[–]▶ bdb1bf (7) No.5851711>>5860062 >>5980496 >>6000795 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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• Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames
• QNN blanks (Folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC
• Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584
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• Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160
• Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (Folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ
• Instant background removal: https://www.remove.bg/ Recommended! Excellent results and a great time-saver
• Memegenerators: https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/
• Apps: gimp, Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop, etc.
Meme Makers
Image Size We recommend
• 1200x1200 for Insta
• 1200x627 for both Twitter + Facebook
• Highly proficient memeanons often make 2 images, one of each size.
Image Filetype: Unless your image is a .png with a transparent background, we prefer .jpeg images due to smaller file size. How? After creating an image, "Export As," select .jpeg filetype. To shrink the file even more, try 90% quality setting with no significant loss of fidelity. And your text should be readable; if you can't read it, neither can they! Please spell-check.
Beware Twitter image truncation!
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• Twitter shrinks larger images to 1024 x 512, and chops off bottoms of wrong-shaped images.
Image Download Tips
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--When you post on social media, use your local copy of the image, not a link to 8ch.
((( --Advanced trick to retain original filename when downloading a pile of images: Right click the second image link. Select downlink link. Your browser will apply the filename of the original content and you can often avoid typing a filename.)))
• Phonefag: Check out Omnichan on your App Store for a tool to download/rename all images in a thread with one command
Are All the Images Here OK to Use on Social Media?
• NO! Our collections are not curated or approved.
• Some images are inappropriate/unhelpful.
• It's a free-speech zone, and everyone posts here, including shills.
• We don't remove shill posts; it's up to EACH OF US to discern them.
★ More Effective Memes ("Meme Psychology"). Learn to create/select the best images. Know your audience. Present the idea from their point of view like marketers do, instead of insulting them?
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★ It's important to make your images the right size + shape, or your impact could be greatly diminished.
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< We are about unity, not division.
< We are about moving forward into a deeper integration with one another, with the world, with other people, and with God.
< If you see posts that focus on hatred, hate is NOT Q's message and hate is NOT the message of the autists, anons, diggers, memers, and prayerwarriors who serve our Commander in Chief. Posts that focus on hatred and division are typically made by shills who want to sow division, discredit our work, and portray this movement in a false light.
< We are about moving from darkness into light.
< If you're not sure, remember that Q posted Bible verses about love.
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▶ bdb1bf (7) No.5851791
The Basics of Effective Red Pilling
• Know your biggest competitors
• Apathy (some people genuinely don’t give a shit about politics or even good vs. evil)
• Lazy Thinking (Nietzsche was right when he said that "most people go through life trying to avoid any real thoughts")
• Short Attention Spans (Learn to ask great opening questions that ENGAGE the other person. For example: "I've been learning of late some rather interesting, but confusing, things about our President. Would you be kind enough to have a look at this with me and give me your perspective?")
• Cognitive Dissonance [It's important for you to understand that every living American has been brainwashed--completely–by Project Mockingbird. Every single thing we've ever seen on TV, heard on the radio or read in a newspaper has been a well-scripted lie. When people are faced with evidence (like buildings collapsing in perfect free-fall) that is counter-intuitive to our values and beliefs, we naturally reject them to protect our tenuous view of reality. It took me YEARS to accept the truth of 9/11 due to my military training and a lifetime of believing I was a patriot acting in the best interest of a good gubbermint. Factor in that 9/11 is only one piece of a much larger "jigsaw puzzle" and you will begin gaining empathy for the enormous "wakening" that Normies will soon be facing. It won't be easy for them, so be gentle and patient.]
• Learn how to "play dumb"
• Open the conversation by sincerely complimenting the other person (example: "Joe, you've forgotten more about the Middle East that I'll ever know. I'm really confused about Putin's stance on Syria and why Trump is not getting involved. What are your thoughts on this tricky situation?")
• Ask open-ended questions (they typically start with who, what and how)
• Let the other person be the expert
• Find a topic about which they're already skeptical, then tie that issue to something that's of interest today
• When you sense that they're starting to push back, quickly change the subject back to small talk and wait for a better time
• Embrace the concept that Red Pilling is a process and NOT an event
• No one will have an "Aha!" moment; it's a slow realization that EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER LEARNED OR BELIEVED IS A LIE
• Someone famous and wise (I think Mark Twain) once said, "It's easier to fool someone than it is to get them to admit they've been fooled." If you agree with this, as do I, then it's easier to accept the fact that when someone starts waking up, they will do it in solace, and NOT in the presence of another person. Plant the seeds and let them walk away to nurture them on their own.
• Another Anon suggested that, "Everyone is Red Pilled at least a wee bit about SOMETHING; vaccines, GMO's, lobbyists, insider trading, Building 7, etc.). Find their one area of skepticism first, then slowly work your way out."
I hope these thoughts help some of you salvage relationships with those near and dear to you. In closing, know this: The people closest to us are the last ones WE will be able to Red Pill. We tend to fall into old habits and roles with them (and vice versa), so plant the seeds and let other people take credit for your family and friends waking up.
Beer at the parade, fellow Patriots!
Beer at the parade, fellow Patriots!
▶ bdb1bf (7) No.5851793
SalesTrainerandAuthorFag's method
Here’s the same Socratic method Q used on us for “Red Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist.”
First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS done over time. It requires patience and skill.
Find some common ground where they’ve already questioned the MSM narrative (JFK, RFK, Oswald, John John, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Arkancides, Obama birth certificate, 9/11, Building 7, no video of plane hitting Pentagon, missing $2.3 trillion, Halliburton, rigged primaries, biased MSM, Russian collusion, Fox News, CNN, etc.)
Once common ground is discovered, let THEM tell YOU what they know about the topic. Even if you disagree, don’t say so.
Once the topic is fully explored, compliment their knowledge and then ask if they think if it also ties to [blank] (another topic/event/lie you want to make them curious about).
If they agree, do NOT dump on them with information you’ve already learned. Instead, ask them to dig into it and agree to speak about it in a week or so.
During the second conversation, let THEM be the expert and teach you. Keep playing dumb. Praise their open-mindedness and encourage them to keep learning.
Ask them to learn about another topic that relates to this one and agree to speak again at a predetermined time. Then, let them teach you again, regardless about how much you already know about the topic. (This will seem counterintuitive but it’s a REALLY important part of the approach.)
Ask a LOT of questions; allow them to “sell themselves” on new ideas (people never argue with their own ideas, but they subconsciously “push back” against other people’s ideas).
Always play dumb; let THEM become the expert.
Ask for their help “solving a puzzle”; let them BE the expert.
Understand that the deeper someone is dug into the opposing viewpoint, the further they will snap into the other direction once they wake up.
If someone shares an idea that you believe is wrong/ignorant, do NOT push back; ask, “Help me see what you’re seeing”, or “Help me understand that better”. The more they try to explain something that has no basis, the higher chance they will eventually change their own mind (which YOU canNOT do for/to them).
Once they show a thirst for new knowledge, invite them to share their ideas with a third person while you are also present (viewing themself as a mentor/teacher reinforces their new beliefs).
When stuck, offer to “switch sides” and debate the topic from their point of view and have them argue from your point of view. This often helps them talk themselves out of their original viewpoint.
When you have to make a statement (instead of asking a question), open it with a “softening statement”: “Do you think it could be possible that…”, or, “I’m not sure this is right, but I just read that…” This provides possibilities for you and the other person.
As often as possible, only discuss events that have already happened. When forced to discuss what you think MIGHT happen in the future, precede with softening statements.
Don’t let the conversation turn into a Red vs. Blue argument. Keep repeating that there’s corruption on both sides of the aisle (point to the huge number of Republican resignations -- not running for re-election – for both senators and members of congress). Keep the discussion focused on GOOD vs. EVIL!
Finally: REMEMBER THAT IN EVERY CONVERSATION, YOU ARE THE 2nd-BEST SALESPERSON! Get them talking, keep them talking and encourage their passion for digging!
SHOW the other person that you’ve embraced the teachings of Jesus through your kindness, patience and lack of judgment of their ideas. Happy pilling!
Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow
People don't need preaching to. That's the problem. Those who know a lot tend to tell it all, overwhelming. Just plant a seed and back away. Do this by asking a question that gets them thinking.
Go do something else, and give them a chance to process it and work it out in their mind.
Ask a different question about the topic (the seed you planted) and see how they answer.
This waters the seed so it grows downward into subconscious and upward towards the conscious.
Go away and do other things.
Plant the seed and come back to it later, but lead them, coax them, gently gently, softly softly.
Some people take a long time to process things. E.g. my family members are just now getting something I said years ago (they forgot that it was me who brought it up). They say, “Hey did you know about X?”
I just smile and nod.
It works.
▶ bdb1bf (7) No.5851799
Wrong Number idea
→1. Obtain burner phone. (For obvious reasons).
→2. Locate article, meme, video or recording with serious red pilling potential.
→3. In local area (likely best result with local area code), send red pill material with leading script something similar to:
Hey, did you see this yet?; Can you believe this?, etc…
→4. Follow immediately with a quick apology about wrong# such as: Wrong #, Sorry!
Why might this be an effective addition to normal social media attack?
a. It has potential to reach people who don’t use social media much -- an untapped population.
b. It stokes curiosity; people are nosy by nature.
c. After you text “wrong #:, their defenses are lowered because they don’t feel the info is directed to them. Similar to how Q sidesteps cognitive dissonance by Socratic questioning.
Sequence: Normal, Thoughtful, Non-Offensive, Step-by-Step
Normies will be turned off by certain words and photos. Like "Zionism". Children being hurt. Funny scenes or fun being made of the images.
Extreme truth will be rejected. Even with all the evidence over years about the Clintons’ bad behavior, half the electorate was willing to make HER president. Incredible, but true.
The public can accept the possibility of monetary corruption, but not treason, much less child trafficking and murder.
Adrenochrome? You will lose the audience completely and it will be dismissed as conspiracy theory nonsense.
So go step by step. First, introduce questions or concerns about corruption in government.
Then add Republicans and Democrats as possible thieves.
Then name individuals and ask; don't make claims.
The next stage is introducing the idea of an interconnected web of corruption that became an international crime syndicate like the Nafia, but run by politicians.
Make it understandable by referencing organized crime (not vampire elites bloodlines, aliens, fractional reserve banking…)
Keep it normal. Thoughtful. Non-offensive.
Step by step.
Ask, Don't Tell
When you tell something, you get cognitive dissonance.
When you ask something, you BYPASS cognitive dissonance.
Q gave us a Socratic questioning method that can BYPASS COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!!!
Coax, don't push
Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
More Tactics
Focus on things that aren’t scary to normies.
(Avoid: aliens, energy fields, hollow earth, metaphysics, religions, pantheons, Moloch / Satan / Saturn, chemtrails, crop circles, detoxing / cleansing pineal gland, chakras, reptiloids. Normies will take one look at any of those and dismiss you as a nutcase.)
So what to focus on? What is easy to swallow? You have to oil up that red pill! A small red pill that's actually swallowed is better than a big one that's spat up.
The normie doesn’t need to see the entire picture. They just need to begin to trust and/or prefer our side. Our mission is to help mitigate an earth-shattering revolt by spoon-feeding normies in small amounts they can handle. Memes should focus on:
1) The elites are corrupt. They force new members to do perverse acts in order to show their loyalty. It can be sex, fraud, corruption, or any kind of perversion or depravity. This is used to blackmail or compel loyalty.
2) Powerful elites have access to the best medical technology, and they believe harvesting blood and other things from children can extend their lifespans, or improve their health.
3) Elites already have everything. Where do people who have everything get their thrills? Some of them delve into taboo and perverse activity. What do they do when they know they have huge power and influence, and think nobody can stop them?
4) The CIA is corrupt and has seriously overstepped its power. The CIA funds itself using criminal activity, such as the drug trade, and sex trafficking -- yes, even of children!
So in these examples, there’s no need to delve into Moloch worship or Satanism. The message has a higher chance of reaching more people without being dismissed outright.
We basically need sugar-coated pink pills suitable for mass production and distribution.
We can use persuasion --- Words like "dark", "perverse", "sick", "depraved". We don't have to say that Hillary eats children and worships a bull-shaped demon.
Use confirmation bias combined with vague phrasing to good effect.
▶ bdb1bf (7) No.5851805
Podesta art shock method
Essentially, explain the basic Q shit and the existence of a child-sacrifice/abuse/trafficking network, HRC, Podestas, etc. Then, as they become incredulous with disbelief, tell them to Google "Tony Podesta art". They will literally be left with their jaw on the floor, sick to their stomach, and will believe EVERY WORD YOU TELL THEM from then on about The Storm. This was a simple and effective way I redpilled my mom.
Start small + plant seeds
Plant seeds and watch them grow… Don’t push them off a cliff. Just a seed… Tell them something backed by evidence… For example, “Isn’t it weird that…blah” and let them mull it over. If you lose influence over someone, you lose credibility.
Start small
He needs to only provide crumbs. We need to find the truth ourselves, with as little help as possible. Otherwise too few people would believe. This is paramount. People have tried to tell the truth (think of famous celebrities), and guess what happens? We don't believe them, ridicule them, and they most likely get offed or worse.
Don't lay it all out for the normies, but ask questions. Lead them to the answers, and make them think they came up with it themselves. That's how you redpill.
Ask questions; lead them to discover answers themselves
How to go viral
If you want to meme/redpill successfully there are are a few ways you can go:
1. Humour
Comedy just sticks. Many anons came to the chans for funny memes. They work best when you hijack something universally known (like Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street) or actual big events (like 911); and start combining shit.
2. Mystery
Question the viewer, sometimes literally, but visually is best. Make them think they found out something themselves in the big sea of the internet. It's the best way to plant an idea.
Obviously there are a lot more ways, but it basically comes to this. Subtlety is key. And when one combines all of the above in the correct way, it might go viral.
How she redpilled her sister
Yes! She was the hardest one too! I told her I was gonna redpill her. I told her to look up politicians wearing an orthopedic boot and when she figured it out for herself, call me back. She took about 10 mins. and said "Ok, you piqued my interest, what else?" so I told her to look up politicians with black eyes and call me back. What I did doing that is REMOVE the built-in hate of republicans vs. dems in her mind. Once she saw it is both, she was more open to listen to me. I then told her to look up who Sally Quinn is and her history with her book tour and call me back. I proved the Satanic control over MSM with their own confessions. Told her to look up the arrest results for the child sex (human trafficking) arrests for this year alone and call me back. I told her to find the stats for the last 10 years of child sex arrests and compare them to this 1 single year. Now she no longer makes me make her prove it with her own eyes and just wants me to tell her what anons have come to a consensus on.
Recipe for redpilling, especially women
1 cup something easy to swallow: I suggest “Did you know Hugh Hefner got his start with CIA money?” (Gentle blackmail, make it more like a movie plot that is changing culture for the worse). Or “How are you doing hearing about all of the Hollywood sleezes?” Again, noting an intentional culture change. Why? Have they noticed? Who is behind it?
1 cup personal: “Have you had anything like that in your life?” “Known anyone that had anything like that?”
1 cup proven history: “Reminds me of the…” Franklin scandal, British scandal, Belgium scandal -- whatever you know better.
1 cup “Makes sense it’s probably happening here right now: Have you seen Podestas’ art?” Who is Podesta, what is spirit cooking, how did Wikileaks reveal it.
Leave them to think for a while.
Finish the job with a Q drop when they return to ask questions.
Read Q Spreadsheet
Spouse self red pilled by reading entire Q spreadsheet in 2 days, was able to return to work life with a "Let me know if it comes true."
▶ bdb1bf (7) No.5851818>>5862474 >>5891673 >>5909542 >>5981839 >>6003186 >>6006482
Communication tactics
In every type of communication, about 90% is about personal feelings/emotions/information, and only 10% is about external knowledge. Keep that in mind when talking to people, and see if you can get inside their bubble, or if they are "ignorant".
1. Shut up and let others talk
--This way you will recongnize repeating patterns, highlighted views, personal opinions, what the topic is about.
--The less you talk, the more you will learn to listen EXACTLY to what was said.
2. Choose which way you want to interact
2a - Only listen (to get information)
2b - Raise your voice (pass information)
3 Select a strategy of HOW to communicate
3a - "Know your enemy" / "know your opposition"
Depending on who you’re with, your communication approach will differ. It could be
- emotional
- controversial
- understanding
- helping
- distracting…
Choose your way and see if it resonates (if not, change your "style").
3b Catch people from where they are at
3b It doesn’t help anyone if tell someone who talked about their favourite TV-show that their idol is an Illuminati slave. Try taking it to a level that is understandable by the opposition. (The emotional approach maybe working here; try shifting the topic to general behavior morals and point out wrongdoing that this individual would agree on.)
4 - Decide if you want to lead into another information part (from personal to outside stuff). You can do that by either using positive or negative responses (use what resonates), pushing with or against a certain topic.
Learn to be patient!!! if you dont want to take sides, stay neutral.
As always, use small steps to create less opposition or big once to create irritation.
Breaking Down Hardcore Normies
An aggressive method I used in some rare cases:
- Find out their core belief.
- Find out the weak spot.
- Use your higher knowledge/wisdom to compromise the weak spot.
- Use irrefutabe facts.
- Stick their nose in it (like a cat).
- Watch them get angry.
- Know the seed has been planted.
(They will try to disprove you, but won’t be able to.)
This is a strategy for hardcore normies. Also works if you wanna redpill fast and are willing to take casualties along the way.
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5854576
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5856661>>5862839
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5856757>>5862839
THEY KNEW BACK IN 2009, that 78% of OxyContin abusers never received a Doctor's prescription for them and had purchased them illegally on the black market, as counterfeits.
Meanwhile, like a broken record, policymakers are intent on further reducing opioid prescriptions, as if that will do anything other than exacerbate matters. Forcing Chronic Pain Patients to live in HeII, buy them illegally or commit suicide. And Physicians are leaving their practice or dropping patients.
Many dealers use pill presses to make counterfeit OxyContin or Vicodin pills and trick non-medical users into thinking they are buying the real thing.
That’s how Prince died. The singer/songwriter abused Vicodin. Records show he never got prescriptions from doctors.
He died from ingesting counterfeit Vicodin pills he obtained on the black market that turned out to be fentanyl.
Policymakers & the main stream media remain fixated on the false narrative that the overdose crisis is the result of doctors over-prescribing opioids to their patients in pain.
Prince’s tragic death actually typifies what is really happening.
Yet their behavior played into the false narrative to which misguided policymakers stubbornly & illogically cling to.
The prescription cut-down has made many pain patients suffer needlessly and cruelly. Some have turned to suicide. Others access the black market for substitutes like heroin or fentanyl.
Meanwhile, like a broken record, policymakers are intent on further reducing opioid prescriptions, as if that will do anything other than exacerbate matters. Forcing Chronic Pain Patients to live in Hell, buy them illegally or commit suicide. And Physicians are leaving their practice or dropping patients.
Columbia University researchers last month found evidence that the present restrictive opioid policy is not lowering overdose rates, but merely pushing non-medical users to more dangerous drugs, making patients suffer in the process. This comes after two earlier studies came to similar conclusions.
