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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: d70ad4a7cbc9d59⋯.png (8.03 KB,407x202,407:202,Clipboard.png)

5ae0ea No.116921 [View All]

/qresearch/ Canada

Re-Posts of notables

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5ae0ea No.131068

File: dc248411185edf7⋯.png (295.43 KB,497x670,497:670,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e084aa21d73824⋯.png (86.38 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.png)

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File: 0948418db393b44⋯.png (262.52 KB,498x708,83:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20213557 (091800ZJAN24) Notable: United Finds "Loose Bolts" On 737 Max Doors After Emergency Inspection

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United Finds "Loose Bolts" On 737 Max Doors After Emergency Inspection


Sources tell the aviation blog The Air Current that "loose bolts and other parts on 737 Max 9 plug doors" have been found after inspections following the Alaska Airlines mid-air mishap when a door ripped off the plane over Portland on Friday.

"The discrepant bolts and other parts on the plug doors have been found on at least five aircraft," the source said.

The Air Current noted, "The findings aboard the five United aircraft will likely significantly widen the fall-out from the grounding, intensifying the focus on Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems. The pair together is responsible for the assembly, installation and quality checks of the aircraft structure."

A United spokesperson confirmed the findings:

"Since we began preliminary inspections on Saturday, we have found instances that appear to relate to installation issues in the door plug – for example, bolts that needed additional tightening.

"These findings will be remedied by our Tech Ops team to safely return the aircraft to service."

There are 215 737 Max 9s in service across 11 major airlines. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131069

File: 03295e9e4d480f9⋯.png (1.63 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20213951 (091933ZJAN24) Notable: Argentinian president Javier Milei to attend World Economic Forum in Davos

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Argentinian president Javier Milei to attend World Economic Forum in Davos


Argentina’s economist Javier Milei has been to Davos before, but this year he’s returning for the first time as president.

Milei was announced Tuesday as one of more than 300 public figures to be attending the World Economic Forum’s flagship event in the Swiss alps.

It is not yet clear if Milei will be speaking. His name does not yet appear on the published agenda, but not all panels were complete when True North reviewed the public programme.

Milei, a libertarian, became the president of Argentina on December 10 and quickly brought about a sweeping set of reforms that included slashing the size of cabinet and banning government officials from describing anything paid for by taxpayers as “free.”

Milei campaigned on reining in inflation and righting Argentina’s economic course, but he was candid that this won’t be easy.

“There is no alternative to a shock adjustment,” Milei said after taking office. “There is no money.”

Milei spoke in Davos previously as an economist, before getting into politics two years ago.

Other public figures attending this year’s annual meeting include Chinese premier Li Qiang, French president Emmanuel Macron, and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The theme for the conference, which kicks off Monday, is “Rebuilding Trust.” Sessions on the official programme include discussions about where “freedom of expression is going,” “protecting the vulnerable online,” and “preparing for disease X,” a reference to a mystery diseases the World Health Organization claims could be more dangerous than COVID-19.

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5ae0ea No.131070

File: 38624c31198ee64⋯.png (947.39 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20214114 (092011ZJAN24) Notable: Federal spending on debt interest charges increases by 36.7%

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Federal spending on debt interest charges increases by 36.7%


Federal government spending on debt interest charges has increased by 36.7% in the third quarter of 2023, according to a report released Tuesday by Statistics Canada.

Franco Terrazzano, federal director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, has expressed serious concerns over the impact of these charges on Canadians.

“Taxpayers have every reason to believe this government isn’t serious about managing our money,” said Terrazzano.

While interest expenses incurred by the federal government increased by 36.7% year over year in the third quarter, the interest expenses of the provincial-territorial government grew by 10.7%.

The report showed that the federal government spent 10.1 cents of every taxpayer dollar to paying down interest. This ratio increased from the 7.9 cents spent per taxpayer dollar the year prior.

Terrazzano explained that taxpayers are losing billions of dollars every month as these funds can’t be used to lower taxes or improve services because that money is going towards paying interest on the government credit card.

“This should be a wake-up call for the feds,” he said, urging for a change in spending habits. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to put down the credit card and pick up some scissors.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131071

File: 5da7f777f71fdba⋯.png (4.07 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 53fe180cee0972e⋯.png (357.23 KB,542x736,271:368,Clipboard.png)

File: db19f0e1009725f⋯.png (220.65 KB,533x658,533:658,Clipboard.png)

File: 62d2ad3f6c1011d⋯.png (382.41 KB,542x737,542:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20214339 (092103ZJAN24) Notable: Bank of Canada quietly moves forward on digital currency

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Bank of Canada quietly moves forward on digital currency


In filings last December 13 and 19, the Bank of Canada asserted ownership of 'digital dollar,' 'digital Canadian dollar' and 'central bank digital currency' in both official languages under the Trademarks Act. They provided no reason at the time. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131072

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20214392 (092113ZJAN24) Notable: Trudeau government spent $500K on a bureaucrat gala (video)

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Trudeau government spent $500K on a bureaucrat gala


Franco Terrazzano, Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, joins The Ezra Levant Show to discuss the Trudeau Liberals' $500,000 expense for a glitzy bureaucrat gala. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131073

File: 7b853dd6f73694f⋯.png (659.69 KB,810x498,135:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20216341 (100155ZJAN24) Notable: Canadian cabinet minister allegedly received election backing from Communist China in 2019: report

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Canadian cabinet minister allegedly received election backing from Communist China in 2019: report


According to a recent testimony from three Canadian Security Intelligence Services sources, International Trade Minister Mary Ng was a person of interest among 11 candidates who allegedly received CCP support. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20217459 (100439ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / 5th epstein file batch dropped, patriots still clean

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LOL Awesome Karma

WSJ: Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis has been served a subpoena to testify in the divorce proceedings of her chief prosecutor overseeing the Trump case. Willis, allegedly involved in an inappropriate romantic relationship with lead prosecutor Nathan Wade.


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5ae0ea No.131075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20219855 (101645ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Journalist Reveals the Clinton-Connected Reason Why the ‘Big Fish’ Elites Who Visited Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’ Are Not Facing Charges

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WATCH: Journalist Reveals the Clinton-Connected Reason Why the ‘Big Fish’ Elites Who Visited Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’ Are Not Facing Charges


As Gateway Pundit readers know, TGP’s Cristina Laila has obtained several batches of documents over the past week, which reveal documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual abuse.

Several prominent people have been named in the documents so far, including Prince Andrew, Michael Jackson, Thomas Pritzker, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton. But nothing has happened to any of these individuals from a legal perspective.

Seamus Bruner, a journalist from Florida, has now revealed the reason why powerful figures who visited Epstein’s pedophile island will likely never see jail. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20219920 (101711ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Iran Warns Against US 'Adventurism' After Parking Cruise Missile-Armed Warship In Red Sea, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Iran Warns Against US 'Adventurism' After Parking Cruise Missile-Armed Warship In Red Sea


The Red Sea continues to grow busy with the presence of naval assets, as the West and its allies attempt to keep international shipping lanes open despite the threat of Houthi missiles and drones launched from Yemen. This has lately included nations such as Denmark, Pakistan and Sri Lanka sending military ships to regional waters as well.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken while meeting with Arab leaders over the weekend before he arrived in Israel Monday evening said, "These attacks are having a real effect on the prices that people have to pay for food, for medicine, for energy. Ships have to get diverted to other places. Insurance rates go up."

