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Is It Wet Yet?

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f89f17 No.312908 [Open thread]

MY COMMENT: Propaganda Report Rebuked


MY COMMENT: This is both arrogant and stupid! A war with Russia at a time we have deep political division in our country, completely open borders with millions of foreigners able to infiltrate our country, a drained strategic oil reserve supply, lack of manufacturing capacity due to decades of outsourcing and the lowest military recruitment crisis this country has ever seen, while our educational system is dumbed down to the point half the high school students cannot read or write anymore, where the youth cannot comprehend there are two genders anymore, etc…. this a recipe for catastrophic loss. America would fall, and so would Europe, and the hell if anyone sane is going to fight to keep this collapsing disaster-of-a-failed empire afloat!


MY COMMENT: What a fucking stupid LIE! If Western governments wanted to close the borders and stop illegals from pouring in THEY WOULD HAVE DONE SO ALREADY YEARS AGO! They have not. They have been protested and confronted and our own governments STILL REFUSE to protect our borders! Gaslighting LYING trash! Anyone who believes that lie is dumber than a rock! We'll know it could be true when our governments actually close the border - and they won't!


MY COMMENT: Exactly what the DNC has planned, allow the illegals to vote, and eventually replace the natural born citizenry who have been BETRAYED!

Our real enemy is within our own countries!


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4af111 No.312909

Wasn’t Drudge bought by the Chinese?

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43b8b0 No.312913


Might as well have been. It was sold 4 or 5 years ago, correct.

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27f2eb No.312917


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01ac06 No.312922


Good luck living in a collapsed violent-infested third world failed State nimrod. If you are even an American or European that is.

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73c0f8 No.313164

Наиболее свежие события индустрии.

Актуальные события мировых подуимов.

Модные дома, торговые марки, гедонизм.

Свежее место для стильныех людей.


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File: b38f29fa372db6d⋯.png (485.25 KB,809x449,809:449,American_Airmen_For_Russia.png)

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085a8d No.312895 [Open thread]

American Airmen Hoist Flag For Russia And Burn Themselves Alive For Palestinians

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting corrupt socialist Western colonial puppet leader Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged yesterday that President Putin urged him to stop the hostilities in Donbass in 2019, says the reason hostilities weren’t stopped before they erupted into a full-scale conflict was because the United States was secretly preparing for war against Russia—a fact confirmed by the leftist New York Times yesterday, who admitted that the CIA built a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border in Ukraine and revealed: “The C.I.A. and other American intelligence agencies provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track Russian troop movements and help support spy networks…But the partnership is no wartime creation, nor is Ukraine the only beneficiary…It took root a decade ago, coming together in fits and starts under three very different U.S. presidents, pushed forward by key individuals who often took daring risks…It has transformed Ukraine, whose intelligence agencies were long seen as thoroughly compromised by Russia, into one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today”.



Though the American peoples weren’t informed that their demonic warmongering government has been secretly planning a suicidal war against the world’s largest nuclear weapons power Russia for over the past decade, this report notes, it was well known and long planned for by Moscow, which is why top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov just factually observed about the economic dimensions of the conflict: “Russia’s economy has shown its immunity, and in this case, it has been stated not by us but by US representatives…Russia’s economy has demPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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085a8d No.312896


In opposition to their own deranged and demented commander-in-chief Socialist Leader Biden, this report details, last week it saw a United States Air Force veteran, who served 10 years in Afghanistan, joining Russian forces in the liberation of Avdeevka, where he raised a US flag and told his fellow Americans to learn the truth—an act of heroic defiance against needless warmongering joined by active duty United States Air Force airman Aaron Bushnell, who in full uniform yesterday, set himself ablaze in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C., and whose no doubt final words were: “Free Palestine!…Free Palestine!…Free Palestine!”.



