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File: 40f316e16ae4df0⋯.jpg (327.66 KB,650x813,650:813,af5ed1e4d9681f076645f31d77….jpg)

aaaff1 No.3316 [Last50 Posts]

Tickle pics from either series.

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aaaff1 No.3317

File: 8537e30d3bdf1bc⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,2800x1700,28:17,korra_and_asami_tickled_co….jpg)

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faed2f No.3318

File: fe6dff7074bf933⋯.jpg (106.76 KB,656x730,328:365,another_tickle_request_by_….jpg)

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faed2f No.3319

File: c109608a5032045⋯.png (3.11 MB,2725x2064,2725:2064,bend_her_til_she_breaks_co….png)

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faed2f No.3320

File: 22cb0e72ff3b410⋯.jpg (279.81 KB,1300x894,650:447,jinora_s_mastery_reward_by….jpg)

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faed2f No.3321

File: bb3ffbd91c179de⋯.jpg (998.74 KB,2500x5440,125:272,kataras_torture_by_monokro….jpg)

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faed2f No.3322

File: 68a76e0c6b0e449⋯.png (256.72 KB,800x600,4:3,1463991520814.png)

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81ca96 No.3327

File: 242f5b399455e9d⋯.jpg (408.21 KB,980x768,245:192,db0tbt9_004f1071_f68c_4c6f….jpg)

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81ca96 No.3328

File: 2c6b3d093007faa⋯.jpg (121.19 KB,1024x724,256:181,dcb046k_ad67a148_b887_4079….jpg)

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81ca96 No.3329

File: 5fe5e1dc93f94cc⋯.jpg (43.49 KB,600x830,60:83,korra_tickled_colored_by_1….jpg)

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81ca96 No.3330

File: 10e2273b7f6af63⋯.jpg (46.66 KB,600x522,100:87,katara_tickled_avatar_by_k….jpg)

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174991 No.3334

File: 5bd26f3fa91149c⋯.jpg (144.64 KB,1024x832,16:13,_commission_chief_s_been_o….jpg)

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174991 No.3335

File: b25099f9997f99a⋯.png (720.97 KB,1024x1223,1024:1223,_tickling_toph_gets_tickle….png)

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174991 No.3336

File: fa832ff4fc75041⋯.png (2.4 MB,2788x2582,1394:1291,5eace482c75b45e7f4c40fc748….png)

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174991 No.3337

File: 35d867f360df0aa⋯.jpg (168.15 KB,1280x972,320:243,_just_like_old_times_huh_b….jpg)

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174991 No.3338

File: b837a7acfe73334⋯.jpg (271.09 KB,922x1280,461:640,1514635031_twomario_line.jpg)

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174991 No.3339

File: 6893aa87a82f7b6⋯.png (115.67 KB,800x1000,4:5,toph_tortured_by_banagherl….png)

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174991 No.3340

File: 128c6160d1e88b2⋯.jpg (605.54 KB,1410x1000,141:100,toph_captured_by_kidetic_d….jpg)

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174991 No.3341

File: af7481edd4cde77⋯.jpg (479.34 KB,1590x1122,265:187,toph_bei_fong_basic_by_new….jpg)

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174991 No.3342

File: 66344c835c79889⋯.jpg (452.8 KB,2914x2209,62:47,Toph_color.jpg)

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174991 No.3343

File: 4c3afd5e2cf4a8f⋯.png (584.43 KB,1024x858,512:429,ticklish_toph_verson_2_by_….png)

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174991 No.3344

File: e397d712522c037⋯.jpg (78.67 KB,1024x724,256:181,taste_soles_of_earth_by_to….jpg)

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174991 No.3345

File: 4d26a9e311ce79e⋯.png (325.01 KB,800x700,8:7,point_commission_attitude_….png)

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174991 No.3346

File: 418f37fc6ec20b9⋯.jpg (299.59 KB,1024x1447,1024:1447,page55.jpg)

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174991 No.3347

File: 9f848ebf3aee710⋯.jpg (123.97 KB,718x661,718:661,Match25_request_by_Kenzoe6….jpg)

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174991 No.3348

File: a71b58a8e5caa73⋯.jpg (800.87 KB,1024x768,4:3,lin_beifong_tickling_by_pe….jpg)

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174991 No.3349

File: f313410ebcf4c05⋯.jpg (138.31 KB,1024x1309,1024:1309,lin_beifong_tickled_by_ale….jpg)

