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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

975576  No.3529681

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 -------------------------------- Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -------------------------- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>>/patriotsfight/372 -------------------------------- effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -------------------- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

975576  No.3529685


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3395243 BO : "/cbts/ and /thestorm/ ownership transferred. Thanks CM... All bans lifted"

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

#4476 Baker Change

>>3529022 Former FBI Agent Sentenced to 48 months for Leaking Classified Information

>>3529028 Mike Huckabee trolls the DeepState at F_I due to the above

>>3529063 Dept of State denies Fake News that Pompeo heard murder audio recording

>>3529078, >>3529166 Chance to Win a MAGA hat signed by POTUS

>>3529132 Sputnik News reports crash of MH60 Seahawk helicopter on flight deck of USS Ronald Reagan

>>3529662 China has a new "invisible" drone

>>3529665 Russia Divests US debt and buys gold

>>3529672 #4476


>>3528223, >>3528224 Reminder: NYT story on NPCs

>>3528254 Resignations in the news today

>>3528500 POTUS schedule for tomorrow

>>3528460 FBI Raids San Juan Government Offices as Part of Widespread Investigation Into Fraud

>>3528608 Guatemalan anon on the caravan

>>3528642 Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years

>>3528701 POTUS mentioned Khashoggi's uncle in Art of the Deal

>>3528884 #4475


>>3527530 Anon's thoughts on NPCs

>>3527561 Coke Elects Brian Smith As New President, COO; CFO Weller Retiring

>>3527575 New Boston Antifa Video (for keks)

>>3527692, >>3527971 POTUS Tweet: #JobsNotMobs


>>3528091 #4474

#4473 Baker Change

>>3526609 New Narrative: Turkey says Khashoggi was strangled, not butchered (moar sauce needed)

>>3526664 New Neorevolt article on "Blacklist anon"

>>3526678 U.S-Saudi Clash Could Spell Disaster For OPEC

>>3526672, >>3526765, >>3526836 Feds (not state) open clergy abuse probe in Pennsylvania

>>3526686 Fresh POTUS tweet with photos from Montana rally

>>3526763 Rosenstein to talk to top House lawmakers under oath

>>3526901 Big Pharma desperately trying to block President Trump from lowering drug prices

>>3526953 Federal Judge "Shocked" To Find State Dept Lied To Protect HRC

>>3527117 Trump-Appointed Judge Has Serious Doubts About Mueller’s Russian Bots Case

>>3527338 #4473


>>3526142 POTUS: We could have 4 more SC judges (sauce: POTUS at rally)

>>3526141 Texas Dems ask non citizens to register to vote

>>3525902 , >>3526024 NPC twatters bringing the big lulz

>>3525963 Indiana farmer thanks POTUS in unique way

>>3525937 , >>3526348 Missoula Rally sunset

>>3525883 , >>3525782 Shoutout to anons from POTUS re 'Big Sky' & Jobs Not Mobs?

>>3525919 Khashoggi, Hussein and SA

>>3526523 #4472


>>3525373 Pelosi is shouted out of a restaurant in Miami

>>3525218 , >>3525531 Going to a MAGA rally? Anons share tips

>>3525203 , >>3525293, >>3525309, >>3525678, >>3525708 Rally photos

>>3525195 , >>3525234 Fresh POTUS tweet re Jon Tester & info

>>3525171 , >>3525130 The NPC meme is ABSOLUTELY destroying morale

>>3525128 Claire McCaskill demands Project Veritas be investigated

>>3525127 China is sputtering under the tariffs, want to meet Mattis

>>3524951 (lb) Capacity 4000 at the Missoula, Montana Rally

>>3525972 #4471

Previously Collected Notables

>>3524197 #4469, >>3524974 #4470

>>3522243 #4466, >>3522997 #4467, >>3523441 #4468

>>3519589 #4463, >>3520379 #4464, >>3521142 #4465

>>3517263 #4460, >>3518027 #4461, >>3518845 #4462

>>3514943 #4457, >>3515707 #4458, >>3519337 #4459

>>3512558 #4454, >>3513394 #4455, >>3514152 #4456

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

975576  No.3529686

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

975576  No.3529687

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

975576  No.3529690

File: 1400bd424700f89⋯.jpg (599.09 KB, 1268x829, 1268:829, Dough.jpg)

Dough #4477


Dough changes:

Baker Change mid-bread

Added notables

975576  No.3529710

Baker Requests Handoff

49d1a1  No.3529721

>>3529711 pb

>>3529699 pb

Remember Alec Bladwin called his daughter a little pig

b90c80  No.3529726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jump to 3:20 on video

Just as an ISIS cell was discovered in the area with 100+ ISIS militants, a caravan of people about 3000+ being supplied/transported by at least one truck with a star of david on it is on its way into the US. Burgers better strap up for another set of (((Coincidences))) before the midterms. Not a shop, multiple newsreels and links confirm.

xpost from /pol/ jews shilling hard in thread


54460c  No.3529729

File: 6fce391c2d03d52⋯.png (960.85 KB, 736x652, 184:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7c325503532e3a⋯.png (3.76 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba572df84d8bb8e⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1600x973, 1600:973, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b4500442b287e4⋯.png (3.4 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia is the aboriginal home of caucasians

Some of whom have red hair

Being the place of origin

It has more diversity of redheads than elsewhere

577bd6  No.3529730

File: 95a18daf6092978⋯.jpg (188.97 KB, 1734x1094, 867:547, 19-10-_2018_10-48-08.jpg)

Q - the plan to save the world


comments are not loading … confirmed?


f19f1f  No.3529731

Q must be busy

c09b2e  No.3529732

File: c6bac52cdc18a00⋯.jpeg (310 KB, 1242x660, 207:110, B5231D4B-E772-4516-BD91-9….jpeg)


54460c  No.3529733


I wonder if there are more ISIS cells inside Mexico

All waiting to hitch a ride into the USA

On the backs of a refugee caravan

Filled with useful idiots and NPCs

7eedad  No.3529734

>>3529714 lb

Why not print the puzzles in a major city's publication then? Like New York or Los Angeles, instead of Tucson?

Doesnt add up to me.

577bd6  No.3529735


probably building a soccer field @GITMO for less then 1Mio…

6e82e4  No.3529736

File: f7b12264dc146ec⋯.png (134.41 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181019-044848.png)

File: 21040b48890d1c8⋯.png (149.91 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181019-044857.png)



469838  No.3529737


Loaded for me


dfce27  No.3529738

Why hasn’t Jeff Bezos weighed in on Jamal Khashoggi?

Bezos was among a number of tech executives who met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman when he visited the United States in March. What’s more, Amazon has reportedly been in talks to open data centers in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has become a major tech backer in recent years, investing significant funds in companies like Uber, Tesla, and WeWork and contributing billions of dollars to SoftBank’s Vision Fund as it looks to move its economy beyond oil. That puts Silicon Valley in a sensitive position in responding to Khashoggi’s disappearance. And Bezos, who owns the newspaper where Khashoggi wrote, is in a doubly sensitive position.


b18389  No.3529739

File: 2011b8c2b14963d⋯.jpeg (8.28 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 39F1EFB3-6E16-4914-9B87-7….jpeg)

c09b2e  No.3529740

File: c6af8e280938267⋯.jpeg (847.92 KB, 1242x1551, 414:517, 3D80DFC5-C147-45BE-B56D-C….jpeg)

The sexualisation of infants has been going on for a long time

08ec8f  No.3529741

The closest thing I have to a signed hat is a something written on the box that the hat came in. No other box from them has had that, so far.

NSA's cheeky.

a2cac2  No.3529742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bernie nails the momentum…

51f77c  No.3529743


loaded for me


7eedad  No.3529744




That should be toiletshill's new name

b90c80  No.3529745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heres the second video from Fox news with the jew truck. 30:28 timestamp.

b44687  No.3529746


=Baker= here to relieve you

4dc039  No.3529747



a09643  No.3529748


>>3529746 Welcome to the kitchen, new baker.

469838  No.3529749


Depending on the purpose they may not want exposure like that.

b44687  No.3529750


It's an honor to be here!

577bd6  No.3529751


never mind … i edited the filter and now comments are loading

maybe because of +7000 comments

7eedad  No.3529752


I guess that does make sense.

It almost sounds like the Q beta test, minus pigs and orphanages.

975576  No.3529753

>>3529746, >>3529748 Thanks, new baker. The dough is updated with two new notables, so re-download it if they are not both in there.

Handoff Confirmed

Shadilay and Godspeed, New Baker.

b90c80  No.3529754

File: 00e30c713d66525⋯.png (366.28 KB, 835x1111, 835:1111, 15399ki35208936.png)


Mossad already has assets inside the US ready to strike. Keep in mind the arrests havent even started yet.

975576  No.3529755

>>3529754 October 10? Not notable, new baker. Too old for a News notable.

b44687  No.3529756

File: 753994a437988ba⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 474x437, 474:437, Confirmed.jpg)


==Confirmed== they are both there

b90c80  No.3529757


Never claimed notable. I was talking about the jew trucks ferrying the spic migrants.

dfce27  No.3529758

Steven Mnuchin, Mr. Lampert’s roommate at Yale and now Treasury secretary, disclosed last year that he had a $26 million investment in ESL. (Mr. Mnuchin said he would divest the position.)

Mr. Lampert was 25 years old and at the vanguard of the hedge fund movement when he founded ESL in 1988 with $28 million in seed money from Mr. Rainwater.

Sears Holdings has long been ESL’s largest investment

Few hedge fund managers have been as celebrated as Mr. Lampert in his heyday, which now appears to be the mid-2000s. Mr. Lampert was a Wall Street wunderkind, a Goldman Sachs intern whose intellect, ingratiating personality and prodigious work ethic attracted the patronage of some of America’s most prominent and successful investors: Robert Rubin, Mr. Lampert’s mentor at Goldman; Richard Rainwater, who invested for the billionaire Bass brothers before starting his own firm; and David Geffen, the billionaire entertainment mogul.


0e4f67  No.3529759

File: 0b0c96652226692⋯.png (44.07 KB, 944x494, 472:247, for_inv.PNG)

>>3529665 lb

I was reading an article about the how the US dollar is overvalued because of foreign held US securities. I know that this is completely far fetched but the US dollar value will probably be corrected, reset if you will. Imagine if part of the plan was to allow the US dollar to crash, in turn crashing many other currencies that are tied to it. This would create a massive reset of the global monetary system, if a new system was to be properly implemented after the collapse, and a possible reason for why Russia is getting its money out of the US, because potentially the US dollar as we know it now, wont be worth anything.


fd297d  No.3529760

Jeff Sessions Is Quietly Transforming the Nation’s Immigration Courts

Of the 140 judges hired since Donald Trump’s inauguration, more than half have past prosecutorial experience or some other government experience.

The pace of hiring has also stepped up: In fiscal year 2017, the Justice Department hired 64 immigration judges, compared to 81 in fiscal year 2018—bringing the total of immigration judges to 395, according to data released by EOIR. Sessions’s hiring spree is not unusual—and it’s also not unwarranted: His predecessors brought on new immigration judges, and the immigration court backlog also continues to creep up, with the latest figure at more than 760, 000 pending cases. Of the newly hired immigration judges, at least half had received conditional offers during the Obama

administration, said Kathryn Mattingly, assistant press secretary at EOIR, in an email.

It’s not just how many immigration judges are being brought on but where they’re being located.

EOIR has hired immigration judges for two adjudication centers—in Falls Church, Virginia, and Fort Worth, Texas—where cases from around the country will be heard through video teleconferencing.

Judges will be located at the centers, while attorneys and respondents will be in separate locations.

According to Rob Barnes, a regional public information officer for EOIR, immigration judges at these centers will be evaluated like others. It’s likely then that thousands of immigration cases will be heard with respondents never seeing a judge face to face.

Across the board, there appears to be a preference for people who come from an enforcement background, according to biographies of newly hired immigration judges posted by the Justice Department.

Of the 23 judges announced in August, more than half previously worked with the Department of Homeland Security,

and of those remaining, most came from a law enforcement background.In September, EOIR announced 46 new

immigration judges, two of which will serve in a supervisory role: 19 previously worked for ICE, 10 had served

at DOJ or as a former local prosecutor, and seven had a background in military (one of whom previously served in Guantánamo).

It’s not yet known how these judges will rule once they’re on the bench and whether their enforcement background will inform

their decisions. But experts, attorneys, and current and former immigration judges have warned about hiring too many people

from government before.

The hiring of immigration judges has always been a contentious issue: complaints have been lodged about there not being enough career diversity; it often takes months to hire judges (though the Justice Department recently pushed the time it took down from an average of 742 days to about 266 days); and political affiliations have previously been weighed in selecting judges. In 2008, the Inspector General issued a report on the hiring practices of DOJ in

selecting attorneys, immigration judges, and members of the Board of Immigration Appeals.

The report concluded that hiring based on political or ideological affiliation is in violation of department policy.

The fear, as expressed by some Democrats, legal experts and immigration advocates, is that Sessions is improperly seeking out conservatives in order to to influence the tilt of the nation’s immigration courts and hire a large cadre of immigration

judges who will likely far outlast his tenure.


469838  No.3529761


I feel like its a 'recruiting' tool and/or coded msg delivery system. Only someone able to decode it on their own can become part of the orphanage. Or if you are a member you can decode it because you have the key to unlock the code…???

c09b2e  No.3529762

File: d85978074009a4d⋯.jpeg (417.66 KB, 1242x1509, 414:503, 16807A6E-0CE3-4639-9B82-E….jpeg)


16678c  No.3529763

File: fd983e172873434⋯.jpeg (439.23 KB, 1698x1131, 566:377, 1_O-pNw_GsNJzjZ9Qm59kiIg.jpeg)

Hypothetical for my longtime fam the Night Crew:

What if there are no declassifications before the midterms?

What will that tell you? How will you react?

54460c  No.3529764

File: 0a53abcf06900ab⋯.png (586.88 KB, 500x625, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42edefd4fcabc84⋯.png (741.61 KB, 600x744, 25:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce427f441de2033⋯.png (749.07 KB, 564x705, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdce1f3c1495108⋯.png (552.64 KB, 500x568, 125:142, ClipboardImage.png)

So many painted ladies

Mama warned me about those vamps

In the big city

Said I oughta find a nice girl from a farm

Across the valley

c09b2e  No.3529765

File: 8dfb225c8953eea⋯.jpeg (734.14 KB, 1242x1357, 54:59, C07BCAD9-AD15-43EA-865F-6….jpeg)

b44687  No.3529766


thanks for spotting, i'll post the bun after a few hundred to make sure its all good

67420e  No.3529767


Some of us are ET disclosure guys waiting for decades, moving slooooooooowly, so we learn from that experience.

It won't tell us anything "new" besides poking at status quo ever so slightly.

Patriots are patient and have their ears to the ground.

0e4f67  No.3529768


Fuckin kek.

0b26d2  No.3529769


Read the Hatch Act

b18389  No.3529770

File: 5075cc9dd5d1d9c⋯.jpeg (281.93 KB, 714x543, 238:181, 8A490E7A-C09E-415D-AAFF-7….jpeg)

484ad4  No.3529771


Nope, Mars.

7eedad  No.3529772


Yeah, that sounds plausible.

Possibly even awakening some unaware from exposure to it, kinda like we are doing here.

But what the fuck is "the orphanage"?

And why Tucson?

This is why I didnt really dig into it in the first place, now I have more questions then answers.

Who knows, maybe this will all tie into everything somewhere later down the road.

b18389  No.3529773

File: 65be7f9ff09a274⋯.jpeg (35.11 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 9610E8C3-9593-4BB2-AEDD-B….jpeg)

54460c  No.3529774


You look like a shill for the big pharma companies

We don't like shills around here

And we don't need your drugs either

7eedad  No.3529775


Its their show, they decide when things happen.

I'm just thankful to be a cog in the machine

b18389  No.3529776

File: af70e9571658b8e⋯.jpeg (199.38 KB, 880x1121, 880:1121, 005F984E-B266-4066-96C7-4….jpeg)

54460c  No.3529777


So tell me,

What is spring like on Mars this year?

In other words…

b18389  No.3529778

File: 016e3c5d378089b⋯.jpeg (122.75 KB, 634x1024, 317:512, 238B738E-F6F3-46BF-B8D0-8….jpeg)

55df4c  No.3529779

File: 26ad95200766af6⋯.jpg (170.77 KB, 1200x679, 1200:679, d7QIiMwxw82C9tF6Gtq3NAd9Gk….jpg)

Norwegian media is telling the People to be ready for a disaster. To Stock Food and water and iodine tablets.

The King and the Queen is in China.

b90c80  No.3529780

File: 6153356f5527362⋯.png (93.96 KB, 1147x722, 1147:722, Screenshot_2018-10-19 Isra….png)

Looks like IsraAID moved into Guatemala a few months ago as well. Whats the chance theyre also helping the caravan?


469838  No.3529781


Indeed, more questions than answers. Funny if it turned out to be a club for cryptographers or something else mundane. This is just a flyer. KEK

b18389  No.3529782

File: bfe7a236dd11200⋯.jpeg (92.86 KB, 607x451, 607:451, C1C5CEFD-33FC-4F37-9D5E-2….jpeg)

27696c  No.3529783

File: 63a41d1b2b198f5⋯.jpg (76.69 KB, 380x380, 1:1, Q_POST_2221_w_POTUS.jpg)


Maybe the ETs are waiting for the Earthlings to shape up first… Ever think about that??

How many of us would pull over to help a dying animal on the side of the road??

Now, pretend your an alien traveling at near light speed, and you just so happen to pass by our solar system… What makes us think we are so special??

975576  No.3529784

>>3529757 We have a novice baker. I was pointing out something to help him. Bakers help out each other, especially when a baker is newly baking. You post was a good example of something that a baker should be aware of, nothing more.

>>3529760 Jeff Sessions Is Quietly Transforming the Nation’s Immigration Courts

Baker notable


>>3529780 Baker, you might want to add this link to the Star of David notable. I think they might be related.

484ad4  No.3529785


The theory is actually that Mars and the Kepler belt are all that's left of the planet "Tiamat" and the remnants of the advanced humanoid civilization of Tiamat made a new home here and hybridized into differing sub-races.

Freckles, Red hair, Blue/Green eyes

All recessive right?

Somehow shows up regardless in Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Scotland, Ireland, Afghanistan, Persia…

Ties in with the red haired Canaanites/Giants thing the Bible folks love.

If Mars isn't home, it may have been Orion before that.


As a ginger I'm curious

469838  No.3529786


Shills seems absent.

55df4c  No.3529787


We humans are killing, raping, torturing People and we Wonder why aliens dont stop by to say hello. Carlin

484ad4  No.3529788


Speak for yourself

534c43  No.3529789

So what is Obama and team up to when shadowing President Trump's every movement around the globe?

The ridiculously spotlighted MSM Khashoggi Story is of course another Deep State manufactured event - Conflict between SA and the USA. It's all theatrics and talking points to maneuver us towards more Middle East conflict.and away from stability.

Jamal Khashoggi worked for owner Al-Waleed Bin Talal, as Editor in Chief at,Al-Arab News Channel. Al-Waleed Talal is known to be the main benefactor of Obama. He paid to put Obama through college, law school..

67420e  No.3529790


We are the last slave planet of the dark forces used to gather negative energy for satanic purposes. The positive ETs are helping us destroy the Cabal and free humanity as part of a decisive battle of light and darkness on a galactic scale.

This is likely why Q told us this was "bigger than anyone can imagine".

0e4f67  No.3529791

File: ea85e55200d0a6b⋯.mp4 (257.37 KB, 640x358, 320:179, Fc22CFhDBEM.mp4)

3171c5  No.3529792

File: eebb11f8ccdefe2⋯.png (1.57 MB, 887x810, 887:810, Screenshot_142.png)

The Mores

The more "sacrifices" you make,

The more souls you take.

The more smiles that you erase,

The more somber becomes your Face.

The more Truth that you Hide,

The more Lies that you Lied.

The more cold becomes your tongue,

The more Ghosts you have hung.


7eedad  No.3529793


Thats one hell of a cryptographers club, coming up with that shit for almost 40 years, in one small section of the country, that almost nobody has knows about.

Wonder if there have been similar types of puzzles or mysteries elsewhere, reaching out.

b44687  No.3529794


ah, I see, adding rn

7eedad  No.3529795


I read an article discussing this awhile back and it likened our planet to a mentally ill child, shitting in its hand and writing on the walls with it

b18389  No.3529796

File: e35a6a5a1abfa20⋯.gif (184.17 KB, 245x105, 7:3, F3EA4EBA-96A0-40B4-969B-4B….gif)

File: 0706d11dab8e222⋯.jpeg (531.58 KB, 700x513, 700:513, 071B7AB4-24D0-462A-9AA4-D….jpeg)

16678c  No.3529797


The Hatch Act is not the issue. POTUS has made it exquisitely clear that he lets the compartments work freely. Yet this stands in stark contrast to both what Q has dropped, and what we know to be reality; it's political speak to cover one's ass.

HRC just mentioned the Benghazi situation, and said basically that it was a thing that happened and move on. But when you look to the details you see they carefully manicured the story. So when politicians say they're letting things happen naturally, we should all know it's a lie.

The question is, what do you do? How do you interpret it?

This will not be the first time things didn't pan out, not by a long shot. But give me the right answer: tell me why this might happen, because it doesn't necessarily mean that Q is a fraud. Tell me how this can happen in the normal course of events.

