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Is It Wet Yet?

File: 9f8ce57b70329f0⋯.png (1.43 MB,972x2581,972:2581,23662.png)

4ec9a3 No.313379 [Open thread]

Protesters Crash Hotel War Criminal Netanyahu Is Staying At, Causing CHAOS

In protest to the genocide taking place in the Gaza strip, The Palestinian Youth Movement is claiming responsibility for releasing Maggots, Crickets, worms and other creepy-crawly things throughout the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC, where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying during his US visit.

They also pulled the fire alarms multiple times throughout the night, to wake him up, repeatedly.

Netanyahu is being sought by the International Court of Justice and/or the International Criminal Court on accusations of Genocide in the Gaza Strip, yet he is invited to address a joint session of the United States Congress.

The law is a scam. It is only applied to *some* people. Typically people Western governments do not like.

It would be nice to see this start happening to other insane corrupt leaders when they visit other nations. We surely have some bad politicians in our own countries.


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4d3913 No.313524

Стильные советы по выбору модных образов на любой день.

Статьи экспертов, новости, все дропы и мероприятия.


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File: e0d977042ae359b⋯.png (619.8 KB,820x827,820:827,14564.png)

fc7f4b No.313283 [Open thread]

ALL 50 States Are Building Massive Prisons! What Kind Of Tyranny Is The US Government Planning?

The US federal government is in the process of building a massive network of internment camps spanning all 50 states intended not to house illegal aliens, but political dissidents, a shocking new documentary claims.

Speaking to Redacted’s Clayton Morris, former Customs and Border Protection agent J.J. Carrell revealed a whistleblower in his upcoming documentary, “Treason,” exposes the scheme to build massive facilities that can house tens of thousands of people in every state.

“It’s not for these illegals,” says former federal contractor Kristi Hutcherson in an excerpt from the documentary. “I believe it’s… kind of like what Nazis did with the Jews, concentration camps, processing facilities. They’re going to need somewhere to process the dissidents,” she says.

The 24-year CBP veteran went on to tell Morris that Hutcherson has access to federal databases where bids are placed for a variety of contracts.

“But… she says to me there’s bids for detention facilities being built in all 50 states in America,” he said.

Carrell notes despite hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants entering the US, he’s been informed by sources that the facilities, many of which are on the southern border, contain as many as 40,000 empty beds.

Asked what the facilities look like, Carrell described, “I think they’re going to look like just the facilities that we’re seeing where the children are being held in, those FEMA camps.”

“That’s what they’re building. They’re building FEMA camps,” Carrell said, describing soft-sided large white tents surrounded by barbed-wire like those seen in New York City to house the migrant influx.

“So you’re telling me this government, the government that’s been lying to you for decades is now all going to be Kumbaya and they found God and they’re going to doPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

12 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5a17a9 No.313382

Hello everyone, I’m carrying out a short survey for my Master degree that explores the link between life trajectories and political opinions in the United States. If you can spare about 10 minutes, your participation would be greatly appreciated. And feel free to share ! Thank you in advance for your valuable help! 🙏


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fc7f4b No.313383


Trajectories do not look very good for the USSA unless we can get elect better, more competent political leadership. Right now it's 50/50 chance the current country we once knew as "America" even survives. At some point it might become as dangerous here as it is living in Mexico with all the violent crime and third world drug cartels pouring in. Balkanization has already been happening here to a slow but steady extent, that tends to be the last phases of failed Empires. When a growing percentage of the population disengages from society and abandons city life to distance themselves from growing crisis, leans toward their own communities and law as they see fit, you have the beginning of balkanization. It only takes around 30% of the public to stop trusting the system until the rule of law collapses and people start fending for themselves (literally speaking).

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c00dc3 No.313388

File: 4fa784efb3ba6aa⋯.jpg (184.96 KB,720x540,4:3,IMG_20240726_003154.jpg)

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c00dc3 No.313389

File: 6043c523bc17d2b⋯.jpg (260.46 KB,720x961,720:961,Picsart_24_07_26_00_57_10_….jpg)

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e1d6b1 No.313523

Модные заметки по созданию отличных луков на каждый день.

Обзоры профессионалов, события, все коллекции и мероприятия.