Doctors and patients are the wrong targets. When will the insanity end?
Fabricated Tech Bubble Created for profit, Fabricated Housing Bubble created for profit & NOW a Fabricated RX Opioid crisis Created and Perpetuated for Profit.
Just imagine the "Kick Backs" in the form of Campaign Contributions, PACS and the $$$ Amount to the politicians, & why they won't or have any desire to fix it.
FACT: The harder it becomes to get RX Opioids, the more people flock to illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl.
FACT: To build a demand for a product, restrict it's supply
FACT: It’s now indisputable that most recent opioid deaths result from illegal heroin/fentanyl, not physician prescribed pain pills.
But The DEA & SAMHSA (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Give “Carte Blanche” & “Waivers to prescribe higher doses/limits of controlled substances” to Providers that prescribe “Addiction Therapy Drugs” that are more addictive, controlled substances, tagged the “lifetime therapy drug”, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more side effects and more expensive!
Call it what it really is!
STOP the Lies!
It is and always was an illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl flooding of the USA.
Not a Doctor prescribed opioid epidemic!
Follow the money, who is profits by restricting Doctors from prescribing pain meds to their patients with chronic pain!
Nothing sinister to see here folks…
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5856910>>5862839
-Despite frequent robberies and burglaries of pharmacies, doctors' offices, and warehouses where prescription medications are stored and sold, the DEA has focused a troubling amount of time and resources on the prescriptions issued by practicing physicians. It's easy to see why. Doctors keep records. They pay taxes. They take notes. They're an easier target than common drug dealers. Doctors don't shoot back and Doctors also often aren't aware of asset forfeiture laws.
-A physician's considerable assets can be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him before he's ever brought to trial.
-Over the last several years, hundreds of physicians have been put on trial for charges ranging from health insurance fraud to drug distribution, even to manslaughter and murder for over-prescribing prescription narcotics. Many times, investigators seize a doctor's house, office, and bank account, leaving him no resources with which to defend himself.
-Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.
But The DEA & SAMHSA (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Give “Carte Blanche” & “Waivers to prescribe higher doses/limits of controlled substances” to Providers that prescribe “Addiction Therapy Drugs” that are more addictive, controlled substances, tagged the “lifetime therapy drug”, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more side effects and more expensive!
-Addiction Drug Therapy buprenorphine $115.00 per week or $5,980.00 per year. Suboxone sells for $560 at CVS and $553 at Target for a 30-day supply, according to GoodRx.
-Addiction Drug Therapy naltrexone ( Vivitrol ) -- up to $1200 to $1,176.50 per injection $1,176.50 per month or $14,112.00 per year.
-Addiction Drug Therapy Methadone $126.00 per week or $6,552.00 per year.
Politicians Practicing Medicine Without A License For Profit!
Where is the war on "-Unintentional fall deaths: 34,673"
Where is the war on STDs " STD related bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of those infections”-CDC 2013
Where is the War on Alcoholic liver disease? Alcoholic liver disease deaths: 21,815
Why the Continued War on Chronic Pain Patients and Their Doctors when Physician Prescribed Opioids deaths: 17,029 (could even be lower )Per CDC…
Because it is an estimated Multi-Billion Profit Scam…funded mostly by the tax payers.
Would it surprise you to know that the market for the addiction recovery industry is well in excess of $35 billion a year?
That is a 44% increase since 2009. By 2020, spending in estimated to reach $42 billion, representing a jump of another 20%. (my opinion, total profits from the fabricated profit created opioid scam is over $100 Billion…organ harvest add more)
How much money can be made on a single patient?
-Professional intervention -- $2500, plus expenses
-Residential drug detox -- at least $500 per day, lasting anywhere from 3 to 14 days
-Inpatient drug rehab -- between $6000 and $32,000, depending upon location and amenities. In fact high-end, “luxury” rehabs can cost over $100,000 for a 30-day stay.
-Intensive outpatient programs -- up to $10,000 per month
-Partial hospitalization programs -- between $350 and $450 per day
-Sober living facilities -- up to $2500 per month
-Once-monthly administrations of Vivitrol -- up to $1200 per injection
-Sober coaches -- up to $1900 per day, plus expenses and travel, usually with a five-day minimum
In addition to “addiction therapy Drugs”, is the multi-Billion Frequent Drug Testing Industry with an absurd failure rate. Etc
End the War on Chronic Pain Patients and their Physicians…This was never the cause of the fake RX prescribed opioid crisis for profit.
We all know that it was illegal heroin & fentanyl brought in from Mexico and China by the Obama administration.
Pharmaceuticals / Health Products: Money to Congress https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary.php?ind=H04&recipdetail=S&sortorder=A&cycle=All&fbclid=IwAR2JzYGASCA5iNtFbe2Wcic-lrdB-VLPRjwpsFoxdmFS7bxpEeosbpYwQRY
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5857875>>5862839
The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!
First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.
Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupus, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,
etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exacerbates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.
There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.
Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???
President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.
Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.
Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.
-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,
-we did not vote for prohibition,
-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,
-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,
-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,
-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,
-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,
-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,
-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.
We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.
ps…I have never ever tried, asked for or have been on Oxycontin, nor do I want to…but I am not willing to limit or restrict it for those that it helps. Same with Med. Pot or even Big Pharmas' wish to peddle their own brands of Pot for billions. I will never use it but I neither want to limit it for those who it does help. Just note that the gun owning restrictions haven't even been lifted by Pres. Trump. Why not I wonder? I thought our guns were safe…so far, they are not.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5858075>>5862839
The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!
First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.
Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupus, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,
etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exacerbates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.
There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.
Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???
President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.
Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.
Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.
-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,
-we did not vote for prohibition,
-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,
-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,
-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,
-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,
-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,
-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,
-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.
We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.
ps…I have never ever tried, asked for or have been on Oxycontin, nor do I want to…but I am not willing to limit or restrict it for those that it helps. Same with Med. Pot or even Big Pharmas' wish to peddle their own brands of Pot for billions. I will never use it but I neither want to limit it for those who it does help. Just note that the gun owning restrictions haven't even been lifted by Pres. Trump. Why not I wonder? I thought our guns were safe…so far, they are not.
▶ ccf9ba (5) No.5859300>>5859712
See this CUNT Barbra Streisand saying Michael Jackson's victims were thrilled to be there, it didn't kill them and his sexual needs was his sexual needs! WHAT A CUNT!!!!
We need to MEME one of their LIBERAL GODS into the hole!
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5861986
Our rights and freedoms are not taken away overnight…there would be a revolt if they were. But our rights and freedoms have been eroded, watered down, striped of their essence bill after bill over the decades. Never to be restored.
Democrats are the true notorious freedom grabbers…rinos, DS, NWO traitors…Demand our freedoms, constitutional and bill of rights be restored….
What we have now are pseudo freedoms and a two tier justice system.
▶ 2ff2ec (6) No.5862839
(1) You cannot nominate your own post(s) as notable.
(2) We don't do Notables in the Memes bread anyhow.
(3) Memes bread is not the appropriate place for wall(s) of text.
(4) Your text and accompanying images that you have posted repetitively for the past few months have already informed us about these matters.
(5) The continued repetition, bread after bread, has become spam and has become counterproductive.
(6) If you actually want eyes on these matters, the General is a better place for that.
(7) If you actually want discussion or thoughtful consideration of these matters, the General is a better place for that.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5863906
According to the CDC, at least 2 million people in the U.S. become infected with STD related bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of those infections. Many more people die from other conditions that were complicated by an antibiotic-resistant infection.Sep 19, 2013
Drug overdose deaths involving prescription opioids 17,029 in 2017. Since 2016, however, the number of deaths have remained stable.
Where is the war on STDs?
They don't want you to know who is profiting $Billions by the fake RX prescribed Opioid Scam. Everyone is cashing in! And why politicians have no desire to fix or stop it. Just imagine the “Kick Backs” in the form of campaign donations, pacs, that these politicians receive for perpetuating the suffering of chronic pain patients.
The Eroding of your rights, freedoms, quality of life, privacy for profits. Resulting in Chronic Pain Patients going to the streets for illegal drugs, not because they're addicted, just for pain relief and committing suicide at a higher rate every day.
HERE ARE THE FACTS…It never was a RX Opioid prescribed epidemic as fabricated by the media, CDC, Politicians and Profiteers!
-So called Addiction drugs/treatment/rehab bringing in huge profits $$$35 Billion per year (2014).
-buprenorphine $115.00 per week or $5,980.00 per year
-naltrexone $1,176.50 per month or $14,112.00 per year
-methadone $126.00 per week or $6,552.00 per year
-Opioid Drug Testing Market worth 8.63 Billion
In Pursuit of Liquid Gold: There is big money in drug testing. That means
Over $4,000.00 per Urine Drug Test…and bills that can top a quarter-million dollars for a few months of tests for a single patient.
“Some of these places have cleared $400,000 a month in profit .
-Treatment Centers, which are happy to pay a middleman $50 for a “lead” on a patient who might generate $40,000 or more in insurance claims in a matter of months. That is why television ads offering help to addicts air constantly nationwide. (Segal, 12/27)
-The PROP anti-opioid extremist quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny MD, That now works at the CDC who profits from “Drug Addiction” & wrote the opioid guidelines & reclassifying all opioids to insane levels…has never been board certified to treat pain patients or pain management.
PS…keep in mind a dual diagnosis of addiction and some psych condition is necessary to be admitted to rehab & paid by insurance…easier for court ordered commitment…37 states made it easier to commit you against your will.
- The illegal heroin and fentanyl is brought in from China, Mexican Drug Cartels and M-13 gangs guns for drugs fast n furious Obama Administration and their open borders for votes.
-Purdue, Drug makers of of OxyContin, down-played OxyContin’s addictive potential, That it was 2x as strong as morphine and targeted primary care doctors.
End the insanity, end the Opioid scam for profits. RX prescribed opioid deaths were significantly over inflated for years! Politicians & Lobbyists are just as guilty & evil perpetuating the misery as those who had a hand in creating it.
Mar 22, 2018 - CDC Researchers State Overdose Death Rates From Prescriptions … They called the prescription opioid overdose rate “significantly inflated.”.
CDC Opioid Overdose Death Rates Over-Reported by Half. April 5, 2018.
Prohibition never works!
Politicians Practicing Medicine Without A License For Profit!
▶ 2f2d86 (1) No.5864829
He's gonna have a lot of these, starting Monday morning.
▶ d3cc2e (3) No.5867585
Hold them ALL accountable !
▶ d90f47 (1) No.5868431
Snowflakes melting
Heads exploding
Is a good day
▶ 66c9ba (1) No.5871148>>5871833
Has POTUS ever made a statement that was not true?
▶ 68db23 (1) No.5871833
And Potus is giving the land of others illegaly to Israel. Golan is Syrian.
▶ 696ad9 (1) No.5873026
i like how they played like they were all smart or sumptin but trump really be magakagfag
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5873297
Obama has referred to politics as a “GAME”.
Q makes references to “Enjoy The Show” & “You Are Watching A Movie”…
Ironic in both, the “PLAYERS” in a Game and the “Actors” in a Show or Movie, never actually die, never actually go to prison or in the game “Hangman” never actually hang. Will we ever see any of the political traitors go to prison or executed for treason?
This is especially ironic…Under the DEA's “Asset Forfeiture Laws”, a Physician prescribing opioids can have his assets seized (house, bank account, finances, files, office, etc ) in addition to be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him…before he's ever brought to trial,
…Leaving him no resources with which to defend himself. Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.
So why hasn't the DEA seized Rachel Chandler & accomplices' assets, photos, computers, finances, accounts, etc. Clearly there is enough plain view plausible evidence on the net of giving illegal drugs to minors, teens, children & infants. Or that she was at the Standard Hotel taking photos when possibly two illegal drug overdoses took place there with possible underage males. Besides all the other obvious child porn, pedophilia, child abuses, trafficking, possible crimes, etc. on her social media sites.
So why hasn't the DEA seized George Soros' and accomplices assets, homes, financial accounts, computers, etc. etc. since he is arranging the caravans of illegals crossing the USA border with illegal drugs, etc. in addition to other massive possible crimes?
▶ ade063 (5) No.5873618>>5873638 >>5873652
Sharing Pedowood memes to spread awarness regarding the crimes of Hollywood pedophiles.
1st: Memes relating to Operation Poltergeist. Part 1.
▶ ade063 (5) No.5873652>>5873669 >>5873684
Now the Operation Yepyepyep memes.
▶ ade063 (5) No.5873684
Part 3, plus Q meme mocking MSM.
▶ ede226 (4) No.5875473
We send "American Bad Ass" Pepe to ask for apologies for all the baseless lies and slander…
He does tend to be a bit redneck; like his human uncle…
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5876507
Mr. Anthony Weiner, served his first 15 months at “Club Fed” aka Federal Medical Center Devens in Ayer, Mass. He was supposed to serve a 21-month sentence, but was granted an early release.
“Club Fed” FMC Devens, which was a former military facility but specializes in prisoners with medical conditions and sex offenders, while being considered a relatively pleasant assignment as far as federal prisons go.
Raj Rajaratnam, the billionaire founder of Galleon Group, Major Clinton Donor was sentenced to 11 years for a $60 million insider trading scheme in 2009. Raj occupies the top floor, penthouse-suite cell, a private bathroom, his own in-room TV and a personal “man servant.
▶ 6870df (1) No.5876935
Takedown complete. Buildup underway.
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5876953
▶ c9857b (1) No.5877991
Kiddos’ Daily, Real Colluders Edition
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5878760
Excellent! Wonderful,exceptional job! And added to my repertoire of memes :)
▶ c55b67 (1) No.5879250
Kiddos’ Daily, Next Turn Edition
▶ 84be7f (4) No.5881487
ISAIAH 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
Q'd: Incoming… 🚀 FISA DECLAS MOAB!🔥
▶ 84be7f (4) No.5881876
ONE STONE > Statue of NWO Globalism?
▶ 84be7f (4) No.5882245
Oh, now I get it! FIB Director of Comedy?
Not going down Alone… #ClubGITMO🌴
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5884354
Why the witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their Doctors?
Just Follow The Sickening Ads…
Why the war on chronic pain patients and their Doctors…Because it's now an investment opportunity! That's right Invest in rehab & rehab drugs
Buying Selling and Investing in Addiction Treatment Centers
We recommend that if you are interested in building 20 drug rehab centers, then buy … Rep is witnessing more buyers than sellers in the drug rehab industry.
Private Equity and Drug Rehab Investing: What to Know First
What Drug Rehab Investors Need to Know About Addiction Treatment Before Getting Into the Business. Rule #1: Every drug … The few that are highly profitable seem to be snapped up quickly. Rule #2: … Rule #5: The Addiction Treatment Industry is Experiencing Consolidation. There is a lot … Should I build or buy a rehab?
Investors Seek To Buy Opioid Treatment Facilities : Shots - Health …
Jun 10, 2016 - Opioid addiction treatment is a growth market, and private equity firms are buying up treatment centers and chains. But it's too soon to say how …
Google Blocks Predatory Drug Rehabs from Buying … - Inc.com
Sep 15, 2017 - The tech company is restricting ad sales to drug treatment centers … were buying up the majority of the ad words related to addiction and drug …
10 things rehab centers won't tell you - MarketWatch
https://www.marketwatch.com › Personal Finance › 10 things
May 21, 2014 - Drug and alcohol rehabs are a big business in the U.S., but they are not all created equal. … that's already enough to support a sizable industry, with more than 14,500 facilities for drug addiction alone, … methods and that often employs a workforce that's less than up to the job. … Nvidia Is Buying Mellanox.
Overview | Drug Rehab Injury | Wilkes & McHugh
On the heels of this epidemic, a new industry has emerged -- one designed to … Poorly run, profit-focused drug treatment centers and unregulated sober homes are … to help wean addicts off harmful drugs, and follow-up monitoring and therapy. … in some states (like California) where it is possible to buy and implement an …
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5885273>>5886297
President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.
Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.
Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.
-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,
-we did not vote for prohibition,
-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,
-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,
-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,
-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,
-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,
-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,
-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.
We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5885932
Perhaps nothing illustrates the ridiculous profit driven policies of government better than the rising number of pain sufferers who turn to street heroin because they can no longer get legal medication or commit suicide, to end the pain & political insanity.
▶ ac3401 (14) No.5886297>>5889771
Maybe you should consider starting a new thread devoted solely to your topic of opioids and the issues surrounding them. I think a lot of anons would appreciate that.
▶ ac3401 (14) No.5886411
Dubbyquads witnessed!!-!!!!
▶ ac3401 (14) No.5886545
We shrunk Q=17 Justice from 5.9 MB to 464 kb (one-tenth the original size) by using sensible parameters. Images to be used on social media will get shrunk to 1200 or 1600 pixels, no larger, when posted. So there's little point in making our OC 3248x3820. Also, .JPEG compression can be used without significant loss of fidelity. The 1/10th shrinkage was done with a 93% JPEG quality setting. Most people on most devices cannot tell the differences.
Anons who are storing these images and sharing them on social media may have memory and bandwidth limitations. Therefore, managing our file sizes is a matter of practicality in terms of getting our images more widely shared.
▶ ac3401 (14) No.5886855
>>5886022 Simply amazing.
I'm in awe.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5889618
The Democrats Owe The American Tax Payers $35 Million For Their Political Circus Stunt!
The Mueller investigation could cost up to $35 million once all the expense reports are in!
Not Exonerated, BS Liberal liars
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5889771>>5889963 >>5891836
This is insane!
-Despite frequent robberies and burglaries of pharmacies, doctors' offices, and warehouses where prescription medications are stored and sold, the DEA has focused a troubling amount of time and resources on the prescriptions issued by practicing physicians. It's easy to see why. Doctors keep records. They pay taxes. They take notes. They're an easier target than common drug dealers. Doctors don't shoot back and Doctors also often aren't aware of asset forfeiture laws.
-A physician's considerable assets can be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him before he's ever brought to trial.
-Over the last several years, hundreds of physicians have been put on trial for charges ranging from health insurance fraud to drug distribution, even to manslaughter and murder for over-prescribing prescription narcotics. Many times, investigators seize a doctor's house, office, and bank account, leaving him no resources with which to defend himself.
-Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.
-Innocent Physicians just treating their patients' pain successfully, INSANE INJUSTICE!
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5889963
The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!
First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.
Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupus, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,
etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exacerbates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.
There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.
Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???
President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.
Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.
Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.
-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,
-we did not vote for prohibition,
-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,
-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,
-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,
-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,
-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,
-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,
-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.
We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.
PS…Another one of the many consequences of this insane witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their Doctors. Besides the rise of chronic pain patients committing suicide.
Physicians are leaving their practice because of this insanity and others in Pre-Med are switching their careers. Lack of future doctors.
Prohibition never works…even for big pharma profits, rehab center profits, drug testing profits, kick backs to politicians in forms of campaign contributions.
▶ 00ca1d (12) No.5890122
They think they're smarter than you are.
▶ ac3401 (14) No.5891836>>5893311 >>5893911
Go take this argument to your own bread.
You are now officially a bread-shitter of the Memes bread. This is not the opioid complaints bread, this is the Memes bread and it's for everybody not just for you, asshole.
