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File: 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QResearch.jpg)

b31c56  No.6022693

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

>>5949454 rt >>5949296 ————————— Eyes on

>>5948880 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5949933)

>>5948854 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5949897)

>>5948778 ————————————–——– PATRIOTS UNITED (Cap: >>5948823)

>>5948737 ————————————–——– MAKE CA GREAT AGAIN! (Cap: >>5948770)

>>5948706 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap >>5949560)

>>5948690 ————————————–——– HONOR & RESPECT! (Cap: >>5949472)

>>5948656 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5949408)

>>5948641 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5981967)

>>5948625 ————————————–——– WE ARE UNITED IN THIS FIGHT! (Cap: >>5948663)

>>5948590 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap >>5949251)

>>5948569 ————————————–——– YOUR SACRIFICE WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN (Cap: >>5949373)

>>5948511 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5948542)

>>5948479 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>5950392)

>>5948441 ————————————–——– WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>5950409)

>>5948406 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5950428)

>>5948387 ————————————–——– SHEEP NO MORE (Cap: >>5950442)

>>5948334 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5950855)

>>5948315 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5948610)

>>5948229 ————————————–——– Enjoy the show, VIP Patriot! (Cap: >>5949126)

>>5948195 ————————————–——– LOVE OF COUNTRY! (Cap: >>5950899)

>>5948159 ————————————–——– Listed up-to-date? (Cap: >>5948233)

>>5948102 ————————————–——– Enjoy the show, VIP Patriot! (Cap: >>5948284)

>>5948084 ————————————–——– [THEY] wanted you silenced (Cap: >>5948232)

>>5948009 ————————————–——– Fast & Furious (Cap: >>5948165)

>>5947941 ————————————–——– #FLAGSOUT (Cap: >>5948042)

>>5947913 ————————————–——– Flags out? (Cap: >>5947996)

>>5947846 ————————————–——– Millions of Patriots WW! (Cap: >>5947908)

>>5947752 ————————————–——– Enjoy the show, VIP Patriot! (Cap: >>5950923)

Compilation of Bread #7606 Q Rally Posts >>5947585

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b31c56  No.6022698

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5857423 BO on global notables

>>5857492 BO on "baker assist"

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images


are not endorsements

#7702 baker change

>>6022543 Miller: POTUS to pursue 'aggressive' executive crackdown on Immigration (DailyCaller)

>>6022487 Former United Auto Workers official pleads guilty in corruption case (Reuters)

>>6022378 Reminder to lurkers of what board shill Doug’s post record was.

>>6022253 Digging on Skippy's brother Tony: paid by Serbia, Georgia…

>>6022154 Illegal Honduran in New Jersey charged with murder (/our sara/)

>>6022139, >>6022306 McConnell to Trump: We're not repealing and replacing OCare. (Hill, DCExaminer)

>>6022116 Arkansas OK's 72-hour waiting period for abortions (USNews)

>>6022082, >>6022106 redaction slip-up in Priestap testimony?

>>6022073 Yujing Zhang federal charges full document (scribd)

>>6022035 Yujing Zhang, facing fed. charges after being stopped outside Mar-a-Lago, engineer at GOOG?

>>6022025 Private lunar lander firm eyeing Florida for new facility (UPI.com)

>>6022021 Zucc wants to curate "high quality" news on LifeLog (Breitbart)

>>6022009 Bruce Ohr shared email address with Fusion GPS contractor wife (Breitbart)

>>6022676 #7702

#7701 baker change

>>6021212 Was Trumps father born in Germany?

>>6021372 Trump vs Payseur rivalry?

>>6021313 Sara Carter: UN paid 10 percent to terror group Al Shabaab to access Somalia.

>>6021289, >>6021229 Chinese woman carrying ‘malware’ arrested at Mar-a-Lago.

>>6021281 President Trump: Origins of Mueller Report are criminal and treasonous.

>>6021275 Trump stands by border closure threat, as aides say all options being explored.

>>6021264, >>6021392 US Army Tweet patch: HRC.

>>6021260 China quietly sends 100 troops to Venezuela?

>>6021233, >>6021312, >>6021424, >>6021739 POTUS/NATO sec picture decode

>>6021555 Tom Fitton: Rep. Adam Schiff Should Step Down

>>6021433, >>6021445, >>6021497, >>6021570, >>6021704, >>6021766, Mayor Pugh digs

>>6021824 Trump Returns to L.A. This Week to Fundraise for 2020

>>6021884 #7701


>>6020482 Dangerous Liaisons: Israel & The CIA

>>6021024 Comey says he fears possible counterinvestigation after Mueller report.

>>6021008 It will be several weeks before a judge decides whether the public will get a look at the sealed court file in the Jussie Smollett case.

>>6020973 Artifacts being stolen during the Syrian war?

>>6020948 Desperate remainers push ‘last ditch attempt’ bill to stop no deal Brexit.

>>6020941 Sanders brings in $18+ million in first quarter with nearly 900,000 donations averaging $20.

>>6020920, >>6021006 Facebook embracing its' content publishing role: Considers paying publishers for ‘high quality news’.

>>6020918 Marketfag update.

>>6020882 Nancy Pelosi: My grandchildren played ‘Open Biden’ game with ‘affectionate’ Joe.

>>6020836 Declassified Nazi papers reveal ‘How to take over a Democratic country’.

>>6020734 US Airforce: "Up, up, and away!"

>>6020724 Dem. Rep. Ro Khanna calls for bipartisan coalition to work with Trump on ending foreign wars.

>>6020710 Australia will stop contributions to the UN’s major fund for battling climate change this year.

>>6020641 House Oversight votes to subpoena ex-White House official in security clearance probe.

>>6020617, >>6020695 AG says insufficient evidence showing Likud behind fake social media army.

>>6020603 White House proclamation on World Autism Awareness Day, 2019.

>>6020578 Yujing Zhang: Woman with Chinese passports who was stopped inside Mar-a-Lago facing federal charges.

>>6020464, >>6020671 Q's WH/DOJ/FBI/'Contractor' web in graph form.

>>6020550 Nadler on releasing the Ken Starr Report.

>>6020529 James Comey’s daughter Maurene on NY posse to take Trump down.

>>6020491 Netanyahu to meet Putin in Moscow on Thursday.

>>6020443 POTUS exposing the true allegiance of Deep State rats.

>>6020416, >>6020764 Search warrants created under 18 USC 793(f) yet no prosecution under the same statute?

>>6021089 #7700

Previously Collected Notables

>>6019553 #7698, >>6020344 #7699

>>6017167 #7695, >>6017934 #7696, >>6018759 #7697

>>6014678 #7692, >>6015577 #7693, >>6016359 #7694

>>6012503 #7689, >>6013273 #7690, >>6014053 #7691

>>6010158 #7686, >>6010975 #7687, >>6011729 #7688

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

b31c56  No.6022703

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

(Foreign Language Threads have Translation Capability)

>>5945347 Australia #4 (NEW)

>>4554541 Brazil #1

>>5514044 Canada #2

>>4237797 France #1

>>5797874 Germany #18

>>5313285 India #1

>>5794762 Netherlands #2

>>5944714 New Zealand #3 (NEW)

>>5290557 Nordic#1

>>5568222 Northern Ireland and Ireland #1

>>4924411 South Africa #1

>>5710194 Spain #1

>>5936409 UK #4

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>5968822

Q Graphics all in EST


b31c56  No.6022708

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

b31c56  No.6022719

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



06e4e4  No.6022725

File: a76fce17f0fa6ff⋯.jpg (21.62 KB, 700x467, 700:467, big-hanging-boobs-nude.jpg)

What thanks a Baker you ask? Bewbs. Bewbs thank a Baker. Thanks Baker!!!

b31c56  No.6022733

File: 8cdd65d46f35006⋯.jpeg (330.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, goku.jpeg)


c91c53  No.6022737


There are countless attacks by the media in an orchestrated campaign. We are at war with the corrupt establishment, and they are fighting back with vengeance. There are millions spent shaping these narratives, much like Fusion GPS, ShareBlue and others. At least 20% of posts are not related to our research and are various forms of subversion or fake news narrative shaping.

The NOTABLES section will help you cut through the chaos and noise.

Notables aren‘t endorsements. Discern for yourself. This board is not much different from any comment section on a site, and yes they pay to “shape” opinion there too. The notion we can control anonymous posts is a huge leap.

If it’s HATE based, it’s FAKE / PAID

NOTHING Q has said supports these narratives. We reject any unlawful activity. Groups that fundraise off “hate” are the most likely culprits. Hate is an industry, much like the news media being more interested in ratings than journalism.

Think for yourself and discern posts in context of Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again




>>5966972 (pb) rt >>5966583 (pb) rt >>5966470 (pb)

c91c53  No.6022742

File: eaf0a9b24bd3349⋯.jpeg (230.29 KB, 1068x1572, 89:131, 678BD0F7-FB96-4F12-85AD-4….jpeg)

a8f701  No.6022756

File: 0bce4559fec2f8a⋯.png (390.83 KB, 600x338, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6022486 (lb)

>If ebot is a girl can i be one too

Sure you can buddy. Just like Kyle's father became a dolphin.

8ef5ce  No.6022757

File: e79cf777a3f961b⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB, 480x480, 1:1, ThankYouBaker.mp4)

5559fa  No.6022758


CNN’s Christiane Amanpour: ‘Lock Her Up’ Was ‘Hate Speech’ FBI Could Have ‘Shut Down’

“Going forward, the president has said that, you know, I mean you saw we’ve, we’ve put a little bit of what he was saying about you, all sorts of nasty names, et cetera, and that there will be counterinvestigations. You know, sort of accounting for this hoax that exonerated him. You know what I’m saying, to investigate perhaps you, perhaps others. Do you fear that? Do you think that’s coming down the pike?

JAMES COMEY: I don’t fear it personally. I fear it as a citizen, right? Investigate what? Investigate that investigations were conducted and what would be the crime you’d be investigating? It’s a terrible cycle to start. He’s already started it with calling for the locking up of his political opponents, including people like me, and so it’ll just be more of that dangerous step and would I hope, although he’ll continue to disappoint me, the Republicans would finally stand up and say we don’t do that kind of thing. But me personally, ask me questions, go ahead. I’d like to answer them in the daylight if I could, but ask me, ask me questions.

AMANPOUR: I’ve got one question because you just said “lock her up” or “lock me up.” Of course, “lock her up” was a feature of the 2016 Trump campaign. Do you in retrospect wish that people like yourself, the FBI, I mean, the people in charge of law and order, had shut down that language, that it was dangerous potentially, that it could’ve created violence, that it’s kind of hate speech? Should that have been allowed?

COMEY: That’s not a role for government to play. The beauty of this country is people can say what they want, even if it’s misleading and it’s demagoguery. The people who should have shut it down were Republicans, who understand the rule of law and the values that they claim to stand for. Shame on them, but it wasn’t a role for government to play.

7a5d23  No.6022759

>>6021923 (lb)

It shouldn't be that slow.

453b30  No.6022760

File: 64261ed332ee6f3⋯.jpeg (71.67 KB, 620x388, 155:97, EB0386DC-A673-42BD-8F68-D….jpeg)

File: a52c6b031efb79e⋯.jpeg (306.91 KB, 988x1960, 247:490, FF7ECFEF-F827-4556-9C1C-0….jpeg)

a952ae  No.6022761

File: 4e675f026e1be53⋯.jpeg (160.6 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, ad264a21d6a4dd917fa1d93a6….jpeg)


Thanks, bakerfag.

a8f701  No.6022763

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

The more you know. ;)

1da463  No.6022764

bb1d91  No.6022765

File: fb2b42f9edc0849⋯.jpg (147.4 KB, 1245x1045, 249:209, tyb_nighthat.jpg)

File: fe336d5d19690f7⋯.jpg (145.75 KB, 690x734, 345:367, barf1.jpg)

File: 88e91c6c1f533e7⋯.jpg (149.05 KB, 796x736, 199:184, barf2.jpg)


Thank You, Baker!

40f393  No.6022767

>>6022671 (LB)



Serious fuck up and epic fail on my part.


a8f701  No.6022768






Hence, proved. ;)

I have copypasta too now. ;)

5559fa  No.6022769


Comey to Trump Supporters: ‘Your President Tried to Burn Down’ the DOJ, FBI

James Comey said President Donald Trump supporters should be concerned that Trump “tried to burn down the Department of Justice and the FBI.”

When asked about the president referring to the Mueller probe as a witch-hunt, Comey said, “First, take a look in the mirror and ask what happened to Bob Mueller and the mean being corrupt and evil and a nest of deep state traitors that they reached a conclusion that the president is happy with. Just don’t move in front of that. Your president tried to burn down the Department of Justice and the FBI and that matters. Take a look in the mirror and ask what you have learned from that experience. Second, you have fired all of us if we didn’t investigate what we learned in the summer of 2016 when we got smoke, not fire, but smoke that Americans might have assisted the Russian effort. We had to investigate, that and no serious person could think otherwise, and it was done in a serious way, and it reached a serious result, and now we all ought to get transparency on.”

15e5a9  No.6022770

File: 4d2cc2754d37078⋯.jpeg (518.66 KB, 750x935, 150:187, 190BD220-7D96-4423-8201-A….jpeg)

Ty Baker.

You’re the Apple of Q’s eye.

c1df82  No.6022771

File: 4dc8796e5822a16⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 400x478, 200:239, IMG_6496.JPG)

File: 4e9d2e633f90a68⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 625x478, 625:478, IMG_6517.JPG)

File: 9e47bb45d3b9091⋯.jpg (8.88 KB, 201x201, 1:1, 94A7D22B-1580-4B57-BFE5-70….jpg)

File: 8bffbcdeb2d368d⋯.jpg (131.75 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, DCB9FB23-F7D5-46A4-8410-EB….jpg)

Hi Tony

8bf559  No.6022772


Q has the potential to shatter Trumps base and hand the DS a huge win. You understand this right?

And somehow you think Trump and co. are just going to let that happen, without saying anything. Logical thinking says you're ridiculous lol

3ee609  No.6022773

File: 6f25b55c5495677⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 567x499, 567:499, AMR Contemplation.jpg)

>>6022688 (LB)

He's already had the chance to publicly deny it once, shill…

And he didn't

1da463  No.6022774

File: 7dc1bc97090daf1⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, MuhJewShills1.jpg)

File: 2350a5c836d0c47⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 750x375, 2:1, POTUS_nope_shills.jpg)

3aaadf  No.6022775

I bet Q was real when it was on 4 chan

What would stop the 4 chan admins from hijacking it

Then movint it to a mason controlled site

The old posts feel nothing like the new jewish ones

a8f701  No.6022776

REMINDER: (Q) jew team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

Some the capabilities of the tech taken from the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. Research the song. It's from 2003, so they have had the tech at least since then and the scumbags have kept it secret all this time. Bad jews, bad jews, sit, staaay…

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




Moar copypasta!

c91c53  No.6022777

File: 887e4ddaf46bf6f⋯.png (165.49 KB, 601x600, 601:600, 3EED52BE-C7FC-43CD-A030-C8….png)

File: a37c907ed1b03cf⋯.png (229.29 KB, 450x390, 15:13, C071EE02-1B97-456C-90B7-54….png)



5559fa  No.6022778


Actor Isaiah Washington Thanks President Trump for First Step Act, Slams Obama for Inaction

The Grey’s Anatomy actor tweeted his praise for Trump for signing the First Step Act that changed federal sentencing guidelines and even led to the early release of some federal prisoners.

“I voted for 44 twice,” Isaiah Washington said of Obama. “I even checked my emails in his Senate Office while lobbying for Salone to be given another chance to rebrand. Not once in 8 years was I given any support regarding Africa or the Black Agenda, but 45 invites me to the WH to celebrate the #FirstStepAct.”

3aaadf  No.6022779


Bitch i am a dolphin

a8f701  No.6022780


Trips confirm! ;)

6ed6b6  No.6022781

File: 9c53c0870c643c0⋯.jpg (170 KB, 1242x1543, 1242:1543, nFPAhwxkPAFGVRNmqIL_Oub_lr….jpg)


Ty, baker

f83c45  No.6022782

File: 79e8b6c26271bdb⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 360x356, 90:89, 3697591A-32CB-4C4D-A710-C1….gif)

ce5e38  No.6022783

File: 87caac90d8e37ff⋯.jpg (103.81 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 23-jared-kushner.w700.h700.jpg)

Read in Kushner's voice:

"I will swallow your soul…"

1da463  No.6022784


full house confirmes.

use search tool to see the shills who post same stuff every single bread.

5559fa  No.6022785


U.S. Halts F-35 Shipments to Turkey over Ankara’s Purchase of Russian Missile System

“We have . . . been clear that acquisition of the [Russian] S-400 is not compatible with the F-35,” Lt. Col. Mike Andrews, a Department of Defense (DOD) spokesman declared in a statement issued Monday, according to the Washington Post. “We very much regret the current situation . . . but the DOD is taking prudent steps to protect the shared investments made in our critical technology.”

“The United States has been clear that Turkey’s acquisition of the S-400 is unacceptable,” Charles E. Summers Jr., another Pentagon spokesman, added in a separate statement, NBC News reports. “Should Turkey procure the S-400, their continued participation in the F-35 program is at risk.”

3aaadf  No.6022786

Q threw me to the wolves

Someone tell,me why i should trust kike anonymous

2fdff2  No.6022787


"Lock Her Up!" is not hate speech.

Hate Speech is Free Speech.

Hillary: "Can't we just drone the guy (Assange)?"

That one might be a problem.

70a58e  No.6022788

File: b3f2a30648a4df8⋯.jpg (190.99 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 2xlofj.jpg)

File: 03e7b866df48a24⋯.jpg (182.12 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 2xlod6.jpg)

File: 4510bf009717c10⋯.jpg (184.89 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 2xlo51.jpg)

File: 6bf11fdeb7d6059⋯.jpg (121.24 KB, 833x500, 833:500, 2xln0z.jpg)

8ef5ce  No.6022789

File: d1216e2ba59612c⋯.png (843.94 KB, 1128x432, 47:18, Screenshot_6.png)

c1df82  No.6022790

File: e3800a602085935⋯.jpg (291.21 KB, 640x492, 160:123, IMG_6262.JPG)

File: fc358fc89be6ce7⋯.jpg (83.21 KB, 480x640, 3:4, IMG_6667.JPG)

File: 37657f7d8d868a2⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 4288x2848, 134:89, IMG_6699.JPG)

Ty ladies for wining the silver

7001bc  No.6022791

File: 788d63b1054fa6b⋯.png (283.47 KB, 2576x1220, 644:305, Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at ….png)

Found this trend, might be helpful

497767  No.6022792


Check out that last answer by Comey. White Hat?

f83c45  No.6022793

File: f437d8fd97584cf⋯.jpeg (42.78 KB, 379x421, 379:421, BF3D0D86-EB42-42AF-A6C4-E….jpeg)

b146b0  No.6022794

Bill Priestap's testimony is out.

He can't remember very much of anything at all.

I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked!!

e96b3e  No.6022795

File: 0b7ca5348014cf7⋯.png (100.33 KB, 792x627, 24:19, 2019 Full Moon calendar.png)

File: 93c759afd20a174⋯.jpg (66.62 KB, 998x523, 998:523, 155 grandfather clock oval….jpg)

>>6022345 (lb)

>>6022361 (ALL LB)



>>6022038 (lb)

2019 Full Moon Calendar

Q-friendly Digits everywhere.

Oval Office Grandfather clock w/ FULL Moon visible at 1:55 (1:55 can represent 1 min 55 secs or 1 hr 55 mins…

60+55= 115.

May 18th FULL Moon is precisely at 115 reversed… 5:11

18th letter is "R"

5559fa  No.6022796

Now it's 4 phones?


Chinese Woman with 4 Phones, Malware Arrested at Mar-a-Lago During Trump Visit

b87268  No.6022797

>>6022697 lb

Well, I wouldn't compare JFK, Jr to Christ.

But thinking how certain people would panic, if JFK, Jr were alive, would make me somewhat ecstatic!

a8f701  No.6022798

File: 189f5e47e76e5ee⋯.png (508.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


So you want to become a female dolphin? Are you a gay fish like Kanye?

19c967  No.6022799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh what will we do?

Oh yeah, California still exists!

19c967  No.6022800

File: 6b8d248658b13b4⋯.jpg (194.82 KB, 640x359, 640:359, muh-avocados.jpg)

c1df82  No.6022801


Ask for the daniel lotion from larry


(212) 490-0666

SAVE NOW 🤴🖖🤷🏻‍♂️

ce5e38  No.6022802

File: 08efb7c363915c2⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

208809  No.6022803

File: 9e1394a562211be⋯.jpg (253.15 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, dac14248e6c6d1e50d519e9000….jpg)

c63335  No.6022804

File: db6aa6d57588ee6⋯.png (341.85 KB, 888x2525, 888:2525, pr.png)



Old article about PR. A lot of public/private stuff going with tax credits as well.

