>>105877 (Twatt) FLASHBACK: May 2020: RE True Creditors which is the PEOPLE OF THE US
>>105878 Michigan School District Shuts Down Its Schools Over ‘Negative’ COVID Vaccine Reactions (ResistTheMainStream.com)
>>105879 (Twatt) My Dad lives in Kenosha … best one liner in legal history
>>105880 JosephJFlynn (Twatt) When in Texas speak to AJ…
>>105881 (Twatt) THREAD: Posted in April. How did it age 7 months later?
>>105884 Danchenko Indictment (Scribed.com)
>>105885 CBSHerridge (Twatter) As part of plea deal, GTMO judge allows terror detainee to speak on the record about CIA’s secret prisons + brutal interrogations that critics call torture.
>>105886 CBSHerridge (Twatter) re sussmann motion and how deep Durham goes 10/25/2021
>>105888 (Twatt) No one in the room felt the need to say or do anything about an ‘accused double murderer’ leaning over the judge from behind, completely unshackled
>>105889 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Austria authorizes the world's first nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people over the age of 12, which goes into effect at midnight tonight.
>>105890 RSBN (Twatt) Trump refutes 'fake news' story that he's leaving the GOP to create new party
>>105891 JuanitaBroaddrick (Twatter) Damn…. what a sick bastard.
>>105892, >>105893 (Twatt) The moron who shut down one pipeline is wanting to shutdown another. Here is a great tip for keeping warm…….if you lose gas or power in the winter ahead.
>>105894 (Twatt) The media portrayed Kyle Rittenhouse as living out of state with no ties to the community, but his dad, uncle, aunt, grandma, and cousins all live in Kenosha. What else did the media lie about?
>>105895 (Twatt) BREAKING REPORT: Taiwan SUSPENDS 2ND DOSE PFIZER COVID VACCINE for ages 12-17 amid cases of myocarditis… -MSN
>>105896 PRESIDENTIAL STATEMENT BY PDJT: November 13, 2021 - Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
>>105897 (GAB) Pharmacists are blocking life saving Covid-19 medicines and refusing to fill prescriptions because they disagree with the treatments.
>>105898 WendyRogers (GAB) Say no to the #WokeRNC and say no to Ronna Romney!!! #RonnaMustGo
>>105901 (Twatt) Normie awakening apologizes to Kyle Rittenhouse on Twatt
>>105903 (Twatt) THREAD: BREAKING: Counter terror police are leading an investigation after one person was killed and another injured when a car exploded outside Liverpool Women's Hospital shortly before 11am today
>>105904 (Twatt) Talked to a hospital worker at a restaurant tonight. She said...
>>105905 (Twatt) FLYNN: “If we are going to have one nation under God --- which we must — we have to have ONE religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God.”
>>105906 (Twatt) Great Blast from the NEAR PAST.. Personality on 'The LAST LEG' gets REAL: "Politicians really love to screw vulnerable children."
>>105909 (Twatt) San Francisco:CAR Burglaries: Car Burglars Target Parking Garages, Show Up At Victim's Home "Its starting to make me question if it is really safe in the city anymore"..
>>105912 (Twatt) Keeps getting worse for Biden
>>105914 ScottAdams (Twatt) Looks like a Great Reset is coming. In 2022, specifically.
>>105915, >>105917 BREAKING911 (Twatt) Judge’s phone in Rittenhouse trial goes off, ringtone is Lee Greenwood’s “Proud to Be an American.”
>>105916 BabBee (Twatt) New Game 'Call Of Duty: Rittenhouse' Lets You Defend Your Home From A Horde Of Bloodthirsty Communists
>>105918 RSBN (Twatt) Truckers fear vaccine mandate will worsen supply chain
>>105919 Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and that Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today (TheGateWayPundit.com)
>>105923 (Twatt) THREAD: Good Ghislaine Maxwell THREAD from Jan 10/2021 to current
>>105924 TheHill (Twatt) Trump tops Biden by 11 points in new Iowa poll
>>105925 (Twatter) BREAKING REPORT: Judge in Rittenhouse Trial receiving MULTIPLE THREATS ahead of closing arguments..
>>105926 (Twatt) Amazing Ufo fleet captured in Hawaii this past May
>>105927 Cardiologist Who Said He ‘Won’t Cry at Funeral’ For “Selfish” Unvaccinated People SuddenlyDies in His Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Covid Jab“ (TheGateWayPundit.com)
>>105929 (Twatt) VIDEO: Shots turned zombies into what they really are.. zombies..
