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ee92ce  No.104881[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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ee92ce  No.104882


>>83672 IF BO/GV are not present, please hit the "GLOBAL REPORT" from the triangle at the left of post.

>>87286 Midnight Riders is now open. Anyone can start a thread, Bakers can bake breds.

>>88619 (You) If you see the lil blue box, simply click on it, and it will reveal the pic. Pic Server issues sometimes does this. FYI.

>>88792 VIDEO: ScreenCaps, Sauz, and Descriptions the why and how when posting (Youtube)


>>89822, >>89859 SPECIAL POAST Graphene in Medicine/Vaxxines (CURRENT).. WHY? This is a YUGE dig, and not complete. IS IN THE CURRENT COVID VACCINES, yet not disclosed.

>>94994 New MIDNIGHT RIDERS VID CAP for when Pic Server is down

>>104563 Link to the 2016 Timeline (made in 2019)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>104720 TheHill (Twatt) Facebook discovers there's already a company named Meta

>>104726, >>104727 AlyssaMilano (Twatt) Will you be vaccinating your 5-11 children POLL for her masters (91.6% said NEVAR!!) + Some feel sorry for me ramblings.. ugh.

>>104728 (Twatt) Migrant caravans violently assaulted Mexican federal police officers tried to stop them from leaving Chiapas and moving north.

>>104729 TimYoung (Twatt) Sooo now that it's confirmed that Ashley Biden's diary was real… Now we get to watch the corporate media ignore her accounts of Joe molesting her…

>>104730 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NEW - Florida's Gov. DeSantis: "People not gonna be gaslit anymore."

>>104731 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NOW - Protesters clash with police in Parliament Square as the Million Mask March takes place on Guy Fawkes Night in London.

>>104732 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NOW Pfizer's drug "Paxlovid" is a 3CL protease inhibitor, a type of antiviral medication that has been used against HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

>>104733 As Biden Mandates Vaccines, CDC Director Walensky Stumbles When Asked How Many CDC Employees Are Vaccinated (Beckernews.com)

>>104734 UK primary school asks boys to wear skirts to ‘promote equality’ (Foxnews.com)

>>104735 (Twatt) It has officially been 1 month since Norway removed all Covid restrictions. They have no vaccine passports, mask mandates, or social distancing rules.

>>104736 (Twatt) As an ER physician, I routinely treated: • convicted murderers • pedophiles • drunk drivers

>>104737 RSBN (Twatt) Trump says children don't need Covid vaccine: 'Their immune systems are STRONG'

>>104738 (GAB) Finally found it I have been looking for this video for a long time I seen it years ago from a episode of Jesse Ventura's show, a doctor telling about the plans for covid and the vaccines years earlier :nuke:

>>104739 DEEP THOUGHTS BY ANON (Pro vs Con)

>>104740 JUST IN: Congress Passes Biden’s Destructive $1.2 TRILLION Infrastructure Spending Package With Help of 13 Republican Scumbags (TheGateWayPundit.com)

>>104741, >>104744 (Twatt) Climate change protestors harass Joe Manchin and blockade his car:

>>104745, >>104746, Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - FBI raids Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe's home in New York over Biden daughter's diaries. Today's raid on journalist O'Keefe's home was conducted by both federal investigators and federal prosecutors in Manhattan. It was ordered by the U.S. Department of Justice (NYT)

>>104747 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LOVE MI @RepClayHiggins!!! NEVER GIVE THEM AN INCH!!!

>>104748 (Twatt) Anti Mandate demonstration in Leipzig, Germany. Police are using water canons and rubber bullets to disperse the protestors.

>>104749 ABC"news" (Twatt) State-legislative elections arguably have the most to tell us about what the political environment will be in 2022

>>104750 Disclose.tv (Twatt) LizHarrington (Twatter) ICYMI: "Marxists try to take Federal Reserve as Biden weighs whether to reappoint Powell: Devine"

>>104752 LizHarrington (Twatter) ICYMI: "Trump Rips McAuliffe During Tele-Rally for Youngkin"

>>104753 (Twatt) People in Paris, France protest against the mandatory health pass and the government for the 17th consecutive weekend.

>>104754 TheHill (Twatt) "Squid" Democrats buck party in vote against $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill

>>104755 (Twatt) Andrew Cuomo has been exxecuted. By Haynging. Justice served.He didn't go gracefully. RealRawNews reader? Fake & Ghey?

>>104760 MTG (Twatt) You have got to be kidding me. twitter.com/kylenabecker/s…

>>104761 (Twatt) Brainwashing, Ever crossed your mind who's paying for all this, All the media the leaflets the constant banging the covid drum, Now this:

>>104763, >>104764, >>104765 AGJeffLandry (Twatt) THREAD: In a major win for the liberty of job creators and their employees, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit just halted the Biden Administration's attempt to force vaccines on businesses with 100 or more workers.

>>104766 U.S. federal appeals court freezes Biden's vaccine rule for companies (Reuters.com)

>>104767, >>104768, >>104769, >>104770, >>104771, >>104795 (Twatt) Texas Mass casualties at Travis Scott’s concern in Houston. Approximately 50,000 people were at the event.

>>104773 (T.me) VIDEO: RT telegram Violent Protests: Dutch Backtrack on Covid Restrictions just 2 MONTHS after relaxing them (MP4 EMBED)

>>104774 RTnews (T.me) VIDEO: telegram WATCH: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis calls Biden Admin the "Brandon Administration” during live speech (MP4 EMBED)

>>104775 RTnews (T.me) telegram Arrests Made: Police Scotland Line Up to Face Extinction Rebellion Protesters

>>104776 RTnews (T.me) telegram Record 3,000km of goods stuck in 70 container ships outside LA and Long Island ports

>>104777 TommyRobinson (T.me) telegram For those of you who would like to see a compilation of reports on what happened at last nights protests in London click on the link.

>>104778, >>104783 Police frequency telegram Elon Musk just absolutely obliterated the "leaders" at the United Nations - and it's one for the history books. (LawEnforcementToday.com)

>>104779 (T.me) Jim Watkins telegram These are the 13 “Republicans” who handed over their voting cards to Nancy Pelosi to pass Joe Biden’s Communist takeover of America via so-called infrastructure:

>>104780, >>104781, >>104793, >>104798 Patriots Fight [Placeholders] Secure comms telegram civilian and non civilian (Will be a new section in the dough)

>>104782, >>104784 TechnoFog (T.me) telegram The Igor Danchanko indictment is out. It's bad.

>>104785 TechnoFog (T.me) telegram New report by IG Horowitz shows more FBI FISA abuses. It's bad.

