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a7ccd4  No.9084554[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Friday 05.08.2020

>>9084119 ————————————–——– Disregard. Insertion removed. (Easter Egg Removed)

>>9083833 ————————————–——– We can help guide once you hit a target. It must be open-source. Happy hunting!

>>9083792 ————————————–——– House Docs (Cap: >>9083809, >>9083821)

>>9083042 ————————————–——– SHADOW GOVERNMENT. IRREGULAR WARFARE.

>>9082841 Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION? (Cap: >>9082876)

>>9082747 ————————————–——– COVID-19 hard push [lock down extend] in swing states [CA-NY lead]? Legal challenge coming? (Cap: >>9082785, >>9082800)

>>9082360 ————————————–——– SHADOW PRESIDENCY SET UP. (Cap: >>9082518)

>>9082082 ————————————–——– SHADOW PRESIDENCY. [Hussein] pre-post [F] travel [shadow] POTUS?

>>9081684 ————————————–——– Crowdstrike testimony re: DNC & Russia [hack]? [FBI Floor 7][DNI][CIA][DNC][WH] primary [bulk]

>>9080559 ————————————–——– [D] party death spiral. (Cap: >>9080583)

>>9079065 ————————————–——– Mnuchin eviscerates Mad Max/Schiff toon style (Cap: >>9079082 vid)

>>9078997 ————————————–——– Trump: dirty cops to pay big price for Russia probe (Cap: >>9079019, >>9079373, >>9079965 vid )

>>9078652 ————————————–——– Kings Free Speech (Embed: >>9078686)

Thursday 05.07.2020

>>9074777 ————————————–——– The news is dead.

>>9074161 ————————————–——– [Michael Atkinson]

>>9072062 ————————————–——– Trump meme: DRAIN IT

>>9072018 ————————————–——– Focus on tomorrow, first. (Cap: >>9072038 )

>>9071604 ————————————–——– AC-130 Lights Up The Night round 2 (Cap: >>9060512, >>9060693 Vid: >>9060748 )

>>9071566 ————————————–——– Be ready to dig, Anons. Meat. (Cap: >>9071596 )

>>9070164 ————————————–——– Russia Investigation Transcripts and Documents https://intelligence.house.gov/russiainvestigation/

>>9069125 ————————————–——– Keep watching the news. (Cap: >>9069133)

>>9066831 ————————————–——– LET FREEDOM RING! (Cap: >>9066842, >>9066845)

>>9066404 ————————————–——– Facts v Fiction (Cap: >>9066433)

>>9066083 ————————————–——– Calculating 'lag' near impossible. Watch the news today, tomorrow, next week. (Cap: >>9066096)

>>9065749 ————————————–——– Source of HCQ: China, China using HCQ to treat COVID-19? The more you know… (Cap: >>9065775, >>9065892)

>>9065630 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution. When do you expend ammunition? You have more power and influence than you realize. (Cap: >>9065642)

>>9065447 ————————————–——– It's time to wake up. (Cap: >>9065468, >>9065481)

Wednesday 05.06.2020 >>9081489

>>9060482 ————————————–——– AC-130 Lights Up The Night (Cap: >>9060512, >>9060693 Vid: >>9060748 )

>>9060298 ————————————–——– There is a reason why Congress did not return to work this week [DC][non_COVID related]. [C]oats before [D]eclas [ongoing_now].

>>9059016 ————————————–——– Hannity Monologue, Scope Memo, Mueller, RR, Comey, et al re: today's news drop, also fake news CBS and Veritas [0:00 - 21.45] (Vid: >>9059025 )

>>9058932 ————————————–——– There is so much truth in this. Alexa drops truth bombs (Cap and Vid: >>9058947 )

>>9057548 ————————————–——– Advocating overthrow of Government? (Cap: >>9057564 )

>>9056769 ————————————–——– Ready to stand?

>>9056552 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. [note: rare 'truth' caught on camera] (Cap: >>9056601 Vid: >>9056716 )

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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a7ccd4  No.9084608

Global Announcements

>>8985756, >>8985951 CM has given us new small text. Other post has new formatting FAQ in graphic form

>>8979470 Just enabled a hotfix for the "Posted." bug. Let me know if it fixes the "Posted" bug for you or not. Please clear your javascript cache first so you have the newest version.

>>8986535 Codemonkey announces new standards on obscene loli

>>8971601 OUT OF SHADOWS – OFFICIAL - translations: >>8944644, >>9019496

>>8971620 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts

>>9072470 Message to Bakers from ArchiveAnon: don't "spoiler" text, messes with archives


are NOT endorsements


>>9083835 boatfaggin

>>9084404, >>9084419, >>9084420, >>9084425 DID ANYONE get a good copy of the Coats PDF before 5:05 EST today

>>9084396 Removed Interview Transcript of Jefferson Sessions (November 30, 2017)

>>9084237, >>9084239, >>9084256, >>9084266, >>9084334, >>9084498 docs. gov

>>9084199 yup, easter egg removed before we got to it

>>9084080 ODNI officers spoke with SSCI/HPSCI staff earlier today. ODNI officers spoke with additional Congressional staff this afternoon.

>>9084038, >>9084087, >>9084121, >>9084146 PICK ONE DOCUMENT go through, take notes

>>9083994, >>9084025, >>9084122, >>9084197 We need to compare DNI transcripts with doc.gov/same or desrepancies?

>>9084592 #11628

#11627 SFTlous d'oh notetaker world class!

>>9083099 WH Live presser discussing Flynn

>>9083061, >>9083198, >>9083242, >>9083363, >>9083397, >>9083446, >>9083488 Flynn prosecutor Brandon Van Grack should be in trouble-soc media and threadreaderapp

>>9083196, >>9083415, >>9083546, >>9083574 SSII graphic-meaning

>>9083229 Swalwell Twat

>>9083236 Gov. Doc on Irregular Warfare (IW) Joint Operating Concept (JOC) pdf

>>9083243, >>9083311 New POTUS Twat

>>9083292 U.S. Counterinsurrgency Guide pdf Q drop #3882

>>9083353 Congressman introduces legislation to repeal Logan Act: TRAP Act-justthenews

>>9083475 pf report

>>9083492 blast from the past : Hussein's call to renewal speech from 2006 mp4

>>9083502 Donald Trump: Barack Obama and Joe Biden Will Be Implicated in Russia Hoax-breitbart

>>9083505 George Soros Controls the EU's Court of Human Rights, They Admit It Themselves russiainsider.com

>>9083529 Maduro Announces Beijing Trip to ‘Hug Our Brother Xi Jinping’-breitbart

>>9083534, >>9083557 Sen. Bernie Sanders: "We're trying to save the Postal Service which is under severe attack by Donald Trump."-thehill

>>9083547, >>9083635 Office of DNI Twat

>>9083571 US House of Representatives doc dump docs.house.gov

>>9083579 Congress Sets Up Taxpayers to Eat $454 Billion of Wall Street’s Losses. Where Is the Outrage?-wallstonparade.com

>>9083618 Loretta Lynched FISA interview transcripts may 4



>>9082574 planefaggin

>>9082670 With case dropped, Michael Flynn could get security clearance back

>>9082624 Gov. Newsom has signed an executive order allowing every registered voter in the state to receive a vote-by-mail ballot for the November election.

>>9082597 A lot of FISA and Warrantless wiretapping/spying renewals were happening

>>9082568 Obama Travels chart

>>9082369, >>9082520 7th floor, no moar

>>9082329 Q proofs

>>9082293 FOIA for Hussein travel October 2017 and November 2017. 47 pages of itinerary, all redacted.

>>9082288 Diggies Q's/Hussein

>>9082274 Anon Analysis of a Sting Operation

>>9082265, >>9082266, >>9082337 anon analysis of new Q

>>9082962 #11626


>>9082015 Barr Blasts Comey, Says FBI Tried to Lay a “Perjury Trap” For General Mike Flynn

>>9081835, >>9082004, >>9081958, >>9081968 DNI release transcripts

>>9081741 Q 2 Year Delta

>>9081659 Sally Yates learned about the Flynn phone call directly from President Obama.

>>9081646 The plane that crashed at Spinks Airport, Dallas / Forth Worth

>>9081602, >>9081664 Tara McGowan, who runs dark money ACRONYM network, behind botched Iowa app

>>9081496 Bipartisan group of lawmakers press Trump to issue executive order moving drug manufacturing out of China

>>9081486 France: Far-Left Antifa Extremists Possible Suspects in Mass Sabotage of Internet Infrastructure

>>9082171 #11625

Previously Collected Notables

>>9079766 #11622, >>9080569 #11623, >>9081372 #11624

>>9076617 #11618, >>9077415 #11619, >>9078232 #11620, >>9078923 #11621

>>9073615 #11614, >>9074355 #11615, >>9075152 #11616, >>9075863 #11617

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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a7ccd4  No.9084613

War Room

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations ← go here for current up to date ops

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[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

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[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

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a7ccd4  No.9084615

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Meme Ammo

56 >>9027363, 55 >>8696213

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Fake News Examples- mega.nz/folder/xVwhFQCT#fITV5NhbxDuy4uaxAKoELw

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c3ec5c  No.9084616


Part 1 of 2

My take:

-Crowdstrike testimony re: DNC & Russia [hack]?

>no direct evidence?

>manipulation of source?

>comp-to-comp [transfer] speed [hack]?

>internal DL [terminal 1] speed?

>hand-to-hand transfer?

>WL publish v SR 187?

No evidence of a hack - data was [fairly] obviously copied to a thumb drive with a Windows machine (2 sec. granularity on file timestamps)

>MS13 [2] 187 geo-location?

>MS13 [2] 187 date?

>MS13 [2] case summary notes?

Geolocation of MS13 dead guys and timing doesn't add up for them 187'ing Seth Rich. FBI case notes show this.

Interning for the [DNC] can be deadly.

Clearly. His name was Seth Rich.


All testifying witnesses provided zero evidence of any link between Russia and Trump campaign.


Without Steele's dossier, bad guys had no way to obtain a FISA warrant, so they lied about the dossier.


FBI [and others] knew full well the dossier was schtank gruel.


McCain assisted with delivery and validation of dossier in order to make it appear more credible to someone who needed it to be validated in order to proceed.

[FBI Floor 7][DNI][CIA][DNC][WH] primary [bulk]

[FBI Floor 7] [DNC][HRC4Pres][DNI][CIA][WH] _FISA 4 [upstream collection primary target POTUS cross 1-9] _FISA 1 [upstream collection primary target C cross 1-3]

[FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_LL][BC] coord tarmac [unofficial]_HRC(e)discuss][exchange SC][security detail planning-coord DOJ_LL + BC]

SIGINT bulk collection recorded Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton [or agents acting on their behalf] coordinating the tarmac meeting and planning details. The meeting was also recorded and in said meeting, Lynch and Clinton discussed Lynch receiving a Supreme Court appointment in return for her cooperating in killing the investigations into Hillary Clinton's many felonious crimes.

* (continued as additional reply to this message as Part 2 of 2.)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c3ec5c  No.9084617


Part 2 of 2

[DOJ_LL] instruct [Comey] PR1 [drop all charges [MSM]]

[DOJ_LL] instruct language re report HRC [C] "careless"

Loretta Lynch instructed James Comey to drop all charges against HRC (Hillary RodHAM Cunton). She also gave Comey the language to use, namely that HRC was "careless" rather than "negligent".

[FBI Floor 7] deep-cover operatives crosswalk CIA>FBI [PS]

[FBI Floor 7] assist [CIA] domestic spy_avoid [CIA] non_USA charter

[FBI Floor 7] assist [CIA] pull_down umbrella spy FVEY [unofficial]

[Regarding the photo Q dropped of the people in the UK near the waterway and the hotel.] CIA agents were in the UK to avoid US surveillance and discuss the operation. NSA managed to get data to verify that is what was going on there.

FVEY UK-AUS reverify AUTH_WH [unusual req special instruction]

Not sure about this one. Above confirmed through Austrailian FVEY collection/copy feeds? No idea, really.

[FBI Floor 7] [UK assist] Steele > B_Ohr > N_Ohr > FusionGPS [shell 2]

7th Floor asshats wrote dossier/compromat/information, transferred to Christopher Steel, who gave it to Bruce Ohr [FBI], who gave it to his wife, Nellie Ohr [Fusion GPS], who produced it as part of her work for Fusion GPS. (Shell 2? No idea what this is, but see below.)

[FBI Floor 7] [CIA] spy_insert 1-3 [AUS assist] POTUS_campaign

CIA inserts deep cover agents into Trump's campaign to handle George Papadopolis, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort.

[FBI Floor 7] James Baker - Perkins Coie [shell 2]

James Baker [FBI attorney] working with Perkins Coie who is coordinating with Fusion GPS (there's that Shell 2 again.)

[FBI Floor 7] insurance 1-4 [FISA targets 1-4]

7th floor had set up their insurance policy with 4 targets: George Papadopolis, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort. They got FISA warrants for these four using the dossier as the majority of the justification.

[FBI Floor 7] WH_POTUS "non_target"

Not sure other than I remember the media making a big deal at some point in 2018 (?) about how Trump was not a target. Or, this could be an assertion that the 7th floor was assuring anyone who asked that Trump was not a target (when in fact he was the primary target.)

[FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_RR] wear_wire assist 'entrap to force'

7th floor came up with the hair brained idea to wear wires to try to entrap Trump supporters.

[Fail move 2]

Their plan sucked and ate shit before it could happen.

[FBI Floor 7] [DOJ] push Sessions recuse

7th floor pushed Jeff Sessions to recuse to get him out of the way of the actual operation.

[FBI Floor 7] > 'in_the_park' discuss [MUELLER] POTUS FBI[2] [regain control]

[FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_RR] appoint_[MUELLER]_SC

CIA guys in park (in UK?) discusses with two FBI guys possible ways to regain control of the Whitehouse (eliminate Trump.) They hatch the Mueller Russia-Russia-Russia probe as a way to undermine Trump's presidency, keep Trump from raining down holy hell on the perps and live happily ever after.

[DOJ_RR][#2][CLAS 1-99] scope_memo target FISA 1-4 [initiate immediate gag order][force comply v POTUS]

Rod Rosenstein's Scope memo names the four targets, they immediately seal everything and put Trump in a position where he cannot complain about it without his protestations appearing to be partisan.


Rod Rosenstein rides with Trump on Air Force 1 to Florida for a couple of hours. Very strange. I think this is when Rod Rosenstein was flipped.

[Background][SOROS-HUSSEIN-HRC][MSM+SOCIALM][HOLLYWOOD] propaganda push_coord establish 1-7 movement(s) ANTIFA silence-stop endorse_POTUS(pro).

This whole fucking nightmare is engineered by George Soros, Barack Hussein Obama (or whatever that fucker's name actually is), Hillary Clinton & Co., those who control the majority of the mainstream media, those who control social media, those who control Hollywood. It is a huge, carefully orchestrated propaganda push which may be organized into 7 sections (?). Groups like ANTIFA/Black Lives Matter/etc. are there to intimidate and shame anyone who would otherwise support Trump.

There. I've done my homework for today. Grade me, faggots. Except Daniel. Daniel can go fuck himself.

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73c25f  No.9084618


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082c23  No.9084619

"disregard insertion" - That's what she said! amiright boyz? wakawaka.

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a7ccd4  No.9084620

Dough coming post away

Baker tapping @100, need handoff, bakers step up

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61d9a2  No.9084622


Where are the mass arrests that Q promised since 2017

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0901ca  No.9084623

File: d3b1a0de157d02a⋯.png (948.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 789678976896789.png)

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216770  No.9084624



You're a bread shitting asshole.

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202a2c  No.9084625



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81c705  No.9084628

File: 956be125efb1f9d⋯.png (1.72 MB, 2219x1660, 2219:1660, 1588908403700.png)

Q (lb)


Tick Tock … traitors are running out of time


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b991c8  No.9084629


What a purple posting p##y he is

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5b449b  No.9084631

Why did we change the bread banner to the old skool IwoJima one?

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5da0fa  No.9084633

File: d89cd33b30e674f⋯.png (240.4 KB, 474x358, 237:179, twss4.png)

ok last one i promise

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61d9a2  No.9084634

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202a2c  No.9084635

Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Colossians 4:5-6 KJV

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566be0  No.9084636

File: 4d9679c6eb2192f⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

i dont know whats happening

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d79729  No.9084637

File: e8491077e57c16b⋯.png (110.26 KB, 440x360, 11:9, nek2.png)

Q just posted in Freddy' Bread!

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5b4178  No.9084638


You sound scared.

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2361f1  No.9084639

File: ea455b64ef76620⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1800x1260, 10:7, new.jpg)

File: a4798c200a5ba04⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1800x1511, 1800:1511, wisely.jpg)

We've always had a choice.

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32d4f6  No.9084640

Name Redacted, Lynch and Coats, supposedly broken links, uploaded to anonfile>




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c3ec5c  No.9084641


and yet, I did not shit the bread.

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b18b44  No.9084642

>>9084415 p

>>9084415 p

Hit Pieces

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ebbefb  No.9084643

File: 07b158bccb6d279⋯.jpg (54.3 KB, 952x494, 476:247, bartiromo.jpg)

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32d4f6  No.9084644


Couldn't upload to 8kun due to big size.

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73c25f  No.9084645


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216770  No.9084646


I couldn't care less what color anon posts in. Breadshitting is breadshitting. True moar ghey with the purple though.

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6bcf7c  No.9084647

>>9084439 (pb)


You need to look at the date posted. We've all been through those previous Ukraine transcripts back when they were first posted. Today, we are concerned here with the three (or four) missing transcripts which I highlighted in my screengrab here:

>>9084197 (pb)

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d79729  No.9084648

File: b00270f78ef6ff5⋯.jpg (32.99 KB, 490x474, 245:237, b00270f78ef6ff5e3abf6fb318….jpg)


wtf are you guys doing a live show while baking?

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082c23  No.9084650


Remember FBIAnon? North Korea owned by Disney? The white rabbit? Those were good times. We'll always have the missile over Whidbey Island… Still love you Q (no homo), but I have fuck awful case of blue balls

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bceb04  No.9084651




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9ebe52  No.9084652

>>9084616 1/2

>>9084617 2/2

Anon take on Q drop #4153

Baker, Notable

>>9081684 pb


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11602b  No.9084653


It's a video anon.

An, I dunno why either?

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6bdbb9  No.9084654

File: bdf026479812b9e⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 772x485, 772:485, BOOMER.jpg)

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18e08c  No.9084655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The rabbis

with the diamonds and all that shit coming out of lsrael, and all these guys coming

out of Eastern Europe, all these Russian guys, and guys in Kazakhstan, and he's

frozen at 666.


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0f45a8  No.9084656

File: d7f72d820a40bf6⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1440x797, 1440:797, _Jesus_Christ_is_LORD_.png)

File: d290238d0c0694a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1438x796, 719:398, _Jesus_is_Lord_and_Savior_.png)

File: 06b8b393da77a8d⋯.png (210.76 KB, 343x347, 343:347, _2_Chron_7_14.png)

File: c9d8fcb3494ecb2⋯.png (1005.61 KB, 1150x516, 575:258, _George_Washington_s_Praye….png)

File: 9edf3218e125a71⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1440x796, 360:199, _God_bless_President_Donal….png)

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c07877  No.9084657

File: 085334f498462d6⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1320x742, 660:371, ClipboardImage.png)

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ef2479  No.9084658

File: 011611eca196915⋯.png (6.86 KB, 400x298, 200:149, ClipboardImage.png)

FVEY UK-AUS reverify AUTH_WH [unusual req special instruction]

So it can be confimed that BHO knew and gave the 'go' order?

Q seems to indicate the clowns arranged the FVEY Op against Potus, and UK and AUS confirmed for themselves w/the WH that it was in fact a 'authorized' Op.', because it was 'unusual'.

This in itself is IMPORTANT because a Diplomatic paper trail exists!

Explains the In Person visits made to the respective countries.

Evidence collection, sworn testimony?

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954c05  No.9084659

File: 9773cab8e197138⋯.png (274.59 KB, 560x396, 140:99, vidcap.png)


TY baker. I'm curious why you used this instead of the normal picture if you're not on TOR.

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a05c7e  No.9084660


KYS it will help.

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370f19  No.9084661



It's usually done by bakers when they have problems posting images.

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5b4178  No.9084662


Nice try dumbass

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b0fc32  No.9084663

PDF files with "Masks/Redaction's"

May be software out that that can removed "Layers" from PDF files

Remember OB's fake birth certificate?

