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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

ad8c77 No.51598 [View All]

11NOV23 to 15NOV23


Re-Posts of notables

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ad8c77 No.107255

File: fe212b252f0334a⋯.mp4 (13.46 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916337 (142111ZNOV23) Notable: Maria Zack testimony

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Reposting this, everyone should take the time to watch this. It's the sworn testimony of Maria Zack on the 2020 stolen election.


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ad8c77 No.107256

File: 04b75b9de29aa13⋯.jpg (46.82 KB,1017x575,1017:575,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916342 (142113ZNOV23) Notable: Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000

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One hour till Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000


The Deep State may not care about the number 17 but anons sure as hell do and this frightens the Deep Staters to the core of their rotten souls. We continue to transition to an ever higher orbital. Orbital #17 is the goal. At that point, we will gain the power of the yellow sun and strike profound fear into all of the world's evildoers.

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ad8c77 No.107257

File: 1091e8f49f0aaf9⋯.png (146.44 KB,492x673,492:673,Clipboard.png)

File: 1395816b37673ca⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916355 (142115ZNOV23) Notable: Haley campaign update

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Get to know Nikki Haley more........Great Interview!

Full Interview Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksKcvMNbuUQ&t=19s

Ruthless Podcast


"If you're going to do a campaign, do it right or don't do it." @NikkiHaley explains her strategy for 2024.

#NikkiHaley #Election2024 #president #America

3:00 PM · Nov 14, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916365 (142117ZNOV23) Notable: Maria Zack testimony

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Maria Zack from Nations in Action testimony.

Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President. (Also presented Audio from Larry Johnson CIA @ 4:25 min & State Department)


GALILLEO satelite

Loaded software

Frankfurt to Rome


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ad8c77 No.107259

File: c7e9c5e1f85c968⋯.jpeg (73.46 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916371 (142117ZNOV23) Notable: EU’s Ukraine weapons goal ‘unattainable’ - Germany

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14 Nov, 2023 Excellent! The End is Near.

EU’s Ukraine weapons goal ‘unattainable’ – Germany

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said he had been skeptical of Brussels’ pledge all along, citing inadequate production capacities

The European Union will not be able to make good on its pledge to provide Ukraine with one million artillery rounds by next March, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has admitted. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has also echoed this assessment.

Brussels made the promise earlier this year, expecting to reach the ambitious target within 12 months by dipping into existing stocks, as well as by procuring shells from arms manufacturers. However, several media outlets have reported that the bloc is falling behind schedule.

Speaking ahead of a meeting by EU defense chiefs in Brussels on Tuesday, Pistorius said that “the one million won’t be achieved. One must proceed on this assumption.” The minister blamed the supposed shortfall on inadequate production capacities in European nations, explaining that even if the economy was switched to a wartime mode, the ammunition output would still not become prolific enough overnight. (The EU never prepared to defend their own countries. The woke just got broke. Plus they never planned to make good on their promises to Ukraine$

Pistorius admitted he had been skeptical about the bloc’s target right from the start when it was set in March, fearing that it could prove unrealistically ambitious.

Commenting on a report by Bloomberg, which suggested last week that Brussels would not be able to fulfill its promise, Kuleba told local media that the report was “unfortunately”true.

“There are questions, and we are, so to speak, ringing the bells a lot and loudly,” the minister stated, adding that the EU is willing to deliver the promised number of shells in principle, but cannot do so due to the “pathetic state of the defense industry.”

According to Kuleba, Brussels is already taking steps to rectify the situation, but Ukraine will still insist that “more and faster is needed.” (Seriously when is this country going to Fuck Off?)

In its report on Saturday, Bloomberg claimed that the European External Action Service – the EU’s foreign policy wing – had informed member states on the lagging progress with respect to the ammunition pledge.

The media outlet alleged that, with less than three months left before the deadline, the bloc hadprovided just 30% of the intended figure.

Russia, for its part, has repeatedly argued that Western nations have already become de facto parties to the conflict by providing arms, intelligence, and training to Kiev’s military. Moscow insists that no amount of Western defense aid will be able to change the course of its military campaign, while unnecessarily increasing the likelihood of a direct clash between NATO and Russia.


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ad8c77 No.107260

File: 767d94dbb774278⋯.png (159.56 KB,492x696,41:58,Clipboard.png)

File: ed4cbca66e54681⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916379 (142118ZNOV23) Notable: Haley campaign update

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Ruthless Podcast


"This isn't just about winning President" @NikkiHaley makes the case for why she's in a better position than Gov. Desantis to win up and down the ballot.

#2024Elections #TheProgrum #president #America

11:15 AM · Nov 14, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107261

File: 78b51efa4c675de⋯.jpeg (117.16 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916396 (142123ZNOV23) Notable: Hackers claim world’s largest bank paid ransom over cyberattack

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14 Nov, 2023 16:57

Hackers claim world’s largest bank paid ransom over cyberattack

A ransomware gang has claimed it received payment from a Chinese banking giant

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) paid a ransom after it suffered a cyberattack against some of its US-based systems last week, LockBit, the hacking group behind the attack, claimed on Monday, according to media reports.

The breach of the country's largest global lender by total assets, which wasdisclosed on November 9, disrupted some US Treasury market deals from clearing, forcing brokers and traders to reroute transactions.

According to Reuters, a LockBit representative confirmed the payment on Monday but declined to provide further details.

“They paid a ransom, deal closed,” the representative told the outlet via an online messaging app Tox.

The extent of the ICBC cyberattack was so severe that even corporate email systems stopped functioning, prompting employees to use Google mail, according to the outlet.

“The market is mostly back to normal now,”said Zhiwei Ren, a portfolio manager atPenn MutualAsset Management.

Ransomware is a type of cyberattack when hackers take control of systems or information in order to demand a ransom to unlock it. This type of attack has seen a surge in popularity among hackers in recent years.

