud.

Tucker Carlson Media (TCM) shared photos obtained by the Daily Mail showing trucks advertising for Tucker’s new network parked out in front of the corporate media headquarters of CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and NBC.

The advertisements on the trucks show a photograph of Carlson with the following blunt message: “Corporate Media Is Dead.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130519

File: da07d40129c306d⋯.png (646.48 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20078695 (151517ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Hamas Plot Targeting Jews in Europe Foiled, Arrests Made in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark

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Hamas Plot Targeting Jews in Europe Foiled, Arrests Made in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark


Arrests by authorities in Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark have reportedly foiled a plot by Hamas to attack Jewish targets in Europe.

According to German police, three suspected members of Hamas were arrested in Berlin and an additional suspect was arrested in the Netherlands.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Germany’s federal prosecutor shared, “One of the men, acting under orders from Hamas leaders in Lebanon, had in the spring begun searching for a cache of weapons the organization had clandestinely assembled in the past.”

The weapons were to be brought to Berlin in advance of a possible attack on Jewish institutions.

Prosecutors suggested the suspects were “strongly suspected of membership of a foreign terrorist organization,” referring to Hamas. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130520

File: 9e5688f5bab1f40⋯.png (253.52 KB,617x347,617:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20078773 (151538ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian Man Charged With 14 Counts of Murder for Mailing Poison to Young People, Helping Them Kill Themselves

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Canadian Man Charged With 14 Counts of Murder for Mailing Poison to Young People, Helping Them Kill Themselves


The number of worldwide victims of Kenneth Law may be in the hundreds.

The culture of death is spreading like wildfire in many Western societies.

From state-sponsored assisted suicide to an entrepreneurial ‘death sarcophagus,’ there is an ongoing worldwide phenomenon in which people have help and incentives to take their own lives.

Canada is one of the worst-case scenarios, with tens of thousands of people every year falling victim to this nefarious trend.

Now, a Canadian man who helped more than a dozen people in Ontario to kill themselves – by mailing them poison – has been charged with 14 counts of second-degree murder.

Kenneth Law had previously been charged with 14 counts of counseling or aiding suicide.

Law allegedly posted 160 packages of sodium nitrite to people in Canada while also sending at least 1,200 packages to addresses in more than 40 countries.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130521

File: cf6a97052974e8a⋯.png (20.69 KB,500x255,100:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 41b417a5cf0b594⋯.png (36.07 KB,500x234,250:117,Clipboard.png)

File: 05c7dec2284f89e⋯.png (116.98 KB,500x401,500:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20078947 (151634ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Starlink's Global Traffic Triples In 2023, Crowning Elon Musk As Leader In Space Internet

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Starlink's Global Traffic Triples In 2023, Crowning Elon Musk As Leader In Space Internet


New data from IT security firm Cloudflare reveals a surge in popularity for Elon Musk's Starlink internet service, with its global web traffic tripling this year.

"Globally, we saw Starlink traffic more than triple this year. In the United States, traffic from Starlink was up over 2.5x, and grew over 17x in Brazil. In countries where Starlink turned up service in 2023, including Kenya, the Philippines, and Zambia, we saw traffic grow rapidly once the service became available," Cloudflare wrote in the report. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130522

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20078964 (151640ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / BREATHING Is Bad For The Environment According to Scientists AKA Climate Change Alarmists (video)

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BREATHING Is Bad For The Environment According to Scientists (AKA Climate Change Alarmists)


According to a new study the air that you exhale is toxic to the environment which suggests that you personally are partially and directly responsible for the slow demise of the planet simply because of your existence.

Not long ago scientists in Ireland suggested that 200,000 cows should be killed to stave off high CO2 levels that they claim is causing global warming to accelerate, so are humans next?

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the absurd but inevitable suggestion that by simply breathing you are personally contributing to global warming and that YOU will eventually need to be dealt with for the safety of the planet of course!

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5ae0ea No.130523

File: ec2c92bf069c5f6⋯.png (1.67 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20078993 (151649ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Thousands of Ukrainians who fled the war now seeking permanent residence in Canada

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Thousands of Ukrainians who fled the war now seeking permanent residence in Canada


Ukrainians who fled to Canada as a result of the war are now seeking safety in Canada under a temporary visa program are now asking Ottawa to settle here permanently, by the tens of thousands.

In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, prompting the Canadian government to enact the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET), which allowed an unlimited number of Ukrainians to come to Canada and stay for up to three years.

Over 21,000 Ukrainians have come to Canada since the CUAET was implemented and the majority of them do not want to return home, according to an advocacy group for Ukrainians displaced by the war, called Pathfinders for Ukraine.

An additional 726,000 Ukrainians are approved for arrival in Canada but haven’t yet come, according to data from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

Between Sept. 5-12, 1,200 Ukrainian families were asked about their future plans for a survey conducted by Pathfinders, which revealed about 90% of them want to become permanent residents.

When asked what they would do if the war ended immediately, 79% of respondents said they would still rather stay in Canada. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130524

File: b0ac522486ffe29⋯.png (1.28 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079046 (151701ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Judge upholds deportation for driver in Humboldt Broncos crash

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Judge upholds deportation for driver in Humboldt Broncos crash


A federal judge has upheld the decision to deport Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, the truck driver responsible for the deadly Humboldt Broncos bus crash in 2018, dismissing applications for his stay in Canada.

This ruling comes despite Sidhu’s earlier parole grant after being sentenced to eight years for causing the crash that resulted in 16 fatalities and 13 injuries.

The Canada Border Services Agency had recommended that Sidhu be deported to India. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079083 (151712ZDEC23) Notable: Ratio’d: Is Trudeau compromised by the CCP? Investigative journalist Sam Cooper (video)

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Ratio’d | Is Trudeau compromised by the CCP? | Investigative journalist Sam Cooper


Sam Cooper reported in Global News in November of 2022 that the Chinese consulate in Toronto was cultivating a network of 11 political candidates in the 2019 federal election. A series of subsequent reports would show that the Chinese Communist Party has been meddling in Canadian politics at all levels of government for many years and that Justin Trudeau was China’s preferred choice to be Liberal leader, and prime minister.

Cooper’s reporting has been at the forefront of this political scandal, leading the Trudeau government to first appoint the former governor general David Johnston – a close family friend and onetime ski buddy of Trudeau’s – to be the “special rapporteur”. This obvious conflict of interest was so scandalous that Johnston was forced to resign and the Trudeau government finally succumbed to the pressure to open a formal inquiry into foreign election interference.

Sam Cooper, founder of The Bureau, joins Harrison Faulkner on the show to discuss how the Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated Canada’s democracy.

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5ae0ea No.130526

File: 8522cd32488c385⋯.png (1.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079111 (151720ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Second alleged Iranian agent faces deportation hearing in Canada

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Second alleged Iranian agent faces deportation hearing in Canada


The IRB named Iranmanesh Majid as the second person with suspected ties to Tehran in as many weeks. Iran’s former deputy minister of the interior, Seyed Salman Samani, 42, is the first official to face the threat of deportation.

Canada has engaged in deportation proceedings for another alleged Iranian official living in Canada, according to the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB).

The IRB named Iranmanesh Majid as the second person with suspected ties to Tehran in as many weeks after receiving his case file on November 29.

Immigration spokesperson Anna Pape confirmed his admissibility proceedings will commence January 17, 2024, but fell short on providing details regarding the allegations. Iran’s former deputy minister of the interior, Seyed Salman Samani, 42, is the first official to face the threat of deportation.

In November 2022, then-public safety minister Marco Mendicino designated Iran a "regime that has engaged in terrorism and systematic and gross human rights violations" under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA).

That announcement made tens of thousands of Iranian officials and Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps members inadmissible to Canada, with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) denying entry to dozens of officials and their affiliates.

"When individuals have been involved in activity that would make them ineligible to be in this country, we’ll do everything we can to keep them out. And when they do get into this country, we’ll do everything we can to remove them," Defence Minister Bill Blair told reporters Wednesday.

"People who have no place in Canada will be removed," he said. "We need the cooperation of the community. We need information in order to deal effectively with these individuals."

Courtesy of tips from the public and referrals from Immigration Canada, CBSA is investigating 141 persons of interest with status in Canada. As of writing, nine officials are set to appear before the IRB to assess their admissibility into Canada.

Outside of Samani and Majid, the identities of the other officials remain disclosed under the Privacy Act, reported Global News. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130527

File: ebadbdcdba49c0b⋯.png (2.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079146 (151736ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Deport Hamas billboard launches in Alberta (video)

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Trudeau Liberals spent $8.9 million on ‘buyback’ scheme without purchasing any guns


The Trudeau Liberals spent nearly $9 million on its gun 'buyback' scheme this year without purchasing a single firearm, says the Department of Public Safety.

The Trudeau Liberals spent nearly $9 million on its gun 'buyback' scheme this year without purchasing a single firearm, says the Department of Public Safety.

Cabinet in an Inquiry Of Ministry told the House of Commons it spent $8,964,109 of the $37.4 million allocated to the program before they paused it on October 12.

Conservative MP Cheryl Gallant, who tabled the Inquiry, asked the federal government for details on its contracts. Public Safety Canada disclosed payments for “strategic advice,” project management, management consulting, "design options," development of an "online survey solution" and communications research.

One Québec contractor, Samson & Associates, received $782,934 for "nimble assurance of a major transformation initiative." Another company received $1.9 million "to develop the information technology required to administer the program."

The Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA) pocketed $707,363 to consult manufacturers and gun stores "on their individual inventory of firearms and restricted components including demonstrable costs."

The estimates to purchase firearms range from upwards of $400 million by cabinet and $756 million by the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO).

The $37.4 million budget did not account for the actual costs of buying back prohibited firearms, reported Blacklock’s Reporter.

The figures follow an internal public safety report that warned the 'buyback' scheme is a "waste [of] time, energy and funds." A 2021 internal Comprehensive Program Design Options Final Report earlier obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) called the program 'costly' and 'complicated.' Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130528

File: b34a09f850e06bf⋯.png (3.72 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079172 (151744ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Trudeau fundraising event hit with anti-Israel protest

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Trudeau fundraising event hit with anti-Israel protest


Rebel News reporter Drea Humphrey was on the scene outside the Westin Bayshore hotel as anti-Israel protesters hurled vitriol at Trudeau and attendees of the $1,700 per plate dinner, which included Harjit Sajjan, Diane Lebouthillier, and Mary Ng. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130529

File: 9444a872630a8d8⋯.png (592.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079198 (151752ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Toronto woman seeks assisted suicide amid struggle with long COVID

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Toronto woman seeks assisted suicide amid struggle with long COVID


'My quality of life with this illness is almost nonexistent,' Thompson expressed in an interview. 'I don’t do anything. It is painfully boring. It’s profoundly isolating.'

In Toronto, 55-year-old Tracey Thompson faces a harrowing reality as her battle with long COVID has depleted her life savings and rendered her largely bedridden. This debilitating situation has led her to apply for Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program, reflecting the severe impact of long COVID on individuals' lives.

Thompson, once an active professional chef, has been reduced to spending approximately 22 hours a day in bed since contracting COVID-19 in 2020. The comprehensive symptoms of long COVID have left her unable to perform basic daily activities such as cooking and reading, the Daily Mail reported.

The financial strain due to her inability to work has compounded her challenges, prompting her application to MAID in December 2022.

"My quality of life with this illness is almost nonexistent," Thompson expressed in an interview. “I don’t do anything. It is painfully boring. It’s profoundly isolating.”

Canada's MAID program, which initially focused on terminal patients, expanded its criteria a year after Thompson’s illness onset to include those suffering from irreparable and intolerable illnesses. Thompson's gradual health deterioration involves cognitive decline, respiratory difficulties, and severe energy depletion.

Thompson’s diet now primarily consists of medication and meal replacement shakes, as she developed sensitivities to various foods. The most activity she can manage is an occasional walk around the block and brief periods sitting up. This dramatic lifestyle shift has exhausted her financial resources, spent on housing, food, and costly medical care.

Beyond long COVID, Thompson has been diagnosed with multiple related conditions, including myalgic encephalomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome), postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (PoTS), and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). Despite these challenges, she affirms her love for life, citing small daily joys that remain meaningful to her.

Thompson’s case highlights the broader debate surrounding Canada's MAID program, which has been subject to scrutiny and controversy, particularly with discussions to extend eligibility to terminally ill minors. The program has seen a significant number of assisted deaths, with over 13,200 cases in 2022, accounting for 4.1% of all deaths in the country.

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5ae0ea No.130530

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079257 (151811ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Descendant of Henry Dundas says his vision was to abolish 'the entire slave trade' within seven or eight years (video)

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Descendant of Henry Dundas says his vision was to abolish 'the entire slave trade' within seven or eight years


Retired Crown prosecutor and former CBC reporter Jennifer Dundas, a descendant of Henry Dundas, joins The Ezra Levant Show to delve into the City of Toronto staff's decision to double their estimate for the cost of renaming Dundas Street.

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra was joined by former CBC reporter Jennifer Dundas, a descendant of Henry Dundas, after whom Dundas Street was named.

"In June 2021, when staff recommended renaming Dundas Street, they said it would cost $5.1-$6.3 million. Earlier this year, media reports quoted an unofficial estimate of $8.6 million," Jennifer tweeted.

Ezra asked Jennifer to provide insights into who Henry Dundas was, considering her direct lineage and extensive study of his life. He also inquired about the reasons behind Henry Dundas being celebrated in Ontario for two centuries and questioned why so many things named after him.

Jennifer Dundas responded: Continue..

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5ae0ea No.130531

File: 23705d8752d81c9⋯.png (780.89 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079346 (151838ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Bill to shield kids from online pornography could lead to more Canadian gov’t censorship: legal expert

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Bill to shield kids from online pornography could lead to more Canadian gov’t censorship: legal expert


Conservative MPs backed Bill S-210, but law professor Michael Geist says it's a 'slippery slope' that could include court-ordered site blocking of lawful content and mandated age verification using facial recognition for online search access or social media.

Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MPs lambasted Liberal Party MPs for voting against a bill designed to protect children from accessing online pornography, but a top law professor says the bill in question is loaded with an “avalanche” of issues that could open the door to more online censorship rules the likes of which have never been seen, including a digital ID mandate for internet use.

On Wednesday, MPs voted 189-133 to pass Senate Bill S-210, “An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material” through its third reading. The bill is now before a committee for review.

The bill is a non-governmental Senate law introduced by independent Senator Julie Miville-Dechêne, who was appointed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2018. It was passed by the Senate in April.

Most Liberal MPs voted against the bill, with only 15 supporting it, while all NDP, Bloc, and Conservatives MPs voted for it. The fact the Liberals voted against the bill drew the ire of Conservative MPs. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130532

File: 33c9a4aed720d26⋯.png (1.68 MB,1536x801,512:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079444 (151912ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Canada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation

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Canada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation


A new Canadian government report reveals a 300% rise in “unspecified causes” of death from 2019-2022 as unknown causes climbed to the fifth leading cause of death in Canada. Some health experts said the stark increase should trigger an investigation into whether the deaths are linked to COVID-19 vaccines.

As life expectancy plummets in Canada, a new government report claims “unspecified causes” have become the fifth leading cause of death in the country after cancer, heart disease, COVID-19 and accidents.

According to the Statistics Canada report, “unspecified causes” in 2022 passed strokes, aneurysms, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, Alzheimer’s and suicide as causes of death.

Statistics Canada, also known as StatCan, released the report on Nov. 27 in The Daily, the agency’s online news bulletin.

The report generated a slew of nearly identical headlines — provided by Canada’s national news service — in Canada’s leading newspapers along the lines of this one in the Toronto Sun: “Life expectancy for Canadians fell for third straight year in 2022, StatCan says,” followed by the subhead: “More people died of COVID-19 in 2022 than in any other year since the pandemic began, report says.”

Andre Picard, health columnist at The Globe and Mail in Toronto, Canada’s newspaper of record, called the life expectancy drop — to 81.3 years in 2022 from 82.3 years in 2019 — “a big deal.”

“It’s only the second time this sharp a drop has happened in Canada in the past century,” Picard said. “In fact, life expectancy has been climbing steadily for decades: 71 in 1960, 75 in 1980, 79 in 2000 and 82.3 in 2019.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079474 (151924ZDEC23) Notable: REVEALED: 'Anonymous' letters supporting embattled House of Commons Speaker came from prominent Liberals

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REVEALED: 'Anonymous' letters supporting embattled House of Commons Speaker came from prominent Liberals


"Unfortunately, the metadata evidence shows that these letters were written by a Liberal-appointed Senator and a former Liberal MP," said Duncan.

Liberal members of a Parliamentary committee assessing whether House of Commons Speaker Greg Fergus violated the terms of his office reportedly tried to pass off letters from prominent Liberals as “anonymous letters” supporting Fergus.

“Liberals wanted everyone watching to know that members of our committee received ‘anonymous letters’ supporting Greg Fergus as Speaker,” opposition MP Eric Duncan (CPC-Stomont-Dundas-South Glengarry) posted on X Monday.

“Unfortunately, the metadata evidence shows that these letters were written by a Liberal-appointed Senator and a former Liberal MP,” said Duncan, a member of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (PROC)

A Liberal member of the committee suggested public support for Fergus was appearing in the form of correspondence.

“Mr. Speaker, I know you're probably not aware of that but late last night, many members of [the] PROC [committee] received letters supporting you in your role as speaker,” claimed government MP Sherry Romanado (L-Longueuil—Charles-LeMoyne)

But Duncan suspected something suspicious about the letters.

“I'm wondering just in reference to Ms. Romanado and all those comments that she referenced in emails that we received last night, including the members’ across personal parliamentary emails,” Duncan said in a point of order at the committee meeting.

“I'm looking for unanimous consent if I can table those two letters that were provided to us by email last night, and also included in that a copy of the metadata from both of those when you open up the Microsoft Word document, you can actually go and see who the original authors of those two are,” Duncan continued.

“I'd like to table not only the letters but along with each that the author of the one letter dated yesterday came from a liberal appointed senator, Sen. Andrew Cardozo and O’d also in the second letter like to table not only the letter, but the metadata that shows that the author of that original letter was a former Liberal Member of Parliament, Frank Bayliss.”

Both the Conservatives and the Bloc Quebecois want Fergus to resign for violating the non-partisan commitment of his office.

Fergus apologized last week for a video tribute he prepared in honor of outgoing interim Ontario Liberal leader John Fraser. The video was played at last weekend’s Ontario Liberal Party leadership convention.

But he soon demonstrated his partisanship again by attending an event in Washington, D.C. and fondly recalling his election as the president of the Young Liberals of Canada.

The incident was documented in a video posted on X.

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5ae0ea No.130534

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20079533 (151948ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / DrTrozzi: Putting Everything on the Line to Fight for People (video)

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Putting Everything on the Line to Fight for People


David Kraydens exclusive interview with Dr Mark Trozzi

“We’re trying to save lives here; anyone getting in the way including the CPSO is pathetic.”

Crimes against humanity are being committed by anyone promoting these covid-19 injections or trying to duct tape my mouth or the mouths of anyone else who are warning people.”

Here is a full speed honest update about all things covid. This includes the injections, injuries, deaths, College of Physicians and Surgeons, current dangers, the WHO, plus reasons and ways to take action. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20083969 (161719ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Merry Christmas! Unhinged Leftist Group Kills Santa Claus (video)

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Merry Christmas! Unhinged Leftist Group Kills Santa Claus (VIDEO)


Nothing is sacred to these people.

The latest leftist group to sh*t all over Christmas is The John Snow Project.

This year the John Snow Project published a holiday video where they kill Santa Claus.

Poor Santa died after he took a deep breath. Then he got COVID and died. Sorry, kids, no presents this year!

The John Snow Project is hoping this will push Americans to get the COVID vaccine. Even if they don’t work.

They’re still pushing the jab at the John Snow Project.

The John Snow Project is so over the top they could be a parody site. In one section that describe how “drinking water full of shit” spread Cholera in the 19th century.

And, of course, they compare that to COVID. They really are pushing COVID propaganda for Christmas. Nothing is sacred to these flakes.

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5ae0ea No.130536

File: a9bf91812b6da77⋯.png (884.56 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20084242 (161902ZDEC23) Notable: Canadians paying highest disposable income to debt ratio since 1990

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Canadians paying highest disposable income to debt ratio since 1990


The bulk of Canadians’ disposable income is going directly towards paying off their debts, according to a new report released by Statistics Canada on Wednesday.

The abrupt end to almost zero interest rates era has put many households in a financial bind, making for the highest debt service ratio on record since 1990.

The proportion of disposable income going to debt payments has risen to 15.22% in the third quarter, up from 15.08% in the second quarter.

The average Canadian household is now spending about 15 cents of every dollar (after tax) to service their debt.

That’s 5 cents more than the average household in the U.S., which is paying a debt ratio of 10%.

Economists are predicting that the debt ratio will only worsen with time, as many homeowners who have to renew their mortgages will have to do so at even higher rates.

“The main take-away is that we’re starting to see those debt service costs already pressuring household finances,” Bank of Montreal economist Shelly Kaushik told the Globe and Mail. “But we haven’t felt the full effect of those higher rates just yet.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130537

File: 3b8794adc4353d8⋯.png (1.08 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20084292 (161912ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Quebec rejects Ottawa’s ceasefire call in Gaza, citing Hamas’ terrorist actions

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Quebec rejects Ottawa’s ceasefire call in Gaza, citing Hamas’ terrorist actions


The Quebec government is refusing to get behind Ottawa’s call for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” in Gaza.

This decision highlights a growing rift in Canadian domestic politics regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Hamas, a terrorist movement recognized by several states, including Canada, must surrender its weapons. In addition, the hostages must be released before a ceasefire can be considered,” wrote Quebec Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie, Martine Biron, according to Le Devoir.

Quebec maintains a different perspective in contrast with the federal government’s viewpoint, which was recently demonstrated through its vote in favour of a UN resolution for a ceasefire.

Canada also recently signed a joint statement with New Zealand and Australia calling for a “sustainable ceasefire”, as reported by True North. The countries did condemn Hamas’ treatment of hostages and called for their immediate and unconditional release.

However, Quebec’s stance is not just about opposition to Ottawa’s policy but also reflects concern for civilians. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130538

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20084375 (161927ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Kids say the darndest things! Like those Grade 4 and 5 students at Garthwood Park Public School who staged a walkout…against Israel? (video)

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Kids say the darndest things! Like those Grade 4 and 5 students at Garthwood Park Public School who staged a walkout...against Israel?


Do nine and 10-year-old kids really have a solid grasp on what’s happening in Gaza these days?

Alas, anti-Israel demonstrations taking place in the streets of Canadian cities are hardly newsworthy. But one spirited protest in Mississauga, Ont. on Wednesday was something completely different. That’s because the demonstrators were Grade 4 and Grade 5 elementary students who attend Garthwood Park Public School.

That’s right: children as young as nine-years-old were marching on the sidewalk facing the school, brandishing anti-Israel signs. Many chanted slogans such as, “Gaza, Gaza, don’t you cry, Palestine will never die” and “Ceasefire now!”

In the final analysis, it was somewhat heartbreaking. Regardless of where one stands vis-a-vis the Israel-Hamas war, can’t we leave the kids out of this? Must young children be enlisted as political pawns when it comes to conflicts in the Middle East?

And the question arises: who was the mastermind behind this demonstration? It’s a question that remains unanswered. The smattering of parents who also took part in the protest told Rebel News it was the decision of the children themselves to stage the demonstration.


Do nine- and 10-year-old kids really have a solid grasp on what’s happening in Gaza these days?

The Peel District School Board issued a letter to parents and provided a statement to the media. Part of it read as follows: “This demonstration does not have official endorsement from the school or Peel District School Board. By participating in this student-organized walkout, students are expressing their democratic right to engage in peaceful protest.”

The school’s principal, Caroline Sossi Grant, also issued a similar statement to parents. Namely, the walkout was all about a peaceful protest; freedom of speech, etc., etc. Pop quiz: during the COVID-19 period, do you think walkout protests by students denouncing masks and vaccine mandates would’ve been tolerated? Would the board and the school be staunch supporters of free speech in that scenario – or would they perhaps call the folks at the Children’s Aid Society?

Again, it was sad to witness. Childhood is such a perishable commodity. Why can’t we let kids be kids?

Then again, be they marketers on Madison Avenue or Marxists on campus, both camps live by the same slogan when it comes to the art of indoctrination: “Get ’em young; get ’em forever.”

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5ae0ea No.130539

File: b03be5cf4d79ce1⋯.png (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20084482 (161946ZDEC23) Notable: Senate passes gun confiscation law Bill C-21, Government admits to not tracking the use of banned guns in crimes (video)

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Senate passes gun confiscation law Bill C-21


Ottawa’s controversial gun confiscation bill passed the Senate late Thursday evening without amendments. Bill C-21 will impose a 'freeze' on the sale, purchase or transfer of handguns in Canada and define what constitutes a prohibited ‘assault-style’ firearm.

Ottawa’s controversial gun confiscation bill passed the Senate late Thursday evening without amendments, earning praise from most of the upper chamber.

The Senate passed a significantly expanded version of Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms), by a vote of 60 to 24.

Under consideration by the Senate National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs Committee for six months, the upper chamber heard from 66 witnesses on the bill. They submitted several observations but no formal amendments during that period.

“After a prolonged struggle and several hours of testimony from expert witnesses who opposed the majority of the bill, the current Government and the Senate have decided to pass Bill C-21,” said Jordan Vandenhoff, spokesperson for the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA).

“This bill directly affects those who own firearms legally and does not improve public safety or affect criminals in any way,” he added. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130540

File: 31b6173a22dd48d⋯.png (3.11 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20084665 (162012ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Trustee Nili Kaplan-Myrth files human rights complaint against fellow school board trustees

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Trustee Nili Kaplan-Myrth files human rights complaint against fellow school board trustees


According to the Ottawa Citizen, which obtained a copy of Kaplan-Myrth's complaint, the controversial trustee alleges 'she was threatened, harassed, and physically assaulted by third parties for being Jewish.'

The TV doc-turned- Ottawa Carleton District School Board trustee is facing a new code of conduct investigation, her second since joining the school board in November 2022, to be heard prior to Christmas.

Kaplan-Myrth states in her complaint to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario that the board failed to address what she describes as targeted antisemitic attacks at her.

Nili Kaplan-Myrth faces 2nd Code of Conduct complaint to be heard just before Xmas refuses to resign & launches costly complaint w/Human Rights Tribunal - OCDSB advised her to stop commenting on social media Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130541

File: ca040e1dd6fe0cf⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20084695 (162018ZDEC23) Notable: Canada Pension Plan invests millions in 'unethical' Chinese companies

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Canada Pension Plan invests millions in 'unethical' Chinese companies


The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act mandates the pension board to prioritize a 'maximum rate of return' on all investments, regardless of ethics. China accounts for 10% of its assets, worth $576 billion.

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) continues to face pushback for investing pension funds in Beijing-led coal mines, propaganda film studios and a solar power company linked to slave labour.

On December 13, the House of Commons Special Committee on Canada-China Relations urged the Trudeau Liberals to move on disqualifying investments into unethical Chinese companies.

"There is no legislative or regulatory provision that would prevent investments in the People’s Republic of China or in companies that are complicit or linked to human rights abuses," said the report The Exposure Of Canadian Investment Funds To Human Rights Violations In The People’s Republic Of China.

It noted the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act gives the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board the mandate to prioritize a "maximum rate of return" on all investments, regardless of ethics.

Among their questionable investments include $4 million into Longi Green Energy Technology Company Limited, a solar panel manufacturer accused of using Uyghur Muslim slave labour. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130542

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20084762 (162028ZDEC23) Notable: Navigating treatment for Lyme disease in a skeptical health-care system (video)

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Navigating treatment for Lyme disease in a skeptical health-care system


'I suffer from a very parasitic condition called Gnathostoma. It only affects 80 people in the US; I happen to be 81. Within the last year, I was diagnosed with relapsing fever and Bartonella and Babesia,' revealed David Ray.

Lyme disease, transmitted by ticks, isn't just a health challenge; it's a battle against a health-care system grappling with its intricacies. David Ray, a former lumbar and apparel industry worker, is a symbol of those caught in this health-care dilemma.

Often considered a contentious topic, Lyme disease faces skepticism from specialists, which risks misdiagnoses and psychological referrals. Lives hang in the balance, as evidenced by Stephanie Lavoie's choice of Medical Assistance in Dying to escape relentless suffering and the suicide of Amélie Champagne who was battling Lyme disease.

"What doctors know but won't acknowledge is these things steal everything from you very slowly. Without the right support or medical attention, things can spiral out of control," shared David.

David's seven-year struggle includes two known co-infections, Babesia and Bartonella, and a lesser-known adversary, Gnathostomiasis. Treatment for the latter was available in Canada, but Lyme disease required a journey to the United States, exposing the fragmented nature of his health-care experience.

"I suffer from a very parasitic condition called Gnathostoma. It only affects 80 people in the US; I happen to be 81. Within the last year, I was diagnosed with relapsing fever and Bartonella and Babesia," revealed David.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, David faces resistance, medication denial, and a vaccine suggestion, framing his potential demise as a sacrifice for the greater good.

"It's horrible living in a country with a socialized health-care system, where supposed helpers end up doing more damage," he about the failures by the Canadian federal and Quebec provincial governments.

David Ray's journey illuminates the harsh realities for Lyme disease sufferers, emphasizing the need for proper medical attention and unveiling systemic issues within a health-care landscape that can harm those it's meant to protect.

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5ae0ea No.130543

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20084822 (162036ZDEC23) Notable: Senate passes gun confiscation law Bill C-21, Government admits to not tracking the use of banned guns in crimes (video)

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Government admits to not tracking the use of banned guns in crimes


In 61% of crimes (where a gun was actually recovered), authorities have no clue where the gun even came from.

Although the Liberals' latest gun ban, Bill C-21 passed the Senate Thursday night, according to the feds, available crime statistics of the firearms caught in the ban are non-existent.

Bill C-21 passed the Senate & will receive Royal Assent. This new law will save lives, reduce domestic violence and keep our streets safer from criminals who use guns. BIG props to my team, parliamentary colleagues and, especially, the families and survivors. We got it done!! https://t.co/VKa4gZo5ct

— Marco Mendicino (@marcomendicino) December 14, 2023

The gun crime data — or lack thereof — was divulged in Statistics Canada and Public Safety Canada's response to an order paper question posed by Alberta Conservative MP Ron Liepert.

In May 2020, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a ban on 1,500 models of Canadian long guns, which he dubbed “assault-style” weapons meant for military purposes. Included in the ban were the Ruger Mini-14 ranch rifle, the AR-15, and a .410 bird gun.

The list has since ballooned to closer to 2,000, now accompanied by a promised, five-year delayed compensation-for-confiscation program.

Federal police agencies are warning MPs that policing services across Canada will suffer if officers are redirected to collect firearms as part of the Trudeau Liberal gun grab scheme.

Read more: https://t.co/SjbLG2goj5 pic.twitter.com/o4not3af6e

— True North (@TrueNorthCentre) October 30, 2022

Liepert's question forced the feds to prove the theory that a sweeping ban of certain models of firearms from their lawful, licensed and vetted owners would be effective in driving down ballooning crime rates. Global News reported:

With regard to violent crimes and the firearms ban that prohibited certain firearms as of May 1, 2020, in the last fiscal year, how many violent crimes, defined by Statistics Canada as “Crimes against the person involve the use or threatened use of violence against a person, including homicide, attempted murder, assault, sexual assault and robbery”, involving firearms were committed with firearms that were included in the 2020 ban; of the firearms, how many of the guns' origins could be traced via a serial number, how many guns' origins were traced back to the United States; and how many violent crimes committed with firearms in the last fiscal year were committed by individuals without proper firearms licensing.

Public Safety Canada did not track any of the data Liepert asked for. However, Statistics Canada returned information that contradicted the Liberals' claims that a ban on legal firearms from Canadians would make Canada safer, as True North reported.

The data indicates that stricter border measures would be the solution to skyrocketing violent crime.

In 61% of crimes (where a gun was actually recovered), authorities have no clue where the gun even came from.

Only 20% of guns recovered in violent crimes are found to be from Canada, and in the 56% of homicides where investigators actually checked for licenses, 88% of criminals didn't have the proper firearms license for the guns they used.

The feds don't track the actual use of the guns they want to ban, they can't figure out where the guns came from, don't bother to check for firearms licenses in 44% of murders, and 88% of the rest of the criminals don't bother to even have proper firearms licenses.

That gun ban is working great... if disarming the population is the goal.

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5ae0ea No.130544

File: 193a6ca3d6c2f55⋯.png (1.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20084950 (162103ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Trans Mountain pipeline may be delayed another two years over latest regulatory setback

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Trans Mountain pipeline may be delayed another two years over latest regulatory setback


The Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) ruled against installing a smaller diameter pipe in a mountainous section of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (TMX). Should the decision not be reversed, taxpayers would incur a two-year delay and billions more in losses.

The government-owned Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (TMX) project has suffered its third construction delay this fall in British Columbia — courtesy of the rugged terrain. The Trudeau Liberals are facing incredible hurdles after encountering difficult drilling conditions in a mountainous area between Hope and Chilliwack.

The Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) denied their application earlier this month to install a smaller diameter pipe in a 1.4-mile (2.3-km) section of the pipeline's route — a decision Trans Mountain Corp (TMC) challenged on December 14.

Should the decision not be reversed, the Crown corporation warns of a possibly "catastrophic" two-year delay and billions more in losses.

The federal government purchased the pipeline for $4.5 billion in 2018, but costs have spiraled out of control to $12.6 billion, then to $21.4 billion and most recently to $30.9 billion. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130545

File: ec3775389ce8515⋯.png (488.81 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20085208 (162150ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Maxime Bernier slams Trudeau gov’t for mandating tampons in male washrooms

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Maxime Bernier slams Trudeau gov’t for mandating tampons in male washrooms


Maxime Bernier accused 'cultural marxists' of desiring to turn as 'many men as possible into non-binary, trans, gender-fluid, weak, effeminate sissies.'

People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier tore a page off a new federal government directive mandating feminine hygiene products in men’s bathrooms, calling it an “attack against masculinity,” and part of a “wider ideological battle” against men in an aim to turn them into “weaklings.”

“The Liberal decision to distribute tampons in men’s toilets everywhere, including on military bases, is just another step in the systematic attack against masculinity, and part of a wider ideological battle,” wrote Bernier on X (formerly Twitter) Thursday.

The Liberal decision to distribute tampons in men’s toilets everywhere, including on military bases, is just another step in the systematic attack against masculinity, and part of a wider ideological battle.

The woke far left want to destroy Western societies, which they see as… pic.twitter.com/eirnOtpfwA

— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) December 14, 2023

In his post, Bernier observed that the “far-left want to destroy Western societies, which they see as responsible for all evils in the world.”

“They’re not only busy undermining our institutions, our culture, our economy, our values, our history, our social cohesion, and the traditional family. They also want to completely destroy traditional gender identities and roles,” he noted.

Bernier has been a consistent vocal opponent of extreme gender-bending ideologies, saying there are only two “sexes” and that “common sense will prevail” in the gender debate. He has also been opposed to LGBT indoctrination in public schools. He has also called out the Conservative Party of Canada for not being vocal enough about these issues. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20085564 (162322ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / ‘American Society of Magical Negroes’ Trailer Calls White People ‘Most Dangerous Animal on the Planet’ (video)

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‘American Society of Magical Negroes’ Trailer Calls White People ‘Most Dangerous Animal on the Planet’


Universal’s Focus Features has released the first trailer for the upcoming comedy The American Society of Magical Negroes, which imagines a world where black people are recruited to serve as self-sacrificing guardian angels for whites.

“What’s the most dangerous animal on the planet?” one character asks. “White people when they’re feeling uncomfortable.” He later adds: “The happier they are, the safer we are.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130547

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20086264 (170157ZDEC23) Notable: Ted Kuntz: Wins of The Week & Klaus Schwab Christmas Comedy (video)

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Ted Kuntz | Wins of The Week & Klaus Schwab Christmas Comedy


Good things are happening, and Schwab is a joke

Each week in private leadership meetings, Ted Kuntz of Vaccine Choice Canada has shared “Wins Of The Week”, a quick summary of some of the past week’s news stories of the good guys winning. I am happy to announce that starting today, Ted and I will share the Wins Of The Week every week (except next week due to Christmas). Here’s some news worth celebrating! This includes the criminal investigation of Italy’s former Ministry Of Health for hiding evidence that the covid jabs were killing people, while he promoted the deadly injections instead. There’s much more here; enjoy some good news! Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130548

File: db74fa331d40cc6⋯.png (458.29 KB,600x334,300:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 0be24ae85694efc⋯.png (611.22 KB,885x631,885:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20088860 (171702ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Court Rules Calling Drag Queens “Groomers” Does NOT Fall Under Protected Speech

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Canada: Court Rules Calling Drag Queens “Groomers” Does NOT Fall Under Protected Speech


The Ontario Superior Court ruled that calling drag queens “groomwers” does not fall under protected speech and “do not constitute expression on a matter of public interest.”

The Counter Signal reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130549

File: 0cc2ebc8c5b3836⋯.png (950.45 KB,1024x529,1024:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20088904 (171714ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / What the World Can Learn From COP28 for COP29

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What the World Can Learn From COP28 for COP29


The annual Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – better known as the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) – took place over the past few weeks in Dubai. Neither the conference nor the hosts were without controversy.

Despite the best intentions of COP28 member states and climate champions, the summit was regrettably tainted by the words and deeds of an authoritarian host, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and a conference president, Dr. Sultan al Jaber, most notable for serving as Minister of Industry and Technology and heading the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), which provides about 3 percent of the world’s oil.

Between the host nation’s determination to remain a major exporter of crude, justifiable reputation for environmental degradation through fossil fuel production,and notoriety for regularly appearing near the bottom of international rankings for human rights and press freedoms, it was always plainly obvious that UAE leaders would harbor plans to undertake a public relations campaign to rehabilitate their own global standing, never intending to work toward setting the world on a path to a more sustainable future. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130550

File: 76c257a58ff5fe2⋯.png (618.25 KB,491x600,491:600,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20088951 (171726ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Pro-Hamas Protesters Terrorize Children Waiting to Meet Santa at Toronto Mall; Chant “Jesus Was Palestinian”

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Pro-Hamas Protesters Terrorize Children Waiting to Meet Santa at Toronto Mall; Chant “Jesus Was Palestinian” (Video)


A mob of pro-Hamas protesters terrorized children waiting to meet Santa Clause at a Toronto shopping mall on Friday, according to a viral video and reports. The protesters banged a drum and used a bullhorn to lead chants of the false claim “Jesus was a Palestinian.” A Toronto member of the Canadian parliament posted a statement condemning the protest.

A video clip from a longer version went viral:

“@areacode416ix pro #Hamas #Protests yesterday across 3 different malls in #Ontario (#BayshoreMall, #Yorkdale, & #Eaton Centre) – –

We told you, it only starts with the #jews but never ends with just the Jews”

A longer version shows the protesters were marching through the shopping mall and stopped to target the children waiting to meet Santa.

Member of Parliament Kevin Vuong, who represents the Toronto area Spadina-Fort York, condemned the protesters, “Two of Toronto’s malls were targeted yesterday. How does harassing families saying hi to Santa advance the cause for a just & durable peace in the Middle East? Your right to freedom of expression does not mean you can disrupt others. Have some respect for Canadians.”

Even though the issue is “Palestine”, the issue is the revolution. Disrupting normal everyday life and traditions is part of the communist playbook.

An excerpt posted from the New Yorker of an interview with a member of Students for Justice in Palestine shows the group is a Marxist front:

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5ae0ea No.130551

File: bb0a3ab73367032⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 21190fef2dda94c⋯.png (935.91 KB,885x498,295:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20088988 (171738ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and U.K.’s Rishi Sunak Join Forces to Tackle Mass Migration to Europe

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Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and U.K.’s Rishi Sunak Join Forces to Tackle Mass Migration to Europe


2024 was the year Europe finally woke up to the danger of unchecked mass migration, hoping it’s not too late.

Conservative leaders are trying to tackle the issue that is mobilizing public opinion. To do that, they need to buck the Globalists entrenched in every country, notably in the Mainstream Media.

The leaders of Italy and the U.K. are joining forces, and agreed on Saturday to jointly address the irregular migration to Europe, intensifying cooperation ‘in the fight against human trafficking’.

Associated Press reported:

“Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni and U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who held talks in Rome, were also joined by Albanian counterpart Edi Rama, who is seen as a key ally in the efforts to manage migrant arrivals from North Africa to European shores. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130552

File: 385d6cedd34d68d⋯.png (715.15 KB,1024x575,1024:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 018eb32faf5d1ad⋯.png (32.19 KB,599x502,599:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089158 (171841ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Gloves Off: Elon Musk Writes That DEI Initiatives Must DIE - And That Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Are ‘Just Propaganda Words’

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Gloves Off: Elon Musk Writes That DEI Initiatives Must DIE – And That Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Are ‘Just Propaganda Words’


Political correctness has invaded every corner of life in many Western societies, mostly with a detrimental effect.

In the corporate environment, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are a shining example of something that may have seemed great in theory, but in real life is developing into yet another big problem.

Billionaire Elon Musk, the owner of X/Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX, claimed that DEI replaces discrimination with ‘different discrimination,’ labeling them ‘propaganda words.’ Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089199 (171851ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / NY Attorney General Letitia James Admits Her Guilt in Denying Trump Due Process — Says Judge Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began”

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COMMUNISM: NY Attorney General Letitia James Admits Her Guilt in Denying Trump Due Process — Says Judge Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began” (VIDEO)


In her latest video, New York Attorney General Letitia James admitted her guilt in compromising former President Donald Trump’s right to due process. This comes after she claimed that Judge Arthur Engoron had found Trump guilty of “significant financial fraud” even before the current trial began.

Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $250 million in ‘damages’ when there is no victim in this fraud case and she is also seeking to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York. She accused Trump of inflating his assets and defrauding lenders and insurance companies.

Last month, The Gateway Pundit reported that a Deutsche Bank executive who worked to approve at least one of Trump’s loans testified that it is “atypical, but not entirely unusual” to reduce a client’s asset values and still approve a loan. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130554

File: 2e728b4ea89810b⋯.png (843.42 KB,1169x626,1169:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 8af78a8da2366fb⋯.png (879.72 KB,1169x977,1169:977,Clipboard.png)

File: e6c98c604941dba⋯.png (245.76 KB,863x672,863:672,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089226 (171857ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / O’Keefe Media Group Obtains Internal Document From IBM That Trashes White People, ‘Only White People Can Be Racist’

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O’Keefe Media Group Obtains Internal Document From IBM That Trashes White People, ‘Only White People Can Be Racist’ (VIDEO)


James O’Keefe obtained an internal document from IBM’s Red Hat that reads like a religious text and trashes white people.

O’Keefe Media Group on Monday evening released a leaked video of IBM CEO Arvind Krishna admitting to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in the hiring process. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130555

File: 74a706d1713d68f⋯.png (1.64 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 67a5b4d73a708c3⋯.png (70.75 KB,727x810,727:810,Clipboard.png)

File: fcd288a0d8a014b⋯.png (358.13 KB,542x740,271:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089296 (171915ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / 29-Year-Old Professional Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses Without Contact on Field During Live TV Broadcast, Causing Match to Be Suspended

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VIDEO: 29-Year-Old Professional Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses Without Contact on Field During Live TV Broadcast, Causing Match to Be Suspended


Bournemouth, England – A young player suddenly collapsed without warning during a professional soccer match on Saturday, causing proceedings to be suspended.

As Pro Soccer Wire reported, the English Premier League teams Bournemouth and Luton Town were tied 1-1 going into the 59th minute when Luton’s 29-year-old captain, Tom Lockyer, collapsed near midfield without any contact.

Referee Simon Hooper halted play upon seeing Lockyer on the ground. Shocked players rushed toward Lockyer, and both teams’ medical staff ran onto the pitch seconds later. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130556

File: 5897a34036a2345⋯.png (1.41 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089321 (171922ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Coal companies sue Alberta for $10 billion over environmental policy changes

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Coal companies sue Alberta for $10 billion over environmental policy changes


The province of Alberta is being sued by five coal companies for $10.8 billion due to the government’s policy reforms on coal.

The companies claim the reforms have cost them billions in lost potential revenues and investments they made to mine the land they had already leased.

News of the lawsuit has led the provincial government and the Alberta Energy Regulator to be questioned as to why an Australian company was able to apply for exploration licenses regarding a potential coal mine at Grassy Mountain, in southern Alberta, in the first place.

In 2021, applications for the same site had previously been rejected by a joint federal-provincial regulatory panel.

The Northback Holdings Corp. also submitted an application recently, which is still under review by the regulator. Environmentalists are demanding the government do more for environmental protections.

The five plaintiffs filed separate claims to Alberta’s Court of King’s Bench.

They have been made by Cabin Ridge Project Ltd., Atrum Coal Ltd. and its subsidiary Elan Coal Ltd., Black Eagle Mining Corp. and Montem Resources Ltd. (recently rebranded as Evolve Power Ltd).

The case is scheduled to begin in early 2024. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130557

File: 05c8eff7650ae1e⋯.png (802.29 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089401 (171944ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canada faces $1 trillion challenge with youth mental health crisis, study shows

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Canada faces $1 trillion challenge with youth mental health crisis, study shows


An estimated 1.6 million children and youth struggle with mental health disorders in Canada, with alarmingly long waits for treatment—sometimes up to 2.5 years—reveals a new report.

The report released Thursday by Children’s Healthcare Canada and the Conference Board of Canada, “Nurturing Minds for Secure Futures,” shows that the most common reasons that children and youth need access to mental healthcare services and support are anxiety and depression.

Response and support by families, healthcare, and community-based health services for children and youth with anxiety and/or depression cost Canada $4 billion a year.

The $4 billion price tag is primarily towards $3.5 billion for publicly funded systems like healthcare, mental healthcare, and substance abuse and addiction.

If Canada invests in mental healthcare services and supports to reduce the prevalence rate of anxiety and depression disorders to pre-pandemic levels, the costs would decrease from $4 billion to $1.5 billion per year, claims the research. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130558

File: 4d85ea0d1fda1bf⋯.png (1.09 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089448 (172007ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Auto industry leaders slam Trudeau government’s electric vehicle mandate

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Auto industry leaders slam Trudeau government’s electric vehicle mandate


Industry leaders from Canada’s automotive sector are warning Canadians that a national transition towards electrical vehicles is premature.

They warned in a press conference that Canada is not ready for the Trudeau government’s desired transition away from combustion engine vehicles because consumers are not accepting the transition and the government has not set the preconditions for EVs to succeed in the market.

The representatives included Tim Reuss of the Canadian Automotive Dealers Association, Brian Kingston of the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association, and David Adams of Global Automakers of Canada.

“With the current high interest rates and high inflation severely impacting consumer affordability, many consumers lack the means to purchase EVs as evidenced by the rising inventory levels on our dealers’ lots today,” said Reuss.

“Instead of attempting to dictate what individuals have to purchase, we suggest government focus on creating the right set of circumstances to stimulate demand.”

Reuss went on to warn that EV mileage sees a significant reduction when temperatures drop below freezing and that rural Canadians would be disproportionately impacted. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130559

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089511 (172027ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / LAWTON: The UN’s latest attack on Canada’s energy sector (video)

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LAWTON: The UN’s latest attack on Canada’s energy sector (Ft. Marc Morano)


Earlier this week, countries at the United Nations’ COP28 climate summit agreed to “transition away” from oil and gas.

To nobody’s surprise, Canada also signed onto this pledge. Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault even went as far as applauding the pledge as a “global consensus” for clean energy.

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano joined Andrew Lawton to discuss how the UN’s latest climate scheme will harm Canada’s economy and do nothing for the environment.

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5ae0ea No.130560

File: e2e7e58b3e6c756⋯.png (1.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089750 (172128ZDEC23) Notable: Quebec billed taxpayers nearly $100 million for consultant contracts over the past five years

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Quebec billed taxpayers nearly $100 million for consultant contracts over the past five years


Quebec ($79.6 billion) spent more on corporate welfare between 2007 and 2019 than any other government in Canada, including the feds ($76.7 billion). Over the past five years, Quebec has invested more than $52 million into Deloitte, PwC, EY, KPMG and McKinsey.

Québec taxpayers have given nearly $100 million in contracts to consulting firms in recent years, according to the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ).

Spanning a period of five years, CDPQ — Québec’s manager of pension funds — and other state operated companies invested more than $52 million into Deloitte, PwC, EY, KPMG and McKinsey.

In a request for access at Caisse, Le Journal de Montréal learned the Ministry of the Executive Council (MCE) of Premier François Legault spent over $24 million on these consulting giants. Nearly $14 million went to KPMG for their studies on high-speed internet.

Investissement Québec (IQ) billed taxpayers more than $13 million on financial services, including audits, diligent reviews, technological support and sales evaluation services.

In addition, Revenu Québec penned $5 million in contracts to these large firms, including three Deloitte contracts worth $3.7 million last year for an identity management and administration solution.

Loto-Québec spent over $5 million on these large firms, reported Le Journal.

The publication reached Caisse for details on the contracts, but they refused to disclose "confidential information" concerning the provincial economy.

"Rather than give preferential treatment to certain companies and industries, governments could reduce business income taxes and help foster a pro-economic growth environment that gives all businesses the opportunity and incentives to succeed," claimed Tegan Hill, an economist with the Fraser Institute. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130561

File: 039481c85aa6c8b⋯.png (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089767 (172132ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Trudeau Liberals largely exclude CBC from Google's $100 million media bailout

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Trudeau Liberals largely exclude CBC from Google's $100 million media bailout


According to new regulations outlined by Bill C-18, the Online News Act, CBC and Radio-Canada will receive $7 million from Google in the first year of a nine-figure media bailout fund. Taxpayers already fund the state broadcaster $1.2 billion annually.

Canada’s state broadcaster will only receive a sliver of Google’s nine-figure payment for sharing the online news of Canadian publishers.

According to new regulations outlined by Bill C-18, also known as the Online News Act, CBC and Radio-Canada will be limited to $7 million in the first year — given that taxpayers already fund them at a rate of $1.2 billion annually.

Of the remainder, 30% will go to government-approved broadcasters and 63% to newspapers and digital media platforms, reported the National Post.

Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge lauded the regulations Friday as "extremely good" for Canadians, democracy and media.

"Today marks the last day of the government’s work in implementing the Online News Act," she said.

When asked why the federal government did not exclude the state broadcaster entirely, St-Onge said it didn’t "make sense" to take such a drastic measure.

"To exclude the public broadcaster completely, I believe, and the government believes, would have devalued its essential role. But we set the cap at seven per cent because we are taking into account the realities of the private market," she added. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130562

File: 96c68797d58c75b⋯.png (629.44 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20091294 (180120ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / I was naive about the West - Putin

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I was naive about the West – Putin


The president has admitted believing the crusade against Russia would be over after the Soviet Union’s collapse

President Vladimir Putin has said he was wrong to assume the West would establish productive relations with Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In reality, it was determined to break the nation apart, the Russian leader explained.

In an interview with Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin aired on Sunday, Putin admitted that he was a “naive” leader early in his political career even though he had a solid background in Soviet intelligence.

The Russian president said that he had believed that the West understood that Russia had become a completely different country after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and that there were no further ideological differences warranting a serious stand-off.

According to Putin, even when he saw Western efforts to support terrorism and separatism in Russia two decades ago, he thought that it was the “inertia of thinking” that was to blame. “They had just got used to fighting the Soviet Union,” he believed.

In reality, however, the West was deliberately trying to undercut Russia, the president said. “After the collapse of the Soviet Union they thought they just had to wait a little longer, and then they would break Russia apart as well.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130563

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20093765 (181520ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Cutting Off the Head of the Snake: Pascal Najadi (video)

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Cutting Off the Head of the Snake: Pascal Najadi


Organizations such as the WEF, the WHO, Gavi, Bill Gates’ vaccine alliance, and Big Pharma companies are all part of the globalist cabal. The head offices of these organizations are mostly in Geneva, Switzerland. Switzerland is also where the WEF hosts its annual meetings.


Because the Swiss government has granted these organizations diplomatic immunity, which means they can plan and execute their crimes against humanity without fear of their leadership being arrested. Or at least, that is what they believe.

Pascal Najadi is the son of Hussein Najadi, who in 1971 co-founded with Klaus Schwab the organization that would become the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1984 Hussein left after he became aware of Klaus Schwab’s true agenda. He was subsequently assassinated in 2013.

His son Pascal is a victim of the globalist bioweapons marketed as vaccines. After 3 Pfizer shots, he is dying of an autoimmune disease. Pascal, an investment banker like his father, has filed criminal charges against Alain Berset, the current president of Switzerland for his part in the crime of pushing these bioweapons on the people. Pascal has also filed charges against the doctors who injected him for failing to provide information on the possible side effects.

In addition, Pascal Najadi, along with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, is featured in the short documentary Cutting Off the Head of Snake, which has now received over 600 million views since it’s release in October. Najadi and Stuckelberger are calling on the Swiss government to revoke the diplomatic immunity of these organizations so they can be held accountable for their crimes.

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5ae0ea No.130564

File: 8d870635de5551e⋯.png (660.91 KB,700x466,350:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20093903 (181600ZDEC23) Notable: Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates?

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Who Are the Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Associates?


Thanks to court filings and news reports, from The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and others, the list of prominent people who were associates of Jeffrey Epstein continues to grow. For many, their ties to the notorious sex trafficker and longtime high-society hobnobber were not previously known, as they did not appear in Epstein’s infamous black book or in the public flight logs of passengers who traveled aboard his private jet before his jailhouse death in 2019 while awaiting trial.

We’ve also learned about deeper ties between Epstein and some boldfaced names with whom he had already been associated, including how frequently Epstein met with his high-flying pals.

In the spring, the Journal discovered multiple new names after it obtained a previously unreported trove of documents, including thousands of emails and Epstein’s private schedules dating from 2013 to 2017. (The New York Times obtained Epstein’s scheduling documents through a public-records request to the U.S. Virgin Islands attorney general.) The documents all pertain to the time period after Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to soliciting and procuring a minor for prostitution in Florida, and at least some of the period was after Epstein was publicly accused of sex trafficking by victim Virginia Giuffre in 2015.

The schedules include details of numerous meetings Epstein planned and with whom — but the Journal noted at the time that it could not verify whether all of the meetings actually occurred. Many of the meetings took place at Epstein’s Upper East Side townhouse, one of the locations where he is alleged to have sexually abused women and girls.

In 2019, New York published an exhaustive list of all of Epstein’s alleged high-society contacts, according to public documents available at the time. Below, a look at the new names contained in the various reports and how they have been linked to Epstein, as well as additional developments in the mysterious saga.

New report details how Epstein referenced his famous associates as part of his efforts to groom his victims

The Wall Street Journal has published a lengthy new report offering more details about how Jeffrey Epstein groomed his victims, including numerous examples of times, according to victims, that he used the names of many of his elite associates in order to convince the women that he could help them with their careers or attempts to immigrate. Explained Brittany Henderson, one of the lawyers representing Epstein’s accusers, to the Journal:

He used the powerful people he was intermingling with to further facilitate his sex trafficking scheme, whether those people knew it or not. He was using everyone around him to create this facade of legitimacy. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130565

File: 68d336e489c9411⋯.png (460.97 KB,671x482,671:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20093973 (181621ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Pope Francis Officially Approves Priests Blessing Same Sex Couples

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Pope Francis Officially Approves Priests Blessing Same Sex Couples


Pope Francis officially approved priests blessing same-sex couples.

The pope explained in his reasoning, people seeking God’s love and mercy shouldn’t be subject to “an exhaustive moral analysis” to receive it.

The AP reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094057 (181638ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Stresses Incompatibility of Islamic Culture with European Civilization, Deems Sharia Law Impossible in Europe

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Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Stresses Incompatibility of Islamic Culture with European Civilization, Deems Sharia Law Impossible in Europe


In a recent statement, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni raised a contentious issue about the compatibility between Islamic culture and European civilization.

Emphasizing her views, Meloni declared that these cultural systems are not compatible, specifically highlighting the challenges of integrating Sharia law within European societal norms.

“I think there is a problem of compatibility between Islamic culture or certain interpretations of Islamic culture and the rights and values of our civilization,” Meloni told the reporters.

“It does not escape my mind that most of the Islamic cultural centers in Italy are funded by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is a nation that applies Sharia law at home, and Sharia means stoning for adultery, death penalty for apostasy, death penalty for homosexuality. I believe these issues should be raised, which does not mean generalizing about Islam, it means raising the problem that there is a process of Islamization in Europe going on that is very distant from the values of our civilization.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130567

File: 83a48cc8e947f20⋯.png (518.58 KB,782x756,391:378,Clipboard.png)

File: 015480fb481e712⋯.png (251.09 KB,500x610,50:61,Clipboard.png)

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File: 23c59d8dc3b6872⋯.png (216.58 KB,500x502,250:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094153 (181700ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Global Trade At Risk As Shippers Shun Red Sea Over Houthis Attacks

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Global Trade At Risk As Shippers Shun Red Sea Over Houthis Attacks


Amid further attacks and reroutings we look at the true scale of the Houthi attacks on MidEast tankers.

Oil prices are rising and given the extreme positioning in managed money and CTAs swinging short we suspect the market is underestimating the impact that S&P Global's Jennifer Gnana, Kelly Norways, and Mohammed Al-ansare detail below,

Cape transport option adds 40% to voyage distance

Houthis targeting tankers, container, cargo shipping

Container rates rise to 2023 high

Major shipping companies paused transiting the Middle East's critical Bab al-Mandeb chokepoint for seaborne trade Dec. 15 after repeated attacks by Yemen's Houthi militants threatened to upend global trade flows.

Danish shipping giant A.P Moller-Maersk which accounts for 15% of the global container freight market suspended voyages passing through the Bab al-Mandeb until further notice. Hapag-Lloyd which controls 7% of the container market also paused traffic through the Red Sea until at least Dec. 18 after one of its ships was attacked by Houthis.

Hapag-Lloyd's Liberia-flagged Al Jasrah containership caught fire in the Red Sea on Dec. 15 after being hit by a missile from Houthi rebels in Yemen. The attack came a day after the Houthis attacked the Maersk ship Gibraltar on Dec 14 in a near-miss by a cruise missile.

