>>118007 (Twatt) JUST IN - Police are moving in, ready to arrest truck drivers and seize equipment if they continue to block the highway at the U.S.-Canada border crossing in Alberta, per local media.
>>118008 (Twatt) Pfizer asks FDA to authorize COVID vaccine for kids 6 months through 4 years -
>>118009, >>118020 (Twatt) Truckers breakthrough the RCMP road blocks at the Coutts AB border crossing
>>118010 (Twatt) LEGO Jan 6th Video.. cute video
>>118011 (Twatt) BREAKING Police cars revolving light US Senator Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico suffered a stroke: statement
>>118012, >>118037, >>118040, >>118051 JUST IN: ABC suspends Whoopi Goldberg from ‘The View’ after Holocaust comments
>>118013 TomFitton (Twatt) Hong Kong's last Tiananmen Square memorial covered
>>118014 TomFItton (Twatt) BUSTED: Government Spending Mad Stacks on App to Study the Sex Lives of Gay and Trans Boys as Young as 13 Who Have Sex With Grown Men
>>118015, >>118016 (Twatt) THREAD: A man was taken into custody by law enforcement following an active shooter alert at Bridgewater College on Tuesday. Photo by Daniel Lin.
>>118017 Milltown Mel, one of New Jersey's weather-predicting groundhogs, died Sunday --- just days before the big annual ceremony. (MSN.com)
>>118018 (Twatt) Rachel Maddow says she was exposed to COVID-19 and therefore must work from home despite testing negative, being vaccinated, and being boosted: “Just trying to do my part to make sure I don't put anybody else at risk.” $30M annually to virtue signal.
>>118019 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - National debt of the U.S. has passed the $30 trillion mark.
>>118020 (Twatt) View from the sky of the Coutts blockade, farmers have joined in to further block the road, happened after RCMP decided to end negotiations.
>>118021 (Twatt) Rep. Jamie Smith, the highest-ranking Democrat in the South Dakota House, has officially announced plans to run for governor.
>>118022, >>118068 (Twatt) Hi @ThaddeusRussell, can you explain what you meant by this? RE: Adult child sex..
>>118023 (Twatt) We have a serious mental health crisis in this country and it’s only getting worse.
>>118024 (Twatt) WATCH: Man in Ottawa melts down over the honking from the freedom convoy.
>>118035 VIDEO: Sen. Kennedy: This is the cardinal tenant of 'wokeism' (YouTube)
>>118039 VIDEO: Enjoy these 3 Minutes of Aviation -- Episode #38 (YouTube)
>>118041 VIDEO: Super Lightning, Geomagnetic Coincidence, Past Disaster | S0 News Feb.2.2022 (YouTube)
>>118048 (PAIN) "Mr. Archer has cooperated completely with the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office investigation from the moment he became aware of it.” (NYPost.com)
>>118055 (QR) Matthew Harris, a former UCLA ‘philosophy of race’ lecturer was arrested by Colorado SWAT for threatening to commit a mass shooting against white members of the philosophy department (TheGateWayPundit.com)
>>118063 VIDEO: The Honkening: "Keep on Honkin" (YouTube)
>>118066 Disclose.tv (T.me) NEW - Jill Biden holds Joe Biden's hand and walks him off stage.
>>118067, >>118072, >>118075 RTnews (T.me) Remarkable’ Image of Milky Way’s Core Reveals Center of the Galaxy
>>118069, David Sirota (Twatt) While you were having a moral panic over some Spotify misinformation, NBC News just proudly hired the unrepentant pundit who lied America into the Iraq War that killed hundreds of thousands of people
>>118070 VIDEO: NY Times sues for info on Hunter Biden's business dealings (YouTube)
>>118071, >>118077 RTnews (T.me) C.N.N. are dropping like flies. CNN Boss QUITS Over Secret Affair With Ex-Andrew Cuomo Aide… Amid Chris Cuomo Furor
>>118073 RTnews (T.me) Trump statement on CNN boss’ resignation over secret affair
>>118074 Axiom Report (T.me) JUST IN - Sweden to announce tomorrow that all Covid restrictions will be lifted, Expressen reports.
>>118078 Kenekoathegreat ( T.me) NEW: Leaked notes from a White House Situation Room meeting the day before Kabul fell shed new light on just how unprepared the Biden administration was for the mass evacuation from Afghanistan.
>>118081 TedCruz (Twatt) akward teethy smile
>>118082 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Lupo: The Voter Rolls Are the Key.
>>118083 Gateway Pundit ( T.me) Archbishop Vigano: "Time Will… Make the Masks Fall from Those Who… Disguised Themselves as Saviors of Humanity (While… They Sought to Subjugate… and Exterminate Citizens or Make Them Chronically Ill).
>>118084 Gateway Pundit (T.me) MY TRIAL WILL EXPOSE VIOLENT J-6 POLICE!" Please Help DC Gitmo Prisoner Hold Violent Police Officer Lila Morris Accountable For Allegedly Killing Trump Supporter!
>>118085 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Breaking: Leaker Alex Vindman Sues Donald Trump, Jr. and Rudy Giuliani for "Witness Intimidation"
>>118086 Gateway Pundit (T.me) Another Fauci Failure: Johns Hopkins Study Finds Fauci's "Ill-Founded" Lockdowns Only Reduced Mortality Rates by 0.2%
>>118087 General Flynn (T.me) Biden BOOMERANG: Newly released State memos undercut Democrats’ Ukraine impeachment story | Just The News
>>118088, >>118089 General Flynn (T.me) Trump allegedly pressured Zenlensky to investigate the Biden family’s corrupt dealings in Ukraine. He says it was the “one call that changed his life,” Vindman wrote for the Atlantic.”
