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File: 99ecc8627a80880⋯.png (7.56 KB,1600x1468,400:367,0f6ba3f6_9dc8_4bbf_8321_2d….png)

ada1c7 No.16959967 [Open thread]

Made with paint.net enjoy 8kun

RIP Stella †

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File: cd9919f5a66c2f3⋯.png (291.81 KB,306x395,306:395,megJayanthCapture.PNG)

92f070 No.16959949 [Open thread]



She's not just willing to fight the fascists, she's also willing to write for cutting-edge videogames like Horizon Zero Dawn and 80 Days.

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92f070 No.16959950

File: eda4495b99ff08d⋯.jpg (50.98 KB,500x500,1:1,megJayanthTealHair.jpg)

File: 3b3b1aed3e51f2d⋯.jpg (164.57 KB,1309x735,187:105,MegJayanth_lipstick_meg2.jpg)


I would really love to see Meg Jayanth get total creative control for a big project.

I think we need to have not just one, but many game production companies staffed by the kind of antifa people that Meg Jayanth likes. And I don't mean 90%antifa with 10% fascists. I mean 100% antifa game companies. There's no possible way that could go wrong. In particular, they have to keep out white men and white-adjacent men like Japanese men.

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a6ecdd No.16959958

Here we go again. Gee, I wonder which ethnic group constantly lashes out, and calls everyone fascists. It's funny how such an authoritative Tribalist group would dare spread such accusations against others.

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31f985 No.16959963

File: 21ce655e856dc81⋯.gif (125.15 KB,570x537,190:179,chimp.gif)


Kill yourself rapeape apologist

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File: 5ac34c6ec84116f⋯.jpg (136.88 KB,962x705,962:705,20210919_040924.JPG)

f1751a No.16959811 [Open thread]

Hey bros, I've found the best game ever.

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b75e63 No.16959956

Hello, what's the game? I would also like to know which game you think is the coolest. I only play cs go. I don’t know why I chose it, but for some reason I was very interested in this game. I even recently bought Driver Gloves for almost $ 500 at https://dmarket.com/ingame-items/item-list/csgo-skins. My family said I'm crazy but I can afford it.

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File: 2598eca4a1bd556⋯.jpg (672.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,Olha.jpg)

4fc538 No.16959952 [Open thread]

Hey everyone,

Given the complaints around the progression system, it's important to share this information, especially with all the corporate bullshit that prevents ideas like this from remaining intact.

Please copy/paste the text below into your browser:


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File: 64a48d1c2fe1ea5⋯.jpg (373.73 KB,1920x1080,16:9,kat.jpg)

2e6e34 No.16956873 [Open thread]

It was great

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36f5fd No.16959077


Not before he cucks her with Raven.

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000000 No.16959137

Never played it since I skipped the vita, is it worth emulating?

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36f5fd No.16959888

In case these folder are not too fucking big, i tried putting various Gravity Rush models in them

They come from different sources, some of which had a history of being deleted and lost

I want someone to do a better job at archiving them than me, because i plan on removing them

Even if these models aren't that great, they could inspire something in a way or another

I hope for the day someone actually makes quality 3D Gravity Rush content

There should be TWELVE different items, some being folders, split into 6 for each folder


And DO tell me and confirm if you backed up everything because gofile links are timed

And spread them as much as you can

I have a 3rd world tier internet and i plan on getting rid of this shit to make space because i can't afford for shit like external drives

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bfc475 No.16959889


I'm willing to bet it was a the latter

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bfc475 No.16959890


>Wonder how gigantic the files must be


Nigger what, cubans wouldn't have trouble managing files that size

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File: 9ac45168e487be8⋯.jpg (61.37 KB,540x720,3:4,9ac45168e487be8d80bbc90342….jpg)

742acf No.16959885 [Open thread]

Why can't we have nice things anymore?

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File: cced88531e28fb4⋯.png (90.54 KB,183x183,1:1,12g5iewrj4002.png)

c66ea5 No.16959876 [Open thread]

Modded terraria 1.3 IP: woof.mynode.in

Launch TModLoader and join the server to play. If you get stuck downloading thorium or any other mods when you connect, download it manually through the mod browser

Mod list: https://pastebin.com/seUFMrWr

The world is new and your character should be too. Medium world size, expert mode

Cya on the server!

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File: 9f96802e7782637⋯.png (1.18 MB,1000x750,4:3,limbus_corp_mystery_niggas.png)

4a563d No.16959874 [Open thread]












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File: d5953157278a832⋯.png (1.82 MB,2282x3628,1141:1814,peter.png)

03a72a No.16959845 [Open thread]

When the imposter is sus!


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39fe17 No.16959867

How do I see pictures on here?

