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File: 385f1c1af01f7ec⋯.jpg (97.04 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Memes44.jpg)

bdb1bf  No.5851711

Self-Service Image Library

Protect and Comfort Those Around Us



Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.


First time on 8ch? Newfag, you MUST read the intro


Leave name/email/subject BLANK when you post. Why? Q Research is a cyberwar zone; we care about your safety. (Also, filling in Subject instantly marks you as a newfag.)

→ → → → → MEMEWAR! >>5639699 (off-bread) ← ← ← ←






Meme Ammo

 • 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (Folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (Folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ


 • Instant background removal: https://www.remove.bg/ Recommended! Excellent results and a great time-saver

 • Memegenerators: https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

 • Apps: gimp, Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop, etc.

Meme Makers

Image Size We recommend

 • 1200x1200 for Insta

 • 1200x627 for both Twitter + Facebook

 • Highly proficient memeanons often make 2 images, one of each size.

Image Filetype: Unless your image is a .png with a transparent background, we prefer .jpeg images due to smaller file size. How? After creating an image, "Export As," select .jpeg filetype. To shrink the file even more, try 90% quality setting with no significant loss of fidelity. And your text should be readable; if you can't read it, neither can they! Please spell-check.

Beware Twitter image truncation!

 • Images for Twitter should be 2:1 shape, e.g. 1200 wide x 627 high.

 • Twitter shrinks larger images to 1024 x 512, and chops off bottoms of wrong-shaped images.

Image Download Tips

 • Browser: Click the thumbnail to open fullsize image.

–Right click fullsize image and download to your device.

–Download fullsize images, not thumbnails.

–When you post on social media, use your local copy of the image, not a link to 8ch.

((( –Advanced trick to retain original filename when downloading a pile of images: Right click the second image link. Select downlink link. Your browser will apply the filename of the original content and you can often avoid typing a filename.)))

 • Phonefag: Check out Omnichan on your App Store for a tool to download/rename all images in a thread with one command

Are All the Images Here OK to Use on Social Media?

 • NO! Our collections are not curated or approved.

 • Some images are inappropriate/unhelpful.

 • It's a free-speech zone, and everyone posts here, including shills.

 • We don't remove shill posts; it's up to EACH OF US to discern them.

★ More Effective Memes ("Meme Psychology"). Learn to create/select the best images. Know your audience. Present the idea from their point of view like marketers do, instead of insulting them?

★ What if your Twitter/FB/Youtube/Instagram account gets banned or locked? Visit the current War Room for current campaigns, hashtags, tactics, help

★ It's important to make your images the right size + shape, or your impact could be greatly diminished.

< We are about love, not hate.

< We are about unity, not division.

< We are about moving forward into a deeper integration with one another, with the world, with other people, and with God.

< If you see posts that focus on hatred, hate is NOT Q's message and hate is NOT the message of the autists, anons, diggers, memers, and prayerwarriors who serve our Commander in Chief. Posts that focus on hatred and division are typically made by shills who want to sow division, discredit our work, and portray this movement in a false light.

< We are about moving from darkness into light.

< If you're not sure, remember that Q posted Bible verses about love.

All Q's posts

Available at qanon.app , qanon.pub , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Post last edited at

bdb1bf  No.5851740

File: 14d5af4834b5181⋯.png (527.98 KB, 1718x1400, 859:700, More-Effective-Memes.png)

File: bd28bd1b0acbb05⋯.jpg (231.16 KB, 1009x934, 1009:934, 2018-10-08 02:00:48Z.jpg)

File: d6806488b93193b⋯.jpg (244.76 KB, 1718x903, 1718:903, 2018-10-08 02:47:47Z.jpg)

bdb1bf  No.5851791

The Basics of Effective Red Pilling

• Know your biggest competitors

Apathy (some people genuinely don’t give a shit about politics or even good vs. evil)

Lazy Thinking (Nietzsche was right when he said that "most people go through life trying to avoid any real thoughts")

Short Attention Spans (Learn to ask great opening questions that ENGAGE the other person. For example: "I've been learning of late some rather interesting, but confusing, things about our President. Would you be kind enough to have a look at this with me and give me your perspective?")

Cognitive Dissonance [It's important for you to understand that every living American has been brainwashed–completely–by Project Mockingbird. Every single thing we've ever seen on TV, heard on the radio or read in a newspaper has been a well-scripted lie. When people are faced with evidence (like buildings collapsing in perfect free-fall) that is counter-intuitive to our values and beliefs, we naturally reject them to protect our tenuous view of reality. It took me YEARS to accept the truth of 9/11 due to my military training and a lifetime of believing I was a patriot acting in the best interest of a good gubbermint. Factor in that 9/11 is only one piece of a much larger "jigsaw puzzle" and you will begin gaining empathy for the enormous "wakening" that Normies will soon be facing. It won't be easy for them, so be gentle and patient.]

• Learn how to "play dumb"

• Open the conversation by sincerely complimenting the other person (example: "Joe, you've forgotten more about the Middle East that I'll ever know. I'm really confused about Putin's stance on Syria and why Trump is not getting involved. What are your thoughts on this tricky situation?")

• Ask open-ended questions (they typically start with who, what and how)

• Let the other person be the expert

• Find a topic about which they're already skeptical, then tie that issue to something that's of interest today

• When you sense that they're starting to push back, quickly change the subject back to small talk and wait for a better time

• Embrace the concept that Red Pilling is a process and NOT an event

• No one will have an "Aha!" moment; it's a slow realization that EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER LEARNED OR BELIEVED IS A LIE

• Someone famous and wise (I think Mark Twain) once said, "It's easier to fool someone than it is to get them to admit they've been fooled." If you agree with this, as do I, then it's easier to accept the fact that when someone starts waking up, they will do it in solace, and NOT in the presence of another person. Plant the seeds and let them walk away to nurture them on their own.

• Another Anon suggested that, "Everyone is Red Pilled at least a wee bit about SOMETHING; vaccines, GMO's, lobbyists, insider trading, Building 7, etc.). Find their one area of skepticism first, then slowly work your way out."

I hope these thoughts help some of you salvage relationships with those near and dear to you. In closing, know this: The people closest to us are the last ones WE will be able to Red Pill. We tend to fall into old habits and roles with them (and vice versa), so plant the seeds and let other people take credit for your family and friends waking up.

Beer at the parade, fellow Patriots!

Beer at the parade, fellow Patriots!

bdb1bf  No.5851793

SalesTrainerandAuthorFag's method

Here’s the same Socratic method Q used on us for “Red Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist.”

First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS done over time. It requires patience and skill.

Find some common ground where they’ve already questioned the MSM narrative (JFK, RFK, Oswald, John John, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Arkancides, Obama birth certificate, 9/11, Building 7, no video of plane hitting Pentagon, missing $2.3 trillion, Halliburton, rigged primaries, biased MSM, Russian collusion, Fox News, CNN, etc.)

Once common ground is discovered, let THEM tell YOU what they know about the topic. Even if you disagree, don’t say so.

Once the topic is fully explored, compliment their knowledge and then ask if they think if it also ties to [blank] (another topic/event/lie you want to make them curious about).

If they agree, do NOT dump on them with information you’ve already learned. Instead, ask them to dig into it and agree to speak about it in a week or so.

During the second conversation, let THEM be the expert and teach you. Keep playing dumb. Praise their open-mindedness and encourage them to keep learning.

Ask them to learn about another topic that relates to this one and agree to speak again at a predetermined time. Then, let them teach you again, regardless about how much you already know about the topic. (This will seem counterintuitive but it’s a REALLY important part of the approach.)

Ask a LOT of questions; allow them to “sell themselves” on new ideas (people never argue with their own ideas, but they subconsciously “push back” against other people’s ideas).

Always play dumb; let THEM become the expert.

Ask for their help “solving a puzzle”; let them BE the expert.

Understand that the deeper someone is dug into the opposing viewpoint, the further they will snap into the other direction once they wake up.

If someone shares an idea that you believe is wrong/ignorant, do NOT push back; ask, “Help me see what you’re seeing”, or “Help me understand that better”. The more they try to explain something that has no basis, the higher chance they will eventually change their own mind (which YOU canNOT do for/to them).

Once they show a thirst for new knowledge, invite them to share their ideas with a third person while you are also present (viewing themself as a mentor/teacher reinforces their new beliefs).

When stuck, offer to “switch sides” and debate the topic from their point of view and have them argue from your point of view. This often helps them talk themselves out of their original viewpoint.

When you have to make a statement (instead of asking a question), open it with a “softening statement”: “Do you think it could be possible that…”, or, “I’m not sure this is right, but I just read that…” This provides possibilities for you and the other person.

As often as possible, only discuss events that have already happened. When forced to discuss what you think MIGHT happen in the future, precede with softening statements.

Don’t let the conversation turn into a Red vs. Blue argument. Keep repeating that there’s corruption on both sides of the aisle (point to the huge number of Republican resignations – not running for re-election – for both senators and members of congress). Keep the discussion focused on GOOD vs. EVIL!

Finally: REMEMBER THAT IN EVERY CONVERSATION, YOU ARE THE 2nd-BEST SALESPERSON! Get them talking, keep them talking and encourage their passion for digging!

SHOW the other person that you’ve embraced the teachings of Jesus through your kindness, patience and lack of judgment of their ideas. Happy pilling!

Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow

People don't need preaching to. That's the problem. Those who know a lot tend to tell it all, overwhelming. Just plant a seed and back away. Do this by asking a question that gets them thinking.

Go do something else, and give them a chance to process it and work it out in their mind.

Ask a different question about the topic (the seed you planted) and see how they answer.

This waters the seed so it grows downward into subconscious and upward towards the conscious.

Go away and do other things.

Plant the seed and come back to it later, but lead them, coax them, gently gently, softly softly.

Some people take a long time to process things. E.g. my family members are just now getting something I said years ago (they forgot that it was me who brought it up). They say, “Hey did you know about X?”

I just smile and nod.

It works.

bdb1bf  No.5851799

Wrong Number idea

→1. Obtain burner phone. (For obvious reasons).

→2. Locate article, meme, video or recording with serious red pilling potential.

→3. In local area (likely best result with local area code), send red pill material with leading script something similar to:

Hey, did you see this yet?; Can you believe this?, etc…

→4. Follow immediately with a quick apology about wrong# such as: Wrong #, Sorry!

Why might this be an effective addition to normal social media attack?

a. It has potential to reach people who don’t use social media much – an untapped population.

b. It stokes curiosity; people are nosy by nature.

c. After you text “wrong #:, their defenses are lowered because they don’t feel the info is directed to them. Similar to how Q sidesteps cognitive dissonance by Socratic questioning.

Sequence: Normal, Thoughtful, Non-Offensive, Step-by-Step

Normies will be turned off by certain words and photos. Like "Zionism". Children being hurt. Funny scenes or fun being made of the images.

Extreme truth will be rejected. Even with all the evidence over years about the Clintons’ bad behavior, half the electorate was willing to make HER president. Incredible, but true.

The public can accept the possibility of monetary corruption, but not treason, much less child trafficking and murder.

Adrenochrome? You will lose the audience completely and it will be dismissed as conspiracy theory nonsense.

So go step by step. First, introduce questions or concerns about corruption in government.

Then add Republicans and Democrats as possible thieves.

Then name individuals and ask; don't make claims.

The next stage is introducing the idea of an interconnected web of corruption that became an international crime syndicate like the Nafia, but run by politicians.

Make it understandable by referencing organized crime (not vampire elites bloodlines, aliens, fractional reserve banking…)

Keep it normal. Thoughtful. Non-offensive.

Step by step.

Ask, Don't Tell

When you tell something, you get cognitive dissonance.

When you ask something, you BYPASS cognitive dissonance.

Q gave us a Socratic questioning method that can BYPASS COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!!!

Coax, don't push

Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

More Tactics

Focus on things that aren’t scary to normies.

(Avoid: aliens, energy fields, hollow earth, metaphysics, religions, pantheons, Moloch / Satan / Saturn, chemtrails, crop circles, detoxing / cleansing pineal gland, chakras, reptiloids. Normies will take one look at any of those and dismiss you as a nutcase.)

So what to focus on? What is easy to swallow? You have to oil up that red pill! A small red pill that's actually swallowed is better than a big one that's spat up.

The normie doesn’t need to see the entire picture. They just need to begin to trust and/or prefer our side. Our mission is to help mitigate an earth-shattering revolt by spoon-feeding normies in small amounts they can handle. Memes should focus on:

1) The elites are corrupt. They force new members to do perverse acts in order to show their loyalty. It can be sex, fraud, corruption, or any kind of perversion or depravity. This is used to blackmail or compel loyalty.

2) Powerful elites have access to the best medical technology, and they believe harvesting blood and other things from children can extend their lifespans, or improve their health.

3) Elites already have everything. Where do people who have everything get their thrills? Some of them delve into taboo and perverse activity. What do they do when they know they have huge power and influence, and think nobody can stop them?

4) The CIA is corrupt and has seriously overstepped its power. The CIA funds itself using criminal activity, such as the drug trade, and sex trafficking – yes, even of children!

So in these examples, there’s no need to delve into Moloch worship or Satanism. The message has a higher chance of reaching more people without being dismissed outright.

We basically need sugar-coated pink pills suitable for mass production and distribution.

We can use persuasion — Words like "dark", "perverse", "sick", "depraved". We don't have to say that Hillary eats children and worships a bull-shaped demon.

Use confirmation bias combined with vague phrasing to good effect.

bdb1bf  No.5851805

Podesta art shock method

Essentially, explain the basic Q shit and the existence of a child-sacrifice/abuse/trafficking network, HRC, Podestas, etc. Then, as they become incredulous with disbelief, tell them to Google "Tony Podesta art". They will literally be left with their jaw on the floor, sick to their stomach, and will believe EVERY WORD YOU TELL THEM from then on about The Storm. This was a simple and effective way I redpilled my mom.

Start small + plant seeds

Plant seeds and watch them grow… Don’t push them off a cliff. Just a seed… Tell them something backed by evidence… For example, “Isn’t it weird that…blah” and let them mull it over. If you lose influence over someone, you lose credibility.

Start small

He needs to only provide crumbs. We need to find the truth ourselves, with as little help as possible. Otherwise too few people would believe. This is paramount. People have tried to tell the truth (think of famous celebrities), and guess what happens? We don't believe them, ridicule them, and they most likely get offed or worse.

Don't lay it all out for the normies, but ask questions. Lead them to the answers, and make them think they came up with it themselves. That's how you redpill.

Ask questions; lead them to discover answers themselves

How to go viral

If you want to meme/redpill successfully there are are a few ways you can go:

1. Humour

Comedy just sticks. Many anons came to the chans for funny memes. They work best when you hijack something universally known (like Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street) or actual big events (like 911); and start combining shit.

2. Mystery

Question the viewer, sometimes literally, but visually is best. Make them think they found out something themselves in the big sea of the internet. It's the best way to plant an idea.

Obviously there are a lot more ways, but it basically comes to this. Subtlety is key. And when one combines all of the above in the correct way, it might go viral.

How she redpilled her sister

Yes! She was the hardest one too! I told her I was gonna redpill her. I told her to look up politicians wearing an orthopedic boot and when she figured it out for herself, call me back. She took about 10 mins. and said "Ok, you piqued my interest, what else?" so I told her to look up politicians with black eyes and call me back. What I did doing that is REMOVE the built-in hate of republicans vs. dems in her mind. Once she saw it is both, she was more open to listen to me. I then told her to look up who Sally Quinn is and her history with her book tour and call me back. I proved the Satanic control over MSM with their own confessions. Told her to look up the arrest results for the child sex (human trafficking) arrests for this year alone and call me back. I told her to find the stats for the last 10 years of child sex arrests and compare them to this 1 single year. Now she no longer makes me make her prove it with her own eyes and just wants me to tell her what anons have come to a consensus on.

Recipe for redpilling, especially women

1 cup something easy to swallow: I suggest “Did you know Hugh Hefner got his start with CIA money?” (Gentle blackmail, make it more like a movie plot that is changing culture for the worse). Or “How are you doing hearing about all of the Hollywood sleezes?” Again, noting an intentional culture change. Why? Have they noticed? Who is behind it?

1 cup personal: “Have you had anything like that in your life?” “Known anyone that had anything like that?”

1 cup proven history: “Reminds me of the…” Franklin scandal, British scandal, Belgium scandal – whatever you know better.

1 cup “Makes sense it’s probably happening here right now: Have you seen Podestas’ art?” Who is Podesta, what is spirit cooking, how did Wikileaks reveal it.

Leave them to think for a while.

Finish the job with a Q drop when they return to ask questions.

Read Q Spreadsheet


Spouse self red pilled by reading entire Q spreadsheet in 2 days, was able to return to work life with a "Let me know if it comes true."

bdb1bf  No.5851818

Communication tactics

In every type of communication, about 90% is about personal feelings/emotions/information, and only 10% is about external knowledge. Keep that in mind when talking to people, and see if you can get inside their bubble, or if they are "ignorant".

1. Shut up and let others talk

–This way you will recongnize repeating patterns, highlighted views, personal opinions, what the topic is about.

–The less you talk, the more you will learn to listen EXACTLY to what was said.

2. Choose which way you want to interact

2a - Only listen (to get information)

2b - Raise your voice (pass information)

3 Select a strategy of HOW to communicate

3a - "Know your enemy" / "know your opposition"

Depending on who you’re with, your communication approach will differ. It could be

- emotional

- controversial

- understanding

- helping

- distracting…

Choose your way and see if it resonates (if not, change your "style").

3b Catch people from where they are at

3b It doesn’t help anyone if tell someone who talked about their favourite TV-show that their idol is an Illuminati slave. Try taking it to a level that is understandable by the opposition. (The emotional approach maybe working here; try shifting the topic to general behavior morals and point out wrongdoing that this individual would agree on.)

4 - Decide if you want to lead into another information part (from personal to outside stuff). You can do that by either using positive or negative responses (use what resonates), pushing with or against a certain topic.

Learn to be patient!!! if you dont want to take sides, stay neutral.

As always, use small steps to create less opposition or big once to create irritation.

Breaking Down Hardcore Normies

An aggressive method I used in some rare cases:

- Find out their core belief.

- Find out the weak spot.

- Use your higher knowledge/wisdom to compromise the weak spot.

- Use irrefutabe facts.

- Stick their nose in it (like a cat).

- Watch them get angry.

- Know the seed has been planted.

(They will try to disprove you, but won’t be able to.)