>>104786 RTnews (T.me) telegram. . UK declares BIRD FLU “Prevention Zones” in a bid to stop spread of disease

>>104787 RTnews (T.me) telegram Thousands of users report Facebook and Instagram outages in NYC and Europe (Downdetector)

>>104788 RTnews (T.me) telegram Radioactive Materials Flagged in US Water - 56 harmful 'Forever Chemicals'

>>104789 RTnews (T.me) telegram Israel tests enormous inflatable floating missile detection system (ABC News)

>>104790 RTnews (T.me) telegram US Air Force says 8,500 service members missed deadline for Covid-19 shots — AP report

>>104791, >>104796 RTnews (T.me) telegram Fukushima Farmers Fear Fresh Crisis Over Nuclear-Tainted Water

>>104792 GhostEzra (T.me) telegram Israel has named a Town after Trump

>>104794 (T.me) QAnon John on telegram Sad that people like Travis Scott and Lil Nas are promoted to young kids nowadays when they push a satanic message and pump symbolism everywhere.

>>104810, >>104811, Ingraham presented a plan/way for Conservatives/Rs on Watter's World

>>104812, >>104813 VIDEO: These are the Republicans who voted 'yes' on infrastructure bill Nov 6, 2021 (YouTube)

>>104843 VIDEO: The P-51 Mustang Pilot that Killed a German in his Parachute - Brutal True Story of Richard Peterson (YouTue)

>>104879 #518

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ee92ce  No.104883


>>104563 In GLOBALS: Link to the 2016 Timeline (made in 2019) Other Timelines will be uploaded and added to a section I will be updating also.. make some needed changes to the dough: COMING SOON

>>104565 MTG (GAB) We must do everything we can to remain a Free America where justice is colorblind, doesn’t see political lines, and truth prevails.

>>104568 VIDEO: 60 Minutes Archive: NSO Group's "Pegasus" Nov 4, 2021 (YouTube)

>>104571 EpochTimes (Twatt) We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it,” said Rubin.

>>104572, >>104573 CandaceOwens (Twatter) He is not an American philanthropist, he is a worldwide terrorist.

>>104574 JimJordan (Twatt)Democrats are scheming in secret to spend trillions of your tax dollars while you sleep.

>>104575 SenRandPaul (Twatt) No amount of smarmy word salad will get Fauci out of the fact that he lied before Congress. #FauciResign

>>104576 Gain of Function is exactly what the NIH called it in 2017 when then moratorium was lifted. (PHE.gov/NIH.gov)

>>104578 (Twatt) What's next? Can businesses mandate birth control pills on employees to avoid "disruptions?"

>>104579 (Twatt) JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Attorneys general in 11 states filed suit Friday against President Joe Biden’s administration, challenging a new vaccine requirement for workers at companies with more than 100 employees.

>>104580 Justice Department Sues Texas Over Its New Voting Law (WSJ.com)

>>104581, >>104582, >>104583 Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm laughs when asked about Biden's plans to bring gas prices down. The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957 Another Biden accomplishment - OPEC and Russia agreed to continue their monthly increase in oil output. Since we’re burning less American oil, can’t you just feel the climate cooling! The extra $$ you’re spending at the pump - this is where they’re going. (multisauz)

>>104584 (Twatt) Pew: A majority of Hispanic people in Virginia voted for Republicans! Quick—what should we do?

>>104585, >>104586 Cernovich (Twatt) It wasn’t supposed to happen… We were never supposed to know…

>>104587 (Twatt) Every night at 9PM, J6 defendants sing the National Anthem at the DC Jail.

>>104588, >>104605, >>104612 MTG (Twatter) THREAD: Last night we toured the DC jail. My staff and I are writing a full report this morning on our 3+ hour long tour. I’ve never seen human suffering like I witnessed last night. + After Surprise Inspection Found “Deplorable” Conditions and Denial of Medical Treatment (TheGateWayPundit.com)

>>104589 Mother of Loudoun County Bathroom Rapist Blames Victim: 'You're 15. You Can Reasonably Defend Yourself' (TownHall.com)

>>104590 (GAB) I couldn't care less what OSHA says. Class action lawsuits are VERY effective.

>>104591, >>104594, (GAB) Zelenko changes his profile pic? + Bill Gates is the worst terrorist in human history.

>>104592 FBI and Southern District of New York Raid Project Veritas Journalists’ Homes

>>104593 Whistleblowers Torpedo Facebook And Pfizer: Who's Next? (ZeroHedge.com) Jan 6th Political Prisoner Chris Worrell to be IMMEDIATELY Transferred OUT of DC Gitmo

>>104625 TheHill (Twatt) Democratic governor comes out against Biden's vaccine mandate

>>104626 NnameTrump (Twatt) FLASHBACK 17:17 July 22: Anthony Fauci Has Been Arrested

>>104627 RichardGrenell (Twatt) RichardGrenell (Twatt) They don’t even understand the consequences of their own policies.

>>104628 (Twatt) (Twatt) Scenes at the UK Parliament - Brits had enough !!!

>>104632 PDJT (GAB) So interesting to watch the so-called Democrat “Progressives” being lied to and played by the Democrat Moderates.

>>104640 BenGarrison (GAB) Latest Ben Garrison cartoon- Can you hear us now? The Voters speak! #ThankYouBrandon for turning #VirginiaElection RED! The recent election was not a dog whistle for racism. It was a loud “NO!” to CRT and socialism. read more https://grrrgraphics.com/the-voters-speak-and-democrats-blame-racism/

>>104641 FBI and Southern District of New York Raid Project Veritas Journalists’ Homes Nov 5, 2021

>>104643 VIDEO: Russell Brand WOAH! Did This Movie Predict The Future? (RUMBLE)

>>104647, >>104649, >>104650, >>104652, >>104654, ANON: Terry McAuliffe / Jill McCabe / Andy McCabe FBI Head Bruce &Nellie Ohr, Hillary Email never convicted bun

>>104648, >>104651, >>104661, >>104663, >>104666, >>104667, >>104668 CandaceOwens (Twatter) The videos we saw of @JoeBiden making small girls uncomfortable were one thing. This diary confirms that he IS a pervert and @FLOTUS is complicit.

>>104657, >>104659, >>104660 TheGuardian (TWATS) BARF: Go with the flow: how period clothing went mainstream

>>104662, >>104665 (Twatt) Procter & Gamble employees, who are being threatened with termination if they refuse to get vaccinated, have a message to their CEO & America:

>>104669, >>104672, >>104675 TheHIll (Twatt) NASCAR seeks to distance itself from "Let's go, Brandon" GOP rallying cry

>>104671 VIDEO: BOMBSHELL TEXT: Joe Received HALF Of The Crime Family's Money | Guest Miranda Devine | Ep. 153 Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Published July 9, 2021 (RUMBLE)

>>104673 TomFitton (Twatt) I didn't know anything about the Ashley Biden diary until the DOJ/FBI called it attention to it with evident leaks to the @NYTIMES trying to smear Project Veritas….

>>104676, >>104677, >>104678, >>104679, >>104680, >>104681, >>104683, >>104684, >>104686, >>104688, >>104689, >>104690, >>104691, >>104692, >>104693, >>104694, >>104698, >>104701, >>104702, >>104703, >>104704, >>104705, (Twatt) Jim Comey Ignored State Department Whistleblower On Hillary's Crimes With Classified Material + Terry McAuliffe + McCabe's wife getting $700k to run, failed race, kept money, no prosecutions from FBI + moar.. (BUN)

>>104682 (Twatt) We told you it wasn't going to end with two jabs. You didn't believe us.