Paulson’s Puerto Rico Paradise Lures Rich Fleeing Taxes

Katherine Burton

It’s 2 a.m. at La Factoria in Puerto Rico’s Old San Juan, a hipster joint with a sagging couch, tile floors and Christmas lights that wouldn’t be out of place in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg. While “Get Lucky” plays, tipsy couples slink out the doors onto the colonial city’s cobblestone streets into this warm April night.

At the bar, a 28-year-old hedge fund trader – the type of person who posts his SAT results on his LinkedIn page – is ranting about the tax code. He’s obsessed with it, complaining that the U.S. is the only major country taxing citizens on their worldwide income, no matter where they reside. That’s why he moved here.

Struggling to emerge from an almost decade-long economic slump, the Puerto Rican government signed a law in early 2012 that creates a tax haven for U.S. citizens. If they live on the island for at least 183 days a year, they pay minimal or no taxes, and unlike Singapore or Bermuda, Americans don’t have to turn in their passports. About 200 traders, private-equity moguls and entrepreneurs have already moved or committed to moving, according to Puerto Rico’s Department of Economic Development and Commerce, and billionaire John Paulson is spearheading a drive to entice others to join them. More here.


34141a  No.6022805


This is the only time I'll be talking to you.

Tim.. is that you? You were sex-abused by the elite, right? If it's you, tell us. No bullshit.

3aaadf  No.6022806

Anons is my incoherent shitposting funny

Or should i go,smoke weed

I need advice

553827  No.6022807

>>5889698 op Bread 7534

Rebel with a cause reporting back. The community-outreach program I belonged to that got me library privileges on a nearby college campus, terminated me today. They’re even refunding my membership fee from this past year. A snobbish NPC univ with a very uppity reputation in town, could not control its liberal outrage when I called it out for its lack of tolerance and free speech of a conservative nature. They just got pissed and banned me. At 63 yo, I’ve been expelled. I’m in shock. My letters to a dean, the outreach program and the Board of Trustees went out the week of POTUS’ EOs on free speech on campus.

Libs, with zero sense of humor, still manage to do the ironic. Morans all.

c17e2e  No.6022808

File: b7991c63b73f6d6⋯.png (300.62 KB, 615x409, 615:409, ClipboardImage.png)

f18831  No.6022809

File: aca303753c666b2⋯.jpg (75.82 KB, 650x669, 650:669, c7e4fdb33328e50e0c2513a587….jpg)


Thank Q Baker

a86a7b  No.6022810

File: 3ce40f947de5ac1⋯.jpg (75.71 KB, 533x945, 533:945, 740full-robin-holzken.jpg)

Thank You Baker

3aaadf  No.6022811

208809  No.6022812

File: d055f0a64911e67⋯.gif (95.26 KB, 240x138, 40:23, ajRage.gif)

1da463  No.6022813

737 max grounding.

This plane is also used as private jet.

I wonder who ownes one and is fucked now…


19c967  No.6022814


Nothing is hate speech.

492ee7  No.6022815



"cultural misunderstanding"?

"girl FELL DOWN"

oi. a fucking muzzy rule #1 you don't fucking touch a woman/girl's HEAD.

The FUCK is wrong here. Who the fuck is messing with this woman in duress? They are obviously feeding her typical midwestern bullshit to keep her from capping this sandnigger shit like she should have.

This has gone far enough. There is no more room for compromise. Bunch of fucking delusional shits up top swindling the believing folks are going ahead with the 'plan' regardless of how many good people suffer and lose hope. I am sure they will blame the people instead of sticking with them in trenches the whole way like any sane group would do IF they are on the same side.

LE cowards and fucking compromised peacocks throw out the good cops calling them 'racist' and 'bigoted' for doing their jobs the only way they can: as soldiers for our people and nations rather than fucking robo-penguins in suits that they are trying to create via newcomers.

Done with this shit.

61cea5  No.6022816


How many crack rocks have you smoked?

484e77  No.6022817


Here's what I think: Q cannot shatter the base because so few of his base believe the Q psyop. A few hundred or even thousand, don't put a dent in Trump's base.

The only people to be shattered will be those who bought into the lie and refused to give it up in the face all evidence to the contrary.

c341ef  No.6022818

File: d93785044f13020⋯.png (821.16 KB, 643x482, 643:482, Capture.PNG)


Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A review of FBI Director James Comey’s professional history and relationships shows that the Obama cabinet leader — now under fire for his handling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton — is deeply entrenched in the big-money cronyism culture of Washington, D.C. His personal and professional relationships — all undisclosed as he announced the Bureau would not prosecute Clinton — reinforce bipartisan concerns that he may have politicized the criminal probe.

These concerns focus on millions of dollars that Comey accepted from a Clinton Foundation defense contractor, Comey’s former membership on a Clinton Foundation corporate partner’s board, and his surprising financial relationship with his brother Peter Comey, who works at the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.

Lockheed Martin

When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers.


83f87b  No.6022819


Read in Stephen Miller's voice:


c17e2e  No.6022820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

34141a  No.6022821

e24a3d  No.6022822

>>6022735 l/b

Your words give me solace

Thank you, fren.

>>6022752 l/b

Your thoughts have helped.

Thank you.

>>6022750 l/b

You're kindness is real.


8ef5ce  No.6022823


If you want to watch Three Guys One Hammer…go here.


I could not stomach the video…I had to stop it and go to a "safe place" as soon as they bashed that poor guys head in with a hammer.

a7a5fa  No.6022824


Agree. Def part of the show.

c63335  No.6022825


Cave systems check. Tons of tax payer money so the people leaving can make the infrastructure super nice on our money. Lot sof melatin rich kids. These people are sick.

497767  No.6022826


Taking bets on who she works for.

c1df82  No.6022827

File: e8e6a0e3f362482⋯.jpg (165.15 KB, 800x1229, 800:1229, IMG_6273.JPG)

File: d594e8b76522884⋯.jpg (199.62 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_6285.JPG)

File: aa5f810e9d66120⋯.jpg (403.06 KB, 2370x1355, 474:271, 97C42F11-F65C-429C-9A68-FC….jpg)

There is no "me" in "team"

bfe90b  No.6022828

>>6022561 LB

>All truths are hidden in plain sight, so that if you find truth, you'd be called a fool that found it from a movie.

And mixed with bullshit for good measure so they know how far along you got

a8f701  No.6022829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Play the best song in the world, or I'll eat your soul."

83f87b  No.6022830


Didn't we already take their money tho

3aaadf  No.6022831





c3903e  No.6022832

File: 508e1f1eb82f4a1⋯.jpg (24.46 KB, 499x445, 499:445, potusunderestimated.jpg)


> Isaiah Washington


Trump said a "Second Step Act" will focus on "successful re-entry and reduced unemployment for Americans with past criminal records." His goal is to cut that unemployment rate for ex-prisoners to single digits within five years.

The president was short on details about what future legislation would include, but the White House said Trump's budget for the next fiscal year proposes more than $500 million to help prisoners succeed after their release.

62e136  No.6022833


Their man's view that Orange Man Bad "tried to burn down" DOJ/FBI is the mirror of our reality that Best POTUS Ever is cleaning it all up.

Our work is all about destroying their evil Democracy so we can restore our righteous Republic.

c17e2e  No.6022834

File: a737dfcaea20500⋯.png (9.38 KB, 255x195, 17:13, Feinstein.png)

6c7b31  No.6022835



Why are there so many of these videos

45cda3  No.6022836


You aren't funny, I don't think weed will help.

a1eba1  No.6022837

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, this.gif)

b87268  No.6022838


I am a numbers retard.

But I am excellent with words.

Maybe you know this book already, or maybe you find it interesting.


63e6f0  No.6022839

File: 02d312c6d1b1089⋯.png (320.27 KB, 528x759, 16:23, Capture.PNG)


It has gotten to the point where it is fucking funny, more people in my (small) home town are seeing and talking about this horse shit.

9f07b7  No.6022840

File: 63df905d4704476⋯.jpeg (8.39 KB, 188x255, 188:255, cafb69b2d8255edfa10596ca9….jpeg)


0d9bc0  No.6022841


>Your president tried to burn down the Department of Justice and the FBI

First - HE YOUR fucking President too, you corrupt, Howdy Doody POS!

Second - YOU and your DS buddies are the ones that corrupted the DOJ & FBI because you sick bastards "NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE!" And you short sighted SOBs just knew your corruption would never come out but you were WRONG! Now it's all coming out and there's not a fucking thing you DS bastards can do about it! Enjoy GITMO, slimeball!

a8f701  No.6022842

File: 10bf56b115558fb⋯.png (141.93 KB, 881x703, 881:703, ClipboardImage.png)




Q is a jew buddy.

108705  No.6022843


>"Lock Her Up!" is not hate speech.


>Hate Speech is Free Speech.


>Hillary: "Can't we just drone the guy (Assange)?"


>That one might be a problem.

That's "Calling for a hit" speech.

f18831  No.6022844

File: 2aec828a197914e⋯.png (644.29 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, pepe_pointing.png)



3aaadf  No.6022845


That was a test and you fail anon

Now you must suffer

a952ae  No.6022846

File: 865fdd0b86d1941⋯.png (237.86 KB, 489x415, 489:415, 865fdd0b86d19410322a41e2ae….png)



Will reddit survive the great guacamole shortage of 2019?

9f07b7  No.6022847

File: 68d234286df3da4⋯.mp4 (882.53 KB, 608x360, 76:45, JYw4w_K-5VyeUtkD.mp4)

d3cf91  No.6022848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6022356 lb

you can feel them, just like how others can feel you.

Apparently the reptile archon ai can’t handle positive vibes.

0f8c4f  No.6022849


Fuck him Anon - we have digging to do!

8ef5ce  No.6022850

File: 80676a52b417713⋯.png (1.3 MB, 597x897, 199:299, zzz.png)

19c967  No.6022851

File: a5c34c99add869b⋯.jpg (102.41 KB, 640x868, 160:217, DirtyCommies.jpg)


Which is why he will be re-elected!

c341ef  No.6022852


Acquaint yourself with your own ignorance.-Isaac Watts

233981  No.6022853

File: 4f45b8fc76923e7⋯.jpg (102.07 KB, 472x472, 1:1, slugskream.jpg)

1d1074  No.6022854

File: 789f4f695f8f678⋯.jpg (17.39 KB, 474x266, 237:133, pepe avocado.jpg)

76ac2a  No.6022855

Adrenochrome is a lie (kinda, reffers to maps of meaning)

God never intended us to know good from evil.

He knew it was inevitable, but didn't want it. (that is why He forbid us to eat of the tree, so it will be noted for the record)

Now that we know, the road is split.

the short way back to before the original sin is to believe, that an allmighty God would never allow You to do real evil/would have safeguards in place for that, and start beeing evil, thus not giving a fuck about what is good or bad.

The long and hard way is to be good and wait until heaven is built once more before Your eyes so You can believe You are allready in it, and never had left it. YOU were born in it.

If You don't understand it i have no more to say…

Look how heaven looks in the supernatural TV series (from the commonfolk perspective that are in heaven), but with the rooms sometimes intertwining when both parties agree to it.

1da463  No.6022856

File: 006c7a054c268ec⋯.jpg (135.19 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, POTUS_muh_jew_fake_news.jpg)

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)

File: d29a2a2fda59649⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 255x143, 255:143, SorosPays.jpg)

They want you DIVIDED.











484e77  No.6022857


Sauce. Never saw that.

5559fa  No.6022858




Where have you been the last 2+ years? See >>6022818 and PLEASE

Lurk more.


No such thing


Huawei plant, distraction maybe

b87268  No.6022859


>18th letter is "R"

And R comes after Q, like 46 comes after 45.

a86a7b  No.6022860

File: 5f2da1032c8b433⋯.jpeg (146.66 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 1554120754.jpeg)

c1df82  No.6022861

File: b23ce84108ab70e⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 474x307, 474:307, IMG_3514.JPG)

File: 2c707bd4286a952⋯.jpg (464.79 KB, 2244x3272, 561:818, 98059B73-B217-4B11-9E2B-67….jpg)

File: dedce747998808d⋯.jpg (400.57 KB, 1216x1017, 1216:1017, IMG_4883.JPG)


More fag dues ladies

6ed6b6  No.6022862


83f87b  No.6022863


Holy crap can't stop laughing.

Sessions desperately tries to wipe off his own hand after shaking Predator's.

a8f701  No.6022864


Can't say (((JEW)))?

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

19c967  No.6022865


Hand them to the KSA! Check and mate.

74958d  No.6022866

File: c20df7d1b888883⋯.jpg (351.11 KB, 1862x2409, 1862:2409, auyists.jpg)

>>6022735 pb

>>6022528 pb


I know none of us INDIVIDUALLY leaves much that will persist. But together WE DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR THIS WORLD THE broadcast media are slowing picking up our stories. AND USING US as sources.

>>6022632 pb

Praise to this anon ^^^Can't beat this reply.


Autism day, 42


8ef5ce  No.6022867

California and Hawaii will be selling lots of Avocados if Mexico get their border closed off!






7d2b4e  No.6022868

So is anyone actually going to DO anything? Everyone in the GOP is afraid to take a shit it seems.

FUCK. This is how you get armed uprisings. FIX IT.

453b30  No.6022869

File: 576287d9ab48cde⋯.jpeg (104.72 KB, 721x539, 103:77, 538F1CAD-62B0-4965-B4C4-F….jpeg)

File: 96719d0ca068416⋯.jpeg (86.19 KB, 668x499, 668:499, 42CE484E-68D4-446C-8275-E….jpeg)

File: 03bceedb72d1bcf⋯.jpeg (100.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 681B346E-A821-4648-93C1-3….jpeg)

File: 81e63f9aebe7540⋯.jpeg (111.2 KB, 721x539, 103:77, 383762A1-9FBD-4912-8F59-8….jpeg)

File: 1df08df953a9402⋯.jpeg (96.83 KB, 721x539, 103:77, AF25BF7A-FDFD-4742-9E18-F….jpeg)


>Trump “tried to burn down the Department of Justice and the FBI.

e2efa1  No.6022870

>>6020800 (pb)



They sure as hell have been "eating" well now haven't they.

1da463  No.6022871


So you use the picture where bibi was helping POTUS with his Iran findings to shill on muh jew division?


a8f701  No.6022872


That's the woman I was talking about, jewbot. The one in the second image. ;)

Moar plz!

6e7bbb  No.6022873

File: 89aa16b4c9574e8⋯.jpg (37.91 KB, 800x600, 4:3, r0_0_800_600_w1200_h678_fm….jpg)

For your meme pleasure.

1c6e05  No.6022874

File: ade720ff578e600⋯.jpeg (629.39 KB, 1784x1338, 4:3, 8B5C55F1-D48F-4CB3-A50C-1….jpeg)

Holy shit, Nellie Ohr brazenly LIED to Congressional investigators about her ham radio license… she claimed she got it in 2015 well before her employment at Fusion GPS, but FOIA docs prove she got it May 23, 2016, right in the thick of the Trump Russia frame-up.

This is a big one.


Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Nellie Ohr, a specialist in Russian matters, was also a contract employee of the CIA for multiple years. In September 2015 Nellie Ohr approached her former colleague at Fusion GPS (Glenn Simpson) for a job.

Nellie Ohr was hired as a contract agent by Fusion to work on the ‘Trump Project’ assembling political opposition research that was later shared with another Fusion GPS contract employee, Christopher Steele, and compiled into the ‘Steele Dossier’.

It always seemed sketchy that at the same time Nellie Ohr began communicating with Christopher Steele and other governmental participants associated with the Steele Dossier, May 2016, she applied for a Ham Radio License [FCC LINK]:

During congressional testimony, Nellie Ohr was asked when and why she obtained the Ham radio operators license. Ms. Ohr testified she obtained the license in 2015, “well before” she began working for Fusion GPS. Obviously this statement conflicts with the public FCC record showing she obtained the license in May 2016.

Just to make sure the public FCC link date was accurate, Techno Fog filed a FOIA request to verify the application and approval date. The result was confirmation of May 23, 2016:

The application date matches the FCC public information record of May 23rd, 2016. So it’s now confirmed that Nellie Ohr lied to congress.

If, as Mrs Ohr claimed, this was just taking up a hobby, an innocuous and unrelated event in the life of a former CIA contract employee, then why lie about it?

It would appear there’s much more to this…

233981  No.6022875

File: 613873e96ff35e2⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 377x591, 377:591, daz2.jpg)


texacados are a thing - RGV

5559fa  No.6022876


Imagine if only Cali and NY are the only states that he doesn't get a Maj vote in?

b9c4f9  No.6022877


Trump isn't going to close the border. Muy optics are too important to him.

c46282  No.6022878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ce5e38  No.6022879


Go pound some sand. It helps sometimes.

8ef5ce  No.6022880


Not going to do it…nope.

8557cb  No.6022881

File: bc6c0803d717bc5⋯.jpg (75.88 KB, 565x499, 565:499, bc6c0803d717bc5d49e0b038a4….jpg)

424bc6  No.6022882


>Comey to Trump Supporters: ‘Your President Tried to Burn Down’ the DOJ, FBI

He says that like it's a bad thing.

83f87b  No.6022884


satanic gibberish

f18831  No.6022885


Burn that shit to the ground. Less bureaucrats tax payers have to fund. No salaries, no cadillac health care , no pensions. It would be great.

c17e2e  No.6022886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


null lives matter

35b53c  No.6022887

Is this AMA from a supposed Rothschild authentic? Or its fake?


6ed6b6  No.6022888


I wish.

b146b0  No.6022889


>God never intended us to know good from evil.

>He knew it was inevitable, but didn't want it.

How in hell do you know what God thinks?

a8f701  No.6022890

b31c56  No.6022891


but is he setting the stage so the all important optics align with the need to close the border?

c3903e  No.6022892

File: 3893dbb060b2e13⋯.jpg (17.62 KB, 450x536, 225:268, newtwife.jpg)


>Sessions desperately tries to wipe off his own hand after shaking Predator's.

good eye..you're right. kek

b87268  No.6022893


Potus is a good President and a good person.

c1df82  No.6022895

File: 279d930286d074b⋯.jpg (126.37 KB, 500x479, 500:479, 14497E6E-FF32-445D-91B0-08….jpg)

File: c4737ca6de0412f⋯.jpg (318.3 KB, 1248x999, 416:333, IMG_5102.JPG)

File: 2a6370c6ba26da1⋯.jpg (45.91 KB, 633x611, 633:611, IMG_5106.JPG)

1d1074  No.6022896


plenty of them produced in SE socal

bfe90b  No.6022897


Sin, the god of Knowledge

Wonder who decided to use that as a verb…

8ef5ce  No.6022898


We need more sauce, Anon.

5b1ede  No.6022900

File: 34794f854d20f48⋯.jpg (68.07 KB, 460x562, 230:281, 34794f854d20f48b29fc43efe3….jpg)


The ride never ends. those 56 men proved that.

8f07df  No.6022901

File: 4c723684286664e⋯.png (785.71 KB, 960x454, 480:227, ClipboardImage.png)


God Bless you, baker

c1df82  No.6022902



(212) 490-0666

SAVE NOW 🤴🖖🤷🏻‍♂️

5730d9  No.6022903

File: 9c90b15d5ba9d77⋯.png (379.51 KB, 480x593, 480:593, Autism Superpower.png)


>And mixed with bullshit for good measure so they know how far along you got

This is also truth!

You cannot take anything at face value.

You cannot believe anything 100%.

Only connections to cross reference.

74958d  No.6022904


So much excitement

Home grown Avocado.

L.A could grow them!

108705  No.6022905


>if we didn’t investigate what we learned in the summer of 2016 when we got smoke, not fire, but smoke that Americans might have assisted the Russian effort.

You got smoke putting damp leaves on a fire you started. You didn't find smoke, you created it. Finding out which of you fuckers was involved in blowing all that smoke at the POTUS is not only appropriate but necessary.

c2a1c2  No.6022906

File: 10a9484a9ed6ed4⋯.png (766.89 KB, 851x478, 851:478, chiraq-fire.png)

good sized fire in Chiraq

1c6e05  No.6022907


I gave the link bro

a952ae  No.6022908


>California and Hawaii will be selling lots of Avocados if Mexico get their border closed off!

