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Catalog (/hover/)

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R:6 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Welcome to /hover/

Helpful links ; >>7 .

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MH370 Llink and file dump. This is the real answer to Hover.

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Celebratory thread

This thread takes over for


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Channeled/Remote Viewed Technology

This is a thread for technological information gathered from mind connections that are non local to physical material reality.

R:69 / I:16 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Meta thread

Suggestions, maintenance, questions and off topic discussion

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Ideas on how to get this stuff released in a safe fashion.

R:43 / I:29 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Electrogravitics thread

This is an exploration thread for motion/gravitational effects as related with electricity, mainly focusing on static electricity and high voltage.

R:74 / I:6 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Multimedia thread

Dump random /hover/ related stuffs in here,

video, audio, animated gifs, links whatever

pdf thread is here;


R:2 / I:2 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

art of self correction: morphic resonance, covid, QM

This is my theory of everything. I have figured out how to give fringe science a scientific stand. Be careful, in order to unite morphic, fringe science, censorship, politics and covid I really have let it go. Poetry>science, imagination>calculation. russel targ>other physicists, sheldrake> other biologists.

https://youtu.be/SpeSpA3e56A?t=1505 US military industrial complex might already have a infinite energy source. (inertial dampener=infinite energy). I bet they achieved this with my theory of self correction wave.


have you heard about morphic resonance theory by rupert sheldrake? If you are familiar with rupert sheldrake and others like him, they believe in morphic resonance theory. which states when you do something, it is kinda stored in the spiritual level of the universe. He believes in telepathy, other biologists believe in remote viewing and esp stuff. He claims that people have a collective consciousness, training rats in England will make rats in Africa smarter. There is no proof for universe to be completely mechanical. mechanical universe can not have dark energy which makes universe still to be expanding. universe might be an organism, purposeful.

morphic resonance supporters also claims that prayer/meditation/self-correction can make your heart bigger and make you a better CONSCIOUS observer. it can make you a better telepath in the spiritual realm. eastern mysticism, which rupert sheldrake is into, warns about having an ego. every eastern religion/philosophy tells people to be humble, and emphasizes on the importance of mediation/prayer, widening your heart and thus empowering your spirit blah blah.

Gregg braden is not really as reputed as rupert but he focuses on heart. He claims heart is the source of consciousness, human organ or blood donation can transfer the memory and character. he focuses on meditation and prayer to let heart have its time etc.

Russel Targ, a very prominent physicist, is an ESP researcher and he was helping CIA and military industrial complex to remote-view.

slightly off topic, rupert is being persecuted. Since 1980s, a particular group of neo-atheistic scientists are, to put it lightly, screaming and bullying rupert. Rupert has been defunded, but he had billionaire donors. Many other scientists in this field have been censored and defunded.

The establishment scientists are quite corrupt and they are trying to censor any theory that can reveal their true character. Google Bret and Eric. Bret Weinstein is a famous biologist, who tried to publish research about the genes of lab mice. Mouse has some characteristic to make them cancer resistance. He factually proved that biologists are experimenting on special lab-mice which has telomeres, this makes scientific methods not only undependable but also dangerous. People probably suffered cell damage because of this bad methodology.

Then the establishment scientists tried so hard to censor bret weinstein. Few years later, they semi-secretly changed the lab mice. However, they never apologized for bad methodology, neither did they ever apologized to bret. To this day bret weinstein is still being heavily censored by the establishment science and big pharma.

Twitter, recently decided to censor bret and eric weinstein because they are trying to make a third party. However I believe they are being censored because they are on to something elemental, something will change our view on the foundation.

So, I think we have to rethink para-psychology and metaphysics. We need to create a meta-physical theorem, vague enough to explain our problems, but also definite enough to solve 100 years old quantum mechanics. This theory of everything will have to inspire us to unite spiritually by figuring our inner problems.

is everything connected? does the establishment depend on patent, big pharma, censorship, wall street, military industrial complex? are these seemingly random incidents connected? everything is connected into one, isn't it? isn't that the definition of intelligence? Maybe we are in a pyramid scheme?

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This thread is for general gravity/antigravity discussion.

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Devices which are strapped on to the body to allow an individual to take flight. Recently some hurdles have been cleared in making way for working models. Strap yourselves in, if interested.

R:72 / I:70 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Post pics of UFO's

R:63 / I:45 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Ufo stories

This thread is for sharing stories involving ufo's, experiments or other interesting/mysterious events with advanced technology implications.

Post articles or share your story here.

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Metaphysical thread

Exploration of things relating to paradoxes, higher dimensions and unexplainable phenomena.

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Potential Tech Elements

This thread is for exploring concepts involving advanced technology depicted in stories and rumors which may or may not be true.

If a story is plausible, it belongs in this thread.

R:66 / I:40 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Innovative advancement thread

Technologies, ideas and systems which improve living standards with respect for nature.

Self-sufficiency, sustainability and efficiency are relevant here.

Discussion, pics and links.

