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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

5e80f1 No.51597 [Last50 Posts]

09NOV23 to 11NOV23


Re-Posts of notables

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5e80f1 No.105803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19885957 (090925ZNOV23) Notable: Time for sanctions on Israel – Belgian deputy PM

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Time for sanctions on Israel – Belgian deputy PM

Trade and travel restrictions should be considered due to the ‘rain of bombs’ on Gaza, Petra De Sutter has said

Israel should face repercussions for the massive civilian death toll from its anti-Hamas operation in Gaza, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister Petra De Sutter has said.

“We cannot look away while children are killed every day in Gaza,” the politician told the Nieuwsblad newspaper on Wednesday. “It is time for sanctions against Israel. The rain of bombs is inhumane. It is clear that Israel does not care about the international demands for a ceasefire.”

She proposed suspending Belgium’s association agreement with Israel and banning the import of products from the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories. Officials and military personnel found guilty of war crimes, as well as violent radical Jewish settlers, should be banned from traveling to the EU, she added.

Israel launched its bombardment of Gaza last month in retaliation for a deadly incursion by the Palestinian militant group Hamas, whose fighters killed some 1,400 people and captured scores of hostages during an October 7 raid. In the month since then, over 10,000 people have been killed in Gaza, according to a tally by local officials.

“There must be an investigation into the bombings of hospitals and refugee camps. This is war violence that is never acceptable,” De Sutter said, suggesting additional funding for The Hague-based International Criminal Court, whose jurisdiction Israel does not recognize.


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5e80f1 No.105804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19885962 (090928ZNOV23) Notable: Apple co-founder hospitalized following suspected stroke – media

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Apple co-founder hospitalized following suspected stroke – media

However, TMZ claims Steve Wozniak’s condition is far less serious, having been taken to hospital with vertigo

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has been hospitalized in Mexico City, several news outlets have reported. Local media say the 73-year-old may have suffered a stroke, while other publications suggested that his condition was far less serious.

The famous tech entrepreneur was scheduled to give a speech at a World Business Forum event in the Mexican capital on Wednesday afternoon. However, according to Mexico’s REFORMA media outlet, citing conference sources, his presentation was canceled as Wozniak had to be taken to hospital over a “cerebrovascular accident.”

Other Mexican media outlets claimed the American computer scientist had been taken in for an “urgent MRI scan,” and that his condition was stable.

Meanwhile, TMZ media outlet, citing “sources with direct knowledge,” reported that Wozniak did deliver his address, but told his wife soon afterwards that he was “feeling strange.” He then reportedly started exhibiting unspecified symptoms that worried his spouse Janet Hill, who eventually insisted that Wozniak be placed under medical supervision.

According to the US media outlet, the Apple co-founder was undergoing tests, with several members of his team heading to Mexico City to check on his condition.

In 1976, Wozniak, together with the late Steve Jobs, founded the Apple Computer company, which would become a leading developer and manufacturer of personal computers, laptops and other consumer electronics. The firm rose to international fame with its signature iPhone cell phones.


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5e80f1 No.105805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19885967 (090930ZNOV23) Notable: Mossad confirms taking part in operation to thwart Hezbollah attack in Brazil

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Mossad confirms taking part in operation to thwart Hezbollah attack in Brazil

A statement from the Mossad spy agency says it took part in an operation in Brazil with local security forces to thwart a planned terror attack by Hezbollah operatives against Jewish and Israeli targets.

The Mossad thanks the Brazilian authorities for arresting a Hezbollah cell that was planning an attack and was funded by Iran, the statement says.

Hezbollah is working around the world with backing from Iran to carry out attacks against Israeli, Jewish and Western targets, the Mossad adds, noting that it is working to thwart all such attempts “wherever needed.”


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5e80f1 No.105806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19885982 (090947ZNOV23) Notable: Australians donating tens of thousands to Gaza aid organisation accused of funnelling funds to Islamic terrorist group behind hijackings and suicide bombings

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Australians donating tens of thousands to Gaza aid organisation accused of funnelling funds to Islamic terrorist group behind hijackings and suicide bombings

Sky News Australia can reveal a registered Australian charity is sending money to a Gaza-based health organisation accused of being affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terror

Australians have been donating tens of thousands of dollars to an aid organisation in Gaza that’s been accused of funnelling the money to a hardline Islamic terrorist group.

Sky News can reveal the charity founded by the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network President Nasser Mashni is sending money to a Gaza-based health organisation that is accused of being affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terror group, known as the PFLP.

The PFLP, responsible for hijacking planes, assassinations and suicide bombings, is a designated terrorist organisation in the United States, the European Union and Canada, while Australia has the group on its consolidated list of organisations subject to financial sanctions.


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5e80f1 No.105807

File: 635cb659db00a0f⋯.jpg (44.01 KB,900x477,100:53,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c840398da65c07a⋯.png (994.72 KB,2709x2709,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b84181977f6240f⋯.jpg (106.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e96164cfad6122f⋯.jpg (44.86 KB,460x726,230:363,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 45c4ac07ef21bc6⋯.jpg (11.02 KB,385x400,77:80,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19885987 (090957ZNOV23) Notable: symbolism relevance

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Magic Mormon Underwear

Magic Symbols


More Money

More Mons (pussy)

Mo Rons


>Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

If Church members have received the temple endowment, they should wear the temple garment whenever possible, taking care to avoid exposing the garment to those who do not understand its significance.

If members require a different color undergarment than the coyote tan, they should purchase t-shirts in the authorized color, fabric, and style from military clothing stores and send them to Beehive Clothing to be marked. The instructions and mailing address are available on the Garment Marking Order Form. Marks will be screen printed by Beehive Clothing on the inside of the designated undergarments, which are then authorized to be worn with the required uniform.

If members have questions about ordering garments, they should contact Beehive Clothing at 801-240-4154. If members have additional questions about wearing the garment or if priesthood leaders need further information or additional resources, they should contact the Military Relations and Chaplain Services Division at 801-240-2286 or PST-Military@ChurchofJesusChrist.org.


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5e80f1 No.105808

File: 51d2f472892e4ef⋯.jpg (422.19 KB,1281x1080,427:360,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19885988 (091002ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000179/180/181

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America Is Bailing Out Failure, China Continues Dumping US Treasuries, DOD National Advisory, End Times Survival Tips

If it's a viable energy source, then why do we have to bail it out with taxpayer money?


China Continues Dumping US Treasuries


Collective West Will Choke On Putin's Terms For Ukraine


DOD National Advisory & The Coming Civil Unrest In America


Master These Seven Traits And You Will Survive The End Times


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5e80f1 No.105809

File: bfd0506d3551af2⋯.jpg (283.02 KB,512x510,256:255,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e6d6c82bd8376ce⋯.jpg (103.91 KB,2077x2077,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e7526b95ac8bd9e⋯.jpg (283.34 KB,1980x2640,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 522e729bb275fc0⋯.jpg (43.02 KB,596x350,298:175,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19885990 (091004ZNOV23) Notable: symbolism relevance

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>taking care to avoid exposing the garment to those who do not understand its significance.

>Mormon Armour of God - Lies

>Crypto Jews

The nature of the protection believed to be afforded by temple garments is ambiguous and varies between adherents.[17] Researchers who interviewed a sample of Latter-day Saints who wear the temple garment reported that virtually all wearers expressed a belief that wearing the garment provided "spiritual protection" and encouraged them to keep their covenants.[17] Some of those interviewed "asserted that the garment also provided physical protection, while others seemed less certain of any physical aspect to protection."[17] In Mormon folklore, tales are told of Latter-day Saints who credit their temple garments with helping them survive car wrecks, fires, and natural disasters.

The temple garment is usually identified by Mormon scholars with the sacred "linen breeches" (michnasayim/mikhnesei bahd) and the "coat of linen" (kuttoneth) that ancient Israelite priests were commanded to wear, as referenced in Exodus 28:39-43.[36] The michnasayim were undergarments that reached from the hips to the thighs and served the purpose of hiding the wearer's "nakedness" and maintaining modesty.[citation needed] These garments symbolized the abolition of the distinction between the heavenly and mortal part of man, and, like the LDS temple garment, were worn by the Israelite priest even when he was not actually officiating in the temple.[37] The kuttoneth was probably a white, tight-fitting, shirt-like undergarment worn in conjunction with the michnasayim. According to the Talmud, worn-out undergarments and priestly sashes were burned, being used as torch wicks in the temple.[38]

Additionally, the temple garment has been compared to the modern tallit katan, a sacred undershirt of Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Judaism. Both the temple garment and the tallit katan are meant to be worn all day under regular clothing as a constant reminder of the covenants, promises, and obligations the wearer is under.[39]


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5e80f1 No.105810

File: ca9bef8be3ed16e⋯.png (43.2 KB,645x352,645:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886017 (091032ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump calls the Republican debate 'unwatchable'

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Trump calls the Republican debate 'unwatchable'

as he speaks to big rally crowd down the

road in Florida - and rips into 'stupid'

trial on the day daughter Ivanka testified

Daily Mail (UK), by Geoff Earle

Posted By: Imright, 11/8/2023 10:53:25 PM

Former President Donald Trump skipped the third Republican presidential debate Wednesday night – declaring it 'unwatchable' to his own rally crowd and blasting his party for pushing 'weak and ineffective RINOS.' Trump singled out just two of his GOP rivals, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, but not even bringing them up until deep into his remarks. 'Do you think we did the right thing by not participating?' he asked a crowd of supporters.'Well listen, I’m standing in front of tens of thousands of people right now and it’s on television. That’s a lot harder than a debate,' he said. Still dominating rivals in primary polls, the former president elected not to participate

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5e80f1 No.105811

File: bc9ae345b9a6595⋯.png (48.15 KB,588x703,588:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886019 (091033ZNOV23) Notable: @GenFlynn - Please take time to read

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General Mike Flynn


Please take time to read @KirkCameron

‘s thread, and follow him.

His thread is a story of the horrific abuse of our children and the books placed in school libraries. Kirk gives ideas and solutions how to fight back against this abusive overreach happening everyday in the lives of our most vulnerable.

He also has his own @BraveBooksUS

children’s book out that is filled with exceptional artwork and a wonderful tale for parents to share with their kids.








Kirk Cameron



Nov 7

Replying to @KirkCameron

12/ Retweet this thread to help spread awareness! Many do not know that this wolf in sheep's clothing has taken over their local libraries and schools.

Lastly, learn how to join the mission of @SkyTreeFairs by heading to http://skytreebookfairs.org today!

5:08 PM · Nov 8, 2023




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5e80f1 No.105812

File: e2a3ff78ddd70eb⋯.png (238.04 KB,388x473,388:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886023 (091037ZNOV23) Notable: Bomb Threat at Philadelphia High School Forces Polling Place to Evacuate

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More shenanigans from today:


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5e80f1 No.105813

File: 4c86be6b64368c5⋯.jpeg (277.43 KB,828x1013,828:1013,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886024 (091038ZNOV23) Notable: US prosecutors charged three people with running a high-end brothel network

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Suicide weekend

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5e80f1 No.105814

File: c4ada30070b9f5b⋯.png (23.32 KB,843x190,843:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886027 (091039ZNOV23) Notable: Judge Approves Prosecutors’ Motion That Would Force Donald Trump to Give Up Attorney-Client Privilege

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Judge Approves Prosecutors’ Motion That Would Force Donald Trump to Give Up Attorney-Client Privilege

By Kyle BeckerNovember 8, 2023Updated:November 8, 2023

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5e80f1 No.105815

File: 16e4e682d8d7217⋯.png (461.05 KB,617x670,617:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886036 (091042ZNOV23) Notable: 4 current or former Los Angeles sheriff's officials die in apparent suicides in 2 days

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4 current or former Los Angeles sheriff's officials die in apparent suicides in 2 days

Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna said he was stunned by the deaths, which are said to be unrelated.


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5e80f1 No.105816

File: 0591145144dcb03⋯.png (628.09 KB,489x511,489:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c62c1be34d513d⋯.jpg (106.55 KB,767x633,767:633,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886037 (091044ZNOV23) Notable: Judge Approves Prosecutors’ Motion That Would Force Donald Trump to Give Up Attorney-Client Privilege

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On November 8, former President Donald Trump was ordered by U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan to provide an explanation regarding his potential utilization of an advice-of-counsel defense in one of the two criminal cases that Special Counsel Jack Smith is prosecuting.

Prosecutors filed a motion on October 10 requesting that he reveal whether or not he intends to use the advice-of-counsel defense, arguing that doing so would constitute a waiver of attorney-client privilege for all communications.

“If [the] defendant does provide affirmative notice of that intent, he must also provide the required discovery to the government,” Judge Chutkan wrote in her new order.

In order for President Trump to utilize these privileged communications as a defense in court, Judge Chutkan has mandated their delivery to the government no later than January 15, 2024.

The judge stated in her opinion appended to the order that this deadline is intended to maintain the case’s trajectory towards a trial date of March 4, 2024. She has declined to reschedule on multiple occasions.

Former President Trump has entered a not-guilty plea on four counts of interference with the 2020 elections. Donald Trump legally contested the election results, as Democratic presidential candidates have done in prior elections.

Prosecutors anticipate that former President Trump will argue that his challenge to the 2020 election was based on the counsel of his attorneys.

In one instance, a legal memorandum authored by attorney Kenneth Chesebro on behalf of the Trump Organization laid out potential legal courses of action to contest the election outcomes. These courses of action entailed petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court and postponing the vote certification on January 6, 2021.

In a comparable legal proceeding in Georgia, Chesebro, in conjunction with President Trump, faced charges that implicated the former president and eighteen others in a so-called ‘racketeering conspiracy.’

Subsequent to that, Mr. Chesebro entered into a plea agreement whereby he admitted culpability on a single felony count of conspiracy to file fraudulent documents. In exchange for his testimony against the remaining defendants and a fine, the agreement nullified six additional felony counts and spared him incarceration.

Leaks and subsequent court filings have provided public access to correspondence between Chesebro and the Trump campaign.

Judge Chutkan decided, citing precedent, that in order to establish the advice-of-counsel defense, the defendant must present proof that he “fully disclosed all material facts to his attorney prior to receiving the advice at issue” and “relied in good faith on the counsel’s advice that his course of action was lawful.”

This development would result in the waiver of attorney-client privilege and the mandatory submission of those communications in court.

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5e80f1 No.105817

File: 4504d452744c545⋯.png (495.27 KB,599x869,599:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886041 (091044ZNOV23) Notable: @EzraACohen post&News - "A sex ring catering to wealthy doctors, lawyers, politicians, and military officers who paid up to $600 an hour for “high-end” prostitutes was busted in Boston,

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See new posts


Ezra A. Cohen




The perps were paying $600 or more for sex. Not many members of the military have this amount of disposable income. Says all you need to know about the level of [general] officer implicated.

What do we expect when so few were held accountable for scandals like Fat Leonard?


Betsy Woodruff Swan




New: DOJ says it's investigating politicians and military officers for paying for sex through a high-end brothel network. One alleged brothel was in Tyson's


Ezra A. Cohen


Admiral censured in ‘Fat Leonard’ scandal to be named director of Congress’ new cybersecurity commission


5:03 PM · Nov 8, 2023




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5e80f1 No.105818

File: 420e163ea735d14⋯.png (1.27 MB,958x1072,479:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886058 (091052ZNOV23) Notable: Anon Dig - Qproof? Q1881 [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED.

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5e80f1 No.105819

File: 0847d1ebc97f387⋯.png (146.64 KB,866x941,866:941,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886075 (091100ZNOV23) Notable: Anon Dig - Qproof? Q1881 [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED.

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Nov 09, 2023 todays date



Aug 15, 2018 1:10:19AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 153

Aug 15, 2018 1:01:13 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 152



[Read very carefully]


"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."

The more you know…



"This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. "The problem in Haiti is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so many children displaced or orphaned during the recent earthquake and hurricane, recruiters moved quickly to sweep these children up. And the worst part of it all is that in many cases the clients are the foreigners who’ve come here to help, the NGO workers and the so-called humanitarians.”





09 NOV 2023 [03] [47] [33] [07]

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5e80f1 No.105820

File: 8c59b5d7030b851⋯.jpg (82.2 KB,599x224,599:224,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886109 (091122ZNOV23) Notable: Spanish Minister Urges Countries to Sever Ties With Israel Over Hostilities in Gaza

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Spanish Minister Urges Countries to Sever Ties With Israel Over Hostilities in Gaza

Spain's Minister of Social Rights Ione Belarra urged countries to sever diplomatic ties with Israel and impose sanctions on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amid hostilities in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, Belarra proposed that the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) suspend diplomatic relations with Israel amid a new escalation in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

“I call on my country [Spain] and other countries to sever diplomatic relations with Israel because... this will be the right political message, it will show that we do not want to have relations with the war criminal [Netanyahu]," she told Al Jazeera.

When asked about possible retaliatory actions against Israel for its actions in the Gaza Strip, the minister said there are many options.

“In this case, it is possible to do many things: impose sanctions against Netanyahu and his political cabinet, file a lawsuit with the International Criminal Court against everyone responsible for the attacks on Gaza,” Belarra said.


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5e80f1 No.105821

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886126 (091129ZNOV23) Notable: Jesse Watters EXPOSES Arthur Engoron the lunatic judge in NY Trump case… it gets really weird

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Jesse Watters EXPOSES Arthur Engoron the lunatic judge in NY Trump case... it gets really weird



Mr Puniverse

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5e80f1 No.105822

File: 2d818465a508be5⋯.png (538.93 KB,1079x596,1079:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886137 (091132ZNOV23) Notable: Jesse Watters EXPOSES Arthur Engoron the lunatic judge in NY Trump case… it gets really weird

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Replying to @dbongino

If you notice the muscle definition increase in 6 months time with the vascular. The only thing it can be is steroid usage. Which explains his loss of temper in court slamming the desk. Side effect called roid rage. Dirty judge, dirty old man posting on a Hugh school newsletter. Should be dis barred


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5e80f1 No.105823

File: e575b74a49f5c41⋯.jpg (218.71 KB,720x1181,720:1181,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c6c57ea8d228de6⋯.jpg (242.12 KB,915x1024,915:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886168 (091143ZNOV23) Notable: Anon Dig - Qproof? Q1881 [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED.

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Today's cover: House Republicans subpoena Hunter, James Biden in impeachment inquiry


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5e80f1 No.105824

File: 3491a162404322f⋯.png (1.13 MB,1540x1166,70:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 2355c5c365cf50e⋯.png (18.51 KB,412x404,103:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 5756a946be85140⋯.png (907 B,211x17,211:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886229 (091204ZNOV23) Notable: Anon Dig - Qproof? Q1881 [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED.

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5e80f1 No.105825

File: d377bddf0c9e5cf⋯.png (560.13 KB,607x557,607:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886238 (091208ZNOV23) Notable: Republican debate verdict: ‘Impressive’ Haley shines, ‘stupid’ Vivek self-destructs

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New York Post


Republican debate verdict: ‘Impressive’ Haley shines, ‘stupid’ Vivek self-destructs https://trib.al/QhCwxIN

11:47 PM · Nov 8, 2023


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5e80f1 No.105826

File: dfbb5b7d1d74afc⋯.png (236.52 KB,409x667,409:667,Clipboard.png)

File: e64983bb233cff1⋯.jpg (40.6 KB,640x483,640:483,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886248 (091211ZNOV23) Notable: Anon Dig - Qproof? Q1881 [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED.

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>The Storm Has Arrived

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5e80f1 No.105827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886249 (091212ZNOV23) Notable: @EzraACohen post&News - "A sex ring catering to wealthy doctors, lawyers, politicians, and military officers who paid up to $600 an hour for “high-end” prostitutes was busted in Boston,

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"A “booming” sex ring catering to wealthy doctors, lawyers, politicians, and military officers who paid up to $600 an hour for “high-end” prostitutes was busted in Boston, the feds announced."

and MILITARY officers

doesn't say which military. If it's in Cambridge it could be officers from anywhere in the world, not just the USA.

Cambridge is a cesspool of priviledged cabal

I say take away the colleges and universities tax breaks and tax them as for profit businesses.

bust up the large university into very many different independant schools.

disallow them from doing food service and housing and for-profit business

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5e80f1 No.105828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886281 (091218ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000179/180/181

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Debt Insolvency Dilemma, Netanyahu Faces Massive Political Dilemma, Saudi–Israel Normalization Dilemma

Interest On US Debt Skyrockets Above $1 Trillion For The First Time Ever


Israel-Hamas Conflict May Threaten EU Energy Security


Netanyahu Faces Massive Political Dilemma, May Have Miscalculated War Against Gaza


US Politicians Never Thought Ukraine Could Lose. Could Israel Face The Same Conundrum?


The non-Western world majority has turned sharply against Israel — even more sharply than it turned against the US in its war on Russia through Ukraine. Yet Western media continue to manufacture and inhabit a bubble completely divorced from moral and strategic reality.

Al Jazeera Censored Video of Critic Who Said Saudi–Israel Normalization Would Be “Suicide” For MBS


MY COMMENT: Yemen remains the biggest headache for Saudi Arabia, if they could get Russia or China to convince Yemen to stop firing missiles at Israel they wouldn't have this problem, but Yemen might decide to retaliate by striking the oil rigs if the Saudis keep intervening in their affairs.

Qatar is currently mediating negotiations between Israel and Hamas for the potential release of between 10 to 15 more hostages in exchange for a short ceasefire, it was reported today.


Israel To Buy Back Iron Dome Air Defense Batteries From US?


NewsGuard is a for-profit fact checking organization backed by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the teachers union and the US government. In late October 2023, Consortium News sued NewsGuard and the US government for defamation and First Amendment violations, arguing the fact checker colluded with US intelligence to suppress foreign policy dissent.


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5e80f1 No.105829

File: 62aecd8d230ca05⋯.png (424.84 KB,599x583,599:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886301 (091223ZNOV23) Notable: COVID performance foreshadowing?

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Moar Red Wig spoopy Comms

Shania Twain’s Tour Bus Involved In Massive Accident, Crew Members Hospitalized

Singer Shania Twain's tour bus was involved in a ghastly highway accident, and several of her crew members have reportedly been hospitalized.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, following a traffic accident in Canada between dates for her current tour, the "Queen of Me Tour."

According to several reports, Twain's tour bus was involved in a traffic accident that left multiple members of her crew hospitalized.

"One crew bus and one truck from the Shania Twain - Queen Of Me tour were involved in a highway accident driving between Winnipeg and Saskatoon," Twain's management revealed in a statement.

They added, "Multiple vehicles encountered dangerous driving conditions due to inclement weather. Members of the production crew who require medical attention have been taken to nearby hospitals."

Notably, the Grammy award-winning singer was not on the bus when the crash happened and is reportedly safe.

Her management also noted their gratitude for the emergency service teams who responded swiftly and helped get urgent care for those involved in the crash.

Their statement continued, "We are incredibly thankful to the emergency services teams for their quick response and ongoing support. We ask for patience as we look after our touring family."

Shania Twain's 'Queen Of Me Tour'

The famous singer has been on her world tour, which began in Spokane, Washington, in April 2023. Since then, Twain has been on the road across Europe, Canada, and the U.S.

At one of her concerts held in Michigan in July, Twain delivered a captivating performance that seamlessly blended her chart-topping hits with vibrant choreography, leaving the crowd on their feet all through the night.

However, it wasn’t just her stage presence and impressive vocals that stole the show. The iconic singer made a grand entrance, donning an outfit that accentuated her figure.

Completing her bold look, the Queen of Country pop had on a pair of diamante-studded cowboy boots that elevated her performance attire in style and confidence. She also wore a multi-colored cape and accessorized herself with a huge piece of jewelry and a massive crystal ring.

Twain made a grand return to the music scene with her latest album, "Queen of Me." During a chat on the "All Things Considered" podcast, she talked about how the pandemic influenced her new music.

Twain said of her experience working on the music project, "Because this album was written during COVID – as I always do, I [used] songwriting as my therapy. But with the forced isolation and everything, I just needed to pick myself up, cheer myself up. [I] started writing songs that made me feel like dancing and put me in a good mood."

She revealed that her Covid experience wasn't a great one and that she "got the COVID pneumonia... so I ended up being [air evacuated] to an available bed and hospitalized there."

Twain added, per NPR, "When I got out of that hospital, the timing was amazing – I saw someone talking about air, the blessing of air ... and I just started writing this song about all the things we can do with air, other than the obvious."

In July, Twain showcased her resilience during a show in Chicago when she tripped and fell on stage while singing her hit song, “Don’t Be Stupid."

The incident left fans in awe of Twain’s ability to bounce back as the singer quickly got up to perform like a pro.

The concert, held at Credit Union 1 Amphitheater in the Tinley Park neighborhood, was a night of electrifying energy and enthralling performances as Twain sang and danced the night away with her devoted fans.

Per TMZ, an eyewitness revealed that she “did not look injured at all” and that the crowd “didn’t even react” when she took a tumble because she “seemed totally fine."


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5e80f1 No.105830

File: 5ae90f64d809df5⋯.jpg (81.95 KB,1079x1295,1079:1295,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886318 (091228ZNOV23) Notable: The U.S. military can learn from strategies used by the Roman Empire, especially as it hones its focus on great-power competition?

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Rome, Italy

When people ask How often do we think about the Roman Empire...

The U.S. military can learn from strategies used by the Roman Empire, especially as it hones its focus on great-power competition, according to a new paper published by the Association of the U.S. Army.

In "Modern Problems Require Ancient Solutions: Lessons From Roman Competitive Posture," author Maj. John Dzwonczyk says the Roman Empire's longevity was a result of How it shaped perceptions.

A military can face physical limitations, such as distance and cost, so instead of relying only on force, a state should project military power-or the perception of power, Dzwonczyk writes.

"How a state balances military force and military power, and How it chooses to use those things, are important questions of grand strategy," Dzwonczyk wrote.

That strategy, he says, involves using information to make a relatively small force appear as a great military power and deterrence "to minimize expense" of maintaining and using military force.


Source: https://www.ausa.org/news/todays-military-can-learn-roman-empire

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5e80f1 No.105831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886326 (091230ZNOV23) Notable: Steve Bannon’s bid to avoid prison heads to appeals court

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Steve Bannon’s bid to avoid prison heads to appeals court

Steve Bannon’s bid to avoid prison heads to a federal appeals court Thursday as the onetime Trump White House strategist attempts to overturn his conviction.

A jury last year found Bannon guilty of two counts of contempt of Congress after he defied a subpoena from the Jan. 6 House select committee.

With his four-month prison sentence on hold, Bannon’s attorney will go before a three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday to argue his client’s constitutional rights were violated.

The onetime former President Trump aide and “Bannon’s War Room” podcast host is advancing several arguments rejected by a lower court, including that the Jan. 6 committee’s subpoena wasn’t valid in the first place.

Even if it was, Bannon contends he was entitled to present various defenses to the jury to explain his defiance. Bannon insists he is innocent because he relied on his attorney’s advice and legal opinions from within the Department of Justice.

“Bannon was barred from putting on any evidence or argument that he believed he responded to the subpoena in the only way the law permitted, once executive privilege was invoked and that he acted in the manner his experienced lawyer directed him that he had to act as a matter of law,” Bannon’s attorney wrote in court filings.

Weeks after the House voted largely along partisan lines to hold Bannon in contempt of Congress, federal prosecutors indicted him in November 2021.

The House voted to hold four people in contempt in connection with the Jan. 6 committee’s investigation. The list comprised Bannon, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, former White House deputy chief of staff for communications Dan Scavino, and Peter Navarro, who served as a trade adviser to Trump.

The Justice Department ultimately declined to charge Meadows and Scavino but did bring charges against both Bannon and Navarro. Navarro was found guilty in September, and he has requested a new trial.

Like Navarro, Bannon’s indictment contained two contempt charges: one for refusing to appear for a deposition and the second for refusing to produce documents.

After Bannon was convicted and sentenced, his trial judge delayed the sentence so Bannon could first appeal.

If unsuccessful, Bannon faces four months in prison and a fine of $6,500, though the losing side could still try to bring the case to the full appeals court or the Supreme Court.

For now, Bannon heads to a three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit, comprising one appointee from each of the three most recent presidents: Biden, Trump and Obama. Oral argument is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m., with 10 minutes each allotted for Bannon and prosecutors.

David Schoen, who represented Trump in his second impeachment trial, will represent Bannon, court filings show.

Bannon first disputes the lower court’s interpretation of the word “willfully” in the contempt charge, an interpretation that did not require the government to show to the jury that Bannon believed his subpoena defiance was unlawful.

It was based on a D.C. Circuit precedent, but Bannon says the precedent can’t be reconciled with a subsequent line of cases. If the interpretation was indeed correct, Bannon contends it would make the statute unconstitutionally overbroad and violate separation of powers principles.

“Recent decisions from the United States Supreme Court emphatically demonstrate the error and the legally unsupportable idea that ‘willfully’ in the context of any criminal statute, let alone one purporting to have a mandatory minimum incarceration element, can dispense with the fundamental requirement that there be some evidence of a wrongful or criminal purpose,” Schoen wrote in court filings.

Bannon has argued he didn’t comply with the Jan. 6 committee subpoena because another one of his attorneys advised him to not do so. He is citing Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) opinions related to executive privilege the attorney believed would preclude Bannon’s prosecution. Bannon argues he should’ve been able to bring up those defenses to the jury.

Prosecutors have long pushed back on that thinking, arguing Bannon was, at minimum, still required to appear before the committee, even if executive privilege did apply to some of the relevant topics.

“The subpoena focused on Bannon’s activities as a private citizen and addressed many topics for which executive privilege could not possibly apply,” prosecutors wrote in court filings.



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5e80f1 No.105832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886350 (091238ZNOV23) Notable: COVID performance foreshadowing?

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Fans Voice Concern for Wynonna Judd After 'Bizarre' CMA Awards Performance

The country music star was brought on stage to sing with Jelly Roll during the 57th Annual CMA Awards on Wednesday, Nov. 8, and even though her vocals were just as stellar as always, fans couldn't help but notice something was off.

The 59-year-old appeared to be unstable as she walked the stage, eventually making her way over to Jellyroll, 38, and tightly gripping onto his shoulder as if she needed assistance to keep her balance.

Almost immediately after their duet on Jelly Roll's "Need a Favor," viewers flocked to X (formerly Twitter) to voice their concern for Judd, who some users noticed was struggling to stand during the performance.

"She could barely walk. She took baby steps," one person pointed out, while another user wrote, "Something is wrong with her. Hope she is ok!!"

"Something just wasn't right! I am very concerned," someone else added.

Another person called the performance "seriously bizarre," noting that Judd "barely moved once she got a death grip on [Jelly Roll]."

Other fans considered that Judd's shakiness on stage could have been a result of her battle with vertigo, which the Grammy-winner has been vocal about in the past.

"I think she is still struggling with vertigo. But not sure. Hope she is ok," one user wrote online after Wednesday night's performance.

"She suffers from vertigo that’s probably what it was she wouldn’t move her head or eyes. if you can imagine being on a spinning tcup ride non stop it makes sense," another user theorized.

Fans have yet to get any confirmation over what exactly was going on with Judd while she was on stage, but luckily, she was still able to get through the entire performance without even missing a beat!


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5e80f1 No.105833

File: e083ef62e58e474⋯.png (182.31 KB,562x392,281:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886361 (091241ZNOV23) Notable: Arguments start this morning in MI to remove Trump from the ballot - HuffPost

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Arguments start this morning in MI to remove Trump from the ballot


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5e80f1 No.105834

File: 5d18d947afb9210⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886395 (091256ZNOV23) Notable: WATCH: @RonDeSantis threw a Temper tantrum tonight when he was leaving the stage of the 3rd GOP Presidential debate in Miami, Florida.

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>appeared to be unstable as she walked the stage,

>"She could barely walk. She took baby steps," one person pointed out, while another user wrote, "Something is wrong with her.

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5e80f1 No.105835

File: dbb7def16d74bf3⋯.png (1.4 MB,1184x1006,592:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886404 (091301ZNOV23) Notable: 70 Republicans voted to reward the Weaponized FBI with a new $300M headquarters - larger than the Pentagon - @RepMattGaetz

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How is this winning?

How does this signal that Patriots are in Control?

Gibs me your best hopium.


>70 Republicans voted to reward the Weaponized FBI with a new $300M headquarters - larger than the Pentagon.


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5e80f1 No.105836

File: 616f4f871375e47⋯.png (747.24 KB,716x2024,179:506,Clipboard.png)

File: 827e715a885c516⋯.mp4 (247.13 KB,200x200,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ed8ffb9febdaa0a⋯.jpg (349.79 KB,779x730,779:730,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b88c565a1c0e53⋯.jpg (35.4 KB,736x352,23:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886427 (091309ZNOV23) Notable: WATCH: @RonDeSantis threw a Temper tantrum tonight when he was leaving the stage of the 3rd GOP Presidential debate in Miami, Florida.

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>>"She could barely walk. She took baby steps,"

Das Boot!

Laura Loomer



WATCH: @RonDeSantis threw a Temper tantrum tonight when he was leaving the stage of the 3rd GOP Presidential debate in Miami, Florida.

He knows his performance was terrible.

He knows it’s over. The audience was literally chanting TRUMP at the debate Trump didn’t attend. 😂😂

Nov 9, 2023 · 3:22 AM UTC

PoliticalPuertoRican 🇵🇷 𝕏 🇺🇸



Replying to @LauraLoomer @TAftermath2020 @RonDeSantis

Was that a shoe lift malfunction? 🧐

Nov 9, 2023 · 3:45 AM UTC

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5e80f1 No.105837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886433 (091313ZNOV23) Notable: FBI SWAT Teams, Chopper Hunt for a Jan. 6 Pepper Sprayer

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Anon hopes they get a gunfight and many FBI gone.



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5e80f1 No.105838

File: 28cd44a36c2a756⋯.png (70.23 KB,672x536,84:67,Clipboard.png)

File: efb1cda0789bec8⋯.png (1.23 MB,634x792,317:396,Clipboard.png)

File: c4bf4c5a270413e⋯.png (117.84 KB,124x312,31:78,Clipboard.png)

File: 86e490440372a39⋯.png (1.19 MB,634x1167,634:1167,Clipboard.png)

File: 402a35ca0861d8b⋯.png (1.09 MB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886446 (091317ZNOV23) Notable: COVID performance foreshadowing?

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5e80f1 No.105839

File: c980c4b040d9447⋯.png (65.26 KB,620x462,310:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886464 (091321ZNOV23) Notable: Our Local National Guard is Preparing for Activation

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Our Local National Guard is Preparing for Activation

November 9, 2023 Eric Criswell Local News

In about a month our local “B” Battery 623rd, National Guard Unit will be activated for duty with our local service men and women expected to be deployed.

In speaking with the public affairs officer with the National Guard in Frankfort he stated there will be a formal announcement made with more details in the coming weeks. The Officer stated that as of now, a ceremony is planned to see the battalion off from home.

Businesses and residents are encouraged to remember the troops as you decorate for Christmas and include some patriotic colors and yellow ribbons.

Z93 has always supported our local National Guard unit we will continue to provide updates, as they are released and will keep count for the duration of the deployment along with family and friends.


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5e80f1 No.105840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886470 (091323ZNOV23) Notable: Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases! - Past X post -@realDonaldTrump

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>many such cases



Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

8:35 AM · Mar 28, 2014



Every time a 'social media influencer' dies, an angel gets it's wings

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5e80f1 No.105841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886479 (091326ZNOV23) Notable: all pb PDJT posted the video on Instagram and Truth. You can see the IG one even if you're not on IG

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all pb

PDJT posted the video on Instagram and Truth. You can see the IG one even if you're not on IG


>>105772, >>105780, >>105782, >>105785, >>105787, >>105790, >>105791, >>105793 Liz Crokin posted a campaign video from Donald Trump on Instagram that included footage of Obama, Big Mike and others show the mysterious envelopes at Bush's funeral

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5e80f1 No.105842

File: e9b7e7edefc6a62⋯.png (655.63 KB,634x457,634:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 53245d6dcd62f83⋯.png (581.89 KB,634x395,634:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 865853e992599a8⋯.png (620.4 KB,634x415,634:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 70c8fbd31393f7b⋯.png (661.26 KB,634x459,634:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886484 (091327ZNOV23) Notable: f&g? didnt even handcuff the guy after shooting 2 people - A motorist who shot dead two environmental protesters blocking a road in Panama on Tuesday is a retired American lawyer, it has been revealed.

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this shooting is f&g

didnt even handcuff the guy after shooting 2 people


A motorist who shot dead two environmental protesters blocking a road in Panama on Tuesday is a retired American lawyer, it has been revealed.

Kenneth Darlington, 77, appeared before a judge in the town of La Espiga on Wednesday afternoon, and after a two-hour hearing was remanded in custody.

According to local media, the Panamanian-born US citizen - who was seen in both video and pictures shooting dead two teachers blocking a road on a highway - has a previous conviction for illegal possession of a firearm.

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5e80f1 No.105843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886499 (091331ZNOV23) Notable: X Post - @DanScavino - Palm Beach, FL MOVIE

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5e80f1 No.105844

File: 27e163494da0a53⋯.jpeg (64.82 KB,572x346,286:173,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b7f19e8b528bcb⋯.jpeg (158.31 KB,1146x1294,573:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886510 (091334ZNOV23) Notable: Texas Journalist’s Home Repeatedly Visited by ‘Corrupt’ FBI for Exposing Possible Hamas Training Camp Near US-Mexico Border – FBI Demands In-Person Meeting to Disclose ‘Sources’ (VIDEO)

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Texas Journalist’s Home Repeatedly Visited by ‘Corrupt’ FBI for Exposing Possible Hamas Training Camp Near US-Mexico Border – FBI Demands In-Person Meeting to Disclose ‘Sources’ (VIDEO)

Jim Hᴏft Nov. 8, 20231/2

The sanctity of a free press and the protection of journalistic sources have come under direct fire in the Lone Star State, according to Sarah Fields, Director of Advocacy for the Texas Freedom Coalition and a reporter for The Publica, after exposing the possible existence of a Hamas training camp near the US-Mexico border.

Fields recently made public a harrowing account of ‘corrupt’ FBI agents arriving unannounced at her doorstep—not once, but twice—in a brazen attempt to intimidate and extract information about her confidential sources.

It began on October 17th when, according to Fields, FBI agents appeared at her doorstep while she was away. She recounts that the agents later contacted her, insisting on a private meeting at their local office to discuss her reporting—particularly stories related to war and the border. Fields, true to the ethos of journalistic integrity, refused.

“It became harassment after I didn’t show up to their private meeting,” said Fields.

FBI agents visiting Field’s home on October 17,FBI has been contacting Sarah Fields since the first unannounced visit.

Fields wrote on X/Twitter:

I’ve been debating on whether to share about this or not. But because they showed up to my house unannounced AGAIN today, I decide to go ahead and let you all know. The FBI showed up to my door unannounced on October 17th. I was not home and I won’t share the whole video for the sake of protecting others in my home. They called me later in the day, and wanted to arrange a meeting in private at their local office.

They wanted to speak to me about certain stories I have reported on (with special interest regarding anything war or border related) and the only conclusion I can come to is that they would like access to my sources. They also told me they were “uncomfortable speaking about these topics on the phone”. I did not meet with them.

I DO NOT and WILL NOT share sources, especially when they have requested to remain anonymous=. Such is the right of a journalist in the United States of America. I understand that the FBI has a few “good guys” spread through out their agency. However, it’s impossible to know who is good and who is corrupt. The FBI is corrupted beyond repair and you will never see me cooperate with them. Right now, they’re acting like a desperate guy who got turned down and has now turned stalker. If the FBI is reading this, kindly stick it.

Speaking exclusively to The Publica, Fields claims that the core of the FBI’s interest seems to center on Field’s coverage of a former training ground for Hamas in Matamoros, Mexico, just across the border from Brownsville, Texas.

On October 7, Fields reported:

For years, in Matamoros, Mexico, directly across the border from Brownsville, Tx, Hamas had a training center. Once a large factory, the building was used to train young, military age men. Dressed in all black, these men would wait for the river to be low enough to cross over the border and illegally infiltrate the US for further training. Hamas has training camps in Mexico, and has for a long time.

Thousands of jihadists have crossed the border and disappeared into the US. Some given rooms and cell phones (courtesy of your tax dollars). Many have been flown to multiple cities through out the United States including Hartford, Tampa, Atlanta and Houston. The majority that travels into this country illegally are not women and children, they are military age men.

America needs to wake up. Thousands of sleeper fighters are in our backyard and the Biden Administration is not only aware, they’re complicit. The attack on Israel is only the beginning. Get your households in order.

Fields maintains that despite other media outlets dismissing the story as unfounded, her sources—which have proven reliable in the past—affirm that the site was operational until sometime between 2021 and 2022.

Feilds’ refusal to cooperate with the FBI culminated in another unannounced visit to her residence on November 7th.

She claims the agency’s methods are akin to stalking, highlighting a broader misuse of power to suppress freedom of speech and press.

After refusing to meet, FBI agents once again turned up at Fields’ home on November 7th.“The only conclusion I can come to is that they would like access to my sources,” Fields argued.…


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5e80f1 No.105845

File: 71607f72e922127⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB,615x335,123:67,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b7f19e8b528bcb⋯.jpeg (158.31 KB,1146x1294,573:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886522 (091336ZNOV23) Notable: Texas Journalist’s Home Repeatedly Visited by ‘Corrupt’ FBI for Exposing Possible Hamas Training Camp Near US-Mexico Border – FBI Demands In-Person Meeting to Disclose ‘Sources’ (VIDEO)

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While not at the border, Fields said she uses a team of “boots on the ground undercover journalists” who provide her information and videos of what’s happening “almost on a daily basis.”

“One of them very specifically does not want their identity shared,” Fields said. “It would compromise them and if the wrong people intervene, they would no longer be able to share the information that they share. Sharing their identity and location could also place them in danger of the cartel discovering who they are.”

“My source has NEVER been wrong,” she continued. “And I don’t think the FBI would be harassing me if it was false to be honest. I have journalistic integrity and I will never give up a source. I will go to jail first.”

In a statement to The Gateway Pundit, Fields has detailed her experiences and observations at the US-Mexico border, which have included disturbing cartel activities and foreign threats.

In the past couple of years, I have visited the border a few times. I observe, take photos and learn. I have shared about the open border issue since 2021. Wrist bands given by the cartel, pregnant women having their babies removed and left on the ground and their stomachs stuffed with drugs.

Portable ultrasound machines that are being used by the cartel because pregnant women are more valuable. And when I’m not there, I have boots on the ground undercover journalists who are there and providing me info and photos almost on a daily basis. If it’s newsworthy, I share about it and I do not share their identity.

One of them very specifically does not want their identity shared. It would compromise them and if the wrong people intervene, they would no longer be able to share the information that they share. Sharing their identity and location could also place them in danger of the cartel discovering who they are. Recently, I shared a story about Matamoros, Mexico, directly across the border from Brownsville, Tx.

According to my source, Hamas had a training center there. Dressed in black, the men would wait for the river to be low enough to cross over the border and illegally infiltrate the US for further training. I do not believe that the training center is there anymore. There is no evidence of it since 2022 and my source has not been able to verify that it’s there anymore. Several news outlets such as Newsweek deemed it to be false. I know it’s not.

My source has NEVER been wrong. And I don’t think the FBI would be harassing me if it was false to be honest. I have journalistic integrity and I will never give up a source. I will go to jail first. Many have asked why I won’t just talk to them.The FBI has done nothing but target people like me for the past three years.

They have been weaponized against good Americansand seek to silence those who want to expose the truth. I would never work with them. And I want everyone to think about this…They’re more interested in knowing WHO my source is and not the info they have to share so that it can be investigated. That says a lot.


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5e80f1 No.105846

File: ab12473b855bdaf⋯.png (921.2 KB,554x1206,277:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886534 (091339ZNOV23) Notable: Potus Confrimmed Storm is Coming? - TS@realDonaldTrump > PB Scavino: Hialeah, Florida - Dan posts picture of guy in "The Storm is Coming" Tee

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Potus Confrimmed

Storm is Coming

those digitz


Donald J. Trump


With your vote, we are going to WIN the Florida Primary for the THIRD straight time, we are going to win this state in a landslide next November, and we are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, greater than ever before! rumble.com/v3uazsj-president-t

Nov 09, 2023, 1:00 AM


>>105770 Scavino: Hialeah, Florida - Dan posts picture of guy in "The Storm is Coming" Tee

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5e80f1 No.105847

File: aa79535c41e0f5c⋯.png (457.36 KB,640x606,320:303,Clipboard.png)

File: 74b5ddc439378a7⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886568 (091348ZNOV23) Notable: Not sure the basis or intel for these claims but - NEW Footage is circulating of an Israeli Apache helicopter shooting at civilians and vehicles on October 7, 2023

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>>105795 Tyb

Not sure the basis or intel for these claims but,

The Real Toria Brooke


NEW 🚨 Footage is circulating of an Israeli Apache helicopter shooting at civilians and vehicles on October 7, 2023, suggesting that Israelis were responsible for the massacre of their citizens at the Burning Man-style “Supernova” concert, not Hamas.

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5e80f1 No.105848

File: b859fb752b34cda⋯.png (440.45 KB,1042x818,521:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886595 (091356ZNOV23) Notable: Our Local National Guard is Preparing for Activation

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>In about a month our local “B” Battery 623rd, National Guard Unit will be activated for duty with our local service men and women expected to be deployed.

in about a month....

Interesting timing.

Wondering if the Dem-won election in Lexington and Louisville have anything to do with the Frankfort activation?

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5e80f1 No.105849

File: af62a093284d5af⋯.gif (1.6 MB,498x498,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886611 (091359ZNOV23) Notable: #24417

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24417 >>105795 dough

>>105796, >>105797, >>105798, >>105799 Reminder D5 - All Q Drops from Dec 5 Graphics

>>105800 Pizza Hut introduces snake meat pie in Hong Kong: ‘Tastes like fish’

>>105801, >>105808, >>105828 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000179/180/181

>>105803 Time for sanctions on Israel – Belgian deputy PM

>>105804 Apple co-founder hospitalized following suspected stroke – media

>>105805 Mossad confirms taking part in operation to thwart Hezbollah attack in Brazil

>>105806 Australians donating tens of thousands to Gaza aid organisation accused of funnelling funds to Islamic terrorist group behind hijackings and suicide bombings

>>105807, >>105809 symbolism relevance

>>105810 President Trump calls the Republican debate 'unwatchable'

>>105811 @GenFlynn - Please take time to read

>>105812 Bomb Threat at Philadelphia High School Forces Polling Place to Evacuate

>>105813 US prosecutors charged three people with running a high-end brothel network

>>105814, >>105816 Judge Approves Prosecutors’ Motion That Would Force Donald Trump to Give Up Attorney-Client Privilege

>>105815 4 current or former Los Angeles sheriff's officials die in apparent suicides in 2 days

>>105817, >>105827 @EzraACohen post&News - "A sex ring catering to wealthy doctors, lawyers, politicians, and military officers who paid up to $600 an hour for “high-end” prostitutes was busted in Boston,

>>105818, >>105819, >>105823, >>105824, >>105826 Anon Dig - Qproof? Q1881 [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED.

>>105820 Spanish Minister Urges Countries to Sever Ties With Israel Over Hostilities in Gaza

>>105821, >>105822 Jesse Watters EXPOSES Arthur Engoron the lunatic judge in NY Trump case… it gets really weird

>>105825 Republican debate verdict: ‘Impressive’ Haley shines, ‘stupid’ Vivek self-destructs

>>105829, >>105832, >>105838 COVID performance foreshadowing?

>>105830 The U.S. military can learn from strategies used by the Roman Empire, especially as it hones its focus on great-power competition?

>>105831 Steve Bannon’s bid to avoid prison heads to appeals court

>>105833 Arguments start this morning in MI to remove Trump from the ballot - HuffPost

>>105835 70 Republicans voted to reward the Weaponized FBI with a new $300M headquarters - larger than the Pentagon - @RepMattGaetz

>>105834, >>105836 WATCH: @RonDeSantis threw a Temper tantrum tonight when he was leaving the stage of the 3rd GOP Presidential debate in Miami, Florida.

>>105837 FBI SWAT Teams, Chopper Hunt for a Jan. 6 Pepper Sprayer

>>105840 Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases! - Past X post -@realDonaldTrump

>>105841 all pb PDJT posted the video on Instagram and Truth. You can see the IG one even if you're not on IG

>>105842 f&g? didnt even handcuff the guy after shooting 2 people - A motorist who shot dead two environmental protesters blocking a road in Panama on Tuesday is a retired American lawyer, it has been revealed.

>>105843 X Post - @DanScavino - Palm Beach, FL MOVIE

>>105844, >>105845 Texas Journalist’s Home Repeatedly Visited by ‘Corrupt’ FBI for Exposing Possible Hamas Training Camp Near US-Mexico Border – FBI Demands In-Person Meeting to Disclose ‘Sources’ (VIDEO)

>>105846 Potus Confrimmed Storm is Coming? - TS@realDonaldTrump > PB >>105770 Scavino: Hialeah, Florida - Dan posts picture of guy in "The Storm is Coming" Tee

>>105847 Not sure the basis or intel for these claims but - NEW Footage is circulating of an Israeli Apache helicopter shooting at civilians and vehicles on October 7, 2023

>>105839, >>105848 Our Local National Guard is Preparing for Activation



I don't know if it's done well.

Is Baker here?

I'm in training.

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5e80f1 No.105850

File: c6c57ea8d228de6⋯.jpg (242.12 KB,915x1024,915:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886656 (091408ZNOV23) Notable: Africans are more concerned with Wokeness and Dying of Thirst

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#24418 https://fullchan.net/?3f77f98863477173#4ezVr8gb2GaqYBMvjbp275Ltwsbuh7jRqBvKy616YLCB

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5e80f1 No.105851

File: 2977b1fbbf8f267⋯.png (88.24 KB,754x578,377:289,Clipboard.png)

File: cc88c7d85c957e1⋯.png (267.26 KB,460x578,230:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 47079c89dcb06c7⋯.png (363.14 KB,1268x543,1268:543,Clipboard.png)

File: 47079c89dcb06c7⋯.png (363.14 KB,1268x543,1268:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886688 (091417ZNOV23) Notable: Buttplug in Malta

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Pete in MALTA (Brassballs.blog archive)



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5e80f1 No.105852

File: 7ed37fa568a93a7⋯.png (358.1 KB,612x528,51:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f2c0d63e3a022c⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,886x472,443:236,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886693 (091419ZNOV23) Notable: An Iowa focus group called Nikki Haley the winner of tonight’s GOP debate!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Team Nikki Haley



An Iowa focus group called Nikki Haley the winner of tonight’s GOP debate!

11:47 PM · Nov 8, 2023

from Iowa, USA·


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5e80f1 No.105853

File: 63d1a456a588857⋯.png (60 KB,549x367,549:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886713 (091424ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The New York State Judicial System is under attack because of the way the bogus A.G. “case” has played out....

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fresh Truth

no"Smoking Gun"

Donald J. Trump


The New York State Judicial System is under attack because of the way the bogus A.G. “case” has played out. It’s a giant SCAM, with no “smoking gun,” No Victim (except me!), and absolutely no crime. Their only witness, already convicted felon Michael Cohen, crumbled like nothing I have ever seen before. He ADMITTED HE LIED, AND THEN ADMITTED THAT I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, TOLD HIM TO INFLATE THE NUMBERS!!! Everybody thinks that this political Witch Hunt should END TODAY. It is an embarrassment to New York…And Remember Mar-a-Lago!!!

Nov 09, 2023, 8:54 AM

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5e80f1 No.105854

File: 3f86cf71108de00⋯.png (549.43 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886720 (091425ZNOV23) Notable: JW speaks

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Don't take my generally happy go lucky nature out of context.

This website 8kun.top has room for your crap, but it is obvious that the people on this particular board dislike your spewing of divisiveness.

Take it to the politically incorrect board at /pwd/ or take your other off topic crap to /random/.

If you can stay on topic for a while. Make your own board. If people like it. they will come there to read your messages, and see your art.

In the meantime, don't call on my name to spread your false narrative.


GM, have some pancakes, and please enjoy your day.

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5e80f1 No.105855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886745 (091432ZNOV23) Notable: House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

November 9, 2023

9:45 AM EST

House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing

House Minority Leader Jeffries (D-NY) briefs reporters and responds to questions on his party’s legislative agenda.


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5e80f1 No.105856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886749 (091433ZNOV23) Notable: Addressing Close Calls to Improve Aviation Safety Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee

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November 9, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Addressing Close Calls to Improve Aviation Safety

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee



Jennifer Homendy, Chair, National Transportation Safety Board


Tim Arel, Chief Operating Officer, Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Organization


Rich Santa, President, National Air Traffic Controller Association


Capt. Jason Ambrosi, President, Air Line Pilots Association


Randy Babbitt, Principal Partner, Babbitt & Associates, LLC






Aviation Industry Executives Testify on Airport Safety

Aviation industry executives testify on improving safety measures at a Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation subcommittee hearing.


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5e80f1 No.105857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886757 (091434ZNOV23) Notable: Executive Business Meeting Senate Judiciary Committee/I. SUBPOENA AUTHORIZATION

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November 9, 2023

10:00 AM EST

Executive Business Meeting

Senate Judiciary Committee



Authorization for Subpoenas Relating to the Supreme Court Ethics Investigation



Mustafa Taher Kasubhai, to be United States District Judge for the District of Oregon


Eumi K. Lee, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of California





Senate Judiciary Cmte. Meeting on Supreme Court Ethics

The Senate Judiciary Committee debates and votes on subpoenaing Republican donor Harlan Crow and judicial activist Leonard Leo as part of a probe into lavish gifts provided to Supreme Court justices. The panel also votes on federal judicial nominees.


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5e80f1 No.105858

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886778 (091440ZNOV23) Notable: Leahy Describes Potential Information The Nashville Shooter Left Behind

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Michael Patrick Leahy Describes Potential Information The Nashville Shooter Left Behind



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5e80f1 No.105859

File: e265a1943b9c3e9⋯.png (3.84 MB,1247x1663,1247:1663,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e6cead7dd47683⋯.png (21.52 KB,928x494,464:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 87f4677b8204876⋯.png (136.78 KB,626x508,313:254,Clipboard.png)

File: 5efd5f640c43c6b⋯.png (36.34 KB,928x202,464:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886781 (091440ZNOV23) Notable: Street name: The Swamp

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Street name: La Cienega

Street name: The Swamp

Street name: The hundred Snakes

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5e80f1 No.105860

File: 9e52a571fddfd1b⋯.png (2.39 MB,1024x892,256:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886794 (091443ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day M1: The Crab Nebula

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Nov 9, 2023

M1: The Crab Nebula

The Crab Nebula is cataloged as M1, the first object on Charles Messier's famous 18th century list of things which are not comets. In fact, the Crab is now known to be a supernova remnant, debris from the death explosion of a massive star witnessed by astronomers in the year 1054. This sharp image from the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) explores the eerie glow and fragmented strands of the still expanding cloud of interstellar debris in infrared light. One of the most exotic objects known to modern astronomers, the Crab Pulsar, a neutron star spinning 30 times a second, is visible as a bright spot near the nebula's center. Like a cosmic dynamo, this collapsed remnant of the stellar core powers the Crab's emission across the electromagnetic spectrum. Spanning about 12 light-years, the Crab Nebula is a mere 6,500 light-years away in the head-strong constellation Taurus.


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5e80f1 No.105861

File: efcf9e9dfd656ab⋯.png (35.49 KB,790x410,79:41,Clipboard.png)

File: e61cba41eba97dd⋯.png (143.44 KB,598x420,299:210,Clipboard.png)

File: cb473fa9384af61⋯.png (832.18 KB,1586x2048,793:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: fb3019e9a547d8e⋯.png (847.5 KB,1586x2048,793:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886815 (091450ZNOV23) Notable: "Hunter Biden"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hunter Biden" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Hunter%20Biden%22


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5e80f1 No.105862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886818 (091451ZNOV23) Notable: James Comer, Like Joe Biden, Also Paid His Brother $200K/Daily Beast beat back for the keks!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast

James Comer, Like Joe Biden, Also Paid His Brother $200K

Story by Roger Sollenberger •


House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) on Wednesday subpoenaed President Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, who Comer has implicated in unsubstantiated allegations of “shady business practices” in the Biden family.

Comer has in particular been trying to make hay out of two personal loan repayments from James Biden to his brother, for $40,000 and $200,000—with all transactions occurring in 2017 and 2018, when Joe Biden was neither in office nor a candidate.

But if Comer genuinely believes these transactions clear the “shady business practices” bar, he might want to consider a parallel inquiry into his own family.

According to Kentucky property records, Comer and his own brother have engaged in land swaps related to their family farming business. In one deal—also involving $200,000, as well as a shell company—the more powerful and influential Comer channeled extra money to his brother, seemingly from nothing. Other recent land swaps were quickly followed with new applications for special tax breaks, state records show. All of this, perplexingly, related to the dealings of a family company that appears to have never existed on paper.

But unlike with the Bidens, Comer’s own history actually borders a conflict of interest between his official government role and his private family business—and it’s been going on for decades.

While Comer and House GOP allies have tried to cast the Biden transactions as evidence of unsavory and possibly impeachable offenses, multiple news organizations—including CNN, The Wall Street Journal, FactCheck.org, and the conservative-leaning Washington Examiner—have all thrown cold water on the notion that the payments are evidence of anything other than a brother helping a brother.

That hasn’t stopped Comer. But hypocrisy hasn’t stopped Comer before, either.

Earlier this year, The Daily Beast reported that Comer’s probe into the “weaponization” of government resources resounded with echoes of Comer’s own investigation-meddling scandal. The Daily Beast also reported that Comer’s first blockbuster oversight hearing this year—into abuse of the COVID loan program—also happened to invoke Comer, as well as his brother.

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5e80f1 No.105863

File: afbd7244d425f54⋯.png (302.08 KB,589x487,589:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886837 (091457ZNOV23) Notable: Trump/Ramaswamy 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump/Ramaswamy 2024



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5e80f1 No.105864

File: 94c5424c42036e8⋯.png (837.15 KB,589x1200,589:1200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886850 (091459ZNOV23) Notable: Department of the Air Force Scheduled to Launch Seventh X-37B Mission

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Department of the Air Force Scheduled to Launch Seventh X-37B Mission

Nov. 8, 2023

The Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, in partnership with the United States Space Force, is scheduled to launch the seventh mission of the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle Dec. 7, 2023 from Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

The X-37B Mission 7 will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket for the first time, designated USSF-52, with a wide range of test and experimentation objectives. These tests include operating the reusable spaceplane in new orbital regimes, experimenting with future space domain awareness technologies, and investigating the radiation effects on materials provided by NASA.

“We are excited to expand the envelope of the reusable X-37B’s capabilities, using the flight-proven service module and Falcon Heavy rocket to fly multiple cutting-edge experiments for the Department of the Air Force and its partners,” said Lt. Col. Joseph Fritschen, the X-37B Program Director.

X-37B Mission 7, also known as OTV-7, will expand the United States Space Force’s knowledge of the space environment by experimenting with future space domain awareness technologies. These tests are integral in ensuring safe, stable, and secure operations in space for all users of the domain.

Chief of Space Operations, Gen. B. Chance Saltzman hailed these experiments as “groundbreaking,” saying, “The X37B continues to equip the United States with the knowledge to enhance current and future space operations. X-37B Mission 7 demonstrates the USSF’s commitment to innovation and defining the art-of-the-possible in the space domain.”

The NASA experiment onboard will expose plant seeds to the harsh radiation environment of long-duration spaceflight. Known as “Seeds-2,” the experiment will build upon the successes of prior experiments, paving the way for future crewed space missions.

Previously, X-37B Mission 6 was the first mission to introduce a service module that expanded the capabilities of the spacecraft and allowed it to host more experiments than any of the previous missions. The spacecraft carried the Naval Research Laboratory’s Photovoltaic Radio-frequency Antenna Module experiment, which transformed solar power into radio frequency microwave energy, and two NASA experiments to study the results of radiation and other space effects on a materials sample plate and seeds used to grow food. The X-37B Mission 6 also deployed FalconSat-8, a small satellite developed by the U.S. Air Force Academy and sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory.

The Director of the DAF RCO, William D. Bailey, praised the collaborative partnership with industry, noting, “The X-37B government and Boeing teams have worked together to produce a more responsive, flexible, and adaptive experimentation platform. The work they’ve done to streamline processes and adapt evolving technologies will help our nation learn a tremendous amount about operating in and returning from a space environment.”


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5e80f1 No.105865

File: be2b11ea58d36d8⋯.png (79.55 KB,598x516,299:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886877 (091505ZNOV23) Notable: Trump/Ramaswamy 2024

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Trump/Ramaswamy 2024


The Biden family sold off our foreign policy to make their family rich.

The Haley family did the same after her short-lived stint at the UN.

It’s corrupt no matter which party does it. And I’m sorry, but having two X chromosomes doesn’t shield you from scrutiny.


>iphop confirmed

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5e80f1 No.105866

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886882 (091506ZNOV23) Notable: Jacqueline Toboroff: "Everything happening on campuses is now going to grade school". Going on in Manhattan today. Palestine for Justice revolts coordinated in grade school and targeted by “code pink” leaders.

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Jacqueline Toboroff: "Everything happening on campuses is now going to grade school". Going on in Manhattan today. Palestine for Justice revolts coordinated in grade school and targeted by “code pink” leaders. They have targeted 100 grade schools in NY. With parents, students. Code pink leader woman’s husband is deep in with CCP



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5e80f1 No.105867

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886887 (091507ZNOV23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -11/09/2023



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5e80f1 No.105868

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886930 (091516ZNOV23) Notable: Caroline Wren On The Republican Debates: "They're a total waste of time".

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Caroline Wren On The Republican Debates: "They're a total waste of time". She’s not at the “Keebler Elves” Debate but at Trump Rally

The RNC consultants and lobbyists make more money if republicans lose elections. They are doing more debates and the RNC convention. Spending millions and millions on this useless display of losers. Ronna “Romney” McDaniel doesnt care. She is a taint and making good republicans un-winnable because she only funds DS actors. Her and McConnell are fine with losing if it means blocking Trump and MAGA



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5e80f1 No.105869

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886959 (091520ZNOV23) Notable: Brian Costello Explains How We Must Attack The Sequoia Capital Infiltration In U.S. Government.

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Brian Costello Explains How We Must Attack The Sequoia Capital Infiltration In U.S. Government. He did deep dive on CCP in our government. McDaniel and McConnel has taking money from Sequoia from CCP



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5e80f1 No.105870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886981 (091524ZNOV23) Notable: LIVEAlejo-Vidal Quadras: Politician shot in the face in Madrid by gunman on motorbike

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LIVEAlejo-Vidal Quadras: Politician shot in the face in Madrid by gunman on motorbike

Alejo Vidal-Quadras, the former president of the People's Party of Catalonia, miraculously survived the shooting and was still conscious when he was transferred in a stable condition to a hospital in Madrid



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5e80f1 No.105871

File: 60c4d5fdd8756e3⋯.jpg (52.39 KB,436x543,436:543,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886988 (091525ZNOV23) Notable: Instead of going after the Islamic Terrorist Groups and Organizations, the U.S. Government goes after Fellow Americans

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Instead of going after the Islamic Terrorist Groups and Organizations, the U.S. Government goes after Fellow Americans. Shades of Nazi Germany when you tell on the Luftwaffe...

Texas Journalist’s Home Repeatedly Visited by ‘Corrupt’ FBI for Exposing Possible Hamas Training Camp Near US-Mexico Border – FBI Demands In-Person Meeting to Disclose ‘Sources’ (VIDEO)

Nov. 8, 2023 5:00 pm | Jim Hᴏft

The sanctity of a free press and the protection of journalistic sources have come under direct fire in the Lone Star State, according to Sarah Fields, Director of Advocacy for the Texas Freedom Coalition and a reporter for The Publica, after exposing the possible existence of a Hamas training camp near the US-Mexico border.

Fields recently made public a harrowing account of ‘corrupt’ FBI agents arriving unannounced at her doorstep—not once, but twice—in a brazen attempt to intimidate and extract information about her confidential sources.

Read more:


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5e80f1 No.105872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886995 (091528ZNOV23) Notable: NY Times, CNN, Reuters and AP Had Contract Reporters Embedded with Hamas Terrorists

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NY Times, CNN, Reuters and AP Had Contract Reporters Embedded with Hamas Terrorists Taking Photos During Their Mass Slaughter of 1,400 Jews

The AP, CNN, Reuters, and The New York Times used footage and photos from reporters embedded with Hamas terrorists during their slaughter of hundreds of Jews.

These Western media outlets then posted the photos in their coverage of this horrendous surprise attack on Israel.

AP reporter Hassan Eslaiah took photos and video while traveling with Hamas killers during the massacre. Hassan also provided photos to CNN.


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5e80f1 No.105873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19886999 (091529ZNOV23) Notable: Two innocent Americans from my district were tragically killed in Texas yesterday by a human smuggler trafficking illegal aliens.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Two innocent Americans from my district were tragically killed in Texas yesterday by a human smuggler trafficking illegal aliens.

I’m sorry world we can’t defend your borders anymore, we have a severe national security crisis at our own border.

I’m done with hearings, reports, and phases.

The only answer is impeachment, it’s time.

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5e80f1 No.105874

File: f876a9084bed173⋯.png (85.69 KB,1280x828,320:207,Clipboard.png)

File: cc3b74578a66b30⋯.png (141.92 KB,1165x561,1165:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887002 (091529ZNOV23) Notable: Dish Network CEO makes early exit

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Dish Network CEO makes early exit

November 6, 2023

Dish Network said its CEO Erik Carlson is resigning Nov. 12 ahead of the broadcaster’s merger with EchoStar, its sister company focused on providing broadband services from space, after posting a steep drop in satellite TV customers.

Announcing earnings results Nov. 6, Dish Network said net pay-TV subscribers fell by about 64,000 in the three months to Sept. 30 to 8.84 million, split between 6.72 million for its DISH TV satellite broadcast business and 2.33 million for its SLING TV streaming service.

The Englewood, Colorado-based company had added 30,000 pay-TV subscribers during the same period last year — typically a strong quarter for the company in the run-up to NFL and college football events in the United States.

However, growing competition from other streaming services saw Dish Network’s revenues for the third quarter of 2023 fall nearly 10% year-on-year to $3.1 billion.

The company also posted a net loss of $139 million, compared with $412 million in net income earned in the year-ago quarter.

To diversify revenues Dish Network has been heavily investing in a 5G network across the United States that it hopes to better support by combining with EchoStar, which is sitting on around $2 billion in cash reserves. Both companies are controlled by billionaire Charlie Ergen.

EchoStar reported a 17% year-on-year fall in revenues for the three months to Sept. 30 to $413.1 million as it waits on Jupiter-3, the operator’s latest satellite slated to enter service in December to relieve capacity constraints that have been holding back subscriber growth.

Hughes Network Systems, EchoStar’s internet provider subsidiary, has about 1.6 million subscribers after declining 65,000 from the end of 2022.

EchoStar reported $37.4 million in net income for the third quarter of 2023, down $19 million year-on-year.

Dish Network and EchoStar said they intend to complete the merger before the end of 2023 when it was announced in August, and did not provide an updated timing Nov. 6.

Carlson was due to step down once the transaction closed to make room for EchoStar CEO Hamid Akhavan, who would serve as CEO of the combined company.

Dish Network said Carlson notified the company of his decision to resign Nov. 3, adding that he will remain on the board through the closing of its merger with EchoStar.

In October, the companies amended their all-share merger deal so that EchoStar, rather than Dish Network, would be the surviving entity and stock.



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5e80f1 No.105875

File: 1e4abdddcad529b⋯.png (435.21 KB,512x768,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887016 (091532ZNOV23) Notable: JW speaks

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In a way, it is.

It is free for those who have a Proto account here at 8kun.

We can make things completely free when I can get that big grant from Dow Chemicals or Raytheon. You know that grant is not coming unless the communists win. If the communists win, there will be a grant for those who use approved speech and agree to only argue about approved viewpoints.

Until then, I am doing my best. Please do your best.

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5e80f1 No.105876

File: 729467ce836ef9b⋯.png (1.01 MB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887024 (091534ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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These are civilian tagged fighter aircraft

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5e80f1 No.105877

File: fe6a267fbd75bef⋯.png (140.62 KB,1232x930,616:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887031 (091536ZNOV23) Notable: As of Aug 8, 2023 Media Matters ran a tally of how many times President Trump has reposted Q accounts on Truth Social, (630) times

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As of Aug 8, 2023 Media Matters ran a tally of how many times President Trump has reposted Q accounts on Truth Social.

Ready for it?

Six hundred and thirty (630) times.

I mean it’s almost as if President Trump is repeatedly letting us know the Q operation is real and he himself is Q+.

But what do i know.


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5e80f1 No.105878

File: 139f41a32ecc434⋯.png (176.07 KB,612x638,306:319,Clipboard.png)

File: 611cc4140c9e6c3⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887040 (091537ZNOV23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy keeps stealing Obama’s lines.

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Republicans against Trump


Vivek Ramaswamy keeps stealing Obama’s lines.

He’s such a fraud

Vivek Ramaswamy copies Barack Obama's lines

Vivek's campaign launch video borrows heavily from Obama's famous 2004 speech. What a fraud!


Never Back Down

10:48 AM · Sep 28, 2023


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5e80f1 No.105879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887065 (091542ZNOV23) Notable: LIVEAlejo-Vidal Quadras: Politician shot in the face in Madrid by gunman on motorbike

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"execution-style shooting" it says...


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5e80f1 No.105880

File: cfbffc34944c1d1⋯.png (133.71 KB,1428x264,119:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887113 (091551ZNOV23) Notable: "Fact Sheet on the Elements of Anti-Semitic Discourse"

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I started reading this and it sounds more like an angry admission of guilt the more I read.

"Fact Sheet on the Elements of Anti-Semitic



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5e80f1 No.105881

File: cea1435468e31e4⋯.png (8.58 KB,408x45,136:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887138 (091555ZNOV23) Notable: Preventing healers from becoming killers

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STUDY: Health professionals played 'central role' in Nazi crimes...

Preventing healers from becoming killers

The Lancet

How do healers become killers? How could medical professionals perform heinous experiments on concentration camp victims? The awful truth that the report painstakingly describes is that the medical profession in Germany subscribed to an antisemitic, racist, and eugenics-based ideology towards populations that they deemed to be genetically inferior. In 1933, Nazi Germany introduced a forced sterilisation law, developed with legislation prepared by German physicians. 310 000–350 000 victims underwent sterilisation.

anons like to deny the holocaust while positing a sinister mass-anhialation plan.

weird kindy obssessive muhjoophobia projection, that.

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5e80f1 No.105882

File: 57a80932cdf22d2⋯.mp4 (7.14 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887151 (091557ZNOV23) Notable: Pro-Palestine activists are occupying the lobby of BlackRock headquarters in NYC

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Pro-Palestine activists are occupying the lobby of BlackRock headquarters in NYC, a major investor in Israeli apartheid.

The protesters have unfurled a banner with the names of over 4,000 Palestinian children murdered by Israel in the last month.

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5e80f1 No.105883

File: 9cc35799bbb43d6⋯.jpeg (283.03 KB,1039x1100,1039:1100,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6b51be04c917fc1⋯.jpeg (310.74 KB,1059x1191,353:397,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c2ac6a6c636f986⋯.jpeg (73.28 KB,591x784,591:784,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 72eff88f84e4c60⋯.jpeg (298.26 KB,1073x1390,1073:1390,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887192 (091603ZNOV23) Notable: Obama’s #1 target is the military

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Obama’s #1 target is the military

As WW3 looms, US Army shamelessly releases new recruitment ad featuring ONLY white guys…

The US military is happily echoing the left’s nasty anti-white narrative. They’re marginalizing white men to elevate transgenders, the LGBTQ community, women, and minorities—until the moment white men are needed once more. Then, right on cue, they produce a fresh ad spotlighting only white men, a stark contrast to their usual rhetoric. This shameless flip-flop unfolds just days after we found out that officials hid the Nashville shooter’s anti-white manifesto from the public.Apparently white folks aren’t worth protecting, unless they’re men masquerading as women, like Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram.

And of course, special standards are in effect for these “white guys.”

And while these “white guys” are the new military heroes and leaders…

… the vast majority of average,heterosexual white men are only good for one thing: target practice on the front lines. Honestly, one has to wonder: How much more abuse will white Americans take?

Jack Posobiec, editor at Human Events, hit the mark when he said this on X:

“All-white Army ad? A day after we learn the FBI suppressed an anti-white manifesto. Neocons can’t recruit their cannon fodder if the boys know that’s what they’re for.”

This is the advertisement Jack was talking about. It appears that when the military is in need of bolstering their numbers, they look towards white recruits. Yet, it seems that on any other given day, the military’s focus is on transgenders and, treating whites and Christians like evil predators. Now, they’re not even pretending to hide it. This twisted agenda is right out in the open for everyone to see.

It’s really quite amazing – they push one image and then you join and it’s chock full of trannies, gays and lesbians. However, when it comes to actively recruiting “cannon fodder,” the US military omits diversity.

As World War 3 looms ominously on the horizon, if the military-industrial complex gets its way, it’s the white guys who’ll be front and center in the crossfire. After all, those new infinity pools won’t pay for themselves, right?


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5e80f1 No.105884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887217 (091606ZNOV23) Notable: Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton Gaggle Aboard Air Force

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November 9, 2023

11:30 AM EST

Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to Belvidere, Illinois

Air Force One



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5e80f1 No.105885

File: 9b2a9cce571a1ee⋯.jpeg (415.89 KB,1194x627,398:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 29faa613cf070f0⋯.png (383.98 KB,720x401,720:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887226 (091607ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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>>105548 pb

SAM600Blinkenreappears heading NW after departing Tokyo heading west (dark for about 24h) after Tokyo depart

Sez he went to Seoul after Tokyo but ‘dark’ for that leg until showing up on ADS-C (satellite) heading to Delhi nao

Blinken arrives in Seoul(and already left)for talks on North Korea and its military ties with Russia


>>105756 pb

TITAN25 E4B Nightwatch on ground at Gandhi Intl ==Sec of Defense Austin arrived about 7h after being refilled at least 2x mebby 3

US State Secretary Antony Blinken to arrive in New Delhi tomorrow for 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue


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5e80f1 No.105886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887231 (091608ZNOV23) Notable: Zuckerberg 'ignored' executives on kids' safety, unredacted lawsuit alleges

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Zuckerberg 'ignored' executives on kids' safety, unredacted lawsuit alleges

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg "ignored" top executives who called for bolder actions and more resources to protect users, especially kids and teens, even as the company faced mounting scrutiny over its safety practices, a newly unredacted legal complaint alleges.

Nick Clegg, Meta's president of global affairs, and Instagram head Adam Mosseri in 2021 directly urged their fellow executives, including Zuckerberg, to devote more staff and resources to address bullying, harassment and suicide prevention, according to an updated 102-page complaint filed this week by Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell (D).

Campbell is one of 42 attorneys general who last month filed lawsuits accusing Meta of endangering children by building addictive features into its popular social media platforms, Instagram and Facebook.

According to the new court filing, Clegg passed the request for resources to Zuckerberg, calling for "additional investment to strengthen our position" in the area. Zuckerberg "ignored Clegg's request for months," the complaint alleges, even as "Meta's leadership continued to espouse the need to invest in well-being." Eventually, Meta chief financial officer Susan Li shot down the proposal, saying that staffing at the company was too "constrained," according to the filing.

In another October 2021 exchange about Clegg's well-being plans, Instagram chief Adam Mosseri expressed concern about the company's approach to protecting users, telling another senior leader the company had been "talking about this for a long time but have made little progress." The executive, Meta's vice president of product management, Emily Dalton Smith, replied that the company had not received any "new well-being funding for 2022," and would have to consider "trade-offs against other priorities," the complaint alleges.

Meta has over 30 tools and resources "to help keep teens safe and away from potentially harmful content or unwanted contact," Meta spokeswoman Liza Crenshaw said in a statement Wednesday.

"The complaint is filled with selective quotes from handpicked documents that do not provide the full context of how the company operates or what decisions were made," she added.

While 33 states, including Colorado and California, filed a joint complaint in federal court, Massachusetts and other states filed individual complaints in local courts, part of a sprawling legal broadside against the tech giant. The barrage of complaints represent the most significant effort yet by state enforcers to rein in the impact social media may have on children's mental health.

Campbell's initial complaint last month was heavily redacted, obscuring details about the exchanges between executives regarding Meta's safety investments 2021. Molly McGlynn, a spokesperson for the attorney general, said that while their office had a confidentiality agreement with Meta during the investigation into its practices, the company ultimately agreed to remove nearly all redactions in the legal complaint.

"We allege that Meta knowingly targeted and exploited young people just so the company could make a profit - and the public is now able to see exactly how they did it," Campbell said in a statement to The Washington Post on Wednesday.

The new details in the legal filing offer a rare glimpse into how senior executives at Meta discuss - and sometimes clash - over how best to protect vulnerable users on their sprawling social media networks while preserving their ability to foster growth and engagement on those platforms. The allegations could bolster arguments from advocates and lawmakers who argue that the company's senior leaders often ignore internal research and warnings from their own employees about the dangerous effects of social media.

Arturo Béjar, a former senior engineering and product leader at Meta, on Tuesday testified before a Senate judiciary subcommittee that senior executives failed to heed his warnings that Meta needed to take a different approach to fight high rates of bullying, harassment or unwanted sexual advances faced by teens.

In his email to Zuckerberg in 2021, Clegg said they "need to do more" to protect users' well-being. Meta's efforts in that area were understaffed and fragmented," Clegg wrote.



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5e80f1 No.105887

File: 7fde4d28ea888b3⋯.png (20.95 KB,485x328,485:328,Clipboard.png)

File: d0e492e9ac02312⋯.png (403.59 KB,610x548,305:274,Clipboard.png)

File: ec383cbc2e4a463⋯.mp4 (6.21 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887238 (091608ZNOV23) Notable: Haley on the Border

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Haley on the Border

Nikki Haley


Here's how we FIX the southern border once and for all:

✔️ 25,000 more Border Patrol and ICE agents

✔️ Mandatory E-Verify

✔️ Defund sanctuary cities

✔️ No tax dollars to illegal immigrants

✔️ Remain in Mexico

✔️ End catch & release, start catch & deport

9:37 PM · Nov 8, 2023


Team Haley


REMINDER: Nikki Haley traveled over 400 miles along the southern border and has a plan to fix it:

Nikki Haley will Secure the Border

9:40 PM · Nov 8, 2023


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5e80f1 No.105888

File: 0cec694ff97a319⋯.png (242.56 KB,599x796,599:796,Clipboard.png)

File: 3860625e8eb05ee⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB,748x420,187:105,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887254 (091610ZNOV23) Notable: GO GO UFO!!! 🛸

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Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell


Wow! GO GO UFO! 🛸 An amendment passed today to get David Grusch into a SCIF with those he testified to in Congress (under oath) at the public UFO hearing... to spill the beans of the details he couldn't reveal in the open hearing. We're talking UFO programs and names, UFO holding locations, list of "hostile" and "non-hostile" witnesses... and about the non-human "biologics" (bodies).