126c50  No.3529798

File: 59da2931064c17d⋯.png (13.13 KB, 381x318, 127:106, 105.png)

Re-reading the crumbs from two weeks ago (10/5). The Russia Russia Russia narrative that Q predicted post-Kavanaugh confirmation didn't pan out (or at least it hasn't panned out yet).

I'm not claiming that Q is a LARP; only wondering if the white hats somehow quietly neutralized the narrative before it ever began. Or if the black hats decided to go with the Khashoggi nonsense instead of Russia.

d23ad4  No.3529799

File: 689dc3d6452893f⋯.jpeg (34.76 KB, 500x333, 500:333, D79B98F4-A6DD-48B0-848A-F….jpeg)

a2b268  No.3529800


Let's hope your formatting gets better.

55df4c  No.3529801


Doesnt matter who said it, you idiot

f89b70  No.3529802


Not expecting a declass before midterms.

Midterms are left up to the DNC, if they want them, they will have to rig.

They have no choice, they have to rig them. Losing the midterms means the end.

FISA brings down the House. One of the FISAs is to investigate election fraud and that is exactly what Horowitz, Huber, Sessions, and RR have been doing imo.

most of us have not had a fair election in this Country in our entire lives. Will we this time??

55000+ sealed indictments, every county, every precinct, Nationwide investigation.

DNC is sweating bullets because they know they are caught and have no option out.

This is going to be fun to watch, it IS fun to watch.

3171c5  No.3529803

File: ca8f77262a066a6⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1545x966, 515:322, Screenshot_245.png)

135282  No.3529804


Where else in the universe are ya gonna get a nice pastrami on grilled sourdough with provolone?

484ad4  No.3529805


Fine, you rape and torture all you want but then proper English would be "I", not "We". linguistic savant.

b90c80  No.3529806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh i got another interesting thing.


Alex Jones acts like he didnt know anything about Bill Cooper and makes up some bullshit about nipple bobbers.

RIP Bill a true hero.

bba996  No.3529807

File: c7bdecd4d852543⋯.jpg (160.32 KB, 850x1062, 425:531, 2598907.jpg)


How about a pressed ham?

b44687  No.3529808



>>3529760 ]Sessions[ Quietly Transforming Immigration Courts

>>3529726, >>3529780 Star of David on Migrant Caravan truck

>>3529732 Islamist Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary freed in dark of night

like this?

7eedad  No.3529809


Imagine what delicacies they have on other planets?

b7e941  No.3529810

Has Ben Shapiro ever discussed Q? Asking for a friend…

6e9197  No.3529811

File: 8e06c02cb6a762c⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 470x595, 94:119, 8e06c02cb6a762c084996ff2fa….jpg)

File: 2cd5758f547e902⋯.jpg (14.24 KB, 185x255, 37:51, 84b66ea3c9df3c8d20e5c2f304….jpg)

55df4c  No.3529812


How old are you?

126c50  No.3529813

File: 938671d6baee2e6⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 021cd340c40f9bb7771965facd….jpg)


If there was going to be a declass before mid-terms, then it would have happened by now. Early voting has already started in states with competitive races.

16678c  No.3529814


What would be the advantage to withholding tons of incriminating intel, if you could release it with the stroke of a pen?

The answer is complicated to illustrate, but a matter of common sense.

54460c  No.3529815

File: ff8e2a918920190⋯.png (16.78 KB, 400x260, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1e10d805406eab⋯.png (329.26 KB, 768x512, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f53a391fbcef6b9⋯.png (394.21 KB, 555x428, 555:428, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dd028167050790⋯.png (609.87 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


It all comes from DNA

And DNA comes from biochemical molecules

Like a certain sugar called Ribose

That is nice for forming polysaccharide spirals

Throw in a bit of phospate on each sugar molecule

And lo and behold

Amino acids bond to it making spiral staircases (RNA)

And spiral ladders (DNA)


It all came from



8fb196  No.3529816


No way we are having legit elections. I doubt there has been a legit election since Reagan’s first term…..running the worlds largest cash cow is not left to “The People” it’s decided long before you ever vote

5d28e8  No.3529817

File: 8760b9b00e5c3aa⋯.png (11.5 KB, 1011x106, 1011:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5ec3ce26fa22a2⋯.png (801.19 KB, 1221x2602, 1221:2602, ClipboardImage.png)

China says ex-Internet czar on trial over corruption charges


884282  No.3529818

File: dbed28488ae9854⋯.png (456.81 KB, 494x331, 494:331, golden rule.png)

Am for one stoked to watch the USPS shape up. We pay minimum 1$ for every package delivered from China and some other Countries, too. Because of an ancient Treaty that we unilololateraly observe. Looks like we are hopping out of the chair now and the other guy's gonna get a haircut. PAIN.

There's contraband and counterfeit interdiction efforts cross-Agencies. If the supplies don't dry-up for the junkies, then we're all fucked.

6cc51d  No.3529819

>October 2001

>twin tower hadn't even stopped glowing red

>one IDF ex-colonel who was later quietly deported by foreign minister Jorge (((Gutman))) and charged with MPC 123 for entering the country illegally

>one Mexican Jew (also deported!)

>Mexican Parliament

>caught red-handed

>reported in five Mexican newspapers, Panamanian newspaper and Tele Mundo

>according to guards who arrested them: "two 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, three detonators, 58 bullets and Pakastani passports (Diario del Mexico)"

>nothing in the Western press

>article in ex-pat English newsletter quickly scrubbed

>absurdly threadbare cover story that the men were "security consultants"

e250ba  No.3529820


this won't come out before the mid terms. Otherwise the dems may call election rigging.

This is another election that WE THE PEOPLE will have to win and put our faith in POTUS and Q team.

Once the election and senate is secured then the real shit can begin!

No more blocking…

WE have always been held at a higher standard than the Dems (look at their violence and many other things), so we must WIN this properly…

c1adcf  No.3529821


Some people that find their way here are very deficient in many areas, not just one. Some are young, immature, low IQ, mentally ill and uneducated, all at the same time. It makes one wonder how they actually make their way here. They must have help!

7eedad  No.3529822


I thought it was Marduk?

Or are Marduk and Tiamat the same?

Im also a ginger, and I've had an unexplainable interest in giants since I was a child.

8fb196  No.3529823


Funny how foreign countries actually arrest rich people and put them in jail.

America gives them banquets and showers them praise.

5d28e8  No.3529824

File: 56199519dfa778f⋯.png (24.01 KB, 1042x189, 1042:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fd059e74e93d01⋯.png (907.22 KB, 1221x2319, 407:773, ClipboardImage.png)

Soldier deployed to Guantanamo Bay dies while swimming at beach


c1adcf  No.3529825


DECLAS isnt for the PUBLIC, its for the SENATE. It should happen before midterms, they have been STALLING for TWO GODDAMN YEARS

16678c  No.3529826


Right. That's why I'm asking. Because I have dedicated myselfvto this for a year, but could not reconcile why you wouldn't declass a single GD thing out of 'everything' to help the elections along.

54460c  No.3529827

File: e101c568ea559da⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 200 KB, 625x871, 625:871, SatanTorturingChildren.jpg)


Old Nick

The devil

Everyone knows this evil fellow in the red suit

The image is evil and disgusting as a man in a devil costume tortures two young children

WARNING do not click the spoiler if you have never witnessed a SATANIST ritual torturing children

And before you click, get something to barf into because this is REAL TORTURE that you will witness.

398c48  No.3529828


You have a good point here anon. What if the midterms are a carefully laid trap? If the democrats and deep state players try to manipulate votes like they’ve done for decades, BOOM! MI/POTUS is watching and waiting…

577488  No.3529829


And there is no better band of misfits on earth I would choose spend my time with.

7eedad  No.3529830


Absolutely horrific, anon.

And Im seasoned.

cfd9b8  No.3529831

Made an NPC twatter account. Never had so much fun.

c9c7ec  No.3529832


Early voting seems to be a Red Wave.

I think the surprise in the final week before election day will surprise everybody.

Red Tsunami incoming!

96f96c  No.3529833

File: a8eed75915be784⋯.png (534.82 KB, 831x579, 277:193, Fmr US Navy.png)

File: 6328c391d1f1c8a⋯.png (334.33 KB, 837x764, 837:764, Fmr US Navy 2.png)

Anybody caught this one yet?


From the original source : https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2018/10/18/navy-captain-charged-with-steering-defense-contracts-to-her-own-company/

7eedad  No.3529834


Give em hell!!!

c1adcf  No.3529835



956cb0  No.3529836


Really amazing how many are sprouting up

54460c  No.3529838


Yes, when Satan gets his CLAWS out, it is a horror to behold.

8fb196  No.3529839

File: abaa9a5b633511d⋯.jpeg (67.47 KB, 636x480, 53:40, 9C91B6FE-B1CB-4774-BA1A-9….jpeg)

The old fucks in DC ran outta town like pussies

Q said watch the budget……what budget…..oh you mean the budget that pays Q”s bills…The American people have no right to question government spending

Yes you live in a commie country…always did

cfd9b8  No.3529840


There are so many. It's hilarious.

7eedad  No.3529841


This will actually make for a great meme and Christmas is around the corner

5d28e8  No.3529842

File: f9bf3fd6c8a73d6⋯.png (922.83 KB, 2102x1996, 1051:998, ClipboardImage.png)


Nevada Brothel Owner Expected To Win Election Despite Death


908c28  No.3529843

anon's ignore this please,

The place I'm at doesn't feel safe, one of them is actively talking about damaging Q as much as they can and I don't know what to do. They tried to get me to think I was crazy several times this week and I still feel really sick and it doesn't seem to go away because this place feels wrong now. I would just leave and stay at a motel but what money I have isn't enough.

46b5e8  No.3529844

File: bdf7e6aa7dcad39⋯.png (59.41 KB, 644x543, 644:543, 1539934617828.png)

398c48  No.3529845


Uninformed NPCs flocking to the voting booth like sheep.

956cb0  No.3529846


And apart from twatter’s panic banning, no one knows how the fuck to deal with them. Bafflingly perfect

8fb196  No.3529847


Tough to unrig a Soros voting machine….he was gonna win dead or alive

See how this works

577488  No.3529848

File: 3709bb1fb008e0a⋯.jpeg (85.2 KB, 625x633, 625:633, F7DB2FE5-1785-4E09-BFCD-8….jpeg)

7eedad  No.3529849

File: 4fc38162cfe2e9f⋯.jpg (303.47 KB, 1000x1079, 1000:1079, dennis hof was offed.jpg)

c1adcf  No.3529850


Denounce Q openly to them. Its no problem for you to take care of your personal safety first. Tell them you've had a change of heart and have come to your senses. You are a perfect candidate for a false flag operation patsy. Get away as soon as possible

484ad4  No.3529851


I believe Marduk and Tiamat may both be names for the now gone planet. People may have called Mars Marduk in antiquity.

It stands to reason there are a few seeding of human races here.

I think the reddish hair/freckle/long skull and lanky limb-ed types are from "Tiamat/Marduk/Mars"

However, I've seen lots of suggestions that Orion, Sirius and Lyra are points of Origin for humans that have traveled here and become part of the Earth family.

The story may be complicated, for example:

If humans originally evolved in Lyra, many hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years ago, they could have traveled to Sirius, Orion and Earth/Tiamat.

Could be a big diaspora out there, Earth is then a bit of a melting pot

7eedad  No.3529852


What this guy says


f89b70  No.3529853


Only two things can happen at the midterms. Either the elections are fair and POTUS gets a referendum on his agenda, or the Democrats rig the votes and steal the House.

We get to watch them do it because they have no other option. They will be caught red handed stealing the election. They will take control of the House. It will piss of every MAGA supporter in the land.

The FISA already proves widespread voter fraud, proof positive, other nations explicitly involved. HUGE IMPLICATIONS WORLD WIDE. The people of those nations have not had fair elections either. Trump has stated that other nations have shown a great deal of concern over the redaction of the FISA.

Leveraging the FISA not only gives the DNC no options, but it also gives the deep state parties in the other nations no options.

Part of the Awakening is the people of the world watching the deep state do what they have always done, stolen the elections. There will be some fringe leftists that will claim it's a lie, but the evidence will be over whelming.

The FISA brings down the HOUSE. We clean HOUSE after the midterms one way or the other. It's the Democrats choice on how they want to end themselves.

Same for those bad actor parties in all of the Five Eyes nations. The cabal is about to drop completely out of power.

08ec8f  No.3529854

File: 81d3ffa30ae59d0⋯.jpg (93.33 KB, 500x636, 125:159, 2k2jof.jpg)

126c50  No.3529855




The simplest answer is that Q team believes that the Election doesn't need any "help" from a declass. Maybe they feel that a declass right now would hinder momentum built up from the Kavanaugh confirmation, migrant caravan response, or whatever else is coming down the piple.

b54551  No.3529856

So here’s a little problem Q either doesn’t understand or isn’t aware of. Trump cannot legally call in the military; he needs permission from Congress which is a bit of a sticky wicket at the moment (right before elections) and won’t happen at all if the Dems take the House. If military IS used on the border, it is only for backup to border patrol. The military cannot go there armed, nor can they arrest or detain anyone. Last time the military went to the border it was to help shore up a 25 mile section of the “fence” that exists now (I believe it was in Texas) that had become broken and porous.

Just now the Mexican ambassador was on TV talking about the migrant march from Honduras and Guatemala. Mexican govt. is well aware this is a political operation, and they intend to stop them at their southern border. However, their own immigration laws aren’t much better than ours, perhaps a bit stronger, but in theory they will repatriate anyone who does not have a legitimate claim and documentation immediately (US authorities can’t do that here). Our laws are more stringent where Mexican immigrants are concerned (than they are for South America) so if these people from SA become Mexican citizens it would be easier for us to stop them should they decide to journey further north. I’m not clear on all of it, or even if Mexico insists on SA immigrants becoming Mexican citizens, or if so how long the whole process takes.

Anyway, Mexico is not going to simply usher them through…. like I mentioned before, we are on much better terms with them since Trump made the trade deal getting rid of NAFTA and the new arrangement is called USMCA or something.




577488  No.3529857


Pelosi opening her to hole to release more crazy?

956cb0  No.3529858


That or POTUS is leveraging the fuck out of everyone with the mere threat of a declass. No doubt in my mind half of Q’s posts are trolling DS. Unfortunately chumps jump of the bandwagon and start spouting predictions.

908c28  No.3529859


thank you for the advice… I did, but this is more complex than I can explain. well I said what I could and hopefully the right person got the message.

If I have to stay here I will, I got a message about staying at a motel but they either aren't aware or dont' realize how little money I have that it's just not an option. And even if I went to one it'd be a leap of faith that people would even take it from there. I'm confused and frustrated… and I can't say half of what I'd like to.

16678c  No.3529860


If you have an image of, say, HRC fist-raping a Haitian slave on Pedo Island, crying about election rigging rings a little hollow.

f2b568  No.3529861

Moarnin' anons! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

bba996  No.3529862

File: 206b51823062516⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2kgqes.jpg)

875b74  No.3529863


disgusting degenerates

46b5e8  No.3529864


Proclamation 7463

f89b70  No.3529865


False. We are still under the 2001 national emergency, War on Terror opened by Bush. Trump doesn't need Congress approval to activate troops.

He sure as hell doesn't need UN approval or any other approval.

0e4f67  No.3529866

File: 92aa38e44c9cc03⋯.png (359.16 KB, 523x550, 523:550, soros_arena.png)

882e17  No.3529867

File: 36a9e7ff2b6096f⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 15399414021396498431071097….jpg)

File: 65019b290944e81⋯.jpg (2.09 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 15399420059378017151174928….jpg)

Morning guys how's nightwatchman going. Bill schoe…

I been doing offline study and figured out that it isn't sinister7 putting me thru time but nin and golden bb agent cooper. What a relief. Super nat you owl. Lol. Anyhow I'm working on getting some income and picked up a xeon off Ebay for a song. So Kansas is doing ok and will return soon. Probably going to ask honey badger store for j.o.b. lol. Btw Npc meme is so great.

7bb07a  No.3529868

File: 77fbdc268ce6a37⋯.jpeg (560.56 KB, 750x1227, 250:409, C9B6792A-640B-4BCD-A6FD-7….jpeg)

Khashogg - recommend reading

“The Ugly Terror Truth About Jamal Khashoggi” (10/18/18)


6c0bb6  No.3529869


All the people who have worked for the White House , and in politics need auditing.

Around the globe.

Follow the money. (KEY)

c1adcf  No.3529870


We have all been through what you are experiencing.

Be smart.

Loose lips sink ships.

Keep your phone charged and call 911 at the first sign of trouble.

Remain calm.




You have overloaded yourself and its not your battle to fight.

Patriots are in control.

7eedad  No.3529871


I have read several theories that give a Battlestar Galactica story, which jives with what you are saying, and makes a lot of sense.

The "how" and "why" though is another beast altogether.

I'm really excited to learn all those gritty details and the truth, about all of it.

9177f6  No.3529872

aed768  No.3529873

File: f5372c118480933⋯.jpg (18.54 KB, 185x315, 37:63, fakemigrants.JPG)


They're getting paid. Who's the backer? Who are the thugs they've hired as paymasters? MS-13? Notice that white shirt is packing a 9mm. Bundle of cash and handing it out a bill at a time to fake "migrants" intending to break the laws of the USA (and their transit countries). Pic from the video posted on Matt Gaetz's twatter.

8fb196  No.3529874


I can’t beleive I’m in Gaybook jail for posting 3 letters and a badly drawn meme

Wow…..America ain’t free man

f89b70  No.3529875


Yes, leverage is how you win wars. You don't drop your biggest bomb when the threat of it is enough on it's own. It's like blackmail, but this war and fuck them. They did it to themselves.

7eedad  No.3529876

File: 8af17ab282d88bf⋯.jpg (509.12 KB, 1671x1590, 557:530, george soros the ring mast….jpg)


None other than…

956cb0  No.3529877


And please shine a light on J [Key]. Complicit?

882e17  No.3529878

File: a721160b33e2323⋯.jpg (945.92 KB, 2560x1920, 4:3, IMG_20181019_003324.jpg)


Man so there is hotel here with how and why symbol as well as a 6 restruany

cb19d3  No.3529879

Can someone please post the statisitk meme with the arrested Pedos Hussain/POTUS?

I try to redpill a really liberal friend and I don´t find it! She is listening!!!

Thank you!

0a8b00  No.3529880


I needed to hear this, thank you anon

8fb196  No.3529881


They were told to blend in…..you’ve got MS-13 applying for jobs everywhere now, a bunch of them have become…..get this…licensed real estate agents.

bd4f76  No.3529882

>>3527822 (pb)

Finally got Zach a new role?

956cb0  No.3529883


Agree. And sometimes we’re collateral damage in Q’s disinformation/threats to the ds. Still, that’s what we signed up for. Just wish the easily lead astray amongst us would ease up on their prediction fagging. Never ends well.

bba996  No.3529885

File: c0fceaf6b741d6d⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2kgqra.jpg)

46b5e8  No.3529886

File: 0e39faafa523af3⋯.jpg (111.18 KB, 1200x1126, 600:563, 0bx6yfgc3s511.jpg)

cb19d3  No.3529887


Thank you! Saved!!!

0f2cbb  No.3529888

File: 47aa44651596ddc⋯.jpg (306.06 KB, 960x834, 160:139, Clip_72.jpg)

27696c  No.3529889

File: 3522def467817af⋯.jpg (74.66 KB, 945x1200, 63:80, OrionsBelt.jpg)

File: de9de9ddf682264⋯.png (27.83 KB, 493x382, 493:382, Screenshot-2018-5-10 The M….png)

File: fbbcbee13d7b60a⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Scar_on_Mars.jpg)

File: 38511dabcddc68e⋯.png (564.64 KB, 569x380, 569:380, Screenshot-2018-6-23 ecuda….png)

File: edab80089c8e9ad⋯.png (201.39 KB, 698x392, 349:196, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Human….png)


Okay… You just jump 200 light years away…

Sounds like you are on to something, but you may need a little bit moar guidance and less theory…

On earth., we have been through A LOT!! We didn't "evolve" from monkeys, but rather adapted to new conditions within our solar system… Gravity was a weaker on Earth… Not that the Force itself was weaker due to some hypothetical shifts post-Big Bang BS, but rather a different amount of energy traveling in and out of the poles.. Our DNA has the ability to alter itself within our lifetimes (see: epigenetics) and extreme events would certainly call for rapid "evolution" (again, it's adaptaion… See "Junk DNA")… This is also why we don't see dinosaurs anymore… Gravity has nothing to do with the size of the planet, but rather it is a by-product of the Electromagnetic Force…

Anyway… We do have a connection to Orion's Belt as part of our stellar origin, however that was a very long time ago.., and Earth may not have even been conceived yet… More recently, we also have connections to Sirius, which is only 8.2 light years away, which is incredibly close by astronomical standards!! As the cosmic tale goes (and the symbolism will verify), Sirius used to be at the central location in the heavens (basically, it was our sun).. As far as I can tell, we orbited a smaller brown dwarf star/planet, Saturn, that orbited Sirius (or something like that, I wasn't there.. I'm just trying to piece this all together with everybody else..) Saturn "fell from grace" and became the "god" who ruled over the "Golden Age" (I'm guessing that would be less energy meant lower gravity, meant Giant people = Golden Age)..

