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File: 724a2c14dddc730⋯.jpg (170.22 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Australia Board.jpg)

2143ee  No.5945347

Welcome To Q Research AUSTRALIA

In anticipation of FISA DECLAS and SPYGATE revelations, a new thread for research and discussion of Australia's role in The Great Awakening.

Previous threads

Q Research AUSTRALIA #1 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4520.html

N.B. - Thread #1 was archived during the server troubles of late 2018. As a result, many of the images are missing. Please feel free to re-upload important graphics in this thread.

Q Research AUSTRALIA #2 - https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4899520.html

Q's Posts referencing Australia




Q's Posts referencing Australian citizens

Malcolm Turnbull (X/AUS) - https://qanon.pub/?q=X%2FAUS

Julian Assange - https://qanon.pub/?q=assange - https://qanon.pub/?q=JA

Alexander Downer - https://qanon.pub/?q=Downer

Cardinal George Pell - https://qanon.pub/?q=Dark%20to%20LIGHT - https://qanon.pub/?q=pecking

Q's Posts referencing The Five Eyes intelligence alliance (FVEY)



"The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an anglophone intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence."


"Does AUS stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US?"

Q - 11/25/18.


Post last edited at

2143ee  No.5945353

File: 0314a9556f5c42b⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 255x177, 85:59, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



2143ee  No.5945422


Please note:

Dough is "basic" and does not reflect previous Breads' Notables collection or Q posts specific to Aussie Breads…


AussieAnons, please volunteer to compile a dough for future Bakers.

Thank you for your contribution.

1d271e  No.5945465

File: 7533a846a90fef7⋯.png (126.41 KB, 857x331, 857:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Top FBI Child Trafficking & Child Prostitution Task Force Chief helped Chicago PD investigate Smollett hoax

There was a warrant for his Apple Cloud account

People are gonna be angry when it comes out he's a pedo.

4f4764  No.5945512


Thanks for everything baker

3cdf47  No.5945531

File: cd8e9ec685fd668⋯.jpg (81.64 KB, 634x547, 634:547, 10054436-6725711-image-m-2….jpg)

Ty Baker

ff0aa0  No.5945539


Hello AussieAnons much love from USAAnons

#WWG1WGA WorldWide

7a8198  No.5945572

File: 884a2c6ccc7d2a9⋯.png (150.29 KB, 794x775, 794:775, Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at ….png)

File: df377da160797cf⋯.png (179.95 KB, 1178x520, 589:260, Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at ….png)

File: d85f89035396e00⋯.png (1.08 MB, 633x1261, 633:1261, Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at ….png)


"Area Central Detective / SOMEX"

What is" SOMEX"….

caps for weird options…

4f4764  No.5945621


>Hello AussieAnons much love from USAAnons

>#WWG1WGA WorldWide

Love to you too US anon fren.


ef339c  No.5945668

File: 69039f745a40417⋯.png (3.15 MB, 3116x1268, 779:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81a8f0ee00012f1⋯.png (699.2 KB, 1356x1076, 339:269, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5943521 PB – NZ

>>5943521 PB – NZ

317eaf  No.5945685

>>5945210 LB

Q, what can we Ausanons do to help?

Aside from redpilling, which my friend and I attempt everyday but it’s mostly closed ears and blinkered eyes here Downunder


ba925e  No.5945706

File: eea20c1fd369252⋯.png (616.59 KB, 640x480, 4:3, MS-13.png)

File: e3eec83fdf1071e⋯.jpg (46.09 KB, 678x381, 226:127, NoName.jpg)

File: ae81d24d24618fb⋯.jpg (38.34 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ES.jpg)

317eaf  No.5945709

File: 812a37b5f272d7c⋯.png (180.42 KB, 992x1044, 248:261, D1F95C5C-2961-4CA5-A16C-A0….png)


422a33  No.5945720

Anon Theory -

Donations to the Clinton foundation dry up after 2016 election

>Donations to Clinton Foundation Fell 57.8 Percent in 2017


Hillary travels to New Zealand, The main FVEYE member that was used to spy on POTUS, Q posts on this subject > 1336, 1667, 1320, and many more

>Hillary Rodham Clinton coming to New Zealand


Donations to CF start backing up, including a donation from the "taxpayers" of NZ

>Confirmed: $5.5m for the Clinton Foundation in 2018/19


An escape plan was hatched for herself and other elites to New Zealand with a friendly Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern/Government waiting

>Hillary Clinton Thought About Moving to New Zealand After Losing Election to Trump


John Podesta Travels to NZ and lets everyone with a plan to escape there know that they are a go,"Cyber Attack" is code letting Silicon Valley Billionaires know and other elites to make sure they are in New Zealand before whatever is going to happen, happens.

>2020 New Zealand election a 'juicy target' for major hack - John Podesta


>Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern


NZ is already 2nd most censored place for the internet behind China

>New Zealand's internet filter goes live


A few days later Christchurch false flag happens, gun confiscation announced. ← You are here

>NZ Confiscations Begin: Police Going to Gun Owners’ Homes, Jobs…One Gun Owner Dead


Billionaires/Elites/Cabalist who are guilty of crimes worldwide flee to NZ.

>Why Silicon Valley billionaires are prepping for the apocalypse in New Zealand


>The Super Rich of Silicon Valley Have a Doomsday Escape Plan in …


>Prince William Will Travel to New Zealand to Pay Tribute to the Victims of the Attack in Christchurch


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will break extradition treaty when indictments start and billionaires/pedophiles/cabal members will feel safe with a completely disarmed population and 100% censored internet.

Q tells us in post 3225

>DOJ coordination w/ UK re: DECLAS OF FISA?

>Think plane tracking.


NZ is part of the UK, plane tracking could also mean that we should be watching any air traffic headed into New Zealand, private jets especially. I would guess that when declass does happen air traffic to NZ will be immedaitely halted and grounded. NZ is their last stand and we should see a lot of elites making their between now and declass.

Other than Comey are any other high profile cabalists currently in or planning trips to NZ?

ba925e  No.5945728

File: 1914f9bcc3a8684⋯.jpg (287.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, MS13.jpg)

File: e9caf7e86b32fbf⋯.jpg (118.93 KB, 678x381, 226:127, NoName.jpg)

File: d10678ae34d259d⋯.jpg (149.28 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ES.jpg)


I hope I get it right this time…

5cb58b  No.5945756

File: 4868c579ba0a093⋯.jpeg (1010.67 KB, 1348x2450, 674:1225, AgentInCharge.jpeg)

>>5944908 Q, lb

>>5923156 (/pb)

>>5923269 (/pb)

>>5923374 (/pb)


Tina Chen, Michelle Obama’s chief of staff, was texting Kim Foxx. Chen persuaded Kim Foxx to convince Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to turn his investigation of to the FBI because the Smollett family was concerned about alleged ‘false’ leaks. Foxx obviously followed through, which would move the case to the Chicago FBI office.

Chicago FBI

In the picture is all off the high-ups at the main Chicago FBI office. I dig through these people’s names and found that Doug S. Beidler was one of the field supervisors at the FBI office in Las Vegas during the Mandalay Bay shooting…


He’s in the same position in Chicago now, unless there are two special agents with the name Doug S. Beidler…

317eaf  No.5945774


Yr doing good


e17dae  No.5945777

File: 3a20ac0fc5f31e1⋯.png (511.04 KB, 800x800, 1:1, MuellerRRbrasco.png)

e17dae  No.5945784

File: 28acc98076a8b9e⋯.png (414.34 KB, 894x894, 1:1, hahaha.png)

317eaf  No.5945786

e17dae  No.5945792

File: 0d883f8a9466768⋯.png (444.87 KB, 533x720, 533:720, Dumbo_01.png)

317eaf  No.5945794

e17dae  No.5945796

File: 801dcc5c36313ca⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, HandPickedMustWork.png)

e8e922  No.5946008


Take that Nicole Kidman's dad!

7a8198  No.5946110

File: 1c93afbfb0d69b8⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1530x1285, 306:257, Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at ….png)


TY Baker!

from last bread:




cap = togever

4f4764  No.5946133


Great stuff anon

b56ae2  No.5946387


And that’s a definite kek

3daa20  No.5953574

File: 53c0e544847d9e2⋯.jpeg (65.73 KB, 795x797, 795:797, F10D2EA1-A9F8-4A18-844A-5….jpeg)

File: 8d452a3ad04a63c⋯.jpeg (2.92 MB, 2732x1817, 2732:1817, AC39825D-FBFD-4D6C-8541-7….jpeg)

AusAnon tuned in and applauding the Greatest President Ever!

My 86yrs young mother and me,



d5b608  No.5955017


Let's hope not. That's would prove to be a very weak plan for justice.

7bb758  No.5956526


Thank you for posting in the Aussie bread! Yes, WE are everywhere! and WRWY!

Looking forward to a wondrous future and the Great Awakening of mankind!


7bb758  No.5957027


Can you please confirm that the recent hit piece ran by Al Jazeera against One Nation was done purely to discredit, and can you also please confirm once and for all that Pauline Hanson is NOT controlled opposition?

ThanQ in Advance!

056983  No.5957085

File: bdccfd41ded50f9⋯.png (133.99 KB, 503x502, 503:502, Screen shot 2019-03-29 at ….png)




This is Andrew Bolt on the One Nation 'scandal' re gun laws in Australia.


Pauline is a lot of things, and least of all articulate, but she and the Liberal party have been stitched up here.

4602b8  No.5957576

File: 59e6ad0ff14e755⋯.jpg (215.25 KB, 605x806, 605:806, RonMc.jpg)


fuck it's hard to tell with her. I always thought she was CtrlOp, but the way the fake news and pollies are attacking her it makes me think that she is legit, but idk.

If only she was an eloquent orator and debater. But she has weathered the storm for a long time.

ON want to get Aus out of the NWO's UN and knows that Port Arthur was a false flag op. That's gotta be good. I guess she had to back peddle on PA for optics though.

We need to dig through her and the other ON candidates' history to sus out if they are controlled opposition or not.

4a88d2  No.5957623

File: 3b6b5ea685890d4⋯.png (607.59 KB, 1210x759, 110:69, Screenshot 2019-03-28 18.1….png)


Have you seen the new Ben Garrison political cartoon? Also, the Bolen Report Blog?

4602b8  No.5957918

File: 2de91ef7a0f43b3⋯.jpg (225.68 KB, 1024x752, 64:47, australian_force_cartoon-1….jpg)


>links for posterity

https://bolenreport.com/here-comes-the-superheros/ (https://archive.fo/AWTT4)

https://www.grrrgraphics.com/the-australian-freedom-force/ (https://archive.is/Byl2M)

Ben Garrison on Aus being a DS test case

Excerpt from Ben Garrison's blog (sauce in the links above):

"In Australia, debate is being stifled. Authoritarians there are making sure vaccine questioners aren’t even allowed into the country. In a way, Australia has become a test case for the globalists. Free speech is censored. Guns have been grabbed. People are told to obey big government, otherwise they’re accused of ‘hate speech.’ This must not be allowed to stand and there are many people pushing back against such totalitarian thinking. They want the freedom to question what globalists such as Bill Gates and George Soros are pushing. They are our new super heroes and that’s why I drew them here as the “Australian Freedom Force.

If the globalists can break Australia, they will be encouraged to redouble their efforts and do the same to America. They want mandatory vaccination and without our guns, we will not have the means to resist."

4ec008  No.5958095


are not endorsements

#3 - Part 1/4

Cardinal George Pell Bun

>>5444873 George Pell's 2016 police interview video - excerpt & complete footage

>>5445509 Journalists Who Reported On A Cardinal's Sex Abuse Verdict Could Face Jail Time

>>5460260 The unfair, anti-Catholic conviction of Cardinal George Pell

>>5460270 Other Anon Responses to the conviction

>>5466363 Pell has been taken down, now the internet is coming for his supporters

>>5467443, >>5467460 Why did Howard, Abbott and the rest come out to support George Pell?

>>5470742 Doubters’ outcry over Pell verdict disrespectful to jury, legal system

>>5476109 Why facts matter in Pell case

>>5481255 Can Cardinal Pell ever get a fair trial?

>>5495884 Cardinal George Pell sued over claim of Ballarat swimming pool abuse

>>5570683 Church knew Pell was at centre of decades-old lurid sex claims

>>5572176 Cardinal Pell's appeal process to begin in June

>>5587661 'Day of prayer' for Cardinal George Pell cancelled

>>5636964 Cardinal George Pell's fate to be broadcast live to the world

>>5654951 George Pell sentenced to six years in jail for child sexual abuse

>>5656368 Former Vatican treasurer Pell jailed for six years for sexually abusing choir boys

>>5675340 Cardinal Pell sent to prison for abusing 2 boys in Australia

>>5654971 PDF: Sentencing remarks in DPP v George Pell

>>5654997 Video: Complete sentencing remarks by County Court of Victoria Chief Judge, Peter Kidd.

>>5823304 The Witch Hunt Against Australia’s Cardinal George Pell: Five Facts You Need To Know

>>5858713 Pope accepts resignation of Chilean cardinal accused of covering up abuse

>>5899067 DPP moves to jail dozens of editors, journalists over reports after Pell verdict

>>5445310, >>5445323 Nicola Gobbo, "Lawyer X" revealed

>>5445776 Just for the kek value, Hills Hoist Capers

>>5446457, >>5457428 5-eyes resignations summary including Australia

>>5451528 Australia: The Concealed Colony

>>5451974 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is a registered US corporation

>>5456780 Call for investigation after Georgina Downer presents cheque to bowling club.

>>5457428 Cheque Mates: Gillard, Bishop & Hillary

>>5457428 Deep State Downer, the Foreign Minister, the PM — and the Clinton campaign

>>5460233, >>5460214, >>5460239 Australian Luciferian symbolism

>>5461317 Dealing with Clowns & Shills, How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>5473015 Pakistan Military Chief reaches out to US/UK/AUS top brass for help on situation with India

>>5475407 Barrie Cassidy questions Energy Minister Angus Taylor over Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.

>>5475414 Australian spy agency offered to share data about ordinary citizens (2013)

>>5475621 Why does Australia FEAR China?

>>5477028 Glencore and ties to Australia?

>>5564757 GLENCORE donation to Katter's Australia Party

>>5479764 Five Eyes Background Info

>>5479805 Boeing Unveils "Wingman" Combat Drone That Supports Stealth Jets

>>5488662 Australia to bar visitors with domestic violence convictions

>>5496463 Australia and Five Eyes front and center in new Q drop

4ec008  No.5958102

#3 - Part 2/4

>>5497384 Christopher Pyne backs Australia joining Asia's 'Our Eyes' intelligence group

>>5497555 Anons Dig on Rare Earth Elements

>>5497635 Anons post on 5 Eyes, following latest Q Drop

>>5507455 NSW Labor suspend Peter Hansen over child pornography charges

>>5513435 Former NAB boss' chief of staff arrested over alleged fraud

>>5514879 Fraser Anning tweet regarding Julie Bishop

>>5515254 Comey and Australia

>>5515301, >>5515334, >>5515312 John Pilger on Julian Assange

>>5515354 Whats Behind Australia’s Decision to Suddenly Grant Julian Assange a Passport?

>>5532010 David Icke banned from entering Australia for his speaking tour last month

>>5533924, >>5572310, >>5750555 Milo Yiannopoulos banned from entering Australia

>>5534022 ABC Q&A with Jordan Peterson

>>5534870 David Suzuki on ABC TV

>>5535057 The changing definition of treason

>>5546542, >>5550562 Tanya Plibersek, hospital funding for abortions and Anon's response

>>5554406 Redback spider eats venomous snake in Australia

>>5554832 How Facebook Australia doesn't operate Facebook in Australia

>>5554846 China State Agencies and their relationship with Australian Government Agencies

>>5566606 More notes on donations to Katter's Australia Party

>>5570144, >>5570209, >>5570788 Soros & Tony Podesta in email to redefine Australia's maritime border

>>5572146 Warner Brother CEO & James Packer ensnared in alleged Sex for Roles Scandal

>>5581853 The White House trolling Alexander "downer"?

>>5582670 Are EPA our proxy government overlords now?

>>5584164, >>5586316 Dig on Avi Yemini, "Yellow Vest Australia" and the Australian Liberty Alliance

>>5586323 Dig on "Q Society of Australia" and Debbie Robinson, Liberty Alliance Senate Candidate

>>5587248, >>5588378, >>5613855 Anons discuss video - QAnon DESTROYED By David Icke

>>5613119 8 hour working day, a movement that would eventually spread worldwide

>>5636744 Australia rejects US call to 'take responsibility' for foreign fighters

>>5636895 Comments from American Anon which seem to mirror Aussies perspective

>>5656226 Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft suspended in Australia

>>5656239 Google’s Australian operations to be broken up?

>>5656427 Google's Gmail and Drive suffer global outages

>>5657050 Huawei contract for Perth trains confirmed by WA Government despite US-China fight

>>5657870 Software glitch hits NSW internet voting system 2 wks before polling day

>>5673589 Australia leases Darwin Port to China

>>5675593 J&J Labeled `Kingpin’ of Opioid Drug Epidemic by Oklahoma, Tasmanian subsidiaries implicated

>>5675664 Charlie Whiting: F1 race director dies aged 66 on eve of season-opener in Melbourne

>>5675674 Australia the redacted foreign state mentioned in grand jury subpoena?

>>5690616 Victorian child dies during summer influenza outbreak

>>5698300 Australian Instagram star found 'tangled in rope' on superyacht owned by Mexican billionaire

>>5719184 Australians Are Furious About Google's Delivery Drone

>>5731588 Dozens of Victorians with alt-right views monitored by police

>>5750477, >>5750502 Senator Fraser Anning gets egged during speech

>>5750890 Australian prime minister sides with ‘Egg Boy’ who was hit by politician

>>5750615 Anons theory that Trump is forcing FVEYES to earn "some" redemption

>>5756993 QResearch AUSTRALIA threads now included in the board search - https://qresear.ch

>>5786748 First Australian solar farm in Antarctica opens at Casey research station

>>5787454 Australia cuts annual immigrant cap, puts key cities off-limits to some

4ec008  No.5958109

#3 - Part 3/4

>>5794084 Australia warns all options on table over Erdogan threat

>>5807085 Censorship Tightens As Governments Lose Control

>>5821452 Tanya Plibersek dismisses 'confected' claims of university free speech crisis

>>5822891 Australian National Sentenced to Prison Term for Exporting Electronics to Iran

>>5823011 Julian Assange WILL NOT Be Cooperating With Democrats’ Trump Investigation Document Requests

>>5823211 Infographic: US / Australia / Israel - Greatest Ally Cheatsheat.

>>5823275 Prince Andrew’s 'sex slave' claims he was involved in underage orgy with paedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein

>>5828921 Anon's reminder: No need to be disrespectful to fellow Anons, we are all here for the same reason.

>>5829193 Liberal Australian Colleges Ban Sarcasm From Campus

>>5830794, >>5832690 Mueller Report delivered, countdown to "UK/AUS narrative shift" (Q post 2681)

>>5843553 Sex abuse-accused WA priest found dead

>>5847219 Anons speculate: Molly Meldrum a celebrity handler?

>>5852074 International Women’s Day email cites Gloria Steinem, CIA asset.

>>5856738 NSW election delivers Liberal win, Gladys Berejiklian becomes first elected female Premier

>>5857460 Video: Australian Constitution for Dummies

>>5857686 Former child star Debra Byrne claims she was raped while on Young Talent Time (2014)

>>5876235 Mueller's Trump report may name Aussies

>>5878430 Australian developed family-tracking app was leaking real-time location data

>>5882830 Gunman 'fires shots' after an argument with three men outside Melbourne shopping centre

>>5890143 One Nation's James Ashby filmed seeking $20m from NRA to weaken Australia's gun laws

>>5890269 Video: How to Sell a Massacre P1 | Al Jazeera Investigations (One Nation / James Ashby)

>>5898307 Social media bosses face jail over terror content after Christchurch

>>5898457 Aus Anon's comments to POTUS asking for help

>>5907122, >>5907141 Julian Assange Clashes With Ecuadorian Officials After Embassy Locks US Journalist in a Surveilled Room

>>5907444 EU lawmakers approve controversial copyright reform, MEMES Banned

>>5907495 PDF: Committee On The Judiciary - Interview of: George Papadopoulos

John Podesta in Australia & NZ Bun

>>5572421 JOHN PODESTA Shows Up In Sydney, AUSTRALIA

>>5636684 Anons insight into Q's Podesta drops

>>5698880 Thread on Skippy Podesta's trip to Australia & NZ

>>5708658 John Podesta tweet, Ran along the Yarra River in Melbourne Australia.

>>5715320 >'Circular firing squad': John Podesta on Auspol, AI and Adani

>>5751294 New Zealand "Shooter" gun side by side with Podesta.

George Papadopoulos Tweet Bun

>>5477392 Clapper has gone awfully silent since his month long adventure in Australia

>>5726650 I will be publishing emails between myself and Alexander Downer’s Australian intel handler, Erika Thompson

>>5710199 One of the most bizarre events of the 2016-17

>>5727363 Downer was in an operation sent to spy and lie about our meeting

>>5749685 Alexander Downer was so blatantly spying on me

>>5805400 I am certain Alexander Downer’s Deep State role will be revealed very soon

>>5805400 The U.K./Australia’s interference in the 2016 election

>>5805400 It will reveal the operation Alexander Downer was on when he made contact with me

>>5832845 Alexander Downer and Joseph Mifsud were two nobodies trying to play with the big boys

>>5856550 The assets you weaponized against me are being outed in London, Canberra and Rome

>>5876711 I have been telling the world about Alexander Downer being used as a weaponized asset against me.

Australian Resignations Bun

>>5445482 Christopher Pyne to retire at next election

>>5460024 Michael Keenan announces he is quitting politics at the federal election

>>5498160 Young Parents Program founder Peter Innes is retiring

>>5675683 Darwin Port CEO announces departure

>>5750829 Workplace Relations Minister Craig Laundy resigned two months ago, PM kept it secret

>>5751011 2 Tasmanian MP’s Resign From Parliament

4ec008  No.5958123

#3 - Part 4/4

Christchurch Mosque Shooting Bun

>>5695604 Australian gunman opens fire in Christchurch mosque terror attack

>>5697745 Senator Fraser Anning labelled a ‘pathetic creature’ after ‘abhorrent’ NZ remarks

>>5698925 Mosque Attack Video Linked to ‘White Genocide’ Rant

>>5698937 Chilling 17-minute video shows Australian white supremacist calmly shoot dozens of defenceless worshippers

>>5698952 NZ police have defused several improvised explosive devices found attached to vehicles in Christchurch

>>5699005 Christchurch shooting accused Brenton Tarrant was a personal trainer in Grafton

>>5710091 Archived 2 part video of New Zealand mosque attack

>>5733033, >>5733043, >>5733046, >>5733073 Staged? False Flag? Anons discuss NZ shooting evidence

>>5733052 NZ Threatens 10 Years In Prison For 'Possessing' Mosque Shooting Video

>>5750441 China's communist party has so much power in New Zealand that western countries might stop sharing intelligence

>>5750483 Shooter went to Pakistan and North Korea - neither are easy places to visit.

>>5750500 More about background of Shooter

>>5750506 Conservative? Hardly. New Zealand mass shooter is a far-Left “eco-fascist” who praised communist China

>>5750571 More on NZ Shooting - Where are the blood spatters?

>>5750607 New Zealand faces crossroads over gun control after Christchurch massacre

>>5750787 Facebook erased 1.5mn instances of NZ mosque attack video in 24 hours after massacre

>>5750840, >>5786742 Evidence Indicates Link Between North Korean Embassy Break-In And Christchurch Attacks

>>5750844 Christchurch mosque linked to al-Qaida suspect

>>5750851 The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel

>>5750863 Brenton Tarrant visited Israel two and a half years ago

>>5750895 Two homes in NSW raided as part of response to Christchurch terror attack

>>5750911 22-year-old arrested for allegedly sharing video of New Zealand mosque massacre

>>5751294 New Zealand "Shooter" gun side by side with Podesta.

>>5767683 Aussie Telcos Are Blocking Sites That Host The Christchurch Terror Video

>>5767754 Optus, Telstra Block Sites For Hosting Footage Of Christchurch Attacks

>>5768516 Christchurch mosque shooting: Morrison calls for crackdown on social media

>>5768617, >>5768882, >>5769583 Anons discuss the New Zealand shooting and The Streisand Effect

>>5772457 Fresh overview map and timeline updated with new info

>>5786719 slate.com - The Christchurch Shootings Should Implicate All White Australians

>>5807365 Brighteon.com forced to delete NZ Shooting vids

>>5808052 Military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles to be banned after mass shooting: PM

>>5822970 Mistake sees Christchurch suspect charged with murder of woman who turned out to be alive

>>5824627 New Zealand Prime Minister: Gun Confiscation ‘Just The Beginning’ Of Things To Come

>>5829087 Various Anon comments on NZ Shooting Seeming to Provide a very convenient narrative

>>5829169 Indiana teachers shot with real pellets during active shooter drill

>>5843323 New Zealand Police Interviewed Mosque Shooter Before Granting Gun License

>>5846477 How a toxic ‘fight club’ of internet trolls enabled the New Zealand mosque shooting

>>5858773 Barack Obama welcomed to New Zealand

>>5858832 Sandy Hook Shooter’s Psychiatrist Arrested, after moving to New Zealand

>>5859156 New Zealand police flooded with fake gun surrender requests

>>5878420, >>5878459 New Zealand Parliament votes to ban foreigners from buying bolt-hole homes.

>>5878481 NZ Debates Free Speech Limits, Long Prison Terms for Downloading Christchurch Manifesto

>>5878627 New Zealand isn't just BANNING the shooter's manifesto. They're SELLING it.

>>5898630 New Zealand Bans Christchurch Shooter Manifesto, Orders Citizens to Destroy Copies

>>5900846 Jews outraged after mosque leader blames Mossad for Christchurch attack

4ec008  No.5958170

File: 739f8f51d5af145⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1104x1380, 4:5, Notables_Oz_Bread_#1.jpg)

File: 6e6b32ae213aa6d⋯.jpg (6.2 MB, 1314x5395, 1314:5395, Notables_Oz_Bread_#2.jpg)


>>4937627 Q Research AUSTRALIA #1 - https://pastebin.com/WiJa8rE0

>>5443933 Q Research AUSTRALIA #2 - https://pastebin.com/0BfaKkYm

4ec008  No.5958194

File: 5b6f51c3ab0aaa9⋯.jpg (22.6 KB, 400x400, 1:1, OZ_Pepe.jpg)


#1 - http://archive.fo/vJ8oH

#2 - http://archive.fo/hlJ0W

#3 - http://archive.fo/xznbY

d4289a  No.5958268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sydney Islamic no-go Zone for White Australian Women…..

4ec008  No.5958361

Q's Posts made on Q Research AUSTRALIA threads

Thursday 03.28.2019

>>5945210 ————————————–——– Sometimes our 'sniffer' picks and pulls w/o applying credit file (Cap: >>5945313)

>>5945074 ————————————–——– We LOVE you! (Cap: >>5945110)

>>5944970 ————————————–——– USA v. LifeLog? (Cap: >>5945288)

>>5944908 ————————————–——– It is an embarrassment to our Nation! (Cap: >>5945279)

>>5944859 ————————————–——– 'Knowingly'

1e95a5  No.5958412

OMG I never seen one of our Aus threads fill so quickly - I was wondering which cunt shat the bread kek, then saw Q blessed us with his presence a few times .. good times Aus Anons!

Seemed like just me and a couple other voices posting of late, but it went and got pretty busy for the day KEK.

Thanks for whoever collated the best bits of Australia #3 as well.

1e95a5  No.5958432








Thanks for all your hard work frens.

I will get back to reviewing QRes breads for Aus related content later again tonight, but just wanted to say my thanks now.

7bb758  No.5958473

File: 2294267395ecd0b⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 650x366, 325:183, KatterSwanFreemasonryHands….jpg)

File: f1bd112773d3775⋯.png (82.28 KB, 700x761, 700:761, CEC Media release 13 Feb 2….png)

File: d1de20b5c16c423⋯.png (330.74 KB, 700x879, 700:879, CEC Media release 13 Feb 2….png)



Thank you both for your input.

Well, to begin with here's some history from the CEC web site:

By the following year, the establishment decided something had to be done, to derail LaRouche's soaring influence. Instead of attacking LaRouche directly—which only heightened his influence–they decided to take a different tack. Suddenly, the Packer-Murdoch media began to lionize a previously almost-unknown federal MP from rural Queensland, Pauline Hanson, and the Hanson phenomenon was off and running, on the back of the earlier LaRouche presence in the bush. The coincidence of Hanson's early ideas of national banking, reindustrialisation, attacks on the fraud of Aboriginal "land rights", etc. did not go uncommented upon, even by the major media. As Philip Adams wrote in the Weekend Australian of May 3-4 1997, "It's been noted that Pauline Hanson's memorable maiden speech was chocker with policies that bore an eerie resemblance to those of Lyndon LaRouche." Or, as the Brisbane Courier Mail noted on Aug. 26, 1998, "but she does have ideas, alas, and her ideas are essentially those of the CEC".

Though One Nation was originally intended as a mere populist "countergang" to LaRouche, through a complex process, the Hanson phenomenon became a kind of "Frankenstein's monster" to the very Establishment which had called it into being, particularly after its stunning capture of 11 seats in the Queensland State Parliament in March 1998. Then, once much of the focus of rural discontent had been shifted onto Hanson, the Establishment launched a nasty campaign to eliminate One Nation, a campaign facilitated by the party's own populist tendencies of "personalities, not policies". By late 2000, the virtually-defunct One Nation was resuscitated by Packer and Murdoch, in particular to deflect votes in the Western Australia state election of Feb. 10 2001, where at least one LaRouche-affiliated candidate, the CEC's Jean Robinson, looked like an excellent bet to win the seat of Wagin. In fact, the One Nation candidate, who only entered the race belatedly, and who drew 20% of the vote without campaigning, told Mrs. Robinson, that had he not entered the race, and given that many other voters for other parties had put her second, she would have won.

Read the full article here: http://cecaust.com.au/main.asp?sub=info&id=aboutcec.htm

She is/has been a victim of the cabal, as they have used her to further their own agenda, but I believe her heart is in the right place.

==Pauline Hanson introduces bill to break up the banks==:



This bill, for a Glass-Steagall-style structural separation to break up the big banks, was introduced on Feb 12 2019, after the joke that was the Royal Commission's report. Katter introduced a similar bill last year:


However Katter, as I have learned, has masonic ties (see ref pic attached).

1e95a5  No.5958509

Clinton Foundation gets another $5.5m from NZ taxpayers

Sourced from QRes#7600 .. OMG NZ really is cucked. Hold tight our NZ neighbros!

7 MAY 2018


A subsidiary of the controversial Clinton Foundation is set to receive US$3.9m (NZ$5.5m) in taxpayer money in 2018/19, the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union can confirm. This is in addition to NZ$8m given to the organisation since 2014.

Taxpayers’ Union Executive Director Jordan Williams says, “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) claims that the organisation in question, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, is a separate entity. This is absurd – the Clinton Foundation appoints the organisation’s directors, making it a subsidiary in legal terms.”

“The Foundation is currently under investigation by the FBI over the way it obtained donations while Hillary Clinton was US Secretary of State – the same period in which the New Zealand Government began giving the initiative money.”

“Taxpayers deserve confidence that aid commitments are made to help the world’s poor, not to win favours with foreign politicians.”

“Even if aid money was meant to be used for diplomatic purposes, the funding’s justification for no longer holds with Secretary Clinton out of public office. It seems that all taxpayers have to show for our generosity is a stop on her book tour!”

“The new Government should follow Australia’s lead and cut ties with Hillary Clinton’s potentially corrupt organisations. She is perfectly capable of raising money without handouts from the little New Zealand taxpayer.”

“This is the kind of nonsense that our Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters prides himself on exposing and cutting out. He should politely wait until Secretary Clinton leaves the country, then announce an end to the funding.”

The documents confirming the funding, released to the Taxpayers’ Union under the Official Information Act, are available at: https://www.taxpayers.org.nz/clinton_foundation_2018-19

Last year, the Taxpayers’ Union launched a petition to end taxpayer funding for the Clinton Foundation. The petition has attracted nearly three and half thousand signatures and can be signed at: http://www.taxpayers.org.nz/clinton_petition



1e95a5  No.5958564

File: 2de91ef7a0f43b3⋯.jpg (225.68 KB, 1024x752, 64:47, 2de91ef7a0f43b343d3527d237….jpg)

Sourced from QRes#7604

1e95a5  No.5958575

New Zealand to clamp down on entry into the country

New border security screening coming for Australian permanent residents visiting New Zealand


4602b8  No.5958584

File: 44fd858dfe588c4⋯.jpg (93.23 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 3b5fd3863ae41c0a20a55545e3….jpg)



Thanks for your assist baker. Shit got real in here for a bit

1e95a5  No.5958588

File: 79c9fc5057fa56e⋯.png (20.45 KB, 609x452, 609:452, bad9b5e9a940475f86c141a11f….png)


Sourced from QRes#7604

Interesting. Like AUS and CAN, NZ is a US corporation registered with USA SEC.

Looking at the Treason, Sedition and Subversive act go to 2388 section D. Shall apply to within the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction of the Unites States , and on the high seas as well as within the United States.

Gold fringe=admiralty

Conspiracy anons know what this means! NZ is hosed! DJT is using their game against them. NZ fall's under US Corporate Law. GENIUS!

4602b8  No.5958709

File: 622c304fcc72d9f⋯.png (1.55 MB, 913x608, 913:608, ClipboardImage.png)








Absolutely brilliant, fren!

Thanks for walking through and gathering up all the dough for the buns!

I dunno how to do the bakering, but I may be able to BA at set points through the bread by gathering up notables and posting them in the format you do now, if that might help? In case Q decides to drop by and pull another surprise reveille call.

mmm, I might put aside some time and find the baker 101 thread and learn how to do bake.

d86dce  No.5958758

Eyes on AusAnons.

See something say something!

There is so much fuckery afoot at the the moment in AU and NZ that we need to speak up when something doesn’t make sense.

There is a reason we have been blocked from 8 Chan and I’m sure it has something to do with us not being able to report the assclowns to the boards.


Can’t wait until Q drops the hammer on the knuckleheads down under. So sick of patriotism being weaponised and rebranded as hate speech by the leftards.

3ec51c  No.5958876

File: 3197e40022693e4⋯.jpg (153.01 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, OZ Damper.jpg)

File: f7944a5cd684bcf⋯.jpg (903.09 KB, 1271x1260, 1271:1260, QResearch-Australia-MARCH-….jpg)


Previous Oz Baker here. Thank you very much for baking Q Research AUSTRALIA #4!

Here is the basic dough template I was working with. I've updated it with links to archives and pastebins up to Thread #3. I've left the notables blank, ready to be filled with content from Thread #4. I've also added Q's posts made here on Q Research Australia. Amendments and suggestions are most welcome and encouraged! (Pic related was made on /test/. The links to Q's posts will be active when posted here on /qresearch/ - see >>5958361).





It is a great privilege and pleasure, my friends. ALL help is appreciated! Thanks especially to those who search through Q Research General to bring us Oz-related content. There is so much more going on in the world than what the local media serves up to us.


Somehow "Thank You" doesn't seem adequate. Nevertheless, on behalf of a grateful nation, Thank You for everything you have done. Thank You for everything you will do.

Greetings and best wishes from your friends and allies in Australia.


4f908e  No.5958998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pauline Hanson challenged over Al Jazeera sting

Today's Deb Knight challenges Pauline Hanson over remarks she made in an exclusive sit-down with the One Nation leader.

>Comments are disabled for this video.

1e95a5  No.5958999


Sourced from QRes#7618

This is Andrew Bolt on the One Nation 'scandal' re gun laws in Australia.


Pauline is a lot of things, and least of all articulate, but she and the Liberal party have been stitched up here.


1e95a5  No.5959006

3/8/18 Renamed TPP signed by 11 nations with U.S. out, focused on protectionism

Sourced from QRes#7618

SANTIAGO, Chile—Trade ministers from 11 Pacific Rim countries signed a sweeping free trade agreement Thursday to streamline trade and slash tariffs on the same day that U.S. President Donald Trump was expected to formalize new tariffs on aluminum and steel to protect U.S. producers.

Trump withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership last year, causing fears that it would not prosper without its most influential country. But the remaining 11 members pressed ahead, saying they were showing resolve against protectionism through global trade.

The ministers dropped key provisions that the Americans had required on protection of intellectual property, among others. The renegotiated pact signed in Chile’s capital was also renamed the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership, or CPTPP.

Read more: Canada, TPP members strike trade deal without U.S.

The pact that covers 500 million people includes Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Its success highlights the isolation of the U.S. under Trump’s protectionist rhetoric on trade and his “America first” philosophy.

“It leaves the U.S. at a disadvantage from both a trade and a broader strategic perspective,” said Joshua Meltzer, senior fellow in the global economy and development program at the Brookings Institution. “It is now a trade bloc that discriminates against the U.S.”

Meltzer said the United States’ ability to shape the rules of trade in the Asia-Pacific region “is very much diminished.”

The U.S., originally the biggest TPP economy, was one of the trade deal’s strongest supporters before Trump took office. Trump has said he prefers country-to-country deals and is seeking to renegotiate several major trade agreements, including the North American Free Trade Agreement that includes the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

This is “a strong sign against the protectionist pressures, and in favour of a world open to free trade, without unilateral sanctions and the threat of trade wars,” Chilean Foreign Minister Heraldo Munoz said.

The European Union said this week that it is ready to retaliate against Trump’s tariffs — of 25 per cent on imported steel and 10 per cent on aluminum imports — with counter-measures against iconic U.S. products like Harley Davidson motorcycles, Levi’s jeans and bourbon.

The EU threat and Trump’s impending announcement on the tariffs were expected to escalate the risk of a trade war, in which nations try to punish each other by hiking taxes on traded goods. Experts say that tends to harm both exporting nations as well as importing countries’ consumers, who face higher costs.

The EU considers itself to be caught in the crossfire of a trade dispute, in which Trump has mainly singled out China for being unfair in its commercial deals.

The original TPP was conceived by the U.S. as a counterweight to China’s growing economic influence through a robust trading bloc that excluded the Asian giant. The thinking was that China would have an incentive to open its market and liberalize its policies in an effort to eventually qualify for TPP membership.

“Without the United States, it doesn’t serve that purpose,” said Edward Alden, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. “It becomes a modest liberalization measure.”

China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, commented Thursday on the deal before it was signed.

“China did not participate in the CPTPP Agreement. However, China has always been a staunch supporter of trade liberalization and an important participant in Asia-Pacific regional co-operation and economic integration,” Wang Yi said at a news conference.

“Of course, we also hope that the various free trade arrangements in the Asia-Pacific region will be able to communicate and co-ordinate with each other and form a benign interaction, playing a constructive role in their respective fields in resisting trade protectionism and building an open world economy.”


1e95a5  No.5959016


The keys to understanding TPP11

Sourced from QRes#7619

Although it takes the TPP provisions as a basis, the CPTPP or TPP11 has some differences. The most relevant: 20 provisions that, with the departure from the US, were left "suspended".

In 2005, Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore signed the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, which would enter into force in 2006. As of 2008, more countries joined: Australia, Canada, the United States, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru and Vietnam completed the 12 signatory countries, which later formed the Trans-Pacific Economic Cooperation Agreement (TPP, for its acronym in English). That until 2017, when Donald Trump decided to withdraw the United States from the treaty.

It was then when the 11 remaining countries "rescued" the content of the agreement and began to negotiate the Integral and Progressive Treaty of Trans-Pacific Partnership ( CPTPP ), also known as TPP11, to differentiate it from the previous TPP12.

The bilateral director of Direcon and chief negotiator of TPP11, Felipe Lopeandía , explains the current situation of the agreement, signed in Santiago on March 8, 2018, but that must be ratified by Congress, which he joined at the end of October 2018. Since that date it was reviewed and approved by the Foreign Affairs and Finance Commissions. During March, the agreement was also discussed by the Agriculture and Labor Commissions.

"After having been approached by these two commissions, last week he went to the chamber of the Chamber [of Deputies], his discussion began in the room last Wednesday [March 20] and, as a result of this week is district , the discussion in the room is resumed next week, "details Lopeandía in an interview with PAUTA Bloomberg .

Lopeandía relates that the negotiation of the TPP was very complex, with many participating countries, with different economic and regulatory realities, and with complex proposals, especially by the United States. The negotiations, in fact, extended from the beginning of 2010 to the end of 2015.


The complexity of the negotiation of the TPP would explain, in Lopeandía's opinion, many of the concerns that the TPP11 now generates, especially regarding intellectual property issues, although it is quick to clarify that, although the TPP11 includes part of the contents of the TPP12 , leaves 20 provisions unapplied, 11 of which have to do with intellectual property, pharmaceutical patents and copyright on the internet. "I think there were many of those elements of suspicion or doubts about the content of this agreement," he says.

Another element that has generated doubts, recognizes Lopeandía, is an obligation that is in the CPTPP, but that had already been acquired by Chile with the ratification of the agreement UPOV 91 in 2011, which protects new plant varieties. Although the regulations for their full application have not been generated, it is a norm that is already ratified by Congress and, therefore, TPP11 does not change anything in this regard, he explains.

The rule, he says, refers to new varieties and plant products, achieved through research and innovation, and does not affect the country's plant heritage, for example the original seeds in the hands of small communities, emphasizes Lopeandía.

"Notwithstanding that Chile already has bilateral agreements with all the member countries of this agreement, the tariff benefits for Chile are very significant," says Lopeandía, who explains that they include nearly 3,000 new tariff preferences, Chilean export products that go to access with better conditions to markets such as Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Canada and Mexico, mainly from the agricultural, agroindustrial, forestry and fishing sectors.

Lopeandía stresses the importance of the approval of the agreement, since it is in force for the seven countries that have already approved it since December 30, 2018. Chilean producers are at a disadvantage compared to those of countries that have already ratified the treaty.

1e95a5  No.5959017

TPP - The importance of the United States

Sourced from QRes#6719

"The departure of the United States from the TPP was a sensitive and complex moment of the process … For all countries as a whole, the exit from the United States had some kind of impact," Lopeandía admits, although he says that for Chile it was less, given the free trade agreement between both countries.

Lopeandía highlights, in any case, the conviction and the political decision taken by the remaining 11 members to move forward the TPP11.

The bilateral director of Direcon says that in the text there is no express reference to the return of the United States to the treaty, and recognizes that a subject that has been discussed is what happens with the 20 provisions that were suspended in case the United States returned. The text is very clear, he says: for these provisions to become effective again, first of all, the agreement of the 11 countries is required. A second point, in the case of Chile, is the approval of Congress of this eventual agreement to reincorporate the rules suspended. "We introduce two padlocks, or two elements that are important for security," he says.

Lopeandía affirms that he sees good disposition in the Congress to advance in the approval, and trusts that the agreement will be ratified in the short term. "We believe that the Congress will continue with the successful commercial policy that Chile has developed over the past 30 years," he says.


1e95a5  No.5959027

File: e468a236e2a8f94⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 599x550, 599:550, e468a236e2a8f9480eea5afabb….jpg)

File: 188c570f129d2bd⋯.jpg (91.23 KB, 1200x810, 40:27, 188c570f129d2bddd15e24a844….jpg)


The Integral Treaty and "Progressive" of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Sourced from QRes#7619

FIRST LIE: this is a "free trade" treaty

SECOND LIE: those who oppose this treaty are "protectionist"

THIRD LIE: TPP-11 does not restrict our democracy

FOURTH LIE: the new international courts are going to be "independent"

FIFTH LIE: the TPP-11 opens the horizon in economic matters

SIXTH LIE: TPP-11 is "one step ahead", and natural, in our development

SEVENTH LIE: TPP-11 is a "transparent" treaty

"The TPP-11 is a treaty that assures corporations continue to operate in the future in the same way they have done so far, no matter what, whatever the cost. And especially: think what most of our fellow citizens think. "

"Corporations are going to be able to take States to the new type of court whenever, according to them, they are affected by their reasonable expectations of return." They can even force disputes to be settled in this type of court instead of traditional ones, such as those of the World Bank or the United Nations. "

"Such a treaty makes it extremely difficult to do anything about our (very profitable) market failures, our lack of competition, our fraud with respect to the misappropriation of natural resource rents, our inefficiency wages, our education destined for to play privileges. "


1e95a5  No.5959031

“They’ve designed a deal they are determined to put into effect,” says Wendy Cutler, who spent three decades as a U.S. trade negotiator, including leading talks on the TPP. “They’ve gone through two traumatic episodes. There’s not much stomach for more,” says Cutler, now vice president of the Asia Society Policy Institute.



Sourced from QRes#7619

Mr Trump remains unpopular with the American people, however in the midterms he tightened his grip on the GOP. Republicans ran towards Trump, not away from him. Many who previously criticised or rejected the President, such as Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham, now embrace him. And several moderate Republicans lost office last week.

So Americans delivered a slap, not a punch, to Mr Trump. He was not submerged in a blue wave, but the water is now up to his knees.

The question is: how will this result affect a person like Mr Trump?

On the one hand, he might moderate, as George W. Bush did in the second half of his first term, when he realised that events weren’t proceedings as expected. The president may conclude that in order to maintain his reputation as a change agent, he needs to cooperate with Democrats on some areas such as infrastructure and emphasise the positives of the strong US economy rather than the negatives of immigration.

He may invite the adults back into the room – turning over more control of foreign policy to the experts, for example, by empowering Secretary Mattis.


Congress needs NAFTA text by May 17 for vote this year: Paul Ryan

U.S. lawmakers must receive the final text of the renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement by May 17 if the deal is to be voted on by Congress this year, Inside U.S. Trade is reporting.

House Speaker Paul Ryan laid down the deadline Thursday, as per conditions set out under the Trade Promotion Authority law.

Trade Promotion Authority, otherwise know as fast-track authority, renders the final Congressional vote on any new NAFTA deal negotiated into a yes-no vote, with no Congressional amendments allowed.

The current authority expires in July 2018. The White House asked in March for the TPA to be extended by three years – a request Congress has yet to authorize.

If a vote on NAFTA is not held this year, the expectation is that the file would be dealt with by Congress after the U.S. mid-term elections in November.

The deadline comes just hours after Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland met with top American lawmakers on Capitol Hill, including Ryan.

She also met with Kevin Brady, the chair of the House committee that oversees trade legislation.

They shared their view of the so-called fast-track law, which sets the rules for votes on trade deals.

Freeland said it was helpful to hear from the lawmakers who actually wrote and are responsible for implementing the U.S. rules.

Plenty of progress has been made this week and she said negotiators are closer to success – although the talks have been mostly seized with the issue of autos, giving little space to hard negotiations on other top files.

Discussions on areas including intellectual property, seasonal tariffs on produce and dairy have not yet occurred. Current American proposals in all three areas are considered potential ‘poison pills’ by Canada and Mexico.

A NAFTA deal cannot be reached without discussion in those areas, trade expert Laura Dawson told iPolitics in Ottawa. Dawson is executive director of the Wilson Centre’s Canada Institute.

Members of the Canadian Inter-Parliamentary Group will travel to Washington, D.C. next week to meet with Congressional leaders, senators and members of congress. The House international trade committee is also set to travel to the U.S. capital this month.


1e95a5  No.5959039

More from QRes#7619

AusAnon here, quick update from what we are all hearing on MSM down under - night shift help

Anti-Muslim immigration party leader was caught on undercover video discussing "weakening the country’s strict gun control laws with the U.S. National Rifle Association" video caught from Al Jazeera. Has also been accused of speaking of consipacy theories on the Port Arthur shooting in Tasmania was needed to implement our strict gun laws and was accused of using "the trump tactic of accusing the media that they are all against her (not part of article, general remarks from MSM)


1e95a5  No.5959049

The world now wants to move to New Zealand

Sourced from QRes#7618


"INZ assistant general manager Peter Elms said his agency had received 6457 registrations of interest from March 15 to 24, compared to 4844 for the preceding 10 days – a 33 per cent increase.

The largest numerical increase had come from the United States – 1165 compared to 674, a 72 per cent increase."

Just another coincidence I bet … KEK o7

eca17b  No.5959081

Wow awesome work from Garrison >>5957918

I wonder if he’s been to the WH yet?

I guess one day we’ll find out cos he’ll defintely draw a cartoon about his adventure meeting Potus and lovely Flotus!

ThanQ for posting it here, Anon

Going to take a look at the links now 👍🍿

eca17b  No.5959105


>something to do with us not being able to report the assclowns to the boards.

Hey anon, please explain (Pauline accent)

I don’t get what yr saying

eca17b  No.5959111


>▶Anonymous  03/29/19 (Fri) 14:41:27 056983 (1)  No.5957085>>5958473

>File (hide): bdccfd41ded50f9⋯.png (133.99 KB, 503x502, 503:502, Screen shot 2019-03-29 at ….png) (h) (u)




>This is Andrew Bolt on the One Nation 'scandal' re gun laws in Australia.


>Pauline is a lot of things, and least of all articulate, but she and the Liberal party have been stitched up here.

bfd16f  No.5959418

Alexander Downer news = doughnuts 🍩

4602b8  No.5959568

File: bd477a17917127e⋯.png (107.99 KB, 218x207, 218:207, ClipboardImage.png)


>some history from the CEC (LaRouche)

hmmm, I've recently been getting my eyes over CEC and some of their videos. Early doors yet, but I'm liking what I've seen; it resonates with my political positions, so far!

>Packer-Murdoch media began to lionize Pauline Hanson

As a kid, I remember her rise in the 90's and it never appeared organic. It has never sat well with me ever since and I couldn't put my finger on it other than labelling it was cabal fuckery.

>"Frankenstein's monster" to the very Establishment which had called it into being

OK, so maybe she doesn't have a leash and they just thought they could take her down because they thought she was stupid. They didn't account for her to have a boxer's heart to take it all.

>Pauline Hanson introduces bill to break up the banks

And there it is. The latest attacks are to take her out for daring to threaten the cabal's banks! And that's why the cabal's mouth piece, Kochie the cuck, is going so hard at her as well.

They're going after Pauline because she's going after the cabal's banks

4602b8  No.5959586

File: bd477a17917127e⋯.png (107.99 KB, 218x207, 218:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2294267395ecd0b⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 650x366, 325:183, KatterSwanFreemasonryHands….jpg)


>Katter has masonic ties (see ref pic attached)

Take a look at the body language! Old swanny's nearly bent himself in half trying to keep below Katter. A 1000 words in that photo!

That photo also lends credence to what I discovered about Katter & Nioa in the previous Aus bread (>>5566606). Note the repeating "33" in his donations that he receives each and every month from Nioa. He also received a $33333 donation from them as well.

Symbolism will be their downfall! This needs eyes on from someone more knowledgable in Freemasonry!

=Is Katter a 33rd degree Freemason?=

4602b8  No.5959596


>pic not really related in that post

4602b8  No.5959764

File: ce2e49fb1099c92⋯.jpg (65.35 KB, 650x366, 325:183, KatterSwanFreemasonryJerko….jpg)



original sauce for the Katter-Swan dance: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/archive/in-depth/independent-trio-on-song-if-not-always-in-tune/news-story/86fd098e094a4c1c763f96090d098a1b

archived link: https://archive.fo/0nydI (Not that they are likely to get rid of the article, but they may scrub the pic someday)

Just noticed Swan's cufflinks too!

7bb758  No.5959899



Ah yes, indeed. Excellent observations, Anon!

298d62  No.5960229


AusAnon, very good job, you may wish to alert the PlaneFags on the Main Board so that they can have Eye's On.

1e95a5  No.5962497


Sourced from QRes#7621

Dozens of planes were diverted away from Sydney Airport and hundreds of passengers stuck on the tarmac after a control tower issue.

Sydney Airport was brought to its knees today after smoke was detected inside the air control tower.

All air traffic controllers were evacuated around 11.40am and firefighters from Air Services Australia and NSW Fire and Rescue rushed to the scene after reports there was a fire inside the tower.

An Air Services Australia spokeswoman told news.com.au a full ground stop was initially put in place meaning no planes were landing or taking off.

The control tower was back up and running just before 1pm today with arrivals beginning to be processed and planes taking off.

“There will be an ongoing impact on the network but we are trying to facilitate as best we can. Passengers are advised to contact their airline for more details about the status of their flight,” an Air Services spokeswoman said.


wouldn't be surprised if they tried some more Podesta shit.

1e95a5  No.5962526

File: 3168cbe10b7e8d9⋯.jpeg (206.8 KB, 750x539, 750:539, 3168cbe10b7e8d9f2f8fcb54b….jpeg)


Sourced from QRes#5622


didn’t see this in notables from last night but disregard if it’s been posted already in this bread




1e95a5  No.5962572

File: 3cc06b358819e36⋯.png (51.72 KB, 995x518, 995:518, acd134722acc80f6eb202f3b0d….png)

Australian news site News.com.au promoting gay 'sugar daddys' for university students.

Sourced from QRes#7623


"A Sydney IT student whose “sugar daddy” showers him with up to $500 a week in cash, meals and gifts including electronics, clothes and a NutriBullet says the relationship is about “more than just money”.

“Alex” moved to Australia from Colombia four years ago to study for his masters degree. The 24-year-old has been on controversial “sugar dating” website Seeking Arrangement for just over a year and has been seeing his sugar daddy for four months."


7bb758  No.5968815

File: 42ed2335b23b239⋯.jpg (74.12 KB, 940x627, 940:627, DanielLam pic.jpg)

File: 6dc73ebdc69cb84⋯.jpg (64.79 KB, 940x627, 940:627, LeoniWilliams pic.jpg)

This could be a nothing or it could be something, sharing anyway (and posted on main board).

Stargazers looking for Aurora Australis mystified by bright green flash


They were waiting for the Aurora Australis, but amateur photographers were left guessing after seeing a bright green flash light up the Tasmanian sky.

Key points:

Residents in Tasmania's south saw a bright green flash in the starry sky

Social media users suggested it was a meteor, glowing green because of the metals inside the rock

An expert says it could also be space debris, but added it was a "spectacular" sight

Amateur photographer Leoni Williams captured a shot of the green streak about 9:30pm on Thursday by "accident".

Overlooking Pipe Clay Lagoon, toward Clifton Beach in southern Tasmania, Ms Williams had her camera facing south in anticipation of an Aurora.

"I was very lucky to capture this bright green object before it disappeared over the horizon," Ms Williams said.

"I'm still not sure what it was. I didn't actually see it with the naked eye as I wasn't watching. I had just set the camera on 30 seconds and pushed the shutter and turned back to my phone.

"I would imagine it was pretty quick. I nearly missed it because it was at the end of the exposure."

Photo sparked social media debate

Ms Williams took to social media to try and find out what she'd captured on camera.

Opinions varied, with some thinking it was a shooting star, a fallen satellite or even a UFO.

Spotted from the Huon Valley to Dodges Ferry, other photos began popping up on social media.

Eventually, it was shared on social media page Australian Meteor Reports.

"It's definitely a meteor," page administrator David Finlay said.

"That flash that's been captured is a very, very bright meteor — it's what we'd call a 'fireball'. It probably lit up the countryside."

Photo: The bright green flash puzzled onlookers in Tasmania. (Supplied: Daniel Lam)

Mr Finlay — a former industrial chemist who has been studying astronomy from an very early age — said the flash was created by a "small rock from space, blazing through the atmosphere, creating friction with the atmosphere".

"It glows and ionises gas — that's what you see as this fireball blazing through the sky.

"If it actually survives atmospheric entry and lands as a rock on land, that's what we call a meteorite — only if it makes it to the ground."

Why is it green?

As for the bright green glow, Mr Finlay said it had to do with the elemental components of the meteor.

"The green is produced by a combination of the nickel and iron in the meteor," he said.

"It's probably just a normal rocky meteor but it would contain flecks of metal in the rock, producing that colour. It's very cool.

"It's what we colloquially call a 'fish squisher' because it's over the ocean," he said.

Professor Simon Ellingsen, the head of physics at the University of Tasmania, said it was possible the object was manmade space debris rather than a meteor.

"[The colour] is almost certainly because of the specific elements and minerals in the object," he said.

"It probably wouldn't have looked that green to the naked eye [because] digital cameras are so good at picking up the light."

He said while it wasn't unusual to spot a meteor or space debris over Tasmania, this object would have been a special sight to see.

"The sort of rule of thumb is if you go outside to a clear, dark sight, you'll see a shooting star, so to speak, about every 10 minutes or so," he said.

"This one that's been caught is bigger than normal and more spectacular than you normally get.

"This photographer was obviously in the right place at the right time."

3dce3d  No.5969192

File: f1eefdc92f44b85⋯.jpg (172.48 KB, 775x552, 775:552, GP_14.jpg)

New George Papadopoulos tweet

Alexander Downer, Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud and Comey’s corrupt team had one thing in common: they made the foolish mistake to illicitly spy on me and never expected their methods and tactics would be revealed: that all changes now with the president declassifying my FISA case


3dce3d  No.5969437

File: 65ccfee7db7d379⋯.jpeg (24.52 KB, 649x487, 649:487, 27d873fb31db3881851d146d4….jpeg)

File: 1d87f1e2e9f1b8d⋯.jpeg (20.22 KB, 649x487, 649:487, 88336363535d135b33c313300….jpeg)

File: f868944c031eeaa⋯.jpg (44.57 KB, 649x487, 649:487, ezgif-4-9b6c2f3075c5.jpg)

“I believe Australian and UK intelligence were involved in an active operation to target Trump and his associates,” Papadopoulos says.

Mr Downer has previously denied “spying” on Papadopoulous when they met and had drinks.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade also dismissed the claim.

“The Australian government categorically rejects any allegation that it sought somehow to interfere in the US presidential election,” a DFAT spokesperson said.

Papadopoulos’ claims seem like Hollywood spy thriller fantasy but he makes an interesting case in his just released book, Deep State Target. It details his journey from an unknown energy analyst to an unpaid foreign aide on the Trump campaign, the meeting with Mr Downer, being grilled by the FBI, arrested at Washington Dulles Airport, prosecuted by Mueller and sentenced to 14 days’ prison in a facility in Wisconsin dubbed Camp Cupcake.

Along the way he met mysterious Maltese academic Dr Joseph Mifsud, a Russian woman dubbed “Vladimir Putin’s niece”, American academic Stefan Halper who Papadopoulos describes as “The Walrus” and a sexy Cambridge University research assistant with a “classic honey-pot act”.

Papadopoulos headlines his chapter on Mr Downer with “The Devil From Down Under” and describes him as “a stretched-out, grey-haired version of New Wave pop star Elvis Costello” and “oozing aggression”.

The drinks became infamous because Mr Downer claimed Papadopoulos told him, over just one gin and tonic each, Russia might use “damaging” material they had on Mr Trump’s presidential rival Hillary Clinton in the lead-up to the election. Mr Downer says he sent the information back to Canberra.

Weeks later when Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee was discovered, the information apparently became a potentially significant lead. Papadopoulos denies telling Mr Downer about the Russian information, but he does not deny the knowledge.




3dce3d  No.5969466


Former Trump aide slams Alexander Downer as a ‘devil’

A former Trump aide has taken aim at ex-Minister for Foreign affairs Alexander Downer, branding him as the “devil from Down Under”.

On a recent morning in Hollywood, former Donald Trump aide George Papadopoulos was standing at the counter of the Bourgeois Pig, a hip, dimly-lit cafe on trendy Franklin Avenue.

The 31-year-old from Chicago is keen for a coffee, but the barista is AWOL. Mr Trump’s “coffee boy” can’t get a coffee.

“George, why don’t you jump over the counter and make us a couple of caramel macchiatos,” I suggest. We laugh.

Papadopoulos picked up the “coffee boy” title after he became one of Mr Trump’s first associates to be swept up by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian collusion.

He entered a guilty plea to lying to the FBI and was sentenced to 14 days’ prison.

Mr Trump quickly gave Papadopoulos the flick, describing him as a “young, low-level volunteer”. Former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo piled on around the same time with the coffee boy tag.

“You might have called him a foreign-policy analyst, but if he was going to wear a wire, all we would have known now is whether he prefers a caramel macchiato over a regular American coffee,” Caputo told CNN.

Papadopoulos’ decision to have a drink with one of Australia’s most well-known politicians-turned diplomats, Alexander Downer, on a rainy May 10, 2016 evening in London has made Papadopoulos a potentially significant figure in Australian political history.

In the aftermath of the Robert Mueller probe finding no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, the president and his Republican Party are now determined to discover why the FBI launched a counterintelligence investigation just months before Mr Trump’s election win.

That rainy night meeting with Mr Downer at the Kensington Wine Rooms is expected to be put under the microscope.

“There is still this misunderstanding that Alexander Downer and I randomly met at a bar in London and he was drunk, I was drunk and we were apparently discussing conspiracy stuff,” Papadopoulos tells AAP.

“There is nothing further from the truth.”

Papadopoulos claims Mr Downer, then Australian high commissioner to the UK, and another Australian official, Erika Thompson, set up that bar meeting to spy on him.

f83726  No.5969660



"Gillard, Julia [2010 Aug] The attached photo appeared in The Australian newspaper online today in the following link:

It shows Labor Party MP and Treasurer Wayne Swan and Independent MP Bob Katter exchanging Masonic handshakes in the presence of ex-Satanic lodge head and toilet vampiress , Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard."

3dce3d  No.5969816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pauline Hanson defends One Nation staffers James Ashby and Steve Dickson

Pauline Hanson has defended the embattled One Nation officials James Ashby and Steve Dickson in her response to the explosive investigation by Al-Jazeera into the party's gun lobby ties. Flanked by the officials in her 18-minute long delivery, the One Nation leader described the report as a "hit piece" by an "Islamist" network, called Australian prime minister Scott Morrison a "fool", and accused the ABC of "not having an ethical bone in [its] body." Despite saying she was "disgusted" by the "stupid remarks" made by Ashby and Dickson, Hanson reiterated her support for them and concluded they must have been "stitched up."


3dce3d  No.5969940

File: f5604ec230da3f2⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 800x528, 50:33, Hanson1.jpg)

File: fc7dbcbe175dec3⋯.jpg (52.77 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Hanson2.jpg)

File: cd690310c06d1a3⋯.jpg (599.72 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Borsak1.jpg)

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers deny links to NRA, blasts One Nation

The NSW Shooters, Fishers and Farmers party has denied it has links with the National Rifle Association while blasting One Nation as a "train wreck".

Shooters MP Robert Borsak said yesterday the party has never received money from the American organisation or any strategic campaign advice.

"We have not been to the NRA ever looking for money," he told reporters in Sydney.

One Nation's ties with the NRA came to light in a two-part documentary by Al Jazeera this week, also broadcast on the ABC, where party representatives were seen talking about the possibility of getting a $20 million donation to fund their federal election campaign.

"To actually see what's been going on with One Nation, and what a train wreck of a party they are, is unbelievable," Mr Borsak said.

He said seeking money from the NRA and talking about breaking down NSW gun laws is "the most ridiculous and outrageous and almost traitorous thing I think I've ever heard".

"Why would anyone want to in their right mind bring that death and destruction onto the streets of Sydney? I'm flabbergasted," he said.

"I just can't understand it. It's not in our parties, it's not in our community, it's not in anyone's interest to do that."

He called on Mark Latham, who leads One Nation in NSW and looks set to win a seat in the state's upper house, to make it clear he does not want to see a breakdown of firearm legislation in NSW.

During the state election campaign, the Liberal party recruited former prime minister John Howard to appear in an advertisement warning voters the Shooters would put guns into the hands of 10-year-olds.

Mr Borsak was on Friday asked if he wanted to put guns in the hands of 10-year-olds, based on the party's policy to introduce shooting lessons into all public schools.

He replied: "Let's make it high schools. We're talking about 12-year-olds."

Research by the Australia Institute has found Australian pro-gun advocates are spending as much per person on political donations as their powerful counterparts in America.

The National Rifle Association in the US spends far more overall than local equivalents such as the Shooting Industry Foundation Australia.

But the two groups spent a similar amount on political donations per million people in their respective countries, the study commissioned by Gun Control Australia finds.

In the 2018 cycle, the NRA spent $2512 per million US residents, while in 2015/16 - the financial year before the previous Australian election - the SIFA spent $2562 per million Australians.

In total, pro-gun groups and businesses have donated $1.7 million to Australian political parties in the past eight years.

Bob Katter's Australian Party has been the biggest beneficiary, receiving $808,750, followed by the Shooters Party who received $699,834.

The donations and other political campaigns attract little attention because the Australian lobby keeps them low key, the report says.


f83726  No.5970636

File: 260a7ea3750cb16⋯.png (492.34 KB, 1029x774, 343:258, ClipboardImage.png)

"One Nation leader Pauline Hanson is in hot water after footage has surfaced of her seeming to suggest the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, which killed 35 people, was a government conspiracy.

The footage is part of a three-year undercover investigation by Al Jazeera, which also found that One Nation’s Queensland party leader Steve Dickson and Senator Hanson’s chief of staff James Ashby made the case for funding in meetings with pro-gun groups in the US."


1e95a5  No.5975478

New Zealand removes any reference to Jesus from parliamentary prayer

Sourced from QRes#7628

Funny how the only people expected to assimilate, arent the migrants, just the rest of the NZ population - this is political correctness gone mad. While we at it .. how about you go to a Muslim country during Ramadam and eat a big fat hamburger, to assert your right to not respect another countries culture, and see how far that gets you. Likely abused, bashed and or worse.

In the wake of the Christchurch mosque attack, we come to find out that New Zealand has removed references to Jesus from the parliamentary prayer, sparking outrage among the country’s Christian population.

Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, made the decision to drop references to Jesus in order to make the prayer “more inclusive” for all parliamentarians.

The Guardian reported: A reference to “almighty god” remains, but it is not a specific reference to a Christian god.

The protesters want Jesus’s name reinstated, and held signs reading “Dishonourable Judas Mallard”.

Around 1,000 people protested on the steps of parliament house in Wellington, arguing that New Zealand was a Christian nation and Mallard had no authority to axe Jesus’s name.

“He needs a good kick in his pants, and he needs to actually be removed because this is a Christian nation”, protester Rieki Teutscher told Radio NZ. “We don’t share his atheism.”

Another protester, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.

“This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country… he took that choice away from us.”

Politicians such as Jacinda Ardern and Winston Peters have said it would have been judicious for the speaker to have consulted more widely before actioning the changes.

“Well the decision as to what should be changed should be made by parliamentarians and not the speaker – that’s our position, I don’t mind telling you publicly”, deputy prime minister Winston Peters told RNZ.

“If you’re going to make a change let’s have parliament decide – not one person.”

Mallard said he had consulted with parliamentarians and the majority had indicated they were in favour of a secular prayer.

Abandoning its traditional Christian faith was, no doubt, a significant contributing factor to the mosque shooting in the first place.

As former Christian churches are turned into mosques, New Zealanders are told to accept the Islamification with smiling tolerance.

Just don’t make the Muslims mad. New Muslim migrants have the “right” to not be offended by references to Christ even when they are in Christian countries.

If a Muslim hears a reference to Jesus in a public prayer, it might trigger an extreme response, so it’s best to delete Jesus from the domestic culture so we can all “get along”.

When the Prime Minister of New Zealand dons a hijab in public, all of White New Zealand is being betrayed to the gods of diversity, but Christianity will not be part of the equation.


1e95a5  No.5975492

File: d23e6a60cf46f7d⋯.png (714.94 KB, 1790x1010, 179:101, d23e6a60cf46f7d9eff3b7d573….png)

New Vaccine Studies are Somewhat Shocking -March 2019 update

- update March 2019 study results uploaded. He is covering more than autism in the studies, but decided to release these since it is the elephant in the room, with respect to results. He is not an anti vaxxer, and vaccines his infants according to parent wishes after he gives data [risks, benefits, alternatives] for each vaccine and disease.

He commissioned an independent quality assurance study for his practice, by hiring a science nerd who does medical databases globally as a professional (data nerd)

He in had the data nerd include only those born into his practice, and not those who came in later, so that all medical information was complete from birth. The stud will be on the results for all of the types of vaccines for all of the diseases he vaccinates for.


Total number of infants born into his practice with complete records: 3345 (excellent sample size for data research, since 1500 us usually minimum)

Out of the 3345, a total of 715 chose not to vaccinate at all due to high risk siblings already born living with problems from allergies to autism.

Rates of autism current nationally, according to CDC :

1/45 (one out of 45 births become autistic)

Rates of autism using his "vaccine friendly" informed consent plan for his practice:

1/440 (HUGE DROP)

Interesting to note that the national average number of vaccines is 20-40, but, with his plan, his parents choose between 7 and 15, after informed consent, so, the number of vaccines are lower to begin with.

Rates of autism among his 715 zero vaccine children:

1 (as in only one infant became autistic, even at high genetic risk)

(pic related)

Will try to embed his you tube discussion next link since can not embed with pic.

Start at minute 8 if you are in a hurry, but, interesting discussion if you are a parent doing research.

I am not an anti-vaxxer by any means, but interesting to see some actual figures on this, seeing as the general consensus amongst the AMA is that there is no link between vaccination and autism

1e95a5  No.5975496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1e95a5  No.5975519

Alexander Downer was a Huawei Board Member - Article from 2011

Sourced from QRes#7630

Huawei names John Brumby, Alexander Downer board members

CHINA'S Huawei Technologies has appointed Liberal and Labor elders, Alexander Downer and John Brumby, to its Australian board in a bid to secure part of the $1 billion-plus National Broadband Network technology deal.

As cyber-security fears rise, Huawei, the world's second biggest telecommunications equipment maker, has doubled efforts to assuage concerns by security agencies, including ASIO, about its feared connections with the People's Liberation Army.

Huawei, China's most successful privately held company, has increased disclosures in its annual report and has offered to open its networks for inspection.

Huawei chairman, former PLA officer Ren Zhengfei, has met Communications Minister Stephen Conroy to make Huawei's case.

The company, which has struggled to make inroads in markets such as Australia, the US and India, has repeatedly denied links with the PLA, saying it is 100 per cent owned by its employees.

"People are a bit unsure about China but I remember when none of us would buy Japanese cars or products," retired rear admiral John Lord, who will chair the board, said.

"Many of Huawei's competitors have their products made in China as well."

Mr Ren said he wanted his company to be global.

He wanted to get the company better known and was keen to improve the relationship with the Australian government.

Mr Lord said he thought some of the American stories about Huawei and the problems over security were not based on fact.

hehe we know better now dont we?



1e95a5  No.5975545

Microsoft researchers find NSA-style backdoor in Huawei laptops - 2019 Article

The Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) service featured in Windows 10 version 1809 alerted researchers to an NSA-inspired backdoor vulnerability in Huawei laptops.

The PC Manager software included in some Huawei’s Matebook systems allows unprivileged users to create processes with superuser privileges, according to a March 25 Microsoft security post.

Upon investigation, researchers found a driver containing components that run with ring-0 privileges in the kernel.

“We traced the anomalous behavior to a device management driver developed by Huawei,” researchers said in the post. “Digging deeper, we found a lapse in the design that led to a vulnerability that could allow local privilege escalation.”

This type of vulnerability is similar to a technique used in the NSA’s DOUBLEPULSAR that was leaked by the Shadow Brokers back. In 2017 hackers attacked scores of computers with malware inspired by the exploit following the NSA data leak.

Researchers who reported the vulnerability to Huawei said the company responded and cooperated quickly and professionally. A patch was released earlier this year on Jan. 19.

Earlier this week, the European Union ignored recent calls from the U.S. to ban Huawei products out of fear of Chinese cyberespionage, as the EU rolled out its 5G security guidelines.


So not only is China buying all the AUs companies, facilities and land it can lay its hands on, ignoring IP laws and producing cheap quality knock-offs of Aus patented products, but also shown once again that even so called private Chinese companies are actively spying on the populus and cannot be trusted

1e95a5  No.5975560

IT Security Pros Slam State-Backed Encryption Backdoors

Sourced from QRes#7633

Most IT security professionals believe governments that mandate end-to-end encryption backdoors are exposed to a greater risk of nation state cyber-attacks, according to Venafi.

The security vendor polled over 500 industry professionals at the recent RSA Conference in San Francisco on a topic which continues to be hotly debated in the US and Europe.

Nearly three-quarters (73%) said they thought laws effectively forcing tech companies to enable law enforcers to read encrypted communications would make their nation less secure. Slightly fewer (70%) claimed governments shouldn’t be able to mandate private tech providers to make their code less secure.

Some 69% argued that such moves would also put a country at an economic disadvantage globally, presumably because it will no longer be seen as a safe place in which to do business.

“This is not rocket science; backdoors inevitably create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors. It’s understandable that so many security professionals are concerned because backdoors are especially appealing to hostile and abusive government agencies and more governments are considering these mandates,” argued Venafi VP of security strategy and threat intelligence.

“We know that attackers don’t abide by restrictions; they don’t follow the rules or buy products in controlled markets. Countries that enact these near-sighted restrictions harm law abiding businesses and court economic damage as well as intrusions focused on sovereign government processes.”

Last December Australia passed new laws which could force tech providers to engineer de facto backdoors into their end-to-end encryption products. In so doing, it joined the UK, whose Investigatory Powers Act has widely been viewed as one of the most intrusive surveillance regimes of any western democracy.

However, with most global tech firms based in the US, these powers are unlikely to be tested on the world’s most popular services. That makes the US a key battleground for privacy advocates.

Law enforcers and some lawmakers have long argued for such powers, claiming erroneously that backdoors could be provided to allow police access to encrypted comms only in specific cases, without making the entire ecosystem less secure for all customers.

Increasingly exasperated by this talk, the world’s leading cryptography experts last year backed demands for FBI director, Christopher Wray, to explain the technical basis for his repeated claims that backdoors can be engineered without impacting user security.


1e95a5  No.5975575

File: 4dca71667c9189d⋯.png (820.71 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 4cad212cb70f11e7c31468aa82….png)

Enormous shark found with head bitten off by even bigger beast off Australia coast


pic from 19 hours ago story from 8 hours ago

Watch the water…. kek

1e95a5  No.5975587

This could be a nothing or it could be something, sharing anyway.

Stargazers looking for Aurora Australis mystified by bright green flash

Sourced from QRes#7633

They were waiting for the Aurora Australis, but amateur photographers were left guessing after seeing a bright green flash light up the Tasmanian sky.

Key points:

Residents in Tasmania's south saw a bright green flash in the starry sky

Social media users suggested it was a meteor, glowing green because of the metals inside the rock

An expert says it could also be space debris, but added it was a "spectacular" sight

Amateur photographer Leoni Williams captured a shot of the green streak about 9:30pm on Thursday by "accident".

Overlooking Pipe Clay Lagoon, toward Clifton Beach in southern Tasmania, Ms Williams had her camera facing south in anticipation of an Aurora.

"I was very lucky to capture this bright green object before it disappeared over the horizon," Ms Williams said.

"I'm still not sure what it was. I didn't actually see it with the naked eye as I wasn't watching. I had just set the camera on 30 seconds and pushed the shutter and turned back to my phone.

"I would imagine it was pretty quick. I nearly missed it because it was at the end of the exposure."

Photo sparked social media debate

Ms Williams took to social media to try and find out what she'd captured on camera.

Opinions varied, with some thinking it was a shooting star, a fallen satellite or even a UFO.

Spotted from the Huon Valley to Dodges Ferry, other photos began popping up on social media.

Eventually, it was shared on social media page Australian Meteor Reports.

"It's definitely a meteor," page administrator David Finlay said.

"That flash that's been captured is a very, very bright meteor — it's what we'd call a 'fireball'. It probably lit up the countryside."

Photo: The bright green flash puzzled onlookers in Tasmania. (Supplied: Daniel Lam)

Mr Finlay — a former industrial chemist who has been studying astronomy from an very early age — said the flash was created by a "small rock from space, blazing through the atmosphere, creating friction with the atmosphere".

"It glows and ionises gas — that's what you see as this fireball blazing through the sky.

"If it actually survives atmospheric entry and lands as a rock on land, that's what we call a meteorite — only if it makes it to the ground."

Why is it green?

As for the bright green glow, Mr Finlay said it had to do with the elemental components of the meteor.

"The green is produced by a combination of the nickel and iron in the meteor," he said.

"It's probably just a normal rocky meteor but it would contain flecks of metal in the rock, producing that colour. It's very cool.

"It's what we colloquially call a 'fish squisher' because it's over the ocean," he said.

Professor Simon Ellingsen, the head of physics at the University of Tasmania, said it was possible the object was manmade space debris rather than a meteor.