R:18 / I:9 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Artificial synthesis thread

This thread has two main focus points;

-Linking organic and inorganic

-Mimicking nature with electronics and machinery

R:3 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Has anyone ever seen a UFO in the shape of a pyramid/tetrahedron like this? Or in the shape of two tetrahedrons that share a plane. (3D "diamond" shaped)


>Ability to rotate about any axis



>Possible cloaking features

I have seen some bogus evidence out there and also some plausible evidence. The source image has been brightened and took place over the pentagon in Washington D.C. It was filmed separately by at least 3 people who posted it independently.

Roughly a decade ago an exceptionally similar craft was filmed in Russia and was reported on their nightly news by several stations.

If you have any examples please share them with any information you can!

Also general UFO/UAP thread

R:11 / I:6 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Hovercraft Design

DIY Hovercraft, share ideas, plans or stories in this thread

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Another deep thot I had about an electrical generator:

In short, imagine the following:

A sealed glass donut shaped container which has two mixed fluids of different boiling points, one being high and other one very low, and also has pyrolytic graphite suspended in the mixture of fluids, with a copper coil wound around the sides of the donut perpendicular to the position of a magnet in the center of the donut with respect to its polarity. The low boiling point of one of the fluids due to temperature change causes the whole mixture to turn around inside. The circular shape of the walls of the donut shaped container promotes the circular motion. The space between the magnet which is inside the donut shaped container hole, and the outside of the magnet where the coil is wound around, contains the mixture of the fluids which is moving around and the diamagnetic pieces of pyrolytic graphite are making the field intermittent. This should enable the production of electricity in the coil. The fluid would be black so to collect the heat and the pyrolytic graphite is also an excellent heat conductor which is a bonus to improve efficiency. As the fluids separate and one turns to vapor then condenses back into the mix the pyrolytic graphite causes disturbances in the magnetic field by blocking it which the coil takes as changes of magnetism and can be collected as energy.

Moar explained:

A donut-shaped container that is transparent and sealed that contains two fluids. There is a small air pocket in the container to allow for the vapor to expand and condense back into a fluid. The fluids are mixed together and a fine powder of pyrolytic graphite is added. The pyrolytic graphite is added to the mixture for it’s strong diamagnetic property.

Inside the hole of the donut-shaped container is a cylindrical shaped magnet. North Pole is on the top of the cylindrical shaped magnet and vice versa. The top of the magnet faces up if you were to be looking down at the donut from above.

A mixture of two fluids, one having a low boiling point and another having a much higher boiling point. The mixture is also black to absorb the maximum amount of heat. Let’s call these LBP liquid and HBP liquid as reference. Let’s also say that the LBP liquid turns to vapor at 95 degrees Fahrenheit and the HBP liquid turns to vapor at over 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The HBP liquid would have such a high boiling point that it wouldn’t turn to a vapor in the following setup. Let’s also say that the LBP and HBP liquids are both from similar origin and can mix together. The LBP is less viscous and the HBP would be very viscous.

The coil is wound around the sides of the donut shaped container horizontally. The position relative to the magnet with respect to polarity as being the direction would be


The container would have to be constructed of materials strong and safe enough to contain the changes of pressure safely.

Variation #2

Instead of the diamagnetic material pyrolytic graphite being added, fine iron powder is added instead.

Variation #3

A mix of both pyrolytic graphite and iron powder is added to the fluid mixture.

#xenon idea

Imagine a sealed ballast full of xenon which is a diamagnetic gas. Around the ballast is a coil of copper and nearby is a magnet. When the gas is slightly heated the atoms become more mobilized and move around. This causes fluctuations in the magnetic field which the coil collects and electricity is generated.


Stay smart frens

R:51 / I:23 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Magnetism general

Magnetic current, magnetic flux circuits, electromagnetic interaction, magnetic shielding and diamagnetism

R:4 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Is psilocybin /hover/?

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Sources for generating electricity

Voltaic panels can harness energy from cosmic rays. These panels can work day and night in any kind of weather conditions.

For other examples of clean usable generators check out these links ;



R:31 / I:21 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Laser Thread


Branching off from the holographic displays, this thread focuses more on lasers in general since there are lots of things which lasers can be utilized for besides displays. This is also for posting pics that are in any way related to lasers or laser beams.

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Holographic display technologies

This thread is for holographic displays which produce holograms that can hover in mid air

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Water and atmospheric potential

H20 has a lot of uses in terms of energy.

This thread is about fluidic systems, HVAC, atmospheric water collectors, freezers, fridges,

superconductors and effects in any way related to fluids or the atmosphere.

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This thread is for advanced cars.

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Post about electronics, soldering, troubleshooting and interesting circuits

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Eel thread

Post some eels

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Fusion Thread

Table top nuclear fusion, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) and cold fusion

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Projects/Under construction

Ambitious projects and experiments, work in progress stories and success stories

Also failed projects and what might be learned from those

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Lets have a thread about robots

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The /hover/ lounge

Relaxed chat thread #1

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Post pics of drones, discuss anything to do with drones or multirotors in this thread

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This is a thread for airshows

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Lighter than air thread

Hovering using hot air, lighter than air gas or vacuum

R:36 / I:31 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The Hoverboard Project

The board itself is ready, the drive is a work in progress.