This is a strategy for hardcore normies. Also works if you wanna redpill fast and are willing to take casualties along the way.

1d1a2e  No.5852051

File: 000c714b4231c02⋯.jpg (302.81 KB, 948x948, 1:1, dungeons-democrats-2.jpg)

File: ddbe64b79713f5e⋯.jpg (392.16 KB, 948x1155, 316:385, dungeons-democrats.jpg)

File: 1fd213f377a4a1d⋯.jpg (190.01 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, light-and-dark.jpg)

11934c  No.5852928

File: a1f4952049626e0⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 1024x513, 1024:513, pe2.jpg)

File: 7808842fddbd825⋯.jpg (93.45 KB, 860x432, 215:108, punisher.jpg)

File: 6a8181db2f679be⋯.jpg (78.99 KB, 1024x519, 1024:519, sw.jpg)

File: 7b5854073cd1a4e⋯.jpg (78.93 KB, 900x874, 450:437, sw2.jpg)

4aa15e  No.5853268

File: 450886ff56abbe1⋯.jpg (233.73 KB, 1403x1262, 1403:1262, _20190323_195110.JPG)

11934c  No.5853397

File: 3440495fd864d10⋯.png (3.19 MB, 1830x2440, 3:4, a.png)

575d78  No.5854576

File: aeef8be23535760⋯.jpg (144.12 KB, 800x500, 8:5, walmart screw 5.jpg)

File: 26f3df5f90d1ee7⋯.jpg (54.6 KB, 667x374, 667:374, trans total.jpg)

File: 548263fe476d6bc⋯.jpg (106.15 KB, 632x364, 158:91, microsoft dump.jpg)

File: 0f0819f61f4de84⋯.jpg (98.58 KB, 707x353, 707:353, oreily auto dump.jpg)

File: 4d861b1973128f0⋯.jpg (153.06 KB, 955x500, 191:100, facebook twatter square.jpg)


701d19  No.5854917

File: d33feb250baa73e⋯.png (371.31 KB, 1215x838, 1215:838, DemocratTranslator.png)

File: 717e40a6693f74c⋯.png (258.21 KB, 1215x838, 1215:838, demblank.png)

1d1a2e  No.5855398

File: 93ffa864883f7da⋯.jpg (271.07 KB, 948x948, 1:1, dungeons-democrats-aoc.jpg)

File: 1913727f95c7358⋯.jpg (275.45 KB, 948x948, 1:1, dungeons-democrats-beto.jpg)

File: 0ba517394cb7bfd⋯.jpg (280.57 KB, 948x948, 1:1, dungeons-democrats-biden.jpg)

File: 342b59496afad54⋯.jpg (280.97 KB, 948x948, 1:1, dungeons-democrats-chuck.jpg)

1d1a2e  No.5855405

File: 805e38e59e9d33a⋯.jpg (276.22 KB, 948x948, 1:1, dungeons-democrats-hillary.jpg)

File: 95308f900213d34⋯.jpg (288.5 KB, 948x948, 1:1, dungeons-democrats-obama.jpg)

File: 4c71819780279d9⋯.jpg (280.26 KB, 948x948, 1:1, dungeons-democrats-pelosi.jpg)

File: c68168c02b99eaa⋯.jpg (265.63 KB, 948x948, 1:1, dungeons-democrats-schiff.jpg)

f5c795  No.5855915

File: 719b5099dc605b6⋯.png (8.49 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 50210964-8D85-48F5-81D4-48….png)

File: ffa6a0e7bbbc96b⋯.jpeg (531.39 KB, 2221x1609, 2221:1609, 2D33BA37-BE0C-485A-825A-3….jpeg)

a25ab8  No.5856233

File: 9f1ca3d41a2a040⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 3008x2000, 188:125, American-flag-photo.jpg)

2582cd  No.5856412

File: e29de6050c7df7b⋯.jpg (337.68 KB, 816x528, 17:11, The Illegal Heroin & Fenta….JPG)

File: 08bb84d673952f7⋯.jpg (137.36 KB, 473x390, 473:390, 3ef542c6-3808-4377-829c-ba….jpg)

File: 67794efe30cdde2⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 660x612, 55:51, percent-rise-in-donors.jpg)

File: 1d2315b26ce1ab7⋯.jpg (148.35 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Are You Angry Yet obama la….JPG)

File: b54912d545c0a31⋯.jpg (156.37 KB, 576x384, 3:2, cdc certified bull shit fu….JPG)

2582cd  No.5856445

File: 9f96a19171d7066⋯.jpg (124.18 KB, 576x384, 3:2, best finni.JPG)

File: 1ce7b624582e838⋯.jpg (115.34 KB, 576x384, 3:2, finni.JPG)

File: 579fb9bb98051d4⋯.jpg (56.08 KB, 528x408, 22:17, wheres the war on stds and….jpg)

File: 5cda733c3c9045c⋯.jpg (338.54 KB, 816x528, 17:11, the politicians' Addiction….JPG)

File: a50a60ca2670dbd⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Suicide drug testing 50% f….JPG)

2582cd  No.5856479

File: f6e6a55dddcddea⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 576x384, 3:2, End the war on chronic pai….JPG)

File: c3419a188e5a6d0⋯.jpg (396.89 KB, 816x528, 17:11, fini.JPG)

File: 3a85a5ab58e893c⋯.png (279.85 KB, 503x810, 503:810, can the quack looks like a….png)

File: 0b7a6d464c19275⋯.png (40.55 KB, 518x730, 259:365, scam alert short version.png)

File: e1fdded10afd584⋯.png (35.86 KB, 434x804, 217:402, scam alert 2nd part of sho….png)

2582cd  No.5856661

File: 05a383ddc191422⋯.png (151.43 KB, 883x430, 883:430, liars liars cdc fda addict….png)

File: 60b7dae7dbd77dc⋯.png (610.49 KB, 883x855, 883:855, liars profiteers 78 billio….png)

File: 1d72d1f861c8f3e⋯.jpg (44.79 KB, 805x236, 805:236, damn lying profiteers mor….jpg)

File: 648dc11d355d072⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Only you can help us Pres.….JPG)

File: 5e4f6186163e4bc⋯.png (22.3 KB, 422x498, 211:249, addiction my ass.png)



2582cd  No.5856757

File: 8af2199327ca038⋯.jpg (323.24 KB, 816x528, 17:11, The media & our politician….JPG)

THEY KNEW BACK IN 2009, that 78% of OxyContin abusers never received a Doctor's prescription for them and had purchased them illegally on the black market, as counterfeits.

Meanwhile, like a broken record, policymakers are intent on further reducing opioid prescriptions, as if that will do anything other than exacerbate matters. Forcing Chronic Pain Patients to live in HeII, buy them illegally or commit suicide. And Physicians are leaving their practice or dropping patients.

Many dealers use pill presses to make counterfeit OxyContin or Vicodin pills and trick non-medical users into thinking they are buying the real thing.

That’s how Prince died. The singer/songwriter abused Vicodin. Records show he never got prescriptions from doctors.

He died from ingesting counterfeit Vicodin pills he obtained on the black market that turned out to be fentanyl.

Policymakers & the main stream media remain fixated on the false narrative that the overdose crisis is the result of doctors over-prescribing opioids to their patients in pain.

Prince’s tragic death actually typifies what is really happening.

Yet their behavior played into the false narrative to which misguided policymakers stubbornly & illogically cling to.

The prescription cut-down has made many pain patients suffer needlessly and cruelly. Some have turned to suicide. Others access the black market for substitutes like heroin or fentanyl.

Meanwhile, like a broken record, policymakers are intent on further reducing opioid prescriptions, as if that will do anything other than exacerbate matters. Forcing Chronic Pain Patients to live in Hell, buy them illegally or commit suicide. And Physicians are leaving their practice or dropping patients.

Columbia University researchers last month found evidence that the present restrictive opioid policy is not lowering overdose rates, but merely pushing non-medical users to more dangerous drugs, making patients suffer in the process. This comes after two earlier studies came to similar conclusions.

Doctors and patients are the wrong targets. When will the insanity end?


Fabricated Tech Bubble Created for profit, Fabricated Housing Bubble created for profit & NOW a Fabricated RX Opioid crisis Created and Perpetuated for Profit.

Just imagine the "Kick Backs" in the form of Campaign Contributions, PACS and the $$$ Amount to the politicians, & why they won't or have any desire to fix it.

FACT: The harder it becomes to get RX Opioids, the more people flock to illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl.

FACT: To build a demand for a product, restrict it's supply

FACT: It’s now indisputable that most recent opioid deaths result from illegal heroin/fentanyl, not physician prescribed pain pills.

But The DEA & SAMHSA (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Give “Carte Blanche” & “Waivers to prescribe higher doses/limits of controlled substances” to Providers that prescribe “Addiction Therapy Drugs” that are more addictive, controlled substances, tagged the “lifetime therapy drug”, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more side effects and more expensive!

Call it what it really is!

STOP the Lies!

It is and always was an illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl flooding of the USA.

Not a Doctor prescribed opioid epidemic!

Follow the money, who is profits by restricting Doctors from prescribing pain meds to their patients with chronic pain!

Nothing sinister to see here folks…

2582cd  No.5856910

File: 69d29322e20febb⋯.png (62.14 KB, 622x815, 622:815, addicted to big pharma and….png)

File: 1d2315b26ce1ab7⋯.jpg (148.35 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Are You Angry Yet obama la….JPG)

File: 855d4cfdd916497⋯.png (29.63 KB, 626x633, 626:633, Booming drug testing indus….png)

File: 3570be296e644e9⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 693x470, 693:470, drug addiction therapy pro….jpg)

File: 58a6489e4e73dde⋯.png (12.21 KB, 231x219, 77:73, index.png)

-Despite frequent robberies and burglaries of pharmacies, doctors' offices, and warehouses where prescription medications are stored and sold, the DEA has focused a troubling amount of time and resources on the prescriptions issued by practicing physicians. It's easy to see why. Doctors keep records. They pay taxes. They take notes. They're an easier target than common drug dealers. Doctors don't shoot back and Doctors also often aren't aware of asset forfeiture laws.

-A physician's considerable assets can be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him before he's ever brought to trial.

-Over the last several years, hundreds of physicians have been put on trial for charges ranging from health insurance fraud to drug distribution, even to manslaughter and murder for over-prescribing prescription narcotics. Many times, investigators seize a doctor's house, office, and bank account, leaving him no resources with which to defend himself.

-Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.

But The DEA & SAMHSA (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Give “Carte Blanche” & “Waivers to prescribe higher doses/limits of controlled substances” to Providers that prescribe “Addiction Therapy Drugs” that are more addictive, controlled substances, tagged the “lifetime therapy drug”, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more side effects and more expensive!

-Addiction Drug Therapy buprenorphine $115.00 per week or $5,980.00 per year. Suboxone sells for $560 at CVS and $553 at Target for a 30-day supply, according to GoodRx.

-Addiction Drug Therapy naltrexone ( Vivitrol ) – up to $1200 to $1,176.50 per injection $1,176.50 per month or $14,112.00 per year.

-Addiction Drug Therapy Methadone $126.00 per week or $6,552.00 per year.


Politicians Practicing Medicine Without A License For Profit!

Where is the war on "-Unintentional fall deaths: 34,673"

Where is the war on STDs " STD related bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of those infections”-CDC 2013

Where is the War on Alcoholic liver disease? Alcoholic liver disease deaths: 21,815

Why the Continued War on Chronic Pain Patients and Their Doctors when Physician Prescribed Opioids deaths: 17,029 (could even be lower )Per CDC…

Because it is an estimated Multi-Billion Profit Scam…funded mostly by the tax payers.

Would it surprise you to know that the market for the addiction recovery industry is well in excess of $35 billion a year?

That is a 44% increase since 2009. By 2020, spending in estimated to reach $42 billion, representing a jump of another 20%. (my opinion, total profits from the fabricated profit created opioid scam is over $100 Billion…organ harvest add more)

How much money can be made on a single patient?

-Professional intervention – $2500, plus expenses

-Residential drug detox – at least $500 per day, lasting anywhere from 3 to 14 days

-Inpatient drug rehab – between $6000 and $32,000, depending upon location and amenities. In fact high-end, “luxury” rehabs can cost over $100,000 for a 30-day stay.

-Intensive outpatient programs – up to $10,000 per month

-Partial hospitalization programs – between $350 and $450 per day

-Sober living facilities – up to $2500 per month

-Once-monthly administrations of Vivitrol – up to $1200 per injection

-Sober coaches – up to $1900 per day, plus expenses and travel, usually with a five-day minimum

In addition to “addiction therapy Drugs”, is the multi-Billion Frequent Drug Testing Industry with an absurd failure rate. Etc

End the War on Chronic Pain Patients and their Physicians…This was never the cause of the fake RX prescribed opioid crisis for profit.

We all know that it was illegal heroin & fentanyl brought in from Mexico and China by the Obama administration.


Pharmaceuticals / Health Products: Money to Congress https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary.php?ind=H04&recipdetail=S&sortorder=A&cycle=All&fbclid=IwAR2JzYGASCA5iNtFbe2Wcic-lrdB-VLPRjwpsFoxdmFS7bxpEeosbpYwQRY

b91f1d  No.5856995

File: dbb95e76e00f379⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 2200x1467, 2200:1467, storm2.jpg)

File: 5071fc5deee4e69⋯.jpg (545.59 KB, 1242x1226, 621:613, justice.jpg)

Hot off the press

2582cd  No.5857875


The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!

First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.

Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupus, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,

etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exacerbates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.

There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.

Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???

President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.

Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.

Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.

-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,

-we did not vote for prohibition,

-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,

-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,

-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,

-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,

-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,

-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,

-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.

We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.

ps…I have never ever tried, asked for or have been on Oxycontin, nor do I want to…but I am not willing to limit or restrict it for those that it helps. Same with Med. Pot or even Big Pharmas' wish to peddle their own brands of Pot for billions. I will never use it but I neither want to limit it for those who it does help. Just note that the gun owning restrictions haven't even been lifted by Pres. Trump. Why not I wonder? I thought our guns were safe…so far, they are not.

b13dbe  No.5857886

File: dc080abb9f38dcb⋯.png (376.85 KB, 1408x905, 1408:905, Qproofbiggest scandal.png)

File: 1deb5e7c52f39bb⋯.png (121.3 KB, 1540x1120, 11:8, trumprussianhannity.png)

File: 3df129309ad5c87⋯.jpg (212.08 KB, 860x878, 430:439, LearnQ.jpg)

File: a7644e7ac0a56bf⋯.png (251.06 KB, 798x518, 57:37, realroast.png)

b13dbe  No.5857910

File: c8d89473990f16c⋯.jpg (947.32 KB, 1662x1738, 831:869, Qbeginnerredpill.jpg)

File: dc9dd5c763b59af⋯.png (263.53 KB, 1438x905, 1438:905, sanctionsproof.png)

File: 6af97da87d3ebd5⋯.png (983.52 KB, 924x1237, 924:1237, conspiracyredpil.png)

File: 4eb072063a36416⋯.png (806.96 KB, 1954x785, 1954:785, conspiracyredpilwide.png)

b13dbe  No.5857925

File: d89b0c4cadd16ef⋯.png (678.48 KB, 1078x728, 77:52, d89b0c4cadd16efbbf2ec25a09….png)

File: d46ffdd0d7852b8⋯.png (4.58 MB, 2514x2089, 2514:2089, freedomisnevermorethan1gen….png)

File: 24a05a4d9cf8522⋯.jpg (174.28 KB, 619x836, 619:836, greatawakeningredpill.jpg)

File: e895bf294ac4f59⋯.png (555.13 KB, 1168x791, 1168:791, itsallabigclubredpillremin….png)

b13dbe  No.5857934

File: 36a2e0aba24c7c0⋯.jpg (399.17 KB, 1475x828, 1475:828, qplanmedialieredpill.jpg)

File: 7b3353a6cea65ef⋯.jpg (241.04 KB, 877x846, 877:846, Qplanredpill2.jpg)

File: eeb2da163568e20⋯.jpg (189.13 KB, 884x771, 884:771, qplansimple.jpg)

File: 69855e74b694727⋯.png (488.81 KB, 729x940, 729:940, redpillGAtreasonlong.png)

b13dbe  No.5857946

File: b937bf31e6e3aac⋯.jpg (197.44 KB, 740x993, 740:993, censorshipwrong.jpg)

File: 1a0f533ff1b028e⋯.png (431.03 KB, 1197x512, 1197:512, redpillGAtreason.png)

File: 3d3cbadf9d7dcd3⋯.jpg (299.21 KB, 942x868, 471:434, redpillitsallabigclubjpg.jpg)

File: 8e1fed7c255c6da⋯.jpg (213.89 KB, 624x834, 104:139, redpillorwell.jpg)

File: 69ee7976a48c336⋯.jpg (130.59 KB, 758x512, 379:256, Vplan.jpg)

b13dbe  No.5857954

File: 1f90b9107932e20⋯.jpg (129.54 KB, 616x596, 154:149, wakeupamericaredpill.jpg)

File: f2c4dca0fb55d2c⋯.jpg (167.92 KB, 621x836, 621:836, wakeupamericaredpilldeclas.jpg)

File: 763c1a048bf0ccb⋯.jpg (177.56 KB, 618x832, 309:416, wakeupamericaredpillwecang….jpg)

File: 0b355af1193747c⋯.jpg (185.79 KB, 618x832, 309:416, wakeupamericatreasontrials….jpg)

File: 43a49b5336622ab⋯.jpg (202.22 KB, 620x832, 155:208, wakeupamericatreasontrials….jpg)

9267fe  No.5858001

File: af836de1c64b886⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 500x729, 500:729, ARRESTS 1.jpg)

File: 866e0c0acda39ce⋯.jpg (66.33 KB, 500x729, 500:729, ARRESTS 2.jpg)

File: 9d8e666ca36db93⋯.jpg (74.99 KB, 500x729, 500:729, ARRESTS 3.jpg)

File: 86ea3caa2638aaa⋯.jpg (68.68 KB, 500x729, 500:729, ARRESTS 4.jpg)

File: ccaa92ff491022e⋯.jpg (70.5 KB, 500x729, 500:729, ARRESTS 5.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858016

File: ee686a40cc2b1fb⋯.jpg (59.99 KB, 500x503, 500:503, BETO 1.jpg)

File: 56e44bf73e7a0b6⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 500x503, 500:503, BETO 2.jpg)

File: 70dbb4e902b1139⋯.jpg (64.13 KB, 500x503, 500:503, bETO 3.jpg)

File: 917540f72246e3d⋯.jpg (58.3 KB, 500x503, 500:503, BETO 4.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858027

File: d2c16683741c9a6⋯.jpg (63.52 KB, 500x503, 500:503, BETO 5.jpg)

File: 4e3004043152cc7⋯.jpg (63.45 KB, 500x503, 500:503, BETO 6.jpg)

File: daf5d2006f4dfa6⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 500x503, 500:503, BETO 7j.jpg)

File: 5de4cbb41daeafe⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 500x503, 500:503, BETO 8.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858049

File: 9a0829ab674728b⋯.jpg (120.55 KB, 500x1039, 500:1039, Comey Turd 1.jpg)

File: 47618319c4026d0⋯.jpg (114.29 KB, 500x1039, 500:1039, Comey Turd 2.jpg)

File: 3c33ed1b1f1d986⋯.jpg (125.02 KB, 500x1039, 500:1039, Comey Turd 3.jpg)

File: 9d7b98d48edbe46⋯.jpg (107.76 KB, 500x900, 5:9, Comey turd 4jpg.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858058

File: 9b3729fcb0b4efd⋯.jpg (110 KB, 500x900, 5:9, Comey turd 6.jpg)

File: 912c67f3f44656c⋯.jpg (113.09 KB, 500x900, 5:9, Comey turd.jpg)

2582cd  No.5858075

File: d8b5f9a95e66695⋯.gif (906.81 KB, 500x284, 125:71, 601-Airplane-quotes.gif)

File: 83b4a63897ddbbc⋯.jpg (98.69 KB, 576x384, 3:2, we were all counting on yo….JPG)


The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!