Maritime and industry analyst Sam Chambers has observed, "Over the weekend, the number of transits through the Suez Canal fell to the lowest since the waterway was blocked by the Ever Given containership in early 2021, according to Inchcape Shipping Services."

But amid the heavy presence Western coalition military ships, there is now an Iranian frigate parked in the Red Sea after its arrival starting nearly a week ago. "2024 was only a few hours old when Iran dispatched a warship, the frigate Alborz, to the Red Sea," FP recently noted. "Its arrival was yet more bad news for shipping, already facing a crisis from the Iran-backed Houthi attacks on merchant vessels."

Iran's Foreign Ministry has issued a new statement warning Israel and America against 'adventurism' which will expand war in the region: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20220235 (101841ZJAN24) Notable: Canadians cite complexity and unfairness as foremost concerns when it comes to taxes, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Canadians cite complexity and unfairness as foremost concerns when it comes to taxes


A new survey conducted by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) revealed that Canadians are frustrated with the tax system and its complexity.

The survey, which involved 25 focus groups across Canada, asked them to share their opinions and experiences with the tax system and the CRA. Sessions were held in Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and also online between June 5 and July 6, 2023. A total of 196 people were interviewed, including 85 taxpayers, 57 small businesses and 54 tax intermediaries.

The survey found that the most common word used to describe the tax system was “complex”, followed by other terms such as “confusing”, “complicated” and “difficult”.

Many participants also expressed a sense of unfairness in the tax system, using words such as “unfair”, “unjust”, “too high” and the middle-class being “overburdened” with the tax share.

Some participants pointed out that the tax system favours the wealthy and large corporations, who can exploit loopholes and avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

The survey also asked participants about their impressions of the CRA, which were more mixed and varied. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20220478 (101930ZJAN24) Notable: Edmonton police seize weapons from homeless encampment as removals continue, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Edmonton police seize weapons from homeless encampment as removals continue


Police in Edmonton have seized a cache of five dozen weapons while dismantling homeless encampments.

The Edmonton Police Service announced Tuesday the seizure of 60 weapons from Dawson Park, including 34 knives, 11 machetes, and 10 samurai swords along with pellet guns, axes, brass knuckles, and a collapsible baton.

The police used the seizure to underscore the escalating risks associated with the ballooning camps, which law enforcement have started to break down in the last week.

In addition to weapons, police officers have said that the camps are also dangerous due to fires, propane tanks, needles, and toxic drugs.

The photos of the weapons were shared to the Edmonton Police Services’ social media accounts two hours before officers were set to clear the eighth encampment deemed high risk by the city and the police. An injunction had previously stalled the encampment removals

Last month’s court order specified conditions for clearing eight encampments flagged as safety hazards, like ensuring adequate shelter space and giving a 48-hour notice to residents. Social agencies are also to be provided notice at “earliest convenience”. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131079

File: 371656db68a6fac⋯.png (716.45 KB,755x539,755:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20220806 (102031ZJAN24) Notable: Former president of northern B.C. pride organization charged with committing child-sex crimes

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NEW - President of a Canadian 'Pride' organization charged with committing child-sex crimes against children under 16, according to the B.C. Prosecution Service.


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5ae0ea No.131080

File: 7d60202840fd861⋯.png (850.71 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20220884 (102041ZJAN24) Notable: Canada prepares to launch public inquiry into China’s alleged election meddling

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Canada prepares to launch public inquiry into China’s alleged election meddling


The public inquiry, to be led by Conservative Judge Marie-Josée Hogue, comes after Justin Trudeau launched a failed investigation into allegations last year.

A public inquiry into alleged meddling in Canada’s two most recent federal elections by agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is set to start on January 29.

The investigation into allegations of CCP interference in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections will be led by Marie-Josée Hogue, a Conservative appointee to the Québec Court of Appeal.

The federal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been slow in responding to allegations of CCP election meddling after announcing on September 7, 2023, that it would be launching a public inquiry led by Hogue. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131081

File: 1f872fb825f2047⋯.png (190.06 KB,492x737,492:737,Clipboard.png)

File: f10a5cdfcdde47e⋯.png (121.62 KB,496x580,124:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 26786cb5b59dbb7⋯.png (450.14 KB,500x667,500:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d16adb7d1cee9a⋯.png (294.92 KB,500x315,100:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 7be04fb2f2c4f2b⋯.png (206 KB,500x385,100:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20226221 (111822ZJAN24) Notable: Iran Hijacks Oil Tanker In Gulf Of Oman

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Iran Hijacks Oil Tanker In Gulf Of Oman


Iranian naval forces, acting under a court order, seized Marshall Islands-flagged tanker "St Nikolas," Bloomberg reports, citing Iran's semi-official Tasnim agency reports. The report said St Nikolas is a "US oil tanker."

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5ae0ea No.131082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20227050 (112102ZJAN24) Notable: Former president of northern B.C. pride organization charged with committing child-sex crimes

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Here' the CBC article Disclose is quoting:

President of northern B.C. pride organization charged with committing child-sex crimes

Story by Moira Wyton CBC News · Posted: Jan 08, 2024

The president of a northern British Columbia pride organization has been arrested and charged with committing sex crimes against children under 16, according to the B.C. Prosecution Service.

The charges against Sean Gravells, 39, include touching a person under 16 for sexual purposes, sexual interference of a person under 16, possession of child pornography, and importing or distributing child pornography, BCPS spokesperson Dan McLaughlin told CBC News in an emailed statement on Monday.

The alleged offences all took place in or near Fort St. John, B.C., about 800 kilometres northeast of Vancouver, McLaughlin said. The interference and exploitation charges are for alleged offences on Dec. 29, 2023, while the child pornography charges occurred on Dec. 31, he added.

The allegations have not been tested or proven in court.

Gravells served as board president for the North Peace Pride Society (NPPS) since 2018, according to a now-deleted biography on the organization's website, but the NPPS says it recently removed him from the role.

In a statement on social media on Friday, NPPS said the board took "swift action" to remove a member who was arrested on Dec. 31 and is now facing "severe charges," but did not name the member.

"In response to the gravity of the charges, we have immediately removed this person from our board, emphasizing our commitment to our community's values," the post on NPPS's Facebook page read.

"We want to clarify that the society itself is not implicated in any charges; these are isolated to the individual."

The board member did not work directly with youth through the organization, the statement said. The NPPS added that any volunteers or board members working with youth need a criminal record check, a requirement the organization is now expanding to include all board members.

CBC News has contacted NPPS for further comment.

A spokesperson for Fort St. John RCMP declined a CBC News request to confirm the date and circumstances of Gravells' arrest, saying, "there is no information available for release at this time."