>>104685 ABC"news" (TWATS) Key takeaways from 1st day of trial of men charged in Ahmaud Arbery killing

>>104708 (Twatt) Facebook isn't letting me post video. I was going to pay this one from Robert F. Kennedy as he pleads with people to understand what is going on with the government and the Covid-19 vaccines.

>>104756 #517

Previously Collected Notables

>>104419 #515, >>104529 #516

>>103420 #508, >>103495 #509, >>103807 #510, >>103819 #511, >>103922 #512, >>104031 #513, >>104185 #514,

>>102301 #501, >>102556 #502, >>102677 #503, >>102810 #504, >>102918 #505, >>103131 #506, >>103303 #507,

>>101357 #494, >>101435 #495 , >>101552 #496, >>101657 #497, >>101803 #498, >>101994 #499, >>102148 #500,

>>100509 #487, >>100597 #488, >>100722 #489, >>100889 #490, >>100993 #491, >>101135 #492, >>101249 #493,

>>99390 #479, >>99526 #480, >>99652 #481, >>99760 #482, >>99956 #483, >>100088 #484, >>100334 #485, >>100439 #486

>>98060 #471, >>98234 #472, >>98386 #473, >>98610 #474, >>98709 #475, >>98862 #476, >>99017 #477, >>99259 #478

>>96751 #463, >>96892 #464, >>97092 #465, >>97251 #466, >>97413 #467, >>97596 #468, >>97767 #469, >>97917 #470

>>95778 #455, >>95884 #456, >>95933 #457, >>96072 #458, >>96193 #459, >>96338 #460, >>96464 #461, >>96604 #462

>>94857 #447, >>94983 #448, >>95132 #449, >>95248 #450, >>95332 #451, >>95449 #452, >>95545 #453, >>95614 #454

>>93548 #439, >>93747 #440, >>93884 #441, >>94065 #442, >>94265 #443, >>94441 #444, >>94599 #445, >>94743 #446

>>91894 #431, >>92116 #432, >>92267 #433, >>92512 #434, >>92702 #435, >>92930 #436, >>93108 #437, >>93271 #438

>>90214 #423, >>90436 #424, >>90697 #425, >>90903 #426, >>91119 #427, >>91321 #428, >>91547 #429, >>91713 #430

>>88616 #415, >>88896 #416, >>89066 #417, >>89236 #418, >>89478 #419, >>89594 #420, >>89839 @421, >>90026 #422

>>86546 #407, >>86909 #408, >>87126 #409, >>87337 #410, >>87552 #411, >>87837 #412, >>88278 #413, >>88475 #414

>>84866 #399, >>84989 #400, >>85184 #401, >>85401 #402, >>85564 #403, >>85764 #404, >>86047 #405, >>86361 #406

>>83613 #391, >>83732 #392, >>83894 #393, >>84039 #394, >>84231 #395, >>84460 #396, >>84600 #397, >>84743 #398

>>82565 #383, >>82697 #384, >>82836 #385, >>82992 #386, >>83109 #387, >>83197 #388, >>83317 #389, >>83460 #390

>>80834 #375, >>81135 #376, >>81376 #377, >>81834 #378, >>82005 #379, >>82120 #380, >>82279 #381, >>82381 #382

>>79604 #367, >>79780 #368, >>79879 #369, >>80007 #370, >>80174 #371, >>80315 #372, >>80467 #373, >>80684 #374

>>78399 #359, >>78545 #360, >>78731 #361, >>78866 #362, >>79063 #363, >>79187 #364, >>79349 #365, >>79465 #366

>>77249 #351, >>77378 #352, >>77572 #353, >>77777 #354, >>77869 #355, >>77987 #356, >>78138 #357, >>78282 #358

>>76038 #343, >>76178 #344, >>76296 #345, >>76447 #346, >>76682 #347, >>76814 #348, >>76966 #349, >>77080 #350

>>74806 #335, >>74992 #336, >>75206 #337, >>75397 #338, >>75534 #339, >>75639 #340, >>75816 #341, >>75922 #342,

>>73986 #331, >>74184 #332, >>74389 #333, >>74575 #334

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ee92ce  No.104884

/MidnightRiders/ World News Show

Get the lastest from the board on rumble https://rumble.com/user/MidnightRidersWorldNews

Meme Ammo

Midnight Rider's Sourdough Meme Bread #1 >>31605

Gifs thread - Giv yer gifs Heeya >>41285

One-stop Meme Board - Now with 10,000 memes >>>/qrmemes/

Digital Camo Thread Archive https://twittervideodownloader.com/

Download Gifs from twitter https://archive.is/hogSX

Dedicated MIDNIGHT RIDERS Threads

Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #16 >>22

Audit / Election Thread >>89024

Precipice Habbenings Thread >>89021

Biblical Habbenings Thread >>89054

Map / Decode / Puzzle Pieces Thread >>89053

Everyone LOVES Tom Thread >>84497


MR Bred Archive and Library >>61239

Clockworks >>89004

Talk About Habbenings Thread >>81776


No Moar FAKE NEWS! Exposing Media Lies about Q >>>/comms/26525

Post Attacks Against Q Here; 2000 anti-Q articles >>>/comms/26534

Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor Thread: FIGHT ANONS FIGHT! >>>/comms/21199

International Q Research Threads

International QR Midnight Rider Threads

Australia #14 >>90227

Balkan #1 >>90222

Brasil #1 >>90190

Canada #9 >>14 (You)

France #2 >>16

Italia #2 >>15

Mexico #2 >>11 (You)

Nederland #7 >>88102

New Zealand #6 >>17

Nordic #4 >>88070

Scotland #2 >>6

South Africa #2 >>18

UK #24 >>3

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>>/qresearch/6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

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Sealed Indictments Tracking

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/

Resignations Tracking

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Qcode - Guide to Q's Abbreviations

Q Abreviations Guide https://pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

Board Admin, Suggestions & Help Threads

Midnight Riders Office Thread - The Octagon >>3691

Have issue with anything Admin/Tom/Board related?