The suspensions are the latest sign major ship charterers who in recent weeks have deployed armed guards to safeguard transit through Bab al-Mandeb are beginning to reconsider using the narrow strait through which 10% of global seaborne oil flows.

The Houthis have threatened to attack any ships with Israeli ownership or bound for one of the country’s ports. As a result, all commercial ships have come under attack, from car carriers to tankers and dry bulkers, including many with no obvious connection to Israeli trade.

"The pattern I see [in the] last few days is more attacks on all these container line big boys like MSC, Maersk, NYK Line, Hapag-Lloyd. If you scare them, then you stop hundreds of their ships," Luv Menghani, a shipbroker with Dubai-based BluePeak Commodities and Shipping, said.

Maersk's instruction to its ships to avoid the Red Sea "suggests an escalation in the response to the Houthi attacks," Gregory Brew, an analyst with Eurasia Group, said.

"Yesterday's attacks suggest the Houthis are broadening their attacks are becoming more indiscriminate, rather than focusing just on ships owned by Israeli companies or bound for Israeli ports," he added. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094167 (181703ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Global Trade At Risk As Shippers Shun Red Sea Over Houthis Attacks

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LIST: Shipping Giants Pause Red Sea Voyages as Attacks Mount

Reuters December 18, 2023

Dec 18 (Reuters) – Iranian-backed Houthi militants in Yemen have stepped up attacks on vessels in the Red Sea to show their support for Palestinian Islamist group Hamas fighting Israel in Gaza.

The attacks, targeting a route that allows East-West trade, especially of oil, to use the Suez Canal to save the time and expense of circumnavigating Africa, have pushed some shipping companies to re-route vessels to avoid the area.

Below are companies (in alphabetical order) that are considering or have decided to pause shipping via the Red Sea:


Oil major BP on Dec. 18 said it had temporarily paused all transits through the Red Sea.


French shipping group CMA CGM on Dec. 16 said it was pausing all container shipments through the Red Sea.


Norwegian oil and gas firm Equinor on Dec. 18 said it had re-routed some vessels that had been heading towards the Red Sea.


Belgian oil tanker firm Euronav said on Dec. 18 it would avoid the Red Sea area until further notice.


Taiwanese container shipping line Evergreen said on Dec. 18 its vessels on regional services to Red Sea ports would sail to safe waters nearby and wait for further notification, while ships scheduled to pass through the Red Sea would be re-routed around the Cape of Good Hope. It also temporarily stopped accepting Israeli cargo.


Norway-based oil tanker group Frontline said on Dec. 18 that its vessels will avoid passages through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in the time ahead, boosting the rates customers must pay for crude transport.


German container shipping line Hapag Lloyd said on Dec. 18 it would re-route several ships via the Cape of Good Hope until the safety of passage through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea could be guaranteed.

A projectile believed to be a drone struck its vessel Al Jasrah on Dec. 15, while sailing close to the coast of Yemen. No crew were injured.


Denmark’s A.P. Moller-Maersk on Dec. 15 said it would pause all container shipments through the Red Sea until further notice, following a “near-miss incident” involving its vessel Maersk Gibraltar a day earlier.

The ship was targeted by a missile while traveling from Salalah, Oman, to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the company said.


Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) said on Dec. 16 its ships would not transit through the Suez Canal, with some already rerouted via the Cape of Good Hope, a day after Houthi forces fired two ballistic missiles at its MSC Palatium III vessel. The decision will disrupt sailing schedules by several days, the Switzerland-based group said.


Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) has stopped cargo acceptance to and from Israel until further notice, theshipping company owned by Hong Kong-based Oriental Overseas (International) Ltd 0316.HK said on Dec. 16.


Taiwan’s Yang Ming Marine Transport said on Dec. 18 it would divert ships sailing through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden via the Cape of Good Hope for the next two weeks.

(Reporting by Paolo Laudani, Izabela Niemiec and Jesus Calero in Gdansk; editing by Milla Nissi and Jason Neely)


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5ae0ea No.130569

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094196 (181708ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / High Immigration Linked To Worsening Inflation, Bank Of Canada Deputy Governor Says

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High Immigration Linked To Worsening Inflation, Bank Of Canada Deputy Governor Says


Well here's an inconvenient talking point for Justin Trudeau and his staff: Bank of Canada Deputy Governor Toni Gravelle gave a speech last week which focused on the ties between rising immigration and rising inflation.

The surge in immigration in Canada has led to an unprecedented demand for housing, outpacing construction and driving up shelter costs, Gravelle said during his speech.

Taking a cautious stance on monetary policy, Gravelle also expressed the need for further reduction in inflation before committing to any future decisions on interest rate adjustments, according to TrueNorth.

Last week, despite maintaining a steady policy rate of 5%, the Bank of Canada hinted at the possibility of future rate increases, depending on economic conditions.

With inflation showing signs of decline and consumer spending decelerating, Gravelle noted the economy is achieving a state of equilibrium. Despite these positive trends, the central bank remains vigilant, not ruling out the possibility of additional rate hikes if necessary.

Gravelle said: “While we saw some welcome improvement in inflation measures in October, we must remember it’s just one month. We need to see further progress.”

“Canada’s housing supply has not kept pace with recent increases in immigration. This is different from the United States where housing construction has been more flexible to respond to population shifts and where rent inflation is expected to continue to decline,” he continued.

“This jump in demographic demand coupled with existing structural supply issues could explain why rent inflation continues to climb in Canada. It also helps explain, in part, why housing prices have not fallen as much as we expected,” Gravelle said.

“When newcomer arrivals picked up sharply in early 2022, that steady decline in the vacancy rate became a cliff. Canada’s vacancy rate has now reached a historical low,” he added.

“Newcomers have helped loosen tight labour markets and have significantly improved our country’s potential growth, which will help keep a lid on inflation pressures in the long run.”

The report said that inflation in Canada dipped to 3.1% in October from a June 2022 high of 8.1%, yet housing costs continue to soar, influenced by the bank's rates leading to increased mortgage expenses and sustained high immigration.

Economists speculate that the Bank of Canada may start lowering interest rates by mid-2024, though official confirmation is pending. Gravelle's recent remarks did not suggest any imminent shift towards a more lenient monetary policy.

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5ae0ea No.130570

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094221 (181713ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / 29-Year-Old Professional Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses Without Contact on Field During Live TV Broadcast, Causing Match to Be Suspended

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Cause Of Professional Soccer Player's Sudden Collapse Remains A "Mystery"


What caused a fit, healthy, young footballer to suddenly collapse in the middle of the pitch during a Premier League game on Saturday remains a “mystery,” according to reports.

29-year-old Luton Town club captain Tom Lockyer suffered a “medical emergency” in the 59th minute of his team’s match against Bournemouth, falling to the ground as fellow players looked on concerned, causing the match to be abandoned.

The incident was Lockyer’s “second cardiac-related on-field scare in seven months,” reports the Telegraph. “An atrial fibrillation, a heart issue which affects around 1.4 million people in the UK, was cited as the cause of his collapse in May’s Championship Play-Off Final.”

“On Saturday, however, the club says Lockyer suffered cardiac arrest. There has been no confirmation that the two incidents are related,” states the report.

The player had been given the “all clear” after an operation in June yet remains in hospital undergoing tests with the cause of his latest collapse remaining a “mystery”.

Paramedics spent 10 minutes on the pitch treating Lockyer before he was carried off.

Following the incident, many on X inevitably speculated that it was COVID vaccine-related, with one citing Pfizer’s admission that, “Authorized or approved mRNA COVID-19 vaccines show increased risks of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart).”

Others denounced anyone for even suggesting there might be a link.

From the end of 2020 onwards, numerous professional sports stars suddenly started collapsing and dying at rates never seen before.

According to a report by Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz, there has been a “5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021.”

In November 2021, German newspaper Berliner Zeitung published a report seeking to answer why an “unusually large number of professional and amateur soccer players have collapsed recently.”

After questions began to swirl about whether vaccine side-effects were playing a role in the spate of incidents, media outlets reassured the public that that this was merely a “coincidence.”

Must be climate change or something.

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5ae0ea No.130571

File: 05a32421f2771c8⋯.png (117.02 KB,502x816,251:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094282 (181730ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / EU Hits Musk With X Probe On Possible 'Disinformation'

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EU Hits Musk With X Probe On Possible 'Disinformation'


European Commissioner Thierry Breton announced an investigation into Elon Musk's 'free speech' social media platform X for failure to combat 'illicit content and disinformation.' This is the first major probe the EU has opened up on X since last year's passing of a new law called the "Digital Services Act."

"Today we open formal infringement proceedings against @X" under the Digital Services Act, European Commissioner Breton wrote in a post on Monday morning on X.

"The Commission will now investigate X's systems and policies related to certain suspected infringements," spokesman Johannes Bahrke told reporters in Brussels, adding, "It does not prejudge the outcome of the investigation."

The investigation is centered on whether X failed to stop the spread of 'illegal content' (in other words, non-approved government narratives) and whether the Community Notes feature is enough to combat "information manipulation."

An investigation into X's business practices was signaled by the EU as early as October, following the Israel-Gaza conflict in which officials warned that "terrorist and violent content and hate speech" was spreading on the social media platform.

"The time of big online platforms behaving like they are 'too big to care' has come to an end," Breton stated.

She continued: "We now have clear rules, ex ante obligations, strong oversight, speedy enforcement, and deterrent sanctions and we will make full use of our toolbox to protect our citizens and democracies."

X spokesperson Joe Benarroch told Bloomberg by email: "X remains committed to complying with the Digital Services Act, and is cooperating with the regulatory process. It is important that this process remains free of political influence and follows the law."

Companies that fail to comply with the Digital Services Act could risk fines of up to 6% of annual revenue and eventual ban if no resolution is found.

Musk now faces increased weaponization of government agencies on both sides of the Atlantic as leftist Western politicians despise the billionaire's social media platform that allows users to post about non-government-approved narratives.

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5ae0ea No.130572

File: d8f5b104ac2da63⋯.png (304.36 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c26b4178d73070⋯.png (211.72 KB,492x675,164:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094446 (181755ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / G7 Closer To Giving $300BN In Seized Russian Assets To Ukraine After Orban Blocked EU Funds

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G7 Closer To Giving $300BN In Seized Russian Assets To Ukraine After Orban Blocked EU Funds


Group of Seven member states are moving closer to approving a controversial plan that would funnel some $300 billion of Russia's seized central bank and other sovereign assets (such as some oligarchs' superyachts) which have been "immobilized" in Europe to give to Ukraine.

"G7 members and other specially affected states could seize Russian sovereign assets as a countermeasure to induce Russia to end its aggression," a US policy paper being considered by the G7 states.

The Financial Times aptly described the proposal as constituting "a radical step that would open a new chapter in the west’s financial warfare against Moscow" - also as certainly Moscow would see it as brazen theft.

While neither the White House nor US Treasury has openly affirmed that this is the US stance, the FT noted US officials are actively engaging G7 countries to see it through.

"A US official said Washington was engaged in active conversations on the use of Russian sovereign assets and believed there was a short timeline to make a decision," FT details. "They suggested it could be discussed at a possible G7 leaders’ meeting to coincide with the second anniversary in February of Russia’s full invasion of Ukraine."

It seems war fatigue and a sudden slowdown in funding for Kiev has prompted Washington and G7 partners to "get creative". Two things happened this past week, which was certainly a "bitter week of disappointment" for Zelensky. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094476 (181804ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CNN Town Hall Host Tries To Disrupt Vivek Ramaswamy As He Reveals Truth Behind J6

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CNN Town Hall Host Tries To Disrupt Vivek Ramaswamy As He Reveals Truth Behind J6


Whether one supports the presidential candidacy of Vivek Ramaswamy or not, it's impossible to deny that some of the best red pill moments of the election cycle so far have been his debates with establishment spin doctors. During a Town Hall discussion in Iowa hosted by CNN, anchor Abby Phillip tried a new tactic to defuse Ramaswamy and disrupt his ability to convey the facts: She simply kept talking over top of him, contradicting his statements and then refused to give him an opportunity to answer back.

The strategy did not work quite as well as she might have hoped, as Vivek trampled her expertly. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130574

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094565 (181824ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Marc Crispin Miller Exposes The "Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda" Campaign

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Marc Crispin Miller Exposes The "Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda" Campaign


New York University (NYU) Professor Mark Crispin Miller (MCM) is an expert in propaganda.

Dr. Miller says from infection to injection, Covid 19 was a global "propaganda masterpiece."

Propaganda on this level has never happened before in human history. Dr. Miller explains,

“The media has been crucial to this entire operation, and I would take that a little further. I would say since the beginning of 2020, we have been subjected to a ‘Rolling Thunder of Propaganda’ drives one after another.

First, there was the (CV19) virus panic.

Then, there was the George Floyd moment. Now, there is a new documentary that shows George Floyd was not actually murdered... It’s called ‘The Fall of Minneapolis.’...

There was the 2020 Election. There was the so-called ‘insurrection.’ That was a wave of crackpot hysteria... because it was not an insurrection...or coup attempt.

Then, there was Ukraine, and the entire back story of Russia’s invasion was completely missing from all the coverage...

This is all the result of the media doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do. The ‘Framers’ (of the Constitution) realized the absolute necessity of having a free press...

This was before the corporate media cartels, which is what we have now... The Framers knew... to offer a counterforce to federal power, we absolutely had to have a free press...

The reason why the press has First Amendment protections is it... tells truths the federal authorities does not want us to know.

To say the press has failed abysmally is actually giving them too much credit.

They have been instrumental throughout this nightmare, whose aim is radical depopulation and destruction of democracy... if you just tell the other side of the story, you are public enemy #1.”

With more than 700 million mRNA CV19 bioweapon injections in the US alone and more than 13 billion CV19 injections globally, the implications of this depopulation agenda is the biggest story ever short of a global thermal nuclear exchange.

This, too, was part of the “Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda” campaign.

Dr. Miller has dedicated his Substack to reveal mounting and massive deaths and injuries one person at a time. Many doctors are revealing data and sources proving the CV19 vax did not help a single person.

The NYU Profesor calls the CV19 so-called vaccine “the perfect crime.”

Dr. Miller explains, Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130575

File: 99a830374ee7183⋯.png (364.79 KB,500x335,100:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094602 (181833ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / When Did Governments Become So Ridiculous?

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When Did Governments Become So Ridiculous?


The world media breathlessly reported last week on what they say was huge and important news.

Two hundred people who claim to speak for billions of others, because they happen to have a title associated with a government post and are involved with the United Nations, say that the planet needs to transition away from fossil fuels, meaning oil, gas, and coal.

Oh, sure. If this happens, and the world truly does go dark as we revert back hundreds of years in progress, there will be hell to pay. These big shots who agreed to this will be long gone, their bank accounts stuffed with payoffs of various sorts. No one will take responsibility at all. It’s not just a plot against progress; it’s a plot against the world’s poorest in all nations.

More likely, this is more public relations blather.

Not that it won’t be damaging, but 2023 is not 2013, when people were more naïve about this whole topic.

Now we are very aware of the utter impossibility of preserving anything approaching civilization without what they say we are to transition away from using.

This whole scene is so ridiculous that it is hard to fathom. Central planning has never worked on any level of government. It certainly has not worked for global governments working together. And it has never been attempted on a whole sector like this, much less the single most important sector, namely that which provides us with energy that powers civilization itself. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130576

File: ed22d544d6d8408⋯.png (268.46 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094652 (181843ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Nobel Prize Winner Seeking to Cure Cancer With mRNA Technology

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Nobel Prize Winner Seeking to Cure Cancer With mRNA Technology


Nobel Prize winner Dr. Drew Weissman talked recently about using mRNA technology to prevent the development of cancers among vulnerable people.

Dr. Weissman suggested using mRNA vaccines to prevent cancers during his Nobel Prize lecture on Dec. 7. “The idea here is that you treat people before they develop cancer,” he said. Dr. Weissman won the Nobel Prize for medicine this year along with Dr. Katalin Karikó for developing a method to prevent the immune system from launching inflammatory attacks when lab-made mRNA is injected into the body, thus enabling the therapeutic use of the medical technology.

This allowed for the rapid development of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Weissman and his team at the University of Pennsylvania are now focusing on using mRNA technology to treat cancer.

A vaccine under development by the team teaches the body to identify and fight tumor cells. The vaccine is aimed at people who have a genetic mutation which raises their risk of cancer.

For instance, BRCA is a gene that contributes to breast cancer risk. Out of the more than 18 million cancers identified globally every year, around five to 10 percent stem from genetic mutations.

The Nobel Prize winner and his team investigated methods to use mRNA to trigger an immune response in the body that would kill cancer cells.

In experiments with mice, the researchers injected mRNA that taught the body to produce a protein called IL-12. This protein directs the body to produce immune cells called effector T-cells that can remove cancer.

“We know that it's five or 10 years that cancer cells first start to appear before you've got full-fledged large tumors that impair function,” Dr. Weissman said during his lecture.

“If we treat these people, maybe every 5 years, with a vaccine that only makes effector T-cells, [it] will clean out, clear away, kill all of the transformed cells and maybe completely prevent cancer from ever appearing in these patients.”

mRNA Treatments Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130577

File: 1d52c9b071e624b⋯.png (566.22 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094897 (181934ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Putin announces response to Finland joining NATO

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Putin announces response to Finland joining NATO


Helsinki has not had any “trouble” with Moscow for years but now it will, the Russian president has said

Russia will create a new military district to reinforce its positions near Finland in response to the latter's decision to join NATO, Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced.

Putin made the remarks in an interview with Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin that aired on Sunday, stating that Helsinki has not had any real “trouble” with Moscow for decades already – but now it will.

“They took and dragged Finland into NATO. Did we have any disputes with Finland? All disputes, including those of a territorial nature in the mid-20th century, have long been resolved,” Putin stated, noting that Russia does not actually have territorial disputes with any NATO member state.

To counter the expansion of the US-led bloc, Russia is set to create the brand new Leningrad Military District. As the name would indicate, the new force will be stationed in Leningrad Region in the northwestern part of the country, where the city of St. Petersburg – known as Leningrad during the Soviet Union – is located.

There was no trouble. Now there will be. We will now create the Leningrad Military District and concentrate certain military units there. Why do they need this, it’s just nonsense.

Prior to Finland’s decision to join NATO, the two countries enjoyed “the most cordial” relationship, Putin added. The only “minor trouble” Moscow and Helsinki have had was business disputes revolving around the timber-processing industry, the president noted.

Finland announced its decision to join NATO months after the conflict between Ukraine and Russia erupted in February 2022. In April of this year, the country became a full-fledged member of the US-led bloc. Moscow has repeatedly said that Finland’s decision was “wrong” given the fact that the neighboring countries had not had any unresolved bilateral issues.

Last week, Helsinki announced plans to sign a Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) with the US, allowing Washington to station troops and stockpile weapons and ammunition in the country. The Finnish Foreign Ministry said Helsinki will open 15 zones across the country in which Washington will be provided with “unimpeded access and use.”

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5ae0ea No.130578

File: d0745b2c3cb46dc⋯.png (1.82 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094960 (181953ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Woman who traveled to U.S. for cancer treatment now denied services in Canada

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Woman who traveled to U.S. for cancer treatment now denied services in Canada


A woman from British Columbia traveled to the U.S. to pay for cancer treatments after too long of a wait time now says she is being denied service from the B.C. cancer care system.

In August, Surrey, B.C. resident Sheila Vicic, 60, was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer.

She patiently waited to begin treatment but by October, having no luck, she decided to go south of the border to get chemotherapy from a hospital in Bellingham, Washington.

The treatment cost her US$10,000 but she felt she couldn’t wait any longer to begin her treatment.

Now, Vicic is being denied followup treatment from the BC Cancer Agency because of her decision to go to Bellingham.

After two treatments in Bellingham, Vicic continued seeking treatment from the BC Cancer Agency so she wouldn’t have to travel so far.

“At that point, I asked for a partnership with BC Cancer where I would continue my infusion meds (in Bellingham) because I have an infusion chair,” she explained to Global News.

“And if BC Cancer would support me with the oral meds and they weren’t willing to do that.”

Vicic will ultimately have to have all her treatments in Bellingham. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130579

File: f720c2cc62570f4⋯.png (805.86 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20094989 (182000ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / LEVY: Cancelled Waterloo teacher appealing court ruling siding with woke school board

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LEVY: Cancelled Waterloo teacher appealing court ruling siding with woke school board


A retired Waterloo teacher has vowed to press on with her legal fight for the freedom of speech denied her by the board’s trustees.

Carolyn Burjoski announced this week that she is appealing a ruling by three judges with Ontario’s Divisional Court to dismiss her application for a judicial review of a January 2022 decision by the largely woke trustees – who cut off her delegation exposing some highly sexualized books in the board’s elementary school libraries.

“This ruling is deeply concerning,” she says in a video on her website. “It could set a troubling precedent for free expression in Canada empowering school boards to silence and censure every voice they disagree with.

“This is not just about one school board … it is about the integrity of open dialogue on important issues in our education system and other public forums.”

She referred to “administrative overreach” which stifles open dialogue that should be protected by our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Burjoski barely got through four minutes of her presentation in January of 2022 – during which she objected to the two highly sexualized books – when then board chairman, Scott Piatkowski, a longtime NDPer, stopped her and expelled her from the meeting.

The next day she was put on home assignment and warned to keep quiet (if she wanted to receive her retirement benefits) while Piatkowski did the rounds of friendly Kitchener-Waterloo media alleging she was “transphobic” and had used “hate speech” in the meeting. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130580

File: 5650a1d78ce1066⋯.png (1.1 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20095038 (182011ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Ottawa poised to announce all new vehicles be zero-emissions by 2035

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Ottawa poised to announce all new vehicles be zero-emissions by 2035


The Trudeau government is expected to announce next week that all new cars will have to be zero-emissions by 2035, according to a senior government source.

Under the new rules, called the Electric Vehicle Availability Standard, Ottawa aims to ensure that the Canadian market will have an ample supply of electric vehicles to lead by example as a country that is moving towards electrification, the source told Reuters.

Both British Columbia and Quebec already have provincial sales targets in place.

The different zero-emissions vehicles include plug-in, battery and hydrogen models and will be required to make up 20% of all new car sales in 2026 and 60% by 2030.

The source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that the plan is to have 100% of all new sales be zero-emissions by 2035.

About 13% of all new auto sales are now EVs worldwide, and that number is expected to increase to 40%-45% by 2030, estimates the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Tesla, the leading manufacturer of EVs, sold 325,291 vehicles in the United States in the first six months of 2023. General Motors’ Chevrolet brand of EVs was the second highest selling company behind Tesla, selling 34,943 over that same time period. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130581

File: ad0baac9ec56ae9⋯.png (1.33 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20095056 (182015ZDEC23) Notable: Injunction halts Edmonton Police’s encampment clearances

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Injunction halts Edmonton Police’s encampment clearances


A court-issued interim injunction has temporarily suspended the Edmonton Police Service’s plan to clear homeless encampments.

The legal challenge, led by the Coalition for Justice and Human Rights, comes just days before the scheduled removal of eight encampments in Edmonton’s central areas.

“The court has implemented an interim injunction until 12 p.m. Monday, December 18, 2023, to allow the Court proceedings to continue,” City spokesperson Alison Turner told CTV News. “The city will comply with this direction from the court. The city cannot comment further, however, as this matter remains actively before the courts.”

Last week, police announced plans to dismantle 134 structures in central city locations shortly before Christmas.

According to Chris Wiebe, co-counsel representing the Coalition for Justice and Human Rights, the police informed various social service agencies that work with the homeless that the police planned to remove several encampments. The police asked the agencies to stay away during the removals.

The Edmonton Police Service (EPS) cannot comment while the injunction is before the courts but said they will release a comment to their social media accounts when and if they can.

The EPS has argued in earlier documents submitted to the court that the camps pose a fire risk, said Wiebe. A 54-year-old man and a woman believed to be in her 20s died in encampment fires during the first weekend of November, according to The Globe and Mail.

Sam Mason, president of the Coalition for Justice and Human Rights, warned that the removal of the encampments would overwhelm the province’s healthcare system. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20095212 (182047ZDEC23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / 'Thanks to the truckers': Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy shouts out Freedom Convoy truckers

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'Thanks to the truckers': Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy shouts out Freedom Convoy truckers


The Canadian government showed how 'authoritarian' it was by freezing Freedom Convoy protesters' bank accounts, says Vivek Ramaswamy, who praised the truckers for fighting for liberty.

Vivek Ramaswamy delivered a shoutout to Canada's Freedom Convoy truckers in a video announcing a campaign stop at the world's largest truck stop. The political outsider and 2024 Republican presidential candidate plans to deliver his trucking policy on Dec. 21 at Iowa 80, located in Walcott. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130583

File: 0bec306f4e130fd⋯.png (1.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20095231 (182051ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Manitoba premier urges Trudeau to take in refugees from Gaza

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Manitoba premier urges Trudeau to take in refugees from Gaza


Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew writes that Canada should open its doors to 'potential refugees' from the Gaza Strip. He said Manitoba would provide them with temporary sanctuary and support, but 'not to facilitate further displacement.'

Manitoba's newly elected premier wants Canada to take in refugees from the Gaza Strip, according to a letter penned to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Last week, Canada voted in favour of a non-binding United Nations resolution calling for an "immediate humanitarian ceasefire," earning praise from Premier Wab Kinew. But more work remains to be done, he claims.

According to Gaza's Health Ministry, more than 18,600 have died following the Israeli military's response to the October 7 massacre of 1,200 Jews and foreign nationals.

Kinew writes that Canada should open its doors "in a way that allows these potential refugees to return to the region in the future." The letter mentioned Manitoba would provide them with temporary sanctuary and support, but "not to facilitate further displacement” of the Palestinians.

A wartime "concept paper" by the Israeli government on October 13 proposed the hypothetical transfer of 2.3 million Palestinians to Canada, Egypt and other Middle Eastern states. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130584

File: 283e40272945d1e⋯.png (588.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 434cdf7a3001cd1⋯.png (1.12 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 57fe981df184211⋯.png (1.48 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 361cf49e04e00e6⋯.png (332.94 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: a08114bbf8baecd⋯.png (371.8 KB,722x710,361:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20095314 (182107ZDEC23) Notable: New report reveals photo of Bill Gates with Epstein’s accuser at Seattle office in 2014

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New report reveals photo of Bill Gates with Epstein’s accuser at Seattle office in 2014


In the photo, Gates appears smiling and adjusting the zipper of his dark quarter-zip sweater, while a woman identified as a Polish model in her 20s stands upright beside him, clad in a gray jacket and blue scarf, nearly pressing against him.

Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Bill Gates was photographed with an accuser of Jeffrey Epstein. This was part of Epstein's strategy to use photos for manipulating his victims and controlling the narrative about his illicit activities, as revealed in a recent report.

The image, thought to be one of the initial instances of Gates being captured alongside an alleged victim of Epstein, was reportedly taken by Epstein at Gates' office in Seattle in March 2014. This occurred several years following Epstein's 2008 conviction in Florida for solicitation and procurement of a minor for prostitution, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Bill Gates was photographed with an accuser of Jeffrey Epstein. This was part of Epstein's strategy to use photos for manipulating his victims and controlling the narrative about his illicit activities, as revealed in a recent report.

The image, thought to be one of the initial instances of Gates being captured alongside an alleged victim of Epstein, was reportedly taken by Epstein at Gates' office in Seattle in March 2014. This occurred several years following Epstein's 2008 conviction in Florida for solicitation and procurement of a minor for prostitution, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

According to the Journal, there are at least three additional photographs purportedly featuring Gates alongside individuals who have accused Epstein. This includes images reviewed by the Journal of a Russian model, who alleges abuse by Epstein, posing with the tech magnate at various locations such as the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City and Epstein's townhouse on the Upper East Side.

Gates, 68, wasn't the only high-profile individual featured in recently surfaced photos with alleged victims of Epstein. Epstein, allegedly who took his own life in his Manhattan jail cell on August 10, 2019, while awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges, was known to associate with various prominent figures.

The Journal also reported that the Polish model was photographed with director Woody Allen at Epstein's townhouse, and with former CBS News journalist Charlie Rose, among others.

She has not made any allegations of sexual misconduct against Gates or any of these men. However, her legal representatives conveyed that Epstein, possibly without her knowledge, was leveraging his influential network to aid his purported sex trafficking activities.

“Without having legitimate connections to so many high-powered people, Jeffrey Epstein would not have been able to traffic most of these women after 2008,” said Brad Edwards, who alongside his law firm partner Brittany Henderson represents the model and more than 150 of Epstein’s accusers.

“He used the powerful people he was intermingling with to further facilitate his sex trafficking scheme, whether those people knew it or not,” Henderson added. “He was using everyone around him to create this façade of legitimacy.”

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5ae0ea No.130585

File: 7decc5e7c287889⋯.png (2.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bbff10235c0df8⋯.png (1.37 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f18154cfc63e8f5⋯.png (713.62 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4151466213769af⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 160f7b78d72b6a1⋯.png (462.18 KB,1137x755,1137:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20095804 (182310ZDEC23) Notable: Is It a Conspiracy Theory or Critical Thinking Skills and Common Sense?

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Is It a Conspiracy Theory or Critical Thinking Skills and Common Sense?


Let’s first examine the term “conspiracy theory”. This term was first created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the mid-1960s after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. This term was created by the CIA so that no one would question the official narrative of the assassination of JFK.

The term was created to control the narrative and silence the public. If you did not go along with the official narrative of the president’s assassination, you were labeled as a crazy conspiracy nut.

This term was created by criminals because the CIA is a criminal organization, created by criminals for criminals. The CIA is a legalized organized crime Mafia. Thus far, almost every so-called conspiracy theory has been proven to be conspiracy FACT.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

I learned a great history lesson from the documentary film JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick about how the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created in 1947. Basically, all businesses in America were controlled by organized crime from the 1930s to 1940s; it was the US government that went to mob bosses for help. That is how the CIA was born. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130586

File: 9ba2e73e71e8eb4⋯.png (659.21 KB,808x500,202:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20095938 (182335ZDEC23) Notable: Another historic Catholic church in Canada burned down in ‘suspicious’ fire

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Another historic Catholic church in Canada burned down in ‘suspicious’ fire


The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are searching for a suspect in the fire that destroyed St. Gabriel Catholic Mission in northern Alberta.

Yet another historic Catholic church in northern Canada has been reduced to ashes in an “suspicious” case of suspected arson, with police confirming they are actively looking for suspects seen fleeing the scene.

On December 15, members of the Wood Buffalo Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said they responded to a fire call in the community of Janvier, which is about 400 kilometers northeast of Alberta’s capital, Edmonton, and is located on the Chipewyan Prairie Dene First Nation.

Upon arrival, police said per a press release sent out Sunday that St. Gabriel Catholic Mission in Janvier was “fully engulfed in flames.”

Although the fire was eventually put out, the church was reduced to a pile of ashes.

RCMP says it’s looking for suspects seen fleeing in a silver sedan around the time the blaze started. No injuries were reported.

St. Gabriel Catholic Mission is in the Diocese of St. Paul, which is administered by Bishop Gary Franken, who told LifeSiteNews that the church destroyed was the original St. Gabriel Catholic Mission but that the newer church next to it was unharmed.

“The fire is considered suspicious,” Franken confirmed to LifeSiteNews.

“The church building destroyed by fire in Janvier was the unused ‘old’ church, which happens to be right beside the ‘new’ church that has been in use for a number of years. I was informed that the newer church was not damaged.”

Franken noted that there was talk that the “old” church was going to be used as a museum, but nothing was finalized. The church buildings belong to First Nations, Franken noted.

St. Gabriel is administered by St. John the Baptist parish of Fort McMurray, Alberta. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130587

File: 379296dc3f00e72⋯.png (696.59 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20096414 (190054ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Health Canada has no clinical data on its ‘thorough’ review approving Pfizer’s latest COVID shot

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Health Canada has no clinical data on its ‘thorough’ review approving Pfizer’s latest COVID shot


'Only non-clinical data was supplied to Health Canada to support the market authorization of the herein product,' the government agency said.

An information request from a federal MP asking Health Canada if it has any clinical data showing whether Pfizer-BioNTech’s latest COVID jab is effective and safe after its recent approval of the shot has revealed the agency has no such data on file.

The Ministry of Inquiry request was made by NDP MP Don Davies on October 25 and was replied to on December 11 by the Ministry of Health and its minister, Mark Holland.

Health Canada had claimed that it conducted a “thorough” review before it authorized Pfizer-BioNTech’s Comirnaty Omicron XBB.1.5 as well as Moderna’s Spikevax XBB.1.5 injections.

However, according to the information in the inquiry of the ministry, Health Canada is still waiting on information from Pfizer regarding clinical data.

“Pfizer-BioNTech is conducting a similar clinical trial with COMIRNATY Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccine, the results of this study will be submitted to Health Canada in response to Terms and Conditions issued as part of the approval of this vaccine,” the health regulator said.

The regulator added that the “Immunogenicity and safety data will be provided as part of the terms and conditions of the authorization.”

Health Canada’s regulatory decision summary regarding the approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID shot reads, “Only non-clinical data was supplied to Health Canada to support the market authorization of the herein product.”

The agency said in a statement at the time regarding the approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID jab, “After a thorough and independent review of the evidence, Health Canada has determined that the vaccine meets the Department’s stringent safety, efficacy and quality requirements.”

The agency gave no safety or effectiveness data to prove it the claim, however.

Of note is that Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID jab only is said to target an COVID variant, XBB.1.5, which is all but gone in Canada. As of now, the dominant strain is EG.5. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130588

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20096907 (190212ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Merry Christmas! Unhinged Leftist Group Kills Santa Claus (video)

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Ho-Ho-Holy Propaganda: Leftists Kill Santa With COVID To Push Masks & Vaccines!!!


Santa has caught Covid and died on Christmas Eve according to a new festive video by an activist group pushing vaccines!

The propaganda piece reads: “Twas the night before Christmas. Santa took a deep breath. If only he’d known it would lead to his death. Santa always listened when the famous doctors spoke. Too bad they didn’t mention that the virus spreads like smoke.”

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the ongoing Covid-19(84) nightmare that continues to spread into Christmas of 2023 and beyond!

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5ae0ea No.130589

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20097304 (190301ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Daily Wire's NEW film! Christmas is TOO White?! + More

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Daily Wire's NEW film! Christmas is TOO White?! + More


The Daily Wire releases a new comedy called Lady Ballers! Justin Trudeau thinks Christmas is TOO WHITE?! A Sports Journalist ACCUSES a child of BLACKFACE?! And a man gets charges for murder over a “SUSPICIOUS” feeling? Welcome to the WEEKLY ROUNDUP! Where we revisit the most ridiculous news stories of the week.

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5ae0ea No.130590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20099390 (191547ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / “I’ve Got Your Back”, Security Minister Ben Gvir Tells Israeli Police Officer Suspended After Confrontation with Hamas Photographer

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“I’ve Got Your Back”, Security Minister Ben Gvir Tells Israeli Police Officer Suspended After Confrontation with Hamas Photographer


A video making the rounds on social media showed Israeli Border Police officers attacking Mostafa Alkharouf, a journalist with the Turkish Anadolu Agency, in Jerusalem on Friday. The officer has been suspended, the case is under investigation. However, as in the case of George Floyd and many other “police brutality” videos, the clip leaves out the provocations leading up to the incident. Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir says he “has the officers’ back”. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130591

File: 245412566a60ae9⋯.png (1015.21 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20099500 (191617ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / BLACKROCK SCANDAL: Tennessee Sues Company, Demands Transparency on Alleged Environmental Activism

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BLACKROCK SCANDAL: Tennessee Sues Company, Demands Transparency on Alleged Environmental Activism


Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti filed a lawsuit on Monday against BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm with approximately $9 trillion in assets under management.

The lawsuit accuses BlackRock of leveraging its influence over companies in which it holds shares to pressure management to pursue goals such as achieving “net-zero” carbon emissions and aligning their policies with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreements.

It also claims that BlackRock misled investors by asserting that they could achieve higher returns through ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investments.

AG Skrmetti accuses the company of being “at the forefront of using aggressive strategies to promote environmental, social, and governance controversies in all the assets it manages.”

In an interview with The Epoch Times, the Attorney General stated: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130592

File: 650e3a1bd882f43⋯.png (1.08 MB,1019x575,1019:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 97669d8ac9a1b72⋯.png (2.63 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: fa0691ebb507471⋯.png (538.94 KB,1018x576,509:288,Clipboard.png)

File: 74899d7804cd559⋯.png (1.17 MB,941x529,941:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 0203d0d8f75b0e2⋯.png (867.29 KB,817x718,817:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20099581 (191637ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Low Morale Grips Ukrainian Forces as Russians Grow Stronger - Beachhead Across the Dnieper ‘A Suicide Mission’ – Army Chief Zaluzhny’s Office Bugged by either Russia or Zelensky

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Low Morale Grips Ukrainian Forces as Russians Grow Stronger – Beachhead Across the Dnieper ‘A Suicide Mission’ – Army Chief Zaluzhny’s Office Bugged by either Russia or Zelensky


As we near the 2 year mark of the war, a ‘Doom and Gloom’ mood has definitely set upon Ukraine’s troops.

After the failed summer counteroffensive came the sudden disruption of international funding. Now, the realization that Russia is better manned and equipped for battle, and the frustration of being on the defensive again is making soldiers question the judgment of their leaders.

The discontent among Ukrainian soldiers is becoming more common and expressed out in the open.

Worse – it now comes into the open that one of the few highlights of Kiev’s campaign – the ‘beachhead’ across the Dnieper River against well-armed Russian troops – is nothing but a PR stunt, and a ‘suicide mission’.

New York Times reported:

“Soldiers and marines who have taken part in the river crossings described the offensive as brutalizing and futile, as waves of Ukrainian troops have been struck down on the river banks or in the water, even before they reach the other side.

‘We were sitting in the water at night and we were shelled by everything’, the marine, Maksym, said. ‘My comrades were dying in front of my eyes’.”

Ukrainian troops surrender ‘in masse.

Fresh troops arriving have to step on dead Ukrainian soldiers’ bodies. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130593

File: 4c942f6621f25ed⋯.png (220.15 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6de27e861d0f2b6⋯.png (370.87 KB,793x787,793:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cb9f08354cc047⋯.png (962.89 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 0595a24710e4f40⋯.png (585.65 KB,647x679,647:679,Clipboard.png)

File: cffa929a8546001⋯.png (719.68 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20099820 (191727ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / The Red Sea Situation Is Worse Than It looks

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The Red Sea Situation Is Worse Than It looks


Under-Appreciated Risks Of The Red Sea Crisis

As Zero Hedge reported yesterday, despite the U.S. military's new operation to protect shipping in the Red Sea from Houthi rebel attacks, many cargo ships are switching to the 40% longer route around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. Aside from the increased costs to global shipping, and the risk of America getting into a shooting war in the Mideast, there are some additional, under-appreciated risks.

Is The Market Paying Attention?

Although Zero Hedge has been covering this issue prominently, mainstream financial media hasn't been.

What Happens To Egypt?

Our friend Aristophanes makes a good point in his long post on the Red Sea situation, that to the extent Iran is arming the Houthis, who are driving shipping traffic away from the Suez Canal, Iran can exert leverage on Egypt in ways that can make the Israel-Gaza war worse.

Here's the key part:

A massive share of Egypts income comes from the Suez Canal. This broke a record in 2022 at 9.4 billion USD, which is almost 30 percent of their annual revenue. If the Suez is closed, they aren't making money. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130594

File: 4d61778ebad7758⋯.png (251.63 KB,500x295,100:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20099852 (191734ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / The Multifront Attack On Elon Musk

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The Multifront Attack On Elon Musk


Elon Musk is the world’s richest man but also the number one target of the world’s richest governments and their associated industrialists. The reason traces entirely to his independence of mind and the actions that follow from that.

In times of censorship, he bought and now protects a free-speech platform, the only one remaining with any real reach into the public mind. Countless millions of people are deeply grateful, even if the platform is a long way from profitability.

Further, he is innovating in a time of stagnation with Tesla, Starlink, and SpaceX. He is outspoken against the many forms of despotism of our time. This is the whole reason he is fending off attacks from every angle. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130595

File: dacab1f913e24fc⋯.png (331.81 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 89544ec4b0191de⋯.png (659.2 KB,900x473,900:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20099875 (191741ZDEC23) Notable: US Nuclear Sub Arrives In South Korea For 3rd Time This Year

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US Nuclear Sub Arrives In South Korea For 3rd Time This Year


An American nuclear submarine arrived in South Korea for the third time this year. Shortly after the warship arrived in South Korea, North Korea fired a short-range ballistic missile.

On Sunday, Yonhap News reported the Virginia-class submarine USS Missouri arrived at a South Korean port. In July, the Pentagon had an Ohio-class attack submarine – a warship equipped with nuclear weapons – make a port call in South Korea. Last month, a Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine made a stop at the Korean Peninsula.

Shortly before the Missouri arrived in South Korea, the Biden administration issued a statement reaffirming it would use nuclear weapons to defend Seoul. "The US reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to provide extended deterrence to [South Korea], backed by the full range of US capabilities including nuclear," the White House stated on Saturday. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130596

File: d5014418b4ac6c1⋯.png (301.75 KB,781x439,781:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20099897 (191746ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / US officially announces multinational task force to deal with Houthi attacks

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US officially announces multinational task force to deal with Houthi attacks


The United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain will join the US in the new mission.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin officially announced on Monday night that the US and a host of other nations are creating a new force to protect ships that have come under attack in the Red Sea by drones and ballistic missiles from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, The Associated Press reported.

“This is an international challenge that demands collective action,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in statement. “Therefore today I am announcing the establishment of Operation Prosperity Guardian, an important new multinational security initiative.”

The United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain will join the US in the new mission, Austin announced. Some of the countries will conduct joint patrols while others provide intelligence support in the southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The mission will be coordinated by the already existing Combined Task Force 153, which was set up in April 2022 to improve maritime security in the Red Sea, Bab el-Mandeb and the Gulf of Aden. There have been 39 member nations in CTF 153, but officials were working to determine which of them would participate in this latest effort.

The Iranian-backed Houthi rebels have upped their attacks on vessels in the Red Sea since the start of the Israel-Hamas was on October 7.

Last week, the Houthi rebels threatened to attack any vessels heading to Israeli ports unless food and medicine were allowed into the Gaza Strip.

Two days later, the Houthis launched a land-based cruise missile towards a Norwegian commercial tanker vessel.

A senior Houthi official then warned cargo ships in the Red Sea to avoid traveling toward “occupied Palestinian territories”.

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5ae0ea No.130597

File: 91696f1a342967c⋯.png (489.61 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 29c38c8e21489d9⋯.png (454.41 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 66de2dd050cd9d9⋯.png (613.45 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b71794c0ccdfeb⋯.png (355.09 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20099948 (191758ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Houthis vow to keep up attacks in key strait after US rolls out plan to shield ships

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Houthis vow to keep up attacks in key strait after US rolls out plan to shield ships


Major carriers not rushing to return vessels to more cost-efficient route via Suez Canal and Red Sea despite announcement of coalition to protect marine traffic in Bab el-Mandeb

Houthi rebels in Yemen on Tuesday vowed to keep up attacks on ships passing through a vital Red Sea strait, declaring they would not be deterred by the announcement of an international naval coalition to protect the waters. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130598

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20099970 (191805ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Russia has free hand in Ukraine conflict now - Putin

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Russia has free hand in Ukraine conflict now – Putin


Moscow’s ultimate goals remain unchanged, the president has said

Russia has the initiative in the Ukraine conflict and is at liberty to conduct military action as it sees fit, President Vladimir Putin stated at a Defense Ministry meeting on Tuesday.

The president analyzed the frontline situation as part of a report on Russian military achievements in 2023. He also thanked soldiers and officers for their contributions during the event.

In his speech, Putin stressed that the country had no intention to change the objectives that it set for itself when it decided to deploy troops against Ukraine in early 2022.

Describing the current advantage of Russian troops, Putin said: “In essence, we are doing what we consider necessary, what we want. Wherever… commanders decide active defense is best, it takes place. And where it is needed, we improve our positions.”

Ukraine has suffered significant casualties and is running out of reserves, the president added. He claimed that Kiev’s military strategy was motivated by a wish “to show to their true masters at least some results of their much-hyped so-called counteroffensive.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130599

File: b1ab730df6f85ea⋯.png (1.36 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100016 (191814ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / UK to sign naval ‘security pact’ with Ukraine - Telegraph

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UK to sign naval ‘security pact’ with Ukraine – Telegraph


Britain will reportedly try to help Kiev reinforce its presence in the Black Sea

The UK will try to help the Ukrainian Navy strengthen its presence in the Black Sea as part of a new security pact, The Telegraph has reported. A ten-year agreement between London and Kiev will be signed in the coming weeks, the British newspaper has claimed.

The UK Defense Ministry announced last week that it would provide two mine-clearing ships to Ukraine as part of a new maritime coalition that also involves Norway. Britain has been one of Ukraine’s most enthusiastic backers in the conflict with Russia, furnishing it with weapons, military equipment, and training to the tune of around £4.6 billion ($5.7 billion).

In its report on Monday, The Telegraph cited a British-Ukrainian Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which purportedly aims to “keep [Kiev] in the fight” by providing military support focused on naval assets, intelligence, and financial aid.

Anonymous defense sources told the newspaper that Britain would supply land- and air-based weaponry, with the aim of making Ukrainian forces more “interoperable” with NATO. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130600

File: 7e1ec2c83b06965⋯.png (1.54 MB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100047 (191824ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Germany to deploy troops for the first time since World War 2

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DEVELOPING: Germany to deploy troops for the first time since World War 2


A new agreement between Germany and Lithuania will lead to German troops’ first permanent foreign deployment since World War II.

The announcement was made Monday in Lithuania, where Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas met with his German counterpart, Boris Pistorius, to outline a multiyear “Roadmap Action Plan” involving approximately 4,800 permanently stationed German soldiers.

Both officials called the move a historical moment not just for their nations but for NATO as well. German troops, including those with families, will be stationed in the Lithuanian cities of Kaunas and Vilnius beginning in 2024, with most troops deployed in 2025 and 2026 and full-operation capability expected by 2027.

In turn, Lithuania has committed to providing all necessary civilian and military infrastructure. The agreement was originally announced in June, but no timeline was presented at that time.

“The German commitment of permanently stationing a brigade in Lithuania is a historical step for both Germany and Lithuania,” Anusauskas said Monday, according to a press release. “We are turning over to a page of even deeper strategic partnership.”

He went on: “The German Brigade will significantly increase our defensive potential and enhance NATO deterrence and collective defense. The Roadmap signed today lays out in detail the track we and Germany will take to implement it.”

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5ae0ea No.130601

File: 6aa6bde9edf8ed8⋯.png (942.61 KB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100074 (191836ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / No Russia at Davos - ambassador

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No Russia at Davos – ambassador


It’s a loss for the World Economic Forum, not for Moscow, Moscow's envoy in Switzerland says

Russia will again be absent from the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos early next year, Russian Ambassador to Switzerland Sergey Garmonin has confirmed.

The high-profile gathering of international business and political figures is scheduled to take place at the Swiss Alpine resort between January 15 and 19.

“Russia will not be represented at the World Economic Forum in Davos, since the organizers didn’t send invitations to the Russians last year and this year,” Garmonin told TASS news agency on Tuesday.

Russia skipped Davos 2023 after the organizers said its participation at the event would be “unwelcome” due to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. According to the WEF, its relations with Russian firms sanctioned due to conflict were frozen.

The ambassador said he didn’t think Russia would lose anything by missing out on the WEF again in 2024. “In my opinion, only the forum itself loses from such a decision,” he said. According to Garmonin, Moscow “will continue to solve… problems in other formats and on other platforms.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130602

File: 15fd611814a6846⋯.png (371.37 KB,500x343,500:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100103 (191845ZDEC23) Notable: EU-China Summit Goes Nowhere And Frustrates Beijing's Plans

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EU-China Summit Goes Nowhere And Frustrates Beijing's Plans


China and the European Union (EU) recently held their first in-person summit since 2019. The tone in 2023 certainly points to the difference four years can make.

In place of the friendliness and calls for cooperation that emerged in 2019, recent meetings contained much tension and accusations. If Beijing had hoped to drive a wedge between Washington and Brussels at this summit, it failed. On the contrary, the meetings showed that Europe is pretty much in line with Washington’s approach to China. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130603

File: 2a913d075c55ca7⋯.png (1.22 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100141 (191855ZDEC23) Notable: Klaus Schwab wants to stop the retreat of globalisation and global governance with a new form of globalisation and global governance

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Klaus Schwab wants to stop the retreat of globalisation and global governance with a new form of globalisation and global governance


Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret’s book ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’ identified “the global governance free fall” as an existential challenge and if we do not collaborate “we are doomed.”

“Nation states make global governance possible (one leads the other),” the book states. “The more nationalism and isolationism pervade the global polity, the greater the chance that global governance loses its relevance and becomes ineffective. Sadly, we are now at this critical juncture. Put bluntly, we live in a world in which nobody is really in charge.”

The book defines “global governance” as the cooperation among transnational actors to respond to global problems and “globalisation” as a broad and vague notion that refers to the global exchange between nations of goods, services, people, capital and data.

Although global governance is defined as a different concept, they are intertwined and the reasons for its “free fall” are the same as those for the retreat of globalisation.

The solution to the retreat from globalisation, Schwab and Malleret said, was a new form of globalisation which required policies and effective global governance. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130604

File: 7e3f98c70b37262⋯.png (460.68 KB,877x598,877:598,Clipboard.png)

File: a216fa972e29575⋯.png (343.23 KB,1039x518,1039:518,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e38c91f6bba045⋯.png (645 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100209 (191910ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Switzerland: Health insurance data shows 73% increase in people receiving cancer treatment since 2020

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Switzerland: Health insurance data shows 73% increase in people receiving cancer treatment since 2020


According to Helsana, a major Swiss health insurance company, since 2016 the number of patients receiving cancer treatments has decreased. However, something changed in 2021 and 2022.

In 2021, Helsana’s data shows there was a dramatic increase of 73% compared to 2020 in the number of patients receiving cancer treatments. And the high number of cancer patients continued in 2022 with an increase of 74% compared to 2020.

Switzerland began its mass covid vaccination campaign on 23 December 2020. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130605

File: fafc8a3f5fe61f0⋯.png (132.26 KB,540x822,90:137,Clipboard.png)

File: e7c34ed0357f4c5⋯.png (363.96 KB,542x812,271:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100219 (191914ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Pfizer Established As “Leading Oncology Company” After $43 Billion Purchase

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Pfizer Established As “Leading Oncology Company” After $43 Billion Purchase


Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced Thursday the completion of its acquisition of Seagen Inc., a global biotechnology company that discovers, develops and commercializes transformative cancer medicines.

“Pfizer completed its acquisition of all outstanding common stock of Seagen for $229 in cash per share, for a total enterprise value of approximately $43 billion,” Pfizer said in a press release.

According to the press release, the acquisition “further establishes Pfizer as a leading oncology company poised to accelerate the next generation of breakthrough treatments for people with cancer.”

“Cancer remains a leading cause of death, and one in three people in the U.S. will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. With one of the largest investments in Pfizer’s history, we are going all in on cancer with the goal of delivering breakthroughs that drastically improve the lives of people with cancer,” said Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

“With Seagen’s proprietary, world-leading Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC) technology, together with the scale and strength of Pfizer’s capabilities and expertise, we are poised to change the cancer treatment paradigm. We believe Oncology will be a significant growth driver for Pfizer and contribute meaningfully to the achievement of our near- and long-term financial goals,” he added. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130606

File: efb00d4c313f881⋯.png (36.79 KB,300x235,60:47,Clipboard.png)

File: d04a89c8919e0e3⋯.png (51.45 KB,753x486,251:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100268 (191931ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / BlackRock and State Street Subpoenaed over ESG Goals

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BlackRock and State Street Subpoenaed over ESG Goals


The House Judiciary Committee has issued subpoenas to BlackRock and State Street as part of an investigation into the firms’ promotion of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. The committee’s probe is focused on whether these efforts violate antitrust laws. The companies were initially asked to provide documents on the subject, but the committee deemed their compliance “inadequate,” leading to the issuance of subpoenas. This investigation is part of a broader House GOP effort to scrutinize investing practices related to ESG goals.

ESG ratings have merely been a ploy to force companies to adhere to the Build Back Better agenda by adhering to climate goals. The CEI (Corporate Equality Index) was created by the HRC (Human Rights Campaign), a massive international political lobbying group that pushes the woke agenda aggressively and is funded by Soros. The CEI judges a company’s woke rating while the ESG encompasses everything.

The first bill that President Joe Biden vetoed was intended to dissolve the ESG climate social credit score. The bill passed 50-46 in the Senate before being destroyed by Biden. Out of all the issues facing America, Biden chose to use his presidential powers to kill this bill. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink naturally supported Biden’s veto. GOP donors held a conference in March in which they asked the panel: “Who’s more important: shareholders or stakeholders? Is the ‘stakeholder capitalism’ being sold by Larry Fink and other investors really stakeholder politics?” They also accused Vanguard and State Street of meddling in politics on behalf of the far left. Fink responded to critics by claiming BlackRock was not the “environmental police.”

Companies began backing away from ESG and CEI green and woke social scores. We saw the ESG mentioned 31% less frequently during earnings reports in Q2, and that trend has continued for the remainder of the year. Fink claims the score was simply weaponized by politics. Attorney Generals, Republican and Democrat alike, from various states have penned BlackRock to question their practices and whether they were in violation of antitrust laws. It is now time for the federal government to determine if it is permissible to blacklist businesses who do not adhere to the green agenda.

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5ae0ea No.130607

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100305 (191944ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Of the People, By the People, For the People: Adrienne Richards and Joseph Enslow

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Of the People, By the People, For the People: Adrienne Richards and Joseph Enslow


For many of us, conversations with our like minded friends and family are often dominated by provincial and federal politics, but the fact is that many of the government decisions which impact our lives are made at the local level.

In addition, globalist organizations and special interest groups are working constantly to influence local council decisions.

Over a year ago, Adrienne and Joseph founded the Citizen’s Oversight & Accountability Project, or COAP, in the Cowichan Valley on B.C.’s Vancouver Island. They hold town hall meetings to hear from residents, and then take those ideas to the local councils. They read the many letters that councils receive from outside organizations that are efforts to influence policy, and where needed, point out to council members the ways in which those policies would be detrimental to their communities. They produce informative videos, bring in guest speakers to their town hall meetings to educate the populace, and publish a local conservative newspaper.

In addition, COAP functions as a community support group, bringing together the members of the community in ways that are more reminiscent of 1950’s Canada than today’s social media driven society.

This interview, which is being released free in its entirety, is a guide for the rest of us on how to do what Adrienne and Joe have done. To bring effective representation to your local councils, to educate not only the people but the elected representatives, and to unite residents into real communities.

Real communities where there is true representation, where, to quote Abraham Lincoln, there is government of the people, by the people, for the people.

LINK: coap.ca

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5ae0ea No.130608

File: 18aaa85fb6262e0⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: c004f68ab4038b7⋯.png (129.03 KB,362x642,181:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100327 (191951ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / CAMPUS WATCH: U of T Amnesty chapter threatens ‘unprecedented resistance’ in response to MPs’ antisemitism letter

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CAMPUS WATCH: U of T Amnesty chapter threatens ‘unprecedented resistance’ in response to MPs’ antisemitism letter


Amnesty International’s University of Toronto chapter is threatening “unprecedented” acts of “resistance” if the school opts to crack down on anti-Zionist activity amid a rise of antisemitism on Canadian campuses.

The student chapter, which seeks to “bring awareness to students, faculty, and alumni about human rights violations around the world,” made the threat in response to a letter by Liberal MPs Anthony Housefather, David Lametti, Ben Carr, Marco Mendicino and Anna Gainey condemning rising on-campus antisemitism

The letter, addressed to Canada’s 25 biggest post-secondary institutions, asked schools what steps they have taken to adress antisemitism, and to own up to whether they see calling for the genocide of Jews as a violation of their student codes of conducts.

On some campuses, including at York University in Toronto, students have been calling for “intifada” (an armed uprising) in the months following the terror group Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks.

The U of T Amnesty chapter responded to the letter on X (formerly Twitter), writing, “if the (U of T) administration starts a crackdown on Palestinian students or Pro-Palestinian organizations/organizing on campuses… they will face the most unprecedented form of resistance from us STUDENTS.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130609

File: 3be8fcc98c83648⋯.png (1.11 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100382 (192003ZDEC23) Notable: Population spiked by almost half a million in the third quarter: StatsCan

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Population spiked by almost half a million in the third quarter: StatsCan


Canada’s population increased by over 430,000 people in the third quarter, making it the fastest quarterly population growth since 1957, according to Statistics Canada.

The total population rose to 40.5 million as of Oct. 1, the data shows.

“Canada’s population was estimated at 40,528,396 on October 1, 2023, an increase of 430,635 people (+1.1%) from July 1. This was the highest population growth rate in any quarter since the second quarter of 1957 (+1.2%), when Canada’s population grew by 198,000 people,” reads the report.

In 1957, Canada’s population was 16.7 million and the spike in immigration that year was the result of the post-war baby boom and a high immigration influx of refugees coming after the Hungarian Revolution in 1956.

Canada’s total population growth over the first nine months of 2023 has already surpassed the total growth of any other full year, dating back to confederation and including the previous record set in 2022.

International migration and an increase in non-permanent residents make up the bulk of the new record-high population increase. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130610

File: e7217a7c14a71a3⋯.png (904.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 46f8d7f41263d72⋯.png (986.64 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100393 (192008ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Dozens of Canadian citizens are imprisoned in 'police state' China

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Dozens of Canadian citizens are imprisoned in 'police state' China


While Canada has yet to arrest a single Chinese official with alleged ties to foreign intimidation campaigns, a new report showed 97 Canadian citizens are in the custody of the red dragon abroad.

While Canada has yet to arrest a single Chinese official with alleged ties to foreign intimidation campaigns, a new report showed 97 Canadian citizens are in the custody of the red dragon abroad.

In an Inquiry Of Ministry tabled in the House of Commons, the Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed Beijing has more Canadians in their custody than any other country outside the United States, reported Blacklock’s Reporter.

"The data only represent information on cases that have been brought to the attention of the department," said the Inquiry. Worldwide 910 Canadians are in foreign custody, it added.