Once that was shown how to remove the layers I tried it myself and it worked, but I don't remember the software I used then.

I'm sure we have anon's who know this stuff inside out.

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202a2c  No.9084665


And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

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216770  No.9084666


Not even gonna waste the effort to screencap it for you.

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527c40  No.9084667


then I guess you will be taking it over then….


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e426cd  No.9084669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ThanQ Baker……

So we didn't get the full dump on the Russian Investigation declass documents:

Donald Trump Jr.

Jared Kushner

Steve Bannon

Corey Lewandowski

Interviews are absent from the dump

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949236  No.9084670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It’s impossible not to love her.

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c07877  No.9084671

File: 7aad9257bba0a95⋯.mp4 (4.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Damn_Don_.mp4)

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5cc6ac  No.9084672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some beautiful music for the diggers.

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a7ccd4  No.9084673




Bakers step up, notetakers

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73c25f  No.9084675



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61d9a2  No.9084676

Hey boomers

do you still trust Sessions?

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4dfe9e  No.9084677

File: 194b1155d4955fa⋯.png (1.57 MB, 2166x1292, 57:34, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


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36e403  No.9084678

MR. GOWDY: Alright. That's on the Bureau side. On the DOJ side, who can sign off on or approve FISA applications related to counterintelligence?

MR. CARLIN: The Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and me.And on this one, without looking at the document, I don't actually remember signing this particular FISA – I don't know if there's a way to refresh my recollection?

MR. GOWDY: And the Attorney General at the time would have been Ms.Sally Yates?

MR. CARLIN: No, the Attorney General then was – she was the deputy Attorney General at the time and the Attorney General was Loretta Lynch.

MR. GOWDY: So Ms. Lynch, Ms. Yates and you, would have been one of

the three to sign off on FISA applications related to counterintelligence during this

time period?


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625b3f  No.9084681



>>9084630 (fb)

That was me.

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082c23  No.9084682

File: 58e97bf5e55e3d6⋯.jpg (19.46 KB, 600x630, 20:21, 845901276_preview_7629531.jpg)

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90264f  No.9084683

File: 1b220d13e929aab⋯.jpeg (83.14 KB, 828x701, 828:701, 5555C151_CDC9_4681_9DD8_B….jpeg)


Tell her you need a raise, must be a bitch to work for.

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3bab7f  No.9084685


Thank you Baker, great titled for this Bake

We’re trying to Bust it with our Diggz!

>>9084620 < TY

>>9084392 (lb)

Another reason for Binney:

Reading Shawn Henry’s and Podesta’s transcript was a case of denial regarding file downloading method of DNC email.

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11f174  No.9084686

Anyone download the Tim Morrison deposition transcript? Says file not available for me.

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80e7ad  No.9084687






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202a2c  No.9084688



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527c40  No.9084689

File: f231b89c34ce8e2⋯.png (794.58 KB, 727x484, 727:484, POTUS_AF1_dd.PNG)

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bceb04  No.9084690



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9cf76c  No.9084691



OK working on witness redacted; Pages 22/23 Redacted is in London talking to Steele who asked him to come there ASAP for the info which turns out to be the Golden Showers stuff;

O So if I can ask, you said, you mentioned just a second ago, when

you read it at that point, in early July, the information had been totally unverified?

A Yeah.

O ls that something he, Christopher Steele, told you about the


A Well, my first - one of the first questions I had to him was, do you

have any corroboration of this? ls there any independent corroboration,

information that you have? ls there a videotape? ls there an audiotape? Do

you have anything else? And the answer was no.

O What did he tell you about whom or how he got that information? I

guess what l'm asking is, did he - did you ask

A So he just said it was through his source network. I never asked the

identity of his sources or his network.

From a criminal perspective and a criminal investigative kind of framework,

you know, Christopher Steele and were never

individuals who were going to be on a witness stand. These were never

individuals who were going to be identified publicly, you know.

The use of Steele's information would have been maybe a piece of

information that came from there, that would have been attached in an affidavit, a

wiretap atfidavit, for example, or some othertype of affidavit with a number of


23 I

other similar source – independent source-related pieces of information

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a7ccd4  No.9084692


I am on Tor, can use 8kun dot top, not just onion

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709e60  No.9084693

File: c5db99532209f2f⋯.jpg (294.98 KB, 990x659, 990:659, downloadfile_27.jpg)

I've been looking at the archives of 8Chan and there was massive digging going on there last year so no wonder it was permanently shutdown.

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370f19  No.9084694

File: a7b4191d3e6eb48⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 1506x7291, 1506:7291, EBAKE.jpg)

File: 039764a19027506⋯.png (31.76 KB, 651x799, 651:799, 039764a1902750622e69a50a03….png)



An Ebake, or an Emergency Bake, is needed when there is no baker on duty, which means there is no designated baker to bake the next bread and collect notables.

You can Ebake easily by following these steps with no need to collect notables until the new bread.

Step 1: Save the picture at the top of the bread, and open the pastebin dough in a new tab. Press "clone" at the top of the pastebin.

Step 2: Let anons know that you are ebaking to avoid multiple bakes and confusion.

Step 3: Open the catalog or index in another tab. Copy and paste the title from the last bread into the Subject line, and change the bread number to the 1+ the last number and change the title to Ebake. Then copy and paste from the top of the pastebin to the line above "Break 1" in the Comment line. Finally upload the picture. Press "New Thread".

*If it stays at 100% wait 10 to 20 seconds then refresh the catalog or index to find the Ebake, do not try to make another bread.

Step 4: Copy and paste the line below "Break 1" to the line above "Break 2” into the reply box and post it. If you want, post in the notables section of the dough the last bread number with a message below it saying the dough will be updated with the notables from last bread. As an example, see #11274.

Step 5: Copy and paste the line below "Break 2" to the line above "Break 3" into the reply box and post it.

Step 6: Copy and paste the line below "Break 3" to end of the pastebin into the reply box and post it.'''

Step 7: Press "New Paste" at the bottom of the pastebin, fill out the captcha, then post the link to the new pastebin.

Step 8: You’re done! Thanks for Ebaking. Anons and maybe even a baker who just got there will help get the notables from last bread added to the dough. o7



The graphic lays this out chronologically, and picture used to bake is attached so save that.


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8bfbed  No.9084695


Neck yourself before we help you.

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7b14bc  No.9084696


That baker is retarded AF. Ebonics crew imploding. Just look at the Gay ass title.

They keep trying to change EVERYTHING in here no matter how small.

For what purpose? I hate them so much. I hope they hang

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527c40  No.9084697

File: 7af20debf8c5b35⋯.png (525.48 KB, 621x482, 621:482, pepe_retard_juice.PNG)

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0f45a8  No.9084698

File: 05bcf2a5483045f⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1436x763, 1436:763, John_Mcenroe_plays_protest….png)

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73c25f  No.9084699







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e426cd  No.9084700


Freddy is stale bread

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5549a4  No.9084702

File: f8f8810e4b17296⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 454x409, 454:409, BCGBO2.jpg)

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216770  No.9084703


Bwahahaha. Nice try nignog.

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202a2c  No.9084705



And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

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a4e5d4  No.9084706


Okay, I see. So we're looking specifically at what Schiff did NOT actually make available…?

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c9228c  No.9084707


i think you're funny most of the time.

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3fbaad  No.9084708


ok bieber

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0901ca  No.9084709

File: 7798214d8afd78f⋯.jpg (4.73 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7798214d8afd78fa0a2733d378….jpg)


More than ever, actually.

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733732  No.9084710

File: 5e1ae999fbc0d35⋯.jpeg (165.28 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 5e1ae999fbc0d351bcc02e6ae….jpeg)

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98524a  No.9084712

File: df4bd12c783685d⋯.png (517.99 KB, 500x474, 250:237, ClipboardImage.png)


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eca0a4  No.9084713


>>MS13 [2] 187 geo-location?

>>MS13 [2] 187 date?

>>MS13 [2] case summary notes?

>Geolocation of MS13 dead guys and timing doesn't add up for them 187'ing Seth Rich. FBI case notes show this.

Disagree. The MS-13 were hired killers, who themselves were offed after they did the deed on Seth. Their phones contain evidence of setting up the hit as well as when/where it occurred and the subsequent murder of the MS-13.

My source: A prior crumb suggesting this.


FVEY UK-AUS reverify AUTH_WH [unusual req special instruction]

>>Not sure about this one. Above confirmed through Austrailian FVEY collection/copy feeds? No idea, really.

Spying via FVEYs was initially set up as a special instruction, i.e. out of the ordinary, requiring higher level authorization. It was so unusual that UK and AUS intel contacted the Obama WH to get Obama's personal authorization.

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73c25f  No.9084714




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709e60  No.9084715

File: 56326873628d758⋯.jpg (104.61 KB, 950x633, 950:633, downloadfile_22.jpg)

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c07877  No.9084717

File: d4cbd92ca46fb37⋯.png (1.16 MB, 736x981, 736:981, ClipboardImage.png)

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61d9a2  No.9084718


Boomers cant meme, just like the left

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11f174  No.9084719


>Okay, I see. So we're looking specifically at what Schiff did NOT actually make available…?

closed-door testimony given by Tim Morrison, the National Security Council's outgoing senior director of European and Russian affairs and White House deputy assistant; Jennifer Williams, Vice President Mike Pence's special adviser on Europe and Russia; David Hale, undersecretary of state for political affairs; and Philip Reeker, a top State Department diplomat in charge of U.S. policy for Europe

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7b14bc  No.9084720


At least you used the right pic.

Fuck. Freddy is a better baker than the ebonics crew

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527c40  No.9084721


now is your chance douchebag. You won't though


>Baker tapping @100, need handoff, bakers step up

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425fa4  No.9084722

File: f00307fbad61c32⋯.png (60.29 KB, 618x382, 309:191, ClipboardImage.png)

This is a great vid. with the Tom Petty song, I Won't Back Down

but I couldn't get the URL to embed.



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89090d  No.9084723




linky to prev bakers dough

baker looking for handoff

looking for takers, you know, all those who've been talking shit and criticizing the volunteer gig?

get in here

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625b3f  No.9084724

File: e57bda013a02ae3⋯.jpg (38.93 KB, 468x397, 468:397, Colonel_Sanders13.jpg)

File: 66cf829f7f48f6c⋯.jpg (66.54 KB, 468x397, 468:397, Colonel_Sanders25.jpg)

File: d0b3d9463b571f6⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 468x397, 468:397, Colonel_Sanders55.jpg)

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e8f494  No.9084725

File: 16208d7307eba73⋯.png (106.33 KB, 640x397, 640:397, q_s_080520.png)

File: 6e27cc3720b4130⋯.png (516.02 KB, 640x859, 640:859, susan_rice_transcripts.png)

We can help guide once you hit a target.

It must be open-source.

Happy hunting!



If U've even begun to read thru these, the heavy application of redaction is evident!

This is no more a DECLAS then we have seen previously!

While tags are irrelevant here on the chans, there are other places where #ReleaseTheUnredactedTranscripts should ensue!

Image from Susan Rice's "Unmasking" testimony…

Having trouble downloading this Schiff nonsense?

Here's a link other than Q's, to the same set of pdf downloads.


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a7ccd4  No.9084726


glad adding Tor vid address to dough wasn't considered a capital offense



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90264f  No.9084727

File: 5f22c6af9b752c1⋯.jpeg (190.66 KB, 828x1508, 207:377, 768DCF62_C10D_4AEC_A6F4_F….jpeg)

What are we doing saving humanity or can I have some semblance of a Friday night?

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73c25f  No.9084728



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218b09  No.9084730


PDFelement I think

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6d8bb5  No.9084731


AMB Taylor's file is 404.

Deposition of Ambassador William B. Taylor on October 22, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/6/2019


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202a2c  No.9084732




And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

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e426cd  No.9084733

File: 200dc0651db654b⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, EasyBake.jpg)


Best way to bake is the easy bake way

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7261e2  No.9084734

File: 60f392c40eefe70⋯.png (7.56 KB, 293x163, 293:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 078d71864a0a221⋯.png (21.09 KB, 654x160, 327:80, ClipboardImage.png)

dir command given?

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5da0fa  No.9084736



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772c8b  No.9084737


I'm 404 on Morrison now as well

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89090d  No.9084738

File: 7c5f2e24507a12b⋯.png (272.13 KB, 400x599, 400:599, easy_bake.png)


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a7ccd4  No.9084739

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954c05  No.9084740


Whoever put that infographic together did a great job

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bceb04  No.9084741




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6d8bb5  No.9084743

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81eb2f  No.9084744


Someday we will have a patch that says, Surived the qool baker's club.

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30b7c5  No.9084745

File: ea16db656761232⋯.png (324.35 KB, 1831x1831, 1:1, SimonaM_p50.png)

>>9084551 (LB)

good job here p.50 slipping this in – Now I am glad I chose to do Simona


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64f1f4  No.9084746


That is not notable. I am a boomer and many of my memes are out there. A couple used for peoples banners on twitter which is interesting.

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98524a  No.9084748


beep boop blip blop

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216770  No.9084749


10/10 would tongue-punch her fart box purple.

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11f174  No.9084751


>I'm 404 on Morrison now as well

Tried again and it worked, downloaded.

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c9228c  No.9084752

File: 899544a2e6e7ef6⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 292x200, 73:50, gifwtf707b79651c535e70e3e2….gif)

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bceb04  No.9084753





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36d2e7  No.9084754

File: 354fc84c3170eef⋯.png (169.92 KB, 593x274, 593:274, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a53adfef2e1002⋯.png (509.05 KB, 593x663, 593:663, ClipboardImage.png)


Tom Tiffany (@TomTiffanyWI) is a Great Advocate for the incredible people of Wisconsin (WI07). We need Tom in Congress to help us Make America Great Again! He will Fight for Small Business, supports our Incredible Farmers, Loves our Military and our Vets….

….He is Strong on Crime, the Border, and Second Amendment. Tom has deep roots in Wisconsin, is a big Tax Cutter, and will help me DRAIN THE SWAMP! Tom has my Complete and Total Endorsement. Vote for Tom Tiffany!



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ac4bb2  No.9084755

File: 1c38e97684c01aa⋯.png (355.34 KB, 469x368, 469:368, pepeloveshumanity.png)


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370f19  No.9084756


Thanks anon.


Ahhh gotcha. Thanks baker. I can't bake right now but will do what I can to help.



see: >>9084726

The baker is on TOR (despite the normal ID) and you can't post images on TOR. I figured that was the case.

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bceb04  No.9084757






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202a2c  No.9084759


Sounds like a kinder garden game played with your Trans Story Hour ….


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ef2479  No.9084760

File: 8ce3812b99fce88⋯.png (2.83 KB, 384x231, 128:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3b986f03034b0b⋯.png (5.86 KB, 385x343, 55:49, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone know what Q means here?

any link to other drops, i added some ideas for autists?


Insertion removed.


[out of order_insert important]


Did you think 'spirit cooking' was just pretend?



If we work with c_a and remove insert we get ca.

BIG is dropped alot (30+) and if we think of the I being 'inserted into c_a to spell cia, we are left with B_G.

Also if we add insert into watch CA, we get C_A.

The watch CA posts (5 or so) make alot of sense in referring to the clowns, Q could be coding this with the 'inserts' drops.

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bf9e2b  No.9084761

ooh Carter Page huh

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3fbaad  No.9084762


ok bieber

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949236  No.9084763


Because he’s a divisive fucktard, that’s all I’m going to say about that.

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f26d0a  No.9084764

File: 0387f2cb9fa41a4⋯.jpg (122.75 KB, 960x691, 960:691, MSM_Procedures.jpg)

Feelsbad for all the newfags in freddys bread.

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a7ccd4  No.9084765


have a guud one

back late night

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544005  No.9084766

File: c26fc024ef913b2⋯.jpg (138.81 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, HRCboot.jpg)


Who was AG when this picture was taken? When NoName took his nap?

Yeah, Jeffro's alright.

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36d2e7  No.9084767

File: 78fee45c0603058⋯.png (199.06 KB, 595x681, 595:681, ClipboardImage.png)



Vote @MikeGarcia2020 by May 12th! His opponent @ChristyforCA25 voted to fire teachers, and cut their salaries while bumping up her pay. Now she’s mocking our Great Vets! We need Navy Fighter Pilot Mike Garcia in #CA25!


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475789  No.9084768


Adobe Illustrator works great….if it is a separate vector (not flattened)

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729656  No.9084769

File: fbd327c17c8d847⋯.png (266.01 KB, 533x815, 533:815, djt_tom.png)

New DJT Tweets

Tom Tiffany (@TomTiffanyWI

) is a Great Advocate for the incredible people of Wisconsin (WI07). We need Tom in Congress to help us Make America Great Again! He will Fight for Small Business, supports our Incredible Farmers, Loves our Military and our Vets…

….He is Strong on Crime, the Border, and Second Amendment. Tom has deep roots in Wisconsin, is a big Tax Cutter, and will help me DRAIN THE SWAMP! Tom has my Complete and Total Endorsement. Vote for Tom Tiffany!


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5da0fa  No.9084770


aiight, howr you

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0901ca  No.9084771

File: 159909d57896014⋯.gif (18.38 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1580340544142.gif)


Your tactics change. But the stupid stays the same.

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bceb04  No.9084772














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89090d  No.9084773


im lurking

waiting for lotsas

im in the background

dough safe

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933fd6  No.9084774


I can bake, but I'm in the middle of a huge upload. It will slow me down horribly. I can take it if no one else is around.

Any notetakers around?

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ef80ce  No.9084775


Regarding Sessions PDF its isn't removed for me anybody else having problem

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e0591b  No.9084777

File: 479de52bddb9fb3⋯.png (32.75 KB, 636x416, 159:104, mifsudcf.png)

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709e60  No.9084779

File: 7404d0060b7e408⋯.png (107.28 KB, 320x232, 40:29, 7404d0060b7e4087b5e1ce6987….png)



Colostomy bag?

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202a2c  No.9084780


Compare Shiff Transcripts with new Transcript dropped by DOJ ///

Notice the differences

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7b14bc  No.9084781


Elmos joined Ebonic Baker Crew. It's a sad time.

We are truly taken over by retarded assholes.

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61d9a2  No.9084783



even Bieber had the guts to expose pedophilia in the music industry LOL, while you are being a parasite that keeps ruining america

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b33eb8  No.9084784

File: 39af27c5c768995⋯.png (198.94 KB, 1932x906, 322:151, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

Interview Transcript of Benjamin Rhodes (October 25, 2017)

some fuckry habbening

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8f25d4  No.9084785


it'll learn em

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bf9e2b  No.9084786

Susan Rice in the mix

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89090d  No.9084787


im here

dough safe

is this nb senpai?

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0901ca  No.9084788

File: 333058eeabaa97d⋯.png (104.6 KB, 456x356, 114:89, 333058eeabaa97dba7ab2eb4c8….png)


Bieber looks like a methhead now.

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202a2c  No.9084789




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bceb04  No.9084790













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3c8e17  No.9084791


well that's certainly unusual

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190277  No.9084792

My gut instinct would be to compare line by line the transcripts dropped by the House (Schiff) vs the versions dropped by the ODNI (Grennell) for discrepancies.

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f196fc  No.9084793

File: b9c50921300e2a1⋯.mp4 (12.34 MB, 640x338, 320:169, 6IX9INE_GOOBA.mp4)

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26cf0a  No.9084795


Likewise with Cohen

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949236  No.9084797

File: cd4edbcfffee0ec⋯.jpeg (58.59 KB, 750x500, 3:2, E39DD6C3_8DFB_494E_A50E_1….jpeg)

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3fbaad  No.9084798


sure bieber

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054798  No.9084799


Coats PDF? I have a 16MB version from 4:59pm EST

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c9228c  No.9084800

File: 0ab7d1f22e38b55⋯.png (527.67 KB, 640x427, 640:427, pepefish5825b279fcde508f2f….png)


i think its hilarious.

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0901ca  No.9084801

File: f6f7d9164a354a4⋯.png (331.51 KB, 432x454, 216:227, 1587810206201.png)


You lose.

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527c40  No.9084802

File: d0b7fa4105bf433⋯.png (128.8 KB, 1087x583, 1087:583, French_AF_Gov_t_FYDAO_Falc….PNG)

French Gov't/AF FYDAO Falcon burning fuel in the Caribbean in between Barbados and St Vincent and the Grenadines-origin Fort De France, Martinique

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89090d  No.9084803



grabbing the dough

will post another request next bread

for lotsas

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eca0a4  No.9084804


shell 2

Speculate this refers to a way to disguising the source and destination of info/money/instructions etc. by routing it through more than one intermediary. Analogous to how a shell company might be used to hide ownership and surreptitiously route funds.