MIDNIGHT RIDERS Video Cap to use when Pic Server is down


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ee92ce  No.104885

Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

MidnightRiders & QR Search Engine

Search all posts from MR & QR: https://qresear.ch/

The Spreadsheet - Q&A And All Images Backup


Tweet Tools

Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

POTUS' Tweet Archive: https://trumptwitterarchive.com

Twitter Video Downloader: https://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

Wayback Machine for old archived websites: https://web.archive.org

Webpage Archiver: https://archive.md/

Banned Tube Channels Archive: https://www.altcensored.com/channel/deleted

Find original posting date and source of pics: https://tineye.com/

Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Collins Translator: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/translator

Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: https://avherald.com

Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

Stock Movement Scraper: https://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

Legal News: https://www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db:''' https://bad-boys.us/

Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-r-united-states-attorney

Immigration Enforcement: https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/remove/

Bread Archives (live)

Qanon.news: https://qanon.news/archives

Qresear.ch: https://qresear.ch

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA Main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake

LEARN TO BAKE THE Midnight Rider Way >>88986

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

How to format multi-page notables: https://qanonbin.com/paste/0kIGTHWjd

/MidnightRiders/ video for Tor posting: https://tu.be/APsPVXkzYBk

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ee92ce  No.104886

Current Trends/Topics in the News

A list of what the [Deep State] is currently up to, also random stuffs that are important “threads” in the news

Current Trends/Topics in the News

A list of what the [Deep State] is currently up to, also random stuffs that are important “threads” in the news

- BLM/pAntifa moving into major cities, getting ready for Riots and Chaos (ALWAYS)

- Universities, Places of Work, Airlines, you name it.. trying to mandate vaccines to return "to normal" but most places even if Vaxxed STILL require masks..

- Border Crisis (EVERLASTING)

- California Recall of Newsom, stolen.. (have no fear we have it all)

- Covid Vaccines, trying to ram em down the throats of everyone, people are magnetic, noone understands WTF is going on, halt on 2nd dose recommended etc, now storm troopers door to door with the shot


- ChYna Fuckery

- Pedophile Crackdown

- Sydney Powell OWNING Courts

- Each day new court cases unsealed

- DC Abandoned. Pedestrian bridge falls.. DC being ISOLATED on purpose (WATCH/EYES ON) Justice for J6 was a YUGE Fed FF FLOP today (Sept 18th) lets see what is said about it now!

- Gen Flynn saying FF imminent when AZ (War in Middle East?)

- Blue state crime surge

- “Delta COVID variant” BS

- Highest inflation measures since ‘92

- Taliban, with US/Canada/UK help kicking the CIA ass in middle east

- MSM is using the action in Middle East against "We the People" by saying Taliban is taking over the country.. that CHYNA is ready to recognize new Taliban Government

- Optics important, remember Taliban Leader made a PROMISE to PDJT, that PDJT also said he would HIT HIM SO HARD WHERE HE WAS NO MATTER WHO WAS AROUND HIM, Taliban Leader said he understood.

- Do NOT be discouraged nor depressed.. WE WINNING BIGGLY!

- –Do NOT LOSE TRACK OF THE AUDIT, the results FROM AZ coming out (FRIDAY Sept 24th)

[30] last day is Wednesday 22nd, the 23rd is Thursday, FRIDAY AUDIT is released 1pm Eastern.


Please Contact BAKER to add to LIST OF HABBENINGS. Over time it will expand and could change as time moves forward. Started 3/17/21


UPDATED 9/19/21 ‘’a constant work in progress’’

Please let me know if something is not on the list.

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ee92ce  No.104887

Patriots Fight [PLACEHOLDER]s

[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ]

[Set 1]

1. Kevin Clinesmith [KC][11.3]







[Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ]

1. Jeffery Epstein

2. Ghislaine Maxwell

3. Michael Sussman

4. Igor Danchenko






Examin "PatriotsFight" (there are 9)

Examin "Placeholder" (see spreadsheet)


Former FBI official: Indictment of Jeffrey Epstein is 'placeholder,'




Cross Reference IG Horowitz Report.

Watch RussiaGate related Indictments.

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ee92ce  No.104888

File: d618b6e6c2a2b98⋯.png (450.13 KB, 584x1822, 292:911, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

File: 8602017d636d5f4⋯.png (603.67 KB, 1178x1138, 589:569, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

Q Drop 4yr Delta per the Date -2 days {2 days ahead of drop date} (or last drop)

Nov 9th, 2017th Drops #'s 128-130 ‘’’(3 total drops)'''

God Bless the HEROS in the line of fire, God Bless the Patriots fighting for the hearts and minds.

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ee92ce  No.104889

File: cc46d4f02df48d7⋯.jpeg (103.41 KB, 1050x550, 21:11, 785ad5d9f450bcdc5f934783f….jpeg)

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115181  No.104891

Judge says inform the dem leaders, WE are woke kek


Judge Jeanine: America is waking up


Nov 6, 2021

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ee92ce  No.104892


dank gowt we get another hour of sleep. Or did we already get it?


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ee92ce  No.104893


shit next week

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012f72  No.104895

File: ab3be087723d469⋯.jpeg (51.18 KB, 620x418, 310:209, Maximum_Security.jpeg)


Thanks for the dough, seasoned perfectly..!!..

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012f72  No.104896

File: c697bcbc585d020⋯.png (598.44 KB, 898x900, 449:450, a74a5d787d60ed07.png)

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012f72  No.104897

File: 0bcbd23e9123d5a⋯.png (995.45 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1c4d4e4a90385cc6.png)

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012f72  No.104898

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They all knew about Epstein.

They all knew what he was doing.

I’m still having a hard time fully processing this statement and all of what it means.


Tiffany FitzHenry's last tweet Jan 28, 2020. Hmmm

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012f72  No.104899

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have a good looking daughter? Improve your financial status by sex trafficking her to Prince Andrew! Just drop a nude photo of your little nymphette into the mail to Buckingham Palace! - Johnny Carson, 1984

*and the audience laughed, not realizing that all of it was true…


Member dis? Used to watch Johnny Carson, they laughed at things that cringed me… Now I know why.

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012f72  No.104900

File: af24927615a518d⋯.png (180.86 KB, 720x450, 8:5, Screenshot_20211107_082523….png)

How much gold is found in the human body?

An average human body (weighing 70kg), contains a small amount of pure gold. Find out how much!

The human body is composed of many elements, including Gold in trace amounts.

According the technical treatise, The Elements Third Edition, written by John Emsley and published by the Clarendon Press, Oxford in 1998, the average person's body weighing 70 kilograms would contain a total mass of 0.2 milligrams of gold. The volume of this gold in purified form would be 10 nanoliters. If this refined gold were formed into a solid cube of purified gold, the measurement of each side of the cube would be 0.22 millimeters.

By comparison, the human body contains 43 kilograms of oxygen, the most abundant element in the earth, as well as the human body. Other elements found in the human body include 16 kilograms of carbon and 7 kilograms of hydrogen.

While the role of gold in the physiological processes of the human body was unknown for many years, it has recently been determined that gold plays a role in both the health and maintenance of the joints, as well as being a key element in the transmittal of electrical signals throughout the body. Of interesting note, the human body contains 1.0 gram of Silicon. This element is commonly found in the presence of gold in nature and its metabolic function is currently unknown.


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012f72  No.104901

File: c03c761321d1b5c⋯.png (426.21 KB, 720x483, 240:161, Screenshot_20211107_083521….png)

Interesting Facts about Gold

For thousands of years, mankind has been fascinated by gold and its unique properties. One of the first metals discovered (along with copper), gold was the property of pharaohs and referred to in the bible. Here are some more interesting facts about gold.