MPs at the Commons Special Committee on Canada-China Relations earlier expressed frustration with the lack of information on Canadians detained in the People’s Republic. "It shouldn’t take a crisis for people to get basic information," Conservative MP Dan Albas told a 2020 hearing.

Chinese authorities earlier described their country as safe and pleasant for Canadian visitors. "China is not a police state," Ambassador Cong Peiwu said in a 2021 speech at Memorial University. "It is nothing like that." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130611

File: 5fc0378268594f0⋯.png (1.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100406 (192015ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Auto industry leaders slam Trudeau government’s electric vehicle mandate

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Trudeau Liberals did not guarantee Canadian jobs in contracts with auto manufacturers


The Department of Industry has refused for months to publicly disclose more than $50 billion in contracts for new battery plants in Canada, including a $13.2 billion Volkswagen factory and $10 billion for Stellantis.

The Trudeau Liberals failed to guarantee Canadian jobs in their subsidy contracts with electric auto battery manufacturers, according to Conservative Industry critic Rick Perkins.

On December 14, MP Perkins told the Commons government operations committee that he read a confidential Volkswagen agreement and did not see a "clause that protects Canadian jobs."

"The government’s intransigence at trying to keep poorly negotiated contracts secret, that’s the real reason they are trying to keep them secret," he said. "They didn’t negotiate a good contract and they are being caught in those failures."

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the Department of Industry has refused for months to publicly disclose more than $50 billion in contracts for new battery plants in B.C., Ontario and Québec. Among the corporate bailouts include $13.2 billion to build a Volkswagen battery factory in St. Thomas, Ontario.

On May 17, the Trudeau Liberals and members of the Commons industry committee secretly read the Volkswagen contract behind closed doors. They could not have on their person any "personal mobile, electronic or recording devices of any kind permitted in the room."

Perkins, the first MP to discuss the terms publicly, clarified there is "virtually nothing […] commercially sensitive" in the contract. "There is no clause that prohibits its release," he said.

Concerning the $10 billion federal subsidy for the Stellantis battery factory, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau repeatedly promised "thousands of new jobs."

However, the Windsor Police Service on November 16 confirmed its meeting with South Korea’s Ambassador in advance of South Korean workers coming to Canada for work on the factory next year. "We expect approximately 1,600 South Koreans traveling to work and live in our community," it said.

"If you are proud of these contracts, release them," Perkins told Liberal MPs specifically. "But obviously you’re not proud of the contracts. You’re just proud of the rhetoric."

"The best thing they can do to prove us wrong is release them and won’t we look foolish," he added. "Won’t we look foolish if these contracts actually do contain a job guarantee for Canadians. Prove us wrong. Release them."

Perkins told MPs he suspected all other contracts with electric auto battery manufacturers to have similar terms, reported Blacklock’s Reporter.

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) in a November 17 report Costing Support For EV Battery Manufacturing put expenses including debt service charges at a minimum of $50.2 billion.

Other subsidized factories include those in Bécancour, Québec (Ford), Sainte-Basile-le-Grande, Québec (Northvolt), and E-One Moli of Maple Ridge, B.C.

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5ae0ea No.130612

File: 4f07c05e5f82ee7⋯.png (3.93 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100442 (192033ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / 'Trans activist' Jessica Simpson found guilty of another criminal offence

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Breaking: 'Trans activist' Jessica Simpson found guilty of another criminal offence


From suing women who won’t wax 'her' male genitalia, to assaulting a Rebel News reporter, and now fighting with a 70-year-old man with a walker, today’s breaking story adds to the never-ending saga of the infamous Jessica Simpson, AKA Jonathan Yaniv.

BC Judge J. Solomon has just handed down the latest ruling in a series of convictions for the self-proclaimed trans activist Jessica Serenity Simpson. Simpson, formerly Jonathan Yaniv, has been found guilty of public mischief for pulling a fire alarm for false purposes.

The incident occurred last Spring after a dog that Simpson claims is her service dog became unruly in a common area of a retirement home, the residence of Simpson's elderly mother.

After repeatedly asking for Simpson to remove the dog, a 70-year-old man named Gerald Funke, who is dependent on a walker, was met by a forceful push from Simpson after moving the dog from off of a chair. Another man intervened to stop the altercation.

Simpson called 911 and falsely claimed to have been assaulted by Mr. Funke, which Judge Solomon today acknowledged as a lie. Simpson also pulled the fire alarm, which the defence attorney argued was done out of fear for Simpson’s life. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130613

File: 2e67ed2969ce3bf⋯.png (702.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100489 (192042ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBC loses 16% of ad revenue compared to last year

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CBC loses 16% of ad revenue compared to last year


The state broadcaster, which receives close to $1.3 billion in federal funding a year, cut 600 jobs earlier this month.

The CBC's ad revenues fell by 16% in the first half of 2023, though its CEO Catherine Tait did not mention this in her testimony before the House of Commons heritage committee on November 9.

According to Blacklock's Reporter, Tait, who makes $497,000 a year as the top exec at the state broadcaster, told the House that “there is much to do to prepare CBC for an uncertain future.”

“We are experiencing the same challenges as other media in Canada and around the world,” she added.

In its Second Quarter Financial Report, the CBC said its television ad revenues for the six-month period leading up to September 30 had fallen from $95.7 million in 2022 to $80.6 million for the same period in 2023. The number included figures for both English and French programming.

Managers blamed “lower demand and a softer TV market.”

According to the report, the broadcaster isn't expecting significant improvement for at least the next three years. “In response to the federal Budget 2023 announcement to reduce spending by three percent and in light of both the softening of the TV advertising market and the current economic environment we are developing an analysis of the revised financial context that presents an updated version of our financial pressures including the adverse revenue outlook for the next three years,” it read.

The CBC continues to receive nearly $1.3 billion in federal funding each year. It is the media company's largest source of income.

In her testimony before the House committee, Tait said the the CBC has not had a real increase in its budget in the last 30 years and complained "we are flat." As Blacklock's noted, the CBC will actually receive $1.29 billion in federal funding this year, up from last year's figure of $1.25 billion.

Tait told the committee that the number of people watching traditional television is now at 14%, approximately half of what it was when she started at the CBC.

A heritage committee report to Parliament earlier this month said that Tait and other CBC executives must forego their Christmas bonuses this year due to revenue losses. “Given the job cuts announced at CBC for 2024 it would be inappropriate for the CBC to grant bonuses to executive members,” the committee said.

The state broadcaster cut 600 jobs on December 4, but in an interview shortly afterwards, Tait wouldn't say whether or not those remaining would still receive their bonuses.

“Records show 18 percent of the CBC’s 6,262 employees have received annual bonuses in the past even as the network lost money,” reported Blacklock's. “Tait’s bonus is worth more than $100,000.”

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5ae0ea No.130614

File: 74161b423badd50⋯.png (1.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: c9be69f3e7d3584⋯.png (175.04 KB,361x607,361:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100524 (192052ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Ottawa minor charged in anti-Jewish terror plot had bomb-making materials, police say

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Ottawa minor charged in anti-Jewish terror plot had bomb-making materials, police say


The youth, who is not being identified due to his age, is now facing five charges related to terrorism and explosives.

The Ottawa minor accused of planning a terror plot against the Jewish community allegedly had bomb-making materials in his possession when he was arrested on Friday, according to new reports.

The minor had originally been charged with facilitation of a terrorist activity "by communicating instructional material related to an explosive substance." Additionally he was charged with “instructing, directly or indirectly, a person to carry out a terrorist activity against Jewish persons.”

The youth, who is not being identified due to his age, is now facing five charges related to terrorism and explosives. A detailed version of the charges obtained by the National Post shows that police discovered bomb-making materials in his possession when he was arrested. Those include “explosive substances” such as acetone, an unidentified oxidizer, and metal ball bearings.

The discovery led to the filing of a third charge for “knowingly” facilitating a terrorist activity by owning the bomb-making materials. He is also charged with illegal possession of explosive substances and doing so with the intent of endangering life.

National security expert and Carleton associate professor Stephanie Carvin told the Post that the materials involved suggested intent to cause damage. The materials are common in homemade bombs that are designed to injure nearby people with shrapnel.

“It is not easy to build an effective bomb,” Carvin said. “Undefined on what we know it’s hard to say what his capability is, if any. But certainly in terms of causing damage, causing casualties, an IED (improvised explosive device) with that kind of shrapnel might still be devastating, even if built by an amateur.”

Carvin added that it is likely that Canadian authorities were tipped off by their American counterparts with regard to his plans, given the suggestion that he was in communication with people in the U.S.

“It is extremely likely, if this individual was communicating with another individual in the United States, that the Americans may have picked this up and passed the tip on the RCMP because that’s very common,” she said.

The individual's father told news outlets that he had warned his son to stay away from extremists but said that he may have been taken advantage of. “There are some people taking advantage of him,” the youth's father said. “They are bad. They are not religious. They use religion. They use religion to achieve their goals, you know, their personal goals, private goals.”

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) said it was thankful that law enforcement had foiled the alleged terror plot but remained concerned about a sharp increase in antisemitism since October 7.

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5ae0ea No.130615

File: b852a68e5c980bd⋯.png (251.02 KB,721x713,721:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100551 (192101ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Alberta is looking into Bill of Rights protection for the unvaccinated

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Alberta is looking into Bill of Rights protection for the unvaccinated


On the Shaun Newman Podcast, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith confirmed that her government is reviewing potential revisions to the Alberta Bill of Rights. She stated, '[It] can be strengthened to make sure people have the choice to make their own medical decisions.'

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is once again pursuing legislative protections for the unvaccinated after retracting the campaign promise earlier this year in place of a public health review panel.

On the Shaun Newman Podcast, Smith confirmed her government is reviewing potential revisions to the Alberta Bill of Rights. "[It] can be strengthened to make sure people have the choice to make their own medical decisions," she said.

Alberta's Public Health Emergencies Governance Review Panel tabled its final report on November 15 into the province's management of public health emergencies.

Panel chair Preston Manning delivered over 90 recommendations for consideration after Smith asked for a detailed review of the Public Health Act and its implementation in January.

Among the recommendations included the need to strike a balance between protecting residents from harm and defending Charter rights and freedoms.

"The biggest recommendations [Manning] made were under the revisions of the Alberta Bill of Rights," claimed Smith, "which I was pleased to see."

"Amend the Alberta Bill of Rights and Alberta’s Employment Standards Code and Health Professions Act to protect the rights and freedoms of all Albertans, including workers and healthcare professionals, and the freedom of expression during public emergencies," the report said.

"We don’t want freedom of speech being infringed during times of crisis, and make sure we don’t have bank accounts frozen," Smith told the podcast host.

Manning told reporters on November 15 that he hopes the province will adopt these recommendations to be better equipped to cope with future emergencies, and the impacts on Albertans – "their personal livelihoods, civil liberties, and mental health can be mitigated to the greatest extent possible."

This is a developing report.

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5ae0ea No.130616

File: 542138a7d709c22⋯.png (1.01 MB,1000x669,1000:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100663 (192135ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Canadian school board removes word ‘parent’ from documents, but not all trustees are happy

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Canadian school board removes word ‘parent’ from documents, but not all trustees are happy


Waterloo Region District School Board trustee Cindy Watson was not pleased with the change, noting, 'I’m just not sure why we don’t want to say the word parent.'

Not all trustees who serve on a woke Ontario public school board are okay with it getting rid of the word “parent” on a slew of official documents and replacing it with “caregiver” or “family,” calling the whole situation “embarrassing.”

Trustees from the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) at its meeting on December 11, 2023, voted for a total of four policy changes, those being fundraising, communication with families, helping those with medical needs, and one about extreme temperatures. However, all the new or revised policies had removed the word “parent” from the text of the documents, instead replacing it with the word families or caregivers.

The extreme temperatures policy had never even before mentioned the words “parent” or legal guardian, however, the words “families” and “caregivers” were added.

WRDSB trustee Cindy Watson was not pleased with the change, and noted, “I’m just not sure why we don’t want to say the word parent.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130617

File: 15c4257de8506f3⋯.png (442.02 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100794 (192208ZDEC23) Notable: Canadian government acquires Remotely Piloted Aircraft System for military

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Canadian government acquires Remotely Piloted Aircraft System for military


The Canadian government spend $2.49 billion to buy a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) capability.

“At a time when defence and security needs are changing faster than ever, we must ensure Canada has a modern, adaptable military that is prepared to respond to evolving and emerging security challenges,” said National Defence Minister Bill Blair in a Tuesday press release.

“Canada must meet the growing demand for domestic assistance while preserving our ability to defend Canada, protect North America and support our allies.”

Blair acknowledged the RPAS capability “will provide Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members with nimble response options during deployed operations, further contributing to their safety and effectiveness.”

To complete this acquisition, the Canadian government said it will do a direct commercial sale contract with General Atomatics Aeronautical Systems, with some specific components acquired through a Foreign Military Sale with the American government.

Once it acquires the RPAS, it will provide the CAF with a large, sophisticated remotely piloted aircraft about the size of a fighter jet. Unlike small drones, they are designed and certified to the rigid airworthiness standards applicable to crewed aircraft.

This acquisition includes 11 remotely piloted aircraft; six ground control stations; a new ground control centre; two new aircraft hangars; initial weapons; sustainment services; a training solution that includes training devices, mission crew and technician courseware; supporting information management and technology; and associated work and equipment.

The Canadian government confirmed the first delivery is anticipated in 2028 and the full operational capability will be ready by 2033. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130618

File: d51aea838cbb0bd⋯.png (567.04 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20100848 (192217ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Ottawa poised to announce all new vehicles be zero-emissions by 2035

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UPDATED: Guilbeault announces 100% of new vehicles to be ‘zero-emission’ by 2035


Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault unveiled his new electric vehicle requirements on Tuesday morning, pushing for all new vehicles sold in 2035 to be “zero-emission.”

The Electric Vehicle Availability Standard aims to guarantee the Canadian market has a sufficient supply of electric vehicles and shorten the waiting period for purchasing an electric vehicle.

By 2026, zero-emission vehicles, which include battery electric, plug-in and hydrogen models, should be 20% of all new car sales, escalating to 60% by 2030 and reaching 100% by 2035.

"Many Canadians are increasingly eager to make the switch to cleaner transportation since it's a win-win-win in savings, their health, and the environment. Putting in place an Electric Vehicle Availability Standard fulfils a major climate commitment from our climate plan,” said Guilbeault.

“Getting more electric vehicles on the road is another example of how we are taking climate action while helping make life more affordable. And our investments to position Canada as a significant player in the global electric vehicle manufacturing and battery supply chain shows how we are taking advantage of the economic opportunities provided by the emerging low-carbon economy."

Not everyone is as positive about the EV future as Guilbeault and the Trudeau government, given the billion dollar subsidies given to EV battery and manufacturing facilities.

“The Trudeau government just keeps extending one helping hand after another to the electric vehicle industry." Said Krystle Wittevrongel, senior policy analyst at Montreal Economic Institute (MEI).

"At a certain point, we have to wonder if it's not going a little too far with all this aid."

The MEl is an independent public policy think tank.

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5ae0ea No.130619

File: 42782d32a5c07f3⋯.png (191.83 KB,1021x574,1021:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20104428 (201502ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / European Union Reportedly Considering Suspending Hungary’s Right to Vote to Salvage Ukrainian Aid

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European Union Reportedly Considering Suspending Hungary’s Right to Vote to Salvage Ukrainian Aid


The soap opera revolving around the struggle between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the European Union doesn’t seem to be winding down any time soon.

Orbán is constantly defying EU directives and insists on operating primarily following his own national interests – which infuriates Globalists of all stripes in Brussels.

Orbán caused major waves at the last EU summit when he, on one hand, unblocked accession negotiations after he was persuaded by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to leave the room ‘for a coffee’ – but on the other hand, just a few hours later he spoiled Kiev’s party by vetoing the €50bn, four-year financial aid package.

This so infuriated EU officials and other heads of state, that it is now aired that it is being considered suspending Hungary’s voting rights.

While this ‘nuclear option’ seems extreme, utilizing Article 7 of the Treaty on the European Union, appears to be indeed under consideration.

A member state can be deprived of its voting rights ‘in the event of a violation of the rule of law’.

Many member countries are nevertheless reportedly uneasy about using that measure.

Financial Times reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130620

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20104515 (201522ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Feds One Step Closer to Unmasking Elite Client List of High-End Asian Brothel as Prosecutors Seek to Charge 28 Politicians, Military Officers

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Feds One Step Closer to Unmasking Elite Client List of High-End Asian Brothel as Prosecutors Seek to Charge 28 Politicians, Military Officers


The feds are one step closer to unmasking the politicians, military officers, and government contractors who visited high-end brothels in eastern Virginia and Boston as prosecutors seek to charge 28 “Johns.”

Acting US Attorney Joshua Levy said in a statement on Monday:

“Our office made it clear when we announced charges of a commercial sex ring case on Nov. 8, 2023, that the investigation was ongoing and that there would be accountability for the buyers who fuel the commercial sex industry.”

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5ae0ea No.130621

File: 2e728b4ea89810b⋯.png (843.42 KB,1169x626,1169:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 4455e56ef586820⋯.png (506.68 KB,1169x647,1169:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 49716b3a4ed22c3⋯.png (436.05 KB,1169x629,1169:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 81462a581b6e447⋯.png (311.35 KB,721x812,103:116,Clipboard.png)

File: 8af78a8da2366fb⋯.png (879.72 KB,1169x977,1169:977,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20104530 (201526ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / IBM Slapped With Federal Civil Rights Complaint After Racist CEO's "Obviously Illegal" Hiring Practices Leak

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New Internal Slides within IBM’s Red Hat Explains ‘How Whiteness Works’ – ‘Whiteness….Hides the Rules Then Rigs the Game Over and Over Again’


O’Keefe strikes again!

O’Keefe Media Group late Monday evening releases slides from IBM’s “Red Hat” explaining “how whiteness works.”

“Whiteness constructs the game, hides the rules, then rigs the game, over and over again”… MORE…

O’Keefe released the new slides just days after he obtained an internal document from IBM‘s RedHat that reads like a religious text: The “Allyship Commandments” are 10 race-based rules employees must observe.

One commandment states, “only white people can be racist”

Another states, “Accepts that WHITE people are responsible for dismantling racism”

From a different section: “Whiteness constructs the game, hides the rules, then rigs the game, over and over again.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20104594 (201539ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Celine Dion’s Sister Gives Sad Update on Singer’s Condition: ‘She Doesn’t Have Control Over Her Muscles’

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Celine Dion’s Sister Gives Sad Update on Singer’s Condition: ‘She Doesn’t Have Control Over Her Muscles’


Canadian singer Celine Dion’s spirit is fighting to return to the stage, but her sister said the disease attacking her nervous system may be more than a match for her will.

A year ago, Dion canceled her tour scheduled for this year and announced she had what’s known as stiff person syndrome, a progressive neurological disease that attacks the muscles and limits mobility.

“She’s working hard, but she doesn’t have control over her muscles,” Claudette Dion, 74, who is the singer’s older sister, told the French-language publication 7jours, according to a translation in the U.K. Daily Mail.

“What breaks my heart is that she’s always been disciplined. She’s always worked hard,” she said.

She cast doubt on any return to performing, saying, “It’s true that in both our dreams and hers, the goal is to return to the stage. In what capacity? I don’t know.”

Claudette Dion said the progress of the disease is uncertain because it is so rare.

“The vocal cords are muscles, and the heart is also a muscle. This is what comes to get me. Because it’s one out of a million case, the scientists haven’t done that much research because it didn’t affect that many people,” she said. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130623

File: 65bdd8864291ad5⋯.png (536.03 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d51bf27b4711a8⋯.png (1.73 MB,992x785,992:785,Clipboard.png)

File: 05baa14906948fc⋯.png (305.33 KB,376x600,47:75,Clipboard.png)

File: ae61d8c49769ef6⋯.png (933.43 KB,965x654,965:654,Clipboard.png)

File: a847233d3642942⋯.png (1.29 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20104713 (201604ZDEC23) Notable: Dangerous Photographer: Clicks by Jeffrey Epstein Mean Reputational Damage - Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Now Bill Gates Pictured With Alleged Sex Trafficking Victims

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Dangerous Photographer: Clicks by Jeffrey Epstein Mean Reputational Damage – Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Now Bill Gates Pictured With Alleged Sex Trafficking Victims


Some indigenous cultures held the belief that a photograph can steal your soul.

In the ‘age of the selfie’, in which everyone has a camera and uses it incessantly, this notion seems absurd.

But depending on the context, have a picture taken by late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein could mean losing – if not your eternal soul – your reputation and even your livelihood. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130624

File: d6ea37634009aff⋯.png (324.08 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20104769 (201620ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Zelensky 'Could Mobilize 500,000 New Soldiers'

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Zelensky 'Could Mobilize 500,000 New Soldiers'


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Tuesday that Ukrainian military leadership proposed mobilizing 450,000-500,000 new conscripts to fight Russia as Kyiv is dealing with a manpower shortage.

The Ukrainian leader said he needed to hear more about the plan before ordering the mobilization. "This is a serious number. I said I need more arguments to support this direction," he said, according to The Kyiv Independent. "I need concrete information on what will (then) happen with the one-million military of Ukraine." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130625

File: 597ea2c4558a88a⋯.png (72.03 KB,500x403,500:403,Clipboard.png)

File: c6e9bfbe040cd5c⋯.png (96.83 KB,500x402,250:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20104821 (201628ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / "Tesla Wannabe" EV Names Have Run Out Of Cash, As SPAC-Crazed Bubble Bursts

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"Tesla Wannabe" EV Names Have Run Out Of Cash, As SPAC-Crazed Bubble Bursts


As EV market saturation continues, the tide is going out on many "Tesla wannabe" startup companies who couldn't commercialize production quick enough to turn profitable. Now, serious questions remain to the viability of many of the smaller EV companies that didn't have the "first mover" advantage that Tesla had.

Such was the topic of a new WSJ article this week which highlighted that many EV companies are simply running out of cash.

The report noted that at least 18 EV and battery startups, including high-profile names like Nikola and Fisker, face the risk of depleting their cash reserves by the end of 2024. These companies, once known for their ambitious goals to revolutionize the industry with electric trucks and SUVs, have struggled with increasing costs and manufacturing challenges. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130626

File: 1b025bf5d71dd1a⋯.png (219.38 KB,500x354,250:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20104889 (201646ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / 100 Container Ships Diverted, Insurance Surges As Red Sea Chaos Worsens

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100 Container Ships Diverted, Insurance Surges As Red Sea Chaos Worsens


Global transport and logistics company Kuehne + Nagel International AG reports more than 100 container ships have been rerouted from the Red Sea around Africa to avoid Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen who attack commercial vessels with missiles and drones.

Bloomberg released two headlines early Wednesday detailing Kuehne + Nagel's update on the Red Sea. The logistics firm said 103 container ships have detoured around the Cape of Good Hope, lengthening travel time by 1 to 2 weeks. It expects the number of detours to rise in the coming days.

For commercial vessels still transiting the vital waterway that connects to the Suez Canal, Bloomberg noted in a separate report that the cost of insuring jumped this week from about .1% to .2% of the hull value to .5%. A $100 million vessel must pay about $500,000 per voyage. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130627

File: 13f74ffb898f0eb⋯.png (1.65 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20104972 (201708ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Yemen's Houthis Reveal General Mobilization Action to Send Soldiers to Gaza

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Yemen's Houthis Reveal General Mobilization Action to Send Soldiers to Gaza


DOHA (Sputnik) - A general mobilization is being carried out in northern Yemen to send soldiers to the Gaza Strip if such an opportunity arises, member of the political office of Yemen's Ansar Allah rebel movement, also known as the Houthis, Houtham Assad told Sputnik on Wednesday.

"As for the general mobilization in support of our people in the Gaza Strip, it was launched in all provinces, training camps were opened, tens of thousands of young people volunteered to study military craft, several groups have already graduated in various provinces of Yemen," the official said.

The people are being called upon to support our people in Gaza, who are being "subjected to genocide by the Israeli occupation army with the support of the United States" the official said, adding that if the conditions are right then they will take part in military operations in the Gaza Strip.

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5ae0ea No.130628

File: ce42dc0f3b2284d⋯.png (1.35 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: cdb9dad09324336⋯.png (45.61 KB,990x358,495:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20105169 (201755ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Foreign Intelligence-Backed Ukraine on Path of Terror - Putin

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Foreign Intelligence-Backed Ukraine on Path of Terror – Putin


With the direct support of foreign special services, Kiev has openly embarked on the path of state terrorism, President Vladimir Putin said in a video address on Russia’s Security Agency Worker’s Day.

President Putin has called to intensify comprehensive counter-terrorism efforts and harness available technical and operational capabilities to closely engage with the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) and other authorities.

He emphasized that any attempts to destabilize Russia’s socio-political situation or undermine civil peace and inter-ethnic harmony by foreign secret services must be harshly suppressed. The president expressed confidence that Russian security agencies are more than capable of protecting the country and its people.

In his speech, Putin also noted that throughout 2023, much had been done to provide counterintelligence support for the special military operation, as well as to protect the lives and safety of Russian citizens in the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics and in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

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5ae0ea No.130629

File: fed15436fa6cce4⋯.png (1.45 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20105206 (201806ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / NATO troops directly involved in Ukraine conflict - Russia

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NATO troops directly involved in Ukraine conflict – Russia


Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed that US, UK, and Polish military personnel are operating air defense and multiple launch rocket systems

Several NATO member states have boots on the ground in the Ukraine conflict, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed. Western military personnel are operating certain weapons systems, he alleged, and that hundreds of the US-led military bloc’s satellites are providing surveillance data to Kiev.

Speaking at a meeting of Defense Ministry officials on Tuesday, where President Vladimir Putin was also present, Shoigu stated that “NATO service members are directly operating air defense systems, tactical ballistic missiles, and multiple launch rocket systems” in Ukraine. He cited radio intercepts featuring English and Polish speakers. According to the minister, Western officers are also playing an active role in preparing Ukrainian military operations as well as training troops, both in their home countries and in Ukraine.

Russian officials have repeatedly warned that ever-deepening Western involvement in the conflict unnecessarily increases the chances of a direct military confrontation between NATO and Moscow.

The Russian defense chief went on to claim that more than 5,000 foreign fighters have been killed since hostilities broke out in February 2022, with 1,427 Polish, 466 US, and 344 UK nationals among them. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130630

File: 59b554a0de79129⋯.png (1.55 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20105233 (201811ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / US Senate shelves Ukraine aid talks for 2023

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US Senate shelves Ukraine aid talks for 2023


Republican lawmakers continue to demand a deal on border security before authorizing foreign spending

The US Senate will not approve a major new foreign aid package this year, including around $60 billion for Ukraine, after failing to reach a deal on domestic border security, leading lawmakers have announced.

Republicans have insisted they will not approve the White House request to send billions of dollars to foreign nations unless the Democrats introduce significant immigration reforms at home.

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had postponed the Senate’s Christmas break by a week in the hopes of hammering out an agreement. In a joint statement with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday, the two top senators expressed hope that a deal could be reached “early in the new year.”

The statement said senators and the administration of President Joe Biden will use the remainder of the year “to work in good faith toward finalizing” a potential deal.

Unlike the Senate, the Republican-majority House declined to shorten its recess to allow more time for additional talks. Speaker Mike Johnson has called on the White House to present a clear plan on how pouring more money into Ukraine would help it prevail in the conflict with Russia. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130631

File: b74b338160364b9⋯.png (346.7 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20105240 (201814ZDEC23) Notable: Sweden's NATO Membership Depends On US, Canada Decisions: Erdogan

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Sweden's NATO Membership Depends On US, Canada Decisions: Erdogan


It's now widely perceived that Turkey will continue holding up final formal approval for Sweden's entry into NATO as retaliation for the West's support for Israel as it continues assaulting Gaza.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan added further items to the list of grievances in Tuesday remarks suggesting he'll continue to block Sweden's membership bid if certain demands aren't met. He said the ball lies in the US and Canada's court.

"Positive developments both on [the acquisition of US] F-16s and Canada's promises [on lifting its arms embargo] would help our parliament to have a positive approach to Sweden... All of them are linked," Erdogan told a press briefing. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130632

File: a87f6541760a67d⋯.png (1.54 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20105278 (201827ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Assange gets ‘last chance’ US extradition appeal date

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Assange gets ‘last chance’ US extradition appeal date


The WikiLeaks founder faces a sentence of 175 years on charges of disclosing classified information if handed over by Britain

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s possible final appeal against extradition to the United States will be held at the UK High Court of Justice in London on February 20 and 21, according to a statement released by the media organization.

Assange faces 17 charges under the US Espionage Act and potentially a 175-year prison sentence. Two judges will review a ruling made in June, which had refused the journalist’s permission to make any further appeals.

This “may be the final chance for Julian Assange to prevent his extradition to the United States,” WikiLeaks warned in a statement. On June 6, a UK High Court judge rejected all eight grounds for his motion, backing the 2020 extradition order.

The judge also struck down parts of the January 2021 ruling, which had turned down Assange’s extradition due to concerns about risk of suicide and poor health. This possible final appeal will be the last opportunity to fight extradition in the UK. The next step for Assange’s lawyers could be to bring the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

“With the myriad of evidence that has come to light since the original hearing in 2019, such as the violation of legal privilege and reports that senior US officials were involved in formulating assassination plots against my husband, there is no denying that a fair trial, let alone Julian’s safety on US soil, is an impossibility were he to be extradited. The persecution of this innocent journalist and publisher must end,” the journalist’s wife, Stella Assange, whom he married while in prison, said in a statement. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130633

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File: ffc0aa68db15481⋯.png (1.4 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20106277 (202255ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / New Polish government fires state media bosses

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New Polish government fires state media bosses


Opposition party MPs have occupied the headquarters of Warsaw’s public TV station in protest at sweeping media reforms

The Polish state TV channel TVP went dark on Wednesday morning as Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s new government attempted to intervene in media outlets that critics accused of acting as mouthpieces of the previous administration.

Former European Council President Tusk’s pro-EU cabinet, which took office last week, said on Wednesday that it had sacked executives from the state-run television station TVP, as well as Polish Radio and the government-run PAP news agency, citing a need to restore the outlets’ impartiality.

Before October’s election, Tusk had said he would need just “24 hours” to “change the system of public media” should he gain office. On Tuesday, Warsaw’s parliament approved a resolution that called on “all state authorities to immediately take action aimed at restoring constitutional order in terms of citizens’ access to reliable information and the functioning of public media.”

New management boards for each entity have been appointed.

Opponents of the swift reforms have said the move provides a foundation for a “dictatorship” to be established in the EU country.

The media sources had been accused by critics, including Tusk, of acting as a propaganda tool of the Law and Justice party (PiS), attacking its political foes and spreading its Euroskeptic views. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130634

File: 1a90f4548684974⋯.png (754.66 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

File: 85989587edc5863⋯.png (246.37 KB,722x813,722:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20106312 (202301ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Leslyn Lewis warns that WHO pandemic treaty amendments are undemocratic

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Leslyn Lewis warns that WHO pandemic treaty amendments are undemocratic


Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis is sounding the alarm about “concerning” amendments to the World Health Organization’s international health regulations as the global health body works towards a pandemic treaty.

In an open letter to Health Minister Mark Holland, Lewis expressed worries on behalf of tens of thousands of Canadians who signed a petition about the International Health Regulations, warning that the treaty would threaten Canada’s sovereignty.

Petition e-4401, signed by nearly 19,000 Canadians, expresses apprehension about Canada’s acceptance of amendments to the agreement during the 75th World Health Assembly in May 2022. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130635

File: 1d5446e17add942⋯.png (806.47 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20106394 (202323ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Controversial Ottawa school trustee banned from meetings for her bad behaviour

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LEVY: Controversial Ottawa school trustee banned from meetings for her bad behaviour


It took a mere hour Tuesday night for Ottawa public trustees to decide that controversial and often volatile trustee Nili Kaplan-Myrth breached the board’s Code of Conduct.

Although integrity commissioner Suzanne Craig’s 188-page report carefully and thoroughly set out the reasons for the infamous trustee’s breach, I suspect all 11 trustees who voted to sanction her were simply tired of her perennial antics and the shadow she casts on the board.

It took somewhat longer for the trustees to decide on sanctions – which were eventually whittled down to a three-month ban from sitting on five committees (it was originally going to be six) to three months plus a ban from attending the January 2024 board meeting.

Board vice-chair Cathryne Milburne – in moving the motion to sanction Kaplan-Mryth – said the level of respect at the board is not what it should be.

“That means treating the world with dignity … we collectively can do better,” she said.

Kaplan-Mryth did not attend the meeting in person, claiming on X that it was not “physically safe” to do so. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20106440 (202333ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Hamas leader thanks Canada for Trudeau’s call for a ceasefire

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Hamas leader thanks Canada for Trudeau’s call for a ceasefire


A senior Hamas leader has thanked Canada for calling for a ceasefire as Israel continues its ongoing operations against the Islamist terror group.

Dr. Ghazi Hamad said in a statement that he appreciated the “positive stance” of the Canadian government and its allies, Australia and New Zealand, who urged both sides to resume the ceasefire that was briefly achieved last week.

In the statement, which was published on Wednesday by the Palestine Info Center and translated into English, Hamad said that he was delighted to see the “growing cause by several Western governments” for a ceasefire. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130637

File: 2fd2e95c26977e5⋯.png (1.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20106474 (202340ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Newfoundland and Labrador to receive $218 million equalization payment next year

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Newfoundland and Labrador to receive $218 million equalization payment next year


Newfoundland and Labrador will join other Maritime provinces, such as Québec, Ontario, and Manitoba, in receiving equalization payments. In the next fiscal year, the Trudeau Liberals plan to increase payments to 'have-not' provinces by $2 billion, bringing the total to $23.963 billion.

The Trudeau Liberals have announced equalization payments to Newfoundland and Labrador for the first time in 15 years.

Starting from the next fiscal year, the province will take home $218 million from federal tax coffers, according to a letter from Finance Ministers Chrystia Freeland and Siobhan Coady.

On December 18, reporters asked Coady if the province had lost its pride, given they are on equalization again. She replied: "I don't think anything is lost. This is about ensuring Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are treated like the rest of Canadians.”

In 2008, Newfoundland and Labrador celebrated no more equalization amid low unemployment and flowing oil royalties. But times have changed since then.

Under the equalization program, provinces qualify for payments based on their "fiscal capacity" or their ability to generate revenue, said the Fraser Institute in a press release.

Fiscal capacity refers to a province's ability to raise own-source revenues at tax rates set to the national average, plus any additional revenues from natural resource royalties. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130638

File: 1ab06818ffb5c74⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20106494 (202347ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Alberta government did not violate ethics law in second firing of Deena Hinshaw

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Alberta government did not violate ethics law in second firing of Deena Hinshaw


Alberta Ethics Commissioner Marguerite Trussler found no evidence that Premier Danielle Smith or her staff compelled Alberta Health Services (AHS) to revoke Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s job offer earlier this year.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith nor government staff violated ethics law in the lead-up to the second firing of Dr. Deena Hinshaw in as many years.

AHS senior executive Dr. Braden Manns claimed to have quit in protest of political interference in her hiring process, as did Indigenous Wellness Core (IWC) medical director Dr. Esther Tailfeathers.

But Ethics Commissioner Marguerite Trussler found no evidence that Smith or her staff compelled Alberta Health Services (AHS) to revoke Hinshaw’s job offer, reads a letter.

Alberta’s former chief medical officer of health received a letter of employment with the IWC in April but under a shroud of secrecy, she never worked a single day.

Trussler announced the findings in a December 18 letter to Health Minister Adriana LaGrange that follows allegations that Smith and former AHS chief executive Dr. John Cowell interfered.

“The evidence showed that Dr. Hinshaw’s employment was terminated through proper process,” penned Trussler. “Although he had input on the decision, I found no evidence that Dr. Cowell directed the termination of Dr. Hinshaw’s employment.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130639

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20106523 (202355ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / How state's orchestrate censorship to stifle public health data disclosure (video)

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How state's orchestrate censorship to stifle public health data disclosure


In the face of ongoing state-backed suppression of public health data, independent scientists and researchers like Kevin McKernan emphasize the pivotal role independent journalists play in combatting censorship and ensuring public access to vital health information continues.

Censorship and state-sponsored suppression of public health data is top of mind for genomics expert Kevin McKernan, whose private database was deleted by New Zealand’s health ministry.

McKernan discussed regulatory capture, conflicts of interest and how uncertainties with Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab continue to mount in a previous interview with Rebel News.

Now, McKernan claims to have lost approximately $200,000 USD worth of research data when his MEGA account was abruptly deleted — a platform that ironically calls itself the privacy company.

This followed an urgent injunction granted to New Zealand’s Ministry of Health, which was trying to stop the sharing of anonymized data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20107144 (210221ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Steven Guilbeault refuses to admit CO2 emissions for the third time

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Steven Guilbeault refuses to admit CO2 emissions for the third time


This is the third time the Environment Ministry has admitted to not caring about internal carbon expenditures while imposing a carbon tax, which is one of the leading contributors to Canada's inflationary crisis. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130641

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20107904 (210540ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Holding Our Government Accountable: Preston Manning video)

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Holding Our Government Accountable: Preston Manning


There has been a great deal of attention paid recently to the completion of the National Citizens Inquiry. A panel of four commissioners who heard testimony from 305 witnesses, 94 of them expert witnesses. Their 5,000 page plus report made thousands of recommendations that could prevent the violations of Canadians’ rights from happening again.

But there is a problem with the NCI. It is a public inquiry, conducted by members of the public and as such carries no weight with the government. As testimony to this, 63 government witnesses were invited to testify. None of them did.

Meanwhile, in Alberta, where the Court of King’s Bench earlier this year ruled the Covid mandates to be illegal, Premier Danielle Smith commissioned an expert panel to review the actions of the previous government. Actions which, as in all provinces in Canada, resulted in devastating harms to the people and to the economy.

Premier Smith commissioned this panel in January, shortly after replacing former premier Jason Kenney, whose government was responsible for these actions.

Preston Manning, the founder of the Reform Party, former leader of the federal opposition, and of course an experienced legislator, served as Chairman.

In this interview, Preston reveals what was found by the panel, and gives us details on some of the more significant of the 20 areas of recommendations which they have made to the Alberta government for amendments to Alberta law which would prevent the government from trampling on the rights of Albertans, should another health emergency, real or not, occur.

The panel’s recommendations are significant, in that they would take away from appointed officials, such as the Public Health Officer, the right to mandate actions for the people. Appointed officials are not accountable to the public, and as has been seen across Canada, this allows them to violate our rights with relative impunity. The panels recommendations would place that power with elected officials, who are subject to accountability to the people who elected them.

LINK: Public Health Emergencies Governance Review Panel final report

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5ae0ea No.130642

File: fee634a251d7b4c⋯.png (37.51 KB,500x232,125:58,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20109484 (211550ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / The Ukraine War — Turn Out The Lights, The Party Is Over

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The Ukraine War — Turn Out The Lights, The Party Is Over


Thanks to DL for reminding me of this iconic song and Dandy Don Meredith. Meredith was a star football player (American style) with the Dallas Cowboys in the 1960s and then played second banana to Howard Cosell as the broadcast team for Monday Night Football.

What does this have to do with Ukraine? Did you see what the Washington Post did to its banner on line?

This is just one more indicator that the Ukrainian fan-boy shop in Washington, DC is shutting down. Clicking on a current link filled with articles about the War in Ukraine is quite a downer if you are one of the Deep State gaggle infesting Washington, DC and who bought into the fantasy that Ukraine was winning the war. There is a torrent of new stories popping up all over the mainstream media and it is a symbolic tolling of the bells that normally accompanies a funeral cortege. Here is just one example: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130643

File: 3cbb5ed44e64bff⋯.png (782.01 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 0880f62d0759718⋯.png (1.16 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20109589 (211615ZDEC23) Notable: Polish PM Donald Tusk Ushers in EU Globalist Policies, Appoints LGBT Activist as ‘Minister of Family’, Shuts Down Opposition TV Channels

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Polish PM Donald Tusk Ushers in EU Globalist Policies, Appoints LGBT Activist as ‘Minister of Family’, Shuts Down Opposition TV Channels


Tusk will import the same old EU unsuccessful policies into Poland as fast as he can.

As it was expected, after its inauguration as Polish Prime Minister, Globalist-liberal Donald Tusk moved to swiftly turn his country away from the populist-nationalist policies of the last 8 years, towards a vision of the world as espoused by Brussels.

Read more: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130644

File: c0bca04a193a9da⋯.png (699.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b25ee1687cb2321⋯.png (1.74 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20109638 (211629ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Canadian Oil Companies Delay Emission Cuts, Eyeing Looming PM Trudeau Defeat in 2025 Elections

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Canadian Oil Companies Delay Emission Cuts, Eyeing Looming PM Trudeau Defeat in 2025 Elections


Canadian climate alarmist policies have lost so much support that Oil Producers are betting they will be scrapped.

Two closely associated phenomena are happening in Canada right now: to begin with, Globalist poster boy and Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is sinking in the polls.

At the same time, the public support for Trudeau ‘flagship’ policies of a climate alarmist nature – such as the dreaded ‘Carbon Tax’ – tanked to such an extreme degree that companies and provincial governments are starting to fiercely fight back.

This being the case, it is not surprising when Reuters reports that “Some Canadian oil and gas producers say they will not rush to accelerate emissions cuts until they see if unpopular Prime Minister Justin Trudeau survives long enough to implement his proposed oil and gas emissions cap.”

New rules released this month demand oil companies in Canada ‘cut carbon emissions by up to 38% by 2030 from 2019 levels’.

Opposition Conservatives led by Pierre Poilievre oppose the cap. Since they hold a commanding lead over Trudeau’s Liberals before an expected 2025 election, plans for the cap will likely be abandoned. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130645

File: 2b1af347ef84a30⋯.png (105.16 KB,500x285,100:57,Clipboard.png)

File: 531cc9c5b75c5e8⋯.png (213.73 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20109732 (211650ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Oil Tumbles After Angola Announces It Is Leaving OPEC

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Oil Tumbles After Angola Announces It Is Leaving OPEC


Confirming a move which had been widely expected after the internal acrimony at the last OPEC+ meeting, moments ago Angola - also known as China's gas station in Africa - announced it was leaving OPEC, the country's news agency ANGOP reported on Thursday, quoting the African producer’s oil minister Diamantino de Azevedo.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the Council of Ministers, led by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, the news agency noted. Jornal de Angola also reported the news.

As OilPrice notes, Angola and another African OPEC member, Nigeria, had a spat with the other cartel members before the latest meeting regarding their oil production quotas.

At a meeting in June, Angola and Nigeria were given lower crude oil production quotas as part of the OPEC+ agreement, after the two producers had underperformed and failed to pump to their quotas for years, due to a lack of investment in new fields and maturing older oilfields.

The most recent spat within OPEC about the African countries’ quotas was one of the reasons for the cartel to postpone its latest meeting within a few days. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130646

File: b0b3005720bc70f⋯.png (326.8 KB,500x343,500:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20109841 (211712ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Putin Seizes Multi-Billion-Dollar OMV And Wintershall Stakes In Russian Ventures

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Putin Seizes Multi-Billion-Dollar OMV And Wintershall Stakes In Russian Ventures


Germany’s Wintershall Dea and Austria’s OMV are being stripped of their multi-billion-dollar stakes in joint ventures developing natural gas projects in Russia under a decree by Vladimir Putin.

The Russian president has signed a decree ordering that the shares of the two Western energy companies in the Yuzhno-Russkoye field and in the Achimov projects in Russia’s Arctic be transferred to newly set up Russian firms. OMV and Germany’s BASF and its joint venture with LetterOne, Wintershall Dea, held minority stakes in the development of the Yuzhno-Russkoye field.

According to Putin’s decree, all corporate agreements that have been in force so far are no longer valid.

The move is part of Russia’s efforts to protect its national interests “amid the illegal and unfriendly actions of the West in relation to Russian assets,” according to the decree cited by Reuters.

Wintershall Dea is in the process of exiting Russian operations while OMV announced an exit last year.

Commenting on Putin’s latest decree, a spokesperson for Wintershall Dea told Reuters in a written response to questions that “The presidential decree is further confirmation: Russia is no longer a reliable economic partner and is unpredictable - in every respect.”

BASF told Reuters on Wednesday it learned of the order for asset seizures from the news and it was in the process of analyzing all the facts.

OMV and Wintershall Dea are not the first major Western oil and gas firms to have their Russian assets transferred to newly created Russian entities.Last year, a decree from Putin stipulated that a newly set up state Russian company would take over the rights and obligations of Sakhalin Energy Investment Co., the joint venture running the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project.

Shell and Japan’s Mitsui and Mitsubishi were minority shareholders in Sakhalin Energy Investment Co, whose biggest shareholder is Gazprom. Shell had already announced it was pulling out of Russia due to the invasion of Ukraine before the decree was issued.

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5ae0ea No.130647

File: a0fc1dbc6066832⋯.png (223.22 KB,500x421,500:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 184e2d269b606f4⋯.png (206.08 KB,500x348,125:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20109942 (211730ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Volkswagen, Audi, And Porsche Adopt Tesla EV Plug As NACS Becomes Gold Standard

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Volkswagen, Audi, And Porsche Adopt Tesla EV Plug As NACS Becomes Gold Standard


The Volkswagen Group announced its brands, VW, Audi, and Porsche, will be integrating Tesla's North American Charging Standard (NACS) plug into electric vehicles beginning in 2025, signifying yet another major automaker adopting NACS, which is becoming the de facto EV plug in North America.

VW abandoning the Combined Charging System (CCS) charging port for NACS comes as no surprise, considering nearly every other major automaker (except Stellantis) has made the move to Tesla plugs that will allow vehicles to tap into the massive Tesla Supercharger network.

"This is great news for our electric vehicle customers in the North American Region," said Pablo Di Si, President and CEO, Volkswagen Group of America.

Di Si continued, "This potentially provides them with access to more than 15,000 additional charging points as well as the current near-4,000 DC fast charging outlets operated by Electrify America. It would mean that customers of our fast-selling electric vehicles like the Volkswagen ID.4 will have access to an extensive and growing charging network."

Tesla Supercharger Map of North America

The transition from CCS to NACS is happening quickly: Mercedes-Benz, General Motors, BMW, Fisker, Genesis, Rivian, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, Lexus, Lucid, Mini, Nissan, Polestar/Volvo, Rolls Royce, and Toyota have announced a CCS to NACS migration.

Earlier in the year, SAE International, previously known as the Society of Automotive Engineers, declared NACS as the new industry standard. This week, NACS received an unlikely endorsement from progressive radicals in the White House, further supporting the adoption of the Tesla plug.

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5ae0ea No.130648

File: 48c6c0fd242c43b⋯.png (418.76 KB,500x328,125:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20109958 (211734ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / The Ukraine Situation Is A Failure Of Strategy And Leadership

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The Ukraine Situation Is A Failure Of Strategy And Leadership


Additional funding for Ukraine has been delayed both on behalf of the U.S. and the EU. However, too many experts and commentators are focusing on a lack of funding and too few on strategy and the political challenges facing the war-torn nation.

This is the state of play on aid to Ukraine after the European Council meeting and President Zelensky’s recent visit to Washington. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130649

File: ca3ae5ea45dc5a2⋯.png (283.53 KB,500x635,100:127,Clipboard.png)

File: b5ed3db1654d691⋯.png (24.07 KB,500x106,250:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20110034 (211748ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / The '1%' Are Responsible For 15% Of Global Emissions

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The '1%' Are Responsible For 15% Of Global Emissions


From a historical perspective, the current demand for natural resources has surged to unprecedented levels and continues to escalate—for both essential needs like food, clothing, water, housing, infrastructure, and non-essential consumption in everyday life.

This surge has been accompanied by annual increases in CO₂ emissions. Consumption, however, differs radically depending on income.

In this graphic, Visual Capitalist's Marcu Lu and Bruno Venditti show global CO₂ emissions, broken down by income group. This data comes from the Emissions Inequality Calculator, created by the Stockholm Environment Institute. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130650

File: 03fc2e955068bcd⋯.png (863.24 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20110047 (211752ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Former Red Deer Catholic trustee challenges her expulsion from board in court

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Former Red Deer Catholic trustee challenges her expulsion from board in court


Former Red Deer, Alta, trustee Monique LaGrange is seeking reinstatement to the Catholic school board after she was expelled from the board last month over a controversial picture she had posted to social media.

LaGrange, who is being represented by the Democracy Fund and lawyer James Kitchen, issued two applications for judicial review to an Alberta court seeking an order quashing the Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools decision and an unconditional reinstatement to the board.

LaGrange was originally reprimanded for a meme that she had uploaded to Instagram of an archival photo of German children waving the Nazi flag juxtaposed with a picture of current-day children waving the Pride Progress flag in a school classroom with the caption “brainwashing is brainwashing.”

In September, the school board censured LaGrange, prohibiting her from attending committee meetings, mandating sensitivity training about the Holocaust and LGBTQ issues, and prohibiting her from representing the board in an official capacity to the public and the media.

She was also asked to apologize publicly for uploading the picture, something her lawyer, Kitchen, said would be impossible for her to do without violating her conscience.

Last month LaGrange’s fellow trustees voted 3-1 to expel her from the board for allegedly violating the sanctions they had placed on her in September.

LaGrange’s court applications state that the original sanction against her was unwarranted because, she argues, she did not violate the board’s code of conduct. Even if LaGrange had violated the code of conduct, the application argues that disqualification as punishment was excessive.

Further, her application argues that Alberta’s Education Act and the supporting common law do not allow democratically elected trustees to be disqualified in this manner.

The allegations have not been proven in court. The Red Deer school board did not respond to a request for comment from True North.

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5ae0ea No.130651

File: 2f01927992676ae⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 74d7ddb032d85e6⋯.png (601.07 KB,725x817,725:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20110049 (211754ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Parental rights advocate Faytene Grasseschi lands New Brunswick PC nomination

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Parental rights advocate Faytene Grasseschi lands New Brunswick PC nomination


New Brunswick parental rights advocate and TV personality Faytene Grasseschi has secured the provincial Progressive Conservative nomination in the riding of Hampton-Fundy-St. Martin.

Grasseschi will be representing the PCs in her riding in next year’s election after being acclaimed.

New Brunswick Premier and PC Leader Blaine Higgs congratulated and praised Grasseschi on X (formerly Twitter), saying “with her beliefs in fiscal responsibility, entrepreneurialism, developing natural resources, and the role of parents in their children’s lives – I think our priorities are well aligned.”

He added that “her wealth of experience will add considerable value to our team and she will be a strong representative.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130652

File: ef8c8f9323e71ff⋯.png (1.34 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20110078 (211803ZDEC23) Notable: Halifax struggles with military retention amid cost of living crisis

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Halifax struggles with military retention amid cost of living crisis


The cost of living crisis is turning soldiers away from Nova Scotia, provincial politicians were told.

The Nova Scotia legislature’s veterans affairs committee heard from veterans and military families at a meeting this week dedicated to the rising cost of living.

“People are turning down postings to Halifax,” said Erica Fleck, the director of emergency management for Halifax Regional Municipality. Fleck said she has “worn a green uniform for 38 years” and her husband and youngest son serve in the Canadian Armed Forces.

The committee of provincial members of the Nova Scotia legislature heard from representatives of non-profit organizations and various branches of municipal and provincial government. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130653

File: e282c4b9918883e⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20110096 (211809ZDEC23) Notable: Majority of Canadians don’t think pharmacare plan should be a priority: poll

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Majority of Canadians don’t think pharmacare plan should be a priority: poll


A recent survey found that the majority of Canadians don’t think that the government should prioritize pharmacare, but instead focus on issues like long surgical wait times and building more long-term care homes when it comes to healthcare.

This survey comes as the Liberals and the NDP struggle to negotiate what a potential national drug plan might look like, following an announcement that they would extend their deadline to come up with a plan to March 1, 2024.

The pharmacare plan is a crucial part of their supply-and-confidence pact, with the NDP promising to support the Liberals in the House of Commons in exchange for creating a national pharmacare plan.

Legislation on the pharmacare plan was initially supposed to be tabled this year, however the two parties could not agree on the details.

The Leger survey asked Canadians what the top two health-care priorities should be and of the respondents, only 18% mentioned creating a new, universal single-payer drug plan.

Whereas 36% of respondents said that surgical wait times and expanding mental-health services should be the top priority. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130654

File: b32737a68b1a0ef⋯.png (918.93 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20110112 (211817ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Trudeau Liberals appoint more Liberal friends, donors to the judiciary

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Trudeau Liberals appoint more Liberal friends, donors to the judiciary


The Trudeau Liberals are prioritizing party donors, fellow Liberals and friends of ministers to the judiciary, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

The Trudeau Liberals are prioritizing party donors, fellow Liberals and friends of ministers to the judiciary, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

The federal government named ex-Ontario Liberal legislator Brian Bowman to the bench on December 18 where he will serve on Manitoba’s Court of King’s Bench.

"I wish Justice Bowman every success," said Attorney General Arif Virani. "I am confident he will serve Manitobans."

As then-mayor of Winnipeg, Bowman met Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2022, who conveyed to him his best wishes following his decision not to seek re-election.

In addition, the Trudeau Liberals also appointed Nathalie DesRosiers to the Ontario Superior Court. She also served as a former Liberal member at the Ontario legislature, reported Blacklock’s Reporter. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20111702 (212331ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon, Tucker Carlson rip mask off ‘fact-checking’ censorship of conservatives

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Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon, Tucker Carlson rip mask off ‘fact-checking’ censorship of conservatives


'So much of comedy is not funny today,' CEO Seth Dillon said, adding that fact-checkers act like 'guardians of the narrative... You can tell who rules over you by who you’re not allowed to criticize or who you’re allowed to joke about.'

Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon is exposing the duplicitous way social media companies use “fact checkers” to censure those who push back against the mainstream political narrative.

“Fact-checking [is] one of the methods employed by the lovers of censorship to guard the narrative, not the truth,” he said.

Dillon made his remarks during an interview with Tucker Carlson Monday. Carlson, whose X show is now officially titled “The Tucker Carlson Encounter,” agreed with his assessment.

“The fact-checkers are clearly, at the very least, influenced by the intel agencies,” he said.

Dillon further revealed that his company has been “fact checked” dozens of times because liberals can’t stand that they are effective at their job. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130656

File: 650baeab6b7c0f4⋯.png (735.34 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20111867 (220003ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Quebec City’s first ever ‘March for Life’ announced for next spring

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Quebec City’s first ever ‘March for Life’ announced for next spring


June 1 of next year has been set as the day for the first ever Quebec March for Life, President of the Quebec Life Coalition (QLC) Georges Buscemi told LifeSiteNews.

Next spring, the streets of Quebec City will be flooded by pro-life demonstrators seeking to bring cultural and legal change to both the province and the country more broadly.

June 1 of next year has been set as the day for the first ever Quebec March for Life. President of the Quebec Life Coalition (QLC) Georges Buscemi told LifeSiteNews that the decision to start a new march in Quebec was based on the success of the American March for Life.

“This is really a reaction to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the idea that, ‘can this happen in Canada?'” Buscemi said. “At the same time the progressive left in Quebec were thinking, ‘how do we stop this from coming into Quebec?'”

Buscemi was referring to Quebec minister Martine Biron who has made it known that she wants to enshrine into law “a woman’s right” to abortion in the province, despite the fact that no serious effort has yet been made to prohibit the deadly practice. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130657

File: 7a023dc8098ff75⋯.png (742.02 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20113323 (220523ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Quebec gov’t announces plan to spend $23.7 million to promote LGBT ideology

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Quebec gov’t announces plan to spend $23.7 million to promote LGBT ideology


The Minister for the Status of Women, Martine Biron, has pledged funding for the LGBT 'community environment and the supposed 'recognition of sexual and gender diversity.'

The government of the Canadian province of Quebec has announced $23.7 million in funding to fight “homophobia and “transphobia.”

Quebec is currently governed by the Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) party, which has been labelled as “center right” and “conservative.” Despite this, the Minister for the Status of Women, Martine Biron, has pledged funding for the LGBT “community environment” and the supposed “recognition of sexual and gender diversity.”

Biron said this plan is meant to combat hate speech and make Quebec more open and welcoming.

“I want this plan to be a response, a way to work to counter the rise of violence, the rise of intimidation, the rise of intolerance,” she stated.

Georges Buscemi, the Montreal-based president of Campagne Québec-Vie, said that the claims of violence are greatly exaggerated.

“They give the impression that people are getting beat up in alleyways with broken bottles,” he said. “What is actually happening is that there is pushback against LGBT indoctrination in schools.”

Buscemi said the Quebec government is likely referring to a single incident in Montreal in which a pride flag was taken down by high school students.

“This might also be a reaction against the parental rights marches,” he said, referring to the peaceful Million Person March for Children held in October. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130658

File: 5eb91a88cda74f1⋯.png (1.02 MB,789x526,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 0099ef53dafcf69⋯.png (2.59 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d7c491fb1f94aa8⋯.png (2.14 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b2168a8cfce15c6⋯.png (787.91 KB,789x526,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: d48f7fe0840285d⋯.png (742.74 KB,789x526,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20114796 (221512ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Israel Victory: 1000 Terrorists Wiped out in Jabaliya, 3000 Taken Prisoner; Bodies of 5 Hostages Retrieved, 5 IDF Soldiers KIA

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Israel Victory: 1000 Terrorists Wiped out in Jabaliya, 3000 Taken Prisoner; Bodies of 5 Hostages Retrieved, 5 IDF Soldiers KIA


The IDF has liberated the Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya areas of northern Gaza, and continues its hunt for Hamas leadership in Khan Yunis in southern Gaza. Five IDF soldiers were confirmed KIA since Wednesday, the bodies of 5 hostages were retrieved.

The 162nd Division of the IDF is currently engaged in military operations in Jabaliya in Gaza, during which about 1,000 terrorists have been killed. About 7,000 Hamas terrorists had been killed by Dec. 9, which National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi called “a conservative estimate.” 3,000 have been taken prisoner in Gaza.

In one of the raids on the Rantisi hospital, it emerged that hostages were being held underground at the hospital – but were moved away before IDF forces entered the complex, Arutz Sheva reports. During combat activities in the surrounding neighborhood, the bodies of five civilians and soldiers who were kidnapped on October 7 were found and returned to Israel.