The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, a financial industry cybersecurity group, urged companies to “stay current on all protective measures and patch critical vulnerabilities immediately.”

“Ransomware remains one of the top threat vectors facing the financial sector,” the group’s spokesperson warned.

In recent months,LockBithas attacked some of the world’s largest organizations andhas been particularly disruptive in the US.The cybercriminal group has been stealing information and leaking sensitive data in cases where victims refused to pay.

The ransomware gang has hitmore than 1,700 organizations in the USin numerous sectors ranging from financial services and food to schools, transportation and government departments, according to Reuters.

(Does Lockbit work for the ICA?)


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ad8c77 No.107262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916412 (142128ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. Drew's guest today, son of WEF's co-founder, Pascal Najadi, goes full Q redpill without ever mentioning Q

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Dr. Drew's guest today, son of WEF's co-founder, Pascal Najadi, goes full Q redpill without ever mentioning Q, and they let him speak without interruption. Great share for normies, and good listen for a little Hopium drip...or is he just selling us more free beer?!


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ad8c77 No.107263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916420 (142130ZNOV23) Notable: Former US Secretary of State and Ex-CIA Director put on Board of Directors at Ukrainian Cellular Communications Company

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Former US Secretary of State and Ex-CIA Director put on Board of Directors at Ukrainian Cellular Communications Company

Mike Pompeo is taking a seat on the board of the Veon subsidiary Kievstar

Telecom giant Veon announced on Wednesday that it has appointed ex-CIA director and former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the board of directors of its Ukrainian subsidiary, Kievstar.

Pompeo is joining the Kiev-based operator as “an independent non-executive director,” in his capacity as a partner of Impact Investments, described by Veon as “a newly established US-based strategic and financial advisory and investment firm.”

Kievstar’s new board chairman will be Kaan Terzioglu, the CEO of the Veon Group. The appointments reflect Veon’s “commitment to Ukraine and to the recovery and reconstruction of the country,” the company said.

Terzioglu said the company looks forward to the “knowledge and experience” that Pompeo will contribute to the phone company.

Pompeo has no telecommunications experience. He was a tank commander during his days in the US Army, ran Thayer Aerospace from 1996 to 2006, and served as a congressman from Kansas from 2011 to 2017, before running the CIA during the early days of Donald Trump’s presidency. He took over the State Department in 2018.

After Joe Biden took over the White House, Pompeo became an outspoken advocate of Washington’s military, economic, and political aid to Ukraine.

Veon started as a Russian-American joint venture called VimpelCom in the 1990s, before expanding internationally. It was renamed in 2017 and has a headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

As part of the Kievstar announcement, Veon also confirmed it had fully exited the Russian market, completing the sale of its Russian subsidiary last month. The transnational company currently operates in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Veon has pledged to spend $600 million in Ukraine over the next three years and has launched the ‘Invest in Ukraine NOW!’ initiative, to invite other corporations to do the same.





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ad8c77 No.107264

File: f78d3f6bc2ed4dd⋯.jpeg (126.75 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916425 (142131ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine arrests Zelensky critic for 'treason'

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14 Nov, 2023 16:12

Ukraine arrests Zelensky critic for 'treason'

The lawmaker, who is accused of working for Russian intelligence, has dismissed the charges as politically motivated

A Kiev court has ordered the arrest of Ukrainian journalist andindependent MP Alexander Dubinsky, accused by Ukraine’s successor to the KGB (the SBU) of treason and working for Russia. He was remanded for two months of pre-trial detention on Tuesday, according to posts on Telegram published on the politician’s personal channel.

The lawmaker dismissed the charges against him as politically motivated, calling the whole case “fabricated” and based only on vague witness testimonies and assumptions, rather than solid facts.

“There are assumptions that are not substantiated by any evidence by the prosecution. All these materials are fabricated. This is a political persecution for criticizing the authorities, which I have been doing throughout my entire parliamentary career,”Dubinsky stated.

Dubinsky used to be a member of President Vladimir Zelensky’s ruling party, ‘Servant of the People’, and was elected to parliament in mid-2019. The politician has repeatedly been involved in various scandals, ultimately being ousted from the party in February 2021, yet retaining his mandate as an independent.

He has grown increasingly critical of Zelensky as the conflict between Moscow and Kiev drags on, alleging rampant corruption within the government and condemning policies against the Russian language, as well as Ukraine’s “lawless” conscription drive.

The MP claims the case against him is based solely on the testimony of a convict who entered a plea deal with prosecutors for only five years behind bars. That person is linked to another treason case involving Andrey Derkach, a former Ukrainian lawmaker, Dubinsky said.

Derkach left Ukraine shortly after the conflict between Moscow and Kiev began in February 2022. He is a highly-controversial figure who has been at the center of multiple high-profile scandals. The ex-legislator has faced accusations from US intelligence of interfering in the country's presidential election, and charges from the US Justice Department of money laundering and fraud. Meanwhile, Kiev has leveled allegations of treason and working for Moscow at Derkach. He was stripped of Ukrainian citizenship early this year, and has denied all the aforementioned accusations.

The SBU provided more information on Dubinsky’s case on Monday, with a detailed press release concerning “suspicion of high treason” by an “active lawmaker.” Dubinsky was not explicitly named in the statement, but the agency released lightly blurred photos of a raid on the MP’s residence in which he was still easily recognizable.

According to the SBU, the politician has been working for a “criminal organization” bankrolled by Russian military intelligence and tasked with sowing discord in Ukraine, and spreading “pro-Russian narratives about the top military and political leadership” of the country. Apart from Dubinsky, the purported group involved Derkach and a former employee of the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office, Konstantin Kulik.All of the suspects are now facing up to 15 years behind bars, as well as asset forfeiture.

