>>105453 ANON: It doesn't seem right to say 'happy' veterans day… Thank You For Your Service
>>105454 Maine residents brace for power rate hikes over 60% (Wabi.tv)
>>105458 (Twatt) Kyle Rittenhouse wouldn't have had to defend himself against unhinged madmen if the media didn't cheer the burning of American cities because it hated our president.
>>105459 ElectionWizard (Twatt) Tucker: "Joseph Rosenbaum died as he had lived, trying to touch an unwilling minor."
>>105460 (Twatt) If you accuse Kyle Rittenhouse of “faking tears” from being forced to relive the trauma of having to shoot violent, armed child-rapists and arsonists, but claim PTSD from being called the wrong pronouns… you might be an asshole.
>>105461 DailyCaller (Twatt) Tucker Carlson: "Joseph Rosenbaum died as he had lived, trying to touch an unwilling minor."
>>105462 Michigan School System Closes After ‘Large Number’ of Teachers Become Ill from COVID Shot (TheGateWayPundit.com)
>>105463 VIDEO: Kyle Pros trying to show him as a killer, not a defender (MP4 EMBED)
>>105464 (GAB) Joe Brandon is so popular that the biggest video hub IN THE WORLD just had to hide the dislike counter across their entire platform for ALL 15 billion videos to cover for the current “most popular” president in history…
>>105465 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Israel to hold "war games" tomorrow "to prepare the country for the next Coronavirus outbreak". The national operation is dubbed "Omega Exercise" (JPost)
>>105466 FDA Approves New Drug Against Weaponized Smallpox (WebMD.com)
>>105467 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NEW - Communist Party of China has adopted a landmark resolution establishing Xi Jinping as an equal to party founder Mao Zedong and his successor Deng Xiaoping.
>>105468, >>105484 Stupid Questions asked and Judge is Badass
>>105469 GlenGreenwald (Twatt) I never commented on the Rittenhouse case until I started watching large chunks of the trial, and all I can say is that anyone who has done the same and denies that there's a huge gap between the media narrative about this and what actually happened is not telling the truth.
>>105470 (Twatt) Based on the data: We should not be giving healthy kids a 2nd vax dose at a 3wk interval, esp boys where 1/7K get myocarditis and 1/136 of them died, i.e. from the vax itself(NEJM study). Vax deaths could approximate Covid deaths in boys 5-11 w/no comorbid
>>105471, >>105472 JuanitaBroaddrick (Twatt) CNN didn’t learn a damn thing from the Nick Sandmann fiasco.
>>105473 CodeMonkey (T.me) Do you have a private company with government contracts in Arizona? Your work emails can now be compelled by FOIA requests.
>>105474 3-Legged Dog Tater Tot Credited for Helping Nurse Save Drowning 76-Year-Old Dog Owner (EpochTimes.com)
>>105477, >>105478 Scottsdale School Board Member Publicized Parents’ Social Security Numbers, Divorce Proceedings, Financial Records In Effort To Track Outspoken Parents (DailyCaller.com)
>>105479 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NOW - Biden tells a story about pitcher Satchel Paige, referring to him as "the great negro at the time."
>>105480 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Black Lives Matter leaders, including co-founder Hawk Newsome, threaten "riots" and "bloodshed" in the streets if Mayor-elect Eric Adams reinstates the NYPD's anti-crime units (Daily)
>>105481 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
>>105482 RSBN (Twatt) Trump delivers hope in Veterans Day message: 'We will come back'
>>105483 (Twatt) BREAKING: Iran-Backed Militants Storm US Embassy in Yemen, Seize Hostages and Equipment -- State Dept tells me it is 'concerned about the breach of the compound,' demands release of hostages & equipment
>>105496 US Says It's Briefed European Governments On Possible Russian "Military Invasion" Of Ukraine (ZeroHedge.com)
>>105497, >>105540 Joe Biden calling me a negro today but he's going to be calling me Congresswoman-Elect Spicer this time next year when I go file impeachment papers on his ass. + CatTurd: Its literally on video
>>105498 CBS News Deletes Post Declaring Kyle Rittenhouse a Murderer Before Trial’s End (Breitbart.com)
>>105499 Sen. Ron Johnson sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday requesting information about how the FBI uses surveillance aircraft during riots and protests and what it does with the footage.