McLaughlin said Gravells appeared in provincial court in Fort St. John on Jan. 1 and his arraignment hearing is scheduled for Jan. 29.


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5ae0ea No.131083

File: 11d6349c4ba4cfe⋯.png (891.88 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20227488 (112212ZJAN24) Notable: LEVY: Olivia Chow makes her socialist fantasies a reality with Toronto’s budget

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LEVY: Olivia Chow makes her socialist fantasies a reality with Toronto’s budget


Toronto voters — at least a small group of woke fools — asked for it and they got it.

Fresh from her incompetent mishandling of the pro-Hamas apologists, who’ve hijacked Toronto with their vitriolic protests over the past three months, socialist mayor Olivia Chow introduced her 2024 budget with a 10.5% tax hike Tuesday.

I wish I could say I’m surprised. But I knew from years of watching her that this tax-and-spend politician, who’s always lived off the public teat, would be terrible for Toronto’s bottom line.

And I guess her equally incompetent predecessor, John Tory, kind of set the stage in 2022 with his 7% tax hike. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131084

File: fb857ecbfdde8ba⋯.png (848.63 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 629aef485d76812⋯.png (580.98 KB,547x803,547:803,Clipboard.png)

File: ea3258ab6ea41c7⋯.png (247.04 KB,543x806,543:806,Clipboard.png)

File: db4b861fc69433e⋯.png (135.88 KB,541x660,541:660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20227731 (112257ZJAN24) Notable: Conservative MP demands ethics investigation into Trudeau’s Jamaican holiday

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Conservative MP demands ethics investigation into Trudeau’s Jamaican holiday


Conservative MP and ethics critic Michael Barrett is urging the interim Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, Konrad Winrich von Finckenstein, to probe Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s lavish vacation in Jamaica.

Barrett wrote in a letter raising serious ethical concerns over Trudeau’s stay at a luxury estate owned by a family friend, businessman Peter Green.

Barrett, in the letter to von Finckenstein, questioned the Prime Minister’s stay in Jamaica. The estate where Trudeau stayed, known for its high rental costs, was provided to Trudeau and his family free of charge.

“But the Prime Minister was hardly staying in a friend’s guest room over the Christmas holidays. Quite the contrary. The National Post reports that the Prime Minister stayed at the luxurious Prospect Estate in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Specifically, the Post found that the Prime Minister was staying at the opulent ‘Frankfort’ villa,” Barrett wrote.

“It is quite clear that the Frankfort villa has a defined commercial value, and that the corporate owners of Prospect Estate would be forgoing substantial revenue by letting the Prime Minister stay at the resort free of charge. As such, it is quite apparent that we are talking about a gift – and a very substantial gift at that,” he further emphasized.

Barrett highlighted the disparity between the gift’s value and the average Canadian’s income, saying, “For context, the estimated $84,000 commercial value for the Prime Minister’s nine nights of accommodation is greater than Canada’s median household income of $70,332.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131085

File: 8861834f007ffa2⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20228538 (120101ZJAN24) Notable: Protests Bun / Nearly 100k B.C. students absent from school during Million March protest

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Nearly 100k B.C. students absent from school during Million March protest


Close to 100,000 British Columbia students were absent from public schools on the day of a nationwide parental rights protest last year.

New freedom of information documents reveal that 96,872 students – or 16% overall, were absent Sept. 20, 2023, the day of the 1 Million March 4 Children.

The data reveal that the 1 Million March movement was most concentrated in the cities of Surrey and Abbotsford, which are approximately 40 minutes and 1 hour outside of Vancouver, respectively.

In Surrey, 18,464 of the district’s 80,208 students were absent during the walkouts, amounting to a 23% absentee rate.

Meanwhile, a whopping 37% of Abbotsford’s K-12 public school population was absent, or 7,598 of 20,551 total.

The Canada-wide marches were initially organized by Muslim parents who were growing increasingly disillusioned with school teachings on gender and sexuality.

In Surrey and Abbotsford, it is largely the Punjabi community taking charge of the parental rights movement. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131086

File: ce0d73a067cd6af⋯.png (4.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20229196 (120311ZJAN24) Notable: Expected surge in Canada's poverty rate this spring

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Expected surge in Canada's poverty rate this spring


'The effects of high inflation are anticipated to be reflected in poverty statistics for 2022, expected to be released in the spring of 2024,' stated the Food Insecurity note. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131087

File: b1fdd33ed71b7a4⋯.png (300.35 KB,1022x572,511:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20231440 (121603ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / US and UK Strike Dozens of Houthi Military targets in Yemen

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US and UK Strike Dozens of Houthi Military targets in Yemen


The US and UK carry out airstrikes against Houthis in Yemen.

The U.S. Central Command released the following statement on X:

On Jan. 11 at 2:30 a.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command forces, in coordination with the United Kingdom, and support from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and Bahrain conducted joint strikes on Houthi targets to degrade their capability to continue their illegal and reckless attacks on U.S. and international vessels and commercial shipping in the Red Sea. This multinational action targeted radar systems, air defense systems, and storage and launch sites for one way attack unmanned aerial systems, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20231577 (121627ZJAN24) Notable: Warsaw Demand Release of Polish Political Prisoners - President Duda Vows to Pardon the 2 MPs AGAIN

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Warsaw Demand Release of Polish Political Prisoners – President Duda Vows to Pardon the 2 MPs AGAIN


Tens of thousands of Polish citizens have taken to the streets of capital Warsaw to demand the release of the two ‘political prisoners’ held illegally by Globalist Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

The dramatic arrest of the two MPs – former Home Affairs Minister Mariusz Kamiński and his deputy Maciej Wąsik – inside the Presidential Palace, have set fire to the tense political situation in the Eastern European country.

Both men had already been pardoned by President Andrej Duda. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131089

File: d67258464ec81be⋯.png (421.67 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: d6369a262d79650⋯.png (454.17 KB,634x425,634:425,Clipboard.png)

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File: 682a00c4c448cff⋯.png (516 KB,634x427,634:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20231900 (121740ZJAN24) Notable: The end looms for Justin Trudeau: Canadian PM plummets in the polls as 70% disapprove of him while CBC warns he needs a new message and conservative rival gains momentum

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The end looms for Justin Trudeau: Canadian PM plummets in the polls as 70% disapprove of him while CBC warns he needs a new message and conservative rival gains momentum


Justin Trudeau's ailing political popularity could spell trouble for the Liberal party in the next election as rival leader Pierre Poilievre picks up steam

Polls show Trudeau's approval rating plummeting as economic challenges hammer Canada's middle class, who Trudeau once swore he would bolster

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is fighting for his political future as his disapproval rate plummets and observers say he desperately needs a new narrative.

Trudeau and his Liberal party sit ten points behind Conservatives in the polls, a gap that may only widen as Canadians grow increasingly dissatisfied with the economic forecast.

On popular Canadian Broadcasting Corporation podcast the Front Burner, journalist Aaron Wherry said Trudeau is in urgent need of a 'branding and marketing guru' to counter the growing popularity of Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre.