(So Zelensky is using Bidan tactic arrest your political opponents. Ukraine was a test case for Bidan admin of how many law and citizens right can be taking away, it was so successful Bidan Admin launched a full scale attacks on America)


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ad8c77 No.107265

File: d5805a7c8f635cc⋯.png (866.98 KB,984x1239,328:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 500d588ebf71bed⋯.mp4 (11.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916439 (142135ZNOV23) Notable: Hundreds of Thousands have gathered in Mass demonstration at the National Mall in support of Israel

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🚨#BREAKING: Hundreds of Thousands have gathered in Mass demonstration at the National Mall in support of Israel

📌#Washington | #DC

Currently Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered in a mass demonstration at the National Mall in Washington, DC today for the March for Israel. The event aims to show solidarity and support for Israel, advocate for the release of hostages, and protest against antisemitism. Antisemitism has reportedly increased in the U.S. since the Israel-Hamas war began last month. Reports estimate that the crowds are in the range of200,000.

3:55 PM · Nov 14, 2023

from Washington, DC·134.5K Views

Dasting: Proportionally speaking Jews to Muslims (15M vs 1.5B), that is the equivalent of 200M Muslims coming out...tensions run deep

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ad8c77 No.107266

File: f00acf3e7580153⋯.jpeg (53.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916469 (142140ZNOV23) Notable: Judge under investigation for AI-authored ruling

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14 Nov, 2023 15:12

Judge under investigation for AI-authored ruling

Brazilian officials confirmed they are looking into the first known case of an error in judgment caused by artificial intelligence

A Brazilian federal judge in the northern state of Acre has been ordered to explain how he came to publish an error-riddled decision co-authored by AI chatbot ChatGPT in a first-of-its-kind case for the country, authorities confirmed to AFP on Monday.

The National Justice Council (CNJ) has given Judge Jefferson Rodrigues 15 days to explain a decision bristling with incorrect details about previous court cases and legal precedent, including the erroneous attribution of past decisions to the Superior Court of Justice, case records revealed.

Rodrigues admitted in documents filed with the supervisory body that the decision was co-written with a “trusted advisor” – and AI.He brushed off the foul-up as “a mere mistake” made by one of his underlings, blaming “the work overload facing judges” for the errors.

The CNJ claimed the incident was “the first case of its kind” in Brazil, which has no laws prohibiting the use of AI in judicial settings. Indeed, the Supreme Court’s president reportedly plans to commission the creation of a “legal ChatGPT” for use by judges – a project that is said to be already underway in the state of Sao Paulo.

Judges have been using AI chatbots to inform their decisions for almost as long as they have been available to the public, despite their tendency to produce extremely vivid, authoritative-sounding “hallucinations” – responses with no basis in reality.

Colombian Judge Juan Manuel Padilla Garcia of the First Circuit Court in Cartagena proudly credited ChatGPT in a decision he issued in January regarding whether an autistic child should receive insurance coverage for medical treatment, qualifying the unusual research method with a reassurance that its responses were fact-checked and were “in no way [meant] to replace the judge’s decision.”

In June, US federal judge P. Kevin Castel fined two lawyers with the firm Levidow, Levidow & Oberman PC $5,000 after they submitted bogus legal research – including several nonexistent cases – generated by ChatGPT to back an aviation injury claim, then doubled down on the phony citations when questioned by the judge.

(How to destroy the law in every country? Introduce AI!)


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ad8c77 No.107267

File: dd0bcb9508d659e⋯.png (339.37 KB,687x328,687:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916519 (142151ZNOV23) Notable: We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

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We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

oung people tearing down posters of Israeli hostages and launching waves of anti-Israel demonstrations say they’re being fueled by thousands of pro-Palestinian videos, mainly on TikTok and Instagram.

Ripping down posters and lavishing praise on those who do has become a trend ever since Hamas terrorists took 240 Israelis hostage during their Oct. 7 terror assault on Israel.


Wait 'til they discover 8kun.

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ad8c77 No.107268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916534 (142154ZNOV23) Notable: MTG: ·I will not stop fighting to hold the Biden administration accountable for their open border policies that are killing Americans every day.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




I will not stop fighting to hold the Biden administration accountable for their open border policies that are killing Americans every day.

It's time for Republicans to grow a spine and join me in impeaching Mayorkas and others who are destroying our country.


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ad8c77 No.107269

File: b58572cea57d0f5⋯.jpeg (53.07 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916542 (142155ZNOV23) Notable: Zelensky’s chief of staff rejects former NATO head’s proposal

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14 Nov, 2023 12:11

Zelensky’s chief of staff rejects former NATO head’s proposal

Kiev will accept no compromise over lands it claims in conflict with Russia, Andrey Yermak has said

The proposal to extend NATO security guarantees to Kiev within territories under its de-facto control may only be considered as a stepping stone to the country re-taking parts of Russia, according to Andrey Yermak, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s chief of staff.

The senior official was asked about the idea, which former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen floated last week, during an event hosted on Monday by the Hudson Institute, a Washington DC-based think tank. Kiev seeks membership in the US-led bloc, but its ongoing conflict with Russia is a major obstacle in the eyes of several member states.

“Our principles are very clear, very strong. Any compromise with independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty [is not acceptable],”Yermak declared.

Rasmussen is aware of the position, so the idea was his personal opinion, Yermak said. The Ukrainian government is seeking security guarantees through mechanisms other than NATO’s mutual defense treaty, he added, mentioning the so-called Kiev Security Compact, which the Zelensky government proposed in September 2022. But NATO remains the world’s strongest military alliance, against which Russia has “zero chances,”Yermak asserted, explaining Kiev’s bid to join.

The senior official went on to praise the Ukrainian army, saying that it had shown the world that the Russian military “monster” could be defeated.

“Ukraine absolutely show: not exists this monster. We stopped this monster near of the Kiev,” he told the event participants in English, adding: “Let’s finish this job.”

