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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

ad8c77 No.51598 [Last50 Posts]

11NOV23 to 15NOV23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

ad8c77 No.106554

File: 260fbe5660448f0⋯.mp4 (14.78 MB,360x204,30:17,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900679 (112121ZNOV23) Notable: Exactly. I think 80% of America had seen enough already. 4 years of bush 8 years of clinton 8 more of bush jr. 8 years of obama 4 years of trump "Now. How about lets pull the rug out and just push them all off a cliff now." - "Great idea let's do it".

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>Kevin Kiley wtf… sho us in the constitution where FBI exists… maybe in some amendment? somewhere? Anything? no. Nothing.

+ the money given to Foreign Countries.

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ad8c77 No.106555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900691 (112124ZNOV23) Notable: Exactly. I think 80% of America had seen enough already. 4 years of bush 8 years of clinton 8 more of bush jr. 8 years of obama 4 years of trump "Now. How about lets pull the rug out and just push them all off a cliff now." - "Great idea let's do it".

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in Anon's brainwashing was tauhght the CONGRESS regulates the monetary system with gold and hidy hoe silber

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ad8c77 No.106556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900704 (112126ZNOV23) Notable: Exactly. I think 80% of America had seen enough already. 4 years of bush 8 years of clinton 8 more of bush jr. 8 years of obama 4 years of trump "Now. How about lets pull the rug out and just push them all off a cliff now." - "Great idea let's do it".

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>only the constitution is the law.





we're done here.

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ad8c77 No.106557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900743 (112131ZNOV23) Notable: #24434-B

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#24434-B >>106501

>>106503, >>106531 LIVE LINKS- President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

>>106504, >>106507 TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

>>106508, >>106509, >>106510, >>106506 POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

>>106511 Knock the hell out of them -DJT

>>106516 DRILL BABY DRILL, more liquid gold than anyone -DJT

>>106518, >>106520, >>106519, >>106532, >>106542 TRUMP: in the crowd - he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that NOT allowed to use the PIG word - FAT PIG

>>106521 Trump- We've had a great love affair

>>106513, >>106522 Dan Scavino Q 310

>>106523 meme of the bread and rally

>>106524 Donald Trump says he wants his election fraud trial televised

>>106527 Trump- when you think about it,what difference does it make? (HRC- "What difference at this point does it make?")

>>106529 Oakland Council President Bends Rules for Pro-Palestinian Protesters Disrupting Meeting

>>106530 San Francisco Clears Homeless And Cleans Sh*t-Covered Streets For World Leaders Next Week

>>106533 TRUMP- I want a federal government takeover of our government

>>106535, >>106538, >>106540 Trump: I want Sunlight! Q4600 Q4601

>>106537 "Workin my ass off" line got a huge response.

>>106539 PF: TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austinheading to Seoul-Osan AB after crossing SCS as previously mentioned

>>106541 FAKE NEWS Roman Chervinsky, Ukrainian special forces was the coordinator of the explosions at the Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 pipelines

>>106544 if you vote and they steal, they commit a crime. if you don't vote they don't have to steal. no crime. that's why.

>>106547 That was a speech loaded with comms.

>>106548 PF Reports: TITAN25 on descent for Osan AB from Delhi depart

>>106551 CCP sent its corps of engineers from Egypt into Gaza to help Hamas build the tunnel network.

>>106549, >>106552, >>106554, >>106555, >>106556 Exactly. I think 80% of America had seen enough already. 4 years of bush 8 years of clinton 8 more of bush jr. 8 years of obama 4 years of trump "Now. How about lets pull the rug out and just push them all off a cliff now." - "Great idea let's do it".

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ad8c77 No.106558

File: 448fa1589bf6ee1⋯.png (535.83 KB,1300x740,65:37,Clipboard.png)

File: a32637b269a8797⋯.png (515.53 KB,648x480,27:20,Clipboard.png)

File: a8591db6ef7c8ff⋯.png (1.45 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900765 (112133ZNOV23) Notable: #24435

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Q Research General #24435: Cabal lives like vermin within the confines of our Country -PDJT Edition

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ad8c77 No.106559

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900819 (112145ZNOV23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, CLAREMONT 11TH NOVERBER 2023, VETEREN DAYS

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Note: Pastebin link to notes below from rally.


LIVE - President Trump in Claremont, NH



President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we live by the motto, ''Promises Made, Promises Kept'. I made that promise. And there is no more solemn pledge than a promise to America's Veterans. Unfortunately, with Crooked Joe in the White House, our veterans are once again being backstabbed and betrayed by their government. Crooked Joe gutted our historic VA reforms, and fought to reinstate thousands and thousands of fired, horrible employees, that when we terminated them, we said, 'Get out of here', and they got out, but now they have a little bit of a lobby going, and they even want back-pay. They treated our veterans badly. And it looks like it's going to cost up to two hundred million in back-pay for people that were treating our veterans badly.

President Trump: I'll also make it a personal mission to completely eradicate veterans homelessness in America.

President Trump: In the past three years, Biden has spent over one billion dollars to put up illegal aliens in hotels, some of the most luxurious hotels in the country. Meanwhile, we have thirty-three thousand homeless veterans. One Day One, I will sign an executive order to cut off Biden's spigot of money for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens, and we will redirect a large portion of the savings to provide shelter and treatment for our own homeless veterans.

President Trump: To me, Peace Through Strength is not just a political slogan, it's actually a moral duty, and it's my commitment to you, the American people, that you will not have World War III.

President Trump: As president, I will restore American strength, power, and prestige, and I will make your country safe.

President Trump: When President Xi sits across the table from Crooked Joe; can you imagine? President Xi is like central casting. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of President Xi.

President Trump: If you give the death penalty to drug dealers, you will have no more problem.

President Trump: It's three hundred and fifty thousand people you're losing [drug overdoses], and you're destroying your homes. You ever see what happens to a family, a father, a mother, when they lose their son or their daughter to drugs? That family is destroyed. Ten years later they're destroyed. It can never be the same.

President Trump: If you want to solve the drug problem in the United States, really solve it, you have to bring back the death penalty for drug dealers. That's what you have to do.


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ad8c77 No.106560

File: 984065aa1b9bfb4⋯.png (258.62 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900822 (112146ZNOV23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, CLAREMONT 11TH NOVERBER 2023, VETEREN DAYS

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President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

President Trump: I said, 'You have to finish it off'…and you know what? We got rid of ISIS. One hundred percent of ISIS.

President Trump: I told China, if you give Iran one dollar for oil, they have a lot of oil, if you purchase any oil, you're not doing business with the United States, and any business that gets through, we're going to tariff or tax you at one hundred percent.

President Trump: Once you pay money [for hostages], you set a precedent where they're going to do it again, and again, and again.

President Trump: 2024 will be the biggest election in history.

President Trump: I will end Joe Biden's disastrous war on American energy, and unleash the most powerful economic weapon; it's called, drilling for oil, or, as I call it, liquid gold, or as I say sometimes, Drill, Baby, Drill. We have more liquid gold than anybody.

President Trump: They indicted me because they said I inflated numbers, and my numbers, it turned out, were extremely conservative. Just the opposite. And now they don't know what to do, and the judge is being made to look; look, he's a radical-left person, and he actually accused me of something before the trial started! And now it's sort of coming home to play. We'll see what happens.

President Trump: Like tens of millions of people within our nation, I'm a very proud election denier, because unless the truth is found, we will never have fair, free, and honest elections, and we have to have them.

President Trump: It's a very bad precedent; it's very dangerous. And again, such a thing has never happened in our country. I've made clear from the outset; the prosecution has repeatedly denied me my fundamental Constitutional rights, including my right to have a trial…I want this trial to be seen by everybody in the world. The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness, and I want sunlight…I want everything exposed to the public, including the election fraud, because this is all about election fraud, which took place in 2020, and the 2020 presidential election, so that such a thing can never happen again to our country.

President Trump: They want to silence me because I know the truth and I'm not afraid to say it.

President Trump: [On Day One I will] stop the invasion. This is an invasion. This is like a military invasion. We'll stop the invasion on our southern border, and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

President Trump: The one way we win like you've never seen before; we have to slam it on election day…there's a point at which their cheating can't get it done.

President Trump: Today especially, in honor of our great veterans on Veteran's Day, we pledge to you that we will rout out the communists, marxists,, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. That lie, and steal, and cheat on elections, and they'll do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and to destroy the American Dream.


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ad8c77 No.106561

File: 8de6311b1e33578⋯.png (131.11 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900861 (112156ZNOV23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, CLAREMONT 11TH NOVERBER 2023, VETEREN DAYS

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Forgot the dough for notes

See below.


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ad8c77 No.106562

File: 5b220657bc961a5⋯.png (61.64 KB,666x681,222:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 679ec88c8c7426f⋯.png (76.19 KB,680x838,340:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900887 (112204ZNOV23) Notable: 8th Grade Final Exam from 1895 6 hours to complete: [THEY] have made us stupid, on purpose

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Oldfags used to say they only have an 8th grade education?

THISis the eighth-grade final exam from 1895 (Salina, KS, USA) It was taken from the original document on file at the Smokey Valley Genealogical Society and Library in Salina, KS, and reprinted by the Salina Journal.

8th Grade Final Exam from 1895

6 hours to complete

Grammar (Time Limit - one hour)

Give nine rules for the use of Capital Letters.

Name the Parts of Speech and define those that have no Modifications.

Define Verse, Stanza and Paragraph.

What are the Principal Parts of a verb? Give Principal Parts of lie, play and run.

Define Case, Illustrate each Case.

What is Punctuation? Give rules for principal marks of Punctuation.

Write a composition of about 150 words and show therein that you understand the practical use of the rules of grammar.

Arithmetic (Time Limit - 1.25 hours)

Name and define the Fundamental Rules of Arithmetic.

A wagon box is 2 ft. deep, 10 feet long, and 3 ft. wide. How many bushels of wheat will it hold?

If a load of wheat weighs 3942 lbs., what is it worth at 50 cts/bushel, deducting 1050 lbs. for tare?

District No. 33 has a valuation of $35,000. What is the necessary levy to carry on a school seven months at $50 per month, and have $104 for incidentals?

Find cost of 6720 lbs. coal at $6.00 per ton.

Find the interest of $512.60 for 8 months and 18 days at 7 percent.

What is the cost of 40 boards 12 inches wide and 16 ft. long at 20 per metre?

Find bank discount on $300 for 90 days (no grace) at 10 percent.

What is the cost of a square farm at $15 per acre, the distance around which is 640 rods?

Write a Bank Check, a Promissory Note, and a Receipt.

U.S. History (Time Limit - 45 minutes)

Give the epochs into which U.S. History is divided.

Give an account of the discovery of America by Columbus.

Relate the causes and results of the Revolutionary War.

Show the territorial growth of the United States.

Tell what you can of the history of Kansas.

Describe three of the most prominent battles of the Rebellion.

Who were the following: Morse, Whitney, Fulton, Bell, Lincoln, Penn, and Howe?

Name events connected with the following dates: 1607, 1620, 1800, 1849, 1865.

Orthography (Time Limit - one hour)

What is meant by the following: Alphabet, phonetic, orthography, etymology, syllabication?

What are elementary sounds? How classified?

What are the following, and give examples of each: Trigraph, subvocals, diphthong, cognate letters, linguals?

Give four substitutes for caret 'u.'

Give two rules for spelling words with final 'e.' Name two exceptions under each rule.

Give two uses of silent letters in spelling. Illustrate each.

Define the following prefixes and use in connection with a word: bi, dis, mis, pre, semi, post, non, inter, mono, sup.

Mark diacritically and divide into syllables the following, and name the

sign that indicates the sound: card, ball, mercy, sir, odd, cell, rise, blood, fare, last.

Use the following correctly in sentences: cite, site, sight, fane, fain, feign, vane, vain, vein, raze, raise, rays.

Write 10 words frequently mispronounced and indicate pronunciation by use of diacritical marks and by syllabication.

Geography (Time Limit - one hour)

What is climate? Upon what does climate depend?

How do you account for the extremes of climate in Kansas?

Of what use are rivers? Of what use is the ocean?

Describe the mountains of North America.

Name and describe the following: Monrovia, Odessa, Denver, Manitoba, Hecla, Yukon, St. Helena, Juan Fernandez, Aspinwall and Orinoco.

Name and locate the principal trade centers of the U.S.

Name all the republics of Europe and give the capital of each.

Why is the Atlantic Coast colder than the Pacific in the same latitude?

Describe the process by which the water of the ocean returns to the sources of rivers.

Describe the movements of the earth. Give the inclination of the earth.


>have yet to find anyone who can ace this

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ad8c77 No.106563

File: e4d8eeee7554125⋯.png (808.64 KB,964x542,482:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900889 (112204ZNOV23) Notable: Biden get lost again, while laying wreath for Veterans Day - given stage directions by Arlington honor guard

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Not AGAIN Biden! President suffers yet another embarrassing gaffe as he appears to get lost while laying wreath for Veterans Day - and has to be given stage directions by Arlington honor guard


Q, You Glorious Bastards! I know you are the ones conducting this show for all the world to see, top kek!

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ad8c77 No.106564

File: 3382772e330ae40⋯.jpeg (589.75 KB,1258x625,1258:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0915372f4a3678f⋯.jpeg (535.61 KB,1622x562,811:281,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0aa05fa48b95c8f⋯.png (138.54 KB,474x315,158:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900921 (112210ZNOV23) Notable: Possibly 45 in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 departing Lebanon Muni Airport, NH

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Possibly 45 in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 departing Lebanon Muni Airport, NH

Has taken this type of AC before the 757 was finished and operational. Arrived from West Palm Beach Intl depart earlier today

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ad8c77 No.106565

File: 37c0e52be4ca318⋯.jpeg (498.25 KB,1214x625,1214:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ddafebcc16e21f4⋯.jpeg (405.48 KB,828x1234,414:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8c6b8978e7f4dc9⋯.png (626.02 KB,611x409,611:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901027 (112233ZNOV23) Notable: 45in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 heading to LaGuardia Airport

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45in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 heading to LaGuardia Airport

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ad8c77 No.106566

File: 691ab8feadce401⋯.pdf (353.4 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901033 (112234ZNOV23) Notable: 8th Grade Final Exam from 1895 6 hours to complete: [THEY] have made us stupid, on purpose

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trips of truth

"If you answered 90% correct, you are now eligible to be promoted to the 9th grade. Congratulations."


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ad8c77 No.106567

File: bbbd232e9de1e00⋯.png (268.89 KB,590x469,590:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c3d436444df364⋯.png (169.45 KB,590x489,590:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901075 (112243ZNOV23) Notable: Two Dans: 11/9/2023 and GOOD MORNING FROM ABOVE✈️BEAUTIFUL SOUTH CAROLINA! HERE COMES THE SUN

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Pay attention to Dan.

Sunlight coming Soon.



Nov 09, 2023



Nov 03, 2023

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ad8c77 No.106568

File: 2237ef3b60d8b98⋯.mp4 (14.88 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)


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ad8c77 No.106569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901188 (112307ZNOV23) Notable: Aircraft conducting training operations suffered ‘mishap and went down’ late Friday, says US European Command

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Aircraft conducting training operations suffered ‘mishap and went down’ late Friday, says US European Command

US military aircraft crashes in eastern Mediterranean


A US military aircraft crashed in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the US European Command, or USEUCOM, said Saturday.

USEUCOM said the aircraft carrying out training activities in the Eastern Mediterranean suffered “a mishap and went down” late Friday.

“Out of respect for the families affected, we will not release further information on the personnel involved at this time,” it said.

USEUCOM said the crash was under investigation but “there are no indications of hostile activity.”

Following the start of Israel's intense attacks against the Gaza Strip, the US Army made intensive deployments to the Mediterranean, including two aircraft carriers, and began exercises in the region while carrying ammunition to Israel with an air bridge it created.


MISHAP? wanna bet that translates to - Isahell shot it down and covered it up LIBERTY II

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ad8c77 No.106570

File: 91c10ba139e360d⋯.png (561.02 KB,859x903,859:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901207 (112311ZNOV23) Notable: Military crash in Mediterranean Sea, no details yet - DIG CALL

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"no indications of hostile activity."

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ad8c77 No.106571

File: 0f85d2fe72ddf02⋯.png (412.22 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901237 (112319ZNOV23) Notable: NASA releases ‘ghostly’ skull-like image seen from space trib.al/wJjg4m2

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New York Post



NASA releases ‘ghostly’ skull-like image seen from space trib.al/wJjg4m2


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ad8c77 No.106572

File: ff54af908ef1430⋯.png (2.89 MB,3117x1831,3117:1831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901256 (112322ZNOV23) Notable: QClock, November 11, 2023 - Flynn: Enough Is Enough, moar

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QClock November 11, 2023 - Flynn: Enough Is Enough

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ad8c77 No.106573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901259 (112322ZNOV23) Notable: Military crash in Mediterranean Sea, no details yet - DIG CALL

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US military aircraft 'suffers a mishap' during training and crashes over the eastern Mediterranean: Pentagon says 'no indication' of hostile activity

U.S. European Command (EUCOM) said that the unspecified aircraft was conducting a training operation and 'suffered a mishap and went down'

The accident happened on Friday night in the eastern Mediterranean: the Pentagon has not confirmed whether there were any fatalities

EUCOM said that there was no sign that the plane was brought down by any type of attack


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ad8c77 No.106574

File: 55383bc480cb012⋯.png (340.32 KB,600x637,600:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901274 (112324ZNOV23) Notable: Kim Dotcom Replying to RFKjr Make a sacrifice and break with the Israel lobby

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Kim Dotcom



Replying to @RobertKennedyJr

Make a sacrifice and break with the Israel lobby. Demand a ceasefire or your credibility and support will tank. You can’t talk about injustice and wanting to make the world a better place and expect us to accept your silence on the atrocities committed by Israel in Gaza.


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ad8c77 No.106575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901349 (112338ZNOV23) Notable: Revolver: Biden deploys FBI against another critic… and the timing on this one is soooo suspicious…

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Biden deploys FBI against another critic… and the timing on this one is soooo suspicious…

November 11, 2023 (19 hours ago)

When Joe Biden needs a problem handled, an issue quashed, or a voice silenced, it seems he just has to dial the FBI. These days, the federal agency appears to function primarily as the Biden administration’s Gestapo in their new police state. Think about this: Biden’s popularity plummets, so what’s his move? He has the FBI raid Trump’s home. Americans protest against Biden and his phony election, so what’s the response? He turns law enforcement into a tool for silencing dissenters. And now, Biden’s lust for power has become so overbearing that he’s even targeting left-wing critics.

That’s right, Joe Biden has now set the FBI on a Democrat who’s been a thorn in his side, especially over the border chaos. New York Mayor Eric Adams, a vocal critic of Biden’s border policies, finds himself in the FBI’s crosshairs. The Mayor is now knee-deep in an investigation involving illicit foreign funds, and in a bold daytime ambush, the FBI has seized his Mayor Adams’ phone. Wait until you get a load of the “timing” of this operation.

DC Enquirer:

On Friday, The New York Times reported that New York City Mayor Eric Adams had his phones seized by the FBI amid an ongoing investigation into his 2021 mayoral campaign that allegedly worked with the Turkish government and others to funnel money into the Democrat’s campaign. Agents reportedly approached Mayor Adams on the street, asked his security detail to move away, and proceeded to enter a vehicle where they presented him with a warrant, and he was forced to surrender his various electronic devices.

The devices, which include at least two cell phones and an iPad, were eventually returned to the mayor a few days later, likely after the bureau made copies of the devices’ contents. The seizure of his personal devices comes after the bureau raided the residence of Adams’ chief fundraiser, 25-year-old Brianna Suggs. During the raid on November 2nd, agents confiscated two laptops, three iPhones, and a folder labeled “Eric Adams.”

And here’s the very curious timing part:

In response to the raid last week, Adams was forced to cancel his trip to Washington, D.C.,where he was supposed to speak with the Biden White House about the ongoing migrant crisis impacting New York City.

How convenient for the Biden administration—now Adams won’t be around to sharply criticize Biden on a key 2024 election issue.

In Biden’s police state, your political stance doesn’t grant immunity. Whether you’re MAGA like President Trump, a January 6 protester, a conservative figure like Douglass Mackey, or even a progressive like Mayor Adams, straying from the regime’s approved narrative will put a target on your back. The law, which the regime manipulates for political reasons, becomes a tool for silencing dissent. Don’t be shocked if you see Adams being arrested in an early morning raid. The Biden regime must set an example, showing that while MAGA dissenters are one thing, progressive dissenters are utterly intolerable.

(TOLD YOU! Now Hoschul will shut up too!)


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ad8c77 No.106576

File: 7120afa4aafa007⋯.png (28.5 KB,590x222,295:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901369 (112341ZNOV23) Notable: Fulton County, Georgia, acknowledges, in a major Consent Decree, that 3,600 individual ballots were DUPLICATED (36 Batches)

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Fulton County, Georgia, acknowledges, in a major Consent Decree, that 3,600 individual ballots were DUPLICATED (36 Batches). THAT’S A LOT OF CRIME. When are the rest of the facts coming out? We are all waiting. This is just the beginning. UNBELIEVABLE!


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ad8c77 No.106577

File: d3ee1329b48d420⋯.jpeg (72.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901414 (112348ZNOV23) Notable: Baltimore police union appears to call Mosby conviction 'karma'

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Baltimore police union appears to call Mosby conviction 'karma'

Story by Amy Simpson • 1d

Baltimore's police union is among those sharing reactions to former City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's conviction.

The Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3 (FOP3) posted a statement on social media less than an hour after a federal jury found Mosby guilty of two counts of perjury on Thursday.

The FOP3 ended its statement with the words, "Karma, Marilyn!"

Mosby garnered national attention when she indicted six Baltimore Police officers after the death of Freddie Gray in 2015.

None of the officers were ever convicted.

“I know the FOP called it karma," said Sergeant Betsy Smith, spokesperson for the National Police Association. "I think I would call it our justice system at work.”

While Mosby's conviction is making national headlines, Smith says Baltimore's officers are also likely following this story.

“I'm sure there are police officers in Baltimore who are applauding the conviction of Marilyn Mosby," said Smith. "But I've got to say - you know what most cops in Baltimore City are doing today? They're going out there, they're doing their jobs, they're risking their lives, and I think that they all probably have a lot of hope that they’re going to have a better relationship with the prosecutor's office moving forward.”


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ad8c77 No.106578

File: 2e1f087cd8e463b⋯.png (197.64 KB,611x487,611:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 415aa5958625fe9⋯.png (309.76 KB,613x578,613:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 76f7bdcb0828442⋯.png (533.15 KB,679x368,679:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901428 (112349ZNOV23) Notable: Virginia Dems Could Lose Control Of 21-19 Senate Because Member May Have Lied About Residence

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🚨Virginia Dems Could Lose Control Of 21-19 Senate Because Member May Have Lied About Residence

Sen Hashemi claimed she lived in an apartment in SD15 where she ran. Evidence suggests she lives at a home in SD12 which she concealed, making her ineligible

5:30 PM · Nov 11, 2023


Nov 11, 2023


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ad8c77 No.106579

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB,1824x1212,152:101,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,Clipboard.png)

File: d94cb4c2367aca0⋯.jpg (150.27 KB,768x1024,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901447 (112352ZNOV23) Notable: Anon Prayer Storm, 7 PM every day: Get ready, it's going to be Biblical!

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Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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ad8c77 No.106580

File: 5e1f9d740e693de⋯.png (1 MB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d3ee1329b48d420⋯.jpeg (72.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901465 (112354ZNOV23) Notable: Who Is Marilyn Mosby, Ex Baltimore Prosecutor Guilty In Perjury Trial?

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Who Is Marilyn Mosby, Ex Baltimore Prosecutor Guilty In Perjury Trial?

Story by Times Now Digital • 2d

Marilyn Mosby, former top prosecutor of Baltimore, was convicted on Thursday on charges of perjury. She was accused of lying about the finances of a side business to access retirement funds during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 43-year-old used the money to buy two Florida homes.

Mosby declined to testify in the trial in Greenbelt, Maryland and her attorneys rested their case on Wednesday. She faces up to five years in prison for each conviction.

In the indictment, prosecutors accused Marilyn Mosby of falsely claiming financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic to withdraw money from the city retirement account. A person cannot do that until retirement.

Mosby served two terms as state’s attorney for Baltimore. She was once the youngest top prosecutor of any major American city. The 43-year-old rose through ranks after prosecuting Baltimore police officers after a Black man named Freddie Gray died in custody in 2015. His death led to riots and protests in the city. However, none of the officers were convicted.

“Telling the truth especially matters when public officials are looking to access funds for their own personal use. We should not allow her to lie and commit perjury to purchase Florida vacation homes in the worst pandemic in 100 years," Aaron Zelinsky, an assistant US attorney, said during closing statements.

Mosby made separate withdrawals of $40,000 and $50,000 from the city retirement plan, according to the indictment.


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ad8c77 No.106581

File: ebc018f8ca9f713⋯.png (112.94 KB,907x553,907:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901470 (112355ZNOV23) Notable: Military crash in Mediterranean Sea, no details yet - DIG CALL

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>US military aircraft 'suffers a mishap' during training and crashes over the eastern Mediterranean: Pentagon says 'no indication' of hostile activity


"You didn't think military planes were falling out of the skies all within a short period of time just by chance did you?" Q post #1971


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ad8c77 No.106582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901472 (112355ZNOV23) Notable: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says the election office in Fulton County is among those across the U.S. that have received a suspicious letter – including some laced with fentanyl.

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Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says the election office in Fulton County is among those across the U.S. that have received a suspicious letter – including some laced with fentanyl.

"Domestic terrorists will not trample on our right to free and fair elections," Raffensperger said Thursday about the letter reportedly intercepted by officials before it arrived at the office.

In 2020, then-President Trump lost reelection in large part because he narrowly lost Georgia on Election Day. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has since brought a case against Trump and 18 co-defendants alleged they tried to subvert the state's election results.

The FBI and U.S. Postal Service are investigating the series of suspicious letters recently sent to election offices in California, Georgia, Nevada, Oregon, Texas and Washington, according to NBC News.

Several counties in Washington received letters containing “unknown powdery substances,” according to a statement Thursday from Secretary of State Steve Hobbs.

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ad8c77 No.106583

File: 2b0507f5237886e⋯.png (1.43 MB,981x1171,981:1171,Clipboard.png)

File: 73748f0b08e8870⋯.png (562.64 KB,872x648,109:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e9c1803406cf07⋯.png (1.42 MB,1527x1588,1527:1588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901478 (112356ZNOV23) Notable: QClock, November 11, 2023 - Flynn: Enough Is Enough, moar

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> from New Hampshire, USA·

Also clockable....note the timestamp 6:35....where's the clock hand? :35.

Check the video at the 8 second mark (posted for your convenience).

Note the bottom corner of the clock snip here....same date as the post.

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ad8c77 No.106584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901480 (112356ZNOV23) Notable: Congressman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, announced on Thursday that he would not be seeking reelection in 2024.

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Congressman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, announced on Thursday that he would not be seeking reelection in 2024.

He posted a video message on the social media platform X, saying he wants to spend more time with his family.

"At home, that's where my amazing wife Monica and two young children, Brad and Sophia, are. That's the place where I really want to be somebody," Wenstrup said in the video.

Wenstrup was first elected in 2012 and served in Ohio's second Congressional district for five terms.

He did not say what his next move would be.

"Throughout my life, I've heard the call to duty. Duty called me to medicine, then to the Army, then to Congress," he said. "Duty to those I love most now calls me back home."

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ad8c77 No.106585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901487 (112357ZNOV23) Notable: Vivek debutes a line of "Rebel SCUM" merchandise

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Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on Friday debuted a line of "Rebel SCUM" merchandise after former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley calling him "scum" on-air during the third Republican primary debate on Wednesday.

"The Establishment in both parties is corrupt to the core and is alive more than ever. It’s time to fight: now is the moment for freedom-loving American patriots everywhere to stand up and take back the country we love from a corrupt group of politicians who are marching us toward World War III. This is our 1776 Revolution," he posted on X, announcing the merchandise line's debut.

The lineup currently includes beer cozies and t-shirts. Ramaswamy Communications Director Tricia McLaughlin confirmed to Just the News that the campaign plans to unveil additional merchandise at a later date. She further confirmed that the "Rebel SCUM" branding was a loose reference to a line from Star Wars.

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ad8c77 No.106586

File: 8f8acbb25dcff39⋯.png (22.49 KB,621x372,207:124,Clipboard.png)

File: a67e3ae2a7d7755⋯.png (27.83 KB,597x337,597:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901488 (112357ZNOV23) Notable: The John Kerry signature toward end not matching

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The John Kerry signature toward end not matching


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ad8c77 No.106587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901513 (120001ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul announces the appointment of a famous sex therapist to serve as the state's honorary Ambassador to Loneliness

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New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul on Friday announced the appointment of a famous sex therapist to serve as the state's honorary Ambassador to Loneliness, the first such appointment in the United States.

Born in Weimar Germany, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, 95, survived the Holocaust and went on to become an iconic sex therapist and talk show host. Her appointment means she will "help New Yorkers of all ages address the growing issue of social isolation."

"“As New York works to fight the loneliness epidemic, some help from honorary Ambassador Ruth Westheimer may be just what the doctor ordered," the governor declared. "Dr. Ruth Westheimer has offered her services to help older adults and all New Yorkers cope with the loneliness epidemic and I will be appointing her to serve as the nation's first state-level honorary Ambassador to Loneliness. Studies show individuals experiencing loneliness had a 32 percent higher risk of dying early and we need leaders like Dr. Ruth to help address this critical component of our mental health crisis."

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ad8c77 No.106588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901520 (120002ZNOV23) Notable: Military speaking out against what they call the politicization of the Defense Department

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Current and former military members are speaking out against what they call the politicization of the Defense Department — from the COVID-19 vaccine mandates to transgender surgeries — in a new documentary being rolled out this month.

As many military members were kicked out of service for refusing to receive the COVID vaccine, some current and former service members are warning of an ideological push that they believe is harming U.S. defense. A few of these members are in a multi-part documentary series called "SEALs Beat Biden," which is being released this month. The documentary is a project of The Sentinel, an online publication that describes itself as producing "straightforward news and conservative inside commentary on American culture, politics, and business."

One former service member and one current service member who feature in the documentary each told Just the News about some of their experiences fighting the COVID vaccine mandate and their concerns about how the military is being run.

Former Navy SEAL Asa Miller chose to not take the COVID-19 vaccine, along with about 20 other SEALs from his team, SEAL Team Four. Miller told Just the News on Tuesday that for six months, they were never told to go to work, and their equipment was taken away from them so they couldn’t train or go to the shooting range.

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ad8c77 No.106589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901551 (120005ZNOV23) Notable: #24435

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#24435 >>106558


>>106562, >>106566 8th Grade Final Exam from 1895 6 hours to complete: [THEY] have made us stupid, on purpose

>>106563 Biden get lost again, while laying wreath for Veterans Day - given stage directions by Arlington honor guard

>>106564 Possibly 45 in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 departing Lebanon Muni Airport, NH

>>106565 45in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 heading to LaGuardia Airport

baker change


>>106569 Aircraft conducting training operations suffered ‘mishap and went down’ late Friday, says US European Command

>>106570, >>106573, >>106581 Military crash in Mediterranean Sea, no details yet - DIG CALL

>>106571 NASA releases ‘ghostly’ skull-like image seen from space trib.al/wJjg4m2

>>106572, >>106583 QClock, November 11, 2023 - Flynn: Enough Is Enough, moar

>>106574 Kim Dotcom Replying to RFKjr Make a sacrifice and break with the Israel lobby


>>106575 Revolver: Biden deploys FBI against another critic… and the timing on this one is soooo suspicious…

>>106576 Fulton County, Georgia, acknowledges, in a major Consent Decree, that 3,600 individual ballots were DUPLICATED (36 Batches)

>>106577 Baltimore police union appears to call Mosby conviction 'karma'

>>106578 Virginia Dems Could Lose Control Of 21-19 Senate Because Member May Have Lied About Residence

>>106579 Anon Prayer Storm, 7 PM every day: Get ready, it's going to be Biblical!

>>106580 Who Is Marilyn Mosby, Ex Baltimore Prosecutor Guilty In Perjury Trial?

>>106582 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says the election office in Fulton County is among those across the U.S. that have received a suspicious letter – including some laced with fentanyl.

>>106584 Congressman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, announced on Thursday that he would not be seeking reelection in 2024.

>>106585 Vivek debutes a line of "Rebel SCUM" merchandise

>>106586 The John Kerry signature toward end not matching

>>106587 Hochul announces the appointment of a famous sex therapist to serve as the state's honorary Ambassador to Loneliness

>>106588 Military speaking out against what they call the politicization of the Defense Department



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ad8c77 No.106590

File: e3f00dfcba0a894⋯.jpg (9.96 KB,290x174,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901565 (120007ZNOV23) Notable: #24436

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baker seeking handoff, ghosting in @20

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ad8c77 No.106591

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901621 (120017ZNOV23) Notable: National Guards all over being activated at the same time for "different reasons"

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More National Guard activated, United Way to run new $5 million program to help migrant families




Massachusetts shelter crisis: More National Guard members activated while lawmakers consider next steps


Our Local National Guard is Preparing for Activation


Beshear declares state of emergency as wildfires grow in Kentucky


National Guards all over being activated at the same time for "different reasons"

Prolly just a coincidence...

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ad8c77 No.106592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901699 (120027ZNOV23) Notable: How the GOP muzzled the quiet coalition that fought foreign propaganda 1/4

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How the GOP muzzled the quiet coalition that fought foreign propaganda==1/4

November 10, 2023KEK

The FBI put a pause on briefings with tech companies due to an ongoing lawsuit, adding to a broader breakdown in a system meant to guard against influence operations and to ensure election integrity.A once-robust alliance of federal agencies, tech companies, election officials and researchersthat worked together to thwart foreign propaganda and disinformation has fragmented after years of sustained Republican attacks.

The GOP offensive started during the 2020 election as public critiques and has since escalated into lawsuits, governmental inquiries and public relations campaigns that have succeeded in stopping almost all coordination between the government and social media platforms.

The most recent setback came when the FBI put an indefinite hold on most briefings to social media companies about Russian, Iranian and Chinese influence campaigns. Employees at two U.S. tech companies who used to receive regular briefings from the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force told NBC News that it has been months since the bureau reached out.

In a testimony last week to the Senate Homeland Security Committee, FBI Director Christopher Wray signaled a significant pullback in communications with tech companies and tied the move to rulings by a conservative federal judge and appeals courtthat said some government agencies and officials should be restricted from communicating and meeting with social media companies to moderate content. The case is now on hold pending Supreme Court review.

“We’re having some interaction with social media companies,” Wray said. “But all of those interactions have changed fundamentally in the wake of the court rulings.”

Wray didn’t elaborate, but sources familiar with the matter told NBC News that all the FBI’s interactions with tech platforms now have to be pre-approved and supervised by Justice Department lawyers.

The FBI told the House Judiciary Committee that, since the court rulings, the bureau had discovered foreign influence campaigns on social media platforms but in some cases did not inform the companies about them because they were hamstrung by the new legal oversight, according to a congressional official.

“This is the worst possible outcome in terms of the injunction,” said one U.S. official familiar with the matter. “The symbiotic relationship between the government and the social media companies has definitely been fractured.”

The FBI declined to comment.

More than a dozen current and former government and tech employees who have been involved in fighting online manipulation campaigns and election falsehoods since 2020 echoed those concerns. Most agreed to speak only on the condition that they not be named, all citing the current climate of harassment against people who work in election and information integrity.

A common theme among those interviewed: The chilling effect that Republican attacks had on the sharing of information about possible interference, which could make it easier for foreign adversaries to manipulate U.S. public opinion and harder for 2024 voters to sort out what’s real from what’s fake.

Beyond the FBI briefings, other coordination efforts have folded after facing pressure from conservatives. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which oversees federal election cybersecurity and has become a favorite target of Republicans, has halted its outreach to Silicon Valley, and the Department of Homeland Security has shuttered a board designed to coordinate its anti-disinformation programs.

(They still want all of us muzzled and arrested. They are still pushing the Russia Hoax etc.They are desperate, because the courts shut them down)


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ad8c77 No.106593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901732 (120032ZNOV23) Notable: How the GOP muzzled the quiet coalition that fought foreign propaganda 1/4

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“Some of these efforts really are designed to isolate people andmake them feel like they can’t communicate with CISA, like they can’t communicate with their peers in other states,” a person who works in state election administration said.

“People feel that things are really, really fraught, and common sense does not rule today,” the person added.

Some politicians are sounding the alarm. Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said efforts to stop foreign manipulation of U.S. politics are well within the government’s remit.

“I understand we don’t want to interdict constitutionally protected speech, but what is constitutionally protected speech?” he said. “Certainly foreign agents don’t have constitutionally protected speech because they’re not subject to our Constitution. I presume bots don’t have constitutionally protected speech. American citizens do.”

Microsoft recently said it expects Russia, Iran and China to engage in sophisticated influence operations ahead of the 2024 election. (But Microsoft is trying to interfere with the next election. So they are saying those three countries support Trump, so they are limiting free speech and it’s worth it.)

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee who had vocally pushed for election security coordination after 2016, told NBC News he had “grave concerns” about the setbacks of the system that defends against social media and election manipulation.

“We are seeing a potential scenario where all the major improvements in identifying, threat-sharing, and public exposure of foreign malign influence activity targeting U.S. elections have been systematically undermined,” Warner said.

Before 2016, there was little political will in the U.S. for the government or for tech companies to share intelligence with each other or protect voters from foreign influence campaigns. That year, Russia launched a multifaceted interference campaign that included the Kremlin-tied Internet Research Agency reaching tens of millions of Facebook and Twitter users. Hackers working for Russian intelligence stole and leaked emails from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, probed an election machine company and stole voter information from the state of Illinois. (Even though the Russia hoax was proved a hoax, they are still pushing it)

In the aftermath, President Barack Obama’s outgoing secretary for the Department of Homeland Security declared elections to be critical infrastructure, a move that drew immediate criticism from conservative election officials. Congress voted for the Department of Homeland Security to spin out its cyber and infrastructure protection efforts into CISA.

Meanwhile, the FBI created the Foreign Influence Task Force, meant to act as an intermediary that ferried information between the U.S. intelligence community and tech companies.The National Security Agency declined to commentfor this story, but its director said in 2022 that the agency had fed intelligence about foreign propagandists to the task force to share with tech platforms.

CISA started holding its own meetings with tech companies, briefing them on election administration nuances and helping set up a “switchboard” system to flag election falsehoods online. The new system allowed a local election official to, for example, communicate to Facebook that a local group was directing people to the wrong polling site, in violation of the company’s policies.

These partnerships between government, corporations and legal and academic researchers were praised after 2020as a crucial part of ensuring a secure election. (By whom were the praised? The media, because they cheated with CISA)

After the election, a victory for the Democrats and Joe Biden, President Donald Trump and many other conservatives refused to accept the loss and lashed out at political enemies. They targeted a number of election integrity operations, including the channels that shared information on disinformation, often accusing them of censoring conservative voices.

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ad8c77 No.106594

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901741 (120034ZNOV23) Notable: How the GOP muzzled the quiet coalition that fought foreign propaganda 1/4

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Evil Nina raises her ugly head


Many of them focused on Twitter and Facebook’s decision to temporarily limit the reach of a New York Poststory about Biden’s son, Hunter. Published a few weeks before the election, to the tech platforms it had echoes of when Russia leaked Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2016. While Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg said FBI statements about certain threats fit the pattern of the Hunter Biden story, both later said the agency didn’t specifically say the Biden emails were a foreign intelligence campaign. Digital forensics experts have verified that at least some of those emails were authentic but much remains unknown about the origins of the files.

Since then, Republicans have sent many election integrity efforts into retreat.

Last year, the attorneys general offices of Missouri and Louisiana filed a joint lawsuit against the Biden administration, alleging that federal government outreach to tech companies about content on their platform — including law enforcement tips about election integrity and Covid-19 — constituted intimidation and a violation of First Amendment protections to free speech.

=The case is still winding its way through the courts. Last month, the Supreme Court blocked a lower court’s ruling in favor of the conservative states’ case while it hears an appeal.

Other efforts have been stopped before they could get started. In March 2022, the Department of Homeland Security created a board to help coordinate its own response to viral falsehoods, prompting outcry from conservatives who claimed the government was policing speech.Nina Jankowicz, a researcher who studies disinformation and technology, was brought in to run the board and quickly became the targetof a debilitating harassment campaign. Homeland Security shut down the board five months later.

Jankowicz said that the decision likely sent a message to federal workers that they might face retaliation for speaking out in a way that upset vocal critics.

“If you’re the one who’s raising the alarm about foreign interference or about something that is disenfranchising people and letting the platforms know, but it might cost you your job or your safety and security, you think twice about doing that,”Jankowicz said.

Biden’s head of CISA, Jen Easterly, a decorated intelligence official who had no prior experience in a public government role, started her tenure with optimism that her agency played a major role confronting disinformation.

“One could argue we’re in the business of critical infrastructure, and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure, so building that resilience to misinformation and disinformation, I think, is incredibly important,” she said at a talk hosted by Wired magazine in her first year on the job.

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ad8c77 No.106595

File: 2358234363b681e⋯.png (235.44 KB,600x383,600:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901763 (120037ZNOV23) Notable: Enjoyed talking about intelligence & cybersecurity - @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA

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ad8c77 No.106596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901769 (120039ZNOV23) Notable: How the GOP muzzled the quiet coalition that fought foreign propaganda 1/4

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==You see how they twist everything, why is Microsoft so concerned?)


But Easterly, whofrequently characterizes herself as nonpartisan, soon withdrew the agency from roles that most actively fought disinformation. Aside from maintaining a webpage that corrects common misconceptions about how elections work, CISA now focuses more on goals like protecting poll workers’ physical safety, connecting election officials with cybersecurity resources, and pushing software companies to do a better job building secure programs. (Characterizes herself as non partisan is lying)

CISA stopped briefing platforms about how U.S. elections are administered after the 2022 midterms, a current CISA employee said, though they did not attribute the move to Republican pressure.Two people familiar with the agency said Easterly had pulled back from outreach to social media companies after being surprised by the severity of conservatives’ attacks. (What a fucking lie!)

Republican demonization of the agency hasn’t abated. After the GOP took the House of Representatives in 2022, the House Judiciary Committee, led by Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, has spent much of this term focused ongrievances from the 2020 election. It subpoenaed Easterly earlier this year, then issued a report that claimed “CISA metastasized into the nerve center of the federal government’s domestic surveillance and censorship operations on social media.”

In a podcast interview on “On with Kara Swisher” in June, Easterly explained that CISA will also no longer help flag state and local election officials’ concerns to social media companies. (Because the freaking court said you broke the law.)

“I need to ensure we are able to do our core mission, to reduce risk to critical infrastructure. And at this point in time, I do not think the risk of us dealing with social media platforms is worth any benefit, quite frankly,” Easterly said, though she did not specify the source of the risk.

“I made a decision not to do that. So we are not doing that. Local election officials can give that to the platforms themselves, and I think that’s the right place for us to be,” she said.(No you didn’t the Court said you couldn’t violate free speech)

Through an agency spokesperson, Easterly declined to comment. In an emailed statement, she said: “Election security is one of CISA’s top priorities, and along with our interagency partners, we’re fully focused on supporting state and local election officials as they prepare for the 2024 election cycle. As we have since 2017, CISA will continue to lean forward and do our part to ensure the American people can have confidence in the security and resilience of our most sacred democratic process.”

Meanwhile, some platforms have cut back on trust and safety teams. Tech companies are still sharing their findings with each other, a Meta spokesperson told NBC News. The exception is X, whose owner Elon Musk released a giant cache of emails and company documents related to its previous trust and safety efforts and also made huge cuts to its trust and safety and election integrity teams. During the Israel-Hamas war, X has left viral terror videos from Hamas go viral and linger on the site for days.

One current X employee, who wasn’t authorized to speak for the company, said they had no remaining faith that the company could handle propaganda campaigns.

“The company no longer has the team, the tools, or the capabilities to identify and mitigate these attacks,” they said.


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ad8c77 No.106597

File: 78f32b3e3313395⋯.png (679.97 KB,772x762,386:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901840 (120050ZNOV23) Notable: New DNA testing in JonBenet Ramsey murder could solve case 30 YEARS after six-year-old beauty queen was found strangled with broken skull in her basement

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New DNA testing in JonBenet Ramsey murder could solve case 30 YEARS after six-year-old beauty queen was found strangled with broken skull in her basement

▶ Criminal labs have analyzed new and old DNA evidence and handed a detailed report to police

▶ It is hoped once released, the results will help solve the mystery of the brutal murder of Colorado child beauty queen JonBenét Ramsey

▶ JonBenét, 6, was found strangled and beaten to death at her Boulder home in 1996, with no suspects ever charged

New evidence, as well as some which was previously reviewed, have been analyzed by a criminal lab and returned to police. It is hoped the results may help solve the decades-old murder of child beauty queen JonBenét Ramsey, who was found bludgeoned and strangled to death in her Boulder, Colorado home on December 26, 1996 hours after being reported missing. The results have yet to be released, but a detailed DNA report has been issued to the authorities.


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ad8c77 No.106598

File: e415db7c25a03e7⋯.jpeg (776.46 KB,1399x621,1399:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2ff91d39445e3d5⋯.jpeg (315.33 KB,769x638,769:638,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fef4f39438a8b24⋯.jpeg (517.13 KB,911x620,911:620,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901843 (120050ZNOV23) Notable: PF: SAM240 C-40BJoint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr.returning to JBA from Hickam AFB after arriving on 11/08 from JBA

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PF: SAM240 C-40BJoint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr.returning to JBA from Hickam AFB after arriving on 11/08 from JBA

SPAR382 Learjet 35 west from JBA and heading back to Scott AFB-left Scott earlier today and went to DFW then on to JBA

Special Priority Air Resource

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ad8c77 No.106599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901850 (120051ZNOV23) Notable: Complete History of BAYER — One of the Biggest Depopulationist Companies in the World

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Complete History of BAYER — One of the Biggest Depopulationist Companies in the World


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ad8c77 No.106600

File: ded7f1381b8738e⋯.jpg (496.53 KB,1052x695,1052:695,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901873 (120054ZNOV23) Notable: US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean

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US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean

The Pentagon insist the mysterious “mishap” happened during a routine training flight

An unspecified American military aircraft has crashed in the eastern Mediterranean, US European Command announced on Saturday. Washington has recently deployed two aircraft carrier groups to the region as a deterrence measure amid the ongoing Israeli war in Gaza.

The aircraft was conducting a training flight on Friday evening, when it “suffered a mishap and went down,” EUCOM said in a brief statement. The Pentagon did not provide any additional information about the type of the aircraft, how many people were aboard or whether the incident took place over land or sea.

“However, we can definitively say that the aircraft sortie was purely related to training and there are no indications of hostile activity,” EUCOM added. “Out of respect for the families affected, we will not release further information on the personnel involved at this time.”


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ad8c77 No.106601

File: 31d5a640e0fdc66⋯.jpg (238.68 KB,720x577,720:577,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901898 (120058ZNOV23) Notable: US House Speaker Johnson Proposes Funding Government Without Aid to Ukraine and Israel

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US House Speaker Johnson Proposes Funding Government Without Aid to Ukraine and Israel

The speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson (R-LA), has introduced a bill to temporarily fund the federal government. His proposal does not to include aid to Ukraine or Israel but does funds for the defense of the US southern border.

According to the bill, part of the government programmes also related to transport, energy and military construction will be financed by 19 January, which would be the funding deadline for those programs and agencies which are covered under regular appropriations bills pertaining to agriculture, rural development, and Food and Drug Administration.

Funds for energy and water development, military construction and Veterans Affairs together with Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development will also be ceased.

The allocation of money for the rest of the government sectors will be calculated until 2 February.

Johnson expects some Republicans to vote against his bill, but in that case he expects Democrats to support it, Politico reports. However, even if approved in the House, the bill may not pass in the Senate.


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ad8c77 No.106602

File: e4c9da15689f719⋯.webp (144.6 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 6b13dcdd47de5c4⋯.webp (77.23 KB,1433x2048,1433:2048,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19901935 (120104ZNOV23) Notable: Woman threatened by homeless would-be mugger wishes ‘hero’ vigilante gunman didn’t fire weapon: ‘I was terrified’

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Matthew Roesch was following his victim and demanding money after letting her through an emergency exit, she told The Post.

John Rote allegedly screamed “Get the f–ck away from her” before firing two shots through a subway station.

Woman threatened by homeless would-be mugger wishes ‘hero’ vigilante gunman didn’t fire weapon: ‘I was terrified’

By Khristina Narizhnaya and Katherine Donlevy

Published Nov. 10, 2023, 8:28 p.m.

The woman who was threatened by a homeless would-be mugger considers subway vigilante John Rote a “hero” — but wishes he tried to help without firing a gun in the station.

Speaking to The Post over the phone Friday, the 40-year-old woman, who did not want to be identified, recalled the “pure terror” she felt during Tuesday’s ordeal in the city’s subway system she believes has become increasingly unsafe for riders.

One reason for the sketchy conditions underground, she said, is the lack of serious punishments for repeat offenders — such as the man who tried to rob her — who hang out at subway stations.

The woman’s nightmarish scenario unfolded when while trying to head back to her Queens home, she encountered Matthew Roesch, a homeless 49-year-old, who was allegedly harassing her for money after he held the emergency gate open at the 49th Street station near Times Square, she recalled.

When she tried to walk through, he blocked her way and demanded money, according to court documents.

“I said, ‘I’m not going to give him any money’ and kept walking. He followed me. He kept demanding money and he said, ‘if you don’t give me money, I’m going to take your bag.’ I was trying to walk away from him, but he was following me and getting very close,” the woman said.

Roesch — who is known to police for frequently pulling the scheme — allegedly made moves to snatch her bag when Rote, 43, whipped out the firearmand allegedly fired several rounds across the subway while warning the would-be mugger to leave the woman alone.

“Of course, I am happy that that man tried to help me and that nobody was injured during this incident, butit’s scary to think that people are carrying guns around the city. I understand why people do it, they see it as their only means of protection,” the woman said.

Rote was seen in surveillance footage casually pulling the handgun from his bag and aiming it at the scuffle before shouting: “Get the f–k away from her!”

“It all happened within seconds. It didn’t faze the homeless man, he continued to say, ‘give me money, give me money,'” the woman said. That’s when Rote allegedly shot the second time and continued yelling at Roesch to back away from his victim. Roesch finally stalled, giving the woman the chance to run away.

As about 40 others in the station scattered, she found safety inside an MTA maintenance room after a worker opened the door to check out the chaos. He pushed a large metal cabinet against the door, preventing the gunman or the would-be mugger from following them inside.

“I was terrified, I was feeling fear, panic. I was ready for anything, to fight for my life in any way. The gun was pointed in my direction, and that’s all I saw. It was a feeling of pure terror that I don’t wish on anyone.”

Roesch was arrested after police arrived within minutes and was charged with attempted robbery, but Rote was able to flee before he could be cuffed.

Rote — who has no prior arrests — was arrested at his Manhattan job the following day after an anonymous tipster recognized him from the police-leaked footage. He allegedly admitted to the shooting and told cops he ditched the gun in the East River.

He was charged with criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of a firearm, reckless endangerment and menacing, the NYPD said. Law enforcement sources said they don’t think Rote was aiming at the vagrant, and was just trying to scare him off.

Although the woman said she would like to thank Rote for intervening,she said she wishes he left the weapon out of it.

“In this case the man risked a lot to protect me, his safety, and the safety of other people on the platform. Yes, I do think he is a hero, but I don’t know, I would likely think him a bigger hero if he tried to help me without the gun. In my eyes, the gun is a little extreme. It was a very dangerous situation, anything could have happened.”

The woman also slammed the MTA and NYPD, accusing them of doing little to prevent such chaos inside the subways.

She said the incident was the second of two unsettling encounters with homeless people at the 49th Street platform in just one day — her morning started with another man openly masturbating on a bench without shame: “That set the tone for the day.”….


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ad8c77 No.106603

File: 338fcc356ada6f6⋯.png (331.09 KB,636x773,636:773,Clipboard.png)

File: d6abf23d9b05ed0⋯.mp4 (10.47 MB,406x720,203:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902065 (120127ZNOV23) Notable: As the UK had streams of jihadists and Communists rolling through the streets today.

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@TommyRobinsonOfficial 1h

As the UK had streams of jihadists and Communists rolling through the streets today.

Poland had the opposite, nationalists as far as the eye can see.


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ad8c77 No.106604

File: 82af12cd735b07a⋯.png (629.88 KB,803x807,803:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902205 (120153ZNOV23) Notable: Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don’t lie.

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Election Fraud Is Real — And It Needs

To Be Fixed Before 2024

Daily Caller, by Betsy McCaughey

Posted By: Imright, 11/11/2023 7:40:25 PM

Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don’t lie. Roll the tapes: On Nov. 1, Connecticut Judge William Clark overturned the results of the Bridgeport mayoral primary, calling video evidence of potential fraud “shocking.” Wanda Geter-Pataky, the vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, appears to have been caught on video stuffing handfuls of ballots into a drop box outside City Hall. On Oct. 25, in Paterson, New Jersey, the sitting president of the City Council, Alex Mendez, was charged with personally collecting large numbers of mail-in ballots in his district, destroying ballots that did not favor him and replacing them with ballots that falsely chose him.

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ad8c77 No.106605

File: 4646c4e7ea79d44⋯.png (375.46 KB,694x847,694:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902243 (120204ZNOV23) Notable: Bay Area Counseling Service Hosts Meet-Ups for Adults and Minors To Discuss Gender and Sexuality

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Bay Area Counseling Service Hosts Meet-Ups for Adults and Minors To Discuss Gender and Sexuality

Trans adults up to age 25 can talk to kids as young as 14 through weekly online program

(Liudmila Evsegneeva, Grabien)

Susannah Luthi

November 10, 2023

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ad8c77 No.106606

File: 4b2964da970f563⋯.png (47.33 KB,1441x375,1441:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902248 (120205ZNOV23) Notable: 'Rogue' daycare workers busted for allegedly running child fight ring

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South Carolina

'Rogue' daycare workers busted for allegedly running child fight ring

Police said South Carolina day care teachers Serena Caldwell, 56, and Ericka Jones, 27, encouraged fourteen three and four-year-olds to fight one another

Christina Coulter By Christina Coulter Fox News

Published November 10, 2023 7:11pm EST

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ad8c77 No.106607

File: 5dc3a241f7d0f5b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1089x752,1089:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902302 (120221ZNOV23) Notable: Suspect Released Without Charges in Murder of Detroit Synagogue Leader

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Suspect Released Without Charges in Murder of Detroit Synagogue Leader

by Jim Hᴏft Nov. 11, 2023 7:40 pm

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ad8c77 No.106608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902336 (120230ZNOV23) Notable: ADL CEO: Campus Antisemitism Due to Oppressor vs. Oppressed ‘Oppression Olympics’ Where Jews Are at ‘Bottom’

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ADL CEO: Campus Antisemitism Due to Oppressor vs. Oppressed ‘Oppression Olympics’ Where Jews Are at ‘Bottom’



'jews are at the bottom'

what a joke

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ad8c77 No.106609

File: 0b197c6d6e80712⋯.png (394.86 KB,620x465,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902345 (120245ZNOV23) Notable: #24437

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Did my best

Have at it

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ad8c77 No.106610

File: 75b2cb6bff52479⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902354 (120249ZNOV23) Notable: IDF Spokesperson on the Efforts to Mitigate Civilian Harm

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IDF Spokesperson on the Efforts to Mitigate Civilian Harm

**36 days / 36 Batches


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ad8c77 No.106611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902374 (120257ZNOV23) Notable: ‘Secret shoppers’ to help scrutinize student loan servicers

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‘Secret shoppers’ to help scrutinize student loan servicers

Quote: "If investigations find that loan providers aren’t doing their part, the department can withhold payments, force corrective action or even stop the provider from being allocated new borrowers, it said."

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ad8c77 No.106612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902406 (120306ZNOV23) Notable: Ritual Abuse, CIA Mind Control & the False Memory Hoax

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Ritual Abuse, CIA Mind Control & the False Memory Hoax


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ad8c77 No.106613

File: cc070256b79e6be⋯.jpeg (493.59 KB,1264x621,1264:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1de7ca180e11238⋯.jpeg (36.13 KB,1024x680,128:85,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902444 (120316ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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IAF 272 Re’em Tanker off Gaza Strip about 40m before sunrise as aerial refueling platform-still using Boeing 707s for this

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ad8c77 No.106614

File: 2f6ab78897fd5fa⋯.jpg (133.9 KB,720x912,15:19,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5aa13e080bd9905⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902456 (120318ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump, Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, and Dana White backstage at #UFC295.

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The American Squad.

President Trump, Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, and Dana White backstage at #UFC295.

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ad8c77 No.106615

File: 6eb1942003f9c13⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902494 (120329ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump, Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, and Dana White backstage at #UFC295.

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Another angle, as he walks out to American Badass.

Other anon already noted Kid is there, also Don Jr & Tucker (VP pick?)

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ad8c77 No.106616

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902649 (120414ZNOV23) Notable: Anon cites 14 reason why Milley turned on Trump

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(i’m tired, some rambling, but some truth)

I think I know and understand when Milley turned against Trump. When Trump found out the Pentagon, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Milley were lying to him and he flew to Iraq:

When Trump went to Iraq and met Raisin Caine. Trump asked him how hard would it be to take Isis out. Caine said three to four weeks. Trump replied that the generals told me three to four years. Caine said oh no sir, the general's would fly over here and give us orders on specific plans on how to do it. Caine said the plans were shit, it was always the base that was farthest away and they’d use all that time flying and no time on the ground.

He told Trump they had collapsible bases and could use them. (Temporary bases). Trump didn’t know about this either, so he asked Caine more details and they had discussions. Caine told him how many would be killed and Trump gave him the go ahead and eliminate Isis.

Caine eliminated most of them in 3 weeks, but they had some rats left in crevices, and that’s what he told Trump when he reported in to him. Trump was queasy on killing them outright, and he said can you just intimidate them by flying over. Caine said, no sir they will not back down for any reason. They are willing to die. Trump told Caine to try it. Caine calls back and says they are never fearful, they are willing to die and they will kill a lot of other innocents before they die.

Trump finally says to Caine to take the last ones out, he wants a 100% gone. Caine took out Isis in less than 4 weeks

The various reasons Milley turned on Trump:

1. Milley never really respected or obeyed any president he served under, unless they were corrupt.

2. Milley was treating Trump like an idiot and Trump knew it.

2. Trump obviously suspected the Joint Chiefs, Pentagon and Milley had been lying to him and the Presidents for decades.

3. When Trump left at Thanksgiving (2018) to fly to Iraq he really didn’t want any of the top brass coming with him so he didn’t notify Milley and them.

4. Trump knew how stupid Milley was with his answers that never made sense.

5. Milley didn’t realize how much Trump knows or how he could always get the truth.

6. After Trump went to Iraq and found out how the DOD, Pentagon and Joints chiefs were always lying, he rarely included them in final military plans.

7. When Trump asked for withdrawal plans from Afghanistan from Milley, he said it would be cheaper to leave $85 billion in equipment there, and Trump knew he was an idiot.

8. Trump told Milley he wanted everything back down to the very screws in the buildings.

9. Trump told Milley they would always keep Baghram.

10. Before the election Milley called China and said he would call them if Trump was going to war with them. Proving his alliance were with the enemy against the US. Trump had all his communications monitored.

10. Because Trump cut Milley out at the end, Milley begged Bidan for a position to get back at Trump when Bidan stole the election.

11. Milley was the one that recommended to Bidan and Blinken the disastrous withdrawal, leave the equipment, planes, dogs, people, arms, the military and Bagrham base at a cost of $85 billion; only because Trump called him an idiot for recommending that to him.

12. Milley was so arrogant he really thought and thinks he’s smarter than Trump.

13. Milley went along with the killing if soldiers and Americans left behind during the withdrawal.

14. Trump knew at close to the end that the DOD and Pentagon wanted endless wars because they got kickbacks from MIC so he sent Miller and Patel to uncover all the corruption there before he left office. Trump collected it because he would come back.

==All of this because Trump found out the Joint Chiefs would lie to the CiC and would have dragged out the war for 4 more years, saying it would take that long to take Isis out. All of them revealed how these endless wars…

At the end of Trump’s term or shortly thereafter we learned the military didn't withdraw the 1,000 troops from Syria. So right now American soldiers are illegally in Syria and those 1,000 troops are now targets by the Muslim brotherhood.

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ad8c77 No.106617

File: cefd8d7caef9a75⋯.png (366.22 KB,714x906,119:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902650 (120415ZNOV23) Notable: Times of Israel: "Far-right minister says nuking Gara an option, PS suspends him from catibinet meetings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Do not make peace with Evil



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ad8c77 No.106618

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902668 (120420ZNOV23) Notable: Trump clip: The only terror we had [during my administration] was Nancy Pelosi - KEK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



He’s right!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106619

File: 47e75465bfa928e⋯.png (363.22 KB,753x516,251:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902670 (120420ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump, Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, and Dana White backstage at #UFC295.

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Note that Tucker was there.

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ad8c77 No.106620

File: d6b88b0f56579cc⋯.png (8.6 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902684 (120424ZNOV23) Notable: QClock November 11, 2023 - Together We Will MAGA

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QClock November 11, 2023 - Together We Will MAGA

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ad8c77 No.106621

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902689 (120426ZNOV23) Notable: Trump clip: Biden can't put to sentences together

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Just don’t walk into a wall




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ad8c77 No.106622

File: d6272ee9340a5f2⋯.png (571.68 KB,749x830,749:830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902712 (120433ZNOV23) Notable: Ramaswamy: Haley ‘Was a China Stooge,’ DeSantis ‘Not that Different’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breitbart Exclusive

Ramaswamy: Haley ‘Was a China Stooge,’ DeSantis ‘Not that Different’

Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy told Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) “was a China Stooge” who tries “to talk tough now” and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) “really isn’t that different.”

Host and Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle and Ramaswamy spoke about a number of storylines coming out of the debate in Miami, Florida, on Wednesday night, including some tense back-and-forth exchanges he had with Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC), and one she had with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL). Ramaswamy also contended his opponents bore responsibility for the lack of focus on domestic policy issues in the first hour.

At one point in the debate, Haley and DeSantis knocked each other on Chinese businesses or subsidiaries in their respective states under each of their tenures as governor. Ramaswamy, who told Boyle Saturday that Haley “was absolutely a China stooge until she tried to talk tough now, but Ron is really not that different,” was a buffer in the exchange, hitting both of them on the front. ...


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ad8c77 No.106623

File: c6809c084e1263d⋯.jpg (164.32 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c2f3cad212ffdf2⋯.mp4 (14.05 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902734 (120439ZNOV23) Notable: Citizen walking dog in San Diego park finds sheriffs hiding in the bushes dressed in military gear; rep won't answers questions

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What’s going on here?

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ad8c77 No.106624

File: c9381b93732fc78⋯.png (386.26 KB,1011x1014,337:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902739 (120441ZNOV23) Notable: AP: Trump joins media outlets in pushing for his federal election interference case to be televised

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump joins media outlets in pushing for his federal election interference case to be televised

Donald Trump is pushing for his federal election interference trial in Washington to be televised, joining media outlets that say the American public should be able to watch the historic case unfold.

Federal court rules prohibit broadcasting proceedings, but The Associated Press and other news organizations say the unprecedented case of a former president standing trial on accusations that he tried to subvert the will of voters warrants making an exception.

The Justice Department is opposing the effort, arguing that the judge overseeing the case does not have the authority to ignore the long-standing nationwide policy against cameras in federal courtrooms. The trial is scheduled to begin on March 4.

``I want this trial to be seen by everybody in the world,” Trump said Saturday during a presidential campaign event in New Hampshire. “The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness and I want sunlight.” ...


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ad8c77 No.106625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902796 (120456ZNOV23) Notable: Citizen walking dog in San Diego park finds sheriffs hiding in the bushes dressed in military gear; rep won't answers questions

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>What’s going on here?

Holy shit. I have questions ...

good on her.


>Why is this bitch so nosy?

r u serious rn?


>dude with the camera seems a danger to those hard workkng pubic servants

See previous ...

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ad8c77 No.106626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902815 (120502ZNOV23) Notable: @465 Ty Taker

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#24438 >>>/qresearch/19902344

>>106610 IDF Spokesperson on the Efforts to Mitigate Civilian Harm

>>106611 ‘Secret shoppers’ to help scrutinize student loan servicers

>>106613 PF

>>106614, >>106615, >>106619 President Trump, Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, and Dana White backstage at #UFC295.

>>106616 Anon cites 14 reason why Milley turned on Trump

>>106617 Times of Israel: "Far-right minister says nuking Gara an option, PS suspends him from catibinet meetings

>>106618 Trump clip: The only terror we had [during my administration] was Nancy Pelosi - KEK

>>106620 QClock November 11, 2023 - Together We Will MAGA

>>106621 Trump clip: Biden can't put to sentences together

>>106622 Ramaswamy: Haley ‘Was a China Stooge,’ DeSantis ‘Not that Different’

>>106623, >>106625 Citizen walking dog in San Diego park finds sheriffs hiding in the bushes dressed in military gear; rep won't answers questions

>>106624 AP: Trump joins media outlets in pushing for his federal election interference case to be televised


COLLECTOR signing off



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ad8c77 No.106627

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902843 (120510ZNOV23) Notable: Rand Paul brilliantly makes FBI Director Wray accidentally ADMIT the truth

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Dan Bongino



This is how it's done! BOOM 🔥

Nov 11, 2023, 11:45 PM


Rand Paul brilliantly makes FBI Director Wray accidentally ADMIT the truth




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ad8c77 No.106628

File: bda524b9235b211⋯.png (983.27 KB,1312x993,1312:993,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902854 (120513ZNOV23) Notable: It’s not typical for the Justice Department to get involved in breaking up local prostitution rings, but the sex-network bust federal prosecutors announced on Wednesday wasn’t an ordinary operation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It’s not typical for the Justice Department to get involved in breaking up local prostitution rings, but the sex-network bust federal prosecutors announced on Wednesday wasn’t an ordinary operation.

The sex workers catered to the well-to-do, powerful and influential professionals of Washington and Boston who now face public exposure and criminal sentences.

Prosecutors announced the arrest of three people who operated the prostitution ring out of luxury apartments just outside Boston and in McLean, Virginia, a suburb of Washington and one of the most expensive cities in the U.S.

In a public statement, Justice Department officials only named the three men arrested for running the operation.

The clients’ identities were kept secret, but it’s unlikely they will be shielded for long.

The Justice Department’s decision to get involved in the case, say those familiar with the process, centers on the list of powerful “johns” or clients.“This is all sad stuff, but it rarely rises to the level of the Department of Justice,” former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told The Washington Times. “This is exactly the type of case that had it not been for the johns, it would probably just be handled locally.”

Federal prosecutors decided not to leave the case to the police departments in Fairfax and McLean, Virginia, or Cambridge and Watertown, Massachusetts.

A 60-page affidavit provides clues as to why the Justice Department has taken on the case.

It described a wide array of customers, among them politicians, military officers, professors, lawyers, pharmaceutical and tech executives, scientists and government contractors with security clearances. They visited prostitutes in McLean and the Massachusetts cities of Watertown and Cambridge in apartments costing $3,700 in monthly rent.

Clients were required to provide not only their full name and other identifying information but an employer reference.

Many of their names are now in the hands of the Justice Department.

“Prosecutors love to go after high-level folks because they can make a name for themselves,” Mr. Rahmani said.

Special Agent Zachary Mitlitsky, the lead investigator, said he believes there are potentially hundreds of “yet to be identified” customers from different professions. He made a point of explaining why the Justice Department has not named any of the men — yet.

“I do not do this for purposes of maintaining their anonymity, but instead do so because our investigation into their involvement in prostitution is active and ongoing,” Mr. Mitlitsky said.

Criminal justice experts say it’s likely federal prosecutors are working on plea agreements in exchange for cooperation from those they have identified as the brothels’ clients.


Operators last name Lee. Likely CCP blackmail intelligence/influence campaign.

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ad8c77 No.106629

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19902902 (120523ZNOV23) Notable: Rand Paul brilliantly makes FBI Director Wray accidentally ADMIT the truth

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That little piece of controlled opposition sewage is showboating about "threats to the homeland"? The threat is WITHIN -oh, and at the BORDER, of course.

Remmber this? https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-4/section-4/ Article 4, Section 4 states - The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence — YET

Rand Paul to oppose Donald Trump border emergency declaration Sunday, March 3, 2019

“I can’t vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress,” Mr. Paul said. “We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn’t authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it’s a dangerous thing.” He joins Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Thom Tillis of North Carolina and 47 Democrats in backing the disapproval measure, giving it majority support. https://archive.md/L3kvT


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ad8c77 No.106630

File: 9fbe7000dc7a2d9⋯.png (167.37 KB,2023x1019,2023:1019,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f477a0acf80e73⋯.png (1.66 MB,1440x809,1440:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903018 (120552ZNOV23) Notable: Tucker looking straight at Dan Bongino like, oh, that time we both agreed a Trump assassination was more than conspiracy theory…

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Tucker looking straight at Dan Bongino like, oh, that time we both agreed a Trump assassination was more than conspiracy theory...


Carlson, who hosts his interviews on X, formerly known as Twitter, first asserted the conspiracy theory during his August interview with Trump in which he asked the Republican presidential frontrunner if he was concerned about attempts on his life—a line of questioning Trump did not directly answer, opting instead to use it as a chance to blast his critics and political opponents.

Carlson’s conspiracy theory is sparked by escalated legal pressures faced by Trump, and vaguely claims an assassination against Trump is the next step from political opponents after the former president’s two impeachments and four indictments.

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ad8c77 No.106631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903129 (120635ZNOV23) Notable: #24438

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>ebaker assumes zero responsibilities

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ad8c77 No.106632

File: ec1e26c4e1f6d84⋯.jpg (144.5 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ccb5b5aaf0dc25⋯.jpg (291.63 KB,2048x1306,1024:653,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903164 (120651ZNOV23) Notable: Just took this pic departing #UFC295 at Madison Square Garden in New York City - @DanScavino

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Just took this pic departing #UFC295 at Madison Square Garden in New York City…

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ad8c77 No.106633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903200 (120709ZNOV23) Notable: #24436 posted #24438

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>106631 tyb o7

#24436 >>106590

>>106591 National Guards all over being activated at the same time for "different reasons"

>>106592, >>106593, >>106594, >>106596 How the GOP muzzled the quiet coalition that fought foreign propaganda 1/4

>>106595 Enjoyed talking about intelligence & cybersecurity - @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA

>>106597 New DNA testing in JonBenet Ramsey murder could solve case 30 YEARS after six-year-old beauty queen was found strangled with broken skull in her basement

>>106598 PF - PF: SAM240 C-40BJoint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, Jr.returning to JBA from Hickam AFB after arriving on 11/08 from JBA

>>106599 Complete History of BAYER — One of the Biggest Depopulationist Companies in the World

>>106600 US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean

>>106601 US House Speaker Johnson Proposes Funding Government Without Aid to Ukraine and Israel

>>106602 Woman threatened by homeless would-be mugger wishes ‘hero’ vigilante gunman didn’t fire weapon: ‘I was terrified’

>>106603 As the UK had streams of jihadists and Communists rolling through the streets today.

>>106604 Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don’t lie.

>>106605 Bay Area Counseling Service Hosts Meet-Ups for Adults and Minors To Discuss Gender and Sexuality

>>106606 'Rogue' daycare workers busted for allegedly running child fight ring

>>106607 Suspect Released Without Charges in Murder of Detroit Synagogue Leader

>>106608 ADL CEO: Campus Antisemitism Due to Oppressor vs. Oppressed ‘Oppression Olympics’ Where Jews Are at ‘Bottom’


Use them if you can.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903262 (120733ZNOV23) Notable: #24437 posted #24438

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#24437 >>106609

>>106610 IDF Spokesperson on the Efforts to Mitigate Civilian Harm

>>106611 ‘Secret shoppers’ to help scrutinize student loan servicers

>>106612 Ritual Abuse, CIA Mind Control & the False Memory Hoax

>>106613 PF

>>106614, >>106615, >>106619 President Trump, Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, and Dana White backstage at #UFC295.

>>106616 Anon cites 14 reason why Milley turned on Trump

>>106617 Times of Israel: "Far-right minister says nuking Gara an option, PS suspends him from catibinet meetings

>>106618 Trump clip: The only terror we had [during my administration] was Nancy Pelosi - KEK

>>106620 QClock November 11, 2023 - Together We Will MAGA

>>106621 Trump clip: Biden can't put to sentences together

>>106622 Ramaswamy: Haley ‘Was a China Stooge,’ DeSantis ‘Not that Different’

>>106623, >>106625 Citizen walking dog in San Diego park finds sheriffs hiding in the bushes dressed in military gear; rep won't answers questions

>>106624 AP: Trump joins media outlets in pushing for his federal election interference case to be televised

>>106626 @465 Ty Taker

>>106627, >>106629 Rand Paul brilliantly makes FBI Director Wray accidentally ADMIT the truth

>>106628 It’s not typical for the Justice Department to get involved in breaking up local prostitution rings, but the sex-network bust federal prosecutors announced on Wednesday wasn’t an ordinary operation.

>>106630 Tucker looking straight at Dan Bongino like, oh, that time we both agreed a Trump assassination was more than conspiracy theory…

If you can use it, please use it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106635

File: 735aeabaa831ba8⋯.png (468.87 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b77f05270d180e⋯.png (1.9 KB,190x25,38:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903327 (120753ZNOV23) Notable: Trump plotting massive migrant sweeps, mega detention camps if elected: report

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New York Post



Trump plotting massive migrant sweeps, mega detention camps if elected: report




gud night anon.

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ad8c77 No.106636

File: 2db8ab20086e2ac⋯.png (260.41 KB,600x545,120:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903365 (120801ZNOV23) Notable: #VeteransDay - @TrumpGolf

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Trump Golf



Today we honor and thank the generations of brave Americans whose service and sacrifice preserves our freedom. We are forever grateful for you. #VeteransDay


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ad8c77 No.106637

File: 83d121a1f8f9010⋯.png (922.93 KB,807x1087,807:1087,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903531 (120850ZNOV23) Notable: The Elusive Aerospike Engine Could Finally Be Ready to Fly

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The Elusive Aerospike Engine Could Finally Be Ready to Fly


NASA For decades, an engine concept known as aerospike has been an elusive rival to the traditional bell-nozzle rocket. Although capable of delivering higher payloads while decreasing overall...

Why the Aerospike Engine Is the Future of Rockets and Spaceflight


The aerospike engine—specifically the conical aerospike—looks quite similar to a conventional rocket and functions using largely the same principle: exchanging thermal energy for kinetic energy.

Are Aerospike Engines Better Than Traditional Rocket Engines?


on October 18, 2019 39 minute read Are Aerospikes Better Than Bell Nozzles? Watch on This is a rocket engine. Really, all it is is a heat and pressure machine whose end goal is to convert that heat and pressure into workable thrust. The more that gets converted the better. This conversion is usually done by a large bell nozzle.

Pangea Aerospace tests aerospike engine - SpaceNews


Aerospike engines have been studied for decades because of their potential greater efficiency. Such engines lack the bell-shaped nozzles of conventional engines, optimizing the expansion of...

Anonymous 11/11/23 (Sat) 21:29:46ff1e74 (16) No.19902932 (PB)

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ad8c77 No.106638

File: 1f059d31ce8d96f⋯.jpg (139.82 KB,1125x1125,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903572 (120904ZNOV23) Notable: AnonDig - Q Drop 1986/1987 and RoboCop

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Can A Police Offer Arrest The President Of The United States?



Synonyms for the word: YES








all right


beyond a doubt

by all means



even so



good enough



just so

most assuredly


of course




sure thing



very well


without fail



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903577 (120906ZNOV23) Notable: DRUG SEIZURES, MIGRANT ENCOUNTERS UP SIGNIFICANTLY IN SAN DIEGO SECTOR

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Might have sumthin to do with the San Diego County Sheriff Department's "exercises" - cartels are pretty much running things along the southern border states, and beyond.


7 November 2023

SAN DIEGO (Border Report) — While the San Diego Border Patrol Sector reported 230,941 encounters with migrants for the 2023 fiscal year, a record number for the last 20 years, it also set a record for the amount of drug seizures during the same time period, especially fentanyl.

According to the Border Patrol, its agents confiscated 1,285 pounds of fentanyl, 2,100 pounds of cocaine, 111 pounds of heroin and 1,802 pounds of methamphetamine.

“We’re about three percent of the Southwest border, but the majority of hard narcotics keeps coming up the California corridor, they’re coming through our area here in San Diego,” said Eric Lavergne, acting assistant chief patrol agent for San Diego Sector.


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ad8c77 No.106640

File: 19e8f1feaa19890⋯.jpg (31.82 KB,722x480,361:240,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903616 (120926ZNOV23) Notable: AnonDig - Q Drop 1986/1987 and RoboCop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


RoboCop: Dead or alive, you're coming with me!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106641

File: 29f3080fe0b87b8⋯.png (5.5 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d13afc2486f422⋯.png (5.44 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903643 (120945ZNOV23) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Non mil, but there are a lot of American aircraft flying by Matlock about now.


The powers of a password.

Who would have thought that.

Yeh bored and checking for a shadow ban.

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ad8c77 No.106642

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903675 (121003ZNOV23) Notable: Witchcraft charges dropped in Glasgow child abuse case

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Witchcraft charges dropped in Glasgow child abuse case

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106643

File: 1c6ec6e8379b55c⋯.png (496.5 KB,598x905,598:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903689 (121016ZNOV23) Notable: Anons you know what this picture means. @LizCrokin

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Anons you know what this picture means. 😏

I talk about Adam Schiff and his ties to pedophilia and child sex trafficking in my latest episode of Vampire Hunter which came out before this tweet of his! Watch the show now — it’s my current pinned tweet!

You know what they say, timing is everything! Do you want me to do a deeper dive on Schiff and his trafficking connections? There’s Haiti, Ed Buck, the Liddle Kidz Foundation and…of course, The Standard Hotel! Let me know in the comments! 👇🏻


Adam Schiff




I talk a lot about my little brother David.

We met over thirty years ago when we were paired together through Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles – a mentorship program that empowers youth by pairing them with a “Big Brother” to help guide them.

We were paired up for a day as…

Show more



7:00 PM · Nov 11, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106644

File: 1569db226af0f50⋯.png (158.07 KB,360x279,40:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 528c39dd81688de⋯.png (452.97 KB,594x485,594:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903699 (121025ZNOV23) Notable: Trump with Kid Rock, Tucker, and Dana White at UFC 295

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Trump with Kid Rock, Tucker, and Dana White at UFC 295🔥

0:09 / 0:53


UFC on TNT Sports

4:18 PM · Nov 11, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106645

File: 78e8abefedf2dfa⋯.png (897.65 KB,881x821,881:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903709 (121033ZNOV23) Notable: Veterans Day: Elon Musk Calls Out Evil, Anti-American Action Against the Flag, by Anti-Israel Protesters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Veterans Day: Elon Musk Calls Out Evil

Anti-American Action Against the Flag

by Anti-Israel Protesters

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/12/2023 12:55:52 AM

I wrote earlier about the wild, anti-Israel protest in New York City on Friday, that at times turned into a riot. Among other things, they fought with the police, they tried to kick in the doors of Grand Central Terminal, blocking the regular people from being able to go home on the train. They even attacked a bus with UFC champion Jamahal Hill in it. That sure looked like terrorism to me. But they also did something else that was disgraceful and evil, particularly on Veterans Day eve. The mob was at Lexington and 43rd, within blocks of the UN, where they had American and UN flags

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ad8c77 No.106646

File: 061e546d596f3f9⋯.png (1.21 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: ef1eadce3805d0c⋯.png (2.19 MB,1600x1083,1600:1083,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903713 (121038ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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Chinese Military counterfeit C-17 Globemaster.


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ad8c77 No.106647

File: fef0c5fafb4a544⋯.mp4 (11.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903724 (121048ZNOV23) Notable: Trump with Kid Rock, Tucker, and Dana White at UFC 295

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106648

File: 9852c47a378f508⋯.png (196.11 KB,668x1237,668:1237,Clipboard.png)

File: a6581562d29ba16⋯.png (176.49 KB,668x962,334:481,Clipboard.png)

File: ab5af2a156c81de⋯.jpg (119.75 KB,461x1165,461:1165,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903725 (121049ZNOV23) Notable: AnonDig - Q Drop 1986/1987 and RoboCop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -








The above are movie RoboCop (1987):


Q Drop 1987 attached, as well as inner 1986 and inside image.