First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.

Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupus, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,

etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exacerbates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.

There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.

Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???

President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.

Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.

Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.

-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,

-we did not vote for prohibition,

-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,

-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,

-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,

-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,

-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,

-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,

-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.

We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.

ps…I have never ever tried, asked for or have been on Oxycontin, nor do I want to…but I am not willing to limit or restrict it for those that it helps. Same with Med. Pot or even Big Pharmas' wish to peddle their own brands of Pot for billions. I will never use it but I neither want to limit it for those who it does help. Just note that the gun owning restrictions haven't even been lifted by Pres. Trump. Why not I wonder? I thought our guns were safe…so far, they are not.

9267fe  No.5858085

File: 8c85b925f7f4f92⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 500x709, 500:709, Commie Bernie1.jpg)

File: ebc86301d81faca⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 500x709, 500:709, Commie Bernie2.jpg)

File: aaeade4c3454566⋯.jpg (69.4 KB, 500x709, 500:709, Commie Bernie3.jpg)

File: 73e9f99f3948a50⋯.jpg (65.36 KB, 500x709, 500:709, commie bernie 4.jpg)

File: 7b6b7a5642ccde8⋯.jpg (64.2 KB, 500x709, 500:709, commie bernie5.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858096

File: 4c1415a52bab448⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 500x709, 500:709, commie bernie6.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858127

File: 6a1021a2f6c8c03⋯.jpg (55.32 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. NEWSOM 1.jpg)

File: e0d17e0e029c2fb⋯.jpg (55.57 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. NEWSOM 2.jpg)

File: cb7baf4ab3b995d⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. NEWSOM 4.jpg)

File: 7f7f1f689e8e140⋯.jpg (52.73 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. NEWSOM 5.jpg)

File: 27f2c9d01946004⋯.jpg (53 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. NEWSOM 6.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858148

File: 68ae01ecb03d5b3⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. NEWSOM 8.jpg)

File: 923bcb1fd9f09a5⋯.jpg (52.03 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. NEWSOM 9.jpg)

File: 2646fb57343805c⋯.jpg (50.9 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. Newsom 10.jpg)

File: 16102a9010bd6cb⋯.jpg (55.82 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. NEWSOM 11.jpg)

File: 6f25df490805c25⋯.jpg (56.8 KB, 500x562, 250:281, G. NEWSOME 3.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858232

File: 376a6054b4a56c4⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 500x797, 500:797, Illan Omar 1.jpg)

File: 9b903bd132ea1b7⋯.jpg (67.81 KB, 500x797, 500:797, Illan Omar 2.jpg)

File: 3c24981b7e89855⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 500x797, 500:797, Illan Omar 3.jpg)

File: 952ae37a61567a9⋯.jpg (65.38 KB, 500x797, 500:797, Illan Omar 4.jpg)

File: 7a09118a169d09b⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 500x797, 500:797, Illan Omar 5.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858262

File: 6ed6507b41c2c43⋯.jpg (57.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Late Night Fucks 1.jpg)

File: f38d9d94c846e63⋯.jpg (48.56 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Late Night Fucks 2.jpg)

File: c8427541cc1fdc7⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Late Night Fucks 3.jpg)

File: a7ba3153f70ac06⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Late Night Fucks 4 .jpg)

9267fe  No.5858289

File: d2c661ca669a879⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 500x646, 250:323, LIEU, TED 1.jpg)

File: f70e8dbaa47f6d3⋯.jpg (60.28 KB, 500x646, 250:323, LIEU, TED 2.jpg)

File: 596a263d4bf9cca⋯.jpg (64.81 KB, 500x646, 250:323, LIEU, TED 3.jpg)

File: 32bd816fbcbab3c⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 500x646, 250:323, LIEU, TED 4.jpg)

File: a98a8587992e1a8⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 500x646, 250:323, LIEU, TED 5.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858368

File: 727254035bbf0c4⋯.jpg (77.55 KB, 500x866, 250:433, R. Mueller 1.jpg)

File: 5d1ec1e3d7bc8f2⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 500x866, 250:433, R. Mueller 2.jpg)

File: 5ed9283d9ce024b⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 500x866, 250:433, R. Mueller 3.jpg)

File: 0866d5e446973b8⋯.jpg (87.5 KB, 500x999, 500:999, R. Mueller 4.jpg)

File: 0866d5e446973b8⋯.jpg (87.5 KB, 500x999, 500:999, R. Mueller 5.jpg)

9267fe  No.5858376

File: 36967098a61f1b5⋯.jpg (83.08 KB, 500x866, 250:433, R. Mueller 6.jpg)

b91f1d  No.5859004

File: c283beea64c8ea1⋯.jpg (914.68 KB, 2200x1467, 2200:1467, storm6.jpg)


ccf9ba  No.5859300

File: 1f59500b9cb2c0a⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, streisand2.jpg)

File: dd43d21e4f8cb25⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, streisand.jpg)

See this CUNT Barbra Streisand saying Michael Jackson's victims were thrilled to be there, it didn't kill them and his sexual needs was his sexual needs! WHAT A CUNT!!!!

We need to MEME one of their LIBERAL GODS into the hole!


b91f1d  No.5859360

File: 8f415246eb18e96⋯.jpg (2 MB, 2200x1467, 2200:1467, storm7.jpg)


ccf9ba  No.5859712

File: 77e78b8c43ee797⋯.jpg (659.56 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, streisand3.jpg)

b74a37  No.5860062

File: 8d687fb202ad01f⋯.jpg (431.56 KB, 1440x1075, 288:215, out_1553412865424.jpg)

b74a37  No.5860069

File: 3403c8aff730556⋯.jpg (51.82 KB, 1440x1152, 5:4, out_1553409552059.jpg)

File: 3131263d38ef6db⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 1440x807, 480:269, out_1553411879567.jpg)

f5c795  No.5861040

File: 71c16ccab1db663⋯.png (11.85 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 4CE67657-AE5F-4C5E-8BD4-77….png)

File: 6739e6073e0ab0b⋯.jpeg (465.5 KB, 2116x1489, 2116:1489, F398515A-6BD1-4402-AF81-A….jpeg)

f5c795  No.5861046

File: 3d99de9a9d90a02⋯.jpeg (95.5 KB, 796x379, 796:379, D07774FA-B476-49DA-8126-7….jpeg)

File: a15b8286ef6a8db⋯.jpeg (64.45 KB, 740x389, 740:389, C0227E02-3C9B-438C-849A-0….jpeg)

26bc90  No.5861678

File: 64c535e3ef6f451⋯.png (57.91 KB, 526x509, 526:509, ComeyCliff.png)

File: 26d0f832af71373⋯.png (73.75 KB, 526x509, 526:509, Easter_Comey_3.png)

File: 4841281cbffe2ee⋯.png (88.27 KB, 526x509, 526:509, Easter_Comey_4.png)

File: ff163e8d55f5624⋯.png (64.06 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Comey-penguin.png)

26bc90  No.5861866

File: 605871ca15baece⋯.jpg (121.57 KB, 683x512, 683:512, M.J.Streisand.jpg)

f7d8e0  No.5861918

File: 17b78161892695c⋯.jpeg (299.25 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 7D44BC44-2B2F-4B27-9991-5….jpeg)

2582cd  No.5861986

Our rights and freedoms are not taken away overnight…there would be a revolt if they were. But our rights and freedoms have been eroded, watered down, striped of their essence bill after bill over the decades. Never to be restored.

Democrats are the true notorious freedom grabbers…rinos, DS, NWO traitors…Demand our freedoms, constitutional and bill of rights be restored….

What we have now are pseudo freedoms and a two tier justice system.

2ff2ec  No.5862474

File: 572c9da9d92ac16⋯.jpg (51.99 KB, 540x540, 1:1, anti_eu_british_flag_6_cm_….jpg)

File: c59f04b6788424f⋯.jpg (33.18 KB, 350x350, 1:1, brexit21__66333.1527117085….jpg)

File: 1d730a8b6cb1e06⋯.jpg (21.96 KB, 300x300, 1:1, keep-britain-tidy-brexit-5….jpg)

2ff2ec  No.5862481

File: 55782fcb2847b0a⋯.jpg (96.22 KB, 900x902, 450:451, BlackConservativeClip_96.jpg)

File: a90595f1175bcc6⋯.jpg (343.87 KB, 900x800, 9:8, ChooseLoveCollageB4603-1.jpg)

File: 1ccc0b814b3888d⋯.jpg (308.56 KB, 900x800, 9:8, ChooseLoveCollageB4603-2.jpg)

File: 17b9878ed21ded6⋯.jpg (758.65 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, darktolight2.jpg)

2ff2ec  No.5862504

File: 5bb0325940aefe0⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 749x598, 749:598, DemocratsSlaves.jpg)

File: 8afde563b154e5d⋯.jpeg (312.36 KB, 1333x1065, 1333:1065, DemsMadRepublicans-Slaves.jpeg)

File: cd94241e5a23527⋯.jpg (8.19 MB, 6126x4070, 3063:2035, DemsMadRepubsSlaves.jpg)

File: eae3c0bbb0dbc2f⋯.jpg (145.13 KB, 765x502, 765:502, Dems:RobertELeeFreedSlaves.jpg)

File: eba539bb625f9a4⋯.jpg (74.19 KB, 500x514, 250:257, havent-seen-the-democrats-….jpg)

2ff2ec  No.5862515

File: a5a3de79f44620d⋯.jpg (2.77 MB, 2000x4751, 2000:4751, Q2018Huber'sPedovoreHunt.jpg)

File: 5f33c8c57e3162b⋯.jpeg (59.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, QCrumbCan'tHide.jpeg)

File: 0a01911aa9b4c5a⋯.jpg (851.39 KB, 2655x1273, 2655:1273, QCrumbs091718 FUTURE PROVE….jpg)

File: 21fb6e488af4fea⋯.jpeg (61.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, QCrumbsFireAtWill.jpeg)

File: ac7794f36c94c1b⋯.jpg (790.02 KB, 1833x1191, 611:397, Qproof releasethememo 0119….jpg)

2ff2ec  No.5862522

File: 0ccfb2a75ba61ac⋯.jpg (358.98 KB, 1104x618, 184:103, Rally-.jpg)

File: bb3074bb5610e21⋯.jpg (128.1 KB, 566x789, 566:789, RBGdiagnosis.jpg)

File: dbb95e76e00f379⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 2200x1467, 2200:1467, storm2.jpg)

File: 33f082d9eeedfa5⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 398x333, 398:333, Trannies.jpg)

File: 04a82bcf604d65f⋯.jpeg (64.21 KB, 1020x768, 85:64, TrumpUniter.jpeg)

2ff2ec  No.5862839



(1) You cannot nominate your own post(s) as notable.

(2) We don't do Notables in the Memes bread anyhow.

(3) Memes bread is not the appropriate place for wall(s) of text.

(4) Your text and accompanying images that you have posted repetitively for the past few months have already informed us about these matters.

(5) The continued repetition, bread after bread, has become spam and has become counterproductive.

(6) If you actually want eyes on these matters, the General is a better place for that.

(7) If you actually want discussion or thoughtful consideration of these matters, the General is a better place for that.









3865c0  No.5863197

File: 055343b68ba350a⋯.jpeg (70.53 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 3DE4AD9F-34AB-4E4D-BBAF-3….jpeg)

3865c0  No.5863249

File: 6cb6dad448a0f5b⋯.jpeg (129.24 KB, 1000x744, 125:93, D764296F-22CB-4313-BF9F-3….jpeg)

3865c0  No.5863325

File: fe28f402e61f0ea⋯.jpeg (69.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 2836CE1B-F9F9-47F0-B0D2-2….jpeg)

3865c0  No.5863473

File: d3a98c239f7a1ae⋯.jpeg (151.02 KB, 1000x797, 1000:797, E3D17716-393D-4342-8CFE-4….jpeg)

2582cd  No.5863629

File: c5ec097e1695254⋯.jpg (335.03 KB, 816x528, 17:11, put democraps in control t….JPG)

dabd44  No.5863641

File: 52b13ced2f6e8ba⋯.png (910.94 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Lemon.png)

dabd44  No.5863854

File: 653a38105ce11b9⋯.png (1.02 MB, 980x976, 245:244, watchwait.png)

2582cd  No.5863906

File: 5cda733c3c9045c⋯.jpg (338.54 KB, 816x528, 17:11, the politicians' Addiction….JPG)

File: 3bdef9324828d39⋯.jpg (57.16 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Planned Implemented and Pe….JPG)

File: a50a60ca2670dbd⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Suicide drug testing 50% f….JPG)

File: c3419a188e5a6d0⋯.jpg (396.89 KB, 816x528, 17:11, keeper.JPG)

File: 648dc11d355d072⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Only you can help us Pres.….JPG)


According to the CDC, at least 2 million people in the U.S. become infected with STD related bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of those infections. Many more people die from other conditions that were complicated by an antibiotic-resistant infection.Sep 19, 2013

Drug overdose deaths involving prescription opioids 17,029 in 2017. Since 2016, however, the number of deaths have remained stable.


Where is the war on STDs?

They don't want you to know who is profiting $Billions by the fake RX prescribed Opioid Scam. Everyone is cashing in! And why politicians have no desire to fix or stop it. Just imagine the “Kick Backs” in the form of campaign donations, pacs, that these politicians receive for perpetuating the suffering of chronic pain patients.

The Eroding of your rights, freedoms, quality of life, privacy for profits. Resulting in Chronic Pain Patients going to the streets for illegal drugs, not because they're addicted, just for pain relief and committing suicide at a higher rate every day.

HERE ARE THE FACTS…It never was a RX Opioid prescribed epidemic as fabricated by the media, CDC, Politicians and Profiteers!

-So called Addiction drugs/treatment/rehab bringing in huge profits $$$35 Billion per year (2014).

-buprenorphine $115.00 per week or $5,980.00 per year

-naltrexone $1,176.50 per month or $14,112.00 per year

-methadone $126.00 per week or $6,552.00 per year

-Opioid Drug Testing Market worth 8.63 Billion

In Pursuit of Liquid Gold: There is big money in drug testing. That means

Over $4,000.00 per Urine Drug Test…and bills that can top a quarter-million dollars for a few months of tests for a single patient.

“Some of these places have cleared $400,000 a month in profit .

-Treatment Centers, which are happy to pay a middleman $50 for a “lead” on a patient who might generate $40,000 or more in insurance claims in a matter of months. That is why television ads offering help to addicts air constantly nationwide. (Segal, 12/27)

-The PROP anti-opioid extremist quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny MD, That now works at the CDC who profits from “Drug Addiction” & wrote the opioid guidelines & reclassifying all opioids to insane levels…has never been board certified to treat pain patients or pain management.

PS…keep in mind a dual diagnosis of addiction and some psych condition is necessary to be admitted to rehab & paid by insurance…easier for court ordered commitment…37 states made it easier to commit you against your will.

- The illegal heroin and fentanyl is brought in from China, Mexican Drug Cartels and M-13 gangs guns for drugs fast n furious Obama Administration and their open borders for votes.

-Purdue, Drug makers of of OxyContin, down-played OxyContin’s addictive potential, That it was 2x as strong as morphine and targeted primary care doctors.

End the insanity, end the Opioid scam for profits. RX prescribed opioid deaths were significantly over inflated for years! Politicians & Lobbyists are just as guilty & evil perpetuating the misery as those who had a hand in creating it.

Mar 22, 2018 - CDC Researchers State Overdose Death Rates From Prescriptions … They called the prescription opioid overdose rate “significantly inflated.”.


CDC Opioid Overdose Death Rates Over-Reported by Half. April 5, 2018.


Prohibition never works!