As to the extent of the demonic siege unleashed upon Americans by Socialist Leader Biden, this report concludes, it was horrifyingly revealed yesterday: “Anti-Christian hatred is accelerating in the United States, according to a Christian nonprofit that has tracked violence against U.S. churches since 2018…The Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council (FRC) released its annual Hostility Against Churches report last week, finding there were 436 hostile incidents against churches in 2023…This is more than double the number tracked in 2022 and more than eight times as many as the group found in 2018”—but even in these darkest of times, the American peoples were just reminded: “President Trump won the White House with the backing of the American people and shocked the world….The following day after the Florida rally, Father Giacomo Capoverdi shared a fascinating story about the Hermit of Loreto, Italy who predicted the Donald Trump presidency back in the 1980s…The holy man of Loretto shared a premonition that President Donald Trump would help bring America back to God…This was decades before Trump even decided to run for US President”.

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5ab968 No.313163

Абсолютно важные события индустрии.

Исчерпывающие мероприятия всемирных подуимов.

Модные дома, лейблы, haute couture.

Свежее место для стильныех людей.


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File: 502f7545913bafd⋯.png (674.67 KB,755x974,755:974,45778.png)

d0a063 No.313141 [Open thread]

Crime Statistics Now Being Censored In The USSA, Makes Corrupt Leadership Look Bad

With the November election less than 7 months away, mainstream media outlets are now choosing to misrepresent the current state of crime in the United States, claiming that crime is declining without providing evidence or details.

As the Daily Caller reports, there are two ways in which the federal government measures crime in the United States: The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR).

Whereas the NCVS asks roughly 240,000 Americans whether or not they’ve been a victim of crime in the last year, the UCR focuses on crimes that have been reported to police within the last year and shared with the FBI.

While more people are reporting to the BJS that they have been the victims of crime, the FBI is reporting fewer crimes through the UCR.

The UCR claims that violent crime dropped by 2% from 2021 to 2022, while the NCVS shows the exact opposite, reporting that the number of victims of violent crime increased by a staggering 42.4% from 2021 to 2022; this constitutes a rise from 16.5 victims per 1,000 people to 23.5 victims per 1,000.

Nevertheless, many mainstream media outlets such as CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, Reuters, and The Hill have all turned to the FBI’s data to claim, falsely, that crime is on the decline. All such reports have failed to mention the crucial data from the NCVS.

Even Joe Biden himself has turned to deliberately misrepresenting the facts by relying solely on the FBI’s data.

This directly contradicts broad public sentiment in the United States, with a Gallup poll in December finding that 77% of Americans believe crime is getting worse.

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c49971 No.313162

Men are more likely than women to be victims of crime.

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File: 5dcd10d26e96998⋯.png (339.87 KB,915x1091,915:1091,300666.png)

0d722e No.313160 [Open thread]

US Joint Chief of Staff Mark Milley: Palestinian Civilians? Kill 'Em ALL, FAST.

Former US Joint Chief of Staff Mark Milley explained that the Israelis' mistake is that they are killing civilians too slowly:

“I feel terribly sorry for the innocent people in Gaza who are dying. But we must not forget that we, the United States, have killed many innocent people in Mosul in Iraq, and that we, the United States, killed 12 thousand innocent French civilians. We destroyed 69 Japanese cities, not including Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

We killed people in huge numbers, innocent people who had nothing to do with the government. Men, women and children.

War is a terrible thing, but if it has any meaning, if it has any sense of morality, it must have a political purpose, and it must be achieved quickly and at the least cost. And you must do it quickly.

Wow. This psycho just said he agrees past war crimes are "a terrible thing", and he feels "terribly sorry" all while justifying genocide and war crimes against the innocent. This is flat out hypocrisy and at a psychotic level. Imagine the horror if other superpowers thought it would one day be "a terrible thing" but A OK to kill American citizens the same way. This is the kind of sinister evil the Zionist neo-cons are trying to deliver to the world.


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67b90a No.313161


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File: c8e06ccc4c4df0c⋯.png (718.04 KB,915x1041,305:347,335666.png)

14a8e8 No.313159 [Open thread]

Canada To Ban Free Speech COMPLETELY, Imprison Any Current & Past Online Dissent

The Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’ violations and arrest offenders, even if the offence occurred before the law existed.