>>105930 SeeBS"news" (Twatt) This "Honor Flight" made history. Everyone on the trip was a woman veteran -- including a 104-year-old WWII veteran
>>105931 LaurenBoebert (Twatter) Hey @JimmyKimmel, when you watch your stepmom porn do you do it in blackface or without? You’re a racist creep with mommy issues.
>>105932 >>105961, >>105962 (Twatt) Elon checkmates BernieGRIFTERSanders
>>105936 Florida Legislature, Big Business Water Down Ron DeSantis’s Anti-Mandate Proposal (Breitbart.com)
>>105939 (Twatt) WOW!!!!!!! MUST WATCH!!!!! SHE IS ON FIRE!!!!!
>>105940 China’s New Aircraft Carrier Nears Completion (Gcaptain.com)
>>105941 Shipping Logjam Is Forcing Major Companies To Rethink Their Manufacturing Hubs In Asia (Gcaptain.com)
>>105942 Two Strong Earthquakes Strike Southern Iran Near The Port of Bandar (Gcaptain.com)
>>105943 NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle Says Americans Should Stop Complaining About Inflation Because They Can Easily Afford to Pay More (TheGateWayPundit.com)
>>105944 Farmers’ Land Confiscated for “Carbon Pipeline” Through Corn Belt (MultiSauz)
>>105946 PDJT PRESIDENTIAL STATEMENT November 14, 2021 - Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
>>105947, >>105948, >>105949, >>105950 KANSAS (Twatt) “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 SundayScripture
>>105951, >>105954 ElectionWizard (Twatt) NEW: If enacted, Oklahoma Senate Bill 1106 will allow employees to bring a claim against an employer for an adverse health event caused by the employer’s vaccine mandate.
>>105952, >>105956 (Twatt) I wish fully vaccinated people would stop getting and spreading COVID to others. It’s truly selfish. They should really think about their friends, neighbors, and families.
>>105953 ChuckGrassley (Twatt) The Steele Dossier was bought & paid for by Clinton Campaign &the Democrat National Cmte but many in media took fake bait hook line &sinker to hurt Pres Trump / Axios called it “the media’s epic fail” I investigated this for yrs & now u see why Totally discredited/Russian disinfo
>>105955, >>105957 (Twatt) Good morning, especially to those stepping up their sticker game at the pump!
>>105958 TheHill (Twatt) Schumer pushes Biden to lower gas prices by tapping into oil reserves
>>105959 ANON: POEM? by - Charley Reese
>>105960 GeorgePapaD (Twatt) Taiwan is the epicenter of the global semiconductor industry. Afghanistan is home to $3 trillion in rare earth minerals. This is why they both matter to China, but not to Joe Biden.
>>105965, >>105964 TheHill (Twatt) Elon Musk taunts Sanders over demand for wealthy to "pay their fair share"
>>105966 (T.me) The WHO now says your child's presence in school COUNTS as 'informed consent' for getting vaxxed - parental presence 'NOT REQUIRED' 'Black Eye' = metaphor Black Eye Technology is based on Transforming India
>>105968 (Twatt) Heart issues predicted to increase in infants over the next 10 years due to climate change
>>105971 USArmy (Twatt) Taking the first step might be hard, but your future will thank you for it.
>>105972 USArmy (Twatt) If data is the ammunition of future warfare, data fabric is what will guide it to the target.
>>105973 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LMAO Judge and Kyle pay Duck Hunt
>>105974 ElectionWizard (Twatt) Stephanopoulos: “Is there anything President Biden can do” to address inflation?
>>105975 (Twatt) There is not a single person on the Left who says the Ashli Babbitt shooting was justified to protect from a mob who will not also say the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting was justified to protect from a mob
>>105976 (Twatt) Taiwan suspends 2nd dose Pfizer Covid vaccine for 12-17 ages amid myocarditis cases
>>105977 (Twatt) Family kicked out of Frontier flight for having a conversation amongst themselves about mask mandates. 1/2
>>105978 It’s easy to be brand loyal to the moon. We’ve only got the one, after all, unlike Jupiter and Saturn, where you’d have dozens to choose from. Here, it’s luna or nada. Or not. The fact is, there’s another sorta, kinda moon in a sorta, kinda orbit around Earth that was discovered only in 2016. And according to a new study in Nature, we may at last know how it was formed. (Time.com)
>>105979 Reuters (TWATS) Taliban forces held a military parade in Kabul using captured American-made armored vehicles and Russian helicopters in a display that showed their ongoing transformation from an insurgent force to a regular standing army
>>105980 (Twatt) We are the first human beings to see a Mars sunset. It’s quite a thought NASA
>>105981 (Twatt) check out the real biden and mitch at comet
>>105982, >>105983 (Twatt) BREAKING: 9-year-old dies from injuries sustained at Astroworld Festival, Ezra Blount, the 9-year-old boy who was placed in a medically induced coma after being injured at Travis Scott's Astroworld Festival, has died.
