[–]▶ bf6267 (20) No.88102 [Last50 Posts]>>132211 >>132524 >>133586 >>135303 >>135400 >>136117 >>137526 >>148819 >>148831 >>148838 >>148863 >>148921 >>148941 >>149027 >>149057 >>149103 >>149146 >>149173 >>149191 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Welkom bij QR Midnight Riders Nederland
Het is duidelijk geworden dat de strijd 'Great Awakening' niet alleen in de USA
plaatsvindt, maar dat het Wereldwijd zijn effect heeft. Om het simpel te zeggen: Er is een strijd bezig tegen een groep criminele mensen die alles voor ons bepaalt.
Ze gaan onder verschillende namen schuil: Deep State, De Nieuwe Wereldorde (NWO), The Swamp, The Cabal en/of de Illuminati. Zij bepalen wat er in de wereld gebeurt en dat doen zij al tientallen jaren.
Zij hebben controle over ons financieel systeem via de Centrale banken. Zij hebben controle over de Politiek via hebzucht en/of chantage. Zij hebben ook via die
middelen de controle over de Media, Religie, Justitie, Kunst en Cultuur, het Koningshuis, Hulporganisaties, Social Media, Entertainment en zij bepalen wanneer en met wie er oorlog wordt gevoerd.
Kortom: controle over ALLES. Dus zo ook controle over ONS. Het doel wat zij nastreven is 1 wereldregering, 1 wereldreligie en 1 munteenheid. En wij functioneren verder als slaven voor hen.
Vergis je niet! Dit is een strijd tussen Goed en Kwaad.
Dit is, zoals eerder vermeld, omdat de Media of de zogenaamde Main Stream Media (MSM) stuurt, manipuleert, vervalst en alles doet om nieuws te brengen dat in de richting van de Cabal past. En als je ' s avonds op de tv aan verschillende tafels hoort van de zogenaamde experts die ook het nieuws ondersteunen, wie ben je om daar aan te twijfelen.
Genoeg is Genoeg!
Niet plaatsen en niet vragen of plaatsen van een link waarvan de inhoud illegaal is
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.88103>>135400 >>136267
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.88104>>90218 >>132199 >>137414
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Internationale QR Midnight Rider Onderzoek Threads
Canada $9 <<14
Frankrijk #2 <<16
Italia #2 >>15
Mexico #2 <<11
Niew-Zeeland #6 <<17
Noords #4 <<88070
Schotland #2 <<6
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.88105>>133190 >>133461 >>133525 >>133586 >>139536
Notables zijn geen aantekeningen
Overgebracht van Nederland # 6 >>13104582
>>13164546 Mark Rutte aanvaardt vernietigend rapport. Conclusie;“De democratie hangt aan het infuus”
>>13165208 “Davos Ontcijferd”, Stakeholder Capitalism volgens Klaus Schwab
>>13170920 Corona: Na de dood van een verpleegster in Oostenrijk belanden duizenden AstraZeneca-blikjes in de vuilnisbak
>>13234931 Dag 1, een kleine greep uit de berichten
>>13235477 Zeg hallo tegen je nieuwe minister President
>>13236416 Stembureaulid: 'Als je op Thierry of Geert stemt verscheuren we je stembiljet'
>>13237268 Italië Lanceert Doodslag Onderzoek Als Leraar Sterft Uren Na Het Krijgen Van AstraZeneca Jab
>>13238260 HET FORUM - Met Fajah Lourens (video)
>>13238478 HET FORUM - Vooravond verkiezingen met Wybren van Haga (video)
>>13243494 Een aantal gemeenten brengt stembussen na sluiting naar een grote locatie
>>13250667 Mondkap hypocrieten in de 2e kamer (mp4)
>>13251114 Thierry Baudet haalt uit naar “wolf in schaapskleren” Mark Rutte: “Dit wordt een Build Back Better-kabinet!” (video)
>>13255564 Verkiezingen: hoe belangrijk vonden politieke partijen Defensie de afgelopen jaren?
>>13259793 Studie: Progesterontherapie kan covid-19-resultaten voor mannen verbeteren
>>13296237, >>13296351, >>13296940 >>13297441, >>13297699 Wormachtige parasiet op de sneltest staaf
>>13297081 Benzeen in handreiniger
>>13298868 Rutte ontkent grensoverschrijdend geweld bij vreedzame demonstraties door politie en ME (video)
>>13322455 Onderzoek: ‘RUG werkt samen met Chinese ‘leger-universiteiten’
>>13322559 China is een gevaar voor de democratische rechtsorde
>>13322585 Het Tibetaans boeddhisme verdunnen om een heel volk te laten verdampen
>>13322603 Gegevens van miljoenen Telfort-klanten toegankelijk voor Chinees bedrijf Huawei
>>13329489 Niet-islamitische landen kiezen voor de Oeigoeren, moslimmachten laten ze stikken
>>13337113 Ook op zee wil Nederland niet wijken voor Chinese intimidatie: fregat vaart mee met Brits eskader richting Zuid-Chinese Zee
>>13338653 Chaotisch debat in kersvers geïnstalleerde Kamer brengt formatie verder onder hoogspanning
>>13338703 Wybren van Haga wast Ab Osterhaus en Tijs van den Brink de oren: ‘Virologen hebben hun gloriemoment!’
>>13339032 WHO-chef wil onderzoek naar covid laboratoriumlek
>>13358656 Ondermijnt Khadija Arib als voorzitter de macht van de Tweede Kamer?
>>13359083 Rusland ' s Lavrov waarschuwt voor Stijgende Anti-Wit racisme in de VS
>>13371278 Amerikaanse subsidie aan Wuhan Lab om Bat-gebaseerde Coronavirussen te verbeteren werd nooit onderzocht door HHS Review Board, NIH zegt
>>13399745 Wetenschappers zeggen nu dat vaccinatie niet goed genoeg is - push voor nieuwe vaccinatie elke keer dat we reizen
>>13404447 Representatives of 'Police for Freedom' march in Baarn on Saturday, April 10 (video)
>>13425366 Denemarken verbiedt AstraZeneca COVID-19-vaccin volledig te midden van meldingen van bloedstolsels
>>13425535 Vanuit een paar trials wisten men in december 2020 al dat 5 tot 10% ernstige bijwerking zouden krijgen
>>13427373 The head of Denmark's medicines agency, Tanja Erichsen, collapsed during a press conference on the decision to stop using the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID vaccine
>>13432668 Gezonde 43-Jarige Man Lijdt Een Beroerte Aan Bloedstolsel Uren Na Toediening Van J & J Vaccin
>>13433154 Pepijn van Houwelingen (FVD) verzet zich tegen dystopisch systeem van vaccinatiepaspoorten (mp4)
>>13496257 Wereldleiders proberen elkaar te overtreffen met klimaatbeloften op de top van Dag van de aarde
>>13548764, >>13556264 Rust Goed Mrs. Narqie, Geliefde Patriot
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.88106>>133206 >>133924 >>133951 >>135156 >>135400 >>135425 >>135948 >>138896
Notables zijn geen aantekeningen
>>13577559 Kinderpornoplatform met bijna half miljoen gebruikers ontmanteld, ook onderzoek in Nederland
>>13628218 Over het nut van “ophef”. Waarom FVD de mediamacht niet schuwt
>>13630730 Corona statistieken 15 mei 2021
>>13673172 Seksueel Misbruik Schandaal Rocks Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie
>>13676083, >>13676135 Mega corruptie schandaal bij de WHO
>>13686545 Impact covid vaccinaties op de sterfte cijfers (video)
>>13693078 Spaanse Politicus Verbannen Van Twitter Voor "Haatzaaierij" Na Te Zeggen " Een Man Kan Niet Zwanger Worden"
>>13767335 Chloroquine is een krachtige remmer van SARS Coronavirus infectie en verspreiding
>>13835700 Waarom Is Er Zo ' N Terughoudendheid Om Natuurlijke Immuniteit Te Bespreken?
>>13864457 Manitoba Chief microbiologist: 56% van de positieve covid 'gevallen' zijn niet besmettelijk
>>13864474 Buitenlandse verslaggevers worden gevolgd, 'beheerd' door GPS op de Olympische Spelen van Tokio
>>13873539 Freek Jansen ontmaskert: De waarheid achter de klimaatdoelen (video)
>>13877164 FvD'er Pepijn van Houwelingen over de VWS-bonnetjes (video)
>>13892664 Medische adviseurs van CDC: 'hoger dan verwacht' aantal gevallen van hartproblemen bij jongvolwassenen en adolescenten na Covid-vaccinatie
>>13893180 Griekse media …erikson was gevaccineerd
>>13893767 Beelden Tonen Levende Vleermuizen In Wuhan Lab, Ondanks Ontkenningen.
>>13908882 Wuhan bat video toont veel pandemische oorsprong informatie was 'Chinese desinformatie'
>>13957489 World Health Organization Zegt Niet Geven Kinderen Experimentele Coronavirusvaccin Injecties
>>13989613 Hongarije moet wet intrekken die bevordering van LGBT 's voor kinderen verbiedt" of anders EU verlaten"
>>14023684 'Enorme rode vlag': medische onderzoekers begraven gegevens waaruit 82% miskraam bij gevaccineerde vrouwen blijkt
>>14024012 Oxfam sloeg over 'witheid' survey, claims anti-wit racisme bestaat niet
>>14033136 Panel adviseert Nederlandse overheid om zich te verontschuldigen voor rol in slavenhandel
>>14081439 CDC manipuleerde studiegegevens om aan te tonen dat de Covid-19 vaccins veilig zijn voor zwangere vrouwen wanneer in werkelijkheid 4 op de 5 een miskraam kreeg
>>14087450 Nieuwe Wuhan gelinkte e-mails tonen negen subsidies van Fauci ' s NIAID naar EcoHealth voor bat coronavirus onderzoek
>>14100758 Nieuwe studie toont aan dat kinderen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk 99,995% kans hebben om COVID-19 te overleven
>>14127201, >>14128442, >>14128654 Mr Schwab volgt alle debatten van het Huis van Afgevaardigden op de voet, dus dat komt goed. De Heer Schwab volgt alle debatten in de Tweede Kamer op de voet, dus dat komt goed. (video)
>>14161867 George Soros en Bill Gates' gesteunde Consortium te kopen U. K. Maker van Covid Tests voor $ 41 miljoen
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.88107>>132300 >>132703 >>134550 >>139272 >>145840
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.88965>>143879
Rechtse memen verleiden "racistisch MASSAGEWELD"!? De comedy club van de Europese Unie beslist wat grappig is… en "niet meer" (rapport-advies)
De Europese Commissie heeft geprobeerd om de memes en grappen van deze genaamd "extreem rechts" te decoderen - haar rapport uitgebracht in Februari is onlangs viral gegaan als gebruikers de bureaucraten uit Brussel belachelijk maken.
Het rapport getiteld: "It' s not funny anymore. Extreemrechtse extremisten 'gebruik van humor" gevonden grappen kan invloed hebben op "veranderingen in perspectief" en verhogen kameraadschap binnen een groep.
De "racistische" memes in kwestie waren 'Wojack', 'Doge', en 'Pepe de kikker' - memes zo lang-gevestigde dat KFC ze gebruikt in advertenties!
Journalist en commentator Graham Dockery debatteert waarom de bewering van de Commissie dat "tweedimensionale cartoon een oorzaak van geweld is, een beetje overdreven is" en stelt de grote vraag: "Is kolonel Sanders een gevaarlijke extremist?"Lees het volledige artikel hier:
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.90218>>132374 >>133579 >>135303 >>137414 >>137946 >>138557
Internationale QR Midnight Rider Onderzoek Threads
Brazilië >>90190
Canada $9 >>14
Frankrijk #2 >>16
Italia #2 >>15
Mexico #2 >>11
Niew-Zeeland #6 >>17
Noords #4 >>88070
Schotland #2 >>6
Zuid-Afrika #2 >>18
UK #24 >>3
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.92351>>132509 >>133586 >>135303 >>137327 >>139467 >>144399
Algemeen Onderzoek # 18137 >>>/qresearch/14335933
De Deense WHO Chief zegt Covid "patiënt nul" was waarschijnlijk Wuhan Lab werknemer
Een van de toonaangevende experts op het gebied van infectieziekten van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie zegt dat de eerste covid 'patiënt nul' "waarschijnlijk" een labwerker was bij het Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Peter Embarek, die eerder dit jaar het hoofd was van een WHO-team dat het lab moest onderzoeken, vertelde de Deense televisie dat de waarschijnlijke bron van de pandemie iemand was die door een vleermuis was geïnfecteerd tijdens veldwerk of in een van de laboratoria in Wuhan.
"Dit is waar het virus springt direct van een vleermuis naar een mens," meldt TV 2 Nieuws Denemarken.
"In dat geval zou het dan een laboratoriumarbeider zijn in plaats van een willekeurige dorpeling of een andere persoon die regelmatig contact heeft met vleermuizen. Dus het is eigenlijk in de waarschijnlijke categorie.”
In het rapport wordt opgemerkt dat het type vleermuis dat betrokken was bij het doorgeven van de infectie, de hoefijzerneus, alleen aanwezig was in het Wuhan-lab en niet van nature in het general Wuhan-gebied leeft.
"Een werknemer die werd besmet in het veld door het nemen van monsters valt onder een van de waarschijnlijke hypothesen," zei Embarek.
Embarek ' s nieuwe beoordeling is in tegenspraak met de resultaten van het WHO-onderzoek, dat oorspronkelijk beweerde dat de oorsprong van het lab Lek "uiterst onwaarschijnlijk was.”
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.107041>>135886 >>137414 >>138510 >>138865
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.107042>>132314 >>132569 >>132572 >>133586
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.107156>>133586 >>135361 >>137327
Midnightriders Main #535 >>107145
Disclose.tv (Twatt) NOW - Violent protests against Covid-restrictions in #Rotterdam, Netherlands.
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.108107>>108108 >>132319 >>143578
General Research #19082 >>>/qresearch/15083742
Human traffickers grounded in 29-country sweep of European airports and roads
Action days yield further arrests for money laundering, modern slavery, and other crimes
Between 8 and 12 November, Europol supported large-scale international action against trafficking in human beings. 29 countries*, led by Austria and Romania, took part in the action days, which were coordinated by Europol and Frontex. The activities saw more than 14 000 law enforcement officers target trafficking routes on roads and at airports. This resulted in 212 arrests and the identification of a further 89 trafficking suspects.
The action days aimed to combat human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation, forced criminality and forced begging. Europol coordinated the five action days from its 24-hour Operational Centre, which provided the participant countries with informational crosschecking, secure communication channels, and a range of analytical capabilities throughout the operation. The action days took place under the umbrella of the EMPACT security mechanism/framework.
Results from 8-12 November**
212 arrests, for offences including trafficking in human beings, money laundering, pimping and fraud
147 668 persons and 91 856 vehicles checked
327 additional investigations initiated
Casting the net wide in pursuit of traffickers
The action days sought to identify and arrest human trafficking suspects as they transited across Europe, as well as to identify and protect trafficking victims and prevent associated document fraud. Europol coordinated national police, passenger information units, border guards and national agencies that counter human trafficking. Together they created a tight net around trafficking routes, with national police and border agents performing roadside checks, while the passenger information units checked airline passengers.
This led to law enforcement identifying 593 adults and 57 minors as potential human trafficking victims, which included nationals from countries in four continents. Officers stations at EU airports were able to identify a large number of victims as vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. Those identified were either successfully referred to the UK’s National Referral Mechanism, or returned them to their home countries with welfare checks or police assistance put in place upon their return.
There were also seizures of goods such as false driver’s licenses, weapons, and hard drugs. The information gleaned from these action days has led to the opening of 327 new cases, along with the possible identification of further suspects and of human trafficking. This enhancement of cooperation between EU agencies, national law enforcement, and actors such as passenger information units, will inform similar future investigations into these serious criminal activities.
Law enforcement also targeted a wide range of possible locations for human traffickers, such as bars, brothels, nightclubs, nail bars, massage studios, and strip clubs. This diverse range of target areas was the result of intelligence showing that traffickers were deploying multiple methods for recruiting their victims, such as the ‘lover boy’ method and threats of violence against victims’ relatives.
*Countries involved: Austria (Action Leader), Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania (Action Co-Leader), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo***, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina
**Results are still to be collated from activities in Luxembourg and Malta.
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.108108>>132374 >>135303 >>142877
Algemeen Onderzoek #19082 >>>/qresearch/15083742
Mensensmokkelaars aan de grond in 29-landen vegen van Europese luchthavens en wegen
Actiedagen leveren verdere arrestaties op voor het witwassen van geld, moderne slavernij en andere misdaden
Van 8 tot en met 12 November heeft Europol steun verleend aan grootschalige internationale acties tegen mensenhandel. 29 landen*, onder leiding van Oostenrijk en Roemenië, namen deel aan de actiedagen, die werden gecoördineerd door Europol en Frontex. Bij deze activiteiten hebben meer dan 14 000 wetshandhavers zich gericht op smokkelroutes op wegen en op luchthavens. Dit resulteerde in 212 arrestaties en de identificatie van nog eens 89 verdachten van mensenhandel.
De actiedagen waren bedoeld om mensenhandel met het oog op seksuele uitbuiting, gedwongen criminaliteit en gedwongen bedelen te bestrijden. Europol coördineerde de vijf actiedagen vanaf zijn 24-uurs Operationeel Centrum, dat de deelnemende landen informatieve crosscheckingdiensten, veilige communicatiekanalen en een reeks analytische capaciteiten gedurende de hele operatie bood. De actiedagen vonden plaats onder de paraplu van het Empact-beveiligingsmechanisme/ - raamwerk.
Resultaten van 8-12 November**
212 arrestaties, voor misdrijven waaronder mensenhandel, witwassen van geld, pooiers en fraude
147 668 personen en 91 856 voertuigen gecontroleerd
327 aanvullende onderzoeken geopend
Het net wijd uitwerpen in de achtervolging van smokkelaars
De actiedagen waren bedoeld om verdachten van mensenhandel op doorreis door Europa te identificeren en te arresteren, slachtoffers van mensenhandel te identificeren en te beschermen en daarmee samenhangende documentfraude te voorkomen. Europol coördineerde Nationale Politie, passagiersinformatie-eenheden, grenswachten en nationale agentschappen die mensenhandel bestrijden. Samen creëerden ze een strak net rond smokkelroutes, waarbij nationale politie en grensagenten langs de weg controles uitvoerden, terwijl de passagiersinformatie-eenheden luchtvaartpassagiers controleerden.
Dit leidde ertoe dat de rechtshandhaving 593 volwassenen en 57 minderjarigen identificeerde als potentiële slachtoffers van mensenhandel, waaronder onderdanen uit landen in vier continenten. Officiersposten op EU-luchthavens konden een groot aantal slachtoffers identificeren als kwetsbaar voor mensenhandel en uitbuiting. De geïdentificeerde personen werden ofwel met succes doorverwezen naar het nationale Verwijzingsmechanisme van het Verenigd Koninkrijk, ofwel teruggestuurd naar hun thuisland met welzijnscontroles of politiebijstand bij hun terugkeer.
Er waren ook inbeslagnames van goederen zoals valse rijbewijzen, wapens en harddrugs. De informatie uit deze dagen heeft geleid tot de opening van 327 nieuwe zaken, samen met de mogelijke identificatie van andere verdachten en van mensenhandel. Deze versterking van de samenwerking tussen EU-agentschappen, nationale rechtshandhavingsinstanties en actoren zoals passagiersinformatie-eenheden zal de basis vormen voor soortgelijke toekomstige onderzoeken naar deze ernstige criminele activiteiten.
De wetshandhaving richtte zich ook op een breed scala van mogelijke locaties voor mensenhandelaars, zoals bars, bordelen, nachtclubs, nagelstudio 's, massagestudio' s en stripclubs. Deze uiteenlopende doelgebieden waren het resultaat van inlichtingen waaruit bleek dat mensenhandelaars verschillende methoden gebruikten om hun slachtoffers te rekruteren, zoals de "lover boy" - methode en de dreiging van geweld tegen familieleden van slachtoffers.
* Betrokken landen: Oostenrijk (actieleider), België, Kroatië, Cyprus, Denemarken, Finland, Duitsland, Hongarije, Ijsland, Ierland, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Malta, Nederland, Polen, Portugal, Roemenië (Actieco-leider), Slowakije, Slovenië, Spanje, Zweden, Zwitserland, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Noord-Macedonië, Albanië, Kosovo***, Servië, Montenegro, Bosnië-Herzegovina
**De resultaten van de activiteiten in Luxemburg en Malta moeten nog worden verzameld.
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.108112>>108113 >>134272 >>134331 >>135108 >>135303
General Research #19082 >>>/qresearch/15083912
Republican Governors Join Forces to Challenge Biden Administration’s Inept Policies
15 governors launch “Operation Open Road” as they fight federal vaccine mandates.
Friday, November 26, 2021
As it becomes clear that the Biden administration will take no responsibility for any problem it creates, governors across the nation are joining forces to challenge policies and fix problems created by inept officials.
For example, 15 Republican governors, including Georgia’s Brian Kemp and Tennessee’s Bill Lee, have joined together to launch an initiative to address the continuing supply chain crisis.
The group of governors has launched Operation Open Road, which addresses transportation issues that have stalled goods nationally. There is a shortage of more than 80,000 truck drivers, which the group said is an “all-time high” for the trucking industry.
The GOP state leaders have asked President Joe Biden to lower the age requirement for commercial truck drivers from 21 years old to 18 years old. They also want Biden to suspend his private sector COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees, specifically in the trucking and transportation industry.
The Republican governors asked the administration to revise federal policies that hinder or limit domestic manufacturing of “essential” transportation equipment, such as trucks and tractor-trailers. The governors also want the administration to limit spending that could raise taxes or increase inflation.
The group has pointed to research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that shows a small adjustment, such as 12 minutes of additional road time per day, could significantly address industry strain and improve outcomes for a short-staffed industry.
“If we can get government out of the way, our trucking industry can safely do what it does best: move,” the governors wrote. “Our state economies are on the rise, and Operation Open Roads will help reinforce America’s economic comeback.”
Moar: https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/11/republican-governors-join-forces-to-challenge-biden-administrations-inept-policies/
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.108113>>132444 >>132569 >>132585 >>133062 >>133133 >>133586 >>133924 >>135303 >>136658 >>139530 >>143012
OOPS! Wrong board!
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.108721>>108722 >>133190 >>137327 >>137590 >>142783
General Research #109103 >>>/qresearch/15100575
‘Everything We Feared’ --- Incoming Leftist Coalition Govt in Germany to Push for a Federal EU Superstate
The incoming left-wing coalition government in Germany is set to push for a so-called ‘United States of Europe’ through the creation of a federal EU superstate, confirming concerns long expressed by Brexiteers.
Germany’s incoming Europhile left-wing government has begun a push for a federalized European Union superstate and the creation of what has been unofficially dubbed the “United States of Europe”.
The campaign for the creation of the superstate was enshrined in the coalition agreement between the three soon-to-be ruling parties, the Social Democrats (SPD), the Free Femocrats (FPD), and the Greens, according to a report by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the German language paper of record in Switzerland.
The agreement outlines the coalition’s commitment to supporting the “necessary treaty changes” needed to “lead developments to a European federal state”. This is something Germany clearly sees itself as being responsible for doing, with the document nodding “our special responsibility” for “the EU as a whole” as the bloc’s “largest member state”.
It also voices the coalition’s support for trans-national candidate lists for European elections, which would allow EU citizens to vote for candidates outside their member state. Significantly, the document calls for an increase of “Europe’s strategic sovereignty… this means establishing one’s own ability to act in a global context and being less dependent and vulnerable in important strategic areas”, an oblique reference to an emerging single European foreign policy and an EU military.
