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File: 69e81ac6f3dcb33⋯.gif (1.15 MB,360x360,1:1,CockGoesWhere.gif)

File: 40704725afbd2ae⋯.gif (2.35 MB,702x402,117:67,Flight.gif)

c147bb No.16959809 [Open thread]

Does anyone remember Tetradev?

He was developing an action game called "Tetrachrome". The combat looked similar to DMC: https://files.catbox.moe/ulqbnj.mp4

His protagonist was an android girl with white hair and a big jiggly ass. When Nier Automata came out, he felt like someone else had released an AAA version of his project before he could finish it. He lost all of his motivation, got really depressed, deleted his development blog, and vanished.

You can still see an archive of his blog here: https://web.archive.org/web/20180916171344/https://tetradev.tumblr.com/

It's a shame. I thought his game looked pretty cool. I really wanted to play it.

Did he ever resurface after vanishing? Has anyone ever leaked any prototypes or documents for the game? Anyone know if there's more to his story?

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File: e4a7ec22606bf83⋯.png (244.09 KB,720x511,720:511,Jesus_strikes_back_judgmen….png)

142044 No.16959806 [Open thread]

Best game ever

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File: 55312b85fe3a96d⋯.png (308.87 KB,720x479,720:479,Jesus_strikes_back_judgmen….png)

717538 No.16959802 [Open thread]

Game of the year 2021

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File: 1edbe6eb4d1ab19⋯.png (439.77 KB,1041x727,1041:727,slide02.png)

0d8044 No.16959039 [Open thread]

Will resident evil 9 be okay?

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89fd2f No.16959666


You do know this is fake right?

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b7af8b No.16959795

RE 1 and 2 were the only good Resident Evils

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File: b5002a7476be5c4⋯.jpg (130.53 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20210911_210736….jpg)

896bfb No.16959793 [Open thread]

Because reasons I have $15 in Nintendo eshop codes that I don't want. Will trade for $10 on paypal. You can use one of the codes first to verify that they're unused before sending the money


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File: b0908c79d6c8979⋯.jpg (54.51 KB,276x175,276:175,hitler_old_hoi4.jpg)

161e77 No.16959791 [Open thread]

How do you play p2p multiplayer with cracked copies of HOI4? Has anyone ever done it? I'm not doing it because I'm poor, I don't want to support these swedish moneygrabbing hashidic cucks.

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File: 6bf00fa6b3e152b⋯.jpg (726.74 KB,1149x720,383:240,unknown208.jpg)

f36920 No.16959790 [Open thread]

the most autistic gsg in existance

>can bomb refugees on purpose

>can play as ISIS

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File: abae6e2878c7784⋯.png (1.11 MB,1360x640,17:8,cyberBILLY.png)

d4a1ae No.16959788 [Open thread]

Join /v/craft

comfy minecraft servr with extremely basic anti-griefing rules

Server IP:

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File: 10ebdf2d1e01092⋯.jpg (193.32 KB,1600x800,2:1,SI_GCN_SuperMarioSunshine_….jpg)

420957 No.16959511 [Open thread]

I just can't with this game

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126830 No.16959537

Commit suicide.

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28f70b No.16959649

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832c7a No.16959786

I have been searching for a good source for a very long time, where you can find cool skins for your characters in the game. Something in the search I was not particularly lucky, I fell for scammers, then I just didn't like it, but here I saw https://dmarket.com/sell-tf2-skins just five minutes ago, and I was just overjoyed. A huge selection of everything, very cool, I recommend it!

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File: 1222fa67edea15d⋯.png (199.91 KB,1000x563,1000:563,1551643373398.png)

ba66a3 No.16959773 [Open thread]

Making a server to facilitate a community of people making art to network and do collabs as well as fulfill freelance request to get payed the big penny, as well as talk shit and show off what you can do. Was at StamperTVs server but tbh was really gay Anon, plus he hates 4 chan so we will show him, so Join Anon and show the short handed retars how the art be done.

FYI: I am proud to announce that we have a dedicated channel to NFTs and CRYTOs Anon. So get rich you fat fucks an buy some CRYTO and make some Anon. So pull your balls out of the toilet bro we in in the works of getting a Notary to seal the deal on the exchanges so fuck your self and get ready.

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ba66a3 No.16959775

https://I'm a faggot please report me/SW2wk5cM

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ba66a3 No.16959776

site/https://I'm a faggot please report me/SW2wk5cM|

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ba66a3 No.16959777

://I'm a faggot please report me/SW2wk5cM

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ba66a3 No.16959778





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53af4e No.16959780

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File: 6a65ef31d750f32⋯.jpg (24.29 KB,1200x900,4:3,FMRadio_463159765.jpg)

671fb0 No.16959734 [Open thread]

I turn on the radio.

I tune to the Classics station.

..is that Holst? …no.. John Williams?

"No! Person listening at home! That's Microsoft Flight Simulator X "Pilot For Hire!"


