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07f01d  No.9077466[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 05.07.2020

>>9074777 ————————————–——– The news is dead.

>>9074161 ————————————–——– [Michael Atkinson]

>>9072062 ————————————–——– Trump meme: DRAIN IT

>>9072018 ————————————–——– Focus on tomorrow, first. (Cap: >>9072038 )

>>9071604 ————————————–——– AC-130 Lights Up The Night round 2 (Cap: >>9060512, >>9060693 Vid: >>9060748 )

>>9071566 ————————————–——– Be ready to dig, Anons. Meat. (Cap: >>9071596 )

>>9070164 ————————————–——– Russia Investigation Transcripts and Documents https://intelligence.house.gov/russiainvestigation/

>>9069125 ————————————–——– Keep watching the news. (Cap: >>9069133)

>>9066831 ————————————–——– LET FREEDOM RING! (Cap: >>9066842, >>9066845)

>>9066404 ————————————–——– Facts v Fiction (Cap: >>9066433)

>>9066083 ————————————–——– Calculating 'lag' near impossible. Watch the news today, tomorrow, next week. (Cap: >>9066096)

>>9065749 ————————————–——– Source of HCQ: China, China using HCQ to treat COVID-19? The more you know… (Cap: >>9065775, >>9065892)

>>9065630 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution. When do you expend ammunition? You have more power and influence than you realize. (Cap: >>9065642)

>>9065447 ————————————–——– It's time to wake up. (Cap: >>9065468, >>9065481)

Wednesday 05.06.2020

>>9060482 ————————————–——– AC-130 Lights Up The Night (Cap: >>9060512, >>9060693 Vid: >>9060748 )

>>9060298 ————————————–——– There is a reason why Congress did not return to work this week [DC][non_COVID related]. [C]oats before [D]eclas [ongoing_now].

>>9059016 ————————————–——– Hannity Monologue, Scope Memo, Mueller, RR, Comey, et al re: today's news drop, also fake news CBS and Veritas [0:00 - 21.45] (Vid: >>9059025 )

>>9058932 ————————————–——– There is so much truth in this. Alexa drops truth bombs (Cap and Vid: >>9058947 )

>>9057548 ————————————–——– Advocating overthrow of Government? (Cap: >>9057564 )

>>9056769 ————————————–——– Ready to stand?

>>9056552 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. [note: rare 'truth' caught on camera] (Cap: >>9056601 Vid: >>9056716 )

>>9056537 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. [note: they all read from a teleprompter - who controls the message?] (Cap: >>9056555, Vid: >>9056578 )

>>9052758 ————————————–——– Laser paint the target (Cap: >>9052816)

>>9052346 ————————————–——– Social media yesterday v today v tomorrow. WIN BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

>>9052215 rt >>9052050 -————————– "Private, public partnership..." Follow the money.

>>9051651 ————————————–——– Define 'backchannel'. (Cap: >>9051741, >>9051724)

>>9050939 ————————————–——– Q: Can I obtain detailed information about a current FBI investigation that I see in the news? (Cap: >>9050954)

>>9050799 ————————————–——– YOU MUST SHOW THEM. (Cap: >>9050806)

>>9050743 ————————————–——– Staged [FAKE] CBS COVID-19 reporting? (Cap: >>9050790)

>>9050636 ————————————–——– Dates are important. Q's #3332 and #4072 Boom Week Ahead

>>9050527 ————————————–——– [it takes time to remove/install the right people [sleepers]] We are ready. (Cap: >>9050565, >>9050701)

Tuesday 05.05.2020 >>9068644

Monday 05.04.2020 >>9053556

Sunday 05.03.2020 >>9042656, >>9040205

Saturday 05.02.2020 >>9015564, >>9026985

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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07f01d  No.9077470

Global Announcements

>>8985756, >>8985951 CM has given us new small text. Other post has new formatting FAQ in graphic form

>>8979470 Just enabled a hotfix for the "Posted." bug. Let me know if it fixes the "Posted" bug for you or not. Please clear your javascript cache first so you have the newest version.

>>8986535 Codemonkey announces new standards on obscene loli

>>8971601 OUT OF SHADOWS – OFFICIAL - translations: >>8944644, >>9019496

>>8971620 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts

>>9072470 Message to Bakers from ArchiveAnon: don't "spoiler" text, messes with archives


are NOT endorsements


>>9076720 America’s business of prisons thrives even amid a pandemic

>>9076733 re: OPERATION PAPERCLIP, Gov. Whitmer, REISIGS, and NAZI sign

>>9076740 Mark Levin: Flynn Documents Are "Barack Obama's Blue Dress" Without The DNA

>>9076761 FLASHBACK 2017: Joy Behar Explodes With Joy On False Report Flynn Would Testify Against Trump

>>9076778 Flynn attorney Sidney Powell decries 'deliberate, malevolent, concerted effort to destroy an honest man

>>9076797, >>9076738, >>9076724, >>9076869, >>9076921, >>9076918 Anons dig on Michael Atkinson

>>9076819, >>9076914, >>9077067, >>9077314 Propaganda roundup, morning report.. Moar wrap-up stuff and projection coming?

>>9076860 Forbes article digs continue… Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses

>>9076867 Revealed: Newly declassified docs show top Obama officials, including Rice and Lynch, could not provide concrete evidence of collusion.

>>9076907 Scavino: THEIR COUP FAILED! IT HASN’T BEEN THE EASIEST 3+ YEARS — but we did say, we’re gonna FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT

>>9076912 CNN: Life will never be the same after the pandemic passes says public health journalist

>>9076937 Bill Gates and His ‘War Against Cash’ Are a Threat to Our Liberty, Economist Warns

>>9076948 Newsweak: Melinda Gates gives President Donald Trump's administration a grade of D-minus

>>9076951 Review: Susan Rice transcript newly released

>>9076958 More WHO bullshit: Coronavirus Came From Bats, Can Infect Cats, Ferrets

>>9076995, >>9077214, >>9077234, >>9077286 Anons' D5 digs: Synthetic D5? Vitamin D5 is also named as sitocalciferol, discovered by Edward Mellanby in 1919

>>9077001 an anon calls for a dig: NY Flyover digg in a bun

>>9077028 Australia annoyed as U.S. pushes Wuhan lab COVID-19 theory

>>9077041 Yahoo: US has an illegal alien Mexican problem, but they are coming in from Canada!

>>9077075 Dead man on a runway: Officials are still working to determine how the incident happened

>>9077088 This is Not a Conspiracy, It is a Terrifying Opportunity

>>9077090 CBS Twat: AG Barr- "There's only one system of justice."

>>9077095 Chinese behaving badly again

>>9077133 an anon's theory: RELEVANCY: VACCINES + MEDICINES

>>9077134 The Pandemic Surveillance State

>>9077163 Ex-Obama Staffer Who Urged Spying On Trump Predicted ‘Quick’ Impeachment Weeks Before Election

>>9077175 planefag reports

>>9077268 the justices didn’t approve of Bridgegate. They simply felt compelled to follow precedent and stick with the letter of the law.

>>9077308 Parscale tweet - fire in the hole


>>9077371 Obama trying to block national archives material

>>9077374 All deserve the utter contempt of the voters who elected them to office.

>>9077390 After Reviewing The Transcripts, George Papadopoulos Says He’s Now Positive He Knows Who The FBI Informant In His Case Was

>>9077394 'We're going to fill it': Republicans ready for any Supreme Court vacancy

>>9077415 #11619

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

07f01d  No.9077475


>>9076043, >>9076479 baker hand off protocol crash course (as if the links directly above this one weren't enough)

>>9076059 Crownstrike CEO's 'Russian Hoax' testimony - [They] had NO 'evidence' of a DNC hack

>>9076076 USAF tweet: plants need water

>>9076081 James Woods forecasting trends

>>9076188 POTUS and the Pritzkers: DJT filed a civil racketeering suit in 1993

>>9076193 Facebook, YouTube remove ‘Plandemic’ video with ‘unsubstantiated’ coronavirus claims

>>9076218 Forbes: New DNA Traces Origins of Yiddish To…Turkey

>>9076289 Plandemic Movie is back online: Set your egg timers, anons!

>>9076361 The United States Intelligence Community (IC) made redactions, lowering the classification of all 53 transcripts to UNCLASSIFIED.

>>9076383 Looks like they are starting to waive the ayys around now...

>>9076386 I wonder if there are any cabal connections between Harbin & these twinned cities?

>>9076407 Pharma and Tech Giants All-In for Transgender

>>9076440 US STRATCOM is always ready.

>>9076446 Ferguson Model taking on water... Called a joke

>>9076493, >>9076573 Vitamin D linked to low virus death rate

>>9076518 US EUCOM: 75 years ago today, millions of people around the world rejoiced... (or, Hitler was given the finger)

>>9076535 Trump told reporters on Thursday that he spoke with Putin and the two discussed the investigation into Russian election interference

>>9076605 Satellite imagery suggests North Korea is building a new facility near Pyongyang Airport large enough to store all of its nuclear missiles.

>>9076617 #11618


>>9075241 Dianne Feinstein's - Deep Family Roots = Tzarist Russia/Vladivostok > Harbin & Shanghai, China > USA; >>9075266

>>9075243 Declassified documents reveal Obama's awareness and subsequent questionable handling of the Flynn-Kislyak connection

>>9075300 'Never saw any drirect evidence': Shiff's documents further strenghten claim that there was no Trump-Russia collusion.

>>9075304 Google Search Queries Trendline for the MSM (Graphic Content)

>>9075348 "Absolute Madman!" Germany's military counterintelligence spokersperson 'apologizes' for accidentally wiping Israel off the map.

>>9075396 As per your reQuest: Michael Atkinson Dig; >>9075424, >>9075451

>>9075418 2 years ago: Senator Graham questions Yates & Clapper in a public Flynn hearing

>>9075453 Questions, Questions..

>>9075485 Resignations in the news 5/7/2020

>>9075514 Silk Road Medical, Inc sold by Warburg Pincus &Co.: $190.51m-May 5

>>9075572 Part of living in Truth is uncovering their lies.

>>9075616 US removes part of their Military Presence from the Saudi Deserts amidst Oil Tensions

>>9075728 Remember that Gen. Flynn knows where the bodies are buried.

>>9075776 Do you remember this Executive Order from 12-21-17?

>>9075786 Jim Jatras' Op-Ed on the FBI Perjury Trap in the Gen. Flynn case; >>9075792

>>9075863 #11617


>>9074444 Dan Scavino tweets meme of Hussein spying on POTUS

>>9074527 US B-1B Bombers Again Fly Near Chinese Airspace Amid 'New Cold War' Threat

>>9074535 9/17/19 letter from Atkinson to Schiff

>>9074597 Sauce for Bob Krieger's death from lb notable

>>9074490, >>9074659, >>9074809 Reminder that Atkinson's wife is connected to Fusion GPS

>>9074698 Anon calls on all patriots to write to their local news, newspapers, and local/state/fed reps

>>9074896 Pamela Geller Sues New York Mayor de Blasio, Police Commissioner Shea Over Suspension of 1st Amendment

>>9074666 LUCIFERASE Enzyme Is What Makes Bill Gates Implantable Quantum Dot MicroNeedle Vaccine Delivery System Work

>>9075012 Schiff cryin'

>>9075152 #11616

Previously Collected Notables

>>9073615 #11614, >>9074355 #11615,

>>9070532 #11610, >>9072650 #11611, >>9072669 #11612, >>9072866 #11613

>>9067378 #11606, >>9068142 #11607, >>9068905 #11608, >>9069670 #11609

>>9064288 #11602, >>9065145 #11603, >>9065859 #11604, >>9066631 #11605

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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07f01d  No.9077478

War Room

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations ← go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

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[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

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>>9037154 GhidraResearch Thread

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Nordic >>5290557

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07f01d  No.9077480

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

56 >>9027363, 55 >>8696213

Schiff ————— mega.nz/folder/VIh3jTSB#ihNK6kOzKrStdMyWWOJugA

Fake News Examples- mega.nz/folder/xVwhFQCT#fITV5NhbxDuy4uaxAKoELw

Flynn ————— mega.nz/folder/NRwilA6b#MBXRAmkoeVD0278sTu2lEQ

Treason ———— mega.nz/folder/JYxk1Q6I#GfQXk5sF-5GjKzIIeGp7Ag

Big Pharma —— mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

2020-May ——— mega.nz/folder/ZIJQwS6S#gdnJOmSQqSpcxMi4E2TSsQ

Kung Flu ——— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag


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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://youtu.be/9E3uBWn7e8U

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07f01d  No.9077482

File: 10d2d6dd2fd0f38⋯.jpg (131.2 KB, 1578x922, 789:461, 10d2d6dd2fd0f38ce75582df72….jpg)



Baker requesting handoff

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ca1903  No.9077490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

May 8, 1945 War ends in Europe VE Day Newsreel


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16bdad  No.9077502

File: 6af9effc9d5dcb4⋯.jpg (195.5 KB, 1242x782, 27:17, Q_Baker_Trump.jpg)


ThankQ Baker!

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ca1903  No.9077516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


May 8, 1945 Germany Surrenders Announcement by Winston Churchill


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bee5ed  No.9077521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good Mornin' faggot!

And what a GREAT morning it is. I'm hunkered down with covfefe and ready for show!

God bless America and God bless the Donald J. Trump!

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7bbb82  No.9077522

File: 49f3cb1f9e46d22⋯.jpeg (124.6 KB, 828x681, 276:227, 58C151F1_5041_4A94_83C5_1….jpeg)

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6ca79b  No.9077526

File: 7d249aec9732847⋯.png (194.38 KB, 690x638, 345:319, ClipboardImage.png)

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ecaf53  No.9077527

File: 507e169b4636068⋯.jpeg (75.58 KB, 774x310, 387:155, 694415C0_7E3B_4AD7_AA56_7….jpeg)

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ab7134  No.9077528



Mernin' Anons

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a642af  No.9077530


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c2762b  No.9077533

File: be26420f6f49de3⋯.mp4 (14.46 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Coming_Back_To_Life.mp4)

File: 928b7b6819501e5⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1313x1448, 1313:1448, 1588614156130.png)

File: 7ee4007fa61ade3⋯.png (76.96 KB, 781x640, 781:640, 1588613388300.png)

Goodbye Dirty Cops….

~ Good Cop (Flying Gun)


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ecaf53  No.9077534

7 users online…lowest I ever saw

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8cb66a  No.9077536

Maria Bartiromo


Trump moves to block vast federal retirement fund from investing in China as anger mounts we have been all over this for a year.

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cd96c6  No.9077537

Trump on Fox & Friends now

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beab73  No.9077538

File: 44c9ab113ee5bf2⋯.png (69.78 KB, 413x369, 413:369, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9077517 LB

Careful who you follow.


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bf10d2  No.9077539

File: 4638657b6fb5663⋯.jpg (206.77 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1588250010455.jpg)

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8b9e14  No.9077540



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0ca590  No.9077543

PDJT live on fox now.

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ae84fd  No.9077544

File: 6de772fb3308d0a⋯.jpg (9.95 MB, 5496x4424, 687:553, Q_Map_Graphic_105.jpg)




Q Graphics all in GMT Update

Hi Baker, this post is the final update of and thus replaces >>9063718 Q Graphics all in GMT #105 seen here >>9077478

Please update the dough.

N.B. I've dropped a copy for CommsAnon to give us a >>>/comms/ link to replace this, soon, hopefully.