Politicians Practicing Medicine Without A License For Profit!




dabd44  No.5864164

File: 73bf002754ad089⋯.png (963.24 KB, 1080x923, 1080:923, clean house.png)

f5c795  No.5864520

File: 2725fcf720a1b5f⋯.jpeg (130.01 KB, 1000x619, 1000:619, E26AACBC-AEA2-4963-800B-E….jpeg)

File: ae9e96dfa73c002⋯.jpeg (114.63 KB, 800x916, 200:229, 5BF8E870-2AB4-4831-B6AB-0….jpeg)

2f2d86  No.5864829

File: 3a5a1586f0a0fe6⋯.png (711.54 KB, 814x1029, 814:1029, Robert Muellers Days Off.png)

He's gonna have a lot of these, starting Monday morning.

d3cc2e  No.5864942

File: 5dcd0191ef3a3d0⋯.jpg (279.46 KB, 1993x1316, 1993:1316, _20190324_135320.JPG)

File: eb0a370c252187d⋯.jpg (172.64 KB, 1864x1369, 1864:1369, _20190324_135400.JPG)

File: 5557eb83f8d2522⋯.jpg (169.55 KB, 1440x1496, 180:187, _20190324_135336.JPG)

File: 15c206346cf7e2c⋯.jpg (264.64 KB, 1823x1043, 1823:1043, _20190324_135417.JPG)

b74a37  No.5864959

File: 7d526b22fe345cc⋯.jpg (100.3 KB, 1440x1078, 720:539, out_1553449318872.jpg)

File: 88c3bcbe65b8394⋯.jpg (94.84 KB, 1440x1078, 720:539, out_1553449153468.jpg)

b74a37  No.5864969

File: a1ee4a084cc512c⋯.jpg (93.86 KB, 1440x1078, 720:539, out_1553449961800.jpg)

File: bad6e747ccd3220⋯.jpg (125.78 KB, 1440x1078, 720:539, out_1553449754142.jpg)

b74a37  No.5864978

File: 22431be5fd4d6e9⋯.jpg (98 KB, 1440x1078, 720:539, out_1553450119013.jpg)

File: eed754c872d9da1⋯.jpg (93.57 KB, 1440x1078, 720:539, out_1553450000663.jpg)

b74a37  No.5865006

File: 5e563a0ee1f6432⋯.jpg (585.78 KB, 1440x1078, 720:539, out_1553449318872.jpg)

8faa18  No.5865300

File: e0a043384d10935⋯.png (454.2 KB, 810x515, 162:103, ClipboardImage.png)

8faa18  No.5865403

File: 00c617e7a30a293⋯.png (488.22 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

b74a37  No.5865431

File: 531308b0a0ee5c4⋯.jpg (99.4 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, out_1553452010627.jpg)

b91f1d  No.5865516

File: 879b3af9f971e54⋯.png (322.92 KB, 562x316, 281:158, calm3.png)

Here you go

7087bb  No.5865533

File: 7e560d76f2ebdda⋯.jpg (454.94 KB, 640x980, 32:49, DJT_MyTurn_002.jpg)

2aed1f  No.5865647

File: 63fd2aa8a893769⋯.jpg (202 KB, 1904x1067, 1904:1067, _20190324_143451.JPG)

File: fe8ad7344547328⋯.jpg (195.52 KB, 1895x1082, 1895:1082, _20190324_143435.JPG)

File: f34fb3d5c5bfd69⋯.jpg (152.04 KB, 2225x1060, 445:212, _20190323_194538.JPG)

File: 2b9f7675f5628d4⋯.jpg (140.44 KB, 1768x1252, 442:313, IMG_20190324_144519.jpg)

1d1a2e  No.5865734

File: f2c69e0628cec51⋯.jpg (150.04 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, schitt-little-adam.jpg)

File: 9b87a0c7f9215bb⋯.jpg (351.26 KB, 1524x976, 381:244, nixxon-bohemian-grove-fagg….jpg)

File: 83cc62d08a55624⋯.jpg (94.79 KB, 620x600, 31:30, stop-human-trafficking.jpg)

File: 75b71dc09923ee5⋯.jpg (130.52 KB, 1333x667, 1333:667, epsteinplane2.jpg)

970c33  No.5866553

File: 8af483eb1ebe5c5⋯.jpeg (966.55 KB, 1112x1079, 1112:1079, 7C829ED2-FF00-4CDD-B098-7….jpeg)

File: 072f96715b8aadb⋯.jpeg (207.79 KB, 640x694, 320:347, D0C1FBD6-0D8B-4ED8-8F89-2….jpeg)

File: d554bf412c71feb⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1123x2318, 1123:2318, 23538595-F272-4BEC-BEE7-4….jpeg)

File: 9a8bc6eb55d9da6⋯.jpeg (299.55 KB, 1123x1678, 1123:1678, 87968A87-62F2-46C2-AE0D-4….jpeg)

File: 4fc03a7b442a9ae⋯.jpeg (181.08 KB, 826x1080, 413:540, 984A1486-FFB7-4528-81CB-6….jpeg)

970c33  No.5866629

File: 1ac23f3574a62e4⋯.jpeg (458.14 KB, 964x640, 241:160, 9A27ADE8-2972-4848-A612-9….jpeg)

File: 2eea17195d09149⋯.jpeg (85.16 KB, 467x636, 467:636, 420323DB-890F-410B-9442-0….jpeg)

File: b24aff15824441e⋯.jpeg (559.77 KB, 975x662, 975:662, C03690D1-73FC-4A2B-9ED7-3….jpeg)

File: 89f54a5b171ce6f⋯.jpeg (600.65 KB, 640x977, 640:977, 93F63261-FC4E-457F-966A-A….jpeg)

970c33  No.5866643

File: 5809864ebd4dc35⋯.jpeg (761.73 KB, 736x1308, 184:327, 553BAF96-007A-454C-9EF9-0….jpeg)

File: a7ff4fd2446d6ac⋯.jpeg (449.33 KB, 640x784, 40:49, 84256FCB-0C2D-4AD2-AA41-C….jpeg)

File: 96e7884a6faf0c9⋯.jpeg (507.4 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 68DE599C-CE60-46A7-A38A-6….jpeg)

File: 528f35c32a9b8b2⋯.jpeg (240.17 KB, 511x694, 511:694, 61B79C5D-42A5-46D9-A682-A….jpeg)

970c33  No.5866676

File: 4b16a3764fbc9c3⋯.jpeg (210.66 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 04F8E2AF-72FA-4C25-A50C-0….jpeg)

File: 5b4b32e28816518⋯.jpeg (201.45 KB, 640x794, 320:397, C795D3B6-1F84-497C-BAF7-B….jpeg)

File: 64111ace2d984fa⋯.jpeg (510.7 KB, 640x976, 40:61, 360C5592-5CAF-44CB-8C7F-7….jpeg)

File: 793054a91088800⋯.jpeg (331.67 KB, 600x1122, 100:187, 3CE240C4-0C95-4596-A04A-F….jpeg)

File: 8dc53feb299b887⋯.jpeg (333.01 KB, 500x868, 125:217, F6ED51F9-9F0D-4427-9369-C….jpeg)

970c33  No.5866732

File: 8f6c37fe440d639⋯.jpeg (224.73 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 84BE294A-B2BF-4525-BA08-1….jpeg)

File: af623c99558f537⋯.jpeg (197.46 KB, 558x798, 93:133, 17F32F31-A4DD-4A90-8B31-1….jpeg)

File: f632fd4a96fd0c9⋯.jpeg (182.29 KB, 640x694, 320:347, F9F19C56-C4E8-4C91-9B9C-F….jpeg)

File: 7623e086145458d⋯.jpeg (227.07 KB, 736x1099, 736:1099, B65F6ED3-0842-4D36-9BE7-2….jpeg)

File: 5866fe47723b79c⋯.jpeg (66.16 KB, 640x571, 640:571, A605161C-8FBB-41F0-A08B-4….jpeg)

970c33  No.5866774

File: 76e49e3f34c6aaa⋯.jpeg (706.21 KB, 640x960, 2:3, B25C6761-7C4C-4BD3-A170-A….jpeg)

File: 13b1a73c7a1d9de⋯.jpeg (643.4 KB, 736x1308, 184:327, F9B2B812-6D2C-4ED2-AB3E-5….jpeg)

File: 6cf88cf49529758⋯.jpeg (86.15 KB, 529x694, 529:694, FB2A7D9C-D3A6-45D5-B7F8-7….jpeg)

File: 2cd2b362ac19433⋯.jpeg (240.38 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 625645A5-0A3F-4378-B6B7-5….jpeg)

d3cc2e  No.5867585

File: 90a947a980c5b03⋯.jpg (211.56 KB, 1940x1006, 970:503, _20190324_162028.JPG)

Hold them ALL accountable !

6426f4  No.5867884

File: 2ae66f26994bc68⋯.png (186.54 KB, 633x285, 211:95, Q .PNG)

970c33  No.5868048

File: b5fb873a547f093⋯.jpeg (754.81 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, AE96997E-8806-45F0-8A04-B….jpeg)

File: 6f81a2d1892a011⋯.jpeg (133.11 KB, 964x551, 964:551, FE465315-50FC-4759-9630-9….jpeg)

File: c088208bf3482fe⋯.jpeg (457.09 KB, 927x541, 927:541, 0087AF63-6050-4B8B-8C77-0….jpeg)

File: 5fd227e596cdc09⋯.jpeg (381.14 KB, 552x828, 2:3, 399A4CD3-7F97-467D-B529-C….jpeg)

File: c12c990b40800ce⋯.jpeg (85.27 KB, 480x606, 80:101, AEFC77AF-389A-4530-8A82-E….jpeg)

f5c795  No.5868354

File: 987d728a89ffbb9⋯.jpeg (77.16 KB, 506x478, 253:239, 5C7676C4-7682-4175-B4C8-2….jpeg)

d90f47  No.5868431

File: e5ae2a9d6e6060c⋯.jpg (176.04 KB, 2017x1428, 2017:1428, _20190324_165903.JPG)

File: 135f6244f7d8ece⋯.jpg (197.57 KB, 1819x1020, 107:60, _20190324_112412.JPG)

Snowflakes melting

Heads exploding

Is a good day


f5c795  No.5868568

File: 83e47c6d5d7e192⋯.jpeg (371.45 KB, 1645x1463, 235:209, E191EEA0-58B6-433C-8C9D-E….jpeg)

f7d8e0  No.5868682

File: cfecf94a3535065⋯.jpeg (591.03 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1A061897-F3AB-4B5F-8905-C….jpeg)

8faa18  No.5868688

File: 5229c5fa5623db1⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1334x1334, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

8c8e13  No.5869583

File: 3b309fa384135fc⋯.png (3.72 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_9036.PNG)

File: c15f9e6089889ff⋯.jpg (357.51 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_9108.JPG)

fd4082  No.5869599

File: 5bea1e714d19b4a⋯.jpg (42.92 KB, 497x503, 497:503, comey.jpg)

970c33  No.5870437

File: 1c64457776ee885⋯.jpeg (654.07 KB, 742x1392, 371:696, 6C29FD00-C7BB-4C62-B1A2-2….jpeg)

e4c7e3  No.5870476

File: 6ba63bc9f767909⋯.jpg (724.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Justice.jpg)

b21b64  No.5870874

File: 6766776a6d3e442⋯.png (175.97 KB, 676x600, 169:150, nancy.png)

66c9ba  No.5871148

File: 91a1c337fbc0a64⋯.jpg (206.37 KB, 1884x1016, 471:254, _20190324_191925.JPG)

Has POTUS ever made a statement that was not true?

f7d8e0  No.5871776

File: 65b263ad1b8d477⋯.jpeg (563.68 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, E62D396A-414D-4037-9ABF-7….jpeg)

68db23  No.5871833


And Potus is giving the land of others illegaly to Israel. Golan is Syrian.

c910e1  No.5872399

File: efaa6b9727cad70⋯.jpg (139.09 KB, 566x1001, 566:1001, comey-grove.jpg)

ffe419  No.5872434

File: 2cea1167aeb4dec⋯.jpg (152.94 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 1.jpg)

File: d1604b60c005cb7⋯.jpg (50.2 KB, 499x501, 499:501, checked1.jpg)

File: 5d97a454152b6dc⋯.png (223.87 KB, 559x393, 559:393, checked2.png)

File: fa2c7ed895200c7⋯.jpg (171.95 KB, 1200x1003, 1200:1003, FISA-Declas.jpg)

File: 31dbebf6a256f7e⋯.jpg (17.37 KB, 170x255, 2:3, flynn punisher.jpg)

ffe419  No.5872455

File: b03abf31108f3ed⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 800x576, 25:18, HotKitchen.jpg)

File: f9f7cf23c4e5c3b⋯.jpg (278.71 KB, 636x866, 318:433, JamesComeyQuestionsNoose.jpg)

File: dc1d93201f53cb4⋯.jpeg (679.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, JusticeHammerTime.jpeg)

File: f2d755968c88faa⋯.jpg (95.54 KB, 942x595, 942:595, kamalaWillieezGurl.jpg)

ffe419  No.5872461

File: 6357ea785e950af⋯.jpg (73.09 KB, 673x750, 673:750, KatO'Q.jpg)

File: ffda53fdaf16c4b⋯.jpg (72.35 KB, 609x267, 203:89, MayIslam3.jpg)

File: 94e8eab7aa73d36⋯.jpg (113.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, MayTraitor1.jpg)

File: 852785b1031a9e2⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 707x515, 707:515, MayTraitor2.jpg)

ffe419  No.5872469

File: e61f2361c83cf1f⋯.jpg (210.26 KB, 1020x571, 1020:571, MuellerDirtyCop.jpg)

File: 8b9e44780aed16c⋯.jpg (74.01 KB, 628x493, 628:493, MuellerFail.jpg)

File: ab4f01c28c7cb82⋯.jpg (61.6 KB, 490x330, 49:33, Mueller:NoCollusion.jpg)

File: 6bf2ee994a3c3c1⋯.jpg (106.24 KB, 700x400, 7:4, MuellerReport:SAFE!!!.jpg)

ffe419  No.5872473

File: 2532585b140c195⋯.jpg (52.45 KB, 490x326, 245:163, Muellertime.jpg)

File: 4621989b247fd31⋯.jpg (53.19 KB, 386x462, 193:231, MuhPatchCollusionTrumpHatr….jpg)

File: c50f6ac6c835a72⋯.jpg (161.77 KB, 1125x1098, 125:122, NZTerrorismGuns.jpg)

File: 875a231c8da536b⋯.jpg (103.66 KB, 587x480, 587:480, pelosi-nadler-tear-up-coun….jpg)

ffe419  No.5872482

File: 38bf969d2639ff8⋯.jpg (280.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PopcornShortage.jpg)

File: bb2858b79736b93⋯.jpg (276.5 KB, 1000x669, 1000:669, QCrumbsJusticeEdOCallaghan.jpg)

File: 7fd0ef000b3c72d⋯.jpg (125.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, QMarchMadness.jpg)

File: b0e89a4a58a118e⋯.jpg (104.32 KB, 445x576, 445:576, qnn3Kamala.jpg)

File: a4e1d75f32360c5⋯.jpg (301.84 KB, 1201x901, 1201:901, QNN:JusticeComing.jpg)

ffe419  No.5872489

File: b9876f91cbce3ba⋯.jpg (273.08 KB, 1201x901, 1201:901, QNN:MuellerEpicFail.jpg)

File: 05a99ab13517ed4⋯.jpg (210.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, QNN-MuellerFun.jpg)

File: 018dee047939f19⋯.jpg (229.31 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN NO COLLUSION.JPG)

File: fab38d5717b2469⋯.jpg (196.61 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN POTUS.JPG)

File: 4b3e0b63c05f4f9⋯.jpg (238.98 KB, 1201x901, 1201:901, QNNStudio3.jpg)

ffe419  No.5872497

File: 5393eb157f2cccc⋯.jpg (277 KB, 1486x957, 1486:957, QNN:TrumpCalledSafe.jpg)

File: ddccd2369641835⋯.jpg (212.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, QNN:TrumpExonerated.jpg)

File: 3bc1e8340b108a3⋯.jpg (188.28 KB, 917x659, 917:659, SchiffMuhRedLine.jpg)

File: dab2e56b1370689⋯.jpg (116.6 KB, 750x437, 750:437, the_storm.jpg)

File: ddca79be48ac433⋯.jpg (100.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Trump:ChooseGreatness.JPG)

f7d8e0  No.5872624

File: e4dcbb89919521c⋯.jpeg (721.44 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 90A9FF7B-C607-455B-8D50-7….jpeg)

696ad9  No.5873026

File: f49b585c87e52a2⋯.jpg (98.83 KB, 407x622, 407:622, vaccinesRus (2).jpg)


i like how they played like they were all smart or sumptin but trump really be magakagfag

1d1a2e  No.5873059

File: e27ea09b0fd6096⋯.jpg (122.33 KB, 854x569, 854:569, hill-devil.jpg)

File: 251e987660806fb⋯.jpg (148.1 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, trump-greenwood.jpg)

File: 578389579badea0⋯.jpg (192.14 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, hillary-baby-heart.jpg)

File: f2c69e0628cec51⋯.jpg (150.04 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, schitt-little-adam.jpg)

1d1a2e  No.5873069

File: 9b87a0c7f9215bb⋯.jpg (351.26 KB, 1524x976, 381:244, nixxon-bohemian-grove-fagg….jpg)

File: 83cc62d08a55624⋯.jpg (94.79 KB, 620x600, 31:30, stop-human-trafficking.jpg)

File: 75b71dc09923ee5⋯.jpg (130.52 KB, 1333x667, 1333:667, epsteinplane2.jpg)

1d1a2e  No.5873114

File: ca7cc5e6e4941a3⋯.jpg (197.7 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, baby-hearts.jpg)

File: 4aacd98777a63c1⋯.jpg (124.9 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, q-battle-prayer.jpg)

File: 5c3436cbba45d34⋯.jpg (122.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nothing-burger-bob.jpg)

2582cd  No.5873297

File: d90cbcfd7ccc7f3⋯.jpg (24.64 KB, 400x228, 100:57, Vintage-1986-Original-CLUE….jpg)

File: 8e7e33a53d60645⋯.jpg (176.65 KB, 792x752, 99:94, 76a24fda5952a89008dcb15ae7….jpg)

File: a4c779e49ed0406⋯.jpg (46.69 KB, 315x445, 63:89, 913DShsadYL._SY445_.jpg)

File: 05c9ed326be9d7b⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 300x168, 25:14, hangman.jpg)

File: 5203d63ab25b30d⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 460x276, 5:3, people-sleeping-in-theatr-….jpg)

Obama has referred to politics as a “GAME”.

Q makes references to “Enjoy The Show” & “You Are Watching A Movie”…

Ironic in both, the “PLAYERS” in a Game and the “Actors” in a Show or Movie, never actually die, never actually go to prison or in the game “Hangman” never actually hang. Will we ever see any of the political traitors go to prison or executed for treason?

This is especially ironic…Under the DEA's “Asset Forfeiture Laws”, a Physician prescribing opioids can have his assets seized (house, bank account, finances, files, office, etc ) in addition to be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him…before he's ever brought to trial,

…Leaving him no resources with which to defend himself. Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.

So why hasn't the DEA seized Rachel Chandler & accomplices' assets, photos, computers, finances, accounts, etc. Clearly there is enough plain view plausible evidence on the net of giving illegal drugs to minors, teens, children & infants. Or that she was at the Standard Hotel taking photos when possibly two illegal drug overdoses took place there with possible underage males. Besides all the other obvious child porn, pedophilia, child abuses, trafficking, possible crimes, etc. on her social media sites.

So why hasn't the DEA seized George Soros' and accomplices assets, homes, financial accounts, computers, etc. etc. since he is arranging the caravans of illegals crossing the USA border with illegal drugs, etc. in addition to other massive possible crimes?