Revolver.news reports: The real shocker in this bill is the alarming retroactive aspect. Essentially, whatever you’ve said in the past can now be weaponized against you by today’s draconian standards.

Historian Dr. Muriel Blaive has weighed in on this draconian law, labeling it outright “mad.” She points out how it literally spits in the face of all Western legal traditions, especially the one about only being punished if you infringed on a law that was valid at the time of committing a crime.

The Canadian law proposal is outright mad. It is retroactive, which goes against all our Western legal tradition, according to which you can be punished only if you infringed a law that was valid at the time when you committed a crime: “And it isn’t just stuff you’ve posted after the new law comes into force you can get into trouble for – oh, no – but anything you’ve posted, ever, dating back to the dawn of the internet. In other words, it’s a gold-embossed invitation to offence archaeologists to do their worst, with the prospect of a $20,000 reward if they hit paydirt. The only way to protect yourself is to go through all your social media accounts and painstakingly delete anything remotely controversial you’ve ever said.”

And there is worse!

“Although, that won’t protect you from another clause in the bill – and this is where it trips over into as yet unimagined dystopian territory. If the courts believe you are likely to commit a ‘hate crime’ or disseminate ‘hate propaganda’ (not defined), you can be placed under house arrest and your ability to communicate with others restricted. That is, a court can force you to wear an ankle bracelet, prevPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: c06119f035e9d2c⋯.png (82.91 KB,917x703,917:703,4244.png)

289a95 No.313157 [Open thread]

Brazen Election Interference: Illinois Democrats Retroactively Ban Republican Challengers

As an alternative to a primary election, Illinois law allowed for a party to get its candidates on the ballot for General Assembly spots by party slating procedure, along with collection of a requisite number of public signatures on nominating positions. A number of Republican challengers have been proceeding accordingly.

But over the course of just 30 hours on the first days of this month, the Democratic supermajority changed the law to retroactively disallow that procedure, thereby barring challengers from the November ballot as Republican party candidates.

The new law almost certainly gives Democrats a win in races in which Republicans did not run a candidate in the primary and could result in dozens of unopposed races.

Gov. JB signed the new law the day after it was passed, hours after telling reporters he didn’t know all the details. He also claimed it was an “ethics” bill.

“It really does make sure that we don’t have backroom deals to put people on the ballot and run as a result of some small group of people in a smoke-filled room making the choice,” Pritzker said at an unrelated news conference in Bloomington.

“So I think to me, more transparency is better.” It’s not like Illinois Democrats ever line up their chosen candidates to run for the party, right?

“This is nothing more than a brazen attempt by Illinois Democrats to disenfranchise voters and eliminate political competition. To hide behind the guise of ‘ethics,’ is laughable,” said Sean M. Morrison, Chairman of the Cook County GOP.

Senate Minority Leader John Curran (R-Downers Grove) said it right:

“This abuse of power that blocks candidates from giving voters a choice in free, fair and open elections is unprecedented in Illinois’ 205-year history,” Curran said. “Their dictator-style tactic of stealing an election bePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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289a95 No.313158


>At least one Democrat couldn’t ignore the hypocrisy. “At this time in our history, when we are watching Republican legislatures across the country really attack access to the ballot and attack voting rights and fundamentally attack democracy, I just think it’s fundamentally wrong for Democrats to participate in something that makes it harder for people to run, to run for office, makes it harder for folks to engage,” Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) said.

Having voter ID laws does not prohibit people from voting, it only prohibits people from cheating. We have voter ID laws in my State, all that means they know I live in the State and county I vote in, I'm not just some outsider going from one area to another and illegally voting elsewhere trying to impose my politics into other areas. Voter ID laws are sane and common sense to prevent fraud and abuse. That's my two cents.

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cb159b No.313156 [Open thread]

Go Figure! Government Officials Start Blaming Social Media For Their Failed Foreign Policy

Social media is "partially responsible" for the widespread international criticism of Israel’s conduct during its military campaign in Gaza, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has suggested.

