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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

406082  No.3519604

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 -------------------------------- Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -------------------------- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>>/patriotsfight/372 -------------------------------- effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -------------------- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

406082  No.3519618


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3395243 BO : "/cbts/ and /thestorm/ ownership transferred. Thanks CM... All bans lifted"

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation


>>3519425 (((Beth Baumann))) cries "voter suppression" when bussing attempts fail

>>3519443 Resignation: WH counsel Don McGahn, had "curbed POTUS's more excessive measures"

>>3519427 Federal judge accuses State officials of lying re: HRC's server

>>3519382, >>3519396, >>3519398 FED report sent Chinese markets into "liquidity crisis"

>>3519373 FED still raising rates into "restrictive territory," Futures markets reflect

>>3518883 Retiring/stepping down: Christel DeHaan retiring as CEO of education NPO she founded

>>3518880 "Wizards & Warlocks" Naval Air Station @ Whidbey Is names squadron "Wizards"

>>3519310, >>3519327 The POTUS effect: MX sends 2x 727's to intercept Honduran caravan

^^ Baker change ^^

>>3519143 Soros' school for radicals alum list

>>3519214, >>3519243, >>3519460, >>3519331, >>3519433 New POTUS Twatts, [10] deltas

>>3518903 One of 15 Saudis who flew to Turkey on Khashoggi Day "killed in car crash"

>>3518928 #HerToo - another POTUS accuser crawls out of the sewer

>>3519044 Another UN Envoy steps down; this one Syria

>>3519132 Predator Pedo cop in jail is named after gagging order lifted

>>3519146 Biden says "No" to impeaching POTUS if Dems win House

>>3519589 #4463


>>3518097 Justice K's 1st case: a case could end internet censorship

>>3518131 Microsoft moves on child labour claims

>>3518144 MSM's [4am]s: Jamal Khashoggi murder suspect studied forensic medicine in Australia in 2015

>>3518151 Melania Trump visits babies, moms affected by opioid crisis

>>3518209 Fate of Tyndall Air Force Base F-22 Raptors still unknown post-Hurricane Michael

>>3518362 WordPress is shadowbanning conservative sites

(Baker Change, new baker below)

>>3518348 Basing admission standards on race and sex is not discriminatory, Harvard dean says

>>3518434 German Archive Anon hash update; 4468 breads archived

>>3518477, >>3518650 Trump abandons 144 year old postal policy; mail from outside the US now must pay US to deliver

>>3518701 Nikki Haley used Henry Kissinger as her mentor at UN

>>3518703 Anon finds Huma to HRC email (FOIA archives) saying Norks visited Goog during sanction time

>>3518720 Russia Foreign Minister Lavrov says Russia ready for larger-scale western provocations

>>3518763 Tony Bliar foundation gets Saudi donations

>>3518795 Huber and DOJ show that arrests are habbening. Shills still shilling anyway

>>3518402 Hussein's plan to choke opposition $ in Op Chokepoint unmasked

>>3518831 Khashoggi situation prompts Kushner retreat from Saudi frontlines

>>3518845 #4462


>>3517346 Trump Asks All Cabinet Members to Reduce Budget Spending by 5 Percent in 2019

>>3517448 Moar on WaPo publishing a final Khashoggi column warning of media intimidation

>>3517485 UNIGE researchers can burst through clouds for better communication

>>3517600 Liberal group staffer arrested after allegedly forcefully grabbing GOP campaign manager

>>3517480 SCOTUS takes case that could decide if FB, et al, can be sued for 1st Amend violations

>>3518027 #4461


>>3516608, >>3516643 Cheryl Mills back in play

>>3516609 Pelosi Details Democrats’ Plan for Open Borders

>>3516611 Batters Box: Randall Coleman

>>3516658, >>3516684 Batters Box: Trisha Anderson

>>3516695 Resignations in the news today

>>3516731, >>3516777, >>3516926, >>3516961 Batters Box: Tashina Guahar

>>3516770 Alleged Mexican Cartel Kingpin Charged In Unsealed Indictment

>>3516829, >>3516858 Batters Box: Kevin Clinesmith

>>3517223 Rally tomorrow 6:30pm MDT in Montana (8:30 EDT)

>>3517263 #4459

Previously Collected Notables

>>3514943 #4457, >>3515707 #4458, >>3519337 #4459

>>3512558 #4454, >>3513394 #4455, >>3514152 #4456

>>3511088 #4452, >>3511835 #4453, >>3512558 #4454

>>3509458 #4450, >>3510297 #4451, >>3511088 #4452

>>3507152 #4447, >>3507915 #4448, >>3508676 #4449

>>3504825 #4444, >>3505607 #4445, >>3506384 #4446

>>3502494 #4441, >>3503257 #4442, >>3504600 #4443

>>3500164 #4438, >>3500908 #4439, >>3501724 #4440

>>3497886 #4435, >>3498555 #4436, >>3499402 #4437

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

406082  No.3519619

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

406082  No.3519620

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

5c5c77  No.3519636

File: e473b6111f7c2f9⋯.jpeg (181.17 KB, 842x595, 842:595, 516D7BBF-2D7D-4452-A49E-D….jpeg)

686b93  No.3519640

File: 56fb9cc9d094da0⋯.jpg (37.16 KB, 620x430, 62:43, salvini-trump.jpg)

Italy's Salvini says may run for EU Commission presidency: paper

MILAN (Reuters) - Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, head of the League party, was quoted as saying he may consider running for the presidency of the European Commission at the next elections.

“It’s true, friends from several European countries are asking me to,” Salvini told la Repubblica daily in an interview. “May is still far away. We will see, I’ll think about it.”

The next European elections are due May 23–26.

Salvini, who was visiting Russia, also reiterated that Italy would oppose renewing indefinitely sanctions against Moscow.


For non europeans, this is very high position in EU.

More on Matteo Salvini: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/apr/26/donald-trump-gets-my-backing-says-italys-matteo-salvini This article was published before the 2016 election.

406082  No.3519649

File: 1b05c9813a7abf0⋯.jpg (12.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, NPCrobotProgrammedToFeel.jpg)

current dough


Please note current bread should be numbered #4464

(not #4463.)

05295a  No.3519651

File: 394549555173ad4⋯.jpg (25.03 KB, 225x225, 1:1, shittingupthebread.jpg)



Then there's these faggots.

c5bdd5  No.3519652

File: 27a74e5011fb7ad⋯.jpg (168.7 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_519.jpg)

patriots thrive!

6e92ea  No.3519653

File: 801b1addd86cc99⋯.jpeg (111.88 KB, 750x742, 375:371, conservative woman baker ….jpeg)

Aces baker thanks for fixing that ;)

271960  No.3519654

Your dumb fucking shills. The first # was my SS, the second was my phone#, and it does work. I suggest you don't harass me. I am under federal whistleblower protection and you are fucking with the wrong guy right now.

271960  No.3519655

Take the bait, I dare you.

48b70f  No.3519656

From previous dough. Sorry, but this Anon needs help.


I agree… actually part of the Beck protocol is to drink ozonated water, which increases the oxygen in the body. The Gerson diet creates an alkaline system, which also increases oxygen and electrical charge among the cells.

But if there are other ways to get oxygen in the body, like oxygen mask or whatever, I would imagine that would help even more.

bf0a21  No.3519657

File: 6f7a2c75396fde0⋯.jpg (544.28 KB, 1800x2443, 1800:2443, gigi-1.jpg)

Thank You Baker

48b70f  No.3519658

>>3519656 Flax seed oil with cottage cheese floods cells with O2

034332  No.3519659

File: 92a6787e4fd8fb9⋯.jpg (409.41 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, 5733210440_abd97ef554_b.jpg)

>>3518918 > (lb)

Bless you Swordanon and all anons, this day and forever!

dc80bd  No.3519660

File: f699312f97ee886⋯.png (603.21 KB, 800x472, 100:59, ehdvlg6liir9qvzwtxji.png)

Can any anon cut the Wojak face cap off and make PNG file so I can use on other faces….

9f50c6  No.3519661

>>3518996 (lb)

> excellent analysis of early returns on twatter

I have never heard of this guy before so I have no idea if he is legit but right now the district-by-district polls show the Republicans holding the house and it is reasonable to think the Republicans will outperform the polls by at least 5% in most cases so this sounds right.

b6a6b2  No.3519663

File: 069470773b03a7e⋯.jpg (441.22 KB, 931x1039, 931:1039, Vxs-1.jpg)

Wizards of the Antarctic

>NRL, VXS-1 NP-3D Orion in flight.

>2004 – The Detachment supported the Antarctic Sea Ice Campaign, flying missions in and around what was formerly known as the Palmer Peninsula on the Antarctic continent. The mission purpose was the evaluation of spatial variability to fully assess how accurately sea ice parameters can be derived based on a study of new ice emissivity, heat, and salinity fluxes over coastal waters and a determination of precise locations of ice edges.[3]


030d8c  No.3519664

File: f5bce22ffb6dabd⋯.png (402.62 KB, 474x527, 474:527, youyouyou.png)

00030d  No.3519665

>>3518918 (pb)

God Bless You swordAnon.

271960  No.3519666


God. If I had a fronthole I would fuck it all day.

6e92ea  No.3519667


If you were in the program, you won't say you were, derpy do

271960  No.3519668


I have my phone out right now, call me dipshit. 4053789134 I am waiting.

e7355e  No.3519669

File: dd03f83589f4d6b⋯.png (223.42 KB, 754x713, 754:713, trump on hussein.PNG)

File: 9a7761c1ef1d1a0⋯.png (105.63 KB, 897x685, 897:685, hussein athleticism.PNG)

File: 0315d1969d02678⋯.png (25.08 KB, 1313x317, 1313:317, cathie currie.PNG)

File: 60f6cf12d9365b4⋯.png (61.51 KB, 1140x369, 380:123, cathie currie 2.PNG)


Hussein was noticed for his 'athleticism' when playing pickup soccer while 'studying' at Columbia.

Trump says 'he came out of nowhere'. - 'crazy'

revisiting an old article on Hussein's history

And, who is Cathie Currie?


0d2e07  No.3519670

File: dc5858e1f9eda09⋯.jpeg (151.21 KB, 719x924, 719:924, 2093D4E1-720B-43C3-8A11-0….jpeg)

Thank you baker.

Morning faggots

8271c9  No.3519671

Sharon Forster, the District Attorney of Lake County, Oregon, submitted her resignation yesterday.

dc80bd  No.3519672

File: 81592c92c4d2e73⋯.png (26.23 KB, 427x303, 427:303, Screenshot_2018-10-17-15-5….png)

>>3519664 (Wojak)

030d8c  No.3519673


Of course you would, Fappy. That's all you're good for. Waste of life.