"[The colour] is almost certainly because of the specific elements and minerals in the object," he said.

"It probably wouldn't have looked that green to the naked eye [because] digital cameras are so good at picking up the light."

He said while it wasn't unusual to spot a meteor or space debris over Tasmania, this object would have been a special sight to see.

"The sort of rule of thumb is if you go outside to a clear, dark sight, you'll see a shooting star, so to speak, about every 10 minutes or so," he said.

"This one that's been caught is bigger than normal and more spectacular than you normally get.

"This photographer was obviously in the right place at the right time."


1e95a5  No.5975590

File: 8c2df402c5012e5⋯.jpg (67.77 KB, 940x627, 940:627, 42ed2335b23b2395ee8bef683a….jpg)

File: 8c2df402c5012e5⋯.jpg (67.77 KB, 940x627, 940:627, 42ed2335b23b2395ee8bef683a….jpg)


forgot to include pics

1e95a5  No.5975593

File: 8c2df402c5012e5⋯.jpg (67.77 KB, 940x627, 940:627, 42ed2335b23b2395ee8bef683a….jpg)

File: 7d4bf3cf9cdd621⋯.jpg (60.97 KB, 940x627, 940:627, 6dc73ebdc69cb84f598278c3a8….jpg)

1e95a5  No.5975644

Biggest news of March 29, 2019 goes UNREPORTED

Sourced from QRes#7640

Remember Bank of Intl. Settlements in Switzerland anons? The control structure for all banking WW - yeah that one - well as of today:

BIS to reclassify physical gold as a cash equivalent

only sauce - in ITALIAN


FOUND IT VIA THIS BLOG - https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2019/03/resurrect-gold-standard-fri-am-tnt.html

MARCH 29 ANONS - MARCH 29 - think what this means and why governments and banks WW are stockpiling GOLD

Keep stacking.

1e95a5  No.5975649

Toyota Security Breach Exposes Personal Info of 3.1 Million Clients

Sourced from QRes#7641

The personal information of roughly 3.1 million Toyota customers may have been leaked following a security breach of multiple Toyota and Lexus sales subsidiaries, as detailed in a breach notification issued by the car maker today.

As detailed in a press release published on Toyota'a global newsroom, unauthorized access was detected on the computing systems of Tokyo Sales Holdings, Tokyo Tokyo Motor, Tokyo Toyopet, Toyota Tokyo Corolla, Nets Toyota Tokyo, Lexus Koishikawa Sales, Jamil Shoji (Lexus Nerima), and Toyota West Tokyo Corolla.

"It turned out that up to 3.1 million items of customer information may have been leaked outside the company. The information that may have been leaked this time does not include information on credit cards," says the data breach notification.

Toyota has not yet confirmed if the attackers were able to exfiltrate any of the customer personal information exposed after the IT systems of its subsidiaries were breached.

We have not confirmed the fact that customer information has been leaked at this time, but we will continue to conduct detailed surveys, placing top priority on customer safety and security.

"We apologize to everyone who has been using Toyota and Lexus vehicles for the great concern," states Toyota's notification.

Also, "We take this situation seriously, and will thoroughly implement information security measures at dealers and the entire Toyota Group."

This breach comes after Australian Toyota dealers were also targeted by a cyber attack which led to multiple corporate IT systems going down on February 19.

In a statement published two days after the incident that impacted Toyota's Australian dealers, a car maker spokesperson said that:

Our network of 279 dealers is still operational and able to help customers with their enquiries. However, there have been some impacts to parts supply, which is subsequently delaying servicing at some dealerships.

Security experts consider the attacks targeting Toyota's subsidiaries and dealers to be part of a large scale coordinated operation attributed to the Vietnamese-backed APT32 hacking group, also known as OceanLotus and Cobalt Kitty, says ZDNet.

FireEye says that APT32 is targeting "foreign companies investing in Vietnam’s manufacturing, consumer products, consulting and hospitality sectors."

APT32 also targeted research institutes from around the world, media organizations, various human rights organizations, and even Chinese maritime construction firms in the past. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]


dbc4b3  No.5975653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


dbc4b3  No.5975658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


1e95a5  No.5975666

Fuck off with your bread shitting Synagogue of Satan bs.

1e95a5  No.5975670






This cunt is a bread shitting shill, designed to make us all look like right wing nutjobs.

a0f12f  No.5975775

File: 5a6bdbeddeddf96⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 619x406, 619:406, 5a6bdbeddeddf964ff7407b483….jpg)

File: 5f8f2bda9276b68⋯.jpg (111.46 KB, 640x576, 10:9, 5f8f2bda9276b685e080890933….jpg)

File: cc6441b58ff69df⋯.jpg (86.55 KB, 690x1024, 345:512, cc6441b58ff69df706495a1992….jpg)

File: f011f45a56da3e7⋯.jpg (361.74 KB, 1000x679, 1000:679, f011f45a56da3e7446c38563c7….jpg)

c4694d  No.5976001

File: 78879b88ad974fb⋯.jpg (368.45 KB, 847x1061, 847:1061, Q_916.jpg)

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.



a7e872  No.5976016

Newfag here, have been lurking in Qres for a while


Linked to Podesta being in NZ warning of cyber attack? I'm in over my head trying to catch up on all I've missed out on

1e95a5  No.5976318


Check through Notables for #3 to get yourself oriented.








Q ended up posting in Q Research Australia #3 and suddenly it got very busy in there - so things got a little messy, requiring a rapid creation of next bread (this one), so Notables had to be done on the fly by another baker.

But its all settled back down now I think.

d45367  No.5976349


Saving them for last for what? I gold medal ? because that's where everything is pointing.

40e1ad  No.5976441

File: 2967683ee303ad1⋯.jpeg (409.29 KB, 1830x1783, 1830:1783, 50C3EB5E-58BF-4220-BED2-4….jpeg)


AusAnons reading this thread …

go to qmap.pub and read up on Q crumbs

Use the SEARCH engine

Q dropped crumb re Gold destroying the Fed Reserve (and corrupt banking families ie Rothschilds etc)


Start digging, researching


- MARCH 29 - think what this means and why governments and banks WW are stockpiling GOLD

Remember Q said GOLD will bring down the fed? think the banksters do not know this? think again as they are trying to get ahead of this move but it will fail - the banks will survive ONLY if they in effect participate in their own demise by the adoption of real physical GOLD - BRILLIANT PLAN ONCE AGAIN (note silver is the same case only more so % wise)

SO THEN - BIS to reclassify physical gold as a cash equivalent - this is the first move AWAY from paper trades and is a MASSIVE move - paper trades are the primary tool for manipulation and fraud by hedge funds and traders - now the BIS has monetized physical gold

Bankers know this - what are they doing? recent stats show 715 TONS of physical gold to their reserves last yeart alone - and this does NOT include CHINA which is also hoarding - AND it does not include STATE owned GOLD now flowing away from London to capitals all around the world - all of this will undermine the market for paper gold


physical gold and silver production and reserves way down - cost to produce GOLD is close to the current market price! does not make sense - so banksters are buying PAPER gold and NOW demanding physical gold to rdeeem - they are scooping up as much as they can kowing when the supply runs out the PAPER gold will be worthless

final step = the central/state bank will simply make a bookeeping entry and convert all the physical GOLD to back their currency - and voila like MAGIC we have gold backed currency

conclusion - start stacking NOW anons - everyone can afford to buy 10 ounces of silver NOW for under $175 - you may NOT be able to afford these same 10 ounces next year when they will cost $500 - BEST hedge against what is likely to happen with the fiat dollar - although IMO a "reset" will ease the effects of what is to come - the more you know ….

40e1ad  No.5976445


Pt 2 …

BIS to reclassify physical gold as a cash equivalent

translation from only source which is in Italian publication

messy but here is some

What's happening on the world gold reserves? The gold market there is a climate of cold war: for the first time in 50 years, central banks have bought last year over 640 tons of gold bullion, almost double compared to 2017 and the highest level since 1971, when the President of the United States Richard Nixon (pictured) closed the era of the Gold Standard.

The interesting fact is that the European Central banks, together with the Asian ones, have been the most aggressive in purchasing: fear of the euro crisis and currency wars? Actually, and this is especially true in Europe, behind the big maneuvers on reserves there is not only the traditional protective shield against the major hazards: there is also the lure of the opportunity. A reminder that few seem even aware, despite the appointment is now a matter of a few weeks: those that are missing to 29 March of 2019. Judgement day for Brexit will also be that of advent to the gold market.

It is unclear whether by choice or by chance, the Bank for international settlements in Basel, the "Bank of the central banks" for his key role in the world financial system, set for March 29 an appointment with history: the resurrection of the Gold Standards in the banking world. For nearly 60 years, the gold standard it set the currency convertibility between gold and the dollar, hooking the market value: in 1971 was us President Richard Nixon, frightened by bearish pressures that threatened to sink the dollar in full war cold, cut the cord with gold decreeing the end of the gold standard. Now something starts to move in the opposite direction.

24-hour cash gold as the Sun has discovered that among the complex but well-known standards for credit and finance reforms from the plane "Basel 3", hides an accounting alchemy that can transform the gold coin in the budgets of the big banking groups. From 29 March, by decision of the bis, gold in the portfolio and business banks becomes "Crosscut", an asset that is equivalent to the cash and then ' risk free '. In fact, it's the first «gold rimonetizzazione» since the Bretton Woods agreement: the techies call it ' Gold Remonetization», the reverse process of ' demonetization ' of gold decided by Nixon. in the banking world. For nearly 60 years, the gold standard it set the currency convertibility between gold and the dollar, hooking the market value: in 1971 was us President Richard Nixon.

Same status as sovereign bonds the operation of the bis, as reconstructed from the Sole24Ore, bears the signature of the FED, the ECB, the Bundesbank, the Bank of England and the Bank of France, the G-5 of the great global monetary powers. In 2016, when the new rules were defined in the banking system included in the package "Basle 3», the Committee of central bankers has inserted a rule of epochal that nobody has never discussed openly in public. In practice, the gold bullion "physical"-so not in the form "synthetic" as certificates-returns to be considered by regulators such as the euro and dollar equivalent in terms of financial security, eliminating the requirement to compared the purposes of capital absorption

The result is relevant: with the new Basel 3 rules, is assigned to gold status now recognized sovereign bonds in the banks ' balance sheets. A question therefore arises spontaneously: the promotion of gold is perhaps the premise to apply a coefficient of risk weight to government securities held by banks? The debt crisis, the goal of regulators has been twofold: to force the banking system to hold appropriate assets to cover the extent of the risks. In the viewfinder there are mainly Government bonds, which according to the current rules may be held by banks without any impact on their heritage. The issue mainly concerns countries with low ratings such as Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, the watchlist after the debt crisis in 2011.

40e1ad  No.5976454



Pt 3 …

The banks of these countries, both for increasing profitability (carry trade) is to facilitate the issuance of government debt at auctions, have the highest amount of government bonds in the eurozone. And this phenomenon is particularly acute in Italy, where the banking system has 400 billion of debt on BTp 2.4 trillion. What would happen then, if it were applied to the risk weighting on the BTP as required by the Basel Committee? The consequences depend on the level of risk weight applied to the BTP: if it was high, some banks may be forced to replace the titles with other financial assets, including gold, or to proceed with capital increases. At a time when the market is reluctant to buy Bank stock, the risk of repercussions on the stability of the banking system could be high.

Just look at Credit default swaps (the insurance from the risk of default) on Italian banks: according to data from Bloomberg, the Cds to 5 years of some of the major Italian banks have surged since the spring of 2018, even tripling in some cases value. It is in this context that the March 29 date is fast approaching.

Countries that have repatriated the gold from abroad riconquistandone control and manage you already feel protected from the risk of following the March 29 short of physical gold to be made available to its banks in case they want to replace it to sovereign bonds. In the arsenal of the system, there is a golden mountain by 33 thousand metric tons of gold worth 1.4 trillion dollars at the current exchange rate. And that is the 20% of all the gold mined in the world at almost 3 tho … sorry, translate cut off here

40e1ad  No.5976464




All info copied from QR main thread

a7e872  No.5976629



40e1ad  No.5976676

File: 11ff02bb3210108⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 2732x1842, 1366:921, 79DA664D-5048-4DEA-8AF0-E….jpeg)

File: f608b184c32350f⋯.jpeg (1.62 MB, 2732x1840, 683:460, 4E06F350-F7D4-475D-B675-2….jpeg)

File: b4b35f64b45d892⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB, 2732x2019, 2732:2019, A337DB77-6897-4842-8853-2….jpeg)

File: 9c4f2c2b1acf276⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 2732x2010, 1366:1005, 29AA497E-8D0E-437C-9C1F-8….jpeg)

Hello fellow Ausanons …

Welcome! I encourage you to go to qmap.pub and spend as much time there, here and on the main Thread as possible

Qmap.pub great place to get upto speed and avoid the shill distractions

Pure data

Plenty of food for thought

Here and following are several screenshots showing results of a simple search on qmap.pub using ‘Aus’ reference

Results include AUS and FVEY

If you want to know what FVEY is …

The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an anglophone intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence


So welcome aboard, Aussie Diggers!



40e1ad  No.5976693

File: 367f217436aab67⋯.jpeg (2.06 MB, 2732x2015, 2732:2015, 51ED60E5-2CAE-4038-BEB3-B….jpeg)

File: 2d1a02330d3a093⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1625x2014, 1625:2014, EB50F922-D836-4E4A-8998-D….jpeg)

File: d1ad7a15e35c5d9⋯.jpeg (817.5 KB, 1719x1928, 1719:1928, CC37960D-AA84-485C-96C5-F….jpeg)

File: a0cc55d38346ec2⋯.jpeg (677.7 KB, 2120x1936, 265:242, 991B2442-5734-4508-A0EB-4….jpeg)

File: b2401045253b143⋯.jpeg (730.47 KB, 1187x2019, 1187:2019, 8EC2060D-288C-4472-B66D-5….jpeg)

40e1ad  No.5976711

File: d55ac3f71dfbb70⋯.jpeg (923.89 KB, 1767x1969, 1767:1969, EC7143E0-E973-442E-931D-1….jpeg)

File: f705af5003c33c8⋯.jpeg (548.47 KB, 2332x1828, 583:457, E160D6F3-CA88-4C37-B64D-C….jpeg)

File: c8ac8d8adfd48d0⋯.jpeg (405.54 KB, 1024x2022, 512:1011, 9BF926C9-A75E-476E-9363-B….jpeg)

File: 47ae6d783f938b3⋯.jpeg (803.27 KB, 1851x2015, 1851:2015, F37405CE-4087-4C6F-B0C1-8….jpeg)



Interdasting, eh?

Start digging!


Sheep no more!

95dd6b  No.5977383

File: 6d3468a2993d2f2⋯.png (36.29 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1FF1D6A0-8F28-428B-832A-8A….png)


Read Rand:


The Fountainhead

Atlas Shrugged

We The Living

Study ‘Objectivism’

as a start …

1e95a5  No.5978125

File: 1f214e969c84181⋯.png (47.28 KB, 666x911, 666:911, 478d09b0fc64f23736dad2646e….png)

Door-to-door gun confiscations begin in New Zealand; one gun owner already dead, with thousands more targeted by armed government thugs

Sourced from QRes#7641

If you want to know what tyranny looks like in a “democracy,” turn your gaze towards New Zealand, where liberal tolerance and acceptance has been replaced by anti-gun zealotry and authoritarianism, thanks to a single act of violence by a man who wasn’t even born on the island.

Following Brenton Tarrant’s terrorist attack on a pair of mosques earlier this month, the New Zealand prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, and her government wasted no time in declaring that an entire class of firearms that were previously legal to own were suddenly illegal to own.

“Assault” weapons of the type used by Tarrant during his attack have no place in a civil society, you see, even if 99.999 percent of them are owned by law-abiding people and used responsibly.

As such, they must all be confiscated because getting rid of them will also stop future acts of violence and terrorism. Or so New Zealanders have been told.

But what if the act of getting rid of these guns actually causes more violence and death?

The Truth About Guns is reporting that, according to the country’s biggest firearms forum, Kiwi cops are now going door-to-door to gun owners’ places of business, their homes, and even gun ranges “in an attempt to gather information and get gun owners to relinquish their firearms.”

Pay attention, Americans — because even if you don’t own a gun, these are tactics tyrannical Left-wing Democrats will employ to force us all to live a certain way if they are ever empowered enough.

According to screenshots of the firearms forum, one gun owner is already dead


1e95a5  No.5984948

File: 77f070618ea7deb⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 1511526014299.jpg)

File: c48f7e4dabbb5c7⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 640x495, 128:99, 27798187_1713083978714565_….jpg)

File: 161e40dd17bb0bf⋯.jpg (28.77 KB, 468x351, 4:3, Capture_gayford.JPG)

Sex scandals plague New Zealand's Labour party Prime Minister (2018)

Sourced from QRes#7646

Police are investigating after a string of sexual assaults allegedly occurred at a Labour party youth camp, which Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern had been speaking at.

Heavy alcohol consumption at the camp by unsupervised teenagers, many of whom were under the legal drinking age, contributed to the unsafe environment, in which a man was said to have sexually assaulted four 16-year-old party members.

(Video: https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2018/03/13/96319/video-captures-labour-summer-camp-party)

Labour party general secretary Andrew Kirton (picture above with Jacinda Ardern) failed to report the incidents to police and also failed to inform the parents of the victims. Despite this, Prime Minister Ardern has refused to sack Kirton for hushing up the indecent assaults.

"If everyone who ever made a mistake in their job was sacked then we wouldn't be left with many people left, particularly in politics," she said.

Labour MP Liz Craig was with the teenagers while they were consuming alcohol but went to bed, leaving them unsupervised, before the offending took place. Teenagers were later found vomiting in the toilets and bushes from excessive alcohol consumption.

Ardern claimed to have no knowledge of the alleged indecent assaults until they were revealed by the media. She denies she was intentionally kept in the dark by the Labour party so she could have plausible deniability about the mismanagement of the complaints.

"Absolutely not, I push back on that suggestion very hard, that implies that our number one concern here is political management, that's not fair," she said.

The latest incident has also resulted in disclosure of a similar sexual assault allegation at a Christchurch Labour Party event. "Another incident occurred at an event a few years ago," Kirton said.

Furthermore, In 2011 Labour party MP Darren Hughes resigned from parliament and left the country after a naked man was seen running from his apartment.

Hughes was "accompanied by an 18-year-old man who is said to have later run naked from the house in a state of considerable distress. The 18-year-old subsequently laid a complaint ‘of a sexual nature’ against Hughes", Labour party media advisor Brian Edwards said.

However, Hughes never faced any criminal charges and went on to establish his career in London, becoming the Chief Executive of the Electoral Reform Society and appearing on BBC news numerous times.

To add fuel to the fire, the Prime Minister's partner, Clarke Gayford (pictured above), has been accused on social media of recently having an affair with an air hostess from Emirates Airlines. The air hostess was supposedly upset that the affair ended after the Prime Minister became pregnant.


1e95a5  No.5985006

File: f93df87917a3724⋯.png (121.91 KB, 553x379, 553:379, f93df87917a3724b2884dbbfb7….png)

File: 161e40dd17bb0bf⋯.jpg (28.77 KB, 468x351, 4:3, Capture_gayford.JPG)


>Clarke Gayford, ARDERN'S PARTNER

This guys a player … kek … keep digging

1e95a5  No.5985039

File: f1ff88bb90934db⋯.png (63.24 KB, 605x343, 605:343, f1ff88bb90934db6ed97cea127….png)

Papa Tweets again

Sourced from QRes#7648

Alexander Downer was such an idiot that he tweeted himself with the Turkish ambassador the day my name went public thinking his role in spying on me over my ties to the energy business in Israel would never be exposed. They now have. Declassification coming. Australia’s role too.


4602b8  No.5985163





here is pt4 (I've included the entire last paragraph of pt3):

"Countries that have repatriated the gold from abroad riconquistandone control and manage you already feel protected from the risk of following the March 29 short of physical gold to be made available to its banks in case they want to replace it to sovereign bonds. In the arsenal of the system, there is a golden mountain by 33 thousand metric tons of gold worth 1.4 trillion dollars at the current exchange rate. And that is the 20% of all the gold mined in the world at almost 3 thousand years. As usual, the most farsighted and cautious–or perhaps the best informed on the turning of the end March, were Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Switzerland and Belgium, but also Poland, Romania and Hungary have regained control of the reserves Gold stocks also increasing consistency."

"China, Russia, India and Turkey were the Nations who bought gold in the last two years more than anyone else, with Moscow that has even dismissed the entire portfolio into American Government bonds and replace them with the precious metal. But the problem is this: is the price of gold that doesn't compute. In 2018, ben 641 tons of gold ingots were acquired by the monetary authorities of every continent, but especially in Europe: it is the highest level since 1971. The maneuver is unprecedented and should be seen in the phenomenon of return of State entrusted ingots into custody.  Seven thousand tons of reserves auras were withdrawn by central banks from the coffers of the Federal Reserve in New York, while 400 tons have gone out in secret by the Bank of England."

sauces via QRes general (sorry, didn't get the QRes#):



Personally, I think this needs WAAAAY more verification from moar sauces before getting carried away and stacking your life savings into Au/Ag. It may have been a slide and break anons away from digs. However, the sheer number of confirmed nations who have repatriated their gold supplies over the last 4 or so years should raise alarms for many people. So, if you have an investment portfolio, then perhaps allocate 10% of it in real, physical Au/Ag, not paper gold. If buying, be careful who/where you buy it. Lots of scammers have been operating for the last decade. Note: I am anon and take no responsibility for any action or inaction you take on this matter. Do your own research, be careful who you follow (especially the youtube precious metals pundits; they are the used car salesmen of the precious metals markets). Don't trust, but verify through external research. Come back here and tell us anons what you find out, because I'm very interested in this.

1e95a5  No.5985170

Someone's spreading an MBR-trashing copy of the Christchurch killer's 'manifesto' – and we're OK with this, maybe?

Sourced from QRes#7649

Nah, of course we're not in favor of vigilante malware knackering people's PCs

Hacktivists are spreading booby-trapped copies of the New Zealand mass shooter's Islamophobic rantings, in what is being described as an online "vigilante" operation.

Security house Blue Hexagon claims it discovered a version of the killer's manifesto doing the rounds online containing Windows malware that, when executed with the necessary privileges, reboots the system and leaves the user staring at an anti-racist message. The idea being to punish those who seek out the document, it appears.

The software nasty pulls this off by overwriting the boot drive's master boot record (MBR), a data structure needed to start up the operating system after power on or a reboot, to just display the text, and then restarts the machine for good measure.

While the manifesto – a meme-laden soup of troll-tastic nihilistic nonsense – has been outlawed in New Zealand for inciting murder and terrorism, the file continues to circulate in underground forums. Links to the MediaFire-hosted doctored rant, we're told, were first shared on Twitter, and 8chan – the LinkedIn-for-pedos forum site frequented by the Christchurch gunman whose name is not worth the bytes repeating here.

According to Blue Hexagon, the MBR-altering malware itself isn't embedded directly inside the poisoned manifesto, being sent around as a .docx, but rather it is downloaded and executed by an obfuscated Visual Basic script within the document that triggers when opened and run.

"The weaponized version of the document resembles content from the original manifesto but does have several distinguishing features," Blue Hexagon's Irfan Asrar explained this week.

"The metadata from the original manifesto states the author as the name of the alleged suspect who has been arrested in connection with the terror attack, whereas the author info in the weaponized trojan says it was created by the author ‘Maori’ (a name for the indigenous people of New Zealand). The biggest difference in the weaponized version is the presence of the obfuscated VBA script code that attempts to download a second stage payload."

The script in the document fetches a second file called haka.exe – the Haka being a traditional dance of the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand – and here is where the real damage is done. The executable scribbles over the MBR on the host, and then forces a reboot.

As the machine restarts, the user is presented with a black screen and the message in red text: "This is not us!" That's a phrase shared by anti-racists, in an attempt to unite and heal, after attacks by white nationalists.

"Other than being disruptive, there is no motivation; such as a monetary one to be found in this attack," Asrar concluded. Consult your operating system's recovery and repair tools to rebuild the MBR if for some reason you're hit with this malware. ®


1. "The Register" is faggot

2. Be careful out there kids! You can recognize this particular malware because the "manifesto" comes as a .docx (Word) file, which is dangerous to open.

1e95a5  No.5985280

File: ecd6876687a390f⋯.png (17.48 KB, 545x257, 545:257, ecd6876687a390f6e6ab91828e….png)

By Working Together, We Can Win Against Hate

Sourced from QRes#7653

oh cool … they actively going to stop all the trump haters too … and muslim Imams who preach hatred and intolerance ???

… or just going to censor those who they deem to be expressing views Facebook dont want being expressed

Time to go facebook en masse I think and ask why MZ deleting all his facebook posts from 2007-2008 kek …. Lifelog anyone

Facebook·Saturday, 30 March 2019

By Sheryl Sandberg — Chief Operating Officer at Facebook

The terrorist attacks in Christchurch were an act of pure evil. All of us at Facebook stand with the victims, their families, the Muslim community, and all of New Zealand. It is deeply tragic when people face violence because of who they are and what they believe. Over the past two weeks, the whole world has seen the compassion, unity, and resilience you have shown as a country through your grief.

Many of you have also rightly questioned how online platforms such as Facebook were used to circulate horrific videos of the attack. We are committed to reviewing what happened and have been working closely with the New Zealand Police to support their response. In the immediate aftermath, we took down the terrorist’s Facebook and Instagram accounts, removed the video of the attack, and used artificial intelligence to proactively find and prevent related videos from being posted. We have heard feedback that we must do more – and we agree. In the wake of the terrorist attack, we are taking three steps: strengthening the rules for using Facebook Live, taking further steps to address hate on our platforms, and supporting the New Zealand community.

First, we are exploring restrictions on who can go Live depending on factors such as prior Community Standard violations. We are also investing in research to build better technology to quickly identify edited versions of violent videos and images and prevent people from re-sharing these versions. While the original New Zealand attack video was shared Live, we know that this video spread mainly through people re-sharing it and re-editing it to make it harder for our systems to block it; we have identified more than 900 different videos showing portions of those horrifying 17 minutes. People with bad intentions will always try to get around our security measures. That’s why we must work to continually stay ahead. In the past week, we have also made changes to our review process to help us improve our response time to videos like this in the future.

Second, we are taking even stronger steps to remove hate on our platforms. We have long had policies against hate groups and hate speech. We designated both shootings as terror attacks, meaning that any praise, support and representation of the events violates our Community Standards and is not permitted on Facebook. We are also using our existing artificial intelligence tools to identify and remove a range of hate groups in Australia and New Zealand, including the Lads Society, the United Patriots Front, the Antipodean Resistance, and National Front New Zealand. These groups will be banned from our services, and we will also remove praise and support of these groups when we become aware of it. And just this week we announced that we have strengthened our policies by banning praise, support and representation of white nationalism and separatism on Facebook and Instagram.

Finally, we are standing by the people of New Zealand and providing support to four local well-being and mental health organisations to raise awareness around their services within the country. We are also working with our existing youth partner to co-design additional education around peer support and resilience. Through everything, we remain ready to work with the New Zealand Government's Royal Commission to further review the role that online services play in these types of attacks more widely. We are also ready to work with the New Zealand Government on future regulatory models for the online industry in areas like content moderation, elections, privacy, and data portability.

We know there is more work to do. We are deeply committed to strengthening our policies, improving our technology and working with experts to keep Facebook safe. We must all stand united against hate and work together to fight it wherever and whenever it occurs.


1e95a5  No.5986100

FACEBOOK CLAMP: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admits the social networking site should be regulated after Christchurch mosque terror attack

Sourced from QRes#7654

The firm's founder and chief executive said there is a need for government and regulators to have 'a more active role

FACEBOOK boss Mark Zuckerberg has sensationally admitted the site should be regulated. The social networks billionaire founder and chief executive said there is a need for governments and watchdogs to have “a more active role”. It follows the live-streaming on social media of the Christchurch terror attack in New Zealand, which was viewed 4,000 times before being removed.

Mr Zuckerberg, 34, said he believes new regulation is needed in four areas across the internet — harmful content, election integrity, privacy and “data portability”. In a hard-hitting statement published by the Washington Post and on his own Facebook page, he said: “Every day we make decisions about what speech is harmful, what constitutes political advertising, and how to prevent sophisticated cyber attacks. But if we were starting from scratch, we wouldn’t ask companies to make these judgments alone. I believe we need a more active role for governments and regulators.” “By updating the rules for the internet, we can preserve what’s best about it — the freedom for people to express themselves and for entrepreneurs to build new things — while also protecting society from broader harms.”

Mr Zuckerberg said Facebook, which has two billion monthly users, will review harmful content but added that “at our scale we’ll always make mistakes and decisions that people disagree with”. The UK is due to publish plans on clamping down on the likes of Twitter and Instagram if they breach duty of care standards.


ce3b2a  No.5986872


I doubt this is true. The entire reason Huawei is under attack is because they refused to allow a back door. See Q drop # 140 regarding China. They are working with POTUS to take out the NWO.

7b9048  No.5987316


👍 ThanQ for completing muh posts, mate

Muchly appreciated


056983  No.5987997

Keep an eye on Channel 10 which was recently bought by CBS.

The Project is already pretty leftish left with Ali spruiking his brand of socialism and political correctness but I have noticed other changes to its usual format.

Recently Pell was reported as choosing to not challenge his bail whereas all the other stations said it was withdrawn.

New show being promoted LGBTblah blah in the country.

That’ll be interesting.

See if Priscilla is as popular in real life as at the movies.

The new show with the vet and Julia bird is throwing money at people with promo “giving more money away in minutes than other shows give away in two years”.


Buying them off and lets face it, CBS has the dough.

I don’t like the way it’s shifting now that my eyes are open.

Got kids?

Keep an eye on it.

1e95a5  No.5988798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Australian Climate Change Whistle blower Censorship

Sourced from QRes#7659

There's a good court case going on in Australia at the moment over the firing of a University Professor. Peter Ridd was fired from James Cook University in North Queensland over his comments about climate change exaggeration and lack of trustworthiness in Australian Scientific Institutions as it relates to the Great Barrier Reef.

It started when Ridd said that images given to the media by The Australian Institute of Marine Science and The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority were misleading.

Ridd Said the images of bleached coral reefs near Stone Island, off the coast of Bowen in north Queensland, were misleading because they showed poorly affected corals, which were selected over nearby healthy coral and used to show “broad scale decline” of reef health.

After attempting to blow the whistle on what he found — healthy corals — Professor Ridd was censured by James Cook University and threatened with the sack. After a formal investigation, Professor Ridd — a renowned campaigner for quality assurance over coral research from JCU’s Marine Geophysics Laboratory — was found guilty of “failing to act in a collegial way and in the academic spirit of the institution”.

His crime was to encourage questioning of two of the nation’s leading reef institutions, the Centre of Excellence for Coral Studies and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, on whether they knew that photographs they had published and claimed to show long-term collapse of reef health could be misleading and wrong.

He has also said: "…we can no longer trust the scientific organisations like the Australian Institute of Marine Science, even things like the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies – a lot of this is stuff is coming out, the science is coming out not properly checked, tested or replicated and this is a great shame because we really need to be able to trust our scientific institutions and the fact is I do not think we can any more."

Ridd looks like he will win as JCU's arguments have been ridiculous, saying, he is not allowed to comment on reef climate change because it is not his field of expertise and also that he is not actually an academic.

This will be a good thing for academic free speech in Australia, should find out the judges decision by Easter. You can watch the court summaries below. And of course, there's a complete media blackout.






4602b8  No.5988804

File: e4762993edf9497⋯.png (8.96 KB, 302x263, 302:263, ClipboardImage.png)


you shouldn't dox yourself by putting your email address in the 'Email' field. leave all of the first three input fields blank.

1e95a5  No.5988805

File: a86a25ae81a0c32⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, a86a25ae81a0c3248facb1c2ba….jpg)

America sneezes and Australia catches the Dems flu

New budget from the Liberals promises ease of living for people across the nation


* Overall theme: "A stronger economy and a secure future"

* Federal election is due in mid-May

* Better than expected surplus for 2019/20 (MYEFO: $4.1 billion in 2019/20)

* 3 per cent growth for 2019/20 (MYEFO forecast)

* 5 per cent unemployment rate for 2019/20 (MYEFO forecast)

* Migration cap to be reduced to 160,000 from 190,000

* 1.25 million new jobs to be created over the next five years

* Expectation of a "stimulus" worth about $6 billion, adding about 0.4 percentage points to GDP

All has been promised for years and were never kept.


4602b8  No.5988878


So, "What did POTUS receive while visiting China?" Was this ever determined? I tried to search for something to answer it, but couldn't find anything.

Anyway, China are not truly anyone's friend.

1e95a5  No.5989091

File: a6f9da14ae90cce⋯.jpg (382.03 KB, 2560x1555, 512:311, 1553616836055.jpg)

File: a472487675e10bc⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1553890283901.jpg)

Thought we could all use a quick chill out and check out a nice pair of boobies .. kek .. enjoy!

1509ea  No.5989165


Dinner at the forbidden palace… a high honour never given to another president pre PRC


4602b8  No.5989310


oh ok. thanks, fren. Thought it must have been more than that. Nice bit of symbolism, though.

ef339c  No.5991221

Aussie Anons, help a fellow out with "translation".

What does the shuter say when he is speaking to the livestream?

First sentence, for example, soundz like it begins with "Remember lads".

Could someone familiar with the accent/ slang please let us know what was said during the video? Not much said, but sound to me like he was in two-way comm at times.

And always referring to lads. Just another way of saying guys (could mean guys and gals?)

ef339c  No.5991224



f4f975  No.5995010



And agree with your point re China. Reading Silent Invasion by Clive Hamilton at the moment. It's a good book about China's plan and infiltration / takeover planned for Aus. Not racist, not xenophobic just realist and how quickly / cheaply we're giving up our sovereignty.

5f78f0  No.5995664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll take a look at that book. cheers.

You may like to have a watch of the latest CEC Report video I've embedded. I was surprised to see that the data they have on foreign real estate investment in Australia shows Chinese investment isn't as dominate as I thought it was. Still a significant percentage though. It's a shame that they don't cover who the other nations were.

I agree, it's concerning how fast we are giving up our land to foreigners. I don't have the data to back up this statement, but apparently 25% of Tasmania's agricultural land is now foreign owned. IIRC, One Nation are saying the same numbers for Tas. I'll try and find the sauce for that info as that is a ridiculous amount of land. The wankers in Tasmania have lost the plot if true. I remember hearing (maybe on ABC's Landline) that a lot of New Zealanders and Chinese came in and scooped up dairy farms down there. The so-called 'food bowl of the nation' is quickly becoming foreign owned.

1e95a5  No.5996035


Yes, lads just another term for guys.

And why did u link *that* video here ffs?

1e95a5  No.5996164


More concerning is their ever increasing list of strategic investments ie ports, infrastrusture like power production and various farms like the kidman property and dairies.

Dont think its too much of a stretch to think that they will be bringing in their cheap chinese labour to run these farms (ie 457 visas), and everything produced will be exported directly to China, so prices for these local products will rise as the supply is effectively reduced.

5f78f0  No.5997735

File: 65264a73bceaabc⋯.jpg (13.71 KB, 250x250, 1:1, aintClickin.jpg)



You glow, like a lot. Just sayin.

also, pic related

5f78f0  No.5998053

File: 613219206d5b2e4⋯.png (473.63 KB, 634x357, 634:357, ClipboardImage.png)


yeah mate, control of infrastructure and utilities are more concerning than anything else.

China Southern Airlines could soon own all of the Merredin Aerodrome in WA

- China Southern Airlines could soon own all of the Merredin Aerodrome in WA

- It paid West Australian government $1 for a 100-year lease in 1993 to train pilots

- Aviation veteran Dick Smith said it was 'outrageous' China decided who landed

China's communist government could soon own an Australian airport after paying just $1 for a 100-year lease on the land.

The state-owned China Southern Airlines partially owns Merredin Aerodrome, 260 kilometres east of Perth, and has control of the runways, hangars and the control tower.

However, this Chinese government company could soon own all of the country airport less than 25 years after it secretly paid the West Australian government $1 for a 100-year lease, The Australian reports.

Entrepreneur Dick Smith, who is also a former chairman of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, said this was the first time a foreign power had owned an Australian airport.

'It is outrageous that an Aussie pilot can't go to a country airport without getting approval from the Chinese to land there,' he said.

'I've never heard of this happening anywhere.'

China's biggest airline presently owns half of Merredin Aerodrome and may soon own the entire airport, despite recently shutting down its pilot training school because of safety concerns.

Anyone wishing to land at this airport must obtain permission from China Southern.

sauce: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5213765/China-owns-Australian-airport-paying-1-lease.html (http://archive.is/s1dfw)

https://thewest.com.au/business/aviation/chinese-ownership-of-merredin-airport-sparks-controversy-ng-b88705220z (http://archive.fo/kCrqg)

nb: Articles are from late 2017 early 2018, so not sure if the purchase ended up going through or not.

5f78f0  No.5998145

File: 85d33a09789786c⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Chinese-owned airport in Australia looks to increase its flights by 1000%

A Chinese government backed training airport in northern NSW will increase its number of flights by 1000 per cent under a development proposal as Australia struggles to avoid a local pilot shortage.

The Australian International Aviation College, which is being used to train Chinese pilots for the Communist party backed Hainan Airlines, is seeking to increase its flights in the airport from 2868 per year to 28,687 per year.

Hainan, which is 8.25 per cent owned by the Chinese provincial government, is providing funding for the training runway, one of at least three pilot training schools across Australia being used to train Chinese pilots.

The federal government was forced to open up temporary visas for foreign pilots in July in a bid to stop a pilot shortage that experts warn could cripple regional air services.

A spokesman for Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton confirmed pilots had been added to the temporary migration list following advice from the Department of Employment, but would be reviewed every six months to ensure Australian pilots were being given priority.

It is understood Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, the Turnbull government's new Minister for Infrastructure, is about to receive a detailed brief on regional aviation issues in the coming weeks following his recent appointment to the portfolio.

Labor's infrastructure spokesman Anthony Albanese said there was nothing wrong with foreign pilots being trained in Australia.

"It produces economic benefits as well as the spread of best practice," he said. "The problem is training enough Australian pilots to fulfil our domestic aviation needs."

"We need to make sure we can keep our planes in the air, you can't train pilots in just a day or a week or a month."

The expansion of Kempsey Airport has sparked tension in the local community with the growing "Save Kempsey Airport" group arguing the operation is "just not a compatible industry" with the local area.

"From the noise, to the location and the hours of operation, it is a 1000 per cent increase that will operate from 6am to midnight 365 days a year," said Adam Ulrich, president of the Save Kempsey Airport action group.

"They will be taking off, lap after lap after lap, hour on hour and we have massive concerns about the impact on farming in the area."

Kempsey Council estimated each of the expected 200 students at the school would spend $43,900 per year and generate 0.29 full-time equivalent jobs per pupil outside the airport.

The Australian International Aviation College and Save Kempsey Airport will appear before the airport community reference group in February.

The college has been contacted for comment.

sauce: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/pilot-shortage-chineseowned-airport-in-australia-looks-to-increase-its-flights-by-1000-20171228-h0b20i.html (http://archive.is/pMdxx)

f4f975  No.6001078


Equally surprised by the proportion of small level of Chinese ownership shown in their table however I also agree with…


in that its their increasing investment in ports (Darwin), electricity networks (Ausgrid latest but plenty there) and farms that I'm more concerned about.

The point is the economic leverage the Chinese have over us is unparalleled, no other country is buying our politicians (I'm looking at you Sam Distyari, Bob Carr, etc), or opposing Australian policy and its a totalitarian society with a shocking history of human rights abuses.

aba791  No.6001090


Holy fuck

They really are taking over this Country

Or have

S.O.S. Q!!!!

1e95a5  No.6002037

File: ff61f80cb00f2f4⋯.png (663.85 KB, 1168x961, 1168:961, bb4b4896efb22ff6e9bf469d24….png)

File: 420862f1f4e8994⋯.png (410.07 KB, 1250x558, 625:279, 4e3c870d837971aa3b8054c986….png)

File: 83eb5496aae31dd⋯.png (71.72 KB, 1079x610, 1079:610, 8cd2d895ee67fa327bc13d35b6….png)

Anons comments on Why Christchurch?

Sourced from QRes#7662

Why Christchurch? Its the gateway city to Antarctica that doesn't do tourism, only government and scientific logistics. 75% of scientists travel via Christchurch. If there is something down there that the cabal wants to control, Christchurch is the portal to it.

1e95a5  No.6002045

File: cc90d18a722c007⋯.png (250.56 KB, 1727x972, 1727:972, cc90d18a722c0076a059e773d5….png)

More on Christchurch

Sourced from QRes#7664

I found this PDF online. It was made by the city of Christchurch NZ about how they are going to be a gateway city for Anartica. They lay out the plans with dates and other info. It looks more like a sales pitch than anything else. I do design/marketing and this looks like something my company would make for a big (money wise) sales pitch. I dunno, it's probably just confirmation bias but it's a little spooky reading in hindsight (although, future proves past could apply as well)


1e95a5  No.6002085

File: c12df1ec5103c38⋯.png (165.12 KB, 249x444, 83:148, SteveTyler.png)

NSW Education Department covers up teacher’s alleged 18-year child sex abuse spree (2013)

Sourced from QRes#7667

ON 14 MARCH 2006, Jill Carlon, Chief Investigator for Employee Performance & Conduct of the Department of Education and Training, sent concerned Tweed Shire parents a letter:

'I am writing to advise you of the finalisation of the investigation and follow up action taken in respect to allegations that a teacher at Centaur Primary School, acted in a manner that could amount to improper conduct against students… In reviewing the investigation, all the available information has been carefully considered and, as a result, steps have been taken to ensure that the person will no longer be employed or involved in school, TAFE or student-related activities.'

The letter brought to an end, at least for the parents involved, an 18 year nightmare and an alleged reign of terror by that teacher — of physical, emotional and sexual assault and abuse.

However, many questions still remain, including how this man was allowed to be exposed to vulnerable children over such a long period? How has this matter been covered up for so long? How was he able to continue teaching in NSW independent schools, and in public schools just a few miles away across the border in Queensland? Why have NSW police consistently refused to properly investigate his activities? And why has he never faced criminal prosecution?

The teacher in question was Gary Willis (now deceased), a middle-aged man who transferred to Northern NSW in the late 1980s. Despite allegedly having no prior experience in special needs, Willis received a 3-year position at East Murwillumbah Primary School’s Special Education Unit.

Almost immediately Willis began working at the School, allegations of inappropriate behaviour emerged — even directly in front of parents.

In the classroom, Gary Willis was responsible for the most vulnerable children imaginable — children who were intellectually disabled, autistic, unable to walk and unable to speak. Former students, parents, and teachers allege that Gary Willis sexually and physically assaulted these disabled children. Witnesses, including other teachers, also say they witnessed Gary Willis being violent toward students, including allegedly ramming a wheelchair bound child into a wall and thrusting another disabled boy’s head into a sink.

Two teachers stated that Gary Willis constantly refused to allow female aids to toilet the female students and that he insisted on doing this delicate task himself.

Arguably even more shocking, witnesses allege that Gary Willis taught mainstream schoolboys to sexually assault the disabled girls. Medical evidence, police interviews and local DOCS intervention appear to support this claim. Police, DOCS, and a paediatrician concluded that two girls had been sexually assaulted at East Murwillumbah Primary School; Gary Willis was named in both cases. Parents subsequently watched him being seized by police from the school for questioning.

Full article:


1e95a5  No.6002141

NSW police protects alleged Tweed Heads pedophile ring

Sourced from QRes#7667

Part 2 of 2013 article above >>6002085

In 2004, concerned parent and whistleblower Fiona Barnett became determined to end teacher Gary Willis’ (then) 15 year alleged child abuse spree — but the NSW Education Department and police had decidedly different ideas.

A real eye opening article about flat out injustice and bastardisation of whistle blowers by the NSW government - too long to post here


Have also archived both pages below as pretty damning and would hate to see this important info purged from the net.

part 1: http://archive.is/rxPkE

part 2: http://archive.fo/O5fst

1e95a5  No.6002160

File: bbfd05096f633aa⋯.png (236.23 KB, 783x619, 783:619, 6e6424d63536333c24f88dd6f7….png)

File: 2b090227d13b16d⋯.png (66.54 KB, 829x896, 829:896, 3ccf4ccecffe69806a729b332b….png)

File: ca4ebb707c9e299⋯.png (13.79 KB, 828x206, 414:103, b75023388e532fa98a838857c7….png)

NZ Gun Confiscation Nightmare: Gun Confiscation Begins as Police Show Up Unannounced At Homes, Workplaces

Sourced from QRes#7666

This appears to be already happening in New Zealand, folks.

A post made on March 25, 2019 on New Zealands’s largest largest firearm forum recounts a gun owner’s run-in with police who arrived at his workplace to question him on the number and location of his guns.


1e95a5  No.6002174

File: a1df8033676c282⋯.jpg (301.93 KB, 600x2175, 8:29, a1df8033676c28267794c6b4b5….jpg)

Jury selection starts Monday for Minneapolis officer accused in fatal shooting of unarmed Australian woman

MINNEAPOLIS — A Minneapolis police officer is set to stand trial for the fatal shooting of an unarmed Australian woman who had called 911 to report a possible sexual assault happening in the alley behind her home. Mohamed Noor, who was fired after the July 2017 shooting, is charged with murder in the death of Justine Ruszczyk Damond.

Here are some key elements as jury selection begins Monday, April 1:

What happened

Noor, 33, shot Damond after she approached his police cruiser. Damond, a 40-year-old life coach and dual Australian-American citizen, had called 911 to report a possible assault.

Officer Matthew Harrity was driving that night and told investigators he heard a voice and a thump and caught a glimpse of someone outside his window. Harrity said he was startled and thought his life was in danger. He said he heard a sound and looked over to see that Noor had fired past him through the driver’s side window, hitting Damond.

Noor refused to talk to investigators. He was fired after he was charged but is appealing his termination.

The charges, and challenges

Noor, who is Somali-American, was charged with second-degree intentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. The most serious charge, second-degree murder, carries a presumptive sentence of more than 25 years in prison.

Minnesota law allows police officers to use deadly force to protect themselves or their partners from death or great bodily harm, however prosecutors have said there was no evidence that Noor faced such a threat. Noor’s attorneys, though, intend to argue that he acted reasonably in self-defense.

Full article:


1e95a5  No.6002244

File: 9bd0cc8e28d305b⋯.jpeg (155.72 KB, 1125x1173, 375:391, 0b2e235b83732e7ab6001f955….jpeg)

New PapaD Tweet

After sending informants, wire taping me, issuing a FISA on me, sending honey pots, arresting me in a savage like manner, had the British and Australians spy on me, I FINALLY got charged because I forgot when I met someone a year before the Comey FBI came knocking. Time to fight.


1e95a5  No.6002276

File: 0a30f68961eca0d⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 3727x1859, 3727:1859, cafd258fe9785b9e91fbcc81e7….jpg)



More on Christchurch Antarctica Gateway Connection?

Sourced from QRes#7674

an anon posted some of these diggs this morning and I added some new stuff to it.






1e95a5  No.6002297

File: a4d511d33a8166c⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 249x255, 83:85, f1335d1a5dcc47741cf5e46a7e….jpg)

History of Five Eyes in Australia

Sourced from QRes#7675

Australia joined the UKUSA agreement (Five Eyes) in 1948. The agreement was a secret treaty and was not even disclosed to Australian Prime Ministers. The existence of the UKUSA Agreement was discovered by the Australian government during the 1973 Murphy raids on the headquarters of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO).

The purpose of the raids, instigated by Attorney-General Lionel Murphy, was to obtain terrorism-related information that the ASIO was accused of withholding. Murphy was operating without the consent of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam or the Whitlam Government, nor the judiciary as warrants were not sought owing to the belief that it was Commonwealth property. This view would later be found to be legally valid by the Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security. This Royal Commission also revealed the existence of Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) and the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD, now ASD).

After learning about the agreement, Whitlam discovered that Pine Gap, a secret surveillance station close to Alice Springs, Australia, had been operated by the CIA. Whitlam opposed the use and control of Pine Gap by the CIA , and he fired the chief of ASIO before being dismissed as prime minister. Pine Gap is now operated jointly by both Australia and the United States.

The existence of the Five Eyes Agreement was not disclosed to the public until 2005. On 25 June 2010, for the first time, the full text of the agreement was publicly released by the United Kingdom and the United States, and can now be viewed online.






Clowns In America and Clowns In The UK got the Prime Minister that revealed Five Eyes to the Australian Government and subsequently the Australian people booted. Kek.

056983  No.6002802

This just in from an email friend.


“This video is obviously in Arabic and it is the senior Imam in Jerusalem spitting the fire, just before the weekend last passed.

It’s in response to Australia and particularly New Zealand’s appeasing attitude to the dreadful tragedy in Christchurch. The Imam is encouraging in a forceful way that Muslims shoulds invade Australia and NZ because they are weak. Can you imagine what will happen with a socialist government in charge upholding a soft border policy with this attitude pervading the Islamic world.“

1e95a5  No.6002996


Concerning for sure, but we really need some corroboration or alternate sources to this.

1e95a5  No.6003144



Actually I looked at some of the arabic comments made in response to this video (using google translate) and i must say surprisingly, but thankfully, not seeming to be a lot of support for this hateful little imam.

Read some of the translated comments below:

"The son of the slippers from occupied Jerusalem and wants to open Australia - Heheheh heroes with slogans like your predecessor - We are the first Muslims to defend our homeland Australia from your company Odaawash - who fled from you and your terror !!!!"

"Don't blame the monkey if he speaks"

"But the bozkurt dam. You don't have anything to do with the land of what you want. O hypocrite and happy to talk to the conquests. Who do you think you are, brother of the kingdom?"

"Terrorism Imams"

"Don't forget that the first maximum occupation is free, you idiot"

"I mean he wants to occupy Australia and evaluate the state of evil and darkness in New Zealand, it became 70 years Jews and Zion Occupiers Palestine, it was better to urge the people of Palestine to jihad in Israel"

"Lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao

Excuse me, I can't talk, because my belly is too much laughter, on this retarded, mentally deranged clown, his natural place in a hospital 🏥 chronic mental illness, not in front of public, public and public"

1e95a5  No.6010904

File: ec315c8c4f9c2c9⋯.png (1006.68 KB, 1009x2685, 1009:2685, ec315c8c4f9c2c92b1c522b850….png)

Innocent thing or CIA "pickle factory" comms related?

'McDonald’s April Fools' joke lands burger chain in pickle

Sourced from QRes#7685

McDonald’s April Fools' Day joke about new burger angers customers


c4694d  No.6014117

File: 7ae27181eba46c8⋯.jpg (173.09 KB, 771x555, 257:185, GP_15.jpg)

File: e7cc5289b1a241d⋯.jpg (375.02 KB, 778x1078, 389:539, GP_16.jpg)

File: d51fe98c5f8c40d⋯.jpg (170.07 KB, 763x556, 763:556, GP_17.jpg)

Recent George Papadopoulos Tweets

I appreciate @amjoyshow allowing me to get the facts out there. The U.K. and Australia interfered in the election and western intelligence created the conspiracy known as spygate. I am, however, of the opinion that all countries who attempted to meddle should be punished.


Replying to @JackPosobiec

My book goes through a play by play of how it feels to have an Australian ambassador spy on you for ties to this lucrative business and then lie about your meeting.


Alexander Downer was such an idiot that he tweeted himself with the Turkish ambassador the day my name went public thinking his role in spying on me over my ties to the energy business in Israel would never be exposed. They now have. Declassification coming. Australia’s role too.


c4694d  No.6014133

File: f69f1c8940a15b6⋯.jpg (180.8 KB, 763x549, 763:549, GP_18.jpg)

File: c7faf49b8cfa5fb⋯.jpg (162.68 KB, 765x553, 765:553, GP_19.jpg)

File: 795a955e6f17c42⋯.jpg (171.76 KB, 765x555, 51:37, GP_20.jpg)


I think @FoxNewsSunday (Chris Wallace) needs to read my book Deep State Target to understand just how Off the mark he is regarding the origins of the investigation. Happy to chat anytime, Chris. But the NYT story about Downer has been debunked and you need to get up to date.


My book Deep State Target gives a clear understanding about the origins of the fraudulent investigation later known as cross fire hurricane. It was all a western intelligence disinformation op targeted at Trump and his team with the help of the U.K., Australia and Italy.


After sending informants, wire taping me, issuing a FISA on me, sending honey pots, arresting me in a savage like manner, had the British and Australians spy on me, I FINALLY got charged because I forgot when I met someone a year before the Comey FBI came knocking. Time to fight.


c4694d  No.6014138

File: 7cc55ddab63f18a⋯.jpg (171.8 KB, 771x561, 257:187, GP_21.jpg)

File: 147787893db2e45⋯.jpg (135.43 KB, 767x480, 767:480, GP_22.jpg)

File: 1e628c986f1aecf⋯.jpg (152.03 KB, 770x521, 770:521, GP_23.jpg)


There was a separate investigation on me that predates the Carter Page FISA that involves my ties to Israel. I explain in my book how that target on me attracted assets like Halper, Downer, Mifsud, CIA and DIA officials stationed in London and Athens. This is a big reveal coming.


17 March 2019 Retweet, See >>5749685 (pb)

Alexander Downer was so blatantly spying on me that I reported him to both the FBI and Mueller. Who sent him to make contact? The answer lies with Strzok’s former boss being in London the same day.


The democrats have absolutely no idea what they are wishing for in terms of releasing the full Mueller report. It will detail all the western intelligence operatives and US allies (UK, Australia, Italy) involvement in trying to set up Trump and his guys. Nothing Russia!


1e95a5  No.6014726

Australia, Holland, Russia start talks over downed MH17

Sourced from QRes#7687

By TREVOR MARSHALLSEA Associated Press SYDNEY — Mar 27, 2019 1:11 AM

The Netherlands and Australia confirmed Wednesday that three-way talks with Russia have begun over the ongoing criminal investigation into the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in 2014.

The two countries announced last year they were holding Russia responsible for providing the missile fired by pro-Russian forces in war-torn Ukraine that brought down the jet, causing the deaths of all 298 people aboard. The dead included 196 people from the Netherlands and 38 from Australia.

Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok and his Australian counterpart Marise Payne said Wednesday that the first trilateral talks about state responsibility for the incident took place earlier this month, after diplomatic approaches were made earlier this year.

"We cannot go into the content of this process because confidentiality is vital here," Blok said at a joint news conference with Payne in Sydney. "But I can say this: We remain committed to achieving truth, justice and accountability."



BREAKING: Ukrainian Security Boss Admits Ukraine Shot Down MH-17, Planned Ethnic Genocide in Donbass

Specialists from the USA and the UK prepared a division of the SBU (Department No. 5) who went to train in the US and abroad to organize terrorist attacks and sabotage in Donbass


Why is MSM narrative saying Australia and the Netherlands attempting to criminalize Russia over a downed aircraft Russia did not shoot down?

Is this the continuation of the narrative that Russia is "Evil"?

1e95a5  No.6014738

File: 0f6f93f4223f4b9⋯.jpeg (174.5 KB, 3244x1824, 811:456, 0f6f93f4223f4b93106524019….jpeg)

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern suggests Huawei products may not be banned in New Zealand.

Xi meets with New Zealand prime minister to court US ally

Sourced from QRes#7687

Beijing aims to drive wedge into Five Eye intelligence pact

BEIJING/SYDNEY – Chinese President Xi Jinping met with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in Beijing Monday as he tried to poke holes in a U.S.-led intelligence alliance that seeks to exclude Chinese communication devices from 5-G networks.

"We hope that we can aspire to the greatest common denominator regarding each other's interests," Xi said at their summit. "China wants to continue fresh investments, and New Zealand should provide a fair and balanced environment for Chinese companies," he stressed.

In response, Ardern said that New Zealand is pursuing an independent diplomatic policy and that the country supports free trade.

Prior to her summit with Xi, Ardern met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who agreed to upgrade their free trade agreement as part of efforts to strengthen economic ties.

New Zealand is a member of the Five Eyes information-sharing alliance with the U.S., U.K., Canada and Australia. When the Trump administration asked these nations to ban products from China's Huawei Technologies over security concerns, New Zealand's intelligence agency said that the company's 5G products posed a "significant network security risk," leading to tensions with Beijing.

The aim of Ardern's visit to China was to shore up ties with a country that is the largest destination for New Zealand exports. She told Li that her country would not discriminate against any company from any country, suggesting that Huawei products may not be banned there.

It would be significant for China to make inroads with a Five Eyes ally as it spars with the U.S. over trade. Xi also seeks a closer partnership on his Belt and Road Initiative, for which the two have already signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation on infrastructure construction. New Zealand Minister for Trade and Export Growth David Parker is expected to visit a Belt and Road forum in Beijing early this month.



6558f5  No.6015321

Aus daylight savings time: 02/04/2019 20:37

Tried going to www. pickeringpost.com with and without vpn, and it redirects to:


Horsefaces fucking FB page!! WTF!!!

Bait to see who makes this statement? Don't care! PP is under attack by scum.

6558f5  No.6015328


Click top article (sorry) to check. Make the swamp great again article.

6558f5  No.6015344


PP Poster: Found it,

Someone has inserted script at line 699

<p>This is just more Trump nonsense.</p>


<aside class='posted'>Tue 2 Apr 2019 07:11:51 pm</aside>

6558f5  No.6015399



I hope they fix that website, it's been absolutely FUBAR for years, even when Larry was running it. Fix it up or fuck it off.

056983  No.6017209

File: e7cc9b9f8037d33⋯.jpeg (200.89 KB, 1176x792, 49:33, 20BB4291-4CCA-4C84-A76D-F….jpeg)

86bd64  No.6026141

File: 837861a84c4d4f6⋯.png (300.11 KB, 1073x722, 1073:722, ClipboardImage.png)

Statement analyst Peter Hyatt had a member of his team analyse the emergency call from the foster mother of missing Australian toddler William Tyrrell.

I transcribed the call and sent it to Peter.

Praying for justice for William.

Looks bad for the foster mother.

Aus govt potentially involved in the cover-up.

Coronial inquest ongoing.



1e95a5  No.6028910

File: b9fccc60ba19db4⋯.jpeg (590.98 KB, 1125x1279, 1125:1279, b9fccc60ba19db43c03f52894….jpeg)

New PapaD Tweet

Sourced from QRes#7696

11:11 timestamp

My book explains how the entire investigation began. In addition to my congressional testimony, that was recently released, we can finally understand how the Obama administration farmed out their surveillance of Trump and his team to the British, Australians and Italians b4 FISA.


The fact that she was wanting to adopt her foster child would have made me thought

1e95a5  No.6028965

The Rot Starts At The Top: The Problem With De-Platforming The Far-Right

Sourced from QRes#7698

So, Facebook has finally come to the realisation that white nationalism and separatism is not actually the same as national pride. In a long overdue move, “praise, support, and representation of white nationalism and separatism” will now be banned on the platform.

This comes after growing calls for social media platforms to moderate the content on their sites, including from Scott Morrison, who, following the massacre of 50 people in Christchurch, wants social media companies to “write an algorithm to screen out hate content”. Politicians in both Australia and New Zealand have come together to put pressure on big social media companies, to “ensure their technology products are not exploited by murderous terrorists”. The Coalition government, in a world-first move, will even be introducing a bill to Parliament this week, where social media executives based in Australia could face up to three years in prison and billions of dollars in fines if they fail to remove “abhorrent violent material” in a timely manner.

While this mounting pressure has evidently forced Facebook to take action, it raises the question about smaller social media platforms, particularly those that serve the furthest fringes of the alt-right, like Gab.

What Is Gab?

Founded in 2016, Gab is a relatively small social media platform “dedicated to preserving… freedom of speech”. The site has a largely far-right user-base, with figures such as Blair Cottrell joining after being ‘de-platformed’ from other widely used sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Gab came under fire after the 2018 Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting after it was revealed that the accused shooter maintained an active account on the platform, and used it to announce his intentions. Until this event, in September 2018, the website’s logo was Gabby the frog, fashioned after the appropriated Pepe the Frog alt-right meme.

Gab has groups like ‘Guns of Gab’ (for firearms enthusiasts), ‘Free Speech’ (self-explanatory), ‘Great awakening’ (dedicated to #QAnon, a far-right conspiracy theory that details a plot by a “deep state” against Trump and his supporters), and ‘Anything Goes’ (where…well…anything goes, so it’s “not recommended for snowflakes”). Moreover, Gab actively welcomes users who have been banned from other platforms.

A recent report authored by the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) and the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) Center on Extremism, found that major Twitter bans corresponded with the highest peaks of new memberships on the social media site and directly contributes to increased participation. Analysis of the usage of the word ‘ban’ by Gab users suggests that new users are in fact highly motivated by animosity against Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

Savvas Zannettou is a PhD Candidate from Cyprus University of Technology and a member of the NCRI. He says that sites like Gab, 4chan and 8chan — where the alleged Christchurch shooter posted about the attack moments before it took place — will not take any action to mitigate the spread of hateful content on their platforms.

This is “mainly because they don’t have the resources and because they are not really interested in solving the issue.”

On platforms like Gab, disaffected former users of mainstream social media platforms are able to disseminate their ideologies in various ways without the threat of moderation.

“First, as also seen by Christchurch attack, a popular and seemingly effective way to disseminate ideology is via memes. Memes have evolved into an extremely powerful weapon that can transmit weaponised information…or political ideology with the goal to influence opinions. Users on such platforms also extensively share news articles from alternative news sources that have debatable credibility.”

The dissemination of political ideology specifically is where the problem on Gab and other platforms arises. According to a recent study, Gab is used to disseminate information about world events. The majority of hashtags used on the platform are about Trump, news and politics, with the most popular ones including “AltRight” and “Ban Islam”.

It is through the “constant trolling and sharing [of] hateful comments against specific communities like Jewish people and Muslims they create a constant hateful atmosphere against specific populations,” Zannettou says.

Essentially, users, through the spread of memes and fake news are able to live in a virtual white nationalist world fuelled by male ego and fear of the ‘other’.

When asked about the practice of ‘de-platforming’, Zannettou says that “banning these people is not a solution since they will eventually migrate to other platforms and still be able to disseminate their ideology.

Note: Web source for article wasnt listed.

1e95a5  No.6029236

Ecuador's president says Julian Assange has 'repeatedly violated the terms of his asylum in London embassy and does not have the right to hack phones'

Published: 05:02 AEDT, 3 April 2019 | Updated: 11:59 AEDT, 3 April 2019

Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno on Tuesday said that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has 'repeatedly violated' the terms of his asylum in the Andean nation's London embassy, according to a local media interview.

Moreno told the Ecuadorean Radio Broadcasters' Association that Assange does not have the right to 'hack private accounts or phones' and cannot intervene in the politics of other countries, especially those with friendly relations with Ecuador.

That probe was later dropped, but Assange fears he could be extradited to face charges in the United States, where federal prosecutors are investigating WikiLeaks.

He says Ecuador is seeking to end his asylum and is putting pressure on him by isolating him from visitors and spying on him. Ecuador has said its treatment of Assange was in line with international law, but that his situation 'cannot be extended indefinitely.'


By the sounds of posts >>5878459 >>5878420 (pb), I think most prisons would be more accommodating and treat Assange better than the Ecuadorian embassy is right now.

1e95a5  No.6029295

File: 883b5e408071ee5⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 255x209, 255:209, 883b5e408071ee5b680ce06e84….jpg)

Australia will stop contributions to the UN’s major fund for battling climate change this year, according to government budget papers released on Tuesday.

Sourced from QRes#7700

Australia will stop contributions to the UN’s major fund for battling climate change this year, according to government budget papers released on Tuesday.

With a federal election looming, the government followed up on prime minister Scott Morrison’s threat not to “tip money into that big climate fund”.

Since 2015, Australia has given $187m to the fund, which finances projects in the developing world that cut emissions or promote resilience to climate impacts. The budget document said Australia made its “final” contribution of $19.2m in December.

Around a third of Australia’s overseas development budget is spent in the climate-vulnerable Pacific. But the Australia Institute’s Richie Merzian said multilateral institutions, such as the Green Climate Fund, were able to leverage private investment in projects in “a way that the Australian Government has struggled to do”.

“The GCF has co-financing capabilities and regional coverage that Australia couldn’t possibly provide,” he said. Merzian also noted that Australia’s overall aid budget was dropping when measured against the growing economy.

In a statement, Oxfam Australia said the budget was a “catastrophic failure of leadership in the face of the climate crisis – which is out of step with a majority of Australians – and growing inequality and it undermines the future of our Pacific neighbours”.

The Green Climate Fund formed part of a compact between poor and rich countries that was the basis for the Paris climate agreement. Having spent nearly half of its original $10.3bn allocation, the fund has signalled it intends to start raising new finance from developed countries this year.


1e95a5  No.6029327

File: 9d23c30613e63c7⋯.png (127.06 KB, 673x530, 673:530, 9d23c30613e63c74c7710aef92….png)

File: 5845f0216fb0b6d⋯.png (208.15 KB, 875x562, 875:562, 5845f0216fb0b6da754eaa841d….png)

File: 44adcb7a34f40ce⋯.png (138.97 KB, 865x335, 173:67, 44adcb7a34f40ce285c1ac226e….png)

Australian Bureau of Meteorology altering historical temperature records

Sourced from QRes#7703

The BOM has shortened and altered the historical temperature record for Darwin, Australia. The BOM is no longer using data between 1894 and 1909. They are starting the record at 1910 as this is when an automatic weather station was installed at the Darwin Airport.

The raw data temperature measured on Jan 1st 1910 was 34.2C. A few years ago, the Bureau changed this to 33.8C, cooling the recorded temperature by 0.4 degrees. In its most recent re-revision of Darwin’s climate history the temperature on this day has been further reduced, and is now just 32.8C.

A spokesperson said :

For the case of Darwin, a downward adjustment to older records is applied to account for differences between the older sites and the current site, and difference¬s between older thermometers and the current automated sensor.

In other words, the adjustments estimate what historical temperatures would look like if they were recorded with today’s equipment at the current site.

Yet this is what they said the first time they changed it a few years ago. These fuckers are making the past colder to look like we are increasing in temperature.


1e95a5  No.6029348

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern returned home from Beijing on Tuesday having made progress on trade, climate change and a way forward on Huawei.

Sourced from QRes#7705

During the short visit, agreements were signed on scientific cooperation, finance, agriculture and taxation on Monday, and the two sides also agreed to push forward an update of their free-trade deal.

As well as meeting China’s leaders, Ardern opened New Zealand’s new NZ$50 million (US$34 million) Chinese embassy to manage relations with the country’s largest trading partner, calling it “one of our most significant diplomatic spaces”.

The trip could mark a turning point in the Huawei saga, after it was banned by New Zealand allies, and Five Eyes intelligence network members, the United States and Australia.

In November, New Zealand’s spy agency blocked local telecoms company Spark from using Huawei equipment, citing national security risks. But in Beijing, Ardern insisted Huawei had not been banned in New Zealand.


1c27fc  No.6029387

Muh climate change >>6029327

b4fbbe  No.6029569


Sydney Australia … NSW Health on Tuesday issued its 15th measles warning for the year after two babies too young to be vaccinated became infected in mid-March.

What’s the bet they use this natural occurrence to lower age for vaccination!



Two babies have been diagnosed with measles in Sydney with health authorities saying they probably caught the highly infectious disease locally.

Two infants with measles probably acquired the infection in Sydney, health authorities say.

NSW Health on Tuesday issued its 15th measles warning for the year after two babies too young to be vaccinated became infected in mid-March.

An eight-month-old likely contracted the disease in the Haymarket area and was infectious while visiting a Strathfield Korean restaurant on March 26, a Hurstville cafe on March 27 and St George hospital emergency department on March 30.

The other baby, aged 11 months, likely caught the disease in Eastwood before visiting shopping centres in Eastwood, Castle Hill and Kellyville in the last week of March.

NSW recorded 46 measles cases between January 2017 and November 2018.

Some 28 cases have been recorded in the four months since.

The health department says maintaining high rates of measles immunisation within the community reduces the risk of measles being imported by travellers and then spread locally.

"Herd immunity provides protection to those unable to be vaccinated such as infants and people with weakened immune systems," NSW Health communicable diseases director Dr Vicky Sheppeard said in a statement.

The measles vaccine is free for anyone born since 1966.

1e95a5  No.6030883

Australian Woman Mysteriously Dies During Flight Home from Los Angeles After Vacation

Friends of a young woman who died on a Qantas flight home to Melbourne say she was “happy and healthy” and have no idea what happened during the flight.

The young woman, named as 33-year-old Aleisha Tracy, died as she was returning home on QF94 from Los Angeles after a holiday in the United States.

Paramedics were called just after 8.30am and met the aircraft when it landed in Tullamarine Airport about 9am on Sunday after the 16-hour flight.

Police are awaiting the results of a post mortem that was expected to be carried out today, to determine the exact cause of her death.

Ms Tracy’s Instagram page shows photos taken in Las Vegas over the past week, as well as a photo of her boarding pass as she waited for her flight to the US in the Qantas International Business Lounge on March 24.

Friends have paid tribute online to Ms Tracy, a National Broadband Network operations centre employee from the Melbourne suburb of Sunshine West.

“Aleisha Tracy I’m devastated. I will miss you brightening up my day. I will miss your hilarious stories,” friend David Loiterton wrote.

An NBN spokesperson said Ms Tracy was a “well-liked” member of the NBN team.

“We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Aleisha who was a valuable and well liked member of the NBN team,” the spokesperson said. “She will be greatly missed. The thoughts of everyone at nbn are with her family, friends and work colleagues at this difficult time.”


1e95a5  No.6030905

NZ tech company discovers major Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox bug

Sourced from QRes#7707

Aura, a government-owned tech company, has discovered what it is calling a "very big" software flaw in the Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.

The bug allows a user's private photos and sensitive documents such as passports, driver licenses and other identifying content to be uploaded to websites, and to be obtained by malicious hackers.

The bug was discovered by Alex Nikolova, a security analyst based in the company's Wellington office, and at the time of discovery had affected up to one in 10 browsers worldwide, or more than 300 million users.

Nikolova first found the vulnerability in February and notified Mozilla and Google (the two companies who develop the web browsers).

Both Google and Mozilla requested Nikolova not to speak publicly about the discovery until the software bug was "patched" last month.

The bug was addressed in a security update "within days" according to Aura general manager Peter Bailey, with the latest version of Firefox (version 66) no longer exploitable.

The company says there is no evidence to suggest malicious hackers had discovered or exploited the hole in the software before the NZ-based team identified it.

To protect their computers and mobile devices against the bug, users are advised to follow their browser's software update process. However, it acknowledges this is something not all users do regularly.

"Patch. Keep yourself up-to date, all the time. Vulnerabilities come out every day and those who want to exploit your data don't need longer than that," said Nikolova.

Some companies offer bounties to hackers who report vulnerabilities in their software (Tesla recently offered up $250,000 to anyone who could hack their Model 3), however Aura says it didn't receive such a pay-out.


1e95a5  No.6030993

File: c3a7340b4f999fa⋯.jpg (94.23 KB, 1058x702, 529:351, c3a7340b4f999fa9319397d11e….jpg)

More on Assange

Sourced from QRes#7711

The claims by Ecuador’s President that Julian Assange has “violated the conditions of his asylum” are linked to WikiLeaks reporting on INA Papers that implicated Lenin Moreno in corruption, the whistleblower website said.

A probe against Moreno has been brought forward by an opposition MP, who received a dossier from an anonymous source with documents allegedly revealing that the president and his family were involved in corruption, perjury and money laundering through an offshore firm.

The harsh statements by the Ecuadorean leader against WikiLeaks’ founder came “after WikiLeaks reported on the existence of the INAPapers offshore corruption scandal wracking his government,” the whistleblowers wrote on Twitter.



1e95a5  No.6031056

File: 10a45bf0773af8f⋯.png (467.78 KB, 600x314, 300:157, 10a45bf0773af8f257def3cf9c….png)

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines all Found Murdered

Sourced from QRes#7711 - Including here as has been some discussion about vaccines in the past on the breads, and this is highly relevant.

Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans. (SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO)


Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defense to naturally kill cancer cells.

According to Thebigriddle.com: Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!

This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism… they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!!

And that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose! The Dr’s they killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information.

Depopulation 101..add poison to vaccines…make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair w/ their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These people have no souls.

Dr Ted Broer broke it on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took them a whole hour just to get him on air b/c their 3 hour show was brought down and every line they tried to use kept disconnecting…and then their servers were brought down.

They asked a bunch of people to pray against the attack and then finally got him on a secured line..and so a full hour into the show they were finally back on the air and connected to Dr Broer and the first thing he said was “I am in no way suicidal.” He was super nervous holding onto this info…afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he got a chance to say it publicly. So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story.

It’s a 19 min clip but the most important info is heard within the first 10 min. It is definitely some of the most important news I’ve ever heard. And it needs to go viral.



1e95a5  No.6037300

File: 22402199606af20⋯.jpg (28.69 KB, 660x371, 660:371, 22402199606af20778a28a2161….jpg)

Australian Senator's comments censured; Attack on Free Speech

Sourced from QRes#7112

3 April 2019

The Australian Senate has formally censured a lawmaker who sparked outrage by blaming the New Zealand mosque attacks on Muslim migration.

Senator Fraser Anning, a far-right independent, made his comments on the day of the shootings in Christchurch which killed 50 people last month.

On Wednesday, lawmakers from across the political spectrum condemned his "inflammatory and divisive" remarks.

Mr Anning said the censure was "an attack on free speech".

The reprimand, the fifth to be passed by the Senate in the past decade, stated that Mr Anning's remarks last month did not reflect the views of the parliament or the Australian people.

He had said: "The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program that allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place."

His comments were "shameful" and "appalling", other lawmakers told the Senate. The censure read that Mr Anning had sought to "attribute blame to victims of a horrific crime and to vilify people on the basis of religion".


'''People may not like what he says or the way he says it … but whatever happened to one's right free speech?"

1e95a5  No.6037346

Panama Papers investigation helps recover more than $1.2 billion around the world

First-time gains in Panama, France and Iceland have pushed above $1.16 billion the global tally of fines and back taxes resulting from the Panama Papers investigation’s exposure of the offshore finance industry.

On the third anniversary of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists-led investigation, which included the Miami Herald and McClatchy’s Washington Bureau, the fallout from it is gathering pace through hundreds of separate investigations into undisclosed wealth across scores of nations.

Since June 2018, the United Kingdom alone has added $119 million, to bring its total to more than $252 million; Australia has collected another $43 million to eclipse $92 million; and Belgium has added an extra $6.5 million to its government coffers to surpass $18 million. French tax authorities have confirmed nearly $136 million has now been recovered — and that figure is expected to rise. They have carried out more than 500 inspections since April 2016.

Canada’s Revenue Agency, which also raided two properties last week in connection to the investigation, has revealed it had recouped nearly $6.8 million in federal taxes and fines from 66 audits. The agency said it planned to audit about 234 more taxpayers linked to the probe. Fewer than 10 criminal investigations are ongoing.

“The audit work will take several years to complete as many taxpayers are using litigation to obstruct CRA audits,” the CRA told ICIJ’s Canadian partner, the Toronto Star.

In Iceland, the Directorate of Tax Investigations has finished 24 investigations relating to the Panama Papers and estimates it has recouped $25.5 million. Icelanders took to the streets after the 2016 investigation was released, and the former prime minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson resigned just days after the first stories were published.

And in Panama, authorities have clawed back more than $14 million in the past three years. Investigations are continuing in numerous countries including Austria (where regulators are examining whether two major banks followed procedures to prevent money laundering), Germany, France, and Norway.

ICIJ, together with the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and more than 100 other media partners, spent more than a year sifting through 11.5 million leaked files to expose offshore holdings.

The files, which were leaked to Süddeutsche Zeitung, came from a little-known but powerful law firm based in Panama, Mossack Fonseca, that had branches in Hong Kong, Miami, Zurich and more than 35 other places around the globe.

The first American charged in relation to the Panama Papers, Richard Gaffey, 74, a Massachusetts accountant, is due to be tried in October for conspiracy to commit tax evasion, money laundering and wire fraud. He has pleaded not guilty.

“The public didn’t fully grasp this reality before but it certainly does now.”