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5892218
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5892839
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5893311>>5902805
Awwww, you come across a butt-hurt as a libatard.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5893911
Awwww, you come across a butt-hurt as a libatard.
Try this, it may help you too!
▶ 00ca1d (12) No.5895553
"You use them as a punchline."
▶ 06a70a (10) No.5896351
What about no name?
▶ 06a70a (10) No.5896364
Maybe you're just doing Presidents and (kek) would be presidents.
▶ 06a70a (10) No.5896386
Can't read the wording anon.
How about white text?
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5897596>>5897621
Every Real Patriotic American Should Demand An Apology by US DC Democrats, Obama Administration, the entire DNC and MSM.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5897621
And still have them prosecuted for either treason, collusion, etc. etc. No deals, No exceptions…No Excuses!
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5897899
▶ c208bb (1) No.5900761
apple news plus doublespeak
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5902027>>5918125 >>5918182 >>5918237 >>5918472
Please take just a moment to call the following members and urge them to publicly oppose this unconstitutional scheme in the hearing on TODAY!:
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) -- (202) 224-5444
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) -- (202) 224-5922
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) -- (202) 224-3744
Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) -- (202) 224-3344
Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) -- (202) 224-4623
ACTION! Call to action this morning. Make a quick phone call, or two or three. From Ron Paul: "
Marco Rubio’s and Susan Collins’ bill to seize your guns is up for a hearing THIS MORNING in the Senate Judiciary Committee and I need your immediate action.
With members of BOTH parties in Congress clamoring for a gun control “deal,” I’m afraid Senator Lindsey Graham’s (202-224-5972) Committee could vote to make so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders a reality.
If the anti-gun statists aren’t stopped before it’s too late, you and I could be steamrolled by this blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL scheme -- which will effectively hand government agents the power to seize our firearms any time they want.
The good news is, you and I can derail their plan by deluging Judiciary Committee members with phone calls before the hearing kicks off a round of horse trading where Senators swap support for their favorite infringements on our Second Amendment rights.
Campaign for Liberty has identified several key members of the Senate Judiciary Committee whose opposition to this scheme could be crucial to derailing the gun-grabbers’ momentum.
Please take just a moment to call the following members and urge them to publicly oppose this unconstitutional scheme in the hearing on Tuesday:
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) -- (202) 224-5444
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) -- (202) 224-5922
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) -- (202) 224-3744
Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) -- (202) 224-3344
Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) -- (202) 224-4623
Remember 37 states just made it easier to commit you against your will and confiscate your guns…wake up! Once this is federal law, kiss your freedom goodbye! It will be a domino effect in carrying out more confiscations.
The 2nd Amendment isn't safe!
New Laws Force Drug Users Into Rehab Against Their Will~2017 And will effect your gun ownership!
Meanwhile, detaining a person who has committed no crime based on what they might do in the future has potentially severe long-term repercussions.
“Involuntary commitment gives someone a lifelong marker that interferes with their ability to get health care coverage or own a firearm, and it could prevent them from getting certain jobs, like federal employment,” said Mary Catherine Roper, of the the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.
Once a civil commitment is on a person’s record, Roper says, it’s nearly impossible to get it expunged.
Her only “crime,” she says, was having a bad reaction to her doctor-prescribed opioid medication.
Hicks claims she had been placed in five-point restraints and “forcibly and unwillingly subjected to the use of strong anti-psychotic medications”
According to the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws, 37 states already have statutes that allow substance abusers who have not committed a crime to be briefly detained against their will.
This is a huge over reach by the federal government!
▶ bfe84c (10) No.5902802>>5902805
To >>5893311: You forgot to attach your images. In an emotional state? Massively triggered?
To everybody else:
Anons, I truly appreciate what the majority are doing. Making graphics all day and all night is hard work requiring creativity, concentration, awareness of the issues of the day, and yes physical skills too. (Anybody get memer's thumb-wrist-or-elbow?)
Distributing memes is also hard hard work where one must face the enemy directly and expose themselves to all the enemy has to fling at us. I truly appreciate those who work hard to distribute the ammo made here.
To all the Patriots in Q's MemeCorps: Your memes are crucial to this information war, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you, patriots.
▶ bfe84c (10) No.5902805
▶ bfe84c (10) No.5902834
His name isn't John, it's William, a/k/a Bill.
Needs fixed.
▶ bfe84c (10) No.5902881
Suggestion: You can post 5 images per post here and that's what we prefer (makes the bread last longer before we have to bake a new one). Filling in the subject is a cultural no-no here.
Thank you for bringing these memes!
▶ bfe84c (10) No.5903109>>5903149 >>5904373
We prefer multiple memes per post if you have them. Saves bread. Instead of 1 meme per post, you can post up to 5 at a time.
▶ 1df0ed (2) No.5903117
You're a disaster.
▶ 33b7b7 (14) No.5903149
▶ bfe84c (10) No.5903180>>5903363
A memeshill!
Memes containing false statements that defame the President of the United States.
MSM pay you to do this?
Hillary write your paychecks?
You work for Mossad? C_A?
At some point the streets will not be safe for ones like you.
At some point EVERYONE who participates in sedition against our constitutional republic will be held to account.
Might be you! Think about it.
Be careful who you follow, anons.
▶ 33b7b7 (14) No.5903363
Love it! THIS IS ALL FAKE BS! See how HRC/Dem/DeepState CONTROLS THESE BOARDS TO WHAT THEY WANT? They WANT TO DESTROY THE US FROM WITHIN, as you chase NOTHING REAL! So Illegals ARE NOW FAKE NEWS HERE ON 8CHAN! So when are YOU GOING TO WAKE UP AND SEE that just because their is Q in its name, DOES NOT MEAN ITS 100% PATRIOT Q! What Trillions of Criminal $ does and surely, no DisInfo HEY?
WHY NOT? Free Money, food, shelter, Healthcare, ALL ON OUR FOREFATHERS AND OUR DIME!
▶ 6c17e9 (1) No.5904373>>5904574
The anon who posted this subsequently requested its deletion. It was posted in error. The anon did not mean to invite a shill to post more shillings. The anon was on the move.
▶ 2b57f9 (1) No.5904529
This bitch is so gross looking. I thought baby blood was supposed to help you look younger? Unless this bitch is 400 years old it ain't working.
▶ 33b7b7 (14) No.5904574
So when is Truth SHILLING?
Funny, all subject only has to stay within your limited exclusive BOX you demand on these boards hey?
See how Deep State "Control" the damage to them by Exposing their criminal Trillion Dollar Secret HRC/DS/Dem controlled boards?
If you expose any other of their crimes, you are branded a SHILL? This is how CONTROL works. Only subjects and contents they deem a fakes is truth, yet others like Trump not doing 1 thing to stop criminal Illegals is a SHILL?
How more plain does it need to be guys?
We all want to believe, but make sure you are using facts as who you trust.
▶ 00ca1d (12) No.5905312
▶ 00ca1d (12) No.5908046
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5910411
▶ 578f4f (1) No.5913577
I really like your meme. However, lethal injection is too cruel. That is reserved only for innocent American babies. The injections don't always kill right away. That is why the pediatricians need to use half a dozen or more at each "well baby check" . I wouldn't put down even arch villain Him Acosta via vaccine induced SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) the pain, seizures and brain swelling are simply too cruel.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5916300>>5916398 >>5918125 >>5918182 >>5918237 >>5918472
Report: Nearly half of combat veterans complain of chronic pain
Nearly half of a group of infantry soldiers who had seen combat in Afghanistan have reported experiencing chronic pain and 15 percent said they recently used opioid pain relievers, according to a study released Monday.
Of 2,597 active-duty Army troops surveyed three months after their redeployment, 44 percent said they experienced recurring or unceasing pain after returning from Afghanistan, according to the study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine.
The number of soldiers affected by chronic pain was a surprise to researchers, said Robin L. Toblin, the lead author of the study, one of the first to quantify the impact of recent wars on the prevalence of pain and narcotic use among soldiers.
”War is really hard on the body,” said, Toblin, who is affiliated with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
But she said that researchers didn’t expect that nearly half of young, otherwise healthy men who were not seeking medical treatment would suffer from chronic pain.
The percentage was far higher than an estimated 26 percent of chronic pain sufferers in a Kansas study of civilians ages 18 to 65. In that study, which looked at a group comparable to the soldiers --- men aged 18 to 34 — only 15 percent reported chronic pain, Tobin said.
Chronic pain is defined as pain that continues beyond the normal time expected for healing or that accompanying chronic conditions like arthritis. It is associated with the onset of changes in the central nervous system that may adversely affect well-being, cognition, level of function and quality of life, according to the Defense Department’s Pain Management Task Force.
Opioids, whose pharmacological effects resemble morphine or other opiates, are strong medicines that can relieve pain caused by serious injuries.
Of the chronic pain sufferers, 48.3 percent reported pain duration of a year or longer. More than half --- 55.6 percent reported nearly daily or a constant frequency of pain. About half — 51.2 percent — reported moderate to severe pain.
The survey did not ask for the location of the pain, Tolbin said.
The troops’ reported use of opioid pain relievers --- 15.1 percent of all surveyed troops and 23 percent of those with chronic pain — was also far higher than the estimated civilian use of 4 percent. But that finding was less of a surprise, she Toblin said.
“ It’s consistent Army-wide,” she said. About a quarter of soldiers use opioids within a given year, she said.
The findings “suggest a large unmet need for assessment, management and treatment of chronic pain and related opioid use and misuse in military personnel after combat deployments,” the study authors note.
In commentary accompanying the study, Lt. Col. Dr. Wayne B. Jonas, and Lt. Gen. Eric B. Schoomaker, both retired, said that the study raised concerns.
“The nation’s defense rests on the comprehensive fitness of its service members --- mind, body and spirit. Chronic pain and use of opioids carry the risk of functional impairment of America’s fighting force,” they wrote.
According to a 2010 report by DOD’s Pain Management Task Force, “Pain is a disease state of the nervous system and deserves the same management attention given to any other disease states,” according to a 2010 task force report.
But pain management is a special challenge in military settings, the report said.”
“The transient nature of the military population, including both patients and providers, creates extraordinary challenges to providing continuity of care, something very important to pain management.”
Data for the JAMA study were collected in 2011 from an infantry brigade redeployed from Afghanistan, and most of the 2,597 survey participants were men, 18 to 24 years old, high school-educated, married and of junior enlisted rank. Nearly half - 45.4 percent - reported combat injuries.
▶ d23685 (4) No.5916372
Believe in Climate Change.🌴
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5916398>>5918125 >>5918182 >>5918237
Andrew Kolodny has absolutely no evidence, no documentation, no proof that ““There’s increasing evidence that opioids are neither safe nor effective for the majority of people with non-cancer pain.” Nor is he licensed to even treat pain patients, cancer patients or board certified for pain management.
CDC’s conclusions are predicated on dubiously collected and false data, that defies math & logic…and took years to agree their data was significantly over-inflated by half…and there is still no proof that even those numbers are correct. Dr.s are not signing these death certificates, no autopsies performed or very few, other causes of death put down to spare families of intended suicides…but let's blame opioids with no substantial proof.
The one thing NIDA got right is that many people do turn to the streets because they can't get relief, but whose fault is that really?
Let's put the blame where it belong for all the lies…The Obama Administration for not enforcing illegal heroin & fentanyl flooding of the US, Our Out-For-Profit Politicians, extremists quacks like PROP CDC guidelines' writer Andrew Kolodny, profiting, asset-seizing-profiteering “Hey, Docs don't shoot back at us” DEA, fake news that spews complete baseless fabrications…And those that are perpetuating the horrible inhumane suffering, today!
▶ 133252 (11) No.5916780
Who was the intended target ?
"Devil was on a rampage"
on a Satanic Holiday ? Google search for yourselves ,.
No the Clintons aren't Luciferians ,.. def not ;)
▶ f4219d (2) No.5917422
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5918125>>5918182 >>5918237 >>5918472 >>5922094
Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years
Gen. Carter Ham. He was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command after only a year and a half because he disagreed with orders not to mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, etc….
Some 2,500 Americans Have Died in Afghanistan and Iraq Under Obama
US Troop Deaths in Afghan War Under Obama Now Twice That Under Bush
Did Obama’s Rules of Engagement Get 38 Navy Seals killed?
A decorated retired Air Force officer who witnessed one of the most deadly attacks on Navy SEALs in U.S. history is breaking her silence, saying the government covered up evidence detailing that the 2011 downing of a Chinook helicopter gunship that killed 38 fighters in Afghanistan could have been prevented had it not been for restrictions to the military’s rules of engagement that were changed under the Obama administration. Award-winning investigative journalist Sara Carter with Circa news joined Lars today to discuss this cover-up.
Tighter rules of engagement contributed to US casualty rate in Afghanistan -- report
US military directives enacted in Afghanistan after President Obama took office in 2009 could be to blame for an increase in casualties according to a critical new report…
“It is no accident nor a coincidence that from January 2009 to August of 2010, coinciding with the Obama/McChrystal radical change of the ROE, casualties more than doubled,” Simmons went on. “The carnage will certainly continue as the already fragile and ineffective [rules] have been further weakened by the Obama administration as if they were playground rules.”
The Obama administration is facing congressional scrutiny for blocking more than a quarter-million military veterans from owning guns.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has reported more than 257,000 former members of the military who cannot manage their finances to the FBI’s list of people who are not allowed to own guns, Republicans claim, even though "it has nothing to do with regulating firearms.”
Under the current practice, a VA finding that concludes a veteran requires a fiduciary to administer benefit payments effectively voids his Second Amendment rights,”
Obama threatening veterans' gun rights
Feds send letters to warn those deemed 'incompetent' on firearms
In an apparent threat to Second Amendment rights, some American military veterans have received a letter from the Veterans Administration warning that their competency to handle their own affairs is under review, and if determined by government bureaucrats to be “incompetent,” they would be barred from possessing weapons.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/obama-threatening-veterans-gun-rights/#mxg2MFdhoOIuiVro.99
VA Tries to Confiscate Disabled Vet’s Guns, Stopped by Citizens and Sheriff Standing Guard
President Obama has said time and again that his greatest disappointment was that he was unable to enact new gun control legislation to further restrict the right of American citizens to keep and bear arms. In an effort to do an end run around Congress and enact some of that legislation, the Obama administration enacted some new policies that would make it impossible for some disabled vets to purchase guns and might even lead to their existing firearms being confiscated. That very nightmare scenario --- the VA forcibly confiscating the firearms of a disabled veteran — almost happened in Idaho yesterday, but the VA was stopped in its tracks by a grassroots group of local residents. And the sheriff. And some politicians. All of whom stood on the man’s front yard to prevent the confiscation.
more to come part 2, nothing is coincidental
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5918182>>5918237 >>5918472 >>5922094
307,000 veterans may have died awaiting Veterans Affairs health care, report says
The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing health care enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died
Under Obama: IG Report: 300,000 Veterans Died While Waiting for Health Care at VA
Nov 11, 2016 - There are currently more than 48000 homeless veterans in the U.S
Homeless veterans number decreased only slightly last year -2015
The annual point-in-time count, conducted in January, shows there are about 48,000 homeless veterans across the country. That’s down from the 50,000 in the January 2014 count..
VA Tries to Confiscate Disabled Vet’s Guns, Stopped by Citizens and Sheriff Standing Guard
President Obama has said time and again that his greatest disappointment was that he was unable to enact new gun control legislation to further restrict the right of American citizens to keep and bear arms. In an effort to do an end run around Congress and enact some of that legislation, the Obama administration enacted some new policies that would make it impossible for some disabled vets to purchase guns and might even lead to their existing firearms being confiscated. That very nightmare scenario --- the VA forcibly confiscating the firearms of a disabled veteran — almost happened in Idaho yesterday, but the VA was stopped in its tracks by a grassroots group of local residents. And the sheriff. And some politicians. All of whom stood on the man’s front yard to prevent the confiscation.
nothing is coincidental
now just involving a larger population under the umbrella of gun confiscations, eroding your freedoms…37 states making it easier to commit you against your will for 90, subject you to meds against your will and take away your gun rights.
Red Flag Gun Laws…sure sound similar to what Obama was trying to pull with disarming Veterans.
Who protects us here at home besides the National Guard….Our Veterans! Now why would they want to disarm Americans & target our Veterans under some bogus mental health, inability to take care of your finances, to have anyone report that you are a danger to yourself…
Coincidence my ass!
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5918237>>5922094
All of these started under the obama administration
and now we have the continuation of the red flag gun confiscation laws now federal…easy commitment against your will laws with & confiscation ..the fake RX opioid crisis continued…coincidence??? Planned??? Profit & Political Agenda???
New Laws Force Drug Users Into Rehab Against Their Will~2017 And will effect your gun ownership!
Meanwhile, detaining a person who has committed no crime based on what they might do in the future has potentially severe long-term repercussions.
“Involuntary commitment gives someone a lifelong marker that interferes with their ability to get health care coverage or own a firearm, and it could prevent them from getting certain jobs, like federal employment,” said Mary Catherine Roper, of the the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.
Once a civil commitment is on a person’s record, Roper says, it’s nearly impossible to get it expunged.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5918472>>5922094
Gun Grabber Lindsey Graham…"notice the familiar terms for gun confiscations…disabled, incompetent, substance abuse disorder, depression, may be a danger to one's self, duel diagnosis of substance abuse and anxiety…purposely vague terms to take your guns and your rights away…
What's next? Eroding your freedoms bill by bill…never to be restored.
Just a continuation of Obama with a larger population umbrella…using mental health, dual diagnosis, inability to do one's finances, threat to one's self, unable to…No coincidence…lies & fake RX opioid crisis used to take away rights…just as much as any other red flag.
New Laws Force Drug Users Into Rehab Against Their Will~2017 And will effect your gun ownership!
Meanwhile, detaining a person who has committed no crime based on what they might do in the future has potentially severe long-term repercussions.
“Involuntary commitment gives someone a lifelong marker that interferes with their ability to get health care coverage or own a firearm, and it could prevent them from getting certain jobs, like federal employment,” said Mary Catherine Roper, of the the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.
Once a civil commitment is on a person’s record, Roper says, it’s nearly impossible to get it expunged.
If the anti-gun statists aren’t stopped before it’s too late, you and I could be steamrolled by this blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL scheme -- which will effectively hand government agents the power to seize our firearms any time they want.
The Obama administration is facing congressional scrutiny for blocking more than a quarter-million military veterans from owning guns.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has reported more than 257,000 former members of the military who cannot manage their finances to the FBI’s list of people who are not allowed to own guns, Republicans claim, even though "it has nothing to do with regulating firearms.”
Under the current practice, a VA finding that concludes a veteran requires a fiduciary to administer benefit payments effectively voids his Second Amendment rights,”
Obama threatening veterans' gun rights
Feds send letters to warn those deemed 'incompetent' on firearms
In an apparent threat to Second Amendment rights, some American military veterans have received a letter from the Veterans Administration warning that their competency to handle their own affairs is under review, and if determined by government bureaucrats to be “incompetent,” they would be barred from possessing weapons.