I will update this thread periodically with new pics.

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PDF Files

Links to pdf files, uploaded pdf's and posts related to pdf's go here.

Keep files related to this board's topics.

Files containing either too sensitive info or misleading information may be removed.

R:19 / I:19 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Northern lights/southern lights

Mostly pics of Aurora borealis/australis, comments on the pics and links related

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Acoustic Levitation

Pic's from a video showing an acoustic levitation chamber.

This thread is for anything related to hovering using sound.

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Alternative propulsion

Ideas and plans for flying craft using uncommonly known means

R:108 / I:108 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Scenic route

High res aesthetics and scenery thread. Preferably images and comments on images only.

R:31 / I:16 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

CSS Thread

Styles and features, hover effects, etc.

You may also request help with styles or share lines of css here.

R:16 / I:5 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]



From this post there spawned an idea, if you can move things with your mind alone even if it is through a wearable interface, is that not by definition telekinesis?

And if you can do it with an external interface you might be able to do it without one..

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It is time

Now we strike, for France !

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Warp drive thread

Post about warp drives

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Is rewiring the brain considered advanced technology or do we still live in dark ages?

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I want to leave

I want to leave, who's with me?

R:25 / I:19 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Its Outer Space September

Post things relating to outer space.

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Hovering in dreams

I've had a lot of dreams of hovering or flying, so I

decided to make a thread about it.

R:23 / I:13 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

The EM Drive

This deserves its own thread, we may have history in the making. The EM Drive is still being tested by NASA and showing much promise.

The pic also fits pretty well here.

Estimates of travel speeds using this tech are astounding.

Apparently according to this article, the EM Drive could get us to Mars in only 70 days.


Follow the developments here ; http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=38577.0

R:23 / I:19 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Art thread

This is a sophisticated art thread inspired by 8chan's 2nd birthday art contest. >>>/operate/38319

The premise of this thread is to explore art techniques and evolve art and graphics

or to draw hovercraft related art. Drawing tools, aesthetic analysis and constructive criticism fit in with this thread.

This thread is also for art contest entries.

Post drawings, links or comment.

R:4 / I:2 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]


Post anything related with hoverbikes in this thread.

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The general idea of /hover/

Since today it's now been a year since I took over the board I decided to make this thread.

The reformation was basically my idea to merge the more positive aspects of /x/ (or /fringe/) with /diy/ and other interesting boards with a broad enough theme that it could grow easily.

I had some good experience with style sheets and a clear vision of what would give the board its quality. I also had keen interest in hovercraft of various kinds and read a lot about exotic technologies.

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/hover/-chan thread

This is what /hover/-chan looks like

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Ancient flying machines

All about vimana, vailixi and other descriptions of flying machines from before our time

R:12 / I:12 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Air cushion hovercraft

Post pics or discuss air cushion hovercraft

R:11 / I:5 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]


>advanced technology

What is it, the 90's?

R:6 / I:3 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/late/ Halloween 2017 movie night

You've been invited to /late/'s Halloween 2017 movie night!

Three films - plus a mystery feature - have been planned. You can find more information about the films on the invite and a complete schedule with converted times on the timetable.

As a friend of /late/ we are handing you a special invite. If you wish to spread the word and invite others, please use the general invite instead. An informational with additional information has been attached for use outside of 8chan.

The timetable is subject to change: other communities are free to join the movie night and take a spot in in the Dusk Hawk Block. If you wish to sign up yourself, please provide us with the necessary information:

- The name (if any) of your segment;

- The estimated stream duration;

- The starting and ending time.

We hope to see you during Halloween!

(Apologies for making a thread unrelated to the board topic. I couldn't find a suitable thread to post this in.)

R:2 / I:1 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


What have you adapted to be more /hover/-like in your every day lives? Have you decided to sleep in hammocks?

pic unrelated

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R:2 / I:2 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


You have been visited by the milk girl of bonzi chan.Your lucky number is 9018

R:1 / I:1 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

ITT: Hoverhands

Post ALL hoverhand betas in this thread.

Please also post personal experiences where you or others around you hoverhanded someone.

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The Hendo Hoverboard and other magnetically levitating boards

R:15 / I:11 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Lifter Thread

Lets share pics of lifters!

This is my latest build, I'll go through how to get into making lifters in this thread and hopefully we can get some actual hovering going. The main thing to note is that the lifter itself is actually easy to build. The main challenge is getting the high voltage power to run through it to get it to work. We'll experiment and discuss some do's and don'ts in this thread.

R:1 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

/hover/'s 1st birthday

It's been a year since /hover/ was made, this is a celebratory thread (party may be ongoing until after the reformation in march)

Due to the 8chan migrations and continuing work on the site, its understandable if the party is interrupted.

R:4 / I:2 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

So do the sticky will be and the CSS?