Godspeed Baker/s

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a00761  No.9077545

File: d8e5e4b4f13e39d⋯.jpg (237.35 KB, 1603x902, 1603:902, 35ih7b.jpg)

Tyb -

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6ca79b  No.9077546

File: b513393ae4d16d2⋯.png (3.23 MB, 2048x1360, 128:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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615006  No.9077547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Newly declassified portions of the scope memo issued to special counsel Robert Mueller in August 2017 reveal the extent of the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign shortly after the firing of then-Director James Comey.

The Justice Department on May 6 declassified portions of the Aug. 2, 2017, memo by then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in response to a request from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

Portions of the memo had already been made public in 2018 as part of the special counsel’s prosecution of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. The details revealed in 2018 showed that Rosenstein tasked the special counsel with investigating the allegations that were within the scope of the FBI’s Trump campaign probe at the time of Mueller’s appointment on May 17, 2017.

The new details beneath the previously blacked-out portions of the memo show that the FBI was still investigating allegations against Trump campaign associate Carter Page in May 2017, which were part of the infamous Steele dossier. At the time, the bureau had already been aware for months that the dossier was likely tainted with Russian disinformation, and had also already learned that Page was a source for the CIA and had briefed the agency about his contacts with Russians.

While some of the news coverage of the newly declassified details appears to fault Rosenstein for tasking Mueller with investigating the claims from the shoddy dossier, the memo makes it clear the listed allegations were part of the FBI probe that the special counsel was taking over. The integrity of the investigation would likely have been questioned if Rosenstein had acted to limit the scope.

Original article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/new-details-from-rosenstein-memo-reveal-scope-of-comeys-russia-probe_3342311.html


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1b7453  No.9077549

File: 80ebe78da614dbd⋯.jpg (105.05 KB, 600x407, 600:407, ZomboMeme_18032020180709.jpg)

File: 12e1e71047c5e91⋯.jpg (40.66 KB, 540x328, 135:82, ZomboMeme_15032020162851.jpg)

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8d49d4  No.9077550

File: b4713dffb76a62b⋯.jpg (8.42 KB, 392x390, 196:195, ThePlankAwaits.jpg)

File: 10e4f18385b0173⋯.jpg (14.11 KB, 586x253, 586:253, gotcha_traitor_Killer.jpg)

File: 157bc912570f892⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 815x737, 815:737, walkThePlankSOON.jpg)


Righting The Ship…

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adb507  No.9077551

File: 4f85468b4dd333e⋯.png (12.26 KB, 331x169, 331:169, 4f85468b4dd333e37f1e5cce67….png)

File: db54b662f972a82⋯.png (266.8 KB, 676x976, 169:244, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

>>9077515 lb 7:29 TimeStamp

>>9077447 lb



7:29 AM · May 8, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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c2762b  No.9077552

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Power_Glory.mp4)

JOHN (Q) 17

>1: After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: “FATHER THE TIME HAS COME. GLORIFY YOUR SON, THAT YOUR SON MAY GLORIFY YOU.”

2: “For you granted him authority over all people that he might give ETERNAL LIFE to all those you have given him.

>3: NOW THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.


5: And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the GLORY I HAD WITH YOU BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN.

6: I have revealed you to THOSE whom YOU GAVE ME out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and THEY HAVE OBEYED YOUR WORD.

>|7|: Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you.

8: For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted. THEY KNEW WITH CERTAINTY that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.


10: All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. (WWG1WGA) GLORY has come to ME through THEM.

11: I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the POWER OF YOUR NAME–the name you gave me—SO THAT THEY MAY BE ONE AS WE ARE ONE. (WWG1WGA)

12: While I WAS WITH THEM (PAST), I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost (PROVES), except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled. (FUTURE)

>13: I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the LAST FULL MEASURE of MY JOY WITHIN THEM.


15: My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you PROTECT THEM FROM THE EVIL ONE.

16: They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.


18: As you sent me into the world, I HAVE SENT THEM INTO THE WORLD.



>21|7|: that ALL OF THEM MAY BE ONE, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

22: I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as WE ARE ONE:

>]23[: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to COMPLETE UNITY to let the world know that you sent me and have LOVED THEM EVEN AS YOU HAVE LOVED ME.

24: Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me BEFORE THE CREATION OF THE WORLD.

25: Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me.

>26: I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you KNOWN IN ORDER that the LOVE you have for me MAY BE IN THEM and that I MYSELF MAY BE IN THEM.”

Are We the People, Blessed and Ordained by God to Live Free and Brave, REALLY going to STAND BY and Let the Forces of Evil PREVENT U.S. from OUR rights as ENGRAVED in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution?

Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)

Congress shall make no law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of RELIGION, or prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE THEREOF; or ABRIDGING the FREEDOM of SPEECH, or of the PRESS; or the RIGHT of the PEOPLE PEACEABLY to ASSEMBLE, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.






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ae84fd  No.9077553

File: 2df6e3349cbd71d⋯.jpg (4.11 MB, 5784x4424, 723:553, Q_Map_Graphic_106.jpg)




Q Graphics all in GMT Update

The all-new, bright & shiny Q Graphics all in GMT #106.

Godspeed Baker/s

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7485f3  No.9077554

File: 8b0b6b365d08762⋯.png (982.49 KB, 934x503, 934:503, pepenewfags.png)

>>9077531 lb

>the point is that nobody looks at the count at the bottom. if they did we'd all be more aware of where we are in the bread.

geeze you're not very good at this, why do you ruin your point with mindless concern for "nobody"?

as if anons don't keep an eye where they are in the thread

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e915b5  No.9077555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


new kip about podesta transcript

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ee3468  No.9077557

File: f0cca9e61ecc520⋯.png (575.98 KB, 1599x855, 533:285, fortlgitmo.PNG)


o7 baker

Learjet ft lauderdale / Gitmo

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df9a4c  No.9077558

File: a6050303a9ca888⋯.png (857.69 KB, 797x799, 797:799, 5478908623469543.png)

File: bc62182e357239f⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1408x871, 1408:871, 8712089734644.png)

File: a6050303a9ca888⋯.png (857.69 KB, 797x799, 797:799, 5478908623469543.png)




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40a05c  No.9077559

File: ca85258a91cc4d8⋯.jpg (27.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, cab1b5dbc58a9cc6f67ee0ebb1….jpg)

Morning sun

Brings heat

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8d49d4  No.9077560

File: 4413f5ea688c6a0⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 356x218, 178:109, nearly_there_frens.jpg)

Arrrr! Where The Q Team And Anons Be…… The Justice Be!!!!

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5334a9  No.9077561

>>9077496 lb i'm not hijacking shit. the anon asked for a bun of the posts so he didn't have to go hunting for it. i provided him with the posts. anyone can go read for themselves. you're just insecure bc someone is finally calling you out

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8b9e14  No.9077562


POTUS talking about Schiff.

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a642af  No.9077563

File: 4b1122775b3ed35⋯.jpg (121.09 KB, 968x622, 484:311, podestamolesta.jpg)

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7485f3  No.9077564


what sound does anangry piratemake?



a very hard R

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512d63  No.9077565

File: f964291dbc9dc6c⋯.png (554.68 KB, 640x816, 40:51, ClipboardImage.png)

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1881dc  No.9077566

File: 1ab0e89bd843249⋯.png (532.21 KB, 749x419, 749:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae84fd  No.9077567




Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #001-#010 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #011-#020 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021-#027 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #028-#034 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #035-#041 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042-#048 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #049-#055 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #056-#062 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063-#069 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #070-#076 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #077-#083 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084-#090 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091-#097 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>>/comms/9187

Q Graphics all in GMT #098-#104 >>>/comms/10292, >>>/comms/10459, >>>/comms/11608, >>>/comms/12119, >>>/comms/12621, >>>/comms/12622, >>>/comms/12798

Q Graphics all in GMT #105-#106 >>9077544 , >>9077553

N.B. Please use this pastabin, instead of copy & pasta of the post, for accuracy: https://pastebin.com/53T6KZKW

Godspeed Baker/s

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c11672  No.9077568

File: 5aa23eed5235a67⋯.jpeg (95.87 KB, 1076x666, 538:333, C5B119C6_733F_4714_8AE0_7….jpeg)

File: 656ce07bc3b30de⋯.jpeg (53 KB, 888x444, 2:1, AB47577B_6B6C_417F_8AC5_9….jpeg)

File: 38ea652a5507667⋯.jpeg (116.63 KB, 750x925, 30:37, B921FB58_DE31_49B3_844F_6….jpeg)

Good Morning Q!

A beautiful day! I woke up to the President tweeting DRAIN THE SWAMP, and then remembered my Hero, Gen Flynn is a Free Man!

Now let’s free the country and then the world!

Let’s ROLL!

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8931bf  No.9077569

File: e3ae5655c7700d0⋯.jpg (856.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Justice_888.jpg)

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6ca79b  No.9077570

File: 8b89186dee4839b⋯.jpg (108.65 KB, 967x966, 967:966, meme.jpg)

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0c53f3  No.9077571

File: 39cbe88cf30d8dd⋯.jpeg (105.02 KB, 960x830, 96:83, 57F6DC96_9E67_4D61_8B8C_6….jpeg)


TYB, ya fag.

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8d49d4  No.9077572

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, the_ship.jpg)




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aedcde  No.9077573


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ecaf53  No.9077574

File: fad4737558d1b9a⋯.jpeg (92.86 KB, 500x647, 500:647, FD4488F0_EBFC_457D_AFE3_3….jpeg)

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b7fba2  No.9077575

File: 1866e1f185cf101⋯.png (470.64 KB, 748x1372, 187:343, Q_4095.png)

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95856f  No.9077576


ty bake…great job handling "issues" with missing baker…ty!

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5334a9  No.9077577


>>9075944 shill baker immediately quits baking after 1 bread "somebody else bake. i'm done."

>>9075960 anon notes shill baker ip hopped during the bake (and posted notables twice)

>>9075962 last baker calls out shill post in notables

and is immediately bombarded with shill-defenders

>>9075968, >>9076035 shill defender wants you to "disprove" the shill post

>>9076045 anon says it's a dumb post

>>9076100 anon says sauceless opinions are deservedly attacked with any form of heckling

>>9076099 last baker says there's nothing to disprove anyway, it's bullshit shill post

shill defender keeps trying to defend and deflect

>8ebd18 in this bread he was having 2 conversations with last baker and the other anon

>>9076134, >>9076118, >>9076157, >>9076201, >>9076245, >>9076255

>>9076134, >>9076146, >>9076171, >>9076205, >>9076314, >>9076319, >>9076342

anon calls out shill defender for sliding >>9076213

>>9076226 1-poster IP hopper suggests curating notables is censorship

>>9076241 last baker says no, not all posts get trophies

>>9076355 shill defender decries "selectively choosing what information is good enough" when there are no objective standards

>>9076368 last baker reminds shill defender of course there are standards, there have always been standards and points to welcome page

and adds that selecting the best information is the whole point of notables >>9076382

>>9076377 anon thanks last baker for standing up for integrity of the board

>>9076391 last baker says they can't be the only one, more anons need to contribute and watch notables/bakers and call out fuckery

>>9076405 another anon agrees

>>9076456 another anon says he throws down regularly when he sees egregious bullshit

>>9076419 anon who thanked baker says he does it every day during day shift and feels like the only one

now drama with the then current baker refusing to remove it

>>9076012 last baker asks for removal of shill post

>>9076023 current baker screams refusal

>>9076034 last baker says handoff i'll change it, did you look at the post

>>9076423 another anon says shit should be removed and the post is shit

>>9076432 current baker says notables are not endorsements, makes no sense

>>9076450 anon replies that's not an excuse for shitty baking

>>9076043 baker again refuses and says he will be noting the baker is now different (which he did not do)

baker then adds his own post and previous shill baker's posts to notables with this caption:

>>9075958, >>9075966, >>9075972

>>9076043, >>9076479 baker hand off protocol crash course (as if the links directly above this one weren't enough)

>>9076462 baker posts trololo video posted by BO when he was destroying the board and had to be scolded by Q and says "learn to bake"

>>9076478 anon from above says he knows how to bake, has for years, current baker making more excuses

>>9076470 last baker gets pissed again

>>9076505 last baker calls out current baker for promoting own posts in notables and omitting half the conversation

>>9076547 last baker replies to Q post with commentary on the state of the board & anon/baker relationship

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ca1903  No.9077578

File: 3cae79638b93e8d⋯.png (75.5 KB, 323x617, 323:617, 936.png)

File: 16887b20a47b25a⋯.png (11.65 KB, 327x190, 327:190, 938.png)

File: 7a400dd53f6f09f⋯.png (56.7 KB, 387x489, 129:163, 1952.png)

File: 4d48fa1f4e824a7⋯.png (76.91 KB, 796x618, 398:309, 928_929.png)




Familial connections exist between Obama, Merkel, Hillary and Rockefellers?

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8cb66a  No.9077579

File: d200ec18f4de02b⋯.png (485.78 KB, 1124x836, 281:209, obama24.PNG)


Trump is Live on Fox and said more big booms are coming

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7485f3  No.9077580


imagine being Bill Gates Rich and married to such a fat ugly tranny

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cd96c6  No.9077581

"What is coming is far greater than what you have seen so far" POTUS talking about evidence.

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270bd8  No.9077582

File: d1c25ef348b4b86⋯.png (918.3 KB, 1533x781, 1533:781, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0191d3e58ad9a44⋯.png (57.03 KB, 1346x423, 1346:423, ClipboardImage.png)



>>9077503 last bread

>>9077453 last bread

Tracking WalMart corporate jet out of Bentonville, AR to Houston, TX.

Lear Jet 45 tail number N313BH.


Summary2000 LEARJET INC 45

Fixed wing multi engine

(12 seats / 2 engines)




Airworthiness ClassStandard/Transport

Serial Number108

EngineHONEYWELL TFE-731-SER (Turbo-fan)

Thrust: 4000lbs

WeightOver 20,000lbs

SpeedNot defined

Mode S Code050651027 / A35217Registration Details


Certificate Issue Date2007-06-26

Airworthiness Date2000-07-23

Last Action Date2018-04-25


Registry SourceFAA


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3e4bc8  No.9077583

File: d1e2624f546c151⋯.jpeg (27.8 KB, 474x346, 237:173, CC3988B6_D741_4F26_A07D_0….jpeg)

File: 5ae8d4ad95c7d77⋯.jpeg (22.76 KB, 474x248, 237:124, 61EAE915_B441_4459_89CA_0….jpeg)

Seriously if you guys want to laugh your asses off, read the inquisition from Schitt and Erik Price! It’s priceless and the funniest damn question and non answer session ever

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8d49d4  No.9077584

File: 38d53b776905347⋯.jpg (20.78 KB, 420x419, 420:419, LoveToAllYeCrew.jpg)


Many Blessings & Prayers Your way & To each And Every Community Member.

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aafaed  No.9077585

File: 032adb867cdd7ce⋯.gif (471.02 KB, 340x295, 68:59, anigif_enhanced_15977_1406….gif)

Spouseanon stopped at CNN for a bit last night to see what they were talking about, and Blinky Birx was on Anderson Cooper. I looked over at Cooper and he was blinking at a steady 1 second interval. That is not normal. Is this some MK shit, code or what.