The top American diplomat made the comment during an exchange with Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) at the McCain Institute’s 2024 Sedona Forum in Sedona, Arizona on Friday.

Romney asked Blinken why “the PR [has] been so awful” for Israel amid the conflict in Gaza. “Why has [Palestinian armed group] Hamas disappeared in terms of public perception? An offer is on the table to have a ceasefire, and yet the world is screaming about Israel,” he said. “Typically, the Israelis are good at PR. What’s happened here?” Romney said.

The Secretary of State recalled that when he started working in Washington in the early 1990s “everyone did the same thing,” which was reading newspapers like The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, and watching national news networks to get information about world events.

But now, in the 2020s, “we are on an intravenous feed of information with new impulses, inputs every millisecond” and social media “has dominated the narrative,” he said.

"And you have a social media ecosystem environment in which context, history, facts get lost, and the emotion, the impact of images dominates. And we can’t – we can’t discount that, but I think it also has a very, very, very challenging effect on the narrative,” Blinken suggested.

However, he also stressed that another reason for Israel’s bad PR was the “the inescapable reality of people who have and continue to suffer grievously in Gaza. And that’s real and we have to… be focused on that and attentive to that.”

^ The later comment being absolutely true. Perhaps the solution is not more censorship, perhaps the US government should not be supplying Israel's corrupt genociPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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fbd8de No.313154 [Open thread]

White House Finally Stands Up To Netanyahu, Refuses To Arm Israel If Rafah Attacked

The Biden administration last week put a hold on a shipment of US-made ammunition to Israel, two Israeli officials told Axios.

It is the first time since the Oct. 7 attack that the US has stopped a weapons shipment intended for the Israeli military.

The incident raised serious concerns inside the Israeli government and sent officials scrambling to understand why the shipment was held, Israeli officials said.

Biden is facing sharp criticism among Americans who oppose his support of Israel. The administration in February asked Israel to provide assurances that US-made weapons were being used by Israel Defense Forces in Gaza in accordance with international law. Israel provided a signed letter of assurances in March.

Israel has intent to invade the southern Gaza city of Rafah where more than one million displaced Palestinians have been taking shelter.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released several statements in recents days saying he intended to order an invasion of Rafah regardless of whether Israel and Hamas reach a deal for the release of hostages being held in Gaza and a ceasefire.

US involvement with Israeli war crimes have caused massive amounts of anti-war protests across the US. With leftists typically going out and protesting en mass, many conservatives are openly refusing to support Israel's endeavors vowing to never fight any more wars on behalf of the US government or Israel. This calamity has led to the biggest loss of US Army recruitment in decades and destabilization and loss of trust within the universities and educational system. The consequences and blowback for all this unnecessary foreign intervention could be long lasting and rapidly undermine US hegemony around the globe.

Last Wednesday US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel and had a "tough" conversation with Netanyahu regarding a possible Israeli operation iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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1862bc No.313153 [Open thread]

Europe Scraps Unaffordable, Unsustainable 'Net Zero' Energy Policy

You know you’ve stumbled through the looking glass when European politicians start sounding saner on climate policy than the Americans do. Well here we are, Alice: Europeans are admitting the folly of net zero quicker than their American peers.

The latest example, or perhaps “victim”, is more apt—is Humza Yousaf, who resigned this week as Scotland’s first minister. That region within the UK enjoys substantial devolved powers over its own affairs, including on climate policy. An administration led by Mr. Yousaf’s left-leaning Scottish National Party had hoped to rush ahead of the national government in London in slashing carbon emissions.

Until, that is, someone noticed the costs. A recent report from the UK’s Climate Change Committee noted Scotland had fallen far behind on its climate goals. The government aimed to reduce by 20% the aggregate distance driven by Scottish motorists, compared with 2019 levels, but had no plan to accomplish the reduction in personal mobility by the 2030 deadline. To get back on track with the government’s goal of a transition to home electric heat pumps, Scotland would have to replace natural-gas fire boilers at a rate of more than 80,000 households a year by the end of the decade. That’s a big ask considering that in 2023 it managed 6,000 boiler replacements. The government resisted imposing an aviation tax to discourage excess flying. And so on.