In Gaza City, forces found mortars and explosives inside a house next to a kindergarten. In a nearby house, a rocket launcher aimed towards Israel was discovered, along with an RPG, JNS reported. In Khan Yunis, soldiers uncovered military uniforms, explosive charges and combat equipment inside a residential home. Engineering forces destroyed a tunnel from which terrorists had emerged to fire an RPG at troops. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20114824 (221521ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Ablechild on Mass Killings: More Likely Related to Big Pharma than to Guns (video)

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Ablechild on Mass Killings: More Likely Related to Big Pharma than to Guns


AbleChild warns that the root cause behind mass murders is not the guns used but rather the drugs pushed on innocents by Big Pharma.

The following taken from a recent article at AbleChild.org is reprinted with permission.

AbleChild reports that going after the gun manufacturers after mass killings is not the answer. What needs to be looked into is the psychiatric drugs involved. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130660

File: 68018a473af3f69⋯.png (591.19 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20114858 (221530ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / If The Houthis Can Shut Down Naval Traffic In The Red Sea, Iran Can Close The Persian Gulf

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If The Houthis Can Shut Down Naval Traffic In The Red Sea, Iran Can Close The Persian Gulf


Credit to Scott Ritter for this salient observation. We made a joint appearance on Danny Haiphong’s podcast tonight and were discussing the remarkable accomplishment of the Houthis in Yemen in shutting down commercial maritime traffic in the Red Sea. Yemen has never been known as a naval power, but it has succeeded in hurting Israel by preventing cargo container ships and oil tankers from sailing to Israel’s ports.

Although the United States has assembled a motley international armada to deal with the Yemeni threat (e.g., Canada sent three naval officers, no ship, and the Seychelles fields a small fleet of coast guard vessels that are one-fourth the size of a U.S. destroyer), there are several obstacles that will hinder the effectiveness of this hodgepodge collection of ships. I discussed these in my previous article (THE U.S. NAVY IS UNPREPARED FOR A PROLONGED WAR WITH YEMEN). These include: 'Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20114963 (221555ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Executives From Pharma Company Sanofi Caught on Leaked Zoom Call Discussing Discriminatory Hiring Practices, “One in Five Hires NEEDS to be a Black Employee”

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Executives From Pharma Company Sanofi Caught on Leaked Zoom Call Discussing Discriminatory Hiring Practices, “One in Five Hires NEEDS to be a Black Employee” (VIDEO)


James O’Keefe strikes again!

O’Keefe Media Group on Thursday evening released a leaked Zoom call showing executives from Big Pharma company Sanofi discussing discriminatory hiring practices.

Carole Huntsman, Former Senior VP said on video: “For instance, for black employees, one in five hires NEEDS to be a black employee for us to meet our goals.”

Huntsman continued, “One in ten HAS to be a Latinx employee for us to meet our goals. And you know, we have quarterly goals and we track them with data and so far we’ve met our goals every quarter since we’ve rolled out the aspiration.”

For Christmas Gifts, Check Out The Gateway Pundit Discounts Page At MyPillow (Plus Free Shipping Through Dec 15)

Bill Sibold, the former Executive VP & Global Head Specialty Care at Sanofi admitted their goal is to “advance racial equity through public policy.”

“This appears again to be a violation of title VII of the Civil Rights Act,” James O’Keefe said.


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5ae0ea No.130662

File: 0eee988f1fa68a8⋯.png (439 KB,768x430,384:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115036 (221612ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / De-Dollarization Advances: Russia and China Ditch US Currency in Their Trade Settlements

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De-Dollarization Advances: Russia and China Ditch US Currency in Their Trade Settlements


Feeble and ineffective US President Joe Biden’s administration from hell is rapidly squandering away America’s soft and hard power – to the point where multipolarity is starting to take a life of its own.

The BRICS countries, who represent 29% (and rising) of the world’s GDP, has vowed to undertake a process of dedollarization of their trade settlements.

The group foremost countries, China and Russia, are on the forefront of this process, so much so that we learn from a WION report that “Russia and China have completely abandoned the use of Western currencies, including US Dollar, in their bilateral trade, said Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on Tuesday (Dec 19).”

PM Mishustin spoke in Beijing, while in a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Li Qiang, during the Russia-China Financial Dialogue forum.

“’We continue to increase the share of national currencies in mutual settlements. If in 2020 this figure was about 20 per cent, then this year we have actually completely gotten rid of the currencies of third countries in mutual settlements’, Mishustin was quoted as saying by Russian media.”

Business ties between the two nations have reached $200 billion ahead of schedule – there’s some irony here that this amount is calculated in dollars. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130663

File: e5bd64f6ae14565⋯.png (235.31 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bacb47ebf2e353⋯.png (208.77 KB,657x811,657:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115077 (221622ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One / Iranian Spy Ship Is Assisting Houthi Attacks On Red Sea Shipping: Intel Officials

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Iranian Spy Ship Is Assisting Houthi Attacks On Red Sea Shipping: Intel Officials


The Houthi war on commercial shipping in the Red Sea just escalated in a big way, at least in the minds of national security officials. Western intelligence sources have issued new statements alleging that Iranian intelligence is directly assisting Yemen's Houthi forces with targeting information, after more than two months of war in Gaza has seen some one hundred or so drones and missiles threaten both US warships and container vessels in regional waters.

"Iran’s paramilitary forces are providing real-time intelligence to Yemen’s Houthis that the rebels are using to direct drones and missiles to target ships passing through the Red Sea, Western and regional security officials said," a Friday report in The Wall Street Journal says. This is reportedly via one or more Iranian spy ships which patrol the same waters. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130664

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115293 (221712ZDEC23) Notable: Ratio’d: Why are so many people leaving Canada? (video)

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Ratio’d | Why are so many people leaving Canada?


You have likely seen videos on Youtube of Canadians who are planning to leave this country. These videos go viral and the comment sections are filled with Canadians who also are planning to leave this country. So why is this happening and is this normal? The data shows that we’re seeing a spike in emigration at the same time as Canada’s population is growing at a record pace due to mass immigration.

On the latest episode of Ratio’d, Harrison Faulkner crunches the numbers on emigration data to see if these videos are just for clicks or if they’re speaking to a real and growing trend.

Also, YouTuber Adam Nucci who made a video about why he is planning to leave Canada joins the show to talk more about the issues facing Canada and why so many have becomed disillusioned with the state of our country.

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5ae0ea No.130665

File: ac87c70d279b255⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 6360e7f73e6be2e⋯.png (450.49 KB,542x812,271:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115328 (221724ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Toronto Sun apologizes for editorial cartoon deemed antisemitic

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Toronto Sun apologizes for editorial cartoon deemed antisemitic


The Toronto Sun has apologized for an editorial cartoon published on Thursday that critics have called antisemitic for its depiction of Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky.

The cartoon was drawn by a U.S.-based artist and depicts Zelensky, who is Jewish, picking the pocket of U.S. President Joe Biden while the two walk down a hallway together.

The drawing also exaggerates the facial features of Zelensky in a manner akin to tropes commonly used in other antisemitic drawings.

The cartoon could be seen on the Sun’s website on Thursday morning, but was removed hours later, with the Sun’s editor-in-chief Adrienne Batra, issuing an apology. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130666

File: c1b2f50aaca022b⋯.png (771.29 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115388 (221742ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Alberta’s re-imposed fuel tax faces opposition from CTF and NDP

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Alberta’s re-imposed fuel tax faces opposition from CTF and NDP


The Alberta government’s reintroduction of the provincial fuel tax has prompted an uncommon alliance to emerge.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) and the New Democratic Party (NDP) are both criticizing the Alberta government’s decision to reinstate the provincial fuel tax.

Kris Sims, Alberta director of the CTF, in an address to Albertans, highlighted the impact of this decision.

“Breaking news for taxpayers in Alberta. Your fuel tax is going to jump up on January 1. Yes. Finance Minister Nate Horner just announced that he’s going to be increasing your fuel tax by $0.09 per litre for gasoline and diesel,” she said.

Sims explained that Premier Smith suspended the fuel tax a year ago because she evaluated everything as being very expensive and inflation as a major problem, along with Ottawa increasing the carbon taxes.

She said that Albertans saved around $10 every time they filled up their minivans, $15 every time they filled up a big truck, and truck drivers driving big rigs saved around $130 to $140 every time they filled up.

“This is the wrong thing to do. Nothing’s changed as far as affordability goes. In fact, it’s often worse for a lot of people. They’re still struggling to avoid the basics. And to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he’s just got a few more weeks left before he jacks up his carbon tax on us again,” said Sims. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130667

File: 1eb1ec8a757efba⋯.png (998.6 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115435 (221752ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Gov’s devotion to high immigration keeping rent high: Bank of Canada governor

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Gov’s devotion to high immigration keeping rent high: Bank of Canada governor


Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem gave a speech to the Canadian Club where he suggested that Canadian rents would probably have started to decrease if not for the Liberal government’s record-high immigration targets.

“Canada’s housing supply has not kept up with growth in our population, and higher rates of immigration are widening the gap,” said Macklem while speaking at Toronto’s Royal York Hotel on Dec. 15.

Macklem’s talk was a routine economic update, speaking before Canadian business leaders, and warning them that next year will be “difficult for many.”

“Consumers will continue to hold back spending, businesses will see weak demand (and) the unemployment rate will likely increase further,” said Macklem.

While on the one hand, a slowing economy helps ease inflation, Macklem also noted that the exponential spike in “shelter costs” was out of step with other living costs, which are expected to ease in time.

“Why is shelter price inflation rising even as the economy slows?” he said.

Last month, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation released a report explaining that it would take an additional 4.4 million homes to get the real estate market back to some semblance of affordability.

According to Statistics Canada, the country’s population has grown by 430,635 people over the last three months. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130668

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115465 (221800ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Kris Sims: Justin Trudeau 'just loves' the carbon tax, it is 'his baby' (video)

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Kris Sims: Justin Trudeau 'just loves' the carbon tax, it is 'his baby'


Last night on The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra was joined by Kris Sims, Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

Las night on The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra said that the primary concern for many Canadians, Americans, Brits, and others in the West is inflation, stemming from government actions such as massive money printing, lockdown-induced economic shutdowns, and subsequent injection of artificial funds.

This has led to challenges like soaring housing, grocery, and gas prices, making it difficult for individuals to get ahead.

"I see that the average person in Canada won't even get into a house till they're almost 40," said Ezra.

Kris Sims, Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF), joined Ezra in on the conversation.

She recently delved into a news piece titled,'More federal tax hikes in 2024' by Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director of the CTF. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130669

File: 5fac1591c71a500⋯.png (1.75 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 393d27c1d347b46⋯.png (51.01 KB,721x427,103:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 12510b642196917⋯.png (390.03 KB,538x725,538:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115499 (221809ZDEC23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / 'It's been 22 long months': Tamara Lich returns to social media

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'It's been 22 long months': Tamara Lich returns to social media


The last time Tamara Lich posted to X, it was still publicly owned and called Twitter.

Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich is back on social media, ending a hiatus that began nearly two years ago when she was arrested. “It has been 22 long months since I have been allowed to log in to my Twitter account,” Lich wrote, tagging X owner Elon Musk and asking if “anything interesting happen(ed)” while she was off the platform.

Musk, of course, purchased Twitter in April 2022, two months after the Freedom Convoy was forcefully ended by the government following Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's invocation of the Emergencies Act. Musk rebranded Twitter to X in April this year.

“Canadian truckers rule,” Musk wrote in January 2022 as the Freedom Convoy headed to Ottawa.

Lich was arrested by police on February 17, 2022, beginning a lengthy legal process that saw the protest organizer held for 49 days in jail. She is still defending herself from mischief charges related to her role in the protest, with the trial on hiatus until 2024. You can see our past and future coverage of the ongoing trial at TamaraTrial.com. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130670

File: affa61ffa0ba69d⋯.png (683.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115572 (221827ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Maxime Bernier found guilty of violating COVID lockdown orders during Saskatoon freedom rally

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Maxime Bernier found guilty of violating COVID lockdown orders during Saskatoon freedom rally


PPC leader Maxime Bernier rallied in Saskatoon May 2021 as part of his "Mad Max Saskatchewan Tour." Over 40 attendees received fines, with all but seven defendants receiving a guilty verdict.

Canadian populist Maxime Bernier has been found guilty of violating COVID lockdown restrictions in Saskatchewan during a pandemic freedom rally.

According to a provincial court judgment released this month, Bernier rallied in Saskatoon in May 2021 as part of his "Mad Max Saskatchewan Tour." At the time, he contravened a ban on public gatherings exceeding ten people.

Over 40 attendees received fines, but Judge Quentin Douglas Agnew wrote in his decision that all but seven defendants received a guilty verdict.

Of those considered not guilty, Agnew couldn’t prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that they attended the event. In his 38-page decision, he claims those defendants attended the event only in passing or had been misidentified.

However, Bernier told the court in September 2022 that he attended the rally. "Yes, I was there," he told CTV News at the time.

"I was proud to be there," said the PPC leader. "I’m proud of these people also. They are not ordinary Canadians; they are extraordinary Canadians."


In his ruling, Agnew did not specify the penalties for violators of COVID lockdown measures. However, those who contravened public health orders in Saskatchewan can be liable to pay fines upwards of $7,500 per person.

Bernier criticized the ruling, noting the apparent double standard in Canadian justice exacted during the pandemic.

"Another judge concludes I am a criminal because I spoke to more than 10 people at a rally during COVID hysteria," he said.

"When I challenged Trudeau’s travel ban on the unvaxxed, two courts dismissed it saying the situation has changed and it’s now 'moot,'" Bernier posted on his X feed.

"But two and a half years after having met more than 10 people at a rally in Saskatchewan, a judge found me guilty of violating a public health order that is equally moot," he claimed.

This is a developing story.

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5ae0ea No.130671

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115604 (221839ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Meet the woman behind the petition calling for the end of the Trudeau government (video)

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Meet the woman behind the petition calling for the end of the Trudeau government


The petition, which is set to close for signatures on December 24, just one day before Christmas and Justin Trudeau’s birthday, has shattered the record for signatures on a thirty-day House of Commons e-petition, reaching over 360,000 signees to date.

Michelle Ferreri is the member of Parliament (MP) for Peterborough—Kawartha and Shadow Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.

She has signed her name to an official House of Commons e-petition, titled e-4701, which calls for a vote of non-confidence in the Liberal/NDP coalition government and for an election to be called within 45 days should the petition vote of no confidence pass.

She sent us an official statement, which she also posted on social media, giving the following reasons for supporting the petition: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130672

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20115717 (221917ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / UNICEF EXPOSED: Criticized for misleading public on fundraising information (video)

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UNICEF EXPOSED: Criticized for misleading public on fundraising information


After contacting UNICEF, it was confirmed that no program exists to support Israeli victims of the October 7 attack led by Hamas. The exclusive program is solely accessible to Gazans, allowing people worldwide to donate solely to them.

In a shocking revelation, UNICEF is facing criticism for providing misleading information to the public regarding its fundraising efforts amid the ongoing Middle East crisis.

Although their website showcases a donation program for the Gaza and Israel conflict, an investigation has uncovered that Israelis do not receive any of the allocated funds.

Following a tip, our journalists discovered a donation program on UNICEF's website titled, "Help for the GAZA and ISRAEL Crisis."

After contacting UNICEF, it was confirmed that no program exists to support Israeli victims of the October 7 attack led by Hamas. The exclusive program is solely accessible to Gazans, allowing people worldwide to donate solely to them. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130673

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20116007 (222040ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Supreme Court of Canada failing to thoroughly examine authoritarian response to COVID-19: Keith Wilson (video)

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Supreme Court of Canada failing to thoroughly examine authoritarian response to COVID-19: Keith Wilson


'Regrettably, I believe that the courts are demeaning their own value and their own role in our society — and Canadian society and democratic society — when they decline to give an objective, thorough analysis of the evidence that is increasingly clear that these decisions were horrifically wrong,' said lawyer Keith Wilson. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130674

File: 7f5910e26497605⋯.png (2.24 MB,1466x796,733:398,Clipboard.png)

File: 074a5df94efaa40⋯.png (106.92 KB,362x620,181:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20116234 (222141ZDEC23) Notable: Another historic Catholic church in Canada burned down in ‘suspicious’ fire

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Alberta Christian church burned down by arson just days after a Catholic church


Since the spring of 2021, well over 100 churches, most of them Catholic, have been burned or vandalized across Canada after mainstream media ran with the unfounded claim that 'unmarked graves' had been discovered at former Church-run residential school sites.

Only days after a Catholic church in Alberta was reduced to ashes, another Christian church in the Canadian province was burnt to the ground in what police have confirmed is a case of arson.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) from the Alberta area of Wheatland County said in a press release that a Seventh Day Adventist Church, located in Beiseker, a town about 70 kilometers northeast of Calgary, was “fully engulfed in flames” when fire crews arrived in the early morning hours on Wednesday of this week.

“A fire investigator was called to assist, and later that day, the fire was deemed to be an arson,” noted the RCMP. “The RCMP are now investigating and are seeking public assistance.” 

The Seventh Day Adventist Church has been a part of the local community since 1945, and community members say they will miss it now that it is gone.

“It’s a meeting place,” said local community member Ewalt Lang, per a Global News report.

“You know, some people just came from California who got married here 60 years ago and it’s still here and those memories don’t go away.”

The church burning was condemned by Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leader Pierre Poilievre, who called it an “anti-Christian” hate attack.

“My thoughts are with the Seventh Day Adventist community in Beiseker, AB mourning the loss of their church at the hands of an arsonist,” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter) yesterday. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130675

File: 66a2b2bd9a9bdb6⋯.png (499.33 KB,640x481,640:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 38fdce2a6375b6b⋯.png (1.23 MB,900x675,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: c4d1b0640cabaa9⋯.png (547.11 KB,900x675,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20116695 (222347ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Netherlands Prepares to Hand Over F-16 Fighter Jets to Ukraine

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Netherlands Prepares to Hand Over F-16 Fighter Jets to Ukraine


The Dutch government announced Friday it is preparing to give 18 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, in a boost for the embattled nation that is growing increasingly anxious about aid from its Western allies.

The Dutch defense minister, Kajsa Ollongren, sent a letter to parliament outlining the plan to donate the sophisticated jets that was first unveiled in the summer.

Friday´s decision is a significant step toward sending the planes into the skies over Ukraine, but did not say when they will be delivered.

The government said the move “allows personnel and budget to be allocated to prepare the devices” to be sent to Ukraine. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130676

File: e2ac54463d1c9ec⋯.png (637.43 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 86510ab1e299317⋯.png (1.6 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 438065b3d3a6540⋯.png (1.69 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20116764 (230005ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Canadian Media Decries Lax Treatment of Pro-Hamas Rioters Compared to Freedom Convoy Crackdown

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Canadian Media Decries Lax Treatment of Pro-Hamas Rioters Compared to Freedom Convoy Crackdown


Writing at Canada’s National Post on Tuesday, columnist Rex Murphy noted that disruptive and violent pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protesters are treated with far more indulgence by Canadian officials than the Freedom Convoy protesters who peacefully stood against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s pandemic policies in 2022. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130677

File: 49e9ec6f6dd2cc6⋯.png (43.01 KB,1000x499,1000:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20116836 (230020ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Pornhub ADMITS they profit from sex trafficking, forced to pay MILLIONS to United States, victims

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Pornhub ADMITS they profit from sex trafficking, forced to pay MILLIONS to United States, victims


"Motivated by profit, Aylo Holdings knowingly enriched itself by turning a blind eye to the concerns of victims."

Pornhub's parent company, Aylo Holdings, was arraigned on Thursday on a charge of engaging in unlawful monetary transactions involving sex trafficking proceeds.

The adult entertainment giant subsequently entered into a deferred prosecution agreement that will force them to pay millions to the United States, as well as victims who were trafficked, according to the Department of Justice.

According to the United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York, in 2009 Aylo began hosting videos created by a production company called GirlsDoPorn. Ten years later, a federal grand jury in California indicted GDP and its founder, Michael Pratt, for sex trafficking, as well as deceiving and coercing young women to take part in pornographic videos which the GDP then posted without their consent.

Between 2017 and 2019, Aylo received money from GDP's operations despite knowing that the production company was embroiled in legal troubles related to sex trafficking.

In 2019, Aylo finally removed GDP's channel from its websites, however no steps were taken to ensure any non-official content created by GDP was wiped.

"Motivated by profit, Aylo Holdings knowingly enriched itself by turning a blind eye to the concerns of victims who communicated to the company that they were deceived and coerced into participating in illicit sexual activity," FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge James Smith said. "Make no mistake, any entity that engages in sexual exploitation will be held to account for the mental anguish and terror imposed on victims. I hope today’s proceedings bring a sense of justice to the victims in this case as they move forward in their lives."

The deferred prosecution agreement holds Aylo accountable for hosting the aforementioned videos and "accepting payments from criminal actors."

"It is our hope that this resolution, which includes certain agreed payments to the women whose images were posted on the company’s platforms and an independent monitorship brings some measure of closure to those negatively affected," US Attorney Breon Peace said. "This resolution will not only provide oversight over one of the largest online content distributors in the world and ensure the company's lawful behavior, but it will also develop industry-wide standards for safety and compliance."

Under the terms of the agreement, Aylo must pay $1,844,952.83 to the US, and provide "monetary payments to victims of the GDP Operators who have not otherwise already received compensation, and whose images were posted on Aylo's platforms."

For the next three years, the company will also be subject to an independent monitor, who will assess its compliance with the agreement.

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5ae0ea No.130678

File: accf389d0ff64b5⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: c9e774b4e83c495⋯.png (198.5 KB,900x627,300:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20117558 (230322ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Controversial Ottawa school trustee banned from meetings for her bad behaviour

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Censured Ottawa school trustee wants province to save her from further discipline


Ottawa school trustee Nili Kaplan-Myrth, who was sanctioned Tuesday following a second code of conduct complaint, is asking Ontario’s education minister to ban the board from being able to take further disciplinary actions against her.

The controversial trustee is also demanding a “leave of absence” from the Ottawa Carleton District School Board, and says she has no regrets in regards to her behaviour.

As reported by CTV News, Kaplan-Myrth sent a letter to board chair Lynn Scott, school board director Pino Buffone and Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce requesting a leave Wednesday, amid her saying that she has been the victim of “persistent” antisemitism as well as “reprisals.”

Kaplan-Myrth wants Lecce to temporarily prohibit the board from being able to take disciplinary actions against her, and wants him to launch an investigation into the “weaponization” of the code of conduct complaint process.

“I ask that the Hon. Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education, intervene to put a moratorium on any further reprisals of me by the OCDSB for speaking out against antisemitism, and I ask that the Ministry of Education undertake an audit of the OCDSB’s weaponization of the Code of Conduct process to silence equity-seeking groups.”

It is unclear if Kaplan-Myrth can obtain a leave of absence. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130679

File: f900b27c1008a89⋯.png (935.07 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119305 (231447ZDEC23) Notable: Feds post $15 billion deficit in just seven months this year

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Feds post $15 billion deficit in just seven months this year


budget deficit between April and October of this year, with $7 billion of those funds being spent in October alone.

To put that into context, the budgetary deficit over the same period in 2022 was $0.2 billion from April to October, reported the finance department.

Spending for all government programs increased in 2023, up overall by 5.4%, when compared to the same time last year as well.

Excluding net actuarial losses, program spending rose to $11.8 billion.

However, government revenues went up by 1.2%, or $3 billion, due to higher interest revenues and other non-tax revenues. Vontinue...

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5ae0ea No.130680

File: 54ce6ec1a058985⋯.png (497.3 KB,768x430,384:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119336 (231453ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov Says Kiev Will Force Young Men Who Fled the Country to Join the Army and Fight the War - Statement Is Rapidly Walked Back by Officials

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Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov Says Kiev Will Force Young Men Who Fled the Country to Join the Army and Fight the War – Statement Is Rapidly Walked Back by Officials


Ukraine is a very dysfunctional country, or so it seems to the outside eye, since every time one of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s top aides writes an article or gives an interview, there’s trouble.

First, it was Commander in Chief Valery Zaluzhny, that wrote an article in The Economist magazine and further exacerbated his tensions with Zelensky.

Now, the new defense Minister Rustem Umerov gave an interview to German media in which he stated that Ukraine wants to conscript able-bodied man who fled the country to Germany – only for the information to be walked back in 24 hours.

This comes as Ukraine wants to incorporate half a million new soldiers into its struggling army.

Back in November, the BBC reported that up to 650,000 Ukrainian men of military age have fled for Europe since the beginning of the war in February 2022.

That’s despite the fact that men aged 18-60 are prohibited from leaving Ukraine, barring special circumstances, under martial law.

Kyiv Independent reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130681

File: f01a98e39d7052f⋯.png (104.6 KB,768x429,256:143,Clipboard.png)

File: d9b4d9e46f2aaf6⋯.png (167.57 KB,725x807,725:807,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c2a163d803bff1⋯.png (1.38 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119389 (231505ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Online Video Platform Rumble Leaves Brazil, Rather Than Obey Judicial Order To Censor Conservative Voices

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Online Video Platform Rumble Leaves Brazil, Rather Than Obey Judicial Order To Censor Conservative Voices


The heavily contested – and likely illegal – election of socialist Lula da Silva as Brazilian President was not the only bad news to haunt the democracy of South America’s largest country.

Ever since Joe Biden was ‘elected’ in the US and sent CIA director William Burns to Brasilia as his first official envoy, things became crazy in the Brazilian Judiciary.

The Globalists, out-of-control Brazilian Supreme Court Justices, in particular, have taken a myriad of decisions that are patently absurd and detrimental to our society.

Many content producers were outright censored, and the pressure on platforms to comply with tyranny has been relentless.

Back in January, the online video platform, web hosting and cloud services business Rumble, based in Ontario, Canada, disobeyed a judicial order to block the conservative streamer Monark, and in June the platform appealed in Brazilian justice against this order.

Now, Rumble finally has had enough, and decided to ‘leave’ Brazil, blocking access to the platform, rather than comply with the tyrannical orders. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130682

File: bed350a1c187d3e⋯.png (311.56 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: b7e341708202e0c⋯.png (188.52 KB,486x792,27:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119628 (231604ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / 96% Of Saudis Oppose Ties With Israel, Hamas Grows In Popularity: Poll

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96% Of Saudis Oppose Ties With Israel, Hamas Grows In Popularity: Poll


A new poll has found that 96 percent of Saudi nationals believe that Arab countries should cut ties with Israel in response to the war in Gaza, and that the popularity of Hamas has grown significantly amid Israel's devastating military offensive on the embattled territory.

The result of the poll, conducted by the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Affairs, a pro-Israel think tank based in Washington, shows the difficulties the United States faces as it pushes for Saudi Arabia to normalise ties with Israel. Prior to the war in Gaza, the US was actively working towards achieving an agreement that would see Israel and Saudi Arabia normalize relations.

Such a deal would build upon existing normalization agreements such as those between Israel and Bahrain, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates which were brokered under the Trump administration.

During an interview with Fox News that aired in September, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stated that the two countries were getting closer to such an agreement "every day".

Since then, however, Riyadh has put a pause on talks of normalisation and has publicised its diplomatic outreach as one that seeks "to stop the ongoing escalation".

While the kingdom has a monarchial system, public opinion plays a factor in the decision-making of Arab leaders, according to analysts. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130683

File: ad28654d023d337⋯.png (178.47 KB,500x209,500:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119715 (231625ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / China To Seek Rare Exemption From US Sanctions On Russia’s Latest LNG Project

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China To Seek Rare Exemption From US Sanctions On Russia’s Latest LNG Project


Chinese state energy giants plan to ask the United States for exemptions from the fresh sanctions on Russia’s Arctic LNG 2 project in a rare request to the U.S. as LNG deliveries could be threatened, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing sources familiar with the issue.

The U.S. imposed last month fresh sanctions on Russia’s Arctic LNG 2 project, which is close to first production.

The Arctic LNG 2 project is being developed by Russia’s largest independent natural gas producer, Novatek, and was on track to begin first production later this year.

Novatek holds a 60% stake in Arctic LNG 2. The other shareholders include CNOOC of China and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), French supermajor TotalEnergies, and Japanese firms Mitsui Group and Jogmec.

In September, the U.S. levied some sanctions on the Arctic LNG 2 project, designating Russian services companies connected with its development.

Two months later, the U.S. Department of State designated limited liability company ARCTIC LNG 2, the operator of the Arctic LNG 2 Project, as part of additional sanctions against Russia “to further target individuals and entities associated with Russia’s war effort and other malign activities.”

The $25-billion Arctic LNG-2 project is Russia’s second major LNG project, and the new U.S. sanctions prohibit all related transactions without a special license from OFAC until 31 January 2024.

Now CNOOC and CNPC are preparing to apply for sanctions exemptions to buy cargoes from Arctic LNG 2, to make sure that they don’t run afoul of the U.S., from which the Chinese firms also buy LNG, according to Bloomberg’s sources.

Earlier this week, unnamed industry sources told Reuters that Novatek had issued force majeure on future Arctic LNG 2 supplies for some clients following the sanctions imposed by Washington in November.

A Chinese request for exemptions from sanctions would be a rare occurrence for the world’s top crude oil and LNG importer, which has been importing oil from Iran, Venezuela, and Russia despite Western sanctions on the exports of those countries. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130684

File: 63d14526de94eb3⋯.png (207.57 KB,500x337,500:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119747 (231632ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Tesla Launches New Mega Factory Project In Shanghai, Designed To Manufacture 10,000 Megapacks Per Year

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Tesla Launches New Mega Factory Project In Shanghai, Designed To Manufacture 10,000 Megapacks Per Year


Tesla has launched a new mega factory project in Shanghai, which will be capable of producing 10,000 Megapacks a year, according to multiple news sources including China's Global Times.

The packs are designed for large-scale energy storage and efficient renewable energy distribution, and will be available for global sales.10,000 Megapack units annually equates to about 40GWh of energy storage capacity.

Located in the Lingang area of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, the facility is slated to begin construction in early 2024 and commence operations by the end of that year, the report says.

The signing ceremony for the project took place on Friday morning.

"With Tesla's efficient production and manufacturing capabilities, coupled with the high-quality business environment in Lingang, the mega factory project is expected to refresh the 'Tesla speed,'" Tao Lin, vice president of Tesla, told Xinhua. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130685

File: 992de67efa0201c⋯.png (227.45 KB,500x255,100:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119776 (231640ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Russia Says Oil Exports Rose By 7% in 2023 Compared To Year Before Ukraine War

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Russia Says Oil Exports Rose By 7% in 2023 Compared To Year Before Ukraine War


Russia’s crude oil exports this year will be 7% higher compared to 2021, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov was quoted as saying on Thursday.

Russian crude oil exports in 2023 have exceeded by 7% the volumes exported in 2021 – just before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This year’s crude oil exports out of Russia are estimated at around 250 million tons, Russian news agency Interfax quoted Belousov as saying during a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects.

“The most pressing problems last year have generally been resolved. This firstly concerns payments and cargo insurance, [and] secondly concens ensuring seaborne shipping of hydrocarbons by tanker fleet,” Belousov said.

Over the past year, Russia has amassed a “shadow fleet” of tankers, which helps it ship its oil to international markets, mostly to Asia.

Belousov’s comments came a day after the U.S. Treasury slapped more sanctions as it tightens enforcement of the Western price cap on Russian oil.

The U.S. designated a Government of Russia-owned ship manager and “several obscure oil traders who have emerged as frequent participants in the seaborne transportation of Russian-origin oil following the imposition of the price cap,” the Treasury said. It also updated guidance to strengthen the attestation and recordkeeping processes for certain covered service providers.

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5ae0ea No.130686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119815 (231655ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / CBC blames “teleprompter glitch” for reporter’s claim that “Israel started the Hamas war”

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CBC blames “teleprompter glitch” for reporter’s claim that “Israel started the Hamas war”


A CBC reporter’s word choice about Israel that raised eyebrows on social media was unintentional, the network claims, blaming a “teleprompter glitch.”

Power & Politics guest host J.P. Tasker said during a broadcast of the state broadcaster’s flagship politics show that “Israel started the Hamas war.”

A clip was posted to X, where it garnered hundreds of thousands of views and almost exclusively negative backlash.

Rowan Thee Stallion, an online commentator, shared the original post.

“CBC News doing their part to foment anti semitism & create a dangerous environment for Canadian Jews with your taxes as John Paul Tasker recklessly claims ‘Israel started the Hamas war,’” said Rowan in his post. “When can Canadians expect an apology?”

While not exactly an apology, Power & Politics replied to the post.

“To clarify: There was a teleprompter glitch that cut off part of the prepared script, which read: ‘That’s just the latest protest taking place in Canada, since Israel declared war on Hamas following the October attacks that left 12-hundred dead.’ The error was not intentional,” said the X account. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130687

File: be76813e9bf5bc4⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119833 (231700ZDEC23) Notable: Eviction notices in Quebec soar to all-time high

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Eviction notices in Quebec soar to all-time high


The number of eviction notices in Quebec has surged to more than five times what it was in 2020.

According to recent data compiled by the Coalition for Housing Committees and Tenants Association of Quebec, there has been a 132% increase in the number of notices issued to tenants this year.

This dramatic rise represents a jump from 1,525 cases last year to 3,531 cases in 2023, marking the highest count ever recorded by the tenant advocacy organization. In 2020, the number was 757, five times less than today.

“These figures represent a tiny fraction of the cases reported to housing committees. In reality, there are many more than that,” said Cédric Dussault, spokesperson for the organization, according to Le Soleil.

The figures gathered from around fifty housing committees across Quebec indicate a growing trend. These figures do not include evicted tenants in regions not covered by these committees or those who haven’t sought their assistance, meaning the actual number is likely higher. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130688

File: d713f84126ff8c0⋯.png (574.69 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119887 (231718ZDEC23) Notable: First part of 2024 “won’t feel good” says Bank of Canada governor

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First part of 2024 “won’t feel good” says Bank of Canada governor


While interest rates are expected to decrease in 2024, the Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem warns that the Canadian economy will still be in “transition” next year.

“We’re very focused on core inflation,” said Macklem in an interview with BNN Bloomberg.

Macklem went on to say that the Bank of Canada will need to see “a number of months with sustained downward momentum in core inflation” before it cuts interest rates.

“(If) you look at our projection, it’s some time next year, but I’m not going to put it on a calendar,” said Macklem.

Many economists predict a rate cut in the second or third quarter of next year.

The central bank started increasing interest rates in March of 2022, aiming to tame inflation with a long term goal of bringing it back to 2% in 2024. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130689

File: 638a6bac2b69d4f⋯.png (626.77 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119895 (231724ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / New book challenges unmarked graves narrative

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OP-ED: New book challenges unmarked graves narrative


The new book Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (and the Truth about Residential Schools) constitutes a much-needed response to the moral panic unleashed on May 27, 2021, when the chief of the Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc announced that ground penetrating radar had located the remains of 215 “missing children” in an apple orchard on the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in B.C.

In short order, the storyline of “mass unmarked graves” and “burials of missing children” ricocheted around Canada and much of the world. It received significant coverage in the New York Times, Washington Post, and the Guardian. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau set the tone of the government response when he ordered Canadian flags to be flown at half-mast on all federal buildings to honour the “215 children whose lives were taken at the Kamloops residential school.” In this way, possible burial sites were elevated to the status of confirmed victims of foul play, making Canada sound like a charnel house of murdered children.

The discovery of the so-called unmarked graves was subsequently chosen by Canadian newspaper editors as the “news story of the year.” And the World Press Photo of the Year award went to “a haunting image of red dresses hung on crosses along a roadside, with a rainbow in the background, commemorating children who died at a residential school created to assimilate Indigenous children in Canada.”

Over time, a persistent narrative has grown out of that initial announcement in Kamloops. It can be summarized as follows: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130690

File: f9ea39cc4a6d893⋯.png (1.46 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119920 (231733ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Ottawa spends $9.9M to create “gender-inclusive environment” for youth in Iraq

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Ottawa spends $9.9M to create “gender-inclusive environment” for youth in Iraq


As Canada grapples with its own economic challenges, International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen announced Wednesday that nearly $10 million will be sent to support youth employment initiatives in Iraq.

Hussen explained that the Middle East and North Africa are key areas of focus for Canada’s foreign policy. The strategy for the Middle East focuses on stability, resilience, and economic development, he said.

“This is a long-term play, because investment in the stability and economic resilience of countries like Iraq and the Middle East is in Canada’s national interest,” said Hussen.

The $9.9 million will support vocational and technical education programs over the next five years, facilitated by a collaboration between the World University Service of Canada and Canadian Leaders in International Consulting. While based in Ottawa, these organisations focus on international projects.

The Training and Workplace Advancement Solutions for Opportunities in the Labour Force (TAWASOL) project, as outlined in the release by the World University Service of Canada, aims to empower over 20,000 students annually in Iraq through enhanced training and employment opportunities.

“The TAWASOL project is a five-year initiative (2023-2028) that seeks to create a more enabling and gender inclusive environment for youth employment to flourish in Iraq,” reads the statement.

The federal government has allocated $4.7 billion to its Middle East strategy since 2016. This funding is being used not only to combat extremism but also to develop strategies for post-conflict reconstruction, according to Hussen. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130691

File: 83ea618f0703844⋯.png (871.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 015fa4e56fa458d⋯.png (1 MB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: d8f1708433afc00⋯.png (1.37 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: fe89797b2895622⋯.png (1.17 MB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119939 (231742ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Guilbeault used ‘misleading data’ to defend electric car mandate

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Guilbeault used ‘misleading data’ to defend electric car mandate


Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) admitted their 2035 ban on inexpensive gas vehicles will cost drivers billions of dollars and will 'disproportionately impact' northerners, rural Canadians, and the working poor. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130692

File: a579dc862cf0e69⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b242dcb8da0266d⋯.png (909.06 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 327a40a2cd00525⋯.png (899.56 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119980 (231802ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Leslyn Lewis warns that WHO pandemic treaty amendments are undemocratic

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Leslyn Lewis condemns 'undemocratic' amendments to WHO pandemic treaty


Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis told Health Minister Mark Holland in a letter of her concerns regarding the WHO pandemic treaty and its intrusion on Canada’s sovereignty. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130693

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120019 (231814ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / ISED gave nearly 900K to anti-oil charity Equiterre in the months after Guilbeault resigned as head (video)

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ISED gave nearly 900K to anti-oil charity Equiterre in the months after Guilbeault resigned as head


Equiterre currently has an active letter-writing campaign to get natural gas out of homes, and are lobbying against gas-powered cars and plastics, a 14-billion-dollar annual industry. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130694

File: 0a9591132ddce66⋯.png (1.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 03d1d25683c2d7c⋯.png (908.25 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120041 (231820ZDEC23) Notable: Trudeau Liberals defer implementation of gun control bill until late 2025

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Trudeau Liberals defer implementation of gun control bill until late 2025


Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc confirmed on December 20 his government will defer regulation and confiscation of 'prohibited' firearms until December 1, 2025. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130695

File: 4d5df2e49a792fb⋯.png (1.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120076 (231830ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Federal report claims Canada is a 'preferred destination' for 'climate refugees'

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Federal report claims Canada is a 'preferred destination' for 'climate refugees'


Canada is a preferred destination for 'climate refugees,' says Policy Horizons Canada. They claim extreme drought, rising food insecurity and water scarcity will worsen globally over the next 10 to 15 years. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130696

File: 6b72a28dc7e1687⋯.png (82.06 KB,878x527,878:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 68574e4fe258b85⋯.png (350.59 KB,657x813,219:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d709c51a5b0a43⋯.png (88.77 KB,735x545,147:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e4764d8d097840⋯.png (417.49 KB,500x498,250:249,Clipboard.png)

File: 30ce35a4d7149a1⋯.png (150.95 KB,500x298,250:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120146 (231852ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Pentagon's Operation Prosperity Guardian "Falls Apart" As Spain, Italy, France Reject Request

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Pentagon's Operation Prosperity Guardian "Falls Apart" As Spain, Italy, France Reject Request


Australia is the latest country to reject a request from the United States to send warships to the Red Sea under the command of the Pentagon's Operation Prosperity Guardian to protect commercial vessels along the critical maritime trade route from Iran-backed Houthi.

Defense Minister Richard Marles told Sky News that Australia's military would not send a "ship or a plane" to the Red Sea but would triple the number of troops for the US-led maritime force.

"We need to be really clear around our strategic focus and our strategic focus is our region," Marles said.

The Pentagon's formation of Operation Prosperity Guardian, a new task force to protect shipping from Houthi drone and missile attacks in the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait and the Red Sea, requires increased warship patrols by the US and allies. This will create a security umbrella over commercial vessels to defend from attacks.

Reuters said about twenty countries have signed up for the Pentagon's new operation. However, several countries, including Australia, Spain, Italy, and France, have rejected the Pentagon's request to participate in the operation.

Spain's Defence Ministry said it would only participate in NATO-led missions or European-coordinated operations - not ones commanded by the Pentagon: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130697

File: cb74c4558a34342⋯.png (918.46 KB,811x506,811:506,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120358 (231951ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Face Biometrics Taking Over Authentication and Age Assurance

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Face Biometrics Taking Over Authentication and Age Assurance


Biometrics in support of reusable digital ID is a theme running through several of the news articles that drew the most viewers over the past week on Biometric Update. Worldcoin is cleared for a return to operations in Kenya, BT is planning UK government certification for its digital ID, and a webinar examined SpruceID’s work on California’s mDL. In a slightly different vein, a new partnership between Tech5 and Visa will work on delivering cash transfers from government to people digitally. Each involves contactless biometrics, mostly face. Face biometrics also feature in popular stories about Google’s new age estimation service, Thales’ ambitions in Indonesia’s smart capital city project, and emerging startup VNPay.

Top biometrics news of the week Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120394 (232001ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Two Children Die From RSV; Here we go again (video)

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Two Children Die From RSV


Look & listen to how they say the news. (223/322) Here we go again. Merry Christmas!

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5ae0ea No.130699

File: 86c344069b68e06⋯.png (423.11 KB,810x492,135:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20120959 (232205ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / New Brunswick auditor general says province failed to give any evidence for 33 COVID-era decisions

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New Brunswick auditor general says province failed to give any evidence for 33 COVID-era decisions


New Brunswick Auditor General Paul Martin has stated that the province’s Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health was unable to provide evidence-based data to justify 33 different COVID-related decisions it made.

The Auditor General for the Canadian province of New Brunswick has released a critical report highlighting that provincial health officials could not give any evidence-based documentation to support 33 COVID-related decisions it made during the so-called pandemic.

New Brunswick’s Auditor General Paul Martin, in his recently released 2023 Auditor General’s Report – Volume II, under the heading “COVID-19 Pandemic Response,” noted that despite the public health department having multiple COVID systems in place, he found “areas for improvement.”

Martin’s office selected 33 public-related recommendations from the province’s Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, and then asked the department to back up these recommendations with evidence.

“The department was unable to provide requested documentation, acknowledging that they ‘did not create a compendium or a repository of all of the scientific articles, papers, publications and analyses it consulted during the pandemic and therefore we cannot provide a fulsome and detailed list of all of the evidence consulted and used when recommendations were being formulated,'” noted Martin while speaking to the legislature’s public accounts committee.

Although the department was able to support some of its infection protocol decisions, Martin noted that these were internal, and not “public-facing.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130700

File: 91b8a531511561b⋯.png (752.38 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124161 (241445ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / PM Orbán Says European Union Is ‘Blackmailing’ Hungary, Withholding Funds Over Budapest’s Position on Ukrainian Membership and Aid

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PM Orbán Says European Union Is ‘Blackmailing’ Hungary, Withholding Funds Over Budapest’s Position on Ukrainian Membership and Aid


Conservative champion, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is in constant dispute with the European Union over an array of Globalist policies that Brussels wants to impose on every member – but that Budapest rejects.

The EU – that Orbán has called ‘a bad parody of the Soviet Union – tarnishes Hungary as ‘poor’ on the rule of law, while simultaneously propping up Ukraine, a country with a government that has banned all opposition parties and censored virtually every media outlet critical of Zelensky.

So this week Orbán said that the European Commission, led by über Globalist Ursula von der Leyen, is ‘blackmailing’ Hungary by withholding billions in frozen funds.

Orbán said the blackmail is admitted by the ‘blackmailers’ themselves — the members of the European Parliament.

Politico reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130701

File: 5972fdf7aef6682⋯.png (339.46 KB,768x404,192:101,Clipboard.png)

File: a0d1750cb3bba10⋯.png (1.04 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124223 (241507ZDEC23) Notable: The Spirit of HMCS Bonaventure Calls for the Political Will to Beef Up Canada’s Defence

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The Spirit of HMCS Bonaventure Calls for the Political Will to Beef Up Canada’s Defence



Perhaps forgotten in Canadian history is that the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) once had aircraft carriers. The last one was the HMCS Bonaventure, which plied Atlantic waters with jet fighters and anti-submarine warfare aircraft until 1970. Economies of budget then set in and the shrinking of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) began and subsequently plummeted in the post-Cold War environment.

Those were heady days when the Bonaventure was part of a robust Canadian military. The ship provided significant capabilities to defend the northern waters from Soviet submarines and long-range aircraft.

Canada had nuclear warheads—under U.S. lock and key—for its air defence missiles based at home and its strike aircraft based in Europe, as part of the NATO deterrent against the Soviet threat of invasion. At the time, Canada provided a substantive component of NATO. Since then, the Canadian military component has withered to a shadow of its former self. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130702

File: 9aa8981c070fb91⋯.png (327.14 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ea2b7ba3fa3ae2⋯.png (355.51 KB,653x816,653:816,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124291 (241527ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Putin Now Serious About Negotiating End To War: Diplomats

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Putin Now Serious About Negotiating End To War: Diplomats


In a fresh weekend report The New York Times says that President Vladimir Putin is ready to negotiate an end to the nearly two year-long 'special operation' in Ukraine, at a moment most of the territory which forms the four 'annexed' oblasts remains firmly under Russian military control.

However, to some degree, Putin has consistently held open the chance to negotiate... it's just that "negotiate" in the Kremlin context would be on the basis of Crimea and the Donbass being fully recognized as Russian Federation territory. Until recently, the West considered this an impossibility, but US and European officials have more recently quietly admitted Moscow has more or less 'won'. The NY Times quotes Putin in the following: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124340 (241540ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Alberta farmer ceases operations over Trudeau's carbon tax, inflation

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Alberta farmer ceases operations over Trudeau's carbon tax, inflation


Dawn Van Tienhoven condemned Ottawa’s punitive carbon tax and inflation for making her operations unaffordable. 'My mortgage payments went from $4,300 a month to $6,700 a month,' she said.

One Alberta family is calling it quits after more than 30 years of working the land as proud farmers.

Dawn Van Tienhoven took to social media Thursday condemning Ottawa’s punitive carbon tax and inflation for making her operations unaffordable.

"My mortgage payments went from $4,300 a month to $6,700 a month," she said. "That's crazy. That's insane."

The federal government remains committed to annual carbon tax hikes until at least 2030, only offering tax relief for 3% of families in recent months.

As a second-generation Alberta farmer, Van Tienhoven said it's the end of Shirley’s Greenhouse. "I wanted to continue farming but I couldn't," she said.

"I gave it my all and I put every fibre of my heart, soul and effort into it, but I just couldn't do it." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130704

File: a768e6a07479a40⋯.png (911.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b29340be664380⋯.png (189.37 KB,545x685,109:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 0931602beec66a3⋯.png (218.92 KB,543x651,181:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124383 (241556ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Toronto-based COVID test supplier edited results before receiving billions from taxpayers

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Toronto-based COVID test supplier edited results before receiving billions from taxpayers


BTNX, a Toronto-based small rapid test supplier, reportedly deleted dozens of samples used in a study they submitted to Health Canada in October 2021. During the pandemic, Ottawa purchased 404 million rapid tests imported from China by BTNX on 15 contracts worth $2 billion.

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5ae0ea No.130705

File: 9ce3fb7bf7c45bf⋯.png (519.07 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124426 (241611ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Antony Blinken Asks Why World Isn’t Demanding Hamas Surrender

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WATCH: Antony Blinken Asks Why World Isn’t Demanding Hamas Surrender


Secretary of State Antony Blinken asked Wednesday why the world was pressuring the victim of terror, Israel, instead of pressuring the terrorist “aggressor,” Hamas, whose surrender would end the war in Gaza and save the lives of many Palestinian civilians.

Blinken was answering questions from reporters in a year-end press conference when he delivered this response on the Gaza war: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5099230/user-clip-blinken-asks-world-pressure-hamas-surrender

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5ae0ea No.130706

File: 127c3e005885cd1⋯.png (890.87 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124529 (241646ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Scott Moe says Ottawa’s wishful thinking on climate led to current economic woes

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Scott Moe says Ottawa’s wishful thinking on climate led to current economic woes


Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe blames the federal government’s climate policies for plunging Canadians into rising inflation rates and unaffordability.

In a year-end interview with Brian Zinchuk for the energy-focused outlet Pipeline Online, Moe accused the federal Liberals of being out of touch with reality and took a swing at the carbon tax specifically for accelerating inflation. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130707

File: 85d4caa53f34c48⋯.png (795.04 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: b72b848dea7157b⋯.png (477.61 KB,538x812,269:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124575 (241700ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBC CEO Catherine Tait claims top spot on taxpayers’ “Naughty List”

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CBC CEO Catherine Tait claims top spot on taxpayers’ “Naughty List”


CBC’s president and CEO, Catherine Tait, has claimed the top spot on the Canadian Taxpayers Federation’s Naughty List, an annual ranking of public officials accused of squandering public funds.

Tait’s inclusion comes as she faces scrutiny for announcing job cuts for hundreds of CBC employees just weeks before Christmas, coupled with her decision to retain executive bonuses for herself and other top staff.

Franco Terrazzano, the federal director of the CTF, lambasted Tait’s actions accusing CBC’s management of taking money from taxpayers while leaving workers unemployed.

“It takes a special type of Scrooge to lay off hundreds of employees weeks before the holidays and not be willing to give up your own bonus, but that’s exactly what taxpayers heard from CBC big shots,” said Terrazzano.

Joining Tait on the Naughty List are Senator Pierre Dalphond, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130708

File: bbcaa99fa5072b9⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20124612 (241718ZDEC23) Notable: Halifax’s annual Christmas Tree for Boston stands as a reminder of friendship

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Halifax’s annual Christmas Tree for Boston stands as a reminder of friendship


In the heart of Boston Common, a towering Canadian Christmas tree stands as a bright emblem of friendship between two cities forever bound by a tragic historical event.

Nova Scotia’s annual Tree for Boston tradition, spanning over a century, sees the province generously gifting Boston with a majestic Christmas tree.

The roots of this exchange trace back to the fateful year of 1917 when Halifax was ravaged by one of the largest man-made explosions before the atomic bomb.

The cataclysmic event occurred when a French cargo ship laden with explosives collided with a Norwegian vessel in Halifax Harbor, creating a devastating fireball that claimed the lives of nearly 2,000 people, injured 9,000, and left entire neighbourhoods flattened to rubble.

Compounded by a blizzard that hindered rescue efforts, the survivors were left destitute and freezing. In the face of this unprecedented disaster, Boston emerged heroically. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128557 (251612ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / CBS News Correspondent Catherine Herridge Predicts a ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024: ‘A National Security Crisis with Unpredictable High Impact’

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CBS News Correspondent Catherine Herridge Predicts a ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024: ‘A National Security Crisis with Unpredictable High Impact’ (VIDEO)


During the year-end CBS News correspondents roundtable, Catherine Herridge, the network’s senior investigative correspondent, made a grim prediction for 2024, referring to a potential ‘Black Swan event’ – a national security crisis with unpredictable high impact.

A “black swan event” refers to an unpredictable or unforeseen event, typically one with extreme consequences. This term was popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his 2007 book “The Black Swan”.

Margaret Brennan, moderating the discussion, asked Herridge about her prediction.

Catherine Herridge, a seasoned reporter who has covered national security and intelligence for years, had an unsettling message regarding what the future might hold, especially under the Biden regime.

“Well, mine’s a little dark,” she began. “I just feel a lot of concern that 2024 may be the year of a black swan event. This is a national security event with high impact that’s very hard to predict.”

She outlined several factors contributing to her prediction. “There are a number of concerns- concerns, I have that factor into that. Not only this sort of enduring, heightened threat level that we’re facing, the wars in Israel, also Ukraine.”

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5ae0ea No.130710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128571 (251617ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Christmas Message: Unite with Israel in Battle Against Barbarism

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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Christmas Message: Unite with Israel in Battle Against Barbarism (Video)


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared a Christmas message urging the condemnation of Hamas and calling on the Christian community to support Israel in its battle against terrorism.

He shared his message on X, saying, “To our Christian friends around the world, Merry Christmas.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130711

File: 7bffb827b1b83d1⋯.png (1.28 MB,974x636,487:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128721 (251703ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Peter Sweden-EU: THROWS AWAY 215 Million Covid Vaccines

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Peter Sweden-EU: THROWS AWAY 215 Million Covid Vaccines


Some huge news. At least 215 million expired doses of the mRNA shots have been destroyed by the EU – This comes at a cost to the tax payer of around €4 BILLION.

Looks like people are not interested in taking the boosters anymore, so countries have been forced to throw them away.

The EU bought massive quantities of the brand new mRNA shots that has never been tested for long term side effects.

In fact, they ordered a whopping 4.2 BILLION vaccine doses, enough for giving each citizen in the EU 9 doses. Is this why they pushed so hard for people to get the boosters, so that they could get rid of their surpluss vaccines? Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130712

File: 4c67628ea042b3b⋯.png (2.54 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128734 (251707ZDEC23) Notable: EAEU Countries Sign Full-Fledged Free Trade Agreement With Iran

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EAEU Countries Sign Full-Fledged Free Trade Agreement With Iran


Member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) have signed a full-fledged free trade agreement with Iran, which should replace the temporary agreement in effect since 2019.

The signing took place on the sidelines of a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Russia's St. Petersburg. The agreement was signed by the chairman of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), Mikhail Myasnikovich, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk and Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Abbas Aliabadi. The deal was also signed by representatives of Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

The temporary agreement on the creation of a free trade zone between the EAEU and Iran was concluded on May 17, 2018 and is in effect from October 27, 2019.

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5ae0ea No.130713

File: 0e9f999fdb343de⋯.png (484.88 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 89db37a24378003⋯.png (526.37 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: c93afc12ebea5e8⋯.png (408.93 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: a1b1c57aaa94aa0⋯.png (476.99 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128749 (251715ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / IDF carries out ‘wide-scale’ airstrikes on Hezbollah as rockets from Lebanon hit north

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IDF carries out ‘wide-scale’ airstrikes on Hezbollah as rockets from Lebanon hit north


Anti-tank missile hits house in Avivim, causing no casualties; alert sirens go off in multiple communities along border and in Galilee Panhandle

The Israel Defense Forces said it carried out “wide-scale” strikes against Hezbollah targets Sunday after barrages of rockets from Lebanon targeted multiple communities in northern Israel.

The IDF said fighter jets hit military buildings, rocket launchers, and other infrastructure belonging to the Iran-backed terror group in response to the rocket attacks. It also said it opened fire to “remove threats” at several areas along the border.

Cross-border attacks from Lebanon have persisted since the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip on October 7, when the Palestinian terror group carried out a devastating assault.

In one incident Sunday, an anti-tank missile from Lebanon hit a home in the border community of Avivim, causing significant damage but no injuries.

Communities close to the frontier with Lebanon have been largely evacuated of civilians since October. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130714

File: b98b596091a4d9f⋯.png (688.29 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128779 (251726ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Serbia thanks Russia for ‘color revolution’ warning

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Serbia thanks Russia for ‘color revolution’ warning


Moscow shared vital intelligence with Belgrade, according to Prime Minister Ana Brnabiс

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabiс has expressed gratitude to the Russian security services, which alerted Belgrade to plans for riots in the capital.

Pro-Western demonstrators attempted to break into government buildings in Belgrade on Sunday evening, in what Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called an attempted color revolution. While Vucic initially thanked unnamed “foreign services” for letting his security services “know exactly what the thugs were preparing,” Brnabiс later revealed that Belgrade was tipped off by Moscow.

“I feel that it is important, especially tonight, to stand up for Serbia and to thank the Russian security services who had that information and who shared it with us,” Brnabic told TV Pink on Sunday night.

“I can only say thank you, and it probably won’t be popular with those from the West,” the prime minister said, adding, “When we shared that information with everyone else, they said: ‘Well, that’s Russian disinformation, that’s spreading fake news.’” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130715

File: fb6eec750484751⋯.png (1.31 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 087a4bdf6d5bf4b⋯.png (1.05 MB,696x782,348:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128819 (251742ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / CAMPUS WATCH: Professor slams “cash-strapped” university for hiring elite firm to run snitch line

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CAMPUS WATCH: Professor slams “cash-strapped” university for hiring elite firm to run snitch line


Saint Mary’s philosophy professor Mark Mercer is slamming his “cash-strapped” university for hiring an elite firm to run a snitch line.

Earlier this year, the mid-sized Halifax university announced the launch of an “anonymous whistleblower hotline” for people to anonymously disclose concerns about suspected improper activity, such as a breach of any university policy or regulatory requirement, as well as financial or research misconduct.

The university has hired elite accounting firm Grant Thornton to run the system.

In an email to True North, the university said the reporting system “provides a mechanism for university members to confidentially and/or anonymously disclose concerns.”

“The safe disclosure policy applies to all employees, students, volunteers, contractors and suppliers of Saint Mary’s, and works in tandem with our other codes and policies on conduct, such as Research Policies, the Code of Student Conduct Policy, the Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy and others,” the statement continued.

Posters promoting the new system have popped up around the university’s campus.

In an interview with True North, Mercer said he is worried about the effect the snitch line will have “on the culture of the institution” amid members of the woke class defining “unacceptable behaviour” as anything that they don’t like. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130716

File: 62ebfb4982bf3d8⋯.png (876.87 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128847 (251748ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Record-setting anti-Trudeau petition closes with 387k signatures

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Record-setting anti-Trudeau petition closes with 387k signatures


A viral petition calling for a non-confidence vote against Justin Trudeau’s government has closed, amassing 386,698 signatures in the month it was open for Canadians to sign.

Petition e-4701, initiated by Melissa Outwater from Peterborough, Ont. and sponsored by Conservative MP Michelle Ferreri, called for a vote of no confidence and a federal election within 45 days should the vote pass.

The petition, which was launched Nov. 24, closed Christmas Eve. True North had previously covered the petition when it surpassed 121,000 signatures in its first six days.

