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6d6322 No.313907

Biden Pardons Neo-con War Hawks, War Criminals And Corrupt Medical Fraudsters

BREAKING: Less than two hours left of being a failed president, BIDEN has pardoned - MARK MILLEY - ANTHONY FAUCI - Members of Congress and staff of Jan. 6 committee - Capitol and DC police who testified before Jan. 6 select committee.

Now you can be pretty certain that Milley is a Traitor, Fauci KNEW the COVID-19 was made in a lab with Funding he authorized and the vaccine was a fraud that actually harmed people, the J-6 Committee did, in fact, commit crimes, and the US Capital Police were in on it.

If ever there was any doubt in your mind that Joseph R. Biden is the biggest political piece of shit in the world, as are the nitwits, numbskulls, and douchebags who voted for him, that doubt should now be erased.

Some of the people Biden Pardoned committed Treason. Others committed Biological Weapons Research in violation of International Bio-Weapons Treaties. Others committed mass-murder with a phony "vaccine." It goes on and on.

As for the January 6 Committee, its staffers, the US Capital Police, and the Washington, DC police, don't even get me started as to what those good for nothing pricks did.

Yet not one of them can even be prosecuted for their horrific crimes.

MY COMMENT: Trump should pardon EVERY political prisoner under the Biden regime. Including under Obama too, heros like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange as well! Trump should also DECLASSIFY every single classified document regarding the Biden family (and associates) involving their business in Ukraine as well. Pardon Edward Snowden and put him in charge of the NSA. Pardon Assange and put him in charge of the CIA. That's what I would do.


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