Mr. Yousaf did the only thing he could under the circumstances: He all but abandoned net zero. His administration announced it is ditching firm annual emission-reduction targets in favor of fuzzier “carbon budgets.” The Green Party, with which Mr. Yousaf’s SNP governed in a coalition, balked. After a series of political machinations that were one part “Macbeth” and two parts “Comedy of Errors,” Mr. Yousaf’s administration collapsed and he was forced to resign.

Observe two salient details. First, the specific list of targets the country was missing. Scotland had reached the point where further net-zero progress would have made obvious and material demands of household budgets. Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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20729c No.313123 [Open thread]

Corrupt Governments Are Plotting Endless Wars To Cull, Depopulate & Enslave Populations

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” says the UN’s quest for total tyrannical control of your life is coming sooner than you could imagine.

Newman explains, “The bigger story here that people are not paying attention to is the UN is coming together in September… and they are having ‘The Summit of the Future.’"

They are telling us they are going to bring out radical drastic reforms in the structure of the UN… and the power of the UN. Think of it as the biggest power grab ever at the global level. The Secretary General of the UN (António Guterres) has put out briefs where he is calling for the UN to be the one world global dictatorship with him at the helm. In emergencies, the UN would have all power in emergencies and have all power to oversee emergency response… They say the crisis could be a climate crisis, an economic crisis, environmental crisis, pandemic crisis, black swan crisis or maybe something from outer space. So, basically, anything could be a crisis, and when the Secretary General declares a crisis, all power and authority would go to the UN. This is like a blank check on the wealth and liberty on every person on the planet, and this is coming soon. It is imminent. This is coming in September at the UN, and it is a power grab of historic proportions.

This is really a summit for a tyrannical future. “One of the interesting things about going to the UN conferences is they are totally open and totally transparent about the fact that they think there are way too many of us on this planet.

We are taking up their space and consuming their resources. They say this openly. They say there are way too many people having way too many babies, and we have to drastically cut back on the number of people on the planet. They have a whole agency dedicated to this called the UN Population Fund.”

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9a6259 No.313126

BANKS WILL SEIZE YOUR MONEY! As Scripted Banking Collapse NEARS, Experts Warn Your Money Isn't Safe


We are now living in a POST-ETHICS Society


The CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the US financial system will cascade OUT OF CONTROL


HAPPENING NOW! 25 Ways the US Is Being Destroyed From Within


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b84a36 No.313134

File: 6fdead261bd71db⋯.png (6.7 MB,7322x6070,3661:3035,Untitled10_20240425160725.png)

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b84a36 No.313135

File: c48c1eea641faee⋯.png (10.66 MB,7322x6070,3661:3035,Untitled12_20240425161457.png)

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2ff2fb No.313152


pedo fag piece of tranny shit

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42b78e No.313151 [Open thread]

Massive Fire At Germany's Defense-industrial Company Diehl Billowing Deadly Hydrogen Cyanide

EXTREMELY POISONOUS SMOKE is billowing from a massive fire at Germany's defense-industrial company, Diehl, in Berlin.

The company just so happens to produce, among other things, the IRIS-T air defense system, its missiles, and GMLRS ammunition for HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, used by Ukraine.

Panicked authorities say the fire no longer possible to contain.

Students in surrounding areas are being sent home and emergency services warn people to stay indoors and avoid deadly massive clouds of chemical fumes.

The Building is now completely engulfed on four floors. Part of the building has already collapsed. The fire can no longer be brought under control.

We can confirm that chemicals are also burning in the building. Sulfuric acid and copper cyanide were stored there. There is a risk of hydrogen cyanide forming, which rises into the air with the smoke - Fire brigade informed the population via warning apps.