52a494  No.3519674


you may need to add the country code for this.

996bb6  No.3519675

File: 1b49b47dfe7ee13⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 2048x1352, 256:169, 2BB7ACD7-1AE3-4EAB-9BF3-4….jpeg)

Oh joy….polio like disease suddenly appears


2c9c27  No.3519676

File: be52a53f537623b⋯.png (956.88 KB, 1356x1363, 1356:1363, a9f854e941157d96d02afae1c8….png)

File: 25f2a1316b9c5f1⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 341x185, 341:185, johnny-gosch-kidnapping-ph….jpg)

File: 2d457ac3b2814eb⋯.jpg (93.57 KB, 663x593, 663:593, Pedorights on the rise htt….jpg)

File: f6e5bdbc80d1dec⋯.jpg (331.62 KB, 1273x1431, 1273:1431, oErkx45.jpg)

File: 5fa02d8cde075f7⋯.jpg (124 KB, 900x675, 4:3, pedo_bear_found_disney_by_….jpg)

>>3519639 (lb)

and the union shills and jew news in Massachusetts will make sure no one hears about this.

go to pedo disney tards and give them more money muh entertainment losers

271960  No.3519677


Oh yea, that's right, they don't speak fucking english. If they do, they know exactly who I am and aren't gonna fuck with me

Post last edited at

05295a  No.3519678

File: b80a05ec37f058c⋯.png (128.53 KB, 219x325, 219:325, Wojack_Face.png)

d6fea0  No.3519679

File: b30cae5f4a3d14c⋯.jpg (72.51 KB, 588x960, 49:80, JBS.jpg)

48b70f  No.3519680

Anons, I been working to show Alwaleed as bad guy, MBS as good guy. Narrative lumps them together and this hurts POTUS and MBS. Problem is, I'm not finding good sauce re: Alwaleed criminal trafficking, etc. Tried a search here with success. Help please?

2fd219  No.3519681

File: f683834a4634dd2⋯.jpg (80.02 KB, 442x500, 221:250, download (1).jpg)

You don't need Q.

Q has started what needed to be.

You know how to dig.

We see the power of our voice.

The power of the internet.

The power of memes.

The power in GOD.

I'm sure Q will be back (Oct 29th). But we need to stay focused. This JFK jr bullshit slide. Re-read crumbs. Q all but states HRC had Jr killed for senate seat. Also states, "there is only Q".

NPC memes cause moar harm. Moar division. Moar stupid righty jabs from msm. Moar anger. Moar mocking.


e55137  No.3519682

This red wave is coming and it is coming big. But most people have no idea and will be blindsided by it like they were with the election of Trump. Normies tend to want to join the main stream of thinking, and once they find out that agreeing with Trump (or republicans) actually IS mainstream, more will start to come too our side. Have a few good points ready to go on how Trump has most positively impacted America, ready to share with those who are starting to see the light.

2b0220  No.3519683


polio never go away just they change name on the same problem. vaccine not work is a big lie from Big farma

c747b7  No.3519684



52a494  No.3519685

219893  No.3519686

Trump Asks All Cabinet Members to Reduce Budget Spending by 5 Percent in 2019

US President Donald Trump during a meeting on Wednesday asked all Cabinet secretaries to cut their budgets for 2019 by 5 percent.

"I'd like you all to come back with a five percent cut and I think if you can do more than that we will be very happy," Trump told the cabinet members.

Trump explained that some secretaries can deliver greater cuts in spending than the specified 5 percent and emphasized his request was of high importance.

The US president called the proposal a One-Year Nickel Plan to balance the budget similar to the Penny Plan he adopted in 2017.

The Penny Plan called on the US Congress to decrease discretionary spending by 1 percent every year.

Trump noted that his strategy was first to take care of the defense sector, resulting in a boost for the Defense Department budget that totals $716 billion for the next year.

Trump said the time has come now to take care of other government departments.


05295a  No.3519687

File: 5a7bff45d353191⋯.mp4 (830.13 KB, 256x320, 4:5, TDS.mp4)

File: dab9c81c57ec07a⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, TDS_protesters.mp4)

File: 0fb5c932cef210c⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dustin - Boston Antifa.mp4)

The Left

dc80bd  No.3519688

File: 4204a539a3eebef⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nigga Please.mp4)

No presidential archive will be in Obama's Chicago presidential library which means no government oversight….

Hussein is a slithering snake…

5c5c77  No.3519689

File: be499bbff76abed⋯.png (9.54 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 233FAC54-19E3-4CE3-88E2-75….png)


May Kek bless the breads and baker

d55756  No.3519690


what a fffing joke re: the response about hussein from this doctor. hussein is on tape saying that he "drank beer when he was young, acting like a thug". if his "athletic" ass had been asked to drink a beer after a "game", the "i'm going to the library" is inconsistent with his own statements about his past behavior. it's completely bogus.

8271c9  No.3519691


what a strange mixed message postiing. the red letters give it away.

0a9d1b  No.3519692


Your story doesn’t add up dude. Time to shut this operation down and try a new shill technique. You’re gay as fuck.

dd4f50  No.3519694

File: c8cc84a5c101a03⋯.png (373.71 KB, 630x493, 630:493, 2018-10-18_09-20-35.png)


God bless you swordy!

Time for gene gene the dancing machine…



52a494  No.3519695


Weird - I haven't seen much of anything JFK Jr. today! Maybe, like, a handful of posts/responses and one funny image!

Are you saying we need to spend more time on JFK Jr.? Because I'm game, man. I will do that!

4e562e  No.3519696


>NPC memes cause moar harm

citation needed

NPC memes are causing moar good rite now. Source it if you are going to otherwise

af6ede  No.3519697


I’m shaking.

So lame.

21228a  No.3519698

Ramping up to shill:30.

Y'all have a good one.

bf0a21  No.3519699

File: 7892f7c0b3b0225⋯.jpeg (118.58 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1538916238.jpeg)


Tits and faggot. Anon!

2c9c27  No.3519700

File: ff17e91933f6bb5⋯.png (43.43 KB, 619x395, 619:395, Screenshot_2018-08-01 Q Re….png)

File: 8a30c46e370dc96⋯.png (159.41 KB, 847x432, 847:432, gggg.png)

File: de91aead0ef7f42⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1319x13405, 1319:13405, Screenshot_2018-08-01 The ….png)

File: 1b154ff73c3d946⋯.png (933.89 KB, 1229x1574, 1229:1574, Screenshot_2018-08-01 Q Re….png)

File: 049d89a01ad747f⋯.jpeg (72.15 KB, 750x500, 3:2, c355dae3e176cc7df834d5371….jpeg)

If you want more dead people vote democrat or never trumper republican

271960  No.3519701


Operation you can't call me cause your boss won't let you, or you are freaked out that I might be telling you the truth. Why did you ask for my phone # but my phone isn't ringing?

dc80bd  No.3519702

File: 75a4afb6df277ac⋯.jpg (74.72 KB, 480x601, 480:601, 2k3nzz~2.jpg)



Thanks patriot anon ⏩👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

6e92ea  No.3519703


bottom right is a parody, he is making fun of antifa

0a9d1b  No.3519704


What’s the social media accounts you claim to have used to reach out to POTUS and inform the people of the atrocities you were exposed to during the MK ultra programming?

Your story doesn’t add up and you’re a giant faggot on top of it. Sorry dude, u need to die.

7133b7  No.3519705


Tnx for the additional info. I think ozonated water will do.

2fd219  No.3519706


Focus on fuckery

Not on Q missing or false concepts like R

Believe in God

Yes…quite a strange and mixed message. Obviously a shill since you don't grasp the point.

I love it.

Disagree: Shill

Don't understand: Shill

Different belief: Shill

Different opinion: Shill

Board claim: Woke.

346842  No.3519707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who owns the Mandalay bay top floors?

Las Vegas shooting location.

Who funded Obama's studies at Harvard?

Follow the wives. Follow the foundations?

271960  No.3519708




629067  No.3519709

File: ebff7deec9827b8⋯.png (11.55 KB, 751x148, 751:148, ClipboardImage.png)


He's a good guy. Smart, too

62c664  No.3519710


Truly I’m in awe . You remind me of what’s her face ,Kavanaugh’s accusser

f95797  No.3519711


If you have cancer get to an Oncologist, you never take healthcare advice from some quack online, that doesn't know shit.

or you're shills with multiple accounts chatting BS back and forth…hope you're getting paid…better advice, get a real job.

If you do have Plasmacytoma & not a shill…get to an oncologist. Go to a reputable clinic/hospital if you can. Always get a second opinion. Best of luck!

219893  No.3519712

Trump Asks All Cabinet Members to Reduce Budget Spending by 5 Percent in 2019

US President Donald Trump during a meeting on Wednesday asked all Cabinet secretaries to cut their budgets for 2019 by 5 percent.

"I'd like you all to come back with a five percent cut and I think if you can do more than that we will be very happy," Trump told the cabinet members.

5%? Kek



And whoever has the lowest percentage is gonna have their arse fired too. Kek

5af3f0  No.3519713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Crowds on Demand- Paid actors to "protest" while the media stirs the pot.

0a9d1b  No.3519714


I tried the # and it transferred me to Tel Aviv but my calling card didn’t have enough shekels on it at that point.

0c45c8  No.3519715

File: c06a0b8eb840118⋯.jpg (8.06 KB, 246x255, 82:85, 32b5275db93a29cd7c8069de1c….jpg)

bf0a21  No.3519716

File: d2e8e2ac65604c1⋯.jpeg (99.44 KB, 1116x908, 279:227, 1532781101.jpeg)

Round and round we go. Gore shill up…

dc80bd  No.3519717

File: 97d57cb5d0832c4⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 500x332, 125:83, downloadfile-21.jpg)


e56ca0  No.3519718

File: 3d26302606ed3cc⋯.png (4.54 MB, 2171x1929, 2171:1929, B8EE526C-4A79-4C4B-9AAD-64….png)

da2477  No.3519719

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


Hey baker I'll be back in a couple hours for a hand off if you're good until then.

bd0006  No.3519720


(looks at the bait)

Fuck you, I'm full.

3a5a99  No.3519721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

today’s the 18th

Beautiful sunny day.