Then one day Saturn crossed paths with Jupiter… this was the Great "War in the Heavens"… Jupiter won and became "god" of the Roman times… Guess what, tho?? Jupiter got dethroned and thus we are in the "New Age".. It's crazy, I know.., but the more you look into this stuff the more things make sense… Too many coincidences!! The asteroid belt was a planet, or may have been 2 or 3 even, however as the solar system was re-configured what may have been a few times in Earth's past, charges get passed between celestial bodies as they seek a new equilibrium (see: nice comfy orbits), the scar on Mars was left after an encounter… It sounds like it could have been the newly birthed Venus, or Jupiter that left the mark… Earth has a pretty big scar, too… It's beautiful, however destructive it may have been…

Too much to go over, even more to sauce, but it's out there if you seek ;) I don't want to take up 50posts like pleidian plewb, just trying to offer some directions for you to look if you so feel the need

08ec8f  No.3529890


Way easier.

Battlestar Galactica's ultimate ending (2000's reboot) shows that the whole thing has been:

The Answer to Isaac Asimov's "The Last Question".

Flips the ending from "cop out" to "fuckin' genius".

956cb0  No.3529891


Good. That’s some sage advice

7eedad  No.3529892

File: e633c195755bb8d⋯.jpg (330.66 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, mark zuckerberg desire to ….jpg)


Those trip 8's!

c63a0b  No.3529893

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GAA Update

Hello Nightshift,

i added #4462 to #4476 and updated the checksums.



4462-4476.zip MD5: 3df5497ba7556267e88ebe8927de687c


4462-4476.html.zip MD5: f297acaaf36850663a78433e73b35a85

The archive now contains 4483 breads.


27696c  No.3529894

File: 03e74143e30e83a⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 607x318, 607:318, ZPC_This.jpg)

0f2cbb  No.3529895

File: fd4beacd204813e⋯.jpg (388.38 KB, 833x1078, 17:22, Clip_70.jpg)

c1adcf  No.3529896

File: a4117a532f94164⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB, 480x288, 5:3, Can you believe this, and ….mp4)


Trump posted the RAW video on twitter:

Donald J. Trump

Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Can you believe this, and what Democrats are allowing to be done to our Country?

4:04 PM - 18 Oct 2018


bba996  No.3529897

File: ff9f9cf28286f27⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2kgqxb.jpg)

884282  No.3529898

File: 98ecdf158e5ebb7⋯.png (142.4 KB, 510x583, 510:583, hey jimbo.png)

File: 45d94c47294f969⋯.jpg (123.8 KB, 652x768, 163:192, can read plz.jpg)


…others for friends

02194a  No.3529899


Yeah that pretty much lines up with what I've read.

From the sources I trust most though, it seems like Marduk was another planet that was destroyed.

There was also a Martian civilization that was destroyed as well. For proof of that look up the face on mars and the CIA Mars gateway interview.

I read the remnants of the martian civilization was cloned and transferred to earth by Yahweh. You can read more here https://www.lawofone.info/results.php?q=yahweh

It seems lime there were also native Earth inhabitants who evolved from apes, and at least one other race from that Law of One material I linked to above. Out of everything spiritual I've read I've heard from good sources that it is very accurate, and it has resonated with me the most, so I highly recommend it.

882e17  No.3529900

Turns out I had dark cloud over me which was probably due to masons on both sides of family. Now where is that deliverance meme. Being as I'm so poor at the moment I can't get to Ohio but maybe there a local feast?

c9c7ec  No.3529901


There's a lot to be said for the Phaeton hypothesis (asteroid belt was once a planet)

Caucasians, especially lighter skinned ones, sunburn too easily to have evolved on this planet.

I've read that Caucasians suffer more from lower back problems than other races, pointing to a planet with lower gravity. (white men can't jump).

Just a theory.

b4c439  No.3529902


Any Anons want to step up and shill for a while? Shills are absent.

b54551  No.3529903



Just what I need

I’m trying to redpill and lack the vital info you have provided


0f2cbb  No.3529904

File: 5469f8517ab1d0b⋯.jpg (480.85 KB, 1324x1078, 662:539, Clip_69.jpg)


Via Doctor Q . . .

Neo-Plastic Cybermen

956cb0  No.3529905


Be careful what you wish for…

7eedad  No.3529906


Dont you dare disturb the comfy

b4c439  No.3529907



I take it back.


4aa496  No.3529908

Soldier dies at GITMO


882e17  No.3529909


Scar on Mars corresponding to Grand Canyon scar I found interesting.

16678c  No.3529910

This is the answer, anons:

1) the political analysts have counseled POTUS to back off; they likely have conducted surveys which indicate that the general public would react negatively to a declas;

2) POTUS is the boss, and he's in control. He hss decided not to declas, against Q's counseling.

This does not discount Q, but reinforces. The military accepts POTUS as Commander in Chief. POTUS has been reminding them whose boss.

I want Q's pace.

If POTUS is reminding Q that POTUS is in control, let him not forget that he serves –us–.

49d1a1  No.3529911

File: 589df9be28bbddd⋯.jpg (33.01 KB, 386x302, 193:151, 2kgr1b.jpg)

>>3529405 pb

>>3529578 pb

I posted the office space Milton memes, and another anon made a npc Milton meme, and said they did not get the glasses and mustache.

I fixed it , and added those items, KEK

bba996  No.3529912

File: 9865ec26454bc98⋯.jpg (52.62 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2kgr2k.jpg)

f89b70  No.3529913


It's a natural response. Q knows that. We are some hungry Lions ready to be fed, so when a steak gets dangled in our face we get savage about it. It also scares the fuck out of (them) because they can't tell a bluff from go time.

One day, and I think very soon, that steak is going to drop right in front of this pack of hungry Lions and all those Anons that got butt hurt will sprint right back here for the feeding. Believe me, anyone who "left" because of the bait drops haven't gone very far. They are just outside the circle peeking back in, they know what's coming just not when.

484ad4  No.3529914


There's some gingers out there allergic to the sun….now what in the hell is that?

I'm as pale as you can get before albino, I even probably have an unusual amount of vitamin D that I produce since I seem impervious to seasonal effective disorder.

In other words, I could probably survive in space on a ship or underground, or a world with much, much less UV light. That gets me scratching my head.

6270cc  No.3529915


Hey BeerAnon -

bit of heavy lifting goin' on there!.

Keep safe, Good Man.

882e17  No.3529916

To jailbreak or not to jailbreak?

956cb0  No.3529917


Good. Feels like a few kinks in the timeline lately but I’m starting to sense something in the wind. Smells like…..

c1adcf  No.3529918

File: e35a6a5a1abfa20⋯.gif (184.17 KB, 245x105, 7:3, huckleberry_wink.gif)


Nah you will suffice.

So Hillary says "You can't be civil with a Party that wants to Destroy everything you stand for" Is she talking to Democrats? The Party has destroyed:

- the Minority communities

- the Middle Class

- the Family

- Property Values

- the Workforce

etc etc

908c28  No.3529919


thank you, I can think of so many possibilities right now for what is actually going on here. I do trust the plan, and I get that it hasn't went in my case exactly the way it was probably intended and I have to adapt to that. living with someone who constantly hates on Trump and Q in hour long rants each day is niether easy nor fun and recently has made me feel crazy too but if that's the way it has to be so be it.

d9f372  No.3529920

File: 2cc3a204c8d811f⋯.png (800.26 KB, 1080x748, 270:187, Screenshot_20181004-022503….png)

Do it Q !

bba996  No.3529921

File: 3a5cd07d750844d⋯.jpg (56.96 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2kgrco.jpg)

7eedad  No.3529922


We get so deep into the events of right now, I sometimes get lost in the moment and forget we still have all this to cover.

f89b70  No.3529923


Hell no. POTUS and Q are steady and on target. The plan hasn't changed Anon. The threat of Declas is always lingering in front of ((them)) and they don't know a bluff from the real deal. Thats the game being played. The game is over, just a matter of letting the DNC decide if they want to off themselves or let us do it.

956cb0  No.3529924


Check out some beginners mindfulness meditations on YouTube. A solid 10 mins of that even will help counter an hour of ranting. Important for the old brain to have a little rest

aed768  No.3529925





I was digging on the leader Bartolo Fuentes and his accomplices who were detained yesterday, but (a) mostly refs in Spanish and (b) have to get to work.

It looks like classic Soros funding, but the $$ support is ambiguous.

7d9369  No.3529926


Both are natural phenomenons from plasma discharges. See Electric Universe.

49d1a1  No.3529927

File: 0408db04dcd78ff⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 471x493, 471:493, 2kgrhv.jpg)

882e17  No.3529928



Do you think happened at some time though? Also re: marmaduke dog in comics being marduke and mars.

c1adcf  No.3529929


There is that 4-6% and your safety is PARAMOUNT.

Don't sweat it. You have no idea if the seeds you planted will grow, but you tried.

Sounds like 'tis time to move on.

As for whoever they are, Not everyone will make it to the end of this, some will fall victim to their ideology and programming. It happens every day. family friends and strangers, they are all just people. Some are made for greatness, some to destroy, but we each have our own right and choice which it will be. Sounds to me like you made the right choice Patriot.

God Bless You and Keep You Safe!

49d1a1  No.3529930

File: 83c6a16204fc372⋯.jpg (76.39 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2kfd4q.jpg)

File: 8e3b8a4e59fe157⋯.png (835.81 KB, 672x1024, 21:32, 8e3b8a4e59fe1576772ba14dfd….png)

File: 8315d98baa44ed7⋯.jpeg (865.26 KB, 1927x2046, 1927:2046, 8315d98baa44ed7b71cc0a3c9….jpeg)

File: 8a28fe8354a73dd⋯.jpg (115.9 KB, 1024x870, 512:435, 8a28fe8354a73dd12258b3a3c4….jpg)

Second picture is a costume an anon made for Halloween, kek

908c28  No.3529931


I am just trying to take my mind off it… I downloaded some anime and so that's sort of working. I used to have panic attacks and it feels like they are coming back I just have to get time to pass right now it seems. If I were just in a different situation I'd be more productive to the movement and extraordinarily optimistic instead of frustrated and feeling constantly sick and confused. so perhaps meditation is the solution so thank you, I'll consider it.

c9c7ec  No.3529932


I think that a long, long time ago there was an inter-planetary war in our solar system that went down in legends, myths and religions as the "war in heaven".

We're the survivors trying to get along on the only habitable planet remaining in the "Goldilocks zone".

bba996  No.3529933

File: c9aad82ae861c2d⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2kgrma.jpg)

484ad4  No.3529934


Some good work has been done on the "…the more unrealistic it all becomes" board.

Law Of One "Ra Material" Is Interesting

Symbols of an Alien sky is interesting

Immanuel Velikovsky's theories on Jupiter/Venus

Also Brien Foerster gives talks on elongated skulls

and he actually has a collection of them.

Aaaand there's this supposed Illuminati disclosure known as "The Hidden Hand" interview


c1adcf  No.3529935

File: 5f5f420a4af29b4⋯.png (812.58 KB, 840x539, 120:77, survive_together.png)


Addendum: Now comes the PAIN is not just for (((them)))

we all will experience PAIN from what is coming, no doubt.

But we have to be tough, resolute, and above all smart.

Our lives depend on good Operational Security, Situational Awareness, and Preparedness.

If you dont have these things then you are endangering yourself and others.

Everyone Pray up, suit up, and man up.

Its fucking Time!

9800f5  No.3529936



5d28e8  No.3529937

File: d5b8397e32dacc5⋯.png (455.04 KB, 755x543, 755:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 243ad6dd2701115⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1600x2954, 800:1477, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Rot in hell!’: Henry Kissinger heckled at New York University speech


8d6271  No.3529938


The tats look like cancer to me.

bba996  No.3529939

File: 7d591f66db3067c⋯.jpg (52.29 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2kgrsv.jpg)

b5fcd8  No.3529941

File: 9bb56f6050e8eb5⋯.png (99.56 KB, 651x660, 217:220, image001.png)

File: 03e1e28f4ab5660⋯.png (225.25 KB, 768x1280, 3:5, Screenshot_2018-10-19-11-4….png)

Hey anons, been lurking since… *Trump interrupts* "WHO CARES?"


I stumbeld upon the term "ORTIQ" from some namefag, and a comment from some anon that he tried three diff search engings w/o usefull outcome.

I thought, lets give it a shot!

Duckduckgo with the search term "ORTIQ": prob. a term in uzbekan language

Duckduckgo with ""ORTIQ" software": idk maybe nothing… See pic 1

See the link titel and the not matching description?

Also, i can't open the site.

Next thing I did: search the link titel!! See screenshot

Diff sites with the same URL ending and similar link titels.

Anyone has a idea what that is??

882e17  No.3529942

File: 4523e05f812460b⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 15399437872075248250625464….jpg)

To and fro. I looked up definition of froward today. Also when I hum at right frequency with eyes closed I see three pyramids when I have been fasting. I may have misunderstood the whole gird your loins with uphaz as uppers. If you fold a gideon's bible pages into 3rds it reads like a lolcat. I think desu said something about not making crooked what he had made straight though. I like desu as an alias for jesus. Btw this manga is spot on.

484ad4  No.3529943


I believe the words Marduk and Maldek are very close/the same word. Many languages find R and L to be ambiguous

49d1a1  No.3529944

File: 59b1127b153cd2e⋯.png (40.79 KB, 605x288, 605:288, Mitchell walkaway is HABBE….png)


16678c  No.3529945


Very good. But I don't think it's Q team's analysis, i think it's POTUS'.

There are independent interests in DC.Has POTUS allowed himself to appear to be beneath anyone? No. Barely even God. But he had better learn that everything I've done here is bc Q got me excited, not POTUS. Sorry, but it's true.

If POTUS carries through with the plan as outlined by Q, he will go down in history. But this is too Goddamned slow. What is he doing, hooking up his friends? Making deals?

There is not one person in jail that i had ever heard of before the 2016 elections.

POTUS needs to listen to Qteam, grow some GD balls & take a risk.

7d7168  No.3529946

File: d0377a9c19d040e⋯.jpg (295.79 KB, 981x1058, 981:1058, ex - Copy.jpg)

Ok, so wtf is going on here. Either this is fake news, but if it's true I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around them getting 700 hostage from Us led territory in Syria.


ISIS RETURNS: Sick terrorists take 700 hostage - Putin issues warning

ISIS has taken 700 people hostage in an area in Syria controlled by US-backed forces, Russian President Vladimir Putin has revealed.


PUBLISHED: 08:46, Fri, Oct 19, 2018 | UPDATED: 09:00, Fri, Oct 19, 2018

The Russian leader said the depraved terrorists had expanded its control in territory controlled by US and US-backed forces.

ISIS issued Russia with an ultimatum and vowed to execute ten people every day.

Speaking in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, Putin said the hostages included several US and European nationals.

b4c439  No.3529947


Check out New Earth Survivor series.



for some good info

27696c  No.3529948

File: c509d98aa220e8f⋯.png (842.05 KB, 1091x435, 1091:435, Screenshot_2018-10-14 Sate….png)

File: 291a870981ff38a⋯.png (229.41 KB, 1091x652, 1091:652, Screenshot_2018-10-14 Plas….png)

File: d135de63ca744a7⋯.png (618.83 KB, 1091x652, 1091:652, Screenshot_2018-10-14 Plas….png)

File: 20c30d8494aa294⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1001x652, 1001:652, Screenshot_2018-07-15 Zoom….png)

File: d6f62e9fd7b2701⋯.png (505.59 KB, 550x344, 275:172, Screenshot_2018-07-15 lich….png)


Canyons aren't the only things that were created…

Mountains, Rivers, etc… all formed in an instant!!

Africa got hit really bad… :' ( No too sure if Australia got hit at the same time, or if those were 2 separate events, but you'll see… ),:

Electricity had no problem traveling through the conductive oceans… Follow the coastlines and you come across some head scratchers… same goes for the artic regions..



This Anon knows what's up ;)


49d1a1  No.3529949


i left the dems in 2016, and had party affiliation as independent past 2 years

I switched it to republican awhile back. :)

7d7168  No.3529950

File: 5bf2b3799758018⋯.jpg (361.68 KB, 981x1058, 981:1058, ex4 - Copy.jpg)

File: 16017f998190acd⋯.jpg (352.69 KB, 981x1058, 981:1058, ex3 - Copy.jpg)

File: 5dd04b3b96ad6cf⋯.jpg (318.03 KB, 981x1058, 981:1058, ex2 - Copy.jpg)

9800f5  No.3529951


Rgr, ive just always heard it specifically as Maldek.

Ive dug into all those races and that stuff too. Ive also have red hair, greenish eyes, and a lot of cat like tendencies i notice myself doing sometimes. I got a little confused when i was trying to connect the Red hair giants to the Lyrians. Coincidentally im a Leo too.

975576  No.3529952

>>3529808 Yes, exactly. I have to go, new baker. It looks like you have it under control. Shadilay!

882e17  No.3529953


I don't have necessary software at this time

Tiny screens drive me crazy in this tempest

But I catch your drift and will be ready too learn more when new to me box gets here.

2aa562  No.3529954

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

16678c  No.3529955


Maybe you're right.

Maybe 'disinformation is necessary'

CNN gives disinformation, too.

I did not choose the 'conspiracy theorist' mantle to be lied to.

9fcf53  No.3529956

File: beefc55b612b0ca⋯.png (18.33 KB, 1089x184, 1089:184, bodyslammer - Copy.PNG)


They just don't learn how POTUS gives them rope.

c1adcf  No.3529958

File: 6825e3480322094⋯.png (2.9 KB, 1002x744, 167:124, 1539944344221.png)


You know I see this weak sauce stuff like Flatearthery Aliens and RTARDATION, but this really annoys me for some reason. We use electricity in everything we do, and some fool thinks they need to convince everyone the UNIVERSE is ELECTRIC. I mean isnt it obvious. ELECTRONS are the boundaries of reality. They drive our synapses and shape planets, I dont understand what this is other than an obvious slide

b90c80  No.3529959

File: 0befd99901e3163⋯.jpg (377.54 KB, 2500x1804, 625:451, 1535608872998.jpg)


Kurds didnt fight much or kill much. The ISIS most likely blended in to the local arab population and are slowly popping up again. Its likely that ISIS fleeing SAA also crossed the river and just walked into SDF territory.

c9c7ec  No.3529960


Thanks, anon

I've got the megalith site bookmarked and will check out New Earth Survivor.


c1adcf  No.3529961


And you as well

7e44da  No.3529962


I remember clinton and obummer going to Africa to visit Marduk, it was in the news feed. I think it's another name for Enki?

484ad4  No.3529963


I've put a few hundred hours into the subject so what I've had to become comfortable with is: I don't know what's happening or where we come from because they have been actively trying to muddy the waters and confuse us.

Everything must be taken with a grain of salt, keep entertaining new concepts as you learn.

I know this "Isn't home" and I've always known since I was very small.

However, I believe we will know what home is.

2d5df0  No.3529964

US Grand Prix this weekend. Any USAnons going who can get a Q shout-out on the TV, or even just a MAGA hat, would drive the English media nuts

135282  No.3529965


Good morning Swordanon.

Right on time as usual.

God bless ya.

27696c  No.3529966


>There's some gingers out there allergic to the sun….now what in the hell is that?

Still adapting to the brighter sun


>only habitable planet remaining in the "Goldilocks zone"

Technically Mars and Venus fall within that zone…

Not to mention Saturn and Jupiter both still give off quite a bit of radiant heat… The interplanetary war was between "planets" and "stars"


Sylvie is AWESOME!!

Some of the best independent research IN THE FIELD of ruins and megalithic structures!!

She is Woke AF!!

0a8b00  No.3529967

File: 34866547f60138e⋯.jpg (347.96 KB, 1234x777, 1234:777, Kryptos sculpture CIA Lang….jpg)

File: c0583614b01b5fe⋯.jpg (384.36 KB, 1569x897, 523:299, Kryptos solutions.jpg)

File: ed043d08b0b048e⋯.jpg (334.26 KB, 663x769, 663:769, Melania in Egypt.jpg)

File: 9a3ece504b0ed71⋯.jpg (205.08 KB, 628x936, 157:234, Wonderful Q DJT.jpg)

The Kryptos, King Tut's tomb, Melania in Egypt - WONDERFUL

The mysterious Kryptos sculpture stands at CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia.

The decodes of cipers give clues include a couple of strange 'Q's. The second one refers directly to Howard Carter, the fellow who first opened King Tut's tomb.

When asked whet he saw inside, he said 'Wonderful things'.

Was Egyptology created at around the same time last century, along with the Federal Reserve system, to hide elements of the cabal's plan? Is Melania busy undoing it all now with her cheeky trip? "I wish people would look at what I'm doing, not what I'm wearing…"

The final part of the cipher (Part 4) remains unsolved…


eede6e  No.3529968


Your asshole must be faggot

2aa562  No.3529969


slave markings.

882e17  No.3529970

File: 4f9d53be385c70c⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 570x456, 5:4, il_570xN.1063394370_o2ph.jpg)

File: 4b7a108fcc1c436⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 15399445195464402591632516….jpg)


Good to see you o king lol. Anyway I'm going to bed. Rest is essential to repair from the uphaz lol

67420e  No.3529971


Why would you ever put extraterrestrials and flat earth in the same sentence?

0a8b00  No.3529972

File: c65403b1fcdbc2d⋯.jpg (170.25 KB, 1669x860, 1669:860, Whitehouse antiquities.jpg)


Meant to add this - the DJT tweet refers to the 'Antiquities act'.

7eedad  No.3529973


GREAT dig.

859e1a  No.3529974


>The fear, as expressed by some Democrats, legal experts and immigration advocates, is that Sessions is improperly seeking out conservatives in order to to influence the tilt of the nation’s immigration courts and hire a large cadre of immigration

>judges who will likely far outlast his tenure.

If they follow their oath of office, the Rule of Law, and uphold the Constitution that is all that matters. Their Political Views will have no room to affect their decisions if the judicial machinery works as it is intended to work.