>>118090 X22 report official (T.me) POTUS45 on the Biden/Zelensky transcript of their phone call:
>>118091 Iranian Supertanker Expected to Discharge in Venezuela -Document (Reuters)
>>118094 DonJr. (Twatt) If only Trump still had Twitter right now!!!
>>118095, >>118103 I suppose there’s room for two Commanders in this town.
>>118096 Benny (Twatt) The whole diseased temple is coming down.
>>118097 Benny (Twatt) Trudeau: If you oppose Vaccine Mandates you have "Unacceptable views"
>>118098 Benny (Twatt) “Domino Effect” - Confirmed by CNN on Air
>>118099, >>118100 DoD (Twatt) Fire in the hole!
>>118101 Car crash victim sedated and seemingly put on vent and multiple meds to murder him. He woke up and escaped. (Jimstone.is)
>>118102 DoS (Twatt) “I have always contended that you don’t do this for minorities, you do this for the United States. We need, as a country, the very best input that we can get.” This week the Department honored the legacy of Ambassador Terrance Todman by naming the cafeteria after him.
>>118106 LOOP (Twatt) FOLLOW THE RESIGNATION RE: Jeff Zucker resigns as president from CNN.
>>118107 LOOP (Twatt) Remember: Part of the plan is done in the shadows (has already begun) and part will be done in the light (has yet to happen).
>>118108 (Twatt) Wth is going on at the WHThinking facewhy are the tree's orange?
>>118109 Why Are Myocarditis Rates Surging in Europe? (EpochTimes.com)
>>118110 (Twatt) Tay Anderson Vice President of Denver School Board says if kids do not want to wear masks, stay at home..
>>118111, >>118119 (Twatt) RE: NesWeek: QAnon Followers Think This Fake Mexican Trump Twitter Account Is …
>>118120 LOOP (Twatt) Knight & Fire Breathing Dragon
>>118131 DoD (Twatt) Controlled conflagration.
>>118143 USArmy (Twatt) Today, we honor the nurses who serve, and have served alongside our brothers and sisters in arms and play a critical role on and off the battlefield every single day.
>>118144 (2/2/2022) PapiTrumpo (Twatt) BUENOS DIAS, PATRIOTOS!!! LET'S GO BRANDON!!!
>>118148 LOOP (Twatt) Flower w Earth in it
>>118155 LOOP (Twatt) Sun Soaked Coast
>>118156 LOOP (Twatt) Blazing spiral
>>118160 LOOP (Twatt) OH WELL to word Meta stock plunges 18%
>>118161 LOOP (Twatt) Sword in Stone
>>118162 LOOP (Twatt) Round ChessBoard
>>118163 LOOP (Twatt) Mountain Scene, river flows through it
>>118164 LOOP (Twatt) Knight on a horse
>>118259 #608
Archived Breads
Previously Collected Notables
>>117942 #606, >>118076 #607,
>>116877 #599, >>117137 #600, >>117263 #601, >>117421 #602, >>117590 #603, >>117785 #604, >>117932 #605,
>>115678 #592, >>115800 #593, >>115918 #494, >>116130 #595, >>116271 #596, >>116530 #597, >>116678 #598,
>>114726 #585, >>114837 #586, >>114971 #587, >>115062 #588, >>115212 #589, >>115384 #590, >>115547 #591,
>>113603 #578, >>113952 #579, >>113954 #580, >>114220 #581, >>114255 #582, >>114460 #583, >>114524 #584,
>>112687 #571, >>112828 #572, >>112971 #573, >>113066 #574, >>113312 #575, >>113301 #576, >>113434 #577,
>>111785 #564, >>111964 #565, >>112112 #566, >>112301 #567, >>112403 #568, >>112527 #569, >>112622 #570,
>>110879 #557, >>111013 #558, >>111168 #559, >>111307 #560, >>111432 #561, >>111535 #562, >>111645 #563,
>>109749 #550, >>109940 #551, >>110091 #552, >>110279 #553, >>110494 #554, >>110638 #555, >>110751 #556,
>>108652 #543, >>108860 #544, >>108929 #545, >>109112 #546, >>109288 #547, >>109533 #548, >>109602 #549,
>>107452 #536, >>107549 #537, >>107704 #538, >>107899 #539, >>108063 #540, >>108214 #541, >>108412 #542,
>>106539 #529, >>106714 #530, >>106710 #531, >>106940 #532, >>106957 #533, >>107089 #534, >>107276 #535,
>>105434 #522, >>105757 #523, >>105767 #524, >>105865 #525, >>105992 #526, >>106248 #527, >>106297 #528,
>>104419 #515, >>104529 #516, >>104756 #517, >>104879 #518, >>104989 #519, >>105210 #520, >>105315 #521,
>>103420 #508, >>103495 #509, >>103807 #510, >>103819 #511, >>103922 #512, >>104031 #513, >>104185 #514,
>>102301 #501, >>102556 #502, >>102677 #503, >>102810 #504, >>102918 #505, >>103131 #506, >>103303 #507,
>>101357 #494, >>101435 #495 , >>101552 #496, >>101657 #497, >>101803 #498, >>101994 #499, >>102148 #500,