Responding to the plans, the head of the pro-leave Reform UK party, Richard Tice wrote on Sunday: “Thank God Brexit happened when it did, as new German leaders want deeper EU federal state,” calling the development “everything we feared”.
The leader of the German Green Party and the incoming foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock will reportedly be responsible for spearheading the campaign, according to The Telegraph.
“A strong German foreign policy can only be a European one,” said Baerbock.
Baerbock, being the leader of Germany’s most pro-EU party, also took a much harder line on the likes of Hungary and Poland during the televised debates, a stance that’s reflected in the coalition’s promise to go after states accused of flaunting EU laws.
The appointment has seen widescale criticism, with even prominent leftist politician Oskar Lafontaine saying last week that Baerbock’s appointment to the position would be a “catastrophe”.
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.108722>>132231 >>133229 >>133392 >>135460 >>135819 >>140118 >>146048
Algemeen Onderzoek # 109103 >>>/qresearch/15100575
'Everything We Feared' --- - inkomende linkse coalitie Govt in Duitsland om aan te dringen op een federale EU Superstaat
De inkomende linkse coalitieregering in Duitsland is klaar om aan te dringen op een zogenaamde 'Verenigde Staten van Europa' door de oprichting van een federale EU-superstaat, waarmee de bezorgdheid wordt bevestigd die al lang door Brexiteers is geuit.
De komende Eurofiele linkse regering van Duitsland is begonnen met een impuls voor een gefederaliseerde Europese Unie superstaat en de oprichting van wat onofficieel de "Verenigde Staten van Europa"is genoemd.
De campagne voor de oprichting van de superstaat werd vastgelegd in het regeerakkoord tussen de drie toekomstige regeringspartijen, de sociaaldemocraten (SPD), de vrije Femocraten (FPD) en de Groenen, volgens een rapport van de Neue Zürcher Zeitung, de Duitstalige krant van record in Zwitserland.
In het akkoord wordt de verbintenis van de coalitie uiteengezet om de "noodzakelijke verdragswijzigingen" te ondersteunen die nodig zijn om "de ontwikkelingen naar een Europese federale staat te leiden". Duitsland ziet zichzelf hier duidelijk verantwoordelijk voor, met in het document "onze speciale verantwoordelijkheid" voor "de EU als geheel" als "grootste lidstaat van het blok".
Ook spreekt de coalitie haar steun uit voor transnationale kandidatenlijsten voor Europese verkiezingen, waardoor EU-burgers buiten hun lidstaat op kandidaten kunnen stemmen. Belangrijk is dat in het document wordt gepleit voor een versterking van "de strategische soevereiniteit van Europa... dit betekent dat men zijn eigen vermogen om in een mondiale context op te treden en minder afhankelijk en kwetsbaar te zijn op belangrijke strategische gebieden", een schuine verwijzing naar een opkomend gemeenschappelijk Europees buitenlands beleid en een militair EU-optreden.
In reactie op de plannen, het hoofd van de pro-leave Reform UK party, Richard Tice schreef op zondag: "godzijdank Brexit gebeurde toen het gebeurde, als nieuwe Duitse leiders willen diepere EU federale staat," noemde de ontwikkeling "alles wat we vreesden".
De leider van de Duitse Groene Partij en de inkomende minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Annalena Baerbock zal naar verluidt verantwoordelijk zijn voor het speerpunt van de campagne, volgens The Telegraph.
"Een sterk Duits buitenlands beleid kan alleen een Europees beleid zijn", zei Baerbock.
Baerbock, de leider van de meest pro-EU partij van Duitsland, nam ook een veel hardere lijn ten opzichte van de wil van Hongarije en Polen tijdens de televisie debatten, een houding die wordt weerspiegeld in de belofte van de coalitie om te gaan na Staten beschuldigd van pronken EU-wetten.
De benoeming heeft brede kritiek gekregen, waarbij zelfs de prominente linkse politicus Oskar Lafontaine vorige week zei dat Baerbock ' s benoeming tot deze functie een "catastrofe"zou zijn.
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.118463>>118464 >>132246 >>132569 >>135400 >>136022 >>136967 >>137414 >>138639
Oil Shipments in European Oil Hub Delayed After Cyber Attacks
February 4, 2022
By Julia Payne
LONDON, Feb 4 (Reuters) -- Tanker and barge shipments in and out of Europe’s biggest oil hub have been delayed by up to a week as four storage companies scramble to resume operations after cyber attacks, sources familiar with the matter said.
Since the end of last week, storage company Oiltanking and oil trading firm Mabanaft, both owned by Germany’s Marquard & Bahls, have been hit by hackers. Belgium’s SEA-TANK and Dutch fuel storage firm Evos have also been affected.
The companies have had to suspend some operations, affecting oil flows in the Netherlands, Belgium and across Germany. It is not clear whether the cyber attacks are linked.
German newspaper Handelsblatt reported that Oiltanking and Mabanaft were attacked with a ransomware programme. The companies declined to comment.
They declared force majeure on their German operations earlier this week and oil major Shell stepped in to re-route alternative supplies.
A source close to Mabanaft said petrol stations were working normally but truck loadings were still problematic.
SEA-TANK and Evos, meanwhile, have storage in and around the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp oil hub, with their problems leading to crowding outside the port.
At least seven fuel tankers were sitting off the coast of Belgium waiting to load in Antwerp, according to Refinitiv Eikon ship tracking data. The Port of Antwerp authority declined to comment.
Barges due to move fuel between ports and inland down the Rhine River also suffered delays.
“The outages impact the entire chain because ships have had to be re-routed to other functional ports. Some barge operators have delays of around a week to move fuel inland or between refineries and depots in the area,” Lars van Wageningen of market intelligence firm Insights Global said.
SEA-TANK operates five locations in the port of Antwerp. They were forced to cut capacity starting from Sunday. A source familiar with the matter said they were “back to normal but not at full speed” as of Friday. SEA-TANK’s parent company SEA-Invest did not immediately respond to a comment request.
Evos said on Friday it had suffered delays at its terminals in Terneuzen in the Netherlands, Ghent in Belgium and Malta.
“Evos continues to operate at all its terminals …. The source of the disruption is being investigated,” a spokesperson said. (Reporting by Julia Payne, additional reporting by Ron Bousso, Rowena Edwards, Toby Sterling in Amsterdam and Christoph Steitz in Frankfurt Editing by Mark Potter)
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▶ bf6267 (20) No.118464>>132539 >>133219 >>133586 >>135303 >>138434
Olietransporten in Europese Oliehub vertraagd na cyberaanvallen
4 Februari 2022
Door Julia Payne
Londen, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Tanker en barge zendingen in en uit Europa ' s grootste olie hub zijn vertraagd door maximaal een week als vier opslagbedrijven klauteren om activiteiten te hervatten na cyberaanvallen, bronnen bekend met de zaak zei.
Sinds eind vorige week zijn opslagbedrijf Oiltanking en oliehandelbedrijf Mabanaft, beide eigendom van de Duitse Marquard & Bahls, getroffen door hackers. Ook de Belgische Zeetank en de Nederlandse brandstofopslagonderneming Evos zijn getroffen.
De bedrijven hebben een aantal operaties moeten opschorten, wat gevolgen heeft voor de oliestromen in Nederland, België en Duitsland. Het is niet duidelijk of de cyberaanvallen zijn gekoppeld.
De Duitse krant Handelsblatt meldde dat Oiltanking en Mabanaft werden aangevallen met een ransomware-programma. De bedrijven weigerden commentaar te geven.
Ze verklaarden overmacht op hun Duitse operaties eerder deze week en olie major Shell stapte in om alternatieve leveringen om te leiden.
Een bron dicht bij Mabanaft zei dat benzinestations normaal werkten, maar vrachtwagenladingen waren nog steeds problematisch.
SEA-TANK en Evos hebben ondertussen opslag in en rond de Oliehub Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerpen, met hun problemen die leiden tot drukte buiten de haven.
Volgens refinitiv Eikon ship tracking data zaten voor de Belgische kust minstens zeven tankers te wachten om in Antwerpen te laden. Het Havenbedrijf Antwerpen weigerde commentaar te geven.
Ook schepen die brandstof moesten vervoeren tussen havens en het binnenland langs de Rijn liepen vertraging op.
"De uitval heeft invloed op de hele keten, omdat schepen moesten worden omgeleid naar andere functionele havens. Sommige barge exploitanten hebben vertragingen van ongeveer een week te verplaatsen brandstof in het binnenland of tussen raffinaderijen en depots in het gebied," Lars Van Wageningen van market intelligence firm Insights Global zei.
SEA-TANK exploiteert vijf locaties in de haven van Antwerpen. Ze werden gedwongen om capaciteit te snijden vanaf zondag. Een bron bekend met de zaak zei dat ze waren "terug naar normaal, maar niet op volle snelheid" vanaf vrijdag. SEA-TANK ' s moedermaatschappij SEA-Invest reageerde niet onmiddellijk op een verzoek om commentaar.
Evos zei vrijdag dat het vertraging had opgelopen bij zijn terminals in Terneuzen in Nederland, Gent in België en Malta.
"Evos blijft werken op alle terminals…. De bron van de verstoring wordt onderzocht," een woordvoerder zei. (Reporting by Julia Payne, additional reporting by Ron Bousso, Rowena Edwards, Toby Sterling in Amsterdam en Christoph Steitz in Frankfurt Editing by Mark Potter)
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▶ 8e7b4e (3) No.132199>>132231 >>132275 >>133107 >>134177 >>135303 >>137292
>NO ITS NOT 3:23. It's 2:23.
I disagree with your conclusion, but using your 2:23 for picrel.
Madrid looking P@inful.
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▶ 321acd (3) No.132211>>133275 >>135234 >>135400
>>88102 (OP)
Lyrics by Leonardo da vinci
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▶ 0204bc (4) No.132231>>132343 >>133644 >>133742
way to go elon
now threaten to sell your share.
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▶ 0204bc (4) No.132246>>133461 >>137414 >>139530 >>149103
easier to just make one.
pom bottles work well.
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▶ 5caf8c (7) No.132252>>132518 >>133192 >>137414 >>145914
QClock June 6, 2022
Follow The Narrative
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▶ 4342d8 (5) No.132275>>133788 >>135908 >>137414 >>140905 >>141525
No,NOT NOTABLEit contains B.S. that was disputed this morning.
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▶ 0204bc (4) No.132300>>133586 >>135400 >>136294 >>138731
why thank u for noticing
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▶ 5caf8c (7) No.132314>>132503 >>135303 >>135422 >>135903
Watterson was the best thing since Charles Schulz.
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▶ 8e7b4e (3) No.132319>>133203 >>134448 >>137414 >>138849 >>139538 >>145631
>the schills HATE (you)
Cause the shills are fucking Jews!
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▶ 860e2e (2) No.132343>>134047 >>134106 >>135303
Kek I found it on the interwebs, I'll do my best with that pic
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▶ 5caf8c (7) No.132374>>133248 >>133586 >>134219 >>136692 >>136878 >>137530 >>137942 >>146611
If "God" wanted it this way, he would've made any variation from this impossible. He didn't.
You are spewing man-made lies.
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▶ 321acd (3) No.132404
Slow af breads today.
Let's try a proven speed up technique:
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▶ 9a91d8 (3) No.132444>>133586 >>134024 >>137327 >>137414
Also, this New World Order is being aided along by Djinn, because this new system that has been built up around us is based off of electricity and electric signals.
Your computer and smartphones, typing on a keyboard, etc. These all are technological means of summoning and commanding Djinn.
A.I. robots will be the physical bodies that will contain the spirits of Djinn in the future.
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▶ 5caf8c (7) No.132451>>133586 >>144756
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump
06/13/2022 19:25:47
Truth Social: 108472745802038039
Russell Fry has really done great, he’s the talk of the town, and of South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District! Get Out and Vote for Russell Fry tomorrow---he will never let you down!
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▶ c546b3 (4) No.132501>>134870 >>137327 >>137414
Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.
it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.
drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated
Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.
sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!
protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.
Ban genital mutilation of infants!
never promote bad behaviour
only time to think
The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate
West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)
Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)
Kentucky (85.00%)
Nebraska (84.00%)
Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)
Indiana (83.00%)
Iowa (82.00%)
Wisconsin (82.00%)
South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)
Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)
https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state
never promote bad behaviour
only time to think
Ban genital mutilation of infants!
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▶ 3cd530 (2) No.132503>>133519 >>138989
their minimum health standards - yeah, we saw an example of that during the covid hoax. No thanks! Their minimum means just let people die!
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▶ b26d78 (3) No.132509>>134448 >>135303 >>136584 >>137739 >>138674 >>138846
And I didnt even have to say, dear John, I always luck out.
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▶ 50501d (1) No.132518>>133924 >>134430 >>135186 >>137327 >>138896
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▶ 04ead0 (5) No.132524>>135886 >>137414 >>137909 >>139530
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▶ 4f0c8e (2) No.132539>>135242 >>135400 >>135835 >>137414 >>143051
This is the kind of shit that has me pumping the brakes hard on the "return". Read this ready-made article and tell me (they) aren't planning some kind of trap. If not a counter-riot false-flag event, at least some red-meat for the blue-anons to get panties in a bunch. Again the boogeyman. Anything to distract from their incredible failures.
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▶ c546b3 (4) No.132549>>132607 >>133586 >>135303 >>135428 >>136606
Dr. Simon, [08.06.22 18:04]
[Forwarded from Dr John B.]
[ Photo ]
Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of #autism?
The answer is "yes", according to this study:
(The study is 10 years old. Today it would be difficult to publish something like that.)
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▶ 0204bc (4) No.132569>>133776 >>137327 >>137562 >>139521 >>142769
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▶ 04ead0 (5) No.132572>>133519 >>134361 >>135400 >>138865
>Rubin thinks that this time, certainly, there's no doubt, they finally caught Orangeman.
Cassidy played herself in the current movie "The entire fucking DS is about to crumble into nothingness and there's not a mother fucking thing you can do about it". Cassidy gave a compelling enough performance that Rubin's gone full tard.
>Cassy, let me know if you want to get some coffee sometime.
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▶ 029978 (4) No.132585>>134935 >>135303 >>139340
The ruling was "leaked" weeks and weeks ago. They had all the time in the world, just not the funding or organization apparently.
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▶ 4342d8 (5) No.132600>>141689
4-6% Cannot Be Saved…
7,000,000,000 Billion People
4% = 280,000,000
6% =420,000,000
Y All The Panic?
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▶ 3cd530 (2) No.132607>>133134 >>136756 >>139775
Oz won?
Imagine that!
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▶ aa3116 (2) No.132650>>135156 >>135400 >>135857 >>136261 >>139372 >>141771 >>142457
If you are clandestine, and here for chaos your days are numbered.
The end of your agency's and all of your clowns destroying the country and turning it into a satanic hell pit is over.
Don't be on the wrong side of history, call your superiors.
Don't let the fear and suicide take you, turn yourself in immediately.
The storm has already been here.
No Deals.
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▶ 4f33a2 (5) No.132687>>133248 >>133586 >>135303 >>141525 >>142597
The Democrat-led House on Tuesday passed a measure to expand security for Supreme Court justices and their family members.
Updated: June 14, 2022 - 3:44pm
The bill passed by a 396-27, with only Democrats voting no. (Who to hell voted NO??? AOC +3?)
The Senate last month unanimously passed the bill, which would extend the same 24 hour security to Supreme Court justices and their families that other top government officials receive.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said before the vote that House Democrats earlier this week refused to vote on the bill on three separate occasions and that there was "no reason" to delay the vote.
The California Republican on Tuesday accused House Democrats of stalling a bill, which they altered to include protection for Supreme Court employees.
However, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said his Republican senators would not provide enough votes to pass that version in the upper chamber.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had refused to hold vote on the Senate version, saying, "This issue is not about the justices, it’s about staff and the rest. The justices are protected."
Concerns over the safety of justices heightened after a man armed with a gun was arrested last week outside the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
The man said he had planned to kill Kavanaugh because he was angry about a leaked draft opinion that suggested the high court's conservative majority would ruled on a Mississippi abortion bill that will effectively overturn Roe v. Wade, a decades-old decision that gives women the constitutional right to get an abortion.
The leaked opinion, in May, also resulted in protests outside the homes of several justices.
The Supreme Court is expected to hand down a decision on the Mississippi case by the end of the month and as soon as Wednesday -- which is expected to bring protests outside of the court building, in Washington, D.C., and at the homes of justices.
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▶ 321acd (3) No.132703>>133586 >>134043 >>135031 >>138865 >>139530 >>141525
That Hillary grab
02/27/22 (Sun) 09:56:0370c445 (3) No.15737485
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▶ df7915 (3) No.132707>>133586 >>133773 >>135400 >>136514 >>136837 >>137327
I only use RED text to get everyones undivided attention because…
[THEY] have damaged ,destroyed, sacrificed (2) living generations
Hunters now become the HUNTED
[THEY] made movies in PEDOGROOMERwood that were not fiction
555 love to LdeR
Don't come here
ENOU[G]H IS EN[o]==UGH!!!!
Marker [9]
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
Where We Go One We Go ALL
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths
Highest Death
"Standard Hotel"
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▶ ae155b (6) No.132755>>133586 >>140767
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▶ af5123 (1) No.132826>>133586 >>143378
What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?
Stay vigilant.
God Bless the United States of America.
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▶ 9a91d8 (3) No.132838>>136612 >>139530
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▶ 4f0c8e (2) No.132863>>133586 >>135074 >>135242 >>136496 >>144717
State of Emergency declared in Uzbekistan Karakalpakstan province
After a failed bid to scrap its autonomy, Uzbekistan's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has declared a month-long state of emergency in the northwestern province of Karakalpakstan.
The presidency announced that a state of emergency was declared according to a presidential decree "in the Republic of Karakalpakstan from 00:01 a.m. on July 3, 2022, to 00:00 a.m. on August 2, 2022,"
Riots broke out in the Province on Friday over a constitutional amendment that sought to remove Karakalpakstan's autonomous status. The area is populated by the ethnic minority of Karakalpaks.
Police stepped in to quell the riots after protestors tried to storm into government buildings.
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▶ bc620e (3) No.132890>>133648 >>134690 >>137186 >>139372 >>140434
who is I' fool
epstein worked for Putin?
sure he did
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▶ 8e7b4e (3) No.132924>>137809 >>140821
darth chichenhawks go GAHY for buttplugg pony rides
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▶ 573291 (4) No.132925>>135170 >>135303 >>135400 >>139372 >>139932
Jan 27, 2022
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▶ 2c4b43 (2) No.132955>>133586 >>134210 >>135428
When Q says we are watching a movie
does he mean its all scripted or our lives are a movie we just dont know it?
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▶ 04f7ab (5) No.132973>>137414
A meme so true
it posted 2
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▶ 04ead0 (5) No.132980>>133482 >>133586 >>133742 >>134208 >>135170 >>135400 >>138896 >>140618
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▶ 51b941 (1) No.132987>>135400 >>137414 >>140912
>i did it, 68 shitposts in one bread
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▶ f6c7a3 (3) No.133047>>133294 >>133586 >>134448 >>139338
💢 In Kansas and Nebraska, cattle are dying by the thousands.
“Looks like a meat shortage is coming, in addition to a wheat shortage. You will eat bugs. You won't own anything. You will be happy."
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▶ d2ba22 (2) No.133062>>134190 >>135303 >>141525
This meme deserves awards.
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▶ 3f4516 (5) No.133107>>134510 >>137327 >>140925
incoming remix… BOOOOOOM.
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▶ 3d06e3 (5) No.133133>>133927 >>136878 >>139444
>We may work together
>Won't be long now
Some news be great, I just don't understand the need to wait!!!
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▶ 43b654 (3) No.133134>>133586 >>136886 >>137414 >>138574 >>141525
okay would you prefer i just accuse you of being a shill then hiding lb notes?
or would "expired dough" be moar comprehendable??
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▶ f017e4 (6) No.133190>>136092 >>136272 >>139681 >>141525
>Maitlin Ward Holding A Pumpkin.jpg
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▶ 5caf8c (7) No.133192>>133586 >>135400 >>140734
Democrat privilege.
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▶ 0397b5 (6) No.133203>>135857 >>139125
Couldn't whomever had the access to the account done that and it is a One Step/Person verification. Not a two step , Trump-Q or Dan - Q 0 Delta or even Truth Social q- Q delta. IDK if it is a good enough to confirm. Like having a bill with your name on it to prove your Identity.
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▶ d551e5 (2) No.133206>>133924
I like that guy, I believe the 2030/2040 time was the projected "event", the 90 degree flip. I'm of the opinion catastrophes will be so rampant by 2030 they won't be able to hide it from the public.
The US military is already having to retrain pilots how to navigate via stars using the sextant, something they laughed at when I was still in the service. Don't misunderstand, they aren't at that point now where GPS is unreliable. They are however, realizing the need is going to be inevitable and waiting till the last minute to dust it off isn't a great idea.
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▶ 43b654 (3) No.133208>>134084 >>135303 >>136514 >>137414 >>138834 >>139051
Can't read the title so if it's brilliant, I'm missing it.
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▶ 3d1b95 (1) No.133219>>133398 >>133482 >>133586 >>135079 >>135303 >>138021
The story of Jungle Girl/Boy is realz?!!
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▶ 800e5d (3) No.133229>>137632 >>145679
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▶ bee8c2 (2) No.133248>>135303 >>137414 >>138078
<Cope and seeth ma’am
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▶ d551e5 (2) No.133275>>136221 >>143831
best scene of Hollywood history
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▶ d60019 (2) No.133294>>136756 >>139048 >>140154
The impact is too damn high…
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▶ b457bc (3) No.133392>>134395 >>135303 >>137528
her word salads gib anon indigestion
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▶ b26d78 (3) No.133398>>133607 >>137567
Ulysses, is the adaptation of the name Odysseus from the Homeric poem. It means wrathful.
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▶ 573291 (4) No.133439>>138896
Q got stuck in a different timeline
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▶ 6ac40c (6) No.133461>>133586 >>134375
What's your goal? Fake Q post on Tor hoping Anons will Filter you and all Tor? Nice Try Faggot
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▶ f6c7a3 (3) No.133482>>135400 >>137327 >>137414 >>140774 >>141339 >>145247 >>146722
if you do not understand what is going on then anons are not paying attention,
schumer stated in a speech at the start of 2022 that he wanted to federalize the elections, taking away the rights of individual states to give the results of their own elections.
they will be able to run them, but the result will have to be announced by D.C who will have the final say.
this is their plan, they have no other way of winning.
baker will try to find the video of that clip from january 2022.
Video is 6 hours and 24 minutes long
1) 8.50 minutes into video chucky starts speech. about harry reid
2) 11.30 minutes into video speech begins
3) 13.40 voting rights to be changed with senate rules over seeing, multiple calling over christmas by chucky to senators.
4) 18.20 into video the senate to have final say on election result due to jan 6th and state law changes
5) 21.00 minutes into video - chucky states the house will change look to change the rules and federalize the elections because of threats by trump and his movement.
6) 24.00 end of speech
Summary: They are doing what the did with the patriot act and weaponizing the 3 departments against the people, the D.O.J, the Judicary and lawfare to take away the rights of individual states to verify their own elections, the final decision will be with the senate,
What does it mean, it does not matter what the result is of any election across the usa 50 states, it who calls the winner.