Keep some balance. Remember to Celebrate what’s right with the world too.

f1f6b3  No.3519722

File: 9e974c1a804bfd8⋯.jpg (64.13 KB, 757x500, 757:500, Democraps.jpg)

cff56e  No.3519723


the guy's big in the sk8ing world

271960  No.3519724

File: 33670d9c60155d6⋯.png (11.52 KB, 644x120, 161:30, ClipboardImage.png)

7da6ac  No.3519725


>13 Important Gubernatorial Races:

>Maine - Shawn Moody(R) vs Janet Mills (D)

>Nevada - Adam Laxalt (R) vs Steve Sisolak (D)

>Georgia - Brian Kemp (R) vs Stacey Abrams (D)

>Kansas - Kris Kobach (R) vs Laure Kelly ( D)

>Wisconsin - Scott Walker (R) vs Tony Evers (D)

>Ohio - Mike DeWine (R) vs Richard Cordray (D)

>South Dakota - Kristi Noem (R) vs Billie Sutton (D)

>Iowa - Kim Reynolds (R) vs Fred Hubbell (D)

>Oregon - Kate Brown (R) vs Knute Buehler (D)

>Florida - Ron DeSantis (R) vs Andrew Gillum (D)

>New Mexico - Steve Pearce (R) vs Michelle Lujan Grisham (D)

>Connecticut - Bob Stefanowski (R) vs Ned Lamont(D)

>Alaska - Mike Dunleavy (R) vs Bill Walker (I) vs Mark Begich (D)

This list has been edited to reflect the fact that Bob Stefanowski is the (R) candidate, and Ned Lamont is the (D) candidate. It has been edited in >>3515788 as well.

dc80bd  No.3519726

File: e671435fb5d9cf7⋯.jpg (77.46 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Robertdenirodeal1-640x480~….jpg)

File: ce7474959a2eac2⋯.jpg (89.72 KB, 480x616, 60:77, 2k6g9l~2.jpg)

7fe7ea  No.3519727

Unnecessary caps

B O M B S ?

Just need A W A Y


52a494  No.3519728


JFK Jr's awesome hats - ENJOY!


11ef8f  No.3519729


they leaked my ssn too

little do they know i dont even care lol

fb7ecd  No.3519730


Have a look at these # on IG ..



3a5a99  No.3519731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2c9c27  No.3519732

File: df3087b330e8fc8⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1052x7605, 1052:7605, Screenshot_2018-07-31 Jews….png)

File: 276aa38be607034⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1291x6500, 1291:6500, Screenshot_2018-07-31 Gun ….png)

File: c93d85956feb44c⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 1091x7003, 1091:7003, Screenshot_2018-07-31 Mike….jpg)

File: 448523e32591ae5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1291x5492, 1291:5492, Screenshot_2018-07-31 Poli….png)

File: f92531736e606fe⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2290x2668, 1145:1334, Screenshot_2018-07-31 FEED….png)


vote for rick scott he shills for Obamacare and confiscates guns in response to jew false flags florida can you ever elect someone that isnt a cunt?

8585a0  No.3519733

File: 3cdd295bcfa1d46⋯.pdf (641 KB, Oxitec to Develop 2nd Frie….pdf)

Oxford, UK, October 18 2018 – Oxitec Ltd. (“Oxitec”), UK-based biotechnology company and wholly owned subsidiary of Intrexon Corporation (NASDAQ: XON), today announced that it is expanding its collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (“Gates Foundation”) to develop a self-limiting mosquito strain to combat the Anopheles stephensi mosquito that transmits malaria in South Asia, the Middle East and the Horn of Africa using its 2nd generation Friendly™ Mosquito technology. Oxitec and the Gates Foundation entered into a partnership earlier this year to develop a Friendly™ strain that is intended to suppress populations of the malaria-transmitting Anopheles albimanus vector in parts of the Western Hemisphere.

52a494  No.3519734


Sadly for him, probably not very big in his pants world.


aee3dc  No.3519735


That WAS my advice fellow helper Anon and friend.

271960  No.3519736


these assholes know exactly who I am cause I have been playing this game with them for years. they tried to use their shitty software and frame me for all sorts of crimes.

0a9d1b  No.3519738

File: 9414ae751b7caf2⋯.png (5.13 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 32B5A8BE-2D8E-4F2F-81ED-66….png)

File: 014e93d2b6d6cb5⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 27EA63BD-9D2A-4B27-B3EF-D9….png)

File: a89d88aa59e2ca0⋯.png (4.32 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D809DCAF-AB1D-4811-9AD9-84….png)


DUde, u are a giant fag! Why would anyone be scared of you. And wtf is wrong with you?

Thx for giving Q and anons everywhere a bad fucking name. Lame.

And if u cared about informing people about your MK story, why do u have no tweets about it and ur site isn’t even up?

You’re lame. Stop taunting Q and potus and go back to whatever alley u crawled out of.

2fd219  No.3519739

File: b2d249748c0d6ad⋯.jpg (71.58 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2ke2u9.jpg)

d6fea0  No.3519740


She reminds me of Maxine.

406082  No.3519741


Sounds good, thanks for checking in.

See ya later fren.

>>3519652 Sure do

>>3519653 You bet

>>3519657, >>3519670

Ty anons


Dammit anon, wish you'd have waited for the dough. Normally won't note anything b4 dough post, but I'm a sucker for the Salvini arc. Please watch out for the dough post in the future.


Yeah, haven't seen this faggot in awhile. Guess (((Shill HQ))) finally got around to writing that memo re: concerntrolling being a total waste of time

Post last edited…

Thanks BO/BV, God love ya

5c7c6a  No.3519742

File: 4aa9d556b5fb527⋯.jpg (12.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, hal.jpg)

77da69  No.3519743

File: 5b2f65c99932831⋯.png (40.6 KB, 637x356, 637:356, ClipboardImage.png)


e7355e  No.3519744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump speech at CPAC 2011

at 4:20 talks about Hussein "coming out of nowhere".

030d8c  No.3519746

File: 51dee59a9f7a568⋯.png (124.2 KB, 516x542, 258:271, clinton1.png)

File: 2fc863d32b5f4a5⋯.png (130.19 KB, 542x546, 271:273, clinton2.png)

File: f553314ac7f552f⋯.png (127.56 KB, 526x546, 263:273, clinton3.png)

File: dd247fcfdeb8c64⋯.png (114.27 KB, 516x545, 516:545, clinton4.png)

dc80bd  No.3519747

File: 3d457b11afea0a9⋯.jpg (33.53 KB, 500x332, 125:83, 2ke2y8.jpg)

271960  No.3519748

File: 746d55bfdba33cc⋯.png (24.93 KB, 622x226, 311:113, ClipboardImage.png)

f30a1f  No.3519749

File: 3e3a6e04f73d67e⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 007gsr_sam_elliott_013.jpg)

This is the second time this week I have dreamt these numbers in relation to the parties:



If this is prophetic I will be freaked…and I will have some soul-cleansing to do kek!

2fdb91  No.3519750

Is it possible Q is getting their ass kicked by the Rothschilds and just doesn't have the heart to tell us?

271960  No.3519751


I got bait all day. Come and get it.

bf0a21  No.3519752

File: ffabb8dbc9fac66⋯.jpeg (147.59 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1539869398.jpeg)

0a9d1b  No.3519753


Wow. You’re really trying to spread the word big time. That’s incredible. You are so actively engaged in the topic with your followers. U must be legit.

8585a0  No.3519754


Many things are possible, once you've looked this far.

11ef8f  No.3519755


does trump look worried ?

do the roth puppets look terrified


theres your answer

2fdb91  No.3519756


If not, you have some deep mental problems that need healing.

629067  No.3519757

File: ae89ee0af28d38d⋯.png (24.8 KB, 469x537, 469:537, ClipboardImage.png)


US discretionary spending excludes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and totals about $1.2T. A 5% reduction would be about $60 billion. Its a start.


52fecc  No.3519758

cant login to youtube and gmail is down

can I get confirmation?

106233  No.3519759


Patriots are in control

2c9c27  No.3519760

File: 03645b3e245090b⋯.png (970.85 KB, 1180x664, 295:166, 03645b3e245090ba32c760421e….png)

be3d36  No.3519761

File: 699635b2ea1a3e2⋯.jpg (69.11 KB, 814x960, 407:480, NPC.jpg)

4e562e  No.3519762


>vote for rick scott he shills for Obamacare and confiscates guns in response to jew false flags florida can you ever elect someone that isnt a cunt?


this anon gets it

05295a  No.3519763

File: 2b1249064026105⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 255x187, 15:11, pepe_checked.jpg)

dd4f50  No.3519764

File: ba48a22c07655f2⋯.png (151.07 KB, 288x266, 144:133, 2018-10-18_07-57-48.png)

File: 5f78f55ecfd2d6a⋯.png (153.72 KB, 293x267, 293:267, 2018-10-18_07-58-17.png)

File: 693ba9c0f34ffbc⋯.png (293.74 KB, 516x322, 258:161, 2018-10-18_07-59-34.png)

File: 33a6ab6212e127b⋯.png (61.69 KB, 297x166, 297:166, 2018-10-18_08-02-29.png)

The Demoncrats finds a secret clue to get at Trump.


1c633e  No.3519765

File: 94fcab4a56a804f⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 1196x1160, 299:290, 94fcab4a56a804fd3a084ee0b3….gif)


The level of independent critical thought here is:


run feeling.exe

return feeling_01101011_01100101_01101011_0001010

2aaa06  No.3519766

File: c91386cf96dc441⋯.png (783.71 KB, 820x505, 164:101, Capture.PNG)

Trump: US military will shut Mexico border to stop illegal immigration

President insists migrants heading to the border from Central America include ‘many criminals’ and some of them are carrying drugs

US President Donald Trump said he will mobilise the US military to close the border with Mexico and stop an “assault” on the nation by a caravan of migrants from Central America.


f30a1f  No.3519768


Yep anon, plenty of those anon for sure

dc80bd  No.3519769

File: 3d457b11afea0a9⋯.jpg (33.53 KB, 500x332, 125:83, 2ke2y8.jpg)

File: 97d57cb5d0832c4⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 500x332, 125:83, downloadfile-21.jpg)

Anyone else can do better converting this pic to Wojak…

I'm on a mobile so graphics is very limited.

