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File: 048efe9db1f21e7⋯.png (977.62 KB,935x981,935:981,048efe9db1f21e7d187e2d4366….png)


Ideas on how to get this stuff released in a safe fashion.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


I had a conversation with [Redacted] publicly on X. He mentioned that "We are looking for ideas to release this tech". Basically he is saying that the information is too dangerous to release and those who control the tech will use the tech to make sure no one can get the tech.

We look at the ability of the orbs to make thing's appear/disappear (watch video about Ashton's letter "letter" (video).


28minute mark is the start.

This overall view of the world presented here seems pretty likely to me. I'm going to go with it as factual until it is disproven. So given that overall structure, how do we use this tech without destroying the world/humanity?

So far the strategy has been to just hide/lie/murder/steal etc anything that is related to this tech… Using the tech… Which makes sense short term but stagnation is not a real solution now is it?

If there were an… Um… Veritable Genius (I love you) out there involved with this tech who wants an answer to this stuff… I think the place to start is to simply stop lying about it. Perhaps this is currently happening now but from insider reactions I think it is unplanned.

Currently there is a heavy-handed tool (the orb tools) that can stop this tech. That means that this tech can be detected when in use remotely and it's not shieldable with normal methods like walls.

So… Keep up the blocking of the tech that can be weaponized. When weapons are created just orb them into the sun or whatever. Automate this system using AI so that it is reliable and rapid.

Essentially have approved power devices, approved transportation devices and other tools but if they are unauthorized or super dangerous then block their creation and use! Do this OPENLY and without secrecy so that everyone knows.

I think the place to begin is with the truth. If I had not been banned on X I would have told you that and would like to hear what you think! Here where it's harder to be banned.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


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While listening to this video again and contemplating Why everyone would immediately create weapons with this instead of creating power and propulsion and (Star Trek) replicators… I ask myself why? I mean. I don't really want or need another gun or bomb or whatever. Instead I want to build a house on my land, grow weed and food and some animals and raise my kids the way I see fit.

Thing is this… That shit is denied to me. "my land" is not really owned by me it's owned by the county government. My kids are entrapped at birth by paperwork, schools, IDs, passports etc. If I try to teach them something then the government must approve! Well F. That! If I want to do the basic things of human life I'm constantly and aggressively under siege! Of course my first action is to make a weapon so I can live, have property, have kids, make food, etc.

Have any of you retards in control of this tech ever consider that the absolute dismal state of existence on this planet is the reason just about everyone would make a weapon first?!

Why not just improve the lives of people until they can live decently? We are trapped here in this prison and abused and tortured and everyone is worried we would make weapons! … Shocker. Meanwhile I get insiders telling me that "I need to come from a place of lllooovvveee"

Really? Stop lying. Start releasing meaningful tools to improve the world and everyone will be way more interested in building and exploring than they ever would be in making weapons.

Let's start with electrical power and transportation.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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