Bring me your furry, your cringe, your anime masses yearning to breath musk, the wretched refuge of your autism. Send these; the faggots, the bellyfags, the uwus and the owos, send them all…to here.
Tl;Dr Kinda an off shoot of the cringe thread, cringey RP stories from your time in this community. Something that could probably take up a whole thread of its own. I'll go first
>Be me
>Furfag, 19. Just barely getting my footing in this hellhole
>Love to RP b/c to fat and gay to ask out anyone.
>Be a bit strict with my rules, no musk, fatfurs, or traps. I'm allowed to have standards…even if theyre low
>Guy decides to note me one day, we'll call him…Mouser, on account of his white mouse fursona
>Start talking, introduce each other. Seems down to Earth, finds out he lives 2 towns over from me.
>Talk to him about muh standards. He seems to understand
>Eventually add on Skype to RP
>Start RPing
>Make decent enough scenario
>Introduce characters, chat, flirt, all that gay shit.
>Finally get to the good stuff
>Motherfucker starts talking about how cheesy his soles are from doing shit all day
>Remind him that I'm not into musk
>"Lol okay sry"
>Get back to the RP
>Motherfucker makes another description of cheese, talking about his cheddar soles and gouda toes
>Think he might be trolling, ask him "dude i just told you im not into musk"
>"But you never did musk before ;3"
>Just when IPost too long. Click here to view the full text.