It's a meeting that's been blocked - but now it looks like it's gonna happen. it will undoubtedly lead to some subpoenas - which I think is good - for those who need that extra layer of protection to spill the beans and come clean about America's UFO exploitation and reverse engineering programs. I have some individuals in mind 😉


GO GO UFO!!! 🛸

2:08 PM · Nov 8, 2023


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5e80f1 No.105889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887273 (091613ZNOV23) Notable: GO GO UFO!!! 🛸

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WEAPONIZED : EP #40 : Congress Crashes Into Wall Of UFO Secrecy with Rep. Tim Burchett

Nov 7, 2023

For the past five-plus years, members of Congress have been pushing the Pentagon for more UFO transparency. The Department of Defense and intelligence community have gone through the motions, pretending to conduct an honest investigation of the UAP mystery while throwing up additional roadblocks and dragging their feet. At long last, members of the House met in a SCIF with the Inspector General for DOD, but it was not much of a meeting and transparency was clearly not in the cards. What happened inside that SCIF? And where does the newly elected Speaker of the House stand on UFO transparency? Jeremy and George recorded a candid, in depth conversation with Rep. Tim Burchett, the outspoken advocate for UFO disclosure and asked him what comes next.


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5e80f1 No.105890

File: 0a46ba3854bef22⋯.jpeg (708.19 KB,1193x625,1193:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f5877af068957aa⋯.png (291.7 KB,453x382,453:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887282 (091614ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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Potato in 09-0015 C32A heading to Rockford,IL followed by 09-0016 as the escort


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5e80f1 No.105891

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887286 (091615ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Mike Johnson. Epic. Asking Mayorkas questions. He lies about everything on CISADHS

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Rep. Mike Johnson. Epic. Asking Mayorkas questions. He lies about everything on CISADHS


I literally hate this guy, Mayorkas is not well trained in lies, they are on to him.


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5e80f1 No.105892

File: 955880a122b1b98⋯.jpeg (747.62 KB,1234x5219,1234:5219,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 403c4379f0b976c⋯.jpeg (369.65 KB,1234x2385,1234:2385,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887296 (091616ZNOV23) Notable: Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance for Early Detection of New SARS-CoV-2 Variants

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Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance for Early Detection of New SARS-CoV-2 Variants


JFK, other airports offering anonymous pathogen screening to overseas passengers, CDC says

Passengers returning from overseas flights to Kennedy Airport will now have the opportunity to be tested for more than 30 pathogens, including flu and RSV, under the expansion of a 2021 pilot program announced Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The initiative, which will last several months, is part of the CDC’s Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance program. It builds off an earlier program that tested for COVID-19 variants, officials said.

Participation in the program is voluntary and anonymous, and includes passengers from 135 nations.

“The expansion of the Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance program to flu, RSV and other pathogens is essential as we head into fall respiratory season,” said Dr. Cindy Friedman, chief of CDC’s Travelers’ Health Branch. “The TGS program, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic, acted as an early warning system to detect new and rare variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and will do the same for other respiratory viruses going forward.”

The participating airports include Kennedy Airport in Queens, Newark Liberty International Airport, San Francisco International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Logan International Airport in Boston and Dulles International Airport outside Washington, D.C., officials said.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates Kennedy and Newark, did not respond to a request for comment.

The pilot expansion comes in advance of the winter months when there is typically an increase in respiratory diseases circulating.

The CDC estimated 80,000 children younger than 5 across the United States were hospitalized because of respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, last season. The agency estimates RSV causes between 58,000 to 80,000 hospitalizations annually among that age group.

On Long Island, Cohen Children's Medical Center in New Hyde Park and Stony Brook Children’s Hospital — the two largest children’s hospitals in the region — are already reporting an uptick in the number of young patients with RSV.

The Genomic Surveillance program, launched in the fall of 2021, helped identify one of the first known cases of the new BA.286 COVID variant in a traveler returning from Japan, the CDC said.

The CDC said Monday that it will also screen wastewater at Kennedy Airport from returning airplanes and from airport terminals, helping to detect potential outbreaks. Records of samples that test positive for one of the pathogens will be sequenced and uploaded to public databases, the CDC said.

More than 360,000 travelers have participated in the testing as of September, the agency said.

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5e80f1 No.105893

File: a36d433ea4178b6⋯.png (202.36 KB,801x883,801:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 3378d69eff4e076⋯.png (206.25 KB,799x873,799:873,Clipboard.png)

File: 55ac38e4f7dd04d⋯.png (220.49 KB,797x872,797:872,Clipboard.png)

File: 57a63f23556c9e4⋯.png (88.25 KB,797x854,797:854,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887308 (091618ZNOV23) Notable: Haley on the Border

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Nikki Haley's Freedom Plan:


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5e80f1 No.105894

File: 4360737c4557885⋯.png (234.33 KB,731x611,731:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887309 (091619ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Launches its First On-Demand Streaming Service, Updated App

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NASA Launches its First On-Demand Streaming Service, Updated App

NOV 08, 2023

NASA’s new on-demand streaming service and upgraded app are now available, ushering in a new world of original content from the space agency for the benefit of all. These new digital platforms are the landing place of original video series, live launch coverage, kids’ content, Spanish-language programming, and the latest news as NASA continues to improve life on Earth through innovation, exploration, and discovery.

The new on-demand streaming service is available to download on most major platforms via the NASA App on iOS and Android mobile and tablet devices, as well as streaming media players Roku and Apple TV. Users also may stream online at:

“NASA is a leader in the federal government for creating inspirational content that meets people where they are,” said NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy. “I am excited we have created a powerful trifecta with the recently revamped NASA website, the launch of NASA+, and the updated NASA App that showcases the many benefits our data can have for all humanity.”

These platforms are part of an effort to ensure agency content is more accessible, discoverable, and secure for the public. Earlier this year, NASA launched its revamped nasa.gov and science.nasa.gov websites, creating a new homebase for research, climate data, Artemis information, and more.

“NASA’s new streaming platform and app are where the world can join us as we explore the unknown,” said Marc Etkind, associate administrator, Office of Communications, NASA Headquarters. “NASA is the catalyst behind some of humanity’s greatest stories; and now, with our new digital presence, everyone will have access to these stories 24/7.”

No Cost Access to Humanity’s Greatest Stories

Through the ad-free, no cost, and family-friendly streaming service, users will gain access to the agency’s Emmy Award-winning live coverage and views into NASA’s missions through collections of original video series, including new series debuting on the streaming service.

Beginning today, everyone can enjoy original NASA+ content, including:

A documentary series following each image from the James Webb Space Telescope, as well as a second series highlighting the world’s most powerful space telescope from lab to launch

Animated children shows about the planets, mysteries of the universe, and intergalactic worlds

A series telling the personal stories of Black NASA astronauts

A series that takes viewers behind-the-scenes as a group of scientists work to return America’s first asteroid sample

Ultra-high-definition visuals of the cosmos set to a spaced-out soundtrack

Spanish-language content, including a series highlighting Hispanic and Latino NASA employees, climate content for kids, and more

NASA+ also will stream live event coverage, where people everywhere can watch in real-time as the agency launches science experiments and astronauts to space, and ultimately, the first woman and person of color to the Moon.

Universe at Your Fingertips

Downloaded over 30 million times, the NASA app showcases a huge collection of the agency’s latest content, including more than 21,000 images, podcasts, news and feature stories, and live event coverage. The app’s new updates include:

Full access to on-demand streaming with NASA+

Cloud push notifications

International Space Station sightings and notifications that allows users to watch it pass overhead

The ability to rate photos and explore and share the highest rated ones

Augmented reality that allows users to view, rotate, and enlarge 3D models of NASA rockets, spacecraft, and rovers



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5e80f1 No.105895

File: f3820db1f85ebf6⋯.jpeg (652.58 KB,1136x620,284:155,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 123006273eaccb1⋯.png (409.99 KB,649x333,649:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887311 (091619ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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SAM420G5 out from JBA nao heading west

Cap2 and high up the ‘food chain’ of the 99th Airlift Squad

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5e80f1 No.105896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887312 (091619ZNOV23) Notable: GO GO UFO!!! 🛸

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Project Blue Beam-esque exposures are anticlimactic.

Public has been programmed to tune out the "Next exciting NOTHING BURGER being discussed in Private in a Congressional Hearing.

Waste of time and money.

Everyone has an agenda, and will use at precise moment, they need another distraction.

Get Excited?





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5e80f1 No.105897

File: 97a3e108b40b873⋯.png (281.62 KB,614x598,307:299,Clipboard.png)

File: d0dc5decd0c35c4⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887319 (091620ZNOV23) Notable: Haley on the Border

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Nikki Haley on Abortion:

Frank Luntz


Nikki Haley has the best Republican answer on abortion.

The @GOP would be stronger if they used her language.

Haley Urges Caution for Republicans Pushing for Abortion Bans


The Recount

9:50 PM · Nov 8, 2023


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5e80f1 No.105898

File: c635e96c053c408⋯.jpeg (79.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887320 (091620ZNOV23) Notable: LIVEAlejo-Vidal Quadras: Politician shot in the face in Madrid by gunman on motorbike

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>>>/qresearch/19887234. Confirmed what Poso reported

9 Nov, 2023 14:39

Prominent Spanish politician shot in face

Alejo Vidal-Quadras survivedthe incident and has been transported to hospital, reports say

Alejo Vidal-Quadras, the former leader of Spain’s center-right People’s Party in the region of Catalonia, was shot in the face in the wealthy Salamanca area of Madrid on Thursday afternoon, police have indicated. The 78-year-old survived the incident, reports say, and has been transported to a hospital in the Spanish capital.

The incident, described in media reports as an “execution-style shooting,” is thought to have been carried out by a single gunmanat a point-blank range, who escaped from the scene on a motorcycle, according to The Mirror. The shooting occurred at about 1.30pm local time (2.30pm GMT), Reuters said.

Police have requested that any dash cam or security cameras that may have captured the shooting be handed over to authorities in a bid to identify the suspect.

Vidal-Quadras, who was conscious when transported to hospital, is undergoing emergency surgery, ABC.es reported. He was shot shortly after leaving a mass, the publication added, and was on his way to a demonstration at the nearby European Parliament headquarters.

In the hours before the shooting, Vidal-Quadras had posted on social media about a possible amnesty for Catalonian separatists if they would offer support to a new socialist-led government in Madrid.The “infamous pact,”Vidal-Quadras said, would “crush the rule of law in Spain”which he said would turn theEU country into a “totalitarian tyranny.”

He added that “we Spaniards will not allow it.”

Police sources have confirmed to the EFE news agency that, despite Vidal-Quadras surviving the shooting, the incident is being investigated by a homicide unit. No arrests have yet been made.

EFE also reported that authorities are probing whether the shooting “was commissioned by a professional.”


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5e80f1 No.105899

File: 82170751c44f33c⋯.png (161.91 KB,1098x522,61:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887334 (091623ZNOV23) Notable: Al-Awda (aka Palestine Right to Return Coalition) (AA)

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Steve also keeps playing this clip of a psycho Jihadi in Washington last weekend who is the founder of

The New York faction of

Al-Awda (aka Palestine Right to Return Coalition) (AA)

Check out who shows up in theNotable connections

Jihad Squad

Individuals (16)

Mazin Qumsiyeh

Fayyad Sbaihat

Rania Masri

Ali Abunimah

Abdul Alim Musa

Edward Said

George Habash

Rafeeq Jaber

Raeed N. Tayeh

Yvonne Ridley

George Galloway

Rashida Tlaib

Linda Sarsour


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5e80f1 No.105900

File: 3e4322189ddfb2a⋯.png (34.21 KB,730x330,73:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 5261c503c04ad9c⋯.png (286.94 KB,598x520,23:20,Clipboard.png)

File: cbc59b0e292ba04⋯.png (430.1 KB,598x685,598:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 994e11693f354f5⋯.png (41.33 KB,598x218,299:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 17dbd46b2a7ca0f⋯.png (273.46 KB,598x562,299:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887340 (091624ZNOV23) Notable: CALL FOR JAMES COMMER SUPPORT

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"James Comer" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22James%20Comer%22



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5e80f1 No.105901

File: 8042df8252d4761⋯.gif (2.2 MB,498x363,166:121,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887369 (091631ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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>>105885, >>105890, >>105895 PF: Blinken to New Delhi from Seoul, Potato and support AC to Rockford, SAM420 west

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5e80f1 No.105902

File: 0fceadc1be46582⋯.jpg (51.09 KB,475x492,475:492,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887395 (091637ZNOV23) Notable: PF updates

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new Delhi




🇺🇸Boeing 747-E-4B Nightwatch TITAN25


3:11 AM · Nov 9, 2023


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5e80f1 No.105903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887396 (091637ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Corrie Bush News Conference on Israel-Hamas Conflict

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November 9, 2023

12:00 PM EST

Rep. Corrie Bush News Conference on Israel-Hamas Conflict

Rep. Corrie Bush (D-MO) and others hold a news conference to call for a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas.


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5e80f1 No.105904

File: cafe2c31f2acbc1⋯.png (624.57 KB,993x863,993:863,Clipboard.png)

File: a58ea47ee29d88d⋯.png (262.25 KB,554x557,554:557,Clipboard.png)

File: ee8e31514f095bd⋯.mp4 (11.08 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887418 (091642ZNOV23) Notable: NASA’s Super Guppy Makes Ferry Flight

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NASA’s Super Guppy Makes Ferry Flight

November 8, 2023

NASA’s Super Guppy was in flight this week, ferrying the Orion spacecraft heat shield from Kennedy Space Center in Florida to Alabama.

The massive turboprop cargo aircraft was designed in the 1960s to accommodate oversized loads, such as body sections of the Saturn V rocket.

On Monday, the behemoth landed at Huntsville Regional Airport (KUTS). “This unique visitor is always a sight to see!” the airport said on X, formerly Twitter.

On board, according to NASA, was the heat shield that protected the Orion crew module during last year’s Artemis I test flight. The shield was then taken to NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama.

“Technicians at Marshall will use the center’s specialized milling tool to remove the heat shield’s outer layer of ablative material, a protective coating called Avcoat, as part of routine postflight analysis,” NASA said in a release.


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5e80f1 No.105905

File: 20601598b3a9e3c⋯.png (890.09 KB,1186x971,1186:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887428 (091644ZNOV23) Notable: Al-Awda (aka Palestine Right to Return Coalition) (AA)

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>The New York faction of

>Al-Awda (aka Palestine Right to Return Coalition) (AA)

Thinks it's thisLamis Deekwench

Infamous Quotes

“We love Hamas, and the PFLP, and Islamic Jihad…They are global, global heroes of the fight against imperialism. They are global agents of world peace. They are global agents of progress and humanity!”

Lamis Deek, YouTube, May 13 2022

“It is the Intifada that will bring peace here in the U.S. Long live the Intifada! Long live the Intifada!!”

Lamis Deek, YouTube, Dec 8 2017

“The New York Times is directly facilitating the genocide of Palestine...because their staff have children in the Zionist colonizing forces.”

Lamis Deek, Twitter, May 13 2022

“Like Hamas…like Islamic Jihad, like the Iranian Al-Quds forces, like the PFLP are all freedom fighters who fight not just for the defense and liberation of Palestine, they fight for the safety and the protection of all people…”

Lamis Deek, YouTube, Apr 29 2022


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5e80f1 No.105906

File: b19b5bee649af36⋯.png (434.25 KB,786x2216,393:1108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887435 (091645ZNOV23) Notable: Al-Awda (aka Palestine Right to Return Coalition) (AA)

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>Thinks it's thisLamis Deekwench


Lamis Deek [Lamis J. Deek] has expressed support for terror organizations and terrorism, glorified terrorist leaders and called for “intifada” in America.

Deek has spread hatred of Zionists, Israelis and Zionism. She has also promoted anti-Israel conspiracy theories, compared Israel with Nazi Germany and expressed hatred of Israel.

Deek also organized a pro-Hamas convoy to Gaza and provided legal assistance to violent rioters.

Deek co-founded the anti-Israel Al-Awda New York chapter (Al-Awda NY). According to her professional website, Deek has been a “Core Member & Former Co-Chair. 2000 – Present.”

Deek is affiliated with Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) as well as American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). She is also affiliated with the anti-Israel activist group Within Our Lifetime (WOL).

Deek is an activist with the National Lawyers Guild (NLG). According to her professional website, she “Founded and trained attorneys” for NLG’s Muslim Defense Project from “November 2011- Present.” Also according to her website, Deek was an Executive Committee Member of NLG’s NY Chapter during the years 2008-2013, and Vice President of their New York Chapter from November 2011 through 2012.

As of August 2022, Deek listed herself on her professional website as the Co-Founder and National Coordinator for the US Palestine Community Network (USPCN) from 2005 to 2009.

Also as of August 2022, Deek listed herself as the “Founder” of “Brooklyn Law School Muslim Students Association [MSA]. 2002-2003.” MSA has been reportedly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, a transnational Islamist organization listed as a terrorist organization in at least six countries.

In March 2017, Deek was listed as a “Board Member” for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) New York chapter (CAIR-NY).

Deek is a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.

As of August 2022, Deek maintained a law practice in New York, New York. Among her notable cases are devising “legal and organizing strategy for survivors (2010)” of the Mavi Marmara flotilla.

For more information, see the Canary Mission page Within Our Lifetime: The NYC Org Inciting Its Activists To Violence.

Terror Support (Hamas, PIJ, PFLP)

On August 9, 2022, Deek tweeted: “...Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP were formed by necessity to survive and defend the people against the monstrous zionist colonizers..and they continue to do so. They are and serve the people and remain their only source of protection.”

Hamas has been designated as a terrorist organizationby the European Union, Canada, Australia, Japan, the U.S., Israel and the United Kingdom. Founded in 1987, it has carried out suicide bombings and rocket attacks against civilian targets, wounding and killing thousands of Israelis.

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5e80f1 No.105907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887460 (091650ZNOV23) Notable: #24418

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Notables So Far

#24418 >>105850

>>105876, >>105885, >>105901 PF updates

>>105850 Africans are more concerned with Wokeness and Dying of Thirst

>>105851 Buttplug in Malta

>>105852 An Iowa focus group called Nikki Haley the winner of tonight’s GOP debate!

>>105853 @realDonaldTrump The New York State Judicial System is under attack because of the way the bogus A.G. “case” has played out....

>>105854, >>105875 JW speaks

>>105855 House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing

>>105856 Addressing Close Calls to Improve Aviation Safety Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee

>>105857 Executive Business Meeting Senate Judiciary Committee/I. SUBPOENA AUTHORIZATION

>>105858 Leahy Describes Potential Information The Nashville Shooter Left Behind

>>105859 Street name: The Swamp

>>105860 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day M1: The Crab Nebula

>>105861 "Hunter Biden"

>>105862 James Comer, Like Joe Biden, Also Paid His Brother $200K/Daily Beast beat back for the keks!

>>105863, >>105865 Trump/Ramaswamy 2024

>>105864 Department of the Air Force Scheduled to Launch Seventh X-37B Mission

>>105866 Jacqueline Toboroff: "Everything happening on campuses is now going to grade school". Going on in Manhattan today. Palestine for Justice revolts coordinated in grade school and targeted by “code pink” leaders.

>>105867 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>105868 Caroline Wren On The Republican Debates: "They're a total waste of time".

>>105869 Brian Costello Explains How We Must Attack The Sequoia Capital Infiltration In U.S. Government.

>>105870, >>105879 LIVEAlejo-Vidal Quadras: Politician shot in the face in Madrid by gunman on motorbike

>>105871 Instead of going after the Islamic Terrorist Groups and Organizations, the U.S. Government goes after Fellow Americans

>>105872 NY Times, CNN, Reuters and AP Had Contract Reporters Embedded with Hamas Terrorists

>>105873 Two innocent Americans from my district were tragically killed in Texas yesterday by a human smuggler trafficking illegal aliens.

>>105874 Dish Network CEO makes early exit

>>105877 As of Aug 8, 2023 Media Matters ran a tally of how many times President Trump has reposted Q accounts on Truth Social, (630) times

>>105878 Vivek Ramaswamy keeps stealing Obama’s lines.

>>105880 "Fact Sheet on the Elements of Anti-Semitic Discourse"

>>105881 Preventing healers from becoming killers

>>105882 Pro-Palestine activists are occupying the lobby of BlackRock headquarters in NYC

>>105883 Obama’s #1 target is the military

>>105884 Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton Gaggle Aboard Air Force

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.105908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887476 (091653ZNOV23) Notable: Opinion | What if Trump Is Convicted, and Nobody Cares?

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(They be in PANIC for sure, perfect example of trying to gin up more cases through fear)1/2

Opinion | What if Trump Is Convicted, and Nobody Cares?

Democrats shouldn’t rely on Trump’s legal troubles to sink him next year._ Opinion by RICH LOWRY 11/09/2023

A lot can happen in a year, and Democrats worried about Joe Biden’s lackluster showing in polls against Donald Trump are hoping it will — in courtrooms across America.

Prosecutors currently want Trump to stand trial in three separate felony cases next March alone (over Jan. 6, the Stormy Daniels hush payments, and the Georgia election case), and then there’s the classified documents case slated for May.

One felony trial would be extraordinarygiven the fact that we’ve never seen such a thing before with a former president.Four is almost unfathomable, and would have been utterly unthinkable from the perspective of just a couple of years ago. Democrats figure — or at least hope — that a conviction or two will finish Trump and make up for Biden’s vulnerabilities. This isn’t an unreasonable expectation, ==but they shouldn’t bank on it.

The politics of Trump’s legal troubles aren’t as clear cut as Democrats believe. Much of the public is already taking the indictments with a grain of salt. Regardless, it’s not obvious that the courtroom action will loom larger for voters than the traditional presidential issues of the economy and foreign affairs.

The walls could finally close in on Trump in the form of a felony conviction,and he still could win the presidency next year. Consider the civil fraud case in Manhattan that has gotten so much attention in recent weeks. The coverage has all been about how badly it’s gone for Trump, who has made angry press statements, been sanctioned by the judge, stormed out of the courtroom and taken the stand to blast the proceedings in long, discursive answers.

There’s no doubt that he’s going to lose (indeed, to be technical about it, has already lost since this trial is just about the penalty).But Trump is fighting on another dimension. His atypical courtroom behavior is meant to underline that this is not a typical legal proceeding, which, indeed, it isn’t.

It’s not usual for a prosecutor, as New York State attorney Letitia James did, to promise to go after a political opponent while on the campaign trail, assailing him in the harshest terms as a “con man” and “illegitimate president.” This is not conducive to a sense of fair and even-handed justice. (Excuses, she denied it was the problem, not she did it, Lowry)

It’s not usual for a judge, as Arthur Engoron did, to declare a guilty verdict at the beginning of the trial, rather than the end. It’s not usual for a judge — severely provoked, to be sure — to declare thathe’s not there to listen to the testimony of the central witness as he did when Trump took the stand.

After his testimony, Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba used this material to strike at the legitimacy of the trial as such. Now, did Trump exaggerate his assets? Yes, of course he did.Would anyone else have been prosecuted for these infractions? No, almost certainly not.(Lowry you don’t know that he exaggerated)

Federal prosecutors and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who both looked at it extensively, took a pass on trying to make a criminal case. Then

James picked it up as a civil case, which, notably, has a lower standard of proof...


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5e80f1 No.105909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887478 (091654ZNOV23) Notable: Opinion | What if Trump Is Convicted, and Nobody Cares?

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She also has used the incredibly broad New York statute, §63(12). Conveniently, the statue doesn’t require fraudulent intent or anyone having been defrauded. Despite being on the books since 1956, as my colleague and former prosecutor Andy McCarthy points out, it had never been used in a circumstance such as this before, involving inflated valuations without any harm to the supposed victims.

After more than a half-century, it so happens that Trump is the test case. It should be easy to understand why he and his supporters don’t believe that this is a strictly neutral exercise in justice.

Since Engoron ascertained Trump’s guilt at the outset, the real question at the trial is about the penalty. James wants to disgorge $250 million from Trump’s business on the theory he ripped off financial institutions that gave him lower interest rates. But Trump didn’t default on those loans, and these institutions would have or should have done their own due diligence as a matter of course. Regardless, none of them thought they were dealing with George Bailey.

This is a classic case of “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” justice. Once again, there’s a race to the bottom between Trump, who thinks he can say and do anything and get away with it, and his enemies, who are willing to toss aside their own vaunted norms in the hopes of nailing him.

This was the dynamic all during Trump’s presidency, and now it’s even more intense and high stakes with his freedom at risk.How will this play next year if Trump is the Republican nominee?

An ABC poll found 51 percent of respondents say the Jan. 6 charges are “very serious” (and another 14 percent somewhat serious), whereas 46 percent say they are politically motivated. There was a similar picture after the Georgia charges, when 50 percent said Trump should drop out and 49 percent said the charges were political. (Again a very old poll, no date either you see how it’s done?)

This mixed bag is hardly catastrophic for Trump. But if he is convicted of a felony, the polling suggests it would be very bad for him. A Quinnipiac poll back in August found that 68 percent of people think someone convicted of a felony shouldn’t be eligible to be president. A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that that 45 percent of Republicans say they wouldn’t vote for him if he were convicted of a felony by a jury. (No date of Misquotedold poll, but this means 55% would vote for him if convicted)

Whether this sentiment will hold after a conviction is uncertain. It’s quite possible that a conviction, like so many other events in our politics, will be shocking in the immediate aftermath and then absorbed into the endless news cycle like everything else. In other words, Access Hollywood redux.

There are other reasons a conviction might be survivable. The New York Times poll found that by a 17-point margin people think Trump helped them personally and by an 18-point margin Biden has hurt them personally. If public opinion continues to be that stark, will voters really put the question of their personal welfare aside because, say, Special Counsel Jack Smith has successfully prosecuted Trump on a complex legal theory that he defrauded the United States with his conduct after the 2020 election?

The cases also may not build to a grand crescendo next year, as hoped, but reach a point of diminishing returns. We’ve had a lot of motorcades to courthouses, already. And a couple of guilty findings already. Perhaps people care more about the Jan. 6 case scheduled for March, but it may be that it all becomes an undistinguished blur, with appeals layered on top if Trump is found guilty.

In political terms, Trump doesn’t have to win the debate over his alleged criminal misdeeds so much as fight it to a draw. In a debate, you can imagine Biden repeatedly calling Trump a convicted felon, and Trump responding, “Yeah, at the hands of your own Justice Department.” Is there necessarily a clear winner in that argument?

Also, Biden has his own troubles. He’s not going to be charged with crimes in his family influence-peddling scandal, let alone go on trial. But it’s not as though Democrats are running an ethically pure-as-snow candidate against a potential felon. On top of his other weaknesses, Biden’s family clearly leveraged millions of dollars from shady foreign actors on the promise of access.

All that said, Republican would be better served to nominate a less risky candidate. But Democrats should be aware that one of the things that might happen over next year is that they are shocked by all of Trump’s court dates not having the political effect they expected.


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5e80f1 No.105910

File: 64fe35fbb120733⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887463 (091651ZNOV23) Notable: #24419

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#24419 https://fullchan.net/?27007acd8cf29b06#93KLw8vm2UkxA3aWGdvq6FLwx1hyWRpCxwSHS9P3g1qu


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5e80f1 No.105911

File: 06fef337bd8ec0a⋯.png (919.74 KB,1137x598,1137:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887514 (091704ZNOV23) Notable: Conference on Israel-Hamas Conflict

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Rep. Corrie Bush News Conference on Israel-Hamas Conflict

Rep. Corrie Bush (D-MO) and others hold a news conference to call for a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas.


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5e80f1 No.105912

File: 38d10fb9e345146⋯.png (1.08 MB,1896x931,1896:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887518 (091704ZNOV23) Notable: Sauce on Blue Air Training

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>>105876 lb

Sauce on Blue Air Training


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5e80f1 No.105913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887535 (091708ZNOV23) Notable: WH Live AF1 Presser

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WH Live AF1 Presser


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5e80f1 No.105914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887546 (091710ZNOV23) Notable: War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths to Secure EUA

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War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths to Secure EUA

November 9, 2023 • by DailyClout

Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews Dr. Corinne Michels and Dan Perrier, two distinguished and productive members War Room /DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Researchers, on their bombshell findings about how Pfizer hid deaths to secure Emergency Use Authorization and claim efficacy.

35:51 min vid...


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5e80f1 No.105915

File: e03952a5c7d124a⋯.jpeg (81.3 KB,750x780,25:26,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887549 (091710ZNOV23) Notable: #24418

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I'll take it from here


#24418 >>105850

>>105876, >>105885, >>105901, >>105890, >>105895, >>105901, >>105902 PF updates

>>105850 Africans are more concerned with Wokeness and Dying of Thirst

>>105851 Buttplug in Malta

>>105852 An Iowa focus group called Nikki Haley the winner of tonight’s GOP debate!

>>105853 @realDonaldTrump The New York State Judicial System is under attack because of the way the bogus A.G. “case” has played out....

>>105854, >>105875 JW speaks

>>105855 House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing

>>105856 Addressing Close Calls to Improve Aviation Safety Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee

>>105857 Executive Business Meeting Senate Judiciary Committee/I. SUBPOENA AUTHORIZATION

>>105858 Leahy Describes Potential Information The Nashville Shooter Left Behind

>>105859 Street name: The Swamp

>>105860 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day M1: The Crab Nebula

>>105861 "Hunter Biden"

>>105862 James Comer, Like Joe Biden, Also Paid His Brother $200K/Daily Beast beat back for the keks!

>>105863, >>105865 Trump/Ramaswamy 2024

>>105864 Department of the Air Force Scheduled to Launch Seventh X-37B Mission

>>105866 Jacqueline Toboroff: "Everything happening on campuses is now going to grade school". Going on in Manhattan today. Palestine for Justice revolts coordinated in grade school and targeted by “code pink” leaders.

>>105867 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>105868 Caroline Wren On The Republican Debates: "They're a total waste of time".

>>105869 Brian Costello Explains How We Must Attack The Sequoia Capital Infiltration In U.S. Government.

>>105870, >>105879, >>105898 LIVEAlejo-Vidal Quadras: Politician shot in the face in Madrid by gunman on motorbike

>>105871 Instead of going after the Islamic Terrorist Groups and Organizations, the U.S. Government goes after Fellow Americans

>>105872 NY Times, CNN, Reuters and AP Had Contract Reporters Embedded with Hamas Terrorists

>>105873 Two innocent Americans from my district were tragically killed in Texas yesterday by a human smuggler trafficking illegal aliens.

>>105874 Dish Network CEO makes early exit

>>105877 As of Aug 8, 2023 Media Matters ran a tally of how many times President Trump has reposted Q accounts on Truth Social, (630) times

>>105878 Vivek Ramaswamy keeps stealing Obama’s lines.

>>105880 "Fact Sheet on the Elements of Anti-Semitic Discourse"

>>105881 Preventing healers from becoming killers

>>105882 Pro-Palestine activists are occupying the lobby of BlackRock headquarters in NYC

>>105883 Obama’s #1 target is the military

>>105884 Principal Deputy Press Secretary Olivia Dalton Gaggle Aboard Air Force

>>105886 Zuckerberg 'ignored' executives on kids' safety, unredacted lawsuit alleges

>>105887, >>105893, >>105897 Haley on the Border

>>105888, >>105889, >>105896 GO GO UFO!!! 🛸

>>105891 Rep. Mike Johnson. Epic. Asking Mayorkas questions. He lies about everything on CISADHS

>>105892 Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance for Early Detection of New SARS-CoV-2 Variants

>>105894 NASA Launches its First On-Demand Streaming Service, Updated App

>>105899, >>105905, >>105905, >>105906 Al-Awda (aka Palestine Right to Return Coalition) (AA)


>>105903 Rep. Corrie Bush News Conference on Israel-Hamas Conflict

>>105904 NASA’s Super Guppy Makes Ferry Flight

>>105908, >>105909 Opinion | What if Trump Is Convicted, and Nobody Cares?


Dough Is Mine

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5e80f1 No.105916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887550 (091711ZNOV23) Notable: Sauce on Blue Air Training

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Yea. Sounds like mercs training

Does not specify who they are training

Who oks use of airbase...for training ?

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5e80f1 No.105917

File: 2b95c8649775453⋯.jpeg (515.93 KB,1395x590,279:118,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887582 (091717ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez On Skyz

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SAM195 G5 ES from Seattle Boeing Field after an overnight-arrived yesterday and trace began SE of Florida

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5e80f1 No.105918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887590 (091718ZNOV23) Notable: Longbridge launched "US Overnight Trading", enabling 24-hour trading of US stocks

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Longbridge launched "US Overnight Trading", enabling 24-hour trading of US stocks.

November 6, 2023, 11:18 pm


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5e80f1 No.105919

File: e7d10b10449c12a⋯.jpeg (602.45 KB,1421x609,7:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887610 (091721ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez On Skyz

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SAM420 went to Ithaca,NY and switched off in this position about 25m ago

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5e80f1 No.105920

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887618 (091724ZNOV23) Notable: Steve Bannon: "The Sharia-Supremacist Movement" Has Surfaced At Home, Tiktok The Weapon

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Steve Bannon: "The Sharia-Supremacist Movement" Has Surfaced At Home, Tiktok The WeaponThe video is about terrorists in our country, these people are really sick, and we have these people in our Congress!



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5e80f1 No.105921

File: 340b1598c4949e8⋯.jpeg (98.9 KB,1024x702,512:351,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887647 (091730ZNOV23) Notable: Longbridge launched "US Overnight Trading", enabling 24-hour trading of US stocks

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Very thin markets pre and post US timeframe and you have to match price and size so no market orders and the big bois crowd ya out anyway

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5e80f1 No.105922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887675 (091735ZNOV23) Notable: Sauce on Blue Air Training

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Blue Air Training provide training for military CAS (close air support) JTAC (joint terminal attack controllers).

JTAC trainees use the Blue Air planes as clockwork mice.

Trainees come from various ground forces/units, army, marines etc.

There are a number of similar companies that provide military training services (ATAC provide air-air 'topgun' fighter training, naval anti-air training etc).

Using civilian contractors for this sort of training is cheaper and more flexible than using non-combat military units.

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5e80f1 No.105923

File: 0dfbd4b7074d2d4⋯.jpeg (606.35 KB,3743x2807,3743:2807,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887694 (091739ZNOV23) Notable: Fired Softbank workers accused of defrauding investors

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Fired Softbank workers accused of defrauding investors

Tokyo police arrested two former Softbank Corp. employees and another man on suspicion of amassing 1.2 billion yen ($7.9 million) through a fraudulent investment scheme using the telecom giant’s name. The Metropolitan Police Department apprehended Ryo Shimizu, 47, Kengo Masuda, 42, and Shingo Morita, 41, on Nov. 8. “We regard this as an extremely malicious act and a serious matter,” Softbank said in a statement. “We have been fully cooperating with the investigation and will continue to do so.”

The three suspects are accused of inviting around 20 investors to Softbank’s Tokyo headquarters between January and March 2022 to solicit short-term loans for a 9.6-billion-yen project purportedly to update computer systems at the company’s domestic outlets. One of the investors, a company owner in his 30s, made seven payments totaling 1.2 billion yen for the project that promised a 20-percent yield. The suspects are also believed to have bilked 100 million yen from other participants. The project, according to investigators, was fake. Police have not disclosed whether the three have admitted to or denied the allegations. SoftBank dismissed Shimizu and Masuda in October 2022 after the allegations came to light.

Shimizu, from Tokyo’s Itabashi Ward, was in charge of the company’s digital transformation team, while Masuda, from Hyogo Prefecture, led a smaller team under Shimizu.

Morita, from Tokyo’s Minato Ward, is a former apparel company president who currently works in the sex industry.


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5e80f1 No.105924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887728 (091747ZNOV23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

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November 9, 2023

1:00 PM EST

Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

Department of State





State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy issues confronting the Biden administration, including the month-long war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.


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5e80f1 No.105925

File: 01724b82aad242f⋯.jpeg (114.78 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2d222c61255185e⋯.jpeg (278.15 KB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7566bc077ac88a2⋯.jpeg (119.7 KB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887733 (091748ZNOV23) Notable: Ukrainian drone drops cluster bombs on Russian town

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9 Nov, 2023 10:05

Ukrainian drone drops cluster bombs on Russian town – governor(PHOTOS)

Roman Starovoyt shared images from the scene, which suggested Western-made munitions may have been used

A Ukrainian unmanned aircraft has dropped cluster munitions on a food plant in Russia’s Kursk Region, Governor Roman Starovoyt reported on Thursday. Images that the official shared online suggest the payload may have been Western-made.

The reported attack took place at a butter-making facility in the town of Sudzha, less than 10km from the Ukrainian border. A total of three cluster bombs were dropped at the location, the governor said, causing some damage but no casualties. One failed to detonate and is being handled by a bomb squad.

Ukraine has been using Soviet-made cluster munitions since the hostilities in Donbass started in 2014, according to Human Rights Watch. The type of explosive is controversial due to its design, with dozens of small submunitions that are normally scattered over an area. Some of them can fail to detonate and remain a hazard years and even decades later. Kiev was given access to Western-made weapons in July, after the US started supplying some from its stockpiles.

Starovoyt shared several images of the munitions recovered in Sudzha, including small bomblets and a fragment of the casing with the letters “SH” written in yellow on it.


© Telegram / Roman Starovoyt

Washington justified its decision to arm Kiev with cluster weapons by claiming that the Ukrainian forces had pledged not to use them in populated areas. The US government also argued that the additional contamination would not be relevant, considering that both Russia and Ukraine have been using their own cluster munitions throughout the conflict.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in July that Moscow reserved the right to use its cluster weapons in response to Ukrainian deployments, when he commented on deliveries by the US. He claimed Russian forces had previously refrained from using such weapons even when there was a shortage of other types of munitions.

Last week, Ukraine’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, stated that the frontline action with Russia had reached a stalemate. The government of President Vladimir Zelensky rejected the assessment and criticized Zaluzhny for his remarks.

Russian officials have claimed that since Kiev’s attempts to make territorial gains have proven futile, it is increasingly resorting to terrorist methods. The warning was reiterated this week by Nikolay Patrushev, secretary of the Russian Security Council.

He cited a recent Ukrainian drone attack on a nuclear power plant in Kursk Region as an example of such an escalation. The incident in late October involved kamikaze drones, which reportedly carried Western-made explosives.

New title: Cluster bombs for a cluster fuck


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5e80f1 No.105926

File: e869a62e620635a⋯.png (571.46 KB,1012x673,1012:673,Clipboard.png)

File: f7edf952d2ea0f8⋯.png (557.22 KB,990x609,330:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887736 (091748ZNOV23) Notable: Pelosi's Capitol Police Chief CAUGHT on Camera Now Faces PERJURY Allegations

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Pelosi's Capitol Police Chief CAUGHT on Camera Now Faces PERJURY Allegations


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5e80f1 No.105927

File: c87ee7791c9d69c⋯.jpeg (429.89 KB,1211x611,1211:611,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887751 (091754ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez On Skyz

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>>105885 lb

SAM600Blinkenon descent through 10k Ft to Gandhi Intl from Seoul depart

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5e80f1 No.105928

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887759 (091756ZNOV23) Notable: Tony Cox: US senator speaks painful truth on Ukraine and Israel aid

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(‘We are not telling American people the truth’ – US Senator on Ukraine…speech)

8 Nov, 2023 21:15

Tony Cox: US senator speaks painful truth on Ukraine and Israel aid

J.D. Vance has lifted the curtain on interventionist strategies that kill millions of people and only weaken America.1/2

A freshman US senator from Ohio has just given one of the most powerful speeches ever uttered on Capitol Hill, exposing the dishonesty of Washington’s Ukraine policy and the disastrous consequences of its decades-long military interventionism around the world.

It’s no wonder, therefore, that Senator J.D. Vance’s message was summarily dismissed or ignored by other lawmakers, including his fellow Republicans, and by the legacy media. As Vance acknowledged at the end of his speech, there’s no political appetite in Washington to have an honest reckoning with America’s foreign policy failures. “Let’s have a real debate,” he said. “We haven’t had one in 30 years.”

Speaking on the Senate floor on Tuesday, Vance argued in support of legislation that would provide $10.6 billion in military aid to Israel, rather than combining assistance for West Jerusalem with $61.4 billion in additional Ukraine funding under an emergency spending bill that President Joe Biden unveiled last month. Democrats and neoconservative Republicans have insisted that Washington must bundle its support for Ukraine to fight Russia and Israel to fight Hamas in Biden’s $106 billion package deal, rather than allowing separate votes on the issues.

As Vance rightly pointed out, it’s obvious that supporters of Biden’s nonsensical Ukraine policy are trying to piggyback widely supported aid for Israel to push through increasingly unpopular funding for Kiev. “Too many of my colleagues would like to collapse these packages because they would like to use Israel as a political fig leaf for the president’s Ukraine policy,” he said. “But the president’s Ukraine policy – just like the Israeli policy – should be debated. We should talk about it. We should discuss it. We should separate the costs and benefits and analyze them as distinct policies because that is what the American people deserve.”

Basic questions about Biden’s Ukraine policy, including Washington’s true strategic objective in the former Soviet republic, haven’t been addressed, Vance argued. He noted that Americans are commonly told that the aim is to force Russia out of all Ukrainian territory, including regions that have been annexed by Moscow following overwhelming votes for independence from Kiev.

“And yet, when you talk to the president’s own administration in private, they admit that is a strategic impossibility,” Vance said. “No rational human being in the president’s administration believes that it is possible to throw the Russians out of every inch of Ukrainian territory. So, why is that the public justification offered by many advocates of indefinite, unlimited Ukrainian aid? Because this debate is fundamentally dishonest.”

We are not telling the American people the truth because we know that if we did tell them the truth, they would not support an indefinite flow of money to Ukraine.”

The senator added that Americans still haven’t been given answers on how long they’ll be expected to fund Ukraine and how their government is ensuring that none of their money is stolen. “Are we monitoring the fact that we have spent nearly $200 billion – if the supplemental passes - $200 billion to one of the most corrupt countries in the world?” he asked. “Do we have proper assurances that all that money is being spent on the things that we tell ourselves it’s being spent on. The answer, of course, is no because we have not had a real debate in this chamber. The American people, I think, should be ashamed of us.”

Vance’s appeal for honesty fell on deaf ears, of course, as the Senate decided on Tuesday to block a standalone Israel bill and continue demanding passage of the bundled aid plan. In the meantime, we’re told that the sky will fallif Ukraine isn’t given more US taxpayer dollars. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) warned a Senate committee on Wednesday that Ukraine’s economy will collapse if more humanitarian funding for Kiev isn’t approved by lawmakers.

USAID, by the way, is a US agency that has been used by Washington to help engineer regime changes under cover of providing humanitarian relief. It’s headed by Samantha Power. That’s the same Samantha Power who was US ambassador to the United Nations in 2014, when she defended Kiev’s brutal crackdown on separatists who opposed the Washington-backed overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government.…


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5e80f1 No.105929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887760 (091757ZNOV23) Notable: Tony Cox: US senator speaks painful truth on Ukraine and Israel aid

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In other words, Washington’s interventionist policies of the past have helped to bring about today’s crisis. It’s just one of many conflicts around the world that the US government has knowingly helped trigger. For example, the US attempt to bring Ukraine into NATO crossed an obvious red line, knowing that Moscow could never allow Kiev’s accession to the Western military bloc without a fight.

Biden and his NATO subordinates could have prevented Russian forces from rolling across the border – or ended the conflict a few weeks after it started – by ruling out Ukraine as a future member of the alliance. That didn’t happen because the Washington uniparty obviously wanted the conflict to escalate.

Some proponents of the proxy war, such as Republican Senator Mitt Romney and Representative Dan Crenshaw, have openly celebrated the fact that the Ukraine conflict provides the US a way to weaken Russia’s military without putting American troops in harm’s way.

Notwithstanding the fact that the conflict has actually made Russia stronger, not weaker, this vampiric thinking is disgusting. The same people who are preaching about standing with Ukraine and defending freedom and democracy – in a country that has neither freedom nor democracy – are getting hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians killed to serve their geopolitical interests.

Vance, a 39-year-old venture capitalist who never ran for office prior to last year, pointed out that the Ukraine debacle is just the latest in a long line of US foreign policy blunders that were supported by both Democrats and Republicans. “For 30 years, Washington, DC, has run on bipartisan foreign policy wisdom, and it has run this country to the ground, with $1.7 trillion deficits, war after war after war that has killed thousands of Americans, millions of other people and has not led to the strategic strength of this country.”

He added, “Maybe what we should have is some bipartisan wisdom that the foreign policy consensus of this country for the last three decades has been a disaster. It has been a disaster for this country. It has been a disaster for our dead marines, army soldiers, navy sailors and air force airmen. It has been a disaster for this country’s finances, and it has been a disaster for the entire world.”

Unfortunately for Vance and the rest of us,that sort of wisdom isn’t on the menu in Washington.


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5e80f1 No.105930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887810 (091808ZNOV23) Notable: Israel Agrees To 4-hour Daily Humanitarian Pauses In Gaza: White House

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Israel Agrees To 4-hour Daily Humanitarian Pauses In Gaza: White House

Israel has finally and belatedly caved to White House and external international pressure, it appears, as Biden officials have announced Thursday Israel has agreed to implement daily humanitarian pauses.

"The White House says Israel has agreed to put in place four-hour daily humanitarian pauses in its assault on Hamas in norther Gaza," the Associated Press reports in a breaking story.

"U.S. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that the first humanitarian pause would be announced Thursday and that the Israelis had committed to announcing each four-hour window at least three hours in advance," according to further details.


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5e80f1 No.105931

File: 9b2cf5606c399d2⋯.png (317.51 KB,497x503,497:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f2dd2c61202890⋯.png (73.27 KB,749x498,749:498,Clipboard.png)

File: bef87954209e047⋯.png (298.81 KB,496x537,496:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887826 (091812ZNOV23) Notable: White House Aides "Simply Cannot Stomach" Biden's Israel Policy, Dissent Memos Leak, Revolt At State Dept

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White House Aides "Simply Cannot Stomach" Biden's Israel Policy, Dissent Memos Leak, Revolt At State Dept

A revolt is brewing within the Biden administration over how the White House is handling the Israel-Gaza war, as the civilian death toll and mass Palestinian displacement soars, and as Biden's top officials continue to say "no conditions" have been placed on how Israel uses US-supplied weapons. Pressure from the press pool is also piling on, with near daily spats and antagonistic back-and-forth exchanges on display in the State Department and White House briefing rooms.

This week there have emerged reports of scathing 'dissent memos' criticizing White House Israel policy being circulated, collecting many hundreds of signatures chiefly from among State Department and USAID staff. A primary theme of the pushback and pressure is that President Biden must change course on the Gaza crisis.

First, on Monday Politico obtained and published portions of a memo issued by State Department personnel giving a blistering critique which according to the publication argued that "among other things, the U.S. should be willing to publicly criticize the Israelis."

It was issued after the Biden's Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, repeatedly made clear that the US does not back a ceasefire, but is only sheepishly calling for brief humanitarian 'pauses'. Politico points out the memo represents a "growing loss of confidence" among Biden's corps of diplomats:

The message suggests a growing loss of confidence among U.S. diplomats in President Joe Biden’s approach to the Middle East crisis. It reflects the sentiments of many U.S. diplomats, especially at mid-level and lower ranks, according to conversations with several department staffers as well as other reports. If such internal disagreements intensify, it could make it harder for the Biden administration to craft policy toward the region.

The memo has two key requests: that the U.S. support a ceasefire, and that it balance its private and public messaging toward Israel, including airing criticisms of Israeli military tactics and treatment of Palestinians that the U.S. generally prefers to keep private.

The memo, marked "sensitive but unclassified' was sure to leak, and that was likely the point. It bluntly underscores that Biden's policy is hurting America's standing in the world as much of global opinion has been appalled at the Gaza death toll which this week surpassed 10,500.

The memo sates that the gap between Biden officials' private and public messaging "contributes to regional public perceptions that the United States is a biased and dishonest actor, which at best does not advance, and at worst harms, U.S. interests worldwide."

"We must publicly criticize Israel’s violations of international norms such as failure to limit offensive operations to legitimate military targets," the dissent memo continues. "When Israel supports settler violence and illegal land seizures or employs excessive use of force against Palestinians, we must communicate publicly that this goes against our American values so that Israel does not act with impunity."


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5e80f1 No.105932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887865 (091821ZNOV23) Notable: resident delivers remarks highlighting his commitment to delivering for working families and creating good-paying union jobs

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November 9, 2023

1:45 PM EST

The President delivers remarks highlighting his commitment to delivering for working families and creating good-paying union jobs, as well as the UAW’s historic agreement that includes bringing thousands of UAW jobs back to Belvidere and reopening a plant

Belvidere, Illinois




President Biden Remarks in Illinois on Jobs and Labor Unions

President Biden gives remarks on his administration’s efforts to create union jobs and help negotiate an agreement between GM and UAW.


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5e80f1 No.105933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887869 (091822ZNOV23) Notable: Catholic Church Allows Trannies To Be Baptized

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Catholic Church Allows Trannies To Be Baptized.

The Vatican announced that transgender people can be baptized in the Catholic Church, witnesses at religious weddings, and become godparents on Wednesday, representing the continued liberalization of the Christian denomination under Pope Francis‘s premiership. The decision, approved by the Pontiff on October 31, was announced in response to six questions sent to the Vatican by Brazilian Bishop Jose Negri of Santo Amaro, who sought clarification regarding LGBT involvement in the church.


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5e80f1 No.105934

File: f24e14c59eb6345⋯.gif (991.44 KB,498x451,498:451,Clipboard.gif)

File: 682f17f881135cc⋯.jpeg (371.07 KB,828x1475,828:1475,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887897 (091826ZNOV23) Notable: Japanese Funds Buy Most US Debt in Half Year, Pressuring Yen

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Japanese Funds Buy Most US Debt in Half Year, Pressuring Yen

(Lather,rinse, repeat….take a look at long term chart to show where it’s heading and what levels we are passing over multiple decades)

Funds based in Japan purchased a net ¥3.31 trillion ($22 billion) of Treasuries in September while they sold debt in most other sovereign markets tracked by the Ministry of Finance, according to data released Thursday.

Yields on US 10-year Treasuries climbed 46 basis points during the month to finish at 4.57%, compared with an increase of 12.5 basis points to 0.765% for the Japanese equivalent. US yields have fallen sharply in recent sessions to leave them lower than end-September while Japanese rates have risen, but there’s still a gap of more than 3.5 percentage points. “The US yield rose significantly during the month to a level attractive for Japanese investors and accelerated their purchases,” said Tsuyoshi Ueno, senior economist at NLI Research Institute in Tokyo. “It was a month of funds shifting to the US as speculation grew that the US will keep borrowing costs higher for longer. There’s the risk that the yen may appreciate, but the US yield offers quite a lot of buffer against it.”

Global investors are closely watching whether Japanese funds will bring back their cash to the home market, unloading securities from Treasuries to European and Australian debt in the process, as speculation grows that the central bank is poised to end its super-easy monetary policy soon. The latest data indicate though that the wide yield gap with the US is still luring Japanese investors into American debt: they’ve been net buyers of sovereign bonds from the world’s biggest economy every month in 2023 except April and July.



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5e80f1 No.105935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887922 (091831ZNOV23) Notable: Gov Watchdog Discovers Massive Spending Reporting Discrepancies In Biden Admin

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Gov Watchdog Discovers Massive Spending Reporting Discrepancies In Biden Admin

A report published by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Tuesday found government agencies incorrectly reported spending and, at times, did not report their expenditures to USAspending.gov, the official source of federal spending information.

The Departments of Treasury, Health and Human Services (HHS), Homeland Security (DHS) and Transportation (DOT) were flagged by GAO for having multi-billion dollar discrepancies across different public COVID-19 spending disclosures during the 2022 fiscal year. Twenty-five executive agencies, which are responsible for internally determining if they meet the conditions that would require reporting their expenditures to USAspending, were included among the 49 agencies GAO identified as having not reported their COVID-19 obligations to USAspending.

GAO recommended that Congress delegate power to Treasury and the Office of Management and Budget to independently determine which agencies are required to report and to “oversee the completeness of reporting by all required agencies.”

“If Congress or the Office of Management and Budget, in coordination with the Department of the Treasury, do not take recommended steps to improve the quality and reporting of data, USAspending.gov will not provide policymakers and the public with transparency over all funds federal agencies spend, as required,” GAO told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Treasury had the greatest discrepancy in COVID-19 spending across its different public reports. The department denoted $231.5 billion in COVID-19 spending in its annual financial report and only reported $36 billion on USAspending.

HHS had the second worst discrepancy. The agency’s annual financial report listed $85.7 billion in COVID-19 obligations while reporting $91.7 billion on USAspending.

Other discrepancies were comparably mild.

DHS reported about $400 million more in its annual budget report compared to its entries on USAspending, and DOT had a discrepancy of about $10 million.


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5e80f1 No.105936

File: 36cc901b23938a6⋯.png (94.31 KB,561x553,561:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 563429a73e254c0⋯.mp4 (697.68 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887925 (091831ZNOV23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy was cut off after he called out Kristen Welker and NBC on live TV for rigging elections against Trump.

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Vivek Ramaswamy was cut off after he called out Kristen Welker and NBC on live TV for rigging elections against Trump.



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5e80f1 No.105937

File: 2d798d77b528ffb⋯.png (1.04 MB,1006x1062,503:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887928 (091832ZNOV23) Notable: Nashville’s Diversity-Obsessed Black Police Chief Hid Trans Shooter’s Anti-White Manifesto

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Nashville’s Diversity-Obsessed Black Police Chief Hid Trans Shooter’s Anti-White Manifesto

November 9, 2023 (13 hours ago).1/2

Nashville’s Diversity-Obsessed Black Police Chief Hid Trans Shooter’s Anti-White Manifesto

A deranged trans shooter killed six in a horrific massacre at a Nashville Christian school back in April. The deceased shooter, Audrey “Aiden” Hale, left behind a manifesto. Nashville Police refused to share it with the public. We learned this week why.

In screenshots obtained by Steven Crowder, Hale vented her murderous rage towards whites, whom she referred to as privileged “crackers.” Despite being white herself, the shooter wanted to kill those like her. This rhetoric isn’t found in the dark corners of 4chan. Anti-white hate is part of school curricula throughout the country. It’s broadcast by television channels and popular films. And it goes viral on social media. The demented shooter was merely repeating what she learned from the society around her.

The Tennessee legislature has sought to combat that heinous ideology by banning Critical Race Theory and other harmful forms of leftist indoctrination in schools. The shooter’s manifesto highlights the need for more to be done.

Yet, the police assiduously kept the people in the dark about the hateful manifesto. Officials even claimed the manifesto didn’t express any specific political or social agenda. Recent reports have suggested multiple officers suspected of the leak have been suspended. And the chief of police, John Drake (more on him soon), has expressed extreme frustrationover the leak. Although future developments could very well reveal there may be more to the manifesto than the anti-white hate, it is clear the police department would rather not notice the racial animus expressed by the confused transexual Hale.

Hale was taken down by heroic white officersfrom the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. They saved several lives that day by rushing to put down the shooter. Sadly, their boss wants fewer cops like them. Nashville’s black police chief John Drake’s mission since taking office three years ago has been to make the force more “diverse” and compliant with the Left’s police agenda. There could very well have been national pressure from Merrick Garland to suppress the manifesto, for reasons that may become clear in the near future. But a critical look at the Nashville Police Department reveals that suppressing the anti-white manifesto would have fit right into the mission at a local level.

John Drake doesn’t want Americans to see the transexual shooter’s anti-white manifesto.

Drake was recently in the news after his son, John Drake Jr., shot two officers during a crime spree in the area. The younger Drake was a career criminal who met his end last month during a car chase with the police. “Despite my efforts and guidance in the early and teenage years, my son, John Drake Jr., now 38 years old, resorted to years of criminal activity and is a convicted felon,” the chief said during the manhunt.

An October Associated Press report highlighted Drake’s relationship with his son. It was titled, “Nashville police chief has spent a career mentoring youths but couldn’t keep his son from trouble.”

The Associated Press:

Nashville Police Chief John Drake has spent much of his career trying to steer young people away from crime. Inspired by mentors who helped him as a young man, Drake has tried to pay it forward.

But sadly, he was unable to keep his own son out of trouble.

Drake Jr. pleaded guilty to felonies for a 2008 aggravated rape and a 2017 aggravated assault, court records show. He has faced a variety of criminal charges over a span of more than 17 years, with a mix of convictions and dismissals.…


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5e80f1 No.105938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887931 (091833ZNOV23) Notable: Nashville’s Diversity-Obsessed Black Police Chief Hid Trans Shooter’s Anti-White Manifesto

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In the aggravated rape case, Drake Jr. was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2009 and was released in 2015 to community supervision for life, said Tennessee Department of Correction spokesperson Dorinda Carter. The aggravated assault case resulted in a six-year sentence in 2018, a split confinement in which a judge ordered him to serve a year in jail and the rest of the sentence on probation, Carter said.

According to an arrest affidavit in the 2017 aggravated assault, Drake Jr. attacked his then-girlfriend while the child they had together was in the car with them. The woman told police he choked her until she lost consciousness and later hit her when she awoke in the street and tried to defend herself. Two weeks later, an officer had to chase down Drake Jr. as he fled his arrest on the outstanding aggravated assault warrant, an affidavit shows.

Despite his failure with his own son, Drake wants police to follow his example of being a mentor rather than a warrior.

“I wanted to get away from the warrior mentality, to the guardian,” he said. “We are here to help you. We want to have movie night with you. We want to have ice cream day. We want to tutor you and get to know your family.”

Drake became police chief in 2020. The George Floyd revolution catapulted him into power. Steven Anderson, the previous white police chief, retired after facing pressure over the department’s apparent lack of diversity and alleged harshness toward black criminals. Several city council members demanded his resignation after Nashville police issued arrest warrants for activists accused of organizing local BLM riots. One of those activists was Justin Jones, who became famous this year as one of the Tennessee lawmakers who aided gun control protesters in disrupting a legislative session. Police later withdrew the warrants, despite ample evidence that the activists engaged in illegal activity, after community backlash. Anderson soon retired, and the mayor searched for a chief who would be more amenable to woke demands.

Leaders found their pick in Drake, a long-time veteran of the MNPD.

As interim police chief following Anderson’s resignation, the black cop spoke at BLM protests and presented a softer attitude towards the agitators. He pledged that he would crack down on “overpolicing” and boost diversity.

The Tennessean:

Drake said diversity was “severely lacking” within the department. He said he started a recruitment unit to grow the number of women and minorities working on the force. He also hireda chief diversity officer to work with the oversight board and activist groups.

“This is the direction I want to go,” Drake said. “This is my strategic plan.”

Drake told the Nashville Scene in 2021 that he openly supported Black Lives Matter:

So I view the movement, not the riots, as what was needed. But I view the movement as something that was needed to get the attention of law enforcement around the country and to seek the necessary reforms. I feel there are some police departments that don’t have policy and procedure that’s as up to date as ours is, and I think that spurred that movement, to have more agencies have up-to-date policies and procedures and training methods. And we’ve even looked at ours too. We’ve updated ours to be even better than what we were. From a law enforcement executive [perspective], I view it as something that was needed. Something that was long overdue. But I think in the future it is going to help us go a long way.

He also said in the same interview:

I try to promote, every opportunity I can, any minority or woman within the police department.


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5e80f1 No.105939

File: 1b9ecceaee493ea⋯.png (348.57 KB,566x604,283:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887933 (091832ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump posted a campaign video today on Instagram that included footage of Barack Obama, Big Mike, Bill and Hillary Clinton after they received their mysterious envelopes at George H. W. Bush’s funeral! 🍿

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President Trump posted a campaign video today on Instagram that included footage of Barack Obama, Big Mike, Bill and Hillary Clinton after they received their mysterious envelopes at George H. W. Bush’s funeral! 🍿

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5e80f1 No.105940

File: f2d0c904c753c9c⋯.png (619.89 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 94c0bcd65961279⋯.png (44.22 KB,766x454,383:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887949 (091835ZNOV23) Notable: Man accused of hammer attack against Nancy Pelosi’s husband goes on trial in San Francisco/Q# 2464 One of today's Deltas!!

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Man accused of hammer attack against Nancy Pelosi’s husband goes on trial in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The man accused of breaking into former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home, bludgeoning her husband with a hammer and seeking to kidnap her goes on trial Thursday.

Opening statements are scheduled in the federal trial of David DePape who prosecutors say assaulted then-82-year-old Paul Pelosi, sending shockwaves through the political world just days before last year’s midterm elections. The attack in the early hours of Oct. 28, 2022, also highlighted how conspiracy theories and misinformation that spread online can fuel political violence.

Q# 2464 One of today's Deltas!!


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5e80f1 No.105941

File: 674a782a7dfeb10⋯.png (37.52 KB,810x472,405:236,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cc382c1aea8045⋯.png (354.11 KB,598x663,46:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 73564fe37675261⋯.png (371.16 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b834fd8f0257d7⋯.png (343.89 KB,598x682,299:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 46bbaaf0b7d43bf⋯.png (271 KB,598x480,299:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887954 (091837ZNOV23) Notable: "President Trump"

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"President Trump" 290k


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5e80f1 No.105942

File: 2a3ea3a1879b235⋯.png (415.66 KB,606x611,606:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887962 (091839ZNOV23) Notable: just don't call 'em 'deathpanels'

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just don't call 'em 'deathpanels'


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5e80f1 No.105943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887963 (091840ZNOV23) Notable: Trump fraud trial live updates: Judge to take defense's request to end trial early 'under advisement'

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Trump fraud trial live updates: Judge to take defense's request to end trial early 'under advisement'

If the motion is denied, the defense will start presenting its case on Monday.

Last Updated: November 9, 2023, 12:51 PM ET

Nov 09, 12:51 PM EST

Trump attorney blasts motion to limit defense witnesses

Trump attorney Chris Kise grew visibly frustrated as today's proceedings moved on to arguments over the state's motion to preclude testimony from four of the defense's expert witnesses that the state argues are no longer relevant to the case.

After state attorney Andrew Amer argued in favor of the motion, Kise suggested he belongs in totalitarian Russia.

"I suggest Mr. Amer check the internet," Kise said. "Vladmir Putin has some openings. That is where he belongs."

Describing the comment as "completely uncalled for," Judge Engoron suggested that Kise apologize to Amer.

"I am not going to apologize," Kise said, though he promised to refrain from "further pejoratives."

Nov 09, 12:34 PM EST

Judge to take defense's motion to end case early 'under advisement'

Judge Arthur Engoron did not immediately rule on the defense's motion for a directed verdict that would end the trial early.

Instead, the judge simply said the arguments were being "taken under advisement."

Wrapping up his argument for a directed verdict, defense attorney Chris Kise channeled some of the rhetoric of his client, praising Donald Trump for helping the community and "reshaping the skyline of New York."

"What building has the attorney general built in this community?" Kise asked.


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5e80f1 No.105944

File: bf619956d9c1c0c⋯.png (571.73 KB,532x582,266:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887966 (091840ZNOV23) Notable: “100% Electric” Google bus LOSES POWER while climbing San Francisco hill, plows into nearly a dozen cars

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“100% Electric” Google bus LOSES POWER while climbing San Francisco hill, plows into nearly a dozen cars

A "100 percent electric" commuter bus owned and operated by Google has lost power while in transit, smashing into multiple cars on a San Francisco street.

The incident occurred on Monday, Nov. 6. on Castro and 20th in the Eureka Valley neighborhood, at around 8:45 a.m. The Google bus reportedly lost power while navigating the steep incline of Castro Street's hill. This caused the bus to roll backward, colliding with several cars.

Resident Xian Ke initially reported the incident and posted about it on the social media platform X. "Some local journalists need to be on this," he wrote. "A Google bus lost its power while going up the hill and roll back and hit nine cars this morning outside of my place [in the Castro District]."

San Francisco residents also took to social media to report on the incident, with several complaining about how the police shut down Castro Street because of the crash and other eyewitnesses confirming that "a tech bus plowed down the hill backward through a bunch of traffic."

Reports received from eyewitnesses by the San Francisco Municipal Transport Agency (SFMTA) also suggest that the Google electric bus's brakes failed, leading to the crashes.


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5e80f1 No.105945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887986 (091845ZNOV23) Notable: Biden’s police state unleashes hellish draconian spectacle against J6 participant…

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Biden’s police state unleashes hellish draconian spectacle against J6 participant…

November 9, 2023 (14 hours ago)

In the regime’s relentless campaign to cast MAGA supporters as “domestic terrorists,” our new police state has staged quite a hellish show. They’ve deployed a terrorism task force, including helicopters and armed SWAT teams to pursue a January 6th participant with the same zeal one would expect in the hunt for the head of a known terror group like Hamas. Except that would be unlikely, since the left actually supports Hamas.

NBC News:

Police and SWAT team members continued their search of a section of sprawling New Jersey woods for a man wanted on charges related to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

The search for the man, identified as Gregory Yetman, was ongoing near the Middlesex County town of Helmetta, according to the FBI. Tactical teams could be seen in the backyard of homes, as Chopper 4 showed law enforcement searching one property and a shed. The heavily armed teams set off flashbang grenades as part of the search, with the loud bangs echoing throughout the neighborhood.

It was not immediately clear what specific charges Yetman was facing, or how long police had been looking for him, but they confirmed that no arrest had been made as of Wednesday evening. Law enforcement intended to stay in the area until he was caught.

When FBI agents went to approach a house Wednesday morning near Helmetta to try to make the arrest, Yetman apparently saw them coming and ran away, a senior law enforcement official told NBC New York.

Yetman served as a sergeant in the New Jersey National Guard until March 2022.

This over-the-top display shines a light on the left’s “police state” aspirations. Honestly, we’re not that different from North Korea or China in these moments, except our propaganda game is a lot stronger.

FBI & Joint Terrorism Task Force Agents w/ Armored SWAT Trucks Are Searching for a J6 Protestor in Helmetta, New Jersey

“Officials say Yetman ran from his house, hopping a fence Wednesday morning when he was being served a warrant for his alleged participation in the storming of the Capitol”

More than 780 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the protest.

Many Americans are watching these developments with growing concern, viewing these “joint operations” as a rehearsal for what’s to come. With MAGA supporters already labeled as extremists and nationalists dubbed as top-tier terrorists, the scene unfolding before us could well be a preview of what they have in store for all dissenting voices.

(This has gotten very old, when will the full “Storm” arrive and rap this up?)


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5e80f1 No.105946

File: fb2647cea288f0d⋯.png (99.52 KB,1280x576,20:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19887989 (091845ZNOV23) Notable: Eating Insects Damages Organs

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==Eating Insects Damages Organs-

A 2017 study on chitin in insects says it “stimulates the human innate immune system to generate a flood of inflammatory cytokines that damage organs (leading to asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.) and in persistent situations lead to death (multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), cancer, etc.).”

Even beer has been poisoned. In 2016, the Munich Environmental Institute examined the 14 most popular beer brands for Glyphosate. It was detected in all of them. In the most extreme case, it was 300 times the legal limit for drinking water. The lowest concentration was found in the Augustiner Helles brand and even that at 0.46 micrograms of per liter was more than four times the 0.1 microgram legal limit for water.

Sauce: Epoch Times Documentary :The Global War on Farmers and the Push to Eat The Bugs.


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5e80f1 No.105947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888010 (091849ZNOV23) Notable: Policy Panel: Monetary Policy Challenges in a Global Economy - 24th Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference

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November 9, 2023

2:00 PM EST

Policy Panel: Monetary Policy Challenges in a Global Economy - 24th Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference

International Monetary Fund of the United Nations (IMF)




Federal Reserve Chair & Others at International Monetary Fund Conference

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and others discuss monetary policy and global economic challenges at the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) annual conference.


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5e80f1 No.105948

File: 1965895c7aebfc0⋯.png (304.26 KB,600x542,300:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888023 (091852ZNOV23) Notable: Recent statements by Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu definitively confirm that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said

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Recent statements by Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu definitively confirm that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement:



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5e80f1 No.105949

File: c063893d28045e3⋯.png (83.15 KB,685x644,685:644,Clipboard.png)

File: 3439c91ea9dac35⋯.png (37.82 KB,681x328,681:328,Clipboard.png)

File: 390fb0e554a2a4c⋯.png (48.35 KB,669x398,669:398,Clipboard.png)


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The U.S. intelligence community is facing calls to reform the spying tool known as 702, which is set to expire at the end of the year.

DURING A SENATE briefing last week, a federal counterterrorism official cited the October 7 Hamas attack while urging Congress to reauthorize a sprawling and controversial surveillance program repeatedly used to spy on U.S. citizens on U.S. soil.

“As evidenced by the events of the past month, the terrorist threat landscape is highly dynamic and our country must preserve [counterterrorism] fundamentals to ensure constant vigilance,” said Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Christine Abizaid to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, after making repeat references to Hamas’s attack on Israel.

She pointed to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which enables the U.S. government to gather vast amounts of intelligence — including about U.S. citizens — under the broad category of foreign intelligence information, without first seeking a warrant.

Section 702 “provides key indications and warning on terrorist plans and intentions, supports international terrorist disruptions, enables critical intelligence support to, for instance, border security, and gives us strategic insight into foreign terrorists and their networks overseas,” Abizaid said. “I respectfully urge Congress to reauthorize this vital authority.”

The controversial program is set to expire at the end of the year, and lawmakers sympathetic to the intelligence community are scrambling to protect it, as some members of Congress like Sen. Ron Wyden push for reforms that restrain the government’s surveillance abilities. According to Rep. Jim Himes, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, plans are underway to prepare a stopgap measure to preserve Section 702 of FISA as a long-term reauthorization containing reforms is hammered out.


Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It

Mehdi Hasan, Dina Sayedahmed

Cruise Knew Its Self-Driving Cars Had Problems Recognizing Children — and Kept Them on the Streets

Sam Biddle

Counterterror Director Used Hamas Attack to Justify Mass Surveillance Program Renewal

Daniel Boguslaw

Sean Vitka, senior policy counsel at the civil liberties group Demand Progress, told The Intercept that now is the time to enact lasting and dramatic oversight of the 702 authority. “The government has completely failed to demonstrate that any of the privacy protections reformers have called for would impair national security, all while surveillance hawks in Congress have suffered a series of setbacks, so now we’re seeing people grasping at straws trying to turn everything into an excuse for reauthorization,” Vitka said.


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5e80f1 No.105950

File: bfbe517c70e1d10⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888065 (091858ZNOV23) Notable: “100% Electric” Google bus LOSES POWER while climbing San Francisco hill, plows into nearly a dozen cars

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5e80f1 No.105951

File: d8dda496b4c8be5⋯.png (43.6 KB,745x300,149:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888104 (091904ZNOV23) Notable: "Enough Is Enough": Widower Sues Hospital for Withholding Ivermectin, Claims Wrongful Death

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"Enough Is Enough": Widower Sues Hospital for Withholding Ivermectin, Claims Wrongful Death

Scott Mantel, whose wife Deborah Bucko died at Mount Sinai Hospital on May 16, 2021 from complications related to Covid-19, filed the lawsuit in September. He contends that the hospital refused to administer ivermectin, which was prescribed by her doctor. Mantell claims that the refusal contributed to her death.

According to the lawsuit, Mantel "researched possible alternative treatments, and he read several news stories about patients with severe COVID-19 illness who had been treated successfully with ivermectin."

Despite her condition initially improving after she received the drug under a court order, the hospital's subsequent decision to stop the treatment led to a rapid decline in her health, according to the complaint.

"While she was being treated with the ivermectin and immediately afterwards, Ms. Bucko’s respiratory and cardiovascular functions showed significant improvement and she required significantly less oxygen, vasopressors, and ventilator support, which was clearly demonstrated in her medical records," reads the suit. "As a result of the ivermectin, Ms. Bucko was on her way to recovery."

Mantel’s lawsuit seeks not only compensation for himself and his two children but also punitive damages against the hospital. The claim is that Mount Sinai's withholding of ivermectin after it had been prescribed constituted a breach of standard medical care, the Epoch Times reports.

Mantel's lawyer, Steven Warshawsky, says that the hospital's refusal to comply with the court-ordered treatment, particularly given the patient’s initial improvement, was against the patient's best interests and the integrity of the doctor-patient relationship.

"Early on during the pandemic there were a lot of early legal actions seeking court orders requiring hospitals and doctors to treat patients with ivermectin, but here you have a situation where orders were issued and the hospital did not fully comply with them despite [the] patient showing progress of ivermectin," he said.

The controversy around the use of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 has been a contentious issue within the medical community. Despite this, a lawyer for the FDA confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in August 2023 that doctors are legally permitted to prescribe ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.

"FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID," said Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in a statement to the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, who supports the use of ivermectin, has criticized pharmacists who refuse to fill such prescriptions, arguing that this oversteps their authority and impacts patient care.


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5e80f1 No.105952

File: d6569ce15a020c8⋯.png (130.12 KB,1240x844,310:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a93083948a9b3d⋯.png (161.21 KB,921x800,921:800,Clipboard.png)

File: b2bd5830880624b⋯.png (388.27 KB,1235x825,247:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bdda98cc5e5e0c⋯.png (651.86 KB,943x760,943:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888109 (091905ZNOV23) Notable: @Kash Gotta make the switch to the only Based cell phone provider now

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Kash Patel


Gotta make the switch to the only Based cell phone provider now:

@patriotmobileus code KASH





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5e80f1 No.105953

File: 50a53c20010e63f⋯.png (183.22 KB,947x578,947:578,Clipboard.png)

File: da56d8bafcddf8d⋯.png (470.35 KB,1225x942,1225:942,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888121 (091908ZNOV23) Notable: Judicial Watch received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the DHS that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)...

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Judicial Watch


BREAKING:Judicial Watch received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the DHS that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of DHS, communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which was created to flag online election content for censorship and suppression.



Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress…

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security…

Nov 09, 2023, 2:00 PM


Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of DHS, communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which was created to flag online election content for censorship and suppression.

The records show that Twitter participated in discussions with the Cybersecurity Agency and EIP through the software system Jira, contrary to what former Twitter head of trust and safety Yoel Roth claimed in congressional testimony.

The CISA records show government involvement in the EIP pressure on Google, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit and other platforms to censor “disinformation.”

Judicial Watch obtained the records in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after DHS failed to respond to an October 5, 2022, request (Judicial Watch Inc. vs. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:22-cv-03560 )). Judicial Watch asked for:

1. All records of communication between the CISA and the EIP. This includes all “tickets” or notifications to the Partnership regarding election-related disinformation on any social media platform.

2. All records regarding the July 9, 2020, meeting between DHS officials and representatives of the EIP.

3. All records of communication between the CISA and the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public and/or Stanford University’s Internet Observatory regarding any of the following:

The Election Integrity Partnership

The 2020 U.S. election

Online misinformation and disinformation

Any social media platform

The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) was created in July 2020, just before the presidential election. According to Just the News:

The consortium is comprised of four member organizations: Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and social media analytics firm Graphika. It set up a concierge-like service in 2020 that allowed federal agencies like Homeland’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and State’s Global Engagement Center to file “tickets” requesting that online story links and social media posts be censored or flagged by Big Tech.

Three liberal groups — the Democratic National Committee, Common Cause and the NAACP — were also empowered like the federal agencies to file tickets seeking censorship of content. A Homeland-funded collaboration, the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center, also had access.

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5e80f1 No.105954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888129 (091909ZNOV23) Notable: Judicial Watch received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the DHS that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)...

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An October 6, 2020, email is sent via the Jira platform from an Election Integrity Partnership official whose name is redacted, (jira@2020partnership.atlassian.net), to a redacted CISA recipient. The bottom of email states: “This is shared with EI-ISAC (Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center) and CIS Misinformation Reporting” and “Powered by Jira Service Desk.”

An October 7, 2020, email from an EIP official whose name is redacted to a redacted CISA recipient signals the EIP’s partnership with the Center for Internet Security (CIS), a nonprofit funded by DHS, and the Democratic National Committee (DNC):

Hello CIS Partners: given that there is a caveat on the top right hand side that says ‘as of 9/17’, and the caveat at the bottom that says some states might allow later registration, and since the deadlines are changing to a later date, the EIP does not view this as misinformation and it would not violate platform policies. Our DNC partners are shared onto this ticket so they are aware of potential confusion.

An October 8, 2020, email from an official whose name is redacted from the Center for Internet Security (CIS), to a redacted recipient under the subject “EIP-334 Case #CIS-MIS000034: Misinformation tweet regarding voting registration deadline in Wisconsin” states: “Twitter received.”

The bottom of email states: “This is shared with EI-ISAC (Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center) Twitter and CIS Misinformation Reporting” and “Powered by Jira Service Desk.”

Twitter also received information from CISA in October 2020. An email sent by the Center for Internet Security Misinformation Reporting with the subject line “EIP-369 Case #CIS-MIS000041: Twitter misinformation regarding ballots dumped on highway in CT” states that person from CISA whose name is redacted “forwarded [the] misinformation report to Twitter.”

In an October 13, 2020, email chain, a redacted official from the Center for Internet Security (CIS) asks an individual who worked simultaneously for both CISA and Stanford University and whose name is redacted: “do you have a preference for which email address I should use?” The Stanford-affiliated individual replies: “Yes – preference for this Stanford one as I am loading off my CISA work as we ramp up EIP!”

An October 13, 2020, email from the Center for Internet Security Misinformation Reporting to a redacted recipient via the Jira platform has the subject line “EIP-360 Case #CIS-MIS000037: Misinformation tweet that Russians are stealing mailboxes.” CIS forwards CISA information about Twitter:

CIS Misinformation Reporting commented:

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5e80f1 No.105955

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888131 (091909ZNOV23) Notable: Judicial Watch received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the DHS that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)...

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From [redacted] (Analyst, Countering Foreign Influence Task Force National Risk Management Center) [which was part of CISA, now known as the Mis-, Dis-, and Malinformation (MDM) Team]

“FYSA [for your situational awareness], this has been sent to Twitter.”

The election official was also included in the email.

A November 5, 2020, email, sent two days after the elections, shows that Matthew Masterson, then- senior cybersecurity adviser at CISA, and Brian Scully, who is head of the Mis-, Dis-, Malinformation (MDM) branch, were contacted by EIP Partners at Stanford University (Stanford Internet Observatory). A redacted Stanford official writes to Masterson and Scully, “A bat signal we sent up last night finally made its way to [redacted] they took care of it.