Poilievre, the longtime MP and official opposition leader since 2022, has taken ahold of the 'hope agenda,' according to Wherry, that so invigorated Canadians when Trudeau first sezied upon it in 2015.

A cost of living crisis that includes massive inflation, soaring grocery prices, rising mortgage and rental rates, and a housing crises have guided Poilievre toward the message that 'Canada is broken.' Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131090

File: 890b4e1e945ce0c⋯.png (745.64 KB,700x451,700:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20233604 (122339ZJAN24) Notable: Calgary named GOAT in global tech start-ups in 2023

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Calgary named GOAT in global tech start-ups in 2023


A strong tech sector means a strong economy,”

Technology and Innovation Minister Nate Glubish

The UCP government is taking credit for diversifying Alberta’s economy after Calgary was named the 12th-fastest growing technology ‘ecosystem’ in the world and best place in Canada to start a tech-based business.

On Friday, international ranking firms StartupBlink and Startup Genome followed peer Pitchbook’s ranking of Calgary as the 12th fastest-growing technology ecosystem in the world in November.

Deloitte also ranked several Calgary-based companies in their Top 50 fastest-growing list, including Neo Financial as the top fastest-growing company to watch, among others such as geothermal energy company Eavor, PurposeMed and ZayZoon.

That prompted Technology and Innovation Minister Nate Glubish to gloat that the UCP government’s pro-business policies are “making Alberta the best place in Canada to be an innovator or start a tech business.”

“Alberta’s tech sector is booming. Technology is not just an industry, it is the future of all industries and as a rising tide lifts all boats. A strong tech sector means a strong economy,” he said in a news release. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131091

File: 10f70bf753af5e0⋯.png (1016.59 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20237689 (131917ZJAN24) Notable: Groceries in Trudeau’s Canada are so expensive that they’re driving up the poverty rate

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Groceries in Trudeau’s Canada are so expensive that they’re driving up the poverty rate


The seemingly ever rising food prices come amid Trudeau's ongoing carbon tax, which has been projected to cost farmers $1 billion by 2030.

Groceries in Canada have become so expensive that Canada’s poverty rate is expected to rise this spring.

According to a Department of Social Development briefing note published January 11 by Blacklock’s Reporter, the poverty rate in Canada is expected to rise this spring thanks to a 14 percent increase in food prices across the country this year.

“The rising cost of food will be reflected in Canada’s poverty rates,” the note said. “As food prices increase poverty thresholds are likely to follow.”

“This could impact poverty rates in Canada in the coming years,” it warned. “The impact of high inflation will be reflected in poverty statistics for 2022 expected to be released in the spring of 2024.”

While Canada’s tax-free Canada Child Benefit to help struggling families served to lower national poverty rates from 14.5 percent in 2016 to as low as 6.5 percent in 2020, the rising food prices are driving the poverty rate back up to 7.4 percent in 2021.

According to the briefing note, an estimated 13 percent of Canadians have “food insecurity” compared to 11 percent in 2020. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131092

File: 91b8a531511561b⋯.png (752.38 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20242738 (141726ZJAN24) Notable: The Hunt for Viktor Orbán - 120 Globalist European Lawmakers Want To Punish Hungary, Take Away Its Voting Rights in the EU

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The Hunt for Viktor Orbán – 120 Globalist European Lawmakers Want To Punish Hungary, Take Away Its Voting Rights in the EU


The years-long political struggle between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the European Union seems to be coming to a head.

Conservative champion Orbán is hated with a passion by Brussels for the very same reasons that make us care for him – defense of family values, of a national culture, rejection of Climate Alarmist lunacy and suicidal unchecked mass migration – oh, yes, and the icing on the cake: refusal to finance the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

The Hungarian PM is also not fond of the EU as it stands now, as we can learn from his already classic assessment:

“Today, things pop up that remind us of the Soviet times. Yes, it happens that history repeats itself. Fortunately, what once was tragedy is now a comedy at best. Brussels is not Moscow. Moscow was a tragedy. Brussels is just a bad contemporary parody.”

And so it happens that a group of EU lawmakers want to punish Hungary by moving one step closer to suspending Budapest’s vote in the bloc.

Reuters reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131093

File: 42974a68fba6633⋯.png (787.54 KB,1200x2500,12:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20243036 (141841ZJAN24) Notable: Where NATO Defense Expenditure Stands

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Where NATO Defense Expenditure Stands


The concept that NATO countries should spend 2 percent of their GDP on defense was debuted in 2014 and by 2024, members of the military alliance should technically have "moved towards" or beyond this goal.

While the definition as agreed upon during NATO's Wales summit 10 years ago is vague, the 2-percent target has nevertheless been considered a hallmark of NATO's success as well as a point of contention within the organization and in public discourse.

However, as Statista's Katharina Buchholz reports, according to data released as of July 1, the number of NATO countries which have reached or exceeded the spending level was only 11 out of 30 members with armed forces. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131094

File: ea8bd074e37dc7d⋯.png (203.03 KB,360x597,120:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fd7ecd091b2c52⋯.png (55.52 KB,732x387,244:129,Clipboard.png)

File: cf492c2a777fade⋯.png (221.47 KB,342x767,342:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20243088 (141853ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Western Brands Boycott Calls Intensify After US Jets Bomb Yemen

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Western Brands Boycott Calls Intensify After US Jets Bomb Yemen


Social media users are pressing ahead for continued boycotts of Western brands as the US and its allies pound Yemen with air strikes and missiles to neutralize Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

"Boycott these brands that support the invasion of Yemen," X user Naila Ayad said in a post viewed more than 1.6 million times. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131095

File: fe3dd4d3e6904d3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20243341 (141949ZJAN24) Notable: Constitutional group launches free course to inform Canadians about their rights

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Constitutional group launches free course to inform Canadians about their rights


The Canadian Constitution Foundation is offering a new online course about Canada’s constitution and the right to freedom of expression to all members of the public for free, according to the constitutional rights group’s website.

“Freedom of expression is fundamentally important to the functioning of democracy and requires a strong understanding by the citizenry. It is through freedom of expression that we define the contours of all our other rights. Without these guarantees, governments would be free to act unopposed, and their policies, including unjust policies, would be uncontested,” said executive director Joanna Baron.

The course involves a series of video lectures followed by quizzes. Once the course is complete, students will receive a personalized digital certificate, which can be shared and printed.

The course was created by some of Canada’s leading constitutional lawyers and scholars, who collaborated over the last several months, the Canadian Constitution Foundation said.

The organization said topics include “the constitutional framework for freedom of expression political expression, compelled speech, the philosophical underpinnings of freedom of expression, major freedom of expression cases on issues from hate speech to defamation to pornography, as well as unexplored areas of freedom of expression, including the rights to thought, belief and opinion as well as press freedom.”

The Canadian Constitution Foundation is a registered charity that aims to defend Canadians’ constitutional rights and freedoms in courts of law and public opinion. One of its higher profile cases is a challenge against the federal government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to address the Freedom Convoy.