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▶ 18f59e (1) No.133519>>133647
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▶ d60019 (2) No.133525>>133788 >>134499 >>135769 >>144480
wtf :) lol seriously wtf? what's that about
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▶ aa3116 (2) No.133579>>135303 >>140716
Wow, that's crazy
Didn't ask though
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▶ 9a91d8 (3) No.133586>>134448 >>134861 >>135400 >>137801 >>139530 >>144064
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▶ 9297c4 (4) No.133588>>134704 >>135303 >>135428 >>141200 >>145826 >>146200
Rosie's MAGA Gang
Quote Tweet
John Bowe
· 3h
ATTENTION. It appears that Gmail has wiped my Vaxinjured email account and all the wonderful messages I received from organisations and individuals for contact going forward. Having to sit and rethink TBH. Bit shocked. JB.
6:30 AM · Jun 11, 2022·Twitter Web App
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▶ 645d25 (6) No.133607>>138896
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▶ 5712c6 (1) No.133644>>134375 >>135303
the US Marshall's door knock and serve subpenoas? were they there for other reasons to?
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▶ 9eac8b (3) No.133647>>135400 >>137327 >>144756
Was getting "Network Error", but it's back up now.
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▶ 64eb1b (2) No.133648
Kek. Fleebonics got you jumping away!
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▶ bee8c2 (2) No.133672>>139277
Musk? Depp? Follow the 0 for 2 cucks
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▶ 452fe0 (1) No.133689
adult child of an alcoholic gender queer borderline personality latch key murder cult lucre obviously
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▶ 3d06e3 (5) No.133742>>135400 >>135651 >>143378
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▶ 9297c4 (4) No.133756>>134576 >>135948 >>136584
Q are is Dan confirming you are posting or that it is Babyfist.
This is a very important topic for anons. Shills attach to any narrative.
US ANONS need confirm…
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▶ 029978 (4) No.133773>>144710 >>146127 >>146392
more reasons why to shoot it in dealy plaza by a bush in the sewer
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▶ c03ea0 (7) No.133776>>137414 >>137473 >>140765 >>141460 >>142540 >>144032
Oh maybe we better @ a different agency.
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▶ c29869 (5) No.133788>>134448 >>137414 >>139530 >>146730
>Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
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▶ 3f0a51 (3) No.133796>>134260 >>134297 >>139530 >>143378
>Stay clam and carry Jimmy!
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▶ 64eb1b (2) No.133811>>141290 >>141525 >>144891
The reason, for my hate for the church.
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▶ b1c8ee (1) No.133813>>134447 >>138896 >>142576
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▶ df7915 (3) No.133924>>136584 >>137578
now with LINKS
so anons can check timestamps for themselves
Q Delta [0] = >>132518
DJT Delta [0] = https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885
Q requesting proof created = >>133206
Q pointing to exact delta timestamp = >>88106
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▶ 736837 (4) No.133927>>134940 >>136866 >>137327 >>137414 >>141525 >>144776
At dinner last night I just blurted out for no good reason, “where did pipe down” the meaning, come from?
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▶ 0cddbb (4) No.133951>>134451 >>137414 >>138347 >>139530 >>144894
But you'll never get either.
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▶ 090c99 (5) No.133959>>137414 >>139048
Transgenders destroy woman in bicycle race, then make out on podium
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▶ ce86f9 (2) No.133970>>135400 >>141525
Group of Senators, Including 10 Republicans, Announce Breakthrough on Gun Control Deal
A bipartisan group of senators announced an agreement on gun control Sunday, including providing more resources for mental health needs, school safety, and more.
The announcement includes the support of 10 Republican senators, which is needed for the upper congressional chamber to overcome the legislative filibuster in the 50-50 senate. It was praised, notably, by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a longtime proponent of gun control measures.
In the statement, the group said its plan “increases needed mental health resources, improves school safety and support for students, and helps ensure dangerous criminals and those who are adjudicated as mentally ill can’t purchase weapons.”
Republicans who support the measure include Sens. Lindsey Graham, (S.C.), Mitt Romney (Utah), John Cornyn (Texas), Thom Tillis (N.C.), Richard Burr (N.C.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) Bill Cassidy (La.), Susan Collins (Maine), Rob Portman (Ohio), and Pat Toomey (Pa.). Several Democrats also backed the measure, including Sens. Chris Murphy (Conn.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.), Corey Booker (N.J.), Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.), Mark Kelly (Ariz.), Chris Coons (Del.), Martin Heinrich (N.M.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), and Debbie Stabenow (Mich.). Sen. Angus King (I-Mich.) also signaled his support for the measure.
Murphy and Cornyn were both tapped by Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), respectively, to come to a deal following several high-profile mass shootings in recent weeks. The Republicans who announced their support for the measure will likely face blowback from other GOP lawmakers and some of their constituents.
The plan calls for an “enhanced review process” for younger gun buyers: “For buyers under 21 years of age, requires an investigative period to review juvenile and mental health records, including checks with state databases and local law enforcement,” according to their statement.
The bill will also provide support for state crisis intervention, protections for domestic violence victims, funding for school-based mental health and supportive services, investment in children and family mental health services, clarification of the definition of federally licensed firearms dealer, penalties for “straw purchasing” of guns, and telehealth investments.
There was no mention of more controversial provisions that have been proposed by some Democrats, including unilateral bans on semiautomatic rifles or bans on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. But the latest announcement suggests that it could provide resources for so-called “red flag” laws. Currently, 19 states and Washington, D.C., have red flag laws on the books, which have been described as unconstitutional because they violate the Constitution’s Due Process Clause and give too much power to judges.
“Today, we are announcing a commonsense, bipartisan proposal to protect America’s children, keep our schools safe, and reduce the threat of violence across our country,” Murphy, Cornyn, and other senators said in a statement. “Families are scared, and it is our duty to come together and get something done that will help restore their sense of safety and security in their communities.”
Schumer, in a statement, praised the deal and said that “Congress is on the path to take meaningful action to address gun violence,” without mentioning that some cities with significant gun control laws have some of the highest firearm-related homicide rates in the United States.
“After an unrelenting wave of gun-related suicides and homicides, including mass shootings, the Senate is poised to act on commonsense reforms to protect Americans where they live, where they shop, and where they learn,” he added. “We must move swiftly to advance this legislation because if a single life can be saved it is worth the effort.”
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▶ b457bc (3) No.133985>>135303 >>136882 >>139051 >>145435
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▶ 736837 (4) No.134012
Reread old posts.
The only winning move is not to play!
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▶ 95fcaf (2) No.134024>>135400 >>136219 >>139051 >>144064
nature's fuckin' brutal. There's no hospitals or doctors, so if anything's wrong with you, you're fucked.
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▶ 00b27a (1) No.134043>>135318 >>135400 >>135555 >>137327
No. Nunes don't know shit. Scavino is on his way to my house (if he's cool).
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▶ 860e2e (2) No.134047>>136215 >>137063
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▶ 3d06e3 (5) No.134084>>135303 >>135400
Bidan's interesting word choice
> flipping the switch
=:=Switch== used twice in Qcrumbs. (SEE PIC)
Also makes me think of the other Qcrumb about the lights going out. "Should the lights go out please know we are in control. " (Also as easy as flipping a switch)
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▶ 6761b4 (6) No.134106>>135507 >>139530
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▶ 0397b5 (6) No.134177>>135097 >>136391 >>136584 >>138636
>If Q wants us to move anywhere it is TS.
I've always though Q was referring to a site like Truth Social when this was dropped:
"the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment)."
As much as I love it here I don't think of /qresearch as a 'social-networking platform'. That's what TS is designed to be.
Here's the context from Drop 3038:
>Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).
>Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).
>Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).
>Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).
>Decide for yourself (be free)
Those who attack you.
Those who mock you.
Those who cull you.
Those who control you.
Those who label you.
Do they represent you?
Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?
Mental Enslavement.
The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.
The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Trust and put faith in yourself.
You are not alone and you are not in the minority.
Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
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▶ fbbaa9 (1) No.134190>>135948 >>136496 >>138068 >>142339
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▶ f4c4e8 (1) No.134204>>139331 >>143510
I'm back. I had to go get a strong drink.
Anons gutted me over this one. (last bread)
Everyone had the answer and others were correcting each other, but no one realized both kings were already in check, which isn't possible, so someone was either cheating or made a grave, game tossing mistake.
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▶ c8ed66 (1) No.134208>>135303 >>136083 >>137414 >>139530 >>140857 >>141481 >>143378
Now that was funny, was there…
Test - kek
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▶ 6761b4 (6) No.134210>>135400 >>140190 >>144960
Anon is tired of pawn fawning
Fawkes Fox
Snek stompers
Cuties and civility
Grooming gangs legal bagged lunch
Verbal punches help 🔥 up crowds at this stage of the game
Rehashes are sideline talk
Define boundaries and definitions
Define enemy verbal punch
Define fren verbal hug
CM Z??
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▶ 2c4b43 (2) No.134219>>136387 >>145216
He knows the score that's why he's into electrics in the first place. He's just picking the low hanging fruit atm.
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▶ c840e6 (2) No.134260>>134668 >>135303 >>135442 >>136022 >>136302 >>137115
Don't eat yellow snow or swim in yellow pools.
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▶ ce52d3 (1) No.134272>>134470
Too quiet. We need to be called dickheads with all red caps.
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▶ 4f33a2 (5) No.134297>>137327 >>144997
The food and agriculture industry isn't sexy. So people don't pay attention, now they might. I already can't buy one type of meat at the store I go to, and I plan on seriously stocking up now on other meat.
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▶ f017e4 (6) No.134331>>135400 >>135437 >>140606
>This shit was never endorsed by Q either.
Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.
>[future proves past]
Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.
What needs to be understood to appreciate whats going here is the fact the Q is basically creating a circular flow DIAGRAM that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases.
Apr 09, 2018 8:33:59 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
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▶ 04f7ab (5) No.134361>>137327 >>141525 >>141915
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▶ 5caf8c (7) No.134375>>135303 >>138495 >>140417 >>141525 >>144649 >>144682
I thought it was done by watering a special kind of tree.
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▶ 52cca3 (3) No.134395>>135428 >>136014 >>141525
damn anon you just made me have a little hope more for the future o7
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▶ 613c12 (2) No.134430
biden, biden, and dr jill, the most amazing people on Earth.
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▶ 6dde0c (3) No.134447>>137909
Big-Gov't RINOs and crony capitalists who will do business with any mafia, no matter how dirty, for a buck.
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▶ 1c3dbb (3) No.134448
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▶ d2ba22 (2) No.134451>>135303 >>137327 >>141306 >>141525
Hello hivemind, you do know Q's tripcode is BOARD SPECIFIC & not sitewide right?
Making your LARP really pathetic.
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▶ 671a13 (4) No.134454>>135303 >>136510 >>138284
Children of Light vs Children of Darkness
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▶ 573291 (4) No.134470>>139103 >>140851
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▶ 4342d8 (5) No.134499>>135303 >>135633 >>136014
The one trick is to mock, just like your father, who was a liar since the beginning. I just told you two true biblical events yet you mock. You are the one that caused the calamity in Israel, due to your mockeries. Go look up your previous mouth-offs. I know, I remember.
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▶ 6e3852 (3) No.134510
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▶ 5e8105 (1) No.134550>>137147 >>145000
not count dooku
its like watching a dull slow trainwreck of delusional coked and sexed up biden (any of em) in a dali putrid libtard mshitsmslime nightly news on canvass painting ? power and sex with diabolical slave dooku - satanic dem 30 dirty news
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▶ 8be0c3 (1) No.134576>>137196 >>137414 >>137596 >>137868 >>138896 >>140657 >>145479
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▶ bd17e4 (2) No.134668>>135303 >>137327 >>140903
Yea, a real psychological train wreck this one. Adios faggot.
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▶ d39248 (2) No.134690>>135303 >>137327 >>137809
1) Mark Hamel (luke Skywalker) Waiting for the J6 to begin, he looks like the force has left him.
2) James Goldston ABC producer (two days in and cannot keep up with video editing
3) Ben Affleck (bought in to help J6 ) WTF need a smoke !!
4) Mathew Mcconnogehgy and wife with adult shoes. boneheaded moves
5) Sean Penn in Ukraine (100 days plus, please send moar money)
6) Jonny Depp and Amber heard playing with shit and airing their dirty laundry in public (no one cares)
6) Kevin Spacey (up next in court in the uk for rape and sexual assault of young boys).
There are probably loads moar but anons can have a lot of fun with this collection of the celebs completely getting fucked up by mere memes and the anons !!
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▶ f017e4 (6) No.134704
Quite absurd isn't it? Almost like this poster found a word to use to feign superiority and hasn't realized how that looks.
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▶ 0cddbb (4) No.134768>>134971
That's NOT a hearing…That's a ????
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▶ 81b6b6 (2) No.134780>>136886
Bush/Clinton are connected to Soros and Ukraine via ROMAN POPADIUK
Department of State [POPADIUK] honors [SOROS] for meddling in Ukraine (1994)
"ROMAN POPADIUK was the keynote speaker at the award ceremony honoring financier GEORGE SOROSfor his work in promoting open societies inUkraineand other central European states. The event was hosted by the Ukrainian Institute of America, Inc., November 6, at the Plaza Hotel in New York."
Reagan/BushBush/Clinton/SOROS/Popadiuk Ukraine Connection
Roman Popadiuk (Ukrainian: Роман Попадюк) (born May 30, 1950) served as the first United StatesAmbassador to Ukraine under George H.W. Bush, from 1992 to 1993. From 1999--2012, he served as theExecutive Director of the George Bush Presidential Library Foundationat Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. He is now a principal at Morgan Lewis Consulting.
Roman Popadiuk was born in Austria on May 30, 1950. He received a B.A. from Hunter College in 1973, and a PhD from CUNY Graduate Center in 1981. He was an adjunct lecturer in Political Science at Brooklyn College in New York City. He joined the United States Foreign Service in 1981. From 1982 to 1984, he worked as a diplomat in Mexico City. From1984 to 1986, he worked in the Department of State and in the National Security Council.
From 1986 to 1989, he served as Assistant Press Secretary, then Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Assistant under Ronald Reagan. He served as Deputy Assistant to the President and DeputyPress Secretary for Foreign Affairs under George H.W. Bush, from 1989 to 1992.
He served as thefirst United States Ambassador to Ukraine under George H.W. Bushfrom 1992 to 1993. From 1993 to 1995, he taught at the Foreign Service Institute. From 1995 to 1998, he served as the International Affairs Adviser on the staff of the Office of the Commandant at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C.. He is amember of the Council on Foreign Relationsand sits on the Board of Advisers of the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs at The Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. He is also on the Board of Advisers of the Confucius Institute at Texas A&M University and the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council in Washington, D.C..
He has received a number of awards, including the United States Department of State Meritorious and Superior Honor Awards. Other awards include the Annual Achievement Award from the Ukrainian Institute of America, the Shevchenko Freedom Award presented by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, and the Hunter College Hall of Fame.
Roman Popadiuk is President of the Diplomacy Center Foundation (DCF), formerly the Foreign Affairs Museum Council, the private partner in a public private partnership with the United States Department of State to design, build and complete a museum on American diplomacy, United States Diplomacy Center. He has served on the DCF Board for five years and took over as President on January 1, 2019.
He is also amember of the U.S.-Ukraine Energy Task Force of the Ukraine 2020 Policy Dialogue, a forumco-sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine and the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation in Washington, D.C., aimed at strengthening U.S.-Ukraine relations and Ukraine's integration into Europe.
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▶ c0ce80 (3) No.134861
Stocks =2
have =3
11 - not a word but a number…kek…
Trillion =5
Dollars =6
so =7
far =8
this =9
year. =10
Worst =11
first =12
half =13
of =14
year =15
EVER!!! =16
I count 16 words and 1 number…
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▶ 402d10 (4) No.134870>>137414
HE did his AMA the other day and it was a good night.
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▶ b2f5d4 (5) No.134931>>144682 >>145086 >>146467
this board is now open for all shitposters
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▶ 0faec9 (2) No.134935>>137327 >>145980
The Dems held off because they wanted to include protection for the Justices' employees and the employees families…Republicans refused to add it, so the Dems had to agree to it anyway.
The SCOTUS woke-clerk that leaked the draft to Politico is probably the reason why the Dems wanted protections for SCOTUS' employees and families, and not just the justices and their families.
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▶ 0af372 (2) No.134940>>138603
locals call it Chiraq for a good reason.
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▶ 4342d8 (5) No.134971>>137414
Are peeps being activated? Shit is popping off everywhere
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▶ b08bbe (1) No.134983
Chants of support for the controversial Azov Battalion break out at a pro Ukraine rally in lower Manhattan
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▶ 0397b5 (6) No.135031
You are not ready to serve as a defeater of evil.
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▶ df7915 (3) No.135049>>138769
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▶ 599a9f (6) No.135074>>137327
>According to Daily Mail, Licht believes the specific phrasing of “the big lie” is a reference to Hitler’s Nazi propaganda efforts during the Third Reich. As a result, he is not in agreement with using it as a Democratic Party talking point.
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▶ 6ac40c (6) No.135079
anon says "who gives a fuck if Q's posts are real, faggot?"
not shilly at all……
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▶ 3f0a51 (3) No.135097
That gay faggot probably gonna have to save Snowflake & Safespace in that new movie
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▶ adec1e (1) No.135108>>142791
>I'm not gonna eat bug's
You shall kill the Jewish creatures and not eat them.
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▶ d3a97e (1) No.135156>>135737 >>139136
18¢/gallon doesn't mean shit, especially when there is no gas to buy. Remember, 3 months puts us into mid-September.
The northeast will be expecting fuel oil then.
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▶ 613c12 (2) No.135158>>136103 >>139958
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▶ 029978 (4) No.135170
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▶ 6e3852 (3) No.135185>>136408 >>136948 >>142905 >>146123
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▶ c61815 (1) No.135186>>137011 >>137327 >>137414
That about covers it.
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▶ ae155b (6) No.135234>>137180 >>137414 >>137725 >>142495
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▶ fec7c5 (2) No.135242>>135886
Full house tells the truth
Over 7 a gallon in Ca and I have already cleared out my bank account. Not that there was much there
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▶ 1c3dbb (3) No.135303>>135939
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▶ 55de63 (2) No.135318>>139917
how fucking stoopid do you have to be to believe that isn't exactly what they were trying to do?
then spread an RNA virus followed by an mRNA shot to splice the gene into every human.
then they sit back and watch as we depopulate the planet for them, and give them cause to create a police state, all at the same time.
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▶ b8a890 (2) No.135361>>136653 >>137819 >>138540
i usually lett 140 or lower (iq) anons.. work on the details
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▶ 3d06e3 (5) No.135400>>137327
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▶ 95fcaf (2) No.135422>>146221
PsyOP Mr Pig is falling down, falling down…
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▶ 1df1ff (4) No.135425>>139530 >>145826
I was trying to decode one of the videos in the other thread.
This is what I got
Code https://privatebin.net/?e4376ac63596c34a#4sf3WeYkQUSmXXjR6rxzXbRhKB2n1AMw8ZhHvYtqg6Zw
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▶ 0cddbb (4) No.135428>>136662
Very good question…
I wonder what FrequencyJupiterhums…
Bigly Bada Boom
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▶ 43b654 (3) No.135437>>142592
The jew Pritzker is governer
you're probably right
they are the family behind this tranny shit they are getting rich off of selling hormones and puberty blockers to children
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▶ 402d10 (4) No.135438>>137414 >>142208
Life, Liberty, and Property
>Published by John Bingaman on April 14, 2020
Wha ?? Don’t you mean “the Pursuit of Happiness?”
Well, no. What was originally written by John Locke in the seventeenth century and served as the basis of the well-known phrase in our Declaration of Independence, was that governments were instituted to secure people’s life, liberty, and property. Three legs of a very stable stool. Liberty preserves both life and property. Property preserves both life and liberty. Life creates both liberty and property.
By equating income taxes to slavery libertarians swerve into this concept. Suppose a person were to spend his time working not for wages, but tilling the land for food to eat. Is some of the food he harvests the governor’s? Is all of it? To the extent that it is, that person is a slave to the governor -- he’s working for the governor. If all the food is the governor’s, he is 100% enslaved. If only a part of the food is the governor’s, he’s only partly enslaved. We see the slavery clearly, when it’s put in terms of food and not wages.
If that farmer exchanges his food for money, is some of that money now the governor’s because it has been converted to money? Why would it be different? You see, what people do with their lives is convert their time into property. It might be subsistence farming as we just described or it might be wages in exchange for cleverness. Maybe it’s cleverness in entertainment or cleverness in accounting or cleverness in growing more food than you can eat yourself. Truly, it doesn’t matter -- what you’re doing is converting your life into property.
In Godly, Christian societies, the civil government makes no claim on your time. Chattel slavery is not allowed. That is the liberty leg of the stool mentioned earlier. We are free to pursue our happiest path of productiveness (turning our lives into property) and free to enjoy the fruits of that pursuit. Life, Liberty, and Property. (Let’s not forget that we’re also free to give thanks to our Creator for all of it.)
In our American culture in 2020, the combined burden of unavoidable taxes is about 30%, meaning we are slaves to the civil government for 105 days out of 365. With the encroachment of police-state tactics in the era of COVID-19 (some of which might be repealed when the crisis ends), our liberties are further eroded. At this writing, millions of Americans don’t have the liberty of pursuing productive lives. Under lock-down, the government is forcing us to eat the seed-corn. Neither do millions have the freedom to worship God -- He has been deemed non-essential by the governor.
The major point to be made here is that forbidding of liberty of activity (economic, social, and religious) for the saving of some lives is being done at the cost of other lives. Bastiat’s fallacy of the broken window is in play. The costs of what won’t happen because of the activity not undertaken is ignored by our plantation masters. If we question the policy we’re painted as heartless by them and those who won’t look at the tradeoffs. Not just heartless -- evil. No consideration is given to the guy who says, “My job feeds my family. That’s essential!”
We’re presented with a false dichotomy. The lockdown of society is not costless in terms of human life as our rulers would have us believe. Yes, it may be hard to measure at this point, but it will be measureable. The coming human misery and death for hundreds of thousands if not millions is now assured in order that tens of thousands might be spared of death by virus.
In much the same way as the plantation masters take wages of some to give them to others, the lives of many are now being ruined to spare the lives of others. This is not biblical, but they don’t care. They hate God.
We can worship the one true God and follow His precepts or we can worship and idolize the state, never finding a reason to say, “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)
If not now, when?
~John Bingaman, April 2020
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▶ 04ead0 (5) No.135442>>137414
https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0b10390488909ee9be08006ff0f290364f0749a8a453f2efa2a33ae05e673b6e.mp4 ←Link to mp4 video of pope receiving the coin !!
Biden gives Pope a sentimental challenge coin: 'The next time I see you, if you don't have it you have to buy the drinks'
President Joe Biden gave Pope Francis a deeply personal challenge coin during his trip to the Vatican on Friday, marking the gift with a moment of light-heartedness that nods to a long tradition in the US military.
In video footage provided by Vatican Television, the two men were seen exchanging a number of gifts, including what's called a challenge coin -- historically collectable pieces of recognition that originated in the military.
Biden said the coin he handed Francis included insignia of the 261st Signal Brigade unit in the Delaware Army National Guard, the unit in which the President's son, Beau Biden, served as a captain.
"With your permission I'd like to be able to give you a coin. It has a US seal on the front, but what's different with this coin, usually -- I know my son would want me to give this to you because on the back of it I have the state of Delaware and the 261st unit my son served on," Biden said, handing the Pope the large gold coin.
Beau Biden died in 2015 at the age of 46 from brain cancer. The President saw the Pope in the following months, and has warmly recalled when Francis gathered with Biden's extended family, who were still grieving, as he departed from the Philadelphia International Airport on his way out of the US. Biden has also said he corresponded with the Pope following Beau's death.
