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File: 1450114709955.jpg (82.98 KB,769x600,769:600,1442164854895.jpg)


This is an exploration thread for motion/gravitational effects as related with electricity, mainly focusing on static electricity and high voltage.

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File: 1450115621707.jpg (28.28 KB,283x317,283:317,14487321684125.jpg)

Thomas Townsend Brown had a dream of one day travelling into outer space.

The propulsive effect not being fully understood,

Brown figured he could use electricity in the form of plasma for propelling rockets.

While in class, the teacher electrified a vacuum tube in which Brown noticed a very interesting effect.

Each time the electricity was activated or deactivated, the leads in the vacuum tube jumped.

This effect led Brown to believe that there was a better way to propel rockets using electricity…



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File: 1458220829339.png (1.34 MB,909x1334,909:1334,142181229756.png)

There's a book on the subject which is a pretty rare find.

In the 1950's, information on these type of things became scarce

and it has seemingly remained so since then for most enthusiasts until recently,

when the internet made things easier for those looking up this type of information.

Only one library was known to contain this book and the book itself was unlisted,

making it one of the most difficult library books to get a hold of.

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File: 1467470145146.jpg (32.35 KB,358x262,179:131,1453109842451.jpg)

After project winterhaven the Biefield-Brown effect was seemingly abandoned by the Us officials.

A part of the reason might have been that there was less profit to be had from it or that the effect was undermined due to power requirements or side effects.

Either way, Brown went on to make experiments in France where the apparatus was proven to work in vacuum. The laboratories were bought up and merged with another company which put a stop to the experiments.


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An electric field can make a really strong force, which according to scientists can be enough to strip a planet

of all the water off the surface. With 10 volts! So anyone who says "its just ion wind" has another thing coming.


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File: cf143b74ee0a8af⋯.jpg (50.39 KB,500x314,250:157,1228585291217.jpg)

T.T. Brown noted following experiments how some of his contraptions were remarkably similar to reported UFO's.

One in particular, a venusian scoutship report detailed a ship which closely resembled a test apparatus as noted in link


on page 103 in T.T. Brown's notes.

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File: ee35c1155b55c10⋯.jpg (48.32 KB,800x533,800:533,water-bridging.jpg)

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File: 0f20bf4a14f264d⋯.jpg (14.07 KB,300x462,50:77,pondr1.jpg)

T.T.Brown made cellular gravitators from asphalt and glass which were housed in bakelite (an early form of plastic). When energized with high voltage, the gravitators moved. Brown attributed the movement to stresses in the dielectric.

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Each gravitator was made up of multiple assymetric cells which were connected in a specific way and stacked to increase the effect.

Thomas Townsend Brown's work is covered a lot here because he was one of the main pioneers of this high voltage motion effect.

Ion wind alone does not adequately explain the intensity of the motion observed and the effect still works while the apparatus is within insulation.

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This book is still available, it's only $15 on amazon… Not hard to find at all

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File: cb2c2d798523f9a⋯.png (76.52 KB,1280x2072,160:259,proof.png)

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>Only one library was known to contain this book


Also this is just relaying information from Paul LaViolette's book about how he unearthed this book about Electrogravitics and thanks to him it isn't difficult to find anymore.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention anyway. London, huh? That's interesting…

Also the electrogravitics systems book is on the pdf thread here;


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>thanks to him it isn't difficult to find anymore

If you know what you're looking for anyway

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File: ce4ac7bccd3ab7b⋯.png (146.66 KB,541x346,541:346,clay.png)

Making of clay into ceramic is relevant here because ceramic has interesting electrical properties, namely dielectric and ferroelectric properties depending on the process and materials used.


Making clay is easy if you have access to soil with clay content in it;


Clay is typically found at low points in the landscape like in riverbeds.


When fired properly in a kiln, the clay becomes ceramic.


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File: f8b94cf3ce5121e⋯.png (527.42 KB,800x480,5:3,3d-print-ceramic.png)

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I read that objects with great excess of negative charges lose weight. I don't know if that's true or not but I wonder if an electrophorus would work for testing it

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File: 820a0ce4c0b0aa3⋯.png (365.96 KB,812x418,406:209,14362017964483.png)

High voltage can be produced by using voltage multipliers. By using them in conjunction with transformers, regular batteries or usb cords can be used.

3.7 V is common for lithium batteries, which are often used for drones and multirotors.




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File: de523ead1d9e3d4⋯.png (304.82 KB,517x348,517:348,10nF-3kv-caps.png)


I got the right capacitors to make the voltage multiplier work, this is what they look like

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File: 2878a332eaa6441⋯.png (401.43 KB,556x462,278:231,transformer.png)



Here's the transformer for the circuit, desoldered from a charging adapter.

