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/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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File: c4d3f63d9c141b6⋯.jpg (38.85 KB,799x422,799:422,IMG_20201208_223644.jpg)

7baca5 No.8957

So the story is that after a concerned journalist of the NYT made a tweet about child abuse vids on Pornhub, the site decided to allow only uploads by 'partners and people within the Model program', and to disable downloads (tho this is easily circumvented),albeit they said they would implement an 'identification protocol' so can everyone can upload vids (because who doesn't want to be identified while on porn sites).

So for now, the quality of the content is expected to decrease sharply, cause 'official' vids will be uploaded. As a matter of fact, I saw the income of tickling videos cease altogether, apart from verified users.

Soo, what are some other good free porn sites to get tickling videos?

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f137c6 No.8961

I generally use Xfantazy, Tubesafari, Hclips and Xvideos. The truth is you're going to find pretty much the same stuff though.

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f24228 No.8963

Not that it helped them, mastercard and visa is now denying service to them anyways.

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7baca5 No.8967


I know, fuckers should've just hired more moderators (they had 80 guys)

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6a53f5 No.8976


It's pretty much the same route Tumblr took. Instead of just hiring some people to actually track down and delete CP and questionable jailbait blogs they rather just purged all NSFW content from public view.

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9cb31a No.8977

I feel like a validated doomsday prepper for achieving a personal selection. I haven't even logged in to PH since. I fear the number of removed videos I'd see on my playlists .

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f9430e No.8987


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3cbc22 No.8995

So, uh, anyone know how to download Pornhub videos real quick?

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156d80 No.8996

I had a bunch of tickling videos on there (mostly a collection of Sandra from czech tickling).

Today I logged in. All videos deleted. All photos deleted. Profile pic and banner deleted. No explanation given.

I wasn't going to put the effort in to rebuild the channel, but now I know that I can't even if I wanted to.

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fe9abf No.8997

Seems like most of the videos in PH published "for free" have been disabled until the channel owners verify their identity, today.

I've made a kinda humble collection over the years but there were still videos I didn't get to download in time, sadly.

Fucking bullshit

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f24228 No.8998


Same thing happened to me a couple months ago.

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fe9abf No.9000

Apparently a few videos are still downloadable through third-party means if you still got the links for them.

Also you might find them mirrored in Thumbzilla too.

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f2c31c No.9001

They didn't "decide to only allow" on a whim, Visa and Mastercard said to fix the CP problem or they won't service the site anymore. This was the solution. Supposedly nothing in your account is actually deleted, just hidden until you verify your account. And it's not hard to verify your account using a fake image and a fake name, they allow that through all the time (and according to reddit they've been passing stuff like images of toys with a name added in Paint since last night).

This isn't a solution, it's just another hoop they added so when the same people come around again to complain. But this time pornhub can just point at the mess and claim the problem is bigger than them.

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7927f6 No.9003


I had my entire channel deleted to for uploading tickling videos. I get that it was because I was infringing on copyright, so I couldn't be too mad. Still, after making a new account I never bothered to upload anything else and lost access to a lot of private videos. At least I have a huge stash of tickling videos I snatched from there. Still, this situation is hugely inconvenient and now we all gotta place the price for the malice of some pedophiles and the incompetence of Pornhub's management. What a way to see 2020 off; the gift that keeps on giving.

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cd9133 No.9005

As for alternatives, there's no singular site. It's back to venturing the wild west of random porn site I'm afraid. Ripping vids with the tubeoffline shortcut and all that.

Though one recommendation I'll suggest is VK. Sort of a russian facebook. You'll find a few profiles with libraries of hundreds of videos from many studios. We're entering a new dark age with YF gone and now PH on the rocks

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a8ee7b No.9006


>And it's not hard to verify your account using a fake image and a fake name, they allow that through all the time

Yeah, but that's a lot more work then most people are willing to do for porn.

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672a4f No.9008

File: 3ed94d424d41532⋯.mp4 (12.83 MB,854x480,427:240,480P_2000K_189820231.mp4)

god fucking damnit. There was so much good amateur (just downloaded the attached a few days ago), vintage, and closed studio tickling content on PH that probably isn't floating around anywhere for sale or otherwise. Some notice would have been nice. Between this and tumblr's shit, I'm not bothering setting up and sharing content anywhere else, fuck it.

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a382c4 No.9009


Personally, my homemade videos from my clips4sale store were uploaded to PH rather quickly after I started producing them. Took the wind out of my sails real quick, so this change benefits me.

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7baca5 No.9010


I also downloaded everything that I liked, but it sucks balls not being able to get new vids daily.

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9d9f32 No.9015

My favorited and liked videos…my carefully curated playlists…all lost in time, like tears in rain.

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a382c4 No.9017

File: 4059287d27bf77e⋯.jpg (230.45 KB,2011x1432,2011:1432,D7.jpg)


last time I waste my generosity

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672a4f No.9021


Definitely would never argue there weren't a lot of freeloaders but I used PH all the time to find new clips to buy. It was much better than sifting through clips4sale for shitty gifs and microscopic preview clips which are often little more than the title card.

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d832cf No.9032


shut up fag

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26847d No.9033


That was yours? Man I've wanted to see a longer version of that and the barefoot video for ages! Theres a c4s?

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a382c4 No.9037

File: 22147c2423b862a⋯.jpg (374.63 KB,2002x2054,77:79,DS16.jpg)


The sub is mine, yes, and there isn't a c4s up presently.

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156d80 No.9049


Yeah, man. I feel you.

Obviously can't be mad cause all the stuff I uploaded was pirated anyway, but it's still inconvenient as hell.

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b6c8f3 No.9051

xvideos. don't use youporn or redtube, the same company that owns pornhub owns those.

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f9430e No.9154

It sucks and the sad part is the problem isn't going to actually be fixed this is just concern theatrics.

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7d7b53 No.9175

File: c8af6f32b471127⋯.mp4 (434.87 KB,854x480,427:240,Hot_Hotel_1_Pornhub_com.mp4)

File: fd34f97759d659f⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,854x480,427:240,Testing_out_the_new_Gear_P….mp4)

Saved some furry shit before it went down

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603e35 No.9176

It sucks because PH had a huge platform of users that I could spend a while searching through playlists and favorites. If I was in the mood, I would upload my own videos and join an ever growing friends list of private videos that I could snag. I usually download anything good, but there were some I was waiting on. This beyondfucked up! PH has to know how big of a impact this will put in their traffic. I sure and shit am never going to their site again. Its going to be a while IF another site can start attracting a large userbase like PH to aggregate content.

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6384d9 No.9178

We've got a nice little file sharing operation going on in our Discord server if anyone's interested in swapping what they have left after the Hub purge. https://discord.gg/9bWGchU6Gv

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7d7b53 No.9222


It's alright, almost all the videos suck because the tickler only tickles for 2 seconds then pauses for 5-10 seconds.

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9a1bc5 No.9298


Not sure if this helps or not but I did find that this site seems to have a healthy amount of videos that used to be on Pornhub.


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45d7b3 No.9299

I keep reflexively opening up pornhub only to realize that it's over and there's nothing there anymore. I think I might need help.

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