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File: d7f731540f288c7⋯.jpg (115.63 KB,1200x675,16:9,235552.jpg)

2b0120 No.313059 [Open thread]

State-run Media Gets The OK To Finally Admit The Reality About Ukraine

The US State-run media must have gotten it's cue: Time to let the Pro-Ukrainian nitwits know what's going on! Ukraine is… ehhhh… Losing.

To those of you who read this website and/or listen to my radio show, you've known from the beginning how this would turn out. Ukraine never stood a chance.

The only thing the US and NATO did was ruin years of dialog and cooperation with Russia, run-down our weapons and ammunition stockpiles, erase goodwill from international affairs, and show themselves to be literal thieves by stealing Russia's sovereign wealth money.

Other than that, the Ukraine operation went great… except for the half million Ukrainians who are dead …and now they've lost.

The people in government who did this, should all be fired, criminally prosecuted and sued into Bankruptcy by families of the war victims, for the war they caused and the loved ones lost.

The military people who advised the politicians that we could assist Ukraine successfully, are factually incompetent and should be relieved of their commands and relived of duty immediately.

The politico story pages say all that needs to be said.


8 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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521217 No.313127


their doing that while giving them more bombs to do even more damage, bigger bombs with. that is just so they can see they are winning even if its at least a little bit and then control the masses that way.

us propoganda is wide open throttle now

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c3df13 No.313136

File: 4b118dbd4edb4f6⋯.png (2.92 MB,2160x4096,135:256,1000003193.png)

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c3df13 No.313137

File: 53b3d301138f1a7⋯.png (8.9 MB,7329x5880,349:280,Untitled2_20240425171125.png)

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c3df13 No.313138

File: 1922792d4efe656⋯.png (2.69 MB,2160x4096,135:256,Untitled1_20240425170837.png)

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49a21d No.313520

Модные советы по выбору отличных видов на любой день.

Мнения профессионалов, новости, все коллекции и мероприятия.


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File: 374330954f463a8⋯.png (420.88 KB,655x1203,655:1203,3255.png)

fb2872 No.313511 [Open thread]

Top DOJ Spokesman Admits Trump Cases A ‘Perversion of Justice’ On Hidden Camera

The chief spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Southern District of New York (SDNY) was caught tearing into Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and other prosecutors for carrying out a “perversion of justice” in targeting former President Donald Trump, hidden camera footage captured by an undercover journalist revealed. Nicholas Biase, the public affairs director for the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York (SDNY), spilled his feelings about the liberal DA when speaking to an unidentified operative with podcaster Steven Crowder’s “Mug Club” on multiple occasions.

In one July 31 clip from what appears to be a bar, Biase said, “To be honest with you, I think the case is nonsense,” after Trump was convicted of 34 felonies for allegedly falsifying business records.

Telling the undercover woman he had known Bragg for 15 years as they used to work together in the SDNY office, Biase accused the DA of “stacking charges [against Trump] and, like, rearranging things just to make it fit a case.”

“He wants to be something … a mayor? I’m not sure what he wants to be, but I know he’s not happy just being the DA of New York County. Before he decided to prosecute Trump, did you know who he was? You do now,” the DOJ official said.

Another clip – this one from August 14 – shared by Crowder shows Biase saying the “state level is like the fucking wild west… they’re like idiots, they don’t care, they’re all political!”

“[Bragg] is probably gonna try to lock [Trump] up… it’s going to be ugly,” he said. “They’re so obsessed with getting him.”

“Who is they?” the operative asked. Biase replied, “The Democrats.”

He also blasted Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis for carrying out a “travesty of justice” for indicting him on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election. “To put it mildly, it’s a mockery of justicPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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2a7a05 No.313518

I hope you’re all doing well. I wanted to share something that might be of interest to those of you working on web development projects or looking to create a React application without diving deep into complex coding https://quarkly.io/lp/react-app-builder/.

I recently stumbled upon a fantastic tool called Quarkly, which is a React app builder that simplifies the development process. If you're like me and prefer a more visual approach to building apps, this could be a game-changer. Quarkly provides a user-friendly interface and a range of features that make designing and deploying React applications a breeze.

You can check it out here: Quarkly React App Builder. The platform offers various templates and components that you can customize to fit your needs, which significantly speeds up the development cycle. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with popular tools and services, making it a versatile addition to your toolkit.

I’ve found it particularly useful for rapid prototyping and for those projects where you need to get from concept to deployment quickly. The ability to visually design your components and see the changes in real-time is a huge advantage. If you’re interested in giving it a try or have any questions about how it works, feel free to reach out. I’d be happy to discuss it further!