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ad8c77 No.106649

File: 2fe56af049856cb⋯.png (893.43 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e9173379a82548⋯.png (441.8 KB,1382x985,1382:985,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903731 (121057ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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Israeli 747 regular air cargo flight from Hong Kong to Israel now taking northern route and avoiding past flights paths that were in use prior to the current war. Steering well clear of the Persian Gulf.



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ad8c77 No.106650

File: 8512d917240fb8b⋯.png (26.62 KB,864x325,864:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903747 (121113ZNOV23) Notable: On "River City One" And Coming Home From War

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On "River City One" And Coming Home From War

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Nov 11, 2023 - 11:30 AM

Authored by Erica Moshtahedian via RealClearPolitics.com,

For those of us who came of age in the aftermath of September 11 and the wars that followed, a new book “River City One” by first-time author John Waters provides a reprieve from glamorized, military-style leadership guides like “Extreme Ownership” or “Make Your Bed,” or adrenaline-filled memoirs like Navy SEAL Chris Kyle’s “American Sniper.”

This is a penetration into the mind of a veteran returned to the world that we share with him.

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ad8c77 No.106651

File: 4bc69870da95220⋯.png (478.13 KB,595x605,119:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903753 (121124ZNOV23) Notable: Angry anti-Israel protester sharing his views today in London.

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Ezra A. Cohen reposted

Visegrád 24


“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

Angry anti-Israel protester sharing his twisted views today in London.

🇬🇧🇮🇱 Via @ThevoiceAlexa

for @RebelNewsOnline


Alexandra Lavoie

11:30 AM · Nov 11, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106652

File: 7da2747806ec8ab⋯.png (452.69 KB,599x903,599:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903755 (121130ZNOV23) Notable: FBI agents hone in on Mayor Eric Adams' text messages over fast-tracking

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I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


🚨BREAKING: The FBI uncovered Eric Adams’ text messages with Turkish Consul General suggesting he helped fast-track the opening of the Turkish government’s new diplomatic headquarters in Manhattan.

These text messages took place in 2021 when Adams who was then the Brooklyn borough president and Democratic mayoral nominee and included Turkish Consul General Reyhan Özgür and then-FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro.

Just this week Adams’ top fundraiser Brianna Suggs was raided by the FBI over the allegations that the Turkish government was funneling money to Adams's campaign.

Also, this week the FBI seized Adams’ two cellphones and an iPad in connection to this investigation whether or not Adams or his team gave any special benefit to Turkey in exchange for the alleged donations.


7:25 PM · Nov 11, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106653

File: e78218ae42551a7⋯.png (1.06 MB,1036x878,518:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903756 (121132ZNOV23) Notable: COVID-19 aid thieves

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The Great Grift: COVID-19 aid thieves

bought fancy cars, a Pokemon card —

even a private island

Associated Press News, by Richard Lardner

Posted By: Mercedes44, 11/12/2023 5:36:55 AM

A freshwater spring bubbles amid the mangroves, cabbage palms and red cedars on Sweetheart Island, a two-acre uninhabited patch of paradise about a mile off the coast of this little Gulf Coast town. Pelicans divebomb nearby into the cool waters of Florida’s Withlacoochee Bay and the open view westward holds the promise of dazzling sunsets. It may have seemed like an ideal getaway for Florida businessman Patrick Parker Walsh. Instead, he’s serving five and half years in federal prison for stealing nearly $8 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds that he used, in part, to buy Sweetheart Island.

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ad8c77 No.106654

File: 2a4677824d22bf9⋯.png (62.68 KB,651x461,651:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903758 (121136ZNOV23) Notable: FBI agents hone in on Mayor Eric Adams' text messages over fast-tracking

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FBI agents hone in on Mayor Eric Adams' text messages over fast-tracking 36-story Turkish diplomatic HQ in NYC after seizing his cellphones and iPad following raid on his chief fundraiser's home

Eric Adams had his cellphones and iPad seized by the FBI on Monday, as part of an investigation into potential campaign finance violations

Agents had raided the Brooklyn home of a top fundraiser on November 2 and took away her devices and folders

On Saturday sources told The New York Times the FBI was looking into work to try and speed up approval for Turkey's new consulate

By Harriet Alexander For Dailymail.com

Published: 01:50 EST, 12 November 2023 | Updated: 04:09 EST, 12 November 2023

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ad8c77 No.106655

File: d9fa5176bded605⋯.jpg (130.07 KB,720x784,45:49,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b2d0bf4bbd331b⋯.mp4 (13.56 MB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903765 (121142ZNOV23) Notable: Video out of NYC this morning,US Marines?

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Video out of NYC this morning,US Marines? Cops, unmarked, marked, sirens....

Trumps motorcade heading to NYC for the UFC fight? early in the morning , to clear things out , or something bigger? this seems like something bigger

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ad8c77 No.106656

File: 640d1553cb080f5⋯.png (454.51 KB,593x901,593:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903768 (121144ZNOV23) Notable: Disney's cruise&Epstein&COVIDvaccine - News Past

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


🔥🚨EXCLUSIVE: I discovered that from August 15, 2009, to 2018, Disney was sending kids to Jeffrey Epstein’s Island for snorkeling trips. The Disney cruise ship stopped at Little Saint James Island for day trips for years despite Epstein's history of pedophilia.


Readers added context to this image

The expedition shown is part of a third party tour.

Neither the tour nor Disney are affiliated with Epstein or the island




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Context is written by people who use X, and appears when rated helpful by others. Find out more.

11:26 AM · Nov 11, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106657

File: 4baa3a0f67ba71d⋯.png (58.35 KB,663x415,663:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f889f658f27eff⋯.png (61.35 KB,479x292,479:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903772 (121148ZNOV23) Notable: Disney's cruise&Epstein&COVIDvaccine - News Past

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Disney's cruise line becomes the first to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 5 and up

Disney Cruise Line updated its vaccine mandate to include passengers aged five and older and said its focus is on 'the health and safety' of its guests and staff

The new rules take effect in January, and some parents aren't happy with them

Scathed one parent: ‘We will never give you a dime. You aren’t worth the lives of my children'

The FDA authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine for children aged five through 11 last month

At least 2.6 million children aged five to 11 have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in the past two weeks, the White House said Wednesday

By Michelle Thompson For Dailymail.Com

Published: 19:52 EST, 17 November 2021 | Updated: 19:55 EST, 17 November 2021

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ad8c77 No.106658

File: bd05ae68ea85763⋯.png (609.56 KB,600x548,150:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903779 (121155ZNOV23) Notable: NYC parent, teacher groups promoted pro-Palestine student walkout: Kids yelled ‘F–k the Jews!

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New York Post


NYC parent, teacher groups promoted pro-Palestine student walkout: Kids yelled ‘F–k the Jews!’ https://trib.al/a4DasU7


12:01 AM · Nov 12, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106659

File: 177f11d47866f88⋯.png (128.12 KB,926x1070,463:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903797 (121214ZNOV23) Notable: AnonDig - Q2491 - TRUMP: “We watched it be stolen, at 3:02 in the morning, we watched it!”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP: “We watched it be stolen, at 3:02 in the morning, we watched it!”

There were a couple HUGE statements made by President Trump in his Rally in Hialeah, Florida yesterday and have gone largely unnoticed….

But not by us.

In fact, this is yet another continuation of my massive “Hidden in plain sight” file, which is getting rather large these days.

More on that history here if you haven’t seen it: https://wltreport.com/2023/10/16/hidden-plain-sight-we-beat-them-twice-we/

And now here’s the latest.

I have three clips to show you, and when all three are viewed together, it’s a pretty clear picture that is painted.

Namely, President Trump caught them all, watched the steal happen live, and is holding ALL the “Trump cards” — so to speak.

(Video at link)

Ok, so I’m not sure how much clearer he can be….he’s telling you they watched it happen in realtime.

Do you really think they just “watched it” and didn’t save all the evidence?

Didn’t capture all the evidence?




3:02 pm (Mirror of AM)

As of 3:02 pm est today, "Qanon" is now the #2 most attacked entity behind POTUS within the U.S.

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ad8c77 No.106660

File: 88f9c7b6ad36f53⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903803 (121217ZNOV23) Notable: Angry anti-Israel protester sharing his views today in London.

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Angry anti-Israel protester sharing his views today in London.

Never thought I'd see the day this shit is said out loud. Guess we'll have to see how it plays out.

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ad8c77 No.106661

File: fb56a57b55d42bb⋯.png (41.78 KB,1002x454,501:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903807 (121219ZNOV23) Notable: AnonDig - Q2491 - TRUMP: “We watched it be stolen, at 3:02 in the morning, we watched it!”

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Something special about 3:02

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ad8c77 No.106662

File: 4cf7df532d94c01⋯.png (1.45 MB,735x755,147:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903822 (121231ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Burr’s Wife Greets Trump With Double Middle Fingers

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She's a beaut.

Bill Burr’s Wife Greets Trump With Double Middle Fingers

When Donald Trump arrived at the UFC 295 pay-per-view event at Madison Square Garden Saturday night with an entourage that included Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, Dana White and his son, Donald Trump Jr., he was reportedly met with mostly cheers from the New York crowd. But just behind him, seated next to comedian Bill Burr, a woman who appeared to be Burr’s wife, actress and producer Nia Renée Hill, could be seen on camera flashing double middle fingers his way. While Burr’s politics are famously complicated, Hill made her feelings about Trump known as early as 2012 when she tweeted, “Started to watch Miss Universe but forgot that asshole Trump was involved. #pass”

Donald Trump walked into an arena that holds 20,000 people and 19,999 people were so happy.


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ad8c77 No.106663

File: 988b3d96e0d3a45⋯.png (36.49 KB,969x271,969:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903840 (121242ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Burr blasts Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over anti-mask mandate stance:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


He is a liberal cuck, what a loser.

Bill Burr blasts Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over anti-mask mandate stance: ‘Piece of s*** politicians’


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ad8c77 No.106664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903844 (121245ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Burr’s Wife Greets Trump With Double Middle Fingers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald Trump receives a double bird from comedian Bill Burr's wife at UFC 295 alongside Kid Rock and Tucker Carlson as they watch Alex Pereira and Tom Aspinall secure big wins at MSG

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ad8c77 No.106665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903853 (121251ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000187

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.1% Of Global Population Controls Global Economy, Neo-cons Prove Their Allegiance To Satan, Perpetual War For Control

Neo-con RINOs Prove Their Allegiance To Satan!

RNC Tells Republicans If They Attend Christian Forum They'll Be BANNED!


They hate our 1st Amendment and they love war. No different than most the Democrats at this point. "Democracy" is a FRAUD and a sadistic JOKE in the USSA! Boycott military service and any future draft!

Government Says Americans Are Stupid Because We Do Not Like Their Economic Disasterpiece


Why even ask if you don't care about public opinion?

Moody’s Cuts Outlook On US Government Debt To Negative


The highest wealth rung controls $208.3 trillion in wealth, or 45.8% of the global total. Just 1.1% of the world adult population fall in this bracket.


Good Samaritan Arrested After Stopping NYC Subway Assault By Firing Warning Shots


MY COMMENT: Many cities like New York are no longer part of real America!

American Volunteers Flock To Help Israeli Families After Hamas Massacre


Israel Is Now Threatening To CARPET BOMB Other Nations & Their Civilians Too


Despotic Oligarchy Needs Perpetual War To Stay In Power


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ad8c77 No.106666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903900 (121310ZNOV23) Notable: #24438

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24438 >>106631

>>106632 Just took this pic departing #UFC295 at Madison Square Garden in New York City - @DanScavino

>>106635 Trump plotting massive migrant sweeps, mega detention camps if elected: report

>>106636 #VeteransDay - @TrumpGolf

>>106637 The Elusive Aerospike Engine Could Finally Be Ready to Fly

>>106638, >>106640, >>106648 AnonDig - Q Drop 1986/1987 and RoboCop


>>106641, >>106646, >>106649 PF

>>106642 Witchcraft charges dropped in Glasgow child abuse case

>>106643 Anons you know what this picture means. @LizCrokin

>>106644, >>106647 Trump with Kid Rock, Tucker, and Dana White at UFC 295

>>106645 Veterans Day: Elon Musk Calls Out Evil, Anti-American Action Against the Flag, by Anti-Israel Protesters

>>106651, >>106660 Angry anti-Israel protester sharing his views today in London.

>>106650 On "River City One" And Coming Home From War

>>106652, >>106654 FBI agents hone in on Mayor Eric Adams' text messages over fast-tracking

>>106653 COVID-19 aid thieves

>>106655 Video out of NYC this morning,US Marines?

>>106656, >>106657 Disney's cruise&Epstein&COVIDvaccine - News Past

>>106658 NYC parent, teacher groups promoted pro-Palestine student walkout: Kids yelled ‘F–k the Jews!

>>106659, >>106661 AnonDig - Q2491 - TRUMP: “We watched it be stolen, at 3:02 in the morning, we watched it!”

>>106662, >>106664 Bill Burr’s Wife Greets Trump With Double Middle Fingers

>>106663 Bill Burr blasts Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over anti-mask mandate stance:

>>106665 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000187

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ad8c77 No.106667

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903926 (121318ZNOV23) Notable: China Prepares To Choke Off America's Rare Metal Supply

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China Prepares To Choke Off America's Rare Metal Supply

China will tighten reporting controls on strategic rare earth elements, according to its Commerce Ministry, in a move that could choke off America's supply of critical minerals used in the production of electric cars and missiles.

The ministry said on Tuesday that exporters of rare earth elements would need to report their shipment orders, although no limitations were announced at the time. The government did not publicly specific which minerals would be subject to the new reporting requirement.

The decision is being viewed as a message to Washington about Beijing's potential to target specific industries as a response to the U.S.'s own restrictions on high-end semiconductors.

The decision also comes as Chinese leader Xi Jinping is slated to travel to San Francisco next week for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, where he is expected to meet President Joe Biden and attend a reception with U.S. corporate elites.

Rare earth elements are a group of 17 minerals that, although abundant, are challenging to extract and process for use in cutting-edge technologies, from new electric vehicles and solar panels to microchips used by the defense industry.

China is the biggest producer of rare earth elements, having mastered extraction and processing. The new reporting requirement was a common practice, its Commerce Ministry said of the policy move.

"The establishment of an import and export statistical survey and reporting mechanism for certain bulk products is an internationally accepted practice. Statistics on the import and export of goods helps us to grasp the incomings and outgoings of bulk products in a timely manner in order to examine trends," said He Yadong, a ministry spokesperson.

The new reporting requirement is an update to the commodity reporting regulations published in 2022 by China's statistics bureau and will last two years starting from October 31.

China currently accounts for 60 percent of the world's rare earth extraction and 87 percent of processing, according to analysis by the Paris-based International Energy Agency.

Rare metals aren't the only items on Beijing's growing list of strategic targets; the Commerce Ministry has also asked importers of iron ore, copper ore concentrate and potash fertilizer to report their orders.

In July, China imposed export restrictions on two rare earth minerals—gallium and germanium—which are crucial for semiconductor manufacturing. The decision was seen as a counterblow to Washington's controls on China's access to high-end computer chips.

However, experts have questioned the presumption that China could hurt the United States with rare earth restrictions.

"We have a hard time seeing how China could slap rare earth restrictions on consumer goods—goods that are produced inside China and are increasingly consumed globally—and not shoot itself in the economic foot in the process," John LaForge, head of real asset strategy at Wells Fargo Investment Institute, said in a 2019 research report.

China has been accused of weaponizing its dominance in the rare earths industry before. In 2010, Beijing slashed export quotas and reduced shipments to Japan after tensions escalated over the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.

Beijing's targeting of Japan raised widespread concerns in the West, but China eventually lifted the restrictions after the World Trade Organization ruled against Beijing's actions in 2014 in a case jointly put forward by the U.S., the European Union and Japan.

Jeremy Hsu, writing for Scientific American, concluded that Beijing's restriction of rare earth exports to Japan had backfired, as companies found ways to reduce dependence on particular elements.

"Afterward, Japanese automakers such as Toyota and Honda began developing hybrid car motors that greatly reduced or even eliminated rare earth elements, such as terbium and dysprosium, from the powerful magnets used in electric motors," Hsu said.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has worked with its allies to reduce dependence on China for rare earth metals. Renewed efforts are being made to shore up domestic production at sites such as Fort Worth in Texas.

China, however, continues to find new reserves of rare earth elements at home, including the latest discovery of a new ore in Baotou in its northern Inner Mongolia region.

The Commerce Ministry has imposed new reporting requirements for rare earth elements.

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ad8c77 No.106668

File: 5e93022a488ce50⋯.jpg (27.25 KB,309x437,309:437,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2753de7d5bb5541⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB,480x838,240:419,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903931 (121320ZNOV23) Notable: Anonymous to Netanyahu: Each Palestinian child that has been killed = Revealing the identity of one of your spies.

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Ramy Mahmoud 


Message Organization the Anonymous to Netanyahu.

Each Palestinian child that has been killed = Revealing the identity of one of your spies.

#OpIsrael #FreePalestine🇵🇸



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ad8c77 No.106669

File: fd11dfb558abc52⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1234x6894,617:3447,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903938 (121323ZNOV23) Notable: In Beijing, Xi and Putin Double Down on Path to New World Order

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In Beijing, Xi and Putin Double Down on Path to New World Order



BEIJING—With one war raging in Ukraine and another unfolding in the Middle East, Chinese leader Xi Jinping is promoting his signature foreign-policy project as a force for unity, cooperation and prosperity around the globe.

At a summit convened here to celebrate the Belt and Road Initiative, the picture looked more fractured.

During a keynote speech inside Beijing’s Great Hall of the People on Wednesday, Xi positioned China as a leader of a new, more inclusive global order and promised that his country’s rise would benefit any that wanted to participate.

“We don’t do ideological confrontation, we don’t do geopolitical rivalry and we don’t do bloc politics,” he said, taking aim at unilateral sanctions, economic decoupling and other tools that Beijing accuses the U.S. of exploiting to contain its rivals. “What has been achieved in the past 10 years demonstrates that Belt and Road cooperation is on the right side of history.”

Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of a summit in Beijing to celebrate the Belt and Road Initiative on Wednesday. PHOTO: EDGAR SU/REUTERS

Invited to speak directly after Xi, Russian leader Vladimir Putin praised what he said were the trillion-dollar infrastructure program’s efforts to build a “fairer, multipolar world and system of international relations,” according to a translation by Chinese state broadcaster CGTN.

The prominence given to Putin, and the near absence of Western representation among the roughly two-dozen world leaders who attended the forum, reflects how the Belt and Road Initiative has become increasingly fractured along geopolitical lines since Xi first proposed the idea a decade ago—tensions that have been worsened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and most recently the attack on Israel by Hamas.

Originally envisaged as a way to promote infrastructure development to better link China to Central Asia and beyond, the initiative has faced sustained criticism from Western governments for piling what they say are unsustainable debt loads on some participant countries.

Xi didn’t directly address the debt criticism in his speech on Wednesday. Instead, he spoke in broad terms about how China’s rise benefits other countries.

“When China does well, the world will do even better,” Xi said. “Through Belt and Road cooperation, China is opening its doors even wider to the world.”

Amid the war in Ukraine and an outstanding arrest warrant against him by the International Criminal Court, Putin’s attendance at this year’s forum reinforced China’s economic and diplomatic support for the Russian leader even as he has become a pariah in the West.


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ad8c77 No.106670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903939 (121324ZNOV23) Notable: In Beijing, Xi and Putin Double Down on Path to New World Order

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In response to Western sanctions against Russia following Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, trade ties between Russia and China have surged, as Russia has increasingly turned to China to source technologies and machinery it struggles to get elsewhere.

As Russia contends with economic isolation from the West, Putin in his speech invited Belt and Road countries to take part in developing what’s known as the Northern Sea Route, which runs through the Arctic from northwestern Russia to the Bering Strait. The route cuts the shipping distance to China and avoids the chokepoints of the Suez Canal and Malacca Strait.

While Russia has previously sought to frustrate China’s ambitions in the Arctic, Putin sounded a more welcoming note in his speech in Beijing. “We invite interested states to directly participate in its development,” he said of the Northern Sea Route.

In a meeting between Xi and Putin on Wednesday, their 42nd since 2013, the Chinese leader praised what he said was a “good working relationship and a deep friendship” with Putin, according to a readout by Chinese state media.

“The Chinese side supports the Russian people taking the path of their own choice for national rejuvenation, defending national sovereignty, security, and development interests,” Xi told Putin, according to Chinese state media.

The Chinese state-media readout didn’t mention Ukraine specifically, but said the two leaders discussed the situation between Israel and Palestine, without providing details. At a press conference on Wednesday evening, Putin said the meeting with Xi ran for three hours, during which he provided a detailed update to Xi about the situation in Ukraine.

Under the difficult current circumstances, China and Russia should closely coordinate their foreign policies, Putin told Xi, according to Russian state media.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping with foreign leaders at the opening ceremony to celebrate the Belt and Road Initiative in Beijing on Wednesday. PHOTO: EDGAR SU/REUTERS

Russia has previously praised China’s official position on the Ukraine war, with Beijing taking the view that the security interests of all parties must be taken into consideration in seeking a resolution to the conflict. That position, according to Western analysts, lends weight to the Russian stance that external security threats meant it had no choice but to invade Ukraine.

There was no immediate word of a breakthrough on long-running negotiations for a new natural gas pipeline linking Russia and China, dubbed the Power of Siberia 2. The pipeline would traverse Mongolia and bolster Russian gas sales to China, further reorienting Russia’s energy industry toward Asia and away from its traditional reliance on Europe.

In a meeting with Mongolia’s president in Beijing on Tuesday, Putin said he thinks the project will move forward with good momentum, according to Russian state media.

With Putin and other foreign leaders in town, security in Beijing has been exceedingly tight for several days leading up to the forum, with Chinese soldiers and scores of police and plain-clothed security agents deployed to keep guard in parts of the capital. Amid the fighting in the Middle East, an employee of Israel’s embassy was stabbed in Beijing last week.

In the buildup to this year’s forum, China has implicitly linked the Belt and Road Initiative to its growing rivalry with the U.S. and other Western countries. A white paper by China’s government earlier this month took aim at U.S. efforts to limit certain technology sales to China, a strategy the Biden administration calls “de-risking.”

“Certain countries overstretch the concept of national security and seek ‘decoupling’ in the name of ‘de-risking,’” it said. “Their actions raise obstacles to the long-term development of humanity.”

The U.S. Commerce Department said Tuesday that it was further tightening restrictions on China’s ability to buy advanced chips that could fuel breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. U.S. limits on technology exports to China have emerged as one of the most contentious points of disagreement between the countries. China complains that the restrictions are unfair and designed to contain it.


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ad8c77 No.106671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903941 (121324ZNOV23) Notable: In Beijing, Xi and Putin Double Down on Path to New World Order

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In his speech Wednesday, Xi said China’s economy was open to foreign investment, despite a souring of international business sentiment amid an unpredictable domestic regulatory environment and an intensifying national-security clampdown. Xi said that China would scrap all restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing sector—long a sore spot for foreign companies seeking to make products in the country—without providing details.

For Belt and Road projects, many of which are built outside China’s borders, Xi said the state-owned China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China would each make an additional 350 billion yuan, equivalent to $47.9 billion, of financing available, while 80 billion yuan would be injected into China’s state-run Silk Road Fund.

Despite the new commitments, there is evidence that, in some ways, enthusiasm for the Belt and Road Initiative is waning. This year, roughly two-dozen heads of state or government have attended the summit, compared with the 37 who participated in the last such forum in 2019.

Other governments, such as Afghanistan, sent lower-level officials. The Taliban dispatched the country’s acting minister of industry and commerce to Beijing for the forum and to meet potential investors.

Noticeably absent from this year’s forum is almost all representation from the European Union, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban was the only head of an EU member state to attend this year’s gathering. Leaders from Greece, Italy and Portugal previously attended the 2019 meeting.

And while the Belt and Road Initiative was once focused on China helping to finance and build large-scale infrastructure, it now appears to be shifting toward smaller, more commercially-oriented projects, as well as giving priority to clean development and bolstering digital connectivity among its members, analysts who follow the initiative say.

But the change doesn’t mean the initiative is going away. Instead, Xi announced plans to create a secretariat for the forum, a move that would institutionalize the initiative going forward, said Rick Waters, the managing director for China at the political risk consulting firm Eurasia Group.

“So long as Xi is around, this project is here to stay,” Waters said.

Write to Brian Spegele at Brian.Spegele@wsj.com and Wenxin Fan at wenxin.fan@wsj.com

Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

3 of 3

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ad8c77 No.106672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19903966 (121331ZNOV23) Notable: The $2 Million Coal Mine That Might Hold a $37 Billion Treasure in Rare Earth Minerals

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Don't even need to go that far. Fuck the Feds.

The $2 Million Coal Mine That Might Hold a $37 Billion Treasure

Wyoming discovery could be America’s first new source of rare-earth elements since 1952

"Twelve years ago, former Wall Street banker Randall Atkins bought an old coal mine outside Sheridan, Wyo., sight unseen, for about $2 million.

He thought the mine might eke out a profit. Instead, Atkins recently learned it could bring a windfall.

Several years after Atkins bought the Brook Mine, government researchers came around asking if they could run some tests to see if the ground contained something called “rare-earth elements.”"


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ad8c77 No.106673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904006 (121352ZNOV23) Notable: Anon on the positive evolution of QR

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Bread title is a question.

Let me tell you something.

I started out here, like most( not all) anons when Q started posting. My love for this board grew because of astute anons posting digs and such. I never pushed anyone in this direction. I purposely didn’t! Nowadays I get texts from wife Anon throughout the day of news items/stories/posts that originated on this board!

This truly is a magical place!

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming = the exponential growth of items posted on this board and the way info is distributed around the internet!

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ad8c77 No.106674

File: 64ce48cb8eeda3a⋯.png (690.27 KB,576x783,64:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d8f93bf4ba136c⋯.png (308.06 KB,811x631,811:631,Clipboard.png)

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File: 5979adfe11b8d99⋯.png (275.12 KB,768x824,96:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904015 (121354ZNOV23) Notable: The $2 Million Coal Mine That Might Hold a $37 Billion Treasure in Rare Earth Minerals

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what a fucking hole, pun intended




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ad8c77 No.106675

File: 0277d2e2ee85d3d⋯.png (154.9 KB,455x579,455:579,Clipboard.png)

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File: d2c9bd8938f2515⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,480x268,120:67,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904051 (121404ZNOV23) Notable: MORE Tucker & Trump at Kid Rock - generally and on the QClock

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>>106614, >>106615, >>106619 President Trump, Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock, and Dana White backstage at #UFC295.



Kid Rock

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ad8c77 No.106676

File: c2e26d16eb6d30e⋯.png (29.7 KB,918x231,306:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904056 (121405ZNOV23) Notable: GOP presidential candidates warned against participating in Iowa Thanksgiving event

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GOP presidential candidates warned against participating in Iowa Thanksgiving event

by Cami Mondeaux, Congressional Reporter

November 11, 2023 09:27 AM


Republican presidential candidates could be barred from participating in future debates if they attend a Thanksgiving forum hosted by an Iowa Christian organization, according to a warning from the Republican National Committee.

A handful of GOP candidates were invited to participate in the Family Leader’s “Thanksgiving Family Forum” on Nov. 17, including former President Donald Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC). However, the candidates were warned that attending the event could disqualify them from future RNC debates as it would violate the pledge that prohibits them from “taking part in any future RNC-sanctioned presidential primary debates.”

“It has come to the attention of the RNC Counsel’s Office that several Republican presidential candidates have been invited to participate in an open-press event in Iowa in November at which they would ‘gather around the table to have a moderated, friendly, and open discussion about the issues.’ In other words, a debate,” the RNC wrote in a letter to candidates on Oct. 28, according to RealClearPolitics.

“Accordingly, please be advised that any Republican presidential candidate who participates in this or other similar events will be deemed to have violated this pledge and will be disqualified from taking part in any future RNC-sanctioned presidential primary debates,” the letter adds.

Despite the warning, the Family Leader indicated it still plans to move forward with the event, noting the group held similar forums during both the 2012 and 2016 election cycles.

“We do not agree that our Forum fits within the RNC’s ‘debate’ restriction,” Drew Zahn, a spokesman for the group, said in a statement to CNN. “We know from experience our event can be a win-win addition to the election process without in any way competing with the RNC’s debates. It’s just a completely different format and kind of event.”

DeSantis, Scott, and Ramaswamy have already RSVP’d for the event, he told the outlet, with the Florida governor telling reporters earlier this week he plans to attend despite the RNC’s warning.

“I think it’s an important part of this process,” DeSantis said. “It’s been a part of this process for a long time. There’s no way that should cause the RNC to penalize any candidate.”

It’s not yet clear whether the other candidates plan to attend.

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ad8c77 No.106677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904060 (121407ZNOV23) Notable: John Hume forced to sell his 2,000 captive rhinos following government ban - comms about "R[h]inos?

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Did the Rino's just lose their Handler?


‘Eccentric’ billionaire forced to sell his 2,000 captive rhinos following government ban: ‘One of the largest … endeavors to occur for any species’

John Hume is the world’s most prolific private rhino breeder, and his operation has been on the verge of bankruptcy for years, as Save the Rhino reported in 2018.

The reason? A series of government bans on the sale of rhino horns, which Hume claims to harvest humanely from his herd of captive rhinos. Now, an NGO has stepped in and agreed to pay Hume for his rhinos so that they can be rewilded.

Hume, a wealthy South African property developer turned rhino farmer, is a controversial figure. His herd of 2,000 semi-captive rhinos constitutes around 7.4% of the world’s total rhino population (there are an estimated 27,000 rhinos currently alive, according to Save the Rhino).

Hume has claimed that his efforts to breed rhinos and harvest their horns are, in fact, protecting them from poachers. He calls his work a philanthropic project to save the species.

The eccentric billionaire has drawn plenty of backlash with his practice of regularly anesthetizing the rhinos and cutting off their horns in an attempt to sell them. Now, his ability to make money off the animals has been stymied.

“This is one of the largest continent-wide rewilding endeavors to occur for any species,” the NGO said, as Daily Maverick reported, while also adding that Hume’s captive-bred rhinos represented nearly 15% of the world’s remaining wild rhino population.

Hume — who has reportedly claimed to have sunk $150 million into the project and is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy — was forced to find a buyer for his 2,000 rhinos.

This was a challenging task. Hume attempted to put the rhinos up for sale in an online auction with an opening bid of $10 million but received no bids, per the Guardian. For a time, the future of his rhinos was uncertain — in a worst-case scenario, they would’ve been simply abandoned and left at the mercy of poachers.

Luckily, African Parks has stepped in and agreed to purchase the rhinos, with the endorsement of the South African Government and the African Rhino Specialist Group. These organizations will work to rewild the rhinos over 10 years, reports Daily Maverick.

“The key thing will be finding conservation areas that are large enough and secure from poaching,” Dr. Mike Knight, chairman of the IUCN specialist group, told Daily Maverick. “The conservation sector is delighted that African Parks can provide a credible solution for this important population, and a significant lifeline for this near threatened species.”

Though rewilding the rhinos requires great effort, experts are optimistic about the mission’s success.

“I would call them ‘semi-wild’ rather than ‘semi-captive,’” one rhino conservation expert told Daily Maverick. “It’s interesting that some of John Hume’s black rhinos were sent to a property in Eswatini a few years ago — and within just a few months of their arrival one of the females had been mated by a wild rhino. So I strongly suspect his white rhinos will also do fine.”


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ad8c77 No.106678

File: 92aa58ec24b263e⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,240x426,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904088 (121417ZNOV23) Notable: MORE Tucker & Trump at Kid Rock - generally and on the QClock

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>Gooood morning

>you glorious bastards



>, tuckerKidrockLikeClock.mp4)

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ad8c77 No.106679

File: f62fcf19b2b1659⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904104 (121422ZNOV23) Notable: MORE Tucker & Trump at Kid Rock - generally and on the QClock

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Holy smokes… crowd goes absolutely WILD at MSG as Donald Trump walks in with Tucker Carlson…

November 11, 2023 (a day ago)

Benny Johnson



Trump on the possibility of Tucker Carlson becoming his VP: “I like Tucker a lot. I guess I would consider him. He’s got great common sense”

Charlie Kirk fleshed out the idea in a post on X:

Donald Trump says he’s open to Tucker Carlson as a 2024 running mate. At first, it sounds a little loopy. But upon further thought…

Besides Trump himself, nobody enjoys the base’s trust the way Tucker Carlson does. Nobody else intuitively understands their values, their priorities, or their worries the way they do.

No other VP contender is as battle-tested as Tucker. Like Trump, he thrives under attack and under pressure. He’s been targeted and smeared endlessly for seven years, but he’s never cracked, never had a breakdown. He’s only become more popular. Despite years of digging, his personal life is spotless.

Tucker is the only Republican who can even begin to imitate Trump’s rhetorical style. They’re the only two men who can keep an audience transfixed speaking for an hour without a single note.

The Democrat plan is to keep Donald Trump stuck in court or even in jail so he can’t campaign. Is anybody a more viable Trump campaign surrogate than Tucker Carlson?

And as we know, the vice president is just a heartbeat away from the presidency. If something were to happen to President Trump, God forbid, is there anyone we’d trust more than Tucker Carlson to carry the conservative mantle into the future?

This isn’t some flight of fancy. Trump/Tucker is a great idea.


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ad8c77 No.106680

File: cb28ed9897c2aa2⋯.png (37.25 KB,896x230,448:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904108 (121423ZNOV23) Notable: GOP presidential candidates warned against participating in Iowa Thanksgiving event

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Looks like they have backed off...

RNC backs off on warning candidates about participating in Iowa Christian group’s forum

Story by By Aaron Pellish, Veronica Stracqualursi, Ebony Davis and Kit Maher, CNN •


The Republican National Committee is allowing presidential candidates to attend an Iowa Christian organization’s Thanksgiving forum next week, a person familiar with the RNC’s thinking told CNN, backing off from its warning to candidates that participating in the event could lead to disqualification from future debates.

Bob Vander Plaats, president and CEO of the Family Leader, said he and the RNC came to an agreement on the forum.

“The RNC and I have agreed on the format of @TheFamilyLeader November 17 Thanksgiving FAMiLY Forum. The Forum is NOT a debate. Thus, the RNC is giving a thumbs up for candidates to participate. Thanks to the RNC for facilitating a win/win for the process. #ChooseWell2024,” Vander Plaats tweeted Saturday.

Five candidates – former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott – were invited to the Family Leader’s Thanksgiving Family Forum scheduled for November 17. DeSantis, Scott and Ramaswamy RSVP’d for the event, Drew Zahn, a spokesperson for the group, said Friday.

In an October 28 letter obtained by CNN, the RNC counsel’s office reminded the candidates that they had agreed not to participate in any non-RNC-sanctioned debates during the campaign.

“It has come to the attention of the RNC Counsel’s Office that several Republican presidential candidates have been invited to participate in an open-press event in Iowa in November at which they would ‘gather around the table to have a moderated, friendly, and open discussion about the issues.’ In other words, a debate,” the letter said.

“Accordingly, please be advised that any Republican presidential candidate who participates in this or other similar events will be deemed to have violated this pledge and will be disqualified from taking part in any future RNC-sanctioned presidential primary debates,” the office said.

DeSantis said Friday that he would attend the event despite the RNC’s warning. “I’m gonna be there at the Family Leader. I think it’s an important part of this process. It’s been a part of this process for a long time. There’s no way that should cause the RNC to penalize any candidate,” DeSantis told reporters after a campaign event in Ames, Iowa.

An Iowa Republican official familiar with the Thanksgiving event said the Trump campaign raised concerns about the forum with the RNC behind the scenes, the latest step in the long-standing feud between Trump and Vander Plaats.

Trump was invited to the event but has no plans to attend, an aide to the former president said.

In a news release, the Family Leader billed the event as an “evening where the invitees gather around a table, instead of standing at podiums, for what is described as ‘a family discussion with presidential candidates.’” Vander Plaats will moderate the event.

CNN’s Ali Main and Jeff Zeleny contributed to this report.

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ad8c77 No.106681

File: 9db10b748c4d884⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB,828x464,207:116,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904195 (121451ZNOV23) Notable: Tucker Carlson as our next Vice President isn’t as “loopy” as it sounds…

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Tucker Carlson as our next Vice President isn’t as “loopy” as it sounds…

November 11, 2023 (a day ago)

Just picture the explosion of a “TNT” campaign: Trump and Tucker. The mere thought would send shockwaves through liberal circles nationwide, and that alone makes it a delightful prospect. But beyond that, the Trump-Tucker duo would form an incredibly forceful anti-war America First team, the likes of which the D.C. Swamp has never seen. Could this become a reality? Surprisingly, yes, it’s within the realm of possibility. As a matter of fact, popular Trump supporter Benny Johnson shared the moment President Trump admitted he was open to considering Tucker as his veep.

And while this might seem like a “loopy” fringe idea to many, conservative powerhouse Charlie Kirk says not so fast…

Charlie says that it’s actually a brilliant idea to bring Tucker into the White House. Here’s what he said about it in a recent X post:

Donald Trump says he’s open to Tucker Carlson as a 2024 running mate. At first, it sounds a little loopy. But upon further thought…

Besides Trump himself, nobody enjoys the base’s trust the way Tucker Carlson does. Nobody else intuitively understands their values, their priorities, or their worries the way they do.

No other VP contender is as battle-tested as Tucker. Like Trump, he thrives under attack and under pressure. He’s been targeted and smeared endlessly for seven years, but he’s never cracked, never had a breakdown. He’s only become more popular. Despite years of digging, his personal life is spotless.

Tucker is the only Republican who can even begin to imitate Trump’s rhetorical style. They’re the only two men who can keep an audience transfixed speaking for an hour without a single note.

The Democrat plan is to keep Donald Trump stuck in court or even in jail so he can’t campaign. Is anybody a more viable Trump campaign surrogate than Tucker Carlson?

And as we know, the vice president is just a heartbeat away from the presidency. If something were to happen to President Trump, God forbid, is there anyone we’d trust more than Tucker Carlson to carry the conservative mantle into the future?

This isn’t some flight of fancy. Trump/Tucker is a great idea.

Charlie also discussed the Tucker VP possibility during his popular podcast with guest Benny Johnson.

Honestly, it’s probably a long shot that Trump would actually choose Tucker as his VP, and an even slimmer chance that Tucker would accept. He’s been upfront about not wanting a political career, which is too bad because he’d likely soar in that role, perfectly complementing an America First ticket and giving the RINOs and swamp rats a real run for their money. And who better to carry the MAGA torch forward than Tucker Carlson? ==The future is anyone’s guess. After all, politics has been a field where miracles are sometimes known to happen.


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ad8c77 No.106682

File: a478aa93e59f92a⋯.png (733.88 KB,587x710,587:710,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c72a73aebe4f31⋯.png (2.61 MB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904248 (121509ZNOV23) Notable: Kash: Happy Diwali

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Kash Patel


Happy Diwali

Nov 12, 2023, 5:38 AM


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ad8c77 No.106683

File: d89f90f30261961⋯.png (613.11 KB,1450x1112,725:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904261 (121513ZNOV23) Notable: Iran Claims to Have Found World's Second Largest LITHIUM Deposit

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This is why Lindsay Graham and the Bidan admin want war with Iran.


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ad8c77 No.106684

File: 3890a0bc626ce7a⋯.jpg (16.35 KB,255x134,255:134,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5d928975905e385⋯.png (5.96 KB,358x96,179:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904312 (121531ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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Anon theory is progress....

Ya know how our Birth Certificates are supposedly linked to us for life- for financial purposes? Is it possible the massive data storage location is in Iceland and about to go up in flames?

Iceland is home to numerous underground data storage facilities. The extremely cold environment is key/conducive to keeping the data centers from overheating. (see links)




Iceland is currently EXPERIENCING a very large number of earthquakes, and a volcanic eruption is threatening to burst.

Is it possible Iceland is about to lose some underground Data Centers- possibly on/by Dec 1 (See Qdrop)? Wondering if all the information (they) keep on us is stored in Iceland in underground data centers? (That's why I was looking for that specific Qdrop) If (they) no longer had data on us.....

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ad8c77 No.106685

File: bebc973426215da⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1284x1997,1284:1997,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0f6228e05ca0968⋯.jpeg (202.19 KB,1284x496,321:124,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904348 (121539ZNOV23) Notable: HELEN PURCELL was responsible for the move from paper to electronic ballots in Maricopa Co

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Has anyone done a dig on Diebold, Dominion- those voting machines were used to turn —California—, then —Arizona—.


Purcell upgraded paper voting rolls to electronic poll books at polling places

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ad8c77 No.106686

File: 99c70cc0bd16097⋯.jpg (129.92 KB,720x655,144:131,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 99d948df02e61df⋯.jpg (70.57 KB,1030x667,1030:667,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3b50a318cc2eb29⋯.jpg (66.08 KB,510x680,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7c54db844ab3836⋯.jpg (56.99 KB,510x680,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904409 (121554ZNOV23) Notable: ISIS flags are back

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ISIS flags are back.

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ad8c77 No.106687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904410 (121555ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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Greenland's receding icecap to expose top-secret US nuclear project

This article is more than 7 years old

Camp Century – part of Project Iceworm– is an underground cold war network that was thought to have been buried for ever


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ad8c77 No.106688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904422 (121600ZNOV23) Notable: 'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley, who served more than 2 years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on Congress, now wants to run for Congress

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Clown Rewards

'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley, who served more than 2 years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on Congress, now wants to run for Congress

Jacob Chansley, or the "QAnon shaman," became an infamous symbol of the January 6 attack on Congres.

Chansley apologized and was recently released from prison after serving more than two years.

Now he wants to run for Congress.

Jacob Chansley would like to return to the scene of his crime.

Chansley rose to American infamy as the "QAnon shaman," becoming the face of the January 6, 2021 seige on the US Capitol, which sent congressional lawmakers scrambling in fear for the exits.

Now he thinks he might like to work in the building he attacked.

Chansley is considering running for a US Congress seat in the 2024 election, representing his home state of Arizona.

He recently filed his initial paperwork with Arizona's Secretary of State's Office, indicating that he planned to run as a Libertarian for the state's 8th congressional District, The Arizona Republic reported.

Republican Rep. Debbie Lesko now holds the seat for the district, which is made up of suburbs surrounding Phoenix. Lesko recently announced she would retire in January instead of seeking reelection in 2024.

So, the race is now on for her seat. Notable candidates thus far include Blake Masters, who failed to cinch a seat in the Senate in 2022, and Abe Hamadeh, who lost his race to be Arizona's attorney general the same year.

One of the first rioters to breach the Capitol, Chansley issued an apology after pleading guilty to his crimes. He served 27 months behind bars in a 41-month sentence. Once released, he suggested that he wanted to reverse his guilty plea.

Though as a convicted felon he can't vote, that doesn't prevent him from running for office.


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ad8c77 No.106689

File: 27436f0f5306c29⋯.png (892.05 KB,1000x650,20:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904430 (121602ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News

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US Government "Solutions" Proven Failures, Hamas Has US Weaponry From Lost Afghan War, Israel Strikes Lebanon

Communist EU Declares That All Citizens Who Refuse Hell Gates Digital ID Will Be Barred From Society


HA HA! Gun Owners Absolutely Ripped Off Democrat States Exploiting Their Gun Buyback Programs


You could sell an old gun collecting dust that doesn't even work anymore for $250 no questions asked.

HA HA! List Of US Government "Solutions" That Turned To Utter Failure


Hamas Anti-tank Strikes Show Depth Of Powerful Arsenal Facing IDF Forces


MY COMMENT: A lot of those weapons came from the Taliban in Afghanistan after they seized control of $80 BILLION worth of US weaponry! Funny how all the State-run corporate media is SILENT about that!!!

Israel Strikes 40km Into Lebanon, Risking Major Escalation


Saudi Crown Prince Meets Iranian President For First Time


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ad8c77 No.106690

File: af5c4bef08f6e8d⋯.png (4.07 MB,2298x1040,1149:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904456 (121608ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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Speculation needs to be considered by other anons...BAKER

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ad8c77 No.106691

File: 9bc975efc1d3146⋯.jpg (238.72 KB,753x1240,753:1240,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904474 (121614ZNOV23) Notable: Saudi Crown Prince meets Iranian president for first time

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Saudi Crown Prince meets Iranian president for first time

>DUBAI, November 11. /TASS/. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud has met with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi for the first time since the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries in March 2023.

>The meeting took place on the sidelines of an extraordinary joint summit of the Arab League (LAS) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Riyadh, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

>Mohammad Jamshidi, the deputy chief of staff for political affairs to Iran's president, said on his X (formerly Twitter) that the two sides held "important talks about the situation in Palestine." He said that the Saudi crown prince also "stressed his intention to strengthen ties with Iran."

>On March 10, Tehran and Riyadh agreed to restore diplomatic relations and reopen embassies within two months. Relations between Riyadh and Tehran escalated in March 2015 with the start of the Saudi-led coalition's military operation in Yemen against the Ansar Allah (Houthi) movement. Following attacks on the Saudi embassy in Tehran and its consulate in Mashhad in January 2016 by crowds of protesters angered by Riyadh's execution of Shiite preacher Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, the country severed diplomatic ties with Iran.



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ad8c77 No.106692

File: d19ca462519f4e0⋯.jpg (364.8 KB,795x737,795:737,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a5035bef415b863⋯.jpg (527.54 KB,798x735,38:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904486 (121616ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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second notable dig

Iceland is the coolest location for data centers

A sustainable data center model has already been envisioned and efficiently carried out by smart data center providers in Iceland; by, for instance, Etix Everywhere Borealis and Verne Global.


Etix: https://www.bdc.is/

Verne Global: https://verneglobal.com/

"E.g. in 2013, Facebook opened a data center in Northern Sweden claiming it to be naturally cooled.GoogleandAppleare also building their own data centers in the Nordic countries"

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ad8c77 No.106693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904497 (121619ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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Anon theory is progress....

Ya know how our Birth Certificates are supposedly linked to us for life- for financial purposes? Is it possible the massive data storage location is in Iceland and about to go up in flames?

Iceland is home to numerous underground data storage facilities. The extremely cold environment is key/conducive to keeping the data centers from overheating. (see links)




Iceland is currently EXPERIENCING a very large number of earthquakes, and a volcanic eruption is threatening to burst.

Is it possible Iceland is about to lose some underground Data Centers- possibly on/by Dec 1 (See Qdrop)? Wondering if all the information (they) keep on us is stored in Iceland in underground data centers? (That's why I was looking for that specific Qdrop) If (they) no longer had data on us.....


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ad8c77 No.106694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904503 (121621ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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Crap... copied wrong info...


LESS THAN TWO miles from Iceland’s Reykjavik airport sits a nondescript metal building as monolithic and drab as a commercial poultry barn. There’s a deafening racket inside, too, but it doesn’t come from clucking chickens. Instead, tens of thousands of whirring GPUs perform the complex, exhaustive calculations needed to verify cryptocurrency transactions and add them to the public record, otherwise known as the blockchain. Hundreds of thousands of fans blast cold air to keep the machines from overheating, aided by six giant ceiling turbines that spin with the collective force of 360 washing machines.

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ad8c77 No.106695

File: 9583ba41e0772a6⋯.png (484.56 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904511 (121624ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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Just putting some possibly unrelated facts together and kicking out a wild theory isn't gonna cut it.

Gotta sauce the connection and causal link as well.

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ad8c77 No.106696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904514 (121625ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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Iceland’s data centers are booming—here’s why that’s a problem

Bitcoin miners and data scientists love cheap, green Icelandic processing power. Maybe a little too much.

The southwestern tip of Iceland is a barren volcanic peninsula called Reykjanesskagi. It’s home to the twin towns of Keflavik and Njardvik, around 19,000 people, and the country’s main airport.

On the edge of the settlement is a complex of metal-clad buildings belonging to the IT company Advania, each structure roughly the size of an Olympic-size swimming pool. Less than three years ago there were three of them. By April 2018, there were eight. Today there are 10, and the foundations have been laid for an 11th.

This is part of a boom fostered partly by something that Icelanders don’t usually rave about: the weather.

Life on the North Atlantic island tends to be chilly, foggy, and windy, though hard frosts are not common. The annual average temperature in the capital, Reykjavík, is around 41 °F (5 °C), and even when the summer warmth kicks in, the mercury rarely rises above 68. Iceland has realized that even though this climate may not be great for sunning yourself on the beach, it is very favorable to one particular industry: data.

Each one of those Advania buildings in Reykjanesskagi is a large data center, home to thousands of computers. They are constantly crunching away, processing instructions, transmitting data, and mining Bitcoin. Data centers like these generate large amounts of heat and need round-the-clock cooling, which would usually require considerable energy. In Iceland, however, data centers don’t need to constantly run high-powered cooling systems for heat moderation: instead, they can just let in the brisk subarctic air. Natural cooling like this lowers ongoing costs.

Data demand, rapid growth

The result is that Iceland’s data center industry has expanded rapidly over the past few years, led by three companies that rule the local market. Advania primarily rents out space to Bitcoin miners. Verne Global, which was founded in 2012, mainly works to meet the supercomputing needs of enterprise clients such as BMW, which has used Icelandic processing power for complex calculations like crash simulations. The third company, Etix Everywhere Borealis, says it serves customers using blockchain technology, as well as supercomputing clients.

So how do you measure the growth of this industry? The rapid rate of construction is one way, but there are other indicators, such as how much energy it consumes. Data centers are hungry for power, and last year electricity use by large data centers in Iceland more than doubled. In 2019 it’s expected to rise again, by nearly 50%.

Here’s another way to gauge things: the industry is already a considerable part of the Icelandic economy. A report from KPMG suggested that in 2016, before the current explosion really took hold, the data center sector already contributed close to 1% of the country’s gross domestic product. Although there are no clear numbers on its current status, recent expansion will have increased its role in the local economy.

A combination of factors is responsible for this lightning-fast growth, including the favorable climate, competitive electricity prices, and access to renewable energy sources, says Einar Hansen Tómasson, project manager at Invest in Iceland, a public-private partnership set up to promote Iceland overseas.

And the country is trying to preserve that momentum: Invest in Iceland uses a promotional slogan suggesting that it’s the “coolest location for data centers.”

Natural cooling for data centers is not an Icelandic invention, though, and there is competition from other northern countries. Facebook, for instance, opened a naturally cooled data center in northern Sweden in 2013. Other tech giants, including Google and Apple, have also decided to build their own data centers elsewhere in the Nordic countries. The Danish Energy Agency predicts that in the period from 2017 to 2030, new data centers will account for 85% of the increase in electricity use in Denmark’s business sector.

More money, more problems

Iceland’s data center companies promote themselves as clean: after all, virtually all of the country’s electricity is generated from renewable sources like geothermal and hydroelectric power.



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ad8c77 No.106697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904533 (121630ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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search: 'The Club of Rome - Limits to Growth' (1972)

If you wish to rule the world you don't need an army of strong soldiers, just an army of mentally weak idiots willing to obey.

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ad8c77 No.106698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904552 (121635ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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Iceland is also outside central bank control since they threw all the bankers / banks out approx. 10 years ago as far as anon recalls.

Their economy, against all media forecasts, boomed after that.

Like Ireland, the tax and five eyes laws etc in Iceland may be free and easy for conducting cabal activities.

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ad8c77 No.106699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904553 (121636ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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Iceland is not extremely cold and earthquakes preceding a volcanic eruption is not all that unusual for Iceland.

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ad8c77 No.106700

File: 428160bed25c01b⋯.png (290.19 KB,926x2258,463:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904562 (121638ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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ICELAND: Central Bank of ICELAND

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ad8c77 No.106701

File: 9d8c5765a1b79db⋯.png (515.77 KB,594x612,33:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904563 (121639ZNOV23) Notable: Poso: There may actually be over a million Spanish patriots protesting today in Madrid against the socialist coup

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


There may actually be over a million Spanish patriots protesting today in Madrid against the socialist coup

I’ve never seen anything like this

Media can’t hide it anymore


Vicente Ruiz

4:42 AM · Nov 12, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106702

File: 617589ac42023f3⋯.png (248.99 KB,604x468,151:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904566 (121640ZNOV23) Notable: @gatewaypundit: Feds Will Likely Identify Client List of “Johns” After High-End Asian Brothel Bust

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


EXPECT BIG NAMES TO DROP: Feds Will Likely Identify Client List of “Johns” After High-End Asian Brothel Bust via @gatewaypundit

3:09 AM · Nov 12, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106703

File: 5ffab9080005bf7⋯.png (132.7 KB,627x861,209:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904571 (121641ZNOV23) Notable: American Thinker: Islam is not a religion

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Islam is Not a Religion

American Thinker, by Sloan Oliver

Posted By: DVC, 11/12/2023 11:00:47 AM

What is Islam? To answer that question, it’s more important to know what Islam isn’t. Islam is not a religion. It is an authoritarian, political ideology that forcibly imposes itself on all aspects of any society unfortunate enough to be under its yoke. Islam demands complete subjugation by its adherents. [snip] Islam allows no dissent. It is a complete and total way of life that glorifies oppression, slavery, and death. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, cultural, and military components. The religious component is the veil that hides the dangers.

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ad8c77 No.106704

File: 37d43b0348441d0⋯.png (623.83 KB,725x701,725:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904574 (121643ZNOV23) Notable: Why Do These Harvard Organizations Support Hamas?

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Why Do These Harvard Organizations Support Hamas?

Intellectual Takeout, by Jeff Minick

Posted By: Trapper, 11/12/2023 8:51:14 AM

On October 7, 2023, the terrorist organization Hamas initiated a series of brutal attacks on the state of Israel that killed more than 1,400 Israelis and left more than 5,000 people wounded. On October 8, a group of Harvard University organizations issued a joint statement on Instagram blaming Israel for this assault, holding “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.” [snip] As the list below demonstrates, nearly all of these organizations are associated with the Arabic world or with Islam.

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ad8c77 No.106705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904579 (121646ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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You're correct anon. After the crisis:

"In all, Iceland got $4.6 billion — $2.1 billion from the IMF and $2.5 billion from its Scandinavian neighbors.”


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ad8c77 No.106706

File: 0690e6a47f624e1⋯.png (998.35 KB,1072x603,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 55180dd9ed024c8⋯.png (1.03 MB,1000x750,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904587 (121648ZNOV23) Notable: Divers Discover Tens of Thousands of Ancient Coins Off the Coast of Italy

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Divers Discover Tens of Thousands of Ancient Coins Off the Coast of Italy

Their fourth-century find also hints at the possible presence of a shipwreck hidden nearby

Sarah KutaNovember 8, 2023

Divers in Italy have discovered tens of thousands of fourth-century bronze coins off the coast of Sardinia.

Authorities initially received a tip from a diver who had spotted something shiny near the Mediterranean island’s northeastern shore, according to the Associated Press. They didn’t specify when this sighting took place.

Soon after, officials sent a team of divers to scope out the scene, which is located near the town of Arzachena. Some of the divers were affiliated with an art protection squad, while others were connected to the ministry’s underwater archaeology department.

Beneath the waves, they found the ancient coins—known as follis—poking up from the seafloor. A video shared by Italy’s culture ministry shows divers using an underwater metal detector to locate the artifacts, gently brushing away sand with their hands. After extracting the coins, they placed them in large red bins, which they then hauled to the surface.

The exact number of coins recovered is unclear, though officials estimate it’s likely between 30,000 and 50,000, based on the objects’ weight. All of the coins are in an “exceptional and rare” state of conservation, according to a translated statement from the culture ministry. Only four are damaged, and even those feature inscriptions that are “still legible.”

Experts also found many amphorae, a type of jug with a slender neck and two handles. They think some of the amphorae were made in Africa, while others were made in Asia.

Archaeologists found the treasure trove in a large, sandy area between the beach and the underwater seagrass. Because of the shape and positioning of the seabed, they say a shipwreck could be concealed nearby.

Based on the markings on the coins, the team thinks they date to between 324 and 340 C.E. Some of the objects depict Constantine I, who was the Roman emperor from 306 to 337 C.E.

The recovered coins come from mints located across the Roman Empire, per CNN’s Hafsa Khalil and Sharon Braithwaite.

Looking ahead, the team plans to restore and study the coins in the hope of learning more about their origins. Already, they are “one of the most important discoveries of numismatic finds in recent years,” says Luigi La Rocca, who leads the regional government archaeology division, in the statement.

The coins also highlight the “richness and importance of the archaeological heritage that the depths of our seas, crossed by men and goods since the most ancient times, still guards and conserves,” he adds.

(Italian officials suspect they recovered between 30,000 and 50,000 bronze coins. Italian Ministry of Culture. All of the coins were well-preserved, and even the four damaged ones were still legible. Italian Ministry of Culture)


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ad8c77 No.106707

File: bcb340d10fb22aa⋯.png (494.46 KB,687x739,687:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904689 (121717ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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data centers /clone centers

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ad8c77 No.106708

File: f2d612c3de44bfd⋯.png (631.1 KB,1083x989,1083:989,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904693 (121718ZNOV23) Notable: Former fashion mogul Peter Nygard found guilty of 4 counts of sexual assault

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Former fashion mogul Peter Nygard found guilty of 4 counts of sexual assault

Mark Gollom · CBC News · Posted: Nov 12, 2023 11:56 AM EST

One-time Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard was found guilty by a Toronto jury on Sunday of four counts of sexual assault.

He was acquitted of one of five counts of sexual assault and one count of forcible confinement.

Nygard didn't appear to show any emotion as the verdict was handed down on the jurors' fifth day of deliberations.

More to come.


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ad8c77 No.106709

File: cfba9bec47a2a1a⋯.png (22.54 KB,695x197,695:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 40f17eacd04a4d3⋯.png (70.46 KB,584x405,584:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904703 (121722ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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The US and Iceland entered into a bilateral defense agreement in 1951. It stipulated that the USA would make arrangements for the defense of Iceland on behalf of NATO and granted base rights. After the agreement, Keflavík became a base for American forces.

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ad8c77 No.106710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904705 (121722ZNOV23) Notable: DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

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I used to work for a company that built the major equipment used by many large data centers. When working with centers outside of the country, I was not allowed to even know where the equipment was located. All data we needed to diagnose issues was scrubbed before we could get it. Any parts we needed to send were dispatched to a very generic third party location, because we weren't even allowed to know how replacement parts would get to the ultimate destination.

In other words, many governments' data centers are so well protected and hidden that even the people supporting them don't know where they are.

But keep searching for them... the locations of a few may have been doxxed. It might not be a total waste of time.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106711

File: f17d09ccd0dc2a9⋯.png (94.81 KB,602x601,602:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904718 (121726ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: I am the victim of a corrupt legal system that is being used by those surrounding Crooked Joe Biden….

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Extra space between & and "most powerful"

Donald J. Trump


I am the victim of a corrupt legal system that is being used by those surrounding Crooked Joe Biden, with his full knowledge & consent, to hurt, demean, and damage his Political Opponent, ME. A terrible precedent is being set, but so far, despite the vulgarity & viciousness of it all, it has driven my poll numbers to record numbers. You see, the American people are MUCH smarter than Crooked Joe! They see what is going on with a Corrupt & Racist New York State A.G., and a Trump Hating Puppet Judge willing to do her dirty work, even as it takes him, and his reputation, to new levels of low. They fully understand the Obama appointed, Radical Left D.C. Federal Judge, who refused to recuse, fully “gagged” me, and set a trial date THE DAY BEFORE “Super Tuesday,” the biggest & most powerful day in the Primaries. They get the fact that A.G. Garland and his boss, Lisa Monaco, sent their TOP DOJ lawyer to Manhattan to run the District Attorney’s “case” on me…And Much More. BUT WE WILL WIN!!!

Nov 12, 2023, 12:10 PM


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ad8c77 No.106712

File: 15dcc22cd9e66ae⋯.png (176.03 KB,533x533,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: a039ef9896b0d67⋯.png (193.94 KB,573x322,573:322,Clipboard.png)

File: 620033203e98be6⋯.png (311.74 KB,678x466,339:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 14efa58d8c19d8a⋯.png (278.89 KB,779x735,779:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904739 (121732ZNOV23) Notable: Shrinking % of whites in the US population

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idiots playing stupid is real tiresome especially when it's right in front of their fucking faces

people can't see or plan a week down the road much less 5, 10, 20 years down the road

In a new interview with the New York Times, Alex Soros, the son of leftist Jewish billionaire George Soros, admitted his father’s quintessential Jewish motives for seeking to permanently open Europe’s and America’s borders to non-white immigrants:

One morning in Paris, I had coffee with Alex Soros, who is 32 and the second-youngest of George’s five children. Bespectacled, wiry and careful with his words, he had recently earned a doctorate in history from the University of California, Berkeley, and was now running his own philanthropy while also working with the O.S.F. He was a little groggy, having been up late the night before writing an op-ed for The Daily News rebutting Roseanne Barr’s Nazi tweet. (His father’s lawyers also filed a cease-and-desist order against Barr; she issued an apology two weeks later.) When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”

Well, there it is, confirmation that George Soros is motivated in his anti-White hostility primarily by his Jewish ethnicity and beliefs. It’s been written that Soros has a “Messiah Complex” and wants to govern the world. All of this fits nicely with the actual aims of Messianic Judaism to rule the world from Jerusalem and slay all the Gentiles that stand in the way of this monstrous conspiracy.

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ad8c77 No.106713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904812 (121802ZNOV23) Notable: #24440

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>Q Research General #244409: EBAKE

extra 9

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ad8c77 No.106714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904834 (121806ZNOV23) Notable: US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean

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US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean

The Pentagon insists that the mysterious “mishap” happened during a routine training flight

The aircraft was conducting a training flight on Friday evening when it “suffered a mishap and went down,” EUCOM said in a brief statement. The Pentagon did not provide any additional information about the type of aircraft, how many people were aboard, or whether the incident took place over land or sea.

“However, we can definitively say that the aircraft sortie was purely related to training and there are no indications of hostile activity,” EUCOM added. “Out of respect for the families affected, we will not release further information on the personnel involved at this time.”



Discusses criminal Netanyahu

Say there are tribunals happening now in the Mediterranean


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ad8c77 No.106715

File: e6b2cc735b468b3⋯.png (19.83 KB,834x202,417:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904848 (121809ZNOV23) Notable: Max Loses 700k Subscribers After Adding CNN to Streaming Catalog

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Max Loses 700k Subscribers After Adding CNN to Streaming Catalog

By Jason RobertsonNovember 12, 2023

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ad8c77 No.106716

File: 889ed803142603a⋯.png (50.71 KB,598x661,598:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904853 (121811ZNOV23) Notable: @EzraACohen: This is an extremely ill informed comment, There is no evidence that Israel is targeting hospitals, medical staff, or the civilians within the hospitals

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Ezra A. Cohen


This is an extremely ill informed comment, but understandable if one receives their news from the BBC.

There is no evidence that Israel is targeting hospitals, medical staff, or the civilians within the hospitals. Israel is engaged in defensive strikes against Hamas terrorists while taking pains to minimize civilian harm.

Additionally, Israel has attempted to provide an evacuation route for the remaining civilians in hospitals that are being used as command sites by Hamas terrorists. Hamas has attacked Palestinian civilians as they attempt to leave. Just last night Israel delivered fuel to one hospital that is being used by Hamas. The fuel was immediately confiscated by the terrorist group.



Archbishop of Canterbury




The relentless bombardment of hospitals and civilians in Gaza is intolerable. It’s against international humanitarian law - it must stop and stop now. The misuse of hospitals by Hamas does not justify attacks by Israel. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

The situation facing staff…

Show more

6:40 AM · Nov 12, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106717

File: b4249896c68e809⋯.png (184.4 KB,597x714,199:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904872 (121814ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump Jr.: Member of the European Parliament @sikorskiradek, openly admits to losing sleep thinking about Trump being President

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Donald Trump Jr.


Member of the European Parliament openly admits to losing sleep thinking about Trump being President because he will force them to carry more of the load for their own defense. No more American taxpayer funded free rides, folks! Amazing.


Square profile picture

EPP Group




"If the election in the US goes the wrong way next year, we will be in real trouble.

And I beg you, colleagues, we need to get serious about European defence", says @sikorskiradek.


#EPlenary #EUDefence

Show more

6:50 AM · Nov 12, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106718

File: fb450067052925a⋯.jpeg (124.4 KB,1028x655,1028:655,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904874 (121815ZNOV23) Notable: Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet

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Anons he’s an anon, he found this meme on 4chan. He says to Tucker, pardon my French, but its called a shitpost!

Watch the Video on X

Tucker Carlson@TuckerCarlson

Ep. 38The First Amendment is done. Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet. We talked to him right before his sentencing. Remember as you watch that this could be you.


(3:12) The Hillary Clinton meme

(4:20) Hillary’s reaction

(6:38) FBI raid

Mackey is currently raising funds for his appeal.



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ad8c77 No.106719

File: 560b61a9ace9b01⋯.png (1.2 MB,1174x1272,587:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904884 (121818ZNOV23) Notable: This Pennsylvania School District Has a Record-Breaking 17 Sets of Twins Starting Kindergarten This Year

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This Pennsylvania School District Has a Record-Breaking 17 Sets of Twins Starting Kindergarten This Year


Nov 12, 2023

There has got to be something in the water in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, because this school year they had 17 sets of twins register for Kindergarten in their school district.

Colonial School District's community relations coordinator, Jessica Lester, told Fox News Digital that it was the district's registrar who first noticed the trend, The class has been dubbed the "Twin-dergarteners" and contains seven sets of brothers and sisters, seven sets of sisters, and three sets of brothers.

The twins all seem to be enjoying the abundance of twins in their schools and especially the abundance of attention that their class has received.


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ad8c77 No.106720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904892 (121819ZNOV23) Notable: Peter Nygard: Fashion mogul guilty of sex assaults

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BBC News (UK)


Peter Nygard: Fashion mogul guilty of sex assaults


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ad8c77 No.106721

File: af42fd1666f8d83⋯.png (350.57 KB,393x483,131:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904896 (121820ZNOV23) Notable: Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (11/12/23)

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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (11/12/23)

#10 - Lawyers call for criminal charges against Dr. Anthony Fauci. (https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/florida-attorney-general-responds-after-lawyers-call-for-criminal-charges-against-fauci-5525773?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=vigilantf&src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantf)

#9 - Black Lives Matter leader stands behind January 6 prisoners and endorsers Trump. (https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/blm-branch-co-founders-election-bombshell-trump-best-candidate-for-president-5525992?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=vigilantf&src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantf)

#8 - A new preprint study finds billions of residual DNA fragments in COVID-19 mRNA vaccine vials. (https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/billions-of-copies-of-dna-impurities-and-contaminants-in-a-single-dose-of-covid-19-mrna-vaccine-preprint-5515324?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=vigilantf&src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantf)

#7 - Vivek Ramaswamy calls Joe Biden a ‘puppet’ live on national TV. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/vivek-ramaswamy-calls-joe-biden-a-puppet-live-on-national-tv)

#6 - Demand for ‘unvaxxed’ sperm soars as birth rates continue to decline. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/demand-for-unvaxxed-sperm-soars-women-looking-for-donors-who-refused-experimental-covid-jab)

#5 - Popular natural health product becomes the latest victim of Trudeau’s Canada. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/banned-health-fan-favorite-becomes-the-latest-victim-of-trudeaus-canada)

#4 - Seven carcinogenic and genotoxic food additives banned in Europe are commonly used in the U.S. (https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/7-food-additives-banned-in-europe-still-used-in-the-us-5506572?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=vigilantf&src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantf)

#3 - Schools start conducting “sudden cardiac arrest screenings” as heart attacks surge among children. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/11-children-ages-9-19-had-cardiac-arrests-at-us-schools-in-the-past-month)

#2 - A Nobel Prize-winning drug with anti-cancer effects is now quietly under attack. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/this-nobel-prize-winning-drug-is-now-quietly-under-attack-its-not-hydroxychloroquine-or-ivermectin)

#1 - EU Parliament and Member States reach an agreement to introduce CCP-like control measures to Europe. DO NOT COMPLY. (http://vigilantnews.com/post/european-politician-breaks-very-bad-news-about-digital-ids-and-central-bank-digital-currencies)

BONUS #1 - 10 signs you have a vaccine injury and what you can do about it: insights from top doctors. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/10-signs-you-have-a-vaccine-injury-and-what-you-can-do-about-it-insights-from-top-doctors)

BONUS #2 - Mega-corporations are coming for your healthcare supplements. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/mega-corporations-are-coming-for-your-healthcare-supplements)

BONUS #3: Cattle are being injected with mRNA “vaccines,” but one beef rancher is taking a stand. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/beef-company-ceo-ill-shut-down-the-company-before-we-ship-a-single-bag-with-mrna-injected-meat)

For more stories curated and written by @VigilantFox, be sure to subscribe to @Vigilant_News:

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ad8c77 No.106722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904900 (121820ZNOV23) Notable: Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet

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Commentator: What we are seeing with the “Douglass Mackey Affair” is Anarcho-Tyranny in action…

November 11, 2023 (2 days ago)

The Douglass Mackey trial, conviction, and sentencing is a perfect example of “Anarcho-Tyranny” in action. That’s what one very astute X user and writer by the name of Chad Crowley declared recently in a very powerful post. But what exactly is anarcho-tyranny? Well, according to Wikidata, it’s a stage of governmental dysfunction in which the state is anarchically hopeless at coping with large matters but ruthlessly tyrannical in the enforcement of small ones. That sounds about right.

If you’re not familiar, the Mackey case is the most important First Amendment case in the nation, and if he’s unable to overturn his conviction on appeal, we’re all screwed in ways we can’t even fathom right now. Revolver has covered this case in-depth, so if you haven’t got all the details, we encourage you to read our viral piece called, “Most Important First Amendment Case You’ve Never Heard Of: Biden Regime Tries to Toss a Young Man in Jail for 10 Years for Anti-Hillary Memes.”

The Cliff Notes version of the story goes like this: Mr. Mackey posted a humorous, satirical meme poking fun at Hillary and her low-information voters. In response to this harmless act, the feds charged him with conspiracy to commit election fraud. A New York City jury found him guilty, and a Democrat judge with clear biases sentenced him to seven months in federal prison. It’s almost unbelievable that this unfolded in what’s supposed to be the “land of the free.” Now, “anarcho-tyranny” may be making a lot more sense.

Chad Crowley has delved deeply into the case, highlighting how the government fears any form of dissent, including memes that are obviously jokes, even to those with the simplest minds.

Read it and weep:

Mackey’s actions did not change a single vote, but as Tucker Carlson most recently stated in the opening monologue to his interview with Douglass Mackey:

“If someone had told you even ten years ago that you could be indicted by the federal government and go to prison for 10 years for making fun of Hillary Clinton on social media, you would not have believed it. It’s a free country, we have free speech. But it turns out that not only is that possible, it has likely become much more common, because the actual war is over information.”

Information is any stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. Mackey’s actions may not have changed a single vote, but they did, however, change the context of the conversation.

His satirical meme, while not directly impacting the outcome of the election, contributed to a broader discussion on the American electoral process and the growing sense that elections are not as “free, fair or open” as they are portrayed, while also highlighting the absurdity that characterizes contemporary politics.

This, in essence, is the power of information — the ability to influence and provoke critical thought, even through something as seemingly harmless as humor, and the reason why the Regime tyrannically crushes all dissent.

In the case of Mackey, his memes, though presented in jest, were perceived as a threat to the established order, particularly because they aligned with his support for Donald Trump, a then political candidate whose 2016 political platform of “America First” challenged the reigning powers that be.

This Trumpian alignment made Mackey’s satirical content even more dangerous in the eyes of those who opposed Trump and what he stood for. The reaction to Mackey’s satire epitomizes anarcho-tyranny in action, highlighting the increasing sensitivity of the Regime towards any form of dissent or mockery, especially when it not only challenges the status quo but also gives support to a controversial figure like Donald Trump, whose very political platform was a threat to the system.

The “Douglass Mackey Affair” serves as a cautionary tale about the fragility of free expression in an era where any and all means can, and will be weaponized by the state to crush those challenging its monopolization of power.

That’s just the beginning of the thread; you can read the rest here.

Mr. Mackey recently broke his silence. He sat down with Tucker Carlson to discuss his case and the current “police state” governing America.

Mr. Mackey is prepared to challenge this extreme injustice all the way to the Supreme Court, but he can’t do it alone. He needs your support to make this journey. Please consider contributing to his legal battle—a fight he’s undertaking for all of us:



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ad8c77 No.106723

File: 3befed276fb12cb⋯.jpeg (367.39 KB,1195x613,1195:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0915372f4a3678f⋯.jpeg (535.61 KB,1622x562,811:281,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3596696ee148790⋯.jpeg (443.24 KB,1326x623,1326:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2ff91d39445e3d5⋯.jpeg (315.33 KB,769x638,769:638,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ccb2a64760419a9⋯.png (512.37 KB,734x525,734:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904931 (121830ZNOV23) Notable: 45in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 cap 2 arrived at West Palm Beach Intl from LaGuardia depart about 70m ago-attended rally yesterday and then departed Lebanon Muni Airport and went to LaGuardia then to UFC event

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>>106564, >>106565 pb

45in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 cap 2 arrived at West Palm Beach Intl from LaGuardia depart about 70m ago-attended rally yesterday and then departed Lebanon Muni Airport and went to LaGuardia then to UFC event

CONUS Activity

WIDE42 KC-135 tanker over Delaware as Potato’s mobile filling station-nuffin as usual on the schedule and lid called @12pm EST

Mr and Mrs Potato bailed to New Castle Cty yesterday early afternoon after Potato fugged up the wreath laying at Arlington


SAM164 C40BJCOS Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.’sAC heading SW from JBA cap 4 and wut am I doin’ with muh hands ;)

RCH3286 C17 west from JBA (this has 4 diggies so it’s equipment for Potato/kneepads/Flauxtus visit)

Mexican AF 3526/7/8 737

6/7 SW from Francisco Villa Military base and 8 NW from Ciudad Obregon and heading to Tijuana Intl

BOE403 Japanese KC-46A out on a Boeing test flight from Paine Field (just north of Boeing Field)-these ACs overcomplicated the refueling process so instead of a human laying down and watching the connection and refueling process (like in the older KC-135 and being phased out DC-10s) they use a monitor with someone located in the middle of the airframe and it’s not even in color-in this case the old ways are better

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ad8c77 No.106724

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904938 (121833ZNOV23) Notable: Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet

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Video on rumble


Tucker On Twitter X


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ad8c77 No.106725

File: a94af7d09dfab84⋯.png (35.64 KB,608x510,304:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904942 (121835ZNOV23) Notable: The phrase “Digital Soldiers” and “WWG1WGA” is more of a rallying call to patriots so we’re not sitting on our collective asses HOPING for shit to happen

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Michael Flynn Jr


One doesn’t have anything to do with the other.

The phrase “Digital Soldiers” and “WWG1WGA” is more of a rallying call to patriots so we’re not sitting on our collective asses HOPING for shit to happen.

My GUESS w his statement regarding “Q” is that people need to start living in the real world, and not in some science-fiction land located on an 8chan/4chan message board.


American Remains




Sorry but I do.

Your father has promoted Digital Soldiers and WWG1WGA hard. Then turned around and bashed Q? What?

He’s literally encouraged us to go to war on social media.

That means we go hard in the paint for Truth.

Even if that means exposing someone you’ve come to trust twitter.com/realmflynnjr/s…

Show more

Last edited

7:29 AM · Nov 12, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904947 (121838ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Treasury intercepts payment for “Police State” documentary ad campaign

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U.S. Treasury intercepts payment for “Police State” documentary ad campaign

In an ironic twist, the United States Treasury has intercepted a bank transaction by the producers of "Police State," the new Dinesh D'Souza documentary film that addresses the emerging authoritarian police state in America.

Doing exactly what the film itself warns is becoming normalized, the Treasury, a federal government agency, blocked a transaction to the Salem Media Group, which produced "Police State."

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, which even more ironically enough is responsible for tracking terrorism and narcotics trafficking, decided to "intercept" a $106,000 payment that was intended to purchase ads for the D'Souza film.

The Treasury Department has yet to address the delayed payment, which occurred right around the time that the nation's largest banks were failing to transfer customers' direct deposit payments through the ACH system.

"Although the Treasury Department remains silent on their actions, the delay has already begun to create waves and provide a real-time example of the content pointed out in the film," reports Reclaim the Net.

The money was eventually returned, but why was it seized in the first place?

Since the job of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is responsible for enforcing economic sanctions and monitoring assets primarily against terrorist cells and narcotics traffickers overseas, it is unprecedented for this agency division to suddenly take an interest in this local matter.

OFAC's jurisdiction usually involves foreign transactions, in other words, and not domestic affairs like something as simple and benign as purchasing advertisements for a new film release.


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ad8c77 No.106727

File: 45dd3e3f3e5efb1⋯.jpg (97.82 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904950 (121839ZNOV23) Notable: Do NOT take any of these "vaccines" or boosters. Liz Gunn declares, “New Zealand is a crime scene.”

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The "science" has been really showing them up lately. So many studies are showing the jabs to NOT prevent infection, to NOT prevent spread, and to actually kill a lot of people, whether immediately or years down the line.

Do NOT take any of these "vaccines" or boosters.


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ad8c77 No.106728

File: 802494de4ed4906⋯.png (23.73 KB,599x310,599:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904955 (121839ZNOV23) Notable: Tom Fitton: Federal Judge Totenberg issued an order on Nov. 10th denying the GA SoS/Election Board motion to dismiss the Curling v. Raffensperger case

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Tom Fitton


Important election integrity federal court decison in Georgia.


Debbie Dooley







Federal Judge Totenberg issued an order on Nov. 10th denying the GA SoS/Election Board motion to dismiss the Curling v. Raffensperger case. SoS claimed Dominion was secure.

The case is set for trial beginning Jan. 9th…

Show more

4:27 AM · Nov 12, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106729

File: 909ac4ca45ceebc⋯.png (519.13 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 73e601c733079a4⋯.jpeg (233.19 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 762add3f0352b88⋯.jpeg (165.31 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8bdf240c75bfef4⋯.jpeg (542.7 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904956 (121840ZNOV23) Notable: 45in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 cap 2 arrived at West Palm Beach Intl from LaGuardia depart about 70m ago-attended rally yesterday and then departed Lebanon Muni Airport and went to LaGuardia then to UFC event

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ad8c77 No.106730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904972 (121845ZNOV23) Notable: House GOP Introduces Legislation To End John Kerry’s Woke Climate Role

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House GOP Introduces Legislation To End John Kerry’s Woke Climate Role

Oklahoma Republican Rep. Josh Breechen introduced a bill that proposed eliminating John Kerry’s role as the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. Breechen’s new bill is titled the Stop Climate Hysteria in Diplomacy Act.

Rep. Breechen slammed Joe Biden for labeling climate change as an “existential threat” to further the expansion of bureaucracy in the federal government. The GOP Representative maintained that John Kerry utilized the position to interject the climate change agenda into American diplomacy unnecessarily.

“President Biden has used the excuse that climate change is an existential threat to create additional bureaucracy inside the State Department. The Climate Change Support Office is nothing more than a pet project for John Kerry to integrate climate change into all aspects of American foreign policy decisions,” Brecheen stated.


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ad8c77 No.106731

File: 1180c59368e02b7⋯.jpeg (103 KB,1181x590,1181:590,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dff08f76890826f⋯.jpeg (326.16 KB,1170x1299,390:433,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 85794c43b55d243⋯.jpeg (414.48 KB,1165x1698,1165:1698,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904977 (121846ZNOV23) Notable: US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean

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DEVELOPING: U.S. Military Aircraft Crashes Over Mediterranean Sea

by Graham16 hours ago

A United States military aircraft crashed in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

It is reported that the aircraft went down due to a malfunction during training, not because of hostile activity.

Fox News shares more on the story:

The organization, which is responsible for U.S. military operations across Europe, portions of Asia and the Middle East, the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean, said that they can “definitively say” that the mishap was “purely related to” training exercises and that there are “no indications of hostile activity.”

It is not clear what service branch the personnel involved are a part of, or details about the aircraft or its crew.

EUCOM also did not provide any additional information regarding how many crew were aboard the aircraft, saying that, “out of respect for the families affected, we will not release further information on the personnel involved at this time.”

What is going on with our aircraft?

You may remember that back in September, a military jet crashed in South Carolina.

