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/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

A place for users of /tk/


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File: 20ce2c103a9f99b⋯.png (2.18 MB,1366x966,683:483,ClipboardImage.png)

40d35b No.16969 [Open thread]

If you're looking for /tkr/, come to https://8chan.moe/tkr

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File: 400de6be608dce5⋯.jpg (648.05 KB,1917x2872,1917:2872,dfhuhygdsfhgdgdfghdfgfh.jpg)

71d29a No.17002 [Open thread]


❤️❤️❤️ loli porn vid foto


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File: 958d1cc787cbb5a⋯.jpg (149.27 KB,1024x1366,512:683,kof_angel__commission__by_….jpg)

462859 No.63 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I like belly and belly button tickling.

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c961a6 No.16608


>Tease shit

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c7ed4e No.16611

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78be97 No.16879



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857586 No.16895

File: 1569fd16772e5a8⋯.jpg (700.55 KB,tickle_Slaves_808_and_369_….jpg)

Taking bellybutton tickle slave suggestions

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58199c No.17001

Стильные советы по выбору стильных видов на любой день.

Заметки стилистов, события, все новинки и шоу.


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File: f44fb9434892b66⋯.jpg (457.19 KB,2198x1693,2198:1693,db4i2df_3d0e1948_b97d_484a….jpg)

ffd0a1 No.2447 [Open thread]

What clips have the best thigh tickling?

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2195bd No.7290

Not my favorite, but I really like that spot.

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df75ec No.7299

File: cde42e77141332c⋯.jpg (76.33 KB,892x896,223:224,inner_thigh_attack.jpg)

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099a0a No.16987

Точно стильные новости мира fashion.

Актуальные новости мировых подуимов.

Модные дома, торговые марки, гедонизм.

Новое место для стильныех хайпбистов.


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000000 No.16993

mmm thigh tickling

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d029ea No.17000

Стильные советы по подбору необычных образов на любой день.

Статьи стилистов, новости, все новинки и шоу.


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File: 345a203c17cc87a⋯.png (2.5 MB,3395x1910,679:382,_tickling_trish_s_turbulen….png)

6d077f No.5160 [Open thread]

Post fabulous tickles

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2ede51 No.6159

File: 5e089e9d35975c2⋯.jpg (490.94 KB,1920x1488,40:31,sw9h9psGi7xaFDZO5leAOw4hmQ….jpg)

Only posting the relevant one due to size:

Inmate: Jolyne Cujoh - Shoe Size 16

Jolyne was sentenced to the Giggle Farm Correctional Facility under the maneuverings of the villainous stand user Enrico Pucci. At first it was his plan to keep her imprisoned within Green Dolphin Street, but she proved to be quite resourceful with her Stand "Stone Free", overcoming every challenge her threw her direction. And so he called in a favor from a Giggle Farm employee who was also a Stand user, Officer Jane Garcia. Officer Garcia was a Personal Corrections Officer at the Giggle Farm, and had a lot of authority and pull within the organization, which she used to stage a large-scale assault and kidnapping against Jolyne so as to overcome Stone Free's power. Jolyne was overwhelmed and taken hostage by the Giggle Farm Officers, locking her in a unique high-tech straight jacket imbued with the power to prevent a person from manifesting their Stand. Of course Officer Garcia assigned herself to be Jolyne's PCO, wishing to use her Stand "Crazy Fingers" to administer her ticklish correctional treatment. Being a sadistic tickle fetishist, Officer Garcia's Stand reflected that aspect of her personality, manifesting as a large floating hand with eight fingers and two thumbs, and a single eye on the palm. Crazy Fingers ability allows Garcia to manifest multiple long, spidery, alien-like fingers on the body of anyone she or her Stand touches. These fingers are controlled remotely by Garcia, which she almost always uses to tickle torture her victims, as is the case with Jolyne. Unable to fight back without Stone Free, Jolyne's big toes are cuffed together by Officer Garcia before she begins sprouting Crazy Fingers' fingers all over Cujoh's bare feet. Garcia's remotely controlled fingers tease and torment Jolyne's soles and toes day in and day out, without the PCO every really having to come check on her quarry. Sometimes Garcia would stop the tickles and start them back up again completely at random just to toy with Jolyne, keeping her "on her toes" so to speak. Coupled with the fact that Jolyne had no idea when her TBD sentence would end, the usually strong-willed 21-year-old was broken relatively quickly. After a year of torture under the cruel fingers of Officer Jane Garcia, Jolyne finally snapped and came to accept her fate with open arms. And on thosePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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18f68d No.14740

File: ca9231224384be0⋯.jpg (212.22 KB,1549x516,1549:516,the_giggle_farm_thanks_you….jpg)

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c22d0e No.16986

Полностью трендовые события моды.

Все мероприятия известнейших подуимов.

Модные дома, лейблы, высокая мода.