>>105500 LAPD tells residents ‘do not resist’ robbers, ‘cooperate and comply with demands’ (AmericanMiliataryNews.com)
>>105501 Saginaw Township Schools closed because of staffing shortage (ABC12.com)
>>105502 “Over 7,000 local kids 5-11 get first dose; ‘vaccine van’ headed to schools” (Fox4Sandiego.com)
>>105503 BF Floating things Update: Los Angeles/Long Beach has a crowd. Shanghai has over 2K ships right now
>>105504 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) HAD TO DO IT!!!Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joy
>>105506 (T.me) Kanejoa the great telegram EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Seemingly Acknowledged Joe Has Dementia in Texts Sent to Psychiatrist
>>105507 CatTurd (Twatt) Made fun of Kyle Rittenhouse for crying. Down pointing backhand index Face with tears of joy
>>105515, >>105516 VIDEO: 'Ridiculous’ to cancel Jeremy Clarkson over column slamming Greta Thunberg (YouTube)
>>105519, >>105520 MANY (ALL ARE) IMPORTANT ISSUES: Do you think it's a coincidence that the entire country has their eyes glued to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, while the final decision for the most important trial in the history of the world is currently being deliberated by the UK high court and is due to go public any day now?
>>105522, >>105526, >>105527, >>105528, >>105529, >>105532, >>105535, >>105537, >>105539, >>105544 (Twatt) BREAKING REPORT: [ALERT] White House warns European allies to PREPARE FOR A RUSSIAN INVASION of Ukraine… (LIKE CLOCKWORK.. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA)
>>105524 NYTimes (TWATS) In a tiny village on the outskirts of Nacajuca, Mexico, builders are creating new homes for those living in poverty using a novel tool: an oversize 3-D printer.
>>105525 TheHill (Twatt) Hunter Biden's controversial art gallery show draws fierce critics
>>105530 (Twatt) BREAKING! The federal court has just ordered the DOJ to STOP extracting data from our client, journalist James O’Keefe’s phone, and ordered a hearing. Counsel for Project Veritas asked the court to do this yesterday!
>>105536 (Twatt) BOSTON: A skirmish breaks out between vaccine mandate protesters and ANTIFA losers dressed in black bloc
>>105538 (Twatt) BREAKING REPORT: Texas DPS reveals that CARTEL KILLINGS are now happening on US SIDE of the border..
>>105542 OF COURSE HE DID: Joe Biden Sides with Chinese Solar Manufacturers Evading U.S. Tariffs (Breitbart.com)
>>105543 (Twatt) This is appalling
>>105547 TheBias (Twatt) TOP U.S. AND WORLD HEADLINES - THURSDAY 11/11/21 VIA
>>105549 PFIZER/BIONTECH, USA Kyle Warner -- Pfizer Severe Adverse Reaction (NoMoreSilence.word)
>>105550 RT (Twatt) FBI accused of leaking private data to NYT after Project Veritas raid
>>105551 (Twatt) The Judge in the Rittenhouse case says "I hope the Asian food isn't on one of those boats in long beach harbor." Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joy This Judge is priceless!
>>105554 ANON: Phase almost complete. Act - React - End Goal-> purpose of Act.
>>105556, ANON: impeach expel recall vote buy (or don't buy) 1A 2A who has the power? +Truth Sets Free
>>105560 HUBRIS: Cardiologist Who Said He 'Won't Cry at Funeral' For "Selfish" Unvaccinated People Suddenly Dies in His Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Covid Jab (TheGateWayPundit.com)
>>105561 LizWheeler (Twatter) This is nuts. The FBI is LEAKING O’Keefe’s privileged info to the NYT.