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File: f006999cf1f566a⋯.jpg (23.68 KB,474x266,237:133,3717391551.jpg)

48717a No.313516 [Open thread]

Israel Directly Threatens Russia As Jews Begin To FLEE Israeli Settlements

The issue of long-range weapons for use in attacking interior, pre-war Russia, is developing into a very big - and dangerous - situation. Threats are being hurled back and forth, very publicly.

It all began when word came out early last week, that the US was "considering" allowing Ukraine to use US-supplied weapons, to attack deep interior, pre-war, Russia. The Russians sent explicit, written warnings to the US which said "If Ukraine uses long-range weapons to attack interior Russia, it will affect both sides of the Atlantic."

A few days later, at a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany, word leaked that the question of Ukraine using NATO (West) Supplied weapons to strike deep inside Russia was being discussed! Russia's Ambassador to The United States, Anatoly Antonov, then repeated publicly, his government's written warning: "If Ukraine uses long-range weapons to attack inside Russia, it will affect both sides of the Atlantic."

Late this past week, word leaked from US and UK Intelligence Agencies claiming Russia had taken delivery of "hundreds" of IRANIAN-MADE FATH-360, short-range ballistic missiles, for Russia to use against Ukraine. This revelation set off a firestorm of threats.

Saturday, the Defense Ministry of Ukraine said that "If Russia uses Iranian Missiles to target Ukrainian Civilians, then their Response against Iran will be Severe." Yes, you read that correctly, Ukraine just threatened Iran! But the really big development took place today, from Israel. Israel announced that IF Iran supplies missiles for Russia to use in attacking Ukraine, then Israel will supply "long range precision missiles to Ukraine, to strike Russia." Yes, you read that correctly: Israel just threatened the Russians.

If this wasn't so pathetic, it would laughable.

Ukraine is continuing to screech anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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48717a No.313517



The outflow of capital from Israel has increased seven-fold since last October.

According to a Monday report, economic analysts attribute the seven-fold increase in the amount of capital outflow from Israel to settlers’ concern about the future.

Settlers are very worried about the decline in the value of their savings and investments due to ongoing Gaza war or and the spill-over of the conflict in the region: they are taking their investments OUT of Israel!

Trading Economics, a financial consulting firm, announced that about $5.6 billion was withdrawn from Israel in 2023, which is seven times the amount that was transferred abroad in the six months before the start of the war.

The situation for Israel is likely to get far worse. Yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a directive to the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) instructing them to "prepare to change the situation in the north." It went on to tell IDF and Security Forces that the Israeli government needs to be able to safely return evacuees to their homes in the north.

This is widely viewed as a "heads-up" for a ground invasion, by Israel, into Lebanon.

If such a conflict erupts, wherein Israel is at war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, it is highly likely more Capital outflows will strike Israel, causing its' economy to implode.


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File: bbb34d59d824729⋯.png (502.36 KB,975x927,325:309,346346.png)

63794d No.313387 [Open thread]

American Doctors Volunteering In Gaza Ask Why So Many Children Have Headshot Wounds

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called Israel the "most moral army in the world," but a high volume of deeply troubling wounds seen by American surgeons volunteering in Gaza is casting doubt on that claim.

Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an American surgeon with heavy catastrophe-zone experience, is among those stunned by the civilian devastation they've recently witnessed in Gaza, and especially by a high volume of what appear to be precision rifle-fire wounds on children - including toddlers. "All of the disasters I've seen, combined – 40 mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes, all of that combined – doesn't equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza," Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an orthopedic surgeon and vice president of the International College of Surgeons, told CBS's Sunday Morning.

What most struck him was his observation that the overwhelming majority of the patients he and his team treated were children: "I've never seen that before. I've seen more incinerated children than I've ever seen in my entire life, combined. I've seen more shredded children in just the first week … missing body parts, being crushed by buildings, the greatest majority, or bomb explosions, the next greatest majority."

"I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest, I couldn't put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately, and directly on the side of the head, in the same child. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the 'world's best sniper.' And they're dead-center shots."