Outwater said that she created the petition based on advice given by Trudeau himself.

“When he was testifying in the Emergency Act inquiry. He let Canadians know that we have a democratic process, and we should be using it,” said Outwater.

Ferreri said she would present the petition in the House of Commons and send a clear message that Canadians are demanding change.

“The facts speak for themselves,” Ferrari said. “Justin Trudeau has delivered record high food bank usage, homelessness, skyrocketing housing prices, an opioid and mental health crisis, a violent rise in crime and multiple ethics violations.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130717

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20128958 (251818ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Two Zoom calls were the only consultations the feds intended to do on vaccine mandates (video)

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Exclusive: Two Zoom calls were the only consultations the feds intended to do on vaccine mandates


Access to information request documents obtained by Rebel News reveal concerns from employers about the government's one-size-fits-all policy.

Employers and stakeholders were asking for alternatives and warning of essential service disruptions if the Trudeau Liberals imposed a vaccine mandate on federally regulated industries, access to information documents obtained by Rebel News from Employment and Social Development Canada reveal.

Canadians saw supply chain disruptions, chaos in the airports, and long waits to use federal service like passport renewals in the wake of the federal government's requirement to have the one million Canadians working in federally regulated industries and government agencies to receive a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment by October 31, 2021.

Rebel News requested any documents related to consultations between the government and affected employers in March 2022. The feds took a four-month extension in April 2022, and we received the documents December 2023, 16 months overdue.

Records of internal communications demonstrate employers and stakeholders were issuing dire warnings to the feds about proceeding with a blanket policy, regardless of the objections of employees.

On page 12: "It was clear that a one-size fits all approach will not respond to the realities of all sectors within the federal jurisdiction."

Page 18: "Many employers and labour organizations called for flexibility and the need to have an alternative to vaccination to avoid supply chain impacts."

And page 21: two Zoom calls were the only consultations the government intended to do on vaccine mandates.

Two Zoom calls before putting the health and jobs of one million people at risk. That's tyranny.

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5ae0ea No.130718

File: f119b81f6660179⋯.png (710.45 KB,768x429,256:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129148 (251914ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Canadian PM Trudeau Is ‘Afraid’ That Second Trump Term Will Bring an End to Globalist Climate Policies

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Canadian PM Trudeau Is ‘Afraid’ That Second Trump Term Will Bring an End to Globalist Climate Policies


Globalist poster boy, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is obsessed with his ‘flagship’ climate alarmist policies.

Problem is, fewer and fewer seem to share this obsession.

The population rejects his approach, as polls show the Conservative opposition, that rejects measures such as the Carbon Tax, with a significant lead.

The courts reject his approach, as some of his climate- related legislation has been deemed unconstitutional.

The provinces reject his approach, as a never-before seen coalition of Provincial Premiers has stood up against his policies.

So, while his premiership is in a shambles, Trudeau decided he needed to weigh in on the American Presidential campaign, and do so with his usual display of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

In an interview to the ultra-liberal Canadian media, the PM said that ‘every American administration brings challenges for Canada’.

Trudeau recalled what he termed Trump’s ‘desire to move backwards on climate change’ that ‘was a menace not just to Canada but to the world’. Yeah, right.

CBC reported the PM as saying:

“‘Yes, there’s a concern — particularly around the environment, at a time where it’s so important to move forward on protecting and building an economy of the future where energy workers, miners, forestry workers across this country — and manufacturing across this country — continues to be successful as we move towards lower emissions’, he said. ‘A Trump presidency that goes back on the fight against climate change would slow down the world’s progress in ways that are concerning to me’.”

The United States is Canada’s largest trading partner and most important ally. So it stands to reason that there should be genuine interest in the way things develop down below.

However, Trudeau is only trying to score some political points with his own Liberals by repeating the tired old talking points about the Trump ‘danger’.

“When Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris climate agreement in 2017, Trudeau said he was “deeply disappointed” by the decision. Days later, the Liberals marked World Environment Day with renewed vigor.

‘If the U.S. administration is going to step back on climate action, Canada is going to step up and do even more’, said Catherine McKenna, federal environment minister at the time.”

Trudeau is leading the crying over the very real prospect that President Trump will again withdraw the US from the Paris accord.

Maybe the Liberal leader could prioritize convincing his own constituency of the validity of his crippling climate policies, before venturing into fear mongering other countries’ elections.

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5ae0ea No.130719

File: 88df6d71446b21f⋯.png (681.32 KB,768x427,768:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 737dc16e4d6fc65⋯.png (1.11 MB,768x846,128:141,Clipboard.png)

File: ffd2dc5428f070e⋯.png (377.57 KB,806x617,806:617,Clipboard.png)

File: c1fae2eb5c7b1fe⋯.png (207.29 KB,815x757,815:757,Clipboard.png)

File: c7fdca153264848⋯.png (277.12 KB,542x737,542:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133230 (261644ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament

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Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament


While Canadians worry about the rise in the cost of living, woke Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and liberals are focused on tampons.

Under a new policy, tampons and sanitary pads are now available for free in men’s bathrooms at the Canadian Parliament.

The policy requires all federally regulated employers, which includes airports and military bases, to offer free menstrual products in all washrooms, regardless of what gender is identified on the door.

Canadian Conservative Sen. Linda Frum shared the news on X, “Back in the day, when only women menstruated, we had to pay for our own products. But now that men menstruate too, these products, as of this week, are mandated to be free in all men’s washrooms in all federal workplaces, including Parliament Hill — where this photo was taken today.”

The New York Post reports:

“This means that every female-identified, male-identified and all gender toilet rooms will need to have menstrual products,” the regulations posted to Canada’s Employment and Social Development website say.

“Unrestricted access to menstrual products better protects menstruating employees and makes sure that they feel safe to use the toilet room that best reflects their gender.”

It is up to each employer to find the funding necessary to purchase these products and disposal containers.

In a statement, Trudeau’s government said that “providing employees with access to menstrual products supports better health outcomes and workplace productivity while reducing the stigma often associated with menstruation.”

Brian Lilley writes in the Toronto Sun, “Then there’s one of those phrases again that is all about eliminating women from our language, “menstruating employees.” It’s right up there with mentruators – recently used in our Parliament – or terms like pregnant people, people who lactate or chestfeeders.”

“Today, we can’t use terms like women because according to the current thinking – but not backed up by biology – not all people who menstruate are women. Men, we are told, can have periods.”

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5ae0ea No.130720

File: 62f9b676742aa3c⋯.png (790.89 KB,1021x571,1021:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 54f45db93114c16⋯.png (1.13 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133282 (261655ZDEC23) Notable: As Threat of Invasion From Venezuela Escalates, the US Runs Military Drills With Allied Guyanese Armed Forces; UK sends warship

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British Warship Deployed to the Coast of Guyana, in Major Escalation of the Dispute Against Venezuela for the Oil-Rich Essequibo Region


All over the world, national borders between countries have become the focus of geopolitical tensions, as frontier disputes going back decades or even centuries are reignited.

In South America, the hundred year-old territorial boundaries between Venezuela and Guyana are once again a source of regional tensions.

Caracas renewed its claims to the 62,000-square-mile Essequibo region, which is internationally recognized as part of Guyana, after 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil and gas were found off the coast of Guyana in recent years.

After Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro held a controversial referendum over the claims for the area, diplomatic efforts have been in motion to keep the situation from escalating into a military conflict.

But now, Guyana’s former colonial power, Britain is sending a warship to the region to help defend the rapidly developing country.

Guyana had the world’s highest real GDP growth rate in 2022, growing 62.4%, expected to expand by another 27.2% in this year.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130721

File: f138dfbc9214cd2⋯.png (964.54 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133395 (261717ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Chilling’: Smart Toys Are Increasingly Recording and Tracking Your Kids, Warns Watchdog Report

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‘Chilling’: Smart Toys Are Increasingly Recording and Tracking Your Kids, Warns Watchdog Report


Santa’s watchful eye will have an unyielding rival this Christmas: smart toys, according to a November watchdog report.

In an article titled, “Trouble in Toyland 2023,” the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund warned of the threat of increasingly popular toys loaded with artificial intelligence.

The report listed a number of playthings and their concerning spy-like technology, and also gave advice as to what to do about them.

Nowadays, even “simpler” toys and games are equipped with data-gathering A.I. They’re often rigged with cameras and microphones for facial and vocal recognition and even GPS tracking.

Many toys, like miniature soccer balls and play doctor’s kits, come with apps and can connect to the internet or Bluetooth.

Some are geared toward children as young as 3 years old, according to the report.

For example, Fisher Price’s Smart Toy Bear was meant for children 3 – 8.

The bear could listen, talk and record conversations for future reference, according to PIRG. But in 2019, the product was discontinued because of the app’s vulnerability to hacking. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130722

File: 17fc7e771b60eab⋯.png (638.88 KB,768x408,32:17,Clipboard.png)

File: ba9e0725f1b54fb⋯.png (251.19 KB,720x812,180:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f835364b750118⋯.png (362.18 KB,718x727,718:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133484 (261741ZDEC23) Notable: U.S. Retaliates With “Proportionate Strikes” on Iran-Backed Terror Groups in Iraq After Drone Attack on Base in Erbil

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U.S. Retaliates With “Proportionate Strikes” on Iran-Backed Terror Groups in Iraq After Drone Attack on Base in Erbil Injures Three “U.S. Personnel”, Including One Critically Wounded Servicemember

The U.S. retaliated against Iran-backed terror groups in Iraq Monday night (early Tuesday local time) after a drone attack on the Al-Harir airbase near the civilian airport in the northern Iraq city of Erbil earlier Monday injured three U.S. personnel, including one critically injured servicemember according to a statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. U.S. Central Command also issued a statement saying indications are that several terrorists were killed in the retaliatory airstrikes. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130723

File: 4134ad0d36b9d9d⋯.png (583.5 KB,768x431,768:431,Clipboard.png)

File: a5ff741a672e4e2⋯.png (844.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a8bb36e3972470⋯.png (867.25 KB,825x462,25:14,Clipboard.png)

File: a4e599344473f9e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133592 (261803ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

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Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut


The year is ending on an upbeat note for the Russian Federation troops that have just conquered the heavily fortified town of Maryinka, in the outskirts of Donetsk city.

This is a major development, the biggest since Moscow troops regained the initiative, and also the greatest achievement since they gained control of Avdiivka (Bakhmut) in May.

By taking Maryinka, the Russians have significantly pushed back the Ukrainian artillery. For years, Kiev used Maryinka has a key launching pad for drone and artillery strikes against civilians in Donetsk.

Watch: drone footage of Maryinka ruins. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130724

File: fbd4a96a1573f88⋯.png (234.79 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: fde0f8fbe6be3a6⋯.png (121.33 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133631 (261812ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Ukraine 'Celebrates' Destruction Of Major Russian Navy Vessel In Rare Crimea Air Raid

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Ukraine 'Celebrates' Destruction Of Major Russian Navy Vessel In Rare Crimea Air Raid


Ukraine's military has conducted a rare airstrike on a docked Russian warship in an early morning raid on Tuesday. The amphibious landing ship Novocherkassk is said to have sustained significant damage, but The Associated Press is reporting that a pair of Ukrainian fighter jets were shot down by Russian anti-air defenses shortly after.

The landing ship "Novocherkassk" was docked in the Crimean city of Feodosia, with crew aboard during the assault, resulting in one person killed and two injured. Russia's TASS said the attack resulted in an ammunition store being blown up. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133871 (261919ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / WEF’s deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda

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WEF’s deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda


“Working together, restoring trust” was the theme of the 52nd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) held in 2022. Ironically, during this meeting, GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis verified WEF’s deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda.

Ellis is proud to be part of WEF’s Power of the Media task force which aims to “help media organisations use the power of their platforms” to find ways to “build back better,” and enhance “diversity” and “social cohesion.” Her organisation GLAAD is also a very proud partner of WEF’s Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality (“PGLE”), she said during a panel discussion at WEF’s 2022 annual meeting.

She went on to say that “PGLE is a project of WEF and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. “We work with news, business, entertainment, faith leaders, sports governments and individual activists from around the globe to educate public people on LGBTQ issues and move policy forwards,” she said.

The following year, at the 2023 WEF annual meeting, Ellis admitted GLAAD aims to “infiltrate” media and has “worked really closely with Hollywood” on “normalising LGBT folks, including us in all stories.”

The strategies that GLAAD employs have never been a secret, LifeSite News wrote. They were laid out long ago in a gay manifesto published in 1989: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20133972 (261943ZDEC23) Notable: Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One

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Russia and Ukraine Bun Part One

>>130356, >>130384 Dissecting The Washington Post’s “Analysis” Of Ukraine’s Failed Counter Offensive (Parts 1&2)

>>130357 Panic in Brussels: France’s Macron and Other European Leaders Scramble To Try To Make Hungarian PM Orbán Remove His Opposition to Ukraine EU Accession Talks

>>130358 Russia Confirms Presidential Elections for March 2024 - Unlike Ukraine’s Zelensky Who Cancelled Vote Because of the War

>>130387 Escobar: How Kiev Wanted To Expand The War To Belarus

>>130389 Putin Formally Announces 2024 Election Bid

>>130390 Russia's Flagship Crude Oil Falls Below The $60 Price-Cap, But…

>>130404 America Last: Joe Biden Announces Additional $175 Million Security Assistance to Ukraine

>>130410 "No NATO" For Ukraine, Ukrainian Politician Says

>>130420 Soros Son Meets Zelensky as Globalists Circle Wagons Around Ukraine

>>130421 Zelensky to meet Biden

>>130422 Zelensky’s wife pleads for more US cash

>>130425 Locked Out: Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish Truckers Are Blocking Border Checkpoints With Ukraine - Protests Over Kiev’s Haulers Privileges Are Hurting Military Campaign

>>130444 Russian Arctic investment booming - official

>>130454 Ukraine's Largest Mobile Network Hit By Major Cyberattack Blamed On Russia

>>130458 Is This The End For Zelenskyy?

>>130480 Globalism 101: Chosen by Polish Parliament as the New PM, Donald Tusk Vows Loyalty to the EU and the US, Calls for ‘World Mobilization’ To Help Ukraine

>>130491 Zelensky Meets with Defense Contractors in D.C. During Bid for U.S. Taxpayer Money

>>130493 Third EU state objects to Ukrainian membership talks

>>130515 Putin Holds a Marathon 4-Hour Press Conference: “We Will Bolster Russia’s Sovereignty, Fortify Border Security, Safeguard Rights and Freedoms of Our Citizens”

>>130516 Putin Holds Year-End Presser Along With Annual Q&A Session in Moscow

>>130517 Ukraine Deputy Detonates Grenade in Council Meeting Live on Camera - One Dead, Dozens Injured

>>130523 Thousands of Ukrainians who fled the war now seeking permanent residence in Canada

>>130562 I was naive about the West - Putin

>>130572 G7 Closer To Giving $300BN In Seized Russian Assets To Ukraine After Orban Blocked EU Funds

>>130577 Putin announces response to Finland joining NATO

>>130592 Low Morale Grips Ukrainian Forces as Russians Grow Stronger - Beachhead Across the Dnieper ‘A Suicide Mission’ – Army Chief Zaluzhny’s Office Bugged by either Russia or Zelensky

>>130598 Russia has free hand in Ukraine conflict now - Putin

>>130599 UK to sign naval ‘security pact’ with Ukraine - Telegraph

>>130600 Germany to deploy troops for the first time since World War 2

>>130601 No Russia at Davos - ambassador

>>130619 European Union Reportedly Considering Suspending Hungary’s Right to Vote to Salvage Ukrainian Aid

>>130624 Zelensky 'Could Mobilize 500,000 New Soldiers'

>>130628 Foreign Intelligence-Backed Ukraine on Path of Terror - Putin

>>130629 NATO troops directly involved in Ukraine conflict - Russia

>>130630 US Senate shelves Ukraine aid talks for 2023

>>130642 The Ukraine War — Turn Out The Lights, The Party Is Over

>>130646 Putin Seizes Multi-Billion-Dollar OMV And Wintershall Stakes In Russian Ventures

>>130648 The Ukraine Situation Is A Failure Of Strategy And Leadership

>>130662 De-Dollarization Advances: Russia and China Ditch US Currency in Their Trade Settlements

>>130663 Iranian Spy Ship Is Assisting Houthi Attacks On Red Sea Shipping: Intel Officials

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5ae0ea No.130727

File: 153186e88b8cfdd⋯.png (1.34 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134031 (262000ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / OP-ED: Defunding independent schools will rob families of ability to choose

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OP-ED: Defunding independent schools will rob families of ability to choose


Some critics are once again calling on the British Columbia government to stop funding independent schools. This, they say, would mean more money for government-run public schools. But in fact, if the government stopped funding independent schools, it would likely cost B.C. taxpayers more money and severely damage the ability of many B.C. parents to choose the right school for their children.

About one in eight B.C. schoolkids currently attend independent schools, which deliver the provincial curriculum but often with alternative approaches in the classroom. That’s 13.2 per cent, a higher proportion than in any other province.

Families choose independent schools for many reasons. For some kids, their learning styles or interests don’t fit the one-size-fits-all model of government-run schools. Many kids are bored or have behavioural issues in government-run classrooms. Some kids crave enriched academics, some face significant learning challenges. And some families want a school that celebrates their religion or culture.

Currently, the B.C. government provides independent schools with between 35 to 50 per cent of the per-student grant provided to government-run public schools. In other words, some of the parents’ tax dollars follow their children to the schools of their choice. As a result, B.C. taxpayers currently pay only 35 to 50 per cent of the education costs for 13.2 per cent of B.C. schoolkids. So it’s a good deal for taxpayers.

What would happen if the government stopped funding independent schools? Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130728

File: 14d593c01194237⋯.png (569.2 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 11eea56398e51a3⋯.png (260.09 KB,1184x874,592:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f49b76a3f3d63e⋯.png (190.78 KB,1174x480,587:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134216 (262055ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Elon Musk’s ‘Grok’ AI Labels Its Creator a Pedophile

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Elon Musk’s ‘Grok’ AI Labels Its Creator a Pedophile


Elon Musk’s newly introduced AI chatbot, Grok, has created a stir by generating provocative and unfounded statements, raising concerns about the reliability and ethical boundaries of AI technology. In one startling example, the AI reportedly accused its own creator of being a pedophile.

Futurism reports that Elon Musk has recently launched Grok, an AI chatbot described as “anti-woke.” This AI has been at the center of a controversy due to its generation of unsubstantiated and bizarre claims about Musk himself, displaying the challenges faced by generative AI systems​​.

Grok, accessible through a premium subscription on X, formerly known as Twitter, has not been widely scrutinized, primarily due to its cost of $196 annually or $16 monthly. However, reporter Parker Molloy delved into Grok’s outputs, sharing provocative findings in a Bluesky thread​​. One of the most startling claims by Grok was the unfounded assertion that Musk is a pedophile, a claim with no evidence to support it​​. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20134967 (262325ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional Farming

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WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional Farming (VIDEO)


World Health Organization (WHO) head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared war on meat and traditional farming.

“Our food systems are harming the health of people and planet. Food systems contribute to over 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, and account for almost one-third of the global burden of disease. Transforming food systems is therefore essential,” Tedros said in a video message published last Thursday for the COP28 official event. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130730

File: 780d567345a33d3⋯.png (703.14 KB,768x429,256:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b81be9fe4ec4fd⋯.png (445.76 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

File: 7aacccdd6be2e85⋯.png (759.46 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4134ad0d36b9d9d⋯.png (583.5 KB,768x431,768:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 087d5b7d0435de2⋯.png (833.73 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137723 (271644ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Soledar, Bakhmut, Khoromov, Maryinka: The Settlements Conquered by Russians in 2023, as the ‘War of Attrition’ Intensifies

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Soledar, Bakhmut, Khoromov, Maryinka: The Settlements Conquered by Russians in 2023, as the ‘War of Attrition’ Intensifies


Reflecting on the disastrous 2023 summer offensive, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said, by way of an apparent excuse, that Russians also didn’t fare well, and ‘failed to capture any settlements this year’.

Like so many things the ‘defender of democracy’ says, this is far from true.

While it is indeed true that most of the year was spent in positional battles, in a ‘war of attrition’ along the 600 mile long frontline, Russian forces had successes in various places and took quite a few settlements and towns – including winning the longest and bloodiest siege since the Second World War. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130731

File: 1e0efd432f1cde2⋯.png (407.34 KB,713x806,23:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137758 (271651ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / Here We Go Again: Scientists Propose Radical ‘Sunshade’ Plan to Fight ‘Climate Change’

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Here We Go Again: Scientists Propose Radical ‘Sunshade’ Plan to Fight ‘Climate Change’


A group of scientists has proposed building a giant space curtain to reduce global warming and shield Earth from solar radiation.

Spanning as much as 4 million square kilometers, this megastructure aimed to fight “climate change” would be located about 1 million miles from Earth, in an area known as the Sun-Earth Lagrange-1 point, according to The Messenger, a news website launched in May.

The point marks the area between the sun and the Earth where the combined gravitational forces of the star and planet create equilibrium that allows a spacecraft to be “parked,” according to Space.com.

Upon installation, the structure could reduce the amount of heat from the Sun trapped on Earth due to greenhouse gases by deflecting sunlight toward outer space, Space.com reported.

That said, according to The Messenger, it is unclear how such a solar curtain would affect the light Earth receives from the Sun or whether the blocking of sunlight heading to Earth will bring forth unexpected consequences.

The idea is being proposed by scientists who are part of the Planetary Sunshade Foundation, a group whose website declares that “climate change is getting worse.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130732

File: e85aa47f170513e⋯.png (222.65 KB,652x796,163:199,Clipboard.png)

File: cd83605e75bc3e2⋯.png (256.84 KB,500x254,250:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137876 (271719ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Hapag-Lloyd Warns Red Sea 'Still Dangerous' Amid Maersk's Resumption Plans

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Hapag-Lloyd Warns Red Sea 'Still Dangerous' Amid Maersk's Resumption Plans


In recent days, Denmark's shipping giant Maersk announced it would resume sending container ships through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden following the Pentagon's new security operation to safeguard the waterway. But on Tuesday, another commercial vessel was attacked, with regional war risks across the Middle East rising.

The critical waterway that connects to the Suez Canal, which sees roughly 10% to 15% of global trade - and 30% of containerized trade - remains unstable despite the Pentagon's Operation Prosperity Guardian to protect commercial vessels.

On Tuesday, Iran-backed Houthi rebels attacked MSC United VIII while en route to Pakistan from Saudi Arabia.

Later in the day, the US Central Command posted on X that a US destroyer and F/A-18 fighter jets shot down 12 attack drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles, and two cruise missiles in the Red Sea region.

Despite Maersk preparing to send vessels through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, shipper Hapag-Lloyd AG said Wednesday that its container ships will continue avoiding the Red Sea and be diverted around the Cape of Good Hope.



Several major shipping companies, including Taiwanese container shipping line Evergreen and Belgian tanker owner Euronav, continue rerouting ships around the Cape of Good Hope.

Bloomberg data shows container ships with Asia, Europe, and the US destinations are avoiding the Red Sea.

Maersk said it would "not hesitate to reevaluate the situation and once again initiate diversion plans if we deem it necessary for the safety of our seafarers."

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5ae0ea No.130733

File: b2f380c2d9ee7fd⋯.png (308.23 KB,500x342,250:171,Clipboard.png)

File: d3f1115f9f22563⋯.png (181.29 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: d355600f6c56871⋯.png (121.57 KB,493x803,493:803,Clipboard.png)

File: adb74f2014e3711⋯.png (255.31 KB,498x788,249:394,Clipboard.png)

File: 633c8d3394dc16c⋯.png (135.87 KB,732x727,732:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20137999 (271741ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Of Course: Far-Left 'Disinformation' Operatives Tied To EU Investigation Of X, Receive White House Christmas Card

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Of Course: Far-Left 'Disinformation' Operatives Tied To EU Investigation Of X, Receive White House Christmas Card


As regular readers know, in large part thanks to former Senate investigator Paul Thacker (at the Disinformation Chronicle), and Matt Taibbi's crew at Racket News, the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) 'think tank' is nothing more than a partisan censorship operation whose goal is to silence dissent. Truly evil stuff, particularly considering that the Biden White House peddled obvious foreign lies created by CCDH - smearing 3rd party Biden rival Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as part of their ongoing efforts to support the establishment.

The group has also been linked to the Center for American Progress, founded by Democrat darling John Podesta.

CCDH helps the EU vs. Elon Musk

And so, it should come as no surprise that CCDH, founded by former Labour party official Imran Ahmed, has helped the EU open 'formal infringement proceedings against X.'

"The @CCDHate team has been briefing EU officials since October 7, using our research on the tidal wave of hate and disinformation coming from social media," wrote Ahmed.

What's more, Ahmed bragged about receiving a "lovely card from the President, First Lady, Commander, & Willow."

Wonder if they've been briefing the EU on this?

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5ae0ea No.130734

File: 4e78d97d1de1b95⋯.png (1.85 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138277 (271833ZDEC23) Notable: Ratio’d: Why are so many people leaving Canada? (video)

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Canadians fleeing country in record numbers, data show


While Canada may be experiencing record high population growth, there is an exodus of its citizens, with emigration or reverse immigration, surging this year.

The outflow of citizens in the last three months has only been higher three other times in the past century, according to data from Statistics Canada.

More and more Canadian residents are leaving to go live in foreign countries, with emigration up 3% in the last quarter.

In the last 73 years of data collection, only three other years have seen larger quarterly emigration numbers – 2016, 1967 and 1965.

In 2016, a record high exodus occurred and that trend has continued with higher than average emigration becoming normalized.

Quarterly outflows from 2016 onward have been almost 50% higher than previously.

Canada is currently on track to hitting 79% of the outflow recorded last year, with 74,017 emigrants so far year to date. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130735

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138318 (271842ZDEC23) Notable: Sex toys, bus blankets, and beef carpaccio - a year in government waste (video)

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Sex toys, bus blankets, and beef carpaccio – a year in government waste


Of the few certainties in the world, one is that government spending, left unchecked, will continue to grow. 2023 was no exception, with the Canadian government getting bigger than ever and Canadian taxpayers footing the bill. In this year-end edition of the show, Andrew Lawton checks in with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation's Kris Sims and Franco Terrazzano on the worst and zaniest examples of taxpayer waste before taking in the bigger picture of how the bureaucracy gets so out of hand in the first place.

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5ae0ea No.130736

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138368 (271852ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Canada broke the Nuremberg Code — what does that say about Trudeau? (video)

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Canada broke the Nuremberg Code — what does that say about Trudeau?


Last night on The Ezra Levant Show, Viva Frei commented, 'I can compare it to Nazi Germany when they made my wife show her papers to go out at night after curfew for her job... I'm unapologetic about it.'

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra was joined by Canadian lawyer and content creator David Freiheit, known online as Viva Frei, to discuss the downfall of civil liberties in Canada.

Ezra talked about the history and purpose of the Nuremberg Code, which was developed after the Holocaust to stringently limit human experimentation: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130737

File: f4ebdfd1e9d7db0⋯.png (589.98 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c194bdff748642b⋯.png (106.75 KB,362x620,181:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c5570032bba46d⋯.png (142.66 KB,363x605,3:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138758 (272015ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Four Canadian churches BURNED just before Christmas

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Four Canadian churches BURNED just before Christmas


Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre said the burnings were motivated by "anti-Christian hatred."

Four churches across Alberta have been burned over the past few weeks, with the latest incident taking place just days before Christmas.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are investigating the fires, which Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre deemed to be motivated by "anti-Christian hatred."

According to the National Post, the first two churches to be torched were located in Barrhead, a small town just north of Edmonton. On December 7, St. Mary Abbots Anglican church and St. Aidan's Church were torched, and while the former burned to the ground, the latter is still structurally viable. It had been years since services were held in the historic buildings, however they were nonetheless mainstays in the tight-knit community.

The third incident took place on December 15 in Janvier, an even smaller town 120km north of Fort McMurray. The unused St. Gabriel Catholic Mission was destroyed, though its recently built replacement was not impacted.

Most recently, on December 20, a suspected arsonist levelled the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Beiseker, just northeast of Calgary.

"My thoughts are with the Seventh Day Adventist community in Beiseker, AB mourning the loss of their church at the hands of an arsonist," Poilievre wrote in a post on X. "This is the 4th church in 2 weeks to be targeted by acts of violent anti-Christian hatred."

"Images like these have no place in Alberta," Premier Danielle Smith wrote following the Barrhead fires. "To the parishioners of these churches and to the Christian community across our province, I stand in solidarity with you against all forms of hate."

"These acts are condemned in the strongest possible terms," she added, "and those perpetrating these crimes must be brought to justice.

As the Global News reports, of the 15 suspicious church fires reported to police in 2023, suspects have been arrested in connection with five of them. In an interview with the outlet, RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Troy Savinkoff noted that "none of the files we've solved showed any particular affinity against the churches whatsoever," nor was there evidence of a "concerted effort" against Christian houses of worship.

In most cases, the perpetrators were either intoxicated or suffering from mental health issues.

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5ae0ea No.130738

File: 1e8bd736978f891⋯.png (636.79 KB,700x393,700:393,Clipboard.png)

File: fcfbfe9ae62eeb3⋯.png (612.74 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: fa7c54c7cddd6a0⋯.png (638.35 KB,640x432,40:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138870 (272051ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / RCMP detail Manitoba official’s role in gun, drug, smokes trafficking ring

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RCMP detail Manitoba official’s role in gun, drug, smokes trafficking ring


An intercepted call and intentionally leaked information led RCMP to the Manitoba Finance official accused of helping a major drug and contraband cigarette trafficker avoid getting busted.

A special investigations unit for Manitoba Finance investigates contraband cigarette smuggling.

Manitoba Finance’s Donavon Sired was charged with bribery, breach of trust and conspiracy as a result of Project Dawgpound launched in May 2022.

Sired is scheduled to next appear in court Jan. 8, 2024.

Project Dawgpound disrupted a multi-commodity criminal network centred in Manitoba.

“From the outset of these calls, it is clear that the organization is paying someone to advise them when there are investigations happening on the highway,”

RCMP Statement of Facts

Sired was one of 20 people arrested last spring in the sophisticated illegal operation with tentacles stretching from Manitoba to Vancouver, Calgary, Pickering, Ont., Toronto, Moncton, N.B., and Prince Edward Island.

Among those arrested was Amanda Boulanger, who worked as a Corps of Commissionaires guard at the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health in Winnipeg. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130739

File: e92c24681ce79b1⋯.png (111.91 KB,367x486,367:486,Clipboard.png)

File: 082573924ed05d4⋯.png (160.79 KB,363x526,363:526,Clipboard.png)

File: b277722852fd56c⋯.png (186.08 KB,361x522,361:522,Clipboard.png)

File: 0efb08fcf3eeb10⋯.png (152.77 KB,362x502,181:251,Clipboard.png)

File: a5185a4266353f7⋯.png (116.17 KB,357x452,357:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20138964 (272116ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trudeau garners international ridicule for mandating tampons for men

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Trudeau garners international ridicule for mandating tampons for men


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to mandate menstrual products to be offered in mens’ bathrooms in Canadian Parliament has drawn international ridicule and lit up social media with unflattering comments about his government’s policy priorities.

Tampons and sanitary pads will now be available to both men and women in all federal roles, including at military bases and airports, due to the update to the Canadian Labour Code that went into effect December 15.

Conservative Sen. Linda Frum posted a picture of the menstruation basket in the mens’ washroom in parliament, drawing international media attention from the US, UK, Europe, and Africa. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130740

File: a6b449391b55f2e⋯.png (331.8 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: c2168cb7cdf034e⋯.png (70.24 KB,500x366,250:183,Clipboard.png)

File: d8a83ebd7ed4623⋯.png (169.45 KB,500x411,500:411,Clipboard.png)

File: 914b3aac6d0da78⋯.png (151.46 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 4daa10f78c726b3⋯.png (75.14 KB,500x257,500:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20139445 (272300ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Dr. Malone Versus The World: Why Is He At War With Everyone?

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Dr. Malone Versus The World: Why Is He At War With Everyone?


Dr. Malone’s latest Substack just dropped. Once again, the theme of the blog post is that a series of people and organizations within the medical freedom movement are actively working against him.

The pioneer in mRNA vaccine technology seems to have a pattern of lashing out against anyone who levels the slightest criticism of him and has attempted to diminish his critics by claiming that they “appear to be getting compensated in some way for actively promoting hate.”

It is clear, though, that what Dr. Malone describes as “hate” can run the gamut from indifference or perceived slights to mild criticism — or a stark difference of opinion. Dr. Malone’s volatile responses to criticisms have led some to think that he is connecting dots against his critics that aren’t real.

Dr. Malone’s Naughty List

Dr. Malone’s limited tolerance for criticism, along with his emphatic responses, has led to an increasing number of individuals and organizations subjected to his public denunciation.

The list below, derived from Dr. Malone’s past X and Substack posts, details these entities: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142558 (281504ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / Welsh Government Uses 14-Year-Old Schoolgirls to Attract ‘Refugee’ Men From Africa and Middle East to Wales

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Welsh Government Uses 14-Year-Old Schoolgirls to Attract ‘Refugee’ Men From Africa and Middle East to Wales (VIDEO)


The Welsh government used 14-year-old schoolgirls to attract ‘refugee’ men from Africa and the Middle East to Wales.

The Welsh Labour government used taxpayer dollars to use underage girls to attract military-age illegal migrant men from Africa and the Middle East to Wales.

The promo video started with two minor teen girls greeting the refugees and letting them know they would be arriving at a welcoming environment.

“Fleeing your country is difficult, but Wales wants you to feel welcome,” one of the little girls said in an undated video. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130742

File: 082910a67691565⋯.png (420.97 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 40f5e2495bc2fe0⋯.png (340.78 KB,658x807,658:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142571 (281507ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / EU Readies €20BN Back-Up Plan To Fund Ukraine & Sidestep Hungary

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EU Readies €20BN Back-Up Plan To Fund Ukraine & Sidestep Hungary


The European Union has prepared a €20 billion back-up plan (or $32.3 billion) in order to bypass objections of Hungary’s Viktor Orban over keeping up funding for war-ravaged Ukraine.

The debt-funded scheme is similar to the €100 billion Covid-19 pandemic fund for EU countries in 2020, but doesn't require guarantees from all member states, only those with the highest credit ratings who will make up the main participants. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130743

File: a9d1d2aa16c3eda⋯.png (295.26 KB,500x331,500:331,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d9eadbfbc7f1c4⋯.png (427.45 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142614 (281517ZDEC23) Notable: Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China's Financial Crisis

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Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China's Financial Crisis


As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to purge its financial system, state media recently revealed that a number of bank executives have committed suicide or died suddenly.

According to the authorities of Yingshan County, Hubei Province, Wang Shengyong, the president of the Yangtze River Village Bank in the county, died of carbon monoxide poisoning on Dec. 5 at the age of 54 years old. It was reported that Wang committed suicide after using his position to defraud depositors of 40 million yuan (about $5.6 million) under the guise of capital raising.

According to official media reports, Du Haitao, deputy general manager of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Credit Suisse Asset, died of a heart attack while running on Dec. 13 at the age of 49. Born in 1974, Du was deputy general manager of ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co., LTD. and chairman of ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management (International) Co., LTD.

On Dec. 10, Gong Danzhi, the president of Huaxia Bank’s Tianjin branch, fell to his death. The local police station confirmed the news.

Based on business information, Gong Danzhi was appointed as the president of Huaxia Bank’s Tianjin branch in November 2020. Previously, he was the vice president of the bank’s Beijing branch and the president of its Beijing urban sub-centre branch. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130744

File: f0cb83dd8120ba1⋯.png (619.11 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20142926 (281629ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun / UN and World Economic Forum plan to use global water crisis to advance globalist agenda against humanity

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UN and World Economic Forum plan to use global water crisis to advance globalist agenda against humanity


The World Economic Forum (WEF) has come up with a new approach for imposing its globalist agenda on the world: leveraging the global water crisis. It’s an idea the United Nations appears to be fully on board with, as both groups have held conferences on the matter recently at which they made their intentions clear to anyone who was actually paying attention.

Earlier this year, the UN held its first Water Conference in 46 years. Writing about the conference on the WEF’s website, Dutch Special Envoy for International Water Affairs Henk Ovik and Tajikistan’s Special Envoy of the President to the Water and Climate Coalition Leaders Sulton Rahimzoda stated: “We hope it could result in a 'Paris moment' for water – with outcomes as critical for water as the Paris Agreement has been for climate action.”


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5ae0ea No.130745

File: 15bebe460253cb8⋯.png (2.42 MB,1600x800,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143067 (281710ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun / Trudeau government gives medal to trans activist who got Vancouver rape shelter defunded for refusing to house biological men

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Trudeau government gives medal to trans activist who got Vancouver rape shelter defunded for refusing to house biological men


A transgender activist, whose advocacy led to the withdrawal of city funding from Canada's oldest rape shelter has been honored by the Trudeau government.

A transgender activist, whose advocacy led to the withdrawal of city funding from Canada's oldest rape shelter, has recently been honored with a Meritorious Service Medal, recognizing her as a "champion of diversity" the Daily Mail has revealed.

Morgane Oger, a biological man who identifies as a transgender woman, received the award from Canadian Governor-General Mary Simon on December 7, standing alongside numerous other Canadians acknowledged for their noteworthy contributions. Oger expressed gratitude for the recognition, attributing the medal to her efforts in advancing legal protections for transgender Canadians.

The official citation for the award lauded Oger as a "champion of diversity" who played a pivotal role in reshaping perceptions of LGBTQI+ rights. It highlighted her tireless work in effecting changes to provincial and federal legislation, specifically in safeguarding individuals against discrimination based on gender identity or expression. Oger's ability to build alliances across party lines was acknowledgedwith the Trudeau government praising Oger for fostering inclusivity for gender-diverse Canadians.

While Oger was selected for the award in 2018, the reasons for the delay in its presentation, which occurred five years later, remain unclear. During the award ceremony, she reflected on the rarity of such recognitions and emphasized that the journey toward equality still faced significant challenges. Notably, during the same period, Oger led an initiative to revoke Vancouver Rape Relief's city funding due to their policy of not providing shelter to biological males who claim to be trans women. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130746

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143117 (281740ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Empty Hospitals at the Height of the “Pandemic” (video)

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Empty Hospitals at the Height of the “Pandemic”


I filmed this myself at work, April 21, 2020

Check out this 1 ½ minute video. This is one of the many emergency departments which the fake media claimed, were overwhelmed with patients who were sick and dying from COVID19.

I spoke with physicians across North America at that time who reported the same thing. Here’s more of the story…

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5ae0ea No.130747

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20143853 (282050ZDEC23) Notable: Final Protests Bun / Canada’s Original Freedom Fighter: Adam Skelly (video)

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Canada’s Original Freedom Fighter: Adam Skelly


Lockdowns, which began in 2020, destroyed tens of thousands of small businesses across Canada. Adam Skelly, the owner of Adamson BBQ, a chain of 3 very popular barbeque restaurants in the Toronto area became an inspiration to countless Canadians when, in November of 2020 he defied the second round of lockdowns and kept his business open.

He was arrested, and his business closed and locked by police. His equipment was auctioned off. He spent two days in prison until he agreed not to post any information on his arrest on social media. In short, the government silenced him and put him out of business.

To this day, though, Adam is still fighting not just for his rights, but for ours. His first case was dismissed by the court in 2022, after the government tried very hard to keep the case out of the public eye and Adam’s lawyers burned through almost 300,000 dollars for what ultimately proved to be incompetent actions. He is now suing the lawyers, although at least one has fled the country.

Adam has now filed a second case against the Government of Ontario. A case which will aim to prove that the government’s actions were unconstitutional. A number of experts are prepared to testify, including Dr. Harvey Risch and Dr. Byram Bridle.

But there is also a lawsuit against Adam by the City of Toronto. They want to charge him 187,000 dollars for police services for the 253 police officers they claim were needed to close his restaurant and maintain order. And they are trying to use that as leverage to once again silence him. The Crown claims that Adam’s constitutional challenge is frivolous, and so are demanding he pay $32,000 in advance in case he loses. Despite the fact that his court date is scheduled for October of 2024, he’s been given until January 20th to come up with the money.

If Adam wins his case next October he’s been assured that the charges against him, including the 187,000 dollars will be dropped. If however, he loses the case, or fails to come up with the $32,000 dollars they will proceed with the City of Toronto case against him.

Adam doesn’t have to do pursue his case against the Ontario government. He has since moved on with his life, even moving away from Ontario. But he continues to believe that our rights must be respected, that freedom is not free, and that all that is required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.


Fundraiser: https://www.givesendgo.com/bbq_rebellion

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5ae0ea No.130748

File: 79a158e647f9e78⋯.png (1.19 MB,1023x575,1023:575,Clipboard.png)

File: e50be551b1cbec4⋯.png (844.54 KB,856x572,214:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148219 (291626ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Preparations in Motion for a Bilateral Meeting Between Hungary’s Orbán and Ukraine’s Zelensky

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Preparations in Motion for a Bilateral Meeting Between Hungary’s Orbán and Ukraine’s Zelensky


Conservative champion, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been in the spotlight, at the receiving end of widespread criticism over his stance against Ukraine’s ascension to the European Union, as well as his blocking of further financial aid to Kiev.

Broadly speaking, Orbán doesn’t think Ukraine – who banned opposition parties and censored the media – is anywhere near ready to initiate membership talks.

There are also questions of infringement of rights for the Hungarian minorities in Ukraine, as well as Hungarian banks and companies hit by sanctions.

But if you read the MSM, you will think it’s all about the Hungarian leader ‘being Putin’s ally’ or else ‘blackmailing the EU to receive blocked funds’.

Earlier this month, Ukrainian Zelensky flew to Javier Milei’s inauguration in Argentina, had an impromptu meeting with Orbán, and opened a personal line of dialogue with him that now appears to be developing into a bilateral meeting.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130749

File: b7f8b265f9b9ee3⋯.png (704.93 KB,1024x784,64:49,Clipboard.png)

File: f8a5f02d0838baf⋯.png (1.37 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148389 (291700ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / The U.S. Narrative Flip On Ukraine Heats Up

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The U.S. Narrative Flip On Ukraine Heats Up


Although Washington, D.C. is empty at the moment, with key policymakers on holiday, the work of shaping a new narrative goes on. Two new articles this week, one in the New York Times and one in Politico, provide a road map to the Biden Administration’s desperate attempt to prevent the collapse of its Ukraine policy. The New York Times piece is an op-ed from a geriatric former editor, Serge Schmemann — Ukraine Doesn’t Need All Its Territory to Defeat Putin. Serge, despite a long career as a journalist specializing in foreign affairs, has forgotten the meaning of “defeat.” Michael Hirsh, writing in The Politco, echoes Schmemann’s message — The Biden Administration Is Quietly Shifting Its Strategy in Ukraine. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130750

File: 519055d612b58b1⋯.png (635.83 KB,768x430,384:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 587d8698eea8bde⋯.png (486.07 KB,725x816,725:816,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148491 (291731ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Multipolarity: India and Russia Ramp up Bilateral Trade, Plan to Jointly Produce Modern Weapons

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Multipolarity: India and Russia Ramp up Bilateral Trade, Plan to Jointly Produce Modern Weapons


Whether we like it or not, multipolarity is here to stay.

Bilateral relations of a meaningful nature between powers are developing to unprecedented levels.

A shining example of this are the Indo-Russian relations.

India’s foreign minister is in Russia where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who praised the relations between the countries, progressing amid turbulent times.

FM Subrahmanyam Jaishankar’s meeting was part of a five-day visit.

At the start of the meeting, Putin addressed the war in Ukraine, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s neutral stance, sayin he knew of his ‘desire to do everything to resolve this problem through peaceful means’.

India, along with China, are buying up to 90% of Russian oil exports, turning New Delhi in an essential trade partner.

Associated Press reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130751

File: d50c88890555d1e⋯.png (470.71 KB,500x377,500:377,Clipboard.png)

File: d08bdbe7568e9f5⋯.png (328.43 KB,500x338,250:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 628da34aa722a84⋯.png (228.3 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148596 (291803ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Russia Unleashes Biggest Aerial Attack On Ukraine Since Opening Days Of War

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Russia Unleashes Biggest Aerial Attack On Ukraine Since Opening Days Of War


Ukraine has said on Friday Russia launched the largest single day of airstrikes ever conducted throughout nearly two years of war. At least 18 people were reported killed, and over a hundred wounded after several Ukrainian cities were pummeled in drone and missile attacks.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces cited that up to 158 missiles and drones were launched, describing that this was a "record number" and the "most massive missile attack" of the conflict, excluding the very opening few days of the invasion. This was said include ballistic and supersonic missiles, launched from air and sea. Ukraine's military claimed its anti-air defenses downed and intercepted the majority of these.

President Volodymyr Zelensky also said, "Today Russia hit us with almost everything it has in its arsenal." The attacks began overnight into Friday, with large explosions rocking Kiev, Dnipro, and places like Odessa in the south and Kharkiv in the east. Inbound projectiles were also seen as far from the front lines as Lviv, in the country's far west.

"It’s been a long time since we have seen so many enemy targets on our monitors in all regions and all directions," Ukrainian air force spokesman Yurii Ihnat told a television broadcast. "Everything was being fired."

Ukrainian officials said that among places hit were shopping centers, apartment blocks, schools and a hospital. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130752

File: 4dcc16cbdd83476⋯.png (102.83 KB,500x295,100:59,Clipboard.png)

File: f40800fc1f64c71⋯.png (129.18 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148619 (291808ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Israel Pressures US For More Apache Helicopters Even While Owning Up To Mass Civilian Casualty Airstrikes

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Israel Pressures US For More Apache Helicopters Even While Owning Up To Mass Civilian Casualty Airstrikes


Already the bulk of Israel's military arsenal is courtesy of the US and the American taxpayer, following decades of foreign and defense aid—and Israel is far and away the top recipient over the many years—as well as weapons and ammo urgently rushed to Tel Aviv in the wake of the Oct.7 Hamas terror attacks.

But Israeli officials have been urging their American counterparts to send additional AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, which some Israeli media reports say has already been denied. Apaches have been heavily relied on for air power and to disrupt Hamas ground operations throughout the conflict, equipped with heavy chain guns and Hellfire missiles.

Israel's defense minister has formally made the request, but as YNet reports: "The IDF has requested Apache attack helicopters from the United States but has been denied so far."

"The request was made to the Pentagon in recent weeks and was also raised by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant during his meetings with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during his visit to Israel last week," the report says, adding: "Security sources suggest that a final decision on the potential acquisition has not been made, and Jerusalem is continuing to apply pressure."

Israel's current two squadrons of the Boeing-made Apaches have seen heavy use as YNet explains: "These squadrons have been conducting round-the-clock operations in Gaza since the beginning of the war." Israel's total number of Apaches in its arsenal are typically listed at 48.

While the White House has long said its defense aid to Israel will remain 'unconditional' - international pressure has mounted due to the unprecedented civilian death toll. Gaza's health ministry has cited a death toll of more than 21,000 killed over the past nearly three months of conflict.

Israel's military has of late even admitted to conducting mass casualty strikes against civilian camps, killing "dozens" of innocents, as The New York Times documented in a Thursday report: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130753

File: a7fb7bb95e7a5f9⋯.png (86.02 KB,500x328,125:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ddd14c2e587a0a⋯.png (361.03 KB,680x453,680:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148643 (291814ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / How Russia Makes A Mockery Of US Sanctions In One Picture

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How Russia Makes A Mockery Of US Sanctions In One Picture


Unprecedented US and EU sanctions against Russia have had no impact on Russia’s oil exports or revenue. Who’s the beneficiary?

Almost all of Russia’s oil exports this year have been shipped to China and India, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday, after Moscow responded to Western economic sanctions by quickly rerouting supplies away from Europe.

Russia has successfully circumvented sanctions on its oil and diverted flows from Europe to China and India, which together accounted for around 90% of its crude exports, Novak, who is in charge of the country’s energy sector, told Rossiya-24 state TV.

He said that Russia had already started to forge ties with Asia-Pacific countries before the West introduced sanctions against Moscow following the start of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022.

“As for those restrictions and embargoes on supplies to Europe and the U.S. that were introduced… this only accelerated the process of reorienting our energy flows,” Novak said.

He said that Europe’s share of Russia’s crude exports has fallen to only about 4-5% from about 40-45%.

“The main partners in the current situation are China, whose share has grown to approximately 45-50%, and, of course, India…Earlier, there basically were no supplies to India; in two years, the total share of supplies to India has come to 40%,” Novak said.

Oil Demand Did Not Change Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130754

File: bfc2984b7770914⋯.png (596.84 KB,500x445,100:89,Clipboard.png)

File: a24355c008bfd58⋯.png (105.65 KB,500x579,500:579,Clipboard.png)

File: a8b7f79c0f889c6⋯.png (37.72 KB,500x267,500:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 2746974d428cd3d⋯.png (90.62 KB,500x614,250:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148826 (291855ZDEC23) Notable: World On Fire Sends Global Defense Orders Soaring

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World On Fire Sends Global Defense Orders Soaring


The world now teeters dangerously close to a major military conflict. This brewing storm of global unrest in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and the South China Sea signals a chilling reminder of the world on fire.

The shift towards a multipolar world has led to a surge in military spending by countries. New data from the Financial Times reveals that the world's top defense firms have been bombarded with orders from tanks to fighter jets to missiles. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130755

File: 5fb565e67b26e75⋯.png (397.38 KB,500x353,500:353,Clipboard.png)

File: fc62ba29026d6fa⋯.png (210.38 KB,498x812,249:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148914 (291914ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Millions Of Ukrainians About To See Salaries & Pensions Paused As Western Aid Dries Up

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Millions Of Ukrainians About To See Salaries & Pensions Paused As Western Aid Dries Up


Just as the Biden administration has announced a new $250 million weapons package for Ukraine, which is to be the last unless Congress approves new spending for next year, Ukraine is warning of salary and pension delays for millions of people in the war-ravaged country. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby confirmed last week that after this final aid package, "We will have no more replenishment authority available to us, and we’re going to need Congress to act without delay."

For nearly two years of the war Ukraine has poured its billions received in foreign aid primarily into defense, but also relies on external assistance to pay Ukrainian government workers and even social payments. It needs the constant flow of aid simply to keep the lights on and the country functioning under Russian bombs. All the while it's been no secret that corruption continues to be rampant, which Zelensky time and again has promised to get a handle on.

Not only has Biden's $60 billion package for Ukraine for 2024 been blocked by Republican holdouts in Congress, but a proposed European Union package for some $55 billion has been stymied by Hungary. Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko said Wednesday, "The support of partners is extremely critical, we need it urgently." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130756

File: 92eecc44dc664b1⋯.png (502.5 KB,736x787,736:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 8af8d017c5887cc⋯.png (385.67 KB,500x307,500:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 286c2c4cb9befef⋯.png (220.33 KB,502x806,251:403,Clipboard.png)

File: ff2813eb6274ddb⋯.png (862.67 KB,500x628,125:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20148967 (291926ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Assault On 10 Cities: Israel Mounts Largest Raid On West Bank Since War's Start

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Assault On 10 Cities: Israel Mounts Largest Raid On West Bank Since War's Start


Events of the last few days have made it clear that Israel is intent on widening its Gaza offensive, even after pressure from the White House and other allies to reign in operations which have killed many thousands of civilians, and PM Netanyahu himself has urged troops "do not stop" and they must fight "to the end" toward the goal of destroying Hamas.

One Gaza resident identified as Rami Abu Mosab was cited in a Wednesday CBS report as follows: "It was a night of hell. We haven't seen such bombing since the start of the war." Central and southern Gaza are still being pummeled.

Palestinian civilian deaths have continued to mount, with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issuing a rare statement of regret over the December 24 attack on the Al-Maghazi refugee camp, which killed an estimated 70 people.

An IDF statement to CNN said that during "operations in the Gaza Strip against Hamas terrorist targets, IAF fighter jets struck two targets adjacent to which Hamas operatives were located on December 24, 2023."

"Before the strikes were carried out, steps were taken by the IDF to mitigate harm to uninvolved civilians in the area," it added. "A preliminary investigation revealed that additional buildings located near the targets were also hit during the strikes, which likely caused unintended harm to additional uninvolved civilians." Israel says it is continuing to investigate the matter.

In another key sign that the war is indeed widening further, Israeli forces are conducing unprecedented raids in the West Bank. Al Jazeera has described the IDF's "most intense raids yet on cities in the occupied West Bank as they pressed on with one of the largest incursions in the territory since Israel’s war on Gaza began in October." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149052 (291951ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / IDF carries out ‘wide-scale’ airstrikes on Hezbollah as rockets from Lebanon hit north

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Israel: Time For Diplomacy With Hezbollah Running Out As Expanded War Looms


A member of the Israeli war government says the chance for a diplomatic settlement with Hezbollah is getting low. The fighting along the Israel-Lebanon border is intensifying between the IDF and Hezbollah. The Lebanese militant group conducted its heaviest barrage of northern Israel on Wednesday.

Senior Israeli minister Benny Gantz indicated that Tel Aviv is preparing for a war with Hezbollah. "The situation on Israel’s northern border demands change," Gantz said. "The stopwatch for a diplomatic solution is running out, if the world and the Lebanese government don’t act in order to prevent the firing on Israel’s northern residents, and to distance Hezbollah from the border, the [Israeli military] will do it." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130758

File: 1692d2797a14180⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149102 (292003ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun / Stark drop in Canadians keeping up with Covid-19 vaccinations

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Stark drop in Canadians keeping up with Covid-19 vaccinations


Only 15% of Canadians aged five and up are continuing to get their Covid-19 shots, according to new data from the Government of Canada.

Under one-third of Canadians over the age of 60 have received the latest vaccine and only about 44% of people over the age of 70.

There is a slight increase up to 48%, for those over the age of 80 being “up to date” with their boosters.

“Why that gap exists is both an interesting and difficult question,” Dr. Allison McGeer, an infectious diseases specialist with Sinai Health in Toronto told CBC News. “I think it’s because people just aren’t getting the message about how much of a risk COVID is.”

Canada’s chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam has been urging people to keep getting their shots, saying that there is “room for improvement” amongst older Canadians.

“That’s the group, of course, that has the highest risk of severe outcomes,” said Tam. “They’ve been protecting themselves. They’ve been getting vaccinated,” she added. “But the vaccine base protection can wane over time… even protection against severe outcomes wanes over time.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130759

File: 9805bd3d87af051⋯.png (1.11 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149136 (292011ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Canada to issue Gazans with family in Canada visas to escape war

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Canada to issue Gazans with family in Canada visas to escape war


Canadians who have extended family members in the Gaza Strip will soon be able to apply for temporary visas for them to come to Canada, but the government isn’t committing to providing safe passage out of the conflict zone.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced the new temporary immigration program, which will be for those living in the Gaza Strip who have Canadian relatives.

“We will do our utmost to assist but cannot guarantee safe passage,” said Miller at a press conference.

Miller said he expects to have a temporary visa program up and running by Jan. 9, calling the current state of Gaza “unlivable.”

Miller told reporters that he’s received no guarantee from Israel, Hamas or Egypt as to who will be allowed to leave on any given day.

The Rafah border crossing is under the strict control of Israel and Egypt as part of negotiations mediated by Qatar. While Canada has provided them with a list of names to consider, they have not returned any guarantees as to who will be allowed out.

As of Dec. 15, about 170 Canadians remain trapped in Gaza, according to a spokesperson for Global Affairs Canada.

Those with loved ones still in Gaza are saying the wait until Jan. 9 is an unsettling one. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130760

File: a1b072d77a49998⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149202 (292027ZDEC23) Notable: 69% of Canadians think Trudeau should resign before next federal election: poll

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69% of Canadians think Trudeau should resign before next federal election: poll


Nearly seven in 10 Canadians believe Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should resign in 2024, before the next scheduled federal election in 2025, according to a new survey by Ipsos.

That belief is strongest held in Alberta, where 81% of respondents said Trudeau should step down as prime minister.

In Saskatchewan and Manitoba that number was 73%, in Ontario 70% and in B.C. 66%.

Trudeau appeared to retain the most support in Quebec and Atlantic Canada, however, even in those regions, 63% and 62% of respondents said they would like Trudeau to resign in 2024. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130761

File: a91ee9feaf2c1d6⋯.png (712.11 KB,640x481,640:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149487 (292116ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / ‘Russian Missile’ Entered NATO Airspace, Says Poland: Combat Readiness Increased

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‘Russian Missile’ Entered NATO Airspace, Says Poland: Combat Readiness Increased


Poland says a Russian missile participating in this morning’s massive air strike on Ukraine spent three minutes in Polish, and hence NATO, airspace.

A missile entered NATO airspace on Friday morning at around 0700 (0000 EST), the Polish military says. While initially said to have been a missile of unknown origin and a search for a downed aircraft was launched, Poland now says it has confirmed with its own observations and data from allied militaries that the object was, in fact, a Russian missile.

Polsat reports the remarks of General Wiesław Kukuła who said Ukraine had suffered “a difficult night” of a saturation attack by Russian forces against its air defences, attempting to overwhelm them with drones before pressing on with a missile followup. Polish air defences tracked these attacks over Ukraine, he said, and “One of these rockets crossed the Polish border and then left it.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130762

File: 3546f93310f5715⋯.png (484.69 KB,640x478,320:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c399827ed236c4⋯.png (1.15 MB,883x663,883:663,Clipboard.png)

File: cb79d56fee61080⋯.png (975.41 KB,842x632,421:316,Clipboard.png)

File: cce71bd72da2142⋯.png (996.7 KB,744x560,93:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149566 (292130ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / ‘Europe Doesn’t Know How to Fight Wars’, Chides Ukraine, Warning it Will be Attacked Next

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‘Europe Doesn’t Know How to Fight Wars’, Chides Ukraine, Warning it Will be Attacked Next


Western defence is too fragmented, too slow to respond, and will be attacked by Putin’s Russia if it doesn’t do more to help Ukraine, their foreign minister says in a rebuke of Europe’s response to the Russian invasion.

Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba appears to have admonished Western nations, who he accuses of doing too little and too late, in the actions taken in the aftermath of the nearly two-year-long reinvasion of his country by Russia. Speaking of the Western response, Kuleba told the Kyiv Independent that Europe has apparently forgotten how war works and hasn’t made the steps he wants to see in activating a wartime economy to produce weapons.