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6ca79b  No.9077586

File: ca3bdd634506151⋯.png (270.67 KB, 540x304, 135:76, ClipboardImage.png)

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8d49d4  No.9077587



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df9a4c  No.9077588

File: 2578f1bd7a9a14d⋯.png (478.07 KB, 716x670, 358:335, 25259085497185458.png)

File: 36bc5a3e33cf795⋯.png (951.86 KB, 768x1084, 192:271, 89073208961265943.png)

File: 2578f1bd7a9a14d⋯.png (478.07 KB, 716x670, 358:335, 25259085497185458.png)





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0e90b1  No.9077589

File: 2b38b452f4ad57e⋯.jpg (53.2 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ee1a122d1db44bc30db611ba38….jpg)



got you baker, can bake

great notes today and yesterday

i appreciate you.

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ecaf53  No.9077590

File: 3e0c114db2f48f5⋯.jpeg (66.4 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 83B61F1F_0146_42C5_9666_F….jpeg)


the Baker wars continue


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8d49d4  No.9077591


The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a BACKCHANNEL to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle ( A 'SHIP' ) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).-Q

Future Proves past. WWG1WGA. Promises Kept. The Great awakening Has Begun In Earnest!

We Are On A Ship.

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c53028  No.9077592

File: f411570e060fd20⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1454x898, 727:449, ClipboardImage.png)



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7485f3  No.9077593



so very drama

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07f01d  No.9077594



Handoff confirmed

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ca1903  No.9077595


It's been difficult to get anything done at work this week, watching the board.

It's been such a long wait.

Very happy for General Flynn and the President.

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e34bbb  No.9077596

If Judge Sullivan is forcing further cooperation between General Flynn and Covington firm to obtain more documents…. sure makes one wonder what's in them?

Wasn't part of his plea to name names involving all illegal activity he was aware of?

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0c53f3  No.9077597


Then link the transcript so I can read it, you bone-smoker!

“How can I eat me meat when I don’ have no sauce?”

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ba6be2  No.9077598

Anybody know the q drop… where he posts pics of like Comey Yates etc?

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d9533a  No.9077599


are you looking at the UID at the bottom?

That means 7 unique posters, NOT people who are viewing the page.

Every new bread will have a low UID at first.

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ae84fd  No.9077600


Cooper (Vanderbilt) is under beyond MK-Ultra. (((They))) trauma-based mind control (((their))) own from within the womb. Different spell = different programming. But, yeah, crazy mind kontrol shit, yup.

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8931bf  No.9077601


that's a real tweet today? I must look for it.

OK let's say

Notable BOOM!

Good morning!

Good morning!

I can't think of an appropriate line but the tune is there . . .

Rise and Shine!

Donald Trump! Thank you and realize that you seek approval from those that never give it . . .

but we are here and we are ready to do what you need to get you reelected!

Donald Trump DRaining the Swamp 2020!

May is a good time for opening up the sluice and letting all the water out of the hockey pond . . . after it melts.

All you southerns don't know aobut that, how each little frozen place can be a hub of ice-skaters and hockey kids for a small time when it all freezes.

sometimes out in the middle of the woods in the Winter there will be a Vernal pond type of place that floods and freezes and creates perfect skating location for a hearty crew of people.

It's a magic thing, to be in a place where the rest of the year it's a swampy low part of the woods. But in the mid winter when it's really cold it becomes a fairyland for skaters, a dream like locatin.

also if you go there on a full moon the forest will be lite by that, and if there is snow . . . well it's magical.

Drain the Swamp!

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5334a9  No.9077602

anons on shills baking, changing past/shilly notables, state of the board and the baker/anon relationship

all last/previous breads

>>9077451 bun of original absent shillbaker behavior

>>9077577 bun of next baker's refusal to correct the information + anon discussion about the situation (dubs confirm)

>>9077425 bun of continued discussion 2 breads later

you are the news now. HANDLE WITH CARE.

anons watch the notables.

watch the bakers.

call out fuckery when you see it.

prevent shills from baking.

i'm done, stepping away from the board. just posting for the one anon who asked me for a bun last bread so he could catch up, and for dayshift.

peace out.

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07f01d  No.9077603


TY baker, have a glorious bake!!!

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b11e83  No.9077604

File: bceb9249eb08f2f⋯.png (710.42 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, silver.png)




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77e0da  No.9077605

File: 96cb7ae7305cfd9⋯.png (4.42 KB, 453x149, 453:149, Q260.png)

https://truepundit.com/d-c-fbi-insiders-fear-general-flynn-might-take-a-flamethrower-to-this-town-before-he-is-done/ - “He knows where many political bodies are buried in D.C. and what does he have to lose? Nothing.”

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30cef5  No.9077606

File: 4e1dcb61a1f1f69⋯.png (37.39 KB, 242x203, 242:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 447ac68ed4b4731⋯.png (329.89 KB, 415x576, 415:576, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43f5d928ea5ab6a⋯.png (342.43 KB, 416x571, 416:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 601b8f028b47fd0⋯.png (19.29 KB, 300x240, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Q Proof

Q Proof


7 29

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a00761  No.9077607

File: 78719d640b0c884⋯.png (688.19 KB, 1080x1415, 216:283, Screenshot_20200508_081129….png)


From my friend Sol memes

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ca1903  No.9077608







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ba6be2  No.9077609

POTUS & Shifty both call him Rick Grenell

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d85d17  No.9077610

ComeyDumb as a rock

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ee8782  No.9077611

File: e40a815fa90bade⋯.jpg (396.83 KB, 1000x394, 500:197, anon_lays_out_impeachment_….jpg)

>>9076738 Anons dig on Michael Atkinson (pb/notables)

capped for posterity

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0e90b1  No.9077612



thanks again


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f817a5  No.9077613

I hope anons are listening to Trump now.

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8931bf  No.9077614


the baker issue is a running headline.

some of them troll as shills to get the response you give.

some of them might really be shills.

but here is the point: they all make bread that is edible.

so eat it and stop trying to cause problems.

Or NO soup for you!

wait, even if the baker is a dolt there is still soup for you (soup being a place for you to post in the bread).

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70b753  No.9077615

File: 3f3435ae96aa946⋯.jpg (14.38 KB, 231x445, 231:445, 61Yb0aZtPjL_UY445_.jpg)


>“How can I eat me meat when I don’ have no sauce?”


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cd96c6  No.9077616

POTUS saying a lot of things will be comng out when asked about Wray. Let's see what happens. I told Bill Barr 'you handle it'.

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2b2cd4  No.9077617

File: cab902a7064044b⋯.jpg (825.2 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, Payback_Flynn.jpg)

Coming very shortly…

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a7f9ae  No.9077618

Trump when given opportunity on Fox & Friends does not trash Wray or RR or Christie—-only replies 'let's see what happens over next few weeks'

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270bd8  No.9077619

File: b36dbd1df9866c6⋯.png (997.49 KB, 1537x784, 1537:784, ClipboardImage.png)


Lining up for Hobby Airport.

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566583  No.9077620

File: 09f762a9fd72b98⋯.png (278.19 KB, 748x751, 748:751, us_mint.PNG)


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30cef5  No.9077621




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d85d17  No.9077622


How come he not in ODNI list?

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0c53f3  No.9077623

File: 824a1dcd1159ba0⋯.jpeg (41.08 KB, 880x587, 880:587, AB424F4D_3F53_4695_AE92_1….jpeg)

File: 7a29d5103a2d463⋯.jpeg (156.37 KB, 963x1200, 321:400, DB7D6FB9_231E_4680_899B_9….jpeg)

File: 9e7ede4ac05e82f⋯.jpeg (235.17 KB, 700x560, 5:4, 56AD9BBD_3B77_4C31_BECE_0….jpeg)

File: 070551bc2a27f55⋯.jpeg (48.58 KB, 550x390, 55:39, 302D4ECD_6390_41D4_86F2_6….jpeg)



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e915b5  No.9077624

File: 0bbcd7c0e86c796⋯.png (74.06 KB, 430x430, 1:1, tgtfo.png)

can i haz trump fox livestream

it wont show up in yt search

here is some early tgfo boobs for your help

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67fa11  No.9077625

File: 160ad531ee415b5⋯.png (135.32 KB, 1393x895, 1393:895, magnesium_production_by_co….png)

Anons - since we have had two non-Chinese magnesium stearout factories destroyed in the past 24 hours - I wondered how many there are and where they are located since they are vital to not only our hydroxycloroquine and azythromycin production but to a host of other essential medications as well. Here is a list of the major magnesium stearate factories worldwide. Judging by the names - they are mostly Chinese.

Pratham Stearchem

Norac Additives

Zhenghao New Material

Shengrongchang Chemical

Zunhua Chemical

Luchuan Chemical

James M. Brown


Desu Auxiliary

Dainichi Chemical


Pengcai Fine Chemical

Chengjiakang Chemical


Faci Asia Pacific

Sakai Chemical

Xinwei Auxiliary

Hongyuan Chemical


Luhua Chemicals

Yitian Technology

Linghu Xinwang Chemical

Dingxin Chemical

Youhe Assistant

Sun Ace

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a1b302  No.9077626


>7 unique posters, NOT people

anon said users

you corrected him to

posters, not people

what does that mean?

is there a difference that needed correcting?

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c2130a  No.9077627

Q, did Karl Rove leave a crumb mentioning Jeffrey Jensen on FOX RE: Flynn?

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ecaf53  No.9077628


perps blink more when they are lying

it's a stress reaction to heavy cognitive load


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3e4bc8  No.9077629


It was the Erik Prince interview House questioning that Schiff and DNI releases yesterday


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baace2  No.9077630



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5334a9  No.9077631


yea there's a place to post but shitty or shill posts get put in THE NEWS (WE ARE THE NEWS, HANDLE WITH CARE, REMEMBER?)

and good information gets left out

and anons allow shills to bake.

yea, there's a place to post, but the state of the board gets slowly degraded due to shitty standards and infiltration bc of people like you who don't give a fuck. there's a reason it's a running headline. bc nothing is changing, in fact the situation is only getting worse. read the posts at least before you comment.

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3e4bc8  No.9077632



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67fa11  No.9077633


Sauce for factory list:


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ba6be2  No.9077634


Thank you anon! Do you remember a post where he posted about 8 people or so? Maybe it was in that other thread he would post in…placeholder.

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c4c289  No.9077635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't slow walk this. We're not children. Pick up the pace or get out of the way. The homework is done. Grab, grab, grab.

"I'm gonna do my homework and then you'll hear from these people," said Graham.

Graham wants Flynn to appear before Senate: We must explain to Americans 'how and why the system failed'


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b11e83  No.9077636


since you posted covered tits, you only get a tag to link.


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8931bf  No.9077637


ah a truely beautiful and amazing machine!

I had a 70 Impala 4 Door 400 one summer . . .

it was too expensive to run it . . . but what a car!

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16bdad  No.9077638

File: 51e8d358a6b20fa⋯.jpg (57.22 KB, 777x535, 777:535, News.jpg)

>>9076761 (pb)

Brian Ross reported to Behar. He who said the theatre shooter was a Tea Party member. I was awake and watching as the shooter news broke. How was he not fired for incompetence? Yet five years later, he was breaking misinformation for Behar. He did get in trouble for that Behar error:

On December 2, 2017, Ross was given a four-week suspension without pay after erroneously stating during a special report that Michael Flynn was preparing to testify that Donald Trump had directed him to make contact with Russian officials during his presidential campaign.

Ross was let go in 2018 after 24 years of lying as Chief Investigative Correspondent for ABC News.

For the shooter misstep, he was sorry, though:


The shooter, James Holmes (not a Tea Party member) has an interesting background. Flash coder.

In 2006, Holmes worked as an intern at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies where he was assigned to write computer code for an experiment

In June 2011, Holmes enrolled as a Ph.D. student in neuroscience at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora.[55] He received a $21,600 grant from the National Institutes of Health

He never did finish that PhD. Has a lot of time now, 12 life sentences + 3318 years.


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30cef5  No.9077639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fox & Friends 5/8/20 FULL SHOW | Trump Breaking News May 8, 2020

124 views•May 8, 2020


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beab73  No.9077640

File: 07ac04a92a4ef31⋯.png (74.68 KB, 437x367, 437:367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17de7f667237e66⋯.png (986.5 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Trauma induced.

Soul rises (out of body experience)

Parasite is introduced.


"Hitchhikers". "Inner Voice, dialog"

D.I.D (think mirrors)

"Possesed with demons"

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7929f7  No.9077641

Devastating morning for the left already.

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a7f9ae  No.9077642

Potus on F&F said he learned alot from Nixon re not firing people, so he didn't fire Sessions and others, except for Comey who he calls dirty cop and says it is when 'you know what' hit the fan

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1b7453  No.9077643


Magnesium Stearate isn't exactly vital. HCQ can be put into capsules or liquid form, if necessary.

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6e3cda  No.9077644

File: 902d7e0cc2c0326⋯.jpg (181.74 KB, 1015x559, 1015:559, z164.jpg)

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c4c289  No.9077645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll tell you Lindsey you're not getting your job back unless we get a better performance.

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566583  No.9077646

File: 6bf420f30f11588⋯.png (19.99 KB, 620x253, 620:253, not_conv.PNG)

File: deb8519e819bdcc⋯.png (933.82 KB, 708x786, 118:131, pickle_1.PNG)

File: 4bb4808ee811fed⋯.png (921.67 KB, 626x554, 313:277, in_and_out_b.PNG)

File: 02c3a2a14760eb7⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1234x904, 617:452, in_and_out_burger.PNG)


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e50e8c  No.9077647


But trashes Sessions bigly

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95856f  No.9077648

File: 65362d9cc6d4860⋯.png (804.02 KB, 1186x940, 593:470, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: 7ab06974bed1f9c⋯.png (969.1 KB, 1224x1132, 306:283, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: 8999a59d168e201⋯.png (915.81 KB, 1142x1142, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)



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3e4bc8  No.9077649


Here you go


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b9923d  No.9077650


NO Thanks i can't handle Kip's NPR style of monotone reading

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512d63  No.9077651

Drain it!

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a7f9ae  No.9077652

POTUS "I had no idea the swamp was like this" and when I leave office I will put it down (cleaning swamp) as one of the best things"

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909d93  No.9077653

File: 1523eb3e5bff3c8⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1399x1811, 1399:1811, G15fo.png)

File: ff9444c419b4809⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LukeAFBfoAZ.png)

File: a250b7cd1059f81⋯.png (1.13 MB, 980x939, 980:939, LV15fo.png)

File: 8d2231003b71761⋯.png (652.58 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, MDa10fo.png)

File: c286c58e842645a⋯.png (658.09 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, TMCoKS.png)

>>9077001 (pb)

Flyover dig req. How many total flights re covid? lots of digs to be had

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6ca79b  No.9077654

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 609x676, 609:676, hmm.jpg)

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8b9e14  No.9077655

File: 99043752968ce7f⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1529x1536, 1529:1536, 1580732949971.jpg)


I don't understand.

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d85d17  No.9077656

File: 04298a1a7c1a84d⋯.png (63.07 KB, 846x1756, 423:878, ClipboardImage.png)


Not on ODNI Grennel list


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388c76  No.9077657

POTUS on F&F right now

Ripping into Sessions

More to come on R&R

Russia Hoax was the take down of a duly elected president

“Drain the Swamp”

Strzok, Page and the rest are “going down!!”

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909d93  No.9077658

File: ae995339b92423b⋯.png (442.78 KB, 540x540, 1:1, utah.png)

File: cbef5b612963867⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1499x843, 1499:843, WAfa.png)

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f3809e  No.9077659


>>>9074777 ————————————–——– The news is dead.