231901  No.5873366

File: 2576e97f1412241⋯.jpeg (95.9 KB, 800x770, 80:77, EF120EB3-AA28-493B-A38C-4….jpeg)

ade063  No.5873618

File: 6d1f58595882692⋯.jpeg (107.87 KB, 747x500, 747:500, D040771D-1F64-4D11-81CC-5….jpeg)

File: 8980bcea364b944⋯.jpeg (88.31 KB, 653x499, 653:499, 7123B673-912E-48F2-8959-5….jpeg)

File: ca11709c35207e3⋯.jpeg (93.01 KB, 680x500, 34:25, A80D43ED-8714-4F8F-8BF7-5….jpeg)

File: 41c94a078bd2363⋯.jpeg (74.31 KB, 594x420, 99:70, 28B54B3A-A2D2-475A-8E6E-C….jpeg)

File: dfe6d21caacda6a⋯.jpeg (100.45 KB, 500x1012, 125:253, DBBB9638-AAEB-4DB9-9F6D-3….jpeg)

Sharing Pedowood memes to spread awarness regarding the crimes of Hollywood pedophiles.

1st: Memes relating to Operation Poltergeist. Part 1.

ade063  No.5873638

File: a0bc858241503d6⋯.jpeg (135.18 KB, 925x500, 37:20, A38C2E07-03BE-4387-B0C0-8….jpeg)

File: 8c4bfad0bfaacaa⋯.jpeg (106.38 KB, 663x500, 663:500, C4FB47F1-22A9-4918-8BC3-4….jpeg)

File: de8becfe19df188⋯.jpeg (65.94 KB, 765x326, 765:326, 678BEBB7-1C77-4589-B52A-E….jpeg)

File: e1ba7f980773053⋯.jpeg (102.39 KB, 750x484, 375:242, D6F688E2-55E6-4A87-8458-D….jpeg)


Part 2.

ade063  No.5873652

File: 7e7d74d097c7ac6⋯.jpeg (99.23 KB, 610x500, 61:50, CC887927-FD2B-4D18-9FD9-3….jpeg)

File: 9b6d749a97c646f⋯.jpeg (76.71 KB, 572x499, 572:499, A23B6A3E-CC06-437F-AAAA-C….jpeg)

File: 273f66e1c4c8a30⋯.jpeg (131.75 KB, 1043x500, 1043:500, 43024C09-DBE8-4780-8710-E….jpeg)

File: 36c61d0fa17dbba⋯.jpeg (89.82 KB, 725x499, 725:499, E807B681-D318-472F-B14F-E….jpeg)

File: 6ebd611f0b3555a⋯.jpeg (122.18 KB, 732x500, 183:125, 0F57DD82-D3F8-4138-A2B9-9….jpeg)


Now the Operation Yepyepyep memes.

ade063  No.5873669

File: caf72dd821a56a4⋯.jpeg (143.24 KB, 500x786, 250:393, 7A386B73-EBBA-48E7-BFC8-0….jpeg)

File: c025da4fe3dbd0f⋯.jpeg (63.72 KB, 400x387, 400:387, 5A389BEE-6673-4D38-A50C-A….jpeg)

File: a4b8c33b26ef7c9⋯.jpeg (39.45 KB, 236x236, 1:1, BE7EFD2E-50E4-4AB3-880D-8….jpeg)

File: 4fea727c669931c⋯.jpeg (147.89 KB, 450x888, 75:148, C10B0E4A-D624-4133-B181-A….jpeg)

File: c155594de526946⋯.jpeg (108.25 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 848DF226-1FEF-463F-A86C-A….jpeg)


Part 2.

ade063  No.5873684

File: d48910b0d6171c5⋯.jpeg (74.91 KB, 805x302, 805:302, D670A402-F287-4839-BC5F-4….jpeg)

File: a0bc858241503d6⋯.jpeg (135.18 KB, 925x500, 37:20, 40095E75-3203-4DD2-B0BA-A….jpeg)

File: c2c2a7bf5108eab⋯.jpeg (99.94 KB, 500x619, 500:619, DFF62B3F-9958-44D1-A21B-8….jpeg)

File: bd91337e7033e67⋯.jpeg (78.17 KB, 511x499, 511:499, 88CF854A-60D1-4AB0-B10C-4….jpeg)

File: e8f96e91399d5d8⋯.jpeg (53.04 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 9F75DED6-BD5C-443C-A14F-6….jpeg)


Part 3, plus Q meme mocking MSM.

06a70a  No.5873751

File: 707c66721d7f44b⋯.jpg (738.44 KB, 1024x889, 1024:889, historic-achievements-vete….jpg)

File: 18de5d5c41f0592⋯.jpg (375.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, historic-achievements-vete….jpg)

06a70a  No.5873776

File: 33435eb90e23d2d⋯.jpg (297.53 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta-nz-2.jpg)

File: c0f7a013c4027ff⋯.jpg (252 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta-nz-3.jpg)

File: acc8200365d9699⋯.jpg (395.22 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta-nz.jpg)

06a70a  No.5873794

File: 25cbdd210bf4aea⋯.jpg (250.75 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta-satan.jpg)

File: 029848a6e1f29c1⋯.jpg (274.06 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta-satan-2.jpg)

File: 888727484832dbb⋯.jpg (248.65 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta-pedophile.jpg)

06a70a  No.5874014

File: 63b85f941e0af58⋯.jpg (302.24 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta-satan-3.jpg)

cca7fb  No.5874136

File: 9f0a6379058d0ec⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 512x384, 4:3, Democrat Pack.jpg)

4e9e54  No.5874247

File: e56755c8074e59b⋯.jpg (53.12 KB, 686x960, 343:480, 55564165_10216624702803383….jpg)

File: 08f93693873bb08⋯.jpeg (24.4 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 15868ed06c168e29b667b7c20….jpeg)

File: 2a1224e90a1d11b⋯.jpg (47.22 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 53892516_1990475181081740_….jpg)

File: 97cba2d2d042ec8⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 247x369, 247:369, 6171776-8796081884-v69lH.jpg)

cca7fb  No.5874452

File: 99475c71eda1c62⋯.jpg (58.48 KB, 512x461, 512:461, Nadler Mueller Raw.jpg)

cca7fb  No.5874594

File: 568236119037b4f⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 512x523, 512:523, Laurel and Nadler.jpg)

f5c795  No.5874603

File: 9a1d2eb4b9b8326⋯.jpeg (395.22 KB, 2222x1398, 1111:699, 3EC335E8-59E3-480F-B072-C….jpeg)

b91f1d  No.5874905

File: 1b542be820f3b30⋯.png (3 MB, 2000x1125, 16:9, rain1.png)

Here's another.

ede226  No.5875473

File: e20cd15a17e31a5⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 11.111.jpg)

File: bea0da537c36206⋯.jpg (60.46 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 111.11.jpg)

File: 9f55b4660bfe380⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1111.11.jpg)

File: e14d0b3368fd46a⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 11111.11.jpg)

File: f51024f7af0cb32⋯.jpg (76.44 KB, 800x451, 800:451, 1.11.jpg)

We send "American Bad Ass" Pepe to ask for apologies for all the baseless lies and slander…

He does tend to be a bit redneck; like his human uncle…

ede226  No.5876481

File: 731b78e7d705e07⋯.jpg (83.14 KB, 700x508, 175:127, 2.11.jpg)

File: e127ba3528c3322⋯.jpg (88.34 KB, 700x378, 50:27, 22.11.jpg)

File: 39b2e4f17624368⋯.jpg (66.33 KB, 700x393, 700:393, 222.11.jpg)

File: b308e211a3d1381⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 700x394, 350:197, 2222.22.jpg)

File: ecf33999bdbcb16⋯.jpg (55.61 KB, 700x379, 700:379, 22222.11.jpg)

2582cd  No.5876507

File: a7342adee7a80bf⋯.jpg (199.99 KB, 816x528, 17:11, club fed's penthouse suite.JPG)

Mr. Anthony Weiner, served his first 15 months at “Club Fed” aka Federal Medical Center Devens in Ayer, Mass. He was supposed to serve a 21-month sentence, but was granted an early release.

“Club Fed” FMC Devens, which was a former military facility but specializes in prisoners with medical conditions and sex offenders, while being considered a relatively pleasant assignment as far as federal prisons go.

Raj Rajaratnam, the billionaire founder of Galleon Group, Major Clinton Donor was sentenced to 11 years for a $60 million insider trading scheme in 2009. Raj occupies the top floor, penthouse-suite cell, a private bathroom, his own in-room TV and a personal “man servant.


bb7638  No.5876529

File: 4ff944e7701cb76⋯.jpg (63.32 KB, 885x500, 177:100, CrazyHorses.jpg)

File: a1ff1ae773c9621⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 500x686, 250:343, FuturePresident.jpg)

File: 5d618ea35b8bde2⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Shut up Nad.jpg)

ede226  No.5876725

File: f50556b5a7db4f6⋯.jpg (84.93 KB, 700x394, 350:197, 1.jpg)

File: 74be95ab40df1e0⋯.jpg (75.95 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, 1.jpg)

File: 165f9f3b1a2c111⋯.jpg (133.95 KB, 812x756, 29:27, 1.jpg)

File: 52c6af18e3ad010⋯.jpg (128.06 KB, 1003x636, 1003:636, 11.jpg)

File: caa26765f10a256⋯.jpg (97.19 KB, 551x549, 551:549, 2.jpg)

ede226  No.5876758

File: 57bc535f84039c6⋯.jpg (135.28 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 1.jpg)

File: d4be76f60e81f93⋯.jpg (121.63 KB, 1000x679, 1000:679, 1.jpg)

File: c443cf69b115832⋯.jpg (69.34 KB, 750x420, 25:14, 11.jpg)

File: 489fe9b75f1cd7a⋯.jpg (111.11 KB, 462x644, 33:46, 1.jpg)

File: ff596e37b659839⋯.jpg (194.46 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 1.jpg)

ee44b4  No.5876931

File: 0d443cba4e35219⋯.png (804.24 KB, 1027x998, 1027:998, pepemilk.png)

File: f8b54039ed854bc⋯.png (1.34 MB, 906x900, 151:150, jcwoods2rope.png)

File: ad9043cc8ca7c12⋯.png (218.97 KB, 1000x811, 1000:811, pepesun.png)

File: e62957754273af5⋯.png (1.14 MB, 906x900, 151:150, jcwoods2.png)

6870df  No.5876935

File: db0513bf8fb6201⋯.jpg (854.1 KB, 1248x1667, 1248:1667, WWG1WGA-CourageSkills.jpg)

Takedown complete. Buildup underway.

575d78  No.5876953

File: d46ba18a80e45f7⋯.jpg (54.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, itron dump.jpg)

File: 0fad99e28d8be04⋯.jpg (110.45 KB, 849x500, 849:500, chesapeake energy dump.jpg)

File: bfabecdf2f5fb40⋯.jpg (91.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, McCormick dump.jpg)


575d78  No.5876991

File: 33eefca05411b1e⋯.jpg (14.87 KB, 255x191, 255:191, JPM.jpg)

File: 2a51b90d41565a7⋯.jpg (14.8 KB, 191x255, 191:255, jamie dimon dickhead.jpg)

File: 98e0ecddbb131a7⋯.jpg (88.7 KB, 750x500, 3:2, jd muh dick.jpg)

File: c1001f964a08dd4⋯.jpg (7.48 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Jerome Powell 2.jpg)

File: 601cef6c2debbac⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 255x248, 255:248, end the fed octopus.jpg)

e5912a  No.5877183

File: f39b5e3e93206fe⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1300x1733, 1300:1733, DC RATatouille.jpg)

e5912a  No.5877188

File: 38191c250ab23f6⋯.jpg (162.13 KB, 530x681, 530:681, time-so many questions.jpg)

133252  No.5877598

File: 29908ae2820b075⋯.jpg (155.01 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, 666PEDOMAFIA.jpg)

c9857b  No.5877991

File: 5b6ea1aa618df38⋯.jpeg (311.91 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, Kiddos’_20190324_Real_Col….jpeg)

File: f0b92b687502c0c⋯.jpeg (267.13 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, Kiddos’_20190324_Real_Col….jpeg)

File: ec4df60df4b51c3⋯.pdf (2.28 MB, Kiddos’_20190324_Real_Coll….pdf)

File: 9d43702b3c1e417⋯.jpeg (315.78 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, KiZ_20190324_Echte_Russen….jpeg)

File: e29f6f3f6ad1229⋯.jpeg (270.98 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, KiZ_20190324_Echte_Russen….jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Real Colluders Edition

bb7638  No.5878224

File: 7d835c398f586b6⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 750x422, 375:211, Boff.jpg)

ccf9ba  No.5878484

File: c96c0ea010c82b7⋯.jpg (104.15 KB, 1050x583, 1050:583, clintoncreature.jpg)

3e040d  No.5878759

File: 331be6bdfc359ed⋯.jpg (752 KB, 1807x797, 1807:797, Trump.jpg)

2582cd  No.5878760


Excellent! Wonderful,exceptional job! And added to my repertoire of memes :)

2582cd  No.5878928

File: a5f5e4d4ac3cd8e⋯.jpg (172.97 KB, 816x528, 17:11, watching a movie wake me u….JPG)


b74a37  No.5879087

File: 9bc59342daf5f3f⋯.jpg (89.39 KB, 1440x906, 240:151, out_1553509410722.jpg)

c55b67  No.5879250

File: e16aa7365ea4eac⋯.jpeg (298.14 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, Kiddos’_20190325_Next_Tur….jpeg)

File: 37673150e59df0a⋯.jpeg (317.66 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, Kiddos’_20190325_Next_Tur….jpeg)

File: ff95b61b741fd08⋯.pdf (2.38 MB, Kiddos’_20190325_Next_Turn.pdf)

File: 3480ef2d318a24d⋯.jpeg (298.29 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, KiZ_20190325_Nächste_Run….jpeg)

File: 3a2ff71094bef1e⋯.jpeg (317.92 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, KiZ_20190325_Nächste_Run….jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Next Turn Edition

2582cd  No.5879296

File: 9b210d28e361ce4⋯.jpg (85.43 KB, 528x408, 22:17, triumphant day pres alert.JPG)

File: a86e0733bf3da6d⋯.jpg (230.8 KB, 576x384, 3:2, trump is triumphant cleare….JPG)

2582cd  No.5879306

File: 9b210d28e361ce4⋯.jpg (85.43 KB, 528x408, 22:17, triumphant day pres alert.JPG)

File: 863b214f37546c9⋯.jpg (231.34 KB, 576x384, 3:2, keep.JPG)

2582cd  No.5879326

File: 9b210d28e361ce4⋯.jpg (85.43 KB, 528x408, 22:17, triumphant day pres alert.JPG)

File: e3d5b50655c1766⋯.jpg (233.16 KB, 576x384, 3:2, fini fini fini.JPG)

2582cd  No.5879765

File: a5f5e4d4ac3cd8e⋯.jpg (172.97 KB, 816x528, 17:11, watching a movie wake me u….JPG)

File: bd147981b6dbcc6⋯.jpg (224.25 KB, 816x528, 17:11, as politicians.JPG)

File: b4ccda57f63158c⋯.jpg (228.61 KB, 816x528, 17:11, I trust vaccines as much a….JPG)

File: 4a498d04a304032⋯.jpg (228.77 KB, 816x528, 17:11, as much as democrat politi….JPG)

cca7fb  No.5880225

File: f3b188666e2a83f⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 512x440, 64:55, Nasler Fishing.jpg)

82bfeb  No.5880409

File: 46fecf34b33e88e⋯.jpg (300.4 KB, 815x834, 815:834, ComeyWonderGallows.jpg)

File: ae5fed193e5cd0f⋯.jpg (77.89 KB, 634x500, 317:250, TwitterPedosAbortion.jpg)

File: 2c6dec3f65dec5f⋯.jpg (198.39 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, YatesHaveItAll2.jpg)

82bfeb  No.5880418

File: 00e174f0a09f4da⋯.jpg (90.27 KB, 911x500, 911:500, FacebookFuckYou.jpg)

File: 302133c8d1ad805⋯.jpg (91.5 KB, 911x500, 911:500, FacebookGroupThink.jpg)

File: 06ae435c39ab5d3⋯.jpg (100.44 KB, 911x500, 911:500, FacebookGroupThink2.jpg)

File: 2b05182eec37ccb⋯.jpeg (118.4 KB, 500x848, 125:212, FISAbringsdownHouse.jpeg)

File: 112b8938a959a68⋯.jpg (77.45 KB, 700x400, 7:4, FlynnPissed.jpg)

82bfeb  No.5880432

File: 3a955311868a7a6⋯.jpg (573.83 KB, 3500x2378, 1750:1189, HaveItAllYates.jpg)

File: 9f55b4660bfe380⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 800x450, 16:9, LemonApologyBitch.jpg)

File: e90b169426fe7fc⋯.jpg (234.82 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, LightsOn.jpg)

File: bea0da537c36206⋯.jpg (60.46 KB, 800x450, 16:9, LiuApologyBitch.jpg)

File: dd1d314eadb9525⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Lord is My Shepherd Q.jpg)

82bfeb  No.5880435

File: 40274f8caa359c0⋯.jpg (86.12 KB, 541x640, 541:640, MaddowCryNoTreason.jpg)

File: f51024f7af0cb32⋯.jpg (76.44 KB, 800x451, 800:451, MaxineApologyBitch.jpg)

File: 8747e5390fdfae9⋯.jpg (99.01 KB, 942x939, 314:313, npcORANGEMANNOTBAD.jpg)

File: b53428274fd89e2⋯.jpg (51.56 KB, 500x553, 500:553, OrangeManGood.jpg)

File: e14d0b3368fd46a⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 800x450, 16:9, PelosiApologyBitch.jpg)

82bfeb  No.5880439

File: 71bd9553c765abb⋯.jpg (200.04 KB, 1004x946, 502:473, QNN:Baker.jpg)

File: e20cd15a17e31a5⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 800x450, 16:9, SchiffApologyBitch.jpg)

File: e2124ee78b540e4⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 744x698, 372:349, Schiffstandardhotel.jpg)

File: 7f26fc144ebdb18⋯.jpeg (143.39 KB, 1017x597, 339:199, Schiffwhat happenedStanda….jpeg)

File: d337dddbd241dcc⋯.jpg (475.65 KB, 1966x610, 983:305, splinterCIA-JFK--Trump.jpg)

82bfeb  No.5880441

File: 71bd9553c765abb⋯.jpg (200.04 KB, 1004x946, 502:473, QNN:Baker.jpg)

File: e20cd15a17e31a5⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 800x450, 16:9, SchiffApologyBitch.jpg)

File: e2124ee78b540e4⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 744x698, 372:349, Schiffstandardhotel.jpg)

File: 7f26fc144ebdb18⋯.jpeg (143.39 KB, 1017x597, 339:199, Schiffwhat happenedStanda….jpeg)

File: d337dddbd241dcc⋯.jpg (475.65 KB, 1966x610, 983:305, splinterCIA-JFK--Trump.jpg)

f1e22e  No.5880660

File: 7d6c8efd0fdfc56⋯.jpg (401.82 KB, 2012x2872, 503:718, q copy.jpg)

1655a6  No.5880695

File: 854147169f1aafa⋯.jpg (219.49 KB, 1440x516, 120:43, Look of socialism.jpg)

269dc6  No.5880728

File: 3bdf1b88df439be⋯.jpg (155.45 KB, 899x450, 899:450, 5EYES3.jpg)

File: 8b340b8b5555c39⋯.jpg (157.51 KB, 899x450, 899:450, PowerToThePeople.jpg)

File: 1ae85e538c96620⋯.jpg (173.44 KB, 899x450, 899:450, Subpoena2.jpg)

Please share and enjoy.