Q refers to Shell 2 but we don't know if there was also a Shell 1 and if so what it was.

If there was a Shell 2 I presume there was also a Shell 1.

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9ebe52  No.9084805

File: 82ff60345f3d1f5⋯.png (674.81 KB, 443x600, 443:600, ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Reminder:

>>9083502 (pb)Donald Trump:Barack Obama and Joe Biden Will Be Implicated in Russia Hoax-breitbart

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954c05  No.9084806



Mifsud was a member of the Clinton Foundation. The dots are starting to connect. Nice find, anon.

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709e60  No.9084807

File: 7bcac0d6899da38⋯.jpg (73.89 KB, 712x414, 356:207, lmao_k.jpg)



Susan Rice's son is white like his Jewish daddy but he unfortunately has coiled negro hair, man! You talk about getting delt a bad hand.

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c2fa3b  No.9084808

Erik prince testimony 11/30/2017

Part 1

Present Conaway, King, LoBiondo, Rooney, Ros-Lehtinen, Turner, Wenstrup, Stewart, Crawford, Gowdy, Stefanik, Quigley, Swalwell, Castro, Heck, Hurd, Schiff, Himes, Speier.

Also, Rep Calvert.

Schiff keeps trying to get Prince to say he played a role in the Trump campaign. He didn’t. He knows Bannon and occasionally sent unsolicited papers on ME policy ideas.

Focus of interview on 1/11/2017 meeting Prince had in Seychelles.

“Reportedly” he went as an unofficial rep of Trump, to which Prince said he did not.

Met with UAE’s Prince Mohammed Bin Zayal at the Prince’s behest, who then suggested EP meet with Kirill Dmitriev, a hedge fund manager from Russia.

They met for 20min max at the behest of the Emeratis he just met with.

Prince’s entire reason for being called was due to a WaPo article that he represented POTUS team when meeting this Russian.

Prince then BTFO’s the committee with this…

“What really bothers me and what I would hope the Intel Com. Is doing is questioning why Americans that were caught up in waves of signals intel, why on Earth would the WaPo be running an article on any meeting that a private citizen, me, was having in a foreign country? That’s illegal. That is a political abuse of the intel infrastructure. And that is really dangerous, esp as this committee and the Congress thinks about reauthorizing very wide ranging intel authorities to dig into Americans’ electronic comms of any sort. That’s what I have an issue with.”

Then, Rep Rooney asks if Prince has any input about leaks of Classified intel that took place related to the Intel Community assessment of these matters, to which Prince BTFO’s them again…

“The only way the WaPo ran an article months after the meeting was because it was provided by someone in the govt to them. Okay? And there’s no valid reason for that. That is a leak of Intel info, signals info, of private citizens, Americans, moving around abroad. So there is no question, a leak of your intel to an outside party.

When asked if Prince knows who provided that leak…

“I’ve seen reports it was members of the Obama NSC.”

Schiff then takes over questioning and backs his own ass into a corner trying to get Prince to admit he spoke to Nunes to prepare for his hearing.

Kash Patel contacted Prince to meet with Nunes, but not to prepare for this hearing.

“I talked to Chairman Nunes… as part of the investigation into the UNMASKING of intel on Americans.”


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7d07b2  No.9084809

File: 1ed67accd26dcfd⋯.jpg (136.54 KB, 938x599, 938:599, frens_blank.jpg)

So grateful to anons doing the heavy lifting on these documents. Have had a share in the past, but this timing is a bit off.

It's wonderful to have frens who care.

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5cc6ac  No.9084812


it's info wars

and yes they do

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e426cd  No.9084813

>>9083833 PB

Got it Q. I remember you said a long time ago these have to be organic diggs if they are to legally admissible in any case or for public exposure. You can guide us here and there but it up to us.

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32d4f6  No.9084815





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c2fa3b  No.9084816


Part 2

Schiff- “So do you have records, from your stay in Seychelles to help us identify where you were staying?”

Prince- I don’t know. I think your friends at the WaPo reported it as the Four Seasons but I don’t even remember if that was correct.”


Schiff- “Is it your view that the presence of a Russian state banker was a mere coincidence? Or was this why the UAE invited you to the Seychelles?”


Schifty keeps pressing this as Prince being a Trump rep meeting a Russian which Prince debunks completely.

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54caba  No.9084817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LUCIFERASE Enzyme Is What Makes Bill Gates Implantable Quantum Dot MicroNeedle Vaccine Delivery System Work

Bill Gates is building something that we call the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System, and it needs an Enzyme called Luciferase in order to make it work.

From MIT News website: Storing Medical Information Below The Skin's Surface

Quantum Dots: "Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation".

Sauce: http://news.mit.edu/2019/storing-vaccine-history-skin-1218

At its center we have the COVID-19 vaccination that he wants to give every human on earth, there will be quantum dot microneedles, a digital identification mark from ID2020, and a human implantable device for buying and selling cryptocurrency with a patent number of #060606.

The digital ID will come in the form of something called an Immunity Passport.

All of these things, and all being funded by one man, Bill Gates, represents in total at the very least a stunning forerunner to the Mark of the Beast world system.

That’s at the very least estimation, taken to its logical end, it very well could be the actual Mark of the Beast system.

Near infrared bioluminescence enzyme luciferase which is the chemical that will make the quantum dot vaccination readable through a special mobile device app.

Scientific Abstract: Luciferase gene-loaded CS-Q dots as self-illuminating probes for specific  hepatoma imaging.

Sauce: https://pubs.rsc.org/–/content/articlelanding/2015/ra/c5ra01508a#!divAbstract

That’s right, the enzyme that will light up Bill Gates Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System is called Luciferase, that’s what makes the vaccination readable long after the victim has been injected, and what allows a mere vaccination to function as a mark.


Sauce: https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/bill-gates-human-implantable-quantum-dot-microneedle-vaccine-delivery-system-needs-luciferase-666/

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5fed41  No.9084818


Hey Finkelshill.

You can quit on the age based division shilling and get back to Muhjoos.

You glow the same color with each persona.

Tell Soros you need stronger Fu.

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f26d0a  No.9084819

File: ed7637751753a1e⋯.png (18.05 KB, 537x240, 179:80, ClipboardImage.png)


Just not sure if it will help some of them…

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933fd6  No.9084820



All yours baker.

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019415  No.9084821

File: 950908e5978ba8f⋯.png (50.77 KB, 953x393, 953:393, Transcripts_5_7_20.PNG)

File: cf24789eac59f05⋯.png (44.81 KB, 932x532, 233:133, Transcripts_5_8_20.PNG)


>Okay, I see. So we're looking specifically at what Schiff did NOT actually make available…?

I found Deposition of Ambassador Philip Reeker on October 26, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/27/2019

on the list from today but not yesterdays

All other names matched up from the links Q provided [that's what I used]

Anons want to double check?

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4e234e  No.9084822

File: 91da65392b472c3⋯.jpg (60.97 KB, 939x425, 939:425, Some_Lie.jpg)

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89090d  No.9084824






this ID is baking this bread

gonna shout out next bread, for new bakers, to get in here

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370f19  No.9084825

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772c8b  No.9084826


Kek was just about to post it for you, the 404 might be server load or they removed pages.

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bceb04  No.9084827














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08b86c  No.9084828


damn digits satan begone

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5da0fa  No.9084829


dude, luciferase has been used as a fluorescent tag for like 100 years

come on

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bf9e2b  No.9084830

File: b82f00b3717c428⋯.png (407.1 KB, 1128x496, 141:62, unm.png)


susan rice unmaskings

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054798  No.9084831


Ghidra tells me there are 32 embedded Jpegs. What are we looking for?

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80e7ad  No.9084832




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527c40  No.9084834

File: 5615feaaccb54cd⋯.png (709.99 KB, 679x391, 679:391, lotsa_s.PNG)


got the bitchers in complaining

Two of 'em jerking each other off yet never step up.

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0f586c  No.9084835


If peein in your pants is cool just call

her Miles Davis

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bceb04  No.9084836



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73c25f  No.9084839



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4e0fa8  No.9084840



openCanvas trial works

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bceb04  No.9084842



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61d9a2  No.9084843


Boomers are so easy to fool

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216770  No.9084844

File: e308ef322589bb8⋯.png (17.04 KB, 254x213, 254:213, 1f159ad23c62add24851bfd438….png)

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7d07b2  No.9084845

File: fdf0d1d8ed3aab1⋯.png (411.55 KB, 464x561, 464:561, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


Who's your daddy.

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202a2c  No.9084846



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89090d  No.9084847

updated last Q post

and perhaps by end of bread we have decided its the Coats PDF or what it is by consensus

and ill update again

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 05.08.2020

>>9084119 ————————————–——– Disregard. Insertion removed. (Something Removed? Anons Are Digging)

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4dfe9e  No.9084849

Interview Transcript of Witness Name Redacted (December 20, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020


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d2cd3f  No.9084850


They should perhaps rename it to lightning bug-assase.

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bf9e2b  No.9084851

i feel like we want someone who is slightly comped, who may say the truth

since someone who is totally comped would just lie

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3fbaad  No.9084852


yes bieber

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2f36cd  No.9084853

File: 274c07d544b132f⋯.png (440.94 KB, 1243x828, 1243:828, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9084256 (lb)

I remember when this was a conspiracy theory. Going to enjoy sending this to (probably ex) lib friends.

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5549a4  No.9084856

File: aeaeeb722d246c2⋯.jpg (246.42 KB, 1105x800, 221:160, 4_6.jpg)

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e616bd  No.9084857

File: 1227a857853b845⋯.png (605.99 KB, 1073x871, 1073:871, 950ee48c3f3f8685826e1802f9….png)

File: c959c437c02c478⋯.jpg (188.81 KB, 1225x1208, 1225:1208, Seth_s_MS13_.jpg)



You might like these.

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709e60  No.9084858

File: cf8c8d4c8d65d18⋯.jpg (131.12 KB, 832x1200, 52:75, 6ad742bdb4d34acc939babb23c….jpg)


I only bake in the Bunker.

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c457ed  No.9084859



Just want to alert anon's to another situation in these PDF's..with respect to names, Copy/Pasta into a word document will produce miss-spells..(i.e. MR. CASTO, Steve Caston), both of these are wrong and in the same document s/b Steve Castor

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73c25f  No.9084861




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7261e2  No.9084862

>>9084734 (me) LQQK! Q wouyld not tell anons to disregard looking at closed door secret deposition transcripts of impeachment withnesses. He will help guide up but we have to find it ourselves.

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3c8e17  No.9084863

File: b9347cb70713944⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 768x758, 384:379, shapeshifing_beiber.jpg)

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370f19  No.9084864


I'd give that a good sniff.

t. Joe Biden

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291e5f  No.9084865


the 18th witness is michael atkinson

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b33eb8  No.9084866


Interview Transcript of Michael Cohen (October 24, 2017)


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bceb04  No.9084867




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370f19  No.9084868



For the 17th time, it's Gaeta.

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a19091  No.9084869



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c07877  No.9084870

File: 63d8cefd50aec05⋯.png (1.06 MB, 941x941, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf58d7  No.9084872


Can you direct me to the post that mentions mass arrests?

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0f586c  No.9084873

File: 39a4d44dad7504c⋯.png (337 KB, 481x577, 481:577, Screenshot_2020_05_08_at_4….png)

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e426cd  No.9084874


If I remember correctly, there have been previous misspellings in previous document dumps.

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bceb04  No.9084875


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73c25f  No.9084876



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11f174  No.9084877

File: 5348111ab700e97⋯.png (179.95 KB, 813x897, 271:299, 517d0aa2_d02d_be30_b9e2_70….png)

File: 784817881086473⋯.png (136.03 KB, 813x897, 271:299, 933601e3_aeca_9535_d0d0_de….png)

Found P. Pics related. From Tim Morrison transcript.

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54caba  No.9084878


but never as a tag for Covid19 Poison Vaccine injected into your body.

come on.

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bceb04  No.9084879



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5549a4  No.9084881


misspellings matter?

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bceb04  No.9084882




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ef80ce  No.9084883


Yes it is

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eca0a4  No.9084884


[FBI Floor 7] WH_POTUS "non_target"

>Not sure other than I remember the media making a big deal at some point in 2018 (?) about how Trump was not a target. Or, this could be an assertion that the 7th floor was assuring anyone who asked that Trump was not a target (when in fact he was the primary target.)

When Comey came to Trump Tower to give candidate Trump a defensive briefing, he assured Trump that Trump was not a target. He repeated it to President Trump later. (It was untrue; Trump was the indirect target of the FISA warrants on GP, CP, MF, PM.)

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d0ef7b  No.9084885

File: 300c08509e3a170⋯.png (45.62 KB, 992x503, 992:503, 2020_05_08_1723.png)

>>9083792 (PB)

Please follow along, (You) MAY have the files Q wants us to dig

Q posted the link originally at 16:54:56 EST.

Q posted "Happy Hunting" at 16:57:44 EST

Anon posts "WHERE is ATKINSON'S TRANSCRIPT?" at 17:02:32 EST (Is this a 404, or other comment?)

Anon posts "Fiona hill ….file not found." at 17:0431 EST (Is this a 404, or other comment?)

Anon posts "Getting "Not Found" on all the pdfs I'm clicking on. Anyone else?" at 17:04:31 EST (First obvious report of 404)

Anon posts "Why are these to PDFs removed? Deposition of Dr. Fiona Hill on October 14, 2019; Deposition of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander S. Vindman, on October 29, 2019 " at 17:06:09

Anon posts "I spoke too soon. Looks like Atkinson's file is missing, Anons. Notable?" at 17:07:05 EST

This Anon (you) takes a screenshot (pic related) of the 404 error page with timestamp of 5/8/2020 5:07:32 PM (or 17:07:32 EST)

Q posts "Disregard. Insertion Removed" at 17:11:43 EST

SO, me thinks whoever runs that server swapped out all of the (Q'd files with "insertion") and replaced with scrubbed originals (no "Insertions").

IF THAT'S TRUE, and you were able to download PDFs from that site BEFORE 17:02ish EST (or maybe 17:04ish EST) - THEN YOU MAY HAVE THE PDF's WITH THE INSERTIONS.

Please confirm in your download folder the date/time the file was "created" or "downloaded" this evening.

You may also find these accurate times in your DOWNLOAD HISTORY in your browser. Might actually be more accurate than the file dates, as sometimes that metadata carried forward with the documments.

IF you have times PRIOR TO 17:02 EST, please POST THOSE DOCS HERE.

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216770  No.9084886

File: 0ad8883323b8528⋯.jpg (190.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 0ad8883323b8528a14e7b51a9f….jpg)

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0901ca  No.9084887


They exist.

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73c25f  No.9084888


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36e403  No.9084889

File: 5c2a6bdfb0251ed⋯.png (623.4 KB, 2023x4162, 2023:4162, ClipboardImage.png)

A picture is being painted of Corney not doing things by the book from the beginning…

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5da0fa  No.9084890

File: 103737048712d0c⋯.gif (4.25 MB, 410x352, 205:176, FauciLOL.gif)


well, cant fix ignorant and paranoid

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81eb2f  No.9084891


if you are trying to build a fan club QR is not for you.

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5b1289  No.9084893


Under Secretary, huh?

Who's the Under Secretary?

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61d9a2  No.9084894



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bceb04  No.9084895




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e0591b  No.9084897

>>9084777 me



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c457ed  No.9084898



Indeed, this would be used to hide any incriminating statements, etc.

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73c25f  No.9084899



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709e60  No.9084902

File: b5e61e5b0e31cdc⋯.jpg (13.36 KB, 480x360, 4:3, downloadfile_92.jpg)

Who took it in the hind end first.

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a41cd7  No.9084903


Found this interdasting.


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2a1062  No.9084904


you gotta kek sometimes

watch it habben!


I am just a lowly NEWSFAGGIT

I will never be on the messiah level with you


You do not want me in there promise as I refuse to gate keep

I never got that outside comm memo

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11f174  No.9084905

File: 8905f2a2cf6c0da⋯.png (233.48 KB, 813x897, 271:299, ClipboardImage.png)


David Hale. Under Secretary for Political Affairs. Pic related.

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54caba  No.9084906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c2fa3b  No.9084907

File: 0189f3010e07f47⋯.png (867.65 KB, 1388x900, 347:225, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


Seriously anons, this is hilarious.

Part 3

Schiff- “So you were headed to the bar to meet Mr Dmitriev. How did you identify him.”

Prince- “I remember Googling his name and found the guy that looked like the picture.”

Schiff- “What did the Prince tell you about him?”

Prince- “That he runs a hedge fund in Russia.”

Schiff- “And what did you learn when you Googled him?”

Prince- “That he ran a hedge fund in Russia.”

Schiff- “Is it state backed?”

Prince- “I don’t know. I just looked at the picture. I was roaming, so data roaming is expensive when you’re overseas.”



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89090d  No.9084908

File: 69f738e9253331b⋯.jpg (7.74 KB, 165x255, 11:17, scrotus.jpg)


oh they hang all right

what hurts you worse is that nobody else is willing to bakeyo

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cf58d7  No.9084909


Turns out red text shills are incapable of getting laid on a Friday. Might be nice to find out how you and your friends are "essential workers"

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d2cd3f  No.9084910

File: c336a11e5162ca1⋯.jpeg (63.12 KB, 720x1072, 45:67, 1A23F865_564E_46CF_94C3_8….jpeg)


Anubis approves.

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61d9a2  No.9084911

ok boomer >>9084909

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3c8e17  No.9084914


>I remember when this was a conspiracy theory

I remember when a conspiracy was a conspiracy theory. "Hahah, you conspiracy nut, there's no conspiracy among the rich to control you!"

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d0ef7b  No.9084915


There is something(s) BIG buried in the PRE-17:02EST versions of those PDFs

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a41cd7  No.9084916


Witness Name Redacted = FBI Special Agent = Gaeta

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308fdd  No.9084917

File: 17cf9c0a590dba6⋯.png (157.93 KB, 432x432, 1:1, betterthanbacon.png)

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bceb04  No.9084919





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054798  No.9084920

What is this?

NOT_DEFINED 0002e94e ?? 0Dh "\r\nendstream\rendobj\r10 0 obj\r<</BaseFont/Helvetica/Encoding/WinAnsiEncoding/Subtype/Type1/Type/Font>>\rendobj\r166 0 obj\r<</Length 27>>stream\r\n% CANON_PFINF_TYPE0_TEXTON\n\r\nendstream\rendobj\r167 0 obj\r<</Length 46>>stream\r\nq\n612.00 0 0 792.00 0.00 0.00 cm\n/Obj164 Do\nQ\n\r\nendstream\rendobj\r165 0 obj\r<</Length 1895>>stream\r\nBT\n3 Tr\n0.00 Tc\n/F3 8.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 541.68 722.16 Tm\n<3332> Tj\n0.00 Tc\n/F3 9.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 240.48 712.80 Tm\n<554E434C41535320> Tj\n/F3 11.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 288.00 712.80 Tm\n<4920> Tj\n1 0 0 1 294.48 712.80 Tm\n<464945442F434F4D4D495454454520> Tj\n1 0 0 1 394.08 713.04 Tm\n<53454E534954495645> Tj\n0.00 Tc\n1 0 0 1 178.56 670.32 Tm\n<4449524543544F5220> Tj\n/F3 12.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 239.76 670.32 Tm\n<434F4154533A20> Tj\n/F3 14.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 290.88 670.56 Tm\n<4E6F2E20> Tj\n/F3 10.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 318.00 670.56 Tm\n<4E6F2C20> Tj\n/F3 11.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 337.92 670.32 Tm\n<73746179656420> Tj\n/F3 10.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 373.68 670.32 Tm\n<6F757420> Tj\n1 0 0 1 392.16 670.56 Tm\n<6F6620> Tj\n/F3 11.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 404.40 670.32 Tm\n<7468617420> Tj\n/F3 10.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 426.24 670.32 Tm\n<6F6E652E> Tj\n/F3 11.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 178.32 646.32 Tm\n<4D522E20> Tj\n/F3 12.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 201.84 646.56 Tm\n<5343484946463A20> Tj\n/F3 10.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 254.64 646.32 Tm\n<4F6B61792E> Tj\n1 0 0 1 178.56 622.80 Tm\n<4469726563746F722C20> Tj\n1 0 0 1 222.96 622.80 Tm\n<7468616E6B20> Tj\n1 0 0 1 252.96 623.52 Tm\n<796F752E> Tj\n/F3 11.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 178.56 599.52 Tm\n<4449524543544F5220> Tj\n/F3 12.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 239.76 599.52 Tm\n<434F4154533A20> Tj\n/F3 13.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 290.64 599.52 Tm\n<4F6B61792E20> Tj\n/F3 11.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 328.80 599.76 Tm\n<5468616E6B20> Tj\n/F3 10.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 363.12 600.48 Tm\n<796F752E> Tj\n/F3 11.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 178.32 573.36 Tm\n<5B576865726575706F6E2C20> Tj\n1 0 0 1 245.04 575.76 Tm\n<617420> Tj\n/F3 9.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 257.76 578.88 Tm\n<2731313A27313920> Tj\n/F3 10.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 288.00 575.76 Tm\n<612E6D2E2C20> Tj\n/F3 11.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 315.60 575.76 Tm\n<74686520> Tj\n/F3 10.5 Tf\n1 0 0 1 334.80 576.00 Tm\n<696E7465727669657720> Tj\n/F3 11.0 Tf\n1 0 0 1 380.88 576.00 Tm\n<77617320> Tj\n1 0 0 1 403.92 576.00 Tm\n<636F6E636C756465642E5D> Tj\n0.00 Tc\n1 0 0 1 245.28 67.68 Tm\n<554E434C41535349464945442F434F4D4D495454454520> Tj\n1 0 0 1 398.88 68.16 Tm\n<53454E534954495645> Tj\nET\n\r\nendstream\rendobj\r159 0 obj\r<</BitsPerComponent 8/ColorSpace/DeviceGray/Filter/DCTDecode/Height 3300/Length 480204/Name/Obj159/Subtype/Image/Type/XObject/Width 2550>>stream\r\n" string 2387 true

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9ebe52  No.9084921


>Found P.