The President said during Friday's Vatican visit that the coins are given to "warriors and leaders," adding, "You are the most significant warrior for peace I've ever met."
"Now the tradition is I'm only kidding about this the next time I see you, if you don't have it you have to buy the drinks. I'm the only Irishman you've ever met who's never had a drink," Biden said to the Pope, who was laughing.
Francis quipped that "Irish people love whiskey."
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▶ 80d236 (6) No.135460>>135831 >>142852 >>144484
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▶ b2f5d4 (5) No.135478>>136662 >>145230
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▶ 6d1f85 (1) No.135507>>137414 >>141525
I endure.
I have never lost a fight.
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▶ 4f33a2 (5) No.135534>>141525 >>142457
Happy Birthday President Donald J. Trump!!!!
==Our Dearest Military Commander in Chief!!!!
Thank(You) Q , Q +', Q++ , Q+++!!!!
do it
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▶ f017e4 (6) No.135555>>136408 >>137346
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▶ 402d10 (4) No.135633
Kek…I luv it fren! Excellent!
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▶ 6ac40c (6) No.135643>>139917
Hold on while I unlock my pistol trigger before I engage.
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▶ 967ea3 (2) No.135651>>136022 >>137982
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▶ 80d236 (6) No.135737>>141525 >>142243
Lake mead 6ft below inactive pool! 150ft from dead pool
@ 14:41
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▶ d39248 (2) No.135769
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▶ 4f33a2 (5) No.135819>>141525
Blinded By The Light
Lit up by a Glowie
in the middle of the night
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▶ 0a3d97 (4) No.135831>>136209 >>144756
Yes, Chicken Vesuvio can NOT be improved upon.
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▶ 3f4516 (5) No.135835
poor thing, prolly harvested alive.
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▶ f977d8 (2) No.135852>>136886 >>137040 >>139212 >>142695 >>142902 >>143981
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▶ 0faec9 (2) No.135856>>142534
Meanwhile, while you enjoy the webM's i post, do not forget, don't get burned out, stay focused. Shills want you to be burned out, derailed and full with anger. Stay focused anons, let the webM's enlighten your mood.
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▶ c29869 (5) No.135857>>136092 >>143306
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▶ ae155b (6) No.135886>>138154 >>141339
We recall The Shining also featured rooms too big to fit their perceived exteriors,….
The Mystery of Rainbow Rentals
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▶ 9f0325 (4) No.135903
What’s wrong, anon? Do you need help?
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▶ cf3437 (1) No.135908>>137327 >>144225
I too have been diagnosed with schizophrenia.
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▶ 27ec4f (3) No.135939>>137414 >>138865 >>142319
night shift gearing up to be activated
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▶ fec7c5 (2) No.135948>>136789 >>140125
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▶ 013734 (1) No.136014>>137995
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▶ cb403b (4) No.136022>>136886 >>137839
OSS fag trying to get his shit into the notables.
as predicted
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▶ 293c5e (6) No.136032>>137414 >>145188
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▶ ae155b (6) No.136076>>137414 >>139110 >>141525 >>142834 >>146109
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▶ a50705 (2) No.136083>>143650
Dear Dan Rather,
i'll STILL be here long after you've turned into… well… me.
- Planet Earth
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▶ 0397b5 (6) No.136092>>137327 >>141525
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▶ bd17e4 (2) No.136097
I am pregnant with qanons baby
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▶ 04f7ab (5) No.136103
Ukrop Nazis captured by russian forces
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▶ 402d10 (4) No.136117
>>88102 (OP)
I remember it was so sad, I think that was at the time Paul Ryan joined the board (or maybe shortly thereafter) and they got rid of a lot of people that were interesting
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▶ 04a439 (3) No.136169>>139530 >>141525 >>144682 >>146547
Evening frens, just getting in from the field. Anyone know or have link on what happened in Missouri today?
How goes it baker? Ty for the bread!
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▶ b26d78 (3) No.136209>>137327 >>138314 >>140300
In America, all you have to do to be safe from the government is live as a homeless vagrant as a fugitive from The System, until you die from starvation or exposure, or get raped to death in prison for being poor. Super easy. Remember, God loves you.
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▶ 74d929 (2) No.136214>>138638 >>138865 >>142947
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▶ 81b6b6 (2) No.136215>>141525
Lucifer is the morning star, Jesus is the BRIGHT Morning Star. Light makes a big difference.
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▶ 0a3d97 (4) No.136219
So White Liberals are not White Supremacists?
Only White Conservatives are White Supremacists?
Even though the KKK was all Democrats?
They always flip things around. Accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of having done.
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▶ 80d236 (6) No.136221>>144507
All that tattoo schitt on the outside is a symbol of all her schitt that's on the inside oozing out!
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▶ 27ec4f (3) No.136230>>138896 >>140449 >>141525 >>143584
Nothing but fake news, human trafficking and cover ups. It will never end.
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▶ 8db014 (3) No.136261>>141525 >>143378
Stuff made of nightmares man.
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▶ 63bf81 (1) No.136267>>139340 >>149027
>Shitty thumb needs washed.
That's what that mouth do.
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▶ 8aa1c9 (1) No.136272>>141525
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▶ 573291 (4) No.136294>>138392
>Just to be clear the taxpayer is paying the shills and other 3-letter folks who waste their time here
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▶ 6761b4 (6) No.136302>>141069
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▶ 04ead0 (5) No.136387>>137414
You do know they can see what you see right?
The capstone to the pyramid holds the key.
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▶ 671a13 (4) No.136391>>138896 >>142571
>Florida pastor arrested for allegedly masturbating outside Starbucks
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▶ 04f7ab (5) No.136408>>137414 >>143169
>16426252, >>135185
broken link there
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▶ c5a830 (1) No.136484>>141069
What You Should Know About Biological Warfare
Shows how germs, toxins & plant growth regulators are used in biological warfare. How attacks may occur & what individuals should do if an epidemic results.
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▶ b2f5d4 (5) No.136496>>137139 >>139791 >>145493
ask kash flannel fridays
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▶ 80d236 (6) No.136510
Billy Clinton's presidential watch preference.
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▶ c29869 (5) No.136514>>137023
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▶ 671a13 (4) No.136584>>137414 >>144682
Q Research General #20935: #GhislaineMaxwell, 'You' are Watching the World Change Edition
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▶ c29869 (5) No.136606>>137793
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▶ e86050 (1) No.136612>>137414 >>141714
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▶ b457bc (3) No.136653
Fuck yes anon got a (you)
get some!
get some!
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▶ 1c3dbb (3) No.136658>>137180 >>137414
This is the best fake candidate they got? It would have to be something like this to keep Sleepy on the bench;.
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▶ 090c99 (5) No.136662>>139530 >>141525
I get the dog references, but you don´t understand at all.
speaking up so some stuff is prevented from ever happening again in the future seems to be the more powerful thing to do. also prolly the more brave one, if you are truly honest and acknowledge it´s in almost all cases "mason sacrifice" and not just people wanting to traumatize children bc they think this would be the best thing to do.
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▶ 0cddbb (4) No.136676>>137423 >>138260 >>141290
(you) D.Heads never tell me much and I feel detached since this years revelations to (me).
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▶ 5caf8c (7) No.136692>>146568
and there was also an amtrak crash in brentwood ca yesterday too
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▶ 6ac40c (6) No.136734
can we get rid of this red-textin namefagging pilotorb character?
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▶ 293c5e (6) No.136756>>137414 >>140620 >>146041
QR, they can see the future.
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▶ 0a3d97 (4) No.136789>>137414 >>141525 >>144783
going to need to see those beautiful breastesses
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▶ e1bb12 (2) No.136802>>137327 >>143981
At some point the bubblegum runs out
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▶ 691c0e (2) No.136837>>137327 >>138494 >>141309 >>145318 >>146097
doorknobs never work
too close to the ground
if your feet touch you can't hang til dead;
at the very least.
You have to actually hang with force.
not be hung up later, like on a nail or whatever.
they're either incredibly f-ing stupid
or they make it obvious on purpose.
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▶ 3bc6fc (1) No.136856>>137708 >>138486 >>144704
The Bias News
TRUMP: “So Cassidy Hutchinson was all set and ready to go to Florida with the Trump Team long after January 6th…but my people didn’t want her. What happened? Why did she so dramatically change? All lies…”
9:07 AM · Jul 3, 2022·TweetDeck
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▶ 090c99 (5) No.136866
>quarter of americans
>1,000 voters pooled
>1,000 = 110 million
common core is shit
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▶ 69970e (2) No.136867>>144057
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▶ b2f5d4 (5) No.136878>>137414 >>144783
Gucci Gang
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▶ 0397b5 (6) No.136882>>139010
i said who dat?
c'mon faggots
she's beautiful
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▶ 0a3d97 (4) No.136886>>137309 >>137745 >>141290 >>143334
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▶ fd1d1a (2) No.136948>>137414
Good work being done in here today.
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▶ 645d25 (6) No.136954>>141184 >>142228 >>142257 >>145708
'U.N. Secretary-General warns of ‘real risk’ of ‘multiple famines’ this year and next
<Updated: June 25, 2022 - 10:28am
“There is a real risk that multiple famines will be declared this year - and 2023 could be even worse,” António Guterres said in a video address to a global food security conference in Berlin.
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▶ 72c7fb (3) No.136967>>139530 >>141525 >>144776
Kek, this movie is awesome with anons like you.
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▶ e1bb12 (2) No.137011>>144822
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▶ 967ea3 (2) No.137023>>139125
Right kek
Send dat chit
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▶ 52cca3 (3) No.137040>>138752 >>142096 >>143446
Knowing this can't we utilize this knowledge and harness the stem cells of other animals? Why does it have to be our fellow human? If it's because of the synergy of human to human transfer then would a synthetic version be ethical?
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▶ 3f0a51 (3) No.137063>>146412 >>146610
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▶ 6761b4 (6) No.137115>>138896
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▶ c546b3 (4) No.137129>>146413
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▶ 800e5d (3) No.137139
Wonder if the dad really said "Yeah, that's swalwell, the treasonous pile of poo poo who was sleeping with the Chinese spy named Christine 'Fang' Fang".
Of course he'd have to read a board like this one to have a clue. Did faux even mention it?
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▶ 736837 (4) No.137147>>137497 >>141525 >>142029
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▶ 0af372 (2) No.137180>>137885 >>141525
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▶ 599a9f (6) No.137186>>141525 >>146677
leave it to the establishment to spend millions of dollars and dozens of years to figure out half-breeds are going to have a rougher time growing up due to the added social pressures from the large fraction of people (black and white) who do not approve of half-breeds.
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▶ 36464e (1) No.137196
If a child from each race was raised the exact same way, how would that work out. Same everything.
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▶ 52cca3 (3) No.137237>>138332 >>138896 >>139051
The security services of Ukraine… almost no French person has ever heard of them and our journalists in France are not ready to tell you what the SBU is. And yet! It is undoubtedly one of the worst, if not the worst criminal organisation in Europe and one of the most terrifying political police forces we have known for half a century. Its exploits could be on a par with the notorious STASI (GDR) or even the Securitate (Romania), which made so much noise. However, one day Europe and France will have to accept to see the face of death and blood that is the SBU. So much silence on the part of newspapers as famous as Le Monde, Libération or Le Figaro is in itself suspicious and even worse guilty, and I dare say: criminal.
There is no war in Donbass… only an anti-terrorist operation. Yes you read that right, it’s a law of the Rada of Ukraine that was passed back in 2014, there is no war in Eastern Ukraine… but terrorists who were seeking to destroy the country. According to this rhetoric, the SBU, which deals with counter-espionage, was deployed and very quickly committed numerous abuses, assassinations and various crimes. According to various sources, the SBU had nearly 30,000 agents and employees, and very quickly attacked anything Russian, anti-Maidan and which could hinder the march of the Coloured Revolution financed and organised by the USA, in the winter of 2013-2014. The young blogger Marina Russkaya (pseudonym to protect her family in Ukraine), a student of political science in the capital (2012-2015) told us at the time about her journey. Having started writing against the Maidan, she was soon in contact with other activists and soon followed by tens of thousands of people. It was during a morning in 2015 that she was called by an activist friend in Kiev: “you have to flee Marina, they are breaking down my door, they are coming to get you! Taking only her handbag, the young woman, then aged 24, fled Ukraine. Luckily, she was able to take a train to Russia and from there to the Donbass. That day, the SBU raid caught several dozen activists in its net. When asked about this, Marina said she had no news: “they were murdered, imprisoned, they will certainly be killed if they have survived in the Ukrainian prisons where they are languishing, the SBU will not let them live before fleeing”. This is one of the many testimonies we have collected from “these Donbass terrorists”. Worse still, there is even an official list published on the Internet containing thousands of names of people to be imprisoned or murdered, the Mirotvorets list (Christelle Néant and myself and other French people are on this list). Because far from finally dealing with counter-espionage, the SBU agents have become a political police force, and this police force has been torturing and murdering for 8 years.
Secret prisons and torture sites of the SBU… under American control? In 2016, I had the chance to interview in two sessions, 11 political prisoners exchanged by Ukraine (via the Red Cross), for Ukrainian soldiers. What they told me still haunts my memory and sometimes my nights. This is how I discovered the extent of political repression in Ukraine. The SBU can arrest without an arrest warrant anyone on the territory of Ukraine. These people are illegally interrogated and imprisoned. To make them talk and “destroy terrorism in Ukraine”, all means are good. These 11 people have all told me about sometimes horrific torture. One was imprisoned and tortured for 14 months in Zaporozhie. The trauma he suffered made it very difficult to interview him, as he was reliving the torture and shaking like a leaf, literally broken by the endless abuse he had suffered. Another had heart problems, following the use of “gégène” on him during long sessions.
moar at;
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▶ 1df1ff (4) No.137292>>141525
Music for work. Tyb
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▶ 9eac8b (3) No.137309>>137884
Yeah it wasn't until Gen-X kids started giggling about "uh huhuh, he said gay" that it started really falling out of favor. Just like the rainbow, it's just another innocent thing that was corrupted and made to be something gross and nasty.
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▶ f977d8 (2) No.137312
How many FED's are in the crowd monitoring the demonstrators?
kek, I crack myself up…
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▶ 3f4516 (5) No.137315
Poor Liz will have to be a lobbyist and live a life of luxury after she is unelected this fall.
But she won't have the microphone, the limelight, and the media attention; the things she craves most.
Maybe not prison, but something.
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▶ 6761b4 (6) No.137327>>142276
Q Research General #20771: Welcoming A New Day Edition
notables at 375, very slow bread, baker has is tapping out, BAKER PLEASE CLAIM BREAD,
Got irl stuff to sort out, may be back later tonight anons
God Speed Ahead, eyes on Jan 6th show trial and pass around the Michael cohen rant in notable for keks - o7
posting own edited video for rise in energy !!
Early notables at 200, baker will try to stay as long as possible, gonna catch up with daily chores also - call them notables with source in case they are missed
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▶ 645d25 (6) No.137346>>143378
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▶ bc620e (3) No.137356
I'll never be in the 27 club. I'm blessed.
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▶ f90d2c (1) No.137385>>139530 >>144685
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▶ 1f8725 (5) No.137414>>139769
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▶ 6761b4 (6) No.137423>>139530 >>139533 >>142457 >>142458
kek, extra space removed :)
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▶ c6fc24 (3) No.137473>>141097 >>145216 >>145618
>Joseph R. Stollen
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▶ b8a890 (2) No.137497>>141290 >>146123
>apprehended by the US Border Patrol
More like escorted into the US by the US Border Patrolls.
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▶ 80d236 (6) No.137526
>>88102 (OP)
False equivalency
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▶ 4f33a2 (5) No.137528>>142319 >>144694
you forgot secure borders of ukraine, and all aliens free to enter usa, w/o vaxx or mask, while you …………..
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▶ cb403b (4) No.137530>>139530 >>140982
Please go fuck yourself with a cactus…
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▶ 293c5e (6) No.137562>>146422
Send him to the
to the cringe camp
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▶ 018458 (3) No.137567>>140789
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▶ c03ea0 (7) No.137578
Kek. Showing up in hoods seems a bit much, but times are precipice-y
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▶ f017e4 (6) No.137584>>145678
Happy 4th July from Spain, americanons!
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▶ 7aac42 (1) No.137590>>141813 >>142434 >>144585
i am interpreting this a mockery
pepe cult etc.
not so funny
but maybe I'm just weird at this hour
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▶ 04f7ab (5) No.137596>>138896 >>140950
re-post it…it is notable…
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▶ cb403b (4) No.137632
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▶ 6ac40c (6) No.137708
You are the troll. Trolls IP hop. I baited you with the filter, and you hopped like the predictable bitch you are.
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▶ 8cf960 (4) No.137709>>141982
The universe might be thought of as the song of God..
We all play a contributing role in the creation and unfolding character of this music, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we feel sufficiently ready or not, whether or not our voices or our skills with our specific instruments are worthy. This is free will:
We can seek to emulate the perfect harmonious tone of our creator to the best of our ability, or strike a dissonant and discordant tone of our own self-interested creation.
When we find kindred spirits, we're said to 'resonate', and be 'on the same frequency'.. when we communicate something of profound depth and truth, we're said to 'strike a chord' in those with ears to hear. A collection of voices on the same page, in perfect unison and harmony and guided by a conductor who, in turn, is guided from above, can't help but create beautiful music. A choir of voices produces a more powerful magic than any one single voice could hope to manifest, in part because the unified multitude represent slight variations on a theme.. and only in the cumulative effects of several voices can this theme hope to attain its clearest and most potent expression - smoothing out errors, correcting for extremes and outliers, figuratively gesturing toward an all-important center point.
Any conductor not guided by the spirit of God becomes an organ of chaos and disharmony - a bad creator, serving to destroy and obfuscate the beautiful and natural melodic flow, and create discordant and unnatural ugliness in its place..
We live in an age currently dominated by pretentious conductors with no lofty music in their souls, incapable of hearing the song within, attempting to create their own music from scratch.. an effort not just doomed to fail, but to fail miserably, painfully, totally.
This is transitory - bad music never stands the test of time, and the echoes of something vastly superior are on the horizon.
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▶ 645d25 (6) No.137725
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▶ 4342d8 (5) No.137739>>138958 >>143466 >>143646 >>145520
I want evil dead.
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▶ 8db014 (3) No.137745>>144064
>You think you're the only one in pain?
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▶ 671a13 (4) No.137793>>143378
"dating" wasn't a "thing" until the 20th century
as time passed and Hollywood painted a picture of society for us
respectable unmarried people "dated"
and then began the design of "parking" to kiss
unwanted pregnancy wasn't new in the 1960's
but that is when it became a real problem
the culture out sped the moral rules
and not much could be done
what? ask your mother for birth control?
we've solved all those problems
anyone who resorts to abortion to solve their unwanted pregnancy
is just ignoring reality
don't have a sexual relationship without contraception
it's hard to believe so many still use abortion
and their remedy
most just go on welfare, get free school, free rent
well cared for if you have a young kid
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▶ 3f4516 (5) No.137801
Could be but not in this case. She qualified for opsec something or other and wiped out. Still has 10k for undergrad not forgiven.
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▶ 80d236 (6) No.137809>>146716
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▶ 029978 (4) No.137819>>141048 >>141525 >>145745
2 weeks
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▶ a50705 (2) No.137839>>140367
"Thus heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well. My soul, once true to God, is chosen for hell." --- Karl Marx
"Look now, my blood-dark sword shall stab/Unerringly within thy soul./God neither knows nor honors art./The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain/Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.” He continues, “See this sword---the Prince of Darkness sold it to me,” and, “Ever more boldly I play the dance of death." - Karl Marx
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▶ 7c32e9 (5) No.137868>>139437 >>141290 >>145156 >>145655
Been seeing 321 in mil tweets a lot lately.
June twenty first summer solstice" in the English Reduction system equals 123
123+321=444=The King
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▶ a6da54 (4) No.137884
Thank you, Baker!
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▶ 34b331 (1) No.137885>>143255
all your depraved unrequited faggot hole really needs
is some personal justice
perhaps if you reflected on those you harmed in the past
call your sponsor
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▶ ae155b (6) No.137909
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▶ 55de63 (2) No.137942>>143378
filtered for no f'n clue what you're talking about.
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▶ 69970e (2) No.137946>>141525
This is my new favorite video. Red shorts guy is a true hero
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▶ 599a9f (6) No.137966>>144064
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▶ 691c0e (2) No.137982
I dont.
I know who the enemy is, and who is on my side vs who isnt.
You dipshits still think you need to hold hands and sing kumbaya with everyone.
Pathetic honestly
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▶ 651a37 (2) No.137995>>144756
that is the problem, and it will take some balls to even have that conversation. I understand both sides of it, but at some point can't be having revenge on the good people of the world nor should we be without grace and forgiveness if warranted.
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▶ 090c99 (5) No.138021
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▶ bc620e (3) No.138068
"Boris Johnson's new Chancellor was hit with news of another resignation live on air today as the PM desperately tries to clings on.
Nadhim Zahawi was in the middle of an interview on the BBC's flagship Today programme when he was informed that Children's minister Will Quince had joined the exodus, slamming No10's 'inaccurate' claims about the Chris Pincher allegations.
Asked whether it meant Mr Johnson is 'over', a sombre-looking Mr Zahawi responded: 'I am deeply sorry to see colleagues leave government.'
Schools minister Robin Walker has now joined his former colleague in walking out, saying the government was being 'overshadowed by mistakes and questions about integrity'.
More junior aides have also been voting with their feet as the PM faces another brutal 24 hours, running the gauntlet of PMQs at noon before a three-hour grilling from the powerful Liaison Committee - including some of his fiercest critics. "
KEK- and the walls, come tumblin down, the walls..
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▶ 9eac8b (3) No.138078
>Aug 14, 2015
Kerry, the first secretary of state to visit Cuba since 1945, said the shift in US policy did not mean Washington would stop pressing for change on the communist island.
"The leaders in Havana and the Cuban people should also know that the United States will always remain a champion of democratic principles and reforms," he said, in a speech delivered partly in Spanish.
"We remain convinced the people of Cuba would be best served by a genuine democracy where people are free to choose their leaders."
The thawing in the Cold War conflict has been criticized by Obama's conservative opponents.
Kerry's visit drew barbed comments from leading Republicans, including 2016 presidential contenders Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush.
Rubio, a Cuban-American senator from Florida, slammed the Obama administration for the absence of Cuban dissidents from the flag-raising ceremony.
"All the people in Cuba fighting for democracy, when they protest, they are rounded up, arrested and beaten. None of them were invited to this event," he told Fox News.
Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said the country was ready to discuss any issue with the United States, including human rights -- "though we may not always agree," he added, speaking alongside Kerry at a joint press conference.
In eight months of negotiations since the rapprochement was announced, the two sides have made progress on a number of divisive issues, most notably the removal of Cuba from Washington's list of "state sponsors of terrorism."
But Rodriguez warned that Cuba still has tough demands on the table as the two sides continue talks.
They include the full lifting of the "blockade" or economic embargo that the US has maintained on Cuba since 1962 and the return of the "usurped" Cuban territory of the American navy base at Guantanamo Bay, he said.
Kerry also took a stroll through Old Havana, with an eye on meeting ordinary Cubans in the historic colonial district.
He will not, however, meet with either Castro or his elder brother Fidel, the icon who led Cuba from its 1959 revolution until his retirement in 2006.
Underlining the sticking points still complicating relations, Fidel Castro said in an essay published in Cuban state media Thursday his 89th birthday that the United States owes Cuba "many millions of dollars" because of the trade embargo.