11ef8f  No.3519770

File: 83c5ce5d27ea84a⋯.jpg (21.61 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f3aef6297cf0e1a0cd1ead2a13….jpg)


oi vey goyim stop making those npc memes

twitter totally isnt banning them for a reason

they make people think

"am i a npc"

f1f6b3  No.3519771

File: baf1750172ef16a⋯.jpg (114.14 KB, 906x598, 453:299, Killparty.jpg)

5af3f0  No.3519772

File: 68cbab71adf5010⋯.png (222.89 KB, 473x355, 473:355, ClipboardImage.png)

0a9d1b  No.3519773


U in Oklahoma. I can be there before sundown and we can save the board the hassle of hearing us bicker all day. Let’s just meet up. I want to physically shit down your throat and make u eat your own dick and balls as desert.

2ebfab  No.3519774

File: 5c040b8dfa68076⋯.jpg (91.33 KB, 1163x775, 1163:775, morse-code.jpg)

>>3519532 (lb)

Appears so. Get some rest. You might wake up with some new insight.


>Are we sure that the dot/ellipsis count is not: 4-4-2-4?

Agree that 4-4-2-4 would be the correct count. Question is what does it mean?


Is it Morse? Is the dash in the 2nd twat relevant?

030d8c  No.3519775


What are you? 12?

GTFO this is a research board. You're shytting up the damn bread.

e55137  No.3519776


The Roths are finished. Divine judgement is now being executed against them and theirs. After the midterms are won, and the next phase of the operation begins, you'll see some truly amazing things.

2fd219  No.3519777


Depends. A head on face to face attack would wipe out Jacob Roth as even with 3 trillion dollars, he can't get his neck fixed to look up like the rest of us.

His son…his father disowns him because he's a shit business man.

Soros son is a fruit cup.

Realistically all these players next generation have been utterly pathetic. The whole push of softer bitch boys ironically also worked on their own.

Another reason I stand on the fence. WW3 seems like it was an obvious possibility considering all these bloodlines ended up with shit kids in 20xx.

aee3dc  No.3519778

Anons must be cautious. The adversary dehumanizes itself through its groupthink.

2c9c27  No.3519780


TWA and Pan Am. The good old days when I used to fly all over drinking bloody mary's and smoking ah flying was fun back then now just more Jewish Talmudic interference in daily life

flying nightmare what a shit way to move around

cattle penned and moved and inspected why don't you inspect our fucking teeth whilst you are it?

c747b7  No.3519781


I hear twatter is good for that too….

86c936  No.3519782

Is this James Baker interview public??

Didn't they already have a hearing with him?

be3d36  No.3519783

Shills gonna shill

0a9d1b  No.3519784


And now the dude who’s supposedly is in witness protection is giving out his phone number, twitter handle, social sec #….. yeah, that’s totally believable man. Cool story. I’m impressed.

22401a  No.3519785

File: 35e705d045bf4f9⋯.png (168.42 KB, 1383x933, 461:311, 10-days-darkness.png)

b6a6b2  No.3519786

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Jim Cramer, the cultist shill financial journalist, former hedge fund operator, has colluded with cult hedge funds to destroy US competitive ability, systematically destroying baby biotech and companies with innovative tech presenting a threat to satanic cultist monopolies.

Cramer and the crooked financial journalists, the hedge funds and traders that work with them operate an army of shills on social media and conduct massive IO campaigns in support of negative news stories this is usually enough to spark panic selling among novice investors. Those who remain, unhedged are crushed by what happens next, the cult hedge funds sell N million shares of the company they don't own, further depressing the price. N = the number necessary to destroy the stock price.

200, 300, 500 million shares - it doesn't matter. They don't own them. They don't have to own them. It's legal enough. They are supposed to borrow them but don't.

They can buy them back when the price reaches zero. That's called covering.

That's how they operate. They have destroyed dozens and dozens of companies over decades. They have made hundreds of billions of dollars. They have kept drugs off the market that could have saved enormous suffering and saved innumerable lives.

Video is Cramer jacked on coke. Watch the interviewers face.

52a494  No.3519787


Not doxxing and omg, it would be pretty kickass if Grassley is "Q".

My Q Dream Team:




Comey (yeah, I sait it.)


271960  No.3519788

File: 90a2b3abde9b751⋯.png (12.4 KB, 630x127, 630:127, ClipboardImage.png)


968fc4  No.3519789

File: 0aa508ceb28d20d⋯.png (733.91 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 931BF5C6-E582-4A79-BBD8-7B….png)

File: 461ff29510c3336⋯.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 612AA818-E995-43C9-8095-33….png)


86c936  No.3519790


I was thinking same anon!

2fd219  No.3519791


I could respect your sarcasm moar if you even made that meme. But stealing someone elses shit to use it as an insult toward something over your head makes you truly one for this picture. But continue…I find it entertaining.

95ae5f  No.3519792

File: a9a253b37ee36f1⋯.png (486.85 KB, 1146x603, 382:201, angelsix66 - magic sword.png)




>His girl is really into Satanism and Illuminati…

And 'Magic Sword' as well… ?


be3d36  No.3519793


Q is MI, reread posts

2aaa06  No.3519794


isn't the liberal/SJW/Progressive education just marvelous

05295a  No.3519796

File: d6a070267630148⋯.png (1.25 MB, 978x617, 978:617, comfee.png)

>ID: 271960

Filter and move on…

Don't engage the shills.

54a0bf  No.3519797


I'm assuming you have a fronthole although it is probably smaller. Maybe try pushing a dagger or switchblade in and out of it?

d6fea0  No.3519798

Now would be an EXCELLENT time for DECLAS.

Mueller is waiting until after midterms on purpose.

Toss DECLAS out there now, and the court of public opinion will be set prior to Mueller.

11ef8f  No.3519799


7000+ years of ruling makes you arrogant

they also fell for their own bullshit

that and the inbreeding

f99ecc  No.3519800



271960  No.3519801

I am not trying to shit up your bread. I am doxxing myself cause I am screaming for help from inside a government program. Anyone who attacks that is a shill in my opinion.

52a494  No.3519802


Like I said - not doxxing! An anon can dream.

dc80bd  No.3519803

File: f18350580f865bf⋯.jpg (132.52 KB, 480x698, 240:349, 2k9ve8~3.jpg)

File: 674585878ef2f4c⋯.png (214.14 KB, 486x628, 243:314, 0ed.png)

File: 3cca1fddb762d4f⋯.png (168.2 KB, 620x516, 155:129, Screen-Shot-2018-01-12-at-….png)

I predict Stormy Daniels is headed for financial ruin.

be3d36  No.3519804


I post because you whine and shill and slide.. Keep on sliding..

aee3dc  No.3519805

File: e9f0e1bb65a3929⋯.gif (996.12 KB, 300x169, 300:169, 5DC3E8FB-07C1-44AF-8584-4D….gif)


Inbreeding is dangerous!

c7e54a  No.3519806

File: b9e2aac786a8d15⋯.jpg (109.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_20181015_214427.jpg)

2fd219  No.3519807


So Twitter speaks for people? Fuck…whatever. Make them. Create moar anger. Good luck with everyone getting a long in peace.

5c7c6a  No.3519808

File: d7c4c660deac0e8⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x400, 1:1, japanon npc.jpg)

94c33e  No.3519809


can I get a quick rundown on what's going on here?

dd4f50  No.3519810

File: 3af12c46183597d⋯.png (72.39 KB, 702x547, 702:547, 2018-10-18_09-37-26.png)

68481c  No.3519811


..-. ..- -.-. -.-

— ..-. ..-.

0d2e07  No.3519812


Don’t think that these pieces of shit only got the ‘known’ descendants, there must be way more under different names. All these folks care about is their bloodline

5714dd  No.3519813

File: 94573ff27a46c01⋯.png (227.29 KB, 431x316, 431:316, unknown-175.png)

File: 3bc21f05991f6ff⋯.png (100.42 KB, 334x294, 167:147, 521fbe74c50e09c60bb5fd54bf….png)

File: 3a6ae18aecca1dd⋯.jpg (2.67 MB, 4288x3216, 4:3, 3f5c77a9bf997398e21fc5f641….jpg)

>>3518768 (different bread a few ago)

I had that image of the slipped to me last night but I didn't recognize the insignia.

After this anon dug where the photo was, it reminded me of a photo that's been going around Q boards for a while now…

Look at the image on the screen behind the hat.

Curiouser and curiouser…

271960  No.3519814


The shills told me to dox myself, so I did. I don't care. I am an MKU victim and I want the world to know what this country did to me.

030d8c  No.3519815



For Anons who are too lazy to read or cannot comprehend

Uanium One - Clintons - Russia

We can CLEARLY see that the ENTIRE Obama Administration was fully aware and complicit the entire time.


Uanium One - Clintons - Russia

We can CLEARLY see that the ENTIRE Obama Administration was fully aware and complicit the entire time.


a0c205  No.3519816



Obama is a CIA clown.

11ef8f  No.3519817

remember goyim dont ever make funny memes they are dehumanizing

please dont think for yourself

the npc meme is dehumanizing

f99ecc  No.3519818


Imagine having her life.

I’d much rather mine, tyvm

be3d36  No.3519820


Your Country didn't do dick to you..

2c9c27  No.3519821

File: 6fa7140149c38f6⋯.png (170.72 KB, 710x236, 355:118, 6fa7140149c38f604720fafe8b….png)

File: 383bf7869731e1f⋯.jpg (29.45 KB, 521x278, 521:278, 383bf7869731e1f0a7f51ba06e….jpg)

File: fc2477f57587f9b⋯.png (3.65 MB, 2953x3793, 2953:3793, d75a71a898d0cabbd4fcf4ac16….png)

File: d9830bcaee50568⋯.png (507.57 KB, 724x840, 181:210, Screenshot_2018-07-31 Q Re….png)

File: 98825c6cffac20b⋯.png (387.02 KB, 982x1442, 491:721, Screenshot_2018-07-31 r co….png)

d5ce90  No.3519822


I hope not. Fuck Kashoggi. He was involved in 9/11. I hope he cried and screamed like the little rat he is. Do NOT try to garner sympathy for him.

Bin Salman is /ourguy/.

cff56e  No.3519823



271960  No.3519824

I have screamed on street corners, in military recruitment centers, to family, to friends, and I am screaming on this board. If you don't believe me, go away. I have heard that before.

f99ecc  No.3519825


new huh, welcome.

05295a  No.3519826


Yes the first image is shopped, removing the other people. I did that shop.

0a9d1b  No.3519827


Collageanon got called out for bashing anons and making fun of Q, posting gay porn in his collages, using bad shill memes in collages, and using fake Q quotes in his collages…. all while totally refusing to include anything about the long nose tribes in his collages

All shills radars went off and how he’s just embarrassing himself.

