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e75aa1  No.9087040[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Friday 05.08.2020

>>9084119 ————————————–——– Disregard. Insertion removed. (Something Removed? Anons Are Digging)

>>9083833 ————————————–——– We can help guide once you hit a target. It must be open-source. Happy hunting!

>>9083792 ————————————–——– House Docs (Cap: >>9083809, >>9083821)

>>9083042 ————————————–——– SHADOW GOVERNMENT. IRREGULAR WARFARE.

>>9082841 ————————————–——– Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION? (Cap: >>9082876)

>>9082747 ————————————–——– COVID-19 hard push [lock down extend] in swing states [CA-NY lead]? Legal challenge coming? (Cap: >>9082785, >>9082800)

>>9082360 ————————————–——– SHADOW PRESIDENCY SET UP. (Cap: >>9082518)

>>9082082 ————————————–——– SHADOW PRESIDENCY. [Hussein] pre-post [F] travel [shadow] POTUS?

>>9081684 ————————————–——– Crowdstrike testimony re: DNC & Russia [hack]? [FBI Floor 7][DNI][CIA][DNC][WH] primary [bulk]

>>9080559 ————————————–——– [D] party death spiral. (Cap: >>9080583)

>>9079065 ————————————–——– Mnuchin eviscerates Mad Max/Schiff toon style (Cap: >>9079082 vid)

>>9078997 ————————————–——– Trump: dirty cops to pay big price for Russia probe (Cap: >>9079019, >>9079373, >>9079965 vid )

>>9078652 ————————————–——– Kings Free Speech (Embed: >>9078686)

Thursday 05.07.2020

>>9074777 ————————————–——– The news is dead.

>>9074161 ————————————–——– [Michael Atkinson]

>>9072062 ————————————–——– Trump meme: DRAIN IT

>>9072018 ————————————–——– Focus on tomorrow, first. (Cap: >>9072038 )

>>9071604 ————————————–——– AC-130 Lights Up The Night round 2 (Cap: >>9060512, >>9060693 Vid: >>9060748 )

>>9071566 ————————————–——– Be ready to dig, Anons. Meat. (Cap: >>9071596 )

>>9070164 ————————————–——– Russia Investigation Transcripts and Documents https://intelligence.house.gov/russiainvestigation/

>>9069125 ————————————–——– Keep watching the news. (Cap: >>9069133)

>>9066831 ————————————–——– LET FREEDOM RING! (Cap: >>9066842, >>9066845)

>>9066404 ————————————–——– Facts v Fiction (Cap: >>9066433)

>>9066083 ————————————–——– Calculating 'lag' near impossible. Watch the news today, tomorrow, next week. (Cap: >>9066096)

>>9065749 ————————————–——– Source of HCQ: China, China using HCQ to treat COVID-19? The more you know… (Cap: >>9065775, >>9065892)

>>9065630 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution. When do you expend ammunition? You have more power and influence than you realize. (Cap: >>9065642)

>>9065447 ————————————–——– It's time to wake up. (Cap: >>9065468, >>9065481)

Wednesday 05.06.2020

>>9085917, >>9081489

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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e75aa1  No.9087054

Global Announcements

>>8985756, >>8985951 CM has given us new small text. Other post has new formatting FAQ in graphic form

>>8979470 Just enabled a hotfix for the "Posted." bug. Let me know if it fixes the "Posted" bug for you or not. Please clear your javascript cache first so you have the newest version.

>>8986535 Codemonkey announces new standards on obscene loli

>>8971601 OUT OF SHADOWS – OFFICIAL - translations: >>8944644, >>9019496

>>8971620 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts

>>9072470 Message to Bakers from ArchiveAnon: don't "spoiler" text, messes with archives


are NOT endorsements


>>9086297 Anon's summary of Andrew Brown testimony including timeline of FBI/DNC contact beginning Sep. 2015

>>9086330 Louisiana sheriff sues China for 'economic damages' caused by coronavirus

>>9086398 Anon's summary of Flynn events and where we are now

>>9086339 Chris Wylie ends his interview expressing love for Pelosi.

>>9086433 Pence press secretary Katie Miller (wife of Stephen Miller) tests positive for coronavirus

>>9086440 Clapper pg. 56: Who is Porter Smith? "open source reports" seems edited in where "ongoing investigations" once was?

>>9086454 POTUS Proclamation on Mother’s Day, 2020

>>9086489 POTUS Proclamation on Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 2020

>>9086563 Chanel Rion posts interesting chair tweet.. "a little support wouldn't hurt", comms?

>>9086589 Samantha Power interview review

>>9086597 WaPo doing damage control: "Why people believe in a 'plandemic'"

>>9086602 Christopher Anderson, pg. 36: CNN implicated in instigating the Russia Aggression.

>>9086467, >>9086943 California is China-owned

>>9086611 Simona Mangianti (PapaD's wife) testimony: Mifsud is a member of the Clinton Foundation

>>9086613 Flashback: Rep. Kelly says Obama running shadow government (2017)

>>9086616 Instances of errant Q's in the Russia Investigation transcripts

>>9086669, >>9086717 Warren demands AG Barr resign over Flynn decision

>>9086628 Steele was pissed off about Comey reopening the email case, that is why he leaked to Mother Jones

>>9086754 Link to dedicated thread for document releases

>>9086832 SmartAnon searched for keywords in Coats, Hicks, Lynch, McCabe, McCord, Rice, Yates transcripts to help with digs

>>9086757, >>9086873 Christopher Anderson, pg 38: Back channel diplomacy with Russians + Ukrainian involvement in US. domestic politics related to black ledger

>>9086863 Total coincidence: Timothy Morrison resigned from the National Security Council on the same day as his testimony

>>9086774 Jennifer Williams Transcript Misspells

>>9087026 #11631

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e75aa1  No.9087059


>>9085484, >>9085493 "We were right about everything." Possibly the shortest op-ed ever by Jim Jordan

>>9085509 In Vindman testimony, purple heart is written as "punple heant"

>>9085552, >>9085622 Did we know that Cambridge Analytica was a shell for SQL and Billionaire Kramer?

>>9085557 Samsung reveals critical vulnerabilities in all smartphones released after 2014

>>9085558 House.gov files have the same file size and MD5, but the ODNI file is larger and a different MD5.

>>9085592 State officials looking at house arrest monitoring devices to enforce quarantines on COVID-19 carriers

>>9085598 Mexican mob attempts to ‘rescue’ patient from hospital claiming #COVID19 a 'conspiracy'

>>9085570 For keks: Huge Setback For Female Dictators As Kim Jong Un Fails To Die -(Babylon Bee)

>>9085710 Moar keks: Police arrest a literal dummy on the beach

>>9085791 Declassified transcripts: CrowdStrike couldn't say for sure Russians stole DNC emails

>>9085724 ‘They Did It To Me First’ — Rod Blagojevich Knew Exactly What The FBI Did To Flynn

>>9085734 Even more keks! Ted Cruz and Morning Joe battling it out on twitter

>>9085740 California: Gavin Newsom Orders Vote-by-Mail for November Election

>>9085751 Anon on the 2 sides to the Georgia Shooting story

>>9085778 AG said willing to allow Netanyahu corruption trial to be broadcast live

>>9085804 ‘Police state’ & bad for IT business: Telegram founder who ditched Russia unloads on the US & life in Silicon Valley

>>9085674 “Shifty Schiff, Nine Inches Around the Neck – World’s Smallest Collar – Should be in Jail!” – POTUS Unloads on Liar Schiff following Doc. Release

>>9085840 White House accuses FBI of ‘MANUFACTURING CRIME’ in case against General Flynn

>>9085822 “25,000 Did Not Die, It’s a Way to Impose a Dictatorship” – Italian Politician Vittorio Sgarbi Slams ‘False’ COVID-19 Numbers in Italy

>>9085854 Twitter Defends China After State Department Identifies Coronavirus Propaganda Network

>>9085873, >>9085902 BREAKING: Newly Surfaced Video Shows Obama Explaining How He Stays Out Of FBI Investigations

>>9085900 Digs on death of Comey's infant son in 1995

>>9085937 What’s the first thing to come to your mind when you hear the name Adam Schiff? @RepStevenSmith: Reptilians.

>>9085960 FROM /POL/ Deep state up to tricks again. Do direct copy and paste. Letters changes, "r" becomes "n".

>>9085987, >>9086074 Bomb cyclone in Northeast coming this weekend?; Rains, shocking snowstorm to strike large portions of US this weekend

>>9085996, >>9086016, >>9086047, >>9086060 Preliminary analysis of the testimony of Matthew Tait before the HPSCI.

>>9086007 Trump got a new U.S. Postal Service Postmaster General yesterday

>>9085926, >>9085962, >>9085967 Could 'Watch CA' = Christopher Anderson?

>>9086018 Mary McCord testimony: CS came to FBI as concerned citizen. Steele has never been U.S. citizen.

>>9086024 SpreadsheetAnon update

>>9086040 Either Comey or DNC Attorney Sussmann Lied Under Oath about Access to DNC Servers

>>9086091 USPS is independent agency of executive branch. Can President Trump stop all MAIL-IN-BALLOTS?

>>9086105 China Conducts Violent Raid on Christian Church, Drags Worshipers Out of Service

>>9086229 #11630

Previously Collected Notables

>>9082962 #11626, >>9083654 #11627, >>9084592 #11628, >>9085392 #11629

>>9079766 #11622, >>9080569 #11623, >>9081372 #11624, >>9082171 #11625

>>9076617 #11618, >>9077415 #11619, >>9078232 #11620, >>9078923 #11621

>>9073615 #11614, >>9074355 #11615, >>9075152 #11616, >>9075863 #11617

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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e75aa1  No.9087065

War Room

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations ← go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

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>>9086754 Document Releases Thread

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e75aa1  No.9087070

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

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* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

56 >>9027363, 55 >>8696213

Schiff ————— mega.nz/folder/VIh3jTSB#ihNK6kOzKrStdMyWWOJugA

Fake News Examples- mega.nz/folder/xVwhFQCT#fITV5NhbxDuy4uaxAKoELw

Flynn ————— mega.nz/folder/NRwilA6b#MBXRAmkoeVD0278sTu2lEQ

Treason ———— mega.nz/folder/JYxk1Q6I#GfQXk5sF-5GjKzIIeGp7Ag

Big Pharma —— mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

2020-May ——— mega.nz/folder/ZIJQwS6S#gdnJOmSQqSpcxMi4E2TSsQ

Kung Flu ——— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag


Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Class #13: >>>/comms/13041

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://youtu.be/9E3uBWn7e8U

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e75aa1  No.9087075



Baker Reluctantly Requesting Handoff

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ba3418  No.9087077

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72,58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HeyNewfag.png)

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c9f883  No.9087078

>>Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

>>Interview Direct Links


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1df673  No.9087079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4d69e0  No.9087080

fuck freddy

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b2f280  No.9087081

File: 9acd75aa46e8de7⋯.png (693,71 KB, 500x751, 500:751, ClipboardImage.png)


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4e5ee9  No.9087082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>9087031 (Lb)

Magic sword.

Only the best

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04e2dd  No.9087084

File: 9199b92bad3d505⋯.jpg (254,8 KB, 728x689, 56:53, corney.jpg)



The DNC cheated before, and they will do it again.

Look for Joe Biden to leave the presidential race, either by

Choice, dementia, or a DNC slight of hand.

Look for a Hillary Clinton/Michelle Obama Democrat ticket come November!

WWG1WGA… This dynamic duo will ruin our country!

Vote, Vote, Vote! TRUMP/PENCE 2020

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cae70a  No.9087087

I realize there is a lot of excitment around the FISA docs etc. But can we make this a notable to embarrass communist kiss ass Charlie Baker?


Cape Cod field hospital closes without EVER seeing ONE patient. Final death knell of this bullshit is coming very soon. And get this, they say at the end that it was all the social distancing that did it! What a fucking crock. Fuck this shit.

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05c96c  No.9087088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Keeper Of The Magic Sword DJ Set 5/08/2020

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1df673  No.9087089

File: 7f213b6800748ae⋯.jpg (208,17 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, fghf.jpg)

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f9119d  No.9087090

File: 64cb52cfe75c1ea⋯.jpg (6,58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, lieanim4.jpg)


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5f1999  No.9087092

File: e0577a25a8af11f⋯.jpg (101,33 KB, 1080x1321, 1080:1321, B0b4EdL.jpg)

File: b43c07a246288bf⋯.jpg (630,93 KB, 2832x4256, 177:266, Z99LmNW.jpg)

>>>9087073 (lb)

Sorry but Carrie is #1

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4b4149  No.9087095

File: 3ac5f7c51f3e669⋯.jpg (59,36 KB, 750x471, 250:157, pompeochina2.jpg)

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6013fb  No.9087096

File: b04b0fac90bf1dd⋯.png (408,44 KB, 834x849, 278:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c90bac5772e852c⋯.png (66,02 KB, 864x711, 96:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3b8311059041a8⋯.png (340,67 KB, 863x703, 863:703, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63bf54c1df89e43⋯.png (140,04 KB, 828x744, 69:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cef8d77a98f57c⋯.png (109,07 KB, 524x650, 262:325, ClipboardImage.png)

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! — Testimony Reveals Deep State Spy Joseph Mifsud Is Member of the Clinton Foundation

Joseph Mifsud is connected to the Obama Spygate Scandal after presumably setting up George Papadopoulos and General Flynn in London.

We knew he was close to Hillary Clinton and even dined with her in 2016.

Now we know Mifsud was a member of the Clinton Foundation.

In March 23 we reported that the Mueller gang blamed George Papadopoulos for withholding information that ended up preventing the government from investigating Mifsud leading to their letting him go.

On page 193 of the Mueller report, the Mueller gang claimed that Popadopoulus’s false statements impeded the FBI’s investigation into Joseph Mifsud who was interviewed in a hotel lobby a month later on February 10, 2017. The Mueller gang next referred to the Papadopoulos case rather than an FBI 302 in their report. This happens for Mifsud even though for everybody else, there is an FBI 302 created with a description of what was said to the FBI. In fact, the Mueller report never references any FBI302 for Mifsud. And it gets even more interesting….


As we noted in February 2019, candidate Trump’s unpaid volunteer George Papadopoulos stated he believes he was spied on by the Deep State through Joseph Mifsud. This is the same Mifsud who dined with Hillary Clinton and a group of Italian socialists prior to the 2016 election.

Last year Italian prosecutors reported the notorious deep state spy Joseph Mifsud was dead after he had gone missing for two years. Then he went missing.

For the past two years Mifsud’s whereabouts were unknown, many suspected he was dead.

As we reported in mid-September, General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell requested that the US government provide her and her client, General Mike Flynn, documents related to Deep State spy Joseph Mifsud from an event in late 2015.


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39c4d5  No.9087097

File: 45c9db576d269af⋯.png (1,09 MB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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43e1ad  No.9087098

File: 8e062908f554219⋯.png (679,13 KB, 720x478, 360:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adf282bd85f79ed⋯.png (752,9 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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b7670e  No.9087099

File: d6bafedb84bf3a5⋯.jpg (37,57 KB, 538x538, 1:1, d6bafedb84bf3a57169c145f2d….jpg)


Sum Ting Wong with that boy.

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cae70a  No.9087100





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2ebd4d  No.9087101

File: 724be9584d17758⋯.pdf (1,07 MB, FionaHill_Kerning.pdf)

>>9086712 lb

Here you go. It has major kerning. I ctrlA +ctrlC and pasted into notepad then created this pdf.

Small sample from the beginning.

The committee will come to order. Good morning, Dr. Hi11, and welcome to the House Permanent Setect Committee on Intetligence, wh'ich, along with the Foreign Affairs and 0versight Committees, is conducting this investigation as part of the offjc'ial impeachment

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62c75c  No.9087102

If you just listened to Trey Gowdy, he basically said that the lying piece of shit Adam Schiff has Immunity for anything he says…so I guess that puts him "ABOVE THE LAW"….but…but…I thought "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW"…well obviously ADAM SCHIFF IS…WOW…DO WE HAVE A SUCK ASS "CONGRESS".

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7a9b73  No.9087103


You want to make something notable to embarrass someone? Fuck right off with that bullshit.

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39c4d5  No.9087104

>>9087002 lb

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated the leaders and people of the United States, Britain and France on the 75th anniversary of the victory in World War II, the Kremlin said Friday. In a message to U.

Putin congratulated the world leaders and, separately, the …


Vladimir Putinto: Alexei Druzhinin / RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war leaders of former USSR countries and separate citizens of Georgia and Ukraine. This was reported on the Kremlin website on Friday, may […]


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1df673  No.9087105

File: f8fc1843fa2d460⋯.jpg (29,12 KB, 707x500, 707:500, bghjg.jpg)

File: 11d1e1e5486ceaa⋯.jpg (2,73 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, rdrtdt.jpg)

File: bf713d5613d9e77⋯.jpg (1,47 MB, 2057x1200, 2057:1200, iiuiuyi.jpg)

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ecb181  No.9087106


That lady has a nice shirt.

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96744b  No.9087107





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812cb5  No.9087108

Facemasks and similar barriers to prevent respiratory illness such as COVID-19: A rapid systematic review

In 3 RCTs, wearing a facemask may very slightly reduce the odds of developing ILI/respiratory symptoms, by around 6% (OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.19, I2 29%, low certainty evidence). Greater effectiveness was suggested by observational studies. When both house-mates and an infected household member wore facemasks the odds of further household members becoming ill may be modestly reduced by around 19% (OR 0.81, 95%CI 0.48 to 1.37, I 2 45%, 5 RCTs, low certainty evidence). The protective effect was very small if only the well person(OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.28, I2 11%, 2 RCTs, low uncertainty evidence) or the infected person wore the facemask (very low certainty evidence).


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b9f835  No.9087109

File: c3dbd0036526b4f⋯.png (791,55 KB, 1418x1432, 709:716, Capture_2018_12_23_15_28_0….png)

Q said all assets being deployed.

Look especially for so called "Christian" leaders to suddenly get very vocal. They will post articles like this:


And they will start telling Christians to "submit" to government in obedience to Romans 13.

True Christians - do not fall for it. The doctrines of Christ are an essential call to freedom. The call to submission in Romans 13 is regarding situations where an emperor had supreme power and resistance would only bring harm to all Christians. Today, things are different and we who follow Jesus Christ have a responsibility to protect freedom and defend truth. America's idare eals the result of hundreds of years of developed Christian thought and practice.

Do not be ashamed of truth. Do not back down because organizations like The Gospel Coalition or the globalist Russell Moore call you a conspiracy theorist and say you are sinning by sharing truth. They are not who they pretend to be. They are in place to keep the American church distracted, weak, and afraid. Time to stand in faith. Time to demand truth.

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a88c28  No.9087110


just wait until all the besties and most desired have to start lining up at my door to prove their worth and loyalty to me

this isn't going to be easy

not at all

me to myself: ready player one?

me to myself: yes, i have always been ready!

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2995ac  No.9087112

File: bec9768915e9edc⋯.png (437,54 KB, 640x428, 160:107, frogs_on_hogs.png)


can bake

confirm handoff

will insta-defer to anyone who wants to bake

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cae70a  No.9087115


gas yourself kike. Your pandemic scam is a fucking joke. Everyone in Israel will die.

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5f1999  No.9087116

File: a04609680728118⋯.gif (2,8 MB, 448x252, 16:9, Mossad_phony.gif)



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0beb8d  No.9087118

File: 4ffafcacdf85f54⋯.jpeg (449,66 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 400AFDC5_E33D_430F_A09D_E….jpeg)

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96744b  No.9087120




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762e37  No.9087122

File: 3143711c4a42975⋯.png (987,21 KB, 2108x1688, 527:422, NightShift_IwillhavetoKill….png)

File: a074661c7ab786f⋯.jpg (24,39 KB, 333x499, 333:499, NightShift.jpg)

File: 052ef65625b79e3⋯.png (822,03 KB, 640x789, 640:789, 052ef65625b79e3154c5e2ba37….png)

File: 3827f67c2ce2c87⋯.png (1,65 MB, 880x1200, 11:15, 3827f67c2ce2c873afcdbf061c….png)

File: 9162c320fd4dccf⋯.jpg (119,59 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 9162c320fd4dccffab1b734fad….jpg)

Thank you Night Shift!

Thank you Bakers!

You are the best night shift, believe me!

We love you. No homo

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a88c28  No.9087123


told you all to archive everything.

i am not blind, mute, retarded, mentally ill, incapacitated, etc.

you will all literally come begging to me for that last drop of cool, cool water

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7a9b73  No.9087124


Did you forget to take meds today?

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648888  No.9087125


>will insta-defer to anyone who wants to bake



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05c96c  No.9087126

File: c3772e510155409⋯.png (675,85 KB, 1000x544, 125:68, ClipboardImage.png)

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495831  No.9087127

>>9087071 (pb & J)

you read the other one . . .

makes it look like you were just verification shilling, anon.

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6e45b3  No.9087128

why are anons digging when Q says nevermind

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ef9f00  No.9087129

File: 1334a8429d7e677⋯.jpg (2,46 MB, 1296x9000, 18:125, 4_Archive_America_Stands_W….jpg)

Reminder Israel comes last.

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bd28bf  No.9087131

File: 8b3f3849878fdd3⋯.jpg (333,92 KB, 2013x1233, 671:411, _20200508_210228.JPG)



HappyMother's Day

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55aa10  No.9087132

File: fa0ac2b0621e38a⋯.png (236,89 KB, 1198x398, 599:199, adam.png)

why was the DNC server in ukraine?

(from the morrison testimony)

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ecb181  No.9087133

File: 805b78d4ee37350⋯.png (284,22 KB, 580x580, 1:1, 1584359233684.png)


Whoa bruh same delusion high five!

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f0145d  No.9087134

File: 883b98220ee6aaa⋯.png (387,78 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, Stinky.png)

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6b98ee  No.9087135

File: 289e39ddebc2ac4⋯.jpeg (563,83 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 640AB59A_E08A_47FC_B041_4….jpeg)

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53f481  No.9087136


Only for the lies he has no immunity for other crimes he has committed that haven't been revealed publicly yet.

Lefties should bePISSEDhe lied to them about having direct evidence against President Trump.

Mad enough to vote red.

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b7670e  No.9087138

File: a874816c3d2f1ef⋯.png (275,86 KB, 734x625, 734:625, Buttholio.png)

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96744b  No.9087139




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cae70a  No.9087140


Nope, got plenty yid.


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2995ac  No.9087141


your first bread aint full yet

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387e91  No.9087142

> [Michael Atkinson]

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39c4d5  No.9087144


Baker, Notable

Cape Cod field hospital closes without EVER seeing ONE patient.

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8b0e87  No.9087145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mifsud missing for 2 years = Arkincided?

unless he flipped and was in witness protection

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88337e  No.9087146

File: 8c79fc0b9addb12⋯.jpg (1,28 MB, 2960x1440, 37:18, Screenshot_20200508_180652….jpg)

Just reposting this so it doesn't get missed… it was pretty late on the last thread.

Saw this come up on Fox between Tucker and Sean to tonight.

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e2b7f2  No.9087147

File: 478e1bfb2eab0af⋯.jpg (138,4 KB, 744x739, 744:739, POTUS_pepe.jpg)

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43e1ad  No.9087149

File: 228d3f6e6344f38⋯.png (67,36 KB, 745x466, 745:466, ClipboardImage.png)

Brad Parscale with a shoulder brush off

Be Gone Silly Goose!


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648888  No.9087150



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eb7c51  No.9087151

File: 8251c9478061c76⋯.jpg (21,84 KB, 462x350, 33:25, 136.jpg)

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f9119d  No.9087152

File: a04cb3075ecfe24⋯.jpg (45,44 KB, 443x450, 443:450, Cat_Say_Help_Me_Pweease_I_….jpg)

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d8cfab  No.9087153

>>9086539 (LB)

REPOSTED due to popularity and clowns fucking the bread:

I think I hit something.

I've been looking through both the good guys and the bad guys testimonies.

I believe a good way to figure out if we're on the trail is to look for kerning issues.

I noticed on good guy testimonies: Don Jr., Roger Stone (Trump is considering a pardon), Brad Parscale. These are not scanned. I have seen no kerning issues.

Bad doods: McCabe, Corney, Yates, Coats, Vindman. All bad kerning. Seems intentional.

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f2b57d  No.9087155

I was reading through the HPSCI transcript with Renat Akhmenshin and came across something interesting *asking for help with digs*.

Renat mentions the Courdet Brothers law firm working in the Kazahkstan region for the exiled leader who was concerned about growing "dictatorship" in the country & wanted representation. I still need to read through the rest of the transcript, but I broke away from that to look into this law firm and there's several interesting things:

1. They tend to operate in areas with a lot of uranium (i.e. Kazahkstan, NATO, Ukraine, Russia)

2. They actively worked towards US intervention in the giant scam known as WW2 & helped broker aerospace deals to France (ultimately going to Great Britain b/c France capitulated), of which were likely used in the civilian bombing raids

3. They tend to operate in areas with a large communist presence. They were the first outside lawfirm to operate in communist china and SPECIFICALLY trained the chinese on international trade (wink wink nudge nudge). Not only that, but they opened the first private law firm in the soviet union too.