Самое лучшее место для модных людей.


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c22d0e No.16988

Наиболее трендовые новинки подиума.

Актуальные мероприятия известнейших подуимов.

Модные дома, лейблы, haute couture.

Свежее место для трендовых людей.


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eb85ff No.16999

Модные заметки по выбору стильных луков на любой день.

Заметки экспертов, новости, все коллекции и шоу.


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File: 71943c88ad7a178⋯.jpg (42.6 KB,1024x576,16:9,got_you_you_little_nerd_by….jpg)

446c0f No.2786 [Open thread]

This is for all the 3d tickle pics you can find. Also does anyone know where I could find Daz 3D models for specific characters or how to make them? I'm better at posing, not so much creating the models myself.

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75d1f9 No.2792

here's a good place to start


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121820 No.16998

Модные заметки по созданию крутых образов на каждый день.

Статьи стилистов, новости, все показы и шоу.


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File: ad4196276736524⋯.jpg (339.51 KB,1024x1564,256:391,afterland_tales_2_preview_….jpg)

ba81ac No.3426 [Open thread]

Anyone got any pawfeather's deleted art or comics?

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785f1d No.14575

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785f1d No.14576

I found these and I figured I'd contribute before asking, does anyone have any of the other totally tentacles comics?

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527292 No.14578

File: fc591734f781c76⋯.jpg (215.94 KB,1200x865,240:173,EQhQiI4WkAAE5P6.jpg)

File: 30f15ba5cebaf41⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,4126x6300,2063:3150,ddq5e5l_b8a0b291_8774_437d….jpg)

Anyone have this one? Called frozen hard #1

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0f5d10 No.14580

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6cd13d No.16997

Стильные советы по созданию крутых образов на каждый день.

Обзоры профессионалов, новости, все новинки и мероприятия.


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File: 40f316e16ae4df0⋯.jpg (327.66 KB,650x813,650:813,af5ed1e4d9681f076645f31d77….jpg)

aaaff1 No.3316 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Tickle pics from either series.

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dbc130 No.14172

File: 814a2f393506e10⋯.jpg (211.86 KB,1011x790,1011:790,valana_in_a_tickle_harem_b….jpg)

File: 7e9d10177434717⋯.jpg (117.77 KB,914x720,457:360,atla_book_2_the_tickle_mas….jpg)

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dbc130 No.14173

File: a14bb82e684d32e⋯.jpg (83.68 KB,757x1055,757:1055,kuvira_s_prisoner_by_alan_….jpg)

File: 3c0d1c0b17ae1f9⋯.jpg (86.09 KB,747x1070,747:1070,bolin_by_terrorterrorterro….jpg)

File: 0fc16bc3a5519d0⋯.jpg (75.53 KB,900x583,900:583,overdue_christmas_present_….jpg)

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dbc130 No.15667

File: f16dc845f6ae0ef⋯.png (874.84 KB,1280x1274,640:637,D4A226EA_D58E_48AA_A2E9_6E….png)

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dbc130 No.15706

File: e8731dc8e8ea309⋯.png (218.63 KB,1280x1571,1280:1571,tumblr_a3d802b24f1ba301bb2….png)

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08f6b7 No.16996

Стильные заметки по выбору необычных образов на каждый день.

Заметки стилистов, новости, все показы и мероприятия.


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File: 3380c42a14206ee⋯.jpg (339.99 KB,600x424,75:53,d5suwlw_ce8d8205_2431_4987….jpg)

35e309 No.2762 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

A thread to remember those who are no longer with us, whether retired, dead, or just dropped of the face of the earth.

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904899 No.11337


It’s now 404 to me :(

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2db0b5 No.11375

File: 22145b6106cabf4⋯.jpeg (154.26 KB,1024x636,256:159,image.jpeg)

I'll just hope Nichole Tickle is ok.

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142356 No.11377


I can ask McMush. Nichole deleted all their discord accounts but I talk with Mush every now and then.

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c26e28 No.16981

Aut vincere, aut mori — Или победить, или умереть.


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c26e28 No.16995

Семейные расстановки - Hellinger. https://rasstanovkiural.ru

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File: aaeb5f6ca6990ae⋯.jpg (65.27 KB,620x388,155:97,catherine_the_grea_2262561….jpg)

e854d2 No.1777 [Open thread]

I'm always fascinated (aroused) by historical instances of tickling or tickle torture

Here's a fun tidbit, in 1700s Russia it was common for Russian noblewomen to employ foot ticklers to bring them to arousal to get them ready for coitus with their awful hairy husbands. Catherine the Great was apparently particularly fond of this (and was apparently a horny bitch in general, had fancy furniture with dicks carved into them)

Unfortunately, this job was exclusively for Eunuchs and women. Still, must have been great to be a lesbian with a tickle fetish in 1700s russia.