Russia pulled troops back from the Ukrainian capital last year, after Kiev gave a preliminary agreement to a truce, under which Ukraine would become a neutral, demilitarized nation, with the leading military powers of the world, including Russia, guaranteeing its security.

The Ukrainian government then made a U-turn and declared that victory over Russia with Western help was its only option in the conflict. The US and its allies have pledged to support Kiev for “as long as it takes” to achieve that goal.

The plan apparently hit a wall this summer, however,when Western-armed and trained Ukrainian troops failed to breach Russian defensive positions. Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s top general, has acknowledged that the hostilities had reached a stalemate. Zelensky’s office, however, denied that assessment and claimed the counteroffensive was progressing.

Amid the battlefield attrition, the Republican opposition in the US has become increasingly opposed to providing additional billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine. Skeptical lawmakers have cited a lack of accountability for the funding, corruption scandals in the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and other problems in justifying their refusal to allocate more money at the request of the White House.

(This is what happens when you enable a corrupt Dictator. Why are most Ukrainians ugly?)


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ad8c77 No.107270

File: 9de11bc3315573f⋯.png (558.49 KB,991x885,991:885,Clipboard.png)

File: 880e8aee565bfd7⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0488341a9a71cef⋯.png (435.74 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916546 (142155ZNOV23) Notable: Nikki Haley: "Every person on social media should be verified by their name" because of "national security."

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Nikki Haley: "Every person on social media should be verified by their name" because of "national security."

From Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸

3:37 PM · Nov 14, 2023·83.7K Views

WEF, RINO, CONTROL FREAK, wants to verify you and eliminate proprietary rights to Intellectual Property (algorithm exposure).

Seriously, WTF?

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ad8c77 No.107271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916554 (142157ZNOV23) Notable: Conservative Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: ‘Immigration and Terrorism Go Hand in Hand”

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Richard Green





Red Wave Riders

Conservative Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: ‘Immigration and Terrorism Go Hand in Hand” – ‘We Don’t Want Mini Gazas in Budapest!


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ad8c77 No.107272

File: 96184f98312230f⋯.png (359.11 KB,492x552,41:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916580 (142200ZNOV23) Notable: Potato greeted by Newsom he arrives in San Francisco

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Doug Mills



@POTUS is greeted by Governor of California Gavin Newsom and his wife Jennifer Newsom as he arrives in San Francisco.

4:56 PM · Nov 14, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107273

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916585 (142201ZNOV23) Notable: Kash: Congressional Tensions Rising

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Kash Patel: Congressional Tensions Rising | Kevin McCarthy Elbows Rep. Burchett In The Back



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ad8c77 No.107274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916586 (142201ZNOV23) Notable: INTERNET EQUITY VOTE ON 15th: WH wants to nationalize all ISPs…Calls to require State/Federal ID + Biometrics to access the clearnet

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White House is pushing to nationalize all ISPs. Calls to require State/Federal ID + Biometrics to access the clearnet. Calls to end Social Media as we know it. CYBER POLYGON




There is a secret meeting happening right now in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting will last 72 hours. It started on the 13th and will end on the 15th.






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ad8c77 No.107275

File: c2b32e05b768410⋯.png (230.76 KB,492x544,123:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916592 (142204ZNOV23) Notable: Nikki Haley: "Every person on social media should be verified by their name" because of "national security."

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I like some Nikki, but have to agree with Christina here. Maybe Nikki would not be down with the anons and Q....lol.

Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸


NEW: Nikki Haley asserts that allowing people to post on social media anonymously is a "national security threat". She promises that as president, she will force "every person on social media" to be "verified by their name."

I am no lawyer but isn't this blatantly unconstitutional? Free speech includes anonymous speech.

3:26 PM · Nov 14, 2023


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ad8c77 No.107276

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916601 (142207ZNOV23) Notable: The Pope's Targeting Traditional Catholics | Westen On Pope Francis Relieving Bishop Stickland

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The Pope's Targeting Traditional Catholics | Westen On Pope Francis Relieving Bishop Stickland



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ad8c77 No.107277

File: 5941c6f50143c27⋯.png (160.85 KB,543x545,543:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916603 (142207ZNOV23) Notable: Feds keep hidden books on vaccine injury reports, barely follow up

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Feds keep hidden books on vaccine injury reports, barely follow up: investigation

Pfizer has about 1,000 more full-time employees than CDC doing "vaccine surveillance," British Medical Journal estimates. House COVID subcommittee expresses concern.

Federal public health agencies are reportedly withholding the most accurate and up-to-date reports of vaccine injury from the public, allegedly to protect privacy. Patients don't necessarily see it that way, and it's not clear the feds told Congress.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, jointly managed by the CDC and FDA, has a secret "back end" privy only to regulators, an FDA official told advocates of VAERS reform nearly a year ago, according to a British Medical Journal investigation published Friday.

"Anything derived from medical records by law" cannot be included in the "front end system" accessible to the public, Narayan Nair, director of the Division of Pharmacovigilance, allegedly told advocates.

The public can see initial reports but not corrections or updates, such as "a formal diagnosis, recovery, or death," and those who filed reports cannot update them through VAERS, journalist Jennifer Block wrote for BMJ.

She also wrote the journal's investigation of cross-ideological concerns about so-called gender affirming care.

Patients would have to file Freedom of Information Act requests to see the "full record of their report," a Food and Drug Administration spokesperson told BMJ, whose investigation of "data integrity" issues in Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine trial article was throttled by Facebook. University of Maryland pharmacy professor Peter Doshi is a senior editor.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told the journal the omissions were justified in the interest of "protecting patient confidentiality," BMJ noted the FDA maintains drug adverse-event and medical-device reporting systems that, unlike VAERS, provide the public access to updated reports.