This is just days after another fire broke out at a US military munitions plant in Scranton, Pennsylvania which was also producing munitions for Ukraine. Also weeks after an explosion at BAE Systems in the UK, which was also producing weapons for Ukraine. Not to mention the CEO of Rheinmetall being personally targeted where he lived. Perhaps Russia is trying to send NATO a message?


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62733d No.313142 [Open thread]

America Risks ‘Severe, Irreversible Scars’ Over National Debt Insolvency

National debt is fast becoming the thorn in the side of the American economy that nobody wants to extract—and it will continue to cause damage, sending the US into financial crisis and 10 years of stagnation. That is increasingly the opinion of a growing number of experts who are sounding the alarm over the pace at which the U.S. government is gathering debt. More important, they fear this debt will mean the country will not be able to afford necessary borrowing in the future, in addition to the funds needed to service existing debt. Among the ranks of those in the concerned camp are Fed Chairman Jerome Powell, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, and Wharton vice dean Joao Gomes.

Their outlook is evidenced by a March report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The CBO estimates that (if America still exists as a nation state, that is) by 2054 public debt will represent 166% of GDP, reaching $141.1 Trillion. Currently the nation’s $34 trillion debt making up approximately 99% of America's GDP. In other words America produces far more debt than domestic industrial production.

The report goes on to add that the likelihood of a financial crisis is increasing as a result of growing debt, something which would cause interest rates to spike and, if paired with higher inflation, “could erode confidence in the U.S. dollar as the dominant international reserve currency.” The outlook from the U.S. Government Accountability office (GAO) isn’t much better. A report released last month said the government is facing an “unsustainable” fiscal path that poses a “serious” threat to economic, security, and social issues if unaddressed.

As evidence of a fantastically complex fallout piles up, one might assume it will take an equally complicated approach to prevent it. Economists say that’s not the case — but that’s only if they believe it’s an issue at all. The hardest problem is precisely that: getting enough people to listen. “The coming fiscal crisis will be triggered by a sudden loss of confidence by the general public inPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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4ef20d No.313150

It's obvious at this point our treasonous government and the Federal Reserve want the US Dollar to crash so they can bring in their totalitarian CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) scheme to enslave taxpayers/consumers and dictate what people can or cannot buy or sell, having total communistic State-control over the economy and finance. It's all about POPULATION CONTROL and absolutely not for the better. If they can remotely micromanage everyone's finances and financial decisions as consumers they get rid of consumer choice, they destroy the free market system and free enterprise, and thus they will destroy freedom. They would be able to dictate what we can eat, what utilities we can buy, what clothing we can buy, where we can purchase our goods and services, every last thing, total absolute tyranny. Prepare accordingly now while you still can and make sure you have plenty of what you need or want ahead of time.

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File: 1b5b1c03f2cb407⋯.png (136.65 KB,906x1020,151:170,53334.png)

3729a7 No.313139 [Open thread]

US Pension Funds Are Now At Risk Of Bankruptcy, Bail-In Theft

Regulators must equip themselves with tools such as "bail-in" bonds to deal quickly with a failed clearing house for stocks, bonds or derivatives without having to call on taxpayers for cash, the G20's risk watchdog said on Thursday.

After the global financial crisis of 2007-09, regulators mandated clearing for a wider range of derivatives, meaning they must pass through a clearer backed by a default fund to ensure completion of trades.

More recently, the United States adopted rules to force more trades in the $26 trillion U.S. Treasury market through clearers. As a result of such changes, some clearers have become vital to financial systems in more than one jurisdiction, meaning their failure could damage financial stability unless they can be stabilized or "resolved", meaning closed down, in an orderly way.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) said its new standard, which builds on previous guidance, requires that adequate liquidity, loss-absorbing, and recapitalization resources and tools are available to maintain the continuity of a clearer's critical functions, and mitigate adverse effects on financial stability should a shutdown become necessary.