269dc6  No.5881198

File: 5c6af975886f18c⋯.jpg (147.34 KB, 899x450, 899:450, MemeWars.jpg)

d1121e  No.5881200

File: 4a3acdc2e518b94⋯.jpg (342.3 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ALINSKY4.jpg)

File: db6abf57e8a2e15⋯.jpg (256.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DEMMAD1.jpg)

File: 393d6252ef8f2d4⋯.jpg (370.62 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DEMMAD2.jpg)

File: 5f423b1bc00d600⋯.jpg (400.89 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DEMMAD3.jpg)

File: c8ea7229b232e42⋯.jpg (377.56 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DEMMAD4.jpg)

d1121e  No.5881229

File: cc4c0511205e5c1⋯.jpg (404.56 KB, 750x615, 50:41, MUELLER22.jpg)

File: 53c01c184ca543c⋯.jpg (425.55 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MUELLER23.jpg)

File: 1eb0720bedb4ecd⋯.jpg (410.43 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MUELLER24.jpg)

File: 6e37deef44e87af⋯.jpg (155.61 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MUELLER25.jpg)

d1121e  No.5881285

File: 13d09cf066fb18a⋯.jpg (422.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WAKEUP15.jpg)

File: 58e2476adc901c6⋯.jpg (422.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WAKEUP16A.jpg)

84be7f  No.5881487

File: 1bf66047da87f73⋯.jpg (50.01 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Q FISA DECLAS MOAB.jpg)

ISAIAH 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

Q'd: Incoming… 🚀 FISA DECLAS MOAB!🔥

84be7f  No.5881876

File: af09ac4a364fe7c⋯.jpg (127.92 KB, 1611x499, 1611:499, DANIEL 2 STONE.jpg)

ONE STONE > Statue of NWO Globalism?

84be7f  No.5882245

File: d4540c359c07e2b⋯.jpeg (133.19 KB, 500x625, 4:5, They fAll.jpeg)

Oh, now I get it! FIB Director of Comedy?

Not going down Alone… #ClubGITMO🌴

bb7638  No.5882263

File: 5104c882520f41b⋯.png (372.33 KB, 620x437, 620:437, ElBeto.png)

82bfeb  No.5882363

File: 8cac7503a0b66af⋯.jpeg (56.45 KB, 559x537, 559:537, BernieShithole.jpeg)

File: 87d6c5de75c09d9⋯.jpg (110.64 KB, 800x573, 800:573, Graham:RuleOfLaw.jpg)

File: 59995a1f9d0dad5⋯.jpg (105.47 KB, 1003x636, 1003:636, Pepesave.jpg)

82bfeb  No.5882368

File: 45fb0de454e6eb7⋯.jpg (167.48 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, MuellerNoCollusionHahahaha.jpg)

File: 12249ebc2197cc2⋯.jpg (404.75 KB, 2047x874, 89:38, MuellerNothingburgerHahaha….jpg)

File: 8e03298ffd3c473⋯.jpg (364.12 KB, 2047x874, 89:38, MuellerNothingburgerHahaha….jpg)

73e5d9  No.5882440

File: db8f464cddabdef⋯.png (73.73 KB, 485x564, 485:564, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cf31c5609f91b3⋯.png (206.57 KB, 536x777, 536:777, EM-WW.PNG)

File: 96a17fa9921d98b⋯.png (137.74 KB, 517x689, 517:689, gnomey.png)

bb7638  No.5882605

File: 12cf5fa87ae58d6⋯.png (283.38 KB, 856x400, 107:50, Snollygoster.png)

73e5d9  No.5882728

File: bef4ff5b377b60a⋯.jpg (168.15 KB, 786x481, 786:481, erase44.jpg)


7ed6fc  No.5882911

File: fa00f834fed1d84⋯.png (516.88 KB, 1291x645, 1291:645, no_collusion.png)

bf171c  No.5884300

File: f97942b160651e4⋯.jpg (349.45 KB, 1440x1972, 360:493, _20190325_141928.JPG)

File: b3fcb75fefbec4e⋯.jpg (121.48 KB, 1217x1410, 1217:1410, _20190325_141857.JPG)

File: 135f6244f7d8ece⋯.jpg (197.57 KB, 1819x1020, 107:60, _20190324_112412.JPG)

File: b63d3561203fc46⋯.jpg (214.13 KB, 1440x1788, 120:149, _20190324_203325.JPG)

2582cd  No.5884354

File: 08bb84d673952f7⋯.jpg (137.36 KB, 473x390, 473:390, 3ef542c6-3808-4377-829c-ba….jpg)

File: 648dc11d355d072⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Only you can help us Pres.….JPG)


Why the witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their Doctors?

Just Follow The Sickening Ads…

Why the war on chronic pain patients and their Doctors…Because it's now an investment opportunity! That's right Invest in rehab & rehab drugs

Buying Selling and Investing in Addiction Treatment Centers


We recommend that if you are interested in building 20 drug rehab centers, then buy … Rep is witnessing more buyers than sellers in the drug rehab industry.

Private Equity and Drug Rehab Investing: What to Know First


What Drug Rehab Investors Need to Know About Addiction Treatment Before Getting Into the Business. Rule #1: Every drug … The few that are highly profitable seem to be snapped up quickly. Rule #2: … Rule #5: The Addiction Treatment Industry is Experiencing Consolidation. There is a lot … Should I build or buy a rehab?

Investors Seek To Buy Opioid Treatment Facilities : Shots - Health …


Jun 10, 2016 - Opioid addiction treatment is a growth market, and private equity firms are buying up treatment centers and chains. But it's too soon to say how …

Google Blocks Predatory Drug Rehabs from Buying … - Inc.com


Sep 15, 2017 - The tech company is restricting ad sales to drug treatment centers … were buying up the majority of the ad words related to addiction and drug …

10 things rehab centers won't tell you - MarketWatch

https://www.marketwatch.com › Personal Finance › 10 things

May 21, 2014 - Drug and alcohol rehabs are a big business in the U.S., but they are not all created equal. … that's already enough to support a sizable industry, with more than 14,500 facilities for drug addiction alone, … methods and that often employs a workforce that's less than up to the job. … Nvidia Is Buying Mellanox.

Overview | Drug Rehab Injury | Wilkes & McHugh


On the heels of this epidemic, a new industry has emerged – one designed to … Poorly run, profit-focused drug treatment centers and unregulated sober homes are … to help wean addicts off harmful drugs, and follow-up monitoring and therapy. … in some states (like California) where it is possible to buy and implement an …

1d1a2e  No.5884444

File: c48db786df8d8d7⋯.jpg (441.49 KB, 1600x932, 400:233, comey-grove.jpg)

File: 097797e3e9d66ec⋯.jpg (930.25 KB, 2812x1422, 1406:711, comey.jpg)

84be7f  No.5884983

File: 54d09ef126c33bf⋯.jpg (71.1 KB, 666x500, 333:250, MAYday BREXIT-ime Q-3170.jpg)


2582cd  No.5885273

File: e3580b07c7817e0⋯.png (7.2 KB, 600x104, 75:13, big pharma and rehab cente….png)

File: 69d29322e20febb⋯.png (62.14 KB, 622x815, 622:815, addicted to big pharma and….png)

File: 104d5ae23c4b4e8⋯.png (64.39 KB, 600x858, 100:143, addicted to big pharma 2.png)

File: 5cda733c3c9045c⋯.jpg (338.54 KB, 816x528, 17:11, the politicians' Addiction….JPG)

File: c3419a188e5a6d0⋯.jpg (396.89 KB, 816x528, 17:11, fini.JPG)

President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.

Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.

Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.

-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,

-we did not vote for prohibition,

-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,

-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,

-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,

-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,

-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,

-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,

-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.

We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.

d24582  No.5885636

File: 25d476088194382⋯.jpg (151.69 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2wx35q.jpg)

yes ima lit fag

2582cd  No.5885932

File: e3580b07c7817e0⋯.png (7.2 KB, 600x104, 75:13, big pharma and rehab cente….png)

Perhaps nothing illustrates the ridiculous profit driven policies of government better than the rising number of pain sufferers who turn to street heroin because they can no longer get legal medication or commit suicide, to end the pain & political insanity.

f95841  No.5886022

File: 22bd167df4be87b⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1152x1152, 1:1, FULL SGT GITMOS TDS BAND.png)

Updated & Expanded

ac3401  No.5886297


Maybe you should consider starting a new thread devoted solely to your topic of opioids and the issues surrounding them. I think a lot of anons would appreciate that.

ac3401  No.5886411

File: 60ae8f5da4a310d⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 587x382, 587:382, AvenattiSoap-woods1.jpg)

File: c23075bba783cc3⋯.jpg (737.13 KB, 1200x1598, 600:799, suicideforest.jpg)

File: 2478acc29143d59⋯.jpg (711.73 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, Tribunals.jpg)

File: 644c7e4bda24183⋯.jpg (72.28 KB, 600x450, 4:3, YMFersBurn.jpg)


Dubbyquads witnessed!!-!!!!

ac3401  No.5886418

File: 84d47592422e4c6⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 1771x1179, 1771:1179, BarrBatterUp.jpg)

File: 4d7d818d1688d5c⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 343x407, 343:407, ClintonTreasonFoundation1.jpg)

File: 91296546e11b308⋯.jpg (15.44 KB, 343x407, 343:407, ClintonTreasonFoundation2.jpg)

File: a6c3039f0f72461⋯.jpg (22.97 KB, 255x219, 85:73, deathToTraitors.jpg)

File: fb9df6ef56f6704⋯.jpg (183.28 KB, 720x631, 720:631, GreatAwakening-.jpg)

ac3401  No.5886453

File: 1b9df447abf961b⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 1180x750, 118:75, Justice.jpg)

File: 9e6d37a6c5a1857⋯.jpg (5.9 MB, 3248x3820, 812:955, Justice17.jpg)

File: 6d84bc1144c01f0⋯.jpeg (449.29 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, MagicSword-.jpeg)

File: b5cd62583685f5f⋯.jpg (918.74 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, MarinesFlagFly.jpg)

File: 1b28d6dff3fd037⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 236x233, 236:233, MarinesHonorSword.jpg)

ac3401  No.5886545

File: 46ce354b6ab1f4d⋯.jpg (453.13 KB, 1200x1411, 1200:1411, Justice17.jpg)


We shrunk Q=17 Justice from 5.9 MB to 464 kb (one-tenth the original size) by using sensible parameters. Images to be used on social media will get shrunk to 1200 or 1600 pixels, no larger, when posted. So there's little point in making our OC 3248x3820. Also, .JPEG compression can be used without significant loss of fidelity. The 1/10th shrinkage was done with a 93% JPEG quality setting. Most people on most devices cannot tell the differences.

Anons who are storing these images and sharing them on social media may have memory and bandwidth limitations. Therefore, managing our file sizes is a matter of practicality in terms of getting our images more widely shared.

ac3401  No.5886578

File: c5478783707d01a⋯.jpg (75.78 KB, 186x437, 186:437, PepeJustice.jpg)

File: 301682726827ea0⋯.jpg (60.86 KB, 479x684, 479:684, PodestaKillMockingbird.jpg)

File: 810c158ae7c35fa⋯.jpg (95.69 KB, 820x524, 205:131, QCrumbsBlindJustice.jpg)

File: df943f46bbc57b3⋯.jpg (221.17 KB, 744x697, 744:697, RussiaHoax.jpg)

File: 73103553dc61e8e⋯.jpeg (91.81 KB, 392x350, 28:25, SpygateTreasonTribunalsEx….jpeg)

ac3401  No.5886855

File: b36868d49f294b6⋯.jpg (228.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, NoCollusion-.jpg)

>>5886022 Simply amazing.

I'm in awe.

550ca0  No.5888821

File: a3bec6e0981e835⋯.jpg (471.78 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, cityfolk.jpg)

Jack Palance & Schiffty

133252  No.5889594

File: d3191a9c2ed5d3e⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 3000x2348, 750:587, iu.jpeg)

File: 15467177bc80a2c⋯.jpeg (293.67 KB, 1500x1200, 5:4, iu-1.jpeg)

File: 677946040e130db⋯.jpeg (126.43 KB, 960x484, 240:121, iu-2.jpeg)

File: 57ef72ef4b8b349⋯.jpeg (134.41 KB, 634x630, 317:315, iu-3.jpeg)

2582cd  No.5889618

File: 16a60c7f7cafbb2⋯.png (351.73 KB, 522x397, 522:397, Take it our of their pay c….png)

The Democrats Owe The American Tax Payers $35 Million For Their Political Circus Stunt!

The Mueller investigation could cost up to $35 million once all the expense reports are in!

Not Exonerated, BS Liberal liars

2582cd  No.5889652

File: 3bdef9324828d39⋯.jpg (57.16 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Planned Implemented and Pe….JPG)

2582cd  No.5889771

File: e29de6050c7df7b⋯.jpg (337.68 KB, 816x528, 17:11, The Illegal Heroin & Fenta….JPG)

File: 1ce7b624582e838⋯.jpg (115.34 KB, 576x384, 3:2, finni.JPG)

File: 5cda733c3c9045c⋯.jpg (338.54 KB, 816x528, 17:11, the politicians' Addiction….JPG)

File: a50a60ca2670dbd⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Suicide drug testing 50% f….JPG)

File: 648dc11d355d072⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Only you can help us Pres.….JPG)


This is insane!

-Despite frequent robberies and burglaries of pharmacies, doctors' offices, and warehouses where prescription medications are stored and sold, the DEA has focused a troubling amount of time and resources on the prescriptions issued by practicing physicians. It's easy to see why. Doctors keep records. They pay taxes. They take notes. They're an easier target than common drug dealers. Doctors don't shoot back and Doctors also often aren't aware of asset forfeiture laws.

-A physician's considerable assets can be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him before he's ever brought to trial.

-Over the last several years, hundreds of physicians have been put on trial for charges ranging from health insurance fraud to drug distribution, even to manslaughter and murder for over-prescribing prescription narcotics. Many times, investigators seize a doctor's house, office, and bank account, leaving him no resources with which to defend himself.

-Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.

-Innocent Physicians just treating their patients' pain successfully, INSANE INJUSTICE!


250d19  No.5889915

File: b0eefbc94e04f3b⋯.jpg (178.58 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, Meme Creator_1553555626005.jpg)

2582cd  No.5889963

File: 648dc11d355d072⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Only you can help us Pres.….JPG)

File: 1d2315b26ce1ab7⋯.jpg (148.35 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Are You Angry Yet obama la….JPG)

File: 67794efe30cdde2⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 660x612, 55:51, percent-rise-in-donors.jpg)

File: 0904a4f8c17e834⋯.jpg (32.36 KB, 400x227, 400:227, Opioid_Flows_to_the_US_400….jpg)

File: 64548b82ce935fe⋯.png (127.01 KB, 403x326, 403:326, false negatives drug testi….png)


The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!

First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.

Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupus, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,

etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exacerbates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.

There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.

Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???

President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.

Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.

Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.

-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,

-we did not vote for prohibition,

-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,

-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,

-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,

-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,

-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,

-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,

-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.

We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.

PS…Another one of the many consequences of this insane witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their Doctors. Besides the rise of chronic pain patients committing suicide.

Physicians are leaving their practice because of this insanity and others in Pre-Med are switching their careers. Lack of future doctors.

Prohibition never works…even for big pharma profits, rehab center profits, drug testing profits, kick backs to politicians in forms of campaign contributions.

00ca1d  No.5890122

File: 095cb0420d6dea2⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1179x1771, 1179:1771, Sound Familiar.jpg)


They think they're smarter than you are.