An October 8, 2020, email from a redacted EIP official via Jira Service Desk to a recipient whose name is also redacted states: “Thank you very much for your tip to the Election Integrity Partnership. We have just assigned an analyst to this ticket and it is under review.”

An October 6, 2020, email shows that EIP pulled information from Democracy Works to determine what is or isn’t misinformation (Democracy Works “collaborates with election officials, leading tech platforms … to drive voter access and participation.” It is funded by leftists.): “We’ve replaced the voter information in-app with links to the secretary of state websites while we try and understand the gaps in either our underlying source or our process to put the data into the app. (We originally pulled it from Democracy Works.)”

“The documents show that the Deep State was working hand-in-glove with social media companies to censor speech.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “That it took a federal lawsuit to uncover this assault on the First Amendment speaks volumes about the Biden administration’s contempt for the rule of law.”

The House Judiciary Committee recently released a report detailing “how the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Global Engagement Center (GEC, within the State Department) coordinated with Stanford University and other entities to create the Election Integrity Partnership to censor Americans’ speech in the lead-up to the 2020 election.” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton is listed as a target of this censorship operation.

Judicial Watch has produced a four-part documentary, “Censored and Controlled,” that details the coordinated effort by the FBI and other government agencies and Big Tech to censor and suppress information on topics such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, Covid-19, and election debates.

Judicial Watch has been in the forefront of uncovering government efforts to censor free speech and suppress opposition to its unconstitutional actions, including the U.S. Government’s dissemination of its own disinformation.

In October 2023, Judicial Watch sued the Department of Justice (DOJ) for records of any payments made by the FBI to Twitter (now known as X). The payments were disclosed in internal Twitter documents (the “Twitter Files”) made available by Elon Musk to journalists.

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5e80f1 No.105956

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888133 (091909ZNOV23) Notable: Judicial Watch received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the DHS that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)...

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Also in October, Judicial Watch sued the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) for records concerning censorship of social media users.

In April 2023, Judicial Watch filed two lawsuits against the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal agencies for communications between the agencies and Facebook and Twitter regarding the government’s involvement in content moderation and censorship on the social media platforms.

In a separate lawsuit file in June 2023, Judicial Watch sued DHS for all records of communications tied to the Election Integrity Partnership. Based on representations from the EIP (see here and here), the federal government, social media companies, the EIP, the Center for Internet Security (a non-profit organization funded partly by DHS and the Defense Department) and numerous other leftist groups communicated privately via the Jira software platform developed by Atlassian.

In February 2023, Judicial Watch sued the U.S. Department Homeland Security (DHS) for records showing cooperation between the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) and social media platforms to censor and suppress free speech.

Judicial Watch in January 2023 sued the DOJ for records of communications between the FBI and social media sites regarding foreign influence in elections, as well as the Hunter Biden laptop story.

In September 2022, Judicial Watch sued the Secretary of State of the State of California for having YouTube censor a Judicial Watch election integrity video.

In May 2022, YouTube censored a Judicial Watch video about Biden corruption and election integrity issues in the 2020 election. The video, titled “Impeach? Biden Corruption Threatens National Security,” was falsely determined to be “election misinformation” and removed by YouTube, and Judicial Watch’s YouTube account was suspended for a week. The video featured an interview of Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. Judicial Watch continues to post its video content on its Rumble channel (https://rumble.com/vz7aof-fitton-impeach-biden-corruption-threatens-national-security.html).

In July 2021, Judicial Watch uncovered records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which revealed that Facebook coordinated closely with the CDC to control the Covid narrative and “misinformation” and that over $3.5 million in free advertising given to the CDC by social media companies.

In May 2021, Judicial Watch revealed documents showing that Iowa state officials pressured social media companies Twitter and Facebook to censor posts about the 2020 election.

In April 2021, Judicial Watch published documents revealing how California state officials pressured social media companies (Twitter, Facebook, Google (YouTube)) to censor posts about the 2020 election.



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5e80f1 No.105957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888145 (091910ZNOV23) Notable: resident delivers remarks highlighting his commitment to delivering for working families and creating good-paying union jobs

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Mr. Biden: China is determined to dominate the electric vehicle market by using unfair trade practices. I will not let them.

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5e80f1 No.105958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888162 (091914ZNOV23) Notable: Syrian updates

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Warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out two waves of airstrikes against ISIS hideouts between al-Sukhnah and Resafa in response to the attack and to support of the operation. The SOHR reported that at least seven terrorists were killed in the airstrikes.

The al-Sukhnah-Resafa attack was one of the largest and deadliest offensive operations by ISIS cells in central Syria this year.

The attack came amid an unprecedented Israeli attack on the Palestinian Gaza Strip and a regional confrontation between Iranian-backed forces and the United States. This raises some serious questions about the affiliation of ISIS, especially its cells in central Syria. Officials from Syria and Russia warned on several occasions earlier this year and before that the terrorists were being trained and armed by the U.S.



Late on November 8, a series of Israeli strikes hit military positions in Syria’s southern region, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency.

“at approximately 10:50 p.m. [local time, 7:50 p.m. GMT], the Israeli adversary carried out an aerial assault from Lebanon’s Baalbek, delivering strikes on several military facilities in southern regions [of Syria],” a Syrian military official said in a statement to the state-run news agency.



“This precision self-defense strike is a response to a series of attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by IRGC-Quds Force affiliates,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement. “The President has no higher priority than the safety of U.S. personnel, and he directed today’s action to make clear that the United States will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests.”

“This precision self-defense strike is a response to a series of attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by IRGC-Quds Force affiliates,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement. “The President has no higher priority than the safety of U.S. personnel, and he directed today’s action to make clear that the United States will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests.”


ISIS Israel and USDS all fighting on the same side???

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5e80f1 No.105959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888172 (091916ZNOV23) Notable: resident delivers remarks highlighting his commitment to delivering for working families and creating good-paying union jobs

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Mr. Biden: My predecessor went to a non-union shop and attacked me.

[because President Trump does not place union workers over all others, unlike Crooked Joe]

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5e80f1 No.105960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888183 (091918ZNOV23) Notable: resident delivers remarks highlighting his commitment to delivering for working families and creating good-paying union jobs

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Mr. Biden: Our economy has made strong gains since I came to office.

[massive gains in inflation and cost of living]

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5e80f1 No.105961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888213 (091922ZNOV23) Notable: resident delivers remarks highlighting his commitment to delivering for working families and creating good-paying union jobs

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Biden wearing a local union shirt with the black lives matter fist on the back.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.105962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888257 (091928ZNOV23) Notable: #24419

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#24419 >>105910

>>105917, >>105919, >>105927 PF Eyez On Skyz

>>105911 Conference on Israel-Hamas Conflict

>>105912, >>105916, >>105922 Sauce on Blue Air Training

>>105913 WH Live AF1 Presser

>>105914 War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths to Secure EUA

>>105918, >>105921 Longbridge launched "US Overnight Trading", enabling 24-hour trading of US stocks

>>105920 Steve Bannon: "The Sharia-Supremacist Movement" Has Surfaced At Home, Tiktok The Weapon

>>105923 Fired Softbank workers accused of defrauding investors

>>105924 Department Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel

>>105925 Ukrainian drone drops cluster bombs on Russian town

>>105926 Pelosi's Capitol Police Chief CAUGHT on Camera Now Faces PERJURY Allegations

>>105928, >>105929 Tony Cox: US senator speaks painful truth on Ukraine and Israel aid

>>105930 Israel Agrees To 4-hour Daily Humanitarian Pauses In Gaza: White House

>>105931 White House Aides "Simply Cannot Stomach" Biden's Israel Policy, Dissent Memos Leak, Revolt At State Dept

>>105932, >>105957, >>105959, >>105960, >>105961 resident delivers remarks highlighting his commitment to delivering for working families and creating good-paying union jobs

>>105933 Catholic Church Allows Trannies To Be Baptized

>>105934 Japanese Funds Buy Most US Debt in Half Year, Pressuring Yen

>>105935 Gov Watchdog Discovers Massive Spending Reporting Discrepancies In Biden Admin

>>105936 Vivek Ramaswamy was cut off after he called out Kristen Welker and NBC on live TV for rigging elections against Trump.

>>105937, >>105938 Nashville’s Diversity-Obsessed Black Police Chief Hid Trans Shooter’s Anti-White Manifesto

>>105939 President Trump posted a campaign video today on Instagram that included footage of Barack Obama, Big Mike, Bill and Hillary Clinton after they received their mysterious envelopes at George H. W. Bush’s funeral! 🍿

>>105940 Man accused of hammer attack against Nancy Pelosi’s husband goes on trial in San Francisco/Q# 2464 One of today's Deltas!!

>>105941 "President Trump"

>>105942 just don't call 'em 'deathpanels'

>>105943 Trump fraud trial live updates: Judge to take defense's request to end trial early 'under advisement'

>>105944, >>105950 “100% Electric” Google bus LOSES POWER while climbing San Francisco hill, plows into nearly a dozen cars

>>105945 Biden’s police state unleashes hellish draconian spectacle against J6 participant…

>>105946 Eating Insects Damages Organs

>>105947 Policy Panel: Monetary Policy Challenges in a Global Economy - 24th Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference

>>105948 Recent statements by Israel’s Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu definitively confirm that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said


>>105951 "Enough Is Enough": Widower Sues Hospital for Withholding Ivermectin, Claims Wrongful Death

>>105952 @Kash Gotta make the switch to the only Based cell phone provider now

>>105953, >>105954, >>105955, >>105956 Judicial Watch received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the DHS that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)...

>>105958 Syrian updates


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5e80f1 No.105963

File: 3e7834e315efe62⋯.png (379.56 KB,581x499,581:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 2899f3065877995⋯.jpeg (75.99 KB,474x456,79:76,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a8035d1696dc89b⋯.png (54.31 KB,311x162,311:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888282 (091931ZNOV23) Notable: #24420

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Baker taps

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5e80f1 No.105964

File: 7ba4e7dc70623ca⋯.png (476.91 KB,775x748,775:748,Clipboard.png)

File: db818301c38738b⋯.png (400.34 KB,903x715,903:715,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d5c05b045cdd86⋯.png (101.25 KB,768x410,384:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888307 (091937ZNOV23) Notable: Scavino: Here comes the sun

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Dan Scavino



Nov 09, 2023, 7:38 AM


Here comes the sun



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5e80f1 No.105965

File: aaf9fc867d2952a⋯.png (69.86 KB,383x714,383:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888309 (091938ZNOV23) Notable: Scavino: Here comes the sun

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Dan Scavino



Nov 09, 2023, 7:38 AM


Here comes the sun



52 post(s) found containing "sun".

control f 911 1/7

Q 2663

Jan 07, 2019 12:24:44 AM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 82bacc No. 4639875


Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency?

'Covert funding?

Animals > Humans

Humans 1988

71% avg success rate.

Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ].

Mental institutions & therapists > 'program-specialists'…..

Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ]



WIA military personnel targets of the program?


Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick)

Something out of a movie?


The hole is deep.


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5e80f1 No.105966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888311 (091939ZNOV23) Notable: Damage to buildings and cars Oct 7 is not consistent with the light arms carried by the Hamas attackers

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Damage to buildings and cars Oct 7 is not consistent with the light arms carried by the Hamas attackers. Clearly the IDF response was responsible for many of the Jewish dead.

"Israel's military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been "burned alive" were actually killed by friendly fire?

"Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen.

Tuval Escapa, a member of the security team for Kibbutz Be'eri, set up a hotline to coordinate between kibbutz residents and the Israeli army. He told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that as desperation began to set in, "the commanders in the field made difficult decisions - including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages."


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5e80f1 No.105967

File: 6e9eab176cba76d⋯.png (250.5 KB,582x589,582:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888313 (091939ZNOV23) Notable: CDC: A new CDC study finds school vaccination rates among kindergartners are still below pre-pandemic levels

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A new CDC study finds vaccination rates among kindergartners are still below pre-pandemic levels, while vaccination exemptions increased. It’s important that all children are up to date on vaccinations before entering kindergarten to prevent outbreaks.


1:10 PM · Nov 9, 2023


Coverage with Selected Vaccines and Exemption from School Vaccine Requirements Among Children in Kindergarten — United States, 2022–23 School Year

Weekly / November 10, 2023 / 72(45);1217–1224


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5e80f1 No.105968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888315 (091940ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Protest in Madrid against socialism and Prime Minister SanchezM

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LIVE: Protest in Madrid against socialism and Prime Minister Sanchez

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5e80f1 No.105969

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888321 (091942ZNOV23) Notable: Yale Professor Natasha Sarin “She Has the Credibility of Michael Avenatti!” - Sen. Kennedy GRILLS Witness

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Bongino Report


“She Has the Credibility of Michael Avenatti!” - Sen. Kennedy GRILLS Witness


Yale Professor Natasha Sarin “She Has the Credibility of Michael Avenatti!” - Sen. Kennedy GRILLS Witness




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5e80f1 No.105970

File: 114473dd46ff1ea⋯.png (262.36 KB,640x678,320:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888326 (091943ZNOV23) Notable: BRAZIL: Parents of unvaccinated children will be denied welfare benefits

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BRAZIL - The Health Ministry has now announced that the COVID19 vaccine will be added to the mandatory annual Immunisation Program for children & babies. Parents of unvaccinated children will be denied welfare benefits.

In an unprecedented move, Brazil’s Ministry of Health has announced the integration of the COVID-19 vaccine into the National Immunization Program (PNI), making the jab compulsory for children aged 6 months to 5 years starting in 2024. This mandate, echoing the World Health Organization’s guidelines, underpins Brazil’s sustained efforts to control the pandemic and safeguard its citizens.

Shielding the Young and Vulnerable

The compulsory vaccination for young children showcases the government’s resolve to prevent virus transmission in this age group, known to be asymptomatic carriers of the virus. By ensuring a high level of vaccination coverage, Brazil is clamping down on the invisible conduits of the deadly virus.

Beyond children, the yearly vaccination schedule will also include high-risk groups such as the elderly, pregnant women, healthcare workers, and individuals with permanent disabilities. This move recognizes these groups’ vulnerability to severe disease, aiming to prevent complications and lessen the burden on the healthcare system.

Staying A Step Ahead Of The Virus

The COVID-19 vaccine will be revised and updated annually, akin to the influenza vaccine’s approach. This strategy is grounded in the understanding that the virus’s mutable nature necessitates periodic adjustments to the vaccine to preserve its efficacy. By adopting this dynamic approach, Brazil aspires to stay ahead of the virus and protect its population from emerging variants.

Enforcing Compliance Through Legal Recourse

Non-compliance with the vaccination mandate could invite legal consequences, including fines and potential loss of social benefits. This stringent enforcement aims to ensure high vaccination coverage and effectively control the virus’s spread, signaling a robust commitment to public health.

Brazil’s decision to make the COVID-19 vaccine compulsory, revise it annually, and enforce compliance underscores the nation’s determination to control the virus’s spread. This proactive approach aligns with the World Health Organization’s recommendations, reflecting Brazil’s unwavering commitment to public health and the well-being of its citizens.


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5e80f1 No.105971

File: a3a0a6cc32821ae⋯.png (317.57 KB,537x606,179:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888335 (091944ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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yalnız kurt



The US is moving military forces to the Middle East on an unprecedented scale

Evergreen Intel reports unprecedented deployment of US military forces. Airplanes, armored vehicles and military personnel come to the fore.

This scale is comparable only to the invasion of Iraq twenty years ago. In addition, for the first time since 1945, more than 50 warships from 11 NATO countries appeared in the Mediterranean and Red Seas.


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5e80f1 No.105972

File: b363f4a45bd51ae⋯.png (807.74 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: f8b75bcfd675257⋯.png (827.15 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: faf5d674f4a8b58⋯.png (647.79 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888347 (091947ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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I always feel like somebody's watching me

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5e80f1 No.105973

File: 4ed05b90caf6be9⋯.mp4 (4.75 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888354 (091948ZNOV23) Notable: Manchin OUT: My statement on my political future

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Senator Joe Manchin


To the West Virginians who have put their trust in me and fought side by side to make our state better – it has been an honor of my life to serve you. Thank you. My statement on my political future:

2:32 PM · Nov 9, 2023


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5e80f1 No.105974

File: 635b2fa1c0f2c8f⋯.jpeg (640.89 KB,1170x1314,65:73,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888363 (091950ZNOV23) Notable: HRC thinking about suing Trump, FOX and Repubs for defamation

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5e80f1 No.105975

File: b117656e3893bcb⋯.png (253.45 KB,537x472,537:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888380 (091952ZNOV23) Notable: PF

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>>Evergreen Intel


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5e80f1 No.105976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888386 (091954ZNOV23) Notable: Marsha Blackburn Announces Subpoena For Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Logs

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BREAKING NEWS: Marsha Blackburn Announces Subpoena For Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Logs

Nov 9, 2023

At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) excoriated Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) over his attempts to investigate Supreme Court ethics issues, and announced a slate of subpoenas in response.

Forbes Breaking News


Skip to 2:47

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5e80f1 No.105977

File: d9db4239b29d017⋯.jpeg (193.41 KB,780x438,130:73,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888405 (091957ZNOV23) Notable: re eating bugs: Chitin or Chitin-like Glycans as Targets for Late-term Cancer Chemoprevention

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>>105946 (LB)

>Eating Insects Damages Organ

Lot Moar to Know B4 u Eat Bugs…

Chitin or Chitin-like Glycans as Targets for Late-term Cancer Chemoprevention

A consistent observation in studies of carcinogenesis is that some glycans are expressed differently in cancer cells than in normal cells. A well-known example is the aberrant β1-6 N-acetyl-D-glucosamine branching associated with metastasis and poor prognosis in many cancers. This commentary proposes that, although not found in normal mammalian cells, a chitin (β-1,4-linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine) or a chitin-like polysaccharide (e.g. hyaluronan) may exist as a cancer-associated glycan, which can be targeted by the novel pyrimidine nucleotide derivative SP-1015 (designed as a chitin synthase inhibitor). Preliminary chemoprevention data of our group showed SP-1015 in the diet can inhibit benzo(a)pyrene-induced neoplasia in the forestomach of female A/J mice, and of importance, this activity occurred at late stages in carcinogenesis. While no effect was seen in the murine lung, this may be due to the low bioavailability of the compound. A different route of administration (e.g. inhalation of an aerosol) may have potential to inhibit pulmonary carcinogenesis. We hypothesize that inhibitors of chitin or chitin-like glycan formation may be effective chemopreventive agents and suggest that further work is needed to study these novel targets for cancer prevention.


Buy Local

Buy Often

Buy Meat

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5e80f1 No.105978

File: 5d2c43fdd742504⋯.jpeg (204.55 KB,1125x666,125:74,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888417 (091959ZNOV23) Notable: oh-oh: Loomer say "if you fuck with Donald Trump, you're going to be dealing with em"

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5e80f1 No.105979

File: fb4127d686dc976⋯.png (99.6 KB,2015x568,2015:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888463 (092010ZNOV23) Notable: Manchin OUT: My statement on my political future

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Manchin out


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5e80f1 No.105980

File: 4601571cf99473e⋯.png (530.09 KB,792x529,792:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888474 (092011ZNOV23) Notable: Judge orders city to halt new electric vehicle permits

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Judge orders city to halt new electric vehicle permits

The Adams administration’s plans to transition New York’s e-hail fleets to green rides has hit a bump in the road.

open season on unicorns?

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5e80f1 No.105981

File: 849181984abe5b0⋯.jpeg (113.09 KB,1012x993,1012:993,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888496 (092015ZNOV23) Notable: OLYMPIC CHAMP SAYS BEING BORN WITH INTERNAL TESTICLES DOESN’T ‘MAKE ME LESS OF A WOMAN’

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5e80f1 No.105982

File: b880bd0c41b460c⋯.png (123.28 KB,547x651,547:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888524 (092019ZNOV23) Notable: Infanticide advocate Peter Singer now championing ‘open discussion’ on bestiality

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Infanticide advocate Peter Singer now championing ‘open discussion’ on bestiality

Ethicist Peter Singer tweeted out a paper published on October 31 with this comment: 'Another thought-provoking article is ‘Zoophilia is Morally Permissible’ by Fira Bensto (pseudonym), which is just out in the current issue of the Journal of Controversial Ideas.'

gheyness: check

beastiality: coming soon

h/t Midrash.

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5e80f1 No.105983

File: 37c4db1ad02bd2f⋯.png (716.39 KB,964x542,482:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888538 (092022ZNOV23) Notable: Students on pro-Palestine protest reveal how LITTLE they know about Gaza conflict

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'I need to be more clued up': Students on pro-Palestine protest reveal how LITTLE they know about Gaza conflict - some don't even know Hamas launched October 7 slaughter while others call the terror group 'freedom fighters', sparking dismay


Same people who got vaxxed? SHEEP

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5e80f1 No.105984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888554 (092025ZNOV23) Notable: TASS: Gaza official says Israel fires on anyone traveling through humanitarian corridor

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Gaza official says Israel fires on anyone traveling through humanitarian corridor

The spokesman for the Gaza Interior Ministry deemed Israel's statements about the safe humanitarian corridor "a complete lie"

RABAT, November 7. /TASS/. Eyad Al-Bozom, the spokesman for the Gaza Interior Ministry, has accused the Israel Defense Forces of firing on people moving through the safe passage route in the Gaza Strip, saying the attacks turned it into a death corridor.

"The occupier's (Israel's - TASS) statements about the existence of a safe humanitarian corridor [in the Gaza Strip] are a complete lie. It is a corridor of death where everyone who passes through becomes a target," he said.

According to Al-Bozom, about 900,000 people still live in the northern Gaza Strip, moving between refugee shelters, visiting relatives and friends. The number of refugee shelters in the enclave has reached 225, the spokesman said.

"Despite the occupier's massacres and its psychological warfare aimed at forcing people to leave their homes, it has failed to achieve its goals," Al-Bozom said.

The situation in the Middle East sharply escalated following an incursion of Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip into Israel on October 7. Hamas regards the attack as a response to Israeli actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel has declared a complete siege of the Gaza Strip and has started delivering strikes on that area and parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank.


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5e80f1 No.105985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888564 (092027ZNOV23) Notable: "We're Not Dying For Israel": Americans Reject New Army Ad Targeting White Men For Recruitment

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"We're Not Dying For Israel": Americans Reject New Army Ad Targeting White Men For Recruitment

The US Army dropped their commitment to "diversity, inclusion and equity" with a new ad targeting white men for recruitment but their efforts do not appear to be working.

💪 Together, we can take on any challenge.

🪂 Jump into the unlimited #ArmyPossibilities to #BeAllYouCanBe at https://t.co/H2pnYPLqaQ #MondayMotivation pic.twitter.com/N5kUAuyJ3O

— U.S. Army (@USArmy) November 6, 2023

Here's an unedited snapshot of the comments: at sauce link below.

"Not this generation, Moishe. You're not getting my sons like you got my father and I before."

"yeah we're not dying for Israel. protect the southern border."

"You recruited and promoted obese troops. They can fight your war for Israel."

"Be all you can be!*"

*For Israel wars

"Imagine joining the gay USA to die for Israel."

"Enjoy fighting wars for Tel Aviv with only MTFs and obese "refugees"."

It came out last week that the Army "suddenly and chaotically" ordered 800 soldiers to become recruiters "immediately" to try and fulfill a serious recruiting shortfall.

The Army going "woke" has clearly had a detrimental effect.

Less than 24 hours after this ad came out, the Army announced that they finished renaming all their military bases named after Confederate generals to advance Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE): see article for list.

Now they want all the white Southerners they've been demonizing and disrespecting for years to fight in Israel's wars.

Sauce: https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64112

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5e80f1 No.105986

File: ba725bca93fdcc5⋯.png (275.35 KB,606x494,303:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888568 (092028ZNOV23) Notable: Ransomware attack on ICBC disrupts trades in US Treasury market

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Live news: Ransomware attack on ICBC disrupts US Treasury market


here we go

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5e80f1 No.105987

File: f8cc5bf0fd1eebe⋯.png (265.36 KB,537x499,537:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888583 (092031ZNOV23) Notable: 2023 Veterans Day deals: Free meals and discounts at more than 60 restaurants, businesses

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2023 Veterans Day deals: Free meals and discounts at more than 60 restaurants, businesses


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5e80f1 No.105988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888588 (092032ZNOV23) Notable: Ransomware attack on ICBC disrupts trades in US Treasury market

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Ransomware attack on ICBC disrupts trades in US Treasury market

Chinese bank ‘restoring services’ after hack affected some fixed income and equities transactions

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A ransomware attack on China’s largest bank has disrupted the US Treasury market by forcing clients of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to reroute trades, market participants said on Thursday.

The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association told members on Thursday that ICBC had been hit by ransomware software, which paralyses computer systems unless a payment is made, according to several people familiar with the discussions.

The attack prevented ICBC from settling Treasury trades on behalf of other market participants, according to traders and banks. Market participants, including hedge funds, were rerouting trades because of the disruption but said the attacks’ effect on Treasury market functioning appeared to be limited.

ICBC was starting to restore services as of Thursday afternoon, according to some of the people briefed on the incident.

A source familiar with the situation said, “The firm has told people that they’re working to resolve US Treasuries transactions as soon as possible.”

A Treasury department spokesperson said: “We are aware of the cybersecurity issue and are in regular contact with key financial sector participants, in addition to federal regulators. We continue to monitor the situation.”

“This is a large party on [the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation], so [it is] certainly of major concern, and potentially impacting liquidity of US Treasuries,” said an executive at a large bank that clears US Treasuries.

ICBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Ransomware attacks have proliferated since the pandemic, in part as remote working has left businesses more vulnerable and as cyber criminal groups have become more organised.

It was, however, “extremely unusual for a bank of their size to be impacted like this”, said Allan Liska, threat intelligence analyst at Recorded Future, noting that the financial sector invests more in cybersecurity than any other industry.

Earlier on Thursday, “magic circle” law firm Allen & Overy was hit by a ransomware attack on its servers, and said it was investigating the impact and informing impacted clients.


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5e80f1 No.105989

File: 832dcc8013d1062⋯.jpg (66.3 KB,593x594,593:594,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888636 (092042ZNOV23) Notable: Twitter files extra on Homeland Security flagging us - Taibbi

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Been away a while.

How about a TWITTER FILES EXTRA as an appetizer?



New House report and previously unpublished Twitter Files show: Stanford’s Election Integrity Partnership was a front for government censorship

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5e80f1 No.105990

File: e5fd9b717e765d7⋯.jpeg (366.04 KB,1911x1272,637:424,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6eff91cea7fdcdd⋯.jpeg (213.59 KB,1769x1145,1769:1145,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888638 (092042ZNOV23) Notable: Fed Chair Jerome Powell isn't having it after being interrupted by climate protesters, tells staff "close the FUCKING door" on them

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It won’t be safe for them to walk down the street.



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5e80f1 No.105991

File: 396b83e6e3ac8c1⋯.png (140.63 KB,537x499,537:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888642 (092042ZNOV23) Notable: NY: 10 alleged Gambino crime family members and associates arrested on racketeering, extortion charges

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10 alleged Gambino crime family members and associates arrested on racketeering, extortion charges



Something BIG is happening...

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5e80f1 No.105992

File: 0a1369a13bf6ff7⋯.png (423.02 KB,553x369,553:369,Clipboard.png)

File: bd7123b10102648⋯.png (856.31 KB,807x480,269:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888652 (092043ZNOV23) Notable: Ransomware attack on ICBC disrupts trades in US Treasury market

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2nd notable


>“This is a large party on [the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation], so [it is] certainly of major concern, and potentially impacting liquidity of US Treasuries,” said an executive at a large bank that clears US Treasuries.

These tranactions can only be done by the B.I.S

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5e80f1 No.105993

File: 7e8662eb128197c⋯.png (242.52 KB,600x460,30:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fca9b41692b16d⋯.jpg (68.96 KB,556x646,278:323,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888685 (092049ZNOV23) Notable: Marsha Blackburn Announces Subpoena For Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Logs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




JUST IN - U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has filed a subpoena to obtain Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs.

Benny Johnson


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5e80f1 No.105994

File: 3b9e6e65d719f56⋯.png (22.74 KB,474x270,79:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888717 (092056ZNOV23) Notable: Ransomware attack on ICBC disrupts trades in US Treasury market

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Well the big banks Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo, and Barclays have been down since last Friday, when Direct Deposits were not working and millions of depositers couldn't get their paychecks.......

Also, major banks have closed thousands of branches this year.

and now the RothschildBIS, this is Banking Def Con 1.

Banking Collapse in 4,3,2,.......

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5e80f1 No.105995

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888744 (092102ZNOV23) Notable: Ransomware attack on ICBC disrupts trades in US Treasury market

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


anon is watching the closely

have now plugged into their language and sites.Think this anon is now a specialist in all things b.i.s...

From their view, the interest rate will stay at this level until they bring in Supply side Reform basically rationing and scarcity.

plus the green finance. which is chinese social credit system on a global scale.

They are not backing off!!





Note: If it is too fast, pause the video so you can read what is on the screen.

sources below. All below is from primary sources like the B.I.S home site, I.M.F plus research and saved archives from 8kun and the anons on Qresearch.






First published at 01:30 UTC on September 20th, 2023.




5) Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30



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5e80f1 No.105996

File: 9bcd5c0592f7e5a⋯.png (65.17 KB,930x502,465:251,Clipboard.png)

File: 35f89b653103398⋯.png (49.9 KB,930x395,186:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 831b20d86756e4a⋯.png (33.52 KB,930x314,465:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888770 (092107ZNOV23) Notable: Election Polls - realclearpolitics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1) Trump vs. Biden


2) Desantis vs. Biden


3) Haley vs. Biden


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5e80f1 No.105997

File: 92e49da8f4784dd⋯.jpeg (1011.71 KB,1234x5270,617:2635,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888781 (092110ZNOV23) Notable: More footage of IOF helicopters firing on unidentified cars

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fiorella Isabel


More footage of IOF helicopters firing on unidentified cars:

“The Apache pilots testify that they fired a huge amount of munitions, emptied the ‘belly of the helicopter’ in minutes, flew to re-arm and returned to the air, again and again. But it didn’t help and they understand it,” Mako reported.

The Apache helicopters appear to have focused on vehicles streaming back into Gaza from the Nova electronic music festival and nearby kibbutzes, attacked cars with apparent knowledge that Israeli captives could be inside.

They also fired on unarmed people exiting cars or walking on foot through the fields on the periphery of Gaza.

One Apache pilot reflected on the tortuous dilemma of whether to shoot at people and cars returning to Gaza. He knew that many of those vehicles may have contained Israeli captives. But he chose to open fire anyway.

“I choose targets like that,” the pilot reflected, “where I tell myself that the chance that I am shooting here on hostages as well is low.”

However, he admitted that his judgment “was not 100%."



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5e80f1 No.105998

File: 86df79f660dc246⋯.png (40.76 KB,899x372,29:12,Clipboard.png)

File: 12a3d8864590de6⋯.png (360.58 KB,598x560,299:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 69812d5d0ee4f33⋯.mp4 (13.38 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888806 (092114ZNOV23) Notable: MTG: I just filed privileged Articles of Impeachment on Secretary Mayorkas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: I just filed privileged Articles of Impeachment on Secretary Mayorkas.

Yesterday, two Americans from my district in Dalton, GA were killed in a high-speed head-on collision at the hands of human traffickers smuggling illegal aliens into this country.

They had 5 kids who will never get to say goodbye.

The utter disregard for American life displayed by Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas can no longer be ignored. The time for more hearings and phases is over.

Americans are getting murdered just traveling to see their families.

Lives have been lost forever. Everyone should care. This is not a political issue.

That’s why I just introduced privileged Articles to IMPEACH Secretary Mayorkas.


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5e80f1 No.105999

File: 29d1924b7a546b6⋯.jpg (82.68 KB,598x602,299:301,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888824 (092119ZNOV23) Notable: Marsha Blackburn Announces Subpoena For Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Logs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🚨BREAKING: Senator Marsha Blackburn just issued subpoenas for Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita-express" flight records.

Senator Blackburn also calls for all the names to be released who rode on Epstein's private plane to Little St. James Island.



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5e80f1 No.106000

File: e1b6bb23ce16757⋯.jpg (105.91 KB,649x473,59:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19888906 (092131ZNOV23) Notable: Michigan township Green Charter votes out its entire local government over China-linked EV battery maker Gotion's plan to build a factory there

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michigan township Green Charter votes out its entire local government over China-linked EV battery maker Gotion's plan to build a factory there

In a special election on Tuesday, Green Charter Township's five incumbent board members, who are all Republicans, were voted out in favor of candidates who ran without any party affiliation.


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5e80f1 No.106001

File: 81ed88b159340e1⋯.png (341.65 KB,600x436,150:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889000 (092142ZNOV23) Notable: Multiple members of Shania Twain's crew are hospitalized after tour bus and truck CRASH in Canada

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily Mail Online



Multiple members of Shania Twain's crew are hospitalized after tour bus and truck CRASH in Canada



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5e80f1 No.106002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889026 (092145ZNOV23) Notable: #24420

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24420 >>105963

>>105964, >>105965 Scavino: Here comes the sun

>>105966 Damage to buildings and cars Oct 7 is not consistent with the light arms carried by the Hamas attackers

>>105967 CDC: A new CDC study finds school vaccination rates among kindergartners are still below pre-pandemic levels

>>105968 LIVE: Protest in Madrid against socialism and Prime Minister SanchezM

>>105969 Yale Professor Natasha Sarin “She Has the Credibility of Michael Avenatti!” - Sen. Kennedy GRILLS Witness

>>105970 BRAZIL: Parents of unvaccinated children will be denied welfare benefits

>>105971, >>105972, >>105975 PF

>>105973, >>105979 Manchin OUT: My statement on my political future

>>105974 HRC thinking about suing Trump, FOX and Repubs for defamation

>>105976, >>105993, >>105999 Marsha Blackburn Announces Subpoena For Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Logs

>>105977 re eating bugs: Chitin or Chitin-like Glycans as Targets for Late-term Cancer Chemoprevention

>>105978 oh-oh: Loomer say "if you fuck with Donald Trump, you're going to be dealing with em"

>>105984 TASS: Gaza official says Israel fires on anyone traveling through humanitarian corridor

>>105980 Judge orders city to halt new electric vehicle permits


>>105982 Infanticide advocate Peter Singer now championing ‘open discussion’ on bestiality

>>105983 Students on pro-Palestine protest reveal how LITTLE they know about Gaza conflict

>>105985 "We're Not Dying For Israel": Americans Reject New Army Ad Targeting White Men For Recruitment

>>105986 , >>105988, >>105992, >>105994, >>105995 Ransomware attack on ICBC disrupts trades in US Treasury market

>>105987 2023 Veterans Day deals: Free meals and discounts at more than 60 restaurants, businesses

>>105989 Twitter files extra on Homeland Security flagging us - Taibbi

>>105990 Fed Chair Jerome Powell isn't having it after being interrupted by climate protesters, tells staff "close the FUCKING door" on them

>>105991 NY: 10 alleged Gambino crime family members and associates arrested on racketeering, extortion charges

>>105996 Election Polls - realclearpolitics

>>105997 More footage of IOF helicopters firing on unidentified cars

>>105998 MTG: I just filed privileged Articles of Impeachment on Secretary Mayorkas

>>106000 Michigan township Green Charter votes out its entire local government over China-linked EV battery maker Gotion's plan to build a factory there

>>106001 Multiple members of Shania Twain's crew are hospitalized after tour bus and truck CRASH in Canada


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5e80f1 No.106003

File: 79b5e6830dc67ef⋯.png (135.97 KB,1109x395,1109:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889038 (092147ZNOV23) Notable: #24421

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baker requires handoff


Ty for your contributions, anons!


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5e80f1 No.106004

File: 08ba7b362aab12b⋯.png (560.12 KB,1300x899,1300:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889086 (092155ZNOV23) Notable: Common headline today, "Hunter becomes the hunted" (Q 158)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Common headline today.

Washington Times chiming in with Q marker today as well.

Earlier today I saw it was just the NY Post.


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5e80f1 No.106005

File: fc5232e87df3bd0⋯.png (218.55 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0dcb7871ef1c67b⋯.png (524.97 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889095 (092156ZNOV23) Notable: Pause in Gaza?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I am callin time out

Really ....you can do that ....seeeee


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5e80f1 No.106006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889102 (092157ZNOV23) Notable: Joe Biden Randomly Starts Absolutely Screaming During His Remarks To Auto Workers In Illinois (YT video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Biden Randomly Starts Absolutely Screaming During His Remarks To Auto Workers In Illinois


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5e80f1 No.106007

File: 5261d6088c539ad⋯.png (56.77 KB,450x844,225:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889112 (092158ZNOV23) Notable: Common headline today, "Hunter becomes the hunted" (Q 158)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The hunter...

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5e80f1 No.106008

File: b3c034d95d0135f⋯.png (330.98 KB,497x542,497:542,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ac6e5e15a6a4d4⋯.png (110.12 KB,515x490,103:98,Clipboard.png)

File: 45d09c6c9cab8a4⋯.png (212.73 KB,735x551,735:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d857f7089b47e8⋯.png (64.79 KB,726x498,121:83,Clipboard.png)

File: cf6bdf1983539c3⋯.png (320.56 KB,515x592,515:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889133 (092202ZNOV23) Notable: Helicopter Footage Sparks Debate Over Israeli Friendly Fire Incidents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Helicopter Footage Sparks Debate Over Israeli Friendly Fire Incidents

Disturbing footage from the early days of the Israel-Hamas war has become a topic of controversy over a month later, as one major Israeli newspaper strongly suggests it shows helicopter footage of Israeli forces firing indiscriminately on civilians "approximately an hour after the onset of the [Hamas] terror attack" on Oct. 7, while media fact checkers - including those dropping 'community notes' on X, insist the clip does not show the IDF firing on concertgoers - and that Israeli forces instead "mainly fired within Kibbutzim at the directive of IDF soldiers on the ground, precisely, as stated in the source, that they couldn't differentiate."

YNet's military correspondent Yoav Zitun described how the first helicopters over the scene were reliant on limited numbers of troops and security personnel on the ground, who were calling in targets to command centers utilizing cell phones and WhatsApp:

"As the pilots struggled to differentiate between terrorists and civilians, the decision was made to prioritize the immediate halt of the influx of Hamas terrorists and the potentially dangerous Gaza mobs breaching the border."

But what's clear from the now widely viewed on-the-ground Oct.7 videos which emerged almost in real time, masses of Israeli concert-goers were running, hiding, and seeking shelter in many directions. Others were whisked away on Hamas motorcycles as kidnappings ensued. But according to the report, Israeli pilots - unable to differentiate targets, unleashed heavy machine gun fire on people below, which may have included concert-goers.

In one scene from the harrowing footage - the date of which is also in dispute, a small car is seen speeding through an open field before the hovering gunship scored a direct hit on it. There's no way to know just from the footage whether it was full of Israeli civilians or Hamas fighters, or what level of confidence IDF ground sources had prior to the takedown (note: for clearer, fuller footage, go here):



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5e80f1 No.106009

File: 6227fe88d8255d2⋯.png (30.76 KB,953x181,953:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e8b707fafd522f⋯.png (75.85 KB,652x219,652:219,Clipboard.png)

File: b3accfa24f3764b⋯.png (181 KB,1357x555,1357:555,Clipboard.png)

File: 609223b0360ec0b⋯.png (74.65 KB,722x685,722:685,Clipboard.png)

File: c1716279799a206⋯.png (159.86 KB,821x956,821:956,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889135 (092203ZNOV23) Notable: >>1989636 Early digs on Cambridge area brothels

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Early dig

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5e80f1 No.106010

File: 3e6b9287759c7af⋯.png (344.3 KB,500x1237,500:1237,Clipboard.png)

File: 355e90725114bcb⋯.png (1.19 MB,944x709,944:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889148 (092205ZNOV23) Notable: B.I.S ANNUAL REPORT 2022 - 2023 PAGE 151 - SALARY AND TAXATION

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>105990 lb

powell thinks he is hot shit cos he sits on the board of the b.i.s .

this fucker is sucking the life out of the usa while playing with the globalists.

he thinks by being at the Nakatomi Plaza he is untouchable.



note: Anon has been searching the annual report for important info which is shows that those who work for the B.I.S are tax exempt and above any laws around the world. The language is confusing but it does appear that those who work for this organisation are exempt from taxation from any and all earnings from the B.I.S

remuneration package aka wages.

Board members - Total 17 members and 2 from america.

Jerome Powell (federal reserve) John C. Williams (Federal bank of New York).

They get paid in Swiss Francs CHF 1,076,924 = $1,224,103.97 United States Dollar

board meeting attendance pay CHF 992,196 = $1,127,618.85 United States Dollar

Andrew Bailey (Bank of England) CHF 1,076,924 = £961,491.75 British Pound Sterling

board meeting attendance pay CHF 992,196 = £885,845.49 British Pound Sterling

Just a further note: It would be easy for the C.I.A to install board members into the board of the B.I.S. so all positions are easily installed same as every single institution which has been proved by Blackrock. All above are tax free salary, this does not include the fact that these people also get paid for being central bankers for their own countries.



Pursuant to host country agreements or legislation, BIS staff members are generally

exempt from income tax on Bank salaries and allowances that would otherwise

be levied by the relevant host countries. However, they remain subject to tax levied

in the host countries on income from sources other than the Bank, as well as other

taxes (eg wealth or property tax). The exemption from national taxation reflects a

well established international practice for international organisations.


Board remuneration

The AGM approves the

remuneration of members of the

Board of Directors, with adjustments

taking place at regular intervals. The total

fixed annual remuneration paid to the Board was

CHF 1,076,924 as of 1 April 2023. Board members also

receive an attendance fee for each Board meeting in

which they participate. Assuming that the full Board

is represented in all Board meetings, the annual total

of these attendance fees for financial year 2022/23

amounts to CHF 992,196.

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5e80f1 No.106011

File: bc01c1b34859680⋯.png (115.75 KB,822x225,274:75,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ccc9ac8ea0c365⋯.png (83.68 KB,836x707,836:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f3bc24490b7306⋯.png (80.9 KB,794x744,397:372,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889154 (092206ZNOV23) Notable: >>1989636 Early digs on Cambridge area brothels

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not sure about the other two looks pretty amateur

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5e80f1 No.106012

File: e98c743a7c20e17⋯.png (717.55 KB,695x459,695:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889173 (092209ZNOV23) Notable: Grocery robot crushes robot inspector to death

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rest in Peace

More and more companies are deploying robots to perform tasks alongside human coworkers. And those robot-worker interactions come with their own occupational hazards.

Case in point, a robotics company employee was crushed to death by a robot in a South Korean food handling factory after it failed to tell him apart from the box of vegetables it was handling at the time, the BBC reports.

The man, who was inspecting the robot, was reportedly grabbed and pushed against a conveyor belt, with the robot crushing both his face and chest.


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5e80f1 No.106013

File: 1f11159e6fc0fe3⋯.png (44.75 KB,535x444,535:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889181 (092211ZNOV23) Notable: Comer Issues Additional Subpoenas to Hunter Biden’s Associates, Including Art Gallerist and Dem Donor Who Purchased Hunter’s Art

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comer Issues Additional Subpoenas to Hunter Biden’s Associates, Including Art Gallerist and Dem Donor Who Purchased Hunter’s Art

House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Thursday issued additional subpoenas to Hunter Biden’s associates Eric Schwerin, Hunter’s art gallerist George Berges and Elizabeth Naftali, the Democrat donor who purchased Hunter’s art.

The new subpoenas come one day after Comer subpoenaed Hunter and James Biden for in-person depositions as part of his Committee’s impeachment inquiry.

The Republican-led Committee on Oversight issued subpoenas to:

Hunter Biden’s Business Associates

◾️ Eric Schwerin

◾️ Mervyn Yan

Hunter’s Art Gallerist

◾️ George Bergès

Hunter’s Art Patron & Major Dem Donor

◾️ Elizabeth Naftali

Additionally, Chairman Comer requested a transcribed interview with a former Americore Holdings, LLC representative regarding “loans” the Bidens received.


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5e80f1 No.106014

File: 62cdf7213653cfb⋯.png (278.98 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889185 (092211ZNOV23) Notable: Masa So continues to incinerate cpital, loses another $6.2 Billion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Money dropping like a rock


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5e80f1 No.106015

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889187 (092212ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon confirms four new attacks on US forces in Iraq, Syria following airstrike

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pentagon confirms four new attacks on US forces in Iraq, Syria following airstrike

The Pentagon say U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria have faced four attacks in the hours after the U.S. carried out a retaliatory airstrike on a weapons depot in Syria.

The four new incidents bring the total for attacks on U.S. forces since October 17 to 46, the U.S. military says. Three of the attacks occurred in Syria, with two involving rockets and another being a drone attack. The attack in Iraq used drones, the Pentagon says.

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5e80f1 No.106016

File: 1ca9b63d64093a0⋯.png (394.56 KB,600x506,300:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889235 (092221ZNOV23) Notable: Wife of Gambino crime boss bursts into tears as eight of the ten arraigned mobsters are placed in custody after pleading not guilty on racketeering charges on Wednesday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily Mail Online



Wife of Gambino crime boss bursts into tears as eight of the ten arraigned mobsters are placed in custody after pleading not guilty on racketeering charges on Wednesday - after a years-long international operation to bring the alleged criminals to justice



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5e80f1 No.106017

File: ec5f631ccbdbfde⋯.png (31.67 KB,715x410,143:82,Clipboard.png)

File: b9e3086fa9f9363⋯.png (306.08 KB,598x480,299:240,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cd6ef933298acf⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889236 (092221ZNOV23) Notable: Anti-WEF: The "Leader of the Free World" is not in charge. He is not even coherent, this is dementia (mp4)

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Dementia https://twitter.com/search?q=Dementia


🔴 The "Leader of the Free World" is not in charge. He is not even coherent, this is dementia.

He is, however, a puppet of the cabal that is intentionally destroying the West.



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5e80f1 No.106018

File: a89899bd67f4dac⋯.jpeg (545.92 KB,828x956,207:239,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889268 (092227ZNOV23) Notable: >>1989636 Early digs on Cambridge area brothels

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Serious fuckin suicide weekend shit.

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5e80f1 No.106019

File: f4e03357b838310⋯.png (28.38 KB,592x164,148:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889318 (092237ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: Watch Univision Special Interview with ME, your all time favorite President, tonight at 10:00 P.M. (Eastern). Enjoy!!! (with YT link)

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Donald J. Trump


Watch Univision Special Interview with ME, your all time favorite President, tonight at 10:00 P.M. (Eastern). Enjoy!!!

Nov 09, 2023, 1:30 PM


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5e80f1 No.106020

File: c74d2f8b4c36c93⋯.png (35.51 KB,702x416,27:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889344 (092243ZNOV23) Notable: Senator Marsha Blackburn announced subpoenas for Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. This means "Suicide Weekend" is any day or week after today.

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Senator Marsha Blackburn announced subpoenas for Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. This means "Suicide Weekend" is any day or week after today.

Why? Well you have to understand the role these Sheriffs played in sustaining the Human Trafficking networks in California. They were bought off by the elites. What did I tell you all yesterday?

That all protection & Immunity was/is removed.

🚫 The bribe money? Removed.

🚫 The blackmail? Removed.

🚫 The money laundering? Removed.

I just informed you all today how ISO-20022 will reduce financial crimes to almost zero. Which is connected to SWIFT. Which is why Jamal Cougar wants it activated in Iraq.

So you will see alot of these so called suicides ramp up as these subpoenas go out.


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5e80f1 No.106021

File: 7e6eff36e6d4502⋯.png (971.41 KB,1273x714,1273:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889369 (092248ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: Watch Univision Special Interview with ME, your all time favorite President, tonight at 10:00 P.M. (Eastern). Enjoy!!! (with YT link)

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5e80f1 No.106022

File: c3b47a9661b6a0c⋯.png (238.12 KB,857x515,857:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c21cf1579b817c⋯.png (29.67 KB,549x202,549:202,Clipboard.png)

File: ef0d4845c71bbae⋯.png (111.55 KB,863x614,863:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889376 (092249ZNOV23) Notable: Relentless bombing, urban combat, countless deaths: Live Updates on Israel-Hamas war

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Relentless bombing, urban combat, countless deaths: Live Updates on Israel-Hamas war

09 November 2023

22:39 GMT

The Israeli warplanes have carried out airstrikes on multiple sites which the IDF described as “Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure” in Lebanon, including a “terrorist compound,” several “observation posts,” and “technological equipment used to terrorize Israeli civilians.” The attack came in response to launches directed toward Israeli territory, the IDF said.

22:34 GMT

US President Joe Biden has ruled out any hope of achieving a lasting ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

“None. No possibility,” Biden told reporters outside the White House on Thursday when asked about the chances of a firm cessation in hostilities. Speaking to reporters separately later in the day as he was boarding the Air Force One, the president revealed he had been pushing for a “pause” in fighting “for a lot more than three days.”

The US, however, has not managed to secure even that long of a pause from Israel, which is apparently determined to continue its war on Hamas until the militant group is completely destroyed. Thus far, Israel has only agreed to implement daily humanitarian breaks.

Read the full story here.

21:54 GMT

Both Israelis and Palestinians would need new leadership if they are to make peace with each other, Hillary Clinton said on Thursday. The former American first lady, senator, secretary of state, and 2016 presidential front-runner was speaking via video link at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore.


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5e80f1 No.106023

File: 17738a11ca3ca30⋯.jpeg (492.39 KB,1392x623,1392:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3293c41cbb29efc⋯.jpeg (84.91 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9891781bac8a401⋯.jpeg (325.76 KB,772x599,772:599,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889377 (092249ZNOV23) Notable: Planefag eyes on the skies

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RAF GOOSE51 River Joint trackin’ off Baja Norte from NAS Fallon

BACN07 E-11A GLEX aerial wi-if out of MCAS Miramar doin’ roundies


The E-11A is a modified, Bombardier Global Express 6000/BD700-1A10 business jet equipped with specialized communications relay equipment to translate between tactical comm and data links.It provides joint range extension, BLOS C2, and internet protocol-based data transfer between dissimilar systems.

E-11A was fielded to meet an urgent operational need for BLOS air-to-ground relay. The system entered combat in Afghanistan in 2008 and enables troops to overcome comm limitations in rugged terrain.


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5e80f1 No.106024

File: e45f44d45500ec0⋯.png (376.12 KB,861x617,861:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889385 (092250ZNOV23) Notable: Regime change needed in Israel and Palestine – Clinton

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Regime change needed in Israel and Palestine – Clinton

Neither Hamas nor Netanyahu can make peace, the former US presidential candidate has said

Both Israelis and Palestinians would need new leadership if they are to make peace with each other, Hillary Clinton said on Thursday.

The former American first lady, senator, secretary of state, and 2016 presidential front-runner was speaking via video link at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore.

“Hamas is not a partner for any kind of peace or two-state solution,” Clinton told Bloomberg editor-in-chief John Micklethwait. She added that peace might be achieved by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and whoever ends up in charge of Gaza after the war with Israel.

When asked about Netanyahu’s potential to negotiate a two-state solution, Clinton replied, “I don’t think there is any evidence of that. I think the Israeli people will have to decide about his leadership.”


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5e80f1 No.106025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889407 (092256ZNOV23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

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Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

Judicial Watch announced today it received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of DHS, communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which was created to flag online election content for censorship and suppression.

The records show that Twitter participated in discussions with the Cybersecurity Agency and EIP through the software system Jira, contrary to what former Twitter head of trust and safety Yoel Roth claimed in congressional testimony.

The CISA records show government involvement in the EIP pressure on Google, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit and other platforms to censor “disinformation.”



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5e80f1 No.106026

File: 91e178a0327a429⋯.png (216.54 KB,1540x1068,385:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889454 (092304ZNOV23) Notable: Senator Marsha Blackburn announced subpoenas for Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. This means "Suicide Weekend" is any day or week after today.

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Well... it's sheriff 'employees' for one...


However, the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner identified three of the deceased and listed the cause of death as suicide. The department said information about the fourth will be available after they have been identified and next of kin notified. The Los Angeles Times and NBC News reported all four are believed to be suicides.

"We are stunned to learn of these deaths, and it has sent shockwaves of emotions throughout the department as we try and cope with the loss of not just one, but four beloved active and retired members of our department family," Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna said in a statement. "During trying times like these it's important for personnel regardless of rank or position to check on the well-being of other colleagues and friends."

Who were the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department employees?

According to the Los Angeles Times, one was a commander who served a stint as chief department spokesperson during a 25-year career. Another worked as a sergeant before his retirement, the Times reported. The third worked at a jail as a custody assistant, NBC and the Santa Clarita Signal newspaper reported.

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5e80f1 No.106027

File: 2c958700ce1f5c3⋯.png (64.01 KB,963x554,963:554,Clipboard.png)

File: 53e9df33c200d73⋯.png (65.52 KB,963x572,963:572,Clipboard.png)

File: 816e30bb8185b16⋯.jpeg (230.33 KB,828x1426,18:31,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d1a5d71b6e555be⋯.png (60.02 KB,963x554,963:554,Clipboard.png)

File: 95a91921ee22bc4⋯.png (307.54 KB,542x364,271:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889549 (092319ZNOV23) Notable: Fed's Emergency Bank Funding Facility Explodes Higher, QT Stalls As Money-Market Funds Hit Record High

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Fed's Emergency Bank Funding Facility Explodes Higher, QT Stalls As Money-Market Funds Hit Record High

Money-market funds saw inflows for the 3rd straight week (since the biggest outflow since Lehman), adding $16.9BN to reach a new record high of $5.71TN... a breakdown for the week to Nov. 8, government funds - which invest primarily in securities like Treasury bills, repurchase agreements and agency debt - saw assets rise to $4.66 trillion, a $9.63 billion increase.

Prime funds, which tend to invest in higher-risk assets such as commercial paper, meanwhile saw assets climb to $926 billion, a $6.35 billion increase.

Retail fund inflows continued unabated (and institutions saw their 3rd straight week of inflows)... The resurgence in money-market fund inflows is diverging from bank deposits (which are gently rising on a seasonally-adjusted basis)... Meanwhile, as we detailed earlier, the amount of money that investors are parking at The Fed's reverse repo facility dropped below $1 trillioncap 3 from the NY Fed and you can see it’s usage since 2021 which was documented heavily as it passed the $1T mark in June 2021the first time in more than two years. It marks a steep decline from a record $2.554 trillion stashed on Dec. 30 and is the smallest sum since August 2021.

“It’s a big number,” said Deutsche Bank strategist Steven Zeng, referring to the decline past $1 trillion.

“I can see it falling further with dealers owning so much of the new bond.” Demand for the facility, however, has been fading this year as the Treasury ramped up fresh bill issuance, offering an alternative for short-term investors. But as Bloomberg notes, as usage of the Fed’s facility fades, Wall Street strategists are weighing whether there will be further impact on the central bank’s policy decisions. If demand falls toward zero, strategists say, the Fed will have to halt its quantitative tightening program(typical to use this as the ‘excuse’ and not that the housing market can’t function with rates where they are at-among several other things)because excess liquidity will have been completely drained and bank reserves will have reached a point of scarcity. (The RRF, by law, has to pay slightly above FOMC prime icydk)

The Fed's balance sheet contracted by a very modest $6BN last week (the balance sheet is now down over $1.1TN from its highs... Most notably, usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility for the banks soared higher by $3.9BN to a new record high above $113BN... (the biggest jump since June). Finally, we note that after Bill Gross apparently 'called the bottom' in regional banks last week, their share prices all jumped initially, but FHLB issuance limits and general risk-off has them giving some back. And we just remind those buyers that bond yields have exploded higher since SVB... and they are borrowing ever more ($113BN) from The Fed at an expensive rate to fill the holes in their balance sheets. Does that sound like the bottom is in?



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5e80f1 No.106028

File: 2f627e0b43529fa⋯.png (421.22 KB,553x596,553:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889600 (092328ZNOV23) Notable: Small Michigan Town Ousts Its ENTIRE GOVERNMENT and Changes the Town Hall Locks Over Its Support for a Chinese-Owned Electric Battery Plant

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Small Michigan Town Ousts Its ENTIRE GOVERNMENT and Changes the Town Hall Locks Over Its Support for a Chinese-Owned Electric Battery Plant

Green Charter Township, a town with roughly 3,200 people located in central Michigan, voted out their entire township board (which governs the city) after they ignored their concerns and cut a dirty deal with a company named Gotion Inc. Then they put a little icing on the cake afterward when they changed the townhall locks just hours after the vote.

Gotion is a corporation which makes batteries for electric vehicles. While the company is headquartered in Silicon Valley, its parent company is based in the People’s Republic of China and has ties to the CCP.

“China is our number-one enemy!” one angry resident yelled.

“My family members fought communism, and you’re bringing it right here!” screamed another.


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5e80f1 No.106029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889614 (092331ZNOV23) Notable: Rules of the House: An individual member (MTG) CAN make an impeachment resolution however IT MUST be approved by the Speaker of The House within 48 hours

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>>105998 lb quad 8's

Rules of the House: An individual member (MTG) CAN make an impeachment resolution however IT MUST be approved by the Speaker of The House within 48 hours. Sounds to oldanon that our new Speaker is eager to show his BRASS BALLS. Let's see what happens.

bty: On the Impeachment List, Mayorkas is low hanging fruit.

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5e80f1 No.106030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889678 (092342ZNOV23) Notable: Trump Judge's Wife Denies Posting Anti-Trump Messages

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Trump Judge's Wife Denies Posting Anti-Trump Messages

The wife of Judge Arthur Engoron has denied making anti-Trump posts on X, after conservative activist Laura Loomer said Dawn Engoron was behind an account that frequently posts anti-Trump content against the former president.

According to Loomer, Dawn Marie Engoron ran a Twitter account @dm_sminxs, where she has allegedly been posting "FUCK TRUMP" tweets, photos of Trump in an orange jump suit, and retweeting attacks on Trump while the trial was ongoing.

Dawn Engoron denied the claims, telling Newsweek: "I do not have a Twitter account. This is not me. I have not posted any anti Trump messages."

But does she have an X account?

Engoron is overseeing Trump's New York civil case, in which AG Letitia James has accused the former President and his organization of inflating their net worth by billions of dollars to obtain premium financing between 2011 and 2021. In September, Engoron ruled - sans jury, that Trump's financial statements committed fraud.

Loomer doubled down, noting that the suspected X account has been locked, that Newsweek "admit(s) they can’t definitively say this account doesn’t belong to Arthur Engoron’s wife," and that Engoron's son has deleted his LinkedIn account yesterday "after I exposed him getting preferential seating from his father in the trial of President Trump."

There is now a Leftist attempt to run cover for Judge Engoron, his wife, and his son, all of whom I exposed this week with my investigative reporting.

His wife has locked her Twitter account down and @newsweek wrote and article with a deceptive news headline, but at the end of… https://t.co/fBMt1lxMAZ pic.twitter.com/vxnnge7XT0

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) November 9, 2023

I can confirm Ian Engoron’s LinkedIn account was deleted yesterday. pic.twitter.com/Z8J2mBgypb

— Jessico Bowman (@JessicoBowman) November 9, 2023

Loomer also says that "According to the rules of the Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, judges must “not allow family, social, political or other relationships to influence the[ir] … judicial conduct or judgment."

She has called for Engoron to recuse himself.

According to the rules of the Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, judges must “not allow family, social, political or other relationships to influence the[ir] … judicial conduct or judgment.”

Judge Engoron needs to recuse himself and there… https://t.co/fBMt1lxMAZ pic.twitter.com/7ieRD6DlXg

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) November 9, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106031

File: 2bde8099a959d9c⋯.jpg (78.25 KB,1047x434,1047:434,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889707 (092346ZNOV23) Notable: Federal law enforcement officials are investigating reports of suspicious letters sent to election offices

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CNN — Thu November 9, 2023

Federal law enforcement officials are investigating reports of suspicious letters sent to election offices, a Justice Department spokesperson said Thursday.

“We are aware of the reports and the FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service are investigating this matter,” the department spokesperson said in response to an inquiry from CNN. The official said the DOJ would not comment further.

Election officials in Georgia, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington state reported receiving suspicious mail.

In a statement Thursday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Fulton County, Georgia – which includes large swaths of Atlanta – had been among the election offices in multiple states targeted with suspicious letters.

Officials in Georgia said the letter received by Fulton County was suspected to contain fentanyl.

“We’re working with our state and federal partners to determine if any additional Georgia officials are being targeted,” Raffensperger said. “Domestic terrorists will not trample on our right to free and fair elections.”

CNN previously reported that election offices across multiple counties in Washington state had received envelopes on Wednesday that contained powdery substances.

At a news conference Thursday, Raffensperger called on elected officials and political candidates to condemn the activity and invoked the death of his son to convey the seriousness of the matter.

“Some people like to call fentanyl a drug, but it’s actually poison,” he said. “It’ll kill you … very quickly and very easily. It’s very dangerous.”

“We lost our son five and half years ago due to fentanyl overdose. We know how deadly this stuff is,” Raffensperger said.

Fentanyl was found in an envelope received by election officials Wednesday in King County, Washington – home to Seattle – the county’s elections director Julie Wise told CNN.

Staffers opening the envelope Wednesday detected white powder and immediately isolated the letter, called law enforcement and evacuated the building, she said.

Wise said her staff did not read the contents of the letter, but she described the situation as eerily similar to one over the summer when another letter – this one saying that there should not be elections – was also later found to contain trace amounts of fentanyl. She said the US Postal Inspection Service investigated the earlier incident.

Wednesday’s letter arrived as officials were counting ballots following Tuesday’s local elections, and it prompted the evacuation of some 150 workers for about three hours, she said.

“It’s devastating” for the county’s election workers to be targeted in this fashion, Wise said. “They are human beings. They have families. They are here to do a job. They believe in democracy.”

But she said her team resumed work as soon as they could on Wednesday, undeterred by the incident.

“If anything, it’s fired us up even more,” Wise added. “It made us want to continue to do the important work of processing ballots. … We are not going to be broken down.”

In neighboring Oregon, an election office in Lane County – which is about 120 miles south of Portland – also received a suspicious piece of mail at their office on Wednesday, a county official told CNN.

Asked about the suspicious letters reported this week, a spokesperson for the US Postal Inspection Service said the agency “cannot comment on potential ongoing investigations.”

The reports come against a backdrop of election officials facing threats and harassment, first ignited by false claims of a stolen election in 2020.

Voting rights activists and some state election chiefs have warned that the overheated political climate around voting has contributed to a wave of resignations and retirements by election officials around the country.

The US Justice Department has brought criminal charges against at least 14 people after creating a task force in 2021 to address threats against election workers, according to a recent department summary.

At Thursday’s news conference in Georgia, Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts said the letters show that there are “some crazy people out there who will go to any extreme to disrupt” US elections.

“It’s my personal belief that this is just probably a forerunner into what we can be prepared for in 2024.”


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5e80f1 No.106032

File: 7e2cc9c0cff528a⋯.png (1.11 MB,1908x931,1908:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889742 (092351ZNOV23) Notable: Planefag eyes on the skies

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9 U.S. C30 transports aloft this evening. 4 of them are out of Eglin AFB.

I wonder what the one out of Travis AFB is doing over Honduras?

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5e80f1 No.106033

File: 08743b1e004b5f7⋯.jpeg (414.37 KB,1412x621,1412:621,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889776 (092359ZNOV23) Notable: Planefag eyes on the skies

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IAF IRON G550 Oron ISR out again from Nevatim AB

RAF KRF87 A330UK Foreign Secretary James Cleaverlyreturning from G7 meeting in Hiroshima

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5e80f1 No.106034

File: 4eef8fedaacd868⋯.png (25.08 KB,601x183,601:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889808 (100005ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: Watch Univision Special Interview with ME, your all time favorite President, tonight at 10:00 P.M. (Eastern). Enjoy!!! (with YT link)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Watch Univision Special Interview with ME, your all time favorite President, tonight at 10:00 P.M. (Eastern). Enjoy!!!

Nov 09, 2023, 4:30 PM


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5e80f1 No.106035

File: d016bf4bb57a992⋯.png (52.71 KB,601x352,601:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889855 (100013ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT: Judge Engoron just did whatever the Corrupt Attorney General told him to do, a puppet, including using Valuations so LOW that they are Fraudulent

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Donald J. Trump


Judge Engoron just did whatever the Corrupt Attorney General told him to do, a puppet, including using Valuations so LOW that they are Fraudulent. HE & LETITIA JAMES COMMITTED THE FRAUD, I DIDN’T. He Valued Mar-a-Lago at $18,000,000 in order to make me look guilty of Fraud, when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. Now he’s trying to say that he didn’t really say that, but he put it down in writing in his Opinion. Judicial and Prosecutorial Misconduct!

Nov 09, 2023, 7:05 PM


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5e80f1 No.106036

File: 814aafd9c972127⋯.jpg (77 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889886 (100020ZNOV23) Notable: FBI Offers $10,000 Reward for Information on J6 Protester and Retired Army Sgt. Gregory Yetman as They Hunt Him Like a Dog in New Jersey Woods

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UPDATE: FBI Offers $10,000 Reward for Information on J6 Protester and Retired Army Sgt. Gregory Yetman as They Hunt Him Like a Dog in New Jersey Woods

The FBI continued their hunt for retired Army Sergeant Gregory Yetman for his actions on January 6, 2021, nearly three years ago now!

The FBI is now offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Gregory Yetman.

On January 6, 2021, Yetman picked up a cannister of pepper spray and fired it at police who were yards away from him. There is no evidence that any police officers were hurt by his actions. Yetman sprayed the police after they fired rubber bullets on the peaceful Trump supporters standing outside the US Capitol, fired flashbangs on the crowd, gassed the crowd with gallons of pepper spray, and beat the crowd with sticks.

Four Trump supporters were killed that day. One woman, veteran Ashli Babbitt, was shot dead by police. One woman, Rosanne Boyland, was smothered and beaten with a police stick as she died. Two others died from the police ammunition fired down on the crowd.


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5e80f1 No.106037

File: ea73ae1e3adda6a⋯.jpeg (56.81 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889912 (100026ZNOV23) Notable: Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Lawless MI AG Nessel for Refusing To File Charges In Muskegon Fraudulent Voter Reg. Operation

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BREAKING! Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Lawless MI AG Nessel for Refusing To File Charges In Muskegon Fraudulent Voter Reg. Operation, Using Her Position to Punish Political Enemies and Protect Dem Treasurer From Prosecution

Michigan lawmakers have filed a Resolution to Impeach MI AG Dana Nessel.

This afternoon, some of Michigan’s most courageous lawmakers, Republican State Rep. James DeSana introduced articles of impeachment today in a House resolution co-sponsored by Neil Friske (R- 107th District), Joseph Fox (R- 101st District), Rachelle Smit (R-43rd District), Matt Maddock (R-51st District), Steve Carra (R-36th District), Josh Schriver (R-66th District), Angela Rigas (R-79th District).

“The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching civil officers for corrupt conduct in office.

Attorney General Nessel has clearly breached the ethical standards of conduct of the office of attorney general,” said DeSana. Representative DeSana introduced three articles of impeachment in his resolution.

Article I states that Nessel violated her Constitutional Oath of office by failing to faithfully discharge the duties of her office by failing to charge any of the individuals responsible for forging and filing fraudulent voter registrations in Muskegon.


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5e80f1 No.106038

File: 08b9fbf843af1bd⋯.jpg (99.25 KB,704x544,22:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889930 (100030ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon confirms four new attacks on US forces in Iraq, Syria following airstrike

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Pentagon confirms US bases were hit by Iranian-backed groups in Middle East


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5e80f1 No.106039

File: 0ee466cb2ea4455⋯.jpg (8.06 KB,196x258,98:129,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19889916 (100027ZNOV23) Notable: #24422

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anons, please step up

LB notes & baker needed

Have a great bake!

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5e80f1 No.106040

File: bdd24acff1dd79f⋯.jpg (98.5 KB,709x659,709:659,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890016 (100044ZNOV23) Notable: Federal judge rejects environmentalists’ request to vacate massive Alaska oil project

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Federal judge rejects environmentalists’ request to vacate massive Alaska oil project

A grassroots Iñupiat group and environmentalists had asked the federal court to vacate the Biden administration's approval of the project, but U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason rejected the request.


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5e80f1 No.106041

File: a5af74fc3ace23b⋯.jpg (52.99 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890020 (100045ZNOV23) Notable: Former Baltimore states atty convicted of lying about covid hardship in order to profit

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MARYLAND: Former Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby was convicted Thursday of lying about suffering financial hardship during the coronavirus to take money from her retirement savings in order to buy a pair of properties in Florida worth $1 million. After deliberating for about five hours, a federal jury found Mosby guilty of two counts of perjury. The jury’s verdict means Mosby, who served two terms as Baltimore’s chief prosecutor, faces up to 10 years in prison at sentencing, which has not been scheduled. Though it’s unlikely a judge would impose the maximum punishment for Mosby, the conviction all but ensures she’ll be stripped of her law license.

In court, Mosby looked at each juror as they filed into the room in Greenbelt. When a courtroom deputy announced the guilty verdict, her eyes began to blink more rapidly. “I’m blessed,” Mosby said as she walked away from the courthouse. “I have nothing more to say.”

Federal prosecutors haven’t officially signaled whether they intend to proceed on the related mortgage fraud charges Mosby faces.

In closing arguments, Assistant U.S. Attorney Aaron Zelinsky told jurors Mosby behaved as if “telling the truth didn’t matter.”


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5e80f1 No.106042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890035 (100049ZNOV23) Notable: Hard-right politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras shot in Madrid

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Spain’s right-wing Vox party co-founder shot in the face on the way to protest ‘socialist takeover’

The Vox party co-founder was said to be on the way to protest a decision that could ‘seal’ the election of socialist acting prime minister Pedro Sanchez.


taking over, they are.

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5e80f1 No.106043

File: 190c89f45063032⋯.png (75.52 KB,578x730,289:365,Clipboard.png)

File: ea87709ddb5743d⋯.png (71.8 KB,582x395,582:395,Clipboard.png)

File: fe212b252f0334a⋯.mp4 (13.46 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890064 (100053ZNOV23) Notable: 24 minute "Election Theft Is Real" presentation - "The Coup D'état Of America"

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THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.

Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election.

Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte. This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet.

U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.

Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes. We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people. We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.


dafug is this???

video is 24 minutes long

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5e80f1 No.106044

File: 859cf326efbebc5⋯.png (1.16 MB,1169x607,1169:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890066 (100053ZNOV23) Notable: Former Baltimore states atty convicted of lying about covid hardship in order to profit

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Soros-backed State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby was found guilty on two federal counts of perjury on Thursday.

Marilyn Mosby was indicted on federal charges of perjury and filing a false mortgage application in January 2022.

Mosby was a corrupt Soros prosecutor who previously charged the wrong people, wrong names, wrong birth dates, and wrong addresses of two officers in the Freddie Gray case.

Mosby was humiliated when all charges against the police were eventually dropped.


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5e80f1 No.106045

File: 81c8abe4116e02f⋯.png (1.56 MB,1052x568,263:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890170 (100109ZNOV23) Notable: 24 minute "Election Theft Is Real" presentation - "The Coup D'état Of America"

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High quality encode:


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5e80f1 No.106046

File: 7b58241a1f37b16⋯.png (171.2 KB,1148x1018,574:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c33465f813c3ed⋯.png (322.54 KB,748x940,187:235,Clipboard.png)

File: f58feb24dc205ac⋯.png (310.68 KB,1001x1308,1001:1308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890199 (100115ZNOV23) Notable: 2020 Fraudulent Ballot Case in Fulton County

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>🚨BREAKING - GA 2020 Stolen Election🚨

>2020 Fraudulent Ballot Case in Fulton County

>The big time CRIMINAL defense attorneys for Fulton County have filed a motion to withdraw from the case


>Is Fulton County getting ready to admit the ballots don’t exist?

>They were ordered to produce the absentee ballots months ago

>Or have the ballots been destroyed?

>Stay tuned because this is only the tip of the iceberg

>Buckle up! It’s coming…

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5e80f1 No.106047

File: 4858fdeb6169da3⋯.png (525.19 KB,500x666,250:333,Clipboard.png)

File: c5b7d75f2094c9d⋯.png (252.5 KB,1170x893,1170:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 97b232d1533f367⋯.png (497.33 KB,729x1011,243:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890261 (100126ZNOV23) Notable: Whistleblower claims the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is operating a sex trafficking network

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not seen the news break about zelenskys wife running a pedo child trafficking for know pedo's yet.

maybe anons have not been memeing it enough for the msm faggots to pick it up.

unless they are trying to make sure to look over there instead of here.


Note: Source is solid. will watch this develop !!!


BREAKING: An alleged whistleblower claims the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is operating a sex trafficking network where displaced Ukrainian children are offered to known pedophiles worldwide.



Man Claiming To Be Former Driver For Zelensky’s Wife’s Foundation Makes Video Accusing The Foundation of Involvement In Child Sex Trafficking

Hillary Clinton was on hand when the Olena Zelenska Foundation launched at the Metropolitan Opera, by the way

A man who claims to be a former employee of Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska’s foundation says that the Olena Zelenska Foundation was involved with child sex trafficking. As a driver of supposedly war-endangered children, the man says that he was forced to drive children from cities in Ukraine and deliver them to pedophiles elsewhere in Europe, including in extremely wealthy and well-connected areas in London and Berlin.

A little-seen video on Youtube entitled “La Fondation Olena Zelenska est impliquée dans le trafic d’enfants” reveals the claims of a masked man who says that he transported children out of Ukraine for Olena Zelenska’s foundation, and at least one of the children made him believe that the foundation was engaging in child sex trafficking. The video was uploaded by the account “Daniel Schmidt.”

As noted by http://TheIntelDrop.org, the Olena Zelenska Foundation launched in New York City in September 2022 with a star-studded event. The launch of Olena’s foundation was hosted by the Metropolitan Opera and the guests included Democrat politician Hillary Clinton and celebrities Matt Damon and Jimmy Fallon, among others.

The Zelenska Foundation takes a special interest in overseeing “war orphans,” with the Ukraine government accusing Russia of kidnapping thousands of kids.

The man in the video makes his claims over the course of more than eight minutes speaking in French. The quotes below come word for word from the English closed captioning translation service on Youtube.

“So, here I am recording this video to tell you about what happened in Olena Zelenska’s Foundation when I worked there. After I finish, I’ll send you this video via email together with the documents, all the facts of what had happened. To start my story, it was here in France. I had a friend there who worked with different foundations. And he was the one who told me that there is a foundation that pays well in Ukraine, which offers good conditions. And so, I thought, why not? So, I contacted this foundation and then I prepared my documents and I went to Ukraine. When I came, I came to work there as a driver. They offered me this job and I signed the contract. Even the contract was something bizarre. There were clauses, for example, in the contract, that said we must not talk with children, we must not ask questions about host families, things like that. For me it was weird, but I thought, well, I’m a driver it’s not my business. I signed the contract. After signing the contract, I was given the pass. This one. Here’s the pass,” the man said in the video, before showing documentation.





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5e80f1 No.106048

File: df0945f86cde04b⋯.png (156.9 KB,437x425,437:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890352 (100138ZNOV23) Notable: Democrat Joe Manchin won't seek reelection. Looking good for Big Jim Justice!

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Sen. Joe Manchin won't seek reelection


ABC News (https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sen-joe-manchin-running-reelection/story?id=104767579)

Sen. Joe Manchin, moderate West Virginia Democrat, won't seek reelection

Sen. Joe Manchin announced Thursday he will not run for reelection next year, fueling speculation over whether he plans on mounting

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5e80f1 No.106049

File: a76e029d07ee5d7⋯.png (542.06 KB,799x989,799:989,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890364 (100139ZNOV23) Notable: Absent Trump declared real winner of the debate AGAIN (Daily Mail)

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Absent Trump declared real winner of the debate AGAIN:

With viewing figures dropping by almost 50%, Daily Mail poll finds ex-president made the right call to skip - and time is running out for his Republican rivals

Viewers may have given Ron DeSantis top marks for his performance during his battle with closest rival Nikki Haley in the Miami showdown on Wednesday. They also declared the Florida Governor the most 'presidential,' most 'competent,' and the 'strongest' of the five candidates who took the stage. But Republicans still believe Trump came out victorious - even though he was holding a rally a 30-minute drive away. The findings confirm the former president is still the runaway favorite to be the GOP presidential nominee, with two months until the Iowa caucuses and 12 months until the election. The results also affirm that debates are of little consequence if the Republican kingmaker isn't on the stage and with viewing figures plummeting. An average of 7.51 million tuned into NBC on Wednesday night, compared to almost 13 million who watched the first debate on Fox News and 9.5 million who watched the second on Fox Business.


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5e80f1 No.106050

File: 8b00d4c1c9f45ed⋯.png (23.07 KB,457x144,457:144,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890369 (100140ZNOV23) Notable: Democrat Joe Manchin won't seek reelection. Looking good for Big Jim Justice!

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Donald J. Trump




Because I Endorsed Big Jim Justice of West Virginia for the U.S. Senate, and he has taken a commanding lead, Democrat Joe Manchin has decided not to seek re-election. Looking good for Big Jim!

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5e80f1 No.106051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890392 (100143ZNOV23) Notable: Berkeley Poll Reveals Record Number Of Californians Disapprove Of Newsom (ZeroHedge)

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"Younger Voters Have Turned Against The Governor": Berkeley Poll Reveals Record Number Of Californians Disapprove Of Newsom

Tyler Durden's Photo


THURSDAY, NOV 09, 2023 - 07:40 PM

A new poll from the University of California-Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) reveals that more Californians disapprove of the job Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is doing (49%) than approve (44%) - the first time this has happened since Newsom took office in 2019.


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5e80f1 No.106052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890515 (100204ZNOV23) Notable: #24421 posted in #24422''''

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Alright gents i decided to choose only the notes that were included in BOTH note-takers and cut out the chaff that was only in one or the other


>>106004, >>106007 Common headline today, "Hunter becomes the hunted" (Q 158)

>>106005 Pause in Gaza?