The word ‘gold’ is derived from the Anglo Saxon word ‘geolo’ (yellow).

Gold is a noble metal. This means it won’t oxidise, rust, corrode or tarnish. No single acid can dissolve or destroy Gold. This means that virtually all the gold ever discovered still exists today. Therefore, the gold in your wedding band or tooth filling may previously have been a Roman coin or even an ancient Egyptian artefact!

The chemical symbol for gold is ‘AU’. This comes from the Latin word ‘Aurum’, which means ‘shining (or glowing) dawn’. Gold melts at a temperature of 1064 °C and boils at 2807 °C.

The atomic number for gold is 79 and its atomic mass is 196.96655 amu. A cubic centimetre of pure gold weighs 19.32 grams (0.6815 ounces, 0.6217 troy ounces). A cubic foot of gold weighs over half a metric ton (547,081 grams).

Gold is the most malleable metal. A single gram can be flattened to make a sheet 1 metre square (gold leaf). It can also be turned into thread and used in embroidery.

It is estimated that if all the gold ever mined were to be combined, it would measure around 20 cubic meters. Approximately 75% of all the world’s gold is privately owned and there is only about 50,000 tonnes of gold left yet to me mined (about one-third of what we already have).

Over 20 tons of waste rock is excavated to yield enough gold for just one wedding band. South Africa is the world’s largest producer of mined gold.

The world’s largest gold coin is the $1,000,000 Canadian Maple Leaf. Only 5 of these coins have been produced, each weighing a massive 100kg. Its purity is 99.999%, the purest gold available. On 25th June 2010, one of these coins sold at auction for 3.27 million Euros (4.02 million US Dollars / 2.6 million UK Pounds).

To alter the colour of gold and to make it more hard wearing, gold is alloyed with a range of other metals including silver, copper, zinc and nickel. Gold purity is measured in carats with 24 being the purest. The term ‘carat’ is derived from the carob bean which was used as a weight measure by middle eastern merchants. Gemstones are still weighed in carats with 1 carat being the equivalent of 0.2 grams.

The standards for gold fineness (purity) varies around the world. Some common fineness standards are: (image)

Interesting facts about gold hallmarking

In 1238, King Henry III instructed the Mayor of London to appoint six trusted goldsmiths to be responsible for ensuring the purity of gold and silver items. By 1478, the Goldsmith’s Guild had appointed a paid Assayer, requiring all makers to take their completed work to Goldsmith’s Hall to be tested and marked. The term ‘Hall Mark’ was born and the practice continues to this day.

In many countries, it is a legal requirement all items made of gold is hallmarked.

If you have a piece of UK hallmarked gold, try our hallmark identification wizard.

Interesting facts about gold medals and the Olympics

Gold medals were first awarded at the Olympics in 1904. 13 kilograms of gold were used in the production of the 2008 Beijing Olymipics. An Olympic gold medal is actually a sterling silver medal, plated with 6 grams of 24 carat gold. Lorentz Medals are solid gold, as are the US Congressional Gold Medal and the Nobel Prize medal.

Unusual facts about gold usage

Gold flakes can be found in a number of spirit based drinks, the most notable being Goldschläger – a Swiss cinnamon schnapps. Food stuffs that include gold flake include chocolate, sweets and jelly.


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8482f2  No.104902

File: 5fa029da53713a0⋯.jpeg (55.82 KB, 720x723, 240:241, 2515ddf0b8173835.jpeg)

No sauce. Supposedly in front of Walmarts, CVS…

Will pay attention next time I get into town.

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8482f2  No.104903

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone who believes a U.S. President can unilaterally impose a medical treatment on all Americans as a condition of employment is constitutionally illiterate and morally bankrupt.


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8482f2  No.104904

File: df1dfb915131d01⋯.jpeg (35.43 KB, 573x279, 191:93, 215a57bfbc18ca39.jpeg)

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8482f2  No.104905

File: c826eaa99b4c464⋯.png (689.76 KB, 720x735, 48:49, ee72278f98766a11.png)

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8482f2  No.104906

File: e9552eff0b9d70d⋯.png (750.94 KB, 720x936, 10:13, Screenshot_20211107_103308….png)

Thousands of frontline workers on the gold coast, Australia today against covid mandates, support them


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8482f2  No.104907

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When the FBI is totally fine with the fraudulent Steele dossier and the stealing of Trump’s tax return but on red alert for Ashley Biden’s diary… it’s time to disband them.


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8482f2  No.104908

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh no


Catturd's right 'farting sounds'

I mean really, who cares, all the shit happening and they want to talk about farting.

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8482f2  No.104909

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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860203  No.104910




Welcome bro! kek danks!

wow captcha hell this morning

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8482f2  No.104911

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White House says DOJ will determine amount of payouts to migrant families https://trib.al/mvKCu5j


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8482f2  No.104912

File: df8b61292fcd00d⋯.png (9.78 KB, 347x94, 347:94, download_8_.png)


They could used captcha on the roll and blow, car breathalyzer.

Promise I did not alter dis.

PS I'm tarded from time change.

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8482f2  No.104913

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The fact that the FBI raided James O’Keefe is directly out of Kamala Harris’s playbook. This is what Kamala did to David Daleiden in CA. They are JOURNALISTS. This is scary, dangerous, Soviet style targeting of political enemies with the power of the state.


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470317  No.104914

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Travis Scott Concerts: Fun-Filled, High Energy But Chaotic


8 dead, maybe more, 300+ injured, but it's 'fun filled' ?!!

My expectations for them were low but holy fuck

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470317  No.104915

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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470317  No.104916

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Our new pharmacy page has launched.

We have obtained the assurance of the pharmacies on this list that they will fill prescriptions for off-label medications—including IVM.

Please conduct your own due diligence when selecting a pharmacy.


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5ce0bf  No.104917

2017 Timeline made in (2019) is up. I will add another, likely 2018 next.

view it in Stickies in Catalog here: https://8kun.top/midnightriders/res/104822.html

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115181  No.104918

File: c5742a002d8b087⋯.png (55.64 KB, 691x743, 691:743, stay_froggy_Frens_11072021.png)

>>104855 LB LB LB


Relentless Truth

Relentless Truth




Have you ever wondered why you've never seen a legit Q drop displayed by a MSM outlet?

That's because if they showed the American people what type of information is truly displayed in the drops, people would immediately begin to dig.

So they simply insert people into the movement who purposely spread nonsense and then they cherry pick those comments and run with it as if those imbeciles speak for Q.

It's a childish but highly effective tactic.

It's also the ONLY option they have to combat Q.

Lie about the provided content and then have the media pretend we believe those lies.

Unfortunately for [THEM] we've already accomplished our goal as anons. We bypassed the MSM effectively enough to reach critical mass. The truth spreads like wildfire and the media doesn't have nearly enough hoses to extinguish it at this point.

Do you think the average American is currently more concerned with vaccine mandates, hyperinflation and millions of dangerous illegal immigrants flooding the country...or the fact that a fake Qanon event was held by a handful of idiots recently?