5714dd  No.3519828

File: b0247fb56ce62d4⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 575x767, 575:767, x4dufvikjvs11.jpg)


We need to get this going for Q… The Q Angels

271960  No.3519829


That is why I am classified as an experimental monkey that is property of the USFG? right…

5c5c77  No.3519830

File: f785863421ca40f⋯.jpeg (36.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 563674DF-E32E-4356-9DAF-F….jpeg)

NPC is glorious. The power of meme magic continues. Embrace it. Me fav is when leftists pretend it doesn’t bother them. It do.

Praise Kek!

5714dd  No.3519831


Is that your hat?

f99ecc  No.3519832


leafie leafie leafie….

2aaa06  No.3519833

File: 5ebe968cd9752cd⋯.png (648.56 KB, 831x467, 831:467, Capture.PNG)

Juncker and Trump’s transatlantic trade truce falters

In an unusually outspoken attack, two top US officials made clear that Donald Trump was growing frustrated with Europe’s foot-dragging over a promised trade deal

China at a Glance

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Europe’s fragile peace deal with the US on trade is at breaking point.

Washington is again threatening high tariffs on Europe’s all-important car industry just as US President Donald Trump is seeking to whip up support before midterm elections on November 6.

In an unusually outspoken attack, two top US officials on Wednesday made clear that Trump was growing frustrated with Europe’s foot-dragging over a promised trade deal, and was gearing up to roll out car tariffs put on ice in July.

US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who was in Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesday, was visibly annoyed by the lack of progress in talks and lashed out at the explanation given by EU trade chief Cecilia Malmström.

The latest back-and-forth comes just a day after the Trump administration formally notified Congress that it was planning to begin trade negotiations with the European Union.


dc80bd  No.3519834

File: d26c2cb8ec0096d⋯.jpg (202.94 KB, 960x685, 192:137, downloadfile-27.jpg)


Wojak conversation please.

a14006  No.3519835

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Bass drum

bf0a21  No.3519836

File: 93c42b6f19e7d74⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 604x339, 604:339, IMG_20180930_072807.jpg)

be3d36  No.3519837


your words Bro

2fd219  No.3519838


No kidding kek.

d57fe0  No.3519839

File: 91f76dc27f26402⋯.png (623.95 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, CB653274-A42A-4445-A768-C7….png)

File: e68014110b2dd61⋯.png (609.99 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FA39FB2D-C9A3-4391-A764-99….png)

Huh? First I’m hearing about this


6e92ea  No.3519840


missing the interest on the national debt

05295a  No.3519841

File: 1da5804cf850d60⋯.png (203.9 KB, 431x316, 431:316, Q.png)


No, not that image. The first one.

← This one.

271960  No.3519842

IDGAF. I am leaving a record of my story. Everywhere. I have been for years. Collageanon is pissed.

e76721  No.3519843

File: a0b064ff2eee499⋯.png (222.23 KB, 306x386, 153:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5249d80081e077⋯.png (70.48 KB, 288x175, 288:175, ClipboardImage.png)


As the famous Dean Vernon Wormer said…….

"FAT, UGLY and STUPID is no way to go through life."

968fc4  No.3519844


Lol headline says “Dossier PROVES (187)victim” as if it’s evidence. Then at the bottom of the article, “of course, it’s entirely possible that he might appear suddenly fine and well”

2fd219  No.3519845


>I post because I disagree with your view therefore I cannot leave you alone and allow for individuality, ironically I will hide behind another NPC meme.

99c24a  No.3519846

File: 35ed10510c5eac6⋯.jpeg (72.2 KB, 750x500, 3:2, meme.declas.fisa.sunshine.jpeg)

2ebfab  No.3519847


>The US president called the proposal a One-Year Nickel Plan

Great idea & excellent branding.

dc80bd  No.3519848

File: 3b9d1cd8bd5a5ca⋯.jpg (388.85 KB, 853x1280, 853:1280, downloadfile-2.jpg)


c747b7  No.3519849


Q G C R (S or H) Q Q my morse sucks I think

5714dd  No.3519850


yup yup. got that part.

I think an interesting part of all this is that the red structure from the image isn't in the image on the screen…

f35441  No.3519851

File: a488561f4cfad5b⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, Qclcok101.png)

File: e95a15caba5f532⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, QclockPOTUSspeech1.png)



Something keeps pointing to the 22nd… 4:24 on the clock..

Past post:

Past was from POTUS speech at rally.. mentions "10 days, 22 days, 38 days" when speaking about waiting times for Vets…

Start the Clock… Red October… start date - Oct 1

629067  No.3519852


Right Interest is mandatory. Chart was just discretionary spending breakdown.

f99ecc  No.3519853

much crazy here….


a0c205  No.3519854

File: 35ea5ab9f32fb0b⋯.png (283.31 KB, 490x326, 245:163, ClipboardImage.png)

d36d14  No.3519855


is there a license plate fag who can identify this owner?

0a9d1b  No.3519856


Then why are u on witness protection?

Ill play along just for the sake of u being a giant dildo faggot.

271960  No.3519857

Everytime I tell my story it gives me a level of protection. This seems like a really good place to make an ass of myself. It is a good street corner to scream on. People can hear me, the world is watching and there is a digital record so nobody can shut me up.

2aaa06  No.3519858

File: 26e141902451f75⋯.png (1.31 MB, 888x509, 888:509, Capture.PNG)

All the president’s men: artist ‘astounded’ to see his Donald Trump painting hung in the White House

The artwork, which depicts Trump alongside past Republican presidents, was spotted during a 60 Minutes broadcast

The artist who painted a kitsch picture of Donald Trump grinning at a table with past Republican presidents including Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and both Bushes said he is “astounded” that it’s now hanging in the White House – but that he’s “rooting for” Trump.


05295a  No.3519859


>the red structure from the image isn't in the image on the screen

Sure it is. The lights are reflecting in the screen obscuring it. If you look carefully, you can see it.

48b70f  No.3519860


With all due respect, I suspect you've not read "A World Without Cancer."? Are you talking an alternative medicine oncologist (there are very few)? At any rate, food can do no harm while one also seeks advise from a medical doc. There is no substitute for reading, researching, studying.

271960  No.3519861


Because I blew the whistle 3 years ago… waiting patiently and getting tired of it and screaming at the top of my lungs right now.

dc80bd  No.3519862

File: 255b289be94ff45⋯.gif (592.55 KB, 750x429, 250:143, 255b289be94ff455b3a32b890b….gif)



Trump is a master brander and troll.

8585a0  No.3519863


Yeah, but let's not dismiss the possibility that they're still mostly just agents of a greater power.

d57fe0  No.3519864

File: bfb78e78df2ad1d⋯.jpeg (183.75 KB, 981x819, 109:91, FE037851-88B5-49CB-BA04-C….jpeg)

File: ff11b16221b9332⋯.jpeg (269.43 KB, 1080x1296, 5:6, 9370EBFA-3BB5-4EA1-A7AE-E….jpeg)

Thank you baker

271960  No.3519865


cause faggot ass political optics don't want me saying this shit on CNN because I am articulate and I got some shit to say about torturing US citizens and secret courts.

e4c340  No.3519866

>>3518928 (pb) There are thousands of hos out there who will gladly accuse any man of any deed, for money. Also for the approval of their fellow leftist mob members. Only they haven't been paying attention!! Their mental illness precludes them seeing the greatness of DJT, or that he & team are saving the world right in front of their slimy faces. Further, they have failed to notice that POTUS has a long standing policy of getting even with dirtbags. Such a pleasure to watch them melting into piles of stinking sludge. So much win.

271960  No.3519867

and they have been dicking me around for years.

5714dd  No.3519868


Ah, I was reading that as the side of the building and that the photos were different angles… (originally) like they told the V to fuck off or they hadn't been positioned yet or something.

7c1c98  No.3519869


Of course she can have an opinion - her reasoning may not be valid, but I do like to

listen to her lose the plot & watch those weird tics. Outrageous fun!

Wonder what she thinks president Bush is up to now? (heh, heh).

Dems need to keep her on board a bit longer just for our entertainment.

Once her chums are having an extended holiday in the Caribbean, an investigation

should be made into her nett worth and how it came about . . .

2fd219  No.3519870


Coming to a board like this is not the appropriate platform to ask for help. If you need help, physically go somewhere, so you can't do harm to yourself or others while under any potential head experiments. Sitting here posting 20 times hasn't changed anyones mind since post 1. 19 later, no one is buying it and you're in the wrong place.

If you truly need help. Get it.

f35441  No.3519871


Oops… messed that one up.. sorry

612385  No.3519872

>>3519457 lb

Doh. You don't think that celebrating a woman's right to kill her unborn child for decades might have something to do with it?

De-humanizing the child even before birth results in:

"Place something important like your i-phone in the car seat with your baby so you don't leave your baby in the hot car".

48b70f  No.3519873

>>3519847 Sadly, this is only a drop in the bucket compared to mandatory spending (medicare, interest on debt, etc.) The whole system is going to have to be rebooted.

b6a6b2  No.3519875


Fairechron should be orange BG - yellow looks like a black velvet sunset.

5df5fd  No.3519876


There is also a missing "r" and an improperly capitalized "R" in the tweet. (among other things)

e55137  No.3519877


Why? Sure he is an idiot, but he has the right to free speech. Be careful never to justify the relinquishing of a right because you disagree with it. Identifying the owner serves no purpose.

70e778  No.3519878

File: 86c8a7ba743e880⋯.jpg (92.34 KB, 875x492, 875:492, kw.jpg)

3be96b  No.3519879

File: f4c1a2c92fcf3cd⋯.jpg (166.14 KB, 1148x934, 574:467, hall of faces.JPG)

dc80bd  No.3519880

File: 8cc92feb07350dd⋯.jpg (74.5 KB, 480x643, 480:643, 2k9dzm~2.jpg)

File: 17411393b3f69f2⋯.jpg (88.27 KB, 480x633, 160:211, 2k9c43~2.jpg)


Welcome to the Matrix.

271960  No.3519881


You are an idiot. Where does one go to get help from semi-secret government programs?

d5ce90  No.3519882


Funny in that Bush hates Trump and is also a traitor to this country. I'd have drawn him being garroted in the corner there.

11ef8f  No.3519883


that and molochs gotta eat

why is the cabals number 1 red line abortion

Q post about growing people like a crop

either they get energy off the satanic sacrifice

or they do something with the parts

e98c99  No.3519884


She looks like she would poop very efficiently. Very attractive in a mate.