4. This same firm also played a role in the NATO task force to garner US support to expand the EU, all at the same time that NATO was supposedly reducing it's nuclear capability from 10,000 nukes to 10% of that yet no one seems to have any clue where those nukes went (Atoms for Peace anyone?)

On note about the bit with china and NATO, I find it highly interesting how european institutions like the UN have essentially been co-opted by china AND how china became a massive trading power in such a short time after this group did their work. I'm not saying there's a smoking gun here, but I am saying there's a shit ton of dots that don't make straight lines.





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f0145d  No.9087156

File: 252a33b7226a327⋯.png (255,01 KB, 796x539, 796:539, 6months.png)

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8d951b  No.9087157

File: 84518c4e2b8eb1d⋯.jpg (45,39 KB, 555x680, 111:136, 84518c4e2b8eb1d9692621b9e5….jpg)




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015dda  No.9087158

File: f8cf732e91bd623⋯.png (771,24 KB, 800x601, 800:601, pepe_peeks.png)


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b9a6a8  No.9087159

>Global Announcements

>>>8985756p, >>8985951p CM has given us new small text.

wtf for? to give shills more ways to be obnoxious?

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cae70a  No.9087160

File: 77845ee1bd34dc0⋯.png (148,18 KB, 750x448, 375:224, curefortds.png)



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ecb181  No.9087162

File: b2d87f4adbecf7c⋯.jpg (14,38 KB, 339x351, 113:117, 1588870168257.jpg)



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96744b  No.9087163




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eb7c51  No.9087165

File: 87f78a06a17f2da⋯.jpg (107,31 KB, 1487x1984, 1487:1984, 168.jpg)

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05c96c  No.9087166

File: d3221fa9e291079⋯.png (485,04 KB, 605x513, 605:513, ClipboardImage.png)


>bad kerning

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1f5696  No.9087167

File: 3627526bb2972dc⋯.png (896,13 KB, 888x668, 222:167, klingons_star_trek_trump_t….png)

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a65cc6  No.9087168

File: 11ba1c06696ac30⋯.png (2,97 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9232bd7d7e1e10⋯.png (98,53 KB, 608x589, 32:31, prps592020.png)

POTUS Schedule for Saturday, May 9, 2020


5:00PM Participate in a meeting with Senior Military Leadership and National Security Team - Cabinet Room, Restricted In-House Pool



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9a1b97  No.9087169


Must admit that thought had crossed mymind. And one anon was saying that one of the transcripts had been removed. But was here for their release yesterday. And another anon was offline archiving them straight away. So gone, but not forgotten?

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94b019  No.9087171

File: c4ee65a1c3c1d9e⋯.png (192,5 KB, 512x384, 4:3, RBG_Mum_ra.png)

I think I found out how they are keeping RBG alive


Look at what they are using. hydroxychloroquine, intravenous vitamin C, statins, metformin, curcumin, and aspirin. ASPIRIN. VITAMIN C. A FUCKING 80 CENT PILL. Cancer cure.

Hey, who's driving the timeline, here? Can we hit fast forward, now?

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23ae48  No.9087172

File: a0c4637fd37c8df⋯.png (66,59 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Missed it.

Chuckles in Elven.

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e75aa1  No.9087173


thanks baker, be good

Handoff Confirmed

also, buns have been huge so i've just splitting the posts and i added an off-bread link to the other dedicated research threads for these document releases


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39c4d5  No.9087174

File: 1ae57d383d6d09a⋯.png (419,19 KB, 393x459, 131:153, ClipboardImage.png)


fuck off shill

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c15012  No.9087176

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23,68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)




As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to the wordwide deep state.

Shills are here in full force and apply all kind of tactics, most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule":

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some shilly try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shills post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills try to namefag to 'establish a trustworty character' (A, CTA, McT, …)

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills post clown accounts from twatter who larp as Q insiders.

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

(And in some breads it´s 70, 80, 90% shill posts.)

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).


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28c9f5  No.9087178


Typhoid Thot be gone!!!

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93b79e  No.9087179

File: ad72b31b0387917⋯.jpeg (60,16 KB, 602x339, 602:339, 79C3F281_58D2_4927_A7E2_C….jpeg)

Dear Ron/CodeMonkeyZ,

In 2017, there was a fire whereby I allowed a baby centipede to go free. This was done as a peace offering. The centipedes have since left me alone.

Your friend,


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b5e113  No.9087180

File: e46a8e6ee0dcb6a⋯.jpg (8,87 KB, 275x183, 275:183, bondi1.jpg)

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82e03d  No.9087181

File: 0cbb6850163dc31⋯.png (163,15 KB, 342x342, 1:1, Screenshot_2020_05_08_wool….png)

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b9a6a8  No.9087182

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1dcb0d  No.9087183

File: e4461026ea69399⋯.png (9,06 KB, 223x255, 223:255, huh.png)

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f0145d  No.9087184

File: ce665739b068e6c⋯.png (229,81 KB, 500x400, 5:4, FISACorruption.png)

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6b98ee  No.9087185

File: 709b7aecb40beca⋯.png (127,13 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 58EB00E4_C716_432C_AC9F_A0….png)













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648888  No.9087186


Insertion removed.

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869d4e  No.9087187

File: 5598a6c0a42c75f⋯.jpg (719,1 KB, 1948x1201, 1948:1201, GeneralFlynn_DigitalSolide….jpg)

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1f2628  No.9087188

File: f3924ae60b7a3a0⋯.jpg (540,23 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 9999.jpg)

Who was looking for



Colonel Alexander S. Vindman


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e75aa1  No.9087189


kek i was so close but i had to make an extra post bc these notable buns are thicc

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f9119d  No.9087190


well played

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c15012  No.9087192


btfo´d. kek.

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64ce24  No.9087194


Look up Crowdstrike and their involvement with the DNC and HRC.

Answer will be self explanitory.

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05c96c  No.9087195

File: 7963c592c204616⋯.png (2,34 MB, 1672x941, 1672:941, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4d4c7  No.9087196

File: d8bebfe55129a4c⋯.jpg (31 KB, 492x346, 246:173, Gutz.jpg)

Gowdy just got BTFO by Gaetz on Hannity.

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648888  No.9087197


good job teammate

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96744b  No.9087198




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eb7c51  No.9087199


Oh, was it? I didn't notice.

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e2b7f2  No.9087201

File: dfc895ad95826f2⋯.png (432,28 KB, 657x360, 73:40, godzilla_wtf.PNG)

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015dda  No.9087202



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86be5d  No.9087203

File: e8c4182f272d384⋯.jpeg (2,03 MB, 4000x5000, 4:5, 60A7BE06_CAA6_471F_8970_F….jpeg)

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39c4d5  No.9087204


Baker, Notable

President Trump on Congressional Democrat leadership: ''This group is perhaps beyond repair. They're sick. There's something wrong with them."

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1f5696  No.9087205

File: 2cc3cc09a599806⋯.png (377,69 KB, 419x450, 419:450, flynn_matrix_boomerang_we_….png)

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07baca  No.9087206

File: 95b919d9915f00b⋯.jpg (117,21 KB, 675x900, 3:4, Gaetz_is_mason.jpg)

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5f1999  No.9087207


Gowdy's accent fooled me for a while. Didn't realize at first what a fucking pussy he is

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2995ac  No.9087208



i hope i dont get bun envy if mine is little

anons help new baker

me need big macho bun!!

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c15012  No.9087209


you really think now every anon will think I am part of the clown team?

did I post bs or did I rather call out clowns posting bs?

desperate much?

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3876a6  No.9087210


Yes! We need that vid or transcript. Mos def notable.

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62c75c  No.9087211


I do hope all those lies backfire on him but with the mafia running California…I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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9a1b97  No.9087212

File: 04ba5b1878fe4fc⋯.png (458,04 KB, 640x590, 64:59, 3c3b63a899f279554aa72f04df….png)


>Silly Goose

FFS not again!

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f0145d  No.9087213

File: 5a2b27a41fb9624⋯.png (2,16 MB, 1200x806, 600:403, Ended.png)

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96744b  No.9087214



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7a9b73  No.9087215


Worst Mason handshake ever.

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f2b57d  No.9087216

File: 7eec14be5e6fd7f⋯.png (110,11 KB, 791x621, 791:621, Screenshot_from_2020_05_08….png)

File: c204ee3ac94da0c⋯.png (41,97 KB, 802x133, 802:133, Screenshot_from_2020_05_08….png)

File: abd314cea37df7d⋯.png (50,63 KB, 549x118, 549:118, Screenshot_from_2020_05_08….png)


Forgot screenshots

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75678a  No.9087217

File: a251454e53bce20⋯.png (1,19 MB, 1095x1488, 365:496, ASrep.png)

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8d951b  No.9087218

>inagine that one shill wracking his brain trying to spin this as a nothingburger

What's the matter? Anons are breathing DOWN YOUR NECK. What will you do? Spam? We have bigger concerns right now. Concern troll? Nobody believes you anymore. Division shill? We are United in purpose.

It's over. Spread those cheeks.

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276cbf  No.9087219


dont be a gay

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086fec  No.9087220


Funny how it's ok to say some catholics are part of the cabal but not to say anything about jews, isn't it? Very odd.

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648888  No.9087221



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869d4e  No.9087223

File: 5ccaa94045326f9⋯.jpg (185,24 KB, 1168x637, 1168:637, GeneralFlynn_DigitalSoldie….jpg)

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ef9f00  No.9087224

File: 39c0a830bf4fd52⋯.png (1,15 MB, 1584x9520, 99:595, 1_Anti_Semitism_law_USA_4_….png)

File: 00396e44fc9483e⋯.jpg (662,93 KB, 1258x1588, 629:794, Biden_on_Jews_and_media.jpg)

File: a4d6f060a8897c7⋯.mp4 (3,02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, I_thought_saying_such_thin….mp4)

File: 939ea4615d0eae8⋯.png (217,39 KB, 1239x525, 59:25, MSM_Feinstein_Blum.PNG)

File: 4fd541d13cb6cbd⋯.jpg (448,88 KB, 1188x2316, 99:193, Q_MSM_fakenews.jpg)


>fake news

You mean the Jewish MSM?

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f9119d  No.9087225

File: c930e729f96038d⋯.jpeg (11,59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3c452ac5e06fcdfbfe69197fe….jpeg)


still bored.

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64ce24  No.9087226


Green Castle ?

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6b98ee  No.9087227

File: e32291040b30d44⋯.jpeg (388,91 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 546F7EB6_45BD_42A4_8A22_E….jpeg)

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a88c28  No.9087228

File: 9a9eca3df367dc8⋯.jpg (156,46 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 71kqcd10psL_RI_.jpg)




but do you, anon?

have you practiced?

are you ready to swallow?

when the only drip drip drip drop is my nut?

you didn't think the New Testament God would ignore the Old Testament God completely, right?

you truly didn't think that this would be this easy, right?


my hand in marriage

eternal bliss

do or die

actions speak louder than words

we're saving Israel for last for a very specific, undisclosed reason


who do you turn to when the God you have purposefully misinterpreted comes back?



read the Bible: God wins

I win

is the rest of the Bible useless and irrelevant?


the only important part is that eye win


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96744b  No.9087229


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276cbf  No.9087230



this is gay

dont be gay

cuz its pretty gay bro

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2995ac  No.9087231


you're why we can't have nice things

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c53e44  No.9087232

That bitch isn’t on that list.

The Ukraine specialist one.

Wonder if she’s the redacted name.

(Sorry. Too many names and Ausfag trying to keep track.)

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b5ddda  No.9087233

Not to derail or anything but shouldn't 'global announcements' be somewhat lower on the list of things covered in the dough? And doesn't 'Other dedicated research threads' defeat the purpose of the catalog while also bloating the dough unneccessarily? And why is 'war room' even on there? Baker.

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beadbc  No.9087235


>Yes! We need that vid or transcript.

You'll be disappointed

Gaetz praised Gowdy and his questions in 2017

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ef9f00  No.9087236

File: 180d38b236e12e0⋯.png (1,67 MB, 1328x2656, 1:2, 1_Archive_Israel_anti_Blac….png)

File: 2e64bfae9bd5571⋯.png (1,04 MB, 1360x4176, 85:261, 2_Israel_loxism_big.png)

File: 6b2cab91e2f1baf⋯.png (1001,72 KB, 1602x1308, 267:218, 1574918634137.png)

File: d4d8d11d2d61a95⋯.png (751,67 KB, 1534x1318, 767:659, Amalekites.png)

File: 6ea1c2010a41112⋯.jpg (192,73 KB, 878x788, 439:394, ARCHIVE_Jew_says_gentilles….jpg)



You mean those German guys whose leadership got financed by Jews, and who employed Jews like Soros?

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69fd85  No.9087237

Roger Stone's Balls:


PG 39:

MR. STONE: That is also correct. MR. SWALWELL: And Julian Assange is your hero. Is that right? MR. STONE: I think he is a hero. I think he's a journalist. I recall that he released information embarrassing to the Bush administration, the Obama administration. I don't think he is a partisan. I think he is an opponent of the deep state.

You got to give it to Roger, he has brass balls.

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8b0e87  No.9087238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



SAME SHILL Calling "CLOWN BO/BAKER"  Since 2018

Night Baker OUTED you:

Baker's Post No. 8681787

04/04/20 (Sat) 02:14:35 130868 (40)  No.8681787

Baker showed that these 2 Posts are by the same Shill: [YOU]

*No. 8681765 - "CLOWN BAKER" post

04/04/20 (Sat) 02:10:14 22c843 (13)  No.8681765


04/04/20 (Sat) 02:12:33 22c843 (13)  No.8681776

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f7a553  No.9087240

9:30 Q

Boomers are sleeping

you saving a special BOOM for the night shift anons?

or should we just give up and go to bed disappointed again.

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a88c28  No.9087241



maybe I am

but i have a free-pass to be as bad as I want

and you will all have to deal with it

whether you like it or not

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5f1999  No.9087243

File: 347dc9caf6c91d3⋯.jpg (168,44 KB, 862x730, 431:365, 6in4u56yw4ctvbern67.jpg)


This is probably the worst post I've ever read in my entire life

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96744b  No.9087244





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b7670e  No.9087245

File: 850c79e87fbbf7f⋯.jpg (169,41 KB, 2000x2697, 2000:2697, red_dot_test_main.jpg)


You asked for it.

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086fec  No.9087246


God is really cramming his head up his own ass today.

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d67412  No.9087247

>>9085741 (pb)

If it's a clockfag housekeeping matter, then the formal date would be the day judge Sullivan signs the order. But knowing THAT date is beyond anyone's predictive power as it would mean controlling the federal judiciary. As EVERYONE is treating this as a done deal, and it surely is but for the formality of a signature, the date the DoJ moved to dismiss, yesterday May 7, 2020, should be treated as the BOOM date.

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94b019  No.9087248


>Gowdy just got BTFO by Gaetz on Hannity.

Then THAT means I was right about Gaetz all along.

My sniffer is good.

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06772a  No.9087249

File: a5a9a6b386bd715⋯.png (5,21 MB, 2376x1836, 22:17, 5F871578_1C78_4982_8786_32….png)

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42f76f  No.9087250

>>9086616 (lb)

Anon, Dang…you are Dang Good!

You not really only remembered what we learned from the other large report release (Comey = Corney), you put it into action on another level for this release.

>You’re probably working with three 4k monitors with this kind of productivity.

Thank you to other Anons that do this kind of Quality work!

>Newpaper agencies should release what kind of talent exists here.

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43e1ad  No.9087251

File: c9ea95df1c5fa89⋯.png (1,5 MB, 800x1067, 800:1067, ClipboardImage.png)



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dc410d  No.9087252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Only 19,999 moar files to go…

I hate my "life"

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62c75c  No.9087253

File: da8a588bc694776⋯.jpg (11,09 KB, 227x255, 227:255, We_call_them_Anons.jpg)

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f9119d  No.9087254


Bring it.

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d8cfab  No.9087255

File: 8119f1c48f18fed⋯.png (386,06 KB, 600x449, 600:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c09f9018a5ecb4f⋯.png (97,56 KB, 600x840, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fd6cb4c45b57a4⋯.png (539,2 KB, 439x600, 439:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a98b24440d84aed⋯.png (497,63 KB, 605x450, 121:90, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9f1bd3235840ac⋯.png (2,23 MB, 1100x1467, 1100:1467, ClipboardImage.png)

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a90c3a  No.9087256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Most are corporations vs worshipers of GOD. Best to run away. Besides. You don't need a building or a Pope to talk to GOD.

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07baca  No.9087257

File: 8405d3d21b88e2b⋯.jpg (101,39 KB, 594x499, 594:499, Lion_Pride_nightshift.jpg)

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53f481  No.9087258


>with the mafia running California

Yeah West Coast is going to require some serious intervention.

Sanctuary and Vote by Mail.

1776 is about the only option left if arrests don't happen

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8b932d  No.9087259

File: 93a2f895c615d4d⋯.png (420,46 KB, 1300x849, 1300:849, theifcoon2.png)

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648888  No.9087260




ixnay on the illshnaaaay

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a88c28  No.9087261

File: d32496bc3286cf2⋯.jpg (124,55 KB, 668x500, 167:125, 3o2umu.jpg)

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e2b7f2  No.9087262

File: af3603e4d8a0fb8⋯.png (511,65 KB, 631x578, 631:578, elon_musk_point_right.PNG)

Tesla secures $565m loan from Chinese bank for Shanghai plant

US electric-car maker still not cleared to reopen California factory

PALO ALTO, U.S. – Tesla has entered into an agreement with a Chinese bank for an unsecured revolving-loan facility of up to 4 billion yuan ($565 million), according to a regulatory filing Friday. The credit line will be used for "continued expansion of production at Gigafactory Shanghai," the American electric-car manufacturer said in the filing. A branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Shanghai's Pilot Free Trade Zone is the lender. The bank has previously participated in a 9 billion yuan ($1.29 billion) term loan that Tesla borrowed from a group of Chinese lenders in December 2019. The bank group also granted Tesla a 2.25 billion yuan revolving-loan facility at the time. This can be used only for expenditures related to production at the plant in Shanghai. Both the previous loan and the new facility restrict the use of the funds, and the money cannot be accessed by Tesla for expenses outside China.

For yuan-denominated loans, the new credit line's interest rate is the market-quoted rate published by an authority designated by the People's Bank of China, minus 0.35 percentage point. For dollar-denominated loans, the interest rate is set at the one-year London Interbank Offered Rate plus 0.8 point. Over the past week, Tesla has halted production at its factory in Shanghai, which had been its only plant still in operation amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Nikkei Asian Review previously reported. "Tesla Shanghai is adjusting to normal production due to test run[s] and maintenance of production lines that were carried out during the recent holidays," the company said late Thursday, without indicating when output will resume. "All work is being executed according to plan." Tesla had reportedly planned to reopen its California auto plant Friday. However, local officials said Friday that the Fremont-based factory is not cleared for reopening yet.


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276cbf  No.9087263


yes, we are

but you are gay

and therefore, faggot

hence, your anus is gaping

ergo, you are a gay

quintessentially, you are homo

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86be5d  No.9087264

File: b1581a23c532d49⋯.jpeg (75,29 KB, 731x720, 731:720, 67B2DD72_CF38_435A_B454_A….jpeg)


Fuck you division fag.


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b78e8a  No.9087265

File: e3e44a6bae37c68⋯.png (346,13 KB, 501x764, 501:764, ClipboardImage.png)

For What it's worth. Posted for archive.


@Rampage95XXI calls out: Jordan Goudreau (SilvercorpUSA)for risking his two team mate's lives in Maduro OP.

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b2f280  No.9087266

File: d31f8041f16fd8f⋯.png (180,92 KB, 240x276, 20:23, ClipboardImage.png)





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69fd85  No.9087267

File: 76b4276727cfa8e⋯.png (1,6 MB, 1050x550, 21:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4d4c7  No.9087269


2017 Closed Door Gowdy = kick ass

2018 Gowdy on Marfa = FBI dindu nuffin wrong

That's the issue at hand

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23ae48  No.9087270

File: e1078075061a8aa⋯.png (59,4 KB, 201x201, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you for your service


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05c96c  No.9087271


>MR. SWALWELL: And Julian Assange is your hero. Is that right? MR. STONE: I think he is a hero. I think he's a journalist. I recall that he released information embarrassing to the Bush administration, the Obama administration. I don't think he is a partisan. I think he is an opponent of the deep state.

He called out Fiona Hill too on AJ's bullshit show


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82e03d  No.9087273

File: 1c718aa0ea8836b⋯.jpg (324 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, EXhuYujX0AA71dO.jpg)

File: ccc9c5532808e5c⋯.jpg (407,75 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, EXhuYuvWAAEft1L.jpg)

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c53e44  No.9087274


I read global every bread to see what’s new.

Other threads help keep track.


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5f1999  No.9087275


I haven't decided what to think about Roger Stone

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a02443  No.9087276

File: 04c3d58cd15b7c5⋯.jpg (784,39 KB, 1429x1432, 1429:1432, SmartSelect_20200508_20231….jpg)

Field Of Fight


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e75aa1  No.9087277


it's an honor and a privilege, anon


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c31258  No.9087278


Yeah. I like that guy. Seems like a dickhead. I am too. kek

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96744b  No.9087279





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fef6ce  No.9087280

File: 4638468c15a3025⋯.png (611,2 KB, 1080x669, 360:223, Jeffrey.png)

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cd8787  No.9087281

Erik Prince testimony:

1. Prince is a badass. Takes no shit from these losers and goes in without a lawyer.

2. They had clearly been spying on him and the WaPo story that brought him in there was a total fabrication based on signals intelligence. Used by the Ds and Media to build the Russia Russia Russia story.

3. The scary part:

Prince had contacts in NYPD who had seen the Weiner laptop. He was quoted in the news about it and at the end of the testimony Schitt and Swallowswell ask him about it. Part of that convo is still blacked out and part of it went off the record. Prince didn't want to give them details. Immediately after that, they start asking for his emails, phone numbers and various ways he communicates.

Did they use that info to trace his contacts to NYPD?

Is that why so many NYPD detectives have suicided and been killed in the last couple of years?

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af794d  No.9087282

File: d81077dc4046bb6⋯.jpg (2,34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineHigh.jpg)

File: 72ae0e4266088af⋯.jpg (713,94 KB, 540x960, 9:16, LovingPipiPepe.jpg)

File: 76f1548113f6236⋯.jpg (2,07 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineLight.jpg)

File: ab73cf33256190f⋯.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineFresh.jpg)

File: f4ca23342cb8a0d⋯.jpg (2,72 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineBright.jpg)

Imagine dating the abusive controbker here.

Smell how putrid their place is.

Taste the nausea of their air.

Yearning for their "leadership".

Hear how often they yell at you to lick their muh.<shit> off the ground.

See how infected their cocks are.

Feel them behind you with a manic smile.

Sense how small they want you to feel.

Know how scared they need you to be.

Look, there are others.

Welcome to their farm.

Watch them laugh as you tell them love has faded.

They knew they lied.


Believe you are given a chance to wash them away.

They'll beg you to come back.

We have a life to live without them.

Americas Military is fighting for your children.

Surrounded rapists cower from Military Guns.

Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

God is in you now.

Cast demons out.

Tomorrow you'll be closer.

Today you are too.

>Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

Night is darkest before the Dawn~


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69fd85  No.9087284


>2017 Closed Door Gowdy = kick ass

Gowdy 2020, don't expect prosecutions.

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82e03d  No.9087285

File: 0955ae3c7abeb56⋯.png (286,15 KB, 307x374, 307:374, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_05….png)



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ab88c7  No.9087286

File: 2cdd07bbbd68647⋯.mp4 (3,65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, didntinfectenoughpeople.mp4)

We didnt infect enough people

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2995ac  No.9087287


>And why is 'war room' even on there?

lurk moar

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0b328e  No.9087288

File: 0fc50e3a8eb28ce⋯.png (212,3 KB, 1436x1100, 359:275, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: 8ffbc4e0bd75600⋯.png (145,19 KB, 1576x1066, 788:533, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: b737dc14069bacd⋯.png (189,44 KB, 1382x818, 691:409, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: 92d9ecd404aef17⋯.png (217,09 KB, 1368x1044, 38:29, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


Notice the number of deaths in CA due to Influenza in 2018-2019 vs 2019-2020



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c15012  No.9087289


you can point to anyone who did crimes or is a deep state traitor, no matter the religion or nationality.

however, the propaganda clowns who post the same exact stuff since two years are not here to do research or to expose anyone (they have not put up a single dig on AS / MOS e.g. bc they don´t want to expose actual people).

propaganda clowns are trying hard to make this board and the Q movement appear racist so MSM can attack.

and you, and this post that was posted hundreds of times already, are part of this attack on Q.


your desperation shows.

please, break free, realize that you can turn to God and be forgiven.