Who is P?…Under Secretary of Who/What??

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ddce90  No.9084922


Potentially notable

Who downloaded the files immediately. We need them uploaded somewhere so we can hunt for an insertion that was removed

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73c25f  No.9084924



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772c8b  No.9084925


And millenials n zoomers think there are 100 genders. What a time to be gen x.

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11f174  No.9084926

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09fcf8  No.9084927

File: 6705f3918d9bf5a⋯.jpeg (79.67 KB, 609x1024, 609:1024, 890946B2_62A7_4DED_BDCC_9….jpeg)


Assuming it’s a hint and not actually a call to disregard, has anyone else gotten good at Ghidra yet? I know that embedded files in JPGs used to be a thing on /b/ back in the day.

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216770  No.9084928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b206eb  No.9084929

File: 1ab0e89bd843249⋯.png (532.21 KB, 749x419, 749:419, 1ab0e89bd843249e4213c246c7….png)


Q walks among us!

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e426cd  No.9084930


3704 Remember, Misspellings Matter

3706 No Errors - Corney Misspelling Was Intentional in OIG Report

3802 Misspellings in Q Posts and POTUS Tweets Are Intentional and Important Markers

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54caba  No.9084931


well, can't fix stupid.

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709e60  No.9084932

File: b73cce4a83defaf⋯.jpg (70.47 KB, 757x499, 757:499, Ch_teau_Laffite.jpg)

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61d9a2  No.9084933


Thanks to boomers who started the LGBT and hippie bullshit

i hope Corona kills you all soon

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eca0a4  No.9084934


[FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_RR] wear_wire assist 'entrap to force'

>7th floor came up with the hair brained idea to wear wires to try to entrap Trump supporters.

7th Floor = FBI Top Management.

Remember when RR was caught saying maybe he could wear a wire to catch POTUS Trump saying "crazy" stuff to provide justification for removing Trump via 25th amendment? Then RR said he was only joking. But in transcripts we read someone describing RR statement that he thought maybe he could get away with wearing a wire into the WH because he was not searched when entering. It was NOT a joke, it was an actual harebrained plan hatched by 7th FL + RR.

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a41cd7  No.9084935

Slow Oldfag here.

The Jared Kushner Q link no workey.

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370f19  No.9084936


I would not remove my insertion into the semen demon, if you know what I mean.

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109634  No.9084938

Loretta Lynch also let the HBSC bank off the hook for Mexican cartel money laundering. Case was solid, she let them walk.

Documentary Dirty Money on Netflix, interviewed agents, Lynch.

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bceb04  No.9084939




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5b1289  No.9084940


I had just started digging, thanks.

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c07877  No.9084941

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 609x676, 609:676, hmm.jpg)


>IF THAT'S TRUE, and you were able to download PDFs from that site BEFORE 17:02ish EST (or maybe 17:04ish EST) - THEN YOU MAY HAVE THE PDF's WITH THE INSERTIONS.

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7b14bc  No.9084942

File: 2a3b3d343c11caf⋯.png (426.16 KB, 732x861, 244:287, 2a3b3d343c11caf3df2fe1de00….png)

Flynn had left his phone there. And he somehow inadvertently picked up Flynn's phone, had the same code, passcode, and then like accidentally sent an email from his - thats how I remember it.

Interview Transcript of Sally Yates (November 3, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020


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3c8e17  No.9084943


Why "A giant reptile"?

Seems a person turning into a reptile, the "giant" part is unnecessary as any human-sized reptile would be a giant reptile.

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5da0fa  No.9084944

File: b1727b9e8f8abce⋯.gif (926.05 KB, 174x188, 87:94, yasss.gif)


give me your hatred

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cfc871  No.9084945


looks like a pdf as viewed in a text editor, or some other complex filetype

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0a110b  No.9084946


Now they want us all to wear masks. I'm sure that's just coincidence though.

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772c8b  No.9084947


I got clapper at 530 east unfortunately…

Does that mean not dig worthy?

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7261e2  No.9084948


I've had trouble with links on and off. If you try agains it works

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54caba  No.9084950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b3995d  No.9084951

File: 53fed62d684108e⋯.png (278.58 KB, 1023x567, 341:189, ClipboardImage.png)

>We can help guide once you hit a target. It must be open-source.

Who isFusion GPS?

<Fusion GPS is a commercial research and strategic intelligence firm based in Washington, D.C. The company conducts open-source investigations and provides research and strategic advice for businesses, law firms and investors, as well as for political inquiries, such as opposition research.

Fusion GPS was retained by Marc Elias, attorney working for the DNC and Evergreen campaign.

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0f45a8  No.9084952

File: 8ac15b0acbfa75f⋯.png (608.68 KB, 1440x796, 360:199, _Covfefe_how_do_you_know_i….png)

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ac20f2  No.9084953

File: f862f80b93ce123⋯.jpg (114.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Paarthurnax_Overcoming_Evi….jpg)

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8f25d4  No.9084954

File: 7478052ed2d9579⋯.png (428.23 KB, 800x735, 160:147, Screenshot_2020_05_08_17_0….png)


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5549a4  No.9084955


had the same thought- kek

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2fa470  No.9084956



i found some in the woods one time.

creepy name tho.


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e8f494  No.9084957

File: 237e6a8ba7cfd96⋯.png (1.07 MB, 640x1166, 320:583, disregard_it_gurl.png)

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725447  No.9084959


one hi level sunday morning raid would suffice for now…..HI LEVEL, like Hussien

Come on Q - RU guys ever going to do something

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11f174  No.9084960


correction: from Reeker transcript. sorry, was eating oreos.

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ef2479  No.9084961


ok in re. his bullshit opening analysis.

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054798  No.9084962


Yea, it is the coats PDF, poking around looking for stuff. The last bread someone said there might be something in there.

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7d07b2  No.9084963

File: 2cc5e7a9a83e712⋯.jpg (244.06 KB, 1559x1072, 1559:1072, prince_of_whales.jpg)

Maybe Obama is the first arrest. He's not a candidate of any kind.

Obama violated the most sacred part of our constitution - the peaceful transition of power. He coordinated a shadow government under FVEYS - all still loyal to the crown except for the US.

WE ARE THE COLONY THAT GOT AWAY. And we're so important that we've had to do it a few times now.


The Civil War

And now.

He would be a fine example.

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a7ccd4  No.9084964


thank you

wasn't sure what to call it, saw easter egg and used it

earlier it was Sessions interview missing

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050c69  No.9084965

File: d9dd431202bc302⋯.png (80.66 KB, 301x347, 301:347, Spooky_removebg_preview.png)


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600666  No.9084966

File: c2cafb0ae3d769b⋯.png (442.2 KB, 732x861, 244:287, FlynnPass.PNG)

>>9083833 (lb Q)

What's this for strange bullsshit???

Flynn had left his phone there. And he somehow inadvertently picked up Flynn's phone, had the same code, passcode, and then like accidentally sent an email from his - thats how I remember it.

Interview Transcript of Sally Yates (November 3, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020


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7b14bc  No.9084967


Rudy G did that after he did that one interview with, I think the New Yorker?

One of the last big print interviews he did anyway that they spun to make him look bad.

But he left his phone with the interviewer. They wrote it up as he was a forgetful idiot.

Seems like there was more to it.

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ad15a4  No.9084968

File: 1fb4d375120beaa⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1125x2070, 25:46, 6AE5F0E0_9947_40DD_844A_A….jpeg)


Disasters Emergency Commission


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933fd6  No.9084969


Probably used the same facial recognition, too. Amazing coincidences.

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09b679  No.9084970

File: b2be57dbe61fba6⋯.png (126.32 KB, 638x774, 319:387, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72874feb3cdd899⋯.png (43.46 KB, 737x404, 737:404, 666.png)

Tropospheric ozone

I've noticed slightly elevated levels of O3 at surface altitude for a few weeks now.

This article says the REDUCED presence of NOx, due to less traffic, is the cause.

Also says ozone is related to lung problems.


Also funny how the article needs to specify "biogenic" hydrocarbons.


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e5f5d8  No.9084971


Insertion Removed


Did NSA just accidentally release it all?


21 Jan 2018 - 6:12:19 PM


21 Jan 2018 - 6:05:55 PM


Not from WL.

[CLAS-N-DI_9] gg_dump [No Such Agency].

It does not technically exist as open-source.



The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?


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73c25f  No.9084972



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9ce1bb  No.9084973


Do any of these people realize that those masks do absolutely no good whatsoever?

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622ba1  No.9084974

>>9084396 lb

Grab here and archive


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c2fa3b  No.9084975


Go here for transcripts.


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bceb04  No.9084976







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a7aeb5  No.9084977


Do your bowel program, you will feel better.

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3c8e17  No.9084978



file handle

tells the program reading the file how to handle the file

hence: handle

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a43ecd  No.9084979

Q4153 [FBI Floor 7] [CIA] spy_insert 1-3 [AUS assist] POTUS_campaign

If FVEY does data collection for each other, to avoid privacy laws, maybe they are trading spies as well?

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8f25d4  No.9084980



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d61b7b  No.9084981


I got them but couldn't get Rice or Sessions.

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e8f494  No.9084982

Was that Michael Jackson's feminizing surgeon she saw?

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eca0a4  No.9084985


>So it can be confimed that BHO knew and gave the 'go' order?

That's sure what it looks like.


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000000  No.9084986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Awake lady facebook scrape

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054798  No.9084987


Yea, it is byte for byte the same one that is there now, so no joy.

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a75810  No.9084988

All posts are from lb~

Posts collected from lb on which transcript anons are reading:

>>9084448 Erik Prince

>>9084121 Volker

>>9084095 Vindman

>>9084057 Clapper

>>9084161 >>9084334 Yates

>>9084180 Christopher Wylie

>>9084222 Roger Stone

>>9084237 Bannon

>>9084256 Podesta

>>9084297 Christopher Anderson

>>9084443 Lynch

>>9084551 Simona Mangiante (PapaD's wife)

>>9084581 Don Jr.

We can get through all of them quickly, efficiently and thoroughly - we've done this before:

Call one out, review, then post your findings/notes with: Witness name, link to file, notes with page #s, screencaps if you need to.

An anon will need to step up to collect the notes and collate them

If we are organized, WE CREATE THE BOOMS

>>9084287 lb

>sadly the docs are the same. Must have been removed prior

damn, I was quick, too. archived even before taking screencap of Q's post :(

ty for following up.

>>9084216 lb

>I have put all the HPSCI files into a single pdf. I have optimized and OCRed. It is 867 MB (alphabetical order)

Pls post anonfile link

Sorry in advance if this has been posted and is duplicate…

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54caba  No.9084989


don't have any to give. you've got plenty of your own.


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bceb04  No.9084990




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be46b4  No.9084991


You are the worst kind of millennial, a shill millennial.

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f26d0a  No.9084992


Sounds Plausible.

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c87456  No.9084993


I got Sessions to open.

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a41cd7  No.9084994

The more red, the more eyes we need. Mary McCord is red as Mao.

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c5f4e0  No.9084995


You can have more than one thumbprint for phones! Why would he do that?

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202a2c  No.9084996



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a7aeb5  No.9084997



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266a99  No.9084998

Q Does P = John Plantagenet King of England 1166

Seems all of our Presidents were descendants of his

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5549a4  No.9084999

File: 2cd1cac8d2f0335⋯.gif (134.06 KB, 193x302, 193:302, Insertion_sort.gif)

Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array (or list) one item at a time. It is much less efficient on large lists than more advanced algorithms such as quicksort, heapsort, or merge sort. However, insertion sort provides several advantages:

Simple implementation: Jon Bentley shows a three-line C version, and a five-line optimized version[1]

Efficient for (quite) small data sets, much like other quadratic sorting algorithms

More efficient in practice than most other simple quadratic (i.e., O(n2)) algorithms such as selection sort or bubble sort

Adaptive, i.e., efficient for data sets that are already substantially sorted: the time complexity is O(kn) when each element in the input is no more than k places away from its sorted position

Stable; i.e., does not change the relative order of elements with equal keys

In-place; i.e., only requires a constant amount O(1) of additional memory space

Online; i.e., can sort a list as it receives it

When people manually sort cards in a bridge hand, most use a method that is similar to insertion sort.[2]. (wikipedia)

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10c34d  No.9085001

what the fuck with the red text attack.

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c2fa3b  No.9085002


This reeks like total bullshit.


Sally Yates the traitor said Flynn left his phone in a meeting and it had the same fingerprint passcode as John Eisenberg, who then sent an email from Flynn's phone.

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9ebe52  No.9085003

>>9084808 part 1

>>9084816 part 2

>>9084907 part 3

Prince vs Schiff (hit the fan!) re: UNMASKING of intel on Americans

Baker, Notable

Seriously anons, this is hilarious.


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050c69  No.9085004

File: 55e710936bf7961⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 40dz98_1.jpg)

File: 55b390f91b2bc5f⋯.jpg (69.86 KB, 500x612, 125:153, 40ffyy.jpg)

Q needs to step aside now and let the professionals take it from here.

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600666  No.9085005



WTH, we're reading the same and posted the same!!

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02eba7  No.9085006

File: 679ce84bcb76f6e⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 480x270, 16:9, formalattire.gif)

Just got dressed for work.

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bf9e2b  No.9085007


Haha wut

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7261e2  No.9085008


I think so! I think we might be able to exploit something. I see there is a dir command for files and directories but don't know anythign about this kind of thing

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1b96df  No.9085009


Sorry about the JP Morgan thing. Nobody stepped forward. That was my dad, after all.

And the toggle female partner was also ambiguous.

My sibling’s kid was a step too far.

Trust goes both ways. Setec Astronomy. Thanks.

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36202d  No.9085013

>people start demanding results

>Q posts a boomer puzzle

>Then a cryptic post to slow us down even more

What’s the distraction from?

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c2fa3b  No.9085014


Are we posting our findings anywhere specific?

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cf58d7  No.9085015

File: 373b48792975705⋯.png (80.88 KB, 310x373, 310:373, 7d340202fcea4a61f28c2cb391….png)


Cannot wait to meet you in person, and we will

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7d07b2  No.9085016

File: b66e1a74cfc949d⋯.png (15.75 KB, 532x46, 266:23, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

Grabbed this one. Will make an attempt.

Interview Transcript of Walid Phares (December 8, 2017)

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d0ef7b  No.9085018


Thanks for being helpful, but sounds like there is something in these versions of the transcripts (pre 17:02 EST) not in others (the "insertions").

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61d9a2  No.9085019



[OBAM] 0k10


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3c8e17  No.9085020


I don't know. I wasn't born good and haven't overcome my evil.


great minds!

Damned sensationalists trying to make a story more than it really is.

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be0ddc  No.9085021

File: f356769cdd77d82⋯.png (316.78 KB, 1030x755, 206:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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5da0fa  No.9085022

File: 1d40addd1a08df1⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 200x150, 4:3, thafuck.gif)


are you a boomer?

i feel like im talking to a burned out hippy that's flashing between moments of lucidity and a previous acid trip

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e8f494  No.9085023


Try a different link, yeah?

Maybe U'll get somewhere on @RepAdamSchiff's link?

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bceb04  No.9085025






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0f586c  No.9085026

File: 502073c289851f3⋯.png (11.58 KB, 255x251, 255:251, pepethink.png)

I wonder if the Q team helped Prince to

create Blackwater so he could gather evidence

on the cabal. He was neck deep in swamp rats. The Bushes, Cheney, Bin Ladens, Carlyle Group Remember the plan has been in motion for a long time

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86835a  No.9085027


It's the password on the DUI interlock.

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890596  No.9085028


Should we click that shit nigga?


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ef80ce  No.9085029


As in King John Magna Carter, He had relatives too

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369f24  No.9085030


All your fingerprints are belong to us

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ef2479  No.9085031


hmmm, what was significance of the comm sent by the 'wrong' phone.

sounds funny.

almost like clowns or patriots, not sure who had a hand in that.

we can determine who based on what was sent.

the moar significant the less the chance that it was:

1- done as described

2- done at all by the person claimed

a spoofed tech type text/email?

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566be0  No.9085032

File: 04b34d3134f7ecb⋯.png (81.36 KB, 864x236, 216:59, shillconfession.png)


Hey faggot. How's that ego holding up? must've been starved for (you)s, to keep up the same script you admitted to shilling. Cant you come up with anything original? are you human?

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054798  No.9085033


I am poking around with Ghidra now, but most of these PDF's are just a compilation of JPEG's… can read it in the PDF viewer as easily using Ghidra to extract. I was hoping to find a discrepancy.

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c9228c  No.9085034

File: 0a232b5f659c635⋯.png (13.04 KB, 168x255, 56:85, savaged57e0c0ff06f10fa5cb2….png)

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a43ecd  No.9085035

File: d1a808c60b1a887⋯.jpg (117.13 KB, 1023x698, 1023:698, hive_mind.jpg)


Happens all the time.

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12058f  No.9085036

Is the other bread a shill bread?

What's going on, bakers?

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54caba  No.9085037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bioluminsescence is cool, mushrooms in the woods. Jellyfish and deep sea creatures, fireflies

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3a6d71  No.9085038


"P" - reading this makes it seem like P = Presidents staff. I am speculating, but maybe P means president Obama.

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bceb04  No.9085039






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8f25d4  No.9085040


I just thought it was nice of him to give her some business since she's been thru so much

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36e403  No.9085042


don't forget about S.Powers

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059639  No.9085043

How easily they let the snakes in and then praise them.

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e426cd  No.9085044

File: 903bd7a5f640e05⋯.jpg (191.09 KB, 1152x1152, 1:1, LukeMissing.jpg)


Yeah can you dig on why they left Luke Skywalker off the box of this puzzle?

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050c69  No.9085045

File: 3a940a033dab38a⋯.png (245.94 KB, 407x576, 407:576, 4800c8a2fb0a93288729e2b1ff….png)

Hillary Clinton aggressively slaps her bean with a tablespoon.

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890596  No.9085046


Podesta's the buiggest faggot. Just reading the transcript, anon can hear his shrill, whiney voice.

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5f125c  No.9085047

File: b67529dfb4d594b⋯.png (9.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0_SMILE.png)



shill was red pilled by post 19

19, that's a new record!

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a7aeb5  No.9085049


Freddy is a faggot. Best to ignore him.

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cf58d7  No.9085050


Which society's definition of "good" are you using?

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8baa82  No.9085052


Probably Q is just relating the 2 MS13 murdered to SR killing. They have been killed 7 hours drive time from DC the next day

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10c34d  No.9085053


call down skippy faggot.

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14ef39  No.9085054

There’s finally a platform for your news, your opinion, and your voice! You don’t have to just be a viewer anymore. At America’s Voice, you’re a contributor. It’s a place for you to sound off, speak up and be heard. One Voice, One America!


Dr. Judy Mikovits vids

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a75810  No.9085055

>>9084808 Erik Prince notes

TY, anon. Perfect.