The "Qanon" phenomenon has morphed before our very eyes. When people hear the truth nowadays about Fauci's evil or election fraud, where do you think that information came from originally? ANONS.

The spread of truth has become so rapid and effective at this point, it has grown beyond the bounds of the Q movement and has simply become "The Truth Movement".

To be honest, Q's disappearance may have been genius.

Just as Trump needed to take a step backwards and out of the spotlight so Brandon could redpill the country and DC could be cleaned up without the optics of Trump being a dictator...Q needed to take the same step back so anons could learn to flourish on their own AND the movement would no longer be in the spotlight, while the truth flows like honey into the minds of the masses straight from the keyboards of those crazy Qtards.

CNN can't break a million viewers anymore.

Anons have FAR better social media engagement.

We are literally the news now and most people still don't even realize it.

The truth is out of control in the best way possible.

Stay froggy frens ]Frog[

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5ce0bf  No.104919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Make Planes Great Again.. kek

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5ce0bf  No.104920

File: 4619610e456b72b⋯.jpeg (17.99 KB, 255x251, 255:251, a97d2a7272213dae7867ad1ba….jpeg)

Notables are NOT endorsements

@ Supper/Dinner Note


>>104896 ANON: Meme comparing hypocrisy of Left (NO for PDJT's Vax, but now OMG why people not Vaxxine?!)

>>104898 (Twatt) They all knew about Epstein. They all knew what he was doing.

>>104899 (Twatt) Have a good looking daughter? Improve your financial status by sex trafficking her to Prince Andrew! Just drop a nude photo of your little nymphette into the mail to Buckingham Palace! - Johnny Carson, 1984

>>104900, >>104901 How much gold is found in the human body? (gold-traders.co.uk)

>>104903 RepThomasMassie (Twatt) Anyone who believes a U.S. President can unilaterally impose a medical treatment on all Americans as a condition of employment is constitutionally illiterate and morally bankrupt.

>>104906 (GAB) Thousands of frontline workers on the gold coast, Australia today against covid mandates, support them

>>104907 (Twatt) When the FBI is totally fine with the fraudulent Steele dossier and the stealing of Trump’s tax return but on red alert for Ashley Biden’s diary… it’s time to disband them.

>>104908 (Twatt) Catturd's right 'farting sounds'

>>104909 (Twatt) Here they are….. traitor mugshots.

>>104911 (Twatt) White House says DOJ will determine amount of payouts to migrant families

>>104913 LizWheeler (Twatt) The fact that the FBI raided James O’Keefe is directly out of Kamala Harris’s playbook. This is what Kamala did to David Daleiden in CA. They are JOURNALISTS. This is scary, dangerous, Soviet style targeting of political enemies with the power of the state.

>>104914 (Twatt) Travis Scott Concerts: Fun-Filled, High Energy But Chaotic

>>104915 (Twatt) Why is no one talking about this?

>>104916 (Twatt) Our new pharmacy page has launched.

>>104917 ANON: 2017 Timeline made in (2019) is up. Added to Globals.

>>104918 (GAB) Have you ever wondered why you've never seen a legit Q drop displayed by a MSM outlet?

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5ce0bf  No.104929

File: bf43500dc84056e⋯.jpg (30.51 KB, 295x400, 59:80, s_l400.jpg)

looking around, this board is clean.. QR is a shit show, and the other boards are disorganized as fuck.

Enjoy it gang. Keep us going also. I have work coming next few weeks heavy, need everyone to help keep us great.

Next bred is prebaked.. will be done around 12am, maybe earlier if I am dozing.. gotta be up making doughnuts in the morning.

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5ce0bf  No.104930

File: d6b808e1e318d66⋯.png (554.94 KB, 1034x1290, 517:645, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

(Twatt) SOMETHING.. floating.. dude thought it was a "broom".. ???


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5ce0bf  No.104931

File: c6fb7cd556b112e⋯.png (511.26 KB, 1036x896, 37:32, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)



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5ce0bf  No.104932

File: 269e29b8bd7f348⋯.png (627.55 KB, 1030x1028, 515:514, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

(Twatt) [VIDEO] Nurse Calls Out The Overwhelmed Hospitals, DESTROYS Official Narrative


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5ce0bf  No.104933

File: b9c84e957b1c179⋯.png (771.38 KB, 1040x1366, 520:683, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

(Twatt) Aaron Rodgers, now friends with Rogan…… Thanks Joe Rogan & Medical Squad, HCQ he says!!

THESE are teh REAL vaccines!


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5ce0bf  No.104934

File: 083bc6c6780d775⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1030x1300, 103:130, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

(Twatt) Fkn moron RE: Dem refuses to concede to Republican Truck Driver, claims 1000's of ballots "found"..


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5ce0bf  No.104935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

" Iron Eagle - Chappy Down " motivational speech

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5ce0bf  No.104936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Queen's 'One Vision' Takes Doug Into Battle

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115181  No.104937

File: 8199bf065c7bba4⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1100x800, 11:8, memes_11032021.png)

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5ce0bf  No.104938

File: a34859c3c78222c⋯.png (951.24 KB, 1022x884, 511:442, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

"Republicans regain campaign mojo — and it's Bush, not Trump" (Via



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5ce0bf  No.104939

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2e72db  No.104940

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



is CANCELING flights from DC to Tampa tomorrow. Where everyone is flying to the biggest Republican event of the year.

@NRCC dinner with President Trump and Republican leadership. American Airlines is a SCAM!!


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2e72db  No.104941

File: 5557fda220d3257⋯.png (334.54 KB, 720x919, 720:919, Screenshot_20211107_182829….png)

Should’ve called Kamala. She’s the expert.



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d4d124  No.104942

File: e2c600fd60dd738⋯.png (420.82 KB, 840x721, 120:103, bdadddadf52f87a4449e2410a2….png)

General Research #18908 >>>/qresearch/14946537


Biden’s Surgeon General Doesn’t Rule Out Extending Vaccine Mandate to Businesses with Fewer Than 100 Employees (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila

Published November 7, 2021 at 3:29pm

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5ce0bf  No.104943



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5ce0bf  No.104944


YEAH faggots last week were talking mandates for small biz.. FU. MAKE US!!!!! We are already independent.. wtf you gunna do bidon????

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5ce0bf  No.104945

File: 668592d7e4f6351⋯.png (949.2 KB, 1030x1012, 515:506, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

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5ce0bf  No.104946

File: 6ced65976d9ed2e⋯.png (519.8 KB, 1024x1044, 256:261, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

Vera Lynn secretly ordered to sing at Queen’s 16th birthday


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5ce0bf  No.104947

File: 4fa2471c5a84e36⋯.png (490.45 KB, 1034x894, 517:447, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)



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d4d124  No.104948


Same Scott that made piles of money over Medicare fraud as a CEO. Same Scott that encouraged everybody to forget DJT and embrace Biden.