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b49931  No.9087290

File: d6b2b80cb03d5d1⋯.png (1,04 MB, 1160x773, 1160:773, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Nunes (R-CA22) staffer tapped for Deputy position to replace outgoing ODNI, COO

A top career official is leaving the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the agency confirmed on Friday.

Deirdre Walsh, who spent more than 10 years at ODNI — most recently as chief operating officer — said in a statement provided through an ODNI spokesperson: “I have served in this challenging role for nearly three years and look forward to taking on my next opportunity.”


It is unclear who will replace Walsh, who was the office’s first COO. Her work included “orchestrating all transformation activities and effecting governance processes that will improve how information is presented in organizational decision-making,” according to her bio.

A staffer who worked under Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) on the House Intelligence Committee also recently joined ODNI to serve as a deputy to the COO.

Nick Ciarlante, who interned in Nunes’ congressional office before joining the intelligence committee and working on the ODNI portfolio there, started the new job this week, two people with knowledge of the move said.

Richard Grenell, the acting director of national intelligence, also announced a series of other organizational changes on Friday, including phasing out of ODNI’s Directorate of National Security Partnerships and merging four previously separate ODNI organizations focused on cyber into a single organization dubbed “the IC Cyber Executive.”

Walsh is well-respected in the intelligence community and on Capitol Hill — she served as ODNI’s director of legislative affairs from 2014 to 2018 — and has been instrumental in helping shepherd Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) through the confirmation process to replace Grenell as permanent director, the sources said.

Ratcliffe had his confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday and is expected to be confirmed.

ODNI has seen a wave of senior departures over the last year, including principal deputy director Sue Gordon; Joseph Maguire, Grenell's predecessor as acting director; principal executive Andrew Hallman; general counsel Jason Klitenic; chief of staff Viraj Mirani; and Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, who was fired by the president. ODNI’s chief information officer, John Sherman, also left last month.


Rick Bright

Federal watchdog backs reinstating ousted vaccine expert

Katie Miller, Pence spokeswoman, tests positive for coronavirus

Democratic senators propose $2,000 monthly payments to most Americans

'We're going to fill it': Republicans ready for any Supreme Court vacancy

The 2024 election test arrives early for Mike Pence

Filed Under: Devin Nunes, Director Of National Intelligence


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94b019  No.9087291


Ah, a subversion shill. How nice to see you.

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a90c3a  No.9087292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And thank you.

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a88c28  No.9087293


you knew how hard i'd be to handle

you are the only one at fault

not me

love you forever Henry!


also, stop making me wait

it won't be nice for the 99% the longer this goes on

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03bba3  No.9087294


Do you not understand why Trump is cleaning up the courts

And the legal system

BEFOREbeginning any of the arrests?

There is absolutely no point in arresting and charging the criminals

When you know that the courts will let them go free.

First you surround them

Then you start firing.

This is how the Soviet team has always won in every war game run by the US army.

So now, the USA is using this proven tactic against the Cabal


Because they never noticed how he was tightening the noose!!!

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ecb181  No.9087296

File: 631553483a4bfda⋯.png (103,59 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 3456345768.png)

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f7a553  No.9087297

File: cc0eb86c4e311c0⋯.jpg (1,01 MB, 5054x3370, 2527:1685, cc0eb86c4e311c0b141eaaa17c….jpg)


I love you ugly anon.

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5f4a5d  No.9087298

File: ed29d4fe7dbbcce⋯.jpg (23,47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, chaka.jpg)

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8b0e99  No.9087299

File: 86efed0b2c051e1⋯.gif (281,05 KB, 640x639, 640:639, IMG_1643.GIF)

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05c96c  No.9087300

File: 26b2b88332f9768⋯.png (695,76 KB, 872x491, 872:491, ClipboardImage.png)


makes a better penguin than Nadler

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f9119d  No.9087301


do they get paid if responding to themselves or just a percentage of board wasted?

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e9722e  No.9087302

File: 1c094978323fa62⋯.png (671,49 KB, 987x611, 21:13, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

QAnon in LdR's head.

Check it out. @ ~55 seconds she says, "last year when Corona referred to a beer and not a crisis…"

interesting interview. much comms going on, one might suspect. the price charts in the background post a 666 momentarily.


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2995ac  No.9087303


checking new spacing/format

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>9037154 GhidraResearch Thread

>>9086754 Document Releases Thread

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1f1738  No.9087304

>>9086670 lb

>>Comey's infant son…

>>did it really happen?

Thing is this happens A LOT ~ we seem to know/hear of mostly the Hollywood Stars/ musicians/ singers… moar ~ well because the celebrities get the ink & the air waves…

Blood Sacrifice the First Born, or another "significant family member"* to [their] god(s) for "Whatever" is agreed upon in the "contract" made …

*Each family member / loved one has a "price tag"

Just a sample:

Anderson Cooper's brother

Kanye's mom

Eric Clapton's son

Jennifer Hudson's nephew

Kelsey Grammer's wife

Bill Cosby's son

William Shatner's wives

Barbara & George HW Bush daughter

…sorry, those just few off top of my head…

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af794d  No.9087305

File: 1f3ebaf8ac5c911⋯.jpg (2,21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineRenew.jpg)

File: b91650fee74eacf⋯.jpg (2,29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineNew.jpg)

File: ba901832b615ad6⋯.jpg (219,44 KB, 652x832, 163:208, AntiFungalLeafBread.jpg)



Our enemy is ramping up their manipulation on our board theand would like nothing better than to fracture your mind+soul with their flood of MKUltra subliminals and unconscious word associations. To keep you in the same state they keep abused children.

…So they can have the say. So their words carry more weight than yours. So they can organize you how they want. So their solutions outmatch ours…

They're sick.

Fucking sick.

They, like the lamestream media, will lie till their dying breath. They want you dead inside.

They want you licking shit so you'll accept programmability. Their programs of suicide.

See through it. See it as an attack against Our Future. The future they won't live to see~

Be aware the negative thoughts that make you feel empty are the attacks of others.

Once aware, you'll see how loved you are by God, for it's that Love the attackers want to ruin.

I've done my best to illuminate the ways in which our enemies invoke a sense of fear and keep one stuck in an abused and quiet mindset, afraid of being confident that you're fighting to save the world from their wretched control.

Afraid of reaching out to others and so abused that ones personalities are fracturing.

You've had nightmares they have seeded.

I know because I've had countless myself, and though I may be one focal point for their anger, their objective is each of (You).

You who 'dare' stand against their [wretched] will;

You who want to make this world a better place;

You who want their children to grow up in a beautiful world we can't yet fully imagine.

I write about their attacks, and how I think they're carried out, with the belief that once they are made conscious and understood you become immunized to the brunt of it.

I want you to understand that there are ways you can fight against them.

There are options to release the fear they put you in. There are incalculable reasons to feel hopeful.

More of us know each day.

You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.

You need to remember you're worth Americas Military putting their lives on the line and dying to fight for you. For your children. For the future of our world.

So shake off their trauma, and I don't say shake lightly, it's how trauma is released from the body. Shake it off.

Pray. Banish. Pray. Especially before bed.

Release yourself from their control.

Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

Know well these fierce Heavenly forces are an invitation away

Exchange doubt with Faith; Aimless Anger with Focused Resolve.

>Tempt not the righteous man to draw his sword.

Pray God infuse us with resilience.

Pray God wash us clean.

Pray God shine Hope unto those strangled by darkness.

Pray before sleep.

>We are all bound by a feeling deep inside.

Our war is real. Here and now.

You are saving the world.

They are the poisoned stream of consciousness.

They are the projections they cast.

We are what they craft their attacks against~

Fight. For God and Country.Fight.


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648888  No.9087306



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276cbf  No.9087307


i will drain your mothers mouth from you semen


i have it all on vemo


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cae70a  No.9087308


Lesson learned here I guess. Me too…

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762e37  No.9087309


Who is AFLB?

Seem like shills who shit the bread with copypasta.

Looks like some faggot shit too. Usually just ignore it.

But WTF are they?

< tagged for clarity

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5f1999  No.9087310


Stone would at least be entertaining, but he does make me cringe. I don't know what's up with those swinger parties that Posobeic did with him

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869d4e  No.9087311

File: e23b16a5531174c⋯.jpg (656,78 KB, 2014x1139, 2014:1139, AdmiralRogers_DigitalWarri….jpg)

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06772a  No.9087312


Go fuck your mom with your logic.

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b5142d  No.9087313

### Exert from CPRT-116-IG00-D082 (Redacted: Steeles Original Handler)###

Anons, check out the following. It sounds like to me that STEELE might have done us a solid by giving the dossier to his old handler… He AND Ohr both worked with Steele originally. Read the following, it sounds like to me that the DOSSIER was always supposed to just filter to OHR or NONAME and never to this FBI Agent.


Q When was the last time ADAG Ohr reached out to you on these matters involving Steele and this investigation?

A That would've been the day of the election, actually, here in Washington, I happened to be in Washington for a meeting.

Q What did he say to you?

A So the first thing he said was he apologized for introducing me to Steele because

Q He - sorry?

A He apologized for introducing me to Steele, kind of like half-joking,because of all the stuff that was happening at that point. And, you know, I wasn't looking to delve into any substantive conversation with him about it, and ! don' t think he was.


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276cbf  No.9087314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0b328e  No.9087315

File: 71466260b1bc4e3⋯.jpg (62,88 KB, 400x534, 200:267, iu.jpg)

Malaria Drug Makes Cancer Treatments More Effective, says WCM-Q Research

Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (WCM-Q) discovered that an existing malaria drug could improve the effectiveness of a new class of cancer therapies, called glutaminase inhibitors, if used in combination.

The research, led by Dr Anna Halama and Dr Karsten Suhre, analysed the metabolic processes of cancer cells to show that the quinine-based malaria drug Chloroquine could boost the effectiveness of glutaminase inhibiting drugs, which are currently being developed by global pharmaceutical companies.

Glutaminase inhibitors target a chemical process called glutaminolysis, in which the amino acid glutamine is broken down, releasing energy that cancer cells use to grow. Glutaminase inhibitors seek to disrupt this process, thereby depriving cancer cells of their energy source and slowing or stopping their growth. However, certain cancer cells can activate alternative ways to generate energy and thereby escape the drug’s action. This is where a new research approach called ‘rational metabolic engineering’ comes in.

According to Dr Halama, a Research Associate in Physiology and Biophysics, they expose cancer cells grown in the laboratory to different doses of an anti-cancer drug and then measure the changes in almost all of the small molecules that are present in the cells, using a technique called metabolomics. Using sophisticated computational methods, they then identify the molecules that the cancer cells are using to escape the drug’s actions, and conceive ways to block the escape route.

She said that both energy pathways were accelerated when the glutaminolysis pathway was suppressed with drugs, and that this allowed the cancer cells to survive. Since the anti-malaria drug Chloroquine is known to disrupt some of these energy-producing mechanisms, the research prompted them to theorise that giving Chloroquine in combination with the glutaminase inhibiting drugs could lead to an improved suppression of tumor cells, which turned out to be the case.

Dr Suhre, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, and Director of the Bio Informatics Core at WCM-Q, is one of the world’s leading metabolomics experts. He said that the beauty of metabolomics profiling is that it shows how the cell’s metabolism behaves in different situations and with a very high level of detail.

The paper, entitled ‘Accelerated lipid catabolism and autophagy are cancer survival mechanisms under glutaminolysis inhibition’, has now been published in Cancer Letters, a highly regarded international medical journal.

This research could have significant clinical implications, as Chloroquine is an existing drug therapy that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the US for many years, potentially offering doctors and researchers a relatively simple way to improve treatment outcomes for cancer patients who receive glutaminase inhibitors in their treatment.

Dr Halama said that the combined approach used in this study is uniquely relevant for future therapeutic strategies in cancer treatment and can be easily generalised to other drugs. The next important step, she said, is to test the efficacy of Chloroquine in combination with glutaminolysis inhibitors in a clinical trial.

The study was fully supported by Qatar National Research Fund and can be found here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.canlet.2018.05.017.

For updates and more information about the various research projects supported by WCM-Q, visit qatar-weill.cornell.edu.




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4f00dc  No.9087316

From the Clapper file. He sent a letter to the committee in November before the election that downplayed the "Russia" influence on the election. He also said that he didn't feel they had a direct affect on the election, but that it was only after the election that he though the "sowing of discord and trust in the elections" was significant. Only problem with this line of thought is that the distrust in the elections was brought about by the MSM and them by claiming Russia influenced the election, even though he testified that they did not have an impact on it and he even sent a letter on November 7th stating this. If Hilary had won then this "Russia" plan wouldn't ever have been implemented and his original letter on the 7th would have bolstered the story that it was a normal election. Below is from Page 15 of https://docs.house.gov/meetings/IG/IG00/CPRT-116-IG00-D035.pdf

R. WENSTRUP: WeIl, the reason I ask that question is because I'm looking at this letter from November 7th, which doesn't seem to indicate the level of concern and priority that we saw after the election.


DR. WENSTRUP: Would you agree that was that due to new evidence or

MR. CLAPPER: Yes, yes.


MR. CLAPPER: Redacted….

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52affd  No.9087317

File: 235e998fa5c17b0⋯.png (59,74 KB, 362x294, 181:147, 2019_09_03_12_43_45_2.png)


Is that a younger Valerie Jarrett?

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008b0b  No.9087318

File: 68258c401142d13⋯.jpg (568,39 KB, 1440x844, 360:211, Screenshot_20200508_213210….jpg)

File: 5be90629113c45d⋯.jpg (786,74 KB, 1439x2724, 1439:2724, Screenshot_20200508_213015….jpg)

Check out Field of Fight ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@FieldofFight): https://twitter.com/FieldofFight?s=09

From Gen. Flynn book page.

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2995ac  No.9087319



Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>9037154 GhidraResearch Thread

>>9086754 Document Releases Thread

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64ce24  No.9087320


>Funny how it's ok to say some catholics are part of the cabal but not to say anything about jews, isn't it? Very odd.

That's not odd, it's expected.

Time honored Jew tradition. They are consistent.

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05c96c  No.9087321

File: 52a2eb770669fe9⋯.jpeg (122,06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, RossiBeer.jpeg)


>last year when Corona referred to a beer and not a crisis

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73ec30  No.9087322

File: bb384b3a02c1836⋯.png (607,33 KB, 600x535, 120:107, ClipboardImage.png)


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8b932d  No.9087323



metformin is poison, kills the pancreas.

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f9119d  No.9087324


Yea all that is old shit been fired up and disappointed for years. So …

not expecting any real action.

But do know some real stuff on other topics.

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6e45b3  No.9087325

File: 5fd3125c7a25c0c⋯.jpg (109,15 KB, 924x725, 924:725, castor_fiona.jpg)


so snooty fiona hill told ambassador Kastor to stay clear of ambassador Gordon sonderland and don't let him in under their tent because he was a trump guy and didn't know what he was doing other than cutting deals for trump

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d8244e  No.9087326

File: 683ad6399d8d1ee⋯.jpg (484,56 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, rodman.jpg)

File: 5fbf4ebaebc6c16⋯.jpg (27,48 KB, 300x300, 1:1, th.jpg)

File: e96fd33ec3999bc⋯.jpg (50,7 KB, 669x502, 669:502, eric_swalwell_courtesy_swa….jpg)

>>9086670 lb

Strange, I just went and read about that just now about Comey's kid.

Pretty sure they killed that little baby. These people are bred, born and programmed for evil their entire lives. Not even human. The trauma based mind control even begins before the baby is born. I've been reading about this a lot the last few days. It applies to so many politicians, entertainers, athletes… almost all of them. They are mentally broken and their minds are disassociated into several different controllable entities, and it continues for their entire lives or until they no longer serve any purpose, and they are disposed of.

The puzzle is getting put together. It explains so much about their strange behaviors, personality disorders and (for some) their complete lack of conscience for everything they do.

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86be5d  No.9087327

File: eb2d457061c41e7⋯.png (925,48 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 9AE01C0B_C2B2_459C_8220_13….png)


I love everyone here, with ketchup.

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a90c3a  No.9087328


I'll say one thing about PDJT. He keeps the line moving. The ever changing chess board. I do like having a new Postmaster. I never realized how powerful a position it is. How's that vote by mail going DEMS?

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69fd85  No.9087329


I would make a gif of his hanging, Clap on, Clap off.

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648888  No.9087330




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9e882f  No.9087331


don't hate your life anon, you have the privilege of being alive to witness humanity's greatest period in history

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c15012  No.9087332


now that really seems like total desperation.

you clowns don´t know how to possible argue on what I said but get triggered af over my posts that try to make clowns visible (visible clowns have no effect.)

so now all you can do is post the most ridiculous stuff while claiming you and me would be from the same team and I would be a clown?

if seriously one of you traitors came up with that and thinks it might work, will HRC be endorsing POTUS soon?

topkek. pretty pathetic.

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fef6ce  No.9087333

File: 248df1ac9a498e3⋯.png (788,27 KB, 1080x670, 108:67, Pleeeeze.png)

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646250  No.9087334

File: ca812d5869e443c⋯.jpg (29,63 KB, 848x565, 848:565, dumb_guy.jpg)

dipshitanon here

WTF is going?

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c937a2  No.9087336



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05c96c  No.9087337

File: 043ecdea5afe0f5⋯.png (56,14 KB, 255x192, 85:64, Bongino.png)


>swinger parties that Posobiec did with him

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0b328e  No.9087339

File: 65e11169ecae43f⋯.jpeg (1,06 MB, 2048x1445, 2048:1445, 6BEC1D92_D15C_4A65_B965_5….jpeg)

‘’’Anons, NOW is the time to cancel your permanent Vote-By-Mail Status! Fight back against rigged elections that include lost mail ballots. Make your vote count! Demand Voter ID!’’’

California Anons — Let’s make the vote reflect the people this election instead of the corrupt, rigged political machine.

How to Cancel my Permanent Vote-By-Mail Status

If you are currently registered to vote as a permanent vote-by-mail voter and would like to cancel your permanent vote-by-mail status, you can complete the California Permanent Vote-By-Mail Status Form (PDF) and submit it to your county elections office. If you have any questions, you can contact your county elections office or the Secretary of State's Voter Hotline at (800) 345-VOTE (8683). ‘’’Image related’’’ Please note that if you live in a county that is participating in the Voter’s Choice Act (Madera, Napa, Nevada, Sacramento and San Mateo) you will be mailed a ballot for all elections.


SOS? Save our ship? It’s really the Secretary of State.

Voter’s Choice Act

The California Voter’s Choice Act is a new law (PDF) passed in 2016 that will modernize elections in California by allowing counties to conduct elections under a new model which provides greater flexibility and convenience for voters.

This new election model allows voters to choose how, when, and where to cast their ballot by:

Mailing every voter a ballot

* Expanding in-person early voting

* Allowing voters to cast a ballot at any vote center within their county




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86be5d  No.9087340



Very low incidence of pancreatitis.

Works in the liver mostly.

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2995ac  No.9087341

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59adb1  No.9087342

File: 3c9d859f0b2b26e⋯.jpg (97,47 KB, 637x921, 637:921, YchU4lf.jpg)

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648888  No.9087343



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8b0e87  No.9087344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Reason Trump and Barr Are So "Supportive" of Jews and Israel

1. May 2018 President Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

>2. Jan 2020 The new Peace Plan gives Israel what Israel wants, 0 to Palestinians.

3. Feb 2020 AG Barr made "slapping a Jew in the face" a hate crime "that will be prosecuted".


When the 166,402+ Sealed Indictments are Unsealed, many many Tens of Thousands of people will be Arrested, Prosecuted and Convicted.

The 70% of Washington Swamp critters, and Biggest Corporate Criminals whose activities qualify as Treason or Sedition will be in GITMO = Military Tribunals.

Thousands of their minions will be in regular Prison, or perhaps in those FEMA Camps that Obongo so thoughtfully built to Gulag Patriots.

Something obvious will become apparent:

A LOT of these Criminals Are JEWISH !!!

* Think about the Thousands of CEOs who have resigned. No CEO would just give up their $$$Multi-Million Dollar powerful jobs for no reason. They're dirty and they're gonna be prosecuted.

Most CEOs are Jewish - saw research on ZeroHedge couple years ago, in which someone made a list of aprox. 200 top CEOs and 86% of them were Jews. among the CEOs who were not Jewish, many were married to Jews.

* An Anon made a list of the 16 Peach Mint Coup Plotters against President Trump all Jews–.

* All 4 Attorneys prosecuting General Flynn suddenly resigning from the case all Jews–.

* Of course, the entire Seditious MSM Media whores all Jews–.

When the Glorious Habbening HABBENS, it's gonna be obvious that A LOT of American Jews will be Prosecuted for Crimes against America. (I think Broward County alone might fill a whole FEMA Camp).

Which will cause a swift and LOUD [Shill Whine] kvetching of "Anti-Semitism"!!! It's anudda Pogrom!!  "Jews are Victims!"

But they can't make that stick against Trump nor against Barr…because…

LQQK how much they "love" ISRAEL, and protect the Jews against "anti-semitism" that even to slap a Jew in Brooklyn is prosecutable.

btw- there's no law in New York City that specifies that it's illegal or a hate crime to push someone in front of a Subway train to kill them. but touch a Jew, well…

President Trump and AG Barr have created impeccable Optics for when The Whole Diseased Corrupt TEMPLE is Brought Down Upon Their Heads.

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e4d4c7  No.9087345


Gowdy Tonight: Aw, Sean, Schifty got immunity that nigga home free.

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c15012  No.9087346


it´s one of many made up charaters used by a clown team to make this board appear stupid/racist/violent…

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227907  No.9087347


Should be nothing but latest Q posts and notables IMO.

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ec86ad  No.9087348

File: e527550b0767432⋯.jpeg (56,7 KB, 590x500, 59:50, 8925F79B_5BA3_41A9_B2C5_F….jpeg)

Hannity is for slow people

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950630  No.9087349

Try to listen to Hannity … His voice goes right thru me ….

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6013fb  No.9087350

operation 'rainbow 52'

anyone got anything on this?

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6b98ee  No.9087351

File: 58e231849b1cbf5⋯.jpeg (81,3 KB, 1200x836, 300:209, 11D26D25_B4FE_4A12_AB48_9….jpeg)

File: 7dcb5868497350a⋯.png (1,38 MB, 994x1068, 497:534, 89982361_5092_46EC_B70B_46….png)

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c0ca6d  No.9087352

Why no arrests yet?

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4b4149  No.9087354

File: c7eccc6a0a840ad⋯.jpg (56,17 KB, 1025x482, 1025:482, 3u8lydi0.jpg)

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73ec30  No.9087355


No more Maonic handshakes going on now with social distancing. POTUS says, let's get rid of this handshaking tradition.

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869d4e  No.9087357

File: ec91d49e3124e64⋯.jpg (219,06 KB, 1008x572, 252:143, Luke_CHUD_OBrien.jpg)

File: 613a8efa25344eb⋯.jpg (102,73 KB, 646x433, 646:433, CHUD.jpg)

File: c91af2273574650⋯.jpg (90,24 KB, 607x541, 607:541, LukeObrienCHUD.jpg)

>>9086946 (lb)

>>9086964 (lb)

>>9086977 (lb)

This sorry sack of shit was caught. HE was shilling like mad for a while on 8chan. Saying "Chud" this and "Chud" that in his weak ass shit. So if there is ONE, there are MANY, I'm sure. And if not THEM, then their personal minions, I'd have to assume.

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276cbf  No.9087358

File: d95c81af0c0ff75⋯.png (1,76 MB, 1116x1406, 558:703, bad4.png)


i mean

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5f1999  No.9087359

File: d2cfc44282055b2⋯.jpg (387,07 KB, 812x734, 406:367, Fucking_hate_jack_posobeic.jpg)

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762e37  No.9087360


Ok. thanks Anon.

Bot? or Person who is that desperate?

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a88c28  No.9087361

dog eats cat

cat eats rat

rat eats ???

human with gun shoots everyone who knows how to use lesser guns

human with sword destroys everyone who doesn't know how to use a sword

i disarm selected individuals before they enter

this isn't going to be easy

I have everything I need

the longer this goes on, the worse it'll get for everyone else

pyramid scheme, but think survivor lmao

"who can fly a plane? who can sail a ship? who can drive a car? who can walk the walk?"

you can't hurt me or else the watchers will descend upon you and kill you instantly!

i might've sold my soul

but how would God know what losing a soul is like unless He actually sold His own soul?

to whom?

to the devil?

to himself?

good vs evil



refuse to play the game? you lose

play the game? you still lose

but be the best player of the game?

you win it all!

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dc410d  No.9087362


>humanity's greatest period in history

That's a fucking cruel joke wrapped into a classic, egotistical misinterpretation of reality.

No offense. I'm a realist.

And I know how literally retarded the world truly is, right now

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03bba3  No.9087363

>>9083374 pb

>>9083390 pb

>>9083418 pb

TheNUIT World Order (NWO)to rule over a planet populated by slaves who serve the masters of N.U.I.T.

It is no accident that spells nuit (night in French).

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47736c  No.9087364

File: dd9e77bc2b53fa0⋯.png (148,58 KB, 1182x568, 591:284, ClipboardImage.png)

Exactly - all in an attempt to protect the Coup plotters.