It sets out seven resources and tools that regulators are required to pick from, such as "bail-in" bonds issued by clearers that can be written down to plug losses, resolution funds, cash calls during resolution, and equity in a first-loss position in resolution.

Regulators will have to state publicly which tools they have selected. Laws could need changing or introducing in some countries to give regulators access to such tools.

"Temporary public funding for liquidity … should be relied on only as a last resort," the FSB said.

Exchanges such as LSEG, ICE, CME and Deutsche Boerse all operate major clearing houses that handle trades totaling trillions of dollars.

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3729a7 No.313140



The fact that this news has come out publicly should be an earth-shattering red-flag to everyone. It seems to me, they don't tell Regulators to "prepare to handle FAILED CLEARING HOUSES" unless they already know that MORE THAN ONE is failing.

The fact that this guidance from the Financial Stability Board has now been made public, I think is their way of telling those who need to know, something is terribly wrong with more than one clearing house…. and I think it likely signals those in-the-know, to get out and get out fast.

If time was not of the essence, they would not have needed to make this public. They could have spread the word quietly. Discreetly. So, in my personal opinion, whatever is about to happen is going to be staggering. I think, they know it's coming. I think, they know it can't be stopped.

People on Pensions rely on those Pension Funds to get cash out of stocks to pay their pension. And that right there, is the big rub. Pensions hold stocks. When they need to sell some to put out Pension checks, they sell, their stock goes to the clearing house, the buyer sends cash to the clearing house and…. theoretically… the clearing house sends the cash to the Pension Fund.

In general, a clearing house is sent stocks or bonds to be "settled." The entity settling sends the funds to the clearing house, to be forwarded onto the seller.

BUT if the clearing house is bust, the money the seller was *supposed to get*, never comes from the clearing house. They keep it. Hence, they failed.

If Pension plans can't get cash, they can't pay pension checks. See how that works?

I am no financial expert and I am not licensed in any financial field. I cannot, and am not, giving any financial advice. But even I, a Layman, can see the writing on THIS wall. Some BIG clearing houses arPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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fec676 No.313149

It's obvious at this point our treasonous government and the Federal Reserve want the US Dollar to crash so they can bring in their totalitarian CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) scheme to enslave taxpayers/consumers and dictate what people can or cannot buy or sell, having total communistic State-control over the economy and finance. It's all about POPULATION CONTROL and absolutely not for the better. If they can remotely micromanage everyone's finances and financial decisions as consumers they get rid of consumer choice, they destroy the free market system and free enterprise, and thus they will destroy freedom. They would be able to dictate what we can eat, what utilities we can buy, what clothing we can buy, where we can purchase our goods and services, every last thing, total absolute tyranny. Prepare accordingly now while you still can and make sure you have plenty of what you need or want ahead of time.

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29ab6c No.313148 [Open thread]

Congress Assures American Universities Will NO Longer Allow Free Speech: Political Dissent Outlawed!



If you desire any freedom, do not attend the government's so-called "educational system"…. DROP OUT, FIND WORK, LEARN SOME SKILLS AND MEET OTHERS WHO HAVE WEALTH WHO YOU CAN PROVIDE SERVICES TO. No reason to go into massive student loan debt, you are STUPID for doing so after all this.


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dbb4ad No.313145 [Open thread]

Biden's Re-election Will Secure The Biggest Draft Dodging Rebellion In History And NATO's Defeat

For the first several decades after World War II, the United States championed free trade. Exporting sectors like agriculture benefited from it. Many economists still support it.

Much of the rest of the country has soured on it.

The economic logic behind free trade is that goods should be produced where they can be produced most cheaply. Consumers are better off. So are investors; constructing factories in uncompetitive places misallocates capital.

But some factory workers lose as production is moved offshore to lower cost venues. Heeding the public’s outcry over runaway jobs, Congressmen no longer support free-trade agreements. Presidents push tariff increases and industrial policy instead.

National-security policymakers have a different concern with free trade, one spurred by the possibility of war over Taiwan. No one wants that to happen, but if it did American industry would be hard pressed to keep our military supplied.