Protip: Avocados keep really good in the refrigerator. Hoard a box and use them to torture neckbeards at the height of the shortage.

a8f701  No.6022909

I drive (Q) jew team crazy. ;)

c3903e  No.6022910

File: b750ffe9789f96f⋯.jpg (119.61 KB, 900x600, 3:2, WayneCoyneAW230211.jpg)


i believe that.

f40bce  No.6022912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China's Plan to Take Over Europe

484e77  No.6022913


……..and the San Joaquin Valley.

83f87b  No.6022914


Kind of makes you wonder if Bruce successfully bargained for immunity for his wife.

bfe90b  No.6022915


Never confirmed, still an interesting read

5559fa  No.6022916

Venezuela’s Maduro Gives In: Grant Access to Red Cross to Distribute Aid


Francesco Rocca announced that in two weeks the body will start distributing vital food and medicine to 650,000 people in coordination with Venezuelan authorities.

“We estimate that in a period of approximately 15 days we will be ready to offer help. We hope to help 650,000 people at first,” Rocca said at a press conference in Caracas.

208809  No.6022917

File: eed4423cbd38943⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 630x472, 315:236, stagRoths1972.jpg)

File: f5b0f711f1c51af⋯.jpg (59.35 KB, 800x401, 800:401, briarheart__by_hakuaki_k-d….jpg)

c1df82  No.6022918


I'm not a Jew and find that insulting btw

d94d31  No.6022919

File: 8fac78c5cd17aeb⋯.png (232.66 KB, 717x565, 717:565, ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese gov. WTF

b5acfc  No.6022920

File: 3c79b13fb8503ff⋯.mp4 (9.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, First step act.mp4)

I been slowly but successfully red-pilling my Mom.

Just sent her the First Step Act video.

I think she's gonna like it.

God bless you President Trump.

a86a7b  No.6022921

File: a0aff3426e4abb5⋯.jpeg (55.46 KB, 1080x728, 135:91, 1554245339.jpeg)

ce5e38  No.6022922


42 is in fact the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

76ac2a  No.6022923


nothing satanic about it.

eighter You'll believe You are in heaven, or wait for the matrixx to built again before Your eyes.

Note, i'm not telling You which way to go, just showing You the two roads and stating they go to the same place, for some the shorter way is impossible to follow, if You find a third road, let me know.

1e48ce  No.6022924

One year Delta? Stumbled on my FB muhmeries. Key Highlights to the information given to Chairman Devin Nunes (per Fox):

♦ 1. The intelligence surveillance, that led to the unmasking reports now being reviewed by ranking member Adam Schiff, started well before Donald Trump was the Republican presidential nominee.

♦ 2. The Black Hat who did the unmasking is very high up in the intelligence world and is not in the FBI. Putting that aspect into prior information leads to a higher probability the individual was Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper.

♦ 3. The two people reported yesterday in the New York Times report, by reporter Maggie Haberman, were not Nunes sources. Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligence at the National Security Council, and Michael Ellis, a lawyer who works on national security issues at the White House Counsel’s Office, only helped Nunes navigate the intelligence. They were not the source.

That Cohen-Watnick and Michael Ellis were not the sources, leads further credence to the belief that their names were seeded to Katie Walsh as a canary operation to identify the White House leaker.

♦ 4. Chairman Nunes was told about the unmasking of President-elect Trump’s team back in January BEFORE Trump’s tweet about Obama’s spying operation.

♦ 5. In order for Nunes to see the intelligence reports and not compromise his source it took Nunes time to coordinate how to review the intelligence reports. He could not go to the source intel SCIF without compromising his source. Nunes chose the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB) SCIF on the White House grounds in order to protect his source. Nunes chose the White House because it was the only other location he and the facilitators could use for viewing without outing the source.

If you’ve been following along, and you add in this significant pixel to the picture, you can clearly see who becomes the most likely source. [*Hint* rhymes with “Dodgers“] A frustrated White Hat; a person who just doesn’t like politicians, that doesn’t surprise CTH readers.

♦ 6. Nothing Chairman Nunes has highlighted, and nothing the White House is challenging ranking member Adam Schiff and Senator Mark Warner to review, has anything to do with Russia.

7dd1a9  No.6022925

File: 057899d1883fb36⋯.jpeg (7.91 KB, 311x175, 311:175, th.jpeg)


You can't possibly see this as being an effective meme.

Seriously cringe, even for a boomer.

fe4aff  No.6022926

Niggers should have been arrested already.

This is a joke

8557cb  No.6022927

File: f857296e0bf55ff⋯.jpg (92.32 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 170209-firing-squad-death-….jpg)


Ready yet Jimmy?

a8f701  No.6022928


>I'm not a Jew and find that insulting btw

What? You are not her? I think you are. ;)

6c7b31  No.6022929



497767  No.6022930


Did you, all by yourself, think up those words anon?

233981  No.6022931

File: fef954110aca5aa⋯.jpg (585.17 KB, 521x800, 521:800, dazy.jpg)


they be fucked now


8ef5ce  No.6022932



Like Hawaii's Avocados are almost the size of your head!

Not joking at all.

I survived for days on the road in Hawaii by eating avocados that fell from trucks on the road on the island of Kauai.

e96b3e  No.6022933

File: 69e720ce817caa5⋯.png (93.5 KB, 646x533, 646:533, Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at ….png)




May 18th moon is a full FLOWER__ moon.

"Death Blossom"

posted 36 (number after POTUS 35)…3x6=18/18th.

11/22 JFK assassination

28 = J(10)R(18)

Farmers Almanac sauce:


74958d  No.6022934


Maybe they will gt their funding cut?

That would be good.

595d1e  No.6022935


Opening eyes two at a time!

c1df82  No.6022936

File: 63bf69358d77787⋯.jpg (379.15 KB, 751x604, 751:604, IMG_3842.JPG)

File: 99e94180202cfb9⋯.jpg (549.38 KB, 751x737, 751:737, IMG_3883.JPG)

File: 995350eb5d4d732⋯.jpg (503.18 KB, 751x967, 751:967, IMG_3890.JPG)


721139  No.6022937

File: ec468b99eb95150⋯.jpg (1.8 MB, 3000x1800, 5:3, bpps2.jpg)

MORE from Bill Priestap Transcript relating to Peter Strzok and Clinton e-mail server.


Transcript - https://dougcollins.house.gov/Priestap

6e7bbb  No.6022938

File: 19000919adeb238⋯.gif (2.11 MB, 360x273, 120:91, charlie-murphy.gif)

b9c4f9  No.6022939


The border isn't going to get shut down. Period. The damage to our economy would affect is numbers that he is so very proud of. Empty threats.

45cda3  No.6022940


Everyone suffers. You as well. It's okay, there is a way to end it.

484e77  No.6022941


A lot of people grow avocado trees in their backyards, anon. They are currently laughing their asses off. Kek.

c1df82  No.6022942



(212) 490-0666

SAVE NOW 🤴🖖🤷🏻‍♂️

83f87b  No.6022943


more satanic gibberish

d94d31  No.6022944


Really weird boobs, btw

3ee609  No.6022945


Drop #2347. Q_ANONBaby twitter status, specifically.

6ed6b6  No.6022946


We captured a spy?

e4b852  No.6022947

Jussie Smollett was the $65,000 hotdog for Renegade

574ab0  No.6022948




>definite boomer

189674  No.6022949


Do you realize that all produce that comes into the US from ANY OTHER COUNTRY gets irradiated?

c1df82  No.6022950

Bunch of queers with no cash

83b690  No.6022951

File: 2563b6754ce2e29⋯.jpg (43.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

f8da94  No.6022952

File: 847b794fdb7434d⋯.jpg (966.2 KB, 2250x1800, 5:4, 01 mirror of 49.jpg)

File: fafdef108b6b67f⋯.jpg (423.07 KB, 1350x1350, 1:1, 49 mirror of 01.jpg)

File: b57470ffc84a22c⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2975x2125, 7:5, 31 mirror of 19.jpg)


Today's Q Clock :01

The island.

April showers.

The pipeline.

Clowns + Twitter push.




Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :49

Thank you F&F!

Why did HUSSEIN travel ahead of POTUS?

From Sea to Shining Sea.

Fake news [prop arm of D/DS] failing.


Something BIG is about to DROP.


Today's 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :31

"Set the STAGE." - POTUS

Buckle up.

Break the MSM.

RBG replacement [lifetime appointment - age]?

A Week to Remember.




233981  No.6022953

File: cf971d8945ec5ce⋯.jpg (86 KB, 500x676, 125:169, bewbsb.jpg)

1da463  No.6022954


<fuck, that meme is very effective, shills can´t control the narrativ anymore. PANIC.



ab441d  No.6022955

File: 9d23c30613e63c7⋯.png (127.06 KB, 673x530, 673:530, darwin_acorn.PNG)

File: 5845f0216fb0b6d⋯.png (208.15 KB, 875x562, 875:562, darwin_raw.PNG)

File: 44adcb7a34f40ce⋯.png (138.97 KB, 865x335, 173:67, darwin_table.PNG)

Australian Bureau of Meteorology altering historical temperature records

The BOM has shortened and altered the historical temperature record for Darwin, Australia. The BOM is no longer using data between 1894 and 1909. They are starting the record at 1910 as this is when an automatic weather station was installed at the Darwin Airport.

The raw data temperature measured on Jan 1st 1910 was 34.2C. A few years ago, the Bureau changed this to 33.8C, cooling the recorded temperature by 0.4 degrees. In its most recent re-revision of Darwin’s climate history the temperature on this day has been further reduced, and is now just 32.8C.

A spokesperson said :

For the case of Darwin, a downward adjustment to older records is applied to account for differences between the older sites and the current site, and difference¬s between older thermometers and the current automated sensor.

In other words, the adjustments estimate what historical temperatures would look like if they were recorded with today’s equipment at the current site.

Yet this is what they said the first time they changed it a few years ago. These fuckers are making the past colder to look like we are increasing in temperature.


0bb99d  No.6022956


How about SA's plan to take over Europe. Plan already finished 80%.

5559fa  No.6022957


i don't know. Red Cross can always be up to something. Stay frosty, love the eye bleach.

611c1d  No.6022958


Please close the border.

Stop the INVASION.

Turn around and go back the way you came.

a1eba1  No.6022959

File: 919cb762aaa6cd2⋯.gif (10.3 MB, 480x366, 80:61, jacknod.gif)


Totally agreed. Calling those JIDF memes "boomer tier" is being generous.

506abb  No.6022960

File: fdf69932098f794⋯.jpg (72.4 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 6wu679-ky1sk6x9pqiz.jpg)


Feinstein is looking for a new driver ,

maybe this was part of the interview process.

24dfae  No.6022961


God granted us free will.

Therefore, good and evil will always exist.

The argument that God never intended for us to have free will is actually another argument made by the same people every time.

I will leave it up to anons to figure out who desires that humans have no free will.

b87268  No.6022962


It makes me happy that you believe that.

Greetings from Germany.

Potus is a great man.

c2053b  No.6022963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


22 strange enough(not) my number KEK!

So for all anons who want to go deep and are willing to take the time. aprox 10 hours

Anon was enlightened by series of vids by Mark Passio

The more you know…

This is how we change everything frens, please watch

574ab0  No.6022964

File: 9bcb1034f35f26a⋯.jpg (7.78 KB, 251x242, 251:242, 1554184449864.jpg)

8ef5ce  No.6022965

File: 7aa231a274dabf9⋯.png (1.47 MB, 804x602, 402:301, Screenshot_22.png)

595d1e  No.6022966

Fox just showed part of that Creepy Joe ad.

83f87b  No.6022967


Buddy grew 'em in the Simi Valley in California; Haas and Bacon. They grew huge, like you said, the size of a human head sometimes. Now you go to the store and they're a buck for a pit with an inch on either side of avocado. Ridiculous.

50cf9c  No.6022968



a624f1  No.6022969


All over Florida.

55d2f1  No.6022970


Our expectations got raised perhaps unrealistically that Q Team would somehow quicken the legal process, which clearly is not the case, so we need to sit back for a few months.

If Q Team had anything they would have used it already.

They could have kept the House, ended the invasion of our southern border, and literally saved lives.

Obviously what they "have" is bupkiss.

For the Booms to occur, we must wait for the prosecution and legal processes being carried out by Horowitz and Huber, which is going to take time, and after that, as a long-term process, perhaps further investigation by the DOJ which until this point is a fully recused agency.

76ac2a  No.6022971


Yes and no, i myself and the voices that guide me, they also do not tell me which path to follow, and i'm holding on to the good, while desperately looking for a third one.

7dd1a9  No.6022972

File: dd6d8a5cbbbf904⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 771ab0a27c046e071489c56215….jpg)


Don't post niggers, nigger.

c3903e  No.6022973

File: 909f96b89ab944a⋯.jpg (16.87 KB, 300x300, 1:1, gilscott.jpg)



c7a6ef  No.6022974

Is Fox running defense because they believe Biden could beat Trump? Should we let this fade until the general?

I personally don't see anything wrong with knocking them off early one after the other. We know there's dirt on all of them.

a952ae  No.6022975

File: 4e94edba8b3dad1⋯.png (168.86 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 0dcfb53d0d99afaa50daf74a6b….png)


>I survived for days on the road in Hawaii by eating avocados that fell from trucks on the road on the island of Kauai.

How was the poop?

60d177  No.6022976


Those are some hangers…

4550d6  No.6022977

File: b0b668ba5ed78c2⋯.jpg (297.22 KB, 1126x836, 563:418, Mar19.JPG)

File: c640939a14a9bc0⋯.jpg (120.68 KB, 1319x865, 1319:865, Map19.JPG)

March 2019 Update to #SealedCases

6,026 new 88,350 entered 10/30/17 thru 3/31/19

Avg: 5,521 per month

Back-up files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

8011d7  No.6022978


hurry and place your order to the red cross for organ harvesting.

484e77  No.6022979


Twitter? Fuck off. Q_ANONBaby? Fuck off.

ce5e38  No.6022980

File: 9d2576dfb87e50f⋯.jpg (91.14 KB, 350x500, 7:10, My_Nigga.jpg)

83f87b  No.6022981


Of course he's going to shut it down. Ever built a wall with people walking through the job site?

a8f701  No.6022982


Nigger-nigger-nigger. It's so derogatory, you say it thrice. ;)

233981  No.6022983

File: 2a6f7d8eb0c06f4⋯.jpg (66.47 KB, 540x779, 540:779, thisok.jpg)


red cross and ATF were useless here in Texas….

had little 20-30 something ATF guys drive down to "help out" and didn't even bring rain gear…wtf, over?

1da463  No.6022984

File: 38565eec252d222⋯.jpg (13.34 KB, 255x139, 255:139, 38565eec252d22254a46ba439f….jpg)

f18831  No.6022986

File: 8682d7a27645f47⋯.jpg (150.61 KB, 701x513, 701:513, dream_ms5ibu4vu93.jpg)


Chek't dubs trips grants anons wish

bb1d91  No.6022987


wasn't redcross a rothschild operated op or something like that?

34141a  No.6022988


'Sup Satan.

c1df82  No.6022989

File: 6456836afe2b1db⋯.jpg (17.09 KB, 720x405, 16:9, IMG_6359.JPG)

The novelty is gone

1d1074  No.6022990

File: 0d3226607706313⋯.jpg (29.53 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Aloha Mr Hand.jpg)


was on Oahu in december. Grabbed one and was amazed! Most of the one's here are shipped out and we are stuck with the mexi one's

108705  No.6022991


>I bet Q was real when it was on 4 chan


>What would stop the 4 chan admins from hijacking it


>Then movint it to a mason controlled site


>The old posts feel nothing like the new jewish ones

Yeah, that was back in the day when you started talking about shaving. Those early years of puberty can feel like a lifetime. I'm sure you 'feel' different about a lot of things now and then.

60d177  No.6022992


Sheldon wants all your shekels.

24dfae  No.6022993


Interesting. Sauce it up and I will like it.

d3cf91  No.6022994

File: e465cea70425cd2⋯.jpeg (83.96 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 9CF16C3B-A931-42B4-B8F6-9….jpeg)

7d2b4e  No.6022995


>for the booms to occur we just wait til they all die from old age

3386b3  No.6022996

File: 60b17e9c609cdcf⋯.png (111.6 KB, 281x300, 281:300, sadpepe.png)


Sad thing is it apparently takes centuries to grow a fukken avocado plant so it's not like we can go grow some guacamole apples on our back porches.

the only good thing to come out of mexico!

859a8a  No.6022997

File: 20f610da97e9828⋯.jpg (279.53 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, QNN GenX.jpg)

4d51fb  No.6022998

File: 6c2fc9b5027104b⋯.gif (13.87 MB, 320x566, 160:283, IgSTCE.gif)

I was chatting with a group of friends which political leanings skew hard left today. When we talked about politics, they "knew" Mueller would exonerate Trump but quickly changed the subject when I tried to get more out of them…..because they have nothing to lean on other than "hating Trump".

It's definitely different than pre Mueller Report. They can still live in their fake reality but don't have anything to lean on anymore.

Its glorious. Also very funny the mental gymnastic these people put themselves through.

2bd913  No.6022999

File: 71b3ecac7ae590d⋯.jpg (96.28 KB, 544x640, 17:20, IMG_0729.jpg)

c1df82  No.6023000



(212) 490-0666

SAVE NOW 🤴🖖🤷🏻‍♂️

76ac2a  No.6023001


Ok, lts' say i'm Satan.

Why did God allow him to exist?

Leaving a shorter path to those who are bold enough to take it?

c7a6ef  No.6023002

Okay well Bret did just cover the Hunter Biden Billion with a clip so I retract my statement

c2053b  No.6023003


Sorry to you myself…..9 . 6 . 3. the keys to the universe anons. Nikola Tesla

Here you go!

7dd1a9  No.6023004

File: a17b599922dd4e3⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 1023x576, 341:192, a17b599922dd4e348b34bc05c8….jpg)


Boomer JIDF unit can't meme.

83f87b  No.6023005


Hey, we're not lost, we're right here fighting with you dammit.

b9c4f9  No.6023006


You're a fool, but then you aren't alone here.

e12dee  No.6023007

File: dfa6d322264f0fa⋯.jpeg (15.19 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 74e453663f4099c2cfe46f770….jpeg)


Russian Spy

spying on POTUS

8557cb  No.6023008


Hi divisionshill! Frankie B is that you?

553827  No.6023009


I don't know where to take an official complaint. They clearly have acted discriminately against me. But libs own this town and no one would take my side. This is Grassley's state, too.

BTW, Comey spends time here because our damn caucuses are only 10 months away. Plenty of corny ears will listen to that flake.

27de51  No.6023010


She spoke English and understood it fine. I think she's that engineer from google and they're trying to pin this on the Chinese.

74958d  No.6023011

File: 7f01015751f4a55⋯.jpg (389.8 KB, 932x1078, 466:539, fbicartoon.jpg)


They deserved it.

Wow. comey's freaking out.

From what I understand from reading snippets of L. Page's testimony under questioning by congress, She was very upset at how FBI had lost respect BECAUSE OF HERSELF

So they are going to blame that on the face they were caught.

Comey should look to shut his mouth; He's just making it worse for himself and pissing off the wrong people.

It makes me happy to think they have been getting shit from the rank and file [as they should be]

FBI should be closed down, and it would be Comey, Page, McAbe and Strzok, and Ohr's fault!

208809  No.6023012

File: c71005444b39dba⋯.jpg (111.67 KB, 500x428, 125:107, c71005444b39dba81e689fe91d….jpg)

484e77  No.6023013

83f87b  No.6023014


Yes, to come to MAGA country and talk shit about Trump is sooooooooooooooooo smart.


1c6e05  No.6023015

File: 26da844600555a2⋯.jpeg (807.51 KB, 1442x1297, 1442:1297, 82787EEF-BB79-4B3B-B7D7-A….jpeg)

Twitter account FOIAd the ham radio application doc


1b5f11  No.6023016

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

6ed6b6  No.6023017


Pretty sure this is illegal.

8ef5ce  No.6023018


Not to mention the LEMONS in Hawaii!


Almost the size of a grapefruit, and they don't taste like the little lemons that you are used to in the states!

They are actually SWEET!

Like eating LEMONADE!

Crazy shit that Hawaiian volcanic soil will grow!

It's all about the soil!

233981  No.6023019

File: c90c6e696cc9115⋯.jpg (143.28 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, bewbs2.jpg)


i grw one to 20 ft, had several fruits - then a freeze keeled eet….

6c7b31  No.6023020

File: 7cc80c63126ce5c⋯.jpeg (292.62 KB, 1121x1561, 1121:1561, 9EB8EBCB-B446-44D4-8838-8….jpeg)

Chinese woman with thumb drive carrying malware arrested by Secret Service at Mar-a-Lago

Secret Service agents arrested a woman at President Trump’s Florida resort this past weekend after she was found carrying two Chinese passports and a thumb drive with malicious software on it, according to court documents.