I'm a reseller, should I start up a ANON News sight?

Would anybody be interested in writing for it?

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b7f1e0  No.9077660

File: af7c5db4ac44193⋯.png (467.52 KB, 832x912, 52:57, DrainItQProof.png)


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d9533a  No.9077661


number of users used to be noted at the top of the bread in 8chan, but not in 8kun.

The only number he could have been referring to would be UID (posters)

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cfbbb3  No.9077662

Heard Tucker highlight the failure of Cuomo's decision to allow Covid patients into nursing homes last night. Not mentioned is that G Whitmer of Michigan followed in his footsteps and allowed "recovering" covid19 patients to be moved from hospitals to senior health care facilities with the same predictably disastrous results.


"Holly Titus said she does not know how more than a dozen residents at WellBridge of Brighton contracted COVID-19.

She said she suspects there have been additional cases, but said she did not know the total number of residents who have contracted the virus. The facility did not test all residents until the state loosened restrictions on who could be tested. She said she believes there were cases before they were able to test everyone.

"It's not something we can stop absolutely. I'm sorry, our world is breaking," she said. "It's unfortunate that FEMA funneled PPE to hospitals and not long-term care facilities. It is getting extremely expensive to source PPE when we need 500-plus masks and gowns and shields a week."


April 14, 2020

State Senator Lana Theis letter to Governor Gretchen Whitmer:

"On Saturday, April 11, 2020, it was confirmed that a Livingston County resident who resides in a nursing home where COVID-19recovering patients are sent contracted the virus. It appears that the decision to house recovering COVID-19 patients with senior living in nursing home facilities, is causing our most vulnerable population actual risk.The decision to houserecovering COVID-19patients seems like an incredibly dangerous decision, and completely counter to the Executive Order above that you have now issued twice. Considering what we have seen occur in such facilities in various other states, where COVID-19 has ravaged facilities’ populations with infection and death, there must be a better alternative. Given that 64% of deceased COVID-19 patients in Michigan are over the age of 70, it does not make sense to unnecessarily increase the risk of infection and death of existing nursing homeresidents by moving in people who have already been infected by the new coronavirus. I respectfully suggest that this practice be immediately be discontinued and that such persons be relocated to alternative sites, perhaps including existing field hospitals that have been constructedfor the express purpose of treating COVID-19."


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3e4bc8  No.9077663


Don’t know


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a00761  No.9077665

File: 0b4429e3a12342d⋯.png (160.21 KB, 1080x1001, 1080:1001, Screenshot_20200508_081940….png)

The best is yet to come

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270bd8  No.9077666

File: 470ac5c96daf3e9⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1525x781, 1525:781, ClipboardImage.png)



Lear Jet 45 tail number N313BH. WalMart corporate jet out of Bentonville, AR to Houston, TX. Landed Houston Hobby Airport. PF still wondering at the Texas 14 day quarantine rule. And what sort of task this flight is.

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a7f9ae  No.9077667

POTUS just said, re virus, that the 'invisble enemy' is a much much smarter enemy that what we just talked about now (comey, transcripts etc). said this enemy was brilliant and really bad

who is at top of pyarmid?

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6e7e18  No.9077668


it means he/she will never be happy. leave your shirt on, it will be fine

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95856f  No.9077669

File: 8cccf9af10cf5ff⋯.png (101.03 KB, 1182x360, 197:60, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

Might be worth a RT if so inclined…

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8931bf  No.9077670

File: e578d52bf97fa97⋯.jpg (331.22 KB, 1155x697, 1155:697, wheelies_search_cache_fair….jpg)

wheels up.

but not an airplane!

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b3bd87  No.9077671

File: ea80a5f83d50c26⋯.jpeg (362.58 KB, 847x792, 77:72, D2658803_56DA_430D_B38D_3….jpeg)

File: 7b42cb0b4eec6a7⋯.jpeg (353.82 KB, 970x473, 970:473, DEA5DCEA_5723_4895_B02A_4….jpeg)

File: 6128baa22ca6e35⋯.jpeg (413.02 KB, 990x621, 110:69, 4B861ADA_DAD9_488A_A686_1….jpeg)

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53b1af  No.9077672

Lots of electromagentic stuff going down here in the country side of Germany.

People have been complaining for consistent 3g mobile data coverage for years. All of the sudden 5g towers are everywhere.

Weather manipulation like crazy with chemtrails and the weather is only becoming more dramatic.

Any confirmed patriots in Germany, perhaps even an organization? I know there are a ton of US military bases and embassies… how much still belongs to the corporation?

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c4c289  No.9077673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


400K buys a lot of donuts.



4 Apr 2018 - 6:09:08 PM


Gateway Bridge Project.

$1.8mm Cory Booker - Singapore.

$3.5mm Chuck Schumer - Israel.

$400k Chris Christie - Mary Pat US.


Omnibus Bill.

The gift that keeps on giving.

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30cef5  No.9077674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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95856f  No.9077675

File: be9505a24c5fca5⋯.png (400.49 KB, 730x418, 365:209, americanpsychobatemancard.png)

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ec2ace  No.9077676


I still think RR is a white hat.

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8a93c8  No.9077677

Q is gay – test

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656a53  No.9077678

File: 43e1f72be21ac2d⋯.jpg (137.37 KB, 792x1200, 33:50, another_day.jpg)



BIG DAY for Qresearch…we ready?

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615006  No.9077679

File: 3ecfda82c820750⋯.png (382.65 KB, 600x753, 200:251, traitor44.png)

Morn Frens

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ecaf53  No.9077680

File: 66c3c8d34001b6d⋯.jpeg (103.03 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, B11106BC_ED3A_44D0_AF2E_B….jpeg)


Podesta da Molesta

what did he and his creepy brother do with Maddie McCann?

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6f3552  No.9077681

File: 7003b29bdb62d04⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1440x906, 240:151, Chynah.png)

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b11e83  No.9077682


was for anon tagged under you, links switched.

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30cef5  No.9077683



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8a93c8  No.9077684

i win.

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346c9b  No.9077685




Jew clowns.

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885cca  No.9077686


I've been blue balled a hundred times but keep coming back for more, this better be fucking good.

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3e4bc8  No.9077687


Yeah I just saw that, weird, I’ll report if I see anything, but it was basically, can’t recall… but his gripe was the WAPO wrote an article with a private citizens life and it was spying and someone leaked it to them, and. He wanted the committee to investigate why his meeting with the prince of UAE was leaked to a paper

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270bd8  No.9077688


Improper display of the States of California and Washington flags higher than the US flag.

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95856f  No.9077689

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b11e83  No.9077690


ok Karen.

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d9533a  No.9077691


> It is getting extremely expensive to source PPE when we need 500-plus masks and gowns and shields a week."

Since when do politicians worry about the expense of something?

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77df84  No.9077692


They’re all just so




No homo :)

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95f39a  No.9077693



Poor Jeff.

I like him.

>Sometimes you need to 'take one for the team publicly' before you are vindicated as a hero.

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a7f9ae  No.9077694

POTUS sais he didn't think China released the virus on purpose, called WHO a puppet of China, blamed WHO corruptness on politicians

said he will make decision soon on WHO funding.

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774718  No.9077695



This one collects the Notables. If you had the time, you could do something similar using the Notables as a base maybe. You wouldn't really need writers.

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a1b302  No.9077696


i understand what he was saying fine

i dont understand what YOU are saying by it

"its posters, not people"

what else would it be? and why did you correct "users"

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388c76  No.9077697


I don’t disagree

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c4c289  No.9077698


NO comment from@AmbassadorRice. Change your twitter handle. Ketchup.


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f3809e  No.9077699

500,000,000 per year?FUCK!

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6e7e18  No.9077700


ok boomer

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ae84fd  No.9077701


Make sure you get >>9077567 https://pastebin.com/53T6KZKW



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656a53  No.9077702

File: ee97b31800be26e⋯.png (258.51 KB, 425x740, 85:148, doggo.png)


Q could pluck your baby sister from that loser if he wanted to… she aint worth the extra drama tho. no rap,cold facts.

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a7f9ae  No.9077703

POUTS said he has not been tested for antibody but will be when the test is perfected

says he gets tested for virus alot

has the rapid testing machine at whte house

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a1b302  No.9077704


ok bieber

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5a97b5  No.9077705

File: c70f11dd3112d04⋯.png (312.13 KB, 448x260, 112:65, pepe_air_drop_doggo_style.PNG)

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95856f  No.9077706



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b11e83  No.9077707



says the faggot telling wrong anon to keep shirt on

go back to cuck chan

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f3809e  No.9077708


I'm talking about a sight like Fox or something, but not FAKE NEWS.

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a7f9ae  No.9077709

POTUS said, when asked, that he would make sure biden would get a rapid test machine so he could get out of basement

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566583  No.9077710

File: a18f9b845b65370⋯.png (550.14 KB, 924x736, 231:184, austin_private_school.PNG)



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57da6d  No.9077711

File: 2be5096aa00b257⋯.png (19.96 KB, 598x283, 598:283, Screenshot_2020_05_08_Brea….png)

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909d93  No.9077712


Notable News ®


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6e7e18  No.9077713


fuck off. both of you. weirdos. seriously? you really think you are all that. telling me what to do…. smh. anyway, fuck off

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3b3aa4  No.9077714

File: a8e17b0c28d0113⋯.gif (7.22 MB, 477x255, 159:85, impressive.gif)

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774718  No.9077715


<I'm talking about a sight like Fox or something, but not FAKE NEWS.

My apologies, you do need writers.

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f3809e  No.9077716

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d9533a  No.9077717


The protocol for flying the national ensign on a sail ship is on the stern flagstaff, regardless of the relative height

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b9923d  No.9077718

File: b355c1f3cea690c⋯.jpg (45.22 KB, 500x642, 250:321, attitude.jpg)

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b27e02  No.9077719

File: 848be4458bb81d3⋯.jpg (141.05 KB, 695x701, 695:701, braindead.jpg)

File: 2a0965db0564d23⋯.jpg (146.43 KB, 909x559, 909:559, 1aaddhak.jpg)

The left can't meme

More evidence that Reddit is for the brain-dead.

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77df84  No.9077720


Faque und ghey

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a00761  No.9077721


Fuck off glow nigger.. The old bat is fine.

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36be06  No.9077722

File: 0bda4ba9f23a3a6⋯.png (313.95 KB, 454x418, 227:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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7deb7d  No.9077723



Child porn in Washington DC

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ba6be2  No.9077724


Me too anon.

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ecaf53  No.9077725

File: 4bca09fb32a976f⋯.jpeg (9 KB, 152x141, 152:141, 228200CE_4AC1_47A0_A0AA_D….jpeg)


send in the clones/clowns

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6c2a98  No.9077726

Can any anons share the nice meme of General Flynn with the quote of something like "General Flynn certainly has a story to tell .. when he gets the chance." I thought I had it saved, but can't find it. Thanks guise

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270bd8  No.9077727


Still don't think it's a very good look. Having the state flags at the top of the masts like that.

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b3bd87  No.9077728

File: 3e05b49b5550f11⋯.jpeg (358.16 KB, 989x478, 989:478, A9803254_696A_4D26_A3FC_7….jpeg)


?? I don’t know what you’re saying

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95856f  No.9077729


ty for what you do anon…much love..no homo..like our exchanges…

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36be06  No.9077730

File: 081e3d5a11767d4⋯.png (1015.78 KB, 864x531, 96:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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b36c70  No.9077731

File: 0e7dda2d50b4b87⋯.jpg (37.9 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 3431c29dfbac3fa9d9b5778b08….jpg)

File: dfd0c5d791696d2⋯.jpg (69.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, f1958d563e1cd74c2fa0bb4bab….jpg)

File: db2f14dc7c24ea7⋯.jpg (67.83 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, c193da6d5ae6bc0e3b102923e5….jpg)

Federal Judge mocks citizens -

overturns Charlie Bakers closing of gun-stores

because judge finds gun stores are essential.

so essential 4 customers per hour and keep social

distancing etc.

4. per. hour.


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ba6be2  No.9077732


>had also already learned that Page was a source for the CIA

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8a459f  No.9077733

>>9077665 CCP - Chinese Communist Party. Bye bye DiFi.

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a7f9ae  No.9077734

potus said many want to keep country shut down only to hurt him. but people see what is going on and are forcing govs to open up

said we have learned alot about 'it' and there will be some bad fires that we will have to put out

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670211  No.9077735

File: 3abecd561123285⋯.png (326.23 KB, 782x888, 391:444, warr.PNG)

Q is right again,

Here comes the Bill Barr attacks.

Puppets are dancing on the stage.


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0e90b1  No.9077736

Notables at 200ish

are NOT endorsements


>>9077710 Attorney General opens human trafficking investigation into Austin private school

>>9077665 New DJT

>>9077646 Ghislaine not convinced Epstein killed himself

>>9077639, >>9077674 Fox & Friends 5/8/20 FULL SHOW | Trump Breaking News

>>9077629 Erik Prince interview House questioning that Schiff and DNI releases yesterday

>>9077625 we have had two non-Chinese magnesium stearate factories destroyed in the past 24 hours, where are the rest?

>>9077605 “He [FLYNN] knows where many political bodies are buried in D.C. and what does he have to lose? Nothing.”

baker change


in dough now, thank you!

> https://pastebin.com/53T6KZKW

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774718  No.9077737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"….if not, vote for the other Biden."

@ 0:14 seconds

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a7f9ae  No.9077738


>CCP - Chinese Communist Party. Bye bye DiFi.

sure it's not DCCP?

Democrat Chinese Communist Party

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95856f  No.9077739

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70b753  No.9077740


>because judge finds gun stores are essential.

And what you think anons might disagree? Firearms seem pretty fucking essential to this anon.

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670211  No.9077741


Damn that's him for sure.

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95856f  No.9077742


you might enjoy this vid..worth the 40 minutes…


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b36c70  No.9077743

File: 0a2a795f2fdf0a7⋯.jpg (36.24 KB, 486x534, 81:89, 1570845285105.jpg)

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1d5472  No.9077744

File: 76807eb1ffb775e⋯.jpeg (216.3 KB, 828x1183, 828:1183, 81222824_FA7D_46E3_B34B_9….jpeg)

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a7f9ae  No.9077745

POTUS says he he having a really hard time with China…had a good deal made with them, but now feels diferently than he did

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b3bd87  No.9077746

File: 44521e2adc569e9⋯.jpeg (589.87 KB, 983x655, 983:655, FCCF6F6D_8883_4702_A2E0_C….jpeg)


>"General Flynn certainly has a story to tell .. when he gets the chance."

I don’t have it- here though

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390835  No.9077747

I like the comment about BIDEN…

POTUS talking about the new documents

" if they think Biden didn't know what was going on.. they got another thing coming.."

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8a5f5c  No.9077748

File: 0a4a6975ac16628⋯.png (202.34 KB, 347x343, 347:343, 0a4a6975ac16628c70e8945563….png)


>ok bieber

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07f01d  No.9077749

File: 5da4dd9fa550852⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, OWNTHATSLIDE.mp4)


>i'm done, stepping away from the board

Seeya next bred, faggot.

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571c21  No.9077750

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

STARLINK satellites train seen from earth - SpaceX Elon Musk

This video shows the SpaceX Starlink satellites train seen from europe. "Starlink" is the name for a satellite constellation being constructed by SpaceX in order to provide satellite Internet access.The constellation will consist of several hundreds of small starlink satellites in low Earth orbit, which working together with ground transceivers. SpaceX also plans to sell some of the spacex satellites for military, scientific, or exploratory purposes.