Baron said there is a constitutional literacy problem in Canada, which she hopes the course will address.

“Without an understanding of how our constitution functions and how our rights are guaranteed, Canadians are poorly positioned to protect themselves against government overreach,” she said. “There is a lot of misunderstanding about our constitution and the right to freedom of expression, and public education is a core part of our mandate. That’s why we created this free course.”

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5ae0ea No.131096

File: 8bfc51b67880bc9⋯.png (91.2 KB,768x430,384:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20245344 (151500ZJAN24) Notable: Polish PM Tusk Doubles Down on Chasing Adversaries, Vows To Ignore Judicial Decision in Order To Prosecute Former Central Bank Governor

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Polish PM Tusk Doubles Down on Chasing Adversaries, Vows To Ignore Judicial Decision in Order To Prosecute Former Central Bank Governor


Poland is still reeling from the monster demonstrations for the release of the (already pardoned) political prisoners that were illegally arrested INSIDE THE PRESIDENTIAL PALACE, but the new Prime Minister Donald Tusk has already moved ahead relentlessly in his vendetta against prominent officials from the former government.

Worse, Tusk now makes it even clearer that he isn’t about to be constrained by judicial decisions that may be contrary to his liking.

Case in point: the Constitutional Tribunal (TK) has issued a ruling that prevents Tusk’s coalition from putting central bank governor Adam Glapiński on trial.

Notes from Poland reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131097

File: 7329c7aeaf99f02⋯.png (1.16 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20245626 (151617ZJAN24) Notable: Beijing Fails to Sway Taiwan Election Amid War Threats. What Comes Next?

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Beijing Fails to Sway Taiwan Election Amid War Threats. What Comes Next?


Experts offer insights into the future of US–China relations post-election.

WASHINGTON—Saturday’s Taiwan election, seen as one of the most significant in recent history, has captured the world’s attention due to its far-reaching implications for U.S.–China relations.

Many in the international community have seen the election as a referendum on the island’s sentiment toward communist China and the United States.

When the news broke early on Jan. 13 that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which favors stronger ties with the United States, had won the presidency for another four years, attention shifted to the White House.

A few hours later, President Joe Biden stepped out of his residence, broke from his routine, and took some questions from reporters before heading to Camp David for his weekend retreat.

As expected, the first question directed at him was his reaction to Taiwan’s election.

This time, the president exercised caution, mindful of his previous remarks, which had enraged Beijing. He offered a brief comment: “We do not support independence.”

Later, the U.S. State Department issued a statement congratulating current Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te, the DPP candidate also known as William Lai, on his victory in the presidential election.

“The United States is committed to maintaining cross-Strait peace and stability and the peaceful resolution of differences, free from coercion and pressure,” the statement reads.

Leaders in Congress and many U.S. lawmakers also released statements welcoming Mr. Lai’s historic win. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131098

File: 9ff494adadcaefb⋯.png (831.86 KB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20245984 (151733ZJAN24) Notable: Alberta’s record high oil output edges out China’s total production in 2022

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Alberta’s record high oil output edges out China’s total production in 2022


Oil production in Alberta rose above four million barrels a day for the first time last November, as companies get ready to fulfil what will be the largest new export pipeline in over a decade.

According to the Alberta Energy Regulator’s website, total oil production shot up by 336,822 barrels per day, bringing it to a total daily of 4.16 million, the highest on record since 2010.

Over the first 11 months of 2022, Alberta’s output averaged 3.79 million barrels per day, according to BNN Bloomberg.

The expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline, which runs from Alberta out to B.C.’s Pacific coast is scheduled to begin this year.

This has led to a surge in production, as companies prepare for what will now allow them to export an additional 590,000 barrels daily.

Alberta is home to the third largest reserve of crude oil-sands deposits, and the province produced more oil than all but four other countries last November.

The province even outpaced China’s average output in 2022.

Including the other provinces, Canada is now the world’s fourth-largest oil producer.

U.S. crude production is predicted to grow by 2.2% this year as well, bringing its total output to 13.2 million barrels per day, according to the Energy Information Administration.

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5ae0ea No.131099

File: 27d99dff62738e0⋯.png (618.9 KB,640x479,640:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 1735c41d8b3677c⋯.png (1.58 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

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File: 9f43564684bf944⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x556,256:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20247271 (152102ZJAN24) Notable: Protests Bun / 10,000 Expected at Tractor Protest Against German Government as Truckers Join Rebels

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10,000 Expected at Tractor Protest Against German Government as Truckers Join Rebels


Monday is to be the biggest day yet for German anti-government protesters as thousands of tractors and now truckers are expected in Berlin as the workers who keep society fed and clothed push back against the green agenda.

German Police attempted to limit the impact of a huge protest against the coalition government’s anti-agriculture policies on Monday, saying they had set a hard limit on the number of vehicles permitted to attend. Officers on the outskirts of the city have been stopping muckspreaders and turning them around, preventing tractors towing loads of manure from entering Berlin, reports the Berliner Morgenpost. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131100

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20252439 (161736ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Explosions Rock US Consulate in Erbil, Iraq - Iran Claims Responsibility – Feeble Joe Biden Calls an Early Lid

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Explosions Rock US Consulate in Erbil, Iraq – Iran Claims Responsibility – Feeble Joe Biden Calls an Early Lid


Joe Biden called a lid early Monday afternoon and went into hiding after a brief stop at a Philly food bank.

Biden on Monday returned from his weekend vacation in Camp David and traveled to Philadelphia to serve food at Philabundance, a hunger relief organization for MLK Jr. Day.

Biden barely made it through his visit. He shuffled around the room and sounded like a toddler as he bragged about Jill Biden.

After spending an hour or so at the food bank, Biden headed back to the White House.

Iranian IRGC Commanders and advisers are reportedly ON THE GROUND in Yemen directing the attack on ships.

Additionally, explosions were reported near a US consulate in Iraq.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard took responsibility for the attack. Four people died in the explosions, ABC News reported.

Arabic media reported 6 explosions using missiles and drones.

Biden is completely shot and can barely make it through the day and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is working from home after he was just discharged from a two-week hospital stay.

Sleep well, America.

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5ae0ea No.131101

File: 4ad6d493d71b37e⋯.png (300.5 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20252941 (161912ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun / Europe's Big Powers Back Out Of US-Led Bombing Campaign Of Yemen

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Europe's Big Powers Back Out Of US-Led Bombing Campaign Of Yemen


Europe is divided over the US-UK bombing of Yemen, one of the world's poorest countries, as Italy, Spain, and France have refused to take part in the operation...

Washington and London carried out late-night strikes on Yemen Thursday evening, which targeted several areas of the country, including the capital, Sanaa.

The US and UK are seeking to target Yemen's Ansarallah-led forces for their efforts to target Israeli-linked ships in the Red Sea in response to Israel's brutal bombing campaign in Gaza, which many view as genocide.

The US-UK strikes were supported by Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Korea, and Bahrain, who all signed a joint statement backing the bombing.