In each country, these are the amounts recovered, in American dollars:

Australia – $92,880,415

Austria – $2,725,869

Belgium – $18,749,009

Colombia – $88,884,000

Czech Republic – $36,462,741

Denmark – $47,500,000

Ecuador – $84,300,000

France – $135,696,000

Germany – $183,193,536

Iceland – $25,525,959

Lithuania – $358,830

Luxembourg – $2,393,837

Malta – $10,706,938

Mexico – $21,568,200

Netherlands – $8,283,390

New Zealand – $410,400

Panama – $14,132,128

Slovenia – $1,000,000

Spain – $164,104,468

Sweden – $19,295,056

UK – $252,762,000

Uruguay – $1,000,000


1e95a5  No.6037540

Is the Mueller Report another Stealth Bomber?

Been wondering for the past few weeks … whether the specific language used by Barr in his Mueller report summation letter and the non-release of the Mueller report by DJT, has been a 5D chess move designed to force the Dems to start demanding its release.

And also if the Mueller Report may be another Stealth Bomber, showing a lot more of the collusion background which led to the false pretences under which it was first created, in short are the Dems going to continue demanding to see this report, and when its finally released (after much frothing and calls for blood) will the report actually be a trojan horse designed to start the FISA release ball rolling?

Interesting times … enjoy the movie folks.

Barr's Letter on Mueller report can be found here…


1e95a5  No.6037812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Noted a Martyn Bryant vid in QRes so dropping here also.

1e95a5  No.6037847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's his mother also questioning the 'official narrative" and being shit down by the MSM.

What a surprise!

"People who knew Martyn came forward on the day saying they did not recognise the gunman as Martyn Bryant."

7bb758  No.6040145


That's what I was thinking, too. But the Dems can't be that stupid… can they?



I'm so glad the truth of this is starting to be questioned… looking forward to the full reveal as well as all the other major false flag ops, as well as the inevitable major paradigm shift that will follow. Think the world's optics will be upset much?

f83726  No.6040531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Hughes: Feminism & Transgenderism

5d0d36  No.6042762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video#1 showing Noise from Wind Turbines

5d0d36  No.6042765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video#2 showing Noise from Wind Turbines

e1d1d6  No.6043026

File: cb557baba0bcbe4⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 239456.png)

Lord, Holy Spirit, come and equip us in our daily Breads, guide us in our righteous fight against the evil dominions, and inspire us in our battle to dethrone the evil ones.

Give strength to Q and his Q anon digital soldiers, bless them and anoint them with your divine love and power.

Bless the Bakers, as they guide us safely through the Valley of Shadows.

Help us to strike down the false prophets and cast them into the Lake of Fire.

Thank you Lord, for choosing to use us to bring your kingdom here on Earth.


3ae64d  No.6043117

File: c97e7590488f7d1⋯.png (747.52 KB, 1185x679, 1185:679, 1554359871957.png)

File: 79e2bc7b1ada9f9⋯.jpg (75.19 KB, 684x960, 57:80, 123.jpg)

090e5e  No.6043310


Nice to see you here Sword Anon.

090e5e  No.6043672

File: 19f46b750daca49⋯.png (274.51 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 19f46b750daca498e81df83d01….png)

File: 6431f80158fffb5⋯.png (309.61 KB, 600x314, 300:157, 6431f80158fffb59142030aa0f….png)

((([Executives at Facebook, YouTube and 4Chan]))) could face jail time under new "world-first" laws designed to stop the sharing of violent videos and images on social networks.

Instagram, Youtube and Facebook could face fines (and jail time) under new Australian laws

The legislation, developed in the wake of the Christchurch mosque shooting and passed in the Australian parliament on Thursday local time, targets social networks with hefty fines and even jail terms for company executives if they fail to take down "abhorrent violent material" shared on their platforms.

The laws are unique in that they target social networks and internet service providers, rather than the original users uploading violent material, and set out individual liability for material shared on an entire platform.

Imprisonment for executives

Under the laws social networks, internet service providers and "content service providers" are required to ensure the "expeditious removal" of violent material, and notify the Australian Federal Police "within a reasonable time" after becoming aware of its existence. Abhorrent violent material is defined as audio or visual material that includes footage or audio of torture, terrorist acts, murder, rape and kidnapping.

The penalties include up to three years jail time for individuals and fines of up to 10 percent of a company's annual turnover.

The laws are designed to stop the kinds of widespread sharing of violent videos and images, similar to what occurred during the Christchurch mosque shooting. During that terrorist attack, the suspected shooter live-streamed a 17-minute video of the violence on Facebook, which was shared millions of times on social networks.

Australian Attorney-General Christian Porter described the laws as "most likely a world first" in terms of legislating the conduct of social media networks.

"There was a near unanimous view among Australians that social media platforms had to take more responsibility for their content… and the law should prevent them from live streaming or playing acts of the most horrendous violence," he said.

The Attorney-General also called out specific platforms including 4Chan, Facebook and YouTube, saying specific individuals at social media companies could be targeted under the laws.

"If you look at an organisation like 4Chan, which is a hosting service, that was created, owned and operated by an individual," he said. "With respect to the larger platforms like Facebook, YouTube, there could be instances where an individual is so complicit with the reckless availability of violent material that they would be individually liable."

Law 'does nothing to address hate speech'

The laws have been slammed by companies including Facebook, Google and Twitter.

In a statement, the Digital Industry Group Inc (which includes the above companies as well as Amazon and Verizon Media) said the legislation was rushed and "does nothing to address hate speech."

"For its part, Facebook previously said that the live-stream of the shooting had than 200 viewers during the live broadcast and that the video got roughly 4,000 views before it was taken down. The company then removed 1.5 million copies of the video within the first 24 hours, 1.2 million of which were removed at the point of upload."

https://www.cnet.com/news/facebook-and-instagram-could-face-fines-or-jail-time-under-new-australian-laws/ …

090e5e  No.6043693

File: b4a002a2b5fb3de⋯.jpg (17.51 KB, 255x199, 255:199, d62951093b8d2f98a24dba8dde….jpg)

090e5e  No.6055767

File: 666c09b63ae8f5b⋯.png (83.62 KB, 647x762, 647:762, 411954221cdc5e28fde751c265….png)

File: 423ae378504672e⋯.png (182.45 KB, 647x891, 647:891, 423ae378504672eec2101951ca….png)

Various Arctic-les on Australians rushing through new laws





090e5e  No.6055783

Tough New Laws to protect Australians from Live-Streaming of Violent Crimes

Again Sourced from QRes#7229

"It was clear from our discussions last week with social media companies, particularly Facebook, that there was no recognition of the need for them to act urgently to protect their own users from the horror of the live streaming of the Christchurch massacre and other violent crimes and so the Morrison Government has taken action with this legislation."

The Criminal Code Amendment (Sharing of Abhorrent Violent Material) Bill 2019, which passed through the House of Representatives today after passing the Senate last night, provides two new sets of offences:

- Makes it a criminal offence for social media platforms not to remove abhorrent violent material expeditiously. A failure to do so would be punishable by up to three years' imprisonment or fines of up to 10% of the platform's annual turnover.

- Requires social media platforms anywhere in the world to notify the AFP if they become aware their service is streaming abhorrent violent conduct that is happening in Australia. A failure to do this will be punishable by fines of up to $168,000 for an individual or $840,000 for a corporation.

In addition, the e-Safety Commissioner will have the power to issue notices that bring this type of material to the attention of social media companies. As soon as they receive a notice, they will be deemed to be aware of the material, meaning the clock starts ticking for the platform to remove the material or face extremely serious criminal penalties.


090e5e  No.6055789

Australia passes social media law penalising platforms for violent content

More from QRes#7229

The Labor opposition combined with the ruling Liberal-National Coalition to pass the law on Thursday, despite warning it won’t allow prosecution of social media executives as promised by the government. Tech giants expressed the opposite concern that it may criminalise anyone in their companies for a failure to remove violent material.

The bill, described the attorney general, Christian Porter, as “most likely a world first”, was drafted in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attack, when video of the alleged perpetrator’s violent attack spread on social media faster than it could be removed.

On Thursday Porter said Facebook and Twitter “should not be playing footage of murder”, in the same way that commercial television stations would not show it.

“There are platforms such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook who do not seem to take their responsibility to not show the most abhorrently violent material seriously,” he told reporters in Canberra.


090e5e  No.6055835

Australia could put social media executives in jail for violent posts

Sourced from QRes#7730

A massacre that killed 50 people at two New Zealand mosques last month was livestreamed on Facebook for 17 minutes.

Author: ROD McGUIRK , Associated Press

Published: 9:46 PM PDT April 3, 2019

Updated: 9:46 PM PDT April 3, 2019

CANBERRA, ACT — CANBERRA, Australia — Australia's Parliament passed legislation on Thursday that could imprison social media executives if their platforms stream violent images such as the New Zealand mosque shootings.

Critics warn that some of the most restrictive laws about online communication in the democratic world could have unforeseen consequences, including media censorship and reduced investment in Australia.

The conservative government introduced the bills in response to the March 15 attacks in Christchurch in which an Australian white supremacist apparently used a helmet-mounted camera to broadcast live as he shot worshippers in the two mosques.

RELATED: New Zealand passes first gun restriction vote

Australia's government rushed the legislation through the last two days that Parliament sits before elections are expected in May, dispensing with the usual procedure of a committee scrutinizing its content first.

"Together we must act to ensure that perpetrators and their accomplices cannot leverage online platforms for the purpose of spreading their violent and extreme propaganda — these platforms should not be weaponized for evil," Attorney-General Christian Porter told Parliament while introducing the bill.

The opposition's spokesman on the attorney-general portfolio, Mark Dreyfus, committed his center-left Labor Party to support the bill, despite misgivings. If the Labor wins the election, the law would be reviewed by a parliamentary committee.


090e5e  No.6055874

File: dd27649738c6354⋯.jpeg (62.44 KB, 474x325, 474:325, dd27649738c6354eb34344cef….jpeg)

Goldcorp shareholders approve Newmont's $10 billion takeover offer

Sourced from QRes#7333

(Reuters) - Goldcorp shareholders approved Newmont Mining Corp’s $10 billion takeover offer on Thursday, removing one of the last remaining hurdles to create the world’s largest gold producer.

While some Goldcorp shareholders had voiced concerns in recent weeks, in the end there was little push back against blessing the biggest-ever corporate takeover in the gold sector’s history, according to Refinitiv data.

The deal, which would create a company with assets in the Americas, Africa and Australia, will be voted on by Newmont shareholders next Thursday. If approved, the deal is expected to close by June.

About 97 percent of Goldcorp’s outstanding shares that were voted at a special meeting were cast in favor of the deal, the company said in a statement. Newmont had offered 0.328 of its shares and 2 cents for each Goldcorp share.

“We appreciate Goldcorp shareholders’ vote of confidence, which moves us one step closer to creating the world’s leading gold business,” Newmont Chief Executive Gary Goldberg said in a statement.

Vancouver-based Goldcorp shares rose slightly on Thursday afternoon to C$15.39 in Toronto, and shares of Denver-based Newmont rose slightly to $36.02 in New York. The benchmark S&P/TSX Global Gold Index gained 0.8 percent.

The new company, to be called Newmont Goldcorp, will overtake current market leader Barrick Gold Corp in annual production, churning out 6 million to 7 million ounces of gold annually over the next 10 years, compared with Barrick’s forecast of 5.1 million to 5.6 million ounces for 2019.

The $1 billion to $1.5 billion of assets the combined company is expected to shed, combined with mines Barrick plans to sell in the wake of its acquisition of Randgold Resources earlier this year, is expected by analysts to fuel further sector deals.


090e5e  No.6055905

File: 93f1850cf51879a⋯.mp4 (14.53 MB, 320x180, 16:9, 93f1850cf51879aa62e74394ec….mp4)

A massive factory fire is burning out of control in Melbourne, Australia

Sourced from QRes#7336

090e5e  No.6056016

After Christchurch shooting, Australia doubles down on being stampeded into catastrophically stupid tech laws

Sourced from QRes#7339

Australia leads "developed democracies" in the adoption of poorly thought-through, dangerous tech laws, thanks to its ban on working cryptography, rushed through in late 2018; now, with no debate or consultation, the Australian Parliament has passed a law that gives tech companies one hour to remove "violent materials" from their platforms with penalties for noncompliance of up to 10% of annual global turnover.

The law was rushed through in the wake of the Christchurch mosque shootings, after which the platforms completely failed to enforce their own policies, allowing millions of reposts of the footage streamed by the killer. This is part of a culture of negligence and willful blindness by the platforms, whose unwillingness to confront these matters is the stuff of legend and set them up for this outcome.

But if we think the platforms suck at moderation now, just wait until they can lose 10% of gross revenues for not having a sufficiently itchy trigger finger when it comes to censorship. We've already seen how platforms routinely block and censorthe victims of crimes who are seeking justice. We've also seen that trolls are happy to expend the time and energyneeded to master the policies of platforms and skate right up to them, while goading their opponents into crossing them so they can get them censored.

The EU was hoping to pass nearly identical legislation but failed to do so in the last Parliament, largely because its focus shifted to mandatory copyright filters, but the passage of the Australian law is sure to influence the European debate after May's EU elections. But these issues are all connected: once platforms are algorithmically filtering all user speech in the name of copyright, it's easy to just allow someone to shovel unlimited amounts of unappealable "terrorist" and "violent" content into the blacklist's hopper. And while computers are incapable of distinguishing copyright infringement from fair use – they're even worse at distinguishing reports of hate crimes from hate crimes themselves.

At the same time, larding big platforms with public duties like these – the sort of thing that costs tens or hundreds of millions to accomplish – also ensures that we will never be able to cut them down to size and break up their monopolies. Once you deputize Big Tech with tasks that no small tech can perform, you also foreclose on any measure that might make Big Tech any smaller.

This is a catastrophe for the global internet. Between Australia's crypto ban, the EU Copyright Directive and now the panicked passage of a napkin-doodle into national law, we are watching the high-speed Chinafication of the western internet in realtime.

The chief executive of Atlassian, Scott Farquhar, said that no one wanted abhorrent violent material on the internet but “the legislation is flawed and will unnecessarily cost jobs and damage our tech industry”.

“The current legislation means that anyone working for a company that allows user generated content could potentially go to jail for [three] years,” he said.

“As written, that applies to news sites, social media sites, dating sites, job sites – anywhere user content could be created.”

Farquhar complained that the legislation failed to define how “expeditiously” violent material must be removed, and did not define who in a social media company could be punished.


090e5e  No.6056883

File: 949a58a919801eb⋯.png (23.56 KB, 697x245, 697:245, 949a58a919801ebe8e08da8e19….png)

File: bfe881150288338⋯.png (27.09 KB, 668x188, 167:47, bfe881150288338ae7d9405df7….png)

File: 11294db6b95aaa1⋯.png (11.62 KB, 666x117, 74:13, 11294db6b95aaa1c2b2c167885….png)

Aus Anons Thoughts On Q's Spill Comment

Sourced from QRes#7741

I think Q gave us a hat tip that he/she may have an Australian member when referencing "spill" as it relates to sitting congressional/senatorial members and laws that apply to special elections, but references how it works in Australian parliament.

090e5e  No.6056952

File: a21bfc71c2be504⋯.png (231.54 KB, 1167x751, 1167:751, a21bfc71c2be504fa32f59e74f….png)


More on Melbourne Factory Fire

Sourced from QRes#7744

There is apparently a chemical fire in Melbourne, Australia right now. Drums being launched like projectiles, it seems.


e8e517  No.6064603

Greetings from the States!

Marker Solution:





090e5e  No.6068878

File: de971f616dda278⋯.png (165.72 KB, 800x451, 800:451, a25424781c5bb0a0a6694f2efb….png)

Australian Government to hold Royal Commission into abuse and neglect of disabled Australians.

Sourced from QRes#7746

Dark to LIGHT

Scott Morrison chokes back tears announcing royal commission into disability abuse

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has launched a $527 million royal commission into the abuse and neglect of disabled Australians in an emotional announcement of an inquiry to run for at least three years.

The commission will be led by former Federal Court judge Ronald Sackville and include another five commissioners to examine conditions and experiences "in all settings" including schools, institutions, workplaces and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Mr Morrison came close to tears when he dedicated the royal commission to disabled Australians including his brother-in-law, Garry Warren, who has multiple sclerosis.

Mr Morrison said he wanted the royal commission to make sure disabled Australians could be "all that they can be" and experience the richness of life in Australia.

"Having said that, there are enormous supports provided to people with disabilities in this country. And as my brother-in-law Garry always said to me, it's not flash being disabled, but the good thing is, that that's the condition you live with in Australia, and that you're in Australia. And that has always meant a lot to me."

Mr Morrison paused at that point to choke back tears and said disabled Australians deserved the nation's respect.

"This is so above politics, I can't tell you," he said.

"To all those Australians with a disability, their families, to Garry, this is for you."

Mr Morrison praised Greens senator Jordon Steele-John for advocating the commission and putting forward detailed terms of reference, saying this was a sign of his passion rather than any partisanship.

The funding includes $379.1 million for the Attorney-General's Department to run the commission but there is another $149 million to cover related costs for Commonwealth agencies.

This will be used to offer support such as advocacy services, counselling.

"I want to stress this will be very hard for people to come and engage with this, just as it has been in previous commissions of this nature," Mr Morrison said.

"And it's not just about getting people to the [microphone], it's about supporting them afterwards and before as well, and this budget builds that in."


'''Nothing more than pre-election spin doctoring in hope claw some votes back - the Libs apparently voted this proposal down 3 times in past few years (comment came from Green Senator from WA and he seems to really know his shit), yet now suddenly its a winner ??

Surely the sheeple arent that stupid to fall for it ?!? - what am i saying? KEK'''

090e5e  No.6068886


Nothing more than pre-election spin doctoring in hope claw some votes back - the Libs apparently voted this proposal down 3 times in past few years (comment came from Green Senator from WA and he seems to really know his shit), yet now suddenly its a winner ??

Surely the sheeple arent that stupid to fall for it ?!? - what am i saying? KEK

090e5e  No.6068928

File: 75577bbab9c94df⋯.png (737.19 KB, 821x882, 821:882, 952f01edcb4322b9a4b4e3080b….png)

File: 53f2a400d5c4322⋯.jpg (51.23 KB, 470x423, 10:9, 8c687e9ea4579b3df6ae5ee9b4….jpg)

File: a017cfd6d8203dd⋯.jpg (177.73 KB, 962x613, 962:613, 2b0574b213745210af1f87663b….jpg)

File: 56010ff3f208125⋯.jpg (52.62 KB, 470x423, 10:9, 6bbcebe5c35855e50fe43b5256….jpg)

Armed police surround Ecuadorean embassy as Julian Assange 'is set to be kicked out in HOURS and arrested after country does deal with UK authorities', WikiLeaks claims

Sourced from QRes#7747

WikiLeaks whistleblower Julian Assange is to be kicked out of the Ecuadorean embassy, the website claims

The site posted Tweets saying high-level sources said he would be handed to UK police 'in hours or days'

An arrest warrant remains in place for Mr Assange after he was accused of sex crimes against Swedish women

Protesters arrived on the scene in the early hours after calls went out to 'protect' the WikiLeaks founder

Supporters of Julian Assange are gathering outside Ecuador's London embassy today after fears were raised that the WikiLeaks founder was about to be kicked out and arrested within 'hours or days.'

The website made the claims about its founder in a series of late-night Tweets citing unnamed sources in the Ecuadorean authorities as confirming Mr Assange's seven-year stay would end imminently.

Armed police were also outside the west London embassy as protestors began arriving at the building early this morning following online calls for people to 'protect' the controversial whistleblower.

They erected tents outside the door and continued to arrive throughout the day, some holding posters and banners calling for him to be allowed to leave without fear of being arrested by police.

Shortly before 7.30am today a member of staff inside the six-storey building, where the Australian has been holed up since 2012, declined to speak about the claims when asked over the intercom.

The pavement opposite is lined with more than 20 members of the world's media, many with TV cameras, after the reports emerged.

A van later arrived at the building bearing a billboard in support of Mr Assange, and parked in a space reserved for diplomats. It was moved on at 10am after armed police officer told the organiser of the demonstration they had received a call from the embassy.

The man who arranged the board and gave his name as Fethi said: 'I'm here to support Julian Assange. We just wonder if the police will take him away.'

Fethi, who briefly went into the embassy before he was escorted out by officials, said he does not believe Mr Assange will be expelled.

'We're going to be staying here until we see what's going on,' he said.

A picture on the billboard showed Mr Assange gagged by an American flag with the message #FreeSpeech.

Demonstrators, including one wearing a mask used by the Anonymous group, later unfurled a banner saying 'The truth will set you free! Free Julian Assange!'

Three people, including the masked supporter, held the banner as they posed for photographs in front of a large gathering of media crews.


090e5e  No.6068972

Accused Christchurch shooter ordered to undergo psychiatric assessment

Sourced from Qres#7747

CHRISTCHURCH (Reuters) - The Australian man accused of killing 50 worshippers at two mosques in New Zealand faced an additional 49 murder charges in court on Friday and was ordered to undergo a mental assessment to determine his fitness for trial over the attacks.

In an attack broadcast live on Facebook, a lone gunman armed with semi-automatic weapons targeted Muslims attending Friday prayers in Christchurch on March 15.

Brenton Tarrant, 28, was charged with one murder the day after the attack and remanded without a plea. In Christchurch’s High Court, where he appeared by video link, 39 extra attempted murder charges were also filed along with the new murder charges.

Justice Cameron Mander remanded Tarrant in custody until June 14 and ordered he undergo a mental assessment to determine whether he was fit for trial.


090e5e  No.6069101

File: f847567f081e57d⋯.jpg (83.63 KB, 666x378, 37:21, PapaD.jpg)

File: 5428dcb71cba494⋯.png (31.25 KB, 627x296, 627:296, 5428dcb71cba494df946b8edb3….png)

New PapaD Tweets

Sourced from QRes#7749

An FBI asset, Joseph Mifsud, told me in London that: “the Russians have Hillary’s emails.” A week later, the FBI sends Clinton ally, Alexander Downer, to make contact with me and lie about our meeting to create a false pretext. Comey FBI/Fiveeyes collaborating to sabotage Trump.


I was so disturbed by Alexander Downer’s behavior and spying on me at our meeting that I reported him to both the FBI and Mueller. That was foolish. He was in on it with them.


090e5e  No.6069188

File: a3beebdd441d687⋯.png (346.11 KB, 1440x1756, 360:439, a3beebdd441d687bcfc7889530….png)

Sara Carter Tweets about Police waiting for Julian Assange to be expelled

Sourced from QRes#7751

#Breaking Double checking but hearing from a source with knowledge that #WikiLeaks @wikileaks #JulianAssange is likely to be arrested. Sources saying police are out front of Ecuadorian Embassy waiting for him to be expelled.


#Breaking Double checking but hearing from a source with knowledge that #WikiLeaks @wikileaks #JulianAssange is likely to be arrested. Sources saying police are out front of Ecuadorian Embassy waiting for him to be expelled.


090e5e  No.6069380

Ecuador’s UK ambassador REJECTS Wikileaks’ claims that Julian Assange is about to be expelled from its London embassy and arrested following deal with Britain – despite armed police surrounding the building

Sourced from QRes#7753

WikiLeaks whistleblower Julian Assange is to be kicked out of the Ecuadorean embassy, the website claims

The site posted Tweets saying high-level sources said he would be handed to UK police 'in hours or days'

An arrest warrant remains in place for Mr Assange after he was accused of sex crimes against Swedish women

Protesters arrived on the scene in the early hours after calls went out to 'protect' the WikiLeaks founder

The ambassador for Ecuador today insisted there is 'no change' in Julian Assange's position and it is an 'offence' to the country to suggest he will be expelled from it embassy.

Jaime Marchán spoke briefly to reporters as he left the building in Knightsbridge, west London at 2pm after it was claimed the whistleblower was set to be kicked out and arrested with 'hours or days'.

Wikileaks made the claims in a series of Tweets last night citing unnamed sources in the Ecuadorean authorities as confirming Mr Assange's seven-year stay would end imminently.

Armed police were also outside the west London embassy as protestors began arriving at the building early this morning following online calls for people to 'protect' the controversial whistleblower.

Mr Marchán was not recognised by members of the British press but was chased down the street by a freelance journalist from Chilean newspaper El Ciudadano Chile, Patricio Mery.

In the brief encounter he said: 'Ambassador, what is the position of the Ecuadorean government in relation to the WikiLeaks tip?'

Mr Marchán said: 'There is no change in the Señor Julian Assange's situation. To say we are going to take him out the embassy is an offence to Ecuador.'

Asked: 'Is he going to be released in the next couple of hours?'

The ambassador replied: 'We are definitely not going to comment on that.'

Later on Twitter Ecuador's minister of foreign affairs Jose Valencia insisted the claims were 'unfounded'.

He tweeted: 'The rumours of the imminent exit of Assange come from months ago.

'The govt will not be giving a running commentary about unfounded current rumours that furthermore are insulting.

'Ecuador takes its decisions in a sovereign manner independent of other countries.

'Diplomatic asylum is a sovereign power of a state which has the right to grant or withdraw it unilaterally when it considers it justified.'

Supporters continue to gather outside the embassy and news cameras still line the street opposite.

They erected tents outside the door and continued to arrive throughout the day, some holding posters and banners calling for him to be allowed to leave without fear of being arrested by police.


41e2c4  No.6070005


crazy like a fox, they won't even show his face on name him in media now. They already banned guns like they wanted no need to draw attention to the patsy

090e5e  No.6070695

File: a6e5cba7b32e426⋯.png (570.16 KB, 488x876, 122:219, 4104345f77778c612ae29bf3c4….png)

File: b867930fcb95234⋯.png (89.53 KB, 697x731, 41:43, 22ee46b8f994b615c0949be4c0….png)

Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat execs could be named, shamed, and held personally liable for harmful content under new UK laws

Sourced by QRes#7756

Executives at Facebook, Google, and Snapchat might be held personally responsible if their firms don't delete harmful content off their services, according to UK government plans seen by The Guardian. A government policy paper, to be published Monday, isexpected to introduce a much stricter regulatory regime for tech firms. The UK will establish a new regulator that will have the power to fine tech firms billions if they don't obey a new mandatory code of conduct. Australia is also mulling big fines and even threatening jail time in cases where big tech firms don't tackle violent material on their sites.

Executives at Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat, and other big tech companies may be held personally responsible for harmful content on their services, according to UK government plans seen by The Guardian. Details are scant, but the report suggests individual executives at the major tech firms will be held personally liable if their companies don't delete content relating to terrorism, child abuse, self-harm, and suicide. It is not clear exactly what this personal liability will entail, but the idea of criminal convictions has been floated. "We will consider all possible options for penalties," Jeremy Wright, the UK's culture secretary, told the BBC in February.

The British government is due to publish a policy paper on Monday, which is expected to radically toughen up how tech is regulated in the UK. Business Insider understands that the government's plans are still in draft and will not be finalised until this weekend. The UK's digital minister Margot James told Business Insider in late February that the government would introduce a new tech regulator, which would have the power to impose massive fines on the likes of Facebook and Google if they don't rid their platforms of harmful content. James said the fines could be up to 4% of a company's global turnover, meaning they could hit the billions of dollars in the most severe cases.

According to The Guardian, the government will initially ask the existing media regulator Ofcom to police the tech firms. Eventually, it will create an independent regulator, to be funded by a levy on tech firms. The plans will cover not just social media platforms like Facebook, but online messaging services and even file-hosting sites. The UK government paper comes as governments around the world grapple with how to deal with the proliferation of hate speech and other harmful content online. The internet has historically been seen as beyond regulation but certain shifts have emboldened governments to act. One is that power has coalesced around a few dominant, public American companies, namely Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, and Snapchat, who can be brought to heel.


090e5e  No.6070730

File: 6b92de4cae34bdf⋯.png (118.05 KB, 657x909, 73:101, 6b92de4cae34bdf2fd23e3447b….png)

FDA Wants to Lower Amount of Fluoride in Bottled Water, but Scientists Say it is Still Too High

Sourced from QRes#7758. Included as interesting to hear FDA proposing reduction of fluoride level i

Rather than combating the high levels of pesticides found in much of the food grown in the United States, the negative effects of factory farming, or the lack of clean water available to numerous communities across the country, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing slightly lowering the standard for fluoride content in bottled water.

Thankfully, scientists and environmental organizations alike are pushing back on the proposed changes, saying the new standard will still be too high for safe consumption.

The FDA’s current standard straddles 0.8 and 1.7 milligrams per liter. The new regulation, if finalized, will lower the standard for both imported and domestically packaged bottled water to 0.7 milligrams per liter. The new regulation only addresses bottled water with fluoride added during the process, not bottled water that contains fluoride from the source.

For years, critics of the fluoridation of drinking water have maintained that it is not safe nor helpful in combating tooth decay. As long as critics of fluoride have existed, so has a campaign to mock those same people as conspiracy theorists or science deniers.

In 2015, the U.S. Public Health Service suggested that 0.7 milligrams per liter was the optimal concentration for fluoride in community water. According to the FDA, the proposed rule “is based on findings from evolving research on optimal concentrations of fluoride that balances fluoride’s benefits in preventing tooth decay with its risk of causing dental fluorosis, a condition most often characterized by white patches on teeth.” Dental fluorosis is caused when too much fluoride is consumed while teeth are still developing.

Some scientists are now speaking out, expressing concerns extending beyond tooth health and instances of dental fluorosis.

Christopher Neurath, research director of the American Environmental Health Studies Project, published a study this year (Source: https://fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/neurath-2019.pdf) highlighting a “dramatic increase in fluorosis” over the last decade. Over 30% of adolescents involved in the study showed “moderate and severe dental fluorosis” with 35% showing lesser, but still significant, signs of dental fluorosis.

Neurath maintains that the slight decrease in bottled water fluoridation that would result if the standard were approved would do little to reduce occurrences of dental fluorosis.

“Dental fluorosis is a visible sign of overexposure to fluoride, but there are other nonvisible signs and adverse health effects that are much more serious,” Neurath said. “Currently, there are rapidly increasing scientific studies showing neurotoxicity to fluoride.”

Dr. Philippe Grandjean, adjunct professor of environmental health at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, wrote:

Given that fluoride can damage brain development, I would recommend that the maximum fluoride concentration in bottled water be kept at a lower level than 0.7 mg/L.


090e5e  No.6070754

File: 71edb174eb41423⋯.png (31.93 KB, 592x309, 592:309, 9d6bca2cac865e9283bff43516….png)

Another Post from Papa D

Sourced from QRes#7759

If the president doesn’t sit down with the leaders of Italy, the U.K. and Australia and have them tell the world how their countries were involved in spying on the Trump team in 2016, the president risks having it done all over again to him in 2020.



090e5e  No.6070824

File: ded45fea47ca5f3⋯.jpeg (672.58 KB, 1125x1383, 375:461, ded45fea47ca5f38cf2119eae….jpeg)

Footage shows moment Daniel Morcombe kidnapper, murderer arrested

Police have released footage of the moment the murderer of a 13-year-old boy was arrested.

The eerie video shared by Queensland Police shows two officers arresting notorious Australian sex offender and murderer Peter Cowan for the kidnap and murder of Daniel Morcombe in 2011 after an eight-year-long investigation.

In the video Cowan stands in a clearing before two police officers make themselves known to him yelling "police" and "stay right there."

They tell him they are investigating the murder and abduction of 13-year-old boy Daniel Morcombe.

The officers ask Cowan if he remembers already being spoken to in relation to the murder, to which he replies "yep."

He is informed he has the right to remain silent, again responding with "yep."

The video then cuts to Cowan on the phone with his lawyer. He asks if he is under arrest, and the officers say not if he is willing to stay and talk with them.

"Then you can just arrest me," he said.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Daniel Morcombe," a detective tells him.

He turns back to the phone call and tells his lawyer in a calm tone "yep, cool. I'm under arrest for Daniel's murder."


090e5e  No.6070860

File: 609e27f9bbff71b⋯.png (88.67 KB, 690x1011, 230:337, 5b527a272dd4acd50ee7656938….png)

File: 7708b083eed76c7⋯.png (399.57 KB, 642x1945, 642:1945, 4edb2b9f15c1dc14961f9d0af2….png)

File: 2e558c85226d75d⋯.png (520.46 KB, 654x2027, 654:2027, 4ddac2f0560b50e6c5b1ce50d7….png)

File: 4f9c18c8afc94f7⋯.png (667.79 KB, 680x2294, 340:1147, 43045d32c7a1680aefcacc8cf5….png)

File: 305c77744df8f45⋯.png (348.22 KB, 732x423, 244:141, 2136aecccdf61893bf5fa995db….png)

Transplant fuckery afoot with our biggest trading partner, China

Sourced from QRes#7761

Incriminating Phone Calls: Doctors Admit to Live Harvesting of Falun Gong Adherents’ Organs in China

When investigators in Canada began looking into allegations of forced organ harvesting on a mass scale in China, one of the ways they gathered information was making phone calls to the hospitals involved posing as patients needing an organ. It was back in 2006 that former secretary of state David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas uncovered evidence that Falun Gong prisoners of conscience were being killed on demand to supply China’s organ transplant industry. Their subsequent report, titled “Bloody Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs,” concluded that imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners were indeed being used to service a lucrative and burgeoning transplant industry. One of the many methods the researchers used in their investigation was to call the hospitals in China where organ harvesting takes place and speak to medical professionals, assuming the identity of a transplant patient or the relative of someone in need of an organ. In many cases, those they spoke to admitted that they were sourcing organs for transplant from Falun Gong practitioners. The above is a transcript of some of the recorded calls (translated from Mandarin) documented in the 2006 and 2016 reports as well as from the China Organ Harvest Research Center.


090e5e  No.6070879

U.N. torture expert urges Ecuador not to expel Assange from embassy

Sourced from QRes#7763

GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations torture investigator called on Ecuador on Friday not to expel Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from its London embassy, voicing concern that he could be extradited to the United States and possibly face mistreatment.

A British friend said Assange was "prepared" for expulsion from the building he has lived in for nearly seven years, after Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno said he had "repeatedly violated" the terms of his asylum.

Moreno told radio stations on Tuesday that Assange did not have the right to "hack private accounts or phones" and could not intervene in the politics of other countries, especially those with friendly relations with Ecuador.

Moreno made the comments after private photographs of him and his family were circulated on social media. Although Moreno stopped short of explicitly blaming Assange for the leak, the government said it believed the photos were shared by WikiLeaks.

Nils Melzer, U.N. special rapporteur on torture, voiced concern that Assange's health was in "serious decline" and that, if he were expelled, he was likely to be arrested by British authorities and extradited to the United States.

"Such a response could expose him to a real risk of serious violations of his human rights, including his freedom of expression, his right to a fair trial and the prohibition of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment," he said.

"I therefore urge the Government of Ecuador to abstain from …ceasing or suspending his political asylum until such time as the full protection of his human rights can be guaranteed."

Vaughan Smith, who hosted Assange at his country mansion for a year during his failed legal battle against extradition, said after visiting the Australian inside the embassy that the situation was "very tense".

"Julian doesn’t know for sure but he’s pretty convinced that at any moment he could be thrown out and he’s prepared for it,” Smith told reporters.

More at: https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1RH22V

090e5e  No.6074002

File: f55e2f3d2065e6e⋯.png (157.21 KB, 609x287, 87:41, f55e2f3d2065e6ea87cc640c66….png)

Canadian Police Raid ‘Orcus RAT’ Author (Remote Access Trojan)

Sourced from QRes#7764

2 April 2019

Canadian police last week raided the residence of a Toronto software developer behind “Orcus RAT,” a product that’s been marketed on underground forums and used in countless malware attacks since its creation in 2015. Its author maintains Orcus is a legitimate Remote Administration Tool that is merely being abused, but security experts say it includes multiple features more typically seen in malware known as a Remote Access Trojan.

As first detailed by KrebsOnSecurity in July 2016, Orcus is the brainchild of John “Armada” Rezvesz, a Toronto resident who until recently maintained and sold the RAT under the company name Orcus Technologies.

In an “official press release” posted to pastebin.com on Mar. 31, 2019, Rezvesz said his company recently was the subject of an international search warrant executed jointly by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).

“In this process authorities seized numerous backup hard drives [containing] a large portion of Orcus Technologies business, and practices,” Rezvesz wrote. “Data inclusive on these drives include but are not limited to: User information inclusive of user names, real names, financial transactions, and further. The arrests and searches expand to an international investigation at this point, including countries as America, Germany, Australia, Canada and potentially more.”

Reached via email, Rezvesz declined to say whether he was arrested in connection with the search warrant, a copy of which he shared with KrebsOnSecurity. In response to an inquiry from this office, the RCMP stopped short of naming names, but said “we can confirm that our National Division Cybercrime Investigative Team did execute a search warrant at a Toronto location last week.”

The RCMP said the raid was part of an international coordinated effort with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Australian Federal Police, as part of “a series of ongoing, parallel investigations into Remote Access Trojan (RAT) technology. This type of malicious software (malware) enables remote access to Canadian computers, without their users’ consent and can lead to the subsequent installation of other malware and theft of personal information.”

Full Article:


090e5e  No.6086063

File: ed15ca706195e8e⋯.png (5.94 KB, 461x109, 461:109, ed15ca706195e8eb9017d3a0dc….png)

53-47 in the Aust News

Sourced from QRes#7780

Eyes on ausanons

Ipsos poll: 53-47 result puts Morrison government on course for major election defeat

The Morrison government has lost ground with voters after pledging a sweeping round of personal income tax cuts, with the Coalition trailing Labor by 47 to 53 per cent in two-party terms in the wake of the federal budget.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has maintained his lead on key personal approval ratings but the government has fallen from the two-party result of 49 to 51 per cent in February.

The latest result in two-party terms suggests a nationwide swing to Labor of about 3 per cent since the last election, enough for it to gain more than a dozen seats, but the swings are expected to vary widely due to local factors.

The result of 53 to 47 per cent is based on preference flows at the last election. Ipsos found the same result when it asked respondents how they would allocate their preferences in 2019.

Full Article:


e94ce0  No.6086998


AUS narrative shift spy campaign vs. POT


112805  No.6090334

File: 3bc7c235bd25b4c⋯.jpg (261.61 KB, 1261x1260, 1261:1260, FISA_Turnbull_SMH.JPG)

File: 88328d5d1803c39⋯.jpg (260.18 KB, 2198x1548, 1099:774, Turnbull_trump_FISA.JPG)

File: 762570ce6fcb7ab⋯.png (164.97 KB, 1261x1260, 1261:1260, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 762570ce6fcb7ab⋯.png (164.97 KB, 1261x1260, 1261:1260, ClipboardImage.png)

Turnbull - leaked Manus Island convo story - criminal charges

but it concludes alluding to FISAGATE

The Trump-Turnbull phone call transcript leak to the Washington Post rocked the usually solid US-Australian alliance, with both nations going into damage control when it was revealed the President abruptly cut short the planned hour-long call just 24 minutes in.

The transcript showed Turnbull pushing Trump to support an asylum-seeker deal struck made with President Barack Obama.

The call was Trump's last of numerous calls with world leaders that day, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Putin was a pleasant call," Trump told Turnbull. "This is ridiculous."

Nunes said the eight referrals "are classified or sensitive" so he was unable to offer details.

"Five of them are what I would call straight up referrals, so just referrals that name someone and name the specific crimes," he said. "Those crimes are lying to Congress, misleading congress, leaking classified information."

The referrals also involve alleged abuse by "numerous individuals" of the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which involves surveillance warrants against suspected foreign spies inside the US.

Some Republican members of Congress allege the FBI counterintelligence investigation into potential collusion between Russia and the Trump election campaign that led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller was marred by lies and false information to obtain FISA warrants.


c4694d  No.6092495

File: 49c9e47c7fb3569⋯.jpg (232.75 KB, 841x514, 841:514, Q_479.jpg)

File: a6f1a731b3eccc9⋯.jpg (136.57 KB, 842x302, 421:151, Q_910.jpg)

File: 8e0b01d13645b8e⋯.jpg (297.61 KB, 842x828, 421:414, Q_908.jpg)


What phone call between POTUS and X/AUS leaked?

Do not focus on the call details.

Why that specific conversation?


We (they) hear what you are saying?

Threat to AUS?


What do they know?




090e5e  No.6094619

File: dc8e144f81eec5c⋯.jpg (37.79 KB, 600x390, 20:13, 2-52-600x390.jpg)

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Assange Court Transcript Sheds Light on US-Backed Ecuadorian Expulsion Plans

Sourced from QRes#7782

The Gateway Pundit has exclusively obtained a court transcript of an appeal made by WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange in an Ecuadorian court, in which he accused their government of preparing to revoke his political asylum at the behest of the United States and United Kingdom.

Assange has not been heard from in public since March 28, 2018 after an executive gag order by the government of Ecuador. The following, unpublished, “leaked” transcript of Assange asking an Ecuadorian court for an urgent injunction (“protection order”) against his gagging and isolation is from October 29, 2018.

Journalists and media were banned from recording the proceedings, but a court record was later obtained through legal process and provided to The Gateway Pundit. It has never before been revealed.

“I have been in this embassy without sunlight for six years and essentially isolated from most people for seven months,” Assange told the court, “including electronic communication, the telephone etc, from my young children.”

“It has … interfered with my ability to work, to make a living, and with my deeply held principles that I have fought for all my life, which is to uphold the right of freedom of expression, the right for people to know, the right of the freedom of the press and the right for everyone to participate in their society and the broader society.”

Assange also told the Ecuadorian court that his gag order meant that he could not respond to false statements about himself.

“Due to my isolation, I have not been able to participate in the debates occurring around me and that has resulted in a climate of libel and fake news that might be expected for someone who has been in the business of exposing very large and very powerful corrupt organisations or organisations that abuse human rights.”


090e5e  No.6094631

Phonecall conversation between Trump and Turnbull in 2017 could lead to charges being laid

Sourced from QRes#7784

"You had conversations with the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Australia leak," Nunes told Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures. "You had leaks of President Trump talking to the President of Mexico. We all know the travesty of General Flynn. Nobody knows where those supposed transcripts came from.


The "absolutely horrific" leak of US President Donald Trump's contentious 2017 phone call with then Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull could lead to criminal charges.

Devin Nunes, the highest-ranking Republican member on the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, announced today he is sending eight criminal referrals to US Attorney General William Barr.

One of the referrals is aimed at finding out who leaked transcripts of Mr Trump's January 28, 2017 phone call with Mr Turnbull, a call with then-Mexican president Pena Nieto and former national security adviser Michael Flynn's communications with a Russian ambassador.

Mr Nunes said the eight referrals "are classified or sensitive" so he was unable to publicly offer details.


090e5e  No.6094644

File: 26cd83bb077c7f4⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 255x149, 255:149, 76bb069a1d04944ae1d3b735c5….jpg)

File: ab47be2147a9f87⋯.jpg (17.69 KB, 255x149, 255:149, caa118ca9fc7e76b0a1aaed796….jpg)

Anon on Access to chan sites etc

Sourced from QRes#7786

The Australian gov. Is still blocking access to Voat, all the Chans and most non-chan Q archiving sites.

Guess what asshats?

I'm here regardless!

Boy talk about not understanding the inherent

nature of the people they are suppose to be leading!

A nation whom idolizes the Ned Kellys, the irreverent and The Fair Go.

Heavy handed tactics are never going to work for long on a population like that.

090e5e  No.6094666

File: a22b316997c3812⋯.png (212.64 KB, 860x1345, 172:269, 7d98edfafdcc43e1d5707911ab….png)


Better way to allow access to 8chan

For anyone stuck like this Anon above and having to use a VPN to access 8chan, here's a neater solution, that doesnt require changing DNS settings to or nor the use of a VPN.

090e5e  No.6094702

Militant Vegan Protesters shut down cities across Australia



kek, do they not realise vegetables feel pain too ?

090e5e  No.6094706

Britain plans social media regulation to battle harmful content (following Australia's lead?)

Sourced from QRes#7789

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain proposed new online safety laws on Monday that would slap penalties on social media companies and technology firms if they fail to protect their users from harmful content. Easy access to damaging material particularly among young people has caused growing concern worldwide and came into the spotlight in Britain after the death of 14-year-old schoolgirl Molly Russell, which her parents said came after she had viewed online material on depression and suicide.

Governments across the world are wrestling over how to better control content on social media platforms, often blamed for encouraging abuse, the spread of online pornography, and for influencing or manipulating voters. Global worries were recently stoked by the live streaming of the mass shooting at a mosque in New Zealand on one of Facebook’s platforms, after which Australia said it would fine social media and web hosting companies and imprison executives if violent content is not removed “expeditiously”.

In a policy paper widely trailed in British media, the government said it would look into possibly using fines, blocking access to websites, and imposing liability on senior tech company management for failing to limit the distribution of harmful content. It would also set up a regulator to police the rules.

TechUK, an industry trade group, said the paper was a significant step forward, but one which needed to be firmed up during its 12-week consultation. It said some aspects of the government’s approach were too vague. “It is vital that the new framework is effective, proportionate and predictable,” techUK said in a statement, adding not all concerns could be addressed through regulation. Facebook said it was looking forward to working with the government to ensure new regulations were effective, repeating its founder Mark Zuckerberg’s line that regulations were needed to have a standard approach across platforms.


090e5e  No.6094919

File: 862baa1afa00af7⋯.jpg (71.46 KB, 600x430, 60:43, 862baa1afa00af7466b4221a7c….jpg)

Australia appoints new ambassador to Afghanistan

Sourced from QRes#7791


090e5e  No.6094982

File: bddf644ebb3748f⋯.jpg (25.7 KB, 624x351, 16:9, e7e0676cf392b8b29b245818f7….jpg)

File: ff79bb6a35c3251⋯.jpeg (101.58 KB, 800x540, 40:27, 800.jpeg)

Animal Activist Groups Active in Australia Today And Cuba As Well

Sourced from QRes#7794

Australia National day of action by animal activist group causes chaos.

Animal rights activists have launched protests across the country, with 38 protesters arrested after blocking a major Melbourne CBD intersection for most of the morning.

The vegan activists have also swarmed abattoirs in Goulburn and Queensland (no comment made about these nutters chaining themselves to the equipment), with protests held to mark one year since the release of the film Dominion -a documentary focusing on factory farming in Australia.

There have been multiple arrests across the country this morning and Prime Minister Scott Morrison has admonished the group as "un-Australian".

Police confirmed protesters had blocked the intersection of Flinders and Swanston streets using vehicles, which a small number have chained themselves to.

A total of 27 people - including two 17-year-olds and a 15-year-old - have been arrested following the CBD protest.


Animal Activists in Cuba Too

In possible first, Cuba allows march by animal activists

More than 400 animal-lovers peacefully marched more than a mile through Havana on Sunday, shouting slogans and waving signs calling for an end to animal cruelty in Cuba.

Short, seemingly simple, the march wrote a small but significant line in the history of modern Cuba. The socialist government had explicitly permitted a public march unassociated with any part of the all-encompassing Communist state, a move that participants and historians call highly unusual and perhaps unprecedented since the first years of the revolution.


Looks like the Animal Activists are a little more composed in Cuba than Australia .. kek

090e5e  No.6094991


Anti-Animal Derangement Sydrome = AADS?

It wasnt my fault I ended up chained to the equipment screeching slogans, it was the AADS .. kek

5f78f0  No.6094997


It was astroturfed by Twitter today in the Twitter trends. Twitter didn't display the total number of tweets that normally appear below a trending hashtag either.

I saw it in the twitter trends this morning and there were only a few dozen or so people that tweeted about it. Of which ~90% were all just complaining about the traffic, posting meat being cooked (kek) or non-sjw vegos/vegans saying they are ridiculous idiots that are just going to piss people off and not help their cause. Came back this afternoon and it was still trending, yet it didn't appear as though many others had tweeted about it since the morning. Saw only the same tweets.

It looks as though whenever Twitter is astroturfing a trend they put it in the trends, but conveniently leave out the total number of tweets. I'm making that assumption from this #vegan / #veganprotest trending hastag and various others times I've seen it happen in the past.

090e5e  No.6110109

Leak of call between Trump and Malcolm Turnbull could lead to criminal charges

Sourced from QRes#7995

Devin Nunes says he is sending eight criminal referrals to US attorney general William Barr

The “absolutely horrific” leak of Donald Trump’s contentious 2017 phone call with Malcolm Turnbull could lead to criminal charges.

Devin Nunes, the highest-ranking Republican member on the US House of Representatives intelligence committee, announced on Sunday he was sending eight criminal referrals to the US attorney general, William Barr.

One is aimed at finding out who leaked transcripts of the US president’s phone call with Turnbull on 28 January 2017, a call with the then Mexican president, Enrique Peña Nieto, and former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s communications with a Russian ambassador.

“You had conversations with the president of the United States and the prime minister of Australia leak,” Nunes told Fox News. “You had leaks of President Trump talking to the president of Mexico leak.

“We all know the travesty of General Flynn.

“Nobody knows where those supposed transcripts came from.

“Those are just three examples that are absolutely horrific but there’s things that are even worse that were leaked, and there were only two or three reporters involved in this, so it would not be hard to get to the bottom of.”

The Trump-Turnbull phone call transcript leak to the Washington Post rocked the usually solid US-Australian alliance, with both nations going into damage control when it was revealed the president abruptly cut short the planned hour-long call to just 24 minutes.

The transcript showed Turnbull pushing Trump to support the asylum seeker deal struck with the former US president Barack Obama. It was Trump’s last of numerous calls with world leaders that day, including the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

“Putin was a pleasant call,” Trump told Turnbull. “This is ridiculous.”

Nunes said the eight referrals “are classified or sensitive” so he was unable to offer details.

“Five of them are what I would call straight up referrals, so just referrals that name someone and name the specific crimes,” Nunes said. “Those crimes are lying to Congress, misleading Congress, leaking classified information.”

The referrals also involve alleged abuse by “numerous individuals” of the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which involves surveillance warrants against suspected foreign spies inside the US.

Some Republican members of Congress allege the FBI counterintelligence investigation into potential collusion between Russia and the Trump election campaign, which led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, was marred by lies and false information to obtain Fisa warrants.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c9daa0 No.8039 📁

Jan 6 2018 16:03:28 (EST)

How much did AUS donate to CF?

How much did SA donate to CF?


Why is this relevant?

What phone call between POTUS and X/AUS leaked?

List the leadership in AUS.

IDEN leadership during Hussein term.

IDEN leadership during POTUS' term.

Who controls AUS?

Who really controls AUS?


Why is this relevant?


090e5e  No.6114024

Facebook, Google And Twitter Hit By New Legal Regulation To 'Clean Up Their Acts'

Sourced from QRes#7801

On Monday, the U.K. Government published proposals for "tough new measures to ensure the U.K. is the safest place in the world to be online," claiming these to be the world's "first online safety laws." An independent regulator will be put in place with the "powers to take effective enforcement action against companies that have breached their statutory duty of care." Such enforcement will include "substantial fines" as well as, potentially, the powers "to disrupt the business activities of a non-compliant company… to impose liability on individual members of senior management… and to block non-compliant services."

Substantial fines, business restrictions, jailing execs - and the U.K. is not a lone voice. Just a few hours before the U.K. proposals were published, Facebook was branded "morally bankrupt pathological liars" by New Zealand's Privacy Commissioner in the wake of their handling of last month's attacks in Christchurch. And a week ago, Australia's Government introduced legislation to fine or imprison social media execs who fail to prevent "the spread of abhorrent violent material online seriously" which "weaponizes" their platforms.

The race to regulate is now on. "In the first online safety laws of their kind," the U.K. Government said on issuing the proposals, "social media companies and tech firms will be legally required to protect their users and face tough penalties if they do not comply."

The inevitable is here

It was in light of Christchurch and the international response that followed, that Facebook belatedly banned white hatred from its platforms. Coincidentally, the change of policy came hot on the heels of Australia's threats to jail execs, including the inference that they may even pursue execs resident overseas. Until now, the social media giants have ridden out the storm of protests and criticism following increased scrutiny of the material 'published' by users on their sites. The irony is that most of the protests were aired on social media, the more the platforms are used, the more data they collect. And the more data they collect, the more money they make. This is not complicated.

The industry has raised the issue, and last month Mark Zuckerberg penned an op-ed in the Washington Post to argue that social media companies cannot and should not be held responsible for policing what can and cannot be published and shared. All well and good, but how to strike the balance between what the U.S. or U.K. Governments might say and what others might say. When the Singaporean Government came out with legislation to police content, there were immediate complaints that this was an impediment to free speech and could not be allowed. You can see the dilemma.


090e5e  No.6114168

Ecuador reserves the right to investigate Assange: foreign minister

Sourced from QRes#7804

Assange, an Ecuadorian citizen, has lived in the country’s London embassy for nearly seven years. Moreno has said Assange has violated the terms of his asylum, but that the country has no imminent plan to expel him from the embassy.

The Ecuadorian government told the United Nations’ special rapporteur on the right to privacy last week that Wikileaks could be involved in the posting on social media of communications and photographs of Moreno and his family.

“Ecuador reserves the right to conduct investigations,” foreign minister Jose Valencia told reporters. “The state has the ability to assign and revise this diplomatic asylum; therefore we can conduct some investigations.”

“We have reports that he possibly has access (to the internet). This specifically determines the investigations that we will take forward,” Valencia said.

The investigation will be independent from the one conducted by the UN’s rapporteur, who is set to visit Assange in London on April 25, according to Valencia.

Assange says Ecuador is seeking to end his asylum, which began in 2012, by implicating him and Wikileaks in accusations of corruption leveled against Moreno and his family that have been shared on social media.

Assange’s lawyer in Ecuador, Carlos Poveda, has asked Ecuador to clarify if it is planning to terminate Assange’s asylum.

“That decision will be made between two options: continue asylum or revise the situation depending on the merits that may or may not exist,” Valencia said.


090e5e  No.6114182

“I’m an assassination risk”, writes Assange to Ecuador court in leaked testimony.

Sourced from QRes#7804

Ecuador will be violating its own constitution if it expels Julian Assange from its London embassy while fully aware of a possible “assassination” plot against him, WikiLeaks suggested, releasing the journalist’s court testimony, RT.com writes.

Article 79 of the Ecuadorean constitution guarantees that “in no case shall the extradition of an Ecuadorean be granted,” Assange told the Ecuadorean court back on October 29, when he requested the restoration of his communication privileges.

A transcript of Assange’s statement was released by WikiLeaks after news of his imminent expulsion from the embassy made the headlines on Thursday. While a great deal of Assange’s testimony defends his right to stay in the embassy after being granted asylum and, subsequently, citizenship, the 47-year-old also accused the government of Lenin Moreno of illegally limiting his communication rights and bowing to pressure from the US, which seeks his extradition for revealing some of Washington’s dirty secrets.

“The fact that a government controls a particular piece of space does not mean it can violate its Constitution, can violate UN-mandated rights, that it can engage in punishment without process,” Assange told the court, revealing that, besides threats of unjust prosecution, he also faces direct threats against his life.


91619f  No.6115863

Zionist shills pushing divide in Australia

Right-wing anti-immigrant party rebrands as ‘Yellow Vests Australia’ ahead of elections

Admitting that they have “struggled” with getting public attention, a right-wing political party in Australia has come up with a good scheme to pull in votes: Granting themselves the moniker of France’s Yellow Vests.

The rather small political organization, previously known as the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA), triumphantly reported on Tuesday that their name change came had been approved by the Electoral Commission just in time for elections next month.

In a video rather bluntly titled “We're Yellow Vest Australia”, Party President Debbie Robinson explained the motivation for the conservative group’s name-change.

Australian Liberty Alliance has… struggled with getting publicity. People think we’re the Liberal party!

While renaming themselves in honor of the broad based French movement that has united people from across the political spectrum in opposition to President Emmanuel Macron will likely not help clarify who they are to the Australian public, it certainly might help them more recognition.

Like other countries around the world, Australia has its own small home-ground version of the Vests, who even held a day of nationwide protests last January. While never achieving the kind of critical mass the movement has had in its native France, the name itself is undoubtedly well known by the Australian public.

Robinson continued saying that the Yellow Vest movement “represents disgruntled voters, who are concerned about globalism, immigration, the cost of living,” sentiments her party wants to take “from the streets, into parliament.”

“It's a simple symbol, everybody can relate to Yellow Vests,” she explained. While not making much of an effort to justify why her party in particular should be the one to officially bear the name of the protest movement, she did point to the fact that the symbolic Yellow Vests cost only 9 dollars “which is a lot cheaper than printing T-shirts that say ALA on them…” So at least the choice is frugal, right?

The party will be the first in the world to take the name, considering that the actual Yellow Vest movement in France has been careful not to associate itself with any specific political group. While some Vests have toyed with the idea of forming their own party, including floating a candidate list for European Parliament elections in May under the moniker Citizens’ Initiative Rally (RIC), these attempts have been met with massive backlash from other protesters and been more or less rejected. Another Yellow Vest offshoot party called Les Émergents (the Risen) has ultimately had to distance itself from the protest movement in its bid to obtain more formal political power.


Proof TR is a Zionist:


090e5e  No.6118189

From New Zealand, terms of reference for the Royal Commission into the Christchurch Terror Attacks finalised. Sourced from QRes#7808

Govt confirms details of Royal Commission into Christchurch terror attack

Supreme Court judge Sir William Young will lead the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Christchurch mosque terror attacks, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced.

Ardern also announced the terms of reference for the inquiry.

"The Government will ensure no stone is left unturned as we examine as quickly as possible how the March 15 attack happened, what could have been done to stop it and how we can keep New Zealanders safe," Ardern told reporters at her weekly post-Cabinet press conference.

"The Royal Commission plays a critical role in our ongoing response to fully understand what happened in the lead up to the attack and to ensure such an attack never happens again.

The Commission will look at:

The alleged gunman's activities before the attack, including:

● Relevant information from his time in Australia

● His arrival and residence in New Zealand

● His travel within New Zealand, and internationally

● How he obtained a gun licence, weapons and ammunition

● His use of social media and other online media

● His connections with others, whether in New Zealand or internationally

● What relevant state sector agencies knew about him and his activities before this attack; what actions, if any, they took in light of that knowledge; and whether there were any additional measures that the agencies could have taken to prevent the attack

● Whether there were any impediments to relevant state sector agencies gathering or sharing information relevant to the attack, or acting upon such information, including legislative impediments

● Whether there was any inappropriate concentration or priority setting of counter-terrorism resources by relevant state sector agencies prior to this attack.

"Justice Young, who is a sitting Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, New Zealand's highest court, has the extensive experience and skills required to lead the inquiry," Ardern said.

"I am confident that in his nearly nine years as a judge on our highest bench, Justice Young has the judgement, clarity and care to do the job, with a sound understanding of intelligence issues and experience working in the public eye."

One further member would be appointed to the commission by the end of April.

The commission would engage with the Muslim community, including appointing people to help with effective consultation.

It would start considering evidence from May 13 and was expected to report back to Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy by December 10.

The commission will have a budget of $8.2 million.


Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques on 15 March 2019, as approved by Cabinet on 8 April 2019 (PDF/Word)


090e5e  No.6118234

File: 1d219413814d4d3⋯.png (182.09 KB, 1006x2239, 1006:2239, 7ea1143909e1d037e9a1733f9b….png)

File: df93f06f44d8a0e⋯.png (436.25 KB, 999x2771, 999:2771, df93f06f44d8a0ec1b3dd9bfa9….png)

File: 723601440390d49⋯.png (127.35 KB, 998x1593, 998:1593, 40f18cb9b3663f164dc4c9c569….png)

File: 60797533f923dc6⋯.png (131.07 KB, 1001x1579, 1001:1579, 85b7d4c9df577fb0b5aedb71f7….png)

File: 202c193bb288967⋯.jpg (317.45 KB, 1654x1169, 1654:1169, 202c193bb288967f7a273e9302….jpg)

Anons comments on UK's published divide and conquer strategy (Dec 2018)

Oh by the way if anyone is interested ill post this again since breads were moving so fast earlier.

Sourced from QRes#7808


This is the UK divide and conquer strategy presented to the House of Lords in Dec 2018. Absolute hatred for Trump/Populism, censorship, psyops vs non MSM sources, painting Russia as the bad guy and cozying up to China.

Could be why Crown vassals like Australia and NZ FF'd themselves with the mosque shooting.

Complete report available at :


4371ec  No.6118451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

C_A heart attack & gun

090e5e  No.6118488

File: 79dd0f5311f375e⋯.png (353.82 KB, 631x645, 631:645, 79dd0f5311f375e1c296842ce5….png)

Julian Assange is involved in new criminal case

Sourced from QRes#7817

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for nearly seven years, is involved in a “new criminal case,” the organization said late on Tuesday.

WikiLeaks said in an email that it will be holding a press briefing at 11 a.m. London time (6 a.m. ET) on Wednesday. Details about the new case were not immediately disclosed.

“WikiLeaks will be holding a press briefing .. a new, wholly unexpected, criminal case involving Julian Assange escalating current tensions,” the organization said.

WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson, barrister Jennifer Robinson, and Fidel Narvaez, a former consul of Ecuador to London, are expected to speak at the press briefing, which will be accompanied by an audio-visual presentation.

Last week, WikiLeaks expressed fears that Assange would soon be expelled from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, but Ecuador’s Foreign Ministry later denied the reports, calling it “false news.”


1eb21b  No.6119624


Christ Church was a psy-op. No one died. They faked it using green screens and CGI.

See the disappearing shell casings:


Don't worry, there's no blood in that video. In fact no people are visible at all, just the "attacker".

81d32e  No.6120207

File: a4b9241938d924c⋯.jpg (104.94 KB, 879x865, 879:865, v.jpg)

A German Q Tuber needs your help

(in my opninion the best german channel)

BitchBotBoii 4.0

829 subscribers


He needs at this moment 171 subscribers to stream live due to the new yt conditions in Europe.

Please help, to establish our movement in Germany!

Please subscribe his channel!

Censorship sucks!

Please share!




090e5e  No.6120212


Regardless of your opinions on the shooting, please do not post links to that video here.

090e5e  No.6120305

File: 018afa487ab6502⋯.png (18.89 KB, 540x198, 30:11, 35caab915975bea283f34a21b3….png)

File: 99bcc11f480a4c9⋯.png (345.29 KB, 611x657, 611:657, 86bc2354894f2be2cb7befa1c7….png)

Sourced from QRes#7820

Assange Announcement 11AM

McCarthy/Jodan/Meadows 11AM



090e5e  No.6120347


Complete report available at :



c4694d  No.6131361

File: eef8dc30dddc08b⋯.png (282.07 KB, 650x366, 325:183, Bill Shorten listens to Pr….png)

Election 2019: Date set for May 18

PRIME Minister Scott Morrison has called the election for May 18, kicking off a five-week campaign following the dissolution of federal parliament this morning.

The prime minister has deflected questions about instability and leadership changes with a pitch about the Government’s credentials on the economy in his announcement of the election date in Canberra, ending months of speculation and a pseudo-election campaign since the start of the year.

The dissolution and proroguing of the 45th parliament brings to an end a tumultuous period in Australian politics, with citizenship questions forcing the resignation of a number of MPs and Senators, and leadership changes in the Liberal and National parties raising questions over Government stability.

A significant number of marginal seats, particularly in NSW and Queensland, and a number of high profile independent candidates have the Government behind in the polls, with bookmakers tipping Labor leader Bill Shorten will be the next Prime Minister.

Environment and the economy are said to be the big election issues this campaign.

Mr Morrison appealed to voters to trust his government, adding now was not the time to change.

“Despite global economic headwinds, Australia’s economy is strong,” Mr Morrison said.

“We will maintain budget surpluses without increasing taxes and pay down the debt.”

Mr Morrison said there is a clear choice to determine the economy that Australians live in — “not just for the next three years, but for the next decade”.

“Keeping our economy strong is how we secure your future and your family’s future.”

“Election is about the future — but it’s a decision people can make about the future because of the record our government has delivered.”


090e5e  No.6132671


Wonder how much taxpayer money already been wasted advertising the current goverments achievements, in the run up to announcing the election?

216d56  No.6132788


“Exactly twenty-four hours after the deeply religious Folau posted a message on Instagram saying homosexuals would go to hell, Rugby Australia and NSW issued a statement denouncing the “disrespectful” message.”

“Folau leaving rugby would mark the end of a seven-year career in the 15-man game, in which he played 73 Tests and 96 Super Rugby games for the Waratahs.

The termination would come just five months before the Rugby World Cup and leaves the Wallabies without one of their best players.”

I feel sick Ausanons, this has been hectic years.

See you in the Gulags I guess! 🥰

090e5e  No.6132801

New Zealand votes to amend gun laws after Christchurch attack

Sourced from QRes#

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Lawmakers in New Zealand voted almost unanimously on Wednesday to change gun laws, less than a month after its worst peacetime mass shooting, in which 50 people were killed in attacks on two mosques in Christchurch. Parliament passed the gun reform bill, the first substantial changes to New Zealand’s gun laws in decades, by 119 to 1. It must now receive royal assent from the governor general to become law. “There have been very few occasions when I have seen parliament come together in this way, and I can’t imagine circumstances when it is more necessary,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in presenting the legislation. Ardern banned the sale of all military style semi-automatics (MSSA) and assault rifles just six days after the March 15 shooting, and announced plans to tighten gun laws.

A lone gunman used semi-automatic guns in the Christchurch mosque attacks, killing 50 people as they attended Friday prayers. Authorities have charged Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, a suspected white supremacist, with 50 counts of murder following the attacks.

The new curbs bar the circulation and use of most semi-automatic firearms, parts that convert firearms into semi-automatic firearms, magazines over a certain capacity, and some shotguns. Existing gun laws had provided for a standard A-category gun license covering semi-automatics limited to seven shots. The bill grants an amnesty until Sept. 30 for people to surrender prohibited items. More than 300 weapons had already been handed in, police minister Stuart Nash told parliament.

Sounds almost identical to the Australian gun law revisions after Port Arthur

The government has begun work on a second arms amendment bill it hopes to introduce in June, he said, adding that the measure would tackle issues regarding a gun registry, among others. The government has faced criticism from some quarters for rushing through the bill. Wednesday’s dissenting vote came from David Seymour, leader of the small free-market ACT Party, who questioned why the measure was being rushed through.

Ardern said majority lawmakers believe such guns had no place in New Zealand. “We are ultimately here because 50 people died and they do not have a voice,” she added. “We, in this house, are their voice and today we have used that voice wisely.”

Since last month’s shooting, New Zealand has tightened security and canceled several events in Auckland, its largest city, intended to commemorate ANZAC Day on April 25. “There is no information about a specific threat to ANZAC events,” police official Karyn Malthus, said in a statement. “However it’s important that the public be safe, and feel safe, at events in the current environment.” In 1996, neighboring Australia banned semi-automatic weapons and launched a gun buyback after the Port Arthur massacre that killed 35 people.


090e5e  No.6133618

Australia Heads to Election in Showdown Over Taxes, Climate

Sourced from QRes#7841

Prime Minister Scott Morrison called Australia’s election for May 18, with polls showing he’s facing an uphill battle to prevent a shift in power to the left-leaning opposition Labor party.

The five-week campaign will be dominated by the stark policy differences between Labor and his Liberal-National coalition, which is vying for a third straight term. They include everything from cutting taxes to boosting wages to reducing emissions in one of the world’s worst per-capita polluters.

“To secure your future, the road ahead depends on a strong economy,” Morrison, 50, told reporters in Canberra Thursday, after asking Governor-General Peter Cosgrove to dissolve both houses of parliament. “And that’s why there is so much at stake at this election.”

The coalition government goes into the contest as the underdog, with its six years in power tainted by policy stagnation and infighting that’s seen it twice switch leaders. While the center-right coalition has presided over an unprecedented hiring boom and is forecasting the nation’s first budget surplus in more than a decade, stagnant wages and spiraling power bills have eroded living standards for many voters.

“It’s taken us more than five years to turn around Labor’s budget mess,” Morrison said. “Now is not the time to turn back.”

Since the 2016 federal election, the government has lost its majority in the lower house after a defeat in a special ballot, compounding its challenge to win another term. Since replacing Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister in August, Morrison has struggled to close Labor’s lead in the polls. The party led by former union leader Bill Shorten, 51, was ahead by four points in the latest Newspoll.



090e5e  No.6133679


Sourced from QRes#7842

A nationwide child sex offender register that will be rolled out under a re-elected Coalition Government could have stopped Daniel Morcombe's killer from following through on his vile fantasies.

That's the stark message from the murdered boy's father, as Daily Mail Australia reveals details of how the Federal Government's controversial name and shame system will work - on the day Prime Minister Scott Morrison called an election for May 18th.

The Coalition has announced it will invest $7.8 million in a paedophile public register that will publish the names, aliases, dates of birth, suburb and general nature of a perpetrators' offending - as well as their photograph.

Bruce Morcombe applauded the register as 'the best thing in this year's Budget'. He said his son's murderer Brett Peter Cowan may have had second thoughts if a register had been around when he was offending.

'Lord willing, he would've been on the register, and he may well have thought, I can't go down the path again because people will recognise me,' Mr Morcombe said.

The proposed paedophile register is just one of many policy differences between the Coalition and Labor, with the five-week election shaping as the starkest choice in a generation.


Coalition had lots of time to do all this stuff its now promising while in government (thats what shits me about the Proposed RC on the Edlerly Care Industry - Coalition knocked it back 3 times already - now there's an election its reoffered cause its a point winner), not just kick the can further down the road

b0b193  No.6142288


inevitable [in-evil-table]

b0b193  No.6143335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Int'l Jewish Community Takes the Pedophilia Epidemic and Its Protectors by the Horns"

Australian victims are not allowed to talk in Israel Court…

Thanks Doreen Elohim

b0b193  No.6146050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

zhen plqnt)bqsed qre over tqrget

darn qwerty1

090e5e  No.6148495


To Op, A brief explanation of the video linked would help Anons immensely with deciding if they want to view it.

Also why is a pedo female being kept in a male jail .. wtf ?

090e5e  No.6148507


What the hell is going on? … in this video .. and why should we care if this random guy is having problems with being seen on youtube?

Think before you post Anon.

090e5e  No.6152799

File: 084150ee3aeb297⋯.png (289.94 KB, 801x504, 89:56, 084150ee3aeb297ae5151616b3….png)

Christchurch police looking for man wearing Trump t-shirt who allegedly abused worshippers outside Al Noor Mosque

Sourced from QRes#7842


Kek, they not even trying to be subtle about it now.

090e5e  No.6152839

File: 870ab811fdbcd05⋯.png (107.58 KB, 445x344, 445:344, 5f0b5c0b4f943fd494288f0156….png)

File: c1c81883b283d14⋯.png (553.2 KB, 1178x752, 589:376, 0e74eaf0dc22c9f9ede4aebd1c….png)

File: 7d0c95a47cb3070⋯.png (902.73 KB, 1721x851, 1721:851, 45470758a76a51a20f67851915….png)

Julian Assange Arrested

Sourced from QRes#7843

090e5e  No.6152890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JA's Arrest Footage

090e5e  No.6152921

JA Arrested by British police at Ecuadorean embassy after Ecuador relinquishes asylum

LONDON (Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by British police on Thursday after they were invited into the Ecuadorean embassy where he has been holed up since 2012.

“Julian Assange, 47, has today, Thursday 11 April, been arrested by officers from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) at the Embassy of Ecuador,” police said.

Police said they arrested Assange after being “invited into the embassy by the Ambassador, following the Ecuadorean government’s withdrawal of asylum.”

Assange took refuge in Ecuador’s London embassy in 2012 to avoid being extradited to Sweden, where authorities wanted to question him as part of a sexual assault investigation. That probe was later dropped, but Assange fears he could be extradited to face charges in the United States, where federal prosecutors are investigating WikiLeaks.

Assange was taken into custody at a central London police station and he will be brought before Westminster Magistrates’ Court, police said.

Assange’s relationship with his hosts collapsed after Ecuador accused him of leaking information about President Lenin Moreno’s personal life. Moreno had previously said Assange has violated the terms of his asylum.

Moreno said that he had asked Britain to guarantee that Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty.

“The British government has confirmed it in writing, in accordance with its own rules,” Moreno said.

WikiLeaks said Ecuador had illegally terminated Assange’s political asylum in violation of international law.

To some, Assange is a hero for exposing what supporters cast as abuse of power by modern states and for championing free speech. But to others, he is a dangerous rebel who has undermined the security of the United States.


Related Coverage:

Kremlin hopes Assange rights will not be violated after his arrest

UK pledges it won't send Assange to country with death penalty: Ecuador

090e5e  No.6152936

>Julian Assange has been arrested on a U.S. extradition request



BREAKING @AFP (Stockholm) Swedish Assange accuser urges prosecution to reopen rape case: lawyer



Just confirmed: #Assange has been arrested not just for breach of bail conditions but also in relation to a US extradition request. @wikileaks @khrafnsson



Assange’s attorney confirms arrest and says it is also in relation to a US extradition request

090e5e  No.6152953

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested after eviction from Ecuadorian Embassy in London

Sourced from QRes#7845

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, a scourge of American government officials for allegedly leaking classified and secret documents, has been arrested at the Ecuadorian residence in London, his longtime home. The arrest came after Ecuadorian officials evicted the Australian native. He had lived in the diplomatic compound for nearly seven years, initially shielding him from extradition to Sweden, where he was wanted on sexual assault charges. Swedish authorities later dropped the case, but Assange stayed inside the embassy out of fear of extradition to the United States, where federal authorities have long investigated him for espionage.

Assange became a player in the 2016 presidential race when WikiLeaks released thousands of emails that had been stolen from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta. American intelligence officials concluded the hacking was orchestrated by the Russian government. In London on Thursday, the Metropolitan Police said Assange had been arrested by officers at the embassy on a warrant issued by Westminster Magistrates’ Court in 2012, for failing to surrender to the court. In a statement, Metropolitan Police was "arrested on behalf of the United States authorities, at 10:53hrs after his arrival at a central London police station. This is an extradition warrant under Section 73 of the Extradition Act. He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court as soon as possible." Video of a bearded Assange being dragged out of the embassy was posted to YouTube by Ruptly, which is owned by Russian state-owned news outlet RT. In a tweet sharing the video, WikiLeaks appears to quote Assange saying, "The U.K. must resist this attempt by the Trump administration."

British authorities have long made clear that Assange, 47, would not have diplomatic immunity if he left the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno said Assange's asylum has been taken away due to "repeated violations to international conventions and daily-life.”

WikiLeaks rose to international prominence in 2010 when it began releasing batches of classified American documents and other materials about actions of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, along with confidential diplomatic cables sent between State Department officials. The material was consistently unflattering to U.S. officials, including live footage of exploding bombs and ordinances not typically seen outside of war zones. American officials said WikiLeaks put at risk the lives of U.S. service members and diplomats.

In 2016, the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton expressed scorn for WikiLeaks after it released hacked material from the DNC. That included revelations that party officials had, during the Democratic primary season, favored her candidacy over that of her rival, independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a socialist.

The documents showed DNC officials had, among other things, scheduled Clinton-Sanders debates for times fewer people were expected to tune in, such as opposite playoff football games and Christmas-season entertainment. Assange made clear he was no fan of Clinton, but he has insisted that he did not get the emails from Russia. Democrats, meanwhile, have consistently sought to link Assange and WikiLeaks to the 2016 campaign of President Trump.


090e5e  No.6152975


Keys might be released after JA arrest

insurance.aes256 DE 18 1B 73 EF F3 5E 39 DA

wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256 0F 0B DA 00 F0 35 9A 0F C8

wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256 AB C2 04 75 6B AB 85 BE 30

wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256 73 6B 46 4C 2F 84 9A C2 A4



















2017-01-25 Vaul7 (All of CIAs shit)


2016-12-09 Shadowbrokers (Alleged Aliens and Projects)


2013-08-16 Snowden Cache (NSA Projects that were only mentioned in the Snowden revelations)




2012-02-22 Stratfor (Military/Regime change)


090e5e  No.6153067

JA translation by an Ausfag

Sourced from QRes 7843

First he says -

"The UK has no sovereignty, the UK has no sovereignty".

(Sovereignty = jurisdiction)

He says it a bit wrong adding an extra 'i' like sovereignity.

Then he says -

"Resist UK, resist this offence by the Trump administration."