64a502  No.5890467

File: ef980e70ba1f022⋯.jpg (553.67 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, Trump.Pelosi.Nadler.Houseo….jpg)

File: 04c345eeccaa51a⋯.jpg (622.96 KB, 2076x2521, 2076:2521, Huber.PAIN.jpg)

File: 1a1d8049ee210d8⋯.jpg (219.86 KB, 1210x1383, 1210:1383, 1000ftstare.Democrats.jpg)

File: d379f9a94c05eda⋯.jpg (196.33 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Nocollusion.jpg)

File: 6e230086cc6e213⋯.jpg (385.32 KB, 1660x1647, 1660:1647, Soros.Obama.VJ.jpg)

3bb20b  No.5890576

File: 3e9b0c8a6252b31⋯.jpeg (840.69 KB, 3465x1733, 3465:1733, 0E038255-6282-45CD-9185-E….jpeg)

File: e023ac71f3254cb⋯.gif (7.02 MB, 398x176, 199:88, 687E2B6A-D27E-49F3-A370-E1….gif)

File: d2351fa6086ad32⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 3000x2096, 375:262, B50B46D7-C405-4106-9982-5….jpeg)

File: 3868727870a2013⋯.jpeg (252.93 KB, 1139x2208, 1139:2208, F6698540-D0BC-4DCA-AB67-1….jpeg)

File: 6f9d92ac28d4a3c⋯.jpeg (659.63 KB, 3465x1733, 3465:1733, DAE8C5EB-C495-4528-B433-F….jpeg)

ee44b4  No.5891239

File: f0450a335a272ec⋯.png (2 MB, 1400x787, 1400:787, notoutofthewoods.png)

File: be1d67036fdbe0b⋯.jpg (246.81 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, notoutofthewoods.jpg)

1d1a2e  No.5891358

File: ae969876623f64f⋯.jpg (303.84 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, obama-black-colleges.jpg)

File: 1760fc0bd7b18aa⋯.jpg (372.14 KB, 1024x1200, 64:75, trump-black-colleges.jpg)

File: f53e9275ca4fba7⋯.jpg (347.59 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, tax-cuts.jpg)

File: ec7e7792344711b⋯.jpg (469.94 KB, 1062x1250, 531:625, dems-hate.jpg)

1d1a2e  No.5891368

File: 421b1daf2c37060⋯.jpg (239.58 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, operation-broken-heart.jpg)

File: 94e3d05833458ce⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 960x640, 3:2, hillary-up.jpg)

File: b9f1d7b57f3d231⋯.jpg (227.08 KB, 1538x983, 1538:983, power-strength.jpg)

File: 9b87a0c7f9215bb⋯.jpg (351.26 KB, 1524x976, 381:244, nixxon-bohemian-grove-fagg….jpg)

ac3401  No.5891673

File: 6f9795a41b44541⋯.jpeg (64.97 KB, 1024x720, 64:45, BernieTermLimits.jpeg)

File: ffe11a160c3a5ca⋯.jpg (219.84 KB, 900x551, 900:551, WantedTreason.jpg)

File: 31258b667deafdb⋯.jpg (59 KB, 391x629, 23:37, whitakerChampion.jpg)

ac3401  No.5891680

File: 06b089f703ec15e⋯.jpg (100.57 KB, 483x568, 483:568, ComeyRocks.jpg)

File: 79698b5b1e61875⋯.jpg (253.81 KB, 2048x1166, 1024:583, Coup_d'etat.jpg)

File: d67c9f37b8ec138⋯.jpg (88.6 KB, 800x547, 800:547, GorkaClown.jpg)

File: 1abf0677e54f2c1⋯.jpg (421.69 KB, 800x600, 4:3, LibsConfusedYODA18.jpg)

File: 402c9ba024acabd⋯.jpg (86.4 KB, 728x485, 728:485, LynchSpillGuts.jpg)

ac3401  No.5891695

File: 90e3cf9a8cc37ce⋯.jpg (355.1 KB, 1032x774, 4:3, MarijuanaSaferThanMcDonald….jpg)

File: d257ae020281b95⋯.jpeg (91.74 KB, 750x482, 375:241, MayBrexitLarp.jpeg)

File: 254ffaf2c7313b6⋯.jpg (536.98 KB, 955x896, 955:896, MSMTin-Foil-Hat-Crew-2.jpg)

File: 74cee4fae67964c⋯.jpg (162.54 KB, 736x736, 1:1, MuellerCircus.JPG)

File: d9227d343d4372c⋯.jpg (207.91 KB, 736x551, 736:551, MuellerReport-.JPG)

ac3401  No.5891701

File: 6d9c5ecbff3a78e⋯.jpg (412.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, NoCollusionYODA16.jpg)

File: 726baca3998f42d⋯.jpg (421.7 KB, 800x600, 4:3, NoObstructionYODA17.jpg)

File: fe6279ea4741ed2⋯.jpeg (84.98 KB, 500x533, 500:533, ObamaCustody.jpeg)

File: 3e90ed660e7dda9⋯.jpg (38.86 KB, 577x433, 577:433, ObamaTreasonSinkingIn.jpg)

File: b30050697ed83bb⋯.jpg (223.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PodestaChildRapist.jpg)

ac3401  No.5891732

File: cc3eb8a21ea5f53⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 3450x4620, 115:154, RUSSIAN_CONSPIRACY_DECK.jpg)

File: 0bcfcded04c736a⋯.jpeg (25 KB, 276x200, 69:50, SpockWinSector.jpeg)

File: dd43d21e4f8cb25⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, streisand.jpg)

File: 1f59500b9cb2c0a⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, streisand2.jpg)

File: 77e78b8c43ee797⋯.jpg (659.56 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, streisand3.jpg)

ac3401  No.5891743

File: 527c6b3e86cbf03⋯.jpg (321 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ThesePeopleStupid.jpg)

File: c355fca61d7de08⋯.jpg (46.27 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Time-Trump-To-Seize-Domain….jpg)

File: 41b058453e24ba6⋯.jpg (64.25 KB, 712x350, 356:175, TreasonRussians.jpg)

File: aed0e06378e0623⋯.jpeg (69.93 KB, 620x401, 620:401, Trump:I'mPresidentNow.jpeg)

File: 2b1f4cd15779a4b⋯.jpg (367.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, UhuraWinSector.jpg)

ac3401  No.5891836


Go take this argument to your own bread.

You are now officially a bread-shitter of the Memes bread. This is not the opioid complaints bread, this is the Memes bread and it's for everybody not just for you, asshole.

575d78  No.5892218

File: 74216ede69e7c6e⋯.jpg (88.6 KB, 952x500, 238:125, carvana dump 5.jpg)

File: ed1b405d549ccfd⋯.jpg (69.05 KB, 888x499, 888:499, stryker dump 1.jpg)

File: 32674e7ce7268e1⋯.jpg (86.74 KB, 714x500, 357:250, Sales force dump.jpg)

File: 291d1885f64bcd1⋯.jpg (90.99 KB, 888x499, 888:499, amzn dump 1.jpg)

File: e31dccbdff87b56⋯.jpg (145.58 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Ulta dump 1.jpg)


575d78  No.5892592

File: 56f72a996bb16ad⋯.png (573.93 KB, 706x303, 706:303, chek'em.PNG)

789fc7  No.5892824

File: 6bc7f3992057ac2⋯.jpg (13.8 KB, 400x225, 16:9, FB_IMG_1553560346622.jpg)

575d78  No.5892839

File: ee3bed6589ec51e⋯.jpg (80.38 KB, 699x499, 699:499, nike cumlative share sales.jpg)

File: 370e1b59094491c⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 638x359, 638:359, Nike exec team.jpg)

File: 0a7f2abc9755441⋯.jpg (7.01 KB, 474x323, 474:323, just did it.jpg)


f7d8e0  No.5893266

File: 2e5951dcc008e4c⋯.jpeg (354.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 53A026BB-5D4F-4799-8067-E….jpeg)

2582cd  No.5893311


Awwww, you come across a butt-hurt as a libatard.

2582cd  No.5893911

File: a02831bf0a683dd⋯.jpg (23.42 KB, 522x154, 261:77, 811v1Gwy0yL._SX522_.jpg)

File: 93275b63858eb57⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 12523989_10205725815090195….jpg)

File: 6a58a0d69aed61a⋯.jpg (174.65 KB, 408x528, 17:22, blame your parents for rai….JPG)


Awwww, you come across a butt-hurt as a libatard.

Try this, it may help you too!

b91f1d  No.5894523

File: 4cbd83e03f83168⋯.jpg (129.33 KB, 734x368, 367:184, truthwave.jpg)

just finished this one.

00ca1d  No.5894750

File: f69136315415054⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1771x1179, 1771:1179, BarrUp.jpg)


Batter Up!

00ca1d  No.5894977

File: 85eea1ec8079b1c⋯.jpg (149.69 KB, 562x855, 562:855, Buh bye.jpg)


Buh bye!

00ca1d  No.5895070

File: dd0541040090e27⋯.jpg (532.83 KB, 1179x1771, 1179:1771, Hubs.jpg)

New Q!

00ca1d  No.5895133

File: d44909a9a608d7c⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1179x1771, 1179:1771, ILLEGALSvote.jpg)

Illegals Vote

00ca1d  No.5895165

File: 095cb0420d6dea2⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1179x1771, 1179:1771, Sound Familiar.jpg)

Sound Familiar?

00ca1d  No.5895229

File: b13a73c9b275d2c⋯.jpg (4.37 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, HOLD.jpg)

Declas Drop

64a502  No.5895333

File: 58cb16181cd7ba8⋯.jpg (578.69 KB, 2400x1260, 40:21, ComeyWildThingsAren't.jpg)

00ca1d  No.5895376

File: 5c78d07836ea458⋯.jpg (860.16 KB, 1771x1179, 1771:1179, HILL.jpg)


00ca1d  No.5895427

File: 1bb532c18e3235e⋯.jpg (886.95 KB, 1771x1179, 1771:1179, PROP.jpg)

HRC props on "Prop?"

00ca1d  No.5895553

File: b23216c1d1fb19b⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 1771x1179, 1771:1179, BarrPunchline.jpg)

"You use them as a punchline."

1d1a2e  No.5896150

File: 12b09a33eec722a⋯.png (224.93 KB, 1200x1300, 12:13, bush-hw-traitors.png)

File: 9bd7790628b3f5e⋯.png (245.73 KB, 1200x1300, 12:13, bill-traitors.png)

File: 2fe8f3454440e8d⋯.png (185.21 KB, 1200x1300, 12:13, bush-w-traitors.png)

File: 963cac168fe5405⋯.png (215.54 KB, 1200x1300, 12:13, traitors.png)

File: 64bc23726a285dc⋯.png (263.04 KB, 1200x1300, 12:13, traitors-hillary.png)

1d1a2e  No.5896169

File: 3b0888aaf44af5e⋯.png (262.13 KB, 1200x1300, 12:13, traitors-hillary.png)

82aa87  No.5896198

File: 5836fcf21f17c47⋯.jpg (4.9 MB, 3600x5400, 2:3, trqmp.jpg)

06a70a  No.5896337

File: c29df580fb937cd⋯.jpg (308.17 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, podesta-nz-2a.jpg)

06a70a  No.5896351



What about no name?

06a70a  No.5896364


Maybe you're just doing Presidents and (kek) would be presidents.

1d1a2e  No.5896373

File: 6b6a90941616d18⋯.jpg (192.06 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, deep-state-unprotected.jpg)

06a70a  No.5896386


Can't read the wording anon.

How about white text?

8c8e13  No.5896775

File: a56c3f69fb14601⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 695x478, 695:478, IMG_9155.JPG)

8c8e13  No.5897487

File: 450d4595840d98b⋯.jpg (57.59 KB, 423x412, 423:412, IMG_9168.JPG)

2582cd  No.5897596

File: 8c4cc5df5e357ba⋯.jpg (297.74 KB, 816x528, 17:11, damn right they all should….JPG)

File: eedcc20c3145fe0⋯.jpg (300.25 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Damn right everyone of the….JPG)

Every Real Patriotic American Should Demand An Apology by US DC Democrats, Obama Administration, the entire DNC and MSM.

2582cd  No.5897621


And still have them prosecuted for either treason, collusion, etc. etc. No deals, No exceptions…No Excuses!

575d78  No.5897899

File: a7c76ae100f65d0⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 666x375, 222:125, aarons dump.jpg)

File: 58d31904e173e4f⋯.jpg (65.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, revlon buy.jpg)

File: 291ab3c19c8053f⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, revlon buy 1.jpg)

File: d2a629ba5759c16⋯.jpg (77.59 KB, 888x499, 888:499, dolby dump 1.jpg)

File: 452141cbc9e89fe⋯.jpg (212.28 KB, 800x500, 8:5, nightshift 3.jpg)


2053ef  No.5897958

File: c85e9576af917c8⋯.jpg (143.02 KB, 651x243, 217:81, hrc-that-look-you-get-when….jpg)

File: 0e04a930403b26b⋯.jpg (861.25 KB, 1474x949, 1474:949, ch11-hrc.jpg)

2053ef  No.5897986

File: a45bef3f50e847e⋯.jpeg (361.85 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v3.jpeg)

File: c7d9044b6e15204⋯.jpg (369.1 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v4.jpg)

File: fa003fc0438f2f3⋯.jpg (369.04 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v5.jpg)

File: 950d27acd122cb6⋯.jpg (370.16 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v6.jpg)

File: 980826b73006938⋯.jpg (370.34 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v7.jpg)

2053ef  No.5897998

File: 680f9e2d4175ef4⋯.jpeg (130.35 KB, 1125x726, 375:242, pelosi-and-the-red-pill.jpeg)

File: 88d20f8b7286f5a⋯.jpg (495.33 KB, 1125x726, 375:242, pelosi-and-the-red-pill-re….jpg)

daffca  No.5898035

File: 6a40f841037e0c3⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 500x508, 125:127, 2wv173.jpg)

File: 1f5216a3b4dac08⋯.png (721.48 KB, 699x960, 233:320, 5e6f0d70266150799205dea77b….png)

File: 27c124c335a4a82⋯.gif (258.54 KB, 400x560, 5:7, 27c124c335a4a8211c3f464079….gif)

File: ae5a215654ba679⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 578x780, 289:390, ae5a215654ba679902ec7c464b….jpg)

File: ef9cccba86f88e6⋯.png (153.14 KB, 638x940, 319:470, ef9cccba86f88e6f027a1b61fb….png)

daffca  No.5898083

File: 641e297a78be784⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 500x434, 250:217, 0a9b882ffe16ba4263d49a493d….jpg)

File: 70469f0a6568dbd⋯.jpg (112.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 0b57ceb5a82a2b7d1c4eaaf51e….jpg)

File: 0d8a427ccee2626⋯.jpg (125.88 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 0d8a427ccee262607f1c89e315….jpg)

File: 0d3513b049c6329⋯.jpg (150.56 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 0d3513b049c632932ea2f922ff….jpg)

File: 1c90b4bd599b1df⋯.jpg (85.9 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 1c90b4bd599b1df613496388d1….jpg)

06a70a  No.5898084

File: c33f9976e83c9ca⋯.jpg (304.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, model-rational-citizens.jpg)

2053ef  No.5898087

File: be7367822ee2945⋯.jpg (490.77 KB, 884x1024, 221:256, msm-at-work-factsmatter-sm.jpg)

File: e84c623baa895e4⋯.jpg (129.96 KB, 574x401, 574:401, muslim-and-vodka-factsmatt….jpg)

File: 1eb4a54ce21dd5c⋯.jpg (122.08 KB, 500x337, 500:337, Tombstone-Stand-your-groun….jpg)

b6b9ee  No.5899519

File: bf6979e8c9124d4⋯.jpg (100.71 KB, 474x315, 158:105, TrumpBOH1.jpg)

File: 9b89ac9db4eb9c4⋯.jpg (82.99 KB, 474x315, 158:105, TrumpBOF1.jpg)

File: cc74bd92ef0bc0e⋯.jpg (101.03 KB, 474x315, 158:105, TrumpBOE.jpg)

File: 74b71dad83045db⋯.jpg (121.17 KB, 474x315, 158:105, TrumpBOC1.jpg)

b6b9ee  No.5899580

File: 6f4bb180862573b⋯.jpg (625.86 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Chargesa.jpg)

File: 6830e4ae1853c54⋯.jpg (142.77 KB, 700x394, 350:197, TrumpMerekA2.jpg)

c208bb  No.5900761

File: 3ad7b7f4c410cba⋯.jpg (42.73 KB, 315x315, 1:1, applenewplus.jpg)

apple news plus doublespeak

269dc6  No.5901040

File: 5c247d30204f5ce⋯.jpg (235.69 KB, 899x450, 899:450, HandPickedMEME.jpg)

File: 985dfa949584591⋯.jpg (168.85 KB, 899x450, 899:450, AOC_album_cover.jpg)

Hand Picked & AOC too.

eb5625  No.5901188

File: aebd9deed80de63⋯.png (926.77 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, Screenshot_20190326-042830.png)

File: df904b7826ce942⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 639x360, 71:40, 90%.jpg)

File: a96b5a213c74d37⋯.jpg (78.79 KB, 720x360, 2:1, yall 3.jpg)

File: c24fc58e55f3b1f⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 720x360, 2:1, treason.jpg)

File: 4c59a3af1b93e70⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 616x324, 154:81, kraken.jpg)

Sarah was glowing today

cca7fb  No.5901230

File: cdec60ffc338d8e⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 512x468, 128:117, McCain Reaction.jpg)

eb5625  No.5901306

File: 1384208da3b4e39⋯.jpg (49.95 KB, 512x576, 8:9, see her dick.jpg)

File: aaa426ea13be06d⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 552x700, 138:175, Michael green.jpg)

File: 289412ac184c632⋯.jpg (97.63 KB, 540x980, 27:49, meme 1.jpg)

eb5625  No.5901408

File: 1ccc77b29a938ca⋯.jpg (72.6 KB, 700x697, 700:697, Advice Yoda.jpg)

File: 8fd13dd09a3b619⋯.jpg (152.61 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, ZomboMeme 19022019003132.jpg)

File: 6173e72c8e215b2⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 311x162, 311:162, images (12).jpeg)

File: 808fc7e6dbd50fa⋯.jpg (608.32 KB, 549x572, 549:572, zxKbiuH.jpg)

File: f7a6527637330ed⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 395x561, 395:561, f04da2db1122102aa4e230.jpg)

2582cd  No.5902027

File: 49f5cec70372a41⋯.jpg (62.93 KB, 560x334, 280:167, Confiscation.jpg)

File: bc90d8527d3cc24⋯.png (105.12 KB, 358x202, 179:101, 1 9pDhGnMeP3fs5XRp_qQVEQ.png)

File: 284589930e02964⋯.jpg (7.83 KB, 311x162, 311:162, Your rights are not being ….jpg)

File: fab6f0fd55bb229⋯.jpg (100.29 KB, 841x257, 841:257, redflags.jpg)


Please take just a moment to call the following members and urge them to publicly oppose this unconstitutional scheme in the hearing on TODAY!:

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) – (202) 224-5444

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) – (202) 224-5922

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) – (202) 224-3744

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) – (202) 224-3344

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) – (202) 224-4623

ACTION! Call to action this morning. Make a quick phone call, or two or three. From Ron Paul: "

Marco Rubio’s and Susan Collins’ bill to seize your guns is up for a hearing THIS MORNING in the Senate Judiciary Committee and I need your immediate action.

With members of BOTH parties in Congress clamoring for a gun control “deal,” I’m afraid Senator Lindsey Graham’s (202-224-5972) Committee could vote to make so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders a reality.

If the anti-gun statists aren’t stopped before it’s too late, you and I could be steamrolled by this blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL scheme – which will effectively hand government agents the power to seize our firearms any time they want.

The good news is, you and I can derail their plan by deluging Judiciary Committee members with phone calls before the hearing kicks off a round of horse trading where Senators swap support for their favorite infringements on our Second Amendment rights.