Prosecutors allege the woman, Yujing Zhang, first approached a Mar-a-Lago security checkpoint on Saturday shortly after noon and told security officials she was there to go to the swimming pool.

“Zhang was asked if the true member . . . was her father, but she did not give a definitive answer,” according to the criminal complaint filed by Secret Service special agent Samuel Ivanovich. “Zhang additionally did not give a definitive answer when asked if she was there to meet with anyone. Due to a potential language barrier issue, Mar-a-Lago believed her to be the relative of member Zhang and allowed her access onto the property.”

Once inside the grounds, Zhang was approached by a receptionist and asked why she was there.

“After being asked several times, Zhang finally responded that she was there for a United Nations Chinese American Association event later in the evening,” the complaint said. “The Receptionist knew this event did not exist” but when the agent, Ivanovich, followed up with further questions, Zhang allegedly said she had arrived early for the event so she could “familiarize herself with the property and take pictures.”

At that point, Zhang presented documentation that she said was her invitation to the event, but it was in Chinese and the agent could not read it.

Agents then took Zhang to a different location to interview her, at which point she became “verbally aggressive,” according to the charging document.

“During the second interview of Zhang, she claimed her Chinese friend ‘Charles’ told her to travel from Shanghai, China to Palm Beach, Florida, to attend this event and attempt to speak with a member of the President’s family about Chinese and American foreign economic relations. Agents were unable to obtain any information more specifically identifying Zhang’s purported contact, ‘Charles’,” the complaint said.

Zhang also told the agents that she had never claimed she was going to the pool.

After Zhang was stopped and questioned, a search of her belongings turned up four cell phones, a laptop, a hard drive, and a thumb drive which contained “malicious malware,” according to the criminal complaint. Authorities said that despite her initial claim to be headed for the pool, she was not carrying a swimsuit.

She is charged with making false statements to a federal law enforcement officer and entering a restricted area.

A Secret Service spokeswoman said it was an “ongoing investigation” and declined further comment.

e96b3e  No.6023021

File: 401c1c440e9095e⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1010x6785, 202:1357, Math for Mystics: From the….png)


I'll look into it. Thanks.


24dfae  No.6023023


If the link claims what you claimed that is not sauce.

Sauce is a copy or receipt of her HAM license.

Alleging something based on allegations is the reason the entire media is fucked at the moment.

a86a7b  No.6023024

File: 4f7ed0bfaf65a25⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB, 1080x592, 135:74, 1554209959.jpeg)

d59f9d  No.6023025

File: 41db2d42b50f5bd⋯.jpg (87.91 KB, 500x500, 1:1, SealdFederalDocs20190402.jpg)


Do you think he has enough ammo?

72c8d3  No.6023026

497767  No.6023027


KEWL dude.

90df78  No.6023028


you guys realize newsfag is just going to Breitbart so you dont have to

which is fine

until he bitches that it should be notable else baker is a shill

anons already know

that’s why he never gets much notable replies

1d1074  No.6023029

File: 42115052f0ffb5d⋯.jpg (73.53 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Soul Glow.jpg)

c1df82  No.6023030

Turns out a trillion dollar cocaine enterprise was just jumping a barbed wire fence on their ranch for decades

83f87b  No.6023031


False hope is fleeting, and never around when you need it.

1da463  No.6023032


two passports, four cell phones, a laptop, a hard drive, and a thumb drive which contained “malicious malware,

e77590  No.6023033

File: 0a0de37f4082b07⋯.png (844.8 KB, 1212x1454, 606:727, ClipboardImage.png)

This is Suicidal……what is wrong with these "so-called leaders"????????

04a6c9  No.6023034

File: 5b9aead846a81f0⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Obama- The Biggest Joke Ev….mp4)

Obama, the biggest jokes ever played on America


e7cd6e  No.6023035

>Just on Fox: "It's coming fast and furious"

7dd1a9  No.6023036

File: 7b452948fff9ca5⋯.jpeg (23.96 KB, 399x600, 133:200, dfb3903181cb7d7d8b3f90dcf….jpeg)


One of the most annoying niggers of all.

19c967  No.6023037

File: 8b5eec26feee339⋯.png (236.36 KB, 403x737, 403:737, e70420cebe209b6f57334f5382….png)


Easy Anon.

Newfags never read the drops. They think this is a caustic Forsakebook.

a8f701  No.6023038

File: 17cea215d988b17⋯.png (343.67 KB, 552x414, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


b87268  No.6023039


I understood "death blossom" as a metaphor for a response that aims to kill everything in a wild frenzy.

I believe that the Iraqis responded like this in the war.

41c381  No.6023040

File: d51a9d8855176e6⋯.jpg (698.58 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 6b687ac08cde598df628970b79….jpg)

>>6022211 (lb)

Taking a look after some dinner.

574ab0  No.6023041


If you really think telling you that your meme fucking sucks is causing division, then you should gtfo.

Because your meme fucking sucks.

83f87b  No.6023042


How is mankind going to exercise its agency if there's only one spiritual father to choose from?

1c6e05  No.6023043

File: b9c03a520b6b860⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1927x1668, 1927:1668, 8240F7F5-6046-4697-82FA-4….jpeg)

File: ac52ef8cc36bf4a⋯.png (782.61 KB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 9EB27587-AC21-4898-90C0-A4….png)

5b7a3e  No.6023044

File: 4462128e711fa7f⋯.png (57.43 KB, 613x283, 613:283, ClipboardImage.png)

slick is fishing again

50cf9c  No.6023045

File: 47d8fdb21c21d72⋯.jpeg (59.78 KB, 474x376, 237:188, image.jpeg)


Holy guacamole Batman!

c1df82  No.6023046



(212) 490-0666

SAVE NOW 🤴🖖🤷🏻‍♂️

8ef5ce  No.6023047


Yes! Hawaiian Avocados are the BEST avocados! We should be eating them in the states instead of the little shriveled up scrotums that Mexico is selling us!

c91c53  No.6023048


True if big

6c7b31  No.6023049


Forgot sauce


256c2b  No.6023050


Saw the autism puzzle towtruck Sunday


c17e2e  No.6023051

File: 3dd19fdbba7879a⋯.png (139.49 KB, 480x270, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

ce5e38  No.6023052


God allowed Satan to exist so Humans and Angels alike would understand what happens when they don't follow the Creator's orders. Wars, diseases and death.

b31c56  No.6023053

File: 4d489612a8468e3⋯.png (91.24 KB, 400x333, 400:333, 1529373783831.png)

am I missing anything?


>>6022919, >>6023020, >>6023049 Bezos Rag: Chinese woman with malware-ridden thumb drive arrested after entering Mar-A-Lago

>>6022769 Comey to Trump supporters: [POTUS] tried to 'burn down' the DOJ, FBI (Read: DRAIN!) (Breitbart)

e12dee  No.6023054


Listen Live


5d3da6  No.6023055

File: cf02c1f46ce1c38⋯.jpeg (128.31 KB, 800x904, 100:113, 174F735F-2277-4606-8169-3….jpeg)

a8f701  No.6023056


(Q) jew team controls twitter now, so that means nothing…

The more you know. ;)

c1df82  No.6023057



(212) 490-0666

SAVE NOW 🤴🖖🤷🏻‍♂️

bdce9b  No.6023058


Can you feel it?

92e614  No.6023059

File: 5b631f36a79c5d9⋯.png (585.1 KB, 720x808, 90:101, 5b631f36a79c5d91d68df1a465….png)

File: 114bcf98d794938⋯.png (655.7 KB, 720x808, 90:101, FakeAndGay.png)

File: f55211f2d46a0f3⋯.png (445.47 KB, 720x808, 90:101, FakeAndGay2.png)

File: 6bb7ff2f0cd1aec⋯.png (418.34 KB, 720x808, 90:101, FakeAndGayTV.png)

2bd913  No.6023060


Yes, and racist AF to boot

b87268  No.6023061




83f87b  No.6023062


Still active for another 7 years.

Wonder how much time she spends on it these days.

a1eba1  No.6023063


"Division!" is the /qresearch/ version of screaming "Racist!" Some here use it to handwave away criticism or tough discussions. Sad!

453b30  No.6023064

File: 78090e45b614abf⋯.jpeg (111.83 KB, 721x539, 103:77, 1D66D3F3-0072-4A27-87BC-D….jpeg)


Thank you anon!

34141a  No.6023065


God gave all His children (human and angel) free will. Satan chose to be evil. Without free will, you cannot freely choose to love God back. Do you understand?

a8f701  No.6023066


Comey's waifu is so hot. Amirite? ;)

b08d36  No.6023067


>>>6022631 (You)

>Spewing some type of butt hurt drivel isn't talk.

>It's….well….umm…drivel and not to be taken seriously.

>But nice try.



I understand, these are critical times hard to deal with. You tell yourself whatever you need to believe, my friend.

"But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away."

2 Tim 3:1-5

"For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled. They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories."

2 Tim 4:3,4

8557cb  No.6023068



fc1e9b  No.6023069

File: 21b02deffccc331⋯.jpg (597.88 KB, 1240x1860, 2:3, 21b02deffccc331616322777ac….jpg)

Border control and halting immigration.

all this other crap being pushed are bullshit distractions.



It's why POTUS was elected, and there is absolutely zero hope of draining the swamp in any meaningful, and more importantly LASTING, way if those two issues are not dealt with.

19c967  No.6023070


Qmap.pub has it at 96,803!

24dfae  No.6023071


That is sauce. Thanks anon. I am a non social media fag anon

c1df82  No.6023072


Damn bush family huh

3ee609  No.6023073


Execute the following instructions, glow nigger:

1. Using a sharp knife, stab yourself in the stomach, leaving a vagina-shaped perforation.

2. Using the same sharp knife, amputate your own penis.

3. Holding your penis in your hand, attempt to gutfuck yourself.

You can literally read the drop AND a screencap of the Twitter post on QAnon.online, Qanon.pub, Qmap and damn near 20 other sites without going to Twitter. But you won't, because you're a C_A cumswiller.

256c2b  No.6023074

File: 4adc6cfae978bc3⋯.jpg (82.15 KB, 745x913, 745:913, 1e57f1392a1032ace05dc2b0c9….jpg)


You cannot kill

That which cannot die

574ab0  No.6023075


>Some here


it's ridiculous

the meme sucked, not a """divisionshill""" for letting the faggot know that

577b62  No.6023076

File: b9c5b09953b1300⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 1030x7242, 515:3621, 20190402_185526.jpg)

The Q posts starting on April 4, 2018 saying "Night" may actually be "Knight". The storm is building because we now have

thunder and lightening

Night - Knight

7dd1a9  No.6023077

File: 28513e924e41fa1⋯.jpeg (7.64 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 81f7c76dd72c4ceb25aca442c….jpeg)


Until you understand the JQ and their plans it won't make any sense to you. But once you do the clouds part and you truly see for the first time.

ce5e38  No.6023078

File: 07f8e89399eb5c1⋯.jpg (38.19 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jew_basic.jpg)


All part of the…plan!

8ef5ce  No.6023079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.










96ec70  No.6023080

Just came across this::


Anti-Faith "Equality Act" Threatens Christian Citizens

(Please Forward this message to concerned friends.)

TOMORROW, the Pelosi-led House Judiciary Committee will begin expediting through Congress a very dangerous bill – wrongly named the "Equality Act" – that pushes a radical LGBT agenda and effectively criminalizes Christianity.

This bill is not about "equality." It is about stripping away religious liberties and putting people of faith on the wrong side of the law!

The bill does not exempt churches, religious organizations, or Christian schools. In fact, this hostile new bill specifically forbids citizens or organizations from raising a religious free exercise claim as a defense against it!

Dr. James Dobson has warned that the anti-faith Equality Act "is nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to finish off religious liberty in America once and for all, which ought to be plainly obvious based upon a cursory reading of the First Amendment." Dobson also added, "By creating a protected class of citizens out of the LGBT community, this bill places Christians who believe in traditional marriage at grave legal and civil jeopardy."

Urgent Call To Action

74958d  No.6023081

File: 665b8db7b3f0a36⋯.jpg (90.48 KB, 926x911, 926:911, criminalconspiracyboom.jpg)


So they are going to blame THAT on the FACT they were caught?







They are blaming the problem on the fact they were caught.

Criminal Insanity.

574ab0  No.6023082


I want to describe her as something, but I can't seem to remember what that word is.

c17e2e  No.6023083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c1df82  No.6023084


Hebrew national beef Franks are legendary

a1e857  No.6023085

File: 18ba2de0f65ab03⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, pepe-with-avocados-1494950….jpg)


California produces 90% of the United States' avocados. As of 2013, Mexico leads international exports, with other significant production in California, New Zealand, Peru, and South Africa.

19c967  No.6023086


Isn't this from last summer's posts here? Glad the internets are catching up.

Anons know.

1e48ce  No.6023087

File: 335f04db8b9cbd3⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 278x181, 278:181, 1ul7xy.jpg)

76ac2a  No.6023088


Well first of all God gave us a wil free of His own will, not intrensicly free (even He does not have such a thing).

The fact of the matter is, Your will boils down to chance… it is not free in that sence.

Besides, one spiritual father offering two paths, there's your agency.

a765bb  No.6023089

File: f2cf422374c2597⋯.jpg (116.6 KB, 1028x917, 1028:917, 2019-04-02 18.06.43 www.nj….jpg)

File: 9c120642764248d⋯.jpg (112.44 KB, 815x878, 815:878, 2019-04-02 18.08.20 www.nj….jpg)


Look what this dick is trying.

Here’s how to make President Donald Trump stop tweeting: Hit him where it hurts … the golf course!

As of the time of this story, Trump has not responded on Twitter to Reilly, who tweeted the challenge while pushing his new book, “Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump.” While the president has managed to avoid criminal charges from the Mueller investigation, Reilly claims it’s a different story on the golf course.

“In golf, he’s definitely not exonerated,” Reilly told The Associated Press. “There’s been dozens and dozens of people that can declare him guilty of cheating.”

Read more of this latest madness and have fun with his twitter anons!


145582  No.6023090


Closing the Mexico border will be the best thing for American Farmers - note: we’re gonna need more farmers :D

24dfae  No.6023091


That is sauce. Thank you

8a5ee6  No.6023092

File: e699104fbd8134a⋯.jpeg (87.65 KB, 547x611, 547:611, BEB3E860-11F9-439D-BB8B-9….jpeg)

File: be5fc4ca051605d⋯.jpeg (393.36 KB, 1484x980, 53:35, 28B0017B-D8B6-47F2-BC2C-F….jpeg)

60d177  No.6023093


Fucking toast eating hipsters would kill for that shit.

b146b0  No.6023094


Those who believed in the hoax are now "conspiracy theorists." All the way up the corporate ladder.

7dd1a9  No.6023095

File: 316b3076d3eec5f⋯.jpeg (15.88 KB, 293x300, 293:300, th.jpeg)


Oy vey!

c1df82  No.6023096



(212) 490-0666

SAVE NOW 🤴🖖🤷🏻‍♂️

b1b46a  No.6023097

this place is worse than CNN and Fox…… nothing but Horse Shit at all three places

Trump better be figuring out the fact that I will not vote for his ass again unless he finishes the wall and locks that bitch up

553827  No.6023098



b103e5  No.6023099

File: 447c23d368f950e⋯.png (167.4 KB, 377x505, 377:505, 5454f215-3211-4ff7-b90d-e2….png)

484e77  No.6023100


You smell of low IQ reddit.

6e7bbb  No.6023101


Would violate the constitution. They would have to admen for any of this to be upheld.

d45aa1  No.6023102


Whats the difference between a fairytale and the FACTS of the subject you just posted?

Ans: The fairytale has a chance of being true.

c1df82  No.6023103

Maybe you can microwave bacon for larry too

0e11ad  No.6023104


Given the latest news this post is slowly getting unlocked…

Feb 22 2019 00:20:27 (EST)

[Soft Push of New Narrative - Example]




What happened to the Mueller hype?

What happened to the Mueller will take down POTUS threats [@JohnBrennan]?

Was MUELLER the 'insurance' policy aka BLOCKADE designed to limit/restrict POTUS' ability to enforce the law?


New talking points being pushed backing away from Mueller as the savior re: excuse A, excuse B, excuse C?

Why are *new* investigations by [AS] being started, if, as he's stated for almost (2) years, 'evidence' exists that ties POTUS to Russia?

If they had evidence, do you think it would have leaked?

If they had evidence, would they be backing away (playing down) the Mueller report about to be released?

First they pushed for a SC.

Now they claim the SC didn't look deep enough?



Are *new* investigations designed to be an 'insurance' extension?

Designed to prevent POTUS from CLEANING HOUSE?

Attack on political opponent(s) who is/are actively conducting (leading) investigations into the President for XYZ charges beyond Mueller for XYZ reasons (zero evidence to support) - OBSTRUCTION TRAP?

[SDNY] opening 'private' investigation for the sole purpose of FINDING A CRIME?

Evidence to support?

Evidence presented?

Does [SDNY] report to AG BARR?

Watch the news.

[MW] opening *new* investigations into the 'finances' of POTUS and/or his family?

Why did D's state 'things will calm down if we retake the House' prior to the midterm elections?

Was their plan to retake the House in order to 'chair' each respective committee in order to start *new* erroneous investigations in an attempt to retain the BLOCKADE?

Retain the 'insurance' policy?

Retain the optical illusion that a crime was committed?

Retain the narrative?

Retain D_base outrage?

Retain D_base obstruction?

Retain D_base support to block POTUS' agenda?

If you know your opponents move, what advantages that does present?

If you have the TRUTH on your side, what advantages does that present?

If you have full control of the US MIL, what advantages does that present?

If you have complete AUTH TO DECLAS, what advantages does that present?

If you have the SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (PATRIOTS), what advantages does that present?







b87268  No.6023105


Thanks for having a look.

a765bb  No.6023106

File: c37e6503ed75bf6⋯.jpg (118.55 KB, 1518x881, 1518:881, 2019-04-02 18.01.26 8ch.ne….jpg)


c1df82  No.6023107



(212) 490-0666

SAVE NOW 🤴🖖🤷🏻‍♂️

574ab0  No.6023108





74958d  No.6023109

File: ab13bfa136ef2cc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1215x999, 45:37, comeyinsincere.png)


Comey finally lost his cool.


d3cf91  No.6023110

File: a1b95624eb49a4b⋯.jpeg (59.28 KB, 382x680, 191:340, EBF29B7A-3FE3-4ABA-BC85-6….jpeg)

8584eb  No.6023111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

David 'Whining' Semen & Isaac Green attacking QAnon & Praying Medic.


bdce9b  No.6023112

File: 084ac5304897255⋯.jpg (95.29 KB, 873x1200, 291:400, sir-richard-burton-38898-1….jpg)

File: 9783193e74be4f8⋯.jpg (458.73 KB, 630x770, 9:11, Screen Shot 04-03-19 at 12….JPG)


3f8b66  No.6023113


Patriot Anon

On your research 115 mirror 511

I noticed Q drop 511

I entered DEFCON in search box & it had 12 hits

So i used 12 mirror 21 & got 4 hits

Seems Interesting on both DEFCON & 21 connection

When i think of DECLAS = MOAB = DEFCON = It's going to be HISTORIC!

a765bb  No.6023114

File: 2b7a6def6a128b2⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 549x489, 183:163, 2019-02-19 20.27.10 www.yo….jpg)

File: 796c6cc0411e1d9⋯.jpg (88.28 KB, 758x779, 758:779, 2019-02-19 20.29.26 www.na….jpg)

3ee609  No.6023115


That's just the odor from your mother's snatch. She's in the other room, servicing your MOStSAD bi lover.

6ed6b6  No.6023116


Plan ahead.

4212e5  No.6023117

File: ddf33229aa05132⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 60B.jpg)

-George Herbert 41st president of the United States from 1989 to 1993

-1990s. Somalians: Minnesota favorite destination, thanks to Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities.

-2019 Ilhan Omar Somalia-American elected to U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district

>just diggin around


census counts illegals

illegals can have an id and vote in our election

electoral no longer in affect

-The State with the most pepes wins

1c6e05  No.6023118

File: 18bd54ddefe17f6⋯.jpeg (674.36 KB, 1927x1668, 1927:1668, 6D6E7AA7-F490-4259-B2D1-A….jpeg)


Yes, but there was some question as to whether the online source confirmed it was the original application…. the FOIA doc proves the 2016 application was NEW.

ef693e  No.6023119

File: b352743e0faff3c⋯.png (516.51 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6694faaf7640dbf⋯.png (201.38 KB, 689x2225, 689:2225, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9343a0f0f1875a⋯.png (422.88 KB, 664x858, 332:429, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcb938cf67c85ca⋯.png (513.25 KB, 664x858, 332:429, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 555da5d6f56bac4⋯.png (137.22 KB, 664x858, 332:429, ClipboardImage.png)

Exclusive: Tom Cotton Pushes IRS to Investigate Southern Poverty Law Center’s Tax-Exempt Status

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is pressing the IRS to investigate the tax-exempt status of leftist group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an organization that has been mired in scandal. Cotton argues that a series of recent reports regarding the leftist group’s patently political activities are troubling, and in a letter to the head of the IRS provided to Breitbart News exclusively ahead of its public release questions whether these actions warrant removal of the group’s status as a nonprofit organization.