882e17  No.3529975


Its flat in holographic sense mr al gore ayy

2d5df0  No.3529976

File: fe083f6fa0d9cb2⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 485x271, 485:271, [MZ] - original npc.JPG)

577bd6  No.3529977

working on translation.

question …

i need to understand the meaning of "plants"

would "infiltrate" meet the meaning of "plants"?

27696c  No.3529979

File: 69e85f16fe77337⋯.jpg (91.97 KB, 591x380, 591:380, Pepe_BTDD_Legion_Mattis_Dr….jpg)


Count your posts, fucktard…

Where were you when Super Gay Vain Fucker posted 48 dumb things last bread that were all EXACT copies of last nights bread… Now STFU so I can go back to making memes…

c9c7ec  No.3529980


I wouldn't want to live on Venus.

Perhaps Mars, when it was habitable,

and, of course, Phaeton.

51f77c  No.3529981


in the meantime

Beginners guide


Full length


Essential guide (Reading)


6e7fa4  No.3529982

Q said -

10 days.



Is this it? Darnkess next?

8d6271  No.3529983


God Bless you swordAnon.

882e17  No.3529984


Plants grow without money. Humans need money. Wisdom is more valuable though..

Hope you enjoyed my cookies

bd3342  No.3529985


MAGA hats to Haas drivers ( R. Grosjean, K. Magnussen ) Great idea. Haas is the only US F1 team. Cheer for the home team.https://www.haasf1team.com/

d4ab4a  No.3529986



a person placed secretly in a group or organization, as by a foreign government, to obtain internal or secret information, stir up discontent, etc.


9800f5  No.3529987


Im close to your hours id say lol. Im also under those same presumptions. Its not that i fully believe, i just like to lock certain points in my brain until a later time in case they pop up. Same goes for this planet. From what ive come to read and understand, i havent a clue what we live on. I dont think we live on a globe. But who knows until we ffinally get the truth. Ive even read that theres 40,000 different races in the universe, which wouldnt even be out of reach considering the billions of galaxies out there.

bd4f76  No.3529988


>I know this "Isn't home" and I've always known since I was very small.


b44687  No.3529989


bless you, welcome, and good morning swordanon!

9fcf53  No.3529990


the context in which you decrypted the word "plants" might be helpful, otherwise you are going to get quite a few definitions you have already looked into

882e17  No.3529991



Man I will look at this having a real motivation problem. Narcolepsy almost. I hate this procrastination and wasted time. Coffee just makes me sleep.

199e4b  No.3529992

File: 3c80a50c0a2fbc5⋯.png (174.41 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 466cddc26b3cbd2⋯.png (163.43 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is the report from USAspending.gov


49d1a1  No.3529993

File: 36948f6a44ffdd7⋯.jpg (80.7 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 2kgt2y.jpg)


i thought Trump saying that was interesting as well. Considering the current crisis regarding Saudi Arabia and that Cabal news reporter.

First thing i thought when Trump said that, was the media is going to be triggered big time.

I then thought he must have said it for a reason( like if they have proof the whole Turkish Saudi reporter story is bullshit) that would be a good reason.

Also they are defending people being violent to politicians, yet OMG it's the end of the world if anyone even questions there credibility, calls them fake news.



bd3342  No.3529994

File: 164a6cd99b67644⋯.jpg (36.4 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 2018-f1-haas.jpg)


Roooom Rooooooooom

882e17  No.3529995


Anyway goodnight/morning. Btw helper anons holy spirit is ultimate helper.

577bd6  No.3529996



…got it :)

49d1a1  No.3529997

File: 295013f65c370a5⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1696x1145, 1696:1145, Alec Bladwin violently att….png)


forgot this pic with post

7eedad  No.3529998


Back at ya SA


Same here.

And with that, I'm going to bed.

What an awesome night shift tonight.

See you all in a few.

faed0f  No.3529999

File: 8a9c9253d31ccda⋯.jpg (25.05 KB, 236x314, 118:157, Be the Light.jpg)

File: c49808903e52b32⋯.png (82.52 KB, 400x565, 80:113, Light ahead.png)

File: aef6b465da7fd98⋯.jpg (21.85 KB, 515x700, 103:140, Light shines.jpg)

File: 161df1b2fde51f0⋯.jpg (113.3 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Love the Light.jpg)

File: 22248ea69d92203⋯.jpg (46.42 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Aristotle - Light.jpg)

You are the Light.

3cf01d  No.3530000


IMHO They were going to use WWIII to destroy the dollar. They would have said "Oops! Nobody could have seen that coming!" and used their control of media and education to help us forget the truth: The economy had already been hollowed out by decades of corruption, unpayable debts, and the Fed printing trillions of dollars and giving it to the Rothschilds. The financial system has always been a giant Ponzi scheme. They designed it that way. They just needed to shift the blame for the inevitable collapse, and get everyone to beg for world government + world central bank.

Now Trump has a problem. The financial system is still a giant Ponzi, and they could just collapse it and blame it on him. The easiest way to do this is for the Fed to raise rates too quickly, thus ending the free-money financial crack binge we had under Obama, and use the media to blame the crack withdrawals on Trump.

I think at some point he is going to have to send the Marines in to sack the Fed and seize any Ft. Knox gold that hasn't already been sent by tunnel to JP Morgan.


The subsequent anal probe would reveal at least 20 trillion dollars shoveled to Cabal interests, mainly after the crash of '08. This would provide Trump the justification to end the Fed and put control of the money back under the US Treasury.

There would be two legal options for handling the trillions of dollars of debt which is used to take in the real assets and labor of us serfs who chase the Fed's counterfeit electrons. The first option is to say that all former debts are payable not in new Treasury greenbacks, but in worthless Federal Reserve Notes. This would cause a lot of chaos. Which is not to say Trump wouldn't do it- Kek is obviously strong with him- but he doesn't want to take the blame for the chaos, so he would probably only do this if things were already bad.

The other option is for the Treasury to issue trillion-dollar Platinum coins (with Trump's smug mug, of course!) and use these coins to legally pay off all debts to the Cabal. This is a better way of surgically screwing the Cabal, and possibly China too.


Really glad Trump is talking about the Fed. It is absolute cancer. Worse than the media. But most people don't understand it.

c1adcf  No.3530001


because they are NOT /qresearch/

Take it to an appropriate board, its sliding. Just like this post is sliding. But its ok, cause I may be sliding I aint shilling. I am a prayer warrior and I come here to gather reports for higher ups. I take this info and share it with those who have the ability to do something with it, and its working.

They dont care about flatearth or extraterrestrials, because neither are buying property, building businesses, or hiring people.

49d1a1  No.3530002

File: 2b549dc8af0e76f⋯.png (233.14 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Dark to light checker.png)



967a7b  No.3530003


It would be worth your time to do some reading of history about a group of vicious giants called the Fomor. They are connected with the Tautha de Dunaan and are part of Ireland's origin story.

beb7fe  No.3530004

Nikki Haley new job -comedian

9. "I saw when recently [President Barack Obama] said that we're not supposed to use the FBI or the Justice Department to punish political enemies. Comey, McCabe and Strzok said, now you tell us! Turns out what President Obama meant to say — 'That's what we use the IRS for.'"


49d1a1  No.3530005

File: 61dcf73abb3a185⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 666x499, 666:499, Q research Christian badge.jpg)

File: e1b4220415a6efb⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 624x500, 156:125, Q Research Christian Badge….jpg)

dfce27  No.3530006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dweller on the Threshold

f2b59c  No.3530007

File: c1b9f9f9c8d0d59⋯.png (536.01 KB, 591x595, 591:595, ClipboardImage.png)


First live testing of the decentralized serverless internet.

9fcf53  No.3530008

File: 562ce8d411c18e5⋯.png (18.36 KB, 1012x176, 23:4, smear - Copy.PNG)

File: c71057d5750415c⋯.png (16.18 KB, 501x296, 501:296, Qmfkr - Copy.PNG)


they should know by now POTUS doesn't speak anything but truth. In fact, I am quite sure they do know that. I think it was spoken as part of "the light reveals who is truly with us."

Bottom line, the "news" has been making quite a few people wake up to the bias against truth when false narrative is beneficial on a political agenda. Here's another one this morning they are using to rile the masses…


70d9ba  No.3530010

File: 1acf4811c6747d8⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1330x1146, 665:573, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at ….png)



36628d  No.3530011

Could some ammo knowledgeable anon explain this


faff24  No.3530012


You shouldn't lie to anons, nothing links him to mosad.

eat more used tampons

2aa562  No.3530013


You are right anon.

There are multiple treatment programs which can effectively "cure " longstanding alcohol and opiate addictions. not a secret.

7bb07a  No.3530014

File: 5766f9f7576049c⋯.jpeg (230.32 KB, 750x405, 50:27, FD1582F5-57E1-42B3-90E6-5….jpeg)


Right now I think DJT is waiting for the press to keep shortening their own rope.

Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.

Khashoggi is connected. Like met Hussein f2f in June 2009 connected. Like conspiracy-to-commit connected. MB. BOOM.

Think 9/11; Vegas; Benghazi; Fast’n’furious; Arab Spring; Syrian gassing; etc…..my theory is that some of this is going to be made public very soon.

5d28e8  No.3530015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0KP day

49d1a1  No.3530016


Because he is rummored to be muslim brotherhood or connnected to them

( hence he was a cabal clown spook)

They were mentioning it on Fox yesterday,about his ties.

According to them he is innocent until proven guilty,

funny how that works for them

Justice K was respected for years, top of his class, one of the top judicial minds and he was considered guilty until proved innocent.

This reporter is not even American, and is connected to bad people in the middle east, and he is innocent.GO FIGURE

what a bunch of hypocritical bullshit,

f89b70  No.3530017

File: eb053c62d829f02⋯.jpg (111.49 KB, 465x680, 93:136, Elections.jpg)

File: f95e0412c815204⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 440x426, 220:213, Midterms.jpg)

These two drops are telling us what is going on right now. I can't be the only Anon who sees this.

Why is it important Huber can indict in all 50 states? ELECTIONS In all 50 States

Has an investigation been opened in all 50 States? Hell yeah it has.

Why would it require a FISA? Because foreign governments are involved WITH STEALING YOUR ELECTIONS FROM YOU

Well what about the ritual child sacrifice?

FISA IS THE START BRO. The get away with murder because they have corrupted your entire government BY STEALING YOUE ELECTIONS

What about the Leftist Marxism, our Freedoms under attack, all the liberal destruction of everything around us, the media, welfare state, university system, blatant anti white racism?

THEY GET AWAY WILL ALL OF THAT because they usurped power, installed deep state thugs into power positions, and held your freedoms for ransom BECAUSE THEY STOLE YOUR ELECTIONS

Thats what Part one of this movie is all about THE MIDTERMS.

Democrats Have to steal them to survive. FACT

Will they? Lets wait and see!

Either way they LOSE.

Midterms are A PUNT.

Think Football

POTUS gave them the ball but there is NO WHERE TO RUN

They steal them, we get to SEE IT happen in REAL TIME

Do they get away with it HELL NO

Awake yet Anons?

55000+ indictments over people and institutions that have STOLEN your Country, STOLEN your freedoms, MURDERED your childen, Brainwashed your women and minorities into HATING YOU. All of it possible because of ELECTIONS.



I don't want to hear any more shit about how election fraud is weak shit. If any anon here thinks this isn't a big deal then you have NO CLUE how POLICY rules EVERYTHING AROUND YOU.

634502  No.3530018

File: 16cead4d802cc2c⋯.mp4 (759.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, truzuk.mp4)

49d1a1  No.3530019



Had that line to close to other, should have made distinction between the 2 statements

9fcf53  No.3530020

File: 5a45514cd69efaa⋯.png (14.19 KB, 993x193, 993:193, ronregcrash - Copy.PNG)


Seems interesting…planes aren't the only thing that crashes…

faff24  No.3530021


People are stupid.

We are in space.

We are space travelers.

Beer is good.

7bb07a  No.3530022


And that’s exactly what this Khashoggi Affair is going to expose.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this is happening right after Kav.

5d28e8  No.3530023


ooops that should read

0KP day, health warnings for increased cosmic rays.

a2514c  No.3530024

File: 7c8fd28f386c2d7⋯.jpg (129.39 KB, 500x691, 500:691, smoke up jhonny.jpg)

7e44da  No.3530025


JIDF clown

0e4f67  No.3530026


Thanks for the input. Yeah I really couldnt imagine crashing the US dollar be part of the plan, but it doesnt change the fact that it is still overvalued. Something massive has got to change to actually give the dollar proper value again. I find it interesting that back in April the Japanese found a massive deposit of rare earth minerals.


And now POTUS wants a free trade deal with the Japanese. I know the dollar is meant to be backed by gold and silver, but I see a whole lot of other metals being able to back it. Will be interesting to watch how this part pans out.

c1adcf  No.3530027

File: f16375457995fb3⋯.png (159.09 KB, 1318x712, 659:356, no-oh-wait-q1.png)

faed0f  No.3530028

File: d5b49c9941d908b⋯.png (541.07 KB, 500x625, 4:5, You were born for this.png)

File: 3ff4bc1fb281d75⋯.jpg (176.55 KB, 1917x1048, 1917:1048, Spreading Light.jpg)

File: c24db2387b03e8a⋯.jpg (90.86 KB, 701x960, 701:960, Love.jpg)

File: 78015cebe41061d⋯.jpg (1006.67 KB, 3318x2212, 3:2, Plato Light.jpg)

File: 17313a9cd98ca20⋯.jpg (13.44 KB, 190x266, 5:7, Your light will shine.jpg)




The Light is the truth.

9fcf53  No.3530029


lol yep…..hypocrisy has been the forefront of political campaigning since as long as I can remember, hence my reluctance to ever vote or get into political analysis…until this administration came along. I am just relieved others can see it all too and now we disseminate the information as one giant thinktank. It has been a great privilege to have been introduced to the boards and the amazing anons. It has been a very rare thing in my life to congress with individuals whom actually have intellect. The sarcasm and sense of humor along with that in here….there is no way we can fail.

8af72d  No.3530030


Shit, is this news to you, anon?

How many choppers have gone down in the last year?

27696c  No.3530031

File: d049c2d2e84f153⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 625x73, 625:73, Fully_auto_is_ILLEGAL.jpg)


Fully automatic is illegal to own…

Not hatin'… Just the rules…

faff24  No.3530032


Only one reason they have not declassed yet.

On going GJ investigation. Only valid reason.

08cecb  No.3530033

49d1a1  No.3530034


WOW, those are the cigarettes i smoke, KEK

Never knew they guarded against throat scratch, LMAO

Love the pic name( smoke up Johnny)

From breakfast club, the guy that got a carton of Cigarettes for Christmas from his old man.

cba3c7  No.3530035

Didn't see this articles in the Notables. Here's how CEOs are voting with their $$:


9fcf53  No.3530036


nah, not news….I see more than just that….location of carrier, names, etc.etc.

Sadly enough though there are still quite a few who don't seem to realize the news has reported more crashes this year than any other in regards to aviation. But no, not this anon.

d005d4  No.3530037

File: cf62bc15746c11d⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 600x400, 3:2, rclogo.jpg)

File: 6dbba35d1631b20⋯.jpg (230.43 KB, 700x534, 350:267, nasco.jpg)




The following is an excerpt from - Fundamental Laws: A Report of the 68th Convocation of the

+++Rose Cross Order+++

When Atlantis ruled the word, that which is now America was connected with Egypt by what is now Mexico, and in Mexico, in the territory of Yucatan, there is a Pyramid in which the Fire Philosophers worshiped God as Divine Fire and Life in like manner as did the Initiates of Egypt, for the two were then one.

America is not complete, and will not be complete, cannot be complete, until Mexico is again part of America as she was in the long ago, and when Mexico is once again a part of the United States, then will the cap-stone have been set on the Pyramid and the reverse side of the United States seal will be cut.

May it not be long until the Holy Pyramid shall be completed and may it be completed without the shedding of blood.

Listen to a reading by William Cooper here:


This has always been the (((Masonic Socialist's))) plan to destroy America.

a2514c  No.3530038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4e6cd6  No.3530039

File: b8e8e8565d6db40⋯.png (2.82 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 1539848474.png)

9c8b82  No.3530040

File: bffa3c5bbd2ec0b⋯.gif (1007.38 KB, 300x186, 50:31, raw (1).gif)

e54a4c  No.3530041

Good morning, Anons.

Operating on emergency-only standby for now.

Fielding some work that Numpty McDumblefuck left in my absence yesterday.

The price to pay for doing a good turn… so it is.

Should be able to commit to baking in a couple of hours if need be.

Will also be present this evening for the rally to bake as needed.

God bless, Anons.

I hope you all have a great day.

cba3c7  No.3530042

"The DNC says it has learned its lesson even as its new team investigates what Krikorian calls "interesting things coming at campaigns every single day." It's not a restful time.

"'I'm terrified. I don't sleep well at night,' Krikorian said. 'I feel that the internet wasn't put up to defend against these types of attack.'"


49d1a1  No.3530043

File: 65dedb1dca9e165⋯.jpg (83.61 KB, 576x500, 144:125, 2hhnnp.jpg)

4e6cd6  No.3530044

File: f579bd52f07024e⋯.png (668.97 KB, 641x641, 1:1, Screenshot_179.png)

7bb07a  No.3530045

File: 6de250ed17e3566⋯.jpeg (171.23 KB, 750x449, 750:449, 985C64D6-D64E-48C1-8F4C-A….jpeg)



There are exceptions to the rule

94a405  No.3530046

I wanted to know. There's no turning back. I'm beginning to hate everyone that doesn't know, the selfish shits. Perhaps this feeling is only momentary, but if presented information and they refuse, it makes them the enemy. This really sucks.

9800f5  No.3530047

Wardclyffe Tower = Pyramids? Anyone?

4e6cd6  No.3530048

File: bd4f0bbd4bb86b1⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 728x567, 104:81, 1539820592-1.jpg)

49d1a1  No.3530049

File: f0ce2311438989f⋯.png (170.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Pepe notable checker.png)

File: 869b4ac11fb39a0⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 869b4ac11fb39a0ecb2ad92721….jpg)

File: 70723f8d2765064⋯.png (436.69 KB, 693x968, 63:88, 642a784b918ed7b7260e84055c….png)

File: c5d657739a52936⋯.jpg (137.22 KB, 1296x966, 216:161, c5d657739a52936a934424485e….jpg)



I see what your talking about, pure brilliance.

4e6cd6  No.3530050

File: 4d0e07368288430⋯.jpg (647.53 KB, 1024x1145, 1024:1145, 1539626446.jpg)

2e28d2  No.3530051

Anyone ever think RT news should be viewed just like our US news outlets? Oh, its a Russian news outlets and it has to be true cause its Russians trying to report real news and be honest.

b3cdd6  No.3530052


Umm no

9c8b82  No.3530053

File: a85e1d9f4b783a5⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 1276x638, 2:1, dfg64sdf6g1sdfg1.jpg)


also, are you a secret agent? 0017? kek

36628d  No.3530054


Its just one piece of the puzxle. We note but we dont take it as truth anyway. Everyone has an agenda

7bb07a  No.3530055

2c8f2c  No.3530056


i got put in fb jail last night for mb posts

faff24  No.3530057


Yes he can. Mexico can ask POTUS to send troops to his side of the border to defend against our invasion.

49d1a1  No.3530058

File: 2222153fa31fd4a⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 2j6zsy.jpg)

File: 4c77bfe5e25e408⋯.jpg (145.69 KB, 869x500, 869:500, Q research WorkFags Badge ….jpg)

File: 0c7a2a78b7c7564⋯.jpg (144.87 KB, 869x500, 869:500, Q Research WorkFags Badge ….jpg)


Good Morning WorkFag Anon

Give Numpty a dirty look for me, kek

Maybe behind his back, lol

1ada0a  No.3530059

What message would we patriots send the Cabal if tens of thousands Patriots showed up at our southern border to stop illegals from entering our country…….

a51bc5  No.3530060


foreigners → illegal invaders

radical immigration attorneys → let them live in your home and the homes of those you are prostituting your law license for

know many foreigners who came here legally…they did not invade…

4e6cd6  No.3530061

File: 7dd8886d5e5080a⋯.png (1.39 MB, 968x724, 242:181, 1539296815-1.png)

36628d  No.3530062


Me thinks it would create a problem for POTUS. Not sure its a good idea

18cd3b  No.3530063


let THEM be their sponsors , and legally accountable for their fuckups

5d28e8  No.3530064

7782d4  No.3530065


Mexico and the US should be working together on this. US troops on the Mexican side of the US border, keeping the invaders from getting into the US.

c9c7ec  No.3530066


I agree

f89b70  No.3530067


You know what this tells us right? The old team is gone, where did they go? You know they were all CIA, black hats. This new team is assembled from places like Google (CIA), Facebook (CIA), and Twitter (CIA) engineers working for a pay cut (meaning they are being forced to do it) and are overwhelmed with what they walked into ( a complete clusterfuck)

36628d  No.3530068


Mexico should not allow them freely move through their country. Thats the problem. They can perfectly enforce their laws in their country

a51bc5  No.3530069


best one…love these….lots of truth

consider adding MISOGYNISTS

49d1a1  No.3530070



POTUS said he would use the Military if he has too,and close the southern border.

They will do the heavy lifting.

No need to worry anon.

9fcf53  No.3530071

File: 02652a965e77484⋯.png (89.13 KB, 952x138, 476:69, crashdata - Copy.PNG)


btw, a rough search gave 150 incidents for heli, 1030 incidents for planes….