General Research #18908 >>>/qresearch/14946845

Senate GOP campaign chief says he will help Murkowski against Trump-endorsed challenger

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), the chairman of the Senate GOP campaign arm, said on Sunday that he will help Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s (R-Alaska) reelection efforts, even though former President Trump has already endorsed a challenger against her.


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115181  No.104949

File: e5f9315bb7426a4⋯.png (816 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, biden_poop_pants_question.png)


please don't be to harsh on biden

he might poop his pants and his diaper is causing rash again


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d4d124  No.104950

File: 7db5754ba2973d0⋯.png (157.17 KB, 744x724, 186:181, d8e65700d3770effc276f2e53f….png)

File: feeef2f4518f08f⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 720x726, 120:121, feeef2f4518f08f2178ca24564….jpg)

File: c65dea1e6f5e55d⋯.jpg (12.57 KB, 253x255, 253:255, ae84a3b98e62e7356716d898ec….jpg)

From next door

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2e72db  No.104951

File: df04b6452c2f68f⋯.png (226.58 KB, 720x332, 180:83, Screenshot_20211107_190732….png)

Dragana and the Cave of Gold

"This is a Dragons' hold," answered the Frog, "so gold is to be expected. But beware: Gold is not what you think it is!"

"Dragana" deals with secret wisdom - what gold really is, what dragons really are, who we really are.


Stumbled across this on my gold dig today. I enjoyed it immensely.

Debated on sharing… Think your children will enjoy it.

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115181  No.104952


yellow birds are the problem

also biden

and nba


PRAY for big bird

dam you fauci

fire fauci


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115181  No.104953

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2e72db  No.104954

File: ac468216e876b40⋯.jpeg (126.78 KB, 1418x714, 709:357, Vaccinate_This_2.jpeg)

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115181  No.104955

File: a7d4afbf66abd36⋯.png (710.43 KB, 1100x573, 1100:573, f_biden_from_the_matrix_ke….png)

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d4d124  No.104956

File: 5ff8d647afc6588⋯.png (488.69 KB, 515x888, 515:888, 4ff002dbf8c20493c7374585ad….png)

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6cbec2  No.104957



Where did this come from all the sudden?

This the go after kids part of the show?

Guud lawd

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d4d124  No.104958

File: ad1e8e5725f6282⋯.jpg (97.49 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 2f1987ff2217252bf90ac2bcaa….jpg)


Got too quiet in here and anons next door be having all the fun

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6cbec2  No.104959

File: ccacef9572db1d7⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1038x984, 173:164, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)


No I saw the twatts earlier, just wondering WTF the sudden going after kids and Sesame Street chiming in came from out of the blue.. disgusting, I mean it makes sense. They went nearly all illegals a few year back,, Sesame Street is the Bario now.

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6cbec2  No.104960


BIG BIRD did NOT get vaccinated. I know because I AM BIG BIRD. A "side hustle" of mine for MANY YEARS now. Do NOT bring my Bird Character up again. Pick on GROVER, I hate that guy.


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6cbec2  No.104961

Its everyone's board. I was up stupid late fixing stuff last night. I can't fix and post at same time, wish I could.

yawn.. tired.. as in physically tired.

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6cbec2  No.104962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6cbec2  No.104963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6cbec2  No.104964

File: 0c95bd4d199ec1b⋯.png (761.65 KB, 1022x836, 511:418, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)


PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LMAO "I still like the first phrase better somehow.. more accurate"

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6cbec2  No.104965

File: 121d1d65ec16c15⋯.png (778.52 KB, 1022x932, 511:466, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

Granholm says Biden "looking at" tapping strategic reserve as fuel prices rise


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6cbec2  No.104966

File: fc10e6cb0949d84⋯.jpeg (57.58 KB, 526x512, 263:256, FDicb5zWYAAdzle.jpeg)

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6cbec2  No.104967

File: c6b595fe24ce605⋯.jpeg (518.25 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, FDoisJSWUAEtql0.jpeg)

no sauz

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d4d124  No.104968

File: 6fb521760f4a6c4⋯.png (543.42 KB, 544x586, 272:293, super_hero_weed_memes.png)


What were they wearing outside the stadium?

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6cbec2  No.104969

File: 1de68f7637da927⋯.png (627.24 KB, 1032x1392, 43:58, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

Another Aussie nurse confirms that the hospitals are full of people suffering adverse reactions to the COVID vacine, and the DELTA-VARIANT is the vaccine!


Can already hear the spin now.. BUT BUT BUT.. Trump made the vaxxine available before it was ready!!

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6cbec2  No.104970



That whole "pandemic" set the stage for mask wearing, err.. gave us all we needed to know why NOT to wear masks.. 2x in 100yrs man.. fucking ridiculous.

Forget where you come from repeat same mistakes.. KNOW YOUR HISTORY.

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6cbec2  No.104971

Going to UP 2018.

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d4d124  No.104972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

General Research #18910 >>>/qresearch/14948374

Kamala Interrupts NASA Presentation to Ask If They Measure Trees By Race For "Environmental Justice"

Nov 7, 2021

Memology 101

435K subscribers

We are doomed, LOL.



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b03971  No.104973


Saw that on twatter.. wtf?

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b03971  No.104974

File: de4e22a45f7dbc0⋯.png (569.84 KB, 1022x894, 511:447, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

"Saturday Night Live" unveils new Donald Trump


Just can't not can they?


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115181  No.104975

File: 8b1566e1249da7c⋯.png (682.05 KB, 538x800, 269:400, michelle_back.png)

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b03971  No.104976

File: 6edc59282b4f883⋯.jpeg (165.83 KB, 933x943, 933:943, E1KZl3_UcAMvTvC.jpeg)

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b03971  No.104977

File: 89406d0b53574e4⋯.png (616.65 KB, 1046x952, 523:476, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

TheHill (Twatt) "Durham's latest indictment: More lines drawn to Clinton's campaign"


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b03971  No.104978

File: eda5e60d2396df4⋯.png (729.08 KB, 1024x1020, 256:255, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

(Twatt) POTUS Trump on Durham:

“Durham maybe doing a good job- taking a little longer than we thought- But he’s doing it he’s exposing real criminal activity”.