The Associated Press News has more on the aircraft that went down over South Carolina:

Authorities had been searching for the jet since the pilot, whose name hasn’t been released, parachuted to safety into a North Charleston neighborhood about 2 p.m. Sunday. He was taken to a hospital, where he was in stable condition, Marines Maj. Melanie Salinas said.

“The mishap is currently under investigation, and we are unable to provide additional details to preserve the integrity of the investigative process,” the Marine Corps said in a news release on Monday evening.

The Marine Corps announced earlier Monday it was pausing aviation operations for two days after the fighter jet’s crash — the third costly accident in recent weeks.

Gen. Eric Smith, the acting commandant of the Marine Corps, ordered the stand-downwhile authorities searched near two South Carolina lakes for the missing FB-35B Lightning II aircraft.

It’s the third event documented as a “Class-A mishap” over the past six weeks, according to a Marine Corps announcement. Such incidents occur when damages reach $2.5 million or more, a Department of Defense aircraft is destroyed, or someone dies or is permanently disabled.

Commanders will spend the stand-down reinforcing safe flying policies, practices and procedures with their Marines, according to the Monday release.

Is a lack of funding or training responsible for these crashes?

These are not cheap aircraft, and every time we lose one, millions of taxpayers’ money is out the window.


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ad8c77 No.106732

File: ac74a27ed4ded40⋯.png (46.39 KB,838x545,838:545,Clipboard.png)

File: b6de1d7c7af9ccd⋯.png (72.57 KB,807x558,269:186,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ceb0584d42f14a⋯.png (71.45 KB,829x559,829:559,Clipboard.png)

File: 156661f7914a2de⋯.png (48.78 KB,847x510,847:510,Clipboard.png)

File: b838b64fb17cd0d⋯.png (70.9 KB,819x516,273:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19904993 (121853ZNOV23) Notable: Do NOT take any of these "vaccines" or boosters. Liz Gunn declares, “New Zealand is a crime scene.”

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Judicial Watch: Emails Show Communications Between Biden Surgeon General and Facebook on Covid Censorship

Judicial Watch announced today that it received 14 pages of emails between U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and top Facebook executives in 2021 regarding the censorship of user posts about Covid controversies. The emails show Facebook leadership seeking to “better understand the scope of what the White House expects from us on misinformation going forward.”

Judicial Watch received these emails in response to its January 13, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:23-cv-00113)) for:

All records, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, texts, memoranda, and handwritten notes, of, regarding, referring, or relating to any efforts of Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, U.S. Surgeon General, to contact any employee of Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Pinterest concerning COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccines.

On July 15, 2021, Murthy issued “Confronting Health Misinformation,” a 22-page document addressing his concerns in multiple areas. These included social media, for which it offered a number of suggestions to address misinformation:

[M]ake meaningful long-term investments … including product changes. Redesign recommendation algorithms to avoid amplifying misinformation, build in “frictions”—such as suggestions and warnings—to reduce the sharing of misinformation, and make it easier for users to report misinformation.


Platforms should also address misinformation in live streams, which are more difficult to moderate due to their temporary nature and use of audio and video.


Prioritize early detection of misinformation “super-spreaders” and repeat offenders. Impose clear consequences for accounts that repeatedly violate platform policies.


Amplify communications from trusted messengers and subject matter experts. For example, work with health and medical professionals to reach target audiences. Direct users to a broader range of credible sources, including community organizations.

The newly obtained records show that on July 16, 2021, the next day, Nick Clegg, vice president of Communications and Global Affairs at Facebook, emails Murthy:

Dear Vivek,

Reaching out after what has transpired over the past few days following the publication of the misinformation advisory, and culminating today in the President’s remarks about us. I know our teams met today to better understand the scope of what the White House expects from us on misinformation going forward.

In our previous conversations I’ve appreciated the way you and your team have approached our engagement, and we have worked hard to meet the moment – we’ve dedicated enormous time and resources to fighting this pandemic and consider ourselves to be partners in fighting the same battle. Certainly we understand (and have understood for some time) that there is disagreement on some of the policies governing our approach and how they are being enforced – even as your team has acknowledged the unprecedented scale of our efforts to provide authoritative information to millions of Americans and to help them get vaccinated. But I thought the way we were singled out over the past few days has been both surprising and misleading, and I believe unproductive to our joint efforts too.

I would appreciate the opportunity to speak directly to discuss a path forward with you and how we can continue to work toward what I sincerely believe are shared goals.


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ad8c77 No.106733

File: 485733774283c4a⋯.jpeg (319.3 KB,512x1319,512:1319,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8042df8252d4761⋯.gif (2.2 MB,498x363,166:121,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905007 (121858ZNOV23) Notable: Small plane collides into car while making emergency landing in McKinney N751HP

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The story on ZH shows a twatter cap with a screen cap that shows hex I’d AE67A5 which decodes as a P8 Poseidon however some radio chatter sez it’s a helicopter SW of Cyprus

Cap sauce


ADS-B shows no activity for that hex id

Can’t add anything else other then that

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ad8c77 No.106734

File: f13cbdc62e36d24⋯.jpeg (91.8 KB,1073x515,1073:515,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 578a4da52fd5023⋯.jpeg (112.59 KB,894x678,149:113,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905017 (121902ZNOV23) Notable: US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean

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Two slides from the video of SG Report

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ad8c77 No.106735

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905018 (121902ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Sam Bailey Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud

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>>>/qresearch/19904278 lb

Dr. Sam Bailey Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud



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ad8c77 No.106736

File: 816c1456a121a76⋯.png (369.19 KB,600x489,200:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905045 (121910ZNOV23) Notable: Newly found ‘kill switch’ triggers death of cancer cells in potential breakthrough

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New York Post



Newly found ‘kill switch’ triggers death of cancer cells in potential breakthrough



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ad8c77 No.106737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905053 (121912ZNOV23) Notable: Newly found ‘kill switch’ triggers death of cancer cells in potential breakthrough

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[they]know we know about the cures

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ad8c77 No.106738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905055 (121913ZNOV23) Notable: Small plane collides into car while making emergency landing in McKinney N751HP

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Small plane collides into car while making emergency landing in McKinney


1.15M subscribers

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ad8c77 No.106739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905063 (121915ZNOV23) Notable: Newly found ‘kill switch’ triggers death of cancer cells in potential breakthrough

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they will 'cure' you with a cancer vaxx

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ad8c77 No.106740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905064 (121915ZNOV23) Notable: Newly found ‘kill switch’ triggers death of cancer cells in potential breakthrough

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C before D

Researchers say they’ve located a “kill switch” that can trigger the death of cancer cells.

Scientists at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center in Sacramento, California, have identified a protein on the CD95 receptor that can “program” cancer cells to die, as detailed in a study published in the journal Cell Death & Differentiation last month.

A receptor is a protein within a cell that receives and transmits signals.

CD95 receptors — also referred to as Fas — have gained the nickname “death receptors” because they send a signal that causes cancer cells to “self-destruct,” according to a press release from UC Davis.

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ad8c77 No.106741

File: 8935fabd89e8f98⋯.png (691.47 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905071 (121917ZNOV23) Notable: Small plane collides into car while making emergency landing in McKinney N751HP

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ad8c77 No.106742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905086 (121922ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Sam Bailey Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud

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Dr. Sam Bailey Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud



fantastic video

Talks about the origins of the corrupt Rockefeller Medical Cabal and how they successfully discredited naturopathy in favor of allopathy in the early 1900s until they controlled the entire medical establishment, including the AMA.

They pushed the germ theory of disease as well - a reductionistic theory that says one cause for each "disease." Because "viruses" unlike bacteria are hard to detect, they could be used to make claims about conditions that are untrue - also to recommend treatments in the forms of VACCINATIONS that do not work and may cause harm.

Later, they also enabled the field of virology to gain prestige, thus enabling

Simon Flexner to make the AS YET UNPROVEN CLAIM that a virus causes polio.

Very, very detailed -

show this to skeptical friends.

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ad8c77 No.106743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905089 (121923ZNOV23) Notable: US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean

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Wait a minute is that why Trump says he wants to Federalize Wash DC?because we won’t be part, or are currently not tied to London and the Vatican Triade? Trump supposedly signed the Bankruptcy of Gov in DC in 2020.

Trump Calls for 'Federal Takeover' of D.C., Change of Venue

Former President Donald Trump, ahead of his arraignment in Washington, D.C., insisted a change of venue is needed because getting a fair trial is "impossible" there, noting he has called for a "federal takeover" of the nation's capital.

Former President Donald Trump, ahead of his arraignment in Washington, D.C., insisted a change of venue is needed because getting a fair trial is "impossible" there, noting he has called for a "federal takeover" of the nation's capital.

"The latest fake 'case' brought by Crooked Joe Biden & Deranged Jack Smith will hopefully be moved to an impartial venue, such as the politically unbiased nearby State of West Virginia!" Trump wrote on Truth Social, railing against the president, his special counsel, and the "anti-Trump" city of D.C., the night before his arraignment.

He added it is "impossible to get a fair trial in Washington, D.C., which is over 95% anti-Trump, & for which I have called for a federal takeover in order to bring our capital back to greatness. It is now a high-crime embarrassment to our nation and, indeed, the world.This indictment is all about election interference!!!"

In a separate post early Thursday, Trump said "the radical left wants to criminalize free speech!"

Trump won West Virginia in his 2016 election by 42 percentage points and took the state in 2020 with 68.6%. West Virginia, a strong red state, has not elected a Democrat for president since former President Bill Clinton in 1996, according to The New York Times.

Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, is to be arraigned Thursday afternoon in a four-count indictment by Smith's special counsel. Trump has been charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

Six other co-conspirators have been listed in the indictment but have not been officially named.

The courthouse where Trump is being arraigned is located between the Capitol and the White House, and Wednesday afternoon, police put up security fencing around the government building.

The indictment is Trump's third in recent months. He was indicted in Manhattan in April on charges related to the falsification of business records, and in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida in June, where he is charged with allegedly mishandling classified documents kept at his Mar-a-Lago estate.


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ad8c77 No.106744

File: aad390289aa4667⋯.png (160.25 KB,840x586,420:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905100 (121929ZNOV23) Notable: Newly found ‘kill switch’ triggers death of cancer cells in potential breakthrough

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>[they]know we know about the cures

What if cures already exist?

What about the billions (public/private/govt) provided to fund cure dev?


These people are sick!


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ad8c77 No.106745

File: 4d7a4d57e8393cb⋯.png (612.16 KB,640x546,320:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905114 (121935ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli Troops Run Over Palestinian With a Bulldozer, Israelis Laugh About It On Social Media

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Israeli Troops Run Over Palestinian With a Bulldozer, Israelis Laugh About It On Social Media

Israel Defense Forces shot a Palestinian civilian in Gaza and ran him over with a bulldozer on film for social media laughs, according to a report from Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

The video was published on an a popular Israeli Telegram channel with nearly 130,000 followers for depraved minds to laugh at:

From Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, "Shock, outrage expressed by Euro-Med Monitor over Israel’s ongoing mutilation and filming of dead Palestinian bodies":

In a statement released today, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor expressed shock and horror over video footage showing an Israeli military vehicle deliberately trampling the body of a dead Palestinian civilian who died trying to cross Israel's "safe corridor" in Gaza.

According to the Euro-Med Monitor team's investigation, the man had been attempting to flee Israeli violence via the "safe corridor"—Salah al-Din Street, the Gaza Strip's main road—that the Israeli army allegedly allocated for the use of displaced Palestinian civilians travelling south from Gaza City and other northern areas. The man was shot and killed before being deliberately trampled on by the military vehicle, said the human rights organisation.

Since the start of Israel's war on the Gaza Strip on 7 October, Euro-Med Monitor has documented numerous brutal Israeli violations, including mutilating the bodies of dead Palestinians by harassing corpses on camera, dragging them, urinating on them, and even cutting off their limbs.

The rules of international law stipulate the necessity of respecting and protecting the bodies of the dead during armed conflicts, in accordance with Rule 115, which states that, "The dead must be disposed of in a respectful manner and their graves respected and properly maintained." The Fourth Geneva Convention also stresses that, "Each party to the conflict must take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled. Mutilation of dead bodies is prohibited."

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor wholeheartedly denounced the Israeli soldiers' boasts of mutilating the bodies of the dead, and their publishing of video clips documenting these horrific practices. The Geneva-based rights group views these acts as reflections of the severity of the soldiers' sadism and their flagrant violation of the rules of war, and called on the international community to immediately intervene.



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ad8c77 No.106746

File: d15eea6ad0473f1⋯.jpeg (20.57 KB,474x296,237:148,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f43b2ec43d79b2d⋯.jpeg (28.51 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905149 (121948ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Jan talks about Netanyahu being the biggest block in the Middle east and how he wouldn’t engage in peace talk

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Dr. Jan talks about Netanyahu being the biggest block in the Middle east and how he wouldn’t engage in peace talks. I found this article that seems to lead to a Q post. Note the dare if article

Trump calls Netanyahu 'a bigger problem' than Abbas:Reports

Comments are said to have come during meeting between US president and UN chief in New York last month

Published date: 4 October 2017

The US President Donald Trump described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the harder side to convince in his efforts to mediate between the Israelis and Palestinians, according to well-placed sources.

A Western diplomat who was briefed on Trump’s comments, which came during a meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York, told Haaretz that “Trump said both leaders are problematic.”

“But the general context was that from the two of them, Netanyahu is the bigger problem.”

The Israeli paper said that the claim was backed up by seven Western and Israeli sources who were either present at or briefed on the meeting.

But a senior White House official has since disputed the account of the meeting, saying: “This was a short but productive meeting that primarily focused on UN reforms and the great job [US Ambassador to the UN Nikki] Haley has been doing. After discussing the United States’ defence of Israel at the UN, the participants quickly addressed the ongoing peace conversations.

"The president said that he feels both sides want to make peace and he remains optimistic about an enduring peace deal. We are focusing on our productive conversations and not on the noise created by spoilers.”

Guterres and Trump are said to have spent half of a 15-minute meeting speaking about the Israeli-Palestine issue alone on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly last month.

According to a diplomat who was briefed on the meeting, Trump fancied himself as the US president that could broker a peace deal, adding that the time was right given that Abbas was getting older and wanted to leave a legacy behind and Netanyahu now had a US president who was sympathetic to Israel’s security needs.

Yet Netanyahu was surprised by Trump’s emphasis on peace talks when they met on the side of the UN last month. The Israeli prime minister had expected to discuss the Iranian nuclear deal, according to Haaretz.

Meanwhile Mahmoud Abbas is said to be supportive of Trump’s efforts after they also met at the UN, before which Trump said about a potential peace agreement: “I think we have a pretty good shot – maybe the best shot ever.

“I certainly will devote everything within my heart and within my soul to get that deal made. ... So we’ll see if we can put it together. Who knows? Stranger things have happened.”

(Saving Israel for last. Is Netanyahu intentionally trying to destroy the “Abraham Accords”?)


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ad8c77 No.106747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905156 (121950ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Jan talks about Netanyahu being the biggest block in the Middle east and how he wouldn’t engage in peace talk

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PS: Netanyahu was the first world leader to Congratulate Bidan when he/they stole the 2020 election

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ad8c77 No.106748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905162 (121951ZNOV23) Notable: Israel-Hamas war: Minister Avi Dichter calls Gaza operation a ‘Nakba’

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Israel-Hamas war: Minister calls Gaza operation a ‘Nakba’, ‘grave fears’ for major hospital

A minister in Israel’s government has shocked TV viewers by using a striking one-word description of the Gaza conflict.

And an Israeli minister has caused renewed outrage by referring to the operations in Gaza as a “Nakba” – a term which refers to the expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from what is now Israel in the late 1940s.

“We are now actually rolling out the Nakba of Gaza. In the forefront, this is the Nakba of Gaza,” Avi Dichter told a national TV station.

“So this is the Nakba of Gaza, Avi Dichter?” asked the channel’s host.

“The Nakba of Gaza, 2023,” Mr Dichter affirmed.


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ad8c77 No.106749

File: c2c8395169e67d6⋯.jpeg (439.69 KB,1099x606,1099:606,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905183 (122000ZNOV23) Notable: 45in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 cap 2 arrived at West Palm Beach Intl from LaGuardia depart about 70m ago-attended rally yesterday and then departed Lebanon Muni Airport and went to LaGuardia then to UFC event

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SAM164 C40B JCOS landed at MacDill AFB (CENTCOM)

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ad8c77 No.106750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905201 (122008ZNOV23) Notable: Moderna spikevax commercial encouraging you to kys

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Moderna spikevax commercial

encouraging you to kys

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ad8c77 No.106751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905202 (122008ZNOV23) Notable: Peter Nygard: Fashion mogul guilty of sex assaults

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Peter Nygard, Former Fashion Mogul, Convicted of Sexual Assault

The verdict in Toronto concludes the first of Mr. Nygard’s criminal trials in Canada. The 82-year-old also faces charges in the United States.

Nov. 12, 2023, 12:12 p.m. ET

A Toronto jury on Sunday found Peter Nygard, the high-profile executive behind a fallen fashion empire, guilty of four counts of sexual assault after just over three days of deliberation at the end of a six-week trial.

He was found not guilty of one count of sexual assault and one count of forcible confinement. His sentencing date will be set later this month.



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ad8c77 No.106752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905271 (122025ZNOV23) Notable: #24439

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last bread's notables


>>106667 China Prepares To Choke Off America's Rare Metal Supply

>>106668 Anonymous to Netanyahu: Each Palestinian child that has been killed = Revealing the identity of one of your spies.

>>106669, >>106670, >>106671 In Beijing, Xi and Putin Double Down on Path to New World Order

>>106672, >>106674 The $2 Million Coal Mine That Might Hold a $37 Billion Treasure in Rare Earth Minerals

>>106673 Anon on the positive evolution of QR

>>106679, >>106675, >>106678 MORE Tucker & Trump at Kid Rock - generally and on the QClock

>>106676, >>106680 GOP presidential candidates warned against participating in Iowa Thanksgiving event

>>106677 John Hume forced to sell his 2,000 captive rhinos following government ban - comms about "R[h]inos?

>>106681 Tucker Carlson as our next Vice President isn’t as “loopy” as it sounds…

>>106682 Kash: Happy Diwali

>>106683 Iran Claims to Have Found World's Second Largest LITHIUM Deposit

>>106685 HELEN PURCELL was responsible for the move from paper to electronic ballots in Maricopa Co

>>106686 ISIS flags are back

>>106688 'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley, who served more than 2 years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on Congress, now wants to run for Congress

>>106689 End Times News

>>106690, >>106687, >>106684, >>106692, >>106696, >>106697, >>106693, >>106694, >>106695, >>106699, >>106696, >>106698, >>106700, >>106705, >>106707, >>106709, >>106710 DIG on recent ICELAND events, data centers, earthquakes

>>106691 Saudi Crown Prince meets Iranian president for first time

>>106701 Poso: There may actually be over a million Spanish patriots protesting today in Madrid against the socialist coup

>>106702 @gatewaypundit: Feds Will Likely Identify Client List of “Johns” After High-End Asian Brothel Bust

>>106703 American Thinker: Islam is not a religion

>>106704 Why Do These Harvard Organizations Support Hamas?

>>106706 Divers Discover Tens of Thousands of Ancient Coins Off the Coast of Italy

>>106708 Former fashion mogul Peter Nygard found guilty of 4 counts of sexual assault

>>106711 @realDonaldTrump: I am the victim of a corrupt legal system that is being used by those surrounding Crooked Joe Biden....

>>106712 Shrinking % of whites in the US population

current bread seeking notes & baker

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ad8c77 No.106753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905298 (122032ZNOV23) Notable: mRNA Cancer Vaccines

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mRNA Cancer Vaccines


During the last decade, mRNA became increasingly recognized as a versatile tool for the development of new innovative therapeutics. Especially for vaccine development, mRNA is of outstanding interest and numerous clinical trials have been initiated. Strikingly, all of these studies have proven that large-scale GMP production of mRNA is feasible and concordantly report a favorable safety profile of mRNA vaccines. Creative Biolabs is a world leader in the field of cancer vaccine development. With our extensive experience and advanced platform, we are therefore confident in offering the best development services for mRNA cancer vaccines. We guarantee the finest results for our customers all over the world.

RNA – Creative Biolabs

Advantages of mRNA Cancer Vaccines

Simultaneous improvements in the production, modification, and stabilization of mRNA have nurtured the recognition of mRNA as a potential alternative. During the last decade, mRNA became increasingly recognized as a versatile tool for the development of new innovative therapeutics. Especially for vaccine development, mRNA is of outstanding interest as it maintains the key characteristics of pDNA, but with a superior safety profile. Similar to pDNA, mRNA vaccines lack MHC haplotype restriction, unlike peptide vaccination strategies. But in contrast to pDNA, mRNA does not require nuclear localization for translation of the encoded antigen. Moreover, it represents the minimal vector enabling transient protein expression and does not harbor the risk of insertional mutagenesis or permanent genomic alteration. Consequently, mRNA demonstrates inherent safety features optimal for therapeutic use.

Antigen Acquisition

Uptake and Endosomal Release - Once mRNA has reached the close neighborhood of DCs (by any delivery route), the subsequent steps of cellular uptake and, importantly, access to the cytoplasm, are critical. Nonlipid nanoparticles may by highly protective of their cargo and easily coupled to targeting ligands, yet they are often confronted with the problem of efficient mRNA release once inside the cell. Incorporation of destabilizing or pH sensitive polymers is an option. Lipid-based nanoformulations have a long record of being used for transfection of negatively charged biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, and oligonucleotides in vitro, and have been thoroughly investigated. The cationic lipids DOTMA and DOTAP have been the most extensively used transfection reagents due to their ability to facilitate membrane fusion.

Translation - When the interest into the use of mRNA as a gene delivery platform was eventually sparked, exploration of structural elements has led to engineered mRNA molecules highly optimized for stability and translational efficiency.

Antigen Processing and Presentation - After translation of the mRNA in the cytosol, the encoded protein will eventually be degraded into peptides by the proteasome, routed into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for loading onto MHC class I, and via the secretory pathway shuttled to the cell surface for presentation to CD8+ T cells. In contrast to peptide/protein vaccines, mRNA vaccines deliver antigen directly into the cytosol, facing the hurdle of intracellular proteins usually not entering the MHC class II pathway very efficiently (autophagy is one mechanism), with peptide loading taking place in MHC class II-containing secretory vesicles. In order to make mRNA-encoded protein eligible for MHC class II presentation, trafficking signals of endosomal or lysosomal proteins residing in MHC class II processing compartments have been fused to the encoded antigen, such as lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 (LAMP-1), the chaperone calreticulin, MHC class II-associated invariant chain, and HIV TAT protein transduction domain.

RNA – Creative BiolabsImmune Stimulation

Caution should be taken when designing optimal mRNA, to fit it to the intended use: for cancer therapy, better immune activation may outweigh translation, whereas immune activation would be detrimental for other approaches such as protein replacement, where high protein production is the primary aim. Activation of dsRNA-recognizing protein kinase R (PKR) should be avoided, as triggering this signaling cascade would interfere with mRNA translation. Incorporation of naturally occurring modified nucleosides, such as 2-thiouridine, N6-methyladenosines, 5-methylcytidine, or pseudouridine can suppress PKR activation by not forming dsRNA (2-thiouridine, N6-methyladenosine) or reducing dsRNA contaminants during in vitro transcription.

Creative Biolabs is a leader in the field of vaccine development and has focused on the cancer vaccines for years. We have experienced experts and advanced platforms that are able to provide excellent services. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.

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ad8c77 No.106754

File: d9f7168bf94d414⋯.png (277.2 KB,596x785,596:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905304 (122033ZNOV23) Notable: The phrase “Digital Soldiers” and “WWG1WGA” is more of a rallying call to patriots so we’re not sitting on our collective asses HOPING for shit to happen

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Michael Flynn Jr


And remember…


referred to an army of “digital soldiers” well before the “q” phenomena began



Michael Flynn Jr





One doesn’t have anything to do with the other.

The phrase “Digital Soldiers” and “WWG1WGA” is more of a rallying call to patriots so we’re not sitting on our collective asses HOPING for shit to happen.

My GUESS w his statement regarding “Q” is that people need to start living… twitter.com/americaremains…

Show more

8:20 AM · Nov 12, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106755

File: 2d4336796b7336a⋯.png (1.37 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fda78a938490b7⋯.png (628.99 KB,1688x988,422:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 209ffa4f98ad1cf⋯.png (377.33 KB,756x504,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c86b7555402375⋯.png (3 MB,1837x790,1837:790,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905311 (122034ZNOV23) Notable: Small plane collides into car while making emergency landing in McKinney N751HP

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>On a piston?



Whoever wrote the headline at WFAA is apparently unaware that he was squawking 1200 all the way in, had a flight plan filed from Midland, Texas to that very airport, and that the pilot himself said, when asked, that his propeller failed to go to reverse thrust. *doubt PF thinks he was long and floaty on landing and just over ran the runway. As evidenced by first go around. picrels ADS-B, Flight Aware





Not an emergency until the last moment.

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ad8c77 No.106756

File: f9f5164ec24f3e5⋯.png (324.29 KB,389x516,389:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905315 (122035ZNOV23) Notable: Israel is seeking to install former British prime minister Tony Blair as a "humanitarian coordinator" for the Gaza Strip.

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JUST IN - Israel is seeking to install former British prime minister Tony Blair as a "humanitarian coordinator" for the Gaza Strip.


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ad8c77 No.106757

File: 4204208bc729716⋯.jpeg (17.24 KB,500x334,250:167,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d2c29ae70e9ce5f⋯.jpeg (49.35 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905485 (122122ZNOV23) Notable: The Biden-Du Pont Nexus: From A Prestigious Golf Club To A Controversial Child Rape Plea Deal

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Holy Shit

The Biden-Du Pont Nexus: From A Prestigious Golf Club To A Controversial Child Rape Plea Deal

BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, NOV 11, 2023 - 03:45 PM.1/2

As the MSM turns on President Joe Biden heading into the 2024 election, the Washington Post had an interesting piece on Thursday exploring a little-known connection between the Bidens and the du Pont family, which revolves around a 2001 case in which then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) was voted in as a prominent new member of a prestigious Golf Club in Wilmington, Delaware, founded by a du Pont heiress.

That year, Biden, known for his "Middle-Class Joe" image and modest financial status, joined the exclusive Fieldstone Golf Club, a symbol of prestige and power. This move painted a contrasting picture: a politician aligned with working-class values, yet rubbing shoulders with the state's most affluent family, renowned for their chemical company empire.

At the time, Biden walked a delicate line. On one hand, he campaigned as an Amtrak-riding “Middle-Class Joe” striving to make ends meet, and accurately described himself as “one of the poorest members of Congress” — reporting $221,000 in combined income with his wife that year and $360 in charitable contributions. -WaPo

Biden's connection to the du Ponts extended beyond social interactions. His staffing choices, political allies, and personal real estate investments all reflected a deep integration with this influential family. His acquisition of a mansion built by a du Pont member further underscores this relationship.

Yet, Biden's entry into the Fieldstone Golf Club raised eyebrows and led to a brief FBI investigation in 2007. The inquiry centered on how Biden obtained his club membership, especially as it involved an "unused" ticket from a company owned by the club's founder, potentially bypassing a substantial partnership fee.The FBI's probe, which included photographing Biden's personal locker at the club, eventually closed without any allegations of wrongdoing. It's unknown whether Biden was ever informed about the FBI investigation.

In response to an inquiry, the White House told the Post: "These bizarre suggestions from more than 20 years ago are confusing given the fact that the Post is reporting that President Biden was fully responsible for membership dues at the golf club and all out-of-pocket costs associated with it. Frankly, the Post’s own reporting suggests this supposed matter was closed 15 years ago with no finding of wrongdoing. If you want to dig deep on who’s funding a president’s golf habits, we might have some suggestions."

Yet, this story reveals the delicate balance Biden navigated between his public identity as a relatable politician and his private interactions with Delaware's elite. While maintaining his image as a defender of middle-class interests, Biden also sought inclusion in the state's upper echelons, epitomized by his association with the du Ponts and his membership at Fieldstone.

For someone raised in Delaware with Biden’s blue-collar background, “it would be quite an accomplishment” to rise into the same social circles as the du Ponts, said Joseph Hurley, a Wilmington attorney who grew up with Biden and represented Moseley.

“It’s like, ‘I’ve really arrived,’ because the du Ponts were the family, the king’s-family type thing,” he said. -WaPo

Biden often cited the long role of the du Pont family in Delaware in his family story - writing in his memoir that his father moved the family from Scranton, PA to a suburb of Wilmington, which was made more economically stable thanks to so many well-paid DuPont employees.

"DuPont meant security for today and better times for the future," Biden wrote.

Years later, Biden recalled that his mother urged him to value his heritage with as much pride as the state’s best-known family. “Like I’m a du Pont or something,” Biden recalled. “You’re a Biden. Nobody is better than you, and everybody’s equal to you,” his mother told him.…


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ad8c77 No.106758

File: 84fc4c3cf71eb17⋯.jpeg (29.14 KB,500x285,100:57,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 67382b9343b17e4⋯.jpeg (92.45 KB,500x499,500:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905491 (122124ZNOV23) Notable: The Biden-Du Pont Nexus: From A Prestigious Golf Club To A Controversial Child Rape Plea Deal

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Still, he envied the position and power of those who founded the DuPont company.

Elected to the Senate in 1972, he served in Congress alongside Rep. Pierre “Pete” du Pont IV, who later became Delaware’s governor and ran for president. Biden’s close adviser and Senate chief of staff, Ted Kaufman, had worked for DuPont as a plastics engineer.

In 1974, Biden spent $185,000 to buy what he called a “gorgeous ... enormous” mansion built six decades earlier by a du Pont family member in Greenville, Del. The home, which he named “the Station,” served as a base for Biden’s unsuccessful 1988 presidential campaign; he sold it for $1.2 million in 1996 and then bought a four-acre lakefront property in Greenville. -WaPo.

The Biden-du Pont connection, reinforced by this membership, raises questions about potential influences and reciprocal favors within these elite circles.

In particular, it seems appropriate to revisit a controversial 2009 plea deal offered by then-Attorney General Beau Biden to a du Pont heir accused of raping his own daughter when she was a toddler. Richards was originally charged with two counts of second-degree rape, which carried a minimum of 20 years behind bars. Instead, he pleaded guilty in 2008 to fourth-degree rape, which carries no minimum prison time.

The deal was offered to du Pont heir Robert H. Richards IV, who had confessed to the fourth-degree rape of his 3-year-old daughter. He was spared prison time, a decision that sparked public outrage and scrutiny. Beau Biden defended the decision in 2014, citing the case's weaknesses and potential for loss at trial, but these justifications were met with skepticism, given the family's history with the du Ponts.

The plea bargain's leniency towards a figure from a wealthy and powerful family contrasts sharply with the typically harsher sentences meted out to less privileged offenders. This disparity points to a potential bias within the judicial system, influenced by socio-economic status and connections.

The link between the Bidens and the du Ponts, established years earlier through Joe Biden's golf club membership, suggests a narrative of mutual benefits and unwritten understandings among Delaware's elite. While there's no evidence of a link, the timing and context of theserelationships paint a picture of intersecting interests and shared spaces between powerful families.


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ad8c77 No.106759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905545 (122140ZNOV23) Notable: #24440

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#24440' >>106713

>>106714, >>106731, >>106733, >>106734, >>106743 US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean

>>106715 Max Loses 700k Subscribers After Adding CNN to Streaming Catalog

>>106716 @EzraACohen: This is an extremely ill informed comment, There is no evidence that Israel is targeting hospitals, medical staff, or the civilians within the hospitals

>>106717 Donald Trump Jr.: Member of the European Parliament @sikorskiradek, openly admits to losing sleep thinking about Trump being President

>>106718, >>106722, >>106724 Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet

>>106720, >>106751 Peter Nygard: Fashion mogul guilty of sex assaults

>>106719 This Pennsylvania School District Has a Record-Breaking 17 Sets of Twins Starting Kindergarten This Year

>>106721 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (11/12/23)

>>106723, >>106729, >>106749 45in N998CA Bombardier CRJ100 cap 2 arrived at West Palm Beach Intl from LaGuardia depart about 70m ago-attended rally yesterday and then departed Lebanon Muni Airport and went to LaGuardia then to UFC event

>>106725, >>106754 The phrase “Digital Soldiers” and “WWG1WGA” is more of a rallying call to patriots so we’re not sitting on our collective asses HOPING for shit to happen

>>106726 U.S. Treasury intercepts payment for “Police State” documentary ad campaign

>>106727, >>106732 Do NOT take any of these "vaccines" or boosters. Liz Gunn declares, “New Zealand is a crime scene.”

>>106728 Tom Fitton: Federal Judge Totenberg issued an order on Nov. 10th denying the GA SoS/Election Board motion to dismiss the Curling v. Raffensperger case

>>106730 House GOP Introduces Legislation To End John Kerry’s Woke Climate Role

>>106735, >>106742 Dr. Sam Bailey Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud

>>106736, >>106740, >>106737, >>106739, >>106744 Newly found ‘kill switch’ triggers death of cancer cells in potential breakthrough

>>106745 Israeli Troops Run Over Palestinian With a Bulldozer, Israelis Laugh About It On Social Media

>>106746, >>106747 Dr. Jan talks about Netanyahu being the biggest block in the Middle east and how he wouldn’t engage in peace talk

>>106748 Israel-Hamas war: Minister Avi Dichter calls Gaza operation a ‘Nakba’

>>106753 mRNA Cancer Vaccines

>>106755, >>106738, >>106741, >>106733, >>106755 Small plane collides into car while making emergency landing in McKinney N751HP

>>106756 Israel is seeking to install former British prime minister Tony Blair as a "humanitarian coordinator" for the Gaza Strip.

>>106750 Moderna spikevax commercial encouraging you to kys

>>106757, >>106758 The Biden-Du Pont Nexus: From A Prestigious Golf Club To A Controversial Child Rape Plea Deal

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ad8c77 No.106760

File: 6c06c2f243878e7⋯.png (12.09 KB,202x255,202:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ed2658d1ae7942⋯.png (780.97 KB,567x852,189:284,Clipboard.png)

File: fe45c3dadd5094d⋯.png (650.92 KB,841x629,841:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905569 (122144ZNOV23) Notable: #24441COLLECTOR NEEDED

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Q Research General #24441: THANK YOU! #UFC295 FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Edition

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ad8c77 No.106761

File: e9ae9d09b9b11cf⋯.jpeg (491.21 KB,1125x3159,125:351,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905584 (122147ZNOV23) Notable: Brian Cates on Q, Trump and the game of footsie.

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People that want Gen. Flynn to promote Q and publicly hop on board the Q train and ride it and talk publicly about how Awesome Q is have got to be some of the dumbest people out there.

The goal of Q team was to form a citizen activist movement.

Mission accomplished.

Go back and read the drops. How many times does Q say VOTE? How many times does Q call for the readers to TAKE ACTION?

Where the fuck did this narrative get started where anons sit on their asses and munch the popcorn while they wait for the Calvary to show up?

People that mindlessly and endlessly spout the words "Patriots are in control!" and "Military is the ONLY way!" are fucking misreading it.

No, the military is not going to swoop in on a white charger and save your local election for you. That's YOUR FUCKING JOB. Are you doing it yet?


Then don't fucking talk to me about Q.

You never understood it and people shouldn't attack others based on what they misunderstand.



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ad8c77 No.106762

File: 23cca3a28279052⋯.jpeg (453.35 KB,1170x975,6:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905596 (122150ZNOV23) Notable: Brian Cates on Q, Trump and the game of footsie.

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Shit, many of these same people wonder why Trump hasn't publicly embraced Q yet, despite the fact he and Scavino play footsie with the Q movement frequently.

Sit down and THINK REAL HARD why if Q is real, Trump wouldn't publicly embrace it.

I know thinking is hard, but COME ON.



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ad8c77 No.106763

File: df0327a56c4a0a7⋯.jpeg (460.63 KB,1170x1240,117:124,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905601 (122151ZNOV23) Notable: Brian Cates on Q, Trump and the game of footsie.

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There are manifest reasons why if the Q operation is real, Trump must by necessity distance himself from it.

I get this agitates a lot of people, makes them ornery and they don't like thinking about it.

Well tough shit.

Think about it anyway.

Then think about why if Trump has to keep distance, maybe Flynn does too.



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ad8c77 No.106764

File: 89e8298555ad654⋯.jpeg (756.64 KB,1121x1754,1121:1754,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905635 (122200ZNOV23) Notable: Brian Cates on Q, Trump and the game of footsie.

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One doesn’t have anything to do with the other.

The phrase “Digital Soldiers” and “WWG1WGA” is more of a rallying call to patriots so we’re not sitting on our collective asses HOPING for shit to happen.

My GUESS w his statement regarding “Q” is thatpeople need to start living in the real world, and not in some science-fiction land located on an 8chan/4chan message board.


Hooooooly shit!

This is EPIC.


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ad8c77 No.106765

File: f6a4b64851712db⋯.png (1.5 MB,1917x1011,639:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 567c7e845f58507⋯.png (1.35 MB,1919x1011,1919:1011,Clipboard.png)

File: fcefc109c549f80⋯.png (1.32 MB,1200x813,400:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ed78144c275463⋯.png (1.29 MB,1126x660,563:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905649 (122203ZNOV23) Notable: Plane Faggotry

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>>>/qresearch/19905465 last bread

>Another C-130 bustin ass out of Dyess AFB. 420 knots, kek. That's a B-1 baby.


Notice how, once again, they took advantage of having a cloud deck below them in order to hide from eyes on the ground. Once they clear the cloud deck it will be past sundown and any eyes looking up will only see, at most, navigation lights going over. They eventually switched off the speed information portion of their ADS-B radio signal. But not before displaying a blistering speed of 486 knots! Impossible for a C-130 out of Dyess AFB! But a comfortable cruise speed for a B-1B Lancer. Sneaky, sneaky eastward they deploy. Would not be surprised to see an in-flight identity switch while still over CONUS. But one would really have to be on the ball to catch anon imagines.


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ad8c77 No.106766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905657 (122206ZNOV23) Notable: Conservatives are increasingly focused on silencing those who critique Israel

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Republicans launch attack on First Amendment…

November 11, 2023 (2 days ago)

The right is struggling with a censorship issue that’s escalating. Conservatives are increasingly focused on silencing those who critique Israel and Jewish folks. While it would be wonderful to live in a world where everyone loves one another and disagreements never happen, that’s not our reality.

“Hate speech,” like it or not, falls under the protection of the First Amendment. If the right fails to uphold this, how on earth can we credibly criticize the left for their draconian censorship tactics?

The Hill:

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) held up his new bill as a possible solution to antisemitism on college campuses, saying the debates in colleges and universities across the country are “not a free speech issue.”

Lawler, alongside Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.), Max Miller (R-Ohio) and Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.), introduced the Antisemitism Awareness Act in late October, which they hope will enable universities and law enforcement to go after antisemitic speech, which he described as hate speech.

Let’s face it, many Republicans have stumbled into the left’s “hate speech” trap. They may not see it, but they’re effectively stifling free speech. As we’ve seen from Supreme Court rulings, “hate speech” isn’t a legally recognized category. The article from

The Hill goes on:

“We have seen a rapid rise in antisemitism on these college campuses, and we need to crack down on it,” Lawker said in a CNN interview Friday. “This is not a free speech issue. This is hate speech.”

The bill would force the Education Department to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism for use in enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws.

The IHRA definition, which is not currently universally accepted, includes anti-Zionism, a belief against the state of Israel, as a factor — which some contend is simply a political belief and has nothing to do with religious discrimination.

It’s not just random Republican congressmen pushingcensorship either, it’s the “f***g frauds” at Fox News, according to Glenn Greenwald.

This must be one of the reasons why Fox got rid of Tucker Carlson.

The right probably feels completely justified in their actions, firmly believing that their form of “censorship” is for the greater good. However, the left has the same convictions about their causes. That’s exactly why it’s crucial to take an unwavering stand on free speech. You’re either fully committed to it, including the stuff that offends you, or you’re not. And whether you like it or not, if the right is championing censorship, regardless of the cause, it puts us on the same level as the Marxists on the left.

(Do these people understand they keep on pushing anti semitism, the more people become anti semite’s?)


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ad8c77 No.106767

File: cc8f9b36a0d037a⋯.jpeg (668.12 KB,1210x617,1210:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 123006273eaccb1⋯.png (409.99 KB,649x333,649:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905710 (122219ZNOV23) Notable: Plane Faggotry

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PF: SAM322 G5 departed JBA NE and heading across the pond at about 500kts and climbing to 41k ft

This AC (cap 2) top 3 (there are at least 3 we never see) that are visible and when 45 did his marathon campaigning in the last few weeks of ‘20 election season this and one other AC was usually in front of 45’s AC during those multiple stop days

61-0310 KC135 tanker replaced WIDE42 over an inert Potato on vakay and it appears it’s done and heading to Pittsburgh Intl

Spanish AF AME4581 Falcon 900 inbound to JBA from a stop at Azores-Lajes Field (AF B2s stationed there) and Madrid depart earlier today

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ad8c77 No.106768

File: 9f19b5c6d15b62f⋯.png (1.65 MB,1920x1016,240:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 78632e8b1f9eeb9⋯.png (921.31 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: ef46b6d44510163⋯.png (2.06 MB,1200x786,200:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905715 (122219ZNOV23) Notable: Plane Faggotry

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>Would not be surprised to see an in-flight identity switch while still over CONUS. But one would really have to be on the ball to catch anon imagines.


They crossed paths at almost the same time. Going to watch both now.


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ad8c77 No.106769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905717 (122220ZNOV23) Notable: "Antisemitism Has No Place Here" - Harvard Pres. Condemns "From The River To The Sea" Phrase After 1600 Jewish Alum Pull Donations

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Who controls the University who push all that woke bullshit?

"Antisemitism Has No Place Here" - Harvard President Condemns "From The River To The Sea" Phrase After 1600 Jewish Alum Pull Donations

Following enormous backlash against the University over its initial statement about Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel - with critics condemning Harvard President Claudine Gay's statement for failing to explicitly denounce Hamas and lack of response to a controversial joint letter by Harvard student groups in support of Palestine that called Israel “entirely responsible” for the violence - Harvard has just announced that it will work with its newly established antisemitism advisory group to implement antisemitism education and training for affiliates.

“I affirm our commitment to protecting all members of our community from harassment and marginalization, and our commitment to meeting antisemitism head-on, with the determination it demands,” Gay wrote.

“Antisemitism has no place at Harvard,” Gay added. “We are committed to doing the hard work to address this scourge.”

Additionally, in her email, Gay explicitly condemned the use of the phrase “from the river to the sea” - a pro-Palestine slogan that prominent alumni have called “eliminationist” and antisemitic.

“Our community must understand that phrases such as ‘from the river to the sea’ bear specific historical meanings that to a great many people imply the eradication of Jews from Israel and engender both pain and existential fears within our Jewish community,” Gay wrote.

“I condemn this phrase and any similarly hurtful phrases.”

The Crimson reports that Gay’s decision to single out the phrase “from the river to the sea” - which is frequently chanted by the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee and other pro-Palestine student groups - almost immediately received backlash from some Harvard affiliates.

Kirsten A. Weld, a professor of History at Harvard, criticized Gay’s decision to denounce a specific phrase used by student activists.

“Can’t recall any prior instance of a contested phrase/idea receiving official condemnation like this, or having one singular ‘specific historical meaning’ imputed to it, in my 11 years on this campus,” Weld wrote in a post on X.


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ad8c77 No.106770

File: 174970f385129ea⋯.png (420.88 KB,838x369,838:369,Clipboard.png)

File: d451ee53fd95815⋯.png (242.7 KB,826x524,413:262,Clipboard.png)

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File: a22f36780820fc9⋯.png (814.56 KB,842x585,842:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905725 (122222ZNOV23) Notable: Dan and Donald, posting multiple posts about fight fight fight

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Dan and Donald, posting multiple posts about fight fight fight

can Anon's pls grab and post?


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ad8c77 No.106771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905728 (122223ZNOV23) Notable: Georgia elections official downplays cybersecurity threats despite report

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>>106728 Tom Fitton: Federal Judge Totenberg issued an order on Nov. 10th denying the GA SoS/Election Board motion to dismiss the Curling v. Raffensperger ==PN

Georgia elections official downplays cybersecurity threats despite report

Timothy Pratt.Thu 29 Jun 2023


Georgia’s top election official is disregarding a recently released report that identifies serious vulnerabilities in Georgia’s computerized election system, instead siding with a conflicting report and claiming that scientific findings about cybersecurity threats are no more than conspiracy theories.

The Georgia secretary of state, BradRaffensperger, charged with overseeing elections, announced thatdespite the report’s findings, he will not update software to protect against the vulnerabilities before the 2024 presidential elections.

The dueling reports were released by a federal court as part of a lawsuit. One, a 96-page report prepared by J Alex Halderman, and Drew Springall, computer science professors at the University of Michigan and Auburn University, respectively, is based on tests of the equipment used in the increasingly important swing state. The report, which had been sealed for two years by the court, found “vulnerabilities in nearly every part of the system that is exposed to potential attackers” which could allow votes to be changed, potentially affecting election outcomes in Georgia, according to a summary by Halderman.

The other was prepared by Mitre, a research and development company, and paid for by Dominion Voting Systems, manufacturer of the state’s electronic voting system. Mitre did not have the same access to test Georgia’s voting equipment, and claimed the vulnerabilities are unlikely to be exploited on a wide scale.

In justifying his decision not to update the state’s voting system, Raffensperger pointed to the Mitre report, which says the potential attacks Halderman identifies are “operationally infeasible”.

Halderman called Raffensperger’s decision not to address the system’s vulnerabilities “irresponsible and wrong”. Raffensperger has made several statements in recent weeks calling the computer scientists’ conclusions “theoretical and imaginary”, and conflating their warnings with “Stop the Steal” efforts post-2020 – leading Halderman to label the state’s officials as “vulnerability deniers”. Computer scientists from many of the US’s leading universities signed a letter decrying the standoff, and urging Mitre to retract its report.

The scenario lands Georgia in a situation where top computer scientists and Trump-aligned election deniers appear to be sharing the same or similar concerns, even while one relies on groundbreaking research, while the other has been discredited by courts and election officials alike.

US district judge Amy Totenberg had sealed the Halderman report since 2021 because of cybersecurity concerns, as part of a lawsuit that started before the most recent presidential election and rise of election deniers. But an agreement was reached earlier this month to release a redacted version, together with the Mitre report.

Halderman, who has researched digital elections equipment for decades, said court-ordered access to Georgia’s election equipment, manufactured by Dominion, allowed them to do “the first study in more than 10 years to comprehensively and independently assess the security of a widely deployed US voting machine, as well as the first-ever comprehensive security review of a widely deployed ballot marking device”.

“The most critical problem we found,” Halderman wrote, is a “vulnerability that can be exploited to spread malware from a county’s central election management system to every ballot-marking device in the jurisdiction. This makes it possible to attack the ballot-marking devices at scale, over a wide area, without needing physical access to any of them.”

Mitre’s countering report not only lacks any testing of voting machines, it also relies on a key premise, stated in a footnote on the first page: that no one besides election workers have access to the state’s voting hardware and software….


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ad8c77 No.106772

File: 068fdc35edcc802⋯.jpeg (67.87 KB,787x558,787:558,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905732 (122224ZNOV23) Notable: Georgia elections official downplays cybersecurity threats despite report

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But records obtained by the Coalition for Good Governance – the group behind the ongoing lawsuit against Georgia’s election system – show that people associated with the effort to deny the 2020 election results visited rural Coffee county’s election department in early 2021, and the Trump attorney Sidney Powell was able to copy Dominion software and other data. These records, including surveillance video, were reported by the Washington Postand are now under investigation by the Georgia bureau of investigation (GBI).

The Coffee county security breach and other issues led a group of 29 computer scientists from MIT, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Georgia Tech and other US universities to write a letter last week urging Mitre to retract its report, calling the company’s conclusions a “dangerously misleading analysis”.

“Mitre embarrassed themselves,” Richard DeMillo, a computer science professor at Georgia Tech and one of the letter’s signers, told the Guardian. The report is “based on representations from the secretary of state about physical security, when right before our eyes, we can see video of people marching into Coffee county’s election department”.

Mike Hassinger, a spokesperson for Raffensperger, pointed to the GBI investigation when asked about the Coffee county incident and whether people other than election workers can access voting equipment.

Hassinger also said that the “vulnerabilities identified in a lab are not real vulnerabilities, and do not pose risks” to the state’s election system. But DeMillo, who has worked in cybersecurity at Hewlett-Packard and the US Department of Defense, said: “If Alex Halderman can discover the system’s vulnerabilities, then nation states like North Korea and Russia can as well.”

DeMillo has testified as part of the lawsuit, now in its sixth year. In 2019, the Coalition for Good Governance’s efforts led Judge Totenberg to order the state to scrap its previous statewide computer election system, made by Diebold Election Systems, due to vulnerabilities – a first in election integrity court cases. Diebold no longer makes voting machines, and coalition plaintiffs have continued their efforts to force the state to use paper ballots filled out by hand for voting instead of touchscreens, as is done by nearly 70% of voters across the US, with computers available for people with disabilities.

“Ballots filled out by pen and paper are non-hackable,” said Marilyn Marks, executive director of the coalition. Georgia’s current system prints out a ballot after voters use touchscreens, and the ballot has a barcode that scanners read to record each voter’s choices.

In the months leading up to Georgia’s 2019 decision to change its election system to Dominion’s machines, a committee formed to advise the state on the decision ignored the recommendations of its lone computer scientist, Georgia Tech’s Wenke Lee, who urged the state to move to paper ballots marked by hand.

But the state ignored the recommendations and purchased machines from Dominion, another digital system, instead. “You can see that pattern of negligent, vulnerability denialism – of not facing facts,” Halderman said.

In a statement released on 20 June, Raffensperger said that “critics of Georgia’s election security” are probably either “election-denying conspiracy theorists or litigants in the long-running … lawsuit. These two groups make ever-shifting but always baseless assertions that Georgia’s election system is at risk because bad actors might hack the system and change the result of an election.”

The statement conflates conspiracists like Cyber Ninjas – the now-defunct company that performed discredited “audits” in Arizona after the 2020 presidential election – with cybersecurity experts who have decades of research to their names at leading universities. Asked about the researchers’ claims, Hassinger dismissed the line of inquiry as an “appeal to authority fallacy” and said in an email that “election denialism comes in many forms”, again conflating researchers with conspiracists.

Halderman told the Guardian he found Raffensperger’s 20 June statement “offensive”.

Can they actually not tell the difference?” he asked. “Are they so incompetent?Scientists can’t sit quietly while a state like Georgia continues to ignore these issues.”


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ad8c77 No.106773

File: 0b7916d20bbf3f8⋯.png (3.48 MB,1033x4382,1033:4382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905735 (122224ZNOV23) Notable: Still Think ‘Allahu Akbar’ Means ‘God is Great’? You Should Probably Read This.

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The National Pulse

Still Think ‘Allahu Akbar’ Means ‘God is Great’? You Should Probably Read This.

Conditioned by years of “religion of peace” public relations and propaganda, many still believe the scream of “Allahu akbar” — heard with increasing frequency these days — is as simple as announcing “God is Great.” But indifference towards the phrase is misplaced. Every time this cry is sounded, it’s a warning. Hear it.

Last weekend, demonstrators yelling “Allahu akbar” tried to breach the gate outside the White House. In Crown Heights in late October, a knife-wielding Muslim screamed “Heil Hitler,” “I will kill you, Jew”and yes, “Allahu akbar” at a nine-year-old Jewish boy. On New Year’s Eve in Times Square, a convert to Islam from Maine attacked three policemen with a machete while also screaming “Allahu akbar.”

This cry is particularly popular these days in modern France, where a teenage defendant recently screamed in juvenile court, “Allahu akbar, you’re all going to die together.” Another made a series of false bomb threats against a hospital, declaring: “It’s going to blow, Allahu akbar!” A third announced to his stunned non-Muslim roommate: “You are not a Muslim, this Friday I am going to pray against you.

Allahu akbar, we must eliminate the kuffar [disbelievers] like you.” “Allahu akbar,” however, is international. At the end of October, a mob repeated it as it moved through Makhachkala airport in Dagestan, hunting for Jews who had landed there on a flight from Tel Aviv. If they had been able to catch up to the passengers, they would no doubt have slaughtered them.

Why “Allahu akbar”?

While most media outlets routinely translate “Allahu akbar” as “God is great,” it actually means “Allah is greater.” That is, the god of Islam is superior to anything that non-Muslims worship or hold dear. This declaration of superiority frequently accompanies acts that are designed to enforce the subjugation and submission of the non-believer or “infidel,” amounting to a kind of explanation of why a particular act of violence is being perpetrated.

As such, it’s actually an essential part of jihad. Thus chief 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta reminded himself to shout it out as he began his jihad mission: “When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.” Striking fear, or terror, into non-Muslims is an Islamic imperative:

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60)

Yet despite the mountain of evidence that “Allahu akbar” is anything but a benign phrase, New York City even recently began allowing the Islamic call to prayer, which repeats this phrase several times. This was the culmination of a years-long process to normalize it, and stigmatize those who sounded the alarm.

Media Deceptions.

In the New York Daily News, Zainab Chaudry of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) argued that non-Muslims shouldn’t “believe the worst” about “Allahu akbar” because Muslims don’t just scream it while murdering non-Muslims, but use it in a variety of contexts. She even offered this chilling advice, certain to get people killed were it ever heeded: “So the next time you hear Allahu Akbar — whether it’s in a media report, on an airplane, or in a shopping mall, remember that the phrase used by millions of Muslims and Christians daily to praise God regardless of their circumstances, can never be justified for use when harming His creation.” In other words, stay put and risk it. Because fleeing for your life would be “Islamophobic.”

On CNN, the popular imam Omar Suleiman also argued that Muslims say “Allahu akbar” in a variety of contexts, many of them positive. And the New York Times actually tweeted that the phrase “Allahu akbar” had “somehow” become “intertwined with terrorism.” Yeah, “somehow.”

But in politics, geopolitics, and national security, there are rarely prizes for being correct. In fact, the most successful practitioners are the ones who routinely, and often willfully, get things incorrect. There’s not of a lot of money in closed borders and peace, after all.

But for the serious, the watchful, and the wise, “Allahu akbar” is a phrase that should not be normalized nor sanitized in the West. It is a statement of Islamic supremacy at best, and one of war and aggression too often. It’s worse than yelling fire in a theater. It is often used incitement to cause harm. Hear it.


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ad8c77 No.106774

File: 3b28e0c2415dee0⋯.png (4.48 MB,1919x1013,1919:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905737 (122225ZNOV23) Notable: Plane Faggotry

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>Going to watch both now.

If that C-17 descends into McGuire AFB through the NOTAM restricted airspace that is in place because Biden is in Wilmington, Delaware. Then departs McGuire within one hour for trans-atlantic crossing. Then it gets PF's vote for actually being a B-1B Lancer out of Dyess headed for the sandbox. Perhaps via RAF Fairford. Perhaps direct to Turkey.

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ad8c77 No.106775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905752 (122230ZNOV23) Notable: FBI accused by whistleblower of targeting veteran agents as 'disloyal' to US for having profiles 'consistent with a Trump supporter’:

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FBI accused by whistleblower of targeting veteran agents as 'disloyal' to US for having profiles 'consistent with a Trump supporter’: report

The FBI's Security Division has allegedly stripped agents of security clearances in retaliation for their political views.

High-ranking officials within the FBI are targeting conservative agents who have a background in the United States military in an attempt to force them out of the bureau, according to whistleblowers.

The bureau is specifically targeting United States Marines and other military veterans whom they have accused of being "disloyal to the United States of America" because they fit a profile consistent with a supporter of former President Donald Trump, according to documents obtained by The Washington Times from FBI whistleblowers who have come forward to the House Judiciary Committee.

Deputy Assistant Director Jeffrey Veltri and Assistant Section Chief Dena Perkins of the FBI's Security Division have been accused of stripping these agents of their security clearances in retaliation for their political views. Once security clearances are taken away, agents are sidelined from their jobs, the disclosure states.

Veltri and Perkins declared the conservative military veterans "disloyal to the United States of America" despite there being "no indication that any of the individuals had any affiliation to a foreign power or held any belief against the United States," according to the whistleblowers, the outlet reports.

In addition, Perkins and Veltri also concluded that engaging in religious activities, not wearing masks, and declining the COVID-19 vaccination demonstrated that a worker was a "right-wing radical and disloyal to the United States."

The disclosure states that Perkins made an attempt to remove a bureau employee's security clearance who she knew had been in the Marines, but data revealed that the initial accusations against the worker were unfounded.

Despite finding no evidence, Perkins went a step further, ordering her detectives to contact at least ten police agencies in the employee's area of residence in order to inquire about any allegations that may have been made against the FBI employee.

"During the process, Perkins was attempting to provide evidence so she could terminate this employee because he was 'Disloyal to the United States,’" the disclosure states, according to The Washington Times. "An employee advised that at least two of the publicly known FBI whistleblowers were former members of the military, specifically…Kyle Seraphin and Garret O'Boyle."

An additional FBI whistleblower disclosure to the Judiciary Committee came from a security division worker who said the investigation into Mr. Seraphin's security clearance did not follow the policy guidelines by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

The disclosure states that Agent Seraphin was the target of a security clearance investigation after his field office informed Perkins that he had been approached by a police officer who was not under his jurisdiction regarding practicing with a gun at a shooting range.

The FBI denied that conservative military veteran personnel are being targeted by the agency in a statement to The Times and said that the whistleblowers' allegations are untrue.

"The FBI has not and will not retaliate against individuals who make protected whistleblower disclosures. We do not target or take adverse action against employees for exercising their First Amendment rights or for their political views. The FBI is proud to have many veterans in our workforce and we thank all veterans for their service," the bureau told the outlet.

After testifying before the panel of the House Judiciary Committee looking into the federal government's weaponization, Agent O'Boyle lost his security clearance. In September 2022, his security clearance was revoked due to accusations that he had disclosed details of a criminal investigation to Project Veritas, a move that FBI authorities claimed "compromised the case."

The reports state that O'Boyle lost his security clearance and was placed on unpaid leave, which ultimately led to his homelessness.

According to the disclosure, Perkins and FBI supervisor Sean Clark were responsible for O'Boyle's punishment, which included moving him across the nation with the intention of suspending him and ruining his finances.

"Clark bragged to at least one other FBI employee in SecD that he was going to really 'screw' O'Boyle," the disclosure states.

The disclosure comes as many current and former FBI whistleblowers have come forward before Congress to express grievances that the bureau has been weaponized against Americans with politically conservative values and the Democrat Party's political opponents.


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ad8c77 No.106776

File: cffb85e2f578fc3⋯.pdf (1.48 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905761 (122232ZNOV23) Notable: Georgia elections official downplays cybersecurity threats despite report

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Look at the date of the order from the court, before the 2020 election. Raffensberger ignored the order. This group knew the State would rig the election

Curling et al v. Raffensperger et al, No. 1:2017cv02989 - Document 918 (N.D. Ga. 2020)

Court Description: Opinion and Order: The Court GRANTS the Coalition Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction 800 . The narrowly tailored relief ordered directs that theState Defendants provide at least a modicum of the voting backup plan tools essential t o protecting voters constitutionally protected abilityand right to cast a ballot that is counted and given the same weight as any other on this coming November 3rd general election day and thereafter. It is not too late for Defendants to take the se reasonable concrete measures to mitigate the real potential harms that would otherwise likely transpire at precinct polling locations grappling with the boiling brew created by the combination of new voting equipment issues and old voter data system deficiencies. Signed by Judge Amy Totenberg on9/28/20(rlb)


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ad8c77 No.106777

File: 9e6f5911b7833d9⋯.png (829.23 KB,1920x1010,192:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 58412a79d84741c⋯.png (24.36 KB,550x253,50:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905765 (122232ZNOV23) Notable: Plane Faggotry

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>>>/qresearch/19905465 last bread




Top kek. 529 knots!



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ad8c77 No.106778

File: 476876caf0c0ffd⋯.jpeg (406.3 KB,1206x617,1206:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b8b5645c5763fc6⋯.jpeg (598.25 KB,1027x587,1027:587,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905821 (122246ZNOV23) Notable: Plane Faggotry

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IAF IRON G550 Oron ISR out from Nevatim AB

From August 29 ‘23

Israel begins tests of Oron, ‘most advanced’ surveillance aircraft


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ad8c77 No.106779

File: d59c199df0c485a⋯.png (308.73 KB,678x717,226:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905832 (122248ZNOV23) Notable: Exposed: Klaus Schwab & WEF’s Secret Blueprint to Control Every Aspect of Your Life

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Exposed: Klaus Schwab & WEF’s Secret

Blueprint to Control Every Aspect of Your Life

Breitbart Politics, by Seamus Bruner

Posted By: Imright, 11/12/2023 5:42:35 PM

Klaus Schwab took $6,000 in seed money in 1971 and transformed the World Economic Forum (WEF) from a humble gathering of academics into the most exclusive club in the world. The WEF now rakes in $390 million, annually. Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life follows the money beyond the politicians—and their petty squabbles in Washington—straight to top: Davos. It is in this tiny Alpine town that the jet-setting billionaires and shadowy bureaucrats are plotting out the next decade of our lives.

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ad8c77 No.106780

File: db17c551c2c9b1d⋯.pdf (252.54 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905867 (122255ZNOV23) Notable: Georgia elections official downplays cybersecurity threats despite report

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Case 1:17-cv-02989-AT Document 1590.1/2anons Clarity voting records included in the end;


DONNA CURLING, et al., Plaintiffs, v. 1:17-cv-2989-AT BRAD RAFFENSPERGER, et al., Defendants.


MARILYN MARKS declares under penalty of perjury, pursuant to 28. U.S.C. § 1746, that the following is true and correct:

1. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in this declaration, and if called to testify, I could and would testify

competently thereto.

2. I am the Executive Director of Coalition for Good Governance


3. In the ordinary course of CGG’s work, CGG obtains records from members, voters, government agencies, experts, and others in the field of election security and governance, and makes many of those records available to interested parties. These records include government reports, responses to Open Records Act requests, academic and scientific studies, emails, correspondence, and other records. Attached to this declaration are true and correct copies of documents that CGG obtained and maintained in the regular course of its work.

4. Exhibit 1 is a true and correct copy of an October 11, 2022 email from Dr. J. Alex Halderman to Director of Elections Blake Evans, of the Secretary of State’s office, which email encloses Dr. Halderman’s October 10, 2022 paper entitled “Vulnerbility Disclosure: Privacy Flaw Affecting Dominion ICP and ICE Tabulators.” Dr. Halderman sent this email to me in response to my request.

5. Exhibit 2 is a true and correct copy of a paper by Dr. Halderman and others entitled, “ Unclear Ballot: Automated Ballot Image Manipulation.” I obtained this paper from Dr. Halderman’s website at


6. Exhibit 3 is a true and correct copy of the Georgia Secretary of State’s Power Point training presentation on Emergency Back Up Procedures and Provisional Ballots that CGG obtained in response to an records request.

7. Exhibit 4 is a true and correct copy of the Cobb County Emergency Action Plan provided to Cobb County Poll Workers and obtained by CGG in response to an open records request.

8. Exhibit 5 is a true and correct copy of The Carter Center’s report entitled Performance Review Board Report on Fulton County Elections conducted

for the State Election Board. I obtained the report from the Secretary of State’s website: https://sos.ga.gov/sites/default/files/forms/Performance%20Review%20Board%20 Report%20on%20Fulton%20County%20Elections%20%281-13-23%29.pdf

9. Exhibit 6 is a true and correct copy of The Carter Center’s report entitled 2022 General Election Observation: Fulton County, Georgia. I obtained the report from The Carter Center’s website: https://www.cartercenter.org/resources/pdfs/peace/democracy/u_s_elections/fulton -county-election-observation-report.pdf. CGG also obtained a copy of this report from Fulton County in response to an open records request.

10. Exhibit 7 is a true and correct copy of training materials for Georgia’s county election officials regarding post-election audits, which I obtained from the Cobb County Elections Office in response to an open records request.

11. Exhibit 8 is a true and correct copy of certification statements for the Dominion Voting System as located on the Georgia Secretary of State’s website https://sos.ga.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/2020_seb.pdf (specifically March 11, 2020 meeting transcript Exhibit 2.)

12. Exhibit 9 is a true and correct copy of the Secretary of State’s online publication A Guide for Registered Voters, An Overview of Georgia’s Absentee Voting Process available at https://sos.ga.gov/sites/default/files/forms/Absentee_Voting_In_Georgia_Rev_3- 30-22.pdf

13. Exhibit 10 is a true and correct copy of an October 3, 2020 letter sent by CGG’s counsel Bruce Brown to counsel for the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections.

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ad8c77 No.106781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19905877 (122256ZNOV23) Notable: Oxford AstraZeneca Covid jab was ‘defective’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK: First High Court case

Landmark legal case

Oxford AstraZeneca Covid jab was ‘defective’

8th November 2023



Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine has been branded “defective”

Claims efficacy, vastly overstated

High Court test case

Mr. Jamie Scott

Bleed on the brain

Suffered a significant permanent brain injury

Now unable to work

Vaccinated, April 2021, blood clot

Claim, Consumer Protection Act 1987,

argues AstraZeneca vaccine “defective” (not as safe as individuals were entitled to expect)

From Mr and Mrs Scott

“We were told by the Government the vaccine was safe and effective but what’s happened to Jamie has been life changing and their vaccine caused that.”

“AstraZeneca cannot continue to ignore the circumstances in which their vaccine has caused devastating injury and loss,”

“Our legal case will seek to hold AstraZeneca to account but we need to build a significant fighting fund to get justice.”

Second claim

Mrs Alpa Tailor (35)

Case brought by her widower

Inquest confirmed vaccine death

Two test cases

Could pave the way for 80 damages claims (£80 million)

Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT)

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

At least 81 deaths in the UK, suspected to be linked to clotting and low platelets

(almost one in five sufferers died)

moar in description.


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ad8c77 No.106782

File: 04e331e042c27c9⋯.png (474.07 KB,999x1260,111:140,Clipboard.png)

File: a06a9b2b6aee621⋯.mp4 (11.89 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906057 (122340ZNOV23) Notable: Denmark: Black Flags and Allahu Akbar chanted in the streets

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ad8c77 No.106783

File: 914ba7f010fda2a⋯.png (1.88 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906072 (122344ZNOV23) Notable: Plane Faggotry

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/19905465 last bread




C-130 now shows on the ground where there is no airport. This pretty well confirms that hex id was bogus and then no aircraft was even there after the B-1 swapped to the C-17 (call sign RCH837).


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ad8c77 No.106784

File: dcd923a6c9f5d17⋯.jpeg (128.85 KB,965x632,965:632,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906150 (130009ZNOV23) Notable: Musk is over the target…Elon Musk has ‘cut off the good guys, empowered the bad guys’ on X, says Stanford’s Alex Stamos

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

this is how you know Elon Musk is over the target…

Elon Musk has ‘cut off the good guys, empowered the bad guys’ on X, says Stanford’s Alex Stamos

Alex Stamos,KrebsStamos Group partner, Stanford Internet Observatory director and former Facebook chief security officer, joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss X, formerly known as Twitter, slashing its disinformation and election integrity team ahead of the 2024 election, the potential implications for next year’s presidential election, and more.

THU, OCT 5 2023AT 8:56 EDT


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ad8c77 No.106785

File: b4704e624c79888⋯.png (371.53 KB,1014x845,6:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c9f4f53b732677⋯.mp4 (7.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906154 (130009ZNOV23) Notable: Palestinian / Hamas supporters take over the streets of the State Capital of Texas.

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Hamas supporters take over the streets of the State Capital of Texas.

this is some sh*t I never thought I'd see

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ad8c77 No.106786

File: eeb2fe77f7b5433⋯.jpeg (73.45 KB,665x431,665:431,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906173 (130013ZNOV23) Notable: Stephen Miller: Trump will implement ‘spectacular migration crackdown’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stephen Miller: Trump will implement ‘spectacular migration crackdown’

Story by Nick Robertson • 1d

Former President Trump’s immigration advisor Stephen Miller predicted that a second Trump term would include more strict policies against immigration, calling for a “spectacular migration crackdown.”

“Any activists who doubt President Trump’s resolve in the slightest are making a drastic error: Trump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown,” Miller told The New York Times. “The immigration legal activists won’t know what’s happening.”

Miller served as a speechwriter for the former president and led the Trump administration’s immigration policy, which included a massive uptick in deportations and constructing parts of a promised wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Trump administration relied mostly on executive orders to implement immigration policy, especially crackdowns on so-called “sanctuary cities” and the limiting or total suspension of legal immigration from a number of mostly-Muslim countries.

The Times reported that in a possible second term, the Trump team plans to double down on those actions, including unprecedented roundups of undocumented immigrants already inside the U.S.

Those roundups would include the construction of massive detainment camps to keep undocumented immigrants and expedited legal hearings, funded by the military budget in order to get around Congressional approval, the Times reported.

Trump has previously lauded President Eisenhower’s 1954 deportation scheme dubbed “Operation Wetback,” now generally considered as a racist program which indiscriminately targeted Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in the U.S., and pledged to base his policies on it.

The former president and some allies have also endorsed ending the concept of birthright citizenship, which constitutional scholars have argued is unequivocally enshrined in the 14th Amendment.

Immigration and criminal justice advocate Todd Schulte, the president of FWD.us, said the Trump’s plans rely on “xenophobic demagoguery” that appeals to the former president’s most conservative and most anti-immigration voter base.

“Americans should understand these policy proposals are an authoritarian, often illegal, agenda that would rip apart nearly every aspect of American life — tanking the economy, violating the basic civil rights of millions of immigrants and native-born Americans alike,” Schulte told The Times.

Immigration has remained a key issue of political importance since Trump left office in 2021, and is expected to remain a priority on the 2024 presidential campaign trail.

Following a drop in border crossings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, illegal crossings have since increased drastically in the last year. Border Patrol made about 220,000 encounters along the southern border in September, according to department data, a 15 percent increase from the previous month.


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ad8c77 No.106787

File: 4c128235fa4b1a8⋯.png (1 MB,970x736,485:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906206 (130021ZNOV23) Notable: Stefanik Files Ethics Complaint Against Judge in Trump Fraud Case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stefanik Files Ethics Complaint Against Judge in Trump Fraud Case

"This judge’s bizarre behavior has no place in our judicial system," Stefanik wrote

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) sent a letter to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct expressing "serious concerns" about the judge overseeing a civil fraud trial against former President Donald Trump and the Trump Organization.

"This judge’s bizarre behavior has no place in our judicial system," she wrote, describing "inappropriate bias" and "judicial intemperance" in her Nov. 10 letter.

New York Attorney General Letitia James is suing President Trump for defrauding the state by artificially inflating his net worth in a trial that began on Oct. 2. A week before the trial, New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron had granted the attorney general's office a summary judgment in their favor, finding President Trump liable for fraud.

As such, the bench trial—there is no jury under the statute prosecutors are using—will only deal with what penalties President Trump will need to face. Ms. James is asking for $250 million in damages and to bar the former president and other executives from doing business in the state for five years.

President Trump has attended the trial regularly, giving updates to the press when in court. In recent weeks, his attorneys have clashed with the judge, sometimes resulting in drawn-out arguments in court, with the defense attorneys accusing him of bias as he often allows the prosecution to ask questions he overrules for the defense, and other issues.

Ms. Stefanik echoed these concerns, pointing out that the defendant is a leading candidate for the presidency.

"It appears the judicial system is being politicized to affect the outcome of the campaign," she wrote.

"Judge Engoron has displayed a clear judicial bias against the defendant throughout the case, breaking several rules in the New York Code of Judicial Conduct."

Ms. Stefanik asks that the commission sanction Justice Engoron to "bring back credibility to our great state's legal system." ...


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ad8c77 No.106788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906270 (130034ZNOV23) Notable: Recap: Terror Training Camps in New Mexico & just over the border in Mexico across from Brownsville

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Unnerving Reason FBI Showed Up to This Journalist's Home (Hamas Training Camp in Mexico)


For years, in Matamoros, Mexico, directly across the border from Brownsville, Tx, Hamas had a training center. Once a large factory, the building was used to train young, military age men. Dressed in all black, these men would wait for the river to be low enough to cross over the... - October 8, 2023


"I’ve been debating on whether to share about this or not. But because they showed up to my house unannounced AGAIN today, I decide to go ahead and let you all know. The FBI showed up to my door unannounced on October 17th. I was not home and I won’t share the whole video for" - November 7, 2023


No concern whatsoever for ISIS

ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm

"ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas" - April 2015


No follow-up on this camp within the US

The Compound Raided In New Mexico Was Allegedly A Terrorist Training Camp To Kill US Officers



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ad8c77 No.106789

File: 666f82774fb199b⋯.png (384.67 KB,598x657,598:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 0caf515ff8ffdeb⋯.mp4 (338.18 KB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906358 (130103ZNOV23) Notable: He can't touch the bouquet of flowers - twat and mp4 vid biden and obama

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Military ceremonial fags help me out.

this true?


He can't touch the bouquet of flowers because he's not the president!

A military officer in white gloves says, 'No, no!' 😂😂

You are watching a 🎬

Enjoy the show! 🍿🥤


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ad8c77 No.106790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906385 (130108ZNOV23) Notable: He can't touch the bouquet of flowers - twat and mp4 vid biden and obama

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


obummer did it

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ad8c77 No.106791

File: e9cd3b33930894f⋯.mp4 (755.49 KB,442x270,221:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906420 (130115ZNOV23) Notable: Trump just told everyone he IS COMMANDER IN CHIEF - mp4 vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

💥HOLY CRAP💥 Listen to this twice.

Trump just told everyone he IS COMMANDER IN CHIEF... 🤯🤯🤯

"I alone in this primary have born the burden of having troops in harms way being CIC of the armed forces."

Does it get anymore clear than that?!

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ad8c77 No.106792

File: 66900685ee4f41a⋯.jpg (204.34 KB,720x1157,720:1157,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6a522e958090c7a⋯.mp4 (4.24 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906481 (130128ZNOV23) Notable: Washington D.C. is trying to eliminate a test for social workers because many people of color are failing it - twat and mp4 vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Washington D.C. is trying to eliminate a test for social workers because many people of color are failing it

76.2% of white test takers passed. Only 33% of black test takers passed.

This has led to complaints that the exam is “de-diversifying” the field.

Sadly, this is not satire. Source:

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ad8c77 No.106793

File: 9f138b2c01c95a3⋯.mp4 (14.54 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ae7dd5350644250⋯.png (361.52 KB,597x826,597:826,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906526 (130137ZNOV23) Notable: San Francisco built these makeshift walls and disappeared the homeless before they roll out the red carpet for Xi Jinping. - twat and mp4 vid (xi in usa, how and why?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19905929 lb



Citizen Free Press


Walls work when the Democrats build them and the media look the other way.

San Francisco built these makeshift walls and disappeared the homeless before they roll out the red carpet for Xi Jinping.


Asians for Liberty

10:41 AM · Nov 12, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906553 (130143ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Do we have a map of the Reptilian genome yet?

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ad8c77 No.106795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906555 (130144ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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ad8c77 No.106796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906569 (130146ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>106795 bro I mean the dna not just the factor cmon man it’s got me to be stored somewhere but probably airgapped behind a laser fence with motion and thermal detection and instant kill booby traps. So it should take us a couple hours.

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ad8c77 No.106797

File: d3714866c45a1a5⋯.jpg (148.36 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906580 (130148ZNOV23) Notable: A seminar with an advertised purpose of brainwashing children: w.e.f led.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A seminar with an advertised purpose of brainwashing children:

"How to Empower & Nurture Children to be Activists & Co-Conspirators for a Reimagined World"

The WEF, uses a similar phrase, 'Reimagine Society', but I couldn't find a direct connection.



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ad8c77 No.106798

File: 9a5c1d79889510a⋯.png (137.67 KB,822x692,411:346,Clipboard.png)

File: aeea928b35a742b⋯.png (202.37 KB,827x668,827:668,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fd3b761188ae6d⋯.png (273.79 KB,823x810,823:810,Clipboard.png)

File: f4683000d175e27⋯.png (131.34 KB,823x569,823:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906595 (130156ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


source below from the Rothschild Thread. Negative RH

Note: Interesting Question. define reptilian or sub species of human.




User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 11:41 AM

So much to think/feel about. This has been an interesting thread.

Something about blood lines.. .. You constantly hear about the reptilian blood line being RH

Negative, that the elites are RH Negative.. is this true?

Quoting: CrazyMama73

Oy! CrazyMama 73 appears from the Aether to inform and enlighten!

Well, Reptilian is an emotionally charged word here, and elsewhere. So please forget the reptilian

reference for now and consider the following "facts" and "questions"...

Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their seed blessed? Why were they told not to inter-

marry with other people and to circumcise their sons for identification? Why were they told to

preserve their geneology? Where did Adam and Eve's sons go to get their wives, if they were the

only "humans" on earth?

Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. They have much proof

to back up their theories, including modern blood analysis and comparative studies between

modern man and lower anthripoids, such as the chimpanzee and the Rhesus monkey.

It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the

rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor

is completely independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.

In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had...except in the

case of environmental or selective mutation. We can have any of numerous combinations of traits

inherited from all of our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, if man and ape

evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors

are transmitted with much more biological precision than any other characteristic. It could be

argued from scientific scrutiny that modern man and rhesus monkey have had a common

ancestor sometime in the "past". All other earthly primates share this Rh factor. But this leaves

out the people who are Rh negative. If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood

would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of

prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of planetary travelers?

All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species.

Relative size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in

humans if all humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs


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ad8c77 No.106799

File: 39cbff116ee8d17⋯.png (664.96 KB,634x706,317:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906603 (130158ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant.


would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally.

This same problem does occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone

points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different


Why does "science" (ie, the little peoples science)fail to explain how Rh negative is possible?

Those familiar with blood factors, admit that Rh - humans must at minimum, be a mutation (if not

descendants) of a different ancestor. If a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it

continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was

9/27/2018 I Am a ROFSCHILD, Axe me a Question

https://ia802300.us.archive.org/8/items/rofschildv1/IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion.html 57/619

within their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are

largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not

affected by the environment.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About

30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. The average is only 15%-

Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental jewish people of Israel, also have a

high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative.

The Samaritans and the Black Cochin jewish also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood,

although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most black people.

Could the Basque people be one of these colonies? Or could it have been the original colony on

earth? The origin of the Basques is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European

language. Some believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some

believe it was the original language of the world and possibly of the creator.

Genesis 6:2 "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them

wives, all of which they chose." Who were the children of these marriages? Genesis 6:4 "God

came into the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty of

old." From the King James Bible dictionary we find: "menchildren - men of Israel, male children of

God, not children of man - Ex. 34:23." Ex. 34:7 states "The iniquity of the father will be unto the

children unto the fourth generation." It is plain that something is inherited, could it be the blood?

Blood is mentioned more often than any other word in the Bible, except God. These two

words you will find on almost every page, blood and God! (The blood of the Gods?) This message

has been written for thousands of years. There is a connection between the blood and the Gods.

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ad8c77 No.106800

File: 183ccec1ac5478c⋯.png (271.4 KB,494x505,494:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906605 (130158ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The American Indians had the tradition of making good friends, "blood brothers", if they thought

they were worthy. Could this tradition have been for a reason? Could they have actually been

checking to see if they were blood brothers (the same type blood)? The clumping (aggulation)

that occurs when Rh positive and Rh negative blood are mixed is visible to the naked eye. Could

they have been told, by their ancestors, that their blood was different from that of the rest of

mankind except for their brothers and sisters, from other tribes, scattered throughout the earth.

Indian tradition declares that their ancestors were of cosmic origin. The Indian totem pole is

actually a family genealogy.

Why all this preoccupation with genealogy among different people scattered throughout the

earth? No other animal on earth has this preoccupation with ancestry. Where did this tradition

come from? People scattered throughout the earth, who have had no-known contact with each

other all simultaneously have the urge to chart their family tree? Why? How important could this

have been to primitive cave men? Struggling to survive, to chart their genealogy? They had no

understanding of modern genetics and inheritance. So why should they preserve their genealogy?

Were they told to preserve their heritage, until a future date when they would return and it would

be understood? Until a time, like now, when their descendent would be able to understand the

message they were leaving.

Although they probably didn't realize the importance of preserving their genealogy, they may

have believed that future generations would understand. Are we that future generation? Was

there a message left for us to understand? Do we have the courage to look for the answer?