He told the paper: “Europe doesn’t know how to fight wars. The production of weapons is not the most popular area of business… Unfortunately, our friends spent too much time deliberating on how and when to ramp up their production of weapons and ammunition”. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130763

File: 7659b0cbea7cc2f⋯.png (1.92 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149639 (292147ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

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Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague


South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice to intervene in Gaza conflict

South Africa has filed an appeal before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, alleging that Israeli actions in Gaza amount to “genocide” and asking for “provisional measures” to stop it, the top UN court announced on Friday.

The application claims “acts and omissions by Israel... are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent ... to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group,” the ICJ said in a statement.

Israel’s conduct towards the Palestinians in Gaza “is in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” the government in Pretoria said. They also accused Israel of having “failed to prevent genocide” and “failed to prosecute the direct and public incitement to genocide” since October 7. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130764

File: 089a80711b3b09c⋯.png (1.7 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149722 (292201ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Ukraine reveals 2023 draft-dodger numbers

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Ukraine reveals 2023 draft-dodger numbers


Almost 11,000 men have been detained while trying to escape across the border

Ukrainian border guards have detained almost 8,000 men who tried to sneak out of the country over the course of the year, as well as 3,000 more who had fake documents purportedly exempting them from military duty, a spokesman said on Friday.

Speaking to journalists in Kiev, Andrey Demchenko of the State Border Service tallied up the 2023 arrests of draft-dodgers, as Ukraine continued to struggle with mobilizing replacements for reportedly huge battlefield losses.

“A total of 7,700 violators who tried to illegally cross the border ‘through the woods’, meaning outside of designated crossings, were detained in the first eleven months of this year,” he said.

Most of those attempts were on the borders with Romania and Moldova, while far fewer draft-dodgers attempted to cross into Poland. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20149819 (292223ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun / Covid inquiry head says Canadian Charter allowed Trudeau Liberals to 'override all of our rights at a whim'

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Covid inquiry head says Canadian Charter allowed Trudeau Liberals to 'override all of our rights at a whim'


"Friends, families, and communities were torn apart. The government resorted to name-calling and public shaming, and in so doing, altered the social fabric."

The National Citizens Inquiry was a completely independent assessment of how governments in Canada reacted to the Covid-19 pandemic. It received no money from large corporations or pharmaceutical companies. The commission was almost entirely funded by small donations.

Inquiry Commissioner Ken Drysdale told The Post Millennial that he believes there has never been an inquiry conducted like this before – at least in Canada, where a national crisis sometimes prompts a Royal Commission that spends hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and issues a report when the urgency has abated.

Drysdale and the final report are damning of how Canada officially responded to Covid-19, saying that not only did governments at all levels in Canada use the pandemic to violate the rights of basic citizens but Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms proved to be an absolute “failure” to protect those rights and “completely collapsed” when Canadians needed it the most. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130766

File: 30fa3fc488fb993⋯.png (434.84 KB,700x400,7:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153072 (301600ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode

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Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode


Google has agreed to settle a $5 billion class-action privacy lawsuit that alleges the tech giant has been tracking people using the “incognito” mode in its Chrome browser.

The lawsuit was filed in 2020 and claimed that Google had misled the public into believing their activity would not be tracked while using the private browser.

WTOP reports that the plaintiffs claimed Google continued to “catalog details of users’ site visits and activities despite their use of supposedly ‘private’ browsing.”

This act gave Google an “unaccountable trove of information” from people who believed they were not being monitored.

“Google has made itself an unaccountable trove of information so detailed and expansive that George Orwell could never have dreamed it,” the lawsuit said.

Christian Precious Metals Company Embraces Integrity to Protect Americans’ Retirement

The settlement terms have not been made public and will still need to be approved by a judge.

Yahoo News reports:

Lawyers for the plaintiffs were seeking at least $5,000 for each user it said had been tracked by the firm’s Google Analytics or Ad Manager services even when in the private browsing mode and not logged into their Google account.

This would have amounted to at least $5 billion, though the settlement amount will likely not reach that figure, and no amount was given for the preliminary settlement between the parties.

A final settlement agreement is expected to be provided to the court by February 24.

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5ae0ea No.130767

File: ff66e29021d0622⋯.png (2.09 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153249 (301640ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Armenian Christian Bishops, Priests, Deacons Attacked in Jerusalem by Dozens of Masked Muslims

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Armenian Christian Bishops, Priests, Deacons Attacked in Jerusalem by Dozens of Masked Muslims


Armenian Christians in Jerusalem were violently attacked by more than 30 masked Arab Muslims in Jerusalem on Thursday.

“Armenian clerics in Jerusalem are fighting for their lives,” the Armenian Patriarchate told the Jerusalem Post.

Several of the Armenian priests were “seriously injured.”

According to the Jerusalem Post, the ambush attack was in response to a lawsuit to cancel an agreement related to a land lease of the Armenian Quarter. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130768

File: d32262d4c87e6c5⋯.png (197.92 KB,457x338,457:338,Clipboard.png)

File: c9586ffd52ee139⋯.png (65.56 KB,680x355,136:71,Clipboard.png)

File: cfe59a3e923e369⋯.png (349.56 KB,562x443,562:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153309 (301652ZDEC23) Notable: Chinese Spy Balloon Used US Internet to Communicate as it Soared Over Nuclear Silos

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Chinese Spy Balloon Used US Internet to Communicate as it Soared Over Nuclear Silos


Last January the Biden administration knew about the Chinese spy balloon traversing across the continental United States, from Alaska to the Carolinas, but sought to conceal this from the American public.

A newspaper photographer first spotted the balloon over Montana.

The Chinese spy balloon first entered US airspace over Alaska in late January.

The balloon soared over nuclear silos and military installations across the US with Joe Biden’s full approval. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153327 (301655ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun / Armenian Christian Bishops, Priests, Deacons Attacked in Jerusalem by Dozens of Masked Muslims

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Land Grab, simple as

Jerusalem Christians rally round Armenian Church over land deal

By Crispian Balmer November 19, 2023

JERUSALEM, Nov 19 (Reuters) - The heads of the Christian Churches in Jerusalem issued a rare joint appeal at the weekend, warning that a contested land deal could erase the centuries-old presence of the Armenian community within the Old City.

The ethnic Armenian community has its own district within the ancient city of Jerusalem under borders drawn by Ottoman rulers - the smallest of the four quarters, which also include highly distinct Muslim, Jewish and Christian neighbourhoods.

However Armenians say they risk being uprooted by a deal to lease about 25% of their area to developers who want to build a luxury hotel on the site.

The deal was signed by the head of the Armenian Church in Jerusalem in July 2021, but members of his community said the first they heard of it was when surveyors started work in the area this year.

He has told his congregation that he was misled and has started legal action to get the contract annulled. The priest who brokered the accord on his behalf was defrocked by the Church Synod in May and he has left Jerusalem.

Despite the legal challenge, bulldozers arrived last week and started tearing up a carpark, which covers some of the contested land. When protesters blocked the work, armed Israeli Jewish settlers turned up in a failed effort to disperse the demonstration.

"The provocations that are being used by the alleged developers to deploy incendiary tactics threaten to erase the Armenian presence in the area, weakening and endangering the Christian presence in the Holy Land," the Christian leaders wrote, including the heads of the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches.

The Armenian community says the investor behind the land lease deal is an Australian-Israeli businessman Danny Rubinstein, who owns a company registered in the United Arab Emirates - Xana Capital Group. A company sign was posted in the parking lot shortly after the surveyors turned up.

Rubinstein did not respond to a request for a comment about the project sent via his Linked-In account.



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5ae0ea No.130770

File: 927c12d38c191fb⋯.png (269.61 KB,537x697,537:697,Clipboard.png)

File: 2115facf41ee839⋯.png (230.45 KB,541x545,541:545,Clipboard.png)

File: b3a6215691d0572⋯.png (559 KB,987x563,987:563,Clipboard.png)

File: ee042ae54723670⋯.png (38.18 KB,542x451,542:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153448 (301719ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / DEI Looks to Be on Its Deathbed After Woke Giants Announce Slashes to Diversity Budgets

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DEI Looks to Be on Its Deathbed After Woke Giants Announce Slashes to Diversity Budgets


Pro-Black Lives Matter corporate giants Google and Meta joined a growing list of virtue-signaling companies that slashed their “diversity” budgets in 2023 amid a rough year for the tech industry.

“Some companies have laid off DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] staffers and leaders of diverse employee resource groups, downsized learning and development programs and cut budgets for external DEI groups by as much as 90 percent in 2023,” CNBC reported Friday.

The DEI cuts are a laughable reversal of the virtue-signaling bluster some companies trumpeted in the wake of the BLM riots following the May 2020 death of George Floyd.

Many “woke” corporations bent the knee to race-hustling grifters by donating money to Black Lives Matter and investing millions to expand so-called “diversity” programs to hire more black workers.

“By mid-2023, DEI-related job postings had declined 44% from the same time a year prior, according to data provided by job site Indeed,” CNBC reported. “That’s a sharp contrast with the period from 2020 to 2021, when those postings expanded nearly 30%.”

This only makes total sense: When your company is not doing well because of a tough economic climate rocked by crippling inflation, hiring scores of people solely on the basis of their skin color — as opposed to actual qualifications — is a dumb move.

Devika Brij, the CEO of an eponymous consulting group, said some of her clients reduced their DEI budgets by as much as 90 percent this year. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130771

File: 87fdbdb6f447aeb⋯.png (100.16 KB,496x782,248:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ebeb9db0143497⋯.png (98.33 KB,500x354,250:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 241a36de5f8e25f⋯.png (34.77 KB,493x342,493:342,Clipboard.png)

File: 04bf1a18b21b391⋯.png (246.65 KB,507x653,507:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153496 (301731ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun / What 'Great Replacement Theory'? Musk Exposes "Immense & Growing Size" Of Illegal Immigration Invasion

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What 'Great Replacement Theory'? Musk Exposes "Immense & Growing Size" Of Illegal Immigration Invasion


Elon Musk red-pilled users on X, allowing them to visualize "the immense and growing size of illegal immigration" pushed by radical progressives in the White House that have flooded the nation with millions of migrants.

Musk commented on a post by X user "datahazard," who said: "Since August, there are officially more arriving each month than there are children being born to American mothers. And these are just the official encounters - we don't know how many avoided detection." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130772

File: ad50a9c7dada099⋯.png (447.1 KB,790x447,790:447,Clipboard.png)

File: a572bf96aa1e101⋯.png (273.32 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ddd8567610a1b9⋯.png (243.38 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 49632a08638a08b⋯.png (232.79 KB,653x812,653:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153544 (301742ZDEC23) Notable: >>201535797 Ukraine Mounts Massive Series Of Attacks On Russian City, Killing At Least 14

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Ukraine Mounts Massive Series Of Attacks On Russian City, Killing At Least 14

Russia's Belgorod region, which lies just north of Kharkiv in Ukraine, was rocked by Ukrainian drone and missile fire which killed at least 14 people, with over 100 injured, according to revised updates. "According to updated information, 12 adults and two children were killed in Belgorod. Another 108 people, including 15 children, were injured," Russia's defense ministry said.

The death toll was so high due to the strikes on a residential area, the region's governor Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov indicated. While this Russian border region has throughout the war come under repeat cross-border attack, it has been relatively quiet of late, with only smaller sporadic mortar or drone attacks. In one instance a centrally located Christmas attraction, said to be (according to unverified reports) a skating rink with many children, came under fire. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130773

File: 2897f7ba688c816⋯.png (448.4 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153566 (301747ZDEC23) Notable: Congressional 'Cronies' Saddle The US With NATO Forever

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Congressional 'Cronies' Saddle The US With NATO Forever


Nobody in their right mind wants to be obliged to send their kid off to war in Eastern Europe if Romania and Moldova start bombing each other. Yet NATO membership requires just that.

And courtesy of the best congress money can buy, now power to withdraw from NATO has been removed from the U.S. president and enshrined in the well-greased palms of our legislators. More specifically, on December 16 congress approved a bill barring the president from unilaterally exiting NATO without legislative approval. This is a disaster. It’s aimed at Trump and one of the few decent things he might do if elected president, namely ditch that trouble-making albatross, NATO. Naturally president Joe Biden did not delay signing the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes this new NATO provision; so we’re stuck with it.

You doubt this is bad news? Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130774

File: 676eee5969d1e51⋯.png (122.01 KB,500x304,125:76,Clipboard.png)

File: b223a2f804b9335⋯.png (57.05 KB,500x240,25:12,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f1a7cd9e44a5a1⋯.png (57.85 KB,500x237,500:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153593 (301756ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun / 'Too Big To Cancel': Elon Musk Is Once Again World's Richest Person

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'Too Big To Cancel': Elon Musk Is Once Again World's Richest Person


The 500 billionaires on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index added $1.5 trillion in net worth in 2023, fully recovering $1.4 trillion lost last year.

Their fortunes surged due to the strong performance of tech stocks despite elevated inflation, recession fears, high interest rates, and increasing war risks worldwide.

Elon Musk reclaimed the title of the world's richest person, surpassing French luxury Bernard Arnault, CEO of luxury-goods conglomerate LVMH. Musk is set to end the year with a net worth of $232.4 billion, a $95.4 billion increase year-to-date. His net worth is closely tied to the performance of Tesla shares, which are up more than 100% this year. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153810 (301845ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two / Redacted: EX-CIA "Zelenksy's time has RUN OUT and he knows it" (video)

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EX-CIA "Zelenksy's time has RUN OUT and he knows it" | Redacted with Clayton Morris


The NYTimes now admits that Ukraine is using "people snatchers" to grab men off the streets and throw them into the front lines against Russia. The Times says these men have no training and Ukraine is using harsh tactics to force these men to fight. Ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson says it's about time that the NYTimes showed up to reality.

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5ae0ea No.130776

File: 722ee73abdcdb84⋯.png (1.69 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153854 (301852ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / 2023’s most outrageous examples of campus craziness

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2023’s most outrageous examples of campus craziness


023 was another newsworthy year for Canadian campuses, which are reeling from the influence of woke far-left ideologies like “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI), Critical Race Theory and others. Universities and colleges have also seen a concerning rise in antisemitism this year.

True North has compiled the notable stories that took place on Canadian campuses this year – including many that were exclusively reported through the Campus Watch series. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130777

File: 03c0486e862b0ba⋯.png (1.59 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153857 (301856ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Ontario universities are responsible for the outrageous actions of their students

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OP-ED: Ontario universities are responsible for the outrageous actions of their students


Ontario universities are at a crossroads. York University, where I went, stands out in all the worst ways. The controversies at York began less than a week after the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks, which resulted in the killing of around 1,200 people and the kidnapping of approximately 240 others.

The York Federation of Students, Glendon College Student Union, and York University Graduate Students’ Association released a Statement of Solidarity with Palestine on Oct. 12.

The statement called the attack a “strong act of resistance” and said “resistance against colonial violence is justified and necessary.” The authors portrayed it as: “‘decolonization’ and ‘land-back’ actualized as we continue to see the Palestinian people stand firm in their resistance against their oppressors.” York University came down hard on the unions, claiming they breached the regulations for student organizations. York gave the student unions several remedial action warnings on Oct. 20.

Not only did the university demand the unions retract their statements, but they also called for the resignation of student union executives and a public statement against antisemitism. The unions were also given the option to prove no breach occurred. The student unions had to respond to the university’s demands by Oct. 25.

Instead of complying, the unions called York’s actions an “attack on student autonomy.” They released a second statement, labeling York’s response as being “rooted in racism.” Several campus protests took place in support of the unions. According to the university, the unions are undergoing a process under the regulation’s non-compliance section. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130778

File: 1d5cdd673c8b6bc⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cfe0435675de6c⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 88e7937aefe93f6⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 5321fff8212f822⋯.png (1.5 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20153866 (301900ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun / Concerned parents set up overnight camp to protest gender ideology 24/7

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Concerned parents set up overnight camp to protest gender ideology 24/7


A group of concerned citizens in Abbotsford, BC have established a multi-day overnight camp to protest gender ideology in schools on a 24/7 basis.

Kanwaljit Singh, 41, is one of the activists who has been spending his week sleeping on a mat in a tent adorned by signs that read “Teach geography not pornography” and “Stop sexualizing our children.”

For over 90 days, the group has been protesting SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) curriculum in schools on a daily basis.

“Last Sunday at noon I took it upon myself to be here 24/7. I thought I would just be alone here. But all our brothers and everyone… they’re like, no, we’re not going to let you be alone here,” Singh recounted to True North. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154025 (301932ZDEC23) Notable: Final Climate Change Bun

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Final Climate Change Bun

>>130360 Religious Leaders Join UN, WEF To Push the Global Climate Agenda

>>130372 Taxpayers to pay $200 million extra for carbon tax administration fees

>>130386 French Farmers Dump Manure On Govt Buildings To Protest Climate Hysteria

>>130391 Canada pledges to triple nuclear power production by 2050 at COP28

>>130426 UN Climate Karens Melt Down After COP28 Summit Ditches Fossil Fuel 'Phase-Out' Language

>>130436 Canada Tackles Methane Emissions From COW BURPS with Credit Plan

>>130439 Northwest Territories premier requests full exemption from carbon tax

>>130457 Ford's "Test For EV Adoption" Fails: Carmaker Slashes Production Plans For Electric F-150 In Half

>>130487 Canada falls to 62nd out of 67 on Climate Change Performance Index

>>130488, >>130489, >>130501 Trudeau's $1B green slush fund whistleblower exposes corruption and high-level cover-ups (video)

>>130494 Smith, Schulz blast Guibeault’s ‘continued treachery’ at COP28

>>130500 Ottawa kept Saskatchewan in the dark on oil production cap during UN Climate Summit

>>130506 Alberta premier slams Trudeau gov’t for ‘ridiculous’ attempt to regulate cattle emissions

>>130510, >>130522 BREATHING Is Bad For The Environment According to Scientists AKA Climate Change Alarmists (video)

>>130513 Tesla recall affects almost 90% of all EVs in Canada

>>130544 Trans Mountain pipeline may be delayed another two years over latest regulatory setback

>>130549 What the World Can Learn From COP28 for COP29

>>130556 Coal companies sue Alberta for $10 billion over environmental policy changes

>>130558, >>130611 Auto industry leaders slam Trudeau government’s electric vehicle mandate

>>130559 LAWTON: The UN’s latest attack on Canada’s energy sector (video)

>>130575 When Did Governments Become So Ridiculous?

>>130580, >>130618 Ottawa poised to announce all new vehicles be zero-emissions by 2035

>>130625 "Tesla Wannabe" EV Names Have Run Out Of Cash, As SPAC-Crazed Bubble Bursts

>>130640 Steven Guilbeault refuses to admit CO2 emissions for the third time

>>130644 Canadian Oil Companies Delay Emission Cuts, Eyeing Looming PM Trudeau Defeat in 2025 Elections

>>130645 Oil Tumbles After Angola Announces It Is Leaving OPEC

>>130647 Volkswagen, Audi, And Porsche Adopt Tesla EV Plug As NACS Becomes Gold Standard

>>130649 The '1%' Are Responsible For 15% Of Global Emissions

>>130666 Alberta’s re-imposed fuel tax faces opposition from CTF and NDP

>>130668 Kris Sims: Justin Trudeau 'just loves' the carbon tax, it is 'his baby' (video)

>>130684 Tesla Launches New Mega Factory Project In Shanghai, Designed To Manufacture 10,000 Megapacks Per Year

>>130691 Guilbeault used ‘misleading data’ to defend electric car mandate

>>130693 ISED gave nearly 900K to anti-oil charity Equiterre in the months after Guilbeault resigned as head (video)

>>130703 Alberta farmer ceases operations over Trudeau's carbon tax, inflation

>>130706 Scott Moe says Ottawa’s wishful thinking on climate led to current economic woes

>>130718 Canadian PM Trudeau Is ‘Afraid’ That Second Trump Term Will Bring an End to Globalist Climate Policies

>>130729 WHO’s Tedros Declares War on Meat, Traditional Farming

>>130731 Here We Go Again: Scientists Propose Radical ‘Sunshade’ Plan to Fight ‘Climate Change’

>>130744 UN and World Economic Forum plan to use global water crisis to advance globalist agenda against humanity

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154029 (301933ZDEC23) Notable: Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

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Final Covid and Other Pestilence Bun

>>130366 2 Sides Of The Same Coin: Sendai Framework And International Health Regulations

>>130367 Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders

>>130368 Ratio’d: Don’t let them get away with it! (video)

>>130402 Nebraska Begins Mass Collection of Digital Health Data on All its Citizens

>>130403 ‘I Am the Science’ Anthony Fauci Explains Why He No Longer Practice the Catholic Faith

>>130407 CDC Issues Health Alert Over Deadly, Fast-Spreading Strain of Monkeypox

>>130412, >>130415 Canada faces longest healthcare wait times ever recorded, research shows

>>130434 Biden Wants To Seize Patents Of Pricey Drugs And Use Government To Make Them Cheaper

>>130443 National Governments Are All Following a Genocide Agenda

>>130446 Let Food Be Thy Medicine

>>130447 Canada’s Original Covid Hero Adam Skelly and New Year’s Eve

>>130483 Pfizer Shares Plunge On Gloomy 2024 Outlook

>>130529 Toronto woman seeks assisted suicide amid struggle with long COVID

>>130557 Canada faces $1 trillion challenge with youth mental health crisis, study shows

>>130576 Nobel Prize Winner Seeking to Cure Cancer With mRNA Technology

>>130578 Woman who traveled to U.S. for cancer treatment now denied services in Canada

>>130634, >>130692 Leslyn Lewis warns that WHO pandemic treaty amendments are undemocratic

>>130638 Alberta government did not violate ethics law in second firing of Deena Hinshaw

>>130641 Holding Our Government Accountable: Preston Manning video)

>>130670 Maxime Bernier found guilty of violating COVID lockdown orders during Saskatoon freedom rally

>>130673 Supreme Court of Canada failing to thoroughly examine authoritarian response to COVID-19: Keith Wilson (video)

>>130698 Two Children Die From RSV; Here we go again (video)

>>130699 New Brunswick auditor general says province failed to give any evidence for 33 COVID-era decisions

>>130704 Toronto-based COVID test supplier edited results before receiving billions from taxpayers

>>130736 Canada broke the Nuremberg Code — what does that say about Trudeau? (video)

>>130740 Dr. Malone Versus The World: Why Is He At War With Everyone?

>>130746 Empty Hospitals at the Height of the “Pandemic” (video)

>>130765 Covid inquiry head says Canadian Charter allowed Trudeau Liberals to 'override all of our rights at a whim'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154033 (301933ZDEC23) Notable: Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

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Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>130373 Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms

>>130490 Canadian mother given sole decision-making powers over son in ‘transgender father’ case

>>130504 Is the transgender movement losing steam in the face of increasing opposition?

>>130545 Maxime Bernier slams Trudeau gov’t for mandating tampons in male washrooms

>>130548 Court Rules Calling Drag Queens “Groomers” Does NOT Fall Under Protected Speech

>>130612 'Trans activist' Jessica Simpson found guilty of another criminal offence

>>130719 Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament

>>130739 Trudeau garners international ridicule for mandating tampons for men

>>130745 Trudeau government gives medal to trans activist who got Vancouver rape shelter defunded for refusing to house biological men

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154034 (301933ZDEC23) Notable: Final Hamas and Israel Bun

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Final Hamas and Israel Bun

>>130359 Dozens of Reported Hamas Savages Surrender to Israeli Soldiers in Humiliating Fashion

>>130378 US blocks UN Gaza ceasefire appeal

>>130381 “Israel’s Lady in Red” Goes Public After Surviving the Hamas Massacre at the Nova Concert on Oct. 7 (video)

>>130408 UNfortunately Predictable: United Nations Declares UNRWA Terrorism Story "Misinformation"

>>130424 Ha- Mass Surrender: “Terrorists Surrendering, System Disintegrating” as Hamas Beats and Robs Gazans for Aid

>>130427 Israeli Troop Deaths Surpass 100 in Gaza, Thousands Wounded As Hospitals Deal With 'Tsunami Of Trauma'

>>130430 Hamas Warns No Hostage Will Leave "Alive" If Demands Aren't Met

>>130442 Toronto police arrest anti-Israel protester over alleged assault on officer

>>130452 Netanyahu: “First We Will Win in the South and Then We Will Deal With the North”

>>130465 Canada signs joint statement calling for “sustainable ceasefire” in Israel

>>130468 Liberal MP office vandalized with red paint by far-left anti-Israel activists

>>130472 Canadian mayor backs Israel’s actions no matter how many children die

>>130473 ‘Queers For Palestine’ Protesters Shut Down Manhattan Bridge

>>130475 Press for Truth: Bizarre Hamas Massacre Fashion Show And The Zara Boycott Explained (video)

>>130519 Hamas Plot Targeting Jews in Europe Foiled, Arrests Made in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark

>>130527 Deport Hamas billboard launches in Alberta (video)

>>130528 Trudeau fundraising event hit with anti-Israel protest

>>130537 Quebec rejects Ottawa’s ceasefire call in Gaza, citing Hamas’ terrorist actions

>>130538 Kids say the darndest things! Like those Grade 4 and 5 students at Garthwood Park Public School who staged a walkout…against Israel? (video)

>>130550 Pro-Hamas Protesters Terrorize Children Waiting to Meet Santa at Toronto Mall; Chant “Jesus Was Palestinian”

>>130567, >>130568 Global Trade At Risk As Shippers Shun Red Sea Over Houthis Attacks

>>130590 “I’ve Got Your Back”, Security Minister Ben Gvir Tells Israeli Police Officer Suspended After Confrontation with Hamas Photographer

>>130608 CAMPUS WATCH: U of T Amnesty chapter threatens ‘unprecedented resistance’ in response to MPs’ antisemitism letter

>>130614 Ottawa minor charged in anti-Jewish terror plot had bomb-making materials, police say

>>130636 Hamas leader thanks Canada for Trudeau’s call for a ceasefire

>>130658 Israel Victory: 1000 Terrorists Wiped out in Jabaliya, 3000 Taken Prisoner; Bodies of 5 Hostages Retrieved, 5 IDF Soldiers KIA

>>130676 >>130676 Canadian Media Decries Lax Treatment of Pro-Hamas Rioters Compared to Freedom Convoy Crackdown

>>130682 96% Of Saudis Oppose Ties With Israel, Hamas Grows In Popularity: Poll

>>130686 CBC blames “teleprompter glitch” for reporter’s claim that “Israel started the Hamas war”

>>130705 Antony Blinken Asks Why World Isn’t Demanding Hamas Surrender

>>130710 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Christmas Message: Unite with Israel in Battle Against Barbarism

>>130713, >>130757 IDF carries out ‘wide-scale’ airstrikes on Hezbollah as rockets from Lebanon hit north

>>130752 Israel Pressures US For More Apache Helicopters Even While Owning Up To Mass Civilian Casualty Airstrikes

>>130756 Assault On 10 Cities: Israel Mounts Largest Raid On West Bank Since War's Start

>>130759 Canada to issue Gazans with family in Canada visas to escape war

>>130763 Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague

>>130767, >>130769 Armenian Christian Bishops, Priests, Deacons Attacked in Jerusalem by Dozens of Masked Muslims

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154036 (301933ZDEC23) Notable: Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun

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Final Houthis and Red Sea Bun

>>130456 Houthi Rebels Hit Norwegian-Flagged Tanker With Anti-Ship Cruise Missile At Key Maritime Chokepoint

>>130464 New Details Emerge on MT Strinda Missile Attack: French Navy Downs Drone

>>130567 Global Trade At Risk As Shippers Shun Red Sea Over Houthis Attacks

>>130568 LIST: Shipping Giants Pause Red Sea Voyages as Attacks Mount

>>130593 The Red Sea Situation Is Worse Than It looks

>>130596 US officially announces multinational task force to deal with Houthi attacks

>>130597 Houthis vow to keep up attacks in key strait after US rolls out plan to shield ships

>>130626 100 Container Ships Diverted, Insurance Surges As Red Sea Chaos Worsens

>>130627 Yemen's Houthis Reveal General Mobilization Action to Send Soldiers to Gaza

>>130660 If The Houthis Can Shut Down Naval Traffic In The Red Sea, Iran Can Close The Persian Gulf

>>130672 UNICEF EXPOSED: Criticized for misleading public on fundraising information (video)

>>130696 Pentagon's Operation Prosperity Guardian "Falls Apart" As Spain, Italy, France Reject Request

>>130732 Hapag-Lloyd Warns Red Sea 'Still Dangerous' Amid Maersk's Resumption Plans

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154040 (301934ZDEC23) Notable: Final Immigration Bun

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Final Immigration Bun

>>130369 Higher permit fees, fewer work hours incoming for international students

>>130394 Syrian national Ibrahim Ali convicted of first-degree murder in death of 13-year-old B.C. girl

>>130405 Shattered Dream: Rising Cost of Living and Housing Crisis Are Driving Immigrants To Leave Canada in Growing Numbers

>>130414 Canada-U.S. border a human smuggling hotspot: RCMP

>>130416 Canadians spent $769 million to accommodate refugees and illegal immigrants this year

>>130431 "Get Tough On Immigration Or Risk Radicals Taking Charge", Warns Merkel's Former Health Minister

>>130502 Former Bank of Canada governor suggests mass immigration hampering Canadian productivity

>>130503 Trudeau Liberals to create citizenship pathway for 'undocumented' immigrants next spring

>>130524 Judge upholds deportation for driver in Humboldt Broncos crash

>>130526 Second alleged Iranian agent faces deportation hearing in Canada

>>130551 Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and U.K.’s Rishi Sunak Join Forces to Tackle Mass Migration to Europe

>>130566 Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Stresses Incompatibility of Islamic Culture with European Civilization, Deems Sharia Law Impossible in Europe

>>130569 High Immigration Linked To Worsening Inflation, Bank Of Canada Deputy Governor Says

>>130583 Manitoba premier urges Trudeau to take in refugees from Gaza

>>130664 Ratio’d: Why are so many people leaving Canada? (video)

>>130667 Gov’s devotion to high immigration keeping rent high: Bank of Canada governor

>>130695 Federal report claims Canada is a 'preferred destination' for 'climate refugees'

>>130716 Record-setting anti-Trudeau petition closes with 387k signatures

>>130741 Welsh Government Uses 14-Year-Old Schoolgirls to Attract ‘Refugee’ Men From Africa and Middle East to Wales

>>130771 What 'Great Replacement Theory'? Musk Exposes "Immense & Growing Size" Of Illegal Immigration Invasion

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154046 (301934ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun

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Final Law and Disorder Bun

>>130363 Japan's First-Ever Conviction For Illegal Organ Trafficking Shines Light On Forced Organ Harvesting

>>130365 FDA Approved, Controversial Lab-Grown Meat Becomes A Reality

>>130371 Alberta NDP proposed rent control bill could cause more harm than good, say critics

>>130379 Who benefits from blaming India for murder plots in the US and Canada?

>>130388 'Shadow Fleet' Tanker Runs Aground Near Singapore

>>130392 Trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber adjourned until 2024

>>130393 Albertans divided on proposed pension plan: engagement panel

>>130396 12-Year-Olds Charged After Woman Beaten Unconscious at Public Transit Station

>>130397 2 More Churches Burned in Alberta, RCMP Suspect Arson

>>130453 Man Who Allegedly Killed 6 Had Previously Been Bailed Out by Soros-Backed Group

>>130463 Indian official ordered “sophisticated crackdown” prior to Sikh activist’s murder: report

>>130476, >>130477 Trump Prosecutor, Jack Smith’s Alleged Role In Extortion Scheme While At the International Court of Justice Is Revealed

>>130478 Secret Service Boats Were Inoperable During Rescue Attempt of Obama’s Chef Tafari Campbell, Newly Released Records Reveal

>>130482 Hunter Biden Ditches Deposition, Instead Gives Capitol Hill Speech Claiming Joe Biden 'Not Involved' In Business (video)

>>130497 Alberta faces over 25% surge in opioid deaths, government intensifies recovery efforts

>>130511 Vote Of No Confidence For Trudeau Gov. reached 300k Threshold

>>130527 Trudeau Liberals spent $8.9 million on ‘buyback’ scheme without purchasing any guns

>>130553 NY Attorney General Letitia James Admits Her Guilt in Denying Trump Due Process — Says Judge Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began”

>>130607 Of the People, By the People, For the People: Adrienne Richards and Joseph Enslow

>>130610 Dozens of Canadian citizens are imprisoned in 'police state' China

>>130620 Feds One Step Closer to Unmasking Elite Client List of High-End Asian Brothel as Prosecutors Seek to Charge 28 Politicians, Military Officers

>>130654 Trudeau Liberals appoint more Liberal friends, donors to the judiciary

>>130659 Ablechild on Mass Killings: More Likely Related to Big Pharma than to Guns (video)

>>130666 Alberta’s re-imposed fuel tax faces opposition from CTF and NDP

>>130671 Meet the woman behind the petition calling for the end of the Trudeau government (video)

>>130694 Trudeau Liberals defer implementation of gun control bill until late 2025

>>130697 Face Biometrics Taking Over Authentication and Age Assurance

>>130737 Four Canadian churches BURNED just before Christmas

>>130738 RCMP detail Manitoba official’s role in gun, drug, smokes trafficking ring

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154050 (301934ZDEC23) Notable: Final Media and Censorship Bun

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Final Media and Censorship Bun

>>130364 Starlink Completes "Successful" Military Test Deep In Arctic

>>130370 Pornographers appear before commission to discuss Canadian content

>>130374 Ex-CBC journalist warns: objective media and free speech are the last defence against government overreach (video)

>>130395, >>130398, >>130399 Elon Musk Reinstates Alex Jones on Social Media Platform X (video)

>>130409 EU Policymakers Complete World's First AI Regulatory Framework

>>130411 Dutch commentator predicts end of Trudeau in next election

>>130417 New book explores what really happened at the Kamloops residential school (video)

>>130428, >>130429 Al Gore Warns: People Having Access To Non-Mainstream Information "Threatens Democracy" (video)

>>130437 The Rupa Subramanya Show: Are we witnessing the END of free speech? (video)

>>130440 Expert panel will examine CBC's future, says Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge

>>130455 Rumble Hit With "Unprecedented" Cyber Attack After Posting J6 Security Cam Footage

>>130461 Ratio’d: ‘Frozen communist s***hole’: Joe Rogan blasts Trudeau’s Canada (video

>>130466 Several companies pull ads from X after over presence of “offensive” content

>>130470 WEF Likens “Misinformation” To A Cybersecurity Issue In Calls For More Action | A new way of justifying censorship

>>130481 FCC Rejects $900 Million Subsidy For SpaceX Amid Concerns Of Gov't Weaponization

>>130485 Lawsuits Against Censorship-Industrial Complex Heat Up After Musk Kicks Open The Floodgates

>>130514 Pornhub Manager Admits Pornography Is Unhealthy, Addictive In Undercover Video

>>130518 Tucker Carlson’s Media Company Savagely Trolls Liberal Corporate Media Outlets Outside their Headquarters With Trucks Carrying a Blunt Message

>>130521 Starlink's Global Traffic Triples In 2023, Crowning Elon Musk As Leader In Space Internet

>>130531 Bill to shield kids from online pornography could lead to more Canadian gov’t censorship: legal expert

>>130540 Trustee Nili Kaplan-Myrth files human rights complaint against fellow school board trustees

>>130552 Gloves Off: Elon Musk Writes That DEI Initiatives Must DIE - And That Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Are ‘Just Propaganda Words’

>>130561 Trudeau Liberals largely exclude CBC from Google's $100 million media bailout

>>130571 EU Hits Musk With X Probe On Possible 'Disinformation'

>>130573 CNN Town Hall Host Tries To Disrupt Vivek Ramaswamy As He Reveals Truth Behind J6

>>130594 The Multifront Attack On Elon Musk

>>130613 CBC loses 16% of ad revenue compared to last year

>>130632 Assange gets ‘last chance’ US extradition appeal date

>>130633 New Polish government fires state media bosses

>>130639 How state's orchestrate censorship to stifle public health data disclosure (video)

>>130655 Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon, Tucker Carlson rip mask off ‘fact-checking’ censorship of conservatives

>>130665 Toronto Sun apologizes for editorial cartoon deemed antisemitic

>>130677 Pornhub ADMITS they profit from sex trafficking, forced to pay MILLIONS to United States, victims

>>130681 Online Video Platform Rumble Leaves Brazil, Rather Than Obey Judicial Order To Censor Conservative Voices

>>130707 CBC CEO Catherine Tait claims top spot on taxpayers’ “Naughty List”

>>130709 CBS News Correspondent Catherine Herridge Predicts a ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024: ‘A National Security Crisis with Unpredictable High Impact’

>>130728 Elon Musk’s ‘Grok’ AI Labels Its Creator a Pedophile

>>130733 Of Course: Far-Left 'Disinformation' Operatives Tied To EU Investigation Of X, Receive White House Christmas Card

>>130766 Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode

>>130774 'Too Big To Cancel': Elon Musk Is Once Again World's Richest Person

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154073 (301938ZDEC23) Notable: Final Protests Bun

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Final Protests Bun

>>130392 Trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber adjourned until 2024

>>130445 Freedom truckers being 'punished' with lengthy trial, delays, says defendant Tamara Lich

>>130582 'Thanks to the truckers': Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy shouts out Freedom Convoy truckers

>>130669 'It's been 22 long months': Tamara Lich returns to social media

>>130676 Canadian Media Decries Lax Treatment of Pro-Hamas Rioters Compared to Freedom Convoy Crackdown

>>130747 Canada’s Original Freedom Fighter: Adam Skelly (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154075 (301938ZDEC23) Notable: Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two

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Final Russia and Ukraine Bun Part Two

>>130675 Netherlands Prepares to Hand Over F-16 Fighter Jets to Ukraine

>>130680 Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov Says Kiev Will Force Young Men Who Fled the Country to Join the Army and Fight the War - Statement Is Rapidly Walked Back by Officials

>>130683 China To Seek Rare Exemption From US Sanctions On Russia’s Latest LNG Project

>>130685 Russia Says Oil Exports Rose By 7% in 2023 Compared To Year Before Ukraine War

>>130700 PM Orbán Says European Union Is ‘Blackmailing’ Hungary, Withholding Funds Over Budapest’s Position on Ukrainian Membership and Aid

>>130702 Putin Now Serious About Negotiating End To War: Diplomats

>>130714 Serbia thanks Russia for ‘color revolution’ warning

>>130723 Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

>>130724 Ukraine 'Celebrates' Destruction Of Major Russian Navy Vessel In Rare Crimea Air Raid

>>130730 Soledar, Bakhmut, Khoromov, Maryinka: The Settlements Conquered by Russians in 2023, as the ‘War of Attrition’ Intensifies

>>130742 EU Readies €20BN Back-Up Plan To Fund Ukraine & Sidestep Hungary

>>130748 Preparations in Motion for a Bilateral Meeting Between Hungary’s Orbán and Ukraine’s Zelensky

>>130749 The U.S. Narrative Flip On Ukraine Heats Up

>>130750 Multipolarity: India and Russia Ramp up Bilateral Trade, Plan to Jointly Produce Modern Weapons

>>130751 Russia Unleashes Biggest Aerial Attack On Ukraine Since Opening Days Of War

>>130753 How Russia Makes A Mockery Of US Sanctions In One Picture

>>130755 Millions Of Ukrainians About To See Salaries & Pensions Paused As Western Aid Dries Up

>>130761 ‘Russian Missile’ Entered NATO Airspace, Says Poland: Combat Readiness Increased

>>130762 ‘Europe Doesn’t Know How to Fight Wars’, Chides Ukraine, Warning it Will be Attacked Next

>>130764 Ukraine reveals 2023 draft-dodger numbers

>>130775 Redacted: EX-CIA "Zelenksy's time has RUN OUT and he knows it" (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154079 (301939ZDEC23) Notable: Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

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Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>130361 U.S. Government Data Reveals a Staggering 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancer Cases Linked to COVID Vaccinations

>>130377 British Columbia doctor fired for refusing COVID shot loses appeal to return to work

>>130380 Ottawa police settle complaint against detective's investigation of COVID vaccine deaths

>>130448 How Many Have the Vaccines Killed?: Dr. Joseph Hickey (video)

>>130469 Medicago refunds Ottawa $40 million from ‘irrelevant’ vaccine contract

>>130467 Safety signals ignored as censored genomics expert vindicated on vaccine data integrity concerns (video)

>>130479 Vigilant Fox: Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths

>>130508 Journalist who advocated that the unvaccinated be put in concentration camps dies suddenly at the young age of 33

>>130512 Trudeau government paid Twitter 'influencers' to promote Covid vaccines

>>130532 Canada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation

>>130534 DrTrozzi: Putting Everything on the Line to Fight for People (video)

>>130555, >>130570 29-Year-Old Professional Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses Without Contact on Field During Live TV Broadcast, Causing Match to Be Suspended

>>130563 Cutting Off the Head of the Snake: Pascal Najadi (video)

>>130574 Marc Crispin Miller Exposes The "Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda" Campaign

>>130587 Health Canada has no clinical data on its ‘thorough’ review approving Pfizer’s latest COVID shot

>>130604 Switzerland: Health insurance data shows 73% increase in people receiving cancer treatment since 2020

>>130605 Pfizer Established As “Leading Oncology Company” After $43 Billion Purchase

>>130615 Alberta is looking into Bill of Rights protection for the unvaccinated

>>130622 Celine Dion’s Sister Gives Sad Update on Singer’s Condition: ‘She Doesn’t Have Control Over Her Muscles’

>>130711 Peter Sweden-EU: THROWS AWAY 215 Million Covid Vaccines

>>130717 Two Zoom calls were the only consultations the feds intended to do on vaccine mandates (video)

>>130758 Stark drop in Canadians keeping up with Covid-19 vaccinations

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5ae0ea No.130790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154083 (301939ZDEC23) Notable: Final Wokeism Bun

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Final Wokeism Bun

>>130375 Facts and debate are incompatible with totalitarian 'woke' ideology: James Lindsay (video)

>>130376 James Lindsay explains that there are 'two classes of people' (video)

>>130400 Teens More Likely to be Mentally Healthy if They Have Conservative Parents, Study Says

>>130432 USA Is Not #1! These Are The Top-Performing Countries For Education

>>130435 7 Serious Concerns As Transhumanism Threatens Our Humanity And The Human Race

>>130450 CEO of IBM Admits to Using Coercion to Fire People and Take Away Their Bonuses Unless They Discriminate in the Hiring Process

>>130451 New Obama Produced Apocalypse Film Warns ‘White People Should Not Be Trusted’

>>130459 Canadian Human Rights Commission Labels Christmas Celebration “Discrimination Grounded In Colonialism”

>>130462 Canadian Medical Association Journal recognizes people who are ‘greysexual’

>>130471 Ontario Catholic school encourages staff to actively promote LGBT agenda, memo shows

>>130484, >>130621 IBM Slapped With Federal Civil Rights Complaint After Racist CEO's "Obviously Illegal" Hiring Practices Leak

>>130486 Canadian Medical Schools Asked To Shift From "Medical Expertise" To Anti-Racism & Social Justice Training

>>130505 Ontario school allegedly shows students vile anti-Catholic video of ‘priest’ abusing ‘Mother Earth’

>>130507 Trudeau’s labor minister pushes ‘equity’ mandate to favor LGBT job applicants

>>130509 Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre’s wife doubles down on couple’s pro-abortion ‘values’

>>130530 Descendant of Henry Dundas says his vision was to abolish 'the entire slave trade' within seven or eight years (video)

>>130535, >>130588 Merry Christmas! Unhinged Leftist Group Kills Santa Claus (video)

>>130546 ‘American Society of Magical Negroes’ Trailer Calls White People ‘Most Dangerous Animal on the Planet’ (video)

>>130554 O’Keefe Media Group Obtains Internal Document From IBM That Trashes White People, ‘Only White People Can Be Racist’

>>130565 Pope Francis Officially Approves Priests Blessing Same Sex Couples

>>130579 LEVY: Cancelled Waterloo teacher appealing court ruling siding with woke school board

>>130589 Daily Wire's NEW film! Christmas is TOO White?! + More

>>130591 BLACKROCK SCANDAL: Tennessee Sues Company, Demands Transparency on Alleged Environmental Activism

>>130606 BlackRock and State Street Subpoenaed over ESG Goals

>>130616 Canadian school board removes word ‘parent’ from documents, but not all trustees are happy

>>130635, >>130678 Controversial Ottawa school trustee banned from meetings for her bad behaviour

>>130637 Newfoundland and Labrador to receive $218 million equalization payment next year

>>130650 Former Red Deer Catholic trustee challenges her expulsion from board in court

>>130651 Parental rights advocate Faytene Grasseschi lands New Brunswick PC nomination

>>130656 Quebec City’s first ever ‘March for Life’ announced for next spring

>>130657 Quebec gov’t announces plan to spend $23.7 million to promote LGBT ideology

>>130661 Executives From Pharma Company Sanofi Caught on Leaked Zoom Call Discussing Discriminatory Hiring Practices, “One in Five Hires NEEDS to be a Black Employee”

>>130689 New book challenges unmarked graves narrative

>>130690 Ottawa spends $9.9M to create “gender-inclusive environment” for youth in Iraq

>>130715 CAMPUS WATCH: Professor slams “cash-strapped” university for hiring elite firm to run snitch line

>>130725 WEF’s deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda

>>130727 OP-ED: Defunding independent schools will rob families of ability to choose

>>130770 DEI Looks to Be on Its Deathbed After Woke Giants Announce Slashes to Diversity Budgets

>>130776 2023’s most outrageous examples of campus craziness

>>130777 Ontario universities are responsible for the outrageous actions of their students

>>130778 Concerned parents set up overnight camp to protest gender ideology 24/7

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5ae0ea No.130995

File: bd7068f54041b09⋯.png (677.68 KB,1024x564,256:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 32317274acefeef⋯.png (532.17 KB,717x812,717:812,Clipboard.png)

File: da5463cb8f9dfe4⋯.png (611.37 KB,722x772,361:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159088 (311720ZDEC23) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / U.S. Navy Engages in Fight with Houthis, Sinking Three Boats and Killing Crews

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U.S. Shoots Down Two Houthi Ballistic Missiles Fired “Toward” U.S. Navy Ships in Red Sea


U.S. Central Command announced Saturday that Houthis in Yemen fired two ballistic missiles “toward” two U.S. warships in the Red Sea while they aiding a merchant ship that had been previously struck by a Houthi missile. One of the U.S. ships, the USS Gravely, shot down the two ballistic missiles. There was no report that the ships retaliated. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130996

File: 0432bfc8e7e87b1⋯.png (833.36 KB,1019x571,1019:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159121 (311730ZDEC23) Notable: ‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jong Un Sets His Defense Industry on a War Footing

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‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jong Un Sets His Defense Industry on a War Footing – North Korean Dictator Steps up Nuclear Capabilities for a Confrontation With the US


O how we miss the time when peacemaker US President Donald Trump walked alone into North Korea, initiating a normalization of bilateral relations, well in the road to constructive interactions between the nations.

Nowadays, warmongers from Joe Biden’s administration from hell only recognize two kinds of countries: vassals and enemies – and ‘rocket man’ Kim Jong Un doesn’t seem inclined to bend the knee.

So we witness a rapid deterioration in the geopolitical situation, leading to real fears of a military confrontation in the Korean peninsula and the world.

North Korea set its munitions industry and nuclear weapons sector ‘on a war footing’.

This follows a long period of raised tensions with the U.S., South Korea and Japan, as well as a number of missile tests and increased border activity.

Newsweek reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130997

File: 3d2fa3c35b342dd⋯.png (767.18 KB,500x1131,500:1131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159357 (311830ZDEC23) Notable: Visualizing The Events That Defined 2023

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Visualizing The Events That Defined 2023


Looking back at 2023, the year was defined by various international geopolitical events while the tech and business world kept a close eye on artificial intelligence’s advances in the first full year of the technology hitting its stride.

This graphic from Visual Capitalist's upcoming 2024 Global Forecast Report looks back at the major events that dominated the headlines and captured the world’s attention in 2023.

From the AI tech boom to the various hot and cold conflicts around the world, many of this past year’s pivotal events will have continuing aftershocks and developments to track in 2024. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130998

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20159656 (311927ZDEC23) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Lindsey Graham Urges Biden To Blow Iran "Off The Map" Over Red Sea Attacks

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Lindsey Graham Urges Biden To Blow Iran "Off The Map" Over Red Sea Attacks


The recent spate of attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea by Iran-backed Houthis has resulted in more and more Congressional calls for the US military to act. Even after dozens of incidents, which have effectively closed the vital waterway to regular ship transit, the US Navy has not been authorized by the Biden administration to hit back directly on Houthi launch positions.

Some Republican hawks are clamoring for confrontation with Tehran, also at a moment that Iran's most powerful poxy in the region - Lebanese Hezbollah - is engaging in daily fire at Israel's northern border. Sen. Lindsey Graham is leading the charge, urging for the Pentagon bomb Iran directly in response to the Houthi Red Sea attacks. In an appearance on Fox & Friends days ago, he went so far as to say Iranian bases and oil fields should be blown "off the map". Watch: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.130999

File: 497730a4143c532⋯.png (594.65 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160386 (312133ZDEC23) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / U.S. Navy Engages in Fight with Houthis, Sinking Three Boats and Killing Crews

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U.S. Navy Engages in Fight with Houthis, Sinking Three Boats and Killing Crews


U.S. Navy helicopters on Sunday sunk three Houthi boats, killing their crews, after the terrorists attempted to hijack a commercial vessel and were fired on in response to the besieged container ship’s distress call.

“On Dec. 31 at 6:30am (Sanaa time) the container ship MAERSK HANGZHOU issued a second distress call in less than 24 hours reporting being under attack by four Iranian-backed Houthi small boats. The small boats, originating from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, fired crew served and small arms weapons at the MAERSK HANGZHOU, getting to within 20 meters of the vessel, and attempted to board the vessel. A contract embarked security team on the MAERSK HANZGHOU returned fire,” Central Command (Centcom) outlined in an issued statement.

“U.S. helicopters from the USS EISENHOWER (CVN 69) and GRAVELY (DDG 107) responded to the distress call and in the process of issuing verbal calls to the small boats, the small boats fired upon the U.S. helicopters with crew served weapons and small arms. The U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire in self-defense, sinking three of the four small boats, and killing the crews. The fourth boat fled the area. There was no damage to U.S. personnel or equipment,” Centcom said. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20160493 (312202ZDEC23) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / U.S. Navy Engages in Fight with Houthis, Sinking Three Boats and Killing Crews

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This was the original article that came out, no mention of boats. I went back, the article has been changed and newer stuff is saying missile hit, then two downed, and then the small boats.

Been around Anons awhile so have to wonder if it was the first version came out, then right after the boats or if CENTCOM decided to embellish the story. Trying to screen cap the original CENTCOM twatter post and surprise, download failed twice

Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea

Mike Schuler December 30, 2023

A Maersk containership has been hit by a missile in the Red Sea, the U.S. has reported.

The U.S. Central Command said the Singapore-flagged Maersk Hangzhou reported it was struck by a missile while transiting the Southern Red Red Sea at approximately 8:30 p.m. local time on Saturday.

The ship requested assistance and is said to be “seaworthy” with no reported injuries. The USS Gravely and USS Laboon responded to the incident, with the USS Gravely successfully shooting down two anti-ship ballistic missiles fired towards the vessels from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen.

USS GRAVELY shoots down two anti-ship ballistic missiles while responding to Houthi attack on merchant vessel.

Today at approximately 8:30 p.m. (Sanaa time), the container ship MAERSK HANGZHOU reported that they were struck by a missile while transiting the Southern Red Sea. The… pic.twitter.com/nUgifhkdC8

— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) December 31, 2023

The incident comes has Maersk has been resuming transits through the Red Sea with the establishment of the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) naval coalition, while some other carriers have opted to continue to reroute ships around the Cape of Good Hope due to safety concerns as the Iran-backed Houthis have continued to carry out missile attacks against commercial shipping.

The Maersk Hangzhou is a 15,226-capacity containership owned and operated by Danish shipping company Maersk, the world’s second-largest ocean carrier.

Maersk suspended transits through the Red Sea back on December 15 a day after a near-miss missile attack on the Maersk Gibraltar near the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, connecting the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden. The announcement by Maersk led to other operators also suspending voyages and redirecting ships around the Cape of Good Hope. Since then about half of the containerships that typically travel through the region have been rerouted.

The Central Command said the incident the 23rd illegal attack by the Houthis on international shipping since the November 19 hijacking of the Galaxy Leader car carrier, which continues by be held in Yemeni waters.


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5ae0ea No.131001

File: fde5f066a902d5c⋯.png (1003.24 KB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20164386 (011700ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / UK preparing to attack Houthis - The Times

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UK preparing to attack Houthis – The Times


London has reportedly drafted a “final warning” to the Yemeni militants, which may be followed by airstrikes

Britain is preparing to launch airstrikes against Yemen’s Houthi militants in response to a wave of attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, The Times reported on Sunday. The US and another European country will also take part in the strikes, the newspaper claimed.

London and Washington are expected to release a joint statement later on Sunday, warning the Houthis to immediately cease their attacks or face military action from the West. The message is intended as a “final warning,” a British government source told the newspaper.

Should the Yemeni fighters fail to heed the warning, British and American ships and war planes will launch missiles at “pre-planned” targets in Yemen itself and on the Red Sea, The Times reported, adding that an unnamed “European country” will “possibly” join the operation too.

The Houthis, who control a large part of Yemen’s territory, have attacked dozens of container ships in the Red Sea since the Israel-Hamas war broke out in October in a bid to drive freight traffic away from the Jewish state and disrupt global supply chains for as long as Israel’s military campaign continues. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131002

File: d895e18b7c87541⋯.png (1.73 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20164651 (011748ZJAN24) Notable: Most Canadians say they’re financially worse off since Trudeau elected: poll

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Most Canadians say they’re financially worse off since Trudeau elected: poll


A new Nanos poll has revealed that over half of Canadians say their personal finances are worse off today than they were in 2015, when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau first took office.

In 2015, Trudeau ran on an election campaign promise to “help the middle class and those aspiring to join it.”

However in 2023, with the high cost of living, inflation and interest-rate hikes, millions of indebted Canadians said that they will be voting with these issues being their top priority.

The polls saw 53% of respondents saying that their personal finances are worse now than they were eight years ago.

The poll, conducted by Nanos Research on behalf of Bloomberg News, found that only 24% of respondents said that they were better off financially today than in 2015, while the remaining 21% said that there had been no change in their finances.

Respondents aged 35 to 54 years old were the most likely to be taking a negative hit financially, with 61% of that cohort saying that they were now worse off. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131003

File: 610050e78487040⋯.png (1.19 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20166515 (020028ZJAN24) Notable: Protests Bun / Peter Sweden: IT"S SPREADING - Massive Farmers Protest in Germany

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Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)


'''Farmers with 850 tractors demonstrated against increased fuel prices.

You might have heard about the farmers protest in the Netherlands. Farmers have been protesting against government plans to essentially SEIZE 3000 farms in order to meet 2030 climate goals.

Earlier this year I traveled to report on the farmers protest in the Netherlands. Some 10 000 people turned out. One of the speakers supporting the farmers was none other than Geert Wilders. He recently won the election in the country.

But there’s more!

Now farmers in Germany are protesting, and it’s barely being reported on the news. I couldn’t find any international mainstream media reporting on this story. By being subscribed to my Substack you are now one of the few people in the English speaking world that is informed on this story!

Farmers will no longer get tax breaks for diesel and they won’t get an exemption from car tax for farming vehicles under the new plans.

They say that these new measures will help protect the climate…

Great idea. Let’s make farming much more expensive, thus making food more expensive in the name of climate change! Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20172197 (022327ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Attorney Arick Fudali says the Jeffrey Epstein list is 'ready to go' and says he is “not sure what they’re waiting for” when it comes to releasing the documents

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Leading Report


BREAKING: Attorney Arick Fudali says the Jeffrey Epstein list is 'ready to go' and says he is “not sure what they’re waiting for” when it comes to releasing the documents.


Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.


Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].

We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

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5ae0ea No.131005

File: 61f5180ceda276d⋯.png (2.23 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20175551 (031538ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Epstein List Delayed as Court Grants “Doe 107” a 30-Day Extension to Submit Evidence Regarding Allegations of Physical Harm and Hate Mail

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Epstein List Delayed as Court Grants “Doe 107” a 30-Day Extension to Submit Evidence Regarding Allegations of Physical Harm and Hate Mail


The release of the highly anticipated list of names associated with the late Jeffrey Epstein has been postponed to January 22 after an enigmatic figure, known only as “Doe 107,” was granted a 30-day extension by the court.

In the ongoing legal battle of Giuffre v. Maxwell, the Court has granted an extension for the submission of supplemental materials in support of continued sealing. This decision comes after a letter from the law firm of Levitt & Kaizer, representing Doe 107 in the case, requested an extension of time due to not being on the ECF service list and not receiving the Court’s endorsement of October 27, 2023. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131006

File: 931739f0b825cae⋯.png (349.91 KB,624x322,312:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 317a193eefe60a3⋯.png (117.75 KB,847x736,847:736,Clipboard.png)

File: 889c5341e011fe2⋯.png (112.51 KB,861x752,861:752,Clipboard.png)

File: b4341071e41d2d7⋯.png (106.1 KB,860x803,860:803,Clipboard.png)

File: 744466085c80d20⋯.png (137.08 KB,543x800,543:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20175665 (031603ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Trump-Hating “Comedian” Jimmy Kimmel FLIPS OUT After New York Jets Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Teases that He is on Jeffrey Epstein’s Client List

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Trump-Hating “Comedian” Jimmy Kimmel FLIPS OUT After New York Jets Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Teases that He is on Jeffrey Epstein’s Client List (VIDEO)


As Gateway Pundit readers know, Jim Hoft dropped a bombshell two weeks ago that 177 of Jeffrey Epstein’s high-profile associates are in for a New Year’s surprise as they will be named in court documents. This moment will arrive sometime this week.

While most of the speculation has centered on former President Bill Clinton, who is expected to be named as “Doe 36” in “more than fifty redacted filings, there could be an unexpected name that surfaces as well.