***"VA Tries to Confiscate Disabled Vet’s Guns", Stopped by Citizens and Sheriff Standing Guard
President Obama has said time and again that his greatest disappointment was that he was unable to enact new gun control legislation to further restrict the right of American citizens to keep and bear arms. In an effort to do an end run around Congress and enact some of that legislation, the Obama administration enacted some new policies that would make it impossible for some disabled vets to purchase guns and might even lead to their existing firearms being confiscated. That very nightmare scenario --- the VA forcibly confiscating the firearms of a disabled veteran — almost happened in Idaho yesterday, but the VA was stopped in its tracks by a grassroots group of local residents. And the sheriff. And some politicians. All of whom stood on the man’s front yard to prevent the confiscation.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5918928
Anti American Gun Grabbing Graham
▶ ea6617 (2) No.5920231>>5922094
It would be a SHAME if a lawfag on this board knew a high-up Chicago cop and could coerce them into getting the Smollett evidence leaked on some anonymous board.
That would be a terrible day for justice.
▶ 0bcbf6 (7) No.5920628>>5920823
"We All Know" 😉
the late Joan Rivers
▶ 2f07b7 (1) No.5920823
I really hope this truth is exposed and it’s not the fact Michael/Michelle is trans. It’s the deceptive nature and disrespect shown to the American People. A president not born on US Soil plus he married a man pretending to be a women. Again I’m not judging people’s sexual choices it’s the lying that pisses me off!
▶ 0bcbf6 (7) No.5921074
Thank God for a real FLOTUS Again!
▶ ea1e0d (4) No.5922094
This is the memes bread, not the post-articles-in-full bread or the post-the-same-memes-over-and-over-again bread or the discuss-the-articles-that-shouldn't-have-been-posted-here-in-the-first-place board.
Do: Post memes (post each one only once)
Do: Discuss others' memes, recommend the best ones, suggest how to improve them, invite memeanons to make memes on a specific topic, discuss redpilling tactics and social media issues.
Main purpose of this bread is to serve as a repository of meme ammo.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5922219
Committed Against Your Will When No Crime Was Ever Committed…
Gov. Agents breaking in to confiscate your guns against your will when no crime was ever committed.
Your Rights taken away right under your distracted nose…
Gun Grabber Lindsey Graham…"notice the familiar terms for gun confiscations…disabled, incompetent, substance abuse disorder, depression, may be a danger to one's self, duel diagnosis of substance abuse and anxiety…purposely vague terms to take your guns and your rights away…
What's next? Eroding your freedoms bill by bill…never to be restored.
Just a continuation of Obama with a larger population umbrella…using mental health, dual diagnosis, inability to do one's finances, threat to one's self, unable to…No coincidence…lies & fake RX opioid crisis used to take away rights…just as much as any other red flag.
New Laws Force Drug Users Into Rehab Against Their Will~2017 And will effect your gun ownership!
Meanwhile, detaining a person who has committed no crime based on what they might do in the future has potentially severe long-term repercussions.
“Involuntary commitment gives someone a lifelong marker that interferes with their ability to get health care coverage or own a firearm, and it could prevent them from getting certain jobs, like federal employment,” said Mary Catherine Roper, of the the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.
Once a civil commitment is on a person’s record, Roper says, it’s nearly impossible to get it expunged.
If the anti-gun statists aren’t stopped before it’s too late, you and I could be steamrolled by this blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL scheme -- which will effectively hand government agents the power to seize our firearms any time they want.
The Obama administration is facing congressional scrutiny for blocking more than a quarter-million military veterans from owning guns.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has reported more than 257,000 former members of the military who cannot manage their finances to the FBI’s list of people who are not allowed to own guns, Republicans claim, even though "it has nothing to do with regulating firearms.”
Under the current practice, a VA finding that concludes a veteran requires a fiduciary to administer benefit payments effectively voids his Second Amendment rights,”
Obama threatening veterans' gun rights
Feds send letters to warn those deemed 'incompetent' on firearms
In an apparent threat to Second Amendment rights, some American military veterans have received a letter from the Veterans Administration warning that their competency to handle their own affairs is under review, and if determined by government bureaucrats to be “incompetent,” they would be barred from possessing weapons.
***"VA Tries to Confiscate Disabled Vet’s Guns", Stopped by Citizens and Sheriff Standing Guard
President Obama has said time and again that his greatest disappointment was that he was unable to enact new gun control legislation to further restrict the right of American citizens to keep and bear arms. In an effort to do an end run around Congress and enact some of that legislation, the Obama administration enacted some new policies that would make it impossible for some disabled vets to purchase guns and might even lead to their existing firearms being confiscated. That very nightmare scenario --- the VA forcibly confiscating the firearms of a disabled veteran — almost happened in Idaho yesterday, but the VA was stopped in its tracks by a grassroots group of local residents. And the sheriff. And some politicians. All of whom stood on the man’s front yard to prevent the confiscation.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5922293>>5923605 >>5924505
There are no coincidences
The fake Doctor prescribed Opioid crisis…
Report: Nearly half of combat veterans complain of chronic pain
Nearly half of a group of infantry soldiers who had seen combat in Afghanistan have reported experiencing chronic pain and 15 percent said they recently used opioid pain relievers, according to a study released Monday.
Of 2,597 active-duty Army troops surveyed three months after their redeployment, 44 percent said they experienced recurring or unceasing pain after returning from Afghanistan, according to the study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine.
The number of soldiers affected by chronic pain was a surprise to researchers, said Robin L. Toblin, the lead author of the study, one of the first to quantify the impact of recent wars on the prevalence of pain and narcotic use among soldiers.
”War is really hard on the body,” said, Toblin, who is affiliated with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
But she said that researchers didn’t expect that nearly half of young, otherwise healthy men who were not seeking medical treatment would suffer from chronic pain.
The percentage was far higher than an estimated 26 percent of chronic pain sufferers in a Kansas study of civilians ages 18 to 65. In that study, which looked at a group comparable to the soldiers --- men aged 18 to 34 — only 15 percent reported chronic pain, Tobin said.
Chronic pain is defined as pain that continues beyond the normal time expected for healing or that accompanying chronic conditions like arthritis. It is associated with the onset of changes in the central nervous system that may adversely affect well-being, cognition, level of function and quality of life, according to the Defense Department’s Pain Management Task Force.
Opioids, whose pharmacological effects resemble morphine or other opiates, are strong medicines that can relieve pain caused by serious injuries.
Of the chronic pain sufferers, 48.3 percent reported pain duration of a year or longer. More than half --- 55.6 percent reported nearly daily or a constant frequency of pain. About half — 51.2 percent — reported moderate to severe pain.
The survey did not ask for the location of the pain, Tolbin said.
The troops’ reported use of opioid pain relievers --- 15.1 percent of all surveyed troops and 23 percent of those with chronic pain — was also far higher than the estimated civilian use of 4 percent. But that finding was less of a surprise, she Toblin said.
“ It’s consistent Army-wide,” she said. About a quarter of soldiers use opioids within a given year, she said.
The findings “suggest a large unmet need for assessment, management and treatment of chronic pain and related opioid use and misuse in military personnel after combat deployments,” the study authors note.
In commentary accompanying the study, Lt. Col. Dr. Wayne B. Jonas, and Lt. Gen. Eric B. Schoomaker, both retired, said that the study raised concerns.
“The nation’s defense rests on the comprehensive fitness of its service members --- mind, body and spirit. Chronic pain and use of opioids carry the risk of functional impairment of America’s fighting force,” they wrote.
According to a 2010 report by DOD’s Pain Management Task Force, “Pain is a disease state of the nervous system and deserves the same management attention given to any other disease states,” according to a 2010 task force report.
But pain management is a special challenge in military settings, the report said.”
“The transient nature of the military population, including both patients and providers, creates extraordinary challenges to providing continuity of care, something very important to pain management.”
Data for the JAMA study were collected in 2011 from an infantry brigade redeployed from Afghanistan, and most of the 2,597 survey participants were men, 18 to 24 years old, high school-educated, married and of junior enlisted rank. Nearly half - 45.4 percent - reported combat injuries.
▶ 0bcbf6 (7) No.5922695
His Clark Kent routine never fooled me! 😉
▶ b1c150 (1) No.5923605>>5934481
Lindsay Graham just sold out every American that owns a firearm. Neither family members nor law enforcement are qualified mental health experts and are not remotely qualified to make such assessments. Due process has been re-written as Presumptive Guilt and…..the person in question gets stuck with all the court costs too! Graham should be branded as the TRAITOR he is, no politician can be trusted! With R's & I's doing shit like this who needs D's to take away our 2nd Amendment one stone at a time?
▶ 0bcbf6 (7) No.5924090
Climate Change we can Believe in! 🌴
▶ fda5a7 (1) No.5924505>>5934547
Afraid of general discussion?
Like to preach to yourself?
Want to make it easy to find your last piece of verbiage?
Like to mouth when no one is listening?
Feel like your important by cluttering meme catalog?
Your a fuck up that wastes pages of meme space
Every ID you get to expound your inferior brains vomit is removed so I can see memes not your comments.
▶ b56ad8 (1) No.5925782
>>5921944 (/pb)
Kiddos’ Daily, Fisagate -- Upcoming in Theaters Edition
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5926263
Lindsey Graham on Gun Confiscation Laws: ‘Every Right Has Limits’
Florida’s red flag law did not prevent the August 26, 2018, Jacksonville Landing shooting (three innocents killed) or the January 23, 2019, the SunTrust Bank shooting (five innocents killed).
California’s Red Flag Law did not prevent the November 7, 2018, Borderline Bar & Grill attack (12 innocents killed).
Illinois’s Red Flag Law did not prevent the February 15, 2019, Henry Pratt Company Shooting (five innocents killed).
▶ 6c17cb (1) No.5933622>>5974164 >>5974262
Notice Once Again Trumps Pattern?
Yet Again Today, Money trades are 100% always #1 more important then stopping ANY Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion crimes, entering the US or Deportation. Each of these involves more of our Children deaths in 2018 by Mexican drugs and criminal illegals inside the US, then who DIED IN the entire multi-year VIETNAM WAR?
Notice the Years of Policy Patterns by TRUMP?
#1 Priority today = CHINA TRADE DEAL
#1 Priority today = Obamacare Healthcare Repeal
#0 TRILLION Priority today - Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion to Protect our Childrens LIVES from drugs and INVASION of criminals entering illegally? ONCE AGAIN, TRUMP TOTALLY IGNORES ALL AGENCIES and their PLEA's FROM US Legal Citizens, in day 700 of his Presidency.
Yet again today, Trump stays SECRETLY ONLY WORRYING about MONEY! But what do you expect from a PURE BUSINESSMEN; who only knows how to make money - AND NOT A THOUGHT TO SAVE LIVES OF OUR CHILDREN!?
NEVER FORGET - Trump "Could have" closed the Mexican border in Feb 2019, but he "DID NOT WANT TO STOP ALL THE COMMERCE COMING IN FROM MEXICO"! Proof, Transfer of Money into US is more VALUABLE THEN ANY CHILDRENs LIFE, and this has happened every single day Trump was in office! PRIORITY #1 - MONEY over Life!
Notice Not Once every did Trump lift a FINGER to even ATTEMPT TO STOP THE FLOW OF CRIMINAL ILLEGALS Crossing the border? Trump DOES NOT care because his lining the pocketbooks to his rich elite friends, OVER OUR UNKNONWN WORTHLESS CHILDREN IN SMALLTOWNs? When is money enough?
Here is a listing of his previous Priorities OF MONEY OVER SAVING OUR CHLIDRENs LIVES and stopping the Criminal Illegal Alien Flow to protect our Nation:
26 Mar 2019 - "Free the Golen Heights" for Israeli! Yeah - that really is what we elected him to do, over protecting our nation 1st!
27 Mar 2019 - Trade Talks with China (Value $1 Trillion)
27 Mar 2019 - ObamaCare Repeal
But DEAD US CITIZENS and their CHILDREN do not put money into Trump Bank account or his fellow Elite Businessmen!
But on the FLIP SIDE, THE MORE CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIENS that come into the US and TO TAKE OUR JOBS, these same PROFIT businesses Trump is supporting, POCKETS MORE MONEY! They have more people to pick/choose from, and they pay LOWER AND LOWER WAGES, so their BUSINESS MAKES MORE MONEY! We know your game TRUMP!
So explain President Trump, "HOW" will all your endless money grabbing replace the LOST HUMAN LIVES OF OUR CHLIDREN? Do you really think that next $1 Million Dollar DEAL WILL BRING BACK OUR DEAD CHILDREN YOU TURNED YOUR BACK TO AND IGNORED? Surely, you can get the $1 Million IN THE FUTURE, OR REPLACE IT, BUT YOU CAN NOT REPLACE OUR DAM DEAD CHILDREN!
How would you feel if the lives of your children and grandchildren dies at the hands of ILLegals, and you PLEA WITH THE ONE PERSON THAT COULD HAVE PREVENTED IT - AND THEY TOLD YOU EMPTY WORTHLESS WORDS AND LIED TIME AND TIME TO YOU, and give them PURE FALSE HOPE!? How happy would you be if you knew they had the power to have stopped it, YET THEY BLEW YOU OFF? Thats what you're doing TO EVERYONE IN OUR NATION!
TRUMPS Daily Proof of #1 Priorities = MONEY #1 and CHILDRENS LIVES IGNORED!
"We The People" elect YOU TRUMP, to PROTECT AND FIX OUR NATION 1st - NOT THE WORLD! The world is calm and can take a 3 month break SO YOU CAN 100% focus on FIXING INSIDE OUR NATION! I know that isn't part of your 1st term, and like the Criminal Illegal Alien invasion, are 2020 TALKING POINTS - but we need help now!
Trump Patriot, but 100% always helps every other nation over Focusing/Saving our own BLESSED LAND and the LIVES ON IT!
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5933702
▶ 646b44 (1) No.5933900>>5935585
jesus, more fucking ugly-ass narrow yellow grandma hand font text over white background in a photo. fucking magic-believing boomers with mspaint strike again. it's like you fucking glaucoma-addled chuds have never seen a print ad, and you guys grew up with that ancient shit. it's no wonder q cultists are nothing more than an obscure internet laughing stock. these are homemade as fuck. i've seen more convincing flat earth memes. back to the drawing board, doofus davinci.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5934481
Exactly…he is a traitor and other so called "republican" that votes for this bill.
Florida’s red flag law did not prevent the August 26, 2018, Jacksonville Landing shooting (three innocents killed) or the January 23, 2019, the SunTrust Bank shooting (five innocents killed).
California’s Red Flag Law did not prevent the November 7, 2018, Borderline Bar & Grill attack (12 innocents killed).
Illinois’s Red Flag Law did not prevent the February 15, 2019, Henry Pratt Company Shooting (five innocents killed).
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is introducing federal legislation to promote "red flag" gun prohibition and confiscation order schemes. Sadly, this legislation was encouraged by President Donald Trump, who once famously said, "take the guns first, go through due process second."
This may be the most dangerous anti-Second Amendment legislation in the 2019-2020 congressional session -- not only because of what it would mean for gun owners, but because it is widely supported by anti-gun Democrats and Republicans alike.
"Red Flag" laws allow people to secretly petition a judge to have your guns taken away WITHOUT due process. The petitioners do not have to prove you have committed a crime -- they can take your gun rights away, followed by a warrant for confiscation of firearms, ammunition, magazines, and gun parts.
And these petitions can sometimes be ex parte -- without you even having notice or being present to defend against the petition.
In fact, in some states, a court “may consider any other evidence of an increased risk for violence, including, but not limited to….[e]vidence of recent acquisition of firearms, ammunition, or other deadly weapons.” In other words, if someone recently exercised their Second Amendment rights, that could be construed as evidence that they are an “increased risk for violence” and should have a "red flag" order issue against them.
In an ex parte situation, the subject of an order might not even know about it, let alone voluntarily decide to give up their property once they do know. And if it’s an order issued after notice and a hearing, then that subject, if they really are dangerous, gets to maintain possession of weapons until someone takes their weapons from them---if they can find them—or until there’s a warrant, search, and seizure of property.
While a firearm is, of course, personal property, the interest at stake here is far more substantial than the deprivation of a mere possession. “[T]he right to keep and bear arms” is “among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty.” McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742, 130 S. Ct. 3020, 3042 (2010). And by establishing a scheme that would prohibit possession (and allow for seizure) of firearms, "red flag" laws strike at the core of the Second Amendment: the right to keep and bear arms in the home for self-defense. District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 630 635 (2008).
But it gets worse. "red flag" laws and their underlying statutes skip past due process. The Due Process Clause guarantees that “[n]o person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” (U.S. Const., amend. V.) Because “[t]he right to prior notice and a hearing is central to the Constitution's command of due process,” United States v. James Daniel Good Real Property, 510 U.S. 43, 53 (1993), the “general rule” is “that individuals must receive notice and an opportunity to be heard before the Government deprives them of property.” (Id. at 48.)
If someone is dangerous enough, due to criminal activity or mental health problems, to be a real threat to themselves or others, then there are many laws by which families, friends, or law enforcement can more appropriately and effectively respond to them.
But if the government does not have enough evidence to investigate or charge a person with a crime or hold them for a mental health evaluation, then the government has not met its burden for taking away rights and property under any scheme.
"Red flag" laws stand for the proposition that everyone is guilty unless they can prove their way out of an accusation. And "red flag" laws are unconstitutional and dangerous.
FPC strongly opposes “red flag“ laws on practical, policy, and constitutional grounds.
Please stand with us and OPPOSE this legislation!
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5934547
And why would I give a shit what you think…
▶ 351b1d (4) No.5934688
Transparent background tin foil hats.
▶ 1ace95 (1) No.5934757
This is from the scene where V gets shot a few hundred times and then massacres everyone with his knives
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5934864>>5949819
These people are stupid: Republican Politicians risking our Border Patrol, ICE & Military's lives protecting the border only to release illegals into the USA…to later vote Republican Politicians out of office.
…because our RESOURCES are stretched so thin,” Rio Grande Valley Sector Deputy Chief Patrol Agents Raul Ortiz told the Epoch Times during an interview last week. “We actually don’t know who they are.
So far, here in south Texas, we’ve apprehended folks from 44 different countries. These are from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, you name it.”
ICE Officers Giving Up On Trump Over Catch And Release
The National ICE Council, which endorsed Trump in 2016, sent the president a blistering letter, complaining of catch-and-release procedures and political showmanship in Washington, D.C.
Catch-and-release is forcing ICE officers to devote long hours to mundane tasks, keeping them from performing their usual duties of catching illegal aliens and dangerous criminals.
While Democrats have called to defund and abolish ICE, the president has made efforts to curb catch-and-release and other channels foreign national abuse to enter the country.
The National ICE Council issued a scathing letter to President Donald Trump regarding the continuation of “wasteful and dangerous” immigration policies at the U.S.-Mexico border.
“We regretfully write to inform you that in the middle of an immigration crisis on the southern border, you Administration is squandering scarce ICE resources and playing political games with our officers,” the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council wrote in a letter sent to Trump on Monday. “To be direct Mr. President --- the rhetoric doesn’t match reality and we hope that this letter shows you the complete and total nonsense that is really taking place under the Trump Administration on the southern border.”