Do we really want to know or would we rather keep our heads buried in the sand? What we don't

9/27/2018 I Am a ROFSCHILD, Axe me a Question

https://ia802300.us.archive.org/8/items/rofschildv1/IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion.html 58/619


User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 11:45 AM

know will still affect us. You will not see unless you look. Only through knowledge will we find


Rh negative blood has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events.

For many years people have been searching for the wrong thing. Could the true "missing link"

actually be man himself? The unknown link between earth and the stars - hybrid man. Is man the

missing link between primate and extraterrestrial?

Upon x-raying the tomb of Makare, high priestess of Ammon, it was found that the infant buried

with her labeled Prince Moutenihet was actually a female hamadryas baboon. An examination of

Makare showed she had given birth shortly before dying.

Dear Bickle! Start to consider the possibility that you, the Rh positive primate that you are...have

only just begun your evolutionary journey. Consider that you are evolving as fast as your little

helix can regenerate!

The "others" who you so misunderstand have engaged you to our mutual benefit and survival!


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ad8c77 No.106801

File: 3d2ed83486fe4ed⋯.jpeg (481.84 KB,828x764,207:191,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ad3a0ad9da8ff37⋯.jpeg (170.32 KB,828x695,828:695,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 377a63c4d8e4614⋯.jpeg (412.48 KB,828x1471,828:1471,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ce789059110d38c⋯.jpeg (261.78 KB,828x1270,414:635,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f21fbe086966484⋯.jpeg (367.36 KB,828x1324,207:331,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906641 (130212ZNOV23) Notable: Economic Schedule for Week of November 12, 2023 - anon dig and source bun

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Economic Schedule for Week of November 12, 2023

()=additional comments

(Last week pretty slow for data but picks up a little this week with retail sales, the weekly MBA #s and both CPI and PPI. Several regional surveys as well. Atlanta Fed releases its updated fantasyland GDPNOW projections on Weds Nov 15th and after briefly dropping below the ‘consensus’ it was quickly raised above it. Sits at a farcical 2.1% but was as high as 5.4% as recently as the hilarious BLS # release. Consumer Inflation Expectations rose for the 4th straight month on Friday and as usual Wall Street ignored that-the narrative is crumbling and it is still in the process of creating history’s largest blow off top EVER. Most corporate share buybacks have exited the earnings blackout period (79% out and all out by Dec 8th) so look for this market to move higher using that as additional fuel-they’ll be a few bumps here and there but those won’t last more than 2-3 days or they risk margin calling themselves which creates a doom loop of asset sales. ‘Bot trading will keep it propped and the system has to try and restore the 60/40 investment strategy heading into Christmas-or there’s gonna be a lot of G.I. Joes with the kung fu grip go unsold and the mistresses all need the new Benz’ too. ‘Bots are short HARD (why wouldn’t they be as data sucks?) but they follow indexes so all it takes is a move to the upside to trigger those ‘bots to cover those record short positions)

Atlanta Fed GDPNOW


The key economic reports this week are October CPI, Retail Sales, and Housing Starts.

For manufacturing, October industrial production, and the November New York, Philly and Kansas City Fed surveys, will be released this week.

- Monday, November 13th -

No major economic releases scheduled.(Markets are open however)

- Tuesday, November 14th -

6:00 AM: NFIB Small Business Optimism Index for October.

8:30 AM: The Consumer Price Index for October from the BLS. The consensus is for a 0.1% increase in CPI, and a 0.3% increase in core CPI.  The consensus is for CPI to be up 3.3% year-over-year and core CPI to be up 4.1% YoY.

- Wednesday, November 15th -

7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index. (The national avg for a 30y is @7.87% as of today -Sunday-so don’t expect much improvement here)

8:30 AM ET: Retail sales for October will be released. The consensus is for a 0.3% decrease in retail sales. (This is NOT adjusted for inflation so any drop going into the busiest shopping season of the year reflects very poor demand-just look at crude oil pricing for example)

8:30 AM: The Producer Price Index for October from the BLS. The consensus is for a 0.1% increase in PPI, and a 0.3% increase in core PPI.

8:30 AM: The New York Fed Empire State manufacturing survey for November. The consensus is for a reading of -2.6, up from -4.6.

During the day: The AIA's Architecture Billings Index for October(a leading indicator for commercial real estate)…..and how they spin THIS ought to be pretty funny)

- Thursday, November 16th -

8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released. The consensus is for 222 thousand initial claims, up from 217 thousand last week.

8:30 AM: the Philly Fed manufacturing survey for November. The consensus is for a reading of -11.0, down from -9.0.

9:15 AM: The Fed will release Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization for October

The consensus is for a 0.4% decrease in Industrial Production, and for Capacity Utilization to decrease to 79.4%.

10:00 AM: The November NAHB homebuilder survey. The consensus is for a reading of 40, unchanged from 40. Any number below 50 indicates that more builders view sales conditions as poor than good.

11:00 AM: the Kansas City Fed manufacturing survey for November.

- Friday, November 17th -

8:30 AM: Housing Starts for October. The consensus is for 1.345 million SAAR, down from 1.358 million SAAR.

10:00 AM: State Employment and Unemployment







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ad8c77 No.106802

File: 92c812f53463869⋯.png (511.49 KB,656x491,656:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906666 (130220ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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to be honest, i have no answers to this section from the rothschild thread which anon archived from 2011.

There was a search for ancestry when 23&ME was launched. there could be two reasons for such a venture.

1) collect DNA

2) identify a certain gene pool.

Rothschild in this thread warned about protecting your dna. over and over again.

he also stated that money would be a thing of the past.

Well we see the chinese credit system in play now in china where it was tested on 1.4 billion people and being rolled out now.

He also stated that using dna they can map time and genealogy of a individual and get a human back to his original body before ravages of time.

His thread lasted 18 months in total.

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ad8c77 No.106803

File: 45dd1bc4ce0d30c⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,620x480,31:24,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906673 (130222ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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Evils quads confirm

I trust them

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ad8c77 No.106804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906686 (130227ZNOV23) Notable: Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is demanding the Biden administration provide a full account of the scope of its “CBP One” program

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Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is demanding the Biden administration provide a full account of the scope of its “CBP One” program, a government-run mobile application that he says has been used to parole thousands of otherwise inadmissible illegal border crossers into the US without proper vetting, including over 7,000 foreigners who should be flagged as potential national security risks.

In a letter to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Grassley divulged evidence obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation revealing the Biden administration allowed nearly 250,000 foreigners to evade screening and enter the US using the “CBP One” app via U.S. border land ports.

Among those illegal entrants, 7,332 are classified as “Special Interest Aliens” (SIAs) from 24 countries designated as countries of national security concern due to Islamic terrorist activities.

Grassley is requesting further information on the agencies’ vetting procedures, and demanding accountability for circumventing our nation’s immigration laws.

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ad8c77 No.106805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906688 (130227ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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I have always felt they are looking for a person or persons of specific bloodlines that have been lost sure there are multiple ways to get it, the other answer is a weapon. But now that you have the hacks of the databases by the chinese and also combine the masonic mormon geneogly centers. They are looking for something.

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ad8c77 No.106806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906692 (130228ZNOV23) Notable: A jury ruled that St. Petersburg, Fla. based Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital must pay a family $211 million

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The following is from Beckers Healthcare Review.

A jury ruled that St. Petersburg, Fla. based Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital must pay a family $211 million in a case made famous by a Netflix documentary, the Tampa Bay Times reported Nov. 9.

The family of 17-year-old Maya Kowalski had sued the hospital after it reported her mother, Beata, for suspected child abuse in 2016 after she requested ketamine to treat her daughter for chronic pain.

The girl was removed by the state and sheltered at the hospital for three months, a time during which Beata Kowalski [committed] suicide.

The Netflix documentary "Take Care of Maya," released in June, was viewed nearly 14 million times in the first two weeks.

On the third day of deliberation following an eight-week trial, the six jurors ruled with the family on all the questions it was asked to address, including that the hospital falsely imprisoned the girl when it didn't allow her to leave with her family, according to the Times.

The jury also awarded damages for a hospital social worker photographing the girl without the family or a court's permission and kissing, hugging and having her sit on her lap.

"It was a totally dysfunctional organization, and the Kowalskis paid the price," the plaintiffs' attorney, Greg Anderson, said during closing statements Nov. 7, according to the newspaper.

The hospital will likely end up paying more than the $211 million because it was also ordered to pay punitive damages for false imprisonment and battery, the news outlet reported.

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ad8c77 No.106807

File: 8a3e00c5e57668c⋯.mp4 (10.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906694 (130229ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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yep that is a thing the silty eyed yellow devils were contemplating

see archived video.

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ad8c77 No.106808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906703 (130233ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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>Ava talking about ccp tends to give me chills fyi


Ava Chen is back to discuss Corruption, Blackmailing and the Traps

Diamond and Silk


Nov 8, 2023

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ad8c77 No.106809

File: 75093f7771e7149⋯.jpg (145.77 KB,1079x1115,1079:1115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906730 (130241ZNOV23) Notable: Tragic: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit

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Tragic: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit


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ad8c77 No.106810

File: 7633e9eef9e7d07⋯.jpeg (275.43 KB,1125x817,1125:817,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906734 (130242ZNOV23) Notable: Tim Scott is suspending his presidential campaign

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Wow! Thank you, Tim! Vivek time for you too!


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ad8c77 No.106811

File: 6f7f8fdf8d92cfe⋯.png (344.94 KB,456x324,38:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 37d8b0ed2522d48⋯.png (644.08 KB,860x645,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906738 (130243ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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well the latest covid jab agenda anon believes has killed at least 500 million and shortened the lives of at least 6 billion souls..

Anon believes the numbers of deagels predictions will be a reality by 2030.


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ad8c77 No.106812

File: e41c93d9a52d95d⋯.png (44.04 KB,542x559,542:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906781 (130256ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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note: Some say the board was hijacked, but this one had its trip code checked and confirmed. also on the 27th Nov 2023 it willl be a year of silence for Qdrops.



Nov 27, 2022 8:06:20 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17830326

What is coded in your DNA?

Who put it there?


Mankind is repressed.

We will be repressed no more.

Information is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Information is power.

How do you protect your DNA?

There is a war for your DNA.

Protect your DNA.



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ad8c77 No.106813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906799 (130302ZNOV23) Notable: 12:00 AM EST Austin, South Korean Official Hold Briefing

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November 13, 2023

12:00 AM EST

Austin, South Korean Official Hold Briefing

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Lee Jong-Sup, South Korea’s defense minister, brief the news media.



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ad8c77 No.106814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906803 (130303ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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>What is coded in your DNA?

Monarch butterflies each year make a 2,500-mile journey from Canada to a small plot of land in Mexico where they winter. In spring they begin the long journey back north, but it takes three generations to do so. So no butterfly making the return journey has flown that entire route before. How do they “know” a route they never learned?


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ad8c77 No.106815

File: 33b43bb0e48a02d⋯.jpg (455.79 KB,1080x1212,90:101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906805 (130304ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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Spend some time combing through this.

An interesting resource.


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ad8c77 No.106816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906820 (130307ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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The Rhesus blood status serves as a much more accurate flag - indicating how closely tied one is or isn't to a hybrid family line. In the Majority of the world's population the rhesus status is positive... indicating the presence of a specific protein on the surface of red blood cells... this is the normal status of human blood.

The absence of the protein occurs in roughly 8% of all people world-wide... a higher percentage is present in Europe (particularly the UK, France and Spain) and the US.... about 15%. The highest percentage is concentrated in the Basque region between France and Spain... at about 35%.

Rhesus negative status becomes obviously anomalous to the human species where it involves reproduction... the second rh-positive child of an rh-negative mother is likely to be destroyed in the womb by the mother's own immune response, which treats the fetus as if it were a virus rather than her offspring.

The protein is specifically one that enhances the efficiency of cellular respiration... the very process whereby the "life" is contained in the blood. Two rh-negative parents often have a child who is born very low on oxygen in its first moments of life and as a result has a blue cast to their skin... known as a "blue baby".

Blue has long been held as the color representative of the world elite and they are readily recognized by the term "blue blood".

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ad8c77 No.106817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906835 (130310ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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If you have ever researched the Rhesus blood grouping system, you probably already know that there is something mighty peculiar about the rhesus negative status. The Rhesus blood grouping system is differentiated from the ABO system, dealing with separate groups of antigens. First, to give some foundation information on blood grouping: the ABO blood grouping system reflects whether a person has the antigen "A", or the antigen "B", or has both, or neither. O simply stands for zero, or "null", having no A or B antigens.

The Rhesus blood group system contains some 50 different antigens, but the one of great importance is the "D" antigen. It is the D which determines the rh status of an individual. This, the most immunogenic of the Rhesus factors is key in knowing what individuals can donate blood or tissue to another without complications. The presence of a D antigen will not be tolerated by a body which does not have it, just as an A or B will not be tolerated by a type O.

Most people do have the D antigen, the function of which is said to not be fully understood in the medical field, though there is sufficient evidence to suggest that it plays a role in cellular respiration facilitation, or the transference of oxygen from the red blood cell to tissue and co2 from tissue to red blood cell. If you live in the U.S. , you have about a 15% chance of not having the D antigen present on the surface of your red blood cells.

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ad8c77 No.106818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906860 (130316ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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The supposition that the scientific community has expected you to believe about the origins of this strange deletion of an blood antigen in some people is that it derives from a completely random mutation of unknown origin. The blood being as highly resistant to random mutation as it is, it would not seem likely that this accounts for it.

Furthermore...there is no other known anomaly in all of nature that can literally turn a mother's body against it's unborn offspring as if it were a foreign entity. Where it is found in nature, (not referred to as rh status in all species) the absence of a blood antigen in a parent animal which can destroy it's own fetus that is positive for the antigen, occurs in novelty and hybridized strains, such as mules. In other words, where man has done some selective breeding of animals or the breeding of animals which would not naturally breed together, there arises the potential for haemolytic disease.

When we see the body reject some tissue, as it would in the case of organ transplant, we automatically understand that the reason is because the body does not recognize the tissue as it's own.

Rhesus factor Haemolytic disease is offset these days by a drug called Rhogam, which, just as in the case of organ transplant, is an anti-rejection agent designed to stop the rh negative mother's body from attacking the rh positive fetus' body. In the most dire of circumstances, haemolytic disease will cause the rh positive fetus to be killed by it's mother's antibodies...in lesser circumstances, the baby is subject to the possibility of a number a serious congenital deficiencies.

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ad8c77 No.106819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906879 (130320ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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It has been often reported that there is a list of odd circumstances surrounding rh negative individuals...it's really very unfortunate that the scientific community does not offer the public great quantities of answers related to these things...though it's not impossible to research some of the findings which relate rh status to certain other characteristics...just try it, more often than not, you will run into documents that are provided by medical journals which you will have to pay to read. Not all data requires the input of the medical field to observe though..so i will mention a few that the average person can verify for themselves in everyday life.

Rh negative individuals tend to be "Caucasian"...though it is not impossible to find people of African descent with an rh negative status, these people usually have what is referred to a "weak" or inactive D antigen...a D antigen is present but it is dormant and non-functional. People of Asian origin with rh negative status are almost non-existent. Perhaps in obvious relation to that, rh negatives tend to have blue, green or hazel eye color...though you will find that those eye colors are far more common in rh negative Caucasians than in rh positive ones.

RH negatives think differently....this is where my speculation on the percentage of those who are reading this comes from. Even if you are unaware of your blood type and you did not access this subject because you are already aware you are rh negative, chances are... you are. The reason for this is because it is the nature of the rh negative brain to think in an unconventional way. These individuals seek out subject matters which are beyond the scope of average information, socially accepted answers and assumptions. They tend to gravitate towards challenging information and are not deterred by a sense of "too weird" to look into. They accept the "abnormal" and delve into the unknown with fervor and yet not without a serious bent towards the analytical and technical.

Rh negative people don't assimilate well...this can be looked at in one of two ways. Some might see these types in society as individuals who are difficult to get along with, do not follow rules well or fit into the the mainstream of society. On the other hand, they are greatly resistant to propaganda and do not readily believe the status quo answer to many questions in life. They might seek beyond the teaching of the normal educational system and rh negative children tend to become incredibly bored by the structure of teaching in public schools. The result of this lack of assimilation into "normal" society either seems to produce people who really achieve beyond the norm or become a complete societal "drop out".

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ad8c77 No.106820

File: d7624a5be1aadd5⋯.png (320.72 KB,394x1080,197:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906897 (130324ZNOV23) Notable: Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina says he is dropping out of the 2024 GOP presidential race

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Senator Tim Scott drops out of the 2024 presidential race

- five days after disappointing showing in third GOP primary debate

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has announced he is suspending his 2024 presidential campaign. Scott, 58, told Fox News in an interview on Sunday evening that he had dropped out of the 2024 race for the White House. The lone Black Republican in the U.S. Senate, Scott began his campaign in May, promising to present an optimistic, forward-looking vision for America. He portrayed himself as a deeply conservative candidate who was more capable of healing political divisions in the United States than frontrunner and former President Donald Trump and another candidate, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.


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ad8c77 No.106821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906914 (130329ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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So much more... one of the deepest rabbit-holes of modern time..

Rh negative people have strength but little stamina...there is a tendency in connection with cellular respiration and an endocrine system which functions differently and the rh negative status. These people might very well find that they can produce bursts of strength and speed that seem disproportionate to their size, but for a very limited time. The ability of the adrenals to be kicked into a hyper-drive at the drop of a hat accounts for the bursts of strength and speed, but the lack of a well facilitated system of cellular respiration means that the body exhausts itself quickly. RH negative people might be more likely to lift a car off of a victim pinned beneath it than run a marathon.

RH negatives have hyper-acute sensory perception...while it might seem magical or mystical to talk about such a thing as "ESP"..in reality what accounts for the ability to perceive beyond what seems normal is simply a brain which receives at a conscious level, the very smallest stimuli of a normal sense, such as hearing, vision, touch, etc.. Whereas most would only receive these small stimuli on a subconscious level and not process it to be "surface aware" of it...the rh negative individual will more likely recognize these little cues. Brain waves, as we know, are electrical...they can be heard and they can be felt..but they are not normally perceived. Those who do perceive them would be called "telepathic".

RH negatives have an innate draw towards spirituality, but also an innate reluctance towards YHWH and Christian scripture...Those with an Rh negative factor will often find themselves incredibly interested, in an almost instinctive way, in all things "mythological", pagan and new age. At the same time, there is a pull back from all things which relate to Judeo-Christian teaching. It is interesting to note that a proven phenomenon called genetic memory might be at work here. The process by which the memory of a hundreds of ancestors throughout history will imprint upon their descendant in their very DNA has been called "The Monarch Effect". This makes a tendency toward pagan tradition coming from a bloodline which is the Origin of such, a sensible result. Also interesting to note, is that those rh negatives who do make a decision to follow YHWH often end up being the most zealous and faithful of followers. I have personally never met any confirmed rh negative individual who called themselves an atheist...a belief in some spiritual reality seems to be ingrained in them.

Rh negative people are drawn to one another...it is incredibly interesting to observe. It would seem that whether you might attribute it to subtle chemical signals humans unconsciously perceive through smell..or whether it is the recognition of the similar pattern of brain wave stimuli or simply a case of "birds of a feather"....people of an rh negative status find each other, and stick together. Perhaps the need to find others who understand them in a world which makes them feel so very different from the "norm" is a great driving force that brings them into each other's lives.

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ad8c77 No.106822

File: cb2f63f642d6d96⋯.png (573.23 KB,731x841,731:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906937 (130334ZNOV23) Notable: Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina says he is dropping out of the 2024 GOP presidential race

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AP Updated 10:27 PM EST, November 12, 2023

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina says he is dropping out of the 2024 GOP presidential race

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott announced late Sunday that he was dropping out of the 2024 race, about two months before the start of voting in Iowa’s leadoff caucuses.

The South Carolina senator made the surprise announcement on “Sunday Night in America” with Trey Gowdy. The news was so abrupt that one campaign worker told The Associated Press that campaign staff found out Scott was dropping out by watching the show. The worker was not authorized to discuss the internal deliberations publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The news comes as Scott, 58, continued to struggle in the polls and just days after the third Republican primary debate. The only Black Republican senator, Scott entered the race in May with more cash than any other Republican candidate but couldn’t find a lane in a field dominated by former President Donald Trump.

“I love America more today than I did on May 22,” Scott said Sunday night. “But when I go back to Iowa, it will not be as a presidential candidate. I am suspending my campaign. I think the voters who are the most remarkable people on the planet have been really clear that they’re telling me, ‘Not now, Tim.’”


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ad8c77 No.106823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906962 (130341ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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Yes. They were born infants and grew, just as non-hybridized humans, albeit to an ultimately much larger form.

There are quite a few other curiosities which surround this blood type...though most of them are much harder to observe or otherwise research. One of those is the connection between the rh negative status and reports of "alien" abduction, another is the reports of certain whistle-blowers who have accused the CIA and other agencies of keeping a database and tracking those with the negative status throughout their lives.

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ad8c77 No.106824

File: a091af5c46a8eea⋯.png (514.44 KB,757x830,757:830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906964 (130341ZNOV23) Notable: David Axelrod warns 80 year-old Biden's 'age issue' is huge for Democrats

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Obama's former chief strategist

David Axelrod warns 80 year-old Biden's 'age issue' is huge for Democrats

- after ANOTHER embarrassing gaffe by president at Veteran's Day service

It comes after Biden, 80, suffered an embarrassing moment of confusion at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as he stumbled through a Veterans Day service. While he didn't reference it on Sunday, Axelrod - who served as chief strategist of Obama's two campaigns for the White House - said that Biden's age is becoming a problem as he hammered the president for the second time in a week. 'I think that there is one issue that is hanging over him,' Axelrod told Dana Bash of CNN in a conversation with ex-Maryland Republican Governor Larry Hogan. I think with Donald Trump on the other end, he could still win this election. But the age issue is difficult.'


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ad8c77 No.106825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906971 (130344ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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It goes deeper...

Understanding that world is rife with pride and every person alive has had a pride problem since the fall of man, obviously this often leads those who know they have a negative rh status to find proof of their "specialness". I'm not here to uphold anyone's ego, though...there is nothing "special" about the lack of the D antigen in one's blood...there is something anomalous about it however. This blood abnormality derives from angels who "crossed the line".

In all aspects..physically, mentally, spiritually...the result of being rh negative has certain seeming advantages and some disadvantages but one is not despised by their Creator based on the origin of their birth, even if that origin was not in His will....in the same way He would not despise the person who was a child born of rape or unmarried parents.

We all have the same choices to make for or against Him. What knowing your rh negative status and what it means is able do for you though...is to help you come to terms with the reasons you have felt "different" all along and to come to understand that your Creator can use what is different about you to work great things in your life for His name's sake. From my perspective..i find it particularly awesome when i come across rh negatives who are called to faith in Him.

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ad8c77 No.106826

File: fad8e4feec47a53⋯.jpeg (418.11 KB,936x1046,468:523,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: aef362a90f0790a⋯.png (126.51 KB,1263x655,1263:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 163a8b76200572a⋯.jpeg (163.39 KB,828x432,23:12,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f7f058972b168f2⋯.jpeg (333.07 KB,819x470,819:470,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906976 (130346ZNOV23) Notable: Rare Government Support Seeks To Contain China Debt Risks

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Rare Government Support Seeks To Contain China Debt Risks

Fresh signs of official support for debt-laden property firms emerged, triggering a relief rally in developers’ dollar bonds. China Vanke, a major developer recently rattled by repayment worries, received unusually strong support from officials in its hometown of Shenzhen last Monday.

Then came a report by local media Cailian on a meeting among the central bank, other regulators and top builders including Vanke, Longfor, and Gemdale. The first two builders’ dollar notes jumped on the news-(that was reported on Thursday last week-see article linky below)

Market confidence in developer bonds now comes from government support - similar to those of local government financing vehicles, Ming Ming, chief economist at Citic Securities, wrote in a note. Although it takes time for the property sector to recover, vulture investors may already see value in some securities, he added.

In a contrasting example, Country Garden Holdings’ shares plunged nearly 10% Thursday after Ping An Insurance Group denied a Reuters report that authorities asked the insurer to buy the embattled developer. Ping An itself also suffered a $5.5 billion stock selloff, indicating only the state, rather than any private-sector firm, has the capacity to bail out a company of Country Garden’s size.

The People’s Bank of China also has debt-laden regions on its mind. Governor Pan Gongsheng pledged to provide emergency funding to heavily indebted local governments as needed, showing a sense of urgency on preventing repayment risks at regional authorities from derailing a patchy economic recovery.

In another sign that Beijing is tightening scrutiny of the issue, the Ministry of Finance listed eight cases of irregularities committed by local governments to build up hidden debt. The inclusion of financial institutions in the penalties issued by the ministry shows debt control will be a more comprehensive effort involving both creditors and debtors, Yang Yewei, analyst at Guosheng Securities, wrote in a note.

Out of some 1.3 trillion yuan ($172 billion) of refinancing bonds sold by provincial authorities over the past month or so, indebted regions including Guizhou, Yunnan, and Inner Mongolia ranked as the top issuers, according to data compiled by GF Securities.

Global investors turned more optimistic about Chinese assets. JPMorgan’s chief Asia & China equity strategist Wendy Liu said the bank sees increasing likelihood of a technical rebound in the country’s stock market toward the end of the year, citing improvement in risk factors from geopolitics to long-term structural growth.

Franklin Templeton Investments President Jenny Johnson said it’s time to “wade back into China” as Chinese assets are trading cheaply.(and the clue that the big bois can’t handcthis shit off fast enough is this) Meantime, Citadel founder Ken Griffin said global investors have to “be watching and investing” in China to tap into innovation and growth in the region.

(Meanwhile JP Moran wants to hand off its exposure to (You) as cap 3 shows its “got 15% upside” based on historical performance)


From last week

China's top regulators summon big developers for financial briefings


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ad8c77 No.106827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906986 (130349ZNOV23) Notable: Failed Speaker Kevin McCarthy Is Angry He Got Fired For Not Doing His Job

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Failed Speaker Kevin McCarthy Is Angry He Got Fired For Not Doing His Job

Republicans have truly been going through it since Obama was elected President. Things certainly seemed to be turning in their favor when Trump was elected in 2016, and that was up until the 2020 election, which had some very shady things going on with ballot counting. Even a 12-year-old could conclude that mistakes will be made when you’re counting millions of votes, but of course, not many on the left are mature enough to admit that.

As well as issues surrounding election integrity and tensions between opposing fanbases of GOP candidates, the Republicans are dealing with having to replace their speaker of the house, a move initiated by Rep. Matt Gaetz.

Like most faIn an exclusive interview with CNN, McCarthy made clear he misses being “at the table” even as he promised to help the new speaker; went further in his embrace of former President Donald Trump heading into 2024; and questioned whether the “crazy eight” Republicans who voted to strip him of the gavel are even conservatives at all.

The California Republican reserved his harshest attacks for Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, who led the charge for McCarthy’s ouster. McCarthy continually accused Gaetz of only going after him because of a House Ethics Committee probe he’s facing, a charge the GOP hardliner has repeatedly denied.

In his interview, McCarthy went on to blast Rep. Matt Gaetz as a fake conservative and losing all sight of self-awareness that it was the people who removed him, and Gaetz simply did what the people told him to do. Which is what I thought was the point of being the speaker?

“I don’t believe them to be conservatives,” McCarthy said of the eight Republicans. “It’s driven by Gaetz, and it was all based upon an ethics complaint that happened in the last Congress. He would throw his country away to try to protect himself for what would come out as the truth.”

McCarthy suggested that Gaetz had called for the vote for McCarthy’s removal – and later backed Mike Johnson’s ascension as speaker – simply to quash the ethics probe.

“If the Ethics Committee never does anything to Gaetz, then Gaetz was successful in stopping probably what rightfully should come to him,” McCarthy said.

I don’t know, but I feel like if you have to go through 15 rounds of votes just to become the speaker of the house and then are elected, you should do what the majority are requesting of you in your comment sections on X/Twitter and wherever else the people contact you. That obviously did not happen, and the people decided it was time for McCarthy to go. I am not sure McCarthy will find the sympathy he is looking for on the left. Especially after attacking their queen, Nancy Pelosi, as a traitor who stabbed him in the back in the same interview

“Before I was elected, I was still having problems with getting the votes, which she did as well. And I told her the issue was bringing back this motion to vacate. And the first thing she said: ‘Just give it to them. Just give it to them. We’d never allow that. It’s not good for the House,’” McCarthy said of Pelosi. “Look, at the end of the day, the Democrats decided to make a political decision.”

At the very least, politicians like McCarthy know where his bread is buttered despite the ongoing in-house tensions. He ended the interview by stating he supports the former President but has not endorsed him yet. Whatever that means.

In the interview, McCarthy predicted that the former president will be the party’s nominee next year and said that he will support him.

“I haven’t endorsed, but I support President Trump,” he said.

McCarthy has repeatedly defended the former president despite countless controversies and told CNN he is unconcerned about Trump’s criminal charges heading into 2024.

It looks like just another day in the world of politicians being politicians, but the new speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson, might want to take some notes, or he might end up on CNN giving an exclusive interview about how he lost his job in the future.iled republican politicians, Kevin McCarthy recently did an interview with CNN. He cried about how it’s not fair he got fired for not doing what he promised to do while taking everyone’s money. You don’t have to be a conservative to see why the people decided to remove this man.


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ad8c77 No.106828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19906996 (130351ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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Blood, indeed...

Those of us who accept that there has been a real occurrence of a race of human hybrids, including giants on Earth and the presence of heavenly beings who initiated the existence of those beings are up against two main sources of criticism. On the one side there is the secular world, which will not, under any circumstances support evidence (or even let evidence be known) which could in any way substantiate biblical history. While i don't expect anything more or less from the secular world, it's the other side of the coin that becomes frustrating, and that is believers in biblical history who refuse outright anything which is remotely connected to giants, nephilim or a world history that includes them.

Most believers know secular atheists who rail against the "fairy tale" of scripture having never once read the text which they refute. It's common sense that we can't formulate an opinion on a written record if we are never wiling to read it. Why then, should there ever be believers who are comfortable exercising the same kind of prejudice towards bodies of evidence which thwart their traditional viewpoint? If any group of individuals has a duty to be thorough in their consideration of all facts, it should be us.

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ad8c77 No.106829

File: 98a082d0df3d03c⋯.png (243.07 KB,1216x573,1216:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907005 (130355ZNOV23) Notable: LB NOTABLE links: The UFC fight videos are comms for Watch the Water: Trump UCF Comms for China GO

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>>>/qresearch/19905498, >>>/qresearch/19905505, >>>/qresearch/19905565, >>>/qresearch/19906110 I think I got a You form (.You.), The UFC fight videos are comms for Watch the Water: Trump UCF Comms for China GO

Notable pb but not noticed by baker due to being, late in the bread...

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ad8c77 No.106830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907011 (130357ZNOV23) Notable: RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

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World history presents us with a picture that is very very difficult to reconcile to either the mainstream story or even to a biblical one which does not allow for the insertion of some extraterrestrial influence.

Now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of the 'Elohiym saw the daughters of men were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. - Genesis 6:1,2

There were nephilim on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of the 'Elohiym came in to the daughters of men and they bore to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. -Genesis 6:4

There we saw the nephilim (the descendants of 'Anaq came from the giants) and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight." -Numbers 13:33

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ad8c77 No.106831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907070 (130409ZNOV23) Notable: #24442

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>>106789, >>106790 He can't touch the bouquet of flowers - twat and mp4 vid biden and obama

>>106791 Trump just told everyone he IS COMMANDER IN CHIEF - mp4 vid

>>106792 Washington D.C. is trying to eliminate a test for social workers because many people of color are failing it - twat and mp4 vid

>>106793 San Francisco built these makeshift walls and disappeared the homeless before they roll out the red carpet for Xi Jinping. - twat and mp4 vid (xi in usa, how and why?)

>>106797 A seminar with an advertised purpose of brainwashing children: w.e.f led.

>>106794, >>106795, >>106796, >>106798, >>106799, >>106800, >>106802, >>106803, >>106805, >>106807, >>106808, >>106811, >>106812, >>106814, >>106815, >>106816, >>106817, >>106818, >>106819, >>106821, >>106823, >>106825, >>106828, >>106830, RH negative blood type and reptilian blood, dna question. Qdrop 4966 dna, mp4 vid bun

>>106801 Economic Schedule for Week of November 12, 2023 - anon dig and source bun

>>106804 Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is demanding the Biden administration provide a full account of the scope of its “CBP One” program

>>106806 A jury ruled that St. Petersburg, Fla. based Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital must pay a family $211 million

>>106809 Tragic: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit

>>106810 Tim Scott is suspending his presidential campaign

>>106813 12:00 AM EST Austin, South Korean Official Hold Briefing

>>106820, >>106822 Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina says he is dropping out of the 2024 GOP presidential race

>>106824 David Axelrod warns 80 year-old Biden's 'age issue' is huge for Democrats

>>106826 Rare Government Support Seeks To Contain China Debt Risks

>>106827 Failed Speaker Kevin McCarthy Is Angry He Got Fired For Not Doing His Job

>>106829 LB NOTABLE links: The UFC fight videos are comms for Watch the Water: Trump UCF Comms for China GO

>>>/qresearch/19907044 President Trump is reportedly planning large-scale detention camps and sweeping immigration policies that would deport millions of illegal immigrants, according to advisers who spoke to NYT - DIGGGG

>>>/qresearch/19907034 It appears the full,un-redacted version of the Epstein Flight logs, including the trips to St Johns Island, have been released.


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ad8c77 No.106832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907087 (130412ZNOV23) Notable: #24441

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>>>/qresearch/19907047 (me)

>>>/qresearch/19906353 Dough



>>106760 Dough

>>106761, >>106762, >>106763, >>106764 Brian Cates on Q, Trump and the game of footsie.

>>106765, >>106767, >>106768, >>106774, >>106777, >>106783, >>106778, >>106783 Plane Faggotry

>>106766 Conservatives are increasingly focused on silencing those who critique Israel

>>106769 "Antisemitism Has No Place Here" - Harvard Pres. Condemns "From The River To The Sea" Phrase After 1600 Jewish Alum Pull Donations

>>106770 Dan and Donald, posting multiple posts about fight fight fight

>>106771, >>106772, >>106776, >>106780 Georgia elections official downplays cybersecurity threats despite report

>>106773 Still Think ‘Allahu Akbar’ Means ‘God is Great’? You Should Probably Read This.

>>106775 FBI accused by whistleblower of targeting veteran agents as 'disloyal' to US for having profiles 'consistent with a Trump supporter’:

>>106779 Exposed: Klaus Schwab & WEF’s Secret Blueprint to Control Every Aspect of Your Life

>>106781 Oxford AstraZeneca Covid jab was ‘defective’

>>106782 Denmark: Black Flags and Allahu Akbar chanted in the streets

>>106784 Musk is over the target…Elon Musk has ‘cut off the good guys, empowered the bad guys’ on X, says Stanford’s Alex Stamos

>>106785 Palestinian / Hamas supporters take over the streets of the State Capital of Texas.

>>106786 Stephen Miller: Trump will implement ‘spectacular migration crackdown’

>>106787 Stefanik Files Ethics Complaint Against Judge in Trump Fraud Case

>>106788 Recap: Terror Training Camps in New Mexico & just over the border in Mexico across from Brownsville

#24441 Posted in #24442

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ad8c77 No.106833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907530 (130629ZNOV23) Notable: #24443

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ad8c77 No.106834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907537 (130630ZNOV23) Notable: Janet Yellen presser on China

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Grey hair'd Lunatic talks about 'multinational conspiring totalitarian takeover called climate-change', and 'interesting talk-arounds about anihc', 'Federal Reserve's place in the Universe has stolen from The People, God and given to the multinational War Criminals'

yeah the more anon describes the worse it's gona sound. IT's pretty bad though. That loopy lunatic covers a lot more topics than anon's limited descriptions.

Take the Grey hair challenge anon .. Can you make it thru?

You will NOT Believe what Biden Treasury Secretary Said About Taxes and China!


Golden State Times

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ad8c77 No.106835

File: 6c4e87eae632a20⋯.png (1.26 MB,866x3706,433:1853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907605 (130647ZNOV23) Notable: Drastically Different Narratives Emerge Centered On Shifa Hospital's Mounting Deaths

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somewhat better version

Drastically Different Narratives Emerge Centered On Shifa Hospital's Mounting Deaths

This weekend has seen the most intense fighting in Gaza City which has centered on al-Shifa hospital and its vicinity, which is the Strip's largest, which has for days been totally surrounded by Israeli forces, and lacking food and water.

The hospital is "totally surrounded and bombardments are going on nearby," its director, Mohammad Abu Salmiya, announced in a late Saturday statement. Israel has claimed that Hamas uses bunkers beneath the hospital as a command center. However, al-Shifa's head of surgery, Dr Marwan Abusada, has told regional news sources that civilians are trapped and patients are dying....


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ad8c77 No.106836

File: 2640b6a5811ebfa⋯.png (568.2 KB,1233x771,411:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907616 (130649ZNOV23) Notable: Drastically Different Narratives Emerge Centered On Shifa Hospital's Mounting Deaths

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Oh That's better...


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ad8c77 No.106837

File: 4716956832246d5⋯.png (13.84 KB,693x181,693:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907625 (130651ZNOV23) Notable: Twit-X: "You are what you post."

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"You are what you post."

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ad8c77 No.106838

File: 30009aab20c06a1⋯.png (1.87 MB,947x3233,947:3233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907646 (130654ZNOV23) Notable: First batch of migrants arrives in Brooklyn, disgusted, ready to leave

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First batch of migrants arrives in Brooklyn, disgusted, ready to leave

The first batch of migrants was bused to a makeshift tent city in Brooklyn on Sunday and took one look and were ready to leave, according to reports.

Shortly after 12:30 p.m, Sunday, dozens of migrant families arrived at the remote housing site and wanted no part of it upon arrival.

The controversial tent shelter at Brooklyn’s Floyd Bennett Field, which has drawn widespread criticism for its remote location, among many other concerns, is set to house nearly 2,000 migrants, but the first busload abandoned the site after taking a view of it.

"As we have said time and time again, more than 139,500 asylum seekers have moved through our intake system since the spring of 2022, all of whom have been offered vital services," New York Mayor Eric Adams said in a statement.

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ad8c77 No.106839

File: 7d64a5818bc9a3b⋯.png (389.18 KB,486x694,243:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907673 (130658ZNOV23) Notable: Drastically Different Narratives Emerge Centered On Shifa Hospital's Mounting Deaths

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with different browser | sub category Hedgeless | show more | then disagreement article Clickty ClicK and arrive at ZH.

Pic Related

Anon agree with Ry the settelers that left are not coming back to Gaza in this Lifetime/

While theres sarc on the first browser (tha shit is funny)


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ad8c77 No.106840

File: a36e5d98b126826⋯.png (1.3 MB,800x2280,20:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907678 (130659ZNOV23) Notable: US fires airstrikes at 2 facilities with ties to Iran, its proxy groups

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US fires airstrikes at 2 facilities with ties to Iran, its proxy groups

The strikes targeted a training facility near Abu Kamal and a safe house near Mayadin.

One site included weapons storage, a US official told the Associated Press.

Militant groups, many backed by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, have targeted almost 50 bases housing US personnel in Iraq and Syria since Oct. 17....

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ad8c77 No.106841

File: 24b3e12eff188e5⋯.png (301.56 KB,1014x1483,1014:1483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907736 (130711ZNOV23) Notable: Former Pittsburgh Public Schools police officer found guilty in sex abuse case found dead in cell

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Former Pittsburgh Public Schools police officer found guilty in sex abuse case found dead in cell

WPXI.com News Staff

Sun, November 12, 2023


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ad8c77 No.106842

File: 4af4b8ac4c0629a⋯.png (546.63 KB,873x1824,291:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907762 (130728ZNOV23) Notable: North Carolina child psychiatrist hit with 40 years for filming minors, using AI to make child porn: ‘inconceivable’

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North Carolina child psychiatrist hit with 40 years for filming minors, using AI to make child porn: ‘inconceivable’

A North Carolina child psychiatrist was hit with a 40-year prison sentence Wednesday for using artificial intelligence to transform innocent pictures of children into intense pornography stills.

David Tatum, 41, will also have to serve 30 years of supervised release for secretly recording multiple teenagers — including his several family members and a patient — getting undressed.

“It is horrific to believe anyone would secretly record children undressing and showering for their own sexual gratification. And when the evidence proves that person is a doctor entrusted to help children through difficult mental health situations, it is inconceivable,” Robert DeWitt, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in North Carolina, said in a statement.

The sentencing comes six months after Tatum was convicted of one count of production of child pornography, one count of transportation of child pornography, and one count of possession of child pornography.

The child and adolescent psychiatrist spent five years collecting a trove of child pornography starting in 2016, according to evidence presented at his trial.

That year, he secretly recorded his 15-year-old cousin and other underage family members as they undressed and showered at a family vacation home in Maine.

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ad8c77 No.106843

File: f5393bff01118e7⋯.png (489.34 KB,720x1263,240:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907763 (130731ZNOV23) Notable: Fashion mogul Peter Nygard found guilty of 4 counts of sexual assault; faces extradition to US

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Fashion mogul Peter Nygard found guilty of 4 counts of sexual assault; faces extradition to US

Sun November 12, 2023


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ad8c77 No.106844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907764 (130734ZNOV23) Notable: Insurers refusing to pay thousands in sex abuse claims under New York’s Child Victims Act, advocates claim: ‘Justice in jeopardy’

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Insurers refusing to pay thousands in sex abuse claims under New York’s Child Victims Act, advocates claim: ‘Justice in jeopardy’

Published Nov. 12, 2023, 8:37 p.m. ET

The insurance companies for organizations such as churches, hospitals, schools and Boy Scouts troops are refusing to pay claims for thousands of alleged child sex abuse victims, an advocacy group claims.

The Coalition for Just and Compassionate Compensation has launched a campaign to pressure insurance companies such as Chubb to stop stonewalling and pay claims.

The group said Chubb has argued in court that it doesn’t owe an insurance obligation for any single abuse case involving the Archdiocese of New York.

“For survivors of childhood sexual abuse, the opportunity to receive restitution symbolizes closure and justice. Unfortunately, Chubb’s attempts to refuse payment is particularly egregious and puts this justice in jeopardy,” said David Catalfamo, executive director of the CJCC.

“We’ve seen time and time again that survivors are the ones who ultimately pay the price if insurers refuse to fulfill their obligations. The CJCC believes strongly that multi-billion-dollar insurers like Chubb must be held accountable and live up to their contractual obligations. It’s time for policymakers, the New York State Department of Financial Services, and the public to hold Chubb accountable.”

The controversy concerns alleged victims of sex abuse as youths decades ago who had filed lawsuits under the New York State Child Victims Act of 2019.

This law, approved by then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo, allows victims of child sexual assault to bring civil lawsuits up until their 55th birthday, as opposed to age 23.

It also allows survivors of sexual abuse, who could not file a civil lawsuit because they did not start a suit by the time they were 23 years of age, a new period to file a civil action for damages, which was extended through August 14, 2021

Thousands of civil cases have been filed in court that insurers are contesting, advocates said.

“After years and years of suffering, the Child Victims Act gave sexually abused children a voice and a chance at justice but the insurance companies have held out compensation to simply delay justice,” said Richard Tollner, chair of the Diocese of Rockville Centre Unsecured Creditors Committee representing victims.

“The insureds paid their premiums and now insurance carriers should pay as required. It is time to stand and deliver fair compensation long overdue from the insurance companies.”

The state Department of Financial Services released guidance for all insurance companies to fully cooperate with the intent of the Child Victims Act.

“As a matter of policy, we do not comment on pending legal matters,” Chubb said in a statement.


The CJCC is an alliance of survivors of child sex abuse, advocates and lawyers who represent them.

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ad8c77 No.106845

File: 5335f87dcc761db⋯.png (144.08 KB,777x768,259:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907765 (130737ZNOV23) Notable: Transgender Miss Universe owner files for bankruptcy days before pageant

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Miss Universe owner files for bankruptcy days before pageant


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ad8c77 No.106846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907769 (130739ZNOV23) Notable: Fashion mogul Peter Nygard found guilty of 4 counts of sexual assault; faces extradition to US

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Canada #48 >>>/qresearch/19882880

Peter Nygard Convicted of Sexual Assault in Canada Court

Peter Nygard, the former Canadian fashion magnate, was found guilty on four counts of sexual assault in a Toronto court after several days of deliberation by a jury.

Stephanie Hughes Published Nov 12, 2023

(Bloomberg) — Peter Nygard, the former Canadian fashion magnate, was found guilty on four counts of sexual assault in a Toronto court after several days of deliberation by a jury.

The verdict, delivered Sunday morning, followed weeks of testimony from five women Nygard was accused of sexually assaulting. The women shared detailed accounts in court of how Nygard invited them to his company’s headquarters in downtown Toronto before assaulting them. The names of his accusers are protected by a court-ordered publication ban.

Nygard, 82, had faced six different criminal charges. He was found not guilty on one count of sexual assault and one count of forcible confinement. The maximum sentence for sexual assault in Canada is 10 years in prison, unless the victim is under 16 years old. A date for sentencing hasn’t been set yet.

The women who made the allegations, which took place between the 1980s and mid-2000s, ranged in age from 16 to their late 20s at the time. Nygard met some of the women on trips to the Bahamas where he owned property and, according to the prosecution, used his standing in the fashion industry to lure them with promises of jobs or a tour of the lavish offices.

The first woman to take the stand was a 28-year-old actress who was living in Toronto; she met Nygard as she was returning from a yoga retreat in the Bahamas in the late 1980s.

Now 62, she described accepting a ride from the mogul back to her apartment, but instead being taken on a tour of his company’s offices. The two exchanged numbers and later met again to attend a Rolling Stones concert with friends in December 1989.

At the end of that night, he invited her to a private suite in his company’s headquarters for a drink. She became alarmed when she realized she would be unable to leave the room, which was locked with a keypad. Nygard moved to the bed, first asking her to make a sandwich and then suddenly becoming angry and berating her. He chased her around the room, tearing her clothes off before pinning her to the bed and raping her, the woman testified.

Nygard’s lawyer, Brian Greenspan, spent weeks challenging the women during cross examinations. At one point, the questioning left one of Nygard’s accusers too distraught to continue: “I just need to breathe,” she told the court as her hands shook.

The other four women also testified to alleged assaults by the former businessman. Nygard who spent several days testifying in his own defense, said he couldn’t even recall four of the five women.

Nygard was arrested in late 2020 in Winnipeg on US charges claiming he trafficked women and girls for sex over the course of 25 years. In October 2021, Nygard agreed to US extradition to face racketeering and human trafficking charges.

Nygard founded Nygard International in 1967, which grew to be one of the largest Canadian-owned sellers of women’s clothing. It filed for bankruptcy protection in March 2020.

Kai Bickle-Nygard, Nygard’s son, who has spoken out against his father, addressed the media following the verdict. “We are dealing with a systematic monster who used his business talents for evil to prey on others,” Bickle-Nygard told reporters on Sunday. “And it’s very good thing that justice was served here.”


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ad8c77 No.106847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907799 (130752ZNOV23) Notable: Cyber Attack Hits Australian Ports

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Cyber Attack Hits Australian Ports

by Sam McKeith Reuters November 11, 2023

(Reuters) The Australian government said on Saturday that it was coordinating a response to a cybersecurity incident that forced ports operator DP World Australia to suspend operations at ports in several states.

A DP World Australia spokesperson told Reuters on Saturday that operations at impacted ports were not yet restored. A statement said the company was “working around the clock to restore normal operations safely” after the breach was detected late on Friday.

Update from Cyber Coordinator in a significant cyber incident affecting a number of Australian ports. https://t.co/5aOckYsAoc

— Clare O'Neil MP (@ClareONeilMP) November 11, 2023

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, on Saturday that the government was coordinating a response.

Australia’s National Cyber Security Coordinator, appointed earlier this year in response to several major data breaches, was managing the official response to the incident, O’Neil said.

DP World Australia, part of Dubai’s state-owned ports giant DP World, operates four container terminals in Australia in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Western Australia’s Fremantle.

According to DP World, in the Asia Pacific region it employs more than 7,000 people and has ports and terminals in 18 locations.


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ad8c77 No.106848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907868 (130815ZNOV23) Notable: Shipping Shifts From Jackpot To Job Cuts After $364 Billion Boom

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Shipping Shifts From Jackpot To Job Cuts After $364 Billion Boom

By Brendan Murray and Tara Patel Bloomberg November 12, 2023

Nov 12, 2023 (Bloomberg) –Consumers gearing up to buy the latest imported appliances, clothes or electronic gadgets this holiday season might want to spare a thought for the companies that will struggle to make money for the next few years hauling products across the ocean.

That’s because the container shipping industry, cast as the Grinch that spoiled Christmas over the past two years with record-high freight rates and slow deliveries, is returning to its pre-pandemic place in the corporate world: perennial underachiever Charlie Brown.

The biggest carriers posted net income totaling $364 billion in 2021 and 2022, according to figures compiled by industry veteran John McCown, after a decade of scant profits. They’ll likely drift back into the red this quarter as the rates they charge fall below costs and look to stay there for the foreseeable future.

Booms-turned-busts have been more abrupt and sensational, but rarely has an established industry so tied to the global economy lurched from historic profits to below break-even levels more directly than the shipping lines that move 80% of the world’s merchandise trade have this year. After Covid’s massive demand shock, the culprit now is too much supply.

“I’m certainly concerned about the next 24 to 36 months,” Rolf Habben Jansen, chief executive officer of Hamburg-based Hapag-Lloyd AG, said in an interview last week. “We are going to see a downturn.”

Consider the tougher times facing A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, the largest publicly traded container line. According to Bloomberg Intelligence credit analyst Stephane Kovatchev, the Copenhagen-based company’s free cash flow, which reached $27 billion last year, may drop about 80% this year and could turn negative in 2024. That may weigh on the company’s bonds, he wrote in a research note on Friday.

Over the past 10 days, Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd and closely held CMA CGM SA of France — all top-five players that together control about one-third of the world’s container capacity — said they’re cutting costs as some fear the slump will last at least through 2024.

Some executives are urging against price wars, which contributed to a wave of consolidation and at least one major bankruptcy in the years leading up to the pandemic.

“Each actor will have to be responsible to ensure that the market remains reasonable amid rates that are relatively low,” CMA CGM Chief Financial Officer Ramon Fernandez told reporters Friday. “Price wars after a while hurt not only those who start them but everyone.”

Such concern stems from a combination of economic forces: Goods demand is returning to pre-pandemic levels just as supply is rising in the form of new, bigger ships. It can take two to three years to build a container ship, which typically operate for about 25 years. So timing their launch and retirement with the ebbs and flows of the business cycle is inherently difficult.

To manage capacity in the short term, the main tools at the carriers’ disposal are canceling individual voyages or suspending services entirely on trade lanes where demand is weak. In prolonged slumps they can also let charter contracts expire, idle some ships or sell old ones in the scrap steel market.

Kovatchev said what’s emerging is a standoff between the strong and the weak. “The bigger companies such as Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd have the cash to wait and focus on cost-cutting, as opposed to aggressive capacity reductions — for now,” he said. “It all boils down to supply, demand and who will blink first.”

Of course, the flipside of shipping’s pain are lower costs for the manufacturers and retailers that own the cargo being transported, which ultimately helps central bankers tasked with bringing down still-elevated inflation across many developed economies.

“A couple years ago, it was double-digit inflation in goods prices and maybe a 4% or 5% increase in services,” said Phil Levy, chief economist at Flexport Inc., a San Francisco-based digital freight-forwarding company. “To the extent you were getting inflationary pressure from goods, or in a very tight goods market — that has disappeared.”

Companies including clothing brand Under Armour Inc. and furniture maker Lovesac Co. cited relief from lower ocean shipping expenses over the past quarter.

With inflation eating away at their paychecks, consumers are being cautious about spending and seeking cheaper ways to have parcels delivered.

“Our own data tells us that the wider economic picture may be having an influence on the services our customers opt for, with many looking for more cost-effective shipping options,” said Karen Reddington, president of FedEx Express Europe. “We expect external business conditions to be challenging in the near term, and there remains uncertainty with respect to the timing of demand recovery.”

For the container carriers, the cost of moving merchandise can’t stay this low indefinitely, because their expenses are heading in the opposite direction.

Transiting the Suez Canal from Asia next year, for instance, will be 15% costlier, the waterway’s authority said in mid-October without explanation. On the other main trade route, ships passing through the drought-stricken Panama Canal are facing long waits, surcharges, and time- and fuel-consuming detours around South America to avoid the delays.

Those costs are small compared with the $1 trillion in investment the industry faces in the coming decades to decarbonize — a shift that will require engines that run on cleaner-burning fuels and new infrastructure to produce, store and transport the alternative fuels.

The big European carriers have issued estimates for the surcharges that’ll take effect with shipping’s upcoming entry into the European Union’s Emissions Trading System in January.

At CMA CGM, one of the strategies to cushion the peaks and valleys of shipping is to diversify. The second-generation scion Rodolphe Saade, who leads the company started by his father, has used the pandemic windfall to invest in an airline, ports and logistics operations and even the media.

The Saade family is worth about $19 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. That compares with $33 billion in April.


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ad8c77 No.106849

File: 92bc508763f16e3⋯.jpg (74.15 KB,403x500,403:500,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907872 (130816ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News

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Starvation In America Causing Violence, NATO Taunts Russia With Nuclear Weapons, Democrats Want Bulk Ammo Bans

The think tanks receive funding from the US government and private entities, and often don’t report it, in order to spread misinformation and discredit accurate information.


Federal Judge Agrees To Hold Trial Over Dominion Voting Machines


The United States government should not be allowed to rig our elections. That is not democracy.

Starvation In America Is Now Causing People To Freak Out And Become Violent


Thank The Increase In Heart Attacks On Idiots Taking Covid Clot Shots


Co-founder of Home Depot Warns America The Grave Danger Corruption Has Put Us All Into


Americans Warn Biden They Won’t Fight As World War III Shatters Global Order


STOCK UP ON AMMO! Bolshevik Control Freak Democrats Want Bulk Ammo Sales To Be Banned!


NATO Trying To Intimidate Russia With Nukes


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ad8c77 No.106850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907911 (130856ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine Will Use F-16 As Air Defense. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.11.13

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Checkmate is coming Ukraine Will Use F-16 As Air Defense. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.11.13


12 min you want tat embeded wwith fries?

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ad8c77 No.106851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907917 (130901ZNOV23) Notable: HAARP Announces New Research Campaign, November 4-7, 2023

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so Iceland and Etna volcanos erupt, could it have sth to do with:

HAARP Announces New Research Campaign, November 4-7, 2023

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) will be conducting a research campaign November 4-7 to study artificial airglow and very low freqency/extremely low frequency (VLF/ELF) radio waves. The primary goals of this research campaign are to better understand the mechanisms in the ionosphere that produce optical emissions, and to investigate if certain types of waves in the ionosphere can amplify VLF/ELF waves. Additional experiments seek to determine if satellites can use plasma waves in the ionosphere for collision detection and avoidance.



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ad8c77 No.106852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907956 (130938ZNOV23) Notable: Why more taxpayer money for Israel and Ukraine - convenience sample shows only 14% of Americans support funding Israel (video)

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This is Why The Elite Class Unconditionally Supports Israel and Ukraine with US Taxpayer Money

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ad8c77 No.106853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907971 (130959ZNOV23) Notable: Suella Braverman the Home Secretary has been sacked in the UK. Why?

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suella braverman the home secretary has been sacked in the u.k.

Why ?

because she said multi-culturalism has failed and the police have a two tier service.

treating the left different from the right.


Suella SACKED? | Rishi Sunak mulls reshuffle as Tory CIVIL WAR looms


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ad8c77 No.106854

File: cd8361cc20be5e1⋯.png (315.41 KB,612x447,204:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907982 (131010ZNOV23) Notable: Suella Braverman the Home Secretary has been sacked in the UK. Why?

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David Cameron ex prime minister has been given the foreign secretary's position

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ad8c77 No.106855

File: 9b4d2e8ade98985⋯.png (971.38 KB,793x908,793:908,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907987 (131018ZNOV23) Notable: Suella Braverman the Home Secretary has been sacked in the UK. Why?

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These old Etonians in the Bullingdon club have a revolving>>106854

door to number 10.



This article is more than 14 years old

Cameron 'desperately embarrassed' over Bullingdon Club days

This article is more than 14 years old

Tory leader rues his days as member of exclusive drinking club at Oxford in TV interview and refuses to put a price on his wealth

Andrew Sparrow, senior political correspondent


Sun 4 Oct 2009 06.46 EDT

David Cameron today admitted that the famous picture of him posing as an Oxford student with fellow members of the Bullingdon Club was an embarrassment.

In an interview with the BBC's Andrew Marr, the Conservative leader also denied being worth £30m, although he declined to put a figure on his family wealth.

His privileged background is likely to become a media issue during the Conservative conference this week because Channel 4 is screening When Boris met Dave, a docudrama about Cameron's time at Oxford, on its digital channel More 4 on Wednesday evening, on the eve of the Conservative leader's keynote speech.

Cameron, Boris Johnson, the London mayor, and George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, were all at Oxford and members of the Bullingdon Club, an exclusive drinking club for wealthy students famed for their rowdy behaviour.

Labour has in the past tried to use this as evidence that Cameron is out of touch with ordinary people and today Marr presented Cameron with the Bullingdon picture and asked: "Is that the real David Cameron?"

Cameron replied: "No. We do things when we are young that we deeply regret."

Marr then asked if Cameron was embarrassed about it. The Tory leader replied: "Of course, desperately, very embarrassed about it.

"But I think people have had, over the last four years, a chance to get to know what I want to do with the Conservative party and what I want to do with the country and get to know me as well."

Marr, who last week was criticised for asking Gordon Brown if he took pills to help him cope with his stress, then asked Cameron how much he was worth. One researcher, trying to estimate how much is owned by Cameron, his wife and their respective families, has suggested that the Tory leader is worth £30m.

Cameron said the figure was "absolutely ridiculous".

He said he owned a "nice house" in London and a house in his constituency that was heavily mortgaged. Referring to himself and his wife, Samantha, he went on: "We both earn a good salary. We are definitely a well-off family."

But, when pressed to put a value on his worth, Cameron refused.

"House prices change all the time. Our main asset is the house that we own in London."

In an interview in the Daily Mail yesterday Osborne was also asked about his membership of the Bullingdon Club and his appearance in an infamous photo of members. He said it made him "cringe" because it was embarrassing to see himself "dressed up like a penguin".

Osborne went on: "A huge amount is made of the Bullingdon Club but, look, it was a drinking society that met twice a year. I hazard a guess that quite a lot of people in the country who do things at university now say, 'Ooh, I'm not sure that was the most sensible thing to do.'"


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ad8c77 No.106856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19907994 (131026ZNOV23) Notable: Suella Braverman the Home Secretary has been sacked in the UK. Why?

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Israel said seeking to appoint UK’s Tony Blair as Gaza humanitarian coordinator

With pressure on Jerusalem growing to do more for Strip’s civilians, Netanyahu reportedly hopes former British PM will take on task, providing war effort with greater legitimacy


We all fked mate

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ad8c77 No.106857

File: b805302ba314edf⋯.png (1.26 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908006 (131036ZNOV23) Notable: Suella Braverman the Home Secretary has been sacked in the UK. Why?

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Sounds like he will fit n perfectly help IS REAL

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ad8c77 No.106858

File: 28d1f31ccf9c1be⋯.jpg (177.6 KB,690x1307,690:1307,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908029 (131046ZNOV23) Notable: Unconfirmed reports indicate that several United States soldiers HAVE BEEN KILLED by resistance forces in Syria

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BREAKING REPORT: Unconfirmed reports indicate that several United States soldiers HAVE BEEN KILLED by resistance forces in Syria..


Arab satellite news channel Al Mayadeen has reported that a rocket strike targeted the US occupation base in the Conoco gas field, northeast of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria.

The attack was in response to what the organization called "American aggression on the cities of al-Mayadeen and al-Bukamal."

"A source told Al Mayadeen that several US soldiers were killed in the strikes that targeted the Conoco base in eastern Syria."

A correspondent for the organization in Syria claims the attack on the base was carried out using Grad missiles and left FOUR US soldiers killed.

United States officials have yet to issue a statement and have not confirmed or denied these reports.

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ad8c77 No.106859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908276 (131231ZNOV23) Notable: BBC:Sudden cardiac death affecting 12 young people every week

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BBC:Sudden cardiac death affecting 12 young people every week


The elephant in the room..,

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ad8c77 No.106860

File: ea95720a28dbb51⋯.png (235.5 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908404 (131328ZNOV23) Notable: Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

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Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

Microsoft has developed a 5-step 'Election Protection Commitments' plan to be rolled out in the US and other places where 'critical' elections will take place.



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ad8c77 No.106861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908409 (131330ZNOV23) Notable: Germany doubles it’s aid to Ukraine, says the defense minister

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Germany doubles it’s aid to Ukraine, says the defense minister


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ad8c77 No.106862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908417 (131334ZNOV23) Notable: Secret Service agents protecting Biden's granddaughter open fire when 3 people try to break into SUV

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Secret Service agents protecting Biden's granddaughter open fire when 3 people try to break into SUV

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secret Service agents protecting President Joe Biden’s granddaughter opened fire after three people tried to break into an unmarked Secret Service vehicle in the nation’s capital, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.

The agents, assigned to protect Naomi Biden, were out with her in the Georgetown neighborhood late Sunday night when they saw the three people breaking a window of the parked and unoccupied SUV, the official said. The official could not discuss details of the investigation publicly and spoke to the AP on Monday on the condition of anonymity.

One of the agents opened fire, but no one was struck by the gunfire, the Secret Service said in a statement. The three people were seen fleeing in a red car, and the Secret Service said it put out a regional bulletin to Metropolitan Police to be on the lookout for it.

Washington has seen a significant rise in the number of carjackings and car thefts this year. Police have reported more than 750 carjackings this year and more than 6,000 reports of stolen vehicles in the district. U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas was carjacked near the Capitol last month by three armed assailants, who stole his car but didn't physically harm him.

Violent crime in Washington has also been on the rise this year, up more than 40% compared with last year. In February, U.S. Rep. Angie Craig of Minnesota was assaulted in her apartment building, suffering bruises while escaping serious injury.


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ad8c77 No.106863

File: 3a3c37b35d192a6⋯.png (611.44 KB,908x1090,454:545,Clipboard.png)

File: c11aad722b8d407⋯.jpg (41 KB,768x366,128:61,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908445 (131342ZNOV23) Notable: Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

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>Unconfirmed reports indicate that several United States soldiers HAVE BEEN KILLED by resistance forces in Syria..


>Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

Microsoft has developed a 5-step 'Election Protection Commitments' plan to be rolled out in the US and other places where 'critical' elections will take place.

And so it begins. In fact, it hardly ever stops – another election cycle in well on its way in the U.S. But what has emerged these last few years, and what continues to crop up the closer the election day gets, is the role of the most influential social platforms/tech companies.

Pressure on them is sometimes public, but mostly not, as the Twitter Files have taught us; and it is with this in mind that various announcements about combating “election disinformation” coming from Big Tech should be viewed.

READ: House report reveals gov’t colluded to censor ‘thousands’ of conservative posts before 2020 election

Although, one can never discount the possibility that some – say, Microsoft – are doing it quite voluntarily. That company has now come out with what it calls “new steps to protect elections,” and is framing this concern for election integrity more broadly than just the goings-on in the U.S.

From the EU to India and many, many places in between, elections will be held over the next year or so, says Microsoft; however, these democratic processes are at peril.

“While voters exercise this right, another force is also at work to influence and possibly interfere with the outcomes of these consequential contests,” said a blog post co-authored by Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith.

By “another force,” could Smith possibly mean, Big Tech? No. It’s “multiple authoritarian nation states” he’s talking about, and Microsoft’s “Election Protection Commitments” seek to counter that threat in a 5-step plan to be deployed in the U.S., and elsewhere where “critical” elections are to be held.

Critical more than others? Why and what is Microsoft seeking to protect? It’s all very unclear.

But one of the measures is the Content Credentials digital metadata scheme, similar tomeme stamp watermarking.However, considering that the most widely used browser, Chrome, is not signed up to the group(C2PA) that spawned Content Credentials, the question remains how helpful it will be to political campaigns using this tech in their images or videos, “to show how, when, and by whom the content was created or edited, including if it was generated by AI.”

Meta (Facebook) also announced its own effort in the same vein, seeking to combat altered content such as deepfakes – in case they “merge, combine, replace, and/or superimpose content onto a video, creating a video that appears authentic (and) would likely mislead an average person.”

As ever, a very clear and concise, easy to enforce definition – not.

And who will help enforce it? No surprises there.

According to reports, Meta will “rely on‘independent fact-checking partners’to review media for fake content that slipped through the company’s new disclosure requirement.”

Reprinted with permission from Reclaim The Net.

Issue: August 3, 2020

Meme Stamp: Adobe tool to show “veracity” of memes to reduce “misinformation”

Memes, photos, and videos will be cryptographically tagged for authenticity.


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ad8c77 No.106864

File: 12dfd1643cb1011⋯.png (2.27 MB,1248x11330,624:5665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908504 (131358ZNOV23) Notable: Germany doubles it’s aid to Ukraine, says the defense minister

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Military support for Ukraine

Germany provides support for Ukraine by supplying equipment and weapons, these come from supplies of the Federal Arms Forces and from deliveries from industry financed from the Federal Government’s funds for security capacity building. An overview.


Armoured fighting vehicles

16 Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) (before: 4)

46 tracked all-terrain vehicles Bandvagn 206 (BV206)*

radio set equipment LEOPARD

60 infantry fighting vehicles MARDER with ammunition (from Bundeswehr and industry stocks*)

20 main battle tanks LEOPARD 1 A5*


ammunition for LEOPARD 1*

18 LEOPARD 2 A 6 main battle tanks with ammunition (German share in joint project with further LEOPARD 2 operators)

50 MRAP vehicles DINGO

54 M113 armoured personnel carriers each with 2 MG* (systems of Denmark, upgrades financed by Germany)

Spare parts for LEOPARD 2 and MARDER



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ad8c77 No.106865

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908528 (131403ZNOV23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/13/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/13/2023



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ad8c77 No.106866

File: 5e76ef382961aad⋯.jpeg (122.45 KB,1125x311,1125:311,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 69bd2a52580c8c1⋯.jpeg (104.98 KB,1125x315,25:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6ba811a441344eb⋯.jpeg (171.29 KB,1125x626,1125:626,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908542 (131406ZNOV23) Notable: Scott out

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ad8c77 No.106867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908569 (131412ZNOV23) Notable: #24443

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final bun for pre-quad #24443

refresh for updated post count

hold em till the top n czech em

#24443 >>106833

>>106834 Janet Yellen presser on China

>>106835, >>106836, >>106839 Drastically Different Narratives Emerge Centered On Shifa Hospital's Mounting Deaths

>>106837 Twit-X: "You are what you post."

>>106838 First batch of migrants arrives in Brooklyn, disgusted, ready to leave

>>106840 US fires airstrikes at 2 facilities with ties to Iran, its proxy groups

>>106841 Former Pittsburgh Public Schools police officer found guilty in sex abuse case found dead in cell

>>106842 North Carolina child psychiatrist hit with 40 years for filming minors, using AI to make child porn: ‘inconceivable’

>>106843, >>106846 Fashion mogul Peter Nygard found guilty of 4 counts of sexual assault; faces extradition to US

>>106844 Insurers refusing to pay thousands in sex abuse claims under New York’s Child Victims Act, advocates claim: ‘Justice in jeopardy’

>>106845 Transgender Miss Universe owner files for bankruptcy days before pageant

>>106847 Cyber Attack Hits Australian Ports

>>106848 Shipping Shifts From Jackpot To Job Cuts After $364 Billion Boom

>>106849 End Times News

>>106850 Ukraine Will Use F-16 As Air Defense. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.11.13

>>106851 HAARP Announces New Research Campaign, November 4-7, 2023

>>106852 Why more taxpayer money for Israel and Ukraine - convenience sample shows only 14% of Americans support funding Israel (video)

>>106853, >>106854, >>106855, >>106856, >>106857 Suella Braverman the Home Secretary has been sacked in the UK. Why?

>>106858 Unconfirmed reports indicate that several United States soldiers HAVE BEEN KILLED by resistance forces in Syria

>>106859 BBC:Sudden cardiac death affecting 12 young people every week

>>106860, >>106863 Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

>>106861, >>106864 Germany doubles it’s aid to Ukraine, says the defense minister

>>106862 Secret Service agents protecting Biden's granddaughter open fire when 3 people try to break into SUV

>>106865 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/13/2023

>>106866 Scott out

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ad8c77 No.106868

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908616 (131419ZNOV23) Notable: #24444

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

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ad8c77 No.106869

File: 483a97c0946eb6e⋯.png (253.3 KB,583x586,583:586,Clipboard.png)

File: 6aa6019d0415de0⋯.png (459.26 KB,760x988,10:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908628 (131423ZNOV23) Notable: Still NO STEP 5

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dig continued

all lb







>There is no Step 5

muh principles

They are using the same language as the Censorship Industrial Complex

Microsoft announces new steps to help protect elections

Nov 7, 2023 | Brad Smith, Microsoft Vice Chair and President, and Teresa Hutson, Corporate Vice President, Technology for Fundamental Rights

Over the next 14 months, more than two billion people around the world will have the opportunity to vote in nationwide elections. From India to the European Union, to the United Kingdom and United States, the world’s democracies will be shaped by citizens exercising one of their most fundamental rights. But while voters exercise this right, another force is also at work to influence and possibly interfere with the outcomes of these consequential contests.

As detailed in a new threat intelligence assessment published today by Microsoft’s Threat Analysis Center (MTAC), the next year may bring unprecedented challenges for the protection of elections. As described in this report, “Protecting Election 2024 from Foreign Malign Influence,” the world in 2024 may see multiple authoritarian nation states seek to interfere in electoral processes. And they may combine traditional techniques with AI and other new technologies to threaten the integrity of electoral systems.

Given the technology-based nature of the threats involved, it’s important for governments, technology companies, the business community, and civil society to adopt new initiatives, including by building on each other’s work. That’s why today we are announcing five new steps to protect electoral processes in the United States and other countries where critical elections will take place in 2024.

We are grounding Microsoft’s Election Protection Commitments in a set of principles to help safeguard voters, candidates and campaigns, and election authorities worldwide. These principles are:

Voters have a right to transparent and authoritative information regarding elections.

Candidates should be able to assert when content originates from their campaign and have recourse when their likeness or content is distorted by AI for the purpose of deceiving the public during the course of an election.

Political campaigns should protect themselves from cyber threats and be able to navigate AI with access to affordable and easily deployed tools, trainings, and support.

Election authorities should be able to ensure a secure and resilient election process and have access to tools and services that enable this process.

Staying ahead and responding to threats against voters, candidates, political campaigns, and election authorities willrequire a combination of steps, including a range of tools and tactics.

First, Microsoft will help candidates and campaigns maintain greater control over their content and likeness by launchingContent Credentialsas a Service. This new tool enables users to digitally sign and authenticate media using the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity’s (C2PA) digital watermarking credentials, a set of metadata that encode details about the content’s provenance using cryptography. Users can attach Content Credentials to their images or videos to show how, when, and by whom the content was created or edited, including if it was generated by AI. These credentials become part of the content’s history and travel with it, creating a permanent record and context wherever it’s published. When a user encounters an image or video that contains Content Credentials, they can learn about its creator and origin by clicking on an embedded pin that reveals the asset’s history.

These watermarking credentials empower an individual or organization to assert that an image or video came from them while protecting against tampering by showing if content was altered after its credentials were created. Built by Azure engineering, this service will launch in the spring as a private preview, which will first be made available to political campaigns.

Second, Microsoft will help political campaigns navigate cybersecurity challenges and the new world of AI by deploying a newly formed “Campaign Success Team” within Microsoft Philanthropies’ Tech for Social Impact organization. This team will advise and support campaigns as they navigate the world of AI, combat the spread of cyber influence campaigns, and protect the authenticity of their own content and images. The Campaign Success Team will also continue to promote existing cyber protection programs such as M365 for Campaigns and AccountGuard.

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ad8c77 No.106870

File: 6002c9288f9f2ed⋯.png (77.21 KB,281x481,281:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 72f4616a9f5a3c6⋯.png (270.73 KB,815x882,815:882,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cf718ae73c02c0⋯.png (303.53 KB,457x428,457:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908638 (131425ZNOV23) Notable: Still NO STEP 5

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>>There is no Step 5

>muh principles

>They are using the same language as the Censorship Industrial Complex

Third, Microsoft will create and provide access to a new“Election Communications Hub to support democratic governments around the world as they build secure and resilient election processes. This hub will provide election authorities with access to Microsoft security and support teams in the days and weeks leading up to their election, allowing them to reach out and get swift support if they run into any major security challenges. This new offering builds on existing security programs such as the Azure for Elections offering available to state and local election agencies and their partners in the U.S.

Fourth,we will use our voice as a companyto support legislative and legal changes that will add to the protection of campaigns and electoral processes from deepfakes and other harmful uses of new technologies. We’re starting today by endorsing in the United States the bi-partisan bill “Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act” introduced by Senators Klobuchar, Collins, Hawley, and Coons. This important piece of legislation prohibits the use of artificial intelligence to generate materially deceptive content falsely depicting federal candidates in political ads to influence federal elections, with important exceptions for parody, satire, and the use of AI-generated content by newsrooms.

Fifth, Microsoft will empower voters with authoritative election information on Bing. We will do this in partnership with organizations that provide information on authoritative sources, ensuring that queries about election administration will surface reputable sites. Bing will join forces with the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED),leading Spanish news agency EFE, andReporters Without Bordersto proactively promote trusted sources of news around the world. These partnerships build on existing collaborations such as with NewsGuard and ClaimReview. Microsoft will also publish regular reports onforeign malign influence researched and reported by the company’s MTAC team. The first report, “Protecting Election 2024 from Foreign Malign Influence” is being released today, providing a baseline for the upcoming election season, including reflections on previous election influence efforts as we set the stage for the year ahead.

No one person, institution, or company can guarantee elections are free and fair. But, by stepping up and working together, we can make meaningful progress in protecting everyone’s right to free and fair elections.


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ad8c77 No.106871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908642 (131428ZNOV23) Notable: Blinken meets with Ukrainian Head of Presidential Administration Andriy Yermak

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9:30 AM EST

Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with Ukrainian Head of Presidential Administration Andriy Yermak

Department of State




Secretary Blinken Meets with Ukraine President's Chief of Staff

Secretary of State Blinken meets with Andriy Yermak, chief of staff to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, at the State Department.


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ad8c77 No.106872

File: 1c87eb3d16237f8⋯.png (505.61 KB,620x393,620:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908660 (131434ZNOV23) Notable: EPSTEIN FLIGHT LOGS UNREDACTED pdf of csv

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106873

File: fff98785c3e38f4⋯.png (357.79 KB,425x587,425:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 907c7e6e437dc24⋯.png (274.08 KB,354x504,59:84,Clipboard.png)

File: a1427a335e7a470⋯.png (672.97 KB,1268x1408,317:352,Clipboard.png)

File: d0b0cbb49240883⋯.png (245.07 KB,1305x2190,87:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908661 (131434ZNOV23) Notable: Still NO STEP 5

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>National Association of State Election Directors (NASED)


NASED Board Member Megan Wolfe

Wisconsin election thief

Add Microsoft to the RICO suit


2023 NASED Corporate Affiliates

Interested in becoming a NASED Corporate Affiliate? Visit our Corporate Affiliate Membership page for more information.

NOTE: The inclusion of third party advertisements does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, warranty, or recommendation by the National Association of State Election Directors and we make no representations or warranties about any product or service contained therein.

Gold Level

Democracy Fund

Election Trust Initiative


Silver Level

Democracy Live

Soch, Inc


Bronze Level



Dominion Voting Systems

Election Systems & Software

ElectSure Learning

Enhanced Voting

Fort Orange Press

Hart InterCivic

Incode Technologies



Runbeck Election Services


The Turnout

VR Systems

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ad8c77 No.106874

File: d30f3807f9e2b0a⋯.pdf (3.21 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908675 (131439ZNOV23) Notable: EPSTEIN FLIGHT LOGS UNREDACTED pdf of csv

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908722 (131454ZNOV23) Notable: How CDC's new director is trying to regain trust shattered by covid

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So, they stick a "Jewish" person in there, so NO ONE CAN CALL OUT THE DS cause any Criticism of the Establishment as a whole, corrupt, SWAMP will be dismissed as "Anti-Semetic.

That is the Current state of "Israel" Games.

Put stupid people in there, of Jewish Descent, and then play VICTIM when EVIL is called out.

How CDC's new director is trying to regain trust shattered by covid

ATLANTA - The new director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had spent days on television and social media urging Americans to get the updated coronavirus vaccine. The new shot is the most effective protection for the looming virus season, she said. And it's free.

But by the afternoon of Sept. 21, it was becoming clear to Mandy Cohen that the nine-day-old vaccine rollout was stumbling, with many Americans unable to promptly get shots at pharmacies, insurers making erroneous claims about who would have to pay, and little explanation from the government.

Cohen ducked into a small basement conference room at the embattled agency's headquarters for an update. Across the table, Nirav Shah, the CDC's principal deputy director, laid out several insurance and supply chain issues. The federal government was no longer overseeing the manufacturing and distribution of vaccines now that the covid public health emergency has ended, so the CDC had much less control over the rollout, he explained.

Cohen frowned. She wanted to publicly address the delays right away. "If we don't say something, it makes it seem like we're not paying attention," she told Shah. "I don't want to say 'supply chain.' I want to say real words."

The next day, Cohen recorded a short video acknowledging the problems. "It's important to know that there is vaccine available. You will be able to get one and it should be free for you. Whether or not you have insurance," she said in the message, posted on Twitter. "If you've had a problem finding the vaccine, stick with it."

The exchange illustrates Cohen's approach to leading the once-vaunted public health agency as it tries to recapture public trust battered by its missteps during the coronavirus pandemic. While the rollout for the updated vaccine has improved in recent weeks, uptake remains slow, and some Americans are still having difficulty finding shots - dimming a moment Cohen and her colleagues had hoped would showcase her ability to rebuild confidence in the agency.

The Washington Post attended public and private meetings over three days with Cohen in Atlanta and Washington, D.C., in September and spoke with three dozen agency officials, Biden administration leaders and public health experts to discuss her early tenure. The snapshot that emerged captures someone who acts quickly and decisively, sometimes at odds with long-standing CDC tradition and engendering frustration among staffers who say her expediency has at times led to confusion and redundant work.

Shortly after arriving as an outsider to lead the agency, she sent senior officials a "Mandy Cohen User Guide," a two-page document of bullet points detailing "the most productive user experience using me."

Cohen, a physician and the former North Carolina health secretary, does not like surprises or "meandering meetings," the guide warns. She wants to be kept in the loop with "frequent, SHORT updates by email." Otherwise, the guide says, "I (often wrongly) assume nothing is happening."


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ad8c77 No.106876

File: 9bf9555006ba6ff⋯.jpg (168.4 KB,992x558,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908743 (131459ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000192

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Neo-con RINOs Taking Big Gamble Funding More War, Americans Are Fed Up, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Spooking Neo-cons

RINO Sell-out Mike Johnson Proposes Same Budget Plan That Got RINO McCarthy Ousted


No border protection. No spending cuts. More funding for offshore wars.

Majority Of Sane Americans Say Securing US Border Is More Important Than Israel or Ukraine


Americans Warn Biden They Won’t Fight As World War III Shatters Global Order


A majority of American adults would not be willing to serve in the military were the US to enter into a major war, recent polling has found, while public confidence in the armed forces appears to be waning.


Uni-party Establishment Panics As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Gains Massive Voter Support



Both of the polls showed Kennedy leading both President Biden and former President Trump among the key electoral demographics of independent voters and voters under 45 years of age.

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ad8c77 No.106877

File: 22d02c0424f644a⋯.png (258.5 KB,598x666,299:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908843 (131526ZNOV23) Notable: MTG: They lied to us for years. Alongside a panel of expert witnesses, exposing the TRUTH behind the COVID-19 vaccines. today @3p ET

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🚨 TOMORROW: I’m holding a Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines.

They lied to us for years. Alongside a panel of expert witnesses, I’ll be exposing the TRUTH behind the COVID-19 vaccines.

Tomorrow, November 13th at 3 PM ET.



