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/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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File: cdc9ce2871e68ec⋯.jpeg (48.63 KB,1280x720,16:9,0.jpeg)

ef5b10 No.8981

It's kind of amazing the human body has these ridiculous, nonsensical, uncontrollable reactions when scratched or caressed in the right places and we get off on experiencing this and/or inflicting it on others.

…you know?

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f44c01 No.8982

is it weird that this framing actually makes it more arousing than less?

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ef5b10 No.9472

File: 13598de1c0280f2⋯.jpg (97.97 KB,800x449,800:449,3yncRbyKWWs.jpg)

File: 363d335f9c43504⋯.jpg (100.51 KB,800x449,800:449,L7aRh2qD2SY.jpg)

Another thing that amazes me is the fact that we have access to enough pornography for our niche little kink to satisfy even the wildest coomer fantasies. A good chunk of it is kinda shit, true, but we should still count ourselves lucky there's so many attractive people out there willing to let someone else tickle them till they lose their head laughing so we can get our rocks off and they can get a paycheck


Since that's the basic description of what this fetish is, I'd think it far weirder if you didn't find it arousing.

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