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ad8c77 No.107278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916619 (142212ZNOV23) Notable: Former Fox reporter Jason Donner says in lawsuit network fired him after challenging J6 coverage

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Former Fox News reporter says in lawsuit network fired him after challenging Jan. 6 coverage

Ex-employee Jason Donner says in lawsuit he was part of "purge" of employees who refused to report only stories that would "appease" Trump, his supporters.

Former Fox News reporter and producer Jason Donner says in a lawsuit the network targeted, then fired him for challenging claims about the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot.

Donner says in the suit, which was moved to federal court Monday, that he was part of a "purge" of employees who refused to report only stories that would "appease" former President Donald Trump and his supporters, according to The Associated Press.

Donner says while inside of the Capitol when demonstrators breached the building, he called the Fox control room and used expletives as he told them, "You're gonna get us all killed," for reporting that the demonstration was "peaceful," the lawsuit states.

Donner said he pressed forward with his complaints after Jan. 6, and he was eventually accused of being irresponsible for calling in sick as he recovered from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, per the lawsuit. He was fired in 2022.


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ad8c77 No.107279

File: 04b75b9de29aa13⋯.jpg (46.82 KB,1017x575,1017:575,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916627 (142213ZNOV23) Notable: Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000

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Breaking: anons bask in newfound energy source

Unix time has now rolled over to 1,700,000,000.


A new epoch begins. Anons the world over have re-energized.

It is written. The Deep State will soon be crushed by the number 17.

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ad8c77 No.107280

File: 1872dad612b1a06⋯.png (642.8 KB,558x555,186:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916649 (142215ZNOV23) Notable: End Times News

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Power Vacuum In Washington DC, US Military Recruitment Record Lows After Endless War, China Requests Gold, Russia Sells Weapons

“There is a power vacuum in Washington. No one is running the show. It’s chaos in the White House. They are saying the same things over and over... They are doing what they think will get the president re-elected. He is a George the Third. It’s scary, and it is disgraceful.”


Israelis and the ever-diminishing US military reserves will be the only ones fighting anymore. The American people are done with endless neo-con wars.



China Has Begun Removing It's Gold Reserves From The United States


Russia To Begin Selling Successful Weapons Used Against Ukrainian Military To Eastern Allies


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ad8c77 No.107281

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916651 (142216ZNOV23) Notable: Hazony: Muslim Brotherhood Still 15,000 Strong In Gaza, Israel's Fighting The Same Enemy The U.S. Is

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Hazony: Muslim Brotherhood Still 15,000 Strong In Gaza, Israel's Fighting The Same Enemy The U.S. Is



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ad8c77 No.107282

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916765 (142232ZNOV23) Notable: The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration | 400 Biden Regime Officials Sign Pro-Hamas Letter

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The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration | 400 Biden Regime Officials Sign Pro-Hamas Letter

This is insane, entirely insane!



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ad8c77 No.107283

File: 73ff09d67da8cfc⋯.png (707.73 KB,800x514,400:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 2de87dc211886f7⋯.png (254.02 KB,552x680,69:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 4087f2626976a3a⋯.png (41.24 KB,554x300,277:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916802 (142238ZNOV23) Notable: United Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Alleged ‘Bomb Threat’

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United Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Alleged ‘Bomb Threat’

12:30 PM – Tuesday, November 14, 2023

On Monday at approximately 7:15 p.m., United Airlines flight 1909 was forced to make an emergency landing in San Francisco three hours after a passenger reportedly declared a bomb threat.

The plane was near Oregon when the alleged bomb threat was announced, according to FlightRadar24, and it turned around in order to make an emergency landing at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) at 9:28 p.m.

United Airlines stated that there were about 148 passengers and eight crew members on flight UA1909.

Flight tracking depicted that the plane almost made it to Oregon before turning around, and the plane was able to land at a terminal at SFO after it was discovered later that the threat level was “low.”

“United flight 1909 diverted to San Francisco this evening due to a potential security issue on board,” the airline said in a statement to the press, without revealing the nature of the threat. “The flight landed safely and was met by local law enforcement. We are working to get our customers to their final destination as soon as possible.”

It remains unknown whether the passenger involved was taken into custody. Reports claimed that the reported threat was determined not to be “credible.” Investigators are also currently speaking to passengers who were on board the flight, asking about any additional information regarding the alleged bomb threat.

It is unclear what particularly generated the security issue, however, a person who claimed to be aboard the flight wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that the threat was implemented via AirDrop.

“The FBI interviewed me because I was one of the people who got the threat on AirDrop,” the witness said.

However, his claim has yet to be confirmed by United Airlines.


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ad8c77 No.107284

File: bca25719486063a⋯.jpeg (39.73 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916803 (142238ZNOV23) Notable: So, the FLU has returned

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So, the FLU has returned.

Says tv news KOLD in Tucson, AZ.


Should grab the covid charts and flu charts see who wins the graph numbers this winter.


So, did the kid have covid vax or flu vax?

Gov and fake news "scare tactic season" should the headline.

The flu shot can help protect people from serious illness and hospitalization due to the flu.(Arizona's Family)

By David Baker

Published: Nov. 13, 2023 at 5:30 PM MST|Updated: 22 hours ago

YUMA, AZ (3TV/CBS 5) — The Arizona Department of Health Services said on Monday Arizona has its first child who died from the flu this season. Officials say it was a child from Yuma County, but no other information about the patient was given. “It is with great sadness that we share the news of the first pediatric influenza death in Arizona,” said Diana Gomez, director of the Yuma County Public Health Services District. “We extend our deepest sympathy to the child’s family and friends.” The 2023-2024 respiratory season started on Oct. 1.

Last season, 182 children died because of the flu nationwide, including six in Arizona. While the flu is common, complications can lead to death. Children, especially those under 6 years old, older adults and people with underlying conditions are most vulnerable. Doctors emphasize getting the flu shot to protect yourself and your loved ones from serious complications from the flu. To find a vaccine near you, visit vaccines.gov.