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ad8c77 No.106878

File: 794d9b4616b4368⋯.jpg (78.99 KB,1564x660,391:165,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908856 (131529ZNOV23) Notable: DOJ looking for attorneys to defend federal government in vaccine injury cases

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DOJ looking for attorneys to defend federal government in vaccine injury cases

From the article:

The Justice Department has just posted a new jobs ad — it’s looking for eight new attorneys to defend the federal government in vaccine injury cases.

Presumably, the hiring spree is in anticipation of a surge of COVID vaccine lawsuits, as people who were forced by government mandates to take the jab, and suffered serious side effects as a result, try to extract compensation from a system that is stacked against them.

“The office is currently expanding to address workload created by an increase in cases filed under the Vaccine Act,” reads the ad posted by the Torts Branch of the DOJ on the USAJobs website.

The recruitment drive comes on the heels of a little-noticed lawsuit filed in Louisiana last month by six vaccine-injured plaintiffs against the federal government.

The suit aims to overturn the legal immunity that pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer and Moderna enjoy on their COVID shots.

Not that any of the lawyers involved expect Big Pharma to pay up, but at least if they win, it should force Congress to reform inadequate vaccine injury compensation schemes that were instituted almost 40 years ago as an alternative to suing drug companies out of existence but that have not kept up with the times.



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ad8c77 No.106879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908868 (131531ZNOV23) Notable: Recognizing the Legacy of 3-24 Infantry Regiment

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10:35 AM EST

Recognizing the Legacy of 3-24 Infantry Regiment

Buffalo Soldier Museum Ceremony


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ad8c77 No.106880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908905 (131539ZNOV23) Notable: Secret Service agents protecting Biden’s granddaughter open fire when 3 people try to break into SUV

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Secret Service agents protecting Biden’s granddaughter open fire when 3 people try to break into SUV


Secret Service agents protecting President Biden’s granddaughter opened fire after three people tried to break into an unmarked Secret Service vehicle in the nation’s capital, a law enforcement official told the Associated Press.

The agents, assigned to protect Naomi Biden, were out with her in the Georgetown neighborhood late Sunday night when they saw the three people breaking a window of the parked and unoccupied SUV, the official said. The official could not discuss details of the investigation publicly and spoke to the AP on Monday on the condition of anonymity.

One of the agents opened fire, but no one was struck by the gunfire, the Secret Service said in a statement. The three people were seen fleeing in a red car, and the Secret Service said it put out a regional bulletin to Metropolitan Police to be on the lookout for it.


Georgetown neighborhood late Sunday night

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ad8c77 No.106881

File: 5959c80ff5ff3f2⋯.png (289.3 KB,589x462,589:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908912 (131540ZNOV23) Notable: @/NatCryptoMuseum Did you solve the #NCMPuzzle? Did you find the bowling pin numbers?

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Did you solve the #NCMPuzzle? Did you find the bowling pin numbers?


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ad8c77 No.106882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908935 (131544ZNOV23) Notable: Wegovy slashes risk of heart attacks and strokes in high-risk patients BEFORE weight loss even occurs, major trial suggests

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Does Wegovy prevent the suddenlies?

Wegovy slashes risk of heart attacks and strokes in high-risk patients BEFORE weight loss even occurs, major trial suggests

It was previously thought that the weight loss caused the heart-related benefits

Now researchers are considering that Wegovy might have direct heart impacts


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ad8c77 No.106883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908941 (131545ZNOV23) Notable: Abortion Pills: What’s Next? The Heritage Foundation

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11:00 AM EST

Abortion Pills: What’s Next?

The Heritage Foundation



Rep. Bob Good & Others Discuss Abortion Pill

Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) and anti-abortion advocates sit down for a discussion on the abortion pill hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC.


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ad8c77 No.106884

File: 5b20ab223d2cee4⋯.png (929.77 KB,960x640,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908944 (131545ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Andromeda over the Alps

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Nov 13, 2023

Andromeda over the Alps

Have you ever seen the Andromeda galaxy? Although M31 appears as a faint and fuzzy blob to the unaided eye, the light you see will be over two million years old, making it likely the oldest light you ever will see directly. The featured image captured Andromeda just before it set behind the Swiss Alps early last year. As cool as it may be to see this neighboring galaxy to our Milky Way with your own eyes, long duration camera exposures can pick up many faint and breathtaking details. The image is composite of foreground and background images taken consecutively with the same camera and from the same location. Recent data indicate that our Milky Way Galaxy will collide and coalesce with Andromeda galaxy in a few billion years.


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ad8c77 No.106885

File: 160c23488369f41⋯.png (1.02 MB,1383x922,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908982 (131552ZNOV23) Notable: SpaceX SES O3B MPOWER MISSON

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On Sunday, November 12 at 4:08 p.m. ET, SpaceX launched the SES O3b mPOWER mission to medium-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

This was the ninth flight of the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched CRS-26, OneWeb Launch 16, Intelsat IS-40e, and five Starlink missions.


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ad8c77 No.106886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19908995 (131556ZNOV23) Notable: "Money does talk—Anheuser-Busch now understands that."

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>Sauce on President Trump backing Bud Light?

That's just it. He didn't "back it." He merely said verbatim, "Money does talk—Anheuser-Busch now understands that." You see the double speak there?

And how convenient they partnered with UFC to save the brand after the fact.


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ad8c77 No.106887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909026 (131605ZNOV23) Notable: Catholic Bishop: Pope Francis Ousted Me Because I Spoke Truth to Power

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Catholic Bishop: Pope Francis Ousted Me Because I Spoke Truth to Power

After the Vatican undertook an investigation of one of the most popular Catholic bishops in America, who is also one of the mostoutspokenly pro-lifebishops,Pope Francis abruptly removed him from his dutiesover the weekend.

Now, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Texas is speaking out about what happened.

According to a new interview, Strickland said he was sacked because he spoke truth to power.

“I really can’t look to any reason except I’ve threatened some of the powers that be with the truth of the Gospel,” said Strickland. “The only answer I have to that is because forces in the Church right now don’t want the truth of the Gospel. They want it changed. They want it ignored.”

Still, Strickland did not really give a reason why Pope Francis removed him from being a bishop.

Strickland shared that he had been asked to resign on Nov. 9 but that he “couldn’t, of my will, abandon the flock that I’d been given.”

Strickland did not accuse Pope Francis of being part of this push to undermine Church teaching, but he did say that “many forces are working at him and influencing him to make these kinds of decisions.” For those “forces,” the bishop said, “I’m a problem,” and so they pushed for the “removal of a bishop for standing with the Gospel.”

“I encourage myself and others to go more deeply than ever into prayer, to pray for Pope Francis, to pray for the Church, and to pray for our world.”

It’s possible that the Texas diocese under which he serves and Pope Francis removed him with potentially false claims that he was administering his Catholic community poorly and using that as cover for the real reasons, but Strickland seemingly dismissed those concerns.


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ad8c77 No.106888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909029 (131606ZNOV23) Notable: resident welcomes the Vegas Golden Knights to the White House to celebrate their 2023 Stanley Cup victory.

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11:30 AM EST

The President welcomes the Vegas Golden Knights to the White House to celebrate their 2023 Stanley Cup victory. The Vice President attends

East Room




President Biden Welcomes Las Vegas Golden Knights to White House

President Biden welcomes the Las Vegas Golden Knights to the White House to celebrate their 2023 Stanley Cup victory.


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ad8c77 No.106889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909043 (131609ZNOV23) Notable: Libtards triggered: Trump Full On Nazi

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Joe's triggered...


Joe Scarborough Warns Trump Is 'Going Full-On Hitler' After Weekend Rhetoric

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said Donald Trump is “going full-on Hitler” after the former president referred to political opponents as “vermin” over the weekend.

The “Morning Joe” host took it as a warning ahead of the 2024 election.

“You look at the language of Donald Trump, you look at what Donald Trump says he’s going to do, and you go back to Maya Angelou saying that ‘when somebody tells you who they are, believe ‘em the first time,’” Scarborough said on his morning show Monday, quoting the late civil rights activist.

“We have to believe him, and we also have to believe that this is the most important election probably since 1864,” he added. That election, during the Civil War, saw Abraham Lincoln elected to a second term.

In a Truth Social post on Saturday, Trump vowed to “root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream.”

“The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within,” the leading contender for the Republican 2024 nomination added.

He made similar remarks during a Veterans Day rally in Claremont, New Hampshire.

As commentators in the media have noted, Trump’s rhetoric is reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, which referred to Jewish people as “vermin.”

Last month, Trump drew rebuke after he said undocumented immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” another phrase that echoes language used by Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

keks at Joe Blow


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ad8c77 No.106890

File: 36f9a7bbb29ce34⋯.png (90.44 KB,1848x1094,924:547,Clipboard.png)

File: 108ab0e0036a69c⋯.png (368.67 KB,1024x561,1024:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909093 (131619ZNOV23) Notable: Saber Astronautics gets Space Force contract for data visualization software

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Saber Astronautics gets Space Force contract for data visualization software

November 12, 2023

The U.S. Space Force awarded Saber Astronautics a $1.2 million contract to develop data visualization software focused on the cislunar region of space, between Earth and the moon’s orbit.

The contract, announced Nov. 10, is a Small Business Technology Transfer Phase 2 award that increases the Space Force’s investment in Saber Astronautics’ “Space Cockpit” visualization platform that the company started developing in 2019.

Headquartered in Australia with U.S. operations in Boulder, Colorado, Saber Astronautics developed Space Cockpit based on a commercial version of the system used by Australia’s space agency and private-sector satellite operators to monitor, fly and diagnose problems in spacecraft.

During the 15-month project, Saber Astronautics will work with Purdue University’s astrodynamics experts on technologies to track and predict the trajectories of satellites traveling in the space between Earth and moon’s orbit.

The vast distance between Earth and the moon, about 238,900 miles, means the region is far less understood than near-Earth orbits that extend out to 24,000 miles above Earth’s surface and where most satellites are deployed.

“The cislunar region is gaining attention from both military and commercial organizations,” said Saber Astronautics’ CEO Jason Held.

“We are delivering a sandbox for modeling cislunar orbits, so operators can plan and analyze trajectories easily between Earth and the moon,” he said. This will be a new feature of the Space Cockpit software.

The Space Cockpit currently has about 2,000 users, said Held. That includes U.S. and allied military space operators and Saber’s mission control centers that fly commercial satellites.

“Anyone with a Space Cockpit license and a data feed will be able to use the cislunar tool,” he said.

These users will have access to a “sandbox environment where they can model threats and plan maneuvers in non-standard orbits,” Held said.

The Space Cockpit system, he explained, ingests data from multiple government and commercial sources. “Naturally we cannot comment on the U.S. Space Force sensors and their capabilities. At this stage the software has algorithms able to analyze non-standard Keplerian orbits.”


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ad8c77 No.106891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909119 (131623ZNOV23) Notable: Maryanne Trump Barry, older sister of Donald Trump, has died at 86

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Maryanne Trump Barry, older sister of Donald Trump, has died at 86: Sources


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ad8c77 No.106892

File: 01bc5498ff7c7c9⋯.png (233.68 KB,935x1357,935:1357,Clipboard.png)

File: 7baa9f423fdc7a2⋯.png (451.75 KB,1295x1357,1295:1357,Clipboard.png)

File: 8580a5f6143807d⋯.png (484.86 KB,938x946,469:473,Clipboard.png)

File: afaede47f6fa23b⋯.png (185.5 KB,918x1109,918:1109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909198 (131637ZNOV23) Notable: Eric Braverman, Missing Former Clinton Foundation CEO, Sighted

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Eric Braverman, Missing Former Clinton Foundation CEO, Sighted — Kind Of

By Rachel Alexander Published on January 18, 2017

The Silicon Valley Business Journal reported today that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman will be joining the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Group, a left-wing philanthropic organization. As I covered previously, no one has been able to get in touch with Braverman since October, when an email released from Wikileaks revealed that John Podesta had named him as a mole within the foundation.

Eric and Wendy Schmidt provided a statement to the paper, which said in part, “As we look to increase our impact, Eric Braverman’s insight into growing solutions that work and his experience with leaders in government, philanthropy, and business will be central to our efforts.” Wendy also tweeted a welcome to Braverman announcing the hire.


Achieve Net-Zero Aging with Dr. Eric Braverman


https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarahemerson/2023/11/09/former-google-ceo-eric-schmidt-futures-philanthropic-mess/ (Behind Paywall)

First look: Eric Braverman leaves as CEO of Schmidt Futures


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ad8c77 No.106893

File: 36504263c50d2f4⋯.jpg (64.12 KB,640x550,64:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909218 (131640ZNOV23) Notable: Qaddafi memory lane

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ad8c77 No.106894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909234 (131643ZNOV23) Notable: Apple Agrees to Record $25 Million Settlement Over Discriminatory Hiring Practices Against US Citizens

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Apple Agrees to Record $25 Million Settlement Over Discriminatory Hiring Practices Against US Citizens

What happened to non-discrimination against people due to national origin? Almost like we don't really have civil rights law anymore nor a constitution. Does this mean that the 16th amendment is gone, too?

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ad8c77 No.106895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909243 (131644ZNOV23) Notable: Qaddafi memory lane

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Clinton on Qaddafi: We came, we saw, he died

CBS News

5.41M subscribers

412K views 12 years ago

Speaking between network interviews, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton jokes with reporter on early, unconfirmed reports that deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed

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ad8c77 No.106896

File: dbdcae208f5de79⋯.png (368.15 KB,625x350,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909273 (131649ZNOV23) Notable: Cell & Gene Therapy Space Gears Up for First CRISPR Approval

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Cell & Gene Therapy Space Gears Up for First CRISPR Approval

Nov 13, 2023

Halloween brings to mind pumpkins and trick or treat, but for the 100,000 Americans suffering from sickle cell disease, this past October 31 had a different meaning when an FDA advisory panel deemed the first potentially curative SCD therapy safe enough for clinical use, bolstering hopes of an FDA approval in December. It would also be the first-ever approval for CRISPR, the genetic modification technique that won its discoverers the Nobel Prize in 2020 for their 2012 breakthrough.

Approval of the treatment, called exa-cel and pioneered jointly by Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Swiss biotech CRISPR Therapeutics, could signal a new era for the field of cell and gene therapy, said Stephen Majors, global head of communications at the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM). “This is a crucial time for the sector,” Majors told BioSpace. “The advisory panel’s approval paves the way for the first FDA approvals of this type anywhere, in a rare disease that predominantly affects an underserved community, many of whom are patients in the Medicaid program. This all combines to make it the biggest moment for cell and gene therapy so far.”

The Oct. 31 vote by the FDA’s Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee is also welcome news for the many other trials underway using CRISPR technology to treat everything from rare blood diseases to eye diseases to cancers.

Exa-cel is currently targeted toward the 20,000 sickle cell sufferers who have the most severe form of the disease (as well as transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia, another rare disease characterized by inadequate hemoglobin). Exa-cel works by disabling the gene that silences the fetal hemoglobin gene, allowing a normally quiet gene for fetal hemoglobin to switch on. Fetal hemoglobin binds more strongly to oxygen, and­­­­ natural history studies show that having fetal hemoglobin levels greater than 20% can be protective and ameliorate signs and symptoms of diseases.

And more potential gene and cell therapy approvals are coming up right behind exa-cel. A second SCD gene therapy, bluebird bio’s lovo-cel, has an FDA action date of December 20, and a novel cell therapy for metastatic melanoma—Iovance’s lifileucel—is awaiting an FDA decision by February 24, 2024. Meanwhile, Rocket Pharmaceuticals expects a March 2024 decision for its gene therapy to treat Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-I, a rare immune disorder that can lead to fatal infections.


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ad8c77 No.106897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909284 (131650ZNOV23) Notable: Behind Public Assurances, Xi Jinping Spreads Grim Views on U.S.

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Behind Public Assurances, Xi Jinping Spreads Grim Views on U.S.

When President Xi Jinping of China made his first state visit to the United States in 2015, he wrapped his demands for respect in reassurances.

He courted tech executives, while defending China’s internet controls. He denied that China was militarizing the disputed South China Sea, while asserting its maritime claims there. He spoke hopefully of a “new model” for great power relations, in which Beijing and Washington would coexist peacefully as equals.

But back in China, in meetings with the military, Xi was warning in strikingly stark terms that intensifying competition between a rising China and a long-dominant United States was all but unavoidable, and that the People’s Liberation Army should be prepared for a potential conflict.

In Xi’s telling, China sought to rise peacefully, but Western powers would not accept the idea that a Communist-led China was catching up and could someday overtake them in global primacy. The West would never stop trying to derail China’s ascent and topple its Communist Party, he said in speeches to the military that are largely unreported by the media.

“Beyond doubt, our country’s growing strength is the most important factor driving a profound readjustment of the international order,” he told top commanders in November 2015, two months after his visit to the United States. “Some Western countries absolutely never want to see a socialist China grow strong under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.”

Despite his assurances to President Barack Obama not to militarize the South China Sea, Xi told his senior commanders in February 2016 that China must bolster its presence there, saying: “We’ve seized the opportunity, eliminated intervention and sped up construction on South China Sea islands and shoals, achieving a historic breakthrough in maritime strategy and defending maritime rights.” (In the years that followed, China quickly expanded its military infrastructure in the area.)

Xi’s remarks are among collections of speeches that Xi made to the People’s Liberation Army and Communist Party officials, published by the military for internal study by senior officers, and seen and corroborated by The New York Times. The volumes, “Xi Jinping’s Selected Major Statements on National Defense and Military Development,” cover his initial years in power, from 2012 to February 2016.

The speeches offer a new, unvarnished view into the leader at the center of a superpower rivalry that is shaping the 21st century. They show how at times he has voiced an almost fatalistic conviction — even before Beijing’s ties with Washington took a steep dive later in the Trump administration — that China’s rise would prompt a backlash from Western rivals seeking to maintain their dominance.

“The faster we develop, the bigger the external shock will be, and the greater the strategic blowback,” Xi told Chinese air force officers in 2014.

In Xi’s worldview, the West has sought to subvert the Chinese Communist Party’s power at home and contain the country’s influence abroad. The Communist Party had to respond to these threats with iron-fisted rule and an ever-stronger People’s Liberation Army.

As Xi prepares to meet with President Joe Biden in California this week, the question of how the two powers will manage their rivalry hangs over the relationship.

Xi has been trying to stabilize relations with Washington, apparently pressed by China’s economic troubles and a desire to reduce Beijing’s diplomatic isolation. “We have a thousand reasons to grow the relationship between China and the United States, and none at all to ruin it,” Xi told American lawmakers in Beijing recently.

But with mutual distrust running deep, any easing of antagonism between the two sides could be tenuous.

Xi underscored that his judgment of the challenge posed by the United States remains unchanged, saying with rare public bluntness in March: “Western countries led by the United States have implemented all-around containment, encirclement and suppression of China.”



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ad8c77 No.106898

File: 350c7db88882e2d⋯.jpeg (450.97 KB,1188x603,132:67,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ead26314e9e21ea⋯.jpeg (116.84 KB,581x1101,581:1101,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909296 (131651ZNOV23) Notable: planeFag Yerp activity/CONUS

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planeFag Yerp activity

Hungarian AF HUAF686 Falcon 7x on ground at Berlin from Debrecen while HUAF682 Falcon 7x arrived back to Budapest from Brussels depart-both these ACs high level and used by Orban and FM Szijjártó

Yesterday Orban saying this

Hungary PM rips Western European immigration policies, says he doesn't want 'mini Gazas in Budapest'


Polish AF PLF106 G5 arrived at Zagreb from Warsaw depart

Swiss AF SUI568 Challenger 600 left Lulea, Sweden and heading to London-

PF always tries to pay attention to where the “neutral” Swiss come and go from

FORTE10 Global Hawk drone done over Black Sea heading back to Sigonella AB,Sicily

PF housekeeping: SAM332 G5 that left JBA yesterday went to Tallinn, Estonia

Mr and Mrs Potato already ‘back at WH’ earlier-does some sports ball BS and then ‘meets’ w Indonesian Prez Widodo @ 4pm eat


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ad8c77 No.106899

File: c4d9b6dae5d23d9⋯.jpeg (630.04 KB,1206x635,1206:635,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909338 (131701ZNOV23) Notable: planeFag Yerp activity/CONUS

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Brazilian AF FAB2901 A330 arrived at JBA

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ad8c77 No.106900

File: 9ceefac367083f6⋯.png (88.49 KB,400x360,10:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909360 (131705ZNOV23) Notable: EPSTEIN FLIGHT LOGS UNREDACTED pdf of csv

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If you do a CTRL+F on the pdf, and enter Clinton in the search box...you can see all the trips he took, when and where.

All over Africa, China, Asia and then western Europe...

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ad8c77 No.106901

File: 1158638df879ea0⋯.jpg (122.54 KB,625x468,625:468,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909476 (131728ZNOV23) Notable: Qaddafi memory lane

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909489 (131730ZNOV23) Notable: #24444

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#24444 >>106868

>>106898, >>106899 planeFag Yerp activity/CONUS

>>106869, >>106870, >>106873 Still NO STEP 5

>>106871 Blinken meets with Ukrainian Head of Presidential Administration Andriy Yermak

>>106872, >>106874, >>106900 EPSTEIN FLIGHT LOGS UNREDACTED pdf of csv

>>106875 How CDC's new director is trying to regain trust shattered by covid

>>106876 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000192

>>106877 MTG: They lied to us for years. Alongside a panel of expert witnesses, exposing the TRUTH behind the COVID-19 vaccines. today @3p ET

>>106878 DOJ looking for attorneys to defend federal government in vaccine injury cases

>>106879 Recognizing the Legacy of 3-24 Infantry Regiment

>>106880 Secret Service agents protecting Biden’s granddaughter open fire when 3 people try to break into SUV

>>106881 @/NatCryptoMuseum Did you solve the #NCMPuzzle? Did you find the bowling pin numbers?

>>106882 Wegovy slashes risk of heart attacks and strokes in high-risk patients BEFORE weight loss even occurs, major trial suggests

>>106883 Abortion Pills: What’s Next? The Heritage Foundation

>>106884 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Andromeda over the Alps


>>106886 "Money does talk—Anheuser-Busch now understands that."

>>106887 Catholic Bishop: Pope Francis Ousted Me Because I Spoke Truth to Power

>>106888 resident welcomes the Vegas Golden Knights to the White House to celebrate their 2023 Stanley Cup victory.

>>106889 Libtards triggered: Trump Full On Nazi

>>106890 Saber Astronautics gets Space Force contract for data visualization software

>>106891 Maryanne Trump Barry, older sister of Donald Trump, has died at 86

>>106892 Eric Braverman, Missing Former Clinton Foundation CEO, Sighted

>>106893, >>106895, >>106901 Qaddafi memory lane

>>106894 Apple Agrees to Record $25 Million Settlement Over Discriminatory Hiring Practices Against US Citizens

>>106896 Cell & Gene Therapy Space Gears Up for First CRISPR Approval

>>106897 Behind Public Assurances, Xi Jinping Spreads Grim Views on U.S.


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ad8c77 No.106903

File: c9abf4b4d508445⋯.png (3.01 MB,1990x1100,199:110,Clipboard.png)

File: ee87cec6f0862d4⋯.jpg (825.51 KB,2000x2667,2000:2667,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ffb732bb970ed19⋯.jpg (22.75 KB,480x299,480:299,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909515 (131732ZNOV23) Notable: #24445

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Baker can continue or defer

Global reports filed on CP MOST APPRECIATED

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ad8c77 No.106904

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909539 (131737ZNOV23) Notable: First Migrants Arrive at NYC’s Floyd Bennett Field, Only to Scoff and Leave

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First Migrants Arrive at NYC’s Floyd Bennett Field, Only to Scoff and Leave

2 hours ago The Goldwater

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ad8c77 No.106905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909540 (131737ZNOV23) Notable: Major Statistical Analysis Shows Trump Beating Biden OR Newsom in 2024, While DeSantis Would Suffer McCain-Level Blowout

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Major Statistical Analysis Shows Trump Beating Biden OR Newsom in 2024, While DeSantis Would Suffer McCain-Level Blowout.


MRP has been used to successfully predict outcomes in UK and Spanish elections in recent years, with around 15,000 respondents from across the United States taking part in this study.

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ad8c77 No.106906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909579 (131745ZNOV23) Notable: Jill Biden Honors the 2023 National Student Poets

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1:00 PM ET

First Lady Jill Biden Honors the 2023 National Student Poets

The White House


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ad8c77 No.106907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909592 (131748ZNOV23) Notable: I-10 Freeway in downtown LA to remain closed indefinitely following pallet fire

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I-10 Freeway in downtown LA to remain closed indefinitely following pallet fire

10 Freeway closed: L.A. mayor says ‘damage will not be fixed in an instant’

How long the freeway would be shut down remains unclear after the massive pallet yard fire over the weekend that prompted Gov. Gavin Newsom to declare a state of emergency to help facilitate cleanup and repairs.

The fire was first reported early Saturday around 12:30 a.m. near East 14th and Alameda streets underneath the freeway. It engulfed both sides of 14th Street underneath the 10, eventually melting some of the freeway’s steel guardrails and damaging firetrucks.


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ad8c77 No.106908

File: 8424d782ba2ef96⋯.jpeg (377.62 KB,1175x1629,1175:1629,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909606 (131752ZNOV23) Notable: I-10 Freeway in downtown LA to remain closed indefinitely following pallet fire

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ad8c77 No.106909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909648 (131803ZNOV23) Notable: I-10 Freeway in downtown LA to remain closed indefinitely following pallet fire

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It’s a federal highway on state right of way. The poor guy who was leasing the land under the structure where the hobo fire started is probably going to become the target of blame. Maybe the state will have second thoughts about all the camps and leases they allow under and around critical facilities and infrastructure. The encampments are a widespread fixture in transportation corridors out west.


The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” is the largest long-term investment in our infrastructure and economy in our nation’s history. It provides $550 billion over fiscal years 2022-2026 in new federal investment in roads, bridges, and mass transit, water infrastructure, resilience, and broadband.

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ad8c77 No.106910

File: cbea20535e3c5ab⋯.png (312.85 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909649 (131803ZNOV23) Notable: Ex-UK PM makes sensational return as foreign secretary, Cameron, stepping down after the Brexit referendum

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Ex-UK PM makes sensational return as foreign secretary

David Cameron led the country between 2010 and 2016, stepping down after the Brexit referendum

Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron has made a surprise comeback to the British government after being appointed to head the country’s Foreign Office by incumbent PM Rishi Sunak. Cameron, who led the country for six years, resigned in 2016 after the UK voted to leave the European Union.

The move was announced by Downing Street on Monday as part of a major cabinet reshuffle. Cameron was picked to succeed James Cleverly, who in turn was chosen to replace the recently sacked Home Secretary Suella Braverman. Braverman was given the boot after a row over the policing of pro-Palestinian protests in London, which she branded as “hate marches.”

Commenting on his appointment, Cameron wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that “we are facing a daunting set of international challenges, including the war in Ukraine and the crisis in the Middle East,” saying the UK must “stand by” its allies.

He added that while he “may have disagreed with some individual decisions” of the British government, he described Rishi Sunak as “a strong and capable Prime Minister, who is showing exemplary leadership at a difficult time” while vowing to do his best in the new role.


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ad8c77 No.106911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909674 (131809ZNOV23) Notable: Federal Lawsuit: NY State Vet Home Where 100 Vulnerable Hero Veterans Died From COVID: ‘Ignored Protocols, Kept Families in the Dark’

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Federal Lawsuit: NY State Veterans Home Where 100 Vulnerable Hero Veterans Died From COVID: ‘Ignored Protocols, Kept Families in the Dark’

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s policies killed at least 11,000 seniors during the COIVD pandemic. New York COVID deaths from nursing homes were 49% greater than previously reported.

In July 2021, the Biden Department of Justice dropped their investigation into Cuomo and several Democrat governors who sent infected COVID patients into nursing homes.

Now, the families of the more than 100 vulnerable hero veterans who died at the New York State Veterans’ Home in Queens are suing the state-run facility for negligence.

The New York Post reports that the suit was filed on Nov. 4 in federal court and alleges the State Veterans’ Home did not follow COVID protocols and violated residents’ Fourteenth Amendment right “to conditions of reasonable care and safety” by failing to “implement basic infection control protocols and provide adequate medical care to the State Veterans’ Home’s residents.”


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ad8c77 No.106912

File: e9264a899c84491⋯.png (102.38 KB,682x332,341:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909682 (131809ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Men Are Dying Much Earlier Than Women, as Death 'Gender Gap' Widens

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"They" seem to want us to focus on the gender disparity instead of the catastrophic decline in both health and longevity for most of America.


U.S. Men Are Dying Much Earlier Than Women, as Death 'Gender Gap' Widens

I like NY Post apparent take: "...'experts' are literally killing us." pic related

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ad8c77 No.106913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909703 (131815ZNOV23) Notable: Tonight, the House will vote on the Democrat motion to table (kill) my articles of impeachment against Mayorkas

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Our border is wide open and Americans are dying everyday.

It’s time for Congress to hold the Biden administration accountable.

It’s time to IMPEACH Mayorkas.

Tonight, the House will vote on the Democrat motion to table (kill) my articles of impeachment against Mayorkas.

Every Republican should stand strong and vote AGAINST the motion.

A vote to table is a vote with Democrats to protect Mayorkas and against impeachment.


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ad8c77 No.106914

File: 8b48cbff2e52016⋯.png (509.27 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909706 (131817ZNOV23) Notable: Dick Durbin, Who Shut Down Marsha Blackburn’s Epstein Subpoena Vote, Recently Tried To Shut Down The Epstein Disclosure Movement

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Dick Durbin, Who Shut Down Marsha Blackburn’s Epstein Subpoena Vote, Recently Tried To Shut Down The Epstein Disclosure Movement

What's the deal with that, Durbin?

Democrat senator Dick Durbin of Illinois adjourned a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing before holding a vote on whether or not to approve Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee’s subpoena for the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. It turns out that Dick Durbin personally tried to shut down the Jeffrey Epstein disclosure movement by disparaging those who believe in a “grand conspiracy” surrounding accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epsteins’ death. Durbin is a close ally of former president Bill Clinton, who palled around with Epstein and flew on Epstein’s private jet.

“The American people deserve to know the names of every person who participated in Jeffrey Epstein’s human trafficking ring. We need to see his flight logs. I’ve asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to authorize a subpoena to his estate so we can review these documents,” Marsha Blackburn said.

“Given the numerous allegations of human trafficking and sexual abuse surrounding Mr. Epstein, I think it is very important that we identify everybody that was on that plane, and how many trips they took on that plane, and the destinations to which they arrived,” Marsha BlackBurn said.


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ad8c77 No.106915

File: af675a976b15c74⋯.png (625.47 KB,1057x945,151:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909725 (131819ZNOV23) Notable: President Biden and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, are set to meet on Wednesday

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Another anon mentioned that the UFC videos might be a signal for China/WTW.

From the NYT today:

President Biden and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, are set to meet on Wednesday


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ad8c77 No.106916

File: a7b6da5fa53ce29⋯.png (68.34 KB,804x628,201:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909785 (131830ZNOV23) Notable: UK: Top Heath Official Admits Hospitals Faked Pandemic Deaths

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Top Heath Official Admits Hospitals Faked Pandemic Deaths

A top government health official has admitted that hospitals were faking data for causes of death during the pandemic.

A former director of the UK government’s National Health Service (NHS) has spoken out to allege that a new system was introduced at the beginning of the Covid panoramic to certify deaths.

Prior to the pandemic, four types of pneumonia were grouped together as the highest cause of death in the United Kingdom.

However, after the new Medical Examiner System was implemented, medical examiners started certifying deaths from all types of pneumonia as being caused by Covid.

In a post on Twitter/X, former NHS director of End-of-Life Care Saineethan “Sai” Balasubramaniam exposed the changes to the death reporting system implemented by the UK government health service.

Balasubramaniam explains that four different diseases are grouped and marked as Covid deaths.

He notes that seeing huge death rates for Covid was inevitable due to his method of reporting.

Balasubramaniam added that mainstream media was reporting on the significant increase in COVID-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.

According to Balasubramaniam, the British government proposed and piloted a change to the procedure of how deaths were certified in all hospitals in the U.K. in 2016.

Balasubramaniam has also published the Department of Health (DOH) document that outlines the “reforms.”

The DOH document proposes a switch to the “Medical Examiner” (ME) System.

The doc was sent to several audiences for feedback and consultation.

The ME System was already being piloted at two hospitals in the UK, said Balasubramaniam.

The only conclusive method of determining an accurate and plausible cause of death is to refer the deceased patient to Her Majesty’s (HM) Coroner, according to Balasubramaniam.

However, this can only be done if certain criteria are met.

Once an HM Coroner accepts the case, a post-mortem is conducted by a histopathologist.

If a death is considered natural and there is nothing untoward, the medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD) is written by the treating doctor of a deceased patient.


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ad8c77 No.106917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909825 (131837ZNOV23) Notable: Child Psychiatrist Gets 40 Years In Prison For Using AI To Alter Photos Of Children Into Child Porn: 'It Is Inconceivable'

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Child Psychiatrist Gets 40 Years In Prison For Using AI To Alter Photos Of Children Into Child Porn: 'It Is Inconceivable'

A child psychiatrist in North Carolina has been handed a hefty prison sentence for child porn offenses. The Charlotte man reportedly took photos of children and altered them into child porn by using artificial intelligence.

David Tatum, 41, was convicted in May of one count of the production of child pornography, one count of the transportation of child pornography, and one count of the possession of child pornography. Last week, Tatum was sentenced to 40 years in prison, followed by 30 years of supervised release.

The judge also ordered Tatum to pay restitution in an amount to be determined within 90 days, a $100 special assessment per count of conviction, and a special assessment totaling $99,000. Tatum will also be required to register with the Sex Offender Registry Board in any state or jurisdiction where he works or resides after he is released from prison.

Tatum possessed images and videos of child pornography, according to court documents.

The child psychiatrist in Charlotte utilized AI to digitally alter photos of clothed children and transform them into sexually explicit images. In two images, Tatum used a web-based artificial intelligence application to create child pornography from photos from a school dance and a photo commemorating the first day of school, according to prosecutors.

Tatum secretly recorded his 15-year-old cousin while the child was undressing and showering, according to court docs.

The child psychiatrist also secretly recorded others, including one of his patients who had just turned 18 years old five days before the covert recording, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Western District of North Carolina.

Fox News reported, "Tatum viewed more than 1,000 files of child pornography titles, all of which contained the phrase, 'PTHC,' which stands for 'pre-teen hard core.'"

Tatum had collected child porn from 2016 through 2021, according to court documents.

“As a child psychiatrist, Tatum knew the damaging, long-lasting impact sexual exploitation has on the wellbeing of victimized children. Regardless, he engaged in the depraved practice of using secret recordings of his victims to create illicit images and videos of them," said Dena J. King – U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina.

"Tatum also misused artificial intelligence in the worst possible way: to victimize children," King continued. "Today’s 40-year sentence underscores our efforts to do all we can to bring justice to child victims. As the field of artificial intelligence advances, my office is committed to prosecuting predators who seek to exploit this technology to inflict harm on children."

FBI Charlotte Special Agent in Charge Robert M. DeWitt added, "It is horrific to believe anyone would secretly record children undressing and showering for their own sexual gratification. And when the evidence proves that person is a doctor entrusted to help children through difficult mental health situations, it is inconceivable. The FBI will never stop working to put predators like Tatum behind bars for a very long time.”


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ad8c77 No.106918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909845 (131843ZNOV23) Notable: Biden to Announce First-Ever WH Initiative on Women’s Health Research, Led by Jill Biden and the White House Gender Policy Council

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FACT SHEET: President Joe Biden to Announce First-Ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, An Effort Led by First Lady Jill Biden and the White House Gender Policy Council

NOVEMBER 13, 2023


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ad8c77 No.106919

File: bd85cbd731e02c9⋯.png (17.68 KB,600x137,600:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909848 (131844ZNOV23) Notable: Trump to FILE FOR MISTRAIL in NY "Fraud" Case.

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Chuck Callesto




Nov 13, 2023 · 4:20 PM UTC


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ad8c77 No.106920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909854 (131845ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat n Sullivan up

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2:00 PM EST

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda. She is joined by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.


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ad8c77 No.106921

File: af47b0c44276f93⋯.jpeg (378.46 KB,1210x588,605:294,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bd8ad7b9f9a6b26⋯.jpeg (693.06 KB,1576x551,1576:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1c06538f345f71b⋯.jpeg (580.39 KB,1588x554,794:277,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909859 (131845ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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Brazilian AF FAM4101 Embraer ERJ145 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning and Control) AC heading to Offutt AFB

73-1677 E4B Nightwatch heading WN from Wright-Pat AFB to Offutt AFB

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ad8c77 No.106922

File: 5393ec880e46908⋯.jpg (64.64 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909876 (131848ZNOV23) Notable: Zelensky may be ousted - ex-presidential aide

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Zelensky may be ousted – ex-presidential aide

The idea of peace talks between Moscow and Kiev has become a “prevalent narrative” in the West, Oleg Soskin believes

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s unwillingness to consider peace talks with Russia might lead him to being ousted to make such negotiations possible, Oleg Soskin, an adviser to two former Ukrainian presidents, said on Saturday.

Zelensky, who continues to maintain that victory should be achieved on the battlefield, simply “cannot” enter peace talks with Moscow, Soskin said on his YouTube channel. Such actions, he believes, are pushing Russia and at least some of Ukraine’s Western backers to think that they need someone else to represent Kiev who can “agree on even a temporary truce.” In order to achieve that, the current Ukrainian leadership needs to be “neutralized,” the former presidential aide added.

The idea of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine has become a “prevalent narrative” not only in Russia but in the West as well, Soskin suggested. He noted that French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni expressed such ideas not so long ago.

Macron told the BBC in an interview this week that although it was France’s “duty” to support Kiev the time might have come for some “fair and good negotiations” with Russia. Meloni recently told a pair of Russian pranksters, Vovan and Lexus, that “there is a lot of fatigue” in the EU over the conflict. “We are near the moment in which everybody understands that we need a way out,” she added at that time.

Soskin, a renowned economist who was the deputy head of the Institute of the World Economics and International Relations of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the 1990s, said that the EU would also be potentially unable to satisfy Kiev’s needs for military equipment and ammunition, particularly if US military aid decreases.

The former official served as a senior adviser to Ukraine’s first president, Leonid Kravchuk, in the early 1990s and was later an economic adviser to the nation’s second leader, Leonid Kuchma, between 1998 and 2000.

Kiev has repeatedly ruled out any talks with Moscow and demands a complete withdrawal of Russian troops from all territories Ukraine claims as its own. Zelensky reiterated this demand in an interview with Reuters this week, adding that Kiev would continue the fight even without US aid if need be.

He also denied media reports about Ukraine’s Western backers allegedly encouraging it to engage in peace negotiations with Moscow. “This is not going to happen,” he said last week.

Russia has repeatedly signaled its readiness to engage in negotiations with Kiev but has insisted that such talks should take Moscow’s security interests and the “reality on the ground” into account. In the autumn of 2022, four former Ukrainian territories – including the two Donbass republics – officially joined Russia, following a series of referendums.

Kiev declared the votes a “sham” and has sought to reclaim control over the four territories, as well as Crimea, which joined Russia in 2014 following another referendum.


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ad8c77 No.106923

File: e74852b6c1c9794⋯.png (335.42 KB,600x601,600:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 5de7007d32c318c⋯.png (39.21 KB,600x277,600:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909886 (131849ZNOV23) Notable: Good morning from Guantanamo Bay. Week 2 of this round of pretrial hearings in the 911 case

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Carol Rosenberg



Good morning from Guantanamo Bay. Week 2 of this round of pretrial hearings in the 911 case have begun in closed session with secret testimony from an FBI agent about FBI-CIA collaboration.

You can click this picture for our Who’s Who guide on the case.

We hope to hear later today about how an outbreak of Covid on the prosecution side will impact the rest of the week. Prosecution team members with Covid arrived on Saturday’s flight from Washington, which brought family members to observe the proceedings, and a Polish TV crew.

Last week, we lost two days of hearings to Covid cases on an earlier flight. A key defense lawyer was quarantined, then tested positive. Saturday’s observers have to mask while in the court gallery. Some legal staff may not be allowed inside the chamber itself, even masked.

Nov 13, 2023 · 2:41 PM UTC


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ad8c77 No.106924

File: 39077ee307d49a6⋯.png (85.87 KB,540x548,135:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909916 (131857ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Nobody can believe this Political Witch Hunt Trial is still going on. No Victims, No Witnesses (their witness recanted his FAKE story, and said he Lied!), No Defaults, No Jury, No Nothing...

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Donald J. Trump


Nobody can believe this Political Witch Hunt Trial is still going on. No Victims, No Witnesses (their witness recanted his FAKE story, and said he Lied!), No Defaults, No Jury, No Nothing, only happy Banks etc. There was FRAUD, however, but by the Judge and the A.G., in saying that Mar-a-Lago was worth only $18,000,000, when they knew it was worth many times that amount. They just wanted to make me look bad - All a big SCAM by the New York A.G. in order to get elected, and then to run for Governor, unsuccessfully. The Trump Hating Judge MUST WITHDRAW his “bull….” early ruling (before the trial even started. HE KNEW NONE OF THE FACTS!). He is devastated by the TRUTH, but just can’t let it go. He is OBSESSED! Any other Judge but this one would have dismissed this ridiculous lawsuit years ago. He asked me to settle for a MUCH LOWER AMOUNT, at a settlement conference, but I said NO, I DID NOTHING WRONG! Businesses will NEVER come back to New York if this HOAX is not dismissed & forgotten!

Nov 13, 2023, 12:48 PM


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ad8c77 No.106925

File: a379b3f60c3009c⋯.jpeg (149.4 KB,1600x828,400:207,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bf49bab9626e49c⋯.jpeg (42.35 KB,740x500,37:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909933 (131900ZNOV23) Notable: Japanese State Finance Minister Sacked over Tax Arrears

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Japanese State Finance Minister Sacked over Tax Arrears

(Record low polling has had Kishida-san doing lots of stuff-too bad it takes that as a kick in the ass)

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Monday effectively sacked State Minister of Finance Kenji Kanda over his company's past tax arrears. The Kishida cabinet approved the resignation of Kanda, 60, amid calls from opposition parties for him to step down following the revelation last week of the arrears.

Kanda became the third politically appointed senior government official to quit over scandals since Kishida reshuffled his cabinet in September, dealing a heavy blow to his administration, which is facing low public approval ratings.

The prime minister plans to appoint Ryosei Akazawa, acting chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's Policy Research Council, to replace Kanda as state finance minister.

"I take seriously my responsibility as (Kanda's) appointer," Kishida told reporters at the prime minister's office the same day. "I must apologize to the people."


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ad8c77 No.106926

File: a542600fbb3e1fb⋯.jpeg (675.41 KB,828x1270,414:635,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909950 (131904ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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Brazilian AC went to Eppley

Nightwatch on final at Offutt

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ad8c77 No.106927

File: 3f5cda25aeb01ca⋯.mp4 (550.94 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909954 (131904ZNOV23) Notable: his is the current situation at the #Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico this morning.

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🔥🗞The Informant


❗🌋🇲🇽 - This is the current situation at the #Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico this morning.

10:59 AM · Nov 13, 2023


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ad8c77 No.106928

File: ee67cdb6e502abf⋯.jpg (206.59 KB,600x640,15:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909957 (131905ZNOV23) Notable: Appeals court says ATF exceeded authority with ghost gun rule

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Appeals court says ATF exceeded authority with ghost gun rule

A federal appeals court struck down the Biden administration’s limits on so-called ghost guns, affirming a lower court’s ruling Friday that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) didn’t have proper authority to change its rules.

The ATF rule change specified the definitions of “firearm” and other terms in order to regulate the production and distribution of gun parts and kits that could be easily assembled by a consumer at home, avoiding regulation and requirements for serial numbers.

Judge Kurt Engelhardt led the 5th Circuit in a unanimous decision throwing out the ATF rule.


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ad8c77 No.106929

File: 316bc25d3d0c101⋯.png (59.37 KB,600x530,60:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909973 (131909ZNOV23) Notable: Maybe Guam?!!!

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Matt Gaetz


Nov 9

I oppose moving FBI to any SEC state.

Too close to my beloved Florida./GITMO

I hear Alaska is lovely.?

Maybe Guam?!!!








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ad8c77 No.106930

File: 282b2805e8ffc3a⋯.jpeg (517.82 KB,1204x598,602:299,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7f15be17becd966⋯.jpeg (756.04 KB,1635x583,1635:583,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19909979 (131911ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez on Skyz

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SAM459 G5 SW from JBA and prolly to MacDill AFB

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ad8c77 No.106931

File: 80cafd6228860cc⋯.png (296.9 KB,600x582,100:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910048 (131925ZNOV23) Notable: Maybe Guam?!!!

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New Coast Guard base on Guam to become ‘pivotal’ logistics hub

The Coast Guard has established a new base on Guam, the first of four installations scheduled to open in the coming months.


Nov 8, 2023 · 9:10 PM UTC


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ad8c77 No.106932

File: 9f12ba8644578f0⋯.png (549.06 KB,617x667,617:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910137 (131943ZNOV23) Notable: Biden to Announce First-Ever WH Initiative on Women’s Health Research, Led by Jill Biden and the White House Gender Policy Council

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Jill Biden


I'm thrilled to announce world-renowned women’s health researcher, Dr. Carolyn Mazure, as the chair of the first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research.

Alongside the Gender Policy Council, she will lead our effort to improve the health and lives of women across the country.

11:11 AM · Nov 13, 2023


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ad8c77 No.106933

File: 1a555906c06ba3d⋯.png (52.67 KB,617x515,617:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910156 (131947ZNOV23) Notable: Biden to Announce First-Ever WH Initiative on Women’s Health Research, Led by Jill Biden and the White House Gender Policy Council

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Jill Biden


Today, Joe is announcing the first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research.

I’m excited to help lead this effort, alongside the Gender Policy Council. Together, we have a clear goal: to fundamentally change how we approach and fund women’s health research.

Every woman I know has a story about leaving her doctor’s office with more questions than answers. Not because our doctors are withholding information, but because there’s not enough research yet on how to treat common women’s health conditions.

In 2023, that is unacceptable.

This new White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research will help change that by identifying bold solutions to uncover the answers that every woman and her family deserves.

10:41 AM · Nov 13, 2023




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ad8c77 No.106934

File: 8668a5482c69028⋯.png (167.08 KB,982x649,982:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910166 (131949ZNOV23) Notable: Three Construction Planning Firm Executives Charged With Bribing San Francisco Dept. Of Building Inspection Employees

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Three Construction Planning Firm Executives Charged With Bribing San Francisco Dept. Of Building Inspection Employees

Siavash Tahbazof, Reza Khoshnevisan, and Bahman Ghassemzadeh Allegedly Paid Bribes in Return For DBI Employees’ Expediting and Approving Construction Inspections and Building Plans


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ad8c77 No.106935

File: 3e939ad233e875c⋯.png (22.61 KB,685x56,685:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910169 (131951ZNOV23) Notable: NewsGuard and U.S. Government Sued for Defamation, Libel and Slander

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NewsGuard and U.S. Government Sued for Defamation, Libel and Slander

Quote: "NewsGuard provides its rating service to 40,000 subscribers for a cost of approximately $4.95 each month. NewsGuard has partnered with Microsoft, allowing users the option of accessing the rating system.Newsguard has influenced the education system by contracting with schools and libraries and with the American Federation of Teachers to provide its ratings system to educators and students.10" (Red Text added.)

Cap is the reference for the quote. Pic related.

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ad8c77 No.106936

File: 714ba256cfbcb99⋯.png (514.21 KB,995x1159,995:1159,Clipboard.png)

File: f759e1adb5e17d3⋯.png (483.71 KB,945x532,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910189 (131955ZNOV23) Notable: INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS THAT SUPPORT HAMAS CAN BE 'DEPORTED'

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U.S. law allows for the deportation of foreign students on student visas if they express support for Hamas, engage in antisemitic activities, or cause other disturbances that lead to their suspension from school

Picture: Section of the Immigration & Nationality Act

Source: Fox

2:29 PM · Nov 13, 2023


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ad8c77 No.106937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910199 (131958ZNOV23) Notable: Ex-U.S. Intel Director Clapper: Destroying Hamas Means Destroying Gaza Strip

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Ex-U.S. Intel Director Clapper: Destroying Hamas Means Destroying Gaza Strip

James Clapper tells Haaretz the U.S. must intervene if Hezbollah attacks, Hamas is as bad as ISIS, and no two-state solution can be seen on horizon

In 2014 James Clapper toured the length of the Gaza border fence. That was before Israel started building the underground, marine and above-ground “barrier.” “I will never forget a tour of the fence line along the Gaza border, hosted by the Israeli Southern Command Commander [Maj. Gen. Sami Turgeman], around 2014. I recall coming away with the impression that the army had very tight surveillance and monitoring capability all up and down the border. That memory made the attack so shocking to me.”


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ad8c77 No.106938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910203 (131958ZNOV23) Notable: INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS THAT SUPPORT HAMAS CAN BE 'DEPORTED'

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The Missouri AG seems to support that idea.


Attorney General Bailey Calls for Removal of Student Visa Holders Who Support Terrorist Groups

The grounds for deportation mentioned by the Missouri AG may be different, however.

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ad8c77 No.106939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910235 (132003ZNOV23) Notable: Buckwheat n Sullivan up

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Jake Sullivan [White House press conference]: We see plenty of open source reporting about Hamas's use of hospitals and other civilian infrastructure, to store weapons, to house fighters, to engage in forms of command and control, but beyond that, I'm not in a position to speak specifically to a report about a specific hospital or specific bunker.

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ad8c77 No.106940

File: 0d42fed8292129a⋯.png (186.34 KB,382x533,382:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910240 (132004ZNOV23) Notable: 3p Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines – Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Kimberly Biss, and Thomas Renz to Testify


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ad8c77 No.106941

File: e50d4ba08ff3cdc⋯.png (84.57 KB,600x507,200:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910263 (132010ZNOV23) Notable: @JusticeOIG We are hiring a GS 14 Senior Criminal Investigator located in Arlington, VA, to lead a team of investigators/other OIG employees

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DOJ Inspector General


Nov 1

We are hiring a GS 14 Senior Criminal Investigator located in Arlington, VA, to lead a team of investigators and other OIG employees, in conducting the most sensitive, complex, and challenging investigations.

Apply by 11/15 @USAJOBS: usajobs.gov/job/758168800


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ad8c77 No.106942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910275 (132013ZNOV23) Notable: Gun Ownership by State (2023 Statistics)

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Great source of gun stats:

Gun Ownership by State (2023 Statistics)

Where does your state rank in gun ownership? We analyzed all 50 states, gun ownership rates, and ownership percentages to bring you this article. Of course, we’ve also included the answers to some of your most burning questions about gun control, ownership, and crime.

Report Highlights:

The United States has the highest per capita rate of civilian firearm ownership at 120.48 firearms per 100 people.

American civilians own 46% (approximately 393.3 million) of the world’s 857 million civilian-use firearms. (Source)

Montana has the highest amount of gun owners (66.3%).

Wyoming has the most guns per capita, with 245.8 firearms for every 1,000 residents.

The top 5 states for gun ownership comprise only .8% of the nation’s firearm-related homicides (185 homicides between all 5 states).

The bottom 5 states for gun ownership comprise 4% of the nation’s firearm-related homicides (1,038 firearm-related homicides).

According to surveys, 36% of gun owners are white, 24% are black, and 15% are Hispanic. The remaining civilians do not personally own a firearm but do live in a home with someone who does.

Recent polls show that 32% of adults in the U.S. own at least one firearm.

72% of gun owners say the main reason for owning a firearm is for protection.

According to this poll, 32% of US adults own at least one firearm.

New Jersey has the lowest rate of gun ownership at only 8.9% of the population and the least amount per capita (1.1 for every 1,000 people).


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ad8c77 No.106943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910285 (132015ZNOV23) Notable: #24445

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#24445 >>106903

>>106921, >>106926, >>106930 PF Eyez on Skyz

>>106904 First Migrants Arrive at NYC’s Floyd Bennett Field, Only to Scoff and Leave

>>106905 Major Statistical Analysis Shows Trump Beating Biden OR Newsom in 2024, While DeSantis Would Suffer McCain-Level Blowout

>>106906 Jill Biden Honors the 2023 National Student Poets

>>106907, >>106908, >>106909 I-10 Freeway in downtown LA to remain closed indefinitely following pallet fire

>>106910 Ex-UK PM makes sensational return as foreign secretary, Cameron, stepping down after the Brexit referendum

>>106911 Federal Lawsuit: NY State Vet Home Where 100 Vulnerable Hero Veterans Died From COVID: ‘Ignored Protocols, Kept Families in the Dark’

>>106912 U.S. Men Are Dying Much Earlier Than Women, as Death 'Gender Gap' Widens

>>106913 Tonight, the House will vote on the Democrat motion to table (kill) my articles of impeachment against Mayorkas

>>106914 Dick Durbin, Who Shut Down Marsha Blackburn’s Epstein Subpoena Vote, Recently Tried To Shut Down The Epstein Disclosure Movement

>>106915 President Biden and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, are set to meet on Wednesday

>>106916 UK: Top Heath Official Admits Hospitals Faked Pandemic Deaths

>>106917 Child Psychiatrist Gets 40 Years In Prison For Using AI To Alter Photos Of Children Into Child Porn: 'It Is Inconceivable'

>>106918, >>106932, >>106933 Biden to Announce First-Ever WH Initiative on Women’s Health Research, Led by Jill Biden and the White House Gender Policy Council

>>106919 Trump to FILE FOR MISTRAIL in NY "Fraud" Case.

>>106920, >>106939 Buckwheat n Sullivan up

>>106922 Zelensky may be ousted - ex-presidential aide

>>106923 Good morning from Guantanamo Bay. Week 2 of this round of pretrial hearings in the 911 case

>>106924 @realDonaldTrump Nobody can believe this Political Witch Hunt Trial is still going on. No Victims, No Witnesses (their witness recanted his FAKE story, and said he Lied!), No Defaults, No Jury, No Nothing...

>>106925 Japanese State Finance Minister Sacked over Tax Arrears

>>106927 his is the current situation at the #Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico this morning.

>>106928 Appeals court says ATF exceeded authority with ghost gun rule

>>106929, >>106931 Maybe Guam?!!!

>>106934 Three Construction Planning Firm Executives Charged With Bribing San Francisco Dept. Of Building Inspection Employees

>>106935 NewsGuard and U.S. Government Sued for Defamation, Libel and Slander


>>106937 Ex-U.S. Intel Director Clapper: Destroying Hamas Means Destroying Gaza Strip

>>106940 3p Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines

>>106941 @JusticeOIG We are hiring a GS 14 Senior Criminal Investigator located in Arlington, VA, to lead a team of investigators/other OIG employees

>>106942 Gun Ownership by State (2023 Statistics)


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ad8c77 No.106944

File: a75306782934ec8⋯.jpg (54.94 KB,582x499,582:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 512174932f3d478⋯.jpg (60.68 KB,640x478,320:239,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 036500cc0719aba⋯.png (590.89 KB,562x789,562:789,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f71e61fb60616f⋯.gif (3.39 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: 38693907f7462b4⋯.png (594.38 KB,733x873,733:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910300 (132018ZNOV23) Notable: #24446

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

tyvm to anons who submit globals for CP

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ad8c77 No.106945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910339 (132024ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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LIVE: MTG holds special hearing on Covid-19 vaccine injuries - 11/13/23

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ad8c77 No.106946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910349 (132027ZNOV23) Notable: Special counsel opposes bid to televise Trump election conspiracy trial

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Special counsel opposes bid to televise Trump election conspiracy trial


The prosecution “wishes to continue this travesty in darkness,” they added. “President Trump calls for sunlight.”

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ad8c77 No.106947

File: ef576f31fd4404b⋯.png (1.15 MB,1463x722,77:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910351 (132027ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.106948

File: 95155e4c97b4d82⋯.png (1000.63 KB,1463x722,77:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910354 (132028ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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ad8c77 No.106949

File: 8d1ab9decb7a05b⋯.png (425.05 KB,553x432,553:432,Clipboard.png)

File: f7239413d17e149⋯.png (448.84 KB,655x433,655:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910358 (132029ZNOV23) Notable: Police Use Tear Gas, Flash-Bang Grenades Push Back Antifa Militants Protesting Atlanta Police

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Police Use Tear Gas, Flash-Bang Grenades to Push Back on Antifa Militants Protesting Atlanta Police Training Site

Police on Monday clashed with Antifa militants trying to stop the construction of a police and firefighter training facility in Dekalb County, Georgia.

Law enforcement dressed in riot gear used tear gas and flashbangs to push back on the more than 500 far-left militants.


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ad8c77 No.106950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910361 (132030ZNOV23) Notable: At NYC Court, Donald Trump Jr. Speaks To Reporters About 'Rough Day' After Aunt Dies

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At NYC Court, Donald Trump Jr. Speaks To Reporters About 'Rough Day' After Aunt Dies


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ad8c77 No.106951

File: 6aa6019d0415de0⋯.png (459.26 KB,760x988,10:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d178a6e2cb7d27⋯.png (88.19 KB,1042x501,1042:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 907c7e6e437dc24⋯.png (274.08 KB,354x504,59:84,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ec0c85a0d3b4f8⋯.png (71.02 KB,743x516,743:516,Clipboard.png)

File: 6997120b13b356d⋯.png (250.17 KB,1201x1339,1201:1339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910363 (132030ZNOV23) Notable: Microsoft Election Steal Dig

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ALL pb

Microsoft Election Steal Dig

>>106860 Microsoft, Meta reveal plans to combat so-called ‘election disinformation’ using ‘fact checkers’

>>106863 a 5-step 'Election Protection Commitments' plan. Content Credentials. meme stamp watermarks and C2PA

>>>/qresearch/19908497, >>>/qresearch/19908536 maybe one of the reasons they lost their shit when Musk took over twitter?? The Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) was announced by Adobe in 2019 in partnership with Twitter and the New York Times

>CAI > C_A

>>106863 There is no Step 5

>>106869 Microsoft announces new steps to help protect elections. Blog post by Brad Smith, Microsoft Vice Chair and President, and Teresa Hutson, Corporate Vice President, Technology for Fundamental Rights

>>106869 Microsoft’s Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) and steps 1 and 2 of their "5 step plan"

>>106870 steps 3 and 4. Looks at these clowns they list in their "step 5"

>>106873 M$ teaming up with NASED, Megan Wolfe, Dominion, ES&S, Hartintercivic, knowink

Runbeck, Smartmatic and others to "protect our elections"

>>>/qresearch/19909690 Teresa Hutson M$ VP of ESG & CSR. On a what looks like a weird discussion forum website where diversity niggers can "have confidential conversations you can’t have anywhere else."

>>>/qresearch/19909728 This looks like some sort of United Nations or EU connected? Vienna+30 Symposium

>>>/qresearch/19909769, >>>/qresearch/19909801, >>>/qresearch/19909908 The Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (formerly Miburo) team and old friend Clint Watts of Hamilton 68 fame

>>>/qresearch/19909879 Devex speaks to Microsoft’s Teresa Hutson about the company’s new Journalism Hub and the role of technology in the future of journalism. M$ partners with the like of NewsGuard

>>>/qresearch/19909985 Connections to most old frenz like Michael McFaul, Michael Morrell, and Podesta via the Alliance for Securing Democracy

>>>/qresearch/19910243 Teresa Hutson collaborating with the University of Washington. Uof W was one of thefounding partners for the Election Integrity Partnership

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ad8c77 No.106952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910369 (132032ZNOV23) Notable: Italy getting the Lahaina Treatment

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Italy getting the Lahaina Treatment.


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ad8c77 No.106953

File: 0da2c246c4e8a47⋯.png (292.88 KB,597x436,597:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910378 (132034ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump's eldest sister Maryanne dead at 86

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Donald Trump's eldest sister Maryanne dead at 86


Three of the former president's four siblings have now died. His youngest brother Robert died in August 2020 at 71 years old and Fred Trump Jr. died of a heart attack in 1981 at the age of 42.

Trump's ex-wife, Ivana Trump, died in 2022 at the age of 73.

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ad8c77 No.106954

File: 8f781b65b08c6cb⋯.png (79.37 KB,678x481,678:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910379 (132034ZNOV23) Notable: For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

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For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from

Meanwhile, Israel has allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of the Strip.



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ad8c77 No.106955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910381 (132035ZNOV23) Notable: Italy getting the Lahaina Treatment

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ad8c77 No.106956

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910389 (132036ZNOV23) Notable: POTUS T: “Businesses Will NEVER Come Back to New York If This HOAX Is Not Dismissed”

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“Businesses Will NEVER Come Back to New York If This HOAX Is Not Dismissed” – Trump Warns New York City – They Better Pay Attention

With each passing year it becomes more and more obvious that life and business in New York City is unbearable.

New York City is suffering through a horrific crime wave and rent is through the roof. The business environment is oppressive under the Democrat leadership in the city and the state.

Between early 2020 and 2023, 158 companies that manage $993 billion in assets moved their headquarters out of New York City.

With all of these obstacles for business owners New York Attorney General Letitia James has now started suing businesses based on their politics.

On Monday President Trump warned New York City on what their future looks like.

President Trump: Nobody can believe this Political Witch Hunt Trial is still going on. No Victims, No Witnesses (their witness recanted his FAKE story, and said he Lied!), No Defaults, No Jury, No Nothing, only happy Banks etc. There was FRAUD, however, but by the Judge and the A.G., in saying that Mar-a-Lago was worth only $18,000,000, when they knew it was worth many times that amount. They just wanted to make me look bad – All a big SCAM by the New York A.G. in order to get elected, and then to run for Governor, unsuccessfully. The Trump Hating Judge MUST WITHDRAW his “bull….” early ruling (before the trial even started. HE KNEW NONE OF THE FACTS!). He is devastated by the TRUTH, but just can’t let it go. He is OBSESSED! Any other Judge but this one would have dismissed this ridiculous lawsuit years ago. He asked me to settle for a MUCH LOWER AMOUNT, at a settlement conference, but I said NO, I DID NOTHING WRONG! Businesses will NEVER come back to New York if this HOAX is not dismissed & forgotten!


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ad8c77 No.106957

File: f8892da53db4f47⋯.png (438.64 KB,600x590,60:59,Clipboard.png)

File: a81222b2ee44c95⋯.png (69.8 KB,448x290,224:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910404 (132040ZNOV23) Notable: New report: Review of Department of State End-Use Monitoring in Ukraine

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USAID Office of Inspector General



Last week, @USAID_OIG alongside @StateOIG & @DOD_IG provided a bipartisan congressional briefing to House and Senate staff on oversight of the U.S. response in Ukraine, including @USAID’s direct budget support to the Government of Ukraine 🇺🇸 🇺🇦



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ad8c77 No.106958

File: 6e7ae879e908d12⋯.jpeg (593.03 KB,1216x586,608:293,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910406 (132041ZNOV23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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BOXER85 C-40B departed Atlanta Intl after arriving on 11/08-went to JBA and on ground nao

One of Nancy’s ACs (not her) she’s used for trips to SFO and on Intl flights

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ad8c77 No.106959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910414 (132043ZNOV23) Notable: Liberal Activists Upset After White Youtuber Builds 100 Wells for Clean Water across Africa

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Liberal Activists Upset After White Youtuber Builds 100 Wells for Clean Water across Africa

Mr. Beast, the biggest individual Youtuber in the world, built 100 wells in Africa over eight months, which he says will provide clean drinking water to roughly half a million people in Kenya, Cameroon, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Somalia. He posted a video that got 67 million views over four days showing how polluted and unhealthy the water in the towns was and then showing the residents in the towns celebrating and thanking him profusely. The reaction to Mr. Beast’s project was mostly positive, but some critics on the internet accused him of racism.

Some people slammed him for so-called racist views for giving charity to Africa, which is impoverished in areas, and for ‘shaming’ the government of Kenya, which has been accused of being corrupt. Mr. Beast was also accused of pursuing profit, which could be used for future projects, but his critics failed to explain why this is bad. Mr. Beast responded by tweeting, “I already know I’m gonna get canceled because I uploaded a video helping people, and to be 100% clear, I don’t care. I’m always going to use my channel to help people and try to inspire my audience to do the same.”


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ad8c77 No.106960

File: 88dda5eec9b3c09⋯.png (109.68 KB,364x266,26:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910416 (132043ZNOV23) Notable: Italy getting the Lahaina Treatment

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I know ya didn't.

>'Climate Change" link when hovering the clip.

Referring to picrel

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ad8c77 No.106961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910422 (132045ZNOV23) Notable: New report: Review of Department of State End-Use Monitoring in Ukraine

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State OIG


Nov 9

New report: Review of Department of State End-Use Monitoring in Ukraine

Nov 9, 2023 · 3:27 PM UTC


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ad8c77 No.106962

File: 0483ed9abcde79a⋯.png (465.76 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910423 (132045ZNOV23) Notable: Republicans Thwart Rep. Massie’s Bid to Block ‘Kill Switches’ in Cars that Goes into Effect in 2026

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Republicans Thwart Rep. Massie’s Bid to Block ‘Kill Switches’ in Cars that Goes into Effect in 2026

The federal government will be implementing “kill switches” in every US car, giving them the ability to disable your vehicle at the touch of a button in 2026. Republican Representative Thomas Massie attempted to halt a deeply troubling, unconstitutional piece of legislation with an amendment, but it was rejected, thanks in part to Republican betrayals. Critics worry that the kill switch will be weaponized against American patriots.



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ad8c77 No.106963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910425 (132046ZNOV23) Notable: America's top banking regulator FDIC faces exodus of female staff with claims of a 'toxic environment'

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America's top banking regulator FDIC faces exodus of female staff with claims of a 'toxic environment' where one manager allegedly invited workers to a strip club and senior employees texted female colleagues photos of their penises

-Current and former employees have spoken out about the FDIC - accusing it of having a 'sexualized boys' club environment' and failing to punish bad behavior

-Over 20 female staff have reportedly walked out as a result of repeated harassment, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal

-The FDIC is the body responsible for protecting the public's money in the event of a bank failure


Female employees have fled a 'toxic environment' at the country's top bank regulator, claiming senior staff sent photos of their penises and invited junior-level workers to strip clubs, according to a report.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - the body responsible for protecting the public's money in the event of a bank failure and ensuring financial institutions are following regulations - has been accused, in a report by the Wall Street Journal, of having a 'sexualized boys' club environment' and failing to punish bad behavior.

Over 100 current and former employees interviewed said at least 20 women had quit due to an alleged culture of 'sexual harassment and misogyny.'

The claims made to the WSJ - which span over a decade - include a male supervisor in San Francisco inviting employees to a strip club, a supervisor in Denver having sex with an employee and telling others about it, and multiple senior employees sending photos of their penises to female staff.

All of the men at the center of the claims are reportedly still employed by the FDIC, despite various legal filings, union grievances and complaints relating to their alleged bad behavior.

The claims made to the WSJ - which span over a decade - include a male supervisor in San Francisco inviting employees to a strip club, a supervisor in Denver having sex with an employee and telling others about it, and multiple senior employees sending photos of their penises to female staff.

All of the men at the center of the claims are reportedly still employed by the FDIC, despite various legal filings, union grievances and complaints relating to their alleged bad behavior.


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ad8c77 No.106964

File: 6107212d906ad99⋯.png (498.97 KB,964x567,964:567,Clipboard.png)

File: 85f2e4cbf538b42⋯.png (148.78 KB,636x398,318:199,Clipboard.png)

File: c061eac74f14ffe⋯.png (149.77 KB,636x384,53:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910427 (132046ZNOV23) Notable: Photos of cocaine found in the White House that sparked FBI investigation

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DailyMail.com reveals photos of THAT cocaine found in the White House that sparked FBI investigation: Owner of baggy found in West Wing phone locker has never been identified


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ad8c77 No.106965

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910429 (132046ZNOV23) Notable: Employees of American News Agencies Were Embedded with Hamas During Oct 7 Massacre

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Employees of American News Agencies Were Embedded with Hamas During Oct 7 Massacre

Honest Reporting published a story about Gaza-based employees of the Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, and also do contract work for CNN and The New York Times, who were embedded with Hamas during their killing spree across southern Israel. Jordan Schachtel wrote that it seems plausible that these “journalists” had advance knowledge of the attack and did nothing to warn authorities of the planned attack. Not only that, the photos and videos of that day show that these photojournalists were embedded with Hamas without any apparel that identifies them as press. Schachtel wrote that one of the reporters, Hassan Eslaiah, who works for AP and CNN, deleted evidence of his involvement in the assault, in which Eslaiah was dressed in plainclothes.

Greg Reese posted a video and stated that the “journalists” are really US intelligence operatives and showed a history of journalists used by intelligence agencies and CIA control over the media for many decades. The CIA has been exposed for creating terrorist groups like al-Queda that was used as an exucuse to topple governments in the Middle East. Israel and Mossad created Hamas.



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ad8c77 No.106966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910439 (132048ZNOV23) Notable: Hospitals in Gaza Bombed, 20 Hospitals Are Already Out of Commission. 10,000 Palestinians Dead (3 days ago)

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Hospitals in Gaza Bombed, 20 Hospitals Are Already Out of Commission. 10,000 Palestinians Dead

The Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest hospital in Gaza, where up to 50,000 people were sheltering, is facing bombardment, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said. Palestinian officials said Israel launched airstrikes on or near at least three hospitals on Friday. Night-time footage showed people shouting and fleeing outside the al-Shifa hospital after an explosion. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokesperson, said 20 hospitals in Gaza were out of action and that there was ‘intense violence’ at Shifa.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that ‘far too many Palestinians have been killed’ in the war. An estimated 10,000 Palestinians in Gaza have died; many are children as 47% of Gaza’s population is under 18 years old.



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ad8c77 No.106967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910443 (132048ZNOV23) Notable: New report: Review of Department of State End-Use Monitoring in Ukraine

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JD said this last week. He talks about how we are paying theirs teachers, police etc...

we are funding their government

WE are borrowing money to fund their nation!!!!

Why don't they borrow the money?

May as well call it the US Ukraine, proxy war my ass, we fucking own it now.

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ad8c77 No.106968

File: 5bcb2e14f5c1f9f⋯.png (590.34 KB,634x705,634:705,Clipboard.png)

File: c3377eae3cad4e5⋯.png (149.66 KB,306x387,34:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 949f36729b8069e⋯.png (147.33 KB,306x387,34:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 81356d95455af91⋯.png (125.92 KB,306x343,306:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 33f051e5b9fff3f⋯.png (114.17 KB,306x343,306:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910447 (132048ZNOV23) Notable: PICTURED: Five US soldiers killed in helicopter crash during routine flight training in the Mediterranean Sea

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PICTURED: Five US soldiers killed in helicopter crash during routine flight training in the Mediterranean Sea

-The U.S. Army Special Ops soldiers died during a refueling training mission

-They have been identified as Stephen Dwyer, 38; Shane Barnes, 34; Tanner Grone, 26; Andrew Southard, 27; and Cade Wolfe, 24

-The five men came from families with deep ties to military service


Five U.S. Army Special Operations soldiers have been identified after they were killed in a helicopter crash in the Mediterranean Sea.

The MH-60 Blackhawk was on a refueling training mission when it experienced an in-flight emergency and crashed off the coast of Cyprus late Friday.

The soldiers were named as Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephen Dwyer, 38; Chief Warrant Officer 2 Shane Barnes, 34; Staff Sergeant Tanner Grone, 26; Sergeant Andrew Southard, 27; and Sergeant Cade Wolfe, 24.

The men hailed from Clarksville, Tennessee; Sacramento, California; Gorham, New Hampshire; Apache Junction, Arizona; and Mankato, Minnesota, respectively.

'We mourn the loss of these five incredible soldiers, each of them a national treasure,' said Lieutenant General Jonathan Braga.


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ad8c77 No.106969

File: c8fa791b351b627⋯.png (465.77 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910459 (132050ZNOV23) Notable: Italy getting the Lahaina Treatment

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ad8c77 No.106970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910465 (132052ZNOV23) Notable: Italy getting the Lahaina Treatment

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Etna Volcano - Live from Sicily

Vincenzo Modica


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ad8c77 No.106971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910468 (132052ZNOV23) Notable: Amtrak service suspended between NY City, Albany after "Gaping Hole" opens in NYC garage above Amtrak tracks

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Amtrak service suspended between New York City and Albany after "Gaping Hole" opens in NYC garage above Amtrak tracks

The crack was initially discovered in the entrance ramp of the garage Friday, prompting the owner of the garage to alert a city engineer, who then called 911. Another hole was found on a ramp to the lower level.

A gaping hole has opened up inside a Manhattan parking garage that sits directly above an underground Amtrak line, leading to the suspension of service between New York City and Albany.

The owner of a car parked at the privately owned Hudson View Garage on West 51st Street between 10th and 11th avenues shared a photo showing the wide chasm in the concrete floor, offering an unsettling peek at the tracks below, reported the station ABC 7 NY.

To make matters even worse, the parking garage is located on the first floor of a high-rise apartment building.

Officials with the NYC Department of Buildings, FDNY and NYC Emergency Management Department all raced to the scene to conduct an inspection.

Building officials issued a vacate order for the garage, and Amtrak initially planned to install overhead protection above the tracks to keep service going, but all that changed Sunday.

That morning, a second inspection uncovered cracks and signs of deterioration in steel beams below the garage, leading Amtrak to suspend service between NYC and Croton-Harmon on the Empire Line, which terminates in Albany.

Mayor Eric Adams’ office said the city is addressing the situation with Amtrak.

“We will continue to work around the clock to protect public safety and maintain regular communication with riders,” the office said in a statement.

The garage on West 51st Street will remain closed until further notice, making it impossible for customers to retrieve their vehicles parked inside for the foreseeable future.

The building atop the garage was not evacuated because the structural damage was limited to the parking garage.

A source with the Buildings Department said its engineers found no evidence of stability issues in the high-rise, stressing that there is no danger to the public.

Nearby residents expressed concerns about the structural integrity of the high-rise building sitting atop the garage and the Amtrak tracks running underground.

“That makes me really concerned about what is holding up this entire 30-story building,” neighbor Catie Savage told the outlet. “There is just a web of things going on under out feet that we don’t know about.”


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ad8c77 No.106972

File: 12dc5884399bd92⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d09df193f65c9c7⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910480 (132055ZNOV23) Notable: Police Use Tear Gas, Flash-Bang Grenades Push Back Antifa Militants Protesting Atlanta Police

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ad8c77 No.106973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910503 (132059ZNOV23) Notable: Palestinian-Australian owner burger chain moved his wife, child safe house after receiving life threat over SM

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The Palestinian-Australian owner of a popular Melbourne burger chain says he has moved his wife and young child into a safe house after receiving a threat on his life over social media.

Hash Tayeh, the owner and CEO of Burgertory, said an anonymous message told him he would be made a "Shahid", an Islamic term for a Muslim martyr.

He has since reported the message to the police.

The death threat came shortly after the Caulfield store of his fast-food chain was firebombed and prompted him to move his family into a different home as a safety measure.

"Our staff were getting phone calls daily, saying, 'You don't belong here. We're going to boycott you. We're going to close you down, your shop's going to go','' he told 7.30.

Police have so far said there is no evidence indicating the firebombing of the store was racially or politically motivated.


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ad8c77 No.106974

File: 6df4392b6a45ce4⋯.png (852.76 KB,1260x702,70:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910514 (132100ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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Congresswoman MTG Holds Hearing on Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines with Special Witnesses


vidrel below

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ad8c77 No.106975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910516 (132101ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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ad8c77 No.106976

File: 394cf6d39612953⋯.jpeg (102.32 KB,744x432,31:18,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910524 (132102ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump's eldest sister Maryanne dead at 86

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13 Nov, 2023 16:47

Sister of former US president dies

Maryanne Trump Barry was a retired federal judge and the older sister of President Donald Trump

Maryanne Trump Barry, 86, the oldest sibling of former US President Donald Trump, was found dead on Monday in her New York City apartment.

Police found her lifeless body inside the 5th Avenue apartment in Manhattan’s Upper East Side at around 4am, according to the Post Millennial.The city’s medical examiner has not yet announced the cause of death, but police said there were no signs of trauma or foul play.

Born in 1937, Maryanne was the oldest of the five Trump brothers and sisters. She was nominated to the US District Court in New Jersey by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, and to the US Court of Appeals (Third Circuit) by President Bill Clinton in 1999. Barry Trump became an inactive judge in 2016 and retired in 2019, leaving the public eye during her brother’s presidency.

“I knew better even as a child than to even attempt to compete with Donald,” she told New York magazine in 2002. “I wouldn’t have been able to win.He was building models when he was very young. Huge buildings.”

Maryanne went to college at Mount Holyoke and got her master’s at Columbia University in 1962. She married David Desmond, with whom she had a son who would go on to become a psychologist and humorist. Six years after giving birth, Maryanne went to Hofstra University’s law school and began a career in law.

She described her first job out of law school as “one of two women assistant US attorneys in an office of 63 US attorneys, and the first woman to do criminal work appearing only before male judges.”

After divorcing Desmond, Maryanne married John Barry, an attorney who often worked on cases for the Trump Organization, her brother’s company. Barry passed away in 2000.


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ad8c77 No.106977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910544 (132107ZNOV23) Notable: Germany promises ‘massive’ increase in Ukraine aid

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13 Nov, 2023 15:45

Germany promises ‘massive’ increase in Ukraine aid

Berlin will provide “winter protection” for Kiev in the form of air-defense systems and electricity generators

Germany is planning to “expand and increase”its support for Ukraine in the coming years, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said at a meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Brussels on Monday. She provided few details of the plans, except for promising Kiev “winter protection” in the months ahead.

Baerbock urged her fellow ministers not to focus solely on the recent hostilities in the Middle East, emphasizing that there remained a need to “face geopolitical challenges” in Europe as well.

“Our support will be massively expanded, especially for the next year,” she told the meeting, warning Moscow not to expect a reduction in EU aid to Kiev as a result of the “dramatic situation worldwide.”

“We will not only continue our support for Ukraine. We will continue to expand and increase it,” she asserted.

Baerbock provided few details about the planned assistance to Ukraine, revealing only thatBerlin is planning to send Kiev another US-made Patriot air-defense system and electricity generatorsas part of the so-called “winter protection umbrella” scheme.

Germany’s Bild tabloid reported over the weekend that the governing coalition inGermany is seeking to increase military aid to Ukraine from €4 billion ($4.27 billion) to €8 billion ($8.54 billion) in 2024 alone. The parliament’s budget committee is expected to review and potentially approve the plan at some point this week, according to the paper.

The data on Ukrainian military aid provided by the German government shows that the total amount of money Berlin will spend on arming and training the Ukrainian troops in 2023 accounted for some €5.4 billion ($5.76 billion), up from just €2 billion ($2.13 billion) in 2022. “Commitment authorizations for the following years [amount] to around €10.5 billion ($11.21 billion),” a government report says, adding that those funds “should primarily be used for military support for Ukraine.”

According to Germany’s Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Berlin has emerged as Ukraine’s second-largest military aid donor. Having spent some $18.2 billion providing military assistance to Kiev, Germany still trails far behind the US, which had spent around $45 billion, the institute’s data showed.

Washington has recently signaled that it may run out of money for Ukraine if Congress does not approve any new relevant spending bills. Last week, the Pentagon said it potentially had only $1 billion remaining for Ukraine military aid, and would have to ration arms packages from now on.

Russia has repeatedly stated that Western arms supplies to Ukraine were hardly affecting the situation on the frontlines. In early November, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that “despite the supply of new kinds of NATO weapons, the Kiev regime is losing.” The Russian military has also regularly published photos and videos of destroyed Ukrainian heavy armor, including German-made Leopard tanks.

(Ukraine has massive dirt on Sholtz and others in Germany leadership imo)


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ad8c77 No.106978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910546 (132107ZNOV23) Notable: Live Rep. Chip Roy on Two-Tiered Continuing Resolution, effort to avoid a government shutdown

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Rep. Chip Roy on Two-Tiered Continuing Resolution

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) holds a news conference on Speaker Johnson’s proposal to have a two-tiered continuing resolution in an effort to avoid a government shutdown.


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ad8c77 No.106979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910556 (132110ZNOV23) Notable: France to end free weapons supplies to Ukraine

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13 Nov, 2023 15:45

France to end free weapons supplies to Ukraine

Kiev will have to purchase arms directly from French manufacturers, according to Sebastien Lecornu

France plans to stop sending weapons to Ukraine from its own arsenal andwill instead allow Kiev to buy arms directly from the country’s manufacturers through a support fund, French Minister of the Armed Forces Sebastien Lecornu said on Sunday.

