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/hover/ - Hovercraft and Advanced Technology


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MH370 Llink and file dump. This is the real answer to Hover.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


File and link backup to everything that I have learned about MH370, electrogravitics, free energy, etc etc. When I first created Hover back in the Q and VQC days I didn't have any of the info I had now and moreso did not have the understanding and vision I have now.

Thankyou to Ashton Forbes and MH370 crew for rekindling this fire in my mind. I was unable to continue from where i was at before but now I can! Some starter links for people to peruse.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mxJhHyusOps the satellite video

Archive.is/eohGG (an ancient file dump that is full of broken links but still has much info. I have been mining it for years. I will post highlights and MEGA links to hopefully make the information more available to all.

I am a hands on guy and plan on making stuff with this tech if I can get a good idea of how/what to build. I will do the best I can to explain theory and building methods as I go.

At a minimum please download and store offline the info here so that it can be retained by humanity going forward. A shout-out to VQC crew here who are still grinding on the hardest math problem on earth.

Disclaimer: I have no NDAs, I am non-violent and definitely not suicidal. I love my life and have greatly enjoyed this journey. Everything I put here is stuff I found on the Internet. I have no insider information nor am I any sort of whistleblower. I am merely reposting stuff.

I am not looking to aggressively release this info in a way that is not responsible… But… I will not back off for a mere threat or shady conversation. If I am releasing something here that is problematic then I am doing so based on ignorance not malice. To get me to stop will require you to teach me why and how it's dangerous. It also will require me to be included in the research going forward in a meaningful way… (secret is fine). I am flexible and open to ideas and conversation.

Lastly my family has little to no knowledge of this. They humor me and think it's a gay Internet hobby that will lead to nothing much. (just like BTC lol). So best to just leave them out of it completely.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.




This guy is new to me but the above seems to be on the right track

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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