>>126996 VIDEO: This week the media finally discovered crime: Gutfeld (YOUTUBE)
>>126997 VIDEO: MTG:LIVE Ep. 2 - Monkeypox (RUMBLE)
>>126998 VIDEO: Baby Formula health alternatives (RUMBLE)
>>126999 VIDEO: Fentanyl Is the Leading Cause of Death in America (RUMBLE)
>>127000 VIDEO: U.S. Senate approves $40 billion in Ukraine aid (RUMBLE)
>>127001 TECHNOFOG: Day 3 of the Sussmann trial - Baker testifies (Techonofog.substack.com)
>>127002 VIDEO: Hannity: Biden's radical administration will do nothing to help (YouTube)
>>127003 VIDEO: Tucker: We've just moved one step closer to tyranny (YouTube)
>>127004 VIDEO: Levin: Biden has brought in an American recession (YouTube)
>>127005 VIDEO: Elon Musk wants to end the cancel machine: Faulkner (YouTube)
>>127006 VIDEO: McEnany torches Biden's crisis response: Always late to the party (YouTube)
>>127007 VIDEO: Dana Perino: Media is too Trump-obsessed to cover anything else | Brian Kilmeade Show (YouTube)
>>127008 VIDEO: The Five’ talks migrant crossings as end of Title 42 nears (YouTube)
>>127009 VIDEO: $40 billion to Ukraine ‘indefensible’: Rep. Roy (YouTube)
>>127010 VIDEO: It’s all an anti-civilization agenda: CA gubernatorial candidate (YouTube)
>>127019 (GAB) FDA somehow has and approves first live, non-replcating vaccine to prevent smallpox & monkeypox? DAFUG?!?!?
>>127020 CatTurd (GAB) I'm going to skip monkeypox - I'm holding out for Bigfootpox.
>>127021 (GAB) U.S. Marshals providing 'around-the-clock' protection for Supreme Court justices
>>127022 (GAB) JUST IN - WHO to convene emergency meeting over #monkeypox outbreak.
>>127023 'Unacceptable’: Cruz, GOP Senators Demand End To Oil And Gas Lease Permit Delays (DailyWire.com)
>>127025 (GAB) Gee, Elon Musk never told me that until now he only voted for Democrats.
>>127027 DanScavino (TruSoc) 5 YEARS AGO, TODAY
>>127030 Shocked patient charged $40 ‘for crying’ during doctor’s appointment (NYPost.com)
>>127031 (QR) A Hidden Document Shows Obama Met Dr. Tedros and Terrorist Leaders of Ethiopia in 2014 -- Then In 2017 Tedros Elected Head of WHO (TheGateWayPundit.com)
>>127034 (QR) Fauci Delivered $100MM Of NIAID Funds To A Company Called Bavarian Nordic To Create This Monkeypox Vaccine (Breaking-news.ca)
>>127035 NYPost (Twatt) NYC cops hurt chasing down suspected car part thieves, sources say
>>127036 NYPost (Twatt) School bus driver Bruce Garner took 'upskirt' photos of girls: cops
>>127037 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NEW - Hillary Clinton approved the dissemination of debunked Trump-Russian bank allegations to media, ex-campaign manager testifies in Durham trial.
>>127039 NYPost (Twatt) Samsung boss excused from fraud trial to host Biden on factory tour
>>127040, >>127042 TheGateWayPundit (Twatt) Member of Biden's Secret Service Team Arrested in South Korea For Drunken Assault
>>127041 NYPost (Twatt) Hillary Clinton OK'd sharing Trump-Russia 'data,' campaign manager says
>>127044 FoxNews (Twatt) Hertz has yet to drop prosecution of false arrests despite promise to do 'right' by customers
>>127045 DanScavinoJr (Twatt) Costanza eating popcorn at Bidon's famous I'll do my job and take responsibility Twatt.
>>127046 DanScavinoJr. (Twatt) SUBSCRIBE TODAY (BabBee)
>>127047 ElonMusk (Twatt) Tesla is building a hardcore litigation department where we directly initiate & execute lawsuits. The team will report directly to me.