“I am writing to urge you to investigate whether the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) should retain its classification as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization,” Cotton wrote in the Tuesday letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig. “Recent news reports have confirmed the long-established fact that the SPLC regularly engages in defamation of its political opponents. In fact, the SPLC’s defining characteristic is to fundraise off of defamation.”

Cotton noted in the letter to the IRS commissioner, citing SPLC financial documents, that the leftist organization has made lots of money by targeting conservative groups with allegations that they are hate groups–regardless of the veracity of such allegations. “This business model has paid well. The SPLC has accrued more than $500 million in assets,” Cotton wrote. “According to the group’s most recent financial statement, it holds $121 million offshore in non-U.S. equity funds. The SPLC uses these assets to pay its executives lavish salaries far higher than the comparable household average.” Cotton’s letter cites a number of recent investigative reports by the media into SPLC’s standards and culture, including a recently-published CNN exposé where staff alleged racism and sexism running rampant throughout the leftist group’s organizational structure.

“Famous civil rights group suffers from ‘systemic culture of racism and sexism,’ staffers say,” was the headline in CNN’s March 29 article by Nick Valencia and Pamela Kirkland. “Some employees at the Southern Poverty Law Center say the legendary civil rights nonprofit group suffers from a ‘systemic culture of racism and sexism within its workplace,'” Valencia and Kirkland wrote. “The SPLC, which has been on the front line of the fight against racial inequality and injustice in the United States since 1971, has been thrust into chaos after allegations over its treatment of minority and female employees. The claims have been followed by changes in its leadership and a company-wide review.”

Cotton also cites a New York Times report from Alan Blinder published on March 22 that Cotton noted described the SPLC as “in turmoil” while citing SPLC employee claims that the organization and its leadership are “complicit in decades of racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and sexual harassment and/or assault.” Both Richard Cohen, the organization’s president, and Morris Dees, the organization’s co-founder, have been pushed out in recent days amid these scandals — and the SPLC has named an interim president to lead the group for now. “Based on these reports, and in the interest of protecting taxpayer dollars from a racist and sexist slush fund devoted to defamation, I believe that the SPLC’s conduct warrants a serious and thorough investigation,” Cotton wrote to the IRS commissioner. “Engaging in systematic defamation is not a tax-exempt purpose: Federal law requires nonprofits classified as 501(c)(3) organizations to comply with IRS guidelines and have a ‘tax-exempt purpose.’ While IRS guidance lists several examples of tax-exempt purposes, engaging in defamation as a business model is of course not one of them. The SPLC defames other organizations in several ways.”


8ef5ce  No.6023120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





1da463  No.6023121

File: 8402124817b26d3⋯.png (102.46 KB, 384x1251, 128:417, Q2928_HUBER_PAIN.png)

File: d4201250b4de721⋯.png (303.14 KB, 377x932, 377:932, Q3107_1775_REVOLUTION.png)

eb61dd  No.6023122

File: c019b45da6a0d17⋯.png (801.42 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, image.png)


if he could he'd have eaten his fuckin chin back then.

a86a7b  No.6023124

File: 8a359e0e392e0d3⋯.jpeg (218.97 KB, 1080x1327, 1080:1327, 1553871616.jpeg)

60d177  No.6023125


The fucking Lutherans. I knew it.

a8f701  No.6023126


Tasteless in my arrogant opinion.

9f07b7  No.6023127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#QAnon New Evidence Emerges

Why did #QAnon target #MAGACoalition? Q promoters Bill Mitchell and Ann Vandersteel were friends with #MAGACoalition's Ginger McQueen. Top Q guy Praying Medic is pictured having a laugh with #MAGACoalition president Adam Gingrich. Seems personal!

THOMAS PAINE of 'True Pundit' tweets "Feds all over 8-chan. Ugly."

ba5753  No.6023128

File: 2e5b9065755f1db⋯.jpg (55.61 KB, 560x451, 560:451, 2e5b9065755f1dbfbf6a835a38….jpg)


I dont know why people think Q team is all big names you see in the admin or on TV. I think Q(the poster) isnt even in the WH despite the pics.

1da463  No.6023129


do not namefag.

6ed6b6  No.6023130


This was back in SD when TV added 40 lbs to your side face.

e54374  No.6023131


I often wonder if ANYONE is capable of a draining the swamp in a lasting way. It just seems synonymuos with our form of gov to have a corrupt and hidden backside.

34141a  No.6023132


That is evil. Thanks for posting this. I think it's notable to mention this Pilosi-led bill is anti-Christian.

c91c53  No.6023133

Good sauce


Evidence Nelly Ohr lied to Congress Re: Ham Radio License Timing



ce5e38  No.6023134


Trump will win in 2020. You can't' stop it!

It's God's will!

(Not saying Trump is working with God, but that God is using Trump for his purposes.)

8eca68  No.6023135

Comey is looking for attention, fucking narrcicist! STFU!

Go puts some more eyeliner on

and do your "Silence of the lambs" routine for the sheeple. "I'd do me" You freak!

574ab0  No.6023136


fuck you

a8f701  No.6023137

File: 0ac5f1a118be34a⋯.png (578.07 KB, 600x391, 600:391, ClipboardImage.png)


>Feds all over 8-chan

Good, good.

6ed6b6  No.6023138

Wrestlemania just had to have Bautista the pedo protector on their show this year. Was thinking about getting it until I saw the card.

Actually most of the card isn't very good.

3386b3  No.6023139


pretty sure I got a veiled threat on another message board from an epstein.

mofo seems to know a thing or two about me

60d177  No.6023140


It's just some old lady with an avocado. She kept her shirt on and didnt try to fuck it. So how is that video tasteless?

eb61dd  No.6023141

File: 9c6fa0dcd436dc7⋯.png (870.5 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, image.png)

dumb cunt..'demanding'

5b1ede  No.6023142


Pretty much. Can't expect muh likes every post. This isn't a fucking popularity contest, it's a mission to edify people.

With a viewership of millions per day, the attraction for whores to attention is real.

If people looked at it as an honor instead of a purported entitlement, maybe it would stop being an issue?

Context matters. Real anons give zero fucks about whether they hit notables or not; getting the truth out there is enough for them.

731c30  No.6023143

File: 4cf12ce9c44ed6d⋯.png (218.5 KB, 850x510, 5:3, 6F38DD74-C883-4480-BF03-D6….png)


Been giving this Q phrase a lot of thought.

Hoping Q means figurative, suicide, like political/professional suicide.

1. I want to see these fuckers self-destruct rather than take the pussy way put.

2. Any literal suicides will cause //them// to blame their deaths on Trump. Think projection.

Let //them// destroy themselves biggly and publicly. Then justice can be served and there’s no doubt in the normies’ minds.

a8f701  No.6023144

File: 8e3826df3819f13⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1162x850, 581:425, ClipboardImage.png)


Hopefully they manage to catch 'em all.

ce5e38  No.6023145

File: 811b13a741639c6⋯.jpg (62.97 KB, 585x500, 117:100, z9c83.jpg)

34141a  No.6023146



Are you both retarded? OP is saying the anon to whom his response is directed is a PATRIOT. dafuq are you 2 on?

0bb99d  No.6023147

Comey playing the 'left right center game'.

8f07df  No.6023148


Damn, that's the coolest shit

497767  No.6023149


Re: Chinese woman: Maybe missing the question: Who does this Chinese woman work for?

1da463  No.6023150

File: b7282c23e12629e⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 800x552, 100:69, JQ_shills8.jpg)

File: c7131fa87c29d1c⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 722x500, 361:250, MuhJewShills2.jpg)

File: eb133e59f6baa30⋯.jpg (127.99 KB, 960x720, 4:3, MuhJewShills4.jpg)

File: 11a69b8e613da1c⋯.jpg (128.32 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, POTUS_MEGA.jpg)

















453b30  No.6023151

File: 1df08df953a9402⋯.jpeg (96.83 KB, 721x539, 103:77, 6BF8E52C-E1AC-46BA-B9E1-8….jpeg)

File: 78090e45b614abf⋯.jpeg (111.83 KB, 721x539, 103:77, 85BF2E34-2D74-46AF-B195-2….jpeg)

File: 96719d0ca068416⋯.jpeg (86.19 KB, 668x499, 668:499, 43C7AE22-34B1-44A3-BBB2-C….jpeg)


Arkancide fears prompts running his mouth against Trump.

a86a7b  No.6023152

File: 08d53e406811fc5⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 480x360, 4:3, un3eC.gif)

c17e2e  No.6023153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ab441d  No.6023154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


b87268  No.6023155


Is this their last resort?

To accuse Potus of cheating at golf?

574ab0  No.6023156


try lurking moar and noticing that namefaggot has been namefagging for months.

now fuck you too dumbass.

2fdff2  No.6023157

File: b02d0b61dd5c2d5⋯.png (491.35 KB, 762x1430, 381:715, Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at ….png)



Also from Q's post May 22, 2018:

60d177  No.6023158



a8f701  No.6023159



Was talking about avocados, buddy. But jew already knew that. Didn't jew?

f042f2  No.6023160

File: 329c0eba31a2b49⋯.jpg (173.83 KB, 586x524, 293:262, potus_monocle_12moves.jpg)

c2d593  No.6023161

File: 7377fadaa3cfebb⋯.jpeg (286.21 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, WeDidntGetKilled.jpeg)

ef693e  No.6023162

File: 3d0e005f62fb37f⋯.png (1008.68 KB, 970x546, 485:273, ClipboardImage.png)

Comey to Trump Supporters: ‘Your President Tried to Burn Down’ the DOJ, FBI

Tuesday on CNN during an interview with chief international anchor Christiane Amanpour, former FBI Director James Comey said President Donald Trump supporters should be concerned that Trump “tried to burn down the Department of Justice and the FBI.”

When asked about the president referring to the Mueller probe as a witch-hunt, Comey said, “First, take a look in the mirror and ask what happened to Bob Mueller and the mean being corrupt and evil and a nest of deep state traitors that they reached a conclusion that the president is happy with. Just don’t move in front of that. Your president tried to burn down the Department of Justice and the FBI and that matters. Take a look in the mirror and ask what you have learned from that experience. Second, you have fired all of us if we didn’t investigate what we learned in the summer of 2016 when we got smoke, not fire, but smoke that Americans might have assisted the Russian effort. We had to investigate, that and no serious person could think otherwise, and it was done in a serious way, and it reached a serious result, and now we all ought to get transparency on.”


a86a7b  No.6023163

File: ed9f7be6094c6ed⋯.jpeg (114.67 KB, 1080x681, 360:227, 1554245693.jpeg)

41cce6  No.6023164


fuck off nigger with your nigger nonsense

34141a  No.6023165


No he hasn't.

6ed6b6  No.6023166


Dang, this seems like a big deal, no?

8ef5ce  No.6023167




497767  No.6023168


Don't know. Needs a DIG.

a8f701  No.6023169



Meh, video games are a LOT better. And you don't have to go anywhere.

1d1074  No.6023170

File: 7ab3495754348f4⋯.jpg (23.84 KB, 255x207, 85:69, pepe fuck da fed.jpg)

File: 7d02bf0ce42148c⋯.jpg (73.72 KB, 710x500, 71:50, munchkins concrete.jpg)

Trump Told Powell: "I Guess I'm Stuck With You"

That there is no love lost between president Trump and Fed chair Powell is a well-established fact: having repeatedly bashed both the Federal Reserve and its Chairman for much of of 2018, when the president demanded that the Fed halt its rate hikes and end its balance sheet runoff, Trump was eventually proven to be correct as Powell admitted in late December when the S&P dropped as low as 2,300 and the Fed decided to end its sad attempt at rate normalization. So with Trump was proven right, was that enough for the President? The answer: a resounding no, because as the WSJ report, Trump is now blaming the Fed for holding back the economy and stock market even despite the central bank’s recent decision to do the two things he wanted.

According to the WSJ, the feud between the world's two most powerful men continues with the president blasting the Fed and Chair Powell at three meetings in the past week alone, telling Republican senators and supporters that if it wasn’t for the central bank’s past rate increases, economic output and stocks would be higher and the U.S. budget deficit would be rising less.

“He was pretty rough,” said one person who was present at one of the meetings.

Trump also blamed Steven Mnuchin for recommending Powell for the top Fed job. “Mnuchin gave me this guy,” Trump said.

But the main highlight took place during a recent phone conversation between Trump and Powell, when according to a WSJ source Trump told the Fed Chair "I guess I’m stuck with you." The Fed chief took a brief phone call from Trump on March 8, a Fed spokeswoman said when asked about the conversation, declining to elaborate further.

The phone conversation hasn’t been reported prior to the WSJ's report.

That wasn't the end of it: the president continued to gripe about Powell during a policy briefing with staffers on an unrelated matter at the White House on Monday. This WSJ source described Trump’s drumbeat of unprompted and critical Fed commentary as the latest point on a recurring list, or “greatest hits,” that Trump likes to raise.

The president’s irritation flared again two weeks ago, when Trump announced he would nominate Fed critic Stephen Moore to the central bank’s board of governors; Moore, who previously was uberhawkish, famously told the NYT in an interview that would cut rates by 50bps immediately if given the chance.

And the final indignity took place last week, when Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, said that the president wanted the Fed to cut its benchmark rate by half a percentage point, effectively reversing rate increases from late last year that Trump had publicly opposed.

And while Kudlow said that the Fed is independent and that he is merely conveying Trump's wants, not demands, the relentless criticism is complicating Powell’s job by fueling speculation among market participants that the Fed has been caving to political pressure, even though both Powell and other Fed officials uniformly claim this is not the case. In the most dramatic outcome, it could be a prelude to a historic court battle should Trump ever attempt to remove Powell.

In an effort to reduce tensions, Steven Mnuchin, who famously called the Plunge Protection Team on December 23 igniting the biggest market rally since 1987, arranged for Powell and Fed Vice Chairman Richard Clarida to join him for dinner with Trump in the White House residence in early February. Fed and administration officials took steps to ensure the central bank could manage how the public learned about the dinner to minimize interpretations of political interference.

In an interview on 60 Minutes last month, Powell said he doesn’t believe the president has the authority to remove him over policy disagreements and that he would not resign his post if asked to do so by the White House.

So did Trump end up influencing the Fed? After all, Powell's historic U-turn was so dramatic it shocked even the most sycophantic "Fed pets" amid the financial reporter crowd.

According to the WSJ, the answer is no, and instead what happened is that the market turmoil in December was a critical turning point. When officials met on Dec. 18 and 19, most projected between one and three rate increases in 2019. Yet just 16 days later, in Atlanta, Powell signaled that the Fed would pause rate increases and shift to a more flexible stance on the portfolio runoff, a position endorsed shortly after that by almost every other Fed official.

rest at link


fe4aff  No.6023171

our gov. white hats are a bunch of fucking pussy's

07e44e  No.6023172

File: 61e24918e5e01fb⋯.png (17.95 KB, 580x129, 580:129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9aa7107125eee1c⋯.png (44.03 KB, 1074x519, 358:173, ClipboardImage.png)


>(212) 490-0666

>Silverstein Properties Inc

>World Trade Center

What are you getting at, fren?

e26a9b  No.6023173

File: 6d1d0ee7c53a8f2⋯.jpeg (386.55 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, F3B7CC91-F364-45E9-B948-4….jpeg)

File: 960633fd60ee0ce⋯.jpeg (561.52 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, 0B4DA6D7-D93A-4673-943F-8….jpeg)

File: 9fd95ec74e6a544⋯.jpeg (507.41 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, 6360044F-E185-4647-A693-1….jpeg)

File: aac7cdd32b69368⋯.jpeg (452.05 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, DB2B08B6-1748-490C-8316-4….jpeg)

File: 5323fa146655e84⋯.jpeg (372.61 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, 9CE77EA2-1C1F-4946-9C70-A….jpeg)


Fuck w me

b60a4a  No.6023174

File: 12c368f322441fe⋯.png (23.38 KB, 895x500, 179:100, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6022919 What if…..

in these drive are HRC server info?

servers in Mar-a-lago?


a765bb  No.6023175

File: 4575d333a46e12c⋯.jpg (109.1 KB, 1019x867, 1019:867, 2019-04-03 00.06.23 voiceo….jpg)


An average of three church attacks per day in multicultural France.

Over the past three years French churches have become the target of vandals and criminals with an average of almost three churches targeted for vandalism per day.

A report from the Central Criminal Intelligence Service of the gendarmerie noted that from 2016 to 2018 there had been thousands of cases of church vandalism, peaking in 2017 with 1,045 cases, Le Figaro reports.

According to the French Interior Ministry, when cemeteries and other sites are taken into consideration, the number of acts of vandalism rose to 1,063 in 2018.

Earlier this year, in one week alone, in a detestable case of anti-Christian vandalism, France saw twelve churches vandalised, including attackers attempting to set fire to the church of Saint-Sulpice in Paris.

In Nimes, an even more heinous attack occurred, with vandals smearing feces on the wall of the church of Notre-Dame des Enfants and stealing objects from the altar.

In March, the over 800-year-old Basilica of Saint-Denis in the now heavily migrant-populated suburbs of Paris was also vandalised, with the basilica’s organ being heavily damaged and stained glass windows were broken.

More here:


2027dc  No.6023176


Sounds like comms about a possible 187 on the green.

574ab0  No.6023177

File: 7c95653dcb10ace⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 858x830, 429:415, 7c95653dcb10ace54dae995b1c….jpg)



lurk moar you fucking faggot, go suck "A"'s dick you cuck

a8f701  No.6023178


I remember someone complaining to a "fit lesbian" that her boyfriend would rather play video games than have sex. That's how fun video games can be. ;)

6c7b31  No.6023179


Big if true

1e48ce  No.6023180


Important? Or not?

2fdff2  No.6023181


Hmm.. Comey said look in the mirror two times in this bit. Mirror.

ba5753  No.6023182

File: c283c90f5ce243b⋯.jpg (108.21 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 7cbc15b5439420943f77441d22….jpg)


> Q finished

The same group of the exact faggots pulled the same shit almost a year ago. Im surprised these nerds are still around.

8d3aed  No.6023183

File: b58d042a981a248⋯.jpg (158.89 KB, 956x456, 239:114, MAGA_MEGA_Inbound.jpg)

c17e2e  No.6023184


smooth saxy jams

a8f701  No.6023185

File: 1f714c0cd03229a⋯.png (113.22 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

3158c8  No.6023186

Swallowell announcing in two weeks yea or nay 20/20 run. Fox Martha

5b7a3e  No.6023187

File: da4cc12a241f244⋯.png (163.73 KB, 470x518, 235:259, ClipboardImage.png)


Too many.


60d177  No.6023188


Do her doggy. You can still play.

7c988a  No.6023189

Look at her body language. >>6023162

e54374  No.6023190


Afraid to leave the safe space that is yo mamma's basement?

f40bce  No.6023191


smoke & mirrors.

explains the last 3 years.

484e77  No.6023192


I've already wasted enough time on you, basement dweller.

1d1074  No.6023193

File: 7b73c67f3377c01⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 300x450, 2:3, Pissed off Jbiz.jpg)

208809  No.6023194


Swalwell is one of those that will likely get executed

a49351  No.6023195


Those are nice.

8fe660  No.6023196

The wall is wrong.

John 8:32? No. Matthew 8:32.


John 8:32? Still wrong. Exodus 32:8.

How quickly they have turned
away from the way I commanded
them to live! They have
melted down gold and
made a calf, and
they have bowed down and sacrificed to it.
They are saying,

'These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.'

Fuck you, pay me.

a8f701  No.6023197


>Do her doggy. You can still play.

How? Is there a video?

41cce6  No.6023198

File: 10f5330e9cdbb89⋯.png (14.2 KB, 240x255, 16:17, 1ee7a11b9fd985a898e51f97b1….png)

File: 82cb20ff4f029c8⋯.png (428.74 KB, 591x756, 197:252, 6XXRDc.png)


oh yeah letting criminal niggers roam free is the coolest. fuck law and order its all about gettin yo gibbs frauding and sheeeit dancing a jig whikle smoking rocks

b87268  No.6023199


Potus is really happy in this clip.