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174991 No.3350

File: 93d2d4aae21d0c4⋯.png (772.47 KB,900x1158,150:193,lin_beifong_by_red2870_dbx….png)

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174991 No.3351

File: fb13e85e7742dfe⋯.png (697.11 KB,1024x683,1024:683,lin_beifong_by_red2870_d8p….png)

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174991 No.3352

File: 188b40a309db702⋯.jpg (1.76 MB,3000x1800,5:3,katara_and_toph_girls_day_….jpg)

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174991 No.3353

File: c0a1ded3bd18a6e⋯.png (986.16 KB,900x1265,180:253,1346603516123.png)

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174991 No.3354

File: ca874a9ed190a4d⋯.jpg (417.79 KB,980x851,980:851,1360296537146.jpg)

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174991 No.3355

File: adabc9343aaea58⋯.jpg (888.64 KB,2816x2112,4:3,Avatar_Multickle.JPG)

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174991 No.3356

File: 7c17e175924674f⋯.png (1.54 MB,1400x2895,280:579,breaking_the_toph_one_by_c….png)

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174991 No.3357

File: a290b90fe19545f⋯.png (3.56 MB,3020x2565,604:513,ddkuzg9_04587cb7_4daf_4e44….png)

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174991 No.3358

File: 8754f178b164d2c⋯.jpg (155.66 KB,1159x690,1159:690,avatar_capitol_punishment_….jpg)

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d8bc9a No.3360

I know that this is a tickle thread and all, but when characters like Azula and Katara can apply hot & cold torture to feet respectively, tickle torture seems even more out of place than usual.

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174991 No.3379

File: 1d86743059c8463⋯.jpg (125.34 KB,600x1187,600:1187,toph_s_revenge_by_umojar_d….jpg)

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8714a5 No.3380


I mean, if you apply logic to any kink scenario it falls out really quickly. A lot of tickle material uses the same sort of excuses and reasonings as to why a character would tickle another, and some just discard it entirely with the assumption that "well this is what I want so in-universe this is what they do". If we just said "well tickle torture doesn't make sense here so this series shouldn't get any of it", we'd never have anything to fap to.

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81ca96 No.3738

File: bb11a109381339e⋯.png (2.21 MB,1348x1080,337:270,Azuu2.png)

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174991 No.3758

File: 52ff0475fd1820e⋯.jpg (5.79 MB,9866x4543,9866:4543,ddn8t6x_18afbc83_c86d_42e9….jpg)

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174991 No.3759

File: 4015f41116ad799⋯.jpg (3.8 MB,7110x4163,7110:4163,dd6m96o_aeecb399_57b8_471a….jpg)

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81ca96 No.3938

File: 57764cb6cf70421⋯.png (689.1 KB,2011x1190,2011:1190,Sketch.png)

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81ca96 No.4521

File: da1a16d745db431⋯.png (1.81 MB,800x2400,1:3,d89x58e_88d1d4ab_4875_48fd….png)

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81ca96 No.4651

File: 824ccdd6c421825⋯.jpg (71.33 KB,567x802,567:802,eeada5e620f4590b7009a71f2b….jpg)

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81ca96 No.4652

File: 08c18b337ff34af⋯.jpg (70.33 KB,1024x798,512:399,korra_tickle_by_azure_arts….jpg)

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81ca96 No.4653

File: 2286de6470b1f1a⋯.png (270.75 KB,951x850,951:850,d8st7co_da47987c_6700_4b67….png)

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81ca96 No.4692

File: 2e891344434a376⋯.jpg (90.76 KB,1024x789,1024:789,korra_and_salami_by_artsyp….jpg)

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81ca96 No.4693

File: a0f0f5dba9327e8⋯.png (9.32 MB,2480x3508,620:877,1572821189_cyborg_steve_ti….png)

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f53870 No.6130

File: 668fc7d67dd9a87⋯.jpg (236.88 KB,1024x1449,1024:1449,commission_fire_beats_eart….jpg)

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f53870 No.6131

File: a2128dfe28a5ffe⋯.jpg (106.62 KB,1280x843,1280:843,01.JPG)

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22910a No.6132

File: b3a96a3cbe2cfdc⋯.jpg (40.29 KB,600x849,200:283,korra_in_troubles_by_the_f….jpg)

File: 2779984d3b147f8⋯.png (271.64 KB,856x569,856:569,flying.png)

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a7f864 No.6136

Never did understand the obsession everyone has with Toph. Maybe it’s because I’m just to preoccupied with the idea that characters who are exclusively and consistently barefoot their whole lives would have calloused and abused feet the consistency of burnt football leather rather than the pristine way they’re portrayed in media. Same goes for Rapunzel from Tangled.