Build The "WALL'
Give ICE, Border Patrol and Law Enforcement Everything they need to STOP EVERY ILLEGAL FROM CROSSING OUR BORDERS!
--- Send them all back…that don't meet asylum guidelines.
*The only real consequences of violating 1951 Convention or the 1967 Optional Protocol are: Public shaming in the press, and Verbal condemnation of the violator by the UN and by other nations. To date, these have not proven to be significant deterrents.
--asylum abuse is FRAUD!
End The Fraud, now!
▶ 351b1d (4) No.5934963
Hello frens. I need moar styles of tin foil hats with or without transparent backgrounds. Seems to be a great demand for this attire!
▶ f4219d (2) No.5935585
it's okay bb sshhhhhhhhh
▶ a6300a (1) No.5935765
Yellow scrpty font sucks…too wordy=ineffective meme. Back to meme school at top of page
▶ ba413f (1) No.5936193
Redditors from The_Donald have sent CNN four literal tons of salt. One legendary shitlord sent an entire ton on his own.
A yard (3'x3'x3' or 27 sq ft) of fine salt weighs about 2025 pounds.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5938274>>5938318
U.S. Projected to Add 1.5M Illegal Aliens to Population this Year
The United States is projected to add about 1.5 million illegal aliens to the American population by the end of the year, should current rates of Catch and Release, border crossings, and visa overstays pan out.
This year, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Catch and Release policy --- whereby border crossers and illegal aliens are readily released from federal custody into the interior of the U.S. — is on track to release roughly 434,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the country by the end of the year. This projection is based on current estimates that more than 36,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have been released from DHS custody every month since the beginning of the year.
Additionally, Princeton Policy Advisors researcher Steven Kopits projects that in 2019, there will be up to 500,000 illegal aliens at the southern border who successfully cross into the U.S. undetected by Border Patrol agents. These are foreign nationals whom federal immigration officials are unaware of and are usually only deported after they commit a crime in the U.S.
Also, should visa overstay levels continue at the same pace as in Fiscal Year 2017, there could potentially be about 630,000 illegal aliens added to the U.S. population after overstaying their visas.
Center for Immigration Studies Director of Policy Jessica Vaughan told Breitbart News that experts predict there to be anywhere between 300,000 to 400,000 visa overstays this year.
These projections put the number of illegal aliens added to the U.S. population at around one to 1.5 million, on top of the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens who are already living across the country. This finding does not factor in the illegal aliens who will be deported, die over the next year, or leave the U.S. of their own will. As DHS data has revealed, once border crossers and illegal aliens are released into the country, the overwhelming majority are never deported.
For example, while the Trump administration has increased deportations, there continue to be only about 95,000 deportations of illegal aliens living in the U.S., as the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continues to not have the capacity to handle the enormous, and growing, illegal population.
Meanwhile, U.S. taxpayers are crippled with the burden of absorbing the 11 to 22 million-strong illegal population. In terms of healthcare costs, illegal aliens and their U.S.-born child c0st the American taxpayers about $17 billion a year. Annual illegal immigration costs American taxpayers $116 billion.
The nation’s Washington, DC-imposed mass legal and illegal immigration policy --- whereby at least 1.5 million unskilled foreign nationals are admitted to the U.S. every year — is a boon to corporate executives, Wall Street, big business, and multinational conglomerates, as America’s working and middle class have their wealth redistributed to the country’s top earners through wage stagnation.
Research by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has discovered that immigration to the country shifts about $500 billion in wages away from working and middle class Americans toward new arrivals and economic elites.
Illegal immigration under the Trump administration this year is projected to surpass every year of illegal immigration levels that the Obama administration oversaw, as Breitbart News has noted. Kopits, the Princeton Policy researcher, expects there to be 775,000 border crossings alone this year. This would be a level of illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border not seen since President George W. Bush was in office.
PS…It's bad enough with your war on chronic pain patients and their Doctors (which includes a significant number of our Veterans)…but any mention of Privatizing Social Security and we can guarantee there won't be a Republican voted to DC for the next 16 yrs. (can you recall 2008!)
▶ 12ae28 (1) No.5938318>>5938659
Keep them hearing these FACTS!
If we can only save someone's child's life or rape from happening, we do the work for ALL US LEGAL CITIZENS!
Illegals are like 100+ million. Remember too - the US Gov figures are only est. on CAUGHT illegals and DO NOT add in those who crossed in the desert and not counted. Like drugs, 10% only gets stopped, so that means 5-9 times this number is closer to TRUTH! if they say 1 million, that means 5-11 million, including the uncounted desert runners not caught. Thats only 1 year too!
Thanks True Patriot, as we fight for all our nations children, even those we do not know. But isn't that was true war Patriots have done our entire life? We fight for everyone, including those we do not know, but are Americans.
▶ 2582cd (46) No.5938659
Absolutely…however, it pisses me off that our Border Patrol, ICE, Military & Law Enforcement are risking their lives and forced to release these criminals, felons into the US…Every resource should be used to give them what they need to keep every illegal out and deport the ones here. Enough of this BS
And why isn't Soros arrested for Treason, assets seized for aiding in drug smuggling, human trafficking, child sex trafficking, etc. etc. including every organization that soros is connected to.
Thanks for posting the truth, Patriot! Trust is earned.
▶ 805c83 (1) No.5939019>>5941781
japanese support for president trump 2020
Post last edited at
▶ 732c89 (1) No.5940861
Drain the swamp and q drops for clearer vision
#qanon, #draintheswamp, #qdrops,
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5941781
▶ b5650a (1) No.5943660
Kiddos’ Daily, Storm of Light Edition
▶ 34e009 (4) No.5944577
Allow US to Assist… Backhoe??
▶ 30b261 (3) No.5945078>>5950015
>>5944930 (LB)
Anon, what is the history of this piece?
▶ 30b261 (3) No.5945248>>5950121
>>5930335I don't mind reading a message but for me, a meme works better in a SHORT sentence or short phrase.
and yeah, yellow is sucky
▶ 30b261 (3) No.5945521
Not a meme maker but I thought I would offer a caption for this one:
Well, I really stepped in it this time.
▶ 437938 (37) No.5946136
Underground Bunkers are Not Fool Proof…those that design them, know exactly where they are vulnerable.
Ha, Ha!
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5948189
▶ b268fb (14) No.5949819>>5950589
Anybody posting LONG TEXT on a MEMES bread is asking to be ignored.
This is a fucking MEMES bread, not a fucking TEXT bread.
Get it, dummy?
No text!
▶ b268fb (14) No.5950015
That's a silver US coin. Is it a silver dollar or maybe a silver quarter? The writing is completely worn off.
Look thru here to find a match.
▶ b268fb (14) No.5950121
Guideline is 7 words or less
Text that contrasts with the background
Some kind of strong bold font.
Usually ALL CAPS for headlines, but Mixed Case for sentences/phrases/quotations.
Use artful techniques to make sure the text doesn't wreck the background image: break up the text at grammatically-logical places, use contrasting color, don't overlay text on busy/high contrast areas, use white text on dark background or black text on light background
If unsure, try white impact font with black outline or black stroke and then LOOK AT IT and see if it is beautiful and readable at thumbnail size (which is how most people are going to see it).
If unsure, request feedback on the General bread or here and we'll try to give constructive suggestions.
7 words or less, yes that's a hard goal to meet but observe how readable the memes are that keep the word count very low!
If the text is necessary to convey meaning, and if they can't read it, the meme doesn't work.
There is such a thing as a meme that is graphic only, no text. These are rare but good.
▶ b69f87 (1) No.5950589
SCARED OF TRUTH HEY? We know you have to keep the Deep State narrative of distract your crimes and 100% focus on PAIN COMING! Anything else exposes your lies now doesn't it?
Notice we use Breibart, Drudge, etc NEWs and you TOTALLY HATE IT!? How much proof do TRUE Patriots need to show you are DS AGENDA to SILENCE TRUTH!
Truth triggers you cause you CAN NEVER WIN OVER TRUTH NOW CAN YOU?
Remember - Q works ALone and 8chan IS NOT HIS OFFICIAL VOICE! All anyone gets is from Q himself and 8chan then adds DISTRACTION DRAMA TO MISDIRECT YOU FROM TRUTH! Talk about muddying the waters with FAKE BS!
▶ 71d653 (2) No.5955076
Corrected one
▶ 437938 (37) No.5955414>>5974237
Nothing Sinister To See Here Folks…
The Illegal Heroin and Fentanyl brought in from China & Mexico Created Overdose Epidemic & Rise in Drug Overdose Deaths Creates INCREASE IN ORGAN DONATIONS / Organ Harvesting/Transplants-2016
In many circumstances, those who die from drug overdoses tend to be younger and otherwise in good health. This makes them good candidates for organ donation…. there has been a notable increase in the past four years. In 2015, and so far in 2016, more donors have died as a result of drug intoxication than gunshot wounds.
Reminds me of Haiti when a CNN reporter held up a box of eye corneas…now what would the dying people of haiti need eye corneas in an immergency?
Drug overdoses contribute to record number of organ donors
Fabricated Tech Bubble Created for profit, Fabricated Housing Bubble created for profit & NOW a Fabricated RX Opioid crisis Created and Perpetuated for Profit & Gun Confiscation & other political agendas….
Just imagine the "Kick Backs" in the form of Campaign Contributions, PACS and the $$$ Amount to the politicians, & why they won't or have any desire to fix it.
STOP the Lies!
Call it what it really is!
It is & always was an illegal heroin & illegal fentanyl flooding of the USA.
Not a Doctor prescribed opioid epidemic!
Follow the money, who profits by restricting Doctors from prescribing pain meds to their patients with chronic pain!
FACT: The harder it becomes to get pills, the more people flock to illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl.
FACT: It’s now indisputable that most recent opioid deaths result from illegal heroin/fentanyl, not physician prescribed pain pills.
This is Insane!
We have the DEA raiding and seizing all financial assets of Physicians treating chronic pain patients, relieving their pain successfully and without addiction. But yet these physicians are in prison for helping pain patients relieve their pain
But we have illegal immigrants running around free that were caught at the border committing a felony, drug smugglers, child sex traffickers, M-13 gangs?
And will live off the tax payers with welfare and tax credits!
Lead Selling: Paying brokers a per-head finders-fee or kick-backfor referring patients to their treatment facility (e.g. financial compensation ($500-$1000 per patient) or special future consideration. This type of patient brokering is not only happening with patients new to treatment, but also in agreements made between recovery residences (e.g. sober houses) and treatment centers, or between two separate treatment centers.
Lead Buying: When treatment centers bid for patient referrals and leads. Call centers are set up to generate commission based on their number of placed referrals, with call center agents posing as caregivers, and unbeknownst to the patient, auctioning off the patient to the highest bidding treatment center. Treatment facilities that appear as separate actually may all route to the same call center.
*Patient Brokering often entails what is called “Addiction Tourism,” which is the practice of sending a patient out of their home state to receive treatment at a facility in a different state.
▶ 32d8cb (5) No.5955775
Hello fellow Anons, I do not have Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or any other social platform, I have always been just Anon. If you could help me spread this far and wide it would be much appreciated and I believe it would help others find the light. I don't want any kind of credit so anyone can claim if they want. Just trying to do my part. Thanks Patriots #WWG1WGA
▶ c00366 (3) No.5956604>>5956974 >>5962180 >>5962417 >>5962710 >>5974262
So the next question to Trump is ---- SO ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE THEM ALL FULL PATHS TO Citizenship? HELL NO!
They have proven that they 100% REFUSE our RULE OF LAW and have NO INTENSIONS TO FOLLOWING OUR LEGAL PROCESS!
They all were given the "CHANCE" to open heartedly and willing to to follow our LAWS, yet they FLIPPED OF OUR US LEGAL SYSTEM!
See how these are 100% different then HONEST Illegals?
So if Trump gives these criminals, already ruled in a court of law to come before our judges, and THEY KNOWINGLY FAILED, ARE PURE FUGITIVE CRIMINALS! They are 100% equal to running away from Police as they chase them.
If they want to come into the US as Americans, Surely their INTENSIONS ARE NOT THAT, but of CRIMINALs. So "IF" ANY Legal US Citizen would do this, they would be jailed and charged! Since they are on US Soil, they need to RESPECT OUR LAWS AND JUDGES and proven THEY HAVE NO INTENSIONS OF FOLLOWING OUR LAWS!
It does NOT matter, if they have children, they are NOT LEGAL CITIZENS, and need to be deported. Their children need to go to fostercare or return with them.
If I was TRUMP, I would consider them to only RE-APPLY and WAIT outside the USA, until they are re-considered. Say 2-5 year "REFLECTION" penality. If they reenter one time illegally, they are 100% REMOVED FROM EVER RETURNING, AND THEIR APPLICATION WILL BE TERMINATED INDEFINATELY!
Since they shown a "Pattern" of "Uncontrollable Criminality" and can not control themselves, they have no path to US Citizenship!
But these NEED TO BE PROCESSED DIFFERENTLY then other criminal Illegals. These "KNOWINGLY" broke our Legal Judges Authority by not following the LAW. So NOT ALL CRIMINAL ILLEGALS can be processed THE SAME WAY! These knowingly failed to come to court and are not what America is looking for.
100% SIMPLE DEPORTATIONS! Trump needs to start local PDs rounding them up and deporting them!
-Create "State HUBs" where local police hold them and Hub personnel picks them up
- Create Fed HUBs and pass them to deportation vehicles.
- Buy buses, trains, planes, etc and put them in a single daily schedule to transfer them.
- Do this until they removed outside US, which would take 2-3 days max.
- MANY OTHER LOGICAL IDEA's as a experienced "Scheduler".
Surely it will be COST EFFECTIVE and pay for itself in months! "HUBS" ship out those in NY, OR, MT, etc, can ship them south in mass, via buses, and then flew, bused, or trained in bulk out to the border! Simple!
Trump - "Close the Dam Border" (CTDB). Thanks for finally moving this agenda forward.
▶ c00366 (3) No.5956974>>5956991
Over One Million Illegal Immigrants Ordered to Be Deported May Wait Years for Removal
March 20, 2019
Illegal immigrants already slated for deportation remain for years in the country before they are finally removed, government data shows.
There were more than one million illegal aliens with final orders of removal in the country as of June 2, 2018, according to data obtained through a freedom of information request from the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), an anti-mass immigration advocacy law firm.
While there are 11 million and perhaps many more illegal immigrants in the country, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) only arrests and deports small percentage of them---less than 260,000 people in fiscal 2018 (pdf).
This means even when a person is ordered to be deported, it would still take ICE about four years, on average to actually remove him or her from the United States.
In addition, there are more than 1.1 million people who have a pending final order, Conservative Review reported, meaning they’ve been slated for deportation but have likely appealed their case to the Bureau of Immigration Appeals (BIA), the appellate body of the immigration court system.
About two thirds of those with final or pending removal orders hail from four countries---El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico.
The first three countries in the Central American triangle have very much become the leading source of illegal immigration. Around one million of their citizens have been apprehended by Border Patrol, and caught trying to enter the country illegally since 2013
▶ 2053ef (8) No.5957022
if i had me a poop emoji, i'd add HB No.2
with the poop emoji underneath on the collar piece
▶ 437938 (37) No.5958651>>5958672 >>5958794 >>5974237
Psychiatrist Andrew J. Kolodny of the CDC: Narcotics Nazi Division
Psychiatrist Andrew J. Kolodny is a quack.
He is NOT qualified, licensed nor Board Certified in Pain Management and has NO medical expertise in the field or treating chronic pain patients, whatsoever.
Psychiatrist Kolodny makes his money off of addiction, addiction centers and addiction therapy drugs (tagged the treatment drug for life) which is considered more addictive, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more severe side effects than RX opioids, in addition to being more expensive.
Psychiatrist Andrew J. Kolodny, is the founder and Executive Director of PROP, an anti-opioid extremist on steroids, who ran the Phoenix House chain of so called “non-profit” addiction treatment centers and is responsible for the 2016 CDC Guidelines, increasing the pharmaceutical levels of all opioids, reclassifying them to insane levels.
He also makes money from court cases.
When the Trump administration announced new restrictions on opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare, the plan drew strong criticism from patients and physicians across the country.
The proposed rule, which would have required insurer approval of prescriptions totaling 90 or more morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day, generated nearly 1,400 online comments and they were overwhelmingly negative. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) noted two months later, in April 2018. “Physician groups opposed the forcible/non-consensual dose reductions due to the risks for patients of abrupt discontinuation and rapid taper of high dose opioid use. Similarly, we received hundreds of letters from patients who have taken opioids for long periods of time and are afraid of being forced to abruptly reduce or discontinue their medication regimens with sometimes extremely adverse outcomes, including depression, loss of function, quality of life, and suicide.”
Which went completely ignored.
Narcotic Nazis" at the CDC…are the Cancer destroying millions of lives, with their lies.
And President Trump…why are you perpetuating our suffering?
T4 Program, also called T4 Euthanasia Program, Nazi German effort---framed as a euthanasia program—to kill incurably ill, physically or mentally disabled, emotionally distraught, and elderly people. Adolf Hitler initiated the program in 1939, and, while it was officially discontinued in 1941, killings continued covertly until the military defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.
Tiergartenstrasse 4---involved virtually the entire German psychiatric community. A new bureaucracy, headed by physicians, was established with a mandate to kill anyone deemed to have a “life unworthy of living.” Some physicians active in the study of eugenics, who saw Nazism as “applied biology,” enthusiastically endorsed this program.
An important criterion was economic. Nazi officials assigned people to this program largely based on their economic productivity. The Nazis referred to the program’s victims as “burdensome lives” and “useless eaters.”
The program’s directors ordered a survey of all psychiatric institutions, hospitals, and homes for chronically ill patients.
While the program’s personnel killed people at first by starvation and lethal injection, they later chose asphyxiation by poison gas as the preferred killing technique. Physicians oversaw gassings in chambers disguised as showers, using lethal gas provided by chemists. Program administrators established gas chambers at six killing centres in Germany and Austria: Hartheim, Sonnenstein, Grafeneck, Bernburg, Hadamar, and Brandenburg. The SS (Nazi paramilitary corps) staff in charge of the transports donned white coats to keep up the charade of a medical procedure. Program staff informed victims’ families of the transfer to the killing centres. Visits, however, were not possible. The relatives then received condolence letters, falsified death certificates signed by physicians, and urns containing ashes. The murder of the handicapped, intellectually or physically disabled and emotionally disturbed Germans who by their very existence violated the Nazi ideal of Aryan supremacy. They were termed “life unworthy of life.” An economic justification was also employed as these Germans were considered “useless eaters.” was a precursor to the Holocaust.
Nazi policies and practices also sought to repress civilian gun ownership and eradicate gun owners in Germany and occupied Europe.
The registration of all firearms and the confiscation thereof, was required for “public safety.
Constitutional rights were suspended, mass searches for, seizures of guns and dissident publications ensued. Police revoked gun licenses of those who were not “politically reliable.”