Cuba says the embargo has cost it $116 billion.
The United States for its part says Cuba owes $7 billion to American citizens and companies whose property was seized after Castro came to power.
Kerry reiterated that the Obama administration "strongly favors" lifting the embargo.
But Obama faces an uphill battle as he needs approval from Congress, where both houses are currently controlled by his Republican opponents -- many of them deeply hostile to Havana.
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▶ c546b3 (4) No.138095
U.S. Marines
#OTD in 1941 Marines from the 1st Marine Brigade (Provisional) departed Charleston, South Carolina on their way to reinforce British troops in Iceland, deterring Nazi German aggression in the Atlantic.
10:12 AM · Jun 22, 2022 · Sprinklr Publishing
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▶ 018458 (3) No.138154>>144152
>Putin and Potus on the 17th
17th…Hmmm…noice catch anon…
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▶ 0397b5 (6) No.138260
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▶ f0f415 (1) No.138284>>142457
Are you vaxxed and boosted?
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▶ 5c4680 (3) No.138297
Lot's of "lightning" comms lately.
Beautiful day for a coincidence.
There is no STEP FIVE.
>Have you met the FLASH yet?
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▶ 3d06e3 (5) No.138314>>139530
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▶ 6dde0c (3) No.138332>>142732 >>145216 >>145980 >>146210
it was a 2 hit joke
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▶ 8db014 (3) No.138347
blessed are the retarded for they know not what they do.
or something like that !!
but shills do, they are basic shitposters.
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▶ 1f8725 (5) No.138392>>140010 >>141915 >>145928
it took you a long time to come back with that non sequitur.
that doesn't mean, if it was Q, they'd come to that den of dolts in hivemind.
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▶ b8e5f8 (3) No.138434
What about New Coke!!??
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▶ 89b339 (7) No.138486>>143157
Gee I wonder how he did that.
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▶ 1df1ff (4) No.138494
Pee Pee Poo Poo, Ching Chong Ding Dong, Moo Shu Jew Loo
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▶ 5c4680 (3) No.138495>>139958 >>145980
How many babies were killed in her name?
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▶ 6e3852 (3) No.138499>>139530
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▶ 9297c4 (4) No.138510>>139080
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▶ cb403b (4) No.138524>>142244
There may have been 1 legitimate death in Buffalo. Maybe. The security guard, a man named Aaron Salter. He was a retired Buffalo cop, working as a security guard in that shopping center. The thing about Mr. Salter, is that he had just developed a system that allowed a regular vehicle, to run off of the hydrogen in regular water. I watched his video a few days before I even knew he was shot in Buffalo. It made sense though, when I heard that he was one of the victims. Probably THE victim. This was done to cover up his murder, perhaps? Guess he didn't want to sell his invention? He said in the video I watched that he did have a patent for it.
from comments
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▶ c68a68 (4) No.138540
how do you introduce evidence?
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▶ 293c5e (6) No.138557>>145479
pretty sure that twat is felonious.
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▶ df903b (5) No.138574
maybe hes fuckin with you?
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▶ 3f4516 (5) No.138603
I'm pretty sure Q promised us a big Anon BBQ when this is over so…
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▶ b8e5f8 (3) No.138636>>141214 >>141772
Kinda wish she stuck around for a bit longer.
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▶ c68a68 (4) No.138638
What would right wingers/non-jew serving Whites being in power look like to you?
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▶ 48600d (4) No.138639>>140444 >>141533 >>146607
'paying off victims of child rape and moving predators to new church' = 'legalized child prostitution'
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▶ c03ea0 (7) No.138663>>140006 >>144717
Ahmadinejad Suggests 9/11 Was an Inside Job to the Whole World
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▶ 9e04f1 (3) No.138674
many are suffering fr stockholm syndrome, being forced to wear masks and take jabs, and then they trying to convince everyone else that they need to be masked and jabbed
massive deprogramming is needed
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▶ c68a68 (4) No.138731
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▶ 018458 (3) No.138752>>144122
its not a pro-brandon speech.. i'm just saying the accusation is pathetic.. he's too dumb to accuse of declaring anything.. his crimes have all already been committed.. at this point someone else writes all his tweets, commits all his crimes for him, and tells him what to do.. and that tweet was referencing that there is a war, not that the US is declaring war… and the underlying sinister element of this tweet, is using an "emergency" (which is not a US emergency) to justify Gov manipulating the US economy once more..
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▶ c03ea0 (7) No.138760>>145986
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▶ c6fc24 (3) No.138769>>139372 >>144064
Not these faggots again
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▶ 090c99 (5) No.138834
Face it, [you's] lost bigly…..
In front of the whole fucking world!
One Anon!
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▶ b533ae (4) No.138846>>139393 >>139537 >>141525 >>144786
Sauce that the vaccine actually prevented anyone from getting sick or lessening effects of the virus. This is something I hear repeated time and again and the data seems to point in the opposite direction. If the claim is that it helps, please show me the basis for this claim.
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▶ 7191d8 (1) No.138849>>139546 >>142471
it could be food shortages, crop losses or shipment disruptions
or it could be just very high prices, fuel costs , . money devalued, etc
who knows
but i would bet that things will not get cheaper and more abundant
first? probably beans rice etc that are many meals cheap
any extra at home is better than 90% of the people have now
as for timing, the wef type people say "soon" about as often as it is heard here
both sides probably mean it, but preperation never hurt anyone
if nothing else convince them to just stock up ahead of higher prices if they don't like the "tinfoil" type theories
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▶ f017e4 (6) No.138865>>139582
>Very sorry, mate, however you should have considered this before you chose to break the law. LGBTQ is a movement for the weak.
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▶ 8cf960 (4) No.138888
More Evidence Israelis Are Using Placebo COVID Vaccines --- And Changed PCR Test To Prove Vaccines Are Working?
New data released by the Maccabi Healthcare Services has confirmed the effectiveness of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.
As of Thursday, only 254 individuals out of the 416,900 [0.06%] who were already a week after the second Pfizer shot -- the time where the immunity is considered to kick in – got infected with the virus, the organization reported. Moreover, those who were found to be positive only had light symptoms, with just four of them being hospitalized, all of them in light condition.
Over the same period of time, some 12,944 new cases of COVID-19 emerged in the control group of some 778,000 people having a diverse health profile.
A comparison between the data from the two groups shows that the vaccine is 91% effective seven days or more after the second injection is administered.
From a segmentation of the infections that did occur, it appears that the immunity increases as the days go by. Among the 254 people who contracted the virus, 76 of them were infected after seven days, 44 on the eight day, and 24 on the ninth day. Between day 22 and 24 -- when the test period ended – no one was infected.
According to the studies conducted by Pfizer, the vaccine had an efficacy of about 95%, which is considered very high.
With some 2.5 million members, Maccabi is the second largest health fund in Israel. About 900,000 of its customers have already received the first shot, and about 500,000 the second one.
“The data continue to be very encouraging and to show that the effectiveness of the vaccine is high and stable,” Dr. Anat Aka Zohar, head of Maccabi’s Information and Digital Health Division said. “The findings clearly indicate that as the days go by after the second dose, the immunity becomes stronger.”
She also emphasized that the vaccine does not only protect against infection but also again developing more severe symptoms.
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▶ 599a9f (6) No.138896>>142035
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▶ 74d929 (2) No.138939
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▶ ce86f9 (2) No.138958>>139766
Kek that 4th one was an excellent kek.
But so sorry to hear you are a cultist, hang out with hard core anons, you’ll get over it. Kek
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▶ ae155b (6) No.138989>>145247
they are still flooding in
all across the continent
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▶ 800e5d (3) No.139010
maybe anons should get JACK to doxx hunter biden in his CP laptop
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▶ df903b (5) No.139048>>140683
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▶ 293c5e (6) No.139051
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▶ fd1d1a (2) No.139080>>143146 >>144482 >>145107 >>146086
I don't think Q will ever address this
Just keep believing
Keep voting MAGA
Take your shots
Let them keep fucking the flag wavers in the ass
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▶ 645d25 (6) No.139103
That's because they feel they can no longer depend on protection from America.
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▶ 48600d (4) No.139110
> Honesty, integrity,
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▶ f6c7a3 (3) No.139125
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▶ 123b06 (1) No.139136>>140161 >>141525
With her little boy haircut.
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▶ df903b (5) No.139137>>141698
A) Down payment on car
B) Ounce of gold plus 20 or so Oz's of silver
C) AR-10
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▶ 48600d (4) No.139202
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▶ 9297c4 (4) No.139212>>139530
Thanks for this. Can we call this
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▶ 599a9f (6) No.139272>>142715
Easy answer, we don't dox.
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▶ 736837 (4) No.139277
did i miss the drop or did you?
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▶ c6fc24 (3) No.139331>>145624 >>148921
That's just the war on ya mind from the actual sickos. der.
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▶ 04a439 (3) No.139338>>141291
Oh yeah
Maybe it’s good luck for GA, because independent running as Republican for GA State Senate won in the primary with thename John F. Kennedy
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▶ c29869 (5) No.139340
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▶ 6ac40c (6) No.139372>>145490 >>145673
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▶ e22084 (2) No.139393>>142326 >>143232
Somebody needs to fit stabilizers on his bike.
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▶ 8cf960 (4) No.139437
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▶ 1f8725 (5) No.139444>>142408
Let's keep it rollin'
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▶ c0ce80 (3) No.139467
>Elizabeth B. Prelogar for the federal Respondents
Noticed the lady arguing in favor of EPA has a few yellow hairs. Odd. Reminded anon of POTUS' IL rally when he introduced Bailey with a story of plucking a hair.
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▶ e22084 (2) No.139481>>140942
there it is again
a 33
and a 9099
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▶ 6fd8d7 (4) No.139521>>141674
8:00 AM EDT
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route Madrid, Spain
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan gaggle aboard Air Force One en route Madrid, Spain
Air Force One
8:20 AM EDT
U.S. Army Europe and Africa Change of Command Ceremony
8:30 AM EDT
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting
Food and Drug Administration
9:00 AM EDT
Exercise "Northern Agility 22-1"
Michigan Air National Guard, Air Force Special Operations Command to Touch Down on Upper Peninsula Highway
During the closure, eight A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft, a MC-12W aircraft and a U-28A aircraft will land on the highway to demonstrate engine-running refueling and munitions loading in austere environments.
9:00 AM EDT
The NATO Public Forum Day 1
Elcano Royal Institute, the German Marshall Fund, the Munich Security Conference and the Atlantic Council in coordination with NATO
9:00 AM EDT
International Marketplace, Houston - Summer Professional Development Series for Educators
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Houston Branch
9:00 AM EDT
Federal Trade Commission
Cmr. Phillips speaker on Panel: The Future of Digital Advertising: Regulators, Platforms and the Path Forward
9:30 AM EDT
Launch of the ITU GeoAI Challenge
WHO and ai for good is organized by ITU in partnership with 40 UN Sister Agencies and co-convened with Switzerland
10:00 AM EDT
Education Meets the Metaverse: The Promise and the Worry
Brookings Institution and Yidan Prize Foundation
10:00 AM EDT
The Retreat of Democracy in Africa -- Real or Imagined?
The Foreign Policy Research Institute
10:00 AM EDT
How 5G Can Spur Climate Tech Innovation
Information Technology & Innovation Foundation
10:00 AM EDT
Fiscal Year 2023 Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies and Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bills
House Appropriations Committee
10:00 AM EDT
Webinar: Ultrabroadband Communication and Networking Solutions to Unleash the Terahertz Band
ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET), United Nations
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▶ 093cb3 (5) No.139530>>146475
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▶ 645d25 (6) No.139533>>141396
we probably need to be psychoanalyzed for this. regardless, …
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▶ 621d16 (2) No.139536
It was Nunes as I recall…
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▶ b2f5d4 (5) No.139537
That sounds like a good plan.
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▶ c68a68 (4) No.139538
Breads are getting baked fast tonight
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▶ 808af3 (1) No.139546
I say we should bring her lot to the KKK types, and televise it… would be hilarious for 99% of the world. Racists assholes should be forced into same room and made to fight.
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▶ c03ea0 (7) No.139582>>145723
>why are the names cropped out?????
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▶ c0ce80 (3) No.139635
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▶ 6dde0c (3) No.139639
House Passes Bill Ramping Up Supreme Court Security After Month of Delay
The House of Representatives on June 14 approved a bill that extends security to family members of Supreme Court justices after Democrats failed to get a provision they wanted into the legislation.
The House voted 396-27. to pass the Supreme Court Police Parity Act.
All no votes came from Democrats.
Five members did not vote.
The Senate passed the bill unanimously in May, shortly after the unprecedented leak of a draft decision that indicated the nation’s top court was preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade.
But top Democrats in the House delayed a vote because they wanted a change.
The bill grants the Supreme Court Police and the court’s marshal the ability to order protection for the families of Supreme Court justices or officers if such protection is deemed necessary. According to Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas), the bill’s sponsors, it will enable “around-the-clock” protection for the family members.
House Democrats wanted to extend the protection to family members of clerks, which Republicans opposed.
“Supreme Court justices already have protection. This is about families of Supreme Court justices, and Democrats were fighting for families of law clerks, employees of Supreme Court. They should have protection, too,” Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) said before the vote on the House floor in Washington.
He noted that the names of several clerks were widely circulated after the leak with suggestions that they were the ones behind the leak, and that one viral social media post also mentioned one of the clerks’ spouses.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said last week that “no one is in danger” due to the delay in passing the bill, drawing criticism from Republicans.
Some Democrats in Washington described the bill as meaningless because Attorney General Merrick Garland already ordered around-the-clock security for the homes of the justices for an undetermined amount of time.
“It took House Democrats some time to get this bill to the floor. The reason it took that much time is, it was House Democrats that wanted to get one itty bitty one concession out of this bill, to protect the staff of that institution---the United States Supreme Court—but they refused,” Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas) said. The bill “is a talking point” that doesn’t “really do anything,” she added.
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▶ feefdc (1) No.139681>>144756
>Don't worry about shills
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▶ c03ea0 (7) No.139754>>140607
Shadow banning on TruthSocial.
careful who you trust fags.
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▶ 61a7c0 (6) No.139766>>141525 >>145126
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▶ 651a37 (2) No.139769>>141525
Bitch, nothing would make us happier than watching you die dangling from a rope…we would literally fight over the privilege to activate the trapdoor.
We cannot fucking wait dear God to see your punishment in the end
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▶ 8cf960 (4) No.139775>>141147 >>141525
Kek. It shows the adaptation of a tool to become an anon's weapon. This is the best war!
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▶ 093cb3 (5) No.139791
he could have stuck up for him, dumb fuck
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▶ 1266b6 (4) No.139889
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▶ 1fd16a (3) No.139917
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▶ c03ea0 (7) No.139932
Stellar alignment! 5 planets line up for a nightly show in June
June has a few special celestial events to add to your sky-gazing summer bucket list, including a quintet of planets to enjoy.
Throughout most of June, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will stretch across the sky like a string of pearls appearing in the dawn hours before sunrise.
Sky & Telescope Magazine is calling it a “planet parade” because the planets will also be in the correct order from the sun.
Mercury will be the hardest to spot as the last to appear in the lineup just before it’s swallowed by sunlight. However, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn should be easy to see all month.
As a quartet, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have appeared in conjunction over the past few months, but June is the last chance to see the group together before they begin to spread further out in the night sky.
Look for the planets in the sky before sunrise by gazing southeast.
This celestial event requires no special equipment, but the view will be even better if you have access to a telescope or a local observatory. Binoculars could also help improve your experience.
If you want to know which planet is which, know that they are arranged in their natural order from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. A sky-gazing app like Stellarium can also help you identify all the planets.
Early in June, Mercury and Saturn will be the smallest in the sky. As the month progresses, the planets will begin to appear further apart in the sky.
Mercury will be more illuminated and higher on the horizon by mid-June, making it easier to spot.
Toward the end of the month, the five-planet alignment will add a sixth gem to the show. On June 24, Mercury will pup up above the horizon about an hour before sunrise. As a bonus, the crescent moon will appear between Venus and Mars.
According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Venus and Saturn will bow out as morning objects for most observers by September.
'Bonus: Ancient star cluster on display'
Another treat for summer sky-gazing also happens this month. NASA astronomers say June is also an excellent month to view the globular star cluster known as Hercules Cluster M13. This globular star cluster is thought to be nearly 12 billion years old.
This collection of stars is best viewed with a telescope and will appear high in the eastern sky during the first hours of darkness all month.
No telescope? No problem, find public observing events near through NASA’s Night Sky Network.
The full moon in June is known as the strawberry moon.
The full lunar display falls on June 14 if you want to enjoy some outdoor time or maybe camp by moonlight. A new moon on June 28 will be the best time to head to a dark sky location away from city lights to look for your favorite constellations.
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▶ 144050 (5) No.139936
This Obama-Biden advisor suggested surrendering US sovereignty to a world government
A senior advisor to the Obama-Biden administration responsible for crafting major federal policies suggested ceding U.S. sovereignty to globalist institutions, including a “planetary regime” and an international police force -- proposals that may be relevant to the crises facing America today.
In his book Ecoscience: population, resources, environment, former Harvard University professor Dr. John Holdren, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy from March 2009 to January 2017, also discussed forming “a system of worldwide controls” and using coercive, state-backed population control to curb the U.S. birth rate.
And as America suffers from record-high inflation and the worst economic outlook in decades, it’s notable that Holdren supported the “de-development” of the United States and identified inflation as a way to manipulate people into using less energy -- a position apparently embraced by the Biden administration.
Holdren’s suggestions of surrendering American sovereignty are particularly significant in light of the COVID crisis, in which the CDC and other public health authorities have followed China’s lead in forcing draconian lockdowns and other policies pioneered by the Communist Chinese government.
As this article explains, it may be possible that the U.S. government and public health officials have, or had, already given away some sovereignty to the leadership of foreign entities.
Previous articles provided significant information which suggests that, at minimum, what is reported to be the COVID-19 pandemic may be falsified by the U.S. federal government and foreign governments. Those articles discussed U.S. federal laws and other policies enacted leading up to what is reported to be the COVID-19 pandemic to support the claim that the pandemic may be falsified. There may be enough information for the reasonable person to determine that not only is it possible, but it may be likely that COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic.
Because several federal health, national security, science, and technology policies leading up to the reported COVID-19 pandemic may imply the possibility of the COVID-19 pandemic being falsified, one might ask: Who decides what specific words get written into federal government policies? Do U.S. representatives, senators, and/or the president of the United States determine every word that is in a federal law or other policy?
More at: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/this-obama-biden-official-suggested-handing-over-us-sovereignty-to-a-globalist-police-force/?utm_source=truth
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▶ 535fef (4) No.139958>>146265
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▶ 1df1ff (4) No.139965>>141934 >>142735
Former Officer Michael Fanone Calls for Trump Arrest: ‘If They Indict Him, He Should be Tried’
By Natalie KorachJul 2nd, 2022, 6:03 pm
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▶ 293c5e (6) No.140006>>141086 >>141290 >>141618 >>142276
I prayed for a subdural hematoma or a subarachnoid hemorrhage…neither of those happened either…
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▶ 50a356 (6) No.140010
>There are no women on the internet, you fool.
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▶ 96f094 (2) No.140118>>141525
a very important reason to destroy the dollar, now
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▶ 2bb17c (1) No.140125>>141525
You don't want to hear Truth.
Hitler was a puppet.
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▶ fa7d90 (4) No.140140>>141525
Where's Kash? We needs some fat rolls!
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▶ 599a9f (6) No.140154
You first, shill.
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▶ 9138c8 (3) No.140161>>141525
The day Roe V Wade was overturned, which also happened to be the 1700th day since Q began posting, after 562 days of darkness, is shady to you? Try harder.
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▶ 11a530 (3) No.140176
Happy Father’s Day to the one and only, the GOAT!
Wonder if in this instance, he means GOAT as in Sacrifice. Out with the old…
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▶ b533ae (4) No.140190
Need to find muh books
Haven't read The Past Through Tomorrow in forever.
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▶ 89b339 (7) No.140293>>144186 >>146084
The end wont be for everybody.
The truth to know will be yours.
At any time, you coukd have checked out of the game, and chosen to go back to sleep.
But those who know cant sleep.
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▶ a6da54 (4) No.140300>>141525 >>142560
Not backwards.
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▶ 69f0b3 (2) No.140367
looks like the "world is burning" in that logo
Almost like some kind of screaming face.
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▶ 72c7fb (3) No.140375
7/11, save the date!
T-7 days until the fall session internship application deadline. Start your application at http://intern.nasa.gov. 📅
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▶ 1266b6 (4) No.140417
cant find the speech from the beginning.
where is it?
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▶ 11a530 (3) No.140434>>141525
My tits are calm…this has happened before, years ago. I think I can get it all back.
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▶ 1e1aa8 (1) No.140439
Disclose.tv, [09.06.22 05:26]
[ Video ]
NEW - Biden to Republicans who are not following rules: "We're gonna send them to jail."
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▶ 4514fa (1) No.140444>>144704
Real Raw News is a Soros funded OP headed by a democrat named Michael Tuffin who goes by the pen name Michael Baxter. His stated goal is to "expose the insanity of rabid Trumpists".
Prior to creating Real Raw News, Tuffin ran sites about both Nibiru and subterranean lizard people in order to discredit and make money off of those groups.
Remember! Don't be a "Rabid Trumpist who lack(s) the mental wherewithal to distinguish fact from fiction". That's what RRN thinks about you.
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▶ 251992 (4) No.140449>>142477 >>146467
Cant we just play along on this fake q post, and convince the low iq shills to go to his board?
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▶ 61a7c0 (6) No.140465
Steve Bannon Strikes Back Hard in Fight Against Contempt of Congress Charges
BonchieJun 07, 2022 3:15 PM ET
(Weird pic fire coming out of womans head)
Steve Bannon, who helped usher Donald Trump to power during the 2016 election, is currently facing two charges of contempt of Congress. Bannon, who has been targeted by the January 6th committee, refused to testify and to produce documents. Joe Biden’s DOJ eventually moved forward with prosecution after the committee recommended charges.
That stands in stark contrast to the treatment of Eric Holder and Louise Lerner, both of which were held in contempt of Congress by majority votes in the House during the Obama administration. Neither was ever actually charged with a crime because the justice system is so clearly two-tiered.
Bannon isn’t going down without a fight, though. According to CNN,he and his team have now issued subpoenas for multiple Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer.
Steve Bannon, set to go to trial next month for defying a congressional subpoena, has subpoenaed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and members of the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection as he builds his defense…
…Last week, Bannon’s legal team subpoenaed 16 lawmakers and congressional staffers to testify at the July trial and produce documents, according to one of Bannon’s attorneys and copies of the subpoenas provided to CNN. The subpoenas were aimed at all nine members of the select committee, three committee staffers and General Counsel for the House of Representatives Douglas Letter. Bannon also subpoenaed House Democratic leadership, including Pelosi, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Rep. Jim Clyburn.
CNN found a legal “expert” to comment on the move, and he supposes that it’ll be hard for Bannon to compel the testimony of the Congressional members because of the Speech and Debate clause. Whether that’s actually true, I’m not sure, and I won’t claim to have an answer. Obviously, mainstream media outlets can find “experts” to tell them anything they want to hear.
Still, given that Bannon’s defense will likely rest on whether Pelosi and Hoyer followed proper procedure in setting up the committee, this might be a situation where they may be forced to appear. The subject at hand isn’t about anything the congressional members in question said. Rather, it’s about whether Bannon can be held in contempt of a committee that may be illegal as currently constituted.