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c4c289  No.9077751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now that Flynn is free it's time for the power sweep. They know it's coming.Everyone knows it's coming. Even with the playbook they can't stop it.

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6f3552  No.9077752

File: f83495ddb5f9bc5⋯.png (91.41 KB, 256x197, 256:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c91d04458d90a83⋯.png (419.66 KB, 640x448, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)


Keep laughing muthafuxor.

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623a4f  No.9077753

File: e69eb02de634fdc⋯.png (129.97 KB, 2183x933, 2183:933, Untitled.png)


Schiff iS a mAtH wIzArD

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36be06  No.9077754

wtf is POTUS playing with wind chimes on faux news kek

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a1b302  No.9077755


elon made earth look like a backyard BBQ with cheap string lites.


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7485f3  No.9077756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a7f9ae  No.9077757


>wtf is POTUS playing with wind chimes on faux news kek

what was that?

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ba6be2  No.9077758


Haha! I heard it!

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270bd8  No.9077759

Windchimes? WTF? Crosswind?

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d9533a  No.9077760


on 8chan, the number of viewers (people) seeing the bread was noted at the top, the number of users (posters) was noted as UID.

now on 8kun, there is no count of people looking at the bread (viewers), just the number of people who have posted (UID)

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36be06  No.9077761


musta been a phone notification or something

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80c600  No.9077762


Q, [National Archive Director]?

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8a93c8  No.9077763


attitude reflect leadership, captain!

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8a93c8  No.9077764

let me go free and give me my money back. what is so hard about that?

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b36c70  No.9077765

File: 8ae5885806dac79⋯.jpg (182.84 KB, 1124x1628, 281:407, 1570843555187.jpg)


4. customers. per.hour.

keep distance.

judge decides to condition exercise of 2nd

Amendment on arbitrary numbers based on a hoax.

its not a victory. its confirmation of a problem.


awww poor lying Jew so sad kikey

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86e321  No.9077766

File: b0c8a7afc10d106⋯.jpeg (558.1 KB, 2361x1718, 2361:1718, 70079746_DB81_44D7_AF0F_1….jpeg)

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7929f7  No.9077767

Did I just hear wind chimes during potus interview?

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ee3468  No.9077768

winds picking up /storm

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ecaf53  No.9077769

File: f594ae6dbf98721⋯.jpeg (100.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 7BB2EEC3_C361_4DAA_AEBD_6….jpeg)


Elon can't get past the Van Halen belts, names his baby ctrl/alt#*:/

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95856f  No.9077770



+1..kinda peaceful actually…

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cfbbb3  No.9077771

Can someone clarify why the House Intelligence Hearings on Russia didn't conclude before Adam Schiff took over as chairman.

All but 4 of the hearings were conducted with Conaway as chair and the Republicans in the majority. So they knew untrustworthy Adam Schiff would be taking over as chairman in late January. They could have concluded the hearings earlier in January and sent the transcripts for declassification. And potentially avoided a 3+ year delay in getting the truth to the people. Why didn't they?

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b3bd87  No.9077772

File: 3cbed44d1e2280d⋯.jpeg (418.29 KB, 973x554, 973:554, FC4F2795_B082_43A0_8F2F_1….jpeg)

File: 2eb2e6bc07afc6b⋯.jpeg (426.02 KB, 950x612, 475:306, 35209FEE_5FEF_420F_873B_C….jpeg)

File: d9215fd88fbddb7⋯.jpeg (391.16 KB, 986x738, 493:369, C366DFE8_4C1B_404F_9D1B_D….jpeg)

People be waking up!

Today I’ve




Now I wait for booms

Love you Anons! No homo

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ca1903  No.9077773

File: 219b0154cedd373⋯.png (766.63 KB, 1366x663, 1366:663, trump_train_retweet.png)


Can't find a Q drop, but did find the POTUS retweet you are probably referring to.



@The_Trump_Train's account has been suspended



This archived link has the original post


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8e32cf  No.9077774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Power has been returned to the people.

The news [old gaurd] is dead.

You are the news now.

You are what matters.

Think logically.

Have faith.

Trust yourself.




You are the future.

Handle with care.

We are 1 people.

1 nation.




Keys are good.

42 is the answer.

Love you all.

No homo.

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8a93c8  No.9077775

aim high

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95856f  No.9077776


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95f39a  No.9077777

File: f44d43d6b75bf17⋯.jpg (8.47 KB, 480x288, 5:3, nectar_digitize_2_large.jpg)


Keep glowing, faggot

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388c76  No.9077778


I heard it too.

Sounded like a texttone on someone’s phone.

Stopped too abruptly to be a real wind chime.

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b36c70  No.9077779





what notes are "WIND CHIME"?

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b9923d  No.9077780

File: 35af9486bfe91d3⋯.jpg (174.63 KB, 845x506, 845:506, 35af9486bfe91d301ed3839bd6….jpg)

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a00761  No.9077781

File: 7a2c75cf5a5eb33⋯.png (153.95 KB, 1080x1084, 270:271, Screenshot_20200508_084113….png)


You know what to do anons

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f3809e  No.9077782


Need to come up with a domain name for QANON News.

…helpful ideals…kek!

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b27e02  No.9077783

File: 86e3495e50f01bc⋯.jpg (117.51 KB, 723x352, 723:352, herzl.jpg)

File: 9ffa3e34a0c8c77⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 499x367, 499:367, aurjrsjkrtjj.jpg)

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ca1903  No.9077784





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d61d90  No.9077785

File: 25b11f74c2bc7aa⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1434x956, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



Donald Trump Thinks He Can Call Bill Gates To Shut Down The Internet


How Hillary Clinton Seeks to End The Internet, Bitcoin and The Free World (Op-Ed)

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b9923d  No.9077786



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0d9de5  No.9077787


"People want the truth."

So true. They crave it. People also want to trust.

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88a131  No.9077788

File: 110fa46dcd065ce⋯.png (396.01 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, Page, and on and on and on….it is far too late to "turn around" now; but, you can still repent of your sins. The RULE OF LAW will prevail.

Anons! God bless you all and the breads throughout this day in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God bless POTUS and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith, and this bread and all the breads throughout this day. To the enemies of God: repent or be defeated.

In addition, we ask, St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. And, may God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by divine power, cast in to hell satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls, Amen.

Holy angels of God, help this country; help this world.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.



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36be06  No.9077789



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effb0a  No.9077790

File: 82223654c87c7bf⋯.jpg (45.64 KB, 484x330, 22:15, checkiy.jpg)


faggots glow .checkt

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5bf59c  No.9077791


>Quint Lucky's

Gonna be a long day for faggots.

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b3bd87  No.9077792


You messed up the digits

confirmation Of faggotry

No image for you- I’m so upset, you will get and deserve a freakin emoji!


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1b7453  No.9077793

The wind is blowing.

A Storm is Coming.

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a1b302  No.9077794


think bigger and longer


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d61d90  No.9077795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, did I mention that Hillary Clinton has approved and promoted the Trans Pacific Partnership as “the gold standard” of trade deals at least 45 times over the last two years?

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f3809e  No.9077796


Noted…lets see if there are anymore suggestions.

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8a93c8  No.9077797


sorry, armchair general

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6c2a98  No.9077798

File: c43e28457680d57⋯.png (234.62 KB, 672x372, 56:31, ShitstormComing.png)

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6f3552  No.9077799

File: 69e1cadde105106⋯.png (65.56 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d705b2672dae084⋯.png (94.02 KB, 188x267, 188:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81a696ae7864676⋯.png (69.54 KB, 240x152, 30:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18fa0b087180e61⋯.png (100.08 KB, 255x198, 85:66, ClipboardImage.png)


Can't wait.

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578b6f  No.9077800

Every time a chime rings

a PUNISHER stings

and a DS criminal swings

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5bf59c  No.9077801


can't fight digits faggot

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d61d90  No.9077802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"We'll kill the dollar."

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93b605  No.9077803

File: 85cd7e31dd29a2c⋯.png (284.17 KB, 522x508, 261:254, 0_Pencil_Neck.png)


>Schiff iS a mAtH wIzArD

Pencil Neck is such a douchebag! lol

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566583  No.9077804

File: 6e37429f2e31895⋯.png (432.58 KB, 624x577, 624:577, delay.PNG)


sentenced on March 17

“due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the unknown impacts the disease will have in the coming months.”

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b95b71  No.9077805

File: 6e80c17d6460630⋯.png (51.32 KB, 562x202, 281:101, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)



American News Network

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ca4009  No.9077806


My take on it has always been that they purposely slow walked information till now because Durham needed more time

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ca1903  No.9077807

File: f77a627ced67905⋯.png (162.41 KB, 391x520, 391:520, 2570.png)



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670211  No.9077808

[Michael Kevin Atkinson]

(born May 16, 1964) is an American attorney. He worked for the United States Department of Justice for approximately 15 years, before becoming the second Inspector General of the Intelligence Community. He assumed office on May 17, 2018.

Atkinson is known for alerting Congress in September 2019 to a whistleblower complaint about President Donald Trump pressuring Ukraine to investigate political rival for the presidency Democrat Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden; the scandal eventually led to Trump's impeachment and acquittal.[1]

On April 3, 2020, President Trump dismissed Atkinson, saying he "no longer" had confidence in the Inspector General. Atkinson will be removed from his office in 30 days, as outlined in a letter sent from Trump to the Senate Intelligence Committee on April 3.[1] He was put on administrative leave immediately after the letter's publication.[2] A bipartisan group of senators demanded a more thorough explanation from Trump regarding the ousting.


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5a55cb  No.9077809

Muslim Migrant in Denmark: “You Danes Are Being Exterminated. You’re Like Animals”

“You Danes are being exterminated. You’re like animals,” said the migrant to a Danish man. If you’re thinking, “I wish he’d stop mincing words and tell us how he really feels,” fret not. The migrant, identified only as “Muhammad,” did elaborate, among other things saying that he and his co-religionists “will not integrate.”


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909d93  No.9077810


Notable News

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f3809e  No.9077811

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4657e9  No.9077812

File: 015f8f0b75d37c3⋯.png (238.01 KB, 648x960, 27:40, ClipboardImage.png)

Morning Anon's

Another big day ahead..

45 is the puppet master. Fauci and Brix are puppets who will be exposed in due time. Their elimination will take two more pawns off the board from the great chess match of 2018…..interesting wasn't that the same year as the Spanish flu??????

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f3809e  No.9077814

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5bf59c  No.9077815



Nice to have some good old fashioned corruption for a change.

He seems nice.

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0d9de5  No.9077816

SidnePowell said on "Lou Dobbs": "Mr. Schiff wouldn't know the truth if it poked him in one of his bug eyes."

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8a93c8  No.9077817

go for it, my sister can scream good.

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1d5472  No.9077818

File: 06119071ec31959⋯.jpeg (292.36 KB, 828x1247, 828:1247, 0DEC0507_7D3E_4CA4_AB5D_0….jpeg)

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c653c8  No.9077819


Can we hit 100k RT?!?!?!?!?!

Let's do this anons!!!

Show the World our power

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b3bd87  No.9077820

File: 3a6672a28c3ab0c⋯.gif (353.73 KB, 498x211, 498:211, E20486DD_EC76_4B91_B949_9F….gif)


I know.

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b95b71  No.9077821


QNN.com Q news network

ANN.com American news network







newsRus.com kek

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8cb66a  No.9077822

George Papadopoulos




Big day today! Catch me on


at 12 est; and with


radio with


at 2:30 est and with America’s mayor


at 4:35 est! Tune in! Lots of breaking news!

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a1b302  No.9077823


Care ANN?

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f3809e  No.9077824


You can get notables here.

Besides, most notables are news from other sites.

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a4527d  No.9077825

File: c49f32d39ebce1e⋯.jpeg (104.43 KB, 882x960, 147:160, 1588897257.jpeg)

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c5fcf4  No.9077826

File: 1bd6cfe49ee8639⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1412x1457, 1412:1457, jimmy_carter.png)

Why did Jimmy Carter's administration train Osama Bin Laden?

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ae84fd  No.9077827


They certainly are!

3 of my FB "friends" actually posted videos that YT is deleting, today.

Am like WTF?!


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ee3468  No.9077828

File: 6f75716fd755107⋯.png (72.26 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 6f75716fd755107559b948bee3….png)


check'd and wreck'd

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1e25a7  No.9077829

File: cbb0eda1fe46e84⋯.jpg (201.7 KB, 750x499, 750:499, QResearch.jpg)

GM Patriots

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670211  No.9077830


Ok ill have to make another account. I want him to sue all those mother fuckers personally.

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512d63  No.9077831

POTUS going to Camp David with Joint Chiefs of Staff this week

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77df84  No.9077832


Pepe.com or .org



….. ?


Too early, need covfefe. Kek

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b9923d  No.9077833

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB, 510x438, 85:73, 1asmoke.png)

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ecaf53  No.9077834


is Hillary watching her frazzledrip video ?

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470b3e  No.9077835

File: 2ca029a12337e73⋯.png (76.17 KB, 235x214, 235:214, ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Barr is operational.

This is absolutely fantastic!

FISAGATE is opening!

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4a42c4  No.9077836



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909d93  No.9077837

File: 326fbb7a2895365⋯.png (719.48 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, TR.png)

Mississippi gov says pandemic no ‘excuse’ to release inmates


Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves said Wednesday that the state will not consider early release for prisoners during the coronavirus pandemic, even with inmates living in conditions that make social distancing difficult.

“Unlike many other states, I do not believe we ought to use the excuse of a pandemic to change our sentencing structure in our criminal justice system,” the Republican governor said in response to questions during a news conference.

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e9ca5c  No.9077838

File: 9e06ce6cc8cd259⋯.png (805.87 KB, 500x750, 2:3, bill_clinton_young.png)

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f3809e  No.9077839


Full of ideas, aren't ya! KEK!

Got them listed.

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b95b71  No.9077840

>>9077824 nah, there are digs/research, memes, graphics, analysis, theories, you know, what journalism used to be kek

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95856f  No.9077841


boom…sauce and this is a notable…

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93b605  No.9077842

File: 4ca0f04a81ec957⋯.png (508.02 KB, 1122x496, 561:248, 0_Barr.png)


>Q is right again,

>Here comes the Bill Barr attacks.

Don't you just love the way these corrupt assholes have the nerve to "demand" …anything!?!?

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909d93  No.9077843



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470b3e  No.9077844


Facts Matter

In Pepe Veritas

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1431e3  No.9077845

File: 48c22d8931ddb46⋯.png (69.95 KB, 604x473, 604:473, wittes_storm.PNG)

Benjamin Wittes, Lawfare and Brookings Institute henchman, says he's ready for the storm.

SAUCE: https://twitter.com/benjaminwittes/status/1258719524188237824

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f3809e  No.9077846


Got it listed.

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f75f32  No.9077847

Camp David meeting this weekend

Joint Chiefs of Staff

A Very Special Place


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566583  No.9077848

File: 3da87a0bf54c496⋯.png (497.58 KB, 508x410, 254:205, what_a_joke_1.PNG)

File: 1cc76123ad50441⋯.png (14.33 KB, 747x177, 249:59, what_a_joke.PNG)

File: 120532815626185⋯.png (63.61 KB, 787x232, 787:232, what_a_joke_2.PNG)



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512d63  No.9077849


He just said it on FOX News… just need the video

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b9923d  No.9077850

File: 44f02d008a21da6⋯.png (52.62 KB, 280x200, 7:5, checkedevilBin.png)

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470b3e  No.9077851

File: 0c3a436a999a8fd⋯.png (64.45 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


Happy VE Day!