▶ 437938 (37) No.5958672
They all knew that it was never a Doctor Prescribed Opioid Crisis, it was always an illegal heroin & illegal fentanyl flooding of the US.
78% of the Oxycontin overdoses were NOT Doctor Prescribed… but purchased on the black market illegally, etc. They have known this since 2009.
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5958722>>5958735
▶ 575d78 (13) No.5958735
scratch #1 it is replaced by this cumulative one.
It has typo's too.
▶ 437938 (37) No.5958794>>5974237
And how many chronic pain patients that have undiagnosed cancer or other fatal illnesses that could be treated….are too afraid of mentioning other painful symptoms, because they may be dropped by their Physicians or have already been dropped and have no Doctor to go to?
Your ignorance has dire consequences!
▶ 1d1a2e (40) No.5958815>>5962383
fixed spelling error
▶ 30659e (6) No.5962383
▶ 30659e (6) No.5962417
Parts 3, 2 and 1 read from bottom up.
▶ cda549 (2) No.5962729
Yep. Just words; no action.
▶ 437938 (37) No.5963766
The meme is so true, BE BEST…Enough Talk, get it done!
▶ db7b7a (2) No.5964093>>5964439 >>5977179
OH how The Weak speak (scream) as CHICKENs, while the Strong stay silent and LAUGH watching them!
▶ 437938 (37) No.5964416>>5974187 >>5977190
The outragiously unscientific CDC Narcotic Nazi Guidelines are causing doctors to leave their practices all over the US, for fear of DEA Gestapo malious prosecution & Asset Forfeiture if they exceed an arbitrary and unscientific “one size fits all” policy while trying to treat their patients effectively and as individuals.
Patients are being deserted by their doctors after they have used opioids as directed, safely and effectively for years to maintain the quality of their lives.
Chronic pain patients left with two alternatives buy pain relief illegally on the streets or end the pain for good by committing suicide.
They all knew that it was never a Doctor Prescribed Opioid Crisis, it was always an illegal heroin & illegal fentanyl flooding of the US.
78% of the Oxycontin overdoses were NOT Doctor Prescribed… but purchased on the black market illegally, etc. They have known this since 2009.
And how many chronic pain patients that have undiagnosed cancer or other fatal illnesses that could be treated….are too afraid of mentioning other painful symptoms, because they may be dropped by their Physicians or have already been dropped and have no Doctor to go to?
Your ignorance has dire consequences!
Our government is aware of this problem, but chooses to do nothing to help chronic pain patients and their doctors.
Prohibition Never Works
▶ db7b7a (2) No.5964439
Use IT if you'd like! Just like my Plugging of the Dyke Story! I'm sure the Public would love these little stories! Got 1000s of them to make our Patriots LAUGH OF JOY!
▶ 32d8cb (5) No.5964842>>5971844
I am starting a Qmag cover memes. It will be an homage to JFK JR and GEORGE magazine. I will try to keep up with Q, but when Q brrrrrrrrrt drops I may fall behind. Anyways here is the first two.
▶ 4775af (1) No.5964951
Don't wait on some sanctimonious megachurch pastor/sheepherder to do it… 🐑
#Sheep no more…
▶ 437938 (37) No.5973963>>5974164
Notable == ==Notable
Border officials say the illegals know if they show up with children they will not be turned away at the border, but instead will be permitted to stay, file a phony asylum claim, and then be released to disappear.
Trump: I’ll Close Border If Mexico Doesn’t Stop Illegal-Alien Invasion. 1.5M Expected This Year-Friday, 29 March 2019
President Trump says that if Mexico does not stop the illegal-alien invasion that has overwhelmed U.S. immigration authorities and is costing taxpayers millions of dollars, he will close the border.
That threat landed with a report from Breitbart that the country faces a tidal wave of illegal aliens this year if things don’t change. And it doesn’t look like they will without a wall.
Central Americans are flooding the border in unimaginable numbers, as The New American has reported repeatedly in the last few months.
They show no sign of stopping their illegal invasion.
Trump’s Threat: The president threatened to close the border in three tweets this morning at about 8:30.
The DEMOCRATS have given us the weakest immigration laws anywhere in the World. Mexico has the strongest, & they make more than $100 Billion a year on the U.S. Therefore, CONGRESS MUST CHANGE OUR WEAK IMMIGRATION LAWS NOW, & Mexico must stop illegals from entering the U.S….
….through their country and our Southern Border. Mexico has for many years made a fortune off of the U.S., far greater than Border Costs. If Mexico doesn’t immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States through our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING…..
….the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week. This would be so easy for Mexico to do, but they just take our money and “talk.”
Besides, we lose so much money with them, (especially when you add in drug trafficking etc.), that the Border closing would be a good thing!
That’s tough talk, but Trump isn’t afraid to follow through. He warned Congress that if it didn’t provide money to build a border wall, he would declare a national emergency to build it himself.
He declared that emergency, vetoed a bill to overturn his declaration, and last week took the first $1 billion of a projected $8 billion to begin constructing a barrier to stop the flow of illegal aliens.
1.5 Million This Year: Meanwhile, Breitbart.com reported some shocking data that show just how massive a problem the country faces.
The administration’s catch-and-release policy, it reported, “is on track to release roughly 434,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the country by the end of the year.
This projection is based on current estimates that more than 36,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have been released from DHS custody every month since the beginning of the year.”
Even worse, Breitbart reported, another estimate from Princeton Policy Advisors researcher Steven Kopits predicts 500,000 illegal aliens sloshing across the border “undetected by Border Patrol agents.
These are foreign nationals whom federal immigration officials are unaware of and are usually only deported after they commit a crime in the U.S.”
Visa overstays present another avenue for illegal-alien depredations. Should this year’s levels “continue at the same pace as in Fiscal Year 2017, there could potentially be about 630,000 illegal aliens added to the U.S. population after overstaying their visas.” But Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies told Breitbart News to expect between 300,000 to 400,000
Those projections total about 1.5 million. Annual illegal immigration costs American taxpayers $116 billion, Breitbart noted.
So Far This Year: Top officials at Customs and Border Patrol have repeatedly warned that the border is in crisis.
In El Paso earlier this week, CBP chief Kevin McAleenan predicted that 100,000 illegals will cross the border in March.
Through February of this fiscal year, CPB data show, agents have collared 318,407 illegals, including 158,118 as families and 28,976 children. Last year’s total was 187,097. Agents apprehended 76,013 in February alone.
Where is CBP keeping them all? It isn’t.
It’s dumping this mass of humanity into communities in the American southwest, Breitbart reported on Tuesday. In the last three months, the Department of Homeland Security has dumped 108,500 illegals upon unsuspecting Americans. It unleashed 24,000 between March 5 and March 20 alone.
Also unprecedented is the number of families.
Border officials say the illegals know if they show up with children they will not be turned away at the border, but instead will be permitted to stay, file a phony asylum claim, and then be released to disappear.
▶ 86bb5f (4) No.5974164
Why you copied same talking pints from other posts already here as your own? Funny that you just change the words and you post it as your story. Seriously? No originality.
Wasting time/space. Briainless brainwashed Shill repeat. repeat. repeat.
▶ 86bb5f (4) No.5974187
▶ 86bb5f (4) No.5974237
Please go to medical boards. No one interested but you and you post the same thing over and over and over and over. No friends? Are you that clueless, lonely and bored in life? No life and married to your resend button?
▶ 86bb5f (4) No.5974262
Lonely and bored? No friends? Hooked on drugs? Repeat. repeat. repeast same stories over and over and over and over. Keyboard finger stuck on resend with cum between videos?
▶ 8bee3c (1) No.5974325
Hollywood/HRC Bunk Buddies.
Part of the Hollywood Connection we see right now..
Michael & Barak Obama Bunk Buddies.
Voodoo Ritual Blood Sacrifices Linked
Who is Jessie's father?
▶ 7e2949 (1) No.5976903
Kiddos’ Daily, Dividers will Fail Edition
▶ 930392 (5) No.5977179
Spell Schiff with letter "C"
▶ 930392 (5) No.5977190
Yes, angry at you for spamming the board.
You already presented all of this information before, quite a few times.
The continued repetition constitutes spam and is unwelcome.
▶ 930392 (5) No.5977261
These are brilliant. 100% effectuating the meme psychology guidance that is so difficult for most to implement. Great work, Meme Corps!
▶ 930392 (5) No.5977309
Kek kek kek kek kek
▶ 4f7003 (1) No.5977734
HELP! Seriously.
I CREATED a Document Manual Procedure how I can gain 90% control in counting ALL UNDOCUMENTED ILLEGALs NAMEs, Address, Numbers in our nation in 30 DAYS!
NO BS! TIme is vital!
And in 30 days, I WOULD GUARANTEE ALL CITIES KNOW 90% WHO, BY NAME, Are in their cities UNDOCUMENTED! It will locate criminals, as well as peaceful families.
This would hugely impact each CITIES POLICE DEPARTMENTS in knowing WHO is actually in their neighborhoods BY NAME, ADDRESS, VEHICLES, plus PHOTOs of them!? How many criminals and how many good?
The Unknown is Fear but my plan WILL OPEN THE CLOSED VEIL and bring LIGHT from the DARKNESS right now! This is NATION CHANGING and can be done in 30 Days; with a continual verification so they do not disappear again. This will also expose all the criminals trying to hide. It will take little extra time, but all 100% will caught.
Personnel ARE ALREADY IN PLACE, so NO Wasted TIME in organization! PRICE? Not even $1 Billion of money needs to be spent EITHER, nor ANY DELAY (besides finalizing my application questions/form printing and shipping). I have a fast-track version that can start immediately, as fast as they can be printed and shipped to HUBs. More specific details can be given in weeks (aka how/when entered, where, IDs, social services used, etc.) Its all ready to be reviewed and approved!
I will also provide PHOTOs of each Migrant, their REAL NAMES, ADDRESS, Phone, EMPLOYERS, Spouses, Children, Schools, Drivers License, Vehicles, etc - ALL IN 30 DAYS! YES - IT CAN 100% BE DONE in my PLAN!
Can anyone tell me who I can contact for a HONEST TALK in WH?
I also CREATED other procedures on how to fast and efficently deport in mass, criminal illegals from EVERY COUNTY, IN EVERY SMALLTOWN CITY, in the US out. This will free up all local jails and prisons, which saves BIllions of Dollars we pay for each per day we house/feed them. I learned how in a little known WW2 process…
Speed is utmost important and I estimate I will get a SOLID 90% of ALL the Honest Shadow undocumented Verified Information! Thats what everyone is looking for right? Not a mailing.
I'd like a contract so we can fast-track us knowing who all is in our nation! It isn't hard, as I can trouble-shoot just about any issue, and this illegal crisis issue isn't that hard to me to fix; if it done smartly and easy.
Bless Trump and all the hard working Patriots!
(Link comments to this post for reply)
▶ 437938 (37) No.5980490
The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!
First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.
Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupus, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,
etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exacerbates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.
There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.
Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???
President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.
Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.
Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.
-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,
-we did not vote for prohibition,
-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,
-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,
-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,
-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,
-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,
-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,
-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.
We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.
▶ 2cccc2 (1) No.5980496>>5981033
>>5980234 pb
Anon found a way to evade Twitter shadow-banning. Spread the word!
>>5851711 (OP)
▶ 3de253 (1) No.5980638
Justice for Jussie? It gets even better… 😉
Just wait and See… 🎺Q
▶ 437938 (37) No.5980705
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is introducing federal legislation to promote "red flag" gun prohibition and confiscation order schemes. Sadly, this legislation was encouraged by President Donald Trump, who once famously said, "take the guns first, go through due process second."
This may be the most dangerous anti-Second Amendment legislation in the 2019-2020 congressional session -- not only because of what it would mean for gun owners, but because it is widely supported by anti-gun Democrats and Republicans alike.
"Red Flag" laws allow people to secretly petition a judge to have your guns taken away WITHOUT due process. The petitioners do not have to prove you have committed a crime -- they can take your gun rights away, followed by a warrant for confiscation of firearms, ammunition, magazines, and gun parts.
And these petitions can sometimes be ex parte -- without you even having notice or being present to defend against the petition.
In fact, in some states, a court “may consider any other evidence of an increased risk for violence, including, but not limited to….[e]vidence of recent acquisition of firearms, ammunition, or other deadly weapons.” In other words, if someone recently exercised their Second Amendment rights, that could be construed as evidence that they are an “increased risk for violence” and should have a "red flag" order issue against them.
In an ex parte situation, the subject of an order might not even know about it, let alone voluntarily decide to give up their property once they do know. And if it’s an order issued after notice and a hearing, then that subject, if they really are dangerous, gets to maintain possession of weapons until someone takes their weapons from them---if they can find them—or until there’s a warrant, search, and seizure of property.
While a firearm is, of course, personal property, the interest at stake here is far more substantial than the deprivation of a mere possession. “[T]he right to keep and bear arms” is “among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty.” McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742, 130 S. Ct. 3020, 3042 (2010). And by establishing a scheme that would prohibit possession (and allow for seizure) of firearms, "red flag" laws strike at the core of the Second Amendment: the right to keep and bear arms in the home for self-defense. District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 630 635 (2008).
But it gets worse. "red flag" laws and their underlying statutes skip past due process. The Due Process Clause guarantees that “[n]o person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” (U.S. Const., amend. V.) Because “[t]he right to prior notice and a hearing is central to the Constitution's command of due process,” United States v. James Daniel Good Real Property, 510 U.S. 43, 53 (1993), the “general rule” is “that individuals must receive notice and an opportunity to be heard before the Government deprives them of property.” (Id. at 48.)
If someone is dangerous enough, due to criminal activity or mental health problems, to be a real threat to themselves or others, then there are many laws by which families, friends, or law enforcement can more appropriately and effectively respond to them.
But if the government does not have enough evidence to investigate or charge a person with a crime or hold them for a mental health evaluation, then the government has not met its burden for taking away rights and property under any scheme.
"Red flag" laws stand for the proposition that everyone is guilty unless they can prove their way out of an accusation. And "red flag" laws are unconstitutional and dangerous.
FPC strongly opposes “red flag“ laws on practical, policy, and constitutional grounds.
Please stand with us and OPPOSE this legislation!
▶ 437938 (37) No.5982058>>5982150 >>5984334
Ignorant Government bureaucrats continue to refuse to correct their own errors, biases, complete fabrications and lies. The 2016 CDC guidelines on opioid prescription in chronic pain --- and misdirected doctor persecutions carried out by the Drug Enforcement Agency — are responsible for driving a significant number of Physicians out of Family Medicine and Pain Management practice and denying pain relief to people in agony ( The CDC does not collect suicide data specific to the denial of pain treatment or intentional suicides) Several case reports show that deserted patients have committed suicide because of provider abandonment, unrelenting pain, rapid opioid tapers, or a combination of all three.
Government bureaucrats have been informed repeatedly of their errors in public media. But they are passively refusing to do anything to correct them.
Multiple published studies and over 1.6 million patients maintained on doses over 200 MMED, reported by the Department of Health and Human Services in their 2017 Drug Outcomes Surveillance Report disprove the CDC & CDC's Guidelines's claim that RX opioid pain relievers don’t work for long term management of severe pain. The CDC & CDC Guidelines also claim that safe and effective non-pharmaceutical alternatives for pain management exist and are preferable to opioids. Details of a major outcomes study of the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality conclusiely disproves this obsurd claim, even while asserting that unproven non-opioid therapies should be tried as substitutes for proven opioid analgesics!
Was the Opioid Crisis Created by Over Prescription?
Published data of the CDC itself disprove this assertion. When State by State rates of doctor prescriptions for opioid pain relievers are compared to rates of opioid overdose related mortality, we find no relationship at all. Any contribution by medically managed opioids is so small that it gets lost in the noise of illegal street drugs that include opioids from licit and illicit sources, with or without other sedative hypnotics including alcohol.
If prescription opioids were substantially contributing to opioid-related deaths, then we should see higher mortality rates in groups which use more prescriptions. But this doesn’t happen, as seen in Analysis of US Opoid Mortality and ER Visit Data [CDC Wonder and AHRQ HCUP-US Databases. Opioid-related deaths among youth and young adults have skyrocketed since 2001, largely because of illicit fentanyl. But opioid deaths from all sources among people over 50 have been stable. Seniors are prescribed opioids about 250% more often than teens. Thus, the group that benefited most from liberalized prescribing policies of the early 2000’s has shown no increased mortality due to opioid drugs from all sources as seen in the link immediately above.
Also compelling is a direct quote from Dr Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institutes on Drug Abuse:
“Unlike tolerance and physical dependence, addiction is not a predictable result of opioid prescribing. Addiction occurs in only a small percentage of persons who are exposed to opioids --- even among those with pre-existing vulnerabilities… Older medical texts and several versions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) either overemphasized the role of tolerance and physical dependence in the definition of addiction or equated these processes (DSM-III and DSM-IV). However, more recent studies have shown that the molecular mechanisms underlying addiction are distinct from those responsible for tolerance and physical dependence, in that they evolve much more slowly, last much longer, and disrupt multiple brain processes.”
Do Opioids Work Long Term for Chronic Pain?
Writers of the 2016 CDC guidelines “stacked the deck” against opioid therapy by unfairly rejecting any opioid trials conducted for less than a year, but including much shorter trials for non-opioid medications and behavioral therapy. They got caught at this fraud by their medical peers.
Part 1 of 2
▶ 437938 (37) No.5982150>>5984334
CDC Guidelines & Quack Psychiatrist A. J. Kolodny are as FAKE as FAKE NEWS, yet TRUMP refuses to do anything to CORRECT it!
Was the Opioid Crisis Created by Over Prescription?
Published data of the CDC itself disprove this assertion. When State by State rates of doctor prescriptions for opioid pain relievers are compared to rates of opioid overdose related mortality, we find no relationship at all. Any contribution by medically managed opioids is so small that it gets lost in the noise of illegal street drugs that include opioids from licit and illicit sources, with or without other sedative hypnotics including alcohol.
If prescription opioids were substantially contributing to opioid-related deaths, then we should see higher mortality rates in groups which use more prescriptions. But this doesn’t happen, as seen in Analysis of US Opoid Mortality and ER Visit Data [CDC Wonder and AHRQ HCUP-US Databases. Opioid-related deaths among youth and young adults have skyrocketed since 2001, largely because of illicit fentanyl. But opioid deaths from all sources among people over 50 have been stable. Seniors are prescribed opioids about 250% more often than teens. Thus, the group that benefitted most from liberalized prescribing policies of the early 2000’s has shown no increased mortality due to opioid drugs from all sources as seen in the link immediately above.
Also compelling is a direct quote from Dr Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institutes on Drug Abuse:
“Unlike tolerance and physical dependence, addiction is not a predictable result of opioid prescribing. Addiction occurs in only a small percentage of persons who are exposed to opioids --- even among those with pre-existing vulnerabilities… Older medical texts and several versions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) either overemphasized the role of tolerance and physical dependence in the definition of addiction or equated these processes (DSM-III and DSM-IV). However, more recent studies have shown that the molecular mechanisms underlying addiction are distinct from those responsible for tolerance and physical dependence, in that they evolve much more slowly, last much longer, and disrupt multiple brain processes.”