>>106006 Joe Biden Randomly Starts Absolutely Screaming During His Remarks To Auto Workers In Illinois (YT video)

>>106008 Helicopter Footage Sparks Debate Over Israeli Friendly Fire Incidents

>>106009, >>106011, >>106018, >>>/qresearch/1989636 Early digs on Cambridge area brothels


>>106012 Grocery robot crushes robot inspector to death

>>106013 Comer Issues Additional Subpoenas to Hunter Biden’s Associates, Including Art Gallerist and Dem Donor Who Purchased Hunter’s Art

>>106014 Masa So continues to incinerate cpital, loses another $6.2 Billion

>>106015, >>106038 Pentagon confirms four new attacks on US forces in Iraq, Syria following airstrike

>>106016 Wife of Gambino crime boss bursts into tears as eight of the ten arraigned mobsters are placed in custody after pleading not guilty on racketeering charges on Wednesday

>>106017 Anti-WEF: The "Leader of the Free World" is not in charge. He is not even coherent, this is dementia (mp4)

>>106019, >>106021, >>106034 PDJT: Watch Univision Special Interview with ME, your all time favorite President, tonight at 10:00 P.M. (Eastern). Enjoy!!! (with YT link)

>>106022 Relentless bombing, urban combat, countless deaths: Live Updates on Israel-Hamas war

>>106023, >>106032, >>106033 Planefag eyes on the skies

>>106024 Regime change needed in Israel and Palestine – Clinton

>>106025 Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

>>106020, >>106026 Senator Marsha Blackburn announced subpoenas for Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. This means "Suicide Weekend" is any day or week after today.

>>106027 Fed's Emergency Bank Funding Facility Explodes Higher, QT Stalls As Money-Market Funds Hit Record High

>>106028 Small Michigan Town Ousts Its ENTIRE GOVERNMENT and Changes the Town Hall Locks Over Its Support for a Chinese-Owned Electric Battery Plant

>>106029 Rules of the House: An individual member (MTG) CAN make an impeachment resolution however IT MUST be approved by the Speaker of The House within 48 hours

>>106030 Trump Judge's Wife Denies Posting Anti-Trump Messages

>>106031 Federal law enforcement officials are investigating reports of suspicious letters sent to election offices

>>106035 PDJT: Judge Engoron just did whatever the Corrupt Attorney General told him to do, a puppet, including using Valuations so LOW that they are Fraudulent

>>106036 FBI Offers $10,000 Reward for Information on J6 Protester and Retired Army Sgt. Gregory Yetman as They Hunt Him Like a Dog in New Jersey Woods

>>106037 Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Lawless MI AG Nessel for Refusing To File Charges In Muskegon Fraudulent Voter Reg. Operation

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890656 (100228ZNOV23) Notable: #24422

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24422 >>106039

>>106040 Federal judge rejects environmentalists’ request to vacate massive Alaska oil project

>>106041, >>106044 Former Baltimore states atty convicted of lying about covid hardship in order to profit

>>106042 Hard-right politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras shot in Madrid

>>106043, >>106045 24 minute "Election Theft Is Real" presentation - "The Coup D'état Of America"

>>106047 Whistleblower claims the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is operating a sex trafficking network

>>106048, >>106050 Democrat Joe Manchin won't seek reelection. Looking good for Big Jim Justice!

>>106049 Absent Trump declared real winner of the debate AGAIN (Daily Mail)

>>106051 Berkeley Poll Reveals Record Number Of Californians Disapprove Of Newsom (ZeroHedge)

>>106046 2020 Fraudulent Ballot Case in Fulton County

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5e80f1 No.106054

File: 4487b1bba11f84d⋯.webm (11.11 MB,2588x2535,2588:2535,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890707 (100237ZNOV23) Notable: #24423

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DOUGH https://fullchan.net/?993ae2e49682e348#4YqNCk1Wsv5ZEpuSKojkt2mwB9uTxL8nbX5yFYSaMw9Y


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5e80f1 No.106055

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890753 (100244ZNOV23) Notable: More US tax dollars going overseas, $125M Loan for Elefsina Shipyard Upgrades in Greece; ~$500M to Sri Lanka

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U.S. Provides $125 Million Loan for Elefsina Shipyard Upgrades in Greece

Mike Schuler November 9, 2023

The U.S. federal government has agreed to provide a $125 million loan to ONEX Elefsis Shipyards and Industries (ONEX) for the rehabilitation and modernization of the Elefsina shipyard near Athens, Greece. This funding is made available through the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), the federal government’s development finance institution.

The investment by DFC aims to transform the shipyard into a strategically critical maritime and energy supply hub for the region. With the support of DFC, ONEX will expand the shipyard’s capacity to repair and upgrade ships, particularly liquified natural gas (LNG) carriers servicing the nearby Revithoussa LNG terminal. The strategic location of the shipyard near key gas trade routes will enable ONEX to establish it as an energy supply hub for LNG shipping lanes in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas

The expansion of the shipyard’s capacity to service LNG carriers will not only promote European energy security and diversification, but also create new local jobs.

“DFC’s investment in the Elefsina shipyard will develop a maritime and energy supply hub that will create good local jobs here in Greece and help the country and region become less reliant on Russian energy,” said DFC CEO Scott Nathan. “DFC is proud to advance this high-quality infrastructure project that will generate more reliable access to energy and foster greater economic growth and prosperity for our partners across the region.”

DFC’s investment is expected to increase the shipyard’s capacity to service up to 200 ships annually. Additionally, the project will include the construction of a 30MW solar farm to provide energy to the shipyard and the local grid. The upgrades will also involve repurposing part of the shipbuilding infrastructure for the fabrication and assembly of wind turbines.

The signing ceremony took place at the shipyard and was attended by CEO Nathan, Greek Minister of Development and Investment Kostas Skrekas, and U.S. Ambassador to Greece George Tsunis.

In a separate announcement this week, DFC revealed its commitment of over half a billion dollars to support the development of a deepwater shipping container terminal in the Port of Colombo, Sri Lanka, aiming to further strengthen the U.S.’s strategic position in one of the world’s key transit hubs.



Philly Shipyard Navigates Challenges Amid Shipbuilding Milestones

Mike Schuler November 2, 2023


Philly Shipyard Tight-Lipped on Reports of Acquisition Talks with Hanwha Ocean

Mike Schuler October 10, 2023

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5e80f1 No.106056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890767 (100248ZNOV23) Notable: Strike Threat Looms Over US East and Gulf Coast Ports in 2024

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Strike Threat Looms Over US East and Gulf Coast Ports in 2024

By Ian Putzger (The Loadstar) – November 9, 2023

Even before contract negotiations get underway, the threat of a strike shutting down US ports on the east and Gulf coasts next year is looming.

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), which represents 45,000 dockworkers at the ports, reaffirmed its commitment to strike if negotiations for a new labour contract do not reach a fruitful conclusion by 30 September 2024, when the current six-year agreement expires.

In Nashville on Tuesday, ILA president Harold Daggett told hundreds of ILA members and officers at the union’s Educational Conference to prepare for a strike to commence on 1 October, 2024.

He reiterated that there would be no extension of the existing agreement if the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), which represents employers at east and Gulf cost ports and the shipping lines serving them, fails to produce a deal.

At a union convention in July, Mr Daggett had said: “If it goes to the wire, I will guarantee there will be no extensions, and we will be out on the street.”

And the bar for the looming contract negotiations is high. On Tuesday, Mr Daggett repeated that he expected to achieve a landmark agreement. The ILA has not spelled out specific demands, but on the west coast the International Longshoremen and Warehouse Union secured a 32% pay rise over six years, plus a one-time bonus for work carried out during the pandemic.

Beyond remuneration, the ILA wants to ensure work at new terminals will go its members, an issue fraught with controversy. The union has sued USMX and two carriers, Hapag-Lloyd and OOCL, for $300m over a hybrid labour model at the Leatherman Terminal in Charleston, arguing it violates the existing master agreement.

The National Labor Relations Board ruled this year that the union has the right to sue employers, a ruling subsequently confirmed by a court of appeals. The issue is now before the US Supreme Court.

A third flashpoint is the ILA’s stance to maintain prohibitions against terminal automation. Mr Daggett has made it clear that this opposition will continue.

And he wants ILA local branches to start negotiations early in order to resolve local issues before the master contract talks get going. This appears to be a lesson learned from the 13-month contract negotiations on the west coast, which were held up for weeks and months by local issues.


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5e80f1 No.106057

File: 555d8f643b0c6b9⋯.jpeg (1.49 MB,1897x1248,1897:1248,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890789 (100252ZNOV23) Notable: Helmetta man still on run a day after officers tried to serve warrant for Jan. 6 role

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>>>/qresearch/19890688 (LB)

I Hope the Biden’s Run…

Helmetta man still on run a day after officers tried to serve warrant for Jan. 6 role

Dozens of FBI agents and local police officers are looking for Gregory Yetman, who fled his home Wednesday morning as they attempted to serve him a warrant in connection with the 2021 incident.

"A situation like this of course brings heightened anxiety - it's not normal to see FBI agents and vehicles and tanks in your community," Helmetta Mayor Christopher Slavicek told USA Today. "You never think something like this will happen in your own backyard."


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5e80f1 No.106058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890815 (100256ZNOV23) Notable: Interview with President Donald Trump on Univision

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Interview with President Donald Trump on Univision

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5e80f1 No.106059

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890847 (100302ZNOV23) Notable: planefags planefagging: NE Patriots owner; Pasaca Capital Inc.

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Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots


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5e80f1 No.106060

File: c2aaff0c5ac768d⋯.webp (187.5 KB,760x507,760:507,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890849 (100302ZNOV23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian protestors vandalize White House gate, damage property

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>and tanks

Pro-Palestinian protestors vandalize White House gate, damage property


See a Difference?

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5e80f1 No.106061

File: 9b257203fc5e7db⋯.png (901.63 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890857 (100303ZNOV23) Notable: planefags planefagging: NE Patriots owner; Pasaca Capital Inc.

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5e80f1 No.106062

File: d698d99825c69dd⋯.jpeg (650.49 KB,1325x619,1325:619,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3c65407c412d892⋯.png (1.08 MB,946x549,946:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890872 (100305ZNOV23) Notable: planefags planefagging: NE Patriots owner; Pasaca Capital Inc.

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PF: SAM418 G5 inbound from Hickam AFB

SAM380 inbound to spook town from Hill AFB depart

Both just under 600 knots entire time until starting descent(s)

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5e80f1 No.106063

File: fcd06476eb43ca5⋯.png (887.19 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: f83c77efdeac47d⋯.png (377.06 KB,1332x919,1332:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890881 (100308ZNOV23) Notable: planefags planefagging: NE Patriots owner; Pasaca Capital Inc.

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Nothing to see here.



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5e80f1 No.106064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890903 (100311ZNOV23) Notable: Interview with President Donald Trump on Univision

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President Trump [Univision]: [Biden has] unleashed something...if they want to follow through on this [weaponized Justice Department], it could certainly happen in reverse...they've released the genie out of the box.

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5e80f1 No.106065

File: 084de387f374220⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,480x1038,80:173,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890911 (100311ZNOV23) Notable: US Election Tampering from Italy did happen, switching votes from Trump to Biden.

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5e80f1 No.106066

File: f437ef266fe493a⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,320x692,80:173,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890918 (100312ZNOV23) Notable: US Election Tampering from Italy did happen, switching votes from Trump to Biden.

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Forgot sauce


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5e80f1 No.106067

File: bf49bab9626e49c⋯.jpeg (42.35 KB,740x500,37:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890924 (100313ZNOV23) Notable: JP PM Kishida to hold meeting with Xi Jinping @ Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit possibly on Nov. 16 (Jiji Press)

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Kishida Seen Meeting with Xi on Nov. 16

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida plans to hold a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum summit next week, possibly on Nov. 16, several Japanese government sources said Thursday. The APEC summit will be held in San Francisco for three days from Nov. 15. The envisaged bilateral summit, if realized, will be the first between the leaders of Japan and China in around a year. The previous summit was held in Bangkok in November last year. Takeo Akiba, secretary-general of the National Security Secretariat, will visit China to discuss details of the expected Kishida-Xi summit, the sources said. The Japanese and Chinese sides are considering scheduling the bilateral summit for Nov. 16, a day after Xi and U.S. President Joe Biden are expected to hold a summit, they also said.


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5e80f1 No.106068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890934 (100314ZNOV23) Notable: Interview with President Donald Trump on Univision

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Trump is saying

"Your President"


talking to the interviewer.


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5e80f1 No.106069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19890976 (100321ZNOV23) Notable: Interview with President Donald Trump on Univision

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President Trump: The threat is not global warming, it's nuclear warming [World War III].

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5e80f1 No.106070

File: f60384d49cd2da7⋯.png (1.67 MB,1766x1768,883:884,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891017 (100327ZNOV23) Notable: Stamford Man Uses Grocery Store Bonus Card As Voter ID

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Stamford Man Successfully Uses Grocery Store Bonus Card As Identification To Vote

Yesterday, a Stamford man decided to make a point about the lack of integrity in Connecticut's voting systems by using non-traditional identification when he went to the polling station—he used his ShopRight Price Plus Club bonus card when he was asked for his ID.

The polling station worker was at first unsure whether to use the ShopRight card as a legitimate form of identification, but the man made a stink about it, drawing attention from other voters and workers in the polling station. The worker consulted a senior staffer at the polling station who confirmed that the man could, in fact, use a grocery store points card for his ID, even though the card did not include a photo of the man, just his name.

This is not the first time the man has used alternative forms of identification for voting other than his driver's license. In a previous election, he used his debit card, which also does not include a photo that would confirm the man's identity.



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5e80f1 No.106071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891047 (100332ZNOV23) Notable: Interview with President Donald Trump on Univision

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President Trump: You have a war that's going on [Israel/Palestine], and you're probably going to have to let it play out.

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5e80f1 No.106072

File: 511528de13bb442⋯.png (421.21 KB,461x805,461:805,Clipboard.png)

File: b422b438ba45b9e⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,284x480,71:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891102 (100341ZNOV23) Notable: meme debate kek via @realDonaldTrump

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Donald J. Trump



Nov 09, 2023, 10:34 PM


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5e80f1 No.106073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891202 (100357ZNOV23) Notable: Interview with President Donald Trump on Univision

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President Trump: When you hear that you're going to be separated from your family, you don't come [illegal aliens].

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5e80f1 No.106074

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891239 (100403ZNOV23) Notable: Chinese Marijuana Grow Operations In Maine

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Steven Robinson Joins WarRoom Discuss Chinese National Marijuana Grow Operations In Maine, Steve is from “The Maine Wire”! WTH are Chinese Nationals Doing deep in Maine’s woods? The short answer is they are growing marijuana and selling it in NY and making an estimated $4 billion a year!. And they are sending the money back to the CCP. They purchased over 100 farms to grow MJ.

(You read that right, the state in the US!).

Fed agents say they have known about them and have been tracking them for two years, but the FBI is going after American Citizens.



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5e80f1 No.106075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891272 (100410ZNOV23) Notable: Pentagon Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh RE: the air strike the US took against the IRGC in Eastern Syria

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Pentagon Spokesperson Details US Air Strike Against Iran In Eastern Syria

On Thursday, Pentagon Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh answered questions the air strike the US took against the IRGC in Eastern Syria on Wednesday.

Nov 9, 2023 8:03


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5e80f1 No.106076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891435 (100440ZNOV23) Notable: #24423

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#24423 >>106054

>>106055 More US tax dollars going overseas, $125M Loan for Elefsina Shipyard Upgrades in Greece; ~$500M to Sri Lanka

>>106057 Helmetta man still on run a day after officers tried to serve warrant for Jan. 6 role

>>106058, >>106064, >>106068, >>106069, >>106071, >>106073 Interview with President Donald Trump on Univision

>>106059, >>106061, >>106062, >>106063 planefags planefagging: NE Patriots owner; Pasaca Capital Inc.

>>106060 Pro-Palestinian protestors vandalize White House gate, damage property

>>106067 JP PM Kishida to hold meeting with Xi Jinping @ Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit possibly on Nov. 16 (Jiji Press)

>>106070 Stamford Man Uses Grocery Store Bonus Card As Voter ID

>>106056 Strike Threat Looms Over US East and Gulf Coast Ports in 2024

>>106065, >>106066 US Election Tampering from Italy did happen, switching votes from Trump to Biden.

>>106072 meme debate kek via @realDonaldTrump

>>106074 Chinese Marijuana Grow Operations In Maine

>>106075 Pentagon Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh RE: the air strike the US took against the IRGC in Eastern Syria

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5e80f1 No.106077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891466 (100446ZNOV23) Notable: #24224

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Ghost protocol in effect. Godspeed, niggers


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5e80f1 No.106078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891498 (100454ZNOV23) Notable: Federal Judge Smacks Down Biden ATF AR-15 Gun Ban

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Federal Judge Smacks Down Biden ATF AR-15 Gun Ban

A Trump appointed federal judge just smacked down an attempt by Biden’s ATF to ban AR-15 pistols with arm braces.

It’s amazing. No matter how bad crime gets, the Democrat left is still intent on trying to disarm law abiding Americans.

Gun sales are through the roof right now, as Americans were horrified by the attacks on mostly unarmed Israelis by Hamas in October.


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5e80f1 No.106079

File: 9582c3612ecf1b4⋯.png (1.04 MB,1169x647,1169:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891507 (100457ZNOV23) Notable: Texas Rangers Open New Tampering Investigation Into Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 Million No-Bid ‘Vaccine Outreach’ Contract

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Texas Rangers Open New Tampering Investigation Into Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 Million No-Bid ‘Vaccine Outreach’ Contract

Texas Rangers opened a new tampering investigation into far-left Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 million no-bid ‘vaccine outreach’ contract.

Hidalgo’s office is embroiled in a bid-rigging scandal.

Lina Hidalgo’s top three staffers were indicted in April 2022 after prosecutors expanded the investigation into an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach contract’ awarded to one of the judge’s political cronies.

While Hidalgo was threatening to jail and fine people for violating her Covid rules, she was secretly trying to award one of her political cronies, Felicity Pereyra, who founded Elevate Strategies, an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach’ contract.


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5e80f1 No.106080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891536 (100506ZNOV23) Notable: Australia: NSW Health encourages mask-wearing as COVID-19 cases rise

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NSW Health encourages mask-wearing as COVID-19 cases rise

With COVID-19 cases rising once again New South Wales, the state's health authority is encouraging residents to return to habits from the height of the pandemic to limit the spread of the virus.

NSW Health announced yesterday that cases have risen in the fortnight to November 4, with just over 11 per cent of PCR tests coming back positive.

"COVID-19 activity increased across all indicators... emergency department presentations for COVID-19 increased across most age groups, particularly young children and those aged 65 years and older," it said in its respiratory surveillance report.


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5e80f1 No.106081

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891542 (100508ZNOV23) Notable: GREATEST STREET IN AMERICA!!! - Donald Trump Way in Hialeah

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Donald Trump Wayin Hialeah


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5e80f1 No.106082

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891578 (100518ZNOV23) Notable: The Little Things…Fuck Joe Biden

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This us correct video


Fuck Joe Bidan!


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5e80f1 No.106083

File: 06905e03ea153e9⋯.jpeg (707.08 KB,1125x1506,375:502,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891591 (100521ZNOV23) Notable: Jill Stein announces for the Green Party

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5e80f1 No.106084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891840 (100612ZNOV23) Notable: it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language - BO&JAPANon - [Watch the Air]

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You act like someone from another country or of another race is inferior or that they did it on purpose to insult. It is possible but unlikely.

IMO, it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language in General (or perhaps posts - have thought about that with German shill poster before). That is valid but simply because this in an English language thread, not because there is anything wrong with another race, language or culture.

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5e80f1 No.106085

File: b8a4e89cc5f0092⋯.png (191.32 KB,600x558,100:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891887 (100625ZNOV23) Notable: Breaking News?: Frank Borman, the commander of NASA’s Apollo 8, died at 95. The 1968 mission carried the first men to ever orbit the moon.

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The New York Times



Breaking News: Frank Borman, the commander of NASA’s Apollo 8, died at 95. The 1968 mission carried the first men to ever orbit the moon.



More declas incoming?

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5e80f1 No.106086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891904 (100632ZNOV23) Notable: it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language - BO&JAPANon - [Watch the Air]

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I would say QR General is English-language rather than specifically American, since we have plenty of patriots here from other English -language countries and patriots from all over the world that speak English.

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5e80f1 No.106087

File: 4da68061ff2c0fb⋯.jpg (201 KB,852x516,71:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19891940 (100643ZNOV23) Notable: Q post #556 "The 'CURE' will spread WW." #3724 #763

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Jan 19 2018 00:39:17 (EST)

The 'CURE' will spread WW.

Have FAITH, Patriot.



>World Wide.

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5e80f1 No.106088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892006 (100719ZNOV23) Notable: Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza (2000 Mules, 2016:Obama's America) stops by to discuss his new film Police State with Roseanne and Jake.

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Roseanne Barr

1:01:30 / 1:21:06

#022 Dinesh D"Souza | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza (2000 Mules, 2016:Obama's America) stops by to discuss his new film Police State with Roseanne and Jake. The film tracks the fall of America starting from the passing of George W. Bush's Patriot Act to the current corrupt Biden-led Government. Roseanne and Dinesh talk about how the FBI raids regular Americans, how the Biden DOJ tries to arrest the leader of the opposition party, and how the full force of the government is being used to silence dissent with Soviet-style tactics.


Brilliant interview.

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5e80f1 No.106089

File: 73a1bad4256574b⋯.png (164.94 KB,1026x752,513:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892008 (100719ZNOV23) Notable: Q post #556 "The 'CURE' will spread WW." #3724 #763

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>"The 'CURE' will spread WW." Q post #556

"We, the People, are the cure." Q post #3724


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5e80f1 No.106090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892017 (100724ZNOV23) Notable: Steve Bannon Tries to Weasel His Way Out of Impending Imprisonment

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Steve Bannon Tries to Weasel His Way Out of Impending ImprisonmentNov. 09, 2023


A lawyer for Steve Bannon told a federal appeals court on Thursday that the ex-Trump senior adviser should be spared jail time for a contempt of Congress conviction, seeking to overturn a district court’s sentence of four months in the slammer, The Hill reported.

Attorney David Schoen argued that Bannon was merely following the advice of counsel when he decided to ignore subpoenas from the House Jan. 6 Committee.

That counsel told Bannon at the time that he didn’t have to comply due to presidential privilege, Schoen argued. But the panel of three appeals court judges didn’t appear to buy Schoen’s argument on Thursday, saying the issue of privilege was largely irrelevant to the appeal and would not have necessarily allowed Bannon to ignore the subpoena anyway.

Bannon was supposed to report to prison in November but it was delayed while his appeal plays out.


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5e80f1 No.106091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892019 (100725ZNOV23) Notable: Bannon appeals contempt conviction, saying he was following attorney’s advice

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Bannon appeals contempt conviction, saying he was following attorney’s advice11/09/23 3:54 PM ET

An attorney for Steve Bannon argued in federal appeals court Thursday that Bannon should not have to serve jail time for contempt of Congress because he was merely following legal advice.

The onetime senior aide to former President Trump was convicted of two counts of contempt for defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. He was sentenced to four months in jail, but he has not served the sentence pending appeal.

Bannon’s appeal argument centers on the claim that Bannon never communicated with the Jan. 6 Committee directly, instead only through his attorney Robert Costello. Costello told Bannon at the time that he didn’t have to comply because of presidential privilege, so he chose not to.

Citing D.C. Appeals Court precedent, attorney David Schoen said Bannon should not be responsible for just following legal advice “honestly and in good faith.” “Even if such advice by the lawyer was an inaccurate construction of the law,” Schoen said, citing the precedent.

Schoen also argued that Trump asserted executive privilege over what Bannon was asked to testify about — the time surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol riots — and therefore Bannon had a right to a trial to argue those merits.

“Advice of counsel is the defense,” Schoen said, adding that presidential privilege is “presumptively valid.”

But the panel of three appeals court judges pushed back on the privilege argument, noting that the fact of whether privilege was asserted is not directly relevant to the appeal and that privilege does not necessarily excuse ignoring a subpoena without other legal action.

“I ask the court to consider in the broader picture: How should a lay person respond when a lay person gets a subpoena from a committee and have all communications through the lawyer and the lawyer tells him or her, in definitive terms, they may not comply, their hands are tied?” Schoen questioned.

“At least let a jury decide whether that was reasonable or appropriate advice, whether the lawyer had all of the facts, but let the jury decide.”

“We don’t treat a person who believes he or she is acting in full compliance with the law … the same as a wrongdoer … a mobster who just didn’t show up,” he concluded.

But the prosecuting attorney Elizabeth Danello arguing against the appeal countered, saying Bannon had full knowledge and intent to break the law by not following the subpoena.

“Bannon deliberately chose not to comply in any way with a lawful congressional subpoena,” Danello argued. “Not to provide a single document, not even to show up for his deposition. That was contempt of Congress, and he was properly convicted.”

The District Court previously ruled that Bannon’s “good faith” arguments were invalid, and Danello reinforced this point.

“The Supreme Court and this court have held that the mens rea element for contempt of Congress requires only that the defendant acted deliberately and intentionally,” she said, referring to criminal intent. “Good faith, including advice of counsel, is not a defense.”

“Intentional violation is sufficient to constitute guilt,” she added, citing additional Supreme Court precedent.

The House voted to hold four people in contempt in connection with the Jan. 6 committee’s investigation: Bannon, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, former White House deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino and former Trump adviser Peter Navarro.

The Justice Department ultimately declined to charge Meadows and Scavino, but did bring charges against both Bannon and Navarro. Navarro was found guilty in September and has requested a new trial.

If the appellate court sides with the district court decision, Bannon will be forced to serve his four-month sentence unless he attempts to appeal the case to the Supreme Court.


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5e80f1 No.106092

File: c0762baa2a47eb0⋯.jpg (94.36 KB,339x335,339:335,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892066 (100737ZNOV23) Notable: it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language - BO&JAPANon - [Watch the Air]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Japanese anon here.

This is the first time I saw Japanese used in the title of Q Research General,

I was so surprised that I took a screenshot and saved it.

I was very happy to think that baker was inspiring Japanese anons.

I am studying English and I wanted to do more English.

I am sure that the baker that gave us this title in Japanese is a kind baker that cares about Japan. Thank you.

Since this is an English board, I think English is the appropriate title for the GENERAL bread.

I think some of the anons who have been fighting here for a long time will naturally be offended.

If you were Japanese and baked General's bread and made the title Japanese yourself,

I think that Japanese anon is very disrespectful to the anons who have been fighting for us here for a long time. Because of the anons who had been fighting here all along, Japan was able to learn about Q later.

If it were a Japanese anon, I would take note.

This place is very interesting and informative, where one action can generate a lot of discussion.

Thank you for all the information.

Thank you for allowing Japan to participate in QR.

I use a translator.

Sorry for any rudeness.



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5e80f1 No.106093

File: 2dd38597889a7cf⋯.png (251.92 KB,1976x1366,988:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 10fb1a4f91e055d⋯.png (617.19 KB,1554x1508,777:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892178 (100820ZNOV23) Notable: Q post #556 "The 'CURE' will spread WW." #3724 #763

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>"The 'CURE' will spread WW." Q post #556

>"We, the People, are the cure." Q post #3724

"'They are ALWAYS watching.

Watch the news re: new drugs coming out [flu/dirt/next?].

What a coincidence.'

'Did Hussein receive a letter in the mail w/ white powder?

What a coincidence.

Message received.

Response forthcoming.'" Q post #763


"Did Hussein receive a letter in the mail w/ white powder?" Q post #763


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5e80f1 No.106094

File: 4d6fddb8855c80a⋯.png (489.78 KB,801x674,801:674,Clipboard.png)

File: fd6b093341a6e74⋯.png (86.74 KB,789x1064,789:1064,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fbfc46712059d5⋯.png (47.78 KB,640x681,640:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892184 (100823ZNOV23) Notable: About NSO group? and IDF? Flynn? Past News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


well theres some things to that Flynn/Q connection...


"NSO’s government ties have also made a cameo in ongoing inquiries into the Trump campaign. Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the former Trump campaign and White House adviser, served as an advisory board member to OSY Technologies, an NSO Group offshoot based in Luxembourg, from May 2016 until January 2017. According to financial disclosure forms, Flynn received $40,280 for work completed while he was working for the Trump campaign, and just prior to his ill-fated stint as President Trump’s national security adviser. Flynn also provided consulting work to Francisco Partners, the San Francisco private equity firm that owns NSO Group, for “less than $100,000,” Francisco’s general counsel told the Times."

OSY Technologies


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5e80f1 No.106095

File: 4d28f4815d97a9b⋯.png (594.37 KB,691x1085,691:1085,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892205 (100833ZNOV23) Notable: About NSO group? and IDF? Flynn? Past News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



"Shell companies and global network of NSO group is spread all across the world. The Israeli group has been operating in Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America; mostly in countries with weak regulatory bodies. It has been disclosed that NSO Group operates through several shell companies; all of which use a unique name. It is known as Q Cyber Technologies in Israel, OSY Techno-logies in Luxembourg, and by the name of Westbridge in North America.

Few months back, Israel-made spying tools were bought for Bangladesh’s intelligence service, even when the South Asian country has neither been recognised by Israel nor has a geopolitical alignment with it.

Another Israeli Company — “Quadream” was found to be involved in selling cyber-espionage tech services to Saudi Arabia. The services were used to hack smartphones of dissidents and spy on the communications of the opponents of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS)."

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5e80f1 No.106096

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892211 (100837ZNOV23) Notable: ATTACK ON THE LANGUAGE IS A DIRECT ATTACK ON THE SOUL OF HUMAN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Language is the delivery system

Ideologies are the virus

Money is control

Emotional triggers is who they manipulate people.

Anons need to understand this one thing above all. This all started with attacking the English language by changing definitions and watering down and confusing people.

Do not let anyone erode the language any further. By all means, be polite, learn to say thank you when you are over in another country and use their language. but never be bullied into letting anyone tell you that you must change for their sake and benefit.




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5e80f1 No.106097

File: 68b28bd98e2643b⋯.jpg (2.42 MB,1547x7006,1547:7006,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892220 (100841ZNOV23) Notable: Vox founder miraculously survives shot in head from point-blank range in Madrid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Alejo Vidal-Quadras, a former vice-president of the European Parliament who had also served as leader of the People’s Party of Catalonia, was shot at point-blank range by a gunman who fled the scene on a motorcycle.


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5e80f1 No.106098

File: 4ca6e3933989773⋯.png (429.79 KB,516x680,129:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892234 (100851ZNOV23) Notable: AnonDig - hunter becomes the hunted This one matches almost identically.?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106099

File: f5cdab695bc9cc3⋯.png (1.55 MB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892239 (100855ZNOV23) Notable: About NSO group? and IDF? Flynn? Past News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Ministry of Defense is promoting legislation that would allow the IDF and the Shin Bet to penetrate and make changes to the computers used to operate stationary cameras. It is making the argument that this authority is needed in order to prevent the leakage of visual information that could endanger the security of the state and the operational activity of the IDF.

Sauce: https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/mij68s0ui

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5e80f1 No.106100

File: d19cd338fc56d58⋯.png (370.37 KB,840x1158,140:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892241 (100857ZNOV23) Notable: AnonDig - hunter becomes the hunted This one matches almost identically.?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



33 post(s) found containing "hunter".

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106101

File: 79b43b3cb93114e⋯.png (3.57 MB,1440x1920,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892255 (100918ZNOV23) Notable: it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language - BO&JAPANon - [Watch the Air]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19892074, >>>/qresearch/19892088, >>>/qresearch/19892090, >>>/qresearch/19892092, >>>/qresearch/19892096, >>>/qresearch/19892097, >>>/qresearch/19892098, >>>/qresearch/19892100, >>>/qresearch/19892104, >>>/qresearch/19892108, >>>/qresearch/19892119

>>>/qresearch/19892132, >>>/qresearch/19892148, >>>/qresearch/19892202


Thank you very much! Thanks for the reply. All comments saved. I'm sorry I didn't reply properly to all of them.

I wanted to buy a maga hat from Japan, but when I inquired, I was told that only Americans could buy them. So this is a fake hat. kek

(Maybe it's not that I have to be American to buy it, maybe they just don't ship to Japan, I forget the details: ・・・・sorry)

quotes Q4545

If America falls so does the world.

If America falls darkness will soon follow.

Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy.

Their power and control relies heavily on an uneducated population.

A population that trusts without individual thought.

A population that obeys without challenge.

A population that remains outside of free thought, and instead, remains isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled mainstream media.

This is not about politics.

This is about preserving our way of life and protecting the generations that follow.

We are living in Biblical times.

Children of light vs children of darkness.

United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.




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5e80f1 No.106102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892257 (100921ZNOV23) Notable: Missile Strike Details Emerge as Ukraine Says Bulkers Are Still Sailing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Missile Strike Details Emerge as Ukraine Says Bulkers Are Still Sailing


Additional details and a video emerged on yesterday’s missile strike on a bulker docked in the port of Pivdennyi (Yuzhny) as Ukrainian officials sought to reassure the shipping community that the corridor remains open. At the same time, the Russian attack is drawing wide condemnation including statements from the United Nations and the shipping community.

The vessel has been identified as the Liberian-flagged Kmax Ruler. Built in 2009, the bulker is registered to a company in the Philippines and owned by Greek Cypriot shipowner Andreas Hadjiyiannis, who is also president of the Cyprus Union of Shipowners. The ship is 754 feet in length and had arrived to load iron ore. It was alongside when the missile struck.

According to the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office, which opened an investigation into the incident, it was around 4:45 p.m. The pilot was still aboard and on the bridge. He was only identified as a 43-year-old and was killed by the attack. A port employee was also injured but it was unclear if that individual was on the ship or the dock.

The Officer-in-Charge of the Philippines’ Department of Migrant Workers, Hans Cacdac also detailed the attack. He said the ship’s captain, an able seaman, a deck cadet, and an electrician were on the bridge when the missile struck.

“Thankfully, they were far enough from the point of impact and suffered non-fatal injuries. They are all out of danger,” Cacdac told reporters in Manila. “The electrician sustained a fracture on his left hand and is receiving treatment at an Odesa hospital.”

The UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine, Denise Brown, issued a statement saying, “I am outraged to learn of an attack yesterday on a civilian vessel as it was entering the Ukrainian Black Sea Port of Pivdennyi in Odesa, killing a port worker and injuring crew members… This tragic incident marks the first time civilians are killed and injured on a civilian vessel… International humanitarian law strictly prohibits attacks on civilian infrastructure.”

Ukrainian officials provided additional details reporting that ships were aware of the danger but were continuing to move along the corridor. “The defense forces are doing everything possible to counter Russian attacks on port infrastructure,” Oleksandr Kubrakov, Vice Prime Minister for the Restoration of Ukraine, wrote on social media.

They said that six vessels loaded with 231,000 tons of agricultural products had departed from the three ports on the Black Sea today heading toward the Bosphorus. Five other vessels were reported to be waiting to enter the ports. Since Ukraine started the corridor in August, they are reporting that 91 vessels have exported 3.3 million tons of agricultural products and metals. A total of 116 ships have called at the ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk, and Pivdennyi.

Industry trade association INTERCARGO released a statement calling for the nations in the Black Sea region to ensure the safety and security of seafarers.

“Bulk carriers, manned by innocent seafarers, are the epitome of non-warships and any attack on them is reprehensible and inexcusable. It is imperative to emphasize that merchant ships, regardless of the ongoing conflict, should not be made pawns in any hostile engagement,” wrote INTERCARGO.


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5e80f1 No.106103

File: 107b141f0d0150a⋯.png (824.02 KB,1100x777,1100:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892258 (100921ZNOV23) Notable: it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language - BO&JAPANon - [Watch the Air]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>quotes Q4545

If America falls so does the world.

If America falls darkness will soon follow.

Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy.

Their power and control relies heavily on an uneducated population.

A population that trusts without individual thought.

A population that obeys without challenge.

A population that remains outside of free thought, and instead, remains isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled mainstream media.

This is not about politics.

This is about preserving our way of life and protecting the generations that follow.

We are living in Biblical times.

Children of light vs children of darkness.

United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106104

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892259 (100924ZNOV23) Notable: it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language - BO&JAPANon - [Watch the Air]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Your vote matters: Q

>You're a lying fucking demon: Me.

Sorry, Brother. Q was an op. It was partly a military deception op. Info was put out for everyone, including the opposition force. It had to seem genuine to complete the mission, but it also created a puzzle for the opfor. The love and appreciation for Anons was genuine, as was the info intended for Anons. POTUS P_PERS were real. WRWY. Q didn't lie so much as Q made use of an available conduit (CBTS/qresearch) to engage FISS as well as inform Anons.

The force we fight has more than Israel in its portfolio, Anons. That force fights under whatever flag is flown by [their] host nation as needed. Infiltration, not invasion. [They] change identities like spies change disguises and actors change costumes - whatever the mission requires.

The Significance of Deception in Contemporary Information Warfare

[T]he major methods of deception are:

• Presenting data to the adversary that represents the truth as you would want them to perceive it. This is achieved by presenting a tailored subset of ‘real’ data, and/or manipulated data, and/or depriving the foe of any data, and/or disrupting the foe’s data collection, and/or • Setting the context in which the foe interprets that data, and/or

• Producing ‘noise’ in the communication channel so that the foe receives only the data allowed by the deceiver.

Information Warfare and Deception, Informing Science, Volume 9, 2006


QR was a conduit. MILDEC = military deception:

'Within MILDEC, conduits are information or intelligence gateways to the deception target. Conduits may be used to control flows of information to a deception target. It is rare that a deceptive message is sent directly to the deception target itself. Most often, deception messages are sent to intelligence collectors (conduits) with the expectation that the deceptive message will systematically make its way to the deception target.'

…I conceal my tracks so that none can discern them; I keep silence so that none can hear me.”

Sun Tzu

The Art of War, c. 500 BC

Here's the source doc if you have further interest: https://jfsc.ndu.edu/portals/72/documents/jc2ios/additional_reading/1c3-jp_3-13-4_mildec.pdf

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5e80f1 No.106105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892260 (100927ZNOV23) Notable: Cyprus Wins Support for Gaza Maritime Aid Plan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cyprus Wins Support for Gaza Maritime Aid Plan


The government of Cyprus has a plan to set up an aid sealift to Gaza, where an estimated 1.5 million people have been displaced amidst the ongoing security operation against the terrorist group Hamas. The proposal, laid out in a 25-page plan at an aid conference Thursday, is winning support from other EU nations - though the infrastructure for the Gaza end of the operation would still have to be worked out.

The plan calls for aid to be transported and collected in Cyprus, where it would be inspected and registered, potentially at the port of Larnaca. It would be loaded aboard ships for transport to Gaza, with further inspection, and would transit on a secure sea corridor. At the end point in Gaza, it would be unloaded and distributed to the civilian population.

Gaza's sole seaport is located in the north end of the territory in Gaza City, the epicenter of the Israeli security operation. There is a need for aid in this region: the UN reports that there are no bread bakeries working in the north side of Gaza because of a lack of fuel, water and flour, and no food or bottled water has been distributed there in a week. The UN humanitarian affairs coordination office, OCHA, says that several hundred thousand people remain in this area, despite an Israeli order for civilians to evacuate south.

While direct aid deliveries to the pier in this region would fill a near-term need, the final-mile logistics question is thorny. Gaza City's port is small, designed for fishing vessels, and getting large quantities of goods to the pier could be challenging.

An additional small port began construction near the town of Khan Yunis, further south, in 2016; details on its current status are limited and recent satellite photos show a single breakwater extending from shore.

Any other alternative option in the south end of Gaza would require delivery to an unimproved beach site. Amphibious cargo transfer is an advanced ship-to-shore capability, typically provided by military forces.

“The Republic of Cyprus is trying, within its capabilities, to ensure that humanitarian aid to Gaza is uninterrupted,” said the President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides. He added that the plan has the support of French President Emmanuel Macron and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. Prince Rashid bin El Hassan of Jordan has also expressed support, his office said, along with the prime minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte.

The government of Greece is also behind the plan. “The Cypriot proposal is well thought out,” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in a statement. “The most difficult aspect is to identify a suitable landing zone in southern Gaza, to create the necessary port infrastructure and to ensure the safety of the route, which will require the cooperation of all parties involved.”


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5e80f1 No.106106

File: 2eea27c2a2e8a28⋯.png (56.76 KB,462x852,77:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892264 (100931ZNOV23) Notable: AnonDig - hunter becomes the hunted This one matches almost identically.?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>...hunter becomes the hunted

This one matches almost identically.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106107

File: 5bec55dae57da2f⋯.png (338.27 KB,703x727,703:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 57fe7ed7590b23e⋯.png (200.89 KB,618x794,309:397,Clipboard.png)

File: bf1f9bd3c737b89⋯.png (13.36 KB,942x72,157:12,Clipboard.png)

File: 420e163ea735d14⋯.png (1.27 MB,958x1072,479:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892274 (100940ZNOV23) Notable: AnonDig - hunter becomes the hunted This one matches almost identically.?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106108

File: 2bf56297c14dbf5⋯.png (214.28 KB,1080x712,135:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a0317c80a5cacc⋯.png (9.07 KB,121x48,121:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892280 (100944ZNOV23) Notable: Bible related- Q post #2751 #3707 #4739

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." Q post #4739


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106109

File: ffb07574b2a86c0⋯.png (69.52 KB,949x339,949:339,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a20025b7548823⋯.png (10.05 KB,150x81,50:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892287 (100947ZNOV23) Notable: Bible related- Q post #2751 #3707 #4739

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Though, nothing should ever replace 'Christ' in 'Christmas'. Merry Christmas, Anons/Patriots. God is on our side." Q post #3707


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106110

File: f63feace29afc7c⋯.png (741.07 KB,1230x830,123:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 7444fa4a4207997⋯.png (76.82 KB,714x413,102:59,Clipboard.png)

File: e16be19f5e83b96⋯.png (576.02 KB,1566x1544,783:772,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e3e749c48efa5a⋯.png (1.7 MB,1498x1410,749:705,Clipboard.png)

File: d41810579760179⋯.png (58.76 KB,587x343,587:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892306 (100956ZNOV23) Notable: Bible related- Q post #2751 #3707 #4739

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"'I trust Potus.

And I trust the LORD.

The Lord is leading Potus, of that I'm certain.'

'The Lord is leading us all.

Good v Evil" Q post #2751





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892351 (101012ZNOV23) Notable: #24224

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24224 >>106077

>>106078 Federal Judge Smacks Down Biden ATF AR-15 Gun Ban

>>106079 Texas Rangers Open New Tampering Investigation Into Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 Million No-Bid ‘Vaccine Outreach’ Contract

>>106080 Australia: NSW Health encourages mask-wearing as COVID-19 cases rise

>>106081 GREATEST STREET IN AMERICA!!! - Donald Trump Way in Hialeah

>>106082 The Little Things…Fuck Joe Biden

>>106083 Jill Stein announces for the Green Party

>>106084, >>106086, >>106092, >>106101, >>106103, >>106104 it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language - BO&JAPANon - [Watch the Air]

>>106085 Breaking News?: Frank Borman, the commander of NASA’s Apollo 8, died at 95. The 1968 mission carried the first men to ever orbit the moon.

>>106087 Q post #556 "The 'CURE' will spread WW." >>106089 #3724 #763 >>106093

>>106088 Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza (2000 Mules, 2016:Obama's America) stops by to discuss his new film Police State with Roseanne and Jake.

>>106090 Steve Bannon Tries to Weasel His Way Out of Impending Imprisonment

>>106091 Bannon appeals contempt conviction, saying he was following attorney’s advice

>>106094, >>106095, >>106099 About NSO group? and IDF? Flynn? Past News


>>106097 Vox founder miraculously survives shot in head from point-blank range in Madrid

>>106102 Missile Strike Details Emerge as Ukraine Says Bulkers Are Still Sailing

>>106105 Cyprus Wins Support for Gaza Maritime Aid Plan

>>106098, >>106100, >>106106, >>106107 AnonDig - hunter becomes the hunted This one matches almost identically.?

>>106110, >>106108, >>106109 Bible related- Q post #2751 #3707 #4739


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106112

File: f3a7e9eb343338f⋯.jpeg (125.25 KB,1225x641,1225:641,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892373 (101016ZNOV23) Notable: #24425-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



If AMERICA falls, the World falls.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106113

File: 66e35d8c08c5767⋯.jpeg (117.13 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892421 (101038ZNOV23) Notable: Happy Birthday, Marines. Semper Fi.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Good morning Anons.

Happy Birthday Marines!

Semper Fi or Die.


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5e80f1 No.106114

File: 87bce3b8bea2ac5⋯.jpg (115.05 KB,887x1214,887:1214,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3653a975c8eaf96⋯.png (493.66 KB,568x736,71:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892424 (101040ZNOV23) Notable: On WEF and Kenneth Darlington

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🚨MAJOR PYSOP ALERT: Turns Out Kenneth Darlington is A WEF/Deep State Operative and The People He Shot Were Not Actually Climate Protesters ⚠️


LOCAL MEDIA IS REPORTING HE MAY FACE NO JAIL TIME AT ALL DESPITE KILLING TWO PEOPLE! (According to The Daily Mail). Why is that? It’s indubitably not because he is 77 like they are claiming…. it’s because he did exactly what they wanted him to do!

“They’ve manipulated the narrative to have people believe that it’s just a couple climate protesters blocking the road. In reality, it’s basically almost the whole country protesting against corrupt legislation.

Legislation that was pushed through by the WEF!!! This legislation allows a foreign mining company to mine copper anywhere they please if even a little is found there. Doesn’t matter if there’s a home on it or if it’s owned by a private citizen.

The Panama government has a history of doing this dating back even before the Panama Canal, where they killed citizens who stood up against the canal. Again, another foreign government/company coming in and pillaging land from regular citizens while government officials get rich off of it!

So none of this is a protest because of what the copper mine will do, or how it may impact the climate. They’re protesting against foreign companies coming in for a land grab, backed by government force, while officials open up their pockets!”

Credit to @ddnpandfrens for his extensive research on this! He put in so much time/work despite not having a large audience (yet).

Everyone has been misled by design!

Kenneth Darlington is not only a dual citizen between Panama and America… he’s also a corporate/commercial lawyer, who is defending the legislation put forth by the WEF.

He is not the character from falling down. He’s in bed with the Panama government and the Canadian mining company ⚠️

His involvement goes way back to 2005 when he started to work as a lawyer for Marc Harris. From there, it has continued on back-and-forth between America and Panama. HE IS AN AGENT OF THE DEEP STATE!


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5e80f1 No.106115

File: 636be4436bc8d65⋯.jpg (879.7 KB,1170x1613,1170:1613,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e5376c1b371e60f⋯.jpg (108.09 KB,601x859,601:859,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b32f38574129f64⋯.jpg (151.63 KB,585x923,45:71,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892427 (101042ZNOV23) Notable: On WEF and Kenneth Darlington

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There’s a lot of stuff to put together on this one.


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5e80f1 No.106116

File: 2e9a92a1197a48f⋯.png (28.56 KB,519x400,519:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892447 (101056ZNOV23) Notable: Happy Birthday, Marines. Semper Fi.

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5e80f1 No.106117

File: 742aae815799326⋯.png (114.42 KB,1866x914,933:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892468 (101116ZNOV23) Notable: On WEF and Kenneth Darlington

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Glencore aka Glencore Xstrata has ties to the Clintons. The company Founder got a pardon from Bill in 1994

Investigator might want to look at https://qresear.ch/

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5e80f1 No.106118

File: 562d4600c2408e3⋯.png (18.38 KB,589x270,589:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892472 (101119ZNOV23) Notable: @Techno_Fog: Highlights from the deposition of Special Counsel David Weiss

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Techno Fog


Highlights from the deposition of Special Counsel David Weiss -

The DOJ initially denied his "special attorney" status - directing him to go through Biden's politically appointed US attorneys to charge Hunter Biden.


12:19 PM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106119

File: fe37a79e47a0cfd⋯.png (138.22 KB,1126x739,1126:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892473 (101120ZNOV23) Notable: @xriskology on Sam Altman's sister and allegations of abuse

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Hope you guys remember who Sam Altman is.

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5e80f1 No.106120

File: 013d538ebd89b37⋯.png (449.38 KB,579x504,193:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892475 (101121ZNOV23) Notable: @paulsperry_: Did you know HAMAS set up HQ inside America just three (3) blocks from the U.S. Capitol? The F_I does.

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Paul Sperry


NEW: Did you know HAMAS set up HQ inside America just three (3) blocks from the U.S. Capitol? The FBI does. They know HAMAS operates out of a red brick building on New Jersey Ave. And they've done virtually nothing about the threat. Read all about it here:

5:10 PM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106121

File: 56537962c26afa3⋯.png (384.94 KB,587x544,587:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892478 (101124ZNOV23) Notable: @CitizenFreePres: Spanish nationalists are going off outside the Socialist party headquarters in Madrid.

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Citizen Free Press


Spanish nationalists are going off outside the Socialist party headquarters in Madrid.

Details in comments.


R 0 L 0 D

3:44 PM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106122

File: 355fe08d6a03763⋯.png (668.12 KB,902x673,902:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892481 (101127ZNOV23) Notable: Envelopes With Fentanyl Sent To Election Offices In Georgia And Washington

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Envelopes With Fentanyl Sent To Election

Offices In Georgia And Washington

Daily Wire, by Daniel Chaitin

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 11/9/2023 10:01:58 PM

Envelopes with fentanyl were sent to election offices in Georgia and Washington state, according to officials, during a week in which voters went to the polls throughout the country to cast their ballots for Election Day 2023. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced on Thursday that officials are working to intercept an envelope making its way through the mail to Fulton County, which includes Atlanta, that had tested positive for fentanyl.

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5e80f1 No.106123

File: ef4af0fefaf29d7⋯.jpg (237.59 KB,1080x1757,1080:1757,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892488 (101131ZNOV23) Notable: UK high court denies treatment for 8 month old despite Italian offer to help

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This world is full of fucked up people

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5e80f1 No.106124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892491 (101133ZNOV23) Notable: @CitizenFreePres: Spanish nationalists are going off outside the Socialist party headquarters in Madrid.

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Explained: Why violence hit Madrid's streets ahead of historic Catalan deal

Laura Llach Thu, Nov 9, 2023

After six days of protests, tensions remain high on the streets of Madrid.

On Tuesday night, around 7,000 people gathered outside the Socialist Party headquarters when the demonstrations turned violent.

Radicals monopolised the front row, throwing bottles and even barriers at police who moved in to disperse the group.

The streets of several Spanish cities have been filled with people opposing negotiations between Spain's acting government and Catalan separatist parties over a possible amnesty for thousands involved in Catalonia's independence movement.

In central Madrid, people chanted "Sánchez, son of a b****" and "Puigdemont to jail", referring to acting prime minister Pedro Sánchez and Catalan independence leader Carles Puigdemont, who is currently in self-imposed exile in Belgium.

A total of ten people were arrested, and health workers treated 39 people, 30 of them police officers.

"Today is historic," said journalist Vito Quiles on his social networks.

"(The amnesty) is humiliating. They didn't take into account the opinion of half the population," two pensioners who took part in the demonstration told El País.

The agreement signed on Thursday between the Socialist Party and Puigdemont's party moves the country away from a de-escalation of tensions, but why are Spaniards so angry with Sánchez?

‘The beginning of the end of democracy’

Madrid's Calle Ferraz, where the Socialist Party headquarters are located, has been the scene of Spanish discontent for days.

Pedro Sánchez, acting prime minister and leader of the Socialists, was negotiating with Catalan separatist parties to secure their support in his bid to form a new government and keep his centre-left coalition in power after an inconclusive national election in July.

But the demands of the Catalan pro-independence parties have not gone down well with the public.

Among the promises that Pedro Sánchez made to these parties was the cancellation of 20% of Catalonia's debt to the state, which amounts to €15 billion.

Following an outcry from the other regions, the Socialist Party assured them the agreement would be extended to the other regional debts.

However, the Junts per Catalunya party - led by Puigdemont - still holds the key to Sánchez's government.

The seven seats they won in the last general election are essential for the Socialists to return to government.

What they are demanding in exchange for these coveted seats is what has most inflamed Spaniards: amnesty for political leaders implicated in Catalonia's independence bid.

"The landscape is very worrying. On the one hand, the investiture negotiations are aberrant. On the other hand, dangerous steps have been taken in the recent protests," Óscar Sánchez-Alonso, professor of politics at the Faculty of Communication of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, told Euronews.

"Alongside those who are legitimately and peacefully expressing their dissatisfaction, there is also a growing concentration of groups willing to use violence, and in some sectors the idea has taken hold that if the law doesn't apply to some, it is logical to break it in other directions,” he added.

The pro-independence parties have stated that "all those who were repressed, without exception" will benefit from the amnesty - a total of 1,432 people, according to calculations by the pro-independence organisation Òmnium Cultural.

It is a decision that has divided Spanish society, with 56.5% of the country against it, according to the latest poll by Simple Lógica, which specialises in public opinion research.

The judges also wanted to have their say. The main association of magistrates has issued a very strong statement against the approval of an amnesty.

“It is the beginning of the end of our democracy,” it said, adding that the amnesty law “is not allowed by the Constitution”.



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5e80f1 No.106125

File: b7b5c41bac46f90⋯.png (1.47 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892492 (101132ZNOV23) Notable: Happy Birthday, Marines. Semper Fi.

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5e80f1 No.106126

File: 61530cdc0f52cf8⋯.png (213.02 KB,391x442,23:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892495 (101133ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has filed a subpoena to obtain Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs.

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JUST IN - U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has filed a subpoena to obtain Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs.

"I think it is very important that we identify everybody that was on that plane," Marsha Blackburn says.

Follow for more



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5e80f1 No.106127

File: 05e24d770e84e5a⋯.png (1.37 MB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892504 (101138ZNOV23) Notable: Cenk Uygur looses it on Piers Morgan when he gets to hear some uncomfortable facts.

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Watch Cenk Uygar call Rabbi Schmuley Botech a racist and a bigot.

Visegrád 24


Cenk Uygur looses it on Piers Morgan when he gets to hear some uncomfortable facts.

“You bigot, you racist,” - he tries to counter

Embedded video


Piers Morgan Uncensored

3:21 AM · Nov 10, 2023

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5e80f1 No.106128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892505 (101139ZNOV23) Notable: Cenk Uygur looses it on Piers Morgan when he gets to hear some uncomfortable facts.

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5e80f1 No.106129

File: 09ab91273104c75⋯.png (70.18 KB,605x877,605:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892515 (101143ZNOV23) Notable: @KanekoaTheGreat on Fulton County 2020 ballots and county attorneys status

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“These 150,000 still secret 2020 unfolded mail ballots with the perfect ovals protected by court order for 3 years may have gone missing, and the county’s lawyers have just quit,” @Rasmussen_Poll

posted on X.

"Fulton County poll manager Suzi Voyles was sorting through a large stack of mail-in ballots last November when she noticed something odd: several ballots marked for Joe Biden were extremely similar.

One after another, the votes contained perfectly filled ovals for Biden. What’s more, each of the bubbles boasted an identical white void inside them in the shape of a tiny crescent, indicating they’d been marked with toner ink instead of a pen or pencil, per the Epoch Times.

Voyles also noticed that all of the ballots were printed on different paper than the others she’d counted and none were folded or creased, which is standard for mail-in ballots as they come from envelopes.

“All of them were strangely pristine,” Voyles said. She noted that she’d never seen anything like it in her 20 years monitoring elections in Fulton County.

All but three of the 110 ballots in the stack – which had been labeled “State Farm Arena” – were marked for Biden and appeared to be “identical ballots.”

After Voyles came forward, she was fired as a poll manager by the Fulton County Department of Elections."

More on the "most secure election in American history" via @kylenabecker



Kyle Becker





Fulton County defense attorneys move to withdraw from 2020 election case amid questions about "missing" ballots


2:20 PM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106130

File: 96e563c51b869f7⋯.png (50.79 KB,650x380,65:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892516 (101144ZNOV23) Notable: FBI secretly investigated Biden in 2007 over Delaware golf membership

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FBI secretly investigated Biden in 2007

over Delaware golf club membership after

rich owner waived his $34,000 joining

fee - and he still plays there today

Daily Mail (UK), by Emily Goodin

Posted By: Beardo, 11/9/2023 8:43:28 PM

The FBI secretly investigated Joe Biden in 2007 over his membership in a private Delaware golf club after the owner waived the $34,000 joining fee for him, a shocking new report revealed on Thursday. Biden joined Fieldstone Golf Club in Wilmington, Delaware, in 2001 and remains a member to this day, even playing golf there as president. (snip) Ultimately the secret probe - it's unclear if Biden even knew about it - did not result in allegations of wrongdoing but the story shows the discrepancy between Biden's self-portrayed image as a man of the middle-class and the senator who courted powerful local families like the DuPonts.

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5e80f1 No.106131

File: a4691ff77adc0fd⋯.png (447.78 KB,594x450,33:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892518 (101146ZNOV23) Notable: Soros-Backed Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Found Guilty on Two Federal Counts of Perjury via @gatewaypundit

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The Gateway Pundit


Soros-Backed Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Found Guilty on Two Federal Counts of Perjury via @gatewaypundit

1:45 PM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892519 (101147ZNOV23) Notable: @xriskology on Sam Altman's sister and allegations of abuse

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This is exceptionally common. There's very little one who is being harrassed or abused can do through the courts. They normally back the abuser, choosing instead to attack the very person who needs protecting.

Our courts are completely corrupt too. The whole temple is just awful.

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5e80f1 No.106133

File: a688db5dc904138⋯.png (725.09 KB,594x758,297:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892527 (101151ZNOV23) Notable: Las Vegas Sphere reports $98 million loss. CFO quits.

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Citizen Free Press


Las Vegas Sphere reports $98 million loss. CFO quits.


9:46 AM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106134

File: c2dde06c073bce8⋯.png (291.28 KB,677x437,677:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892538 (101157ZNOV23) Notable: Wenstrup announces he won’t run for reelection in 2024

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Wenstrup announces he won’t run for reelection in 2024

by Tara Suter - 11/09/23 10:16 PM ET

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5e80f1 No.106135

File: f6a0b423cd2ef65⋯.jpg (111.26 KB,757x501,757:501,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892543 (101201ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News

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US At Risk Of Grid Down This Winter, Thank Biden Regime For Energy Crisis, Higher Inflation Not Going Away, More War

Over Half Of The US At Risk Of Grid Down This Winter


Over HALF the United States now has inadequate power generating capacity for peak Winter demand says a new Industry report.

▲ Biden Regime Canceled American Oil Pipeline Leases When Put Into Power







Higher Inflation Is Not Going Away, America


MY COMMENT: WORSE! Hyperinflation and severe supply chain shortages by the end of 2024. Get what you need in the future NOW.

9th Circuit Rules Automakers Can Harvest Your Phone Data


MY COMMENT: It's best not to be using a 'smartphone' at all, but if you do, I would not hook it up in any of those modern vehicles that have GPS and Wifi systems!!! Everything made today seems to be embedded with GOVERNMENT SPYWARE!! Tells us EXACTLY who really runs the entire economy today!

Automaker Bigwigs Admit EVs Are Not Popular Among Americans


Half of America requires long commuting from one place to another and does not have time to sit around waiting for their vehicles to be charged!

Pentagon Confirms Series Of New Attacks On Bases In Syria, Iraq After Latest US Airstrikes


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5e80f1 No.106136

File: 6bbb95c8671c19e⋯.png (359 KB,794x679,794:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892544 (101202ZNOV23) Notable: how the left mobilizes on the abortion issue

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This is how the left mobilizes on the abortion issue, by using fear that women will lose the right completely.

Rather than spew 100% ban (which will never happen in our lifetime) like Lindsey Graham did, and proving their fears true, perhaps focusing on the disgusting number of states that have no fetal development cutoff would be a better tact for the GOP.

Speak Truth to Power | @TheWashingtonPundit

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5e80f1 No.106137

File: ba9b880ee688b45⋯.png (257.93 KB,602x590,301:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892557 (101208ZNOV23) Notable: @libsoftiktok: AP denying that their journalist had prior knowledge of Hamas’ attack

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Libs of TikTok


Remember when AP shared office space with Hamas then pretended like they didn’t know? Now they’re denying that their journalist had prior knowledge of Hamas’ attack despite pictures of him with Hamas infiltrating Israel.

AP is trash. Completely untrustworthy. They have 0 credibility.



9:20 AM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106138

File: 8c1ce1debe23ce5⋯.png (206.76 KB,384x515,384:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892631 (101240ZNOV23) Notable: Gen Flynn: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) is an intentionally deceptive form of psychological operation.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) is an intentionally deceptive form of psychological operation.

The ideology’s purpose is not to promote anything like social harmony, but rather to disadvantage middle-class whites.

Read about it here and who is behind it:


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5e80f1 No.106139

File: fd5b187679455b8⋯.jpg (135.77 KB,720x759,240:253,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 749ca9bcfcabbec⋯.jpg (102.92 KB,999x558,111:62,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892632 (101240ZNOV23) Notable: Iceland hit with 85 earthquakes in just one hour

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JUST IN - Iceland hit with 85 earthquakes in just one hour


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5e80f1 No.106140

File: ae21e5ece73c5bd⋯.png (195.42 KB,384x601,384:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892648 (101246ZNOV23) Notable: Authorities have identified the armed man apprehended near the United States Capitol in Washington, DC on Tuesday as Ahmir Lavon Merrell of Georgia.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Authorities have identified the armed man apprehended near the United States Capitol in Washington, DC on Tuesday as Ahmir Lavon Merrell of Georgia.

The 21-year-old Atlanta native was tased and arrested by US Capitol Police in a park just blocks from the house of government after refusing to drop his firearm.

According to WSB-TV, Merrell has a history of criminal activity, including convictions for sex crimes involving minors. In March of 2019, he was arrested in Fulton County for allegedly molesting a child, but managed to receive a plea deal.


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5e80f1 No.106141

File: 19145841622c83f⋯.png (111.85 KB,628x893,628:893,Clipboard.png)

File: b256acf92b59568⋯.png (215.76 KB,603x440,603:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892683 (101259ZNOV23) Notable: Chicago: A City in Freefall

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Chicago: A City in Freefall

American Thinker, by John F. Di Leo

Posted By: DW626, 11/10/2023 6:31:22 AM

Water Tower Place, an eight-story, 758,000 sq. ft. high-end shopping mall in downtown Chicago, is in the news. Once one of the biggest and most exciting malls in the Midwest, it quietly leaked that the owners are interested in renting out the top five of its eight floors “for purposes other than retail.” Not just wealthy shoppers, but even browsing tourists, too, it seems, are staying away in droves. Chicago could support such a luxury mall once. The Magnificent Mile was a thrilling destination for generations. What happened to Chicago’s iconic Michigan Boulevard? Or to back up even farther — what happened to Chicago?

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5e80f1 No.106142

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892719 (101311ZNOV23) Notable: Bannon on McCarthy: he did a whiny interview yesterday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bannon On McCarthy:McCarthy did a whiny interview yesterday, “saying there needs to repercussions for what they did! Bannon to McCarthy: “What are talking about, "People love the fact that you're gone"!

Think about this McC, “it’s the only time in the history of the Republic, that a Speaker has been fired! Think what is going to be in the opening first two lines of your Obituary in the New York Times”, that would be you McC!”.

Epic, KEK

Bannon goes on to discuss what Congress needs to do now, and the support they need.


Watch McCarthy pathetically smug interview:



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5e80f1 No.106143

File: 287bb809350bc4c⋯.jpg (182.15 KB,720x1168,45:73,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892728 (101314ZNOV23) Notable: Georgia man accused of calling Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and threatening to ‘shoot her in the f-king head

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Georgia man accused of calling Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and threatening to ‘shoot her in the f–king head

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5e80f1 No.106144

File: c9cf2c5dd348a07⋯.png (820.21 KB,2748x1644,229:137,Clipboard.png)

File: df0059a1219d8b2⋯.png (782.21 KB,2558x1628,1279:814,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892752 (101319ZNOV23) Notable: Jim on current catalog problem

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The catalog problem threads are still there. They are in the archive.


Everything can be found there unless something accidentally gets deleted during a spam fry.

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5e80f1 No.106145

File: e7a5ea76b59c620⋯.png (457.21 KB,593x539,593:539,Clipboard.png)

File: 627f36facd32c2c⋯.png (777.21 KB,632x558,316:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892775 (101324ZNOV23) Notable: Poso: Never Forget: Nikki Haley Compared Donald Trump to Shooter Dylan Roof Because Trump Opposed Open Borders

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Never Forget: Nikki Haley Compared Donald Trump to South Carolina Church Shooter Dylan Roof Because Trump Dared to Oppose Open Borders


6:14 AM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106146

File: 0ee259dbe91477e⋯.jpg (128.67 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892777 (101324ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Western World Bailout Corrupt Grifters And Failures, Governments Weaponized Social Media, Republicans Blast Ukraine Lies

German Gov't Agrees To Bailout Bankrupt Wind Farm, UK Increases Subsidies


Consumer choice, free market capitalism no longer exists at all in the fake EU economy.

Biden Regime To Bailout Bankrupt Crony Special Interests Who Produce Nothing Anyone Wants


Consumer choice, free market capitalism no longer exists at all in the fake USSA economy.

If it's a viable energy source, then why do we have to bail it out with taxpayer money?


Federal Government Is Employing Propagandist Speech Police Online





Federal Government Is Employing Propagandist Speech Police Online


▲ FLASHBACK: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations


Republicans Blast Through Biden Ukraine Lies In Senate And On Debate Stage


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5e80f1 No.106147

File: a7e92a8bcae41a6⋯.webp (188.82 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892786 (101328ZNOV23) Notable: Jim W's advice re OFF TOPIC posts being deleted: start an /uncut/ board; anon response to spam

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thanks Jim, and for popping in again.

Can anon ask if you're aware of the mass post and meme deletions happening on the board?

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5e80f1 No.106148

File: b395731a36cd6c9⋯.png (344 KB,595x844,595:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892789 (101330ZNOV23) Notable: PRESIDENT OF VOX: "A black period begins in the history of Spain, today a coup against the Nation has been launched"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jack Poso 🇺🇸



"A black period begins in the history of Spain, today a coup against the Nation has been launched"

"We are starting a civil resistance that will be long and that has only one end. Either the dictator in the dock, or those of us who oppose this coup in jail"

"Permanent Mobilization"


Santiago Abascal 🇪🇸




➡ "Comienza un periodo negro en la historia de España, hoy se ha puesto en marcha un golpe contra la Nación".

➡ "Iniciamos una resistencia civil que será larga y que sólo tiene un final. O el dictador en el banquillo, o los que nos oponemos a este golpe en la cárcel"…

Show more

7:01 AM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106149

File: 23596eafe312e29⋯.png (97.25 KB,599x611,599:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892790 (101330ZNOV23) Notable: PDJT on Jack Smith leak to the press

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8:18 = 17 GM! Happy Friday!

Donald J. Trump


Fake News CNN just did a story, leaked by Deranged Prosecutor Jack Smith and his massive team of Radical Left Lunatics, that various people saw papers and boxes at Mar-a-Lago. Of course they did! They may have been the boxes etc. that were openly and plainly brought from the White House, as is my right under the Presidential Records Act. I even supplied, upon request, Security Tapes to these Election Interfering Thugs. Is this really “Breaking News?” No, it’s “Breaking Fake News.” But what about all of the papers, boxes, and documents found at NUMEROUS Crooked Joe Biden places, like his garage floor by his cherished Corvette, or CHINATOWN where it was just learned that boxes moved freely in and out. He doesn’t come under the Presidential Records Act because he wasn’t President at the time. Deranged Jack Smith has spent over $100,000,000 investigating me on this phony Russia, Russia, Russia, type Scam. How much $’s have they spent investigating Crooked Joe on his much bigger boxes deal?

Nov 10, 2023, 8:18 AM


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5e80f1 No.106150

File: 55db013df6e1da3⋯.jpg (145.79 KB,1199x657,1199:657,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892793 (101332ZNOV23) Notable: Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Related - AllPB

>>105707, >>105710, >>105712, >>105715 Election Integrity Partnership, the Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center and "Takedowns"

>>106025 Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

1/6Election Integrity Partnership's Friends at Stanford Internet Observatory

Some of the Stanford Internet Observatory's team members have interesting backgrounds. Think Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, 2016 US election investigation, Silicon Valley, lawmakers, Civil Society, Yahoo's response to the Snowden disclosures, US Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, iSEC Partners, Aspen Institute, Council on Foreign Relations, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and more. See attached posts for details.

One thing has become very clear in this dig. The people involved in the current "election integrity" effort have developed a huge network. The web is large.

Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - Team


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5e80f1 No.106151

File: b9f8d6dfe37cd85⋯.jpg (212.93 KB,1341x656,1341:656,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1cdab11588a2220⋯.jpg (109.23 KB,894x656,447:328,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892799 (101334ZNOV23) Notable: Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2/6Election Integrity Partnership's Friends at Stanford Internet Observatory

Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - Alex Stamos


- Director Stanford Internet Observatory

- Chief Security Officer ofFacebook

- mitigating information security risks

-Instagram and WhatsApp

- led the company’s investigation into manipulation of the2016 US election

- helped pioneer several successful protections against these new classes of abuse

- representedFacebook and Silicon Valleyto regulators,lawmakersand civil societyon six continents

- April 2017, he co-authored “Information Operations and Facebook”

- highly cited examination of the influence campaign against the US election

- Chief Information Security Officer atYahoo

- led the company’s response to theSnowden disclosures

- open hearing of theUS Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

- co-foundediSEC Partners(see David Thiel who was also at iSEC)

- holds five patents

- noted speaker and writer

- Munich Security Conference

- NATO CyCon

- Web Summit


- CanSecWest

- organizer of the Trustworthy Technology Conference and OURSA

-securingtheUS election systemas a contributor

- Harvard’s Defending Digital Democracy Project

- Stanford’s Cybersecurity Policy Program

- UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity

-Aspen Institute’s Cyber Security Task Force

- Bay Area CSO Council

-Council on Foreign Relations

-NATO’s Collective Cybersecurity Center of Excellence in Tallinn, Estonia

- worked under Prof. David Patterson while earning a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science atUC Berkeley

Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - David Thiel


- Facebook

- focusing on security and safety for Facebook Connectivity

- Terragraph mesh networking system

- Magma open source mobile network platform

- Express Wi-Fi and Facebook Lite

- iSEC Partners (VP) - (see Alex Stamos who co-founded iSEC)

- NCC Group, managing the North American security consulting and research team

- speaker - atBlack Hat,DEFCON, PacSec, SOURCE Boston

- author of iOS Application Security (No Starch Press) and Mobile Application Security (McGraw-Hill)

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5e80f1 No.106152

File: 302f15c77a8661c⋯.png (360.25 KB,596x480,149:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892803 (101336ZNOV23) Notable: Iceland hit with 85 earthquakes in just one hour

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Insider Paper


JUST IN - Iceland hit with 85 earthquakes in just one hour


Volcaholic 🌋

1:36 AM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106153

File: 7de4a1874bff2a1⋯.jpg (99.97 KB,711x783,79:87,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892806 (101337ZNOV23) Notable: Biden to meet with Chinese President Xi on November 15 in San Francisco Bay area

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Biden to meet with Chinese President Xi on November 15 in San Francisco Bay area


Seems.... odd

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5e80f1 No.106154

File: fd8dfe13a57d257⋯.jpg (129.93 KB,983x665,983:665,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 85a7c052bdc3d52⋯.jpg (73.83 KB,581x643,581:643,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b68b2c617b7b1e⋯.jpg (134.25 KB,922x643,922:643,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bafdcd77d03b04f⋯.jpg (99.87 KB,816x639,272:213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892808 (101337ZNOV23) Notable: Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


3/6Election Integrity Partnership's Friends at Stanford Internet Observatory

Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - Riana Pfefferkorn


- Research Scholar at the Stanford Internet Observatory

- Associate Director of Surveillance and Cybersecurity at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society

-Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

- associate in the Internet Strategy & Litigation group

- Honorable Bruce J. McGiverin of theU.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico

- law clerk

- Honorable Stephen Reinhardt of theU.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

- interned for

- speaker

-Black HatandDEF CON's Crypto & Privacy Village

- quoted in the press

- New York Times

- Washington Post


- graduate of the University of Washington School of Law and Whitman College

Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - Tongtong Zhang


"...Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) as APARC Predoctoral Fellow for the 2021-2022 academic year. She is a Ph.D candidate at the department of Political Science at Stanford University. Her research focuses on authoritarian deliberation and responsiveness in China."

Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - Jeff Hancock


Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - Elena Cryst


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5e80f1 No.106155

File: 35dc4bc1ce2ac00⋯.jpg (105.17 KB,792x613,792:613,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7af68b95994f0a5⋯.jpg (104.99 KB,796x645,796:645,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 320ab6370670c42⋯.jpg (81.35 KB,709x643,709:643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892821 (101340ZNOV23) Notable: Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


4/6Election Integrity Partnership's Friends at Stanford Internet Observatory

Stanford Freeman Spogli - Renee Diresta - see her information in the PB Notable linked in 1/6 this thread.

This bio is sparse.


Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - Shelby Grossman


Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - Shubhi Mathur


Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - John Perrino


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5e80f1 No.106156

File: 95faa1ad840c297⋯.jpg (128.57 KB,1294x676,647:338,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de47b1b1fd2f096⋯.jpg (145.38 KB,1069x622,1069:622,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2e5f92194f48bc9⋯.jpg (127.25 KB,800x669,800:669,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ed3d1057b7b15ea⋯.jpg (105.87 KB,859x643,859:643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892829 (101342ZNOV23) Notable: Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


5/6Election Integrity Partnership's Friends at Stanford Internet Observatory

Anon was disappointed to get an access denied page for Ronald E. Robertson's Stanford page. There are more than one Robert E. Robertsons which were found during this dig and the pictures of Robertson are very different from the Stanford Team's webpage (see pic in 1/6) to the Northeastern U page (see pic 5.2 this post). The Stanford Ronald E. Robertson is confirmed to be the Northeastern University Ronald E. Robertson via his Linkedin page (the linked in pic is the same as the Northeastern U pic and linkedin text confirms Stanford). Robertson's information on Northeastern's page leads to the Ronald Edward Robertson "About Me" page. Something called ResearchGate lists 24 publications to which Ronald E. Robertson contributed (see 6/6 this thread).

Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center - Ronald E. Robertson


Northeastern University - Ronald E. Robertson


Linkedin - Ronald E. Robertson


Ronald Edward Robertson - About Me


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5e80f1 No.106157

File: 02417d7c183194f⋯.jpg (56.05 KB,704x632,88:79,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9800037120439b5⋯.jpg (155.78 KB,1222x587,1222:587,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892834 (101344ZNOV23) Notable: Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


6/6Election Integrity Partnership's Friends at Stanford Internet Observatory

ResearchGate - Ronald E. Robertson


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5e80f1 No.106158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892840 (101346ZNOV23) Notable: Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>106150, >>106151, >>106154, >>106155, >>106156, >>106157 Election Integrity Partnership's Friends at Stanford Internet Observatory

Bun forBaker

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5e80f1 No.106159

File: 6b5f08133edff3e⋯.png (312.88 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892843 (101346ZNOV23) Notable: Jim W's response to mass deletions of off-topic posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I am aware of material that has been deleted in mass. Posts that were repeated over and over that belong on their board.

I can think of an example. At times, there is someone who is discussing circumcision. These posts were

repeated over and over and over again, which is the Greek meaning of meme, which is to repeat.

However, they were off-topic. This is not the /uncut/ board.

That person should request to make a new board for this since the material is still in his possession but of no interest to most folks. People that are interested in the uncut penis will then flock to this board. There is no loss. Uncuts can gather together and schnoodle all they want.

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5e80f1 No.106160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892847 (101348ZNOV23) Notable: Jim W's advice re OFF TOPIC posts being deleted: start an /uncut/ board; anon response to spam

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> Uncuts can gather together and schnoodle all they want.

Dammit, Jim. You made me spit coffee out on the keyboard and monitor. TOP KEK!

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5e80f1 No.106161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892854 (101349ZNOV23) Notable: Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


anon...is this the reason THEY RAIDED IT? Do you recall when they raided the observatory? Anons could not figure out why or what they could possibly be doing? Why would they be doing "crimes against children" at the observatory??? Regulatory compliance at an observatory? Internet policy?

Wowser...this isNOTABLE


And why 45 raided the observatory...

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5e80f1 No.106162

File: 8fc00a58373d1dd⋯.png (260.21 KB,1724x854,862:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 850c7b122c61703⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,1800x3208,225:401,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892856 (101350ZNOV23) Notable: Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


see the Disinfo thread, has more info on the huge web of which you speak.

The dig on this network started in late Dec. 2018 with the Alabama Senate race scandal that Q pointed out, that Q post is in that thread - it references a Fox news post, date is about Dec 20, 2018.

Here it is:

Q post that started it all:

#2635 - 2018-12-20 18:33:09 (UTC+1)


The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed.

FAKE NEWS can no longer control [dampen] public awareness of the TRUTH.



Disinfo thread contains the attached chart and similiar.

>>>/qresearch/18395631 Disinfo OP

>>>/qresearch/18396336 History of Disinfo network from original dig 2018-2019

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5e80f1 No.106163

File: 8d79ce0bcd2c799⋯.jpg (359.08 KB,600x850,12:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892872 (101356ZNOV23) Notable: Jim W's advice re OFF TOPIC posts being deleted: start an /uncut/ board; anon response to spam

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



That example is understandable.

However, much more than repeated over-and-over posts are being deleted.

In most threads 'all posts by IP' are blanket wiped 4-5 times per thread.

Anons have been complaining about the censorship.

The posts are anything that the BO doesn't like personally, and any dissent of the censorship. Just blanket wiped. Poof!

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5e80f1 No.106164

File: e6d0b97774d5257⋯.jpg (20.6 KB,255x250,51:50,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892875 (101357ZNOV23) Notable: Welcome Jim!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Good morning, Jim. Hope you're well, many thanks for providing this site, you rock!

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5e80f1 No.106165

File: d26fab211743e82⋯.jpeg (882.73 KB,1155x1098,385:366,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892884 (101400ZNOV23) Notable: Welcome Jim!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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5e80f1 No.106166

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892889 (101401ZNOV23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/10/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/10/2023



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5e80f1 No.106167

File: d27bc425a7a6942⋯.png (976.33 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892896 (101403ZNOV23) Notable: Portuguese PM António Costa in crisis after cops raid residence

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Portuguese PM António Costa in crisis after cops raid residence

NOVEMBER 7, 2023

Portuguese police raided Prime Minister António Costa's official residence and detained his chief of staff, Vítor Escária, as part of a corruption investigation, Portugal's attorney general said Tuesday.

According to a statement issued by the Portuguese Prosecutor's Office, the prime minister is being investigated as part of the probe.

The probe is linked to lithium exploration schemes in the north of the country and a green hydrogen mega-project in Sines.

Police searches of the prime minister's residence and the Ministries of Environment and Infrastructure are ongoing. In addition to Escária, Costa's personal adviser Diogo Lacerda — one of the prime minister's closest confidants — and Nuno Mascarenhas, the socialist mayor of Sines, have also been detained.