090e5e  No.6153095

File: 59306894dd1f710⋯.png (282.15 KB, 373x565, 373:565, fa15382b6aaf06f8083eb79caa….png)

File: 5d2642f0f854f60⋯.png (149.83 KB, 381x574, 381:574, 5d2642f0f854f60eedd6368617….png)

Assange Arrested Carrying Gore Vidal's History of the National Security State

090e5e  No.6153120

File: 333733567e6c140⋯.jpeg (77.13 KB, 640x944, 40:59, 00a2d85d7013a546315500d59….jpeg)

File: c4b9d890a62089a⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1200x1133, 1200:1133, 5cbda0e92ba5009a552a21c602….png)

090e5e  No.6153195

File: 17207968fcc1b69⋯.jpeg (63.12 KB, 750x743, 750:743, efea770054fef04e8f277004d….jpeg)

File: 9e3cf2d858737f8⋯.png (198.21 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 75c15ff2d6acc87b00944df048….png)

File: a950b19e0005ae9⋯.png (224.55 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, c9d0024fda5ec594ded8970346….png)

File: d1e1a44c98c57fc⋯.png (212.36 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 7e1d444e9ac3eb987c1a440db5….png)


Sourced from QRes#7845


090e5e  No.6153212

File: 785f219121bdc9d⋯.png (146.89 KB, 582x387, 194:129, 19cbb4a5fd11bccb3a48935921….png)

File: 09b392ada2f4760⋯.png (41.46 KB, 580x267, 580:267, 145e1d153cab1c631d0fbee57e….png)


US Attorney for Assange, Barry Pollack statement on Assange arrest on behalf of the US in relation to 2010 publications:


UK Metropolitan police confirm Assange has been arrested in relation to a US warrant. Assange lawyers confirm it concerns an alleged conspiracy with Chelsea Manning in relation to 2010 publications.

b0b193  No.6154655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6148507 it's all about censorship and narrative "control" - i'd expect you to have comprehended that; but for dem that "don't have the time" [to protect them selves from themselves] - here's some NAMES of people that are not your friend.

you'd think that after Port Arthur and the 700 presstitutes gathered on location prior - humans would sense the fukery…

… but then we observe what they choose to consume and all sense is flushed.

b0b193  No.6155115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6148495 until MAN chooses to stop think, emote and act like pedovores: the slaughter continues.

but tards willfully ignore the harm they cause to themselves and ALL of us.

Our Mother Elohim bore frugivores on a fruit tree earth (anatomically direct evidence) …

… but most - due to mind-control, force blood 'n flesh down the innocent' throat. "thinking" blood sacrifice is normal, necessary and natural.


we coalesce and bleat about the injustice whilst willfully ignoring the harm every meaty mouthful creates.

So until hu-man begins behaving like Man again ; we'll have 5G Tesla walls rolled-out and JA extradited to be heard On The Record by President Camacho.

ps [pedos aren't liked in prison] good businessmen/gangsters have moral boundaries…

b0b193  No.6155776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what are the consequences if you are a politician that received [registered mail] evidence of conspiracy and murder and don't do anything?

crimes against humanity? treason?

or is it ignored like Jimmy Savile necromancy in the morgue?

2a03cd  No.6156165

File: 5b47d9663685813⋯.png (680.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190412-142642.png)

Google chrome 666.

2a03cd  No.6156246

File: ba87564cf433f34⋯.png (767.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190410-191842.png)

File: 43dc15ba42c6e27⋯.jpg (311.75 KB, 720x1121, 720:1121, IMG_20190411_030622.jpg)

File: 27c9984884ad294⋯.png (196.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190411-090315.png)

File: 681681299e2920b⋯.png (141.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190411-085857.png)

File: c8aa1cf52706310⋯.png (511.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190410-103858.png)

How much u want to bet 1111 is the 4 sons of Horus? 4 pillars. 4 princes of the cardinal directions. Pillars in mecca. Freemason pillars. Etc.

Temple of SET = RESET.

2a03cd  No.6156284

File: c7714997cc2a85d⋯.png (747.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190410-152230.png)

File: f5d85a90a57e990⋯.png (685.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190411-102740.png)

File: 401a95de39096f6⋯.png (765.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190410-171139.png)

File: 926d2f087479547⋯.png (84.77 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190412-120231.png)

File: bdb932b28ec3fd4⋯.png (486.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190410-214305.png)

2017 eclipse going west to east is impossible.

There's no argument.

And that was eclipse number 33. 33 degrees across America.


b0b193  No.6156839

File: 76e12d22e39ce5e⋯.png (143.44 KB, 518x679, 74:97, 6points wHere 7th Directio….png)

File: 7b7d1fa8ad8a8cf⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 3240x2160, 3:2, 911-evidence-pyramid-v2013….jpg)

File: 84ca7e14e7d4773⋯.gif (28.23 KB, 590x605, 118:121, 6points define wHere, 7th ….gif)

File: 76e12d22e39ce5e⋯.png (143.44 KB, 518x679, 74:97, 6points wHere 7th Directio….png)

>>6156284 crossing the bar is an emotional experience [and deadly if you fuk-it]

just recall it is -2Sin666

trepid? -go ask A.L.I.C.E. when she/it isn't being a Quint.

b0b193  No.6156863

File: f51f6c72a545eeb⋯.jpg (80.91 KB, 1236x763, 1236:763, 6points define wHere, 7th ….jpg)

>>6156839 missed the main angle image!

i-am-a-jin that!

b0b193  No.6157041

>>5945668 navigation 101:

Can Dead Men Vote Twice 'n u get V D at kNight.

east is least when Compass to True.

sum[p] ask, "Can Ducks Make Vertical Turns?"

056983  No.6157303

File: 1b2559013487b9f⋯.jpeg (257.1 KB, 1214x1300, 607:650, DEF7815B-4A03-470B-A760-A….jpeg)

Don’t watch this progressive bullshit show but friend just emailed me with this pic saying he’s bitching and moaning about the NZ ‘massacre’.

Note: Newly CBS purchased 10 is becoming very ‘progressive’.

5f78f0  No.6158369


This 'Joey Carbstrong' guy in the video is a self confessed "drug dealer for years and a gangster". Such a model human to be professing the plight of Earth's organisms when he deliberately set about to directly and indirectly cause harm on his neighbours - his fellow man - to enrich himself.

Comrade Joey also has a freudian slip by saying "I could control the perception of millions - tens of millions - of people with media!" Then complains that Kerry Stokes owns Channel 7 and has vested interests in the meat/agri industry. The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

I get the bias of the media and that the channel 7 hit piece on vegans was probably (even most likely to have been) orchestrated at the behest of Kerry Stokes.

What I'd like to know is who is funding Joey Carbstrong? How is he able to fly all around the world to apparently save the animals? How is he getting all this media attention and is it forced? This guy is the vegan equivalent to Alex Jones: grandiose, incoherent, and crazily carries on about shit like comparing the consumption of meat to cannibalism. Next week he'll come out and scream that Kerry Stokes is turning the sheep gay.

b0b193  No.6158832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i'n eye like your Thinking, "Kerry Stokes is turning the sheep gay." almost mademe sknot my keys! ;-)

and 4da record: i know gay rams. - it's a "down-on-the-farm" observation.

same-same for Joey Carbstrong - he and i were pedovores: frugivores choosing to eat sentient beings.

that's y hu-man support Brothers 'n Elohim like 'em.

kNow don't make US ask [YOU]: do you choose to eat sentient beings…?

mean-time: The People Will Tell You :-)

…and Podesta asks if JA getz vegan prison food?

i'n i ask: Pamela! What did u FEED him?

and Bonus Q for DEM dat Care:

"Friday peaceful prayers Islamic community Melbourne." the "i'm vegan" yelp had me fall off my throne!


5f78f0  No.6158879


101 Proof Champagne Socialist.

This faggot asked who will clean our houses if migrants (or was it just poor people?) if we didn't have migrants/poor people.

Be fucked if I can find the sauce on this. I've searched everywhere for the video, but it has disappeared from the internets.

8222ea  No.6158914

Australia's shill count HIGHER THAN HIGH.



5f78f0  No.6161270

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For those that are interested here is a rare, unedited interview with Fraser Anning to watch. Part 1 embedded. Part 2 below.

They won't give the poor cunt a voice, so he has to go to some little Youtube podcaster based in the US.

part 1: https://invidio.us/watch?v=js4OQsxiMEo (youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js4OQsxiMEo)

part 2: https://invidio.us/watch?v=TQHrGLY_ryY

Ya have to sign in to watch the second part on Youtube, but Invidio.us gets around that.

I'm struggling to find raw, unedited interviews of him to watch. So, post 'em if you've got 'em for me (and anyone else) to watch. Cheers!

090e5e  No.6163220

Sara Carter on JA

Sourced from QRes#7846

WikiLeaks founder Julian P. Assange appeared disheveled as he was carried out by authorities from the Ecuadorian Embassy in the United Kingdom Thursday, where he has been living nearly seven years in asylum from authorities for exposing classified information on his WikiLeaks website.

According to the Eastern District of Virginia, he was arrested under a U.S. and United Kingdom, “Extradition Treaty, in connection with a federal charge of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for agreeing to break a password to a classified U.S. government computer.”

Assange faces five years in prison for his role in obtaining and disseminating classified information from then Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning, who is now known as Chelsea Manning.

“Actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than the maximum penalties,” according to the Eastern District of Virginia press release. “A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after taking into account the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.”

Assange’s lawyer told ABC news “we cannot lose sight, the Australian government cannot lose sight of the principals involved in this case. He’s an Australian citizen, who is a publisher, whose being sought for prosecution in the United States – an Australian ally – whose being sought for prosecution in the United States for publishing truthful information.”

According to court documents unsealed Thursday “the charge relates to Assange’s alleged role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the United States.”

The indictment alleges that in March 2010, Assange “engaged in a conspiracy with Chelsea Manning, a former intelligence analyst in the U.S. Army, to assist Manning in cracking a password stored on U.S. Department of Defense computers connected to the Secret Internet Protocol Network (SIPRNet), a U.S. government network used for classified documents and communications.”

Manning had gender reassignment surgery after his arrest. He changed his name to Chelsea.

In 2017, then President Barack Obama overruled his Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and commuted the sentence of Manning. Manning had stolen and then disseminated more than 750,000 pages of classified documents and videos to WikiLeaks.

The indictment said Manning had access to the computers through her work as an intelligence analyst.

“She used the computers to download classified records and then she transmitted them to WikiLeaks,” the press release from the Eastern District of Virginia states. “Cracking the password would have allowed Manning to log on to the computers under a username that did not belong to her. Such a deceptive measure would have made it more difficult for investigators to determine the source of the illegal disclosures.”

Manning and Assange had engaged in real-time discussions regarding Manning’s transmission of classified records to Assange, added the press release.

“The discussions also reflect Assange actively encouraging Manning to provide more information,” it said.

At the time Manning told Assange that “after this upload, that’s all I really have got left.”

According to the indictment, Assange replied, “curious eyes never run dry in my experience.”

Assange is being charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion and is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


090e5e  No.6163231

File: a2e66ede671f475⋯.jpg (872.51 KB, 1440x2166, 240:361, a2e66ede671f4755c989be0ad3….jpg)


Forgot pic

090e5e  No.6163274

File: 0680c191b2601cf⋯.png (62.81 KB, 628x562, 314:281, 0680c191b2601cf87c4e8aa841….png)

Snowden Tweets about JA


090e5e  No.6163296

File: 6e36743c9ae0e3b⋯.jpg (225.71 KB, 1666x786, 833:393, 6e36743c9ae0e3b0e55fe16b5c….jpg)

JA to appear in court on 2 May


090e5e  No.6163313

File: ed6ef0c04b70fec⋯.jpg (342.26 KB, 911x1219, 911:1219, ed6ef0c04b70fecf2e2926ef06….jpg)

Anon Comment on April Showers

April showers bring May Flowers …

Interdasting thought .. but over predicting whats might happen next personally.

090e5e  No.6163364

File: fb1790fe84ea701⋯.png (98.14 KB, 949x881, 949:881, fb1790fe84ea701269977bbc97….png)

WikiLeaks Founder Charged in Computer Hacking Conspiracy and Anons response

Sourced from QRes#7847


Never seen such a clement press release from the DOJ. Usually they stress maximum penalties and seriousness of crimes.

>Assange is charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion and is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison. Actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than the maximum penalties. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after taking into account the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

090e5e  No.6163392

File: dd27649738c6354⋯.jpeg (62.44 KB, 474x325, 474:325, dd27649738c6354eb34344cef….jpeg)

File: abcde37b76bac2c⋯.jpg (67.15 KB, 615x410, 3:2, abcde37b76bac2c288371f7e51….jpg)

Newmont shareholders OK $10 billion Goldcorp takeover, creating biggest gold producer

Sourced from QRes#7849

TORONTO (Reuters) - Newmont Mining shareholders on Thursday approved the company’s $10 billion takeover of Goldcorp Inc which is set to create the world’s biggest gold producer with assets across the Americas, Africa and Australia.

About 98 percent of votes at a special meeting were in support of Newmont’s proposal to issue new stock to fund its takeover of Goldcorp, the Denver-based company said in a statement. Goldcorp’s investors voted to approve the acquisition last week.

The deal, the biggest takeover in the gold sector’s history according to Refinitiv data, faced some initial opposition from Newmont investors who said it overly favored Goldcorp shareholders. But they rallied behind the proposal on the promise of a special dividend.

The 88-cent-per-share special dividend will be paid on May 1 to those who hold Newmont shares as of April 17, according to the statement.

Newmont shares were 0.7 percent lower at $36.01 in morning trading in New York, in line with the benchmark S&P/TSX Global Gold Index. Goldcorp shares slipped 0.26 percent to C$15.41 in Toronto.

“We thank Newmont’s shareholders for their overwhelming support for this compelling value creation opportunity as we build the world’s leading gold company,” Newmont Chief Executive Gary Goldberg said in the statement.

The new company, to be called Newmont Goldcorp, will overtake current market leader Barrick Gold Corp in annual production, churning out 6 million to 7 million ounces of gold annually over the next 10 years, compared with Barrick’s forecast of 5.1 million to 5.6 million ounces for 2019.

Newmont Goldcorp expects to shed between $1 billion and $1.5 billion of assets to focus on its most promising operations. This, combined with mines Barrick plans to sell in the wake of its acquisition of Randgold Resources, is expected by analysts to fuel a flurry of deals in a sector that has been focused on cutting costs rather than pursuing growth for several years.

Newmont’s acquisition of Goldcorp had faced several hurdles, beginning with Barrick’s hostile takeover bid for Newmont in February, which required it to abandon its deal with Goldcorp.

That was resolved through the creation of a joint venture of Newmont and Barrick’s operations in Nevada, which was estimated to create $4.7 billion in synergies.


c4694d  No.6172318

File: 1d0dad868dd7140⋯.png (317.29 KB, 800x450, 16:9, $zoom_0.png)

File: 990dc670f97c7fd⋯.png (379.3 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Chinese President Xi Jinpi….png)

China takes Australia's Huawei 5G ban to global trade umpire

Beijing: China has complained to the World Trade Organisation about Australia's ban on Huawei participating in the 5G network.

The complaint, made at a WTO meeting in Geneva on Friday, does not mention Huawei by name but refers to Australia's "discriminatory market access prohibition on 5G equipment", according to the meeting's agenda seen by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

The complaint has been lodged with global trade umpire as the federal government has entered caretaker mode ahead of the May 18 election.

Reuters reported that an official who attended the meeting said Australia’s representative spoke briefly to acknowledge receiving written questions from China, but added that Australia’s Trade Ministry had not yet had time to formulate its response.

Australia was the first Five Eyes intelligence partner to effectively ban Huawei from its 5G network, but the United States has since put pressure on other Western nations to also implement a ban.

A rule change last September that restricts vendors "likely to be subject to extrajudicial directions from a foreign government" was announced by then acting home affairs minister Scott Morrison, in the same week that saw Mr Morrison replace Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister.

Although a clear irritant to China, which is waging a technology and trade battle with the United States, Beijing's response to the Australian ban had been careful. The WTO dispute is the first formal complaint, and signals the incoming federal government may face a more forceful push-back from Beijing over the Huawei issue.

The new government will also potentially face the fallout for Australian exporters of any trade deal struck between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The International Monetary Fund on Friday revealed it had modelled the impact of a "managed trade" deal between the US and China – as distinct from multilateral free trade – on China's other trading partners.

The IMF's deputy director of Asia, Jonathan Ostry, said that for Australia "the main issue that we worry about is possible trade diversion effects".

The IMF looked at the hypothetical case of $US50 billion ($70 billion) in goods from the US being traded with China and the spillover effect this would have as China imported less from other countries.

If there was a proportional reduction in exports across China's main trading partners, the impact on Australia would be relatively small, he said.

But if the US-China trade deal "involves more purchases of goods in commodities that are very high in the China-Australia trading relationship then the impact on Australian growth and so forth could be more substantial," he said.

Australian officials have expressed concern about the potential impact on Australian energy and agricultural products.

Australian coal imports have experienced a slowdown at Chinese ports, and China is expected to buy more US coal as part of a Trump-Xi deal. Other areas of crossover are LNG, beef and agricultural products.



090e5e  No.6173023

Jailhouse meeting between Julian Assange and Australian High Commission will address fears he will face the death penalty if extradited to the US

- Australian consular officials will visit Julian Assange over death penalty fears

- The Foreign Minister said Australia is 'completely opposed' to the death penalty

- She said the UK had sought assurances on the matter if he was moved to the US


090e5e  No.6173642

How You Can Be Certain That The US Charge Against Assange Is Fraudulent

Sourced from QRes#7868

Julian Assange sits in a jail cell today after being betrayed by the Ecuadorian government and his home country of Australia. A British judge named Michael Snow has found the WikiLeaks founder guilty of violating bail conditions, inserting himself into the annals of history by labeling Assange “a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interest.” So that tells you how much of a fair and impartial legal proceeding we can expect to see from the British judicial process on this matter.

But the real reason that Assange has been surrendered by the Ecuadorian government, imprisoned by the British government, and ignored by the Australian government is not directly related to any of those governments, but to that of the United States of America. An unsealed indictment from the Trump administration’s District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, accompanied by an extradition request, charges Assange with “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for agreeing to break a password to a classified U.S. government computer” during Chelsea Manning’s 2010 leak of government documents exposing US war crimes.

This charge is premised on a fraudulent and manipulative distortion of reality, and you may be one hundred percent certain of it. Let me explain.

You can be absolutely certain that this charge is bogus because it isn’t based on any new information. The facts of the case have not changed, the information hasn’t changed, only the narrative has changed. In 2010 the United States opened a secret grand jury in Virginia to investigate whether Assange and WikiLeaks could be prosecuted for the publication of the Manning leaks, and then-Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Obama administration was conducting “an active, ongoing criminal investigation’’ into the matter. The Trump administration has not turned up any new evidence that the Obama administration was unable to find in this active, ongoing criminal investigation (US government surveillance has surely acquired some new tricks since 2010, but time travel isn’t one of them), and indeed it does not claim to have turned up any new evidence.

“There’s a huge myth being misreported about today’s indictment of Assange,” journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted today.

“The claim that Assange tried to help Manning circumvent a password to cover her tracks isn’t new. The Obama DOJ knew about it since 2011, but chose not to prosecute him. Story on this soon.”

There's a huge myth being misreported about today's indictment of Assange. The claim that Assange tried to help Manning circumvent a password to cover her tracks isn't new. The Obama DOJ knew about it since 2011, but chose not to prosecute him. Story on this soon.

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 11, 2019

“Holder chose not to prosecute Assange based on the same info Trump DOJ cited,” Greenwald added.

“The weakness of the US charge against Assange is shocking,” tweeted NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. “The allegation he tried (and failed?) to help crack a password during their world-famous reporting has been public for nearly a decade: it is the count Obama’s DOJ refused to charge, saying it endangered journalism.”

The weakness of the US charge against Assange is shocking. The allegation he tried (and failed?) to help crack a password during their world-famous reporting has been public for nearly a decade: it is the count Obama's DOJ refused to charge, saying it endangered journalism. https://t.co/xdTQ8xauB0

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) April 11, 2019


090e5e  No.6173698

Pentagon Papers Lawyer: Julian Assange Being Convicted Will Criminalize the News-Gathering Process

Sourced from QRes#7873

James Goodale, the vice president and general counsel of the New York Times during the Pentagon Papers scandal, is warning that the light charges against Julian Assange is part of an extradition scheme that could ultimately criminalize the news-gathering process in the digital age.

Goodale warns that generally speaking, a journalist can indeed instruct his source in a manner which will permit the source to escape identification, and that criminalizing that aspect of journalism will be a blow to the First Amendment.

Writing for The Hill, Goodale explained that the lack of charges under the Espionage Act is “a snare and a delusion.” He wrote that the indictment is “surprisingly spare” and “seems to have been written with a particular purpose in mind — to extradite Assange from England. Once he is here, he will be hit, no doubt, with multiple charges.”

“Under the U.S.-U.K. extradition treaty, one cannot be extradited from the United Kingdom if the extradition is for ‘political purposes.’ This explains why the indictment does not contain any charges alleging that Assange conspired with the Russians to impact the 2016 presidential election. It may also explain why the indictment focuses on hacking government computers rather than on leaking stolen government information, in as much as leaking could be characterized as being done for political purposes,” Goodale wrote. “When Assange arrives in the United States through extradition, as many expect he will, the government will then be able to indict him for his participation in that election. It is not out of the question that the government will come up with additional charges against Assange.”

Goodale explained that the government made it seem like Assange had hacked an account for Manning to be able to access the files, but it is not really the case. Manning already had access to the files legally — he is simply accused of trying (unsuccessfully) to help them cover their tracks.

“The U.S. government has attempted to divert attention from the basic fact that this indictment punishes the publication of truthful information by making it seem that Assange ‘cracked’ a code to permit Manning to have access to further classified information, which Manning in turn then could leak to Assange. That’s not what the indictment says. It says that Assange told Manning how to cover her tracks with respect to her leaks so the government could not catch Manning,” he wrote.

In conclusion, Goodale stated that “if Assange is found guilty of conspiring with Manning under this indictment, which incorporates the Espionage Act, this will be a blow to the First Amendment. It will criminalize the news-gathering process and will be a precedent for future cases concerning leaks. This will be particularly so since substantially all leaks in the future will be computer-generated. “


090e5e  No.6173712

File: a8e09c629a4e8d8⋯.png (44.55 KB, 625x351, 625:351, a8e09c629a4e8d8fd41d5f4189….png)

Another Papa D Tweet


090e5e  No.6173762

File: 35371e2d9fa2b66⋯.png (257.96 KB, 910x822, 455:411, 35371e2d9fa2b665324e49acc8….png)

File: d10a3d9d4776937⋯.png (124.27 KB, 904x736, 113:92, d10a3d9d477693745b0300a55c….png)

"That's Something China Can't Tolerate": Tensions Erupt As China Slams Australia's "Irresponsible Comments"

Sourced from QRes#7877

It all started in late February when we reported that a political row had erupted between China and Australia, with Beijing cracking down on imports of coal from Australia, cutting off the country's miners from their biggest export market and threatening the island nation's economy at a time when it and its fellow "Five Eyes" members who have sided with the US by blocking or banning Huawei's 5G network technology.

In the weeks that followed, while Beijing disputed such a draconian export crackdown, China was overtly targeting Australian coal imports with increased restrictions – what Beijing claims were quality checks – that delayed their passage through northern ports. Given Australia has the highest level of income dependency on China of any developed nation as 30.6% of all Australian export income came from China last year, equivalent to US$87 billion (twice the trade volume with Japan, Australia’s next biggest trading partner), and Australia’s coal industry is deeply dependent on its exports to China, which account for 3.7% of Australia’s GDP, this prompted much speculation that Beijing is punishing coal companies as retribution for political acts by Canberra, one of Washington’s closest allies. "The last time Australia was so dependent on one country for its income was in the 1950s when it was a client state of Britain," Sydney Morning Herald’s international editor, Peter Hartcher Hartcher said in March, according to the SCMP.


090e5e  No.6173769

Julian Assange 'must face Swedish justice' if country asks, say MPs

More than 70 MPs have signed a letter urging the home secretary to ensure Julian Assange faces authorities in Sweden if they request his extradition.

Labour's Stella Creasy tweeted a copy of the note sent to Sajid Javid.

WikiLeaks co-founder Assange was arrested on Thursday in relation to an extradition request from the US, where he is facing computer hacking charges.

He had spent seven years in Ecuador's London embassy, evading trial in Sweden for sex assaults which he has denied.

At the time, Assange said he had had entirely consensual sex with two women while on a trip to Stockholm and that the Swedish claims against him were part of a smear campaign.

Swedish prosecutors dropped a rape investigation into Assange in 2017 because they were unable to formally notify him of the allegations while he stayed in the embassy.

Two other charges of molestation and unlawful coercion had to be dropped in 2015 because time had run out.

But Swedish prosecutors say they are now re-examining the 47-year-old's case at the request of the lawyer acting for the alleged rape victim.

The letter, signed by mostly Labour MPs, urges Mr Javid to "stand with the victims of sexual violence" and ensure the rape claim against the 47-year-old can be "properly investigated".

"We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done," it says.

The rape allegation has a limitation period which expires in August 2020, it adds.

Inquiries into claims of molestation and unlawful coercion have already been timed out.

On Friday evening, shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry said Assange should be extradited to Sweden before any attempt to get him to the US.

She said she was "disgusted" the American allegation had been "allowed to eclipse" the sex offence case.

Media playback is unsupported on your device

Media captionVideo footage shows Julian Assange being dragged from the Ecuadorian embassy in London

Extradition proceedings are dealt with by the courts.

According to the Home Office, the home secretary can bring a limited number of factors into consideration when deciding whether to order a person's extradition.

These include whether the person might be at risk of the death penalty or whether the requesting state might try to add additional charges it has not specified.

However, lawyer Rebecca Niblock said that, if Sweden made an extradition request, it would be for the home secretary to decide which would take precedence, considering factors such as which was made first and the seriousness of the offence.

Australian-born Assange faces a charge of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion in the US for his alleged role in one of the largest ever leaks of government secrets, in 2010, which could result in a prison term of up to five years.

The US Department of Justice has accused him of conspiring with former intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to commit "one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the United States".

Advance notice?

Assange sought refuge in the Ecuador embassy, in Knightsbridge, west London, in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over allegations of sexual assault. But after seven years, Ecuador abruptly withdrew its asylum and invited the police to arrest him on Thursday.

The MPs' letter says both UK and US authorities seem to have been aware in advance of Ecuador's decision to rescind Mr Assange's political asylum.

"It is therefore of grave concern to us that it appears that the Swedish authorities were not aware of the plans made to arrest Mr Assange yesterday in London, and we would welcome clarity as to what action the UK authorities took to ensure that the Swedish prosecutors were informed in advance of this decision," it adds.

After his dramatic arrest, Assange was taken to Westminster Magistrates' Court and found guilty of a British charge of breaching bail. He spent Thursday night in custody and is facing up to 12 months in prison for that conviction.

Assange is due to face a hearing over his possible extradition to the US on 2 May.

Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson said they would be fighting the extradition request. She said it set a "dangerous precedent" for journalists publishing information about the US.

The UN has called for his right to a fair trial to be respected during any extradition process.


090e5e  No.6173808

File: 7eb31676369828a⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 6eaa70ef68b7de1c476e4d619b….jpg)


090e5e  No.6173843

File: 5b0f76decae7101⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 780x520, 3:2, 5b0f76decae7101e011ed08c93….jpg)

'Multiple' victims in Australia shooting: Police

Sourced from QRes#7886

SYDNEY (AFP) - A shooting in the Australian city of Melbourne early on Sunday (April 14) has left “multiple” victims, police said, but local media reported that there were no fatalities.

“Investigators believe multiple people were shot outside a nightclub near Little Chapel Street and Malvern Road about 3.20am,” the Victoria Police said in a statement.

It did not give any more details including the condition of the victims, but said the shooting occurred in Melbourne’s Prahran district.

Local media said there were three or four victims.

“The exact circumstances are still being established,” police said.

Mass shootings are rare in Australia, which has strict gun laws introduced after 35 people were killed in 1996 at Port Arthur in Tasmania.

A murder-suicide last year which left seven members of a family dead in Western Australia was the country’s worst mass shooting since the Port Arthur case.


090e5e  No.6173850

File: 9f19d18e761ed1d⋯.png (681.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 9f19d18e761ed1d2b190856725….png)

File: 4491cd833cccb63⋯.png (42.64 KB, 640x754, 320:377, 4491cd833cccb63980f2b92402….png)

Julian Assange’s Mother Begs Officials: ‘Be Patient, Gentle & Kind to Him’

The mother of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange took to social media following his arrest on Thursday in London, where he spent seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy to evade authorities in Sweden and the United States.

“A mother’s plea to police, prison officers, court staff re my son Julian. He’s been *8 yrs detained WITHOUT charge *6yrs deprived fresh air, exercise, sun/VitD *3 yrs sick/in pain denied proper medical/dental care *1yr isolated/tortured,” Christine Assange tweeted on Friday as the Associated Press reported. “Please be patient, gentle & kind to him,” she tweeted. Assange’s Twitter account says she is the “mother of journalist Julian Assange, detained 8 yrs without charge for exposing high level corruption.

“The extradition process itself is a matter between the United States and the United Kingdom, but we have also been provided with that advice from the U.K.,” Payne told reporters in the AP report. “Australia … is completely opposed to the death penalty and that is a bipartisan position and one which we have continued to advocate.” Some are protesting Assange’s arrest, including the Green Party in the United States, which held a protest on Thursday night at the British embassy in Washington, DC.


090e5e  No.6173918

File: 9a6cd2b7268c797⋯.png (472.56 KB, 811x450, 811:450, 9da2b571f6e8e03ac37936091b….png)


At least 4 people shot, 1 killed, outside Melbourne nightclub

A man has died in hospital after a gunman opened fire on revelers from a passing car outside a night club in Melbourne, Australia. Three other people have been treated for injuries, one remains in critical condition.

Police reported on Sunday morning that they launched an investigation into a shooting in Prahran, an inner suburb of Melbourne, that resulted in multiple injuries among visitors of a local nightclub. The incident took place at about 3.20 am Sunday at a nightclub near Little Chapel Street and Malvern Road. Among the four people who were initially hospitalized, two were in a critical condition. Two other patients, a 50-year-old man and a 29-year-old man, suffered non-life threatening injuries.

In an update on Sunday, police said that a 37-year-old man from Narre Warren South succumbed to his injuries in hospital.

Police said they had found an abandoned Porsche, which is believed to have been used by the attackers. The vehicle was found burnt in Wollert, a Melbourne suburb some 30km from Prahran.

The shooter, who is believed to be on the run, apparently fired from a car as it was passing by the Love Machine nightclub, which was hosting a night for "old school groovers." The Age reported that the victims include a security guard, who was short in the face, and a patron of the club.


c4694d  No.6183034

File: f1b11e296b4feb9⋯.png (971.5 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Senator Pauline Hanson.png)

File: d0bdb16781ca720⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, Prime Minister Scott Morri….png)

File: 2719f13acf8ec4d⋯.jpeg (56.4 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Opposition Leader Bill Sh….jpeg)

File: 6a5b82a0bf0cd00⋯.jpg (410.96 KB, 902x2062, 451:1031, Newspoll-April-2019.jpg)

Newspoll: One Nation’s slide gives Labor and Coalition a boost

According to the latest Newspoll, support for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party has fallen, giving Scott Morrison his best primary vote for the Coalition since the last election.

But Hanson’s loss of support has also strengthened Labor’s lead.

According to The Australian’s first Newspoll conducted since the May 18 election was called, both major parties are neck to neck. With preferences from the Greens, Labor is sitting at a two-party preferred vote of 52 per cent to 48 per cent — a 2.4 swing against the Coalition based on the last election. This represents a potential loss of 10 seats for Scott Morrison.

Heading into the first week of the campaign, the Prime Minister’s lead over Bill Shorten remains unchanged at 11 points.

Mr Morrison will announce more infrastructure projects in Victoria tomorrow, a strategic move for the Coalition with population being a critical election issue.

The Opposition Leader will stay in Melbourne where he will concentrate on campaigning in key suburbs and continue to focus on his health care initiatives.

With less than five weeks to go until the poll, the Coalition has capitalised on the two-point spike in its primary vote, adding another point in the latest Newspoll, which was conducted in the day the election was called.

One Nation suffered a 4 per cent crash in the wake of the James Ashby $20 million guns-for-funds scandal, with nationwide support dropping to its lowest since 2016.

In good news for Scott Morrison, the Coalition has regained the ground it lost since Malcolm Turnbull was ousted.

The Coalition is now in its best position since September 2016.

Labor’s two-point jump puts it in a solid election position despite still being down on last year’s high of 41 per cent.

The result of the One Nation slide is to deliver a stronger position to each of the main parties.

While One Nation is mostly popular in Queensland, last year it managed to take four Senate positions and 1.3 per cent of the national primary vote in the last election.

The fall in support for the right-wing nationalist party comes after Scott Morrison vowed to put One Nation below Labor on Liberal how-to-vote cards.

Further indicating the strengthening of the preferred two parties is Newspoll’s indication that total votes for independents and minor parties has dropped to 22 per cent.

That’s well down on the peak of 29 per cent of 2017’s Newspoll.

But the Greens have remained unchanged at 9 per cent, which is a 1.2 per cent point swing on the last election result.

It comes as the approval ratings for both leaders of the major parties remained virtually unchanged.


090e5e  No.6184417

Assange's lawyer says he only fears 'US injustice'

Sourced from QRes#7894

Wikileakes founder Julian Assange does not fear British or Swedish justice but "he is worried about facing US injustice," Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson told the Sophy Ridge Show on Sky News on Sunday.

Robinson said that there are no charges in Sweden against her client at the moment and added they will be dealt with if Sweden reopens the case in which Assange was accused of sexual assault. However, she noted the case was never about the charges in Sweden, but "the risk of extradition to the US."

Assange was arrested in the UK earlier this week when Ecuador revoked his asylum status. He was found guilty for breaching bail in the UK and is being charged for computer hacking conspiracy in the US.


090e5e  No.6184445

Julian Assange: WikiLeaks founder's life in Ecuadorian embassy captured on security camera

Sourced from QRes#7896

Newly-released security footage has shown Assange in his living quarters and revealed a furious row with a security guard.

Julian Assange is seen skateboarding in the Ecuadorian embassy in newly-released footage which reveals his deteriorating relations with staff in the building.

The WikiLeaks founder was holed up in the embassy in London for more than seven years before he was arrested on Thursday.

Security footage, obtained by the Spanish newspaper El Pais, has shown Assange in his living quarters and captured a furious row between the Australian and a security guard.

At one point, Assange, 47, is seen dressed in a vest and shorts while he tries to ride a skateboard.

Assange is also seen clashing with a guard as he holds a meeting with visitors who allegedly refused to leave.

The footage shows him pointing a camera at the guard, who then tries to snatch it away.

Assange's guests left after the ambassador reportedly arrived in the early hours of the morning.

It comes after Assange's lawyer accused Ecuador of making "outrageous" claims about his actions in their London embassy.

Jennifer Robinson told Sky News that claims about her client's behaviour - including that he had smeared walls with faeces - were fabricated as a pretext to force him out.

Ecuador has claimed Assange had to be reminded to flush the toilet, left dirty underwear in the lavatory, did not clean dishes and left the cooker on.

Ms Robinson said: "Ecuador has made these allegations to justify the unlawful and extraordinary act of letting police come inside an embassy.

"I've been visiting him for the last seven years. This man has been inside a room with no outside access.

"Inside the embassy it's become more difficult. The politics changed when Ecuador's political situation changed with a new leader."

Assange faces up to 12 months in prison after being found guilty of breaching his bail conditions when he entered the Ecuadorian embassy in 2012.

He made the move after losing his battle against extradition to Sweden where he faced allegations including rape.

Assange is now expected to fight extradition to the US over an allegation that he conspired with former army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to break into a classified government computer.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has joined Assange's supporters in saying he should be protected against extradition to the US because he exposed evidence of "atrocities" in Iraq and Afghanistan.

More than 70 MPs have also urged the government to ensure Assange faces Swedish authorities if they request his extradition.


090e5e  No.6184449


oops make that QRes#7897

090e5e  No.6184820

Resignations in the Region:

Nuk Korako resigns as National MP


090e5e  No.6197149

File: 1978a5b4a1747dc⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1824x1574, 912:787, 1978a5b4a1747dc875722ddc39….png)


6 charged with spreading New Zealand mosque shooting video online

Wellington, New Zealand – Six people appeared in a New Zealand court Monday on charges they illegally redistributed the video a gunman livestreamed as he shot worshippers at two mosques last month. Christchurch District Court Judge Stephen O'Driscoll denied bail to businessman Philip Arps and an 18-year-old suspect who both were taken into custody in March. The four others are not in custody.

The charge of supplying or distributing objectionable material carries a penalty of up to 14 years imprisonment. Arps, 44, is scheduled to next appear in court via video link on April 26.

The 18-year-old suspect is charged with sharing the livestream video and a still image of the Al Noor mosque with the words "target acquired." He will reappear in court on July 31 when electronically monitored bail will be considered.


090e5e  No.6197273

Paul Suggests Granting Assange Immunity In Exchange For Congressional Testimony: Report

Sourced from QRes#7912

Julian Assange should be let off the hook for releasing stolen material through his WikiLeaks website if he agrees to testify in person before lawmakers investigating his publication of Democratic Partydocuments, Sen. Rand Paul said in an interview published Wednesday.

“I think that he should be given immunity from prosecution in exchange for coming to the United States and testifying,” said Mr. Paul, Kentucky Republican.

“I think he’s been someone who has released a lot of information, and you can debate whether or not any of that has caused harm, but I think really he has information that is probably pertinent to the hacking of the Democratic emails that would be nice to hear,” Mr. Paul told a writer for The Gateway Pundit site.

Representatives for neither Mr. Assange nor WikiLeaks immediately returned messages seeking comment.

A 47-year-old Australian native, Mr. Assange has been under investigation in the U.S. since 2010 when WikiLeaks published classified diplomatic and military material obtained from the U.S. Departments of State and Defense, respectively. Investigators have more recently taken an interest in his publication of leaked Democratic Party material during the 2016 U.S. presidential race, however, and the Senate Intelligence Committee wrote Mr. Assange earlier this month requesting an interview on the matter.

“It’s probably unlikely to happen unless he is given some type of immunity from prosecution,” said Mr. Paul, a member of both the Senate Foreign Relations and Homeland Security Committees.


1b44f9  No.6204519

>>6197273 D45 deja vu Contracted with JA …

and it is Good :-)

1b44f9  No.6204541

>>6197149 depends if dem addicted to and advocating violence…

would [u] Trust a being addicted to adrenochrome?

Tard if you do!

a0eaa0  No.6205443

Greetings frens from USAnon. Hope the Sydney shooting does not have bad repercussions for you. NZ is horrible. I don't want anything to happen to you. WRWY! WWG1WGA! WORLDWIDE.

fe237e  No.6209618


Thanks for the well wishes fren … they already tightened the gun laws ridiculously here after the whole Port Arthur thing, so they cant get much worse … but that only gets them (guns) out of the hands of the law abiding citizens, not the criminals, as we saw here.

I doubt that the Melbourne shooting will have any ramifications for us, but will wait and see.

fe237e  No.6209868

File: f0a6453b147b8be⋯.png (610.44 KB, 1578x760, 789:380, 020df9ff10c211bd2fd2b902f2….png)

Australian DJ charged after boy, 2, snatched off San Francisco street

Sourced from QRes#7934

An Australian DJ has been charged with kidnapping and child endangerment after he was caught by bystanders when he allegedly attempted to snatch a two-year-old boy on a busy San Francisco street.

Roscoe Bradley Holyoake, a 34-year-old from Perth known as DJ Roski, is being held at the San Francisco County Jail on $US500,000 ($NZ739,000) bond.

Police say a mother reported Holyoake tried to grab her son while they were walking near the corner of Market and Noe streets just after midday on Friday, April 12.

The mother was holding her son's hand and carrying a baby in a front pack.

Bystanders described to San Francisco TV station KTVU how Holyoake had the toddler in his arms and the mother, who was screaming "Police, police, help me" refused to let her son go.


fe237e  No.6209875

NZ Police have released a timeline of the day of the Christchurch shooting. There were 18 minutes between the first emergency call and apprehending the shooter.



fe237e  No.6209917

Climate change narrative takes a hit - Peter Ridd wins in court

In May 2018, after an academic career of more than 30 years, Peter had his employment terminated as a professor of physics at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. Peter had spoken against the accepted orthodoxy that climate change was ‘killing’ the Great Barrier Reef.

There’s some absolute rubbish being spoken about the reef and people’s livelihoods are being put in jeopardy. If nobody will stand up, then this is just going to go on and on and on. It has to be stopped.

Peter’s court case has enormous implications for the international debate about climate change, and for the ongoing crisis surrounding freedom of speech.


fe237e  No.6209960

File: d128f52416dc0a7⋯.png (98.85 KB, 1073x1047, 1073:1047, 203dda9a000ad3c1f776263804….png)

File: 32b401a32fd18ec⋯.jpg (78.4 KB, 1362x713, 1362:713, 32b401a32fd18ece2a6bec03f9….jpg)

Julian Assange wins EU journalism award

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been awarded the 2019 GUE/NGL Award for journalists and whistleblowers, which is sponsored by European parliamentarians.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been given an award established in honour of an assassinated journalist.

Assange, jailed last week after being forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, was awarded the 2019 GUE/NGL Award for Journalists, Whistleblowers & Defenders of the Right to Information.

It is sponsored by European parliamentarians after being established in 2018 in honour of assassinated Maltese journalist Daphne Galizia.

The award is given to individuals "uncovering the truth and exposing it to the public" and to honour "individuals or groups who have been intimidated and/or persecuted for uncovering the truth and exposing it to the public".

fe237e  No.6210008

File: eaa8aea9521a980⋯.jpg (94.51 KB, 640x873, 640:873, 53d9f4247a71ea3a9e75e3a61f….jpg)

Updated timeline of Christchurch terrorist attack released by police

Sourced from QRes#7936 (originally from QRes NZ bread)

STUFF - 2019/04/16 13:54

In the minutes after the terror attack began at 1.40pm, police also believed they had three shooting scenes on their hands. There were reports that shots were fired at Christchurch Hospital's emergency department, but it later transpired that did not happen.

Police learned about the Linwood attack at 1.56pm, when a member of the public flagged down a police car and told them shots had been fired in the east Christchurch area.

The new details are contained in a just-released detailed timeline of the police response to the Christchurch terror attacks.

On Wednesday, Commissioner Mike Bush said the public should have as much information about the response as possible.


The response began at 1.40pm on March 15. It took six minutes after the first 111 call for the Armed Offenders Squad (AOS) to arrive at the scene.

An email with the alleged shooter's manifesto was received by several people, including Parliamentary Services.

Forty-four seconds later, Parliamentary Services called the police southern communications centre. That call lasted 12 minutes.

"We now know that while police was talking to Parliamentary Services the attack at Al Noor Mosque was already under way, having begun 44 seconds prior to Parliamentary Services calling," Bush said.

At 1.41pm, police received the first 111 call.

By 1.43pm, all available police units were en route to the Al Noor Mosque.

At 1.46pm, AOS members arrived near the scene. They left their vehicle, started approaching the mosque and a member stopped to help a critically injured victim.

"At this point the alleged offender is leaving the area, and his vehicle is obscured from the view of these AOS members by a bus," Bush said.

"At this time there is no vehicle description, no information an offender has left the mosque, or how many shooters there are."

First responders arrived at the mosque at 1.51pm.

It took the alleged offender six minutes to get to the Linwood mosque. He was there for three minutes, before leaving at 1.55pm.

Sixteen seconds later, at 1.56pm, a member of the public flagged down a police car to advise shots had been fired in Linwood. Around the same time, police released information that shots have been fired at the Christchurch Emergency Department. It later transpired that no shots had been fired at the hospital.

At 1.57pm, the vehicle was seen by a police car on Brougham St and a pursuit began. The vehicle was stopped at 1.59pm and the offender was apprehended, Bush said.

There were 18 minutes from the time of the first 111 call to the arrest of the offender.




fe237e  No.6210061

File: 9ddad45f660aa82⋯.png (599.59 KB, 720x732, 60:61, 99cf784651a161c34645525470….png)

Anons comments on ironic situation

Sourced from QRes#7939

Australian footballing legend Israel Folau is being pilloried for his Christian beliefs.

Meanwhile Muslim clerics get dinner with the Prime Minister.

fe237e  No.6210078

More on that Aussie DJ Piece of Crap Kidnapper

SAN FRANCISCO – Good Samaritans stopped the attempted kidnapping of a 2-year-old boy by an Australian disc jockey from a busy San Francisco street, police said Tuesday.

Police arrested Roscoe Bradley Holyoake, 34, of Perth, Australia, on Friday.

Australia media reports Holyoake is a popular disc jockey.

The toddler was holding his mother's hand while they walked in the Castro neighborhood when Holyoake snatched the boy, San Francisco police say.

Holyoake ran for about half a block with the mother and several bystanders in pursuit before the bystanders grabbed and held him until police arrived.

Holyoake appeared briefly in court Tuesday and was ordered to return Thursday to enter a plea.

His attorney Steve Olmo told media outside court that Holyoake doesn't have a criminal record and was in San Francisco on business.

Holyoake remained in San Francisco County Jail on $500,000 bail.

His Twat Acc. is https://twitter.com/DJRoski



5f78f0  No.6215867


>attack starts at 13:40

>13:40.44 Parliamentary Services called police

An exercise in rewriting history to look good and to suit the narrative.

5f78f0  No.6215926


Would love to see the sauce of that muzzie saying that. Who is he?

c7065e  No.6219775

File: a99674d3eca57d6⋯.png (405.1 KB, 816x701, 816:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8ff99b8497453a⋯.png (284.62 KB, 550x313, 550:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b25226672b8b48⋯.png (550.35 KB, 1042x380, 521:190, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa4472f8d3fb1c6⋯.png (135.77 KB, 1000x308, 250:77, ClipboardImage.png)

244c89  No.6229040

>>6210078 toofy sang Roscoe Bradley Holyoake.

the "Holyoake" name rings bells. makes doG salivate…

c4694d  No.6233644

File: 1bab08459d1c548⋯.jpg (321.88 KB, 650x939, 650:939, a1.jpg)

File: e26b35d5880b892⋯.jpg (278.21 KB, 650x939, 650:939, a2.jpg)

File: 40f819cdbf0f465⋯.jpg (170.54 KB, 650x939, 650:939, a3.jpg)

File: 12077538394c9ed⋯.jpg (175.41 KB, 650x939, 650:939, a9.jpg)

Party-hopping pollies need to respect the will of the voters

Ahead of the May 18 federal poll, voters might want to consider the party-hopping antics of an increasing number of upper house members.

It’s a practice particularly common among the minor parties, at a time when the majors are leaking votes their way.

Federally, the resurgence of support for One Nation should have the party’s Canberra ranks swelling. Instead, Pauline Hanson’s posse has dwindled to a lonesome duo.

Of the class of 2016, Brian Burston resigned and is now parliamentary leader of the United Australia Party. Fraser Anning drifted across to Bob Katter’s Australia Party, before registering his own Conservative National Party.

And, Rod Culleton left Hanson’s side just prior to his disqualification from the Senate. Only last week he registered the Great Australian Party.

Nobody is suggesting going independent or starting a party doesn’t take grit.

But our parliamentarians, regardless of their own motivations, need to accept the will of the people that elected them.

As the saying goes, people expect you to "dance with the one that brought you".

If our representatives keep changing their tune, then it’s little wonder people stop listening.


fe237e  No.6237284

File: 085936d99a8135f⋯.png (458.76 KB, 642x515, 642:515, 085936d99a8135ffd4f560b0aa….png)

A senior Australian official says his country is “now ready to confirm” a chain of events between the high commissioner to the UK and a Trump campaign adviser that led to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, according to a report.

Alexander Downer, Australia’s former high commissioner to the UK who famously met George Papadopoulos at a London bar, claimed last year that the Trump aide had told him Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton.

A senior Australian foreign official now says his department is ready to confirm the meeting and release redacted documents, because special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe has ended and his redacted report is about to be released, according to BuzzFeed News, which filed a Freedom of Information request.


fe237e  No.6237372

Another PapaD Tweet

"There we have it folks. Next steps should be taken, as I state in the WSJ today, subpoenae the three spies: Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper. See if they were working for the same government, and coordinating.

Release the transcripts of my meetings with them!"


fe237e  No.6237482

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange agrees to remain at maximum security Belmarsh jail ahead of US extradition hearing next month over the leak of 750,000 classified military documents

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to remain in custody ahead of his US extradition hearing next month, a court heard today.


fe237e  No.6237599

Resignations in the region

Another resignation from PNG cabinet


fe237e  No.6237608

woke Aus journo…Sydney Morning Herald

COMMENT: Wretched are the offence-takers: in defence of Folau and Assange

Israel Folau and Julian Assange make unlikely bedfellows. On most counts they’re opposites: dark and fair, conservative and radical, explosive athlete and indoor intellectual, man of faith and politico-geek. Yet history will link them irretrievably for the one trait they share: their unswerving dedication to a principle they hold above all, higher than popularity, success or civic orthodoxy. Their dedication to truth-as-they-see-it.

The story arcs feel mildly biblical (or possibly Icarus-like). Both were high-flyers who knowingly courted trouble. Both met their nemesis within a single turn of the sun. On the day Folau was told of Rugby Australia’s intention to sack him for reposting his unacceptable theology, Assange was thrown to the wolves for publishing American secrets. Each now faces extreme punishment.

Each man’s sin was truth-telling in a form that our supposedly permissive culture finds unacceptable. Folau (re)published his belief that unrepentant sinners would go to hell. Assange published other people’s secrets – in particular those of the imperial US. Each seems likely to pay a shattering price.\



5f78f0  No.6249415

File: 65f493df2cdec50⋯.png (57.76 KB, 630x405, 14:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd7e3f018234f1d⋯.png (59.97 KB, 631x451, 631:451, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80f02f4c5813f17⋯.png (51.58 KB, 633x383, 633:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffbe216822574a0⋯.png (57.96 KB, 627x450, 209:150, ClipboardImage.png)

PapaD tweets from 19/04/2019 re Alexander Clowner, his clown minions and the meetings. Also related to the Mueller Report.

PapaD is again saying that he is certain (((Israel))) are going to throw Australia under the bus re spying.

I'm more than ok with this. DO IT FAGGOT! kek

713b6c  No.6249690

File: 300654ef46b701c⋯.png (883.48 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, lunaparkhotdogeating.png)

5f78f0  No.6249694


forgot to include twitter links:





5f78f0  No.6249770

File: 458d0d1836df338⋯.png (321.84 KB, 658x783, 658:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ddad45a85d7112⋯.png (201.23 KB, 581x782, 581:782, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64e85f33f5c56cd⋯.png (396.66 KB, 590x823, 590:823, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e64bf8d3d7dae3⋯.png (181.43 KB, 628x712, 157:178, ClipboardImage.png)

Australian Government Confirms Official Role in "Spygate"

In response to media inquiry and FOIA demands, the government of Australia formally admitted today to the role of High Commissioner Alexander Downer and his engagements with George Papadopoulos in 2016. The timing coincides with the Mueller Report (released today), which states it was information about this engagement from Alexander Downer that opened the FBI counterintelligence investigation in July 2016.

The Australian government cited the conclusion of the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation as the background for their willingness to comply with an 15-month-old FOIA request from Buzzfeed News.




5f78f0  No.6249866

File: e41cfa7193738d0⋯.png (669.01 KB, 771x834, 257:278, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49fbe12a38ab505⋯.png (19.14 KB, 710x714, 355:357, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d21dfb1cbd57a6f⋯.png (44.54 KB, 706x703, 706:703, ClipboardImage.png)


>2 pic related is redactions from the FOI request. ARE YOU KIDDING! They're empty pages, where's the information!

Australia Says It's "Ready To Confirm" A Key Meeting That Led To The Investigation Into Trump's Russia Links

Heavily-redacted documents released to BuzzFeed News show Australia's former high commissioner wrote a three-page cable to the United States about his London meeting with a Trump campaign adviser.

A senior Australian diplomat has said the government is "now ready to confirm" a series of events in 2016 between the country's high commissioner to the UK and a Trump campaign adviser, which led to US authorities investigating Donald Trump's links with Russia.

The release of the Australian diplomatic documents comes as a redacted copy of the final Mueller report is expected to be released on Thursday.

The London meeting between former high commissioner Alexander Downer and Trump adviser George Papadopoulos was first reported by the New York Times in December 2017, reportedly revealing how Downer had been told by Papadopoulos that Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Until now, the Australian government and Downer have refused to confirm or give any details about the meeting central to the beginning of the Trump-Russia investigation, repeatedly citing the need to preserve national security.

But in a letter sent to Australia's Information Commissioner after a 15 month-long FOI battle with BuzzFeed News, a senior foreign official said his department was ready to confirm the meeting and release redacted documents, because Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation was now finished.

"I have again reviewed these matters and, while standing by the validity of the original decisions at the time they were made, the Department has reassessed its position in relation to Mr Di Stefano's three requests in light of the recent conclusion of the U.S. Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential Election," the official wrote.

"Notably, in light of the conclusion of that investigation, the Department is now ready to confirm that a meeting occurred between Mr Downer and Mr Papdopolous (sic), on 10 May 2016, whilst Mr Downer was High Commissioner to the United Kingdom."

Included in the documents released to BuzzFeed News is a calendar invite, and a diplomatic cable Downer wrote about the meeting. The senior foreign official said Downer's cable had been heavily-redacted because the full contents could "reasonably be expected" to damage Australia's relationship with the United States.




fe237e  No.6261103

Attrocities in the world and notable names nearby

Sourced from QRes#7980

Noted here cause it looks like a notable pattern being formed here…

So something that makes me wonder about the 4-6%.

What are the odds that "these" people are at these locations when "events" take place? ASTROnomical?

JP was in NZ. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/03/2020-new-zealand-election-a-juicy-target-for-major-hack-john-podesta.html

MO was in PARIS https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6928937/Michelle-Obama-Paris-cruise-Notre-Dame-caught-fire.html

& NP was in Ireland https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2019/0419/1043555-nancy-pelosi/

Was it to oversee an orchestration of plans to move an agenda?

Was it to bear witness to events?

Or. This is where I get nervous. Was it to Harvest something? Bodies, Power, Energy?

Can any ANONS find similar occurrences?

fe237e  No.6261124

File: 9ebc5d2e0463eb2⋯.png (348.07 KB, 640x786, 320:393, 9ebc5d2e0463eb2050519abc57….png)


Sourced from QRes#7983

A clue - the big social platforms are using hashes of digital files to create real-time "suppression list" of images and videos (((they))) want to censor.

Memes aren't easily "read" by computers yet. BUT once fingerprinted (a "hash" is basically a digital fingerprint) - and then added to the GIFCT database (see below) and marked as "censored" (or whatever) - it's immediately "machine readable" and can be suppressed automatically across multiple big social platforms.

To circumvent this sort of censorship scheme, one needs to alter the digital file (usually in a minimal way), so that the files new hash no longer matches the old hash - but it basically looks and acts exactly the same for human consumption.

Most "hashes" I know of changes significantly with even a minor change in file content.

To change an image's hash (a meme), it could be as easy as changing a pixel in the image, resizing, re-applying compression, applying a filter, directly editing the file header in some minor way, etc…

If the "hashing" algo is more sophisticated than the ones I'm familiar with, bigger changes to the file may be required. Sophisticated hashes take time (in additional CPU cycles), so if they are hashing "everything" as it comes across the wire - they are probably using a simple algo to match for it… even if their initial algo has more time to pick the file apart in detail.


fe237e  No.6261149

Another PapaD Tweet


I am certain that our Israeli friends are going to throw the Australians under the bus and expose the Australian role in spying on me and Trump. After all, Christian Cantor, from the Israeli embassy in London, encouraged me to meet wannabe Australian honeypot, Erika Thompson.

9:25 PM - 19 Apr 2019

fe237e  No.6261161

File: ac414e96e026d9f⋯.png (587.07 KB, 638x431, 638:431, ac414e96e026d9fdb4231de3a9….png)

Just be thankful we are not being run by China (YET)

Sourced from QRes#7987

Chinese City Pays $1,500 To Snitch On Christians

In a scientifically engineered society like China, Technocrats cannot tolerate any fundamental ideology that refuses to be molded into the uniform system. Thus, dissent is crushed, one way or another. ⁃ TN Editor

The Chinese government is increasing its crackdown on Christians by actually rewarding citizens that report Christians to the government.

Guangzhou has become the first city to offer up to $1,500 USD to any Chinese citizen that reports “illegal religious activities,” like underground churches or Bible studies, which was recently announced by their ethnic and religious affairs department.

According to the South China Morning Post, the city’s crackdown has come down hardest on unregistered Protestant churches. The government has also demolished Catholic churches, Buddhist temples and Muslim mosques that were not government-approved.

Not only can informants earn between 5,000 and 10,000 Chinese yuan for reporting a religious leader who is not Chinese, but they can also receive 3,000 to 5,000 yuan for reporting a foreign religious group, and 100 to 3,000 yuan for reporting local religious gatherings.

Ying Fuk-Tsang, who is the director of the Divinity School of Chung Chi College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said the crackdown is more common than people think and allows for strict social control.

“This will compress the survival space of house churches,” he told the Morning Post. “Not only will they have to deal with the official crackdown but now also the threat from their neighbors.”


fe237e  No.6261168


Sourced from QRes#7990

Michael Obama on river cruise WATCHES Notre Dame on fire while calmly drinking wine

CLOSEUP of her wine glass reflection shows her calmly drinking her wine as ND is on fire. Arrow points to ND, see smoke above it.



Where Elites Travel, Death & Destruction Follow! Irish Terror, France Fire, NZ Mosque

YT Amazing Polly

fe237e  No.6261190

File: 670ca83edc3d746⋯.jpg (84.94 KB, 727x524, 727:524, 670ca83edc3d74648a5a314c1a….jpg)

U.S. intelligence says Huawei funded by Chinese state security: report

Sourced from QRes#7991

(Reuters) - U.S. intelligence has accused Huawei Technologies of being funded by Chinese state security, The Times said on Saturday, adding to the list of allegations faced by the Chinese technology company in the West.

The CIA accused Huawei of receiving funding from China’s National Security Commission, the People’s Liberation Army and a third branch of the Chinese state intelligence network, the British newspaper reported, citing a source.

Earlier this year, U.S. intelligence shared its claims with other members of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing group, which includes Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, according to the report.

Huawei dismissed the allegations in a statement cited by the newspaper.

“Huawei does not comment on unsubstantiated allegations backed up by zero evidence from anonymous sources,” a Huawei representative told The Times.

The company, the CIA and Chinese state security agencies did not respond immediately to requests for comment.

The accusation comes at a time of trade tensions between Washington and Beijing and amid concerns in the United States that Huawei’s equipment could be used for espionage. The company has said the concerns are unfounded.

Authorities in the United States are probing Huawei for alleged sanctions violations.

Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s chief financial officer and daughter of its founder, Ren Zhengfei, was arrested in Canada in December at the request of the United States on charges of bank and wire fraud in violation of U.S. sanctions against Iran.

She denies wrongdoing and her father has previously said the arrest was “politically motivated”.

Amid such charges, top educational institutions in the West have recently severed ties with Huawei to avoid losing federal funding.

Another Chinese technology company, ZTE Corp, has also been at the center of similar controversies in the United States.

U.S. sanctions forced ZTE to stop most business between April and July last year after Commerce Department officials said it broke a pact and was caught illegally shipping U.S.-origin goods to Iran and North Korea. The sanctions were lifted after ZTE paid $1.4 billion in penalties.

Reuters reported earlier this week that the United States will push its allies at a meeting in Prague next month to adopt shared security and policy measures that will make it more difficult for Huawei to dominate 5G telecommunications networks.


Surprise .. Surprise

d9ad02  No.6261222


Christchurch earthquake Hillary C was visiting NZ just before it happend

fe237e  No.6261228


Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, YouTube Working on ‘Global Censorship Database’

Sourced from QRes#7995

Social media platforms and Big Tech companies have been slowly working to censor content on their platforms more efficiently.

Emma Llanso, Director of Free Expression at the Center for Democracy and Technology, wrote in an op-ed for Wired that the response to the New Zealand mass shooting in March brought the internet to a terrifying reality. Tech companies have only emphasized more “increasingly centralized and opaque censorship of the global internet.”

Llanso pointed out that Facebook’s announcement detailing plans of countering terrorism is already taking steps towards automatic censorship. The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, composed of Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube, was launched in 2017 to help sites regulate themselves and remove content that could potentially be illegal. However, the forum has “a shared database of hashes of files identified by the participating companies to be “extreme and egregious” terrorist content.”

Facebook wrote in a blog post on March 18 that it was adding more content to this database. The company stressed “industry cooperation” and wrote that it helpfully “identified abusive content” on other sites.

But Facebook was not alone: Microsoft President Brad Smith wrote that he was interested in building a “safe search engine” that “blocked the accessing of such content at the point when people attempt to view and download it.” Smith emphasized “healthier online environments,” and said that “it doesn’t help when online interaction normalizes in cyberspace standards of behavior that almost all of us would consider unacceptable in the real world.”

Llanso wrote that the hash database suffered from a complete lack of transparency and accountability. “No one outside of the consortium of companies knows what is in the database,” she said. “People whose posts are removed or accounts disabled on participating sites aren’t even notified if the hash database was involved.”


fe237e  No.6261355

File: e92d0111cb209dd⋯.png (339.22 KB, 1365x3321, 455:1107, e92d0111cb209ddc81a00e8a46….png)

22/7/16 Wikileaks dumped emails showing Hillary robbed Bernie in the primary.

4 days later Canberra sent a message to DC.

That message gave FBI the cover it wanted to spy on Trump.

Why did Canberra send the message? Who authorised it?


(behind paywall for me, so cant even cut n paste text)

Sourced QRes#7999

c4694d  No.6274793

File: bf0a986f7b6057c⋯.png (397.8 KB, 634x423, 634:423, US President Donald Trump.png)

File: 1f52a0776d02c12⋯.png (540.42 KB, 634x434, 317:217, Tiger Woods.png)

File: e35b15cd0cffbd6⋯.png (467.05 KB, 634x435, 634:435, Trump plays a round of gol….png)

Donald Trump to head down under?

US leader is invited to Melbourne for the Presidents Cup to cheer on Tiger Woods

● President Donald Trump could touch down in Melbourne in December this year

● The President has been given a formal invite to the Presidents Cup in Melbourne

● President Trump's love of golf is well known and plays frequently

US President Donald Trump has been invited to visit Melbourne to cheer on Tiger Woods in the Presidents Cup.

Trump, whose love of golf is well documented, could join thousands of fellow fans at the event, held from December 9 to December 15, if he takes up the offer, the Herald Sun reported.

After winning this year's Masters Tournament, Tiger Woods was publicly congratulated by Trump on social media.

'Congratulations to Tiger Woods, a truly Great Champion!' President Trump tweeted.

Trump also said he will be awarding Tiger Woods with the Presidential Medal of Freedom following his first Masters win since 2005.

The medal is an award that recognizes 'an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavours'.

Past presidents Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama also received invitation to the event.

US PGA spokesman Chris Reimer confirmed there was a chance Australia could see the President before the year was out.

'As has been customary with past Presidents Cup events, all past honorary chairpersons will be invited to attend the 2019 event,' he said.

'Invitations will be sent in the coming months.'

Prior to the announcement, it was speculated President Trump would make his first visit to Australia in July.

However, the invite might have changed the golf fan's plans.

The last US president to visit Melbourne was in 1992, when then president George H.W Bush met with then Prime Minister Paul Keating and other senior Australian officials before addressing the Australian Parliament.

The 2019 Presidents Cup will be the 13th edition of the golf competition and will be held at Royal Melbourne Golf Club.



4a88d2  No.6274896


In other words: How do we get the Anti-vaxxers off the Internet!

056983  No.6279124

File: c50bec45ff398dd⋯.jpeg (4.41 KB, 191x34, 191:34, 15406A4F-18FE-4729-8A2C-8….jpeg)

File: a01a12d6356929c⋯.jpeg (5.02 KB, 254x33, 254:33, 179996E9-AE4B-4A71-9483-2….jpeg)

Melbourn’s Herald Sun is owned by News Corp., as is Fox.

Rupert Murdoch.

Published in the paper yesterday.

What do you suppose it means that they acknowledge the “woke” by publishing this question?

Been thinking about it all night.

003335  No.6279384

Call to dig AusAnons!


If an Australian PM did 1/10th of Trump's alleged acts, he'd be out of office: Kevin Rudd

Rudd, who currently lives in New York, said special counsel Robert Mueller had presented "quite spectacular" evidence of Trump attempting to obstruct justice in his 448-page report.

"If I as prime minister did 10 per cent of what Trump is alleged to have done in this report you'd be out of office," Rudd told a New York audience last week on the day of the Mueller report's release.

"It's kind of quite spectacular in terms of the amount of, let's call it, attempted obstruction of justice which the president was involved in.

“”Rudd added that much of the evidence revealed in the Mueller report would already have been made public because of Australia's Freedom of Information laws.””

So is Rudd telling us that we can access all the details to his fuckery through freedom of info. Time to digg anons.

056983  No.6279754

Bottom dwelling slime bag!

Rudd was “alleged” to have done much but he was never ousted.

Trump is “alleged” to have done much too.

Allegations are simply that you idiot!

Employing semantics again you little ear wax eating cretin?


Fuck off.


003335  No.6279786

So it appears that Shorten has a handler but Scomo doesn’t. Most of article irrelevant but last 3 paragraphs are interesting


Denton wouldn’t reveal who else would be sitting down in the blue chair in this season of Interview, but he did tell news.com.au a proposed chat with Bill Shorten and Scott Morrison fell through.

“We approached both ScoMo and Bill, and we were going to match them together in one show with their wives and talk to them not about politics but about them as people,” he said.

“We had a yes from ScoMo and his wife and a yes from Bill but a no from Chloe (Shorten). So make of that what you will.”


Who is Chloe Shorten?? (From Wikipedia)

Chloe Shorten (née Bryce; born 1971) is an Australian corporate affairs specialist and wife of Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.[1]

Early life

Shorten was born in Brisbane in 1971 as the fourth of five children.[2] Her mother is Dame Quentin Bryce who was the Governor General of Australia and her father is Michael Bryce. She attended Ironside State School, Somerville House and Indooroopilly State High School.[3]

After high school, she joined the Sunday Mail in Brisbane as a copygirl, and started studying an online degree in communications, through Deakin University in Victoria. She also started, but then never completed an MBA at the University of Queensland.[3]

056983  No.6279901


God help us if he gets in.

Can we survive another bout of massive expenditure, pork barrelling and illegal immigrants?

5f78f0  No.6279947


see: >>6249770 & >>6249866


A FOI request was made over 15 months ago for this by Mark DiStefano. DFAT denied the FOI and denied that a meeting was ever held until the Mueller report was released. Then they shit their pants and produced a HEAVILY redacted cable between London high commission and Canberra.

Also, Rudd is a faggot who likes to hear the sound of his own voice and is a willing puppet. Doesn't he work for the UN now?

003335  No.6279952



Triggered much


The facts are Rudd authorised the first of the pay to play donations to the Clinton foundation that were continued under Gillard.

5f78f0  No.6280357

File: fa8ecf443cfd210⋯.pdf (1.41 MB, aph_house_committee_econom….pdf)


If you want to dig on rudd. Take a look at him and Christopher Joye regarding the 2008 Aus mortgage backed securities bail out:

In 2008, the Rudd government committed $4 billion (subsequently expanded to $20 billion) to a radical policy proposal first developed by Joye and professor Joshua Gans to supply temporary liquidity to Australia's residential mortgage-backed securities market. This idea was backed by the Government's 2020 Summit. (sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Joye#Career)

This successfully kept the real estate bubble inflating. It wasn't big enough to sink everyone at the time. It's big enough now though.

aph pdf sauce: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House_of_Representatives_committees?url=economics/banking08/subs/sub01.pdf

5c94ac  No.6280912

Ok. If Shorten gets in - and everything is indicating that he will - we are in trouble.

Who is least compromised?

One Nation has the recent admission that they are trying to ban guns.

No idea who is trustworthy, and which independents are simply trying to dilute the anti-NWO vote.

Please help inform a depressed anon.

26b598  No.6282331


Waking the sheeples is the biggest threat, unless declass happens soon to open their eyes to the shit fuckery. Would be good if Q could give some guidance to help sway things the right way, or expose the players.

Using trump as a template, look at who is attacked the most as they are the biggest threat.

Anning - straight shooter, stick to facts and isn’t afraid to call it how it is. Got in under One Nation and bailed (maybe saw the light) went to Katter and got out ( high level mason) has now started his own party. Won’t hold any significant number but good if he holds seats if there is a hung parliament.

Palmer - has enough money to not be bought. Is calling out the cabal left right and Center. Has members in all seats. Good possibility that he could really do some good if he sticks to his guns and doesn’t fall asleep in the senate again.

GAP - Culleton - has been attacked and ousted for holding the illegal gov to account in reinstating the true 1901 constitution. Getting good support and seems to be a solid candidate.

I don’t think any of these on their own will sway the numbers enough but if they can hold enough seats to maintain the balance of power they can stop some of the torts that keep occurring. Still digging hard on all of them and will see what we can find.

056983  No.6282483


Politicians are the worst of human beings in my opinion.

That little inflamed pimple along with the Red Head are the bottom of the barrel. Then again, it could be just when first started to notice politicians in detail.

056983  No.6282510


Hey, I wasn’t talking to you fren.

I was addressing Rudd and yes I am aware of the CF donations. Makes me sick to think about it.

056983  No.6282536


My outlook is that Libs know how to manage money. Get the economy right and hope for the best on everything else. As we now know, loyalties and debts to others compromise politicians integrity and that is true of ALL of them. There’s no way to know if they’re sleeping with the enemy or the devil.

I base my vote on a strong economy every time.

26b598  No.6282564


Roger o7

5f78f0  No.6282628

File: 32859ce5c97910c⋯.png (55.41 KB, 586x608, 293:304, ClipboardImage.png)


>One Nation has the recent admission that they are trying to ban guns.

hey fren, have you got sauce on that? I didn't hear about them wanting to BAN guns.

FYI, PHON introduced the Separation of the Banks bill to parliament in February. Hence why they have been under attack so heavily over the last month or so. Cabal doesn't like it when you fuck with their debt-based enslavement systems.

Anning wants a non-profit national bank (this is what CBA used to be up until the early(?) 90s) and to get out of the UN. A little short-sighted on the ending of all foreign aid though. Foreign aid has a strategic purpose.

Go to his twitter and read up on what he is about: https://twitter.com/fraser_anning

As far as I can tell, he loves his country and wants what is best for it. Is not completely against immigration, just wants to cease importing trouble from troubled nations and dole bludgers.

5f78f0  No.6282674

File: edb6af6729a1039⋯.jpg (425.38 KB, 1476x873, 164:97, 20170310-TotalDerivativesG….jpg)

File: 23c75c42e01eda7⋯.png (557.39 KB, 1185x702, 395:234, ScomoEconomy.png)

File: 6df96d41635963a⋯.png (783.71 KB, 1185x800, 237:160, bill_better.png)


mate, I hate to break it to ya, but our economy is fucked and is going to crash bigly VERY soon. Whomever is elected is going to wish that they weren't. Although labor will be better off by just saying it was lnp.

muh surplus is faggotry of the highest order. Yeah, sure if labor was in we'd be worse off as they'd be running to the Rothschild's RBA for more of that money, but what difference at this point does it make!

3c6e8f  No.6282980

>>6280912 >>>6282331 >>6282536 >>6282628

Far as I can tell there is NO clean candidate. They are all compromised. They are all EVIL SWAMP CREATURES. I find it a bit unlikely that Pauline has been allowed to exist this long without being compromised too. Controlled opposition?

Unless ScoMo is only pretending to be a Globalist and is actually working for Trump, the results of the May election are probably meaningless. That is, I think this election is probably completely irrelevant to The Plan to free Australia.


3c6e8f  No.6282990


Some people think Fraser Anning is a paid actor.

I think I agree.

Who believes the egg-boy thing was actually real? How dumb are we? (Very dumb apparently.)

018a4e  No.6284024

The way Sky News was taking the piss out of Palmer all night long means he’s a threat for sure. The media hates both Palmer and Anning. Palmer has a better chance to make a difference though.

5f78f0  No.6284032

File: 12a0145e8580a8b⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 540x759, 180:253, 1553765371000.jpg)



I get where you're coming from, and I've been wrestling with it for a long time. I've basically asked/said the same thing in this very thread. The path to your answers can be found at the top of this thread. look for stuff on the Citizens Electoral Council (CEC). Go to their website, watch their videos on their youtube channel.

So, lets say that you are right and EVERYONE is comped, then why not vote for ON, Fraser, or an independent running in your electorate? WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE?

ON & Fraser have been slaughtered by the media, lnp, labor and greens. In Fraser's case, he isn't even afforded a platform on msm to speak. If he isn't even allowed to have a platform to herd the dissenting sheep to his flock, what does that tell you? Go and check out the ABC's website and find the political profiling thing and try and find Fraser's party on it. Spoiler: you won't.

PH was created by the establishment and msm to counter CEC's growing influence in the 90s. They thought they could control her (politically weak, thus easy to politically destroy her), now she is a Frankenstein's monster to them. (Paraphrasing CEC website's 'about' page).


>pic related

Maybe it was a setup, but it is unlikely that Fraser or his muscle knew about it as that kid does not look to be in very good shape in pic for it to be a setup. My money is on the kid doing it for the fame, for the instagram (you)s, not because he is a concerned lefty. But feel free to DO SOME ACTUAL RESEARCH AND PROVE YOUR STATEMENTS. Then come back here and post your findings with sauce.

>Some people think

WHO? Why do they think that? What is their evidence?

Maybe you could go and get a couple of vaccine shots to kick start a bit of autism in your system and purge the feels & inklings a bit.

>completely irrelevant to The Plan to free Australia

We must free ourselves, anon! Did you really think Trump is here to save us? What is his campaign motto? Do you think that the 'A' in MAGA & KAG means 'Australia'?! Trump and Q have never said anything about saving Australia. This is our job; this is YOUR job.

Australia has a long road ahead, but people are awakening. There are still those that believe in Australia; more than you may think. They haven't killed the Australian spirit yet.

Study your fucking electorate and those that are running in it. They are the one's who will represent your immediate problems, it is their job, it's why they are there.

5f78f0  No.6284073


>be Big Clive

>work with and get fat off chinese entire life

>run campaign based around plan to stop chinese.

It doesn't add up. I've overly simplified it, but ya get the point.

056983  No.6284206


“what difference at this point does it make!”

I believe Hillary said something similar once.

The difference is, I care.

056983  No.6284292

File: 63e2869c4c90618⋯.jpeg (410.86 KB, 679x1749, 679:1749, D6B944D2-94B1-4BAD-A122-B….jpeg)

Part of the Iran deal money came here in payment for the Five Eyes spy job and was being donated back to the CF.

Fucking politicians.

Declas can’t come quick enough.

There is an echelon far above us obscured by clouds, mist, smoke and mirrors. What happens there has nothing to do with us except that we are the unwitting pawns that do all the heavy lifting for them in their gilt encrusted mansions of privilege.

5f78f0  No.6289548

File: 3b4c578c269afa1⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 471x275, 471:275, Hilldawg.jpg)

File: b69d19df8ba4e47⋯.png (262.83 KB, 474x533, 474:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af71e911910a4cf⋯.png (66.11 KB, 395x825, 79:165, ClipboardImage.png)


>Hillary said

I know she did. It's why I said it.

My point being that left boot and right boot (Labor/Greens=left boot. LNP=right boot) are barely any different and are connected to/controlled by the same monster; the private owners of the central banks.

>pic2 related

I'm glad you care.

re-read Q drops:

https://qmap.pub/read/135 >pic3 related




"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Henry Ford, 1922.

This is what is happening in Australia right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mII9NZ8MMVM

The money masters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBk5XV1ExoQ

056983  No.6290424

File: 12cc8744e44ea31⋯.png (177.65 KB, 1168x771, 1168:771, Screen shot 2019-04-24 at ….png)

File: d48a6dae7a2f96e⋯.png (120.62 KB, 863x815, 863:815, Screen shot 2019-04-24 at ….png)


We're on the same page.

These graphics are mine.

I've only done those countries with boards on research and a couple Q has specifically mentioned.

Hesitant to do other countries because I don't know enough about what I'd be fucking with.

What do you reckon?

Should I do them all?