>>105562 RepThomasMassie (Twatt) In response to FOIA request, the CDC literally just admitted they haven’t documented a single case of an unvaccinated individual with natural immunity spreading the virus!
>>105563 (GAB) "Proposed measures to reduce fertility in the US." From 1967
>>105564 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Netherlands to impose new lockdown and restrictions affecting all people - vaccinated or not - effective from tomorrow night.
>>105565 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Austria to impose nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated population, Chancellor Schallenberg announces amid "sharply rising infection rates".
>>105566 Disclose.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Norway to reintroduce its coronavirus "health pass" after lifting all restrictions in late September.
>>105567 DISS SHIT AGAIN: UFOs buzzing US warships may be aliens: Top spy chief
>>105757 523
Previously Collected Notables
>>105434 #522,
>>104419 #515, >>104529 #516, >>104756 #517, >>104879 #518, >>104989 #519, >>105210 #520, >>105315 #@521, >>103420 #508, >>103495 #509, >>103807 #510, >>103819 #511, >>103922 #512, >>104031 #513, >>104185 #514,
>>102301 #501, >>102556 #502, >>102677 #503, >>102810 #504, >>102918 #505, >>103131 #506, >>103303 #507,
>>101357 #494, >>101435 #495 , >>101552 #496, >>101657 #497, >>101803 #498, >>101994 #499, >>102148 #500,
>>100509 #487, >>100597 #488, >>100722 #489, >>100889 #490, >>100993 #491, >>101135 #492, >>101249 #493,
>>99390 #479, >>99526 #480, >>99652 #481, >>99760 #482, >>99956 #483, >>100088 #484, >>100334 #485, >>100439 #486
>>98060 #471, >>98234 #472, >>98386 #473, >>98610 #474, >>98709 #475, >>98862 #476, >>99017 #477, >>99259 #478
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>>95778 #455, >>95884 #456, >>95933 #457, >>96072 #458, >>96193 #459, >>96338 #460, >>96464 #461, >>96604 #462
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>>93548 #439, >>93747 #440, >>93884 #441, >>94065 #442, >>94265 #443, >>94441 #444, >>94599 #445, >>94743 #446
>>91894 #431, >>92116 #432, >>92267 #433, >>92512 #434, >>92702 #435, >>92930 #436, >>93108 #437, >>93271 #438
>>90214 #423, >>90436 #424, >>90697 #425, >>90903 #426, >>91119 #427, >>91321 #428, >>91547 #429, >>91713 #430
>>88616 #415, >>88896 #416, >>89066 #417, >>89236 #418, >>89478 #419, >>89594 #420, >>89839 @421, >>90026 #422
>>86546 #407, >>86909 #408, >>87126 #409, >>87337 #410, >>87552 #411, >>87837 #412, >>88278 #413, >>88475 #414
>>84866 #399, >>84989 #400, >>85184 #401, >>85401 #402, >>85564 #403, >>85764 #404, >>86047 #405, >>86361 #406
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>>80834 #375, >>81135 #376, >>81376 #377, >>81834 #378, >>82005 #379, >>82120 #380, >>82279 #381, >>82381 #382
>>79604 #367, >>79780 #368, >>79879 #369, >>80007 #370, >>80174 #371, >>80315 #372, >>80467 #373, >>80684 #374
>>78399 #359, >>78545 #360, >>78731 #361, >>78866 #362, >>79063 #363, >>79187 #364, >>79349 #365, >>79465 #366
>>77249 #351, >>77378 #352, >>77572 #353, >>77777 #354, >>77869 #355, >>77987 #356, >>78138 #357, >>78282 #358
>>76038 #343, >>76178 #344, >>76296 #345, >>76447 #346, >>76682 #347, >>76814 #348, >>76966 #349, >>77080 #350
>>74806 #335, >>74992 #336, >>75206 #337, >>75397 #338, >>75534 #339, >>75639 #340, >>75816 #341, >>75922 #342,
>>73986 #331, >>74184 #332, >>74389 #333, >>74575 #334