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b5ddda  No.9087365


It's a meta issue, just like the usual 'learn to bake' section. It's not relevant for newcomers. It's distracting, for them. On the one hand, they're being told to shut up and lurk and on the other, they're being tutorialized in the details of formatting. That's confusing.

And I thought war room was on a different platform entirely? That said I acknowledge I may well be misinformed and in that case, kindly disregard, I guess.

And I still maintain 'Other dedicated research threads' is superfluous.

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05c96c  No.9087367

File: 708b90d628901ab⋯.png (204,5 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b98ee  No.9087368

File: 2e0679963c18868⋯.png (1,54 MB, 1005x905, 201:181, 878CD7D2_BBC4_45F5_8681_1B….png)

File: 884cf80fc5aa1bd⋯.jpeg (62,8 KB, 427x289, 427:289, 3E017FE4_7057_417C_9FCE_D….jpeg)

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33ac6a  No.9087369

Anon's still pinching themselves? I am!

Never thought it would have looked like the last six weeks,

now on this side of it, all the stress of those weeks has faded a

and it's hard to believe it really has started!!

Q Team, Potus and family must feel damn good now! Potus sure seemed much more relaxed the last couple days. Krama has come to town!

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c937a2  No.9087370


It is a silly dream, isn't it? Of all the dreamworlds I encounter this one is consistently the least interesting. It's like the place where all the magic died.

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5f1999  No.9087371


I hate that cunt so much. Him and that fucking mixed asian from OAN. I HATE HER TOO FUCKING AGENT FUCKS

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3876a6  No.9087372


Nobody, I mean NOBODY can take longer to ask a question than him.

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a90c3a  No.9087373


I wonder if LDR finds it hard to hide the XY factor. Getting on in age can't help. She's on the phone and propped up a photo of better days. Calling from the bunker. Make a public appearance. And don't forget to stay hydrated. It's good for the skin.

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05c96c  No.9087374

File: 9a085e80bc0fdb2⋯.mp4 (1,11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, GatesSmile.mp4)

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94b019  No.9087375

File: 46fae57aa699861⋯.jpg (114,97 KB, 582x582, 1:1, 46fae57aa699861351d779f96d….jpg)



Doctors need to get brave and actually curing their patients. Q's waiting on the people to do it.

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c0ca6d  No.9087376

File: d1b8f2d14d07c4e⋯.jpeg (854,04 KB, 1125x1308, 375:436, 6C5AD96C_FBEE_4B9D_9954_2….jpeg)

#BREAKING: 11 Secret Service agents test positive for COVID-19: report http://hill.cm/lhIlenb


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276cbf  No.9087377


seriously, just post the script of your bot

its fucking gay

i mean, i know you told your supervisor

"dude i totes got the keywords to wrek this shit"

but seriously, if he's listening

your code is fucking faggot

and you should neck yourself

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a45838  No.9087378

>>9085822 (LB)

Italy has the largest outbreak of coronavirus in Europe today.

Northern Italy is the hardest hit.

The number of Chinese people in Italy has grown rapidly in the last decade.

Official statistics indicate there are at least 320,794 Chinese citizens in Italy.

With an estimated 300,000 Chinese nationals, Italy hosts the largest diaspora community in the European Union.

Today, thousands work in small companies across Padua and other areas.

The coronavirus was detected near Padua back on February 21.

Around 50,000 Chinese are employed in Prato alone, Italy’s textile capital near Florence.


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f7a553  No.9087379

File: 27985cd63dbcfd7⋯.png (42,97 KB, 717x520, 717:520, EXh2mwYXYAQcQtR.png)

File: 5722d98ee1b05c2⋯.png (236,63 KB, 717x729, 239:243, EXh2mg8WAAAh34M.png)

Flynn's lawyer Sidney Powell is retweeting Q drops and X22Report.

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b50553  No.9087380


>robt plant

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1a96e1  No.9087381

File: 13ba63316ef9b54⋯.jpeg (109,16 KB, 828x819, 92:91, 7BFC0C5A_5D63_4EBE_96F7_9….jpeg)

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c15012  No.9087382


neither a bot (not even ebot is a bot) nor a single person.

it´s characters used by a team of clowns. (maybe it´s the same 2, 3 clowns posting as ebot or aflb or A or McT though).

they want to give the impression it´s a person, to make anons look stupid.

in many nights, especially on weekends (when many eyes are on) there are 80% / 90% clown posts in the breads.

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9fda44  No.9087383

Anyone have a link to the [Michael Atkinson] transcript? I can't find it anywhere.

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05c96c  No.9087384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're talking LITERALLY to an intelligence officer.

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4f00dc  No.9087385


DR. WENSTRUP: It is. But transparency would tend to balance those scales, I would think. But on November 7th, you signed a letter to me, and it was a bipantisan letter that I had sent you, but you sent a letter back to me and the others. And in that, you stated – and this is November 7th, before the election -

REDACTED 8 Lines total. Assumed to be the letter…

What specific intelligence informed these assessments at that time?

Any way to get a hold of this letter from Clapper to the committee?

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8d951b  No.9087386

File: ba0d3060b69c827⋯.png (743,38 KB, 1078x1533, 154:219, SmartSelectImage_2020_05_0….png)

File: f9c75fb0b959d99⋯.png (640,55 KB, 966x1337, 138:191, SmartSelectImage_2020_05_0….png)

File: 4c20484373c3f5a⋯.png (443,4 KB, 880x1157, 880:1157, SmartSelectImage_2020_05_0….png)

File: c8a196936b10284⋯.png (940,42 KB, 945x1696, 945:1696, SmartSelectImage_2020_05_0….png)

File: dea5fe650370b9a⋯.png (829,2 KB, 802x1537, 802:1537, SmartSelectImage_2020_05_0….png)

Lynch Transcript. October 30, 2017.

Tremendous amount of redacted material. Appears to be passing the buck. I suspect the redacted portions deal with authorizing the spy OP against candidate Trump.

Further along, entire portions of the interview are censored. McCabe and Coney both are mentioned there.

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6013fb  No.9087387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Claims Qanon are MJ12 at 31 mins

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ecb181  No.9087388

File: c065898899c6099⋯.jpg (22,39 KB, 552x479, 552:479, 1579707832778.jpg)


Is she even black? She comes off as the illuminati's logical conclusion with their brainslaves; a potato-shaped, racially androgynous, eyebrow-less husk for easy access by inter-dimensional demons.

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e4d4c7  No.9087389

File: 95c953e2d2fbaad⋯.jpg (44,72 KB, 780x520, 3:2, chanel_dadyellowfever.jpg)


> fucking mixed asian

Leave my Daddy alone!

Besides, he's a DC lawyer and could have you ded

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62c75c  No.9087390

File: 94b3a69c620df60⋯.jpg (49,76 KB, 595x732, 595:732, Beach_Patriots.JPG)

File: c81e278a47d29f6⋯.mp4 (2,81 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Beach_Patrios.mp4)


#FlagsOut - somewhere on some coastline.


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fef6ce  No.9087391

File: 95233ba817ada4d⋯.jpg (41,62 KB, 500x507, 500:507, 408gg.jpg)




Secret service is trying to infect Trump with the CoronaVirus.

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88b6ff  No.9087392


my penis broken

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f9119d  No.9087393

Jim, there is no sign of intelligent life.

Ok then approve bypass

Arthur - What? wait What?

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aa5c2c  No.9087394

File: c3dfef625461520⋯.png (189,81 KB, 398x805, 398:805, Craig_Murray.PNG)

Craig Murray.

In Roger Stone's testimony, he states that Craig Murray claims he received the thumb drive from an intermediary and gave it to WikiLeaks. Assange never gives up a source; however, if Craig acknowledges, Assange would likely confirm and might be able to prove!

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3876a6  No.9087395


Uh oh…means the second string will be in.

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0beb8d  No.9087396

File: 47d32f4ee2605c8⋯.png (4,41 MB, 1800x1350, 4:3, E88CF375_6DE0_4873_A772_F9….png)

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648888  No.9087397



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227dcf  No.9087398


Thats not how you treat a jogger…..(too soon?)

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e71482  No.9087399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Night Shift

Lick it

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dc9ae6  No.9087400


The higher authorities of Romans 13 were the Apostles. Never was discussing civil, secular authorities.

See The First Audience Perspective of Romans 13 at


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a88c28  No.9087401


I agree

I envision a world where we can colonize the planets and explore outer space

but then I remember that everything is a lie

we live in a dome

I rule it

and then I feel happy knowing how much power I have, yet not having any power at all

knowing that all of that individuals I interact with know not who I am


I will never neck myself

you are in my world

my game

I'm the only one playing

the truth would put 99% in the hospital

these people are sick

they won't be able to walk the streets or whatever

think: is it already happening?

not in the way that you imagined?

not in the way that I envisioned?

and yet here I am, still

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a79550  No.9087402


Are they spreading the disease through infected masks ???

Kids are coming with severe inflammatory reactions, and they need resuscitation

Total fuckery

Hopefully this Covid shit will be over soon

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c15012  No.9087403


just look at how many hours clowns are being here.

I try to be here as much as I can, several hours a day. and whenever I am here I see "aflb", "ebot", "finkelstein" (the muh jew spam clown, called like that bc he posted a vid of a rabbi named finkelstein several hundreds of times) posting.

those clowns are here all the time. it´s not persons, it´s 'IDs' used by a clown team.

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b50553  No.9087404

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8160e9  No.9087405


Confirm. D-5 incoming.

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aa696e  No.9087406

File: f8d5fb563591ab5⋯.jpg (30,49 KB, 600x315, 40:21, yourTearsSayMoreThanEviden….jpg)


>And I still maintain 'Other dedicated research threads' is superfluous.

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950630  No.9087407

Biden is setting up his dementia defense from Prosecution …

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0beb8d  No.9087408

File: 6b49355d5ee4404⋯.png (331,99 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 426C7F20_32F4_4740_8FDC_8B….png)

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dc410d  No.9087409


>It is a silly dream, isn't it?

Nah. It's a very real and rather painful experience for some of us. But to each their own

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f9119d  No.9087410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ecb181  No.9087411

File: 0b517a986fa61f9⋯.jpg (103,36 KB, 890x1044, 445:522, 0b517a986fa61f9f48dc47defa….jpg)

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d8244e  No.9087412


When you think about it, they see how much they can get away doing that to the entire population of the planet. Think about traumas like 911, Sandy Hook, Global Fake Pandemics, all to change the behaviors and thinking of as many suckers they can find.

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47736c  No.9087413

File: a6a0fe836f7d075⋯.png (118,34 KB, 1176x468, 98:39, ClipboardImage.png)


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762e37  No.9087414

File: 1f17200d7cd311e⋯.jpeg (227,77 KB, 864x1019, 864:1019, 1f17200d7cd311ea20374f29e….jpeg)


Gotcha thanks for heads up.

ABC clowns or just clowns?

Yeah I know I hate weekend breads.

Typically not on weekends but shit has changed.

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5f1999  No.9087415


>lotta chatlogs

What a fucking twat


Looks like Steve Bannon. That's not a good thing. Same contempt in his eyes

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82e03d  No.9087416

File: e1cbb0b3964fd57⋯.png (491,19 KB, 535x578, 535:578, Screenshot_2020_05_08_Hill….png)


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b5ddda  No.9087417


Explain how it's not?

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ecbd2d  No.9087418

File: 834c84130850831⋯.png (462,55 KB, 741x531, 247:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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276cbf  No.9087419


you are simply a nerf football some of us play with when we're extremely bored

i hope you know that

because that's all you will ever be

a fucking distraction from boredom

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fef6ce  No.9087420

File: c9eccfb681d6463⋯.png (743,55 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, lmao.png)

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f9119d  No.9087421

File: a87c7a727d9666c⋯.png (117,74 KB, 1280x931, 1280:931, axis30degreetwist.png)


leaf behave or I will kick your ass

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82e03d  No.9087422

File: bb3dde72ade85ae⋯.png (31,92 KB, 535x336, 535:336, Screenshot_2020_05_08_Hill….png)



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7c1d02  No.9087423

>>9087290 Former Nunes staffer tapped for Deputy position to replace outgoing ODNI, COO


Moar swamp creatures gone

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96744b  No.9087424



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8d951b  No.9087425



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276cbf  No.9087426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8b0e87  No.9087427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All Q Followers are aware:


/                                      \

Alt & US Media                 US Politicians


Most Anons are also aware of the MASSIVE Jewish Cabal Organized* Subversion of America. 

*Prosecutable under the RICO Statute.

Jewish Cabal Infiltration at Every Level of Our Society made possible by: $$Money - Rothschilds OWN the power to Create Money out of Thin Air.


This is the Ultimate Power because with Unlimited Money, Jews can Finance themselves and other Jews to Buy Up Anything of Value, and Any Position of Power and Control.

and have been for 106 Years of the Unconstitutional "Federal" Reserve Banking system.

The Jewish Owned and Mossad Control MSM's old trick of kvetching "anti-semitism" no longer works on anyone because people are sick and tired of their bullshit.

"anti-semitism" is like saying Outing Pedophiles is "anti-pedophiles".

It's an absurd excuse because the righteous anger is warranted and justified.

Through MSM and Hollywood, Cabal Jews* have controlled the Jewish Narrative for nearly a Century in the USA.

*Cabal Jews do not include normie Jews.

That Jewish control of the Narrative is on the brink of collapse.

ADL Jews have stated that 1 Billion people worldwide are anti-semitic.

Translation: at least 1 Billion people are Awake, and not fooled by Jewish propaganda False Narrative, which HIDES the Jewish Subversion of America, and of the World.

What the Israeli Army shills and Sayanim Jew shills are Failing to See:

The Deep Outrage and Disgust of that Billion+ of us WHO KNOW.

The Jewish Cabal Control of our country is being dismantled day by day, methodically and inexorably. 

The End is Near for the Cabal.

(Cabal from the Jewish mysticism Kabbalah)

*There will be a Tsunami of Gentile RAGE against these Jewish Cabal fuckers which will SHOCK JEWS!!

Israel's Army JIDF shills and Sayanim Jews shilling their Jewish/Israeli Propaganda here are Clueless with their pathetic Ad Hominem attacks against the Truth posted about the Jewish Cabal, like Ostriches with their heads in the Palestinian desert sand.

We are saving Israel For Last




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495831  No.9087428


"how obsessions are born,

yearning for the closeness of leafie . . .

I know that it's that type of love where you can fall asleep with your head on his big fat belly, and you never know if he went through with the operation because it never goes there, even though you sleep like that. And it never will. And both of you want it that way. that's the kind of love."

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47736c  No.9087429

File: db75fdc6a0a4bef⋯.png (675,81 KB, 1194x1266, 199:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Clinton Foundation AKA Clinton Crime Syndicate


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a88c28  No.9087430

have I spilled the beans?

even if I have, do you believe me?

will you ever believe me?

read the Bible where Jesus/Christ/God is enlivened to Clark Kent and Superman simultaneously

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813809  No.9087431

File: 9ae567855ce37fb⋯.jpg (283,64 KB, 700x467, 700:467, SL9rHEJ2fKfQpKFG4C2Y4W.jpg)

wake up and read all the notables missed while I dared to sleep

all day keep up with the current Qews

Then 12 hours later I finally get caught up

and it's time for more sleep and the whole thing repeats the next day

Thank You GOD for these amazing days

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c15012  No.9087432



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e2b7f2  No.9087433

File: 66016b436184c6e⋯.png (1,2 MB, 1103x662, 1103:662, pepe_qnn_bidness_news.PNG)

Bidness roundup

U.S. small business rescue program ignored Congress: watchdog

The U.S. government’s $660 billion program to rescue small businesses hit by the coronavirus pandemic thwarts the intention of Congress by making it hard for some borrowers to convert loans to grants and failing to prioritize the right businesses, a government watchdog said on Friday. "Because the (Small Business Administration) did not provide guidance to lenders about prioritizing borrowers in underserved and rural markets, these borrowers, including rural, minority and women-owned businesses, may not have received the loans as intended," the inspector general said in a 40-page report here referring to the Paycheck Protection Program, part of the $2.3 trillion CARES Act. Adding to the problem, the report said, the SBA did not collect any demographic data when issuing the loans, so it is unlikely it will ever know how many loans went to underserved borrowers. The inspector general said the SBA could ask for “optional” demographic information when borrowers apply to have their loans forgiven under the terms of the program. But, the report also said, some tens of thousands of borrowers may not be able to convert the money to grants as Congress intended. Meanwhile, more than 40 publicly traded companies grabbed loans under the program even though they had enough cash to cover their expenses for two months. The SBA has so far approved more than 2.5 million loans totaling $536 billion, it said Friday.


United Airlines scraps US$2.25-billion bond sale as demand disappoints

United Airlines Holdings Inc. is abandoning a US$2.25-billion sale of junk bonds after the deal fell flat with investors. The airline sweetened the yield to 11 per cent from about nine per cent, Bloomberg News reported Thursday, due to weak demand for the three- and five-year notes. United, which is getting US$5 billion in payroll support from the U.S. government, is rushing to raise additional money to ride out the worst crisis in the history of the airline industry. In the U.S., passenger totals have tumbled more than 90 per cent as the coronavirus has all but erased travel demand.


Southwest to raise $815 million through sale and leaseback of 20 planes

Southwest Airlines Co (LUV.N) will sell and lease back 20 planes for gross proceeds of about $815 million, the company said in a regulatory filing on Friday. The move will help Southwest save cash at a time when U.S. airlines collectively burn more than $10 billion a month. Passenger traffic in the country has fallen by 95% since March because of the coronavirus pandemic. Southwest’s deal involves 10 Boeing 737-800 aircraft and 10 737 MAX 8 aircraft. The airline did not specify who it was selling the planes to and the duration of the leaseback agreement.


raw filing


Chipotle enters into unsecured $600 million revolving credit facility

Shares of Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. CMG, +3.15% were flat Friday after it revealed it has entered into a new, unsecured $600 million revolving credit facility. The loan includes a letter of credit sub-facility of up to $20 million, according to an SEC filing. The facility will mature on May 7, 2021.


JPMorgan’s Publicly Traded Clients Give Back the Most PPP Loans

Bank lent to 13 of 40 companies backing out of relief program. Initially, only 6% of JPMorgan’s smaller clients got loans. Nearly one-third of the virus-relief loans that public companies now say they’re returning to the government were arranged by JPMorgan Chase & Co. In all, more than 370 public companies have said they tapped so-called Payroll Protection Program loans, to the tune of about $1 billion so far. That’s a sliver of the $669 billion that the federal government is distributing in the PPP facility, most of which is going to private companies that aren’t bound by public disclosure rules. More givebacks could emerge, as companies scrutinize the updated federal guidelines ahead of a May 14 deadline to return the money.


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762e37  No.9087434


No comment?



If Don says it. I believe.

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648888  No.9087435




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0d1555  No.9087436

File: 6cfaea21b1f1f96⋯.jpg (285,37 KB, 1440x1226, 720:613, Screenshot_20200508_204525….jpg)

Prez Jr. Is the only "hunter" I know on the recent declas…

Unless maybe there is info on another Hunter we need to find?

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c937a2  No.9087437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because you are still asleep. Try watching this. Scientists have known this world is an illusion for over 100 years. You're dreaming right now.

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e71482  No.9087438

File: a1a3a129efb0c3a⋯.jpg (557 KB, 1080x2111, 1080:2111, a1a3a129efb0c3ab5af82c5384….jpg)

WTF is up with this?


Go ahead an eat popcorn




Dude owns the biggest gold mine in the WORLD, and he OWNS THE USA FLAG, THATS WHY



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6013fb  No.9087439

File: a111114aa313c6a⋯.png (283,18 KB, 1778x627, 1778:627, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fe3ae36e31b312⋯.png (399,58 KB, 1745x870, 349:174, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a5c48a8ca3b251⋯.png (385,62 KB, 1714x920, 857:460, ClipboardImage.png)

Majestic 12

In December, 1984, Jaime Shandera, a Hollywood movie producer and UFO researcher, received an unusual package through the post. Inside was just one roll of undeveloped 35mm black and white film. There were no accompanying letter or return address, the only clue to where the package came from was by the postmark which was Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Once developed, the film contained negatives of what appeared to be an eight page briefing paper, prepared on 18th November, 1952, for president-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower. A warning on the first page read, 'This is a TOP SECRET - EYES ONLY document containing compartmentalized information essential to the national security of the United States'.

On page two was a list of 12 influential US scientists, military leaders and intelligence advisors. It was not until viewing page three that the subject of the papers became clear, 'the recovery of a crashed flying saucer and alien bodies near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947'.

The final page of the briefing paper was a memorandum, dated 24th September,1947, from President Harry Truman to his secretary of Defence, James Forrestal. In it, Truman instructs Forrestal to proceed with 'Operation Majestic-12', but gives no hint at what that might be.

Alone, the Forrestal memo was meaningless. But when read next to the 1952 briefing paper, the story behind them became clear: in July 1947, a 'flying disc-shaped aircraft' crashed landed in Roswell, New Mexico, and 'extra-terrestrial biological entities' (EBEs) are recovered by the military. When President Truman is informed about the crash, he authorizes Defense Secretary Forrestal to set up a committee to investigate and deal with the situation.

In 1952, when Eisenhower becomes President-elect, he is briefed on Operation Majestic-12. The briefing paper lists the 12-man committee and gives details of the saucer crash. The final paragraph stresses the need to 'avoid public panic at all costs', confirming that the government is covering up the truth about UFOs.

Are these Documents Real?

In the UFO research community, the opinion is split. In one corner, Stanton T. Friedman, who has dedicated over 10 years of research to finding the truth, Bill Moore and Jaime Shandera believe the documents to be real. In the other corner are Kevin Randle, Armen Victorian and our old friend Philip Klass, all of whom have reasons to believe they are faked. To add to the mystery surrounding the Majestic-12 papers (also known as MJ-12, or MAJIC), a number of other similar packages have turned up over the last few years.

The first was a postcard delivered to Bill Moore in 1985. Postmarked New Zealand, it suggested him to research newly declassified documents at the US National Archives. Moore and Shandera did so, and found a memo confirming the existence of MJ-12, written by Eissenhower's Special Assistant for National Security, Robert Cutler, and addressed to Nathan Twining, the US Air Force Chief Of Staff.

Between 1992 and 1996, another UFO researcher named Tim Cooper, received a number of MJ-12 documents, all of which he quietly shared with Friedman. Several were proved hoaxes but, according to Cooper and Friedman, two single-page documents appear to be genuine. The first is a brief instruction to General Nathan Twining (an alleged member of MJ-12) concerning his activities during a July 1947 trip to New Mexico, the site of the crashed saucer.

The second document is a memo to President Truman, dictated by US Secretary of State, George C. Marshall to his Executive Secretary, R.H. Humelsine. While there is no direct mention of MJ-12 in the memo, the reference at the top reads MAJIC EO 092447 MJ-12.

The most spectacular new MJ-12 document was posted in 1994 to Don Berliner, a longtime UFO investigator and science writer. The anonymous roll of film contained 23 pages of a 'Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual', dated April, 1954. It was a detailed instruction manual entitled 'Extra-terrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal'. (see some Majestic Documents HERE)


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9e882f  No.9087440


you have no idea what's coming, do you?

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5f1999  No.9087441

File: 9371b91e6d9fc8d⋯.jpg (122,21 KB, 446x299, 446:299, Architect.jpg)


Not gonna lie, I would hatefuck a younger Hillary

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a88c28  No.9087442


big typo/grammatical error, but I don't care lmao

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0b328e  No.9087443

File: d20221fb86bf2ec⋯.png (206,01 KB, 292x316, 73:79, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


good job son!

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e4d4c7  No.9087444


rare pics of the Karen that started a movement

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ad2153  No.9087445

>>9085900 lb

Jim Comey Infant Son's death.

This is sad, but a nothing burger story.

Strep B is curable NOW but in 1995 they were not sure why babies were getting sick. My girl was born in 1994, was really sick but did finally recover. They weren't sure what was wrong but she was in the hospital for 2 weeks.

Fast forward to 1999 when my son was born. They now tested moms for Strep B. If you have it, they run an IV antibiotic when you go into labor to ensure Strep B is not passed to your child in delivery.

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f9119d  No.9087446

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7c1d02  No.9087447


This knowledge is what the cabal fears.

The Great Awakening.

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73ec30  No.9087448

File: 87e47c4f00eab3c⋯.png (1,59 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Pelosi and Madcow comparing notes, making sure they are on the same page ie telling the same lies.

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fef6ce  No.9087449

File: b73cce4a83defaf⋯.jpg (70,47 KB, 757x499, 757:499, Ch_teau_Laffite.jpg)

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276cbf  No.9087450

File: 52d1db1e82c3891⋯.png (22,31 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Ackshully.png)



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913787  No.9087451

Prez Jr. Is the only "hunter" I know on the recent declas…

Unless maybe there is info on another Hunter we need to find?

But jr. Did guided hunts..

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f9119d  No.9087452

honest question here.

somone here should know if mixing cherry tobacco with vanilla is good or is crap?