Do Opioids Work Long Term for Chronic Pain?
Writers of the 2016 CDC guidelines “stacked the deck” against opioid therapy by unfairly rejecting any opioid trials conducted for less than a year, but including much shorter trials for non-opioid medications and behavioral therapy. They got caught at this fraud by their medical peers.
Are Safe and Reliable Substitutes for Opioids Available?
While it is appropriate for doctors to try non-opioid medications first before proceeding to opioid therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs have their own problems and side effects mostly related to gastrointestinal bleed, kidney dysfunction, and cardiac risk. Additionally, there are inherent toxicities and contraindication to all medications, including but not limited to various anticonvulsants, noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors such as certain antidepressants, anticonvulsants, skeletal muscle relaxants, and others.
In June 2018, the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality published a systematic outcomes review for non-invasive, non-pharmacological therapies in chronic pain. Among 4996 published trial reports for six categories of chronic pain, only 218 survived rigorous quality review. Quality of medical evidence was “weak” in more than 150. . However, AHRQ flinched from admitting the basic problem of the “alternatives” literature: none of the alternatives has undergone large scale Phase II or Phase III trials. Though most appear safe, we don’t know yet if they work any better than placebo.
Part 2 of 2
▶ cc946d (2) No.5983009
Kiddos’ Daily, Fake News in Full PANIC Edition
▶ cc946d (2) No.5983010
Kiddos’ Daily, Fake News in Full PANIC Edition
▶ 437938 (37) No.5985083
The outrageously unscientific CDC Narcotic Nazi Guidelines are causing doctors to leave their practices all over the US, for fear of DEA Gestapo malicious prosecution & Asset Forfeiture if they exceed an arbitrary and unscientific “one size fits all” policy while trying to treat their patients effectively and as individuals.
Patients are being deserted by their doctors after they have used opioids as directed, safely and effectively for years to maintain the quality of their lives.
Chronic pain patients left with two alternatives buy pain relief illegally on the streets or end the pain for good by committing suicide.
****They all knew that it was never a Doctor Prescribed Opioid Crisis, it was always an illegal heroin & illegal fentanyl flooding of the US.
*78% of the Oxycontin overdoses were NOT Doctor Prescribed… but purchased on the black market illegally, etc. They have known this since 2009.
And how many chronic pain patients that have undiagnosed cancer or other fatal illnesses that could be treated….But are too afraid of mentioning other painful symptoms, because they may be dropped by their Physicians or have already been dropped and have no Doctor to go to?
Your ignorance has dire consequences!
Our government is aware of this problem, but chooses to do nothing to help chronic pain patients and their doctors.
When the Trump administration announced new restrictions on opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare, the plan drew strong criticism from patients and physicians across the country.
The proposed rule, which would have required insurer approval of prescriptions totaling 90 or more morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day, generated nearly 1,400 online comments and they were overwhelmingly negative. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) noted two months later, in April 2018. “Physician groups opposed the forcible/non-consensual dose reductions due to the risks for patients of abrupt discontinuation and rapid taper of high dose opioid use. Similarly, we received hundreds of letters from patients who have taken opioids for long periods of time and are afraid of being forced to abruptly reduce or discontinue their medication regimens with sometimes extremely adverse outcomes, including depression, loss of function, quality of life, and suicide.”
Which went completely ignored.
CDC Guidelines are just as fabricated as FAKE NEWS…
▶ 437938 (37) No.5986296
Our government is aware of this problem, but chooses to do nothing to help chronic pain patients and their doctors.
When the Trump administration announced new restrictions on opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare, the plan drew strong criticism from patients and physicians across the country.
The proposed rule, which would have required insurer approval of prescriptions totaling 90 or more morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day, generated nearly 1,400 online comments and they were overwhelmingly negative. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) noted two months later, in April 2018. “Physician groups opposed the forcible/non-consensual dose reductions due to the risks for patients of abrupt discontinuation and rapid taper of high dose opioid use. Similarly, we received hundreds of letters from patients who have taken opioids for long periods of time and are afraid of being forced to abruptly reduce or discontinue their medication regimens with sometimes extremely adverse outcomes, including depression, loss of function, quality of life, and suicide.”
Which went completely ignored.
CDC Guidelines are just as fabricated as FAKE NEWS…Psychiatrist Andrew J. Kolodny is a quack.
He is NOT qualified, licensed nor Board Certified in Pain Management and has NO medical expertise in the field or treating chronic pain patients, whatsoever.
Psychiatrist Kolodny makes his money off of addiction, addiction centers and addiction therapy drugs (tagged the treatment drug for life) which is considered more addictive, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more severe side effects than RX opioids, in addition to being more expensive.
Psychiatrist Andrew J. Kolodny, is the founder and Executive Director of PROP, an anti-opioid extremist on steroids, who ran the Phoenix House chain of so called “non-profit” addiction treatment centers and is responsible for the 2016 CDC Guidelines, increasing the pharmaceutical levels of all opioids, reclassifying them to insane levels.
He also makes money from court cases.
▶ c3a175 (1) No.5987055
CNN and MSNBC memes are sized for Twitter.
POTUS meme left blank.
▶ 437938 (37) No.5988849
Psychiatrist Andrew J. Kolodny comes out with NEW CDC GUIDELINES. SEEMS “LOVE” is the hardest “drug like” addiction to quit. It causes more murders and suicides than any other addiction. Kolodny suspects it is even contagious and will restrict any Public Displays of Affection.
****97% of users don't have a problem with Physician prescribed opioids~per Harvard School of Medicine 2013
Isn't it time President Trump, to end both the CDC / DEA's Opioid fabrications and end the Insane Witch Hunt/ War on Chronic Pain Patients and Their Doctors?
▶ 437938 (37) No.5993429>>5993542
== If a National Security has been called, why aren't are Borders sealed? Wouldn't a National Security Trump any other asylum laws? Which asylum laws need to be repealed for the future?
Tired of the Talk, Talk is cheap…let's see some action! NOW ==
▶ 437938 (37) No.5993542
== If a National Security has been called, why aren't are Borders sealed? Wouldn't a National Security Trump any other asylum laws? Which asylum laws need to be repealed for the future?
Tired of the Talk, Talk is cheap…let's see some action! NOW ==
Traitors run free, Pedowood Pedos run free, Illegals Run Free and living off of us…Chronic Pain Patients are suffering inhumanely for profits, Doctors are arrested, assets seized, in prison, licenses taken, by DEA & CDC insanity,
George Soros runs free and his non profits use tax payer money to help destroy America…members of congress in DC are getting rich off of congressional salaries…no voter ID, No E Verify, Our rights taken away and infringed…
== If a National Security has been called, why aren't are Borders sealed? Wouldn't a National Security Trump any other asylum laws? Which asylum laws need to be repealed for the future?
Tired of the Talk, Talk is cheap…let's see some action! NOW ==
▶ 437938 (37) No.5995204>>5995229
Gun Grabber Lindsey Graham, Rubio, and other Rino Traitors.
▶ 437938 (37) No.5995229>>5995337
But they have managed to keep legal Doctor prescribed drugs from law abiding citizens, or Doctors prescribing them or Pharmacies dispensing them…how ironic.
▶ 437938 (37) No.5995337
Gun Grabber Lindsey Graham, Rubio, and other Rino Traitors.
But they have managed to keep legal RX prescribed drugs from law abiding citizens, or Doctors prescribing them or Pharmacies dispensing them…how ironic.
And years of excuses after excuses. Have any of our freedoms taken from us, even liberties, use of legal products in our homes, etc…ever been restored??? Nope!
▶ d20a76 (1) No.5995661
Kiddos’ Daily, Deep State Trouble Edition
▶ 9bdfdc (1) No.5996134
Anons, Where can I find an updated folder of just QNN Breaking memes with the latest creations? I need it for a project. The Q Mega memes folder doesnt have one and the Memes threads are mixed with others.
▶ d43f77 (7) No.5997666>>5998096 >>6003254
You have no idea how crazy things have gotten on my end, since these. . .
▶ d43f77 (7) No.5998096>>5998201
Momma said dese digits is fo the debil!!!
▶ d43f77 (7) No.5998201>>5998713 >>6003311
Okay, so I can't even begin to tell you how many ideas that have popped into my head in the past week, but this is only the beginning…
Shit just got REAL!!!
▶ d43f77 (7) No.5998713>>6003351 >>6008146
>Shit just got REAL!!!
You have no idea how real this just got…
One idea leads to another.
▶ dafe72 (1) No.5999861>>6001889 >>6003392 >>6004307 >>6004325
Original creation and 1st one to suggest it. But what a Perfect time for another Wake-up reflection and TEST OF TRUMPS EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM to all cell phones!?
Imagine all the soiled underwear by Fake News/MSM if another Emergency A Message on Monday as sent?
This ALERT WOULD BE TALKED ABOUT BY ALL FAKE NEWS, MSM, so you break down the door once again to those Sleeping!
Remember WH and Media, this is about SAVING LIVES!
I'm here to GIVE DIRECTION and break down the Normal Processes, Using my own Original Unexpected means. I am not molded nor constrained inside the Standard Molded PR MIND BOX.
Love playing and thinking of original MIND GAME Approaches to the brainwashed establishment and Knock they down, when they least expect it.
As for DJT Boxing fighting we are all viewing, his opponent's MSM/DS legs are wabbling and starting to buckle. Their head movement is swaying in one direction, so what a time to HIT IT back the other way, and a solid hit from a unseen Right Jab they didn't see coming. Only a few more times doing this DJT, they'll be knocked to the canvas soon, in your boxing match! Thats why Patriots like myself and your 10s of millions Love Ya for the exciting performance. We all are standing and cherring you on Trump, and we see they are ready to be knocked out!
Oh the stories I can paint with my words… If you don't like it, ask for your money back you paid to hear it? But the painted word story I just created, will leave it inprinted into you and all readers minds hey? I got 1000s of these and created in 5 minutes. ANy spelling errors, oh well, I free style thought to fingertips and don't go back and re-read/spellcheck.
TRUMP - Close Down The Border (CDTB)
▶ a47a7f (1) No.6000167
pillanon I'm not going to comment on you filling this thread but I am going to say I fixed the retarded typo on a good meme, "murdered" not murered" ffs.
Or to put it another way, I gave you the D. ;)
▶ 631318 (2) No.6000795>>6003526
>>5851711 (OP)
Repeatedly disparaging reporting regarding Huber is depressing. I keep hearing "No leaks" and other reassuring platitudes but John Solomon's anecdote tonight (on Life, Liberty and Levin) set me on my heels.
If those we hold most dear in this fight, including Levin, Solomon and Carter, do not see much value in Huber's work and worse, believe that Sessions' appointment was a token to take some of POTUS' pressure off of Sessions then what is really going on? Are they really going to be surprised when the results of Huber's work are hundreds or thousands of charges? Or, are we going to be disappointed to find out Huber has paid lip service to his special assignment? Where is Barr on this matter?
Please note, I am not a newfag. I consume enormous amounts of information from a variety of sources we trust, and educate those within my sphere of influence constantly.
I am a patriot! I trust the plan. WWG1WGA
Thoughtful responses appreciated.
▶ 87294c (2) No.6001734>>6001955 >>6004307 >>6004325
Happy April Fools Day Guys!
So anything Trump talks about today, he can TWIST INTO A JOKE, or IS THE JOKE REAL? Talk about playing with the Coup plotters heads of all days.
With TRUMP always calling the "WITCH HUNT" a "JOKE", so WHAT IS TODAY? April Fools Day! I am the only one who caught and decoded the clues. But what a PERFECT DAY to START TO STORM!
On 8CHAN, I didn't need any help nor discussion here, and everyting 100% is pure fantasy with no proofs. TRUST BUT VERIFY so how can one trust if you never Verify? All anyone QAnon's needs is Q and TRUMP ALONE for figuring out what is going on. They provide 100% and each learns. Then 8chan enters and muddy's the water with disinfo.
Another original creation I (CTDB) do for TRUMP and Patriots. Remember, I started this THEORY OF JOKE DAY = 1 APRIL!!!!
▶ 437938 (37) No.6001820>>6001907 >>6002505 >>6005621
Human torture for profit…CDC, DEA, Politicians in DC & Trump…It start with Ovomit, and perpetuated by Trump's Adm. for profit
Follow the money and who is profiting by restricting Doctors from prescribing pain meds to their patients with chronic pain!
DEA asset forfeiture laws let them take all and share the wealth.
Human Rights Violations by our own Government! God will Judge & so will we in the next election!
▶ 437938 (37) No.6001828>>6001907 >>6002505 >>6005621
Human torture for profit…CDC, DEA, Politicians in DC & Trump…It start with Ovomit, and perpetuated by Trump's Adm. for profit
Follow the money and who is profiting by restricting Doctors from prescribing pain meds to their patients with chronic pain!
DEA asset forfeiture laws let them take all and share the wealth.
Human Rights Violations by our own Government! God will Judge & so will we in the next election!
THEY KNEW BACK IN 2009, that 78% of OxyContin abusers never received a Doctor's prescription for them and had purchased them illegally on the black market, as counterfeits.
When the Trump administration announced new restrictions on opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare, the plan drew strong criticism from patients and physicians across the country.
The proposed rule, which would have required insurer approval of prescriptions totaling 90 or more morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day, generated nearly 1,400 online comments and they were overwhelmingly negative. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) noted two months later, in April 2018. “Physician groups opposed the forcible/non-consensual dose reductions due to the risks for patients of abrupt discontinuation and rapid taper of high dose opioid use. Similarly, we received hundreds of letters from patients who have taken opioids for long periods of time and are afraid of being forced to abruptly reduce or discontinue their medication regimens with sometimes extremely adverse outcomes, including depression, loss of function, quality of life, and suicide.”
Which went completely ignored.
Ignorant Government bureaucrats continue to refuse to correct their own errors, biases, complete fabrications and lies. The 2016 CDC guidelines on opioid prescription in chronic pain --- and misdirected doctor persecutions carried out by the Drug Enforcement Agency — are responsible for driving a significant number of Physicians out of Family Medicine and Pain Management practice and denying pain relief to people in agony
▶ 87294c (2) No.6001889>>6001955 >>6003776 >>6004307 >>6004325
Happy April Fools Day Guys! Trumps "JOKE" Day References to TODAY BEING THE START OF THE STORM?
So anything Trump talks about today, he can TWIST INTO A JOKE, or IS THE JOKE REAL? Talk about playing with the Coup plotters heads of all days.
With TRUMP always calling the "WITCH HUNT" a "JOKE", so WHAT IS TODAY? April Fools Day (aka "JOKE" DAY)! I am the only one who caught and decoded the clues. But what a PERFECT DAY to START TO STORM!
If TRUMP REALLY WANTS To PLAY THE ULTIMATE MIND GAME to Fake News/MSM/Dems, Trump should release another Emergency Test Message to ALL CELL PHONES! We have a REAL EMERGENCY at the Border being read to drop, so why not have TRUMP 100% ensure his Oct 2018 message is up and ready to go TODAY - 1 APRIL! .This is REAL PRE-OPERATION TEST, yet our ENEMIES WILL THINK ITS A JOKE! So Trump can now turn this around and show he's serious when it happens and GAVE EVERYONE A WARNING! REF MEME ABOUT 10 POSTS ABOVE THIS. >>5999861 >>5999423
On 8CHAN, I didn't need any help nor discussion here. TRUST BUT VERIFY so how can one trust if you never Verify? All anyone QAnon's needs is Q and TRUMP ALONE for figuring out what is going on. They provide 100% and each learns. Then 8chan enters and muddy's the water with disinfo.
Another original creation I (CTDB) do for TRUMP and Patriots. Remember, I started this THEORY OF JOKE DAY = 1 APRIL!!!!
▶ 8c08ab (1) No.6001907>>6003811
Dude. You have a passion for this CDC stuff, but that is #20 right now of importance. So you expect with all going on with DS, FISA, Immigration, etc, that this is more important at this time? Immigration affects 200% of our economy and our nation is crashing, yet you want this as a priority? Clearly its a deep personal issue with you, but patience and priorities.
We have outbreaks going on with Illegals and that, but please, we read 30 of your postings of the exact same thing every few hours. If you are a True Patroit, we all read it dozens of times now, and put it on our list. Patience. Like laws, you think they get fixed in a instant and its part of the talking of the new healthcare, but it takes months to pass thru all the courts. Thanks but please, say something and move on and let it end.
Imagine your in line at the post office and their a long line. You're the kind of person to make comments and huffing in anger that the line isn't moving fast enough. Well, getting mad doesn't move the priority and line any faster, as humanly possible, as these are only comments boards. Can you tell me how a board will push Congress to act when they can't do anything on anything?
Thanks but please, be a Patriot and give it a rest for a few days. Notice all subjects come and go and then reappear in the future as a reminder. You can't push that loaf of bread being baked any faster then the time needed to cook it. So Turning up the heat burns it, yet your thinking is instead of 30 minutes in the oven for a cooked loaf, if you triple the heat, that it will cook in 10 minutes. Not not how nature works.
Give it a rest for a week and repost and move on and then give it some time and against repost as a reminder. Hour by hour, and day by day of the same thing, 24 posts in a day don't contact the CDC. Many if you find their Gov blog or officials, email them ove rand over and I'm sure you'll get more results.
Peace and love given to ya, but just frustrating same story dozens of times a day on the same subject. If this was only a CDC board, then its cool, but we share everything, on every subject, so we need as much variety across the boards If you read, you see this.
Sorry but search for Drug companies blogs or that, or the medical communities where more alike with passion of the CDC gather and flood them. I'm sure if you look for some medical advocies who sue them and have official or public groups already going after them, as you. I'm sure you'd get more informaiton being part of that group specificall, this that is your only passion. But search for medical advocates boarders, and thos who protest or lost loved ones. They can help more then this board.
▶ 437938 (37) No.6002186>>6002505 >>6005621
“A Catastrophic CDC, DEA, FDA, Politician & Administration Failure”
▶ 437938 (37) No.6002200>>6002505
All it would take…but no, nothing….
When the Trump administration announced new restrictions on opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare, the plan drew strong criticism from patients and physicians across the country.
The proposed rule, which would have required insurer approval of prescriptions totaling 90 or more morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day, generated nearly 1,400 online comments and they were overwhelmingly negative. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) noted two months later, in April 2018. “Physician groups opposed the forcible/non-consensual dose reductions due to the risks for patients of abrupt discontinuation and rapid taper of high dose opioid use. Similarly, we received hundreds of letters from patients who have taken opioids for long periods of time and are afraid of being forced to abruptly reduce or discontinue their medication regimens with sometimes extremely adverse outcomes, including depression, loss of function, quality of life, and suicide.”
Which went completely ignored.
▶ 437938 (37) No.6002433>>6002505
Posts From April 2018
Unaccountables, still unaccountable
Old Harvey, still free…
Pope is still here…
Soon…still waiting…
Masses at the border…still not secure
▶ 437938 (37) No.6002459>>6002505
Posts From April 2018
Zuckenberg & Hillary, still free…
Trust the plan…
Border still open…why? No excuses.