For my part, I think this entire thing is a joke. Contempt of Congress is never enforced, but suddenly, because it’s a Trump associate, the DOJ is going to go hard? That strikes me as blatantly political, and as I noted earlier, it’s more evidence that the justice system is two-tiered. If you are a Democrat and an elite, you can do essentially anything you want. If you are a Republican, you’ll not only get charged in situations no one else would be charged but you’ll likely be found guilty because of the DC jury pool (a city that voted 92.5 percent for Joe Biden).
Do we really want a system where political leanings dictate whether you’ll end up spending thousands of dollars in court defending yourself? Or worse, whether you end up in jail? Unfortunately, far too many on the left are comfortable with that, being so sure that the alligator won’t eat them. Perhaps they are right,but one day Republicans will be back in charge. When that happens, payback needs to be swift. (If they dont fight now, it might never happen)
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▶ 176a44 (5) No.140469>>141525
so we have african americans, does that mean im actually North America American?
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▶ 27ec4f (3) No.140501
imagine using crying children to project onto shills
honestly you faggots can't get the rope soon enough
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▶ df903b (5) No.140516>>141525
I bet if I look up the Kaiser family name I find NAZIS….
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▶ 6fd8d7 (4) No.140606
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▶ 10da91 (6) No.140607
They underestimated the turnout in 2016.
Their cheating metrics didn't cover the spread.
In Oct2019 they had covid to prepare the steal for the 2020 fraudulent election to get them in a close vicinity of covering the votes. BC of the 2016 election, they new the possible voter outcomes and used the amount of ballots necessary to attempt to cover the spread.
2000 mules and every other democrats scumbag deployed to make the steal remotely close to possible. They used the next few days to count the remaining fraudulent votes to destroy the United States and the American people.
In the end, they couldn't beat the metrics so they just Mirrored TRUMPS 81+ million votes and say Joe Got them. (Joes admin cant prove they got 81 million votes)
Paid off Mike Pence with a challenge coin.
Jan6th creation to cover up voter fraud, and to scare the people from looking into voter fraud or being patriotic and defending what you know to be right in your country.
Expect more clown behavior from the satanic 7 in the future.
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▶ 50a356 (6) No.140618
they are not my enemy, they are my family. i will just avoid those topics, even when they ask for my opinion, and just let them believe what they want to believe.
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▶ 69f0b3 (2) No.140620>>145630
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▶ 71e656 (4) No.140637
How can I convince my husband to stop coming here? Every time he gets done browsing Q Research, he ends up being very depressed and goes into deep isolation. Over the past several years, I’ve noticed him become more and more angry. But he said Q hasn’t posted in a couple months, and now he’s just very unhappy with life in general. What would you recommend I do to break him of the habit of coming on here and reading all this wild speculation and hate speech? And I do realize not everyone here is racist and/or homophobic, but let’s be honest, most of you are and it’s starting to impact our marriage. Thanks for any recommendations, feedback, advice.
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▶ 2fa667 (6) No.140657
>absolute retards
remember when fungus/aflb had that in their copypasta every single bread and has completely vanished now?
they've managed to change some of the syntax style but not all of it
must be all those estrogen booster they're taking
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▶ 7c32e9 (5) No.140683>>146655
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▶ 176a44 (5) No.140716>>144507
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▶ b533ae (4) No.140730>>143215
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▶ fa7d90 (4) No.140734>>141814
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▶ b28937 (2) No.140765>>142804
here is some of it
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▶ 2ac888 (1) No.140767>>146392
>Dug many a Foxhole with a Canteen Cup
canteen cup, huh?
No entrenching tool?
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▶ 093cb3 (5) No.140774>>141982
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▶ 960b8f (3) No.140789>>142457 >>142567 >>145175
How long will Nancy last around lunch time?
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▶ c78336 (1) No.140795
Illegal Aliens Set to Receive Driver’s Licenses in Massachusetts After State Legislature Overrides Governor’s Veto -- 17 States Now Allow Illegals to Get Gov’t Issued Photo ID
Illegal aliens who reside in the state of Massachusetts will now be able to receive a government-issued driver’s license.
On Thursday, the Bay State’s Democrat-controlled legislature voted to overturn Governor Charlie Baker’s recent veto of a bill called “the Work and Family Mobility Act.” With the passage of the new legislation, an estimated 200,000 illegals living in the state will be granted a driver’s license.
And, it’s worth pointing out -- the ‘200,000 illegals’ estimate was calculated prior to Biden’s open border bonanza. It’s impossible to know how many more have flooded the state since he took office.
The new law is set to go into effect on July 1, 2023. Once enacted, Illegals will simply have to pass a written and driving test to receive the documents.
Five Democratic senators broke ranks and joined Republicans in support of the Governor’s veto, but it wasn’t nearly enough, as Democrats overwhelmingly outnumber Republicans 37-3 in the state Senate and 127-31 in the House.
Opponents of the bill argued, rightly, that the legislation sends a devastating message; mainly, that it is okay to come to America and break the law -- not only that but you will be rewarded for it. But that’s the way it goes in Biden’s America.
Plus, as Governor Baker pointed out when vetoing the bill last week, the law will likely enable illegal aliens to easily cast votes, therefore interfering with future elections.
From The Epoch Times:
Baker, a Republican, said in a statement that he opposed the measure out of concern that it could potentially lead to noncitizens registering to vote.
In a statement explaining his veto, Baker also said he was concerned with tasking the state’s registry of motor vehicle workers with the job of deciphering foreign documents and their authenticity.
“The RMV does not have the expertise or ability to verify the validity of many types of documents from other countries,” Baker said.
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▶ a6da54 (4) No.140821>>141525
Always feels like Christmas Eve
Christmas in July
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▶ b28937 (2) No.140851
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▶ 2d14f6 (4) No.140857
Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)
*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*
(It's a video, click it.)
He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."
JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel
Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory
New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade
How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion
Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well
Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood
The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)
Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City
New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'
'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL
Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews
ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence
Mossad warns Ukraine rabbis to flee country
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▶ 3b17fb (3) No.140903
she ain't doin so well then,
Give her our regards…..
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▶ c840e6 (2) No.140905
>Mo money, mo fraud.
jews specialise in monetary fraud and any kind of exploitation/sex trafficking, pornography
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▶ a6da54 (4) No.140912>>141525
If you put it in coke it will dissolve
Trick with eating fast food is you got to drink coke
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▶ 96f094 (2) No.140925>>141285
>Maybe part of the plan is to toughen us up.
maybe? did you not watch white squall?
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▶ 6fd8d7 (4) No.140942
My neighbor across the street has shingles. Which vaccine gives you the shingles ??
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▶ 7c32e9 (5) No.140950
You are with the criminal element. Go away and never come back here.
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▶ e28711 (1) No.140972>>143378
Q+, can you mention 'saving israel for last" at next rall? that'd be col..
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▶ 176a44 (5) No.140982>>142495 >>145519
bet dogeposter likes dis one
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▶ 2d14f6 (4) No.141033
U.S. Senate candidate David McCormick concedes in tight Pennsylvania primary
U.S. Senate candidate David McCormick has conceded the Republican nomination to Dr. Mehmet Oz, after two-and-a-half weeks of waiting out final counts in an excruciatingly close Pennsylvania primary.
McCormick, addressing supporters in Pittsburgh Friday evening, said that with the race so close he felt an obligation to make sure that every vote was counted. “But it’s now clear to me, with the recount largely complete, that we have a nominee and today I called Mehmet Oz to congratulate him on his victory,” he said.
As of the close of business Friday, unofficial totals had Oz leading by 972 votes, with a statutorily-required recount in progress.
McCormick said Friday he is now supporting Oz in the general election campaign against Democratic nominee John Fetterman, and he urged his supporters to do the same.
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▶ 50a356 (6) No.141048>>145679 >>146398
I'd vote for Massie as VP with Trump.
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▶ 89b339 (7) No.141069
Oops replied to the wrong post
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▶ 2481eb (4) No.141075>>141507
CNN is an a bunch of retrards trying to create a narrative.
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▶ 71e656 (4) No.141086>>142434
We’ll this is the part of the freeway on ramp the building g is next to. Los Angeles is so lost
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▶ 2fa667 (6) No.141097>>142169
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▶ 68e420 (4) No.141147
>fuck the jews. the most vile race on the planet.
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▶ 89b339 (7) No.141152
What's the record for captcha fails?
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▶ 129b36 (2) No.141184>>146532
>No one here wants or needs your trust
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▶ 2d14f6 (4) No.141200>>141525 >>146418
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.
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▶ 11a530 (3) No.141214>>141339 >>143378
Newfag, you need to use your brain.
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▶ 129b36 (2) No.141267
Biden wasn't even following the executive order.
Now everything rests on this administration.
They are so fuckin fucked.
Look at the game board.
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▶ 937182 (2) No.141285>>149191
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▶ 57ff5f (1) No.141290>>148863
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▶ 7c32e9 (5) No.141291
Get woke boycott Burger King
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▶ 9e04f1 (3) No.141306>>143165
Welcome back. We saved a seat for ya
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▶ 644599 (2) No.141309
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▶ 5641c5 (1) No.141339
They are just trying to lean on folks in the party and those running polls to get PDJT out, cause a divide between him and DeSantis, and get everyone else spinning in circles and dividing their selves between Pres. Trump and Gov. DeSantis. IT WON'T WORK
One team, one fight. All WIN.
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▶ 1f8725 (5) No.141396
Dayum, what's her fansonly name?
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▶ 621d16 (2) No.141430
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▶ 1266b6 (4) No.141460>>141525
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▶ 093cb3 (5) No.141477
Manifesting the decision for Roe VS. Wade today, hoping its overturned
Here is some Can't Touch Dis for the Supreme Court Justices who have been facing intimidation for weeks now.
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▶ 0e2be7 (1) No.141481
You are a faggot. Prove me wrong.
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▶ 369cb3 (5) No.141507>>144410
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▶ 85d434 (4) No.141525>>146659
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▶ 10da91 (6) No.141533
I bet he can still suck dicks, though.
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▶ 9f0325 (4) No.141618>>144064
did you know tye site owner mission statement is to gaslight
don and his deplorables by spotlighting absurd bullshit?
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▶ 022917 (2) No.141636>>146543
Insanity: California State Senate Passes Bill that Ends Mandatory Reporting of Threats Made by Students
The California State Senate on Thursday passed a bill that ends mandatory reporting on students who threaten violence against the school to law enforcement. According to the language of the bill endorsed by the ACLU, “once students make contact with law enforcement, they are less likely to graduate high school and more likely to wind up in jail or prison.”
The law was authored by Senator Steve Bradford and was endorsed by ACLU California Action calling it a win for racial equality.
The co-sponsors are: Alliance for Boys and Men of Color, ACLU California Action, Black Organizing Project, Black Parallel School Board, Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth, Disability Rights California, Dolores Huerta Foundation, East Bay Community Law Center, PolicyLink, and Public Counsel.
SB 1273 also called “Eliminating Law Enforcement Mandate in Schools” would repeal the existing law that “whenever any employee of a school district or county superintendent of schools is attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil, the employee and any person under whose direction or supervision the employee is employed who has knowledge of the incident are required to promptly report the incident to specified law enforcement authorities.”
More from far-left ACLU:
Decades of research show the long-term harm to young people of even minimal contact with the juvenile or criminal legal systems. Once students make contact with law enforcement, they are less likely to graduate high school and more likely to wind up in jail or prison. These harms fall disproportionately on students from marginalized groups: Black, Indigenous, and Latinx students, as well as students with disabilities, are disproportionately referred to law enforcement, cited, and arrested.
SB 1273 (Bradford) empowers educators, protects students, and restores educator discretion by:
Eliminating state mandates for school notification of law enforcement of many types of incidents, thereby empowering schools to adopt non-punitive, supportive, trauma-informed and health-based approaches to school related behaviors.
Increasing educator discretion in determining when to notify law enforcement about a student’s school related behaviors.
Eliminating prosecution of school staff who fail to report incidents of alleged assaults or physical threats against school employees.
Eliminating the criminal penalty for students for the “willful disturbance” of public schools and public school meetings.
By restoring flexibility to educators to decide when law enforcement should be notified, SB 1273 will protect students from unnecessary contact with the criminal legal system, decrease school related law enforcement referrals and arrests, and keep students in school.
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▶ 03b187 (1) No.141674>>143483
Amazing Cali is looking more RED right now. lol
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▶ eb4e0a (2) No.141689>>145603
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▶ 2fa667 (6) No.141698
seems like a man with the same taste in art as the Podestas
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▶ df903b (5) No.141714>>142458 >>146300
Mr. Pig has officially broken through
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▶ 014801 (3) No.141771
>could be triggering respiratory and heart diseases
lmfao anything but the vax!
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▶ 89b339 (7) No.141772>>143537
all the posts were old.. i had (you)'s in all those breads even though i wasn't here, just scrolled through now. wtf?
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▶ 151e6e (2) No.141813
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▶ 9138c8 (3) No.141814>>146629
John Joseph Lydon, also known by his stage name Johnny Rotten, is an English singer and songwriter. He is best known as the lead singer of the late-1970s British punk band the Sex Pistols
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▶ 937182 (2) No.141915>>143378
>10 Years
> Portland Riots
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▶ 68e420 (4) No.141931
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▶ 9be82b (3) No.141934
>repo for morans
clearly it worked
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▶ 010a09 (1) No.141951>>143378
Covid is Over
Burn the Mask
Save the Children
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▶ 251992 (4) No.141982>>143830 >>145216
There was always places where one could comm with backchannels. There were quite a few times where it turned out to be important, too. Corsi, Baruch, Pamphlet, Posobiec. What happened was it started winding down because Q stopped posting and high alert from attacks that actually turned out to be true, because by the time Q stopped posting every intel agency was present.
I'm sorry you had that notion but even back in 2016 it was a community on discord -in my limited view- and not primarily a board on 8ch.
There have been multiple waves with multiple people some new names, some old, some obvious repeats, riding the ups and downs of the boards and site relocations. It was inevitable that there would need to be offsite means of resynchronization. What you've gotta figure out is is the shittalking of that -assuredly necessary thing, because it was- in your best interest or not? In my view what happened was it used to be open, but with the dwindling that comes with no Q posts as well as a culling mentality (for better or worse) along with a personal 'shill defcon system' if I were to want to portray that as negatively as possible
I would portray it as antithetical to anon behavior but also I would attack identity itself so that I could get away with acting like those who actually follow my bad advice of relying on anon, in a position where one really must straddle the line or be psychopath.
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▶ 144050 (5) No.142009
Breathtaking lightning strike over the Iwo Jima memorial here in Arlington! Natures fireworks. #lightning #storms #washingtondc #arlington @WeatherNation
10:17 PM · Jul 2, 2022 from US Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima)·Twitter for iPhone
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▶ 702588 (3) No.142018
Bellingham, Washington: President of School Board host Queer Youth Open Mic at her sex shop Wink Wink
Jonathan Choe Journalist
Jun 1
CONTROVERSY:Jenn Mason owns Wink Wink. She’s also school board director of Bellingham Public Schools. Critics say she should not be hosting event open to children of “all ages”at a sex shop. But supporters say store has separate space and entrance where kids would not be exposed.
Jonathan Choe Journalist
Jun 1
HAPPENING NOW: Wink Wink’s “Outspoken: Queer Youth Open Mic” night moved last minute to secret location. Protesters in front of Bellingham store and say they are concerned about underage kids being “groomed” and exposed to sex toys at the shop. Now trying to find new location[video]
Jonathan Choe Journalist
Jun 1
COUNTER PROTESTERS: A handful here as well. They have speaker system and blasting an eclectic mix of music. Otherwise, a “friend” of Wink Wink is quietly directing anyone with an RSVP to secret location. I will respect their privacy since media is banned except for one reporter.
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▶ 48600d (4) No.142029
if you clicked that shit you need bleach
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▶ 9e04f1 (3) No.142035
expose evil, like those arrests, w/ mask on., get off their masks, b/c they hide for a reason.
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▶ 2d14f6 (4) No.142096>>142947 >>144200
…Naw, imagine data centers, in space. Nice satellites.
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▶ 59ba15 (1) No.142128
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▶ e275ab (3) No.142169>>145355
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▶ 9f0325 (4) No.142170
Chilmark fishermen Christopher Murphy approached medical anthropologist Nora Groce after her delivery of the last Nathan Mayhew Seminars lecture of the summer Thursday night, and recalled a remnant of sign language use by old-timers he used to work for.
The news came as pleasant confirmation to Miss Groce, who has spent the better part of the last six years tracing the origins of a community of deaf people who lived pretty much like - and in harmony with - the hearing populace of the Vineyard from its earliest settlement through the 19th century.
“It’s a model of another way human beings can adapt to a handicapped - rather, a disabling - condition,” Miss Groce said Thursday.” A disability isn’t a problem unless people make it a problem. What’s unique about the Vineyard is this adaptation to deafness.”
Not only the deaf people adapted, Miss Groce has concluded from her years of research, years which yielded a book that soon will be available in Island bookstores. The isolated Vineyard offered a haven of sorts for the descendants of a group of English settlers who came here in the mid-1700s and became, like the original Mayhews and Flanderses and Tiltons, founding families. Many of their hearing neighbors communicated comfortably with them in sign language. The difference is that these immigrants brought along an inherited strain of deafness that lasted several generations, Miss Groce said.
“What I was dealing with was a traveling gene pool,” Miss Groce said. She is not the first to follow this trail; an elocution professor from Boston first spotted a pattern of deafness in students at the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Conn., and traced it to Vineyard ancestors. But the teacher wearied of the search, possessed of the Victorian conviction that the deafness must be snuffed out, starting with the nonverbal language of the afflicted and concluding with the prevention of procreation of deaf people.
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▶ 9be82b (3) No.142208>>146722
sounds kinda like red text asshole from the last few weeks
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▶ 61a7c0 (6) No.142228>>145841
Have you seen Q? Have you seen the Rain?
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▶ 864f5a (1) No.142242>>143237
I just heard on Fox that CA is considering REIMBURSING women who come to CA to get an Abortion if they are from a state that banned it.
Your tax dollars hard at work supplying them with baby parts and/or satanic rituals
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▶ 176a44 (5) No.142243
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▶ 93d45c (3) No.142244
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▶ 2cc39c (5) No.142257
The bitch is right ! We don't need AR15s. We need the damn new Sig XM250 Automatic Rifle that is going to our military boys
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▶ 022917 (2) No.142276>>146413
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▶ 61a7c0 (6) No.142319>>143566
LB or PB
And with a puff of breath, the regulation dust scattered into the wind.
For every new regulation, I'll take all your regulation!
Only the scope of what congress laid out..
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▶ 6fd8d7 (4) No.142326
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▶ 29cdee (3) No.142339
who fucking cares who posted it. It's Jim's statement.
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▶ 841a34 (2) No.142408
Just keeping track - this is same ID as Administrator post above.
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▶ 9138c8 (3) No.142434
9 min Potus tweet typo Correction prior to Q1440
Councel > Counsel
c > s
Jun 03 + 9 days = Jun 12
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▶ 9f0325 (4) No.142436>>142981
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▶ 5019e8 (4) No.142457>>142753
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▶ 3b17fb (3) No.142458
Carry out has a new supply
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▶ 644599 (2) No.142471
would he not have it facing him?
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▶ 04a439 (3) No.142473
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▶ b533ae (4) No.142477
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▶ 2481eb (4) No.142478
Merkel shakes uncontrollably during military parade
Earlier, Merkel was seen shaking during the military honours for Zelenskiy.
She looked as if she were struggling to stand up while she and Zelenskiy listened to national
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▶ 841a34 (2) No.142495
>but the outside must also be cleared.
i can agree with this..
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▶ 71e656 (4) No.142503
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▶ ce95ad (4) No.142534
If you WANTED to start a Civil War, how would you do it?
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▶ 93d45c (3) No.142539>>143154
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▶ 68e420 (4) No.142540
How was she able to file Ch. 7 again in 2016 after filing in 2013? I thought there has to be 8 years in between filing?
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▶ eb4e0a (2) No.142560>>144756
> deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law
FFS, I'm an idiot. That's the 14th. The fuck was I thinking
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▶ ba70e4 (1) No.142567
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▶ 144050 (5) No.142571
I thought the dictionary was clear? Yes… politicians are on record wanting to legalize killing babies late term and post birth.
1. the crime of killing a child within a year of its birth (in some legal jurisdictions, specifically by the mother)
2. a person who kills an infant, especially their own child.
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▶ 89b339 (7) No.142576>>145655
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▶ 2fa667 (6) No.142592
Notable that the Niʻihau Island can't be penetrated by the Kanaka Haule o dnc kipi and thus can't fuck with MAIL-IN ballots.
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▶ 72c7fb (3) No.142597>>144943
then what are they mining? that would infer they are getting more not just resting on the same. Not really into the digital currency stuff but we are dealing with rigged markets. Even with the digital currencies.
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▶ 960b8f (3) No.142600
Bipartisan Group of Democrat and RINO Senators Come to Agreement on Electoral Count Act --- Will Require 20% of Congress to Challenge a State’s Electoral Votes
The Electoral Count Act is a proposed United States federal law that adjusts the procedures set out in the US Constitution for the counting of electoral votes following a presidential election.
The Act was first enacted by Congress in 1887, ten years after the disputed 1876 presidential election, in which several states submitted competing slates of electors and a divided Congress was unable to resolve the deadlock for weeks.
Via Wikipedia --- Under the Twelfth Amendment, the vice president (as President of the Senate) opens the electoral certificates. The act clarifies the vice president’s limited role in the count. Both houses can overrule the vice president’s decision to include or exclude votes and, under the Act, even if the chambers disagree, the governor’s certification, not the vice president, breaks the tie.
Currently, a group of Republican and Democrat senators are working together to adjust the act so that Americans can never challenge a disputed or stolen election in the future.
The proposed rules will require 20% of Congress, the House and Senate, to challenge the results from any state. That will make it impossible for weak Republicans to challenge any future stolen elections.
RINOs believe this is a good idea.
CBS News reported:
A bipartisan group of senators working to reform the Electoral Count Act has reached a general agreement and is working on legislative text during this work period, which ends June 24, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
The group met on Wednesday night to discuss changes to the law, which governs the way Congress counts and certifies votes from the Electoral College after each presidential election.
We had an excellent meeting last night where we resolved almost all of the issues,” Republican Sen. Susan Collins, of Maine, said Thursday.
Collins said the group has already drafted language that would make clear that the vice president’s role is ministerial in the process of counting Electoral College votes. The new language also raises the threshold for triggering a challenge to a state’s slate from one member in each chamber to 20% of the members in each body. There would be a majority vote for sustaining an objection.
“That’s all drafted and agreed to,” Collins said. “There are some other issues that are more complicated that we made a lot of progress on last night.”
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▶ 71e656 (4) No.142695>>144064
He does have a lot of ‘splanin to do.
Can’t trust a plan we don’t know what it is, if it’s being carried out or who to hold accountable.
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▶ e275ab (3) No.142715
Far left is a fox if she was dolled up.
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▶ dc21c4 (2) No.142732
is Bitcoin kinda like the "cloud" ?
a mist up in the sky?
suppose there was a glitch
and everything that had been purchased with "bitcoin"
was put on hold until the oddity was cleared up
pyramid scheme, frens
is what it looks like to me
hope your "coin" is made of gold
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▶ 29cdee (3) No.142735
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▶ 7c32e9 (5) No.142753
It is no coincidence that the culmination of the Fed’s stimulus bonanza has arrived right after the incredible damage done to the economy and the global supply chain by the covid lockdowns. It is no coincidence that these two events work together to create the perfect stagflationary scenario. And, it’s no coincidence that the only people who benefit from these conditions are proponents of the “Great Reset” ideology at the World Economic Forum and other globalist institutions. This is an engineered collapse that has been in the works for many years.