New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers went on the Pat McAfee show Tuesday and made stunning news that is sending shockwaves across social media: he suggested that “comedian” Jimmy Kimmel was on Epstein’s list. Yes, the same Kimmel infamous for his vile Trump-bashing rants on his ABC last night show and for getting his a** kicked by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in basketball.

“There’s a lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel, are really hoping that doesn’t come out,” Rodgers said.

“I’ll tell you what, if that list comes out, I definitely will be popping some sort of bottle,” he continued.

WATCH: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131007

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20175718 (031614ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Jeffrey Epstein list won’t be made public until at least January 22: report

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Insider Paper


BREAKING - Jeffrey Epstein list won’t be made public until at least January 22: report


The release of over 150 names cited in court documents pertaining to a civil case initiated by a Jeffrey Epstein's victims has been postponed. According

Jan 3, 2024 · 3:56 PM UTC


They will all die of old age before that list get release LOL wake up

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5ae0ea No.131008

File: de1a3f93dd03f5f⋯.png (1006.37 KB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20175908 (031656ZJAN24) Notable: Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS - state media

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Saudi Arabia officially joins BRICS – state media


The group has welcomed five new members, with further expansion expected later this year

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday officially announced that it has joined the BRICS+ group, with the news carried by state TV.

Riyadh has been in negotiations on its accession to the group for months, with Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan stating last August that all the details on the move would be evaluated before an “appropriate decision” was taken.

At the time, the foreign minister said the BRICS group was “a beneficial and important channel” for bolstering economic cooperation between member countries. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131009

File: 3031af9c426e8cd⋯.png (2.01 MB,1236x769,1236:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20176091 (031736ZJAN24) Notable: Worldcoin is Now in Singapore as its Iris Biometrics Project Grows Globally

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Worldcoin is Now in Singapore as its Iris Biometrics Project Grows Globally


Following the launch of the World ID 2.0 digital identity passport in December 2023, which added face biometrics for verification, Worldcoin has established operations in Singapore, continuing global expansion of its biometric proof-of-personhood project.

A post on the company’s blog says four locations in Singapore are now playing host to the Orb, Worldcoin’s spheroid biometric enrolment device. Those wishing to verify their World ID can have their irises scanned to “verify their unique humanness.”

Worldcoin’s parent firm Tools for Humanity (TFH) has demonstrated further national buy-in by attaining membership in two of Singapore’s most respected startup and tech associations: ACCESS and the Singapore Fintech Association (SFA).

More expansion for Worldcoin in Europe and South America Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131010

File: 2ae200d66d30c3a⋯.png (1.16 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20176241 (031806ZJAN24) Notable: Canadian politics has a Khalistan problem, Indian foreign minister warns

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Canadian politics has a Khalistan problem, Indian foreign minister warns


Canada is giving Khalistani separatism “space” that’s allowing it to balloon, an Indian official warns.

India’s External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said in a recent interview that Canadian politics abets the growth of Kahlistani activism by allowing separatists to propagate their radical ideology.

Jaishankar’s comments, made to the Asian news outlet ANI, are the latest in an escalating row between Canada and India over the killing of Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey, B.C..

“The issue at heart is the fact that in Canadian politics, these Khalistani forces have been given a lot of space and allowed to indulge in activities which, I think, are damaging the relationship, and are clearly not in India’s interest, and not in Canada’s interest either. But unfortunately, that is the state of their politics,” Jaishankar said.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused the Indian government of overseeing a plot to assassinate Nijjar and other prominent Sikh activists, an accusation which India has denied.

He also clarified that the recent G20 summit in New Delhi had no relation to the Khalistan issue in Canada. Trudeau made the explosive assassination allegations shortly after returning the trip and subsequent reports indicate that his delegation raised the issue with India privately.

“Getting everybody around on a G20 has nothing to do with the Khalistan issue in Canada. The Khalistan issue is not new,” said Jaishankar.

“I can explain my government, my prime minister. It’s not for me to speculate on other prime ministers.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131011

File: 5f9e7949f867e85⋯.png (619.06 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: e88f10f930ba1ce⋯.png (317.34 KB,546x700,39:50,Clipboard.png)

File: bab69d9b21e44af⋯.png (306.07 KB,540x638,270:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 001af37bbbaa399⋯.png (39.37 KB,537x456,179:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20177364 (032147ZJAN24) Notable: Protests Bun / Lawyer behind $300 million lawsuit against Freedom Convoy outraged that anti-Israel protesters face fines for noise violations in Ottawa

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Lawyer behind $300 million lawsuit against Freedom Convoy outraged that anti-Israel protesters face fines for noise violations in Ottawa


"A ticket for using a megaphone... Unacceptable," the lawyer posted.

The lawyer representing downtown Ottawa plaintiffs in a $300 million lawsuit against the Freedom Convoy expressed outrage Sunday over anti-Israel protesters being fined for violating a noise bylaw.

“This is an affront to our deepest and most important democratic values: the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of asswmbly [sic]. A ticket for using a megaphone for a couple of hours on a public street to protest against a horrific war? Unacceptable,” Ottawa attorney Paul Champ posted on X. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20178595 (040049ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / It's here - the unsealing Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)

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It's here - the unsealing

Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)


Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.


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5ae0ea No.131013

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5ae0ea No.131014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20179021 (040143ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Epstein docs, all 2000 pages, on scribd https://www.scribd.com/document/421585825/UNSEALED-Epstein-Docs-2000-Pages

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Have fun here few more LOL

Epstein docs, all 2000 pages, on scribd:


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5ae0ea No.131015

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20179048 (040147ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Epstein docs, 943 pages, documentcloud https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24253239-1324-epstein-documents-943-pages

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Just like magic


Chick-A-Boom . . Chick-A-Boom

(Don't Ya Jes Love It)





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5ae0ea No.131016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20179328 (040235ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Epstein docs feature big names: Prince Andrew, Dershowitz, ex-FBI Director Freeh

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Epstein docs feature big names: Prince Andrew, Dershowitz, ex-FBI Director Freeh


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5ae0ea No.131017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20179909 (040359ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Gateway Pundit has all 37 pdfs in one place and easy to download https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/breaking-here-are-epstein-documents-released-tonight/

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Gateway Pundit has all 37 pdfs in one place and easy to download. Anon just did. Easy.


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5ae0ea No.131018

File: c4a524036f1d714⋯.png (512.08 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20181095 (041410ZJAN24) Notable: Canada Gave Nearly $8M in Foreign Aid to China in 2021-2022: Report

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Canada Gave Nearly $8M in Foreign Aid to China in 2021-2022: Report


Canada continues to provide millions in foreign aid to communist China despite a deteriorating bilateral relationship and calls from MPs to cut financial support to the regime.

According to the most recent Statistical Report on International Assistance presented to Parliament, Canada allocated a total of $7.59 million to China during the fiscal year 2021-2022, with Global Affairs Canada contributing the majority at $5.6 million, as first reported by Blacklock’s Reporter.

The Conservatives have long advocated for terminating all foreign aid to China. In an April 2020 press conference, former Conservative leader Andrew Scheer said he didn’t think Canadian taxpayers “should be sending any money to China,” which he categorized as a “Communist dictatorial government.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131019

File: 7c19595da76cc12⋯.png (2.51 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20181220 (041438ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Investigator and Attorney Mike Cernovich: Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI

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Investigator and Attorney Mike Cernovich: Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI


On Wednesday, Judge Loretta Preska confirmed the release of the initial names from Jeffrey Epstein’s extensive client list, comprising over 150 individuals. Concurrently, a collection of previously sealed documents was made public.

Following the release, the Court Listener website experienced a crash due to the overwhelming public interest.

** The Gateway Pundit posted the collection of files released by the New York judge here.

However, The Gateway Pundit managed to secure a backup of this crucial information.

Three individuals, known in the court documents as Doe 105, Doe 107, and Doe 110, have made appeals. Documents related to Does 105, 107, and 110-110 are being withheld.

Following the release, attorney, filmmaker and author, Mike Cernovich went on Twitter-X to discuss what was missing in the document dump.

Mike Cernovich was one of the early investigators who filed lawsuits for the release of the Epstein files.

For the record, The Gateway Pundit ALSO filed a lawsuit for the release of the Epstin files.

Cernovich on Wednesday claims Jeffrey Epstein was an asset of the FBI.

Via Mike Cernovich on X and Thread Reader. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131020

File: 6db175e3a0f9182⋯.png (4.76 MB,2048x1408,16:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 67e327e8f35bd7c⋯.png (144.23 KB,726x811,726:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cbc7d4516e9404⋯.png (575.78 KB,725x810,145:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20181420 (041517ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Billionaire Hyatt Hotels Executive Chairman Thomas Pritzker from the Leftist Pritzker Family Named in Epstein Case Documents

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Billionaire Hyatt Hotels Executive Chairman Thomas Pritzker from the Leftist Pritzker Family Named in Epstein Case Documents


In recent developments surrounding the case of the late financier Jeffrey Epstein, several prominent individuals have been named in court documents.

Among them are Tom Pritzker, the executive chairman of Hyatt Hotels, former President Bill Clinton, former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, British Royal Family Prince Andrew, Pop icon Michael Jackson and Stephen Hawking.

Tom Pritzker, the Executive Chairman of Hyatt Hotels, has been named in a set of recently unredacted legal documents related to the Jeffrey Epstein case. The deposition, part of a 2016 defamation lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell, includes testimony from Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre, where she mentions Pritzker among several high-profile individuals.

In a 2016 legal deposition unredacted this week, Giuffre was questioned about her relations with Pritzker. When asked, “How many times have you had sex with Tom Pritzker?” Giuffre replied, “I believe I was with Tom once.” Giuffre’s testimony did not suggest that Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s associate, had directed this specific encounter.

Further into the testimony, Giuffre recounted an experience with an unnamed “owner of a large hotel chain” in France for Naomi Campbell’s birthday party. It is unclear if this reference was to Pritzker, but she clarified she was sent by Maxwell in that instance. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131021

File: a382011eaf0c682⋯.png (559.93 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

File: be77a0e39817378⋯.png (577.52 KB,524x1024,131:256,Clipboard.png)

File: ebfeabd78a050e4⋯.png (172.37 KB,624x166,312:83,Clipboard.png)

File: c4fc5f0843311d2⋯.png (160.12 KB,624x386,312:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20181484 (041527ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / “Clinton Likes Them Young” - Wild Bill (DOE 36) Named Numerous Times in Epstein Documents Which Reveal His Alleged Sick Appetite for Girls

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“Clinton Likes Them Young” – Wild Bill (DOE 36) Named Numerous Times in Epstein Documents Which Reveal His Alleged Sick Appetite for Girls


As the Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila reported, Judge Loretta Preska confirmed the release of the initial names from Jeffrey Epstein’s extensive client list, comprising over 150 individuals.

Concurrently, a cache of sealed documents was made public Wednesday evening.

READ: Court Listener

Bill Clinton, aka Doe 36, was one of the names made public today. Laila previously broke the news the former president would be exposed for the world to see.

He was mentioned numerous times throughout, with some unconfirmed reports putting the total at 98. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131022

File: 0f7198e8f642315⋯.png (1.92 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 672c90eeae883e7⋯.png (452.28 KB,652x912,163:228,Clipboard.png)

File: c2db9624b1ca58c⋯.png (611.82 KB,654x912,109:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20181573 (041546ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Cache of Unsealed Docs Detail How Ghislaine Maxwell Used “Kissing Game” to Coax “Very Girlish” Minor Teens to Pleasure Jeffrey Epstein

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Cache of Unsealed Docs Detail How Ghislaine Maxwell Used “Kissing Game” to Coax “Very Girlish” Minor Teens to Pleasure Jeffrey Epstein


Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday confirmed the first cache of documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse which potentially included names of over 150 people would be released on Wednesday.

The Gateway Pundit obtained the cache of documents that was unsealed Wednesday evening.

Read it here.

One of the unsealed documents detailed how Epstein’s pimp Ghislaine Maxwell used a ‘kissing game’ to coax minor teens to ‘pleasure’ Jeffrey Epstein.

Maxwell, a convicted sex offender is currently serving a prison sentence for her role in helping traffic Jeffrey Epstein’s sex slaves which included minor teen girls.

A document by Epstein victim and plaintiff Virginia Giuffre, details Ghislaine Maxwell’s role in coaxing minor teens to pleasure Epstein.

Rinaldo Rizzo, an estate manager for a friend of Maxwell and Epstein described how a group of 11 or 12 girls, including “very girlish” minor teens, would “grind on each other” and play the “kissing game.”

“The girls were grinding on each other, lifting up their tops, it was very inappropriate,” Rizzo said under oath in a deposition.

Partial transcription from Rinaldo Rizzo’s deposition:

Q. Can you describe the 11 to 12 girls to your memory?

A. In my recollection, various of ages. They could have been from as young as 14, 15 to 18 maybe, 19 . . .very girlish.”

Q. Once inside the house, what happens next? Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131023

File: 9158630048ecd54⋯.png (661.54 KB,1467x846,163:94,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f5f795fa6b8b1d⋯.png (658.26 KB,950x1281,950:1281,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cc659b540deae5⋯.png (34.11 KB,659x288,659:288,Clipboard.png)

File: f0cb017e87d98ec⋯.png (799.05 KB,946x613,946:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20181688 (041606ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Epstein Documents CONFIRM Donald Trump NEVER Went to Epstein Homes or Pedo Island - Never Had Contact with Witness

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REVEALED: Epstein Documents CONFIRM Donald Trump NEVER Went to Epstein Homes or Pedo Island – Never Had Contact with Witness


What we learned

Donald Trump was completely cleared by a victim during her witness testimony.

The victim also said she never massaged Donald Trump.

This comes from page 113 of document 1320-12.

The Gateway Pundit first reported on this revelation in August 2019.

Over two thousand court previously sealed court documents involving the Jeffrey Epstein child sex abuse case were released at the time.

Cernovich.com reported on the highlights earlier today.

According to one document Bill Clinton held a private party on Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island.

According to Mike Cernovich:

Democrat Senator George Mitchell and Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (Democrat) were also named in the documents.

And despite the constant fake news by the liberal media that Trump was a top client of the convicted pedophile — the 2019 court documents completely clear Donald Trump.

Zero Hedge reported:

Following a 2011 article by journalist Sharon Churcher claiming that Donald Trump was a “good friend of Jeffrey’s,” Guiffre was asked to clarify Churcher’s possible misquote that “Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s,” and that Trump “Didn’t partake in any” of — “any sex with any of us but he flirted with me.”

“It’s true that he didn’t partake in any sex with us, and but it’s not true that he flirted with me. Donald Trump never flirted with me,” said Guiffre.

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5ae0ea No.131024

File: 027fb1ea98b9273⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 20765be2cb0c5bd⋯.png (343.25 KB,617x834,617:834,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20181864 (041638ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Victim Describes How Prince Andrew Grabbed Her Breast - Epstein Brags About Taking Girl’s Virginity – “The Girl by the Pool”

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BREAKING FROM EPSTEIN DOCUMENTS: Victim Describes How Prince Andrew Grabbed Her Breast – Epstein Brags About Taking Girl’s Virginity – “The Girl by the Pool”


The explosive documents reveal, according to a witness, Jeffrey Epstein bragged about taking a young girl’s virginity.

In document 1320-026 the witness describes how Prince Andrew grabbed her breast.

page 6 of 10 Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20181933 (041649ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Epstein Documents in pdf form, first one is all together

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Epstein Documents in pdf form, first one is all together.











































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5ae0ea No.131026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20182176 (041727ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Epstein Docs put Glenn and Eva Dubin Back on the Spotlight - Former Butler Rizzo’s deposition Tells of Terrified ‘Abducted’ Girl and Underage Girls in a ‘Kissing Game’

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Epstein Docs put Glenn and Eva Dubin Back on the Spotlight – Former Butler Rizzo’s deposition Tells of Terrified ‘Abducted’ Girl and Underage Girls in a ‘Kissing Game’

Eva dated Epstein in the 1980s for 11 years, Glenn is accused of having sex with girls from his trafficking ring – the couple has consistently denied all accusations.


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5ae0ea No.131027

File: 48aa33823c81d69⋯.png (1.99 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20182602 (041843ZJAN24) Notable: Liberal MP introduces bill to end oath of allegiance to monarch

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Liberal MP introduces bill to end oath of allegiance to monarch


Senators and members of Parliament will no longer need to swear an oath of allegiance to King Charles III may no longer be a requirement for MPs and senators if a Liberal MP’s private member’s bill passes.

New Brunswick Liberal MP René Arsenault introduced Bill C-347 which, if passed, would end the tradition of swearing allegiance to the reigning monarch and instead would offer the option to swear an “oath to office.”

While Canadian monarchists disagree with the bill, it’s being welcomed by Canada’s republicans, who feel the procedure is outdated.

Under Section 128 of the Constitution, every newly elected or appointed parliamentarian must swear that they will be faithful and bear true allegiance” to the reigning monarch, which includes a line that the actual name will change from “time to time.”

A member cannot legally take his or her seat in Parliament until after they have taken the oath to the sovereign, under Canada’s constitution.

The oath under the new bill would have members state that they will carry out their duties “in the best interest of Canada while upholding its Constitution.”

However, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated repeatedly that the monarchy’s role in Canada is important and that now is not the time to debate this, saying that King Charles III is “deeply aligned” with the values of Canada. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131028

File: 5f1a935ff88c89e⋯.png (435.63 KB,809x501,809:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20183655 (042207ZJAN24) Notable: Protests Bun / Freedom Convoy leaders' trial set to resume this week after long break

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Freedom Convoy leaders’ trial set to resume this week after long break


Tamara Lich and Chris Barber will be back in court for the first time since December 7, 2023 on Thursday, January 4.

The trial for Freedom Convoy leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber is set to resume January 4 in an Ottawa courthouse.

The trial has been on hiatus since December 7, 2023.

Some significant developments have taken place since the trial paused for Christmas break.

Notably, Lich returned to social media after 22 months, having been banned from using all platforms by the court as part of her earlier bail conditions that were suddenly eased before Christmas.

She reactivated her X (formerly Twitter) account shortly thereafter, writing, “It has been 22 long months since I have been allowed to log in to my Twitter account,” Lich wrote Thursday. “@elonmusk did anything interesting happen while I’ve been away???!!?!”

Lich has made a few posts since returning to social media, although it remains to be seen how vocal she will be once the trial resumes. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131029

File: 8dbbced39fb13c9⋯.png (373.31 KB,800x494,400:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20183725 (042217ZJAN24) Notable: Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio is acting as an emissary of the deep church to discredit the papacy

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Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio is acting as an emissary of the deep church to discredit the papacy


'The Church is one and belongs only to Christ, who is its divine Head, of whom the Pope is Vicar. Bergoglio has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he is acting as an emissary of the deep church to discredit the Papacy and the Catholic Church.'

Below is a lengthy interview with Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò conducted by Andrea Caldart and published December 30 by QuotidianoWeb.


For over three years, Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, through his videos and messages, has revealed the truth about the narrative of the great deception we are experiencing. Starting from the Great Reset, then passing through Davos, without neglecting any argument concerning the violation of the individual rights of all peoples, Archbishop Viganò highlighted the worldwide intertwining of the diabolical plan hatched by the globalist elite. The heartfelt appeals of the high Prelate are aimed at strengthening the truth against the “satanic evil” that – warns Archbishop Viganò – is invading the world, to lead it towards a precipice not only of economic collapse, but above all in the direction of an irreversible moral abyss, as if to say that there is no more religion. For the one who today to all intents and purposes, is recognized as the spiritual “defender” or rather the spiritual “commander” of all that multitude of people in the world who have decided to try to fight the “diabolical” power of evil, represented by the artful creation of fake pandemics, attacks on sovereign debts, financial and energy crises, deprivations and restrictions of individual freedoms, Archbishop Viganò represents the only true symbol of the defense of the common good and of civil society as we knew them. In this exclusive interview, we talk with Archbishop Viganò, not forgetting the past, but trying to imagine how to preserve and continue the world, beyond the single way of thinking.

The full interview is as follows: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131030

File: cd39f7734588fcf⋯.png (462.92 KB,700x556,175:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 86c4278ba82bf9a⋯.png (82.97 KB,807x651,269:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20186141 (050523ZJAN24) Notable: PMO claims Trudeau staying in Jamaica ‘at no cost’ after prior statement otherwise

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PMO claims Trudeau staying in Jamaica ‘at no cost’ after prior statement otherwise


The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has announced Justin Trudeau is staying with his family in Jamaica “at no cost,” despite a prior claim he would be covering the expenses himself.

The Trudeau family spent the holidays in sunny Jamaica, set to return to Ottawa Thursday, with officials refusing to disclose where the prime minister would be staying, per CTV News.

The PMO had initially said Trudeau was paying for the trip with his estranged wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and their three children out of his own pocket, but on Wednesday released a statement claiming accommodations are actually provided by “family friends.”

The Trudeaus are vacationing in Jamaica “at no cost at a location owned by family friends,” the statement said, noting the federal ethics commissioner was consulted "on these details prior to the travel to ensure that the rules were followed."

Trudeau’s office insisted the prime minister had consulted with the ethics commissioner before his December 26 departure and decided the Trudeaus would pay for the trip with their own money, and would “reimburse” Canadians for the cost of travel on the government plane.

The PMO statement on Wednesday confirmed that despite the change in his story, Trudeau “continues to reimburse the equivalent of a commercial airline ticket for his personal travel and that of his family.”

Meanwhile, the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner said details of Trudeau’s accommodation will not be disclosed due to privacy requirements surrounding the conflict-of-interest rules.

"The office has a role only in ensuring that the gift provisions of the act and code are observed," spokesperson Jocelyne Brisebois said in a written statement Wednesday, per CTV. "Note that there is an exception in the act that allows a public officer holder to accept gifts or other advantages given by a relative or friend and any such gifts do not require public disclosure."

Last year the Trudeaus enjoyed a family trip in Jamaica as well, staying at the luxury estate of family friend Peter Green, who made a substantial donation to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, per CBC. The PMO declined to comment on whether the Trudeaus paid to stay on the property or not.

In 2016 Trudeau earned an ethics violation when he took his family to Aga Khan's private island in the Bahamas over the holidays. Aga Khan is an old friend of Trudeau’s father.

Former commissioner Mary Dawson ruled Trudeau’s trip was a conflict of interest, because he accepted “gifts or advantages” that could influence government policy.

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5ae0ea No.131031

File: 4df357f981db97a⋯.png (3.25 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 36762f7430a2135⋯.png (102.3 KB,542x817,542:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 4390f7d9ac786e1⋯.png (105.11 KB,537x681,179:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a8f38ed4d4745b⋯.png (261.75 KB,472x251,472:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20187689 (051620ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / New Cache of Epstein Docs Unsealed: Minor Victim Trafficked to “Prominent American Politicians” to “Obtain Potential Blackmail Information”

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BREAKING: New Cache of Epstein Docs Unsealed: Minor Victim Trafficked to “Prominent American Politicians” to “Obtain Potential Blackmail Information”


A second cache of Epstein docs was unsealed on Thursday.

Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday unsealed the first cache of documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse which potentially included names of over 150 people.

The first set of documents detailed Ghislaine Maxwell’s recruiting techniques, Prince Andrew’s abuse of the trafficked victims, and Bill Clinton’s fondness for “young” girls.

According to the second tranche of documents obtained by The Gateway Pundit and reviewed by this reporter, one Epstein victim, a minor teen dubbed “Jane Doe 3,” said she was trafficked to “prominent American politicians” to “obtain potential blackmail information.”

“Epstein also sexually trafficked the then-minor Jane Doe, making her available for sex to politically-connected and financially-powerful people. Epstein’s purposes in “lending” Jane Doe (along with other young girls) to such powerful people were to ingratiate himself with them for business, personal, political, and financial gain, as well as to obtain potential blackmail information.” – the document described of Jane Doe #3.

Witness testimony detailing Prince Andrew’s sexual abuse of a minor teen was revealed in the second set of unsealed documents reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

Another witness, a minor teen, described how she was forced to recruit high school girls for Epstein and his circle of powerful friends: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131032

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20187718 (051627ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Megyn Kelly Says ‘You May Hear from Jeffrey Epstein in the Coming Year Directly’

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Megyn Kelly Says ‘You May Hear from Jeffrey Epstein in the Coming Year Directly’ (VIDEO)


Megyn Kelly, during the latest airing of the Megyn Kelly Show, hinted that the world will soon hear directly from Jeffrey Epstein.

Kelly stated, “We’re not done with Jeffrey Epstein. I can tell you that for a fact. Can’t tell you how I know, but I can tell you for a fact.”

The former Fox News host continued, “We’re gonna hear a lot more about Jeffrey Epstein in the coming year… and you may even be hearing from him directly. More on that, as I’m allowed to tell it.”

The comments by Kelly automatically caused many users on X to think Epsetin is still alive.

It’s more likely Kelly’s comments are a hint that there’s a deposition tape of Epstein before his death that is floating around.

Kelly’s remarks come after a second batch of Giuffre v. Maxwell documents were unsealed.

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5ae0ea No.131033

File: b753478c028ca11⋯.png (1.68 MB,1319x900,1319:900,Clipboard.png)

File: d8e7782d839c86a⋯.png (399.33 KB,624x516,52:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20187756 (051635ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / New Documents Reveal Bill Clinton Allegedly Stormed into Vanity Fair’s Office and Threatened Staff if They Wrote Sex Trafficking Stories Against His “Good Friend” Jeffrey Epstein

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New Documents Reveal Bill Clinton Allegedly Stormed into Vanity Fair’s Office and Threatened Staff if They Wrote Sex Trafficking Stories Against His “Good Friend” Jeffrey Epstein


As Jim Hoft previously noted, a new trove of Giuffre v. Maxwell documents was released to the Gateway Pundit tonight Thursday night, January 4, after 6 PM.

Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday unsealed the first cache of documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse which potentially included names of over 150 people as TGP’s Cristina Laila reported.

One of the bombshells in the latest documents pertains to the great lengths Clinton allegedly went to protect his pedophile friend. Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre was discussing her book in a May 2011 email with journalist Sharon Churcher when she mentioned that as she was researching Vanity Fair, she grew concerned about them writing about her.

The reason is that the former president had previously stormed into headquarters and demanded they lay off Epstein. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20187843 (051655ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / “Most People Understand That Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” - Tucker Carlson Interview: Mark Epstein Reveals Inside Info About His Brother’s ‘Suicide’

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“Most People Understand That Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” – Tucker Carlson Interview: Mark Epstein Reveals Inside Info About His Brother’s ‘Suicide’ (VIDEO)


Tucker Carlson on Thursday released his interview with Jeffrey Epstein’s only surviving relative – his brother, Mark Epstein.

Noted pedophile of the rich and powerful Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his prison cell in Manhattan in August 2019 one week after he supposedly attempted suicide.

Many people don’t believe Epstein killed himself in after a number of strange coincidences and inconsistencies were revealed following his death.

Tucker Carlson interviewed Jeffrey Epstein’s brother Mark Epstein. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131035

File: a938ad1c6da78e9⋯.png (2.07 MB,1169x808,1169:808,Clipboard.png)

File: b1a06ba4956c32f⋯.png (479.63 KB,653x434,653:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20188006 (051729ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Bill Clinton Spotted in Mexico as Tranche of Epstein Docs Reveal Former Prez ‘Likes Them Young’

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Bill Clinton Spotted in Mexico as Tranche of Epstein Docs Reveal Former Prez ‘Likes Them Young’


Bill Clinton was spotted in the small Mexican town of San Miguel de Allende as the first tranche of Epstein documents were unsealed by Judge Loretta Preska.

Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday unsealed the first cache of documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse which potentially included names of over 150 people.

In August 2019, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found hanging in his cell from his bunk bed with a prison bedsheet wrapped around his head.

Epstein’s victims testified in a defamation lawsuit brought by accuser Virginia Giuffre. Partial transcripts of the depositions related to the defamation case were released on Wednesday.

Former President Bill Clinton was named as “Doe 36” in more than fifty redacted filings. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131036

File: 3d32acaf86eef5e⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20189648 (052154ZJAN24) Notable: Federal public service ballooned 40% since Trudeau became prime minister

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Federal public service ballooned 40% since Trudeau became prime minister


According to a new Public Service Commission (PSC) report, the feds employ 274,219 Canadians. However, Treasury Board statistics bumped that number to 357,247 workers by including external employees and consultants. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131037

File: c4ae7baed9adefb⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20190405 (052358ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Shows pics of Epstein with a blonde little girl at Disney and on a flight (face blurred), according to Sommers, the young girl in the photo asleep in Epstein’s lap has been identified as the daughter of Eva and Glenn Dubin (mp4)

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Shows pics of Epstein with a blonde little girl at Disney and on a flight (face blurred)


Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.


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5ae0ea No.131038

File: 50ace6ca24b3e3f⋯.jpg (215.88 KB,887x550,887:550,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 04860cab6d8355f⋯.jpg (207.38 KB,962x1285,962:1285,Clipboard.jpg)

File: afb31305cc538c1⋯.jpg (147 KB,962x724,481:362,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20190629 (060027ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Shows pics of Epstein with a blonde little girl at Disney and on a flight (face blurred), according to Sommers, the young girl in the photo asleep in Epstein’s lap has been identified as the daughter of Eva and Glenn Dubin (mp4)

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According to Sommers, the young girl in the photo asleep in Epstein’s lap has been identified as the daughter of Eva and Glenn Dubin. The youngest, who was in his lap was then 9-year-old, Celina Dubin. Maya Dubin was also on the trip.


The Choice To Know Will Be Yours

The Choice To Know WAS Yours

And so many didn't even ask any Q uestion

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5ae0ea No.131039

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20190897 (060104ZJAN24) Notable: Aladdin of BlackRock: AI Running the World (video)

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Aladdin of BlackRock | AI Running the World


Seven very interesting minutes

Aladdin, an AI system of BlackRock, gives us even more reason to navigate towards a new, fair, parallel economy.

A few naive thoughts about Aladdin:

1) One might substitutethe word “AI” for “robot” in this video.

2) Cut the power and demolish this thing;

3) Start exchanging copper, silver, gold, eggs, food, fuel and other real things; while navigating andexit from the fraud of fiat currency and fractional reserve lending.

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5ae0ea No.131040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20190974 (060113ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Another 36 documents just filed

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Another 36 documents just filed

Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)

Jan 5, 2024

NOTICE of Documents Ordered Unsealed by Court Order of December 18, 2023 re: 1315 Order,,. Document filed by Virginia L. Giuffre. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit DE 493, # 2 Exhibit DE 493-1, # 3 Exhibit DE 510-4, # 4 Exhibit DE 513, # 5 Exhibit DE 514, # 6 Exhibit DE 514-5, # 7 Exhibit DE 567, # 8 Exhibit DE 568, # 9 Exhibit DE 568-3, # 10 Exhibit DE 568-4, # 11 Exhibit DE 568-5, # 12 Exhibit DE 576, # 13 Exhibit DE 606, # 14 Exhibit DE 607, # 15 Exhibit DE 607-3, # 16 Exhibit DE 631, # 17 Exhibit DE 632, # 18 Exhibit DE 632-1, # 19 Exhibit DE 637, # 20 Exhibit DE 638, # 21 Exhibit DE 638-1, # 22 Exhibit DE 638-2, # 23 Exhibit DE 638-3, # 24 Exhibit DE 638-4, # 25 Exhibit DE 638-5, # 26 Exhibit DE 641-1, # 27 Exhibit DE 653, # 28 Exhibit DE 654, # 29 Exhibit DE 654-1, # 30 Exhibit DE 655, # 31 Exhibit DE 656-5, # 32 Exhibit DE 656-6, # 33 Exhibit DE 656-7, # 34 Exhibit DE 656-8, # 35 Exhibit DE 656-9, # 36 Exhibit DE 657).(McCawley, Sigrid) (Entered: 01/05/2024)


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5ae0ea No.131041

File: d2bd4e4880c553f⋯.png (657.31 KB,768x509,768:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 35f0ef6c05ee792⋯.png (21.83 KB,691x246,691:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20194137 (061505ZJAN24) Notable: Canadian Senate proposes budget increase of 6.5% to record high of $135 million

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Canadian Senate proposes budget increase of 6.5% to record high of $135 million


The Canadian Senate seeks to increase its budget to a record $134.9 million, new budget documents obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter show.

The proposal includes a 10% increase for administration costs and an automatic increase in salaries for Senators and MPs under the Parliament Of Canada Act.

The proposal follows Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s promise to Canadians that Cabinet’s “savings will come from government operations” in March and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s November pledge to cut government spending by $500 million.

Following Trudeau’s November 9 announcement, the Parliamentary Budget Office released its Supplementary Estimates (B) report showing expenses such as consultants were on the rise instead.

“Spending on professional services continues to increase,” the report said. “Proposed authorities for professional and special services are at a record $21.6 billion.”

“This amount will likely increase with additional spending requests,” it said.

Figures published in an earlier report show the rates of government spending have doubled since 2015, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

The Senate Committee on Internal Economy argued it requires millions “to provide the best possible environment for Senators to effectively contribute to federal legislation and public policy issues in the best interest of all Canadians” in an Executive Summary of its 2024 budget, Blacklock’s Reporter reported.

Budget subcommittee chair Senator Éric Forest said at a December 14 hearing “the report is based on four principles: maintaining a high quality of service to Senators, support for environmental measures in the workplace, good stewardship of public funds, and focus on supporting core activities.”

Senators currently make $169,000 a year.

Freeland said March 28 Ottawa intends to cut “billions” from discretionary budgets such as travel and consultants.

“I think those savings are eminently obtainable,” said Freeland, emphasizing it’s “really important to be a fiscally responsible government.”

“Proposed authorities for professional and special services are at a record $21.6 billion,” said the Estimates report. “This amount will likely increase with additional spending requests.”

Yet treasury board President Anita Anand insisted November 7 Canadians “will see that all the ministries need to ensure they are doing their part to reduce wasteful spending.”

“I will show you very soon in the coming days the progress we are making,” the minister said.

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5ae0ea No.131042

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20194146 (061508ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Press for Truth: Third Batch of Epstein Documents Released Continues Distraction From The FBI’s confiscated tapes (video)

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Third Batch of Epstein Documents Released Continues Distraction From The FBI’s CONFISCATED TAPES!!!


A third batch of Epstein documents was released on Friday after the first two dumps of documents revealed more details about Epstein's friendships with Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton.

A number of Hollywood A-Listers were also named, but none of this information is new or necessarily points to any wrong doing of those named which begs the question…who is being targeted and who is being protected as a result of this blackmailing operation?

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest court ordered release while also explaining that the real treasure trove of evidence lies in the tapes that were confiscated by the FBI.

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5ae0ea No.131043

File: 3104796e94532cd⋯.png (1.75 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20194162 (061511ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump

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BREAKING: Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump


Epstein fixer Michael Sitrick told Los Angeles Magazine thieves broke into his Brentwood office over the New Year’s holiday and stole his computer servers just hours before a tranche of Epstein documents were unsealed and released to the public. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131044

File: 652c5687085c8c0⋯.png (863.59 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 4db0e35b9f26975⋯.png (134.7 KB,722x810,361:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20194214 (061520ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Third Round of Epstein Documents Unsealed: Computers Removed From Epstein Palm Beach Mansion Before FBI Conducted Search

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BREAKING: Third Round of Epstein Documents Unsealed: Computers Removed From Epstein Palm Beach Mansion Before FBI Conducted Search


Another tranche of Epstein documents was released on Friday afternoon...

...According to testimony, computers from Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion were removed before the FBI conducted a search of the property.

Recall that evidence from Jeffrey Epstein’s safe ‘went missing‘ after a raid by the FBI.

In July 2019 the FBI raided Jeffrey Epstein’s home in New York City. The FBI agents found damning information and evidence throughout his 7-story residence. The evidence included “numerous black binders” with white labels that had “clear pages containing thumbnail photos with CDs attached.”

FBI agents also found several items in a safe including “binders with CDs, various items of jewelry, external hard drives, lose diamonds, large amounts of U.S. currency and passports.”

The FBI later said the evidence in the safe went missing. Chris Wray’s FBI said they went back a few days later and the evidence had disappeared.

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5ae0ea No.131045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20194296 (061533ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Top Nikki Haley, E Jean Carroll, & Fusion GPS Backer Was Epstein Island Visitor

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Top Nikki Haley, E Jean Carroll, & Fusion GPS Backer Was Epstein Island Visitor.

Democrat billionaire Reid Hoffman, who has been funding Nikki Haley’s run for the GOP nomination, has been outed as a visitor to child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, Little St. James – better known as ‘Pedo Island’.

The Democrat mega-donor and LinkedIn founder was reported to be considering funding Ron DeSantis, purely to try and thwart Donald Trump’s nomination, nine months ago. He ultimately decided to back Haley, gifting a quarter-million dollars to the pro-Haley SFA Fund Inc.

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5ae0ea No.131046

File: 983449b3979a074⋯.png (344.44 KB,634x441,634:441,Clipboard.png)

File: c20ecef01c8a281⋯.png (183.69 KB,624x267,208:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20194413 (061557ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Hillary Clinton Named in the Latest Epstein Documents Release

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Hillary Clinton Named in the Latest Epstein Documents Release


Another tranch of Epstein documents was released and obtained by The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila on Friday afternoon.

Previous batches of Epstein documents were unsealed over the past two days and obtained by TGP.

One key piece of evidence that has already emerged from the latest release is computers were removed from the infamous pedophile’s Palm Beach mansion BEFORE the FBI conducted a search. TGP previously reported evidence from Jeffrey Epstein’s safe disappeared after a raid by the FBI.

But the news gets juicer. As Gateway Pundit readers know, Bill Clinton has unsurprisingly been mentioned several times throughout the documents due to his years-long friendship with Epstein.

Now, Crooked Hillary has been named for the first time.

Per the newly released documents, Hillary Clinton was one of those named in a group of people whose names were searched in Ghislaine Maxwell’s phone and emails. Specifically, lawyers for Virginia Giuffre were seeking Maxwell’s communications with both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.

As one can see below, Hillary is among the list of witnesses. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131047

File: 6acb2627410efde⋯.png (633.65 KB,1021x573,1021:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20194551 (061622ZJAN24) Notable: Spaceplane Race: Space Force Launches Secretive X-37B Aboard Spacex’s Falcon Heavy Rocket - Mission Occurs as China’s ‘Divine Dragon’ Is Also Orbiting Earth

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Spaceplane Race: Space Force Launches Secretive X-37B Aboard Spacex’s Falcon Heavy Rocket – Mission Occurs as China’s ‘Divine Dragon’ Is Also Orbiting Earth


Space, the final frontier, is the new battleground.

The U.S. Space Force, under the National Security Space Launch program, has launched the secretive X-37B robot Spaceplane for its new undisclosed mission.

The shuttle was blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, for its seventh mission. For the first time, it was launched by a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, capable of delivering the craft to a higher orbit than it has ever gone before.

The launch came two weeks after China’s Shenlong, or “Divine Dragon” robot shuttle was launched on its third mission to orbit since 2020.

Dr. Peter McCullough Urges Preparedness on News of Chinese Pneumonia Outbreak

Reuters reported:

“The [Space Force] Boeing-built vehicle, roughly the size of a small bus and resembling a miniature space shuttle, is built to deploy various payloads and conduct technology experiments on years-long orbital flights. At the end of its mission, the craft descends back through the atmosphere to land on a runway much like an airplane.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131048

File: 2b57283d6ab1b08⋯.png (1.01 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20195097 (061839ZJAN24) Notable: Pensions should divest from Chinese companies tied to human rights abuses, House of Commons committee urges

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Pensions should divest from Chinese companies tied to human rights abuses, House of Commons committee urges


A House of Commons committee is demanding the federal government cease investing pension funds into companies known to be associated with human rights abuses, or those which pose a threat to national security.

In a recent report, a special committee specifically addressed the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board’s investments in technology firms like Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Tencent Holdings Ltd., companies which are known for questionable practices in China.

Sam Goodman, director of policy and advocacy at Hong Kong Watch and co-founder and co-chair of New Diplomacy UK was also cited in the report for his work on the issue.

While Goodman acknowledged that the investment board has removed its direct investments from companies linked to the forced labour camps of Uyghur people, it continues to invest in companies currently associated with them.

“So many people’s pensions, retirement funds and savings are invested passively because, as average consumers, we don’t have time to investigate each and every investment,” Prof. Laura Murphy, who testified before the parliamentary committee, said in a statement.

“Investing in companies operating in the Uyghur Region is a serious ethical risk, but it’s also a financial risk since these companies have been targeted by government sanctions and international advocacy campaigns. No one should be passively invested in the oppression of the Uyghurs.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131049

File: 005b89340ca01c4⋯.png (554.6 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 46891b0f089f766⋯.png (702.24 KB,812x818,406:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d69cdd4b3b7aa0⋯.png (346.94 KB,537x741,179:247,Clipboard.png)

File: c5f3f4aab5e5fd2⋯.png (406.24 KB,538x770,269:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20195381 (061935ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Court Docs Show Model Who Jumped to Her Death Flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s Jet as a Teen

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Court Docs Show Model Who Jumped to Her Death Flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s Jet as a Teen


Court documents just unsealed show that an international model who committed suicide by jumping from the balcony of her Wall Street apartment building had flown on convicted sex offender Jeffry Epstein’s jet when she was a teen.

Model Ruslana Korshunova — who modeled for Vera Wang, DKNY, and a number of other high-profile brands — died on June 28, 2008 at the age of 21. Police ruled the death a suicide and there was evidence that she had sliced through a protective screen on her balcony and pushed through it to jump to her death from her ninth-floor New York financial district apartment.

Now, the recently unsealed documents concerning the Jeffrey Epstein case reveals that Korshunova had taken at least one flight on Epstein’s infamous “Lolita Express” on June 7, 2006, when she was 18 years old, the New York Post reported. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131050

File: 3223256b544ca1c⋯.png (517.75 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20195428 (061941ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Ghislaine Maxwell went to Chelsea Clinton's wedding while skipping deposition in Epstein case

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Ghislaine Maxwell went to Chelsea Clinton's wedding while skipping deposition in Epstein case


The deposition was canceled and "a short time later, Maxwell was photographed at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding."

On Friday, the latest release of court documents related to the Jeffrey Epstein case revealed that Ghislaine Maxwell skipped a deposition to attend Chelsea Clinton's wedding.

According to court documents from a 2016 discovery request into Maxwell's finances, brought by alleged Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre, revealed that Maxwell was previously served a subpoena for a civil suit against Epstein in 2009.

After coordinating a time and place, along with securing a confidentiality agreement, "At the eleventh hour Maxwell’s attorney informed plaintiff’s counsel that Maxwell’s mother was very ill and that consequently Maxwell was leaving the country with no plans to return," the documents said.

The deposition was subsequently canceled and "a short time later, Maxwell was photographed at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in Rhinebeck, New York," the documents said, "confirming the suspicion that she was indeed still in the country and willing to say anything to avoid her deposition." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131051

File: 519c270d7424532⋯.png (1.1 MB,1020x571,1020:571,Clipboard.png)

File: b4f2fdaf817464b⋯.png (527.03 KB,460x594,230:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c78c8bd395ce04⋯.png (487.2 KB,638x373,638:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ccbfbd789f3abf⋯.png (1.07 MB,768x993,256:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20201116 (071700ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Epstein Files: Sarah Kellen Mentioned as Scheduling Girls’ Massages, Instructing and Teaching Them to Please Sex Offender, Enforcing His Will on Those Who Rebelled

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Epstein Files: Sarah Kellen Mentioned as Scheduling Girls’ Massages, Instructing and Teaching Them to Please Sex Offender, Enforcing His Will on Those Who Rebelled


While no one realistically is expecting the release of these names in the ‘Epstein list’ to unfold into a wave of prosecutions, there’s one person repeatedly mentioned in the documents who is more concerned than most: Sarah Kellen, Epstein’s former assistant.

Kellen was named in testimonies of victims detailing their encounters with Epstein. She was said to have helped schedule his ‘massages’, which his victims said was a euphemism for sexual services.

Back in the 90’s, when Epstein was prosecuted in Florida, he received from US attorney Acosta what became known as the ‘sweetheart deal’ for the ages.

Sarah Kellen was covered at that point by a ‘non-prosecution agreement’, but so were Epstein and Maxwell, and a lot of good it did them, right?

Sarah Kellen’s participation in the Epstein trafficking ring is exemplary of the ‘dark satanic mills/that manufacture hell on earth’ – a nefarious system that turned victims into perpetrators in a self-perpetuating cycle.

It raises the question: once the teens start calling other underage girls to be victimized, where do they turn from mostly victims to mostly perps?

That’s an answer still to be provided. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131052

File: 154ca0df761cc93⋯.png (309.57 KB,500x286,250:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20201482 (071833ZJAN24) Notable: Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct A Global Surveillance Prison From Which No Escape Is Possible

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Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct A Global Surveillance Prison From Which No Escape Is Possible


Every inch of our planet is being watched, and incredibly sophisticated “artificial intelligence solutions” make it possible for those that are watching our planet to find whatever they want in just minutes.

You can try to run, and you can try to hide, but if they really want to find you it won’t be very difficult. All around us, a global surveillance prison is being constructed. Even if you completely stay off the Internet and you totally avoid all forms of modern technology, cameras and satellites will still be endlessly watching you. And once your face has been identified, artificial intelligence can be used to locate you wherever you pop up on the entire planet.

Corey Jaskolski is the CEO of an artificial intelligence company known as Synthetaic, and the system that his company has developed is extremely impressive.

According to NPR, it "really can find anything you want anywhere in the world" Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131053

File: 657916e4bcf8d0b⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20201791 (071935ZJAN24) Notable: 217% surge in businesses turning to apprenticeships to fill labour shortage: survey

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217% surge in businesses turning to apprenticeships to fill labour shortage: survey


A new report by a multi-national HR firm reveals how Canadian small businesses are coping with the labour and skills shortage by embracing apprenticeships.

According to a Peninsula Group report, which surveyed 79,000 small- to medium-sized businesses in five countries, Canadian employers increased their use of apprenticeships by a staggering 217% in 2023, compared to the global average of 36%.

The report also found that 46.5% of Canadian employers invested in upskilling and training their existing staff, while 25.7% cited recruitment as their biggest staffing challenge.

Raj Singh, CEO at Peninsula Canada, commented on the findings.

“Despite the tough economic climate, there is an air of optimism amongst small business owners as we move into 2024. Compared to this time last year there has been a notable surge in employers dedicating greater resources to the development and growth of their staff,” said Singh.

“In 2022, we found that the top two concerns for employers were labour shortages and employee retention. Faced with these obstacles, (businesses) acknowledged that fostering employee retention was key. And one of the best ways to overcome these challenges, was to invest in their employees and that is what we saw happen last year.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131054

File: 56575d6f2a6bbae⋯.png (4.23 MB,2000x1196,500:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20202431 (072136ZJAN24) Notable: 9 Deceptive Patterns Behind the Deep State Use of an Emergency Crisis

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9 Deceptive Patterns Behind the Deep State Use of an Emergency Crisis


Keeping the masses in a constant state of fear through a deceptive indoctrinating mainstream media with the help of manipulative paid-off leading politicians and their stifling politics are essentials in establishing the Deep State shadow-government’s manufactured emergency crisis scenario.

It’s all part of the PSYOP controlling the masses:

The Deep State and their war on the control of our minds: When the psycho-spiritual is controlled on the battlefield every aspect of the enslavement duly falls into place.

Bearing this in mind, during the use of an emergency crisis declared by the Deep State, there are a number of recurring deceptive patterns planned to entrap the masses. Power, profit and political gains for the Deep State’s total global domination agenda are the ulterior motives:

Not an exhaustive list, but here are 9 recurring deceptive patterns during the result of an orchestrated emergency crisis PSYOP. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131055

File: 125c15e771f88df⋯.png (1.3 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20202589 (072208ZJAN24) Notable: Orban could take over EU Council - Politico

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Orban could take over EU Council – Politico


Officials in Brussels reportedly fear Charles Michel’s resignation could give presiding Hungary enormous influence in the bloc

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, whose country will hold the European Council’s rotating presidency later this year, could gain an outsized influence over the body due to the expected departure of Council President Charles Michel, Politico reported on Sunday.

Michel has announced that he will run in this year’s EU parliamentary election, meaning he will vacate his current post if he wins. If EU leaders fail to quickly find a replacement, the president’s duties would essentially be assumed by Orban, the news website said.

Michel signaled his intention in an interview with three Belgian media outlets on Saturday, saying that if elected, he would carry out his duties in the EU Council until he takes his oath as an MEP in mid-July. “The European Council can anticipate this at the end of June or early July and decide on a successor,” he said.

According to EU rules, Hungary will take the Council’s rotating presidency between July and December. The timing could usher in a scenario in which “an unchecked Orban [will be] ruling the Council roost for the six months directly after the 2024 European election,” Politico noted, adding that other EU leaders would “desperately” want to avoid such an outcome. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131056

File: d388a322ba1feba⋯.png (743.56 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20202959 (072318ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Hillary Clinton’s name appears in Epstein docs as lawyers suggest Clinton Foundation may have funded Ghislaine Maxwell

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Hillary Clinton’s name appears in Epstein docs as lawyers suggest Clinton Foundation may have funded Ghislaine Maxwell


Hillary Clinton was named as a witness in a defamation lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell.

In the third installment of the Jeffrey Epstein documents released on Friday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was named as a witness in a defamation lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell brought by alleged Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre. Lawyers for the victim also suggested the Clinton Foundation may have been bankrolling Maxwell.

According to the Daily Mail, Clinton was named in a 2016 document from Maxwell's attorney in response to Giuffre's request for "all communications with thirteen specific witnesses," during the suit.

The document from Giuffre accused Maxwell of refusing to "comply with a discovery request seeking information about her connection to the Clinton Foundation, claiming that such a request is 'obviously intended to harass and embarrass' her.'" The document says "Nothing could be further from the truth."

Giuffre's legal team attempted to show that Maxwell intended to hide how much her net worth is and alleged that the Clinton Foundation could be funding her.

"It is Defendant who intends to argue at trial that Ms. Giuffre has made inaccurate statements about various interactions with former-President Bill Clinton," the document noted. "Of course, if Defendant [Maxwell] (or any of her organizations) is receiving funding from the Clinton Foundation, that would provide a clear motive for her to slant testimony on this subject."

"Ms. Giuffre is entitled to explore this clear possibility of bias by obtaining information of the financial connections between Defendant and the Clinton Foundation," the document added. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131057

File: 7b9483b468d8560⋯.png (860.83 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20203043 (072333ZJAN24) Notable: Justin Trudeau’s plane breaks down while he vacations at Jamaican resort that used to be slave plantation

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Justin Trudeau’s plane breaks down while he vacations at Jamaican resort that used to be slave plantation


It took two military aircraft to get Trudeau and his family back to Canada.

While enjoying another controversial free vacation at a luxury resort in Jamaica that usually costs $9.300 (CDN), Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s military aircraft broke down, delaying his return trip to Ottawa.

The Royal Canadian Air Force sent another CC-144 Challenger to the island with a maintenance team to repair the first aircraft. Trudeau and his family were then able to make the return trip from the Jamaican resort that once served as a slave plantation, CBC News reported Friday.

Department of National Defence public affairs officer Andrée-Anne Poulin confirmed that it took two military aircraft to get Trudeau and his family back to Canada.

"The first aircraft that transported the Prime Minister's party became unserviceable after arrival," she wrote in an email to CBC.

"The second aircraft brought a maintenance team to repair the first aircraft, and remained in the area as a back-up for the Prime Minister's departure, if necessary."

Trudeau was supposed to fly home Thursday but a routine inspection revealed a problem with the Challenger on Jan. 2 and a second aircraft was dispatched with a full maintenance crew who "returned the aircraft to serviceability."

It is the second time since September 2023 that Trudeau’s government aircraft has been grounded in a foreign country. Trudeau was unable to leave the G-20 summit meeting in India because the plane was unserviceable.

At that time, a former Indian diplomat cited a “credible rumor” that the aircraft was “full of cocaine.”

Deepak Vohr also insisted that Trudeau "has definitely gone insane" and that police dogs had sniffed the cocaine inside the plane.

"When Justin Trudeau came to India for the G20 this month, his plane was full of cocaine," Vohra told Zee News, according to the Toronto Sun. "He did not come out of his room for two days."

Trudeau spent nine days in total in Jamaica at a private compound that costs $9,300 (CDN), according to information obtained by the National Post. The Prospect Estate resort in Jamaica is prime oceanfront property that offers “a fortified residence dating back to the 17th century,” while claiming it is “perhaps the most desirable north coast villa in Jamaica.”

Trudeau was provided a 5,000-square-foot villa with six bedrooms with en suite bathrooms. The compound can accommodate 12 people and has a private swimming pool, hot tub and private access to the beach.

Peter Green, an old friend of the Trudeau family and Trudeau Foundation donor, owns the resort – which is a former slave plantation.

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5ae0ea No.131058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20206804 (081713ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Richard Branson and Bill Clinton named in the latest Jeffrey Epstein documents

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Richard Branson and Bill Clinton named in the latest Jeffrey Epstein documents -

Allegedly there are tapes. Allegedly.

"When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filed on each separate occasion by Jeffery."


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5ae0ea No.131059

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20206878 (081727ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Comedian Jim Gaffigan Calls Out Hollywood P*dophiles at the Golden Globes

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Comedian Jim Gaffigan Calls Out Hollywood P*dophiles at the Golden Globes (VIDEO)


Comedian Jim Gaffigan called out Hollywood “p*dophiles.” at the Golden Globes on Sunday night.

Before revealing the Best Performance in Stand-Up Comedy on Television winner, Gaffigan stated, “This is so exciting for me. The Golden Globes – I can’t even believe I’m in the entertainment industry. I can’t.”

He then shared, “You know, it’s so unlikely. I’m from a small town in Indiana. I’m not a pedophile.”

The joke had many stars in the crowd silent while others awkwardly laughed.

Gaffigan’s joke comes after several high-profile actors and actresses such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Cameron Diaz, Chris Tucker, Kevin Spacey, and Sarah Ferguson were mentioned in the latest Epstein documents. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131060

File: 3104796e94532cd⋯.png (1.75 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 99ef9f87d8837b5⋯.png (69.87 KB,872x405,872:405,Clipboard.png)

File: 52206da54ef741d⋯.png (167.15 KB,542x656,271:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20207005 (081750ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Richard Branson and Bill Clinton named in the latest Jeffrey Epstein documents

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This is a developing story…please check back for updates.

Another batch of documents from a defamation lawsuit related to Jeffrey Epstein were released on Monday morning.

The Gateway Pundit obtained the 17 new documents on Monday and they are explosive!

Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday unsealed the first cache of documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse which potentially included names of over 150 people.

The first set of documents detailed Ghislaine Maxwell’s recruiting techniques, Prince Andrew’s abuse of the trafficked victims, and Bill Clinton’s fondness for “young” girls.

A second cache of Epstein docs was unsealed on Thursday.

According to the second tranche of documents obtained by The Gateway Pundit and reviewed by this reporter, one Epstein victim, a minor teen dubbed “Jane Doe 3,” said she was trafficked to “prominent American politicians” to “obtain potential blackmail information.”

The Gateway Pundit obtained the third round of Epstein documents on Friday.

According to testimony, computers from Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion were removed before the FBI conducted a search of the property.

The new documents reveal there are alleged sex tapes of Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson.

“When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filed on each separate occasion by Jeffery.”



Read the new documents here:

2024-01-08 Notice [dckt 1332_4]_1

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2024-01-08 Notice [dckt 1332_17]

In July 2022, Gateway Pundit lawyers Marc Randazza and Jay Wolman of the Randazza Legal Group, along with GP General Counsel John Burns, filed a motion to intervene in the Guiffre v. Maxwell case in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

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5ae0ea No.131061

File: 63049f5285352ed⋯.png (231.31 KB,600x390,20:13,Clipboard.png)

File: ac2f1166e89e555⋯.png (480.25 KB,600x341,600:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20207085 (081804ZJAN24) Notable: Report: Taliban Visited North Korea Seeking Nuclear Weapons

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Report: Taliban Visited North Korea Seeking Nuclear Weapons


‘That is going to be a disaster’

The Taliban in Afghanistan, who took control of the nation when Joe Biden abruptly withdrew American military personnel, leaving behind thousands of civilians and billions of dollars worth of American war machinery, now reportedly are seeking access to nuclear weapons.

Biden a few years ago abruptly pulled American troops out of the troubled nation in a scheme that cost more than a dozen American lives.

Then the Taliban took over control, gaining access to war machinery that the U.S. had stockpiled there for years.

On the Americans’ exit, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled and the Taliban declared victory, taking control of all parts of the government.

Congressional leaders called Biden’s plan an “unmitigated disaster.”

Now a report from the Middle East Media Research Institute reveals the Taliban’s interest in nukes.

It reported, “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA, i.e., the Afghan Taliban) is caught in an international controversy after it has come to light that an eight-member official Taliban delegation secretly visited North Korea to discuss cooperation on nuclear weapons technology.”

The report said it’s not been noticed much, but Afghanistan “has a long-standing nuclear energy program that was taken over by the Taliban mujahideen when they took control of Afghanistan in August 2021.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20207125 (081811ZJAN24) Notable: Report: Taliban Visited North Korea Seeking Nuclear Weapons

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Are The Taliban About To Buy A North Korean Nuclear Weapon?

We reported recently on information coming out of Afghanistan suggesting the very real possibility that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda were working on a plan to acquire a functioning Pakistani nuclear weapon. That information came from multiple news sources, and we were able via contacts to verify the reporting independently. That was bad enough, but there is now new reporting suggesting that a Taliban delegation may have traveled to North Korea for discussions about buying a nuclear weapon from that rogue nation.

According to reporting an eight-man Taliban delegation recently made a secret visit to North Korea to discuss cooperation on nuclear weapons technology. Allegedly, several Western intelligence agencies are aware of the contact and are attempting to acquire additional information. One of the individuals reported to have traveled to North Korea is Maulvi Abdul Rasheed Munib, the security chief of Kandahar and head of foreign relations for Afghan Taliban intelligence.

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5ae0ea No.131063

File: 7c1290312f5d480⋯.png (1.36 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20207441 (081903ZJAN24) Notable: Gordie Howe bridge faces further delays, $700 million extra costs

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Gordie Howe bridge faces further delays, $700 million extra costs


The Gordie Howe International Bridge which was scheduled to open last November has now been delayed until at least September 2025. News of the delay was accompanied by an additional price tag of $700 million.