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File: a6f58a536c59b7e⋯.jpg (568.14 KB,1200x1500,4:5,_.jpg)

f33a7c No.16943485 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>I'm completely new, where do I start?

Learn the Kana. Start with Hiragana and then move on to Katakana. Yes, you need both, and yes stroke order is important. Use Realkana or Kana Invaders for spaced repetition. Alternatively, you can use the Anki deck, but I'd recommend the first two. Tae Kim has a Kana diagram on his website, and you can use KanjiVG for pretty much any character.

>Alright, I know the Kana. Now what?

You have to learn vocabulary and grammar in order to speak and understand the language. Studying both simultaneously will get you understanding things faster. Vocabulary can be learned through just studying words, although some people like studying kanji on their own too. There are grammar guides such as Tae Kim that can get you started quickly, but they won't have everything you need so consult multiple sources as you go.

>Well this is great and everything, but I still need more help

Ask in this thread.

Threadly reminder:


Don't come to tell us about Duolingo, we know that it exists and it is generally frowned upon for using a contrascientific new-aged didactic philosophy, and is designed feel as effortless as possible, even at the expense of actually learning anything.


>DJT site, this is a great place to start:


>[Anki and Decks]

Anki: https://apps.ankiweb.net/

Core 2k/6k: https://mega.nz/#!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU

Core2k/6k content: https://core6000.neocities.org/

Anon's Japanese Learner AnkPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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de1aa9 No.16958720

I have issues remembering which is which between words like 移す and 移る is there any better way than just grinding in the memory for every similar instance?

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77b2a0 No.16958762

Hey friend. I've accidentally noticed this thread here. You know, when I was learning English I read many blogs in this language. They definitely helped me to improve my skills and enrich my vocabulary. Take a look at an article about idioms and phrases in English https://preply.com/en/blog/2020/06/06/let-s-dance-10-interesting-expressions-in-english-that-relate-to-dance/ I was reading. So, maybe it's a good idea to search for interesting and simple Japanese blogs?

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4a87bb No.16959194

to memorize a large amount of new vocabulary very quickly

make a bunch of flashcards for the words that you are working on

shuffle them and deal them out in some sort of organized fashion

for each hand of flashcards, aim for a 50% recall rate, not 100%

shuffle the ones that you remembered back into the deck

retain the difficult ones in your hand

deal more cards to fill up your hand again

continue this pattern until the language is learned

i learned this from a very small language book

i think it is called "How to Learn Any Language"

i have lost the book, unfortunately

but it was written by a WWII military translator

and despite its very short length

it is the best literature available on the subject

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30de53 No.16959467


This is honestly pretty close to what we are doing with Anki decks.

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49212f No.16959843

File: 09650012ae240a2⋯.jpg (91.47 KB,1266x1130,633:565,Cute_Juri.jpg)

This thread is dead, but I wanna try asking either way. Is there anyway where I can read up on english grammatical lingo. I can't remember what things like "Subjunctive", "Past perfect" and other stuff means.

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File: 358dcaff9d4c718⋯.jpeg (8.36 KB,342x147,114:49,chez.jpeg)

9cf8ff No.16959841 [Open thread]

What the fuck is happening?

Why is everything with the same image?

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File: 3fc527709bc6c21⋯.png (65.47 KB,255x255,1:1,bruceparts01.png)

11b77c No.16959824 [Open thread]

are you ready for the bruce?

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File: af0ce2dcc8248ed⋯.png (33.32 KB,495x207,55:23,True.png)

0b7bad No.16959810 [Open thread]

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File: 69e81ac6f3dcb33⋯.gif (1.15 MB,360x360,1:1,CockGoesWhere.gif)

File: 40704725afbd2ae⋯.gif (2.35 MB,702x402,117:67,Flight.gif)

c147bb No.16959809 [Open thread]

Does anyone remember Tetradev?

He was developing an action game called "Tetrachrome". The combat looked similar to DMC: https://files.catbox.moe/ulqbnj.mp4

His protagonist was an android girl with white hair and a big jiggly ass. When Nier Automata came out, he felt like someone else had released an AAA version of his project before he could finish it. He lost all of his motivation, got really depressed, deleted his development blog, and vanished.

You can still see an archive of his blog here: https://web.archive.org/web/20180916171344/https://tetradev.tumblr.com/

It's a shame. I thought his game looked pretty cool. I really wanted to play it.

Did he ever resurface after vanishing? Has anyone ever leaked any prototypes or documents for the game? Anyone know if there's more to his story?

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File: e4a7ec22606bf83⋯.png (244.09 KB,720x511,720:511,Jesus_strikes_back_judgmen….png)

142044 No.16959806 [Open thread]

Best game ever

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