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File: bfd1c1565f1d854⋯.jpg (153.17 KB,884x747,884:747,Screenshot_20201025_235457….jpg)

677906 No.7660

I'm bored and I've heard some theories. who was he? where did he come from? where did he go?

I've heard a lot of theories, one being that he was a regular sfw artist (confirmed, he showed people that he was working on a non fetish comic but never said the name) and wanted to cash out from the tickling community, and when he realized not many people were willing to pay his ass 100$ per picture he fled to… greener pastures perhaps?

his last drawing uploaded was from 2017 so the fact is that he made that one shitty discord server and then left. did he realize that 90% of people in the community are autists and decided it wasn't worth the hassle? has anyone been able to find that sfw webcomic thing that he was working on? I need answers!

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3987c0 No.7663


Insider here

Croozel was actually Ralphie May.

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1282ff No.7664

File: 95404117188612f⋯.png (39.08 KB,1509x420,503:140,324897.png)

He posted this last year so it looks more like quite regular case of stress sucking out motivation to create than any mystery.


Also a reminder that The Flying Hamster was MIA for six years before he suddenly started to post again.

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8c4580 No.7677


>his last drawing uploaded was from 2017 so the fact is that he made that one shitty discord server and then left. did he realize that 90% of people in the community are autists and decided it wasn't worth the hassle?

Geez, what happened to you?

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81aff9 No.9737

File: 4d8787901741de5⋯.png (119.92 KB,310x360,31:36,murdersex.png)


Quit being such a troon you murdersex fool.

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