Busted…still free and no charges
Allison Mack still not prosecuted…
▶ 437938 (37) No.6002505>>6005621
And Chronic Pain Patients still committing suicide…
DEA still going after Doctors and not drug dealers (asset forfeiture laws…lucrative and don't shoot back) CDC Guidelines based on Junk Science if you can even call it science written by someone who isn't even remotely an expert…
Nothing done, totally ignored and we've waited and waited hoping the nightmare would end.
Human torture for profits…yeah, these people are sick
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6003254>>6008361
Crazy in a good way people responding to your memes containing Pepes, or your life has gotten full? Using Pepes is working? Tell! These are very cool. Like them a lot.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6003311
>>5998201 God has blessed you, and your blessing is a gift to us all. Kek.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6003351>>6003368 >>6008361
>>5998713 Memeanon levelled up…
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6003392>>6003449
Kek has blessed us once again with high energy creative anons.
▶ 0389f6 (3) No.6003462>>6003852 >>6003878
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6003526>>6026214
>>6000795 I didn't watch the show but isn't it possible that Huber is successfully maintaining extremely tight security with no hints or leaks whatsoever? For what could be the biggest prosecution in history? (CF)
Look up 56 references to "criminal" in qanon.pub. Look up 76 references to "prosecute" . I'm trying to locate the crumb about the biggest criminal prosecution in history working with foreign partners and can't locate it. It's there, somewhere.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6003776>>6005772
>I am CTDB.
Don't namefag, namefag.
Nobody cares who you are and we WILL remove the watermarks from your memes.
None of the acclaimed memefags here signs their work. Aren't you ashamed to be namefagging among others who explicitly decline to? Be ashamed, be very ashamed. And stop namefagging.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6003811>>6005772
Thank you, anon, for your clear and compassionate advice to pillfag. Yes we'll call them pillfag as long as they keep eating 5-10% of every memes bread. A memes bread normally lasts about 10 days. This one has gone a lot faster thanks to pillfag.
Your advice is sound. A person who seriously wants to get results will change their tactics if the tactic isn't working (and it isn't). They have created awareness of THEIR problem/issue and there will be a time to push this issue but that time is not yet.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6003852>>6003878
Fuck me. Just fuck me.
Started this one months ago, picked it up last night very tired, did not even look. Fuck me.
Thank you anon.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6003878>>6003881
Needs 2 more pepes. I'll fix it some day.
Meanwhile lost my favorite meme made the other day. Used a utility to compress some Pepes and other memes, and several that had the same name but differed in .jpg or .png self destructed and disappeared. Riders in the Sky pegasus regatta disappeared. I am so fucked.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6004307>>6004325
Let's all get into the "anon" spirit.
Q #2329 "ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS."
Namefag watermarks removed.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6004325>>6005816
Let's all get into the "anon" spirit.
Q #2329 "ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS."
Namefag watermarks removed.
If you aren't willing to be anon like everybody else, there are plenty of places for name fagging. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Voat, etc.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6004960
Some lost memes found
Not sure if they came from Memes bread or General.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6004978
More lost memes found
Not sure if they came from Memes bread or General.
▶ f3a663 (21) No.6004988
Moar lost memes found
Not sure if they came from Memes bread or General.
▶ 8b521a (1) No.6005043
Kiddos’ Daily, April Fooling Edition
▶ 33b7b7 (14) No.6005621
First - If you feel you are going to committ your suicide issue, are your trying to reach out here for help, as you are the person you in this subject? If so, please seek personal help. Or do you just need to talk with someone, which it seems, you have no human contact to discuss ths with in your life. Go to public centers or malls, Volunanteer in your local communities, as all City Halls or Libraries you can find out where people meet, so you are not so lonely in your life and at home.
Posting every few minutes for weeks the same thing, clearly, their is something wrong and your mind is stuck in 1 issue being what controls your life. Saying it we love. Remember for every 1 suicide you want fixed, our nation has 100 times the death in other ways, yet you can not that 100 to 1 and you're the real priority. So to you, 1 life saving is more important then the 100 being killed and raped, just because you think its more right? If you loved God, you want to save the greater masses first, and work to stop deaths everyone, yet your view is saving 1 person and letting 100 die? Priorities.
Repeat nonstop helped awareness sooner or later backfires when you have no time for anything else and its non-stop. Like a abuser in words, where one never stops on the subject, and bring up same thing, every minute, of every day, of every week. How long before it flips from being good and talked about, and you don't like the reply, so you continue the same story over and over again, becuase its not the answer you want? Makes you single and divorced real fast…And you wonder why they left you in the first place, and you blame them, when you can't see your addiction and just can't change? Its always someone elses fault, but maybe if I scream louder and more often this time, maybe they'll start to listen. Like your foot on the gas peddle and you never slow down or brake, yet you keep that gas peddle down to the floor. What happens? You crash so see what you are doing? Post, let it brake for weeks and remind. This isn't a TRUMP DRIVE BOARD, so did you ever contact the WH directly?
Yet the roof and walls caving in on our nation is not important to you, nor the Nation having being on our last breath, you don't care how priorities in life means.
US is in the middle of a heart surgery, yet your in the WAITING ROOM, with a broken toes and think we need to stop our heart surgery, and let that person die, just to run and help you because you are in pain? Who cares about the lives of the person on the table (aka NATION) being saved, because you only care about yourself, and no other person. So Who made you more special then anyone else? What about me and my passion? It takes a back seat. Patience please and let us talk other issues here, are are you DS who is trying to disrupt our Greatness?
Priorities we hit the most broad issues, and clearly you have not seen Trump lowered drug prices now did you? So was Trump to make your issue, a small %, over lowing drug prices? 1000% more people are affected by high drug prices then suicide, as you continue to push as the most important issue on planet earth. Patience.
But Each person you claim took it upon themselves to chose their own death, at their own hands by themselves. Their are programs they refused to work with, nor ask for help. Patriot friend, you just don't get it. PRIORITIES.
Guns still kill people when they use it not a prescribed. Cars driven by drunk drivers still kill people every day, so are one to 100% ask for banning of cars and drink and nothing else?
Its in each persons hands and instead of suicide, they choosen it themselves, at their own hands, and not ask for help. This way only take a small percentage of deaths on our streets in our nation. Don't you think you want to hit the top 10 1st and knock off 1 at a time? Yet you continually scream this is the USs 1 issue, yet I'd say .01% of population is affected by it.
So to you, we must go after this issue only, drop everything right now, and strickly deal solely on your concern. Well everyone has a different passion as you,so how can one get all done, for everyone, at 1 time?
Stated with love.
Yet the roof and walls caving in on our nation is not important, nor the Nation having being on our last breath, you don't care. We're in the middle of a heart surgery, yet your in the WAITING ROOM, with a broken toes and think we need to stop our heart surgery, and let that person die, just to help you because you are in pain? Who cares about the live of the peron on the table being saved, because you only care about yourself, and no other person. So Who made you more special then anyone else? Patience please and let us talk other issues, are are you DS who is trying to disrupt our Greatness? We all heard ya dozens of times.
▶ 33b7b7 (14) No.6005772>>6005852
Boo hoo… They make no money now do they? Can't handle someone outsmarting you? Just saying your jealous.
▶ 33b7b7 (14) No.6005816>>6005904
What a ego shill.
Again, totally jealous now aren't you they outsmarted you so its proof, you are not as smart as everyone else. Need your ego boosted now don't ya?
Noticed ones here borrow others work and you don't care? Double standard now isn't it?
▶ b053a5 (12) No.6005852
Jealous? Not hardly. I work my ass off 2 shifts a day 7 days a week since the beginning, because I want our country to be saved. It's not about me. It's about America and about getting rid of the evil satanic cult that has controlled the world.
I've made something like over 3000 memes for this movement (lost count, don't tag them separately from everyone else's) and have archived somewhere around 45,000 made by everybody.
I don't sign my work and wouldn't dream of asking for credit or recognition.
It's about saving the country, not about "you" getting "credit" or "recognition". If you don't get that, what are you doing here?
▶ b053a5 (12) No.6005904
If someone takes one of my images and alters it to make it better or put it in a different context or free it into the wild, that makes me happy and that's why the memes are made. That's what we do here.
If that's not your paradigm, what are you doing here? Have you ever seen this image? It's about the hive mind sharing ideas and images.
(Not my OC btw).
As much as any, this image exemplifies the hive mind that is shared by the Meme Corps.
▶ b053a5 (12) No.6005995
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 09b0d5 No.1233458 📁
Apr 29 2018 10:11:22 (EST)
Be careful who you are following.
Some are profiting off this movement.
Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.
Patriots make sacrifices.
Some, the ultimate sacrifice.
Patriots are SELFLESS.
Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?
Think logically.
To some, it’s only about the money.
Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.
You decide.
This is not a game.
The only profit we should all be striving for is TRUE FREEDOM.
God bless you all.
Statements today needed to be made.
Operators have died.
They approach the field of battle w/o fear.
They lay down their lives for YOU.
They are SELFLESS.
They are fighting for our FREEDOM.
They fight unconditionally because they hold a core value, a value that we should all live in FREEDOM.
We HONOR them.
We must do better to protect them.
▶ 0c4feb (2) No.6006743
Coming soon: #JusticeforJussie
#JusticeforNOTjustJussie too!!!! 😉
▶ d43f77 (7) No.6008146>>6008361
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Normally, I don't do this, but I need some runway music for this next part. . .
▶ d43f77 (7) No.6008361>>6008441 >>6008653
>Crazy in a good way
…is my middle name!!
and so it begins :)
▶ b053a5 (12) No.6008441
It's good! Really like the telepathic anchor girl. You can put all kinds of thoughts in their head that would ordinarily be "normie-unacceptable" and get away with it, kek.
I'm sitting here watching the bread b/c I'll need to bake a new one soon.
Someday we'll trade stories. I've had my high-energy stretches too - understand!
▶ d43f77 (7) No.6008653
News Unlocks!?
Here at Live Extreme Action Real News, we don't have to talk about what's coming up next.., because we're already wearing it before you ever knew it even happened, with our EXCLUSIVE Portal Gear Technology!!!
This is NOT a joke… This really just happened. . .
Word on the Street is :) "It's ON!!!"
▶ 52e691 (7) No.6008877
new bread after this one is full
(full = 751 posts, when it won't take any more)
new bread
new bread
new bread
new bread
new bread
new bread
new bread
new bread
new bread
new bread
new bread >>6008836 Memes45
new bread >>6008836 Memes45
new bread >>6008836 Memes45
new bread >>6008836 Memes45
new bread >>6008836 Memes45
new bread >>6008836 Memes45
▶ 33b7b7 (14) No.6018262>>6018493
-Fast n Furious
-IRS Tax Target Scandel
(Many more)
We need to see "What" they are hiding in their Findings as well! See how they want you to think their SUMMARY is TRUE, yet ours is LIES?
▶ 2053ef (8) No.6018712
chuckles sovietly…
pic Ben A1….
demnd in line one of text
demand in line three of text
▶ 437938 (37) No.6019415>>6019689 >>6019732
President Trump…why are you perpetuating our suffering?
Psychiatrist Andrew J. Kolodny of the CDC: Narcotics Nazi Division
Psychiatrist Andrew J. Kolodny is a quack.
He is NOT qualified, licensed nor Board Certified in Pain Management and has NO medical expertise in the field or treating chronic pain patients, whatsoever.
Psychiatrist Kolodny makes his money off of addiction, addiction centers and addiction therapy drugs (tagged the treatment drug for life) which is considered more addictive, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more severe side effects than RX opioids, in addition to being more expensive.
Psychiatrist Andrew J. Kolodny, is the founder and Executive Director of PROP, an anti-opioid extremist on steroids, who ran the Phoenix House chain of so called “non-profit” addiction treatment centers and is responsible for the 2016 CDC Guidelines, increasing the pharmaceutical levels of all opioids, reclassifying them to insane levels.
He also makes money from court cases.
When the Trump administration announced new restrictions on opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare, the plan drew strong criticism from patients and physicians across the country.
The proposed rule, which would have required insurer approval of prescriptions totaling 90 or more morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day, generated nearly 1,400 online comments and they were overwhelmingly negative. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) noted two months later, in April 2018. “Physician groups opposed the forcible/non-consensual dose reductions due to the risks for patients of abrupt discontinuation and rapid taper of high dose opioid use. Similarly, we received hundreds of letters from patients who have taken opioids for long periods of time and are afraid of being forced to abruptly reduce or discontinue their medication regimens with sometimes extremely adverse outcomes, including depression, loss of function, quality of life, and suicide.”
Which went completely ignored.
▶ 437938 (37) No.6019439>>6019689 >>6019732
President Trump…why are you perpetuating our suffering?
When the Trump administration announced new restrictions on opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare, the plan drew strong criticism from patients and physicians across the country.
The proposed rule, which would have required insurer approval of prescriptions totaling 90 or more morphine milligram equivalents (MME) per day, generated nearly 1,400 online comments and they were overwhelmingly negative. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) noted two months later, in April 2018. “Physician groups opposed the forcible/non-consensual dose reductions due to the risks for patients of abrupt discontinuation and rapid taper of high dose opioid use. Similarly, we received hundreds of letters from patients who have taken opioids for long periods of time and are afraid of being forced to abruptly reduce or discontinue their medication regimens with sometimes extremely adverse outcomes, including depression, loss of function, quality of life, and suicide.”
Which went completely ignored.
▶ 437938 (37) No.6019487>>6019689 >>6019732
Fabricated Tech Bubble Created for profit, Fabricated Housing Bubble created for profit & NOW a Fabricated RX Opioid crisis Created and Perpetuated for Profit & Gun Confiscation & other political agendas….
Just imagine the "Kick Backs" in the form of Campaign Contributions, PACS and the $$$ Amount to the politicians, & why they won't or have any desire to fix it.
Remember Amy Klobuchar's Chronic Excruciating Pain Tax?
Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Angus King (I-ME), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) are co-sponsoring a bill that will….
TAX 95% of those who suffer from the most excruciatingly painful and sometimes chronic diseases and conditions: Cancer, Shingles, Kidney Stones, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupis, Gulf War Syndrome, Injuries, Broken bones, etc…as if those patients haven't suffered enough. They happen to be some of the poorest Americans and Veterans, too.
▶ 437938 (37) No.6019689>>6019732
“The Doctor's Office is just around the corner. And He wrote 20 perscriptions for Robitussin AC Cough Syrup, last month.”
“Wasn't that cold season, Sir?”
“Who cares! It's a NARCOTIC! Just think of the financial assets we get to keep.”
Doctors don't shoot back and Doctors also often aren't aware of DEA "Asset Forfeiture Laws".
-A physician's considerable assets can be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him before he's ever brought to trial.
-Over the last several years, hundreds of physicians have been put on trial for charges ranging from health insurance fraud to drug distribution, even to manslaughter and murder for over-prescribing prescription narcotics. Many times, investigators seize a doctor's house, office, and bank account, leaving him no resources with which to defend himself.
-Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.
In the 21st Century, we have gone backwards in Medicine, not forward. Doctors are put in prison for treating their pain patients humanely….sickening…the politicians are the ones to blame. Follow the money, the ads and who profits by restricting Doctors writing they same scripts they have for the last 30 years successfully treating their patients' pain or reducing it…so they too can have a decent quality of life.
▶ 80701b (2) No.6021254
Not yet, the war ain't over.
▶ 631318 (2) No.6026214
Solomon's point was that a story was released, seemingly in Huber's purview. Huber then requested a copy of the underlying report and was informed it had been sent to him nine months earlier.
Perhaps it was a big head fake. Your point is well made. Time will tell.
▶ 437938 (37) No.6026787
Jay Lawrence, a former truck driver, is a case in point. When his doctor refused to continue his medication in early 2017 --- even though he had severe pain from spinal cord injuries and was not addicted — he told his wife that he’d had enough. In a park where they’d recently renewed their wedding vows, he fatally shot himself in the chest while she held his hand.
Thousands of pain medication recipients have had their doses reduced or eliminated. But this attempt to save people from addiction is leaving many patients in perpetual pain --- and thus inadvertently ruining, or even ending, lives.
A Veterans Health Administration study found alarming rates of suicidal acts “following discontinuation of opioid therapy.” Human Rights Watch recently released a report detailing the struggles of chronic pain patients in the United States to find relief and care as a result of government efforts to reduce prescriptions.
Prescribing outside the C.D.C. guidelines can lead to scrutiny by medical boards and even the Drug Enforcement Administration --- and the result has been that many doctors have either quit prescribing entirely or tapered patients’ doses to fit the guidelines.
According to a 2017 Boston Globe survey, nearly 70 percent of family and internal medicine doctors nationwide reported having reduced their prescribing in the previous two years --- and nearly 10 percent reported stopping prescribing pain medication entirely.
The State of Oregon is considering a proposal that would require that all Medicaid patients with certain forms of chronic pain be forced off opioids. But not all patients can manage without opioids and some --- whether because of metabolic or genetic differences, or tolerance from long-term use — will always need higher doses than the C.D.C. recommends.
By working to reduce prescribing, government regulators, insurers, law enforcement officials, legislators and other policymakers have ignored the genuine dangers of leaving people in agony, including suicide and increased risk for heart attacks and strokes.
And with the Trump administration having pledged to cut the manufacturing of opioids by pharmaceutical companies by an additional 10 percent, even more patients are at risk.
But while medical opioid use has fallen by nearly one-third since peaking around 2011 --- and deaths associated with prescription opioids have stabilized — overall opioid overdose fatalities have recently hit a high as more potent, illegally manufactured opioids hit the streets.
Indeed, as prescribing fell, deaths connected to illicit opioids skyrocketed. From 2010 to 2016, heroin overdose mortality rose by nearly 500 percent --- and mortality associated with illegally manufactured fentanyl jumped 600 percent from 2013 to 2016 alone.
Officials with the Centers for Disease Control admit that they do not specifically track suicides by patients who have lost medical access to pain relievers, so we don’t really know how many people are killing themselves because they can’t live with their pain.
In the rush to reduce opioid misuse, it is easy to forget that millions of people have safely taken these drugs for years. Data show that less than 8 percent of chronic pain patients become addicted, according to a study that has the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse as a co-writer. And overwhelmingly, prescription opioid addiction doesn’t begin with a doctor’s prescription: About 80 percent of people who start misusing these drugs are getting them from family, friends and other people’s medicine cabinets --- not from legitimate pain treatment.
It is true that long-term, high-dose opioid use is associated with increased overdose risk. But proponents for cutting pain medication use often fail to recognize that simply reducing or ending pain pill prescriptions can be risky, too.
A 2017 study of about 500 veterans who were forced to taper found that 9 percent became suicidal and 2 percent actually acted on those thoughts. Other research recently presented at a major health services conference showed that 30 percent of those who were made to taper completely were dead within six months, though the data didn’t show the cause of death.
After years of complacency, doctors are finally starting to fight back. Dr. McAneny cited her experience to support a resolution, subsequently passed by the medical association, that warns against “misapplication” of the guidelines. The group stresses that dose alone is not a reason for insurers or pharmacists to block access --- and that doctors with good clinical reasons for variance should not be investigated or prosecuted.
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