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File: f73e36e87c71160⋯.png (19.76 KB,200x200,1:1,cancerchan.png)

40a662 No.8701

Bring me your furry, your cringe, your anime masses yearning to breath musk, the wretched refuge of your autism. Send these; the faggots, the bellyfags, the uwus and the owos, send them all…to here.

Tl;Dr Kinda an off shoot of the cringe thread, cringey RP stories from your time in this community. Something that could probably take up a whole thread of its own. I'll go first

>Be me

>Furfag, 19. Just barely getting my footing in this hellhole

>Love to RP b/c to fat and gay to ask out anyone.

>Be a bit strict with my rules, no musk, fatfurs, or traps. I'm allowed to have standards…even if theyre low

>Guy decides to note me one day, we'll call him…Mouser, on account of his white mouse fursona

>Start talking, introduce each other. Seems down to Earth, finds out he lives 2 towns over from me.

>Talk to him about muh standards. He seems to understand

>Eventually add on Skype to RP


>Start RPing

>Make decent enough scenario

>Introduce characters, chat, flirt, all that gay shit.

>Finally get to the good stuff


>Motherfucker starts talking about how cheesy his soles are from doing shit all day


>Remind him that I'm not into musk

>"Lol okay sry"

>Get back to the RP

>Motherfucker makes another description of cheese, talking about his cheddar soles and gouda toes


>Think he might be trolling, ask him "dude i just told you im not into musk"

>"But you never did musk before ;3"

>Just when I think he's just being a troll, motherfucker sends me a fucking paragraph talking about how in depth his fetish for smelling like a rancid homeless person is. "my cheesy toejam" "muh fatrolls" "muh armpits" all that gross shit.

>Talks about how he hasnt showered in 6 days on a regular basis, really going into detail now. I mean REALLY going into detail, way too detailed to be a troll

>Making it like somehow spamming gross ass shit about it will somehow convert me into a muskfag

>Ghost Mouser

>2 fucking whole weeks go by

>1 message

>Its Mouser

>Motherfucker sends me a rancid picture of fucking blackened socks with his yellow fucking toenails on them

>Reverse search the image on google to see if he's trolling

>No results…the pic's legit.

>Talks about wanting to sniff a homeless man's socks and shit, I dont even read

>Ghost him again

>3 more weeks

>Another message

>"Wanna RP?"


>2 months

>1 more message

>"Was it something I said….?"

Fucking muskfags

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2bf51e No.8729

File: 33b477cf1825e5e⋯.jpg (28.74 KB,450x450,1:1,c43.jpg)


I know EXACTLY the person you're talking about

shit like this is why I don't RP

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40a662 No.8743


God any stories you can share with us, brudda?

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2bf51e No.8746


Of the fellow in question? Nah, just pieced it together based on

>white mouse fursona

>musk/cheese fan

>obnoxious uwu softboi X3 murr talk

In general, I've been in similar boats though. Just people trying to inject their other fetishes in and either not getting the hint or even getting mad.

I remember once way back, the dude I was trying to RP with had a sneezing fetish and kept injecting it into the RP, I tried to humor it for a bit but he just got mad a me cause I wasn't doing it right.

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40a662 No.8747


In general tbh

That wolf…i think i might know him. Brown tan and white? Gets some pretty nice tickle pics done? If we're talking about the same wolf, I might have another horror story. You first tho, Him or anybody else :P

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0d1313 No.8768


>cringey RP stories

I just assumed every ERP session ever would be cringey and awkaward.