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813809  No.9087453

File: 89862af5e730513⋯.jpg (28,26 KB, 300x429, 100:143, who_the_hell.jpg)

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227907  No.9087454


Was he wearing a purple tie again?

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c937a2  No.9087455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1f2628  No.9087456

File: 0ddef7b7b032b0c⋯.png (269,76 KB, 450x372, 75:62, 9997.png)


Here is the May 7 archive (56 file)


Here was archived at 1557 est. before Q said disregard at 16:?? (85 file)


As Q said

It must be open-source.

Happy hunting!

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d14410  No.9087457

>>9086817 lb

>>9086845 lb

Anon which transcripts are these from? Which people testifying?

>>9086832 lb

Very helpful, thank you for cross posting.

>>9086881 lb

Thank you, anon. When we work together we are unstoppable

>the team [they] hoped would never come together

And now we have our own thread so we can consolidate the information for maximum use!

>>9086708 Dedicated thread for the Secret Transcripts Schiff tried to HIDE that rat bastard

'Please post your findings in the new thread

>>9086898 lb

TY marketupdateanon

>we have your data

I bet those REIT companies are hurting right now or at least not feeling so cute. After decimating our brick-and-mortar stores by Bezos, these types of businesses aren't looking quite as profitable (retail centers, specifically).

>>9086933 Christopher Wylie (pb)

TY, added over on the new thread and in the txt file.

>>9086946 lb

>We pose a threat to their jobs plus they gather intel on what we are digging up so that they can try and head it off at the pass.

Certainly true.


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56740d  No.9087458

File: 68fe10f6f6efc79⋯.png (321,44 KB, 613x357, 613:357, acosta_is_a_weenie4.png)

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762e37  No.9087459

File: baae10ebfd13c26⋯.jpg (393,13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Desktop2.jpg)


I liked patchfaggots keeping some of them out. If that was true, seemed true…

Way less Muh joo, MAGA riots, Clowns when they were here.

Was a bit quieter when they were here and the SPAM was at least shit i liked.

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2644ec  No.9087460

File: 65b64bb6c945c5b⋯.png (533,98 KB, 662x564, 331:282, Capture_Breaking_11_ss.PNG)

11 Secret Service agents test positive for COVID-19


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a90c3a  No.9087461


This pisses me off to no end. This score needs to be evened. One of them isn't a doctor but wants to vaccinate the world and the other is a infiltrator pretending to be a "journalist". And he wrote a book some gay guy read.

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05c96c  No.9087462

File: 0259c06870afaf2⋯.png (1,03 MB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ClipboardImage.png)


>comparing notes

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648888  No.9087463

>>9087283 : FREDDYBREAD

>>9087338 : FREDDYBREAD

>>9087366 : FREDDYBREAD



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56740d  No.9087464

Interview Transcripts (sorted by date of interview)

June 22, 2017 — Dan Coats

June 26, 2017 — Evelyn Farkas

June 27, 2017 — John Podesta

July 14, 2017 — Michael Caputo

July 17, 2017 — James Clapper

July 25, 2017 — Jared Kushner

July 26, 2017 — Jeffrey Gordon

July 27, 2017 — John Carlin

August 30, 2017 — Andrew Brown

August 30, 2017 — Yared Tamene Wolde-Yohannes

September 8, 2017 — Susan Rice

September 26, 2017 — Roger J. Stone, Jr.

September 28, 2017 — Boris Ephsteyn

October 6, 2017 — Matthew Tait

October 12, 2017 — Jonathan Saffron

October 13, 2017 — Samantha Power

October 18, 2017 — Thomas Catan

October 18, 2017 — Peter Fritsch

October 20, 2017 — Loretta Lynch

October 24, 2017 — Michael Cohen

October 24, 2017 — Brad Parscale

October 25, 2017 — Benjamin Rhodes

November 1, 2017 — Mary McCord

November 2, 2017 — Ike Kaveladze

November 2, 2017 — Carter Page

November 3, 2017 — Sally Yates

November 7, 2017 — Keith Schiller

November 13, 2017 — Rinat Akhmetshin

November 28, 2017 — Anatoli Samochornov

November 30, 2017 — Erik Prince

November 30, 2017 — Jefferson Sessions

December 4, 2017 — John Podesta

December 5, 2017 — Diana Denman

December 5, 2017 — Shawn Henry

December 6, 2017 — Donald Trump, Jr.

December 8, 2017 — Walid Phares

December 12, 2017 — Samuel Clovis

December 12, 2017 — Michael Goldfarb

December 13, 2017 — Marc Elias

December 14, 2017 — Alexander Nix

December 18, 2017 — Rob Goldstone

December 18, 2017 — Michael Sussman

December 19, 2017 — David Kramer

December 19, 2017 — Andrew McCabe

December 20, 2017 — Felix Sater

December 20, 2017 — Witness Name Redacted

December 21, 2017 — Jake Sullivan

December 22, 2017 — Rhona Graff

December 23, 2017 — Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI

January 5, 2018 — Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI

January 10, 2018 — David Kramer

January 10, 2018 — Letter from Counsel to David Kramer to HPSCI

January 16, 2018 — Stephen Bannon

January 17, 2018 — Rick Dearborn

January 17, 2018 — Corey Lewandowski

February 15, 2018 — Stephen Bannon

February 27, 2018 — Hope Hicks

March 8, 2018 — Corey Lewandowski

April 25, 2018 — Christopher Wylie

April 30, 2019 — Letter from HPSCI to Department of Justice

July 18, 2018 — Simona Mangiante

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937b15  No.9087465

File: 96d1b05bb916fb9⋯.png (403,11 KB, 883x479, 883:479, schumermemes.png)

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53f481  No.9087466

File: 13f6f907cef5104⋯.jpg (115,14 KB, 1391x703, 1391:703, INLm505PIX.jpg)


>you have no idea what's coming, do you?

For them probably pic related

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940d56  No.9087467

File: 04f61b516172775⋯.png (602,69 KB, 696x404, 174:101, ClipboardImage.png)


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b49931  No.9087468


Bill Moore

Tim Cooper

Bill Cooper?

Milton William Cooper?

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1776ea  No.9087469

File: a4c00a9bc33706e⋯.png (374,08 KB, 366x787, 366:787, shadowking.png)

>>9083042 pb

shadow "king" is a satanic role

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f9119d  No.9087470



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b96c7d  No.9087471

File: f43596b4d9270aa⋯.mp4 (274,34 KB, 640x360, 16:9, r37EIzJe4F9eURNr.mp4)


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813809  No.9087472

File: ef1985f5d694c29⋯.jpg (20,25 KB, 292x444, 73:111, ggjj.jpg)

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8b0e99  No.9087473

File: 66e4530bebc4585⋯.jpg (243,27 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, IMG_2363.JPG)

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c53e44  No.9087474

File: 0f7ec625c26bd72⋯.png (615,09 KB, 853x474, 853:474, C305E208_EC7B_4CD6_921E_51….png)

File: 33ff49f95764f5b⋯.png (1,17 MB, 2840x3072, 355:384, 89F1FBC0_D4B8_4301_BCAD_2B….png)

File: caa47c865e91039⋯.jpeg (965,58 KB, 1536x1194, 256:199, E8B6A1ED_D27C_4F5E_9848_3….jpeg)

File: de7201a6d0f0926⋯.jpeg (866,76 KB, 1536x1316, 384:329, 01E94520_C9FE_44E9_A0A7_5….jpeg)



From last and previous bread by another anon


repost of mine from several hours ago, gained no traction

>>9070804 (pb) notable

>>9070929 (You) (pb)

Instances of errant Q's in the Russia Investigation Transcripts.

Along the same lines as Corney=Comey, and after an anon posted fox's display of a Q instead of a zero in a transcript, i went searching. all the transcripts.

if i found an instance of '2Q' as in the capture from fox. i searched for '20' to compare the prevalence of the two in the same document, and then searched for 'Q', and manually confirmed whether the letter was actually a Q or not.


motherfuckers said the word question A LOT; also

>pic related

there are 14 instances of a Q showing up where it shouldn't be. makes me think i'm missing 3.

KERNING = controlled spacing between letters

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0a765a  No.9087475



Recruited by KT and Flynn to later testify to impeach Trump!

Fiona Hill


A dual US-UK citizen, Fiona Hill advised Donald Trump’s White House on Russia as relations between Moscow and Washington soured over allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections. She left her role in June this year, one week before the phone call between Mr Trump and Mr Zelensky took place.

She was recruited by KT McFarland and Michael Flynn, two former Trump national security advisers who left the administration before she had taken up her post.

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4f00dc  No.9087476

File: 69f938514bb6589⋯.png (137,78 KB, 287x176, 287:176, ClipboardImage.png)

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18a354  No.9087477

File: af85633465bc5ce⋯.png (186,64 KB, 400x400, 1:1, patriot_q_shield_usa.png)

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276cbf  No.9087478




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f7a553  No.9087479


the DMT told me this also.

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ecb181  No.9087480

File: f762c5ddfa98a12⋯.jpg (153,52 KB, 768x640, 6:5, HalfLbRB_18_tile_Mobile_76….jpg)


Imagine those two scissoring.

Just imagine it.

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a88c28  No.9087481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cd8787  No.9087482


Of course, he was also investigating Hillary at the time.

JAMES COMEY: I worked for five months as a staff lawyer on the banking committee's special committee I think they called it on the Whitewater investigation. My role was to focus on the suicide of a White House official who was the deputy White House counsel–


JAMES COMEY: –named Vincent Foster, yeah. And whether any documents were taken from his office and mishandled. I was only there five months. Patrice and I had a personal tragedy. We had a healthy baby boy, Collin Comey. Was born after I'd been there five months and died unfortunately of a infection that was preventable. And so I never went back.


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7bb87a  No.9087483

File: 8f1dc412cfbfd8f⋯.png (580,97 KB, 898x691, 898:691, ClipboardImage.png)


So we know what is missing.

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7c1d02  No.9087484

File: 03d0325c63d9d3b⋯.png (1,75 MB, 1598x810, 799:405, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


Whatever habbened to Dennis Rodman?

Hope he's doing ok.

Hero of early Q mvmt…

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8b0e87  No.9087485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MIFSUD Surname - Jews of Malta

Many other Maltese names appear to be Hebrew in origin and may be an indication of Jewish lineage dating from the middles ages when Jews were taken captive throughout the Mediterranean basin and sold to Maltese slave owners.

Sauce: https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/mifsud/12/

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1f1738  No.9087486




Could be "drones" (body is a host & taken over by something other than human)

Could be "clones" ~ also controlled

Could be "chipped" & remotely controlled

Could be "split" "broken" "multiple" personalities ~ controlled by Handlers who know the "secret words/ codes"

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3c9991  No.9087487

File: d7c2cbd311214fb⋯.jpeg (339,36 KB, 750x736, 375:368, C08421F4_4C6C_418F_B94B_A….jpeg)

File: 5eed9181f9855c0⋯.jpeg (39,23 KB, 650x400, 13:8, 171D8CCA_BF27_42DA_8C42_3….jpeg)



They're after me


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f9119d  No.9087488


well now you know kek

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47736c  No.9087489

File: f712744980c707b⋯.png (1,86 MB, 2068x1036, 517:259, ClipboardImage.png)


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54872a  No.9087490

File: 26ba0fe1785fc68⋯.jpg (140,88 KB, 768x638, 384:319, You_had_a_choice.jpg)



Eyes on Anon……… A storm is brewing.

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fef6ce  No.9087491

File: ad576c74384bbef⋯.png (225,05 KB, 537x464, 537:464, Screenshot_20200424_183749….png)

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b74594  No.9087492


Coat's Transcript, strange findings:


DIRECTOR COATS: I might have discussed it with my Acting Principal Deputy, Ted Dempsey. I think he did.

MR. BROOKER: Mike Dempsey.


who forgets one of their direct report's names?


Schiff starts asking about Flynn digging for boogers…

MR. SCHIFF: Did he raise Michael Flynn during that meeting?

DIRECTOR COATS: No. See, the Flynn thing was over before I ever got there. I mean, it was –

MR. SCHIFF: Well, Flynn had been fired by then, correct?


MR. SCHIFF: But the issue of whether Flynn was going to be investigated or prosecuted wasn't over, right?

DIRECTOR COATS: lt was not over, no.

MR. SCHIFF: Did he raise Michael Flynn during that meeting?

DIRECTOR COATS: I don't recall. I don't think so.

MR. SCHIFF: Did he ask you to intervene with Director Comey?

DIRECTOR COATS: He never asked me to do anything with Michael Flynn at all.

MR. SCHIFF: So he never asked you to suggest to Director Comey or anyone else that the Flynn case should be dropped?

DIRECTOR COATS: He has never asked me to tatk to Comey about anything.

MR. SCHIFF: Has he asked you - has he raised Michael Flynn with you in any way?

DIRECTOR COATS: Not with me personally. ln a joint group, he may have mentioned Flynn. I can't recall that he had. But I can't separate what I read in the paper, maybe early March, from, you know, when I was there. I don't recall him talking about Flynn. I think Flynn was out of the picture at that time or at least when l was there.

MR. SCHIFF: So l just want to be very clear about this. Did the President ever ask you to take any action, make any recommendation, speak to anyone else concerning Michael Flynn?


MR. SCHIFF: Did the President ever raise with you his thoughts on whether the investigation of Flynn should go forward?


MR. SCHIFF: Did the President ever speak to you about Michae! Flynn in any way?

DIRECTOR COATS: I have no recollection of that.

MR. SCHIFF: After the meeting -

DIRECTOR COATS: I mean, personally, I knew that l was - I was glad that the Flynn issue was out of the way before I got there.


Can still can't get Ted or Mike straight…

MR. SCHIFF: After the meeting in the Oval Office that was a [REDACTED] did you discuss that meeting with – was it Mike -

MR. BROOKER: Dempsey.


MR. SCHIFF: – Dempsey or Ted Gistaro?

DIRECTOR COATS: Yes. Yes, that was the day I was frustrated. And I don't know if my chief of staff was with me or not, but I did go back to that day he would have been back at the office. I did I arn sure I expressed it to Ted maybe on the way out of the White House. We were walking out together.


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69fd85  No.9087493



Quantum is bullshit.

It's all electromagnetism.

They just make shit up.

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648888  No.9087494

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b74594  No.9087495


Coat's Transcript, strange findings:


after leaving flynn discussion, schiff comes back to flynn discussion again…

MR. SCHIFF: - asked you from the White House staff or the President's team or anyone else asked you to weigh in vis-a-vis Michael Flynn in any way?


and again…

MR. SCHIFF: And none of those that you just mentioned have approachedyou with any request regarding Michael Flynn?



Guess who lived in MCLEAN

DIRECTOR COATS: Okay. Let me try to give shorter answers.At the time, there were reflections relative to what people thought of Comey and his job and so forth.I didn't say anything until the President said: Does anybody know him personally?And I said: Mr. President, I do. I said not to an extensive way. I said:But years ago, when I was back - the first time in the Senate, I said, my son no.I am sorry. My grandson was in the Little League, same Little League group as Jim Comey's son was. And there were times when I would slip out of the Senate and be in a ballgame, maybe on a Saturday, and Jim Comey would be there watching his son if the two teams were playing each other. And I said: There were two or three times when we had a chance to stand on the - by the fence andwatch the game and so forth and so on. So I got to know him a little bit. And then I said: Then I got to know him, because he is testified before the SSCI many, many times. And we always talked about back before he lived in Mclean and I lived in Mclean, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.And he said: Well, what do you think about him? I said: Well, I have heard what others have said. I said: I think he has done a good job. I think he has been very straight with us in the SSCI.I said: But my advice to you would be get to better know Jim Comey. I said, you might have 2 months, 3 months later, I said: Oh, my gosh, did I trigger the dinner with Comey? But I just said: I think you ought to take your own assessment of it rather than mine or rather than the others and - before you – before you made a decision. And he kind of nodded


I don't take notes…

DIRECTOR COATS: No recollection.

MR. SCHIFF: - Michael Flynn either?

DIRECTOR COATS: He did not bring up Michael Flynn to my recollection.

MR. SCHIFF: Did you take any notes of your meetings or discussions with the President on this subject?

DIRECTOR COATS: I don't take notes.

MR. SCHIFF: Do you know whether your staff, when you related the meetings back in the office, took any -

DIRECTOR COATS: I don't think so, but I don't know, if they had written anything down. I learned a long time ago in this business not to take notes.


Schifty Schiff waits until the last question to ask anything relevant to the reason for the inquiry

MR. SCHIFF: And - the last question. Did you have any discussion with the White House staff about whether any intelligence was shared or compromised in the meetlng the President had with Foreign Minister Lavrov and Ambassador Kislyak?



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762e37  No.9087496


AntifungalLeafBread !!ED969JhqXgF

you don't say…


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05c96c  No.9087497

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211,49 KB, 609x676, 609:676, hmm.jpg)

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869d4e  No.9087498

File: 3e55baa02111058⋯.jpg (278,74 KB, 1454x921, 1454:921, ItsHappening.jpg)

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615df1  No.9087499

25 The other disciples therefore said to him, “We have seen the Lord.”

So he said to them,“Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”

26 And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!” 27 Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here,and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” John 20


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276cbf  No.9087500


>they just make shit up

well then just post the equation

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813809  No.9087501



I am in a quantum reality right this second in full battle gear engaged and fighting this war.

Many of us are.

and we know that we don't know it!

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5f1999  No.9087502


As opposed to Einstein making shit up?

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c937a2  No.9087503



Yes, that's one way to find out for sure.

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dc410d  No.9087504


>Because you are still asleep.

Okay. You have no clue who you are talking to, but, sure. Keep telling yourself that

>Try watching this.

Seent it. Years ago.

>Scientists have known this world is an illusion for over 100 years.

No they haven't. They been making shit up for over 100 years, and idiots keep buying it. I'll say this again. I'm a realist, and understand how truly retarded people have made the world in which we are forced to live

>You're dreaming right now.

No. I'm very fucking awake.

And I'm quite pissed at the absolute state of humanity

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762e37  No.9087505


Gotcha. Sad. Actually.

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495831  No.9087506


anyone can use any name that they want to use . . .

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b5ddda  No.9087507


Agreed, except I would add it should also have any useful resources/links. I'm talking things like qproofs.com or qmap.pub or archives of images/collages of all q's posts, stuff like that.

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f9119d  No.9087508


not disagreeing- but em is just fractal wave too… so…

It is just an easier way for them to do the math - fields are hard.

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59adb1  No.9087509

File: 94cc3e124c138b8⋯.png (14,21 KB, 817x183, 817:183, keepsleeping.PNG)


gee i wonder who is behind keeping this secret.

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a5a86c  No.9087510


Any Q posts line up with those dates?

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276cbf  No.9087511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c937a2  No.9087512


Cheers, anon :3

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7fa520  No.9087513

East Coast NC. Anybody else having serious internet speed probs? I usually get dl @60-70, now .56. I never have this problem.

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648888  No.9087514

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c15012  No.9087515

File: 04af042df5ae28a⋯.png (34,65 KB, 386x625, 386:625, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a9b73  No.9087516


Lazy fuck.

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05c96c  No.9087517

File: 1dc208e47203379⋯.png (1,28 MB, 1024x684, 256:171, ClipboardImage.png)


dig in

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ecb181  No.9087518


Could be any of them, but at least one of them.

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624d73  No.9087520

File: 255d7bcc89b5eb7⋯.png (1,57 MB, 2036x2080, 509:520, YATES_NO_EVIDENCE.png)

First observation on Sally Yates Transcript.

Yates knew there was no evidence that POTUS had any involvement in the DNC Sec. Breach.

Page(s) 24-25

MR. GOWDY: Who aren't earning their paychecks. With respect to that pivot point, did you, while you were at Justice, have any evidence, collusion, conspiracy, coordination, coincidence, contact, any of them,that the candidate himself had any involvement in the intrusion into the DNC server and / or the Podesta email?

MS. YATES: If you're asking me, did I reach the conclusion that he - he had had that, the answer to that would be no.


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47736c  No.9087521

kek >>9087441

you are the wrong gender anon.

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b49931  No.9087522

File: 761850d9c50ad2e⋯.jpeg (248,06 KB, 1080x1272, 45:53, EXiSF1_WkAEG33Q.jpeg)

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88b6ff  No.9087523


look that chick up on IMDB

I think that was her only movie, if my baked memory serves

got knocked up or ded?

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fa6e8f  No.9087524

I think this should be


to encourage further collaborative digging

>>9087155, >>9087216 Anon begins deep dig on Courdet Bros. law firm with presence in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, China

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8b932d  No.9087525


>wake up and read all the notables missed while I dared to sleep


>all day keep up with the current Qews


>Then 12 hours later I finally get caught up


>and it's time for more sleep and the whole thing repeats the next day


>Thank You GOD for these amazing days

i do the same thing.

and of all the news over the past week the one i am most curious about is this one https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/05/06/coronavirus-survivors-banned-from-joining-the-military/

why the FUCK is the military banning corona survivors? is this virus something more then we are being told?

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69fd85  No.9087526



and yes especially Einstein.

Start with Maxwell's and work you way forward.

What is a field?

What is space?

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274770  No.9087527

File: 38f493c2b600a10⋯.jpeg (161,77 KB, 1223x718, 1223:718, 58A22602_ACD5_4BA0_B4A9_D….jpeg)


Lynch testimony Oct 30, 2017?

#2203. Lynch Singing Sept, 2018?

Get them to lie first.

These testimonies were perp walks and

they didn't know it.

Cept "I don't recall"

Betcha do when we play they tape.

Here [LL] read your texts please.

Oh is that your Gmail account?

It's Art work.

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744bc7  No.9087528

File: ae13d53e80bcb00⋯.jpg (48,51 KB, 620x470, 62:47, 40prav.jpg)

Can't stand going out and seeing so many people wearing masks.

Hard to believe they're so deeply programmed.

Waking these people up will take a swift kick in the head.

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d14410  No.9087530

>>9087315 Malaria Drug Makes Cancer Treatments More Effective, says WCM-Q Research


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813809  No.9087531

File: f98eb5b98e946ed⋯.png (126,13 KB, 183x275, 183:275, 1524844020694.png)


there ya go

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18cc5f  No.9087532

>>9086440 Clapper pg. 56: Who is Porter Smith? "open source reports" seems edited in where "ongoing investigations

I Just checked DNI and house both transcripts and they both have the same space

P 56-57

I just searched for Porter Smith, can’t find anyone that died in 2017-18 by that name

I haven’t finished searching but there’s no Porter Smith that died between 2017-18

Do you think this was code? Because The prior comment from clapper was: that’s right congressman schitt, unfortunately this stuff is pretty arcane and technical

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7c1d02  No.9087533

Democrats are on verge of the unthinkable: Losing a swing district in California

California Republicans may be on the verge of something they haven’t done in more than two decades: capturing a congressional seat from Democrats in the nation’s most populous state.

Tuesday’s special election runoff in the Los Angeles suburbs, which is taking place because of former Rep. Katie Hill's resignation last year, has Democrats bracing for defeat in a district they flipped by 9 points in the 2018 midterms. Armed with a highly touted recruit and an older, less diverse electorate than in general elections, Republicans feel they are on the verge of an upset.

Private polls show the race in the state’s 25th District is within just a few points, and Democrats are already downplaying expectations for their nominee, state Assemblywoman Christy Smith, citing depressed turnout in the midst of a pandemic and the negative impact of the scandal surrounding Hill, who resigned amid allegations that she had inappropriate sexual relationships with staffers.

Their battle plan: Hope for the best next week, then try again in six months in the rematch, when Democrats expect their voters will show up with the presidential election on the ballot.


Watch CA

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7bb87a  No.9087534

File: 7e7877e109f58c5⋯.jpg (14,67 KB, 255x143, 255:143, mikel_o.jpg)



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03bba3  No.9087535

File: 0f19943166901a9⋯.png (60,98 KB, 640x764, 160:191, ClipboardImage.png)


Liber AL reveals plainly this “invisible sun unknown to many,” this sol invisibilis which is also the imago Dei that is in the heart of every man and woman. It is every man and every woman that are “the lights of the world.” Jung also asserts nearly the same doctrine as Liber AL by saying that “man himself is an ‘Astrum’” and then quoting another who essentially says man is not alone as a star but “with all apostles and saint; each and every one is an astrum…” In this sense, one may say that symbolically all stars are united together in the night-sky. Nuit herself proclaims this when she says in Liber AL,

“…I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof…”4

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f9119d  No.9087536


Quantum is just short notation for the field essentially they use eigienvecors and such.

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8d951b  No.9087537

File: a024f1f8ae09c97⋯.png (411,27 KB, 992x1300, 248:325, SmartSelectImage_2020_05_0….png)

File: 374f5379a655f2d⋯.png (496,76 KB, 1052x1532, 263:383, SmartSelectImage_2020_05_0….png)

Yo, somebody fill me in here…

Is Podesta lying? And are crowdstrike and fusion gps actually different entities? I'm confused.

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5f1999  No.9087538


What, did they just inject Hubbell's cum into her?