The goal is to “reset” the world, to erase what’s left of free market systems, and to establish what they call the “Shared Economy” system. This system is one in which the people who survive the crash will be made utterly dependent on government through Universal Basic Income and one that will restrict all resource usage in the name of “carbon reduction.” According to the WEF, you will own nothing and you will like it.
The collapse is engineered to create crisis conditions so frightening that they expect the majority of the public to submit to a collectivist hive mind lifestyle with greatly reduced standards. This would be accomplished through UBI, digital currency models, carbon taxation, population reduction, rationing of all commodities and a social credit system. The goal, in other words, is complete control through technocratic authoritarianism.
All of this is dependent on the exploitation of crisis events to create fear in the population. Now that economic destabilization has arrived, what happens next? Here are my predictions…
The Fed Will Hike Interest Rates More Than Expected, But Not Enough To Stop Inflation
Today, we are witnessing the poisonous fruits of a decade-plus of massive fiat money creation and we are now at the stage where the Fed will reveal its true plan. Hiking interest rates fast, or hiking them slow. Fast hikes will mean an almost immediate crash in markets (beyond what we have already seen), slow hikes will mean a drawn out process of price inflation and general uncertainty.
I believe the Fed will hike more than expected, but not enough to actually slow inflation in necessities. There will be an overall decline in luxury items, recreation commerce and non-essentials, but most other goods will continue to climb in cost. It is to the advantage of globalists to keep the inflation train running for another year or longer.
In the end, though, the central bank WILL declare that the pace of interest rates is not enough to stop inflation and they will revert to a Volcker-like strategy, pushing rates up so high that the economy simply stops functioning altogether.
Markets Will Crash And Unemployment Will Abruptly Spike
Stock markets are utterly dependent on Fed stimulus and easy money through low interest rate loans -- This is a fact. Without low rates and QE, corporations cannot engage in stock buybacks. Meaning, the tools for artificially inflating equities are disappearing. We are already seeing the effects of this now with markets dropping 20% or more.
The Fed will not capitulate. They will continue to hike regardless of the market reaction.
As far as jobs are concerned, Biden and many mainstream economists constantly applaud the low unemployment rate as proof that the American economy is “strong,” but this is an illusion. Covid stimulus measures temporarily created a dynamic in which businesses needed increased staff to deal with excess retail spending. Now, the covid checks have stopped and Americans have maxed out their credit cards. There is nothing left to keep the system afloat.
Businesses will start making large job cuts throughout the last half of 2022.
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▶ 144050 (5) No.142769
Fuck you the worlds burning
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▶ fa7d90 (4) No.142783>>144549
Treatment for cancer when she had it was chemo. No way was she going to be able to work. Most of time you are too weak to work.
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▶ a3fe03 (5) No.142791
> can't post Q's tripcode with the salt rotated, 100% impossible
posts images of Q's tripcode being used
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▶ 6f090d (1) No.142804
Cheese is a good food to stock up on right now, all things considered.
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▶ 176a44 (5) No.142806>>142986
No Justice: Texas Judge Orders State To Stop Child Abuse Cases Against Parents Of Transgender Kids
Three Texas families sued the state Wednesday, seeking to halt child abuse probes regarding gender-confirming medical treatments for their transgender children.
The lawsuit requests a Texas judge to block the state from opening any similar probes against any Texas members of the LGBTQ advocacy group PFLAG Inc.
One mother, using the pseudonym Mirabel Voe, announced that her teenage son, who is now transitioning, tried to take his own life on the same day Texas Governor Greg Abbott filed a directive declaring that gender-affirming treatment for minors is child abuse.
In the February 2022 directive, Abbott called on “licensed professionals” and “members of the general public” to report cases of people aiding minors in transitioning.
Her lawsuit reads: “Antonio said that the political environment, including Abbot’s Letter, and being misgendered in school, led him to take these actions.”
After his suicide attempt, Antonio was referred to a psychiatric hospital, where he was treated as an outpatient.
It was at the facility that staff informed Antonio and his mom that their family could be subject to an investigation by child protective services as he had been prescribed hormone therapy.
At the time of writing, the family is still being investigated.
Since the investigation started, Antonio can no longer attend in-person school due to mental health problems and is forced to stay at home.
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▶ 5c4680 (3) No.142807>>144389 >>145308
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▶ 463b21 (3) No.142810>>145405
Julie Kelly 🇺🇸
Hey @CapitolPolice
looks like your media center needs updating--where's detailed info on Thursday's arrests?
9:28 AM · Jun 18, 2022·Twitter Web App
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▶ 5019e8 (4) No.142834>>143378
Gullible tranny you are
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▶ ddee73 (2) No.142852
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▶ 89b339 (7) No.142869
Paul killed his brother.
I wonder how many of the cabalistic elite have had their older siblings die?
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▶ fa7d90 (4) No.142877>>146555
Nicely done, anon!
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▶ 1f8725 (5) No.142902
colonel mustard did a db cooper with a davy crackett? if anyone must larp about it.
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▶ 22b2e6 (4) No.142905
it happens
blame cern
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▶ 961ff1 (2) No.142936
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▶ 3e26aa (1) No.142947
>Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon
do a search for her in the entire past year
ONLY the RRN article comes up and 1 bio
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▶ 2cc39c (5) No.142981
I pray every day for God's warriors. That will not change. Bad ass mofos……………
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▶ 251992 (4) No.142986
anons now!
anon lied about having 100 barr memes
disinfo was necc
*runs away laughing*
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▶ 3afd0b (1) No.142991>>144465 >>145242
Updated dough: Q Research General #20934: THE GREAT NARRATIVE, ANONS> CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
Baker is ready to hand off, two bread minimum, will be back to take on the shills during night shift !!!
New baker claim bread, note takers step up.
In God We Trust - God Speed Ahead - o7
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▶ f270e4 (4) No.143012
>And what would be the purpose of a fake Q?
Plant fake Q posts.
Run stories about return of Q.
FBI khakis pretending to be 'Q supporters' stage confrontation with Antifa, abortion proponents, or similar FBI invention.
Declare Q supporters as domestic terrorists.
Invoke new red flag laws.
It's a possibility that merits consideration.
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▶ 1ccfb4 (3) No.143051
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▶ 151e6e (2) No.143110>>144471
woodward is susan collinns…listen closely.
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▶ 369cb3 (5) No.143146
obvious aF that federalTraitors running the whole antifa blm stand down school shootings and every arckancide in between, as well
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▶ 6ff3d3 (5) No.143154
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▶ 1018bf (3) No.143157
Promise you this.
Not a Jew.
Born in the USA, like my dad and his dad.
The Jew is the bakers here.
Shut down after this bread.
Rebuilding of this bread and previous bread.
All hands (bakers) on deck.
See you at 5:30 ET.
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▶ bf4c0c (5) No.143165
>"Perfect" is related as well.
> I think Perfect = Zero
Meant for >>141306
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▶ 849f42 (1) No.143169>>146065
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▶ 3b17fb (3) No.143215>>143631
>Anons, do not be afraid. You have everything you need.
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
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▶ 284cef (4) No.143232
same, hips more narrow than shoulders. Tiny ass hips.
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▶ 8f0679 (3) No.143237
This is what PANIC looks like.
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▶ ddee73 (2) No.143238
If I can be with my girl just that would be great, thanks!
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▶ bf4c0c (5) No.143255
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▶ 463b21 (3) No.143280
Investigating Russian Oligarchs being sanctioned by the west for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
This is also tied to the 7 dead Russian oligarchs who died recently under mysterious circumstances. Of course, Putin was blamed for these deaths, but that doesn't hold much water. Of these dead oligarchs, none were critical of Putin, or the war, and none were on the sanctions list.
Consider the extent that the dead/sanctioned Russian oligarchs are connected more to the Rothschilds than to Putin. Last night there was a dig on how Roman Abramovich is close friends of the Rothschilds. To summarize a few things from a dig last night:
Nat Rothschild, son of Baron Jacob Rothschild, is business partners and close personal friends with Roman Abramovich and also Oleg Deripaska.
Abramov just recently was forced to sell "his" ownership in the Chelsea football club.
U.S. authorities moved Monday to seize two luxury jets from Abramovich.
In April, the British island of Jersey, located off the coast of France, froze more than $7 billion in assets belonging to Abramovich.
Shortly after being sanctioned, Roman Abramovich Asked his rich pals, the Rothschilds, to lend him a million bucks.
Abramovich is a citizen of Israel. At first glance several of the other oligarchs are also citizens of Israel. Who created Israel?
Note that there was possibly an attempted hit on Abramovich recently: Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning at peace talks on the Ukraine-Belarus border. The 7th Russian oligarch died from toad poison, administered by his personal witch doctor.
The Roths are trying to close all the paths that lead back to them-- The Russian oligarchs, the war in Ukraine, all putting the squeeze on the Roths. How many of these Russian oligarchs are just cut-outs for the Rothschilds? I'm looking into that right now.
Roman Abramovich, the billionaire owner of Chelsea FC, was a penniless orphan who rose from the ashes of Soviet Russia to become one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. His fascinating life story has been shrouded in mystery.
This goes to show you that the Clinton murder list isn't really about the Clintons at all. The Clintons are just mind-controlled puppets, like the rest. This is really about the real dark money interests that are behind everything and what they will do to maintain their control and secrecy. It's time to start calling out their names. It begins with the name Rothschild.
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▶ 43a221 (3) No.143299
Check the notables just in case i'm a shill/infiltrator/deep state commie etc
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▶ 5f7331 (2) No.143306
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▶ 1fd16a (3) No.143334
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▶ 144050 (5) No.143343
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▶ 093cb3 (5) No.143347
So this is why they are rushing to Ukraine.
To pick up their stash of customized youth serum.
Doesn't look like it helping most of them
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▶ 60cbc1 (2) No.143378
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▶ 1266b6 (4) No.143422
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▶ 9d915e (1) No.143446>>146400
>(1) raise taxes;
>(2) federal takeover of all Rx prices; and
>(3) subsidize energy prices for low-income Americans.
They really do think that we the people are stupid.
Or this is just part of the plan to inflict pain until the people learn to fight back.
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▶ 218602 (1) No.143466
Called it long ago that she is a grifting cunt
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▶ 7afa8b (2) No.143483
Nobody got poisoned.
We have created a society post truth society.
We have created a society where people 'are offended'
This is the result.
Docotors, parents, and other mechanism now cannot disagree and say 'No it's actually stupid to cut your cock off'
Lest they be cancelled.
So everyone lives their own 'Truth'. Boys can be girls, there are 6 gazillion genders, politicians work for you, the world is not collapsing in on itself'
Personally I am enjoying watching it burn.
I need moar mayhem.
But, I'm a bit like that.
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▶ 1fd16a (3) No.143510>>145000
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▶ 251992 (4) No.143537
That is not Trump…
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▶ b8e5f8 (3) No.143566>>146706
Right back at you pleb anon and wife anon. Too bad for you, really.
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▶ 961ff1 (2) No.143568>>145247
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▶ 68e420 (4) No.143578
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▶ 119679 (3) No.143584
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▶ bf4c0c (5) No.143608
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▶ a2cb41 (2) No.143631
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▶ e275ab (3) No.143646
So tiresome. why does he keep saying "PERFECT" in the context of a phone call? It makes no fucking sense.
"Perfectly innocent" or "Perfectly legal" works much better.
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▶ f270e4 (4) No.143650
I want my money back.
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▶ 5bae52 (1) No.143771
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▶ 7afa8b (2) No.143830
Anyone have some Trump hair cutout to put on her?
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▶ d43124 (1) No.143831
If ur not TETHERed yet, go do.
Hard deck on this run is 10,000
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▶ ed2775 (1) No.143852>>144787
It’s over for Trump.
Can you even believe it??
He got framed in 2016 and robbed in 2020.
And rather than drop the hammer on their heads, he tried to play nicey-nice with them.
Was he a good president?
But in the end, he let “optics” prevent him from doing what we all know needed to be done.
That effectively makes him an average president.
His inaction against our domestic enemies neutralized his accomplishments.
In 200-500 years, he’ll be remembered as an average president, who more than anyone before him, knew what needed to be done, but couldn’t bring himself to do it.
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▶ 29cdee (3) No.143879
Vance also said Putin BAD
How is it BAD to take out Nazis and DS Biolabs?
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▶ 94ddbe (4) No.143945>>146123
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▶ 960b8f (3) No.143950
Mormonism is a masonic religion
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▶ 2fa667 (6) No.143976>>146453
high voltage, kilowatts of joules,
spark after spark i am not afraid at all
Ampere, Raiden, lightning from hands,
current does not touch the old electricians
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▶ 463b21 (3) No.143981
this is elephant season?
Happy the elephant will stay at the Bronx Zoo after New York state's highest court ruled against an animal rights group that said she deserved some of the same rights as humans and should be freed
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▶ 22b2e6 (4) No.143993>>144756
So sad we had to lose to us looking at Couple. Farewell "we."
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▶ 94ddbe (4) No.144032>>145216
every day for the last…what? Almost 5 years….I come across this.
I wanted to tell you that this is the first time I've responded….
I wanted to tell you thank you
and that every time I see this posted I read the words posted and then send them back to you in gratitude.
I hope you have felt it on your end.
I'm sure I'm not alone.
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▶ 014801 (3) No.144057
Fuck you satan ID, suck my dick.
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▶ 535fef (4) No.144060
I’m not a religious person but it’s absolute bullshit when anti abortion people cite religious freedom because guess what!! It’s my right as a Jewish person to have access to abortion
It’s my right as a Jewish person to have access to abortion
It’s my right as a Jewish person to have access to abortion
It’s my right as a Jewish person to have access to abortion
It’s my right as a Jewish person to have access to abortion
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▶ 284cef (4) No.144064>>146580
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▶ 51f815 (3) No.144080
MAGA PATRIOT hackers are gutting servers WORLDWIDE with impunity.
AOC audio bragging about stealing Trump's election…
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▶ cac2f9 (2) No.144122>>146470
They've had to accelerate their 16 yr plan to destroy the USA
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▶ a2cb41 (2) No.144152
I'm specifically talking about the part: "No person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;"
It's nagging at the back of my mind for some reason in relation to red flag laws.
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▶ 5019e8 (4) No.144186>>145247
lol you mad bruh? yeah you mad. Now be a good cuck and filter me. lol, owned.
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▶ 1ccfb4 (3) No.144188>>146248
Sgt. B aka babyfist's accomplice aka B, who posted on Q's board is Austin Steinbart
Here's a thread about it on /pol/ covering this and his connection to Jim Watkins.
Steinbart is not just some eccentric schizo kid larping for fun on the internet. The entire global establishment and deep state is against Q and have been throwing everything they can at them. Steinbart not working alone. And the facts that (1)he compromised Q's board with the help of a global volunteer, that (2)Jim follows and interacts with both him and babyfist on social media, sits down for interviews with shady Steinbart/B/abcu characters, including Thomas Schoenberger, who makes music with "hidden messages" for 'infants and that (3) the post is still up, over a year later, all say everything you need to know about Jim and the viability of 8kun as a secure place for Q to post.
Looking forward to seeing Jim's response to this.
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▶ 369cb3 (5) No.144200>>145139
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▶ 1018bf (3) No.144225
What are you here for then ?
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▶ 43a221 (3) No.144331
I would LOVE to know the story behind this gif.
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▶ adb5f3 (3) No.144389
Hi, are you interested in participating on a board centered around a one letter insider that hasn't dropped in over a year and a half now?
That no longer digs, but just copypastas work from SM and shitposts about stupid stuff?
Well, do I have the perfect spot for you.
Hey! Come back!
I'm not finished with my recruitment pitch yet.
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▶ 702588 (3) No.144399
Isn't that akin to tossing away your junk mail?
Like all those ads on Wednesday?
Or the spam from Nigerian Princes?
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▶ f4c7f3 (1) No.144410
Not just that, a friend of mine owns a food distribution company, and he used to have a fleet of 30+ 40 ft trailers and twice as many drivers for them. Now with Covid, he lost a lot of drivers due to them being able to sit on their asses iinstead of work, and he has to hire independent truckers who charge him an arm and a leg. He has to add THAT extra cost to the food he sells.
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▶ 119679 (3) No.144465
Halfmind butthurt still in effect
Is this going to be a constant?
Be advised, a bunch of old veterans hanging out and about a church parking lot had cops looking in twice, those not cops once
Church building fine tonight
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▶ 369cb3 (5) No.144471
yeah i heard that also unfortunately, still not sure exactly what we are watching anymore
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▶ 5f7331 (2) No.144480
Always use the real name.
Larry Wachowski took the Blue Pill.
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▶ 115706 (1) No.144482
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▶ d8d325 (1) No.144484
Only with his current tripcode after it was verified as being changed. New trip is always verified.
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▶ eafdd1 (1) No.144507
separate by a comma
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▶ e6a312 (1) No.144549
Joe is an arrogant asshole, who talks out of his ass.
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▶ 10da91 (6) No.144585
Good find, anon. Q always wants us to learn everything. From German bread, to history, def of words etc. He is a great teacher.
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▶ 881a30 (1) No.144649
>insist that our own governments field alternative candidates
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▶ ab25b1 (2) No.144682
>Can any anon help me find post no. 16551708
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▶ 94c894 (4) No.144685
Never does. Not whitelisted there by Q.
No point really.
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▶ 94ddbe (4) No.144694
You mean, maybe these "food factories" are actually front for the Cartels, and the arsons are cartel war?
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▶ b79ddc (2) No.144704
Anon actually dug into Vigano and can easily tell that Vigano was Flipped NOT Freed.
Vigano will now do as he is told.
pb/lb dig
The Vig knew all about McCarrick etc etc and didnt say shit etc etc…..
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▶ 4f6c13 (3) No.144710
Who is actually in control atm?
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▶ 51f815 (3) No.144717
“Belief is the enemy of knowing”
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▶ 2cc39c (5) No.144756
In notables, but only one researching and putting this together.
Anon's please read
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▶ ab25b1 (2) No.144770
I'm starting to wonder if the bastards got me.
Out of the blue fever… feeling it kicking now.
Twin 1 year old's started showing yesterday.
Starting to feel it now.
We don't go or do anything in last week.
Fucked up man.
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▶ 50a356 (6) No.144776
Wow that's crazy
Didn't ask though
PS: you're filtered
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▶ 1018bf (3) No.144783
Anons aren't stupid but you are.
no tripcode, no Q.
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▶ 61a7c0 (6) No.144786
>Q isn't coming anywhere near this place after the B fuckery.
How do you know what is and is not Q?
How do you know what Q will be doing and will not be doing?
Information warfare.
Time to wake up.
What's fiction is what this here is all about.
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▶ 6ff3d3 (5) No.144787
holy shit…."you must except my truth". Fuck that. I'm not participating in your lies.
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▶ 28e096 (1) No.144822
Well.. it Jamie lee.. all sorts of fucked upedness even with “her” parents.
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▶ 132798 (1) No.144851
Conservatives slam Fox News over transgender child segment: 'FOX is pro-mutilation'
Some called for everyone involved in the story to be fired.
Conservatives are criticizing Fox News for airing a segment in honor of Pride month about a biological girl who started identifying as a boy at 5-years-old.
"I have appeared on Fox News many times. I appreciate the platform they’ve given me. If what I’m about to say ruins that relationship, so be it," Daily Wire commentator Matt Walsh tweeted in response to the Fox video. "We have to call this evil lunacy out wherever we see it. Especially on our own side."
He focused on the fact that Ryland Wittington, now 14, has "a permanently altered body" and is "condemned to live forever with an identity imposed as a small child."
Walsh also called for everyone involved in the story to be immediately fired.
Daily Wire CEO and co-founder Jeremy Boreing made a similar comment criticizing the segment in a response to Bryan Llenas, the Fox correspondent who lauded the family for their "extraordinary courage." The reporter also thanked the family and said, "people are afraid of what they do not understand."
"You are almost certainly going to be fired today. Who else deserves to lose their job?" Boreing commented.
Former Trump assistant and ex-Fox News contributor Sebastian Gorka tweeted, "FOX is pro-mutilation of children."
"The video would be absolute despicable insane lunacy if I saw it on CNN or MSNBC," Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire wrote in an op-ed. "To see it on Fox News is a complete betrayal of anything remotely resembling conservatism or decency."
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▶ f270e4 (4) No.144891
Luddites lived next door to Noddians. Cain was in heaven.
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▶ ce95ad (4) No.144894
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▶ eabc96 (3) No.144943
I looked for Jesse Kelly today and twitter said they couldn’t find that account. Not confirmed though
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▶ 535fef (4) No.144960>>149146
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▶ a3fe03 (5) No.144970
wanna know how i know they stole the election?
if they could prove Trump cheated they'd be more than happy to throw him in prison.
heres the bait.
and everyone looked the other way.
fuckin rigged.
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▶ 8f0679 (3) No.144987
Sirens Blare Across Downtown Chicago As Tornado Warning In Effect
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▶ 85d434 (4) No.144997
skynet depends on wind turbines
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▶ 119679 (3) No.145000
That is funny, Kek. Trolling us. It's not the car jacking it's the zero emissions that is important. You guys are focused on zero time deltas yet they just trolled me within a zero time (less than a minute).
What I think this means, is that we must carjack only zero emission cars and all become minute men, HooRah! MAGA! ~ Kek!
Even, more trolling as I had to recaptcha to post. Kek! Now I have a new ID.
Oh shit. on top of that we already reached 750 posts. HA HA HA
Will wait for the proofs to come. But I ask what was posted at the last 23:54:46 timestamp? There probably comms associated with that post.
>Who posted lb at 23:54:46
>that is the post that went zero delta with POTUS anon
I know that, could you please show that post at that time just link to the number for a mouseover or post the whole message. I think it will be important.
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▶ 94ddbe (4) No.145058
Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 04.07.2022
Premiered 2 hours ago
This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 4th of July
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▶ 0fbfc9 (1) No.145086
>Was SCotUS not supposed to release a ruling today? Did I miss it?
2 moar weeks
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▶ 4f6c13 (3) No.145107
> God’s work being done in here today
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▶ 6ff3d3 (5) No.145126
It's exactly the opposite of BLM to point out that cops kill us indiscriminately, bootlicker.
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▶ 3c95a2 (3) No.145136>>146722
It seems all the patriots have moved to TS, mainly bots here now.
Any Patriot anons still lurking?
Many posts go unanswered.
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▶ 50a356 (6) No.145139
anons still hopes its sooner than later, hopium is scarce these days.
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▶ 284cef (4) No.145156>>145779
It refers to Babylon. …let's confuse their language lest they succeed in their efforts to build a tower to Heaven. Our country was subverted by the B.A.R. association which cast spells (made different spellings and meanings for words) upon our understanding of the meanings of words. With the revelation of their plot, we are coming to the knowledge that their are 3 jurisictions (Juris = right law; and diction = the definitions of words. Hince the DICTIONary). The 3 Jurisdictions are LAND, AIR and WATER (LAW)). Land is common-law, rights-property-equity. Air is trust law, cannonical, ecclesiastical, spiritual; Beneficial, Trust, Executorship, inheretance. Like the rights we inhereted from our Creator to take dominion over the earth. Water is admiralty - commerce, and contracts. Acronymn is
LAW. The first commandment by our Creator was to take dominion of the birds of the air, the beast of the field, the fish in the water. Until we make a public declaration that we have taken dominion of our world, we are deemed to be ignorant of the true Creator, and we therefore ceed control to those who hold those secrets. So…learn to record your declarations of freedom in the county courthouses; read in Genesis where God created a trust for which WE the People are the heirs. The babylonian bar attorneys are trying to steal our inheretance. DONT LET THEM DO THAT!