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90264f  No.9085056


“I am your father”

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c2fa3b  No.9085057

File: 4499570a2f0bbd5⋯.png (208.5 KB, 2042x1248, 1021:624, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


No prob. When you choose a transcript, it brings you to the archive version which won't let you see the whole thing. Then just copy/paste actual link at the top.

see pic for ex.

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11f174  No.9085058


In the Reeker transcript, the P email is from Amb. David Hale.

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600666  No.9085059




Ah got it, I accidentally posted in Freddy's bread and another Anon reposted it here.

>>9084901 (original post in Freddy bread)

all fine

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7b14bc  No.9085061


Look at the timing of when he got into trouble. What else was happening?

Who was in charge at that time

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370f19  No.9085062

File: e26b826734c8f87⋯.png (496.67 KB, 1263x4095, 421:1365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05e5f0e09c47b1c⋯.png (724.01 KB, 940x3823, 940:3823, ClipboardImage.png)

Cap from Q's post:

>>9083821 (lb)

Posted at 16:57:01 (4:57:01 pm est)

That's pic1.

Pic2 was taken now.

They are the same

Q posted at 5:11:43 pm est:


>Insertion removed.

To me, that means Q team thought something was going to be in there that wasn't included.

They left something out or maybe it'll be inserted into a subsequent dump.

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a41cd7  No.9085063

Interview Transcript of Felix Sater (December 20, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020

Not Found.

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91ee59  No.9085064

File: d4f5fc6af03cbcc⋯.png (89.35 KB, 502x439, 502:439, KASH_PATEL.PNG)

Erik Prince Interview, Page 12-14


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54caba  No.9085065




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054798  No.9085066


Yea sounds like some 5 year old explaining how a cookie fell out of the jar and into his hand. What a load of crap.

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61d9a2  No.9085067

Holy shit

a Q just flew over my house!!!

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79f5ba  No.9085068

File: 50d12109fad886e⋯.jpg (54.34 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Reeves.jpg)

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202a2c  No.9085069


TRUMP, FLYNN , MILLEY, (who did I miss??)

Are all boomers … Boomers taking down GEN X CABAL …. LMAO

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8f25d4  No.9085070

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019415  No.9085071

File: 4b45a3b21df6120⋯.png (801.46 KB, 808x891, 808:891, 1_NYT_re_Reeker_10_26_19.PNG)

File: 72c725ffaa96178⋯.png (81.96 KB, 627x902, 57:82, 2_NYT_re_Reeker_10_26_19.PNG)

File: 6cc3715df96a11a⋯.png (294.24 KB, 1698x995, 1698:995, Philip_T_Reeker_Wiki.PNG)


>Ambassador Philip Reeker

Official Says Attempts to Rally Top State Officials Behind Ukraine Ambassador Failed


WASHINGTON — A top diplomat told impeachment investigators on Saturday that he repeatedly pressed top State Department leaders, in vain, to defend the United States ambassador to Ukraine in the face of false attacks that he said were orchestrated by the president’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani.

The account by Philip T. Reeker, the acting assistant secretary in charge of European and Eurasian Affairs, underscored the bewilderment in American diplomatic ranks over the State Department’s decision in May to recall Marie L. Yovanovitch, a highly respected career diplomat and the top American official in Ukraine, months before her term was up.

from Wiki page

Born in Pennsylvania, Reeker grew up in multiple parts of the United States as well as in Australia.

However, Reeker said he was involved with the effort to put out an internal statement in support of Marie Yovanovitch, Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, who was ousted based on allegedly false allegations

In that role he quickly became concerned about the Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, who appeared to be the subject of an unfounded smear campaign. In an email to Ulrich Brechbuhl, the State Department counselor and confidant of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Reeker described the smear as a "fake narrative" that was "really … without merit or validation" and on other occasions forwarded to Brechbuhl information State Department officials gathered to counter the allegations. President Donald Trump nevertheless removed her prematurely from her post and referred to her as "bad news" in a conversation with the Ukrainian president.

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c5f4e0  No.9085072


Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn reportedly had 'forbidden' internet connection at the Pentagon

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn installed a secret internet connection into his office at the Pentagon even though it was "forbidden," according to a profile in The New Yorker by Dana Priest.


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b3995d  No.9085073

File: 3d843fc569fc933⋯.png (373.8 KB, 928x859, 928:859, ClipboardImage.png)


Firm was hired by the DNC and Evergreen Campaign because they had been doing research into DJT's business holdings.

>We can help guide once you hit a target.

It must be open-source.

>Happy hunting!


Fusion GPS is a commercial research and strategic intelligence firm based in Washington, D.C.The company conducts open-source investigationsand provides research and strategic advice for businesses, law firms and investors, as well as for political inquiries, such as opposition research.


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e5359b  No.9085074

File: e225730ecf7a75d⋯.png (426.93 KB, 1245x1851, 415:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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90264f  No.9085075

File: 371175a50196c97⋯.jpeg (160.92 KB, 828x1217, 828:1217, E6FF58C0_5F9D_4C93_A328_C….jpeg)

I see what you did there, good show.

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cdcf46  No.9085077

File: 5cf3e35831d0d4a⋯.jpg (307.05 KB, 825x831, 275:277, Pedo_Podesta_retard.jpg)

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9ebe52  No.9085078

File: 2afba4b7dbe0df3⋯.png (242.32 KB, 330x412, 165:206, ClipboardImage.png)



>David Hale. Under Secretary for Political Affairs. Pic related.

David Maclain Hale (born 1961) is a United States diplomat and career foreign service officer, currently serving as the United States Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

Early life

David Hale was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan[2] in 1961 and lives in New Jersey.[3][4] He graduated from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in 1983.[4]


Hale joined the Foreign Service in 1985.[3] He served at the United States missions to Tunisia, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the United Nations.[5][3] In Washington, Hale was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israel, Egypt and the Levant and Director for Israel-Palestinian Affairs. He held several staff posts, including Executive Assistant to Secretary of State Albright.[4]

Hale was United States Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan between 2005 and 2008. He was Deputy Envoy from 2009 to 2012, and Special Envoy for Middle East Peace between 2011 and 2013. He served as the United States Ambassador to Lebanon from 2013 to 2015.[4]

Hale was the United States Ambassador to Pakistan from August 5, 2015 to August 30, 2018.[4] In May 2017, he dedicated a new Counter-Terrorism Department building in Karachi.[6] The building, which had been bombed in 2010, was rebuilt with Rs24 million from the United States Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.[6]

Hale is the recipient of several Department Superior and Meritorious Honor awards, including the Secretary's Distinguished Service Award in 2013.[4]

In July 2018, President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Hale as the next Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.[7] During the Legislative day of August 28, 2018, he was confirmed by a voice vote.[8]

On September 13, 2018, Hale was promoted to the rank of Career Ambassador – the highest rank in the foreign service.[9] He is, presently, the highest-ranked serving United States Foreign Service Officer.

Testifying in impeachment inquiry

Main article: Trump–Ukraine scandal

Further information: Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump

Hale appeared before House investigators on November 6, 2019 with regard to the impeachment inquiry. Hale came to the attention of the impeachment inquiry when Philip Reeker testified about support for Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch being suppressed after President Donald Trump had her removed as ambassador to Ukraine. Mr. Reeker’s deputy, George P. Kent, voiced misgivings about Rudy Giuliani’s role in Ukraine matters to Reeker and Hale, according to documents from the State Department’s inspector general.[10]

On November 20, 2019, Hale testified that an Office of Budget Management (OMB) official informed him that Trump ordered aid to be withheld from Ukraine.[11]

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7b14bc  No.9085084


Flynn left his phone there on purpose.

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6463bf  No.9085086




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000000  No.9085088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse - Song

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a41cd7  No.9085090

Interview Transcript of Michael Sussman (December 18, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020

Not Found.

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6bc755  No.9085091

File: 28ee2b0c7bea1f3⋯.gif (1.28 MB, 200x190, 20:19, Shudder.gif)

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54caba  No.9085092


not boomers, JEWS

All you low testerone Soy Boys will never have kids.

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5fed41  No.9085093

File: c0794659f403993⋯.png (404.81 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Chimp.png)

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050c69  No.9085095

File: 312a2c96b15f92e⋯.png (304.02 KB, 646x582, 323:291, Screenshot_20200505_022307….png)

Anons when I look at your web browser history I can see most of you watch lots of porn and then come back to Q Research.

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a39265  No.9085096



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61287c  No.9085099


I will post Nix and Wiley snips

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c07877  No.9085101



I thought it was cash palettes

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523acc  No.9085103




As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to the wordwide deep state.

Shills are here in full force and apply all kind of tactics, most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule":

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some shilly try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shills post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills try to namefag to 'establish a trustworty character' (A, CTA, McT, …)

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills post clown accounts from twatter who larp as Q insiders.

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

(And in some breads it´s 70, 80, 90% shill posts.)

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).


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059639  No.9085104

If it's open source then it wouldn't be breaking NATSEC to drop.


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7af02f  No.9085107


Liscensing rights, he wanted too much money.

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011f44  No.9085109

File: 0b5931b4f15ae18⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 474x316, 3:2, GATESWHO5.jpg)

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e426cd  No.9085110


Won on the Federal level. We still have to take it down on the state level. That's going to be the tough one.

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ce7350  No.9085111


Then why are shitcunts like you here?

Community minded?

Just trying to help us see?

Shilling for shekels?


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0f45a8  No.9085112

File: 010cb15a12f26c6⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 360x202, 180:101, _AustinPowersGIF.gif)

WWG1WGA! World wide!



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eca0a4  No.9085113


Sad. I just went and made 20 moldy bread posts over there. Hope they get the msg.

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9ebe52  No.9085114


David Hale.

On November 20, 2019, Hale testified that an Office of Budget Management (OMB) official informed him that Trump ordered aid to be withheld from Ukraine.[11]

This MOFO has to be aTARGET!!!

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772c8b  No.9085115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kayleigh Mcenany on FBI

Supposedly CNN and MSDNC didnt broadcast

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61d9a2  No.9085117



Boomers were the generation that got targeted by the jews the most

gen z aint buying their bullshit anymore

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f0f135  No.9085118

Anons what is the missing file from the repository?

Is it Jeff Session's interview?

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7b14bc  No.9085119




White House staffer Kash Patel denies he was back channel to Trump on Ukraine

Updated on: December 4, 2019 / 10:14 PM / CBS News

Washington — As a special assistant to President Trump, Kash Patel's area of responsibility includes counterterrorism, but over the last few weeks, he's also been enmeshed in Ukraine. One witness suggested he may have been part of a back channel to the president on Ukraine, and the 300-page impeachment report released by House Intelligence Committee Democrats Tuesday said that Patel spoke with Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal attorney, in the spring, before nearly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine was suspended.

According to the call records revealed in the report, Patel had a 25-minute phone conversation with Giuliani on May 10. Five minutes after their call, Giuliani spoke with an unidentified number for 17 minutes and then with associate Lev Parnas, a Ukrainian-American who has been accused of illegally funneling foreign money to U.S. political candidates and of aiding Giuliani in his Ukraine investigations.

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89090d  No.9085120


collected by a retarded baker

so make sure its a good scrape


>>9084802 planefaggin

>>9084640 Name Redacted, Lynch and Coats, supposedly broken links, uploaded to anonfile

>>9084616, >>9084617 Anon take on Q drop #4153 gets a nom

>>9084754 New DJT - Tom Tiffany (@TomTiffanyWI) is a Great Advocate for the incredible people of Wisconsin (WI07). We need Tom in Congress

>>9084767 New DJT - Vote @MikeGarcia2020 by May 12th! His opponent @ChristyforCA25 voted to fire teachers, and cut their salaries while bumping up her pay. Now she’s mocking our Great Vets!

>>9084745 Mifsud was a member of the Clinton Foundation. The dots are starting to connect. Nice find, anon.

>>9084885, >>9084915, >>9084922 anons trying to dig the gap from happy hunting and disregard

>>9084942, >>9084966 'Flynn had left his phone there. And he somehow inadvertently picked up Flynn's phone, had the same code, passcode, and then like accidentally sent an email from his - thats how I remember it.' Interview Transcript of Sally Yates

>>9084988 anon update on what scripts were being dug last bread (bun) ← much helpful, pls repeat

>>9084808, >>9084816, >>9084907 Prince vs Schiff (hit the fan!) re: UNMASKING of intel on Americans


note the recent Q post name, until we get some more consensus, im leaving it retarded

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 05.08.2020

>>9084119 ————————————–——– Disregard. Insertion removed. (Something Removed? Anons Are Digging)

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8baa82  No.9085121


You are telling me that Flynn's passcode was 123456?

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a41cd7  No.9085122

Interview Transcript of Witness Name Redacted (December 20, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020

Not Found.


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216770  No.9085124


Bingo! Exactly my thoughts.

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90264f  No.9085125

File: dec6df95864d26c⋯.jpeg (164.69 KB, 828x636, 69:53, 5F78BC7E_B575_4681_AE81_8….jpeg)

I think she likes me, that’s what I think.

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e426cd  No.9085127


I'm thinking more of the agenda to destroy our myths one character at a time. Luke Skywalker was a very popular mythic figure.

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050c69  No.9085129

File: f8b74b9a865dd4d⋯.jpg (26.96 KB, 500x277, 500:277, Empty_1.jpg)

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2a1062  No.9085130

File: 378f84e4929b90d⋯.png (829.18 KB, 982x984, 491:492, NSPR2.png)

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ef80ce  No.9085131


Michael Sussman

I can still access Sessions

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cf58d7  No.9085132


Negative, not too savage, honest Truth. Tonight things "happen" that are to a "Plan" of those that have little idea of Q and thus far I have found have no interest in knowing

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98524a  No.9085134

File: 18b1906b797a8ac⋯.png (25.01 KB, 386x222, 193:111, ClipboardImage.png)

False alarm?

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80e7ad  No.9085136


>collected by a retarded baker


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3c8e17  No.9085138


>Which society's definition of "good" are you using?

the kind that sees you as the faggot you are.

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e8e047  No.9085139


The day is not done

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04c129  No.9085140

Adam Schiff on Ari Melber, msnbc

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0901ca  No.9085141

File: 9e9a98fc75428e1⋯.jpg (168.12 KB, 1024x958, 512:479, 1582506721384.jpg)


What abou tit?

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fde941  No.9085143


Is she in the UK?

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600666  No.9085144




Page 84


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98524a  No.9085145


the news cycle is done until Monday anon

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be0ddc  No.9085147

File: dcec0bd7002629b⋯.png (247.93 KB, 1022x797, 1022:797, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08a2c6bd261c9dc⋯.png (291.43 KB, 918x692, 459:346, ClipboardImage.png)

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523acc  No.9085148

How comes BO is not around on a Friday night to lock the bread baked by a clown?

And how comes every time /CM/ does a 'fix' it´s pretty much Obamacare stuff and only makes this board work worse?

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67fd56  No.9085149


You mean like the Governor of New Jersey admitting live on Tucker that he not only violated Constitutional rights, but consulted with his legal team prior to (adding 18 USC 241, Conspiracy, to his 18 USC 242 violations) issuing his Unconstitutional orders? Seems pretty cut and dried.

Make an example out of him and Whitmer.

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603e8d  No.9085150

File: bbc28d9348fa106⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1896x1522, 948:761, 1F189331_8577_4D9A_89E3_BD….png)

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bf9e2b  No.9085152

can't get the Tim Morrison pdf

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80e7ad  No.9085153



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f2ef55  No.9085154

>>9084119 (pb)

Can you clear this up, Q? Lots of uncertainty about what you meant here.

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a31a2f  No.9085155


Is that why the shills are trying to burn the bakers down?

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cf58d7  No.9085156


Weak response, was hoping the good weekend shill crew were about…sigh

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2a1062  No.9085158

File: 0258222b49be063⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 0617f6d57bdfaf2386b8d89cca….jpg)

File: 4b139842a2d0d50⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 650x354, 325:177, 05176913e22797dadf4a525c4f….jpg)

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af8aa5  No.9085159


It's all jewish bullshit but ok

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1192a6  No.9085162

File: b35f0d100540406⋯.jpg (641.56 KB, 976x1402, 488:701, 20200508_171619.jpg)

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000000  No.9085163


Not sure, the facebook is linked under the youtube vid

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98524a  No.9085165


that is all day everyday

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566be0  No.9085166


>wealthy Republican

this could turn out to be the "internal story" decided on by the involved parties. to cover the tracks from fushion GPS to the DNC and HRC2020. this way the rank and file wouldnt realize what they're really doing. if so it would be used as evidence to prove they knew they were breaking the law. Innocent people dont cover their tracks.


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54caba  No.9085167


False accusation. I don't write like that. and

I OUT SHILLS. I never imitate them.

this is the second time you've attacked me for OUTING a SHILL with this random phony "confession".

Can't you come up with something logical?

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d0ef7b  No.9085168


That archive is a different set of docs, but now I'm wondering if anon was smart enough to archive the site Q posted today prior to the files being swapped.

I'm checking the archives, but so far only (1) has that site, and it was archived 30 minutes too late, after the cover-up.

There is a certain probability that some Anons have these files.

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5549a4  No.9085169

File: 2d5c2a053bbd92c⋯.png (4.36 MB, 1967x2904, 1967:2904, lincoln.png)

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ebb2fc  No.9085170

>>9075453 pb

how in the purple fuck is this notable??

obvious shill bullshit is obvious

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e616bd  No.9085171

File: a8b3f14500cef45⋯.png (231.43 KB, 1209x903, 403:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37c8deccf7df634⋯.png (61.05 KB, 1369x670, 1369:670, ClipboardImage.png)



When I go there, it gives a bad screenie of just first page of

Interview Transcript of Witness Name Redacted (December 20, 2017)

- So I clicked on the TOP link "saved from" on the archive panel.

-Had full PDF.

-Search for Q, see first pic for what First hit is!

ApBearaoqegi = 3ApBearaoqegi = "Appearances:" ???

pasted to notepad: to here: from this on PDF

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cdcf46  No.9085172

File: f8fc1843fa2d460⋯.jpg (29.12 KB, 707x500, 707:500, bghjg.jpg)

File: 11d1e1e5486ceaa⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, rdrtdt.jpg)

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523acc  No.9085173


yes, worse, like in "worse than before".

/CM/ announces a fix, and little later it´s getting worse. seen that a lot of times now.

petty hard to beleive this is incompetence and not done on purpose.

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019415  No.9085175

File: 0349b5bf8dad3d9⋯.png (23.57 KB, 524x206, 262:103, Grassley_re_DECLAS_DNI_5_8….PNG)

Chuck Grassley

I thx God for the gr8 amt of declassifying DNI Dir Amb Grennell is doing. It hilites the bad policies allowing over classification. BREATH OF FRESH AIR IN THE SWAMP


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5b449b  No.9085177

File: 8d0acbc5c2072d7⋯.png (266.4 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Joseph Misfud is a member of the Clinton Foundation???

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3b1da5  No.9085178

>>9083596 (PB)

Why are you so invested in / fascinated by it? It's just flesh and fat … so what is your attraction to it?

Why would you defend "flesh and fat" so ardently?

You wouldn't … unless it held some deeper value for you.

It is YOU who has a problem with it … not others.

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369f24  No.9085180


I just carpet-bombed my NEXTDOOR app. with every red pill link I could find.

Finally gave my last fuck and decided to unleash.

I think the rest of the change is from anons up….

States will change as normies awaken

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f26d0a  No.9085181

File: a074661c7ab786f⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 333x499, 333:499, NightShift.jpg)


Best Night Shift Ever

Believe me!

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80e7ad  No.9085182



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3c8e17  No.9085183



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c0c050  No.9085184



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1192a6  No.9085186

File: 3d5cafb0d0ccd4c⋯.jpg (517.32 KB, 798x1636, 399:818, 20200508_172208.jpg)

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e8e047  No.9085187


Stirring up concern for a non-issue who cares about a moldy bread, we're not moldy here

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e426cd  No.9085188


Don't forget California Governor Newsom signing in executive order Mail in voting.

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a75810  No.9085189

File: 12cf62c915f8d7c⋯.jpg (179.08 KB, 1350x799, 1350:799, point.jpg)


You can tag them to this post if you like, just like when nominating a notable (red text like so).

Witness name Notes

Then note-taker can see them easily, grab them into a bun by witness name, and whomever volunteers to collate the notes can collect them.

Nice and organized like >>9085003 did with >>9084808

>>9085042 Samantha Powers

>>9085070 Mark Sandy

>>9085099 Nix and Wiley

Thank you, anons.