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ad8c77 No.107285

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916851 (142245ZNOV23) Notable: Bannon: "Trump will deliver the votes, we need to make sure they're not stolen"

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Bannon: "Trump will deliver the votes, we need to make sure they're not stolen"



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ad8c77 No.107286

File: 941c06cf1d3f072⋯.png (20.7 KB,552x239,552:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916864 (142246ZNOV23) Notable: Through a procedural maneuver Senate Republicans are forcing a vote on a Israeli aid ONLY — and paid for — tonight.

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Eric Schmitt


🚨BREAKING: Through a procedural maneuver Senate Republicans are forcing a vote on a Israeli aid ONLY — and paid for — tonight.

Chuck Schumer is panicked.

Stay tuned. Let’s see how the Democrats vote.

5:44 PM · Nov 14, 2023





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ad8c77 No.107287

File: f686520547d843e⋯.png (420.65 KB,764x718,382:359,Clipboard.png)

File: dcb10a67556bf20⋯.png (89.71 KB,1839x687,613:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916936 (142257ZNOV23) Notable: people are paid $250 to publicly support Israel

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>>>/qresearch/19916459 (me)




Ah hahahah found it at the sauce.


Thank you for all your requests to attend the March for Israel Rally. We are pleased to announce thatwe have successfully allocated funding to help thousands of students attend the event.

The ICC Microgrant application is temporarily closed. We look forward to re-opening the application on November 20th to resume grants for pro-Israel initiatives on campus.

If you are looking for transportation to the November 14th rally in Washington, DC, please get in touch with your local Hillel, Chabad, or Federation.

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ad8c77 No.107288

File: 21ff28c1338d7a5⋯.png (470.54 KB,1000x500,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916965 (142303ZNOV23) Notable: Peru grants constitutional rights to unborn babies with 'rights of the conceived' law

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Peru grants constitutional rights to unborn babies with 'rights of the conceived' law

Jessica Barshis. Nov. 14, 2023

Peru’s Congress passed a bill that reinforced the rights of unborn children on November 9th, Catholic News Agency reports. Law 785 or the“Law that Recognizes Rights of the Conceived” was passed in a 72-26 vote.

Congressman Alejandro Muñante who is also one of the spokespersons for the Life and Family caucus in Peru told news outlets that the purpose of the law was “to consolidate the right to life from conception, which is already established in our constitution and in the Civil Code and the Children and Adolescents Code.”

He said that “the need was seen to be able to develop and detail a list of rights that our constitution precisely seeks to protect from conception.”

The three articles in the law recognize an unborn child as a “human person” separate from the mother and his/her rights to life, integrity and identity.

In Peru’s longstanding Civil Code, Article 1 stated “the human person is a subject of law from birth … but not from conception.”

With this law, the Civil Code will now state “Human life begins with conception. The human person is a subject of law from his conception. The Peruvian state recognizes and guarantees respect for the dignity of the conceived child, as well as its right to life, individual identity, mental and physical integrity, as well as to freely develop in the womb [i.e., without external interference].”

Article 5 of the law which acknowledges the mother’s rights says that “the state guarantees the pregnant mother’s access to health, as well as the information required for health care and nutrition of the conceived child during the gestational process.”

Article 6 continues that “in situations of high medical risk, in which the life of the mother and the conceived child is endangered, health professionals are obliged to inform [the patient] of the diagnosis, treatment, and effects of these on the health and development of the pregnant woman and the conceived child.”

“In the event that the treatment endangers the life of any of these,” it states, “it is up to the mother or spouse, cohabiting partner, or relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity and first degree of affinity, to decide regarding the medical actions to be carried out.”

In order for the law to take effect, Congressman Muñante says,“all that is required is for it to be published in the Peruvian Official Gazette and the corresponding amendment of the Civil Code.”



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ad8c77 No.107289

File: 99b8cdf232f34f1⋯.png (293.48 KB,596x447,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916978 (142305ZNOV23) Notable: China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC

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Insider Paper




BREAKING - China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC


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ad8c77 No.107290

File: 6e7605902e9b1f4⋯.png (501.24 KB,1138x326,569:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916986 (142307ZNOV23) Notable: China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC

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San Francisco was ready to fix its main problem – not for Americans, but for Xi Jinping OP-ED

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ad8c77 No.107291

File: 1c6c411f32f56d8⋯.jpeg (80.88 KB,800x400,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19916993 (142309ZNOV23) Notable: Finnish parliamentarian NOT GUILTY of 'hate speech' after posting Bible verses on X

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Finnish parliamentarian NOT GUILTY of 'hate speech' after posting Bible verses on X

Jarryd Jaeger

On Tuesday, the Helsinki Court of Appeal dismissed all charges against Päivi Räsänen. The Finnish parliamentarian had been accused by a state prosecutor Anu Mantila of violatingthe country's "hate speech" laws for "agitation against a minority group" on three separate occasions where she expressed her Christian beliefs.

The court unanimously ruled that Räsänen had not broken the law, and ordered the prosecutor to pay for her legal fees, as well as those of Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola, who was also found not guilty in connection with the case.

According to Alliance Defending Freedom, the group that coordinated the pair's legal defence, Mantila argued that while it was not against the law to share Bible verses, Räsänen's "interpretation and opinion about the Bible verses [were] criminal." She added that, "the point isn't whether it is true or not but that it is insulting."

"At the heart of the prosecutor's examination of Räsänen was this: would she recant her beliefs?" lawyer Paul Coleman explained. "The answer was no – she would not deny the teachings of her faith. The cross-examinationbore all the resemblance of a “heresy” trial of the middle ages; it was implied thatRäsänen had 'blasphemed' against the dominant orthodoxies of the day."