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671fb0 No.16959766

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File: a09f47ae8a38c92⋯.jpg (6.66 KB,150x186,25:31,download_9_.jpg)

943681 No.16943093 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

hey, does anybody here have that Last of Us 2 Senator Armstrong Meme WEBM? If so, can you upload it? thanks in advance. also, general WEBM Thread i suppose

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eb6860 No.16959673

File: e25ebc11d2fe00e⋯.webm (366.75 KB,640x360,16:9,cia_niggers.webm)

File: 54e12b62916b382⋯.webm (3.85 MB,810x480,27:16,bombadil.webm)

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88fab3 No.16959676

File: 3d0a54875521d90⋯.webm (7.28 MB,480x270,16:9,Toonami_Space_is_the_plac….webm)

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88fab3 No.16959677

File: 4a35372268e7baf⋯.webm (5.26 MB,450x399,150:133,TempleOS.webm)

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0d7707 No.16959683


kino, but where's the allied one?

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88fab3 No.16959756

File: 064ecba22110e2a⋯.mp4 (7.65 MB,852x480,71:40,Meepo_Dance.mp4)

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File: e8a3bb720658c2f⋯.jpg (52.94 KB,692x390,346:195,162542716031.jpg)

File: 7b966eeb4f425ce⋯.png (113.79 KB,1366x675,1366:675,weird.png)

1ae06c No.16959550 [Open thread]

Suddenly i found that news yet kinda weird and suspicious everything surrounding the "death" of byuu, according to his "friend" he found he commited suicide the 27 and was confirmed by police,the site kotaku reported this and everyone quoted that site,there are no proofs or reports,his twitter doesn't have anything in it and seems made for this message only (weird) everything is through the friend Hector Martin tweets and document yet no confirmation and is kinda weird that he doesn't mention his name keeps calling him "near" instead of byuu or saying his full name (he went to say he was a dear friend but they only met just a few times even if they lived in the same city,more weird)

Last post he made was a detailed log and source release of his emu the day he was already dead so kinda weird,even checking timeszones makes it more weird if that post was made the 27 even in japan timezone would be the 26 on other countries,the dates don't match since according to the friend that found the body he found out the 27 in japan that Byuu was dead and confirmed everything with police (normally access get restricted to the place of the victim,trespassing is illegal and there would be police all over the place checking the area so kinda weird that the friend didn't post a pic of Byuu apartment to confirm he is dead)

I found it more weird because in the google drive stuff posted he mention harassment at kiwi-farm and 4chan always checking half chan just to see if there is a paprium rom leak yet nobody cares or mention him there,the dates don't match and even if the harassment which could be new was real yanderedev suffers way more harrassment on twitter,facebook,disscord,halfchan,other chans,and this has been going on for years on yanderedev case yet he hasn't commit suicide.

So short story is all weird.

>Did byuu faked his dead to work alone

>Did the "friend" lied to make byuu a martir

>is all politics

>Why the dates don't match

>Was this to gain attention

>Was this so certain sites could put new moderation rules so they could report everything and there could be real life sanctions against people that moke others and trying to stop trolPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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96724b No.16959551

who cares

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109c35 No.16959553

File: c646f052ab8571a⋯.png (307.16 KB,640x360,16:9,vlcsnap_2021_06_12_09h47m2….png)


no one will care when you die but he isn't the same like you faggot.

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d69e0b No.16959754

File: 413d72de487b4d9⋯.png (1.08 MB,1440x598,720:299,great_gatsby_toast.png)


Byuu isn't dead. He is also a troon, so he really should be dead. Here's to hoping

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File: 1d477599d13a3c4⋯.png (213.79 KB,642x1628,321:814,Capture_2021_08_09_08_30_3….png)

6177fa No.16959670 [Open thread]

When will newfags stop revealing themselves by referring to RTS Programs as "RTS Games". I don't normally spoon feed but this has really been getting on my nerves lately so I'll spoon feed you zoom zooms just this once.

RTS programs are not video games, they are nonlinear Outcome simulators. Do not confuse them for your children's playthings.

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5c1802 No.16959674

This meme was funny but it's a waster potential by placing "kino" at the top, and not using the word ludo at all anywhere.

I guess it is a sort of parody of modern western video game journalism and their favoritism toward movie games and disdain for old school, proper video games, so in that sense yeah I can see it working with kino, but still should have used ludo.

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5c1802 No.16959675

File: 1a0b2a45e36484f⋯.jpeg (9.76 KB,259x194,259:194,clarissa.jpeg)


also disregard that I just noticed there is LUDOnarrative mentioned.

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f29bbc No.16959729


What's their problem with old-school type games?

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7819fa No.16959750


they suck at them

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File: 25f0d3bac4d1d80⋯.jpg (164.48 KB,1024x768,4:3,Shenmue_Ryo.jpg)

f54089 No.16959747 [Open thread]

>Have you seen any chinks around here? I'm looking for some panfaced red-monkey dog-eaters.

jesus christ yu what the fuck

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