A power transistor can make the voltage from the power source (like batteries) variable which makes it a form of AC which can then be used with the transformer. The higher voltage from the transformer goes into the voltage multiplier which steps the voltage up even more

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File: 19fb948d9ed92ef⋯.png (329.54 KB,546x351,14:9,lightning-generator.png)

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File: 7a64cbeb62843f6⋯.png (322.32 KB,396x408,33:34,NE-555-Timer.png)

Here's a 555 timer IC which could be used to make the frequency for the transformer used in the high voltage circuit

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File: c1f09b9700459f3⋯.png (619.45 KB,628x541,628:541,irf540-power-mosfet.png)

I'm using an IRF540 power mosfet for the circuit and noticed this article which has similar mosfets like IRF640 and explanations for their operation


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File: 3e692fb0ce1d78a⋯.png (933.28 KB,2737x1520,2737:1520,Capacitor-array-warp-drive….png)

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File: 54da4e4dab065be⋯.jpg (67.76 KB,863x489,863:489,143181702031952.jpg)

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File: c509e49f1aea949⋯.png (388.09 KB,432x432,1:1,1324962071548216.png)

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>The maximal achievable potential is roughly equal to the sphere radius R multiplied by the electric field Emax at which corona discharges begin to form within the surrounding gas. For air at standard temperature and pressure (STP) the breakdown field is about 30 kV/cm. Therefore, a polished spherical electrode 30 cm in diameter could be expected to develop a maximal voltage Vmax = R·Emax of about 450 kV. This explains why Van de Graaff generators are often made with the largest possible diameter.

Wondering in what way it be possible to shrink a van de graaff but still get something out of it. Would a dielectric on the spherical electrode work in reducing the size of the electrode while still yielding good potential in the van de graaff? More experimentation or knowledgable comments needed.

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File: 1c0e68a3525b099⋯.jpg (51.84 KB,590x550,59:55,diy-lightning-wand.jpg)



By inverting the polarity on the van de graaff, one might get higher potentials from a handheld one. Human skin and aluminium being positive and copper being negative triboelectrically, it would make sense to use copper wires for the end load, insulated ones might also increase the potential possibly. The human hand being the "positive ground" in this instance, the negative potentials on the copper electrode on the other end should be increased.

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File: dc62fa468d0e3b0⋯.jpg (110.66 KB,823x279,823:279,1434286154975212.jpg)

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File: 714bf1727358a41⋯.png (526.07 KB,614x501,614:501,143418531297915.png)

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File: a756426968b8acc⋯.png (619.56 KB,943x425,943:425,14210503719522.png)






I have been having issues with getting the circuit to work, I think its the transformer. The oscillator part works fine with the mosfet, but when it gets to the transformer there's some kind of issue

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Made some progress figuring it out but still haven't gotten it to work yet

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Might have to wind a transformer, similarly to this

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File: a92f16c2984b76e⋯.png (310.74 KB,836x333,836:333,400kv-stun-gun-module.png)

Recently I got a 400kv stun gun module, which has a voltage multiplier built into it. This unit works but since its encased in epoxy it doesn't have good heatsink, which might make it vulnerable to overheating and melting down. Still, it might work for some experiments.

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Seems easy enough to get small transformers from adapters, boil them to get the glue and stuff off and then wind them like in that video

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File: 0a2e1c3f852090e⋯.png (731.42 KB,928x600,116:75,ferrite-core.png)


Had to boil the transformer 3 times to get the ferrite out

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File: a1fb34ddf05bd41⋯.png (501.88 KB,494x448,247:224,142891634512071.png)

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File: f7488442b1696de⋯.png (452.72 KB,568x642,284:321,transformer.png)


After winding the new windings for HV on it this is what it looks like

The leads still need to be soldered

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The leads have been soldered to pins, but need to be connected up properly. Schematic went missing

I wonder if van de graaffs will work for this thing >>1212

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High voltage can be tricky to deal with

If its high enough it can leak through insulators and cause damage to experimenters or components

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 839812c6486f4c4⋯.jpg (209.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,1436268497778.jpg)

It might not have been mentioned before but higher frequency pulses of direct current high voltage might work better. To this end it may be preferable to use vacuum tubes, since transistors lack higher electron flow which is preferred with high frequency high voltage.

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So who's got the time machine?? Hover did not exist in 2015.

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