Costa's Socialist government has enthusiastically backed numerous schemes to extract lithium in different areas of Portugal as part of the EU's wider drive to secure critical raw materials, but those projects have been mired in controversy because of the low quality of the elements set to be extracted and the disproportionate environmental damage expected from the operations.

A 2021 POLITICO investigation into one mining scheme in the northern Montealegre region highlighted these controversies and ultimately led the Portuguese government to cancel one major project in the area.

The prime minister's executive has also bet big on a green hydrogen production hub in the port of Sines, a project which is being funded with billions of euros of EU innovation cash.

Portuguese news wire Lusa reported that Costa met with Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa shortly after the raids began. That meeting has already concluded, but no information on what was discussed has been provided to the press.

Shortly after Costa left the presidential palace, state broadcaster RTP reported that Rebelo de Sousa had summoned Lucília Gago, Portugal's attorney general.

Costa has been prime minister of Portugal since 2015, when he led a minority government backed by a coalition of left-wing forces and subsequently oversaw a tourism boom that fueled the country's economic recovery after years of financial turmoil.

The prime minister was reelected in 2019 and most recently in snap elections held in 2022, when his Socialist Party unexpectedly secured an absolute majority of seats in the Portuguese parliament. Despite the scale of his victory, Costa's latest government has been affected by a steady stream of scandals, and in less than two years more than a dozen members of his executive have resigned for a variety of reasons.

Although Portugal's president has openly criticized Costa's scandal-ridden government, he has refused to dissolve parliament and call new elections, arguing the move would be disruptive at a moment when the country is attempting to distribute the EU's recovery funds.

Immediately after the police raids Tuesday, center-right opposition group Liberal Initiative called for Costa to resign, and for the dissolution of parliament if the prime minister


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5e80f1 No.106168

File: 1ed2a2076fa1c35⋯.png (444.29 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892919 (101409ZNOV23) Notable: Jim W's response to mass deletions of off-topic posts

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No, that is not what is going on.

>Anons are complaining

This is normal. I have seen the examples and it is obvious the the people here except the truly feeble, that the BO lets posts that he doesn't agree with stay on the board.

There are local rules. When you post against them.

Example: illegal content, or spams of random gore, etc those posts belong either in prison, or on another board if they are not illegal, but so obviously objectionable.

If you post Phan Thi Kim Phuc in context when discussing her horrific ordeal as a child that is in context.

If you post just random crap, we have another public place for that.

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5e80f1 No.106169

File: 3aca151c7b7706d⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892931 (101412ZNOV23) Notable: Portuguese PM António Costa in crisis after cops raid residence

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Portuguese PM António Costa resigns amid corruption probe

NOVEMBER 7, 2023

Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa submitted his resignation Tuesday after police raided his official residence and the country’s attorney general confirmed he was being investigated under a corruption probe.

During a televised news conference, Costa said he was “surprised” to learn that “a criminal case has already been or will be initiated against me,” and insisted he’d had nothing to do with any “illicit or reprehensible act.”

Costa said the gravity of the charges driving his investigation are “incompatible with the dignity of the office of prime minister,” making it impossible for him to continue in the post.

Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will now have to decide whether to dissolve parliament and call new elections, or choose a new prime minister from Costa’s Socialist Party.

The office of the presidency confirmed that party leaders will be summoned to meet Wednesday, with the Council of State, an advisory body to the president, expected to meet Thursday.

Costa said he was willing to remain in office until a successor was named, but clarified he would not put his name forward as a candidate for higher office. His resignation marked “the end of a chapter” in his life, he said.

Lithium exploration schemes

The prime minister’s resignation came hours after Portugal’s national police carried out searches of Costa’s residence and several government ministry buildings. The sweeps are part of a corruption probe linked to lithium exploration schemes in the north of the country as well as a green hydrogen mega-project in Sines.

Costa’s chief of staff, Vítor Escária, was also detained, the attorney general said earlier on Tuesday. Authorities also confirmed that Minister of Infrastructure João Galamba and Portuguese Environment Agency head Nuno Lacasta had been indicted.

Costa’s socialist government has enthusiastically backed schemes to extract lithium in different areas of Portugal as part of the EU’s wider drive to secure critical raw materials, but those projects have been mired in controversy due to the low quality of the material to be extracted and the disproportionate environmental damage expected.

A 2021 POLITICO investigation into one mining scheme in the northern Montealegre region highlighted these controversies and ultimately led the Portuguese government to cancel a major project in the area.

The prime minister’s executive had also bet big on a green hydrogen production hub in the Port of Sines, a project that is being funded with millions of euros in EU innovation cash.

End of an era

Socialist Party leader Costa became prime minister of Portugal in 2015, forming a minority government backed by an unlikely coalition of far-left parties.

His government oversaw a tourism boom that turned the country into an international hotspot and led observers to salute a “Portuguese economic miracle” that had transformed the country after years of austerity imposed following the European debt crisis.

The impact of COVID on tourism, however, dampened enthusiasm for Costa and invited censure of his government’s promotion of cheap service-sector jobs and tax breaks for digital nomads. Left-wing parties also broke with the PM due to meager public investment in education and health care, as well as for his government’s inaction during a nationwide housing crisis worsened by an influx of expat residents.

However, despite widespread discontent among public sector workers, Costa’s Socialist Party managed to gain an absolute majority of seats in the country’s parliament in 2022 legislative elections thanks to a campaign in which Costa cast himself as the only viable alternative to a center-right government supported by the far-right Chega party.


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5e80f1 No.106170

File: 281d2db06812443⋯.jpg (901.54 KB,640x1137,640:1137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892957 (101420ZNOV23) Notable: Jim W's advice re OFF TOPIC posts being deleted: start an /uncut/ board; anon response to spam

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Ok Jim. Thanks for your answers.

Appreciate you noticing and keeping an eye on what's going on.


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5e80f1 No.106171

File: 8045cd959e36d67⋯.jpg (228.37 KB,554x450,277:225,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892968 (101422ZNOV23) Notable: Alaska judge upholds approval of ConocoPhillips’ $7.5 billion Willow oil project

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Alaska judge upholds approval of ConocoPhillips’ $7.5 billion Willow oil project

Jennifer A. Dlouhy, Bloomberg November 10, 2023

(Bloomberg) – A federal judge upheld the Biden administration’s approval of ConocoPhillips’ 600 MMbbl Willow oil development in Alaska.

The National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska

The ruling by Alaska-based U.S. District Judge Sharon Gleason means ConocoPhillips can continue developing the $7.5 billion project in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska that promises to eventually yield some 180,000 bopd.

The judge is an Obama appointee. Interesting... A win is a win.

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5e80f1 No.106172

File: a114f679d3f07c5⋯.png (275.69 KB,566x803,566:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892983 (101425ZNOV23) Notable: Four Los Angeles sheriff's officials found dead in apparent suicides..

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JUST IN: Four Los Angeles sheriff's officials found dead in apparent suicides..


Over a period of just 24 hours, authorities made the discovery of four individuals who were associated with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD). These incidents have been described by officials as suicides.

The events involved both current and former members of LASD.

The sequence of events unfolded as follows:

On Monday, the first victim was found deceased at approximately 10:30 a.m. in Valencia, followed by the discovery of a second victim at 12:53 p.m. in Lancaster, and a third death was reported at 5:40 p.m. in Stevenson Ranch.

Detectives responded to the situation involving the fourth victim on Tuesday at around 7:30 a.m. in the city of Pomona, as reported by KTLA..


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5e80f1 No.106173

File: d6c3be30ecbe2d4⋯.png (232.23 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19892996 (101428ZNOV23) Notable: Statins are NOT “Wonder Drugs” they are Metabolic Poisons that Kill One Cell at a Time.

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Statins are NOT “Wonder Drugs” they are Metabolic Poisons that Kill One Cell at a Time.

The Gravy Train.

“Statins lower LDL, but they do not change outcomes in any significant fashion.” Dr. Jack Wolfson (cardiologist)

The statin industry generates 20 billion a year and has caused life-threatening nutrient deficiency in millions of otherwise healthy people. There has been active discouragement to publish any negative studies on the effects of statins by those aboard the lucrative statin gravy train.

In the U.S. alone, 40 million adults take statins, despite the questionable effectiveness and safety they are still being recommended for many people. The use of lucrative statins doubled among U.S. adults from 2000 to 2011 in the false belief that they reduce heart disease risk.

Cholesterol is still largely vilified, and statin use is still heavily promoted. In spite of “target” cholesterol levels having been achieved, a systemic review by DuBroff et al published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine stated:



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5e80f1 No.106174

File: 7e18842eb4d5f61⋯.jpeg (87.21 KB,1079x1023,1079:1023,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893034 (101438ZNOV23) Notable: Jim W's advice re OFF TOPIC posts being deleted: start an /uncut/ board; anon response to spam

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Oh, you want an example of how free speech is being abused here? Okay. Imagine spamming bullshit all day to drown out everyone else. Imagine spamming all day to deliberately distract and divide. Free speech is free, but so are the consequences for not exercising free speech responsibly - it's not a get out of jail free card for your mouth. The consequences are their spam is being removed, and the best thing they can do is whine about it.

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5e80f1 No.106175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893050 (101442ZNOV23) Notable: Hawaii Government Officials Contradict Own Citizens’ Accounts on Maui Fire Disaster

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Hawai’i Government Officials Contradict Own Citizens’ Accounts on Maui Fire Disaster

Nov 7, 2023

In the aftermath of the devastating August fire that claimed over 100 lives in Lahaina, Maui, an independent journalist partnered with Project Veritas to investigate the claims of Lahaina residents who shared their water and electricity was not functioning on the morning of the deadly fire.

This journalist held meetings with multiple representatives from the Maui mayor’s office and the governor's office, all of whom clung to the official narrative that the water supply had not been interrupted.

As the historic town of Lahaina continues to grapple with the devastating aftermath of these fires, community members continue to raise questions about the government’s emergency response.


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5e80f1 No.106176

File: cd5df862568fde5⋯.png (536.25 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893052 (101443ZNOV23) Notable: Jim W's response to mass deletions of off-topic posts

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Now you are understanding. You have a place, and it is public and available for your posts. People can read them. They can archive them.

Those posts can be cherished.

Someone just said I don't allow shit posting.

You obviously haven't been to the >>>/vichan/

board. It is full of actual shit posts.

There is a >>>/catholic/ board. You can post about your faith there. It is like a table of contents if you go to the front of this website.

Repeating unwanted posts over and over again is naughty behavior. I find it especially reprehensible when it is against the First Amendment of the United States.

You know the part about practicing your own religion.

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5e80f1 No.106177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893174 (101507ZNOV23) Notable: #24425-A

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#24425-A >>106112

>>106113, >>106116, >>106125 Happy Birthday, Marines. Semper Fi.

>>106114, >>106115, >>106117 On WEF and Kenneth Darlington

>>106118 @Techno_Fog: Highlights from the deposition of Special Counsel David Weiss

>>106119, >>106132 @xriskology on Sam Altman's sister and allegations of abuse

>>106120 @paulsperry_: Did you know HAMAS set up HQ inside America just three (3) blocks from the U.S. Capitol? The F_I does.

>>106121, >>106124 @CitizenFreePres: Spanish nationalists are going off outside the Socialist party headquarters in Madrid.

>>106122 Envelopes With Fentanyl Sent To Election Offices In Georgia And Washington

>>106123 UK high court denies treatment for 8 month old despite Italian offer to help

>>106126 U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has filed a subpoena to obtain Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs.

>>106127, >>106128 Cenk Uygur looses it on Piers Morgan when he gets to hear some uncomfortable facts.

>>106129 @KanekoaTheGreat on Fulton County 2020 ballots and county attorneys status

>>106130 FBI secretly investigated Biden in 2007 over Delaware golf membership

>>106131 Soros-Backed Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Found Guilty on Two Federal Counts of Perjury via @gatewaypundit

>>106133 Las Vegas Sphere reports $98 million loss. CFO quits.

>>106134 Wenstrup announces he won’t run for reelection in 2024

>>106135, >>106146 End Times News

>>106136 how the left mobilizes on the abortion issue

>>106137 @libsoftiktok: AP denying that their journalist had prior knowledge of Hamas’ attack

>>106138 Gen Flynn: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) is an intentionally deceptive form of psychological operation.

>>106139, >>106152 Iceland hit with 85 earthquakes in just one hour

>>106140 Authorities have identified the armed man apprehended near the United States Capitol in Washington, DC on Tuesday as Ahmir Lavon Merrell of Georgia.

>>106141 Chicago: A City in Freefall

>>106142 Bannon on McCarthy: he did a whiny interview yesterday



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5e80f1 No.106178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893192 (101509ZNOV23) Notable: #24425-B

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>>106143 Georgia man accused of calling Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and threatening to ‘shoot her in the f-king head

>>106144 Jim on current catalog problem

>>106164, >>106165 Welcome Jim!

>>106163, >>106147, >>106176, >>106159, >>106160, >>106168, >>106170, >>106174 Jim W's advice re OFF TOPIC posts being deleted: start an /uncut/ board; anon response to spam

>>106145 Poso: Never Forget: Nikki Haley Compared Donald Trump to Shooter Dylan Roof Because Trump Opposed Open Borders

>>106148 PRESIDENT OF VOX: "A black period begins in the history of Spain, today a coup against the Nation has been launched"

>>106149 PDJT on Jack Smith leak to the press

>>106150, >>106151, >>106154, >>106155, >>106156, >>106157, >>106158, >>106162, >>106161 Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

>>106153 Biden to meet with Chinese President Xi on November 15 in San Francisco Bay area

>>106166 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/10/2023

>>106167, >>106169 Portuguese PM António Costa in crisis after cops raid residence

>>106171 Alaska judge upholds approval of ConocoPhillips’ $7.5 billion Willow oil project

>>106172 Four Los Angeles sheriff's officials found dead in apparent suicides..

>>106173 Statins are NOT “Wonder Drugs” they are Metabolic Poisons that Kill One Cell at a Time.

>>106175 Hawaii Government Officials Contradict Own Citizens’ Accounts on Maui Fire Disaster

>>106127, >>106128, >>>/qresearch/19893160

Cenk Uygur looses it on Piers Morgan when he gets to hear some uncomfortable facts.CN


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5e80f1 No.106179

File: 4980172554e6154⋯.png (101.62 KB,381x212,381:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893211 (101512ZNOV23) Notable: #24426

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baker seeking handoff


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5e80f1 No.106180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893256 (101520ZNOV23) Notable: The Supreme Court dismantled Roe. States are restoring it one by one.

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>red wave

Moar Blood

The Supreme Court dismantled Roe. States are restoring it one by one.

Justice Samuel Alito challenged voters to decide the future of abortion when he wrote the U.S. Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade last year.

"We do not pretend to know how our political system or society will respond," he noted as he threw out half a century of precedent.

Now, 17 months later, the court has an answer: Americans want to preserve or restore Roe-like protections. In contest after contest, including a major victory in Ohio this week, voters decisively chose abortion rights over limitations — even in deep-red pockets of the country.

When the right to abortion is on the ballot, it wins. It wins in red states that voted for President Donald Trump. It wins in counties President Joe Biden lost by more than 20 points. It wins when popular Republican officials campaign for it and when they ignore it. And it wins even when the outcome has no immediate effect on abortion access.

Support for abortion cuts across party lines, performing significantly better at the ballot box than Biden and other Democrats. In fact, abortion outruns Biden most in the most Republican areas, according to a POLITICO analysis of election results from the five states that have had direct votes on abortion rights. In those five states — California, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio — every county that voted for Biden also voted for abortion rights.

In the counties where Biden received less than 20 percent of the vote in 2020, the abortion-rights side has averaged 31 percent in referendums — an 11-point gap.

The pattern of cross-partisan support for abortion is so strong, the analysis found, that it suggests only a small handful of states, such as Wyoming or Alabama, might be uniformly conservative enough to vote against abortion if given the opportunity.

The data reflects Americans’ life experience: Nearly 1 in 4 women will have an abortion, and nearly 60 percent of abortions are among women who already have children.

“Abortions being ‘always’ or ‘mostly’ legal won in Texas. It won in every state in which we polled the question,” said Don Levy, director of the Siena College Research Institute. “That’s where America is."

more Human Sacrifices


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5e80f1 No.106181

File: 931c4242f187551⋯.png (808.46 KB,1024x1032,128:129,Clipboard.png)

File: c46744b1d38c4ec⋯.png (802.02 KB,1199x1764,1199:1764,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893278 (101526ZNOV23) Notable: EIP/Stanford thread A once-robust alliance of federal agencies, tech companies, election officials and researchers that worked together to thwart foreign propaganda and disinformation has fragmented

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A once-robust alliance of federal agencies, tech companies, election officials and researchers that worked together to thwart foreign propaganda and disinformation has fragmented after years of sustained Republican attacks.



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5e80f1 No.106182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893306 (101531ZNOV23) Notable: Mayor Pothole Pete has abused taxpayer dollars by flying all over the country on carbon emitting jets/aka Buttplug

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Mayor Pothole Pete has abused taxpayer dollars by flying all over the country on carbon emitting jets.

He's a scammer. He's a liar. He's not even qualified to be the Secretary of Transportation.

Pothole Pete absolutely needs to be fired.


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5e80f1 No.106183

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893346 (101539ZNOV23) Notable: Federal judge declines to push back Trump's classified documents trial but postpones other deadlines

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Associated Press

Federal judge declines to push back Trump's classified documents trial but postpones other deadlines

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Florida declined for now to postpone former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial but did push back several pre-trial deadlines in the case.

The ruling from U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon is at least a modest victory for special counsel Jack Smith’s team, which had vigorously rejected efforts to push off the trial beyond its scheduled start date of May 20, 2024.

The case includes dozens of felony charges accusing the Republican former president of illegally retaining classified documents at his Palm Beach estate, Mar-a-Lago, and hiding them from government investigators.

The decision from Cannon is notable given that she had signaled during a hearing this month that she was open to pushing back the trial date, pointing to the other trials Trump faces as well as the mounds of evidence that defense lawyers need to review. Trump’s lawyers had complained about the burden of scouring more than 1 million pages of evidence that prosecutors have produced. Prosecutors had resisted any effort to delay, saying they’d already taken steps to make the evidence easier for the defense to review.

Trump is currently set for trial on March 4, 2024, in Washington on federal charges that he plotted to overturn the 2020 presidential election, which he lost to Democrat Joe Biden. He also faces charges in Georgia accusing him of trying to subvert that state’s vote, as well as another state case in New York accusing him of falsifying business records in connection with hush money payments to porn actor Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election.

In addition, Trump has been sued in a business fraud case in New York, where a trial is taking place. Trump has denied wrongdoing in all of the cases, claiming without evidence that they are part of a politically motivated effort to prevent him from returning to the White House.


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5e80f1 No.106184

File: 836de26c786d9c3⋯.png (610.63 KB,765x1342,765:1342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893370 (101543ZNOV23) Notable: American corruption 🤝🏻 American debt crisis

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American corruption 🤝🏻 American debt crisis


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5e80f1 No.106185

File: 8e4c6716868a6a2⋯.png (430.6 KB,717x387,239:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 273bc5e8e28acf9⋯.png (259.38 KB,515x300,103:60,Clipboard.png)

File: e0e442765112f05⋯.png (474.05 KB,1151x869,1151:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893372 (101544ZNOV23) Notable: Happy birthday: U.S. Marines to celebrate 248th birthday on Friday

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Happy birthday: U.S. Marines to celebrate 248th birthday on Friday

CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (WNCT) — On Friday, U.S. Marines around the globe will celebrate 248 years of service to the nation.

“It’s a time where we kind of honor our legacy, honor our traditions, we also reflect back on our fallen, reflect back on the past, but also look forward to the future,” said Col. Aldolfo Garcia Jr., Commander of Marine Corps Installations East.

The Marine Corps is composed of Marines who are each part of a long and powerful legacy of honor, courage, and commitment, and the traditional birthday celebration unites all those, past and present, who have earned the Eagle, Globe and Anchor.

“It signifies that we’re honoring, you know, those that have gone before us. And that oldest marine gives the cake to the youngest Marine, and the youngest marine signifies our future,” Garcia said.

Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune will host a traditional birthday cake-cutting ceremony at the installation theater on Friday at 11 a.m.

The birthday, also known as Marine Corps Day, was originally celebrated on July 11, 1799 until 1921, when Maj. Gen. John A. Lejeune issued an order to formalize the tradition and establish an official day to honor the birthday of the Marine Corps. The ceremony traditionally includes a guest of honor, a reading of Lt. Gen. Lejeune’s birthday message, recognition of the oldest and youngest Marine present and the cake.

The oldest Marine at Camp Lejeune is Ralph J. Rizzo, 56, who has served 34 years.

“It’s about knowledge and experience and passing those things on our history and our customs to the next generation of Marines that will take us forward and continue to do what we do fight and win our nation’s wars. So it’s special,” Rizzo said.

The youngest Marine at Camp Lejeune is Kinyeta Jackson, who is 17.

“It’s an honor. And I am grateful that I was able to be a part of it,” Jackson said.

The ceremony will also honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice with a missing man table and a moment of silence to remember their legacy and reinforce the idea of being the first to fight.

“We stand ready,” Rizzo said. “We stand ready on behalf of this nation and Marines are forward deployed as we speak, doing the nation’s bidding and keeping the war from the door.”

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5e80f1 No.106186

File: e1a2fd2f3657850⋯.jpg (163.89 KB,720x998,360:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893411 (101553ZNOV23) Notable: moar Piglosi hammer guy

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NEW - Man accused of attacking Pelosi's husband reportedly brought sledgehammer, zip ties, gloves, duct tape, cash, a Canadian passport, a Canadian birth certificate, men’s clothes, a video game console, and two inflatable, multicolor unicorn costumes - media reports

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5e80f1 No.106187

File: dd957abce4bf7e1⋯.png (699.98 KB,1465x663,1465:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893428 (101556ZNOV23) Notable: Happy birthday: U.S. Marines to celebrate 248th birthday on Friday

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>>10 November 2023


For 248 years, Marines have earned a reputation as the most disciplined and lethal warfighters in the world. This legacy of honor, courage, and commitment passed on to us was paid for in sweat, blood, and sacrifice. From Belleau Wood to Inchon and Tarawa to Sangin, Marines have stepped forward to defend our Constitution when others either could not or would not. Our history is filled with heroes like Chief Warrant Officer 4 Hershel "Woody" Williams, Private First Class Hector Cafferata Jr., Sergeant Major Dan Daly, and thousands of others who performed acts of bravery which went unseen in the heat of battle. We stand on the shoulders of these Marines, and we owe it to them to earn our title "Marine" each and every day.

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5e80f1 No.106188

File: 867533db5dbbbb5⋯.webp (461.84 KB,500x271,500:271,Clipboard.webp)

File: 6bde0f9c6b13277⋯.jpeg (427.99 KB,828x1381,828:1381,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893429 (101556ZNOV23) Notable: American corruption 🤝🏻 American debt crisis

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In essence a larger premium was applied to get that crap out the door. The Dealers took up double the normal avg (had to)

This was released while out and was everywhere and used as the excuse markets snapped its best run in 2 years

Sovs still buying just not long term Japanese funds just bought

From 118 and posted when released

Japanese Funds Buy Most US Debt in Half Year, Pressuring Yen


Primary dealers have to buy whatever is left over or they ain’t orimary dealers any longer (doubt any of them get removed but that is a requirement of being one-you will participate in thee “auctions”)

Cap2 is who they are


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5e80f1 No.106189

File: b8a16d39db1b12d⋯.png (361.62 KB,814x559,814:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893430 (101556ZNOV23) Notable: Brad Wenstrup Ohio, retiring from Congress afterh this term.

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Brad Wenstrup Ohio, retiring from Congress afterh this term.

Link to video message on youtube stating this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j5Joo_duDs

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5e80f1 No.106190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893458 (101602ZNOV23) Notable: Moar Statin dangers

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And Irreversible Atorvastatin-Associated Hearing Loss


Interesting Notes: Every Cell In Our Body Needs Cholesterol!

And Irreversible Atorvastatin-Associated Hearing Loss


Statin induced myopathy (muscle weakness)The most commonly reported side effects to statin therapy are muscle pain and weakness. If left unchecked, these symptoms can progress to rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle damage)and kidney failure. Statin induced myopathy (muscle weakness) include fatigue, muscle pain, muscle tenderness, muscle weakness, nocturnal cramping, and tendon pain.

354 patients (age range 34–86 yrs) who self-reported muscle-related problems associated with statin therapy. Three hundred patients (85%) met literature criteria for probable or definite drug adverse-effect due to statins


Muscle syndromes associated with statins include myalgias, myopathy, myositis, and muscle injury. Statin-associated myopathy with normal creatine kinase levels. biopsy-confirmed myopathy and normal creatine kinase levels associated with statin use. Symptoms diminished after discontinuation of statin drug. Statins speed up the transition from midlife vigor to debilitated old age.

What causes myopathy with statins?

Known risk factors for the development of statin-associated myopathy include coexisting diseases associated with rhabdomyolysis (renal, infection, liver, thyroid)

Physicians' Experiences as Patients with Statin Side Effects: A Case Series


Statin-induced Gastrointestinal Bleeding Events. Statin users had a higher risk for gastrointestinal bleeding. These findings are important when treating patients at a high risk for bleeding events. 2017 UNV.Kentucky— This finding suggests that GI bleeding adverse effects may be associated with increased statin dosage, as has been suggested in the literature.

This study is the largest known retrospective study investigating the association between statin therapy and gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

Can taking a statin cause shortness of breath? Dyspnea (labored, difficulty in breathing)

STATIN-INDUCED DIAPHRAGMATIC MUSCLE WEAKNESS CAUSING HYPERCAPNIA AND SHORTNESS OF BREATH. One of Statin side effects is muscle injury.Oct 22, 2019 https://journal.chestnet.org/article/S0012-3692(19)32693-5/fulltext

Suspected Statin-Induced Respiratory Muscle Myopathy-also interstitial lung disease is listed as a possible complication of statins and there are a few other case reports of statin related unexplained dyspnea in the literature.

Statin-induced kidney injury, chronic kidney disease (CKD). Statin users had greater odds of acute kidney injury, nephritis/nephrosis/renal sclerosis. In conclusion, statin use is associated with increased incidence of acute and chronic kidney disease. Statins and risk of kidney cancer.The relationship between statin use and risk of kidney cancer was evaluated in seven studies. Among these studies, one studies showed significant associations of statin use with risk of kidney cancer, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26742473/

Statin-induced frequent Urinary Tract Inf

ections (UTIs)

Statins-atorvastatin may increase your risk for urinary tract infections (UTIs). (FDA, 2017)

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5e80f1 No.106191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893462 (101604ZNOV23) Notable: Moar Statin dangers

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Statins are poison...My Dad's Physician put my father on Statins, over 20 some years ago with no history of heart disease or diabetes. My Dad had problems from very start , muscle cramping and weakness. His Physician refused to take him off...just put him on different statins. Now on atrovastatin 20mg. Waited till his liver was stage 4 plus before taking him off of a statin.

My Dad has statin induced permanent/ and or adverse condition could be directly linked (Documented Studies) to statins:

1. Hearing loss

2. Dementia

3. Can't speak full sentences/Difficulty in speaking

4. All over muscle atrophy

5. Difficult breathing/on oxygen last hospital stay first time ever

6. Can barely walk

7. Dying Liver stage 4 plus

8. Non functioning Kidney

9. Frequent urinary infections that land him in the hospital

10. Gastrointestinal bleeding that land him in the hospital

11. Now Heart Problems

12. Shakes, constant fatigue

Statins are killing him and robbed him of 15 good years.

They took a perfectly healthy non-overweight man with just "pharmaceutical company determined" high cholesterol levels, poisoned him, turned him into a frail old man and robbed him of 15 years of his life.

My Dad's parents lived without statins Father 91 and Mother (over weight) 87 with diabetes and both could run circles around my frail Dad.

Statins are killing him and Physicians need to wake the hell up!.

Same goes for all Cholesterol lowering drugs....poisons.

This Medical facility & research hospital & School/text books & physician continuing Education, research hospital receives bulk funding from the Pharmaceutical Companies like Pfizer, Merck,

Fauci's NIH,

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. etc.

& CEO's are health partner Governors with the World Economic Forum

This Medical facility even mandated the experimental mRNA gene therapy jabs and boosters never used on humans before for their entire staff with only a few getting religious exemptions. This goes to shoe that they care more about their funding sources than they care about their own medical staff & employees & patients.

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5e80f1 No.106192

File: 70a4fd41607aa9d⋯.png (159.55 KB,957x1200,319:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893488 (101608ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Judge Engoron should end the ridiculous Political Witch Hunt against me. I have TOTALLY WON THIS CASE...

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'''Donald J. Trump


Judge Engoron should end the ridiculous Political Witch Hunt against me. I have TOTALLY WON THIS CASE, which should never have been brought. The only Fraud was committed by A.G. Letitia James in convincing the Judge that Mar-a-Lago was only worth $18,000,000 (in order to make my “numbers” look bad), when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. She campaigned on “getting Trump.” She should be prosecuted!'''

10:42 ET


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5e80f1 No.106193

File: 37aed9302fc91cb⋯.jpeg (539.01 KB,1363x625,1363:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893498 (101609ZNOV23) Notable: planeFag eastern Med and Yerp/CONUS

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planeFag eastern Med and Yerp

JASDF JF41 Kawasaki C2 ES from Athens depart

Thai AF RTAF203 A340 departed Munich (not uncommon flight here as in 2021 the monarchy set up shop in Bavaria and looks like it has turned into and extended stay-but returns to Bangkok from time to time.

RCH262/550 and 775 C17s SE and will likely drop from scope soon-this part of the ever present ‘trains’ from Ramstein and Spangdahlem ABs

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5e80f1 No.106194

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893513 (101612ZNOV23) Notable: Moar Statin dangers

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STATIN NATION: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up (Full Movie)


Big Pharma, Government, Media Manipulation for $$$ profits, haven't changed.

Compare it to the covid clot shot marketing/and forced mandates & censorship!





How Statin Drugs REALLY Lower Cholesterol (And Kill You One Cell at a Time)

A small reduction in cardiovascular deaths with Statins is counterbalanced by an increase in deaths from other causes.

Statins do more harm than good.

Over time, perhaps years of statin therapy, a statin user may become increasingly weak, in some cases to the point of major disability.

Serious side effects of Statins, aka Lipator or generic form Atorvastatin. Some of the most popular brand names are besides Lipitor: Crestor, and Zocor ( rosuvastatin, and simvastatin). etc.

1. Statin users had an elevated risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage/internal bleeding. Statins side effects: Risk for internal bleeding. Unusual bleeding from various body parts. Could cause blood in the rectum, blood in your urine or blood in your stools.

2. Statin cross the blood brain barrier, and can cause a broad spectrum of adverse cognitive conditions occur from taking statins. They include confusion, forgetfulness, disorientation, memory impairment, transient global amnesia, mood, comprehension, and fully mimic symptoms of dementia. Especially in the elderly.

Of interest, in some patients, a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer's disease reportedly was reversed after discontinuation of Statin drug.

Results of one Statin Effects Study, 171 patients (age range 34–86 yrs) who self-reported memory or other cognitive problems associated conditions while on statin therapy,

The Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale was used:

128 patients (75%) experienced cognitive ADRs determined to be probably or definitely related to statin therapy.

Of 143 patients (84%) who reported stopping statin therapy, 128 (90%) reported improvement in cognitive problems, sometimes within days of statin discontinuation (median time to first-noted recovery 2.5 wks).

Nineteen patients whose symptoms improved or resolved after they discontinued statin therapy and who underwent rechallenge with a statin exhibited cognitive problems again (multiple times in some).

Atorvastatin Decreases the Coenzyme Q10 Level in the Blood/brain/heart putting Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

Manufacturers of statin drugs have recognized the fact that statins depress the immune system.

A Review of published case studies found that pancreatitis was more likely to occur after many months of statin use.

Statins may also raise stroke risk.

Atorvastatin Decreases the Coenzyme Q10 Level in the Blood of Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

3. Statin induced musculoskeletal adverse events (MAEs) Some Statin induced MAEs occurred after long-term use.

A key message is that muscles are forced to cannibalize themselves to acquire sufficient energy. But another factor is oxidative damage to muscle tissue, with subsequent disintegration of the cell walls. This is true not only for the skeletal muscles, but also for the respiratory muscles controlling breathing and the heart muscle.

statins like lipitor or generic Atorvastatin can cause Severe muscle damage & dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing).

Stop taking atorvastatin if: Feeling extremely weak and tired

Severe muscle damage, called rhabdomyolysis. This serious condition can cause kidney damage, Liver damage, heart rhythm problems, and seizures. In severe cases, it can cause permanent disability or even death.

muscle wasting and muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis), you get unexplained fatigue, muscle pain, tenderness, weakness or cramps, dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing). – these can be signs of muscle breakdown and kidney damage.. You may feel this Muscle pain as a soreness, tiredness or weakness in your muscles.

Contact your doctor immediately if you have unusual fatigue or weakness,

Who's at increased risk of developing statin side effects? Warning: Taking statins may speed cognitive decline in people over age 65.

Being age 80 or older

Having kidney problems

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5e80f1 No.106195

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893516 (101612ZNOV23) Notable: DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths To Secure EUA.

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DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths To Secure EUA. Pfizer concealed two deaths, its a bombshell, these deaths would have shown zero efficacy. All the lies on covering up deaths by Pfizer told to the CDC, FDA and WH, that is how the mantra “they were safe and effective” came out, and it was repeated 100s of 1,000s of times.

Pfizer are instructing their researchers to hide or eliminate the deaths in trials, so Pfizer could get more EUA approval. The crime by Pfizer seems like Concealment of manslaughter. Daily Clout and research team is finding more and more evidence, and isnow being published in Peer Reviewed Literature; and getting a lot of attention on Pfizer Trialsfor vaccine approval.

This is a big dealThey are getting the attention of independent Scientists, Researchers and Doctors through Peer Reviewed Data, not related to their research group. These specialist can add quite a bit of interest into their research.



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5e80f1 No.106196

File: 9aaa211550b00e9⋯.png (309.61 KB,600x522,100:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893517 (101612ZNOV23) Notable: Happy birthday: U.S. Marines to celebrate 248th birthday on Friday

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Byron Donalds



Happy Birthday, @USMC! Thank you for 248 years of bravery and devotion. Semper fidelis!



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5e80f1 No.106197

File: eb473638471b68f⋯.png (189.32 KB,600x481,600:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 35c87d0f7106893⋯.png (324.59 KB,600x538,300:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893531 (101616ZNOV23) Notable: Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this Veterans Day. We expect open court testimony today from the FBI official Jacqueline Maguire

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Carol Rosenberg



Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this Veterans Day. We expect open court testimony today from the FBI official Jacqueline Maguire in the pretrial hearings in the 9/11 case. She testified yesterday in a secret session.

The 9/11 judge is hewing to a military tradition of holding court on weekends and holidays, as needed. Last session, it was Columbus Day. This time, to make up for a delay, he'll hold court today, tomorrow and maybe Sunday.

Click here for our trial guide:https://www.nytimes.com/article/september-11-trial-guantanamo-bay.html


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5e80f1 No.106198

File: 4ebeb33c958a3c8⋯.png (499.37 KB,422x890,211:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e31dd622afec5d⋯.png (535.44 KB,422x911,422:911,Clipboard.png)

File: ce7e3cd024b2b38⋯.png (404.2 KB,412x906,206:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893533 (101616ZNOV23) Notable: Martha McSally molested in Iowa

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5e80f1 No.106199

File: 262d9739f89af46⋯.jpg (135.46 KB,720x1169,720:1169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 69fc3651b137cdd⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB,406x720,203:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893539 (101617ZNOV23) Notable: Fetterman mocks ceasefire protesters being arrested by waving an Israeli flag at them.

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Fetterman mocks ceasefire protesters being arrested by waving an Israeli flag at them.

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5e80f1 No.106200

File: 62310c1b9d81789⋯.png (1.4 MB,1024x779,1024:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893544 (101619ZNOV23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day UHZ1: Distant Galaxy and Black Hole

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Nov 10, 2023

UHZ1: Distant Galaxy and Black Hole

Dominated by dark matter, massive cluster of galaxies Abell 2744 is known to some as Pandora's Cluster. It lies 3.5 billion light-years away toward the constellation Sculptor. Using the galaxy cluster's enormous mass as a gravitational lens to warp spacetime and magnify even more distant objects directly behind it, astronomers have found a background galaxy, UHZ1, at a remarkable redshift of Z=10.1. That puts UHZ1 far beyond Abell 2744, at a distance of 13.2 billion light-years, seen when our universe was about 3 percent of its current age. UHZ1 is identified in the insets of this composited image combining X-rays (purple hues) from the spacebased Chandra X-ray Observatory and infrared light from the James Webb Space Telescope. The X-ray emission from UHZ1 detected in the Chandra data is the telltale signature of a growing supermassive black hole at the center of the ultra high redshift galaxy. That makes UHZ1's growing black hole the most distant black hole ever detected in X-rays, a result that now hints at how and when the first supermassive black holes in the universe formed.


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5e80f1 No.106201

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893550 (101620ZNOV23) Notable: DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths To Secure EUA.

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==New War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths to Secure EUA


November 9, 2023 • by DailyClout


Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews Dr. Corinne Michels and Dan Perrier, two distinguished and productive members War Room /DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Researchers, on their bombshell findings about how Pfizer hid deaths to secure Emergency Use Authorization and claim efficacy.

Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews Dr. Corinne Michels and Dan Perrier, two distinguished and productive members War Room /DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Researchers, on their bombshell findings about how Pfizer hid deaths to secure Emergency Use Authorization and claim efficacy.

Dr. Corinne Michels is a distinguished professor of biology with a BS from Queens College and a doctorate from Columbia University. She focuses on genetics as a tool to understand the mysteries of life.

Dan Perrier is an electrical engineer in Washington State.

Much more info given in this video from researchers themselves for anons that are interested in the scientific analysis


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5e80f1 No.106202

File: b0930052e7dd1e8⋯.png (247.56 KB,600x543,200:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 397b8c851dd012b⋯.png (152.52 KB,600x471,200:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 50e805a2dc4c443⋯.png (121.36 KB,600x654,100:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893573 (101625ZNOV23) Notable: #OnThisDay in 1990, the flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory was adopted.

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Friends of the British Overseas Territories


Nov 8

#OnThisDay in 1990, the flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory was adopted.

At the Diego Garcia military base, the flag flies alongside the American flag. However, the flag only has semi-official status, and was originally created for the Commissioner.




Watch the water.

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5e80f1 No.106203

File: a6e293afafb37d2⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893575 (101625ZNOV23) Notable: B-21 RAIDER FIRST FLIGHT 11-10-23 #RAIDER33 #B21Raider

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Matt Hartman


B-21 RAIDER FIRST FLIGHT 11-10-23 #RAIDER33 #B21Raider

10:03 AM · Nov 10, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106204

File: e86ae6347b0ad13⋯.png (3.16 MB,2000x1371,2000:1371,Clipboard.png)

File: b0c4a49c82393d4⋯.png (1.65 MB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893578 (101626ZNOV23) Notable: Bulgaria Signs Artemis Accords at NASA Headquarters; Joins 31 Nations

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Bulgaria Signs Artemis Accords at NASA Headquarters; Joins 31 Nations

NOV 09, 2023

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson participated in a signing ceremony Thursday with Bulgaria’s Milena Stoycheva, minister of innovation and growth, as her country became the 32nd nation to sign the Artemis Accords.

The Artemis Accords establish a practical set of principles to guide space exploration cooperation among nations, including those participating in NASA’s Artemis program.

Also participating in the event at NASA Headquarters in Washington were NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy, Georgi Panayotov, ambassador of Bulgaria to the United States and Sonata Coulter, deputy assistant secretary, U.S. Department of State.

“NASA is honored to welcome Bulgaria as the 32nd nation to sign the Artemis Accords,” said Nelson. “The global partnerships made in the Artemis era will create possibilities that benefit members of the Artemis Generation in both our countries – and around the world. Bulgaria’s leadership will help ensure humanity’s journey to the Moon and beyond is done peacefully, safely, and transparently.”

NASA, in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, established the Artemis Accords in 2020 together with seven other original signatories. Since then, the Accords signatories have held focused discussions on how best to implement the Artemis Accords principles.

“It is a historical moment for Bulgaria to join the Artemis Accords. We believe that pushing the boundaries of human quest in space with the support of AI and deep technologies will ensure peaceful and sustainable coexistence on Earth. For years, NASA has been a symbol of aspiration for development through technology and spirit. It is an honor for us to join with our human and artificial intelligence for a peaceful journey into new territories,” said Stoycheva.

The Artemis Accords reinforce and implement key obligations in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. They also strengthen the commitment by the United States and signatory nations to the Registration Convention, the Rescue and Return Agreement, as well as best practices and norms of responsible behavior NASA and its partners have supported, including the public release of scientific data.

More countries are expected to sign the Artemis Accords in the months and years ahead, as NASA continues to work with its international partners to establish a safe, peaceful, and prosperous future in space. Working with both new and existing partners adds new energy and capabilities to ensure the entire world can benefit from our journey of exploration and discovery.


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5e80f1 No.106205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893581 (101626ZNOV23) Notable: DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths To Secure EUA.

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46 Pages FOIAed Emails Between CDC Leaders, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and White House, NIH, HHS, Show They Knew About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia, a Blood Clotting Disorder. Emails Over 80% Redacted.

September 20, 2023 • by Amy Kelly

Attorney Edward Berkovich submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stating, “I request emails sent by and received by Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis (all of whom are CDC personnel) on dates beginning February 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021, containing the word myocarditis.” DailyClout reported on the initial 472-page productionfrom that FOIA on August 29, 2023.

Mr. Berkovich recently received 46 additional pages, over 80% of which were fully redacted, involving other government entities such as the White House and Executive Office of the President, as part of this production.Of the 46 pages, only two pages were released without any redactions. Seven pages were partially redacted pages, and 37 pages were fully redacted. The redactions were “pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §552 Exemptions 5 and 6.” According to the CDC cover letter accompanying this production:

“Exemption 5 protects inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency. Exemption 5 therefore incorporates the privileges that protect materials from discovery in litigation, including the deliberative process, attorney work-product, and attorney-client privileges. Information withheld under this exemption was protected under the deliberative process and presidential communications privileges.

The deliberative process privilege protects the decision-making process of government agencies. The deliberative process privilege protects materials that are both predecisional and deliberative. The information that have been withheld under the deliberative process privilege of Exemption 5 are both predecisional and deliberative, and do not represent formal or informal agency policies or decisions. Examples of information withheld include recommendations, comments, opinions. The presidential communications privilege protects documents solicited and received by the President or his immediate White House advisers who have broad and significant responsibility for investigating and formulating the advice to be given to the President.“

“Exemption 6 protects information in personnel and medical files and similar files when disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The information that has been withheld under Exemption 6 consists of personal information, such as a telephone number. We have determined that the individual(s) to whom this information pertains has a substantial privacy interest in withholding it.”

In this FOIA production, the first set of emails are dated May 24-25, 2021, with the subject “Draft WH [White House] Script and Slides.” Abbigail Tumpey, former Associate Director for Communication Science for CDC’s Public Health Infrastructure emailed Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, CDC Director and ATSDR Administrator, with Sherri Berger, Deputy Director for Policy, Communications, and Legislative Affairs/Chief Strategy Officer; …


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5e80f1 No.106206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893599 (101630ZNOV23) Notable: Moar Statin dangers

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https://www.parentspeace.com/adverse-drug-reactions/category/adverse drug reactions


Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Cholesterol confusion: Statins have little impact on heart health, study says


Cholesterol drug lowers LDL-C levels but again fails to show clinical benefit






ACC/AHA/NHLBI Clinical Advisory on the Use and Safety of Statins



Cholesterol drug lowers LDL-C levels but again fails to show clinical benefit




Importance of Cholesterol and Dangers of Statin Drugs


Controversial New Study Reports Statins Useless - Carolina Total Wellness




Long-Term Benefit and Withdrawal Effect of Statins After Percutaneous | PPA

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5e80f1 No.106207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893604 (101630ZNOV23) Notable: Gaveled Out: Return of The People's House (2023) | Full HD Short Film

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Gaveled Out: Return of The People's House (2023) | Full HD Short Film

Get ready to dive into the heart of the battle for the gavel that took the country by storm by this year.

Today my office is releasing a short documentary on a gripping tale of power, perseverance, and triumph of the American people over The Swamp. Witness the dramatic unraveling of events that led to the ousting of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House

They branded us agents of chaos, but what really happened? This is more than a story - it's a revolution. A journey of reclaiming the House, prioritizing YOUR voice over the dollars of lobbyists and special interests.

Join us on this exhilarating ride and unravel the truth in “#GaveledOut: Return of The People’s House” (2023). It's not just a film, it's a movement.


Thank you, Mr. Congressman.

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5e80f1 No.106208

File: 6d64e9a7178df5b⋯.pdf (211.47 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893613 (101632ZNOV23) Notable: DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths To Secure EUA.

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Report 90: Pfizer’s ‘Post-Marketing Surveillance’ Shows mRNA-Vaccinated Suffered 1000s of COVID Cases in 1st 90 Days of Vaccine Rollout. Most Infections in the Vaccinated Categorized as ‘Serious Adverse Events.’

November 9, 2023 • by Barbara Gehrett, MD; Joseph Gehrett, MD; Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt

The War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project Post-Marketing Group (Team 1) – Barbara Gehrett, MD; Joseph Gehrett, MD; Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt – wrote a shocking analysis of COVID-19 Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESIs) found in Pfizer document 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-FEB-2021 (a.k.a., “5.3.6“). This AESI category consists of 3,067 cases and 3,359 adverse events (AEs) among the reported cases related to COVID-19. Seven percent (,3067/42,086) of post-marketing surveillance cases were COVID-related.

It is important to note that the AESIs in the 5.3.6 document werereported to Pfizer for only a 90-day period starting on December 1, 2020, the date of the United Kingdom’s public rollout of Pfizer’s COVID-19 experimental mRNA “vaccine” product.

Key points from this report:

The COVID-19-related AESI descriptions in the post-marketing report show that at least 2,391 (71%) of the adverse events in this category were COVID-19 infection.

One hundred and thirty-six patients (4.4%) with COVID-related adverse events died.

The non-infection, COVID-related adverse events (AEs) were an assortment of COVID-19 exposures or COVID-19 test results, none of which can be considered serious adverse events (SAEs). Therefore, the 2,585 serious AEs, 77% of total AEs for this category, were related to COVID-19 infections.

The FDA considers an adverse event as “serious”when a patient dies or had a life-threatening injury, is hospitalized, or has a pre-existing hospitalization prolonged, disability or permanent damage, experiences a birth defect, or requires medical or surgical intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage.

Fifty percent of the COVID-related adverse events began within five days of the injection, with a range of 247 hours to 374 days.

Pfizer’s post-marketing report covered only the first 90 days of the vaccine rollout and was received by the FDA in late April, so the maximum range should have been under 150 days. How is 374 days possible given that?

There were 2,110 (63%) “unknown” adverse event outcomes, and at least 1,300 of those were serious adverse events.

This is an unusually large number of unknown outcomes compared to other post-marketing categories. What happened to these patients?

Ages across this post-marketing AESI category were: adult 1,315, elderly 560, two adolescent, two infant, and one child.

Pfizer’s BNT162b2 COVID vaccine was not approved for infants and children at the time of the data collection for Pfizer’s post-marketing surveillance report.

The gender breakdown for this category includes 1,650 females, 844 males, and 573 unknown. Among patients with their gender noted, women suffered almost twice as many adverse events as men.

There were 505 adverse events that were positive COVID-19 tests, which included 31 patients who were reported to have “asymptomatic COVID-19.”

COVID-19 cases are referenced in three places in 5.3.6: Table 2 reports 1,927 cases (4.6% of the 42,086 cases); Table 6 reports 2,211 cases (1,665 loss of efficacy cases and 546 COVID-19 cases excluded because they occurred so early after the first vaccine dose); and Table 7 with at least 2,391 cases. Which of those figures is correct? Or should the three be combined? The numbers don’t add up.

Please read the full report below.


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5e80f1 No.106209

File: bd780f1d55ee591⋯.jpg (76.91 KB,1311x512,1311:512,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893625 (101634ZNOV23) Notable: How Did A Swiss Ring Watch End Up In A 400 Years Old Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb?????

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THOUGHTNOVA - How Did A Swiss Ring Watch End Up In A 400 Years Old Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb?


What time does that watch say?

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5e80f1 No.106210

File: 9f8216e7cb596f4⋯.png (82.08 KB,600x436,150:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 873b84291c6a6a4⋯.mp4 (498.35 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 86dd1a09361b630⋯.png (686.12 KB,720x404,180:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893672 (101642ZNOV23) Notable: B-21 RAIDER FIRST FLIGHT 11-10-23 #RAIDER33 #B21Raider

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==The B-21 Raider has taken its first flight

Matt Hartman==




Yep, patriots in full control.

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5e80f1 No.106211

File: 32a58d011c0c911⋯.jpeg (589.91 KB,1239x615,413:205,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3ec799f6044509f⋯.jpeg (568.09 KB,828x941,828:941,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893681 (101645ZNOV23) Notable: planeFag eastern Med and Yerp/CONUS

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AF2 C32A returning to JBA from Columbia SC

About 90m on ground -going through the motions is all and a photo op to convince masses he will still be around

Harris files paperwork putting Biden on South Carolina's ballot to kickoff 2024's Democratic primary


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5e80f1 No.106212

File: e10347531704e34⋯.png (328.75 KB,617x626,617:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f838c757b1acae⋯.mp4 (967.77 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893693 (101647ZNOV23) Notable: @NikkiHaley We need a president who can win back the White House and help win races up and down the ballot.

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Kilmeade gets it.

Nikki Haley


We need a president who can win back the White House and help win races up and down the ballot.

We've raised more than $1 million post-debate—thank you to everyone who's donated to our movement.

Join us at http://NikkiHaley.com. We have a country to save!

10:04 AM · Nov 10, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106213

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893695 (101647ZNOV23) Notable: Malone Reveals The Stanford-Connected Ecosystem That The “Deep State” Utilized To Silence Any Debate

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Malone Reveals The Stanford-Connected Ecosystem That The “Deep State” Utilized To Silence Any Debate



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5e80f1 No.106214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893738 (101658ZNOV23) Notable: #WalkAway Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary in West Palm Beach

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#WalkAway Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary in West Palm Beach - 11/10/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


The #WalkAway Campaign encourages and supports those on the Left to walk away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today. Founder Brandon Straka celebrates the 5 year anniversary of #walkaway.

RSBN will be LIVE at 6:30 p.m. ET on Friday, Nov. 10, 2023.

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5e80f1 No.106215

File: 5baa087b91144b9⋯.png (7.82 MB,2000x1855,400:371,Clipboard.png)

File: 615c2ea73152553⋯.png (7.99 MB,2000x1855,400:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893796 (101713ZNOV23) Notable: NASA’s Webb, Hubble Combine to Create Most Colorful View of Universe

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NASA’s Webb, Hubble Combine to Create Most Colorful View of Universe

NOV 09, 2023

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope have united to study an expansive galaxy cluster known as MACS0416. The resulting panchromatic image combines visible and infrared light to assemble one of the most comprehensive views of the universe ever taken. Located about 4.3 billion light-years from Earth, MACS0416 is a pair of colliding galaxy clusters that will eventually combine to form an even bigger cluster.

The image reveals a wealth of details that are only possible to capture by combining the power of both space telescopes. It includes a bounty of galaxies outside the cluster and a sprinkling of sources that vary over time, likely due to gravitational lensing – the distortion and amplification of light from distant background sources.

This cluster was the first of a set of unprecedented, super-deep views of the universe from an ambitious, collaborative Hubble program called the Frontier Fields, inaugurated in 2014. Hubble pioneered the search for some of the intrinsically faintest and youngest galaxies ever detected. Webb’s infrared view significantly bolsters this deep look by going even farther into the early universe with its infrared vision.

“We are building on Hubble’s legacy by pushing to greater distances and fainter objects,” said Rogier Windhorst of Arizona State University, principal investigator of the PEARLS program (Prime Extragalactic Areas for Reionization and Lensing Science), which took the Webb observations.

What the Colors Mean

To make the image, in general the shortest wavelengths of light were color-coded blue, the longest wavelengths red, and intermediate wavelengths green. The broad range of wavelengths, from 0.4 to 5 microns, yields a particularly vivid landscape of galaxies.

Those colors give clues to galaxy distances: The bluest galaxies are relatively nearby and often show intense star formation, as best detected by Hubble, while the redder galaxies tend to be more distant as detected by Webb. Some galaxies also appear very red because they contain copious amounts of cosmic dust that tends to absorb bluer colors of starlight.

“The whole picture doesn’t become clear until you combine Webb data with Hubble data,” said Windhorst.

Christmas Tree Galaxy Cluster

While the new Webb observations contribute to this aesthetic view, they were taken for a specific scientific purpose. The research team combined their three epochs of observations, each taken weeks apart, with a fourth epoch from the CANUCS (CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey) research team. The goal was to search for objects varying in observed brightness over time, known as transients.

They identified 14 such transients across the field of view. Twelve of those transients were located in three galaxies that are highly magnified by gravitational lensing, and are likely to be individual stars or multiple-star systems that are briefly very highly magnified. The remaining two transients are within more moderately magnified background galaxies and are likely to be supernovae.

“We’re calling MACS0416 the Christmas Tree Galaxy Cluster, both because it’s so colorful and because of these flickering lights we find within it. We can see transients everywhere,” said Haojing Yan of the University of Missouri in Columbia, lead author of one paper describing the scientific results.

Finding so many transients with observations spanning a relatively short time frame suggests that astronomers could find many additional transients in this cluster and others like it through regular monitoring with Webb.

A Kaiju Star

Among the transients the team identified, one stood out in particular. Located in a galaxy that existed about 3 billion years after the big bang, it is magnified by a factor of at least 4,000. The team nicknamed the star system “Mothra” in a nod to its “monster nature,” being both extremely bright and extremely magnified. It joins another lensed star the researchers previously identified that they nicknamed “Godzilla.” (Both Godzilla and Mothra are giant monsters known as kaiju in Japanese cinema.)

Interestingly, Mothra is also visible in the Hubble observations that were taken nine years previously. This is unusual, because a very specific alignment between the foreground galaxy cluster and the background star is needed to magnify a star so greatly. The mutual motions of the star and the cluster should have eventually eliminated that alignment.

The most likely explanation is that there is an additional object within the foreground cluster that is adding more magnification. The team was able to constrain its mass to be between 10,000 and 1 million times the mass of our Sun. The exact nature of this so-called “milli-lens,” however, remains unknown.


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5e80f1 No.106216

File: 7786719a3f7bc0b⋯.jpeg (458.04 KB,1215x627,405:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c917833e9a3137a⋯.png (1.43 MB,959x626,959:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893809 (101715ZNOV23) Notable: planeFag eastern Med and Yerp/CONUS

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Libyan AF 5ALBY Embraer 135 looks like it’s heading back to Turkey several trips over last week to Ankara/Istanbul

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5e80f1 No.106217

File: cd403b4a5e77394⋯.jpg (111.38 KB,723x658,723:658,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c88bf8ee983a714⋯.jpg (51.03 KB,725x539,725:539,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893830 (101719ZNOV23) Notable: THE COUP DE’TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy

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This is getting a lot of ReTruths on TS. Vid Len 15min Worth a listen :)



THE COUP DE’TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.

Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election.

U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.

Source Sparta Justice

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5e80f1 No.106218

File: d0be65247d56107⋯.png (30.47 KB,552x466,276:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893834 (101719ZNOV23) Notable: 13 Qdrops for the 10th Nov

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13 Qdrops for the 10th Nov - linky below


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5e80f1 No.106219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893892 (101732ZNOV23) Notable: MU's new Hellbender takes a ‘byte’ out of supercomputing

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You can navigate to the story with this link and search for "Hellbender" https://www.missouribusinessalert.com/industries/technology/mus-new-hellbender-takes-a-byte-out-of-supercomputing/

MU's new Hellbender takes a ‘byte’ out of supercomputing

The story should, imo, be considered a "narrative bender". Regular utility customers see increases in bills and calls to stop watering lawns, use less electricity, etc. How can a computer like this be justified?

Quotes: "Hellbender is roughly the size of a two-door compact Smart car. It needs 4,000 gallons of water per hour and uses about the same amount of electricity as 140 single-family American houses."

"Having a large amount of CPU cores available is increasingly important for researchers who work with large amounts of data, like human, animal and plant genomes. Coghill, who works directly with data from labs across the UM System, said that genetics research is currently one of Hellbender’s primary uses."

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5e80f1 No.106220

File: 60960448aa4b0e4⋯.png (395.48 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893910 (101737ZNOV23) Notable: The Heritage Foundation Project 2025 group is recruiting and training pro-Trump lawyers to take over general counsel offices throughout the federal bureaucracy

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The Heritage Foundation Project 2025 group is recruiting and training pro-Trump lawyers to take over general counsel offices throughout the federal bureaucracy, and planning to bring federal agencies under White House control if Trump wins the election next year. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is also planning for another attempted popular revolution, like the 2020 Summer of Love. Left wing activists and militant groups at the time planned to escalate nationwide protests and riots into an insurgency, as we documented at the time. A group called Shut Down D.C., for instance, held meetings on how to shut down the nation’s capital to prevent Trump’s re-inauguration. Other Far Left groups distributed pamphlets entitled “chokepoints in a fragile economy” with instructions on shutting down major ports and shipping facilities. One Far Left group planned to bomb the FedEx facility and airport in Memphis, Tennessee – the busiest cargo airport in the world at the time. Their overall plan specifically called for disrupting U.S. economic activity until Trump was removed from office. If any of this is news to you, it’s because virtually none of this was covered in the mainstream press.



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5e80f1 No.106221

File: d97452b2e4d0605⋯.jpeg (401.54 KB,1239x623,177:89,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893911 (101737ZNOV23) Notable: planeFag eastern Med and Yerp/CONUS

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SAM600Blinkendeparted Delhi west

Blinken in India for defense talks (Not anymore)


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5e80f1 No.106222

File: 9a38e309e30d81b⋯.jpg (123.99 KB,472x1014,236:507,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893966 (101747ZNOV23) Notable: EIP/Stanford thread A once-robust alliance of federal agencies, tech companies, election officials and researchers that worked together to thwart foreign propaganda and disinformation has fragmented

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NOTABLE: EIP/Stanford thread

PB ref:

>>106150, >>106151, >>106154, >>106155, >>106156, >>106157, >>106158, >>106162, >>106161

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5e80f1 No.106223

File: f14a2a733568f09⋯.png (730.28 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893970 (101747ZNOV23) Notable: 8KUN MP4 Archive Updated

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8KUN MP4 Archive Updated

3900 Videos at the moment

View, Download, Share... Archive Offline

*TOR ONLY: Tru Tube 54



Site runs mostly weekends... mostly

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5e80f1 No.106224

File: 033603f04fd636d⋯.png (152.76 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: c92ae524ceb6c46⋯.png (747.86 KB,970x465,194:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f502322d895d3d⋯.png (712.58 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19893996 (101752ZNOV23) Notable: NASA's modified U-2 spy plane is hunting for 'strategic minerals' in the desert. Here's why

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NASA's modified U-2 spy plane is hunting for 'strategic minerals' in the desert. Here's why

Nov 9, 2023

NASA's high-altitude ER-2 aircraft have their roots in the American desert.

The agency's two ER-2 (Earth Resources 2) aircraft are based on the Lockheed U-2 spy plane that was developed in the 1950s at the highly secretive Groom Lake test site that would become the United States Air Force's infamous Area 51 facility.

Like their U-2 predecessors, NASA's ER-2s can fly well above 60,000 feet (18,000 meters) and have flown over 4,500 missions studying Earth's atmosphere and related phenomena, ozone levels and have even been used to test new satellite sensors.

Now, the ER-2 are back above the desert, where the U-2s they're modified from were once the cause of UFO sightings. Since September 2023, NASA has tasked one of those ER-2 aircraft with helping to locate stores of minerals hidden in the American desert, minerals that are vital for electronics manufacturing, the U.S. economy and, by extension, national security. The mission is known as GEMx, or the Geological Earth Mapping Experiment, and is being conducted in collaboration with the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

"The U.S. depends on a reliable supply of Earth materials to support its economy and national security," said USGS geophysicist Raymond Kokaly in a NASA statement. "Such materials have been deemed critical minerals because disruption of their supply would have significant negative impacts. Undiscovered deposits of at least some of these critical and strategic minerals almost certainly exist in the United States, but modern geophysical data is needed to increase our knowledge of these resources."

The GEMx mission involves flying NASA's ER-2 and one of its modified Gulfstream V business jets over the American Southwest, including California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. For this particular experiment, the ER-2 is flying over these arid regions at altitudes of 65,000 feet (19,800 m) with special sensors that collect what are known as hyperspectral images.

These images consist of not only visible light but also multiple bands of infrared and thermal radiation, allowing researchers to see what NASA refers to as "geophysical complexities behind seemingly simple or monochromatic surfaces" that might suggest the presence of the critical minerals the GEMx mission is hunting.

Ultimately, the mission is one of national security, aimed at helping the United States wean itself off of its dependence on foreign supplies of electronics for not only consumer use but also government and military customers. "If this mission can successfully identify critical minerals in minable locations in the U.S., we could be less dependent on foreign entities for these critical minerals," said Kevin Reath, NASA deputy program manager for GEMx, in the agency's statement.

The Biden-Harris administration has made it a priority in recent years to expand the United States' domestic supply of these minerals, signing an Executive Order in 2021 aimed at reducing "over-reliance on foreign sources and adversarial nations for critical minerals and materials posed national and economic security threats."

Currently, China has the market on these minerals cornered. "Globally, China controls most of the market for processing and refining for cobalt, lithium, rare earths and other critical minerals," a White House fact sheet published in 2022 states.

NASA expects the GEMx project to cost $16 million and continue through fall 2026.


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5e80f1 No.106225

File: 1c7d025e069ada0⋯.png (47.86 KB,776x443,776:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894021 (101756ZNOV23) Notable: EIP/Stanford thread A once-robust alliance of federal agencies, tech companies, election officials and researchers that worked together to thwart foreign propaganda and disinformation has fragmented

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>The missing link in these, is the bridge to media/journalists.

What is the mysterious Aspen Institute and why did it hold a Hunter Biden ‘exercise’?

By Bruce Golding

Published Dec. 19, 2022

Updated Dec. 21, 2022, 2:08 p.m. ET

A US government-funded nonprofit known as “the mountain retreat for the liberal elite” sponsored a “tabletop exercise” intended to influence coverage of a leak of documents related to Hunter Biden, the latest installment of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” reveals.

In a series of tweets Monday, independent journalist Michael Shellenberger posted confidential documents from the Aspen Institute’s September 2020 event, which he said was attended by Twitter’s then-head of trust and safety, Facebook’s head of security policy and top national security reporters from The New York Times and The Washington Post.

The exercise by the “Aspen Digital Hack-and-Dump Working Group” involved an 11-day scenario in October 2020 that began with the imaginary release of falsified records related to Hunter Biden’s controversial employment by the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid him as much as $1 million a year to serve on its board when his father was vice president.

“The goal was to shape how the media covered it — and how social media carried it,” Shellenberger wrote.

But the drill was put into practical use weeks later, when The Post broke the news about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which was either ignored or downplayed by most mainstream news outlets and suppressed by both Twitter and Facebook.

While they derided the reporting as potential disinformation well after the story broke, some two years later major news organizations including the Times and The Washington Post chose to authenticate key emails from the laptop and both Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have since admitted it was wrong to crack down on The Post’s reporting.

In a message sent just three days after The Post’s Oct. 14, 2020, scoop, journalist and author Garrett Graff apparently reached out to fellow participants in the Aspen Institute exercise.

“Stephen was right!” he wrote.

Graff, whose latest book is “Watergate: A New History,” didn’t immediately return a request for comment and it’s unclear who “Stephen” is.

The exercise was organized by Vivian Schiller, a former top executive at National Public Radio, Twitter, The New York Times and NBC News, Shellenberger reported.

Since January 2020, she’s been the executive director of Aspen Digital, which its parent organization says “empowers policymakers, civic organizations, companies, and the public to be responsible stewards of technology and media in the service of an informed, just, and equitable world.”

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5e80f1 No.106226

File: fb5d057f6a6ce8a⋯.png (482.97 KB,700x528,175:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894028 (101757ZNOV23) Notable: EIP/Stanford thread A once-robust alliance of federal agencies, tech companies, election officials and researchers that worked together to thwart foreign propaganda and disinformation has fragmented

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Organizer was literally a Schill

Neither Schiller nor an institute spokesperson returned The Post’s requests for comment Monday.

A 2019 report by The Economist magazine described the Aspen Institute — which sponsors weeklong seminars and an annual, 10-day “Ideas Festival” favored by celebrities, business leaders and politicians — as “the mountain retreat for the liberal elite” and said that waiting in line for a buffet lunch “felt like being trapped on the front page of the New York Times.”

The US State Department sponsors the Aspen-run “Stevens Initiative” student-exchange program, which in 2020 announced up to $10 million in grants and is named after the late Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, who was killed in the 2012 terrorist attack on the American embassy in Benghazi.

A 2020 report by the Center for International Policy ranked the Aspen Institute No. 5 on a list of US think tanks that receive foreign funding, with more than $8 million coming from “primarily Western democracies, as well as “undemocratic regimes in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.”

But a leaked, 2015 recording of an Aspen Institute speech in which former Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended racial profiling by cops helped torpedo his 2020 presidential campaign and New York Times columnist David Brooks was forced to resign from a paid position with the organization last year due to a conflict of interest because he wrote about its “Weave Project,” which was initially funded by Facebook and others.

What do you think? Post a comment.

The institute — which reported more than $151 million in revenue in 2020 and had more than $352 million in net assets, according to its latest IRS filing — receives “substantial funding” from groups such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its top donors include Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, a frequent backer of Democratic candidates, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ parents, Jacklyn and Miguel Bezos.

Its list of contributors also features former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, who served under then-President Bill Clinton, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, US Ambassador to Norway Marc Nathason, former Biden administration coronavirus czar Jeffrey Zients and ex-US Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.)

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5e80f1 No.106227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894070 (101803ZNOV23) Notable: #24426

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#24426 >>106179

>>106193, >>106211, >>106216, >>106221 planeFag eastern Med and Yerp/CONUS

>>106180 The Supreme Court dismantled Roe. States are restoring it one by one.

>>106181, >>106222, >>106225, >>106226 EIP/Stanford thread A once-robust alliance of federal agencies, tech companies, election officials and researchers that worked together to thwart foreign propaganda and disinformation has fragmented

>>106182 Mayor Pothole Pete has abused taxpayer dollars by flying all over the country on carbon emitting jets/aka Buttplug

>>106183 Federal judge declines to push back Trump's classified documents trial but postpones other deadlines

>>106184, >>106188 American corruption 🤝🏻 American debt crisis

>>106185, >>106187, >>106196 Happy birthday: U.S. Marines to celebrate 248th birthday on Friday

>>106186 moar Piglosi hammer guy

>>106189 Brad Wenstrup Ohio, retiring from Congress afterh this term.

>>106190, >>106191, >>106194, >>106206 Moar Statin dangers

>>106192 @realDonaldTrump Judge Engoron should end the ridiculous Political Witch Hunt against me. I have TOTALLY WON THIS CASE...

>>106195, >>106201, >>106205, >>106208 DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths To Secure EUA.

>>106198 Martha McSally molested in Iowa

>>106197 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay on this Veterans Day. We expect open court testimony today from the FBI official Jacqueline Maguire

>>106199 Fetterman mocks ceasefire protesters being arrested by waving an Israeli flag at them.

>>106200 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day UHZ1: Distant Galaxy and Black Hole

>>106202 #OnThisDay in 1990, the flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory was adopted.

>>106203, >>106210 B-21 RAIDER FIRST FLIGHT 11-10-23 #RAIDER33 #B21Raider

>>106204 Bulgaria Signs Artemis Accords at NASA Headquarters; Joins 31 Nations

>>106207 Gaveled Out: Return of The People's House (2023) | Full HD Short Film

>>106209 How Did A Swiss Ring Watch End Up In A 400 Years Old Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb?????

>>106212 @NikkiHaley We need a president who can win back the White House and help win races up and down the ballot.

>>106213 Malone Reveals The Stanford-Connected Ecosystem That The “Deep State” Utilized To Silence Any Debate

>>106214 #WalkAway Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary in West Palm Beach

>>106215 NASA’s Webb, Hubble Combine to Create Most Colorful View of Universe

>>106217 THE COUP DE’TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy

>>106218 13 Qdrops for the 10th Nov

>>106219 MU's new Hellbender takes a ‘byte’ out of supercomputing

>>106220 The Heritage Foundation Project 2025 group is recruiting and training pro-Trump lawyers to take over general counsel offices throughout the federal bureaucracy

>>106223 8KUN MP4 Archive Updated

>>106224 NASA's modified U-2 spy plane is hunting for 'strategic minerals' in the desert. Here's why


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5e80f1 No.106228

File: dd957abce4bf7e1⋯.png (699.98 KB,1465x663,1465:663,Clipboard.png)

File: 93fc64686bd9f87⋯.jpg (237.17 KB,1080x964,270:241,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ae128f5e165491f⋯.jpg (93.03 KB,1200x1005,80:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0f3cf10ea57000d⋯.jpg (52.95 KB,398x270,199:135,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 93fc64686bd9f87⋯.jpg (237.17 KB,1080x964,270:241,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894080 (101805ZNOV23) Notable: #24427

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Baker needs off hand, will tap@20

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5e80f1 No.106229

File: 275f6d99a581122⋯.png (116.95 KB,646x874,17:23,Clipboard.png)

File: 314184bfd4e22a1⋯.jpg (463.46 KB,1456x971,1456:971,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894123 (101815ZNOV23) Notable: This Nobel Prize-Winning Drug Is Now Quietly Under Attack: It's Not Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin

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This Nobel Prize-Winning Drug Is Now Quietly Under Attack: It's Not Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin

Enter Artemisia Annua (Artemisin, Sweet Wormwood), a cheap, safe, ancient herbal medicine and anti-malarial that also treats COVID-19.

But that's not all it does:

• broad antiviral activity against viruses (Herpes, HIV, Hep B&C, EBV, CMV, Zika)

• binds Spike protein of SARS-COV2 more strongly than hydroxychloroquine

• has immunoregulatory effects to decrease cytokines, cytokine storm, ARDS, organ damage and lung fibrosis in COVID-19 infection (blocks NF-κB signaling)

• Anti-cancer affects (via blocking NF-κB) for prostate, cervical, colorectal cancers

However, papers on the drug have been retracted. Herbal products recalled. Why is it under attack?

This information was compiled by an article written by Dr.


(give him a follow). Read the full article in the comment below.



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5e80f1 No.106230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894128 (101816ZNOV23) Notable: Kennedy: “COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” .

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REMEMBER: “COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

'a genetically engineered bioweapon that may have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people'

This is what you get when you let the lowest IQ lunatics running the asslyum


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5e80f1 No.106231

File: bd670271d867d40⋯.png (482.26 KB,600x582,100:97,Clipboard.png)

File: b86a5a707f23a5d⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,4096x2730,2048:1365,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894151 (101822ZNOV23) Notable: Reconnaissance and Interdiction Division of the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific Marine Mammal Program - Sea Lion training

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Reconnaissance and Interdiction Division of the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific Marine Mammal Program - Sea Lion training exhibition in connection with San Diego Fleet Week - November 9, 2023.

#NIWCPacific #usnavy

SRC: TW-@cjr1321


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5e80f1 No.106232

File: f4b592fde99c239⋯.png (260.29 KB,510x641,510:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 322f0aa4b4cacde⋯.png (420.84 KB,496x643,496:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894160 (101823ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries "Hell On Earth"

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Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries "Hell On Earth"

After reports emerged starting Wednesday and Thursday that Israeli tanks had pushed to the center of Gaza City, Palestinian officials have said tanks have drawn close to and have surrounded key hospitals where thousands of Palestinians are taking shelter as wounded patients are receiving treatment. They said Friday that air strikes have hit the Strip's biggest hospital, Al Shifa, killing at least one and wounding several others.

Other hospitals were were also reportedly struck at dawn, including strikes on the grounds of the Indonesian Hospital and the Rantissi cancer hospital, according to eyewitnesses cited in Reuters. Sprawling tent encampments of the internally displaced can be seen on the hospital campuses, but Israel claims that Hamas has 'terror tunnels' underneath, and further that the group has a base of operations in Rantissi hospital. Civilians waiving white flags have been trapped, in at least one instance coming under fire while trying to escape. Gazan authorities say the Israel's military is firing on them, while Israel claims Hamas is shooting its own people to keep them as "human shields".


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5e80f1 No.106233

File: 66aad7e8008ceb5⋯.png (216.72 KB,545x553,545:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f2fe1bdb83155a⋯.png (1.66 MB,1338x1730,669:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 48677d34f759cdd⋯.png (1.79 MB,1340x1722,670:861,Clipboard.png)

File: 7798ae0e30e5897⋯.png (1.89 MB,1338x1724,669:862,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b886fcc7dbfdc7⋯.png (1.64 MB,1338x1726,669:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894175 (101828ZNOV23) Notable: GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Files Judicial Ethics Complaint Against Judge Engoron Over ‘Bizarre Behavior’

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GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Files Judicial Ethics Complaint Against Judge Engoron Over ‘Bizarre Behavior’

Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY) on Friday filed a judicial ethics complaint against NY Judge Arthur Engoron over his ‘bizarre behavior’ in Trump’s non-jury civil fraud case.

“Judge Engoron’s bizarre and biased behavior is making New York’s judicial system a laughingstock. Former Southern District of New York federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who has at times criticized President Trump, recently stated that he views the “whole New York justice system” as “fraudulent.”” Stefanik wrote.

Radical Marxist New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $250 million in ‘damages’ when there is no victim in this fraud case and she is also seeking to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York.

“Americans are sick and tired of the blatant corruption by radical Leftist judges in NY. All New Yorkers must speak out against the dangerous weaponized lawfare against President Trump,” Stefanik said.


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5e80f1 No.106234

File: 12e9fd82769301e⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894191 (101831ZNOV23) Notable: Election Offices Across U.S. Receive ‘White Powder’ in Voter Envelopes from ANTIFA that Tests Positive for Fentanyl

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Election Offices Across U.S. Receive ‘White Powder’ in Voter Envelopes from ANTIFA that Tests Positive for Fentanyl

Election offices across the United States, including a key battleground state, have been targeted with suspicious letters containing white powder, some of which have tested positive for fentanyl. The incidents have led to the evacuation of several election offices, causing delays in ballot counting.

The letters, which have been sent to election offices in Georgia, Nevada, California, Oregon, and Washington, have been reportedly “intercepted” in some instances before reaching their destinations. The FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service have confirmed that four of these letters contained fentanyl.

Four county election offices in Washington State were evacuated on Tuesday after workers received envelopes containing a mysterious white powder, the Seattle Times reported.

Alarmingly, tests revealed that the substance in two of these offices was fentanyl. The incident occurred as election workers were processing ballots.

The affected counties include King, Skagit, Spokane, and Pierce. The Pierce County auditor’s office in Tacoma, Washington, was one of the first to report receiving such an envelope postmarked in Portland, Oregon.

The letter accompanying the powder carried a disturbing message: “End elections now. Stop giving power to the right that they don’t have. We are in charge now and there is no more need for them.”

The letter added, “Also be aware your ballot drops are very susceptible to noxious chemicals like am/bl, they are unsafe to the public just saying.”


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5e80f1 No.106235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894207 (101835ZNOV23) Notable: Federal Judge Gives Final Approval to $290M Settlement Between JPMorgan Chase and Jeffrey Epstein’s Trafficking Victims

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Federal Judge Gives Final Approval to $290M Settlement Between JPMorgan Chase and Jeffrey Epstein’s Trafficking Victims

A long association with Jeffrey Epstein has turned into a bad stain that is very hard to clean away.

Whether you are politician, monarchy, Hollywood elite, famous academic, or even a Wall Street titan, sooner or later the reckoning comes.

Just ask the largest US bank, JPMorgan Chase. After roughly a year in pre-trial litigation and negotiations, the financial institution finally seems to have resolved its legal issues regarding its decades long ties to the late convicted sex offender.

A U.S. Federal judge approved JPMorgan Chase’s $290 million settlement with Epstein’s victims, who claimed that bank turned a blind eye to the late financier’s sex trafficking.

“U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff granted final approval to the deal at a hearing in Manhattan federal court. He had previously granted preliminary approval to the deal in June, calling it a ‘really fine settlement’.”

The settlement covers a large group of women, led by a former ballet dancer known only as Jane Doe 1, who said Epstein abused them.

“It followed embarrassing disclosures that JPMorgan ignored internal warnings and overlooked red flags about Epstein because he had been a valuable client.”


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5e80f1 No.106236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894238 (101842ZNOV23) Notable: Over 60 Million Americans Exposed to Toxic Drinking Water As EPA Refuses To Act

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Over 60 Million Americans Exposed to Toxic Drinking Water As EPA Refuses To Act

Nationwide testing has revealed dozens of unregulated industrial and agricultural contaminants in tap water systems, according to a ProPublica analysis. Ineffective U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rules have left many exposed to chemicals like 1,2,3-trichloropropane, a solvent and pesticide byproduct linked to cancer but unrestricted and unnoticed for years.

As far as state and federal officials are concerned, the drinking water in Smithwick, Texas, is perfectly safe.

Over the past two decades, the utility that provides water to much of the community has had little trouble complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act, which is intended to assure Americans that their tap water is clean.

Yet, at least once a year since 2019, the Smithwick Mills water system, which serves about 200 residents in the area, has reported high levels of the synthetic chemical 1,2,3-trichloropropane, according to data provided by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), an advocacy organization that collects water testing results from states.

As far as state and federal officials are concerned, the drinking water in Smithwick, Texas, is perfectly safe.

Over the past two decades, the utility that provides water to much of the community has had little trouble complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act, which is intended to assure Americans that their tap water is clean.

Yet, at least once a year since 2019, the Smithwick Mills water system, which serves about 200 residents in the area, has reported high levels of the synthetic chemical 1,2,3-trichloropropane, according to data provided by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), an advocacy organization that collects water testing results from states.

The TCP levels in the Smithwick Mills system are alarming to those who study water contamination. As with many chemicals, there’s limited information on TCP’s long-term effect on humans.

But research involving animals shows evidence that it increases cancer risks at lower concentrations than many other known or likely carcinogens, including arsenic. Because of this, in 2017, California state regulators set a maximum allowable level for TCP in water of 5 parts per trillion.