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b5142d  No.9087539


Page 105: The Path of the Dossier (Steele a Double Agent?)

Q You never worked on the FISA or any of that stuff?

A No. Can l just go back to your prior question about Steele being in the States? So l didn't know specifically. I did know - I knew he had a relationship with Bruce Ohr. But I also – he informed me prior to October 3rd that he had provided the dossier, the reports, to Jonathan Wiener (ph), who was, I believe, undersecretary at Department of State. And I knew he had a relationship with Jonathan Wiener (ph) going back a number of years.So he said he had provided it to them. I don't know if he did il in person,email. I don't know how that happened, so l don't know if he was here when he did that. But I know that happened.

Q Yeah. And just to get a time stamp on that, When Steele gave the reports that would become the dossier to Jonathan Wiener (ph) at the State Department, that was what month, year?

A That was the end of September. He told me that.o ot 2016?A ',16.

Q And you knew or Steele knew that Jonathan Wiener (ph) was a State Department employee?A He had a relationship with him going back a number of years.

Q But did Steele inform you he gave it to Jonathan Wiener (ph) as a State Department employee or just –

A While Jonathan Wiener (ph) was still at the State Department, and he advised me that he gave it to Jonathan Wiener (ph). This happened, he called me, it was the Friday before the meeting was scheduled with the guys coming from counterintel [redacted]

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1a8e1b  No.9087540

While I'm reading a transcript… taking a break… had a thought,

I wonder if Ghidra would be an applicable tool here…

or am I invoking Julian Assange too much…

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e2b7f2  No.9087541


on the REITS..you nailed it. When JC Penney goes tits up (finally) that will trigger moar

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c15012  No.9087542



but many know they can be saved. many have been saved. and many more will.

God´s plan. he loves everyone.

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3c9991  No.9087543

File: d6d07d877bdf941⋯.jpeg (14,13 KB, 175x255, 35:51, 33D032D6_92AD_4195_846C_2….jpeg)

File: 4bc11539719e0c8⋯.jpeg (736,76 KB, 3124x1113, 3124:1113, 0C576E26_867F_4F5C_B77B_E….jpeg)

File: 676df28ff69dd06⋯.jpeg (884,64 KB, 3194x1442, 1597:721, 1B7CC22C_D26D_4174_ACBB_B….jpeg)


Nigga I'm Swole af

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762e37  No.9087544



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05c96c  No.9087545

File: b88d6003f5dbda7⋯.jpg (74,33 KB, 1019x1019, 1:1, hmmmmmmm.jpg)

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47736c  No.9087546

File: b1fc7e93eddebba⋯.png (1,95 MB, 1878x1346, 939:673, ClipboardImage.png)

So that the drunken hag could have her turn…

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276cbf  No.9087548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i asked a question

you answered with another leading question

muh thinks you are a shill

post what you mean or fuck off

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f7a553  No.9087549


No shit. that is why they are all illegal across the globe.

I didnt know the UN did it.

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a5a86c  No.9087550


Watch your language, this is Facebook now

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2995ac  No.9087551


are NOT endorsements


>>9087137 President Trump on Congressional Democrat leadership: ''This group is perhaps beyond repair. They're sick. There's something wrong with them."

>>9087087 Cape Cod field hospital closes without EVER seeing ONE patient.

>>9087153 anon says bad doods got bad kerning. good guys, these are not scanned, no kerning issues.

>>9087168 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, May 9, 2020

>>9087288 influenza graphs

>>9087290 Former Nunes staffer tapped for Deputy position to replace outgoing ODNI, COO

>>9087339 How to Cancel my Permanent Vote-By-Mail Status (Califormication)

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4f00dc  No.9087552

File: 8a13e36dd359914⋯.png (589,6 KB, 778x452, 389:226, ClipboardImage.png)

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c937a2  No.9087553

File: 399655429962dc3⋯.png (414,17 KB, 566x574, 283:287, 399655429962dc3e0c87da1015….png)

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7bb87a  No.9087554

File: 4ffee14e842bc91⋯.jpg (17,2 KB, 255x191, 255:191, obo.jpg)


I'll be over here.

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7a9b73  No.9087555


Fuck off, Nigger.

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155f2e  No.9087556

File: 5e1f1902064b6d8⋯.png (121,96 KB, 653x249, 653:249, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: a72af86f75b3070⋯.png (178,01 KB, 774x478, 387:239, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

Don't recall the specific definition of

Irregular Warfare




We've missed something big.

Irregular warfare (IW) is defined in United States joint doctrine as "a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations."[1] Concepts associated with irregular warfare are older than the term itself.[2]

One of the earliest known uses of the term irregular warfare is in the 1986 English edition of "Modern Irregular Warfare in Defense Policy and as a Military Phenomenon" by former Nazi officer Friedrich August Freiherr von der Heydte. The original 1972 German edition of the book is titled "Der Moderne Kleinkrieg als Wehrpolitisches und Militarisches Phänomen". The German word "Kleinkrieg" is literally translated as "Small War".[3] The word "Irregular", used in the title of the English translation of the book, seems to be a reference to non "regular armed forces" as per the Third Geneva Convention.

Another of the early use of the term is in a 1996 Central Intelligence Agency document by Jeffrey B. White.[4] Major military doctrine developments related to IW were done between 2004 and 2007[5] as a result of the September 11 attacks on the United States.[6][7] A key proponent of IW within US DoD is Michael G. Vickers, a former paramilitary officer in the CIA.[8] The CIA's Special Activities Division (SAD) is the premiere[clarification needed] unit for unconventional warfare, both for creating and for combating irregular warfare units.[9][10][11] For example, SAD paramilitary officers created and led successful irregular units from the Hmong tribe during the war in Laos in the 1960s[12] from the Northern Alliance against the Taliban during the war in Afghanistan in 2001[13] and from the Kurdish Peshmerga against Ansar al-Islam and the forces of Saddam Hussein during the war in Iraq in 2003.[14][15]

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f9119d  No.9087557


Bitch you don't know who I am I will toast your ass in so many ways you would wish you were a smore

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ba3418  No.9087558

File: 77d2c76d7e3eea6⋯.png (637,63 KB, 840x504, 5:3, DefBigot.png)

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ecb181  No.9087559

File: 0afc293d4b8f875⋯.jpg (40,33 KB, 714x429, 238:143, 1586368386006.jpg)

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1776ea  No.9087560


yeah, but he knew the whole time

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7fa520  No.9087561


Yep, there's something they aren't telling us. Not good.

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dc410d  No.9087562


>you have no idea what's coming, do you?

Lemme put it to you like this.

People like myself scare TF out of those in power

Not because I'm dangerous. Because I know shit

I'm not afraid to state the uncomfortable truths.

There's a significant portion of the people in charge who's probably kill themselves if we were forced to address the legitimate concerns that some of us are very well aware of.

Wanna know how I know? Because they keep avoiding the conversations at all costs.

Nobody likes admitting that we humans are irrelevant in the Grand Scheme of the Cosmos

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1776ea  No.9087563


No I don't look sketchy.

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fa6e8f  No.9087564

File: 24f2c4ddb092e29⋯.jpg (360,49 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, WaitMOAB.jpg)

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52affd  No.9087565

File: 4c80939ded7b6ca⋯.png (573,73 KB, 917x1325, 917:1325, 2020_05_08_21_56_41.png)


>Dude owns the biggest gold mine in the WORLD, and he OWNS THE USA FLAG

And 'We the People' do not produce most of them either.

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73ec30  No.9087566



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bbedef  No.9087568

File: 1b2ebbb48b31abb⋯.png (2,12 MB, 1199x1049, 1199:1049, ClipboardImage.png)

Dear police, honor your oath… faggots.

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276cbf  No.9087569

this whole retaining of the previous post into the new post thing is fucking annoying

i just wanna post vidya and then it gets all twisted

why tho

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ae11fa  No.9087570

File: 4813fc11c941ae8⋯.png (9,92 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, 997F76A0_4E12_4545_B5A8_8D….png)

File: cf4e5dd25dde1b0⋯.png (1,56 MB, 1280x700, 64:35, 8AE7E127_F889_4432_A2C9_C2….png)

Gonna get drunk tonight celebrating Flynn’s exoneration

Texas sucks and Kansas blows

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ebd603  No.9087571

File: d624bd693a4446d⋯.jpg (41,59 KB, 310x307, 310:307, d624bd693a4446d548575395ae….jpg)

File: c224987e881cbae⋯.png (495,29 KB, 514x689, 514:689, c224987e881cbae041605bf5ea….png)

File: 3b07a646f88ff28⋯.jpg (298,79 KB, 1200x655, 240:131, d8ca2e7aeac8571c0ed7617ab0….jpg)

File: 69439ee38f0b9a4⋯.jpg (982,88 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1108_white_lion_1920x1200_….jpg)


Nice. Thank you, fren.

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648888  No.9087572

File: 66d8f2928ad33bd⋯.jpeg (57,94 KB, 297x272, 297:272, soswole.jpeg)


>Swole af

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d21102  No.9087574


Kevin Spacey Compares losing jobs as a result of covid19 to himself losing his job due to sexual assault allegations

This guy can't be serious…

>"I don't think it will come as a surprise for anyone that my world completely changed in the fall of 2017. My job, my relationships, and my standing in my own industry were gone in just a matter of hours," Spacey said.

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fa6e8f  No.9087575

File: 8acbaa2f2f45a81⋯.jpg (233,06 KB, 792x792, 1:1, QFlag.jpg)

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50f0a8  No.9087576


> you don't know who I am I

A 17 post faggot.

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9fda44  No.9087577

I read the Eric Prince transcript. Not much there except complete jackasses asking questions. Eric did emphasize several times his only reason for being there was a leak to the Washington Post in which his meeting with a UAE delegation in the Seychelles was leaked via SIGNT and there is an interesting exchange about how he knew it was an intelligence leak… he stated what we know about Obama unmasking & leaks. Schiff and the gang tried to make more of his meeting with the Russian Dmitrive "at a bar for a beer, 20 min casual meeting about energy and mineral resources" then there was or seemed to be. Prince stated several time about how he wished the committee would look into how misuse of intelligence assets/unmasking and leaks are being used against US citizens and seemed puzzled by the fishing exploration into his business vs. the glaring suspicious behavior of government officials. Like I said, juiciest part to me was the back and forth about the leak to WAPO being sourced from SIGIT.

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4a5dbc  No.9087578

File: e2df7f2de83d3ab⋯.jpg (64,81 KB, 640x627, 640:627, 503c5a589d5505583493043e12….jpg)


life imitates meme

meme imitates life

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ecb181  No.9087579

File: bb9a05a63c82ab5⋯.png (175,85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1574816169980.png)


Yes you do.

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03bba3  No.9087580

File: 5e566e265952228⋯.png (1,22 MB, 1037x787, 1037:787, ClipboardImage.png)


1000 points of light in the sky

After the proclamations of Nuit and Hadit, there comes one of the most important statements to Thelema in the third line of Liber AL:

“Every man and every woman is a star.”1

By this is meant that “we are all free, all independent, all shining gloriously, each one a radiant world”2 and further that “the Individual is the Autarch.”3 In the same sense that the sun, as a star, is center of the solar system in the physical macrocosm, every man and every woman is understood to be a sort of microcosmic star and center of his or her own system. “A star is an individual identity; it radiates energy, it goes, it is a point of view. Its object is to become the whole by establishing relations with other stars. Each such relation is an Event: it is an act of Love under Will”4 – Each individual is “an aggregate of such experiences, constantly changing with each fresh event, which affects him or her either consciously or subconsciously.”5

Agenda 21 Depopulation and Agenda 2030 UN Dominance

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a88c28  No.9087581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ebd603  No.9087583

So, here's a question:

Ghidra + Temple OS = ?

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f9119d  No.9087585

File: 83ca2e49b74de3c⋯.jpg (8,23 KB, 227x222, 227:222, higgs.jpg)

File: 0e36a81b40824a8⋯.jpg (4,72 KB, 259x194, 259:194, pepe.jpg)


That is nothing bitch want some?

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c937a2  No.9087586


Jews should stop mutilating little boy's penises, by the way. It's fucked up and inhumane.

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5f1999  No.9087587

File: 97e7ba0145b99ad⋯.jpg (207,04 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, kralm.jpg)


At this point I'm just going to assume femanons won't post tits. Are the Old Ways truly gone?

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fa6e8f  No.9087588


Suggestion for ya.

Celebrate Flynn's exoneration by staying sober.

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ec5b8b  No.9087589


Anons have known this for two and a half years.

Papadopoulos must have already known.

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813809  No.9087590

File: adc4d2b07f798f9⋯.jpg (85,63 KB, 688x517, 688:517, thong_just_wrong.jpg)

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1776ea  No.9087591

Go home Terrance; the singularity never arrived. We know you were recruited


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beadbc  No.9087592

File: 5e94fbe666b2aec⋯.png (28,56 KB, 519x280, 519:280, JWoods_re_Hilebeast_Mail_i….PNG)

File: ac55f77ee2a1ae3⋯.png (32,94 KB, 517x311, 517:311, Hilebeast_Mail_in_Voting_5….PNG)

File: 64e0d8f28d312ee⋯.png (14,44 KB, 522x216, 29:12, Response_to_JWoods_re_Hile….PNG)

File: af54063acf07c7b⋯.png (22,41 KB, 524x255, 524:255, Keyes_re_Hilebeast_Mail_in….PNG)

James Woods

Giddy at the prospect of cheating without having to leave the house, are we? #BallotHarvesting #CrookedHillary #DemocratVoterFraud #Hag


Hillary Clinton

I hope other governors around the country follow @GavinNewsom

’s lead. No voter should be forced to choose between their safety and exercising their civic duty this fall.


The one who lost 33,000 emails wants mail in voting. Go figure.


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47736c  No.9087593

File: dae9869d2e52e20⋯.png (1,23 MB, 796x1316, 199:329, ClipboardImage.png)


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648888  No.9087594



wait no don't

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18cc5f  No.9087595

>>9086440 Clapper pg. 56: Who is Porter Smith? "open source reports" seems edited in where "ongoing investigations

It’s possible the Porter Smith doesn’t exist

I found a porter smith that died in 2019, age 66 but his obituary page has NO condolences from Scottsville, Kentucky

>>9086440 Clapper pg. 56: Who is Porter Smith? "open source reports" seems edited in where "ongoing investigations

I Just checked DNI and house both transcripts and they both have the same space

P 56-57

I just searched for Porter Smith, can’t find anyone that died in 2017-18 by that name

I haven’t finished searching but there’s no Porter Smith that died between 2017-18

Do you think this was code? Because The prior comment from clapper was: that’s right congressman schitt, unfortunately this stuff is pretty arcane and technical

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12fd1f  No.9087596

File: 0256576b3e565a8⋯.jpg (558,38 KB, 1080x2007, 120:223, Screenshot_20200508_213821….jpg)

>Mr Clapper: It is simply my amateur analysis.

Kek my fucking sides. You are an amateur

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276cbf  No.9087597

File: 2c28f571d2d3bb0⋯.jpg (203,38 KB, 1200x1473, 400:491, musicresumes2.jpg)

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35d232  No.9087598

File: 95f633b2e6ae8b6⋯.png (271,37 KB, 1241x636, 1241:636, Img_1586104001165.png)

File: 6beb4bd00a67848⋯.png (318,88 KB, 989x648, 989:648, Img_1588988821848.png)

File: 4ef54b2c3bef878⋯.png (234,9 KB, 885x565, 177:113, Img_1588989114070.png)

File: 0d3336a12792046⋯.png (336,47 KB, 720x1266, 120:211, Img_1588989419953.png)

File: 078651eefa9c767⋯.png (104,2 KB, 720x341, 720:341, Img_1588987001792.png)


Keyword is signal.

This planet is one giant Red Room for the "elites."

We are in HAL



The interesting thing about Cabin in the Woods is the idea of PAIN WORSHIP


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9f29a2  No.9087599

File: 2f24d3959486f79⋯.jpeg (23,01 KB, 320x484, 80:121, 2f24d3959486f7902304eebfe….jpeg)

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f36c1a  No.9087600

>>9083833 ————————————–——– We can help guide once you hit a target. It must be open-source. Happy hunting!

Permit me to go Meta for a moment While anons dig through the transcripts I have been pondering why the above? It certainly is not for legal reasons (we have everything)

No it is because we have been so maligned and abused as anons "fringe" "dangerous" "deplatformed" on all social media that WE must be seen as the NEWS (News is Dead)

Normies need to trust US and turn to US when SHTF

We paint the target - Q Destroys – and WE get to be heros and counter the current negative spin from mockingbird

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64ce24  No.9087601


Let's hope that you're right with this theory.

Would be refreshing for the positive outcome to benefit Mankind as a whole. That would be a 180 degree turn around from what has happened historically.

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af794d  No.9087602

J.oin I.nstant D.ecisive F.ilter gang


Re: bots

NPC / bots / AI = what the enemy wants of each viewer here. It's called MKUltraprogrammingfor a reason.

They demoralize us until we're in a suggestive state. Then their subliminals hit harder.

"Everyone is a bot" is a lie they need you to believe, so you become the bots they can program.

Same could be said about "Jews". It's a spell.

They created a seething hatred spell, and cast it on those that oppose evil. They charge it up by spamming us with material that has one central lie: Jews = evil.

They mean You, the one reading this, because if you're here then you're willing to fight against them, and if you fight against them they label you Jewish. The "NPCs"(Those under MKUltra manipulation) are then programmed to hate you.

Jew =(Label for)= The enemy of the evil ones here.

Fact: Je[sus].w<in>s

Deeper dig.

We can infer from this association that it's a word removal trick. Jews = satan. They replaced 'satan' with 'jews'.

Try it for yourself, read some of their spam and replace 'jew' with 'satan'. It fits like a glove.

So if the enemy here is conflating Jews for satans then we can see they're trying to peg Israel as satan, which is one step away from 'The Little satan'.

Which we know the IRGC labels Israel as.

>Iranian leaders have also repeatedly pledged to annihilate Israel, which they call the “Little Satan.” An IRGC commander even went so far to declare that destroying Israel was a central national goal


Curious eh?~

The next step further is the connection China has to Iran, which Chinese warfare enforces through it's philosophy of "Barbarians attacking barbarians" IRGC attacking Israel/America.

So who's pulling the strings of those who post that here? 🤔🤔🤔

Is it designed to make you feel it's not worth posting here? 🤔🤔🤔

The distraction fades when you know why it's done~


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6e45b3  No.9087603


>Recruited by KT and Flynn to later testify to impeach Trump!

wow, that's a bit confusing.

so many stirngs to untangle in this movie

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155f2e  No.9087604

Oh sweet Jesus. To have even ten people who see what I see.

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88b6ff  No.9087605

File: a963ba96d170794⋯.jpg (202,31 KB, 750x499, 750:499, QResearch_2.jpg)

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ecb181  No.9087606


The asses of meth.

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a90c3a  No.9087607



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276cbf  No.9087608


god they're all so fucking fake

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3c9991  No.9087609

File: 48ee14370981e4f⋯.jpeg (106,67 KB, 674x452, 337:226, A20D0F21_84F8_4746_BE70_4….jpeg)



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ba3418  No.9087610

File: 0f1b8842283f2ac⋯.png (338,55 KB, 768x600, 32:25, MuhJooSpam.png)

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86be5d  No.9087611

File: 763f6c616b3a655⋯.png (1,23 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, F36EA89B_FAD5_4DE5_AE39_18….png)


Old ways will return in time.

While waiting you may wish to read my book on living with a giant wiener.

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b7670e  No.9087612

File: 921eebac604ecf3⋯.jpg (58,98 KB, 740x1040, 37:52, Fuck.jpg)

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f7a553  No.9087613

File: 35d32653444e9ce⋯.png (361,15 KB, 684x702, 38:39, 1489523319617.png)

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aab296  No.9087614



Wow, if you do a search for this article you will find lots of articles in the last 24 hours saying it's not true. But I did find the article pictured. Printed it for future needs.

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762e37  No.9087615


I think it is …

Ask and you shall receive. >>9087542

But Why push your faith. Anons are not the same and never will be.

We are here to unite not divide.

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648888  No.9087616

File: 36d880165aaedba⋯.png (1,47 MB, 960x720, 4:3, FREDDY_WILL_BAKER.png)


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c937a2  No.9087617


I don't have a copy of liber al. Is this it? Link goes to library genesis.


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801f10  No.9087618

File: 201c7b939cb61ba⋯.png (2,53 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, F9E97F9C_03AE_4B7D_BD51_66….png)

NOW is the time to repost & remind Americans regarding the video of Maxine Waters interview where she literally told the truth about BHO’s network of collecting information on everyone.

Time for Anons to connect the dots for the normies.


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50f0a8  No.9087619


> That is nothing bitch want some?

Kek, I guess I need to repurpose the way I used faggot, faggot. I’ll meet you at the threshold of my door, breech it, ready?

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e2b7f2  No.9087620

File: 6f32697a438632a⋯.jpg (145,89 KB, 771x499, 771:499, walmart_exec_vp_dump_05082….jpg)

Walmart Inc. Executive VP/CEO-eCommerce sold: $10.45m- May 7

Marc Lore is president and chief executive officer of Walmart U.S. eCommerce. He was appointed in September 2016 to lead U.S. e-commerce when his company Jet.com was acquired by Walmart Inc. In his role, he accelerates Walmart’s U.S. e-commerce growth and customer reach, leading Walmart.com and Jet.com. Walmart.com offers customers everyday low prices and a seamless shopping experience across Walmart.com and Walmart’s stores and apps, while Jet.com delivers premium brands and a premium experience with emphasis on millennial and urban shoppers. He also oversees @WalmartLabs, Walmart’s technology arm for e-commerce. Prior to Walmart, Marc founded and served as CEO of Jet.com, growing to a $1 billion gross merchandise value run rate in its first year before being acquired by Walmart. Jet introduced radical price innovation in e-commerce by optimizing the underlying economics of online shopping and unbundling the embedded retail costs that drive up price, creating an entirely new business model that works better for both customers and merchants. Prior to Jet, Marc was the co-founder and CEO of Quidsi, the parent company of e-commerce websites Diapers.com, Soap.com, Wag.com and more. The company was founded in 2005 and sold to Amazon in 2011 for $550 million. Marc was also the co-founder and CEO of The Pit, Inc., an Internet market-making collectible company constructed as an alternative to eBay. The Pit was sold to the Topps Company in 2001.



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7a9b73  No.9087621


What do you see?

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e8b8c1  No.9087622


I've thought about him, and Pence too. It seems like someone is working to deprogram these people or erase the programming in key players. It's what the great awakenings is for the masses.

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88b6ff  No.9087623

File: e87c152bf29530b⋯.jpg (106,84 KB, 888x499, 888:499, liberal_tears.jpg)

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7f493a  No.9087624


I couldnt hear you above your stupid blue text.

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fd8cba  No.9087625

File: 9c1371c336c001e⋯.jpeg (85,85 KB, 575x434, 575:434, FFAFF0F8_97E2_4628_9A86_7….jpeg)

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6e9582  No.9087626


>you will all literally come begging to me for that last drop of cool, cool water

Is that you Lynn?

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ef9f00  No.9087627

File: 45fbdb5438452de⋯.png (3,27 MB, 920x4552, 115:569, 2_Bibi_assassination_Trump….png)

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51d497  No.9087628


That shit gets the gas…

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47736c  No.9087629

File: 26e15a5d6f7efdd⋯.png (121,32 KB, 1164x466, 582:233, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons be on the night shift too Shannon.


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1776ea  No.9087630


Shitty double

They must thinks sheeps are blind?

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5f1999  No.9087631


KEK now that would be a twist.

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e1388d  No.9087632

File: ed97edf14880098⋯.png (301,26 KB, 602x541, 602:541, ClipboardImage.png)

Newsom formally endorses Biden for president


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58b775  No.9087633

File: 783e46cfe02168d⋯.jpg (12 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 732fecf0138e99fc22cdff557d….jpg)

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ae11fa  No.9087634


Suggestion for ya

You stay sober and drive me to the 7-11 for a burrito later



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8160e9  No.9087635

Oldanon now knows has been controlled/propagandized entire lifetime. Psychopaths always in control. However, when young there weren't so many of them. One could still earn a living, support a family. Compared to today, where it takes 2 1/2 40 hr./week salaries to support a family of 4.

Did it happen on a straight line graph, each year a few more psychopaths getting in control? Or can anon see a SPIKE in the descending straight line graph? Anon believes he found that there was a spike.

Happened at the end of the 1990's. Radio & TV started losing the possessive pronoun. Radio sports talk shows started it. It became me, me, me, him, him, him. That is pure psychopathy. e.g. You complain about me sending you an email, when it should be my sending you an email.

From that spike the psychopaths took total control. Nobody uses the possessive pronoun any more.

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c937a2  No.9087636


Do you regularly speak nonsense at people or is this the first time?

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f9119d  No.9087637

I am totally sick and tired of idiots p those brainwashed those following the neon god of money those that think they are stronger than what has been set upon us be man god or random crap.