However, Europe's major powers, France, Italy, and Spain, refused to take part in the strikes and declined to sign the statement in support of them. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131102

File: 2a0ef9aea8a1955⋯.png (701.26 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 92347bf62266497⋯.png (71.71 KB,802x471,802:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20253509 (162106ZJAN24) Notable: Chinese embassy scolds Canada for its remarks on Taiwan election

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Chinese embassy scolds Canada for its remarks on Taiwan election


The Chinese embassy in Canada has expressed its dismay regarding Canada’s acknowledgement and congratulations to Taiwan, following the country’s recent elections.

“Canada congratulates the people of #Taiwan on the conclusion of their recent elections. Guided by the pillars of #democracy, #humanrights & #peace, Canada looks forward to advance its people-to-people, science, trade & investment ties,” wrote Canada’s Foreign Policy account on X. Its initiatives are led by Global Affairs Canada.

The Chinese embassy said it was “strongly dissatisfied” and “firmly opposed” to Canada’s foreign ministry for congratulating Taiwan on its presidential election.

Additionally, the embassy urged Canada to “recognise the highly sensitive nature of the Taiwan issue… and immediately stop its ’wrong’ words.”

China’s position on Taiwan has been blunt and unwavering, perceiving the island to be a breakaway province from the mainland country and not an independent nation.

Therefore, the embassy views any recognition of Taiwan’s sovereignty to be a diplomatic disapproval of Beijing’s authority. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131103

File: f92f9f3e59ea506⋯.png (1.31 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20253605 (162128ZJAN24) Notable: Inflation up to 3.4% in December: StatsCan

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Inflation up to 3.4% in December: StatsCan


Canada’s annual inflation rate increased to 3.4% in December after remaining stable at 3.1% for October and November, according to data released on Tuesday from Statistics Canada.

The cost of fuel, rent, air travel and passenger vehicles were responsible for the increase last month.

Prices at the grocery store also went up by 4.7% compared to last year, the same rate increase as November.

The 3.4% increase was “largely the result of higher year-over-year prices for gasoline in December compared with November,” reads the release.

A drop in gas prices helped to bring inflation down last month, but they were even lower in December 2022, leading to what is known as the “base-year effect,” where comparing present figures to the previous year shows a wider gap. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131104

File: c80c26a02317c49⋯.png (1.14 MB,1068x561,356:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20253690 (162146ZJAN24) Notable: Rachel Notley steps down, sparks leadership race in Alberta NDP

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Rachel Notley steps down, sparks leadership race in Alberta NDP


The leader of Alberta’s NDP and former premier, Rachel Notley, has announced her resignation, initiating a leadership race within the party.

After months of speculation, Notley announced her intention to resign as leader of the Alberta NDP at a news conference in Edmonton on Tuesday.

“I’m not going to lead the party into the next election,” she said, according to the Calgary Herald. “I will be stepping down as leader once the party chooses a new leader.”

Notley’s decision comes after serving as the NDP leader since 2014 and serving as the Premier of Alberta from 2015 to 2019. Notley has served as an NDP member since 2008.

Notley carried out her family legacy as leader of the NDP. Her father, Grant Notley, was a former NDP leader and passed away in a plane crash in 1984.

After announcing her retirement Tuesday morning in a speech to NDP caucus members, Notley said she would remain as leader of the party while the party conducted a leadership race.

The Tuesday announcement comes amid poor polling and two straight losses to majority United Conservative Party (UCP) governments. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20253784 (162203ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun / Watch as Ezra Levant pummels Bill Gates Foundation President about Gates & Jeffrey Epstein (video)

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TENSE: Watch as Ezra Levant pummels Bill Gates Foundation President about Gates & Jeffrey Epstein


'Don't you think you have an obligation to be transparent?' Levant asked the Gates Foundation President. 'I don't think I'm asking any questions that you haven't heard before. I bet you have answers to all my questions. Why don't you just clear the air on some of these things?' Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131106

File: a5b07b4315aadb9⋯.png (54.16 KB,390x170,39:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 3880798976ed01a⋯.png (681.09 KB,1202x628,601:314,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e655d001c6f270⋯.png (1.3 MB,1140x641,1140:641,Clipboard.png)

File: c94222c0c949f8c⋯.png (418.55 KB,648x754,324:377,Clipboard.png)

File: f54599bc073c5de⋯.png (301.91 KB,757x511,757:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20254907 (170115ZJAN24) Notable: Hunger Games: World Bank And Cargill Simulated Food Crisis That Starts In 2020 During Pandemic, Predicts Carbon And Meat Taxes In 2024

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Hunger Games: World Bank And Cargill Simulated Food Crisis That Starts In 2020 During Pandemic, Predicts Carbon And Meat Taxes In 2024


The simulation also predicted the collapse of Ukraine by 2023, and anticipated the radical changes worldwide to be the “new normal.”

In 2015, the World Bank and Cargill – the largest privately held company in the United States in terms of revenue, distributing a large number of popular food and agricultural commodities – conducted a simulation event that examined what world governments would do if and when food shortages, famine, and supply chain disruptions occurred. The simulation ultimately predicted that by 2024 meat and carbon taxes would be implemented in Western nations, among other things.

This simulation has essentially been scrubbed from Cargill and the World Bank’s websites, but fortunately some traces of it are still available and critical documentation was archived, for an event that has been practically lost to the sands of time, until now.

The event, known as the “Food Chain Reaction: A Global Food Security Game,” was conducted on November 9-10th, 2015 in Washington, DC; and was described as a “simulation and role-playing exercise intended to improve understanding of how governments, institutions, and private sector interests might interact to address a crisis in the global food system.” Other groups such as The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), along with the Center for American Progress (CAP) and Mars Inc., including a number of NGOs, stakeholders, think tanks and experts also participated.

CAP launched in 2003 as a Democratic alternative to conservative think tanks, founded by John Podesta, who was an influential character during the Obama administration and campaign manager for Hilary Clinton in 2016. He was also the U.S. representative to the United Nations High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which would later lead to the creation of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Podesta came under immense scrutiny that year when Wikileaks exposed a number of private emails involving collusion and corruption within the government, along with beliefs that he was involved in a pedophile ring codenamed “pizzagate.”

The simulation itself was designed by the Washington-based Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), which also designs war game simulations for the U.S. Department of Defense, and was therefore framed “with the same degree of realism the U.S. military requires,” Cargill said in one of its press releases.

The simulation is very much reminiscent of other identical global simulations, such as the infamous Event 201 in 2019 that predicted a novel coronavirus pandemic would sweep the world, with all these actions taken in response to Covid-19 being predicted in the event.