Räsänen was hit with three counts, one for a Tweet in which she questioned her church's leadership for sponsoring a Pride event, another for a 2019 radio interview she took part in on the topic, and a third for a pamphlet about sexuality and marriage called "As Man and Woman He Created Them" that she wrote for the church in 2004, which Pohjola distributed.

"I am deeply relieved," Räsänen said following the verdict. "The court has fully endorsed and upheld the decision of the district court, which recognized everyone’s right to free speech.""It isn’t a crime to tweet a Bible verse, or to engage in public discourse with a Christian perspective," the grandmother of 11 added. "The attempts made to prosecute me for expressing my beliefs have resulted in an immensely trying four years, but my hope is that the result will stand as a key precedent to protect the human right to free speech. I sincerely hope other innocent people will be spared the same ordeal for simply voicing their convictions."

(I don’t know how this countries don’t consider themselves Communists!)


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ad8c77 No.107292

File: e01dfdecb7dc42a⋯.mp4 (784.02 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917018 (142315ZNOV23) Notable: China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC

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Here coma Ji Ji Ping !!

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ad8c77 No.107293

File: be445f5463090c0⋯.png (2.06 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d7a15ae9a9f6bbb⋯.mp4 (6.93 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917019 (142315ZNOV23) Notable: “Were You Drinking or On Drugs When You Pulled a Fire Alarm?”

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WATCH: “Were You Drinking or On Drugs When You Pulled a Fire Alarm?” – TGP Reporter Confronts High School Principal Jamaal Bowman on His Bogus Fire Alarm Story

Nov. 14, 2023 11:20 am

The Gateway Pundit reported on Bowman’s successful efforts to obstruct an official government proceeding in late September “as he was rushing to make an urgent vote,” according to a spokesperson. Bowman was caught pulling the fire alarm in the Cannon Building to shut down Congress and prevent a critical vote to keep the government open.

While he claims this was just an accident, and he just got confused, it indeed looks like he was trying to delay a vote for the continuing resolution that was on the House Floor so he could vote to postpone the budget deadline. What high school principal doesn’t know how a fire alarm works? Not a very safe one.

Capitol Police evacuated the building as a result of his apparent incompetence, and Bowman was only convicted of a misdemeanor for obstructing a Congressional proceeding. He was ordered to pay just $1,000 in fines, serve three months probation before charges are dismissed, and write a letter of apology to Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger. Meanwhile, January 6 defendants are still rotting in the gulags for walking into the Capitol, escorted by police.

Whatever he claims is the reason, The Gateway Pundit reported on new footage that shows the moments before Bowman pulls a fire alarm “by mistake.” He is seen removing the two “Emergency Exit Only” signs on each door and then pulling the alarm before retreating the way he came. Previously, Bowman said he checked the usually unlocked door before pulling the alarm, but the video shows otherwise.

Additionally, in the video, he can be seen slothing toward the door, not like he’s in a hurry, as he claims, but almost as if he’s been using drugs or alcohol, as it would appear to some. He then slaps his hands on the signs, takes them, and hits the fire alarm. What person in their right, sober mind would do this?

When first asked to confirm that he “wasn’t on something” when he pulled the fire alarm to delay Congress, Bowman responded, “We’re not talking about that, man.”

“No, man,” Bowman laughed when asked again, “Were you drinking or on drugs when you pulled a fire alarm?”

He no longer wants to talk about his crime two months later. How does he think innocent J6 prisoners feel three years later, sitting in the gulag and constantly being reminded by the left that they’re “domestic terrorists” for walking into the Capitol – led by police?


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ad8c77 No.107294

File: 12c21b14926f972⋯.png (696.71 KB,592x766,296:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917043 (142320ZNOV23) Notable: @TrumpWashingtonDC Our annual dueling piano night with Bobby Mcgee’s at @TrumpWashingtonDC - is where the keys 🎹 come alive and the party never ends! #duelingpianos

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Washington DC


Our annual dueling piano night with Bobby Mcgee’s at @TrumpWashingtonDC - is where the keys 🎹 come alive and the party never ends! #duelingpianos

Nov 14, 2023, 12:13 PM


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ad8c77 No.107295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917205 (142349ZNOV23) Notable: #24453

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24453 >>107254

>>107210 pb PF: Trudope to Vancouver and Potato/AF2/Nightwatch update

>>107235 pb Foreigners hold more JGBs than Japan banks (not including Bank of Japan) for first time

>>107255, >>107258 Maria Zack testimony

>>107256, >>107279 Unix time rolls over to 1,700,000,000

>>107257, >>107260 Haley campaign update

>>107270, >>107275 Nikki Haley: "Every person on social media should be verified by their name" because of "national security."

>>107259 EU’s Ukraine weapons goal ‘unattainable’ - Germany

>>107261 Hackers claim world’s largest bank paid ransom over cyberattack

>>107262 Dr. Drew's guest today, son of WEF's co-founder, Pascal Najadi, goes full Q redpill without ever mentioning Q

>>107263 Former US Secretary of State and Ex-CIA Director put on Board of Directors at Ukrainian Cellular Communications Company

>>107264 Ukraine arrests Zelensky critic for 'treason'

>>107265 Hundreds of Thousands have gathered in Mass demonstration at the National Mall in support of Israel

>>107266 Judge under investigation for AI-authored ruling

>>107267 We learn hate for Israel on TikTok and Instagram say young protesters

>>107268 MTG: ·I will not stop fighting to hold the Biden administration accountable for their open border policies that are killing Americans every day.