Sauce: https://www.ntsb.gov/_layouts/ntsb.aviation/Results.aspx?queryId=02fcfa9f-43cb-4fcb-b3f3-67395b4a491f

Like I said…"rough search" no criteria aside from type of craft.

d612de  No.3530072

Passing on some interesting info from Iran courtesy of sis-in-law. We aren’t hearing much about the protests here and what we have has sounded like pockets, but it’s nearly EVERYONE. When their religious police go after someone, people nearby crowd in and protect them to keep them from being taken. Women there are using a hilarious tactic to fight back against the religious police- they’re creating scenes by threatening to fully disrobe in the streets and yelling “You want to see more?”.

Despite Iran’s media/propaganda the people of Iran know POTUS will support them thanks in part to people like my SIL sharing news and info from here with family back home. She’s super-MAGA and anyone who disrespects POTUS in her presence better have an ambulance on speed dial kek

18cd3b  No.3530073


just wait till they are a day or two from US border then airlift them back by numbers BACK to the OTHER border

a75c24  No.3530074


Thanks for the 1st hand info- cool to hear

356d3d  No.3530075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tip E top back at you

Too silly to be true

NPC, the movie

1bfe6a  No.3530076


We heard also good things from a GuatemalaAnon a few hours ago… I am a LaosAnon and we have also good success with MLGA.

Peace to you IranAnon!

c9c7ec  No.3530077


Mexico has deployed hundreds of riot police to stop the caravan at the Guatemalan border with Mexico.

"they shall not pass"

3612fa  No.3530078

Morning anons….


Perhaps some disappointment…but geeeezzz…thru my life this disappointment is NOTHING…

The plan is progressing, very very clear that…and that is what matters…

And we could "have it all…" and if we do we should see things happen BIGLY by month end…

8af72d  No.3530079


Fuck me, I didn't realise it was as many as that!

I have no idea what the annual averages are, but I guarantee they're nowhere near those numbers.

f9c69a  No.3530080


3612fa  No.3530082


Ha..that game is a deep rabbit hole…depends on your "institutional memory"..

e7af79  No.3530083

So what's the war plan today, anons? It IS Firin' Friday.

faff24  No.3530084


You used JIDF that makes you mossad too.

534c43  No.3530085

File: 22852f1b11cc76a⋯.jpg (81.84 KB, 507x486, 169:162, weather G.jpg)

c7a0af  No.3530086


You are bearing interesting facts anon!

You are very true when you say gravity is matter of electromagnetic current, that big bang is BS.

You are right when you say our system is linked to another, and our sun was like saturn.

Forget the mythology part, because there's a part of mythomania in all myths, and they had the same purpose all along human history : "believe our masters the gods, do not talk about the ONE GOD or you will be our next sacrifice" and i'll let you guess who is behinds those plural gods, it's obvious today. Right too mars was hit, as earth by the moon which presents to us her scattered face. Moon is particular, she's locked on the sun, magneticaly. She always faces the sun, stary. interesting fact isn't it?

About our sun's family : the bible says god made us according to his image. And so above so below? Stars engender stars. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and then Jupiter will become stars. Neptune the sooner.

Pluto was the little sister of our moon. Just imagine the blow engendered by a star birthing. Look for neptune's temp anomaly. Of course (((they))) already explained that with "seasons"… I think it's heating up, warming entire solar system. What if solar sunspot cycles are in fact contractions of labor? Only an hypothesis but it sticks to my mind.

Anyway, i post sometimes this https://www.thebookoflife.eu/table-of-contents.php

It's written by (((you won't believe it anyway))) and i tell you that : you'll love the second part, cycle of matter. Nothing farfetched, pure logic and facts, and the delight to finally learn the science of our creator, which is the coolest creator of the universe because he wants us to live free, happy and wise!

Once you've red that, read "the book of enoch"

your mind will automatically reconcile information between what Q learned to us, the bible, our history and God.

36628d  No.3530087


Though you are using red crayons i would comment

Not all of them

There are many good people who are stonewalled.

However, LV and Parkland as latest are a disgrace

fa08b5  No.3530088


God bless you Swordanon and all Anons today and forever

a51bc5  No.3530089


also good source for stats:



a2b268  No.3530090


Plants would be infiltrators.

c09b2e  No.3530091

File: 9733d843a186a47⋯.jpeg (489.93 KB, 1242x1346, 621:673, 1F86BCB0-8D3B-483A-AEF9-1….jpeg)

File: 64e1c64ddebd9a2⋯.jpeg (788 KB, 1242x1982, 621:991, 944DB4CF-CAE0-4D17-BEB1-B….jpeg)


faff24  No.3530092


Oh BTW Jew hater, Jesus is a Jew, Trumps daughter and grandchildren are Jews.

e54a4c  No.3530093


It's gonna be to his face.

This idiot has a penchant for deleting ("misplacing") work, then casting blame when the accomplished work he deleted doesn't show up on his radar.

"Archive everything" has its uses off the boards.

I would absolutely love this job if it wasn't for that dipshit.

Much prefer baking, which I'll happily do for free.

Today will be a great day, regardless.

Saw a frog hopping around inside.

Helped him outside to let him enjoy the froggy weather.

Kek smiles upon us, frens.

Back to lurking.

God bless.

a2514c  No.3530094

File: 5d11ad502515698⋯.jpg (142.98 KB, 593x300, 593:300, find the truth.jpg)

b44687  No.3530095


do you have images from the website? maybe we could make a good notable about this, had no idea it was that high either, perhaps good perspective/reflection material

e66354  No.3530096

File: 426c52c1f531be8⋯.jpg (166.69 KB, 595x699, 595:699, cultural-appropiation-left….jpg)

b32733  No.3530097

File: 358e0fda74e6649⋯.png (1.12 MB, 812x1227, 812:1227, 2018-10-19_07-16-56.png)

7bb07a  No.3530098


Was in Colombia recently. Big effort increasing security. Signs in businesses stating “we do not support human trafficking here” -

356d3d  No.3530099

File: 33a09c28f9bdefa⋯.jpg (67.83 KB, 680x1157, 680:1157, balletthis.jpg)

a2514c  No.3530100

File: efa555bba475bfd⋯.jpg (135.43 KB, 400x300, 4:3, news you can use.jpg)

1c5ab6  No.3530101

File: 1b14d0318f402f0⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1b14d0318f402f0a48e13f4775….png)

File: 27649fc667500d7⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 27649fc667500d7c8bdb93b1a0….png)

File: 72530de881f483a⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 72530de881f483a099e4c40247….png)

File: 7141658b2602366⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 7141658b2602366114a56c0856….png)

26c170  No.3530102

File: 3839b70718cfb24⋯.jpeg (25.04 KB, 213x255, 71:85, BC1043C8-8277-4407-9EA5-0….jpeg)


prolly just more winning bigly. it’s like every damn day w/ POTUS

9fcf53  No.3530103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

seen this yesterday about 12:12 into the video on YT..

Probably nothing, but throwing it out there for anons……

What grabbed my attention was the hand…signal? or is it just an attempt to adjust clothing when noticing the camera?

e66354  No.3530104

File: a17bcfbb118e491⋯.jpg (94.49 KB, 469x474, 469:474, jobs-not-mobs-ok-fist.jpg)

a2514c  No.3530105

File: 96fb6c2dfcd966b⋯.png (169.31 KB, 500x637, 500:637, that-look-when-the-prosecu….png)

288387  No.3530106

File: 528024c93f9f9f7⋯.png (694.04 KB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)

They won't even support their own kind.


House candidate Ocasio-Cortez refuses to endorse fellow socialist in 2020 presidential race


88312a  No.3530107


most russian redheads I have met are as fake as a dossier

5d28e8  No.3530108


follow the white rabbit?

49d1a1  No.3530109


Damm that is creepy, Are they waiting for Star trek to happen in RL, kek

Thats like twilight zone weird, imagine the odds of them all wearing basically the same dress, seems astronomical.

9fcf53  No.3530110

File: b8c9f5f5a5f8907⋯.png (521.28 KB, 664x372, 166:93, 3rdfromfront - Copy.PNG)

File: 4178462a4bca96f⋯.png (541.61 KB, 663x375, 221:125, 3rd2nd - Copy.PNG)


files didn't show up on stills my bad

c09b2e  No.3530111

File: 702b7e7ca058d0c⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x1840, 27:40, BA58DB27-BEF5-46C8-B84C-E….jpeg)


36628d  No.3530112


Macys had it on sale

a51bc5  No.3530113


all different news stations and affiliates?

288387  No.3530114

File: b6d7fba6906f81a⋯.png (756.24 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

He's a loser now for sure!


O'Rourke says Trump guilty of 'obstruction,' would vote to impeach


88312a  No.3530115

today I am coming out to all my anon friends.


9c8b82  No.3530116

File: bb52d17376b3731⋯.jpg (11.71 KB, 280x210, 4:3, 1883321110-bth_red-foreman….jpg)


she's scratching her tit…

ea37c0  No.3530117

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

16842e  No.3530118


Thank you swordanon. God bless

f73274  No.3530119

File: 64c27f498cd51fb⋯.jpg (114.72 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, Q FLAG 1.jpg)


It was boobs for the baker, no doubt

9fcf53  No.3530120


sauce in OP….Only have the ref pic and still learning the finer arts of graphic and meme creation…..but you have a great idea anon.

3612fa  No.3530121


>Midterms are left up to the DNC, if they want them, they will have to rig.

If we could mop up 80% now…or wait until after the mid-terms and get 99%…

Well that is a pretty easy choice…

>This is going to be fun to watch, it IS fun to watch.

It is set up SO WELL..and we know how it will go! Like watching paint dry or water boil…outcome inevitable, but patience difficult…

27696c  No.3530122

File: d34b2f5a5ea3655⋯.png (311.45 KB, 285x380, 3:4, Screenshot_2018-08-02 apoc….png)

File: 9c36f88b19af9cd⋯.jpg (229.52 KB, 674x646, 337:323, GospelOfMary.jpg)

File: 692f850ae4fc924⋯.png (44.2 KB, 663x466, 663:466, Screenshot-2018-5-27 The G….png)


Got a nice heavy duty book of lost scriptures ;)

Enoch isn't the only one I would recommend..,

but it is a Good One!!

288387  No.3530123

File: e7fb47eb36a0b01⋯.png (22.28 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

What a vacation spot!


Soldier deployed to Guantanamo Bay dies while swimming at beach


356d3d  No.3530124

File: 415479011ce6621⋯.jpg (286.5 KB, 1505x2048, 1505:2048, watered.jpg)

File: 5f8b5602e191b7b⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 720x405, 16:9, TrumpNikkiplant.jpg)

9fcf53  No.3530125


kekkle n1

df6ba3  No.3530126


These fake unconstitutional Rothschild laws exist to protect satan worshippers and pedophiles. Do not comply.

7b7989  No.3530127

File: 217affb791724e8⋯.png (277.34 KB, 600x375, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. and China agree to further enhance cooperation between militaries


288387  No.3530128

File: 2360b32fef313d8⋯.png (13.65 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


ICE's most wanted fugitive captured in Louisiana


3e9b3b  No.3530129

File: 3f14c3617a4a6a9⋯.jpeg (91.76 KB, 768x768, 1:1, img_9928.jpeg)

File: b9169cb008b9a1e⋯.png (59.87 KB, 495x625, 99:125, Sunheight.png)

File: 9b9b589072c7cc6⋯.jpg (15.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3bb5f500c9474b22cb0b4c6ff9….jpg)

File: 91010969ef01ec1⋯.png (7.7 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 5t4rz.png)

File: e52cb09b1206ab9⋯.jpg (77.17 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 24c55c26869a547768d3459eb0….jpg)

908c28  No.3530130



thank you. I consider myself smart and tough enough to handle any conflict of ideas but suddenly it all went nutty…

the situation I'm in problematic because the people around me appear to be angry which clearly the good guys know and they seem to think it's "a tantrum"… but they may not realize they are being dishonest, not in the way of hiding who they are (which they have to) but actually appear to have a growing malevolence and may be gearing up to make a very poor decision. I was posting to make sure the good guys were aware of my concerns and hopefully they have.

9800f5  No.3530131


Not exactly sure what is being implied lol.

288387  No.3530132

File: 9b92a3e93d35825⋯.png (32.8 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


US, Mexico agree on plan to handle approaching migrant caravan from Central America


b44687  No.3530133

File: 819e436646d6348⋯.png (11.23 KB, 255x207, 85:69, 83cb3593a001105f7986a009b2….png)


looks like we've got a newfag here, welcome!

f45ac8  No.3530134

File: 855dad37836d979⋯.jpeg (15.43 KB, 226x255, 226:255, 855dad37836d979a67b0cd4b7….jpeg)

File: ca1de16d84cf343⋯.jpg (41.26 KB, 255x255, 1:1, comfycatpepe.JPG)

9c8b82  No.3530135

File: dcc47f2f28b3a13⋯.jpg (51.12 KB, 830x720, 83:72, the-older-i-get-the-more-i….jpg)

ea37c0  No.3530136

File: d2e0a47010302f7⋯.jpeg (84.05 KB, 1440x957, 480:319, 1530313997.jpeg)

49d1a1  No.3530137

File: eba4c8387d61a83⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1447x917, 1447:917, Cavavan of men.png)


most of them, a good majority look like men, and some of them do not look very nice.

c09b2e  No.3530138

File: 6b396f8a8c7fd91⋯.jpeg (212.3 KB, 1242x509, 1242:509, 92F2F66C-9ED5-4578-93E1-C….jpeg)

File: beee7b5d3a8d4bb⋯.jpeg (527.78 KB, 1242x924, 207:154, 7FF3E286-460F-44C5-9EED-B….jpeg)


288387  No.3530139

File: 718fdcd03c91f4d⋯.png (62.65 KB, 378x357, 18:17, 718fdcd03c91f4d0d6d53844ab….png)

b6993c  No.3530140

Stay tuned Anons. I've just found some info that needs serious digging pertaining to Pence. Re-reading crumbs and filling in connections

178462  No.3530141

So today will be the next 4, [10], 20.

So I'm guessing new Q today. Not really much new. Maybe info on Khashoggi. But I don't think Q knows anything about that. Even Trump seems to be with his pants down.

But the next 4, 10, [20], I hope will be DECLAS. If not.. Then what the faux are we doing here?

55df4c  No.3530142


Hmm. Are the deep state trying to create a solarflare? Is this the reason for the shutdown of all these observatories? Blame it on the sun

f73274  No.3530143

File: 12cdff057817171⋯.jpg (26.28 KB, 500x221, 500:221, shark67americantwist_hm_fi….jpg)


Watch the water- reference to the freedom sharks surrounding gitmo. RIP soldier.

7b7989  No.3530144

File: 5f88b608155d4b7⋯.png (237.46 KB, 589x452, 589:452, toxicbob.png)


f89473  No.3530145

File: c97475490afa5b6⋯.jpg (62.02 KB, 601x740, 601:740, Cover.JPG)


Someone selling this book at Rally yesterday

a51bc5  No.3530146


Martinez was convicted on a felony charge of "taking indecent liberties with a child" in North Carolina in November 2002, according to an ICE press release. After being released from criminal custody, he was deported to Mexico in 2003.

Martinez then '''illegally re-entered the U.S. – (((a felony act under federal law))), officials said. Earlier this year, he was arrested and convicted of a DUI in south-central Louisiana and sentenced to probation.


36628d  No.3530147

Just sharing

My appreciation goes to HA Goodman

He completed his joirney from being bernie supporter to #MAGA but managed to keep his YT channel where he redpills normies

I just want to point out friendly force

Not him kek

9c8b82  No.3530148

File: 2f126ba1ee47f53⋯.jpg (379.91 KB, 1920x1451, 1920:1451, 20130915-190539.jpg)

178462  No.3530149


Tory Smith

9fcf53  No.3530150

Curiousanon here…..the Twat stringers that were sent out….do we have a thread dedicated to those stringers and their sequences?

c7a0af  No.3530151


Want the original meaning of jew? It's the who who is circumcised from the heart.



The man announced by the scripture has come in our recent history, here is what he says about de circumcision, so that your minds get upright with it.

The circumcision of the heart

(1) The Scriptures were therefore true, you will say? Are we really in the presence of the Son of man, who is also, called the Lamb? Are we not rather dreaming at the moment? No, you are not dreaming, because you stand on the evening of the world where you are witnessing the accomplishment of the Scriptures.

(2) Since forever, Abel is the image of the man of good and Cain is the image of the man of evil. Both represent the saint of mind and the one who is not, and not two beings that have lived. But today the time has come where they will separate one from another; because the saints (personified by Abel) will listen to me and behave in accordance with my advice, while the others (personified by Cain), incapable to do so, will disappear from the world. In this way, the Scripture says:

Those who will not believe will not survive.

Now, in order to believe, one must understand. To understand, one must listen to the Son. And to listen, you need to be saint of mind. The saint is the one who, having a circumcised heart, is good and patient. There is no other kind of saints on the Earth and in the sky, neither other forms of holiness.

(3) The one who is saint of mind today descends from a line of righteous who had inside them the virtues acquired by practicing the law of Moses. He is a child of Abraham who will hear the voice of the Son, will grasp all of what he says and follow him up to the kingdom. Whoever this man or woman may be, they will be saved, because they are the good rocks I come to pick up to build the temple of The One whose sky is his throne and the Earth his footstool, of The One who waits for his home and the place of his rest.

The circumcised

(4) But, to hear, it is better not knowing the human precepts which take away the faculties of understanding the truth. Rather give up your knowledge in order to receive my baptism from which your salvation depends on. If you are saints of mind and completely ignorant of the life concepts preached by man, you then are in a better mood to receive the light I bring onto you, because you have inside you the seven main virtues of the heart circumcision which Moses talks about. These virtues are wisdom, compassion, mercy, rectitude, love, humility and charity which all together express the holiness of a person. Here are their definitions:

WISDOM: quality of a person who is cautious and reasonable of all things.

COMPASSION: feeling of pity which makes a man sensitive to the pain of others.

MERCY: greatness of the soul which pushes to forgive the guilty.

RECTITUDE: loyalty of the person who is honest and fair.

LOVE: affection that one feels towards beings or for something.

HUMILITY: complete absence of pride and respect for others, which prevent from reigning over our fellowmen.

CHARITY: generosity of the heart which pushes to help any being in trouble.

(5) To circumcise himself means cutting what is bad, so may develop these feelings and virtues which inevitably make someone saint of mind and noble of heart. Such a person will understand and follow me for his salvation and the one of the entire world, because this person carries inside him the rules of existence that God has put in him. Being the law, this person cannot be below the law.

The uncircumcised

(6) But, unlike the previous ones, those with an uncircumcised heart will disappear from the face of the Earth, because without having inside them these seven main virtues, they are inevitably the opposite of the circumcised, that is to say greedy, haughty, hypocrite, liar, deceitful, boorish, wicked and other similar things. These people are criminals, evil and destructive men who will not enter into the upcoming century; because, as they are, they are not apt to be baptized.

(7) I add to this that it is not when one exonerates himself in doing simulations of holiness that one attracts the Fathers’ favors, but only in practicing His law and not men’s law, in putting ourselves into His hands and not in the hands of the great; otherwise one preaches hypocrisy to make it the air one breathes. I say that anyone who agrees to the rules of the law and disobeys them, ends his life; because it is better to practice men’s law and ignore God’s law, than to evoke God’s law and behave contrary to His will.


178462  No.3530152


You're quick with your pointlessness. I'm impressed.

91fd28  No.3530153

Anyone know what time Ohr testimony is today??

91fd28  No.3530154


ISIS in canada too

cba3c7  No.3530155


Good interpretation, anon. I also thought it was ironic that the article is from a Chicago paper.

a51bc5  No.3530156



For decades we suffered at the hands of corruption…this is WINNING.

178462  No.3530157


hi dear!

9c8b82  No.3530158

File: a63c59ed368eb95⋯.jpg (39.06 KB, 512x384, 4:3, a63c59ed368eb956d1de942644….jpg)


it's a slow bread and you're a whiny faggot who thinks he's entitled to muh declass. fucking dig on the crumbs and make your own drops

a51bc5  No.3530159


and yet Schumer poured millions into his campaign

these people are stupid

577bd6  No.3530160

File: 415081baaf1fe36⋯.jpg (30.03 KB, 480x360, 4:3, sword.jpg)

634502  No.3530161

File: 3d164031cda06bf⋯.jpg (144.32 KB, 533x400, 533:400, Trumped.jpg)


Love it

11adb0  No.3530162


welcome, fren!

glad you're here making history with us :)

634502  No.3530163


Morning Swordbro!

b6993c  No.3530164


That name has popped up on my radar. If you have info or digs on him though I'd love to read up on it. I'm an IndianaAnon and will be sharing info as I get it together and organized

c09b2e  No.3530165

File: 7de625e76f1e836⋯.jpeg (694.83 KB, 1242x1611, 138:179, 84E09493-1029-4E8D-B0DB-2….jpeg)


f9c69a  No.3530166

File: 2d2686279ca0b75⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 800x440, 20:11, kali1-2-2.jpg)

I tried to go the proper route… I begged the police, the FBI, the courts, and anyone who would listen for help. No one helped. Today, my child continues to be molested and abused. I have produced very substantial evidence of what is happening to authorities. They tell me, they cannot do anything and that it's in the hands of the family courts. The members of the court we are dealing with, all part of the (((tribe))), represent the epitome of corruption. When I reported this to the court, I was charged with "neglect" for reporting it. My child's abusers have not so much have been charged. Yet, both have suddenly been hired by the city (that's strange). Members of the family court sexually-discriminate against me without any care in the world. They unlawfully steal children from parents and will make up lies to provide for it. WHO THE FU*K IS GOING TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE? NO ONE… And, it is obvious this is the norm for them. Erie County, NY has sanctioned the "legal" kidnapping of children. I am of sound mind and body. I have a near 150 IQ. And, I recently passed a full mental-health examination. WHAT I AM TELLING YOU IS TRUE. My child's abuse is being brushed under the rug by the corrupt.