Campaign for Liberty has identified several key members of the Senate Judiciary Committee whose opposition to this scheme could be crucial to derailing the gun-grabbers’ momentum.

Please take just a moment to call the following members and urge them to publicly oppose this unconstitutional scheme in the hearing on Tuesday:

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) – (202) 224-5444

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) – (202) 224-5922

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) – (202) 224-3744

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) – (202) 224-3344

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) – (202) 224-4623

Remember 37 states just made it easier to commit you against your will and confiscate your guns…wake up! Once this is federal law, kiss your freedom goodbye! It will be a domino effect in carrying out more confiscations.

The 2nd Amendment isn't safe!

New Laws Force Drug Users Into Rehab Against Their Will~2017 And will effect your gun ownership!

Meanwhile, detaining a person who has committed no crime based on what they might do in the future has potentially severe long-term repercussions.

“Involuntary commitment gives someone a lifelong marker that interferes with their ability to get health care coverage or own a firearm, and it could prevent them from getting certain jobs, like federal employment,” said Mary Catherine Roper, of the the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.

Once a civil commitment is on a person’s record, Roper says, it’s nearly impossible to get it expunged.

Her only “crime,” she says, was having a bad reaction to her doctor-prescribed opioid medication.

Hicks claims she had been placed in five-point restraints and “forcibly and unwillingly subjected to the use of strong anti-psychotic medications”

According to the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws, 37 states already have statutes that allow substance abusers who have not committed a crime to be briefly detained against their will.


This is a huge over reach by the federal government!


d23685  No.5902287

File: afb25f502b960f1⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Its Howdy Doody Time ©.jpg)

my turn. 😉

bfe84c  No.5902577

File: 0431dafe7f82acf⋯.jpg (135.03 KB, 857x471, 857:471, Action_News_Team_Live_with….jpg)

File: 2d33ae0208ce28b⋯.jpg (260.75 KB, 844x868, 211:217, Action_News_Team_Worm_Hole….jpg)

File: bcdf8acd169f9ab⋯.jpg (180.62 KB, 845x867, 845:867, Action_News_Team_Worm_Hole….jpg)

File: 27a9805c560062b⋯.jpg (377.49 KB, 1165x797, 1165:797, Ms_Pepe_LIVE_Extreme_Actio….jpg)

bfe84c  No.5902598

File: 7e5aa52ef31f4a2⋯.jpeg (72.04 KB, 750x488, 375:244, CIAmeddledElections.jpeg)

File: fa505cbb8574890⋯.jpg (182.64 KB, 894x894, 1:1, Winning.jpg)

bfe84c  No.5902608

File: 2e7304db9a8154b⋯.jpg (403.69 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Comeytree2.jpg)

File: 2518ba389fb5893⋯.jpeg (661.76 KB, 1377x1829, 1377:1829, ComeyTree3.jpeg)

File: eedcc20c3145fe0⋯.jpg (300.25 KB, 816x528, 17:11, demandMSMapologize.JPG)

File: b3c4b592d35f184⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 892x502, 446:251, MSMLiedToYou.jpg)

File: de3113983307432⋯.jpg (102.36 KB, 568x600, 71:75, ObamaMustAccountsSurveilla….jpg)

bfe84c  No.5902620

File: ee40431b2b139b5⋯.jpeg (877.55 KB, 1125x1630, 225:326, ObamaMustAccountSurveilla….jpeg)

File: 3c05d53eabcb2ff⋯.jpg (98.54 KB, 532x349, 532:349, Obama SPYING IS TREASON.jpg)

File: 147fb949b080d32⋯.jpg (180.99 KB, 794x547, 794:547, Pepe_News_Team_in_Space_Pr….jpg)

File: 11939d3e3f8aa46⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1816x1798, 908:899, RGBdeadClones.jpeg)

File: 2e23f3c999d0b95⋯.jpeg (126.95 KB, 499x1340, 499:1340, TraitorsConspirators.jpeg)

bfe84c  No.5902802

File: 0ae55893297bbf3⋯.jpg (228.58 KB, 849x676, 849:676, LaughHahah.jpg)

File: 72fb549d3a23a0c⋯.jpeg (33.91 KB, 500x488, 125:122, Meme Farmer.jpeg)

To >>5893311: You forgot to attach your images. In an emotional state? Massively triggered?


To everybody else:

Anons, I truly appreciate what the majority are doing. Making graphics all day and all night is hard work requiring creativity, concentration, awareness of the issues of the day, and yes physical skills too. (Anybody get memer's thumb-wrist-or-elbow?)

Distributing memes is also hard hard work where one must face the enemy directly and expose themselves to all the enemy has to fling at us. I truly appreciate those who work hard to distribute the ammo made here.

To all the Patriots in Q's MemeCorps: Your memes are crucial to this information war, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you, patriots.

bfe84c  No.5902805

bfe84c  No.5902834

File: c7fd0db156b17b4⋯.jpg (310.35 KB, 1891x1229, 1891:1229, BillBarrStealthBomberB2.jpg)


His name isn't John, it's William, a/k/a Bill.

Needs fixed.

bfe84c  No.5902881


Suggestion: You can post 5 images per post here and that's what we prefer (makes the bread last longer before we have to bake a new one). Filling in the subject is a cultural no-no here.

Thank you for bringing these memes!

0f7c91  No.5902891

File: f03b7f561fbb996⋯.png (49.31 KB, 405x511, 405:511, B_A.png)

File: e19f7f520ace143⋯.png (137.29 KB, 800x461, 800:461, CD-CNN-MH.PNG)

File: 0767bbdc194c1b5⋯.png (173.47 KB, 968x508, 242:127, CD-MSNBC-AS.PNG)

269dc6  No.5902959

File: 661a0ae0da1b8fd⋯.jpg (72.59 KB, 899x450, 899:450, shadowband.jpg)

33b7b7  No.5903039

File: 6c62cefde883cf5⋯.png (795.07 KB, 1227x1465, 1227:1465, 2019-03-12 Support for Don….png)

33b7b7  No.5903041

File: a9dca165025f5bb⋯.jpg (756.8 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CaravansA2.jpg)

33b7b7  No.5903042

File: 7a06e59863ce7b8⋯.jpg (476.74 KB, 992x744, 4:3, TrumpRiskAllE1.jpg)

33b7b7  No.5903050

File: 46e1c22c369d1bf⋯.jpg (171.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, TrumpSwearingInb2.jpg)

1df0ed  No.5903076

File: 6b7e98e97443bbd⋯.png (763.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190325-094223.png)

File: 3db8f3b2dffd628⋯.jpg (252.26 KB, 720x1117, 720:1117, IMG_20190324_113015.jpg)

File: d9ad5c4ae9e7be2⋯.jpg (233.84 KB, 720x913, 720:913, IMG_20190324_202931.jpg)

33b7b7  No.5903094

File: 3de9ee64787c2e0⋯.jpg (533.27 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Trump Peeingb.jpg)

bfe84c  No.5903109


We prefer multiple memes per post if you have them. Saves bread. Instead of 1 meme per post, you can post up to 5 at a time.


1df0ed  No.5903117

File: d8327708ab44803⋯.jpg (449.52 KB, 1280x718, 640:359, 20180822_194225.jpg)


You're a disaster.

33b7b7  No.5903135

File: 46e1c22c369d1bf⋯.jpg (171.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, TrumpSwearingInb.jpg)

33b7b7  No.5903149

File: 30ef218cf4c62f5⋯.jpg (308.23 KB, 915x610, 3:2, TrumpGodd.jpg)






bfe84c  No.5903180

File: 7b175ecc3aecad8⋯.jpg (125.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, CarefulDeepMedia.jpg)

File: dd07618da6d7eef⋯.jpg (263.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BeCarefulWhoYouFollow.jpg)

File: bf0da3170cbb260⋯.jpg (145.63 KB, 520x347, 520:347, Careful-who-you-follow.jpg)

File: d8b9df72ade2d28⋯.jpg (136.64 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, CarefulWhoYou Follow.jpg)

File: be329708a9f001f⋯.jpg (348.34 KB, 1199x1000, 1199:1000, QCrumbsCarefulWhoYouFollow.jpg)



A memeshill!

Memes containing false statements that defame the President of the United States.

MSM pay you to do this?

Hillary write your paychecks?

You work for Mossad? C_A?

At some point the streets will not be safe for ones like you.

At some point EVERYONE who participates in sedition against our constitutional republic will be held to account.

Might be you! Think about it.

Be careful who you follow, anons.





33b7b7  No.5903363

File: 709ea88d16cc811⋯.jpg (165.16 KB, 640x360, 16:9, TrumpSwearingIna.jpg)


Love it! THIS IS ALL FAKE BS! See how HRC/Dem/DeepState CONTROLS THESE BOARDS TO WHAT THEY WANT? They WANT TO DESTROY THE US FROM WITHIN, as you chase NOTHING REAL! So Illegals ARE NOW FAKE NEWS HERE ON 8CHAN! So when are YOU GOING TO WAKE UP AND SEE that just because their is Q in its name, DOES NOT MEAN ITS 100% PATRIOT Q! What Trillions of Criminal $ does and surely, no DisInfo HEY?




































WHY NOT? Free Money, food, shelter, Healthcare, ALL ON OUR FOREFATHERS AND OUR DIME!


6c17e9  No.5904373


The anon who posted this subsequently requested its deletion. It was posted in error. The anon did not mean to invite a shill to post more shillings. The anon was on the move.

2b57f9  No.5904529

File: 405f80bc6b9ff5b⋯.jpg (234.16 KB, 1280x777, 1280:777, 20190326_130518.jpg)

File: 723f8eb3d15159b⋯.jpg (239.28 KB, 1280x777, 1280:777, 20190326_130539.jpg)

File: c8c0ef846ae6437⋯.jpg (235.12 KB, 1280x777, 1280:777, 20190326_130503.jpg)

This bitch is so gross looking. I thought baby blood was supposed to help you look younger? Unless this bitch is 400 years old it ain't working.

33b7b7  No.5904574

File: 63135fcbe0bd5ad⋯.png (809.68 KB, 1271x915, 1271:915, Trump Jb31.png)


So when is Truth SHILLING?

Funny, all subject only has to stay within your limited exclusive BOX you demand on these boards hey?

See how Deep State "Control" the damage to them by Exposing their criminal Trillion Dollar Secret HRC/DS/Dem controlled boards?

If you expose any other of their crimes, you are branded a SHILL? This is how CONTROL works. Only subjects and contents they deem a fakes is truth, yet others like Trump not doing 1 thing to stop criminal Illegals is a SHILL?

How more plain does it need to be guys?

We all want to believe, but make sure you are using facts as who you trust.

00ca1d  No.5905312

File: 64e8366b071f33e⋯.jpg (721.09 KB, 1179x1771, 1179:1771, FROSH.jpg)



975f8a  No.5906203

File: d18da948a5417bf⋯.jpg (501.62 KB, 2640x1980, 4:3, Qcrumb.SMOLLET.phoneleak.jpg)

File: 7e47155d15186be⋯.jpg (339.99 KB, 1530x3326, 765:1663, Soros.KamilaHarris..jpg)

File: b403ab6ffc74187⋯.jpg (204.39 KB, 1200x1793, 1200:1793, Dems..jpg)

3bb20b  No.5907260

File: f1cff4f437c0e69⋯.jpeg (136.34 KB, 1208x604, 2:1, E411E3BF-DA62-4518-A154-0….jpeg)

File: c732f046c590303⋯.jpeg (917.03 KB, 3464x3464, 1:1, 2702D8BB-58B5-4998-9771-9….jpeg)

File: c0bbe2d70416a8c⋯.jpeg (259.64 KB, 1242x1252, 621:626, E24BA420-B52C-45D4-8850-9….jpeg)

File: 2a0c8763a6b4c0f⋯.jpeg (444.83 KB, 1920x960, 2:1, 3AF9F392-E106-4BC0-9637-B….jpeg)

File: 9dd5d8dd9e8627d⋯.jpeg (131.22 KB, 1218x609, 2:1, 4D209022-AA09-42FD-A520-2….jpeg)

0f7c91  No.5907926

File: e67d13df43677b2⋯.png (82.39 KB, 905x508, 905:508, CD-CNN-BS.PNG)

File: 9cff96468126ec6⋯.png (120.69 KB, 911x511, 911:511, Investigate-Zucker.png)

00ca1d  No.5908046

File: 6c39c2d44a0e175⋯.jpg (736.87 KB, 1179x1771, 1179:1771, FROSH.jpg)



0dfb17  No.5909542

File: 8b7af238c7fa6da⋯.png (248.62 KB, 376x395, 376:395, Check.png)

File: 86eda7e880f48e1⋯.jpg (113.42 KB, 1131x707, 1131:707, Samurai Litany Against Bai….jpg)

File: c78cfdfc4960e36⋯.png (541.61 KB, 448x500, 112:125, StreisandEffect2.png)

0dfb17  No.5909555

File: 9fc5b4eb96a6a87⋯.jpeg (508.52 KB, 1177x711, 1177:711, EconomicsPaidForWall.jpeg)

File: 7cd6f8626e3f5e2⋯.jpg (128.9 KB, 500x577, 500:577, JC_HighTreason.jpg)

File: 07f4aa5f8bb002d⋯.jpg (68.46 KB, 749x474, 749:474, Jussie-2x0h68.jpg)

File: a5abb2a0b2edc8d⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 748x475, 748:475, Jussie-2x0hih.jpg)

File: 68847dd6206818e⋯.jpg (66.23 KB, 745x474, 745:474, Jussie-2x0hlq.jpg)

0dfb17  No.5909560

File: 63fdc815a5b62c5⋯.jpg (35.04 KB, 800x540, 40:27, KamalaHypocrisyAbortionGun….jpg)

File: f7ebb141a16a919⋯.jpg (54.28 KB, 620x487, 620:487, KoreaKimChinese.jpg)

File: bb4cb2371daab93⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 300x277, 300:277, MSMObamaSnakeOil.jpg)

File: f9bbd395e7e1e62⋯.jpg (76.42 KB, 850x750, 17:15, MSMObama'sWhore.jpg)

File: 438725bb789738d⋯.png (255.53 KB, 1394x925, 1394:925, QProofSmollettCase.png)

575d78  No.5910411

File: 46fcc0861fa8fa0⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 931x499, 931:499, palo alto networks dump.jpg)

File: aede91e2aa34de2⋯.jpg (67.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cabot oil and gas dump.jpg)

File: 8f899d79c92fa36⋯.jpg (100 KB, 500x500, 1:1, hormel dump.jpg)

File: 3f6f10f4d0c546b⋯.jpg (103.51 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, nextstar media dump 1.jpg)


f5c795  No.5911666

File: 7e63698d6b124b5⋯.jpeg (93.01 KB, 774x411, 258:137, AFC4E481-A9B9-4A8B-AFE1-1….jpeg)

b503bb  No.5912327

File: 1625dc1294d05fc⋯.jpg (76.79 KB, 507x479, 507:479, ComeyTreason-treesun2.jpg)

File: f087840a4ec7990⋯.png (123.28 KB, 1562x521, 1562:521, DoItQAngel-Alpha.png)

File: debd77076495e43⋯.jpeg (160.28 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, It'sBugged!(1).jpeg)

File: 6f2613ad8d94052⋯.gif (119.13 KB, 598x380, 299:190, It'sBugged!(2).gif)

b503bb  No.5912340

File: 5f47375831088b1⋯.jpg (144.68 KB, 614x416, 307:208, McCainbetrayedPOW-MIA.jpg)

File: 5008f114e2a89e7⋯.jpg (83.84 KB, 630x376, 315:188, McCain-pow-mia-remembrance….jpg)

File: 5ef367ea04dcc9f⋯.jpg (461.74 KB, 1600x835, 320:167, QCrumbsBake-Your-Noodle-Or….jpg)

eb5625  No.5912686

File: fd1060e4854249c⋯.jpg (66.5 KB, 720x360, 2:1, jim.jpg)

File: 895ce25352e1264⋯.jpg (68.58 KB, 720x360, 2:1, choiced.jpg)

fa6e1f  No.5912842

File: 276c1772f51c2fb⋯.jpg (200.17 KB, 1249x1726, 1249:1726, _20190326_201248.JPG)

File: f3bec92e56fa072⋯.jpg (263.49 KB, 1311x1885, 1311:1885, _20190326_201306.JPG)

File: 58bb8077319bcd9⋯.jpg (266.5 KB, 1330x1880, 133:188, _20190326_201316.JPG)

File: a5c7ec45c2d855f⋯.jpg (330.09 KB, 1811x1274, 1811:1274, _20190326_201335.JPG)

eb5625  No.5912950

File: 9fff5b1c5a226d7⋯.jpg (153.32 KB, 764x1020, 191:255, questions.jpg)

e12dd0  No.5913182

File: 6830e4ae1853c54⋯.jpg (142.77 KB, 700x394, 350:197, TrumpMerekA1.jpg)

578f4f  No.5913577


I really like your meme. However, lethal injection is too cruel. That is reserved only for innocent American babies. The injections don't always kill right away. That is why the pediatricians need to use half a dozen or more at each "well baby check" . I wouldn't put down even arch villain Him Acosta via vaccine induced SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) the pain, seizures and brain swelling are simply too cruel.

4f7a9d  No.5914040

File: 3af13947775da8a⋯.png (963.23 KB, 1650x1275, 22:17, 123457890.png)

4e9e54  No.5914061

File: 388f5ad5233d0ff⋯.jpg (104.74 KB, 471x342, 157:114, Untitled.jpg)

88f1e5  No.5914607

File: 7e3049d09f5b542⋯.gif (542.01 KB, 348x476, 87:119, videotogif_2019.03.26_21.5….gif)

File: ad4a17179bb8709⋯.jpg (380.84 KB, 1318x1817, 1318:1817, _20190326_215011.JPG)

d23685  No.5914614

File: 0cba5479ac2f1c3⋯.jpg (121.44 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Zero Carbon Footprint.jpg)

d23685  No.5915113

File: 7786a423e4d55b7⋯.jpg (98.61 KB, 500x667, 500:667, Big Jimmie - Answers still….jpg)

eb5625  No.5915380

File: 0751086c77c5de5⋯.jpg (92.23 KB, 933x486, 311:162, he goes.jpg)

File: 759caaf76a30155⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 626x329, 626:329, fh6.jpg)

39c8d7  No.5915503

File: df63023a790955e⋯.png (47.28 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, QNNweAreNewsLogo.png)

39c8d7  No.5915513

File: 6e00fa49c6b5fba⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, DarkToLightMuellerToHuber.jpg)