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8b9e14  No.9077852



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c4c289  No.9077854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I fight fair. No dirty tricks. I'll even give Susan Rice and all the rest the playbook. Doesn't matter it can not be stopped.

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8a5f5c  No.9077855


>most notables are news from other sites

Wouldn't say most, maybe 20%.

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670211  No.9077856

Is it just me or does the morning shift seem less shilly?

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388c76  No.9077857








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beab73  No.9077858

File: 15dec61e5df6a04⋯.png (76.54 KB, 376x515, 376:515, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Twatter Fags.

Right now, and Im sure throughout the day, they have anti Flynn tags trending.

It might be a good time to casually drop some posts that called this. Introduce people to a reason he "had to plead guilty".


>Fathers Love

Re-read this drop and compare to whats in the news yesterday and today.

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a00761  No.9077859


Well i rted it 3 times amd posted it on 8kun.. Do your part faggots o7

Thanks anon

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6592be  No.9077860






Q Graphics all in GMT #105-#106 >>9077544 , >>9077553

can be changed to

Q Graphics all in GMT #105-#106 >>>/comms/13250, >>9077553

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1e25a7  No.9077861

File: b8340404ebad1a5⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 570x437, 30:23, I_ve_got_a_killer_idea_.jpg)

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ba6be2  No.9077862

File: 9c9292a476b36c4⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1680x2100, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you anon. It was a post where he posted several pics like this….

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b36c70  No.9077863


>We are 1 people.


>1 nation.



we are? one people? united?

is it okay to be white anon? is it okay to be christian in a country run by the Jews and Masons? the last thing we are is united anon.

we are so united the crime rates are covered up.

so united Jews and Masons conduct fake school shootings and blame it all on white people and get away with it.

so united the Jews have laws to protect them from words they do not like and IDEAS they do not like.

so united American politicians fight to give HUNDREDS of billions to Jews and capitalist fractional business shills…no…its actually TRILLIONS in free money and bailouts and rescue packages

the PSYCHOS keep giving themselves BILLIONS and we get crumbs tossed at us.

the IDEA that Christians ought not to do business with Israel is now out-of-bounds…wow…such 1st Amendment Free Exercise

The Talmud teaches that Catholics must be harmed directly and indirectly by Jews.

We are so united we cant even have a conversation about this in America.

Come on. Please. Stop pissing on my leg and telling me its raining.

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f3809e  No.9077864


I see your point.

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ee3468  No.9077865


if soros is first i will shit the bed .

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3e4bc8  No.9077866


I just counted the documents released by house, there’s 62, including 4 letters, so that’s 58 transcripts, 3 of interviews were done at two different times, so that still leaves 55.

Why are they saying 53? We should check because there’s 2 the DNI didn’t public have, Erik Prince is one

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5bf59c  No.9077867


>I know the feeling

I got nailed by quad 6's the other day.

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f75f32  No.9077868

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dce87b  No.9077869

File: da459738352082e⋯.png (249.96 KB, 515x830, 103:166, CS_Henry_1_conspiracy_theo….png)

File: 7da83d7ba280c3c⋯.png (152.96 KB, 573x582, 191:194, CS_Henry_2_FBI_contract.png)

File: 545adca0ced9a27⋯.png (335.74 KB, 554x1105, 554:1105, CS_Henry_3_false_flag.png)

File: be99bf0be658052⋯.png (185.56 KB, 498x593, 498:593, CS_Henry_4_screenshots.png)

>>9076059 (pb)

>Crownstrike CEO's 'Russian Hoax' testimony - [They] had NO 'evidence' of a DNC hack

>>9076123 (pb)


There's moar to this Shawn Henry testimony.

1 - Answers the Congressman's question regarding the "conspiracy theory from so-called 'experts' that the files were directly downloaded" that he consulted with his team who are "top experts in the area" who said it was "not plausible". Doesn't elaborate. Commits a logical fallacy - appeal to authority.

2 - Admits that CrowdStrike has provided intelligence services to the FBI in the past UNDER CONTRACT.

3 - Describes the method under which an actor could mimic Russian intelligence by acquiring Russian command-and-control servers and specific malicious code.

Then dismisses the possibility as "not plausible" again without further explanation.

4 - Suggests that the DNC emails could have been copied by "taking screenshots". Congressman wonders how hundreds of thousands of emails could have been copied in such a manner in real time that ended up being released to the public.

If these are the bases for their conclusions, their arguments are flimsy as hell.

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f3809e  No.9077870



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5a97b5  No.9077871

File: ca08ad7524d7ecd⋯.png (36.13 KB, 950x495, 190:99, 050820_US_Futs.PNG)

File: 79ec7f979b90972⋯.png (59.77 KB, 755x679, 755:679, 050820_US_T_note_10_yr.PNG)

File: a3277b33817b2e4⋯.png (45.5 KB, 633x689, 633:689, 050820_Live_Gold.PNG)

File: 9d4a770692416df⋯.png (66.14 KB, 755x599, 755:599, 050820_US_Dollar_index.PNG)

File: a43444719a40a3e⋯.png (52.79 KB, 320x220, 16:11, UnemployApr2020.PNG)

Stock-index futures extend gains after data showing US lost 20.5 million jobs in April

U.S. stock-index futures added to earlier gains after the Labor Department issued a report showing that the U.S. economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April and the unemployment rate soared to 14.7%, though the data came in better than expected. Futures for the Dow Jones Industrial Average YMM20, 0.97% rose 241 points, or 1%, to about 24,058, those for the S&P 500 index ESM20, 0.95% gained 27 points, or 1% to trade around 2,907 and Nasdaq-100 futures NQM20, 0.86% were up 73 points, or 0.8%. Job losses came in less than feared, with economists surveyed by MarketWatch expecting 22.1 million jobs lost and an unemployment rate of 15.2%. Treasury yields rose after the release of the official jobs report.

In April, the year-over-year change was -19.420 million jobs. Total payrolls decreased by 20.5 million in April.

Payrolls for February and March were revised down 214 thousand combined. This was close to consensus expectations of 21,000,000 jobs lost, and February and March were revised down by 214,000 combined.

This was the worst employment report ever, and the report for May will also be horrible.







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ba6be2  No.9077872

Friday Fireworks Please, Mr. President. Thank You!

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8b9e14  No.9077873



I thought this was Q referring to POTUS but it seems it might be referring to FLYNN

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470b3e  No.9077874

File: 43b3c4b4b3ccee1⋯.png (98.48 KB, 251x201, 251:201, ClipboardImage.png)


It's only a truce!

End the Korean War!

Reunify Korea!

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57da6d  No.9077875

Little Trump misses mummy and daddy

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ecaf53  No.9077876

File: 6baa23b3a09ab2c⋯.jpeg (32.9 KB, 828x537, 276:179, D8F4983D_47AC_4841_964B_5….jpeg)


I got 3 dubdubs in a row a few breads back

kek willed it

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202d34  No.9077877


They always make blanket accusations without evidence to back that shit up. They should be banned from any more investigations due to their past FAILURES via TAX PAYER ABUSE.

The evidence that FLYNN was set up is right fucking there!!

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b95b71  No.9077879



greatawakeningnews.com GAN?


meganews.com (make earth great again)

another GAN, great american news

patriotnews.com PNN

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512d63  No.9077880

Orange Man and JCS to Orange One



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c653c8  No.9077882


it would be easier if those faggots I follow would follow me back! I did an exception and just joined the twatter army for this war

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aafaed  No.9077884

Trump…"But I learned a lot from Richard Nixon…"

I've heard about this before.

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a4527d  No.9077885

File: 63d7bdf69b00f60⋯.jpeg (71.88 KB, 1080x655, 216:131, 1585867297.jpeg)

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b9923d  No.9077886

File: 96e0b038c4a0845⋯.jpg (76.23 KB, 741x586, 741:586, arrest.jpg)

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5bf59c  No.9077887


>Besides, most notables are news from other sites.

Ah, that elephant in the room paradox here.

We're the news now.

Where do we get our news?

Oh, from the old regular news folks.

But, hol' up there, we do our best to weed out the compd bs.

Ok, so it's We're the aggregators now.

Yeah, but We're the news now sounds better.

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f75f32  No.9077888

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566583  No.9077889

File: 7c5228bc301e330⋯.png (20.65 KB, 781x286, 71:26, w_bush.PNG)


analogy likening praising Bush to praising serial killer Ted Bundy after Jeffrey Dahmer

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5a97b5  No.9077890

File: 2b4e5b67149cff1⋯.png (452.19 KB, 783x303, 261:101, POTUS_yes_it_s_THAT_shit_a….PNG)

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d6d9e0  No.9077891

>mfw realizing the Russia docs are literally nothing

Fucking hell, they were really grasping for things weren't they?

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470b3e  No.9077893


Fact: Motion to withdraw guilty plea was filed.

Fact: Due to said motion, government review demonstrated insufficient evidence to establish guilt.

Fact: Side-deal not prosecuting Flynn Jr. was deliberately left out of plea deal.

Fact: Most people don't know about the twin jamming up of Flynn over both the Kislyak call (which they already had the entire transcript, and did not show the General, not that he needed to be shown), but also the BS FARA violation over work his firm did for a Turkish company.

Fact: The Left uses emotional arguments, so none of the above are effective!

So use emotional arguments back!

Would you plead guilty to save your son from being persecuted by the government?

Yes? So would General Flynn!

No? General Flynn did! What's wrong with you!

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b95b71  No.9077894


kek, same i follow 3x the amount of people that follow me. it's hard out here!

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d6d9e0  No.9077895


not able to process

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f75f32  No.9077896




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656a53  No.9077897

File: 9797365edfb6f8f⋯.jpg (14.53 KB, 617x116, 617:116, DRAIN_IT.JPG)

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0014ae  No.9077898

File: d0ebb03a7992b2d⋯.jpg (173.06 KB, 1078x694, 539:347, abwry.jpg)

File: e14727198339d38⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 312x465, 104:155, sdhshshdgic.jpg)

File: a7c7eea4c59bdae⋯.jpg (276.03 KB, 601x785, 601:785, holodomor.jpg)

File: 75dca4932aeb0a6⋯.jpg (482.03 KB, 1168x934, 584:467, sdfhjsjs.jpg)

File: 30e671e7432adce⋯.jpg (496.07 KB, 990x1278, 55:71, 6milli.jpg)


Congrats, you've bought the historical fiction hook line and sinker.

Wealthy and powerful Jews like Herzl & the Rothschilds orchestrated the events that led to the internment of European Jews by Hitler's Nazi party.

It was Jews that planned to subject their own people to suffering as a means to convince them to settle Palestine. Nowhere near 6 million died, and the entire war was a ruse to enable Zionist schemes to advance.

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86e321  No.9077899

File: c0a91701b47dfad⋯.jpeg (119.61 KB, 801x449, 801:449, CA6363D5_89CE_4F46_AB8B_0….jpeg)

File: cbcccb60b5f8c71⋯.png (594.38 KB, 796x471, 796:471, F63801A3_4476_4D8E_BD43_70….png)

File: 589a27e7f016395⋯.png (1.14 MB, 779x914, 779:914, B58AD65F_F06B_415E_B743_34….png)

File: 305cc0316207b0d⋯.png (170.11 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 61EB4E8E_8311_409B_9AE5_8F….png)

File: b9fbd18fcf665fb⋯.jpeg (62.65 KB, 720x631, 720:631, 665F566F_5063_4FAA_AB40_5….jpeg)

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7485f3  No.9077900



at least some bakers put in good anon write-ups or theories

but yes the sauce fixation is often a problem

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f3809e  No.9077901


>Yeah, but We're the news now sounds better.

I like that.

We need to get our news up and going.

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f518bb  No.9077902


I like the following ideas:


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470b3e  No.9077903


Yeah, that's the play where the D Party Con gets the GOP to stab its POTUS in the back and force him to resign.

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ecaf53  No.9077904

File: d8200b7d712d67a⋯.jpeg (74.11 KB, 500x572, 125:143, C87CAF55_2991_4AA1_B6C9_6….jpeg)


Bill wants what is best for us

Trust Bill

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e9ca5c  No.9077905

File: 098470c673390ca⋯.png (366.52 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_for_Tomorrow_05072020….png)

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805d44  No.9077906

>>9077865 shit the bread. It’s cleaner.

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e51c39  No.9077907

File: 94d2f1264e44502⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 446x288, 223:144, table.jpg)

File: 22f6178837ca942⋯.png (80.54 KB, 719x685, 719:685, MikeRotschild.png)

File: 5f69cc8f118b706⋯.png (94.01 KB, 960x1873, 960:1873, screencapture_noshame_org_….png)

File: 4d51ac1721defe1⋯.png (126.51 KB, 1512x1792, 27:32, screencapture_noshame_org_….png)

Morning Anons!

What do you guys think, is this Mike Rothschild the debunked debunker actor?

http:// www.noshame.org/scripts/

http:// www.noshame.org/losangeles/ord04.htm

http:// www.noshame.org/scripts/rothschild030308.htm

http:// www.noshame.org/scripts/rothschild040430.htm


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7b0a27  No.9077908

File: b8a8827abeea5d1⋯.jpg (119.13 KB, 1367x1078, 1367:1078, bill_beard.jpg)

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670211  No.9077909

+News (U.S. politics 24/7)

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774ebf  No.9077910

File: 70e95e02c024521⋯.png (25.28 KB, 614x245, 614:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5056a46086db92f⋯.png (80.92 KB, 960x400, 12:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcd7e43fe0bb762⋯.png (196.23 KB, 379x770, 379:770, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 026e719d87438d3⋯.png (901.31 KB, 900x633, 300:211, ClipboardImage.png)


TimeStamp = 08:40

Donald Trump Jr.


"RT if you want to see General Flynn sue the FBI

and it’s corrupt actors for all they’re worth and at

the same time

bring to light all the other information they’re still hiding {LIGHT to dark}

from the public!"


"Threats Against White House and Good Journalists"

Do you believe in coincidences?

WH suicide.

Hannity intruder.




<pic related THEMES (1 of 2 = MKUltra)


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5bf59c  No.9077911


I only read Ana articles that have the fingernail filing meme attached.

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93b605  No.9077912

File: 4b1b6758f302468⋯.png (806.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Ana_Feckless_Clinton.png)

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512d63  No.9077913


Adam Schiff knows better… he went to Harvard Law. Clearly Harvard Law and Harvard need some ethics classes.

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ecaf53  No.9077914



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b36c70  No.9077915

File: ae3343c049b11a7⋯.jpg (62.51 KB, 677x368, 677:368, 1570855435359.jpg)

all the jews desperate to start the slave cycle up again

so desperate to get their bread and circus sports and games going

quick launch the UFC!


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c653c8  No.9077916


They don't understand this is a numbers game

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885cca  No.9077917

Marc Elias of Perkins Cole was counsel for HRC and both Obama campaigns, he also paid Fusion GPS.

Pedesta testimony is interesting af


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8dd13e  No.9077918

File: 6c7b1d466c8419c⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1stTry.png)



love you faggots sm no homo yesterday was the best day wbr

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d9cb4e  No.9077919



If its on the top of the mast, its a burgee.