3c772d  No.3519885

File: 6ee370ff91b9a82⋯.jpg (76.03 KB, 854x480, 427:240, decoder-ring.jpg)

bf0a21  No.3519886

File: a692b2052420f1f⋯.gif (3.89 MB, 480x320, 3:2, giphy (1).gif)

5c7c6a  No.3519887

File: 01e92355b461c8d⋯.png (173.18 KB, 456x496, 57:62, npc1.png)

f30a1f  No.3519888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Look, their battle plan was to weaken a generation so they were unable to resist their complete takeover - they didn't factor in a patriotic movement which meant when they needed a resistance movement to fight back they've only got an army of pussies

2fd219  No.3519889


So secret government programs allow you to post from a computer with open internet and ip information? No, YOU'RE the idiot. Low level IQ bullshit story.

cff56e  No.3519890


>at the top of my lungs


it hurts but I won't fight you, so FU anyway, you make me want to die.. right when I…

2e634f  No.3519891

File: c389c9ffda16dde⋯.png (96.2 KB, 698x520, 349:260, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: #Afghanistan Several sources confirmed- Afghan security officer shot and Killed #Khandahar Chief of Police Raziq as he was walking with U.S. Commander Gen. Scott Miller. Miller is apparently not harmed but uncertain about other casualties-area on lockdown


0a9d1b  No.3519892


Scream at the top of your lungs on social media faggot. Not on an anonymous image board.

Your twitter account doesn’t scream out any of the shit u claim.

You’re a fake Q account and a shill. You’re gay as faggot kike and u glow so bright.

U posted like 50 times lay bread and looks like more than that this bread. Just stop already.

1c633e  No.3519893

File: 750b39c0d75d0a7⋯.gif (120.39 KB, 449x381, 449:381, 750b39c0d75d0a772c1a3ccd1b….gif)


How dare you culturally appropriate without permission, and in such a crass manner.

We are all of equal grey quality without deviation, but with independent thought to express our creativity.

You sir are graycist.

bf0a21  No.3519894

dc80bd  No.3519895

File: b410758ed1f48a5⋯.png (63.26 KB, 480x400, 6:5, Screenshot_2018-10-18-05-0….png)



Two Brothers in Women's Tennis Committing Multi Million Dollar Fraud!! Serena Williams Refers to Sister Venus as a He, Before Calling Herself a Man….

d36d14  No.3519896


Because his sign is OBSCENE.

We have lost all sense of decency - now we call it free speech. It's shameful that you can't take your kids somewhere in the car without having to see crap like this. It infuriates me. Maybe if I find out where he lives I can go over and smash out his rear window in exercise of my "free speech."

271960  No.3519897


You clearly know nothing about MKultra. I have been 'free' my whole life.

271960  No.3519899



2fd219  No.3519900


You're right. Obviously posting 23 times in this bread alone has helped you immensely, continue.

e6dfc1  No.3519901

File: d60ded33b27c7fa⋯.png (193.95 KB, 289x389, 289:389, screenshot_721.png)

555fcf  No.3519902

File: 0cf2cc6053db996⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 430x266, 215:133, gosch_bush.jpg)

c7e54a  No.3519903


Other examples (note: I skipped any normal 3 & 3 combo tweets)

Example 1:



Example 2:



Example 3:



Example 4:



Example 5:



Example 6:



Example 7:



I could keep going but you get the idea. There's a lot of them.

bd0006  No.3519904


>Q post about growing people like a crop

>either they get energy off the satanic sacrifice

>or they do something with the parts

Or both.

Welcome to the desert of the real.

2c9c27  No.3519905

File: 2bbbfbcdeca6097⋯.gif (941.48 KB, 245x184, 245:184, mciCttM.gif)

271960  No.3519906

sweet jesus. you dumbfucks sit around and talk about mkultra and then call me an idiot? gfys. I dont have anything else to say about it honestly.

b6a6b2  No.3519907


she has a big ass ass.

83256d  No.3519908

File: 614544e6df342e5⋯.jpg (203.5 KB, 597x1178, 597:1178, pepemand.jpg)

Vice reports on DJT's relationship with professor John Trump.


"You have scientists on both sides of [climate change]," Trump told the Associated Press during an interview. "My uncle was a great professor at MIT for many years: Dr. John Trump. And I didn’t talk to him about this particular subject, but I have a natural instinct for science, and I will say that you have scientists on both sides of the picture."

271960  No.3519909


Yes. It has. Thank you.

0d66d4  No.3519910

File: 67258ddb654c7f7⋯.jpg (130.38 KB, 800x1008, 50:63, explanation.jpg)


Ty anon

2aaa06  No.3519911


Talk about a high stake poker game

95ae5f  No.3519912

File: 9c97bd7692e2dbb⋯.png (902.51 KB, 1148x625, 1148:625, angelsix66 - Armenian fami….png)

File: 23ac3b9ad93a740⋯.png (579.61 KB, 1139x676, 1139:676, angelsix66 - jesus lizard.png)

File: bfb3199c45b1e9e⋯.png (372.27 KB, 990x619, 990:619, angelsix66 - stigmata.png)


Charlie Wilkin's girlfriend is a sicko.

She's of ARMENIAN descent.

Ring a bell?



2fd219  No.3519913


Young blood = drink

Young body parts = youthfulness

Young sex = money

Young death = sacrifice

Take your pick.

e98548  No.3519914


We can't get out of that shit soon enough.

5c7c6a  No.3519915

10cd5a  No.3519916

File: 57b8970e7c4326f⋯.png (387.64 KB, 501x383, 501:383, ClipboardImage.png)

Japan wants to pour one million gallons of radiated water into the Pacific.

Why don't they come up with a plan to evaporate it and then contain the sediment?

271960  No.3519917

collageanon is going back to making collages. love you all. sorry to shit up your precious bread.

a07939  No.3519918

File: 0e2a32f42cd6380⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1362x1344, 227:224, 152.png)

File: d592bc39dd0ab02⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1814x1040, 907:520, 153.png)

File: d224252ad765f90⋯.png (3.34 MB, 2162x1616, 1081:808, LABKEK.png)

any spooks here

cff56e  No.3519919


I'm still diggin' right along with you, anon

e55137  No.3519920


Trust me, it infuriates me too. But you would just be attacking a symptom, not the problem. I don't have the "right" answer, but at this point the idiots who put stickers on their trucks are the least of our problems. Bless you and your passion though brother.

bb6e40  No.3519921

File: a68c2002c2eb48c⋯.png (119.47 KB, 940x524, 235:131, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

File: afabde2a8f9e11e⋯.png (78.95 KB, 948x384, 79:32, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

BREAKING: #Afghanistan Several sources confirmed- Afghan security officer shot and Killed #Khandahar Chief of Police Raziq as he was walking with U.S. Commander Gen. Scott Miller. Miller is apparently not harmed but uncertain about other casualties-area on lockdown


plus 1 bonus twat

e11df8  No.3519922

Sara A. Carter

Verified account


5m5 minutes ago


BREAKING: #Afghanistan Several sources confirmed- Afghan security officer shot and Killed #Khandahar Chief of Police Raziq as he was walking with U.S. Commander Gen. Scott Miller. Miller is apparently not harmed but uncertain about other casualties-area on lockdown


05b5b4  No.3519923

File: 2ec2e2736e6e3e6⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sketch-1539870485591.png)

I had an idea of making a legit looking wanted poster with a NPC on it and post it at every business all over town.

d6fea0  No.3519924

File: ca8945578a956ce⋯.png (849.92 KB, 800x618, 400:309, ClipboardImage.png)

2ebfab  No.3519925

File: 6c382b64dfdaff5⋯.jpg (10.25 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)




Maybe you geniuses can come up with an alternative explanation then for the dots in the twats.

Or we can continue to run out the gas tank spinning wheels…

11ef8f  No.3519926


every single anon on this board has been under mk ultra from birth

if you think you are immune you are wrong

you are just resistant by being here

2fd219  No.3519927


How can anons be under control and live uncontrollably?

271960  No.3519928


project monarch, it is different.

d5ce90  No.3519929


We need to let them be. I unironically support those we call 'terrorists' who want to control their own nation. Get our troops home. Send them to our border.

48b70f  No.3519930

Trying one more time. Then I gotta get to work. POTUS needs our help with digs and countering mis-info. MBS is being lumped in with previous Saudi criminals. POTUS clearly is going slowly with accepting unsubstantiated claims but all of MSM is piling on. We need to counter with sauce to show difference between old regime and new regime in Saudi. https://www.ndtv.com/people/mbs-saudi-arabias-reformist-crown-prince-with-firm-vision-1771487



892afe  No.3519931


Why would she sign it in her stage name?? BS

71dc42  No.3519932

File: 5e321cb3ca85bcf⋯.jpg (66.25 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2e1912dc0dd0f39c54efc7cec1….jpg)

Q, We may have a Problem.

A BIG Problem with the Red Wave.

Look at who won the Primaries and their backgrounds.

For instance, look at Alabama.

True Conservative candidates lost to Former Democrats, some of which have criminal backgrounds.

Are the Dems funding and running wolves in sheep's clothing as Republicans?

Very concerning. Look at the backgrounds. I see it in nearly every State.

10cd5a  No.3519933


Very soon - they will not be able to drive the streets.

2aaa06  No.3519934

File: 0f7f0889835b433⋯.png (1.06 MB, 805x502, 805:502, Capture.PNG)

China, US defence chiefs meet on sidelines of Asean meeting in Singapore

Wei Fenghe and James Mattis have ‘straightforward and candid’ discussion, commit to ‘finding time’ for further negotiations

China’s Defence Minister Wei Fenghe held talks with his US counterpart James Mattis at a key regional security summit on Thursday, after a meeting between the two men scheduled for earlier in the month was cancelled due to growing tensions between the two countries.


bf0a21  No.3519935

File: 280135a9b0e850d⋯.jpeg (108.1 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, 1538527568.jpeg)

2c9c27  No.3519936


well the guy on the right looks like a …guy


it's a disgusting painting. shameful blatant psyop.

406082  No.3519937


Ty anon


KEK! Thanks for resurrecting that joke man.

>>3519675, >>3519683

Read a story about this on foxnews while workfagging ystdy, the comments section was glorious. Far more awake commenters than normies. Felt like home here on 8ch, kek.

Remember anons, Defense/Mil has anti-infective countermeasures to any bioweapon the cabal can cook up. I worked on one of these projects in the aughts, they were careful to be prepared b4 taking the plan to the final offense stage. Don't let these guys scare you. Small stuff will still go on a bit, but no major epidemics.

c747b7  No.3519938


can concur with the resistance comment….

e76721  No.3519939

File: 09a7f3053fc15f0⋯.png (65.07 KB, 251x200, 251:200, ClipboardImage.png)



Yes Senator Blutarsky, again thank you for your vote on the KAV

d6fea0  No.3519940


Wanna bet?