5f78f0  No.6292330

File: d5ecab5f00fc950⋯.png (27.47 KB, 226x66, 113:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60149e0eec0dc1c⋯.jpg (82.98 KB, 620x582, 310:291, noname_isisLeaders.jpg)

File: 16deff41fc698fd⋯.png (411.27 KB, 605x328, 605:328, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice graphics, anon. It would be a massive undertaking to do them all.

CBI has an interesting tale to tell and would be a worthy graphic to do up.

After World War I, Iraq's monetary system was administered by the British Mandate of Mesopotamia until 1931, when the Iraq Currency Board was established in London to issue the new Iraqi dinar and maintain its reserves.

In 1949, the currency board was replaced by the National Bank of Iraq, which had been founded two years before on November 16, 1947. The National Bank of Iraq became the Central Bank of Iraq in 1956.

followed by international market exclusion, wars, subversion and moar war.

After the 2003 invasion of Iraq and Saddam Hussein's downfall, the Central Bank of Iraq was established as Iraq's independent central bank by the Central Bank of Iraq Law 2004, with authorised capital of 100 billion dinars.

<Implementation of Debt slavery was the real mission accomplished. Bush got the oil shekels. Haliburton got the reconstruction shekels. Israel got the destruction of its biggest threat in the middle east. QE2 & Prince Phillip got to enjoy the death and destruction of a large swathe of the unwashed.

The Constitution of Iraq (rewritten in 2005) states that the central bank is a financially and administratively independent institution, responsible before the Council of Representatives of Iraq.

The Mosul CBI branch was then 'robbed' by ISIL/ISIS in 2014 to the tune of $429 million USD.



I'm definitely not across all of Iraq's fight with the cabal, but it is but one example of bankster fuckery.

428919  No.6293471


Must admit it does seem very odd… although it’s possible that they maybe ripped him off enough that he’s pissed off.

cb1bbb  No.6294133

Here we go. AUSTRALIA is being thrown under the bus again.

Watch your backs AusAnons. Appears we will have a retaliatory attack on or shores any moment.



Easter Sunday suicide bomber studied in Australia, Sri Lankan minister says

Of course he did.

Key points:

* One of the suicide bombers completed his post-graduate education in Australia

* The death toll from the deadly attacks was revised up to 359 on Wednesday

* Investigators say the attacks were retaliation for the Christchurch shootings

Why was an Aussie MKUltra chosen to hit NZ?

Why is AU now getting a special mention in Sri Lanka?

What is being planned for Aussie shores?

See something, say something!!!

9177f8  No.6294548

File: b4e67386cdb479f⋯.png (104.7 KB, 605x530, 121:106, b4e67386cdb479f81d7ecc3637….png)

Another Papa D Tweet

Sourced from QRes#8004

Clapper was in Australia the same days I was meeting Mifsud in Rome. Mifsud had cancelled an appearance to speak at a security conference in Australia the same month! BIG NEWS!


9177f8  No.6294562



US spy boss James Robert

Clapper Jr makes secretive visit to Australia

Exclusive by defence reporter Andrew Greene

Posted 15 Mar 2016, 8:38pm

James Clapper testifies before US Senate

America's top spy, the US Director of National Intelligence, is on a secret visit to Australia, the ABC has learnt.

James Robert Clapper Jr directs the US National Intelligence Program and reports directly to President Barack Obama.

So far the Federal Government is refusing to give any details of his activities and meetings while in Australia, but the United States embassy in Canberra has confirmed Mr Clapper's visit.

"As allies, the United States and Australia cooperate closely on a wide range of issues," an embassy spokeswoman told the ABC.

"It is not uncommon that senior US Government officials visit Australia and engage in high-level consultations."

Before flying to Australia Mr Clapper stopped over in New Zealand where he met with Prime Minister John Key.

"I've met General Clapper on a couple of occasions. He's obviously got great insight into intelligence and what's happening around the world," Mr Key said.

The US intelligence chief is believed to be travelling onboard a US military C-17 Globemaster.

Last week the Australian Federal Police hosted the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation James B Comey on a two-day visit to Australia.

Mr Comey also met with Attorney-General George Brandis and Justice Minister Michael Keenan.


9177f8  No.6294565

File: b936e1dbf4b46d4⋯.png (219.25 KB, 724x746, 362:373, b936e1dbf4b46d4944370f33d9….png)


oops forgot graphic

056983  No.6294633


Will put Iraq logo together as recommended.

I’ve started to do them all.

I’m a graphic designer so the size of the job doesn’t daunt me.

Some are a coupla minutes, others take hours and mostly it’s about finding the flipping typefaces!

And Arabic and Hindi on a curve is interesting.

: )

It’s whether I should post them or not that bothers me.

Some cultures may not be ready to hear the news and that’s why I’ve been watching the boards for cues.

9177f8  No.6294634

File: 6ea5aed633edbe3⋯.png (24.63 KB, 612x261, 68:29, b4ba6ef3fc7f6139ea4d9c05d5….png)


Fucking typical .. the wheel that squeaks gets the grease eh?

056983  No.6294670


By the way, I watched the first of your two vids.

Sent it to my nephew to explain what I didn’t even attempt on my own. I tell him stuff and he calls me out and I just don’t know where to start it’s all so involved so I let it go almost every time.

He is fighting me tooth and nail on this.

Thinks I need a tin foil hat.

The 3 hour vid might have to wait.

9177f8  No.6294983

NYT: The Tables Have Turned – Time To Investigate The FBI, Steele And The Rest Of The 'Witch Hunters'

Sourced from QRes#8011

As we now shift from the "witch hunt" against Trump to 'investigating the investigators' who spied on him - remember this; Donald Trump was supposed to lose the 2016 election by almost all accounts. And had Hillary won, as expected, none of this would have seen the light of day.

We wouldn't know that a hyper-partisan FBI had spied on the Trump campaign, as Attorney General William Barr put it during his April 10 Congressional testimony.

We wouldn't know that a Clinton-linked operative, Joseph Mifsud, seeded Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos with the rumor that Russia had 'Dirt' on Hillary Clinton - which would later be coaxed out of Papadopoulos by a Clinton-linked Australian ambassador, Alexander Downer, and that this apparent 'setup' would be the genesis of the FBI's "operation crossfire hurricane" operation against the Trump campaign.


9177f8  No.6294995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MASS Surveillance State In Australia! – Chinese Style Cashless Society Coming SOON!

Sourced from QRes#8011

Josh Sigurdson reports on the quickly growing surveillance state in Australia as new technology is unrolled in cities and towns across the country.

Darwin is building a city based on “smart technology” which is heavily influenced by China. The Darwin Council has approved and is rolling out smart technology meant to gather data and the whereabouts of every individual. Their excuse? Convenience as always! They claim it will help businesses in the area as people will be advertised to regarding things that peak their interests. Of course this is nonsense, but the council insists the technology is not to simply watch everyone. It will however… watch everyone, but they claim it won’t be a human watching people, it will be a robot. If someone does something wrong, the robot will alert the state.

Interestingly in defending themselves they claim that we don’t complain about cameras in banks watching people. The difference is pretty big. A bank is a place of business… A city street is… well… a city street.

Council’s Innovation, Growth and Development Services general manager Josh Sattler says Darwin will be the first city in Australia to utilize this technology.

Of course it’s not entirely a new concept for Australia which has been pushing for facial recognition passports for years and has been slowly going cashless. As bubbles burst across the board in Australia and the economy falters, this simply appears to be a desperate attempt to maintain control of the populace as always under the guise of “convenience.” It will grow larger and more powerful and it comes down to individuals to not only reject this absurdity as 5G is also rolled out, but protect themselves and their purchasing power against that which leads to such desperation. A completely crumbling economy.


9177f8  No.6295007

File: e0d38865df6b081⋯.png (168.7 KB, 735x641, 735:641, e0d38865df6b081f75baf46727….png)

File: 241d04a5ff89692⋯.png (171.7 KB, 701x395, 701:395, 241d04a5ff89692c79f3355227….png)


Theresa May after NZ mosque attack on Muslims

Terrorist attack. Those poor people

Theresa May after #SriLanka attacks on Christians

Violent acts. Those poor buildings.

Why does Islam always matter more to Christian leaders?


Sad to see it put as blatantly as this.

9177f8  No.6295046

Divorce documents reveal that Jeff Bezos' ex-wife MacKenzie will be much richer than first thought.

The papers also show that the Amazon founder and his soon-to-be-ex wife are still living together despite the separation.


5f78f0  No.6295079


I'd hazard a guess that most arabic & North African cultures are aware of what happens when they get 'liberated'. IIRC, and I'm yet to delve too deeply on this, but Gaddafi wanted a gold-backed currency setup in Africa for African nations. Nek minnit!


I agree, the 3.5hr one is a little bit heavy for a n00b. But damn I was hooked for the entire length…sure as shit beats watching James Cameron's Titanic movie.

This, I think is the next logical step for your nephew (or anyone really): Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE88E9ICdiphYjJkeeLL2O09eJoC8r7Dc

He's a gold bug and now a cryptofag, but there is a reason why he likes gold and he is dead right!

9177f8  No.6295865

File: 45b0850dc9bd332⋯.jpg (187.2 KB, 600x1475, 24:59, 45b0850dc9bd332cbcac374674….jpg)

Two people die at Rabbits Eat Lettuce music festival in Queensland, Australia

Sourced from QRes#8018


9177f8  No.6295873

File: 3fb812c548c1446⋯.png (447.78 KB, 950x641, 950:641, 3fb812c548c1446c4e695d0f7a….png)

File: 0ddcdab84f8a9a5⋯.png (256.42 KB, 507x859, 507:859, 0ddcdab84f8a9a5f5e857dd489….png)

Here we go.

Did you see all the supposed Muslim Twitter users cheering about Notre Dame fire? Now this….

A carefully planned religious war spreading throughout the world would be just the thing to distract from an an investigation into a failed coup d'é·tat in the US.


9177f8  No.6295926

File: adacf18715105e5⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1456x2072, 26:37, adacf18715105e5102c8d117c3….png)

>Michael Obama is in Paris right beside Notre Dame while it burns…

>Pelosi was in the town in Ireland when that reporter was killed…

>Pedo-Podesta was in NZ right before the 'Mosque shootings'

>Samantha Powers was in Sri Lanka month before Church bombings

4 for 4 now … wonder whats next?

056983  No.6300326


I haven’t looked into Gaddafi and Libya either but from snippets I’ve read he was an incredible leader who stood by his honourable word, enriched every citizen and policed the north coast of Africa, yet we were told he was an aggressive tyrannical mad man.

And that Titanic movie was shit. Watched it once. Enough. Avatar on the other hand…

Mike Maloney hey? Crypto will get my nephew in.

Thanks for the tip. Will watch.

c4694d  No.6302266

File: 5f774d668bf05b6⋯.webm (7.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The Last Post - Defence V….webm)

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them."

Lest We Forget.

9177f8  No.6302292


Here Here .. Lest we forget frenz

5c94ac  No.6302352


Apols for the mistake re One N and guns. I remembered the info from upstream incorrectly.

Thanks for the Anning reminder.

He does seem the real deal. Everything on his website gets the big green tick from me.

After spending many years delving into the Illuminati, Hivites, or whatever you want to call them, anyone prepared to say that they defend Christian values gets the nod from me.

Of course they also hide in the Church and Vatican, but all of this is about us recognising the true Christ, and that [THEY] are attempting to bring in chaos, destruction and worship of Lucifer.

Immigration needs to be more or less completely ceased for a few years. People need time to integrate. The demographic in my part of Oz has completely changed.

I do NOT agree to Sharia Courts. Muslim migration needs to stop. They are an intolerant minority, that forces all others to shift and accommodate them until they become the dominant voice.


Re: Who Owns Australia

As far as I know, like the US and many other countries we are a corporation. So owned by the cabal / Illuminati.

It is clear that Trump knows that.

Am hoping that when they are able to stop being a corporation, other countries can follow.

I don't think there is a plan to free Australia. Trump hasn't even visited. There IS a plan to take down the Illuminati.

We are subject to what the (false) Monarchy wants. When he takes them down, we all win.

5c94ac  No.6302455


Thanks fren.

A time to remember what we stand for.

9177f8  No.6302729

Call to dig AusAnons!

If an Australian PM did 1/10th of Trump's alleged acts, he'd be out of office: Kevin Rudd

Sourced from QRes#8030

Rudd, who currently lives in New York, said special counsel Robert Mueller had presented "quite spectacular" evidence of Trump attempting to obstruct justice in his 448-page report.

"If I as prime minister did 10 per cent of what Trump is alleged to have done in this report you'd be out of office," Rudd told a New York audience last week on the day of the Mueller report's release.

"It's kind of quite spectacular in terms of the amount of, let's call it, attempted obstruction of justice which the president was involved in.

Rudd added that much of the evidence revealed in the Mueller report would already have been made public because of Australia's Freedom of Information laws.

So not only is Rudd shitting on POTUS because of his own guilt, he is also telling us that we can access all the details to his shitfuckery through freedom of info. Time to digg anons.


9177f8  No.6302744

More Alexander Downer Fuckery

Sourced from QRes#8030

Former Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has joined Kevin Rudd's infrastructure chief, businessman Sir Rod Eddington, in advising a secretive British firm that sells intelligence on government policy intentions - including those in Australia - to big business.

The firm, Hakluyt & Co, was founded by former officers of British spy agency M16. Hakluyt has been embroiled in several corporate spying scandals and was caught in 2001 paying a former German intelligence agent to infiltrate green groups in Europe on behalf of the oil companies Shell and BP.

Hakluyt employs many former British intelligence officers and provides companies with high-level business and political intelligence on investment opportunities.

Mr Downer, the UN special envoy to Cyprus, was appointed to Hakluyt's advisory board in May. As foreign minister, he oversaw the Australian Secret Intelligence Service and had top-level access to information from Australia's spy agencies.

Sir Rod has served on Hakluyt's advisory board since 2005, but is not paid for his services.

In February, he was appointed chairman of Infrastructure Australia, a Rudd Government body charged with modernising the nation's water, transport, communications and energy assets through the $20billion Building Australia fund.

The former British Airways chief now faces conflict of interest allegations due to his roles with Hakluyt and Infrastructure Australia.

Greens leader Senator Bob Brown last night said Sir Rod should cut ties with Hakluyt because it was a "direct conflict of interest with his Infrastructure Australia role. "We will move to amend the Building Australia legislation when it comes through Parliament in a few weeks to ensure there are no conflicts of interest on the Infrastructure Australia board, Senator Brown said.

A roundabout tie to Hakluyt….


9177f8  No.6302791

Papadopoulos Disputes Key Claim in Mueller Report … and Anons Analysis

Sourced from QRes#8031

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos disputed a key claim in the final report by special counsel Robert Mueller about the origin of the FBI probe into Trump-Russia connections in 2016.

The report claims Papadopoulos talked to a certain foreign official four days earlier than he says he did—a seemingly small discrepancy that has significant implications and appears to be an effort to boost the credibility of the official story, which has been buckling under the weight of contradicting evidence.

As the official story goes, Papadopoulos was invited to meet Alexander Downer, Australia’s ambassador to London, in an upscale London bar in May 2016. …

The report, however, makes a crucial claim: Papadopoulos spoke to the “representative of a foreign government” on May 6, 2016.

This is false, according to Papadopoulos, who spoke to The Epoch Times via direct message on Twitter.

Papadopoulos acknowledged he received information about Russians having “dirt” on Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails.” He told the FBI that a Maltese academic named Joseph Mifsud told him this in London on April 26, 2016. Papadopoulos was later sentenced to two weeks in prison for downplaying his contacts with Mifsud when questioned by the FBI.

Papadopoulos denies a recollection of telling Downer the Mifsud story, but said if he ever did, it was on May 10, 2016. “I just looked through my records,” he said. “Yes, the Alexander downer [sic] meeting was on the 10th. Just double checked.”


Anons Analysis

The difference is important, because, on May 9, 2016, former Judge Andrew Napolitano aired a rumor on Fox News that “there’s a debate going on in the Kremlin” on whether they should release 20,000 Clinton emails the Russians allegedly hacked.

If the meeting took place on May 10, Papadopoulos could have, for all Downer knew, just been repeating what he heard on Fox News the night before. How could that be the reason for opening a counterintelligence investigation into a presidential campaign—one of the most sensitive operations in FBI’s history?

The problem is, Downer didn’t suggest the release of the information was supposed to have anything to do with the Trump campaign.

“By the way, nothing he said in that conversation indicated Trump himself had been conspiring with the Russians to collect information on Hillary Clinton,” he said. “It was just that this guy clearly knew that the Russians did have material on Hillary Clinton—but whether Trump knew or not? He didn’t say Trump knew or that Trump was in any way involved in this. He said it was about Russians and Hillary Clinton; it wasn’t about Trump.”

Papadopoulos confirmed there was no way he spoke about any “damaging” info on Clinton with any “representative of a foreign government” on May 6. Not Downer, nor any other. The meeting with Downer was organized by his then-counselor, Erika Thompson, and the communications with her did take place on or around May 6. But it was done via email, he said. If he “suggested” anything to her then, she would have had a record of it. There’s no indication she provided any such record to the FBI.

So what basis did the FBI have to start investigating the Trump campaign? Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who spearheaded the congressional inquiry into the origin of the FBI probe, indicated that the Obama administration needed to legitimize its spying on the Trump campaign.

“In late 2015, early 2016, spying began on the Trump campaign,” he told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on April 11.

“That information leaked; that led to what they consider to be ‘legal spying’ that began, that they’ve acknowledged that they’d started doing, at the end of July.”


9177f8  No.6302832

Sri Lanka Fuckery Afoot - Police had been forewarned of attacks

Sourced from QRes#8031 but only included part of original post

300 dead. another 500 "injured" which means life changing mutilations.

I was in a hotel that had loads of radical muslims staying (because it's a high percent of the population). That was at the start of the week. By Sunday, not one to be seen. The staff confirmed that the muslims had stayed away. Not one muslim victim of the hotel bombs. Australian guy at the airport had left without his friend who was still looking for his daughter. The reason there were hardly any muslims in the hotels has to be because they all knew what was going to happen. The Sri Lanka intelligence service did, but they let it happen anyway.


9177f8  No.6302842

File: 86841abd4e71ca5⋯.jpg (99.37 KB, 804x775, 804:775, b6a0d3ac3a27579fb35fd9697c….jpg)

Forgot pic

9177f8  No.6302932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just posted by 60 Minutes Australia

Sister of mom of 13 ‘abused’ kids says, “Lock them up and throw away the key!”

Sourced from QRes#8033

some notes:

Generational abuse on the mother’s side – she was ‘sold’ daily to grandfather by her mother to be abused.

Old neighbors: “You don’t realize what you are seeing. ’’’EVIL is very deceptive.’’’ It can look good from a surface.” (13:23 timestamp)

Advice from a detective: “It all comes back to ’’’NOT ignoring your Gut!’’’ Humans have great instincts and intuition, and we choose to ignore it. And, I don’t know why.” (15:44 timestamp)


5f78f0  No.6302941

File: 0dd93da6ca39703⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 1836x3264, 9:16, hill60.jpg)

File: a2a85f8274e03ea⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, PolygonWood5thAustDiv.jpg)

File: c813e046c617c81⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, PolygonWood5thAustDiv2.jpg)

File: 1aa258d34e1f9fe⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, menenpoort.jpg)


Lest We Forget

9177f8  No.6302951

Sri Lankan Minister of Defense claims attacks were in retaliation for Christchurch mosque attacks

The Sri Lankan Minister of Defense has reportedly said the church and hotel attacks that killed 321 people over Easter were retaliation for the Christchurch shootings.

"The preliminary investigations have revealed that what happened in Sri Lanka was in retaliation for the attack against Muslims in Christchurch," Ruwan Wijewardene told parliament on Tuesday afternoon.

The Guardian reported an intelligence memo circulated to some in the Sri Lankan government in the weeks before the attack said one member of the terrorist group identified as having perpetrated the bombings had started to update his social media accounts “with extremist content” in the aftermath of the shootings by a rightwing-extremist in New Zealand.

The Guardian reports terrorism researchers have said the attack would have required months of preparation and were likely started before the Christchurch attack.

News.com.au reports a video posted by Al Ghuraba Media, which is not an official IS organisation but is run by IS supporters, claimed responsibility for the attacks.

They named three of the suicide bombers as Abul Barra, Abul Mukhtar and Abu Ubaida.


31507e  No.6303041


Anning is controlled opposition.

Listen to his words. All his words.

He sure is no Trump.

I'm not falling for it.

cb1bbb  No.6303086


Putting the dots together would mean that Christchurch FF is all part of the same series of events. Regardless of who carried out the attack the mosque had to be in on it especially with the training videos that have been released. Follow the money. How much has the mosque now been paid.

The CC shooter spent time in Muslim countries being radicalised and his manifest was just to push that attention to the alt right.

Notre Dame is part of it all too

If Sri Lanka is months in the planning with big money behind it, it means this isn’t the end.

Need to watch the cabal and see where they are travelling to know where they are going to activate their next MK attackers.

It would seem that Melbourne would be next with Podestas proclamation just before Christchurch that the city is an easy target and full of cabal fuckery.

5f78f0  No.6303528

File: e9c96c63357e202⋯.jpg (54.42 KB, 1000x726, 500:363, HitchensRazor.jpg)


>pic related

9177f8  No.6303591

Jacinda Ardern to lead global attempt to shutdown social media terrorism

Sourced from QRes#8040

24 Apr, 2019 7:57am

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and French President Emmanuel Macron will next month co-chair a meeting in Paris aimed at addressing how social media plays a part in promoting terrorism.

The meeting on May 15 – two months after the Christchurch terror attacks which claimed the lives of 50 people – aims to see world leaders and tech company bosses agreed to the 'Christchurch call' – a pledge to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online.

"The March 15 terrorist attacks saw social media used in an unprecedented way as a tool to promote an act of terrorism and hate," Ardern said this morning.

"We are asking for a show of leadership to ensure social media cannot be used again the way it was in the March 15 terrorist attack."

Ardern called on leaders of tech companies to help achieve the goal of eliminating extremism online at the Christchurch Summit in Paris.

"We all need to act, and that includes social media providers taking more responsibility for the content that is on their platforms, and taking action so that violent extremist content cannot be published and shared."

Following the Christchurch shootings, Ardern has been working towards a global co-ordinated response that would make the likes of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter more responsible for the content they host.

Ardern spoke specifically today about Facebook, saying it is critical that it is not perverted as a tool for terrorism.

Instead, she said, Facebook should become part of what she called a global solution to countering extremism.

"This meeting presents an opportunity for an act of unity between governments and the tech companies."


9177f8  No.6303599


New Zealand and France announced today that the two nations will bring together countries and tech companies in an attempt to bring to an end the ability to use social media to organise and promote terrorism and violent extremism, in the wake of the March 15 terrorist attacks in Christchurch New Zealand.

The meeting will take place in Paris on May 15, and will be co-chaired by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and French President Emmanuel Macron.

The meeting aims to see world leaders and CEOs of tech companies agree to a pledge called the ‘Christchurch Call’ to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online.

The meeting will be held alongside the “Tech for Humanity” meeting of G7 Digital Ministers, of which France is the Chair, and France’s separate “Tech for Good” summit, both on 15 May. Jacinda Ardern will also meet with civil society leaders on 14 May to discuss the content of the Call.

“The March 15 terrorist attacks saw social media used in an unprecedented way as a tool to promote an act of terrorism and hate. We are asking for a show of leadership to ensure social media cannot be used again the way it was in the March 15 terrorist attack,” Jacinda Ardern said.

“We’re calling on the leaders of tech companies to join with us and help achieve our goal of eliminating violent extremism online at the Christchurch Summit in Paris.

“We all need to act, and that includes social media providers taking more responsibility for the content that is on their platforms, and taking action so that violent extremist content cannot be published and shared.

“It’s critical that technology platforms like Facebook are not perverted as a tool for terrorism, and instead become part of a global solution to countering extremism. This meeting presents an opportunity for an act of unity between governments and the tech companies.

“In the wake of the March 15 attacks New Zealanders united in common purpose to ensure such attacks never occur again. If we want to prevent violent extremist content online we need to take a global approach that involves other governments, tech companies and civil society leaders

“Social media platforms can connect people in many very positive ways, and we all want this to continue.

“But for too long, it has also been possible to use these platforms to incite extremist violence, and even to distribute images of that violence, as happened in Christchurch. This is what needs to change.”


5f78f0  No.6303604

File: 76b91e02ba6a324⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1135x805, 227:161, scomo_isis_assange.png)




>Anning is controlled opposition.


>Listen to his words. All his words.


>He sure is no Trump.


>I'm not falling for it.

9177f8  No.6303621




The Christchurch Summit brought to you by New Zealand and France - to remove extreme speech from social media…

Interesting pairing there.. given France brought in military to disperse what was a mostly peaceful yellow vest protest.

9177f8  No.6303686

UK Archbishop Calls for Recognition of ‘Anti-Christianism’ After Sri Lanka Attacks

Sourced from QRes#8039

This guy gets it

The Coptic Archbishop of London has called for acknowledgment that “anti-Christianism” is as real a phenomenon as anti-Semitism and Islamophobia following the horrific Easter massacre of Sri Lankan Christians.

“It is time for us all to #StandTogether and recognise #Antichristianism as much a real phenomenon and epidemic as #Antisemitism and #Islamophobia and deal with it as such,” wrote Archbishop Angaelos in a tweet Monday.

“Only when we consider an attack on ANY of us as one on ALL of us can we go some way towards healing our world,” he added.

The head of the Coptic church in the UK launched his appeal after Islamic terrorists slaughtered over 300 people in coordinated suicide bombings of churches and luxury hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, the most important Christian holy day of the year.

The chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, Wilson Chowdhry, said that the United Nations (UN) and world leaders needed to do more to prevent violence against Christians, noting that the Sri Lankan bombings follow the pattern of Islamic State satellite groups.

“The targeting of Christians on Easter Day is very intentional and is based on a desire to frighten worshippers from practising their faith and sowing seeds of division amongst communities,” Mr. Chowdhry said.

Pakistan itself was the site of the massive 2016 Easter massacre that claimed the lives of 72 victims, mostly women and children, along with more than 320 injured.

On that occasion, an Islamist suicide bomber blew himself up in an attack on Christians in a large park in Lahore, where hundreds of families had gathered to celebrate the feast of Easter.

The bomber was 28-year-old Yousuf Farid, a member of the radical Islamist group Jamat ul Ahrar, a branch of the Taliban (JuA).

In case there was any doubt regarding the religious motivation behind the attack, a JuA spokesman declared that the intended target of the bombing was “Christians.”

“The target was Christians,” said JuA spokesman, Ehsanullah Ehsan, adding that the jihadists wanted to send a message to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif “that we have entered Lahore.”

Mr. Chowdhry said Monday that in the case of the Sri Lanka attacks, “the targeting of high-end hotels which are frequented by westerners is simply a clear hatred for all that is not Islamic [and] a clear indication that fundamentalist ideology is radicalising the Muslims of Sri Lanka.”

“Innocent lives have been lost and those killed join a growing list of Christian martyrs in a world where intolerance towards our faith has seen exponential growth,” he said.

Chowdhry added that “governments and International bodies like the UN must do more to eradicate extremism and terrorism, especially towards Christians who are experiencing unprecedented levels of persecution.”


5f78f0  No.6303907

File: 78ee82bdebc5402⋯.png (525.95 KB, 722x704, 361:352, ClipboardImage.png)


> France brought in military to disperse

They use mercs. Lots of mercs!

9177f8  No.6308684

Example of cabal being exposed

Sourced from QRes#8043

Australia's canceled Israel embassy move shows country's Asian concerns

Government buckles amid backlash from Muslim-majority Indonesia and Malaysia

When Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison decided to shelve a plan to relocate his country's embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he was concerned about the country's relationship with its Asian neighbors, rather than with the Palestinians.

The confusion has highlighted the policy-making difficulties for a country growing more reliant on Asia.

"Fundamentally, it is the right of every country to determine its national capital," Morrison told reporters in Sydney on Dec. 15.

"West Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. And we look forward to moving our embassy to West Jerusalem when practical, in support of, and after final status of determination," Morrison told reporters in Sydney. He said Australia will recognize West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel but he also denied his government will relocate the embassy immediately.

A political source in Canberra said, "Morrison meant that Australia would not relocate its embassy in Israel for the time being."


Then here comes…….well you know who

Frydenberg pushes for Israel embassy move to Jerusalem

Josh Frydenberg has launched a forceful pitch for the government to follow through with moving its Israeli embassy to ­Jerusalem, despite a regional backlash and domestic pressure to influence Scott Morrison’s ­review.

The Treasurer and deputy Liberal leader said yesterday the government would not be “backing off” considering the move, and laid out the reasons why it should proceed.

The Prime Minister was forced yesterday to fend off critic­ism of his Israel embassy revie­w from Indonesia and Malays­ia, and accusations by Bill Shorten that Mr Morrison was making Australia “look stupid”.In addition to threats from Indon­esia to stall a bilateral free-trade deal, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad warned Mr Morrison he risked encouraging terrorism if Aust­ralia relocated its embassy from Tel Aviv.

In response to the inter­national and domestic criticism, Mr Frydenberg — a Jewish MP — told Sky News that Canberra already accepted Israel’s sovereignty over West Jerusalem.

“There will be people who say to you that Australia shouldn’t move its embassy to Jerusalem but let me tell you why I believe Scott Morrison’s absolutely right to make a principled statement that we now are beginning a proces­s to consider,” he said.

“There is a fundamental point here, that the government is not backing off: Australia determines its own foreign policy ­decisions around the locations of its embassies.”

Mr Frydenberg said that under a two-state solution it was accepted that Jerusalem would be the capital of Israel, and that it was flawed thinking to believe the international strategy to hold out from moving embassies would encourage the peace process.

“I can tell you right now that the peace process is frozen and as long as Hamas are in control of Gaza — Hamas is a listed terrorist organisation — then you’re not going to get a deal between the parties.”

Mr Frydenberg said Indonesia would always have a different view on Israel from Australia, and Canberra shared “values and histor­y” with Israel.


Australia is run by it's own AIPAC called can you believe this AIJAC, ffs

The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) is a right wing lobby group based in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.


The plan kicks ass by giving them everything they want they are being exposed for us to find so all can see WW.

9177f8  No.6308690

You didn't hear?

It's 8 million now.


9177f8  No.6308704


Havent they heard .. we take the piss out of everyone … whats racist about that ?

9177f8  No.6308739

Microsoft Discovers Huawei Driver Allowing Backdoor Hack Into Laptops

More Huawei shennanigans? What else should we expect from State Big Brother?

Huawei, which is at the center of a long-running scandal accusing China of spying on western establishments, is facing criticism after Microsoft discovered a backdoor-like vulnerability in the Matebook laptop series that could have allowed hackers remote system access.

Microsoft said the security flaws were discovered by Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) kernel sensors, which traced the vulnerability back to a Huawei driver.

The report noted that Huawei’s driver allowed for remote device management also enabled access to the Windows 10 OS operating system, thus allowing for a backdoor-like hack.

Huawei responded to Tom's Hardware's inquiry about the Matebook security flaw. They reiterated that the security flaw was not a backdoor attempt to spy on customers. Huawei also suggested it may take legal action against media over "misleading reports" about this issue:


9177f8  No.6308824

Australia named in Sri Lankan Fuckery ??

JUST IN: More than 100 people have been arrested in Sri Lanka in connection with Easter Sunday blasts - deputy defense minister

Leader of local Islamist group that carried out attacks committed suicide at Shangri-La hotel - deputy defense minister

One of the Sri Lanka bombers studied in the UK and Australia - deputy defense minister

Sri Lanka police say investigations confirm there were nine suicide bombers, of which eight have been identified


9177f8  No.6308846


Post sourced from QRes#8049

Here we go. Heads up. AUSTRALIA is being thrown under the bus again.

Watch your backs AusAnons. Appears we will have a retaliatory attack on our shores any moment.



Easter Sunday suicide bomber studied in Australia, Sri Lankan minister says

Of course he did.

Key points:

* One of the suicide bombers completed his post-graduate education in Australia

* The death toll from the deadly attacks was revised up to 359 on Wednesday

* Investigators say the attacks were retaliation for the Christchurch shootings

Why was an Aussie MKUltra chosen to FF in NZ?

Why is AU now getting a special mention in Sri Lanka?

What is being planned for Aussie shores?

See something, say something!!!

9177f8  No.6308863

heads up ANZAC anons

Suspected Islamic State member arrested over alleged plan to attack Gallipoli


be careful in Aus / NZ too

Post Sourced from QRes#8050

9177f8  No.6308895

File: 6f7bc1c589a7c0b⋯.png (429.57 KB, 1013x865, 1013:865, 6f7bc1c589a7c0b089205ae413….png)

Australian police allow rapist to remain free - he goes on to rape a child

Sourced from QRes#8051

'A police officer has been charged with neglect of duty after a complaint about a sex offender failed to get him off the streets before he allegedly raped a child at a Sydney dance studio.'

This kind of thing is all too common in Aus.

Makes me sick.


dd5926  No.6311560

File: 01dd365bf08436d⋯.png (744.01 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Andrew Wilson claimed to b….png)

File: 49ab4a0549addd8⋯.png (334.27 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Leaked messages also revea….png)

File: e4c8604ad4b2543⋯.png (1.18 MB, 940x627, 940:627, Andrew Wilson and fellow m….png)

File: d946f406f784732⋯.png (542.88 KB, 700x467, 700:467, The NSW Humanist Society's….png)

File: 7c5689b4b1fa45d⋯.png (880.49 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Andrew Wilson wanted to sh….png)

Alt-right to release 'avalanche' of election campaign propaganda to help Fraser Anning


Leaked messages have revealed the Australian alt-right's secret plan to use Queensland senator Fraser Anning to expand its extreme agenda in the Australian Parliament and beyond.

The texts, seen by Background Briefing, offer a rare insight into the strategy the movement intends to use to further its goals and spread its ideology.

Members of the group are seen discussing plans for confrontational racist stunts to be performed during the current federal election campaign.

The proposed stunts, designed to attract global attention and help Senator Anning get re-elected, include performing in "blackface and other taboos" and "burning the Koran".

Another stated goal is "obtaining and accessing a giant email and SMS database" in order to send messages that are "extremely right-wing".

Andrew Wilson, who has a long history with Australia's white nationalist movement, is one of the men identified in conversations.

In one message, Mr Wilson claims to be working for Senator Anning as an online content producer.

He also states he is recruiting members for his fledgling Conservative National Party, which Senator Anning denies.

The party is just the latest organisation to be targeted by a group of white nationalists with a long track record of covertly infiltrating politics and institutions to gain access to their platform and assets.

A far-right political operative is born

Located in the heart of progressive inner-city Sydney, the NSW Humanist Society was an unlikely target for a white supremacist takeover bid.

The organisation's ideals are based on the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. There is even a rainbow painted on the exterior of their community hall.

But in the mid-2000s a shadowy group called Klub Nation rented out the facility to host neo-Nazi forums.

One of the attendees had been in prison for killing his mother and throwing her body, weighted down with concrete blocks, into Canberra's Lake Burley Griffin.

Another man, a white supremacist who dreamed of bombing a shopping centre, was also there. He was later found guilty of weapons and child sex offences and remains in jail.

Mr Wilson went along to the forums, too.

In 2009, he and 30 other Klub Nation members signed up to the NSW Humanist Society and hijacked its annual general meeting.

One of the Society's founders, Fred Flatow, is convinced the group's members voted themselves onto the committee to access the organisation's assets, worth more than $500,000.

After a tip-off from the public, Mr Flatow discovered Klub Nation had been promoting the Society's meetings on Stormfront, a neo-Nazi forum.

The original members of the Society fought back by calling the police and eventually expelling Mr Wilson and his co-conspirators.

Andrew Wilson aspired to local government

Mr Wilson was undeterred.

In 2017, he entered the Mosman Park Council elections in Perth.

Mr Wilson, who was previously unknown to the community, soon attracted media attention for his unusual tactics.

He campaigned on a controversial platform of evicting all public housing tenants from the area.

Around the same time, a young candidate named Georgie Carey had become the target of online abuse.

Her comments about the older members of council being "male, pale, and stale" were posted on an alt-right website called Abhorrent Australian Memes.

Its users discussed ways to bombard Ms Carey with hateful messages by sharing her phone number on the bulletin board 4Chan.

Within 24 hours, she began receiving abusive calls from unknown numbers.

Her Facebook page was subjected to thousands of aggressive posts targeting her for being "anti-white" and discriminating against men.

At this stage, Mr Wilson was in a business relationship with Radomir Kobryn-Coletti, who would later become Senator Anning's media advisor.

Mr Kobryn-Coletti also scrutineered Mr Wilson's vote.

It is not clear who coordinated the campaign against Ms Carey but she was ultimately elected to council and Mr Wilson was not.


dd5926  No.6311576

File: 95469edef5038f3⋯.png (837.39 KB, 940x627, 940:627, A United Australia Party s….png)

File: 8245fd4f503cd6d⋯.png (970.41 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Andrew Wilson (far right) ….png)



The Nazification of Clive Palmer

Around the same time Mr Wilson was running for council, he and Mr Kobryn-Coletti were honing their skills in political messaging by producing online content for Clive Palmer.

When Mr Palmer was staging a return to federal politics in 2017, he employed Mr Kobryn-Coletti to create animated videos of his quotes set to music.

Mr Wilson was separately producing videos shared by Mr Palmer's official Facebook page.

But later that year something strange happened to the page.

A post depicting Mr Palmer in a Nazi uniform gassing a room full of his political opponents appeared.

Other users began competing with each other to share the most offensive Hitler-related memes.

The messages seen by Background Briefing show Mr Wilson boasted he was behind the anti-Semitic content.

A spokesperson for Mr Palmer's United Australia Party told the ABC they did not have any record of Mr Wilson working for their leader.

Mr Palmer does not endorse the images shared on his page, they said.

Mr Kobryn-Coletti's contract was not extended, the spokesperson added, because "his views were extreme".

The New Guard

Last June, a manifesto appeared in a closed Australian fascist Facebook group called The New Guard.

The manifesto laid out the group's plans for influencing mainstream politics and institutions.

Their tactics included creating propaganda, building wealth by opening businesses and amassing property, and helping to elect state and federal parliamentarians.

Members of The New Guard alternated between sharing white supremacist memes and plotting to infiltrate Australian politics.

Background Briefing gained access to the group before it was shut down and exposed an attempt to seize control of the NSW Young Nationals.

The party expelled 22 members as a result, banning them for life.

Background Briefing can now reveal Mr Wilson and Mr Kobryn-Coletti belonged to The New Guard.

So too did Zack Newton, an electoral officer for Senator Anning.

When contacted by the ABC, Mr Newton denied any involvement and subsequently deleted his Facebook account.

"If in fact my name appears in such a Facebook group, I can only assume it was added by someone else without my knowledge or permission," he said.

"I have never sought to join or work with any groups bearing that name or holding those views."


dd5926  No.6311598

File: fc9a27cc8dcb2d2⋯.png (596.25 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Greens Senator Larissa Wat….png)



Zack Newton 'shitposting' from Parliament

Online, Mr Newton strikes a controversial tone.

Last October, on the same day a far-right terrorist stormed into a Pittsburgh synagogue and killed 11 people, Mr Newton posted a meme using the last words the shooter posted: "Screw your optics, I'm going in."

Another user accused Mr Newton of disrespecting the victims, suggesting he should have waited at least a day before distributing the meme.

Mr Newton replied: "Waiting a day and lose all edge factor? Not a chance."

When asked about the post, Mr Newton told Background Briefing it was a reference to a video game and to imply anything else was manifestly false.

In the last sitting week before the federal election was called, Mr Newton was reflecting on his increased access and influence since being hired by Senator Anning.

"Amusing to think I went from shitposting at home and now I'm shitposting in parliament, but here I am lmao," he wrote.

Mr Newton's arrival in Canberra has not gone unnoticed.

In parliamentary footage, Mr Newton is seen just behind Greens senators Larissa Waters and Mehreen Faruqi during a recent debate in the Senate chamber over whether to censure Senator Anning for his comments linking the Christchurch massacre to Muslim migration.

Soon after he left the chamber, a photo of the two senators appeared on an alt-right Facebook page called Abhorrent Australian Memes Did Nothing Wrong.

It appears the photo was taken exactly where Mr Newton had been sitting, although he maintains he has no knowledge of the image.

The office enforcing the rules of the Senate said the photo amounted to a potential breach of the rules.

"We will continue to make enquiries in relation to this issue and take action as appropriate," a spokesperson said.

If it is established that a member of Senator Anning's staff took the photo, Senator Waters said she hoped their parliamentary pass would be revoked.

"There are clear rules about photography on the floor of the chamber and it appears those rules have been blatantly breached with the aim of disseminating the photo on social media as another way to spread the alt-right's message of hatred and division which Fraser Anning is now well known for," she said.

Fraser Anning has 'direct links' to alt-right

Andy Fleming, who researches fascism, said the fact Mr Newton and Mr Kobryn-Coletti are employed by Senator Anning is proof of a concrete connection between his office and the alt-right.

"If I were Andrew Wilson or one of his comrades, I'd be delighted," he said.

"Those who are members of this movement look to Anning and they know he is their guy."

Mr Fleming said the alt-right has been looking for a political home for years and the movement can gain power through Senator Anning.

He said it was Senator Anning's controversial "final solution" maiden speech that put him on the radar of white supremacists in Australia.

Richard Howard, the man who reportedly wrote the speech, is accused of being fascinated with Nazi Germany.

He denies being the author and is currently on leave from the Federal Department of Home Affairs.

Regardless of who wrote the speech, a burgeoning alt-right media scene began spruiking Senator Anning online.

"I think it's a mutually beneficial arrangement," Mr Fleming said.

"The alt-right activists look to Anning for inspiration and for resources.

"Anning is seeking to establish a political base not only in Queensland but across the country."

Senator Anning's election to Parliament was an accident of history unlikely to be repeated.

Should he fail to retain his position in the upper house, Mr Fleming warns the alt-right will find another target.

"These individuals don't just disappear, they carry on and reappear somewhere else," he said.

"They look for moments and opportunities across the board and will utilize them in a collective fashion whenever they think they can essentially get away with it."


5c94ac  No.6314565


Hang on. Are we just supposed to take the ABCs word for it?

Are you endorsing their interpretation?

If the ABC need to write such 'exposes' then maybe he is a threat.

The constant use of 'alt-right' gets me.

What the hell does that mean.

a3f237  No.6314770


ABC has become so far left leaning it is a joke.

Most of what they write has to be taken as satire as it is so biased and lacking in factual detail it could be called an opinion piece.

5f78f0  No.6314968

File: 6bd630c764ccaa2⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1500x500, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)



We have been visited by the fascist antifa cucks, fren. I have more pressing research I want to spend my time on, but I'm currently considering whether I will dedicate time to tearing apart these posts (and its sources) and expose who they are. They are not your frens.

Take a look at the banner pic of this ABC backed 'Background Briefing' twitter account that they are using as a source: https://twitter.com/BackgroundBrief

>pic related

FFS, their profile pic is Fraser Anning. They exist solely to slander Fraser. They are getting scared. This is what YOUR tax dollars are being spent on!

Take a look at the three posts they have posted. EVERY paragraph is just a single sentence. Pathetic.

5c94ac  No.6315156


Yep. They are getting scared.

These people are ruthless. And the left are full of rage and believe the worst about anything painted as 'right-wing'.

That twitter profile pic is like painting a cross on someone's back.

Anning is a decent bloke.

Palmer an opportunist who would sell his mother.

That people can't see such patently obvious truths greatly concerns me.

Please go on with the other research. Such articles / posts aren't worth anyones time.

5c94ac  No.6315485


I take that back re Palmer. At least he is trying.

b6c562  No.6315537


I fear that it is

A gift from us Yanks.


< One of the extremist-related “buzz words” that

< people may encounter in 2016 is “Alt Right.”

< The term “Alt Right” originated with extremists

< but increasingly has found its way into the

< mainstream media.

I think it € anythingy thatismore conservative than the current speaker's own views

056983  No.6317880

File: fe099323c32d913⋯.png (76.5 KB, 771x674, 771:674, Screen shot 2019-04-26 at ….png)

File: 8c2aa95cce88215⋯.png (159.25 KB, 513x516, 171:172, Screen shot 2019-04-26 at ….png)


Hello fren.

I've put together the Iraqi bank logo, just have to add Rothschild's in English and Arabic.

Do you read Arabic?

It is a major problem for me because I don't know if seeming affectations are decorative or integral to the 'letters'.

Anyway, if you can, take a look at Iraq thus far and Afghanistan which I have now completed (hopefully).

Geese, I hope you can read Arabic!


056983  No.6318039


Also, is DA ROTHSCHILD'S AFGHANISTAN BANK wording correct or have I got it back to front somehow?

Further, I find out that Iraq has no less than 3 THREE! OFFICIAL languages!!!!


Any Iraqi language anons able to help?

056983  No.6318731

File: 9509a8d4cce5799⋯.png (43.69 KB, 1002x271, 1002:271, Screen shot 2019-04-26 at ….png)


Revised Iraq.

5f78f0  No.6318876

File: 2670dffbd4de3c5⋯.png (673.07 KB, 1024x916, 256:229, ClipboardImage.png)




kek! Mate, I have no idea how to read Arabic, Pashto, Farsi/Dari or any other middle-east/Asian language.

You probably already know this, so I don't know if it is helpful or not, but 'Roth Schild' is Deutsch for 'Red Shield'. Originated from their red sign that hung outside their business in Frankfurt (IIRC). However, as it is a proper noun, would it not simply be Rothschild irrespective of language?

If you're in Sydney you could go to Lakemba and ask! Kek!

5f78f0  No.6318910


>Iraq has no less than 3 THREE! OFFICIAL languages

just stick with Arabic. It is the standard/most common language of Iraq. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Iraq

re affections. They are part of language, not decorations.

5f78f0  No.6319069

File: d42db4c7eb3b3af⋯.png (590.01 KB, 637x362, 637:362, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47ab220bb925b58⋯.png (368.7 KB, 583x366, 583:366, ClipboardImage.png)

here we fucking go!


The female journo was NOT attacked. Her cucked white knight photographer deliberately pursued and attempted to get in the face of a 19 year old kid. Kid BTFO'd the cuck when he went to start on the kid.

Notice in the video that the allegedly attacked female journo had her phone out and was recording the kid as she and her photographer white knight chased after the kid and his mum(?) as they were leaving.

hmmm, could the journo and the photographer get charge for this? Like inciting violence, distubing the peace or something?

c4694d  No.6319395

File: 3d133ffc48b16df⋯.png (567.01 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1.png)

File: 09e2656460bdadd⋯.png (622.88 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 2.png)

File: 906bf241e7fb2ba⋯.png (567.57 KB, 800x451, 800:451, 3.png)

File: cf6bbc8702087bc⋯.png (482.53 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 4.png)

Photographer hurt in scuffle at Fraser Anning press conference

A 19-year-old man has been detained by police after a fight broke out following a press conference with far-right senator Fraser Anning in Cronulla mid-morning on Friday, where the controversial figure again called for a ban on Muslim immigration.

News Corp photographer Dylan Robinson was left with a torn shirt after a verbal exchange between St George Shire Standard journalist Eliza Barr and a man, believed to be a supporter of the senator, became physical.

Video footage shows Barr and Robinson walking towards the parking area outside the park before the 19-year-old man tries to knock Robinson's camera out of his hands.

He then throws several punches before another man breaks up the scuffle.

Robinson does not punch back, but takes photos of the man as he walks away.

The 19-year-old was then searched by police and placed in the back of a police van.

"A man has been arrested following an altercation in Cronulla this morning," a police spokesman said.

"Officers from Sutherland Police Area Command were called to Dunningham Park, Cronulla, about 10am.

"A 19-year-old man is alleged to have become involved in a physical altercation with a female journalist and a male cameraman during a press conference with a federal senator.

"The man has been taken to Sutherland police station."

In the press conference, Senator Anning was introducing his candidate for the seat of Cook, Peter Kelly. Cook is the electorate of Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Prime Minister Morrison said there was "no place in Australian politics" for the violence seen in Cronulla on Friday.

"I find it absolutely appalling …. [Senator Anning] is placed last on my ticket and our party's ticket," the Liberal leader said.

Senator Anning, 69, called for a ban on "bringing any more Muslims or Sudanese into the country" during his media conference.

He was pressed by journalists over his claims that locals were being "bashed and attacked".

"You live in a make-believe world," one of the senator's supporters yelled at journalist Barr as she asked whether locals would back CNP candidate Peter Kelly given they'd lived through the 2005 Cronulla race riots.

After the press conference, the 19-year-old man allegedly levelled sexist and abusive comments at Barr including the phrase "nice tits".

Photographer Robinson followed him and attempted to take his photo before the young man pushed the camera away and lashed out at Robinson.

A spokesman for Senator Anning said that the senator would be holding a press conference in Brisbane at 3.30pm on Friday to discuss the events.

The media union later stated: "It is unacceptable in a democracy for journalists to be physically threatened or assaulted in the course of doing their job."

Cr Kelly is an army veteran who worked as an adviser to former NSW One Nation senator Brian Burston, and won a seat on Ku-Ring-Gai council in the 2017 elections.

His campaign at the time included an endorsement from Prince Omar Kiram, cousin of the Sultan of the self-styled Sultanate of Sulu and Sabah.

Cr Kelly was called on to explain his qualifications during a public council meeting, after it was revealed his PhD was obtained from a little-known Italian university, incorporated in Florida, USA, and The Gambia, Africa.

Cr Kelly has also claimed the title of "professor" after a brief period of employment at the online, and now-defunct, Poseidon International University, licensed by the government of Panama.



c4694d  No.6319403

File: 0b7b06618297810⋯.webm (7.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Female journalist attacke….webm)

c4694d  No.6319429

File: 76260e273e7e01b⋯.jpg (38.74 KB, 1240x744, 5:3, 4796.jpg)

Liberal party strikes deal to exchange preferences with Clive Palmer

United Australia party leader has previously likened Scott Morrison to Heinrich Himmler

The Liberal party has agreed to exchange preferences with Clive Palmer in a deal nutted out by party figures on Wednesday night.

Sources say how-to-vote cards that see the Liberals preferencing the United Australia party are ready to print, with Palmer to be placed ahead of the Labor party in lower-house seats and in the Senate.

The deal could prove critical to the outcome in a host of marginal seats across the country, and improves the chances of Palmer reclaiming a spot in the Senate where his resurrected party could hold the balance of power.

Palmer is No 1 on the Senate ticket in Queensland, where the party’s following is strongest, but the UAP is also seen as a strong chance of picking up a Senate position in Western Australia and in New South Wales, where former One Nation senator Brian Burston leads the ticket.

A Newspoll published this week showed that, after a $30m advertising blitz, Palmer was recording between 5% and 14% of the primary vote in a host of marginal seats.

Liberal party state branches met last night to endorse the deal struck by the federal executive, with due diligence underway into candidates running under the UAP banner in all 151 lower house seats.

The prime minister, Scott Morrison, was asked on Tuesday to justify a potential preference deal with Palmer, who has previously compared Morrison to Heinrich Himmler.

“I did see some comments he made about an approach when we made a criticism some years ago,” Morrison said. “Look, I’m not going to be held back by that, nor am I here to offer any defences of Mr Palmer.

“He’s big enough to do that for himself. Parties will have discussions before close of nominations and the preference tickets, which will be issued next week in the normal course of events.”

Pre-polling for the election, where as much as 40% of voters are expected to cast their vote, begins on Monday when details of the preference arrangements will become clear.

While Palmer is unlikely to have sufficient volunteers to staff major pre-polling booths, there has been some speculation that Palmer may pay people to staff booths as he did at the 2013 election.

At that election, Palmer secured 5.49% of first preferences nationally, winning 11% of the vote in Queensland and 4.9% of the national Senate vote.

This saw Palmer elected as the MP for the seat of Fairfax, and two senators, Jacqui Lambie and Glenn Lazarus, elected. In 2014 at the rerun of the Senate election in WA in 2014, the party’s Zhenya Wang was also successfully elected.

Lambie and Lazarus quit the party in 2014 and 2015 respectively, and Palmer deregistered the Palmer United party in 2016.



5f78f0  No.6319487

File: 9ba5e1c8e44e8e4⋯.png (728.84 KB, 710x847, 710:847, ClipboardImage.png)

Man arrested in counter-terrorism operation in North Melbourne

Key points:

- Officers arrived at the intersection of Howard and Queensberry streets about 1:30pm

- The man was dressed in a white plastic suit before he was driven away

- It is still not clear what sparked the operation

Counter-terrorism officers have arrested a man during an operation in North Melbourne this afternoon.

A Victoria Police spokesperson said there was "no current or impending threat to the community".

The heavily-armed officers arrived at the intersection of Howard and Queensberry streets about 1:30pm.

The suspect was arrested, put into handcuffs and then dressed in a white plastic HAZMAT suit before he was driven away in a police van.

It is not clear what sparked the operation.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) confirmed the Joint Counter Terrorism Team (JCTT) was conducting "operational activity" in North Melbourne, but a spokesperson said "it would not be appropriate to comment further at this time".

More to come.



056983  No.6319968



Comedian eh?


Not in Sydney.


I kinda knew you didn't speak Arabic but I hoped.

I've asked many times for Arabic speakers help to no avail.

I use Google translate which has probably doxed exactly who is doing this shit. Oh well.

I think we're all fucked if this goes to shit.

Knew it meant Red Shield but didn't know about the business shingle.


I want to use the language of the country in case natives can't read English or know what Rothschild's means. At least in their language they can follow up if so inclined.

Thanks for your feedback.

c4694d  No.6320000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Senator Fraser Anning press conference - 26/4/2019. Questions from the media begin at 3:33.

9177f8  No.6320043


Nice digits.

9177f8  No.6320045

May to Let China Build UK 5G Network, Damaging National Security, Anglosphere Co-operation

Sourced from QRes#8056

Theresa May appears set to approve Chinese participation in “non-core” elements of Britain’s 5G network via Huawei, delivering a blow to the Five Eyes security alliance of Anglosphere nations, reports suggest.

The British prime minister overrode the objections of Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson, Home Secretary Sajid Javid, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Trade Secretary Liam Fox, and International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt at a meeting of the National Security Council to allow Huawei, an allegedly employee-owned Chinese telecoms giant, to develop “non-core” infrastructure for the 5G network, according to The Telegraph.

Digital minister Margot James has pushed back on the reports somewhat, not denying that Huawei will be involved in 5G development, but claiming that “In spite of Cabinet leaks to the contrary, final decision yet to be made on managing threats to telecoms infrastructure.”

Many senior Tories are concerned that the Prime Minister’s rumoured decision will deal a severe blow to the Five Eyes intelligence network, comprising the Anglosphere nations of the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

The U.S. is keen that Five Eyes members do not involve Huawei in 5G development, as it could afford the Chinese Communist Party regime a back door to spy on their activities.

The Australian government agrees, warning that there are “serious concerns over Huawei’s obligations to the Chinese government and the danger that poses to the integrity of telecommunications networks in the U.S. and elsewhere”.

“There’s a reason others have said no,” commented Tom Tugendhat, the chair of the House of Commons foreign affairs committee.

“It is unwise to co-operate in an area of critical national infrastructure with a state that can at best be described as not always friendly.”

There is a risk that the United Kingdom could be shut out if intelligence-sharing if a Huawei connection leads to it being perceived as a “weak link”, potentially leaving the British more at risk from international terrorism and hostile state actions than its allies.



9177f8  No.6320074

South Australian child ‘sex tourist’ branded the worst paedophile in nation’s history

Sourced from QRes#8060

An Adelaide “child sex tourist” committed crimes that are the most serious ever heard in Australian legal history, a court has heard.

Ruecha Tokputza, 31, appeared in the District Court today after pleading guilty to 51 charges against 13 babies and boys over more than six years.

He groomed Australian and Thai children for sex, filmed the abuse and shared it online.

Tokputza was arrested following a joint investigation by Australian Federal Police, SA Police, NSW Police and Interpol.

His charges include sexual intercourse with a person under 14, aggravated assault, engaging in sexual activity with a child outside Australia and transmitting child exploitation material.


5f78f0  No.6320075

File: 7181e435174ee4d⋯.png (333.74 KB, 626x461, 626:461, checkEm.png)


this guy! The media is trying their hardest to ruffle his feathers and frame him as a nazi, but fail miserably. Top tier composure.

thanks for the link, anon. Nice digits, too

a3f237  No.6320082


Come on media. Grow a set of balls and report the facts instead of trying to twist sensationalised 4am talking points. Anning does well to avoid the bullshit baiting from the hacks.

If Anons can find the facts and report them here then surely a journo can do the same. Hell I wouldn’t even mind if they were lazy as fuck and just plagiarised them from here if they ignored the shills.

a3f237  No.6320111


Podesta has tagged AU by the looks of today’s event in North Melbourne.

>>6319625 ( from QR 8081)

Melbourne fags eyes on.

9177f8  No.6320205

Turkey arrests Islamic State member over alleged Gallipoli threat

Sourced from QRes#8060

Turkey has arrested an Islamic State member over an alleged threat to bomb or drive a car into the crowd at Anzac Day services at Gallipoli.

Bill Shorten has urged Australians travelling overseas to exercise a high level of caution, following “deeply concerning” reports of a suspected Islamic State member plotting to attack today’s Anzac commemorations at Gallipoli.

The Labor leader said he’s requested security briefings which will be coming within hours.

“This world should have no tolerance for violent extremism - violent Islamist extremism or any other quarter,” he told reporters. “But what we can’t do is let it discourage the marvellous tradition of young Australians travelling to the battlefields where Australians have fallen in previous conflicts.

“We should be proud of our identity as Australians and our history, and we should learn about the sacrifice.”

“We’ve always got to maintain a high level of caution,” he said, noting the recent terror bombings in Sri Lanka as an example. “But I for one love that so many young Australians in particular are coming to dawn services in numbers unseen.”

A suspected IS member has been arrested in Turkey over a plot to attack today’s Anzac commemorations at Gallipoli which will be attended by thousands of Australians and New Zealanders.

The arrested man, from Syria, was taken into custody in Tekirdag, a province close to the Gallipoli peninsula, police said.

Security sources told the ABC the attack was planned in retaliation for the Christchurch mosque attacks.

Local media named the man as Abdulkerim Hilef, 25, and released a blurred photo of him.

The arrest followed a police raid on an alleged Islamic State cell near the Syrian border. A mobile phone was also seized.

A source told the Herald Sun police believe he was planning to “bomb the service or drive a car into the crowd”.

Police evacuated the Gallipoli site and were conducting a thorough search to check for bombs in the area just hours before the dawn service was due to begin.

Turkish nationals were banned from attending the dawn service, which Chief of the Defence Force Angus Campbell is due to be at, amid heightened security fears.

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs said the dawn service would go ahead.

“The Australian Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the New Zealand Defence Force (joint lead agencies) are aware of Turkish media reports that the Turkish National Police has arrested an individual who is alleged to be involved in activities designed to disrupt Anzac services at Gallipoli,” the department told News Corp.

“This is a matter for the Turkish Authorities.

“Australian and New Zealand agencies are liaising with the responsible Turkish authorities in relation to this media reporting.”

It follows inflammatory comments made by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after the Christchurch terror attack last month. President Erdogan said New Zealanders and Australians who travelled to Turkey with bad intentions would be returned in coffins like their ancestors at Gallipoli.

He also repeatedly used footage of the mosque massacre at a campaign rally.

Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, a suspected white supremacist, has been charged with 50 counts of murder for New Zealand’s worst peacetime mass shooting. Fifty other people were injured in the attacks, which occurred during Friday prayers.

Every year, Australians and New Zealanders travel to Turkey for memorial services commemorating the 1915 Anzac military campaign to drive Ottoman troops from Gallipoli and the Dardanelles region.

Soldiers from New Zealand, Australia, Turkey and other countries held several services at Gallipoli on Wednesday, ahead of Thursday’s dawn service marking the landings.

The police spokesman did not specify which day the detained suspect may have been planning to carry out the alleged attack.

Turkey has said Islamic State was responsible for several bombings that took place in 2015 and 2016, which killed some 200 people in total. Although the militant group has not been active in Turkey of late, authorities still carry out routine operations against suspected Islamic State members.



9177f8  No.6320209

File: 2018976416627c6⋯.png (110.45 KB, 617x463, 617:463, 2360f3df07aa070a8b589d295f….png)

File: abfbb6a1f84bd4a⋯.png (526.06 KB, 649x487, 649:487, 186bca3c2d5668423fae3a9219….png)


Pics included from above

9177f8  No.6320227

File: 430fa01fa39da0a⋯.png (205.64 KB, 599x510, 599:510, 599bcbfbf043d14fbac70e3556….png)

Facebook says head-cam Christchurch video foiled its AI system

Sourced from QRes#8061

Facebook said it struggled to identify the video of the Christchurch mosque shootings because of the use of a head-mounted camera by the gunman, which made it harder for its systems to automatically detect the nature of the video.

"This was a first-person shooter video, one where we have someone using a GoPro helmet with a camera focused from their perspective of shooting," Neil Potts, Facebook's public policy director, told British MPs today.

Terror footage from a first-person perspective "was a type of video we had not seen before," he added.

Because of the nature of the video, Facebook's artificial intelligence - used to detect and prioritise videos that are likely to contain suicidal or harmful acts - did not work.

Potts was giving evidence to a committee of senior MPs in the UK as part of a parliamentary inquiry into hate crime. Representatives for Twitter, Google and YouTube also gave evidence.

Social media platforms, such as Facebook, have been facing scrutiny after the shooter accused of killing dozens of people in two mosques in Christchurch live-streamed the murders over the internet.

The social media company came under sharp criticism for not taking the video down fast enough and for letting it be circulated and uploaded to other platforms like YouTube.

At congressional hearings in the US over the past two years, executives from Facebook and YouTube said they were investing heavily in artificial intelligence that would be able to find and block violent and graphic videos before anyone saw them.

In a blog post following the attack, Facebook said that its AI systems are based on using many thousands of examples of content to train a system to detect certain types of text, imagery or video.

Potts was also chastised by the committee's chair, the Labour party's Yvette Cooper, for not knowing the senior officer in charge of counter terrorism policing in the UK, Neil Basu.

"We've been told by the counter terrorism chief that social companies don't report to the police incidents that clearly are breaking the law," Cooper told Potts. "You may remove it, but you don't report it."


9177f8  No.6320287

File: 6c3efed796f3aad⋯.jpeg (14.99 KB, 255x229, 255:229, 9c9f2e8b1cf11ae353aa9bf9b….jpeg)

The nose knows?


9177f8  No.6320327

File: 607c67e47fc0f1a⋯.jpg (143.15 KB, 877x1000, 877:1000, 607c67e47fc0f1a92c7d82f571….jpg)

Theresa May

‏Verified account @theresa_may

Today on #AnzacDay we stand in solemn remembrance with our Australian and New Zealand allies. Over the last century Britain has served with them side-by-side in many conflicts, and our enduring friendship continues to be invaluable.


Oh look. There's a doggie in the pic.

side by side? … more like leading ours lambs/lads to the slaughter

eg Landing at Anzac Cove due to navigation mistakes by British / British exposing our Aussie soldiers to Atomic radiation in WW2 (as well as much of SA) then not paying any compensation to those affected by various cancers, just waiting and delaying tactics till noone is left to claim

9177f8  No.6320338

File: f6b29893399aea7⋯.png (324.46 KB, 622x662, 311:331, 273891a889c4ea47d2e049976d….png)

Does anybody else think it's odd that the 4.2 billion dollar IMF loan to Ecuador has officially been approved now that Assange has been arrested?


056983  No.6320449


We don’t think it’s odd.

We think it’s smelly.

5c94ac  No.6320627

File: 61443c6bc8444e4⋯.jpg (10.38 KB, 258x195, 86:65, 1543718899523.jpg)

f152f5  No.6320894


any loan or 'gift' to any country stinks. it's our money…America 1st will never be the case

9177f8  No.6321220

Anons comments on Downer

Sourced from QRes#8075

What a strange coincidence.

After being found guilty of lying to the FBI about his contact with the Russians, Papadopoulos accused Downer of being a sinister foreign operative, directed by forces unknown to sabotage the Trump campaign. California Rep. Devin Nunes and North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows, both Republicans, have claimed he “has ties to the Clintons,” because he signed off on a $25 million donation the Australian government gave to the Clinton Foundation in 2006 to fight HIV/AIDS in the Pacific.


b089f8  No.6321327

File: 473931869047fe3⋯.jpg (441.68 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, sri-lanka-church-interior.jpg)


Can we get some CGI and a green screen to clean up Arden's face?

Hey Jacinda, do you know when you fake a hate crime against Muslims they might take it seriously and retaliate by taking REAL lives?


Don't worry, there's no blood in the disappearing shell casing video unlike the scene in Columbo Sri Lanka.

0ff2e8  No.6325628

File: 0099fc3db886b29⋯.jpg (323.05 KB, 1103x761, 1103:761, Map.jpg)

Was going down memory lane and saw the Australia thread was still visible on /thestorm/ - It was a copy from /cbts/

Feel free to bring any info back across to here


c4694d  No.6327329


Nice catch, Anon.



de8f11  No.6327335


Probably ALL controlled opposition:

Fraser Anning

Avi Yemini

Blair Cottrell

Pauline Hanson

Clive Palmer

Andrew Bolt

Anyone associated with Blair Cottrell.

None have positively endorsed Q and Trump and God and Love and True Reform Without Cabal Central Banks and 100% Free Speech.

5f78f0  No.6328033

File: e9c96c63357e202⋯.jpg (54.42 KB, 1000x726, 500:363, HitchensRazor.jpg)

e0c357  No.6328056

Good digging down memory lane



056983  No.6328062


Did they get an invoice for police attendance?

5f78f0  No.6328314

File: 6078783a1ce0578⋯.png (13.59 KB, 561x117, 187:39, ClipboardImage.png)


OK, fuck it, since you are going to keep popping in to spout your shit I'll address a couple of your unsubstantiated and unverified claims.

>Probably ALL controlled opposition:


>Fraser Anning

>Pauline Hanson

Mate, what does leaving and ceasing funding to the UN mean?

What does the ending of usury by the banks mean?

>pic related to help you, you absolute brainlet.

What is the introduction of the Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2019? https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_Legislation/Bills_Search_Results/Result?bId=s1172

This is literally the exact opposite of what Slick Willy Clinton did.

What does the curbing of excessive/extreme immigration mean?

>Avi Yemini

maybe, probably. They have trademarked and co-opted the Yellow Vest movement. So that's a red flag for me.

>Anning doesn't endorse God

Fraser Anning is a CHRISTIAN conservative you fucking moran.

87b966  No.6328721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One Nation candidate filmed making controversial comments

>A One Nation candidate has been filmed making derogatory comments about gays and women, and questioning the massacre at Port Arthur.

>While Stuart Bonds has tried to hide his comments, he stands by them and for now his boss, Pauline Hanson, stands by him as well.

9177f8  No.6331503


How about keeping it civil-ish ?

Everyone's got a right to agree/disagree, but no need to be such a tool about it, okay?

We got all types who may be coming here, in terms of backgrounds and exposure to Q events, let alone the trolls trying to paint us in a bad light with the blatant anti-semetism/right wing agenda stuff.

If we descend to their level, then we really are no better than them.

9177f8  No.6331860

moar info on North Melbourne counter-terrorism operation: Target appears to be an Anglican Church

Sourced from QRes#8081

The aftermath of a man’s arrest near a North Melbourne church has been captured on video, with heavily armed officers — one dressed in military camouflage — standing guard over the suspect.

Police have confirmed a counter-terror operation is underway in the area, with eyewitnesses reporting a man has been arrested outside St Mary’s Anglican Church on Queensberry St.

Witnesses captured the arrest aftermath on video, with the footage showing multiple officers surrounding the man, who has been detained on the ground.

Two officers armed with machine guns, one dressed in a helmet and camouflage military fatigues, stand over the man, who is wearing a black hoodie and pants.

Later images show the man wearing what appears to be a white disposable forensic suit.

Locum vicar Barry Fernley told the Herald Sun he was taken aback by the arrest.

Armed police are guarding an apartment block in North Melbourne, believed to be linked to an earlier police operation in the same suburb ⁦@theheraldsun⁩ pic.twitter.com/jx7kbOpYHs

— Sophie Welsh (@soph_welsh) April 26, 2019

“It comes as a shock to me,” he said.

There is also a police presence at the Viscount apartment block on nearby Bedford St, with armed officers guarding the entrance.

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said: “The Joint Counter Terrorism Team Melbourne can confirm it is conducting operational activity.”

Police have stressed there is no current or impending threat to the community.

“It would not be appropriate to comment further at this time,” the police spokeswoman said.

St Mary’s Anglican Church is on Queensbury St, near the corner of Howard St.

More to come


9177f8  No.6331863

File: 770c094d2de2d0b⋯.png (143.01 KB, 505x284, 505:284, 536727e6124840484788ffda58….png)

File: 32a08873bfdb46d⋯.png (383.64 KB, 627x353, 627:353, 32a08873bfdb46dd0e4144b438….png)

File: d045e0fe03051ac⋯.png (47.6 KB, 243x137, 243:137, d0e20d076ff0ac565d1253b564….png)

File: 828524dc49d0d7c⋯.png (495.69 KB, 934x526, 467:263, c8610025ea2c720c151b8e76e6….png)


Included Pics

5f78f0  No.6331902


It was a dry post; it had no sauce and i couldn't swallow it. It has occurred two days in a row by, most likely, the same poster. They replied to a post containing a video that they didn't even watch. I know they didn't watch it, because I watched it and Fraser Anning explicitly said he is a conservative Christian (not the first time Anning has said it either).

If I left it alone, some newbie will read that post and may think it was a fact and solidify their vote for lab/lnp/greens - the globalist puppets - instead of a minor party or independent that is actually wanting to do something about it. Or worse, they donkey vote and hand votes to the eventual winner to divide up to the other puppets because they give up, believing the system is completely rigged.

But, fair call re keeping it civil. I just REEEEEE'd a bit.

9177f8  No.6331927


All good fren… fair enough.

5c94ac  No.6331936


Oh, come on. Maybe it wasn't civil, but it certainly wasn't uncivil - nor out of line.

He responded to all the points made, and the more than that differentiated between the candidates. The original poster lumped everything in together with a 'Oh they're all controlled opposition' - the hopeless bullshit of don't even bother so sit at home and do nothing, and I'm so clever for calling out everyone.

And how was the response in any way anti-Semitic??

Stop being a polite snowflake and urging others to be the same.

Some of us want truth no matter how 'uncivil' it may seem.

Truth is uncivil. It cuts the core. Is there anything civil about the cabal sacrificing children, drinking their blood etc?

Descending to their level means lying and trying to create false narratives - avoiding truth at all costs and inverting it to falsehoods.

5c94ac  No.6331948


Apols. I'll get off my soapbox

(#6331936 is mine)

Frens all.

9177f8  No.6331971

Assange's Imprisonment Reveals Even More Corruption Than WikiLeaks Did

Sourced from QRes#8083

Consortium News has launched a new series titled “The Revelations of WikiLeaks”, geared toward helping readers come to a full appreciation of just how much useful information the outlet has made available to the world with its publications. Which is good, because there’s a whole lot of it. Understanding everything that WikiLeaks has done to shine light in areas that powerful people wish to keep dark makes it abundantly clear why powerful people would want to dedicate immense amounts of energy toward sabotaging it.


c4694d  No.6332066

File: b5148be21a13c5b⋯.jpeg (87.55 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, df8efba8106e0bbd9189ede78….jpeg)

File: 661ea802f90d848⋯.jpeg (123.57 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 7729d8525ad94d0fa0a4e34c3….jpeg)

File: c372be79e25047d⋯.jpeg (67.63 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 02f7d26caeefce67277c94848….jpeg)

File: 042c000aa43a843⋯.jpeg (47.42 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 7d9f3aa99c7f58de9f312b01a….jpeg)

File: 1291308f91cf6ea⋯.png (656.27 KB, 828x466, 414:233, 1556285721688_cb22b370b88a….png)

Far-right social media views of alleged attacker at Fraser Anning political announcement

A teen charged with attacking a news crew at a Fraser Anning event on Friday is a far-right activist who this month pledged his allegiance to the senator with the words “victory or death”.

Max Towns, 19, is also a self-confessed member of extremist group True Blue Crew and attended a rally in Melbourne last year, a police source told The Saturday Telegraph.

It is the latest incident of violence at a Mr Anning event and comes after he punched a teenager who threw an egg at him in Melbourne last month.

Will Connolly, 17, was subsequently restrained in a chokehold by supporters of the senator.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison condemned yesterday’s alleged assault and intimidation of News Corp’s St George Shire Standard reporter Eliza Barr, 26, and Saturday Telegraph photographer Dylan Robinson, 27, who was allegedly punched in the head several times and suffered minor injuries.

Undercover police were at Mr Anning’s event and quickly arrested Towns, who had allegedly followed Ms Barr for 50m.

Police will allege Towns, who claims to be a Sydney University student, repeatedly called her a “Commie whore” before making a derogatory comment about her breasts. Mr Robinson went to her aid and was allegedly punched at least twice and his camera was knocked to the ground.

The experienced news photographer was able to get pictures of Towns as he launched the alleged assault.

Towns was charged with common assault, intimidation and behaving in an offensive manner and was bailed to appear in court next month on the condition he stay out of the Sutherland Shire and stop attending political events or protests.

A Facebook page bearing the Randwick teen’s name pledged his allegiance to Mr Anning on Facebook on April 9 with the words “victory or death”, a phrase he has also used in German on social media. The phrase was reportedly used by Hitler during WWII and in other contexts in other wars.

Towns accompanied the post with an emoji of an open palm salute. Social media posts also show him liking far-right material.

Barr told Sky News last night: “I have been speaking with Dylan all afternoon and he has been very stoic and I am incredibly grateful to have a colleague who did step in to defend me, someone who I can rely on.

“It was extremely distressing to know there was nothing I could do until the police showed up … I couldn’t get in the middle of two grown men and make them stop. I went to him (Dylan) for protection, I suppose, I went to stand by him to try and de-escalate the violence, and then it all went downhill.”

A News Corp spokeswoman said: “The safety of our staff, and their ability to report on news events unhindered is of utmost importance to us and is a fundamental right for all journalists.”

After the press conference, Mr Anning tweeted: “The people of Cronulla and NSW are very concerned about Muslim immigration and they have every right to. My party will ban all Muslim and Black immigration and ensure safety for Australians once more.”

He later refused to take responsibility for his supporter’s alleged assault, saying he did not see it.

“I don’t know what the lead-up to it was so I can’t really comment,” he said.

“Absolutely, I condemn any violence. I’ve never advocated any violence of any sort to anyone. I continue to do that and all my members continue to do that.”

Mr Anning’s Cook candidate, Peter Kelly, 63, a former army intelligence sergeant who lives more than 40km from the electorate in the north shore suburb of Gordon, said that he condemned­ the violence.

“I don’t condone any violent behaviour of any sort,” Mr Kelly said.

He agreed with Mr Anning’s extreme views on Muslim migration and his comments about the Christchurch mosque terror attacks in New Zealand in which 50 worshippers were slaughtered by right-wing Australian terrorist Brenton Tarrant­.

When asked about the senator’s divisive comments in which he condemned violence but blamed the attack on Muslim migration to New Zealand Mr Kelly went a step further, making comments about Muslim migration and the community that The Saturday Telegraph has chosen not to publish.

More than 1.2 million people have previously signed a petition calling for Mr Anning’s removal from parliament, and he is expected to lose his seat in the senate at the election.


9177f8  No.6332148

Resignations in the region

Enga, Hela and Southern Highlands Governors resign from PNC


Five members of PNG PM's party resign


5f78f0  No.6332231

File: 6640b3361074521⋯.png (1.14 MB, 650x800, 13:16, ClipboardImage.png)


That whole article is a lie or lacks proof (re the kids nazi social media posts…They apparently have them, so where are they?)

>allegedly followed Ms Barr for 50m

THEY followed HIM! The kid and his mum were trying to leave the area. Again, they ran after the kid >pics related in >>6319069

>Mr Robinson went to her aid

>step in to defend me

By running up from behind the kid, getting in his face while holding a long, solid object (a camera with long lens). In that moment, how does that kid know it isn't an object that could be used as a weapon in the white knight's hands?