Copypasta from the transcripts will be very helpful to collating these notes, that way no one has to go through and find the screencaps and retype relevant parts.

Do we have an anon who will volunteer to collect these >>9084988 results and the ones volunteered above into a bun of results for each witness name?

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600666  No.9085190

File: 5d6f05bc9a3a41f⋯.jpeg (18.64 KB, 252x255, 84:85, JesusDriveThemOut.jpeg)

File: 5faec8cf184b975⋯.png (489.12 KB, 1016x720, 127:90, IDeclareTheeKek.png)

File: 032c2e5559e8584⋯.jpg (283.53 KB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, AnonsDig.jpg)

File: 8e39054a0f4242d⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 720x769, 720:769, Angel.jpg)

File: d1374a524744fe9⋯.jpeg (186.31 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Angel.jpeg)

I Love my ID

Satan is jealous, and a loser.

God really Wins!

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239666  No.9085191


He was able to access it, bc spooks had already cracked/hacked it. C_A

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15d30d  No.9085192

>>9084199 lb

>yup, easter egg removed before we got to it

Now, what was removed? Can we tell?

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890596  No.9085193


Shame, the only references to pizzagate in the files, talk about that actor Edgar Madison Welch who "shot" the hard drive of the only computer in Comet Ping Pong. Podesta is a demon.

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7b14bc  No.9085195


Wait…that was in Notables?!

I mean, I knew the baker was retarded, but I didn't think it was shill retarded.


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f34c84  No.9085196


phones left in wh with comey ?

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c9228c  No.9085197

File: 4d24432764b7269⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 698x500, 349:250, B2ojgf5tdfugbb2wpwq9.jpg)

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c2fa3b  No.9085198

File: 6c2df53760a0540⋯.png (273.16 KB, 1478x1084, 739:542, erikprince.png)


Part 4

Sorry anons, since it's PDF I'm retyping everything and got tired of it. So i just used a screenshot here.

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12058f  No.9085199


>I saw an opportunity to add to my optics plan to run for President, and I took it.

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eca0a4  No.9085200

File: 928db3a4a8555c7⋯.jpg (190.68 KB, 823x1684, 823:1684, MS_13OrderDebbieSethRich.jpg)

File: 8f1a3f52bcc668b⋯.jpg (131.98 KB, 600x519, 200:173, MS_13KilledSeth.jpg)

File: 75cd7e5ff93e8a8⋯.jpg (129.14 KB, 888x464, 111:58, MS13LoopDebbie_SethRich.jpg)

File: b24815758374773⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, DebbieMS13SethRichKill.jpg)

File: 5e8ea1c84dca6a3⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2560x3148, 640:787, DebbieHiredMS13KillSethRit….jpg)


Hadn't seen that exact piece.

You might like these.

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a41cd7  No.9085201

MS. Y0VANOVITCH: Well, despite my posting to Ukraine,

I'm actually half Russian, and it's a Russian nickname.

Is that so, "Masha".

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5da0fa  No.9085202

weird vibe this evening

could the freddy bread really be doing that much derpage

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b18b44  No.9085203

File: 5dd10eb261f26cc⋯.png (231.33 KB, 750x667, 750:667, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


Google Youtube gets one right in spite of itself.

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cc03cc  No.9085204


right here. was archived at 1557 est.


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1b4483  No.9085205

File: 855a221bc78ebcf⋯.jpg (6.06 KB, 255x198, 85:66, whoa.jpg)

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7b14bc  No.9085206


well, that explains A LOT

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68f6af  No.9085207

File: f4a6cc22c7f7190⋯.jpg (130.01 KB, 989x808, 989:808, f4a6cc22c7f7190f3dcc3c9b7b….jpg)

6:30 on the east coast.

Prime time for a Friday BOOM.

don't leave us hanging again Q.

Kick the tires and light the fires!

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ef80ce  No.9085208


No I can access all the links you are saying apart from Michael Sussman

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98524a  No.9085210


his short hand texting style makes my head hurt

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266a99  No.9085211

File: d5d622a9b141cea⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 2388x1668, 199:139, 4D4FFB06_04FB_4459_B23F_D….jpeg)

Why is there one with “witness name redacted?”

Was No Name alive then?

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c2fa3b  No.9085212



Assfuck Podesta has no knowledge of Muh Russian interference.

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c0c050  No.9085213


We are still being attacked by the first 8chan admin, the angry crippled midget havker furry pedo.

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ebb2fc  No.9085214



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929aff  No.9085215


The beautiful sound of revolt. I don’t care whether this guy is on the right or the left, politically; this is the music of fucking pissed off.

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c2fa3b  No.9085217


I think anons figured out it's an FBI agent. Can't remember the name.

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61d9a2  No.9085218

where is hillary clinton getting arrested

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c2fa3b  No.9085219


Seriously. He texts like a tween riding high on Red Bulls.

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0f45a8  No.9085220

File: f8f5ffbcae74b89⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1439x797, 1439:797, 5MAGA_Seth_Rich_WWG1WGA_dw….png)

File: 1514316ae3b228e⋯.jpg (103.04 KB, 922x499, 922:499, MAGA_DWS_MS13_SETH_RICH.jpg)

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933fd6  No.9085221

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890596  No.9085222


Her wrists?

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ba7556  No.9085223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Been doing a lot of research on HCQ, CQ, and other zinc ionophores. Lookin' for something that works like HCQ cocktail but is natural with fewer side effects and doesn't require a prescription. I believe I've found something. The idea is not necessarily a cure but something that will prevent an infection or at least weaken it so that the immune system has time to ramp up to finish off the infection. The real cure is the immune sytem. Medicine is to buy time for the immune system and prevent auto-immune responses (cytokine storm). Found this YT on Quercitin. Quercitin is a natural flavinoid found in many foods. It can be bought as a supplement at health food store (online stores as well) relatively cheap. Start out with small dosages to see how you react and take multivitamin/multimineral too. Zinc or any other minerals work better in balanced doses with other minerals. Remember, anything can act like poison in large enough doses, including water. I would take probiotics too to help build up the immune system since the immune system is the cure.





Uses, Side Effects,Dosages and Warnings:


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36202d  No.9085224

File: 2cfa35a61a6095d⋯.jpeg (43.99 KB, 298x403, 298:403, 4B08FCA9_541C_442A_914B_4….jpeg)

>Watch tomorrow

It’s fucking nothing.jpg

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929aff  No.9085225


Majority was for Gaeta.

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e8f494  No.9085226


System is acting up!

Here's a different link to the downloads.

Adam shit dropped this link 1st!


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d0ef7b  No.9085227


…Better question - was any anon on their game and fed it to one of the Internet Archives (or one of many mirrors).

I'm going thru the list.

Remember we need that Archive website to show an archived date/time of today BEFORE 17:02 EST (I think that's 21:02 UTC for global search)

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e426cd  No.9085229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do Vitamin C as well

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bf156c  No.9085230

File: ff3d346dca95901⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB, 716x640, 179:160, comfy_bins.mp4)

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cc03cc  No.9085231



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2c52b0  No.9085233

File: c0017d74b6f33fd⋯.jpeg (138.13 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, 84CF3FF8_97E7_4C5A_88B6_7….jpeg)


Keep pushin grandson!

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cd8614  No.9085234

File: 633a99cf81102b2⋯.png (277.69 KB, 1066x743, 1066:743, Screenshot_at_2020_05_07_2….png)

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7ceacc  No.9085235

File: d875f5abca1da09⋯.png (275.4 KB, 1225x1767, 1225:1767, Chris_Wylie_DARPA_Facebook.png)

Christopher Wylie starting out with working with DARPA on tracking Facebook profiles and even creating Facebook profiles to track the spread of ideas. Cambridge Analytica was a defense contractor before it actually became Cambridge Analytica.

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9ebe52  No.9085236


Baker, Notable

MS. MANGIANTE: Joseph Misfud is a member of the Clinton Foundation

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566be0  No.9085237

File: 9bbea2395c98564⋯.png (1.17 MB, 864x825, 288:275, ClipboardImage.png)

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89c655  No.9085238

File: c10b58ddf380850⋯.png (219.87 KB, 397x295, 397:295, Screenshot_2020_05_09_fbi_….png)

File: 274b41f2162f623⋯.png (275.43 KB, 1263x1211, 1263:1211, Screenshot_2020_05_09_FBI_….png)

File: 5fb842f5ad50f94⋯.png (128.6 KB, 1282x322, 641:161, Screenshot_2020_05_09_CPRT….png)


It's a FBI special agent ..handler of Steele

I think it's Special Agent Michael Gaeta


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da2c0e  No.9085239

we need a parody of billy idol song dancing with myself for Susan Rice:

Email to myself . . .

did she . . . testify secretly and rightously?

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523acc  No.9085240


I was refering to the server/board issues that get worse every single time that Ron announces some kind of fix.

- board works pretty well, starts working a little wonky

- Ron: Hey, Anons, made a fix, please let me know if there is any kind of problem occuring

- Instantly a lot of problems occuring

every single time. the only thing that changed for the last "fix" is that /CM/ now was brave enough - first time in months - to actually post on the board he is admin of and not to hide on twatter.

re: purple.

not helping a single bit for anons. seems to be much liked and used by clowns who try hard to make this place look stupid.

go figure…


I think you might be using the clown script wrong.

you are supposed to be talking of the first 8chan board owner, but, since you are new to this you mixed that up.

that first board owner, Fred Brennan, who according to Jim and Ron was responsible for taking down 8chan was working as advisor with Ron many months later.

It´s the very same team.


BO is not around at a time with most eyes on. again.

BO is not doing anything to keep clowns from attacking and making this place look stupid. again.

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b18b44  No.9085241

File: 5dd3a0e2cfa8e24⋯.png (32.97 KB, 596x179, 596:179, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: 0c36c486026d171⋯.png (92.48 KB, 581x395, 581:395, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

muh negative rates on the horizon

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fe015d  No.9085242

File: f4076d2dfd8e64f⋯.png (149.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe_AnonsUKdivision.png)


We are legion, Anon.

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15d30d  No.9085243


Try this:


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e5ecc8  No.9085244

So I read the Lynch interview, 97 page document. Same crapola as when she repeatedly told Congress she couldn't recall. "Loretta Lynch “appeared to have amnesia” during her Congressional testimony in December one official told investigative reporter Sara Carter." We recall though, LL, your charade.

So this interview was a whole lot of the same. Starting with being asked if she made any changes to Holter's "rules and regulations" in United States Attorneys Manuals. The answer: "I don't recall whether I made any alterations or not." Sure, sure she didn't remember that eentsy weentsy detail. And on from there.

"I don't have any recollection."

"I don't recall with specificity."

"I am not able to pin that down with specificity."

"I don't recall the specificity of the language."

"I don't recall these discussions with specificity."

"I don't recall discussions about those specifics."

"I don't have a recollection of that being briefed up to me."

And when she did answer, she would sometimes throw in the weasel words, "I believe."

Meanwhile, the fellow weasel AS relentlessly tried to find any possible word, any angle, remotely suggesting Trump/Russia. Disgusting. With the constant premise hammered that the DNC was hacked.

Pretty clear what went on there. If she could not remember these things, then she had zero business being AG. Of course, she didn't have any business being AG, but unrelated to her amnesia bouts.

So a theoretical Q&A to Elephant Legs: Q: Did Slick Willie offer you SC? A: I don't recall.

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5da0fa  No.9085245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c870db  No.9085246

File: decc76375f2e37d⋯.png (137.49 KB, 252x427, 36:61, Thisss.png)

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67fd56  No.9085247

File: a7d50044a0104a9⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 225x225, 1:1, friday.jpg)

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cb0977  No.9085248

File: 708cd4905084860⋯.jpg (213.78 KB, 720x1300, 36:65, Screenshot_20200508_232922.jpg)


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230998  No.9085251

File: d72a0089e8810bb⋯.jpg (426.96 KB, 1412x1763, 1412:1763, SmartSelect_20200508_17321….jpg)

Just in case its helpful

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15d30d  No.9085252


Who is Gabe Podesta? Another pedo?

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e8e047  No.9085253


>BO is not doing anything to keep clowns from attacking and making this place look stupid. again.

Let them make themselves look stupid, they glow in the dark to everyone at this point

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000000  No.9085254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yea, it seems that at least a faction of the anonymousfags joined the Qanons fight

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80e7ad  No.9085255


> making this place look stupid.



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04c129  No.9085256


>the news cycle is done until Monday

We and Q ARE THE NEWS anon. Our news runs 24/7.

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e8f494  No.9085257


They all look like that!

This is no different than the nonsense we've been subjected to for years!

Adam Schiff had crew redact to protect the guilty!


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a41cd7  No.9085258


100%. FBI Special Agent, ties to operations against Mafia, involved in FIFA with Steele, and re Russia, Halper's handler too.

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61287c  No.9085259

File: 8912aa0afa06147⋯.png (100.88 KB, 612x502, 306:251, Screenshot_46_.png)

File: d2710b4ede5d170⋯.png (210.68 KB, 384x387, 128:129, Screenshot_47_.png)


Wiley took the job because his predecessor died in Kenya

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c2fa3b  No.9085260

File: 63f0094f87a8433⋯.png (248.62 KB, 1442x1110, 721:555, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

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30b7c5  No.9085261

File: 13d70c3c80344f3⋯.png (464.1 KB, 1878x1518, 313:253, SimonaM_p66.png)


Okay, Swalwell asked a lot of almost harassing questions about Simona's ex-boyfriend in London. Then Schiff takes over awhile.

Simona describes London Centre as very disorganized/unprofessional, possibly a front for something else, that Mifsud and the Centre were supposedly bankrupt, and nobody had any idea how Mifsud was maintaining his lifestyle, etc.

What is this called in intelligence lingo? A "cutaway" or something like that? (not the Centre itself that is just a "front", but this role Mifsud was seemingly playing)

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eca0a4  No.9085262

File: 786b22fcf085a05⋯.jpg (437.26 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, MaskGame.jpg)

File: 4ee65ca0b4fa865⋯.jpg (101.58 KB, 899x450, 899:450, COVID_Masks2.jpg)

File: c5fd525ee7f45fd⋯.png (215.2 KB, 750x512, 375:256, MaskHypocrisy.png)

File: fce52973b986736⋯.png (83.3 KB, 352x455, 352:455, MaskExemptSignColor.png)

File: 61b9fc994de9d72⋯.jpg (220.79 KB, 716x723, 716:723, MasksArmbandsatm.jpg)

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7cdfa3  No.9085263

File: 778c3bed7090bea⋯.png (242.75 KB, 1037x868, 1037:868, Screenshot_836_.png)

File: b28fb9954e864e2⋯.png (256.06 KB, 1097x852, 1097:852, Screenshot_838_.png)

File: 4e28bf06507c090⋯.png (132.49 KB, 792x836, 18:19, Screenshot_839_.png)

File: 7c8c0a526c8fbea⋯.png (139.22 KB, 496x394, 248:197, Screenshot_840_.png)

File: 1848cb322011684⋯.png (654.96 KB, 704x850, 352:425, Screenshot_841_.png)

Rough notes/impressions from reading, will incl dates for timeline reference.

Forgive my ignorance as a person with little to no education/background in international relations.

I didn't go to the Georgetown School of Foreign Service (whew, thank God for small favors)

Texts Produced to the Committee by Kurt Volker on October 2, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/5/2019

Date: 8/1/19

Page 2, begin conversation with "Mr. Mayor", then says "Rudy"

Someone says they're seeing Yermak in Madrid

Date: 8/9/19

Tells Giuliani he had a "good chat with Yermak last night", mentions advising Zelensky before Z makes a statement, "want to be sure we get this done right"

Date: 7/10/19

Volker contacts Giuliani to update him on conversations with Ukraine, but Giuliani says he is on the way to Albania.

Date: 7/15/19, 7/17/19, 7/18/19

Volker contacts Giuliani to arrange meeting 8:00 AM breakfast on Friday 7/19/19 at Trump Hotel DC

Text conversations betw Volker & Giuliani continue sporadically thru August into September 2019

Continuing to discuss Yermak, Madrid, and Gordon Sondland

Then this, from Giuliani, on September 22:

"Kurt, thanks for the support. All I need is for you is to tell the truth. You called me about Yermak and you reported back to you and Sondland, e.g., a conference call on Aug 11. Three others before. Really, this is not hard just fair to affirm truth. Rudy… Also, Secretary (Pompeo) seems not to know you put us together. Straighten him out."

Page 11 is "end to end encryption" text exchange on 5/21/19 betw Volker and Alex Danylyuk

Conversation begins w/Volker attaching first draft of a concept note regarding anti-trafficking legislation and breaking up the oligarchic system

Continues on 5/30/19

Volker tells him "we are thinking of Pompeo visit to Ukraine before election and White House visit by Ze(lensky) after"

Continues 6/4/19

Volker: I will write to our Russian friend tomorrow - nothing new - just checking in and restating what needs to happen. (1 min later) Sent just now to Prystaiko, copying you below. (File was attached, file name: 00000019-2019 0531 KV draft letter to Surkov - w edits.docx)


Danylyuk texts Volker: "Let's talk tmrw before you go to Toronto. There is one thing I would like to tell you before your meeting with Zelensky."

Text records infer they either met/talked on July 1.

On July 9, Volker and Vanylyuk meet at the Metropolitan Club in Washington DC, 1700 H Street. It's a block away from the White House.

July 22:

Volker to Vanylyuk: "I think White House will be rescheduling phone call between our presidents. Not today, but soon. You should hear from WH directly."

September 28:

Vanylyuk to Volker: "Kurt, I just wanted to say thank you. You sincerely cared about Ukraine. I hope to keep in touch. As you might know I have stepped down too. (rest of sentence is redacted)

Next follows image of letter from POTUS to then-just-inaugurated Ukraine Pres. Vladimir Zelensky (img attached) Following 3 pages are redacted in entirety.

Page 16, September 2-3-4, 2019

Volker exchanges texts w/Andrei Zagarodnyuk

Volker sends file, "Ukraine Security Letter"

Zag says he has meeting w/their Sec Def

Volker suggests he emphasize commitment to reform and professionalization, and really want US support. "Understand US support is an internal US decision but if US goes forward committed to making sure it is effective, transparent and makes a real difference for reform."

Zag agrees, thanks Volker, says he will advise after his meeting with their SecDef, then next section is redacted.

This is getting really long and difficult to summarize, but good grief, these text exchanges are fascinating to read. It is so interesting to see even the redacted "how it works" conversations between the representatives of two nations. They are plagued with playing phone tag like the rest of us. Impressed with Ukraine representatives' command of English language.

Ending this on page 20 of 65, but will keep reading.

From what I can tell, Volker's efforts to establish healthy relationship with Ukraine and encourage its development as a less-corrupt country. Implied but unstated is all parties' understanding that in the past it has been known for corruption.

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e4d048  No.9085264


Mark Elias —testimony that DNC server was hacked (not direct transfer)

p 53–

At what point did the concept of Russia and Donald Trump's possible involvement in any way with Russia, at what point did that come up?

MS. RUEMMLER: You can describe the timeframe without getting into content.

MR. ELIAS: Okay. Well, I'm going to describe the timeframe with very limited reference to the content. lt was sometime after the Democratic National Committee was hacked by Russia and the Trump campaign, through the platform at the RNC and other public statements, were taking an unconventional positive posture towards Russia. So you would have to look at the public clips to figure out.

MR. HIMES: So, just to be very clear, the hack occurs, it does not become public for some period of time. When you say after the DNC –

MR. ELIAS: After it's public.

MR. HIMES: So after the disclosure, the public disclosure of the hack, it was at some point after that public disclosure that Russia as a concept first comes up in your relationship with Fusion GPS?

MR. ELIAS: I - yes. lt could have been the week of the public disclosure, the week before, but in that generaltimeframe

MR. HIMES: Okay.

MR. ELIAS: And ldon't rememberwhen the platform meeting of the RNC was, but that would be the other sort of temporal point I would look at.

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202a2c  No.9085265


// Can't wait for Potus Admin Version 2 //

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9ebe52  No.9085266




Baker, Notable Seconded

Assfuck Podesta has no knowledge of Muh Russian interference.


>Podesta / Perkins Coie

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c3ec5c  No.9085267


>Disagree. The MS-13 were hired killers, who themselves were offed after they did the deed on Seth.

You may well be correct. In fact, your scenario seems more likely than mine.

Part of why I went with the analysis I did on this is because of the weird fuckery with the drop gun left vulnerable by the FBI guy right near there. Were the MS-13 guys a cover story to make it look gang related?

Still, I think your scenario has more merit.