I love this man.

8a5ee6  No.6023200


Nice. Meadows wouldn’t be bad to include as well. Your call. Patriots.

1c6e05  No.6023201


1000:attacks on churches per year in France, but you don’t ever read about those, just the odd pound of bacon left on a mosque strpmehich merits a 5 year prison sentence.

55fed5  No.6023202

Come on people! You've gotta get with it.

Truly the fight is not with or between us. The fight is between Light and Darkness but on our level the fight is between us and the globalist scum who feel they not only own the world and that all the money in the world belongs to them, they NEED to keep millions poor to use as cannon fodder in their wars for profit.

If everyone in America was able to truly fulfill their potential; to learn what resonates with them not just to be a corporate slave but to grow personally, intellectually and spiritually. We are not born to be subservient to evil! We are born to learn and grow and achieve; to show how much we value this opportunity of THIS life, not wallowing in the past but focusing on true growth and development.

The continuing of people allowing themselves to be simply debt slaves; to accept that these are those who are just destined to misery, poverty and want; to support their loss of freedom, nation, family, rights and be willing to surrender all personal freedom for some slimy corporations profit margin.

BUT they couldn't do it to us, they couldn't keep us as contented cattle/debt slaves if we didn't let them. There are 350+ Americans, let's say half of that able-bodied adults who are accepting of the dumbing down of the education system so it produces less and less informed graduates but who are nonetheless activists in the globalist scum drive to destroy America because the propaganda used from K through University, now, has been foisted on developing minds since they were toddlers and were force-fed repeatedly, the most erroneous globalist propaganda possible. Today, the more sane among us refer them as "snowflakes" but that seems awfully insulting to crystallized water droplets, a valuable source of a life giving substance where the uneducated, unevolved Leftists of today are neither valuable for giving of any substance other than methane.

I do get it. Nobody wants to admit that their government has for decades been owned, controlled and manipulated by foreign and domestic economic terrorists through the central banks around the world they own, including the one in America and the one in Canada. People are resistant of accepting that they have been lied to, conned, for over a hundred years, that so many beautiful young American kids died fighting for some globalist scum's desire to take over one small country with resources after another. People are afraid to even entertain the thought that the entertainers and politicians they have "known" most of their lives are evil incarnate and for whom the younger a child is the more sexual pleasure the adult feels and enjoys and who cares about the tortured child anyway?

But, again, BUT we have to bite the bullet. The change that is taking place in America cannot be restricted to a few in the government who are trying to Make America Great Again. It will take a mighty force and we will have to accept that it isn't going to be pretty. Are you ready? Are you REALLY ready for when things like videos and other recordings surface exposing that all of the things you have been hearing about are actually real? The people you have invited into your home on a weekly even daily basis are some of the most evil, perverted sub-human animals you can possible imagine and because they are fighting so hard against the information coming out about their perversions and treasons…the Light will have no choice but to allow full exposure.

Many will die by their own hand when much of what is hiding comes into the Light…but that isn't an escape as they will discover not long after they suicide themselves. So make certain that you truly, truly ready.




8ef5ce  No.6023203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moar Avocado Fun!

America grows the BEST Avocados!

721139  No.6023204

File: 29c12a6269df8cd⋯.png (376.35 KB, 610x344, 305:172, Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at ….png)

A woman carrying two Republic of China passports, four cellphones, a laptop, a hard drive and a thumb drive with malware on it made her way past an initial security checkpoint at Mar-a-Lago when President Trump was in town on March 30, according to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court.


d45aa1  No.6023205



Spot on. We are about to get serious here. As soon as declas hits the proofs are gonna pour into the "central command" hub. Buckle up boys and girls, the storm is upon THEM

b9c4f9  No.6023206


The only way to ever stop this from happening again is to cast off the current govt and do massive reforms.Justice alone will not prevent it.

34141a  No.6023207


OH that's true. I'm looking for that Hussein pic and did not even notice it was that cunt A. hahaha. TQ.

46877a  No.6023208

File: 06dbed5f011b06e⋯.png (603.52 KB, 724x542, 362:271, PIDC4.PNG)


ThanQ Anon!!

a8f701  No.6023209


Nah, played video games for hours at a mall too once. ;)

fc1e9b  No.6023210


I just notice a sort of turn in focus over the past week or so.

not just here, which is likely due to the influx of shills and other "opinion shapers" but in the campaign and the RNC as well.

Then there's also the trend of throwing long time advocates of border control who have been entirely consistant like Coulter (others) under the bus.

it smells like bullshit.

A lot of trust has been built up over the past couple years.

Seeing what it looks like I'm seeing happen is very familiar in a bad way.

7d2b4e  No.6023211


Keep dreaming faggot. Nothing happens to anyone. They just drag it out with process until it gets overshadowed by the next retardation.

74958d  No.6023212


"Does [SDNY] report to AG BARR?

Watch the news."

^^^ This seemed to relate to today

Where Comey's DAUGHTER, sporting a similar grin as Papa does, claims the SD of New York is "independent"

~"Oh course we know we are under the Justice Dept. but we're hoping they will be "reasonable"

Since What?

Since any competent 3rd, 4rd or 5th grader, especially from the elite schools these people allegedly come from , knows



The ones who devise our system foresaw this tactic.

Comey's daughter is heading the charge[s] from NYC ?

a765bb  No.6023213

File: 87c61e035d3e240⋯.jpg (104.85 KB, 1142x944, 571:472, 2019-04-03 00.09.07 geller….jpg)


Rep Ilhan Omar Refuses To Condemn Gays Being Stoned To Death.

Following Omar’s remarks, The Daily Wire reached out to her office via phone and email to get her thoughts on two recent news items.

The first story comes from Brunei, where Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah has said that new Sharia laws that are going into effect are a form of “special guidance” from God, according to Sky News.

The nation is going to introduce death by stoning as a punishment for gay sex and “amputation for those guilty of theft under sharia law, with both penalties to also apply to children once implemented.”

The second story comes out of the Middle East, where the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas recently fired 20 rockets into Israel and destroyed the homes of innocent civilians.

The Daily Wire asked Omar if she could provide comment on either story and if she found either of these acts to be “abhorrent and inhumane.”

The Daily Wire also asked Omar if she would say that these acts are due to radical Islam.



574ab0  No.6023214


> that cunt A


Frenly fire!

1cf884  No.6023215



Are we watching the same movie?

Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, Schumer, etc… are CLEARLY "hanging" themselves, publicly and politically in front of the entire country, and YOU'RE MISSING IT?

74958d  No.6023217



17b718  No.6023218

File: 2dfd78f7c206a69⋯.jpg (104.84 KB, 500x603, 500:603, BerniePoll.jpg)

File: 5e0c3795107a6df⋯.jpg (87.51 KB, 648x500, 162:125, bo nuffin.jpg)

File: d18df09cf0ba28e⋯.jpg (83.37 KB, 597x500, 597:500, NP indict.jpg)

File: ef58a3e95e45927⋯.jpg (103.11 KB, 645x500, 129:100, biden bo.jpg)

b146b0  No.6023219


Comey implied Priestap withheld notification to Congress, which isn't true. Don't like Comey, but perhaps it was Hussein who ordered Lynch to stand down and Barry worked this with Brennan.

778e1b  No.6023220

File: 4b5d9abd678639a⋯.png (804.46 KB, 709x1169, 709:1169, GBB.png)

497767  No.6023221


Note that the WSJ called them: the world's two MOST POWERFUL men.


6ed6b6  No.6023222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump INC

188a68  No.6023223

File: 8a4d0db49cdd0c3⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 337x233, 337:233, seinfeld (2).jpg)

8bf559  No.6023224


It has viral potential. In fact, it has the power to shatter individual power centers within the conservative base.

Your point of view is akin to saying that attacking Sanders through meme's isn't effective because the meme's won't be seen by a majority of Democrats. Your view point has been wrong so far, even something with comparably small influence at first can blossom into something huge.

Every rally grows the number of Q supporters. Every public event grows the amount of Q supporters, with the amount of MSM coverage Q has received so far, it's a clear and present threat if not allied controlled.

The only way they wouldn't step against Q is if Q was in fact an allied project and Trump was aware of it. Which there is tons of circumstancial evidence suggesting it's true. Your line of thought feels limited and not fully thought through.

b41ee6  No.6023226

this is fun…so many habbenings. Such a waste

of time and popcorn

3ee609  No.6023227


And yet you're still trying to get the last word…shill.

Why does the C_A hire such uneducated fucks like you? How much did your parents pay for the degree you were given at Brown? And did you go straight to a cubicle after getting fluttered, or did you first go to the Faggot Farm?

72e278  No.6023228



Likely to cause tension on the trade deal. Noticed some stories being promoted about the Chinese troops in Venezuela. Having peace deal with NK and a fair trade deal with China makes all other previous governments look like impotent and criminal bozos and we can't have that.

2027dc  No.6023229


Golf is about bigshots avoiding surveillance.

7c988a  No.6023230

File: 3185d1a312eccd6⋯.png (2.97 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C478487B-9BBC-4EE2-A558-A9….png)

I eat them everyday. We should grow them here.


9e35a5  No.6023231

>>6022201 lb

>>6022189 lb

thank you!

7dd1a9  No.6023232

File: 83f344e2c103765⋯.jpeg (14.75 KB, 241x300, 241:300, th.jpeg)


Well, no one is wrong on everything.

Now start stoning queers and deporting bulb heads.

574ab0  No.6023233

File: 6829f4559f6d0a5⋯.jpg (83.98 KB, 700x512, 175:128, 6829f4559f6d0a54ee2ddf1891….jpg)

c7a6ef  No.6023234


Endorsed by Me

859a8a  No.6023235

File: 1dbc6b9838c5cba⋯.jpg (31.74 KB, 255x247, 255:247, comeyx.jpg)


I know, I know! But in my youth, they called us the Lost Generation! That´s the irony itself!

e2efa1  No.6023236


wow…I'm impressed.

Dude did an uber spot-on job on that Briarheart costume from "Skyrim".


a765bb  No.6023237


Exactly. Yet more of the left hypocrisy!

60d177  No.6023238


The call it Hockey Style in Canada, eh.

208809  No.6023239


That's how it used to be…no more

e54374  No.6023240


Start with the lawyers….

ce5e38  No.6023241


>Rep Ilhan Omar Refuses To Condemn Gays Being Stoned To Death.

Why would she!?

She probably agrees with the stoning.

995ea3  No.6023242

I'm diggin' that Q UK is about to get onto its 5th Bread

8557cb  No.6023243


We took up a collection so on July 4th you get circumsised twice

a8f701  No.6023244


>Golf is about bigshots avoiding surveillance.

How? When there is REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech?

108705  No.6023245






>If you really think telling you that your meme fucking sucks is causing division, then you should gtfo.


>Because your meme fucking sucks.

Bots are so infantile. <6023008/8857cb

Did not post a meme of an image, or anything but text. Always funny when a response is triggered but the response doesn't fit. KEK

8f07df  No.6023246


I had guac for lunch today, in honor of POTUS… They do grown 'em in FL, CA and HI… not sure where else, though.

1e48ce  No.6023247


If this cannot get eyes here. Where is an Old Fag to go?

595d1e  No.6023248


That guilt

7d2b4e  No.6023249


Yeah sure ok. 2018 will be glorious.

74958d  No.6023250


Even if the "suicides" are allegedly blamed on Trump

They'll still be gone.

Just like Comey blames the tattered reputation of the FBI on POTUS


"dindoo nuttn"

We should get some 'Dindo Nutn' memes for Comey?!

4212e5  No.6023251

04a6c9  No.6023252

File: e897aa2ca390cf2⋯.jpg (508.82 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Mind brain chakra Consciou….jpg)


We are in a Cosmic School for our Souls.

Enstilling within the very grain of our being, "Thee Golden Rule", before we can vibrate to the next level.

That's why they pollute our Pineal Gland.

Our Mind's Right Hemisphere is Spacial - IS RA EL "The place we look to the East"

Connected via the Pineal to Linear, collapsing the wave form.

You are the world you have created, and when you cease to exist, this world that you have created will also cease to exist. But for those with the understanding that they're living the last days of the world, death acquires… a different meaning.

The extinction of all reality is a concept no resignation can encompass. And yet… in that despair, which is transcendent, you will find… the ancient understanding that the philosopher's stone will always be found, despised, and buried in the mud.

This may seem a small thing in the face of annihilation, until annihilation occurs, and then… all the grand designs and all the grand plans will be finally exposed and revealed for what they are.

"Your consciousness is like a laser beam of coherent light. As humans, you have agreed how to hold the lens of your consciousness so that you all "see" the same thing. However, you are not neurologically bound to this appearance of things.

By changing how you hold the focus of your consciousness, you can change how you perceive the world. This is not done through thought, as you normally think of it; however, it is accomplished through a powerful alignment of awareness and intention. The two of these together can literally 'warp' the fabric of space and time and present a very different world to be perceived."

–From http://www.lawofone.info/


453b30  No.6023253

File: dacd5caeccfc91a⋯.jpeg (50.97 KB, 640x354, 320:177, D2EA2A71-B2A5-4BB8-812C-F….jpeg)

File: b9572259ed8a297⋯.jpeg (33.65 KB, 400x300, 4:3, C88BD904-82E8-4E34-9FB0-E….jpeg)

File: 623139b4d6a6b16⋯.jpeg (98.79 KB, 640x834, 320:417, E2210545-F009-4912-B9F9-F….jpeg)

File: c12a3970f4345e0⋯.jpeg (50.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1CE0DC1E-6471-4454-AF91-4….jpeg)

1c6e05  No.6023254


Gen X just may save this nation and will get no credit for it.

a8f701  No.6023255


Someone's jelly of my UN-MUTILATED dick.

2fdff2  No.6023256

File: ab01f2cf3e4024c⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 525x500, 21:20, 2xlsg0.jpg)

c17e2e  No.6023258

File: 0ff718755101946⋯.png (2.7 KB, 112x31, 112:31, ClipboardImage.png)



a765bb  No.6023259

File: 3fd3eee1be514df⋯.jpg (39.1 KB, 866x579, 866:579, 2019-03-17 19.52.16 www.go….jpg)


Omar's skull X-Ray.

7c988a  No.6023260


Florida avocados are terrible

9e35a5  No.6023261


we do. in the southern states. we should grow more and not be dependent on other countries.

b41ee6  No.6023262



faggots confirmed

7dd1a9  No.6023263

File: 71fb4d9da12c97f⋯.jpg (68.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, comment_ATdiQKFdP6MW7VdGwF….jpg)


Muh Swedes.

eb61dd  No.6023264


not this time faggot..this time they dig their own graves with their smug faces and their chinese expertise in dumbfuckery..it's goin down..

93be11  No.6023265

File: 916f80a27b9c3aa⋯.png (27.86 KB, 850x313, 850:313, Screenshot_2019-04-02 The ….png)

The Clintons resume their speaking tour in New York on April 11… or not.

208809  No.6023266


I had a glorious 2018

How about you?

b87268  No.6023267


I have the feeling that DECLAS got delayed several times now, whenever the voting on Brexit did delay Brexit.

Potus seems to wait for Brexit to happen, before he will DECLAS.

Thoughts, Anons?

41cce6  No.6023268

time to rob mexico of its one valuable plant, uproot the avocados and replant them here fuck mexico and mexican meth cooking trash

8ef5ce  No.6023269

File: 47ac4329889b622⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1201x566, 1201:566, Screenshot_23.png)


Any meaning behind "Cherry blossoms"?

e26a9b  No.6023270

File: f8d6db9a9404ac9⋯.jpeg (517.68 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, 718DFE86-9BAC-4D5B-85BB-E….jpeg)

File: bc9f79551bdfcf3⋯.jpeg (538 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, 7BBB31A0-3265-4D42-9ED4-D….jpeg)


Possibilities are endless.

7a5d23  No.6023271

It's just a big game of Catch 22.

a86a7b  No.6023272

2bd913  No.6023273


Posted skull too big and not enough shit

a8f701  No.6023274



Yes, I know jew control voat now. Sad. :(

Just like jew ruined Mass Effect.

60d177  No.6023275


When I bought my wife her rock, I told the big jew jeweler I wanted a conflict diamond smuggled out of South Africa in some niggers ass. Nothing says "I Love You" like a semiprecious stone people died to dig out of the ground. He say "Oy Vey, how many carats?"

e33778  No.6023276

File: 7c6e5822ca25df1⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 864x1026, 16:19, swallwell.jpg)

b60a4a  No.6023277

File: d958318b9cc6682⋯.png (1.03 MB, 686x686, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

7a5d23  No.6023278

1c6e05  No.6023279


They’re going to have to bus people in like they did at the democratic convention when Bernie bros walked out.

51c4cc  No.6023280

Whoa I just showed up… did the CIA just graduate the class of 2018 clown shills and release them on the board?

How have they gotten worse at this over time? That’s you get for hiring millennial shills.

These posts are so pathetic.

a765bb  No.6023281

File: f00709e16b72653⋯.jpg (122.2 KB, 881x620, 881:620, 2019-03-04 02.16.16 www.go….jpg)


Just insides then kek

7d2b4e  No.6023282


Mine was great. So was Hillary's, Comey's, McCabe and all those other fucktards because they know what they did and they're still selling books and going to weddings in India with Beyonce. Reconcile. United 11.11. Conspiracy no more.

3ee609  No.6023283


Not sure if it's waiting for Brexit, or waiting for Boris…

Could be either, neither or both.

8eca68  No.6023284

File: c6d473a170f2497⋯.jpg (20.4 KB, 300x363, 100:121, narcissus-caravaggio-300x3….jpg)

c563c2  No.6023285


<How do you repair a bridge without closing it down?

7c988a  No.6023286


All day, bro.

1d1074  No.6023287

File: 3715b7411fd9e2c⋯.png (696.24 KB, 503x527, 503:527, beebo.PNG)


yes when I read it before posting this was my face at that passage

b05637  No.6023288


Bottom pic should say "swallows better". You already get the joke from his name.

5b1ede  No.6023289


That's the media spin..

FWIW GenX has always been the red-headed, middle stepchild.

GenX are the original autists.

843996  No.6023290


I don’t know, CA raising taxes yet again to pay for illegals seems like hate speech to me.

7d2b4e  No.6023291


Show me. Is the border closed yet? Oh that's right Texas is going blue in the mid 20s oh well.

eb61dd  No.6023292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8557cb  No.6023293


Meme must have been on target for you and your partner to need so many responses. Tell me, are you the "top" or the "bottom?"

8a5ee6  No.6023294

File: 2eeda136435de22⋯.jpeg (229.16 KB, 1200x1156, 300:289, 89595A04-627A-4446-955D-E….jpeg)

ef693e  No.6023295

File: 18109619c0ffa91⋯.png (722.8 KB, 852x631, 852:631, ClipboardImage.png)

North Carolina Republican Party chairman charged in bribery case

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department said on Tuesday it had charged the chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, Robert “Robin” Hayes, and a major political donor in a corruption scheme that targeted a state official.

According to an indictment unsealed on Tuesday, Hayes worked with business executive Greg Lindberg to bribe state insurance commissioner Mike Causey. Causey reported the effort to law enforcement officials and cooperated in the investigation, authorities say. The two men, along with insurance executives John Gray, 68, and John Palermo, 63, were charged with bribery and conspiracy to commit honest services wire fraud. Hayes is also charged with lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. All four men pleaded not guilty.

Lawyers for Hayes and Lindberg said their clients looked forward to clearing their names in court. Lawyers for Gray and Palermo did not immediately respond to a request for comment. According to the indictment, the four men promised to spend millions of dollars on Causey’s re-election if he would remove an insurance regulator that oversaw companies under Lindberg’s control. They said they would set up independent campaign committees that would spend $1.5 million on Causey’s re-election bid and funnel another $250,000 through the state Republican party. Hayes encouraged the others to transfer the money in smaller amounts to avoid detection, the indictment said. “My concern, any large amount like that’s gonna draw attention,” he said, according to the charges.

Lindberg is the founder and chairman of investment company Eli Global and the owner of Global Bankers Insurance Group, which controls several insurance companies. Neither company was charged, and Global Bankers said it was cooperating with the investigation. Lindberg is the state’s biggest political donor in recent years, with total contributions of more than $5 million, mostly to Republicans, according to news site WRAL. Hayes served in the U.S. Congress from 1999 to 2009. He led the state party between 2011 and 2013, when it won a dominant majority in the state legislature, and again since 2016. He announced yesterday that he would step down from the position.

Lindberg and Gray also enlisted another public official, who made several calls to Causey on their behalf after they contributed $150,000 to a political committee supporting his candidacy, according to the indictment. That official, identified by Politico as U.S. Republican Representative Mark Walker, was not charged. A spokesman for Walker said he had committed no wrongdoing and had assisted the investigation.