>>105984 DineshD'Souza (Twatt) The military has turned on Biden.
>>105986 Guardian (Twatt) Al Jazeera bureau chief arrested in Sudan amid deadly anti-coup protests
>>105987 TheHill (Twatt) Southwest employee hospitalized after alleged assault by passenger
>>105989 (Twatt) BREAKING: Austria becomes the first country in world to impose #lockdown for those not vaccinated against #COVID
>>105990 (Twatt) THREAD: Excellent summary by Kash Patel on where we are in Russiagate (with @JanJekielek)
>>105992 #526
Previously Collected Notables
>>105434 #522, >>105757 #523, >>105767 #524, >>105865 #525,
>>104419 #515, >>104529 #516, >>104756 #517, >>104879 #518, >>104989 #519, >>105210 #520, >>105315 #@521, >>103420 #508, >>103495 #509, >>103807 #510, >>103819 #511, >>103922 #512, >>104031 #513, >>104185 #514,
>>102301 #501, >>102556 #502, >>102677 #503, >>102810 #504, >>102918 #505, >>103131 #506, >>103303 #507,
>>101357 #494, >>101435 #495 , >>101552 #496, >>101657 #497, >>101803 #498, >>101994 #499, >>102148 #500,
>>100509 #487, >>100597 #488, >>100722 #489, >>100889 #490, >>100993 #491, >>101135 #492, >>101249 #493,
>>99390 #479, >>99526 #480, >>99652 #481, >>99760 #482, >>99956 #483, >>100088 #484, >>100334 #485, >>100439 #486
>>98060 #471, >>98234 #472, >>98386 #473, >>98610 #474, >>98709 #475, >>98862 #476, >>99017 #477, >>99259 #478
>>96751 #463, >>96892 #464, >>97092 #465, >>97251 #466, >>97413 #467, >>97596 #468, >>97767 #469, >>97917 #470
>>95778 #455, >>95884 #456, >>95933 #457, >>96072 #458, >>96193 #459, >>96338 #460, >>96464 #461, >>96604 #462
>>94857 #447, >>94983 #448, >>95132 #449, >>95248 #450, >>95332 #451, >>95449 #452, >>95545 #453, >>95614 #454
>>93548 #439, >>93747 #440, >>93884 #441, >>94065 #442, >>94265 #443, >>94441 #444, >>94599 #445, >>94743 #446
>>91894 #431, >>92116 #432, >>92267 #433, >>92512 #434, >>92702 #435, >>92930 #436, >>93108 #437, >>93271 #438
>>90214 #423, >>90436 #424, >>90697 #425, >>90903 #426, >>91119 #427, >>91321 #428, >>91547 #429, >>91713 #430
>>88616 #415, >>88896 #416, >>89066 #417, >>89236 #418, >>89478 #419, >>89594 #420, >>89839 @421, >>90026 #422
>>86546 #407, >>86909 #408, >>87126 #409, >>87337 #410, >>87552 #411, >>87837 #412, >>88278 #413, >>88475 #414
>>84866 #399, >>84989 #400, >>85184 #401, >>85401 #402, >>85564 #403, >>85764 #404, >>86047 #405, >>86361 #406
>>83613 #391, >>83732 #392, >>83894 #393, >>84039 #394, >>84231 #395, >>84460 #396, >>84600 #397, >>84743 #398
>>82565 #383, >>82697 #384, >>82836 #385, >>82992 #386, >>83109 #387, >>83197 #388, >>83317 #389, >>83460 #390
>>80834 #375, >>81135 #376, >>81376 #377, >>81834 #378, >>82005 #379, >>82120 #380, >>82279 #381, >>82381 #382
>>79604 #367, >>79780 #368, >>79879 #369, >>80007 #370, >>80174 #371, >>80315 #372, >>80467 #373, >>80684 #374
>>78399 #359, >>78545 #360, >>78731 #361, >>78866 #362, >>79063 #363, >>79187 #364, >>79349 #365, >>79465 #366
>>77249 #351, >>77378 #352, >>77572 #353, >>77777 #354, >>77869 #355, >>77987 #356, >>78138 #357, >>78282 #358
>>76038 #343, >>76178 #344, >>76296 #345, >>76447 #346, >>76682 #347, >>76814 #348, >>76966 #349, >>77080 #350
>>74806 #335, >>74992 #336, >>75206 #337, >>75397 #338, >>75534 #339, >>75639 #340, >>75816 #341, >>75922 #342,
>>73986 #331, >>74184 #332, >>74389 #333, >>74575 #334