These two, the photographer and the reporter, work for the Daily Telegraph. Eliza Barr has been there for 5 years (at least on and off); she did her internship at Daily Telegraph in 2014. https://www.elizabarr.com/single-post/2014/12/15/News-in-the-newsroom & https://www.elizabarr.com/resume

Maybe the kid was in on it, but I doubt it. He should have been smarter by keeping his mouth shut if he did make comments comments about her being a 'commie whore'. He should have known that Eliza Barr was deliberately wearing a jacket & bra/corset ( >pic related ) combo to try and elicit this kind of reaction from someone. I suspect she hoped for Anning to say something about it, but had to settle for chasing down some random kid instead.

c4694d  No.6344236

File: 78ebb858203cd84⋯.jpg (73.76 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Clive Palmer and Donald Tr….jpg)

It’s Clive Palmer (Trump) vs Bill Shorten (Hillary)

Suddenly last fortnight, Bill Shorten started to look a lot like John Hewson. An opposition leader making every post a loser — aiming to once again lose an unlosable election. And as a decidedly unintended consequence, save the nation from the disaster of a Labor-Green government.

While I think those parallels of political ineptitude separated by more than a quarter of a century certainly hold true — although it really is too early to call the contemporary outcome — I suggest there is a far more recent, even broader, and certainly more wickedly interesting and instructive parallel.

This is the 2016 US presidential election. No, it’s not Scott Morrison as our down under Donald Trump — although they do have a similar skill for salesmanship — but of course Clive Palmer.

It is of course captured in their signature slogans: Make America Great Again; the unashamedly derivative but still seemingly highly effective Make Australia Great.

And why not steal it? It is another interesting and instructive comment, this time on the “professionalism” of our professional political class, that it was “left” for Palmer to steal.

Why would anyone in the mainstream parties think wanting to make Australia great would have any appeal to voters? After nearly 50 per cent of American voters were prepared to entrust their belief in that ambition to a candidate as conventionally unappealing as Trump?

Palmer as Trump is obvious; albeit with that fundamental difference. Trump was embarked on winning close enough to 50 per cent of the national vote; Palmer’s ambitions are far more modest.

His target is 12-14 per cent or so in Queensland to win a Senate seat; or even just the appearance of sufficient votes to force preference deals which would get him there.

The ambitions elsewhere are even more modest: to project the appearance of sufficient appeal to enable him to trade lower house seats via his preferences for the possibility of a Senate seat from coalition preferences.

Now, the likely result of Palmer-playing-Trump was revealed in our polling of those four critical marginal seats in Tuesday’s paper at the start of the week; the consequences of his apparent success played out in the preference deals with the Liberal and National parties at the end of the week.

Absent some major reversal down to election day — that’s to say, crudely, if the number of Queensland voters who don’t want to make Australia Great (and/ or as I’ve noted, are disinclined to make Palmer grate again, this time in the Senate) goes back above, say, 95 per cent — all this guarantees we will be hearing from Senator Palmer after July 1. And we might be hearing from a continuing PM Morrison after election day — defying all odds and what until this week also looked like plain unavoidable PM Shorten reality.

What the likely Palmer-as-Trump success and his preference deals also do, I would suggest, is guarantee a second right-wing maverick (RWM) senator in Queensland — either Pauline Hanson’s Malcolm Roberts or Bob Katter’s Joy Marriott, depending how all the preferences flow — and assure at least one RWM in Western Australia and NSW.

The entire ABC-Nine-Guardian leftist media had been totally uninterested in the Palmer-as-Trump exercise, just as their US counterparts across the US broadcast and “quality” print media had been with Trump himself; and for the same reason: they were both just thoroughly “unacceptable” to the leftist media elite.

And not just the leftist media. I am not aware of any other commentator suggesting that Palmer’s “spend-and-earworm” Trump-style strategy would pay dividends, as I did at the start of the week.

And only this paper’s Simon Benson and the paper’s polling, coincidentally delivered on the same day, set out to answer that question. And the answer was of course: plenty.

It fits into that broader elite denial of the reality of Trump and Brexit and yellow shirts and all the rest across the voting world and the denial even more of the underlying realities they erupt from.

What I also want to suggest to you is of the other hand clapping in the 2019 (Aus)-2016 (US) parallel: this is Shorten-as-Clinton. That’s to stress, if indeed it’s needed, Hillary Clinton.

Trump got halfway to winning under his own projection; Clinton then put him over the top by being such an awful, awful candidate, with a combined sense of entitlement and utter disdain for all those “deplorable Americans”, many of whom she actually needed to vote for her.

Are we seeing the same combination playing out here? Palmer-as-Trump delivering votes and potentially seats to the Coalition on the one hand; and then Shorten-as-Clinton sealing the deal, so to speak?


5c94ac  No.6352840

This poor NZ bloke is facing 14 years for sharing a video to 30 people.


We're not far behind.

c4694d  No.6356157

File: 51f5266c7d00440⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Heckler targets Queensland….mp4)

‘Get the f— out’: Heckler targets Queensland Senator Fraser Anning at Adani-related press conference

QUEENSLAND police have been forced to get between Senator Fraser Anning and a heckler at an Adani related press conference.

The confrontation happened in the West End where the controversial Senator was with several of his Conservative National Party candidates.

Video on the Yelling At Racist Dogs Facebook page shows the plainclothes police stepping in between the man and Mr Anning.

The officers, who have been assigned to protect Mr Anning, were also at his media event in Gatton west of Brisbane yesterday.

Footage shows the man barrelling into a press conference to hurl abuse at the senator.

“What the f— are you doing dog, get the f— out of West End,” the unidentified man said.

“Fifty f—— people died in Christchurch does that f—— mean anything to you, you f—— maggot.”

Mr Anning can be heard responding “get going you filthy animal” as another party candidate joins in.

“Three hundred died in Sri Lanka, what did you say about it,” Paul Taylor, who is number two on Mr Anning’s Senate ticket, said.

“You are the prince of cowards.”

Mr Anning drew international condemnation and a parliamentary censure when he said the Christchurch massacre - which left 50 Mosque worshippers dead - was the result of Muslim immigration to New Zealand.

He was then egged by a teenager in Melbourne while on Friday one of his supporters punched a photographer at a press conference in Sydney.

The violence has seen Queensland Police attach a security detail to Mr Anning’s recent public events.


5f78f0  No.6356498


So I was going to say: Now this looks set up! It's like watching an episode of Neighbours!

I then did a glancing search: https://www.facebook.com/yard.aus/

It's just another form of antifa. Except I think these low IQ idiots are LARPing for the t-shirt shekels. Not because they really believe in anything.

c4694d  No.6356707

File: 5f115ed4dd99477⋯.jpg (87.64 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ACT Labor Senate candidate….jpg)

File: ac758642fd815d6⋯.jpg (92.5 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Liberal senator Zed Seselj….jpg)

File: 83b272cd1c1d321⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 420x236, 105:59, Clive Palmer's United Aust….jpg)

Major parties shun Fraser Anning's candidates, Liberals embrace United Australia Party, as pre-polls open

The Liberals and Labor have frozen out Fraser Anning's far-right party in the ACT's how-to-vote sheets as pre-polling began in Canberra on Monday.

Labor, the Liberals and the Greens have told voters to allocate no preference to Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party when voting for Senate candidates.

Voters headed to pre-polling booths around the national capital as party volunteers and candidates handed out their how to vote sheets.

Both major parties put the United Australia Party ahead of each other, as national polling shows Clive Palmer's $30 million campaign ad spend has gained traction.

The Liberals have directed voters to give their second preference to the United Australia Party, while Labor put the party ahead of the Liberals, which are last on the ALP's how to vote sheets for the House of Representatives. The Liberals have placed the Greens last.

Labor put the Greens second on how-to-vote sheets in the ACT.

While the Greens have told voters to put Labor second in the Senate vote, it recommended they put the ALP behind the Australian Progressives on lower house ballot papers.

Independent centrist ACT Senate candidate Anthony Pesec said he did not enter any preference deals with other candidates and would not recommend any preferences.

"As an Independent I want my supporters to make their own decisions about where their preferences should go in the ACT Senate contest," he said.

Mr Pesec, seen as a credible challenger for one of the ACT's two Senate seats, also targeted the nationalist candidates appearing on ballot papers.

"The one recommendation I will make is that the people of Canberra firmly reject the divisive extremism of Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party," he said, adding that voters should leave the far right party's box blank.

The Conservative National Party is fielding two Senate candidates in the ACT.

While many are watching Mr Pesec's campaign, the Greens are arguing they are the most powerful threat to Liberal senator Zed Seselja's hold on the ACT's second Senate seat.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has faced questions about the Liberals' preference deal with Mr Palmer's United Australia Party, which could help hand back the minor party crossbench influence in the next parliament.

Labor has criticised the preference deal, however Mr Palmer said he had received several calls from ALP senator Anthony Chisholm. Opposition leader Bill Shorten said his party held no "formal" discussions on preferences with the United Australia Party.

A Liberal party spokeswoman said preferences were ultimately a decision for the party organisation but there would be no policy deals in exchange for preferences.

It is predicted that Australians will vote early in record numbers this election.

About 17 million people are enrolled to vote, and the participation rate has grown from 95 per cent in 2016 to 97 per cent.

Voters have the choice of numbering at least six boxes above the line, or at least 12 candidates below the line, when voting for the Senate. In the House of Representatives race, voters have to number every box on the ballot paper.


c4694d  No.6368726

File: e7a1a596534431a⋯.png (769.22 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Deputy Attorney-General Ro….png)

File: 3a5849f70c8816c⋯.png (485.21 KB, 386x1999, 386:1999, DECAS_1.png)

File: b6daecfbcf47955⋯.png (192.26 KB, 369x749, 369:749, DECLAS_2.png)

File: 09cec0af064828a⋯.png (22.15 KB, 388x371, 388:371, DECLAS_3.png)

Donald Trump's Deputy Attorney-General Rod Rosenstein submits letter of resignation.

United States Deputy Attorney-General Rod Rosenstein has submitted a letter of resignation to President Donald Trump.

His departure, effective from May 11, ends a nearly two-year run defined by his appointment of a special counsel to investigate connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The departure had been expected since the confirmation of William Barr as Attorney-General.

The White House nominated a replacement for the department's number two spot weeks ago.

Mr Rosenstein had intended to leave in mid-March but stayed on a little longer for the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.

Mr Mueller submitted his report to the Justice Department last month and Mr Rosenstein was part of a small group of department officials who reviewed the document and helped shape its public release.

After Mr Mueller failed to reach a conclusion about whether Mr Trump had obstructed the investigation, Mr Barr and Mr Rosenstein stepped in and determined the evidence was not enough to support such an allegation.

Mr Rosenstein, who appointed Mr Mueller in 2017 following the recusal of attorney-general Jeff Sessions, had overseen his team's work for much of the last two years and has defended his investigation.

Last April, Mr Trump floated the idea of firing Mr Rosenstein after FBI raids on the office and home of the President's former long-time personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

There was further speculation Mr Rosenstein's job was on the line when reports emerged in September that he had suggested secretly recording the President and recruiting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

The 25th amendment provides for a president to be replaced if they are incapable of carrying out their duties.

Mr Rosenstein denied the report as "inaccurate and factually incorrect".

The Deputy Attorney-General position is a significant job, responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the Justice Department and the work of United States attorneys.


Aus Anons, RE-READ [RR] and DECLAS drops!

fd4cc2  No.6368878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bollocks. i know good Police, Masons and Judges - and don't throw the bathwater; i am Thirsty ;-)

[unlike toofy sangs]

666 [am Tards]



c4694d  No.6369051

File: e08190d8672c8d6⋯.webm (7.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Pauline Hansons One Natio….webm)

Pauline Hanson's One Nation candidate Steve Dickson resigns over strip club videos

One Nation Senate candidate for Queensland Steve Dickson has resigned after footage was released of him making derogatory comments and touching a dancer in a US strip club.

Mr Dickson said in a statement he apologised sincerely for his behaviour.

"The footage shown does not reflect the person I am. It shows a person who was drunk and not in control of his actions and I take full responsibility for allowing that to happen," he said.

The vision was recorded during an undercover investigation by Al Jazeera but aired for the first time by Nine's A Current Affair on Monday.

It was filmed as part of the same operation which last month revealed Mr Dickson and party adviser James Ashby travelled to the US last year seeking campaign help from lobby groups like the National Rifle Association (NRA).

The newly released recordings showed Mr Dickson talking disparagingly about the dancers with fake gun rights advocate Rodger Muller in the Washington club.

He refers to one dancer as a "b–ch" and says of another: "Little t–s, nothing there."

Mr Dickson is also filmed as saying: " I think white women f–k a whole lot better, they know what they're doing. Asian chicks don't.

"I've done more Asian than I know what to do with."

Another segment shows him talking with a dancer after slipping money into her lingerie.

"You need to slide your hand on my —-," he says to the dancer.

"Right now?" she asks.

"Yeah absolutely," he responds.

She declines, saying: "I can't do that sorry, they'll probably notice."

Mr Dickson also appears in front of a pole dancer while sliding money into her underwear.

In his statement he said he was deeply remorseful for his "disrespectful comments towards women".

"I found the footage difficult to watch as my words and actions under intoxication and in that environment, are not a true reflection of myself," he said.

"Despite being on a self-funded trip with a person who I never imagined to be an undercover journalist funded by the Qatar Government."

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson said she has accepted Mr Dickson's resignation.


9177f8  No.6369178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julian Assange's father's fears for his son (interviewed by 60 minutes Australia).

Sourced by QRes#8117

"Julian Assange’s biological father claims his son has been “traded” by Ecuador with the US in return for an International Monetary Fund loan and will end up in an American prison forever."


9177f8  No.6369192

Anons comments on JULIAN ASSANGE WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Secrets from inside the embassy

Julian Assange’s father, John Shipton, speaks to 60 Minutes Australia

@ 1:10 Julian looks as old as me. I’m 74. But, he’s eye’s look fine. Still a fighting spirit. He seems Okay.

(Several minutes of background, which most anons know.)

@ 8:20 Just ridicules to think Julian Assange is a Russian asset. That just fits (((their))) meme that we lost the election because of Russia.

(moar here anons will like)

@ 10:00 (((They))) want to demonstrate that publishers and whistleblowers will be destroyed.

@ 11:00 Father thinks Ecuador traded Assange for a IMF line of credit.

@ 12:20 Father see him raising above a STORM, like Everest.

@ 13:50 Father fears his son will be sent to the United States, locked up and never released.

@ 14:00 Julian Assange has given up everything.

"Watching the shock eviction was Assange’s father, John Shipton, who fears his son will be sent to the United States, locked up and never released. In a 60 MINUTES world exclusive, Shipton tells Tara Brown he wants everyone to know the real Julian Assange is not some careless villain computer hacker, but a hero of free speech."

60 Minutes Australia – YouTube


Published on Apr 28, 2019

(Video is 15 minutes)


9177f8  No.6369240

Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane airports' international terminals passport control down.

An Australian Border Force security outage has caused lengthy delays in airports across the country.

Passport control machines are reportedly down in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane international airports, with thousands of passengers experiencing massive queues at immigration.


9177f8  No.6369324

Without fanfare, Australia opens trade and defense office in Jerusalem

Sourced from QRes#8134

Spokesperson insists facility in western part of the city not an extension of country’s Tel Aviv embassy, won’t have diplomatic status

Australia last month quietly opened a trade and defense office in Jerusalem.

The move was not announced on government websites, and no senior Australian or Israeli officials attended the opening ceremony of the new office, which Canberra insists does not have formal diplomatic status.

By contrast, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year attended the opening of a Czech office in the capital — which does not have diplomatic status either — and took part in the dedication of a Hungarian trade office, which is also located in Jerusalem but is considered an extension of the country’s Tel Aviv embassy.

Australia’s “Trade and Defence Office,” located in the Migdal Ha’ir office tower in western Jerusalem, was opened in March without fanfare, fulfilling a promise the country’s prime minister made four months ago.

“It is a commercially focused office, established and managed by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission,” a spokesperson for the Australian embassy in Tel Aviv told The Times of Israel. It “will not have diplomatic status and is not an extension of the Australian embassy in Tel Aviv,” the spokesperson stressed.

“We are currently recruiting locally engaged staff to work in the [defense and trade office] on a permanent basis. The Australian government has been liaising closely with the Israeli government and other partners in the establishment of the [office], to ensure it is fully operational as quickly as possible,” the spokesperson said.


9177f8  No.6369369

Resignations in the region today

One Nation's Steve Dickson resigns over strip club footage


c4694d  No.6379397

File: d0df905843b4b9f⋯.jpg (54.8 KB, 800x570, 80:57, Mohamed Noor.jpg)

Minneapolis cop who shot Australian Justine Damond found guilty of second-degree manslaughter and third-degree murder

A jury of 10 men and two women has found Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor guilty of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the shooting of Justine Ruszczyk Damond in 2017 as she approached his squad car after calling 911.

Damond, 40, originally from Sydney, lived with her fiancé in an apartment. In 2017 she called 911 to report what she thought was a sexual assault behind the building. When police came, Damond approached the car, wearing pajamas, to speak to the police.

Noor’s partner, Matthew Harrity, testified that both officers were startled by a loud noise, then saw a figure with raised arm right outside their car window. That’s when Noor reached across his partner and shot, fearing an ambush.

Among the original charges was one for intentional second-degree murder, but Noor was found not guilty, the Associated Press reported.

The third-degree murder charge means to kill someone “without regard for human life but without intent to cause” death, according to AP. Second-degree manslaughter is defined as “creating unreasonable risk of causing death or great bodily harm to another through culpable negligence,” the newswire said.

Noor could face 10 to 15 years in prison on the murder charge and 3.5 to five years on the manslaughter charge, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Noor, a Somali-American, is the first Minneapolis officer “in recent memory” to be convicted related to an on-duty shooting, the Star-Tribune said.

Noor was being held despite his lawyer’s protestations that he poses no danger or flight risk. He’s due back in court for sentencing June 7.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said he respected the verdict, painful as it was.

“I respect the verdict rendered,” he said in a statement posted by CBS affiliate WCCO. “As chief, I will ensure that the MPD learns from this case, and we will be in spaces to listen, learn and do all we can to help our communities in healing.”

He also apologized to Damond’s friends and family.

“This was indeed a sad and tragic incident that has affected family, friends, neighbors, the City of Minneapolis and people around the world, most significantly in her home country of Australia,” Arradondo said.

The local police union chief, Lt. Bob Kroll, concurred. “The Federation respects the legal process and the findings of the jury,” he said in a separate statement.

But the Somali American Police Association (SAPA) called the verdict too harsh, especially given its rarity.

“SAPA believes the institutional prejudices against people of color, including officers of color, have heavily influenced the verdict of this case,” the association said in a statement. “The aggressive manner in which the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office went after Officer Noor reveals that there were other motives at play other than serving justice.”

While offering “condolences and prayers” to Damond’s loved ones and decrying the “devastating circumstances” that have decimated both families, the statement also expressed concern about dampening effects on police force diversity, especially given that Minneapolis has one of the largest Somali communities in the United States.

“SAPA fears the outcome of this case will have a devastating effect on police morale and make the recruitment of minority officers all the more difficult,” the association said.

The death of Damond, a yoga instructor and meditation teacher, at the hands of police made her passing all the more jarring to friends and neighbors, according to a profile in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

“She was the least threatening person you would meet,” said Gary Perisian, president of the Lake Harriet Spiritual Community where Damond taught meditation, to the Star Tribune.

“She was a teacher to so many in living a life of openness, love and kindness,” said her fiancé, Don Damond, to the newspaper. “Our lives are forever changed as a result of knowing her.”


c4694d  No.6383769

File: be669d18f574778⋯.jpg (95.27 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Julian Assange court sketc….jpg)

File: 2ec92a24d9d7577⋯.jpg (77.31 KB, 940x627, 940:627, WikiLeaks founder Julian A….jpg)

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks' jail over bail breach

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been sentenced to 50 weeks' jail for absconding while on bail, when he fled to the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2012.

Assange was granted asylum by Ecuador after the UK Supreme Court upheld a ruling that he should be extradited to Sweden over a sexual assault case that has since been dropped. He has denied the allegation.

He claimed he was seeking political asylum because Sweden's international arrest warrant would see him eventually extradited to the United States.

Assange's lawyer Mark Summers told the courtroom packed with journalists and WikiLeaks supporters that his client sought refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy because "he was living with overwhelming fear of being rendered to the US".

He said Assange had a "well-founded" fear that he would be mistreated and possibly sent to the US detention camp for terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay.

Mr Summers read a letter from Assange apologising for his behaviour in 2012 and saying, "I did what I thought was best".

"I found myself struggling with terrifying circumstances," the letter said.

The white-haired WikiLeaks founder stood impassively with his hands clasped while his 50-week sentence was read.

The 47-year-old's supporters in the public gallery chanted "shame on you" at the judge as he was led away.



fd4cc2  No.6390500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6383769 let Julian Assange be free! y would a civilization built on FREEDOM cage a Man that does not harm?


c4694d  No.6394160

File: 092f93d8034251a⋯.png (423.53 KB, 630x419, 630:419, Julian Assange.png)

File: cc90fac2a8d6be4⋯.png (524.49 KB, 630x419, 630:419, Julian_Assange_hides.png)

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange won’t be given ‘special treatment,’ Australian prime minister says

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was arrested in London Thursday, will not be given any “special treatment,” Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

Speaking to the national broadcaster on Friday, Morrison said Assange, an Australian citizen, “will get the same treatment as everybody else.”

Assange, who’s accused of one of the largest leaks of classified information in the U.S., was arrested and removed from the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Thursday, where he had been living for nearly seven years after seeking asylum there.

He now faces potential extradition to the U.S., which has put in a request for him. The Justice Department announced a criminal charge against Assange, accusing him of conspiring with former American army intelligence analyst, Chelsea Manning, to hack into a classified U.S. government computer.

“When Australians travel overseas and they find themselves in difficulties with the law, well, they face the judicial systems of those countries, it doesn’t matter what particular crime it is they’ve alleged to have committed. That’s the way the system works,” Morrison told ABC.

“Mr Assange will get the same support that any other Australian would … he’s not going to be given any special treatment,” he said.

WikiLeaks, set up in 2006, became renowned for publishing secret information and news leaks that have caused embarrassment for governments and public officials around the world.

Assange’s attorney confirmed Thursday that the 47-year-old was arrested on a U.S. extradition request as well as for breaching U.K. bail conditions, The Associated Press reported.

His attorney, Jennifer Robinson, said that the Australian government should do more to support Assange, according to a report by Australian broadcaster SBS News.

“It is time for the Australian government to step up and do what it should have done in 2010 when we asked them to do the first time, which is to reach out to the United States, our ally and ask this prosecution be closed,” she said, according to SBS.

“This is a matter of free speech. It is an Australian citizen who faces years, potentially decades or life in prison for having published material that the Walkley Awards gave him the most outstanding contribution to Australian journalism for,” said Robinson.

Assange sought asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over sexual assault and rape.

He consistently denied the allegations and surrendered to British police the following month and was released on bail. However, he then evaded police and fled, leading to a second warrant that was the basis for his arrest Thursday.


b87e84  No.6399143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rebut this. Foreign fake "Australian Government" Corporations

8090da  No.6399727

File: 4e7c7afb5bc8641⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1113x1676, 1113:1676, Alexander_Downer_(1)B1.jpg)























Dig for his US Washington DC movements at time of George P setup of Stephen Halper in LONDON!

Dig for all DC contacts and connections!

This is the SOURCE of "the" 2nd "Verification" Nail In Trumps Coup Attempt!







056983  No.6400020


Fucking breathless, noisy, throaty, disjointed and incomprehensible.

And Coup is not pronounced COOP. It’s pronounced COO ya drongo.

Never heard of this party.

Must be new.

I think he’s saying the monarchy is no longer head of state.

That’s gotta be a good thing right?

Except the party that pulled this stunt is Labor (Liberal/Progressive).

Needs research by Lawfags.

Constitutional ones at that.

345e13  No.6400714

File: e187df81f56a09a⋯.png (37.56 KB, 724x217, 724:217, ClipboardImage.png)

So our govt intelligence agency gets accused of being involved in a treasonous plot larger than Watergate to overthrow the US President by one of the players being targeted - Australia media - crickets.

5f78f0  No.6400826



>I think he’s saying the monarchy is no longer head of state.

Yeah, that's what I understood also. So does that mean it is just a dog and pony show in regard to the state and Commonwealth Governer Generals and the monarchy?

>That’s gotta be a good thing right?

Well, not really. The Constitution is tied to the Crown which ties to the law, magna carta, the bible, right down to the 10 commandments. Without the crown our freedoms & rights (as believe them to be) can be bypassed. My comprehension of this stuff is very basic at this point, but the aforementioned is correct or atleast correct enough.

As far as I understand, the constitution is very much still in play and can overrule any court ruling that is unconstitutional. The courts try to pretend that the constitution doesn't exist and make it extremely expensive and time consuming for anyone to enforce their constitutional rights.

The referendum in the 90s was a push (don't forget, this was run and orchestrated by Deep State Malcolm Bligh Turnbull during a Keating Labor gov't) to once and for all eliminate our constitution. The sly bastards ran the referendum campaign through the kids. In particular primary school children were weaponised to influence their parents (I speculate that the mothers were the primary target) to vote for a republic. During the referendum campaign every school (private & public; primary & high school) child was forced by the teachers to do many projects in favour of a republic. One project in particular was a competition where every child had to come up with and draw what they thought should be the new flag for Australia. The covert intention of this campaign was to have a miniaturised propaganda machine in every home talking about how great a new Australia would be (especially if that child's flag design were to win!!) in order to tug on their parents' (mother's) heart strings.

You can see direct parallels of how they use kids to push their agendas by examining the modus operandi of the climate change debate. It unabashedly weaponises young, uneducated kids to push the doomsday fear agenda via multiple generations of teachers who have also had their minds moulded since the 1970s (Think the United Nations climate action shit). These people are disgusting in how they warp and mould young children's minds to push their public agenda which covertly allows their private agenda to slip through.

Disclaimer: I personally despise the monarchy and their crimes. I feel ill every time I see them on tv. Their direct familial connection to the esoteric, occultic upper echelons of the NAZI SS. The video of young Elizabeth & Anne goose-stepping while doing a Nazi salute should tell you enough about them. If nothing else, it is their intimate association with proven paedophiles (Jimmy Saville, Jeffery Epstein & Prince Andrew, Rolf Harris, et. al.), the peculiar disappearance of 10 Native American children from a Canadian orphanage and the mysterious deaths of people (a pastor who uncovered those disappearances) who were about to testify to those claims.

>Needs research by Lawfags

As you say, hopefully some patriotic lawfag sees it and is willing to comment.

>Fucking breathless, noisy, throaty, disjointed and incomprehensible.

It was a shitty delivery by Rod, but he has obviously looked into the eye of the beast and seen what its true intentions are for Australia and its people.

9177f8  No.6401045

Sorry folks for lack of QRes General content over the past few days .. just havent felt up to reviewing all the QRes threads for Aus/NZ content, like I usually do each day.

Will try to catch up over the weekend - see how we go. tc aus frens

056983  No.6401121


Great answer.


Prior to waking up I thought the monarchy a curiosity that required, at the very least, respect for their position in the HEIRARCHY.

Now, I too feel very queasy and contemptuous when I see them. The latest baby is about to be born and I find myself wondering if it is: A real, and B if it is, is it his. I’ve read all that stuff you mentioned.


A fine mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.

Your assistance valued.

478576  No.6401318




Ausfags – in the 70’s PM Gough Whitlam had secret meetings with Queen Elizabeth II. This resulted in the formation of “Australia” and the very first election was held in 1974 for the parliament of “Australia”

Prior to this, we were the “Commonwealth of Australia” and elections were for the “Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia”. Names matter - they are different entities. I repeat – ‘Commonwealth of Australia’ and ‘Australia’ are not the same entity.

“Australia” was set up as the administrative arm of the “Commonwealth of Australia”. Then, Gough Whitlam and his friends went through ALL past Acts (see Austlii.gov.au) and changed any reference to “Commonwealth of Australia” to mean “Australia”

A mighty con job on We the People!

He and his team bypassed the constitution – we should have been told what the legal entity “Australia” was. Instead we were tricked into not realising that it effectively ‘replaced’ the “Commonwealth of Australia” and made us Citizens of Australia, instead of Commonwealth Nationals.

Most people in Australia are completely unaware of this. The constitution of 1901 is alive and well – for the Commonwealth of Australia. “Australia” just makes its own Administrative Laws, beholden to the UN and all the usual players. ‘Australia’ sits beside the Commonwealth of Australia – think of it as a mirror, where it ‘looks’ the same, but is not.

We have an election coming up in 2 weeks. It should be to elect a parliament of the “Commonwealth of Australia”. It is not – it will elect members to a parliament of the “Australian Government”. As stated, a completely different entity.

Our restitution as “We the People” lies in restoring the “Commonwealth of Australia”. There are very few people who know this, and they are working their buts off to try and let all Australians know.

Our constitution is indissoluble – cannot be dissolved – they are doing a darn good job of bypassing it. If we can’t stop them in time, watch for the push to be a republic – that will be game over for the rights of the average person in Australia, with the Constitution then becoming irrelevant.

Btw – the C’th is not about the Monarchy, it is about us being formed as a Christian realm under God, through the King James Bible. (And it is irrelevant if you are atheist, this is our foundation)

5f78f0  No.6401350


>Gough Whitlam and his friends went through ALL past Acts

so, is that why the Queen, through GG Kerr, dismissed the Whitlam gov't?

056983  No.6404937


If people are working to advise Australians, then why isn’t the word getting out?

Comped media?

Lack of interest?

Lack of understanding?

Lack of awareness?

Where is 60 minutes?

Where is Andrew Bolt?

Where is the ABC? (Oh right. Sorry.)

If the vid bloke gets elected on that platform, why isn’t he then bound by the same vow of silence when first elected to parliament?

056983  No.6404977


>Btw – the C’th is not about the Monarchy, it is about us being formed as a Christian realm under God, through the King James Bible.

So does this mean we are vulnerable to Luciferian control?

What is the underlying downside to this switcheroonie?

056983  No.6405039



One World Government.

One religion.

That’s why the monarchy was compliant.


056983  No.6407925

File: 10dd742efdab934⋯.jpeg (223.25 KB, 500x2000, 1:4, 6830299E-F4BF-4910-9C72-4….jpeg)

Australian Cyber security chief MacGibbon resigns


62e939  No.6408405

File: f4ac483fcc33a08⋯.png (183.52 KB, 300x299, 300:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 264f4b7580424a8⋯.png (128.6 KB, 1189x578, 1189:578, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 636051965e877bf⋯.png (207.53 KB, 280x432, 35:54, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6406988 lb


Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 lb, ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

The movie is known as Karate Kid, but it´s original name is

"The Moment of Truth".


>>6405524 lb


a04aac  No.6410312

File: 1dcbe0900671809⋯.png (822.17 KB, 797x719, 797:719, 1dcbe0900671809da829b4710f….png)

Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch

A 33-year old man has been arrested after a report of suspicious items at a property in Phillipstown, Christchurch.

Police were called to an empty property in Newcastle St about 3.15pm on Tuesday.

A police statement said houses on Newcastle, Glasgow and Harrow Sts were evacuated as a precaution.

The New Zealand Defence Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit were at the scene. The unit deals with explosives, however police have yet to confirm if any explosives were found.

Several officers and a police dog entered a property on Newcastle St about 5pm. A drone was seen flying near the property.


a04aac  No.6410441

File: 6737e0b77a4ff17⋯.jpg (27.45 KB, 700x420, 5:3, Instagram-phone-app-hand-7….jpg)

China’s Big Brother Social Control Goes to Australia

Sourced from QRes#8145

Australia is preparing to debut its version of the Chinese regime’s high-tech system for monitoring and controlling its citizens. The launch, to take place in the northern city of Darwin, will include systems to monitor people’s activity via their cell phones.

The new system is based on monitoring programs in Shenzhen, China, where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is testing its Social Credit System. Officials on the Darwin council traveled to Shenzhen, according to NT News, to “have a chance to see exactly how their Smart Technology works prior to being fully rolled out.”

In Darwin, they’ve already constructed “poles, fitted with speakers, cameras and Wi-Fi,” according to NT News, to monitor people, their movements around the city, the websites they visit, and what apps they use. The monitoring will be done mainly by artificial intelligence, but will alert authorities based on set triggers.

Just as in China, the surveillance system is being branded as a “smart city” program, and while Australian officials claim its operations are benign, they’ve announced it functions to monitor cell phone activity and “virtual fences” that will trigger alerts if people cross them.

“We’ll be getting sent an alarm saying, ‘There’s a person in this area that you’ve put a virtual fence around.’ … Boom, an alert goes out to whatever authority, whether it’s us or police to say ‘look at camera five,’” said Josh Sattler, the Darwin council’s general manager for innovation, growth, and development services, according to NT News.

The nature of the “virtual fences” and what type of activity will sound an alarm still isn’t being made clear.

The system is being promoted as mostly benign. Sattler said it will tell the government “where people are using Wi-Fi, what they’re using Wi-Fi for, are they watching YouTube, etc. All these bits of information we can share with businesses. … We can let businesses know, ‘Hey, 80 percent of people actually use Instagram within this area of the city, between these hours.’”

The CCP’s smart city Social Credit System is able to monitor each person in the society, tracking every element of their lives—including their friends, online purchases, daily behavior, and other information—and assigns each person a citizen score that determines their level of freedom in society.


a04aac  No.6410452

The location data is stored inside a Google database known as Sensorvault, which contains detailed location records of hundreds of millions of devices from around the world. The records reportedly contain location data going back to 2009. The data is collected whether or not users are making calls or using apps.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) says police are using a single warrant—sometimes known as a “geo-fence” warrant—to access location data from devices that are linked to individuals who have no connection to criminal activity and have not provided any reasonable suspicion of a crime. Jennifer Lynch, EFF’s Surveillance Litigation Director, says these searches are problematic for several reasons.

“First, unlike other methods of investigation used by the police, the police don’t start with an actual suspect or even a target device—they work backward from a location and time to identify a suspect,” Lynch wrote. “This makes it a fishing expedition—the very kind of search that the Fourth Amendment was intended to prevent. Searches like these—where the only information the police have is that a crime has occurred—are much more likely to implicate innocent people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Every device owner in the area during the time at issue becomes a suspect—for no other reason than that they own a device that shares location information with Google.”

Butt it’s China that has such horrible Human Rights violations?


a04aac  No.6410458


Gppgle tracks your location and shares it with Police, even if your phone is off

a04aac  No.6410466

Robert Reid, father of tennis prodigy Todd Reid, has died six months after his son

Todd Reid was a tennis prodigy before being forced into retirement after injuries

He died in Melbourne October of 2018 after retiring in from professional tennis


a04aac  No.6410490

File: 55ac9131b3c891b⋯.jpg (128.51 KB, 600x675, 8:9, 55ac9131b3c891be7d8c9363ba….jpg)

Antarctic supply ship reported two dead crew

Antarctic supply ship VASILIY GOLOVNIN reported on Apr 29 or earlier, that two crew on board died of poisoning, assumedly by methanol alcohol. The ship is on the way to Cape Tow, ETA May 4, after Antarctic voyage, she delivered supplies and replacement researchers teams to Indian Antarctic scientific bases Bharati and Maitri. One of deceased seamen is an AB, another one is turner. Their bodies are to be transported to Russia from Cape Town. Investigation pending.


a04aac  No.6410549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julian Assange: Clinton Foundation and ISIS were funded from the same source

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stated that Hillary Clinton’s Clinton Foundation and the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) are funded from the same sources.

He was speaking about the organisation’s latest release of Clinton emails, during an interview on the John Pilger Special show that is to be exclusively broadcast by RT, courtesy of Dartmouth Films. The interview took place in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where Assange has been residing since August 2012. The footage was released on Thursday.


c67288  No.6410648

File: ec7cf525e53ce46⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Barr-Downer.mp4)

Good morning Australia from the UK.

Dont know if you guise have seen this from the main board but i'll post anyway.

This is actually very big news and brings another major name into play.


*Attorney General William Barr revealed during his Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer was an FBI source for information about George Papadopoulos.

*The disclosure, which received little attention during Barr’s testimony, could now allow the public to force the government to reveal details about Downer’s role in the investigation.

*Downer’s role as the catalyst for the FBI’s probe has been revealed in press reports, but the U.S. government had not acknowledged it officially prior to Barr’s testimony.

In a little-noticed exchange during his Senate hearing Wednesday, Attorney General William Barr made a surprising disclosure that could allow the public and press to obtain sensitive details about the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

During a back-and-forth with Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, Barr identified Alexander Downer, a former Australian diplomat, as the FBI’s source for the information that sparked the bureau’s counterintelligence investigation into George Papadopoulos and other Trump campaign associates.

The federal government had not officially identified Downer as the source until Wednesday. His role in the investigation was publicly known, but only through press reports and his own statements to the media.

Federal agencies could deny requests for information about Downer and his role in the opening of “Crossfire Hurricane,” the FBI’s name for the counterintelligence investigation, without official confirmation from U.S. government officials.

That all changed on Wednesday, according to Bradley Moss, the deputy executive director of the James Madison Project, a transparency group that handles national security-related lawsuits.


a04aac  No.6410955

Julian Assange gets 50 weeks on bail charge, day before extradition hearing

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been sentenced to 50 weeks in prison for violating his bail and going into hiding at the Ecuadorian embassy, seven years ago, a sentence that comes just a day before a hearing is set to take place concerning his extradition to the U.S.

Assange was sentenced on Wednesday after his appearance at London’s Southwark Crown Court. After the judge handed the sentence, a group of protesters shouted “shame on you.”

He breached his bail back in 2012 amid threats of extradition to Sweden, where he was wanted for questioning over rape and sexual assault allegations.

In a letter read to the court, Assange said he was “struggling with difficult circumstances” and apologized to those who “consider I've disrespected them.”

He added: “I did what I thought at the time was the best or perhaps the only thing that I could have done.”

Judge Deborah Taylor insisted that Assange deserved near the maximum sentence of one year because of the seriousness of his offense. She rejected calls for leniency because of the nearly seven years he spent in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

The Australian founder of WikiLeaks remained defiant and raised a fist in the air to his supporters as he was taken down to the prison.

Assange has been held in prison since his arrest last month after the Ecuadorian authorities revoked his political asylum and kicked him out of the embassy on April 11.

he government of Ecuador accused WikiLeaks and Assange of meddling in the country’s politics.

But the sentence on Wednesday is just a sideshow for Assange, who faces the main battle on Thursday.

He’s set to appear at a court hearing on a U.S. extradition request. The U.S. authorities charged Assange with conspiring to break into a Pentagon computer system.

He faces up to five years in a U.S. prison if convicted.


a04aac  No.6410968

File: b31297b4214d67a⋯.png (96.54 KB, 774x433, 774:433, b31297b4214d67a2e2c7def7b3….png)

Another PapaD Tweet

Attorney General Barr is a smart man. He has probably already seen documentary evidence that Australian intelligence, British intelligence and US intelligence made contact with me BEFORE Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, was sent to make contact in May 2016 by the FBI.


a04aac  No.6411473

File: 717eb5101a0a468⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 717eb5101a0a4682d5f2da1868….png)

Australian man found guilty in plane bomb plot involving meat grinder

MELBOURNE — An Australian court on Wednesday found a man guilty of plotting to blow up an Etihad Airways flight out of Sydney at the behest of the Islamic State militant group by hiding a bomb in the luggage of his brother.

Police had accused the man, Khaled Khayat, and another brother, Mahmoud Khayat, of planning two terrorist attacks that also included a chemical gas attack on the flight to Abu Dhabi in July 2017, police said.

The third brother was unaware that he was carrying a bomb, disguised as a meat mincer, in his luggage, as he tried to check in at the airport, police said.

But the device was taken out of his luggage when it was deemed too heavy and the bomb never made it past airport security.

Khaled and Mahmoud Khayat were arrested weeks later after a series of raids in Sydney.

“The jury this afternoon returned a guilty verdict for Khaled and is still deliberating in respect of Mahmoud,” a spokeswoman for the New South Wales Supreme Court said.


b89427  No.6412066

File: 4e7c7afb5bc8641⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1113x1676, 1113:1676, Alexander_Downer_(1)B.jpg)

File: 5a3a2617bcd4553⋯.jpg (233.97 KB, 640x465, 128:93, Richard_Dearlove2b.JPG)



USA's #2 Criminal Deep State Australian US Ambassador:



Dig for his US Washington DC movements around the time of George P setup of Stephen Halper in LONDON and early/mid 2016!

Dig for all DC contacts and connections!

This is the SOURCE of "the" 2nd "Verification" Nail In Trumps Coup Attempt!


He needs to be Indicted and RETURNED TO US FOR TRAIL OF TREASON!

He worked with UK Deep State Spymaster DEARLOVE! Both worked hand in hand with HRC, CIA, FBI, BO, to SET UP TRUMPS FAKE CHARGES TO OVERTHROW OUR NATION!

They all need to face a firing squad if found they were ACTORS to DESTROY OUR NATION BY CRIMINAL MEANS!


a04aac  No.6418137

File: 835f45e7727e1fe⋯.jpg (332.6 KB, 1321x945, 1321:945, NZ.jpg)

More NZ Fuckery Afoot

Andrew Little announced on Thursday there has been a set back with the Pike River Mine re-entry due to elevated oxygen levels at the far end of the drift.

The minister described the elevated levels as "unpredicted and unexplained," and because of this, the mine will not be entered, although there will still be an event for families.

"If you can't explain it, you stop what you're doing until you can," he said.

The shift in oxygen levels means the atmosphere in the drift has changed and the air is no longer breathable.

Little said on Thursday he could not predict how long the delay would be on re-entry, and didn't wish to speculate.

"It could be days, could be weeks," he told media.


Elevated Oxygen Levels = Too much oxygen ??

Last time I checked you can breathe 100% oxygen without issues, or use BA sets if you worried about contaminants.

Amazed there aren't more people questioning the facts spouted in this article … or why a delay of a few days/weeks is required?

62e939  No.6418140

EU ELECTION Bread up again.

>>6416946 lb

>>6416946 lb

>>6416946 lb

(Old bread was fucked up by the all-time-captcha and not working anymore.)

EU ELECTION Bread up again.

From May 23rd to May 26th 2019 all the EU countries will elect the new European Parliament.

This will be another crossroad in history and a major step of The Plan.

Globalism and all it´s disadvantages and burdens for 'we, the people' is largely being rejected.

Green deal, eco terrorism and ridiculous politics is being rejected.

Not having safety/security in public spaces any more is being rejected.

Being taxed on everything is being rejected.

A fake currency and resulting financial crises is being rejected.

Not being able to explaining riduculous politics and only reply by "you are a populist, a feminist, a nazi, a …-ist" is being rejected.

Many people are awake and see the corruption and the evil cult running things behind the scenes.





a04aac  No.6418178

Resignations in the region

Boss of troubled NDIA quits after less than two years in the role


a04aac  No.6418242

Australian Journalist Arrested for Plotting to Murder Christians in Revenge for Christchurch

An Australian reporter has been charged with multiple offences after he allegedly tried to lure Christians to his house to attack them with a sword.

The man, Mr James Michael Waugh, is believed to have wanted to carry out the attacks in retaliation for attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, in which 50 people were killed.

Mr Waugh was charged with “threatening to act with intent to cause public harm, using a carriage service to menace others and possessing a weapon to be used to kill.”

Waugh was previously a reporter at the Queanbeyan Age, a local paper in New South Wales, but is reported to have left the job and had been unemployed for more than a month before his arrest.

The prosecutor, Rae-Ann Khazma, said of Mr Waugh that “he made it clear he would either engage in battle … making him a martyr or to make them look bad.”

“He also indicated his use of a scimitar [a Middle-Eastern sword with a curved blade] depending on how many Christians turned up and whether they were armed,” Ms Khazma added.

Waugh is alleged to have previously posted a threatening message on the Facebook group of Canberra House of Prayer in Yarralumla in late March. His message read “I’m going to kill every single one of you dog polytheist c—-“.

Defence lawyer Helen Hayunga pressed, without success, for Waugh to be granted bail, claiming there was no evidence he would act on his alleged threats.

“It is one thing to espouse bizarre or intemperate views and another to act upon them,” she suggested.

“The difficulty for the prosecution… is that there is no evidence he was going to act [on the threats],” she added.

Magistrate Peter Morrison observed that Waugh had acquired a weapon, however, and opted to remand him in custody until his next court date.

A doctor concluded he has no mental health issues.


a04aac  No.6418273

File: 7f927288a1b12c6⋯.png (958.55 KB, 821x487, 821:487, 7f927288a1b12c66dd99122439….png)

I won't surrender to extradition ‘for doing journalism’ – Assange

WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange, jailed by the UK authorities for 50 weeks over skipping bail, is adamant to fight the US extradition request, as Washington wants him for merely “doing journalism.”

Assange faced a London court via a video link on Thursday for the first hearing over the US extradition request. When asked if he desires to consent to it, he rejected it and expressed determination to fight the extradition.

I do not wish to surrender myself for extradition for doing journalism that has won many, many awards and protected many people.

The US wants Assange on charges of conspiring to commit computer intrusion, related to his work with whistleblower Chelsea Manning, who leaked scores of classified documents related to the Iraq War. The offense carries a maximum penalty of five years behind bars, but Assange's legal team fears more charges will follow.

Supporters of the WikiLeaks co-founder speculate that he might even face charges under the Espionage Act of 1917, a harsh legislation protecting “national interests,” that envisions lengthy prison terms and ultimately the death penalty to those found guilty.

The hearings on the extradition request have been adjourned, with a technical one scheduled for May 30 and the first substantive one expected on June 12.


a04aac  No.6418288

Seeds of Destruction: Hijacking of the World’s Food System

As F. William Engdahl wrote in “Death of the Birds and the Bees Across America“:

Birds and bees are something most of us take for granted as part of nature. The expression “teaching about the birds and the bees” to explain the process of human reproduction to young people is not an accidental expression. Bees and birds contribute to the essence of life on our planet. A study by the US Department of Agriculture estimated that “…perhaps one-third of our total diet is dependent, directly or indirectly, upon insect-pollinated plants.”[1]

The honey bee, Apis mellifera, is the most important pollinator of agricultural crops. Honey bees pollinate over 70 out of 100 crops that in turn provide 90% of the world’s food. They pollinate most fruits and vegetables — including apples, oranges, strawberries, onions and carrots.[2] But while managed honey bee populations have increased over the last 50 years, bee colony populations have decreased significantly in many European and North American nations. Simultaneously, crops that are dependent on insects for pollination have increased. The phenomenon has received the curious designation of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), implying it could be caused by any number of factors. Serious recent scientific studies however point to a major cause: use of new highly toxic systemic pesticides in agriculture since about 2004.

If governments in the EU, USA and other countries fail to impose a total ban on certain chemical insecticides, not only could bees become a thing of the past. The human species could face staggering new challenges merely to survive. The immediate threat comes from the widespread proliferation of commercial insecticides containing the highly-toxic chemical with the improbable name, neonicotinoids. Neonicotinoids are a group of insecticides chemically similar to nicotine. They act on the central nervous system of insects. But also on bees and small song birds. Recent evidence suggests they could also affect human brain development in newborn.

Some five to six years back, reports began to circulate from around the world, especially out of the United States, and then increasingly from around the EU, especially in the UK, that entire bee colonies were disappearing. Since 2004 over a million beehives have died across the United States and beekeepers in 25 states report what is called Colony Collapse Disorder. In winter of 2009 an estimated one fifth of bee hives in the UK were lost, double the natural rate.[3] Government authorities claimed it was a mystery. Continue reading “Death of the Birds and the Bees Across America” by F. William Engdahl

Today more than ever, the world’s food resources are being hijacked by giant corporations that are turning farms into factories and replacing natural resources with genetically modified “food-like” substances.


a04aac  No.6418434

File: 0f80a1ff9040cf4⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 617x265, 617:265, 0f80a1ff9040cf4a6ec17ecc7f….jpg)

Another PapaD Tweet


a04aac  No.6418476

File: f73612796afd477⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 513x293, 513:293, Captcha.jpg)

Funny how uncanny these Captchas can be at times - I could definitely use some more sleep - m(ore) Zs kek

Also kind of glad that Captcha was nice enough to keep the CP(cp) well away from me (u).

a04aac  No.6418506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rebut this. Foreign fake "Australian Government" Corporations

Former politician blows whistle prior to election.


I have included here as I am sure there is a lot of interest from fellow Aus Anons here

a04aac  No.6418610

Anti-gay, anti-Muslim rogue candidates taint PM Scott Morrison's Australia election bid

CANBERRA (BLOOMBERG) - Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia has cut ties with a third candidate within a week because of offensive social media posts, potentially hurting his conservative government's bid for re-election this month.

Ms Jessica Whelan on Friday (May 3) announced she was withdrawing her candidacy for the seat of Lyons in Tasmania after a series of anti-Islamic remarks were revealed to have been posted on her Facebook page.

A separate social media scandal later in the day saw a candidate from the opposition Labor party withdraw from the election race.

Ms Whelan's decision to withdraw came after the ruling Liberal-National coalition's campaign spokesman Simon Birmingham said the government had decided to "take steps" against her.

"Clearly these posts were inappropriate, and the Liberal Party was not aware of their existence before they were reported," Ms Whelan said in her resignation letter.

Earlier this week, two other Liberal candidates were dis-endorsed - one also for anti-Muslim comments, and another for a homophobic social media attack on a party colleague.

The revelations come just days after a poll showed the government narrowing the gap against the Labor opposition, setting up a dogfight in the final weeks of campaigning before the May 18 election.


91619f  No.6418747

File: 55b93c0437cb745⋯.png (130.53 KB, 1934x882, 967:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a387151accee5e⋯.png (49.16 KB, 1914x697, 1914:697, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91078611e6a83b5⋯.png (40.6 KB, 665x622, 665:622, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0feb1d3ad1c6644⋯.png (39.26 KB, 649x718, 649:718, ClipboardImage.png)



I posted this in the original Aussie thread.

The COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is owned by the US Federal Reserve. AKA the cabal.

These links and screen shots are proof we live under a foreign corporation governed by a private mercenary army which we believe to be the police and judicial system.

We are fucking slaves and always have been our master upon inception were the crown now it's the Zionists fake Jews who have co-opted the world.


All statuettes and laws are invalid and are future dated, see if you can find are proclamation date for any law in Australia……you won't be able to as it's not available to the public as there is no real legal basis for a foreign corporation to write and enforce laws on a foreign state.


We need a constitutional lawfag to dig into this

91619f  No.6418788

File: bc478d1f3870f73⋯.png (56.2 KB, 707x493, 707:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc478d1f3870f73⋯.png (56.2 KB, 707x493, 707:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 919bb2b87121c38⋯.png (65.1 KB, 708x871, 708:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b561777210e08cc⋯.png (76.8 KB, 702x878, 351:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e5ab54ed5525ae⋯.png (48.48 KB, 646x748, 19:22, ClipboardImage.png)


In 2013 FOIA requests were made but the government never answered the question.


91619f  No.6418838

File: b85abb4e1002b65⋯.png (87.19 KB, 706x912, 353:456, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45a1e9477f8d850⋯.png (78.43 KB, 731x924, 731:924, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39dfb5e1b1cf67d⋯.png (51.08 KB, 661x917, 661:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6e86efaa13bf25⋯.png (58.17 KB, 587x925, 587:925, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59224c2e5b35b0d⋯.png (49.38 KB, 645x921, 215:307, ClipboardImage.png)


What follows is the complete explanation of the contempt by all Political Parties of the;

Australian Constitution Chapter One, Part IV. – Both Houses of the Parliament.

Section 44 and Section 46;

Item (9).

44. Any person who–

(i. ) Is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power,

or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power:

(v. ) Has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any agreement with the Public Service of the Commonwealth otherwise than as a member and in common with the other members of an incorporated company consisting of more than twenty-five persons: shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting, as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.

46. Until the Parliament otherwise provides, any person declared by this Constitution to be incapable of sitting as a senator or as a member of the House of Representatives shall, for every day on which he so sits, be liable to pay the sum of one hundred pounds to any person who sues for it in any court of competent jurisdiction.

All political Parties and the United Nations are Non Government Organisations and as such would be

the opposite to Section 44. (i. ) are under acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to

a foreign power by sending armed forces to Afghanistan and Iraq and;

What right has the Prime Minister to replace the Governor-General as the command in chief of the

naval and military forces of the Commonwealth that is vested in the Governor-General as the

Queen's representative. Chapter 2. Section 68?

Section 44. (v. ) in common with the other members of an incorporated company consisting of more

than twenty-five persons;

The Parliament of Australia has more than 150 persons.




CIK (0000805157)

SIC: 8880 - American Depositary Receipts

State location: DC | Fiscal Year End: 0630

Business Address




Constitutional Commonwealth of Australia

There is much trickery in the word usage itself.



91619f  No.6418846

File: fdf8539e744dcdc⋯.png (45.03 KB, 595x917, 85:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 134a700e9450f6e⋯.png (35.45 KB, 533x914, 533:914, ClipboardImage.png)


These TRAITORS are part of a FICTIONALISED network of very well organised and interconnecting soldier ants and white ant colonies (CORPORATIONS). Ants of all types who are knowingly or unknowingly supporting the rape and pillage of ALL of Australia's resources while making slaves and robots out of all the freemen and freewomen of Australia (interest rates, tariffs, penalties, statute-corporation laws, fines, rates, debts, charges, sell-offs of Aussie assets etc etc).

They treat us with scorn. They laugh at us. They hate us.

We are the GOYIM to these fanatical Luciferic-Satanic Psychos.

If we are right about the NRGD listings then we can QUICKLY target these INTERNATIONALISED traitors through ASIC. What is most important is now getting many freedom fighters to now urgently download every NRGD listing before ASIC blocks access to these NRGD records. We need to quickly

get organised and start researching and documenting all the links between each and every

INTERNATIONALISED CORPORATION operating under stealth in Australia. For starters, I am asking for researchers to help us with our court case. To help us finally have the information and the evidence that will have the;












that will self implode, as we pull hard at the strings that tie them all together as an


We have the opportunity through our court case to create a PRECEDENT that will open the floodgates for all Australians. Please help us to help you and every REAL Australian.

This is not a statement of FICTION.

This is a REAL calling by REAL Australians who are committed to the bigger picture of living with a

REAL LIVING GOD who created our REAL lives.

All NRGD listings do not and I say it again DO NOT report to anyone in Australia.

What ASIC says " the organisation is required to lodge certain documents with ASIC,

(usually annual returns or annual financial statements)." is not the Truth.

We may not be wrong in stating that NRGD really means


So we have two types of Corporations, one that benefits only the Illumined Ones and the other they control through statutes. One that the freemen and freewomen of Australia gets abused by without realising it and the other that keeps them in fantasy so they can continue being abused.

a04aac  No.6419656

File: 19fd29406145694⋯.jpg (141.49 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 19fd2940614569480e60f54fb9….jpg)

William Barr Made A Major Disclosure In His Senate Hearing That Hardly Anyone Noticed

Sourced from QRes#8188

Attorney General William Barr revealed during his Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer was an FBI source for information about George Papadopoulos.

The disclosure, which received little attention during Barr’s testimony, could now allow the public to force the government to reveal details about Downer’s role in the investigation.

Downer’s role as the catalyst for the FBI’s probe has been revealed in press reports, but the U.S. government had not acknowledged it officially prior to Barr’s testimony.

In a little-noticed exchange during his Senate hearing Wednesday, Attorney General William Barr made a surprising disclosure that could allow the public and press to obtain sensitive details about the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

During a back-and-forth with Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, Barr identified Alexander Downer, a former Australian diplomat, as the FBI’s source for the information that sparked the bureau’s counterintelligence investigation into George Papadopoulos and other Trump campaign associates.

The federal government had not officially identified Downer as the source until Wednesday. His role in the investigation was publicly known, but only through press reports and his own statements to the media.

Federal agencies could deny requests for information about Downer and his role in the opening of “Crossfire Hurricane,” the FBI’s name for the counterintelligence investigation, without official confirmation from U.S. government officials.


c67288  No.6419690


See, with clip of where he mentions Downer


a04aac  No.6419708


no probs .. sorry to double up … hard to know whats already been posted here when I am in midst of reviewing QRes General breadz and reposting Aus-relevant posts.

a04aac  No.6419711

Australian Cyber security chief MacGibbon resigns

Sourced from QRes#8193

The head of the nation's cyber security agency Alastair MacGibbon has resigned to return to the private sector.

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) under Mr MacGibbon was made part of the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) by former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in January 2018.

While Mr MacGibbon won't be leaving until May 28, his resignation does come in the middle of a federal election campaign.


a04aac  No.6419766

Resignations in the region

3 Senior Ministers Resign


a04aac  No.6419768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

$20 MILLION: MN City Council agrees to historic settlement with Justine Damond's family

Sourced from QRes#8199

>"On July 15, 2017, Justine Ruszczyk, also known as Justine Damond,[2][3] a 40-year-old Australian-American woman, was shot and killed by Mohamed Noor, a Somali-American Minneapolis Police Department officer, after she had called 9-1-1 to report the possible assault of a woman in an alley behind her house."


a04aac  No.6419805

File: a66401ac96b7d71⋯.png (97.43 KB, 776x438, 388:219, a66401ac96b7d71fc293d9c38e….png)

Yet Another Papa D Tweet

I believe that major newspapers already have information that Alexander Downer was an asset sent to make contact with me. I reported Downer to the FBI and Mueller for my suspicions he was spying on me. Azra Turk and Halper are nobodies compared to what’s coming on Downer.



a04aac  No.6419821

File: ba0b8a627911ff9⋯.png (435.84 KB, 940x627, 940:627, 76ad04b3fcbe6157b56eb7756e….png)

From Australia's election campaign - Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's billboard defaced with nazi imagery.

Targeting of candidates during federal election campaign 'deeply disturbing', 'utterly unacceptable'

Sourced from QRes#8203

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has described Nazi imagery painted over one of Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's billboards as a "deeply disturbing" sign of "ugly hatred" in the election campaign.

Mr Frydenberg, who is Jewish, said the swastika and moustache painted over the billboard in his Melbourne seat of Kooyong was a cowardly and criminal act which was an insult to all victims of the Holocaust.

"This incident is not about me or my campaign, but about a broader and disturbing trend in society of antisemitism and intolerance," he said.

Mr Morrison said a supporter of Victorian Liberal MP Sarah Henderson had also been recently targeted during the campaign.

"One of the worst stories I have heard — true story — Sarah Henderson told me about it, she's obviously the Liberal member for Corangamite, down near Geelong," he said.

"One of her supporters had a poster of her in her yard. Someone shot her dog and put the body of the dog below her sign. I mean this is just appalling.

"Sure, we can disagree about these things but that doesn't give anyone the right to engage in this sort of ugly hatred."

A spokeswoman for Victoria Police said officers were aware of reports that a dog was shot and killed at a property in Apollo Bay on April 19, before being found by its owner the next day.

Police have not received an official complaint.

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen condemned the vandalism of Mr Frydenberg's campaign material, which has previously been targeted, as "utterly unacceptable".



f152f5  No.6420007


Another "Downer"

Papa is part of the hype machine - just a different gear

Like N.K. & de-nuclearized peace hype

Like closed & secure border hype

Like MAGA hype

Like PAIN hype

Like Trump is best POTUS ever hype


c4694d  No.6426690

File: f2ecb9599b81db5⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, Right-wing activist and Av….png)

File: 5f83c4df91472e7⋯.png (803.23 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Avi Yemini at his former C….png)

File: c7c0655690428a0⋯.png (874.18 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Avi Yemini has a large soc….png)

Avi Yemini in court over assault, knife-throwing charges against woman

Activist and self-defence guru Avi Yemini has appeared in court facing charges that he injured, harassed and threw a knife at the face of a woman.

Mr Yemini, whose real first name is Avraham, pleaded not guilty to eight charges at Moorabbin Magistrates’ Court yesterday morning.

The 33-year-old’s case was adjourned until next month, with his lawyer saying he will contest the case.

Court documents released to the Leader state he has been charged with recklessly causing injury to a woman at a Caulfield North premises on March 18, 2016.

Police allege on the same day he also recklessly engaged in conduct by throwing a knife at the victim’s face that placed her in danger of serious injury.

They also believe in December 2015, three times in July 2017 and again in November last year he used a carriage service to harass her.

A summary of his alleged offending was not released.

The self-proclaimed “proud Ozraeli” promotes himself as someone who empowers women through self-defence classes.

A former Israel Defence Force soldier, he has a large Facebook following under his page Avi Yemini Unbanned and is an avid Twitter user, reaching out to his more than 43,000 fans.

His website states he is a voice for “issues relating to self-defence, counter-terrorism, being pro-Israel in Australia and the Jewish community in Melbourne”.

Considered as a far-right political activist, he failed in his bid last year to become an Upper House Victorian MP.

His lawyer, Deborah Mandie, told the court she believed the reckless cause injury charge was likely to be withdrawn, and the knife-throwing incident was disputed.

She said the defence needed statements regarding the carriage service to harass charges, which the police prosecution said they would be happy to provide.

Mr Yemini was bailed to his Berwick home on the condition he did not contact any witnesses.

He will appear in court again on June 13.



80a0ea  No.6426752

File: b5e7b2378a44a5d⋯.png (579.69 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, AustralianMusic.png)

What a lovely trophy.

e699fb  No.6427182


Set up & caught out by blatant, proven Qatari (Al Jazeera) foreign interference in the Australian election, so taking one for the team to elevate the moral appeal of Pauline & ONP to the (large) elderly voting block? Be interesting to see how ONP does on the day…

d84374  No.6427309

File: 36504387de96e5a⋯.png (122.27 KB, 646x645, 646:645, AnningObjects.png)

File: 02b7c21c73c0303⋯.png (893.47 KB, 1186x893, 1186:893, Anning smug real aussie.png)


ON, Anning's Conservative Nationals and the Great Australian Party appear to be our only hope to stem the tide of the NWO/NIEO/UN agendas at this point. PUP to a lesser degree, but I'd need to see his voting record to decide where his true allegiances lie.

fyi, pic related is the objects of the Connats party

7d3a92  No.6427347


Anning is fake.

All of them are.

Anning is MOS.

When will we get a real politican? Only once Australia is freed. Until then, it's just a dog and pony show. Go ahead and vote for whoever you want. The real change happens later.

d84374  No.6427403


You're back with your reddit spaced posting I see.

You are going to have to post some sauce if you want anyone to take your claims seriously. Go out there and get it and come back and post your findings. Here, have a head start with some info I have found: Connats are preferencing, based on the immigration issues, the ALA/YV party in Victoria. That isn't great, but hey, there's not much choice from other parties when it comes to curbing immigration in Victoria.

a04aac  No.6428021


if its just all hype, why u here ?

dbd051  No.6434334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NZ and Australia Have Fallen

dbd051  No.6434357


Left right is a lie check it I posted 3 months ago that shorten was selected as next pm by the cabal aka (AIJAC).

If you think your vote matters you are still sleeping!

c4694d  No.6435304

Scott Morrison egged while campaigning in Albury

The Prime Minister has been egged by a female protester at a Country Women's Association (CWA) event at Albury, on the NSW-Victorian border.

The woman, 25, walked up behind Scott Morrison and threw an egg, which bounced off his head and didn't smash.

The protester, who had a carton of eggs with her, was tackled to the floor by security.

An elderly lady, Margaret Baxter, was knocked over during the scuffle was helped to her feet by the PM and did not appear to be injured.

NSW Police later confirmed the protester had been taken into custody.

"My concern about today's incident in Albury was for the older lady who was knocked off her feet," the Prime Minister tweeted.

"I helped her up and gave her a hug."

"Our farmers have to put up with these same idiots who are invading their farms and their homes."

"We will stand up to thuggery whether it's these cowardly activists who have no respect for anyone, or militant unionists standing over small businesses and their employees on work sites."

The protester did not answer questions from journalists after being thrown out of the building.

In a statement, NSW Police said the egg which was thrown at Mr Morrison actually hit a different woman.

The CWA said the protester was not one of their members.

Mr Morrison was greeting dozens of CWA members after addressing the organisation's state conference.

He appeared unfazed in the minutes after the incident, continuing to greet some of the hundreds of attendees.

He later attended a Liberal Party event across the border in Wodonga in the electorate of Indi.

NSW Police said no injuries had been reported and that their inquiries were continuing.

Ms Baxter said she fell on her hip but was not in pain.

"I'd recently had surgery on my stomach so my main concern was holding my stomach to make sure it didn't get hit or someone land on it," she said.

"I'm very disappointed that something like that would happen at a CWA meeting but I believe that person was not a CWA member."

Speaking from Melbourne, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten the egging was "appalling and disgraceful behaviour".

"In Australia we have violence-free elections, people are allowed to protest peacefully but anything approaching violence is unacceptable," he said.

"If this protester thinks she will get sympathy or support from me, she couldn't be more wrong."

Eggs have become a weapon of choice in Australian politics this year.

Queensland senator Fraser Anning had an egg smashed over his head by a Melbourne teenager in March, after he linked Muslim immigration to the Christchurch mosque massacre.


c4694d  No.6435314

File: 77095312c9dff41⋯.webm (7.96 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, Scott Morrison egged whil….webm)

d84374  No.6436309


>shorten was selected as next pm by the cabal

I don't doubt that. That has nothing to do with Anning or the Conservative Nationals and doesn't prove that he is working for them. Read his parties objects. It is all anti NWO/NIEO.

I'm seriously not going to sauce some obscure post that you posted maybe 3 months ago that, by what you're saying, has nothing to do with Anning or the Conservative Nationals.

What I am going to do is assume that you are actually communist/accelerationist. What you need to understand is that this is (((them))) and is their plan the entire time.

a04aac  No.6437035

Australian DJ Adam Sky found dead in Bali resort

Australian DJ and music producer Adam Neat has been found dead after reportedly attempting to rescue a friend who had fallen off the side of a Bali luxury hotel villa on Saturday.

It is believed the 42-year-old, known by his stage name DJ Adam Sky, tried to rescue his personal assistant, who had fallen several metres from the villa shortly before Mr Neat's fatal accident.

Local police believe Mr Neat crashed through a glass door at Hillstone Villas Resort, sustaining fatal injuries in his attempt to assist his injured colleague, according to Nine News.

A post on Mr Neat's official Facebook and Instagram pages confirmed his death on Sunday evening, describing the accident as a "tragic loss".

"It is with great regret that we can confirm Adam Neat was involved in a fatal accident while trying to help a friend who had suffered multiple fractures in Bali on Saturday 4th May 2019," the post said.


a04aac  No.6437058

Resignations in the region

Emotional ‘junior’ staffer resigns


a04aac  No.6437067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rogue Boeing 737 Max planes ‘with minds of their own’ (Experience the Simulator) - 60 Minutes Australia

"Liz Hayes investigates the disaster of Boeing’s 737 MAX jetliner. Why two supposedly state-of-the-art and safe planes crashed killing 346 people; why pilots now fear flying the 737 MAX; & whether Boeing could have averted the catastrophes."


a04aac  No.6437088

Australia going full fascist. PM vows to lock up internet shitposters for 5 years.

Sourced from QRes#8218


c4694d  No.6438554

File: 032923a5fa6033c⋯.png (962.56 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Senator Fraser Anning, who….png)

File: 71b341a38c94b29⋯.png (1 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, Independent Senator Fraser….png)

ABC defends free advertising to ‘disgraced’ Fraser Anning

The ABC has defended its decision to give free advertising time to controversial Queensland politician Fraser Anning.

The extreme-right Conservative National Party leader, who has expressed anti-Muslim views and referenced Adolf Hitler’s ‘final solution’, will be allowed to air his material on ABC radio.

ABC Melbourne radio host Jon Faine on Tuesday said he was “appalled” at the decision during an on-air interview questioning the broadcaster’s managing director David Anderson.

“Are you aware that this afternoon our free radio ad is providing free air time on the ABC to Fraser Anning?

“How do you feel about that because I’m appalled.”

Mr Anderson said Senator Anning’s party fell within the ABC’s guidelines for political advertising during election time. They have been in place since 1932.

“We are being consistent with what we offer; we are being impartial in our decisions here,” said Mr Anderson to which Faine asked: “Are you entirely comfortable with the guidelines applied in that way?”

Mr Anderson said: “I am comfortable that we are applying the same rules to everybody and we will take a look at all political parties when it comes to content of what free airtime they are using.”

Faine questioned whether it was right for the ABC to provide Senator Anning with a platform for his party’s views even if he fell under the guidelines relating to the status of a political party.

“You have the discretion to say, ‘Well, even though it’s in the guidelines it’s not within the spirit of the guidelines’,” Faine said.

“He was elected with 19 votes. He’s been disgraced at every turn. His policies are abhorrent to the vast majority of the Australian public and we’re giving him free air time.”

Senator Anning was widely condemned for insensitive comments after the massacre of Muslims in Christchurch.

A spokesperson for Senator Anning said in a statement the political leader was entitled to express his views and was an “ardent supporter of free speech”.

“In a liberal democracy free speech is a fundamental tenet which allows for the open discussion of ideas,” the spokesman said.

“Mr Faine is entitled to express his views and though Senator Anning may disagree with them, he will continue to support Mr Faine’s right to express them.

“If Senator Anning isn’t allowed to speak freely, what hope do everyday Aussies have to speak their mind.”

ABC Friends national spokesman Ranald Macdonald told The New Daily he also supported the ABC’s commitment to giving all political parties free advertising during an election.

Mr Macdonald provided an independent report to prime minister John Gorton (1968-1971) during a review of the ABC’s political advertising policies and recommended the practice be continued.

“I completely agree that everyone should be given the air time and it should be paid for by the community,” Mr Macdonald said.

“I can understand Jon Faine’s viewpoint, but I believe in the resilience and importance of a robust democracy and everyone has the right of freedom of expression, whether it’s distasteful or not.

“The audience should be treated as adults and given the option of hearing everyone’s views and reaching their own conclusions and it should be paid for by taxpayers.”

An ABC spokesperson said in a statement that the national broadcaster had been facilitating the democratic process in this way since its inception.

“This grants them (political parties) the opportunity to explain directly to the electorate the policies for which they are seeking voters support,” the statement said.

“Such announcements must inform voters about election policy matters and must meet strict production guidelines.”



b87e84  No.6442667


You are an idiot and should go back to reddit. Our complete political system is a carrot and stick show for public consumption and nothing more.

Suggesting this truth makes me a commie is laughable and shows your low IQ.

You can go and pretend you and your favorite idol matter and the same Noahide World Order will roll out regardless of who is selected as the front leader of Australia.

d84374  No.6443272


If it all seems so pointless to you, then why are you here? Why don't you just anhero? You are not offering anything we all don't already know about the rigged system we live in. You definitely haven't provided any proof about Anning being compromised or working for the cabal. Your lack of proof is quite frankly astounding. Do you work for the MSM by any chance? If not, you should consider working for them as you apply the same investigative techniques that they do.

Seriously though, I think you need to lay off the drugs (inc. alcohol) a bit and seek some help. Get yourself straightened out and start digging for the proof we all need to expose them. You could start rifling through parliamentary records for how politicians have voted in the senate, who the family political dynasties are like the Katters, the Downers, the Hodgmans, etc. Here's an idea, how about you research for Fraser Anning's history and any of his party's candidates, research his party policies to see where he may slip up, go through his parliament voting records to see where his true allegiances really lie.

>inb4 it's too hard and it's pointless

2dd648  No.6443630

File: ec97169aaaae2c4⋯.png (3.86 KB, 352x211, 352:211, ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck you are dumb as a rock!

c4694d  No.6444103

File: 89400a9230ce181⋯.mp4 (3.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Bill Shorten fights back t….mp4)

Bill Shorten fights back tears as he defends his mum’s story

Bill Shorten struggled to keep his voice from breaking during an emotional press conference as he responded to a story about his mother.

In the most emotional moment of the campaign so far, Bill Shorten has fought back tears during a press conference, after questions were raised about his mother’s story.

The Labor leader’s voice broke as he described his mother’s circumstances, to counter claims that he didn’t tell her full story during an appearance on Q&A this week.

“My mum suffered a catastrophic heart attack in her sleep … she never woke up,” he said. “It’s been about five years to last month when she passed away. I miss her every day.

“But I’m glad that she wasn’t here today to read that rubbish,” he said of the reports.

A Daily Telegraph story today suggests Mr Shorten didn’t tell his mother’s full story, as he didn’t reveal his mother graduated with a law degree and practised at the Bar for six years after first qualifying as a teacher.

In a press conference today Mr Shorten said his mother, the eldest of four siblings, came from modest circumstances and when she topped her school, she didn’t have the money to go to uni to study a law degree so instead took a teaching scholarship.

His voice broke as he recalled his uncle telling him as he was preparing the eulogy for his mother five years ago, that she was the bravest woman he had met.

“Do you know — in the 1970s, while she was raising us, she did her PhD?” he said.

“Then in the 1980s, when we were still at school, mum enrolled in law school in her late 40s. She worked full time. She raised us.”

Despite his mum, Dr Ann Shorten, topping her university law course and being awarded the Supreme Court prize, Mr Shorten said his mum couldn’t find a law firm to take her on to do her articles. Aged in her early 50s, she eventually went on to do this through an institute. While his mum was a barrister for six years, her career wasn’t the success she hoped.

“She got about nine briefs in her time,” Mr Shorten said. “It was actually a bit dispiriting. She had wanted to do law when she was 17. She didn’t get that chance. She raised kids.

“She discovered in her mid-50s that sometimes, you’re just too old, and you shouldn’t be too old, but she discovered the discrimination against older women.”

But Mr Shorten proudly added: “Do you know that my mum wrote the book on education and law in Australia? Brilliant. She’s brilliant. And that’s what drives me”.

“I chose to give you that last bit of the battle of her time at the Bar, because my mum would want me to say to older women in Australia — that just because you’ve got grey hair, just because you didn’t go to a special private school, just because you don’t go to the right clubs, just because you’re not part of some back-slapping boy’s club, doesn’t mean you should give up. What I said at Q&A is what drives me.

“What I did on Monday night is I explained who I am. I explained what drives me.

“My mum is the smartest woman I’ve ever known. It has never occurred to me that women are not the equal of men. It’s never occurred to me that women shouldn’t be able to do everything. That is why I work with strong women. That is why I believe in the equal treatment of women. But it’s more than that. My parents sent me to a rich school. But we were not rich.

“We were not poor. We were not rich. We were like hundreds of thousands of other families. My family spent all their spare cash educating Robert and I. We had three holidays when we were kids. Who cares? I got a quality education.

“The point about it is — my mum has taught me that what matters in life — isn’t how rich you are, or how poor you are, it’s not what religion you worship, it doesn’t matter who you know, what church you go to … mum taught me that it doesn’t matter about your gender — it matters how hard you work.”

On Monday night’s Q&A program, Mr Shorten explained that his late mother Ann had always wanted to be a lawyer but took a teaching scholarship because she was the eldest in her family and had to “look after the rest of the kids”.

“What motivates me, if you really want to know who Bill Shorten is, I can’t make it right for my mum but I can make it right for everyone else,” Mr Shorten said on the ABC show.

Daily Telegraph columnist Miranda Devine defended her paper’s front page story on the holes in Mr Shorten’s story.

Ahead of Mr Shorten’s press conference, Devine told Sky New: “All we’ve done on the front page is point out a glaring omission from Bill Shorten’s own narrative that he put forward into the election campaign about his mother. And he’s left out a big chunk.

“We don’t mean any disrespect by pointing it out.”



c4694d  No.6444140

File: 367907aff383b7f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 940x627, 940:627, Jay Dessi.png)

File: 697cef07851ba99⋯.png (594.9 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Richard Di Natale.png)

Greens candidate Jay Dessi quits as candidate for Lalor over offensive Facebook posts

The Greens candidate for the Melbourne seat of Lalor has become the latest candidate to quit over offensive social media posts.

Jay Dessi came under fire for distasteful posts on Facebook, in which he joked about having sex with a ghost and made a racist joke about an Asian friend.

Mr Dessi released a statement apologising for the remarks.

"I am electing to step down from being the Greens candidate for the division of Lalor," he said.

"I again apologise for offence that my posts may have caused."

A spokesperson for the Victorian Greens also apologised for not picking up on the comments from several years ago.

The party said the election had made it clear that social media had created "new challenges" for all parties during the candidate selection process.

"Particularly for younger candidates who have grown up using social media," a spokesperson said.

"Following the Victorian election, the Australian Greens provided additional resources to state parties to assist in the vetting of social media profiles.

"As a grassroots organisation, we do rely upon the assistance of candidates during this process.

"In this instance, some unsavoury comments from several years ago were not identified."

Greens Leader Richard Di Natalie said the posts were "clearly unacceptable".