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54caba  No.9085268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm a health nut who have 0 doctors and have never taken any drugs, not even pot.

You suck at profiling. maybe you can get a job as a greeter at Walmart.

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8baa82  No.9085269


My theory is that they were already doomed once they pulled the trigger. It's not relevant that they failed. they were too hot

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2dc5c3  No.9085270

Tell your mom she charges too much


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ebb2fc  No.9085271

File: 63a87de1e9b4421⋯.jpg (353.8 KB, 960x540, 16:9, and_its_gone.jpg)

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d254d0  No.9085273

File: 3e539d30a8beaff⋯.png (303.38 KB, 721x679, 103:97, 1588959978532.png)

File: 6eca8a707a5b2de⋯.png (148.48 KB, 680x564, 170:141, 1588960737523.png)

They will be found not guilty:

>Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, who was 19 at the time, was indicted Jan. 28 for allegedly carrying a Big Bear .380 caliber pistol with him when attempting to make entry into the Dec. 3, 2013 basketball game.


>In a separate document, Mr. Barnhill stated that video exists of Mr. Arbery “burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.” In the letter to the police, he cites a separate video of the shooting filmed by a third pursuer.

>Mr. Barnhill said this video, which has not been made public, shows Mr. Arbery attacking Travis McMichael after he and his father pulled up to him in their truck.



>There is a decent cell phone video of the entire shooting incident, also video of Arbery burglarizing a home immediately preceding the chase and confrontation.


>It appears Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael, and Bryan William were following, in hot pursuit, a burglary suspect, with solid first hand probable cause, in their neighborhood, and asking/telling him to stop. It appears their intent was to stop and hold this criminal suspect until law enforcement arrived. Under Georgia Law this is perfectly legal, private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion."

>Given the fact Arbery initiated the fight, at the point Arbery grabbed the shotgun, under Georgia Law, McMichael was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself.


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89c655  No.9085275

File: 4f0306d2c1374a4⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1263x10538, 1263:10538, Screenshot_2020_05_09_FBI_….png)


Michael Gaeta


>Special Agent Michael Gaeta

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efb513  No.9085276

File: ae889c8f926e265⋯.jpg (77.35 KB, 720x405, 16:9, Jimbo_Loves_the_Whole_Fist.jpg)

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da2c0e  No.9085277


well tell them how to use the word.

Q is for Q

Q anon is the name of the movement (that isn't really a movement so much as just people doing what is right and just)

anon are those who are here posting (some of those).

saying 'Qanons' is an indication of someone who doesn't know the lingo. such a person is often called a 'newbie' or in some cases a 'normie'.

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0dfe83  No.9085278


can you clone a phone so that a decoy phone responds to same fingerprint as the real phone?

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a75810  No.9085279


>Michael Sussman (December 18, 2017) [PDF] Added on 5/8/2020


>>9085152 Tim Morrisonhttps://docs.house.gov/meetings/IG/IG00/CPRT-116-IG00-D016.pdf

It works. Will you take this one?

If so, please see: >>9084988 and >>9085189


I archived the site Q posted as soon as I saw the Q post, on archive.org… just in case. Then I went about my normal archiving when Q posts (for the spreadsheet and offsite galleries). Apparently I didn't archive fast enough b/c then Q posted "insertion removed."

I tried. Normally I use archive.today, but it sucks for pdfs, so that's why I chose differently this time, plus it's usually faster. I'm sorry. I tried.



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318a32  No.9085280


>Q posts only for us.

You must be new here, anon.

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30b7c5  No.9085281


and yes, I am now starting to type in semi-broken English, because I am reading…Simona KEK

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c0c050  No.9085282


Brennan was the owner and admin of the site, not a board owner. You aren't very smart.

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67fd56  No.9085283

File: 8ce5d3a14c37b8e⋯.jpg (7.86 KB, 275x183, 275:183, tattoo.jpg)


OMG, just shut up about Rights and all that junk and just get the tattoo proving you had the vaccine.

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9ebe52  No.9085284


Baker, Notable

Needs more digging: Wiley took the job because his predecessor died in Kenya

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870de3  No.9085285


Need more chicks like her!

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1192a6  No.9085286

File: 8829ce0869878c7⋯.jpg (327.98 KB, 1022x698, 511:349, 20200508_173513.jpg)

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5da0fa  No.9085287

File: 73911c0f9d348bd⋯.gif (3.04 MB, 640x357, 640:357, whatever.gif)


ok, no moar (you)s for you

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bf9e2b  No.9085288

where is Eric Ciaramella

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0f45a8  No.9085289

File: 898d93b85fc856e⋯.png (396.3 KB, 531x449, 531:449, Brexit_celebration_Brittis….png)

File: 9a71afee811a00e⋯.png (719.34 KB, 986x593, 986:593, Congratulations_BREXIT_You….png)

File: 55ac70f1b8c361b⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1364x764, 341:191, Q_signs_at_Brexit_celebrat….png)

File: c006f723516cf63⋯.png (378.86 KB, 858x774, 143:129, 3795_Confirmed_Brexit_Q_Pr….png)

File: 3ab519fd8005914⋯.png (376.4 KB, 607x265, 607:265, austin_gifPIC.png)

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523acc  No.9085290

File: 4db6d6ac235021d⋯.png (20.29 KB, 785x261, 785:261, Ron_Fred.png)


clown, you need to try harder.

Claiming the only one that would see any kind of shilly moves by the board team would be Fred Brennan is pretty fake, when Fred and Ron worked together many months after, according to Jim and Ron, Fred took down 8chan.

fake news are just fake.

and you should have figured out by now that nothing can stop what is coming.

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603e8d  No.9085291

File: 772483d5af5fcdb⋯.png (77.64 KB, 294x286, 147:143, 8A6AEB84_FF9B_494E_A8DC_94….png)

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e426cd  No.9085292


Schiff also said on numerous occasions he has actual proof of collusion by Trump. But has yet even to this day produced any of it. Swampies the whole lot of 'em

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3b1da5  No.9085293


Lots of dotted quads. Why would a .pdf have dotted quads embedded?

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c3ec5c  No.9085294


agree - likely

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89090d  No.9085295

File: b4314420db124cf⋯.mp4 (8.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I_Speak_Jive_.mp4)


by da ebonix crew yo

btw, what does a bread have to do with a thread? and why is making a new thread called baking? shouldnt we use proper chan terminology lest we make light of prior slang whilst enumerating upon new slang?


>>9084802 planefaggin

>>9084640 Name Redacted, Lynch and Coats, supposedly broken links, uploaded to anonfile

>>9084616, >>9084617 Anon take on Q drop #4153 gets a nom

>>9084754 New DJT - Tom Tiffany (@TomTiffanyWI) is a Great Advocate for the incredible people of Wisconsin (WI07). We need Tom in Congress

>>9084767 New DJT - Vote @MikeGarcia2020 by May 12th! His opponent @ChristyforCA25 voted to fire teachers, and cut their salaries while bumping up her pay. Now she’s mocking our Great Vets!

>>9084745, >>9085177 Mifsud was a member of the Clinton Foundation. The dots are starting to connect. Nice find, anon.

>>9084885, >>9084915, >>9084922 anons trying to dig the gap from happy hunting and disregard

>>9084942, >>9084966, >>9085144 'Flynn had left his phone there. And he somehow inadvertently picked up Flynn's phone, had the same code, passcode, and then like accidentally sent an email from his - thats how I remember it.' Interview Transcript of Sally Yates

>>9084988, >>9085189 anon update on what scripts were being dug last bread (bun) ← much helpful, pls repeat

>>9084808, >>9084816, >>9084907 Prince vs Schiff (hit the fan!) re: UNMASKING of intel on Americans

>>9085146 Supreme Court grants Trump admin request to temporarily shield Mueller investigation grand jury materials

>>9085077 Assfuck Podesta has no knowledge of Muh Russian interference.

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b18b44  No.9085296



that's powerful

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f26d0a  No.9085297



Anons and Anonymous has always been here.

Much like ABC has always been here.

They only take on fights that they have to.

Know your frens.

Know your enemies.

Patch faggots have been trying to tell us.

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c457ed  No.9085301


Jennifer Williams

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6fe171  No.9085302


Yes i have read about that being possible before, haven't got the sauce to hand atm though.

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600666  No.9085303



How striking!

Eisenberg not present at his testimony..



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031c8c  No.9085304

File: e548fccc0b75d4b⋯.png (808.77 KB, 1348x532, 337:133, NSQ3.png)


knew it! super elites!


Savant Division, Psychology has zero effect on us!

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80e7ad  No.9085305

>>9085295 Final Notables Bun



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67fd56  No.9085306


Trying to figure out the best meme format that won't cause instant defensiveness and dismissal.

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000000  No.9085307


It is all perception. Leftist may resonate moar with Anonymous. Doesn't matter much, as long as goals are aligned

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7cdfa3  No.9085308


If you haven't seen either, see Giulio Occhionero's twatter feed and/or his extensive breakdown of Italy's part of SpyGate

Occhionero had been in prison for a year, then immediately after release, contacted first US political blogger he could find

It was Neon Revolt

My policy is "never shoot the messenger", more important to see what Occhionero had to say

Michael Gaeta > Link Campus Rome

FBI shuffling people in & out of there frequently for "training"

So is MI5/MI6 and intel agencies of other countries

Link Campus Rome = spy summer camp

Very important piece of that puzzle

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6ab07e  No.9085309

File: cfc93c0ca958e1b⋯.png (301.74 KB, 620x857, 620:857, comfy.png)


another lie.

thats all these transcripts are…

lie after lie, denial after denial…

Lynch saying 'she knew nothing about Christopher Steele' (the person she was relying on to get the dossier touchdown)

Ohr acting like they had no outside comms, we all know thats horseshit, they were probly conspirin' in a discord somewhere…

These transcripts show you the LIARS need to be investigated further

These transcripts are the foundation to the next phase (the people must be brought to speed, which is ongoing now)

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36e303  No.9085310

File: 30f0dd1a3c2d9aa⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 740x555, 4:3, Reddit.jpg)

Have at it.

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4557bb  No.9085312


>not realizing the hollocaust was a lie after 3+ years of this

You're unhelpable, anon.

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84a826  No.9085313

File: d4cf3b6b6b4d7d4⋯.png (32.17 KB, 1114x394, 557:197, rep_was_made.PNG)


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8bfbed  No.9085314

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370f19  No.9085315


>anons trying to dig the gap from happy hunting and disregard

on that see: >>9085062

Heading out for a while but could be back to bake later tonight if needed. Thanks baker o7

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344406  No.9085317

File: eebfb1aad8438fc⋯.jpeg (151.29 KB, 1080x725, 216:145, 1584917492.jpeg)

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603e8d  No.9085318

File: 5f7752b09e90f8c⋯.png (537.59 KB, 919x532, 919:532, E0F5C510_2361_4983_97ED_E1….png)

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da2c0e  No.9085319


you think that ironicly mocking with a image that says something off is clever?

it only tags you as a shill.

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b3995d  No.9085320

File: 258beef75a3061d⋯.png (184.03 KB, 879x1111, 879:1111, peter_fritsch_fusion_gps.png)


Executive of Fusion GPS

Believes he will self-incriminate by answering where he works.


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6426c5  No.9085321


What a massive ego.

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84a826  No.9085322

File: 493833352303578⋯.png (702.13 KB, 951x507, 317:169, doc_confirms.PNG)

File: 176f838585c4162⋯.png (276.5 KB, 883x394, 883:394, doc_confirms1.PNG)

https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/politics-government/article242527331.html >>9085313

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9ebe52  No.9085323

>>9085258, >>9085260, >>9085275, >>9085308


Baker, Notable

FBI special agent Michael Gaeta is handler of Steele

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b18b44  No.9085324



the fact that it's triggering in 3-d just emphasizes it.

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bf9e2b  No.9085325


nice try freddie breadie

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c94d2a  No.9085326


good choice

it's what I do

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30b7c5  No.9085328

File: 4bd8b9a26a32583⋯.png (404.77 KB, 1845x1599, 15:13, SimonaM_p67.png)


And here she is talking about Link Campus – I had left it out previously but she mentions this several times earlier on (PapaD mentions in his book also so pretty common knowledge now I suspect)

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a68908  No.9085329




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c5f4e0  No.9085330

House Documents Suddenly Very Relevant!

Whistleblower Provides Key Info About Flynn Text to Business Colleague During Trump Inauguration


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7de528  No.9085331

File: d924f186b8d0053⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 4128x2322, 16:9, 20200508_171113.jpg)

File: 41dc549bd9c86d9⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 4128x2322, 16:9, 20200508_171113_0_.jpg)


My tiny humans thought it was the coolest thing they ever saw.

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80e7ad  No.9085332




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9c4439  No.9085333



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bbfe70  No.9085334



One thing that is not available on the House interviews is - it won't come up, says an error.

Deposition of Ambassador Marie “Masha” Yovanovitch on October 11, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/4/2019

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84a826  No.9085335

File: e5917e389bd6c5f⋯.png (589.24 KB, 795x456, 265:152, re_coup.PNG)


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da2c0e  No.9085336


you know nothing. what yo udo is one post IP hopping mocking.

your suggestions have no effect.

any process you use on us is null.

your weenieness is making you glow.

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68f6af  No.9085337

File: a008e12d0fee94e⋯.png (261.72 KB, 1562x869, 142:79, a008e12d0fee94e3ce5cd7fc02….png)


I am lowest ranking anon.

first day on the kek.

can you point me to the bathroom fellow frog person?

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c5f4e0  No.9085338


According to the whistleblower, Alex Copson, the managing partner of ACU Strategic Partners—which funded Flynn’s trip to the Middle East in 2015—attended an event on Inauguration Day during which he claimed to have received a text message from Flynn saying the project was “good to go” and directing Copson to contact their business colleagues to “let them know to put things in place.” The text was reportedly sent while President Trump was delivering his Inaugural Address. According to the whistleblower, Copson also explained that General Flynn was making sure that sanctions would be “ripped up” as one of his first orders of business and that this would allow money to start flowing into the project.

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a75810  No.9085339


Michael Sussman


Link works, have it open right now.

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b18b44  No.9085340


that's a compliment, coming from a disease like yourself.

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90264f  No.9085342

File: 13f9167be0b97d2⋯.jpeg (68.32 KB, 828x661, 828:661, 82E6B3C9_218F_4E4D_9D55_3….jpeg)

File: e4ac2ea32e083fb⋯.jpeg (107.01 KB, 828x563, 828:563, D8582C16_B746_4D27_8BF1_3….jpeg)

File: fa8bd75ac337e83⋯.jpeg (157.37 KB, 828x628, 207:157, 34D88E76_85D5_4845_8055_9….jpeg)

File: c541ca13b9a047d⋯.jpeg (166.78 KB, 828x1074, 138:179, 170DF5D5_FC04_42FD_95F0_9….jpeg)

File: d166e8a8e62510b⋯.jpeg (138.22 KB, 828x675, 92:75, 5FFA87E9_D147_46A4_8D68_7….jpeg)

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318a32  No.9085343



Enter Hillary stage right.

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6ab07e  No.9085344

File: 895dffc24e8097c⋯.jpg (56.08 KB, 595x587, 595:587, frog_toilet.JPG)

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dfe422  No.9085345

File: c942fdf144a3aeb⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2278x1346, 1139:673, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80ec1a646a09a60⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2286x1430, 1143:715, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 172482e5eff3ac7⋯.pdf (376.32 KB, birth_certificate_long_for….pdf)


adobe illustrator is what you need. you can download barry's birth certificate directly from the whitehouse archives and look at the layers for yourself.

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c3ec5c  No.9085346


>When Comey came to Trump Tower to give candidate Trump a defensive briefing, he assured Trump that Trump was not a target.

I did not know this. Thank you, anon.

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5da0fa  No.9085347


im going that way myself

gotta do some cocaine and whatnot

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f26d0a  No.9085348

File: bd3610a5ffebe40⋯.jpg (81.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, WinningBiggly.jpg)

File: 125e2b34cc3df98⋯.jpg (202.6 KB, 1220x684, 305:171, Frogs_To_Destroy.jpg)

File: c01c1c0af327dce⋯.png (1.01 MB, 824x732, 206:183, _You_.png)


Naw man some things are just funny.


And the way Don says believe me is funny.

Jokes are Jokes!

Cover your wounds if you don't like salt….

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3c8e17  No.9085349


No and Yes.

Phones have SIM cards.

So mostly No, but yes because you can do it. It just wouldn't do you any good.

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98524a  No.9085350



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6bc3e5  No.9085351

File: 816a2ff5778b4a1⋯.png (1.34 MB, 556x880, 139:220, ClipboardImage.png)


Hey Bill, it's called RESEARCH, moran.

And besides - any judgment is irrelevant coming from a man that rapes, murders and eats children.

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c94d2a  No.9085352


I guessed she was a 90 pounder earlier. Think I was very close. A long live stare would be better. :)>>9084717

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30b7c5  No.9085353


Gaeta is CF also? If so, it is not gonna be very hard to connect these dots…

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c2fa3b  No.9085354



A text message from Flynn to Muh Russians happens during POTUS inauguration!!! Did he leave his phone behind?

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523acc  No.9085355


mixed it up with 8bit…

still: Ron claimed Fred is a clown, and kept working with Fred…it´s the same team.

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541fe0  No.9085356



Ya that's great *but they are all gone*

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603e8d  No.9085357

File: 2a7b39c5f3b60dc⋯.png (482.57 KB, 655x532, 655:532, 0349C657_FB6E_488B_A398_89….png)

File: fd3495301c31390⋯.png (71.71 KB, 612x298, 306:149, DDCE5F5F_9379_40B6_8F9D_38….png)

File: cf93fee9f714183⋯.jpeg (51.07 KB, 349x314, 349:314, 5A17943D_B189_41CE_8DE8_7….jpeg)

File: d9c07924eac7aee⋯.png (352.41 KB, 630x472, 315:236, C978DF5C_0FDC_4063_B814_8F….png)

File: e7842bdd1c7edec⋯.jpeg (19.73 KB, 175x255, 35:51, 318ED2BF_0455_4758_8900_F….jpeg)


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89c655  No.9085358

File: fa2d5ae677e1758⋯.jpg (374.16 KB, 1189x1200, 1189:1200, fa2d5ae677e175819f528e00df….jpg)

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0f45a8  No.9085359

File: 1553fdcbe15ee3f⋯.png (79.98 KB, 826x306, 413:153, Obama_s_birth_certificate_….png)

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dfe422  No.9085360


i am retarded and responded to the wrong post.



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e8f494  No.9085362

File: fe74bbb5b67e46d⋯.png (499.25 KB, 640x860, 32:43, susan_rice_testimony.png)


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a68908  No.9085363


No, just been in the news before.

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090d38  No.9085364

File: b91b665e71a992e⋯.jpg (93.25 KB, 477x640, 477:640, 82699161_784722548698729_9….jpg)

File: b225c91528d2577⋯.jpg (117.11 KB, 736x529, 32:23, 82556003_784722312032086_5….jpg)

File: 1f7d092dbcaa542⋯.jpg (121.02 KB, 736x569, 736:569, 82768447_784722135365437_2….jpg)

File: 0a2131e48694df1⋯.jpg (75.22 KB, 736x525, 736:525, 82618819_784722008698783_1….jpg)

File: 130a71290f0244e⋯.jpg (45.25 KB, 417x559, 417:559, 82771880_784721835365467_8….jpg)


Stiff upper lip old chap…..

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a75810  No.9085365


Deposition of Ambassador Marie “Masha” Yovanovitch on October 11, 2019 [PDF] Added on 11/4/2019


Archived page:


Just copy the [pdf] link, remove the archive prefix:


and the clean link is the rest:


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eca0a4  No.9085366


>>9085244 Summary of Loretta Lynch transcript


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72545b  No.9085367


Durham's Indictments

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93d39e  No.9085368

File: 52b2c783a1b9ad0⋯.png (2.02 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1_7tQNF9dXLkYDZoSfKYMkJA_2….png)

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1bf15d  No.9085369

File: 2bfa3e80bab4b0f⋯.png (3.75 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 3D5344F8_5954_4D96_AD56_EC….png)


Pictures 11,15,19,22, more


All labeled “Plan Matar Trump.” Matar means kill in Spanish.

Also located other NBC sites with pictures labeled similarly on NBC Telemundo, Linden, NJ, NBC Miami, NBC Chicago, NBC Bay Area.

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3fbaad  No.9085371

File: ef94f77740be0c2⋯.png (524.13 KB, 590x393, 590:393, ClipboardImage.png)

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a75810  No.9085372


See: >>9085365

It's working. I have ones opened right now that anons in this thread said they could not open. That is the method I'm using and it works.