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▶ 85d434 (4) No.145175
i get all nostalgic for the excited energy that everyone had when this song dropped
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▶ 60cbc1 (2) No.145188
Is it an autismo thing or did it start around the time deepfakes came out?
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▶ eabc96 (3) No.145216
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▶ 521d19 (3) No.145230
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▶ 984110 (2) No.145233
Well if it’s not happening now it’s never happening
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▶ 2fa667 (6) No.145242
MBS image being whitewashed ahead of Biden visit
According to Intelligence Online, the US is attempting to whitewash the image of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), through the Muslim World League (MWL) and the global consulting firm Berkeley research group (BRG) ahead of US President Biden's visit to the Kingdom in a Middle East tour.
MWL and BRG are attempting to ease tensions between MBS and the US President by roping BGR in Government Affairs, a lobby familiar with Saudi Arabia.
BRG has previously worked for Azerbaijan, Bahrain, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and the Somali Ministry of Finance.
According to Intelligence Online, it is likely to face a difficult challenge in trying to modify the image the American public has toward Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose reputation was severely damaged by the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
The MWL has also taken a back seat on matters of Saudi Arabia since MBS came into power.
But the league is now back in force in Washington, where it is striving to restore MBS' image by offering a "moderate" vision of Islam promoted by Riyadh. This push aims to pave the way for long-term cooperation, after the US President's visit to the Saudi capital.
Days ago, CNN reported that senior American officials told Saudi Arabia that the US is ready to move forward in restoring the relationship between the countries, ignoring the issue of the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.
Washington named the street in which the Saudi Embassy building is located after journalist Jamal Khashoggi, 'Khashoggi Way', and activists considered Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia a shameful surrender.
After news surfaced regarding the visit to Saudi Arabia and "Israel", those who believed Biden would be a champion for human rights, thus distancing himself from Saudi Arabia, or in his words, the "pariah" state, have gotten what feels like a slap in the face.
According to Foreign Affairs, not only is Biden most likely going to gain nothing from the visit, but it will also forever tarnish his image.
In May, the US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met with Saudi Vice Minister of Defense Khalid bin Salman in Washington
Sullivan reaffirmed President Biden’s commitment to helping Saudi Arabia defend its territory, and expressed appreciation for Saudi Arabia’s leadership in securing an UN-brokered truce in Yemen. which Saudi Arabia continues to violate.
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▶ 51f815 (3) No.145247
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▶ 94c894 (4) No.145308
Conspiracy Bot said don't leave more money in the bank than you can afford to lose.
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▶ d65388 (1) No.145318
>Q will one day tell you (If you have not seen already.)
ok i'll play along. what are we supposed to have seen already? if we can see it without Q telling us, then surely you can share the information with us directly, without compromising your position? help us digest, faggot.
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▶ adb5f3 (3) No.145355
that text will work nicely on this guy too
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▶ 2cc39c (5) No.145370
I have heard, this guy is some kind of leftist?
Brings a good listening!
Ukraine War Loss “Blame Game” Already Starting
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▶ 9dda1b (3) No.145402
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▶ 984110 (2) No.145405>>146722
you drunk or something?
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▶ 369cb3 (5) No.145435
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▶ 1ccfb4 (3) No.145442
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▶ 10da91 (6) No.145445
Tyson James - Monkeypoxs ft. @Bryson Gray
Premiered May 23, 2022
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▶ 820b69 (2) No.145479>>146483
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▶ 9dda1b (3) No.145490
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▶ 6bc856 (1) No.145493
From cancer to COVID: Putting monoclonal antibodies to work
From cancer to COVID: Putting monoclonal antibodies to work
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▶ 0aa37e (2) No.145500
Must have been a lot of content deleted in this thread.
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▶ a3fe03 (5) No.145519
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▶ 2af44f (2) No.145520
This is probably an advertisement for that boy.
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▶ 6ff3d3 (5) No.145559
@intheMatrixxx, [04.06.22 15:20]
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, who pumped millions of dollars into the 2020 Election, through Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) has tried to camouflage itself by starting the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, April of this year. Call your local reps and ask them if they know about this domestic #DarkMoney group.
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▶ 9d02a7 (2) No.145603
Oh shit that’s anonymous..
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▶ 2af44f (2) No.145606
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▶ ce8cd3 (4) No.145618
Not sure. I’ll ask my dogs.
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▶ 85d434 (4) No.145624
Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering told NBC’s "Today" show that the weapon suspect Robert Crimo III used in the deadly Fourth of July parade shooting was "legally obtained" --- and now the U.S. needs to re-examine gun laws in its aftermath.
The Illinois mayor said she is waiting Tuesday for prosecutors to file charges against the22-year-old accused of killing at least six and wounding more than 30 in Monday’s attack.
The mayor added that she was Crimo’s Cub Scout leader as a child, describing him as "just a little boy."
Pretty tight knit community, and such a small world. All the way from the stolen land of Gaza to celebrate an American holiday. I'm calling this kike bullshit.
cook county
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▶ b4a01e (2) No.145630
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▶ 247453 (1) No.145631
Hi psycho. Wanna play?
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▶ 2481eb (4) No.145655
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▶ 5964b9 (2) No.145663
protests for:
baby killers -- libs dems rhinos
guns freedom family country God -- MAGA
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▶ b79ddc (2) No.145673
Didn't realize when I posted it that Jack Dorsey is part of this too
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▶ f245df (2) No.145678
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▶ 50a356 (6) No.145679
Anons were involved in the % that was agreed to reveal to the world/public.
This happened in real time.
Anon pushed for moar than 40%.
Several times in fact.
Those you are taught to trust the most comes up in several Vatican/Church/Pope drops.
Anon just realized it was also in #586 and will now add that to anons lineup.
Its like a Sig = godfatherIII > SNOW WHITE etc etc
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▶ 10da91 (6) No.145708
PUBLISHED May 14, 2021
Fauci Singles Out Possible Coronavirus Vaccine from Duke
Vaccine Institute develops "pan-coronavirus" vaccine that could fight all current and future viruses
“They designed a nanoparticle vaccine, which actually displayed 24 copies of this receptor-binding domain and added an adjuvant to boost the immune response,” Fauci said. “And so in monkeys, the nanoparticle vaccine completely blocked SARS-CoV-2 infection and elicited higher neutralizing antibody activity than seen with current vaccines or with natural infection.”
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▶ b4a01e (2) No.145721
JUST IN - Binance, one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world, temporarily halts #Bitcoin withdrawals.
CEO says they are "fixing an issue."
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▶ dc8646 (1) No.145723
John John says at 1:38 "You gotta watch who you follow"
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▶ fd89c8 (2) No.145741
They tried to delete the proof.
POTUS win - 1/20.
Deep clean.
They never thought she would lose.
Insurance w/o cover.
Nothing is deleted.
No Such Agency.
Tool dev primary + meta essential.
Easy cover.
Acts so sick & evil conspiracy push / fake reality almost always wins.
Trust the plan.
Hard to swallow for many.
Treason / corruption 1st.
Think resignations.
Speaker of House resigning!
You have more than you know.
Have faith.
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▶ 43a221 (3) No.145745
especially if it is full of AIDS, or COVID, or some other Fauci funded creation
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▶ ce95ad (4) No.145779
>They added more colors to the pride flag again…
It's a clown world flag
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▶ a3fe03 (5) No.145791
Dear God, please let the World know Joe Biden’s thoughts. The World must know who this man is. The World must know it is not his fault. The World must know who and what has made him this way. The World must know he should be avoided at all costs. The World must know his handlers must be avoided at all costs. It is time that we all learn the truth.
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▶ 820b69 (2) No.145826
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▶ 93d45c (3) No.145834
Brett Baier is desperate to get Trump, he was the one that called AZ for Bidan when less than 15% of the votes were counted.
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▶ 787e95 (1) No.145840
asstard is literally satan or a larp thereof
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▶ 65ea54 (1) No.145841>>146736
We figure out the puzzles tho. I saw all the mess y’all left last night.
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▶ 284cef (4) No.145869
I'm off now…if anyone wants to review these in detail from this morning..
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▶ dffc6c (2) No.145901
anon made word count for bible.
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▶ fd89c8 (2) No.145914
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▶ 535fef (4) No.145928
>All Charges have been reportedly dropped against Paul Pelosi for his DUI arrest
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▶ bf4c0c (5) No.145976
Winning is an art, not a science.
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▶ 2cc39c (5) No.145979
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▶ 5019e8 (4) No.145980
Thank you.
Previous baker didn't really do the post justice.
Baker only referred to the Notable that led me to that find:
The find was: first I noticed one, and then a total of six lines ended in a space, in post #365.
Are there are similar instances? Can a pattern be found from this? As well as, Q said earlier"Consider the vastness of space." in 2222and this seems potentially relevant; a different "space".
Thank you for the carets! (Better than sticks, like Goliath thought David had; plurals matter, Goliath had an eyesight problem; Malcolm Gladwell wrote a whole book about it.)
Copying new baker; other researchers might want to continue this, baker could you add a new description, for this bread? Perhaps:
Alternately (or, in addition): could the existing Notable be changed, to reflect the above? Thanks again!
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▶ dc0938 (4) No.145986
regular straight laced Republicans use TOR
because they know they are being surveilled and think TOR helps them to leave less of a trace
true or not I don't know. but many people believe that.
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▶ f270e4 (4) No.146025>>146513
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▶ 10da91 (6) No.146041
There is another way.
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▶ cb609b (1) No.146048
>bc it is not the TOOL
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▶ dc0938 (4) No.146065
>you posted
Nope, many MANY Anons just agree that trip code verifies.
YOU lost.
You're a cringe shill who is making an ass out of himself.
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▶ 521d19 (3) No.146079
It's Not Stopping
Cause Nothing can stop It
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▶ d879fd (1) No.146084
Durham I suspect of SES, I would start hangin SES people. they all covered up stage after stage of Trump attacks.
THE SES did.
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▶ 48b33a (1) No.146086
wrong water
where does the air you breathe come from?
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▶ 575efd (2) No.146097
we're over it
u should move on
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▶ c2bd73 (2) No.146105
Here's a copy of baker's lite JS code, can insert in Options menu
= simplified version of bakers tools
Best feature: shows how many Q POSTS are in the bread so baker doesn't get way behind
This is Spring 2020 version, there's a Sept 2020 but can't find right now. Not much different.
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▶ 590938 (1) No.146109
With a tiny penis…
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▶ 6ff3d3 (5) No.146123
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▶ dffc6c (2) No.146127
What will be the first arrest?
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▶ adb5f3 (3) No.146168
all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.
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▶ a889cc (2) No.146200
notable, baker collecting notables
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▶ 3c95a2 (3) No.146207
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▶ 61a7c0 (6) No.146210
History will cringe
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▶ ce8cd3 (4) No.146221
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▶ 0aa37e (2) No.146225
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▶ eabc96 (3) No.146248
Fournier began his journalism career in 1985 at The Sentinel-Record in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Two years later, he moved to the Arkansas Democrat in Little Rock, Arkansas. He stayed there for another two years before joining the Little Rock bureau of the AP in 1989. While there, he covered Bill Clinton during his final term as governor. When Clinton was elected president, Fournier moved to the AP's Washington bureau.[4]
Fournier first left the AP in 2004 to take a Harvard Institute of Politics fellowship. During that period, he also co-wrote the book Applebee's America[5] with Matthew Dowd, then-Republican strategist who went on to be Independent, and Doug Sosnik, a Democratic strategist. In 2006, he took a position as editor-in-chief of a new Internet website called Hotsoup.com, which aimed to foster discussion on a number of topics including politics. The site failed to catch on, however, and Fournier returned to the AP in March 2007 as its Online Political Editor, after considering “a senior advisory role” with Republican Senator John McCain's presidential campaign.[6]
In May 2008, Fournier was named the acting Washington bureau chief, replacing his "mentor" Sandy Johnson.[7] Michael Calderone wrote that since taking over the position, Fournier has led a dramatic shift in the AP's policy, moving it away from the neutral and objective tone it had become known for and toward a more opinionated style that would make judgments when conflicting opinions were presented in a story.[7]
Fournier joined Crain's Detroit Business in 2016,[8] becoming publisher and editor in 2017.[9] About this time, he wrote a second book -- Love That Boy: What Two Presidents, Eight Road Trips, and My Son Taught Me About a Parent's Expectations.[10] Published in 2016, the book chronicles what he learned about being a parent on a series of road trips with his son, Tyler, who has Asperger syndrome.
Fournier currently serves on the board of directors of the Autism Alliance of Michigan.[11] He also is a trustee of the University of Detroit Mercy.[12]
He won the Society of Professional Journalists' 2000 Sigma Delta Chi Award for coverage of the 2000 United States presidential election.[13] He received a 2012 Sidney Award[14] honorable mention for the article "In Nothing We Trust",[15] coauthored with Sophie Quinton.[16] He is also a three-time winner of the White House Correspondents' Association Merriman Smith award.[17]
In February 2013, Fournier wrote a column about breaking ties with a White House official after a pattern of "vulgarity, abusive language" and "veiled threat(s)", but did not identify the official due to his policy of granting blanket automatic anonymity to all his sources.[18] Fournier received some criticism from commentator Glenn Greenwald for behaving in a "petulant" manner and for his policy on anonymity for sources.[19]
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▶ a3fe03 (5) No.146259
Dr. Fauci 1999 re: HIV/AIDS-vaccine
Narrator: "many scientists are beginning to believe that a vaccine against AIDS may be impossible to make and too dangerous to test"
Dr. Fauci: "If you take it and then a year goes by and everybody's fine then you say okay that's good now
let's give it to 500 people and then a year goes by and everything's fine i say well now let's give it to thousands of people
and then you find out that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose and then what have you done."
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▶ 94c894 (4) No.146265
"I can't believe it. I love her outfit," Cox says with a laugh. "What excites me most about her being out in the world is that trans young people can see her and maybe get to purchase her and play with her, and know that there's a Barbie made by Mattel, for the first time, in the likeness of a trans person."
As the doll debuts amid a tense political climate for transgender rights, the Inventing Anna actress says that her Barbie represents so much more than a toy.
"I think in an environment where trans children have been used as a political football, when over 250 pieces of anti-trans legislation have been introduced in state legislatures all over the country in 2022 alone, and access to gender-affirming healthcare has been denied by policies signed into law in my home state of Alabama, in Arkansas and other states… That in this environment where trans kids are being attacked, that this can also be a celebration of transness, and also a space for them to dream, understand and be reminded that trans is beautiful," she says. "That there's hope and possibility for them to be themselves."
The star says she was "very involved" in every step of the design process as Mattel brought her Barbie to life. Like Cox herself, the doll oozes glamour in an oxblood corset and tulle skirt, worn over a silver bodysuit with sky-high heeled boots. Plus, her hair and makeup are camera-ready.
"I was like, 'Can we make her look more like me? And more African American?'" Cox recalls of feedback she gave to the creative team. "And we had a conversation about highlights and lowlights because I'm blonde most of the time now, but I'm a Black girl, so I need a dark root. And we had a whole conversation about how they can't do that, but they could do dark low lights."
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▶ b6f192 (1) No.146268>>146398
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▶ dc0938 (4) No.146300
>Miss the Q+chats after rallies back in the day.
Ahh reflections of the way things used to be
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▶ 94c894 (4) No.146355
Olé Bernie Sanders played Vermont like a fiddle.
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▶ 3c95a2 (3) No.146378
Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide
who is WHO?
Good- B[y]e Old Guard
The calm before the storm.
No war.
No civil unrest.
Clean and swift.
Midnight Riders
Think EO's
Who controls the NG?
Military is the only way.
The World is WATCHING.
The World is CONNECTED.
EVERYTHING has meaning.
Marker [9]
These people HATE America.
These people are SICK.
Crimes against Humanity.
Crimes against children.
They shouldn't have touched the children.
17 items
Valhalla Calling
Fantasy Land
we 'default' on the $32 trillon.
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▶ 5964b9 (2) No.146392
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▶ 9dda1b (3) No.146398
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▶ 014801 (3) No.146400
I hope so; shiet. We need more goth chicks doing commercial farming.
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▶ 2bb5bb (1) No.146412
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▶ c3dbf5 (1) No.146413
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▶ 521d19 (3) No.146418
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▶ a3c8ef (2) No.146422
Toots hasn't been relevant for a long time.
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▶ d29e83 (1) No.146453
Welcome anon. Now get to work!!!!
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▶ f3e546 (1) No.146467
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▶ 6bf26b (1) No.146470
You fucking idiot. Don't lecture me on economics. I know damn well how a free market works, what meddling the government does and how it distorts everything.
$2.00 dollar a gallon gas sure was a big tip of the hat from "Big Oil" when Trump was in office.
Again, FUCK OFF.
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▶ ce8cd3 (4) No.146473
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: be6798 No.70088 📁
Dec 10 2017 23:32:52 (EST)
False flag(s).
POTUS 100% insulated.
Expect fireworks.
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▶ 2481eb (4) No.146475
fuck you AND your crew
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▶ 22b2e6 (4) No.146480
1948 Bob Hope joking about a 7 year old
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▶ 3187e6 (1) No.146483
What a great shot!
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▶ dc21c4 (2) No.146513
I'm sure there's more lurkers then we know here.
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▶ 9d02a7 (2) No.146532
NYS will not change anything and will ignore the ruling.
50 state carry is the only way to ensure states comply.
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▶ ce8cd3 (4) No.146543
Good ole Creepy Beans
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▶ c2bd73 (2) No.146547
And when he does post it just seems to be a link to add your email to sign things. He doesn't really talk anymore for awhile now. Hope he is doing good.
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▶ 22b2e6 (4) No.146555
as Soros predicted…except when he predicted it, the damage was already complete…finito!
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▶ 702588 (3) No.146558
So it turns out soy is made of people
I've only recently learned this and am still putting together the pieces.
I'm thinking soybean is a fabricated idea, that soyfarms are fiction.
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▶ 8f0679 (3) No.146568
Point proven lmao. Vax murder continues unabated.
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▶ 575efd (2) No.146580
how did elon get the day off to go to a protest?
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▶ a889cc (2) No.146607
> NOT JIM until proven otherwise
you're such an insufferable faggot.
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▶ 1d1eb3 (1) No.146610
Who was Adolf Hitler?
Why is that relevant?
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▶ bf4c0c (5) No.146611
>Won't enlarge but that's the Andes for sure on the left side
Yo, that's South America about to get hit by a tightly wound winter low.
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▶ dc0938 (4) No.146629
>should his retort be "Oh, well you know, Qanon doesn't exist
That's why Ron is where he is while you're not in a position to run a state.
Optics matters.
Should Ron have said that…what do you think that would look like for those who have accused him of being Q?
He would play right into their hands.
Anons and Autists don't need to hear Ron fall into the fake news' dialectic.
He is smart to stay out of it, and implement much better code that what you're proposing.
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▶ ce95ad (4) No.146655
Jones, his wife, and various other members of the Temple left wills stating that their assets should go to the Communist Party of the USSR. Jones himself did not drink poison; he died from a gunshot to the head, though it's not entirely clear whether it was self-inflicted.
(Because Jones likely died last or nearly so, he may have chosen suicide by gun rather than by cyanide, because a cyanide death is extremely traumatic
-- and he would have seen hundreds of people experiencing cyanide death's effects, including foaming at the mouth and convulsions.) Toxicology reports found high levels of barbiturates (sedatives) in his blood. Jones was reportedly hooked on a variety of substances, possibly explaining his increasingly erratic behavior over the decades.
In the wake of the tragedy at Jonestown, the phrase "drink the Kool-Aid" became a popular term for blind obedience, as the Temple members had apparently accepted cups of fruity poison willingly. What's strange is that, according to various accounts, the primary beverage used at Jonestown was actually Flavor Aid
(sometimes styled "Flav-R-Aid") -- although there is photographic evidence that packets of both Kool-Aid and Flavor Aid were present at the scene. In an early inquest (PDF), coroners referred to "Cool Aid" [sic] . But initial media coverage described the scene differently. One read, in part (emphasis added):
A pair of woman's eyeglasses, a towel, a pair of shorts, packets of unopened Flavor-Aid lie scattered about waiting for the final cleanup that may one day return Jonestown to the tidy, if overcrowded, little community it once was.
This snippet was from an article printed in the Washington Post on December 17, 1978, written by Charles A. Krause. Less than a month after the deaths, here was major media specifying that the beverage was "Flavor Aid," but "Kool-Aid" is the term that stuck in Americans' minds. Why?
The most likely explanation comes in three parts.
The Kool-Aid Brand
First, Kool-Aid was a better-known brand than Flavor Aid. Flavor Aid was a Jel Sert product first sold in 1929 and it was a rival of Kool-Aid, which was introduced in 1927 in powdered form.
(Trivia note: prior to the Kool-Aid powder, the same beverage was available in liquid form as "Fruit Smack." Powdering the drink reduced shipping costs.) So when Americans thought about a powdered fruity drink mix
(at least one that was not "Tang"), "Kool-Aid" came to mind as the market leader. A major brand builder for Kool-Aid was Kool-Aid Man, the anthropomorphic pitcher of red Kool-Aid who is best known for his 1980s catchphrase "Oh Yeah!" He was already in the media spotlight in the 1970s.
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▶ a3c8ef (2) No.146659
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▶ f245df (2) No.146677
You were less annoying when you red text shill'd about your girlfriend non stop.
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▶ 9be82b (3) No.146697
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▶ 687479 (1) No.146706
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▶ 329793 (1) No.146716
sum of all fears movie plot?
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▶ f7a18e (1) No.146722
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▶ 4f6c13 (3) No.146730
Blessed and chek'd…amen, Anon.
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▶ cac2f9 (2) No.146736
His "current audience" I referred to, is the "Faith and Freedom Coalition",
Had nothing to do with ANY SHIFT.
You go ahead and attempt to divide as you will, though.
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▶ 10b1ae (1) No.148819
>>88102 (OP)
Happy birthday sir
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▶ 4e25e1 (1) No.148831
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▶ 468bfa (1) No.148838
>>88102 (OP)
LIVE: Train Derailed In Germany; At Least Three Dead, Sixty Injured
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▶ 341833 (1) No.148863
>>88102 (OP)
Let's see, when I'll done playing and come to power………………I will fucking kill you all, on sunday.
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▶ 6f45ae (1) No.148921
>>88102 (OP)
You just stole other moran gif, how is that right on track??????????????
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▶ 94ccb0 (1) No.148941
>>88102 (OP)
I have a theory about the origins of niggers.
In Tolkien's Silmarillion, he wrote that Melkor (similar to Satan) created orcs in mockery of the elves; they're essentially tortured elves.
What if the Hebrew God of the Bible made niggers to degrade the Aryan race? It would make sense because Jews have been using the sub-human species "nigger" as a tool against the Aryans for centuries
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▶ 1d7b30 (1) No.149027
>>88102 (OP)
That which cannot be killed can never be dead.
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▶ bbf6f4 (1) No.149057
>>88102 (OP)
… V -
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▶ d961b5 (1) No.149103
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▶ ccd75c (1) No.149146
>>88102 (OP)
>You might want to
fuck off satan
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▶ 05e219 (1) No.149173
>>88102 (OP)
So all these dregs of agencies and media that come here posting racial hatred are set up so they can report in the media how racists the board is. Got it “wrap up smear 101”
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▶ 11751e (1) No.149191
>>88102 (OP)
It proves that the salts were rotated and rotated back. You can't just have changing IDs of static posts. We caught em. BOTH IDs for each post. You're being an idiot.
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