A Virginia anesthesiologist said he saw an estimated 30 single gunshot wounds to children in just two weeks. A doctor based in gunfire-heavy Chicago described the horrific conclusion he reached as the pattern emerged on the treatment tables in front of him: "I thought these kids were in the wrong place at the wrong time, like sadly, some of the kids we treat in Chicago. But after the third or fourth time, I realized it was intentional; bullets were beinPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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1633b9 No.313390

Such antisemitic questions…

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af05b0 No.313405

File: 187d10b48d21eb8⋯.jpeg (96.66 KB,792x707,792:707,IMG_7232.jpeg)

File: cb5f67d545a01c0⋯.jpeg (50.32 KB,376x283,376:283,IMG_7193.jpeg)

File: 962c367b706e98f⋯.jpeg (54.84 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_7010.jpeg)

File: 802bccbdd3112e2⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB,2912x2184,4:3,IMG_6889.jpeg)

File: a528b1625cabbf4⋯.jpeg (162.04 KB,1647x1073,1647:1073,IMG_5426.jpeg)

Nothing to see here. #KillingTheNextGeneration #SnipersForGreaterIsrael

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c565ca No.313419

Lol shut uuuuup. Keep on shootin

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c08dca No.313515

Модные советы по созданию модных образов на каждый день.

Заметки стилистов, новости, все показы и мероприятия.


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File: f4cd9e954712461⋯.webp (19.71 KB,1080x587,1080:587,alert_soldiers_in_koreas_….webp)

File: fcd8251ba55f65f⋯.webp (22.18 KB,1290x726,215:121,alert_soldiers_in_koreas_….webp)

File: 3d5cc788bfbbc5a⋯.webp (111.03 KB,1290x726,215:121,alert_soldiers_in_koreas_….webp)

50ba29 No.313166 [Open thread]

Im Korean American who served for 8 years including Korea. I speak Korean language as well so i would like to warn you guys, especially for those in Korea, about your personal/privacy information getting shared amongst local Korean women community(radical feminist’s). Radical feminists in Korea were being infamous of sharing men’s personal/privacy information within their online community, called Women’s generation(Yeo-seong-si-dae) in Daum Kakao club. However, they recently started to share foreigners information as well including military members stationed in Korea.

1st photo shows a military member’s selfie with discriminating his racial background. This post says, ‘did anyone slept with this guy? he is in Camp Humphreys and told to be in Air force. But can Alah people be in the military? How do i confirm if he is muslim or not?’ Also, the comments are sharing his privacy information including the body odor smells, size of his winnie, and etc.

2nd photo shows a pilot who is stationed in Seongnam(K9). The post says, ‘he is a pilot stationed in Seongnam. Does anyone know him?’ And the comment says, ‘he looks delicious’.

3rd photo is their own databook solely about military memebers stationing in Korea. It was told to have total 3 pages of personal information with individuals’ name, duty station, sexual orientation, personality, sexual preferences, penis’s size, and personal behaviors and patterns.

I am not sure if MI is tracking about this info, but you guys should be cautious of getting your information shared that can possibly use for spear phishing or even worse.

link: https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1cqk7hk/alert_soldiers_in_koreas_personalprivacy/

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e9ff72 No.313167

File: d2f5903ecf74361⋯.png (935.96 KB,644x944,161:236,1702352665031623.png)


What the fuck is wrong with gooks?

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e93d7b No.313168

File: bbed3919e02fdb9⋯.jpg (268.15 KB,970x1233,970:1233,edit_1711001480873.jpg)


Korean women's faces

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b33e75 No.313514

Стильные заметки по выбору крутых видов на любой день.

Обзоры профессионалов, новости, все дропы и шоу.


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File: 6446c31f5a2fbf4⋯.jpg (29.09 KB,540x359,540:359,2156.jpg)

a4c008 No.313310 [Open thread]

Biden Praises Vice President Trump And Ukrainian President Putin At NATO Circle Jerk

That was rough. After introducing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as Vladimir Putin - then arriving to his own press conference more than 50 minutes late, a coughing, slurring Joe Biden then called Donald Trump his Vice President as he attempted to show the world what a 'goodest boy' can do.

"I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president, if she's not qualified to be president."

Blinken, Austin and Sullivan the moment Biden said “Vice President Trump”:

— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) July 12, 2024


Biden then slurred his way through an answer on whether he thinks he should take another neurological exam. "The only thing that age does is create a bit of wisdom if you're paying attention … no matter what I did, no one is gonna be satisfied."

