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4a8634 No.313864

UK Government More Concerned About PR Than Their Citizens Getting RAPED AND KILLED

According to the BBC, the Labour government believes the ‘special relationship’ between the British and United States government is under threat if Donald Trump acknowledges Elon Musk’s ‘incendiary rhetoric’ regarding foreign grooming gangs raping and killing children in the UK.

Musk has been vocal on X over the past week concerning the sick child-grooming gang scandal, which was covered up by the Labour government from the 90’s onwards for a period of over a decade, resulting in decades of horrific child abuse.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Keir Starmer accused Musk and British politicians who support his call for justice for victims of grooming gangs of jumping on a “far-right bandwagon.”

According to BBC Newsnight, there is “absolute horror at the highest levels of government at the incendiary language we have seen from Elon Musk.” So, what about the victims they are supposed to protect?

This thin-skinned, morally bankrupt Labour gov't are more concerned about Elon Musk's social media posts than they are about actual Pakistani rape gangs.

— Lee Harris (@addicted2newz) January 7, 2025


Apparently, there’s little horror at the industrial-scale grooming and rape of young white girls by Muslim men, and the biggest outrage is directed at Elon Musk for daring to talk about it.

“And there’s going to be… a hard headed assessment – is this just the view of Elon Musk or is it the view of the wider administration and the incoming president Donald Trump,” said a BBC Newsnight reporter. He added that if Trump shares Elon Musk’s view that grooming gangs are terrible and that there (God forbid) needs to be a new inquiry and actual action taken on the issue, “Then there may be some very serious questions about the nature of our ongoing security partnership with the United States.”

Well, the UK government can go to HELL and take Ukraine with them! Americans don't need them nor do we desire to be allies anymore until they correct the corruption in their government and change leadership!


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4a8634 No.313869

Yep, governments suck.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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