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276cbf  No.9087638

File: 4d8e8fe1c93ad8a⋯.jpg (270,06 KB, 640x632, 80:79, 4d8e8fe1c93ad8ad753dcc29e4….jpg)

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227907  No.9087639


I's ain't be knowin' nuttin! Typical militant chimp.

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648888  No.9087640



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7856e1  No.9087641

File: 3c97e735927bedc⋯.jpg (510,61 KB, 1970x1080, 197:108, IMG_2706.jpg)

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ffa09f  No.9087642


I noticed. And I have enjoyed every minute of it. The movement is coming to the crescendo. Can you hear it?

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59adb1  No.9087643

File: 3752251ea37c6b0⋯.jpg (27,02 KB, 350x534, 175:267, 26ed562c04149aca437e6a3f4f….jpg)

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bcf91f  No.9087644

File: f157a641cf2f3b4⋯.png (138,65 KB, 1152x365, 1152:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90b6f9fb62e0cc1⋯.png (80,81 KB, 577x508, 577:508, ClipboardImage.png)


Could it be Peter Smith???

Peter Smith is mentioned in Schitt's interview of Carter Page. He died by ''suicide" in May of 2017. Seemed to be a curious fella.

General Flynn is mentioned in the WIki background.



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ec86ad  No.9087645

File: c077d33b93fe957⋯.jpeg (77,55 KB, 500x664, 125:166, A134F3FD_E866_4265_94F9_7….jpeg)

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47736c  No.9087646

File: b466359c8c217d8⋯.png (113,27 KB, 1204x406, 86:29, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF is this?

"Shannon Bream


BREAKING: Chief Justice Roberts has put on temporary hold the DOJ release of the Mueller grand jury material requested by the House committee, pending a response from House lawyers."


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155f2e  No.9087647



Irregular Warfare

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ecb181  No.9087649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


no marty dont hurt em

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813809  No.9087650


maybe they just don't want pussies in the military?

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3c9991  No.9087651

File: 4521af483f1f22c⋯.jpeg (438,44 KB, 676x673, 676:673, 5D2656F9_FCAC_4304_8488_5….jpeg)


I too haz an id, but tis tru tho.

Dat ID is sumting.

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fd8cba  No.9087652

File: 3973757874abf82⋯.jpeg (76,39 KB, 505x494, 505:494, 8421ACBB_D2AB_4A03_BEEF_C….jpeg)

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6e45b3  No.9087653


Sex robots with heartbeat and breath…

this is going to be like a twilight zone show?

are these sex dolls really robots made to seem human?

Or do they already have humans made to seem like robots?

I think of Qs drop on NK and growing people like crops

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9f29a2  No.9087654

File: cbbb2a711900262⋯.png (75,71 KB, 470x778, 235:389, hillaryfat.png)

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593d5f  No.9087655


Attacking the messenger instead of debating the content of the message is a trick popularized by Saul Alinsky, one of Hillary Clinton's influencers. This the reason she calls us deplorables instead of debating our factual criticisms of her politics. Guess which race Saul Alinsky was? Hint: it starts with a J and ends with ew.

And now here you are using thoe exact same techniques as Alinsky and Hillary Clinton while pretending to be a patriot. What a coincidence.

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93b79e  No.9087656

Who controls randomness on planet Earth?

Who is God?

Who is evil?

What are aliens?

Why can’t we reconcile quantum and relativity?

Why is string theory so complex and untestable?

When did we make contact?

What are coincidences?

When do you pray?

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b5142d  No.9087657


Silly question, but should we be searching these documents for Oanon ? All my Q's keep getting copyPasta'd as O's

Maybe they did the easy fix for trying to throw us off easy searches. Like should we search for PQdesta ?

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f9119d  No.9087658


I don't give a fucking damn about your door or you

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7a9b73  No.9087659


I thought maybe you would go a little deeper.

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41f8ec  No.9087660

File: 0b0bbb0b9f82ae7⋯.png (56,31 KB, 1164x406, 582:203, ClipboardImage.png)



>why are anons digging when Q says nevermind


>Must admit that thought had crossed mymind. And one anon was saying that one of the transcripts had been removed. But was here for their release yesterday. And another anon was offline archiving them straight away. So gone, but not forgotten?

I agree anons. I think something was removed/redacted from the transcripts at the last minute.

Should there have been a Brennan transcript?

Was that what got removed?

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7c1d02  No.9087661

File: c7c02f6e68a9d23⋯.png (1,18 MB, 1316x1554, 94:111, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


Thanks anon.

Will cancel asap.

Wondering if POTUS?Q has a plan for


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05c96c  No.9087662

File: c43734ea9a68ac8⋯.png (5,64 MB, 2500x1407, 2500:1407, ClipboardImage.png)

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19ea47  No.9087663

File: 97c261ce91a20bb⋯.png (1,22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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276cbf  No.9087664



so many questions

almost like a bot posted them looking for yous

oh shit, heres a you, bot

have fun

with your vapid fucking questions to nowhere

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ebd603  No.9087665



yep, pretty much


>it's just this other thing hardly anyone can explain

yeah… okay.


calm down brainlet. stop attaching so hard to things like this and then after you accomplish that, stop letting your emotions govern your responses here.


Maj has some very interesting things going on. What they say about Cannabis, Blockchain and Autism all tends to be pretty alluring. At this point, I'm not that invested in the veracity of what they put out for the sake of being right along with them or anything, but they say some shit that's extremely fun to think more about.


David-Wynn: Miller did not die in vain.

He broke the language ruse and Russ was punished as an accomplice.

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c31258  No.9087666


He's still butthurt about Jr stealing his old lady

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2995ac  No.9087667



are NOT endorsements


>>9087137 President Trump on Congressional Democrat leadership: ''This group is perhaps beyond repair. They're sick. There's something wrong with them."

>>9087087 Cape Cod field hospital closes without EVER seeing ONE patient.

>>9087153 anon says bad doods got bad kerning. good guys, these are not scanned, no kerning issues.

>>9087474 more kerning, 14 instances of a Q showing up where it shouldn't be, so far, says anon

>>9087168 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, May 9, 2020

>>9087288 influenza graphs

>>9087290 Former Nunes staffer tapped for Deputy position to replace outgoing ODNI, COO

>>9087339 How to Cancel my Permanent Vote-By-Mail Status (Califormication)

>>9087376 11 Secret Service agents test positive for COVID-19, but so did a goat so…

>>9087155, >>9087216 Anon begins deep dig on Courdet Bros. law firm with presence in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, China

>>9087315 Malaria Drug Makes Cancer Treatments More Effective, says WCM-Q Research

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c12662  No.9087668

File: 1778202195eac1e⋯.jpg (80,32 KB, 474x711, 2:3, ns11.jpg)

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53f481  No.9087669

File: cfa3a56d3b3dcda⋯.jpg (52,61 KB, 605x542, 605:542, Shannon_NS.jpg)

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73086e  No.9087670

>>9087109 Christians proclaim truth. Repent of your sins and believe in the atoning substitutionary death and resurrection of Christ.

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88b6ff  No.9087671

File: cc94b14aec9eadb⋯.jpg (115,19 KB, 888x500, 222:125, the_coup_will_end_after_th….jpg)

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a90c3a  No.9087672


The glory dazes. That's a lot of wrinkles ago. The hourglass is running out. How many bodies are buried in "Grandma's Garden". For you 1 is too many and 100 is not enough.

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9551fe  No.9087673



clintons paved the way for outright in your face fuckery and it hasnt stopped

hope the plan works

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03647e  No.9087674

File: 5cfbe50e8515895⋯.mp4 (3,18 MB, 224x400, 14:25, 0OpKub_sdlgWrqmJ.mp4)

These are factories, to sell organs and make the drl9 of the ANDROCOMO Elites,


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56740d  No.9087675

File: 81c56643416652c⋯.png (134,26 KB, 529x431, 529:431, pelosi_judge_evidence.png)

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3c9991  No.9087676

File: 767105ab3b3feab⋯.jpeg (17,24 KB, 254x255, 254:255, E861D2C5_C8C2_47BB_8B16_2….jpeg)



It's purple retard

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869d4e  No.9087677

File: 13b0a34ba2f4e8a⋯.jpg (238,88 KB, 1383x971, 1383:971, NightShift_SR_71Blackbird.jpg)

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50f0a8  No.9087678

>>9087658 I never said you did. Exactly how stupid are you? Never mind, I won’t wast any more slices on [you].

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7bb87a  No.9087679


The patriots are ready, BUT the people are not.

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624d73  No.9087680

File: d371933cb7768be⋯.png (1,03 MB, 652x2170, 326:1085, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: 01e3af04cd847ec⋯.png (90,32 KB, 750x226, 375:113, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


Adam is such a fuckin douche LOL. He redacts all this shit and then says "that's as clear as it can get". What a moran.

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ef0642  No.9087681

File: 6fb009f0a860093⋯.jpg (314,38 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, v2jz94534t354t39em.jpg)

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b74594  No.9087682


looks like we found the insertion that was removed?

baker notable

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3f1ed0  No.9087683


if CA and NY are doing this…is NJ also in play here? Are all of them actually swing states now??

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e2b7f2  No.9087684

File: 52547c659716436⋯.png (267,4 KB, 747x500, 747:500, nightshift_blue_castle.png)

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ba3418  No.9087685

File: ee3aa8f12b44409⋯.png (556,2 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Shouty2.png)


I don't talk to shills, Thanks.

You make yourself look stupid. I just ensure everyone sees you look like stupid on stilts.

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a90c3a  No.9087686


The big turn was 11/22/1963. Everything bad escalated from that day forward.

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dec97e  No.9087687

File: fc2c980cc02d282⋯.jpg (146,1 KB, 705x800, 141:160, slut.jpg)

File: 68c4868ba8ead6e⋯.jpg (15,97 KB, 275x183, 275:183, tootie.jpg)

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f9119d  No.9087688

When the dogs are so bored they will not get off the couch for a dropped rawhide

everything is quiet.

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43c43c  No.9087689


Curcumin i.e. the shit that makes turmeric yellow. Gotta eat moar indian food.

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8ffb03  No.9087690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This bread…tonight….feels like a bomb dropped…….

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a5d233  No.9087691

File: cdc6eb9df6c2ddc⋯.jpeg (83,07 KB, 600x605, 120:121, A95BB564_529D_48AC_8DE7_1….jpeg)

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35d232  No.9087692

File: 32e5c75500c783d⋯.png (507,69 KB, 720x1052, 180:263, Img_1588989126219.png)

File: bda5c7dbfa66ee3⋯.png (2,83 MB, 4147x1844, 4147:1844, Img_1588989243023.png)

File: fc6a380c447e547⋯.png (257,3 KB, 720x1184, 45:74, Img_1588214698867.png)

File: 7a0ed5fc60ff106⋯.png (104,71 KB, 720x389, 720:389, Img_1588214663703.png)

File: 86b0f537907e22b⋯.png (174,07 KB, 720x507, 240:169, Img_1588215706622.png)

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02e572  No.9087693


Every day since mid-March has been NO BRA day, anon. Do you even have a wifeanon?

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e8b8c1  No.9087694


Kek. Sometimes humor is the only refuge.

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079c23  No.9087695

File: 619fce295c610f8⋯.jpg (120 KB, 800x539, 800:539, Is_it_tome.jpg)

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75678a  No.9087696

File: 7f6508675894e13⋯.gif (674,36 KB, 320x240, 4:3, HilldogMonkey.gif)

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274770  No.9087697


Potus asked SC.

In interest on Nat Sec?

Other GJ needs it first?

Potus is telling you the truth.

"The government will suffer irreparable harm absent a stay."

Likely it's a move to protect allies who did bad things too?

Think timing.


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2f2064  No.9087698


Ahh, but Schiff is not immune if he was a member of a group that committed sedition.

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f16ce9  No.9087699

Cell phone in pocket has caused hair removal from my leg. Two rectangular shaped patches from each phone in each pocket. Chinese made chips in phones (iPhone)? Digital? “Inflammation”. Feeling dizzy. Idk anons. I think something is up. I think they are amplifying our devices against us. Fellow frens have noticed serious battery drains. iPhone 6s

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7c1d02  No.9087700


NJ is in play.

CA is in play.

NY is in play.

Election Security is key

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593d5f  No.9087701

File: 68971219e822f0a⋯.mp4 (10,72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Wardruna_Bjarkan.mp4)


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227907  No.9087702


He should have been raided within 5 minutes of that dumb nigger opening her ghetto mouth.

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25cdf0  No.9087703

File: f646f93770589d6⋯.png (140 KB, 704x394, 352:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Ben Rhodes has a permanent security clearance? – is that normal?

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937afa  No.9087704


of course Trump had it blocked they will know there under investigation if they get it

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a90c3a  No.9087705


The self Introspection quotient is very low with this one. No pun intended.

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18cc5f  No.9087706

File: d36dc48258c9366⋯.jpeg (334,22 KB, 2273x1378, 2273:1378, 43196380_9F65_4BB1_A8E1_B….jpeg)

File: 7edbd164401fd9f⋯.jpeg (1,33 MB, 3479x2402, 3479:2402, 53C5F6B7_EBBD_40E8_B0FE_E….jpeg)


I looked through the entire obituary of his obituary lots of family and no condolences at all.

Look at the main page, he’s got do many relatives someone would have, damn that’s sad but he was 66 or something! And then look At the sign at the bottom of the funeral home page

Something strange with the question from Schitt to Clapper, or I might just s really bad researcher, that’s possible

I’ll keep on

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b5142d  No.9087707



"And this would have been from the counterintelguys, like. at that time."

So there was counter intel going on that barely anyone knew about? Wonder what that could be :)

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ecbd2d  No.9087708

File: a807569a62f6e1a⋯.png (569,39 KB, 1181x519, 1181:519, ClipboardImage.png)

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ecb181  No.9087709

File: ae6c529b0962e92⋯.png (287,1 KB, 390x445, 78:89, 774567565.png)

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b74594  No.9087710

>>9087464 Interview Transcript Dates

^^^Baker Notable^^^

also for your consideration, however, since it is my own post, i'll decline to notable it myself…

>>9087492 >>9087495 Anon's thoughts on Dan Coat Interview

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155f2e  No.9087711


"How to be ignored on 8kun."

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227907  No.9087712


You just named 3 solidly commie states. In play? Not a chance.

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869d4e  No.9087713

File: 8babe9a3a0e5dc1⋯.jpg (1,52 MB, 2066x1382, 1033:691, CastleGreen.jpg)

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f9119d  No.9087714

That'ill do pig that'll do.

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53f481  No.9087715




>>9086754 Document Releases Thread

Off bread link

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b7670e  No.9087716

Does anyone have a picture of the Guido in Avenatti's parking lot handy?

It was on my other unit.


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88b6ff  No.9087717

File: 60bec0f5a5af427⋯.gif (1,68 MB, 300x208, 75:52, cat.gif)

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7c1d02  No.9087718


Need more information on location of sauce anon.



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f557d6  No.9087719


This poster is a mentally ill pedo defender making excuses for the mutilation of children's sex organs.

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3f1ed0  No.9087720


hey man that's what i thought but if murphy does the mail in voting in NJ then i may be right

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a88c28  No.9087721

File: 5890fcaa2087c8c⋯.jpg (87,78 KB, 450x300, 3:2, BTTF.jpg)

File: 6869049741101bc⋯.jpg (127,42 KB, 1288x672, 23:12, WW1984.jpg)

File: bfae86285b62cfc⋯.jpeg (83,85 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 6bdef40c479423235e869de5c….jpeg)

File: d79b32bbf3bb408⋯.png (1,75 MB, 857x1390, 857:1390, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf4ac84eddf278f⋯.png (233,63 KB, 854x379, 854:379, ClipboardImage.png)


get ready…

when your good girl goes bad…

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1f1738  No.9087722


>>I'm quite pissed at the absolute state of humanity

Agree Anon ~ bad/ weird day for me… listened to some local new talk radio today…just went deep into realizing how successful the Deep State/ Dark Forces were with this Corona Operation in several areas…

Community type events, functions, gatherings Will Not be the same…

The Fear Porn worked on a significant mass of people…

Simply going to a restaurant ? How ? Eating out is a community-type of event…

What about a concert? … a baseball game?…

Here in Metro Detroit - after weeks of admonishing people to STAY INSIDE ~ Now they are saying… "come on out" ~ "please come out" ~ "please go get those medical procedures we told you Not to get" ~ "please please go get moar carry out food" ~ "please go back to the auto factories & work" …

Horrible mess

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43e59d  No.9087723


If anons doubt I’ll show pictures of missing hair. Not joking I swear it I’m missing rectangular patch of hair from where the phone was in my pocket.

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c28062  No.9087724


Shit, I thought it was weird my phone started dying faster!

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35d232  No.9087725

File: 80307f2ac3618da⋯.png (858,61 KB, 720x1075, 144:215, Cupace20200508160219.png)

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869d4e  No.9087726


They played this song on The Five (Fox) today.

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25cdf0  No.9087727



Page 70/71

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ba3418  No.9087729



No I'm not.

Prove me wrong.

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7856e1  No.9087730

File: f8ac62feb914b6c⋯.jpg (377,54 KB, 2048x1203, 2048:1203, IMG_1383.jpg)

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155f2e  No.9087731

File: f4b329b600f3827⋯.jpg (72,43 KB, 600x800, 3:4, cheesehead_pepe.jpg)


Oh really?

Scott Walker will go down as the most hideous also-ran in history.

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e1388d  No.9087732

File: 89fb2dacbb7bcd0⋯.png (819,46 KB, 775x488, 775:488, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d20ea  No.9087733

File: b0d97200da12e90⋯.png (551,05 KB, 922x750, 461:375, 1.PNG)

File: 4fbcca88cf804ba⋯.png (93,85 KB, 921x419, 921:419, 2.PNG)

File: b77fb91f532a62b⋯.png (800,66 KB, 769x685, 769:685, 3.PNG)

File: 10c4c16d0bbb071⋯.png (387,4 KB, 759x784, 759:784, 4.PNG)


TECRO / Taiwan / transfer of Naval vessels

Michael Atkinson's wife Kathryn Cameron Atkinson workrd for TECRO. According to (PB) Notables, Kathryn Atkinson worked for TECRO in or about 2002. The authorization of the transfer of naval vessels was in S. 1683 — Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2013. Don't know if there is anything here or not but may need to be looked at by more Anons.

>>9077808 [Michael Kevin Atkinson] - was (PB) Notable

>>9077936 [Michael Kevin Atkinson] - was (PB) Notable

TECRO stands for Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.


Taipea Economic and Cutural Representative Office in the United States. Notice the URL for this site, it says "embassy".


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c28062  No.9087734

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882015  No.9087735


Reboot modem and computer. Solved.

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b5e113  No.9087736

File: 4c1ee6c4cb2cb82⋯.jpg (8,26 KB, 183x275, 183:275, cheetara.jpg)

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762e37  No.9087737

File: 9459d298a0afb28⋯.jpg (66,13 KB, 617x612, 617:612, LetFreedomRing.jpg)

File: 455749558326cea⋯.jpg (185,42 KB, 1281x851, 1281:851, MemeStolenNotice.jpg)

File: b9f6b17f9d461a4⋯.jpeg (80,2 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, MemeStolenNotice2.jpeg)


We like your 3rd image.

We missed you.


I like thank you!

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8160e9  No.9087739


>hope the plan works

Believes it's God's plan anon. And God's plan will work. We can only STAND and always let TRUTH come out of our lips. And pray that He comes back quick.

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a90c3a  No.9087740


Yup. Birds are GODS greatest creation. Another proof.

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62c75c  No.9087741

File: 734205153a5e2ee⋯.mp4 (4,02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Max_Schiff_and_Mnuchin.mp4)


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ba3418  No.9087742

File: b14f7db257e5a76⋯.png (513,25 KB, 759x436, 759:436, MakinShitUp.png)

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b424f3  No.9087743

File: 1e3cde0cd43fea7⋯.jpeg (539,08 KB, 655x1029, 655:1029, AACE3616_1458_4E60_8E37_9….jpeg)

According to the FBI, we are terrorists that pose an “intense threat” to uncover actual REAL GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACIES, COVERUPS, AND CORRUPTION.

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3c9991  No.9087744

File: e286de940524630⋯.jpeg (527,85 KB, 680x947, 680:947, EB797323_C871_4406_8194_8….jpeg)

File: 2b664f9955bc54b⋯.jpeg (180 KB, 669x372, 223:124, 45124BE6_130A_402E_9263_1….jpeg)

GodSpeed General Flynn

Came to say that tonight.

GodBless Adm. Rogers too.

There was a time when this board was about something more than sucking and licking Potus's nut sack.

And there was bewbs. Real deal femanon bewbs. Well mostly.

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ab88c7  No.9087745

File: 9d2515ed5514e19⋯.png (1,59 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


if the DOJ is releasing Meuller docs TO the house committee that requested them, why would the HOUSE LAWYERS need to issue a response in order for the house committee to receive them?


that would cause "irreparable harm to government" and require house lawyers be briefed.

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f557d6  No.9087746


Take your meds before you get hurt.

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35d232  No.9087747

File: 578ee1bee1c6963⋯.png (285,25 KB, 1105x625, 221:125, Img_1588956769965.png)

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b7670e  No.9087748


You have my sincere thanks

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ecb181  No.9087749

File: 632edfd4f668097⋯.jpg (16,74 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 383c2e259108e2d7b2d8c90d20….jpg)


I can see you.

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e4d4c7  No.9087750


>I tossed the robe

why you dirty little whore

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4b4149  No.9087751

They are in serious panic! My local news just did a story about online conspiracy theories. Talked about the "slickly produced conspiracy theory video", 'Plandemic'. Zuckerberg was on for a few seconds. Had comments from several people, including a 'disinformation expert'. Mentioned that Fauci and Bill Gates have been targeted. Some quotes:

"I've not seen a video like this get such a following so fast."

"A lie travels faster than the truth."

"The idea that there is a 'deep state' that has brought the COVID-19 disease to the world."

I'll try and find a video- it just aired a few minutes ago.

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7c1d02  No.9087752


They want you discouraged anon, don't go fight, just stay silent.

This is not just another election.

NY, NJ and CA are in play 100%.

No other reason for Govs to go full on Nazi.

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227907  No.9087753


Color me unsatisfied.

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2995ac  No.9087754

>>9087715 <-

>>9087464 Interview Transcript Dates

>>9087492, >>9087495 Anon's thoughts on Dan Coat Interview

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9f29a2  No.9087755

File: 794cd9ba3b84520⋯.jpg (48,96 KB, 507x380, 507:380, Richard_Grenell_and_Trump_….jpg)

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8e0896  No.9087756

>>9086467, >>9086943 California is China-owned Last Bread

Betty Yee, CA State Controller, also sits on the board of directors for “non-profit” organization Ceres. Organization website states:

Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization working with the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy. Through powerful networks and advocacy, Ceres tackles the world’s biggest sustainability challenges, including climate change, water scarcity and pollution, and inequitable workplaces.

Our mission: Ceres is transforming the economy to build a sustainable future for people and the planet.


No press release of China meetings or trips found on webpage or internet search.

Climate Action 100+


What is the Climate Action 100+?

Climate Action 100+ is an investor initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change. The companies include 100 ‘systemically important emitters’, accounting for two-thirds of annual global industrial emissions, alongside more than 60 others with significant opportunity to drive the clean energy transition.

Launched in December 2017 at the One Planet Summit by Betty T. Yee, a board member of California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), Climate Action 100+ garnered worldwide attention as it was highlighted as one of 12 key global initiatives to tackle climate change.

Climate Action 100+ twitter: @ActOnClimate100


Scroll thru twitter posts indicate October 2-16 were posts on release of their 87 page Progress Report dated May 2019, available English & Chinese at link: https://climateaction100.wordpress.com/progress-report/

No China trips mentioned. Organizations that do show prominently are:

Asia: AIGCC Asia Investor Group on Climate Change

Europe: IIGCC The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change

Aus/NZ: IGCC Investor Group on Climate Change

AIGCC webpage media releases include an Oct 2 2019 announcement of the Progress Report but no other details. As with many climate/globalist sites, minimal transparency.


Look at Betty Yee CalPERS and China ties in next post.

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7c1d02  No.9087757

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ba3418  No.9087758

File: f0f6ed0eb967734⋯.png (304,41 KB, 770x818, 385:409, MrMuhJoo.png)

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c15012  No.9087759


pushing faith would be division to you?

have a really hard time figuring that anons who read Q would think that.

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88b6ff  No.9087760

File: 88f7c6b568a88f3⋯.jpg (87,9 KB, 500x678, 250:339, a_CLUNT.jpg)

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26b589  No.9087761


I have a gavel.

I have a gavel.

Well aren't you supposed to bang on the table or something?

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155f2e  No.9087762

OMGosh. Irregular warfare is how we get to 9/11.

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478f7d  No.9087763

File: 17d844bb0cf0584⋯.png (24,95 KB, 1920x210, 64:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Fucking Liberal assholes at it again….

With all the positive studies out there, they still try and try again to prove it ineffective…

I wish all these left wing dicks would shut up and stop trying to make a cure ineffective. New York and California need to break off the USA and sink.