The seat of Lalor in Melbourne's outer south-west suburbs is considered a very safe Labor seat and is currently held by Joanne Ryan by a margin of 14.2 per cent.

Mr Dessi is the latest in a string of election candidates to pull out of the contest.

Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan resigned after making anti-Muslim posts online, One Nation's Steve Dickson quit the party over a strip club scandal, and Labor NT Senate candidate Wayne Kurnorth was disendorsed over anti-Semitic posts.

The Labor candidate for Melbourne Luke Creasey also withdrew from the race because of social media posts joking about rape.

Other candidates who have quit before the poll include Jeremy Hearn who was the Liberal candidate in Issacs, and Peter Killin, the Liberal candidate for Wills.


d84374  No.6444570


and you have drug induced schizophrenia.

cff93e  No.6444592


I agree. Australia is a giant Luciferian Cabal playground, and there is NO politician who hasn't been chosen by them. All the politicians running in this election are enemies of the people and fake. Australia will be freed, but not because of this election. Vote for whoever you like, if you must (oh ya, it's the law, you must). What a sham. [They] make it a legal requirement to vote, as if to prove that Australia is the ultimate democracy when it's really the ultimate sheep-factory.

c2def2  No.6444676

Wayne Glew is running for Senator now for the GAP party, Great Australian Party. Fighting back the cabal. Fighting for Aussies Rights to get our Australian Constitution back.

Latest video:

We Are Change Talk Show Guest- Wayne Glew 24mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmpdhFw9mGg

The police force, councils etc all have ABN. So they're a company. Our courts also not legal. All the 'laws' being pass is called an Act, so not real law. Lots more info in the video.

a04aac  No.6445341

Protester throws egg at Australian prime minister

MELBOURNE (Reuters) - A protester threw an egg at Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison at an election campaign event on Tuesday, grazing him in the head with it, footage on Australian television showed.

Security guards swiftly pounced on the female protester, who was wearing a beanie and casual clothes, and dragged her away.

Morrison rubbed his head briefly after the egg was thrown and then helped an elderly woman who was pushed to the floor in the scuffle.

“We will stand up to thuggery whether it’s these cowardly activists who have no respect for anyone, or militant unionists standing over small businesses and their employees on work sites,” Morrison said in a message on his Twitter feed.

The incident occurred during a visit by the prime minister to Albury, a constituency in New South Wales, where an independent candidate is the bookmakers’ favorite as rural voters desert the government.

The woman later told reporters that her action “speaks for itself” and referred to Manus Island, in Papua New Guinea, where Australia has long detained refugees, according to a reporter with the Australian newspaper.

In March, a teenager smashed an egg onto the head of a controversial right-wing Australian lawmaker who had blamed New Zealand’s mass mosque shootings on its immigration program.


c4694d  No.6447134

File: 3a649f3953b9c48⋯.png (596.25 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Donald Trump and Joe Hocke….png)

File: 6d00ae4bb589cb2⋯.png (355.67 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Joe Hockey and Donald Trum….png)

Resignations / FIVE EYES news -

Joe Hockey to leave post as Australia's ambassador to the United States

Australia's Ambassador to the United States, Joe Hockey, has decided to return home when his posting ends in January, regardless of who wins next weekend's federal election.

The former Liberal treasurer has served in the role since 2016, throughout an often chaotic period in American politics which has seen Donald Trump's administration regularly ignore traditional diplomatic niceties.

During his posting, Mr Hockey has developed ties in Congress and the White House.

An enthusiastic albeit unaccomplished golfer, he has also joined President Donald Trump on the fairways a few times, most recently at the Commander-in-Chief's Florida resort Mar-a-Lago.

The valuable one-on-one time is reported to have made some other members of Washington DC's diplomatic community envious.

The valuable one-on-one time is reported to have made some other members of Washington DC's diplomatic community envious.

Notably Mr Hockey also successfully lobbied to ensure Australia retained exclusive access to US E-3 visas, amid a push by Ireland to muscle in on the scheme, and oversaw the construction of a grass tennis court at the Australian Ambassador's residence in the leafy north-west of Washington.

An embassy spokeswoman declined to comment on Mr Hockey's departure, but the ABC understands he has informed some staff.

Whoever replaces Mr Hockey will have the task of quickly building ties with an occasionally unpredictable White House, during what is shaping up to be a fractious election year.

With polls suggesting a Labor government could be elected on May 18, there has been plenty of speculation about who Bill Shorten might appoint to the plum job.

Former Labor communications minister Stephen Conroy and former Labor defence minister Stephen Smith are two names often spoken about in Washington circles.

During his career as a cabinet minister, Mr Hockey delivered two budgets following the Abbott government's election in 2013.

He was made ambassador after Malcolm Turnbull took over as Prime Minister.


2dd648  No.6452373

File: d30259100be058a⋯.png (68.35 KB, 730x881, 730:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd38a65d4a98864⋯.png (21.63 KB, 727x289, 727:289, ClipboardImage.png)

Lowering Standards: Australian Universities, English Requirements and Student Cash Cows

There are no protests on the streets and no effigies of university officials being burned by protesting students today. There are no protests outside the officers of the over-remunerated Vice Chancellors and their various henchpersons.

It is business and malpractice as usual after revelations by Australia’s national broadcaster that Australian universities have been adjusting admission requirements to boost student numbers. Standards have been cooked, if not waived altogether, on the issue of English proficiency. Student bodies are the university equivalent of lebensraum: the expansive steppes of the Asian student market, to be exploited and leeched.

Since Australian universities first started entering the foreign market of education in 1986, a dependency on international students has taken a clenching, and corrupting hold. Such students mean one thing: revenue. Between 1988 and 2014, the number of international students at Australian universities climbed 13-fold.

Issues such as fudging results on language proficiency, false documents and online sites plump with ready-made material for submission, have proliferated. But these instances enabled universities to play dumb: they were the ones facing unscrupulous students desperate to get an Australian minted education. Universities could still claim that they, somehow or rather, were maintaining appropriate standards of admission, whatever those sly applicants might be up to. A few might get through, but they would be found out and weeded into oblivion.

This façade has been comprehensively holed in recent years, and the brackish water is making its way through the system. Universities, hungry and operating like famine stricken urchins, have been seeking more students than ever. In 2015, the New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) raked through the university system in that state, finding what it modestly called “corruption risks”. To “intertwine compliance and profit rather than separating them, and to reward profit over compliance, can be conducive to questionable and corrupt behaviour.” ICAC is almost sympathetic to the insidious behaviour of university apparatchiks: “Students may be struggling to pass, but universities cannot afford to fail them.” Wither standards!

The recommendations by ICAC were hardly upending in nature, going to, amongst other things, limiting the number of overseas agents with which universities are engaged in; divorcing the issue of compliance from the issue of development “where feasible, which may include moving the admission functions out of international student offices that are responsible for marketing and recruitment”; and “considering the full costs associated with international students of different capabilities when making marketing decisions”.


2dd648  No.6452391

>>6444592 You Fren are awake

>>6444570 You are so fucking retarded now I'm skitzo you love your labels. Keep thinking politicians matter!!! Dumbass

a04aac  No.6453353

File: 7e5ebea772ef5fb⋯.jpg (71.08 KB, 592x363, 592:363, 7e5ebea772ef5fb69239726ed3….jpg)

Another PapaD Tweet

George Papadopoulos

‏ @GeorgePapa19

Clapper is an imbecile. Not only did he outsource spying on me to the Italians/UK/Australia, and involved the CIA, he admits on CNN that it was normal. The most disturbing part of this is that I was being spied upon for ties to an American ALLY, Israel.

9:44 AM - 7 May 2019


a04aac  No.6453464

Ex-Nauru president Sprent Dabwido who oversaw detention centre reopening dies

Former Nauruan president Sprent Dabwido has died in Australia, where was being treated for cancer.

Mr Dabwido was instrumental in overseeing the reopening of Nauru's detention facilities while president in 2012, before he lost power in 2014.

His death at the age of 46 comes after a battle with nasopharyngeal cancer, which he was diagnosed with in April 2018.

In a statement released today confirming his death, fellow Nauru 19 member and politician Mathew Batsiua expressed his sadness at the news of the death.

"I can say Sprent died the way he lived," he said.

"He was brave, outspoken and always kept his sense of humour, even in the worst times. He also died happy, surrounded by people who loved him.

Mr Dabwido fled to Australia earlier this year and begged the Australian Government for political asylum as he sought medical treatment which he insists his own government has gone out of its way to deny him.

Prior to his death, he was fighting a legal battle in Nauru which was before the court of appeal in the long-running Nauru 19 case.

Mr Batsiua accused the current Nauruan Government of contributing to Mr Dabwido's death.

"Today, the Government and the MPs who have supported them have the blood of a former president on their hands," he said in the statement.

He also expressed his disappointment at being refused a passport to travel to visit Mr Dabwido while he was being treated.

"The Nauru Government refused us passports despite a request from myself and others to visit Sprent before his death.

"The Government prohibited us from attending a recent commitment ceremony with his partner Luci in Sydney, but we stayed in contact through the phone and social media."

The ABC has sought comment from the Government of Nauru.


a04aac  No.6453489

NZ & US Special Forces joint training exercises.

Sourced from QRes#8246


A statement from the Defence Force (NZDF) confirmed the helicopters were part of a training exercise involving members of the United States military.

"The NZDF and a United States Army Aviation Regiment will conduct joint exercise in Auckland and Waiouru from 8 to 23 May," the statement said.

"The exercise will involve a large number of military personnel, including special forces from both countries, as well as aircraft.

"Its purpose is to practise counter-terrorism integration techniques between the two countries."

The exercises would run day and night and involve aircraft and live firing within the Kaipara Air Weapons Range.

As well as central Auckland, elements of the training will be carried out in Whenuapai, Kaipara, Papakura and Waiouru.

Herald readers believe the helicopter pictured is a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk, a model used throughout the United States military.

The NZDF said the New Zealand and United States armies have trained together several times in the past.

"The exercise has been planned since 2018 and is not in response to the recent events in Christchurch.

"Members of the public may see personnel conducting military activities from helicopters in exercise areas.

"There is no need for the public to be concerned if they see military action in Auckland over this period."

A woman who saw the helicopters in the Auckland Domain said one landed on the main cricket field, near the historic wooden grandstand.

She said a gurney was taken to and from the helicopter but it did not appear anyone - or anything - was on it.


c4694d  No.6460587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Excellent post from Q Research General #8260 -


If you're curious about how Australia is responding to their involvement in FISAGATE, it's worth watching the first laughable 11 minutes of this interview with Andrew Downer:

ANDREW BOLT (Sky News Australia): “Alexander Downer was our longest serving foreign minister, and in my opinion Australia’s best in generations… But now he’s been dragged in a CONSPIRACY THEORY…Three years ago he met a foreign affairs advisor in Donald Trump's campaign, George Papadopoulos…Papadopouls said Downer had acted suspiciously…Papadopoulos says that Downer is a wannabe spy…Alexander Downer, it's TERRIFIC to catch up with you again. Did anyone connected with our intellegence services ask you to meet Papadopoulos?"

ALEXANDER DOWNER (former Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom '14 - '18): "Of course not…Anyone who knows anything about government knows the whole thing is completely absurd."

DOWNER: I would regard myself as a warrior for the Western Alliance…Russia is not a friendly power when it comes to Western interests…But there's no defense for him saying it's some sort of weird conspiracy…"

DOWNER: "No, no recording was made. A diplomat would not make a recording."

BOLT: Do you agree there was spying on the Donald Trump campaign by the FBI?

DOWNER: "I wouldn't imagine so…The FBI is not a spy agency. That's sort of confusing the FBI with the CIA. Why would the FBI be spying on any campaign. It seems so improbably doesn't it."

DOWNER: "Who knows who leaked anything.I mean we never really know these things."

ME YELLING: "Like hell we don't know these things. We have it all!"

DOWNER: "The Russians might have or might not have wanted Trump to win the election, I'm sure they did."

DOWNER: "Well I think the worst thing about Trump is all the tweeting and the language he uses from time to time, which appeals with his base…I think his strategy on North Korea has BEEN WORTH A TRY."

DOWNER: "He has in his personal style alienated a number of Wester leaders…who are quite critical of him, particularly behind his back."

DOWNER: "This is ridiculous. The Australian Intellegence agencies just provide impartial intelligence information to the government."

Don't bother watching past 11 minutes. There are no noteworthy lies after that (except how Bolt pretends he's pro-Trump, even while he works for Sky Net).


c4694d  No.6475604

File: 525f43e80abab2b⋯.jpg (170.94 KB, 764x552, 191:138, GP_24.jpg)

File: ff98860bb58550c⋯.jpg (153.5 KB, 768x515, 768:515, GP_25.jpg)

File: 536c475ff58c6f1⋯.jpg (168.3 KB, 767x564, 767:564, GP_26.jpg)

File: 813847f7525aff4⋯.jpg (164.49 KB, 775x561, 775:561, GP_27.jpg)

File: 69c187cac3ec9a9⋯.jpg (158.83 KB, 760x519, 760:519, GP_28.jpg)

George Papadopoulos Twitter Round Up

Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, is having a meltdown on Twitter about POTUS. He is terrified that the world will now see that he was a wannabe spy who I caught right away and reported to the FBI/congress/Mueller. Unfortunately for him, POTUS is declassifying everything!


It’s so bizarre that Comey is actually still going on tv expounding that Mifsud was a Russian agent and that Downer was a random diplomat. Both are currently under investigation by congress for being FBI assets entrapping a rival campaign.


I was approached by Australian/US/UK intel BEFORE Alexander Downer made contact with me. I was so disturbed by his behavior at our meeting, where I felt he was spying on me and recording our conversation with his phone, that I reported him to both the FBI and Congress.


Stefan Halper/Alexander Downer, besides their connection to MI6, and disdain for Trump, BOTH played the same amateur spy game by placing their phones in a manner to show me they were recording/spying on me. We are supposed to take these two jokers seriously? They were pawns.


Downer and Comey are terrified about the imminent release of the IG report and FISA declassification. Both of them have gone off with bizarre ramblings, demurred or have outright have lied in interviews. Won’t help them when the president declassifies.


c4694d  No.6475622

File: 737d3db179976eb⋯.jpg (170.67 KB, 770x555, 154:111, GP_29.jpg)

File: 1cd188d927bd0a0⋯.jpg (169.45 KB, 766x557, 766:557, GP_30.jpg)

File: 6dd83bd37856a2e⋯.jpg (156.28 KB, 768x760, 96:95, GP_31.jpg)

File: 82cca04a2e52036⋯.jpg (163.36 KB, 776x758, 388:379, GP_32.jpg)

File: cb652fcfb19d487⋯.jpg (165.66 KB, 770x564, 385:282, GP_33.jpg)


Remember the quote from the great Mark Meadows last month: “An ambassador was conspiring with the FBI.” Based on my testimony to Congress, I am certain that this ambassador was none other than Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer. FISA declassification + IG report imminent.


The president should make a call to Bibi Netanyahu and find out why a low level/anti-Trump Israeli political counselor, named Christian Cantor, took it upon himself to introduce me to the Australian government in mid April 2016. Story is much more complicated than can imagine.


Facts: (1/2)

1) Anti-Trump Israeli political counselor, Christian Cantor, introduces me to Australian intel officer in mid April 2016. She calls Trump a “pariah” and a “threat” to Australia.

2) April 26 (Mifsud mtg)

3) May 2 (UK intel)

3) May 3 (DIA makes contact)


Facts: (2/2)

May 6: Peter Strzok‘ boss, Bill Priestap lands in London.

May 6: Anti Trump Israeli official and Australian intel officer who called Trump a pariah make contact again.

May 10: Alexander Downer spies on me.

May 12: DIA and Mifsud make contact


It has come to my attention that Judge Napolitano was openly discussing the Russians in possession of thousands of Clinton emails on Fox News on May 9, 2016. The day before I met Downer! what a freaking joke Comey is. So much for the “predicate”! I am exposing all.


c4694d  No.6475642

File: ce5dbd582afd5f4⋯.jpg (159.89 KB, 771x562, 771:562, GP_34.jpg)


The president knows he and his campaign were set up by the UK and Australia as well as a rogue FBI/CIA. The UK/Australia were in on it voluntarily, not by accident. When he takes the unprecedented step to declassify the FISA materials, he will be doing it for America’s honor.


a04aac  No.6478345

File: fe8ac88bac60ce1⋯.png (295.61 KB, 1096x736, 137:92, fe8ac88bac60ce14afa69cc8c3….png)


Defence Force names New Zealand SAS soldier who died following training incident in Auckland

A member of the New Zealand Special Air Service (SAS) has died following a training incident in Auckland last night.

NZ Defence Force has confirmed he was Lance Corporal Nicholas Kahotea, 1st New Zealand Special Air Service Regiment.

He was immediately airlifted to Auckland City Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead, the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) said in a statement.

According to the NZDF he successfully completed NZSAS selection and was badged as an NZSAS operator in December 2014.

He served in Afghanistan, and was awarded the following medals: New Zealand Operational Service Medal (NZOSM), New Zealand Defence Service Medal (NZDSM), New Zealand General Service (NZGSM) and NATO ISAF (Afghanistan).

The trooper was critically injured in an exercise in Auckland last night. Source: 1 NEWS

The NZDF says "he will be remembered as a professional soldier, a father and friend to many."

It comes as the NZDF and the United States Army Aviation Regiment carried out a joint military exercise, involving personnel and aircraft, in Auckland and Waiouru, beginning May 8, and scheduled to finish on May 23, the NZDF said on Facebook.

The training exercise, which is being conducted "to practise counter-terrorism integration techniques between the two countries," involves day and night flying, and live firing within the Kaipara Air Weapons Range.



a04aac  No.6478353

Fighting the Demon: The United States Drug Enforcement Administration open offices in New Zealand to help police investigate Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels

Drug investigators from the United States will open a branch in New Zealand and work alongside police to target Mexican and South American cartels smuggling methamphetamine and cocaine for the lucrative market here.

The Drug Enforcement Administration has been granted permission by Congress to set up offices in Auckland and Wellington, as the US looks to work closely with Five Eyes allies Australia and New Zealand to combat organised crime.

The DEA is perhaps best known in this part of the world through the Netflix hit Narcos, which delved into the life and crimes of Colombian kingpin Pablo Escobar, and more recently the prosecution of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Likely to receive a life sentence on drug trafficking convictions, "El Chapo" was the leader of the Mexican cartel Sinaloa as the organised crime group rose to power globally.

Sinaloa and rival cartel Jalisco, or CJNG, are behind an upswing in large shipments of methamphetamine and cocaine smuggled into New Zealand and Australia, DEA agent Kevin Merkel told the Herald.

"If you were to ask any significant trafficker what is the best market for meth and coke in the world, they would say Australia and New Zealand," said Merkel, who is based in Canberra as the DEA attache for the region.

"The same people that are pumping drugs out to the United States are the same ones that are pumping out drugs here. If they seen potential to make more money, they're going to do it."


a04aac  No.6478436

File: 5864b4cf16208ee⋯.png (649.15 KB, 535x648, 535:648, 5864b4cf16208ee9f85abed52b….png)

Christian star athlete posts what Bible says about homosexual behavior. Now Rugby Australia wants him gone.

Sourced from QRes#8255

'I'll stand on what the Bible says'

Israel Folau is a star rugby player and a devout Christian who isn't afraid of expressing his religious beliefs.

But stating those beliefs has landed the 30-year-old in hot water with Rugby Australia, which said one of his social media posts warrants termination of his contract, CNN reported, which is worth $4 million.

Folau's Instagram post last month — which has not been deleted — listed a "warning" to "drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists, idolaters," and then noted underneath the list, "Hell awaits you. Repent! Only Jesus saves."

"Those that are living in sin will end up in Hell unless you repent," he added in the caption. "Jesus Christ loves you and is giving you time to turn away from your sin and come to him."

Folau also quoted the King James version of Galatians 5:19‭-‬21, from which his Instagram post was inspired — and features a much longer list of wrongdoings.

How did officials react?

The rugby league issued Folau a code of conduct breach in April, CNN said, and he requested a hearing. After the three-day hearing, Rugby Australia found Folau guilty, the network noted.

"The panel has today provided a judgement that Israel Folau committed a high-level breach of the Professional Players' Code of Conduct with his social media posts on April 10, 2019," Rugby Australia said in a news release, Reuters reported.

The disciplinary panel said it will "take further written submissions from the parties to consider the matter of sanction. A further update will be provided after the panel delivers its decision on sanction," CNN said.

Folau plays fullback for the Wallabies and was expected to star for his country at this year's World Cup, the network said, adding that his contract with Rugby Australia runs through 2022. Folau was warned last year after making a comment on social media saying that gay people would go to hell unless they repented, CNN added.

'I'll stand on what the Bible says'

Citing an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald last month, CNN indicated Folau refused to apologize for the post.

"I'll stand on what the Bible says," he said. "I share it with love. I can see the other side of the coin where people's reactions are the total opposite to how I'm sharing it."

Reuters said a local media report indicated Folau and his advisers last week rejected a $1 million offer to walk away from the game.


a04aac  No.6478466

File: 53addb2a9ce73c6⋯.jpg (63.53 KB, 1235x549, 1235:549, 2019.05.09aussietypo.jpg)

Australia Prints Embarrassing Typo On 46 Million $50 Banknotes

Australia has become mired in a currency crisis of its own making.

The RBA confirmed Thursday that 46 million new A$50 bank notes have been printed with an embarrassing typo. The "new and improved" notes, which incorporated new technologies to prevent counterfeiting, were rolled out in October.

But the notes also include an unanticipated defect: The word "responsibility" is misspelled in the yellow note's "micro-text." The copy editors apparently missed the fact that the second "i" was missing.


The note features the indigenous writer and inventor David Unaipon on one side, and Edith Cowan, the country's first female member of Parliament, on the other.

The error occurred on Cowan's side, which included an excerpt from one of her most famous speeches (sexist).

"It is a great responsibilty [sic] to be the only woman here, and I want to emphasise the necessity which exists for other women being here," the note reads.

A spokeswoman for the RBA has confirmed that the central bank is "aware" of the error, and that it would be corrected in the next run, which means these notes will almost certainly become collector's items some day.


a04aac  No.6478482


In his most detailed remarks on the topic so far, former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer defended the tip he gave the FBI regarding George Papadopoulos.

Downer said that as a “warrior the Western alliance,” he provided the FBI with a memo he wrote after a May 10, 2016 meeting in which he says Papadopoulos mentioned that Russia might release information about Hillary Clinton close to the election.

“I don’t know why he told me this,” said Downer, dismissing Papadopoulos’s claims that the diplomat was sent to elicit damaging information about him.

Calling himself a “warrior for the Western alliance,” former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer defended sending in the tip that sparked the FBI’s investigation of then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.


a04aac  No.6478563



Rugby Player Found Guilty of ‘High Level’ Breach of Conduct for Posting Bible Verse

Israel Folau, the Australian national rugby player who was suspended for posting a Bible verse calling people to “repent,” has been found guilty of a “high-level breach” of professional conduct.


c4694d  No.6478603

File: ee64b03a62e1fb1⋯.jpg (139.36 KB, 825x590, 165:118, 180205-D-PB383-005.JPG)

A big Sunday Night "thank-you" to anons bringing us Australian-related content from Q Research General. Much appreciated!

a04aac  No.6486331


No probs. Happy to do what I can.

Heard any news on the childcare centre bilking millions from the government for non-existent child care kids?

e36962  No.6486396

File: 2ca6b9ec96817cb⋯.png (244.29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 9EE5CE78-6600-4611-B08A-54….png)

Who are u cunts gonna vote for?

Leaning towards donkey vote, they all seem pretty shit to me.

a04aac  No.6486418

Aus on sale to Chinese

Sourced from QRes#8284

In recent years in Australia, China has:

- purchased the Port of Darwin (where USA base is)

- built an International Airport in Western Australia (so they can fly their own aircraft/people in and out)

- purchased another airport near Perth WA for $1 from the Labor Government

- purchased countless thousands of acres of prime farmland throughout Australia

- purchased abattoirs to process their own meat throughout Australia

- purchase countless houses in capital cities, many of which stand empty

- etc etc

And our useless (bought) politicians say : international ownership of property/business is the same percentage ownership as it was in the 1970's"

We desperately need Trump's help to save Australia from becoming like South Africa.

a04aac  No.6486447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Downer Denies Meeting Supposed to Launch FBI’s Russia Probe Was a Set-Up

Sourced from QRes#8291

Former Australian ambassador to the United Kingdom Alexander Downer has denied that the purpose of his 2016 meeting with George Papadopoulos, then-adviser to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, was to make the aide talk about Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

“I didn’t go to the meeting thinking he was going to even mention Russia in that context like the election campaign,” Downer told Sky News Australia in recent interview. “I had no idea what he would say.”

Papadopoulos has alleged that the Downer meeting was a set-up.

“The notion that Downer randomly reached out to me just to have a gin and tonic is laughable,” Papadopoulos said in a Sept. 10 tweet. “Some organization or entity sent him to meet me.”

In his book, “Deep State Target: How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump,” Papadopoulos argues that Trump’s opponents tied to the American, Australian, and UK intelligence community orchestrated for Papadopoulos to receive a rumor of Kremlin’s having “dirt” on then-candidate Hillary Clinton, and then dispatched operatives, including Downer, to extract the rumor from him and use it as evidence of supposed conspiracy between Trump and Russia.

Downer denied that the FBI or any intelligence service asked him to meet Papadopoulos.

“Somebody who is a former foreign minister and Australian high commissioner, or ambassador, in London is hardly going to be somebody who’s used by intelligence services to collect information,” Downer said with a chuckle. “That would never happen. That simply isn’t how those kind of operations work.”

Downer’s assertion seems to gloss over the known hand-in-glove relationship between diplomacy and intelligence. A secret cable sent out by Clinton’s State Department in 2009, for instance, tasked diplomats to collect a plethora of information from their interactions with United Nations officials. The cable, published in 2010 by Wikileaks, indicates that intelligence collection by the diplomatic corps was already common practice at the time and, if anything, expanding.

Downer, later in the interview, even called himself “somebody who is part of the Five Eyes intelligence community.” Five Eyes is the agreement on sharing signals intelligence between the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It has been criticized for opening a way for the countries’ foreign intelligence agencies to spy on their own citizens by outsourcing the task to each other and then sharing the results.


74cafc  No.6486469


Good question Anon. The way I see it, the power in our parliament rests with the Senate.

This election, there are 82 people contesting a seat in Victoria. Not sure how many in each other state/territory.

It is worth your time to look into each of them. Time-consuming, yes, (Excel is great!) but you are an Anon!!. A researcher not a follower!!

It is surprisingly easy to work out who you definitely wont vote for.

And look to what values you want for Australia to find who you will vote for. They may not get a seat but then YOU choose your preference of who does, if they don't get enough votes.

I believe there are a lot of people standing in the Senate who, like Trump, want to make our country great again. They are not major party members who are only in it for themselves imho.

Good luck - make your vote count one way or another.

a04aac  No.6486471

File: feb46bf48a01663⋯.png (734.57 KB, 839x522, 839:522, feb46bf48a01663105e67d95e6….png)

WikiLeaks co-founder's files, computer, mobile phones and other electronic devices to be seized by US

Sourced from QRes#8290

Ecuador's Attorney General has informed a Julian Assange lawyer that the WikiLeaks co-founder's files, computer, mobile phones and other electronic devices will be seized during a search at the London embassy and sent to the US.

After an unsuccessful attempt by WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson to retrieve Assange's personal belongings from Ecuador's UK embassy, where Assange had been holed up for almost 7 years before his arrest and incarceration last month, the Ecuadorian government reportedly greenlighted the US request to provide it access to the documents and electronic devices left behind by the jailed WikiLeaks editor after he was hauled out of the embassy by the British police on April, 11.

The searches inside the embassy quarters formerly occupied by Assange are set to be conducted by police on May 20, El Pais reported, citing a notice sent to Assange's Ecuadorian lawyer Carlos Poveda.

Assange's personal files, his computer, mobile phones, memory sticks, CDs and any other electronic devices uncovered during the searches will then be seized and sent to the US as a part of Ecuador's response to the Department of Justice's judicial request. The US is currently building a case to extradite on hacking charges.

The files contain troves of sensitive information, include Assange's communication with his lawyers and other legal documents – which, the lawyers argue, deprive him of the right to proper defense. Having this data will potentially allow the US to "build and create new charges" to extradite Assange in violation of Ecuador's own asylum policies.

The news of the looming handover came as a bolt out of the blue for Assange's defense team, Poveda told RT Spanish, adding that it's impossible to be sure his things in the embassy haven't been tampered with already.

"Since Mr. Assange left the embassy, we cannot know for sure what has been happening inside these rooms." The lawyers have requested CCTV records for the period since Assange's arrest, Poveda said.

The US has until June 12 to build a case for Assange' extradition. Last week, Assange, who has been serving a 50-week sentence in a maximum-security Guantanamo Bay-style prison for skipping bail, faced an extradition judge for the first time. The WikiLeaks co-founder said he would not surrender himself to extradition for simply "doing journalism" that has earned his site many international awards.


859b47  No.6486488


‘Countless houses in cap cities’ … sauce it Anon, deliver evidence. It’s out here. We need to PROOF and prove it. mike it COUNT

Abattoirs … list them with proof of ownership

Prime farmland … list with proof of ownership

Airport detail … fuck yeah, let’s deliver in that too

Port of Darwin .. I thought it was a long term lease, 100 years or something … ‘purchased’???

‘etc, etc’ is not information, is not sourced, it is drivel … left wing speak, so to speak

Information ON this board should be able to be verified, should be FACTUAL not emotive claptrap. Whether it’s from the QR mainboard or not is irrelevant.

This board should not resemble the Daily Telegraph or any other moronic msm

WE ARE THE NEWS NOW so let’s report facts

859b47  No.6486491


46 million ‘collectors items’

Yeah, right

a04aac  No.6486509


Am sourcing Aus-relevant content previously posted in QRes General breads so its collated here … and generally this is posted verbatim as per original posting.

74cafc  No.6486794


Here's some sauce, anon:

Abattoirs and Chinese Investment - these are some of them:




etc etc if you want more, go look, it’s out there.

Empty homes, owned by Chinese: (Yes, an apartment is also a home to many people)



etc etc

Farmland Owned by Chinese: 19.89% of arable, farming land

https://cdn.tspace.gov.au/uploads/sites/79/2018/12/Register_of_Foreign_Ownership_of_Agr.pdf (9,169,000 Ha or 22,657,092 acres under Chinese ownership).

Aust arable land is 46,126,000 Ha (https://tradingeconomics.com/australia/arable-land-hectares-wb-data.html) Chinese own 9,169,000 Ha or 19.89% of Australian arable land.



Airports ‘owned’ by Chinese in Australia

The airport’s runways, control tower, hangars and all of its assets are 50 per cent owned, and may soon be fully owned, by this Chinese government company. https://startsat60.com/discover/news/anger-over-wa-airport-partially-owned-by-chinese-government plus paying $1 for 100 years lease, and is now a China Southern Airlines training school, https://thewest.com.au/business/aviation/chinese-ownership-of-merredin-airport-sparks-controversy-ng-b88705220z

18f5c3  No.6493200



Calculation error in % land ownership - should be 2.3% ownership. Curiously, leasehold is viewed as ownership.

ATO register of Foreign Owned land in Australia June 30 2018


From the enclosed charts, as at June 30 2018:

China 9,169,000 Ha

Total Agricultural Land: 393,797,000 Ha

China (2.3 per cent of agricultural land)

Around 80 per cent of foreign held agricultural land is held on a leasehold basis. Curious that leasehold is listed at ownership. What then does ownership mean?

91619f  No.6493632


I'm just going to write all the shit I know about our corrupt af Gov and let them know it's all a scam run for their Zionist masters and they can go suck a big fat choptopkikecock!!!!!

a04aac  No.6494389

Resignations in the region

Sourced from QRes#8294

Director of company that may acquire Vodafone NZ resigns from Spark's board


a04aac  No.6494390

Sweden reopens Assange rape investigation, to seek extradition

Sourced from QRes#8295

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden reopened an investigation into a rape allegation against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday and will seek his extradition from Britain, potentially delaying efforts by the United States to bring him to its courts to face trial over a huge release of secret documents.

Deputy Chief Prosecutor Eva-Marie Persson told a news conference she would continue a preliminary investigation that was dropped in 2017 without charges being brought because Assange had taken refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London. Assange was arrested in Britain last month after spending seven years hiding inside the embassy. The United States is also seeking his extradition on conspiracy charges relating to the public release by Wikileaks of a cache of secret documents, including assessments of foreign leaders, wars and security matters. The Swedish prosecutor said it would request Assange be detained in his absence on probable cause for an allegation of rape and that it would issue a European arrest warrant - the process under which his extradition would be sought.

The 47-year-old Australian - who denies the allegations - is currently in a London prison serving 50 weeks behind bars for jumping bail when he fled to the Ecuadorean embassy in 2012. The decision to reopen the investigation poses the question of whether Assange will be moved to Sweden or to the United States. “I am well aware of the fact that an extradition process is ongoing in the UK and that he could be extradited to the US,” Persson said.

A British judge has given the U.S. government a deadline of June 12 to outline its case against Assange. The statute of limitation for rape in Sweden is 10 years - a deadline which would be reached in mid-August next year for the alleged incident involving Assange, leaving prosecutors pressed for time should they decide to file any formal charge.

“Everything depends on how this will be handled by the British authorities and courts,” said Mark Klamberg, a professor of international law at Stockholm University. “There is a possibility, or risk depending on how you see it, that this is going to take a long time,” he said, adding that a U.S. extradition of Assange would likely rule out him being tried in Sweden due to the statute of limitation. Assange’s supporters cast him as a dissident facing the wrath of a superpower over one of the largest compromises of classified information in U.S. history.


a04aac  No.6494456

This Common Food Additive Harms Gut Health, Could Trigger Disease

Sourced from QRes#8300

A food additive found in more than 900 food products such as chewing gum and mayonnaise has an impact on the gut microbiota which could trigger diseases.

University of Sydney research provides new evidence that nanoparticles, which are present in many food items, may have a substantial and harmful influence on human health.

The study investigated the health impacts of food additive E171 (titanium dioxide nanoparticles) which is commonly used in high quantities in foods and some medicines as a whitening agent. Found in more than 900 food products such as chewing gum and mayonnaise, E171 is consumed in high proportion everyday by the general population.

Published in Frontiers in Nutrition, the mice study found that consumption of food containing E171 has an impact on the gut microbiota (defined by the trillions of bacteria that inhabit the gut) which could trigger diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases and colorectal cancer.

Co-lead author Associate Professor Wojciech Chrzanowski said the study added substantially to a body of work on nanoparticle toxicity and safety and their impact on health and environment.

“The aim of this research is to stimulate discussions on new standards and regulations to ensure safe use of nanoparticles in Australia and globally,” he said.

While nanoparticles have been commonly used in medicines, foods, clothing, and other applications, the possible impacts of nanoparticles, especially their long term effects, are still poorly understood.

Titanium dioxide consumption has considerably increased in the last decade and has already been linked to several medical conditions, and although it is approved in food, there is insufficient evidence about its safety.

Increasing rates of dementia, auto-immune diseases, cancer metastasis, eczema, asthma, and autism are among a growing list of diseases that have been linked to soaring exposure to nanoparticles.

“It is well established that dietary composition has an impact on physiology and health, yet the role of food additives is poorly understood,” said Associate Professor Chrzanowski, a nanotoxicology expert from the University of Sydney’s School of Pharmacy and Sydney Nano Institute.

“There is increasing evidence that continuous exposure to nanoparticles has an impact on gut microbiota composition, and since gut microbiota is a gate keeper of our health, any changes to its function have an influence on overall health.”

“This study presents pivotal evidence that consumption of food containing food additive E171 (titanium dioxide) affects gut microbiota as well as inflammation in the gut, which could lead to diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases and colorectal cancer,” he said.

Co-lead author Associate Professor Laurence Macia from the University of Sydney said: “Our research showed that titanium dioxide interacts with bacteria in the gut and impairs some of their functions which may result in the development of diseases. We are saying that its consumption should be better regulated by food authorities.”

“This study investigated effects of titanium dioxide on gut health in mice and found that titanium dioxide did not change the composition of gut microbiota, but instead it affected bacteria activity and promoted their growth in a form of undesired biofilm. Biofilms are bacteria that stick together and the formation of biofilm has been reported in diseases such as colorectal cancer,” said Associate Professor Macia, who is an immunologist expert on the impacts of the gut and gut microbiota on health from the Faculty of Medicine and Health and the Charles Perkins Centre.

Article sourced from The University of Sydney.


a04aac  No.6503412

Virgin passengers stuck in baggage lines for hours as technical trouble hits check-in system

Sourced from QRes#8305


a04aac  No.6503418

Jacinda Ardern won't rule out blocking Facebook if used to spread extremist content

14 May 2019

‘Websites like 8Chan and 4Chan that were used by the alleged gunman and that routinely spread extremism are on notice.’


a04aac  No.6503434

File: b8a5ccec3796166⋯.jpeg (684.45 KB, 1242x1045, 1242:1045, b8a5ccec3796166a9da23d5f5….jpeg)

Papua New Guinea earthquake: Huge 7.7m tremor as tsunami alert issued - 14 May 2019

The islands of New Ireland and East New Britain were on tsunami alert after an earthquake struck close to the city of Kokopo in Papua New Guinea.

A huge 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck close to Papua New Guinea, prompting a tsunami warning is said to have sent people running into the street.

A tsnuami warning has been issued for parts of the southwestern Pacific after the tremor struck 29km north-east of Kokopo, the capital of East New Britain, at a depth of 10km around midnight, local time.

There were no immediate reports of damage.

The US National Weather Service's Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has warned surrounding territories including nearby Solomon Island of the potential for tidal waves generated by the massive quake to hit their coastlines.

It said: "Hazardous tsunami waves are possible for coasts located within 1000 km of the earthquake epicenter, along the coasts of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands."


c4694d  No.6503461

File: 98328730f66b38e⋯.png (344.26 KB, 649x365, 649:365, Pauline Hanson.png)

File: e58ecab29cfebb1⋯.png (189.37 KB, 320x426, 160:213, Fraser Anning.png)

Pauline Hanson lashes ‘racist’ Fraser Anning

Pauline Hanson has labelled former One Nation candidate Fraser Anning a “racist” and accused him of trying to be “another Pauline Hanson”.

Senator Anning was widely condemned after he blamed the Christchurch massacre in March on Muslim immigration.

Senator Anning also called for a ban on all Muslim and “black” immigration to “ensure safety for Australians once more”.

Speaking from Perth before flying to Victoria this afternoon, Senator Hanson told The Australian Senator Anning was “extreme” and would not be re-elected at the forthcoming election.

“People throw the word racist around too freely, they don’t know what they’re talking about, but when you actually target a person based on their skin colour, that is racist because that means you believe your race to be superior to them,” Senator Hanson said.

“That blacks should be banned — that in itself is a racist comment.

“What he says is extreme, it’s unacceptable … you will find people out there who might have that opinion, but it’s not my opinion and not something I’ve ever said or will ever support.

“I feel now he has nothing to lose, I think he’s trying to be controversial, to be another Pauline Hanson.”

Senator Hanson said past comments of hers, including that Australia was “being swamped by Asians”, were not racist because they were “factual”.

“It caused the government to actually look at the policies,” she said.

In response, Senator Anning questioned why he would try and emulate Senator Hanson, who he said had “lost her way”.

“Unlike Pauline, I would never preference Labor everywhere over a conservative party like mine, nor would I back track on Muslim immigration or endorse a Muslim candidate,” he said.

“Pauline has lost her way. She isn’t the same person she was when I ran for her in Fairfax.

“I have called for a plebiscite on immigration to give the Australian people a chance to have their say on who comes here. Since when did democracy become ‘racist’?”

Senator Hanson did not support a Senate censure motion against Senator Anning following his comments on the Christchurch attacks.

“The people will have their say. Not politicians beating their chests about this. He is an elected member of the parliament. He has a voice,” she said at the time.

‘I’ll work with Labor’

Senator Hanson says her One Nation party will work constructively with a Labor government as long as its measures are “right for the country”.

Senator Hanson restated her opposition to Labor’s retiree tax, but said she was open to working with Bill Shorten on other matters should Labor form government.

“I will work with a Labor government and I will pass its legislation if I think it’s right for the country and the people,” she said.

“That’s my main aim, to work for the people.”

On Labor’s plan to scrap franking credit cash refunds to people who have paid no tax, Senator Hanson said it was wrong to “go after retirees”.

“The companies have paid their company tax, they paid the tax, so why then is Labor wanting to rip these people off who rely on the money?” she said.

“Why should we go after them?

“If Labor is so desperate for money, why don’t they go after the unions who are getting tax-free money, instead of the independent retirees who have worked hard to save their money?”


c4694d  No.6503465

File: 9e78047dfe3e133⋯.png (657.59 KB, 634x869, 634:869, Julie Bishop.png)

File: 90c060edfec7a19⋯.png (404.52 KB, 634x423, 634:423, Bill Shorten.png)

Bill Shorten hints Julie Bishop could be his ambassador to the US as he praises her for standing up to Vladimir Putin and lashes the Liberal Party for not voting her leader

Bill Shorten has praised Julie Bishop's special 'talent' and announced he wants to talk to the outgoing MP about undertaking a high-profile role representing Australia if he wins government.

'I think Julie Bishop is good at most things she does,' he told the Leadership Matters forum in Western Australia on Wednesday.

The Labor leader spoke highly of the former Foreign Affairs Minister when asked if he would consider her for an ambassadorial position.

'She says she wants to work in the private sector, but I'll certainly be talking to her,' he said according to The West Australian.

'I'm saying to you quite unreservedly here that I've got a lot of respect for her, Chloe and I know her well, she's a good person and we can't waste talent,' he said.

Australia's current ambassador to the US, former Liberal Treasurer Joe Hockey, has called it quits and will be returning home in January after three years in the job.

Mr Shorten lashed the Liberal Party for not choosing Ms Bishop as their leader and therefor PM during last year's leadership spill in which Scott Morrison triumphed,

'Candidly, I think the Liberal Party made a mistake (by not electing her leader),' he said.

'When none of her West Australian colleagues voted for her after everything she's done for them, from fundraising to policy – what is it so hard about Liberal men to vote for Liberal women in positions of leadership.'

Mr Shorten went on to praise Ms Bishop for her stint as Foreign Affairs Minister and the manner in which she handled the MH17 disaster.

'She's served this country well. I haven't always agreed with everything she's said but I will always rate her very highly for when the plane of Australians was shot down over eastern Ukraine,' he said.

'I hope that if I was seeing Vladimir Putin, the way she stood up to the Russians, I hope that in the same circumstances I would behave like her.'

The suggestion to make a high ranking former Liberal draws a contrast to the events of 2016 when Malcolm Turnbull faced pressure from the cabinet and refused to nominate Kevin Rudd as UN secretary general.


2dd648  No.6511039



Cabalist bitch!

What an absolute farce of a country Aus is deeply floored politicians all vying to be AIJAC's new head puppet!

c4694d  No.6511127

File: c4a5c8f7ce23899⋯.png (615.47 KB, 649x487, 649:487, Max Towns is accused of kn….png)

File: 60a5f231d406291⋯.png (515.99 KB, 649x487, 649:487, Towns leaves the Sutherlan….png)

File: 3536c21eb67202d⋯.png (427.05 KB, 648x365, 648:365, The scuffle breaks out.png)

File: faa92fc7adb718a⋯.png (316.43 KB, 648x365, 648:365, The Anning supporter alleg….png)

Sydney man denies assaulting News Corp photographer at Fraser Anning media event

A Sydney man accused of assaulting a photographer following a Fraser Anning media event has been temporarily banned from attending any political assemblies, protests or press conferences.

Alleged far-right sympathiser Max Towns was charged in April after an altercation with News Corp Australia photographer Dylan Robinson in Cronulla.

NSW Police allege Towns knocked Robinson’s camera equipment to the ground and tore his shirt.

Towns, 19, on Thursday had his first mention at Sutherland Local Court where his lawyer entered pleas of not guilty to the charges of intimidation and common assault.

Detectives say Towns first made intimidatory comments toward News journalist Eliza Barr and then assaulted Robinson when he tried to intervene.

The scuffle followed a press conference during which Senator Anning announced his Conservative National Party candidate for the Prime Minister’s seat of Cook and part of his NSW ticket for the Senate.

Senator Anning was on the opposite side of the park at the time and said he didn’t see the incident or know if Towns was a supporter.

The Queensland politician — who’s called for a ban on all Muslim immigration — said he didn’t advocate violence.

A police bail document filed in court states Towns is an “associate” of a far-right political group and his alleged actions in late April were unprovoked. His bail conditions stipulate the 19-year-old can’t contact Barr or Robinson, can’t attend political assemblies, protests or press conferences, and must not enter the Sutherland Shire except to attend court.

His matter is due back in the same court on June 27.

Towns is not required to attend.


056983  No.6511690

File: 43b8ea6c0d8811f⋯.png (177.01 KB, 532x598, 266:299, 9920115C-8BC6-4267-B012-35….png)




966e93  No.6511911


Well well well

Wonder how our msm and politicians are gonna play this one out

And less than 48hrs before the Federal Election


let’s see …

Shorten under the hammer re rape allegations

Bob Hawke kicks the bucket aged 89 or did someone off him to gain sympathy vote for the Left …

and now this …

Turncoat Turnbull in hot water putting OUR LIVES at risk by importing Hussein’s terrorist scumbags

Interdasting …

966e93  No.6511933

Labor legend Bob Hawke dies aged 89

Bob Hawke, one of the nation's greatest public figures and a hero of the Australian Labor Party, has died on the eve of an election the former prime minister just one day ago predicted would be won by the party he led for nearly a decade.

The Labor legend died on Thursday surrounded by family in his Sydney home, drawing to a close one of the most substantial chapters in Australian political history. He was 89.

"Today we lost Bob Hawke, a great Australian – many would say the greatest Australian of the post-war era," his wife, Blanche d'Alpuget, said.

"Bob was dearly loved by his family, and so many friends and colleagues. We will miss him. (NOT)

The golden bowl is broken."

Mr Hawke's death has rocked the federal election campaign. The former Labor leader, who was prime minister from 1983 to 1991, on Wednesday wrote an open letter to Australians backing Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to win Saturday's election against Prime Minister Scott Morrison


966e93  No.6511939

File: bce39925e6caf59⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 2174x1533, 2174:1533, 46BB9692-131D-4E84-AA46-3….jpeg)

Ya mug!

a3c127  No.6512241


My bet is on Morrison being a deep cover White hat.

I don't have much basis for that opinion, but there is something odd about him.

056983  No.6513492

File: 6fe8a27e63357ba⋯.png (590.77 KB, 1079x1013, 1079:1013, 298FE8CE-7BEA-42FE-B49F-CE….png)

And now more scurrilous shit…

From general research again:

Australian Diplomat at Center of Russia Hoax Also Has China, Clinton Foundation Links

Smartphone maker Huawei appointed Downer to its board of directors in 2011. He defended the firm, despite years of U.S. intelligence warnings that it’s a tool of Chinese intelligence.

Worries about Huawei’s role in Chinese spying in the United States are so great that President Donald Trump will sign an executive order this week banning the use of the firm’s telecommunications equipment by U.S. companies.

Trump’s order results from a February 2018 Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in which the leaders of the top six U.S. agencies with counterintelligence duties warned that Huawei is a tool of Chinese spymasters.


056983  No.6513515


I reckon they won’t mention it.

(Wonder if the two Rwandans are the brothers in the news yesterday doing terror.)

d84374  No.6516255

File: 90a13da57be5c10⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 642x673, 642:673, sportsbet_labor_wins_20190….JPG)

File: 560854e5cd3b63d⋯.jpg (71.25 KB, 642x689, 642:689, sportsbet_labor_wins_20190….JPG)

File: 9fb5e8d43cdfa28⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 643x663, 643:663, sportsbet_labor_wins_20190….JPG)


Sportsbet tweeted at 1:20pm on 15/05/2019 (not sure of timezone with this) that they decided to pay out on all bets for labor to win. Fishy as fuck!


dbd051  No.6516744


Anyone see the shit fight over this on ABC last night?

4a30d6  No.6517687


Agree, ScoMo is very odd.

He sure talks a globalist game. But made all kissy-kissy-face with Trump.

Who the fuck owns Australia anyhow?

a3c127  No.6519151


Plus think about the Libs that resigned when ScoMo retained power. Julie Bishop is a likely a cannibal (red shoes).

dbd051  No.6519173

File: ff8f9d325655130⋯.png (601.3 KB, 674x785, 674:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38bcfd0ed8f187b⋯.png (40.88 KB, 689x379, 689:379, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Folau officially sacked by Rugby Australia

Rugby Australia has officially sacked Israel Folau after the star was found guilty of a “high level” breach over last month’s controversial Instagram post.

RA chief executive Raelene Castle fronted the media this afternoon where she announced that Folau’s four-year, $4m contract will be torn up. Folau has 72 hours to appeal the RA decision, seperately, he's likely to fight the decision in the Supreme Court.

The 30-year-old’s career has been in the balance since his April 10 post that suggested homosexuals, among others, would go to hell.

"While Rugby Australia accepts the panel’s decision directing termination of Israel Folau’s playing contract for his high-level breach of the Code of Conduct, we want to stress that this outcome is a painful situation for the game," Castle said.

"Rugby Australia did not choose to be in this situation, but Rugby Australia’s position remains that Israel, through his actions, left us with no choice but to pursue this course of action.

“This has been an extremely challenging period for Rugby and this issue has created an unwanted distraction in an important year for the sport and for the Wallabies team.

"But our clear message to all Rugby fans today is that we need to stand by our values and the qualities of inclusion, passion, integrity, discipline, respect and teamwork.

"Israel is a great Rugby player and we are disappointed and saddened by the fact that he will not see out his four-year commitment to the Wallabies and Waratahs."


Freedom of speech is dead in Aus

dbd051  No.6519181



Runs Australia!

Your vote don't matter as they both dance to the Zionist beat!

Left right is an illusion of choice!

328fc0  No.6519598

File: 9241f5e57acb50a⋯.png (124.75 KB, 500x494, 250:247, r j hawkey boy.png)

I don't know whether anyone has mentioned this before, but is it possible that Bob Hawke died some time ago and he was kept on ice until the eve of the federal election…ala George H W and No-Name?

Food for thought…..

a04aac  No.6519707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

60 Minutes Australia - Population debate

Sourced from QRes#8322

Interdasting segment highlights DS push for immigration into already overpopulated cities.

a04aac  No.6519739

File: 43b8ea6c0d8811f⋯.png (177.01 KB, 532x598, 266:299, fe69ee9dc3ec6bd353d2b4029d….png)

@RealSaavedra 10:13 PM - 15 May 2019

BREAKING: Obama admin secretly agreed with then-Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull to relocate 2 Rwandan terrorists — who had been in US custody for murdering Americans in Uganda — to the streets of Australia and the US agreed to take 1,250 migrants in return


Sourced from QRes#8326

a04aac  No.6519746

File: 2e26aecd8ec4016⋯.jpeg (222.99 KB, 2174x1533, 2174:1533, bce39925e6caf59d542bf7350….jpeg)

Labor legend PM Bob Hawke dies aged 89

Sourced QRes#8327

Bob Hawke, one of the nation's greatest public figures and a hero of the Australian Labor Party, has died on the eve of an election the former prime minister just one day ago predicted would be won by the party he led for nearly a decade.

The Labor legend died on Thursday surrounded by family in his Sydney home, drawing to a close one of the most substantial chapters in Australian political history. He was 89.

"Today we lost Bob Hawke, a great Australian – many would say the greatest Australian of the post-war era," his wife, Blanche d'Alpuget, said.

"Bob was dearly loved by his family, and so many friends and colleagues. We will miss him. (NOT)

The golden bowl is broken."

Mr Hawke's death has rocked the federal election campaign.

The former Labor leader, who was prime minister from 1983 to 1991, on Wednesday wrote an open letter to Australians backing Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to win Saturday's election against Prime Minister Scott Morrison


a04aac  No.6519753

Resignations in the Region

AFL Victoria has asked for, and received, the resignation of the six commissioners who oversee the game in Gippsland after they amassed debts of between $100,000 and $200,000.


9d64f1  No.6519787



I’d call it likely rather than possible

Eve of the Federal election and TV and radio blasting Bob Hawke and Labor stories over and over and over

All channels/stations

All day

Could be what gets Labor over the line

God help us if that happens

Liberals are bad enuf but Labor back in will be disastrous for Australia

Population of Indonesia will head south

Muzzles galore

We’re phucked

9d64f1  No.6519789


Not many posts here, Anon

Easy to scroll back and see this already posted

ThanQ anyway

9d64f1  No.6519792



Already posted dozen posts ago

Do we need to repeat everything to fill this bread?

Crazy that Aus has so few anons and so little research going on

Come one come all … please … scary being one of just seemingly so few

9d64f1  No.6519794

ThanQ mate >>6519753

fbeedc  No.6519837

Newb Au Anon, 2605. 2hrs ago worked out how to VPN. Wondered why after recent NZ crazy person attack I couldn't follow Q links to 8chan. Election is a bore. I have seen over a dozen fed elections. Steady as she sinks leadership, the lot. Hawke too. Bob, my mum found unskilled income in the Bradmill mill when I was at highschool in Newie. And later at Osram. We brought 4 new Holdens over a 15 year period. And a Viscount caravan. All made in Australia Bob. So what happened - I'm using asian tech gear, wearing asian clothes, sitting on an asian sofa and asian carpet. The building, the water, the electricity grid and the Tax Laws are the only thing made in Australia.

b7f37e  No.6520142

File: 1d6486dcccf67a1⋯.png (220.42 KB, 260x377, 20:29, dig1.png)



Telstra ip banning, Vpn uses tor exit nodes

No tor posting on 8 chan,ABC spend more time slating potus

than home pollies.

only 25 million ozzies (USA 360+ but same landmass)

Even uk doesnt do any better with 65 mil!

Lots of lurking, doing ok anon, not alone, comfy.

0ff2e8  No.6521723


Sad that he was never brought to justice for allegedly raping 2 girls (and possibly more)


Keep Fiona Barnett in your prayers. She also recently had the death of Isaac Kappy, whom she once was friends with, to deal with.

c4694d  No.6524767

File: f35bfc08ab22477⋯.jpg (563.65 KB, 1340x1120, 67:56, Newspoll_18_5_2019.jpg)

File: 45656a2d689e4d5⋯.jpg (61.85 KB, 750x837, 250:279, Cw0uFATW8AEv9F7.jpg)

Posting for comparison with the final result.

Let the Games begin.

c4694d  No.6527582

File: 7f445c4f6b5452c⋯.jpg (268.11 KB, 910x545, 182:109, Federal-election-2019.jpg)

File: b8ea51627099a3c⋯.jpg (269.66 KB, 895x502, 895:502, remarkable-turn-of-events.jpg)


BREAKING: ABC projects Coalition victory

This is what chief elections analyst Antony Green says of the results tonight.

"Let's put it out on the table here. At this stage, we think the Morrison government has been re-elected. We can't see an alternative to a Morrison government in the numbers we're seeing at the moment.

"We can't say whether the Government will be in a majority or minority, but we're certainly seeing enough numbers to say that the Coalition will end up with more seats than Labor.

"And the only way that the Morrison Government cannot win this election is if the number of them aren't seats where they're currently ahead, they fall back on and fall behind in pre-polls, but also that Labor would have to cobble together all of the crossbench to be in government.

"So, at the moment, it's looking very strongly like the Morrison government will be returned. We're just not sure in what position it will be returned.

"Will it be a majority? Will it be a minority? That's where the pre-polls will determine what happens."


c2def2  No.6527618

File: 22d3eed33dcb29f⋯.png (54.62 KB, 866x749, 866:749, aus election.png)

>>6527582 Thanks Patriot.

Same site


57% counted so far.

6e099a  No.6527638

Hang tough Aussieanons. Trust the plan. It includes you. WW. WRWY. USanon

7bb758  No.6527778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Palmer ≠ Trump




PH is for real. You can't fake this shit. Hope she's okay, she was a no-show today.


0ff2e8  No.6528229

File: 02774732def9aff⋯.jpg (108.57 KB, 940x872, 235:218, bishop.JPG)

Red shoe Julie Bishop featured in Aus Nine network's election coverage with a red shoe to symbolise someone being kicked out of their seat.


a3c127  No.6528453

File: 398118e3e580c12⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 728x546, 4:3, we are one but we are many.jpg)



a3c127  No.6528872


She's a Deep State actor. Doxx/extensive proof has been provided already.

056983  No.6528873


He’s gone.

I’ve never been so invested in a politician being gone.

A horrid little man who can go back to petty crime in the outfield away from the big bucks and cameras where I don’t have to see his rapist face any more.

3d22cf  No.6529315

File: aab7b5164c8cb85⋯.png (336 KB, 700x390, 70:39, no sauce.png)


says there's sauce

provides none


f86a40  No.6529513

File: 0135136902fcc31⋯.png (120.79 KB, 1058x676, 529:338, GO AUSSIES! THANKS KEK!.png)


f86a40  No.6529574

Apologies, here's the link to the graphic above:


a3c127  No.6529620

File: f12077ac0d30e2f⋯.pdf (5.3 MB, fiona-barnett-operation-ti….pdf)

File: f90275e3312edb2⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Armadiller.jpg)

87b966  No.6529765

File: e582a3e198a724f⋯.png (347.32 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 2019_1.png)

File: 289b3f2a134eb13⋯.png (312.65 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 2019_2.png)

File: dfacaf16396d25f⋯.png (615.48 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 2019_3.png)

File: 07bc7a22933febe⋯.png (256.07 KB, 800x451, 800:451, 2019_4.png)

'I always believed in miracles': Scott Morrison celebrates as Bill Shorten concedes defeat

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has hailed the Coalition's "miracle" return to government and says it represents a great victory for the "quiet Australians".

Flanked by his wife Jenny and two daughters, a jubilant Mr Morrison told Liberal supporters at an event in Sydney that "I have always believed in miracles".

"I am standing with the three biggest miracles of my life and tonight we have delivered another one," he said to deafening cheers.

"How good is Australia? And how good are Australians?"

Mr Morrison applauded Australians "who have worked hard every day".

"They have their dreams, they have their aspirations: to get a job, to get an apprenticeship, to start a business, to meet someone amazing,' he said, turning to his wife.

"To start a family, to buy a home, to work hard and provide the best you can for your kids. These are the quiet Australians who have won a great victory tonight."

Mr Morrison said the victory was not about him or the Liberal Party, but about "every single Australians who depends on their government to put them first".

He said a returned Coalition government would immediately return to work.

"That is my undertaking to Australia from one end of the country to another. I said I was going to burn for you and I am, every single day."

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten had earlier conceded defeat to Prime Minister Scott Morrison and says he will not contest the Labor leadership.

Speaking to supporters in Melbourne with wife Chloe by his side, Mr Shorten said he knew the Labor faithful were hurting "and I am too".

"Without wanting to hold out any false hope while there are millions of votes to count and important seats being finalised, it is obvious that Labor will not be able to form the next government," he said.

"So in the national interest a short while ago, I called Scott Morrison to congratulate him.

"I wished [his wife] Jenny and their daughters all the very best and above all I wished Scott Morrison good courage and good fortune in the service of our great nation."

Mr Shorten said the campaign had been tough, and at times toxic, but the wishes of the Australian people should be respected.

The party would continue the fight, however "that task will be for the next leader of the Labor Party".

"I will not be a candidate in the next leadership ballot," he said. Mr Shorten will continue as member for his Melbourne seat of Maribyrnong.


c3c5a9  No.6530847


completely wrong on all counts


50385b  No.6531412

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has hailed the Coalition's "miracle" return to government.

“I support the law of the country and I always don’t mix my religion with politics and my faith with politics.”

rooted Oz

056983  No.6532032

File: 668731f9c294378⋯.png (56.1 KB, 612x318, 102:53, F60A878C-13E5-41D3-A543-2E….png)

056983  No.6532049

056983  No.6532103


The ban on 8chan by Telstra has probably shut down a lot of non tech savvy normies. Notice regulars like myself are getting high post numbers now.

Maybe Q could repeat the DNS thingy so it pops up on qmap et al again where it might be seen by normies. A mention of VPN might help too, but I’m just speculating.

78a152  No.6532204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is ScoMo a Patriot?

He parrots the Globalist talking points. But his final interview with the Cabal's ABC was compelling. Doesn't it look like the ABC has figured out that maybe he's not on [their] side? That lady isn't just asking hard-hitting questions. She's trying to destroy him. But he holds his own.

I'm not sure what to make of ScoMo yet. Maybe he's not either. Playing all sides? Who knows!

c4694d  No.6532656

File: 69eb91435264ca2⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1367x9177, 1367:9177, fionabarnett-org-2019-02-0….png)


Fiona Barnett's response -

Unnecessary Evidence

>Owing to my article exposing high profile psychologist Bob Montgomery, I have come under an orchestrated series of threats and attacks. One of these attacks was launched by low-IQ cult scum who tried to discredit my testimony by saying my family are not related to Helen Holowczak. Their main source of ‘evidence’ is my grandmother’s gravestone which excludes the names of my father and his children. So, here a few documents to disprove their lies.


c4694d  No.6532807

File: a05df00f6b9424e⋯.png (732.29 KB, 850x478, 425:239, Lambie-Anning-Roberts.png)

File: 53e2239ccd89c1f⋯.png (319.56 KB, 700x394, 350:197, Anning.png)

Fraser Anning out as Jacqui Lambie and Malcolm Roberts return to Senate

The Senate crossbench looks likely to be less diverse but a couple of familiar faces are set to return to the upper house.

A pair of familiar faces look likely to re-join the Senate after being knocked out by the dual citizenship debacle that plagued the previous parliament.

While the final Senate count will take some time, One Nation's Malcolm Roberts in Queensland and Jacqui Lambie in Tasmania look likely to be returned to the red chamber.

Ms Lambie had a warning for Scott Morrison at her election night party:

“You know what, Scott Morrison? If I am lucky and I hold that balance of power, I hope to God you and your people treat me a hell of a lot better than what they did in the three and a half years I was up here,” she told ABC TV.

“Otherwise, mate, if I’m part of that balance of power, we’re going to have a lot of difficulty getting things through unless it’s going to cost you a lot of money, which is great for Tasmania because I’ll be able to deliver. You know what? Drop the attitude.”

Controversial figure Fraser Anning has missed out returning to the Senate in what North Sydney Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman said was “one of the great outcomes of this election”.

“There have been a lot of people concerned about the rise in extremism here and around the world. And what we've tonight is Australians reject the type of extremism Fraser Anning was offering.

“Frankly the position he took on issues of race were simply reprehensible and it had no place in the Australian Parliament and the Australian people appeared to have agreed with that."

As the numbers stand late on Saturday night, in Queensland, the Coalition will hold two of the six Senate seats up for election, and Labor one.

The final seats will be up for grabs between the two major parties and the Greens' Larissa Waters and Mr Roberts, who are about level pegging.

The tens of millions of dollars Clive Palmer spent advertising his United Australia Party don't seem to have paid off, with it picking up about a third of the vote of One Nation and the Greens.

In Tasmania, the Liberals and Labor look set to hold two seats each and Greens incumbent Nick McKim to return, with Ms Lambie in line for the final seat.

The coalition is likely to retain three seats in both NSW and Victoria and Labor another two, with the Greens probably taking the final seat in each state.

It's a similar story in South Australia, where the major parties will take two seats each and the Greens' Sarah Hanson-Young will hold on, with the final seat probably also going to the Liberals.

And in the two territories, ACT and NT, the status quo will prevail with Labor and the Liberals taking one seat each.


50385b  No.6533020



55f8c9  No.6533144

File: a22b316997c3812⋯.png (212.64 KB, 860x1345, 172:269, 7d98edfafdcc43e1d5707911ab….png)


You can do this instead to get around the 8chan block nonsence .. removes need for using vpn also

55f8c9  No.6533220

File: 672de59e5cf9ee2⋯.png (97.83 KB, 366x528, 61:88, f865a81ec6aee352adc1f00f29….png)

Scott Morrison of the Liberal Party (conservatives) will remain Australia's Prime Minister after today's Federal election.

Sourced from QRes#8347

This is the man who apologised to victims of institutionalised 'ritual' child sexual abuse.

(video link to apology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMgXPWC6PDI)


55f8c9  No.6533244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"The crimes of 'ritual sexual abuse' happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and in family homes as well." (@ 05:59)

Sourced from QRes#8347

Hear, hear Scott Morrison - I'm glad to have you as our Prime Minister once more

55f8c9  No.6533398

Australia’s Conservatives Win Surprise Election Victory

Sourced from QRes#8349

SYDNEY—Australia’s conservative government eked out a surprise victory in Saturday’s national elections after voters in resource-rich districts turned against center-left opponents who had put climate change at the heart of their campaign.

Behind in polls for more than two years, Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s Liberal-National coalition appealed to voters in battleground states such as Queensland, struggling at the end of a long mining boom, with a campaign focused on the economy and jobs.

With 71% of votes counted, the conservatives were hopeful of gaining a narrow majority in Parliament’s 151-seat House of Representatives, or possibly governing in minority with the support of conservative-leaning independents. Political experts predicted the government would likely win around 77 seats.

“I have always believed in miracles,” Mr. Morrison, a devout Christian, said in a speech to jubilant supporters gathered at a Sydney hotel after midnight local time. “Our government will come together after this night and we will get back to work.”



The storm is moving along in AUS.

55f8c9  No.6533460

Anons comments on election

Sourced from QRes#8351

>Winning In Australia Edition

Return of an administration that donated millions to CF?

Yeah……. Nah…. If Trump is like Scummo its over for everyone.

55f8c9  No.6533653

File: 70f61882322c381⋯.png (969.28 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 022afdcb5819b672bcb779da9c….png)

File: 70f61882322c381⋯.png (969.28 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 022afdcb5819b672bcb779da9c….png)

Bun of Anons comments on POTUS Tweet about Scott Morrison

Sourced from QRes#8352

First Post >>6531473

Just checking in and phone faggin’

Did y’all discuss the hotdog in AUS Scott Morrison’s celebration gif POTUS retweeted?

Next Post >>6531747

Looks more like a bratwurst

On bread instead of a bun

What's up with that, ay?

Next Post >>6531761

Did some diggin - apparently there is a policy around where the onions go (top or bottom) and he had something to say about it.

Didn’t seem important enough to insert in his celebratory gif tho- esp considering the CP undertones that I’m sure apply to AUS too, mate.


Next Post >>6531777

Was thinking about the CP factor as well

Don't know who made the gif though, if they are trolling him


Have to tuck that away for future clues I guess.

Next Post >>6531807

Digits. And yeah- read the article in potus’ tweet they don’t even mention it. Maybe it’s an inside joke in AUS but still seems odd to me to be included without explanation.

Went to include the link and POTUS deleted the tweet!!!

Got a quick screen grab. Sorry it’s not the right file type, gonnagimmeshitfags.

Next Post >>6531971

Bunnings warehouse.

its a large hardware chain shop like home depot, and they have a bbq free for use for volunteer groups to raise money. slice of white bread, sausage, onions and tomato sauce. some clown dropped his onions and slipped on them, so the fun police (the tolerant left) tried to get the practice banned because of the danger. the right, and most aussies with a brain, thought it was a stupid idea.


people have tatts of the bloody thing.

Next Post >>6532114

Thanks for the background. Doesn’t that shit seem odd to include in a celebratory election win video? (Obvi he likes his onions on bottom - GROSS)

And potus deleted his retweet. Meant to be found and analyzed. He deleted that shit within minutes of my post.

Final Post >>6532021

I posted a while back in Aus bread this guy is linked to Hillsong Church and the chapter in Australia was founded by a known pedo.

Hillsong leader Brian Houston breaks silence on paedophile father: ‘It was wrong not to report him’


Hillsong and Pedophilia: Cover-Ups Galore Down Under


Scott Morrison allows cameras inside his Hillsong-style mega-church for a VERY animated Easter service with his wife and kids


Sorry for wall of text but seemed interesting that Trumps tweet was altered/deleted.

55f8c9  No.6533747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Only in Australia

ScoMo says he's gonna burn for us every single day.

Think he been listening to his old John Farham LP's - kek.

55f8c9  No.6533766

File: 5921ae54af755c6⋯.mp4 (503.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 5921ae54af755c6297d81f97ff….mp4)



Original vid posted in QRes#8353.

Think someones having a kek.

c4694d  No.6534245

File: 1daf9e7db3a42f5⋯.jpg (143.71 KB, 747x500, 747:500, TRUMP_Scott_GREAT_WIN.jpg)

File: e4f502fe8cb6ca0⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1494x2656, 9:16, Democracy-Sausage.jpg)


>Went to include the link and POTUS deleted the tweet!!!

>And potus deleted his retweet. Meant to be found and analyzed. He deleted that shit within minutes of my post.

>seemed interesting that Trumps tweet was altered/deleted.

Is this accurate? The tweet screencapped here >>6532032 seems to be the same one as published here:

Congratulations to Scott on a GREAT WIN!

1:59 PM - 18 May 2019


Unless there was another tweet before this one? Whatever the case, I'm sure Q+ wouldn't have retweeted the animation without being fully aware of what the sausage signified.

Democracy sausage

>"Democracy sausage" is a colloquial name given to the sausages cooked and eaten as part of the Australian tradition of holding a sausage sizzle at polling places on election day as a fundraiser often for the schools or other institutions that house the polling place. In 2016, the BBC reported that just under one-third of the 1,992 polling booths across Australia had a sausage stand by the count of the Election Sausage Sizzles site.

>The democracy sausage has become so well recognised and expected in Australian culture, that in the 24 hours leading up to the 2 July 2016 federal election Twitter changed its emoji for #ausvotes from a ballot box to a sausage lying on a slice of white bread topped with sauc. In December 2016 the Australian National Dictionary Centre selected "democracy sausage" as its Australian Word of the Year for 2016.


c4694d  No.6534309

File: 89e5a9d19dcbfa6⋯.png (213.51 KB, 649x365, 649:365, Trump calls Morrison.png)

File: 2237f06779cc9e0⋯.jpg (355.51 KB, 776x992, 97:124, PG_1.jpg)

I wonder if THIS phone call will leak…

Trump calls Morrison ‘to reaffirm alliance, friendship’

Donald Trump has called Scott Morrison to re-affirm the importance and strength of the US-Australia alliance after the Coalition’s surprise victory last night.

“President Donald J Trump spoke this evening with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia. The President congratulated the Prime Minister on his coalition’s victory,’ the White House said.

“The two leaders reaffirmed the critical importance of the long-standing alliance and friendship between the United States and Australia, and they pledged to continue their close cooperation on shared priorities.”

Earlier, Mr Trump and the White House welcomed Mr Morrison’s victory in the election, with the president tweeting “Congratulations to Scott on a GREAT WIN.’

Senior US officials inside the White House and the National Security Committee have privately expressed their pleasure at the result which they see an ensuring a continuity in US-Australia relations.

Mr Trump congratulated Scott Morrison by retweeting a news.com.au tweet which said ‘Scott Morrison has swept to victory in a sensational federal election result that defied the polls and cements the Coalition’s power.’

The tweet included a ten second montage of Mr Morrison against an Australian flag with a series of hands giving the thumbs up and a sausage wrapped in bread and covered in tomato sauce being offered to him.

Senior US officials have told The Australian that the victory of Mr Morrison and the Coalition was a bonus for the relationship.

“We know what we are dealing with and we like it,’ one said.


Mr Morrison met with Mr Trump at the G20 summit in Argentina late last year and the two men have had several phone conversations in which they got on well.

Mr Trump has congratulated Mr Morrison about Australia’s courage in taking the lead last year in banning Chinese telecommunications companies from participating in Australia’s evolving 5G communications network.

Only last week, Mr Trump signed an executive order effectively banning Chinese companies from participation in the US telecommunications market - a policy which US officials say was in part inspired by Australia’s stance.

Mr Trump is mulling a possible visit to Australia later this year although nothing has been confirmed.

Mr Morrison is likely to meet Mr Trump in New York during Leader’s Week at the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September if he does not come to Washington sooner.

The Prime Minister has also been in touch with US Vice President Mike Pence.

He has had contact from the UK and is expected to speak to Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday afternoon.

French President Emmanuel Macron and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern have also offered their congratulations directly.

So too have former New Zealand prime ministers John Key and Bill English.

Elsewhere, American political activist Pamela Geller trumpeted: “The people are taking back their countries from the totalitarian left”.

Axios’ Amy Harder told readers the election result indicates “Australia will continue to closely resemble the Trump administration’s positioning on climate change.

“Climate advocates had said this election would be a referendum on the current leadership’s positions on climate change, the results suggest that either voters don’t care as much about the issue compared to others or they prefer less aggressive measures, as the current leadership is pursuing,” Ms Harder wrote.

The New York Times described how “the conservative victory also adds Australia to a growing list of countries that have shifted rightward through the politics of grievance, including Brazil, Hungary and Italy.

In the UK, The Sunday Times wrote: “Street-smart Morrison caused a political upset by beating his cerebral Labor rival.”

And the Telegraph UK wrote that Mr Morrison had “stunned the political establishment” by his victory in what was supposed to have been the election “the opposition Labor Party couldn’t lose”.


a20b1d  No.6534345


If ScoMo is a psy-op (and there's a really good chance he is) then it's a smart one.

Because there is a rising "conservative" voice in Australia and people are learning a lot from Donald Trump (that's what terrifies the Aus MSM and why they try to destroy him).

And so it would make sense that the Cabal would elect a politician that quiets this rising conservative movement in Australia and makes Aussies think that things are turning in their favour…even when they're NOT.

Think about it, wouldn't the Cabal do very well to bring the riotous conservatives of Australia under [their] thumb? Keep them misguided in thinking that the Australia people have a white knight in elected office?

I don't trust Scott Morrison.

a20b1d  No.6534364



Sorry, let me just add this.

I knew ScoMo would win the election. I didn't even know about the Labor polls favouring Shorten.

The reason I knew ScoMo would win was that every single MSM news story favoured him. Despite that hostile interview with Leigh Sales on ABC, in fact the MSM news (ABC and Sky News and 9 News) all painted Shorten as a scary proposition in EVERY SINGLE news story.

And I mean EVERY SINGLE one.

Shorten was going to crash house prices.

Shorten was going to destroy your super fund.

And so on.

Does that sound like the Cabal wanted Shorten to win?

Isn't it more likely they picked ScoMo to win and "faked" their own polls as if to echo Trump's poll-defying victory?

It all looks made up to me. Who owns Australia?

a20b1d  No.6534375


The fact that Pamela Gellar trumpets Scott Morrison's win is NOT a good sign.

She is controlled opposition.

I'm sorry. iw ish I could celebrate. But the more I think about it, the more I think he's BAD.

c4694d  No.6534534

File: 2c7bdab59f3fa9b⋯.png (130.28 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 2c7bdab59f3fa9b802a0eb1aaf….png)

File: adf2e2df2b14c8e⋯.jpg (82.51 KB, 808x192, 101:24, replies.jpg)

>>5278998 (pb)

>I heard Shorten was already given the green light as next PM by the cabal

The Cabal's days are numbered.

62a100  No.6534616


I don't buy it.

The Communist ABC has moved on way too quickly for this to be a "real win" for the people. Their "fake journalists" are positively beaming today, calling ScoMo's victory a "win for the ages."

Where is the gnashing of teeth?

Where is the outrage?

[They] try to liken this win to Trump's win, but the Australian media is NOT acting like this day is a bad day for The Cabal.

No, the Cabal media are acting like one of their own just became Prime Minister.

This is NOT Game Over.

9fcce5  No.6534948


Me either. He slipped in too easily when they were dumping Turnbull. It was obviously an organised play. I see ScoMo as Turnbull's proxy. The upside of the win is Bishop's dreams of a Shorten-provided UN feed bin went up in smoke.

50b29e  No.6534989


Right as rain,… Patriot.

Same game different continent.

f6bd76  No.6535165

Is Telstra the only Australian ISP still banning 8chan?

It feels like this might be a test for how Australians react to being totally cut off from the world's information/news network. And we are failing that test, so the Cabal must be happy. I don't think anyone is up in arms about this at all.