Biden then blamed his staff for his horrendous debate performance last month, telling the audience that he's "catching hell from my wife." "I love my staff but they add things. They add things all the time at the very end. I'm catching hell from my wife."

Cheat-sheet in hand, we are sure President Biden tried his best to step forward tonight for perhaps his final (and most important) press conference ever to clam the masses about his 'one off' events at the debate and with Stephanopoulos (and the numerous times before that were all 'cheap fakes', remember).

Since George Clooney admitted he saw the emperor with no clothes on, Biden's odds of getting the nomination have plummeted back to post-debate lows and Kamala is rising from her knees.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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cd512a No.313312

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000000 No.313313


Biden is a lost cause anyway

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269b8e No.313507

Модные заметки по выбору отличных образов на любой день.

Обзоры стилистов, события, все новинки и мероприятия.


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cd512a No.313509

The US govt has been trying to start a world war before the election but Russia won't take the bait it seems. Nor will Iran on the Middle Eastern front. My fear is if it continues to escalate they'll be able to start a global war, then declare "emergency powers" postponing (indefinitely) the US election and/or transition of power, much like Ukraine's corrupt government has done, essentially war time martial law will be imposed and the youth will either have to try to flee or hide away from a future imposed draft, or shoot the enforcers which will probably happen too. Their goal, after all, is the total destruction of the US Constitution and to create a permanent war economy.

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9eec5c No.313510

How the hell can he be mentally incapacitated to run but still remain as president

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File: db27f5c67aa23aa⋯.png (860.01 KB,585x866,585:866,4136.png)

cf587c No.313508 [Open thread]

State-run Media Refuses To Cover Massive Brazil Protests Over Free Speech Violation

Thousands of Brazilians flooded city streets on Saturday to protest against the government's censorship crusade against Elon Musk's free-speech Twitter X platform. The demonstration, held Saturday on Independence Day, was led by former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro - who said in response to Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes: "I hope that the Federal Senate puts the brakes on Alexandre de Moraes, this dictator who does more harm to Brazil than Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva himself."

There’s a massive free speech protest in Brazil today. The media coverage: CNN - nothing. AP - nothing. Reuters - nothing. NYT - nothing.

Several notable X accounts, including journalist Michael Shellenberger, are reporting from Sao Paulo's main boulevard, where tens of thousands have gathered today in opposition to far-left Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes that recently blocked X nationwide. Brazilian President Lula and Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes say they must block X to protect Brazil's independence. X is a platform for dangerous, false, and hateful words, they say, and many of those words violate Brazil's laws and Constitution.

But their censorship goes far beyond what Brazil's constitution allows. The government demanded that X and other social media networks censor and ban individual people, including journalists and politicians. Such bans are immoral, illegal, and unconstitutional. They constitute election interference and undermine democracy by preventing candidates from getting the word out.

Rebel News journalists were also on the ground, capturing the massive crowds via drone footage. HAPPENING NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

Former President Bolsonaro and his supporters came out for freedom. Last week, shortly after Twitter X was banned in Brazil, iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

048b3d No.313314 [Open thread]

Trump Proclaimed “The Chosen One” After Surviving “Gangsta’s Paradise” Assassination Massacre

A beyond horrifying new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declared about President Putin shortly after the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump: “All the threats coming from the Kiev regime are obvious… Therefore, the security of the president is established at the proper level”, says Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also factually observed: “Two months ago, I paid attention to the fact that the United States was literally fostering hatred toward political opponents, as well as provided examples of the American tradition of attempts and assassinations of presidents and presidential candidates”.




In knowing the truth of the “American tradition of attempts and assassinations of presidents and presidential candidates”, this report notes, America’s most trusted newsman Tucker Carlson previously warned of the grave danger President Trump faced: “If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work… What’s next?… Graph it out, man… We’re speeding towards assassination, obviously… They have decided — permanent Washington, both parties have decided — that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have him”—a grave warning followed by the MAGA Channel on YouTube posting its video “Never Give Up - TRUMP 2024 (Gangsta’s Paradise)”—a viral video that’s been viewed over 1.1 million times set to the music of the number onPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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dea231 No.313334

File: 8cf5d38f3a854bd⋯.png (599.53 KB,1012x1539,1012:1539,1720360156869527.png)

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3ae18a No.313341

File: 60ea701ca632d93⋯.jpg (37.86 KB,564x606,94:101,7f9d9406cfe9626b05c8ded012….jpg)

Inceldom will be the new norm, mark my words you useless niggers

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a6bb49 No.313362

File: ab278cab524ae47⋯.jpg (162.3 KB,1070x804,535:402,ThomasCrooks.jpg)

The epitome of FAFO from atop a dangerously sloped roof, Thomas Crooks did indeed find out.