The bridge was initially set to cost $5.7 billion but is now expected to be closer to $6.4 billion, according to a press release from the various construction groups contracted to oversee the project.

The delay has violated contractual obligations, resulting in substantial monetary penalties, prompting the federal government to step in to waive those fees and pay the extra cost, adding another $700 million to the project.

Heather Grondin, spokesperson for the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority, called the budget increases a “shared risk.”

“In our contract, we did allow for some instances where some things could be a shared risk,” Grondin told the Windsor Star. “This would be an example of that.”

“Understanding the pandemic that we’ve gone through, our contract did allow for schedule and cost risks to be shared in certain circumstances” she added. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131064

File: 86762c20a19dbdb⋯.png (1.54 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20207471 (081909ZJAN24) Notable: Canada’s 2024 economic forecast is looking rough, economists say

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Canada’s 2024 economic forecast is looking rough, economists say


Canadians have little to be hopeful for this year when it comes to the economy and the ongoing affordability crisis with some economists predicting a recession.

True North spoke to a handful of economists who offered their predictions for Canada’s economic outlook for 2024.

Economists generally agree that Canadians will more than likely be left worse off after 2024 than before, though the degree to which living standards and affordability will deteriorate is debated.

“I don’t believe that affordability will meaningfully improve this year, but it also is unlikely to deteriorate so aggressively as it did from 2021 to 2023,” said BMO chief economist Doug Porter.

The historically high price inflation that Canadians have been seeing in the past few years has tapered off to 3.1% as of November 2023, as the Bank of Canada has been hiking up interest rates to tighten the money supply.

It is agreed that inflation will more than likely dip below 3% and that the Bank of Canada’s official interest rates will edge lower towards the middle of the year. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131065

File: 4b9b0476b67e77c⋯.png (4.7 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20207717 (081955ZJAN24) Notable: Canada Infrastructure Bank spent $900K on consultant fees for failed project

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Canada Infrastructure Bank spent $900K on consultant fees for failed project


In May 2022, a majority of MPs on the House of Commons transport committee recommended the Canada Infrastructure Bank be shut down due to its failures, despite objections from the Liberals on the committee.

The federal government wasted nearly $900,000 in fees for consultants on a failed climate project, according to new records. The Canada Infrastructure Bank, a Crown corporation which is supposed to support revenue-generating "public interest" infrastructure projects, lost the money on an underwater electricity transmission project that was set to run from Haldimand County in Ontario to Erie County, Pennsylvania.

The $899,318 in losses by the Canada Infrastructure Bank were spent on “legal advice, financial advice and expertise related to electricity transmission,” according to a report from Blacklock's Reporter. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131066

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20209565 (090105ZJAN24) Notable: Neil Oliver: Conspiracy Theorist ("Let 2024 Be The Year Of Clear Out The Trash!") (video)

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Neil Oliver: Conspiracy Theorist ("Let 2024 Be The Year Of Clear Out The Trash!")


Neil Oliver: How many of yesterday’s so-called conspiracy theories must be revealed as the truth before that worn-out label is finally abandoned? It’s still out there, casually tossed at anyone questioning lies, old lies and new. Let 2024 be the year of clear out the trash.

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5ae0ea No.131067

File: 401f87d09f90ed0⋯.png (717.31 KB,1024x599,1024:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 4503d9052dc602d⋯.png (282.73 KB,717x805,717:805,Clipboard.png)

File: d284f5e4a13a513⋯.png (80.9 KB,722x816,361:408,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20213096 (091637ZJAN24) Notable: Bizarre: NTSB Chair Says Cockpit Voice Recorder in Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX Was “Completely Overwritten”

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Bizarre: NTSB Chair Says Cockpit Voice Recorder in Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX Was “Completely Overwritten” (VIDEO)


During an emergency press briefing, Jennifer Homendy, the chair of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), disclosed that the cockpit voice recorder on the Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX, which experienced a door plug loss mid-flight, had been completely overwritten.

Homendy said, “The cockpit voice recorder was completely overwritten. There is nothing on the cockpit voice recorder.”

She continued, “There was a lot going on, on the flight deck and on the plane. It’s a very chaotic event. The circuit breaker for the CVR (cockpit voice recorder) was not pulled. The maintenance team went out to get it, but it was right at about the two-hour mark.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131068

File: dc248411185edf7⋯.png (295.43 KB,497x670,497:670,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e084aa21d73824⋯.png (86.38 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 585eb3e5ad1b78f⋯.png (178.27 KB,497x606,497:606,Clipboard.png)

File: 147efb9d9df0f3d⋯.png (298.29 KB,492x630,82:105,Clipboard.png)

File: 0948418db393b44⋯.png (262.52 KB,498x708,83:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20213557 (091800ZJAN24) Notable: United Finds "Loose Bolts" On 737 Max Doors After Emergency Inspection

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United Finds "Loose Bolts" On 737 Max Doors After Emergency Inspection


Sources tell the aviation blog The Air Current that "loose bolts and other parts on 737 Max 9 plug doors" have been found after inspections following the Alaska Airlines mid-air mishap when a door ripped off the plane over Portland on Friday.

"The discrepant bolts and other parts on the plug doors have been found on at least five aircraft," the source said.

The Air Current noted, "The findings aboard the five United aircraft will likely significantly widen the fall-out from the grounding, intensifying the focus on Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems. The pair together is responsible for the assembly, installation and quality checks of the aircraft structure."

A United spokesperson confirmed the findings:

"Since we began preliminary inspections on Saturday, we have found instances that appear to relate to installation issues in the door plug – for example, bolts that needed additional tightening.

"These findings will be remedied by our Tech Ops team to safely return the aircraft to service."

There are 215 737 Max 9s in service across 11 major airlines. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131069

File: 03295e9e4d480f9⋯.png (1.63 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20213951 (091933ZJAN24) Notable: Argentinian president Javier Milei to attend World Economic Forum in Davos

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Argentinian president Javier Milei to attend World Economic Forum in Davos


Argentina’s economist Javier Milei has been to Davos before, but this year he’s returning for the first time as president.

Milei was announced Tuesday as one of more than 300 public figures to be attending the World Economic Forum’s flagship event in the Swiss alps.

It is not yet clear if Milei will be speaking. His name does not yet appear on the published agenda, but not all panels were complete when True North reviewed the public programme.

Milei, a libertarian, became the president of Argentina on December 10 and quickly brought about a sweeping set of reforms that included slashing the size of cabinet and banning government officials from describing anything paid for by taxpayers as “free.”

Milei campaigned on reining in inflation and righting Argentina’s economic course, but he was candid that this won’t be easy.

“There is no alternative to a shock adjustment,” Milei said after taking office. “There is no money.”

Milei spoke in Davos previously as an economist, before getting into politics two years ago.

Other public figures attending this year’s annual meeting include Chinese premier Li Qiang, French president Emmanuel Macron, and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The theme for the conference, which kicks off Monday, is “Rebuilding Trust.” Sessions on the official programme include discussions about where “freedom of expression is going,” “protecting the vulnerable online,” and “preparing for disease X,” a reference to a mystery diseases the World Health Organization claims could be more dangerous than COVID-19.

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5ae0ea No.131070

File: 38624c31198ee64⋯.png (947.39 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20214114 (092011ZJAN24) Notable: Federal spending on debt interest charges increases by 36.7%

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Federal spending on debt interest charges increases by 36.7%


Federal government spending on debt interest charges has increased by 36.7% in the third quarter of 2023, according to a report released Tuesday by Statistics Canada.

Franco Terrazzano, federal director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, has expressed serious concerns over the impact of these charges on Canadians.

“Taxpayers have every reason to believe this government isn’t serious about managing our money,” said Terrazzano.

While interest expenses incurred by the federal government increased by 36.7% year over year in the third quarter, the interest expenses of the provincial-territorial government grew by 10.7%.

The report showed that the federal government spent 10.1 cents of every taxpayer dollar to paying down interest. This ratio increased from the 7.9 cents spent per taxpayer dollar the year prior.

Terrazzano explained that taxpayers are losing billions of dollars every month as these funds can’t be used to lower taxes or improve services because that money is going towards paying interest on the government credit card.

“This should be a wake-up call for the feds,” he said, urging for a change in spending habits. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to put down the credit card and pick up some scissors.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131071

File: 5da7f777f71fdba⋯.png (4.07 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 53fe180cee0972e⋯.png (357.23 KB,542x736,271:368,Clipboard.png)

File: db19f0e1009725f⋯.png (220.65 KB,533x658,533:658,Clipboard.png)

File: 62d2ad3f6c1011d⋯.png (382.41 KB,542x737,542:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20214339 (092103ZJAN24) Notable: Bank of Canada quietly moves forward on digital currency

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Bank of Canada quietly moves forward on digital currency


In filings last December 13 and 19, the Bank of Canada asserted ownership of 'digital dollar,' 'digital Canadian dollar' and 'central bank digital currency' in both official languages under the Trademarks Act. They provided no reason at the time. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131072

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20214392 (092113ZJAN24) Notable: Trudeau government spent $500K on a bureaucrat gala (video)

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Trudeau government spent $500K on a bureaucrat gala


Franco Terrazzano, Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, joins The Ezra Levant Show to discuss the Trudeau Liberals' $500,000 expense for a glitzy bureaucrat gala. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131073

File: 7b853dd6f73694f⋯.png (659.69 KB,810x498,135:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20216341 (100155ZJAN24) Notable: Canadian cabinet minister allegedly received election backing from Communist China in 2019: report

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Canadian cabinet minister allegedly received election backing from Communist China in 2019: report


According to a recent testimony from three Canadian Security Intelligence Services sources, International Trade Minister Mary Ng was a person of interest among 11 candidates who allegedly received CCP support. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20217459 (100439ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / 5th epstein file batch dropped, patriots still clean

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LOL Awesome Karma

WSJ: Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis has been served a subpoena to testify in the divorce proceedings of her chief prosecutor overseeing the Trump case. Willis, allegedly involved in an inappropriate romantic relationship with lead prosecutor Nathan Wade.


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5ae0ea No.131075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20219855 (101645ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Journalist Reveals the Clinton-Connected Reason Why the ‘Big Fish’ Elites Who Visited Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’ Are Not Facing Charges

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WATCH: Journalist Reveals the Clinton-Connected Reason Why the ‘Big Fish’ Elites Who Visited Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’ Are Not Facing Charges


As Gateway Pundit readers know, TGP’s Cristina Laila has obtained several batches of documents over the past week, which reveal documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual abuse.

Several prominent people have been named in the documents so far, including Prince Andrew, Michael Jackson, Thomas Pritzker, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton. But nothing has happened to any of these individuals from a legal perspective.

Seamus Bruner, a journalist from Florida, has now revealed the reason why powerful figures who visited Epstein’s pedophile island will likely never see jail. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20219920 (101711ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Iran Warns Against US 'Adventurism' After Parking Cruise Missile-Armed Warship In Red Sea, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Iran Warns Against US 'Adventurism' After Parking Cruise Missile-Armed Warship In Red Sea


The Red Sea continues to grow busy with the presence of naval assets, as the West and its allies attempt to keep international shipping lanes open despite the threat of Houthi missiles and drones launched from Yemen. This has lately included nations such as Denmark, Pakistan and Sri Lanka sending military ships to regional waters as well.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken while meeting with Arab leaders over the weekend before he arrived in Israel Monday evening said, "These attacks are having a real effect on the prices that people have to pay for food, for medicine, for energy. Ships have to get diverted to other places. Insurance rates go up."

Maritime and industry analyst Sam Chambers has observed, "Over the weekend, the number of transits through the Suez Canal fell to the lowest since the waterway was blocked by the Ever Given containership in early 2021, according to Inchcape Shipping Services."

But amid the heavy presence Western coalition military ships, there is now an Iranian frigate parked in the Red Sea after its arrival starting nearly a week ago. "2024 was only a few hours old when Iran dispatched a warship, the frigate Alborz, to the Red Sea," FP recently noted. "Its arrival was yet more bad news for shipping, already facing a crisis from the Iran-backed Houthi attacks on merchant vessels."

Iran's Foreign Ministry has issued a new statement warning Israel and America against 'adventurism' which will expand war in the region: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20220235 (101841ZJAN24) Notable: Canadians cite complexity and unfairness as foremost concerns when it comes to taxes, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Canadians cite complexity and unfairness as foremost concerns when it comes to taxes


A new survey conducted by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) revealed that Canadians are frustrated with the tax system and its complexity.

The survey, which involved 25 focus groups across Canada, asked them to share their opinions and experiences with the tax system and the CRA. Sessions were held in Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and also online between June 5 and July 6, 2023. A total of 196 people were interviewed, including 85 taxpayers, 57 small businesses and 54 tax intermediaries.

The survey found that the most common word used to describe the tax system was “complex”, followed by other terms such as “confusing”, “complicated” and “difficult”.

Many participants also expressed a sense of unfairness in the tax system, using words such as “unfair”, “unjust”, “too high” and the middle-class being “overburdened” with the tax share.

Some participants pointed out that the tax system favours the wealthy and large corporations, who can exploit loopholes and avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

The survey also asked participants about their impressions of the CRA, which were more mixed and varied. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20220478 (101930ZJAN24) Notable: Edmonton police seize weapons from homeless encampment as removals continue, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Edmonton police seize weapons from homeless encampment as removals continue


Police in Edmonton have seized a cache of five dozen weapons while dismantling homeless encampments.

The Edmonton Police Service announced Tuesday the seizure of 60 weapons from Dawson Park, including 34 knives, 11 machetes, and 10 samurai swords along with pellet guns, axes, brass knuckles, and a collapsible baton.

The police used the seizure to underscore the escalating risks associated with the ballooning camps, which law enforcement have started to break down in the last week.

In addition to weapons, police officers have said that the camps are also dangerous due to fires, propane tanks, needles, and toxic drugs.

The photos of the weapons were shared to the Edmonton Police Services’ social media accounts two hours before officers were set to clear the eighth encampment deemed high risk by the city and the police. An injunction had previously stalled the encampment removals

Last month’s court order specified conditions for clearing eight encampments flagged as safety hazards, like ensuring adequate shelter space and giving a 48-hour notice to residents. Social agencies are also to be provided notice at “earliest convenience”. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131079

File: 371656db68a6fac⋯.png (716.45 KB,755x539,755:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20220806 (102031ZJAN24) Notable: Former president of northern B.C. pride organization charged with committing child-sex crimes

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NEW - President of a Canadian 'Pride' organization charged with committing child-sex crimes against children under 16, according to the B.C. Prosecution Service.


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5ae0ea No.131080

File: 7d60202840fd861⋯.png (850.71 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20220884 (102041ZJAN24) Notable: Canada prepares to launch public inquiry into China’s alleged election meddling

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Canada prepares to launch public inquiry into China’s alleged election meddling


The public inquiry, to be led by Conservative Judge Marie-Josée Hogue, comes after Justin Trudeau launched a failed investigation into allegations last year.

A public inquiry into alleged meddling in Canada’s two most recent federal elections by agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is set to start on January 29.

The investigation into allegations of CCP interference in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections will be led by Marie-Josée Hogue, a Conservative appointee to the Québec Court of Appeal.

The federal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been slow in responding to allegations of CCP election meddling after announcing on September 7, 2023, that it would be launching a public inquiry led by Hogue. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131081

File: 1f872fb825f2047⋯.png (190.06 KB,492x737,492:737,Clipboard.png)

File: f10a5cdfcdde47e⋯.png (121.62 KB,496x580,124:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 26786cb5b59dbb7⋯.png (450.14 KB,500x667,500:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d16adb7d1cee9a⋯.png (294.92 KB,500x315,100:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 7be04fb2f2c4f2b⋯.png (206 KB,500x385,100:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20226221 (111822ZJAN24) Notable: Iran Hijacks Oil Tanker In Gulf Of Oman

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Iran Hijacks Oil Tanker In Gulf Of Oman


Iranian naval forces, acting under a court order, seized Marshall Islands-flagged tanker "St Nikolas," Bloomberg reports, citing Iran's semi-official Tasnim agency reports. The report said St Nikolas is a "US oil tanker."

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5ae0ea No.131082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20227050 (112102ZJAN24) Notable: Former president of northern B.C. pride organization charged with committing child-sex crimes

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Here' the CBC article Disclose is quoting:

President of northern B.C. pride organization charged with committing child-sex crimes

Story by Moira Wyton CBC News · Posted: Jan 08, 2024

The president of a northern British Columbia pride organization has been arrested and charged with committing sex crimes against children under 16, according to the B.C. Prosecution Service.

The charges against Sean Gravells, 39, include touching a person under 16 for sexual purposes, sexual interference of a person under 16, possession of child pornography, and importing or distributing child pornography, BCPS spokesperson Dan McLaughlin told CBC News in an emailed statement on Monday.

The alleged offences all took place in or near Fort St. John, B.C., about 800 kilometres northeast of Vancouver, McLaughlin said. The interference and exploitation charges are for alleged offences on Dec. 29, 2023, while the child pornography charges occurred on Dec. 31, he added.

The allegations have not been tested or proven in court.

Gravells served as board president for the North Peace Pride Society (NPPS) since 2018, according to a now-deleted biography on the organization's website, but the NPPS says it recently removed him from the role.

In a statement on social media on Friday, NPPS said the board took "swift action" to remove a member who was arrested on Dec. 31 and is now facing "severe charges," but did not name the member.

"In response to the gravity of the charges, we have immediately removed this person from our board, emphasizing our commitment to our community's values," the post on NPPS's Facebook page read.

"We want to clarify that the society itself is not implicated in any charges; these are isolated to the individual."

The board member did not work directly with youth through the organization, the statement said. The NPPS added that any volunteers or board members working with youth need a criminal record check, a requirement the organization is now expanding to include all board members.

CBC News has contacted NPPS for further comment.

A spokesperson for Fort St. John RCMP declined a CBC News request to confirm the date and circumstances of Gravells' arrest, saying, "there is no information available for release at this time."

McLaughlin said Gravells appeared in provincial court in Fort St. John on Jan. 1 and his arraignment hearing is scheduled for Jan. 29.


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5ae0ea No.131083

File: 11d6349c4ba4cfe⋯.png (891.88 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20227488 (112212ZJAN24) Notable: LEVY: Olivia Chow makes her socialist fantasies a reality with Toronto’s budget

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LEVY: Olivia Chow makes her socialist fantasies a reality with Toronto’s budget


Toronto voters — at least a small group of woke fools — asked for it and they got it.

Fresh from her incompetent mishandling of the pro-Hamas apologists, who’ve hijacked Toronto with their vitriolic protests over the past three months, socialist mayor Olivia Chow introduced her 2024 budget with a 10.5% tax hike Tuesday.

I wish I could say I’m surprised. But I knew from years of watching her that this tax-and-spend politician, who’s always lived off the public teat, would be terrible for Toronto’s bottom line.

And I guess her equally incompetent predecessor, John Tory, kind of set the stage in 2022 with his 7% tax hike. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131084

File: fb857ecbfdde8ba⋯.png (848.63 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 629aef485d76812⋯.png (580.98 KB,547x803,547:803,Clipboard.png)

File: ea3258ab6ea41c7⋯.png (247.04 KB,543x806,543:806,Clipboard.png)

File: db4b861fc69433e⋯.png (135.88 KB,541x660,541:660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20227731 (112257ZJAN24) Notable: Conservative MP demands ethics investigation into Trudeau’s Jamaican holiday

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Conservative MP demands ethics investigation into Trudeau’s Jamaican holiday


Conservative MP and ethics critic Michael Barrett is urging the interim Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, Konrad Winrich von Finckenstein, to probe Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s lavish vacation in Jamaica.

Barrett wrote in a letter raising serious ethical concerns over Trudeau’s stay at a luxury estate owned by a family friend, businessman Peter Green.

Barrett, in the letter to von Finckenstein, questioned the Prime Minister’s stay in Jamaica. The estate where Trudeau stayed, known for its high rental costs, was provided to Trudeau and his family free of charge.

“But the Prime Minister was hardly staying in a friend’s guest room over the Christmas holidays. Quite the contrary. The National Post reports that the Prime Minister stayed at the luxurious Prospect Estate in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Specifically, the Post found that the Prime Minister was staying at the opulent ‘Frankfort’ villa,” Barrett wrote.

“It is quite clear that the Frankfort villa has a defined commercial value, and that the corporate owners of Prospect Estate would be forgoing substantial revenue by letting the Prime Minister stay at the resort free of charge. As such, it is quite apparent that we are talking about a gift – and a very substantial gift at that,” he further emphasized.

Barrett highlighted the disparity between the gift’s value and the average Canadian’s income, saying, “For context, the estimated $84,000 commercial value for the Prime Minister’s nine nights of accommodation is greater than Canada’s median household income of $70,332.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131085

File: 8861834f007ffa2⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20228538 (120101ZJAN24) Notable: Protests Bun / Nearly 100k B.C. students absent from school during Million March protest

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Nearly 100k B.C. students absent from school during Million March protest


Close to 100,000 British Columbia students were absent from public schools on the day of a nationwide parental rights protest last year.

New freedom of information documents reveal that 96,872 students – or 16% overall, were absent Sept. 20, 2023, the day of the 1 Million March 4 Children.

The data reveal that the 1 Million March movement was most concentrated in the cities of Surrey and Abbotsford, which are approximately 40 minutes and 1 hour outside of Vancouver, respectively.

In Surrey, 18,464 of the district’s 80,208 students were absent during the walkouts, amounting to a 23% absentee rate.

Meanwhile, a whopping 37% of Abbotsford’s K-12 public school population was absent, or 7,598 of 20,551 total.

The Canada-wide marches were initially organized by Muslim parents who were growing increasingly disillusioned with school teachings on gender and sexuality.

In Surrey and Abbotsford, it is largely the Punjabi community taking charge of the parental rights movement. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131086

File: ce0d73a067cd6af⋯.png (4.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20229196 (120311ZJAN24) Notable: Expected surge in Canada's poverty rate this spring

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Expected surge in Canada's poverty rate this spring


'The effects of high inflation are anticipated to be reflected in poverty statistics for 2022, expected to be released in the spring of 2024,' stated the Food Insecurity note. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131087

File: b1fdd33ed71b7a4⋯.png (300.35 KB,1022x572,511:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20231440 (121603ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / US and UK Strike Dozens of Houthi Military targets in Yemen

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US and UK Strike Dozens of Houthi Military targets in Yemen


The US and UK carry out airstrikes against Houthis in Yemen.

The U.S. Central Command released the following statement on X:

On Jan. 11 at 2:30 a.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command forces, in coordination with the United Kingdom, and support from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and Bahrain conducted joint strikes on Houthi targets to degrade their capability to continue their illegal and reckless attacks on U.S. and international vessels and commercial shipping in the Red Sea. This multinational action targeted radar systems, air defense systems, and storage and launch sites for one way attack unmanned aerial systems, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20231577 (121627ZJAN24) Notable: Warsaw Demand Release of Polish Political Prisoners - President Duda Vows to Pardon the 2 MPs AGAIN

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Warsaw Demand Release of Polish Political Prisoners – President Duda Vows to Pardon the 2 MPs AGAIN


Tens of thousands of Polish citizens have taken to the streets of capital Warsaw to demand the release of the two ‘political prisoners’ held illegally by Globalist Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

The dramatic arrest of the two MPs – former Home Affairs Minister Mariusz Kamiński and his deputy Maciej Wąsik – inside the Presidential Palace, have set fire to the tense political situation in the Eastern European country.

Both men had already been pardoned by President Andrej Duda. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131089

File: d67258464ec81be⋯.png (421.67 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: d6369a262d79650⋯.png (454.17 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

File: ad3f9ae9d547c32⋯.png (126.86 KB,634x480,317:240,Clipboard.png)

File: 682a00c4c448cff⋯.png (516 KB,634x427,634:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20231900 (121740ZJAN24) Notable: The end looms for Justin Trudeau: Canadian PM plummets in the polls as 70% disapprove of him while CBC warns he needs a new message and conservative rival gains momentum

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The end looms for Justin Trudeau: Canadian PM plummets in the polls as 70% disapprove of him while CBC warns he needs a new message and conservative rival gains momentum


Justin Trudeau's ailing political popularity could spell trouble for the Liberal party in the next election as rival leader Pierre Poilievre picks up steam

Polls show Trudeau's approval rating plummeting as economic challenges hammer Canada's middle class, who Trudeau once swore he would bolster

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is fighting for his political future as his disapproval rate plummets and observers say he desperately needs a new narrative.

Trudeau and his Liberal party sit ten points behind Conservatives in the polls, a gap that may only widen as Canadians grow increasingly dissatisfied with the economic forecast.

On popular Canadian Broadcasting Corporation podcast the Front Burner, journalist Aaron Wherry said Trudeau is in urgent need of a 'branding and marketing guru' to counter the growing popularity of Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre.

Poilievre, the longtime MP and official opposition leader since 2022, has taken ahold of the 'hope agenda,' according to Wherry, that so invigorated Canadians when Trudeau first sezied upon it in 2015.

A cost of living crisis that includes massive inflation, soaring grocery prices, rising mortgage and rental rates, and a housing crises have guided Poilievre toward the message that 'Canada is broken.' Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131090

File: 890b4e1e945ce0c⋯.png (745.64 KB,700x451,700:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20233604 (122339ZJAN24) Notable: Calgary named GOAT in global tech start-ups in 2023

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Calgary named GOAT in global tech start-ups in 2023


A strong tech sector means a strong economy,”

Technology and Innovation Minister Nate Glubish

The UCP government is taking credit for diversifying Alberta’s economy after Calgary was named the 12th-fastest growing technology ‘ecosystem’ in the world and best place in Canada to start a tech-based business.

On Friday, international ranking firms StartupBlink and Startup Genome followed peer Pitchbook’s ranking of Calgary as the 12th fastest-growing technology ecosystem in the world in November.

Deloitte also ranked several Calgary-based companies in their Top 50 fastest-growing list, including Neo Financial as the top fastest-growing company to watch, among others such as geothermal energy company Eavor, PurposeMed and ZayZoon.

That prompted Technology and Innovation Minister Nate Glubish to gloat that the UCP government’s pro-business policies are “making Alberta the best place in Canada to be an innovator or start a tech business.”

“Alberta’s tech sector is booming. Technology is not just an industry, it is the future of all industries and as a rising tide lifts all boats. A strong tech sector means a strong economy,” he said in a news release. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131091

File: 10f70bf753af5e0⋯.png (1016.59 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20237689 (131917ZJAN24) Notable: Groceries in Trudeau’s Canada are so expensive that they’re driving up the poverty rate

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Groceries in Trudeau’s Canada are so expensive that they’re driving up the poverty rate


The seemingly ever rising food prices come amid Trudeau's ongoing carbon tax, which has been projected to cost farmers $1 billion by 2030.

Groceries in Canada have become so expensive that Canada’s poverty rate is expected to rise this spring.

According to a Department of Social Development briefing note published January 11 by Blacklock’s Reporter, the poverty rate in Canada is expected to rise this spring thanks to a 14 percent increase in food prices across the country this year.

“The rising cost of food will be reflected in Canada’s poverty rates,” the note said. “As food prices increase poverty thresholds are likely to follow.”

“This could impact poverty rates in Canada in the coming years,” it warned. “The impact of high inflation will be reflected in poverty statistics for 2022 expected to be released in the spring of 2024.”

While Canada’s tax-free Canada Child Benefit to help struggling families served to lower national poverty rates from 14.5 percent in 2016 to as low as 6.5 percent in 2020, the rising food prices are driving the poverty rate back up to 7.4 percent in 2021.

According to the briefing note, an estimated 13 percent of Canadians have “food insecurity” compared to 11 percent in 2020. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131092

File: 91b8a531511561b⋯.png (752.38 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20242738 (141726ZJAN24) Notable: The Hunt for Viktor Orbán - 120 Globalist European Lawmakers Want To Punish Hungary, Take Away Its Voting Rights in the EU

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The Hunt for Viktor Orbán – 120 Globalist European Lawmakers Want To Punish Hungary, Take Away Its Voting Rights in the EU


The years-long political struggle between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the European Union seems to be coming to a head.

Conservative champion Orbán is hated with a passion by Brussels for the very same reasons that make us care for him – defense of family values, of a national culture, rejection of Climate Alarmist lunacy and suicidal unchecked mass migration – oh, yes, and the icing on the cake: refusal to finance the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

The Hungarian PM is also not fond of the EU as it stands now, as we can learn from his already classic assessment:

“Today, things pop up that remind us of the Soviet times. Yes, it happens that history repeats itself. Fortunately, what once was tragedy is now a comedy at best. Brussels is not Moscow. Moscow was a tragedy. Brussels is just a bad contemporary parody.”

And so it happens that a group of EU lawmakers want to punish Hungary by moving one step closer to suspending Budapest’s vote in the bloc.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131093

File: 42974a68fba6633⋯.png (787.54 KB,1200x2500,12:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20243036 (141841ZJAN24) Notable: Where NATO Defense Expenditure Stands

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Where NATO Defense Expenditure Stands


The concept that NATO countries should spend 2 percent of their GDP on defense was debuted in 2014 and by 2024, members of the military alliance should technically have "moved towards" or beyond this goal.

While the definition as agreed upon during NATO's Wales summit 10 years ago is vague, the 2-percent target has nevertheless been considered a hallmark of NATO's success as well as a point of contention within the organization and in public discourse.

However, as Statista's Katharina Buchholz reports, according to data released as of July 1, the number of NATO countries which have reached or exceeded the spending level was only 11 out of 30 members with armed forces. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131094

File: ea8bd074e37dc7d⋯.png (203.03 KB,360x597,120:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fd7ecd091b2c52⋯.png (55.52 KB,732x387,244:129,Clipboard.png)

File: cf492c2a777fade⋯.png (221.47 KB,342x767,342:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20243088 (141853ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Western Brands Boycott Calls Intensify After US Jets Bomb Yemen

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Western Brands Boycott Calls Intensify After US Jets Bomb Yemen


Social media users are pressing ahead for continued boycotts of Western brands as the US and its allies pound Yemen with air strikes and missiles to neutralize Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

"Boycott these brands that support the invasion of Yemen," X user Naila Ayad said in a post viewed more than 1.6 million times. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131095

File: fe3dd4d3e6904d3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20243341 (141949ZJAN24) Notable: Constitutional group launches free course to inform Canadians about their rights

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Constitutional group launches free course to inform Canadians about their rights


The Canadian Constitution Foundation is offering a new online course about Canada’s constitution and the right to freedom of expression to all members of the public for free, according to the constitutional rights group’s website.

“Freedom of expression is fundamentally important to the functioning of democracy and requires a strong understanding by the citizenry. It is through freedom of expression that we define the contours of all our other rights. Without these guarantees, governments would be free to act unopposed, and their policies, including unjust policies, would be uncontested,” said executive director Joanna Baron.

The course involves a series of video lectures followed by quizzes. Once the course is complete, students will receive a personalized digital certificate, which can be shared and printed.

The course was created by some of Canada’s leading constitutional lawyers and scholars, who collaborated over the last several months, the Canadian Constitution Foundation said.

The organization said topics include “the constitutional framework for freedom of expression political expression, compelled speech, the philosophical underpinnings of freedom of expression, major freedom of expression cases on issues from hate speech to defamation to pornography, as well as unexplored areas of freedom of expression, including the rights to thought, belief and opinion as well as press freedom.”

The Canadian Constitution Foundation is a registered charity that aims to defend Canadians’ constitutional rights and freedoms in courts of law and public opinion. One of its higher profile cases is a challenge against the federal government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to address the Freedom Convoy.

Baron said there is a constitutional literacy problem in Canada, which she hopes the course will address.

“Without an understanding of how our constitution functions and how our rights are guaranteed, Canadians are poorly positioned to protect themselves against government overreach,” she said. “There is a lot of misunderstanding about our constitution and the right to freedom of expression, and public education is a core part of our mandate. That’s why we created this free course.”

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5ae0ea No.131096

File: 8bfc51b67880bc9⋯.png (91.2 KB,768x430,384:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20245344 (151500ZJAN24) Notable: Polish PM Tusk Doubles Down on Chasing Adversaries, Vows To Ignore Judicial Decision in Order To Prosecute Former Central Bank Governor

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Polish PM Tusk Doubles Down on Chasing Adversaries, Vows To Ignore Judicial Decision in Order To Prosecute Former Central Bank Governor


Poland is still reeling from the monster demonstrations for the release of the (already pardoned) political prisoners that were illegally arrested INSIDE THE PRESIDENTIAL PALACE, but the new Prime Minister Donald Tusk has already moved ahead relentlessly in his vendetta against prominent officials from the former government.

Worse, Tusk now makes it even clearer that he isn’t about to be constrained by judicial decisions that may be contrary to his liking.

Case in point: the Constitutional Tribunal (TK) has issued a ruling that prevents Tusk’s coalition from putting central bank governor Adam Glapiński on trial.

Notes from Poland reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131097

File: 7329c7aeaf99f02⋯.png (1.16 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20245626 (151617ZJAN24) Notable: Beijing Fails to Sway Taiwan Election Amid War Threats. What Comes Next?

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Beijing Fails to Sway Taiwan Election Amid War Threats. What Comes Next?


Experts offer insights into the future of US–China relations post-election.

WASHINGTON—Saturday’s Taiwan election, seen as one of the most significant in recent history, has captured the world’s attention due to its far-reaching implications for U.S.–China relations.

Many in the international community have seen the election as a referendum on the island’s sentiment toward communist China and the United States.

When the news broke early on Jan. 13 that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which favors stronger ties with the United States, had won the presidency for another four years, attention shifted to the White House.

A few hours later, President Joe Biden stepped out of his residence, broke from his routine, and took some questions from reporters before heading to Camp David for his weekend retreat.

As expected, the first question directed at him was his reaction to Taiwan’s election.

This time, the president exercised caution, mindful of his previous remarks, which had enraged Beijing. He offered a brief comment: “We do not support independence.”

Later, the U.S. State Department issued a statement congratulating current Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te, the DPP candidate also known as William Lai, on his victory in the presidential election.

“The United States is committed to maintaining cross-Strait peace and stability and the peaceful resolution of differences, free from coercion and pressure,” the statement reads.

Leaders in Congress and many U.S. lawmakers also released statements welcoming Mr. Lai’s historic win. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131098

File: 9ff494adadcaefb⋯.png (831.86 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20245984 (151733ZJAN24) Notable: Alberta’s record high oil output edges out China’s total production in 2022

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Alberta’s record high oil output edges out China’s total production in 2022


Oil production in Alberta rose above four million barrels a day for the first time last November, as companies get ready to fulfil what will be the largest new export pipeline in over a decade.

According to the Alberta Energy Regulator’s website, total oil production shot up by 336,822 barrels per day, bringing it to a total daily of 4.16 million, the highest on record since 2010.

Over the first 11 months of 2022, Alberta’s output averaged 3.79 million barrels per day, according to BNN Bloomberg.

The expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline, which runs from Alberta out to B.C.’s Pacific coast is scheduled to begin this year.

This has led to a surge in production, as companies prepare for what will now allow them to export an additional 590,000 barrels daily.

Alberta is home to the third largest reserve of crude oil-sands deposits, and the province produced more oil than all but four other countries last November.

The province even outpaced China’s average output in 2022.

Including the other provinces, Canada is now the world’s fourth-largest oil producer.

U.S. crude production is predicted to grow by 2.2% this year as well, bringing its total output to 13.2 million barrels per day, according to the Energy Information Administration.

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5ae0ea No.131099

File: 27d99dff62738e0⋯.png (618.9 KB,640x479,640:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 1735c41d8b3677c⋯.png (1.58 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 54797ad2a687129⋯.png (1.57 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: ffacc3793f20286⋯.png (1.32 MB,1024x644,256:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f43564684bf944⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x556,256:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20247271 (152102ZJAN24) Notable: Protests Bun / 10,000 Expected at Tractor Protest Against German Government as Truckers Join Rebels

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10,000 Expected at Tractor Protest Against German Government as Truckers Join Rebels


Monday is to be the biggest day yet for German anti-government protesters as thousands of tractors and now truckers are expected in Berlin as the workers who keep society fed and clothed push back against the green agenda.

German Police attempted to limit the impact of a huge protest against the coalition government’s anti-agriculture policies on Monday, saying they had set a hard limit on the number of vehicles permitted to attend. Officers on the outskirts of the city have been stopping muckspreaders and turning them around, preventing tractors towing loads of manure from entering Berlin, reports the Berliner Morgenpost. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131100

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20252439 (161736ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Explosions Rock US Consulate in Erbil, Iraq - Iran Claims Responsibility – Feeble Joe Biden Calls an Early Lid

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Explosions Rock US Consulate in Erbil, Iraq – Iran Claims Responsibility – Feeble Joe Biden Calls an Early Lid


Joe Biden called a lid early Monday afternoon and went into hiding after a brief stop at a Philly food bank.

Biden on Monday returned from his weekend vacation in Camp David and traveled to Philadelphia to serve food at Philabundance, a hunger relief organization for MLK Jr. Day.

Biden barely made it through his visit. He shuffled around the room and sounded like a toddler as he bragged about Jill Biden.

After spending an hour or so at the food bank, Biden headed back to the White House.

Iranian IRGC Commanders and advisers are reportedly ON THE GROUND in Yemen directing the attack on ships.

Additionally, explosions were reported near a US consulate in Iraq.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard took responsibility for the attack. Four people died in the explosions, ABC News reported.

Arabic media reported 6 explosions using missiles and drones.

Biden is completely shot and can barely make it through the day and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is working from home after he was just discharged from a two-week hospital stay.

Sleep well, America.

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5ae0ea No.131101

File: 4ad6d493d71b37e⋯.png (300.5 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20252941 (161912ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Europe's Big Powers Back Out Of US-Led Bombing Campaign Of Yemen

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Europe's Big Powers Back Out Of US-Led Bombing Campaign Of Yemen


Europe is divided over the US-UK bombing of Yemen, one of the world's poorest countries, as Italy, Spain, and France have refused to take part in the operation...

Washington and London carried out late-night strikes on Yemen Thursday evening, which targeted several areas of the country, including the capital, Sanaa.

The US and UK are seeking to target Yemen's Ansarallah-led forces for their efforts to target Israeli-linked ships in the Red Sea in response to Israel's brutal bombing campaign in Gaza, which many view as genocide.

The US-UK strikes were supported by Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Korea, and Bahrain, who all signed a joint statement backing the bombing.

However, Europe's major powers, France, Italy, and Spain, refused to take part in the strikes and declined to sign the statement in support of them. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131102

File: 2a0ef9aea8a1955⋯.png (701.26 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 92347bf62266497⋯.png (71.71 KB,802x471,802:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20253509 (162106ZJAN24) Notable: Chinese embassy scolds Canada for its remarks on Taiwan election

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Chinese embassy scolds Canada for its remarks on Taiwan election


The Chinese embassy in Canada has expressed its dismay regarding Canada’s acknowledgement and congratulations to Taiwan, following the country’s recent elections.

“Canada congratulates the people of #Taiwan on the conclusion of their recent elections. Guided by the pillars of #democracy, #humanrights & #peace, Canada looks forward to advance its people-to-people, science, trade & investment ties,” wrote Canada’s Foreign Policy account on X. Its initiatives are led by Global Affairs Canada.

The Chinese embassy said it was “strongly dissatisfied” and “firmly opposed” to Canada’s foreign ministry for congratulating Taiwan on its presidential election.

Additionally, the embassy urged Canada to “recognise the highly sensitive nature of the Taiwan issue… and immediately stop its ’wrong’ words.”

China’s position on Taiwan has been blunt and unwavering, perceiving the island to be a breakaway province from the mainland country and not an independent nation.

Therefore, the embassy views any recognition of Taiwan’s sovereignty to be a diplomatic disapproval of Beijing’s authority. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131103

File: f92f9f3e59ea506⋯.png (1.31 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20253605 (162128ZJAN24) Notable: Inflation up to 3.4% in December: StatsCan

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Inflation up to 3.4% in December: StatsCan


Canada’s annual inflation rate increased to 3.4% in December after remaining stable at 3.1% for October and November, according to data released on Tuesday from Statistics Canada.

The cost of fuel, rent, air travel and passenger vehicles were responsible for the increase last month.

Prices at the grocery store also went up by 4.7% compared to last year, the same rate increase as November.

The 3.4% increase was “largely the result of higher year-over-year prices for gasoline in December compared with November,” reads the release.

A drop in gas prices helped to bring inflation down last month, but they were even lower in December 2022, leading to what is known as the “base-year effect,” where comparing present figures to the previous year shows a wider gap. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131104

File: c80c26a02317c49⋯.png (1.14 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20253690 (162146ZJAN24) Notable: Rachel Notley steps down, sparks leadership race in Alberta NDP

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Rachel Notley steps down, sparks leadership race in Alberta NDP


The leader of Alberta’s NDP and former premier, Rachel Notley, has announced her resignation, initiating a leadership race within the party.

After months of speculation, Notley announced her intention to resign as leader of the Alberta NDP at a news conference in Edmonton on Tuesday.

“I’m not going to lead the party into the next election,” she said, according to the Calgary Herald. “I will be stepping down as leader once the party chooses a new leader.”

Notley’s decision comes after serving as the NDP leader since 2014 and serving as the Premier of Alberta from 2015 to 2019. Notley has served as an NDP member since 2008.

Notley carried out her family legacy as leader of the NDP. Her father, Grant Notley, was a former NDP leader and passed away in a plane crash in 1984.

After announcing her retirement Tuesday morning in a speech to NDP caucus members, Notley said she would remain as leader of the party while the party conducted a leadership race.

The Tuesday announcement comes amid poor polling and two straight losses to majority United Conservative Party (UCP) governments. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20253784 (162203ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Watch as Ezra Levant pummels Bill Gates Foundation President about Gates & Jeffrey Epstein (video)

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TENSE: Watch as Ezra Levant pummels Bill Gates Foundation President about Gates & Jeffrey Epstein


'Don't you think you have an obligation to be transparent?' Levant asked the Gates Foundation President. 'I don't think I'm asking any questions that you haven't heard before. I bet you have answers to all my questions. Why don't you just clear the air on some of these things?' Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131106

File: a5b07b4315aadb9⋯.png (54.16 KB,390x170,39:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 3880798976ed01a⋯.png (681.09 KB,1202x628,601:314,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e655d001c6f270⋯.png (1.3 MB,1140x641,1140:641,Clipboard.png)

File: c94222c0c949f8c⋯.png (418.55 KB,648x754,324:377,Clipboard.png)

File: f54599bc073c5de⋯.png (301.91 KB,757x511,757:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20254907 (170115ZJAN24) Notable: Hunger Games: World Bank And Cargill Simulated Food Crisis That Starts In 2020 During Pandemic, Predicts Carbon And Meat Taxes In 2024

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Hunger Games: World Bank And Cargill Simulated Food Crisis That Starts In 2020 During Pandemic, Predicts Carbon And Meat Taxes In 2024


The simulation also predicted the collapse of Ukraine by 2023, and anticipated the radical changes worldwide to be the “new normal.”

In 2015, the World Bank and Cargill – the largest privately held company in the United States in terms of revenue, distributing a large number of popular food and agricultural commodities – conducted a simulation event that examined what world governments would do if and when food shortages, famine, and supply chain disruptions occurred. The simulation ultimately predicted that by 2024 meat and carbon taxes would be implemented in Western nations, among other things.

This simulation has essentially been scrubbed from Cargill and the World Bank’s websites, but fortunately some traces of it are still available and critical documentation was archived, for an event that has been practically lost to the sands of time, until now.

The event, known as the “Food Chain Reaction: A Global Food Security Game,” was conducted on November 9-10th, 2015 in Washington, DC; and was described as a “simulation and role-playing exercise intended to improve understanding of how governments, institutions, and private sector interests might interact to address a crisis in the global food system.” Other groups such as The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), along with the Center for American Progress (CAP) and Mars Inc., including a number of NGOs, stakeholders, think tanks and experts also participated.

CAP launched in 2003 as a Democratic alternative to conservative think tanks, founded by John Podesta, who was an influential character during the Obama administration and campaign manager for Hilary Clinton in 2016. He was also the U.S. representative to the United Nations High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which would later lead to the creation of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Podesta came under immense scrutiny that year when Wikileaks exposed a number of private emails involving collusion and corruption within the government, along with beliefs that he was involved in a pedophile ring codenamed “pizzagate.”

The simulation itself was designed by the Washington-based Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), which also designs war game simulations for the U.S. Department of Defense, and was therefore framed “with the same degree of realism the U.S. military requires,” Cargill said in one of its press releases.

The simulation is very much reminiscent of other identical global simulations, such as the infamous Event 201 in 2019 that predicted a novel coronavirus pandemic would sweep the world, with all these actions taken in response to Covid-19 being predicted in the event.

Food Crisis Begins In 2020, During A Pandemic

And speaking of a pandemic, that’s exactly how and when this simulation begins: “disease” and a raft of calamities sends supply chains into a tailspin. According to the premise of their simulation, the scenario is this: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20255598 (170312ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun

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Updated Epstein Bun

>>131004 Attorney Arick Fudali says the Jeffrey Epstein list is 'ready to go' and says he is “not sure what they’re waiting for” when it comes to releasing the documents

>>131005 Epstein List Delayed as Court Grants “Doe 107” a 30-Day Extension to Submit Evidence Regarding Allegations of Physical Harm and Hate Mail

>>131006 Trump-Hating “Comedian” Jimmy Kimmel FLIPS OUT After New York Jets Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Teases that He is on Jeffrey Epstein’s Client List

>>131007 Jeffrey Epstein list won’t be made public until at least January 22: report

>>131012, >>131013 It's here - the unsealing Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)

>>131014 Epstein docs, all 2000 pages, on scribd https://www.scribd.com/document/421585825/UNSEALED-Epstein-Docs-2000-Pages

>>131015 Epstein docs, 943 pages, documentcloud https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24253239-1324-epstein-documents-943-pages

>>131016 Epstein docs feature big names: Prince Andrew, Dershowitz, ex-FBI Director Freeh

>>131017 Gateway Pundit has all 37 pdfs in one place and easy to download https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/breaking-here-are-epstein-documents-released-tonight/

>>131019 Investigator and Attorney Mike Cernovich: Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI

>>131020 Billionaire Hyatt Hotels Executive Chairman Thomas Pritzker from the Leftist Pritzker Family Named in Epstein Case Documents

>>131021 “Clinton Likes Them Young” - Wild Bill (DOE 36) Named Numerous Times in Epstein Documents Which Reveal His Alleged Sick Appetite for Girls

>>131022 Cache of Unsealed Docs Detail How Ghislaine Maxwell Used “Kissing Game” to Coax “Very Girlish” Minor Teens to Pleasure Jeffrey Epstein

>>131023 Epstein Documents CONFIRM Donald Trump NEVER Went to Epstein Homes or Pedo Island - Never Had Contact with Witness

>>131024 Victim Describes How Prince Andrew Grabbed Her Breast - Epstein Brags About Taking Girl’s Virginity – “The Girl by the Pool”

>>131025 Epstein Documents in pdf form, first one is all together

>>131026 Epstein Docs put Glenn and Eva Dubin Back on the Spotlight - Former Butler Rizzo’s deposition Tells of Terrified ‘Abducted’ Girl and Underage Girls in a ‘Kissing Game’

>>131031 New Cache of Epstein Docs Unsealed: Minor Victim Trafficked to “Prominent American Politicians” to “Obtain Potential Blackmail Information”

>>131032 Megyn Kelly Says ‘You May Hear from Jeffrey Epstein in the Coming Year Directly’

>>131033 New Documents Reveal Bill Clinton Allegedly Stormed into Vanity Fair’s Office and Threatened Staff if They Wrote Sex Trafficking Stories Against His “Good Friend” Jeffrey Epstein

>>131034 “Most People Understand That Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” - Tucker Carlson Interview: Mark Epstein Reveals Inside Info About His Brother’s ‘Suicide’

>>131035 Bill Clinton Spotted in Mexico as Tranche of Epstein Docs Reveal Former Prez ‘Likes Them Young’

>>131037, >>131038 Shows pics of Epstein with a blonde little girl at Disney and on a flight (face blurred), according to Sommers, the young girl in the photo asleep in Epstein’s lap has been identified as the daughter of Eva and Glenn Dubin (mp4)

>>131040 Another 36 documents just filed

>>131042 Press for Truth: Third Batch of Epstein Documents Released Continues Distraction From The FBI’s confiscated tapes (video)

>>131043 Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump

>>131044 Third Round of Epstein Documents Unsealed: Computers Removed From Epstein Palm Beach Mansion Before FBI Conducted Search

>>131045 Top Nikki Haley, E Jean Carroll, & Fusion GPS Backer Was Epstein Island Visitor

>>131046 Hillary Clinton Named in the Latest Epstein Documents Release

>>131049 Court Docs Show Model Who Jumped to Her Death Flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s Jet as a Teen

>>131050 Ghislaine Maxwell went to Chelsea Clinton's wedding while skipping deposition in Epstein case

>>131051 Epstein Files: Sarah Kellen Mentioned as Scheduling Girls’ Massages, Instructing and Teaching Them to Please Sex Offender, Enforcing His Will on Those Who Rebelled

>>131056 Hillary Clinton’s name appears in Epstein docs as lawyers suggest Clinton Foundation may have funded Ghislaine Maxwell

>>131058, >>131060 Richard Branson and Bill Clinton named in the latest Jeffrey Epstein documents

>>131059 Comedian Jim Gaffigan Calls Out Hollywood P*dophiles at the Golden Globes

>>131074 5th epstein file batch dropped, patriots still clean

>>131075 Journalist Reveals the Clinton-Connected Reason Why the ‘Big Fish’ Elites Who Visited Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’ Are Not Facing Charges

>>131105 Watch as Ezra Levant pummels Bill Gates Foundation President about Gates & Jeffrey Epstein (video)

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5ae0ea No.131108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20255603 (170313ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun

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Updated Houthis and Red Sea Bun

>>130995, >>130999, >>131000 U.S. Navy Engages in Fight with Houthis, Sinking Three Boats and Killing Crews

>>130998 Lindsey Graham Urges Biden To Blow Iran "Off The Map" Over Red Sea Attacks

>>131001 UK preparing to attack Houthis - The Times

>>131076 Iran Warns Against US 'Adventurism' After Parking Cruise Missile-Armed Warship In Red Sea

>>131087 US and UK Strike Dozens of Houthi Military targets in Yemen

>>131094 Western Brands Boycott Calls Intensify After US Jets Bomb Yemen

>>131100 Explosions Rock US Consulate in Erbil, Iraq - Iran Claims Responsibility – Feeble Joe Biden Calls an Early Lid

>>131101 Europe's Big Powers Back Out Of US-Led Bombing Campaign Of Yemen

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5ae0ea No.131109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20255612 (170314ZJAN24) Notable: Protests Bun

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Updated Protests Bun

>>131003 Peter Sweden: IT"S SPREADING - Massive Farmers Protest in Germany

>>131011 Lawyer behind $300 million lawsuit against Freedom Convoy outraged that anti-Israel protesters face fines for noise violations in Ottawa

>>131028 Freedom Convoy leaders' trial set to resume this week after long break

>>131085 Nearly 100k B.C. students absent from school during Million March protest

>>131099 10,000 Expected at Tractor Protest Against German Government as Truckers Join Rebels

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5ae0ea No.131110

File: 00c15ec56f87ba7⋯.png (1.86 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20261283 (180544ZJAN24) Notable: Canada drastically reduces number of student permits to Indians - Reuters

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Canada drastically reduces number of student permits to Indians – Reuters


Relations between New Delhi and Ottawa have soured following the murder of a Sikh activist

The number of student permits issued by Canada to Indians has decreased significantly since September, Reuters reported on Tuesday. This comes amid a diplomatic row between the countries over the assassination of a Sikh activist in Vancouver.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau linked the murder to the Indian government. New Delhi dismissed the allegations, calling them “absurd.”

According to the Reuters report, the number of student permits issued to Indians in the fourth quarter of last year dropped by 86%, from 108,940 in the previous quarter to just 14,910. The decline was recorded after New Delhi expelled 41 Canadian diplomats who could have processed the student applications, the report says. Additionally, fewer students are said to have applied due to uncertainties amid the diplomatic spat.

The row broke out in September last year after Trudeau alleged that India played a role in the assassination of pro-Khalistan activist Hardeep Nijjar in a suburb near Vancouver last June. The Khalistan movement, which is seen as a grave security threat by India, seeks the creation of a separate homeland for the minority Sikh community to be carved out of the country. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131111

File: 91799a1df4baf95⋯.png (201.57 KB,764x430,382:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20262278 (181400ZJAN24) Notable: Christian Persecution Surging, Worst Offender Kills Believers ‘Outright’

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Christian Persecution Surging, Worst Offender Kills Believers ‘Outright’


‘Most of us can’t imagine what it’s like to live in fear for our very lives because of our faith’

Open Doors US, working under its worldwide name, Open Doors International, to provide food, medicine, trauma care, legal help, safe housing and spiritual support for Christians, has released its newest World Watch List of persecution of Christians.

And it stunningly reveals that some five million Christians were added to the list of those facing “high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith” in just the last year.

A year ago that total was 360 million; now it’s 365 million.

“This means that 1 in 7 Christians experience pressure or violence because of their faith in Jesus,” the report said. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20262673 (181632ZJAN24) Notable: At Least 9 Killed After Pakistan Launches Retaliatory Airstrikes In Iran

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At Least 9 Killed After Pakistan Launches Retaliatory Airstrikes In Iran


In the early hours of Thursday, Pakistan's air force responded to Iran's prior cross-border ballistic missile attack against a Sunni militant group believed behind the Kerman city suicide bombings, launching fresh retaliatory strikes against alleged Iranian militant hideouts. Pakistan's leadership has been seething angry over Iran's "unprovoked violation of its airspace" on Tuesday.

Pakistan's new drone and rocket attack killed at least nine people, according to The Associated Press, in an operation that Pakistan's foreign ministry described as "a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision military strikes." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131113

File: c2032d39861bbfc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20263217 (181836ZJAN24) Notable: MPs vote for ethics commissioner to testify on Trudeau’s Jamaica vacation

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MPs vote for ethics commissioner to testify on Trudeau’s Jamaica vacation


A House of Commons committee unanimously voted to summon the ethics commissioner to testify about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s controversial vacation in Jamaica, despite Trudeau defending his trip at a news conference on Wednesday.

While making a housing announcement in Saint John, New Brunswick, Trudeau defended his vacation when a reporter asked whether he intended to change his future approach.

“Like many Canadian families, we went on vacation with friends. We followed all the rules,” said Trudeau. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131114

File: 5c2292069162db7⋯.png (567.56 KB,700x387,700:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20264545 (182343ZJAN24) Notable: WAIT FOR IT: Ottawa delays information request on ethics commissioner by 165 days

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WAIT FOR IT: Ottawa delays information request on ethics commissioner by 165 days


The federal government has just told a Canadian democracy watchdog it must wait another 165 days for documents it asked for in November.

On November 22 2023, Democracy Watch co-founder Duff Conacher asked for the records of all communications from 2023 regarding the appointment of Konrad von Finckenstein as federal interim ethics commissioner.

On Thursday, Conacher released a letter he received from the Privy Council Office (PCO) that said a prompt disclosure was not forthcoming.

“At the present time, meeting the original time limit of 30 days would unreasonably interfere with operations. Further, we have found it necessary to undertake a consultation process. As a result, an extension of up to 165 days beyond the 30-day statutory deadline is required to complete your request,” the letter explained.

“The new legislative due date for your request is June 4 2024. Should the consultations be completed in a shorter timeframe than specified, we will endeavour to respond to your request before the due date.”

Democracy Watch filed a complaint with the information commissioner about the delay and the office is investigating.

Von Finckenstein’s six-month term as interim ethics commissioner will be long over by June. He was appointed on August 30th 2023 after Mario Dion retired in February due to health problems and the Trudeau Cabinet failed in its attempt to install Trudeau Cabinet Minister Dominic LeBlanc’s sister-in-law Martine Richard as the interim commissioner.

Richard resigned rather than face questions about her appointment, but continues to serve as the ethics commissioner’s senior lawyer.

In a press release, Democracy Watch decried what it calls “the Liberals’ undemocratic and unethical watchdog appointment process”


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5ae0ea No.131115

File: 90f979ee2f8b1c7⋯.png (822.98 KB,1019x571,1019:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20267149 (191516ZJAN24) Notable: Hungarian MEPs File Official Protest With European Commission

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Hungarian MEPs File Official Protest With European Commission


It has become painfully clear that when the European Union talks about ‘the rule of law,’ what they really mean to enforce is the absolute surrender to the failed Globalist policies emanating from Brussels.

It also becomes apparent how, once you follow the EU’s diktats, no matter how tyrannical you behave, all will be well.

Take Poland, for example. For years, it battled Brussels and was the target of endless recrimination from Brussels.

As soon as Donald Tusk became PM, the EU became blissfully uninvolved and adopted a laissez faire regarding the illegal actions of the Premiere.

Tusk is now in a hard conflict with President Andrzej Duda, politically aligned with the previous ruling party, the conservative Law and Justice (PiS).

Euronews reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131116

File: cc4b23541039882⋯.png (1.52 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20267514 (191617ZJAN24) Notable: NATO announces largest war games 'for decades'

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NATO announces largest war games 'for decades'


The drills will involve dozens of warships and more than 1,000 combat vehicles

NATO is set to hold its largest round of war games in decades, with some 90,000 troops from all 31 member states – as well as Sweden – planning to participate. The drills will run for several months, and see training operations held across Europe.

Dubbed “Steadfast Defender 2024,” the exercise will kick off next week and continue into May, the US-led military bloc's Supreme Allied Commander for Europe Christopher Cavoli announced at a Thursday press briefing.

“Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 will be the largest NATO exercise in decades, with participation from approximately 90,000 forces from all 31 Allies and our good partner Sweden,” Cavoli said, adding that the drills would simulate an “emerging conflict scenario against a near-peer adversary.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131117

File: 426b5281ea6b47f⋯.png (1.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20267975 (191811ZJAN24) Notable: China ramps up military drills around Taiwan following presidential election

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China ramps up military drills around Taiwan following presidential election


'The security and prosperity of the Taiwan Strait region are closely related to global development and stability, and are obligations and responsibilities that all parties in the region must share,' Taiwan stated. 'The military will continue to strengthen its self-defence capabilities by enemy threats and self-defence needs, and respond to regional threats.' Continue...

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