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b3d7a5 No.313861

An Angry Biden Rages Right After He Bans More Basic Utilities Used By American Consumers

The relentless attacks and repressive intervention against the free market and consumer choice just keeps continuing under the fascisto-communisto Biden regime, even weeks before they are set to depart after Americans overwhelmingly voted the dangerous ideologues out of power.

In a significant regulatory power grab, that took place quietly the day after Christmas, the Biden regime finalized new 'climate rules' targeting natural gas-powered instantaneous water heaters. The Department of Energy (DOE), which traditionally issues a press release for such regulations, chose not to announce these changes publicly, raising eyebrows across various economic sectors.

According to the Free Beacon, the new regulations aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, a move aligned with anti-free market monopoly efforts. However, the regulations are set to remove approximately 40% of the current tankless water heater models from the market by 2029 (between gas and electric). This shift is expected to force consumers to opt for either more expensive or less efficient alternatives.

An industry analysis forecasts that the average cost increase for new water heaters due to the regulations will be around $450. This price hike is poised to disproportionately affect low-income and senior households, who are among the most reliant on the more affordable models currently targeted for phase-out.

'''This regulatory push on water heaters is part of a series of relentless attacks and repressive intervention targeting household appliances, including gas stoves and refrigerators, aimed at reducing carbon emissions and forcing electric/digital crap which is more costly and does not last nearly as long.

The regulation has sparked extensive debate about its legality and practicality. The American Gas Association has hinted at possible legal action, suggesting that the rule might violate the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, which prohibits banning products that offer unique performance characteristics. Thankfully Trump has expressed intentions to roll back many of Biden's economic repression to bolster energy production and stimulate economic growth.

Joe Biden viciously snapped at reporters Sunday as they asked him if he still believes President Trump is a threat to Democracy.

“Do you still believe he’s a threat to democracy?” a reporter asked.

“I think what he did was a genuine threat to democracy,” Biden answered. He rambled about immigration, stating “I mean, this has been, it’s who we are, and we are so connected to the rest of the world. Everywhere I go the rest of the world gets it.” Biden then weirdly raged at reporters “My being the oldest president, I know more world leaders than any one of you have ever met in your whole goddamn life.” “And I know them. You know how they think? Not a joke.” he further snapped.

Another sign of a fallen regime run by dementia and illogical delusion.


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b3d7a5 No.313871

No one will miss this corrupt POS. Good riddance!

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d4f2ac No.313878


But the boomers, they deserve to not have efficient heat because it's their fault afterall.

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b3d7a5 No.313879


Nope. Everything you are suffering from right now is due to bad political leadership and corrupt government. From the bad economy, national debt insolvency >> price inflation, rising poverty rates >> rising crime rates, third world open border invasion…. it's all because you have a corrupt destructive government full of thieves and selfish criminals who don't give a flying fuck about people like you or me. Wake up. We either throw these assholes out of leadership, reduce the size of the bloated government and their funding, or the country will continue being destroyed.

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