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0dfe83  No.9085373


betcha that's in ghidra too, what fun

there is delicious irony here in Yates saying "same thumbprint"

how many other people trusted phones cuz muh thumbprint?

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bf9e2b  No.9085374

File: c1ad6e4bf79ebce⋯.png (1.06 MB, 862x982, 431:491, eric_c.png)

where am i?

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52c5cd  No.9085375


Much overlap. Depends on the issues. Notional Anonymous is getting a lot more based/redpilled in the past 3 years or so…at least since PizzaGate and all.

Hurt kids…get enemies. Dangerous enemies.

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e8f494  No.9085376



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c5f4e0  No.9085377

File: b5469922e9051ae⋯.jpeg (109.25 KB, 590x393, 590:393, 7C8791E4_6B32_4149_98F5_C….jpeg)


NO, sadly Flynn is Pictured Texting on the website.

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54caba  No.9085378


You always make yourself look stupid whenever you say "makes this board look":



"look nazi to MSM"

you make yourself look like a whiny bitch.

and misinformed: after Q moved to 8chan, Jim was the owner of 8chan. dumbass

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9ebe52  No.9085379

File: 3991d532b7b94af⋯.png (949.92 KB, 888x500, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)


>9085313>>9085322 >>9085343

Baker, Notable

Unveiled Court Document Confirms Tara Reade Reported Biden Sexual Harassment in 1996

By Eric Lendrum • May 8, 2020

A newly-unveiled court document from 1996 appears to further corroborate Tara Reade’s claims of sexual harassment against her by then-Senator, and now Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, as reported by the New York Post.

The document was first obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, which is where Reade’s mother was confirmed to have been living at the time of the alleged assault. The document is from Reade’s divorce from then-husband Theodore Dronen, and features Dronen confirming that she had told him about enduring sexual harassment “in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office.”

“It was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect on Reade,” the statement by Dronen reads, “and that she is still sensitive and effected by it today.”

This is the latest piece of corroborating evidence of Reade’s account, and one more concrete example of contemporaneous evidence involving someone who was told about the alleged assault around the time that it happened. Reade alleges that Biden sexually assaulted her in his Senate office in 1993 when they were alone, and that she left his employ shortly thereafter.

A former neighbor of Reade’s, who also lived in San Luis Obispo at the time, came forward last week to confirm that Reade told her about the incident in either 1995 or 1996. Reade also said that she told her mother, who subsequently called into the Larry King Live show shortly afterward, anonymously, to describe her daughter’s plight and to seek advice from King and his panel; video of the clip has since emerged, with King confirming that the caller lived in San Luis Obispo. When asked, Reade confirmed that it was her late mother’s voice in the clip.

Joe Biden and his campaign have repeatedly denied the allegation. But the increasing credibility of the claim has led to a rift within the Democratic Party, as well as widespread allegations of hypocrisy regarding Biden and his supporters, considering their previous stance of believing all women at the height of the “Me Too” movement.

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d15b5d  No.9085381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



you guys are no fun AT ALL!

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ebbefb  No.9085382

File: c8ca98070f85e23⋯.jpg (53.74 KB, 569x647, 569:647, ChristopherWiley.jpg)

File: 87e7c078e82ea04⋯.jpg (60.63 KB, 533x649, 533:649, ChristopherWylie.jpg)

Interview Transcript of Christopher Wylie (April 25, 2018)


WYLIE: The impression that I got, or at least what Alexander Nix said, was sort of the carrot on the you know, on the stick, was if we were able to sort of predict behavior of each individual person in a particular country like the United States more accurately than anybody else, you know, for the financial sector, if you're looking at investments, if you can predict consumer trends before anyone else could, that would be quite useful.

And so, it made sense that Robert Mercer would be interested in that. But it turns out that, you know, he's already a billionaire, so he doesn't need to make more money, and '''he was more interested in what Steve Bannon was interested in, which is, you know, can you change a culture, and how would you do that, and how would you quantify a culture, how would you quantify people, and what could you do – what kind of interventions could you do in order to, you know, shift a cohort of people

from here to here'''."

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72545b  No.9085383



Damn, Anon. You need to finish school first.

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cc6137  No.9085384

File: d3bf7402ac21aed⋯.png (25.6 KB, 475x296, 475:296, ClipboardImage.png)


Scanning thru Page 52 U.S. Department of Justice Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election

Open Source.


"Donaldson 11/6/17 302, at14-15. On March 16, 2017, the WhiteHouse Counsel’sOfficewasbriefed bySenator Burr onthe existence of “4-5 targets.” Don aldson 11/6/17 302, at 15. The “targets” were identified in notes taken byDonaldson as “Flynn(FBI was in—wrapping up)→DOJ looking for phonerecords”; “Comey→Manafort (Ukr + Russia, not campaign)”;HOM“Carter Page($ game)”; and “Greek Guy” (potentially referring to George Papadopoulos,later charged with violating18 U.S.C. §1001 for lying tothe FBI). SC_AD_00198 (Donaldson 3/16/17 Notes). Donaldson and McGahnboth said they believed these were targets of SSCI. Donaldson 11/6/17302, at15; McGahn 12/12/17 302,at 4. But SSCI does not formallyinvestigate individuals as “targets”; the notes on their face reference theFBI, the Department of Justice, and Comey; and the notes track the backgroundmaterials prepared bytheFBI for Comey’s briefingto the Gangof 8 on March 9.See SNS-Classified-0000140-44 (3/8/17 Email,Gauhar to Page et al.); see also Donaldson 11/6/17 302, at 15 (Donaldson could not rule out that Burr hadtold McGahn those individuals were the FBI’s targets)."

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a93b82  No.9085385

it was only time COVID19 hitting White House, next Senate and House.

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18e08c  No.9085386

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d2cd3f  No.9085387

File: 6888faae36468c6⋯.jpeg (180.45 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 6F6B0A2C_1837_43EF_9BFE_E….jpeg)



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890596  No.9085388

Did Hussein create and arm ISIL as a ruse? Create a "new threat" in the region in order to facilitate and foster cooperation between the US and Iran, lift sanctions, and to lead to the Iranian regime becoming nuke-capable? Is that why he wanted to circumvent Congress?


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0f45a8  No.9085389

File: f9752626596d0f9⋯.png (878.38 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, English_girl_comforts_her_….png)

File: 1b2d2599ae887ca⋯.png (723.77 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Bookstore_air_raid_1940.png)

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2d136c  No.9085390

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da2c0e  No.9085391


all the issues are their responsiblity and as a constant user of this board, and one who has been here since a long time before now, I must applaud the team of Dad and son for keeping this board going.

when did you first show up here?

the discussion of Dad and son is rather insider stuff here, not something a newbie should be rattling on about.

They are doing a fine job.

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89090d  No.9085392


>>9084802 planefaggin

>>9084640 Name Redacted, Lynch and Coats, supposedly broken links, uploaded to anonfile

>>9084616, >>9084617 Anon take on Q drop #4153 gets a nom

>>9084754 New DJT - Tom Tiffany (@TomTiffanyWI) is a Great Advocate for the incredible people of Wisconsin (WI07). We need Tom in Congress

>>9084767 New DJT - Vote @MikeGarcia2020 by May 12th! His opponent @ChristyforCA25 voted to fire teachers, and cut their salaries while bumping up her pay. Now she’s mocking our Great Vets!

>>9084745, >>9085177 Mifsud was a member of the Clinton Foundation. The dots are starting to connect. Nice find, anon.

>>9084885, >>9084915, >>9084922, >>9085062 anons trying to dig the gap from happy hunting and disregard

>>9084942, >>9084966, >>9085144 'Flynn had left his phone there. And he somehow inadvertently picked up Flynn's phone, had the same code, passcode, and then like accidentally sent an email from his - thats how I remember it.' Interview Transcript of Sally Yates

>>9084988, >>9085189 anon update on what scripts were being dug last bread (bun) <-- much helpful, pls repeat

>>9084808, >>9084816, >>9084907 Prince vs Schiff (hit the fan!) re: UNMASKING of intel on Americans

>>9085146 Supreme Court grants Trump admin request to temporarily shield Mueller investigation grand jury materials

>>9085077 Assfuck Podesta has no knowledge of Muh Russian interference.

>>9085259 Needs more digging: Wiley took the job because his predecessor died in Kenya

>>9085258, >>9085260, >>9085275, >>9085308 anons on 'FBI special agent Michael Gaeta is handler of Steele'

>>9085330, >>9085338 Whistleblower Provides Key Info About Flynn Text to Business Colleague During Trump Inauguration

>>9085244 Summary of Loretta Lynch transcript

>>9085313, >9085313, >>9085322, >>9085343 Unveiled Court Document Confirms Tara Reade Reported Biden Sexual Harassment in 1996

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8f25d4  No.9085393


I'll be asleep before I finish this. Sheesh

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7b14bc  No.9085394

File: 5ed8a3ce2facbe7⋯.jpg (120.42 KB, 640x960, 2:3, awesome.jpg)


Well that's good!

Good job calling that garbage out!

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187ca0  No.9085395

Bomber just went over mid missouri

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d15b5d  No.9085396

File: 3f172a2ab61f104⋯.jpg (35.73 KB, 800x430, 80:43, 1iq23l.jpg)

File: e26e6a51b3222ec⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 2_PEPE_TRUMP3.jpg)

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30b7c5  No.9085397

File: 89873214c9454e9⋯.png (331.42 KB, 1854x1834, 927:917, SimonaM_p68.png)


This is a big Red Flag here. Looking more like the Centre is a trafficking front.

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566be0  No.9085398

File: 3a8fdeeca21a9fb⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1536x1024, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


the battle of britain is the best example of how a mighty force can be defeated by a small but determined population of freedom fighters.

god speed britbongs

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ebbefb  No.9085399


Meant to highlight:

he was more interested in what Steve Bannon was interested in, which is, you know, can you change a culture, and how would you do that, and how would you quantify a culture, how would you quantify people, and what could you do – what kind of interventions could you do in order to, you know, shift a cohort of people from here to here

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b40f7d  No.9085400


Five meter. On it.

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a93b82  No.9085401

Shifty's rouge looks a bit off.

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67fd56  No.9085402

File: 2f7b17f839c33a6⋯.jpg (77.23 KB, 612x407, 612:407, tattoo1.jpg)

Waiting on Crab Alfredo and Butter Biscuits, so I might polish this up after a couple of beers.

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c5f4e0  No.9085403


Sure, right after he explains this…

Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn reportedly had 'forbidden' internet connection at the Pentagon


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b18b44  No.9085404

File: fe2187d0434482f⋯.png (8.42 KB, 223x93, 223:93, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)

File: 91206fd7bee3256⋯.png (8.05 KB, 227x93, 227:93, Screen_Shot_2020_05_08_at_….png)


then it wouldn't make any sense

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344406  No.9085405

File: 2f9cb59c718b09c⋯.jpg (269 KB, 1080x534, 180:89, 20200504_153233.jpg)

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c2fa3b  No.9085406



British woman tells it straight about COVID lie.

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a39265  No.9085407


from "We The People"

President Executive Order 13526

Classified National Security Information

Sec. 1.7. Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall

information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail

to be declassified in order to:

(1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

(3) restrain competition; or

(4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security.


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e616bd  No.9085408

File: 6204b43af969708⋯.png (389.21 KB, 1223x937, 1223:937, ClipboardImage.png)



I think insertions of "Q"s help us find the meat!


CTRL Q you get to p. 13 and this gets shown upon copy/pasta:

And how long did that meeting last in April ot2Q10, ballpark? Anhour?

This page is about Steele.

But my mind is fried. Just a little help for you.

Do a CTRL Q and see what shows up!

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3ddcdf  No.9085409


This whole thing needs to be resurrected and properly investigated so King Nig's entire reign can be nullified and every commie nigger law he signed erased.

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7cdfa3  No.9085410

File: 698f7d658df7ce2⋯.jpeg (156.76 KB, 1186x777, 1186:777, PepeBeach.jpeg)


Michael Gaeta = FBI 7th Floor Criminal

Key figure in coordinating int'l chess pieces in SpyGate

Had the motive

Had the perfect geographical location & comms, e.g. the means



Haaaahahahah, isn't it great to know the crooks are no doubt eventually getting screencaps of our stuff in their encrypted Awan BlackBerries?

We're just digging and being comfy.

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54caba  No.9085411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The easiest Dead -Giveaway is that the Hospital Name on this fake B.Cert. is the modern name.

It had a DIFFERENT NAME back in 1961 when Hussein was born.

Also, when Hussein was the first black Editor of the Harvard Law Review during his student days, under his Bio photo he wrote:

"I was born in Kenya."

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b18b44  No.9085412

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1b1701  No.9085413

White rabbit removed

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059639  No.9085414


>actually believes the holobunga


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929aff  No.9085415


These fuckers are way overpaid for people with incipient Alzheimer’s. And to think, the ever forgetful LL was going to be elevated to SCOTUS.

There are solutions to the DC problem other than draining it.

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a41cd7  No.9085416


Thank you.

Bit confused, but thank you.

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b8ac62  No.9085418


Here is the May 7 archive (56 file)


Here was archived at 1557 est. before Q said disregard at 16:?? (85 file)


As Q said

It must be open-source.

Happy hunting!


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202a2c  No.9085419

Did anyone check size of documents or amount of redactions from the Shiff transcripts to the DOJ transcripts

AND disregard or removed info … OR redacted info

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5da0fa  No.9085420

File: 41a3037c97a4c65⋯.gif (2.25 MB, 350x243, 350:243, wtf4.gif)

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4f8eaa  No.9085421

File: a597dfefe50ded6⋯.png (47 KB, 672x604, 168:151, ClipboardImage.png)

(posting again because was lost while Q was posting a few breads back)

I just finished the fantastic interview with Brad Parscale. He gave a basic roadmap for how to set up digital data for a presidential campaign. It's almost too much information for the other side! When it got into talking about Sprinkler (page 137) his attorney thankfully cut them off.

Some very smart clap-backs as well from Brad throughout; no doubt a few went right over the heads of Schiff and Swalwell.

The exchange with Schiff on page 111 where he asks:

"Do you know of a company Tiptop?"

is a funny. I don't think he is talking about the Oracle Advisory Services company (http://tiptop-us.com/).

If he meant TikTok, that was not launched until 2017 for iOS and Android in markets outside of China. It became available in the United States after merging with musical.ly on 2 August 2018. Brad's interview took place on October 24, 2017.

I don't want to be the anon who starts looking for a xxx app or adult social media platform, Tiptop, lol. Any takers?


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e616bd  No.9085422

File: 21548fed6b0991a⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 336x334, 168:167, seal_murder_obama_plane.jpg)

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bf156c  No.9085423


Chat for British Q anons, please come along. We've been on 8chan since it's inception would welcome some fellow Anons

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7261e2  No.9085424

I think Q is telling us that there is something exploitable in these files but we have to find it organically.

Just like the redactions having a glitch before

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d0ef7b  No.9085427



Missing the point Anon… the INSERTION would be in the PDF files. That's where we would DIG.

There is a "Q" version of those PDFs

There is a "scrubbed" version, which t(they) swapped in at 5:00EST today.

We missed our window of opportunity.

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fa8966  No.9085428

File: 78d7be8a0d9c364⋯.jpg (368.1 KB, 1076x720, 269:180, praying_mantis_eats_murder….jpg)

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e426cd  No.9085429


Good ol' Benny Hill

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2f36cd  No.9085430


Anons doing the job that real journalists should be doing.

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230998  No.9085431

I originally got an error on the Jefderson Sessions but its available now.

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259df5  No.9085432

Twitter is useless.

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bf156c  No.9085434


Chat for UK Q anons, please come along. We've been on 8chan since it's inception would welcome some fellow Anons

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072b38  No.9085435

File: 92089500175e588⋯.jpeg (415.55 KB, 2048x967, 2048:967, 562D91B8_3CC8_49E4_B4C9_3….jpeg)


From DNI.gov

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79f5ba  No.9085438

File: 12d64590d47d3b8⋯.jpg (123.79 KB, 638x569, 638:569, BirthCert.jpg)

File: f495c338b6a944b⋯.jpg (57.9 KB, 617x496, 617:496, BirthCertII.JPG)

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8947df  No.9085439

File: 4f1ea0647b65677⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 1180x885, 4:3, us_navy_admiral_tapped_to_….jpg)


Boatfags Approve

EAM: You are cleared to launch at will. Target selection at Captain's discretion. Retain half of your command's ordnance for counterbattery fire.

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5da0fa  No.9085442


>benny hill

now i know what that meme is from


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2dc5c3  No.9085443


Sure, DS never happen there

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0f45a8  No.9085444

File: af72572eeaf731b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1440x798, 240:133, _Beverly_Eckert_HRC_Q_Proo….png)

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190277  No.9085445


Quercetin has been dug here many times and posted in notables many times.

Zinc, Selenium, Vit D, Vit C, NAC

Quinine vs. Chloroquine (Aralen) vs. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ=Plaquenil) as well.

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a3708f  No.9085446

File: 24891d9f4de5b38⋯.png (229.46 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Ruth_Bader_Ginsburg_Lorett….png)

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79f5ba  No.9085447

File: ed521d28f0fdd15⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 514x351, 514:351, AdmRogersHero.JPG)

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370f19  No.9085448


That's plausible too.

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1bf15d  No.9085449

File: 2effd657f35d1a4⋯.png (4.91 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4C98010A_E122_4B20_BEB6_E4….png)


Pictures 11,15,19,22, more


All labeled “Plan Matar Trump.” Matar means kill in Spanish.

Also located other NBC sites with pictures labeled similarly on NBC Telemundo, Linden, NJ, NBC Miami, NBC Chicago, NBC Bay Area.

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c495b2  No.9085451


turns out Flynn went free - just like Q said. Thanks

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dc8da3  No.9085452


is that you bush poster lad ?

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d0ef7b  No.9085453

I've been to all the Wayback machines and Internet-IT mirrors i can find, there is one that took a capture of the HTMLpage at 4:57PM today - but none of the PDFs were archived. The links from the archived HTML just lead to the same scrubbed PDFs


We missed it, by THAT much.

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b18b44  No.9085454

File: ee0470a8d9119f2⋯.png (410.56 KB, 558x453, 186:151, lynch_comey_mini_me.png)

Godspeed, anons.

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a3708f  No.9085455

File: 93b1577ffafdd9b⋯.png (296.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Q400_crew.png)


trips checked

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a75810  No.9085456

BAKER pls add to Transcripts volunteer list

>>9085301 Jennifer Williams


Your clean, working link for Michael Sussman


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c495b2  No.9085458


Where's Flynn?

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d0ef7b  No.9085459

Still worth digging, but no MEAT for us tonight.

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6ab07e  No.9085460


sounds legit, wish Q would confirm?

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67fd56  No.9085461


Quercetin has shitty oral absorption. Been playing with different cocrystals to increase absorption very successfully.

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72545b  No.9085462

Anons assessment of AG Lynch is totally accurate, total waste of time. Need to see the hippo memes again.

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58c250  No.9085463



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ba7556  No.9085464


Thanks. Been in and out and missed those.

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89090d  No.9085465

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d0ef7b  No.9085466


They wont

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80e7ad  No.9085467


>=Bresh Fred=

oh shitsorry wrong link










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a41cd7  No.9085470


Yeah, confusion is on my end, why that link worked, and the Q one didn't, for me. Was thinking maybe it was something about disregarded insertions.

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5da0fa  No.9085471


be gayer

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9185f8  No.9085472

File: 0cd9f825a446454⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 237x244, 237:244, Capture.JPG)


Freddy …Come home..kekek

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7b14bc  No.9085474


Ebonics Baker crew never lets anyone else bake. I use to think they were just retarded attention seekers. Now I see they are retarded shill fucks

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6587d2  No.9085475


werewolves are gigantic

if I heard about 3 footer, well……..

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890596  No.9085477


Anyanon download the versions that were there previously?

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000000  No.9085478


Gaeta ties to Jonathan Winer whom he testifies about in transcript. Winer ties to Uranium 1 and Clinton Foundation.


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6ab07e  No.9085480

File: 3f16ddb929f4ac3⋯.png (192.38 KB, 517x594, 47:54, 1st_recon.png)


just stop bro

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344406  No.9085482

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, 1553704436.jpeg)

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b8ac62  No.9085483



Here is the May 7 archive (56 file)


Here was archived at 1557 est. before Q said disregard at 16:?? (85 file)


As Q said

It must be open-source.

Happy hunting!


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