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b37a25 No.313363


Another useful idiot CIA commie patsy, good riddance!!!


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890bec No.313506

Стильные советы по выбору превосходных луков на любой день.

Заметки стилистов, новости, все новинки и мероприятия.


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File: 2795b850a46db78⋯.png (1.05 MB,966x1327,966:1327,3253253.png)

4254ed No.313505 [Open thread]

International Court of Justice Declares Israeli Occupation of Palestinian ILLEGAL

The International Court of Justice, to which EVERY country on earth is a signatory to the Treaty which created it; has ruled the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian lands is "unlawful" and "must be terminated immediately." All settlements must be dismantled, and no country may recognize Israeli occupation as "legal."

The brief video below contains the announcement at the court:


Every country on earth signed the Geneva Conventions which establish the International Court of Justice and EVERY country on earth is legally bound to obey the court's ruling.


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File: 9d3437bfa0abaef⋯.png (848.19 KB,1140x760,3:2,CPI_FAKE_GOVT_FRAUD.png)

0aa539 No.313271 [Open thread]

US Government Caught FAKING The CPI: Real Price Inflation Up 21.5% Per Year

A young fellow posted a video to Tik Toc showing he bought a month's worth of food from Walmart in the year 2022 which cost him $126. By clicking Re-Order, he found the exact same order costs $414 today! The FedGov's Consumer Price Index numbers are all fraudulent.

Here is the minute or so video that lays it out: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/fedgov-cpi-numbers-fake-guy-ordered-from-walmart-in-2022-paid-126-same-order-today

Worse, if he followed through with the order and received it, he'd discover that there would be some items that not only cost more per unit, but that there would be LESS product inside.

These price increases are not exclusively a Walmart problem. This is across the board.

It’s even worse than that. Hundreds of items have been completely discontinued in all major grocery store chains across the country.

Slowly but surely, we’re being forced to buy from an increasingly shrinking selection of items.

Moreover, BEEF has skyrocketed everywhere. Even tough, low grade cuts are radically overpriced (and cut thinner). Even Deli meats are $14 a pound now.

Another person reports "I just went back to an order I placed on January 22, 2023. 19 items for $110, hit the re-order button and it’s now $264.20. WTF?"

A separate, third person reports: "I just looked up the earliest order I had from Walmart. It was in April, 2022. The total was $169. When I hit reorder, the total is now $241. That is 21.5% REAL INFLATION, per year."

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fc1226 No.313414


What do you do about windows? Just bars?

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fc1226 No.313415


While there will inevitably be a ton of brainless fucks that vote for Harris because she’s a black woman, the fact that she’s at least able to walk on her own is probably enough to convince left-leaning fence-sitters to vote her way.

I’m not sure what anyone expects Trump to do about any of this. The entire government is run by the corporate elite, and he did nothing to change that the first time around, because he couldn’t even if he wanted to.

The President doesn’t have the kind of power we’re told to think he does. He’s a scapegoat. He’s the Pope for everyone to hate while the Catholic Church rapes little boys. He’s the Elon Musk for everyone to love while his company produces four-wheeled bombs for soyboys.

The entire system is rotting from the inside, and voting isn’t going to fix it. No one is going to fix it. We’re trapped in this walking corpse, and we’re going to rot along with it.

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c4319a No.313416

I'm glad I'm on the verge of death.

Fuck upside down clown world.

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c4319a No.313417


By the time someone breaks through a window you should be able to shoot them. Same as with kicking in the door, you want to make them alert you first before they can get in and then you are ready to shoot them once they do get in. Always remember to shoot them INSIDE your home not outside, if they are killed from inside the home it is clearly self-defense once you call the cops and tell them what happened. Otherwise you'll have communist pariahs after you.

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eb18dd No.313504

Модные советы по выбору превосходных образов на каждый день.

Мнения профессионалов, события, все дропы и шоу.