As a medical professional this shit boils my blood.

> https://www.brief19.com/2020/05/07/brief?user=543aa4f8a0a912697fd06437&utm_source=Email&utm_Campaign=Campaign_1203281

Failure To Launch: New York Data On Hydroxychloroquine Use Shows No Benefit

Medical advice should be given by physicians, not celebrities. In March, Elon Musk initiated an internet rumor that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were likely to be effective treatments against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid-19. Several days later, President Trump tweeted similar sentiments. Approximately one week after Musk's tweet, the first related poisoning in a patient was reported. Many studies have since assessed whether these drugs play a role in improving covid-19 outcomes. To date, the body of evidence suggests that these drugs have either no effect or are harmful on balance. Today, a large new study released today in the New England Journal of Medicine adds to our understanding that these medications appear to have no substantial impact on improving outcomes for patients with this disease. In the observational study in a major New York City hospital, patients who were hospitalized were given HCQ if the patients had oxygen levels of 93% or lower at the time of admission, if the treating doctor deemed it appropriate. Of the 1376 patients who met eligibility, 59 percent received HCQ. The primary goal of the study was to determine whether patients who received HCQ had better odds of avoiding death or mechanical ventilation (intubation). The authors also looked at how long it took for these events to occur in order to determine whether HCQ prolonged life or helped patients stay off of mechanical ventilators for longer than those who did not. Almost half of the patients who received HCQ did so within the first 24 hours of hospitalization and 86 percent by 48 hours. There was no observed difference between patients who did or did not receive HCQ. Of note, the protocol initially advised co-prescribing azithromycin, but that suggestion was removed during the study. The results indicate that 32 percent of patients who received HCQ died versus only 15 percent in those who did not. However, once correcting for the observation that the patients who received HCQ were somewhat more ill at the start of the study than those who did not, the numbers indicate that there was no difference in patients who received HCQ and those that did not. This indicates that HCQ likely confers no benefit. While this study did not assess the cardiac complications that HCQ is known to cause in some patients, the authors note that some other studies have been halted over such safety concerns. These data are compelling, but more definitive answers will come from randomized controlled trials, currently underway. However, HCQ is now in shortage across the United States, making it difficult for patients in whom the drug has been shown to have benefit—including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis—to obtain their usual medications. This highlights the unintended dangers that can emerge when highly influential public figures opine on medical therapies without a proven benefit for covid-19 prematurely.

– Jeremy Samuel Faust, MD, MS, MA


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3d20ea  No.9087764

File: dcb24920bf7b4b6⋯.png (268,48 KB, 880x553, 880:553, 5.PNG)

File: e74aeac5e4d6117⋯.png (109,3 KB, 884x418, 442:209, 6.PNG)



TECRO / Taiwan / transfer of Naval vessels continued.

In reading their "Overview" page we learn that they are keeping track of greater DC area population information. They are also "leading" communities of overseas compatriots.

"The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) leads the various communities of overseas compatriot in the Washington metropolitan area."

"There are also 23 Chinese schools in close collaboration with the CCTECRO to promote Chinese language and culture learning, which include 11 schools in Maryland, 10 schools in Virginia, 1 school in Delaware and 1 school in Washington D.C. The total student number of those Chinese schools is about 3,400."


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b74594  No.9087765


article much more informative than the tweet. thank you anon!

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227907  No.9087766

What about the satchel? When is that stuff going to drop? It better be soon. So tired of waiting…

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8e0896  No.9087767


Look at Betty Yee CalPERS and China ties:

Based on articles, Betty Yee’s trip may be related to her association with CalPERS investment, Climate Action 100+, and China celebrating 70th anniversary. However, no articles specifically mentions an October 2019 trip to China.

CalPERS is Heavily Invested in Chinese Companies

As NBA frets over PRoC, Yu Ben Meng bets big with dollars from America’s largest pension fund

(California Globe Oct 10 2019)


On October 1st, 2019, the People’s Republic of China celebrated its 70th anniversary. The centerpiece of their festivities was a massive military parade down the streets of Beijing, and the centerpiece of that parade was China’s newest intercontinental ballistic missile, the Dongfeng-41. This missile travels at a speed of Mach 25, carries multiple nuclear warheads, and can reach the United States in under 30 minutes.

California’s public employees should know that their retirement funds have invested in companies controlled by the Chinese military, which manufacture parts for the DF-41 missile, along with a range of aircraft, unmanned aircraft systems, and airborne weapons.

For that matter, these pension funds not only invest in Chinese companies (and index funds, tracked by mutual funds, that are heavily weighted with Chinese companies) directly involved in manufacturing military equipment and surveillance equipment, they also invest in Chinese companies involved directly or indirectly in human rights, labor rights, and environmental protection violations all over the world.

California’s largest public employee pension fund, CalPERS, provides a case in point. Despite its quest for the elusive 7 percent annual return, CalPERS nonetheless foregoes investments in Iran, Sudan, assault rifles, tobacco products, and thermal coal. Yet CalPERS continues to invest in Chinese companies.

A review of what is still the most recent report on CalPERS investments, dated 6/30/2018, reveals there is no summary wherein international investments are subtotaled by country. A keyword search under “China” turns up 172 companies, partnerships, etc., nearly all of which (by virtue of their name) are probably based in China, with a total market value of $3.1 billion. This is obviously understating the total, since, for example, one of the listed companies, “Bank of Chongqing Co Ltd,” is almost certainly a Chinese company, but along with many others, is not within that total.

(continue in link, 4 page article)

Recent articles deal with CalPERS CIO Meng and his China connections, and neglect investigating actions or trips by Betty Yee.

U.S. lawmaker calls for ouster of CalPERS CIO over China ties: letter

(reuters Feb 12 2020)


U.S. 'looking at' CalPERS holdings in Chinese defense firms: top White House official

(reuters March 11 2020)


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62c75c  No.9087768

File: a363d096700f427⋯.jpg (44 KB, 707x929, 707:929, Quagmire.JPG)

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b9a6a8  No.9087769

File: 8701c58449fc078⋯.png (197,31 KB, 1163x712, 1163:712, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

Progress indicator(s) by September, 2020…

"The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two systemwide training and simulation exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.


It's a put-on, anons. Yeah, we knew that. Here it is in black-and-white.


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53f481  No.9087770


>why you dirty little whore

Right if only the sentence ended there, tiktok it!

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9a2e5e  No.9087771

File: 8221861c39cbe3a⋯.png (182,68 KB, 387x202, 387:202, adrenowithdrawlul.PNG)

File: d0ce82f307f0ef5⋯.gif (1,13 MB, 498x498, 1:1, pepcorn.gif)

File: 60a0d1d46434a63⋯.png (132,97 KB, 700x412, 175:103, limitless.png)

if no adreno, how long till ded?

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274770  No.9087772


Coats (likely a cover?)

Coats answered Shiff way different than Gowdy.

Fed Shiff narrative.

Coats "Ya Ds Pence recommended me"

Part of the fam?

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beadbc  No.9087773

File: 324841f13ad965e⋯.png (15,87 KB, 522x156, 87:26, CNN_Collins_re_POTUS_at_Ca….PNG)

File: 28a876620b484f4⋯.png (22,57 KB, 654x368, 327:184, POTUS_Schedule_5_8_20.PNG)

President Trump says he'll be meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff at Camp David this weekend.


>I saw this last night and didn't post it because it's CNN

>Any anons know if this might be correct?

>He hasn't tweeted in awhile and his schelule had nothing after 1 pm

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3f1ed0  No.9087774



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88b6ff  No.9087775

File: c4ecdc4d2d69a00⋯.jpg (110,46 KB, 888x500, 222:125, sings_the_song_of_constitu….jpg)

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50f0a8  No.9087776

Weekend shills, bless their hearts.

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c1bd2f  No.9087777


>The patriots are ready, BUT the people are not.

well then someone is going to need to astral project into a higher dimension, gather up their higher selves and bring them back to slap their lower selves silly until they wake up

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ecb181  No.9087778


Wtf is with her limbs? She looks like a legit skinwalker.

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54bc62  No.9087779

File: 0bdacd5d8d34470⋯.png (431,05 KB, 993x761, 993:761, ClipboardImage.png)

Exclusive: Obama says in private call that 'rule of law is at risk' in Michael Flynn case

WASHINGTON — Former President Barack Obama, talking privately to former members of his administration, said Friday that the “rule of law is at risk” in the wake of what he called an unprecedented move by the Justice Department to drop charges against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

In the same chat, a tape of which was obtained by Yahoo News, Obama also lashed out at the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic as “an absolute chaotic disaster.”

“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said in a web talk with members of the Obama Alumni Association.

“And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places.”

The Flynn case was invoked by Obama as a principal reason that his former administration officials needed to make sure former Vice President Joe Biden wins the November election against President Trump. “So I am hoping that all of you feel the same sense of urgency that I do,” he said. “Whenever I campaign, I’ve always said, ‘Ah, this is the most important election.’ Especially obviously when I was on the ballot, that always feels like it's the most important election. This one — I’m not on the ballot — but I am pretty darn invested. We got to make this happen.”

Obama misstated the charge to which Flynn had previously pleaded guilty. He was charged with false statements to the FBI, not perjury. But the Justice Department, in a filing with a federal judge on Thursday, asked that the case brought by special counsel Robert Mueller be dismissed, arguing that FBI agents did not have a justifiable reason to question the then national security adviser about his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak — talks FBI agents and Mueller’s prosecutors concluded he had lied about.


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b5e113  No.9087780


It was implied it would be today, but I think Q's disregard post means it was delayed.

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e2b7f2  No.9087781

File: 0dc3526d5ccb598⋯.png (384,31 KB, 419x631, 419:631, LdR_pepe_arms.png)

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23ae48  No.9087782

File: 238ba9ce7dad097⋯.png (133,23 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you anon.


What a beautiful black sky..

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26b589  No.9087783


The hunters were the hunted all along.

They were just too arrogant to realize it.

They never thought she'd lose.

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35d232  No.9087784

File: 9b06eb5af1337d7⋯.png (212,83 KB, 720x782, 360:391, Img_1588969901928.png)

File: 9104b48a89b143d⋯.png (360,19 KB, 644x1014, 322:507, Img_1588782806317.png)

File: 2e69eb024b3fdd5⋯.png (470,78 KB, 720x1075, 144:215, Img_1588782792425.png)

File: 9e639f9e6c2af3b⋯.png (383,16 KB, 720x1052, 180:263, Img_1588778515511.png)

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762e37  No.9087785


Unity is Blind to many things as long as we see peace.

Not division just not needed.

Faith is to found. Not forced.

Many have faiths that are the same but different.

Actions matter more than any beliefs


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d77921  No.9087786

File: 0a0d442c55d6ca2⋯.jpg (41,87 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 13177.jpg)


>Jeremy Samuel Faust

heres the faggot here

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f557d6  No.9087787


>implying circumcision is something other than ritual mutilation of children's genitals

Lowest pit of hell.

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5f1999  No.9087788


I'm doing my best to respond but now all I can think about are bra-less women



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f9119d  No.9087789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I raise you

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e56883  No.9087790

Buckle up butter cups. Grenell declared the Gang of Eight docs and personally delivered them to Barr. Reveal drop tomorrow. Schiff on suicide watch.

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356a53  No.9087791

If the virus is real

Where are all the bodies?

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b74594  No.9087792


yep, i think both comey and coats living in mclean was a dead give away that they are are farm bred.

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a90c3a  No.9087793


Good question. I went thru the Clapper and Lynch pdfs. It was a lot of I don't recall or red out text and things I already knew. One thing I gleaned. The mystery questioner that would not give his name on both interrogations? He's important and he was precise and he was bad ass. I think it was Tom Cotton. Just the way the questions came zinging in. Precision guided missiles.

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b5142d  No.9087794

The people are about to have to go along for the ride.

Also, quads chekt.

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7c1d02  No.9087795


CaliFag here anon.

We will soon be FREEEEEEE!!!!

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d4968a  No.9087796


Wow.Is it a local story, or an AP distributed to affiliates, I wonder?

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155f2e  No.9087797

File: d886ce6f66bf91e⋯.jpg (17,2 KB, 449x308, 449:308, mr_rogers.jpg)


Anon sees what you did there.


Safari is shit again in the last 24 hours. Please advise.

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ec5b8b  No.9087798

File: 6f47ade3640d7e5⋯.jpg (35,28 KB, 600x789, 200:263, shannon.jpg)

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3d20ea  No.9087799

File: 63f59b7114516b5⋯.png (174,64 KB, 924x787, 924:787, 7.PNG)



TECRO / Taiwan / transfer of Naval vessels continued.

TECRO has offices known as Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices (TECO) in 11 Cities across America. They have more facilities around the US and DC, if Anons will digg around in their web site it will become apparent. See bottom of 2nd screencap.

"TECRO oversees 11 offices known as Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices (TECO) in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Honolulu, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle."


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b9a6a8  No.9087801


>Lowest pit of hell.

That's where joohaters go.

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05c96c  No.9087802


I don't think that's ok!

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88b6ff  No.9087803


take out bad wood

put in good wood

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f7471e  No.9087804

File: 9d4b7a430693ab8⋯.jpg (711,13 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200508_211005….jpg)

File: ddaa68914388be0⋯.jpg (623,23 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200508_211031….jpg)

File: 19eaab8f663c6c7⋯.jpg (685,25 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200508_211043….jpg)

File: 1110a1d720ab7fd⋯.jpg (493,46 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20200508_210947….jpg)

Marc Elias testimony. What are they hiding about Steele? Does he have connections to other organizations or ppl that we haven't been told about?

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ba3418  No.9087805


What the fuck are you dribbling on about?

You are the only fucking moran talking about penises.

You got a fixation or something?

See what I mean about you making yourself look stupid?

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495831  No.9087806

File: ceb57041d60b2e7⋯.jpg (346,57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, night_shift_JUSTICE_.jpg)

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ecb181  No.9087807

File: ac2ffaf852ab23d⋯.jpg (227,39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1578031969286.jpg)

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4b4149  No.9087808


It does appear that many of these people obtain a clearance, get to keep it when they leave the government/contractor position, and proceed to use it to their financial advantage…I guess for the rest of their lives unless they really screw up or something.

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b5142d  No.9087809

File: 6261a39309f270b⋯.png (1,76 MB, 1200x632, 150:79, DtillD.png)


and quads answered with dubs. nice!

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ab88c7  No.9087810

File: 515b28748ad840f⋯.png (1,55 MB, 864x864, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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f557d6  No.9087811


Take your meds, Tiresias. It's not like we don't know who you are.

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762e37  No.9087812


Faith is to be found. Not forced *

Grammar cat im sorry

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35d232  No.9087813

File: e4afd2f3cb10c3d⋯.png (218,82 KB, 1084x588, 271:147, Img_1588968623646.png)

File: 8296d001f590d81⋯.png (442,35 KB, 1158x634, 579:317, Img_1587845428957.png)

File: 35332a22f0b14b0⋯.png (347,47 KB, 1031x627, 1031:627, Img_1587845412583.png)

File: 3ea2a41b0051ddb⋯.png (336,6 KB, 1165x648, 1165:648, Img_1587845395787.png)

File: d38359d99159a9e⋯.png (350,01 KB, 1242x648, 23:12, Img_1587845375915.png)

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0beb8d  No.9087814

File: ef0e95b702827b7⋯.png (603,32 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, fauchomo.png)


mebbe faust

is a bad guy

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9a2e5e  No.9087815

File: e142d40a49a1d04⋯.png (456,56 KB, 529x399, 529:399, shaggy.PNG)

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a90c3a  No.9087816


The internet vs MSM news is like no contest. It's out of their hands now.

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8b932d  No.9087817


what a dangerous unhinged paranoid conspiracy theorist tinfoil hat nutjob!!!!

he needs to be immediately removed from his position due to mental instability!!!

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3f1ed0  No.9087818


coast to coast, freedomfags at the ready

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62c75c  No.9087819


Wait until May..then it will be ok to play, all day.

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274770  No.9087820


Little Leaguers.

We play ball together.

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2995ac  No.9087821


>>9087137 President Trump on Congressional Democrat leadership: ''This group is perhaps beyond repair. They're sick. There's something wrong with them."

>>9087087 Cape Cod field hospital closes without EVER seeing ONE patient.

>>9087153 anon says bad doods got bad kerning. good guys, these are not scanned, no kerning issues.

>>9087474 more kerning, 14 instances of a Q showing up where it shouldn't be, so far, says anon

>>9087168 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, May 9, 2020

>>9087288 influenza graphs

>>9087290 Former Nunes staffer tapped for Deputy position to replace outgoing ODNI, COO

>>9087339 How to Cancel my Permanent Vote-By-Mail Status (Califormication)

>>9087376 11 Secret Service agents test positive for COVID-19, but so did a goat so…

>>9087155, >>9087216 Anon begins deep dig on Courdet Bros. law firm with presence in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, China

>>9087315 Malaria Drug Makes Cancer Treatments More Effective, says WCM-Q Research

>>9087556 Irregular warfare (IW) is defined in United States joint doctrine as "a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations."

>>9087464 Interview Transcript Dates

>>9087492, >>9087495, >>9087772 Anons' thoughts on Dan Coat Interview

>>9087779 Obama says in private call that 'rule of law is at risk' in Michael Flynn case

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227907  No.9087822


Hopefully it doesn't mean months of no happenings. I was looking forward to be on the edge of my seat like the old days (but then we'd end up disappointed).

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c1bd2f  No.9087823

File: 61600b1dccec621⋯.jpg (38,72 KB, 297x399, 99:133, 1585569370.jpg)

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88b6ff  No.9087824

File: 764068f713a53ed⋯.jpg (114,07 KB, 662x500, 331:250, the_talmud_was_not_inspire….jpg)

File: 1f4dd8f5c454993⋯.jpg (157,34 KB, 750x500, 3:2, When_the_Talmud_matters_we….jpg)


it's not that you care about the children. it's that you hate them all

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ec86ad  No.9087825

File: cf2ab6098a812f8⋯.jpeg (96,09 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 702790EC_CD3C_4FB8_ABEA_2….jpeg)

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d14410  No.9087826



Who is testifying here, anon?


It's going to hurt. I don't think they can reorg unlike Macys et al.


>Irregular warfare

Irregular Warfare - Joint Operating Concept (JOC)










>Eric Prince

Relevant, thanks, anon.

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ba3418  No.9087827

File: ce68aa0b1f953f2⋯.png (760,31 KB, 900x583, 900:583, Makeshitup.png)

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50f0a8  No.9087828

DS pain incoming.

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f557d6  No.9087829


Telling the truth is only hate to those who hate the truth.

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53f481  No.9087830

File: 377da208289b45d⋯.jpg (49,59 KB, 534x891, 178:297, 4acAfOaDiB.jpg)

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276cbf  No.9087831

File: cf4f746f8244fc4⋯.gif (2,84 MB, 300x300, 1:1, tillvalhalla.gif)

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b9a6a8  No.9087833


baker if you get to it


will repo next w/corrected graphic

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19ea47  No.9087834

File: bd288a66b28a7a5⋯.png (389,18 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d20ea  No.9087835

File: f67b7cba2524f7c⋯.png (93,34 KB, 774x682, 387:341, 8.PNG)

File: fc3d86999360136⋯.png (63,89 KB, 801x584, 801:584, 9.PNG)

File: 9b631ecbf47cf68⋯.png (45,24 KB, 787x413, 787:413, 10.PNG)



TECRO / Taiwan / transfer of Naval vessels continued.

In Dec. 2014 released a Legislative Bulletine announcing that S. 1683 — Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2013 authorized the President of the United States to transfer certain Navel Vessels to certain Countries (Taiwan and Mexico). Go to page 8 of PDF.

"S. 1683 would provide for the transfer of naval vessels to certain foreign recipients, including Mexico and Taiwan. The bill authorizes the President of the United States to transfer to Mexico the Oliver Hazard Perry class guided missile frigates USS Curts (FFG–38) and USS McClusky (FFG–41) on a grant basis under section 516 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The President is also authorized to transfer the Oliver Hazard Perry class guided missile frigates USS Taylor (FFG–50), USS Gary (FFG–51), USS Carr (FFG–52), and USS Elrod (FFG–55) to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (Taiwan) on a sale basis under section 21 of the Arms Export Control Act."



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e4d4c7  No.9087836

File: e4d90534acf0e2a⋯.jpg (9,64 KB, 150x66, 25:11, hehheh.JPG)

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155f2e  No.9087837


So very relieved to reconnect.

It's been a tough few months.

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4b4149  No.9087838


I'm not sure. The channel is an 'independent', that used to be NBC, but broke ties with them a few years ago. They do sometimes use reports from CNN, almost never acknowledging them as source, as if they know CNN has a crappy reputation.

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e74c68  No.9087839


>mebbe faust


>is a bad guy

look up what Faust means.

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ef0642  No.9087841

File: 1ea99495e5b0ffd⋯.jpg (35,5 KB, 634x469, 634:469, 1ea99495e5b0ffdf679191ca7d….jpg)

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01d191  No.9087842

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a90c3a  No.9087844


That's a good photo.

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8e0896  No.9087845


Once leaving government service, the person keeps their clearance as other Anon noted. Typically they are reviewed every 5 years to maintain the clearance level instead of a review to re-issue.

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5b25a5  No.9087847

File: 3cbed44d1e2280d⋯.jpeg (418,29 KB, 973x554, 973:554, 4D719678_16AF_47A9_ABDF_9….jpeg)

File: d9215fd88fbddb7⋯.jpeg (391,16 KB, 986x738, 493:369, AB1799CE_C7DA_4102_AB78_F….jpeg)

File: e65e7557c6a8cd4⋯.jpeg (510,2 KB, 983x683, 983:683, CE4AC475_4FD4_4580_B053_D….jpeg)

File: 2eb2e6bc07afc6b⋯.jpeg (426,02 KB, 950x612, 475:306, 717071DC_96E3_4A93_961D_1….jpeg)


It’s habbining!

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b5e113  No.9087848


I don't hold my breath anymore, but Q seemed pretty excited, then disappointed. Hope they can work out the bugs over the weekend and drop Monday.

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b9a6a8  No.9087850


Borad is demonstrably comp'd, bitches.

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0beb8d  No.9087851


i'm not illiterate

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64ce24  No.9087852


>The one who lost 33,000 emails wants mail in voting. Go figure.

She would find far many more than that.

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015dda  No.9087853

File: 96488873cc32b82⋯.jpeg (382,91 KB, 640x916, 160:229, sauce_it_bitch.jpeg)

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35d232  No.9087854

File: a7ee744777b0cbc⋯.png (384,64 KB, 720x1303, 720:1303, Img_1588900089051.png)

File: a08645917e4ea2c⋯.png (172,6 KB, 720x589, 720:589, Img_1588900062118.png)

G whiz

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e4d4c7  No.9087855

File: f015c24421a41eb⋯.jpg (10,75 KB, 132x145, 132:145, hehheh.JPG)

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a90c3a  No.9087857


5 years? How about 1 or even 6 months. Crazy rules.

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88b6ff  No.9087858

File: b8340404ebad1a5⋯.jpg (52,1 KB, 570x437, 30:23, I_ve_got_a_killer_idea_.jpg)

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7c1d02  No.9087861


in notables pb

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62c75c  No.9087862

File: 234c2e1d385c888⋯.jpg (69,65 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Fuck_Flynn_Trump_McCabe.jpg)

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00b66d  No.9087863

File: bb68912111af6a7⋯.png (278,4 KB, 685x391, 685:391, found_in_water2.PNG)

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f9119d  No.9087864



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a90c3a  No.9087865


I think he just inserted his rook into the postmaster position.

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b7670e  No.9087867


That's how Hillary, Brennan and several others accessed the Five Eyes network after Trump took office.

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2995ac  No.9087868

File: cb418506b3e45ab⋯.jpg (76,86 KB, 737x417, 737:417, TYBpepes.jpg)

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7c1d02  No.9087869


saw that, brilliant move

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8279ba  No.9087871


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227907  No.9087872


Let's not misplace our party hats just in case.

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c15012  No.9087874

File: 6d0e42638faa025⋯.png (7,77 KB, 776x125, 776:125, ClipboardImage.png)


this is a Q board.

so thinking that God is driving the plan to free the world from evil is pretty common around here.

maybe tell me what exactly you don´t like in my post and why you call it divisive?

have the feeling you might not be here to help…

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8e0896  No.9087876



Webpage for security clearance guidelances, link proved from state department webpage


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fa585b  No.9087877


Don't you see how ridiculous and hypocritical it is to objectify females for their physique but simultaneously demand that their intellectual contributions be made as pseudo males.

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b5e113  No.9087880



Oh, except it looks like for McCabe.

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f9119d  No.9087882

File: 0805e55e27f84f3⋯.jpg (16,2 KB, 223x226, 223:226, fractturb5.jpg)

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615df1  No.9087885

Your comment reveals you:

"some catholics" but not "someJews"


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b5e113  No.9087886


At least we know what it will probably be…the missing testimony.

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