Food Crisis Begins In 2020, During A Pandemic

And speaking of a pandemic, that’s exactly how and when this simulation begins: “disease” and a raft of calamities sends supply chains into a tailspin. According to the premise of their simulation, the scenario is this: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20255598 (170312ZJAN24) Notable: Epstein Bun

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Updated Epstein Bun

>>131004 Attorney Arick Fudali says the Jeffrey Epstein list is 'ready to go' and says he is “not sure what they’re waiting for” when it comes to releasing the documents

>>131005 Epstein List Delayed as Court Grants “Doe 107” a 30-Day Extension to Submit Evidence Regarding Allegations of Physical Harm and Hate Mail

>>131006 Trump-Hating “Comedian” Jimmy Kimmel FLIPS OUT After New York Jets Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Teases that He is on Jeffrey Epstein’s Client List

>>131007 Jeffrey Epstein list won’t be made public until at least January 22: report

>>131012, >>131013 It's here - the unsealing Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433)

>>131014 Epstein docs, all 2000 pages, on scribd https://www.scribd.com/document/421585825/UNSEALED-Epstein-Docs-2000-Pages

>>131015 Epstein docs, 943 pages, documentcloud https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24253239-1324-epstein-documents-943-pages

>>131016 Epstein docs feature big names: Prince Andrew, Dershowitz, ex-FBI Director Freeh

>>131017 Gateway Pundit has all 37 pdfs in one place and easy to download https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/breaking-here-are-epstein-documents-released-tonight/

>>131019 Investigator and Attorney Mike Cernovich: Jeffrey Epstein Was an Asset of the FBI

>>131020 Billionaire Hyatt Hotels Executive Chairman Thomas Pritzker from the Leftist Pritzker Family Named in Epstein Case Documents

>>131021 “Clinton Likes Them Young” - Wild Bill (DOE 36) Named Numerous Times in Epstein Documents Which Reveal His Alleged Sick Appetite for Girls

>>131022 Cache of Unsealed Docs Detail How Ghislaine Maxwell Used “Kissing Game” to Coax “Very Girlish” Minor Teens to Pleasure Jeffrey Epstein

>>131023 Epstein Documents CONFIRM Donald Trump NEVER Went to Epstein Homes or Pedo Island - Never Had Contact with Witness

>>131024 Victim Describes How Prince Andrew Grabbed Her Breast - Epstein Brags About Taking Girl’s Virginity – “The Girl by the Pool”

>>131025 Epstein Documents in pdf form, first one is all together

>>131026 Epstein Docs put Glenn and Eva Dubin Back on the Spotlight - Former Butler Rizzo’s deposition Tells of Terrified ‘Abducted’ Girl and Underage Girls in a ‘Kissing Game’

>>131031 New Cache of Epstein Docs Unsealed: Minor Victim Trafficked to “Prominent American Politicians” to “Obtain Potential Blackmail Information”

>>131032 Megyn Kelly Says ‘You May Hear from Jeffrey Epstein in the Coming Year Directly’

>>131033 New Documents Reveal Bill Clinton Allegedly Stormed into Vanity Fair’s Office and Threatened Staff if They Wrote Sex Trafficking Stories Against His “Good Friend” Jeffrey Epstein

>>131034 “Most People Understand That Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” - Tucker Carlson Interview: Mark Epstein Reveals Inside Info About His Brother’s ‘Suicide’

>>131035 Bill Clinton Spotted in Mexico as Tranche of Epstein Docs Reveal Former Prez ‘Likes Them Young’

>>131037, >>131038 Shows pics of Epstein with a blonde little girl at Disney and on a flight (face blurred), according to Sommers, the young girl in the photo asleep in Epstein’s lap has been identified as the daughter of Eva and Glenn Dubin (mp4)

>>131040 Another 36 documents just filed

>>131042 Press for Truth: Third Batch of Epstein Documents Released Continues Distraction From The FBI’s confiscated tapes (video)

>>131043 Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump

>>131044 Third Round of Epstein Documents Unsealed: Computers Removed From Epstein Palm Beach Mansion Before FBI Conducted Search

>>131045 Top Nikki Haley, E Jean Carroll, & Fusion GPS Backer Was Epstein Island Visitor

>>131046 Hillary Clinton Named in the Latest Epstein Documents Release

>>131049 Court Docs Show Model Who Jumped to Her Death Flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s Jet as a Teen

>>131050 Ghislaine Maxwell went to Chelsea Clinton's wedding while skipping deposition in Epstein case

>>131051 Epstein Files: Sarah Kellen Mentioned as Scheduling Girls’ Massages, Instructing and Teaching Them to Please Sex Offender, Enforcing His Will on Those Who Rebelled

>>131056 Hillary Clinton’s name appears in Epstein docs as lawyers suggest Clinton Foundation may have funded Ghislaine Maxwell

>>131058, >>131060 Richard Branson and Bill Clinton named in the latest Jeffrey Epstein documents

>>131059 Comedian Jim Gaffigan Calls Out Hollywood P*dophiles at the Golden Globes

>>131074 5th epstein file batch dropped, patriots still clean

>>131075 Journalist Reveals the Clinton-Connected Reason Why the ‘Big Fish’ Elites Who Visited Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’ Are Not Facing Charges

>>131105 Watch as Ezra Levant pummels Bill Gates Foundation President about Gates & Jeffrey Epstein (video)

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5ae0ea No.131108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20255603 (170313ZJAN24) Notable: Houthis and Red Sea Bun

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Updated Houthis and Red Sea Bun

>>130995, >>130999, >>131000 U.S. Navy Engages in Fight with Houthis, Sinking Three Boats and Killing Crews

>>130998 Lindsey Graham Urges Biden To Blow Iran "Off The Map" Over Red Sea Attacks

>>131001 UK preparing to attack Houthis - The Times

>>131076 Iran Warns Against US 'Adventurism' After Parking Cruise Missile-Armed Warship In Red Sea

>>131087 US and UK Strike Dozens of Houthi Military targets in Yemen

>>131094 Western Brands Boycott Calls Intensify After US Jets Bomb Yemen

>>131100 Explosions Rock US Consulate in Erbil, Iraq - Iran Claims Responsibility – Feeble Joe Biden Calls an Early Lid

>>131101 Europe's Big Powers Back Out Of US-Led Bombing Campaign Of Yemen

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5ae0ea No.131109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20255612 (170314ZJAN24) Notable: Protests Bun

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Updated Protests Bun

>>131003 Peter Sweden: IT"S SPREADING - Massive Farmers Protest in Germany

>>131011 Lawyer behind $300 million lawsuit against Freedom Convoy outraged that anti-Israel protesters face fines for noise violations in Ottawa

>>131028 Freedom Convoy leaders' trial set to resume this week after long break

>>131085 Nearly 100k B.C. students absent from school during Million March protest

>>131099 10,000 Expected at Tractor Protest Against German Government as Truckers Join Rebels

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5ae0ea No.131110

File: 00c15ec56f87ba7⋯.png (1.86 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20261283 (180544ZJAN24) Notable: Canada drastically reduces number of student permits to Indians - Reuters

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Canada drastically reduces number of student permits to Indians – Reuters


Relations between New Delhi and Ottawa have soured following the murder of a Sikh activist

The number of student permits issued by Canada to Indians has decreased significantly since September, Reuters reported on Tuesday. This comes amid a diplomatic row between the countries over the assassination of a Sikh activist in Vancouver.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau linked the murder to the Indian government. New Delhi dismissed the allegations, calling them “absurd.”