I am writing this to tell you, I tried… I tried to do the right thing. FOR FIVE YEARS. I fear I cannot do this much longer. Something has to give. I cannot allow this to happen to my child.

I no longer want help from our "authorities", as I consider them corrupt, pathetic and incapable of doing much of anything.

My daughter and I want help from (You). We want help from those who "are all alike". (You know who you are). We know you hate the same evil that we hate and that you have the means to do something about it. Help us. Please. Pen-test me and those I am exposing… You will see I am telling the truth. I have nothing to hide. I will do everything in my power to assist.

It's time to be offensive.

27696c  No.3530167

File: 86f6c7b17ccc5d6⋯.jpg (75.59 KB, 475x380, 5:4, QRKQ_n_POTUS_Together_Stro….jpg)

7b7989  No.3530168

File: 241b2f728e37178⋯.png (53.37 KB, 583x262, 583:262, acosta.png)


ea37c0  No.3530169

File: eecc2ac067ebd8d⋯.jpg (269.34 KB, 1440x1091, 1440:1091, IMG_20181019_064406.jpg)

1d1744  No.3530170


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a92e3a No.2556980 📁

Aug 11 2018 14:21:45 (EST)

How do you prevent the public release of incriminating acts that would forever strip their power away?

How do you BIND the hands of POTUS?

Two-Pronged SITU.

>>Test strength of midterms through private analysis (win/loss ratio)

>>Analysis below key metric w/o chance for recovery - START A WAR.

Think missile(s) accidentally fired.

Against WHO?

Relationships are VERY IMPORTANT.



They tried to start a war because they know they would loose midterms a LONG time ago.

We still have to fight and not become complacent. But, if we do our part, were good.

577bd6  No.3530171


symbolism will be their downfall

9fcf53  No.3530172

File: 4ec2d35e18268a5⋯.png (545.45 KB, 443x550, 443:550, icameoutofwhat - Copy.PNG)


what did you come out of? and welcome kek

743725  No.3530173

File: b653a300abe2fde⋯.jpg (23.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, schmidt-marine.jpg)

File: 5c62cb9291a4137⋯.png (347.07 KB, 480x546, 80:91, schmidt-marine-a.png)

File: 523fa57d97d3853⋯.png (340.2 KB, 502x626, 251:313, schmidt-marine-b.png)

File: 68089a85a9a43f5⋯.png (306.44 KB, 473x539, 43:49, schmidt-marine-c.png)

File: fe54143dd2f0414⋯.png (271.6 KB, 508x610, 254:305, schmidt-marine-d.png)


ea37c0  No.3530174

File: 32764da1f153985⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20181017-200022.png)

29e9cc  No.3530175

GM mosquitos about to be released in Africa.

What could go wrong?

36628d  No.3530176


We are not law enforcement

We are researches

How do you think we can help you?

3612fa  No.3530177


4,10,20 a pattern but not the only one…we may be in 20 days of darkness now…

WE THE PEOPLE need to change things..it cannot be top down it MUST BE bottom up…so silence may be related to that and may be consistent up to mid-terms…


48bd08  No.3530178

File: 7a19654e38880ba⋯.jpeg (358.63 KB, 941x732, 941:732, DJT.jpeg)

9c8b82  No.3530179

File: 62a13b25ef71821⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 446x336, 223:168, 62a13b25ef718213118bd7fc9d….jpg)


this guy gets it

b55e23  No.3530180


This is last time I push this story. It’s related to Qresearch and Q b/c it involves a potential Presidential candidate who lied about and covered up his knowledge of an alleged rape by Al Alvarez, a friend and official of Murphy’s campaign.

Murphy lies about his knowledge of the rape. He covered up the allegations and the woman who was raped was stonewalled by every corrupt law enforcement agency in New Jersey! This, all on the heels of Kavanaugh, is a bombshell story!

http://nj1015.com/timeline-murphy-hires-aide-accused-of-raping-campaign-volunteer/?trackback=twitter_mobile_top @nj1015‬

163623  No.3530181


You appear to be trying to incite violence. Only shills attempt to incite violence. Anons trust the plan. Are you anon or shill?

b1e848  No.3530182

File: b3b95b2f0e84443⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1491x853, 1491:853, plus.png)

257ece  No.3530183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

49d1a1  No.3530184

File: 450f6ab3c62a199⋯.jpg (18.77 KB, 249x251, 249:251, New Anon.jpg)

7b7989  No.3530185

Rosie O’Donnell: Trump Is ‘Evil,’ ‘I Want to Send the Military to the White House to Get Him’


f9c69a  No.3530186


If you are not "alike", this message was not for you.

ac6332  No.3530187

File: 843d0b7eb2a4de0⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Plenefag checking in. Marines flight VM767 landing at Hanover Airport near Morristown. Netherlands Air Force flight NAF11 leaving Savannah, Georgia.

6f91d5  No.3530188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3612fa  No.3530189

If we have it all…

-we would need to see a HUGE uptick in disclosure on Weiner laptop or Bengazhi…


-we would need some court cases getting hot that might implicate HRC..


-we would need some things heating up around 911 (WTF is Khashoggi if not THIS!)


-HRC would have to NOT be a candidate


f9c69a  No.3530190


>You appear to be trying to incite violence.

Show me where I "incited violence" in my message, you lying, pedophile-protecting, piece of shit!

Fuck off, faggot.

474a83  No.3530191

File: c4620d104d08ed4⋯.png (1.25 MB, 785x637, 785:637, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh, look, a mariposa.

dcd641  No.3530192

File: f1a1af22e6eb28d⋯.jpg (113.4 KB, 1148x745, 1148:745, 1a.JPG)

File: 16bdfc0dfeaa7d7⋯.jpg (96.31 KB, 521x729, 521:729, 2.JPG)

Two Napa County Superior Court judges have announced their retirement


163623  No.3530193


Triggered shill confirmed. You are clearly not anon.

968cbd  No.3530194


Now I'm gonna be lookin for that "uniform"

faff24  No.3530195


Already knew all this but thanks for the reading.

Couple points I view a little differently.

16842e  No.3530196


According to Q, the three +++ are the Saudis.

3612fa  No.3530197



-gain some feeling insulation

-prepare to infterface with some of the most brilliant folks on the planet

-don't be chatty (like me)

-always be positive

-trust the plan

-learn the lingo

-don't feed the shills and trolls

#WWG1WGA patriot!

257ece  No.3530198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0238fe  No.3530199

File: e45fc0bcbc7aaa2⋯.jpeg (223.68 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1FA2AAE8-2BDF-409A-8C9F-9….jpeg)

File: dc76c5f010b0776⋯.jpeg (282.54 KB, 1640x458, 820:229, 1EB54FA2-39E2-4330-83D8-5….jpeg)

From NYT (((Goldberg)) opinion column today.

On the Sunday after Kavanaugh was confirmed, Whitmer held a packed rally with New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand in Birmingham, Mich

(((They))) are over estimating their chances all over again and when they lose they say Trump stole the election

f89473  No.3530200


Sad that I could only find it on Amazon


48bd08  No.3530201


Poland Signs US Gas Deal to Ease Dependence on Russia


49d1a1  No.3530202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You basically asked for this, KEK


Rebecca Black - Friday

91fd28  No.3530203


anon do you have a coax cable coming from a vapes atomizer connection hahaha what is the result of that……… curious

6270cc  No.3530204


Only if it's a HRC double on the day.

16842e  No.3530205


Howdy newfag

49d1a1  No.3530206


The ultimate NPC girl, kek

2d5df0  No.3530207

File: 77ff9b8d9d173cb⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 588x350, 42:25, npc ff scream.jpg)

474a83  No.3530208



Read this same post months ago.

0238fe  No.3530209

1e86a5  No.3530210

Harry Reids machine don't go that far outside Clark County. Hoff was a Libertarian Conservative and not a soros guy. He's going to win because no democrat will win that seat.

Sauce… I knew him.


89b21f  No.3530211

File: 70b440efc6c7724⋯.png (41.26 KB, 186x255, 62:85, ClipboardImage.png)

91fd28  No.3530212



the wisdom comes from the plants and is stolen by big pharma and sold to you in the form of a pill and doctors degree debt

5b4600  No.3530213


Declassification won't happen until after Muellers report is released right after elections.

6f91d5  No.3530214



…not,…love ya (no homo)

9fcf53  No.3530215





always thought of it like this….if this post actually works

3e9b3b  No.3530216

File: cdfa52beb6a4eee⋯.jpg (108.72 KB, 854x480, 427:240, b14649dfcb296f6a5c3aff3738….jpg)


91fd28  No.3530217


looks like three ranks

89b21f  No.3530218

File: 57252918acb13e1⋯.png (125.54 KB, 490x671, 490:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a8eedafdca2426⋯.png (122.37 KB, 490x671, 490:671, ClipboardImage.png)

f9c69a  No.3530219


You sound upset that were exposing pedophiles and the corrupt.

And you know NOTHING about being an anon, you LARPing turd. Let me guess, you work in law enforcement? No wonder you're so quick to NOT DO A FUCKING THING. Go collect your pension, sip your bud-light, and pretend you made a difference, faggot. No one cares about what you have to say anymore.

11adb0  No.3530220


kek, the shills are shameless with their copy pasta

968cbd  No.3530221


One of our Founding Fathers Thomas Paine commented,

“The probability, therefore, is that each of these fixed stars is also a Sun, round which another system of worlds or planets, though too remote for us to discover, performs its revolutions, as our system of worlds does round our central Sun.”

Another of our Founding Fathers, John Adams, shared astronomers’ speculation at the time,

“Astronomers tell us, with good Reason, that not only all the Planets and Satellites in our Solar System, but all the unnumbered Worlds that revolve around the Fixt (sic) stars are inhabited, as well as this Globe of Earth.”

befe63  No.3530222


definitely - they're recycling their scripts and its so obvious

b44687  No.3530223

New flavor in the Kitchen this morning, need some feedback:

Is this bun tasting cinnamon vanilla or chlorine ball sweat?

>>3529760 ]Sessions[ Quietly Transforming Immigration Courts

>>3529726, >>3529780 Star of David on Migrant Caravan truck

>>3529732 Islamist Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary freed in dark of night

>>3529824, >>3529908 Soldier deployed to Gitmo dies while swimming at beach

>>3529833, >>3529992 US Navy Captian charged with criminal conspiracy

>>3529842 Dead Brothel Owner expected to win Nevada election

>>3530106 Jorge-Tores-Maria-Nina-Pedro-Ocasio-Cortez refuses to endorse B. Sanders

>>3530146 ICE Target pedo arrested in Lousiana

>>3530192 2 Napa County Judges to retire

54139f  No.3530224


RT has far more credible reporting than CNN or MSNPC I think.

Sure they're pro-Russia but sometimes an outside perspective is at least more truthful than our own Clown controlled Fake News.

2d5df0  No.3530225

File: 61bcf0bfbb562c6⋯.jpg (20.69 KB, 700x505, 140:101, l-22159-no-youre-a-pedophi….jpg)

f9c69a  No.3530226


No you haven't you lying faggot… I have been posting here back when we were cbts and the storm. This is the first time I have posted this. What you may have seen is me mentioning this happening to us for the PAST TWO YEARS online. And just like law enforcement, (You) didn't;t do anything about it either. And instead, you have the fucking nerve to sit here and attempt to discredit my post…


3612fa  No.3530227


anon..I will tell you this in all sincerity..I have asked for help here and I have gotten that help…I do not know your situation but here is TRUTH..

board is watched by good and bad alike

board 100% watched by the NSA

if your situation valid..someone will look into it..

worst case..when the biscuit flips, and it will soon, and the indictments begin to be unsealed…the pedo network will be rolled up…

So sorry anon..I cannot even imagine…and so hard to feel powerless…

Do not DOX though!!!

577bd6  No.3530228

File: c892bc5ae85607f⋯.png (208.97 KB, 480x360, 4:3, sword-q.png)

7bb07a  No.3530229


She’s better off sending the FBI

257ece  No.3530230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3e9b3b  No.3530231


[bold]The REAL Reason TRUMP Loves Israel & His Kew "Q" Education Nobody Told You About Yet[/bold]


f9c69a  No.3530232


It's faggot like you, who make jokes about a child being molested that perpetuate this… Way to go man. Pat yourself on the back.


1d1744  No.3530233

File: d65fab862ed8442⋯.jpg (75.07 KB, 578x376, 289:188, this is my.jpg)


>or chlorine ball sweat?

That's pretty specific baker…. little concerning.

But carry on, appreciate your work!

f9c69a  No.3530234



Yeah, you must be law enforcement.

3612fa  No.3530235


Is this a slide? If so, kinda brilliant..get us pissed about someone kid being stuck in the system…

Watch this one..if sincere, so sorry…if not, well we figured your shit out…

89b21f  No.3530236

File: af1ba676780bfb7⋯.png (330.62 KB, 490x367, 490:367, ClipboardImage.png)

c9c7ec  No.3530237


You seem to be doing a good job of discrediting your own post.

1c5ab6  No.3530238

File: e1c2899d5e036f9⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1200x1390, 120:139, Untitled.png)

1c5ab6  No.3530239

File: c1f2559afaf48f7⋯.png (220.09 KB, 500x505, 100:101, ClipboardImage.png)

c7a0af  No.3530240


+++ most likely MB

we're after secret societies, not nations or families (JFK came out of a cabal family remember)

d005d4  No.3530241

File: 8b43cb4bfe9b5dc⋯.png (43.83 KB, 1273x428, 1273:428, proper channels.png)


muh proper channels!

'help me Q"

shutup idiot.

f23bf8  No.3530242

File: d96cdcb25019a80⋯.jpg (212.46 KB, 1160x997, 1160:997, IMG_20181019_080051.jpg)

POTUS Schedule

Trump's Arizona sleepover just happens to coincide with a Sky Event.

Orionid Meteor Shower: Leftovers of Halley's Comet

The Orionids are named after the direction from which they appear to radiate, which is near the constellation Orion (The Hunter). In October, Orion is best visible around 2 a.m. Cooke told Space.com that the best viewing will be around that time on Oct. 21 and Oct. 22. If you miss the peak, the show is also visible between Oct. 15 and 29, as long as the moon isn't washing the meteors out.


3612fa  No.3530243


Anon..grab the story and screen shot it…then take some pertinent quotes from the story…then post the link…info is NOTABLE…just get your post in better shape…my 2 cents..mob rules on notables..

49d1a1  No.3530244

File: 7c322d9f01c15b2⋯.jpg (118.91 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2kgytf.jpg)

File: 6b37d334ebe80ee⋯.jpg (121.34 KB, 860x485, 172:97, 2ek8cs (1).jpg)

File: 14849253564f056⋯.jpg (119.61 KB, 869x500, 869:500, 2fhqhc.jpg)

File: 2d4639362105f13⋯.jpg (163.17 KB, 924x500, 231:125, 2clead.jpg)


3rd pic is antifa mugshots from a few months back, kek

f73274  No.3530245

File: 9a85ce6f48186c3⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 240x640, 3:8, Trump bashing NPC.jpg)

89b21f  No.3530246

File: 1459fc76d51274c⋯.png (220.56 KB, 490x367, 490:367, ClipboardImage.png)

738c18  No.3530247


Thank you, well said. We want that steak!

5d28e8  No.3530248


also today is a 0KP index day, means extra cosmic radiation at ground level due to no solar activity.

b44687  No.3530249


Excellent, TYA

ebaf34  No.3530250

File: 97ebb5fe0828040⋯.png (61.19 KB, 755x648, 755:648, proof confirmation.png)

Anyone else ascending vibrationally?? Something major is happening through me, I was seeing purely in symbols earlier…is this project blue beam? its painful for a while then not. Its difficult to type this.

7d8df5  No.3530251

File: d8dd9a862676650⋯.png (273.08 KB, 1201x607, 1201:607, baldwina.png)

163623  No.3530252


The original poster is clearly a slider. Guided to violence via "go on offensive".

Extreme anger when pointed out. Either insane, or shill, niether belongs here with anons.

484f94  No.3530253

File: 58a761d28fdc9cf⋯.jpg (76.25 KB, 559x500, 559:500, PollShit.jpg)

File: d5d559969d74b35⋯.jpg (147.19 KB, 1438x813, 1438:813, yahoo.JPG)

1. hope is not a strategy

2. re-directing hurricane contributions to DEM fund raisers is a poor strategy. HRC-esque.

3. #RedOctober

6f5130  No.3530254

File: 8a6c84285216d46⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 544x369, 544:369, 8a6c84285216d46f0cea61e58f….jpg)


great bake !!!

dcd641  No.3530255

File: f48e64636b7fdc3⋯.jpg (75.61 KB, 1103x836, 1103:836, 1a.JPG)

File: 6f96a5d0ee2f689⋯.jpg (93.35 KB, 681x603, 227:201, 2.JPG)

Gerald Schuster, Clinton Library Foundation trustee dies at 89


f45ac8  No.3530256

File: 65ee57c64d48503⋯.png (109.94 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 65ee57c64d48503a96b878d579….png)


u have good soul, but i think seen that post format before - seems to concernfag to incite violence. Who knows though, might be true.

3612fa  No.3530257


Quick question and slow morning…


Can we id planes that are spraying? For instance, we see a plane flying over the central US that is spewing some kind of shit all over us. Can we find that plane on the plane tracker? Can you find out call sign? Can we see WHERE THEY LAND?

99fc40  No.3530258

File: 962ac4ff61786cf⋯.jpg (126.58 KB, 1127x802, 1127:802, guantanamo.JPG)


1c5ab6  No.3530259

File: c84362e073b1071⋯.png (460.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, q-coup.png)

File: 132bc5d77f96e2e⋯.png (619.71 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, results-resistance.png)

File: d1d104bb53d45e8⋯.png (685.07 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, fixedditched.png)

File: 0e58224a05042b7⋯.png (624.69 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, wisespies.png)

5d28e8  No.3530260



possible notable.

9fcf53  No.3530261


kek…been that way all my life…..you get used to it.

98c071  No.3530262

File: 1bab44fca54b45f⋯.png (4.79 MB, 1800x10000, 9:50, Think logically8.png)

File: fbb80b6509acb57⋯.png (5.51 MB, 1800x11000, 9:55, Logical thinking8.png)

File: beafa7472d770f7⋯.png (4.69 MB, 1800x9600, 3:16, Use Logic8.png)

Reposting what i'm digging atm. Just in case someone wants to think logically.

Raw Text

Think logically


Use logic


Logical thinking


Plus the one "Think LOGICALLY" drop that seems kinda special, the only one in CAPS, 1 line of big drop and with 3 times "Use LOGIC" in it.

5d28e8  No.3530263

File: d1387433e37b63a⋯.png (412.77 KB, 530x640, 53:64, ClipboardImage.png)

reminder to self/selves

98c071  No.3530264

File: 4d36943767a1583⋯.png (888.23 KB, 1018x1273, 1018:1273, Think_LOGICALLY.png)

ddf2f4  No.3530265


so then governor would appoint a replacement?

178462  No.3530266

my short 0.02$ on Khashoggi

WHENEVER have you seen congress say their going to act this fast on something? Congress is not with POTUS. We know this. Which is why this election is so important. Not only to POTUS but also Q.

Khashoggi was murdered/hidden to force POTUS to act against Saud. And if he does not act, congress will. This pressure will open up the plausible deniability for a huge market drop. And they want it before the midterms.

This together with the rigged machines will ensure a D victory because all blame will be put on POTUS.

Prob not gonna happen but whatever..

dcd641  No.3530267

File: e067bfc6552d085⋯.jpg (121.9 KB, 602x877, 602:877, 1a.JPG)

File: 84a722608195d70⋯.jpg (147.07 KB, 583x786, 583:786, 2.JPG)

Interpol ex-chief may be dead, wife fears, after capture by Chinese


c7a0af  No.3530268


Great! thanks anon!

577bd6  No.3530269


saints are watching this board …

they will spread their wings

do not doxx yourself

they will know

b2790f  No.3530270


I am on that path.

Its a prosess for sure.

Lets it come naturally and be ready to go trough the initiations physically.

Keep meditating every day.

b55e23  No.3530271


Thanks for advice!

190405  No.3530273

Dear Clockfag,

Remember yesterday when your Q clock and flood post redpilled my spouse? Now spouse anon is consuming every video found on Q.

Well done and respect, my friend. You started that awakening.

ea37c0  No.3530274

File: 1b980bc48622a38⋯.jpeg (197.47 KB, 1080x1441, 1080:1441, 1b980bc48622a388569fe0864….jpeg)

3612fa  No.3530275



Not KSA…way further away :-)

fd119f  No.3530276


mind blowing if true.

733630  No.3530277



484f94  No.3530278


i need some shit to get better too. that is what has motivated me for like, a year now, dig faggot.

49d1a1  No.3530279

File: ea705cdf95213b1⋯.jpg (106.22 KB, 646x500, 323:250, 2jyckq.jpg)

File: ae6502f37346fcf⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 480x319, 480:319, ae6502f37346fcff93539d7849….jpg)

File: e85f8c500282833⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, e85f8c500282833a9e1b130430….jpg)

File: e7000e3451cd1c6⋯.jpg (121.22 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2jqz9v.jpg)

178462  No.3530280


Possible. But if you check the Q-posts we have had a [4], 10, 20 already.