“We are now negotiating with our Ukrainian colleagues to prompt Ukraine to buy new howitzers using money from a special fund, andso that the French military will no longer have to transfer guns from their arsenals,” the official said in an interview with LCI broadcaster.

French military aid to Ukraine has reached €3.2 billion ($3.4 billion) thus far, according to a parliamentary report released last week, Lecornu noted. This amount has placed France among the leading European backers of the Ukrainian Army, alongside Germany and the UK.

Paris has also pledged an additional €200 million ($213 million) to Ukraine’s support fund to ensure the Ukrainian Army’s continued access to French military equipment, the official added. Kiev can spend money from the fund on arms purchases, but only from French contractors.

The move reflects France’s new strategy for procuring equipment for the Ukrainian Army, experts say. The French Ministry of Defense’s budget will surge by €3.5 billion next year, a 7.5% increase, reaching $50.4 billion in accordance with the new law on military programming for the years 2024-2030.

Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, France has transferred a large amount of military equipment to Kiev, including 30 Caesar cannons, several dozen armored personnel carriers (VAB), and AMX-10 RC armored reconnaissance vehicles, as well as 15 155mm TRF1 howitzers, around 100 Mistral surface-to-air missiles, and two unitary rocket launchers.


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ad8c77 No.106980

File: 93d939f81608068⋯.png (866.25 KB,1248x848,78:53,Clipboard.png)

File: d90a8c511884c88⋯.png (1.13 MB,1264x844,316:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910566 (132111ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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LIVE LINK - MTG holds special hearing on Covid-19 vaccine injuries - 11/13/23







Speaking now

Tom Renz



Dr Malone

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ad8c77 No.106981

File: 754fcaf6a305aec⋯.png (274.44 KB,798x781,798:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910576 (132113ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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Tom Renz


Tomorrow @MTG has invited me to testify at her hearing on the #modRNA vaccine poisons. My intent is to share real truth in what was once the hallowed halls of congress before what is only the second elected official in the #usa with the courage to let me speak.

I’ve had a TON of people tell me I shouldn’t trust her or others there. MTG is standing against some of the most powerful people in the world by allowing me to speak and I think we have to remember that. We also have to recognize that this is an incredible opportunity to share #Truth on a massive scale.

The job I accepted is fighting bad guys. I’m not the best or most qualified I’m just unafraid. I’m not about to start being fearful now when we are making so much progress. @TrueGenFlynn @ClayClark @EricTrump @RealRogerStone @RealSKeshel @FlyoverConservatives @DougBillings @themelkshow @annvandersteel @hisgloryme @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #GodWins #freedom


Nov 12, 2023, 11:39 AM


LIVE LINK - MTG holds special hearing on Covid-19 vaccine injuries - 11/13/23



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ad8c77 No.106982

File: cae1e65395a26df⋯.jpeg (315.77 KB,1170x924,195:154,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910592 (132117ZNOV23) Notable: Comer Issues Subpoena to Former White House Counsel Dana Remus

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Comer Issues Subpoena to Former White House Counsel Dana Remus



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ad8c77 No.106983

File: c20fa50c1eb81c4⋯.png (407.94 KB,1226x858,613:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910614 (132121ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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ad8c77 No.106984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910627 (132122ZNOV23) Notable: Microsoft and Meta Detail Plans To Combat “Election Disinformation”

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Microsoft and Meta Detail Plans To Combat “Election Disinformation” Which Includes Meme Stamp-Style Watermarks and Reliance on “Fact Checkers”

And so it begins. In fact, it hardly ever stops – another election cycle in well on its way in the US. But what has emerged these last few years, and what continues to crop up the closer the election day gets, is the role of the most influential social platforms/tech companies.

Pressure on them is sometimes public, but mostly not, as the Twitter Files have taught us; and it is with this in mind that various announcements about combating “election disinformation” coming from Big Tech should be viewed.

Although, one can never discount the possibility that some – say, Microsoft – are doing it quite voluntarily. That company has now come out with what it calls “new steps to protect elections,” and is framing this concern for election integrity more broadly than just the goings-on in the US.

From the EU to India and many, many places in between, elections will be held over the next year or so, says Microsoft, however, these democratic processes are at peril.

“While voters exercise this right, another force is also at work to influence and possibly interfere with the outcomes of these consequential contests,” said a blog post co-authored by Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith.

By “another force,” could Smith possibly mean, Big Tech? No. It’s “multiple authoritarian nation states” he’s talking about, and Microsoft’s “Election Protection Commitments” seek to counter that threat in a 5-step plan to be deployed in the US, and elsewhere where “critical” elections are to be held.

Critical more than others why, and what is Microsoft seeking to protect – it’s all very unclear.

But one of the measures is the Content Credentials digital metadata scheme, similar to meme stamp watermarking. However, considering that the most widely used browser, Chrome, is not signed up to the group (C2PA) that spawned Content Credentials, the question remains how helpful it will be to political campaigns using this tech in their images or videos, “to show how, when, and by whom the content was created or edited, including if it was generated by AI.”

Meta (Facebook) also announced its own effort in the same vein, seeking to combat altered content such as deepfakes – in case they “merge, combine, replace, and/or superimpose content onto a video, creating a video that appears authentic (… and) would likely mislead an average person.”

As ever, a very clear and concise, easy to enforce definition – not.

And who will help enforce it? No surprises there.

According to reports, Meta will “rely on ‘independent fact-checking partners’ to review media for fake content that slipped through the company’s new disclosure requirement.”


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ad8c77 No.106985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910635 (132124ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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this id hasnotablescreen shots of Covid-19 vaccine injuries hearing

LIVE LINK - MTG holds special hearing on Covid-19 vaccine injuries - 11/13/23

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ad8c77 No.106986

File: 8e10caf1d0901ce⋯.jpeg (480.69 KB,1125x1537,1125:1537,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910640 (132125ZNOV23) Notable: FakePOTUS: I'm proud to establish a new WH Initiative on Women's Health Resarch

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ad8c77 No.106987

File: 38a6ccd7ba5e0f0⋯.png (516.77 KB,609x745,609:745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910643 (132126ZNOV23) Notable: Heavy hailstorm with massive hailstones in Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

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What storm Mr. President?

Disaster Tracker



Heavy hailstorm with massive hailstones in Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa 🇿🇦 | 13 November 2023 | #Johannesburg #hailstorm #storm #SouthAfrica


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ad8c77 No.106988

File: 03abd91e3a08fed⋯.jpeg (535.08 KB,1125x1532,1125:1532,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910660 (132129ZNOV23) Notable: Photos of cocaine found in the White House that sparked FBI investigation

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ad8c77 No.106989

File: 34620759c44827f⋯.png (1015.78 KB,1229x817,1229:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910661 (132129ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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Dr Malone speaking on Turbo Cancers caused by covid - 19 vax

screen shot has timestamp


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ad8c77 No.106990

File: b09c88e22c93b80⋯.png (391.38 KB,812x796,203:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910667 (132130ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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Chief Nerd


NOW – Dr. Robert Malone Testifies at the 'Injuries Caused by COVID Vaccines' Hearing

"There is a reason why these products typically require up to a decade to be proven to be safe and effective and it was not prudent, and not in the interests of protecting the citizens of the United States or the world, to bypass those time tested processes...Remember, the underlying thesis here is that we had 3.4% case fatality rate. This was told to us again and again and again, and it was a lie."

Nov 13, 2023, 4:23 PM


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ad8c77 No.106991

File: 70f9b9f6b47d9f3⋯.png (234.5 KB,542x554,271:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910669 (132131ZNOV23) Notable: Jack Smith Lashes Out Trump ANOTHER Motion Opposing Cameras in Courtroom, Compares Trump Murderous Terrorists

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Jack Smith Lashes Out at Trump in ANOTHER Motion Opposing Cameras in Courtroom, Compares Trump to Murderous Terrorists


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ad8c77 No.106992

File: 15658ca92c55eae⋯.png (317.9 KB,643x843,643:843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910674 (132132ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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Now that we know the Covid jabs are contaminated with DNA that can integrate into and alter the human genome...

The question is: Was this done to target people based off of a "genetic marker"?

Dr. Malone: "It's technically possible there are things there which might be used at some future time to identify those that are compliant vs. noncompliant."

Rep Warren Davidson "Once there's a marker... You could do whatever with it... That's the question... A lot of people have that concern."


Nov 13, 2023, 3:49 PM


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ad8c77 No.106993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910684 (132134ZNOV23) Notable: Georgia County Commissioner Found Passed Out Drunk in the Street and Unruly: Caught on Body Cam

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Georgia County Commissioner Found Passed Out Drunk in the Street and Unruly: Shocking Incident Caught on Body Cam


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ad8c77 No.106994

File: 5a8786984d21f43⋯.png (130.59 KB,600x431,600:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910697 (132136ZNOV23) Notable: Heavy hailstorm with massive hailstones in Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

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Disaster Tracker



Magnitude 5.1 Earthquake almost halfway between South Africa and Antarctica | 13 November 2023 | 15:54 UTC

| #earthquake #earthquakes #SouthAfrica #Antarctica


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ad8c77 No.106995

File: 39a23948e636a70⋯.png (108.61 KB,1216x379,1216:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 9422eaf84cd6fa6⋯.png (111.81 KB,1183x347,1183:347,Clipboard.png)

File: cd3d5d2a2fccd2f⋯.png (84.9 KB,1183x347,1183:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c36bb20835ad89⋯.png (65.32 KB,1183x347,1183:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910701 (132137ZNOV23) Notable: TOOL LIST UPDATED 400+

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ad8c77 No.106996

File: 401172fda0be2e3⋯.png (141.94 KB,623x690,623:690,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910705 (132138ZNOV23) Notable: What is the real history of Covid? 2014! "Our DOD and CIA were involved with this."

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What is the real history of Covid?

Atty Tom Renz presents DOD medical documents from a whistleblower soldier who was a test subject for "Covid-19 immunization - Moderna" in 2014.


"Our DOD and CIA were involved with this."

Nov 13, 2023, 4:31 PM


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ad8c77 No.106997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910735 (132143ZNOV23) Notable: Live Rep. Chip Roy on Two-Tiered Continuing Resolution, effort to avoid a government shutdown

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Senator Schumer Says Speaker Johnson Will Democrats Support to Avert Government Shutdown

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer expresses support for House Speaker Mike Johnson's two-tiered Continuing Resolution to fund the government, noting that it avoids spending cuts. He warns the speaker against giving into members of his party on the hard right and adding poison bills that would sink the legislation, reminding him that he will need Democrats' support to pass it and avert a shutdown later this week.


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ad8c77 No.106998

File: cee99be83d8a43f⋯.png (463.8 KB,931x571,931:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 13855a6ababa1c5⋯.png (281.08 KB,965x786,965:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910740 (132144ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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Chief Nerd


"I've Never Seen This Before": Dr. Kimberly Biss Shares Alarming Fertility Data at the 'Injuries Caused by COVID Vaccines Hearing'

"From what I've seen, my average miscarriage rate in 2020, month-to-month, was 4%. That was normal...My miscarriage rate from year to year went up 100%. In 2021, the average miscarriage rate, month-to-month, was 7-8%. We peaked in November of that year for some reason. That's actually when a non-clinical staff member came up to me and said, 'Dr. Bis, you realize we've had eight miscarriages this month', which in a practice that delivers 20 to 25 patients, that's a huge number. In 2022, the average month-to-month rate was 15%. Now, that was up till November. I will tell you in December. I've never seen this before. We had 41 newly registered patients. 13 of them lost their babies. So that's 25% right there."

Nov 13, 2023, 4:26 PM



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ad8c77 No.106999

File: a2a08b27b944a29⋯.png (65.95 KB,946x459,946:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910764 (132149ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

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Pistpat 🇺🇸 ❤️‍🔥



Replying to @AxiomReport and @TheSharpEdge

Why would you need a C19 Vax in 2014 when it didn't show up until late 2019/2020?



Replying to @Pistpat and @AxiomReport



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ad8c77 No.107000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910773 (132151ZNOV23) Notable: The Decisive Moment for Ukraine: A Conversation w/Andriy Yermak, Head of Office the President of Ukraine

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5:00 PM EST

The Decisive Moment for Ukraine: A Conversation with Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine

Hudson Institute





Ukrainian President's Chief of Staff Discusses the War with Russia

Andriy Yermak, chief of staff to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, joins the Hudson Institute for a discussion on the Russia-Ukraine war.


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ad8c77 No.107001

File: c85b81ec08aca8d⋯.png (80.04 KB,1630x462,815:231,Clipboard.png)

File: d6a9fb2339dd947⋯.png (946.75 KB,1280x730,128:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910797 (132157ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump Jr. returns to witness stand as New York fraud trial enters new phase

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so, what's in the news that's worth distraction?


Donald Trump Jr. returns to witness stand as New York fraud trial enters new phase

By Graham Kates

Updated on: November 13, 2023 / 4:44 PM EST / CBS News


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ad8c77 No.107002

File: 9d96ee0b7410b62⋯.png (654.66 KB,849x474,283:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910835 (132205ZNOV23) Notable: Covid-19 Vax, all ties back to Hunter Biden, 10% for the big guy, well known-Tom Renz

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I haven't even told you about the Hunter Biden connection in all of this.

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ad8c77 No.107003

File: 1fd70750525340f⋯.png (1.09 MB,1242x837,46:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910842 (132206ZNOV23) Notable: Covid-19 Vax, all ties back to Hunter Biden, 10% for the big guy, well known-Tom Renz

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Covid - 19 Vax , This all ties back to Hunter Biden, it was 10% for the big guy, well known 10% for the big guy - Tom Renz

wholly fucking shit

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ad8c77 No.107004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910850 (132207ZNOV23) Notable: Covid-19 Vax, all ties back to Hunter Biden, 10% for the big guy, well known-Tom Renz

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Time stamp 5:04 PMET

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ad8c77 No.107005

File: 10743bc63f3236b⋯.png (68.53 KB,871x567,871:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910894 (132214ZNOV23) Notable: A COVID-19 vaccine reckoning is coming for the DOJ over federal mandates

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A COVID-19 vaccine reckoning is coming for the DOJ over federal mandates

The Justice Department has just posted a new jobs ad — it’s looking for eight new attorneys to defend the federal government in vaccine injury cases.

Presumably, the hiring spree is in anticipation of a surge of COVID vaccine lawsuits, as people who were forced by government mandates to take the jab, and suffered serious side effects as a result, try to extract compensation from a system that is stacked against them.


“The office is currently expanding to address workload created by an increase in cases filed under the Vaccine Act,” reads the ad posted by the Torts Branch of the DOJ on the USAJobs website.

The recruitment drive comes on the heels of a little-noticed lawsuit filed in Louisiana last month by six vaccine-injured plaintiffs against the federal government.

The suit aims to overturn the legal immunity that pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer and Moderna enjoy on their COVID shots.

Not that any of the lawyers involved expect Big Pharma to pay up, but at least if they win, it should force Congress to reform inadequate vaccine injury compensation schemes that were instituted almost 40 years ago as an alternative to suing drug companies out of existence but that have not kept up with the times.

Mandates and misery

Meanwhile, almost 13,000 Americans who claim the COVID vaccine caused them or their dead loved ones adverse reactions — such as the life-threatening heart ailment myocarditis or the debilitating immune disorder Guillain-Barre syndrome — remain in limbo after doing what they were told was “the right thing”: heeding government mandates to submit to the jab.



The unaccountable, understaffed government tribunal that presides over the so-called Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), for vaccines administered under emergency measures, is a “kangaroo court,” says the lawsuit filed by attorney Aaron Siri, partner at New York firm Siri & Glimstad.


“The CICP is akin to a Potemkin village … an elaborate façade designed to hide an undesirable reality.

“Claims are consistently lost, ignored, denied, or caught up in the years-long purgatory of government bureaucracy. The compensation, if any, is neither timely nor adequate.”

Just six people had been compensated by October this year, of more than 12,775 COVID injury claims submitted to the CICP since Jan. 31, 2020, when the Trump administration declared a public health emergency.

Those lucky people reportedly received an average of $2,148 each.

Of the 1,800 decisions made by the CICP, just 72 have been found eligible for compensation. Another 1,728 have been denied.

That means 96 percent of claims are unsuccessful, and just 14 percent of total claims have even been adjudicated.

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ad8c77 No.107006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910897 (132214ZNOV23) Notable: A COVID-19 vaccine reckoning is coming for the DOJ over federal mandates

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Tragic jab cases

Among the plaintiffs in the Louisiana case is Emma Burkey, who was a healthy 18-year-old Nevada high school student when she received the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine in April 2021 and suffered a devastating brain injury.

“Now, after three brain surgeries and thousands of hours of physical therapy, she struggles to walk, write, and care for herself,” says the lawsuit.

Victim advocacy group React-19, which has joined the plaintiffs, also represents Ernest Ramirez, a car wash technician in a small South Texas town who lost his only son, Ernest Jr., a healthy 16-year-old athlete who died of a heart attack five days after receiving his first Pfizer dose in April 2021.

The weeping testimony of the single father at a congressional hearing in Washington, DC, in November that year was heartrending.

“I’ve raised my boy since he was a baby,” said Ramirez. “Me and my son have never been apart. He was my best friend … We got the Pfizer vaccine because I thought it was the right thing to do. It was like playing Russian roulette. My government lied to me. They said it was safe. Now I go home to an empty house …

“I love the hell out of my country but I don’t trust my government anymore.”

Ramirez couldn’t even grieve in peace. Twitter censored the photo he posted of his son’s coffin under the caption: “My good byes to my Baby Boy” and three broken heart emojis, and GoFundMe deleted his account to raise money for the trip to Washington.

His tragedy was an inconvenient truth for a government hellbent on forcing Americans to take the jab, whether they needed it or not.

The landmark free speech lawsuit Missouri v. Biden reveals the authoritarian lengths to which authorities went to hide the truth.


Critics demonized

With more than 650 million COVID vaccine doses administered in the US, the tragic side effects suffered by Emma Burkey and Ernest Ramirez Jr. might be rare, but that doesn’t reduce the suffering of the victims and their families.

They were censored on social media at the behest of the federal government and were demonized by the media as “anti-vaxxers” and conspiracy theorists.

“It is not a conspiracy,” says attorney Siri, pointing out the folly of branding his clients “anti-vaxxers” when they actually took the vaccine.

“It is economic forces and conflicts run amok with no material monetary interests pushing back for decades. The class action and product liability attorneys have been neutered.”

In other words, when Big Pharma gets immunity from being sued, the normal market forces that ensure a product is safe are turned on their head. It stands to reason greed might get a say.

Is it any wonder that just 2 percent of Americans have taken the latest COVID booster, according to figures released last month by HHS, a sign of rock-bottom faith in public health advice.


More concerning is that vaccine hesitancy has spread to life-saving childhood vaccines, with the CDC reporting the highest exemption rate in history.

After pushing so much disinformation about masks, lockdowns and the COVID jab, and then imposing Soviet levels of censorship on dissenting voices, the federal government and its pet medicos, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, are entirely to blame for the collapse in public trust that will haunt us for a generation.


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ad8c77 No.107007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910930 (132220ZNOV23) Notable: Rules Committee Hearing H.R. 5894 and H.R. 6363

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Rules Committee Hearing H.R. 5894 and H.R. 6363

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ad8c77 No.107008

File: e713c685e8a96c4⋯.png (226.78 KB,1168x959,1168:959,Clipboard.png)

File: 75009441db5bc10⋯.png (955.65 KB,1536x1199,1536:1199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910931 (132220ZNOV23) Notable: The DOJ is Preparing for ‘Surge’ of Covid Vaccine Injury Lawsuits

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The DOJ is Preparing for ‘Surge’ of Covid Vaccine Injury Lawsuits

By Kyle Becker - November 13, 2023

The Justice department is quietly preparing for a surge of lawsuits from those who are claiming injury from the Covid-19 vaccines.

The New York Post, in a column authored by Miranda Devine, shared a fascinating nugget that is highly suggestive that the Biden DOJ knows a wave of such lawsuits are coming.

Devine points to a new jobs ad that indicates the Biden administration is searching for “eight new attorneys to defend the federal government in vaccine injury cases.”

“The office is currently expanding to address workload created by an increase in cases filed under the Vaccine Act,” says the ad posted by the Torts Branch of the DOJ on the USAJobs website.

The jobs listing was also posted on LinkedIn.

“Trial attorneys in Office of Constitutional and Specialized Tort Litigation – Vaccine Litigation Staff – represent the interests of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services in all cases filed in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (“Vaccine Act”). The cases involve claims of injury as a result of the receipt of vaccines covered by the Act. The office is currently expanding to address workload created by an increase in cases filed under the Vaccine Act,” the listing says.

Devine adds, “Presumably, the hiring spree is in anticipation of a surge of COVID vaccine lawsuits, as people who were forced by government mandates to take the jab, and suffered serious side effects as a result, try to extract compensation from a system that is stacked against them.”

She references that “The recruitment drive comes on the heels of a little-noticed lawsuit filed in Louisiana last month by six vaccine-injured plaintiffs against the federal government. The suit aims to overturn the legal immunity that pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer and Moderna enjoy on their COVID shots.”

The lawsuit itself represents a significant threat to Big Pharma’s “liability shield.”

“A lawsuit by Covid-19 vaccine recipients claiming they were injured by their shots may usher in long-awaited changes to how the federal government handles immunization injuries,” writes Ian Lopez of Bloomberg Law.

“Individuals frustrated by the HHS program designed to compensate them for their injuries are taking their grievances to court,” he continues. “In a lawsuit lodged with the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, they say the program is unconstitutional, depriving them of their rights to due process and a jury trial.”

“Lawyers say the move could spur Congress and the Department of Health and Human Services to reform how they handle vaccine injuries, as well as push more of the individuals alleging injuries to not just sue the government, but the drugmakers that the program is meant to shield from litigation,” the article adds.

“‘This is the first domino to fall,” said David Carney, a Green & Schafle LLC attorney representing people injured by vaccines. “We’re going to start to see a windfall.”

The legal article notes that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is “in desperate need for more special masters to review the backlog of nearly 4,000 injury claims.”

Covid vaccine injuries are not currently covered under the VICP. Such claims are filed with the HHS’ Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.

The Post article also points to a rising phenomenon known as “Long Vax,” which medical experts are investigating as a host of chronic symptoms related to the novel mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Anne Louise Oaklander, a neurologist and researcher at Harvard Medical School, told Science about the new syndrome.

“You see one or two patients and you wonder if it’s a coincidence,” Dr. Oaklander said.

“But by the time you’ve seen 10, 20 [patients],” she said, “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

The alleged cases are “very rare”; however, they are being closely compared to “Long Covid,” which strongly suggests the two syndromes may be confounded.

The Covid-19 vaccines were sold as “100% safe and effective.” They were touted as necessary to protect one’s family and community, although they do virtually nothing to stop the spread. And there were adverse effects, particularly for young people, who were not at statistically significant risk from the Covid virus itself.

The Covid-19 vaccine reckoning cannot come soon enough.


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ad8c77 No.107009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910945 (132223ZNOV23) Notable: Rules Committee Hearing H.R. 5894 and H.R. 6363

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ad8c77 No.107010

File: 4d7852fed3e6d3f⋯.png (1.11 MB,1240x810,124:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910947 (132223ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries continued...

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The CIA absolutely has its hands all over this (covid 19 vax) - Dr Malone

5:23 PM ET

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ad8c77 No.107011

File: 3d7c0908c19d2bc⋯.png (641.64 KB,1027x916,1027:916,Clipboard.png)

File: e7b7b332ae5bae9⋯.png (626.64 KB,1027x924,1027:924,Clipboard.png)

File: f0b30f66fb33d66⋯.jpg (112.89 KB,675x1200,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910952 (132224ZNOV23) Notable: Did anons notice in the UK, a new movie starting; David Cameron, War criminal extraordinaire Tony Blair

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Did anons notice in the UK, a new movie starting;

1. David Cameron back from nowhere playing Foreign Secretary.

2. War criminal extraordinaire Tony Blair as as humanitarian coordinator in Gaza – media



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ad8c77 No.107012

File: 62728d461e227aa⋯.png (647.46 KB,1113x992,1113:992,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910960 (132225ZNOV23) Notable: Photos of cocaine found in the White House that sparked FBI investigation

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DailyMail.com reveals photos of THAT cocaine found in the White House

that sparked FBI investigation: Owner of baggy discovered in West Wing phone locker has never been identified

EXCLUSIVE - First photos reveal the COCAINE found in the White House: Images of the baggy

Photos of cocaine found in a phone locker in President Joe Biden's White House this summer can be revealed by DailyMail.com for the first time. The bag discovered next to the Situation Room in July sparked an 11-day investigation from the Secret Service, who couldn't find a culprit. Photos obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com through a Freedom of Information Act request show investigators finding and testing the white powder that sparked furious criticism of security at the White House. Documents obtained by DailyMail.con also show the Deputy Director of the FBI was involved in the investigation which clouded the Biden administration in scandal earlier this summer. The list of suspects was narrowed down to 500. No fingerprints or other DNA found on the container holding the cocaine, according to the Secret Service. And there was less than a gram of the illicit drug in the 'dime-sized' zipper-lock baggie. It is unclear if any suspects were interviewed during the short investigation. The Secret Service said the cocaine was sent for 'destruction' on July 14, a day after the probe wrapped up. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's initial response to questions about whether the cocaine could belong to a Biden came in the form of pointing out that they weren't home.


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ad8c77 No.107013

File: 7837f55b922e71f⋯.png (620.5 KB,620x372,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a9786a37ea9bdc⋯.png (492.75 KB,620x372,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910972 (132227ZNOV23) Notable: Rescue operation under way in India to save workers trapped after tunnel collapse

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Rescue operation under way in India to save workers trapped after tunnel collapse

Mon 13 Nov 2023 03.42 EST

A huge operation is under way to rescue 40 construction workers trapped after a tunnel partially collapsed in the Indian state of Uttarakhand.

The entrance to the Silkyara tunnel, which was under construction as part of a road project in Uttarkashi district, collapsed in the early hours of Sunday morning while dozens of workers were inside.

On Monday, officials said contact had been made with the trapped workers using walkie talkies, and that all those inside were alive. Funnels were inserted through the collapsed construction to get them oxygen and compressed food packets.

The workers are said to have about eight to 10 hours left before the oxygen in the tunnel runs out. Most of those stuck inside were migrant labourers from across the country.

“Everyone is safe, we are in constant touch with the trapped workers,” said Prashant Kumar, a state official.

The rescue effort, overseen by police and the state disaster response force, moved into its second day on Monday as several excavators and heavy machinery worked to move the heavy rubble and debris.

Officials said more than 20 metres of concrete rubble and twisted metal had been removed, but a further 35 metres needed to be cleared to reach those stuck inside.

The Uttarakhand chief minister, Pushkar Dhami, arrived at the scene on Monday and said the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, had promised “all possible help” for those trapped inside. “We hope they will be rescued soon,” he said.

The tunnel is part of the 900km Char Dam road project, which aims to improve connectivity across the mountainous terrain of the Himalayas in Uttarakhand.

The project has proved controversial and faced various legal challenges from environmentalists and locals as it involves drilling vast tunnels into the fragile Himalayan landscape, and has been associated with issues of subsidence, landslides and erosion of forests and local ecology.


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ad8c77 No.107014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910976 (132228ZNOV23) Notable: Who Owns the Most Gold Privately?

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Who Owns the Most Gold Privately?

John Paulson

Ray Dalio

Indian Families

Stanley Druckenmiller

Eric Sprott

The Royal Family of Saudi Arabia

The World Gold Council reports an estimated 208,874 metric tons of gold mined worldwide. Even knowing that, it’s impossible to estimate how much gold in the world remains. While there is plenty, much of this physical gold is too deep to mine. Experts estimate that at a rate of 3,000 metric tons per year, the world’s gold will last less than 18 years.

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ad8c77 No.107015

File: b95ea23f62b1559⋯.png (1.09 MB,1242x841,1242:841,Clipboard.png)

File: b95ea23f62b1559⋯.png (1.09 MB,1242x841,1242:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19910977 (132228ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries continued...

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They absolutely did know about the S 40 sequences - Dr Malone

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ad8c77 No.107016

File: fa9bed829dfacbb⋯.jpeg (402.38 KB,1125x1254,375:418,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 66c789dd815b663⋯.jpeg (957.08 KB,1125x927,125:103,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911003 (132233ZNOV23) Notable: FakePOTUS: I'm proud to establish a new WH Initiative on Women's Health Resarch

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Keep up the great work, Jilly & Joseph!

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ad8c77 No.107017

File: d3a9963ecdfbb08⋯.png (308.42 KB,719x554,719:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911061 (132245ZNOV23) Notable: POTUS T repost Joe Rogan: When you think of all the coordinated bullshit

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ad8c77 No.107018

File: cebd3fc03d09745⋯.png (153.58 KB,549x652,549:652,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d356810c75eacc⋯.png (562.76 KB,988x710,494:355,Clipboard.png)

File: 5753029b47f1319⋯.png (461.99 KB,986x628,493:314,Clipboard.png)

File: c4c1139298217a8⋯.png (1.16 MB,980x1322,490:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911062 (132245ZNOV23) Notable: Photos of cocaine found in the White House that sparked FBI investigation

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First photos emerge of cocaine found at the White House

Nov. 13, 2023, 4:10 p.m. ET

Photos have emerged of cocaine that was found last summer at the White House — before the Secret Service executed a quick investigation into the matter without arresting a suspect.

A small baggy containing roughly one gram of the white, powdery substance is visible in locker no. 50 near the White House’s West Executive entrance, according to photos the Daily Mail received after filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the protective agency.

The Secret Service concluded its probe just 11 days after the cocaine was discovered by an agent sweeping the West Wing on the night of Sunday, July 2, forcing a brief evacuation and a response by a Hazmat team before the substance could be identified.

The agency said it was unable to find the culprit due to “lack of physical evidence” after FBI forensic testing failed to turn up fingerprints or sufficient DNA on the bag.

“Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered,” the Secret Service said in a statement.

Roughly 500 visitors were considered suspects, but Secret Service reps never disclosed whether any were interviewed. The cocaine was later destroyed.

Federal investigators told House lawmakers in a private July briefing that they could not determine who dropped the cocaine into the locker due to lack of footage at the holding area, which is located one floor beneath the Oval Office and steps away from the Situation Room.

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden had departed the White House two days before the drug’s discovery to spend a long weekend at Camp David. They couple were accompanied by first son Hunter Biden, who has admitted to a history of crack cocaine addiction.

The Post confronted White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the dime-sized coke bag during a July 7 briefing, requesting that she rule out the possibility of it coming from a Biden family member.

“Can you say once and for all whether or not the cocaine belonged to the Biden family?” The Post asked.

“You know, there has been some irresponsible reporting about the family,” Jean-Pierre said, while the Secret Service investigation was still ongoing. “And, uh, and so I’ve got to call that out here.”

“And I have been very clear, I was clear two days ago when talking about this over and over again as I was being asked the question, as you know, and media outlets reported this, the Biden family was not here,” she added, declining to answer the question put to her.

“They were not here. They were at Camp David. They were not here Friday, they were not here Saturday or Sunday, they were not even here Monday. They came back on Tuesday. So to ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsible, and I’ll just leave it there.”

National security adviser Jake Sullivan also weighed in on the matter during the same briefing and suggested that construction workers who were working on the West Wing may have been responsible for sneaking the nose candy into one of the most secure buildings in the world.

As part of the July congressional briefing, the Secret Service also disclosed that marijuana had twice been confiscated from White House visitors trying to make it through checkpoints — but no arrests were made.

“No one was arrested in these incidents because the weight of the marijuana confiscated did not meet the legal threshold for federal charges or DC misdemeanor criminal charges as the District of Columbia had decriminalized possession,” a spokesman previously told The Post. “The marijuana was collected by officers and destroyed.”

White House staff are required to submit to drug testing, but visitors to the executive mansion are not.


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ad8c77 No.107019

File: 202672d1de0b162⋯.mp4 (12.9 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911091 (132249ZNOV23) Notable: #24446-A

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#24446 >>106944

>>106945, >>106947, >>106948, >>106974, >>106975, >>106980, >>106981, >>106985, >>106983, >>106989, >>106990, >>106992, >>106998, >>106999 LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries

>>106949, >>106972 Police Use Tear Gas, Flash-Bang Grenades Push Back Antifa Militants Protesting Atlanta Police

>>106950 At NYC Court, Donald Trump Jr. Speaks To Reporters About 'Rough Day' After Aunt Dies

>>106951 Microsoft Election Steal Dig

>>106946 Special counsel opposes bid to televise Trump election conspiracy trial

>>106952, >>106955, >>106969, >>106970, >>106960 Italy getting the Lahaina Treatment

>>106953, >>106976 Donald Trump's eldest sister Maryanne dead at 86

>>106954 For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

>>106956 POTUS T: “Businesses Will NEVER Come Back to New York If This HOAX Is Not Dismissed”

>>106957, >>106961, >>106967 New report: Review of Department of State End-Use Monitoring in Ukraine

>>106958 Planefag Reports

>>106959 Liberal Activists Upset After White Youtuber Builds 100 Wells for Clean Water across Africa

>>106962 Republicans Thwart Rep. Massie’s Bid to Block ‘Kill Switches’ in Cars that Goes into Effect in 2026

>>106963 America's top banking regulator FDIC faces exodus of female staff with claims of a 'toxic environment'

>>106964, >>106988, >>107012, >>107018 Photos of cocaine found in the White House that sparked FBI investigation

>>106965 Employees of American News Agencies Were Embedded with Hamas During Oct 7 Massacre

>>106966 Hospitals in Gaza Bombed, 20 Hospitals Are Already Out of Commission. 10,000 Palestinians Dead (3 days ago)

>>106968 PICTURED: Five US soldiers killed in helicopter crash during routine flight training in the Mediterranean Sea

>>106971 Amtrak service suspended between NY City, Albany after "Gaping Hole" opens in NYC garage above Amtrak tracks

>>106973 Palestinian-Australian owner burger chain moved his wife, child safe house after receiving life threat over SM


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ad8c77 No.107020

File: 8937e04156f85b2⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911104 (132250ZNOV23) Notable: #24446-B

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#24446 >>106944

>>106977 Germany promises ‘massive’ increase in Ukraine aid

>>106978, >>106997 Live Rep. Chip Roy on Two-Tiered Continuing Resolution, effort to avoid a government shutdown

>>106979 France to end free weapons supplies to Ukraine

>>106982 Comer Issues Subpoena to Former White House Counsel Dana Remus

>>106984 Microsoft and Meta Detail Plans To Combat “Election Disinformation”

>>106986, >>107016 FakePOTUS: I'm proud to establish a new WH Initiative on Women's Health Resarch

>>106987, >>106994 Heavy hailstorm with massive hailstones in Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

>>106991 Jack Smith Lashes Out Trump ANOTHER Motion Opposing Cameras in Courtroom, Compares Trump Murderous Terrorists

>>106993 Georgia County Commissioner Found Passed Out Drunk in the Street and Unruly: Caught on Body Cam

>>106995 TOOL LIST UPDATED 400+

>>106996 What is the real history of Covid? 2014! "Our DOD and CIA were involved with this."

>>107000 The Decisive Moment for Ukraine: A Conversation w/Andriy Yermak, Head of Office the President of Ukraine

>>107010, >>107015 LIVE: MTG holds special hearing Covid-19 vaccine injuries continued...

>>107001 Donald Trump Jr. returns to witness stand as New York fraud trial enters new phase

>>107002, >>107003, >>107004 Covid-19 Vax, all ties back to Hunter Biden, 10% for the big guy, well known-Tom Renz

>>107005, >>107006, A COVID-19 vaccine reckoning is coming for the DOJ over federal mandates

>>107007, >>107009 Rules Committee Hearing H.R. 5894 and H.R. 6363

>>107008 The DOJ is Preparing for ‘Surge’ of Covid Vaccine Injury Lawsuits

>>107011 Did anons notice in the UK, a new movie starting; David Cameron, War criminal extraordinaire Tony Blair

>>107013 Rescue operation under way in India to save workers trapped after tunnel collapse

>>107014 Who Owns the Most Gold Privately?

>>107017 POTUS T repost Joe Rogan: When you think of all the coordinated bullshit


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ad8c77 No.107021

File: e1d1b22aa14c550⋯.mp4 (11.24 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911129 (132252ZNOV23) Notable: #24447

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Thank you anons

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ad8c77 No.107022

File: f5f45423cc5bc8b⋯.png (1.26 MB,1295x639,1295:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911132 (132254ZNOV23) Notable: Agenda 47 https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47

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Agenda 47


"Ending Veteran Homelessness in America"

"No Welfare for Illegal Aliens"

"The American Academy"

"President Trump's Message to America's Auto Workers"

"President Trump's Pledge to Homeschool Families"

"President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs"

"America Must Have the #1 Lowest Cost Energy and Electricity on Earth"

"Ending the Nightmare of the Homeless, Drug Addicts, and Dangerously Deranged on American Streets"

"Returning Production of Essential Medicines Back to America and Ending Biden’s Pharmaceutical Shortages"

"President Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Human Traffickers"

"Rescuing America’s Auto Industry from Joe Biden’s Disastrous Job-Killing Policies"

"Rebuilding America’s Depleted Military"

"Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs Infecting Educational Institutions"

"Protecting Americans by Taking on Big Pharma and Ending Global Freeloading"

"Cementing Fair and Reciprocal Trade with the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act"

"Using Impoundment to Cut Waste, Stop Inflation, and Crush the Deep State"

"Addressing Rise of Chronic Childhood Illnesses"

"Ending the Scourge of Drug Addiction in America"

"Celebration Of 250 Years Of American Independence at the Iowa State Fairgrounds"

"Day One Executive Order Ending Citizenship for Children of Illegals and Outlawing Birth Tourism"


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ad8c77 No.107023

File: ae52fe6e34dd18b⋯.png (271.8 KB,1231x664,1231:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911142 (132256ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. House Votes on Articles of Impeachment on DHS Secretary Mayorkas - 11/13/23

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U.S. House Votes on Articles of Impeachment on DHS Secretary Mayorkas - 11/13/23



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ad8c77 No.107024

File: 4e025e0a090931e⋯.png (572.57 KB,500x568,125:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911158 (132258ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News Report

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Federal Government Faces Vaccine Injury Lawsuits, Faked Pandemic Deaths Exposed, IDF Raids Gaza’s Parliament, UAW Strikes Continue

King Of Real News ZeroHedge To Stream Live Debates On Twitter X

Laura Loomer Vs. Dave Smith In Wednesday Showdown Over Israel-Hamas War


Corrupt DOJ Looking For Attorneys To Defend Federal Government LIARS In Vaccine Injury Cases


Top UK Government Heath Official Admits Hospitals Faked Pandemic Deaths


MY COMMENT: Covid-19 was a Fear PSYOP to sell people to take the ACTUAL BIOWEAPON, which was in the mRNA Clot Shot the whole time!!!

Ironic! Hunter Biden Could Benefit From Pro-2nd Amendment Ruling By SCOTUS


A Supreme Court ruling slammed by President Joe Biden now might offer Hunter Biden an avenue by which to appeal his three felony firearm charge.

Louisville Ford Workers Reject Labor Deal, Indicating Possible Continuation Of UAW Strikes


Exxon To Start Producing Lithium In Arkansas To Become Major EV Battery Supplier


US Launches 3rd Round Of Airstrikes On Eastern Syria, But Deterrence Still Failing


IDF Raids And Takes Over Gaza’s Parliament As Hamas Suffers Losses


All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars!


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ad8c77 No.107025

File: fce7c3739167a49⋯.png (1.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911177 (132303ZNOV23) Notable: Comer Issues Subpoena to WH Counsel Dana Remus for Deposition Related to Biden’s Stolen Classified Docs

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Comer Issues Subpoena to White House Counsel Dana Remus for Deposition Related to Biden’s Stolen Classified Documents

Nov. 13, 2023 4:40 pm

House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Monday subpoenaed former White House Counsel Dana Remus for a deposition related to Biden’s stolen classified documents investigation.

Comer’s subpoena comes a few days after his Committee issued additional subpoenas to Hunter Biden’s associates Eric Schwerin, Hunter’s art gallerist George Berges and Elizabeth Naftali, the Democrat donor who purchased Hunter’s art.

“I’m issuing a subpoena to former White House Counsel Dana Remus to appear for a GOP Oversight Committee deposition related to President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents,” Comer said on Monday.

“Joe Biden may have kept sensitive documents related to his family’s foreign business schemes,” Comer added.


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ad8c77 No.107026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911186 (132307ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump Jr. Goes After Letitia James Over 'Precedent' Being Set With NYC Fraud Trial

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Donald Trump Jr. Goes After Letitia James Over 'Precedent' Being Set With NYC Fraud Trial

Donald Trump Jr. spoke with the press on Monday outside of the courthouse for the New York City fraud trial.


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ad8c77 No.107027

File: d6d02ee4b3a0410⋯.jpg (88.8 KB,1484x960,371:240,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911195 (132309ZNOV23) Notable: VIRGINIA: Rep Abigail Spanberger, D-7th, formally launched campaign become Virginia's 1st woman governor

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VIRGINIA: "Representative Abigail Spanberger, D-7th, formally launched her campaign to become Virginia's first woman governor Monday morning, invoking her upbringing in the Richmond suburbs as the foundation of her commitment to a lifetime of public service. Spanberger, 44, used a video statement to announce her plan to run for governor in 2025 instead of seeking a fourth term in Congress next year, representing a 7th District that a court-ordered redistricting at the end of 2021 anchored in Northern Virginia instead of Chesterfield and Henrico counties.

A former CIA officer and criminal investigator for the U.S. Postal Service, she said she and her husband, Adam, are raising their three daughters in western Henrico on the same lessons that her parents taught her, "Teaching them, like my parents taught me, that if you see something wrong, do everything in your power to right it."


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ad8c77 No.107028

File: 65399be7c65b2d0⋯.png (1.29 MB,1078x606,539:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911227 (132317ZNOV23) Notable: ‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley announces plans to run for Congress in Arizona

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BREAKING: ‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley announces plans to run for Congress in Arizona

Jacob Chansley is running for Congress in Arizona District 8.

He intends to run on the Libertarian Party ticket.



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ad8c77 No.107029

File: 5363262c2cc6dec⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911231 (132320ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz on Why a Special Field Hearing Was Needed to Discuss COVID Vaccine Injuries

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Rep. Matt Gaetz on Why a Special Field Hearing Was Needed to Discuss COVID Vaccine Injuries

"I believe that reason is because far too many members of those committees obtain those committee seats because they are bought and paid for by Big Pharma. And if you go look at the people who lead these positions in the House and Senate, and you line up the money they get from big pharma lobbyists and big pharma packs, it is pretty easy to see why we are here. So I believe that we are just the beginning of following up on these 60 oversight requests sent by Senator Johnson, and that is what our committees ought to be doing."


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ad8c77 No.107030

File: 70b588e078ac0ae⋯.png (509.56 KB,590x1046,295:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 97afa71f6430786⋯.png (765.81 KB,650x735,130:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bbc5aef631c9a3⋯.png (811.77 KB,800x1018,400:509,Clipboard.png)

File: fcba272a8cd73ee⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x681,1024:681,Clipboard.png)

File: d86fccea2c95c42⋯.png (421.43 KB,598x1024,299:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911248 (132324ZNOV23) Notable: @MayorRudyGiuliani: I want to take a moment to remember the innocent victims of American Airlines Flight 587

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Rudy Giuliani


I want to take a moment to remember the innocent victims of American Airlines Flight 587, a passenger flight departing from JFK airport bound for Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic that crashed on November 12, 2001, into the neighborhood of Belle Harbor in Queens.

I'll never forget those we lost that day, including Hilda Yolanda Mayol (pictured), who had just survived the September 11th terrorist attacks just two months earlier, or Ruben Rodriguez, who had just returned from a deployment aboard the aircraft carrier Enterprise.

May God rest their souls and continue to comfort their families and loved ones.

Nov 13, 2023, 1:13 PM


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ad8c77 No.107031

File: 15eafbb68e57a37⋯.png (281.4 KB,560x373,560:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911253 (132324ZNOV23) Notable: Supreme Court adopts code of conduct amid ethics scrutiny

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Supreme Court adopts code of conduct amid ethics scrutiny

The Supreme Court on Monday announced it has formally adopted what it called a new code of conduct following allegations of ethics lapses.

The court issued a 14-page document that included five canons of conduct on issues such as when justices should recuse themselves and what kind of outside activities they can engage in.


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ad8c77 No.107032

File: 727ae6370da5f52⋯.png (310.94 KB,645x386,645:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911278 (132329ZNOV23) Notable: ‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley announces plans to run for Congress in Arizona

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ad8c77 No.107033

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911279 (132330ZNOV23) Notable: Rogan O'Handley: "If Matt Gaetz can do it to Kevin McCarthy we can do it to Ronna McDaniel"

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Rogan O'Handley: "If Matt Gaetz can do it to Kevin McCarthy we can do it to Ronna McDaniel"! PDJT its time to rip the bandaid off, so its beyond time. Inverse Chelibek, the longest RNC since 1896



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ad8c77 No.107034

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911297 (132333ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz on Why a Special Field Hearing Was Needed to Discuss COVID Vaccine Injuries

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>Why a Special Field Hearing Was Needed to Discuss COVID Vaccine Injuries

Field Hearings: Fact Sheet on Purposes, Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines


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ad8c77 No.107035

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911303 (132334ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Andy Biggs: "They'll do anything to avert a shutdown, including continuation of spending"

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Rep. Andy Biggs: "They'll do anything to avert a shutdown, including continuation of spending"



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ad8c77 No.107036

File: b238364491ab247⋯.png (640.3 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911333 (132341ZNOV23) Notable: Etna Volcano - Live from Sicily

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ad8c77 No.107037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911344 (132343ZNOV23) Notable: Etna Volcano - Live from Sicily

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Etna Volcano - Live from Sicily

Vincenzo Modica


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ad8c77 No.107038

File: 500cf3429d9e4cd⋯.webp (33.68 KB,773x435,773:435,Clipboard.webp)

File: ba93ca80710f992⋯.webp (106.56 KB,1920x1282,960:641,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911356 (132345ZNOV23) Notable: Etna Volcano - Live from Sicily

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ad8c77 No.107039

File: 059f2dc031a8409⋯.png (157.17 KB,619x744,619:744,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d5fd81d93f6785⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911393 (132353ZNOV23) Notable: @FAKEFLOTUS: 1st ever WH Initiative on Women’s Health Research not possible without you, @MariaShriver

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18:08 = 17

Jill Biden


Launching the first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research would not have been possible without you, @MariaShriver.

Your leadership outside of government will be essential in this effort — advising me and mobilizing the private and philanthropic communities.


Maria Shriver




I’m so amazingly proud to be a part of this groundbreaking initiative with the @whitehouse! Today, @POTUS established the first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research by @FLOTUS, galvanizing the federal government, the private sector, and philanthropy to improve…

Show more

6:08 PM · Nov 13, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107040

File: b713e8939520b75⋯.png (265.64 KB,619x637,619:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911427 (140000ZNOV23) Notable: @FAKEPOTUS: I proudly signed the Korean American VALOR Act into law

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President Biden


This morning, I proudly signed the Korean American VALOR Act into law – providing a pathway for thousands of Korean American Vietnam War veterans to access VA health care.

Because of this law, they'll have the care and benefits they earned.

5:35 PM · Nov 13, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911433 (140001ZNOV23) Notable: @FAKEPOTUS: I proudly signed the Korean American VALOR Act into law

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they did not get benefits before. That was like 70 years ago.

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ad8c77 No.107042

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911440 (140003ZNOV23) Notable: “I’m Not Done Fighting This”: Caroline Wren Refuses To Back Down Against Ronna McDaniel

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“I’m Not Done Fighting This”: Caroline Wren Refuses To Back Down Against Ronna McDaniel



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ad8c77 No.107043

File: 83c2b4e6dc4d60d⋯.pdf (1.24 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911451 (140004ZNOV23) Notable: Defense for Children International - Palestine v. Biden

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Defense for Children International - Palestine v. Biden

A lawsuit has been filed in U.S. federal court against President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Austin for the U.S. officials’ failure to prevent and complicity in the Israeli government’s unfolding genocide against them, their families, and the 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza.




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ad8c77 No.107044

File: 98c5a437f42fd94⋯.png (770.46 KB,885x516,295:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911465 (140006ZNOV23) Notable: New Chinese institute lures top U.S., Western scientists to obtain advanced American technology

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New Chinese institute lures top U.S., Western scientists to obtain advanced American technology

November 13, 2023

China is investing more than $1.4 billion in a new institute run by former scientists at the Los Alamos nuclear weapons laboratory, part of an ambitious program to hire top U.S. scientists and obtain advanced American technology, according to an investigation by The Washington Times.

The Eastern Institute of Advanced Study (EIAS) is described on its Chinese website as the precursor to the planned Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) in Ningbo, China. Organizers are paying American scientists million-dollar salaries and providing other lucrative benefits for their knowledge of cutting-edge technology that China has been unable to generate independently.

The program has hired some of the United States’ most experienced scientists, according to documents and open-source research specialists who have studied the project.

The EIAS and the proposed EIT are below the radar and backed financially and politically by the regional Chinese Communist Party in Ningbo, south of Shanghai. The project is the latest version of Beijing’s Thousand Talents recruitment program.

The Justice Department’s China initiative targeted the Thousand Talents program for its focus on American technological knowledge and skills. Since 2018, the Justice Department unit has prosecuted more than 20 U.S. figures with ties to American universities. Many of them were allegedly involved in sensitive U.S. government research while covertly working for Chinese government-linked projects.

The China initiative was launched during the Trump administration in a bid to halt an estimated $250 billion to $600 billion annual loss from Chinese technology theft. The Biden administration halted the legal initiative over concerns that the prosecutions appeared racially motivated.

The Times investigation into the technology theft and recruitment program is based on information and interviews provided by specialists with knowledge of the program, documents outlining the goals and objectives of the project, and information posted on the Chinese internet.

The EIAS plan for the Eastern Institute of Technology includes a multi-acre campus in Ningbo, but the purpose is to systematically steal U.S. intellectual property, mainly in the field of semiconductors, according to security researchers familiar with the programs.

The ‘Kunpeng Plan’

China is calling the talent recruitment effort the “Kunpeng Plan,” according to EIAS documents. The plan is a crucial element of China’s answer to multibillion-dollar U.S. investments in semiconductor manufacturing backed by U.S. export curbs on sales of advanced microchips to China.

Kunpeng is a term derived from a mythical Chinese leviathan-roc, a creature that transforms from a large fish into a predatory bird.

In addition to hiring Nobel Prize-level technology specialists, the EIAS plans to obtain advanced technology from the United States in the areas of semiconductors, artificial intelligence, batteries and advanced computing.

“The practices of EIT faculty and administration would be blatant violations of trade secrets and noncompete clauses in any U.S. company,” said one expert who has studied the project.

The EIAS plan is funded by an initial commitment of $4 billion from Yu Renrong, founder and chairman of Will Semiconductor Co. Ltd. in Shanghai. The Chinese government agreed to provide matching funding of 20% to 30% of the initial investment.

The planned Eastern Institute of Technology website describes “a new-style research university” funded by Mr. Yu, a Ningbo-based billionaire and CEO of OmniVision Technologies. The local Zhejiang government provided a large plot of land that eventually will become a high-tech university campus.

Will Semiconductor was relatively small until 2019, when it quietly purchased the U.S.-based OmniVision for $2.178 billion, assisted by a $50 billion grant from the China National Integrated Circuit Investment Fund. The fund’s publicly stated goal is to pursue China’s “fusion projects” benefiting the commercial and military sectors.

OmniVision is among the world’s leading providers of image sensors — critical elements for self-driving cars, medicine, cameras and phones — and weapons systems. Mr. Yu did not immediately respond to a request for comment submitted through an OmniVision spokesman.

cont. in article


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ad8c77 No.107045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911508 (140012ZNOV23) Notable: @FAKEPOTUS: I proudly signed the Korean American VALOR Act into law

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WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 (Yonhap) - U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday signed into law a bipartisan act allowing Korean American veterans of the Vietnam War to be eligible for state health care services, the White House said.



Biden signs act enabling Korean-American Vietnam War veterans to receive health care benefits

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ad8c77 No.107046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911517 (140014ZNOV23) Notable: @FAKEPOTUS: I proudly signed the Korean American VALOR Act into law

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The "Korean American Vietnam Allies Long Overdue for Relief Act" is expected to allow about 3,000 veterans, who have become naturalized American citizens, to enroll in state health care paid for by the Korean government, according to the office of Senator Mike Braun.

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ad8c77 No.107047

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911528 (140017ZNOV23) Notable: “In The Pocket Of The CCP”: Raheem Kassam Comments On David Cameron’s Return To British Government

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“In The Pocket Of The CCP”: Raheem Kassam Comments On David Cameron’s Return To British Government. Braverman fired because she believe in the rule of law, and patriotismAnd of course they bring back the DS, and Netanyahu wanted him back==. Netanyahu didn’t want Trump because he successively created a Peace Accord. Netanyahu doesn’t want peace, he wants unlimited death like Cameron enjoys.

This people are sick fucks



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ad8c77 No.107048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911559 (140023ZNOV23) Notable: In Shadow of War, a Snapshot of US Military Assistance to Israel

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>is the USA now responsible for the military actions of other states?

gee don't know how'd it happen?

IF WE PAY FOR IT we probably are pretty responsible anon

how about124 BILLION DOLLARS?

In Shadow of War, a Snapshot of US Military Assistance to Israel

As Washington delivers military aid to Israel, Stimson experts explore 70 years of a partnership underwritten by billions in arms transfers and security assistance

Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. military assistance since the Second World War, amounting to more than $124 billion over the past seven decades, not adjusted for inflation. In recent years, U.S. assistance to Israel has been outlined in a 10-year memoranda of understandings, the most recent of which was signed in 2016 and pledges $38 billion in military assistance between FY2019-FY2028.


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ad8c77 No.107049

File: 5859ddad7daea29⋯.png (242.28 KB,557x632,557:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911569 (140025ZNOV23) Notable: Kathy Hochul announced that New York is "collecting data" from "surveillance efforts" on social media

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Kathy Hochul announced that New York is "collecting data" from "surveillance efforts" on social media

Hochul says the social media analysis unit will contact people who commit "hate speech"

This is to "ensure safety" Even though they got rid of Guiliani's Stop and Frisk which actually made NY safe

1:52 PM · Nov 13, 2023




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ad8c77 No.107050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911676 (140042ZNOV23) Notable: Greta Thunberg is heckled by a stage invader during a climate march in Amsterdam

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Greta Thunberg is heckled by a stage invader during a climate march in Amsterdam


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ad8c77 No.107051

File: f6046084586b3cc⋯.png (160.72 KB,1209x590,1209:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911678 (140043ZNOV23) Notable: What is really horrifying is that a genocide by vaccine was going on prolly since 1918 and the "Spanish flu"

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The COVID vaccine debacle is horrifying, but what is really horrifying is that a genocide by vaccine was going on prolly since 1918 and the "Spanish flu". Here's a more recent example:


A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25-29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection

(In my opinion the veracity of the above study was supported by its retraction.)

Everyone was complaining about the recent Nobel Prize in medicine going to some scientists who had worked on the mRNA technology involved in the COVID injections, but giving awards to scientists whose discoveries have been used nefariously is not new. Prior to the COVID injections the HPV vaccines were perhaps the most deadly and dangerous. Two scientists whose work lead to the HPV vaccines won the "American Nobel" called The Lasker Prize.In 2017 Lasker awards were given to scientists involved in HPV vaccines and to Planned Parenthood: https://laskerfoundation.org/winners/2017-winners/ (Pic related.)

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ad8c77 No.107052

File: de3140e01cc8397⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,360x470,36:47,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911711 (140049ZNOV23) Notable: Reminder to teach em young in the way for when they grow old they won't depart.

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Reminder to teach em young in the way for when they grow old they won't depart.

Blessings frens ;)

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ad8c77 No.107053

File: 314bd864943990f⋯.jpeg (424.62 KB,1170x1158,195:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911768 (140059ZNOV23) Notable: Democrats block effort to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas with Republican support

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Democrats block effort to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas with Republican support


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ad8c77 No.107054

File: 785de1a6679be5d⋯.mp4 (14.72 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911901 (140115ZNOV23) Notable: #24447

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FINAL @720


#24447 >>107021

>>107022 Agenda 47 https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47

>>107023 U.S. House Votes on Articles of Impeachment on DHS Secretary Mayorkas - 11/13/23

>>107024 End Times News Report

>>107025 Comer Issues Subpoena to WH Counsel Dana Remus for Deposition Related to Biden’s Stolen Classified Docs

>>107026 Donald Trump Jr. Goes After Letitia James Over 'Precedent' Being Set With NYC Fraud Trial

>>107027 VIRGINIA: Rep Abigail Spanberger, D-7th, formally launched campaign become Virginia's 1st woman governor

>>107028, >>107032 ‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley announces plans to run for Congress in Arizona

>>107029, >>107034 Rep. Matt Gaetz on Why a Special Field Hearing Was Needed to Discuss COVID Vaccine Injuries

>>107030 @MayorRudyGiuliani: I want to take a moment to remember the innocent victims of American Airlines Flight 587

>>107031 Supreme Court adopts code of conduct amid ethics scrutiny

>>107033 Rogan O'Handley: "If Matt Gaetz can do it to Kevin McCarthy we can do it to Ronna McDaniel"

>>107035 Rep. Andy Biggs: "They'll do anything to avert a shutdown, including continuation of spending"

>>107036, >>107037, >>107038 Etna Volcano - Live from Sicily

>>107039 @FAKEFLOTUS: 1st ever WH Initiative on Women’s Health Research not possible without you, @MariaShriver

>>107040, >>107045, >>107041, >>107046 @FAKEPOTUS: I proudly signed the Korean American VALOR Act into law

>>107042 “I’m Not Done Fighting This”: Caroline Wren Refuses To Back Down Against Ronna McDaniel

>>107043 Defense for Children International - Palestine v. Biden

>>107044 New Chinese institute lures top U.S., Western scientists to obtain advanced American technology

>>107047 “In The Pocket Of The CCP”: Raheem Kassam Comments On David Cameron’s Return To British Government

>>107048 In Shadow of War, a Snapshot of US Military Assistance to Israel

>>107049 Kathy Hochul announced that New York is "collecting data" from "surveillance efforts" on social media

>>107050 Greta Thunberg is heckled by a stage invader during a climate march in Amsterdam

>>107051 What is really horrifying is that a genocide by vaccine was going on prolly since 1918 and the "Spanish flu"

>>107053 Democrats block effort to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas with Republican support

>>107052 Reminder to teach em young in the way for when they grow old they won't depart.


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ad8c77 No.107055

File: c3c934dd31484f9⋯.mp4 (15.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911914 (140117ZNOV23) Notable: #24448

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Thank you anons




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ad8c77 No.107056

File: 4e7f7a758757c1e⋯.jpeg (152.69 KB,732x1024,183:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911923 (140119ZNOV23) Notable: Psyop Rock - Frauds

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ad8c77 No.107057

File: dc5cc0dce21482d⋯.png (1.16 MB,1170x825,78:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911950 (140129ZNOV23) Notable: HOW DO WE ACTUALLY HELP GAZA? Is evacuation the only option?

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Idk how to say this, or the best way to start a discussion, so I'mma just scream in red text and hope something results from it:


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ad8c77 No.107058

File: 684949b29d9061b⋯.png (182.14 KB,1080x1510,108:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911954 (140129ZNOV23) Notable: 8 US House Republicans Vote with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

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Bye bye Mayorkas

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ad8c77 No.107059

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911955 (140130ZNOV23) Notable: HOW DO WE ACTUALLY HELP GAZA? Is evacuation the only option?

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Annihilate Hamas?

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ad8c77 No.107060

File: f1e7f4e423097ee⋯.pdf (180.2 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 0b036a42041cbef⋯.png (566.55 KB,793x1136,793:1136,Clipboard.png)

File: 53be82d4aef7ed9⋯.jpg (60.08 KB,618x354,103:59,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 59cae6ec018ed02⋯.png (904.43 KB,710x526,355:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911959 (140131ZNOV23) Notable: 8 US House Republicans Vote with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UPDATE: US House Votes with 8 Republicans Voting with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Who Has Overseen the Purposeful Invasion at the US Border

By Jim Hoft Nov. 13, 2023 6:49 pm

The House voted on Monday night on Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

Here are the 8 Republicans:

Patrick McHenry – North Carolina

Tom McClintock – California

Virginia Foxx – North Carolina

Darrell Issa – California

Cliff Bentz – Oregon

Ken Buck – Colorado

Mike Turner – Ohio

John Duarte – California


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ad8c77 No.107061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911976 (140135ZNOV23) Notable: 8 US House Republicans Vote with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

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>>107058 Mayorkas Impeachment FILED

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ad8c77 No.107062

File: 05bbdaa0d99bb9c⋯.png (28.39 KB,414x485,414:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911979 (140136ZNOV23) Notable: 8 US House Republicans Vote with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

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ad8c77 No.107063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911981 (140137ZNOV23) Notable: 8 US House Republicans Vote with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

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8 Republicans voted with Democrats to save Mayorkas from being fired. 13 Republicans refused to vote on the resolution.

Here are the 8 Republicans:

Patrick McHenry – North Carolina

Tom McClintock – California

Virginia Foxx – North Carolina

Darrell Issa – California

Cliff Bentz – Oregon

Ken Buck – Colorado

Mike Turner – Ohio

John Duarte – California

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ad8c77 No.107064

File: 66eac8e5e41e22c⋯.jpeg (303.92 KB,1290x556,645:278,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 39b80fd84142f8f⋯.jpeg (648.78 KB,1287x621,143:69,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9de8bb62f742a5e⋯.png (505.17 KB,731x359,731:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19911983 (140137ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reports

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SPAR13 C40C returned to JBA after a stop at Shannon for a refuel and a Naples, Italy depart earlier today

This AC departed JBA on 11/09 stopped at Shannon for a refuel and was last seen heading ES over the southern Red Sea (Potato talked to Sultan of Oman about Chinese bases on Friday 11/10) which this AC was heading in direction of.

from Nov 10

Biden Speaks to Oman’s Ruler With Concerns Rising Over China’s Presence in Region


It reappeared heading NW to Naples yesterday and departed earlier today

SAM459 G5 left MacDill (CENTCOM) after a ground stop


SAM164 C40B an AC used by =JCOS Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.== heading ES over Adriatic Sea and AC was at CENTCOM yesterday then returned to JBA however he (JCOS) appears to be traveling with Sec of Defense Austin and in Seoul on TITAN25-see readout below

This AC was switched off about 145m ago in this position

Readout of 48th Republic of Korea and United States Military Committee Meeting between Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., and Chairman of the Republic of Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Kim Seung-Kyum


It departed JBA earlier today and also stopped at Shannon for a refuel

This AC was used by former JCOS Milley and caught him using it about 2 years ago

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ad8c77 No.107065

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912045 (140151ZNOV23) Notable: What do you do with a Congress too corrupt to police itself?

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>US House Votes with 8 Republicans Voting with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Who Has Overseen the Purposeful Invasion at the US Border

Congress is too corrupt to police themselves.

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ad8c77 No.107066

File: 4e75abd03faedff⋯.png (1.39 MB,763x1072,763:1072,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912046 (140151ZNOV23) Notable: What do you do with a Congress too corrupt to police itself?

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ad8c77 No.107067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912048 (140152ZNOV23) Notable: ISRAELI(US tax dollar) SPONSORED HAMAS SLEEPER CELLS IN THE US! Is your city on the watch list?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shows the reported locations of "cells". Also, presents what Donald Trump wants to do when back in office. Only about 9 minutes.

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ad8c77 No.107068

File: 4886ac321644b22⋯.png (21.47 KB,652x236,163:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912062 (140155ZNOV23) Notable: What do you do with a Congress too corrupt to police itself?

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Rats and cockroaches.

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ad8c77 No.107069

File: 3bf977c337ccd1c⋯.jpeg (216.64 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912065 (140156ZNOV23) Notable: ISRAELI(US tax dollar) SPONSORED HAMAS SLEEPER CELLS IN THE US! Is your city on the watch list?

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Remember, the entire government condoned and supported this happening.

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ad8c77 No.107070

File: 7d810d11dd6ddb8⋯.png (95.36 KB,300x169,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912079 (140159ZNOV23) Notable: ISRAELI(US tax dollar) SPONSORED HAMAS SLEEPER CELLS IN THE US! Is your city on the watch list?

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obviously. enjoy the show

///the ones you trust the most

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ad8c77 No.107071

File: 0b68cba47842fa0⋯.png (69.79 KB,249x249,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912081 (140200ZNOV23) Notable: 8 US House Republicans Vote with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


mchenry - McHenry did not join the majority of Republican members of Congress who sided with the Trump campaign's attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election. He voted to certify Arizona's and Pennsylvania's votes in the 2021 United States Electoral College vote count

mcclintock - In 2017, McClintock called for special prosecutor Robert Mueller to investigate President Donald Trump. McClintock felt that Trump's firing of James Comey justified a special prosecutor.

foxx - Foxx voted to provide Israel with support following 2023 Hamas attack on Israel.

bentz - Bentz voted to provide Israel with support following 2023 Hamas attack on Israel.

buck - In September 2023, Buck came out against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's decision to announce an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. The inquiry was launched by McCarthy to uncover alleged corruption on the part of the President in relation to his son Hunter's business dealings. Buck said that McCarthy and Republicans pushing the inquiry did not have enough evidence to launch it and said it relied on "fictitious" facts and "imagined history."

Buck later became one of a group of seven Republicans who did not support their colleagues' efforts to challenge the results of the election on January 6, 2021. These seven signed a letter that, while giving credence to election fraud allegations Trump made, said Congress did not have the authority to influence the election's outcome.[69] In a 2021 interview with Kara Swisher of The New York Times, Buck distanced himself from Trump's claims regarding the 2020 election.

Buck voted to provide Israel with support following 2023 Hamas attack on Israel.

turner - After the Dayton shooting in August 2019, Turner announced he would back legislation barring the "sale of military-style weapons to civilians" and also said he would support a limit on magazines and the creation of legislation that would keep guns from people deemed dangerous by the police.

duarte - In October 2023, Duarte said that McCarthy should be reinstated as Speaker due to the unrest in Israel changing the political dynamics and stakes in the U.S. House

Duarte has said "I don't care about party politics" and that "I'll stand against 'the woke.' I'll stand against the ultra-conservatives."

Duarte is a sponsor of the Farm Worker Modernization Act which seeks to boost foreign worker availability in the U.S., with benefits to both employers and laborers.

Duarte supports Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Duarte voted to provide Israel with support following 2023 Hamas attack on Israel.

fuck all these people - vote them all out

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ad8c77 No.107072

File: 2304e89c128d9db⋯.png (595.32 KB,580x430,58:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912082 (140200ZNOV23) Notable: What do you do with a Congress too corrupt to police itself?

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ad8c77 No.107073

File: b1e3c0c4caeedbe⋯.png (394.8 KB,576x623,576:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912140 (140211ZNOV23) Notable: Ultra-Orthodox Shun Their Own for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse, weird

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Ultra-Orthodox Shun Their Own for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse


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ad8c77 No.107074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912149 (140214ZNOV23) Notable: Ultra-Orthodox Shun Their Own for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse, weird

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Just like the Catholic priests all cover for each other.

Just like the Masons all cover for each other.

Just like the Fraternal Order of Police all cover for each other.

Just like the Mormons all cover for each other.

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ad8c77 No.107075

File: 22b7209fd372855⋯.jpeg (2.13 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912151 (140214ZNOV23) Notable: Ultra-Orthodox Shun Their Own for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse, weird

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Odd that the same thing happens in other religious communities but it’s never in the headlines

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ad8c77 No.107076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912156 (140215ZNOV23) Notable: Bari Weiss: You Are the Last Line of Defense - speech at the Federalist Society

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Bari Weiss: You Are the Last Line of Defense

My speech at the Federalist Society’s Barbara K. Olson Memorial lecture.


Tonight, I’d like to talk about the war of ideas and of conviction and of will that faces us as Americans. I want to talk about the stakes of that war. About how we must wage it—fearlessly and relentlessly—if we seek to build a world fit for our children, and if we want to save America itself.

Over the past two decades, I saw this inverted worldview swallow all of the crucial sense-making institutions of American life. It started with the universities. Then it moved beyond the quad to cultural institutions—including some I knew well, like The New York Times—as well as every major museum, philanthropy, and media company. It’s taken root at nearly every major corporation. It’s inside our high schools and our elementary schools.

And it’s come for the law itself. This is something that will not come as a surprise to the Federalist Society. When you see federal judges shouted down at Stanford, you are seeing this ideology. When you see people screaming outside of the homes of certain Supreme Court justices—causing them to need round-the-clock security—you are seeing its logic.

The takeover of American institutions by this ideology is so comprehensive that it’s now almost hard for many people to notice it—because it is everywhere.

So what do we do?

First: look. We must recover our ability to look and to discern accordingly. We must look past the sloganeering and the propaganda and take a hard look at what’s in front of our eyes.

Second: we—you—must enforce the law.

The wave of elected so-called “progressive prosecutors” has proven to be an immensely terrible thing for law and order in cities across America. It turns out that choosing not to enforce the law doesn’t reduce crime. It promotes it.

Third: no more double standards on speech.

Public universities are constitutionally forbidden from imposing content-based restrictions on free speech. And yet, that’s precisely what they’ve been doing.

Fourth, accept that you are the last line of defense and fight, fight, fight.

There is no place like this country. And there is no second America to run to if this one fails.

So let’s get up. Get up and fight for our future. This is the fight of—and for—our lives.

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ad8c77 No.107077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912180 (140218ZNOV23) Notable: HOW DO WE ACTUALLY HELP GAZA? Is evacuation the only option?

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Leave them alone and let them do their thing.

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ad8c77 No.107078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912191 (140219ZNOV23) Notable: HOW DO WE ACTUALLY HELP GAZA? Is evacuation the only option?

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Stop giving money to Israel.

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ad8c77 No.107079

File: 9b286c259bb1ac2⋯.png (220.18 KB,956x841,956:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912251 (140228ZNOV23) Notable: HOW DO WE ACTUALLY HELP GAZA? Is evacuation the only option?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107080

File: 7795291fec39642⋯.png (337.98 KB,793x601,793:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dfa267f7f8b5d3⋯.png (194.24 KB,696x1292,174:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912278 (140232ZNOV23) Notable: Study: France Successfully Treats Tens Of Thousands With HCQ

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Study: France Successfully Treats Tens Of Thousands With HCQ

Updated 9:21 AM EST, Mon November 13, 2023

A new study that looked at the outcomes of COVID-19-positive patients treated early with Hydroxychloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin has concluded that there was a significant benefit in mortality with the use of the drug. The study, which Dr. Peter McCullough contributed to, examined a massive cohort of 30,423 patients treated at a single center in France. It showed that patients who were not treated with the two-drug combination were much more likely to die from COVID-19 infection than those who were. The paper details the flaws of past experimental random controlled trials for the efficacy of HCQ and HCQ-AZ treatment while explaining why this study is valuable.

Most of us already knew that HCQ was a viable treatment for COVID-19. As the paper notes, it was nearly impossible to get proper studies during the pandemic; however, brave doctors stepped out and treated in private practice and are still reeling from the attacks they received. The results of this study are just an affirmation of what the health freedom movement has been screaming about since the early days of the pandemic. However, there haven’t been many people talking about another massive revelation—that they could do this study at all.

When many in the United States and the Trump Administration started talking about the anecdotal benefits of treating COVID early with off-label drugs such as HCQ and Ivermectin, establishment medicine, big pharma, and the government came out in full force to demonize and decry the use of the treatment as ineffective, and even dangerous. At one point, we had many “doctors” on television talking about how deadly HCQ was, especially when used with Azithromycin. Remember all of the talk about interference with the heart rhythm, etc.? I do. Of course, no one could forget the demonization of Ivermectin as a “horse dewormer” and the subsequent fallout.

This became one of the tenets of an ongoing court case, Missouri v. Biden, in which the states of Missouri and Louisiana have sued the Federal government, accusing them of threatening social media companies to censor any talk of these alternative treatments on social media, among other things. After early discovery in the case, those accusations have already been proven true.

It also became an issue for patients across the country, as many tried and failed to get their doctors to prescribe the life-saving regimen. If they were lucky enough to find an open-minded doctor willing to follow an “outside the box” early treatment protocol, the chances that their pharmacy would even fill the prescriptions were, and still are, scarce.


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ad8c77 No.107081

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912316 (140236ZNOV23) Notable: RNC Committeewoman Patti Lyman: The RNC’s Continually Ignoring The Grassroots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RNC Committeewoman Patti Lyman: The RNC’s Continually Ignoring The Grassroots



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ad8c77 No.107082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912344 (140240ZNOV23) Notable: HOW DO WE ACTUALLY HELP GAZA? Is evacuation the only option?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


by stop pretending like palestine is a country, let them become citizens elsewhere and stop the "permanent refugee" status that they ALONE (well, i mean i suppose jews technically have the same status in a way seeing as they're all citizens of israel if they want to) in the entire world have

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ad8c77 No.107083

File: f2721751dfc4fdf⋯.png (433.52 KB,715x1073,715:1073,Clipboard.png)

File: ed416185f1041a4⋯.png (313.6 KB,709x800,709:800,Clipboard.png)

File: a639f3604b8d7d9⋯.png (268.37 KB,485x323,485:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912368 (140243ZNOV23) Notable: REMINDER: Andrew Breitbart was 'in talks with CNN' over new show with Anthony Weiner before he died aged just 43

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Andrew Breitbart was 'in talks with CNN' over new show with Anthony Weiner before he died aged just 43

Show would have been comeback for ex-congressman forced to quit after campaign from conservative firebrand Breitbart


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ad8c77 No.107084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912433 (140253ZNOV23) Notable: 8 US House Republicans Vote with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨 BREAKING: 8 House Republicans join Democrats to kill


’s resolution to bring articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

-Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO)

-Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)

-Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA)

-Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC)

-Rep. John Duarte (R-CA)

-Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)

-Rep. Cliff Bentz (R-OR)

-Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH)

8:10 PM · Nov 13, 2023





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ad8c77 No.107085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912510 (140302ZNOV23) Notable: ISRAELI(US tax dollar) SPONSORED HAMAS SLEEPER CELLS IN THE US! Is your city on the watch list?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hamas is a wholly owned subsidiary of Israel Inc. comeonman! You gnu here?

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ad8c77 No.107086

File: 2d02a60cb43124e⋯.png (257.41 KB,500x261,500:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912661 (140328ZNOV23) Notable: ‘Bad actors’ used state program to store pallets, hand sanitizer under 10 Fwy before arsonist struck, Newsom says

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Bad actors’ used state program to store pallets, hand sanitizer under 10 Fwy before arsonist struck, Newsom says

This weekend, a large fire damaged the 10 Freeway in Los Angeles, shutting down a primary transportation route for hundreds of thousands of people.

State Fire Marshal Daniel Berlant said investigators “have been able to confidently determine” that the blaze was caused by arson, though the person or persons involved have not been identified.


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ad8c77 No.107087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912678 (140331ZNOV23) Notable: #24448

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#24448 >>107055

>>107057, >>107059, >>107077, >>107078, >>107082, >>107079 HOW DO WE ACTUALLY HELP GAZA? Is evacuation the only option?

>>107060, >>107058, >>107061, >>107062, >>107063, >>107071, >>107084 8 US House Republicans Vote with Democrats to Shelve Impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas

>>107065, >>107066, >>107068, >>107072 What do you do with a Congress too corrupt to police itself?

>>107067, >>107069, >>107070, >>107085 ISRAELI(US tax dollar) SPONSORED HAMAS SLEEPER CELLS IN THE US! Is your city on the watch list?

>>107064 PF Reports

>>107056 Psyop Rock - Frauds

>>107073, >>107074, >>107075 Ultra-Orthodox Shun Their Own for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse, weird

>>107076 Bari Weiss: You Are the Last Line of Defense - speech at the Federalist Society

>>107080 Study: France Successfully Treats Tens Of Thousands With HCQ

>>107081 RNC Committeewoman Patti Lyman: The RNC’s Continually Ignoring The Grassroots

>>107083 REMINDER: Andrew Breitbart was 'in talks with CNN' over new show with Anthony Weiner before he died aged just 43

>>107086 ‘Bad actors’ used state program to store pallets, hand sanitizer under 10 Fwy before arsonist struck, Newsom says


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ad8c77 No.107088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912700 (140333ZNOV23) Notable: #24449

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ad8c77 No.107089

File: 171c50326cc8ffb⋯.png (312.1 KB,758x605,758:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912728 (140342ZNOV23) Notable: Scott’s Exit Will Likely Help Haley, Team DeSantis May ‘Try Crying About It’

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Scott’s Exit Will Likely Help Haley, Team DeSantis May ‘Try Crying About It’

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott (R) surprised everyone when announced that he would be suspending his presidential campaign this past Sunday night.

Sen. Scott made his announcement on former Rep.Trey Gowdy’s Fox News Channel program.

So where will Sen. Scott’s current support go with two months until Iowa voters caucus to decide who they want to be the Republican presidential nominee?

With former President Donald Trump the hands-down favorite to win the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, all eyes are on who will come in second place in all of the early-voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.

The latest Des Moines Register statewide poll conducted in Iowa has Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Ambassador Nikki Haley tied with 16 percent support of those surveyed.

Trafalgar group has DeSantis at 18 percent followed by Haley with 15 percent support.

It's clear that DeSantis and Haley are battling it out for second place, so the 6.7 percent support Sen. Scott has garnered is expected to go to Haley, or at the very least, the majority of it will go to her.

But even if Scott’s support gets split evenly between Haley and DeSantis, DeSantis has the most to lose.

DeSantis has been pushing the narrative that this was a two-man race between him and President Trump.

This is not the case. DeSantis has had to open up two fronts, one against Trump and the other against Haley.

DeSantis influencers have been quick to try to convince their echo chamber supporters that Scott’s support would go to DeSantis.

It’s a valiant effort, but good money is on Scott’s support going to Haley.

It gets worse for Team DeSantis past Iowa.

As we stated before, DeSantis needs to not lose by more than 15 percentage points.

Haley is leading DeSantis by 4 percent in the average of polls taken in New Hampshire, and is leading him by 8 points in South Carolina.

Both Haley and Scott are from South Carolina and have immense support in their state. If Scott’s support all goes to Haley, it could be lights out of DeSantis the Palmetto State.

The latest Republican presidential primary race poll conducted by then University of North Florida in DeSantis’s home state of Florida has Trump leading him by 30 points.

As expected Trump has already trolled DeSantis over the new Florida poll, and suggests he drop out of the race.

Losing in Florida would not be good for DeSantis.


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ad8c77 No.107090

File: 1f848b9cce0eef2⋯.jpg (223 KB,808x965,808:965,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912744 (140345ZNOV23) Notable: Chansley DIG & discussion

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The GP

Jacob Chansley the ‘QAnon Shaman’ Has Filed Papers to Run for Congress in Arizona


Who remembers Jacob making videos about him being an Admiral in the U.S. Navy?

Special program that bumped him to high rank?

Spirit warrior sum'thin sum'thin.

I can't be the only one here who members.

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ad8c77 No.107091

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912775 (140351ZNOV23) Notable: 11:11 - Signs From The Universe Or Synthetic Synchronicity (AI)? | Frank Jacob Interview

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11:11 - Signs From The Universe Or Synthetic Synchronicity (AI)? | Frank Jacob Interview

He makes some claims in this video that they are trying to shut off the Hippocampus of our brainnad also to get Graphene into bodies to make us into antennas they started with Tattoo ink. Even though there isnt much sauce for that, but he mentions how "all of a sudden" there was a massive push for tattoos in people, the 90's had "Tribal Tattoos' which were just big black tiger like stripes, I have some being Gen X. But maybe they started with tattoo ink?

Also people having touble embedding Rumble Use the embed tab and where it says Embed Iframe URL I changed the https://rumble.com/embed/v3qmp9a/?pub=tfndb



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ad8c77 No.107092

File: 978d5ab210e1be2⋯.png (67.26 KB,698x768,349:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912848 (140407ZNOV23) Notable: Chansley DIG & discussion

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>Jacob Chansley the ‘QAnon Shaman’ Has Filed Papers to Run for Congress in Arizona

Isn't there Special Rules about people charged with Insurrection holding office? But I just checked to see if he was charged with that and he wasn't. This also doesn't say how many months he served because he was let go right after Tucker showed SOME J6 videos. I wonder what happened to all that ,... smoke apparently


Civil Disorder; Obsrtuction of an Official Proceeding; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building; Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building

Location of Arrest:

ARIZONA, Phoenix

Case Status:

Arrested 1/9/21. Indicted 1/11/21. Arraigned 1/29/21 and pleaded not guilty to all counts.