When the US won World War II, it was the world’s manufacturing powerhouse “the arsenal of democracy.” Consider these statistics, taken from naval historian Craig Symonds’s Teaching Company course “World War II: The Pacific Theatre.”

From 1939 to 1945, the Allies (the United Kingdom, China, the Soviet Union and especially the US) built: 4.4 million tanks, trucks and armored vehicles while the enemy Axis powers – Japan, Germany and Italy – built only 670,000; 637,000 aircraft to the Axis countries’ 229,000; and 55,000 ships, the lion’s share in the US, to the Axis powers’ 1,700.

The US won the war, Symonds argues, “because the United States was able to produce the tools of war, and especially the warships and the transport ships, not only faster than the Japanese but in numbers that were previously unimaginable.”

What haunts policymakersPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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dbb4ad No.313146



Today the US is no longer the world’s biggest manufacturing economy, its $2.5 trillion in annual manufacturing output exceeds the entire economies of all but seven countries. But it’s a distant second and its capacity to build enough of the most important tools of war is open to question.

Old-fashioned metal bending is among America’s hollowed-out sectors. Measured by output dollar value, the three largest US manufacturing industries are chemicals; computer and electronic products; and food, beverage and tobacco products.

In shipbuilding, the US is a nonentity. According to the US Naval Institute, China has nearly 47% of the global market, South Korea is second with 29% and Japan is third with 17%. The US has less than 1%.

It takes the US more than five years to build an aircraft carrier. Between 1943 and 1945, the US built 24 Essex class carriers, Symonds said. Granted, they were less sophisticated than today’s flattops. But the difference in volume is still striking.

A Chinese attempt to take Taiwan by force would test the US industrial base severely. War games conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a non-profit think tank, suggest the US would “likely run out of some munitions – such as long-range, precision-guided munitions – in less than one week in a Taiwan Strait conflict.”

China is said to be acquiring weapons five to six times faster than the US. In a conflict over Taiwan, would its vast manufacturing infrastructure enable it to outproduce the US the way the US outproduced Japan and Germany in World War II?

Meanwhile, NATO is starting to deploy combat troops to Ukraine. Soldiers from Poland, France, the UK, Finland and other NATO members are arriving in larger numbers.

Although Russia says there are over 3,100 mercenaries in Ukraine, these newly arriving troops are not mercenaries. They are in uniform,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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dbb4ad No.313147



The Biden regime, at least for public consumption, says it opposes sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine. But Biden in truth may be waiting for his reelection before he gives the order for US soldiers to fight in Ukraine. After Biden is reelected, he will have a free hand. The recent passage of the $60 billion air bill for Ukraine signals that Congress will go along with whatever the Biden administration wants to do “fighting the Russians.”

The national security establishment fears a Russian victory in Ukraine. It would constitute a major setback in America’s hegemony and would be a big blow to NATO.

Reportedly the Russian army is now 15% bigger than it was before the Ukraine war. It is also far more experienced, and the Russians have found ways to deal with US high tech systems, such as jamming and spoofing.

Meanwhile NATO is far behind Russia in weapons, manpower and industrial might. Furthermore, stockpiles of weapons are very low and equipment supposedly for national defense has been sent to Ukraine, leaving defenses wanting.

The consensus opinion in the US National Security establishment is that Ukraine is losing its war with the Russians and could potentially face the collapse of its army.

There already are reports that some brigades in the Ukrainian armed forces refused orders from their commanders. Those include the 25th Airborne Assault Brigade; the 115th Brigade; the 67th Mechanized Brigade (which abandoned positions in Chasiv Yar) and the 47th Mechanized (which demanded rotation after more than a year on the front lines). These are top Army brigades and not territorial defense units.

Ukraine is desperate to find new recruits, and it is getting some help from countries where Ukrainian draft-age refugees are hiding out. Lithuania is planning to send Ukrainian draft-age men home. So is Poland.

NATO’s plan to try and ward ofPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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