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cb1157 No.14704


A princess or queen being captured and tickle tortured by an enemy kingdom or a maid being captured and interrogated for information with tickling. Can't resist these types of scenarios.

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cb1157 No.14705

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306a7a No.14708


Well, that vid was timely.

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8528a3 No.14748

File: 211c4683dbd46e5⋯.jpg (66.23 KB,800x596,200:149,11377367_467951036690739_7….jpg)

File: 6704243f278054c⋯.jpg (34.73 KB,540x730,54:73,1453226123868_1.jpg)

File: 47c6eeb539b64f4⋯.jpeg (51.44 KB,298x442,149:221,1453226123868_2.jpeg)

BAC did a great deal of historically themed tickle pics back in the day. To this day I'm still trying to find and preserve all of them.

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b9bf44 No.16994

Стильные советы по созданию крутых видов на любой день.

Заметки стилистов, новости, все новинки и шоу.


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File: c4450c0199164f6⋯.png (2.01 MB,2416x2348,604:587,doom_of_the_wild_patreon_p….png)

339478 No.15218 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Previous thread hit it's limit of 750 here: https://8kun.top/tkr/res/10672.html

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a8bae8 No.16899


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073ad3 No.16932


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fbff72 No.16947


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f342ed No.16989


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534744 No.16990

File: 813e0c29dd5d136⋯.jpg (255.12 KB,2009x2048,2009:2048,GUoAwobbcAAlGr4.jpg)


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File: 47930ca9bcc48f9⋯.jpeg (389.68 KB,1483x2048,1483:2048,2DC86E0D_2610_41F3_98F4_6….jpeg)

f44652 No.5207 [Open thread]

preferably post the few /m pics that exist out there for the fire emblem guys, but i’m good with anything you have

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93b163 No.13455

File: 1ab872bfbdd82ad⋯.png (6.16 MB,3864x2664,161:111,twiloe_com11_fin.png)

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df3b4d No.13504

File: 9c0664f14c58d48⋯.png (538.78 KB,1280x1423,1280:1423,Caspar_convinces_Ashe_.png)

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5df5d2 No.13545


Oh thank you, I was hoping to see the uncensored version of this!

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f601e9 No.16968

File: 7de9119e78c8f5b⋯.jpg (8.04 MB,2894x4093,2894:4093,tempfile.jpg)

Kronya and Edelgard have some fun with Byleth

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efb97f No.16985

File: e14ea44ed18fbd6⋯.png (100.61 KB,806x209,806:209,Screenshot_2024_03_29_0618….png)

Why can't I see the images? They all show up like this

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File: 5dd7230d1ba167a⋯.png (1.38 MB,720x1280,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

379a69 No.16250 [Open thread]

She deleted everything : gumroad and dA.

Let's post her stuff, pics and vids - for archival purposes.

I've got two videos which I'll try to upload soon

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a74d13 No.16386


op you still there?

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86f03e No.16892

Thread in the new board: https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/388.html

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ca9882 No.16945

I like Chizuuf

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64006c No.16946


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334325 No.16984

File: 502cff33b19becb⋯.jpeg (180.1 KB,532x752,133:188,IMG_1704.jpeg)

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File: 780e6574200857f⋯.png (13.02 KB,100x100,1:1,noir.png)

6fa316 No.265 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Important Links:


http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?314256-Amirian-Curse-Demo Looks good

And thats it. Since the old board went down I've nothing to really use to keep up with. Please post game news and translations. Cracks and patches are good to go. If you're uploading, Mega is your best bet

Glad to see this board exist again and hope all anons are doing well

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27240c No.16885


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fe4c57 No.16973

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1fbc0d No.16978

For most up-to-date information you have to go to see world-wide-web and on the web I found this site as a finest web page for newest updates.

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1fbc0d No.16979

My brother suggested I might like this blog. He was entirely right. This post truly made my day. You can not imagine just how much time I had spent for this info! Thanks!

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f7faa0 No.16983


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File: f472b6e197f907c⋯.jpg (99.47 KB,990x807,330:269,lena_and_co_by_jimbobadob_….jpg)

8be961 No.5694 [Open thread]

Anyone have old Noircastle games or the English patches for them? Specifically I'd like Spectoria and the now several years old dungeon management game where you build tickle traps to stop a heroine from reaching you. Personally I can upload the English patched Magical Girl Mio (the first one) if anyone is interested.

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642d35 No.8538


…..mind posting it?

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fb4bbf No.11562


what about the new games?

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d7efed No.16939

Hi, trying to revive this thread ! if anyone has translated version of Fairy Maze 1 and 2 it'll be awesome. And any other interesting game, i'll play !

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d04730 No.16941


If I knew how to translate these games I'd do it myself. i dont know how any of the data or files work

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37d21e No.16982

if anyone has a link to play spectoria without download, can they please post it

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / ausneets / f1 / femdom / hnt / inbouron / magali / mde / tingles ]