7313c7  No.6535404


tpg/iinet did too, don't know about optarse

50385b  No.6535465


Vodaphone too


Disturbing contant apparently (to whom one wonders?)

c4694d  No.6536935

File: 1050f2b0f853a89⋯.jpg (229.88 KB, 754x723, 754:723, DoS_1.jpg)

US Department of State Tweet

.@SecPompeo: The U.S. congratulates @ScottMorrisonMP & the Coalition on their victory in the May 18 Australian federal election. We look forward to continuing to work with the Coalition govt. on our shared vision for a peaceful & more prosperous world.



eb6f07  No.6538873

File: 03d21fd57e2acb4⋯.png (574.39 KB, 762x492, 127:82, ausundercoveriran.png)


ABC Australia is disturbing content. It should be BANNED by their own logic.

But I'll settle for DE-FUNDED, given that we all know it's just a state-funded tool to bring Communism to Australia.

AUSTRALIA IS THE UNDERCOVER IRAN OF THE WORLD. The Cabal uses Australia under the cover of night to spread more evil around the world than anybody yet knows.

50385b  No.6539513


>>>ABC Australia is disturbing content.

To you and me, yes, to the unwoken majority its a sleeping draft mainstreamed directly into 'stryas bloodstream.

>>>we all know it's just a state-funded tool to bring Communism to Australia.

Is it? Or is their lefty stance just a way to shill for the NWO? Seems to be the agenda is set at a level ABOVE mainstream politics. Ever seen planet America? Man, do they hate DJT. Wonder why?

>>> The Cabal uses Australia

Yep, and the ABC, but its not about 'spreading communism'.

328fc0  No.6539985

File: c8507321692e3a9⋯.jpg (92.31 KB, 1024x926, 512:463, butthurt01.jpg)

File: a07b8574c4a90fb⋯.jpg (110.49 KB, 1024x984, 128:123, butthurt02.jpg)

File: 74409ba0df1077d⋯.jpg (37.54 KB, 1024x502, 512:251, butthurt03.jpg)

File: a2cb936a0ce9eed⋯.jpg (107.83 KB, 1024x902, 512:451, butthurt04.jpg)

File: 65f10ece16c94b2⋯.jpg (84.31 KB, 1024x742, 512:371, butthurt05.jpg)

the butthurt is strong with these lefties

328fc0  No.6540010

File: 418eb030c5b7a89⋯.jpg (97.65 KB, 1024x840, 128:105, butthurt08.jpg)

File: 713d9ff2f13e01a⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 1024x586, 512:293, butthurt09.jpg)

File: c878858745183a5⋯.jpg (109.29 KB, 700x1024, 175:256, butthurt10.jpg)

File: 1f61cb2f25e13ee⋯.jpg (114.83 KB, 1024x990, 512:495, butthurt06.jpg)

File: 8920d8a8d285c60⋯.jpg (97.16 KB, 844x1024, 211:256, butthurt07.jpg)


more butthurt

4935a5  No.6540933


And yet sadly they do have a point.

fbeedc  No.6540958

All the twitter captures show stereotyping and bigotted ranting. Intolerant dogs. These people are Nazis, bet they drive Audi and BMW and Mercedes (ever noticed how they drive so aggressive and dominate much? Micro Nazis.)

4935a5  No.6540990


They seem to be protesting against intolerence, hard to see how that qualifies a 'nazi'. But if they do drive BMW's etc. the only thing that would confirm is that they are rich - bit of a conundrum, no?

a3c127  No.6541209

File: 88cf404cacbef83⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 320x310, 32:31, ronald mcdonald.jpg)

c4694d  No.6541355

File: dfd9bd8e6c4d12d⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 640x360, 16:9, assange2_041119getty.jpg)

WikiLeaks says Assange papers, manuscripts will be given to US authorities: report

Wikileaks said Ecuador would turn over to U.S. prosecutors possessions belonging to Julian Assange that remain in the country's London embassy.

The organization claims that Ecuadorian officials will permit U.S. prosecutors to "help themselves" to Assange's legal papers, medical records and electronic devices, according to The Guardian.

WikiLeaks said that Assange's attorneys will not be present.

"On Monday Ecuador will perform a puppet show at the embassy of Ecuador in London for their masters in Washington, just in time to expand their extradition case before the UK deadline on 14 June," WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said, according to the British newspaper. "The Trump administration is inducing its allies to behave like it's the Wild West."

Wikileaks' and Assange's defense coordinator, Baltasar Garzón, also called the reported development "extremely worrying."

"Ecuador has proceeded with the search and seizure of property, documents, information and other material belonging to the defense of Julian Assange, which Ecuador arbitrarily confiscated, so that these can be handed over to the the agent of political persecution against him, the United States," he said.

Ecuador has recently said it was awaiting the completion of an investigation into Assange's items and has also accused Assange of trying to use the embassy for spying, according to the British outlet Sky News.

Assange was arrested at the embassy earlier this year and is serving a sentence in London for skipping bail. He had previously been holed up in the building since 2012. He is wanted in the U.S. for allegedly helping former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning steal classified information. Sweden has also recently reopened a rape case against him.


c4694d  No.6541405

File: bb7f6dd3c19d576⋯.jpg (61.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Tanya Plibersek.jpg)

File: b19fd00aaecc4eb⋯.png (477.38 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Anthony Albanese.png)

'Now is not my time': Tanya Plibersek rules herself out of race for Labor leadership

Labor's deputy leader Tanya Plibersek will not run for the leadership of the Labor Party following its devastating defeat at Saturday night's election.

Ms Plibersek was due to announce her candidacy on Monday after consulting colleagues on Sunday and deciding to throw her hat in the ring. Instead she released a statement ruling herself out, saying the top job would have meant more time away from her family.

Ms Plibersek's decision paves the way for the party's left faction to get behind Anthony Albanese, who has already declared himself a contender.

In a statement released on Monday afternoon Ms Plibersek said "now is not my time".

"At this point, I cannot reconcile the important responsibilities I have to my family with the additional responsibilities of the Labor leadership. I know some people will be disappointed with this decision," Ms Plibersek said.

Ms Plibersek said she had "support, from across the party, to be elected leader" and was "overwhelmed by the confidence my colleagues, the union movement, and Labor party members have placed in me".

The announcement comes only hours after former prime minister Julia Gillard embraced Ms Plibersek as a future Labor leader.

But it became clear on Monday that the party's left faction in NSW was coalescing behind Mr Albanese for the leadership.

Labor frontbencher Stephen Jones, who holds the NSW seat of Whitlam, said the party needed a leader who could communicate with regional voters alienated by parts of Labor's platform.

"We need to look at how we are talking to regional Australia. It's not just Queensland, it's northern NSW, northern Tasmania and Western Australia. We failed to pick up those regional areas," Mr Jones told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age on Monday morning.

"Anthony [Albanese] will enjoy significant support. I think Anthony will be more effective in talking to regional Australians. I'm not saying Tanya can't, I just think he'll be more effective."

Others in the party's left faction felt Ms Plibersek was too close to the policies of the failed campaign, while Mr Albanese was safely isolated from them in his infrastructure portfolio.

"That's just the price you pay for being the deputy of a failed campaign," one source said.

Possible leadership contenders from the party's right faction who had not ruled themselves out on Monday afternoon included shadow treasurer Chris Bowen, finance spokesman Jim Chalmers and defence spokesman Richard Marles.

Bill Shorten, who led the party for nearly six years, announced on Saturday night he would vacate the leadership following his unexpected loss to Scott Morrison's Coalition. He will remain interim leader of the party until a replacement is chosen.

Under Labor Party rules, if there are two or more candidates for the leadership, a ballot of party members and caucus MPs is held. Both voting blocks are weighted at 50 per cent.

Mr Albanese contested the leadership in 2013, backed by a majority of grassroots party members, but lost to Mr Shorten, who had more support within the parliamentary caucus.


55f8c9  No.6541518

File: 40560981983e0c4⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 640x360, 16:9, gettyimages-1150085896.jpg)

Australia Re-Elects Conservative As Prime Minister In 'Shock' Result, Left Predicts Environmental Apocalypse

Interdasting headline - pretty of venom here. Sourced from QRes#8359

Australia has "unexpectedly" returned their conservative, Donald Trump-esque Prime Minister to office for a third term in a vote that "shocked" international media and left-leaning Australians.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison's Liberal National coalition government will return to power, despite an election that most pollsters and experts agreed was "unwinnable" for conservatives and "unlosable" for the country's Labor party, according to CNN.

"This was the unlosable election for the Labor Party. That's how this was considered," one reporter told international media from an Australian Labor party election celebration Friday evening. Instead, it's likely that the Labor party will be forced to deeply reconsider its platform and make radical changes in leadership.

It seems the polling problems were similar to those that dogged major American networks in the days before the 2016 presidential election, with most outlets under-reporting those who planned to vote for now-President Donald Trump, particularly in swing states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida. Australians under-reported their support for their conservative government, and Labor leaders took that as a sign that they were headed for a landslide victory.

But, it turns out, the Labor position of "taking action on climate change, improving funding to services, and ending tax cuts for top earners" was more unpopular than initially believed. The consensus among post-mortem analysts seems to be that Labor simply got too greedy, assuming that because Australians are willing to accept small, incremental tax increases for certain projects, that they'd be supportive of tax hikes across the board.

"It's Australians who have worked hard, started a business, started a family, bought a home," Morrison credited with sending him to victory. "These are the quiet Australians who have won a great victory tonight."

He called the results a "miracle win."

Morrison campaigned on a simple platform: keep the economy strong by enacting pro-business policies and cutting taxes where he is able. He did not, controversially, have any plan to address "climate change" – something the left made the hallmark of their national campaign.

The left quickly predicted a swift and apocalyptic end to the world. Celebrities and television personalities burst into hysterics on social media, over concerns that Australians had just signed their environmental death warrants, according news.com.au.


55f8c9  No.6541530

Trump and Australia’s Scott Morrison Reaffirm Alliance, Friendship After General Election

Another sauced from QRes#8359

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been re-elected to continue on with the job in a general election on May 18 that has been described by the press for left-leaning populists as another a “shock” election victory. The 51-year-old received a congratulatory phone call from U.S. President Donald Trump early on Sunday, May 19. Trump called the result a “great win!”

According to the White House, the two leaders reaffirmed the “critical importance” of the long-standing alliance and friendship between the United States and Australia, and they pledged to continue their close cooperation on shared priorities. Center-left Labor, which has governed Australia for only 38 of its 118 years as a federation, had been rated an overwhelming favorite, both in opinion polls and with odds-makers, to topple the conservative Liberal-National coalition government in an unlosable election after the government’s six years in power.

Instead, Morrison—who became prime minister only last August when a contentious internal party vote dumped Malcolm Turnbull as its leader—swept the coalition to victory with what is likely to be an increased representation in Parliament. The result is much the same as the last election, which delivered the government a single-seat majority in 2016. Since then, public expectations have taken a roller coaster ride based on the media’s reporting of polls. Opinion polling has been a factor in Coalition and Labor governments ousting four of their own prime ministers in the past decade.

Sydney University political scientist Stewart Jackson said the polls that had put Labor ahead of the government for the past two years were too consistent for too long to be credible. “That indicates ‘herding,’ where the pollsters themselves are getting results that they don’t think are right and are adjusting them,” Jackson said. “Because statistically, polls should never come up like that.” Martin O’Shannessy, who headed the respected Newspoll market research company in Sydney for a decade until 2015, said he was “shocked” by the government’s victory, given the polling. “It’s not possible to tell exactly how the current polls are being conducted because they don’t have the same method statement that polls in the past have had,” O’Shannessy said.

Until Saturday, Newspoll had accurately predicted the winner of every Australian state and federal election since its inception in 1985. Australia has made voting compulsory, so pollsters’ surveys of Australians’ party preferences usually come close to the election result. Newspolls are published every few weeks and are reported by the Australian media like a game score of the government and opposition’s popularity and achievements.


55f8c9  No.6541654

Wow .. another Aussie thread almost complete.

c4694d  No.6541721


Indeed, we've come a long way since Q paid us a visit in late March. Extensive notables are being compiled in preparation for the next thread. Assuming Q doesn't drop in again, expect thread #5 to materialise in the not-to-distant future.

c4694d  No.6541726

File: e20343c2c554d16⋯.png (655.75 KB, 960x540, 16:9, George Pell.png)

File: 567b4b18247357c⋯.png (539.73 KB, 649x998, 649:998, Herald Sun Front Page.png)

Some media charges dropped for reporting of George Pell conviction

Charges have been dropped against a newspaper editor and radio identity for reporting of the Cardinal George Pell sex abuse convictions.

The editor of Melbourne’s tabloid Herald Sun newspaper, Damon Johnston, and 2GB broadcaster Ray Hadley will no longer be prosecuted, however dozens of Australian news organisations and editorial staff still face charges.

It is considered an unprecedented media case in Australia, and possibly globally, in terms of the large number of respondents.

Victoria’s Director of Public Prosecutions on Monday dropped proceedings against Johnston and Hadley, Supreme Court documents revealed.

But more than 30 news organisations and editorial staff are still facing charges of contempt of court, and aiding and abetting overseas media over their coverage of the cardinal’s convictions.

Among those are The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, Nine Entertainment, The Australian Financial Review, Macquarie Media and website Mamamia.

Journalists and editors have demanded more details of allegations they breached a suppression order and helped foreign media report Pell’s child sexual abuse verdict after a jury found him guilty of five charges in December 2018.

Pell was found guilty of attacking two choirboys at St Patrick’s Cathedral in the late 1990s.

Suppression orders during the December trial prevented publication of the verdict in Australia until February, however overseas news outlets were reporting the conviction of the high-ranking Vatican figure.

While not naming Pell or alluding to the crime, the Herald Sun’s front-page headline alerted readers to the fact the rest of the world was able to report the conviction.

Victoria’s County Court had suppressed reporting because a second trial was due on other charges in April 2019. It collapsed in February, and the suppression order was lifted.

Some media outlets had alluded to the verdict – without naming Pell – while the suppression was still in place.

No Australian media named Pell or the charges at the time. But some foreign media did, resulting in the story going viral on social media.

At one point, after the conviction, the verdict was No. 2 in trends on social media platform Twitter.

Victoria’s director of Public Prosecutions said a series of publications and broadcasts on December 13 last year were in contempt.

The media organisations’ lawyer, Matthew Collins QC, labelled the case “as serious as it gets” in a Supreme Court hearing in April, suggesting guilty findings could have a chilling effect on open justice in Australia.

Justice John Dixon had ordered prosecutors file detailed statements of claim against all individuals facing charges by Monday, and the defence to file responses by June 21.

Pell is appealing his convictions and denies any wrongdoing.


6247bc  No.6541785

File: 4cc0caf2b38b353⋯.png (1 MB, 1417x536, 1417:536, sunsandpillars.png)

056983  No.6541925


Morrison is unproven thus far although I am happy to be corrected on that. All the CF donations were under Labour and pre Morrison leadership. That don’t mean shit in politics though.

Rather 30 Morrisons than 1 Shorten any day of the week.

056983  No.6541987


I dragged that cap from the general bread when I saw it.

Haven’t seen the gif referred to here that Trump apparently retweeted and deleted.

Dismayed to find out Morrison’s connection to the Hillsong chapter founder pedo.

That’s not good.

Don’t like Trumps use of ‘cement’ either.

What the fuck does CEMENT mean?

Seems to have dropped out of the loop lately by Dems.

a3c127  No.6542388

File: 703fac9b6c1fb0a⋯.png (40.58 KB, 1020x652, 255:163, tard jail.png)


Not too bright are ya buddy. Maybe do some research before mashing your face on the keyboard.

374c84  No.6546023

an awesome aussie focused, Q news Discord server, i hope all aussies will join us. lets wake this continent up!


4935a5  No.6546790


Look at it like this - possible re-election acceptance quotes:-

"Common sense has prevailed"

"It is an honer to have been chosen to represent the people of this great nation"

"The people of Australia have picked the right man for the job"

Scummo (The white hat, kek) - "It's a a miracle!"

c4694d  No.6548988

File: c4fab0e15bee428⋯.png (608.12 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Brenton Tarrant.png)

Christchurch attacks accused Brenton Tarrant facing new charges

More charges have been laid against the Australian man accused of the March 15 Christchurch terrorist attacks.

New Zealand police charged Brenton Harrison Tarrant with one count of engaging in a terrorist act. An additional murder charge and two additional attempted murder charges were also filed.

Tarrant is now facing 92 charges — 51 charges of murder, 40 of attempted murder, and one terrorism charge.

The victims' families and survivors were told about the new charges at a meeting with police on Tuesday afternoon.

"The charge will allege a terrorist act was carried out in Christchurch on 15 March 2019 and follows consultation between Police, Crown Law and the Christchurch Crown Solicitors Office," NZ police said in a statement.

Tarrant was arrested on March 15 for his involvement in the shooting deaths of 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch. He was initially charged with one count of murder.

He stormed the mosques during Friday prayers with a number of high-powered weapons and live-streamed the attack online, in what is alleged to be the single-worst terrorist attack carried out by an Australian.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said Tarrant had been in possession of a "category A" gun licence, obtained in 2017.

It allowed him to legally obtain the weapons in December 2017, and he was not on any watchlists prior to the attacks.

Ms Ardern said the 28-year-old Australian had based himself in the city of Dunedin prior to the attack.

Tarrant is being held at a maximum security prison in Auckland and has appeared at the Christchurch High Court via video link.

At a March 16 court appearance, Tarrant did not apply for bail or for the suppression of his name, and he made a white power gesture as he was brought into the court.

During a subsequent court appearance on April 5 the presiding judge, Justice Cameron Mander, ordered a mental health assessment to determine Tarrant's fitness to enter a plea.

Justice Mander said this was an entirely normal undertaking.

Tarrant has previously said he wants to represent himself, and was not required to enter a plea.


55f8c9  No.6549305


>Anons comments on election

>Sourced from QRes#8351

Could say the same to you too - Not too bright are you, buddy.

Posts marked as Sourced from .. imply content/comments sourced from QRes and copied verbatim (generally as in the initial post), to ensure most of the Aussie relevant content posted in QGeneral also is reposted here

If you have an issue take it up with the Original Poster fren, not mash your fat little sausage fingers into your grease stained keyboard to give me a hard time.

Or do I need to add a disclaimer that these re-posts may not reflect my own opinions, to keep you happy ? Asking fascetiously cause I do enough already reviewing Q Gen breads and reposting here .. without delicate little buttercups like yourself getting upset cause they dont like the content, or complaining its been posted before.

fbeedc  No.6549318

>>6546790 The whole quote included "My three miracles" (talking to his wife and 2 daughters) and then he talked about the election win as being another miracle because He believes in miracles. Scomo is a Christian. Logically he believes in Miracles. So the obvious thing [to me] was to check his bio and there you see magazine stories about his wife having a longstanding gene/womb problem that was side-stepped by going to IVF…

But the IVF failed numerous times. Then, sometime later after much prayer, a Miracle. The two girls were conceived naturally.

55f8c9  No.6549319

File: 9c6ff6eaeb9eb9a⋯.png (499.45 KB, 833x816, 49:48, 6c034597a40d642c671bd731e0….png)

File: 25e049c061f2238⋯.jpg (141.21 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 25e049c061f2238f3d66a5e5bd….jpg)

Wierd Pizza News from NZ

Sourced from QRes#8355 (ie not my personal comments - added so face masher tard gets it this time)

Today's New Zealand Herald article, talking about PIZZA, is just weird. Why is this a story? Of course, it isn’t. But New Zealand is a haven for the Cabal, so I immediately start wondering. In fact, I can’t help feeling like this whole random news story is some kind of CODE. For something. Bear with me.

The article is about former Prime Minister of New Zealand Bill English and his love of a specialty Hawaiian pizza: one that is topped with spaghetti as well as ham and pineapple.

The article states: “Taking to Facebook, English, also formerly the country's finance minister, shared pizza chain Domino's' post about officially adding a Hawaiian spaghetti pizza to its menu, voicing his support. English wrote: "We did it New Zealand. Overseas, they said it couldn't be done. But the proof is in the pineapple.”


So the origins of spaghetti on pizza are supposed to be from New Zealand? Maybe. But this article is still all a bit…random. Or is it? I must say, the PINEAPPLE reference recalls for me the pictures of Chrissy Teigan dressing her child up as a pineapple. And then it all starts to sounds like code. Pizza is not news. It’s just not. Unless you're talking about THAT kind of "pizza."

And this is a weird thing to say—the NZ Herald quotes the former prime-minister who is supposedly quoting his young child: "My youngest said, 'started from the bottom of our oven now it's here' - Spaghetti-Pineapple pizza to order.” What does that mean? Kids don't say that.

The ex-PM goes on to say, quote: “Nothing beats home-made cooking with the family. It might be missing some of my key ingredients.” Which suddenly makes me wonder…IF this is code, then this odd choice of words might be referencing ‘’’JOHN KEY’’’, the former NZ Prime Minister who English replaced following John Key’s abrupt resignation, which was oh-so “coincidentally” timed right after Trump’s “shock election.” We have to wonder what Q Team has on John Key. Don’t forget John Key is a good friend of Obama’s and they golf together. In fact, Key went off golfing IN HAWAII with Obama IMMEDIATELY after Key’s resignation. So now we have the “pizza reference,” the “Hawaii” reference and the “key” reference in this article. That's too many coincidences for my liking.

in any event, I’d hate to know what that “key ingredient” might otherwise be. He doesn’t elaborate.


55f8c9  No.6549330

File: 480afdd8c40315f⋯.jpeg (160.16 KB, 1125x1232, 1125:1232, e7f0f070237a63195a655fe9b….jpeg)

File: 480afdd8c40315f⋯.jpeg (160.16 KB, 1125x1232, 1125:1232, e7f0f070237a63195a655fe9b….jpeg)

Election related Tweet

Sourced from QRes#8357


: The U.S. congratulates @ScottMorrisonMP & the Coalition on their victory in the May 18 Australian federal election. We look forward to continuing to work with the Coalition govt. on our shared vision for a peaceful & more prosperous world.

fbeedc  No.6549333

>>6541726 Pell went to the Vatican and saw the report on the Vatican Bank, "The Red File" that was the downfall, the shame behind the resignation of the previous Pope. Hadn't been a resignation for 600 years or something like that. The Vatican Bank ATMs were frozen, the Italian (black hat) Attorney-General froze the account for money laundering charges (dropped after Pope resigned). The St. Gallen mafia effectively laid siege to the Papacy and the Vatican Bank. Two years later Pell gets the treatment for opening the Red File as well. Its a St Gallen hit job.

fbeedc  No.6549339



55f8c9  No.6549427

After ‘Stunning’ Conservative Win, NY Times Compares Australia to ‘American South’

This weekend, another political earthquake hit the establishment. After trailing in every poll and being left for dead by liberals in the media, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the conservatives in Australia won a shocking victory. But, just like with Brexit, Donald Trump’s win in 2016 and other examples, the New York Times on Sunday responded by sneering. In This case, the paper offered up the worst insult coming from Manhattan liberals: Parts of Australia are now like the “American south.”

In a “news analysis” by Times writer Damien Cave, the Times headline lamented that voters didn’t care for the activist climate agenda of the left-leaning Labor Party: “It Was Supposed to Be Australia’s Climate Change Election. What Happened?”



55f8c9  No.6549432

China’s ‘Social Credit System’ Is Dystopian Nightmare

Another reason to be wary of China's actions in Australia?

Public awareness of this approaching dystopia is growing, thanks to articles in major publications, but few have made the connection with the larger issue of Technocracy, to which China is fully committed. ⁃ TN Editor

Imagine calling a friend. Only instead of hearing a ring tone you hear a police siren, and then a voice intoning, “Be careful in your dealings with this person.”

Would that put a damper on your relationship? It’s supposed to.

Welcome to life in China’s “Social Credit System,” where a low score can ruin your life in more ways than one.

Say you arrive at the Beijing airport, intending to catch a flight to Canton 1,200 miles south. The clerk at the ticket counter turns you away because — you guessed it — your social credit score is too low.

Not only are you publicly humiliated in the ticket line, you are then forced to travel by slow train. What should have been a three-hour flight becomes a 30-hour, stop-and-go nightmare.

All because the government has declared you untrustworthy. Perhaps you defaulted on a loan, made the mistake of criticizing some government policy online or just spent too much time playing video games on the internet. All of these actions, and many more, can cause your score to plummet, forcing citizens onto the most dreaded rung on China’s deadbeat caste system, the laolai.

And the punishments are shocking. The government algorithm will go as far as to install an “embarrassing” ring tone on the phones of laolai, shaming them every time they get a call in public.

But an embarrassing ring tone, flight bans and slow trains are just the beginning of the dystopian nightmare that is now daily life in China for tens of millions of people.

A low social credit score will exclude you from well-paid jobs, make it impossible for you to get a house or a car loan or even book a hotel room. The government will slow down your internet connection, ban your children from attending private schools and even post your profile on a public blacklist for all to see.

According to Australia’s ABC News, the government has produced a “Deadbeat Map” via an app on WeChat, which shows a radar-style graphic identifying every laolai in the vicinity of the user.


55f8c9  No.6549461

File: 59b39b82ba0a636⋯.png (208.95 KB, 818x900, 409:450, 59b39b82ba0a636176ee7edb59….png)

New Zealand is PANICKING about the REAL videos of [their] key crimes being released, so here they again push the "deep fake" psy-op.

The Cabal wants the sheep to believe that any real videos that might drop could just be computer-generated fakes.

Somehow I don't think distracting the people from The Cabal's crimes will be so easy this time, however.

Article pic and Anons comments from QRes#8368 - Article content and source added

NZ study highlights the risk of 'deep fakes' on social media - and why our lawmakers should leave it alone

A new study funded by the Law Foundation highlights the risk of "deep fakes" on social media - which co-author Tom Barraclough says "make it look or sound like something happened when it didn't".

Examples range from a synthetic, younger version of Carrie Fisher being inserted into Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to popular Snapchat face-swapping filters to pornographers putting famous Hollywood stars' faces onto adult actors in X-rated scenes.

But Barraclough says we have multiple laws and guidelines that already cater to the risk - primarily the Crimes Act, which covers when deception is used for gain, the Harmful Digital Communications Act, which covers when it's used for malice and the Privacy Act because "the wrong personal information is still personal information".

Barraclough and his co-author Curtis Barnes (both lawyers turned researchers at the Brainbox Institute) warn that fake is a slippery concept.

"One person's great satire is another person's deceptive factual record," Barraclough tells the Herald.

Barraclough and Barnes report emerged, in part, from the fear that a deep fake attack on a political or business leader would lead to what he calls a "kneejerk" reaction from lawmakers.

Specific legislation targetting deep fakes, such as The Malicious Deep Fake Prohibition Act introduced to the US senate last year, risks violating human rights, Barraclough says.

"While there are legitimate harms that will justify getting the law involved, there are also human rights risks and risks of over-reach certain forms of human expression."

He says most of the time, "deep fake" technology is used by playfully, or as satire. except when its not, I guess ;)



55f8c9  No.6549471

File: d601284de2e4238⋯.jpg (100.81 KB, 646x845, 646:845, e602b0017fc0da50528d06a369….jpg)


‘Nuclear Coffin’ Might Be Leaking Radioactive Material Into Pacific, Says UN Chief

Radioactive waste from a concrete dome known as a nuclear “coffin” located in the Marshall Islands might be leaking into the Pacific Ocean.

Last week, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said the waste is housed in a Cold War-era dome, describing it as “a kind of coffin” located on Runit island, part of Enewetak Atoll. The dome was built to contain waste from the 67 atomic bomb tests carried out in the area from 1946 to 1958, CBS News reported.

France and the United States carried out numerous nuclear tests in the region, including of the 1954 “Castle Bravo” hydrogen bomb, which was the most powerful test ever conducted by the United States.

“I’ve just been with the president of the Marshall Islands [Hilda Heine], who is very worried because there is a risk of leaking of radioactive materials that are contained in a kind of coffin in the area,” Guterres told AFP.

Radioactive materials from the nuclear blasts were placed into the crater—which was never lined—and capped with an 18-inch-thick concrete dome. But it appears that cracks have developed in the concrete.

Full article:


71e90d  No.6549480


4935a5  No.6549539


>>If you have an issue take it up with the Original Poster fren, not mash your fat little sausage fingers into your grease stained keyboard to give me a hard time.


Original poster highly amused!

b87e84  No.6555190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch Australia Because Their Government's Tyranny Is Coming Here

Australia is disappearing the rights of its citizens to the point where the country is soon going to indistinguishable from Communist China. It is almost as if the PM of Australia is modeling his government after the Communist Chinese government. Some think Australia is a beta test for what is coming to America. Bad'day Mate!


8e8fd9  No.6556124


America is the "alpha test" for what is coming to Australia.

Nothing can stop what is coming.


8e8fd9  No.6556139



We have it all.

8e8fd9  No.6556158


"The proof is in the pineapple"?


c4694d  No.6556487

File: 415c0c5fdc5086d⋯.png (722.89 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, we're ready.png)

File: d9bed49c3fd81e1⋯.jpeg (157.6 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Bill Shorten and Arnold S….jpeg)

They never thought he would lose…

Photo posted by Chris Bowen on eve of election campaign reveals arrogance that doomed ALP

It’s a photograph that demonstrates the misplaced confidence of Bill Shorten and his Labor colleagues — a carefully posed shot that was supposed to accompany them into government.

But this picture, ­posted on social media on the eve of the election campaign by would-be Treasurer Chris Bowen and tagged with the heading “We’re ready’’, is now being merci­lessly mocked.

It is not the first time Labor’s cockiness has bitten them, with Mr Shorten infamously telling Hollywood star Arnold Schwarzenegger last year that he was going to be “the next Prime Minister of Australia”.

Liberal MP Alex Hawke has been quick to capitalise on the picture of the ALP inner circle, which was taken for The Sydney Morning Herald’s Budget coverage in April but now serves as an unwanted reminder of Labor’s crushing defeat.

“Hubris describes a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence, often in combination with or synonymous with arrogance,” Mr Hawke wrote as a caption to the photograph. “In its Ancient Greek context, it typically describes behaviour that defies the norms of behaviour or challenges the gods, and which in turn brings about the downfall, or nemesis, of the perpetrator of hubris.”

Punters on Facebook soon got in on the joke, renaming Bill Shorten “Billary Clinton” and drawing comparisons to Hillary Clinton’s infamous birthday selfie before the 2016 election where she referred to herself as the “future president”. One commenter said Mr Bowen must have meant he was “ready for Labor history books, gathering dust”.

Footage re-emerged on Tuesday of Mr Shorten meeting Schwarzenegger last year. His “next Prime Minister” claim, confirmed by lip-readers, coupled with the puzzled look on the superstar’s face will no doubt continue to haunt the former Labor leader as he deals with losing an “unlosable’’ election.


c4694d  No.6556521

File: f93397773f9d9ea⋯.png (874.42 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Anthony Albanese.png)

File: f701b7347eab3be⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, Chris Bowen.png)

File: a664e3e98df680f⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1200x821, 1200:821, Penny Wong.png)

Albanese a step closer to Labor leadership as Bowen bows out

Anthony Albanese appears likely to be elected unopposed as Labor leader with Queenslander Jim Chalmers as his deputy following the withdrawal of Chris Bowen on Wednesday afternoon.

Mr Bowen confirmed at a media conference that he did not think he would have won the leadership contest against Mr Albanese.

“I’ve been on the phone to colleagues. I’ve been very pleased with the response – it’s clear to me that I would have majority support in the actual caucus ballot,” he said.

“But it’s also clear to me – I’m a realist – that Albo would win the rank and file, for good reason – he’s a popular character … Hence I have reached the view that it would be unlikely for me to win the ballot.”

Mr Bowen’s decision means that unless another challenger comes forward a ballot can be avoided and the new leadership team put in place swiftly.

Mr Albanese is not running on a ticket with Mr Chalmers, and there is no deal for who will be his deputy.

Mr Chalmers said on Wednesday he would announce whether he would run for leader or deputy leader on Thursday.

If another candidate emerges for the leadership, there will be ballots of the ALP membership and caucus. The position of deputy is decided solely by the ALP caucus.

On Wednesday, Labor insiders also rubbished claims that Bill Shorten, the interim leader, had pushed Mr Bowen to run to stop his former rival, Mr Albanese.

While Mr Shorten had encouraged him to run, Mr Bowen had also decided to run to give himself a chance to respond to attacks over his role in the policy decisions being blamed for the election shock loss.

Earlier on Wednesday, Mr Bowen said while he took full responsibility for the economic agenda that Labor took to the election, a scare campaign over death taxes was also to blame.

“We paid a price for some of our policies. I will never be part of an opposition which lies about its plans and hides its plans: Whether I’m leader or in any other capacity, I will argue against that,” Mr Bowen said.

“We paid a price for things which weren’t our policy, like the death tax.

“About 10 times more people raised the death tax with me during the election campaign than franking credits. And the death tax, of course, was an invention of the Liberal Party.”

Nominations for the leadership close on Friday. If it pans out as expected, the leadership team – elected unopposed – will then consist of Mr Albanese, Mr Chalmers and Penny Wong, who would remain as Senate leader.

Former NSW premier Kristina Keneally will take the job of deputy Senate leader from the Right faction’s Don Farrell, a South Australian.

The decision means that while the party has no women as leader or deputy leader, they do hold both positions in the Senate.

Earlier, Senator Wong urged Labor to get behind Mr Albanese’s leadership.

“Anthony Albanese knows who he is and he knows what he stands for. He’s a man of authenticity and integrity. He’s got a capacity to speak to people across this great country, to speak to people in the regions and in the outer suburbs as well as in our cities,” Senator Wong said.

“Albo is the outstanding parliamentarian of our generation. He’s shown that in his previous capacity as Leader in the House and he’s shown that he can work with people across the Parliament to achieve the outcomes that benefit working people.

“I think he is the best person to lead us and he is the best person to take up the fight to Scott Morrison and the Coalition. He’s also the best person to unify our party, which is so important after this.”

Senator Wong said she doubted that Mr Shorten had involved himself in meddling over the leadership to stop Mr Albanese.

“I would be surprised if that were occurring. I’d be surprised because it’s not consistent with the role he now has and I’d be surprised because it would potentially undermine the very unity he has been part of developing and building in opposition,” she said.

“Obviously Labor just suffered a disappointing loss on Saturday night. I want to open by saying thank you to Bill Shorten. We thank him for unifying the party. Bill led a united and stable team for six years, rebuilt our party after the 2013 loss; and for that he deserves our thanks and respect.”


55f8c9  No.6556846

File: c85b0e15648f9b4⋯.jpg (84.42 KB, 869x528, 79:48, Clipboard01.jpg)


Glad my momentary meltdown amused someone .. kek

Also had to smile when I saw my daily Captcha.

HbuQts (How about you Q-ties? kek)

55f8c9  No.6556949

File: 676a295cc0f8129⋯.png (499 KB, 743x898, 743:898, 71ad56c695e1f63bdabcfa55eb….png)

China's communists fund Jacinda Ardern's Labour Party: What the United States Congress was told

An influential United States Congress hearing has been told "one of the major fundraisers for Jacinda Ardern's party" is linked to the Chinese Communist Party and it showed China had penetrated New Zealand's political networks.

As a result, US lawmakers needed to consider whether New Zealand should be kicked out of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance because of problems at its "political core".

The bombshell testimony included claims from a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst that "anything on China that was briefed to Bill English was briefed to Mr Yang Jian", the National MP revealed last year as having trained spies for China.

The hearing of the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission was aimed at gathering evidence on China's relationship with traditional US allies.

UN Senator James Talent - once touted as Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of Defence - raised concerns about "a sharp rise in political donations" from Chinese Government-backed bodies to political parties in Australia and New Zealand.

China's actions included getting people linked to the Communist Party or People's Liberation Army elected and had made it worth the while of political figures "to parrot its line on issues it deems important".


55f8c9  No.6556973

File: eb1604753a04154⋯.jpg (117.03 KB, 800x450, 16:9, f413ec800511ad8a1e71fdbc33….jpg)

'I'll burn for you': How our Pentecostal PM energised Christian voters

Sourced from QRes#8383

Scott Morrison declared his election victory a “miracle,” told an interviewer he saw people as “agents of God’s love” and used a National Press Club address to promise voters “I will burn for you” - a phrase used by some Pentecostal Christians to signify working tirelessly, often for Jesus.

One of his first acts during the campaign was to allow the cameras to record him worshipping at his church, Horizon.

Mr Morrison is not the first government leader of faith (John Howard, Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott were all Christians) but in his political language, the re-elected Prime Minister is arguably the most overt.

According to the Australian Christian Lobby’s Martyn Iles, this language - coupled with the PM’s support for religious freedom - is re-energising religious communities and turning them to the Liberal Party.

“It does give people of faith a degree of confidence when they see a Prime Minister who is clearly Christian,” Mr Iles said.

“It doesn’t surprise me when it seems like religious communities played a role in the rising support for the Liberal Party, because I think that confidence probably did play into the psychology of their vote.”


681c5a  No.6557067


Well it is all connected (think five eyes or whatever the acronym is) - all extensions of the crown. Small select group behind the fukery.

All is not lost. The sun is breaking through the dawn here. Remember your Celtic roots Highlanders. Never take a knee and never surrender. The Romans were amazed that these warriors would suffer fatal blows and still make a kill driven by pure range.

Step 1) how thyself and to thy own self be true. Step 2) know thy enemy.

"Run for the stronghold Braveheart!"

Weird scenes inside the gold mines/minds….



c4694d  No.6567993

File: 5f2d0b6d82f2c0f⋯.jpg (169.51 KB, 764x565, 764:565, GP_35.jpg)

New George Papadopoulos tweet

Judge Napolitano on 5/5/16 stated that former CIA chief Michael Hayden said it was "an absolute given" that Russians hacked Hillary Clinton's server. This was before I met Clinton errand boy/FBI asset, Alexander Downer. The moron is in for a rude awakening with declassification.


c4694d  No.6576086

File: f6948634c7ae1e5⋯.png (1023.78 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Julian Assange.png)

File: 8645b3de0364e58⋯.png (740.79 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Julian Assange and Chelsea….png)

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange facing 18 charges of receiving and publishing classified information

The US Justice Department has charged WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with receiving and publishing classified information, including the names of confidential sources for American armed forces.

The 17 new charges go far beyond an initial indictment against Assange, made public last month, that accused him of conspiring with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in a conspiracy to crack a Defence Department computer password.

The new indictment says Assange conspired with Manning to obtain and disclose classified national defence documents, including State Department cables and reports on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It says his actions "risked serious harm" to the United States.

The case presents immediate questions about media freedom, including whether the Justice Department is charging Assange for actions — such as soliciting and publishing classified information — that journalists take as a matter of course.

Department officials believe Assange strayed far outside First Amendment protections.

"These unprecedented charges demonstrate the gravity of the threat the criminal prosecution of Julian Assange poses to all journalists in their endeavour to inform the public about actions that have been taken by the US Government," said Barry Pollack, an American attorney for Assange.

Wikileaks describes itself as specialising in the publication of "censored or otherwise restricted official materials involving war, spying and corruption".

"Julian Assange is no journalist," said assistant Attorney-General John Demers, the Justice Department's top national security official.

"No responsible actor, journalist or otherwise, would purposely publish the names of individuals he or she knew to be confidential sources, exposing them to the gravest of dangers."

The US Justice Department alleges Wikileaks caused particular harm by publishing the names of people who helped American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and diplomats around the world.

Assange is serving a 50-week sentence in London after being evicted from the Ecuadorian embassy in April.

The Justice Department's quick turnaround with the filing of a more substantial indictment against Assange is not surprising.

Under extradition rules, the United States had only a 60-day window from the date of Assange's arrest in London to add more charges. After that, foreign governments do not generally accept superseding charges.

The US is seeking the 47-year-old's extradition.

Manning, who was convicted in military court for providing a trove of classified documents to WikiLeaks, is currently in a northern Virginia jail on a civil contempt charge for refusing to testify to a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks.

That grand jury is sitting in Alexandria, where Assange is charged. Manning could remain in jail for up to 18 months, the length of the current grand jury's term.

Manning has said she believes prosecutors want to question her about the same conduct for which she was convicted at her court-martial. She served seven years of a 35-year military sentence before receiving a commutation from then-president Barack Obama.


c4694d  No.6576224

File: 4bf3ae3f07df09a⋯.jpg (297.94 KB, 1280x377, 1280:377, Q_3341.jpg)

New Q post referencing Julian Assange


What can you tell us about Assange??


>>6572364 (/pb)

Under protection.

Threat is real.

Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.



55f8c9  No.6576289

File: 8134c8e51f054c8⋯.png (251.1 KB, 751x811, 751:811, 8134c8e51f054c86f15d7398e1….png)

Downer mentioned in yet another Tweet


c4694d  No.6576293

File: 349f8f551f05eec⋯.jpg (323.01 KB, 846x727, 846:727, Q_3342.jpg)

File: 9ac9f8a623fd2fa⋯.png (21.29 KB, 397x183, 397:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cbbd632f6af5f2⋯.jpg (423.8 KB, 846x916, 423:458, Q_3343.jpg)

File: 61857e338a36aa2⋯.png (41.17 KB, 397x636, 397:636, 9b60c5c4b62ea20920f63eb4c4….png)

New Q posts referencing Australia, Five Eyes and FISA



55f8c9  No.6576306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meteor crashes to earth at Mt Gambier, South Australia.

Sourced from Qres#8387

55f8c9  No.6576333

File: 8d33a8bd713302f⋯.jpg (40.17 KB, 616x224, 11:4, 8d33a8bd713302fda34c3a3bc6….jpg)

Yet another Papa D Tweet about Downer

Sourced from QRes#8390


55f8c9  No.6576371

File: 4a0b49b9a418e1b⋯.jpg (6.55 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b23cada88607af6768974d6ec4….jpg)

File: 5b19a0d1eb04a1b⋯.png (347.32 KB, 532x629, 532:629, 5b19a0d1eb04a1b017696c11ba….png)

More on meteor shower



What is that? Looks like a meteor shower in #Australia. What do you think?


55f8c9  No.6576383

File: 380bc088a1c9752⋯.png (504.83 KB, 812x458, 406:229, 999dc73154460eec9f4423214b….png)

File: 25579de0bdeeae2⋯.png (275.34 KB, 505x494, 505:494, 25579de0bdeeae2fdafd0c49b0….png)

Phillip Nitschke's 3D-printable 'Death Pod' for 'stylish' and 'peaceful' suicide premiered at Venice expo

Sourced from QRes#8393

Tired of the old, painful and ugly suicide methods? Now you can have a "peaceful, elective and lawful death" at the press of a button with Sarco, a suicide pod – and it even comes with a built-in eco-friendly coffin.

Alongside halls filled with abstract art and video installations, browsers at the 58th Venice art Biennale can now get a sneak peak at "Sarco" – short for sarcophagus, – a sleek, portable and 3D printable machine that could help bring suicide into the 21st century.

The so-called 'death pod' was designed by Australian humanist, author and euthanasia advocate Philip Nitschke, whose previous invention was called the Deliverance machine and was used by four people to commit suicide via lethal injection.

"This is the most important day of your life, the day you die. It is something not to be hidden, it should be eloquent and beautiful."

Sarco's main features were first advertised in 2017, and include an unspecified electronic questionnaire to make sure you're sane enough to decide to die. After locking yourself inside and passing the test, you get the code to start the euthanasia process. Enter it, and Sarco starts pumping nitrogen to replace the oxygen in the pod, producing a slight "tipsy" feeling before you nod off for good.

As an added bonus, the transparent lid allows you to die somewhere with a view.

"You can tow it off and have it overlooking the Alps or the lakes. When you're ready you say goodbye, use the code to get in, pull down the canopy, press a button and you die in a few minutes. It's a very peaceful death," Nitschke explained.

For those prone to last-minute second thoughts, there's a stop button and an escape hatch – because product safety is key to good design, Sarco's creators explain in a promotional video.

They built in a figurative escape hatch for themselves, too, in case a potential Sarco user happens to reside in a country where assisted suicide is illegal. In this case, Nitschke and designer Alexander Bannink suggest you 3D-print your own death pod using their idea, leaving their hands clean of potential liability for knowingly giving you a suicide tool.

The machine will be on display for the next 6 months before being shipped for its first use in Switzerland, a country where assisted suicide is legal.

Some commenters on Twitter welcomed Sarco as a sign the future has arrived – at least the way 'Futurama', a cartoon set in the 31st century, imagined it.


55f8c9  No.6576391

File: 64852bbc6f89d9d⋯.png (60.01 KB, 1031x521, 1031:521, 64852bbc6f89d9dd71c537abac….png)

Australian actor Geoffrey Rush awarded $2.9 million

Sourced from QRes#8394

'Geoffrey Rush has been awarded a total of $2.9 million after winning his high-profile defamation case against a Sydney newspaper publisher.

Justice Michael Wigney in April found The Daily Telegraph’s publisher, Nationwide News, and journalist Jonathon Moran were reckless regarding the truth when they reported Rush had been accused of inappropriate behaviour during a Sydney theatre production of King Lear.

The judge found a poster and two articles contained several defamatory meanings — including that Rush was a pervert and a sexual predator — but the publisher hadn’t proven they were true.'

#MeToo in tatters.


55f8c9  No.6576396



“After the tour finishes, I’m very much looking forward to closing off that chapter of my life by saying farewell to life on the road. I need to dedicate more time to raising my children.”

Elton resignation tour ?

8205d9  No.6576404


God Downers such a faggot

55f8c9  No.6576437

File: 7eec425f06115f9⋯.jpeg (760.91 KB, 1231x1985, 1231:1985, 7eec425f06115f9d9a8d3a14d….jpeg)

File: 7eec425f06115f9⋯.jpeg (760.91 KB, 1231x1985, 1231:1985, 7eec425f06115f9d9a8d3a14d….jpeg)

Sourced from QRes#8396


c4694d  No.6576514

Collected Notables from Q Research AUSTRALIA #4. Baking a new bread shortly.


are not endorsements

#4 - Part 1/7

>>5945720 Anon Theory - Donations to the Clinton foundation dry up after 2016 election

>>5957085 Andrew Bolt on the One Nation 'scandal' re gun laws in Australia.

>>5957623, >>5957918 New Ben Garrison political cartoon - "Australian Freedom Force"

>>5958268 Video: Lauren Southern - Thrown Out Of Sydney No Go Zone

>>5958361 Q's Posts made on Q Research AUSTRALIA threads

>>5958473, >>5959568 Lyndon LaRouche, the Packer-Murdoch media and the rise of Pauline Hanson

>>5958509 Clinton Foundation gets another $5.5m from NZ taxpayers

>>5958575 New border security screening for Australian permanent residents visiting New Zealand

>>5958588 Like AUS and CAN, NZ is a US corporation registered with USA SEC

>>5958998 Pauline Hanson challenged over Al Jazeera sting

>>5959006 Renamed TPP signed by 11 nations with U.S. out

>>5959016 The keys to understanding TPP11

>>5959017 TPP - The importance of the United States

>>5959027 The Integral Treaty and "Progressive" of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

>>5959031 After The Midterms: Australia, The United States And The International Order

>>5959049 The world now wants to move to New Zealand

>>5959586, >>5959764 Wayne Swan, Bob Katter and Masonic symbolism

>>5962497, >>5962526 Sydney Air Traffic Control Tower Evacuated After Smoke Detected

>>5962572 Australian news site promoting gay 'sugar daddys' for university students.

>>5968815 Stargazers looking for Aurora Australis mystified by bright green flash

>>5969466, >>5969437 Former Trump aide slams Alexander Downer as a ‘devil’

>>5969816 Pauline Hanson defends One Nation staffers James Ashby and Steve Dickson

>>5969940 Shooters, Fishers and Farmers deny links to NRA, blasts One Nation

>>5975478 New Zealand removes any reference to Jesus from parliamentary prayer

>>5975519 Alexander Downer was a Huawei Board Member - Article from 2011

>>5975545 Microsoft researchers find NSA-style backdoor in Huawei laptops - 2019 Article

>>5975560 IT Security Pros Slam State-Backed Encryption Backdoors

>>5975575 Enormous shark found with head bitten off by even bigger beast off Australia coast

>>5975587, >>5975593 Stargazers looking for Aurora Australis mystified by bright green flash

>>5975644 Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland to reclassify physical gold as a cash equivalent

>>5975649 Toyota Security Breach Exposes Personal Info of 3.1 Million Clients

>>5976001 FRIENDLY REMINDER FROM Q - We are saving Israel for last.

>>5976441, >>5976445, >>5976454, >>5985163 Anon's analysis of Q drop #2619 - Gold Standard coming back?

>>5978125 Door-to-door gun confiscations begin in New Zealand

>>5984948, >>5985006 Sex scandals plague New Zealand's Labour party Prime Minister (2018)

>>5985280 Facebook Statement - By Working Together, We Can Win Against Hate

>>5986100 Mark Zuckerberg admits Facebook should be regulated after Christchurch mosque terror attack

>>5987997 Anon observes - Keep an eye on Channel 10, recently bought by CBS

>>5988798 Australian Climate Change Whistle blower Censorship

>>5988804 Friendly reminder - do not dox yourself, leave all of the first three input fields blank

>>5988805 Federal budget 2019: Frydenberg promises 'stronger economy, better future for Australians'

>>5998053, >>5998145 Chinese ownership and operation of Australian regional airports (2017)

>>6002085 NSW Education Department covers up teacher’s alleged 18-year child sex abuse spree (2013)

>>6002141 NSW police protects alleged Tweed Heads pedophile ring (Fiona Barnett article)

>>6002160 NZ Gun Confiscation Begins as Police Show Up Unannounced At Homes, Workplaces

>>6002174 Jury selection starts for Minneapolis officer accused in fatal shooting of unarmed Australian woman

>>6002037, >>6002045, >>6002276 Anons comments on Why Christchurch? Gateway to Antarctica?

>>6002297 History of Five Eyes in Australia

>>6002802, >>6003144 Muslims reject call from senior Imam in Jerusalem to invade Australia and NZ

>>6010904 'McDonald’s April Fools' joke lands burger chain in pickle

c4694d  No.6576517

#4 - Part 2/7

George Papadopoulos Tweet Bun

>>5969192 Alexander Downer, Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud and Comey’s corrupt team had one thing in common

>>5985039 Declassification coming. Australia’s role too.

>>6002244 The British and Australians spy on me…Time to fight

>>6014117 The U.K. and Australia interfered in the election

>>6014117 How it feels to have an Australian ambassador spy on you

>>6014138 That target on me attracted assets like Halper, Downer, Mifsud, CIA and DIA

>>6014138 Alexander Downer was so blatantly spying on me (17 March 2019 Retweet >>5749685)

>>6014138 The western intelligence operatives and US allies (UK, Australia, Italy) involvement

>>6028910 My book explains how the entire investigation began

>>6069101 The FBI sends Clinton ally, Alexander Downer, to make contact with me

>>6069101 I was so disturbed by Alexander Downer’s behavior

>>6070754 If the president doesn’t sit down with the leaders of Italy, the U.K. and Australia

>>6173712 Alexander Downer begged to meet me in London

>>6237372 Subpoenae the three spies: Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper

>>6249415 Bob Mueller himself stated that I met Alexander Downer on May 6th

>>6249415 He must have gotten it from some surreptitious spying by Alexander Downer

>>6249415 Alexander Downer’s wannabe honey pot, Erika Thompson, was trying to meet with me on May 6th

>>6249415 I am certain that our Israeli friends are going to throw the Australians under the bus

>>6294548 Clapper was in Australia the same days I was meeting Mifsud in Rome

>>6400714 Collusion was between the Obama WH/CIA/FBI with the U.K./Australia/Italy/Turkey/Ukraine

>>6410968 Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, was sent to make contact in May 2016 by the FBI

>>6418434 Alexander Downer was an asset sent by US intel to make contact with me

>>6419805 I reported Downer to the FBI and Mueller for my suspicions he was spying on me.

>>6453353 Clapper is an imbecile. Not only did he outsource spying on me to the Italians/UK/Australia

>>6475604 Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer, is having a meltdown on Twitter

>>6475604 Comey is expounding that Mifsud was a Russian agent and that Downer was a random diplomat

>>6475604 I was approached by Australian/US/UK intel BEFORE Alexander Downer made contact with me

>>6475604 Stefan Halper/Alexander Downer BOTH played the same amateur spy game

>>6475604 Downer and Comey are terrified about imminent release of the IG report and FISA declassification

>>6475622 I am certain that this ambassador was none other than Clinton errand boy, Alexander Downer

>>6475622 Christian Cantor, took it upon himself to introduce me to the Australian government in mid April 2016

>>6475622 Facts: (1/2) Australian intel officer calls Trump a “pariah” and a “threat” to Australia

>>6475622 Facts: (2/2) May 10: Alexander Downer spies on me

>>6475622 The day before I met Downer! what a freaking joke Comey is

>>6475642 The president knows he and his campaign were set up by the UK and Australia as well as a rogue FBI/CIA.

>>6567993 This was before I met Clinton errand boy/FBI asset, Alexander Downer.

>>6576333 Alexander Downer went public in an interview and is blaming the Israelis

c4694d  No.6576519

#4 - Part 3/7

>>6014726 Australia, Holland, Russia start talks over downed MH17

>>6014738 Xi meets with New Zealand prime minister to court US ally

>>6026141 Analysis of emergency call from foster mother of missing Australian toddler, William Tyrrell

>>6028965 The Rot Starts At The Top: The Problem With De-Platforming The Far-Right

>>6029295 Australia will stop contributions to the UN’s major fund for battling climate change this year

>>6029327 Australian Bureau of Meteorology altering historical temperature records

>>6029348 New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern in Beijing - progress on trade, climate change and Huawei

>>6029569 Measles case involving Sydney baby two months away from vaccination 'terrified' parents

>>6030883 Australian Woman Mysteriously Dies During Flight Home from Los Angeles After Vacation

>>6030905 NZ tech company discovers major Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox bug

>>6031056 Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines all Found Murdered

>>6037300 Fraser Anning: Australian MP censured for 'appalling' Christchurch remarks

>>6037346 Panama Papers investigation helps recover more than $1.2 billion around the world

>>6037540 Is the Mueller Report another Stealth Bomber?

>>6037812 Video: The Truth about The Port Arthur Massacre

>>6037847 Video: Mother of the Port Arthur massacre killer, Martin Bryant, speaks out

>>6040531 Video: Steve Hughes: Feminism & Transgenderism

>>6042762, >>6042765 Video: Wind turbine noise from Australia

>>6043026 Sword Anon visits Q Research AUSTRALIA

>>6043672 Facebook and Instagram could face fines or jail time under new Australian laws

>>6055767 Australia rushing through new social media laws

>>6055783 Tough New Laws to protect Australians from Live-Streaming of Violent Crimes

>>6055789 Australia passes social media law penalising platforms for violent content

>>6055835 Australia could put social media executives in jail for violent posts

>>6055874 Goldcorp shareholders approve Newmont's $10 billion takeover offer

>>6055905, >>6056952 Massive factory fire is burns out of control in Melbourne

>>6056016 Australia doubles down on being stampeded into catastrophically stupid tech laws

>>6056883 Aus Anon's Thoughts On Q's Spill Comment

>>6064603 US Anon visits with Marker Solution theory

>>6068878 Australian Government to hold Royal Commission into abuse and neglect of disabled Australians.

>>6068972 Accused Christchurch shooter ordered to undergo psychiatric assessment

>>6070695 Social Media execs could be held personally liable for harmful content under new UK laws

>>6070824 Footage shows moment Daniel Morcombe kidnapper, murderer arrested

>>6074002 Canadian Police Raid ‘Orcus RAT’ Author (Remote Access Trojan)

>>6086063 "53-47" (Q Post #2318) in Aust News - Morrison government on course for major election defeat

>>6090334 Leaked Turnbull-Trump phone call could lead to criminal charges

>>6092495 Q posts relating to leaked Turnbull-Trump phone call

>>6094644, >>6094666 Aus Anon on Access to chan sites

>>6094702 Militant Vegan Protesters shut down cities across Australia

>>6094706 Britain plans social media regulation to battle harmful content

>>6094919 Australia appoints new ambassador to Afghanistan

>>6094982 Animal Activist Groups Active in Australia Today And Cuba As Well

>>6110109 Leak of call between Trump and Malcolm Turnbull could lead to criminal charges

>>6114024 Facebook, Google And Twitter Hit By New Legal Regulation To 'Clean Up Their Acts'

>>6118189 New Zealand Govt confirms details of Royal Commission into Christchurch terror attack

>>6118189 PDF: Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques

>>6118234, >>6120347 Anons comments on UK's published divide and conquer strategy (Dec 2018)

>>6132788 Rugby Australia say they plan to sack Israel Folau over controversial social post

>>6132801 New Zealand votes to amend gun laws after Christchurch attack

>>6152799 NZ police seek man wearing Trump t-shirt who allegedly abused worshippers outside Al Noor Mosque

c4694d  No.6576523

#4 - Part 4/7

Julian Assange Arrest Bun

>>6029236 Ecuador's president says Julian Assange has 'repeatedly violated the terms of his asylum in London embassy'

>>6030993 Bashing of Assange is linked to reportage on Ecuador president’s corruption scandal – WikiLeaks

>>6068928 Armed police surround Ecuadorean embassy as Julian Assange 'is set to be kicked out

>>6069188 Sara Carter Tweets about Police waiting for Julian Assange to be expelled

>>6069380 Ecuador’s UK ambassador REJECTS Wikileaks’ claims that Julian Assange is about to be expelled

>>6070879 U.N. torture expert urges Ecuador not to expel Assange from embassy

>>6094619 Leaked Assange Court Transcript Sheds Light on US-Backed Ecuadorian Expulsion Plans

>>6114168 Ecuador reserves the right to investigate Assange: foreign minister

>>6114182 “I’m an assassination risk”, writes Assange to Ecuador court in leaked testimony.

>>6118488 Julian Assange is involved in new criminal case

>>6152839 Julian Assange Arrested

>>6152890 Video: JA's Arrest Footage

>>6152921 JA Arrested by British police at Ecuadorean embassy after Ecuador relinquishes asylum

>>6152936, >>6153212 Tweets confirming Julian Assange's arrest and U.S. extradition request

>>6152953 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested after eviction from Ecuadorian Embassy in London

>>6152975 WIKILEAKS INSURANCE FILES - Keys might be released after JA arrest

>>6153067 JA arrest translation by an Ausfag

>>6153095 Assange Arrested Carrying Gore Vidal's History of the National Security State

>>6153195 DOJ Assange Indictment link

>>6163220, >>6163231 Sara Carter on JA

>>6163274 Snowden Tweets about JA

>>6163296 JA to appear in court on 2 May

>>6163364 WikiLeaks Founder Charged in Computer Hacking Conspiracy and Anons response

>>6173023 Australian consular officials will visit Julian Assange over death penalty fears

>>6173642 How You Can Be Certain That The US Charge Against Assange Is Fraudulent

>>6173698 Pentagon Papers Lawyer: Julian Assange Being Convicted Will Criminalize the News-Gathering Process

>>6173769 Julian Assange 'must face Swedish justice' if country asks, say MPs

>>6173808 Political prisoner Julian Assange is being held in what is known as "Britain's Guantánamo Bay"

>>6173850 Julian Assange’s Mother Begs Officials: ‘Be Patient, Gentle & Kind to Him’

>>6184417 Assange's lawyer says he only fears 'US injustice'

>>6184445 Julian Assange: WikiLeaks founder's life in Ecuadorian embassy captured on security camera

>>6197273 Rand Paul Suggests Granting Assange Immunity In Exchange For Congressional Testimony

>>6209960 Julian Assange wins EU journalism award

>>6237482 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange agrees to remain at maximum security Belmarsh jail

>>6237608 Wretched are the offence-takers: in defence of Folau and Assange

>>6320338 IMF approves $4.2bn loan for Ecuador, suspicious timing after Assange arrested

>>6331971 Assange's Imprisonment Reveals Even More Corruption Than WikiLeaks Did

>>6369178, >>6369178 Video: 60 Minutes Australia - Julian Assange's father's fears for his son

>>6383769 WikiLeaks' Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks' jail over bail breach

>>6394160 WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange won’t be given ‘special treatment,’ Australian prime minister says

>>6410549 Video: Julian Assange: Clinton Foundation and ISIS were funded from the same source

>>6410955 >Julian Assange gets 50 weeks on bail charge, day before extradition hearing

>>6418273 I won't surrender to extradition ‘for doing journalism’ – Assange

>>6486471 WikiLeaks co-founder's files, computer, mobile phones and other electronic devices to be seized by US

>>6494390 Sweden reopens Assange rape investigation, to seek extradition

>>6541355 WikiLeaks says Assange papers, manuscripts will be given to US authorities: report

>>6576086 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange facing 18 charges of receiving and publishing classified information

>>6576224 New Q post referencing Julian Assange - "Under protection. Threat is real. Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'."

c4694d  No.6576526

#4 - Part 5/7

>>6163313 Anon Comment on April Showers

>>6163392 Newmont shareholders OK $10 billion Goldcorp takeover, creating biggest gold producer

>>6172318 China takes Australia's Huawei 5G ban to global trade umpire

>>6173762 Tensions Erupt As China Slams Australia's "Irresponsible Comments"

>>6173843 'Multiple' victims in Australia shooting: Police

>>6173918 At least 4 people shot, 1 killed, outside Melbourne nightclub

>>6197149 6 charged with spreading New Zealand mosque shooting video online

>>6209868, >>6210078 Australian DJ charged after boy, 2, snatched off San Francisco street

>>6209875 NZ Police have released a timeline of the day of the Christchurch shooting

>>6209875 PDF: Christchurch Mosque Shootings: Timeline of events 15 March 2019

>>6209917 Climate change narrative takes a hit - Peter Ridd wins in court

>>6210008 Updated timeline of Christchurch terrorist attack released by police

>>6237284 Australia ‘ready to confirm’ key meeting that led to Mueller probe

>>6249770 Australian Government Confirms Official Role in "Spygate"

>>6249866 Australia Says It's "Ready To Confirm" Key Meeting That Led To Russia Investigation

>>6261103, >>6261168 Atrocities in the world and notable names nearby - Podesta, Pelosi and Michelle icObama

>>6261124 Social Media Platforms want centralized censorship. That should scare you

>>6261190 U.S. intelligence says Huawei funded by Chinese state security: report

>>6261228 Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, YouTube Working on ‘Global Censorship Database’

>>6261355 Date shift raises questions on Downer meeting in wine bar

>>6274793 Donald Trump invited to Melbourne for the Presidents Cup

>>6279384 Kevin Rudd: If an Australian PM did 1/10th of Trump's alleged acts, he'd be out of office

>>6280357 Kevin Rudd, Christopher Joye and the 2008 mortgage backed securities bail out

>>6294133 Easter Sunday suicide bomber studied in Australia, Sri Lankan minister says

>>6294562 US spy boss James Robert Clapper Jr makes secretive visit to Australia

>>6294983 Time To Investigate The FBI, Steele And The Rest Of The 'Witch Hunters'

>>6294995 Video: MASS Surveillance State In Australia!

>>6295007 Theresa May tweets after NZ and Sri Lanka attacks

>>6295873 Islamic State supporters celebrate Sri Lanka suicide bombings as ‘revenge’ for NZ mosque massacre

>>6302266 Video: ANZAC Day 2019 - The Last Post bugle call and recitation of The Ode.

>>6302791 Papadopoulos Disputes Key Claim in Mueller Report - and Anons Analysis

>>6302832 Sri Lanka military gets special powers after deadly bombings

>>6302932 Video: 60 Minutes Australia - Inside the depraved world of David and Louise Turpin

>>6302951 Sri Lankan Minister of Defense claims attacks were in retaliation for Christchurch mosque attacks

>>6303591 Jacinda Ardern to lead global attempt to shutdown social media terrorism

>>6303599 NZ and France seek to end use of social media for acts of terrorism

>>6303686 UK Archbishop Calls for Recognition of ‘Anti-Christianism’ After Sri Lanka Attacks

>>6308684 Australia's canceled Israel embassy move shows country's Asian concerns

>>6308690 Australian comedian jokes about Nazi gas chambers, gets complaint, doubles down

>>6308739 Microsoft Discovers Huawei Driver Allowing Backdoor Hack Into Laptops

>>6308846 Easter Sunday suicide bomber studied in Australia, Sri Lankan minister says

>>6308863 Suspected Islamic State member arrested over alleged plan to attack Gallipoli

>>6308895 Australian police allow rapist to remain free - he goes on to rape a child

>>6319487 Man arrested in counter-terrorism operation in North Melbourne

>>6320045 May to Let China Build UK 5G Network, Damaging National Security, Anglosphere Co-operation

>>6320074 South Australian child ‘sex tourist’ branded the worst paedophile in nation’s history

>>6320205 Turkey arrests Islamic State member over alleged Gallipoli threat

>>6320227 Facebook says head-cam Christchurch video foiled its AI system

>>6320287 Prince William visits mosque in New Zealand, in pictures

>>6320327 Theresa May ANZAC Day tweet

c4694d  No.6576537

#4 - Part 6/7

2019 Australian Election Bun

>>6131361 Election 2019: Date set for May 18

>>6133618 Australia Heads to Election in Showdown Over Taxes, Climate

>>6115863 Right-wing anti-immigrant party rebrands as ‘Yellow Vests Australia’ ahead of elections

>>6133679 Coalition will roll out 'name and shame' paedophile register across Australia if elected

>>6161270 Video: Fraser Anning - The Carl Higbie Show

>>6183034 Newspoll: One Nation’s slide gives Labor and Coalition a boost

>>6233644 Party-hopping pollies need to respect the will of the voters

>>6311560, >>6311576, >>6311598 Alt-right to release 'avalanche' of election campaign propaganda to help Fraser Anning

>>6314968 Background Briefing twitter account banner and Fraser Anning profile pic

>>6319069 Teen charged after attack at Fraser Anning press conference named

>>6319395 Photographer hurt in scuffle at Fraser Anning press conference

>>6319403 Video: Female journalist attacked following Fraser Anning press conference

>>6319429 Liberal party strikes deal to exchange preferences with Clive Palmer

>>6320000 Senator Fraser Anning press conference - 26/4/2019.

>>6328721 One Nation candidate filmed making controversial comments

>>6332066 Far-right social media views of alleged attacker at Fraser Anning political announcement

>>6344236 It’s Clive Palmer (Trump) vs Bill Shorten (Hillary)

>>6356157 Heckler targets Queensland Senator Fraser Anning at Adani-related press conference

>>6356707 Major parties shun Fraser Anning's candidates, Liberals embrace United Australia Party, as pre-polls open

>>6369051 Video: Pauline Hanson's One Nation candidate Steve Dickson resigns over strip club videos

>>6418610 Anti-gay, anti-Muslim rogue candidates taint PM Scott Morrison's Australia election bid

>>6419821 Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's billboard defaced with nazi imagery

>>6427309 Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party objects

>>6435304, >>6435314, >>6445341 Scott Morrison egged while campaigning in Albury

>>6438554 ABC defends free advertising to ‘disgraced’ Fraser Anning

>>6444103 Bill Shorten fights back tears as he defends his Mum’s story

>>6444140 Greens candidate Jay Dessi quits as candidate for Lalor over offensive Facebook posts

>>6444676 Video: We Are Change Talk Show Guest - Wayne Glew, Great Australian Party

>>6503461 Pauline Hanson lashes ‘racist’ Fraser Anning

>>6503465 Bill Shorten hints Julie Bishop could be his ambassador to the US

>>6524767 Pre-Election Newspoll prediction - Labor victory, 80 Lower House seats, 1.86% swing

>>6527582, >>6527618 BREAKING: ABC projects Coalition victory

>>6527778 Video: Pauline Hanson’s tears – Nine News Australia

>>6528229 Red shoe Julie Bishop featured in election coverage with animated red shoe symbolism

>>6529513, >>6529574 Federal Election map and summary - See how the Coalition defied the polls to retain power

>>6529765 'I always believed in miracles': Scott Morrison celebrates as Bill Shorten concedes defeat

>>6532032 President Trump Tweet: Congratulations to Scott on a GREAT WIN!

>>6532204 Video: Scott Morrrison makes his final pitch to voters before election day - ABC 7.30

>>6532807 Fraser Anning out as Jacqui Lambie and Malcolm Roberts return to Senate

>>6533220 Scott Morrison clinches unlikely victory over Bill Shorten in bombshell election result

>>6533244 Video: Prime Minister Scott Morrison apologises to victims of child sexual abuse - ABC News

>>6533398 Australia’s Conservatives Win Surprise Election Victory

>>6533653, >>6534245 Bun of Anons comments on POTUS Tweet about Scott Morrison

>>6533766 Video: Think someones having a kek - ScoMo thanks Chief Of Staff, John Kunkel

>>6534309 Trump calls Morrison ‘to reaffirm alliance, friendship’

>>6536935 US Dept. of State Tweet - The U.S. congratulates @ScottMorrisonMP & the Coalition on their victory

>>6539985, >>6540010 Negative Twitter reactions to Coalition election victory

>>6541405 Tanya Plibersek rules herself out of race for Labor leadership

>>6541518 Australia Re-Elects Conservative As Prime Minister In 'Shock' Result, Left Predicts Environmental Apocalypse

>>6541530 Trump and Australia’s Scott Morrison Reaffirm Alliance, Friendship After General Election

>>6556487 Photo posted by Chris Bowen on eve of election campaign reveals arrogance that doomed ALP

>>6556521 Albanese a step closer to Labor leadership as Bowen bows out

>>6556973 'I'll burn for you': How our Pentecostal PM energised Christian voters

55f8c9  No.6576544


Nice work with all that baking!

Shall I wait for new bread before continuing with reviewing/reposting from the latest Q Res breads?

55f8c9  No.6576547


PS Not sure why it keep reassigning me new ID's all the time ?

c4694d  No.6576554


Yes please, nearly done. Regional Resignations made the last part a bit too long, so making some slight adjustments.

55f8c9  No.6576559


no probs fren .. will do

c4694d  No.6576561

#4 - Part 7/8

>>6325628, >>6327329 Original Australia thread still visible on /thestorm/

>>6331860, >>6331863 North Melbourne counter-terrorism operation: Target appears to be an Anglican Church

>>6352840 New Zealander faces 14 years in prison for sharing Christchurch video online

>>6368726 Donald Trump's Deputy Attorney-General Rod Rosenstein submits letter of resignation.

>>6369240 Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane airports' international terminals passport control down

>>6369324 Without fanfare, Australia opens trade and defense office in Jerusalem

>>6379397 Minneapolis cop who shot Australian Justine Damond found guilty of 2nd degree manslaughter

>>6399143 Video: Rebut this. Foreign fake "Australian Government" Corporations

>>6410312 Explosive device and ammunition found at empty Christchurch property

>>6410441 China’s Big Brother Social Control Goes to Australia

>>6410648 William Barr made a major disclosure in his Senate hearing that hardly anyone noticed

>>6411473 Australian man found guilty in plane bomb plot involving meat grinder

>>6418242 Australian Journalist Arrested for Plotting to Murder Christians in Revenge for Christchurch


>>6419711 Australian Cyber security chief MacGibbon resigns

>>6419768 $20 MILLION: Minneapolis City Council agrees to historic settlement with Justine Damond's family

>>6426690 Avi Yemini in court over assault, knife-throwing charges against woman

>>6426752 Gold Coast Music Awards 'Skull Trophy'

>>6434334 Video: NZ and Australia Have Fallen

>>6437035 Australian DJ Adam Sky found dead in Bali resort

>>6437067 Video: Rogue Boeing 737 Max planes ‘with minds of their own’ (60 Minutes Australia)

>>6437088 Trolls will be jailed for five years under proposed new legislation.

>>6452373 Lowering Standards: Australian Universities, English Requirements and Student Cash Cows

>>6453464 Ex-Nauru president Sprent Dabwido who oversaw detention centre reopening dies

>>6453489 NZ & US Special Forces joint training exercises

>>6460587 Video: AUSTRALIA IS PANICKING! Andrew Bolt interview with Alexander Downer (Sky News Australia)

>>6478345 Defence Force names New Zealand SAS soldier who died following training incident in Auckland

>>6478353 US Drug Enforcement Administration open offices in New Zealand to help police investigate cartels

>>6478436 Christian star athlete posts what Bible says about homosexual behavior. Now Rugby Australia wants him gone.

>>6478466 Australia Prints Embarrassing Typo On 46 Million $50 Banknotes

>>6478482 Alexander Downer defends FBI tipoff that sparked Trump-Russia probe

>>6478563 Rugby Player Found Guilty of ‘High Level’ Breach of Conduct for Posting Bible Verse

>>6486418, >>6486794, >>6493200 Anon's summary: Australia on sale to Chinese

>>6486447 Downer Denies Meeting Supposed to Launch FBI’s Russia Probe Was a Set-Up

>>6494456 This Common Food Additive Harms Gut Health, Could Trigger Disease

>>6503412 Virgin passengers stuck in baggage lines for hours as technical trouble hits check-in system

>>6503418 Jacinda Ardern won't rule out blocking Facebook if used to spread extremist content

>>6503434 Papua New Guinea earthquake: Huge 7.7m tremor as tsunami alert issued - 14 May 2019

>>6511127 Sydney man denies assaulting News Corp photographer at Fraser Anning media event

>>6511690 Obama admin secretly agreed with then-Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull to relocate 2 Rwandan terrorists

>>6511933 Labor legend Bob Hawke dies aged 89

>>6513492 Australian Diplomat at Center of Russia Hoax Also Has China, Clinton Foundation Links

>>6516255 Sportsbet pays out early on Labor to win election

>>6519173 Israel Folau officially sacked by Rugby Australia

>>6519598 Anon speculates: possible that Bob Hawke died and was kept on ice until eve of the federal election?

>>6519707 Video: 60 Minutes Australia - Population debate

>>6521723 Fiona Barnett allegations - Bob Hawke never brought to justice for allegedly raping 2 girls

>>6541726 Some media charges dropped for reporting of George Pell conviction

>>6548988 Christchurch attacks accused Brenton Tarrant facing new charges

>>6549319 Wierd Pizza News from NZ

c4694d  No.6576563

#4 - Part 8/8

>>6549427 After ‘Stunning’ Conservative Win, NY Times Compares Australia to ‘American South’

>>6549432 China’s ‘Social Credit System’ Is Dystopian Nightmare

>>6549461 NZ study highlights the risk of 'deep fakes' on social media

>>6549471 ‘Nuclear Coffin’ Might Be Leaking Radioactive Material Into Pacific, Says UN Chief

>>6556949 China's communists fund Jacinda Ardern's Labour Party: What the United States Congress was told

>>6576289 Downer mentioned in yet another Tweet

>>6576293 New Q posts referencing Australia, Five Eyes and FISA

>>6576306, >>6576371 Meteor crashes to earth at Mt Gambier, South Australia

>>6576383 Phillip Nitschke's 3D-printable 'Death Pod' for 'stylish' and 'peaceful' suicide premiered at Venice expo

>>6576391, >>6576437 Australian actor Geoffrey Rush awarded $2.9 million

Australian/Regional Resignations Bun

>>6184820 Nuk Korako resigns as NZ National MP

>>6237599 Another resignation from PNG cabinet - Justice Minister Davis Steven

>>6332148 Multiple resignations from PNG's People’s National Congress party

>>6369369 One Nation's Steve Dickson resigns over strip club footage

>>6407925 Australian Cyber security chief MacGibbon resigns

>>6418178 Boss of troubled NDIA quits after less than two years in the role

>>6419766 3 Senior PNG Ministers Resign

>>6447134 Joe Hockey to leave post as Australia's ambassador to the United States

>>6494389 Director of company that may acquire Vodafone NZ resigns from Spark's board

>>6519753 AFL Victoria receives Gippsland commission's resignation amid insolvency fears

55f8c9  No.6576572

I think thats Aus#4 …

55f8c9  No.6576575

… Done n Dusted.

c4694d  No.6576627

File: 3197e40022693e4⋯.jpg (153.01 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, OZ Damper.jpg)


Q Research AUSTRALIA #5 - Shill count HIGH Edition




c4694d  No.6576638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank you for your patience,

Greetings and best wishes from Australia!

c4694d  No.6576647

File: 9e730b96f2f82aa⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2560x1707, 2560:1707, Gessen-QAnon-Sacha-Baron-C….jpg)

Filling up…

c4694d  No.6576653

File: 7a637222223dc9f⋯.jpg (131.62 KB, 960x600, 8:5, trump-sydney-960x600.jpg)

c4694d  No.6576656

File: 4a03d7a41bb547c⋯.jpeg (1.87 MB, 1889x1668, 1889:1668, goths for trump.jpeg)

c4694d  No.6576663

File: 601168b5872fa52⋯.jpg (24.45 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1496515298414.jpg)


>Australia's shill count HIGHER THAN HIGH.



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