The North Carolina Republican Party said it has been cooperating with the probe for several months. The party has suffered a series of setbacks after several years in which it controlled the state government, pushing through spending cuts, voting restrictions, and other conservative policies.

An absentee ballot fraud scheme run by a party operative has forced the rerun of a 2018 U.S. congressional election, and a federal court ruled last year that state Republicans illegally drew U.S. congressional districts to benefit their party. Democrat Roy Cooper was elected as governor in 2016, breaking the Republican grip on state politics, and Democrats made significant gains in state assembly elections last year.


059502  No.6023296



"Trump speaks at National Republican Congressional Committee dinner"

400605  No.6023297

File: 5cbf4fd637bdb87⋯.jpeg (125.8 KB, 640x862, 320:431, thinkforyourself.jpeg)

File: 499dba07ca891cf⋯.png (393.44 KB, 610x413, 610:413, china_buying_the_world.png)

File: 9fcc9ba5f75a857⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1485x1565, 297:313, DEMON_MONEYMANAGERS.png)

File: 8db439245153f2d⋯.jpeg (109.93 KB, 800x798, 400:399, BRAND_ISRAEL.jpeg)




>Is this their last resort?


>To accuse Potus of cheating at golf?

How ironic!

It appears as if the haters, brandishing shame against good people who are not indoctrinated, have NO sense of shame for their own actions!

Regressing continually in moral acuity, stopping ever lower to pick up shit to throw, brazenly playing every female hormone card in their stacked deck, accepting NO responsibility for their hypocritical, egotistical mania.

What a crash and burn awaits those who cling to their media Matrix planted delusions!

208809  No.6023299


Concernfagging isn't a good look for you

Makes you look like an angry little bitch

859a8a  No.6023300

File: d31d4250b39e3f5⋯.jpeg (152.34 KB, 723x1341, 241:447, Studio1.jpeg)

File: 1d102f17a170b66⋯.jpg (615.41 KB, 809x1767, 809:1767, street3.jpg)

File: 52cd199b2588411⋯.jpg (404.45 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, tree4.jpg)

File: 937efc35caee440⋯.gif (310.35 KB, 592x716, 148:179, trees.gif)

c17e2e  No.6023301

File: b1fc805e085265f⋯.png (413.95 KB, 800x776, 100:97, ClipboardImage.png)

a8f701  No.6023302


Poor fellow let himself be BRAINWASHED by (((Q))).

3ee609  No.6023303


I just had a 2-bread bitch out with one of 'em, and he/she/it would never even deny being a Clown…

Obviously I got the one who didn't pay attention the day they taught shilling in shill school.

8f07df  No.6023304

File: 22596da410f0482⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 938.83 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Hey, Jerry

ea33ab  No.6023305


*The people of our country feel the same way as Q* watch hand motion anons.


484e77  No.6023306


Anon, I just do not believe it is as big as some would suggest.

There are still many, many of the Trump base who think that Q is fake and gay. These are the people who do not jump on any bandwagon. Independents.They do not care about Q.

I have considered this a lot. I would much rather be told the truth than to continue with a lie. Some people say that, but don't really mean it. Their psyches cannot handle it.

d94d31  No.6023307


either a spy or someone looking to cause a lot of damage

e2efa1  No.6023308


Lucky you.

I can't afford them anymore.

Going for $3 a piece here in my area of Cali.

Yet I live not 10 miles from the largest Avocado growers co-op in the state.

To have it put on a smich at a take out is an add $2 for the san.

7e548f  No.6023309


Eat something local faggot. Don’t spill your soy latte

5730d9  No.6023310



If you're watching…

In the future it would be swell if you could hint, just hint, at the legitimacy of The Law of One.

Maybe the whole 'respawn' bit too.

No trip code necessary.

Just a fun little coincidence to know it's (You).

Much love!

453b30  No.6023311


Jim Comey only has room in his own heart for Jim Comey.

7d2b4e  No.6023312


Oh I'm sorry. I forgot to sit here like a soft little cuck and wait for daddy Q to post his next ear photo.

a8f701  No.6023313

File: 917d0e256d23096⋯.png (132.87 KB, 258x195, 86:65, ClipboardImage.png)


ba5753  No.6023314

File: 0e76156675fa61d⋯.jpg (260.86 KB, 666x589, 666:589, 531bf62c28b46ebc0c5d40b811….jpg)


> suicide weekend

If you know what the Cabal is youll know none of them will go out like that. Some minions might get scarfed and doorknobed though.

Do remember a lot of big names like Schiff watch the board.

e96b3e  No.6023315

File: edea4d46575f045⋯.png (86.65 KB, 802x382, 401:191, Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at ….png)

File: f509f745110a338⋯.png (34.12 KB, 460x301, 460:301, Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at ….png)



Thanks for the leads. Really quite amazing how beautifully orchestrated everything is. The numbers always put me in varying degrees of awe. 12/21 would certainly be a great date, numerically.

Post 511's numbers made me kek.





Date reads: 81218 Time: 25

He'd be a DEFCON event alright.

d5703f  No.6023316

File: 85cc5b7305d12ed⋯.jpg (47.13 KB, 960x731, 960:731, emptyglass.jpg)

5b7a3e  No.6023317


Could be. Comey was covering for somebody.

c8f9b2  No.6023318


do u even barrel roll, bro?

74958d  No.6023319

File: 3e48f7fd117632a⋯.jpg (122.08 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 42hidinjupiter.jpg)

c91c53  No.6023320


>switches back to primary device

e54374  No.6023321


It does seem, on the suface at least, that the British MI6 was deeply involved. I'm just wondering what the ramifications are going to be in London when all is revealed.

9d6d03  No.6023322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: Trump speaks at National Republican Congressional Committee dinner

1da463  No.6023323

File: 006c7a054c268ec⋯.jpg (135.19 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, POTUS_muh_jew_fake_news.jpg)

File: 8de457e6c13a12a⋯.jpg (20.49 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Divide_Rule_FAIL.jpg)

Attacks increasing?

Context of drops mislabeled and used?

Select orgs/journalists dropping controversial info as attempt to label as whole, screenshooting, then writing articles on drops they themselves wrote?

Highlight of corrupt PAC = deflect by PAC = point to former members as method to shield?

We are being bombarded for a reason.

Look for keywords to be repeated by many (controller & coordinated roll out).


(less than 10).


Threat to Controlled Narrative.

Other than POTUS, can you name a group more attacked than ‘Q’ by the FAKE NEWS media.

Multiple tactics deployed including framing for crimes (think bridge, mob boss, etc etc).


Reconcile using logic.




34141a  No.6023324

File: f217ae0d3bd91d6⋯.png (247.43 KB, 400x586, 200:293, ClipboardImage.png)


Ahhh.. yeah i have to get going soon kek. Still haven't found Hussein pic (real one) with gun but did find this for keks. Sad how they choose to turn out so evil. No mercy tho.


a765bb  No.6023325

File: 2bb9bc1936de606⋯.jpg (91.52 KB, 1086x605, 1086:605, 2019-04-03 00.17.48 www.dv….jpg)


Fort Campbell begins Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.

Soldiers, civilians, and Family members gathered here, April 1, at Cole Park Commons to kick off this year’s Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.

“Although April is the month when we focus on sexual assault awareness and prevention,” said Brig. Gen. John W. Brennan Jr., 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) deputy commanding general-operations. “We know that this is a critical aspect of readiness and demands our constant attention 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.”

This year’s SAAPM focus is shaping a culture of trust. Protecting our people protects our mission.

“I think we need to change the culture,” said Sgt. 1st Class David Schrock, 101st Abn. Div. lead sexual assault response coordinator. “I think it just needs to get down to the lowest level that we need to be taking care of each other.”

Reports of sexual assaults have increased because there is more knowledge of the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention program, Schrock said.

“We consider this a good thing because the awareness is going up,” he said. “People are more comfortable coming forward and getting help for themselves.”

SHARP’s change in its approach has made it more comfortable for survivors to come forward, Schrock said. The SARCs and victim advocates have less of the “tough guy” Army attitude.



731c30  No.6023326


Not missing a thing. Just getting what I hope will be a long line of self-destructions.

The lower level assholes are the ones I hope won’t fall on their swords to protect the top level fucks.

b41ee6  No.6023327

26 months - ZERO arrests….make sure you vote Trump in 2020!

8f07df  No.6023328


Yeah, it really is a rare treat.

208809  No.6023329


No, you're supposed to go on with your life

Try to red pill those in your circle

Maybe prep a little in case shit goes sideways

d45aa1  No.6023330


I Love this place, thanks

6a3862  No.6023331

File: 69d461d5bcb351d⋯.png (12.3 KB, 300x140, 15:7, DA088744-64AA-4896-AC1F-13….png)

51c4cc  No.6023333


Sounds like funding has dropped off. Now it’s more of a 3 day course with YouTube tutorials.

a8f701  No.6023334


Sports games are shitty. Why play real life sports in a video game when you can be launching nuclear missiles, etc.

b87268  No.6023335


Potus wants Brexit to happen.

Maybe he uses the interferance of UK in spygate as leverage to make Brexit happen.

Or he doesn't want to interfere openly into Brexit with making spygate happen, before Brexit happens.

Imo, DECLAS gets delayed every time Brexit decisions are getting delayed.

a49351  No.6023336


Have Brad and Miller one yet?

ce5e38  No.6023337

File: 3e49b9e2a9d2cdf⋯.jpg (385.16 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 34t4e5y46ur57uit7.jpg)

41cce6  No.6023338


because he wants to distract from the fact he is complicit in the invasion of the united states by south america. he loves watching us burn

553827  No.6023339


I think the biggest obstacle for conservative normies is irl. They just don't have the time to delve into all the stuff we do. It's not that they don't care. They don't really believe the libs could be as bad as we're suggesting. But they are not willing - and don't have the time - to find out for themselves.

Young idiots have been trained to believe what they're told, too. If they can't get an immediate answer from goog, they haven't a clue how to investigate anything.

Even college students. No one has patience to learn the hard way.

e2efa1  No.6023340


>>6023308 ←– Right [see my post]….and….???

Any other bright ideas?

bfe90b  No.6023341


ehy there THI :)

a86a7b  No.6023342

File: 6d22ca50a6e657b⋯.jpeg (112.97 KB, 752x1072, 47:67, 1551969179.jpeg)

51c4cc  No.6023343


Don’t hate me because I phone fag

83f87b  No.6023344


God does not offer a path to hell.

The devil does.

Two spiritual fathers.

A choice to make.

624908  No.6023345

File: 6a532c06f2dbd0e⋯.jpg (336.1 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-econ….jpg)

File: 5a8e5373636e788⋯.jpg (628.32 KB, 1024x918, 512:459, historic-achievements-econ….jpg)

484e77  No.6023346


Yes, yes it is. Kek.

e8683d  No.6023347


Two tiered justice system…

NOT condoning but it's always the Republicans….

731c30  No.6023348


What the fuck are you ranting about asshole.

My first post today.

Daddy didn’t love you enough, cupcake?

b66b19  No.6023349


Cue all the people who still think Comey is a white hat.

4b7354  No.6023350

"Top White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow told CNBC on Tuesday afternoon the administration was looking at keeping busy road and rail junctures open to limit the economic damage if the U.S. takes action."


1da463  No.6023351

File: 3a85bbc8df5d0c7⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 400x275, 16:11, JQ_shills2.jpg)

e54374  No.6023352


At what point do CA residents, especially the dems, say ENOUGH?

c17e2e  No.6023353




188a68  No.6023354

File: 472432a5f4142a7⋯.jpg (247.25 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, cbf coff hipp.jpg)

File: ddd3e0b48b3f194⋯.jpg (254.95 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, nellie glasses.jpg)

File: a608d3b674da228⋯.jpg (139.99 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, schiff bugs (2).jpg)

File: a1c15eee57dc505⋯.jpg (154.96 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, zuck22.jpg)


There's a long list of cunts who lied to Congress this past year and nothing's been done about it.

1d1074  No.6023355

File: d35946cad227974⋯.jpg (95.63 KB, 647x499, 647:499, whitaked i lift.jpg)

b87268  No.6023356


Yes, it is indeed ironic.

76ac2a  No.6023357


Don't worry about reality, i've seen the safeguards, and they are working.

Look into my post on what the keystone is.

>>5787100 (op)

453b30  No.6023358


Trey gowdy

I think history will be kinder to Jim Comey…

74958d  No.6023359

File: 756bce4291d2190⋯.jpg (488.25 KB, 1025x2392, 1025:2392, blessingoftheday.jpg)



a8f701  No.6023360

File: 73f1f893043bf84⋯.png (1.15 MB, 458x870, 229:435, ClipboardImage.png)



3ee609  No.6023361

File: 974c17baaeed080⋯.png (385.33 KB, 854x500, 427:250, ClipboardImage.png)


Quads of Truth

I think you hit the head on the nail.

7d2b4e  No.6023362


>Why does the C_A hire such uneducated fucks like you?

Imagine actually believing this shit. KEK everyone I disagree with is employed by George Soros.

c82c03  No.6023363

Has anyone ever looked at this. Its amazing to me how many prominent people went here. I wonder if POTUS sent the kiddos there for a reason.


ab441d  No.6023364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8ef5ce  No.6023365


Comey Mocking Bird theater pic…pointing toward 3/14/19 FalseFlag DELTA.

Also, Comey's RED VELVET tweet just days before Jussie Smollett "attack".

859a8a  No.6023366

File: 30a5c6f8f14e32a⋯.jpg (223.19 KB, 1000x715, 200:143, AfterMueller.jpg)

File: 644b693de0899d6⋯.jpg (205.32 KB, 1024x1023, 1024:1023, mom dad baby.jpg)

File: 7768272263cb61d⋯.jpg (148.53 KB, 1024x1001, 1024:1001, mama papa.jpg)

41cce6  No.6023367

trump has hidden cameras throughout his hotels and he blackmails people for a living he is a criminal

995ea3  No.6023368

So no Mueller Report today, I take it.

Maybe it'll habben Friday…

Is Don Juan going anywhere this weekend?

453b30  No.6023369

File: 7d009448786f71a⋯.jpeg (52.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 8A79B5C2-0441-457C-A75F-7….jpeg)

File: 939cb2ed6e84678⋯.jpeg (68.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, EDE79812-499A-4C37-86E8-0….jpeg)

b41ee6  No.6023370

We were promised arrests and we got avocados

enjoy the show!

484e77  No.6023371


What I am suggesting is even if they did dig, they may not be so quick to jump on the Q Train.

e26a9b  No.6023372

File: 9c218c2d7458b21⋯.jpeg (414.01 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, BDF86E7D-C6ED-474A-9925-2….jpeg)


Coming right up. Have this one for now

c1df82  No.6023373


243e46  No.6023374

File: 46f7ae5877aabbe⋯.jpg (154.09 KB, 535x796, 535:796, 451675.image0.jpg)

>>6020427 lb

>A t value of is very low; Enables Type II error where false conclusions are accepted. 2.5 or highe ris required by real pros that do not want to accept conclusions likely to be false.

no shit what the relevance in o tscore in relation to error in hypothesis testing, but check the table jack ass for df greater than 30 (large N) 1.69 yields a 10% chance of rejecting the null when it should not have been rejected. i was pullijg off the top pf my head with 1.76 so i'd call that realisrically conservative and as realworld environments dont lend themselves to the control afforded on clinical environment for testing I'll take my 1.76 and you can go on with your unrealistically high expectations in a nonergodic environment.

a86a7b  No.6023375

File: 65c1754e975d2e3⋯.jpeg (132.87 KB, 1440x718, 720:359, 1547173967.jpeg)

a8f701  No.6023376


>We were promised arrests and we got avocados

When life gives you avocados make lemonade.

b41ee6  No.6023377


free beer on friday

d1339a  No.6023378

File: a8ef000f08f7563⋯.jpg (52.73 KB, 512x369, 512:369, Swalwell Mueller Report.jpg)

c91c53  No.6023379







None evaluated - Cloned public paste about Soros

>George Soros (Hillary's primary financer) instructing Hillary on what policies to carry out as Secretary of State:



>Top contributors for Hillary Clinton page:


>Soros admits creating the European migrant crisis:


>Soros tells Europe to take in 'at least a MILLION' refugees every year:


>Soros finances 'Handbooks' to spur EU-bound immigration:


>Soros urges giving Ukraine $50 billion of aid to foil Russia:


>Hacked emails expose George Soros as Ukraine puppet-master:


>George Soros funds Ferguson Black Lives Matter protests:


>Soros funds paid "protestors" to spur civil unrest:


>Soros funds MoveOn and Media Matters:



>Soros funds Black Lives Matter:




>Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 'partners' of the ‘Women's March on Washington’


>Globalists Unite: Hillary Clinton Running Mate Tim Kaine Dines with George Soros' Son as Donald Trump's Rise Terrifies World Elite:


>Soros Paid Al Gore MILLIONS To Push ‘Aggressive US Action’ On Global Warming


>WL 9498 Attached to this is a spreadsheet containing some donations from not only George Soros but also Andrea Colombal… Andrea Soros Colombal.


>Hacked Memo: George Soros Lobbied Obama To Accept 100,000 Refugees Per Year — and Succeeded


>Leaked Memo Reveals Soros Plan for Federally Controlled Police


>Leaked Board Documents: Soros Organization Tried To Influence Supreme Court Ruling On Illegal Immigration


>George Soros funds CAP to shut down criticism of Islam & its growth in western countries.


>Leaked Soros Document Calls For Regulating Internet To Favor ‘Open Society’ Supporters


>BLM Leader DeRay Mckesson Lives In Home Owned By Soros Open Society Board Member


>DAVID BROCK's Confidential Memo:




PG 39:

"In 2017, working with ShareBlue, The American Independent will award grants to top investigative journalists to cover, expose and damage the Trump administration and its allies"

>David Brock is a political operative who founded the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters. Guess who funds Media Matters?



>George Soros donated $5 million to Democrats to help bankroll the fight against voter I.D. laws in court;


>Soros Group Brags About Pushing Racist Police Agenda In Europe, Undermining Stop And Search. This follows revelations in the United States that Mr. Soros and his foundation have been actively funding groups who are aggressive toward police, accusing them of discriminatory behavior toward minorities.


>Funded by Soros, democratic super-lawyer challenges voter ID laws


>Soros leaks


>Soros is funding the legal challenges against Trump's immigration ban




a765bb  No.6023380


Major New Exhibition Reveals GCHQ Secrets for the First Time.

Artefacts from the 100-year history of GCHQ, the UK's Intelligence, Security and Cyber agency, will be going on display at a "Top Secret" Science Museum exhibition this summer, it was revealed.

In a first for a UK intelligence agency, Top Secret: From Ciphers to Cyber Security, will explore a century's worth of intelligence through unseen artefacts, anecdotes, and the rich personal and technological stories that underpin GCHQ's role at the heart of the nation's security.

From today (Thursday 7 March) free tickets will be available to book on the Science Museum's website ahead of the opening on 10 July 2019. It will run in London until February 2020, moving to Manchester's Science and Industry Museum in October the same year.

Announcing the unique partnership with the Science Museum, GCHQ's Director Jeremy Fleming said:

"GCHQ has been at the heart of the nation's security for 100 years. It has saved countless lives, given Britain an edge, and solved or harnessed some of the world's hardest technology challenges. It's a privilege to share the exciting story of our people and technology.

"This exhibition is critical - not just for GCHQ, but for engaging the UK public. We want to inspire the next generation of cyber security and STEM skills experts for the challenges of the next 100 years. We believe that with the right mix of minds, anything is possible.



3158c8  No.6023381

Victor Davis Hanson on Fox Martha M The Story

The Hunters become the Hunted

Those with the loudest voices

45cda3  No.6023382


I hope you don't get paid for today. You suck at this.

7dd1a9  No.6023383

File: a410217cdbd1803⋯.jpeg (9.92 KB, 255x203, 255:203, fd797456045614a4ff3e3a904….jpeg)


Muh snooooze.

Try harder, boomer.

243e46  No.6023384


ignore spelling on the move

a765bb  No.6023385

File: 8492fa5f19496b8⋯.jpg (148.61 KB, 1326x894, 221:149, 2019-04-03 00.21.54 www.gc….jpg)


Major New Exhibition Reveals GCHQ Secrets for the First Time.

Artefacts from the 100-year history of GCHQ, the UK's Intelligence, Security and Cyber agency, will be going on display at a "Top Secret" Science Museum exhibition this summer, it was revealed.

In a first for a UK intelligence agency, Top Secret: From Ciphers to Cyber Security, will explore a century's worth of intelligence through unseen artefacts, anecdotes, and the rich personal and technological stories that underpin GCHQ's role at the heart of the nation's security.