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22910a No.6138

File: 7505c1b3601bd52⋯.jpg (230.62 KB,1413x900,157:100,Toph_2_Look_but_don_t_touc….jpg)


I'm in the same boat.

Rapunzel I can get, she was in a tower all her life, arguably her feet could be in nice shape.

Tophs's feet however are probably as hard as the rocks she bends. Always covered in dirt, thickly calloused, etc.

She doesn't even seem to be ticklish on them. Her getting a pedicure in that one episode seemed outright painful to her.

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8714a5 No.6148


It's literally just wish fufillment, dude. "I like feet, this character is barefoot, thus I am drawn to them". There's a lot of shit about foot/tickle fetishes that literally just doesn't make sense, you have to just sort of suspend your disbelief to indulge yourself. I fucking love feathers being used as tickle tools because they're iconic and a strong visual indication of "tickling", I am aware feathers don't actually tickle that much, I don't need people constantly telling me, let me have my ridiculous fantasies if it makes me happy.

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efadb5 No.6150

File: 7200c845c256c42⋯.jpg (117.13 KB,900x685,180:137,the_laugh_airbender_by_sna….jpg)


For me, it was just the fact that she went barefoot all the time, which naturally led to lots of shots of her feet. Especially considering the whole "she sees with her feet" gimmick. The rest was just fantasy "your feet are so dirty, we need to clean them with tickly brushes!"

Also the headstrong personality played a role I think; it's fun to break down characters that are normally tough with tickling.

I never really considered the idea of her feet being calloused; fetish media isn't really known for its realism. Maybe it's just a foot fetish thing? I can see someone "not getting it" if they just had a tickle fetish and didn't have a foot component, growing up.

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f53870 No.8389

File: 51ba8fd3701e22f⋯.jpg (69.11 KB,600x849,200:283,toph_nightmare_by_the_flyn….jpg)

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34b5bb No.8402

File: 0e75086afdbc4a3⋯.png (2.29 MB,1810x2434,905:1217,0e75086afdbc4a356e228c1b33….png)


>Also the headstrong personality played a role I think

As a non footfag, this was it for me. She just has the kind of personality that lends itself to lots of teasing if it turns out she can't handle a few tickles, which is damn nice. The state of her soles never really crossed my mind.


Deranged Azula makes for good ler material.

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af90b0 No.8403

File: e4e92f783bf6069⋯.png (1.72 MB,1283x788,1283:788,ClipboardImage.png)


But Azula's not deranged anymore…

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34b5bb No.8406


Give her a long session until she's in the sweetspot of crazy again. Then let her get her hands on Ty Lee.

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dbc130 No.14171

File: 203e8652e8e7837⋯.jpg (71.46 KB,1024x704,16:11,commission_katara_feet_tic….jpg)

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dbc130 No.14172

File: 814a2f393506e10⋯.jpg (211.86 KB,1011x790,1011:790,valana_in_a_tickle_harem_b….jpg)

File: 7e9d10177434717⋯.jpg (117.77 KB,914x720,457:360,atla_book_2_the_tickle_mas….jpg)

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dbc130 No.14173

File: a14bb82e684d32e⋯.jpg (83.68 KB,757x1055,757:1055,kuvira_s_prisoner_by_alan_….jpg)

File: 3c0d1c0b17ae1f9⋯.jpg (86.09 KB,747x1070,747:1070,bolin_by_terrorterrorterro….jpg)

File: 0fc16bc3a5519d0⋯.jpg (75.53 KB,900x583,900:583,overdue_christmas_present_….jpg)

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dbc130 No.15667

File: f16dc845f6ae0ef⋯.png (874.84 KB,1280x1274,640:637,D4A226EA_D58E_48AA_A2E9_6E….png)

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dbc130 No.15706

File: e8731dc8e8ea309⋯.png (218.63 KB,1280x1571,1280:1571,tumblr_a3d802b24f1ba301bb2….png)

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a282da No.17003

Стильные заметки по выбору отличных видов на любой день.

Заметки экспертов, новости, все новинки и мероприятия.


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87f506 No.17004

Модные советы по выбору отличных образов на любой день.

Мнения стилистов, новости, все показы и мероприятия.


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