But I don't know much TBH, guesswork through and through.

be663f  No.3530281


Hey look, it's another paid anti-Jew, "we are the replacement" shill doing what they do best. Sew hate for God's Chosen.

dcd641  No.3530282

File: e0d65d52cecd68d⋯.jpg (131.09 KB, 651x781, 651:781, 1a.JPG)

File: 0d8d816caa698db⋯.jpg (68.38 KB, 638x265, 638:265, 2.JPG)

Hardline military official to take command of Pakistan’s powerful spy agency


89b21f  No.3530283

File: 5e1452ad59e98c8⋯.png (125.44 KB, 490x671, 490:671, ClipboardImage.png)

fa08b5  No.3530284


Mueller report PSA: Prepare for disappointment

And be forewarned that the special counsel’s findings may never be made public.

President Donald Trump's critics have spent the past 17 months anticipating what some expect will be among the most thrilling events of their lives: special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report on Russian 2016 election interference.

They may be in for a disappointment.

https:// www.politico.com/story/2018/10/19/mueller-investigation-findings-914754

Predictive programming for the normies and NPCs to expect their hollow assault to fail!

Whether Mueller pinches it off on this side of the midterms or the other, this will cause a major lots of faith in the remaining blue base. Only that totally mind controlled 4% will be left in their echo chamber

1e86a5  No.3530285

I think the county commissioners would. We need all the repubes we can get and I'll take a dead one over a live dem any day. Bloomberg is coming for our guns here hard and heavy.


d005d4  No.3530286

File: b3f1caeca4067db⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2886x1920, 481:320, thanks cf.jpg)

f89b70  No.3530287


Been hoping for a dig on Pence. Several Anons have reservations about him. Godspeed

7a4f9f  No.3530288

File: 45edb805be207ed⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 688x417, 688:417, dehumanize vs cartoon.jpg)

File: 2ac6ec7714e2abb⋯.png (517.85 KB, 764x548, 191:137, NPC dehumanized mandog.png)

f9c69a  No.3530289


I appreciate the sincerity…

>board is watched by good and bad alike

board 100% watched by the NSA

if your situation valid..someone will look into it..

I'm sorry but this is incorrect… I am telling the truth. I have been for quite some time. I have notified several authorities. And yet, this continues… Two people, in the same household, have molested and abused my child. My child has told me this on several occasions now. She presents with bruising often. (Including hand-print shaped bruising). We have evidence of ALL of this. And we are not stupid. This is an open and shut case. However… He abusers have close friends in law enforcement and the courts, and make this well known on their social-media. In fact, I have also now proven in court that CPS and our child's attorney lied in court, knowingly, in an attempt to falsely accuse me, while protecting the actual criminal wrong-doer. That makes them an accessory to a criminal act. BUT… No one has been so much as charged. So there IS no criminal act. Funny how that works. These bruises and expressions of being molested by my child must just figments of my imagination according to (((these people))). Bullshit… WE HAVE EVIDENCE. We even posted it online and it was shared over 3,700 times. EVERYONE knows what is going on. The police refused to take the reports of two others who attempted to report hearing my child say her mother's boyfriend was "hurting her over, and over and over", ON CAMERA, but police say they "just don't have enough"… And the abuse continues, while they try to attack me.


And before that shilly faggot says I'm "inciting violence" again, I want to make clear that this is no way shape or form, a call for violence. That guy is just a faggot that shouldn't be here.

3e9b3b  No.3530290

A BITE Before the FALL


6f5130  No.3530291

File: 1b999edeb57b5c2⋯.jpg (15.61 KB, 246x255, 82:85, d9652bf2d0db11bfe076105e9d….jpg)

Troll takes over Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s website with ‘Scotty Doesn’t Know’ song


An internet troll is taking responsibility for claiming the website scottmorrison.com.au after the domain license lapsed overnight.

“So, the PM forgot to renew his website and it expired today … Most fun I’ve had with $50 in a long time,” Melbourne man Jack Genesin wrote on Facebook.

163623  No.3530292



And this is why you do not feed the shills

49d1a1  No.3530293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ea37c0  No.3530294

File: c42cc28d2650c62⋯.png (47.94 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200px-Jidf_logo.png)

89b21f  No.3530295

d005d4  No.3530296


I understand why your partner left you.

You're annoying as fuck.

178462  No.3530298


Well… Back in the days I found him and his "reads" interesting. But now, today, I understand better when kind of power "they" can use. So he and his story can be fauxed. He is certainly dead, and they tortured him to death. But it is possible he was used and he did what they wanted him to.

But if true. Why the H would POTUS pick him as his running mate. Or was that something that was pushed/forced on POTUS?

257ece  No.3530299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f9c69a  No.3530300


I left her, you fucking retard.


2d5df0  No.3530301


Crying on here instead of dealing with it…way to go yourself. This is a recycled message anyway, you ain't fooling anybody.

199e4b  No.3530302

File: 1e8df7e1339248f⋯.png (212.62 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41b169b625acbd0⋯.png (294.08 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cecd97bc5930d8⋯.png (430.76 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)


From the ChicagoTribune article - Raffi Krikorian, Chief Technology Officer for the DNC. Super spoop?




(tweet metadata authored by Krikorian 2010) http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/TweetMetadata.pdf

dcd641  No.3530303

File: a95e45d3967cd31⋯.jpg (140.25 KB, 595x837, 595:837, 1a.JPG)

File: cb3ebe54236a111⋯.jpg (142.08 KB, 591x846, 197:282, 2.JPG)

File: 935b38da27c5546⋯.jpg (85.68 KB, 602x439, 602:439, 2a.JPG)

Pompeo Welcomes Mexico-UN Plan to Deal With Migrant ‘Caravan’ at Mexico’s Southern Border


bc5611  No.3530304


Right. 17 months. 17. Every. Damn. Time.

ea37c0  No.3530305

File: ad85b8c015d746c⋯.jpeg (92.48 KB, 1440x1052, 360:263, 1539862486.jpeg)

f9c69a  No.3530306

Jesus… This board has gotten weak AF. A bunch of lemmings and cowards. Fucking wow.

be663f  No.3530307

File: d61a511f543847a⋯.png (289.26 KB, 640x631, 640:631, ClipboardImage.png)

3612fa  No.3530308


>u have good soul

TY anon..we all do!

Theory…we have all had numerous incarnations here (and other places). Our world a big soul trap and our soul "energy" is used. In fact fear/uncertainty/division is "food" in higher realms as is love/kindness/family…

Keeping us here and controlled and stupid is like a big feedlot…

We are waking up to this..and we have all AGREED to be here RIGHT NOW…we are the change..we are the catalyst. And we have to translate…

TY anon for the compliment…we ALL have a good soul and we are ALL on this noble effort!

446187  No.3530309

Maybe all this time, Q was just a plan to destroy the chans by invading the last place online with free speech with NPC facebergers.

89b21f  No.3530310


wtf r u talking about?


In Pee Sea / NPC

first image on a DDG search for "peeing in the ocean" so you can fuck right off!

7b7989  No.3530311

File: a2071df349f09de⋯.png (390.71 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)


South Korea Claims Pope Francis Wants Invite to North Korea

ea37c0  No.3530312


Kittens and Frens…

7bb07a  No.3530313


Translation- Dems will fight to keep private, somehow

dcd641  No.3530314

File: 9dfd9bd4f9cc385⋯.jpg (103.6 KB, 757x824, 757:824, 1a.JPG)

File: 9edaddd75ebb6c6⋯.jpg (88.51 KB, 539x557, 539:557, 2.JPG)

State Dept. denies report Pompeo heard recording of Khashoggi's murder


9c8b82  No.3530315

File: 968b6f5aac258b8⋯.jpg (27.45 KB, 460x558, 230:279, mandarin.jpg)


i thought your shareblue checks were bouncing… or maybe you're chinese or iranian

5ee368  No.3530316


>Rosie O’Donnell: Trump Is ‘Evil,’ ‘I Want to Send the Military to the White House to Get Him’

Whose military would want to help her get rid of Trump? Certainly not the US military.

9c8b82  No.3530317

File: fd591a5454ae8f8⋯.gif (2.14 MB, 498x273, 166:91, raw (2).gif)

11adb0  No.3530318

File: 87d84567f36d8cd⋯.jpg (28.37 KB, 552x413, 552:413, irony.jpg)

d9acd5  No.3530319


>What if there are no declassifications before the midterms?

I will be laughing at (you) and all the other shills whose paychecks are going to bounce because your team is losing bigly.

no declas is because kavanaugh and democratic mobs superseded declas in terms of political usefulness.

declas is a complicated story. i like beer and mobs not jobs are simple stories. in politics you always go with the simplest story that wins the argument. the argument is won. republicans will win. declas would have been politically counter productive.

prepare your anus because after the election we are coming in with +5 in the senate and +40 in the house, AT LEAST (counting all the shit on the Republican side that got cleaned out).

c5f08f  No.3530320

File: d436d49d68fd95e⋯.jpg (149.67 KB, 966x1200, 161:200, DpMhag6UYAA7OFC.jpg)

File: 01e96bf666c3eef⋯.jpg (56.96 KB, 567x571, 567:571, DbF5WSZVwAAp_cl.jpg)

2aa562  No.3530321


Use's 'I" 4 x in first para.

Thinks self is real.

No help, as the gamblers say.

5ee368  No.3530322


>I have a near 150 IQ

I would need some really strong sauce on that.

b32733  No.3530323

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, pope and a rope copy.png)


Why does that Satanic POS want in to North Korea?

f73274  No.3530325

File: 315df52e7ac6ccb⋯.png (148.65 KB, 857x390, 857:390, Acosta shocked by Kanye la….png)

File: c11a8a8e92cf98d⋯.png (134 KB, 863x435, 863:435, The Real Acosta.png)

File: 571789f9a841fa6⋯.png (38.84 KB, 633x331, 633:331, tweet that provoked Acosta.png)

Peter Hasson | Reporter


CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta late Thursday night sent a vulgar direct message on Twitter to a former staffer in President Donald Trump’s administration.

“Fuck you,” Acosta wrote to Justin Caporale, the former director of operations for first lady Melania Trump.

They are coming unhinged!!! The plan is WORKING!


484f94  No.3530326

File: 501e40a47920bc8⋯.jpg (122.89 KB, 733x499, 733:499, Looney bird Toons.jpg)

File: 8b292e011c9df22⋯.jpg (74.51 KB, 245x400, 49:80, back in the ussr.jpg)

File: 892eb23a2d321ac⋯.jpg (90.96 KB, 484x644, 121:161, MOCKINGBIRD.jpg)


what, you think WaPo speaks all by itself with no direction from the owner (s)?

history books 75 years from now will have "Bezos receives $600,000,000 for secret CIA project" and "Bezos buys WaPo for $600,000,000" in the same sentence. infinity chan has it now.

you can't just read, anon. you must think as well. This article was written to make you think something, something that is the opposite of reality. PAY ATTENTION

89b21f  No.3530327

File: d27d7931f7ad417⋯.png (126.48 KB, 490x671, 490:671, ClipboardImage.png)

5d28e8  No.3530328

File: 51b62f4457eafe3⋯.png (235.31 KB, 518x394, 259:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Just wow … waste products (WaPo) at it again


733630  No.3530329

>>3530310 You posting naked children with a stupid premise can fuck the fuck off, nobody except a sick fuck like you wants to see naked kids peeing. You disgust me.

577488  No.3530330

File: 98e0dfe5179aedc⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 320x233, 320:233, E64CB121-D361-454B-B808-77….gif)



e2a4b6  No.3530332

File: 6d2a7cc2549565f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 2597x1881, 2597:1881, 15markerswlinesgodw111.png)

Yesterday's clock.

One extra confirmation.

e66354  No.3530333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NPC Dank Meme compilation

f23bf8  No.3530334


Took me three times to read through and understand that ridulously-long run-on sentence (first paragraph.) But I think you're spot on.

16842e  No.3530335

File: 42bc862e24f2d49⋯.jpeg (132.39 KB, 676x531, 676:531, 3D9A9710-5E37-47DF-8B62-0….jpeg)

257ece  No.3530336


Spiral dynamics is an evolutionary process. Everyone travels the process at different speeds.

10bdd4  No.3530337


I never thought it was coming before midterms. So my thinking won’t change

1fa801  No.3530338

File: 26ea802e86f5e3b⋯.png (45.42 KB, 1371x322, 1371:322, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump's rally in Houston in support of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has been moved to a larger venue because of high demand, Trump's campaign manager announced Thursday.

The rally was initially scheduled for the 8,000-seat NRG Arena. But Brad Parscale tweeted the rally has relocated to the Toyota Center, which holds up to 19,000 people for concerts. The venue is home to the NBA's Houston Rockets.

Response for tickets to #MAGA rally #Houston Mon 10/22 has been HUGE and unprecedented! This will be an epic rally, so we’re moving to @ToyotaCenter. Want to make sure everyone coming knows the venue changed!

— Brad Parscale (@parscale) October 18, 2018

The Toyota Center later confirmed to The Hill that it will host the event.

The Trump campaign announced on Monday that the president would head to Houston to hold a rally for his one-time rival, Cruz.

The initial choice of NRG Arena was a subject of mockery on social media, as the president pledged in August to hold a "major rally" at "the biggest stadium in Texas we can find."

An aide for the Trump campaign who asked not to be identified told The Dallas Morning News that the arena was the biggest location available on Oct. 22, and disputed that the venue fell short of expectations the president set in his August tweet.

The Toyota Center did not have other publicly announced events scheduled for Monday. Comedian Kevin Hart is set to perform there on Saturday, and a Josh Groban concert is set for Tuesday.

Monday's rally will add to a long list of campaign events Trump has held in recent weeks to bolster GOP Senate candidates. The president has made stops in Tennessee, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Ohio, and will travel this week to Montana, Arizona and Nevada.

Cruz's race against Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) has drawn national interest as the challenger has garnered significant fundraising hauls in traditionally Republican Texas.

However, polls of late show Cruz maintaining a steady lead. A RealClearPolitics average of polls shows Cruz with a 7-point lead in the race.

Trump and Cruz have been publicly supportive of one another after a 2016 presidential campaign in which the two regularly exchanged insults. The president labeled Cruz "Lyin' Ted," and the senator blasted then-candidate Trump as a "sniveling coward" and a "pathological liar."


88312a  No.3530339

File: 1751a67ac70c571⋯.jpg (78.63 KB, 490x522, 245:261, 2jny29.jpg)

File: 8fdae44fb491496⋯.jpg (91.87 KB, 546x499, 546:499, 2jd06w.jpg)

File: 066d28b229ae1a7⋯.jpg (49.79 KB, 449x294, 449:294, 2jczik.jpg)

File: 07cd23caca6ef52⋯.jpg (60.92 KB, 446x327, 446:327, anonlikeKav.jpg)


here's some anti-kav shilling for you fagets

does his dick taste like beer?

48bd08  No.3530340

Texas Dems ask noncitizens to register to vote, send applications with citizenship box pre-checked.


b32733  No.3530341

File: 460f467ce11be58⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1701x1043, 243:149, 2018-10-19_08-24-32.png)

446187  No.3530342


Guess Red October just means lots of repetitive rallys?

d9acd5  No.3530343


>No way we are having legit elections

concernfag bullshit. election in 2016 were legit enough for trump to win. with trump in control the situation has only improved.

the bottom line is that in order for the dims to take back the house they have to flip 20 districts that voted for trump. how many trump voters do you know who have gone dim???? fucking zero. how many dims have seen the light? millions. it is going to be a slaughter.

5d28e8  No.3530344

File: 00b6cbfcef23d7b⋯.png (21.31 KB, 674x191, 674:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c4c52a2909d82a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1209x2652, 31:68, ClipboardImage.png)

this seems like a biggy

Saudi Royal Family Considering Replacement For Crown Prince bin Salman: Report



7d7168  No.3530345

File: 5bf2b3799758018⋯.jpg (361.68 KB, 981x1058, 981:1058, ex4 - Copy.jpg)

File: 16017f998190acd⋯.jpg (352.69 KB, 981x1058, 981:1058, ex3 - Copy.jpg)

File: 5dd04b3b96ad6cf⋯.jpg (318.03 KB, 981x1058, 981:1058, ex2 - Copy.jpg)

File: d0377a9c19d040e⋯.jpg (295.79 KB, 981x1058, 981:1058, ex - Copy.jpg)



ISIS RETURNS: Sick terrorists take 700 hostage - Putin issues warning

ISIS has taken 700 people hostage in an area in Syria controlled by US-backed forces, Russian President Vladimir Putin has revealed.


PUBLISHED: 08:46, Fri, Oct 19, 2018 | UPDATED: 09:00, Fri, Oct 19, 2018

The Russian leader said the depraved terrorists had expanded its control in territory controlled by US and US-backed forces.

ISIS issued Russia with an ultimatum and vowed to execute ten people every day.

Speaking in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, Putin said the hostages included several US and European nationals.

1c5ab6  No.3530346


LOL yea and if your dumb dirty filthy low class ass ever even made it to such a position, NO one would come to your side. You're a piece of shit.

d005d4  No.3530347

File: 73c136292b9b357⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2288x1617, 208:147, ty scf.jpg)

3bd5e8  No.3530348


US troops on Mexico's southern border….

c1a2ea  No.3530349

File: b23192327312587⋯.png (90 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


Coxiella burnetii, is the bacteria the disease is called Coxiellosis (Q Fever).

Often found in sheep.


We have to tag them and inoculate them.

It's for the greater good.

16842e  No.3530350

File: 80aea5e858c8939⋯.jpeg (23.37 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 95C25B0D-EFBF-49C6-8C46-C….jpeg)


It’s you who does not belong here

9c8b82  No.3530351

File: ddac4cafb4de29f⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 970x712, 485:356, p8kut.jpg)

49d1a1  No.3530352

File: 96ca80e40ee699b⋯.jpg (102.47 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2f36up.jpg)

File: abd1b0f6c79ca9c⋯.jpg (82.2 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2dyrda.jpg)

File: a145829ee03d1e8⋯.png (442.02 KB, 800x804, 200:201, And then he said out .png)

File: e1f40c88bcc4c94⋯.jpg (56.37 KB, 622x847, 622:847, He Broke Me.jpg)

88312a  No.3530353


true story, I change affiliation from D to R last month

but not strictly b/c of Kav. I happen to think he showed himself to be a pussy who cried about the sky falling. Well, DJT had his back and the sky didn't fall. faget.

356d3d  No.3530354

File: 4cdb3e7d7b8f52f⋯.jpeg (15.59 KB, 225x225, 1:1, periclymenoides .jpeg)


skycat event

who's your god now?

be663f  No.3530355


A lot of developed countries have offered aid to Guatemala. But, Israel is the only one you shills choose to claim is aiding these invaders of the only country that has consistently helped and supported Israel?

Makes perfect sense if you're a dumbass faggot!

10bdd4  No.3530356


Wondering how this video became public

1e86a5  No.3530357

>>3530299 Clutching at Straws is my favorite album of all time. Best album of the 80's and it didn't even make the billboard top 200. Thank you Anon I now have the soundtrack for my research today.

88312a  No.3530358


your breath smells like beer.

49d1a1  No.3530359

2e9460  No.3530360



c260e0  No.3530361


Declass would have come at this point if

A: Trump thought the election was close

B: Too late now because early voting

C: Muh hatch act.

Declass after mid terms is much more devastating because

A: The results are locked in meaning removal from office appointment by GOP gov.

B: The MSM wouldn't be able to spin it away because mid terms

f45ac8  No.3530362

File: e3066d0371ce889⋯.png (623.38 KB, 1048x684, 262:171, Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at ….png)


So Brave.

Let history show that 6 million NPCs were lost to graycism.

And, that the cause was orange man bad.

9c8b82  No.3530363

File: f20c23967ef0886⋯.jpg (41.05 KB, 400x300, 4:3, f20c23967ef0886106c9bd326a….jpg)

61e028  No.3530364


tattoos are degenerate

89b21f  No.3530365

File: 040c1306151f768⋯.png (120.88 KB, 490x671, 490:671, ClipboardImage.png)

7bb07a  No.3530366

9/11 = 17 years ago

Khashoggi bringing OBL in the news

Is it happening?

5d28e8  No.3530367

File: 2e0c3b978d07c51⋯.png (523.18 KB, 623x476, 89:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4472051e1d1f6ed⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1232x8175, 1232:8175, ClipboardImage.png)


As Khashoggi crisis grows, Saudi king asserts authority, checks son's power

dce5e6  No.3530368


I have lib friends who believe CNN without question. It is fun yet sad to ask them basic logic questions about the CNN talking points to see their points crumble.

27696c  No.3530369

File: 6842ed3e0843efe⋯.png (463.66 KB, 601x338, 601:338, Screenshot_2018-08-09 go a….png)

88312a  No.3530370


says the one whose breath smells like salty beer!

3e9b3b  No.3530371

There were 42 generations from Abraham to Adam, specifically explained in the New Testament. Abraham to David 14, David to Exile 14, and Exile to Christ Also, the ONLY angle at which you can visually see Gods gift to Noah, the rainbow, is 42 degrees. There were also 42 stations leading the Israelites OUT of Egypt during the exodus.


fd119f  No.3530372

FOX NEWS reporting border crossings are now increasing. Live coverage from the Texas border.

Not reporting on the source of this invasion (Soros).

e02c67  No.3530373

File: c5ec8da4b2b338d⋯.jpg (78.68 KB, 1024x1008, 64:63, pqDxqPC.jpg)

9d3c3d  No.3530374


Thank you Guatemala anon!