I got my Death Race on! KEK!

dc80bd  No.3519941

File: 8e0465b6d442a17⋯.jpg (42.57 KB, 428x428, 1:1, 2ke5wb.jpg)

2fb54a  No.3519942

>>3519069 (LB)

Apply critical thinking and logic. I stated that Judge Nap and F&F were crucifying MBS. Your assumption in the post above was that I have faith in MBS. Go back and rethink. This anon does not have faith in MBS nor do I have feelz.

My statement is a call to have “eyes on” - to pay attention to what is being said and to who is saying it. Only then can you process your own investigation using facts and applying logic. For me it is a huge tell about what side of the line these people doing the reporting stand.

I do not know squat about MBS aside from the optics that there is a cooperative relationship with POTUS. These people on F&F know this, yet they bold allege MBS is a renegade loose cannon who simply rounded up his wealthy family members and associates and shook them down for billions in cash. Absolutely ZERO deductive reasoning pervades their indictment of MBS. They could have said the questionable reason was that he was fighting corruption. They could have mentioned the open source knowledge that al-Waleed bin Talal has conducted nefarious activities. They didn’t do that. Rather, they actively omit and obscure the published reported mitigating factors behind the Saudi round-up, and they go for the jugular. So no, I do not have faith in MBS. And for all you shilly Fox spoon-feeders, this is a prime example of why I don’t have faith in Fox either. Watching even Fox News anymore is just a tool for monitoring the temperature of goings-on by watching the personalities especially when their narratives and attitudes fly in the face of known facts or otherwise well-known and generally accepted reports without any substance to back up their claims.

397d99  No.3519943

030d8c  No.3519944

File: a9608fa55659ebc⋯.png (540.48 KB, 563x407, 563:407, qstuff6.png)

73f9d8  No.3519945


Distance shot ? - Opium Trade Management ?

555fcf  No.3519946

Well it looks like the 17th huge event wasn't for October. Sighs.

Maybe November.

Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap.

5af3f0  No.3519947

File: 8762a72eead9cc7⋯.jpg (327.5 KB, 960x685, 192:137, d26c2cb8ec0096d397f9647440….jpg)

10cd5a  No.3519948


That'll do it.

2c9c27  No.3519949


The GOP has a pedo problem and they are getting off.

4e562e  No.3519950


>POTUS needs our help with digs and countering mis-info.

Maybe he should tell Wray/Rouse to quit lying about Las Vegas

Tell the truth about what happened

d5ce90  No.3519951


lol look at the license plate. That tells you everything you need to know.

73f9d8  No.3519952

We need real time sattelite pic. of the invasion caravan progress to Southern border.

dc80bd  No.3519953

File: 24cfbd83655a1a6⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 720x405, 16:9, lead_720_405.jpg)


Fucken Saved ⏩👍👍👍👍

8f9c13  No.3519954


Radioactive steam?

70e778  No.3519955

File: eed50f3003b7125⋯.jpg (22.64 KB, 350x200, 7:4, warren5.jpg)

cff56e  No.3519956

File: 59c2ff19cc5afe1⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 286x176, 13:8, cw1.jpg)


is one top middle him?

95ae5f  No.3519957

File: 62a0025251aef90⋯.png (827.72 KB, 1131x708, 377:236, kristen bell snow white.png)

They're going batshit crazy right now.

What in the hell is wrong with these people.

Kristen Bell voices concern about message ‘Snow White’ sends to daughters


782d46  No.3519958

Free flu shots!! Spouseanon got snookered this morning, dammit.

2fd219  No.3519959


Only anons said 10/17 would be big. No one else.

aee3dc  No.3519960

File: ab6840bf57a36c2⋯.jpeg (129.18 KB, 670x377, 670:377, C78DD69F-8B09-4780-A71F-9….jpeg)


100 points!

e4365f  No.3519961


This. The full scale OP is so huge it goes way last Q and earthly governments.

0a9d1b  No.3519962


Dude anons need to make note of u. You seem like the fake Q guy that’s gonna shoot up somewhere and blame it on Q and make us all look bad.

Why are you wearing a bandito over your face in your twitter account and the hankerchef has Q written on it? Just waiting for the news to plaster that profile pic all over the news.

7133b7  No.3519963


So AfD is same old same old or will they actually get those invaders out?

030d8c  No.3519964

File: 4f22379e2b2cfdd⋯.png (185.49 KB, 272x379, 272:379, wtfh.png)


236416  No.3519965

File: 1b59682adbd6e4c⋯.png (663.22 KB, 960x685, 192:137, NPC_Wojak_Old1.png)

bb6e40  No.3519966

File: bac2d59830eb706⋯.png (651.63 KB, 786x1044, 131:174, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

“I must, in the strongest of terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught — and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!” he wrote.

Trump also said that if a solution is not found, it could upend the new trade deal negotiated between Mexico and the United States.

The specifics of Trump’s latest plan to use military personnel in the immigration dispute are unclear. Federal law prohibits military personnel from conducting law enforcement duties on U.S. soil, with exceptions for military bases and related properties.

House and Senate lawmakers are on recess until after the Nov. 6 election. In a briefing with reporters this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, said finding funding for Trump’s proposed border wall would be a top priority when his chamber returns, but he said he did not believe the fight could spur a partial government shutdown.



3c772d  No.3519967

File: 82e58edad96d2da⋯.jpg (229.38 KB, 1168x657, 16:9, mk-ultra-slide.jpg)

271960  No.3519968


cause i am fucking pissed and the government knows it. all for a larp? give me a fucking break.

e76721  No.3519969




There you go coming up with a logical possible alternative to political decision making.

No easy choice but attempt to find the lesser of all evils.

2aaa06  No.3519970


Dislocate your spine if you don't sign he says

I'll have you seeing double

Mesmerize you when he's tongue-tied

Simply with those eyes

Synchronize your minds and see

The beast within him rise

Don't look back

It's a rip-off

Seduce you with his money-make machine

Cross-collateralize, (big-time money, money)

Reduce you to a muzak-fake machine

Then the last goodbye

It's a rip-off

All this time,maybe we were been had

95ae5f  No.3519971


Disney princes in 'Snow White,' 'Sleeping Beauty' are sex offenders, professor says


Good lord…

2c9c27  No.3519972


they fiddle whilst americans are being murdered and raped

fuck them all they will not act with alacrity until they suffer personal loss

892afe  No.3519973


Thanks for the laugh anon. Good way to start the day.

11ef8f  No.3519974


look if youre real and not a slide

i know it sucks

but 1 person doesnt trump billions sorry

7e8a80  No.3519975

File: e896f5de0efe9e9⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 877x451, 877:451, amazon.JPG)

File: 76087d5c3778f2a⋯.jpg (44.26 KB, 628x353, 628:353, clinton-warren.jpg)


Giigle News re-direct:

"She is StrongerTogether w/ Colonel sell-out."

no traction flop: Amazon just raised wages to $15; this was done because most are about to be replaced by (actual) bots.

ebe8cb  No.3519976


We know that. Why do you think we're here? For God and Country.

271960  No.3519977


I am done. fucking shills. I have already told the authorities. I don't need your help. It is way over your head dumbass. I am pushing the president, not a bunch of anons and shills.

10cd5a  No.3519978


So only libs are triggered?

If true - creator should win a nobel prize in psychology.

d6fea0  No.3519979

File: 718fdcd03c91f4d⋯.png (62.65 KB, 378x357, 18:17, 718fdcd03c91f4d0d6d53844ab….png)



20bb8f  No.3519980

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Wednesday that if Democrats took control of the Senate following November’s midterm elections, she would be in favor of reopening an investigation into the sexual misconduct allegations levelled against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh


Like clockwork.

cbb419  No.3519981


ahhh…that's a social security number. Not smart.

d5ce90  No.3519982


That's because Fox is included in fake news you mongoloid. How about you stop confusing yourself and TURN THE FUCKING TV OFF. You get dumber by the minute with it on. Remember Fox sold to this country that ridiculous invasion of Iraq for their Zionist masters. They. Are. Just. As. Bad. Trump knows this too. He just watches F&F because it's literally probably a whiff of fresh air compared to the stink of cnn. Still not trustworthy. Bin Salman is ourguy. He knows who did 9/11. So why don't you start thinking, instead of trusting everything your jewish media tells you?

d6fea0  No.3519984

Anybody else get an email about this?


90eab8  No.3519985


Remeber when (((she))) talked about dying of thirst.

Looks like (((they))) have been working hard on creating a super drought.


Like james bond super villans, (((they))) cant help themselves.

Q we trust you

95ae5f  No.3519986



>Only anons said 10/17 would be big. No one else.

Other side of the clock (:44)

After the midterms hell will break loose.

236416  No.3519987

File: 32e33d0b57bb44d⋯.png (156.51 KB, 540x722, 270:361, NPC_SW.png)

73f9d8  No.3519988


By the time the wall gets funding , 90% of Latin America will already be in USA

271960  No.3519989

When the rest of you climb out of project monarch one day at a time, you can give me advice on how to do it.

696f92  No.3519990


>I am done


96b51c  No.3519991


If i go to the moon im gonna eat some of that cheese

2fd219  No.3519992

US astronaut describes aborted launch aboard Soyuz rocket



Russia's investigating a possible terror attack at Crimea college


Bad actors going after Russia now

2c9c27  No.3519993


this. its pathetic. I am sick of the excuses. if these were millions of white people yu'd see action.

70e778  No.3519994



bf0a21  No.3519995

File: 5a3bc0f69298e5c⋯.jpeg (101.31 KB, 1440x816, 30:17, 1529452901.jpeg)

9562c9  No.3519996


> submitted her resignation yesterday.

Sauce? I can't find it. Lots of chatter about her recall petition for prejudicial acts.

bd0006  No.3519997

File: 678370fab947e12⋯.png (10.44 MB, 7696x4898, 3848:2449, SNOW_WHITE_2018-01.png)

File: 877e3c55d675b8b⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2255x2462, 2255:2462, ALL_YOUR_SERVERS[S].jpg)


kek. maybe a noob was at the NPC programming terminal? The NSA shut down the servers, but the [meat shields] don't need batteries…

Just a little convenient that the Snow White story itself is coincidentally under attack now..