According to the Reuters report, the number of student permits issued to Indians in the fourth quarter of last year dropped by 86%, from 108,940 in the previous quarter to just 14,910. The decline was recorded after New Delhi expelled 41 Canadian diplomats who could have processed the student applications, the report says. Additionally, fewer students are said to have applied due to uncertainties amid the diplomatic spat.

The row broke out in September last year after Trudeau alleged that India played a role in the assassination of pro-Khalistan activist Hardeep Nijjar in a suburb near Vancouver last June. The Khalistan movement, which is seen as a grave security threat by India, seeks the creation of a separate homeland for the minority Sikh community to be carved out of the country. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131111

File: 91799a1df4baf95⋯.png (201.57 KB,764x430,382:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20262278 (181400ZJAN24) Notable: Christian Persecution Surging, Worst Offender Kills Believers ‘Outright’

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Christian Persecution Surging, Worst Offender Kills Believers ‘Outright’


‘Most of us can’t imagine what it’s like to live in fear for our very lives because of our faith’

Open Doors US, working under its worldwide name, Open Doors International, to provide food, medicine, trauma care, legal help, safe housing and spiritual support for Christians, has released its newest World Watch List of persecution of Christians.

And it stunningly reveals that some five million Christians were added to the list of those facing “high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith” in just the last year.

A year ago that total was 360 million; now it’s 365 million.

“This means that 1 in 7 Christians experience pressure or violence because of their faith in Jesus,” the report said. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20262673 (181632ZJAN24) Notable: At Least 9 Killed After Pakistan Launches Retaliatory Airstrikes In Iran

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At Least 9 Killed After Pakistan Launches Retaliatory Airstrikes In Iran


In the early hours of Thursday, Pakistan's air force responded to Iran's prior cross-border ballistic missile attack against a Sunni militant group believed behind the Kerman city suicide bombings, launching fresh retaliatory strikes against alleged Iranian militant hideouts. Pakistan's leadership has been seething angry over Iran's "unprovoked violation of its airspace" on Tuesday.

Pakistan's new drone and rocket attack killed at least nine people, according to The Associated Press, in an operation that Pakistan's foreign ministry described as "a series of highly coordinated and specifically targeted precision military strikes." Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131113

File: c2032d39861bbfc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20263217 (181836ZJAN24) Notable: MPs vote for ethics commissioner to testify on Trudeau’s Jamaica vacation

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MPs vote for ethics commissioner to testify on Trudeau’s Jamaica vacation


A House of Commons committee unanimously voted to summon the ethics commissioner to testify about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s controversial vacation in Jamaica, despite Trudeau defending his trip at a news conference on Wednesday.

While making a housing announcement in Saint John, New Brunswick, Trudeau defended his vacation when a reporter asked whether he intended to change his future approach.

“Like many Canadian families, we went on vacation with friends. We followed all the rules,” said Trudeau. Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131114

File: 5c2292069162db7⋯.png (567.56 KB,700x387,700:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20264545 (182343ZJAN24) Notable: WAIT FOR IT: Ottawa delays information request on ethics commissioner by 165 days

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WAIT FOR IT: Ottawa delays information request on ethics commissioner by 165 days


The federal government has just told a Canadian democracy watchdog it must wait another 165 days for documents it asked for in November.

On November 22 2023, Democracy Watch co-founder Duff Conacher asked for the records of all communications from 2023 regarding the appointment of Konrad von Finckenstein as federal interim ethics commissioner.

On Thursday, Conacher released a letter he received from the Privy Council Office (PCO) that said a prompt disclosure was not forthcoming.

“At the present time, meeting the original time limit of 30 days would unreasonably interfere with operations. Further, we have found it necessary to undertake a consultation process. As a result, an extension of up to 165 days beyond the 30-day statutory deadline is required to complete your request,” the letter explained.

“The new legislative due date for your request is June 4 2024. Should the consultations be completed in a shorter timeframe than specified, we will endeavour to respond to your request before the due date.”

Democracy Watch filed a complaint with the information commissioner about the delay and the office is investigating.

Von Finckenstein’s six-month term as interim ethics commissioner will be long over by June. He was appointed on August 30th 2023 after Mario Dion retired in February due to health problems and the Trudeau Cabinet failed in its attempt to install Trudeau Cabinet Minister Dominic LeBlanc’s sister-in-law Martine Richard as the interim commissioner.

Richard resigned rather than face questions about her appointment, but continues to serve as the ethics commissioner’s senior lawyer.

In a press release, Democracy Watch decried what it calls “the Liberals’ undemocratic and unethical watchdog appointment process”


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5ae0ea No.131115

File: 90f979ee2f8b1c7⋯.png (822.98 KB,1019x571,1019:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20267149 (191516ZJAN24) Notable: Hungarian MEPs File Official Protest With European Commission

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Hungarian MEPs File Official Protest With European Commission


It has become painfully clear that when the European Union talks about ‘the rule of law,’ what they really mean to enforce is the absolute surrender to the failed Globalist policies emanating from Brussels.

It also becomes apparent how, once you follow the EU’s diktats, no matter how tyrannical you behave, all will be well.

Take Poland, for example. For years, it battled Brussels and was the target of endless recrimination from Brussels.

As soon as Donald Tusk became PM, the EU became blissfully uninvolved and adopted a laissez faire regarding the illegal actions of the Premiere.

Tusk is now in a hard conflict with President Andrzej Duda, politically aligned with the previous ruling party, the conservative Law and Justice (PiS).

Euronews reported: Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131116

File: cc4b23541039882⋯.png (1.52 MB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20267514 (191617ZJAN24) Notable: NATO announces largest war games 'for decades'

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NATO announces largest war games 'for decades'


The drills will involve dozens of warships and more than 1,000 combat vehicles

NATO is set to hold its largest round of war games in decades, with some 90,000 troops from all 31 member states – as well as Sweden – planning to participate. The drills will run for several months, and see training operations held across Europe.

Dubbed “Steadfast Defender 2024,” the exercise will kick off next week and continue into May, the US-led military bloc's Supreme Allied Commander for Europe Christopher Cavoli announced at a Thursday press briefing.

“Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 will be the largest NATO exercise in decades, with participation from approximately 90,000 forces from all 31 Allies and our good partner Sweden,” Cavoli said, adding that the drills would simulate an “emerging conflict scenario against a near-peer adversary.” Continue...

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5ae0ea No.131117

File: 426b5281ea6b47f⋯.png (1.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20267975 (191811ZJAN24) Notable: China ramps up military drills around Taiwan following presidential election

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China ramps up military drills around Taiwan following presidential election


'The security and prosperity of the Taiwan Strait region are closely related to global development and stability, and are obligations and responsibilities that all parties in the region must share,' Taiwan stated. 'The military will continue to strengthen its self-defence capabilities by enemy threats and self-defence needs, and respond to regional threats.' Continue...

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