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b95b71  No.9077920

>>9077887 nah Q called us that originally because we would decode his drops with fresh intel and know/disseminate information before the msm knew anything, sometimes a year or 2 ahead of time. and we had some great decodes, theories, and digs. like 60-minutes deep-dive type digs. that's why we're the news. "gold star researchers"

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ee3468  No.9077921

File: 3f18c5da7fde50f⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1206, 60:67, 3f18c5da7fde50f41a034c7c87….png)


first thought i had as comment was loading . o7

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93b605  No.9077922

File: 7e01ea7442a2f7d⋯.png (392.55 KB, 556x387, 556:387, Fauci_Gates.png)

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78ace8  No.9077924

File: 77822266936544c⋯.png (525 KB, 500x498, 250:249, archive_corps.png)


to Q post >>9074777


SPREADSHEET entries include:

- date, post #, EST/EDT timestamp, userID

- direct link to post, link to post on archive.fo (to that exact post, no need to scroll to find it)

- post content including IMAGE(S)

— direct link on chan/board/

— permanent link in offsite gallery

— filename of ALL images Q posts

- archives of every link Q posts (except pdfs & videos) or anon he responds to posts

Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


This includes EVERY image Q has ever posted or was in a post Q responded to

(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

By month-


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3brh8m11m/

FEB: https://postimg.cc/gallery/isxphakq/

MAR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/mjl2ud6y/

APR: https://postimg.cc/gallery/VcHNYYZ

MAY: https://postimg.cc/gallery/dYb63fh


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/wj2o5tkq/

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jgywchdm/

March: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2d9ahuk56/

April: https://postimg.cc/gallery/16gtgjvx6/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2uneblcuy/

June: https://postimg.cc/gallery/31uv0lwqi/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2atvilh6i/

Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1anknsku2/


Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1efnfn0re/

Dec: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1se5rh1ay/

All images in these galleries are permanent, do not expire, you need no account, no nothing to access them, and you can post them anywhere, share them with link easily (or download)

There are archives going back to the very 1st Q post on 4/pol/



JAN: https://anonfile.com/E70dAat5bc/01-19_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/ufqe74v6ba/02-19_FEB_rar

Mar: https://anonfile.com/sbg732b3n4/03-19_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/sdk0o9m3ne/04-19_APR_rar

MAY: https://anonfile.com/R1PbZbw5na/05-19_MAY_rar

JUN: https://anonfile.com/IcJf9ay4n7/06-19_JUN_rar

JULY: https://anonfile.com/7ft6Rd16n2/07-19_JUL_rar

AUG: https://anonfile.com/FatcK59dn4/08-19_AUG_rar


NOV: https://anonfile.com/p3x3Z7C8n6/11-19_NOV_rar

DEC: https://anonfile.com/9384U2O8n1/12-19_DEC_rar


JAN: https://anonfile.com/7ejeF0S7n4/01-20_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/l4A8O3p7o2/02-20_FEB_rar

MAR: https://anonfiles.com/983dG3ndo6/03-20_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/V9Y9yev2of/04-20_APRIL_rar

MAY: will be created at the end of the month, will update board with link

RIGHT-CLICK, CHOOSE "SAVE AS" to download zip file

All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.



For archive links to previous years, please just ask.

Patriots, archive offline!

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c4c289  No.9077925


That was just part 1. I'll give Susan a few days before we move on to part 2. BTW - My grandmother was a Lombardi. I always pay tribute.

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892252  No.9077926

File: 3a8fa92e5e401b1⋯.png (349.51 KB, 970x430, 97:43, ClipboardImage.png)

Travel basketball coach charged with raping teenager at gunpoint



News would rather promote the end of the GTA session.

That guy has sketchy past.

Tale of two stories, same day



Which one do you think made the Broadcast?

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566583  No.9077927


took a moment to dig that PIC up myself :)

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7f2c29  No.9077928

File: 036ceb0c9b31e28⋯.jpg (64.4 KB, 688x512, 43:32, Atkinson_McCord.jpg)


Michael Atkinson > Mary McCord > Adam Schiff


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5bf59c  No.9077929


>I got 3 dubdubs in a row a few breads back

kek - Rookie - I quit counting mine.

>kek willed it

It is a great feeling, Anon, enjoy.

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b8f5f4  No.9077930

File: 51e2e955e20f245⋯.jpg (100.49 KB, 1023x288, 341:96, SmartSelect_20200508_08564….jpg)

Just getting caught up.

YouTube Gestapo have already deleted the video Q dropped 2 days ago. Anyone have an alternative link or copy?

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8b9e14  No.9077931

File: 2c4b5f7f776aac1⋯.png (970.01 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, good_times.png)

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670211  No.9077932


Were they C_A?

How did they meet, was it arranged?


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699440  No.9077933

File: b224fce1f61b528⋯.png (651.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Flynn_is_the_Keystone_PNG.png)

Coincidence? Flynn is the 'Keystone' to The Great Awakening

Congrats to Sidney Powell!

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1cf9ac  No.9077934

New towers

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6592be  No.9077935


I like the paraie dog meme

one small suggestion on it

the shill & newfag labels should be reversed

all the other dogs are facing the same direction

the two at the left…

one is trying to look in the right direction and the other is opposing

which one is the newfag & which one is the shill?

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eaed73  No.9077936

File: a24bc829afe7af2⋯.png (952.68 KB, 1917x1078, 1917:1078, Atkinson_Kathryn_Cameron_A….png)

File: 49452fa18cddfda⋯.png (294.36 KB, 495x690, 33:46, Kathryn_Cameron_Atkinson.png)

[Michael Atkinson]


Kathryn Cameron Atkinson

Kathryn Cameron Atkinson is the Chair of Miller & Chevalier. Her practice focuses on international corporate compliance, including, in particular, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), as well as economic sanctions and export controls, and anti-money laundering laws. She advises clients on corruption issues around the world. This advice has included compliance with the FCPA and related laws and international treaties in a wide variety of contexts, including transactional counseling, formal opinions, internal investigations, enforcement actions by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and resulting monitorships, as well as commercial litigation raising improper payment issues. Ms. Atkinson has twice been appointed as an Independent Compliance Monitor by the DOJ and SEC. She was a member of the original Transparency International task force that developed a compliance toolkit for small and medium-sized entities. She co-produced, with Homer E. Moyer, Jr., "Comply But Compete," a versatile, video-based FCPA training program.


During his Senate confirmation hearing mentioned his wife worked for TECRO on a "Trade Deal" with the US..

TECRO is owned by China!

Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) is the Republic of China's principal representative office in the United States. As such, TECRO in the United States is responsible for maintaining and developing bilateral relations between Taiwan and the United States. TECRO is headed by Representative Stanley Kao with support from Deputy Representative Christine Hsueh and Deputy Representative Louis Huang.

TECRO oversees 11 offices known as Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices, or TECOs, in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Honolulu, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle.



That's all I got for now.

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1881dc  No.9077937


>dipshit RBG report

Hey asshole, that's Breaking 9ll, not 911.

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b95b71  No.9077938

File: a5fc3a86d19aa87⋯.png (38.12 KB, 690x196, 345:98, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

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be1357  No.9077939

Hey gang. Any link to Hannity video from two nights ago? Thanks in advance.

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6ca79b  No.9077940


>TECRO is owned by China!

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ecaf53  No.9077941


thanks anon, o7

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cda6ad  No.9077942

File: 95ad333d6a22e9a⋯.png (99.8 KB, 331x291, 331:291, Fritz.png)

Good Morning.

My name is Fritz and my friends call me "The Ventilator". Just kidding. I'm actually the CEO of General Motors. I just wanted to let everyone here know, GM manufactures automobiles. We've always manufactured automobiles. We don't manufacture ventilators. Nobody who works here even knows what a ventilator is. Plus we are totally run by the Illuminati.

If you think about it, the idea of us just reprogramming our robots and refitting our manufacturing apparatus to suddenly start making ventilators instead of cars, is a pretty silly idea. Even so, we've already delivered over 40,000 new ventilators to the nation's stockpile.

Speaking of programming, all my book are available on Amazon. Take a look!

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381983  No.9077943

Musk is dusting his weed with God knows what now. He is proposing a Borg style collective communication, and he has already given his kid a designation rather than a name….


Elon Musk may have chosen a bizarre, cyborg-like name for his newborn child – just try pronouncing “X Æ A-12” – but the billionaire entrepreneur says spoken language itself may soon become obsolete with the rise of new brain tech.

Appearing on another episode of the Joe Rogan Experience on Thursday, the UFC-commentator-slash-podcast-host congratulated Musk on the birth of his sixth son this week, but couldn’t help but ask about the infant’s unique, headline-grabbing name.

“How do you say the name? Is it a placeholder?” Rogan asked, drawing an awkward laugh from Musk.

“Well, first of all, my partner is the one that mostly came up with the name… She’s great at names,” Musk said, adding: “It’s just X, the letter X, and then the Æ is pronounced ‘ash,’ and A-12 is my contribution” – which he says stands for “Archangel-12,” the CIA recon aircraft later developed into the SR-71 Blackbird, the “coolest plane ever.”

Musk reveals brain-reading Neuralink implant

As the conversation drifted into neural nets and artificial intelligence, Musk said “Neuralink” technology – a battery-powered device implanted directly into the skull – could be rolled out within the next year, and potentially “fix almost anything that is wrong with the brain.” Eventually, in addition to curing disorders like epilepsy, he said language itself could be made obsolete thanks to the new tech – and perhaps unpronounceable baby names along with it.

“You would be able to communicate very quickly and with far more precision… I’m not sure what would happen to language,” he said, explaining that human beings are “already partly a cyborg, or an AI symbiote” whose ‘hardware’ is merely in need of an upgrade.

You wouldn’t need to talk.

Asked about how long it might take before mankind goes mute, Musk said it could happen in five to 10 years in a “best-case scenario” if the technology continues to develop at its currently rapid pace. Of course, even in the entrepreneur's brave new world, he said some might still choose to speak for “sentimental reasons,” even when “mouth noises” are but a primitive vestige of the past.

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b36c70  No.9077944

File: e2f7fed5f982417⋯.jpg (21.92 KB, 378x365, 378:365, 1570847310795.jpg)

File: 03d20cc0506efca⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 604x707, 604:707, 1570847083516.jpg)

File: b98268294ffd723⋯.png (450.29 KB, 600x878, 300:439, 1570846806719.png)

File: 8ca24eb42421aaa⋯.jpg (279.73 KB, 995x933, 995:933, 1570852196279.jpg)

File: ce4844aee347c68⋯.jpg (8.45 KB, 359x335, 359:335, 1570904831850.jpg)

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470b3e  No.9077945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, wow, totally intentional, as its first flight was not for, what, 7 more months.

New B2 Spirit unrolled December 2019.

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f817a5  No.9077947

File: 6b951348023f3dd⋯.png (12.53 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 6b951348023f3dd5b5e5bb5795….png)


And U miss your mummy? Do you wish daddy would have stayed around? Bet mummy isn`t sure either. Your fathers day cards have a big question mark.

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e74a7a  No.9077948

File: b46a61252c16dc3⋯.jpg (130.4 KB, 500x500, 1:1, NO.jpg)

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c2762b  No.9077949

File: 93a7c6290d2b4a2⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 480x270, 16:9, DONT_TREAD_ON_ME.mp4)

File: a91d917d9d69d49⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 540x360, 3:2, e74f11298bd39ac4faaad10132….gif)




















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a00761  No.9077950


Some of us run multilpe accts alts (knowing bans happen) –

If you have enough interest you can learn how to make infinate accts..

I know many people who are on their 500th plus twitter acct.

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d6d9e0  No.9077951

>Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774


Realistically, what would it be? Normies can't process the ritual stuff, and HRC needs to be implicated in the spying. Most likely hot-mike with her denouncing certain things and forwarding others?

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ad397b  No.9077952

File: 77edf3baad1d6aa⋯.jpeg (971.29 KB, 1242x1806, 207:301, 7DB6BB5F_C33E_484B_8B2B_2….jpeg)

File: 1ed8b59e665159e⋯.png (3.84 MB, 2688x1242, 448:207, E14614FF_8CDD_40F8_8A6D_B7….png)

File: 2b4564f75debee6⋯.png (3.66 MB, 2688x1242, 448:207, 2B098E1B_27FE_4004_A1F5_EC….png)

DiFi’s mum was a model who apparently voted Republican

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470b3e  No.9077953


Thank you!

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e54d1a  No.9077954

File: 10b89f71fb6a6a6⋯.png (282.81 KB, 693x313, 693:313, pgw.png)

File: 94a6f4fc8015bac⋯.jpg (256.16 KB, 690x460, 3:2, bwd.jpg)

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0e90b1  No.9077955

>>9077860 added to dough, thank you!


are NOT endorsements


>>9077928 Michael Atkinson > Mary McCord > Adam Schiff (from 01/12/20)


>>9077917 Marc Elias of Perkins Cole was counsel for HRC and both Obama campaigns, he also paid Fusion GPS.

>>9077869 There's moar to this Shawn Henry (Crowdstrike CEO) testimony.

>>9077845 Benjamin Wittes, Lawfare and Brookings Institute henchman, says he's ready for the storm.

>>9077822 George Papadopoulos "big day today" with three media appearances

>>9077808, >>9077936 [Michael Kevin Atkinson]

>>9077804 Ex-Cali Rep. Duncan Hunter's Prison Start Delayed By COVID-19

>>9077781 New DJT Jr.: Retweet if you want to see Flynn sue the FBI

>>9077710 Texas Attorney General opens human trafficking investigation into Austin private school

>>9077665 New DJT

>>9077646 Ghislaine not convinced Epstein killed himself

>>9077639, >>9077674 Fox & Friends 5/8/20 FULL SHOW | Trump Breaking News

>>9077629 Erik Prince interview House questioning that Schiff and DNI releases yesterday

>>9077625 we have had two non-Chinese magnesium stearate factories destroyed in the past 24 hours, where are the rest?

>>9077605 “He [FLYNN] knows where many political bodies are buried in D.C. and what does he have to lose? Nothing.”

baker change

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b9923d  No.9077956


What was it about?

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5bf59c  No.9077957


>the sauce fixation is often a problem

Sauce is problematic.

Slippery slope, Anon.

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d258c6  No.9077958

File: e452ca008189e63⋯.png (50.14 KB, 255x224, 255:224, 306tf2_2_.png)

If anons haven't seen it already~

The Money Masters, a documentary detailing the banking system through history

Follow the money.


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cfbbb3  No.9077959


That makes sense.

But if the country had the truth in early 2017 would the Dems have taken the House and would Flynn have gone through 4 years of hell and would the country be so divided and would we have 100k+ still sealed indictments and still have endless fake news from the MSM? Would Declas have happened in 2017 or 2018? Would Obama, Clinton and Kerry have been traipsing all over the world trying to undermine foreign relations? Would Brennan have a media platform?

Would we have a pandemic and crashed economy?

I don't know what we have gained by not revealing the truth in early 2017. Whatever Durham comes up with, it probably isn't going going to outweigh the travesty of the last 3 years of waiting.

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e00d09  No.9077960


trans-humanism FAIL

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7485f3  No.9077961


too much reliance on sauce weakens discernment

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b11e83  No.9077962


:54 timestamp too.

not sure what time zone SP is in.

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d9cb4e  No.9077963


There was that reporter (few days back bread) who said Gates hid in the closet at Comic Con or somewhere, and that he changed after he married Melinda and became more human.