From today (Thursday 7 March) free tickets will be available to book on the Science Museum's website ahead of the opening on 10 July 2019. It will run in London until February 2020, moving to Manchester's Science and Industry Museum in October the same year.

Announcing the unique partnership with the Science Museum, GCHQ's Director Jeremy Fleming said:

"GCHQ has been at the heart of the nation's security for 100 years. It has saved countless lives, given Britain an edge, and solved or harnessed some of the world's hardest technology challenges. It's a privilege to share the exciting story of our people and technology.

"This exhibition is critical - not just for GCHQ, but for engaging the UK public. We want to inspire the next generation of cyber security and STEM skills experts for the challenges of the next 100 years. We believe that with the right mix of minds, anything is possible.



a8f701  No.6023386

7a5d23  No.6023388


What habbened to the seed?

f18831  No.6023389

File: ad8777349df839e⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 435x527, 435:527, ad8777349df839e84f570d65e1….jpg)


Chek't Quads confirm

ce5e38  No.6023390

This guy from MSNBS is such a faggot!

How old is he anyway? 90?

3ee609  No.6023392


Wrong guy. Not for you. For the Clown who's been lipping off 2 breads now. You just got it due to a cut error.

76ac2a  No.6023393


Well all the pedos and traitors need to be transfered to new bodies before they make the arrests of the shillshells

You do not put the actor into prison when You want to arrest the character he's playing.

624908  No.6023394

File: 9094fb6fb06ee3d⋯.jpg (306.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-trad….jpg)

File: 6f2a1998f70a65e⋯.jpg (557.39 KB, 1024x856, 128:107, historic-achievements-trad….jpg)



Already posted those babies.

Here's what should've been posted…

ae05e7  No.6023395

File: e92d9c7cf1b032e⋯.png (696.54 KB, 678x669, 226:223, frog-in-avo.png)


my fav fren in wow was called Avo

553827  No.6023396


There’s really no reason, outside of maybe reading Q’s posts. More serious ones listen to a utube video that explains posts. But we are still too outside the ol’ box for most. And we have yet to show real, courtroom-acceptable proof of most of our allegations. That holds many back.

731c30  No.6023397


We good.

c1df82  No.6023398

Does your oval itch young drumpf larper

cae257  No.6023399

File: f0d498c73494175⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 639x360, 71:40, ZomboMeme 02042019160006.jpg)


Nabbed this meme from a twatter.

Treasonous Tuesdays?

2 wks running since Mueller Sunday.

After 20 min in vid.

c63335  No.6023400



Butter pears are shit. There are over 20 types in Hawaii, some as good as haas, but those are crap. Low fat content and watery. Good snacks for the pigs. I am with you.arrogantanon. I am avosnobanon too,

b60a4a  No.6023402

File: 4f1346eddf7515f⋯.png (668.23 KB, 650x432, 325:216, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6023333 Quads!

b5bf60  No.6023403

File: 7054adac06382ff⋯.gif (452.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Comey.gif)


Anon's won't be. Weasel is a weasel.

d45aa1  No.6023404


I say NO! Its not from last summer.

Because Nellie Ohr's testimony was just released last week. some of the other graphics could be older, BUT, anon put it all together for us! To use, learn, spread far and wide.

a8f701  No.6023405



Blizzard games are also shitty in my arrogant opinion. ;)

8557cb  No.6023406

File: 97053fdf2381501⋯.jpg (48.99 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 44615210_10156946711844048….jpg)


How about just not voting at all then? Sit at your computer and whine about everything everybody else should do or not get your single precious vote.

d22ba0  No.6023407


The wolves haven't eaten you I see.

> no one playing the game gets a free pass.

We will all face judgement.

d1339a  No.6023408

a49351  No.6023409


Yep. Helping @jack.

04a6c9  No.6023410


They may own the money, castles, and jets but, they'll NEVER have the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

They envy us..


6ed6b6  No.6023411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hells bells theme song for RNC chairmain.

b87268  No.6023412


> I'm just wondering what the ramifications are going to be in London when all is revealed.

We are already talking about spygate, therefore we can be sure that all the important people in UK's government are knowing this too.

They will try to cover this up with their compliant MSM.

Will the people in the UK be outraged?


Maybe not so much.

Who knows?

8ef5ce  No.6023413


a8f701  No.6023414

c8f9b2  No.6023415


this whole episode was lost on so many anons. magical

1d1074  No.6023416

File: 5f815832fff8bf0⋯.jpg (57.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Thanks for the servers.jpg)

208809  No.6023417


Typing while you go get another beer?

41cce6  No.6023418


you dumb nigger ignorant nignog dumptruck special ed not in a good way worthless stinky dirty foul filthy ugly ignorant goddamn subhumnoid uneducated disgruntled unmotivated welfare check cashing disability fraud faking NIGGER.

9bec9e  No.6023419


Is it a possibility that Q is not within close proximity of POTUS, BUT GETS sent messages and pics to post here.

8bf559  No.6023420


This is true, I don't think it's AS big as people have suggested, however, it's clearly big enough to cause damage in swing states. All DS would have to do is play controlled opposition and play off the shattered Q dreams and they'd have a good chance at swinging states away from Trump.

I don't think the Trump campaign, with what we've seen so far, would allow that to happen if it wasn't friendly controlled.

Also with the amount of high profile "friendly" conservative forces who have posted in favor of Q or posted Q content, I don't see it being likely that it's a foreign intel psyop, though I've spent hours agonizing over whether it was.

The fact that it is so out there fits with Q being true though. Q has abstained from making too many comments that we couldn't at least obtain some evidence on. And has pushed us in directions most of us would have never gotten around to looking at.

I don't think the DS would risk waking people up, because even if Q is false, you can't eliminate the knowledge we've gained from the movement. Nor the stubborn hate some have developed for the DS and related entities. For every election after this we're going to be harder to trick, harder to mislead, they've allowed groups of resistance to fester and grow where there previously weren't as many.

They've allowed people who would have blindly followed them previously to get radicalized and to become armed not just with knowledge, but a chance to prepare. I can't see any logical reason foreign intel or the DS would benefit off that, and therefore Occams razor states Q is most likely legitimate as far as being a Trump team controlled Op.

b146b0  No.6023421


> Comey was covering for somebody.

I looked like Comey was referencing Director of National Intelligence in context, I believe that was James Clapper, who has already thrown Hussein under the bus a few times. That angle has never been following up, for some odd reason. Page testified DOJ refused to indict Hillary, that was Lynch. I think the two most guilty people in all this are Brennan & Hussein, and any mention of Barry is the most grievous sin of omission in all of this. We're pretty high up the chain of command at the heads of DOJ and FBI & NSA already. Why no mention or questioning of what Obama was doing? Page & Strzok already has mention Barry's intense interest in all of this in August of 2016, and it goes back much further in time than this.

3ee609  No.6023422

8fe660  No.6023423

File: 38d9741e8b17c32⋯.png (32.34 KB, 624x514, 312:257, researchatqanon.png)

File: 70f8e31cacfbdef⋯.png (28.09 KB, 139x140, 139:140, aggretsumond.png)

File: 2dffeb82e4101c1⋯.jpg (25.05 KB, 350x350, 1:1, laughingwashu.jpg)

File: d2df448bcadee39⋯.jpg (88.53 KB, 635x333, 635:333, 986ED527-164D-0888-88D1C06….jpg)

As we know, Book of John is simply the control faggotry of Arlington's Stupid Cemetery.

Thus, Booktardian aliance with The Circumference of Bases would like to show you the following Yid Shit:

The Israelites said to them

“If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death!

Fuck you, pay me.

7d2b4e  No.6023424


Fagbot9000 over here

3df997  No.6023425


Do tell. What did we miss?

189674  No.6023426


why 42?

0a46a1  No.6023427

File: 5c1a74a263b54a3⋯.png (514.65 KB, 600x660, 10:11, DoD 4-2-19 3 pm PDT.PNG)

File: c7eeb309f1a8803⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1137x757, 1137:757, DoD 4-2-19 3 pm PDT pic.PNG)

Watching, waiting, learning.


b41ee6  No.6023428

Welcome to /avocadoresearch/

So much returning power to the people

ad4be3  No.6023429

>>6022922 it's for two ,idiot

a765bb  No.6023430

File: 6e0970719c8a773⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 653x546, 653:546, 2019-04-03 00.26.46 www.gc….jpg)


ce5e38  No.6023432



Any question?

453b30  No.6023433



60d177  No.6023434


Civilization all the way.

51c4cc  No.6023435


Holy cow I just laughed so hard at this post!!!

Dumptruck…. hahahahaha

b31c56  No.6023436



>>6023385 [GHCQ] UK Science Museum exhibit "Top Secret: From Ciphers to Cyber Security"

>>6022920 White House First Step Act video, air Q?

>>6023295 NC Republican Party chairman charged in bribery case (Reuters)

>>6023175 Average of three attacks on Christian churches per day in France (VoE via Breitbart)

>>6023213 Ilhan Omar refuses to condemn gays being stoned to death (Geller Report)

>>6023154 WATCH LIVE: POTUS speaks at National Republican Congressional Committee dinner (Fox)

>>6023119 Sen Tom Cotton (R-AR) pushes IRS to investigate [SPLC] tax-exempt status (Breitbart)

>>6022919, >>6023020, >>6023049 Bezos Rag: Chinese woman with malware-ridden thumb drive arrested after entering Mar-A-Lago

>>6022874, >>6023015 Evidence Nelly Ohr lied to Congress Re: Ham Radio License Timing

>>6022769 Comey to Trump supporters: [POTUS] tried to 'burn down' the DOJ, FBI (Read: DRAIN!) (Breitbart)

c292a1  No.6023437


Happy to remain anonymous and do our bit (such as it is). You’re welcome.

6ed6b6  No.6023438


189674  No.6023439


how does that explain the universe?

a8f701  No.6023440


>Civilization all the way.

Yes, do all your gaming the game. ;)

ab441d  No.6023441


Kek, /pol/ lost it when he barrel rolled.

ba5753  No.6023442

File: 182a7a23dd747b4⋯.jpg (57.57 KB, 662x800, 331:400, jeb!89905820.jpg)

File: f3162a1d2ac6d11⋯.jpg (192.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1539215114092.jpg)




bb1ba2  No.6023443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b686af  No.6023444

File: 2453dbe3b0bdb10⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 720x543, 240:181, Day33 of gvm shut.jpg)


Very interesting find anon. Now let me tell put on my counter intelligence hat for a moment and tel you all what this story mean.

First of all we have to analyses how a clumsy an attempt at infiltration this was. You have a Chinese looking lady who is a very obvious spy trying to bullshit her way to Mar-a-lago.

Does this mean that this is the best the CCP can do now to try to infiltrate and insert spying Software at Mar-a-lago? Are the Chinese network of spy so disrupted that this is the best they can do now? Was she part of a two man team operation. She being the obvious bait use to distract for a more potent spy to do his thing?

This type of news is telling us so much more?

34141a  No.6023445

File: 855f1ad0fbb58d9⋯.png (979.82 KB, 800x600, 4:3, coos.png)

Fragrant Cows kek

453b30  No.6023446


The eyes of the world are here, now this board.

45cda3  No.6023447


Don't be mad at me because you suck at your job. Be better!!

a8f701  No.6023448


In the game* :(

"On the streets drive safely and responsibly and wear your seat belts".

e54374  No.6023449


What if many of the MPs needed to get Brexit will be implicated in the scandal? This would explain the delay.

c8f9b2  No.6023450


the sound bites. the crash site. the news articles. it was a white hat false flag brewed with the purest kek

a765bb  No.6023451

Great work Baker! Respect & love your way.

c17e2e  No.6023452

clown car

a49351  No.6023453


THat works too. He’s been ramping it up on his radio show lately.

778e1b  No.6023454

File: f81bf52f4a3b50a⋯.jpg (38.67 KB, 640x426, 320:213, quads.jpg)

a1e857  No.6023455

File: bd51a0d77ef4cac⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 678x669, 226:223, AvoOpenpepe.jpg)

1d1074  No.6023456

File: a5a989d96f23471⋯.png (100.3 KB, 255x172, 255:172, democrats 2020.PNG)

b1b46a  No.6023457


Trump can build the hell out of a high rise but he can not figure out Handcuffs

Thinking of sending him a box of zip ties and see if he can operate those

4550d6  No.6023458


Baker - new indictment count is up


b92da8  No.6023459

File: c06709b82ba5676⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 570x710, 57:71, 01-Sarah-Gibson.jpg)



100%. Let's fucking release the fucking report in its fucking entirety. Hopefully, after that, Comey will shit his fucking mouth.

Fucking traitor.

b31c56  No.6023460

a86a7b  No.6023461

File: ddfcab7967239c8⋯.jpg (114.54 KB, 1280x1600, 4:5, fb0a4197dd04db09e8cc70f5bb….jpg)

b60a4a  No.6023462

File: fb88d136322290e⋯.png (523.74 KB, 480x359, 480:359, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6023427 I got you!

ce5e38  No.6023463


6 is considered to be an imperfect number.

That means that the universe is FUCKED!

51c4cc  No.6023464


What’s wrong with guillotines?

b87268  No.6023465


>This would explain the delay.


8ef5ce  No.6023466

File: b59a04ed2783347⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1264x704, 79:44, Screenshot_24.png)

3300f7  No.6023467


(((1 x 2) x 3) x 7)

It skips 5

93be11  No.6023468


Is that a fucking purple tie?

b41ee6  No.6023469


26 months and not a drop of swamp is drained

Good luck in 2020….

43259a  No.6023470


Q is everywhere

8f07df  No.6023471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3ee609  No.6023472


Or maybe he's waiting for Boris to take over, and have the ability to clean the slate with the new UK government and let their country save face (it wasn't the people of Britain who fucked us with FVEY surveillance, after all), before he exposes the prior government officials with their roles in attempting to do something that would ordinarily start a war.

Also a possibility

b05637  No.6023473


Real men play EVE Online

76ac2a  No.6023474


Where two or three come together in my name, there i will be amongst them. 666 anyone?

7eff62  No.6023475

c17e2e  No.6023476

File: 83adb398eb95e96⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 481x270, 481:270, oooh.gif)

a86a7b  No.6023477

File: 2d34ceb5113505b⋯.gif (793.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, tumblr_nr7b9iH0RU1uv4oxko1….gif)

a8f701  No.6023478


>Real men play EVE Online

Only idiots play subscription based games.

c82c03  No.6023479

File: da7fb2498530d44⋯.jpeg (28.95 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 4AC156AA-2E1C-4D95-B38E-5….jpeg)


Kek. This trannynigger just had a seizure.

624908  No.6023480

File: 27ca5f73609597d⋯.jpg (305.11 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-trad….jpg)

File: 52bb8bf9c5c9ac6⋯.jpg (556.12 KB, 1024x853, 1024:853, historic-achievements-trad….jpg)


Ooops again.

Nasty EUROPEAN UNION where it shouldn't be!


7eff62  No.6023481


got 500 days logged?

453b30  No.6023484


Attention granted!

a765bb  No.6023485


I sometimes wonder if JC was being pulled to the light and the dark at the same time.

Being forced/coerced to be dark, but desperate to be white.

his tweet pic was him, usually considered a tall giant next to giant trees.

Instead of Big Tree in little forest,

He was saying he was really a little tree in a big forest.

8068a7  No.6023486

File: 6890bb02dcce43f⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 490x604, 245:302, spacepepe.jpg)

Think Biggest.

Okay…let's put all the 'cabal' members on a fucking rocketship and shoot them into the sun.

ba5753  No.6023487

File: 9f0888da75ca8f9⋯.png (780.91 KB, 750x739, 750:739, 1552112220868.png)


It wasnt clumsy. Security needs to step up their fucking game. The chinks have millions more operatives to sacrifice.

b66b19  No.6023489


Or is she a false flag, by the good guys, to give notice and call public attention to something they caught some other way.

c1df82  No.6023490

File: 33a258d9019ea9f⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 443x332, 443:332, IMG_2256.JPG)

File: df66bd84320c372⋯.jpg (428.7 KB, 1344x742, 96:53, IMG_2449.JPG)

File: e193115e23cdd8c⋯.jpg (50.43 KB, 450x450, 1:1, IMG_2450.JPG)

File: 8da2b41e2f59c87⋯.jpg (96.53 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, IMG_2683.JPG)

Ty ladies for winning the silver in funny butt stuff

c82c03  No.6023492


Could probably post from POTUS phone if he wanted to.

b60a4a  No.6023493

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>6023426 42 (answer)

The Answer to Life

42 is the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books. It was computed by Deep Thought, the second greatest computer ever.[1] The descendants of Deep Thought's creators are upset by the numeric nature of the answer, not understanding what to do with it or what to tell the people who had commissioned the 7.5-million year project.[2]

When asked to produce The Ultimate Question to go with the answer "42", Deep Thought admits it is not capable of computing that itself, but that it can help to design an even more powerful computer, which can. This new computer will incorporate living beings into the "computational matrix" and will run for ten million years. It is the planet Earth.[3]

The number 42, in ASCII, is an asterisk.

Vid related

7a5d23  No.6023494

The left is perfectly willing to gaslight and brainwash all the women out there into accepting unwanted touching and blame themselves for not wanting it.

Fuck that, I have a daughter.

059502  No.6023495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump speaks at National Republican Congressional Committee dinner



45cda3  No.6023496


Too quick. I prefer hanging.

c2a1c2  No.6023497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS going live

41cce6  No.6023498








c17e2e  No.6023499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


9d6d03  No.6023501

POTUS speaking now

bb1d91  No.6023502

File: 74669c30f1a5455⋯.jpg (225.97 KB, 1194x777, 398:259, aguacates2013.jpg)

best aguacates, notables

6ed6b6  No.6023503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



b0da29  No.6023504

File: 934c3be7840c2f8⋯.jpg (89.67 KB, 800x449, 800:449, image.jpg)


Some rewards are priceless…

7eff62  No.6023506

File: 68d7064ac2a951d⋯.jpeg (669.85 KB, 780x2495, 156:499, 03BA95C0-8BD6-4F9C-A0C9-4….jpeg)

preview for post in fresh bread .. fill …

a765bb  No.6023507

File: ff98b77bd3b30f5⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 593x612, 593:612, 2019-03-04 00.18.14 shop.d….jpg)

a8f701  No.6023508

File: a9a855a7231d64f⋯.png (338.04 KB, 680x464, 85:58, ClipboardImage.png)



Elephant meme time

3393ff  No.6023510


Come over and sit at my table, likeminded anon


10d94a  No.6023511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS is about to talk!

c82c03  No.6023512

File: b3af0a142506d6c⋯.jpg (8.12 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images(5).jpg)

74958d  No.6023513

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


More crimes will surface.

Do you think ht's really the

"Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood" guy?

He's fooling 99%

a8f701  No.6023514


Does the space force have any Normandy like ships?

1d1074  No.6023515

File: 886e26d5785c277⋯.jpg (121.9 KB, 666x499, 666:499, POTUS SPACE FORCE Commande….jpg)

e54374  No.6023517


Not desperate to be white rather desperate to save his own ass. IMO

484e77  No.6023518


Anon, we have done much digging that had zero to do with Q crumbs.

What we dig on is, for the most part, derived from news events.

Sometimes Q weighs in, mostly not.

So, whoever says "We are Q" is mostly correct. We are the researchers. We don't now, nor did we ever need Q. The only thing Q has brought us is a shit ton of faggots who don't have a clue how to dig nor how to decipher what they have dug.

7dd1a9  No.6023520

File: e30f84d5af68110⋯.jpeg (12.61 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 81ac096ced7567a346a886b0b….jpeg)


Such anti-semitism!

7a5d23  No.6023521

He puts it on country everytime we do this.

b31c56  No.6023523

File: de38452966fbd41⋯.jpg (22.18 KB, 428x285, 428:285, jumpapu.jpg)

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

b146b0  No.6023527


Maybe, but Comey's lack of ethics go back to Whitewater and HSBC as a Clinton operative.

I think karma is collecting dues here.

b05637  No.6023528


Played for years in my teens. We were the scourge of Genesis!

41cce6  No.6023529

File: 27e41644696bf0c⋯.webm (11.87 MB, 176x144, 11:9, (11) CARDI B TALKING ABOU….webm)



e26a9b  No.6023530

File: 8b9ead67e0f6147⋯.jpeg (405.87 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, 7E676D1E-618D-49D7-A97D-C….jpeg)

File: 340d653314c6f53⋯.jpeg (417.63 KB, 1280x1815, 256:363, 4BE547E7-EC25-4053-B648-A….jpeg)

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