>>127048 ElonMusk (Twatt) Important, if you want to reduce bots/spam in your twitter feed
>>127049 ElonMusk (Twatt) Accurate
>>127050 DailyCaller (Twatt) Elon Challenges Accuser To Describe His Tattoos And Scars In His Genital Region To Prove She’s Telling The Truth
>>127052 DineshD'Souza (Twatt) VIDEO: Phillip Bump of the Washington Post puts forth weak arguments regarding the mules' use of latex gloves and the delivery of ballots for family members. @pbump
>>127053, >>127055 PAIN: Treason
>>127054 FoxNews (Twatt) Hillary Clinton to avoid 'direct responsibility' for role in 'disinformation campaign' against Trump: Turley
>>127056 VIDEO: ‘The Five’ react to Title 42 staying in place (YouTube)
>>127057, >>127058 LOOP (T.me) newest Loop ((5/20/2022))
>>127060, >>127061 VIDEO: Gutfeld: There is not a single optimistic photo of Joe Biden (YouTube)
>>127062 VIDEO: Ingraham: How low can Biden go? (YouTube)
>>127063 FoxNews (Twatt) Durham asks court to force ex-New York Times reporter to answer 'all relevant questions' in the Michael Sussmann trial
>>127064 TomFitton (Twatt) Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew.Clapper knew.Schiff knew.FBI knew.DOJ knew. CIA knew.State knew. They all knew Trump was innocent but they smeared and spied on him. Worst scandal in nation's history. Trump is a crime victim
>>127068 ElonMusk (Twatt) Confusing-gate, more like it! Bottom line: A prominent lawyer working for the Clinton campaign fabricated Russia-Trump collusion using a retired MI6 spy & some actual Russians.
>>127071 PDJT (TruSoc) Why can’t The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board recognize what a complete disaster our voting system is.
>>127072 PDJT (TruSoc) Robby Mook, I guess you do what you got to do. All of them were lying and now all of them are throwing each other under the bus.
>>127073 DonJr (Twatt) We never had a baby formula shortage until men started getting pregnant!!!
>>127075 USArmy (Twatt) #BestoftheBest RE: Join us in #congratulating SGT Jacob Sprosty (#697), SGT Kamille Torres (#698), SPC Ryan Paschall (#699), and SPC Shay Archer (#700), who were awarded the coveted Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Identification Badge! (@USArmy photos by Spc. Laura Stephens)
>>127087 #688
Archived Breads
Previously Collected Notables
>>126551 #683, >>126668 #684, >>126743 #685, >>126859 #686, >>126994 #687,
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>>113603 #578, >>113952 #579, >>113954 #580, >>114220 #581, >>114255 #582, >>114460 #583, >>114524 #584,
>>112687 #571, >>112828 #572, >>112971 #573, >>113066 #574, >>113312 #575, >>113301 #576, >>113434 #577,
>>111785 #564, >>111964 #565, >>112112 #566, >>112301 #567, >>112403 #568, >>112527 #569, >>112622 #570,
>>110879 #557, >>111013 #558, >>111168 #559, >>111307 #560, >>111432 #561, >>111535 #562, >>111645 #563,
>>109749 #550, >>109940 #551, >>110091 #552, >>110279 #553, >>110494 #554, >>110638 #555, >>110751 #556,
>>108652 #543, >>108860 #544, >>108929 #545, >>109112 #546, >>109288 #547, >>109533 #548, >>109602 #549,
>>107452 #536, >>107549 #537, >>107704 #538, >>107899 #539, >>108063 #540, >>108214 #541, >>108412 #542,
>>106539 #529, >>106714 #530, >>106710 #531, >>106940 #532, >>106957 #533, >>107089 #534, >>107276 #535,
>>105434 #522, >>105757 #523, >>105767 #524, >>105865 #525, >>105992 #526, >>106248 #527, >>106297 #528,
>>104419 #515, >>104529 #516, >>104756 #517, >>104879 #518, >>104989 #519, >>105210 #520, >>105315 #521,
>>103420 #508, >>103495 #509, >>103807 #510, >>103819 #511, >>103922 #512, >>104031 #513, >>104185 #514,
>>102301 #501, >>102556 #502, >>102677 #503, >>102810 #504, >>102918 #505, >>103131 #506, >>103303 #507,
>>101357 #494, >>101435 #495 , >>101552 #496, >>101657 #497, >>101803 #498, >>101994 #499, >>102148 #500,