Plea agreement entered 9/3.


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ad8c77 No.107093

File: 7094f3916441c33⋯.png (368.98 KB,600x512,75:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912867 (140412ZNOV23) Notable: Myanmar fighter jet crashes, rebels claim responsibility

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ST Foreign Desk


Nov 12

Myanmar fighter jet crashes, rebels claim responsibility


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ad8c77 No.107094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912937 (140426ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul Says New York Has Started Conducting Special Media “Surveillance Efforts” To Monitor “Hate”

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Governor Kathy Hochul Says New York Has Started Conducting Special Media “Surveillance Efforts” To Monitor “Hate”

In response to escalating incidents of harassment, particularly against Jewish and Muslim communities, New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul is today intensifying the state’s counterterrorism measures and is boosting the controversial practice of surveilling social media platforms, and therefore the speech of New Yorkers and other American citizens.

This measure follows ongoing tension in Israel and Gaza. Hochul revealed plans for enhancing the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force personnel and assigning an extra $2.5 million to the State Police.

“…we’re very focused on the data we’re collecting from surveillance efforts, what’s being said on social media platforms, and we have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people,” Hochul said.

“When we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms, our media analysis, our social media analysis unit has ramped up its monitoring of sites to catch incitement to violence, direct threats to others.

“And all this is in response to our desire, our strong commitment to ensure that not only do New Yorkers be safe, but they also feel safe.”

This isn’t the first time Hochul has stuck her nose into monitoring online speech.

A New York law aimed at regulating “hateful conduct” online was blocked by a judge. This law, signed by Governor Hochul, required social media networks to report and address hateful conduct, broadly defined as actions that vilify or incite violence based on various identity factors.

Judge Andrew L. Carter, Jr. ruled that the law violated the First Amendment, emphasizing the importance of protecting even hateful speech. The court argued that the law not only restricted the speech of social media users but also compelled social media networks to adopt and endorse the state’s definition of hateful conduct.


note, The New York Post published this story at 9:00pm Eastern and it has since been removed from its website

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ad8c77 No.107095

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912986 (140440ZNOV23) Notable: Chansley DIG & discussion

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>>>107090, >>107092 Chansley DIG

he is a actor.

plain and simple.

watch video

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2

2 months ago


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ad8c77 No.107096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19912995 (140442ZNOV23) Notable: Chansley DIG & discussion

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> Chansley's an actor

that's why it's good to dig on him since he's running for office

he speaks well, but why dress up like a holy fool on J6?

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ad8c77 No.107097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913004 (140445ZNOV23) Notable: Chansley DIG & discussion

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Found Chansley's old channel.


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ad8c77 No.107098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913011 (140447ZNOV23) Notable: Revolutionizing urban travel: NYC's first electric air taxi flight

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Revolutionizing urban travel: NYC's first electric air taxi flight

Electric aircraft maker Joby Aviation recently achieved a milestone with its exhibition flight at the Downtown Manhattan Heliport in New York City on Sunday (November 12), marking the city's first-ever electric air taxi flight and the first time Joby has flown in an urban setting.

"It seats a pilot and four passengers and flies at speeds of up to 200 miles an hour, and what that means is that a flight from here in Manhattan to JFK can take as little as 7 minutes," said JoeBen Bevirt, founder and CEO of Joby Aviation. "These aircraft are game changers because they're dramatically quieter, which means that we can put takeoff and landing locations in more places around cities like New York."

Joby, in partnership with Delta Air Lines, aims to launch its air taxi service in New York, offering fast, emissions-free journeys, and reducing helicopter noise impact.

The company plans to begin commercial passenger service in 2025 and has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification for flight testing, bringing it closer to commercial operations.

Unlike other electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft manufacturers, which plan to sell aircraft to customers such as airlines and logistics companies, Joby's business model is similar to a rideshare app.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced plans to electrify the heliport on Monday (November 13), positioning New York as a global leader in clean, quiet flight.

"Here, at the Downtown Manhattan Heliport, we are going to establish the world's first heliport with infrastructure for electric powered helicopters of this nature - the first one in this country," he said. "We're going to re-imagine the assets as a new hub for sustainable transportation. This is a bold new vision on what we want to accomplish as a city. We know how important it is to just also bring down the noise, and as I just learned, how far the noise can travel."


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ad8c77 No.107099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913028 (140451ZNOV23) Notable: re Trump talking about Capone recently: Did Hillary Clinton's father, Hugh Rodham, ran the Chicago Mob after Al Capone? DIG CALL

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You guys know how Trump been talking about Capone lately? Some anon was sayin' many moons ago about Hilldog being his daughter.

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ad8c77 No.107100

File: 9b502708bf4198c⋯.png (209.88 KB,928x612,232:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913044 (140456ZNOV23) Notable: re Trump talking about Capone recently: Did Hillary Clinton's father, Hugh Rodham, ran the Chicago Mob after Al Capone? DIG CALL

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her dad, hugh rodham, ran the chicago mob


and wapo ran this article in 2015


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ad8c77 No.107101

File: 1e2659c22ccd9ea⋯.png (454.26 KB,1208x1562,604:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 021c7055a9ff112⋯.png (224.96 KB,1200x1550,24:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e5fc68d4dbe859⋯.png (392.97 KB,1212x1544,303:386,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a01402a58e0caf⋯.png (83.38 KB,1202x1572,601:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 210f71e7f5ffd73⋯.png (387.32 KB,1207x1564,71:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913048 (140457ZNOV23) Notable: 19913054, DOD Directive on planning for presidential transitions - 8-30-22, updated 2-3-23

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>>>/qresearch/19912954, >>>/qresearch/19912990, >>>/qresearch/19913020


1 of 4

The DoD Directive PDF (18 pages)

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ad8c77 No.107102

File: 033d725d7c8bd78⋯.png (59.69 KB,452x611,452:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913049 (140457ZNOV23) Notable: from Missouri: @AGAndrewBailey - Kim Gardner hit the eject button and resigned as Circuit Attorney when it became clear that our lawsuit to remove her from office was going to be successful

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Missouri report on Kim Gardiner


Attorney General Andrew Bailey


🚨BREAKING: Kim Gardner hit the eject button and resigned as Circuit Attorney when it became clear that our lawsuit to remove her from office was going to be successful.

My office has published the Gardner Report to ensure no one person will ever take our state hostage again.

11:50 PM · Nov 13, 2023





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ad8c77 No.107103

File: d9f6f6a46a626f3⋯.png (137.85 KB,540x598,270:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913053 (140459ZNOV23) Notable: from Missouri: @AGAndrewBailey - Kim Gardner hit the eject button and resigned as Circuit Attorney when it became clear that our lawsuit to remove her from office was going to be successful

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ad8c77 No.107104

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913055 (140459ZNOV23) Notable: re Trump talking about Capone recently: Did Hillary Clinton's father, Hugh Rodham, ran the Chicago Mob after Al Capone? DIG CALL

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Hence Q referring to Godfather. Gangster Families.

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ad8c77 No.107105

File: d532db4e88f498f⋯.png (414.49 KB,1206x1568,603:784,Clipboard.png)

File: b133eae6003a502⋯.png (439.64 KB,1203x1567,1203:1567,Clipboard.png)

File: c953f9b98826fb1⋯.png (421.85 KB,1204x1568,43:56,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f10e20cce0a617⋯.png (301.33 KB,1190x1567,1190:1567,Clipboard.png)

File: 09f7ecd1caf69e0⋯.png (195.57 KB,1209x1572,403:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913060 (140501ZNOV23) Notable: 19913054, DOD Directive on planning for presidential transitions - 8-30-22, updated 2-3-23

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>>107101 1 of 4

>>>/qresearch/19913054 2 of 4

3 of 4

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ad8c77 No.107106

File: 88b036bc63ce9a0⋯.png (412.68 KB,1209x1551,403:517,Clipboard.png)

File: b6f906b2dedb9d7⋯.png (306.51 KB,1205x1538,1205:1538,Clipboard.png)

File: 80f5934911be32a⋯.png (432.61 KB,1213x1573,1213:1573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913068 (140503ZNOV23) Notable: 19913054, DOD Directive on planning for presidential transitions - 8-30-22, updated 2-3-23

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>>107101 1 of 4

>>>/qresearch/19913054 2 of 4

>>107105 3 of 4

4 of 4

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ad8c77 No.107107

File: 5c52c3b9e5a5cd3⋯.png (190.33 KB,612x419,612:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913070 (140504ZNOV23) Notable: re Trump talking about Capone recently: Did Hillary Clinton's father, Hugh Rodham, ran the Chicago Mob after Al Capone? DIG CALL

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ad8c77 No.107108

File: 79d652806f5b32c⋯.png (53.74 KB,783x461,783:461,Clipboard.png)

File: a68852d4dbb6d4a⋯.png (90.8 KB,569x712,569:712,Clipboard.png)

File: d2cb60a0f3dee67⋯.png (1.04 MB,1462x811,1462:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913071 (140504ZNOV23) Notable: re Trump talking about Capone recently: Did Hillary Clinton's father, Hugh Rodham, ran the Chicago Mob after Al Capone? DIG CALL

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>(2013) Clinton Insider Larry Nichols admits he was a HITMAN for the Clintons

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ad8c77 No.107109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913074 (140505ZNOV23) Notable: Chansley DIG & discussion

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"Crisis Actor" for Congress.

Bet that's been done before.

"This comes back to the theme of those who live in the 2-dimensional world of the fictional movie are easily manipulated by those who live in the 3-dimensional world outside the movie. Just as characters confined to the 2-dimensional world can be flipped over as seen in numerous scenes already, objects can be rearranged in between scenes, unknown to the 2-dimensional characters. Dave is catching on, however, since he looks at the wine glass with some suspicion, and ponders over the fragments after it shatters. He is on the verge of enlightenment, and will soon discover that he has been living as a character within a movie."


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ad8c77 No.107110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913077 (140505ZNOV23) Notable: 19913054, DOD Directive on planning for presidential transitions - 8-30-22, updated 2-3-23

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ad8c77 No.107111

File: 5678c11a9142160⋯.png (783.72 KB,999x923,999:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913091 (140509ZNOV23) Notable: Gen Flynn: “We have to get mad and we have to tell them, we’re not going to take it anymore.” vid shows HOW

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“We have to get mad and we have to tell them, we’re not going to take it anymore.”

To learn how, please take time to watch this short video.

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ad8c77 No.107112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913126 (140522ZNOV23) Notable: re Trump talking about Capone recently: Did Hillary Clinton's father, Hugh Rodham, ran the Chicago Mob after Al Capone? DIG CALL

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that's why i recommended looking in qresear.ch

5+ years worth of past digs.

here's a good question, is there an answer?

#2666708 at 2018-08-19 16:16:25 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3366 Evil People ,Go Away Edition


Is it true HRC's father, Hugh Rodham, ran the Chicago mob after al capone?

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ad8c77 No.107113

File: efa3c1dd3cbc1bd⋯.jpeg (67.61 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913229 (140559ZNOV23) Notable: Republican objections complicating Ukraine aid – White House

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14 Nov, 2023

Republican objections complicating Ukraine aid – White House

The US House of Representatives has ignored requests that it provide Kiev with more money

The refusal by Republicans in Congress to pass President Joe Biden’s omnibus funding bill has already impacted Washington’s ability to send more military aid to Ukraine, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Monday.

Last month, the White House asked Congress for a $106 billion supplemental funding request, bundling funding for Ukraine with aid to Israel and Taiwan, among other things. The Republican-majority House has since passed only a $14 billion bill for aid to Israel, which was blocked by the Democrat-controlled Senate last week.

“This is already affecting our ability to give Ukraine what they need, and this effect will only get worse,”Sullivan toldreporters at the White House press briefing. (Fuck Sullivan!)

The White House began complaining that the funds appropriated for Ukraine were running on empty at the start of the month. Last week, USAID informed Congress that its own budget for Kiev had run dry. On Friday, the Pentagon said itonly had $1 billionleft in congressionally approved funding. (Only $1 Billion, these assholes do not understand how many need citizens could be helped with that amount.)

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress last month that without continued US funding, Russia will “only get stronger.” Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky had been more blunt during his September visit to Washington, saying that if the US does not send more money, “we will lose.” (Hey asshole, you already lost!)!

Biden has repeatedly promised to fund Ukraine for “as long as it takes” to defeat Russia, while insisting the US and its allies were not directly involved in the conflict. Congress has passed four Ukraine aid bills, to the tune of $113 billion, since Moscow launched its military operation in the neighboring state in February 2022. By the Pentagon’s own estimates, $43.9 billion of that had gone to security assistance to Kiev.

What changed in early October was the ouster of the Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, reportedly over striking a secret Ukraine funding deal with the White House, and the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, which has commanded all the attention of the US public and politicians alike.

The new speaker, Mike Johnson of Louisiana, has proposed averting a November 17 government shutdown by passing several different bills, funding some parts of government operations through January 19 and others through February 2. There was no mention of any money being allocated to Ukraine, however.

(Fuck Ukraine, the leaders will knowingly killing young men, so there are not vital and healthy children the could keep the Russian, oh I mean the Ukrainian race. from procreating. Doesn’t this seem odd on many ways?)



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ad8c77 No.107114

File: 60d01e48da981f0⋯.png (86.75 KB,589x207,589:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913231 (140600ZNOV23) Notable: Three murderers and sexual offenders among people released from immigration detention

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Three murderers and sexual offenders among people released from immigration detention

The federal government has defended its security response to the release of detainees from immigration detention, insisting all are subject to strict mandatory visa conditions, with some required to report daily to Border Force.

Key points:

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles says the High Court ruling was counter to what the government was seeking

He confirmed three murderers and "several" sex offenders were among the people released

The Coalition has demanded the government provide more details about the conditions of their release

A decision by the High Court last week ruled indefinite immigration detention was unlawful, which has resulted in 81 people being let out into the community.

Among those released include Afghan man Aliyawar Yawari, who was accused of attacking three women and convicted of assault.

Also released was Sirul Azhar Umar, a bodyguard for the then Malaysian prime minister who was convicted of murdering a pregnant woman on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur in 2006.

Under questioning from the opposition, Immigration Minister Andrew Giles said he believed there were three murderers and several sex offenders among the cohort.


Australia is getting some murderers and pedophiles

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ad8c77 No.107115

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913238 (140602ZNOV23) Notable: Tiget Network: Rise. Anon. Rise.

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Rise. Anon. Rise

1:07 est tora3 premiere

👀 : if anons want to rise. Dig before you eat


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ad8c77 No.107116

File: db526f15be5f0e4⋯.png (242.29 KB,778x212,389:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913356 (140703ZNOV23) Notable: Biden Mulls Approval of Fresh $10 Billion for Iran

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Biden Mulls Approval of Fresh $10 Billion for Iran

The Biden administration may approve a sanctions waiver on Tuesday that will allow Iran to access at least $10 billion in previously frozen funds held in Iraq, a closely watched decision that comes just a month after the Tehran-backed terror group Hamas launched an attack on Israel that left 1,200 dead.

The waiver would extend the multibillion-dollar sanctions relief first issued in July that expires tomorrow. It allows Iraq to transfer frozen electricity payments into Iranian-owned bank accounts in Europe and Oman. The waiver renewal is driving concerns that the Biden administration is maintaining financial avenues for Tehran as the country’s terrorist proxies foment chaos across the Middle East.

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ad8c77 No.107117

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913495 (140754ZNOV23) Notable: Hawaii Gov. Green lies about Lahaina deaths - so did the police chief (police knew power lines were not live)

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Anyone else wondering about Maui?


Hawaii Gov. Green lies about Lahaina deaths

FYI, it's from the blog not the articles.

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ad8c77 No.107118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913517 (140800ZNOV23) Notable: Hawaii Gov. Green lies about Lahaina deaths - so did the police chief (police knew power lines were not live)

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Maui Fire update- Road blocks, power lines, and $150 million going out to fire victims

Brush Junkie

25.7K subscribers

Maui police were informed 18 times that power lines were NOT live

on the day of the fire.


It's all DRIBBLING OUT, see her other videos.

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ad8c77 No.107119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913520 (140802ZNOV23) Notable: #24449

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#24449 >>107088

>>107089 Scott’s Exit Will Likely Help Haley, Team DeSantis May ‘Try Crying About It’

>>107091 11:11 - Signs From The Universe Or Synthetic Synchronicity (AI)? | Frank Jacob Interview

>>107090, >>107092, >>107095, >>107096, >>107097, >>107109 Chansley DIG & discussion

>>107093 Myanmar fighter jet crashes, rebels claim responsibility

>>107094 Hochul Says New York Has Started Conducting Special Media “Surveillance Efforts” To Monitor “Hate”

>>107098 Revolutionizing urban travel: NYC's first electric air taxi flight

>>107101, >>107110, 19913054, >>107105, >>107106 DOD Directive on planning for presidential transitions - 8-30-22, updated 2-3-23

>>107102, >>107103 from Missouri: @AGAndrewBailey - Kim Gardner hit the eject button and resigned as Circuit Attorney when it became clear that our lawsuit to remove her from office was going to be successful

>>107111 Gen Flynn: “We have to get mad and we have to tell them, we’re not going to take it anymore.” vid shows HOW

>>107099, >>107100, >>107104, >>107108, >>107107, >>107112 re Trump talking about Capone recently: Did Hillary Clinton's father, Hugh Rodham, ran the Chicago Mob after Al Capone? DIG CALL

>>107113 Republican objections complicating Ukraine aid – White House

>>107114 Three murderers and sexual offenders among people released from immigration detention

>>107115 Tiget Network: Rise. Anon. Rise.

>>107116 Biden Mulls Approval of Fresh $10 Billion for Iran

>>107117, >>107118 Hawaii Gov. Green lies about Lahaina deaths - so did the police chief (police knew power lines were not live)




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ad8c77 No.107120

File: 37e56549f5251fa⋯.png (110.8 KB,275x235,55:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913528 (140804ZNOV23) Notable: #24450

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baker signing off, bread is ghosted

good night,


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ad8c77 No.107121

File: d213588e1e9946f⋯.png (2.54 MB,1598x1060,799:530,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913566 (140828ZNOV23) Notable: Jack Sonni, 68, known as “the other guitarist” in rock group Dire Straits, died Wednesday

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Jack Sonni, known as “the other guitarist” in the British rock group Dire Straits, died Wednesday at the age of 68.

The band announced Sonni’s death on X (formerly Twitter) with a post that included a black-and-white photo of the guitarist, who rose to fame when he joined the band for their iconic “Brothers in Arms” album and tour.

“#JackSonni Rest In Peace. #DireStraits.”

It is currently unknown how the music legend passed away.

The news of Sonni’s death comes after a recent post on the Dire Straits Legacy website, run by former band members, sharing that their bandmate was in poor health.

“Dear fans, unfortunately, Jack Sonni will not be able to participate in our next gigs because of health problems. Jack get better soon, we are waiting for you! With love, the DSL family,” read the message.

Since the announcement, fans have left tributes to the late rock star on social media.


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ad8c77 No.107122

File: a1cfd1e3b4861de⋯.png (2.13 MB,1840x1845,368:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913577 (140838ZNOV23) Notable: Victims ID’d in Houston crash that killed ex-Raiders player D.J. Hayden

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Victims ID’d in Houston crash that killed ex-Raiders player D.J. Hayden

Hayden, a first-round NFL draft pick, and others were in an Acura that was struck by another driver who was speeding and ran a red light early Saturday.

D.J. Hayden obit

Then-Oakland Raiders cornerback D.J. Hayden on the field in Cleveland in 2015.David Richard / AP file

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Nov. 13, 2023, 9:18 PM PST

By Phil Helsel

All five victims and the at-fault driver who died in a crash in Houston that killed a former NFL player were identified by police Monday.

D.J. Hayden, a first-round draft pick of the then-Oakland Raiders, and two other former University of Houston football players were among the six people who died in the crash at around 2 a.m. Saturday, police said in an update Monday.

The crash occurred as Christian Herrera, 25, was speeding in a Chrysler 300 and ran a red light, striking an Acura that Hayden and the others were in, police said in a statement.

car crash kills ex-Raiders football player D.J. Hayden

The aftermath of a crash in Houston early Saturday.Onscene TV

The people who were killed in the Acura were Hayden, 33; the two other former University of Houston players, Zachary McMillian, 32, and Izuchu Oragwu, 31; and Lauren Robinson, 32, who was driving that vehicle, police said.

Another man who was pedestrian, Frank Johnson, 31, also died after Herrera’s Chrysler went on the sidewalk after the crash and hit him, police said.

Herrera was the only person in his car, police said.


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ad8c77 No.107123

File: 403d9969ba82910⋯.png (123.71 KB,1117x632,1117:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913578 (140841ZNOV23) Notable: Largest bank on the planet, 4th largest automaker on the planet, 3rd largest law firm on the planet), largest mortgage broker in the US, and Boeing ALL "hacked" within days of each other

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Largest bank on the planet (ICBC), 4th largest automaker on the planet (Stelantis), 3rd largest law firm on the planet(A&O Shearman), largest mortgage broker in the US(Mr Cooper), and Boeing(Defense Contractor) ALL "hacked" within days of each other!


>Mr. Cooper was "hacked" https://archive.is/SXtpC

>Meridian Capital Raided by Feds https://archive.is/MdiR2

>US30Y Auction Fails https://archive.is/pxTIO

>A&O Shearman "hacked" https://archive.is/vjOow

>Largest Bank in world taken down by "hackers" https://archive.is/3BmOw

>ICBC forced to trade and settle deals with USB sticks https://archive.is/8vfHV

>50% of Australia's Ports Taken Down due to "hack" https://archive.is/8Cu45

>ICBC pays Trillion $ Ransom to "hackers" https://archive.is/cceHL

>Stelantis production hampered by "ack" https://archive.is/e1ek6


>DTCC Doubles Margin Requirements for Mortgage Backed Securities (sound familiar?) https://archive.is/x5Hs8

>South Korea bans all short selling until June 2024 https://archive.is/vHEno

>Governor of Federal Reserve Lisa Cook warns of the dangers and imminent disaster in real estate https://archive.is/jSkLW

>WeWork declares bankruptcy on Nov 6th. https://archive.is/VQQ7W

>ACH Outage first week of November (still affecting some people) https://archive.is/qVybU

>Bank of Japan Outage in October 80B+ $ affected in accounts https://archive.is/VrA83

>More borrowed from FHLB than in 2008 mortgage crisis! https://archive.is/V4AU3

>JPM, Citibank, BoA close thousands of accounts https://archive.is/rreKc

>Boeing "Hacked" Files Leaked Online https://archive.is/0m7W3

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ad8c77 No.107124

File: c5e3f2aa0368b99⋯.jpg (374.63 KB,1080x1242,20:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913593 (140853ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI - THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA

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Anons see this shit yet?

Didnt notice it in notes...

THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump.


Also there's a video @ the link, be really cool if it was posted here for anons...

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ad8c77 No.107125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913601 (140904ZNOV23) Notable: ICYMI - THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA

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ad8c77 No.107126

File: 0d3fddbde593a98⋯.jpg (147.19 KB,720x901,720:901,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913605 (140908ZNOV23) Notable: Biden calls David Axelrod a 'pr-k' in private as ex-Obama adviser voices election concerns

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Biden calls David Axelrod a 'pr-k' in private as ex-Obama adviser voices election concerns: Report



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ad8c77 No.107127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913640 (140938ZNOV23) Notable: Moar on Iceland quakes, volcanoes. Icelandanon weighs in.

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Shows original rupture from 1957 reopened after Quakes in Iceland.

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ad8c77 No.107128

File: 3764fbf55d1168f⋯.png (1.41 MB,2018x1052,1009:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913652 (140945ZNOV23) Notable: LAPD investigating deadly shooting possibly involving US Marshals

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LAPD investigating deadly shooting possibly involving US Marshals: officials

By Stepheny Price , Fox News

Published Nov. 14, 2023, 3:05 a.m. ET

One person is dead, another injured after the Los Angeles Police Department responded to a shooting Monday afternoon, reportedly involving US Marshals.

According to officials, paramedics with the Los Angeles Fire Department were called to the 6300 block of West Wilshire

Boulevard just after 11:30 a.m. Monday for reports of a shooting.

Authorities said one person was declared dead, and a second victim was treated at the scene.

Officers said the investigation is active and ongoing.

The circumstances leading up to the shooting remain unknown, according to police.

LAPD is asking anyone with information about the shooting to contact them.


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ad8c77 No.107129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913660 (140950ZNOV23) Notable: Moar on Iceland quakes, volcanoes. Icelandanon weighs in.

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icelandanon here, this happens every few years. This time there´s a town in danger, as well as a powerplant and the bluelagoon-tourist destination. They´re starting to build a defence wall around the powerplant, but otherwise we´ll just have to wait and see.

It will prolly not be a big one, but nobody knows for sure. Maybe the town get´s destroyed, but that´s life in Iceland.

This will never be as big as the "Eyjafjallajökull"-eruption in 2010. That was under a glacier = explosion and ash forming eruption, stopping all air traffic in Europe and elsewhere.

This one will never do that, unless the eruption starts out from the beach in the sea. Then there could be ash, but nothing serious, I presume.

This is just Iceland.

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ad8c77 No.107130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913684 (140959ZNOV23) Notable: Moar on Iceland quakes, volcanoes. Icelandanon weighs in.

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>>107129 me


Iceland volcano documentary, if you´re interested.

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ad8c77 No.107131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913713 (141025ZNOV23) Notable: Moar on Iceland quakes, volcanoes. Icelandanon weighs in.

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>providing us with perspective

You´re welcome, but have no doubts, there´s a big one coming. Remember Eyjafjallajökull in 2010. If you look at a map, right next to it is Katla and she´s a monster, many many times the size of Eyjafjallajökull. When Katla erupts properly (and she´s way overdue right now, usually one eruption per century), then the world will notice. Eyjafjallajökull stopped air traffic in Europe for a month. When Katla goes she could stop all air traffic in the northern hemisphere for a year.. or two.. or moar.

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ad8c77 No.107132

File: 65377e23285bb89⋯.png (564.18 KB,792x753,264:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913734 (141044ZNOV23) Notable: Issues & Insights OPEd - Election Fraud Deniers are the Real Threat to Democracy

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Election Fraud Deniers Are The Real Threat

To Democracy

Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Board

Posted By: RockyTCB, 11/14/2023 4:54:46 AM

If you are like us, you’re sick and tired of being labeled a “denier” any time you challenge the left’s agenda. Don’t believe the earth will be destroyed unless we all live like cavemen? You are a climate denier! You worry about side effects from an experimental new vaccine. Vaccine denier! And if you suspect that election fraud is a real problem, you’re an election denier! The problem is that the “deniers” keep turning out to be right. The latest example came out of Bridgeport, Connecticut, earlier this month, when a judge overturned the primary election for mayor because of an “unprecedented” volume of evidence

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ad8c77 No.107133

File: 6f98bdd90057a31⋯.jpg (126.35 KB,720x841,720:841,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913736 (141045ZNOV23) Notable: Matthew Perry’s ex says his death isn’t ‘adding up’

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Matthew Perry’s ex says his death isn’t ‘adding up’: He ‘had a thing with water’ when ‘doing drugs’


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ad8c77 No.107134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913738 (141046ZNOV23) Notable: Biden calls David Axelrod a 'pr-k' in private as ex-Obama adviser voices election concerns

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'Get out or get going': Furious David Axelrod demands Biden, 80, offer hope to the American people after president called him a 'pri**' for calling him too old for White House and highlighting his dismal polling

President Joe Biden called Obama adviser David Axelrod a 'pr***' for questioning whether he should run again in 2024

Politico reported that diss Monday, as part of a story on advice Democrats had for the president to turn around his struggling campaign

Axelrod had questioned whether it 'wise' for Biden to run because he can't change his biggest liability - his age


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ad8c77 No.107135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913755 (141053ZNOV23) Notable: OB-GYN Drops Alarming Miscarriage Data Before Congress: “I’ve Never Seen This Before”

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Ok this one hits home. Spouse anons cousin got vax, got pregnant, had miscarriage. She got pregnant again (twins), lost one to miscarriage. She's pregnant once more & they've already told her the baby will have Down's Syndrome. That last part may or may not be related to vax, but the miscarriages probably are as she had previously had 3 healthy children w/no issues.

OB-GYN Drops Alarming Miscarriage Data Before Congress: “I’ve Never Seen This Before”

Dr. Kimberly Biss, an OB-GYN who has been involved in 8,000 pregnancies, details how miscarriage rates have doubled year-over-year since the introduction of the COVID-19 injections.


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ad8c77 No.107136

File: 9ae8f6f3cd4add1⋯.jpg (171.91 KB,720x883,720:883,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6d98052a13ff0ef⋯.jpg (249.71 KB,2048x1304,256:163,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9db7930230edb6a⋯.jpg (245.33 KB,2048x1302,1024:651,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913793 (141108ZNOV23) Notable: Volcanoes erupt simultaneously in Italy, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Philippines,

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Volcanoes erupt simultaneously in Italy, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Philippines, etc. Below is a volcanic activity map of 2013 vs 2023. Totally normal, right? 😬

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ad8c77 No.107137

File: 186bc5e214787ec⋯.jpeg (971.91 KB,828x1410,138:235,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19913851 (141127ZNOV23) Notable: FIRE THAT FORCED 10 FWY CLOSURE IN DTLA LIKELY CAUSED BY ARSON

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ad8c77 No.107138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914027 (141222ZNOV23) Notable: Paul Pelosi testifies about being attacked with a hammer at his San Francisco home

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Clown Ops continue.

Lies, Deceit, and Staged Bullshit

Paul Pelosi testifies about being attacked with a hammer at his San Francisco home

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Paul Pelosi recounted publicly for the first time Monday what happened the night he was attacked by a man in the San Francisco home he shares with former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, recalling how shocking it was to see a man standing at his bedroom door, then how the man whacked him in the head with a hammer.

“It was a tremendous sense of shock to recognize that somebody had broken into the house and looking at him and looking at the hammer and the ties, I recognized that I was in serious danger, so I tried to stay as calm as possible," Pelosi told jurors as he testified in the trial of David DePape, who is shown on video carrying out the attack.

Prosecutors say DePape bludgeoned Pelosi in the early hours of Oct. 28, 2022, just days before the midterm elections, and that he had rope and zip ties with him. DePape has pleaded not guilty to attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault on the immediate family member of a federal official with intent to retaliate against the official for performance of their duties.

Defense attorney Jodi Linker told jurors last week that she won’t dispute that DePape attacked Pelosi. Instead, she will argue that DePape believed “with every ounce of his being" that he was taking action to stop government corruption, the erosion of freedom in the United States, and the abuse of children by politicians and actors. She said that means the government’s charges that DePape was trying to retaliate or interfere with Nancy Pelosi’s official duties don’t fit.

Paul Pelosi's testimony came on the trial's second day, after prosecutors brought forward FBI agents who collected the electronics DePape was carrying and searched the room he lives in, a U.S. Capitol police officer who watches the surveillance cameras at the Pelosis’ home and another who has protected Nancy Pelosi since 2006, a Bay Area Rapid Transit police sergeant, and a digital forensics expert.

Pelosi said he has not discussed the attack with anyone and has encouraged his family not to as well “because it has been too traumatic.”

The Pelosis' home has an alarm system with motion detectors, but Pelosi said he never put it on when he was home alone because his movements would trigger it.

He recalled being awakened by a man bursting into the bedroom door asking, “Where's Nancy?” He said that when he responded that his wife was in Washington, DePape said he would tie him up while they waited for her.

“We had some conversation with him saying she was the leader of the pack, he had to take her out, and that he was going to wait for her,” Paul Pelosi said.

FBI Special Agent Stephanie Minor, who was in charge of the investigation, testified that video showed DePape hit Paul Pelosi at least three times.

DePape showed little emotion during most of the testimony, only smiling and releasing a muted chuckle when, at his attorney's request, Minor read a list of topics that appeared on his blog. They included Communism, corruption, COVID-19, Jewish people, “Gamergate,” guns, immigrants, memes and wamon, a word used to describe a woman who does nothing but complain.

Minor testified DePape started gathering items for the attack two months beforehand, in August 2022, purchasing body cameras, USB memory sticks, a large backpack and a sleeping bag. She also said FBI agents found two inflatable unicorn costumes and a box of crayons but didn’t explain the purpose of those items.

Federal prosecutors have said the evidence and FBI testimony will show DePape researched his targets online, collecting phone numbers and addresses, even paying for a public records service to find information.

If convicted, DePape faces life in prison. He also has pleaded not guilty to charges in state court of attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, residential burglary and other felonies. A state trial has not been scheduled.

Pelosi's testimony mirrored the series of events that prosecutors previously laid out.

He recounted how DePape had let him enter the bathroom, where Pelosi was able to grab his cellphone and use it to call 911 as DePape looked on, urging Pelosi to tell police that he was a friend. Pelosi said he tried to tell police what was happening without aggravating DePape.

DePape slept in a cot in a garage with no kitchen or bathroom in the Bay Area city of Richmond, according to photographs shown by prosecutors.He had been doing odd carpentry jobs to support himself and allegedly told authorities he had other targets, including a women’s and queer studies professor, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, actor Tom Hanks and President Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

full article


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ad8c77 No.107139

File: 9c6501cd79e03fa⋯.png (1.66 MB,1214x1258,607:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 674f11b641039b8⋯.png (422.61 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914043 (141227ZNOV23) Notable: Trump is now criticizing Israel and their handling of Gaza.

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Trump is now criticizing Israel and their handling of Gaza.

He says that the hatred and atrocities in the Middle East are “horrible on both sides”.

Trump is telling us that Israel are not innocent.


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ad8c77 No.107140

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914097 (141250ZNOV23) Notable: vid: MARIA ZACK IN COURT IN KANSAS ABOUT THE ITALIAN CONNECTION.

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Note This is from 2022.


MARIA ZACK | 2020 Election Fraud Exclusive Testimony - Kansas Senate Hearing + OUR LIVE INTERVIEW WITH MARIA FROM 3/25



🖥️ WATCH Our LIVE interview with Maria Zack for More Exclusive Info From Her Testimony, Election Fraud, AZ Audit, GA Connections, Child Sex Trafficking, Ukraine & More



Maria Zack, the founder of Nations In Action, delivers EXCLUSIVE testimony at a recent Kansas Senate Hearing about the 2020 Election Fraud. Full of Facts & Truthbombs.


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ad8c77 No.107141

File: 9f9f8c4684d6e3a⋯.jpeg (94.72 KB,730x539,730:539,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914128 (141301ZNOV23) Notable: Researchers identify ‘switch’ to activate cancer cell death

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Researchers identify ‘switch’ to activate cancer cell death

A research team from the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center has identified a crucial epitope (a protein section that can activate the larger protein) on the CD95 receptor that can cause cells to die. This new ability to trigger programmed cell death could open the door for improved cancer treatments. The findings were published Oct. 14 in the Nature journal Cell Death & Differentiation.

CD95 receptors, also known as Fas, are called death receptors. These protein receptors reside on cell membranes. When activated, they release a signal that causes the cells to self-destruct.

Modulating Fas may also extend the benefits of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy to solid tumors like ovarian cancer.


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ad8c77 No.107142

File: 7a334c49c2ff9bc⋯.png (833.05 KB,971x1082,971:1082,Clipboard.png)

File: 99bbb2a985b96d0⋯.png (150.46 KB,266x338,133:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914276 (141352ZNOV23) Notable: US Navy, "I've got your six" @ 8 a.m.

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've got your six. 🤝 ⚓ 💪

📍 PHILIPPINE SEA (Nov. 6, 2023) The Nimitz-class aircraft carriers USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) and USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) transit the Philippine Sea, Nov. 6, 2023.

8:00 AM · Nov 14, 2023·15.9K Views

are anons paying attention...?

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ad8c77 No.107143

File: 5e2dd04ab09f0a2⋯.mp4 (14.9 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914472 (141453ZNOV23) Notable: Chris Hansen: Peter Nygard Terminated Pregnancies so He Could Take the Baby's Stem Cells

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ad8c77 No.107144

File: b683db7741940a9⋯.png (1.44 MB,960x1441,960:1441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914492 (141501ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Nov 14, 2023

Three Planets Rock

In the fading darkness before dawn, a tilted triangle appeared to balance atop a rock formation off the southern tip of Sicily. Making up the points of the triangle are three of the four brightest objects visible in Earth’s sky: Jupiter, Venus and the Moon. Though a thin waning crescent, most of the moon’s disk is visible due to earthshine. Captured in this image on 2022 April 27, Venus (center) and Jupiter (left) are roughly three degrees apart - and were headed toward a close conjunction. Conjunctions of Venus and Jupiter occur about once a year and are visible either in the east before sunrise or in the west after sunset. The featured image was taken about an hour before the arrival of the brightest object in Earth’s sky – the Sun.


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ad8c77 No.107145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914493 (141502ZNOV23) Notable: Chris Hansen: Peter Nygard Terminated Pregnancies so He Could Take the Baby's Stem Cells

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chris Hansen: Peter Nygard Terminated Pregnancies so He Could Take the Baby's Stem Cells (Part 12)

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ad8c77 No.107146

File: 09c82a5ea95d9ad⋯.png (121.16 KB,766x413,766:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914533 (141511ZNOV23) Notable: Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles

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ad8c77 No.107147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914542 (141514ZNOV23) Notable: Swamp Schedule

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November 14, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Oversight of Financial Regulators: Protecting Main Street Not Wall Street

Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee



The Honorable Michael Barr

Vice Chair For Supervision

Federal Reserve


The Honorable Martin Gruenberg


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


The Honorable Todd Harper


National Credit Union Administration


Mr. Michael Hsu

Acting Comptroller

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency





FDIC Chair, Federal Reserve Vice Chair and Others Testify on Oversight of Banking Regulators

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chair Martin Gruenberg, Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr, and others testify on oversight of financial regulators before the Senate Banking Committee.


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ad8c77 No.107148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914544 (141514ZNOV23) Notable: Swamp Schedule

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November 14, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Examining the Biden Administration’s Afghanistan Policy Since the U.S. Withdrawal

House Foreign Affairs Committee



The Honorable John Sopko

Inspector General

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR)






Inspector General Testifies on Policy Post-Afghanistan Withdrawal

John Sopko, special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction (SIGAR), testifies on U.S. policy in Afghanistan following the August 2021 military withdrawal at a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee.


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ad8c77 No.107149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914546 (141514ZNOV23) Notable: Swamp Schedule

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November 14, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Oversight of the U.S. General Services Administration

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



The Honorable Robin Carnahan


U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)






GSA Administrator Robin Carnahan Testifies at House Oversight Hearing

General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Robin Carnahan testifies before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on agency operations and management of office space. She’s also likely to face questions about working remotely.


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ad8c77 No.107150

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914550 (141515ZNOV23) Notable: Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles

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psyops for the deep state.

this should be notable video on jan 6th psyops and actors.



Note: Part one is linked below read moar.


Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2

2 months ago



When investigative reporter Wooz News digs into the January 6th Capitol breach, he uncovers a web of manipulation, paid protesters, and hidden agendas, risking all to expose the truth behind the orchestrated conspiracy.

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles | Act 2

*Dedicated to the memories of David, Komel, and Rani Crowley. May their murderers fall at the feet of swift justice.


ACT ONE: Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less


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ad8c77 No.107151

File: 3abe1600913b0cf⋯.png (243.01 KB,380x470,38:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914551 (141516ZNOV23) Notable: Swamp Schedule

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November 14, 2023

10:30 AM EST

Legislative Hearing

House Natural Resources Committee


H.R. 4219 (Rep. Graves of Missouri) “Southwestern Power Administration Fund Establishment Act”;



H.R. 5770 (Rep. Neguse), “Water Data Improvement Act”



H.R. 6107 (Rep. Simpson), “Urban Canal Modernization Act”;



H.R. 6127 (Rep. Moore of Utah), “Modernizing Access to Our Public Waters Act” or “MAPWaters Act”;






“MAPWaters Act”;

tee hee

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ad8c77 No.107152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914556 (141517ZNOV23) Notable: Swamp Schedule

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November 14, 2023

10:10 AM EST

The President Delivers Remarks on His Administration’s Historic Actions to Address the Climate Crisis

South Court Auditorium




President Biden Remarks on Administration Efforts to Tackle Climate Change

President Biden delivers remarks on his administration’s efforts to tackle climate change.


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ad8c77 No.107153

File: cb23534709e3fcf⋯.png (517.74 KB,530x666,265:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d1220897067c95⋯.png (11.88 KB,471x188,471:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914559 (141517ZNOV23) Notable: @173rdAbnBde #TacticalTuesday Aim, fire…reload #SkySoldiers #StrongerTogether

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Aim, fire…reload‼️

#SkySoldiers 🪂 are proficient in many weapons systems. Can you name this one?


📸 by Sgt. Jose Lora



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ad8c77 No.107154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914581 (141525ZNOV23) Notable: #24450

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#24450 >>107120

>>107121 Jack Sonni, 68, known as “the other guitarist” in rock group Dire Straits, died Wednesday

>>107122 Victims ID’d in Houston crash that killed ex-Raiders player D.J. Hayden

>>107123 Largest bank on the planet, 4th largest automaker on the planet, 3rd largest law firm on the planet), largest mortgage broker in the US, and Boeing ALL "hacked" within days of each other

>>107124, >>107125 ICYMI - THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA

>>107126, >>107134 Biden calls David Axelrod a 'pr-k' in private as ex-Obama adviser voices election concerns

>>107127, >>107129, >>107130, >>107131 Moar on Iceland quakes, volcanoes. Icelandanon weighs in.

>>107128 LAPD investigating deadly shooting possibly involving US Marshals

>>107132 Issues & Insights OPEd - Election Fraud Deniers are the Real Threat to Democracy

>>107133 Matthew Perry’s ex says his death isn’t ‘adding up’

>>107135 OB-GYN Drops Alarming Miscarriage Data Before Congress: “I’ve Never Seen This Before”

>>107136 Volcanoes erupt simultaneously in Italy, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Philippines,


>>107138 Paul Pelosi testifies about being attacked with a hammer at his San Francisco home

>>107139 Trump is now criticizing Israel and their handling of Gaza.


>>107141 Researchers identify ‘switch’ to activate cancer cell death

>>107142 US Navy, "I've got your six" @ 8 a.m.

>>107144 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>107145, >>107143 Chris Hansen: Peter Nygard Terminated Pregnancies so He Could Take the Baby's Stem Cells

>>107150, >>107146 Everything Wrong With The Capitol Riots In 889 Angles

>>107153 @173rdAbnBde #TacticalTuesday Aim, fire…reload #SkySoldiers #StrongerTogether

>>107147, >>107148, >>107149, >>107151, >>107152 Swamp Schedule


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ad8c77 No.107155

File: 41fd386c254411c⋯.png (192.38 KB,719x826,719:826,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914595 (141526ZNOV23) Notable: Cap list of RINOS opposed Myorkas Impeachment

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#24451 https://fullchan.net/?08049714e7a2ba42#zqk5W2vuSHHcn6KPcQptsaX8M8Ps9vmFHdiBQJYjo2j

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ad8c77 No.107156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914619 (141536ZNOV23) Notable: Cuomo has ass handed to him by Vivek.

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Cuomo has ass handed to him by Vivek.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107157

File: 5dd10222ad57373⋯.png (254.76 KB,599x399,599:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914626 (141538ZNOV23) Notable: Luckily for Mayorkas, weak republicans can always be found when you need them. #RINOSGOTTAGO

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Tonight Republicans had the chance to hold Secretary Mayorkas accountable for his failures in protecting our homeland.

Luckily for Mayorkas, weak republicans can always be found when you need them. 8 members of the GOP voted against it and 12 more didn’t even vote.

How can they expect our votes in 2024?


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ad8c77 No.107158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914641 (141543ZNOV23) Notable: Warroom OP: RINOSAUR

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Impeach Recall ALL RINOS


Below is a list of RINOS currently holding a position of a GOP Senator or Congressman

These Members have Voted for Impeaching President Trump, Funding The Ukraine War and supporting Abortion.

They Put America Last and Must Be removed

Calling for You to help remove these people from their Post before they can do any more damage to our Constituional Republic.


Sen. Susan Collins of Maine

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah

Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina

Sen. John Thune of South Dakota

Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri

Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa

Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio

Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota

Sen. Bill Casidy Louisiana

Sen. Marco Rubio Florida

Sen. Marsh Blackburn Tennessee

Sen. Mike Lee Utah

Sen. James Lankford Oklahoma

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia

Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas

Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma

Sen. Jerry Moran of Kansas

Sen. Mike Rounds of S. Dakota

Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama

Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi

Sen. Todd Young of Indiana


Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina

Rep. David Valadao of California

Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington

Rep. John Katko of New York

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington

Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia

Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida

Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas

Rep. Van Taylor Texas

Rep. Darrell Issa California

Rep. Kevin Mccarthy California


7 GOP Senators Voted To Convict Trump https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-trial-live-updates/2021/02/15/967878039/7-gop-senators-voted-to-convict-trump-only-1-faces-voters-next-year

A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for assistance for the situation in Ukraine https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00191.htm

GOP Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, who support abortion rights https://www.cbsnews.com/news/roe-v-wade-supreme-court-abortion-access-advocates-susan-collins-lisa-murkowski/

Never forget these 18 RINOs that voted for the $1.66 TRILLION Omnibus in December right before House Republicans took office

Roy Blunt (Missouri)

John Boozman (Arkansas)

Shelley Capito (WV)

Susan Collins (Maine)

John Cornyn (TX)

Tom Cotton (Arkansas)

Lindsey Graham (SC)

Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma)

Mitch McConnell (KY)

Jerry Moran (KS)

Lisa Murkowski (AK)

Rob Portman (Ohio)

Mitt Romney (UT)

Mike Rounds (SD)

Richard Shelby (AL)

John Thune (SD)

Roger Wicker (MS)

Todd Young (IN)

PASTE: http://controlc.com/b9a23d5f

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ad8c77 No.107159

File: 18593cac8d199a9⋯.png (73.98 KB,530x492,265:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914645 (141543ZNOV23) Notable: 3 Texas Republicans did not attend to vote for impeaching Alejandro Majorkas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🚨UNBELIEVABLE! 3 Texas Republicans did not attend to vote for impeaching Alejandro Majorkas:

Crenshaw R-TX

Fallon R-TX

Williams R-TX


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ad8c77 No.107160

File: 8ec40a7327a8702⋯.png (94.8 KB,966x442,483:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914650 (141545ZNOV23) Notable: CAP List of RINOS opposed Tlaib censorship

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107161

File: 4026474fbeaa0b6⋯.webp (12.17 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914664 (141548ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

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Just another empty suit.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107162

File: 0bd22d17ea17046⋯.png (20.6 KB,404x185,404:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914679 (141551ZNOV23) Notable: Cap of 3 RINOS voted against Jordan

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107163

File: 151d47ec359be60⋯.png (218.34 KB,1161x971,1161:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914690 (141552ZNOV23) Notable: Cap list of RINOS who called for impeaching PRESIDENT TRUMP, FUNDING UKRAINE, SUPPORTING ABORTION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107164

File: c07866b3db43eba⋯.png (355.21 KB,742x413,106:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914693 (141553ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107165

File: d93afe89e0c1c38⋯.png (401.47 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 20decfc4ddefdfd⋯.png (567.14 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

File: c959c339cdf524e⋯.png (490.22 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

File: eb1d8075f42729a⋯.png (411.52 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 608d66df94e59cc⋯.png (512.05 KB,544x823,544:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914709 (141556ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Playing Cards

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107166

File: 326d04d325d3dcc⋯.png (31.51 KB,480x440,12:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914712 (141556ZNOV23) Notable: Anon Opines - 70% of our politicians are criminals?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The elections are rigged on both sides of the aisle.

70% of our politicians are criminals.

They cannot be voted out

They have been bribed, blackmailed, and compromised.

Who would arrest them?

Law enforcement is corrupt.

Who would prosecute them?

Our Judicial System is corrupt too.

These people are being protected.

Who is bribing and blackmailing all of thee people?

Who is protecting them?

Maybe we need to find the source of this corruption and eliminate them.

If only there was a way to discover who was at the top of this crime syndicate.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107167

File: d3ca78005505d82⋯.png (1.45 MB,880x1100,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: cd614f77fc907e0⋯.jpeg (19.11 KB,208x255,208:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3d876f52898e22c⋯.jpg (146.69 KB,1092x590,546:295,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 38582096a7a9e49⋯.png (67.12 KB,598x541,598:541,Clipboard.png)

File: f909c5db798c377⋯.png (316.05 KB,575x468,575:468,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914716 (141557ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107168

File: 76ce42759688205⋯.png (702.51 KB,1479x1108,1479:1108,Clipboard.png)

File: 331722ce6f9ef18⋯.png (497.47 KB,987x632,987:632,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b15ae0184763c9⋯.jpg (86.7 KB,750x1134,125:189,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 94746b568d1f690⋯.jpg (622.54 KB,1692x1142,846:571,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4fbc8690e8b61e5⋯.png (505.94 KB,971x545,971:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914720 (141557ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107169

File: 97005cf92db42a1⋯.png (403.18 KB,787x1049,787:1049,Clipboard.png)

File: a4b7fb2532c40bd⋯.png (826.22 KB,629x628,629:628,Clipboard.png)

File: a4e044e8bb948d6⋯.jpeg (78.63 KB,500x680,25:34,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 29d49b411e5a3e0⋯.png (642.91 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c07866b3db43eba⋯.png (355.21 KB,742x413,106:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914723 (141557ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

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ad8c77 No.107170

File: c2c9fdf1120198f⋯.png (108.46 KB,776x850,388:425,Clipboard.png)

File: c6fa45b64886223⋯.png (45.76 KB,412x575,412:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 8be38c9a1ed72b5⋯.jpg (150.53 KB,988x627,52:33,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bf0135e524f668b⋯.png (463.75 KB,1428x1134,34:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 67db71e108b5b4c⋯.jpeg (15.22 KB,181x255,181:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914728 (141558ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107171

File: aca6afb18680a95⋯.png (349.46 KB,783x1008,87:112,Clipboard.png)

File: 97462bed883e915⋯.png (37.99 KB,482x453,482:453,Clipboard.png)

File: dfbd5593dc05e8c⋯.jpg (47.09 KB,614x614,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 41710c75eacba45⋯.jpg (111.58 KB,1024x384,8:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a2943602eb734e0⋯.png (516.23 KB,988x627,52:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914729 (141558ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107172

File: fece9b510428afa⋯.png (44.78 KB,440x366,220:183,Clipboard.png)

File: a24360b601ffab8⋯.jpg (561.13 KB,2048x1409,2048:1409,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8017b911b38c322⋯.png (553.22 KB,880x741,880:741,Clipboard.png)

File: da973f6793ca2dc⋯.png (463.75 KB,1428x1134,34:27,Clipboard.png)

File: c0b6c171e026959⋯.png (71.33 KB,590x516,295:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914734 (141559ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107173

File: 86898007d06d1b4⋯.png (393.51 KB,758x424,379:212,Clipboard.png)

File: f03024d6bc36307⋯.png (440.95 KB,725x720,145:144,Clipboard.png)

File: 540a3036c04035c⋯.png (69.71 KB,516x388,129:97,Clipboard.png)

File: ea35a7c1cd37f27⋯.png (1.9 MB,1168x1666,584:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914738 (141559ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sen. Susan Collins of Maine

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah

Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina

Sen. John Thune of South Dakota

Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri

Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa

Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio

Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota

Sen. Bill Casidy Louisiana

Sen. Marco Rubio Florida

Sen. Marsh Blackburn Tennessee

Sen. Mike Lee Utah

Sen. James Lankford Oklahoma

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia


Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina

Rep. David Valadao of California

Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington

Rep. John Katko of New York

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington

Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia

Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida

Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas

Rep. Van Taylor Texas

Rep. Darrell Issa California

Rep. Kevin Mccarthy California

>SET #1 - 7 GOP Senators Voted To Convict Trump. 1 Faces Voters Next Year

Richard Burr, North Carolina

Bill Cassidy, Louisiana

Susan Collins, Maine

Lisa Murkowski, Alaska (2022)

Mitt Romney, Utah

Ben Sasse, Nebraska

Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania

>SET #2 - Here are the 17 Republican senators who voted to advance the $1 trillion infrastructure bill

Roy Blunt of Missouri

Richard Burr of North Carolina [also voted to impeach]

Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia

Bill Cassidy of Louisiana [also voted to impeach]

Susan Collins of Maine [also voted to impeach]

Kevin Cramer ND [says NOT tied to $3.5 trillion spending bill]

Mike Crapo of Idaho

Lindsey Graham of South Carolina

Chuck Grassley of Iowa

John Hoeven of North Dakota

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

Lisa Murkowski of Alaska [also voted to impeach]

Rob Portman of Ohio

Jim Risch of Idaho

Mitt Romney of Utah [also voted to impeach]

Thom Tillis of North Carolina

Todd Young of Indiana

>SET #3 - Previously noted for vote forward and impeachment:

Mitt Romney of Utah

Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Susan Collins of Maine

Bill Cassidy of Louisiana

Rob Portman of Ohio

Burr of NC

Tillis of PA

Others on Bi-partisan Team:

Moran, Rounds, Todd Young of Indiana, Graham

Leader Mitch McConnell


Asa Hutchinson

Brian Kemp

Larry Hogan

Chris Sununu

Mike DeWine

Jim Justice

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107174

File: 078a1372e838c76⋯.png (190.75 KB,780x1261,60:97,Clipboard.png)

File: ea35a7c1cd37f27⋯.png (1.9 MB,1168x1666,584:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 151d47ec359be60⋯.png (218.34 KB,1161x971,1161:971,Clipboard.png)

File: 438ecd6ce67c3e4⋯.png (122.39 KB,902x743,902:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914740 (141600ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107175

File: 0bd22d17ea17046⋯.png (20.6 KB,404x185,404:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ec40a7327a8702⋯.png (94.8 KB,966x442,483:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 43e3fa7db760ab3⋯.png (421.84 KB,1197x637,171:91,Clipboard.png)

File: ca0444468150475⋯.png (103.69 KB,776x476,194:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 25af1f9895478ae⋯.png (165.05 KB,1138x308,569:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914743 (141600ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914744 (141601ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sen. Susan Collins of Maine Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina

Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania Rep. David Valadao of California

Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska Rep. John Katko of New York

Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington

Sen. John Thune of South Dakota Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia

Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida

Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas

Sen. Bill Casidy Louisiana Rep. Van Taylor Texas

Sen. Marco Rubio Florida Rep. Darrell Issa California

Sen. Marsh Blackburn Tennessee Rep. Kevin Mccarthy California

Sen. Mike Lee Utah

Sen. James Lankford Oklahoma

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia

Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas

Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma

Sen. Jerry Moran of Kansas

Sen. Mike Rounds of S. Dakota

Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama

Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi

Sen. Todd Young of Indiana

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107177

File: 6a811f79292f7a3⋯.jpeg (596.88 KB,971x828,971:828,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b5f7330041d0a09⋯.jpeg (295.98 KB,828x1150,18:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: abc753179d2035d⋯.jpeg (357.6 KB,828x1469,828:1469,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 01dc72c435428cc⋯.jpeg (196.04 KB,828x1039,828:1039,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914758 (141603ZNOV23) Notable: mktFag: Cooler October US CPI raises confidence that Fed hikes done-Markets juiced and cuts on table in May

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How many times haz mktFag said they are done raising rates and gave the timeframe for when they were stopping? Lost count

Yer welcome

Thanks for yet another confirmation today

CME FEDWATCH has rate cuts on table as early as May meeting


Cooler October US CPI raises confidence that Fed hikes done

U.S. consumer prices were unchanged in October amid lower gasoline prices, and underlying inflation showed signs of slowing, supporting views that the Federal Reserve was probably done raising interest rates.

The unchanged reading in the consumer price index reported by the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on Tuesday followed a 0.4% rise in September. In the 12 months through October, the CPI climbed 3.2% after rising 3.7% in September. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the CPI gaining 0.1% on the month and increasing 3.3% on a year-on-year basis.


STOCKS: U.S. stock index futures extend gains and were last up 1.24%, pointing to a strong open on Wall Street BONDS: U.S. Treasury yields fell, with 2-year note last at 4.872%, and the 10-year note at 4.488%FOREX: The dollar index extended a loss and was off 0.748%


Don’t believe what they say. It’s what they do (or don’t in this case) they’ve got 20 total Fed speaking appearances this week alone telling you they aren’t done but they were DONE when the bond markets did it for them (like they always do) in mid September to October.

The markets celebrate what they’ve known for at least a year-that rate cuts coming for the height of election season. Would still watch for the Sov US Debt holders to sneak some smaller sales in for the end of the year print-not like in Sept/Oct but they (especially Japan may sneak some in to try and get muh yen a little lower (moar valuable) to start off next year as it is still pegged to 150 after making a run at 152 earlier today look at that dump…no intervention there…kek



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ad8c77 No.107178

File: cd3d08571b3ad93⋯.png (32.75 KB,780x360,13:6,Clipboard.png)

File: 714c42ceeebc9a6⋯.png (355.28 KB,598x642,299:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fed78a16d4b8bf⋯.png (2.06 MB,1583x2048,1583:2048,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bf111c522e5cca⋯.png (324.18 KB,598x580,299:290,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c6dfa66121381e⋯.png (89.62 KB,598x647,598:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914766 (141605ZNOV23) Notable: Myorkas Trending

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Mayorkas https://twitter.com/search?q=Mayorkas

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ad8c77 No.107179

File: 0413032d4bf0fdf⋯.jpeg (478.97 KB,828x1213,828:1213,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a7e9c8b2bd73ce5⋯.jpeg (567.04 KB,828x1289,828:1289,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914790 (141612ZNOV23) Notable: PlaneFag housekeeping TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag housekeeping

TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch arrived at Jakarta from it’s Seoul, SOKO-Osan AB depart

Sec of Defense Austin and JCOS Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. arrived at Jakarta after the Indo President was at WH yesterday

SAM322 G5 moved from Tallinn, Estonia to Brussels Intl about 3h ago

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ad8c77 No.107180

File: f5778cb3a60f4de⋯.png (366.27 KB,574x323,574:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914792 (141613ZNOV23) Notable: Hearing: "Leveraging AI to Enhance American Communications”

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Communications & Technology Subcommittee Hearing: "Leveraging AI to Enhance American Communications”


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ad8c77 No.107181

File: 81908b198d1081c⋯.png (354.28 KB,496x374,248:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914794 (141613ZNOV23) Notable: RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall

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ad8c77 No.107182

File: 80ac888543c98c6⋯.png (744.64 KB,1080x1881,120:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914841 (141624ZNOV23) Notable: Live Cam, Tens of thousands expected in DC for pro-Israel rally, with National Guard assisting police

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Tens of thousands expected in DC for pro-Israel rally, with National Guard assisting police

A second major demonstration is planned for immigrants near the White House.

The National Guardwill be assisting local police on Tuesday as tens of thousands of people are expected to attend two large-scale demonstrations in the nation's capital, according to officials.

The first rally, the "March For Israel," is being organized by the Jewish Federations of North America and will begin shortly before noon, according to a permit filed with the National Park Service.


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ad8c77 No.107183

File: bc2299c4162694b⋯.png (471.37 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914867 (141630ZNOV23) Notable: Rhinoceritus is a contagious disease.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rhinoceritus is a contagious disease.

There's even a play, by now deceased but formerly (when alive) avante garde playwright Eugene Ionesco about what happens when an rhinoceritus epidemic hits, people transform, "herd up," and the herds take to the street.

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ad8c77 No.107184

File: d28b326aa8845f3⋯.jpg (1.68 MB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914889 (141635ZNOV23) Notable: steal em if ya want em.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

steal em if ya want em.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107185

File: 13d7a567cc6cb2d⋯.jpg (133.63 KB,625x480,125:96,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914932 (141648ZNOV23) Notable: Meme of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107186

File: 914ad253bc221ca⋯.jpeg (758.44 KB,1332x621,148:69,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 67ba76495386b9f⋯.jpeg (518.16 KB,1167x555,389:185,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19914955 (141654ZNOV23) Notable: PF: Potato in 92-9000 747 departed JBA for San Francisco Intl

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==Potato in 92-9000 747 departed JBA for San Francisco Intl

Got a campaign “fundraiser” at 6:45 pm PST and th-th-that’s all folks

Probably stay at Mark Hopkins Hotel or Fairmont


Should see an E4B Nightwatch depart for Davis-Monthan AFB and this is S.O.P. and will sit there for duration of the meeting in SF

AF2 C32A WN from JBA-Kneepads….dunno where she going and don’t care

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ad8c77 No.107187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915013 (141709ZNOV23) Notable: CALL FOR ALL ANONS TO PUSH FOR THEIR LOCAL RINOS TO BE RECALLED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24451 >>107155

>>107155 Cap list of RINOS opposed Myorkas Impeachment

>>107156 Cuomo has ass handed to him by Vivek.

>>107157 Luckily for Mayorkas, weak republicans can always be found when you need them. #RINOSGOTTAGO

>>107158 Warroom OP: RINOSAUR

>>107159 3 Texas Republicans did not attend to vote for impeaching Alejandro Majorkas

>>107160 CAP List of RINOS opposed Tlaib censorship

>>107162 Cap of 3 RINOS voted against Jordan

>>107163 Cap list of RINOS who called for impeaching PRESIDENT TRUMP, FUNDING UKRAINE, SUPPORTING ABORTION

>>107165 RINO Playing Cards

>>107166 Anon Opines - 70% of our politicians are criminals?

>>107178 Myorkas Trending

>>107179 PlaneFag housekeeping TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch

>>107180 Hearing: "Leveraging AI to Enhance American Communications”

>>107182 Tens of thousands expected in DC for pro-Israel rally, with National Guard assisting police

>>107183 Rhinoceritus is a contagious disease.

>>107184 steal em if ya want em.

>>107185 Meme of the Thread

>>107161, >>107164, >>107167, >>107168, >>107169, >>107170, >>107171, >>107172, >>107173, >>107174, >>107175, >>107176, >>107181 RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall



>see above for lists

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ad8c77 No.107188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915022 (141710ZNOV23) Notable: Live Cam, Tens of thousands expected in DC for pro-Israel rally, with National Guard assisting police

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915044 (141717ZNOV23) Notable: Senate Republicans News Conference on Aid for Israel

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Senate Republicans News Conference on Aid for Israel

Senators Roger Marshall, JD Vance, Mike Lee, and others hold a news conference to discuss a stand-alone aid package for Israel.



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ad8c77 No.107190

File: 21b2c300168d7e6⋯.png (1.87 MB,1600x902,800:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915048 (141718ZNOV23) Notable: James Webb Space Telescope Spots Strangely Looking Familiar Looking Celestial Object

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James Webb Space Telescope Spots Strangely Looking Familiar Looking Celestial Object That May Upend Theories Of Galactic Formation

NOVEMBER 13, 2023

A distant barred spiral galaxy has been spotted by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, according to an international team who says the ancient celestial object is the most similar to the Milky Way of any that have been observed and could upset existing theories about galactic formation.

The ancient galaxy, which is believed to have formed relatively soon after the Big Bang, surprised astronomers involved with the discovery since barred spiral galaxies like the Milky Way could not have possibly formed before the universe reached approximately half of its current age.

The discovery upends previous thinking about galactic formation and reveals that galaxies were “much more chaotic in the early universe and very few had similar structures to the Milky Way,” according to Alexander de la Vega, a researcher with the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of California, Riverside, and one of the co-authors of a new paper describing the research.

Dubbed ceers-2112 by astronomers, it possesses a galactic bar structure running through its center, which is composed of stars.

“Nearly all bars are found in spiral galaxies,” de la Vega said. Although de la Vega and the research team are aware of the existence of such bars in non-spiral galaxies, they aren’t as common in other types of galaxies.

According to de la Vega, the discovery of ceers-2112 surprised him.

“Initially, I thought detecting and estimating properties of bars in galaxies like ceers-2112 would be fraught with measurement uncertainties,” he said, adding that the powerful imagery produced by Webb helped he and the international team to place “strong constraints on the size and shape of the bar.”

Astronomers previously held that galactic evolution processes occurred over several billions of years before bar-like structures of stars began to form, possibly because of instabilities in the structure of galaxies, or possibly even the influence of gravity from nearby galaxies.

The team thinks the bar present in ceers-2112 is a clue that could help astronomers understand the ways that galaxies evolve. Namely, that they may become ordered at a far quicker pace over cosmological timescales than researchers once thought.

If this observation is correct, it could also challenge our existing ideas about galactic formation, and could mean that “some aspects of our theories of galaxy formation and evolution need revision,” de la Vega said in a statement.

However, ceers-2112 is potentially challenging other areas of astronomy too, which include current models of galactic formation that will now be required to account for how bars can appear earlier than once thought.

“These models may need to adjust how much dark matter makes up galaxies in the early universe, as dark matter is believed to affect the rate at which bars form,” de la Vega said in a statement.

The new findings also potentially upset existing ideas that bars would not be present in younger galaxies, which are among the most distant observed by the James Webb Space Telescope.

A new paper describing the team’s research, “A Milky Way-like barred spiral galaxy at a redshift of 3,” was published in the journal Nature on November 8, 2023.


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ad8c77 No.107191

File: fa2cf15d99a7513⋯.png (31.87 KB,1201x99,1201:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915053 (141718ZNOV23) Notable: Anon calls for RINO memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107192

File: 90a9c5fd4fb0a41⋯.jpg (231.9 KB,1080x1158,180:193,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915087 (141725ZNOV23) Notable: REMINDER Mike Johnson is “all in for President Trump”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, R-La., announced that he was “all in for President Trump” during an interview on Capitol Hill with CNBC on “Squawk Box,” stating that he expected Trump to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024.

He explained, “I have endorsed him wholeheartedly. Look, I was one of the closest allies that President Trump had in Congress. He had a phenomenal first term…I’m all in for President Trump. I expect he’ll be our nominee…and he’s going to win it, and we HAVE to make Biden a one-term president.”

Speaker Johnson won the gavel in the House of Representatives after a contentious inner struggle among GOP members of Congress, resulting in the removal of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., as the previous Speaker of the House.

Moar: https://www.rsbnetwork.com/news/speaker-of-the-house-makes-big-endorsement-for-2024-im-all-in-for-president-trump/

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ad8c77 No.107193

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915108 (141730ZNOV23) Notable: Stop Biden's planned takeover of your local internet service providers

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Warning anons, the FCC wants TOTAL CONTROL over the internet and content today!!



MY COMMENT: Backup everything you desire and/or need on the internet and have multiple offline backups of all saved media! US government is about to RUIN the entire internet as we know it!!!



MY COMMENT: Backup whatever media you enjoy or need and have multiple offline copies! The government is willing to BREAK THE INTERNET so they can control their narratives and online content!! They want the internet controlled like television services!!!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107194

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915123 (141733ZNOV23) Notable: Shot Dead Movie (Parents Describe How COVID-19 Vaccines Killed Their Children) Bitchute

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MUST WATCH & SHARE! Shot Dead Movie (Parents Describe How COVID-19 Vaccines Killed Their Children)

1:08:18 length...


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ad8c77 No.107195

File: 557206750080fe4⋯.png (264.77 KB,614x488,307:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 4613d1ccea93276⋯.png (580.07 KB,802x596,401:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915156 (141741ZNOV23) Notable: Giving enemy combatants the privilege of due process in the u.s. justice system is a crime in itself?

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giving enemy combatants the privilege of due process in the u.s. justice system is a crime in itself.

Ex parte Quirin, 317 U.S. 1 (1942), was a case of the United States Supreme Court that during World War II upheld the jurisdiction of a United States military tribunal over the trial of eight German saboteurs, in the United States. Quirin has been cited as a precedent for the trial by military commission of unlawful combatants.

It was argued July 29 and 30, and decided July 31, with an extended opinion filed October 29, 1942.

This decision states in part that:

... the law of war draws a distinction between the armed forces and the peaceful populations of belligerent nations and also between those who are lawful and unlawful combatants. Lawful combatants are subject to capture and detention as prisoners of war by opposing military forces. Unlawful combatants are likewise subject to capture and detention, but in addition they are subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals for acts which render their belligerency unlawful. The spy who secretly and without uniform passes the military lines of a belligerent in time of war, seeking to gather military information and communicate it to the enemy, or an enemy combatant who without uniform comes secretly through the lines for the purpose of waging war by destruction of life or property, are familiar examples of belligerents who are generally deemed not to be entitled to the status of prisoners of war, but to be offenders against the law of war subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals.

More from Wikipedia

Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license

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ad8c77 No.107196

File: 9abeb57fd313f2b⋯.png (274.58 KB,508x557,508:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915164 (141742ZNOV23) Notable: Netanyahu Warns America: "You're Next"...

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Netanyahu Warns America: "You're Next" If IDF Doesn't Decimate Hamas "Barbarism"

Israel has been ramping up its global messaging campaign at a moment it faces increased isolation from Global South countries, and amid growing criticism from large powers like China, Russia, and major Latin American countries such as Brazil.

But there have been signs of dissent even within the Biden administration as well, with pushback especially coming from the State Department of late, as US officials want to see the White House become more publicly critical of alleged Israeli war crimes, given also the immense death toll, at over 11,200 Gazans killed - with some half of these believed to be women and children.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now taking his message to the American public, in a Monday night appearance on Fox News' Sean Hannity, warning that the US will be "next" if his military doesn't decimate Hamas.

"We have to win not only for our sake, but for the sake of the Middle East, for the sake of our Arab neighbors. You know what, for the sake of Gazans who've been held by this dark tyranny that has brutalized and brought them nothing but bloodshed and poverty and misery," Netanyahu introduced.

"We have to win to protect Israel. We have to win to safeguard the Middle East. We have to win for the sake of the civilized world. That's the battle we're fighting, and it's being waged right now. There is no substitute for that victory."

And that's when he emphasized the potential dire repercussions for the West if Israel fails in its objectives. "If we don't win now, then Europe is next and you're next. And we have to win," he added.


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ad8c77 No.107197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915198 (141749ZNOV23) Notable: 1:15 PM EST Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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November 14, 2023

1:15 PM EST

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State





State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matt Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy issues including Middle East tensions amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas and the humanitarian situation in Gaza.


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ad8c77 No.107198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915224 (141754ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Andy Biggs Discusses Mayorkas Impeachment, Reveals News From “Classified Briefing” That 2 MILLION+ Illegals Have Crossed Border and “We Don’t Know Who They Are/We Can’t Vet Them”

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Rep. Andy Biggs Discusses Mayorkas Impeachment, Reveals News From “Classified Briefing” That 2 MILLION+ Illegals Have Crossed Border and “We Don’t Know Who They Are/We Can’t Vet Them”

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) spoke to The Gateway Pundit on Monday before the House voted on Articles of Impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

During the interview, Biggs also revealed new information from a classified meeting that more than 2 million illegals have crossed the border, and our federal government has no idea who they are. They could be Hamas terrorists, Chinese spies, drug lords, or other foreign bad actors. We don’t know!

Congressman Biggs also noted,

Biggs: I was the first person to sponsor an impeachment resolution, I sponsored a second resolution, and signed onto every resolution, as far as I know. This guy has basically changed the culture of the United States of America; he’s changed the geography of the United States. If you want to know what failed states–the first thing that goes in a failed nation is to lose control of your geographical integrity. We have lost control of that. This guy is the architect for that. You’ve got people that are dying, I tell you what, you go down there – you’ve been down there, Jordan, so you know – it’s an absolute disaster. And in Arizona right now, what we’re seeing happening at our border is worse than it’s ever been. So, this guy should not be holding any job of any kind of responsibility. Let’s talk about some of the laws he’s broken. How about this one? How about Operational Control and Secure Fence Act of 2006? He came before Congress and said that he had operational control. When we read to him what the law is, he had the audacity to say, Oh, I don’t I don’t care what the official law is. We kind of redefined what operational control is, and under our definition, we have operational control. How about you’re not supposed to release [millions of] people into the country while they await the change of their immigration status?… Anywhere from six to eight years out. How about this one? You have a million and a half people who have removal orders or deportation orders given to them after they’ve had due process in American courts. He’s told them don’t look for them, don’t remove them. That’s the idiocy of what’s happening.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the House voted tonight on Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s resolution to impeach the failed Homeland Security Secretary.


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ad8c77 No.107199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915411 (141828ZNOV23) Notable: #24451

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#24451 >>107155


>>107155 Cap list of RINOS opposed Myorkas Impeachment

>>107156 Cuomo has ass handed to him by Vivek.

>>107157 Luckily for Mayorkas, weak republicans can always be found when you need them. #RINOSGOTTAGO

>>107158 Warroom OP: RINOSAUR

>>107159 3 Texas Republicans did not attend to vote for impeaching Alejandro Majorkas

>>107160 CAP List of RINOS opposed Tlaib censorship

>>107162 Cap of 3 RINOS voted against Jordan

>>107163 Cap list of RINOS who called for impeaching PRESIDENT TRUMP, FUNDING UKRAINE, SUPPORTING ABORTION

>>107165 RINO Playing Cards

>>107178 Myorkas Trending

>>107183 Rhinoceritus is a contagious disease.

>>107185 Meme of the Thread

>>107191 Anon calls for RINO memes


>>107195 Giving enemy combatants the privilege of due process in the u.s. justice system is a crime in itself?

>>107198 Rep. Andy Biggs Discusses Mayorkas Impeachment, Reveals News From “Classified Briefing” That 2 MILLION+ Illegals Have Crossed Border and “We Don’t Know Who They Are/We Can’t Vet Them”

>>107167, >>107168, >>107169, >>107170, >>107171, >>107172, >>107173, >>107174, >>107175, >>107176, >>107181, >>107164, >>107161

RINO Graphics/Caps/Memes #Impeach #Recall


>>107166 Anon Opines - 70% of our politicians are criminals?

>>107179 PlaneFag housekeeping TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch

>>107180 Hearing: "Leveraging AI to Enhance American Communications”

>>107182, >>107188 Live Cam, Tens of thousands expected in DC for pro-Israel rally, with National Guard assisting police

>>107184 steal em if ya want em.

>>107189 Senate Republicans News Conference on Aid for Israel

>>107190 James Webb Space Telescope Spots Strangely Looking Familiar Looking Celestial Object

>>107192 REMINDER Mike Johnson is “all in for President Trump”

>>107177 mktFag: Cooler October US CPI raises confidence that Fed hikes done-Markets juiced and cuts on table in May

>>107186 PF: Potato in 92-9000 747 departed JBA for San Francisco Intl

>>107193 Stop Biden's planned takeover of your local internet service providers

>>107194 Shot Dead Movie (Parents Describe How COVID-19 Vaccines Killed Their Children) Bitchute

>>107196 Netanyahu Warns America: "You're Next"...

>>107197 1:15 PM EST Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller


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ad8c77 No.107200

File: cb98008780f95f4⋯.png (150.8 KB,495x330,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915433 (141830ZNOV23) Notable: #24452

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#24452 https://fullchan.net/?05f2ae263f5acf8a#ErStZRLfusgnZ4WQ4FcvfCariW5XVFk2zNhsrrBAtqwL

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ad8c77 No.107201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915440 (141833ZNOV23) Notable: 8 Republicans Joined Democrats to Kill Mayorkas Impeachment #RINOSGOTTAGO

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8 Republicans Joined Democrats to Kill Mayorkas Impeachment

Republicans collaborated with Democrats to keep America's southern border wide open.

The failure to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas is just the latest letdown from House Republicans who, as a caucus, were elected in 2022 to rein in the Biden Administration but have repeatedly refused to do so. It comes as newly-elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) has already begun to face criticism from conservatives over his seeming inability to pull his party together and fight back against radical Democrats, and for ==collaborating with them to avert a government shutdown without slashing federal spending.

Nevertheless, Republicans Darrell Issa of California, Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, Ken Buck of Colorado, Cliff Bentz of Oregon, Mike Turner of Ohio, Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, Tom McClintock of California, and John Duarte of California, all voted to keep Mayorkas in power and America’s southern border wide open.


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ad8c77 No.107202

File: dcff3b82a65d89f⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915445 (141835ZNOV23) Notable: The time the Nile River Turns Red 2016

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Nile River Turns RED

Nov. 14,2023

The Nile River, a lifeline of civilizations since antiquity, has undergone a startling transformation. Its waters, traditionally a life-giving blue, have inexplicably turned red, drawing the eyes of the world to Egypt’s storied riverbanks. The phenomenon has set off a cascade of interpretations, from apocalyptic prophecies to scientific inquiries, as people grapple with the implications of this sudden change.

Sauce: https://bnn.network/world/africa/the-nile-runs-red-natural-phenomenon-or-omen-as-mega-artificial-river-project-emerges/

20 Second Video:

Reports are coming in from the Middle East claiming portions of the Nile River have begun turning Blood red. Other reports claim this is happening in Portugal as well.

Below is video from a user of the social media website TikTok, forwarded by a user of another social media outlet, "X," showing what is purported to be the Nile River:

source #tiktok

Nile River Turns Red

for all of us believing people we know what this means buditr ready and awake👌 pic.twitter.com/NMersms8zK

— nikola 3 (@ronin19217435) November 13, 2023

Below, from Salinas, Portugal, last week:

Not Sure. This is one of my pictures of Salinas in Portugal from last week🤔 pic.twitter.com/FE2oxXkS73

— Keep Thinking (@KeepThinking347) November 13, 2023

People are starting to make reference to the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Specifically, Revelation 16-1:

The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, andthey became blood.

Sauce: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/reports-nile-river-begins-turning-blood-red

Video: https://twitter.com/ronin19217435/status/1724162144961188116

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ad8c77 No.107203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915467 (141841ZNOV23) Notable: Anon already been working on Impeaching and Recalling RINOS (Email.Call.Letters) #MeltThosePhones #WorkTogether

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Thanks guys

I tried calling


Letter writing

Only thing hasn't been tried is smoke signals

And again they would not get message

Prolly be running from the flames

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ad8c77 No.107204

File: 0f415d983a311a1⋯.png (283.36 KB,1017x799,1017:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915494 (141849ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / New York State Police bought social media monitoring programs that have violated platforms’ policies and been used to surveil

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you know they are using that shit to monitor MAGA


>>107094 Hochul Says New York Has Started Conducting Special Media “Surveillance Efforts” To Monitor “Hate”

The State Police Are Watching Your Social Media

The New York State Police bought social media monitoring programs that have violated platforms’ policies and been used to surveil Black Lives Matter protesters.

Chris Gelardi · January 13, 2023

FOR AT LEAST eight years, the New York State Police have bought an array of programs that sift through mass quantities of social media information — including from companies with access to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram’s internal data — contracts obtained by New York Focus show. The documents shed new light on the State Police’s internet surveillance efforts, which Governor Kathy Hochul has sought to ramp up.

The records also illustrate a cat and mouse game the State Police have played with social media companies, which have tried to prevent law enforcement from using their platforms for surveillance. After the American Civil Liberties Union revealed that companies — including two to which the State Police had subscribed — had used internal social media data to track Black Lives Matter protesters, the three major platforms cut off their access. The State Police then entered into contracts — likely still in effect — with at least two different companies, one of which has found ways to monitor racial justice demonstrators without getting booted from Twitter’s data stream.

The other company pulls information from over 100 other websites, allowing authorities to create detailed profiles in order to “know everything” about individuals they’re interested in.

The State Police documents — obtained via several public records requests — come to the fore as half a dozen state legislators and several advocacy organizations launched a wide-ranging legislative campaign this week aimed at making New York a “surveillance sanctuary state.” It’s Albany’s biggest push yet to rein in invasive law enforcement technology — though none of the bills the campaign introduced target the social media monitoring tools, illustrating the extent to which the development of surveillance tech is outpacing legislative oversight.

There are currently no state laws limiting police’s use of the internet monitoring tools for privacy reasons. According to State Police spokesperson Beau Duffy, the programs are “restricted to members who have been specially trained and are closely supervised.”

“These software services and tools have helped eliminate individuals from suspicion and convict others for serious crimes,” Duffy said. “We follow all laws when it comes to gathering evidence to ensure anything relevant to a prosecution can withstand legal scrutiny and be used in court.”