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b444c3  No.9077964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not sure if this has been posted. They are sure salty over this. They are crying because Flynn Lied and they are trying to justify that as a crime its fucking hilarious. The FEAR is hilarious . Claire is freaked out. Joe should not have killed his intern. Also notice Mika :56 seconds in switch the word to protected verbally. This was no accident on her part. Tremble little Mika, daddy can't help you now.

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90b1f0  No.9077965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Respect to this Police Officer…… wish they were all like him.

Regardless of race, colour, religion or political persuasion, decent people are decent people.

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b5bb72  No.9077966


NOWS instead of NEWS.

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470b3e  No.9077967


Harvard = #1 CCP beneficiary, and communist indoctrination site.

Have no respect for Ivy League Institutions.

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6ca79b  No.9077968


>“Well, first of all, my partner is the one that mostly came up with the name… She’s great at names,” Musk said, adding: “It’s just X, the letter X, and then the Æ is pronounced ‘ash,’ and A-12 is my contribution” – which he says stands for “Archangel-12,” the CIA recon aircraft later developed into the SR-71 Blackbird, the “coolest plane ever.”

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8931bf  No.9077969


how do I not give a F?

I just understand the reality of it.

you don't say 'oh I can't eat the bread because the baker is someone who I don't like'

you eat the bread.

oh the baker uses swears. I'll go hungry

no, you eat your meal.

oh the baker is a brute and he charms all the girls and they come to his bakery even though it farther from their villa

I won't eat his bread.

no, you're there, at his oven too, knowing full well that it doesn't matter: all your jealousy, how good looking he is, the girls like him and ignore you . . .

ya, I don't care at all . . .

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88dc8c  No.9077970


>names his baby ctrl/alt#*:/



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5a97b5  No.9077971

File: c0e81d7407859bf⋯.png (151.2 KB, 1080x589, 1080:589, SPAR28_COUGR18_SPUR60_P_8_….PNG)

SPAR28 G5 nw from JAB

SPAR= Special Purpsoe Air Resource

COUGR18 Learjet wn from St.Louis- Mid-America Airport

PAT104 C-560 ws from JBA

LOBO474 C-560 nw from MCAS Cherry Pt.

2 P-8's se on Florida coast from NAS Jax

SPUR60 DC-10 tanker returning from duty in Caribbean Sea-out of McGuire AFB, NJ

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b8f5f4  No.9077972

File: e1a5d7dd7d450c7⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 1080x726, 180:121, Screenshot_20200508_090507….jpg)


I have no idea. Q didnt include a reference per the subject matter in the post.

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f8dc27  No.9077973

President Trump speculated on the possibility of research into the use of light or

disinfectant to treat coronavirus,

Sun Light- Vitamin D

Vitamin D can also indirectly prevent cancer.




Vitamin D status differs by latitude and race, with residents of the northeastern United States and individuals with more skin pigmentation being at increased risk of deficiency. A PubMed database search yielded 63 observational studies of vitamin D status in relation to cancer risk, including 30 of colon, 13 of breast, 26 of prostate, and 7 of ovarian cancer, and several that assessed the association of vitamin D receptor genotype with cancer risk.

The majority of studies found a protective relationship between sufficient vitamin D status and lower risk of cancer. The evidence suggests that efforts to improve vitamin D status, for example by vitamin D supplementation, could reduce cancer incidence and mortality at low cost, with few or no adverse effects.

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60cf71  No.9077974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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5e8ffd  No.9077975


Sounds totally legit.

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566583  No.9077976

File: 03839e0ba033b3f⋯.png (572.88 KB, 520x686, 260:343, I_O_P.PNG)

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a1b302  No.9077977

File: 79a12c3f43a5cdc⋯.png (801.04 KB, 955x641, 955:641, ClipboardImage.png)

l Evelyn Farkas Admitted She Lied On MSNBC About Having Evidence Of Collusion

'I didn't know anything.'

MAY 8, 2020 By Sean Davis

Former Obama administration defense official Evelyn Farkas testified under oath that she lied during an MSNBC interview when she claimed to have evidence of alleged collusion, a newly declassified congressional transcript of her testimony shows. Farkas testified before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on June 26, 2017, as part of the committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Lawmakers keyed in on an appearance Farkas made on MSNBC on March 2, 2017, in which she urged intelligence community bureaucrats to disseminate within the government and potentially even leak to media any incriminating information they had about Trump or his aides.

“I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama administration] people who left…[that] it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy,” Farkas said.

Farkas, who served in the Obama administration as the deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia from 2012 through 2015, also claimed that administration officials appointed by Trump might even destroy evidence of alleged collusion if they “found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff’s dealing with Russians.”

They might “try to compromise those sources and methods,” Farkas alleged in the MSNBC interview. “And we would no longer have access to that intelligence.”

“Not enough was coming out into the open and I knew there was more,” Farkas claimed.



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60cf71  No.9077978





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470b3e  No.9077979


Well, we get our news from our source, who is the best source anyone has on earth.

We aggregate "news" from other sites.

Infrequently we actually "report" things we have first hand knowledge of.

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7ff8fa  No.9077980

File: b4dd54fe01107ec⋯.png (523.31 KB, 679x669, 679:669, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

Are You Ready To Stand?

Conservative blogger Pamela Geller sues de Blasio for pandemic protest ban

Pamella Geller suing NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio for "suspension of the 1st Amendment".


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a4527d  No.9077981

File: d46d89ea9881d10⋯.jpeg (73.29 KB, 896x896, 1:1, 1587069009.jpeg)

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ecaf53  No.9077982



I don't think the Hillary/Huma child sacrifice rape murder facial scalping vid will ever be dropped to the public

normies wouldn't be able to process it

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b3bd87  No.9077984

File: 1f3cc63167c60f8⋯.jpeg (19.53 KB, 255x118, 255:118, 2F9EBCD0_8882_4C2F_B768_7….jpeg)


Haven’t seen popcorn eating on here in a bit. Feelz good!

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1cf9ac  No.9077985

File: 4d6d13b043bf44c⋯.png (1.01 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F6478087_13A4_41BF_8D4A_87….png)

File: 6f070bf2f8d9ec4⋯.png (1.32 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 794BCA64_8821_42F2_B208_51….png)

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b95b71  No.9077986


holy SHIT, 500?? how the hell do they manage that.. and they just follow themselves??

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8dd13e  No.9077987

john podesta transcripts are wuite damning. i was dying laughing.

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a1b302  No.9077989

File: 5761028751c68ec⋯.png (341.79 KB, 587x554, 587:554, ClipboardImage.png)


he posted 7 single portraits March 18, 2019

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0d9de5  No.9077990


This is proof…. WE ARE THE NEWS.

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774ebf  No.9077991

File: a7811a3c6b08257⋯.png (458.68 KB, 1191x1262, 1191:1262, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e120ad47ae421e9⋯.png (153.81 KB, 921x720, 307:240, ClipboardImage.png)


>Q Proof


>>9077485 /pb


>Nothing to see here



>>9077492 /pb


From: Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 8:29:53 pm

To: Friday, May 8, 2020 at 7:29:39 am

Result: 10 hours, 59 minutes and 46 seconds

The duration is 10 hours, 59 minutes and 46 seconds

Or 10 hours, 59 minutes, 46 seconds

10 (5= 14= 5+9) (10= 4+6)

exclude ZEROs:

151 {9 Drops on QMap}


"Capturing a Very Dangerous Animal"

include A single ZERO {https://qmap.pub/read/101}:

1051 {[1] DROP on Qmap}


"Backpage Child Trafficking Website Shutdown"

" … Preparation.

> Strength test.

For God & Country!

We Fight for FREEDOM.


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b8f5f4  No.9077992



ThanQ. God, I fucking love all you Anons so hard. (No homo)

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5b3c02  No.9077993

File: 4c1ac0255f16f21⋯.jpg (71.59 KB, 720x855, 16:19, 96235230_1365827810278419_….jpg)

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8dd13e  No.9077994


yeah all these "IFBP" accounts are the ones that made me hit my 5,000 limit much sooner than expected because none of them folllowed me back. had to do a deep purge. really annoying.

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d9cb4e  No.9077995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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36be06  No.9077996



it was hannity's show from that night. should be easy to find on youtube

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c2762b  No.9077997

File: eeafa9a74771d19⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 600x287, 600:287, Top_Man_33.jpg)

File: a625b858c33fa54⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB, 222x480, 37:80, Original_Blue_Book.mp4)













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c653c8  No.9077998


My guess is she calling us "sheeps"

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7ff8fa  No.9077999

File: 860fe7f2cb5731f⋯.png (238.92 KB, 237x347, 237:347, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: bd6dd5b0ce9af9c⋯.png (532.28 KB, 527x540, 527:540, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

>>9076740 p Mark Levin: Flynn Documents Are "Barack Obama's Blue Dress" Without The DNA

Will make an interesting meme, anons.

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5bf59c  No.9078000


Yep, that's part of the weeding out the compd bs process.

Amplification of ignored news matter is the other excellent (prolly moar impt) we get shit done service to humanity accomplished here.

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8931bf  No.9078001

the jealous shill posts:

"the baker is a muscley charming goodlooking brute and he gets all the smiles and I don't like it . . . Whaaaaa"

meanwhile the world turns and the day goes on and the fiction that there is a problem with bakers here remains a fiction.

but I like the fiction of the ancient baker guy with his oven who is so charming and good looking that everyone uses his bakery.

do you expect that is what this place should be, oh you who go on your jealous rages about 'oh my notable that baker, that brute, ignores'

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656a53  No.9078002

File: fa10e86fbc66f0b⋯.jpg (88.35 KB, 606x698, 303:349, drain_it_dan_conf.JPG)

File: 9469ee53a5678b6⋯.png (12.89 KB, 399x155, 399:155, youarestrong.png)

yall wanna see somethin' cool?

you cant tell me shit today.

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7485f3  No.9078003

File: f882eabda330644⋯.jpg (172.1 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, paintedGB911.jpg)

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7ff8fa  No.9078004


>This is proof…. WE ARE THE NEWS.


I have noticed that google searches often turn up qanon memes. This is how stuff is "mainstreamed" these days.

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d6d9e0  No.9078005


Why the fug did they bring Podesta in?

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b95b71  No.9078006

File: dbebb51d35ab38e⋯.png (375.86 KB, 493x962, 493:962, popcornpepe.png)


i bet it's a video of her calling all of her supporters/common people sheep or something like deplorables

OR her admitting to murder á la "we came, we saw, he died!" or reference to her body county


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b8f5f4  No.9078007

>>9077974 Nevermid

>>9077981 What this Anon said


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470b3e  No.9078008

File: 8b82250248294d2⋯.png (60.49 KB, 232x217, 232:217, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you for holding the line!

Thank you for standing alone for so long!

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7ff8fa  No.9078009

File: 4021f793a88ca4b⋯.png (463.76 KB, 439x583, 439:583, cell_tower.png)

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28e68e  No.9078010

File: b49dc30a16e5658⋯.jpg (241.78 KB, 1439x1047, 1439:1047, Screenshot_20200508_081045….jpg)

U tube pulled the vid. Anyone have another?

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8dd13e  No.9078011


because he cant speak without lying. its perfect.

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1b7453  No.9078012


He's not wrong.

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7ff8fa  No.9078013

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e915b5  No.9078014

File: 67b7b935838b572⋯.png (298.94 KB, 486x604, 243:302, djtjrallcaps.PNG)



ts 8:55 on 5/8

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6d1b7a  No.9078016

Anons, just found this on American Conservative, about Google openly censoring virus information that they don't like, just cuz.

There is an online series of professors' lectures, called The Great Courses (https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/). They uploaded three lectures by three different professors, on various aspects of the virus.

Google blocked them. The Great Courses people had to post this message, explaining why you can't see those virus-lectures any more:

“In an effort to protect their users from false information about COVID-19, Google has flagged these videos as being in violation of their sensitivity policy. Google is currently only allowing COVID-19 apps if they are produced by official government entities and public health organizations. Google informed us they would ban The Great Courses apps if we continued to make this in-app content available. We are working with Google to ensure that they understand our content is factual, expert-led, and thoroughly vetted, so that we can remedy this misunderstanding as soon as possible.”

The irony is, I have no clue if the videos are any good or not. But this makes me want to watch them. "Sensitivity policy"? Fuck Google


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b9923d  No.9078017


Strange she has a Adams apple

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f3809e  No.9078018

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7ff8fa  No.9078019


anon's confused.

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8a5f5c  No.9078020


Mainly it has been like that since the afterbirth as 8kun.

News articles were less frequent in the past (mostly only as related to Q or crumbs [proofs]).

If people want an aggregator site go to fark.com or something..

digs, research, memes, (transport)fags etc are the news we create

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6592be  No.9078021


>too much reliance on sauce weakens discernment

too much little reliance on sauce weakens discernment

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b5bb72  No.9078022

There could be bodies buried in some swamp

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b8f5f4  No.9078023


ThanQ. I can find it now that I know the content

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1e0aca  No.9078024

File: 8ebd95177ab4c4c⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1535x985, 307:197, Seal_Team_Trump_DTS.png)

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b36c70  No.9078025

File: 7fe5cea9e4a7c01⋯.jpg (120.82 KB, 577x477, 577:477, 1570845773082.jpg)

File: f51fc4e1d37175b⋯.png (308.45 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1570845196190.png)


Thomas Aquinas is of the opinion that God created the human memory for the purpose of storing facts; TRUE facts. If the memory contains false facts, it has failed of its essential purpose. False facts stored in the memory are similar in effect to Plato's contention that insincerity by one party in dialogue reduces dialogue to a deceptive monologue

that is to say false facts to the memory are as sophists to good faith information exchange and judgment..judgment…


false facts mitigate against WISDOM

false facts give the intellect lies to work with

false facts cause the will to to be misdirected

and hijacked

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470b3e  No.9078026



Google is Truth. Google is Life. Google is Love. Worship Google.

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b95b71  No.9078027

File: 2f20b2c7a836d7a⋯.png (530.66 KB, 480x440, 12:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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774ebf  No.9078028

File: ff42e0ceb6046fc⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, SOLmemes_exoneration.mp4)


>fren Sol memes

vidCAP! {enJOY!}

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892252  No.9078029

Travel basketball coach charged with raping teenager at gunpoint



News would rather promote the end of the GTA session.

That guy has sketchy past.

Tale of two stories, same day



Which one do you think made the Broadcast?


Directly after posting, fox local ran the story on broadcast… Hadn't seen it b4 that.

We are the news. Put it up here, and MSM must cover it too, or lose credibility.


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5a55cb  No.9078030


>normies wouldn't be able to process it

Ya, but if it exists, woahboy, what a killer for the deep state it would be. All the so-called conspiracy theories proven correct in one fell swoop. Worlds largest mic-drop.

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1e2cbc  No.9078031

File: f3fbb0a8871380b⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 362x654, 181:327, Patriots_Fight.jpg)

Travel from NYC spread CV-19 to seed the pandemic in the US.

Gov. Cuomo should be viewed with the same contempt as an enemy banana republic dictator who attacked the USA.

He must be held accountable whether it be for evil malice or gross incompetence.

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7006aa  No.9078032


Include most of that entire administration.

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159554  No.9078033


She lied about classified information on her server,

Corney said there was.

Huma and her pedophile husband had her emails on their laptop.

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7485f3  No.