Water quality tests from the Smithwick Mills utility have revealed an average TCP level of 410 parts per trillion over the past four years — more than 80 times what would be allowed in California.

But the utility hasn’t taken any action. It doesn’t have to. The chemical isn’t regulated in drinking water by the EPA or the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, which means neither agency has ever set a maximum allowable level of TCP.

It’s not clear why Smithwick Mills was even monitoring for the chemical, though state officials said many utilities receive results for TCP as part of routine lab tests for a variety of chemicals that get reported to state regulators.

Residents said they received no notices about the high levels, which weren’t shared in the town’s annual consumer confidence reports from 2019 to 2021, the first three years TCP was recorded in its water. TCP test results appeared in the 2022 report, which the water utility sent to residents after a ProPublica reporter reached out to the company earlier this year.


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5e80f1 No.106237

File: 07466f2c4f16036⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x679,1024:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894248 (101844ZNOV23) Notable: Industrial robot crushes man to death in South Korean distribution centre

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Industrial robot crushes man to death in South Korean distribution centre

Machine apparently identified man inspecting it as one of the boxes it was stacking

A robot crushed a man to death in South Korea after the machine apparently failed to differentiate him from the boxes of produce it was handling, the Yonhap news agency reported on Wednesday.

The man, a robotics company worker in his 40s, was inspecting the robot’s sensor operations at a distribution centre for agricultural produce in South Gyeongsang province.

The industrial robot, which was lifting boxes filled with bell peppers and placing them on a pallet, appears to have malfunctioned and identified the man as a box, Yonhap reported, citing the police.


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5e80f1 No.106238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894255 (101846ZNOV23) Notable: More than 750 reporters sign letter condemning ‘Israel’s killing of journalists in Gaza’ as death toll rises

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More than 750 reporters sign letter condemning ‘Israel’s killing of journalists in Gaza’ as death toll rises

“We condemn Israel’s killing of journalists in Gaza and urge integrity in Western media coverage of Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians,” the letter reads.

It adds that Israel’s “devastating bombing campaign and media blockade in Gaza threatens news gathering in an unprecedented fashion” and notes that at least 39 journalists have been killed in Gaza since the war on Hamas began — mostly from retaliatory strikes by Israel, citing the latest tally from the Committee to Protect Journalists.

“As reporters, editors, photographers and other workers in newsrooms around the world, we are appalled at the slaughter of our colleagues and their families by the Israeli military and government,” the letter continues.


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5e80f1 No.106239

File: 96d69a166ec7277⋯.png (355.2 KB,544x459,32:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894270 (101851ZNOV23) Notable: Trump: Big Pharma is ‘A Villain’ in ‘Many Different Ways’.

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Trump: Big Pharma is ‘A Villain’ in ‘Many Different Ways’.

Donald Trump has told Spanish-language news network Univision that Big Pharma is “a villian” in many respects, and had unquestionably done “some very bad things” when it comes to the drugs crises in the Americas. After first being questioned on whether he supported military intervention in Mexico to stop fentanyl trafficking, Trump was asked if he accepted “there’s a shared responsibility on this issue,” with his interviewer citing “the role Big Pharma has played in creating [the] opioid overdose crisis.”

Trump agreed immediately: “Yeah, Big Pharma is a villain in many different ways,” he said. “I know them better than anybody, they weren’t fans of mine,” he added. “I got them to do things that nobody thought anybody could really get them to do, and they’ve done some good things, [but] they’ve done some very bad things also – there’s no question about it.”

On the question of military intervention in Mexico, the 45th President had been diplomatic, saying he would “certainly deal with Mexico” and that “Mexico doesn’t like what’s happening either, with fentanyl and with all of the other things that are passing over the border.” “Mexico’s a victim of it also,” he explained. “You have a tremendous drug problem for your people… The drugs, the destruction of families, the death.” “Something had to be done about it. We’re losing I think probably 250,000 people a year; that’s like a big military intervention,” he stressed.


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5e80f1 No.106240

File: b18d2baebfb9b05⋯.png (607.23 KB,810x540,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894399 (101926ZNOV23) Notable: BREAKING: Your Baby on Socialized Medicine - UK Appeals Court rejects plea to save Baby Indi Gregory]

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Your Baby on Socialized Medicine

BREAKING: UK Appeals Court rejects plea to save Baby Indi Gregory]

Monday, November 13 has been set as the new date for the removal of the 8-month-old Indi's life-sustaining treatment, against her parents' wishes.


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5e80f1 No.106241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894412 (101932ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries "Hell On Earth"

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Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries "Hell On Earth"


After reports emerged starting Wednesday and Thursday that Israeli tanks had pushed to the center of Gaza City, Palestinian officials have said tanks have drawn close to and have surrounded key hospitals where thousands of Palestinians are taking shelter as wounded patients are receiving treatment. They said Friday that air strikes have hit the Strip's biggest hospital, Al Shifa, killing at least one and wounding several others.

Other hospitals were were also reportedly struck at dawn, including strikes on the grounds of the Indonesian Hospital and the Rantissi cancer hospital, according to eyewitnesses cited in Reuters. Sprawling tent encampments of the internally displaced can be seen on the hospital campuses, but Israel claims that Hamas has 'terror tunnels' underneath, and further that the group has a base of operations in Rantissi hospital. Civilians waiving white flags have been trapped, in at least one instance coming under fire while trying to escape. Gazan authorities say the Israel's military is firing on them, while Israel claims Hamas is shooting its own people to keep them as "human shields".

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tanks have been observed near these hospitals, with some unconfirmed video evidence emerging that civilians taking shelter there have been hit either by IDF snipers, artillery, or possibly drone strikes.

The Israeli military has ordered the immediate evacuation of these hospitals but people reportedly have not moved, fearing any attempt to exit will be more dangerous.

The White House announced Thursday that Israel agreed to implement daily four-hour pauses in fighting to facilitate a humanitarian corridor for civilians to flee south, but it's unclear how this will effect standoff situations where civilian enclaves are surrounded by tanks.

Al Jazeera, which has correspondents on the ground, says that tanks are within a mere hundreds of meters of some of the hospitals in question: "Using tanks and armored vehicles, they have closed a roughly 100-metre perimeter around these hospitals, still sheltering thousands of wounded and displaced people," the Friday report says.

The moment the Al Shifa Hospital courtyard was struck last night as displaced civilians slept. Body parts blown off. You can hear the pain in the screams.

At least 2 other hospitals were bombed in the same night.

There are no words to describe this level of barbarity. None. pic.twitter.com/87wacC1MvX

— Hamza (@Hamza_a96) November 10, 2023

"People have sent appeals from inside al-Rantisi Hospital and Nasser Hospital, asking to be allowed to flee," Al Jazeera writes.

And yet the situation is growing more dangerous for civilians as the bombs fall. Gaza health ministry has alleged that Israeli jets struck al-Shifa Hospital buildings five times since Thursday night. This sent some of the civilians leaving for more potentially safe areas.

"They shelled the maternity department and the outpatient clinics building. One Palestinian was killed and several were wounded in the early morning attack," the health ministry said.

Heavy and back to back Israeli air strikes bombed the vicinity of Al-Awda hospital. This is what they refer to as a fire belt. No place is safe in Gaza.

Video by Feras Al-Ajrami pic.twitter.com/6usNA1eWCO

— MoTaz (@azaizamotaz9) November 10, 2023

The ministry said in response to the IDF's evacuation order: "We are talking about 45 babies in incubators, 52 children in intensive care units, hundreds of wounded and patients, and tens of thousands of displaced people." There are conflicting reports of casualties as gunfights have been reported on the perimeter of Shifa hospital, with reports of IDF special forces operating there:

However, according to AFP, a government statement claimed that there were “thirteen martyrs and dozens wounded in an Israeli strike on Al-Shifa compound today,” and hospital director Mohammad Abu Salmiya alleged that “Israeli tanks fired on Al-Shifa hospital.”

Israel has alleged that a Hamas military quarter lies adjacent to Shifa Hospital and has called the area "the heart" of Hamas’s intelligence and operational activities.

Meanwhile the UN and aid organizations have had new issues getting trucks into the Strip and to the necessary locations amid "hell on Earth" - as the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) described.


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5e80f1 No.106242

File: 92e80db38c15831⋯.jpeg (30.67 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5913e29cbcceac6⋯.jpeg (267.3 KB,828x1058,18:23,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894416 (101933ZNOV23) Notable: Wall St roars back, helped by tech, calming Treasury yields

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Wall St roars back, helped by tech, calming Treasury yields

* All S&P 500 sectors gaining

* Investors looking ahead to CPI nextwee

* Illuminia falls on annual profit forecast cut

* Indexes up: Dow 0.91%, S&P 1.33%, Nasdaq 1.83%

Nov 10 (Reuters) - Wall Street's main indexes rallied on Friday, boosted by heavyweight tech and growth stocks as Treasury yields calmed, while investors looked ahead to a next week's important reports on inflation and other economic data.

Equities bounced back from sharp declines the previous session which followed hawkish comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell about interest rates. Thursday's decline ended the longest winning streaks in two years for the S&P 500 (.SPX) and the Nasdaq Composite (.IXIC). Investors have been focused on benchmark Treasury yields, which have eased somewhat from 16-year highs, and the path of monetary policy as they assess whether the Fed might be done raising rates to control inflation and when the central bank could start cutting rates.

Next week the consumer price index report will be key, along with data on producer prices and retail sales, which will further shape interest rate projections. Helping supporting equities, the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note was little changed at 4.63% after a jump on Thursday which was also driven by a weaker-than-expected 30-year bond auction.

(since it’s a Friday just gonna ignore this-Data on Friday showed U.S. consumer sentiment fell for a fourth straight month in November, and households' expectations for inflation rose again.)


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5e80f1 No.106243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894423 (101935ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries "Hell On Earth"

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Below: Palestinian sources say civilians waiving white flags who have tried to exit hospital grounds have been fired on by the IDF, while Israeli sources say Hamas is firing in order to prevent them from leaving:

⚡️Israeli army fired on displaced families and medical teams who tried to leave Al-Nasr Hospital in Gaza, which has been besieged since dawn by the occupation pic.twitter.com/XKGphbtOMl

— War Monitor (@WarMonitors) November 10, 2023

"We cannot drive to the north at the current point, which is of course deeply frustrating because we know there are several hundred thousand people who remain in the north," said OCHA spokesperson Jens Laerke.

"If there is a hell on Earth today, its name is northern Gaza," he said. "It is a life of fear by day and darkness at night and what do you tell your children in such a situation, it’s almost unimaginable – that the fire they see in the sky is out to kill them?"

There have been reports that top US and Israeli officials are in Doha seeking potential hostage deals via Qatar government mediation. But Israeli President Isaac Herzog has said "there is no real proposal" currently on the table, NBC News reports.

Hamas has continued publishing high quality close-quarter combat footage showing IDF tanks suffering damage:

V. impressive footage, clearly the al Yassin/PG-7VR (Sometimes called the al Yassin 105) functions well- but apparently not enough to pen IDF armour reliably.

Some of these maybe mission kills? But seems heavier AT capability needed even at close range.pic.twitter.com/M8nkuYI8Bn

— Cᴀʟɪʙʀᴇ Oʙsᴄᴜʀᴀ (@CalibreObscura) November 8, 2023

"There is no real proposal that is viable from Hamas' side on this issue. Whilst there are many, many people who are third parties who are sending optimistic messages to the newsreels, I'm saying outright: According to my knowledge, up to now, there is no real substantial information that is showing any real offer of any process on the table," Herzog explained.

As of Friday, Israel's military has announced its official troop death toll has risen to 37. Some analysts believe this figure to in reality be much higher, given the extremely difficult nature of tight urban combat, and Hamas' guerilla tactics and use of sprawling tunnels for ambush operations.

Apocalyptic scenes from Gaza like the following have now become daily...

🇮🇱🇵🇸 This must be a scene from an apocalyptic film. pic.twitter.com/P9D8jRJv4n

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) November 10, 2023

There are around 11,000 Gazans dead at this point, mostly civilians, causing UN Secretary-General António Guterres to tell a conference this week that something has gone "clearly wrong" with Israel's operation. "There are violations by Hamas when they have human shields. But when one looks at the number of civilians that were killed with the military operations, there is something that is clearly wrong," he said.

2 of 2

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5e80f1 No.106244

File: 3eec0a9a1714597⋯.png (172.54 KB,600x461,600:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894435 (101936ZNOV23) Notable: The launch of an Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile was documented yesterday - successfully intercepted a target over the Red Sea.

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Joe Truzman



The launch of an Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile was documented yesterday. The missile successfully intercepted a target over the Red Sea.


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5e80f1 No.106245

File: fefde29fd88fdeb⋯.gif (600.21 KB,498x199,498:199,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894488 (101949ZNOV23) Notable: Israel Prepares for Possible Fentanyl-filled Rockets from Hamas, Hezbollah

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Israel Prepares for Possible Fentanyl-filled Rockets from Hamas, Hezbollah


TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel is preparing for the possibility that the Hamas terror organization in Gaza and the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon may attack using rockets filled with various liquid fentanyl variants, designed to incapacitate and kill large numbers of people.

The Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s version of the Red Cross, sent an alert to staffers this week telling them that Israel’s health authorities had warned the MDA to prepare for the possibility that terror organizations might cause a mass casualty event using opioids from the fentanyl class of compounds. The MDA asked staff members to familiarize themselves with the protocol for treating a mass casualty event triggered by fentanyl.

Though the MDA alert did not mention rockets specifically, a source told Breitbart News that a few rockets with chemical capabilities had been found in Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) also said in a statement Sunday that some Hamas weapons recovered in the area of Beit Hanoun had been “brought to Israel for further examination,” without elaboration.

Fentanyl is well known for its dangers as a narcotic in the United States, and has occasionally poisoned bystanders through mere incidental contact. It has also been used as a chemical weapon before, according to a 2019 paper published by the Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction at the National Defense University:

It is less well known that fentanyl and its analogues have been investigated as incapacitating agents by a number of countries.

[The U.S. Department of Defense] saw promise in fentanyl and some of its analogues, or a combination of such compounds, for incapacitation, but did not solve the margin of safety issue prior to the program’s termination. Margin of safety refers to the difference between a dosage that will incapacitate and one that will kill a person.

Russia employed fentanyl analogues in a counterterrorism role in October 2002. Forty Chechen terrorists seized Moscow’s Dubrovka Theater and more than 800 hostages, strung explosives around the theater, and threatened to destroy it and kill the hostages unless Russia agreed to end its military campaign in Chechnya. After several days of unsuccessful negotiations and the Chechens’ threat that it would start killing hostages, Russian security forces pumped an aerosolized combination of two fentanyl analogues into the theater to incapacitate the inhabitants and permit the building to be stormed. The terrorists and approximately 130 of the hostages were killed. Most hostages died from exposure to a lethal dose of the fentanyl compounds (recall that margin of safety issue discussed earlier). (Original emphasis)

A fentanyl rocket could poison people in the area of impact or even after a denotation from above a target area, meaning that fentanyl variants could be dispersed even if such a rocket were intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.

The MDA told staff that syringes with antidotes to opioids would be distributed as they became available. However, a source told Breitbart News that there is a fear that the country would not have enough antidotes to deal with the scale of possible attacks.

Chemical weapons have been referred to once before in the ongoing conflict. Israel’s ceremonial president, Isaac Herzog, told Sky News last month that some Hamas terrorists who infiltrated the country on October 7 were found with USB drives containing instructions for making cyanide weapons.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the new biography, Rhoda: ‘Comrade Kadalie, You Are Out of Order’. He is also the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

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5e80f1 No.106246

File: 3a343f7bee8d673⋯.png (278.54 KB,875x691,875:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 27bead1e3bea66f⋯.png (656.05 KB,958x898,479:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894490 (101949ZNOV23) Notable: Rep. Elise Stefanik files ethics complaint against judge in Trump's civil fraud trial

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Elise Stefanik


This morning, I formally submitted a judicial complaint against Judge Arthur Engoron for displaying inappropriate bias and unprofessional behavior in the disgraceful lawsuit filed by New York against President Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization.

Nov 10, 2023, 2:38 PM


Rep. Elise Stefanik files ethics complaint against judge in Trump's civil fraud trial

The senior House Republican and close Trump ally accused Judge Arthur Engoron of “weaponized lawfare” against the former president and called on the judge to recuse himself.

WASHINGTON — Rep. Elise Stefanik, the House GOP conference chair, has filed a judicial ethics complaint against the judge presiding over the New York civil fraud case against Donald Trump, accusing Judge Arthur Engoron of “weaponized lawfare” against the former president, and calling on the judge to recuse himself.

Engoron has exhibited “clear judicial bias” against Trump, including by telling Trump’s attorney that the former president is “just a bad guy” whom New York Attorney General Letitia James “should go after,” Stefanik, R-N.Y., said in a letter to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. She said the judge has failed to honor Trump’s due process rights, concerns that she said are exacerbated by the former president’s position as the front-runner for the presidential nomination.

Engoron is presiding over a bench trial in the $250 million lawsuit, meaning the judge will also determine guilt and any penalties in the case. The suit, filed by James last year, accuses Trump of inflating asset values for financial gain. Trump testified angrily on Monday in the high-stakes case and has complained and clashed with the judge for weeks.

Engoron issued a partial gag order on Trump last month after he made disparaging remarks about a law clerk on social media and to reporters. He was fined twice for violating the gag order. The judge expanded the gag order last week to include the former president’s lawyers.

“I filed an official judicial complaint against Judge Arthur Engoron for his inappropriate bias and judicial intemperance in New York’s disgraceful lawsuit against President Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization,” Stefanik said in a statement to NBC News. “Americans are sick and tired of the blatant corruption by radical Leftist judges in NY. All New Yorkers must speak out against the dangerous weaponized lawfare against President Trump.”

Stefanik said in the letter to accompany the complaint that Engoron had illegally gagged Trump’s protected political speech, violated political giving rules with financial contributions to Democrats as recently as 2018, and ignored a decision on the appropriate statute of limitations in the case. At the start of the trial, Engoron “infamously smiled and posed for the cameras,” she noted.

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5e80f1 No.106247

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894507 (101952ZNOV23) Notable: vid: Alex Jones Reveals How We’re Being Sucked Into A Three-Front Kinetic War

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Alex Jones Reveals How We’re Being Sucked Into A Three-Front Kinetic War

This title will bring the bots that hate Bannon and Jones. Its a good info video though.



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5e80f1 No.106248

File: 307020c16032834⋯.jpg (45.81 KB,356x283,356:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894509 (101952ZNOV23) Notable: Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries "Hell On Earth"

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>Hell On Earth

Hell on Earth, ya say?

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5e80f1 No.106249

File: 083e73ee9396234⋯.png (71.89 KB,828x523,828:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ec161eddfa4fb7⋯.png (73.49 KB,814x581,814:581,Clipboard.png)

File: c440dff7f909d90⋯.png (63.42 KB,830x512,415:256,Clipboard.png)

File: b1aac74860d1fb2⋯.png (73.69 KB,849x528,283:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894656 (102016ZNOV23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

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Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

Judicial Watch announced today it received 63 pages of heavily redacted records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that show the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of DHS, communicated during the 2020 election campaign with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which was created to flag online election content for censorship and suppression.

The records show that Twitter participated in discussions with the Cybersecurity Agency and EIP through the software system Jira, contrary to what former Twitter head of trust and safety Yoel Roth claimed in congressional testimony.

The CISA records show government involvement in the EIP pressure on Google, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit and other platforms to censor “disinformation.”

Judicial Watch obtained the records in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after DHS failed to respond to an October 5, 2022, request (Judicial Watch Inc. vs. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:22-cv-03560 )). Judicial Watch asked for:

1. All records of communication between the CISA and the EIP. This includes all “tickets” or notifications to the Partnership regarding election-related disinformation on any social media platform.

2. All records regarding the July 9, 2020, meeting between DHS officials and representatives of the EIP.

3. All records of communication between the CISA and the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public and/or Stanford University’s Internet Observatory regarding any of the following:

The Election Integrity Partnership

The 2020 U.S. election

Online misinformation and disinformation

Any social media platform

The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) was created in July 2020, just before the presidential election. According to Just the News:

The consortium is comprised of four member organizations: Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and social media analytics firm Graphika. It set up a concierge-like service in 2020 that allowed federal agencies like Homeland’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and State’s Global Engagement Center to file “tickets” requesting that online story links and social media posts be censored or flagged by Big Tech.

Three liberal groups — the Democratic National Committee, Common Cause and the NAACP — were also empowered like the federal agencies to file tickets seeking censorship of content. A Homeland-funded collaboration, the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center, also had access.


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5e80f1 No.106250

File: 07a29ede83d26dd⋯.png (899.9 KB,1199x1611,1199:1611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894658 (102016ZNOV23) Notable: After failing to condemn Hamas terror group, UN adopts eight resolutions condemning Jewish state

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After failing to condemn Hamas terror group, UN adopts eight resolutions condemning Jewish state

All eight resolutions will be rubber-stamped by the General Assembly in December

By Peter Aitken Fox News Published November 10, 2023 2:46pm EST

A United Nations watchdog has criticized the organization for passing multiple resolutions this week condemning Israel for various alleged human rights violations, but making no condemnation of Hamas or other groups or nations, at a time when antisemitism is on the rise.

"The U.N.’s assault on Israel with a torrent of one-sided resolutions, just one month after the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, and on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, is surreal," Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, said in a press release.

"The only purpose of these eight lopsided condemnations is to demonize the Jewish state," Neuer said. "The world should not be deceived that these annual resolutions advance the cause of peace or human rights in any way."

The U.N.’s Second Committee, which focuses on Economic and Financial issues, announced the passage of three such resolutions, including one demanding that Israel cease the "exploitation, damage, cause of loss or depletion and endangerment" in the Golan Heights region of Syria...


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5e80f1 No.106251

File: a091fc6f6aceb3c⋯.png (24.32 KB,886x203,886:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894789 (102034ZNOV23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

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HUNDREDS of secret reports show how DHSgov, CISAgov, The GEC (StateDept), Stanford and others worked together to censor AMERICANS before the 2020 election

According to one EIP member, the EIP was created “at the request of CISA.” The head of the EIP also said that EIP was created after “working on some monitoring ideas with CISA.”


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5e80f1 No.106252

File: 3c35a763ba0de79⋯.jpg (150.17 KB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f021264c300f6d5⋯.jpg (30.91 KB,600x509,600:509,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f478d1846d07004⋯.png (282.23 KB,520x645,104:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894915 (102058ZNOV23) Notable: #24428

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Q Research General #24428: Elise Stefanik files ethics complaint against Arthur Engoron? Edition

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5e80f1 No.106253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894935 (102104ZNOV23) Notable: FBI agents seized New York mayor's electronic devices, NY Times reports

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FBI agents seized New York mayor's electronic devices, NY Times reports

Nov 10th, 14:41:30

NEW YORK (Reuters via PiQSuite.com) -FBI agents seized New York City Mayor Eric Adams' electronic devices earlier this week, days after a raid on the home of his chief campaign fundraiser, the New York Times reported on Friday, citing two people familiar with the matter.

The devices - at least two cellphones and an iPad - were returned to Adams within a matter of days, the Times said.

Federal authorities are conducting an investigation into whether his 2021 mayoral campaign conspired with a Brooklyn construction company and the Turkish government to funnel foreign money into the campaign through a straw donor scheme, the New York Times has reported.

https://PiQSuite.com/reuters/fbi-agents ... evices-nyt

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5e80f1 No.106254

File: 941de2cef475606⋯.png (216.56 KB,537x459,179:153,Clipboard.png)

File: a59a10778c1e493⋯.png (56.77 KB,746x894,373:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894949 (102108ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel

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U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel



I can see Q.

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5e80f1 No.106255

File: 044844aa4a529ba⋯.png (1.41 MB,1190x1652,85:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894957 (102110ZNOV23) Notable: Bill Gates Business Associates Reach Combined $365 Million Settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims

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Bill Gates Business Associates Reach Combined $365 Million Settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims

by SEAMUS BRUNER 10 Nov 2023

On Thursday, a federal judge approved the $290 million settlement of a class-action lawsuit brought by the sex abuse victims of Epstein against JPMorgan Chase—a close mutual business associate of both Gates and Epstein.

Over this past year, JPMorgan has agreed to pay an additional $75 million—for a combined total of $365 million—to settle another lawsuit relating to its established banking relationship with Epstein. The suits revealed that JPMorgan facilitated approximately $1 billion in transfers for Epstein which the bank admitted were “human trafficking” related.

Gates’s relationship with Epstein has been widely known and was even cited by Gates’s ex-wife, Melinda, in the couple’s 2021 divorce proceedings. Bill Gates has denied having any involvement in Epstein’s crimes.

Gates and Epstein’s mutual associates, James E. “Jes” Staley and JPMorgan Chase, were central to Gates’s relationship with Epstein. Gates’s close contacts with Epstein began around 2011, when he and JPMorgan were teaming up to create a global health investment fund, the activities of which are documented extensively in Controligarchs.

As a top executive at JPMorgan, Staley introduced Epstein—an important bank client—to Gates and the two hit it off. Gates flew aboard Epstein’s private jet, met with him “many times,” and visited his home on at least three occasions, despite Epstein’s 2008 conviction for solicitation of a minor, the New York Times reports.

Last year, several of Epstein’s victims and the U.S. Virgin Islands (where the pedophile financier maintained a residence) filed suit against JPMorgan, accusing the bank of enabling the illegal activities of Epstein and his network.

The litigation revealed that JPMorgan admitted to the Treasury Department that it had facilitated more than $1 billion in transfers relating to “human trafficking” by Epstein. To avoid going to trial, JPMorgan agreed to pay $290 million to Epstein’s victims and $75 million to the U.S. Virgin Islands, bringing the combined total to $365 million for these settlements.

In March 2023, JPMorgan, in turn, sued Staley, its former chief of investment banking, claiming that he should pay “the entire amount” of the litigation costs, thus effectively blaming him for the scandal. The litigation revealed that Staley allegedly “used aggressive force in his sexual assault of [anonymous victim] and informed [her] that he had Epstein’s permission to do what he wanted to her.”



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5e80f1 No.106256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894960 (102111ZNOV23) Notable: Republican Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), a podiatric surgeon by trade who raised his public profile during the Covid-19 pandemic, announced he will retire at the end of his term.

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Republican Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), a podiatric surgeon by trade who raised his public profile during the Covid-19 pandemic, announced he will retire at the end of his term.

Reason given is it's too hard on his family, with 2 children under 11.

https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/new-lo ... um=twitter

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5e80f1 No.106257

File: c733851ade61b17⋯.png (54.03 KB,1060x473,1060:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 027a6fd8ba69eaa⋯.png (26.55 KB,746x410,373:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19894995 (102122ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel

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>U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel

Two months before Hamas attacked Israel, the Pentagon awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to build U.S. troop facilities for a secret base it maintains deep within Israel’s Negev desert, just 20 miles from Gaza. Code-named “Site 512,” the longstanding U.S. base is a radar facility that monitors the skies for missile attacks on Israel.

On October 7, however, when thousands of Hamas rockets were launched, Site 512 saw nothing — because it is focused on Iran, more than 700 miles away.

The U.S. Army is quietly moving ahead with construction at Site 512, a classified base perched atop Mt. Har Qeren in the Negev, to include what government records describe as a “life support facility”: military speak for barracks-like structures for personnel.

Though President Joe Biden and the White House insist that there are no plans to send U.S. troops to Israel amid its war on Hamas, a secret U.S. military presence in Israel already exists. And the government contracts and budget documents show it is evidently growing.

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The $35.8 million U.S. troop facility, not publicly announced or previously reported, was obliquely referenced in an August 2 contract announcement by the Pentagon. Though the Defense Department has taken pains to obscure the site’s true nature — describing it in other records merely as a “classified worldwide” project — budget documents reviewed by The Intercept reveal that it is part of Site 512. (The Pentagon did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)

“Sometimes something is treated as an official secret not in the hope that an adversary would never find out about it but rather [because] the U.S. government, for diplomatic or political reasons, does not want to officially acknowledge it,” Paul Pillar, a former chief analyst at the CIA’s counterterrorism center who said he had no specific knowledge of the base, told The Intercept. “In this case, perhaps the base will be used to support operations elsewhere in the Middle East in which any acknowledgment that they were staged from Israel, or involved any cooperation with Israel, would be inconvenient and likely to elicit more negative reactions than the operations otherwise would elicit.”

Rare acknowledgment of the U.S. military presence in Israel came in 2017, when the two countries inaugurated a military site that the U.S. government-funded Voice of America deemed “the first American military base on Israeli soil.” Israeli Air Force’s Brig. Gen. Tzvika Haimovitch called it “historic.” He said, “We established an American base in the State of Israel, in the Israel Defense Forces, for the first time.”

A day later, the U.S. military denied that it was an American base, insisting that it was merely a “living facility” for U.S. service members working at an Israeli base.

The U.S. military employs similar euphemistic language to characterize the new facility in Israel, which its procurement records describe as a “life support area.” Such obfuscation is typical of U.S. military sites the Pentagon wants to conceal. Site 512 has previously been referred to as a “cooperative security location”: a designation that is intended to confer a low-cost, light footprint presence but has been applied to bases that, as The Intercept has previously reported, can house as many as 1,000 troops.

Site 512, however, wasn’t established to contend with a threat to Israel from Palestinian militants but the danger posed by Iranian mid-range missiles.


site 512

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5e80f1 No.106258

File: 19e1b76ac39e5fc⋯.png (195.83 KB,483x634,483:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 41cd76ea7ca140d⋯.jpg (7.51 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895042 (102135ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. DoE - #NLSLAMD-5: Who’s that finalist?

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U.S. Department of Energy



#NLSLAMD-5: Who’s that finalist?

It’s Brandon Zimmerman from @Livermore_Lab!

His #NationalLabSLAM topic is “3D Printing the Future: Designing Additively Manufactured Materials for Extreme Environments.”

Livestream the competition on 11/15 at nlresearchslam.org.


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5e80f1 No.106259

File: 97b4e825a339dbc⋯.png (201.4 KB,480x623,480:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895050 (102137ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. DoE - #NLSLAMD-5: Who’s that finalist?

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U.S. Department of Energy



#NLSLAM D-5: Who’s that finalist?

It’s Pierre Chatagnon from @JLab_News!

His #NationalLabSLAM topic is “How Strong is the Strong Force?”

Catch the competition at nlresearchslam.org.


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5e80f1 No.106260

File: e40893f4b52b686⋯.png (224.61 KB,608x489,608:489,Clipboard.png)

File: c2f93534f602f8f⋯.mp4 (8.33 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895289 (102232ZNOV23) Notable: DeptVetAffairs - All Veterans, past to present, we honor, salute and thank you.

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Veterans Affairs


All Veterans, past to present, we honor, salute and thank you.

9:30 AM · Nov 10, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106261

File: 29dbf61db5c6b16⋯.png (9.93 KB,608x144,38:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895304 (102234ZNOV23) Notable: elonmusk - Thank you, veterans past and present, for saving the world

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Elon Musk


Thank you, veterans past and present, for saving the world

10:10 AM · Nov 10, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106262

File: 2a3e326b4b5dc2d⋯.png (56.53 KB,608x366,304:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895309 (102235ZNOV23) Notable: johnrich - In honor of my Papaw Rich, and all the Veterans of foreign war, my song #TheMan is out today! #VeteransDay2023 Please share this post

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John Rich🇺🇸


In honor of my Papaw Rich, and all the Veterans of foreign war, my song #TheMan is out today! #VeteransDay2023 Please share this post, and download the song with this link:



"The Man"

"I wrote this song about my Grandfather's service in WWII, but also for ALL our Veterans who have served over the decades on behalf of our nation. I hope thi...

7:28 AM · Nov 10, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106263

File: 9df5c32df89d532⋯.png (60.96 KB,965x578,965:578,Clipboard.png)

File: 1008ee20d8e4d18⋯.png (77.55 KB,965x576,965:576,Clipboard.png)

File: 5845eb7ca9367fb⋯.jpeg (628.81 KB,828x974,414:487,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895358 (102244ZNOV23) Notable: Moody's Cuts USA's Aaa Rating Outlook To 'Negative'; Treasury Dept "Disagrees"

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Moody's Cuts USA's Aaa Rating Outlook To 'Negative'; Treasury Dept "Disagrees"

(I guess Moody’s drew the short straw this time and on a Friday after the best 2 weeks in the markets for 2 years….it really doesn’t mean much being as the $ is reserve currency etc but after all the negative data you do this now?….and of course J-J-Janet and the ‘digital’ inkjets don’t agree)

Who could have seen that coming?

After a disastrous 30Y bond auction this week, a collapse in Treasury market liquidity, and an accelerating rise in the market's perception of the United States' credit risk, Moody's has just cut its outlook on US credit ratings to negative from stable. The key driver of the outlook change to negative is Moody's assessment that the downside risks to the US' fiscal strength have increased and may no longer be fully offset by the sovereign's unique credit strengths.

In the context of higher interest rates, without effective fiscal policy measures to reduce government spending or increase revenues, Moody's expects that the US' fiscal deficits will remain very large, significantly weakening debt affordability.

Continued political polarization within US Congress raises the risk that successive governments will not be able to reach consensus on a fiscal plan to slow the decline in debt affordability.

Moody's does affirm the Aaa rating:

The affirmation of the Aaa ratings reflects Moody's view that the US' formidable credit strengths continue to preserve the sovereign's credit profile.

* First, Moody's expects the US to retain its exceptional economic strength. Further positive growth surprises over the medium term could at least slow the deterioration in debt affordability.

* Second, the US' institutional and governance strength is also very high, supported in particular by monetary and macroeconomic policy effectiveness. While the adjustment of the US economy and financial sector to higher-for-longer interest rates is underway, policymakers have facilitated the transition through transparent and effective policy.

* Finally, the unique and central roles of the US dollar and Treasury bond market in the global financial system provide extraordinary funding capacity and significantly reduce the risk of a sudden spiraling of funding costs, which is particularly relevant in the context of high debt levels and weakening debt affordability.

The US' long-term local- and foreign-currency country ceilings remain unchanged at Aaa.. The Aaa local-currency ceiling reflects a small government footprint in the economy, relatively predictable and reliable institutions, very low external imbalances and moderate political risks, all of which reduce the risks posed to non-government issuers by government actions or shocks that would commonly affect the government and the private sector. The foreign-currency ceiling at Aaa reflects the country's strong policy effectiveness and open capital account which reduce transfer and convertibility risks to minimal levels.

The market - late on a Friday - pushed yields on the 2Y and 5Y Treasyr notes to fresh new highs for the day.

Five minutes later, US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo comments in emailed statement to Bloomberg:

“While the statement by Moody’s maintains the United States’ Aaa rating, we disagree with the shift to a negative outlook. The American economy remains strong, and Treasury securities are the world’s preeminent safe and liquid asset” “The Biden administration has demonstrated its commitment to fiscal sustainability,(Bwahahaha)including through the more than $1 trillion in deficit reduction included in the June debt-limit deal as well as President Biden’s budget proposals that would reduce the deficit by nearly $2.5 trillion over the next decade”

Still, not a great look as she "negotiates" with the Chinese. (She ain’t ‘negotiating’ nuffin-has zero credibility and belongs in a rest home)


Icymi last weeks (Nov 3) failed FIFY shotgun wedding bank payout from the FDIC DIP fund (Iowa Trust & Savings Bank, Emmetsburg, Iowa, Assumes All of the Deposits of Citizens Bank, Sac City, Iowa) was because the commercial trucking loans from this bank failed and it had something like $21m in outstanding loans so $14.8m of that failed and that was its commercial trucking loan portfolio.


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5e80f1 No.106264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895430 (102255ZNOV23) Notable: VA Democrat senator calls for IG probe of FBI headquarters selection: 'Clear political interference'

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VA Democrat senator calls for IG probe of FBI headquarters selection: 'Clear political interference'

Sen. Mark Warner: "This the kind of behavior I expected from the Trump administration."

Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner on Thursday blasted the Biden administration's handling of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters selection process and called for an General Services Administration (GSA) Inspector General probe of the matter.

FBI Director Chris Wray also said on Thursday that he has "concerns about fairness and transparency in the process and GSA's failure to adhere to its own site selection plan."

Wray said there there was a "potential conflict of interest," adding that the site selection panel reported why it recommended the Washington D.C. suburb of Springfield, Va., for the headquarters over Greenbelt and Landover, Md.

"This senior executive, a political appointee, reviewed and considered the site selection panel's report and its unanimous recommendation," Wray wrote in an email to FBI employees.

Warner told reporters that the Biden administration caved to "political pressure" at the last minute and chose Greenbelt, Md.

"This is the kind of behavior I expected from the Trump administration. I think we all expect better from the current administration," he said at a press briefing, adding that he didn't think this would happen under the Biden administration. "I regret the fact that I have to make that comparison."

Warner, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said there was "clear political interference" in the selection process.


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5e80f1 No.106265

File: 702613003007695⋯.png (288.6 KB,503x520,503:520,Clipboard.png)

File: 519a33603996732⋯.png (94.24 KB,535x643,535:643,Clipboard.png)

File: ee0fd0780477fcf⋯.png (35.47 KB,575x244,575:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895496 (102307ZNOV23) Notable: FBI, DOJ Refuse To Call Covenant School Shooting An Anti-White Hate Crime Even After Racist Manifesto Is Leaked

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FBI, DOJ Refuse To Call Covenant School Shooting An Anti-White Hate Crime Even After Racist Manifesto Is Leaked

The Department of Justice and FBI pride themselves on being the top federal agencies to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators of hate crimes. Their zeal for tracking down racists and targeting Americans based on fabricated white supremacy allegations apparently stops, however, when it comes to classifying the type of anti-white crimes that occurred at Covenant School earlier this year.

On March 27, 2023, Audrey Hale, a woman masquerading as a man, shot and killed three children and three staff at a Christian grade school before local police took her out.

Even though the ambush bore several telltale signs of a hate crime, the identity-obsessed ruling class passed on consoling the Christians mourning the slaughter to stand in solidarity with trans-identifying Americans like Hale.

Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake told reporters shortly after the massacre that it was a “targeted attack.” However, MNPD, along with the Tennesse Bureau of Investigation and the FBI, repeatedly refused to release the manifesto detailing Hale’s motives.

It was only this week, more than nearly eight months after the shooting, that conservative media personality Steven Crowder leaked three of the manifesto pages. The publicization of the bombshell writings put seven MNPD officers on administrative leave but exposed the reasons Hale decided to shoot up her former school.

In her “DEATH DAY” notebook, Hale claimed she planned to murder Covenant schoolchildren because she hated their white skin, light features, and “privilege.”

“[G]oing to fancy private schools with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks w/ their daddies mustangs + convertibles. F-ck you little sh-ts,” Hale wrote weeks before the attack. “I wish to shoot you weak-ss d-cks w/ your mop yellow hair wanna kill all you little cr-ckers!!! Bunch of little f-ggots w/ your white privileges.”


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5e80f1 No.106266

File: 0c405dc4ea8fd59⋯.png (528.57 KB,953x929,953:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895551 (102318ZNOV23) Notable: On Friday Lara Logan released PART II — Lara Logan asks why was Ray Epps treated as victim by the same people who condemned almost everyone around him as a threat?

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MUST SEE: Lara Logan Releases PART II of Her Exclusive Investigation on RAY EPPS! – With Never-Seen-Before Ray Epps Footage and Interviews!

Nov. 10, 2023 1:20 pm

Last week investigative journalist Lara Logan released her much anticipated exclusive investigation on Ray Epps at Truth in Media website.

On Friday Lara Logan released PART II — Lara Logan asks why was Ray Epps treated as victim by the same people who condemned almost everyone around him as a threat?

Lara answers some lingering questions about the one “election-denying-Donald Trump-supporter” the media and the government didn’t seem to hate.

Today Lara Logan shares never-before-seen footage and evidence of a past crime by Ray Epps that was glossed over the Liz Cheney and her shameful Jan. 6 committee.



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5e80f1 No.106267

File: 8d7a7ba9611d35e⋯.png (313.72 KB,600x459,200:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895571 (102321ZNOV23) Notable: Gang who hid £1.59billion of cocaine in boxes of frozen chicken are jailed for running 'one of Britain's largest drug rings'

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Daily Mail Online



Gang who hid £1.59billion of cocaine in boxes of frozen chicken are jailed for running 'one of Britain's largest drug rings'



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5e80f1 No.106268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895583 (102325ZNOV23) Notable: #24427 posted in #24428

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>>>/qresearch/19895510 (me)





>>106228 Dough

>>106229 This Nobel Prize-Winning Drug Is Now Quietly Under Attack: It's Not Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin

>>106230 Kennedy: “COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” .

>>106231 Reconnaissance and Interdiction Division of the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific Marine Mammal Program - Sea Lion training

>>106232, >>106241, >>106243, >>106248, Israeli Tanks Have Gaza Hospitals Surrounded As UN Decries "Hell On Earth"

>>106233 GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Files Judicial Ethics Complaint Against Judge Engoron Over ‘Bizarre Behavior’

>>106234 Election Offices Across U.S. Receive ‘White Powder’ in Voter Envelopes from ANTIFA that Tests Positive for Fentanyl

>>106235 Federal Judge Gives Final Approval to $290M Settlement Between JPMorgan Chase and Jeffrey Epstein’s Trafficking Victims

>>106236 Over 60 Million Americans Exposed to Toxic Drinking Water As EPA Refuses To Act

>>106237 Industrial robot crushes man to death in South Korean distribution centre

>>106238 More than 750 reporters sign letter condemning ‘Israel’s killing of journalists in Gaza’ as death toll rises

>>106239 Trump: Big Pharma is ‘A Villain’ in ‘Many Different Ways’.

>>106240 BREAKING: Your Baby on Socialized Medicine - UK Appeals Court rejects plea to save Baby Indi Gregory]

>>106242 Wall St roars back, helped by tech, calming Treasury yields

>>106244 The launch of an Arrow 3 anti-ballistic missile was documented yesterday - successfully intercepted a target over the Red Sea.

>>106245 Israel Prepares for Possible Fentanyl-filled Rockets from Hamas, Hezbollah

>>106246 Rep. Elise Stefanik files ethics complaint against judge in Trump's civil fraud trial

>>106247 vid: Alex Jones Reveals How We’re Being Sucked Into A Three-Front Kinetic War

>>106249, >>106251 Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

>>106250 After failing to condemn Hamas terror group, UN adopts eight resolutions condemning Jewish state

#24427 posted in #24428

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5e80f1 No.106269

File: c40402b62ebde43⋯.png (253 KB,590x467,590:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895585 (102325ZNOV23) Notable: DJT - Yesterday’s earpiece audio revealed!

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Donald J. Trump


Yesterday’s earpiece audio revealed!

Nov 10, 2023, 1:43 PM



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5e80f1 No.106270

File: 1a5d9a25668a500⋯.png (481.96 KB,625x444,625:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895590 (102326ZNOV23) Notable: Victoria Police forced to use pepper spray in fight opposite Caufield synagogue between Israel and Palestine supporters

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Victoria Police forced to use pepper spray in fight opposite Caufield synagogue between Israel and Palestine supporters

Social media video has showed the frightening moment a group of Israel and Palestine supporters throw punches at one another near a Melbourne synagogue, as police tried to break up the protesters.


Your plans working perfectly Bibi your now spreading the war to create civil unrest so the comped military can be called in the lock it all down.

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5e80f1 No.106271

File: e97a92535863b0f⋯.png (742.49 KB,732x588,61:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895602 (102330ZNOV23) Notable: ‘Thousands’ of dead and dying birds are washing ashore on the East Coast (AU)

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‘Thousands’ of dead and dying birds are washing ashore on the East Coast

Many Aussies heading to the beach are being greeted by a truly horrific sight. Now experts have lifted the lid on the disturbing trend.

Aussies are reporting hundreds of dead birds washing up on the eastern shores of the country – and that number is only growing, with no system in place to properly record them.

The short-tailed shearwater, also known as the muttonbird, travels over 10,000km from Alaska to Victoria and Tasmania every year to breed.

An increasing number of these birds have been dying on the three-week journey, and Australian locals have been finding their bodies washing ashore.

There are several theories as to the cause, but leading experts say climate change is to largely blame for the deaths. They suggest increasing temperature in the water has made fishing for these seabirds increasingly difficult, and severely driven up starvation rates.

Others speculate strong weather conditions may have led to many of these birds being beached across New South Wales.

One user on social media said their friend collected “over 150 dead birds” from their local beaches, with others saying they saw “dozens” to “hundreds” in their areas.


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5e80f1 No.106272

File: 04fed7f78adf26f⋯.png (702.14 KB,849x670,849:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895610 (102332ZNOV23) Notable: Kaiser Healthcare Workers Ratify New Contract

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Kaiser Healthcare Workers Ratify New Contract

12:55 PM – Thursday, November 9, 2023

Tens of thousands of Kaiser Permanente health care workers have ratified a new deal with the company after months of negotiations.

On Thursday, the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions announced most of its 85,000 members voted to approve a new four-year contract which includes a 21% wage increase over four years.

In California, the minimum wage will increase to $25 an hour. In other states the company operates in, the minimum wage has been raised to $23 an hour.

The agreement also included an increased payout for employees under a performance-sharing plan and initiatives to invest in the current workforce.

In a push to address the staffing crisis, the deal also features increased training and mass hiring events.

The new contract is effective immediately. It will expire in September 2027.


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5e80f1 No.106273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895623 (102336ZNOV23) Notable: Speaker Mike Johnson Pumps The Brakes On Biden Impeachment

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Speaker Mike Johnson Pumps The Brakes On Biden Impeachment

While the Democrats impeached Donald Trump twice for optics - once because he asked Ukraine for evidence of the Biden family's obvious corruption, and a second time for 'incitement of insurrection' related to January 6th, newly minted House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is a no-go on a Biden impeachment despite ample evidence that the Bidens received and distributed large sums of money from foreign sources - which raises obvious questions over foreign influence and pay-for-play.

"We’ll just go where the evidence goes and we’re not there yet," Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) said, paraphrasing Johnson's comments on the inquiry from the Republican Governance Group's weekly lunch on Tuesday. "Most of us are saying, look, we can’t even get a single Democratic vote on this right now. I think the voters will reject what they are seeing when it comes to Biden [policies] — but high crimes and misdemeanors? I don’t think we’ve seen that or enough data to really make a good case and I feel like [Johnson] really agreed with us on that," the Washington Post reports.

No wonder he sailed into the job...


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5e80f1 No.106274

File: c56822fc1f821b5⋯.jpg (396.38 KB,894x680,447:340,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895716 (102359ZNOV23) Notable: #24429

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5e80f1 No.106275

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895737 (110005ZNOV23) Notable: Mike Davis: "They are railroading President Trump in New York". Stefanik filed an Ethics Complaint on Engoron for blatantly biased judgement on Trump. A partisan clown

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Mike Davis: "They are railroading President Trump in New York". Stefanik filed an Ethics Complaint on Engoron for blatantly biased judgement on Trump. A partisan clown



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5e80f1 No.106276

File: ca905360c344b66⋯.png (313.29 KB,600x410,60:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895738 (110005ZNOV23) Notable: IRGC chief: US can't save Israel from inevitable collapse

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S p r i n t e r X



IRGC chief: US can't save Israel from inevitable collapse


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5e80f1 No.106277

File: 3b0e437c1e998b5⋯.png (850.52 KB,1024x684,256:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895759 (110009ZNOV23) Notable: F.B.I. agents seized Mayor Eric Adams’s electronic devices

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F.B.I. agents seized Mayor Eric Adams’s electronic devices

... early this week in what appeared to be a dramatic escalation of a criminal inquiry into whether his 2021 campaign conspired with the Turkish government and others to funnel money into its coffers.

The agents approached the mayor after an event in Manhattan on Monday evening and asked his security detail to step away, a person with knowledge of the matter said. They climbed into his S.U.V. with him and, pursuant to a court-authorized warrant, took his devices, the person said.

The devices — at least two cellphones and an iPad — were returned to the mayor within a matter of days, according to that person and another person familiar with the situation. Law enforcement investigators with a search warrant can make copies of the data on devices after they seize them.

A lawyer for Mr. Adams and his campaign said in a statement that the mayor was cooperating with federal authorities, and had already “proactively reported” at least one instance of improper behavior.



“After learning of the federal investigation, it was discovered that an individual had recently acted improperly,” said the lawyer, Boyd Johnson. “In the spirit of transparency and cooperation, this behavior was immediately and proactively reported to investigators.”

Mr. Johnson said that Mr. Adams has not been accused of wrongdoing and had “immediately complied with the F.B.I.’s request and provided them with electronic devices.” Mr. Adams had attended an anniversary celebration for an education initiative at New York University.

The statement did not identify the individual, detail the conduct reported to authorities or make clear whether the reported misconduct was related to the seizure of the mayor’s devices. It was also not immediately clear whether the agents referred to the fund-raising investigation when they took the mayor’s devices.


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5e80f1 No.106278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895762 (110010ZNOV23) Notable: Countries who have cut diplomatic ties or are calling for sanctions / boycotts on Israel

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Countries who have cut diplomatic ties or are calling for sanctions / boycotts on Israel


Turkey recalled its ambassador to Israel on Saturday morning, citing the “humanitarian tragedy” in Gaza and “Israel’s refusal of calls for ceasefire.”



Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said the Jordanian ambassador would only return to Tel Aviv if Israel halted its war on the enclave and ended "the humanitarian crisis it has caused".



Bahrain has recalled ambassador to Israel, halted all economic ties



The Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium called on the Belgian government to impose sanctions on Israel and investigate the explosions in hospitals and refugee camps in Gaza



Spanish Minister Urges Countries to Sever Ties With israel Over Hostilities in Gaza


Malaysia - NEW

Malaysian PM shores up support at home with fiery anti-Israel views

"Palestine is colonized through apartheid, ethnic cleansing and now genocide,” Anwar told lawmakers



Bolivia has severed diplomatic relations with Israel, accusing it of carrying out “crimes against humanity” in Gaza


Columbia - NEW

Colombia wishes to join the case against Netanyahu before the International Criminal Court for war crimes



Honduras decided to immediately recall the ambassador in light of “the serious humanitarian situation the civilian Palestinian population is suffering in the Gaza Strip.”



Recalled its ambassador in protest against Israel's “unacceptable violations of international humanitarian law"


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5e80f1 No.106279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895763 (110011ZNOV23) Notable: A subpoena to Jeffrey Epstein's estate to provide the flight logs for his private plane.

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"Since we're in the business of issuing subpoenas now, here are a few more that I've filed,"Blackburn told the committee during a Thursday hearing looking into possible subpoenas being pushed by Democrats related to a Supreme Court ethics probe.

"A subpoena to Jeffrey Epstein's estate to provide the flight logs for his private plane. Given the numerous allegations of human trafficking and abuse surrounding Mr. Epstein, we've got to identify EVERYONE who could have participated in his horrific conduct,"she said.


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5e80f1 No.106280

File: 3a2506d2579dea8⋯.jpg (28.06 KB,618x412,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895764 (110011ZNOV23) Notable: #24428 posted in 29

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#24428 >>106252

>>106253 FBI agents seized New York mayor's electronic devices, NY Times reports

>>106254, >>106257 U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel

>>106255 Bill Gates Business Associates Reach Combined $365 Million Settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims

>>106256 Republican Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), a podiatric surgeon by trade who raised his public profile during the Covid-19 pandemic, announced he will retire at the end of his term.

>>106258, >>106259 U.S. DoE - #NLSLAMD-5: Who’s that finalist?

>>106260 DeptVetAffairs - All Veterans, past to present, we honor, salute and thank you.

>>106261 elonmusk - Thank you, veterans past and present, for saving the world

>>106262 johnrich - In honor of my Papaw Rich, and all the Veterans of foreign war, my song #TheMan is out today! #VeteransDay2023 Please share this post

>>106263 Moody's Cuts USA's Aaa Rating Outlook To 'Negative'; Treasury Dept "Disagrees"

>>106264 VA Democrat senator calls for IG probe of FBI headquarters selection: 'Clear political interference'

>>106265 FBI, DOJ Refuse To Call Covenant School Shooting An Anti-White Hate Crime Even After Racist Manifesto Is Leaked

>>106266 On Friday Lara Logan released PART II — Lara Logan asks why was Ray Epps treated as victim by the same people who condemned almost everyone around him as a threat?

>>106267 Gang who hid £1.59billion of cocaine in boxes of frozen chicken are jailed for running 'one of Britain's largest drug rings'

>>106269 DJT - Yesterday’s earpiece audio revealed!

>>106270 Victoria Police forced to use pepper spray in fight opposite Caufield synagogue between Israel and Palestine supporters

>>106271 ‘Thousands’ of dead and dying birds are washing ashore on the East Coast (AU)

>>106272 Kaiser Healthcare Workers Ratify New Contract

>>106273 Speaker Mike Johnson Pumps The Brakes On Biden Impeachment


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5e80f1 No.106281

File: 9043ee5440a996c⋯.webp (3.96 KB,612x305,612:305,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895771 (110012ZNOV23) Notable: A European Space Agency satellite has detected a mysterious glow coming from Mars.

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A European Space Agency satellite has detected a mysterious glow coming from Mars.

Measured in the visible spectrum with the NOMAD-UVIS instrument on board the European Space Agency (ESA) Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) satellite, the unexpected glow emanates from the night side of Mars and was observed in the planet’s upper atmosphere.

A similar glow was witnessed by the same research team using a satellite orbiting Venus. Like that visible light signal, the researchers believed the mysterious glow coming from Mars resulted from oxygen interacting with the planet’s upper atmosphere. That’s mainly because they also saw a similar mysterious glow coming from Mars, only in the daytime.

“Back in 2020, we were already able to detect the presence of a green emission between 40 and 150 km in altitude, present during the Martian day,” explained Jean-Claude Gérard, a planetologist at the Laboratory for Planetary and Atmospheric Physics (LPAP) at the University of Liège (BE), where the research team was headquartered. “This was due to the dissociation of the CO2 molecule, the main constituent of the atmosphere, by ultraviolet solar radiation”.

However, the researchers soon discovered that this unexpected mysterious glow coming from Mars was originating from the nighttime side. They also figured out it was caused by something else entirely.



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5e80f1 No.106282

File: 2f71a207db08d83⋯.jpg (105.2 KB,708x800,177:200,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895778 (110015ZNOV23) Notable: A lot of Americans embrace Trump’s authoritarianism-says libtard central

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A lot of Americans embrace Trump’s authoritarianism

With every hour that passes, Donald Trump’s grip on the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination grows tighter. Every day in which his opponents aren’t gaining ground on his position is a day in which he gets nearer to appearing on the ballot next November and nearer to possibly being inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2025.

To many observers, there’s an incongruity to this. After all, recent days have also brought new awareness of Trump’s plans should he be inaugurated on that day, plans that are often unvarnished embraces of an authoritarian use of power. Trump plans to root out disloyal bureaucrats and install ideologically sympathetic ones. He’s speaking openly of using the Justice Department to target his opponents, including to hobble possible political opponents. And that’s just to name two recent examples.

During his first term, Trump’s administration was staffed in part by people with long track records in government who understood the balance of power between the branches and the limits on presidential authority, however acquiescent they were to Trump’s pushing those limits. Some of those who played such enabling roles have been increasingly vocal in their opposition to Trump’s efforts to regain power. But this is why Trump plans to ensure that a second administration has no one in it, at any level, who will stand in his way.


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5e80f1 No.106283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895786 (110018ZNOV23) Notable: Moscow getting the upper hand in the conflict with Kiev would make the US-led bloc “more vulnerable,” -theY finally get it

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10 Nov, 2023 21:57

Russian victory 'a tragedy' – NATO

Moscow getting the upper hand in the conflict with Kiev would make the US-led bloc “more vulnerable,” Jens Stoltenberg says

Russia’s victory in the conflict with Ukraine would affect NATO’s security as well, the US-led bloc’s secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Friday. NATO will continue to support Kiev with weapons and ammunition to avoid such a “dangerous” outcome, he added.

Washington and its allies and partners are supporting Ukraine not just because they “agreed” to it at various meetings, but also because “it is in our interests to do so,”Stoltenberg said at a joint press conference with German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius in Berlin.

We have to remember and understand that if [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin wins in Ukraine, it is a tragedy for Ukrainians but it is also dangerous for us,” Stoltenber said, claiming that a Russian triumph would encourage “authoritarian leaders” to use force and “violate international law” to “get what they want.”

“That will make us more vulnerable,”Stoltenberg said, adding that he was “confident that North America and Europe together will continue to support Ukraine” and that this was the only way to achieve a “negotiated peaceful solution to this conflict.”

“We know that the stronger Ukraine is on the battlefield, the stronger their hand will be at the negotiating table,” said Stoltenberg. (They have already lost dude, you guys lost, there’s absolutely nothing NATo can unless you provoke a World War)

His comments came as the Pentagon warned that military aid for Kiev was about to run dry if American lawmakers did not approve a new funding package for Ukraine.

Kiev has repeatedly ruled out any talks with Moscow, demanding a complete withdrawal of Russian troops from all territories Ukraine claims as its own. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky reiterated this demand in an interview with Reuters this week, adding that Kiev would continue the fight even without US aid, if need be.

Zelensky has denied reports in some media outlets that Ukraine’s Western backers allegedly encouraged Kiev to engage in peace negotiations with Moscow. “This is not going to happen,” he said last week, during a joint press conference with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

In October 2022, Zelensky signed a decree banning Ukraine from holding any talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russia has repeatedly signaled its readiness to engage in negotiations with Kiev but has insisted that such talks should take Moscow’s security interests and the “reality on the ground” into account. In the autumn of 2022, four former Ukrainian territories – including the two Donbass republics – officially joined Russia, following a series of referendums.

Kiev declared the votes a “sham” and has sought to reclaim control over the four territories, as well as Crimea, which joined Russia in 2014 following another referendum.

(So it was never about Ukraine, it was always about NATO block. The desperate are getting more desperate)


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5e80f1 No.106284

File: 4a307fc6fa1892c⋯.png (133.73 KB,535x606,535:606,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895814 (110027ZNOV23) Notable: Abe Hamadeh Files NEW Lawsuit to DECERTIFY and Redo the Maricopa County 2022 Election Where 60% of Machines Failed

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Abe Hamadeh Files NEW Lawsuit to DECERTIFY and Redo the Maricopa County 2022 Election Where 60% of Machines Failed – COMPLAINT INCLUDED

Former GOP Arizona Attorney General Nominee Abe Hamadeh has filed a new Special Action lawsuit with AZ Voters Rights to set aside the 2022 election results in Maricopa County and mandate a re-vote.

According to the filing, AZ Voters Rights is an Arizona corporation whose mission “is to promote social welfare by advocating for free, fair, and legal elections in Arizona—including funding litigation to enhance and safeguard election law, compliance, and security for the benefit of all Arizona voters.”

Hamadeh recently announced his bid for US Congress in 2024 but maintains that he will continue fighting for honest elections and his rightful seat as AG.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Arizona Court of Appeals recently denied requests for an expedited briefing schedule in Abe Hamadeh’s ongoing election contest lawsuit from 2022. This comes after numerous legal hurdles, withholding of evidence by the government, and a possibly corrupt or just wildly incompetent Judge.

Hamadeh told The Gateway Pundit he will “continue the fight” for fair elections and his rightful seat as Attorney General while running for Congress. “If the judges followed the law, we would get a new trial and prove that we received the most votes. Unfortunately, our legal system lacks courage,” Hamadeh added.

Hamadeh seeks to inspect the thousands of ballots that were not counted due to wrongfully canceled voter registrations in his initial lawsuit from December. Hamadeh and his attorneys believe they would actually win by thousands of votes if given the opportunity to just count the votes that were wrongfully excluded from the final result!

The difference in his latest lawsuit is that it attacks the core issue seen on Election Day: 60% of machines failed, targeting conservative in-person voters and causing widespread voter suppression.


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5e80f1 No.106285

File: cc523f05ddb40dc⋯.jpeg (440.78 KB,1083x2289,361:763,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c4a1dcd279185af⋯.jpeg (190.57 KB,1104x1021,1104:1021,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 834666612023bde⋯.jpeg (306.12 KB,1073x1650,1073:1650,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895820 (110028ZNOV23) Notable: Alleged photos of Judge Engoron’s wife’s “anti-Trump social media posts” threaten to shut down everything…

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Alleged photos of Judge Engoron’s wife’s “anti-Trump social media posts” threaten to shut down everything…

November 10, 2023 (19 hours ago)

A viral post on X has rocked the foundations of the entire Trump “fraud” case. We’ve seen numerous “game changers” lately in this sham case, but this latest revelation could potentially be the most significant.

Investigative journalist Laura Loomer appears to have discovered the social media account of the judge’s wife overseeing the Trump fraud case in New York City. If these claims hold true, the posts may shed light on his bias and radical stance against Trump.

Laura shared her findings on X, making a point to tag Trump’s legal team to alert them to what may be going on behind the scenes.

EXCLUSIVE: I have Uncovered screenshots from the X account of Dawn Marie Engoron, the wife of Leftist NYC Judge Arthur Engoron, who is overseeing the civil fraud against President Trump shows that she has been posting attacks on Trump from her account @dm_sminxs as the trial is ongoing.

This is incredible bias. Less than 24 hours ago she posted tweets in which she said “FUCK TRUMP”. She posted photoshopped pics of President Trump in an orange jump suit, she attacked me during my Live show last night for exposing her husband, and she is openly attacking President Trump’s lawyer @AlinaHabba

EXCLUSIVE: I have Uncovered screenshots from the X account of Dawn Marie Engoron, the wife of Leftist NYC Judge Arthur Engoron, who is overseeing the civil fraud against President Trump shows that she has been posting attacks on Trump from her account @dm_sminxs as the trial is… https://t.co/LynqZsciizpic.twitter.com/07xcIo7Kma

Laura Loomer(@LauraLoomer) November 8, 2023

A judge with a crazy crackpot wife like this has no business overseeing a case like this.

Here are close-ups of the photos Laura Loomer shared. Please note that we cannot confirm that these originate from Mrs. Engoron’s social media.

If the social media posts in question truly belong to Mrs. Engoron, then this entire case should be dismissed outright. It seems our judicial system has devolved into a farce, fueled by the left’s insatiable desire to dismantle anything associated with “Trump.” We must stand against this extreme animosity becoming the force that grinds this country and the values we believe in into the dust.



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5e80f1 No.106286

File: cd3d7572b7e8b0d⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x1355,216:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c9b835da903e5b⋯.jpg (196.09 KB,919x666,919:666,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895823 (110029ZNOV23) Notable: Pay to protest - Israel on Campus Coalition Offered $250 for College Students to Attend a pro-Israel Rally

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Pay to protest - Israel on Campus Coalition Offered $250 for College Students to Attend a pro-Israel Rally

Israel Campus Coalition(ICC) was offering last week $250 for college students to attend a "big pro-Israel rally" on Nov 14 in Washington DC.

The rally is being sponsored by teh Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major Americal Jewish Organizations.

The form to apply was linked here -


The form has now been taken offline and replaced with the notice:

Thank you for all your requests to attend the March for Israel Rally. We are pleased to announce that we have successfully allocated funding to help thousands of students attend the event.

The ICC Microgrant application is temporarily closed. We look forward to re-opening the application on November 20th to resume grants for pro-Israel initiatives on campus.

If you are looking for transportation to the November 14th rally in Washington, DC, please get in touch with your local Hillel, Chabad, or Federation.



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5e80f1 No.106287

File: 835c31c927ed166⋯.jpeg (362.96 KB,1103x623,1103:623,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 53cf6930886e069⋯.jpeg (603.44 KB,1095x627,365:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 303f7f61ceeeb57⋯.jpeg (131.68 KB,828x420,69:35,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895832 (110032ZNOV23) Notable: PF Eyez On Skyz

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FORTE10 Global Hawk drone @55k Ft-usually this one over Black Sea or up towards northern Poland/Ukraine border

AE6814 P8 Poseidon also trackin’ in the eastern Med and from Sigonella AB,Sicily

SAM600Blinkenwent to Prague for a ground stop of about 90m from earlier Delhi depart and now departed heading west

Czech AF CEF02 A319 Prime Minister Petr Fialajust landed at Prague from Abidjan, Cote d’Ivorie departure and was in Nairobi, Kenya and Accra, Ghana prior

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5e80f1 No.106288

File: 24d04ae3807167a⋯.jpg (190.7 KB,720x887,720:887,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a540f61b75a03da⋯.gif (8.49 MB,854x640,427:320,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895834 (110033ZNOV23) Notable: State of emergency declared in Grindavík, Iceland. Civil defense has decided to evacuate the town.

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JUST IN - State of emergency declared in Grindavík, Iceland. Civil defense has decided to evacuate the town.

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5e80f1 No.106289

File: d4f648f30841415⋯.png (417.56 KB,1533x805,219:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895845 (110036ZNOV23) Notable: State of emergency declared in Grindavík, Iceland. Civil defense has decided to evacuate the town.

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5e80f1 No.106290

File: 56a0cb1458caac9⋯.jpg (97.53 KB,710x709,710:709,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895846 (110036ZNOV23) Notable: Multiple people reportedly shot on I-59 in Birmingham, Alabama.

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BREAKING: Multiple people reportedly shot on I-59 in Birmingham, Alabama.


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5e80f1 No.106291

File: 87ff1515922f413⋯.jpeg (432.8 KB,1005x2155,201:431,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895855 (110039ZNOV23) Notable: Karma finally comes knocking for Michigan’s lesbian AG Dana Nessel…???

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Karma finally comes knocking for Michigan’s lesbian AG Dana Nessel…

November 10, 2023 (20 hours ago)

Is Michigan’s bitter, lesbian AG Dana Nessel’s time running out? It’s possible, but it won’t be a walk in the park. Republicans, currently the minority, have just filed impeachment articles against Nessel.They’re accusing her of abusing her authority to target her enemies and shield the regime. So, will Michigan’s TDS-infected DA face impeachment? Time will tell, though it’s certainly an uphill battle.

The Midwesterner:

In what legislative insiders indicate is a longshot, eight Michigan House Republicans announced they’re seeking the impeachment of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel.

Rep. James DeSana, R-Carlton, announced Thursday he and his colleagues had filed three articles of impeachment against Nessel.

“The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeaching civil officers for corrupt conduct in office,” DeSana said. “Attorney General Nessel has clearly breached the ethical standards of conduct of the office of attorney general.”

Among the representatives joining DeSana in his articles of impeachment is Rep. Angela Rigas, R-Caledonia.

Republicans are pushing to impeach Dana for her refusal to press charges in the Muskegon absentee ballot election fraud case. They’re also alleging that Dana exploited her role to target the regime’s political adversaries while shielding her allies from legal persecution. That sounds about right, especially given the actions she’s taken against elderly pro-Trump electors—a political hit job of epic proportions.

Will this impeachment stick? It’s highly unlikely, given the fact that Democrats control the House and Senate. The entire state of Michigan, which is going to hell in a hand basket, is run by a gaggle of hysterical female banshees. However, even if she isn’t convicted, the fact that her tyrannical behavior is being called out still holds significance in these very dark times.

(Why can’t she be arrested aren’t all those things a violation of law, or Sheriffs arrest her. WTH why don’t politicians get arrested?)


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5e80f1 No.106292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895862 (110041ZNOV23) Notable: State of emergency declared in Grindavík, Iceland. Civil defense has decided to evacuate the town.

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Iceland Town Ordered to Evacuate! Geologic Update by Geology Professor


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5e80f1 No.106293

File: bdc4c09ac9110ba⋯.png (213.67 KB,1058x1105,1058:1105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895901 (110050ZNOV23) Notable: State of emergency declared in Grindavík, Iceland. Civil defense has decided to evacuate the town.

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Ton of shaking up to 5.1

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5e80f1 No.106294

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895913 (110052ZNOV23) Notable: THE REAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF!!!🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥/kid rock

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5e80f1 No.106295

File: 364e33f17099c81⋯.jpg (104.89 KB,720x614,360:307,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4dc24bde4355c11⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895926 (110053ZNOV23) Notable: Scavino: 7 Yrs Ago Today

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5e80f1 No.106296

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19895963 (110107ZNOV23) Notable: MY TRUMP LATINOS ARE ON FUEGO!!!🔥🔥🔥

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This is cool!


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5e80f1 No.106297

File: 2bcee0af53a4b47⋯.png (686.97 KB,597x870,199:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896024 (110121ZNOV23) Notable: State of emergency declared in Grindavík, Iceland. Civil defense has decided to evacuate the town.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>106139, >>106152 Iceland hit with 85 earthquakes in just one hour




🚨#BREAKING: Iceland Declares State of Emergency Due to Volcanic Eruption Threat Following 1400 Earthquakes in 24 Hours

📌#Grindavik | #Iceland

Icelandic authorities have declared a state of emergency following a series of powerful earthquakes that shook the country's southwestern Reykjanes peninsula, indicating an elevated risk of a volcanic eruption in the region. The village of Grindavik, housing around 4,000 people, has been evacuated. It is situated 1.86 miles from the epicenter where 1400 earthquakes occurred in the past 24 hours. On Thursday, the Blue Lagoon, along with its geothermal plant near Grindavik the primary provider of electricity and water to 30,000 residents has been closed off to the public. Map animation made by @WxNB_

2:00 PM · Nov 10, 2023

from Iceland




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5e80f1 No.106298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896051 (110125ZNOV23) Notable: State of emergency declared in Grindavík, Iceland. Civil defense has decided to evacuate the town.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Live multi-cam with live EQ map of area. Frequent big quakes near the surface and right under the town mostly.

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5e80f1 No.106299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896103 (110134ZNOV23) Notable: Phelps County judge rules Missouri city tried to ‘intimidate’ woman with ban on city hall visits

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Phelps County judge rules Missouri city tried to ‘intimidate’ woman with ban on city hall visits

Story is pretty interesting. Quotes: "Varney, a longtime resident of the community, began looking into city finances after receiving a traffic ticket in 2018, Beger wrote in his ruling.She was concerned that the town’s police force was using traffic offenses as a means of generating revenueand began visiting city hall frequently to review documents." (Red text added.)

"She also regularly attended meetings of the Board of Aldermen, the judge wrote, raising criticisms of city operations and, when dissatisfied with the results, gathering signatures that resulted in a state audit.The audit found numerous deficiencies in financial administration and Sunshine Law violations" (Red text added.)

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5e80f1 No.106300

File: fe3316feb1940f8⋯.jpg (131.71 KB,720x846,40:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6799e7b1860598c⋯.mp4 (5.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896168 (110149ZNOV23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators chant “F*ck the New York Times” outside the NYT building in Manhattan.

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Pro-Palestinian demonstrators chant “F*ck the New York Times” outside the NYT building in Manhattan.


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5e80f1 No.106301

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896191 (110154ZNOV23) Notable: The Holocaust Big Lie

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I ran across this video...was looking for something on the Holocaust.

I've seen The Greatest Story Never Told and Europa The Last Battle...but was looking for that focused on the Holocausts and found this...


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5e80f1 No.106302

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896213 (110159ZNOV23) Notable: Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'

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Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 11/10/2023



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5e80f1 No.106303

File: 5fe3db99fe847bf⋯.png (362.57 KB,500x741,500:741,Clipboard.png)

File: b6004298ea1854e⋯.png (154.34 KB,753x514,753:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896245 (110207ZNOV23) Notable: Russia's Finance Ministry Says (Again) That The Digital Ruble Will Replace Cash

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Russia's Finance Ministry Says (Again) That The Digital Ruble Will Replace Cash

Alexei Moiseev, Russia’s deputy minister of finance, is the world’s most candid space lizard.

When he announced in a September 2021 interview that “the digital ruble is a replacement for the cash ruble”, skeptics and haters spread hurtful rumors that Moiseev’s refreshing and award-winning honesty had been taken out of context.

Here’s what Mr. Moiseev told RIA Novosti two years later, on October 30, 2023:

Essentially, [the digital ruble] is the real currency of the 22nd or any other century, which at the end of the day must replace cash.

He also promised that the digital ruble would be more “convenient” than cash and non-cash transactions. Safety and convenience are the guiding principles of the 21st century, so it’s easy to imagine that the 22nd century will be extremely safe and outrageously convenient.


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5e80f1 No.106304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896349 (110225ZNOV23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators chant “F*ck the New York Times” outside the NYT building in Manhattan.

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NYPD finally forcing protesters onto sidewalk. Those who refuse are subject to arrest for Disorderly Conduct.

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5e80f1 No.106305

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896359 (110228ZNOV23) Notable: Patrick K O’Donnell Joins WarRoom To Highlight The Differences Between Veterans And Memorial Day

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Patrick K O’Donnell Joins WarRoom To Highlight The Differences Between Veterans And Memorial Day

I really like this guy, he’s a historian



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5e80f1 No.106306

File: 666b1f4b745f0cd⋯.png (43.52 KB,755x390,151:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896370 (110231ZNOV23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump To our heroic Veterans, I am grateful for your service to our Country and honored to wish you a Happy Veterans Day!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To our heroic Veterans, I am grateful for your service to our Country and honored to wish you a Happy Veterans Day!

There is no greater act of selfless service than defending America’s God-given freedoms and liberty. The traditions of excellence and integrity demonstrated by our men and women in uniform never fade after leaving the Military—once a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, Coast Guardsman, or Guardian—always.

Our Veterans will never stop fighting for the America we cherish. The full measure of your sacrifice and your family’s dedication in support of your service may not be fully understood and appreciated, but it will never be forgotten.

On this Veterans Day and always, May God Bless you and your family, our Nation’s Veterans, and our Military men and women, and May He Bless and uphold the United States of America. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


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5e80f1 No.106307

File: eaf14f9961ecfc4⋯.png (401.94 KB,608x494,16:13,Clipboard.png)

File: b3d650063b90dcd⋯.mp4 (10.3 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896375 (110234ZNOV23) Notable: @DanScavino USMC Recruiting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



USMC Recruiting

8:38 PM · Nov 10, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106308

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896377 (110235ZNOV23) Notable: Lara Logan's Rest of the Story Docuseries: Ray Epps Part 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lara Logan's Rest of the Story Docuseries: Ray Epps Part 1



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5e80f1 No.106309

File: 8068c7c27d65010⋯.png (1.03 MB,1215x683,1215:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896398 (110239ZNOV23) Notable: Multiple people reportedly shot on I-59 in Birmingham, Alabama.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Everybody's a suspect': 4 hospitalized in interstate shootout involving stolen vehicle, BPD says


Four people were injured Friday night during a "shootout" on I-20/59 in Birmingham.

It happened on I-20/59 near the 2oth Street Ensley Exit, according to the Birmingham Police Department.

Police say a group of people were trying to locate a stolen vehicle. When they found it, they tried to confront those inside, causing a shootout on the Interstate.

Two people are in life-threatening condition, while two others have non-life-threatening injuries.

Birmingham police say 'everybody's a suspect' at this time.

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5e80f1 No.106310

File: 2d5859a64be098f⋯.png (51.17 KB,351x159,117:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 6107a322c70189b⋯.png (721.1 KB,723x550,723:550,Clipboard.png)

File: 35c07aa026a297e⋯.png (512.48 KB,737x596,737:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896408 (110241ZNOV23) Notable: Aussie: Shock burger store explosion before protest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shock burger store explosion before protest

Terrifying CCTV footage has emerged of the moment a Melbourne burger store that sparked pro-Palestinian protests exploded in flames.

The popular gourmet burger chain was founded by Hash Tayeh, 32, a prominent supporter of Palestine who recently wrote an open letter to the Jewish community explaining why he was filmed leading anti-Israel chants.

Police say the fire, which is being investigated as suspicious, has not been linked to date as politically motivated.

“At no stage have I ever called for harm to any individual, and I want to emphasise that I have deep and meaningful friendships with members of the Jewish community,” he said.

But on Friday, a shocking social media post in response to fire prompted Palestinian protesters to descend on the suburb which has a large Jewish community including Jewish day schools and synagogues.

In the post the man says “Ooh something smells burnt. Is it the burgers? We’re not sure if it’s the cooking or the smell of burnt children in Gaza.”

That post was widely circulated on pro-Palestinian groups with claims it was posted by a Jewish man in Melbourne.

He has now deleted his social media accounts. Some say it was the spark that prompted large groups from outside of the area to descend on the suburb.

However, Jewish leaders who condemned the post said there was nothing to link the man to the suburb or the synagogue that was forced to evacuate on Friday and could not possibly justify the scenes of violence and intimidation that followed.


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5e80f1 No.106311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896443 (110250ZNOV23) Notable: #24429

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24429 >>106274

>>106287 PF Eyez On Skyz

>>106275 Mike Davis: "They are railroading President Trump in New York". Stefanik filed an Ethics Complaint on Engoron for blatantly biased judgement on Trump. A partisan clown

>>106276 IRGC chief: US can't save Israel from inevitable collapse

>>106277 F.B.I. agents seized Mayor Eric Adams’s electronic devices

>>106278 Countries who have cut diplomatic ties or are calling for sanctions / boycotts on Israel

>>106279, >>106279 A subpoena to Jeffrey Epstein's estate to provide the flight logs for his private plane.

>>106281 A European Space Agency satellite has detected a mysterious glow coming from Mars.

>>106282 A lot of Americans embrace Trump’s authoritarianism-says libtard central

>>106283 Moscow getting the upper hand in the conflict with Kiev would make the US-led bloc “more vulnerable,” -theY finally get it

>>106284 Abe Hamadeh Files NEW Lawsuit to DECERTIFY and Redo the Maricopa County 2022 Election Where 60% of Machines Failed

>>106285 Alleged photos of Judge Engoron’s wife’s “anti-Trump social media posts” threaten to shut down everything…

>>106286 Pay to protest - Israel on Campus Coalition Offered $250 for College Students to Attend a pro-Israel Rally

>>106288, >>106289, >>106292, >>106293, >>106297, >>106298 State of emergency declared in Grindavík, Iceland. Civil defense has decided to evacuate the town.

>>106290, >>106309 Multiple people reportedly shot on I-59 in Birmingham, Alabama.

>>106291 Karma finally comes knocking for Michigan’s lesbian AG Dana Nessel…???

>>106294 THE REAL COMMANDER IN CHIEF!!!🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥/kid rock

>>106295 Scavino: 7 Yrs Ago Today


>>106299 Phelps County judge rules Missouri city tried to ‘intimidate’ woman with ban on city hall visits

>>106300, >>106304 Pro-Palestinian demonstrators chant “F*ck the New York Times” outside the NYT building in Manhattan.

>>106301 The Holocaust Big Lie

>>106302 Night Owl News With Dee, Orlando, Dame, Ox, Bizznizzy & Len 'Fun Friday Free For All'

>>106303 Russia's Finance Ministry Says (Again) That The Digital Ruble Will Replace Cash

>>106305 Patrick K O’Donnell Joins WarRoom To Highlight The Differences Between Veterans And Memorial Day

>>106306 @realdonaldtrump To our heroic Veterans, I am grateful for your service to our Country and honored to wish you a Happy Veterans Day!