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ad8c77 No.107205

File: 15a815b5f50f037⋯.png (219.53 KB,437x323,23:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915500 (141851ZNOV23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107206

File: 525f2fa3a9a683e⋯.png (92.83 KB,1025x489,1025:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915506 (141852ZNOV23) Notable: Anon opines if speaker johnson can get that 1% Dems [Dino] to side with us, we would have a better chance at canceling the Rino votes.

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Ok I'll say it. im pretty sure not all democrats are bad, just 99%

if speaker johnson can get that 1% Dems [Dino] to side with us, we would have a better chance at canceling the Rino votes.

Ok we give you ukraine aid, you help vote myorkas and biden out.

The art of the Deal, no?

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ad8c77 No.107207

File: a191553a6bd143a⋯.jpg (217.3 KB,1400x875,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915509 (141852ZNOV23) Notable: Montgomery County school bus caught fire #ElectricVehicles

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MARYLAND: "Montgomery County Fire and EMS said in a post on the X platform that a county school bus caught fire on I270 and Middlebrook Rd. Tuesday. In a post published at 8:11 a.m. on November 14, officials said a vehicle fire had been reported under a bridge involving a school bus. In a follow-up post at 8:14 a.m., officials said the fire was out. They confirmed that 11 passengers/students were involved, though no injuries/illness was reported."



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ad8c77 No.107208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915510 (141853ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / Anon isolates important Buzz Word. Hochul has referred to it as the"Social Media Analysis Unit"

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>FOR AT LEAST eight years, the New York State Police have bought an array of programs that sift through mass quantities of social media information

Hochul has referred to it as the "Social Media Analysis Unit"

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ad8c77 No.107209

File: b870ff15446f09b⋯.png (468.8 KB,555x556,555:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915515 (141853ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / Anon isolates important Buzz Word. Hochul has referred to it as the"Social Media Analysis Unit"

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Out of Constitutional bounds

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ad8c77 No.107210

File: f2288545869f05c⋯.jpeg (490.89 KB,1319x590,1319:590,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d2c2eb3a727d50c⋯.jpeg (399.88 KB,785x719,785:719,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915533 (141856ZNOV23) Notable: pb PF: Trudope to Vancouver and Potato/AF2/Nightwatch update

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Canada AF CFC1 ChallengerTrudopeheading to Vancouver-top left corner

Greater Vancouver Area, British Columbia

1:00 p.m. The Prime Minister and the Premier of British Columbia, David Eby, will visit a clean technology plant. They will be joined by the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Jonathan Wilkinson, the Minister of Citizens’ Services, Terry Beech, and British Columbia’s Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation, Brenda Bailey.


>>>/qresearch/19915175 lb

E4B on descent for Davis-Monthan AFB and also location of boneyard for mothballed ACs-they still take parts and the odd whole AC out-think they resurrected a whole B52 outta there a few years ago iirc

>>107186 lb

Potato continues to SFO and following is SAM340 G5

AF2 continues on to wherever it’s going….looks like SFO too but could be Sacto. to visit hairman but not anywhere near the borders that’s for sure

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107211

File: bb732f17aaa443d⋯.png (484.43 KB,720x483,240:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915534 (141856ZNOV23) Notable: Anon already been working on Impeaching and Recalling RINOS (Email.Call.Letters) #MeltThosePhones #WorkTogether

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>I tried calling


also maybe get any following/family/friends involved?

Work Together, so i have heard 07

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ad8c77 No.107212

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915541 (141858ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / Surveil citizens using Clown companies Geofeedia, Media Sonar, Dataminr and others

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>The New York State Police bought social media monitoring programs that have violated platforms’ policies and been used to surveil Black Lives Matter protesters.

Watchdogs are skeptical. “When these systems are used without any public accountability or oversight, it really raises my alarm bells,” said Albert Fox Cahn, executive director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project. “You can use [this technology] for everything from tracking social media mentions of your own organization for PR purposes to conducting widespread warrantless surveillance.”

The 3,500-officer State Police department, responsible for both patrol duties and statewide investigations, has recently entered the market for various other high-dollar gadgets, like a $200,000 military-grade armored truck, an underwater camera robot, and a fleet of miniature surveillance drones. As New York Focus has reported, the department is beefing up its surveillance and intelligence capabilities, purchasing powerful cell phone hacking tools from an Israeli cyber-intelligence firm amid an influx in funding for digital monitoring.

“We’re catching up to what technology can and cannot do to make sure we’re protecting the civil liberties of individuals,” said Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas, who, as part of the anti-surveillance campaign, has introduced legislation to ban government entities from gathering biometric data.

“We also can think right now about what protections we’ll need in the future,” said Kristen Gonzalez, chair of the state Senate’s technology committee, who is sponsoring a bill to modernize New York’s four-decade-old Personal Privacy Protection Law. “If we want a strong democracy, we need to ensure that our [Fourth Amendment] rights are being maintained.”

THE STATE POLICE’S social media monitoring tool purchases track with an upheaval in the industry.

In November 2015 — the earliest date for which New York Focus obtained records — the department entered into 10-month subscriptions withGeofeedia and Media Sonar, companies founded a decade ago with funding from theUS Central Intelligence Agency’s venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel.When they signed the contracts, both companies had agreements with Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram that gave them access to various versions of the platforms’ internal data streams of public posts. The companies then used the exclusive data to feed insights to their customers, from marketing analysts to news outlets to police departments.

Geofeedia in particular specialized in honing in on posts that users had geotagged to offer customers real-time location information for the social media activity they were tracking. The company also had a feature allowing police to integrate undercover social media accounts into its monitoring capabilities. As New York Focus has reported,the State Police use fake accounts to monitor social media and conduct investigations.

READ MORE: The State Police Sent You a Friend Request

In September 2016, the State Police renewed their Geofeedia and Media Sonar contracts. Later that same month, the ACLU revealed that both companies had been marketing their products as a way to monitor Black Lives Matter protests. Media Sonar kept a running list of “high frequency social media terms that can help identify … threats to public safety” — among them, “policebrutality,” “blacklivesmatter,” “fuckthesystem,” “dontshoot,” and “mikebrown.” Meanwhile, Geofeedia propositioned law enforcement by touting its products as a way to “stay one step ahead of the rioters” after high-profile police killings.

The surveillance of racial justice protesters is one of the driving forces behind the Albany legislative campaign. “Oftentimes, [police] claim to want to look at extremists,” said González-Rojas, referencing Hochul’s expansion of the State Police’s social media monitoring resources after a mass shooting by a white supremacist in Buffalo last year. “But it actually turns the tables and investigates people like activists associating with Black Lives Matter or Muslim Americans going about their day.”

Geofeedia and Media Sonar’s protest monitoring violated the major social media companies’ policies, which prohibit using their platforms to conduct “surveillance”; Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram promptly severed the companies’ access to their internal data. After that, the State Police didn’t renew their contract with Geofeedia, records show. The department kept Media Sonar around for one more year, while at the same time trying out another social media monitoring company: Dataminr.

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ad8c77 No.107213

File: 79715ad9267bffa⋯.png (115.12 KB,1068x465,356:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f133a4edef07e0⋯.pdf (656.34 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: ad8ac65efd1e004⋯.png (128.64 KB,1098x1088,549:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915551 (141900ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / NY Dataminr Contract. State Police, Homeland Security

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



> https://online.ogs.ny.gov/purchase/snt/awardnotes/7360022802TC_Dataminr.pdf


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ad8c77 No.107214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915555 (141901ZNOV23) Notable: Anon already been working on Impeaching and Recalling RINOS (Email.Call.Letters) #MeltThosePhones #WorkTogether

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


melt those phones 07

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ad8c77 No.107215

File: 7789df80f2543df⋯.pdf (1.42 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 3d18a8fcf606b6b⋯.png (287.69 KB,1184x657,1184:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 2aa4f236370f0d5⋯.png (282.75 KB,1159x727,1159:727,Clipboard.png)

File: db0fc0ef0f274bb⋯.png (53.28 KB,378x555,126:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 89d9a99dc092e71⋯.png (501.08 KB,1126x763,1126:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915567 (141904ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / LAPD Dataminr

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>companies founded a decade ago with funding fromtheUS Central Intelligence Agency’sventure capital arm, In-Q-Tel


>trying out another social media monitoring company: Dataminr.




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ad8c77 No.107216

File: da5cefd21d4a175⋯.png (94.4 KB,1199x667,1199:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 4949214596d4053⋯.png (74.12 KB,1279x456,1279:456,Clipboard.png)

File: 42a01dc6628aacd⋯.png (108.34 KB,1315x591,1315:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915589 (141909ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / NY Dataminr Contract. State Police, Homeland Security

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



New York State Office of the State ComptrollerSummary by Vendor Name/Contract NumberAGENCY PURCHASES FROM CENTRALIZED CONTRACTSFiscal Year 2021 - 2022 (4/1/21 - 3/31/22)Procurement Stewardship Act Report Bureau of Contracts




> https://www.osc.ny.gov/files/state-agencies/contracts/2021/pdf/psa-centralized-contracts-2021.pdf

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ad8c77 No.107217

File: 9bba2cf97582c48⋯.png (3.61 MB,1605x1292,1605:1292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915600 (141911ZNOV23) Notable: #RECALLRINOS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The clowns are so restless today!

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ad8c77 No.107218

File: 1a8382fdd2ccaa1⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915605 (141912ZNOV23) Notable: MP4 Sen. Ron Johnson Shares the Most Censored Chart in Congressional History

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sen. Ron Johnson Shares the Most Censored Chart in Congressional History

Drug Adverse Event Comparison (01/01/1996 - 10/27/23):

Ivermectin - 4,265

HCQ - 28,823

Flu Vaccine - 220,346

Dexamethasone - 110,185

Tylenol - 136,079

Remdesivir - 9,290

COVID Vaccines - 1,605,764


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ad8c77 No.107219

File: b8d7101ba730e45⋯.png (183.37 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dbf9ac9cb6a476⋯.pdf (9.38 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 92a724fc87150fc⋯.png (30.76 KB,487x409,487:409,Clipboard.png)

File: eceede067c05adb⋯.png (103.73 KB,1046x499,1046:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915613 (141914ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / Moar detailed Dataminr bid for Boston PD. Venrock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Boston PD





Venrock is a venture capital firm formed in 1969 to build upon the successful investing activities ofthe Rockefeller familythat began in the late 1930s. It has offices in Palo Alto, California, New York City, and Boston, Massachusetts. Wikipedia


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ad8c77 No.107220

File: 342e7d46639ad1c⋯.png (56.26 KB,717x174,239:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915630 (141917ZNOV23) Notable: The time the Nile River Turns Red 2016

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

old news from 2016


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ad8c77 No.107221

File: dc824675d9eecb3⋯.png (143.28 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: c95f2769999afcf⋯.pdf (862.22 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915636 (141920ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / Michigan Police Dataminr

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Boston PD

popular program


> https://www.michigan.gov/dtmb/-/media/Project/Websites/dtmb/Procurement/Contracts/009/190000000461.pdf

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ad8c77 No.107222

File: 683a56f0eb47f16⋯.pdf (863.61 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: e42612c5f9bb4a0⋯.png (146.75 KB,757x681,757:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 23ca717aeb32d4a⋯.png (289.68 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e0885ceb1a35b3⋯.png (586.89 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: a80837b8239aad8⋯.png (629.22 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915648 (141923ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / Social Media Anal Unit Search leads to docs where Police are bludgeoned for surveiling BLM and Commies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



not seeing any reference to Jan 6 or muh insurrection in this report. they only surveil black lives matter and abortion protests I guess

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ad8c77 No.107223

File: 3e1bf99da315a97⋯.png (497.55 KB,577x432,577:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915660 (141927ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / Anon isolates important Buzz Word. Hochul has referred to it as the"Social Media Analysis Unit"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Her own personal Gestapo

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ad8c77 No.107224

File: cd7834e491cd6fe⋯.jpg (189.31 KB,1367x815,1367:815,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f75e6db6b6bd870⋯.jpg (58.91 KB,435x600,29:40,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915663 (141927ZNOV23) Notable: Police in England have arrested Sheffield Steelers player Matt Petgrave on suspicion of manslaughter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It is known. Matt Petgrave arrested.

Police in England have arrested Sheffield Steelers player Matt Petgrave on suspicion of manslaughter for the in-game death of former NHL player Adam Johnson last month, The Daily Mail Online reports.


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ad8c77 No.107225

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915665 (141928ZNOV23) Notable: Kash Patel: The "Adults Are Back In Charge" Yet We're Now In The Middle Of A World War #Qatar

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel: The "Adults Are Back In Charge" Yet We're Now In The Middle Of A World WarQatar is the country funding The Muslim Brotherhood



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ad8c77 No.107226

File: 8ce867cb9023ee3⋯.png (157.63 KB,1082x722,541:361,Clipboard.png)

File: efacd6daf760443⋯.pdf (51.78 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915698 (141936ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / NY Dataminr Contract. State Police, Homeland Security

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>you know they are using that shit to monitor MAGA

>>107212 In-Q-Tel. Geofeedia and Media Sonar, Dataminr.

>>107213, >>107215, >>107216, >>107219, >>107221 Dataminr. Popular with the police. MI, Boston, LA, etc

>>107208, >>107223, >>107209 Hochul has referred to it as the "Social Media Analysis Unit"

Location: Division Headquarters – NYSIC – Social MediaAnal

DUTIES:  Monitors, collects, and analyzes open-source information, raw crime-related data, and intelligence information using a variety of analytical tools and techniques to include demonstrating constant proficiency in i2 Analyst’s Notebook, ArcGIS, PenLink PLX, Microsoft Excel, and Tableau.

Researches, analyzes, evaluates, and correlates criminal intelligence information to determine source reliability, accuracy, and integrity. Distinguishes patterns and trends from disparate pieces of information and intelligence.  Works as part of a team providing investigative support for criminal investigations while following all procedures related to the proper handling of sensitive law enforcement information.  Uses software tools to analyze data and data sources to benefit law enforcement investigations.  Tests and validates computer hardware, software, and analytical tools using established procedures.  Collects and disseminates intelligence data and shares those data resources.  Conducts peer review of other State Police Intelligence Analyst’s analysis and findings.  Compose descriptive intelligence reports, both tactical and strategic, using analytical techniques and methods that document research, analysis, and tools utilized in investigative support and intelligence analysis with a focus on social media intelligence and social media trends around New York State.  Serve as a liaison with internal and external groups and individuals at the federal, State and local levels, to provide analytical assistance with a focus on social media.  Responds to major criminal investigations by providing information sharing support to Federal, State, local and tribal agencies.  Provide oral and written briefings on current criminal threat environments and other topics as requested with a focus on social media.  Testifies in courtroom proceedings as required. This includes giving court testimony regarding casework involving routine methods of acquiring, archiving, and analyzing data.  Completes computer hardware, software, and electronic research to locate information and data that can be utilized to further the investigation process.  Reviews current best practices and attends seminars, courses, or professional meetings to stay abreast of developments within the fields of intelligence and crime analysis.  Examines sensitive law enforcement material submitted for support and analysis to extract appropriate data.

 Analyzes data using systematic techniques to parse, locate, and extract case relevant data with value pursuant to investigative details.  Uses established report writing standards to prepare comprehensive analysis reports used in criminal investigations or intelligence products, which may be entered into evidence during court proceedings.

> https://troopers.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2022/06/spia2-nysic-social-media-06-09-22-internet.pdf

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ad8c77 No.107227

File: 069e238856ceab0⋯.png (204.57 KB,1204x721,172:103,Clipboard.png)

File: a623763fb33ae27⋯.png (463.43 KB,897x725,897:725,Clipboard.png)

File: 067e167387c28f4⋯.pdf (4.08 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915736 (141941ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / and to how they will be used because of School Shootings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> Social MediaAnal

> https://nyassembly.gov/write/upload/member_files/005/pdfs/20230406_0105612.pdf


another reason for all of the school shootings

Recommended Solutions: • Create the New York State Division of School Safety and Security and task them with identifying existing school safety resources and creating a centralized clearinghouse of information.oThe clearinghouse of information would be easily accessible and would include information on available State funding, best practices, and training for school staff, students, and parents. • Tap into existing State & Federal resources oUtilizeState Police Social Media Analysis Unit to identify potential threats to schools.oStreamline commu

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ad8c77 No.107228

File: 8219a68ea186dcf⋯.pdf (1.21 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: a689a3a6f08894d⋯.png (112.87 KB,744x548,186:137,Clipboard.png)

File: a62377e6162f5a7⋯.png (122.86 KB,772x582,386:291,Clipboard.png)

File: a0e4a9ca858f039⋯.png (159.33 KB,1034x675,1034:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915766 (141946ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / and praise for their usage against MAGA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


protect BLM and communists, and persecute MAGA


>Hochul has referred to it as the "Social Media Analysis Unit"

The former senior FBI official interviewed commented that January 6thwas a clear intelligence failure, but that it was not immediately clear what specific kind of an intelligence failure.116The IC and law enforcement were aware of the potential forviolence on January 6th, as social media platforms favored by DVE groups were filled with references to planned violence prior to the event.117During a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, FBI Director Wray stressed that a report, known as the 'Norfolk report,' detailing the potential for violence had been sent to relevant agencies and police departments prior to January 6th.118A whistleblower formerly employed by the Capitol Police faulted both the leadership and the Capitol Police’s intelligence analysis sector for failing to properly pass intelligence along to other divisions within Capitol Police.119Viewing January 6th as an analysis and warning failure, rather than a collection failure, is not uncommon. Mitchell D. Silber’s Domestic Violent Extremism and the Intelligence Challenge, for example, determined that January 6thwas not an intelligence collection failure, but an intelligence analysis and warning dissemination failure.120Silber additionally suggests recommendations to improve the IC’s handling of DVE, such ascreating a social media analysis unit within DHS, creating aDomestic Violent Extremism Analysis Unit(DVEAU) within National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) that would report directly to DNI, and establishing a Deputy DNI for domestic warnings.121Similarly, one subject matter expert and former FBI agent interviewed noted that like with September 11, 2001, “pertinent information was lost in the vast streams of information collected.”122They also noted that after September 11, 2001 a system was created “where people were rewarded for ringing fire alarms, and

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ad8c77 No.107229

File: 72e63ed6dc880c4⋯.png (127.2 KB,1080x537,360:179,Clipboard.png)

File: f4c0709b7b68a06⋯.png (323.02 KB,1279x721,1279:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 59bf58d281de09a⋯.png (140.73 KB,973x486,973:486,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b12263c5f19516⋯.png (815.05 KB,1028x526,514:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915801 (141952ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / Atlantic Council chimes in on Social Media Analysis Units

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


That would appear to be on the official government wide jargon list for spying on Americans

might be useful in a FOIA

> https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Domestic-Violence-Extremism-and-the-intelligence-challenge.pdf

While it seems that monitoring social media was, to some degree, a responsibility of some DHS I&A analysts or DHS’s Office of Operations Coordination (OPS), DHS should cre-ate and empower a unique, new, more robust unit within I&A, the OnlineSocial Media Analysis Unit (OSMAU), which will be devoted entirely to this function and staffed around the clock. The standards for collection should be public, transparent, and focused on the bright line between con-stitutionally protected speech and threats of violence. How its standards would be written will prove a very important and sensitive issue.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107230

File: 19a6aea144f0219⋯.png (126.36 KB,1280x881,1280:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915851 (141959ZNOV23) Notable: Rep Tel Contact List https://www.house.gov/representatives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>call for myorkas impeachment




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ad8c77 No.107231

File: e755911e59d890f⋯.pdf (2.92 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: f32569aed2ccd80⋯.png (104.65 KB,1131x682,1131:682,Clipboard.png)

File: f05b78e20ccd8fc⋯.png (109.88 KB,726x602,363:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 218fa49068b12f3⋯.png (82.09 KB,1110x666,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915861 (142001ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / and the Naval Post Graduate school. Protects the country from MAGA extremists

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>anon, can you bring this vid forward from pb:

will do


>That would appear to be on the official government wide jargon list for spying on Americans

>might be useful in a FOIA


>Hochul has referred to it as the "Social Media Analysis Unit"

from The Naval Post Graduate School

13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)

Over the years, the National Network of Intelligence Fusion Centers, established after the 9/11 attacks,

was able to evolve and adapt to new threats and challenges to security environments. Domestic violent

extremism became a serious challenge to U.S. security, especially after the development of social media. The

most dangerous representatives of violent domestic extremism are the far-right extremists, who have become

very active in the last decade. The far-right groups successfully used social media for organization and

propaganda by spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories. This thesis tries to understand the role of

state and local fusion centers in the fight against violent far-right extremists. To answer that question, this

thesis analyses the intelligence fusion centers’ actions concerning the Capitol insurrection by far-right

extremists on January 6, 2021, and disinformation campaignsduring the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential

elections. The findings are that fusion centers played an important role duringthe Capitol insurrectionby

exploiting open-source intelligence. On the other hand, fusion centers are not effective against foreign or,

especially, domestic disinformation campaigns. Therefore, more federal support is needed to improve the

fusion centers’ capacity to help contain the spread of disinformation.

Creating central offices that will deal with the problems of disinformation and

domestic violent extremism is necessary for better integration of IFCs. Silber suggests the

Online Social Media Analysis Unit must be created in the Office of Intelligence and

Analysis within DHS. 335 In order for that unit to work and operate properly, “the standards

for collection should be public, transparent, and focused on the bright line between

constitutionally protected speech and threats of violence.” 336 Simultaneously with that

unit, there is a need for the creation of the Domestic Violent Extremism Analysis Unit,

which would reside in the National Counterterrorism Center. 337 Similar to the National

Counterterrorism Center’s responsibilities in combating foreign terrorism, this new unit

would be responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information on domestic

violent extremist activities. These centralized offices responsible for collecting social

media information and performing analysis on domestic violent extremism would

centralize the work of IFCs and provide standards that fusion centers would be required to

comply with. In this case, the possibility of privacy and civil liberty violations would be

decreased due to the centralized model.

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ad8c77 No.107232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915870 (142003ZNOV23) Notable: Live - Committee on how Transnational Criminal Organizations Profit from Human Trafficking

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Homeland Security Committee on how Transnational Criminal Organizations Profit from Human Trafficking at the Southwest Border

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ad8c77 No.107233

File: c1b570181c55d9c⋯.jpg (1.72 MB,2048x2048,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915878 (142004ZNOV23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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ad8c77 No.107234

File: 62a7cf17a471647⋯.mp4 (760.38 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915882 (142004ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN / Hochul Special Media “Surveillance Efforts” To Monitor Vid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>anon, can you bring this vid forward from pb

PB below


>Governor Kathy Hochul Says New York Has Started Conducting Special Media “Surveillance Efforts” To Monitor “Hate”



>Here's the video, can't be scrubbed now.

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ad8c77 No.107235

File: ede408d97dbfbba⋯.jpeg (417.94 KB,828x575,36:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 562107efba15c3f⋯.jpeg (222.05 KB,828x923,828:923,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 34fa6abb25cb3da⋯.jpeg (268.56 KB,828x1078,414:539,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915890 (142005ZNOV23) Notable: pb Foreigners hold more JGBs than Japan banks (not including Bank of Japan) for first time

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Foreigners hold more JGBs than Japan banks (not including Bank of Japan) for first time

(That’s because the BoJ owns most of them-and they do acknowledge that below however the graph in the article is from March and the BoJ is upwards of 70% of total ownership. You could argue it’s meaningless since it’s essentially a black hole but they also own upwards of about 75% of the entire equity markets in Japan too-surpassing the public pension fund several years ago. It will be meaningless until (((they))) decide an alternative is needed and what better example to use than this.).

The share of Japanese government bonds held by international investors has risen above that of Japanese banks for the first time as foreign buyers take advantage of Japan's low borrowing costs.

Foreigners held 14.5% of JGBs and other government debt at the end of March, more than the 13.1% held by domestic banks, investment trusts and securities companies, Finance Ministry data shows. Japanese banks' share was down sharply from the nearly 50% seen 15 years earlier. The shift owes in large part to the Bank of Japan's s massive JGB purchases under the monetary easing program launched in 2013, starting at 50 trillion yen a year and accelerating to 80 trillion yen in October 2014. Japanese banks have been the main sellers of bonds to the central bank. Foreign investors' share of JGBs, meanwhile, has roughly doubled over the past 15 years. It grew from around 8% in 2013 to over 10% at the end of 2015.

Persistently low interest rates and a weak yen have created a favorable environment for overseas investors(muh yen carry trade). The low cost of exchanging dollars for yen has fueled demand for JGBs combined with currency hedges.Japan's ratio of debt to gross domestic product, the highest in the Group of Seven, makes the country vulnerable to rising interest rates-currently right around 260% and rising but that is ‘official’ #s…I’d estimate it’s closer to 280%

Someone hit muh yen earlier today as it made a run at 152 see cap 3 here-straight down is pretty much the signature left by “help”. >>107177 pb

The Finance Ministry estimates debt servicing costs at 29.8 trillion yen in fiscal 2026 with 10-year JGB yields at 1.6%, and 33.4 trillion yen if yields rise another percentage point above that.


General government gross debt for Japan (from St.Louis Fed)


They’ve done a good job on it over the last few hours considering this short trade isn’t called “the widowmaker” for no reason


>Japan may sneak some in to try and get muh yen a little lower (moar valuable) to end this and start off next year as it is still pegged to 150 after making a run at 152 earlier today look at that dump…no intervention there…kek

They had an emergency intervention meeting in early 2019-after our markets dropped for a few months and then magically turned upwards and dint look back on the first trading day of 2019-these two things are linked-when it was around 110 vs $ iirc

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ad8c77 No.107236

File: c7eed7f85ad4b88⋯.jpeg (61.29 KB,472x541,472:541,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915900 (142007ZNOV23) Notable: Gridley Middle School Teacher Michelle Solis (45) Arrested for Sex With a Minor Under 16.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gridley Middle School Teacher Michelle Solis (45) Arrested for Sex With a Minor Under 16.

BCFAC News 11/13/2023 Gridley, CA — On October 10, 2023, the Gridley Police Department (GPD) received information from a concerned parent regarding rumors of explicit photographs of a Gridley Unified School District (GUSD) teacher circulating among students.


Name em and shame em

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ad8c77 No.107237

File: 04b75b9de29aa13⋯.jpg (46.82 KB,1017x575,1017:575,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915952 (142014ZNOV23) Notable: Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000

At 5:13:20 pm EST on November 14 (today) the Unix time stamp will roll over to 1,700,000,000 seconds since January 1, 1970.


A new epoch begins. In two hours. Is this what the shills are worried about?

Numbers have meaning to the Deep State.

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ad8c77 No.107238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19915981 (142019ZNOV23) Notable: Matt Gaetz sponsors bill to expand parental access to student health records

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Matt Gaetz sponsors bill to expand parental access to student health records

November 14, 2023

Conservative firebrand Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced legislation Tuesday that would strengthen parental access to student health records under family privacy laws.

If passed into law, the “Parent’s Right to Know Act” would amend the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act to ensure that parents have access to a student’s medical and counseling records after the Biden administration issued guidance earlier this year requiring written consent for the disclosure of such documentation if the student is a minor attending a postsecondary institution


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ad8c77 No.107239

File: 415350ef238a9ea⋯.png (66.3 KB,1588x510,794:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916006 (142023ZNOV23) Notable: Police in England have arrested Sheffield Steelers player Matt Petgrave on suspicion of manslaughter

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Matt Petgrave, the hockey defenseman whose skate cut Adam Johnson’s neck during an Oct. 28 game in England that led to Johnson’s death, received a standing ovation during his team’s first home game since Johnson died at the age of 29.

The Sheffield Steelers, who hosted Johnson’s Nottingham Panthers two weeks earlier, returned to Utilita Arena Sheffield on Sunday and paid tribute to Johnson before their Elite Ice Hockey League game against the Coventry Blaze, with a wreath laid at center ice and a two-minute moment of silence followed by a minute of applause, according to BBC.

When an image of Petgrave — who did not play Sunday — was shown on the video board, the more than 8,000 fans in attendance gave the 31-year-old a standing ovation.

South Yorkshire police on Tuesday arrested a man in connection to Johnson’s death on suspicion of manslaughter. The identity of the man was not revealed.

Former Ranger Sean Avery gave his take on the incident after Johnson died, responding to Fox News’ Jesse Watters saying the play looked like “murder.”

22nd minute… Standing ovation for Sheffield Steelers defenceman Matt Petgrave, who’s not on the ice tonight.

Over 8,000 fans all on their feet to show their support & love for Petgrave. pic.twitter.com/Muu8yIEdnJ

— Peter Spencer (@_PeterSpencer) November 12, 2023

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ad8c77 No.107240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916013 (142025ZNOV23) Notable: Speaker Johnson is articulate and on point

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Speaker Johnson is articulate and on point


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ad8c77 No.107241

File: 2fa9129784c4a1a⋯.png (794.04 KB,600x900,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916025 (142026ZNOV23) Notable: Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN

>>107234 Hochul Special Media “Surveillance Efforts” To Monitor Vid

>>107204 New York State Police bought social media monitoring programs that have violated platforms’ policies and been used to surveil

>>107212 Surveil citizens using Clown companies Geofeedia, Media Sonar, Dataminr and others

>>107213, >>107216, >>107226 NY Dataminr Contract. State Police, Homeland Security

>>107215 LAPD Dataminr

>>107219 Moar detailed Dataminr bid for Boston PD. Venrock

>>107221 Michigan Police Dataminr

>>107208, >>107223, >>107209 Anon isolates important Buzz Word. Hochul has referred to it as the"Social Media Analysis Unit"

>>107222 Social Media Anal Unit Search leads to docs where Police are bludgeoned for surveiling BLM and Commies

>>107227 and to how they will be used because of School Shootings

>>107228 and praise for their usage against MAGA

>>107229 Atlantic Council chimes in on Social Media Analysis Units

>>107231 and the Naval Post Graduate school. Protects the country from MAGA extremists

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ad8c77 No.107242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916027 (142027ZNOV23) Notable: Blinken and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai co-host the APEC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

November 14, 2023

4:00 PM EST

Secretary Antony J. Blinken and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai co-host the APEC Ministerial Meeting Opening Plenary Session

San Francisco, California



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ad8c77 No.107243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916096 (142037ZNOV23) Notable: Brecheen [Human Trafficking Hearing]: You talked about interviewing a person that was involved in human smuggling,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Brecheen [Human Trafficking Hearing]: You talked about interviewing a person that was involved in human smuggling, who had kidnapped a twelve year old child, saw the procedure to extract that young adult's eye, to then let it be sold into the interior of the United States.

Sadulski: The surgery occurred in Mexico.

Brecheen: This eye was sold for fifteen thousand dollars.

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ad8c77 No.107244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916105 (142038ZNOV23) Notable: Recall of Legislators and the Removal of Members of Congress from Office

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Recall of Legislators and the Removal of Members of Congress from Office

Under Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the Constitution, a Member of Congress may be removed from office before the normal expiration of his or her constitutional term by an “expulsion” from the Senate (if a Senator) or from the House of Representatives (if a Representative) upon a formal vote on a resolution agreed to by two-thirds of the Members of that body present and voting.


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ad8c77 No.107245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916121 (142040ZNOV23) Notable: You can't delete all of us?

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you can't delete all of us

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ad8c77 No.107246

File: 92811db4e690f27⋯.png (728.96 KB,547x541,547:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916139 (142042ZNOV23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916145 (142044ZNOV23) Notable: Anon wonders, Ever wonder why nothing ever gets done in congress?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ever wonder why nothing ever gets done in congress?

What is a Rino?

What is a Democrat?

How do you Expell a Rino?

How do you impeach a Democrat?

If the rep is not representing, then what can you do?

If the rep is representing, then what can you do?

Is America a Democracy or a Constitutional Republic?

Whose Democracy is at stake?

If America falls, the world falls.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916151 (142045ZNOV23) Notable: You can't delete all of us?

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>you can't delete all of us

you're right.

not all spam gets deleted - but enough does to make it possible for anons to be the majority posters, to suppost convos about digs, and to keep qresear.ch as free as possible from junk posts.

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ad8c77 No.107249

File: fe212b252f0334a⋯.mp4 (13.46 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916219 (142054ZNOV23) Notable: MP4 Here is a repost of Maria Zack sworn testimony on the stolen US elections.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here is a repost of Maria Zack sworn testimony on the stolen US elections.


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ad8c77 No.107250

File: a9458da4eabb794⋯.jpeg (687.28 KB,1291x679,1291:679,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916235 (142057ZNOV23) Notable: PF:Trudope to Vancouver and Potato/AF2/Nightwatch update

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


AF2 on ground at SFO with Potato on descent behind

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ad8c77 No.107251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916253 (142100ZNOV23) Notable: Anon thinks Christians are mostly woke, just not to Enlil and Enki and the extraterrestrial f***ery

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yeah I know

One thing is not true though

Christians are rich, most of them are way above average with beautiful mansions

They are all educated 100% of Christians have at least bachelor degree mostly medicine and engineering

They teach us from young age to forgive and to go to school and to focus on self improvement

They also teach us to take the Israelis to international courts and not to use weapons

It’s drilled on a daily basis in Christian schools the most common thing you would hear is follow Jesus way, or only Jesus way works

The whole Christian community is trying to get water and food delivered and we are constantly calling the evil in the Vatican to do something or get them out but so far nothing

Christians are fully awake over there in the whole area

They know about the Masonic filth and the theft and everything, not sure if they are aware about Enlil and Enki and the extraterrestrial fuckery

But they are aware about the corruption

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ad8c77 No.107252

File: 7b226711115b693⋯.jpg (16.53 KB,545x186,545:186,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916262 (142101ZNOV23) Notable: "Anon" means "soon"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"anon" means "soon"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad8c77 No.107253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916284 (142104ZNOV23) Notable: #24452

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24452 >>107200


>>107203, >>107211, >>107214 Anon already been working on Impeaching and Recalling RINOS (Email.Call.Letters) #MeltThosePhones #WorkTogether

>>107201 8 Republicans Joined Democrats to Kill Mayorkas Impeachment #RINOSGOTTAGO

>>107206 Anon opines if speaker johnson can get that 1% Dems [Dino] to side with us, we would have a better chance at canceling the Rino votes.


>>107230 Rep Tel Contact List https://www.house.gov/representatives

>>107244 Recall of Legislators and the Removal of Members of Congress from Office

>>107247 Anon wonders, Ever wonder why nothing ever gets done in congress?


>>107202, >>107220 The time the Nile River Turns Red 2016

>>107205, >>107233, >>107246 Memes of the Thread

>>107207 Montgomery County school bus caught fire #ElectricVehicles

>>107218 MP4 Sen. Ron Johnson Shares the Most Censored Chart in Congressional History

>>107224, >>107239 Police in England have arrested Sheffield Steelers player Matt Petgrave on suspicion of manslaughter

>>107225 Kash Patel: The "Adults Are Back In Charge" Yet We're Now In The Middle Of A World War #Qatar

>>107232 Live - Committee on how Transnational Criminal Organizations Profit from Human Trafficking

>>107236 Gridley Middle School Teacher Michelle Solis (45) Arrested for Sex With a Minor Under 16.

>>107210, >>107250 PF:Trudope to Vancouver and Potato/AF2/Nightwatch update

>>107235 Foreigners hold more JGBs than Japan banks (not including Bank of Japan) for first time

>>107237 Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000

>>107238 Matt Gaetz sponsors bill to expand parental access to student health records

>>107240 Speaker Johnson is articulate and on point

>>107241 Hochul's own personal Gestapo BUN

>>107242 Blinken and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai co-host the APEC

>>107243 Brecheen [Human Trafficking Hearing]: You talked about interviewing a person that was involved in human smuggling,

>>107245, >>107248 You can't delete all of us?

>>107249 MP4 Here is a repost of Maria Zack sworn testimony on the stolen US elections.

>>107251 Anon thinks Christians are mostly woke, just not to Enlil and Enki and the extraterrestrial f***ery

>>107252 "Anon" means "soon"


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ad8c77 No.107254

File: 9d5302c16235db0⋯.png (70.74 KB,774x226,387:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916310 (142107ZNOV23) Notable: #24453

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24453 https://fullchan.net/?312aceddc223b1c3#an1znJWYeP7ssjKtMPNq7HAd2vHRamPasagV3s65kSC


TYA 07

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ad8c77 No.107255

File: fe212b252f0334a⋯.mp4 (13.46 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916337 (142111ZNOV23) Notable: Maria Zack testimony

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Reposting this, everyone should take the time to watch this. It's the sworn testimony of Maria Zack on the 2020 stolen election.


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ad8c77 No.107256

File: 04b75b9de29aa13⋯.jpg (46.82 KB,1017x575,1017:575,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916342 (142113ZNOV23) Notable: Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

One hour till Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000


The Deep State may not care about the number 17 but anons sure as hell do and this frightens the Deep Staters to the core of their rotten souls. We continue to transition to an ever higher orbital. Orbital #17 is the goal. At that point, we will gain the power of the yellow sun and strike profound fear into all of the world's evildoers.

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ad8c77 No.107257

File: 1091e8f49f0aaf9⋯.png (146.44 KB,492x673,492:673,Clipboard.png)

File: 1395816b37673ca⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916355 (142115ZNOV23) Notable: Haley campaign update

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Get to know Nikki Haley more........Great Interview!

Full Interview Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksKcvMNbuUQ&t=19s

Ruthless Podcast


"If you're going to do a campaign, do it right or don't do it." @NikkiHaley explains her strategy for 2024.

#NikkiHaley #Election2024 #president #America

3:00 PM · Nov 14, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916365 (142117ZNOV23) Notable: Maria Zack testimony

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maria Zack from Nations in Action testimony.

Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President. (Also presented Audio from Larry Johnson CIA @ 4:25 min & State Department)


GALILLEO satelite

Loaded software

Frankfurt to Rome


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ad8c77 No.107259

File: c7e9c5e1f85c968⋯.jpeg (73.46 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916371 (142117ZNOV23) Notable: EU’s Ukraine weapons goal ‘unattainable’ - Germany

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14 Nov, 2023 Excellent! The End is Near.

EU’s Ukraine weapons goal ‘unattainable’ – Germany

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said he had been skeptical of Brussels’ pledge all along, citing inadequate production capacities

The European Union will not be able to make good on its pledge to provide Ukraine with one million artillery rounds by next March, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has admitted. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has also echoed this assessment.

Brussels made the promise earlier this year, expecting to reach the ambitious target within 12 months by dipping into existing stocks, as well as by procuring shells from arms manufacturers. However, several media outlets have reported that the bloc is falling behind schedule.

Speaking ahead of a meeting by EU defense chiefs in Brussels on Tuesday, Pistorius said that “the one million won’t be achieved. One must proceed on this assumption.” The minister blamed the supposed shortfall on inadequate production capacities in European nations, explaining that even if the economy was switched to a wartime mode, the ammunition output would still not become prolific enough overnight. (The EU never prepared to defend their own countries. The woke just got broke. Plus they never planned to make good on their promises to Ukraine$

Pistorius admitted he had been skeptical about the bloc’s target right from the start when it was set in March, fearing that it could prove unrealistically ambitious.

Commenting on a report by Bloomberg, which suggested last week that Brussels would not be able to fulfill its promise, Kuleba told local media that the report was “unfortunately”true.

“There are questions, and we are, so to speak, ringing the bells a lot and loudly,” the minister stated, adding that the EU is willing to deliver the promised number of shells in principle, but cannot do so due to the “pathetic state of the defense industry.”

According to Kuleba, Brussels is already taking steps to rectify the situation, but Ukraine will still insist that “more and faster is needed.” (Seriously when is this country going to Fuck Off?)

In its report on Saturday, Bloomberg claimed that the European External Action Service – the EU’s foreign policy wing – had informed member states on the lagging progress with respect to the ammunition pledge.

The media outlet alleged that, with less than three months left before the deadline, the bloc hadprovided just 30% of the intended figure.

Russia, for its part, has repeatedly argued that Western nations have already become de facto parties to the conflict by providing arms, intelligence, and training to Kiev’s military. Moscow insists that no amount of Western defense aid will be able to change the course of its military campaign, while unnecessarily increasing the likelihood of a direct clash between NATO and Russia.


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ad8c77 No.107260

File: 767d94dbb774278⋯.png (159.56 KB,492x696,41:58,Clipboard.png)

File: ed4cbca66e54681⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916379 (142118ZNOV23) Notable: Haley campaign update

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ruthless Podcast


"This isn't just about winning President" @NikkiHaley makes the case for why she's in a better position than Gov. Desantis to win up and down the ballot.

#2024Elections #TheProgrum #president #America

11:15 AM · Nov 14, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107261

File: 78b51efa4c675de⋯.jpeg (117.16 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916396 (142123ZNOV23) Notable: Hackers claim world’s largest bank paid ransom over cyberattack

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14 Nov, 2023 16:57

Hackers claim world’s largest bank paid ransom over cyberattack

A ransomware gang has claimed it received payment from a Chinese banking giant

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) paid a ransom after it suffered a cyberattack against some of its US-based systems last week, LockBit, the hacking group behind the attack, claimed on Monday, according to media reports.

The breach of the country's largest global lender by total assets, which wasdisclosed on November 9, disrupted some US Treasury market deals from clearing, forcing brokers and traders to reroute transactions.

According to Reuters, a LockBit representative confirmed the payment on Monday but declined to provide further details.

“They paid a ransom, deal closed,” the representative told the outlet via an online messaging app Tox.

The extent of the ICBC cyberattack was so severe that even corporate email systems stopped functioning, prompting employees to use Google mail, according to the outlet.

“The market is mostly back to normal now,”said Zhiwei Ren, a portfolio manager atPenn MutualAsset Management.

Ransomware is a type of cyberattack when hackers take control of systems or information in order to demand a ransom to unlock it. This type of attack has seen a surge in popularity among hackers in recent years.

The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, a financial industry cybersecurity group, urged companies to “stay current on all protective measures and patch critical vulnerabilities immediately.”

“Ransomware remains one of the top threat vectors facing the financial sector,” the group’s spokesperson warned.

In recent months,LockBithas attacked some of the world’s largest organizations andhas been particularly disruptive in the US.The cybercriminal group has been stealing information and leaking sensitive data in cases where victims refused to pay.

The ransomware gang has hitmore than 1,700 organizations in the USin numerous sectors ranging from financial services and food to schools, transportation and government departments, according to Reuters.

(Does Lockbit work for the ICA?)


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ad8c77 No.107262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916412 (142128ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Drew's guest today, son of WEF's co-founder, Pascal Najadi, goes full Q redpill without ever mentioning Q

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Dr. Drew's guest today, son of WEF's co-founder, Pascal Najadi, goes full Q redpill without ever mentioning Q, and they let him speak without interruption. Great share for normies, and good listen for a little Hopium drip...or is he just selling us more free beer?!


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ad8c77 No.107263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916420 (142130ZNOV23) Notable: Former US Secretary of State and Ex-CIA Director put on Board of Directors at Ukrainian Cellular Communications Company

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Former US Secretary of State and Ex-CIA Director put on Board of Directors at Ukrainian Cellular Communications Company

Mike Pompeo is taking a seat on the board of the Veon subsidiary Kievstar

Telecom giant Veon announced on Wednesday that it has appointed ex-CIA director and former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the board of directors of its Ukrainian subsidiary, Kievstar.

Pompeo is joining the Kiev-based operator as “an independent non-executive director,” in his capacity as a partner of Impact Investments, described by Veon as “a newly established US-based strategic and financial advisory and investment firm.”

Kievstar’s new board chairman will be Kaan Terzioglu, the CEO of the Veon Group. The appointments reflect Veon’s “commitment to Ukraine and to the recovery and reconstruction of the country,” the company said.

Terzioglu said the company looks forward to the “knowledge and experience” that Pompeo will contribute to the phone company.

Pompeo has no telecommunications experience. He was a tank commander during his days in the US Army, ran Thayer Aerospace from 1996 to 2006, and served as a congressman from Kansas from 2011 to 2017, before running the CIA during the early days of Donald Trump’s presidency. He took over the State Department in 2018.

After Joe Biden took over the White House, Pompeo became an outspoken advocate of Washington’s military, economic, and political aid to Ukraine.

Veon started as a Russian-American joint venture called VimpelCom in the 1990s, before expanding internationally. It was renamed in 2017 and has a headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

As part of the Kievstar announcement, Veon also confirmed it had fully exited the Russian market, completing the sale of its Russian subsidiary last month. The transnational company currently operates in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Veon has pledged to spend $600 million in Ukraine over the next three years and has launched the ‘Invest in Ukraine NOW!’ initiative, to invite other corporations to do the same.





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ad8c77 No.107264

File: f78d3f6bc2ed4dd⋯.jpeg (126.75 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916425 (142131ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine arrests Zelensky critic for 'treason'

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14 Nov, 2023 16:12

Ukraine arrests Zelensky critic for 'treason'

The lawmaker, who is accused of working for Russian intelligence, has dismissed the charges as politically motivated

A Kiev court has ordered the arrest of Ukrainian journalist andindependent MP Alexander Dubinsky, accused by Ukraine’s successor to the KGB (the SBU) of treason and working for Russia. He was remanded for two months of pre-trial detention on Tuesday, according to posts on Telegram published on the politician’s personal channel.

The lawmaker dismissed the charges against him as politically motivated, calling the whole case “fabricated” and based only on vague witness testimonies and assumptions, rather than solid facts.

“There are assumptions that are not substantiated by any evidence by the prosecution. All these materials are fabricated. This is a political persecution for criticizing the authorities, which I have been doing throughout my entire parliamentary career,”Dubinsky stated.

Dubinsky used to be a member of President Vladimir Zelensky’s ruling party, ‘Servant of the People’, and was elected to parliament in mid-2019. The politician has repeatedly been involved in various scandals, ultimately being ousted from the party in February 2021, yet retaining his mandate as an independent.

He has grown increasingly critical of Zelensky as the conflict between Moscow and Kiev drags on, alleging rampant corruption within the government and condemning policies against the Russian language, as well as Ukraine’s “lawless” conscription drive.

The MP claims the case against him is based solely on the testimony of a convict who entered a plea deal with prosecutors for only five years behind bars. That person is linked to another treason case involving Andrey Derkach, a former Ukrainian lawmaker, Dubinsky said.

Derkach left Ukraine shortly after the conflict between Moscow and Kiev began in February 2022. He is a highly-controversial figure who has been at the center of multiple high-profile scandals. The ex-legislator has faced accusations from US intelligence of interfering in the country's presidential election, and charges from the US Justice Department of money laundering and fraud. Meanwhile, Kiev has leveled allegations of treason and working for Moscow at Derkach. He was stripped of Ukrainian citizenship early this year, and has denied all the aforementioned accusations.

The SBU provided more information on Dubinsky’s case on Monday, with a detailed press release concerning “suspicion of high treason” by an “active lawmaker.” Dubinsky was not explicitly named in the statement, but the agency released lightly blurred photos of a raid on the MP’s residence in which he was still easily recognizable.

According to the SBU, the politician has been working for a “criminal organization” bankrolled by Russian military intelligence and tasked with sowing discord in Ukraine, and spreading “pro-Russian narratives about the top military and political leadership” of the country. Apart from Dubinsky, the purported group involved Derkach and a former employee of the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office, Konstantin Kulik.All of the suspects are now facing up to 15 years behind bars, as well as asset forfeiture.

(So Zelensky is using Bidan tactic arrest your political opponents. Ukraine was a test case for Bidan admin of how many law and citizens right can be taking away, it was so successful Bidan Admin launched a full scale attacks on America)


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ad8c77 No.107265

File: d5805a7c8f635cc⋯.png (866.98 KB,984x1239,328:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 500d588ebf71bed⋯.mp4 (11.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916439 (142135ZNOV23) Notable: Hundreds of Thousands have gathered in Mass demonstration at the National Mall in support of Israel

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🚨#BREAKING: Hundreds of Thousands have gathered in Mass demonstration at the National Mall in support of Israel

📌#Washington | #DC

Currently Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered in a mass demonstration at the National Mall in Washington, DC today for the March for Israel. The event aims to show solidarity and support for Israel, advocate for the release of hostages, and protest against antisemitism. Antisemitism has reportedly increased in the U.S. since the Israel-Hamas war began last month. Reports estimate that the crowds are in the range of200,000.

3:55 PM · Nov 14, 2023

from Washington, DC·134.5K Views

Dasting: Proportionally speaking Jews to Muslims (15M vs 1.5B), that is the equivalent of 200M Muslims coming out...tensions run deep

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ad8c77 No.107266

File: f00acf3e7580153⋯.jpeg (53.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916469 (142140ZNOV23) Notable: Judge under investigation for AI-authored ruling

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14 Nov, 2023 15:12

Judge under investigation for AI-authored ruling

Brazilian officials confirmed they are looking into the first known case of an error in judgment caused by artificial intelligence

A Brazilian federal judge in the northern state of Acre has been ordered to explain how he came to publish an error-riddled decision co-authored by AI chatbot ChatGPT in a first-of-its-kind case for the country, authorities confirmed to AFP on Monday.

The National Justice Council (CNJ) has given Judge Jefferson Rodrigues 15 days to explain a decision bristling with incorrect details about previous court cases and legal precedent, including the erroneous attribution of past decisions to the Superior Court of Justice, case records revealed.

Rodrigues admitted in documents filed with the supervisory body that the decision was co-written with a “trusted advisor” – and AI.He brushed off the foul-up as “a mere mistake” made by one of his underlings, blaming “the work overload facing judges” for the errors.

The CNJ claimed the incident was “the first case of its kind” in Brazil, which has no laws prohibiting the use of AI in judicial settings. Indeed, the Supreme Court’s president reportedly plans to commission the creation of a “legal ChatGPT” for use by judges – a project that is said to be already underway in the state of Sao Paulo.

Judges have been using AI chatbots to inform their decisions for almost as long as they have been available to the public, despite their tendency to produce extremely vivid, authoritative-sounding “hallucinations” – responses with no basis in reality.

Colombian Judge Juan Manuel Padilla Garcia of the First Circuit Court in Cartagena proudly credited ChatGPT in a decision he issued in January regarding whether an autistic child should receive insurance coverage for medical treatment, qualifying the unusual research method with a reassurance that its responses were fact-checked and were “in no way [meant] to replace the judge’s decision.”

In June, US federal judge P. Kevin Castel fined two lawyers with the firm Levidow, Levidow & Oberman PC $5,000 after they submitted bogus legal research – including several nonexistent cases – generated by ChatGPT to back an aviation injury claim, then doubled down on the phony citations when questioned by the judge.

(How to destroy the law in every country? Introduce AI!)


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ad8c77 No.107267

File: dd0bcb9508d659e⋯.png (339.37 KB,687x328,687:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916519 (142151ZNOV23) Notable: We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

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We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

oung people tearing down posters of Israeli hostages and launching waves of anti-Israel demonstrations say they’re being fueled by thousands of pro-Palestinian videos, mainly on TikTok and Instagram.

Ripping down posters and lavishing praise on those who do has become a trend ever since Hamas terrorists took 240 Israelis hostage during their Oct. 7 terror assault on Israel.


Wait 'til they discover 8kun.

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ad8c77 No.107268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916534 (142154ZNOV23) Notable: MTG: ·I will not stop fighting to hold the Biden administration accountable for their open border policies that are killing Americans every day.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




I will not stop fighting to hold the Biden administration accountable for their open border policies that are killing Americans every day.

It's time for Republicans to grow a spine and join me in impeaching Mayorkas and others who are destroying our country.


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ad8c77 No.107269

File: b58572cea57d0f5⋯.jpeg (53.07 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916542 (142155ZNOV23) Notable: Zelensky’s chief of staff rejects former NATO head’s proposal

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14 Nov, 2023 12:11

Zelensky’s chief of staff rejects former NATO head’s proposal

Kiev will accept no compromise over lands it claims in conflict with Russia, Andrey Yermak has said

The proposal to extend NATO security guarantees to Kiev within territories under its de-facto control may only be considered as a stepping stone to the country re-taking parts of Russia, according to Andrey Yermak, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s chief of staff.

The senior official was asked about the idea, which former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen floated last week, during an event hosted on Monday by the Hudson Institute, a Washington DC-based think tank. Kiev seeks membership in the US-led bloc, but its ongoing conflict with Russia is a major obstacle in the eyes of several member states.

“Our principles are very clear, very strong. Any compromise with independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty [is not acceptable],”Yermak declared.

Rasmussen is aware of the position, so the idea was his personal opinion, Yermak said. The Ukrainian government is seeking security guarantees through mechanisms other than NATO’s mutual defense treaty, he added, mentioning the so-called Kiev Security Compact, which the Zelensky government proposed in September 2022. But NATO remains the world’s strongest military alliance, against which Russia has “zero chances,”Yermak asserted, explaining Kiev’s bid to join.

The senior official went on to praise the Ukrainian army, saying that it had shown the world that the Russian military “monster” could be defeated.

“Ukraine absolutely show: not exists this monster. We stopped this monster near of the Kiev,” he told the event participants in English, adding: “Let’s finish this job.”

Russia pulled troops back from the Ukrainian capital last year, after Kiev gave a preliminary agreement to a truce, under which Ukraine would become a neutral, demilitarized nation, with the leading military powers of the world, including Russia, guaranteeing its security.

The Ukrainian government then made a U-turn and declared that victory over Russia with Western help was its only option in the conflict. The US and its allies have pledged to support Kiev for “as long as it takes” to achieve that goal.

The plan apparently hit a wall this summer, however,when Western-armed and trained Ukrainian troops failed to breach Russian defensive positions. Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s top general, has acknowledged that the hostilities had reached a stalemate. Zelensky’s office, however, denied that assessment and claimed the counteroffensive was progressing.

Amid the battlefield attrition, the Republican opposition in the US has become increasingly opposed to providing additional billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine. Skeptical lawmakers have cited a lack of accountability for the funding, corruption scandals in the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and other problems in justifying their refusal to allocate more money at the request of the White House.

(This is what happens when you enable a corrupt Dictator. Why are most Ukrainians ugly?)


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ad8c77 No.107270

File: 9de11bc3315573f⋯.png (558.49 KB,991x885,991:885,Clipboard.png)

File: 880e8aee565bfd7⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0488341a9a71cef⋯.png (435.74 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916546 (142155ZNOV23) Notable: Nikki Haley: "Every person on social media should be verified by their name" because of "national security."

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Nikki Haley: "Every person on social media should be verified by their name" because of "national security."

From Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸

3:37 PM · Nov 14, 2023·83.7K Views

WEF, RINO, CONTROL FREAK, wants to verify you and eliminate proprietary rights to Intellectual Property (algorithm exposure).

Seriously, WTF?

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ad8c77 No.107271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916554 (142157ZNOV23) Notable: Conservative Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: ‘Immigration and Terrorism Go Hand in Hand”

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Richard Green





Red Wave Riders

Conservative Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: ‘Immigration and Terrorism Go Hand in Hand” – ‘We Don’t Want Mini Gazas in Budapest!


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ad8c77 No.107272

File: 96184f98312230f⋯.png (359.11 KB,492x552,41:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916580 (142200ZNOV23) Notable: Potato greeted by Newsom he arrives in San Francisco

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Doug Mills



@POTUS is greeted by Governor of California Gavin Newsom and his wife Jennifer Newsom as he arrives in San Francisco.

4:56 PM · Nov 14, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107273

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916585 (142201ZNOV23) Notable: Kash: Congressional Tensions Rising

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Kash Patel: Congressional Tensions Rising | Kevin McCarthy Elbows Rep. Burchett In The Back



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ad8c77 No.107274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916586 (142201ZNOV23) Notable: INTERNET EQUITY VOTE ON 15th: WH wants to nationalize all ISPs…Calls to require State/Federal ID + Biometrics to access the clearnet

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White House is pushing to nationalize all ISPs. Calls to require State/Federal ID + Biometrics to access the clearnet. Calls to end Social Media as we know it. CYBER POLYGON




There is a secret meeting happening right now in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting will last 72 hours. It started on the 13th and will end on the 15th.






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ad8c77 No.107275

File: c2b32e05b768410⋯.png (230.76 KB,492x544,123:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916592 (142204ZNOV23) Notable: Nikki Haley: "Every person on social media should be verified by their name" because of "national security."

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I like some Nikki, but have to agree with Christina here. Maybe Nikki would not be down with the anons and Q....lol.

Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸


NEW: Nikki Haley asserts that allowing people to post on social media anonymously is a "national security threat". She promises that as president, she will force "every person on social media" to be "verified by their name."

I am no lawyer but isn't this blatantly unconstitutional? Free speech includes anonymous speech.

3:26 PM · Nov 14, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107276

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916601 (142207ZNOV23) Notable: The Pope's Targeting Traditional Catholics | Westen On Pope Francis Relieving Bishop Stickland

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The Pope's Targeting Traditional Catholics | Westen On Pope Francis Relieving Bishop Stickland



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ad8c77 No.107277

File: 5941c6f50143c27⋯.png (160.85 KB,543x545,543:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916603 (142207ZNOV23) Notable: Feds keep hidden books on vaccine injury reports, barely follow up

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Feds keep hidden books on vaccine injury reports, barely follow up: investigation

Pfizer has about 1,000 more full-time employees than CDC doing "vaccine surveillance," British Medical Journal estimates. House COVID subcommittee expresses concern.

Federal public health agencies are reportedly withholding the most accurate and up-to-date reports of vaccine injury from the public, allegedly to protect privacy. Patients don't necessarily see it that way, and it's not clear the feds told Congress.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, jointly managed by the CDC and FDA, has a secret "back end" privy only to regulators, an FDA official told advocates of VAERS reform nearly a year ago, according to a British Medical Journal investigation published Friday.

"Anything derived from medical records by law" cannot be included in the "front end system" accessible to the public, Narayan Nair, director of the Division of Pharmacovigilance, allegedly told advocates.

The public can see initial reports but not corrections or updates, such as "a formal diagnosis, recovery, or death," and those who filed reports cannot update them through VAERS, journalist Jennifer Block wrote for BMJ.

She also wrote the journal's investigation of cross-ideological concerns about so-called gender affirming care.

Patients would have to file Freedom of Information Act requests to see the "full record of their report," a Food and Drug Administration spokesperson told BMJ, whose investigation of "data integrity" issues in Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine trial article was throttled by Facebook. University of Maryland pharmacy professor Peter Doshi is a senior editor.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told the journal the omissions were justified in the interest of "protecting patient confidentiality," BMJ noted the FDA maintains drug adverse-event and medical-device reporting systems that, unlike VAERS, provide the public access to updated reports.


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ad8c77 No.107278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916619 (142212ZNOV23) Notable: Former Fox reporter Jason Donner says in lawsuit network fired him after challenging J6 coverage

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Former Fox News reporter says in lawsuit network fired him after challenging Jan. 6 coverage

Ex-employee Jason Donner says in lawsuit he was part of "purge" of employees who refused to report only stories that would "appease" Trump, his supporters.

Former Fox News reporter and producer Jason Donner says in a lawsuit the network targeted, then fired him for challenging claims about the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot.

Donner says in the suit, which was moved to federal court Monday, that he was part of a "purge" of employees who refused to report only stories that would "appease" former President Donald Trump and his supporters, according to The Associated Press.

Donner says while inside of the Capitol when demonstrators breached the building, he called the Fox control room and used expletives as he told them, "You're gonna get us all killed," for reporting that the demonstration was "peaceful," the lawsuit states.

Donner said he pressed forward with his complaints after Jan. 6, and he was eventually accused of being irresponsible for calling in sick as he recovered from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, per the lawsuit. He was fired in 2022.


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ad8c77 No.107279

File: 04b75b9de29aa13⋯.jpg (46.82 KB,1017x575,1017:575,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916627 (142213ZNOV23) Notable: Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000

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Breaking: anons bask in newfound energy source

Unix time has now rolled over to 1,700,000,000.


A new epoch begins. Anons the world over have re-energized.

It is written. The Deep State will soon be crushed by the number 17.

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ad8c77 No.107280

File: 1872dad612b1a06⋯.png (642.8 KB,558x555,186:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916649 (142215ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News

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Power Vacuum In Washington DC, US Military Recruitment Record Lows After Endless War, China Requests Gold, Russia Sells Weapons

“There is a power vacuum in Washington. No one is running the show. It’s chaos in the White House. They are saying the same things over and over... They are doing what they think will get the president re-elected. He is a George the Third. It’s scary, and it is disgraceful.”


Israelis and the ever-diminishing US military reserves will be the only ones fighting anymore. The American people are done with endless neo-con wars.



China Has Begun Removing It's Gold Reserves From The United States


Russia To Begin Selling Successful Weapons Used Against Ukrainian Military To Eastern Allies


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ad8c77 No.107281

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916651 (142216ZNOV23) Notable: Hazony: Muslim Brotherhood Still 15,000 Strong In Gaza, Israel's Fighting The Same Enemy The U.S. Is

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Hazony: Muslim Brotherhood Still 15,000 Strong In Gaza, Israel's Fighting The Same Enemy The U.S. Is



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ad8c77 No.107282

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916765 (142232ZNOV23) Notable: The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration | 400 Biden Regime Officials Sign Pro-Hamas Letter

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The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration | 400 Biden Regime Officials Sign Pro-Hamas Letter

This is insane, entirely insane!



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ad8c77 No.107283

File: 73ff09d67da8cfc⋯.png (707.73 KB,800x514,400:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 2de87dc211886f7⋯.png (254.02 KB,552x680,69:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 4087f2626976a3a⋯.png (41.24 KB,554x300,277:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916802 (142238ZNOV23) Notable: United Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Alleged ‘Bomb Threat’

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United Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Alleged ‘Bomb Threat’

12:30 PM – Tuesday, November 14, 2023

On Monday at approximately 7:15 p.m., United Airlines flight 1909 was forced to make an emergency landing in San Francisco three hours after a passenger reportedly declared a bomb threat.

The plane was near Oregon when the alleged bomb threat was announced, according to FlightRadar24, and it turned around in order to make an emergency landing at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) at 9:28 p.m.

United Airlines stated that there were about 148 passengers and eight crew members on flight UA1909.

Flight tracking depicted that the plane almost made it to Oregon before turning around, and the plane was able to land at a terminal at SFO after it was discovered later that the threat level was “low.”

“United flight 1909 diverted to San Francisco this evening due to a potential security issue on board,” the airline said in a statement to the press, without revealing the nature of the threat. “The flight landed safely and was met by local law enforcement. We are working to get our customers to their final destination as soon as possible.”

It remains unknown whether the passenger involved was taken into custody. Reports claimed that the reported threat was determined not to be “credible.” Investigators are also currently speaking to passengers who were on board the flight, asking about any additional information regarding the alleged bomb threat.

It is unclear what particularly generated the security issue, however, a person who claimed to be aboard the flight wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that the threat was implemented via AirDrop.

“The FBI interviewed me because I was one of the people who got the threat on AirDrop,” the witness said.

However, his claim has yet to be confirmed by United Airlines.


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ad8c77 No.107284

File: bca25719486063a⋯.jpeg (39.73 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916803 (142238ZNOV23) Notable: So, the FLU has returned

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So, the FLU has returned.

Says tv news KOLD in Tucson, AZ.


Should grab the covid charts and flu charts see who wins the graph numbers this winter.


So, did the kid have covid vax or flu vax?

Gov and fake news "scare tactic season" should the headline.

The flu shot can help protect people from serious illness and hospitalization due to the flu.(Arizona's Family)

By David Baker

Published: Nov. 13, 2023 at 5:30 PM MST|Updated: 22 hours ago

YUMA, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) — The Arizona Department of Health Services said on Monday Arizona has its first child who died from the flu this season. Officials say it was a child from Yuma County, but no other information about the patient was given. “It is with great sadness that we share the news of the first pediatric influenza death in Arizona,” said Diana Gomez, director of the Yuma County Public Health Services District. “We extend our deepest sympathy to the child’s family and friends.” The 2023-2024 respiratory season started on Oct. 1.

Last season, 182 children died because of the flu nationwide, including six in Arizona. While the flu is common, complications can lead to death. Children, especially those under 6 years old, older adults and people with underlying conditions are most vulnerable. Doctors emphasize getting the flu shot to protect yourself and your loved ones from serious complications from the flu. To find a vaccine near you, visit vaccines.gov.

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ad8c77 No.107285

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916851 (142245ZNOV23) Notable: Bannon: "Trump will deliver the votes, we need to make sure they're not stolen"

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Bannon: "Trump will deliver the votes, we need to make sure they're not stolen"



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ad8c77 No.107286

File: 941c06cf1d3f072⋯.png (20.7 KB,552x239,552:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916864 (142246ZNOV23) Notable: Through a procedural maneuver Senate Republicans are forcing a vote on a Israeli aid ONLY — and paid for — tonight.

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Eric Schmitt


🚨BREAKING: Through a procedural maneuver Senate Republicans are forcing a vote on a Israeli aid ONLY — and paid for — tonight.

Chuck Schumer is panicked.

Stay tuned. Let’s see how the Democrats vote.

5:44 PM · Nov 14, 2023





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ad8c77 No.107287

File: f686520547d843e⋯.png (420.65 KB,764x718,382:359,Clipboard.png)

File: dcb10a67556bf20⋯.png (89.71 KB,1839x687,613:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916936 (142257ZNOV23) Notable: people are paid $250 to publicly support Israel

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>>>/qresearch/19916459 (me)




Ah hahahah found it at the sauce.


Thank you for all your requests to attend the March for Israel Rally. We are pleased to announce thatwe have successfully allocated funding to help thousands of students attend the event.

The ICC Microgrant application is temporarily closed. We look forward to re-opening the application on November 20th to resume grants for pro-Israel initiatives on campus.

If you are looking for transportation to the November 14th rally in Washington, DC, please get in touch with your local Hillel, Chabad, or Federation.

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ad8c77 No.107288

File: 21ff28c1338d7a5⋯.png (470.54 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916965 (142303ZNOV23) Notable: Peru grants constitutional rights to unborn babies with 'rights of the conceived' law

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Peru grants constitutional rights to unborn babies with 'rights of the conceived' law

Jessica Barshis. Nov. 14, 2023

Peru’s Congress passed a bill that reinforced the rights of unborn children on November 9th, Catholic News Agency reports. Law 785 or the“Law that Recognizes Rights of the Conceived” was passed in a 72-26 vote.

Congressman Alejandro Muñante who is also one of the spokespersons for the Life and Family caucus in Peru told news outlets that the purpose of the law was “to consolidate the right to life from conception, which is already established in our constitution and in the Civil Code and the Children and Adolescents Code.”

He said that “the need was seen to be able to develop and detail a list of rights that our constitution precisely seeks to protect from conception.”

The three articles in the law recognize an unborn child as a “human person” separate from the mother and his/her rights to life, integrity and identity.

In Peru’s longstanding Civil Code, Article 1 stated “the human person is a subject of law from birth … but not from conception.”

With this law, the Civil Code will now state “Human life begins with conception. The human person is a subject of law from his conception. The Peruvian state recognizes and guarantees respect for the dignity of the conceived child, as well as its right to life, individual identity, mental and physical integrity, as well as to freely develop in the womb [i.e., without external interference].”

Article 5 of the law which acknowledges the mother’s rights says that “the state guarantees the pregnant mother’s access to health, as well as the information required for health care and nutrition of the conceived child during the gestational process.”

Article 6 continues that “in situations of high medical risk, in which the life of the mother and the conceived child is endangered, health professionals are obliged to inform [the patient] of the diagnosis, treatment, and effects of these on the health and development of the pregnant woman and the conceived child.”

“In the event that the treatment endangers the life of any of these,” it states, “it is up to the mother or spouse, cohabiting partner, or relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity and first degree of affinity, to decide regarding the medical actions to be carried out.”

In order for the law to take effect, Congressman Muñante says,“all that is required is for it to be published in the Peruvian Official Gazette and the corresponding amendment of the Civil Code.”



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ad8c77 No.107289

File: 99b8cdf232f34f1⋯.png (293.48 KB,596x447,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916978 (142305ZNOV23) Notable: China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC

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Insider Paper




BREAKING - China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC


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ad8c77 No.107290

File: 6e7605902e9b1f4⋯.png (501.24 KB,1138x326,569:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916986 (142307ZNOV23) Notable: China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC

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San Francisco was ready to fix its main problem – not for Americans, but for Xi Jinping OP-ED

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ad8c77 No.107291

File: 1c6c411f32f56d8⋯.jpeg (80.88 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916993 (142309ZNOV23) Notable: Finnish parliamentarian NOT GUILTY of 'hate speech' after posting Bible verses on X

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Finnish parliamentarian NOT GUILTY of 'hate speech' after posting Bible verses on X

Jarryd Jaeger

On Tuesday, the Helsinki Court of Appeal dismissed all charges against Päivi Räsänen. The Finnish parliamentarian had been accused by a state prosecutor Anu Mantila of violatingthe country's "hate speech" laws for "agitation against a minority group" on three separate occasions where she expressed her Christian beliefs.

The court unanimously ruled that Räsänen had not broken the law, and ordered the prosecutor to pay for her legal fees, as well as those of Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola, who was also found not guilty in connection with the case.

According to Alliance Defending Freedom, the group that coordinated the pair's legal defence, Mantila argued that while it was not against the law to share Bible verses, Räsänen's "interpretation and opinion about the Bible verses [were] criminal." She added that, "the point isn't whether it is true or not but that it is insulting."

"At the heart of the prosecutor's examination of Räsänen was this: would she recant her beliefs?" lawyer Paul Coleman explained. "The answer was no – she would not deny the teachings of her faith. The cross-examinationbore all the resemblance of a “heresy” trial of the middle ages; it was implied thatRäsänen had 'blasphemed' against the dominant orthodoxies of the day."

Räsänen was hit with three counts, one for a Tweet in which she questioned her church's leadership for sponsoring a Pride event, another for a 2019 radio interview she took part in on the topic, and a third for a pamphlet about sexuality and marriage called "As Man and Woman He Created Them" that she wrote for the church in 2004, which Pohjola distributed.

"I am deeply relieved," Räsänen said following the verdict. "The court has fully endorsed and upheld the decision of the district court, which recognized everyone’s right to free speech.""It isn’t a crime to tweet a Bible verse, or to engage in public discourse with a Christian perspective," the grandmother of 11 added. "The attempts made to prosecute me for expressing my beliefs have resulted in an immensely trying four years, but my hope is that the result will stand as a key precedent to protect the human right to free speech. I sincerely hope other innocent people will be spared the same ordeal for simply voicing their convictions."

(I don’t know how this countries don’t consider themselves Communists!)


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ad8c77 No.107292

File: e01dfdecb7dc42a⋯.mp4 (784.02 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917018 (142315ZNOV23) Notable: China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC

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Here coma Ji Ji Ping !!

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ad8c77 No.107293

File: be445f5463090c0⋯.png (2.06 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d7a15ae9a9f6bbb⋯.mp4 (6.93 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917019 (142315ZNOV23) Notable: “Were You Drinking or On Drugs When You Pulled a Fire Alarm?”

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WATCH: “Were You Drinking or On Drugs When You Pulled a Fire Alarm?” – TGP Reporter Confronts High School Principal Jamaal Bowman on His Bogus Fire Alarm Story

Nov. 14, 2023 11:20 am

The Gateway Pundit reported on Bowman’s successful efforts to obstruct an official government proceeding in late September “as he was rushing to make an urgent vote,” according to a spokesperson. Bowman was caught pulling the fire alarm in the Cannon Building to shut down Congress and prevent a critical vote to keep the government open.

While he claims this was just an accident, and he just got confused, it indeed looks like he was trying to delay a vote for the continuing resolution that was on the House Floor so he could vote to postpone the budget deadline. What high school principal doesn’t know how a fire alarm works? Not a very safe one.

Capitol Police evacuated the building as a result of his apparent incompetence, and Bowman was only convicted of a misdemeanor for obstructing a Congressional proceeding. He was ordered to pay just $1,000 in fines, serve three months probation before charges are dismissed, and write a letter of apology to Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger. Meanwhile, January 6 defendants are still rotting in the gulags for walking into the Capitol, escorted by police.

Whatever he claims is the reason, The Gateway Pundit reported on new footage that shows the moments before Bowman pulls a fire alarm “by mistake.” He is seen removing the two “Emergency Exit Only” signs on each door and then pulling the alarm before retreating the way he came. Previously, Bowman said he checked the usually unlocked door before pulling the alarm, but the video shows otherwise.

Additionally, in the video, he can be seen slothing toward the door, not like he’s in a hurry, as he claims, but almost as if he’s been using drugs or alcohol, as it would appear to some. He then slaps his hands on the signs, takes them, and hits the fire alarm. What person in their right, sober mind would do this?

When first asked to confirm that he “wasn’t on something” when he pulled the fire alarm to delay Congress, Bowman responded, “We’re not talking about that, man.”

“No, man,” Bowman laughed when asked again, “Were you drinking or on drugs when you pulled a fire alarm?”

He no longer wants to talk about his crime two months later. How does he think innocent J6 prisoners feel three years later, sitting in the gulag and constantly being reminded by the left that they’re “domestic terrorists” for walking into the Capitol – led by police?


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ad8c77 No.107294

File: 12c21b14926f972⋯.png (696.71 KB,592x766,296:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917043 (142320ZNOV23) Notable: @TrumpWashingtonDC Our annual dueling piano night with Bobby Mcgee’s at @TrumpWashingtonDC - is where the keys 🎹 come alive and the party never ends! #duelingpianos

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Trump Washington DC


Our annual dueling piano night with Bobby Mcgee’s at @TrumpWashingtonDC - is where the keys 🎹 come alive and the party never ends! #duelingpianos

Nov 14, 2023, 12:13 PM


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ad8c77 No.107295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917205 (142349ZNOV23) Notable: #24453

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#24453 >>107254

>>107210 pb PF: Trudope to Vancouver and Potato/AF2/Nightwatch update

>>107235 pb Foreigners hold more JGBs than Japan banks (not including Bank of Japan) for first time

>>107255, >>107258 Maria Zack testimony

>>107256, >>107279 Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000

>>107257, >>107260 Haley campaign update

>>107270, >>107275 Nikki Haley: "Every person on social media should be verified by their name" because of "national security."

>>107259 EU’s Ukraine weapons goal ‘unattainable’ - Germany

>>107261 Hackers claim world’s largest bank paid ransom over cyberattack

>>107262 Dr. Drew's guest today, son of WEF's co-founder, Pascal Najadi, goes full Q redpill without ever mentioning Q

>>107263 Former US Secretary of State and Ex-CIA Director put on Board of Directors at Ukrainian Cellular Communications Company

>>107264 Ukraine arrests Zelensky critic for 'treason'

>>107265 Hundreds of Thousands have gathered in Mass demonstration at the National Mall in support of Israel

>>107266 Judge under investigation for AI-authored ruling

>>107267 We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

>>107268 MTG: ·I will not stop fighting to hold the Biden administration accountable for their open border policies that are killing Americans every day.

>>107269 Zelensky’s chief of staff rejects former NATO head’s proposal

>>107271 Conservative Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: ‘Immigration and Terrorism Go Hand in Hand”

>>107271 Conservative Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: ‘Immigration and Terrorism Go Hand in Hand”

>>107272 Potato greeted by Newsom he arrives in San Francisco

>>107273 Kash: Congressional Tensions Rising

>>107274 INTERNET EQUITY VOTE ON 15th: WH wants to nationalize all ISPs…Calls to require State/Federal ID + Biometrics to access the clearnet

>>107276 The Pope's Targeting Traditional Catholics | Westen On Pope Francis Relieving Bishop Stickland

>>107277 Feds keep hidden books on vaccine injury reports, barely follow up

>>107278 Former Fox reporter Jason Donner says in lawsuit network fired him after challenging J6 coverage

>>107280 End Times News

>>107281 Hazony: Muslim Brotherhood Still 15,000 Strong In Gaza, Israel's Fighting The Same Enemy The U.S. Is

>>107282 The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration | 400 Biden Regime Officials Sign Pro-Hamas Letter

>>107283 United Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Alleged ‘Bomb Threat’

>>107284 So, the FLU has returned

>>107285 Bannon: "Trump will deliver the votes, we need to make sure they're not stolen"

>>107286 Through a procedural maneuver Senate Republicans are forcing a vote on a Israeli aid ONLY — and paid for — tonight.

>>107287 people are paid $250 to publicly support Israel

>>107288 Peru grants constitutional rights to unborn babies with 'rights of the conceived' law

>>107289, >>107290, >>107292 China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC

>>107291 Finnish parliamentarian NOT GUILTY of 'hate speech' after posting Bible verses on X

>>107293 “Were You Drinking or On Drugs When You Pulled a Fire Alarm?”

>>107294 @TrumpWashingtonDC Our annual dueling piano night with Bobby Mcgee’s at @TrumpWashingtonDC - is where the keys 🎹 come alive and the party never ends! #duelingpianos


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ad8c77 No.107296

File: 66b111943051f23⋯.png (678.06 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917114 (142331ZNOV23) Notable: #24454

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ad8c77 No.107297

File: 6c439789e09b61f⋯.png (197.43 KB,591x828,197:276,Clipboard.png)

File: 12d84dce0bb8b9c⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB,320x420,16:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917170 (142338ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. David E. Martin says to "Destroy the WHO"

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Dr. David E. Martin says to "Destroy the WHO"

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ad8c77 No.107298

File: a41567b46f7b571⋯.png (209.7 KB,700x444,175:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917201 (142348ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. David E. Martin says to "Destroy the WHO"

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ad8c77 No.107299

File: 6f30ccb809f0a15⋯.png (505.47 KB,485x581,485:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917207 (142349ZNOV23) Notable: At Least 4 More Attacks On US Forces Since Latest US Airstrikes In Syria

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At Least 4 More Attacks On US Forces Since Latest US Airstrikes In Syria

US troops based in Syria have come under attack at least four times since the latest US airstrikes in eastern Syria were launched on Sunday, Task & Purpose reported on Monday.

The Pentagon announced Sunday that it launched strikes against facilities "used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iran-affiliated groups" in eastern Syria’s Deir Ezzor province. It marked the third round of US airstrikes since US troops in Iraq and Syria have come under a spate of attacks in response to President Biden’s backing of Israel’s war in Gaza.

A Pentagon official told Task & Purpose that US forces in Syria came under attack three times on Sunday after the US airstrikes and one time on Monday. The White House has said one purpose of its airstrikes is to "deter" further attacks on US troops, but it’s clear the strategy has failed.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it recorded six attacks on US forces on Monday alone, but the report is not confirmed. The four incidents confirmed by the US official brings the total number of attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria since October 17 to 52. The Pentagon has said at least 56 US troops have been wounded.

An umbrella group of Shia militias known as the Islamic Resistance of Iraq has taken credit for most attacks on US forces. Militia leaders have said they won’t back down unless Israel’s onslaught on Gaza comes to an end. Iran supports the Shia militias that operate in the region but denies any role in the attacks on US forces.

The US has about 2,500 troops in Iraq and 900 in Syria, where it backs the Kurdish-led SDF. The occupation of eastern Syria is opposed by the government in Damascus, and the continued US military presence in Iraq is opposed by many elements in Iraqi politics.

Many observers have pointed out that with a crisis like the Gaza war, US troops occupying Syria are vulnerable as prime targets for Iran-aligned militias in the region.


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ad8c77 No.107300

File: 19dfb54900c7083⋯.png (717.85 KB,1030x924,515:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917222 (142351ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine arrests Zelensky critic

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Meanwhile, in the most corrupt country in Europe...showing off it's European 'Values'.


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ad8c77 No.107301

File: 3407075aa1e9cc1⋯.png (145.59 KB,732x648,61:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917265 (142359ZNOV23) Notable: Twenty-Three Gang Members and Associates Indicted on Racketeering, Drug Trafficking, and Firearm Charges

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Twenty-Three Gang Members and Associates Indicted on Racketeering, Drug Trafficking, and Firearm Charges

A 12-count indictment was unsealed in the Northern District of Georgia charging 23 defendants – all alleged Sex Money Murder (SMM) gang members and associates – with crimes including racketeering conspiracy, drug trafficking, and firearms violations.


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ad8c77 No.107302

File: 12f95f97981c8d2⋯.png (143.53 KB,997x575,997:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917275 (150001ZNOV23) Notable: Federal Grand Jury Indicts 23 MS-13 Members and Associates for Alleged Widespread Methamphetamine Trafficking

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Federal Grand Jury Indicts 23 MS-13 Members and Associates for Alleged Widespread Methamphetamine Trafficking


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ad8c77 No.107303

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917285 (150005ZNOV23) Notable: Pascal Najadi - Cutting of the Head of the Snake - as mentioned in Dr. Drew interview

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>>107262 pb

Pascal Najadi - Cutting of the Head of the Snake - as mentioned in Dr. Drew interview


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ad8c77 No.107304

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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