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08e25f No.8801

File: 9245fa54f2f26b9⋯.png (191.91 KB,300x666,50:111,Anime_Pesci.png)

Been wanting to get this one of my chest…

>be me

>semi popular artist

>people message me often about all sorts of stuff, most just want to get free art or do the classic "do u rp"

>get an oddly verbose message one day

>seemingly cool and chill guy, shares his discord

>I was just starting to get into Discord so I add him for the hell of it

>we talk for a while and we bond over our love for Jojo

>he really REALLY loves part 5

>super hyped because the anime was just airing at that moment

>he took a lot of inspiration from that to make his own OC, he even named it after Italian food

>it's a really fucking ugly OC, it's so badly designed that it legit grossed me out when I first looked at it

>don't say anything because he's really proud of it and I don't want to hurt any feelings

>he tells me about all the stories he wants to make with that OC, I pretend to be interested

>slowly but surely he becomes a complete Jojotard, he begins to name things after songs in his stories and such

>we shoot the shit and talk about our lives every once in a while when he catches me being connected


>I'm drunk and horny

>hanging out on Discord, late at night, nobody to shitpost with

>guy catches me

>shoot the shit for a bit before the topic of roleplaying comes up

>wants to RP with his ugly ass OC and one of my characters


>We start

>things go smoothly, he makes a nice set up and I follow along

>both OCs are eating dinner, then playing footsie under the table. Then her OC brings her feet to the table


>my OC takes off her socks, massages her feet a bit, the works

>Then he describes her feet and makes her character say something along the lines of

<"Do you like my cute little mammonis. Look at my adorable toes, such cute little mammonis"

>He also describes her feet's taste as being that of salad dressing and cheese.

>For context. There's a minor villain in Jojo names Pesci who gets called 'mammoni' often by his partner as an insult. This guy is famous in the community for his design which consists of a complete lack of chin, making him look like a giant finger with limbs

>This motherfucker is comparing his character's toes to an ugly ass Jojo character

>my drunk mind can't stop picturing her feet with little Pescis coming out of them

>actually get so grossed out by this and the OC's appearance that I gag


>say that I'm too tipsy and disconnect

>little while later

>appear offline to reduce the chance of him talking to me

>I'm both embarrassed and disgusted by that while thing

>he still messages and greets me

>ghost him sometimes but greet occasionally out of obligation, try to show him that I'm not interested in him

>guy obviously wants to be friends badly

>he even showed his real face to me in a photo he shared of his family vacation

>talk less and less

>stop talking altogether

>remove him from friends list, he doesn't say a thing

>his socials are barren too

>the only thing that remain are some commissioned pieces of his disgusting OC and incomplete stories about it.

I feel like I crushed this guy's hopes somehow but after that night I couldn't bring myself to open up again out of shame and disgust…

If you happen to be out here pal… I'm sorry. Hope things are going well for you. Don't design characters again, please.

Pic related. It's Pesci.

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68923b No.8818

File: c58d33bf5d29378⋯.gif (1.53 MB,498x280,249:140,1595248904000.gif)

I have a long history of ghosting people I RP with for both good and bad reasons. If they get unnecesarily weird, if they insist in including a fetish I'm not interested in (musk is a good example), if they get too clingy and/or get upset if I'm not responding immediately to their messages 24/7. Also if I simply think the RP is not working for me, or if they're not putting enough effort into it, or if it's simply gone on for too long and I feel like moving on. I simply don't give enough of a fuck to explain to any of them why I don't want to talk to them anymore, so I leave without experiencing any drama. It's really quite nice.

So yeah, I don't really have one, but someone might be out there whose cringe story is getting too involved in a RP with me and then never hearing from me ever again.

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40a662 No.9342

File: 4f3fcd7f1d0b29b⋯.jpg (397.84 KB,1280x978,640:489,Cancer.jpg)

File: a5549e5eaab5562⋯.jpg (198.07 KB,1264x582,632:291,YingCancerman.jpg)

File: 96570d46458dca9⋯.jpg (151.56 KB,664x524,166:131,AlphonseFreakout.jpg)

Was getting ready to talk shit about Yingcartoonman posting yet another deal of cringe then i saw Alphonse freaking the fuck out about a year ago and noticed nobody mentioned it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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a1a3ba No.9348


Recognize two pics in the second picture are KnightRayJack.

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40a662 No.9351


Ouf KnightRayJack…he deserves his own thread alone for the amount of bullshit he's pulled lmao

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