>>107269 Zelensky’s chief of staff rejects former NATO head’s proposal

>>107271 Conservative Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: ‘Immigration and Terrorism Go Hand in Hand”

>>107271 Conservative Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán: ‘Immigration and Terrorism Go Hand in Hand”

>>107272 Potato greeted by Newsom he arrives in San Francisco

>>107273 Kash: Congressional Tensions Rising

>>107274 INTERNET EQUITY VOTE ON 15th: WH wants to nationalize all ISPs…Calls to require State/Federal ID + Biometrics to access the clearnet

>>107276 The Pope's Targeting Traditional Catholics | Westen On Pope Francis Relieving Bishop Stickland

>>107277 Feds keep hidden books on vaccine injury reports, barely follow up

>>107278 Former Fox reporter Jason Donner says in lawsuit network fired him after challenging J6 coverage

>>107280 End Times News

>>107281 Hazony: Muslim Brotherhood Still 15,000 Strong In Gaza, Israel's Fighting The Same Enemy The U.S. Is

>>107282 The Muslim Brotherhood's Infiltration | 400 Biden Regime Officials Sign Pro-Hamas Letter

>>107283 United Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Alleged ‘Bomb Threat’

>>107284 So, the FLU has returned

>>107285 Bannon: "Trump will deliver the votes, we need to make sure they're not stolen"

>>107286 Through a procedural maneuver Senate Republicans are forcing a vote on a Israeli aid ONLY — and paid for — tonight.

>>107287 people are paid $250 to publicly support Israel

>>107288 Peru grants constitutional rights to unborn babies with 'rights of the conceived' law

>>107289, >>107290, >>107292 China's Xi Jinping arrives in San Francisco, United States for the APEC

>>107291 Finnish parliamentarian NOT GUILTY of 'hate speech' after posting Bible verses on X

>>107293 “Were You Drinking or On Drugs When You Pulled a Fire Alarm?”

>>107294 @TrumpWashingtonDC Our annual dueling piano night with Bobby Mcgee’s at @TrumpWashingtonDC - is where the keys 🎹 come alive and the party never ends! #duelingpianos


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ad8c77 No.107296

File: 66b111943051f23⋯.png (678.06 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917114 (142331ZNOV23) Notable: #24454

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ad8c77 No.107297

File: 6c439789e09b61f⋯.png (197.43 KB,591x828,197:276,Clipboard.png)

File: 12d84dce0bb8b9c⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB,320x420,16:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917170 (142338ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. David E. Martin says to "Destroy the WHO"

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Dr. David E. Martin says to "Destroy the WHO"

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ad8c77 No.107298

File: a41567b46f7b571⋯.png (209.7 KB,700x444,175:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917201 (142348ZNOV23) Notable: Dr. David E. Martin says to "Destroy the WHO"

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ad8c77 No.107299

File: 6f30ccb809f0a15⋯.png (505.47 KB,485x581,485:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917207 (142349ZNOV23) Notable: At Least 4 More Attacks On US Forces Since Latest US Airstrikes In Syria

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At Least 4 More Attacks On US Forces Since Latest US Airstrikes In Syria

US troops based in Syria have come under attack at least four times since the latest US airstrikes in eastern Syria were launched on Sunday, Task & Purpose reported on Monday.

The Pentagon announced Sunday that it launched strikes against facilities "used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iran-affiliated groups" in eastern Syria’s Deir Ezzor province. It marked the third round of US airstrikes since US troops in Iraq and Syria have come under a spate of attacks in response to President Biden’s backing of Israel’s war in Gaza.

A Pentagon official told Task & Purpose that US forces in Syria came under attack three times on Sunday after the US airstrikes and one time on Monday. The White House has said one purpose of its airstrikes is to "deter" further attacks on US troops, but it’s clear the strategy has failed.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it recorded six attacks on US forces on Monday alone, but the report is not confirmed. The four incidents confirmed by the US official brings the total number of attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria since October 17 to 52. The Pentagon has said at least 56 US troops have been wounded.

An umbrella group of Shia militias known as the Islamic Resistance of Iraq has taken credit for most attacks on US forces. Militia leaders have said they won’t back down unless Israel’s onslaught on Gaza comes to an end. Iran supports the Shia militias that operate in the region but denies any role in the attacks on US forces.

The US has about 2,500 troops in Iraq and 900 in Syria, where it backs the Kurdish-led SDF. The occupation of eastern Syria is opposed by the government in Damascus, and the continued US military presence in Iraq is opposed by many elements in Iraqi politics.

Many observers have pointed out that with a crisis like the Gaza war, US troops occupying Syria are vulnerable as prime targets for Iran-aligned militias in the region.


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ad8c77 No.107300

File: 19dfb54900c7083⋯.png (717.85 KB,1030x924,515:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917222 (142351ZNOV23) Notable: Ukraine arrests Zelensky critic

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Meanwhile, in the most corrupt country in Europe...showing off it's European 'Values'.


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ad8c77 No.107301

File: 3407075aa1e9cc1⋯.png (145.59 KB,732x648,61:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917265 (142359ZNOV23) Notable: Twenty-Three Gang Members and Associates Indicted on Racketeering, Drug Trafficking, and Firearm Charges

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Twenty-Three Gang Members and Associates Indicted on Racketeering, Drug Trafficking, and Firearm Charges

A 12-count indictment was unsealed in the Northern District of Georgia charging 23 defendants – all alleged Sex Money Murder (SMM) gang members and associates – with crimes including racketeering conspiracy, drug trafficking, and firearms violations.


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ad8c77 No.107302

File: 12f95f97981c8d2⋯.png (143.53 KB,997x575,997:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917275 (150001ZNOV23) Notable: Federal Grand Jury Indicts 23 MS-13 Members and Associates for Alleged Widespread Methamphetamine Trafficking

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Federal Grand Jury Indicts 23 MS-13 Members and Associates for Alleged Widespread Methamphetamine Trafficking


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ad8c77 No.107303

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19917285 (150005ZNOV23) Notable: Pascal Najadi - Cutting of the Head of the Snake - as mentioned in Dr. Drew interview

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>>107262 pb

Pascal Najadi - Cutting of the Head of the Snake - as mentioned in Dr. Drew interview


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ad8c77 No.107304

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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