>>106307 @DanScavino USMC Recruiting

>>106308 Lara Logan's Rest of the Story Docuseries: Ray Epps Part 1

>>106310 Aussie: Shock burger store explosion before protest


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5e80f1 No.106312

File: 93fc64686bd9f87⋯.jpg (237.17 KB,1080x964,270:241,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c8dd3a24938b83f⋯.jpg (95.98 KB,676x676,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 18bc668d3bb10f6⋯.png (1.08 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: e62b00c8a8f1f44⋯.mp4 (6.77 MB,466x354,233:177,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 93fc64686bd9f87⋯.jpg (237.17 KB,1080x964,270:241,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896460 (110252ZNOV23) Notable: #24430

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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5e80f1 No.106313

File: 2bc7e4a5b5be9a1⋯.png (52.33 KB,619x625,619:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896511 (110304ZNOV23) Notable: Anon opines Castle Lock

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>>106295 pb

Did anyone decode Dan's message?

My take away is this: 1,333 Views are made bold.

Castle Lock


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5e80f1 No.106314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896557 (110316ZNOV23) Notable: Retirement season descends on Washington

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On Thursday, four members of Congress announced their plans to leave their posts or had their exit confirmed to POLITICO, adding to the dozen-plus legislators who have said they will depart elected office in 2024. More are almost certainly in the pipeline.

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5e80f1 No.106315

File: d1bf87fac7de5e3⋯.png (700.79 KB,1012x905,1012:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 51982d8106613d1⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896739 (110356ZNOV23) Notable: Hamas supporters raise flag over Columbus Square in NYC. The Jewish community is being told to shelter in place

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Hamas supporters raise flag over Columbus Square in NYC. The Jewish community is being told to shelter in place.


NJEG Media

6:27 PM · Nov 10, 2023


Ponder that sh*t a goddamned minute

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5e80f1 No.106316

File: 2271560efccb819⋯.png (3.35 MB,3295x1834,3295:1834,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896746 (110358ZNOV23) Notable: QClock November 10, 2023 - EPSTEIN Island Settlement

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QClock November 10, 2023 - EPSTEIN Island Settlement

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5e80f1 No.106317

File: bf7508e7f71319e⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB,2038x1620,1019:810,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896748 (110359ZNOV23) Notable: The Air Force’s new nuclear stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, has taken its first test flight

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The Air Force’s new nuclear stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, has taken its first test flight

Updated 10:29 AM CST, November 10, 2023

WASHINGTON (AP) — The B-21 Raider took its first test flight on Friday, moving the futuristic warplane closer to becoming the nation’s next nuclear weapons stealth bomber.

The Raider flew in Palmdale, California, where it has been under testing and development by Northrop Grumman.

The Air Force is planning to build 100 of the warplanes, which have a flying wing shape much like their predecessor the B-2 Spirit but will incorporate advanced materials, propulsion and stealth technology to make them more survivable in a future conflict. The plane is planned to be produced in variants with and without pilots.


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5e80f1 No.106318

File: 4e63c6896a66a28⋯.png (339.6 KB,615x675,41:45,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e00ef4c39cde91⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896812 (110420ZNOV23) Notable: @RealJamesWoods: Will there ever be a clearer image to support the SECOND AMENDMENT? mp4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“To reach police officers sheltering inside???”

Will there ever be a clearer image to support the SECOND AMENDMENT?

8:54 PM · Nov 10, 2023 · 729.2K Views


8:29 PM · Nov 10, 2023 · 1.5M Views


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5e80f1 No.106319

File: a0f0a68b365e063⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,264x480,11:20,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896967 (110529ZNOV23) Notable: Train load of people mp4, BNSF on railcars, dispatches trains from Ft. Worth, Texas - need sauce

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896991 (110547ZNOV23) Notable: Shouldn't it be Genie Out Of The Bottle? Why did he say "Genie Out Of The Box?" PB .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Says 'Genie Out Of The Box' To Justify Prosecuting Rivals If He’s Elected

While facing 91 federal and state charges, Trump said the next president could retaliate by seeking indictments against political foes.


Jonathan Nicholson

Nov 10, 2023, 02:52 PM EST

Former President Donald Trump said that he would be justified in telling federal prosecutors to go after his political rivals if he wins the White House next year, suggesting it would simply be payback for Democrats doing the same to him.

“What they’ve done is they’ve released the genie out of the box,” Trump said in an interview aired Thursday by Spanish-language outlet Univision.



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5e80f1 No.106321

File: 6f02dca778cea0f⋯.png (1.18 MB,1913x916,1913:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19896996 (110550ZNOV23) Notable: PF reports Really slow tonight over CONUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Really slow tonight over CONUS

Sleep tight anons.


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5e80f1 No.106322

File: 617a3df4ef34297⋯.png (199.8 KB,768x623,768:623,Clipboard.png)

File: be9192014d88df6⋯.png (488.81 KB,1249x772,1249:772,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a5bf828043100f⋯.jpg (272.77 KB,816x528,17:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3016c03e609b61b⋯.jpg (346.04 KB,816x528,17:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7dc2c7d1e5b4afa⋯.jpg (58.82 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897133 (110728ZNOV23) Notable: Anon opines There is so much more on this poison drug, Statins…and still is probably their #1 profit maker

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>>>/qresearch/19894424 You are a deeply helpful and professional Anon, I like reading your work and passing it on.

Thank you for your service



ThankQ, I sincerely appreciate the compliment and would like to spare anyone's loved one to go through the same wasting away due to Statins.

There is so much more on this poison drug, Statins...and still is probably their #1 profit maker.

However, in the fine print we learn that...

Lipitor “has not been shown to prevent heart disease or heart attacks”!

Our Seniors: Dumping Ground for Drugs

Statins speed up the transition from midlife vigor to debilitated old age.

Statin side effects mimic the effects of aging; they include fatigue, weakness, instability, memory loss, reduced mental capacity, dementia, neuropathy. slowed reactions, muscle wasting, muscle pain, Myopathy, Rhabdomyolysis, Kidney failure, dyspnea(difficult or labored breathing) and heart failure, intestinal disease, pancreatic problems, diabetes, reduced libido, depression, accidents, suicide and cancer...also linked to ALS Lou Gehrig's Disease and early onset Parkisons.

Recently scientists have found that statins interfere with our stem cells, which work to repair damage to our bodies and protect us from muscle and joint pain as well as memory loss.

A study from Tulane University found that statins prevented stem cells from performing their main functions, namely reproducing and replicating other cells in the body to carry out repairs; in particular, statins prevented stem cells from generating new bone and cartilage.3

According to Professor Reza Izadpanah, a stem cell biologist and lead author of the research, “Our study shows statins may speed up the aging process. . . People who use statins as a preventative medicine for health should think again as our research shows they may have general unwanted effects on the body which could include muscle pain, nerve problems and joint problems.”

And to what purpose? The twenty-year Honolulu Heart Program study compared changes in cholesterol concentrations over twenty years with all-cause mortality. It found that those individuals who had low cholesterol levels were at increased risk of death.



A final indignity foisted on our seniors is flu shots. Common toxic ingredients in flu shots include polymyxin, beta-propiolactone, formaldehyde, squalene, barium, hydrocortisone, thimerosal (mercury), polysorbate 80 and neomycin. Many of these ingredients are known carcinogens. And most flu shots don’t even work—or worse, can give you a serious case of the flu!

Flu shots are routinely given to seniors when they enter a hospital or hospice. Seniors need to make sure their loved ones are instructed to write “No Vaccinations, No Flu Shots” on their paperwork when they are admitted to a hospital or extended care facility.

1986—US Congress passed No Manufacturer Liability for Vaccine Deaths/Injuries. Just think of the Profits. Now if harmed by a vaccine, you have to get the taxpayers to pay. VICP https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vicp/about-vaccine-injury-compensation-program-booklet.pdf

Remember: Med Schools & Med School textbooks, Colleges/Univs & Pre-Med Textbooks, Physicians Continuing ED....all funded by Big Pharma. Big Pharma dictates Medical protocol.

Any Scientific Researcher that goes against Big Pharma's prize profit$$$ making Drugs/Vaccines or their "bogus, commoncore math biomarkers" research studies to sell off label prize profiting $$$Drugs/Vaccines/Treatments, NEVER GET PUBLISHED AGAIN!

Or given gov. taxpayer funded grants.

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5e80f1 No.106323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897140 (110733ZNOV23) Notable: Anon opines There is so much more on this poison drug, Statins…and still is probably their #1 profit maker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1951... anon was given ZERO vaxxes at birth

at several months, got the DPT shot

at age 6, got smallpox (sub-q) in the first grade

and later, oral polio on a sugar cube

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5e80f1 No.106324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897141 (110734ZNOV23) Notable: Anon opines There is so much more on this poison drug, Statins…and still is probably their #1 profit maker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anon had Heart attack (100% RCA block) was put on DAPT after a Stent. then as anon does with fucking drugs reads about each one and finds out Statins and all the DAPT (dual anti platelet therapy) shit is bad even the baby aspirin.

SO NUTRITION became anon's focus, and then WEANED off and dropped the DAPT after a short argument with doctors who want to sell this shit forever.

So my chest pain is gone a decade later and I been just staying away from bad food. (IRONICALLY MOST THE SHIT ON THE BOYCOTT LIST!! https://www.cancelthiscompany.com/index.html )

But then Anon noticed other family members had the SAME FUCKING MEDICINE!!! WHAT THE HOLY FUCK


So anon busted their chops and fixed their nutrition and got ALL FAMILY MEMBERS OFF THAT SHIT. nutrition (which USDA seems to want to attack now ironically) is the confidence Anon needed to say fuck the banks.


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5e80f1 No.106325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897234 (110837ZNOV23) Notable: #24430

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24430 >>106312

>>106313 Anon opines Castle Lock

>>106314 Retirement season descends on Washington

>>106315 Hamas supporters raise flag over Columbus Square in NYC. The Jewish community is being told to shelter in place

>>106316 QClock November 10, 2023 - EPSTEIN Island Settlement

>>106317 The Air Force’s new nuclear stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, has taken its first test flight

>>106318 @RealJamesWoods: Will there ever be a clearer image to support the SECOND AMENDMENT? mp4

>>106319 Train load of people mp4, BNSF on railcars, dispatches trains from Ft. Worth, Texas - need sauce

>>106320 “What they’ve done is they’ve released the genie out of the box” Trump said in an interview aired Thursday

>>106321 PF reports Really slow tonight over CONUS

>>106322, >>106323, >>106324 Anon opines There is so much more on this poison drug, Statins…and still is probably their #1 profit maker



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5e80f1 No.106326

File: e5944bd32fb247c⋯.jpg (18.29 KB,428x285,428:285,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897241 (110839ZNOV23) Notable: #24431-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



activating ghost protocols, target set @20

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5e80f1 No.106327

File: 06a3245f180c8d2⋯.jpeg (32.83 KB,310x348,155:174,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897264 (110850ZNOV23) Notable: if you would rather research subjects other than dental flossing like in the PB dig on this guy - Disinfo and Psyops and Lies - Anon point of view.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

if you would rather research subjects other than dental flossing like in the PB

dig on this guy

Cass Sunstein

Disinfo and Psyops and Lies


"The supposed villain of Piper’s narrative is former Obama official Cass Sunstein, whose name would mean nothing to most of the public but remains very well-known within conspiratorial and alternative media circles. He taught constitutional law for 27 years in Chicago then served as Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs from 2009 to 2012.

But his enormous prominence had little connection to the three years he had spent running an obscure agency with a mind-numbingly bureaucratic title, nor to his later best-selling books on behavioral economics, the most recent entitled The World According to Star Wars.

Instead, his entire fame traces back to a single paper he co-authored in 2008 suggesting a strategy by which the government could disrupt and defeat the increasingly troublesome movement of “conspiracy theorists,” especially those who questioned the official story of the 9/11 attacks a few years earlier.

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5e80f1 No.106328

File: 9162ba2e020e719⋯.jpg (295.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897265 (110854ZNOV23) Notable: Dan - X Post&AnonDig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nice post from Dan...

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5e80f1 No.106329

File: 236516af36d0718⋯.png (677.22 KB,488x1094,244:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897274 (110904ZNOV23) Notable: THE REAL REASON FOR THE GENOCIDE OF GAZA CITY:

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The Ben Gurion Canal Project – Declassified Documents Reveal Truth - Armstrong Economics

"Around 20% of all world trade moves through the Suez Canal, which is controlled by Egypt. The Suez Canal was initially jointly controlled by French investors and Egypt. Isma’il Pasha was forced to sell Egypt’s shares to Britain amid a liquidity crisis in Egypt. Former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser reclaimed the lucrative trade route in 1956, sparking the second Arab-Israeli war also known as the Suez Crisis.

The West does not want to rely on Egypt, a close ally of Russia, for world trade. The Ben Gurion Canal Project, or Israeli Canal, has been the proposed solution since the 60s. Where would this canal be located? Part of it would flow precisely through the Gaza Strip.."

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5e80f1 No.106330

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897277 (110907ZNOV23) Notable: THE REAL REASON FOR THE GENOCIDE OF GAZA CITY:

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notable - saw this a few days ago on the same subject - supply side reforms - supply chains will be so hot soon

"Real Reason for the War in Israel"


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5e80f1 No.106331

File: 2bc7e4a5b5be9a1⋯.png (52.33 KB,619x625,619:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897288 (110916ZNOV23) Notable: Dan - X Post&AnonDig

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I am not sure if I left that part in or not when I posted about >>106295 pb Scavino: 7 Yrs Ago earlier today but my take away about the significance was about:

Watch the Water/ Canons (which were washing the trump plane) and that matches USMCanon Username in the picture with the Marine with his two children.

And Post 1333 which was a noteable decode above due to the bolding on Dan's post.

Now that is synchronicity, Godspeed Patriots.

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5e80f1 No.106332

File: 778421fb283b110⋯.png (419.95 KB,746x418,373:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897293 (110921ZNOV23) Notable: ‘Stop killing babies,’ Macron tells Israel

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‘Stop killing babies,’ Macron tells Israel

Been around half a day or more, but great headline all the same.


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5e80f1 No.106333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897309 (110930ZNOV23) Notable: Dan - X Post&AnonDig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Now that is synchronicity

You are amazing Dan, not only was there a 5:5 on the time stamp with matching dates and time but one other pattern match: USMCanon has 243rd which matches digits in post 2473 but not the 7.

7th word is Patriot

243 += 9

9th word is God

For God and Country, Amen.

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5e80f1 No.106334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897318 (110933ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

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LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23


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5e80f1 No.106335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897324 (110936ZNOV23) Notable: Shouldn't it be Genie Out Of The Bottle? Why did he say "Genie Out Of The Box?" PB .

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>>106320 PB

Shouldn't it be Genie Out Of The Bottle?

Why did he say "Genie Out Of The Box?"

Isn't that kinda weird?

When I think of something coming out of a Box, I think of Pandora's Box.

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5e80f1 No.106336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897325 (110936ZNOV23) Notable: Investigation reveals nearly 3 million reports of problems with dental implants

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I thought of that, it makes sense!

Oh, some endontists put in mini titanium implants that are not even screwed into the bone and break through the gums years later after bone shifts.

Investigation reveals nearly 3 million reports of problems with dental implants


Investigation reveals nearly 3 million reports of problems with dental implants

Nearly 3 million reports of problems

A surge of reports of problems with dental implants may have remained almost impossible to find if it wasn’t for a former FDA data analyst. After leaving the FDA, Madris Kinard started Device Events. Her company specializes in searching through data in the FDA’s MAUDE database, which contains reports of the problems with medical devices reported to the FDA. MAUDE stands for Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience.

MAUDE can be cumbersome and difficult to search, producing only 500 reports at a time. Kinard’s software sorts through millions of reports in seconds, allowing her to compile data that may take other researchers weeks to gather. Searching MAUDE, Kinard discovered dental implants have nearly 3 million reports of problems, more than any other medical device.

Kinard says the public has not been provided enough information on risks associated with dental implants. “Anybody who had looked at adverse events or problem reports with the devices over the last 20 to 25 years would have thought that were almost no problem with dental implants,” she said.

Reports of problems flew under the radar for decades, partly due to the fact the FDA had two separate systems for reporting problems. From 1995 to 2018, the MAUDE database received more than 58,000 reports of problems with dental implants. Those reports were available to the public. The relatively small number of reports each year created the appearance problems were rare.

A second system called Alternative Summary Reporting existed for manufacturers to report problems. The information in the ASRs was not publicly available. During the same time frame from 1995 to 2018, manufacturers reported more than 2.1 million problems with dental implants that were kept hidden. In an effort to create more transparency, in 2018, the FDA ended the use of ASRs and released decades of data. See Kris Pickel’s previous investigation on the FDA’s 2019 data dump.

Sorting through MAUDE, Kinard discovered reports of problems are currently surging. In 2018, the last year ASRs were used, there were less than 13,000 reports of problems with dental devices. In the past three years, possibly due to more awareness, reports have increased by more than 100,000 each year. In the first nine months of 2021, the FDA received more than 357,000 reports of problems with dental implants.

Kinard’s research also reveals out of the more than 2.9 million reports of problems, 88% are implants failing immediately or over time. A failure results in the patient losing the implant.

Potential underreporting

The FDA attributes the increase in reports of problems, in part, to more people getting dental implants. Nearly 3 million reports may sound surprising, but the true number of problems with dental implants could be even higher. FDA spokeswoman Stephanie Caccomo says MAUDE is important for detecting safety issues with medical devices, but it is only one of the tools used and has limitations. The database relies on health care professionals, patients and industry representatives taking the initiative to file the reports, which opens up “the potential submission of incomplete, inaccurate, untimely, unverified or biased data,” according to Caccomo.

Caccomo also notes MAUDE does not provide an accurate account of the rate of failure for a device “due to potential underreporting of events and lack of information about the frequency of device use.”

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5e80f1 No.106337

File: 6577d8dec89cace⋯.png (881.36 KB,1091x789,1091:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897336 (110943ZNOV23) Notable: Dan - X Post&AnonDig

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K is 11

11 is the number of the Father, God the Father, is recorded 111 times in John's gospel. Interestingly, it is also found 11 times in the book of Acts.

A good Father picks up a child and puts him in a better place

Are you ready to be a good Father for this country, PDJT?

Are you ready to do the heavy lifting for this country, US Military?

Remember the shot heard around the world (but not perceived) was a seismic wave that subconsciously unified the world against the dark forces of evil (Adrenochrome) The date 11-11-18 was picked because it is the most important day of the year for the Chinese/CCP who were producing Adrenochrome and selling it on Alibaba by the tons.

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5e80f1 No.106338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897355 (110954ZNOV23) Notable: Dan - X Post&AnonDig

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>11:11 Pain -23

Take notice of USMCanon >>106328 where it is stated 243rd:

243 = 4 23 = 11:11 23

There are no coincidences, only God can synchronize all these things.

Happy Birthday : USMC

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5e80f1 No.106339

File: bc459cd7af10b2a⋯.png (413.24 KB,1071x771,357:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897502 (111039ZNOV23) Notable: Another Billionaire Donor is Abandoning Far Left Columbia University Over Anti-Semitism on Campus

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Another Billionaire Donor is Abandoning

Far Left Columbia University Over Anti-Semitism

on Campus

Gateway Pundit, by Mike LaChance

Posted By: Imright, 11/11/2023 5:31:14 AM

In October, billionaire Leon Cooperman announced live on FOX Business that he would no longer donate money to Columbia University over the pro-Hamas demonstrations that were taking place there. He said that the students have s*** for brains. Now another billionaire named Henry Swieca is pulling his support from the school for the same reasons. This is a very loud wake up call for higher education in America. This is how things get changed. When these far left indoctrination factories see their funding dry up, they might finally get the message that people are tired of this.

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5e80f1 No.106340

File: 10e465af7f1d5ae⋯.png (414.08 KB,594x457,594:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897505 (111041ZNOV23) Notable: CDC Reports Record High in Childhood Vaccine Refusals via

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Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


CDC Reports Record High in Childhood Vaccine Refusals via @gatewaypundit

3:34 AM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106341

File: 7a2fe3935e62a3b⋯.png (520.48 KB,675x673,675:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897510 (111042ZNOV23) Notable: Report: Blue States Automatically Registering Welfare Recipients to Vote

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Report: Blue States Automatically Registering

Welfare Recipients to Vote

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 11/11/2023 4:15:35 AM

Several blue states across the United States are automatically registering hundreds of thousands of residents to vote each year whenever they interact with state agencies, including welfare offices, a report from journalist John Fund details. The report, issued by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, documents the Automatic Voter Registration (AVR) policy now imposed by 23 states and the District of Columbia. All but three of these states are blue states controlled by Democrats.

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5e80f1 No.106342

File: a2ea90cbd497825⋯.png (811.9 KB,878x726,439:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897522 (111046ZNOV23) Notable: Scary Stuff Happening at MIT: Staff Harassed, Jewish Students 'Physically Prevented' From Going to Class

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Scary Stuff Happening at MIT: Staff Harassed,

Jewish Students 'Physically Prevented'

From Going to Class

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/11/2023 12:49:26 AM

Things have been getting out of control on college campuses when it comes to the anti-Israel crowd. As we reported earlier, anti-Israel groups at Columbia University were suspended for threatening behavior and intimidation. At MIT (the Massachusetts Institue of Technology), the anti-Israel crowd took it to a whole new level, as this letter from the students revealed. Professor Retsef Levi posted what the letter said and it's some pretty scary stuff, like a throwback to the 1930s. Today, Jewish and Israeli MIT students were physically prevented from attending class by a hostile group of pro-Hamas and anti-Israel MIT students that call themselves the CAA.

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5e80f1 No.106343

File: 1e820ab44dc8512⋯.png (232.29 KB,592x833,592:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897524 (111047ZNOV23) Notable: The DC US Attorney "decided not to join the [Hunter Biden tax] case as a partner or co-counsel." @Techno_Fog

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See new posts


Techno Fog



Nov 9

Highlights from the deposition of Special Counsel David Weiss -

The DOJ initially denied his "special attorney" status - directing him to go through Biden's politically appointed US attorneys to charge Hunter Biden.


Techno Fog



Nov 9

The DC US Attorney "decided not to join the [Hunter Biden tax] case as a partner or co-counsel."

He received a similar denial from the Central District of CA.

Refusals to prosecute the President's son for hooker tax deductions.


You reposted

Techno Fog


But - Weiss did understand he had "special attorney" status to prosecute those 2014-15 charges.

Curiously, he let the statute of limitations pass.

He refused to explain that mistake, or why he declined recommendations of the DOJ tax division.

12:25 PM · Nov 9, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106344

File: b25a4bef99f1b3d⋯.png (409.43 KB,591x458,591:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897527 (111048ZNOV23) Notable: Frustrated Chicagoans Shut Down Chicago City Council Meeting Over Sanctuary City Issue

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The Gateway Pundit


Frustrated Chicagoans Shut Down Chicago City Council Meeting Over Sanctuary City Issue (Video) via @gatewaypundit

4:21 AM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106345

File: 90fbf8d5d806f46⋯.png (397.2 KB,593x559,593:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897530 (111049ZNOV23) Notable: Nearly 500,000 Americans National Guard. investigation uncovered cases where these service members say they were injured in the line of duty and face an uphill battle to get health benefits and pay.

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Catherine Herridge


Nearly 500,000 Americans serve in the National Guard.

But @CBSNews

investigation uncovered cases where these service members say they were injured in the line of duty and face an uphill battle to get health benefits and pay. @RealUSJAG



CBS Mornings

4:31 AM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106346

File: b71e2c6b2ec94d8⋯.png (456.05 KB,593x495,593:495,Clipboard.png)

File: a481cbfd91e2b14⋯.png (1.28 MB,587x897,587:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897546 (111054ZNOV23) Notable: JUST IN: Abe Hamadeh Files NEW Lawsuit to DECERTIFY and Redo the Maricopa County 2022 Election Where 60% of Machines Failed - COMPLAINT INCLUDED via

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The Gateway Pundit


JUST IN: Abe Hamadeh Files NEW Lawsuit to DECERTIFY and Redo the Maricopa County 2022 Election Where 60% of Machines Failed – COMPLAINT INCLUDED via @gatewaypundit

1:21 PM · Nov 10, 2023




No greater honor than serving. To all my fellow veterans, thank you.

Happy Veterans Day, Happy Warriors! 🇺🇸

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5e80f1 No.106347

File: db684a3ce272146⋯.png (476.4 KB,594x705,198:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897554 (111057ZNOV23) Notable: 20-year Fulton County Election Official Susan Voyles Says Test Ballots Counted In Georgia

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Rasmussen Reports


And there you go. Just as she swore in writing under oath.

More great sleuthing as usual by @KanekoaTheGreat






Replying to @KanekoaTheGreat


20-year Fulton County Election Official Susan Voyles Says Test Ballots Counted In Georgia

"This is the part that I am just so sure of. I think that some of the TEST BALLOTS from prior to the election made their way into these batches."

"These are so clean, these are…

Show more

1:15 PM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897563 (111059ZNOV23) Notable: Clown faculty have attracted clown students, who engage in clown-like activity. Only a matter of time before their residual reputation runs out. - @EzraACohen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ezra A. Cohen


This is why @YaleLawSch

is no longer considered to be a serious academic institution. Clown faculty have attracted clown students, who engage in clown-like activity. Only a matter of time before their residual reputation runs out.


Eliana Johnson




Yale Law School’s Schell Center for Human Rights hosted an event on Israeli apartheid. Pressed to host an event on the atrocities of Oct. 7, it demurred, citing the complexity of the situation, via ⁦@aaronsibarium⁩ ⁦@FreeBeacon⁩ - https://freebeacon.com/campus/law-students-for-hamas/

5:54 AM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106349

File: 4ed1b4fa5eef83d⋯.png (294.82 KB,598x635,598:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897571 (111101ZNOV23) Notable: Is this accurate? - @elonmusk

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Elon Musk


Is this accurate @CommunityNotes







🚨THREAD: Tucker Carlson on Duplicated Ballots, Falsified Tally Sheets, and Mail-In Ballot Fraud in Fulton County, Georgia

“It now appears there actually was meaningful voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia, last November (2020). That is not a conspiracy theory. It’s true.…

Show more

4:13 PM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106350

File: 810fc626a8af774⋯.png (18.54 KB,600x223,600:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897579 (111103ZNOV23) Notable: Now that the Ukraine is wrapping up, Zelensky will become desperate to keep it going. - @CodeMonkeyZ

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Now that the Ukraine is wrapping up, Zelensky will become desperate to keep it going.

Watch out for an upcoming false flag that Zelensky will try to leverage in order to continue asking for "foreign aid".

6:08 PM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106351

File: 7453826422400db⋯.mp4 (12.7 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3290a78c36f4d31⋯.jpg (87.5 KB,720x669,240:223,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897591 (111108ZNOV23) Notable: One car charging station uses massive amounts of electricity, equal to over a 1000 houses on the grid

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One car charging station uses massive amounts of electricity, equal to over a 1000 houses on the grid

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5e80f1 No.106352

File: 0b8f4639ac1bdf4⋯.png (683.95 KB,680x668,170:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897592 (111108ZNOV23) Notable: Israel Prepares for Possible Fentanyl-filled Rockets from Hamas, Hezbollah

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Israel Prepares for Possible Fentanyl-filled

Rockets from Hamas, Hezbollah

Breitbart, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Dreadnought, 11/11/2023 12:39:41 AM

TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel is preparing for the possibility that the Hamas terror organization in Gaza and the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon may attack using rockets filled with various liquid fentanyl variants, designed to incapacitate and kill large numbers of people. The Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s version of the Red Cross, sent an alert to staffers this week telling them that Israel’s health authorities had warned the MDA to prepare for the possibility that terror organizations might cause a mass casualty event using opioids from the fentanyl class of compounds. The MDA asked staff members to familiarize themselves with the protocol for treating

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5e80f1 No.106353

File: 31d6d4a15a08d70⋯.png (376.02 KB,1069x563,1069:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897598 (111109ZNOV23) Notable: Thousands of Illegal Invaders Chant “Biden! Biden! Biden!” in Huixtla, Mexico On Way to Open US Border (Video)

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Thousands of Illegal Invaders Chant “Biden!

Biden! Biden!” in Huixtla, Mexico On

Way to Open US Border (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 11/10/2023 7:35:48 PM

THOUSANDS of illegal invaders are currently heading to the open US border with Mexico. This mass of people is almost 2,000 miles away from Arizona. They will be here within a few days or a week. Joe Biden’s southern US border is open to the world. Nearly 10 million have crossed into the US since Joe Biden took over as president. It is the purposeful destruction of America. Muckraker filmed this boisterous group of mostly male migrants chanting, “Biden! Biden! Biden!…” as they march to the US. Via Kari Lake and Muckraker. (X Video)

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5e80f1 No.106354

File: 8de8bf200c95b35⋯.png (126.01 KB,387x515,387:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897605 (111111ZNOV23) Notable: IRS whistleblowers was that Special Counsel David Weiss, who has been investigating Hunter Biden, was denied authority to file charges against Hunter Biden in DC or California. @techno_fog

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One of the biggest revelations from IRS whistleblowers was that Special Counsel David Weiss, who has been investigating Hunter Biden, was denied authority to file charges against Hunter Biden in DC or California.

During his testimony, Weiss was able to provide some context on how that transpired.

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5e80f1 No.106355

File: a875e106cad4eca⋯.png (830.04 KB,804x697,804:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897609 (111113ZNOV23) Notable: The Number 7? Health and Life Insurance Companies Feeling the Pinch

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The Number 7? Health and Life Insurance Companies Feeling the Pinch

Updated 10:27 AM EST, Fri November 10, 2023

By Tracy Beanz

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5e80f1 No.106356

File: 4516b85838b64db⋯.png (725.6 KB,596x755,596:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897637 (111125ZNOV23) Notable: Charles III Spotted Wearing Woke Symbol Alongside Remembrance Poppy: 'The King Has Made an Absolutely Terrible Mistake'

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Today King Charles III wore a @Blackpoppyrose

to honour the legacy of the contributions made by the African, Black, West Indian, Pacific Islands, and Indigenous Nation to Global Wars, inclusive of World War I and II during Remembrance Month.




11:31 AM · Nov 8, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897645 (111128ZNOV23) Notable: Dan - X Post&AnonDig

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Anon can you post this video .




Is Dan 5cavino.

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5e80f1 No.106358

File: 0adf2b437ab1605⋯.png (308.29 KB,624x353,624:353,Clipboard.png)

File: c22819d3c305837⋯.png (1022.43 KB,1349x712,1349:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897651 (111129ZNOV23) Notable: Charles III Spotted Wearing Woke Symbol Alongside Remembrance Poppy: 'The King Has Made an Absolutely Terrible Mistake'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Established in 2010 by Selena Carty, the Black Poppy Rose aims at “enlightening people of ALL nations, of the African/Black/West Indian/Caribbean/Pacific Islands & Indigenous communities contribution to history.”


Charles III Spotted Wearing Woke Symbol Alongside Remembrance Poppy: 'The King Has Made an Absolutely Terrible Mistake'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106359

File: 43e2bd5c88d20ec⋯.png (534.88 KB,836x655,836:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 3874044f27a3834⋯.png (439.05 KB,578x660,289:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897663 (111133ZNOV23) Notable: Trans Owner of Miss Universe Pageant Files for Bankruptcy Following Major Woke Inclusivity Push

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trans Owner of Miss Universe Pageant Files for Bankruptcy Following Major Woke Inclusivity Push

By Jack Davis November 10, 2023 at 4:53pm

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5e80f1 No.106360

File: 8b2b48885876775⋯.jpg (182.62 KB,720x821,720:821,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897676 (111138ZNOV23) Notable: We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106361

File: 5b23459c6f00c04⋯.png (438.49 KB,597x894,199:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897684 (111142ZNOV23) Notable: thanks for your service and I know exactly how you feel. I believe many Veterans feel very much the same way. - @GenFlynn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn



thanks for your service and I know exactly how you feel. I believe many Veterans feel very much the same way.

Service to nation is a lifetime affair and nothing worth doing is ever easy.

I believe that once again, we have to raise our voices in service to our nation.

God Bless our Veterans



The Patriot Voice




Happy Veterans Day 2023

This isn’t going to be your typical post about this day, but more of an honest perspective from a Navy Veteran who served honorably.

I’ll be BRUTALLY HONEST…I’m finding it a bit difficult being “proud” of that right now. Mainly, because I HARDLY…

Show more


4:08 PM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106362

File: bb1fa42f6060240⋯.jpg (145.85 KB,720x1008,5:7,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d2121ea95aa7718⋯.mp4 (4.09 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897724 (111157ZNOV23) Notable: British patriots take back London.

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British patriots take back London.

Things might get hairy in Old London town today

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5e80f1 No.106363

File: e42b0028aa3d3c6⋯.png (431.56 KB,821x715,821:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897747 (111202ZNOV23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


November 09, 2023 | Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

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5e80f1 No.106364

File: c9572fbf78d7fb9⋯.png (488.11 KB,594x659,594:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897769 (111207ZNOV23) Notable: The Ben Gurion Canal Project - Declassified Documents Reveal Truth?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Ben Gurion Canal Project – Declassified Documents Reveal Truth

Posted Nov 10, 2023 by Martin Armstrong |

This is all tied in with Yemen, and there is so much more going on behind the curtain that would shock people on all sides. We will deal with the real complexity in a Special Report for the WEC Nov 17-19.

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5e80f1 No.106365

File: 3c8a159bbcd68ae⋯.png (765.77 KB,866x662,433:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897797 (111215ZNOV23) Notable: Feds Bust High-Profile Prostitution Ring, Client List Includes Elected Officials

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Feds Bust High-Profile Prostitution Ring, Client List Includes Elected Officials

Nicholas Dolinger by Nicholas Dolinger

November 10, 2023

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5e80f1 No.106366

File: 1a825722d2c5361⋯.png (780.6 KB,864x749,864:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897805 (111219ZNOV23) Notable: Voters Rank U.S. Security Higher than All

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Saturday, November 11, 2023

14 hours ago

Jack Montgomery




‘It’s The Border, Stupid!’ – Voters Rank U.S. Security Higher than All Foreign Conflicts.

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5e80f1 No.106367

File: e2d99bb23af5ed7⋯.png (241.96 KB,388x457,388:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897823 (111226ZNOV23) Notable: U.S. to Lend $553M to Sri Lanka for Port Upgrade

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


U.S. to Lend $553M to Sri Lanka for Port Upgrade

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5e80f1 No.106368

File: 49e66d7ce956f5b⋯.png (45.34 KB,1420x306,710:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897858 (111236ZNOV23) Notable: Europe Is a Cautionary Tale: America Needs to Control Its Own Manufacturing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Europe Is a Cautionary Tale: America Needs

to Control Its Own Manufacturing

Townhall, by Steve Sherman

Posted By: Mercedes44, 11/11/2023 6:14:24 AM

The pandemic-driven disruptions in our supply chains demonstrated why now, more than ever, America must control its own destiny, particularly when it comes to manufacturing. The delays have eased, but it wasn’t long ago that consumers in the U.S. waited months for everything from cars to refrigerators. And still, China dominates the manufacturing of products and components we need, from the medicines that improve our health, to the chips that run our devices, to the mining and processing of critical minerals. We are reliant on a global adversary – and it’s not just frustrating for consumers, it’s a threat to our national security.

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5e80f1 No.106369

File: f058fc34a137191⋯.png (500.15 KB,381x661,381:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897862 (111238ZNOV23) Notable: Alabama Mayor F.L. ‘Bubba’ Copeland, outed as ‘trans curvy girl,’ posted

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Alabama Mayor F.L. ‘Bubba’ Copeland,

outed as ‘trans curvy girl,’ posted

photo of a minor to encourage kids to transition

New York Post, by Melissa Koenig

Posted By: FlyRight, 11/11/2023 6:12:09 AM

The married Alabama mayor and pastor who killed himself after being outed as having a secret life as a “transgender curvy girl” allegedly used a photo of a local minor to encourage kids to transition. On one of his secret social media pages, F.L. “Bubba” Copeland allegedly shared the photos of a local boy and his sister to make it appear as if he had transitioned, with the caption, “Take the shots, get implants, become the w–re.” The post included the boy’s real name, according to 1819 News, the site that first revealed the secret online life of the married dad of three.

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5e80f1 No.106370

File: 4b54a4a0747817a⋯.png (874.13 KB,750x544,375:272,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897866 (111240ZNOV23) Notable: Anti-Israel protesters swarm Grand Central, splatter fake blood on New York Times building and set Israel flag ablaze

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Anti-Israel protesters swarm Grand Central,

splatter fake blood on New York Times

building and set Israel flag ablaze

New York Post, by Steven Vago & Patrick Reilly

Posted By: FlyRight, 11/11/2023 6:09:44 AM

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters calling for the elimination of the Jewish state stormed Grand Central Terminal Friday night, furiously banging and kicking at a locked entrance of the station that was forced to temporarily close over the rowdy demonstration. The mob was part of a “Flood Manhattan for Gaza” protest that initially converged on Columbus Circle earlier in the evening, where they set fire to an Israeli flag and taunted a small faction of counter-demonstrators before marching through Manhattan and splattering fake blood on the New York Times building. “We don’t want a Jewish state. We want ‘48!” the anti-Israel protesters chanted at the starting point,

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5e80f1 No.106371

File: e2a1d98f61970d6⋯.png (1.83 MB,1593x936,177:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897871 (111242ZNOV23) Notable: Veterans Day is a U.S. legal holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars, and Veterans Day 2023 will occur on Saturday, November 11. In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,

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Veterans Day 2023

History.com, by History.com Editors

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 11/11/2023 5:58:28 AM

Veterans Day is a U.S. legal holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars, and Veterans Day 2023 will occur on Saturday, November 11. In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in World War I, then known as “the Great War.” Commemorated in many countries as Armistice Day the following year, November 11th became a federal holiday in the United States in 1938.

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5e80f1 No.106372

File: 7e40d47f98b49ca⋯.png (503.13 KB,594x507,198:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897881 (111246ZNOV23) Notable: - DELTA post?

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Last edited

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5e80f1 No.106373

File: 19e44f3635ad5bb⋯.png (184.26 KB,593x444,593:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897891 (111250ZNOV23) Notable: - DELTA post?

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BREAKING: 2 planes, including a B-17 Flying Fortress, collide at Dallas airshow


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5e80f1 No.106374

File: 4b4755f990eb35f⋯.png (309.66 KB,590x472,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897904 (111253ZNOV23) Notable: Pope forcibly removes leading US conservative, Texas bishop Joseph Strickland - AP

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Pope forcibly removes leading US conservative, Texas bishop Joseph Strickland - AP


1:40 AM · Nov 11, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106375

File: ee05d771c69cfdf⋯.png (471.01 KB,462x664,231:332,Clipboard.png)

File: 66181078a2fb7e2⋯.png (34.61 KB,948x419,948:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 081a4d99174e761⋯.png (1.15 MB,998x704,499:352,Clipboard.png)

File: c41ce1dc4e361ba⋯.png (427.6 KB,1195x356,1195:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897930 (111303ZNOV23) Notable: - DELTA post?

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Company Close Updates

HCA Healthcare Inc. stock falls Thursday, underperforms market

Published: Nov. 11, 2021 at 4:57 p.m. ET



State - Regional

South Carolina, 11 other states sue to block federal vaccine mandate for health care workers

by: Dennis Bright

Posted: Nov 15, 2021 / 08:38 PM EST

Updated: Nov 16, 2021 / 07:16 AM EST


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5e80f1 No.106376

File: 7b349d5fc18cbb2⋯.png (784.09 KB,884x701,884:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897946 (111307ZNOV23) Notable: Biden COVID-19 Advisor Urges 4- to 6-Week Nationwide Lockdown

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden COVID-19 Advisor Urges 4- to 6-Week Nationwide Lockdown

Tyler O'Neil | 11:42 PM on November 11, 2020



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5e80f1 No.106377

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897948 (111307ZNOV23) Notable: his new nuclear stealth bomber is top secret. So why is the B-21 Raider flying over Palmdale?

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This new nuclear stealth bomber is top secret. So why is the B-21 Raider flying over Palmdale?

After years of secrecy, the B-21 Raider emerged from its Palmdale hangar Friday morning and took its first flight, soaring through the sky and giving plane enthusiasts, contractor employees and the public its first glimpse of the futuristic-looking bomber in air.

The B-21 bomber, which is being built by Northrop Grumman Corp., took off from the secretive Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale before heading north toward Edwards Air Force Base, said Matt Hartman, a photographer who was out in Palmdale in hopes of taking photos of the plane after he'd heard rumors that a flight might be imminent.

About 80 people crowded near the Palmdale Regional Airport to try to see the first flight with their own eyes. Once the bomber flew by, "you could hear a pin drop," Hartman said.

The U.S. Air Force confirmed that the B-21 is in flight testing, and called it a "critical step" in the bomber's test program. Flight testing includes not just flying operations but also ground and taxiing tests. Edwards Air Force Base is in charge of testing and evaluation for the B-21.

The flight test program "moves us another step closer to reaching operational capability," Northrop Grumman said in a statement Friday. In December, Northrop Grumman unveiled the B-21 bomber for the first time, although that reveal only showcased the front of the aircraft. Technical details of the plane have so far been highly classified.

The Air Force plans to buy at least 100 B-21 stealth bombers by the mid-2030s for about $80 billion. Already, six B-21 bombers are in production, the Air Force said. The new planes will eventually replace the aging B-1 and B-2 bomber fleets.

Although the B-21's flying-wing shape looks similar to that of the B-2, it has improved stealth technology and will be more supportable and maintainable than its predecessor, which has notoriously high maintenance costs.

The bomber is designed to fly both crewed and uncrewed missions, reflecting technological updates that were not available when the B-2 was built in the 1980s.

The Air Force plans to get its first few B-21 bombers, which are designed to fly long-range missions while evading radar detection, by the mid-2020s. The bomber is part of the U.S. military's effort to update its nuclear triad, which includes warheads, submarines and missiles, as global rivals such as China also improve their weapons technology.

The program has boosted aerospace employment in the Antelope Valley, long known for its aerospace manufacturing jobs. In December, more than 7,000 people were employed at Northrop Grumman's Antelope Valley facilities, which is double the number there in 2015 when the company won the bomber contract.


9 Stealth drops


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5e80f1 No.106378

File: 8132dc9f202e785⋯.png (460.96 KB,586x479,586:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 2aa80fca78950ac⋯.png (154.54 KB,647x605,647:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19897956 (111310ZNOV23) Notable: DELTA - Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump WE WILL WIN! From Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

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Donald J. Trump




Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

12:04 PM · Nov 11, 2020


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5e80f1 No.106379

File: 2e205246ccbeb32⋯.png (2.42 MB,1954x1080,977:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898019 (111328ZNOV23) Notable: NY Mayor Eric Adams wandered off the Demokkkrat plantation, he criticized the fuhrer Joe Biden, and as a result Garland's FBI Marxists and Fascists seized his phone and his iPad.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Radical left NY Mayor Eric Adams wandered off the Demokkkrat plantation, he criticized the fuhrer Joe Biden, and as a result Garland's FBI Marxists and Fascists seized his phone and his iPad.

Of course they're labelling it under 'investigation concerning campaign funding'. Totally not trying to make an example of him to keep the other plantation puppets in line I'm sure.


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5e80f1 No.106380

File: 2f51bcc73f162ab⋯.png (776.88 KB,964x544,241:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898077 (111341ZNOV23) Notable: as cops warn anyone who attacks London pro-Palestinian demo WILL be locked up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Police surround screaming mob and arrest suspects carrying knives and batons after missiles rained down in sickening scenes near the Cenotaph - as cops warn anyone who attacks London pro-Palestinian demo WILL be locked up


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5e80f1 No.106381

File: 23032b24db5df8a⋯.png (555.14 KB,610x688,305:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898083 (111342ZNOV23) Notable: TS - Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

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Donald J. Trump


Nov 11, 2023, 8:04 AM


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5e80f1 No.106382

File: 9897a4564c9bcf0⋯.png (14.03 KB,572x186,286:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898086 (111344ZNOV23) Notable: - DELTA post?

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Barack Obama


On Veterans Day, we honor all the brave men and women who have served our country in uniform. You deserve our thanks and support.

7:30 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106383

File: 12a6a49d26cb8ab⋯.png (168.33 KB,393x431,393:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898089 (111344ZNOV23) Notable: "Here's what I do know…. now that the system and the swamp has fully exposed itself and we get it…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lara Trump:

"Here's what I do know.... now that the system and the swamp has fully exposed itself and we get it... When Donald Trump is the 47th President of the United States.... the jig is up. It is scorched earth when he is back in the White House."


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5e80f1 No.106384

File: e31f2694c823171⋯.png (537.42 KB,619x566,619:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898093 (111345ZNOV23) Notable: - DELTA post?

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Michelle Obama


We owe our veterans, their spouses, and their families so much for their courage and commitment to our country. On Veterans Day, let's remind them how grateful we are for their service and show our appreciation for everything they've done for us.

7:41 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106385

File: 43aa57fc01983db⋯.png (585.97 KB,619x715,619:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898101 (111347ZNOV23) Notable: TS - Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


8:06 AM · Nov 11, 2023

from Palm Beach, FL·


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5e80f1 No.106386

File: 5c6dfe1edeb55aa⋯.png (293.29 KB,619x846,619:846,Clipboard.png)

File: f38e12f371b49a3⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898113 (111349ZNOV23) Notable: - DELTA post?

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President Biden


Today, we honor the story of our veterans – the story of our nation at its best.

On Veterans Day, let’s recommit to fulfilling our one sacred obligation as a nation: to prepare those we send into harm’s way and care for them and their families when they come home.

8:29 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106387

File: b0370e83fc1d5ea⋯.png (489.45 KB,602x700,43:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898114 (111349ZNOV23) Notable: Pope has dismissed U.S. Bishop Strickland, Texas, a prominent conservative who has criticized his papacy, the Vatican says.

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Pope Francis just cancelled the most pro-life bishop in America

Will the 'celebrity priests' on YouTube say anything about this?










NEW - Pope has dismissed U.S. Bishop Strickland, Texas, a prominent conservative who has criticized his papacy, the Vatican says.


2:40 AM · Nov 11, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106388

File: 6a23d46c71b1ebd⋯.webp (48.76 KB,820x546,410:273,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898151 (111400ZNOV23) Notable: Court upholds California ban on high-capacity magazines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not sure, but going for her Jugular as soon as Supreme Court Rules on this in CA

Court upholds California ban on high-capacity magazines

9Th District did their Anti America Job as expected…


Anyone know when/if this is moving forward?

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5e80f1 No.106389

File: e52fbf95146bde5⋯.png (379.93 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898177 (111405ZNOV23) Notable: Married guidance counselor, 35, is charged with having sex with 14-year-old male - pedo?

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Married guidance counselor, 35, is charged with having sex with 14-year-old male student in her car at supermarket parking lot and at his home while his parents were away after 'falling in love on a field trip'


This is happening almost on a weekly basis now with females, what is driving adults towards kids?

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5e80f1 No.106390

File: 6608dc1e14054f4⋯.jpeg (84.9 KB,600x840,5:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898184 (111406ZNOV23) Notable: Pope has dismissed U.S. Bishop Strickland, Texas, a prominent conservative who has criticized his papacy, the Vatican says.

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Bishop Strickland removed from Tyler, TX diocese.


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5e80f1 No.106391

File: 5fa23694cf88842⋯.png (1.02 MB,1341x747,149:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898195 (111408ZNOV23) Notable: LGBTQ youth suicide prevention group leaves X after uptick in 'hate & vitriol'

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LGBTQ youth suicide prevention group leaves X after uptick in 'hate & vitriol'

The Trevor Project, which has nearly 350,000 followers on the platform, said LGBTQ young people are “regularly victimized” on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Nov. 9, 2023, 10:03 AM SST

By Brooke Sopelsa and Jo Yurcaba

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5e80f1 No.106392

File: 6a0069cccb98b27⋯.png (17.68 KB,615x202,615:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898196 (111408ZNOV23) Notable: - DELTA post?

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Chuck Grassley


Happy veterans day to all who hv served We honor u 2day & everyday for ur bravery & selflessness Bc of u America’s freedoms & liberties are protected God bless America

8:23 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106393

File: 2ff39c0e1f9c950⋯.png (376.86 KB,601x513,601:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898247 (111418ZNOV23) Notable: Three people have been arrested and charged in connection with running “high-end brothels” in the Boston area and Virginia,

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NBC News


Three people have been arrested and charged in connection with running “high-end brothels” in the Boston area and Virginia, whose clients allegedly included military officers and elected officials, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Massachusetts announces.

3:00 AM · Nov 11, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106394

File: d4859d0b3a4fac8⋯.png (344.46 KB,583x654,583:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898255 (111419ZNOV23) Notable: - DELTA post?

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>Last edited

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5e80f1 No.106395

File: 8b303a5b39d3f8d⋯.png (2.17 MB,1488x892,372:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898287 (111426ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE - Harley Schlanger - Soros, Global Bankers Are Attempting To Destroy Nationalism, Patriots Are Rising

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LIVE - Harley Schlanger - Soros, Global Bankers Are Attempting To Destroy Nationalism, Patriots Are Rising

X22 Report

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5e80f1 No.106396

File: 6999edd29061506⋯.png (311.3 KB,531x1095,177:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898298 (111428ZNOV23) Notable: Shouldn't it be Genie Out Of The Bottle? Why did he say "Genie Out Of The Box?" PB .

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>Shouldn't it be Genie Out Of The Bottle?

>Why did he say "Genie Out Of The Box?"

>Isn't that kinda weird?

>When I think of something coming out of a Box, I think of Pandora's Box.

Mashup of

Genie out of the bottle


Pandoras Box

Few Q things come to mind

>X Box

>Kill Box

>Pandora's 'political elite' BOX?

>Consider 'black corner BOX 20%' insert top-bottom left/right.

>POTUS in a non_attack 'political' BOX]?

Potus is no longerin a non_attack 'poltical' BOX

>[POTUS inside of a BOX]

>ballot BOX

>[Batter’s BOX]


>Think outside the BOX.


>Barbara Boxer


Nov 10, 2018 4:01:12 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 450




Dig deeper!

Re_read drops re: Gmail +XBOX/ PS comms

[There is a reason why 'directly' after the drop MS shut down their entire network to erase 'collected & stored' data]

Sometimes people need to see the future in order to save the past.


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5e80f1 No.106397

File: 14ddea922d08508⋯.png (389.88 KB,1024x1282,512:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898316 (111431ZNOV23) Notable: Shouldn't it be Genie Out Of The Bottle? Why did he say "Genie Out Of The Box?" PB .

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>Shouldn't it be Genie Out Of The Bottle?

>Why did he say "Genie Out Of The Box?"

Found this earlier while digging on same question.

Check the dates on this article. INterdasting timing

The genie is out of the box

Posted: July 29, 2020 | Author: davemalaphor | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: expressions, genie out of the bottle, humor, language, malaphors, Pandora's box, words |Leave a comment

This is a nice bookend to another malaphor recently posted, “the genie is out of the bag” – https://malaphors.com/2020/06/17/the-genie-is-out-of-the-bag/. It is also similar to “we can’t put the genie back in the box”, another malaphor posted on this site. https://malaphors.com/2016/04/11/we-cant-put-the-genie-back-in-the-box/. “The genie is out of the box” was uttered on CNN recently and also appears in an Axios article:

“We think the model has long-term viability,” says Barbieri. “The next California wildfire or earthquake or hurricane… now that the genie is out of the box, it’s never going back.”


It is a mash up of “the genie is out of the bottle”(something has been done that cannot be changed) and “opening Pandora’s box”(doing something that causes a lot of unexpected problems). Both involve mythical creatures that cause trouble. Also, opening Pandora’s box has a similar meaning to letting the genie out of the bottle. Both are impossible to close once opened. I also think the mix up is caused by the containers themselves – getting things from boxes and bottles. It’s possible a jack-in-the-box was also on the speaker/writer’s mind. A tip of the hat to Ginny Justice who heard this one and passed it on.

> https://malaphors.com/2020/07/29/the-genie-is-out-of-the-box/

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5e80f1 No.106398

File: 1137d2b140621fc⋯.png (221.23 KB,594x532,297:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898320 (111432ZNOV23) Notable: The fake news is saying Nikki Haley won the debate. We know who the deep state wants to win. - @CodeMonkeyZ

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The fake news is saying Nikki Haley won the debate.

We know who the deep state wants to win.




3:28 AM · Nov 11, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106399

File: 449f1e0d30d6b0d⋯.jpeg (82.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898321 (111432ZNOV23) Notable: Amanda Sloat was a key figure behind “galvanizing” Western support for Kiev and countering Moscow, the media outlet reports

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10 Nov, 2023 19:37

Biden’s top Europe aide to quit – Politico

Amanda Sloat was a key figure behind “galvanizing” Western support for Kiev and countering Moscow, the media outlet reports

The Senior Director for Europe at the US National Security Council, Amanda Sloat, is about to vacate her position after three years in office, Politico reported on Friday. Sloat played a major role in coordinating the efforts of the US and its Western allies in aiding Kiev and countering Moscow amid the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the media outlet reported.

“It has been an amazing three years, but it’s time. I’m tired,” the official herself told Politico this week as she confirmed her impending resignation.

Amanda Sloat has been a “quiet but key figure” behind the White House's efforts to improve relations with its European allies and oppose Moscow, the outlet said. She reportedly “spent months” coordinating a Western response to the Russian military campaign in Ukraine, which particularly translated into billions of dollars in military and economic assistance for Kiev, the report said.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan hailed her “leadership in rebuilding transatlantic unity and galvanizing unprecedented support for Ukraine,” in a statement seen by Politico. Sloat accompanied US President Joe Biden on eight trips to Europe, including five NATO summits and two EU summits.

Her departure follows that of another top National Security Council official, Eric Green, who was a Russia lead. The developments come as US officials warn that military and financial aid to Kiev is about to be halted due to financial constraints.

On Thursday, the Pentagon told journalists that only about one billion dollars is left for Ukraine’s military assistance. Washington has spent around 95% of previous funding for Kiev, the US Defense Department’s deputy spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said at the time.

On Wednesday, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) testified to the Senate that funding for economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine had also run out.

Earlier, NBC reported that Western officials were engaged in behind-the-scenes talks with Kiev about potential peace negotiations with Russia and were particularly discussing potential concessions Kiev might agree to in order to end the conflict. Both Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and the White House then dismissed such reports, maintaining that none of Kiev’s Western backers were encouraging it to enter peace talks with Moscow.

Zelensky also told Reuters on Wednesday that Ukraine was ready to continue its fight against Russia without US aid, were Washington to halt it for any reason.


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5e80f1 No.106400

File: cf8c3ed51742af3⋯.jpg (10.1 KB,205x255,41:51,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898374 (111442ZNOV23) Notable: #24432

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5e80f1 No.106401

File: 3dc1a1dd520fbfc⋯.png (1.22 MB,1280x1032,160:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898385 (111446ZNOV23) Notable: North Korea closing embassies around the world amid suspected financial crisis

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North Korea closing embassies around the world amid suspected financial crisis


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5e80f1 No.106402

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5e80f1 No.106403

File: d91719b9dc36c63⋯.png (382.01 KB,615x806,615:806,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898403 (111450ZNOV23) Notable: On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

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Nancy Mace


On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families. Most members of my family have served. Today is an opportunity to extend our thanks to each of them and their families for the immense sacrifices they've made on our behalf.

8:22 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106404

File: 836de26c786d9c3⋯.png (610.63 KB,765x1342,765:1342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898427 (111454ZNOV23) Notable: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gets His "Democracy", No Mercy For Terrorized Gaza War Victims

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NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gets His "Democracy", No Mercy For Terrorized Gaza War Victims, The New Roman Colosseum

The Western World Built The World. Now We Are Destroying It.


Majority Of Sane Americans Say Securing US Border Is More Important Than Israel or Ukraine


FBI Is Spying On Politicians Investigating FBI Spying


FBI Seized NYC Mayor Eric Adams' Phones, iPad


MY COMMENT: Now a Democrat gets to witness the abuse of the federal government! Any time you disagree and publicly confront establishment policy, they go after you! NYC Mayor Eric Adams did just that questioning Biden why all the illegals are spilling over the US-Mexican border!!! New York is being ruined by illegals flooding in and taking over the streets with their tent cities and high crime looting rampages!! Anyone with money is FLEEING New York!! He got angry, asked the right questions and BOOM!!! Now under federal investigation! You liking that "Democracy", huh!?

So far 11,078 killed, including 4,506 children, and 27,490 wounded in Gaza.


Israel-Hamas: "Bread & Circuses Version 2.0" The New Roman Colosseum


What we're watching in the Gaza Strip is literally the new version of a Roman Colosseum where everyone gets to watch actual slaughter, no one steps in to stop it, and the "Gladiators" (Both Israel IDF and Hamas) not only kill each other, they kill the spectators, too. It's entertainment... to the sick bastards doing all of this.

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5e80f1 No.106405

File: cd91fd07e537205⋯.png (554.82 KB,615x573,205:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898445 (111457ZNOV23) Notable: On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

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Mike Pence


On this #VeteransDay, we Honor Every American who answered the call to put on the Uniform of the Armed Forces of the United States. You came from the rest of us but are the best of us. To All of America’s Heroes and your families, Thank You for Your Service and Happy Veterans Day! 🇺🇸

7:47 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106406

File: 0434d66c814cc57⋯.png (809.2 KB,1240x825,248:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898454 (111457ZNOV23) Notable: North Korea closing embassies around the world amid suspected financial crisis

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'North Korea closes multiple embassies around the world



SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea is poised to close as many as a dozen embassies including in Spain, Hong Kong, and multiple countries in Africa, according to media reports and analysts, in a move that could see nearly 25 percent of Pyongyang’s missions close worldwide.

North Korea’s recent closing of its diplomatic missions is a sign that the reclusive country is struggling to make money overseas because of international sanctions, South Korea’s unification ministry said on Tuesday.

On Monday, North Korean state media outlet KCNA said the country’s ambassadors paid “farewell” visits to Angolan and Ugandan leaders last week, and local media in both African countries reported the shutdown of the North’s embassies there.

Both Angola and Uganda have forged friendly ties with North Korea since the 1970s, maintaining military cooperation and providing rare sources of foreign currency such as statue-building projects.

The embassy closings set the stage for what could be “one of the country’s biggest foreign policy shakeups in decades,” with implications for diplomatic engagement and humanitarian work in the isolated country, as well as the ability to generate illicit revenue, wrote Chad O’Carroll, founder of the North Korea-focused website NK Pro.

More than a dozen missions may close, likely because of international sanctions, a trend of Pyongyang’s disengaging globally and the probable weakening of the North Korean economy, he said in a report on Wednesday.

Seoul’s unification ministry, which handles inter-Korean affairs, said the pullout reflected the impact of international sanctions aimed at curbing funding for the North’s nuclear and missile programs.

“They appear to be withdrawing as their foreign currency earning business has stumbled due to the international community’s strengthening of sanctions, making it difficult to maintain the embassies any longer,” the ministry said in a statement. “This can be a sign of North Korea’s difficult economic situation, where it is difficult to maintain even minimal diplomatic relations with traditionally friendly countries.”

North Korea has formal relations with 159 countries, but had 53 diplomatic missions overseas, including three consulates and three representative offices, until it pulled out of Angola and Uganda, according to the ministry.

North Korea will also shut down its embassy in Spain, with its mission in Italy handling affairs in the neighboring country, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported.

Correspondence with the Spanish Communist Party released on the party’s website showed the North Korean Embassy announcing the closing in a letter dated Oct. 26.

The North’s embassy in Madrid was in the spotlight after members of a group seeking the overthrow of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un staged a break-in in 2019, during which they bound and gagged staff members before driving off with computers and other devices.

Pyongyang denounced the incident as a “grave breach of sovereignty and terrorist attack,” and accused the United States of not investigating the group thoroughly and refusing to extradite its leader.


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5e80f1 No.106407

File: 816061a906ef236⋯.png (643.9 KB,615x655,123:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898455 (111458ZNOV23) Notable: On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

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Hillary Clinton


To everyone who's worn the uniform of the United States, and your families—thank you. Wishing you a wonderful Veterans Day.

9:27 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106408

File: a6060f9474da6bb⋯.webp (97.13 KB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.webp)

File: 3282cbec859ab67⋯.jpeg (132.26 KB,667x900,667:900,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898472 (111501ZNOV23) Notable: it sounds like1st Circuit Appeals Chief Justice David Barronis definitely in some deep shit withGovernor Maura Healey.

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Senate confirms David Barron to be federal judge


TY Anon, Lots of info to pick from…

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5e80f1 No.106409

File: 86a438503e79201⋯.png (175.27 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898477 (111502ZNOV23) Notable: On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

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Thank you to all of our VeteranAnons! We appreciate your service and sacrifice.

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5e80f1 No.106410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898515 (111511ZNOV23) Notable: it sounds like1st Circuit Appeals Chief Justice David Barronis definitely in some deep shit withGovernor Maura Healey.

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>TY Anon, Lots of info to pick from...

You're very welcome, Anon. I'm not in the Boston area but I trust what I'm hearing, and yeh, it sounds like1st Circuit Appeals Chief Justice David Barronis definitely in some deep shit withGovernor Maura Healey.

These piece of shit Communists are getting destroyed by federal investigations and the whole state is buzzing.

I'll dig into Barron moar today, and Healy too, for that matter. She seems like a real piece of Deep State dyke shit.

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5e80f1 No.106411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898520 (111512ZNOV23) Notable: CURE OF CANCER DR PERRY NICHOLS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations


Black Cumin Seed is the natural alternative for Ivermectin


Ivermectin is KEY to CONvid’s Nuremberg 2.0


Nobel Prize winner Dr.Satoshi Omura on IVERMECTIN — “A splendid gift from the Earth.”


The heavy suppression of IVERMECTIN by the medical industrial complex


After 2-3 years of the matrix media smearing HCQ & Ivermectin, they are now starting to prescribe Hydroxychloroquine for CONvid!


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5e80f1 No.106412

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898529 (111514ZNOV23) Notable: Time to Impeach Ronna McDaniel

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No FUCKING WAY this BITCH was "Elected".


Republicans Re-elect Head of the R.N.C. After a Heated Challenge

Ronna McDaniel won a fourth two-year term to lead the Republican National Committee, fending off a fierce challenge after the party’s poor midterm showing.

Share full article


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5e80f1 No.106413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898560 (111521ZNOV23) Notable: RNC warns candidates that attending Iowa Christian group’s forum will disqualify them from debates

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Neo-con RINOs Prove Their Allegiance To Satan!

Tell Republicans If They Attend Christian Forums They'll Be BANNED By The RNC!


They hate the 1st Amendment and they love war. No different than most the Democrats at this point. "Democracy" is a FRAUD and a sadistic JOKE in the USSA! Boycott military service and any future draft!

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5e80f1 No.106414

File: b147a44e6d39a6c⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1426x1556,713:778,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898581 (111526ZNOV23) Notable: CURE OF CANCER DR PERRY NICHOLS

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Interesting old leather bound medical book: CANCER IT'S PROPER TREATMENT AND CURE, Escharotic Treatment Founded in 1896 by Perry Nichols, M. D., Dr. Nichols Sanatorium, Savannah, Missouri. Published 1929. It is in good condition with some discoloring and wear to be expected at its age. T is a name written in ink in the front of the book, "Mrs. M. L. Whitten book". It measures 9 1/2 "X 6 1/2". Dr. Nichols was an interesting character who claimed to have found the cure for cancer. The title page of the book: "The Value of ESCHAROTICS, Medicines which will destroy any living or fungus tissue in the treatment of Cancer & Lupus Sarcoma or any other form of malignancy." The first pages of the book have wonderful black and white photos of Dr. Nichols, the directors, doctors and nurses at the sanatorium plus pictures of the rooms and beautiful grounds. Some of the chapter titles are: Cause of Cancer Pathology of Cancer Bad Method of Treatment Vs. Escharotics The Cure of Cancer The majority of the book (pg. 55-267) is devoted to testimonials and references. T is also an expense page at the back with charges for a stay at the sanatorium. $10. PER WEEK or $12 if food was delivered to the room! Plus the fees for treatment which varied from case to case but usually ranging from $25. to $300.!! This is an intriguing old book and a great medical collectible. It was in 1895, at age 32, that Nichols, already a successful farmer and real estate agent, first learned of escharotic treatment of skin cancer from two doctors practicing at an Iowa clinic called the Cherokee Sanatorium. After talking to patients convinced they were cured, Nichols set to work on his own escharotic formula, which he kept secret. In 1896, he spent time working with the same two physicians, and claimed to have treated 40 to 50 patients successfully. By November of that year, he had opened his own practice. Hampered by the lack of a medical degree, he hired a physician in 1897, and pursued his own M.D. degree, which he received from the University of the South-Sewanee in 1901. Sideline becomes main business Nichols moved to South Dakota intending to open a general medical practice. However, his sideline of escharotic cancer treatment quickly became his main business. In 1905 he was recruited to the city of Hot Springs to head an 80-bed sanatorium. In 1911, a branch was opened in Excelsior Springs, Mo., and a year later, Nichols was recruited to Savannah, Mo., a location he liked for its central location, available land, and good transportation, including an interurban railway to bring patients to and from St. Joseph. It was that Nichols' practice thrived, and in 1924, construction was started on a new brick building that had at least 200 beds. Nichols became ill and died of congestive heart failure in August 1925, but the clinic didn't close until 1956.


Its listed on Amazon

Cancer Its Proper Treatment and Cure Hardcover - January 1, 1932

No Description

No Reviews

Not Available…

Kun no like Amazon Link!

The Value o Escharotics

Medicines which will destroy any living or fungus growth in the treatment of cancer, lupus, sarcoma and other forms of malignancy.

Escharotic agents

Escharotic agents are caustic, corrosive salves, pastes, poultices and plasters that are purported to destroy cancer cells and cure skin cancers including basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and melanomas. They are called escharotics because they produce a thick black, dry scab called an “eschar” on the skin.

in the 1950’s the FDA (Food Drug Administration) condemned Hoxsey’s formulas and practices.

Perry’s Clinic Closed 1956

This Nobel Prize-Winning Drug Is Now Quietly Under Attack: It's Not Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin

Enter Artemisia Annua (Artemisin, Sweet Wormwood), a cheap, safe, ancient herbal medicine and anti-malarial that also treats COVID-19.

But that's not all it does:

• broad antiviral activity against viruses (Herpes, HIV, Hep B&C, EBV, CMV, Zika)

• binds Spike protein of SARS-COV2 more strongly than hydroxychloroquine

• has immunoregulatory effects to decrease cytokines, cytokine storm, ARDS, organ damage and lung fibrosis in COVID-19 infection (blocks NF-κB signaling)

• Anti-cancer affects (via blocking NF-κB) for prostate, cervical, colorectal cancers

However, papers on the drug have been retracted. Herbal products recalled. Why is it under attack?

This information was compiled by an article written by Dr.


(give him a follow). Read the full article in the comment below.



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5e80f1 No.106415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898628 (111539ZNOV23) Notable: Occult Bloodlines of Canaan - ROBERT SEPEHR (22 min, 6 days ago)

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Occult Bloodlines of Canaan - ROBERT SEPEHR

Robert Sepehr

22 min

6 days ago

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5e80f1 No.106416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898670 (111548ZNOV23) Notable: Massive protest in London for Palestine, Captured helmet means we win!

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Palestinian Protest March in London | 11th Nov | Rally for Palestine | Israel Demonstration


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5e80f1 No.106417

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898687 (111553ZNOV23) Notable: #24431-A posted in #24432

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>>106326 DOUGH

>>106327 if you would rather research subjects other than dental flossing like in the PB dig on this guy - Disinfo and Psyops and Lies - Anon point of view.

>>106328, >>106331, >>106333, >>106337, >>106338, >>106357 Dan - X Post&AnonDig


>>106332 ‘Stop killing babies,’ Macron tells Israel

>>106334 LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

>>106336 Investigation reveals nearly 3 million reports of problems with dental implants

>>106339 Another Billionaire Donor is Abandoning Far Left Columbia University Over Anti-Semitism on Campus

>>106340 CDC Reports Record High in Childhood Vaccine Refusals via

>>106341 Report: Blue States Automatically Registering Welfare Recipients to Vote

>>106342 Scary Stuff Happening at MIT: Staff Harassed, Jewish Students 'Physically Prevented' From Going to Class

>>106343 The DC US Attorney "decided not to join the [Hunter Biden tax] case as a partner or co-counsel." @Techno_Fog

>>106344 Frustrated Chicagoans Shut Down Chicago City Council Meeting Over Sanctuary City Issue

>>106345 Nearly 500,000 Americans National Guard. investigation uncovered cases where these service members say they were injured in the line of duty and face an uphill battle to get health benefits and pay.

>>106346 JUST IN: Abe Hamadeh Files NEW Lawsuit to DECERTIFY and Redo the Maricopa County 2022 Election Where 60% of Machines Failed - COMPLAINT INCLUDED via

>>106347 20-year Fulton County Election Official Susan Voyles Says Test Ballots Counted In Georgia

>>106348 Clown faculty have attracted clown students, who engage in clown-like activity. Only a matter of time before their residual reputation runs out. - @EzraACohen

>>106349 Is this accurate? - @elonmusk

>>106350 Now that the Ukraine is wrapping up, Zelensky will become desperate to keep it going. - @CodeMonkeyZ

>>106351 One car charging station uses massive amounts of electricity, equal to over a 1000 houses on the grid

>>106352 Israel Prepares for Possible Fentanyl-filled Rockets from Hamas, Hezbollah

>>106353 Thousands of Illegal Invaders Chant “Biden! Biden! Biden!” in Huixtla, Mexico On Way to Open US Border (Video)

>>106354 IRS whistleblowers was that Special Counsel David Weiss, who has been investigating Hunter Biden, was denied authority to file charges against Hunter Biden in DC or California. @techno_fog

>>106355 The Number 7? Health and Life Insurance Companies Feeling the Pinch

>>106356, >>106358 Charles III Spotted Wearing Woke Symbol Alongside Remembrance Poppy: 'The King Has Made an Absolutely Terrible Mistake'

>>106359 Trans Owner of Miss Universe Pageant Files for Bankruptcy Following Major Woke Inclusivity Push

>>106360 We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

>>106361 thanks for your service and I know exactly how you feel. I believe many Veterans feel very much the same way. - @GenFlynn

>>106362 British patriots take back London.

>>106363 Judicial Watch: Records Show Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Agency Worked with Election Integrity Partnership to Suppress 2020 Election ‘Disinformation’

>>106364 The Ben Gurion Canal Project - Declassified Documents Reveal Truth?

>>106365 Feds Bust High-Profile Prostitution Ring, Client List Includes Elected Officials

>>106366 Voters Rank U.S. Security Higher than All

>>106367 U.S. to Lend $553M to Sri Lanka for Port Upgrade

>>106368 Europe Is a Cautionary Tale: America Needs to Control Its Own Manufacturing

>>106369 Alabama Mayor F.L. ‘Bubba’ Copeland, outed as ‘trans curvy girl,’ posted

>>106370 Anti-Israel protesters swarm Grand Central, splatter fake blood on New York Times building and set Israel flag ablaze

>>106371 Veterans Day is a U.S. legal holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars, and Veterans Day 2023 will occur on Saturday, November 11. In 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,


I collected them.

Use them if you think they'll work.

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5e80f1 No.106418

File: 975688cb44f6b29⋯.jpg (577.86 KB,1271x710,1271:710,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0273644dc16e640⋯.jpg (495.59 KB,1269x709,1269:709,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9c8fce2c63cfc44⋯.jpg (552.82 KB,1268x704,317:176,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de54c8c2f2a388f⋯.jpg (518.21 KB,1265x704,115:64,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898725 (111602ZNOV23) Notable: Massive protest in London for Palestine, Captured helmet means we win!

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"A sea of humanity" at the London Palestine Protest.

"We want to put pressure on the governments who are saying nothing about this genocide, and show our solidarity with the Palestinian people"

"Collective punishment is a war crime"

"I am a mother and children and women are being killed and it's not their fault"



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5e80f1 No.106419

File: 3b495e91d3aeac4⋯.png (227.31 KB,1270x280,127:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898752 (111607ZNOV23) Notable: HORMONAL POISON

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5e80f1 No.106420

File: bb317195807bdd4⋯.png (822.85 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 429182c027da26e⋯.png (1.08 MB,1148x1355,1148:1355,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ac2c0cc035944f⋯.png (1.35 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e3927f0af96940⋯.png (731.16 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898754 (111608ZNOV23) Notable: See Inside the New Hampshire Home Where Ghislaine Maxwell Was Arrested

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>Red Arrow

>Laser Pointer

>LOSBR Missile Fight

>Pandora's Political Elite Box

>Check Oct 18 drops

>Q4895 - Red Arrow

>Q4888 - Pandora's Political Elite Box


>November NH Rally

>Genie Out of the Box

See Inside the New Hampshire Home Where Ghislaine Maxwell Was Arrested

The accused Jeffrey Epstein accomplice was hiding out in a luxurious compound on 156 acres.

Headshot of Norman VanameeBy Norman VanameePublished: Jul 8, 2020

ghislaine maxwell new hampshire estate


Of all the exciting places accused Jeffrey Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell was “spotted” in the past year—at a $3 million oceanside estate near Boston owned by tech CEO Scott Borgeson (he denied she was there), in Auckland, New Zealand, aboard a yacht that once bore her name (marina staff would neither confirm nor deny), an apartment on Paris’s Avenue Matignon (“as revealed by The Sun”), and at an In-N-Out Burger in Los Angeles (hey, was that shot photoshopped?)—Bradford, New Hampshire, was nowhere on the list.

The Merrimack County town is located in the center of the state and has a population of 1,650. It was here that Maxwell purchased a 156-acre estate for $1 million on December 13, 2019. She paid in cash through an anonymous LLC, Granite Reality, Inc.

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5e80f1 No.106421

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898755 (111608ZNOV23) Notable: Pope Francis personally removes America’s Bishop Joseph Strickland

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The Game is Afoot

BREAKING: Pope Francis personally removes America’s Bishop Joseph Strickland

In removing Bishop Strickland from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, Pope Francis has canceled one of the most faithful, forthright and vocal bishops in the United States.


for the cretins who can't understand the significance, this is a formal declaration of war by Evil against Good.

Conduct yerselves accordingly.

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5e80f1 No.106422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898768 (111611ZNOV23) Notable: HORMONAL POISON

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>The hormones are disrupted



>The majority of men cannot get real erections


>Women would rather have careers than sex lives


>20% of Gen Z is LGBTQ


>So basically, everyone is exhibiting side effects of being mass poisoned with endocrine disruptors, and is acting like the wrong gender, or exhibiting asexual behaviors, like preferring to work than to have sex.

Hormones are notoriously hard to fix. You can put every man on testosterone shots, and fuck up their natural hormones, and then we'll just have men dependent on monthly shots for their whole lives. Women's hormones are even more complex and averse to medical intervention.

Take a step away from hatred for a second, and realize that the women have literally been poisoned. They are trying to have careers because biologically they are all fucked up. They are literally poisoned inside and have broken hormone systems.

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5e80f1 No.106423

File: d0996906cd6b037⋯.jpg (408.79 KB,1269x710,1269:710,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 37d8a71f81ac2dd⋯.jpg (482.54 KB,1267x712,1267:712,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f2927b8915cbcba⋯.jpg (445.69 KB,1268x703,1268:703,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 852e862ca551b07⋯.jpg (429.01 KB,1273x709,1273:709,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898774 (111611ZNOV23) Notable: Massive protest in London for Palestine, Captured helmet means we win!

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Chants at the protest:

"Keir Starmer you can't hide - You're condoning genocide"

"Free Palestine Now"

50% of the marchers are white

Massive protest in London for Palestine



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5e80f1 No.106424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898795 (111618ZNOV23) Notable: Moar Soyboi planned gun grabbing MK Ultra pawns… Neo-Nazi Ex-Soldier Targets Drag Queen Story Hour in NC

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Moar Soyboi planned gun grabbing MK Ultra pawns...

Neo-Nazi Ex-Soldier Targets Drag Queen Story Hour in North Carolina

Last month, a neo-Nazi known to the FBI menaced a North Carolina LGBTQ-friendly event.

A recent protest against a drag story hour in Sanford featured Jarrett William Smith, a former U.S. soldier with a neo-Nazi background, Raw Story reported. Smith’s presence at this event, where drag performers read stories to children, is part of a disturbing trend of far-right figures targeting LGBTQ+ events.

Smith, who lives in South Carolina, was identified at the protest wearing a skull mask and a shirt with Nazi symbols and references. His past includes charges of attempting to encourage the assassination of former presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke and advocating for arson against an anti-fascist podcaster.

Smith, who served in the U.S. Army, was later convicted for distributing instructions on making bombs.

The event, which took place at a local yoga studio, aimed to provide a safe and inclusive space for children to enjoy Halloween-themed storytelling by drag performers. Smith was part of a group that marched to the event, joining a small gathering that included a local pastor, according to Raw Story. The protestors positioned themselves on the public sidewalk behind the venue.

The incident marks another escalation in anti-LGBTQ+ activities by individuals with extremist backgrounds.

A detailed case study by the Center for Development of Security Excellence provides further context to Smith’s troubling background. Smith joined the U.S. Army on June 12, 2017, and was later stationed in Texas at Fort Bliss. His military training included combat and tactical operations. The FBI first noticed Smith’s extremist activities in 2019 when he used his Facebook account to disseminate guidance on constructing Improvised Explosive Devices and expressed a desire to fight with a violent far-right group in Ukraine, according to the case study.

Smith’s online activities escalated after moving to Kansas, where he was stationed at Fort Riley. He discussed plans to target members of Antifa and spoke of destroying cell towers or local news stations. In August 2019, Smith provided an undercover investigator with instructions on making a vehicle bomb, highlighting the accessibility of the required components.

His arrest on September 20, 2019, came after he provided an FBI undercover agent with specific instructions for constructing an explosive device and creating improvised napalm.

Smith’s participation in the Sanford protest is an alarming indication of his continued involvement in extremist activities. His military background, coupled with his radical ideologies and knowledge of weaponry, presents a significant threat, especially to the LGBTQ+ community, which far-right extremists have increasingly targeted.

In August, The Advocate reported that violence has followed the growing animosity towards the LGBTQ+ community. This was tragically exemplified in an incident in Cedar Glen, Calif., where Laura Ann Carleton was fatally shot over a dispute involving a Pride flag at her shop. The shooter, identified as Travis Ikeguchi by the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, had torn down a Pride flag and hurled homophobic slurs at Carleton before the shooting. The act was not only a heinous crime but also a stark reminder of the dangers faced by the LGBTQ+ community and their allies.