55df4c  No.3530375


Could his son be so dumb, that he thought nobody would notice?

1fa801  No.3530376

File: 2d4f41d4720fa68⋯.png (31.44 KB, 920x211, 920:211, ClipboardImage.png)

The major French daily Le Figaro on Thursday published a bombshell story which reports the Saudi royal family is actively considering a replacement to crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) as next in line to succeed his father King Salman as the kingdom finds itself under the greatest international pressure and scrutiny it's faced in its modern history over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi — widely believed to have been killed on orders of MbS himself.

The Li Figaro report's unnamed diplomatic source says the Allegiance Council, which is historically the body responsible for approving the order of succession to the throne, is currently meeting in secret (translation from the French):

For several days, the Allegiance Council for the ruling Saudi family is meeting in the utmost discretion, says a diplomatic source to Le Figaro in Paris. The information has been confirmed by a Saudi Arabian contacted in Riyadh. Composed of a delegate representing each of the clans — at least seven — of the royal family, this body, responsible for inheritance problems, examines the situation created by the disappearance, still unresolved, more than a fortnight ago, of the journalist dissident Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

The report in France's oldest top three national newspapers further suggests the ruling family is seeking to replace the 33-year old MbS with his much less ambitious and more predictable brother, Prince Khalid bin Salman.

The council was already seen as having broken the customary rules of succession last year when it appointed MbS as the new crown prince over next-in-line to the throne Mohammed bin Nayef; however, the council's authority has tended to be seen as a rubber stamp on already decided succession by the most powerful figures within the ruling family.

The Le Figaro report further cited a Saudi source who explained the transition wouldn't necessarily be immediate, but that Khalid would gradually replace his brother.

Khalid, who's even younger than MbS at 28, is said to be popular both at home and abroad, and is generally seen as someone who can improve the kingdom's image in the West.

He's been Saudi ambassador to the United States since taking the post in April 2017 but was recalled last week, according to The New York Times. He flew directly back to Riyadh where he was present for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's high pressure but brief visit with King Salman and MbS to discuss to Khashoggi disappearance.

Newsweek summarizes his political career as follows:

Before becoming an ambassador, the prince was an adviser at Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Washington as well as at the Ministry of Defense in Riyadh, according to his bio on the embassy’s website. Prior to that, he served as a pilot in the kingdom’s air force, flying F-15s and taking parting in more than 50 combat missions in Syria and Yemen.

When he took his post in Washington, Marcelle M. Wahba, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and president of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, told Saudi Arabia’s English-language newspaper Arab News that Prince Khalid’s biggest challenge would be improving and broadening the kingdom’s image.

If the ruling family is pushing to replace MbS, it's likely to be announced fast (or at least "leaks" of the news will continue) in order to relieve the continued pressure on Riyadh.

Currently a public campaign is mounting for lobbying and media companies to pull out of Saudi events, especially the Saudi Future Investment Initiative summit set for this month — which as of Thursday US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he would not be attending, adding his name to a host of other officials.


fa08b5  No.3530377


Good thought anon. Setting the stage to cover up RMs evidence of massive election tampering… but not by Trump or Russia!

89b21f  No.3530378

File: a9f0749a9985767⋯.png (121.79 KB, 490x671, 490:671, ClipboardImage.png)

7e44da  No.3530379


I don't hate jews, well yes I do but I do not like people who lie cheat and steal and jews are very good at lying, cheating and stealing. weird but true

e66354  No.3530380

File: 5d74cd5c3cbd4a6⋯.gif (81.44 KB, 255x247, 255:247, triggered-npc-gif-slow.gif)


6 grozillion? Im literally shaking RN

be663f  No.3530381




f948f3  No.3530382


They don’t call it the Washington Compost for nothing. Always lives up to its name.

88312a  No.3530383

File: 46b1a0cb0912b17⋯.jpg (57.21 KB, 502x353, 502:353, 2ivr5w.jpg)

did everything work out for him in the end? yes.

why use (their) tactics rather than faith and logic?

see Clarence Thomas. observe how he behaved. Can you think critically, or are you a QNPC?

fd119f  No.3530384

GRIFF JENKINS with Fox News is a COMPLETE TOOL. Reporting from the border and asking "migrants" why they are here - and telling everyone "see, here is proof they are here just to find work"!

Live coverage now. GRIFF JENKINS IS A SHILL.

341b37  No.3530385

File: 710be44f6c0e58e⋯.jpeg (59.04 KB, 449x800, 449:800, 94AD6933-1414-467C-AB71-0….jpeg)




asyou were

3e9b3b  No.3530387

Fibonacci sequence should be 233 (13th) +144 (12th)= 377 (14th) But what we have now is 233 (13th) +89(11th) = 322 D 'and' A manipulation, (DNA is 'and' backwards) and Time manipulation (144 is 'Time' in Jewish Gematria, 'DA' = 41, the 13th prime, 13 is master of Time)

fa08b5  No.3530388







Me too #walkaway Dem turned Republican as of last month

88312a  No.3530390


maybe they are many that he got away with, which caused his confidence to get out of hand

be663f  No.3530391


That anti-Jew crap just shits up the bread.

b44687  No.3530392

Baking, Bakers Bun:


>>3529760 ]Sessions[ Quietly Transforming Immigration Courts

>>3529726, >>3529780 Star of David on Migrant Caravan truck

>>3529732 Islamist Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary freed in dark of night

>>3529824, >>3529908 Soldier deployed to Gitmo dies while swimming at beach

>>3529833, >>3529992 US Navy Captian charged with criminal conspiracy

>>3529842 Dead Brothel Owner expected to win Nevada election

>>3530106 Jorge-Tores-Maria-Nina-Pedro-Ocasio-Cortez refuses to endorse B. Sanders

>>3530146 ICE Target pedo arrested in Lousiana

>>3530192 2 Napa County Judges to retire

>>3530138 Malaysian Opposition Leader Arrested and assets frozen, Corruption + Money Laundering

>>3530242 POTUS Schedule 10.19.18

>>3530091, >>3529817 Financial + Legal issues re: Chinese Companys

91fd28  No.3530393



474a83  No.3530394


Like you know everything that is going on.

If you do - then move on to 16chan.

d4ab4a  No.3530395



Truck with star of david logo on side ferrying caravan people to the border.

You've been found out jew.

d005d4  No.3530396

File: 107b0b9a44fabc9⋯.jpg (54.27 KB, 383x547, 383:547, benis dome.jpg)


Q checked my cookies and was very disappointed.

b44687  No.3530397


Those top 3 are from the previous baker, its been a nice slow comfy bread

5d28e8  No.3530398




possible notables re: saudis

be663f  No.3530399


No… you have you Jew hating muzzie

968c02  No.3530400

File: c1c70e16a60044a⋯.png (31.46 KB, 876x437, 876:437, ClipboardImage.png)

Fourteen cartel leaders indicted after 15 indictments unsealed.


7e44da  No.3530401


WTF? We give israel "aid" and they turn around and have more than enough to give to other countries? I guess it's not "aid" we are giving them, must be some kind of bribery or blackmail cause they obviously don't need "aid". Maybe we should give them "aids"

89b21f  No.3530402

7821ae  No.3530403


"Vote for you not them"

474a83  No.3530404


go! go! go!

d26537  No.3530405

File: a1eafc37c1c8fb0⋯.jpg (167.9 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Brennan FAP.jpg)


Total posts= way too many

Effectiveness= ZERO

be663f  No.3530407

Coming in here lately is like stepping back in time to the days of Hitler, with all the "Joos are the reason for all the worlds problems" shilling.

You shills are sick

89b21f  No.3530408

File: 9304c236cbd6b14⋯.png (119.41 KB, 490x671, 490:671, ClipboardImage.png)

27696c  No.3530409

File: 314404d2faf4115⋯.jpg (59.15 KB, 472x354, 4:3, NPC_loves_g00gle.jpg)

91fd28  No.3530410

File: fbb62af065d4151⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2356x3268, 31:43, qclock1017.png)

File: f389dca6216df08⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclockflag.png)

File: 68cd51d232d73e2⋯.png (754.39 KB, 944x2000, 59:125, qclockkenya.png)

File: 14b6a4b67cc91ca⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock58.png)


:) the three yesterday? glad to hear it.

Have more! I did not do all these, matter of fact pretty sure these are all other anons work!!!

121b87  No.3530411


Seriously WTF?

That is borderline CP. Delete that shit now!

acbaf0  No.3530413


THIS. Why aren't they reporting on the Marxist source of this caravan. It took me less than five minutes to discover this, but I have not seen it reported anywhere.

d26537  No.3530414

File: 3abe2b0297ddbed⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Still here.jpg)

File: 0a47c064afa1ee3⋯.png (75.23 KB, 1207x536, 1207:536, Zionism for dummies.png)

9d3c3d  No.3530416

File: 5663eb1e4762c37⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 460x346, 230:173, 2605843149.jpg)

File: 941087cbae21478⋯.png (72.47 KB, 496x169, 496:169, 66f54ffa-a4fb-4fe8-90fd-de….png)

File: 4bb00c004cb00c3⋯.jpg (253.87 KB, 768x384, 2:1, cabal operative with cooti….JPG)

File: 48401d14f071b7a⋯.jpg (178.62 KB, 576x384, 3:2, hillary did it.JPG)

Khashoggi was a moslem brotherhool cabal operative. I hope he's singing like a canary and squealing like a pig where ever he is at.

Good Riddance Terrorist Sympathizer!!! They just want to destabilize Prince MBS's control over Saudi Arabia and put back the Cabal's choice for the crown alwaleed bin talal.

And trying to bombard President Trump with multiple crisis at one time…planned for the midterms.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Cabal Cootie infested maggots…GFY

7a4f9f  No.3530418

File: ad731374a3608ba⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1116x1212, 93:101, acosta npc.png)

7821ae  No.3530419

File: 6c6dfbfe1f4ffc7⋯.png (34.83 KB, 405x295, 81:59, ClipboardImage.png)

6cf228  No.3530420


Interesting. Learning more and more about the heavens on this site.

ea37c0  No.3530421

File: a7453e364bbce29⋯.jpg (18.12 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ub4if.jpg)

d9acd5  No.3530422



same liberal globalist agenda as all the other media. they just put right wing commentators on to try to gain the trust of conservatives so they can sell their lies.

4e8463  No.3530423

File: c43d7765ebeab1f⋯.png (169.52 KB, 1236x690, 206:115, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim playing the world's smallest violin. What a baby.

91fd28  No.3530424


Where the fuck were you two years ago?

Oh yeah - on reddit being filled with a narrative, clueless to boot.


49d1a1  No.3530425

File: 545ffa76168cf00⋯.jpg (49.79 KB, 507x499, 507:499, 2kh217.jpg)

File: f4860a33d616b50⋯.jpg (50.28 KB, 507x499, 507:499, 2kh260.jpg)

File: 2c9200d95b49722⋯.png (123.36 KB, 385x385, 1:1, Pantifa NPC underwear.png)

d26537  No.3530426

hope NP had a nice dinner yesterday!!

Only gets worse for them….

be663f  No.3530427


Damn straight he's my POTUS. But he's not yours faggot, not if you are another anti-Israel shill. He doesn't stand for that shit.

7e44da  No.3530428


get a non jewish lawyer and sue somebody

5ee368  No.3530429


I've also read that Caucasians adapt a 25 hour day when living without daylight or clocks. And as chance would have it, Mars happens to have a 25 hour day!

I for one am definitely suffering by the stupid 24 hour day on this planet. I don't want to go to bed yet in the evening, and I've never done sleeping in the morning.

356d3d  No.3530430

File: 0d6b205053f81ae⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 2304x4096, 9:16, cal.jpg)



It's fucking over Israshills. Just shut the fuck up and leave for a few hours.

Blessed art thou oh lord our god who has commanded us to call out our enemies and shine the light of truth on their insidious bullshit.

b32733  No.3530431

File: 499445a3f89dc09⋯.png (356.18 KB, 596x333, 596:333, 2018-10-19_08-41-00.png)

File: abb0b58de3e2b51⋯.png (296.53 KB, 615x452, 615:452, 2018-10-19_08-39-36.png)

File: b4b34fc951f614d⋯.png (216.61 KB, 476x353, 476:353, 2018-10-19_08-38-39.png)

File: 9fc53a12f5f4384⋯.png (675.82 KB, 906x665, 906:665, 2018-10-19_08-42-31.png)

>>3528615 (last bread)

Maybe he should have consulted with POTUS about God and Time Travel.


121b87  No.3530432

File: 1780eef38cf7948⋯.jpg (150.9 KB, 640x751, 640:751, acosta'd.jpg)

4e8463  No.3530433

File: c3eb06979d77405⋯.png (464.25 KB, 1098x1192, 549:596, ClipboardImage.png)

89b21f  No.3530434


wtf r u talking about?

In Pee Sea / NPC

first image on a DDG search for "peeing in the ocean" so you can fuck right off!

d26537  No.3530435

File: 54657857f1645fb⋯.jpg (67.87 KB, 1501x1000, 1501:1000, Bogus Man.jpg)


It's called Zionism and try again.

Not working shill…

0238fe  No.3530436


Those kids and their Rock and Roll.

61e028  No.3530437

474a83  No.3530438


I agree - get rid of that crap!

4a28cc  No.3530439


this guy really likes to come out spewing BS during Q darkness doesn’t he

6cf228  No.3530440


Try not to use white lines… really hard to follow them whenthe pic gets this large. (IMHO)

4e8463  No.3530441

File: 898a1bcb08fe293⋯.png (209.95 KB, 1210x672, 605:336, ClipboardImage.png)

ea37c0  No.3530442

File: f8f6c2abcb949c0⋯.gif (948.63 KB, 499x497, 499:497, drumm.gif)

55df4c  No.3530443


Its just a kid taking a piss

733630  No.3530444


If you think that is ok, you may not know you are sick. Its not acceptable, either your a shill trying to get the news to come see CP on our board or you need counseling. That is only funny to like Dirty Gradma types and pedos…..you should seek help.

9d3c3d  No.3530445

File: a1926616a4a9cc0⋯.jpg (175.82 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 44273510_1458047957662570_….jpg)

File: a582efc97366a28⋯.jpg (63.65 KB, 494x668, 247:334, 3112472.jpg)

File: e3512308b9262ae⋯.jpg (149.08 KB, 408x528, 17:22, when i hate my liberal nei….JPG)

File: 750b23ddb966929⋯.jpg (76.96 KB, 768x384, 2:1, ddmcjikf.jpg)

File: dd137b00e22452b⋯.jpg (128.29 KB, 792x548, 198:137, 43677361124.jpg)

89b21f  No.3530446

File: 202c405a24e325e⋯.png (334.71 KB, 490x367, 490:367, npccensored.png)


fuck you and lighten up. I don't think DDG hosts child porn on their image searches.

733630  No.3530447


Do you want to see adults (men) peeing? If its real it left level humor based on the letter P. Sick, fake and mostly gay but all the way PEDO.

ea37c0  No.3530448

File: 6f1357b65cbb246⋯.jpg (111.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maxresdefault (3).jpg)

16842e  No.3530449


Stop posting screenshots of this fraud

b32733  No.3530450

File: 557af9a9eb7619a⋯.png (374.82 KB, 499x561, 499:561, 2018-10-19_08-49-42.png)

356d3d  No.3530451

File: 9d9baeb4b2dc384⋯.png (2.06 MB, 830x1200, 83:120, hot.png)

121b87  No.3530452

File: 2b1249064026105⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 255x187, 15:11, pepe_this.jpg)

d26537  No.3530453

so you shills understand they were not semites…

Not being semites you can't be "anti" anything because if you are not one to start with…no base for that argument.

you know that right??

Bring it fuckers.

733630  No.3530454



7f7272  No.3530455


What an idiot.

55df4c  No.3530456


Its nothing

6cf228  No.3530457


That's ow you know Khashoggi is an inside job.

91fd28  No.3530458


how'd you catch that 1h11m blue check.

nice work

ea37c0  No.3530460

File: 08d33286bf999fc⋯.jpg (42.67 KB, 1012x675, 1012:675, hjkm.jpg)

10e8bc  No.3530461

If anyone has missed #BlackListAnon's incredible wide-ranging Pedowood+ expose c/o Neonrevolt <<3526664 bread #4473 do yourself a favor and read it. It's still up on twatter but I doubt it'll remain up much longer.

#BlackListAnon if you are reading this, your reference to the "Aspen Institute" fuckery jogged my memory about the 9/11 Commission Report's missing 28-pages which were finally released in 2016. Notably, the connection of "Bandar Bush" (BTW, where is that spoopy Saudi anyway?) to the Aspen Institute and the 9/11 terrorists. Awesome job #BlackListAnon !!!

89b21f  No.3530462


you need to go back and fuck you for insinuating that shit!

f9c69a  No.3530463


I paid the $20 to take Mensa IQ tests on their site a handful of times. Ranged from 139-148.

49d1a1  No.3530465


you should have used an adult. It shows the childs naked ass, so that is not good at all.

Only way would be if it involved a dig, and the ass was blocked / covered by a black bar box or something

0238fe  No.3530467

File: 7531fe10d652dbb⋯.jpeg (298.94 KB, 552x815, 552:815, DAC19E16-94F3-4CDC-9AFD-0….jpeg)

File: 6326fb6f9fd7e3d⋯.jpeg (236.14 KB, 404x924, 101:231, 6CEC2E73-698A-4521-A16E-A….jpeg)

be663f  No.3530468


Don't be a snowflake. Parents take pics of their kids doing that kind of funny stuff all the time. If you think it's CP then you may be the one that needs help. Everything is NOT porn and everyone who laughs at a kid taking a pee is not a pedo. Get over it.

733630  No.3530469


Dear Diary,

I am a pedo and I love naked peeing kids.

474a83  No.3530470


Asian food. The younger the better.

484f94  No.3530471

File: 501e40a47920bc8⋯.jpg (122.89 KB, 733x499, 733:499, Looney bird Toons.jpg)


anon. plz. think. research.

"Maxine Waters considering a replacement for Donald Trump" get it?

d26537  No.3530472

File: 9420f77553d3c8c⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 297x450, 33:50, Careful.jpg)

The ‘smart money’ says it’s time to buy the Chinese internet giants and the U.S. FAANGs


You first…I'll wait

89b21f  No.3530473



geeze so fucking sorry to offend anybody!

not my intention!

b44687  No.3530474

bakers internet went out, back up

Fresh Bread




27696c  No.3530476


>I paid the $20


257ece  No.3530477

File: ed1af8b39537e3f⋯.jpeg (29.7 KB, 236x268, 59:67, B36766A5-F230-41AB-9799-9….jpeg)

d9acd5  No.3530478


this is why qresearch isn't on halfchan. why don't you go there to sperg out if you really care about this crap

49d1a1  No.3530479

File: 33b74cefddeb1f0⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 24j31s.jpg)

File: a6aa933393cc966⋯.jpg (81.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 24jcik.jpg)

File: ac3b1263b1028fa⋯.jpg (191.76 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 24jatp.jpg)

File: 11cec54ccadd43f⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 960x960, 1:1, DMyQb5TV4AMs47D.jpg)

89b21f  No.3530480


Dear Diary,

I am a sensitive faggot who belongs on reddit.

d26537  No.3530481

did we ever confirm the anon who realized mom was on at the same time?

baccd2  No.3530482


Nueva Generacion

Next Gen


f9c69a  No.3530483



Regardless, it does not matter… I only said that and mentioned the mental-health exam to provide assurance I wasn't a moron, or some wack-job. Which I am not. I'm just a father trying to protect his child. Nothing more.

Ironically, the man who my child says molested her, has posted publicly on his Facebook that he was visiting a neurological institute for a possible tumor. Courts could care less about that tho.

ea37c0  No.3530485

File: b7723b69b754b9e⋯.jpeg (86.89 KB, 900x675, 4:3, 1538778542.jpeg)

b32733  No.3530486

File: 3aaa6a3645da6c2⋯.png (698.03 KB, 652x926, 326:463, 2018-10-19_08-55-25.png)

f9c69a  No.3530487


It was worth it. I now have a credible basis for gauging my IQ range. Do you know yours?

2aa562  No.3530490

File: 881caaaaac0bbc1⋯.jpg (218.52 KB, 1200x1018, 600:509, 7289e22714b385fab37078d229….jpg)


Or it never happened at all.

Asking a lot to think Saudis can't educ information without killing people.

e5177c  No.3530492

File: 4525196d86c98f5⋯.jpeg (229.13 KB, 640x835, 128:167, 1337AAE1-A775-4104-9CC8-2….jpeg)

Has this been debunked already?

The Hill vid of Pastor leaving Turkey. “Reporter” does look like dye job Khashoggi

49d1a1  No.3530493


No problem anon, we all need to learn the rules.

just need to pay attention and be careful when posting images of children,

908c28  No.3530494

thank you, I may just tough it out here

df6ba3  No.3530495


Was he really just advertising her for sex when that phone call was brought to the attention of the tabloids?

0238fe  No.3530496

File: 1bc8cdce9361aa7⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 2048x1061, 2048:1061, 73A41FE6-372E-45A6-BF95-E….jpeg)


What flag is this.

efd961  No.3530497

File: 2c135c2272409f0⋯.jpg (93.49 KB, 800x600, 4:3, TheOldPepe.jpg)


I'm an oldfag … been lurking for a yr ….. No shitposts from me… I filter the mahjoos and skip the titties …. I have to hunt hard but sometimes find a jewel strewn in with the shills, shitfags and fluff. I always check the notables. Good job bakers.

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