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b03971  No.104979

File: 3c8324a2fcefe2c⋯.png (254.71 KB, 1020x720, 17:12, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

(Twatt) Full 2021 America First Experience & Gala Keynote Remarks by President …


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b03971  No.104980

File: 445665fe7e9bfe7⋯.png (420.83 KB, 1032x904, 129:113, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

(Twatt) How is this not exactly what it appears to be? Austin music festival weird fuggin music playing and singer Ritual fuggery


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b03971  No.104981

File: 391fc05a5e8c12d⋯.jpeg (141.35 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, FDoHL7BWQAM3Sfv.jpeg)

File: 39ce7d4c199d660⋯.jpeg (83.83 KB, 750x503, 750:503, FDoHL7DWUAUlWUr.jpeg)

File: 44503be0d9866ee⋯.jpeg (95.01 KB, 750x568, 375:284, FDoHL7CX0AM2SAD.jpeg)

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115181  No.104982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

another Timeful tale


In Time


Oct 1, 2021

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b03971  No.104983

File: fab663451788436⋯.png (906.68 KB, 1032x1098, 172:183, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

(Twatt) Biden admin considering shutting down another pipeline, drawing criticism and dire warnings as winter nears https://foxnews.com/politics/biden-admin-considering-shutting-down-michigan-pipeline… #FoxNews


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115181  No.104984

File: cce43143430118c⋯.jpg (224.54 KB, 1906x808, 953:404, black_metal_satanist_norwa….jpg)

File: 1924bd862d22e12⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 300x377, 300:377, black_metal_satanist_norwa….jpg)

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b03971  No.104985



weird shit…

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115181  No.104986

File: a8b5f390a34b2c4⋯.png (867.65 KB, 816x528, 17:11, dem_party_burning_small_bu….png)

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115181  No.104987

File: 003ba22b53339b2⋯.jpg (127.39 KB, 585x801, 65:89, john_podesta_activated.jpg)

File: a01be57973fc67a⋯.jpg (195.37 KB, 1019x552, 1019:552, Tony_Podesta_2.jpg)

File: 68a7f70365a5338⋯.jpg (206.37 KB, 759x848, 759:848, Tony_Podesta.jpg)

File: 9b31a4ebff9d51e⋯.jpg (239.88 KB, 1061x734, 1061:734, Podesta_Group.jpg)

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115181  No.104988

File: 02241513cf477d2⋯.png (405.14 KB, 654x368, 327:184, weinstein_corona_virus.png)

File: 85fd2607580729b⋯.png (519.7 KB, 792x450, 44:25, harvey_weinstein_Justice_0….png)

File: 41b9c11d1796e28⋯.jpg (182.01 KB, 1007x717, 1007:717, hrc_hillary_weinstein.jpg)

File: 24686848333eb3b⋯.jpg (346.05 KB, 886x1152, 443:576, Weinstein_black_cube.jpg)

File: 377e9837cac21f3⋯.jpg (167.88 KB, 677x840, 677:840, Weinstein.jpg)

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b03971  No.104989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time to Wake the Dragon. Rebuilding the Monster Bush Plane has begun | DRACO X #1

Notables are NOT endorsements

@ Bacon


>>104896 ANON: Meme comparing hypocrisy of Left (NO for PDJT's Vax, but now OMG why people not Vaxxine?!)

>>104898 (Twatt) They all knew about Epstein. They all knew what he was doing.

>>104899 (Twatt) Have a good looking daughter? Improve your financial status by sex trafficking her to Prince Andrew! Just drop a nude photo of your little nymphette into the mail to Buckingham Palace! - Johnny Carson, 1984

>>104900, >>104901 How much gold is found in the human body? (gold-traders.co.uk)

>>104903 RepThomasMassie (Twatt) Anyone who believes a U.S. President can unilaterally impose a medical treatment on all Americans as a condition of employment is constitutionally illiterate and morally bankrupt.

>>104906 (GAB) Thousands of frontline workers on the gold coast, Australia today against covid mandates, support them

>>104907 (Twatt) When the FBI is totally fine with the fraudulent Steele dossier and the stealing of Trump’s tax return but on red alert for Ashley Biden’s diary… it’s time to disband them.

>>104908 (Twatt) Catturd's right 'farting sounds'

>>104909 (Twatt) Here they are….. traitor mugshots.

>>104911 (Twatt) White House says DOJ will determine amount of payouts to migrant families

>>104913 LizWheeler (Twatt) The fact that the FBI raided James O’Keefe is directly out of Kamala Harris’s playbook. This is what Kamala did to David Daleiden in CA. They are JOURNALISTS. This is scary, dangerous, Soviet style targeting of political enemies with the power of the state.

>>104914 (Twatt) Travis Scott Concerts: Fun-Filled, High Energy But Chaotic

>>104915 (Twatt) Why is no one talking about this?

>>104916 (Twatt) Our new pharmacy page has launched.

>>104917 ANON: 2017 Timeline made in (2019) is up. Added to Globals.

>>104918 (GAB) Have you ever wondered why you've never seen a legit Q drop displayed by a MSM outlet?

>>104930 (Twatt) SOMETHING.. floating.. dude thought it was a "broom".. ???


>>104932, >>104953, >>104969 (Twatt) [VIDEO] Nurse Calls Out The Overwhelmed Hospitals, DESTROYS Official Narrative

>>104933 (Twatt) Aaron Rodgers, now friends with Rogan…… Thanks Joe Rogan & Medical Squad, HCQ he says!!

>>104934 (Twatt) Fkn moron RE: Dem refuses to concede to Republican Truck Driver, claims 1000's of ballots "found"..

>>104938, >>104939 TheHill (Twatt) "Republicans regain campaign mojo — and it's Bush, not Trump" (Via

>>104940, >>104943 AmericanAir is CANCELING flights from DC to Tampa tomorrow. Where everyone is flying to the biggest Republican event of the year. @NRCC dinner with President Trump and Republican leadership. American Airlines is a SCAM!!

>>104941 (Twatt) Should’ve called Kamala. She’s the expert.

>>104942, >>104944, >>104948, >>104949, >>104954, >>104955 Biden’s Surgeon General Doesn’t Rule Out Extending Vaccine Mandate to Businesses with Fewer Than 100 Employees (VIDEO)

>>104945, >>104946 (Twatt) Queen ‘intends’ to lead Cenotaph tributes after health scare - but will miss key event


>>104950, >>104956, >>104959, >>104960, >>104962, >>104963 SesameStreetFuckery: PROJECT: CON THE KIDS (MultiSauz)

>>104951 (FaceBook) Dragana and the Cave of Gold

>>104964, >>104978, >>104979 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) LMAO "I still like the first phrase better somehow.. more accurate": Multiple Gayla videos, plus FULL video link

>>104965 TheHill (Twatt) Granholm says Biden "looking at" tapping strategic reserve as fuel prices rise

>>104972 Kamala Interrupts NASA Presentation to Ask If They Measure Trees By Race For "Environmental Justice"

>>104974 TheHill (Twatt) What? No BALDWIN? kekekekek "Saturday Night Live" unveils new Donald Trump

>>104977 TheHill (Twatt) "Durham's latest indictment: More lines drawn to Clinton's campaign"

>>104978 (Twatt) POTUS Trump on Durham: “Durham maybe doing a good job- taking a little longer than we thought- But he’s doing it he’s exposing real criminal activity”.

>>104980, >>104981, >>104984, >>104985 (Twatt) How is this not exactly what it appears to be? Austin music festival weird fuggin music playing and singer Ritual fuggery

>>104983 (Twatt) Biden admin considering shutting down another pipeline, drawing criticism and dire warnings as winter nears

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b03971  No.104991

File: 6bf01198046a838⋯.jpeg (100.46 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, FDpWSrrXMAQuvYn.jpeg)


The Queen is an idea that has long since past







Locked & Loaded

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b03971  No.104992


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