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File: 6f0dcff1de2c1ef⋯.png (500.86 KB,799x1442,799:1442,426341.png)

1d1dd6 No.313503 [Open thread]

US State Department's Well Paid Online Propaganda Troll Farms HACKED

For a long time, K Street firms in Washington DC, operating “Internet Opinion Management” houses/boiler rooms, have been run by the State Department and the CIA. Today, two of those anti-Russian operations have been HACKED and their info, leaked. Databases from the anti-Russian funds The US Russia Foundation (USRF) and Free Russia Foundation (FRF) have now been leaked online. Among the leaked documents are the organizations' payrolls, information about correspondences and their participants, and other data.

The CEO of the "US Russia Foundation", Matthew Rojansky, is about as "Deep State" as it gets. From Wiki: "He served as a director of the U.S.-Russia Foundation and founded the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's Ukraine Program. From July 2013 to January 2022, Rojansky was the director of the Kennan Institute at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, which focuses on Russia and Ukraine issues."

As for the "Free Russia Foundation", it appears to be an entirely State Department / CIA creation, run by a LONG-Time Deep State Minion, David Kramer.

Former employees of these organizations have already confirmed the authenticity of the documents. They noted that these documents were previously unpublished and likely leaked from cloud storage used for grant reports. The documents reveal that the foundation's employees were destabilizing the situation in Russia using a bot farm, for which a special guide was written as part of an anti-Russian campaign overseen by intelligence services. It turned out that the employees of this "elf factory" posted calls for protests, criticized the authorities, and even pretended to be wives of mobilized men. The documents show that "elves" were essentially given ready-made messages where they only needed to insert, for example, the name of a city or square where demonstrations were planned. Bots were also encouraged to spread complaints about "local administration," though exactly which administration was left for the employees to decide.

This is hardly surprising since they had to meet a daiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 17a115f109d2abd⋯.png (1019.93 KB,815x1849,815:1849,21531.png)

f0a816 No.313502 [Open thread]

American Universities To Ban Anti-Israel Protests, Gut Free Speech Rights

No wonder universities have been losing students every year since 2020. Following the lead of New York University (NYU), American colleges and universities are imposing new rules to ban all criticism of Israel as "hate speech" and "antisemitism."

At least 17 schools, including NYU, have already altered their policies to punish students and faculty for disagreeing with Israel's war on Gaza. Some are prohibiting all Israel-related protests while others are going so far as to ban entire student organizations on campus.

In more extreme cases, schools are prohibiting students and faculty from protesting even online while others are expanding their conduct codes to basically keep quiet about Zionism or else face a school tribunal, of sorts, for punishment.

Today in the USSA, it is more lucrative NOT to go into student loan debt and take their worthless degrees supporting this brainwashing industrial complex. It would be wise for the youth to protest these indoctrination slave centers by NOT attending school at all, and going to a trade school instead.

If you are young today, give yourself the biggest voice you can give, DROP OUT and refuse to go into student load debt! Watch this evil system deservedly implode!!

If you do plan to go to school and speak your mind, here is a list of schools you should REJECT:


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File: 69b565448b84d51⋯.png (1.33 MB,984x1430,492:715,23552.png)

3891d4 No.313501 [Open thread]

Trump's New Promise As President: AUDIT The Bloated Federal Government!

Former President Trump plans to adopt Elon Musk's proposed new commission, the Department of Government Efficiency abbreviated as 'DOGE.' According to The Wall Street Journal, Trump could unveil the new government efficiency commission as early as today.

Trump plans to unveil the government efficiency commission before he delivers a speech at the Economic Club of New York. He will tell reporters that the commission would conduct "a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government" and make "recommendations for drastic reform."

The commission's primary goal is to identify ways to eliminate fraud and improper payments, according to portions of the speech viewed by journos at WSJ.

Trump's upcoming speech and proposed commission to address the failures of Biden-Harris' Bidenomics, which sparked an inflation storm and financially crushed mid—and low-tier consumers, also aims at deregulation. Trump has actively championed deregulation to make the economy great again.

Musk endorsed Trump on X shortly after the failed assassination attempt on July 13. He pledged millions of dollars to a super PAC supporting causes on the right.

Speaking with Reuters last week, the former president said he would offer Musk a position if he were seriously interested.

"He's a very smart guy. I certainly would — if he would do it, I certainly would," the former president said. "He's a brilliant guy."

Musk and Trump first publicly discussed a government efficiency commission during a two-hour conversation on X on August 13.

The conversation has received 60.4 million views so far: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1823254086126608862

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