Former US President Obama Helped Boost Slave Trade In Africa
This is Naima Jamal from Ethiopia who is now being sold as a slave in Libya.
Active, real-life, Slave trade is happening in Libya in 2025.
Above is Naima Jamal from Ethiopia who is now being sold as a slave in Libya. So are those people behind her.
After the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi by rebels with the help of NATO, Libya became a slave market where Africans are being sold for as low as $300 each.
This is taking place today.
Not a single peep from the so-called "main-stream-media." Nothing about this on TV, on radio, in newspapers or even in magazines. Not a single peep from the NAACP, the ACLU, or any of the other "Civil Rights" organizations.
Want to know why? Because it is Black people enslaving Black people, and not White people doing it. Hypocrites.