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/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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File: a5539ec9fb77978⋯.gif (5.26 MB,320x260,16:13,ddx2u56_18df2205_5319_4f74….gif)

62a430 No.3048

anyone know any commercials or "mainstream media" that involve tickling? preferably commercials but I guess anything that is on mainstream live action TV.

here's this one I found from some Italian internet thing I think:


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62a430 No.3049

funny how there's alot of tickling scenes in Spanish soap operas (though this is dubbed in another language):


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c50be6 No.3073

File: a77f4c9550a77e4⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,Avvo_TV_Commercial_Let_s_F….mp4)

You know it has to be good if she's using a feather boa.

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c2dd78 No.3075

Feet tickling feet on a commercial


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998fe5 No.3180

I seem to remember a commercial from not too long ago that was more weird than arousing where this secretary was daydreaming at a desk than suddenly she gets up, lays on the floor in front of the desk and then an elevator opens up and two midget wrestlers jump out and start tickling her.

Anyone else know what the hell in talking about or was this just a fever dream?

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ac0ed8 No.8053

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ac603a No.8055

File: cff7c055a1085fa⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,960x540,16:9,23958745.mp4)

Based Krauts.

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ac603a No.8056

File: d3bf945bc20725c⋯.mp4 (14.05 MB,960x540,16:9,359877.mp4)

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8a836f No.8929

File: f4937356f763396⋯.gif (1.42 MB,600x338,300:169,Lever2000.gif)

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0ecc92 No.8936

Not to shit on anyone's fun, but do we really need a separate thread for all of these when the mainstream scenes thread is right there? These clips are great, but they would fit that thread just fine.

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