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5e80f1 No.106425

File: 477876141d0d50d⋯.mp4 (4.49 MB,822x720,137:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898840 (111628ZNOV23) Notable: On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

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5e80f1 No.106426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898862 (111633ZNOV23) Notable: Daniel Davis - Deep Dive with Col. MacGregor

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Daniel Davis - Deep Dive with Col. MacGregor11/6/2023

Blinken shows up in Turkey to discuss Israel and ME and no one met him at the airport, Erdogan didn’t meet with him, he just met the foreign minister with no Press announcement afterwards. MacGregor says Erdogan is really the head of the Muslim Brotherhood, and he has the largest and most well trained army, with massive arms and especially drones.

Col Doug Macgregor: US Diplomatic Corps Must Restrain Israel & Turkey to Prevent Wider War




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5e80f1 No.106427

File: 46c16c94e530715⋯.png (203.43 KB,615x645,41:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cc18c5071a4f58⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898943 (111652ZNOV23) Notable: On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

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Thank you for your service, Ron!

Ron DeSantis


Happy Veterans Day!

To all who have worn the cloth of our country, and to those who sacrificed so much for this great nation: we thank you.

As a veteran myself, I am honored by the unwavering support we receive. I will always have the backs of our vets.


Team DeSantis

9:14 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106428

File: 38318f6bc9ebfdb⋯.gif (2.83 MB,600x257,600:257,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898955 (111655ZNOV23) Notable: Massive protest in London for Palestine, Captured helmet means we win!

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>Massive protest in London for Palestine

Brit/pol/ -Captured helmet means we win!

>Pro-Palestine march: Police and far-Right protesters clash near Cenotaph


>Police brace for largest pro-Palestinian protest and impose Cenotaph exclusion zone


>Cardiff University student hassled for fees after rape


>Secret material case against forces member dropped


>Judge wrong to allow Met to seize journalist’s material, high court rules


>Home Office barred charity over claims it encouraged asylum seeker ‘complaints’


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5e80f1 No.106429

File: 96c0ef4f338d450⋯.png (180.86 KB,391x335,391:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898959 (111656ZNOV23) Notable: Muslim leaders from Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Qatar, Iran, Kuwait, Djibouti, Comoros, gather in Riyadh, for a summit to discuss Gaza.

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SAUDI ARABIA 🇸🇦 Muslim leaders from Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Qatar, Iran, Kuwait, Djibouti, Comoros, gather in Riyadh, for a summit to discuss Gaza.

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5e80f1 No.106430

File: dbf57e232c77049⋯.png (335.93 KB,615x819,205:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898961 (111656ZNOV23) Notable: On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

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Speaker Mike Johnson


Veterans Day is an opportunity each year to honor those who have served to defend our freedoms. They deserve that honor every day. Please join me in thanking America’s heroes and reflecting on their selfless sacrifices for our great nation. May God bless them and their families for all they do and have done.

8:54 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106431

File: 9584c41f8dc8838⋯.png (479.96 KB,615x751,615:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e9edc0f97a1878⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898966 (111658ZNOV23) Notable: On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders


Thank you to our veterans - in Arkansas and around the country. America salutes you!

10:33 AM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898970 (111659ZNOV23) Notable: After losing $112 million, Boone Health declines to release financial records

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This seems legit:


After losing $112 million, Boone Health declines to release financial records

Quotes: "They have claimed that Boone Health is a private, nongovernmental entity and that its documents contain trade secrets it must protect from competitors such as MU Health Care. The publicly elected board of trustees sometimes conducts business in a non-elected body it created, in effect shielding those actions from the public." (Red Text added.)

Here's a howler:'“Do you think the public’s out there worrying about the quarterly reports of the hospital?” said Jerry Kennett, chair of the Boone Hospital Board of Trustees.'(Red text added.)

From bad to worse? : "The trustees are also required by law to submit an annual report about the hospital to the Boone County Commission every January, including details on its spending. Kendrick and Kennett said they were not aware of that requirement, nor does Kennett recall ever filing that disclosure to the county."(Red text added.)

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5e80f1 No.106433

File: faaa7669347385a⋯.png (1.28 MB,1076x850,538:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898973 (111700ZNOV23) Notable: Former FC Zurich Star Raphael Dwamena, 28, Tragically Passes Away After Collapsing on Pitch in Albanian League

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Former FC Zurich Star Raphael Dwamena, 28, Tragically Passes Away After Collapsing on Pitch in Albanian League

by Jim Hᴏft Nov. 11, 2023 10:15 am

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5e80f1 No.106434

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,Clipboard.png)

File: c70d0bfaa0bc436⋯.png (887.26 KB,1201x739,1201:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898974 (111700ZNOV23) Notable: On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

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A Soldier's Prayers

For Families and friends Left At Home

O God, Protector of all people and nations,

protect my family and friends at home

from the violence and evil of others.

Keep them safe from the weapons of hate and destruction

and guard them against the deeds of evildoers.

Grant them your protection and care

in tranquility and peace.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

On the Eve of Battle

God of power and mercy,

maker and love of peace,

to know you is to live,

and to serve you is to reign.

Through the intercession of St. Michael, the archangel,

be our protection in battle against all evil.

Help me [us] to overcome war and violence

and to establish your law of love and justice.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

For Hope in the Midst of Destruction

God of mercy,

you know the secrets of all human hearts,

for you know who is just and you forgive the repentant sinner.

Hear my prayer in the midst of destruction;

give me patience and hope,

so that under your protection and with you as my guide,

I may one day be reunited with my family and friends

in peace, tranquility, and love.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer For Officers In Command

God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

Hear my prayer for these soldiers under my command.

Grant that I may bring the spirit of Christ

to all my efforts and orders

as I exercise my authority over those entrusted to my care.

Inform my judgment with your Holy Spirit

so that I may make decisions

in conformity with your law and for the common good.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

For Fellow Combatants

Lord God,

Remember Christ your Son who is peace itself

and who has washed away our hatred with His blood.

Because you love all men and women,

look with mercy on all who are engaged in battle.

Banish the violence and evil within all combatants

so that one day, we may all deserve to be

called your sons and your daughters.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

For the innocent victims of war

Lord God,

your own Son was delivered into the hands of the wicked,

yet he prayed for his persecutors

and overcame hatred with the blood of the Cross.

Relive the sufferings of the innocent victims of war;

grant them peace of mind, healing of body,

and a renewed faith in your protection and care.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer for refugees and victims of war(J6)

Lord God,

no one is a stranger to you

and no one is ever far from your loving care.

In your kindness, watch over refugees and victims of war,

those separated from their loved ones,

young people who are lost,

and those who have left home or who have run away from home.

Bring them back safely to the place where they long to be

and help us always to show your kindness

to strangers and to all in need

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

Lord Hear My Prayers 🙏

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5e80f1 No.106435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19898986 (111703ZNOV23) Notable: 104 years ago Woodrow Wilson sold us out

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104 years ago Woodrow Wilson sold us out

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5e80f1 No.106436

File: f45ebd5285ed169⋯.png (74.54 KB,602x390,301:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899001 (111705ZNOV23) Notable: Hobbs Task Force Admits 2022 Election Under Her Rule Disenfranchised Voters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Abe Hamadeh


The administration of our elections are a disaster. Whether incompetence, negligence, or corruption - voters are being disenfranchised and our system isn’t providing justice.

Hobbs Task Force Admits 2022 Election Under Her Rule Disenfranchised Voters


Gov. Hobbs’ Task Force Admits 2022 Election Under Her Rule Disenfranchised Voters - AZ FREE NEWS

By Corinne Murdock | Gov. Katie Hobbs’ Election Task Force (ETF) admitted that the 2022 election under her administration as secretary of state disenfranchised certain voters. In the ETF’s final...

4:34 PM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106437

File: a47eacfbb739121⋯.jpeg (555.99 KB,1302x613,1302:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ead26314e9e21ea⋯.jpeg (116.84 KB,581x1101,581:1101,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899007 (111707ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SPAR87 G5 departed Dar es Salaam, Tanzania-AFRICOM Cmdr Gen. Michael E. Langleyreturning to Stuttgart (AFRICOM Headquarters)

Special Priority Air Resource


Turkish AF J001 Citation 680 departed Adana back to Istanbul

German AF GAF701 A321neo NW from Tel Aviv after arriving from Cyprus and back to Koln/Bonn

Italian AF IAM9001President Mattarellareturning from Samarqand , Uzbekistan (meeting in Tashkent)

>thought this was Meloni the other day

Italy to support Uzbekistan's accession to WTO - President Mattarella


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5e80f1 No.106438

File: c4dced5448b16be⋯.png (72.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899059 (111715ZNOV23) Notable: 104 years ago Woodrow Wilson sold us out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Woodrow Wilson’s administration (backed by the bankers) sold us out. Quote from 1918 and not a defense of his actions either because he did sign it


Presidents have little to no power and 45s tenure should have shown that to many if they were not aware of it

Just a CEO that answers to an ultimate Board of Directors

Poppy Bush couldn’t even wait 3 months before taking out Reagan-and he died (what I believe) and a clone used

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5e80f1 No.106439

File: 026ffca271e62e2⋯.png (922.42 KB,586x854,293:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899080 (111719ZNOV23) Notable: WWI Memorial desecrated with the Palestinian flag in France

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Oli London


WWI Memorial desecrated with the Palestinian flag in France.


5:09 AM · Nov 11, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106440

File: 3f1c2771faa6f33⋯.png (569.55 KB,590x904,295:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899098 (111723ZNOV23) Notable: JPMorgan has agreed to pay an additional $75 million—for a combined total of $365 million—to settle another lawsuit relating to its established banking relationship with Epstein.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



See new posts


Square profile picture

Wall Street Silver


Why would they need a settlement?

Thought nothing happened


“Over this past year, JPMorgan has agreed to pay an additional $75 million—for a combined total of $365 million—to settle another lawsuit relating to its established banking relationship with Epstein. The suits revealed that JPMorgan facilitated approximately $1 billion in transfers for Epstein which the bank admitted were “human trafficking” related.”


11:21 AM · Nov 10, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106441

File: 046bacb2538c1b6⋯.png (1.79 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: ad029adaeb67f71⋯.png (1.12 MB,1463x861,209:123,Clipboard.png)

File: c611217231cbcfd⋯.png (59.99 KB,657x492,219:164,Clipboard.png)

File: 62804aefe43e2f3⋯.png (23.21 KB,459x296,459:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899122 (111728ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ironman. Call sign AGORA63. Squawk 2115. USN E-6B Mercury 162783. Up from Patuxent River NAS and flying west.



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5e80f1 No.106442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899126 (111730ZNOV23) Notable: #24432

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#24432 >>106400

>>106409, >>106425, >>106434, >>106407, >>106403, >>106405, >>106427, >>106430, >>106431 On this day, we express our gratitude to veterans and their families.

>>106413 RNC warns candidates that attending Iowa Christian group’s forum will disqualify them from debates

>>106412 Time to Impeach Ronna McDaniel

>>106416, >>106418, >>106423, >>106428 Massive protest in London for Palestine, Captured helmet means we win!

>>106429 Muslim leaders from Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Qatar, Iran, Kuwait, Djibouti, Comoros, gather in Riyadh, for a summit to discuss Gaza.

>>106404 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gets His "Democracy", No Mercy For Terrorized Gaza War Victims, The New Roman Colosseum

>>106401, >>106406 North Korea closing embassies around the world amid suspected financial crisis


>>106404 NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gets His "Democracy", No Mercy For Terrorized Gaza War Victims

>>106408, >>106410 it sounds like1st Circuit Appeals Chief Justice David Barronis definitely in some deep shit withGovernor Maura Healey.


>>106415 Occult Bloodlines of Canaan - ROBERT SEPEHR (22 min, 6 days ago)

>>106419, >>106422 HORMONAL POISON

>>106420 See Inside the New Hampshire Home Where Ghislaine Maxwell Was Arrested

>>106421 Pope Francis personally removes America’s Bishop Joseph Strickland

>>106424 Moar Soyboi planned gun grabbing MK Ultra pawns… Neo-Nazi Ex-Soldier Targets Drag Queen Story Hour in NC

>>106426 Daniel Davis - Deep Dive with Col. MacGregor

>>106435, >>106438 104 years ago Woodrow Wilson sold us out

>>106432 After losing $112 million, Boone Health declines to release financial records

>>106433 Former FC Zurich Star Raphael Dwamena, 28, Tragically Passes Away After Collapsing on Pitch in Albanian League

>>106436 Hobbs Task Force Admits 2022 Election Under Her Rule Disenfranchised Voters

>>106437, >>106441 PF Reports

>>106439 WWI Memorial desecrated with the Palestinian flag in France

>>106440 JPMorgan has agreed to pay an additional $75 million—for a combined total of $365 million—to settle another lawsuit relating to its established banking relationship with Epstein.

hold 'em

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5e80f1 No.106443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899141 (111732ZNOV23) Notable: #24433-A

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>baker accepting handoffs

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5e80f1 No.106444

File: d34a0a1b65a23d3⋯.png (534.02 KB,615x635,123:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899212 (111744ZNOV23) Notable: is Festerman asking for a dig?

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Senator John Fetterman


Happy Veterans Day to the brave and selfless patriots who fought for our country.

Thinking today of my late grandfather, Lt. Commander Donald Fetterman, who served with distinction in the Pacific Theater in WWII.

Thank you to all veterans for your service and sacrifice.

12:30 PM · Nov 11, 2023


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5e80f1 No.106445

File: e82d6fd3cd16ef2⋯.png (369.88 KB,604x567,604:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899218 (111745ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H.

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LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

Square profile picture



LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

5:57 AM · Nov 11, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106446

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899241 (111754ZNOV23) Notable: Screw those who stage these bloody wars.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19899057 lb

>>>/qresearch/19899111 lb

>>>/qresearch/19899118 lb

>>>/qresearch/19899153 lb






"Wicked Game'

Salute and rememberance for those who gave their lives for Constitution, Bill of Rights.

Our Great Legacy and Nation.

May the Traitors behind the 9/11 excuse for war - which killed millions needlessly, and screwed u our Nation and Children, and generations, as of now - may they feel contrition before they face their just reward.


Thank you for your service Jim W and BO

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5e80f1 No.106447

File: 6d7f3055fa159cb⋯.png (1.83 MB,1049x1922,1049:1922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899252 (111757ZNOV23) Notable: Pope Francis forcibly removed a Texas bishop who had called him too progressive

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pope Francis forcibly removed a Texas bishop who had called him too progressive

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis on Saturday forcibly removed the bishop of Tyler, Texas, a conservative prelate active on social media who has been a fierce critic of the pontiff and has come to symbolize the polarization within the U.S. Catholic hierarchy.

A one-line s Pope Francistatement from the Vatican said Francis had “relieved” Bishop Joseph Strickland of the pastoral governance of Tyler and appointed the bishop of Austin as the temporary administrator.

Strickland, 65, has emerged as a leading critic of Francis, accusing him in a tweet earlier this year of “undermining the deposit of faith.” He has been particularly critical of Francis’ recent meeting on the future of the Catholic Church during which hot-button issues were discussed, including ways to better welcome LGBTQ+ Catholics.

Earlier this year, the Vatican sent in investigators to look into his governance of the diocese, amid reports he was making doctrinally unorthodox claims. ...


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5e80f1 No.106448

File: 15d216c63b0b3af⋯.jpeg (123.81 KB,750x750,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d9dbf4e92ef4d3d⋯.jpg (104.98 KB,851x317,851:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899279 (111805ZNOV23) Notable: Screw those who stage these bloody wars.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Screw those who stage

these bloody wars.



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5e80f1 No.106449

File: d56ba63731c13f0⋯.jpeg (338.61 KB,1399x625,1399:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fa3a202d433e321⋯.jpeg (517.65 KB,1524x581,1524:581,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899282 (111806ZNOV23) Notable: PF: TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austineast from its Delhi depart and switched off after crossing Vietnam about an hour ago and over SCS at present and heading to Seoul, SOKO

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austineast from its Delhi depart and switched off after crossing Vietnam about an hour ago and over SCS at present and heading to Seoul, SOKO

Defense chiefs of S. Korea, U.S., Japan to hold meeting in Seoul this week: sources


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5e80f1 No.106450

File: a8d492a673e5632⋯.png (2.54 MB,1280x1337,1280:1337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899288 (111808ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Anti-War Protest streams

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>106416, >>106418, >>106423, >>106428 Massive protest in London for Palestine, Captured helmet means we win!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106451

File: 48893de08fe1831⋯.jpg (113.29 KB,720x1007,720:1007,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 892f52bccf99d29⋯.mp4 (436.88 KB,432x768,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899295 (111810ZNOV23) Notable: [Panda] Girl brings Elon Musk into class for show and tell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Girl brings Elon Musk into class for show and tell



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5e80f1 No.106452

File: 38318f6bc9ebfdb⋯.gif (2.83 MB,600x257,600:257,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899300 (111811ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Anti-War Protest streams

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Captured helmet means we win!


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5e80f1 No.106453

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899312 (111815ZNOV23) Notable: Thousands of people want to be implanted with Musk’s brain chips

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5e80f1 No.106454

File: 4ab01cf424b3399⋯.png (394.45 KB,759x471,253:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899322 (111816ZNOV23) Notable: General George Patton's birthday (born November 11, 1885) And Veterans Day- Perfect!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

General George Patton's birthday (born November 11, 1885) And Veterans Day- Perfect!


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5e80f1 No.106455

File: ea8df84090d051d⋯.png (453.13 KB,619x514,619:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899352 (111823ZNOV23) Notable: @AlexSoros meets with President @JakovMilatovic at the @ParisPeaceForum to lobby for #Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic path

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alex Soros


Good to meet with President @JakovMilatovic

at the @ParisPeaceForum

and discuss his unwavering commitment to #Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic path. 🇲🇪🇪🇺 #parispeaceforum2023



Last edited

7:20 AM · Nov 11, 2023




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5e80f1 No.106456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899371 (111828ZNOV23) Notable: Russia launches probe into ‘terrorist act’ after train derailment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Russia launches probe into ‘terrorist act’ after train derailment

More than a dozen cars carrying mineral fertilizers went off the rails in the western part of the country earlier on Saturday

Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened a terrorism probe after a major railroad incident in the western part of the country on Saturday. Officials said that an explosion had caused more than a dozen freight cars to derail.

In a statement published on Telegram, the committee said a criminal case had been opened into a “terrorist act” and “illegal possession… of explosive materials or explosive devices.”

According to officials, an improvised explosive device went off on a railroad in Ryazan Region early on Saturday, causing 19 freight carriages to go off the rails. Fifteen of them sustained damage, the statement said, adding that the exact scale of the destruction is still being determined.

The Investigative Committee has not yet named any suspects in the case, and it is also unclear how many people may have been involved. Officials were still investigating the scene at the time the statement was issued, the committee added.

The incident took place around 200km southeast of Moscow. Officials initially blamed it on “unauthorized interference by third parties in the activities of rail transport.” Ryazan Governor Pavel Malkov said that the affected carriages contained mineral fertilizers. A video released by the Investigative Committee showed one of the cars bearing the inscription of PhosAgro, a leading Russian chemical company.

On several occasions in recent months, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has reported detaining alleged Ukrainian agents who were accused of plotting attacks on transport infrastructure. Kiev has repeatedly sought to target various Russian infrastructure, including transport facilities, by using methods such as drone and missile strikes amid the conflict between the two countries.


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5e80f1 No.106457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899392 (111831ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Anti-War Protest streams

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Protest streams

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5e80f1 No.106458

File: 71291aafe3e5e5b⋯.png (65.29 KB,705x344,705:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899398 (111832ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump In honor of Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Like vermin

Donald J. Trump


In honor of our great Veterans on Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Nov 11, 2023, 1:25 PM

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106459

File: f1645ca92da03a6⋯.png (826.14 KB,948x533,948:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899443 (111842ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump In honor of Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public Good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their Operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the Accommodation of large Districts of People, unless those People would relinquish the Right of Representation in the Legislature, a Right inestimable to them, and formidable to Tyrants only.

He has called together Legislative Bodies at Places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the Depository of their public Records, for the sole Purpose of fatiguing them into Compliance with his Measures.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106460

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899449 (111843ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump In honor of Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly Firmness his Invasions on the Rights of the People.

He has refused for a long Time, after such Dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion from without, and Convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither, and raising the Conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the Tenure of their Offices, and the Amount and Payment of their Salaries.

He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out their Substance.

He has kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing Armies, without the consent of our Legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For quartering large Bodies of Armed Troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us, in many Cases, of the Benefits of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended Offences:

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an arbitrary Government, and enlarging its Boundaries, so as to render it at once an Example and fit Instrument for introducing the same absolute Rule into these Colonies:

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5e80f1 No.106461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899450 (111843ZNOV23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump In honor of Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our Towns, and destroyed the Lives of our People.

He is, at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized Nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the Executioners of their Friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

He has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury. A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the Ruler of a free People.

Nor have we been wanting in Attentions to our British Brethren. We have warned them from Time to Time of Attempts by their Legislature to extend an unwarrantable Jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our Emigration and Settlement here. We have appealed to their native Justice and Magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the Ties of our common Kindred to disavow these Usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our Connections and Correspondence. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Great-Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Signed by Order and in Behalf of the Congress,

JOHN HANCOCK, President.



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5e80f1 No.106462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899458 (111845ZNOV23) Notable: US Hegemony and Its Perils

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US Hegemony and Its Perils

Alternate perspective to counter-balance the disgusting bootlicking on QR today



Since becoming the world's most powerful country after the two world wars and the Cold War, the United States has acted more boldly to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, pursue, maintain and abuse hegemony, advance subversion and infiltration, and willfully wage wars, bringing harm to the international community.

The United States has developed a hegemonic playbook to stage "color revolutions," instigate regional disputes, and even directly launch wars under the guise of promoting democracy, freedom and human rights. Clinging to the Cold War mentality, the United States has ramped up bloc politics and stoked conflict and confrontation. It has overstretched the concept of national security, abused export controls and forced unilateral sanctions upon others. It has taken a selective approach to international law and rules, utilizing or discarding them as it sees fit, and has sought to impose rules that serve its own interests in the name of upholding a "rules-based international order."

This report, by presenting the relevant facts, seeks to expose the U.S. abuse of hegemony in the political, military, economic, financial, technological and cultural fields, and to draw greater international attention to the perils of the U.S. practices to world peace and stability and the well-being of all peoples.

I. Political Hegemony - Throwing Its Weight Around

The United States has long been attempting to mold other countries and the world order with its own values and political system in the name of promoting democracy and human rights.

◆ Instances of U.S. interference in other countries' internal affairs abound. In the name of "promoting democracy," the United States practiced a "Neo-Monroe Doctrine" in Latin America, instigated "color revolutions" in Eurasia, and orchestrated the "Arab Spring" in West Asia and North Africa, bringing chaos and disaster to many countries.

In 1823, the United States announced the Monroe Doctrine. While touting an "America for the Americans," what it truly wanted was an "America for the United States."

Since then, the policies of successive U.S. governments toward Latin America and the Caribbean Region have been riddled with political interference, military intervention and regime subversion. From its 61-year hostility toward and blockade of Cuba to its overthrow of the Allende government of Chile, U.S. policy on this region has been built on one maxim-those who submit will prosper; those who resist shall perish.

The year 2003 marked the beginning of a succession of "color revolutions" - the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia, the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine and the "Tulip Revolution" in Kyrgyzstan. The U.S. Department of State openly admitted playing a "central role" in these "regime changes." The United States also interfered in the internal affairs of the Philippines, ousting President Ferdinand Marcos Sr. in 1986 and President Joseph Estrada in 2001 through the so-called "People Power Revolutions."

In January 2023, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released his new book Never Give an Inch: Fighting for the America I Love. He revealed in it that the United States had plotted to intervene in Venezuela. The plan was to force the Maduro government to reach an agreement with the opposition, deprive Venezuela of its ability to sell oil and gold for foreign exchange, exert high pressure on its economy, and influence the 2018 presidential election.

◆ The U.S. exercises double standards on international rules. Placing its self-interest first, the United States has walked away from international treaties and organizations, and put its domestic law above international law. In April 2017, the Trump administration announced that it would cut off all U.S. funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) with the excuse that the organization "supports, or participates in the management of a programme of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization." The United States quit UNESCO twice in 1984 and 2017. In 2017, it announced leaving the Paris Agreement on climate change. In 2018, it announced its exit from the UN Human Rights Council, citing the organization's "bias" against Israel and failure to protect human rights effectively. In 2019, the United States announced its withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty to seek unfettered development of advanced weapons. In 2020, it announced pulling out of the Treaty on Open Skies.


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5e80f1 No.106463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899463 (111847ZNOV23) Notable: US Hegemony and Its Perils

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The United States has also been a stumbling block to biological arms control by opposing negotiations on a verification protocol for the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and impeding international verification of countries' activities relating to biological weapons. As the only country in possession of a chemical weapons stockpile, the United States has repeatedly delayed the destruction of chemical weapons and remained reluctant in fulfilling its obligations. It has become the biggest obstacle to realizing "a world free of chemical weapons."

◆ The United States is piecing together small blocs through its alliance system. It has been forcing an "Indo-Pacific Strategy" onto the Asia-Pacific region, assembling exclusive clubs like the Five Eyes, the Quad and AUKUS, and forcing regional countries to take sides. Such practices are essentially meant to create division in the region, stoke confrontation and undermine peace.

◆ The U.S. arbitrarily passes judgment on democracy in other countries, and fabricates a false narrative of "democracy versus authoritarianism" to incite estrangement, division, rivalry and confrontation. In December 2021, the United States hosted the first "Summit for Democracy," which drew criticism and opposition from many countries for making a mockery of the spirit of democracy and dividing the world. In March 2023, the United States will host another "Summit for Democracy," which remains unwelcome and will again find no support.

II. Military Hegemony - Wanton Use of Force

The history of the United States is characterized by violence and expansion. Since it gained independence in 1776, the United States has constantly sought expansion by force: it slaughtered Indians, invaded Canada, waged a war against Mexico, instigated the American-Spanish War, and annexed Hawaii. After World War II, the wars either provoked or launched by the United States included the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the War in Afghanistan, the Iraq War, the Libyan War and the Syrian War, abusing its military hegemony to pave the way for expansionist objectives. In recent years, the U.S. average annual military budget has exceeded 700 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 40 percent of the world's total, more than the 15 countries behind it combined. The United States has about 800 overseas military bases, with 173,000 troops deployed in 159 countries.

According to the book America Invades: How We've Invaded or been Militarily Involved with almost Every Country on Earth, the United States has fought or been militarily involved with almost all the 190-odd countries recognized by the United Nations with only three exceptions. The three countries were "spared" because the United States did not find them on the map.

◆ As former U.S. President Jimmy Carter put it, the United States is undoubtedly the most warlike nation in the history of the world. According to a Tufts University report, "Introducing the Military Intervention Project: A new Dataset on U.S. Military Interventions, 1776-2019," the United States undertook nearly 400 military interventions globally between those years, 34 percent of which were in Latin America and the Caribbean, 23 percent in East Asia and the Pacific, 14 percent in the Middle East and North Africa, and 13 percent in Europe. Currently, its military intervention in the Middle East and North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa is on the rise.

Alex Lo, a South China Morning Post columnist, pointed out that the United States has rarely distinguished between diplomacy and war since its founding. It overthrew democratically elected governments in many developing countries in the 20th century and immediately replaced them with pro-American puppet regimes. Today, in Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan and Yemen, the United States is repeating its old tactics of waging proxy, low-intensity, and drone wars.

◆ U.S. military hegemony has caused humanitarian tragedies. Since 2001, the wars and military operations launched by the United States in the name of fighting terrorism have claimed over 900,000 lives with some 335,000 of them civilians, injured millions and displaced tens of millions. The 2003 Iraq War resulted in some 200,000 to 250,000 civilian deaths, including over 16,000 directly killed by the U.S. military, and left more than a million homeless.

The United States has created 37 million refugees around the world. Since 2012, the number of Syrian refugees alone has increased tenfold. Between 2016 and 2019, 33,584 civilian deaths were documented in the Syrian fightings, including 3,833 killed by U.S.-led coalition bombings, half of them women and children. The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) reported on 9 November 2018 that the air strikes launched by U.S. forces on Raqqa alone killed 1,600 Syrian civilians.

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5e80f1 No.106464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899469 (111848ZNOV23) Notable: US Hegemony and Its Perils

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The two-decades-long war in Afghanistan devastated the country. A total of 47,000 Afghan civilians and 66,000 to 69,000 Afghan soldiers and police officers unrelated to the September 11 attacks were killed in U.S. military operations, and more than 10 million people were displaced. The war in Afghanistan destroyed the foundation of economic development there and plunged the Afghan people into destitution. After the "Kabul debacle" in 2021, the United States announced that it would freeze some 9.5 billion dollars in assets belonging to the Afghan central bank, a move considered as "pure looting."

In September 2022, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu commented at a rally that the United States has waged a proxy war in Syria, turned Afghanistan into an opium field and heroin factory, thrown Pakistan into turmoil, and left Libya in incessant civil unrest. The United States does whatever it takes to rob and enslave the people of any country with underground resources.

The United States has also adopted appalling methods in war. During the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War, the United States used massive quantities of chemical and biological weapons as well as cluster bombs, fuel-air bombs, graphite bombs and depleted uranium bombs, causing enormous damage on civilian facilities, countless civilian casualties and lasting environmental pollution.

III. Economic Hegemony - Looting and Exploitation

After World War II, the United States led efforts to set up the Bretton Woods System, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which, together with the Marshall Plan, formed the international monetary system centered around the U.S. dollar. In addition, the United States has also established institutional hegemony in the international economic and financial sector by manipulating the weighted voting systems, rules and arrangements of international organizations including "approval by 85 percent majority," and its domestic trade laws and regulations. By taking advantage of the dollar's status as the major international reserve currency, the United States is basically collecting "seigniorage" from around the world; and using its control over international organizations, it coerces other countries into serving America's political and economic strategy.

◆ The United States exploits the world's wealth with the help of "seigniorage." It costs only about 17 cents to produce a 100 dollar bill, but other countries had to pony up 100 dollar of actual goods in order to obtain one. It was pointed out more than half a century ago, that the United States enjoyed exorbitant privilege and deficit without tears created by its dollar, and used the worthless paper note to plunder the resources and factories of other nations.

◆ The hegemony of U.S. dollar is the main source of instability and uncertainty in the world economy. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States abused its global financial hegemony and injected trillions of dollars into the global market, leaving other countries, especially emerging economies, to pay the price. In 2022, the Fed ended its ultra-easy monetary policy and turned to aggressive interest rate hike, causing turmoil in the international financial market and substantial depreciation of other currencies such as the Euro, many of which dropped to a 20-year low. As a result, a large number of developing countries were challenged by high inflation, currency depreciation and capital outflows. This was exactly what Nixon's secretary of the treasury John Connally once remarked, with self-satisfaction yet sharp precision, that "the dollar is our currency, but it is your problem."

◆ With its control over international economic and financial organizations, the United States imposes additional conditions to their assistance to other countries. In order to reduce obstacles to U.S. capital inflow and speculation, the recipient countries are required to advance financial liberalization and open up financial markets so that their economic policies would fall in line with America's strategy. According to the Review of International Political Economy, along with the 1,550 debt relief programs extended by the IMF to its 131 member countries from 1985 to 2014, as many as 55,465 additional political conditions had been attached.

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5e80f1 No.106465

File: 561e3222d5b015d⋯.png (1.11 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899474 (111849ZNOV23) Notable: The DFL Monarchy of Minnesota getting new digs.

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The DFL Monarchy of Minnesota getting new digs.

Apparently, the state has a "surplus" of $2 billion, but the idiots just voted for another tax increase. Dumb....very dumb.

Moar: https://alphanews.org/new-palace-for-politicians-to-cost-over-5-million-per-house-member

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5e80f1 No.106466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899477 (111850ZNOV23) Notable: US Hegemony and Its Perils

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◆ The United States willfully suppresses its opponents with economic coercion. In the 1980s, to eliminate the economic threat posed by Japan, and to control and use the latter in service of America's strategic goal of confronting the Soviet Union and dominating the world, the United States leveraged its hegemonic financial power against Japan, and concluded the Plaza Accord. As a result, Yen was pushed up, and Japan was pressed to open up its financial market and reform its financial system. The Plaza Accord dealt a heavy blow to the growth momentum of the Japanese economy, leaving Japan to what was later called "three lost decades."

◆ America's economic and financial hegemony has become a geopolitical weapon. Doubling down on unilateral sanctions and "long-arm jurisdiction," the United States has enacted such domestic laws as the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, and the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, and introduced a series of executive orders to sanction specific countries, organizations or individuals. Statistics show that U.S. sanctions against foreign entities increased by 933 percent from 2000 to 2021. The Trump administration alone has imposed more than 3,900 sanctions, which means three sanctions per day. So far, the United States had or has imposed economic sanctions on nearly 40 countries across the world, including Cuba, China, Russia, the DPRK, Iran and Venezuela, affecting nearly half of the world's population. "The United States of America" has turned itself into "the United States of Sanctions." And "long-arm jurisdiction" has been reduced to nothing but a tool for the United States to use its means of state power to suppress economic competitors and interfere in normal international business. This is a serious departure from the principles of liberal market economy that the United States has long boasted.

IV. Technological Hegemony - Monopoly and Suppression

The United States seeks to deter other countries' scientific, technological and economic development by wielding monopoly power, suppression measures and technology restrictions in high-tech fields.

◆ The United States monopolizes intellectual property in the name of protection. Taking advantage of the weak position of other countries, especially developing ones, on intellectual property rights and the institutional vacancy in relevant fields, the United States reaps excessive profits through monopoly. In 1994, the United States pushed forward the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), forcing the Americanized process and standards in intellectual property protection in an attempt to solidify its monopoly on technology.

In the 1980s, to contain the development of Japan's semiconductor industry, the United States launched the "301" investigation, built bargaining power in bilateral negotiations through multilateral agreements, threatened to label Japan as conducting unfair trade, and imposed retaliatory tariffs, forcing Japan to sign the U.S.-Japan Semiconductor Agreement. As a result, Japanese semiconductor enterprises were almost completely driven out of global competition, and their market share dropped from 50 percent to 10 percent. Meanwhile, with the support of the U.S. government, a large number of U.S. semiconductor enterprises took the opportunity and grabbed larger market share.

◆ The United States politicizes, weaponizes technological issues and uses them as ideological tools. Overstretching the concept of national security, the United States mobilized state power to suppress and sanction Chinese company Huawei, restricted the entry of Huawei products into the U.S. market, cut off its supply of chips and operating systems, and coerced other countries to ban Huawei from undertaking local 5G network construction. It even talked Canada into unwarrantedly detaining Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou for nearly three years.

The United States has fabricated a slew of excuses to clamp down on China's high-tech enterprises with global competitiveness, and has put more than 1,000 Chinese enterprises on sanction lists. In addition, the United States has also imposed controls on biotechnology, artificial intelligence and other high-end technologies, reinforced export restrictions, tightened investment screening, suppressed Chinese social media apps such as TikTok and WeChat, and lobbied the Netherlands and Japan to restrict exports of chips and related equipment or technology to China.

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5e80f1 No.106467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899481 (111851ZNOV23) Notable: US Hegemony and Its Perils

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The United States has fabricated a slew of excuses to clamp down on China's high-tech enterprises with global competitiveness, and has put more than 1,000 Chinese enterprises on sanction lists. In addition, the United States has also imposed controls on biotechnology, artificial intelligence and other high-end technologies, reinforced export restrictions, tightened investment screening, suppressed Chinese social media apps such as TikTok and WeChat, and lobbied the Netherlands and Japan to restrict exports of chips and related equipment or technology to China.

The United States has also practiced double standards in its policy on China-related technological professionals. To sideline and suppress Chinese researchers, since June 2018, visa validity has been shortened for Chinese students majoring in certain high-tech-related disciplines, repeated cases have occurred where Chinese scholars and students going to the United States for exchange programs and study were unjustifiably denied and harassed, and large-scale investigation on Chinese scholars working in the United States was carried out.

◆ The United States solidifies its technological monopoly in the name of protecting democracy. By building small blocs on technology such as the "chips alliance" and "clean network," the United States has put "democracy" and "human rights" labels on high-technology, and turned technological issues into political and ideological issues, so as to fabricate excuses for its technological blockade against other countries. In May 2019, the United States enlisted 32 countries to the Prague 5G Security Conference in the Czech Republic and issued the Prague Proposal in an attempt to exclude China's 5G products. In April 2020, then U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the "5G clean path," a plan designed to build technological alliance in the 5G field with partners bonded by their shared ideology on democracy and the need to protect "cyber security." The measures, in essence, are the U.S. attempts to maintain its technological hegemony through technological alliances.

◆ The United States abuses its technological hegemony by carrying out cyber attacks and eavesdropping. The United States has long been notorious as an "empire of hackers," blamed for its rampant acts of cyber theft around the world. It has all kinds of means to enforce pervasive cyber attacks and surveillance, including using analog base station signals to access mobile phones for data theft, manipulating mobile apps, infiltrating cloud servers, and stealing through undersea cables. The list goes on.

U.S. surveillance is indiscriminate. All can be targets of its surveillance, be they rivals or allies, even leaders of allied countries such as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and several French Presidents. Cyber surveillance and attacks launched by the United States such as "Prism," "Dirtbox," "Irritant Horn" and "Telescreen Operation" are all proof that the United States is closely monitoring its allies and partners. Such eavesdropping on allies and partners has already caused worldwide outrage. Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, a website that has exposed U.S. surveillance programs, said that "do not expect a global surveillance superpower to act with honor or respect. There is only one rule: there are no rules."

V. Cultural Hegemony - Spreading False Narratives

The global expansion of American culture is an important part of its external strategy. The United States has often used cultural tools to strengthen and maintain its hegemony in the world.

◆ The United States embeds American values in its products such as movies. American values and lifestyle are a tied product to its movies and TV shows, publications, media content, and programs by the government-funded non-profit cultural institutions. It thus shapes a cultural and public opinion space in which American culture reigns and maintains cultural hegemony. In his article The Americanization of the World, John Yemma, an American scholar, exposed the real weapons in U.S. cultural expansion: the Hollywood, the image design factories on Madison Avenue and the production lines of Mattel Company and Coca-Cola.

There are various vehicles the United States uses to keep its cultural hegemony. American movies are the most used; they now occupy more than 70 percent of the world's market share. The United States skilfully exploits its cultural diversity to appeal to various ethnicities. When Hollywood movies descend on the world, they scream the American values tied to them.

◆ American cultural hegemony not only shows itself in "direct intervention," but also in "media infiltration" and as "a trumpet for the world." U.S.-dominated Western media has a particularly important role in shaping global public opinion in favor of U.S. meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.

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5e80f1 No.106468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899490 (111852ZNOV23) Notable: US Hegemony and Its Perils

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◆ American cultural hegemony not only shows itself in "direct intervention," but also in "media infiltration" and as "a trumpet for the world." U.S.-dominated Western media has a particularly important role in shaping global public opinion in favor of U.S. meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.

The U.S. government strictly censors all social media companies and demands their obedience. Twitter CEO Elon Musk admitted on 27 December 2022 that all social media platforms work with the U.S. government to censor content, reported Fox Business Network. Public opinion in the United States is subject to government intervention to restrict all unfavorable remarks. Google often makes pages disappear.

U.S. Department of Defense manipulates social media. In December 2022, The Intercept, an independent U.S. investigative website, revealed that in July 2017, U.S. Central Command official Nathaniel Kahler instructed Twitter's public policy team to augment the presence of 52 Arabic-language accounts on a list he sent, six of which were to be given priority. One of the six was dedicated to justifying U.S. drone attacks in Yemen, such as by claiming that the attacks were precise and killed only terrorists, not civilians. Following Kahler's directive, Twitter put those Arabic-language accounts on a "white list" to amplify certain messages.

◆The United States practices double standards on the freedom of the press. It brutally suppresses and silences media of other countries by various means. The United States and Europe bar mainstream Russian media such as Russia Today and the Sputnik from their countries. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube openly restrict official accounts of Russia. Netflix, Apple and Google have removed Russian channels and applications from their services and app stores. Unprecedented draconian censorship is imposed on Russia-related contents.

◆The United States abuses its cultural hegemony to instigate "peaceful evolution" in socialist countries. It sets up news media and cultural outfits targeting socialist countries. It pours staggering amounts of public funds into radio and TV networks to support their ideological infiltration, and these mouthpieces bombard socialist countries in dozens of languages with inflammatory propaganda day and night.

The United States uses misinformation as a spear to attack other countries, and has built an industrial chain around it: there are groups and individuals making up stories, and peddling them worldwide to mislead public opinion with the support of nearly limitless financial resources.


While a just cause wins its champion wide support, an unjust one condemns its pursuer to be an outcast. The hegemonic, domineering, and bullying practices of using strength to intimidate the weak, taking from others by force and subterfuge, and playing zero-sum games are exerting grave harm. The historical trends of peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit are unstoppable. The United States has been overriding truth with its power and trampling justice to serve self-interest. These unilateral, egoistic and regressive hegemonic practices have drawn growing, intense criticism and opposition from the international community.

Countries need to respect each other and treat each other as equals. Big countries should behave in a manner befitting their status and take the lead in pursuing a new model of state-to-state relations featuring dialogue and partnership, not confrontation or alliance. China opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics, and rejects interference in other countries' internal affairs. The United States must conduct serious soul-searching. It must critically examine what it has done, let go of its arrogance and prejudice, and quit its hegemonic, domineering and bullying practices.

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5e80f1 No.106469

File: 0d9cafde365b0e4⋯.png (1.59 MB,1330x886,665:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899493 (111853ZNOV23) Notable: is Festerman asking for a dig?

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is Festerman asking for a dig?

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5e80f1 No.106470

File: d6164c4fd82787d⋯.jpeg (766.89 KB,1385x614,1385:614,Clipboard.jpeg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899504 (111854ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reports Czech em

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Czech AF CEF08 C295 Persuader west from Rzsesow Airport, Poland and back to Prague

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5e80f1 No.106471

File: 042c43cf77f51e5⋯.png (242.39 KB,465x406,465:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899505 (111854ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: Anti-War Protest streams

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Andy needs 200 more subscribers to hit 50k, do him a solid so we can hear the pig songs all day.

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5e80f1 No.106472

File: feb6d7ef84a008b⋯.png (406.43 KB,545x326,545:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899524 (111857ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H.

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DJT rally starts any minute now, here's a couple of links.



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5e80f1 No.106473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899590 (111908ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H.

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>>106445, >>106472




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106474

File: 03aaae331ff81be⋯.png (912.57 KB,853x480,853:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899637 (111913ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump STARTED TALKING @ 11:11

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899653 (111916ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump STARTED TALKING @ 11:11

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899656 (111916ZNOV23) Notable: What was that Trump comment," …saw some signals coming down"?

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What was that Trump comment," ...saw some signals coming down"?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899658 (111916ZNOV23) Notable: spent 3 hours looking at the sky seeing some beautiful signals coming down?!?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

spent 3 hours looking at the sky seeing some beautiful signals coming down?!?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899670 (111917ZNOV23) Notable: Colorado research facility will import bats from across the globe and inject them w/ various diseases, funded by Fauci's NIH

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Colorado research facility will import bats from across the globe and inject them w/ various diseases, funded by Fauci's NIH

Republican legislators warn it could spark the next global pandemic on US soil.

A new proposed taxpayer-funded laboratory in Colorado will conduct experiments on dangerous diseases and import bats from around the globe.

Some Republican legislators are concerned about the project and say it could spark the next global pandemic on US soil.

The Daily Mail reports that the project is a collaboration between Dr. Anthony Fauci's former department at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Colorado State University (CSU), and EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), a research organization that found itself at the center of the Covid lab leak theory. The project will reportedly cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

Researchers involved in the project boasted about its potential, according to the outlet, and said the lab would increase the United States' "ability to study the role of bats in disease transmission and help us become even stronger in researching emerging zoonotic pathogens."

Proposals show that the most transmissible pathogens in the world such as Ebola, Nipah virus, and COVID-19 could be studied inside the 14,000-square-foot facility, the outlet reports. Construction has not yet started but the proposal states it is set to be completed by 2025.

The laboratory, which will be called the Chiropteran Research Facility, will be constructed on the Foothill Campus of Colorado State University in Fort Collins, which is located approximately 60 miles north of Denver, Colorado, and is home to around 168,000 people.

Dozens to hundreds of bats will be imported, housed, bred, and utilized in laboratory experiments. The laboratory is designated as a biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) research center on the CSU website, according to the outlet.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) sounded the alarm on the facility and told Daily Mail: "We cannot allow any batty experiments of pandemic potential to be unleashed on our own shores."

"Americans have suffered enough from Fauci-funded risky research, which is why I am working to defund EcoHealth that funneled taxpayer dollars to the Chinese state-run Wuhan Lab," she said. "The world cannot afford another lab leak, especially one on U.S. soil or near our military bases."

Documents obtained by the outlet show that scientists wanted to infect the imported bats with COVID-19, Ebola, and Nipah virus.

In December 2022, CSU researchers submitted a document that states: "We will infect horseshoe bats with SARS-CoV2 and a SARSr-CoV detected in these bats."

Plans for the facility were initially proposed in 2019 but the project was denied funding. However, CSU secured a $6.7 million grant for the project from the NIH in 2021.

An initial $8 million budget was planned, of which $6.7 million came from the grant and the remaining amount will come from CSU.

Now, the budget has grown to $11.83 million, with CSU contributing $5.08 million instead of its original $1.25 million, the outlet reports.

The construction process was originally planned to commence in the summer of 2023 and conclude around a year later. However, construction has not yet commenced, and the revised anticipated commencement date is September 2025.


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5e80f1 No.106479

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899676 (111918ZNOV23) Notable: Baker change

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Handoff Confirmed


#24433 >>106443

>>106473, >>106445, >>106472 LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H.

>>106458, >>106459, >>106460, >>106461 @realDonaldTrump In honor of Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>106457, >>106471, >>106452, >>106450 LIVE: Anti-War Protest streams

>>106454 General George Patton's birthday (born November 11, 1885) And Veterans Day- Perfect!

>>106447 Pope Francis forcibly removed a Texas bishop who had called him too progressive

>>106446, >>106448 Screw those who stage these bloody wars.

>>106451 [Panda] Girl brings Elon Musk into class for show and tell

>>106444, >>106469 is Festerman asking for a dig?

>>106453 Thousands of people want to be implanted with Musk’s brain chips

>>106455 @AlexSoros meets with President @JakovMilatovic at the @ParisPeaceForum to lobby for #Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic path

>>106456 Russia launches probe into ‘terrorist act’ after train derailment

>>106462, >>106463, >>106464, >>106466, >>106467, >>106468 US Hegemony and Its Perils

>>106465 The DFL Monarchy of Minnesota getting new digs.

>>106470 PF Reports Czech em

>>106449 PF: TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austineast from its Delhi depart and switched off after crossing Vietnam about an hour ago and over SCS at present and heading to Seoul, SOKO



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899678 (111918ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE LINKS- President Trump in Claremont, NH

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LIVE - President Trump in Claremont, NH



LIVE - President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23






Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899681 (111919ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump STARTED TALKING @ 11:11

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In New Hampshire it is 2:11

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106482

File: 59d5d5f25b7c3de⋯.png (1022.18 KB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899705 (111922ZNOV23) Notable: RNC threatens to ban candidates from debates if they attend Iowa group’s forum

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RNC threatens to ban candidates from debates if they attend Iowa group’s forum

The Republican National Committee is threatening to disqualify GOP presidential candidates from RNC-sponsored debates if they participate in an Iowa forum hosted by a conservative Christian organization.

The warning comes ahead of the Family Leader Foundation's event on Friday that the group said will include White House hopefuls sitting at a table for a “moderated, friendly and open discussion.”

In a letter obtained by NBC News, the RNC reminded candidates that they signed a pledge not to participate in debates like the one in Des Moines that aren’t sanctioned by the national party.

“Any Republican presidential candidate who participates in this or other similar events will be deemed to have violated this pledge and will be disqualified from taking part in any future RNC-sanctioned presidential primary debates,” the Oct. 28 letter said.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106483

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899724 (111926ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we live by the motto, Promises Made, Promises Kept'. I made that promise. And there is no more solemn pledge than a promise to America's Veterans. Unfortunately, with Crooked Joe in the White House, our veterans are once again being backstabbed and betrayed by their government. Crooked Joe gutted our historic VA reforms, and fought to reinstate thousands and thousands of fired, horrible employees, that when we terminated them, we said, 'Get out of here', and they got out, but now they have a little bit of a lobby going, and they even want back-pay. They treated our veterans badly. And it looks like it's going to cost up to two hundred million in back-pay for people that were treating our veterans badly.''

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President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we live by the motto, ''Promises Made, Promises Kept'. I made that promise. And there is no more solemn pledge than a promise to America's Veterans. Unfortunately, with Crooked Joe in the White House, our veterans are once again being backstabbed and betrayed by their government. Crooked Joe gutted our historic VA reforms, and fought to reinstate thousands and thousands of fired, horrible employees, that when we terminated them, we said, 'Get out of here', and they got out, but now they have a little bit of a lobby going, and they even want back-pay. They treated our veterans badly. And it looks like it's going to cost up to two hundred million in back-pay for people that were treating our veterans badly.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106484

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899731 (111927ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: I'll also make it a personal mission to completely eradicate veterans homelessness in America.

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President Trump: I'll also make it a personal mission to completely eradicate veterans homelessness in America.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106485

File: 52c381584ad4059⋯.png (1006.75 KB,828x1271,828:1271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899736 (111927ZNOV23) Notable: Roman Chervinsky, Ukrainian military officer coordinated Nord Stream pipeline attack

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WaPo admits that Ukraine were responsible for the Nord Stream terrorist attack!

Ukraine, advised by their US handlers, sabotaged civilian infrastructure that provided millions of Europeans with energy, then blamed it on Russia.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899745 (111929ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: In the past three years, Biden has spent over one billion dollars to put up illegal aliens in hotels, some of the most luxurious hotels in the country. Meanwhile, we have thirty-three thousand homeless veterans. One Day One, I will sign an executive order to cut off Biden's spigot of money for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens, and we will redirect a large portion of the savings to provide shelter and treatment for our own homeless veterans.

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President Trump: In the past three years, Biden has spent over one billion dollars to put up illegal aliens in hotels, some of the most luxurious hotels in the country. Meanwhile, we have thirty-three thousand homeless veterans. One Day One, I will sign an executive order to cut off Biden's spigot of money for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens, and we will redirect a large portion of the savings to provide shelter and treatment for our own homeless veterans.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899762 (111932ZNOV23) Notable: spent 3 hours looking at the sky seeing some beautiful signals coming down?!?

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POTUS was talking about meeting with someone (maybe goldstar family? missed it) and it was supposed to be a short meeting but it lasted 3 hours and they stared at the sky and saw beautiful signals coming down.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106488

File: 943e46c0701dbc8⋯.png (204.56 KB,391x379,391:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899766 (111933ZNOV23) Notable: Hundreds of Pro-Palestine Protesters Are Outside Biden’s Delaware Home Chanting “No Ceasefire, No Vote” and “In November, We Remember”

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NOW — Hundreds of Pro-Palestine Protesters Are Outside Biden’s Delaware Home Chanting “No Ceasefire, No Vote” and “In November, We Remember”



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899779 (111935ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: To me, Peace Through Strength is not just a political slogan, it's actually a moral duty, and it's my commitment to you, the American people, that you will not have World War III.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: To me, Peace Through Strength is not just a political slogan, it's actually a moral duty, and it's my commitment to you, the American people, that you will not have World War III.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106490

File: a85ee55542985cf⋯.png (866.88 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 0498c310df95d23⋯.png (2.62 MB,1536x1003,1536:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ee5e259feccecd⋯.jpg (46.24 KB,919x611,919:611,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 03df9de5d312a27⋯.png (388.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899784 (111936ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reports USAF E-4B with SECDEF onboard. Flies right over the South China Sea. Over the Spratley Islands. Well inside China's delusional Nine Dash Line.TOP KEK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

USAF E-4B with SECDEF onboard. Flies right over the South China Sea. Over the Spratley Islands. Well inside China's delusional Nine Dash Line.TOP KEK


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899800 (111939ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: As president, I will restore American strength, power, and prestige, and I will make your country safe.

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President Trump: As president, I will restore American strength, power, and prestige, and I will make your country safe.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106492

File: c78193147a241da⋯.png (599.1 KB,897x540,299:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899807 (111939ZNOV23) Notable: Hillary wants war, its the strangest thing, wanting war - DJT

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Hillary wants war, its the strangest thing, wanting war - DJT


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106493

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899811 (111940ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: When President Xi sits across the table from Crooked Joe; can you imagine? President Xi is like central casting. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of President Xi.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: When President Xi sits across the table from Crooked Joe; can you imagine? President Xi is like central casting. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of President Xi.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106494

File: afc252392cb6070⋯.jpg (532.52 KB,2048x1267,2048:1267,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899835 (111942ZNOV23) Notable: Hillary wants war, its the strangest thing, wanting war - DJT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106495

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899836 (111942ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: If you give the death penalty to drug dealers, you will have no more problem.

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President Trump: If you give the death penalty to drug dealers, you will have no more problem.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106496

File: 93807c05ff5508f⋯.png (102.03 KB,430x225,86:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899846 (111944ZNOV23) Notable: QUICK TRIAL

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899860 (111946ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: It's three hundred and fifty thousand people you're losing [drug overdoses], and you're destroying your homes. You ever see what happens to a family, a father, a mother, when they lose their son or their daughter to drugs? That family is destroyed. Ten years later they're destroyed. It can never be the same.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: It's three hundred and fifty thousand people you're losing [drug overdoses], and you're destroying your homes. You ever see what happens to a family, a father, a mother, when they lose their son or their daughter to drugs? That family is destroyed. Ten years later they're destroyed. It can never be the same.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106498

File: 6aed6484ab71ea8⋯.jpg (131.46 KB,1200x888,50:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899862 (111946ZNOV23) Notable: QUICK TRIAL

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106499

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899871 (111948ZNOV23) Notable: #24433-A

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#24433-A >>106443

>>106483 President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we live by the motto, ''Promises Made, Promises Kept'. I made that promise. And there is no more solemn pledge than a promise to America's Veterans. Unfortunately, with Crooked Joe in the White House, our veterans are once again being backstabbed and betrayed by their government. Crooked Joe gutted our historic VA reforms, and fought to reinstate thousands and thousands of fired, horrible employees, that when we terminated them, we said, 'Get out of here', and they got out, but now they have a little bit of a lobby going, and they even want back-pay. They treated our veterans badly. And it looks like it's going to cost up to two hundred million in back-pay for people that were treating our veterans badly.

>>106484 President Trump: I'll also make it a personal mission to completely eradicate veterans homelessness in America.

>>106486 President Trump: In the past three years, Biden has spent over one billion dollars to put up illegal aliens in hotels, some of the most luxurious hotels in the country. Meanwhile, we have thirty-three thousand homeless veterans. One Day One, I will sign an executive order to cut off Biden's spigot of money for the shelter and transport of illegal aliens, and we will redirect a large portion of the savings to provide shelter and treatment for our own homeless veterans.

>>106489 President Trump: To me, Peace Through Strength is not just a political slogan, it's actually a moral duty, and it's my commitment to you, the American people, that you will not have World War III.

>>106491 President Trump: As president, I will restore American strength, power, and prestige, and I will make your country safe.

>>106493 President Trump: When President Xi sits across the table from Crooked Joe; can you imagine? President Xi is like central casting. There's nobody in Hollywood that can play the role of President Xi.

>>106495 President Trump: If you give the death penalty to drug dealers, you will have no more problem.

>>106497 President Trump: It's three hundred and fifty thousand people you're losing [drug overdoses], and you're destroying your homes. You ever see what happens to a family, a father, a mother, when they lose their son or their daughter to drugs? That family is destroyed. Ten years later they're destroyed. It can never be the same.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899873 (111948ZNOV23) Notable: #24433-B

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#24433-B >>106443

>>106473, >>106445, >>106472 LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H.

>>106458, >>106459, >>106460, >>106461 @realDonaldTrump In honor of Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>106457, >>106471, >>106452, >>106450 LIVE: Anti-War Protest streams

>>106454 General George Patton's birthday (born November 11, 1885) And Veterans Day- Perfect!

>>106447 Pope Francis forcibly removed a Texas bishop who had called him too progressive

>>106446, >>106448 Screw those who stage these bloody wars.

>>106451 [Panda] Girl brings Elon Musk into class for show and tell

>>106444, >>106469 is Festerman asking for a dig?

>>106453 Thousands of people want to be implanted with Musk’s brain chips

>>106455 @AlexSoros meets with President @JakovMilatovic at the @ParisPeaceForum to lobby for #Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic path

>>106456 Russia launches probe into ‘terrorist act’ after train derailment

>>106462, >>106463, >>106464, >>106466, >>106467, >>106468 US Hegemony and Its Perils

>>106465 The DFL Monarchy of Minnesota getting new digs.

>>106470 PF Reports Czech em

>>106449 PF: TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austineast from its Delhi depart and switched off after crossing Vietnam about an hour ago and over SCS at present and heading to Seoul, SOKO

>>106479 Baker change

>>106480 LIVE LINKS- President Trump in Claremont, NH

>>106474, >>106475, >>106481 President Trump STARTED TALKING @ 11:11

>>106476 What was that Trump comment," …saw some signals coming down"?

>>106477, >>106487 spent 3 hours looking at the sky seeing some beautiful signals coming down?!?

>>106478 Colorado research facility will import bats from across the globe and inject them w/ various diseases, funded by Fauci's NIH

>>106482 RNC threatens to ban candidates from debates if they attend Iowa group’s forum

>>106485 Roman Chervinsky, Ukrainian military officer coordinated Nord Stream pipeline attack

>>106488 Hundreds of Pro-Palestine Protesters Are Outside Biden’s Delaware Home Chanting “No Ceasefire, No Vote” and “In November, We Remember”

>>106490 PF Reports USAF E-4B with SECDEF onboard. Flies right over the South China Sea. Over the Spratley Islands. Well inside China's delusional Nine Dash Line.TOP KEK

>>106492, >>106494 Hillary wants war, its the strangest thing, wanting war - DJT

>>106496, >>106498 QUICK TRIAL

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106501

File: 93807c05ff5508f⋯.png (102.03 KB,430x225,86:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899907 (111951ZNOV23) Notable: #24434-B

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Q Research General #24434: QUICK TRIAL: DEATH PENALTY? Edition

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106502

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899957 (111956ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

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5e80f1 No.106503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899962 (111956ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE LINKS- President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE - President Trump in Claremont, NH



LIVE - President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23






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5e80f1 No.106504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899963 (111956ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106505

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899982 (111959ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not six months from now. Six months from being sworn in.

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5e80f1 No.106506

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899985 (111959ZNOV23) Notable: POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -










200 **he said 200 twice




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5e80f1 No.106507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19899992 (112000ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP- I did it thru osmosis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

osmosis (n.)

"the tendency of fluids to pass through porous partitions and mix with each other; the diffusion of fluids through membranes," 1867, Latinized from osmose (1854), a shortened form of endosmose "inward passage of a fluid through a porous septum" (1829), from endo- "inward," which is from Greek (see endo-) + Greek ōsmos "a thrusting, a pushing," from stem of ōthein "to push, to thrust," from PIE *wedhe- "to push, strike" (source also of Sanskrit vadhati "pushes, strikes, destroys," Avestan vadaya- "to repulse"). Figurative sense is from 1900. Related: Osmotic (1854, from earlier endosmotic); osmotically.

also from 1867

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5e80f1 No.106508

File: a70a4a284aa254f⋯.png (1.66 MB,1023x717,341:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900007 (112001ZNOV23) Notable: POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


TY baker. POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

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5e80f1 No.106509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900009 (112001ZNOV23) Notable: POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>106506 Are these numbers Trump said in this rally, are you tallying them?

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5e80f1 No.106510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900015 (112002ZNOV23) Notable: POTUS T just said: Am I in a movie?, While telling the story about how they went into Iraq completely darked out and he was in the cockpit talking to the Captain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


this is when he was talking about flying AF1 dark

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5e80f1 No.106511

File: 1982b9c9f0a699c⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900046 (112006ZNOV23) Notable: Knock the hell out of them -DJT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Knock the hell out of them

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5e80f1 No.106512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900067 (112009ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: I said, 'You have to finish it off'…and you know what? We got rid of ISIS. One hundred percent of ISIS.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I said, 'You have to finish it off'...and you know what? We got rid of ISIS. One hundred percent of ISIS.

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5e80f1 No.106513

File: 41daf5361e669a7⋯.png (570.7 KB,894x604,447:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900113 (112015ZNOV23) Notable: Dan Scavino Q 310

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Dan Scavino


Happening Now—45 takes the stage in Claremont, New Hampshire…

Nov 11, 2023,3:10 PM



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5e80f1 No.106514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900116 (112016ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: I told China, if you give Iran one dollar for oil, they have a lot of oil, if you purchase any oil, you're not doing business with the United States, and any business that gets through, we're going to tariff or tax you at one hundred percent.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I told China, if you give Iran one dollar for oil, they have a lot of oil, if you purchase any oil, you're not doing business with the United States, and any business that gets through, we're going to tariff or tax you at one hundred percent.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900131 (112018ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Once you pay money [for hostages], you set a precedent where they're going to do it again, and again, and again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Once you pay money [for hostages], you set a precedent where they're going to do it again, and again, and again.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106516

File: 1f0a8e0ed2e8b4c⋯.png (835.44 KB,1142x755,1142:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900166 (112021ZNOV23) Notable: DRILL BABY DRILL, more liquid gold than anyone -DJT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DRILL BABY DRILL, more liquid gold than anyone -DJT

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5e80f1 No.106517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900170 (112022ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: I will end Joe Biden's disastrous war on American energy, and unleash the most powerful economic weapon; it's called, drilling for oil, or, as I call it, liquid gold, or as I say sometimes, Drill, Baby, Drill. We have more liquid gold than anybody.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will end Joe Biden's disastrous war on American energy, and unleash the most powerful economic weapon; it's called, drilling for oil, or, as I call it, liquid gold, or as I say sometimes, Drill, Baby, Drill. We have more liquid gold than anybody.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900177 (112023ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP: in the crowd - he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that NOT allowed to use the PIG word - FAT PIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that

NOT allowed to use the PIG word



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5e80f1 No.106519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900183 (112024ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP: in the crowd - he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that NOT allowed to use the PIG word - FAT PIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900191 (112024ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP: in the crowd - he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that NOT allowed to use the PIG word - FAT PIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



POTUS defending Pig

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5e80f1 No.106521

File: 92836d4182841a7⋯.png (10.16 KB,255x214,255:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900196 (112025ZNOV23) Notable: Trump- We've had a great love affair

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump- We've had a great love affair

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5e80f1 No.106522

File: beac71c8599e905⋯.jpg (69.75 KB,494x469,494:469,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900198 (112025ZNOV23) Notable: Dan Scavino Q 310

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106523

File: 2a01ab05b03f7bb⋯.jpg (107.68 KB,497x562,497:562,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 24279aff21e631b⋯.jpg (59.41 KB,527x477,527:477,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900199 (112025ZNOV23) Notable: meme of the bread and rally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106524

File: 0a5eed9e07b9b20⋯.jpg (511.39 KB,1333x1135,1333:1135,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e5d00a1760e535e⋯.png (248.85 KB,600x534,100:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900212 (112027ZNOV23) Notable: Donald Trump says he wants his election fraud trial televised

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Donald Trump says he wants his election fraud trial televised




Best show on earth.


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5e80f1 No.106525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900215 (112028ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: They indicted me because they said I inflated numbers, and my numbers, it turned out, were extremely conservative. Just the opposite. And now they don't know what to do, and the judge is being made to look; look, he's a radical-left person, and he actually accused me of something before the trial started! And now it's sort of coming home to play. We'll see what happens.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: They indicted me because they said I inflated numbers, and my numbers, it turned out, were extremely conservative. Just the opposite. And now they don't know what to do, and the judge is being made to look; look, he's a radical-left person, and he actually accused me of something before the trial started! And now it's sort of coming home to play. We'll see what happens.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5e80f1 No.106526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900226 (112029ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: They indicted me because they said I inflated numbers, and my numbers, it turned out, were extremely conservative. Just the opposite. And now they don't know what to do, and the judge is being made to look; look, he's a radical-left person, and he actually accused me of something before the trial started! And now it's sort of coming home to play. We'll see what happens.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Boomerang moment

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5e80f1 No.106527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900245 (112032ZNOV23) Notable: Trump- when you think about it,what difference does it make? (HRC- "What difference at this point does it make?")

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump- when you think about it,what difference does it make?

(HRC- "What difference at this point does it make?")

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5e80f1 No.106528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900246 (112032ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Like tens of millions of people within our nation, I'm a very proud election denier, because unless the truth is found, we will never have fair, free, and honest elections, and we have to have them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Like tens of millions of people within our nation, I'm a very proud election denier, because unless the truth is found, we will never have fair, free, and honest elections, and we have to have them.

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5e80f1 No.106529

File: 3ce2f7d037eba2c⋯.png (251.99 KB,393x474,131:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900260 (112034ZNOV23) Notable: Oakland Council President Bends Rules for Pro-Palestinian Protesters Disrupting Meeting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Oakland Council President Bends Rules for Pro-Palestinian Protesters Disrupting Meeting. READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/oakland-council-president-bends-rules-for-pro-palestinian-protesters-disrupting-meeting-5527429?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=telegram

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5e80f1 No.106530

File: 3f900079f5ac56f⋯.png (645.17 KB,828x995,828:995,Clipboard.png)

File: bc933c474fe1331⋯.jpeg (560.55 KB,733x1001,733:1001,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900265 (112034ZNOV23) Notable: San Francisco Clears Homeless And Cleans Sh*t-Covered Streets For World Leaders Next Week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

San Francisco Clears Homeless And Cleans Sh*t-Covered Streets For World Leaders Next Week

Progressive city leadership in crime-ridden San Francisco has undertaken a massive effort to improve the city's image, which has been tarnished with shit-covered streets, homelessness, and open-air drug markets. These measures have been implemented as a temporary solution ahead of the global trade summit that will flood the city with world leaders and corporate executives beginning today. 

The annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit is San Francisco's largest international event since world leaders gathered in the town in 1945 to sign the charter creating the United Nations. A lot has changed in the metro area in 78 years, including radical leftists in City Hall that have pushed failed 'defund the police' policies that have transformed parts of the region into an out-of-control, crime-infested hellhole. 

The New York Post confirmed the wonderful folks in City Hall began pushing "drug addicts, dealers, and homeless" from the downtown area to other parts of the city, an effort that some believe is to conceal their failed policies from the international community during APEC.  Residents and business owners told The Post that Mayor London Breed's attempts to "herd" the homeless and drug addicts to an opposite side of the city during the summit are only a "Band-Aid" amid the worst crime crisis the city has ever seen.  

Sources said the cleanup of homeless people and drug addicts is concentrated across seven intersections in the Tenderloin and South of Market, or SoMa, neighborhoods. These areas have been known to be covered in shit and fentanyl and heroin needles, as well as various tent cities housing the homeless.  They started clearing the tents earlier this week and there is definitely a lot more police presence," SoMa resident and community activist Ricci Lee Wynne said. 

"They've cleared out the tents that were near the Moscone Center on Howard Street, which tells me the city had the capability to do this all along — instead they just do the bare minimum," Wynne said. 

He added, "Once APEC is gone, police presence will start to simmer down again, the tents will return. And it will slowly flare up again. What we need is a permanent solution." The summit, which runs through next Friday, will feature a highly anticipated meeting between President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday. 

So, all along, radical Democrats in City Hall had the capability to enforce law and order but chose not to only until world leaders and corporate execs showed up to a summit. This is the biggest red flag yet for residents that leftists do not have the best interest of the majority of voters and are likely serving a fringe minority of elites.


The myth is that this all started only in the last few years however it began shortly after SF began the clean needle exchange program in the late 80s unofficially and then officially in the early 90s. The media focuses on the tenderloin area but that has always been the asshole of SF as it is located near downtown, union square and the convention center where most of whatever is left of tourism heads to.

>lived in/around SF for 30y and left in 2000-you could see it all coming…then they made Gavin the mayor

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5e80f1 No.106531

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900269 (112035ZNOV23) Notable: LIVE LINKS- President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE - President Trump in Claremont, NH

12,729 watching


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5e80f1 No.106532

File: 570cb5cbb8591f7⋯.png (471.54 KB,860x777,860:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900291 (112036ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP: in the crowd - he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that NOT allowed to use the PIG word - FAT PIG

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



“He is NOT a fat pig!” — President Trump on Chris Christie in Claremont, New Hampshire

Watch Trump LIVE on RSBN  rsbnetwork.com/video/live-pres

Nov 11, 2023, 3:27 PM


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5e80f1 No.106533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900307 (112039ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP- I want a federal government takeover of our government

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP- I want a federal government takeover of our government

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5e80f1 No.106534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900317 (112039ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: It's a very bad precedent; it's very dangerous. And again, such a thing has never happened in our country. I've made clear from the outset; the prosecution has repeatedly denied me my fundamental Constitutional rights, including my right to have a trial…I want this trial to be seen by everybody in the world. The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness, and I want sunlight…I want everything exposed to the public, including the election fraud, because this is all about election fraud, which took place in 2020, and the 2020 presidential election, so that such a thing can never happen again to our country.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: It's a very bad precedent; it's very dangerous. And again, such a thing has never happened in our country. I've made clear from the outset; the prosecution has repeatedly denied me my fundamental Constitutional rights, including my right to have a trial...I want this trial to be seen by everybody in the world. The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness, and I want sunlight...I want everything exposed to the public, including the election fraud, because this is all about election fraud, which took place in 2020, and the 2020 presidential election, so that such a thing can never happen again to our country.

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5e80f1 No.106535

File: 72e1764adaa3af8⋯.png (50.58 KB,1002x498,167:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 082248a87aca35f⋯.png (48.61 KB,1002x498,167:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900321 (112040ZNOV23) Notable: Trump: I want Sunlight! Q4600 Q4601

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump: I want Sunlight!

Sunlight kills.


V2 = Second Administration.

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5e80f1 No.106536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900323 (112040ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: They want to silence me because I know the truth and I'm not afraid to say it. President Trump: The one way we win like you've never seen before; we have to slam it on election day…there's a point at which their cheating can't get it done.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: They want to silence me because I know the truth and I'm not afraid to say it.

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5e80f1 No.106537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900333 (112041ZNOV23) Notable: "Workin my ass off" line got a huge response.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Workin my ass off" line got a huge response.

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5e80f1 No.106538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900343 (112042ZNOV23) Notable: Trump: I want Sunlight! Q4600 Q4601

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sunlight is the best disinfectant

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5e80f1 No.106539

File: 12d8557b62c0835⋯.jpeg (336.04 KB,1206x617,1206:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900346 (112042ZNOV23) Notable: PF: TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austinheading to Seoul-Osan AB after crossing SCS as previously mentioned

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>106449 lb

PF: TITAN25 E4B NightwatchSec of Defense Austinheading to Seoul-Osan AB after crossing SCS as previously mentioned

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5e80f1 No.106540

File: c7af2c65f9444f8⋯.png (201.82 KB,1002x2126,501:1063,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900365 (112044ZNOV23) Notable: Trump: I want Sunlight! Q4600 Q4601

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Very important drop, future will prove past.


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5e80f1 No.106541

File: 31f60592056b40c⋯.png (282.97 KB,600x542,300:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900390 (112048ZNOV23) Notable: FAKE NEWS Roman Chervinsky, Ukrainian special forces was the coordinator of the explosions at the Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 pipelines

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Roman Chervinsky, a former commander of one of the Ukrainian special forces units, was the coordinator of the explosions at the Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 pipelines, the Washington Post reported, citing Ukrainian officials and European sources:



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5e80f1 No.106542

File: 3966c270b64e712⋯.jpeg (57.65 KB,631x513,631:513,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1cd1a114f674c25⋯.png (863.13 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 224fc15a75aecc5⋯.png (277.65 KB,526x573,526:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 0460327f18573c6⋯.jpeg (7.67 KB,126x255,42:85,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c5ef8ace9568f72⋯.png (503.93 KB,502x800,251:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900392 (112048ZNOV23) Notable: TRUMP: in the crowd - he said something you cant say, chris christie is a fat pig, you cannot do that NOT allowed to use the PIG word - FAT PIG

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>“He is NOT a fat pig!” — President Trump on Chris Christie in Claremont, New Hampshire

He kinda is

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5e80f1 No.106543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900393 (112048ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: [On Day One I will] stop the invasion. This is an invasion. This is like a military invasion. We'll stop the invasion on our southern border, and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

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President Trump: [On Day One I will] stop the invasion. This is an invasion. This is like a military invasion. We'll stop the invasion on our southern border, and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

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5e80f1 No.106544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900430 (112051ZNOV23) Notable: if you vote and they steal, they commit a crime. if you don't vote they don't have to steal. no crime. that's why.

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if you vote and they steal, they commit a crime.

if you don't vote they don't have to steal. no crime.

that's why.

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5e80f1 No.106545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900459 (112055ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: The one way we win like you've never seen before; we have to slam it on election day…there's a point at which their cheating can't get it done.

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President Trump: The one way we win like you've never seen before; we have to slam it on election day...there's a point at which their cheating can't get it done.

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5e80f1 No.106546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900502 (112058ZNOV23) Notable: President Trump: Today especially, in honor of our great veterans on Veteran's Day, we pledge to you that we will rout out the communists, marxists,, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. That lie, and steal, and cheat on elections, and they'll do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and to destroy the American Dream.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Today especially, in honor of our great veterans on Veteran's Day, we pledge to you that we will rout out the communists, marxists,, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. That lie, and steal, and cheat on elections, and they'll do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and to destroy the American Dream.

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5e80f1 No.106547

File: 7b507c929cc9789⋯.jpg (93.78 KB,720x700,36:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900587 (112109ZNOV23) Notable: That was a speech loaded with comms.

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That was a speech loaded with comms.

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5e80f1 No.106548

File: 8bdb8f81bdb189c⋯.jpeg (388.85 KB,828x1294,414:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900599 (112111ZNOV23) Notable: PF Reports: TITAN25 on descent for Osan AB from Delhi depart

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


TITAN25 on descent for Osan AB from Delhi depart

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5e80f1 No.106549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900615 (112113ZNOV23) Notable: Exactly. I think 80% of America had seen enough already. 4 years of bush 8 years of clinton 8 more of bush jr. 8 years of obama 4 years of trump "Now. How about lets pull the rug out and just push them all off a cliff now." - "Great idea let's do it".

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>"we have to show them",

Exactly. I think 80% of America had seen enough already.

4 years of bush

8 years of clinton

8 more of bush jr.

8 years of obama

4 years of trump

"Now. How about lets pull the rug out and just push them all off a cliff now." - "Great idea let's do it".

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5e80f1 No.106550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900620 (112113ZNOV23) Notable: #24434-A

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#24434-A >>106501

>>106502, >>106505 President Trump: Most of this will be solved in six months. Some of it sooner. We'll be drilling a lot sooner than that.

>>106512 President Trump: I said, 'You have to finish it off'…and you know what? We got rid of ISIS. One hundred percent of ISIS.

>>106514 President Trump: I told China, if you give Iran one dollar for oil, they have a lot of oil, if you purchase any oil, you're not doing business with the United States, and any business that gets through, we're going to tariff or tax you at one hundred percent.

>>106515 President Trump: Once you pay money [for hostages], you set a precedent where they're going to do it again, and again, and again.

>>106517 President Trump: I will end Joe Biden's disastrous war on American energy, and unleash the most powerful economic weapon; it's called, drilling for oil, or, as I call it, liquid gold, or as I say sometimes, Drill, Baby, Drill. We have more liquid gold than anybody.

>>106525, >>106526 President Trump: They indicted me because they said I inflated numbers, and my numbers, it turned out, were extremely conservative. Just the opposite. And now they don't know what to do, and the judge is being made to look; look, he's a radical-left person, and he actually accused me of something before the trial started! And now it's sort of coming home to play. We'll see what happens.

>>106528 President Trump: Like tens of millions of people within our nation, I'm a very proud election denier, because unless the truth is found, we will never have fair, free, and honest elections, and we have to have them.

>>106534 President Trump: It's a very bad precedent; it's very dangerous. And again, such a thing has never happened in our country. I've made clear from the outset; the prosecution has repeatedly denied me my fundamental Constitutional rights, including my right to have a trial…I want this trial to be seen by everybody in the world. The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness, and I want sunlight…I want everything exposed to the public, including the election fraud, because this is all about election fraud, which took place in 2020, and the 2020 presidential election, so that such a thing can never happen again to our country.

>>106536 President Trump: They want to silence me because I know the truth and I'm not afraid to say it.>>106545 President Trump: The one way we win like you've never seen before; we have to slam it on election day…there's a point at which their cheating can't get it done.

>>106543 President Trump: [On Day One I will] stop the invasion. This is an invasion. This is like a military invasion. We'll stop the invasion on our southern border, and begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

>>106545 President Trump: The one way we win like you've never seen before; we have to slam it on election day…there's a point at which their cheating can't get it done.

>>106546 President Trump: Today especially, in honor of our great veterans on Veteran's Day, we pledge to you that we will rout out the communists, marxists,, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. That lie, and steal, and cheat on elections, and they'll do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and to destroy the American Dream.

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5e80f1 No.106551

File: 9de5bac98f81b6e⋯.png (544.41 KB,589x730,589:730,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900622 (112113ZNOV23) Notable: CCP sent its corps of engineers from Egypt into Gaza to help Hamas build the tunnel network.

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CCP sent its corps of engineers from Egypt into Gaza to help Hamas build the tunnel network.


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5e80f1 No.106552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19900649 (112118ZNOV23) Notable: Exactly. I think 80% of America had seen enough already. 4 years of bush 8 years of clinton 8 more of bush jr. 8 years of obama 4 years of trump "Now. How about lets pull the rug out and just push them all off a cliff now." - "Great idea let's do it".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


70 more retards want FBI HQ.

Kevin Kiley wtf... sho us in the constitution where FBI exists... maybe in some amendment? somewhere? Anything? no. Nothing.

For anons' that don't know Kiley is pretty kicking the teeth in on Newsom.

But the FBI thing. and this stan with ISRAEL thing.

anon's ready to let these fuckers have their normalcy bias karma. does it mean Anon gets nuked??? Maybe... but Anon should have died in 2014.


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5e80f1 No.106553

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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