This feels like a push of some sort.

dc80bd  No.3519998

File: 2923ed145057078⋯.jpg (55.18 KB, 526x389, 526:389, downloadfile-21~2.jpg)

d5ce90  No.3519999


These cunts don't know the horrible loveless world they're dragging us into…Fuck them sideways. Holy shit.

e76721  No.3520000

File: 4921a7f0b9b215e⋯.png (77.57 KB, 286x176, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)


Biden: Age Is ‘Totally Legitimate’ Issue to Raise With Presidential Candidates

True Joe, BUT your STUPIDITY is what everyone is questioning. Sorry you missed the boat again on that one.

8625e7  No.3520001

File: 3b4510d5f5cfe56⋯.jpg (337.42 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20181018_061252.jpg)

Talk about death fakery.

Guy on right= Anthony Radziwill 20 yrs. Ago.

Guy on left= Denise Kaz Wal's Husband.

Don't have equipment to do A better match job.




70e778  No.3520002

File: f5e4dfdf3d21ded⋯.jpg (15.21 KB, 290x174, 5:3, l1.jpg)

File: bfbf5670d0c0219⋯.jpg (13.71 KB, 280x180, 14:9, l2.jpg)

05295a  No.3520003

File: dc6a615406c5f70⋯.jpg (86.36 KB, 759x500, 759:500, fueling the redwave.jpg)

70e778  No.3520004

File: 273e966aa33f037⋯.jpg (12.19 KB, 275x183, 275:183, dick.jpg)

5c7c6a  No.3520005

File: 91c21f2681b94ac⋯.jpg (146.4 KB, 768x768, 1:1, oswald.jpg)

48b70f  No.3520006

>>3519950 Agreed.

70e778  No.3520007

File: b4a1848bd5fb408⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 634x434, 317:217, jail2.jpg)

030d8c  No.3520008



81c696  No.3520009


u got it…It's all propaganda

2aaa06  No.3520010

File: d3a4e686c9fb795⋯.png (759.51 KB, 722x488, 361:244, Capture.PNG)

Khashoggi probe: man seen with Saudi prince was ‘assassin team leader’, Turkish media says

Turkish pro-government newspaper: ‘Here is the head of the execution team’

A pro-government Turkish newspaper on Thursday pointed a finger at a Saudi security official close to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman over the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as Riyadh’s ally Washington kept up its cautious stance.


290168  No.3520011


Both working here!

dd0c7a  No.3520012


>True Joe, BUT your STUPIDITY is what everyone is questioning. Sorry you missed the boat again on that one.


d36d14  No.3520013

How do I share something on here from twitter without doxxing myself?

397d99  No.3520014


Yup..Think something along those lines was just mentioned in last bread.. No we have our suspect..


>I am done.

Okay… Maybe just a few more posts…

70e778  No.3520015

File: e56fa5d707ab4b3⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ronald.jpg)

555fcf  No.3520016


That last pic is HRC's take out order.

f99ecc  No.3520017


Thats not even a drop compared to what already went during the first month.

70e778  No.3520018

File: 95c1a75cae58011⋯.jpg (93.21 KB, 657x500, 657:500, rbg.jpg)

2fb54a  No.3520019

File: b933f39547df6bc⋯.jpeg (79.05 KB, 490x527, 490:527, 12C0B9C0-2B01-4213-A5A9-1….jpeg)



This is what happens when negroes don’t read.

3a5a99  No.3520020


Everyone is being wokened up anon. Can you See it from the opposite side?

The right has been labelling Disney as cabal for grooming women and children.

The left? Well, same difference. Just stated differently.

81c696  No.3520021


Screen shot and crop out

d5ce90  No.3520022


Thanks, I'm fucking sick of it. I'm sick of seeing good people driven into the arms of other bad people by media moguls playing D&C. Turn your tvs off. If you watch anything, watch baseball at most. For fuck's sake how can you even watch those plastic pretty faces sitting around their well manicured flashy sets. It's all ridiculous bullshit hypnotism. Fox news itself WILL abandon Trump if he goes as far as anons here want him to. BE PREPARED for this. There are ZERO friends of his agenda in the mass media. ZERO. Trump knows this, he just wants people to maybe hear some news that isn't doom gloom world is ending. But that's it.

0d2e07  No.3520023


Top kek

0a9d1b  No.3520024

File: f4f61de148faf85⋯.jpeg (102.72 KB, 421x750, 421:750, BF3CC824-46EE-4418-B3BF-1….jpeg)

File: 785f975fcba5401⋯.jpeg (117.35 KB, 750x511, 750:511, 102C9ADC-9B6B-434D-BEDC-8….jpeg)


ANONS, take SS with timestamp Incase this crazy faggot tries something stupid.

Like that profile pic doesn’t scream “I’m here to subvert the Q movement”

Collageanon is a fake Q anon.

7133b7  No.3520025

File: b1babd50d1a4460⋯.jpg (88.39 KB, 745x960, 149:192, DmxiOk3VsAA2-DG.jpg large.jpg)

File: fc6dfddae8fe81c⋯.png (33.02 KB, 620x247, 620:247, Screenshot 2018-10-08 22.5….png)

The fastest way to get our western countries back is by connecting to our roots, the same roots they try to make us feel ashamed off!

Not trying to wake people up to the corruption, but making them proud of our heritage. This is the fastest way to unite white nations.

bd0006  No.3520026


get gimp and redact with your virtual sharpie.

6d6fc5  No.3520027

I'm sure this story already posted but this is bizarre. Who and what is real anymore? Are there holograms of which we are not aware? It looks completely real. Scary.

Singer Amy Winehouse to return to the stage as a hologram


ebe8cb  No.3520029


Old theme with a new spin. Back in the 70's these same movies were under attack by feminists who claimed they taught young girls that they were incomplete without husbands.

2fd219  No.3520030


Moar money for moar shit "art"



The mug communicates a universal message from Abramović – “We’re all in the same boat” – emphasizing that even if we are sailing on different boats, even when we are competing for the best results, we are all traveling on the same planet, which must be looked after and protected every day.

The collaboration celebrates the 50th anniversary of the international regatta in Trieste, Italy this month.

illy Art Collection Marina Abramović Mug is signed by the contemporary acclaimed artist and can be purchased for $40 on illy.com and illy Caffé locations starting this week.

NOTE: They are currently sold out but will be restocked soon!

10cd5a  No.3520031


I've been laid up for a week or so.

Why did they carve this reporter up?

Some breaking story or he was just advocating for free speech?

d6fea0  No.3520032


I think he was cabal, and SA done us a favor.

2fd219  No.3520033


Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch, how much moar evidence does one need that Fox is fucked sideways?

dc80bd  No.3520034

File: 68fc09b7ff6d6a1⋯.jpg (311.13 KB, 836x623, 836:623, downloadfile-20.jpg)


Which one should be Wojak?

e98548  No.3520035


You were almost killed and brought to heel. You allowed your administration to be infested with swamp creatures. You legalized illegal immigrants.Your VP was the epitome of evil. You now live in Presidents Trump shadow, forever.

06b4ad  No.3520036


because all my friends are bullies

a07939  No.3520037

File: e6bd1aebc3b13f5⋯.png (3.15 MB, 1530x1306, 765:653, sleeping.png)

22401a  No.3520038


why would you drop a MSM statement like that

without any proof whatsoever that the guy is dead

dd7117  No.3520039


I remember an anon last night talked about the parallels within the story of snow white akin to whats happening now.

Snow White bites the poison apple, (Evil witch trying to take SW out)

Prince and the 7 dwarves comes to save SW

And at the end SW goes to confront the evil witch, you know the rest.

Prince= ?

Snow White=JFK Jr

5ddcb0  No.3520040


Both of them obviously

aee3dc  No.3520041


MSM cries out in pain for him. This tells me he likely needed to be “sawed”.

dca63c  No.3520042


>How can anons be under control and live uncontrollably?

If you don't follow the news you are uninformed

If you do follow the news you are misinformed

d5ce90  No.3520043


He was a cabal owned piece of human shit. His screams of pain should be made into a CD.

48122c  No.3520044


just do what feels good to you, learn about yourself, get to know your "real" (You). try to find some peace in your mind after this is over

d6fea0  No.3520045


You do know FOX and FoxNews are 2 separate entities now, right?

335e76  No.3520046

05295a  No.3520047


The master should be Wojak. The slave should be wearing a MAGA cap!

06b4ad  No.3520048


tricorner hat dude, naturally.

2c9c27  No.3520049

File: d8a83992ded39a0⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1024x682, 512:341, 30HASTERT5WEB1-jumbo.png)

File: a362a5e85b1c7f2⋯.png (362.6 KB, 985x994, 985:994, Screenshot-2018-5-19 Peopl….png)

File: aefa46674932e81⋯.png (32.65 KB, 609x408, 203:136, Screenshot-2018-4-27 Dibo'….png)

File: 8a082f3c0cb55a1⋯.png (112.39 KB, 723x484, 723:484, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Peopl….png)

File: f96a96fcd525f67⋯.png (46.66 KB, 898x471, 898:471, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Peopl….png)

99de10  No.3520050

>>3519410 lb

The Fed is a Rothschild private company. The last time a President tried to deal the Fed out he got a bullet to the head in an open car in Dallas Texas.

bf0a21  No.3520051


Muh TV told me

2fd219  No.3520052


Yes. Murdoch still owns the NEWS and sports side of Fox. Still controlling the narrative. The movies and fun fiction went to Disney. I am aware.

2aaa06  No.3520053


Q post said back off or lose asset guess somebody lost

d5ce90  No.3520054


Do you mean local news as separate from Fox corporate news? Yes local news is ok. It's good to be informed about events and happenings close to you. But even so a lot of local news is fear porn.

73f9d8  No.3520055


satanism / globalism / United Nations meditation room / UN printer is LUCIS Trust ( formerly LUCIFER Trust at 666 UN Plaza )

Read ' mystic ' UN guru - Alice Baily.

271960  No.3520056


Love it.

bf0a21  No.3520057

File: d2e0a47010302f7⋯.jpeg (84.05 KB, 1440x957, 480:319, 1530313997.jpeg)

d36d14  No.3520058


f30a1f  No.3520059


From birth, what were they pumping CNN into my mothers womb?

10cd5a  No.3520060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Many of Killary's 2016 speeches were holograms.

4e3b27  No.3520061

File: cae9ee1ec7f9b8f⋯.jpeg (226.89 KB, 1241x1893, 1241:1893, 0E08ABF1-7FC7-4BE3-9036-9….jpeg)

File: 33dee812c5efc71⋯.jpeg (175.03 KB, 1242x576, 69:32, 56AE4B26-6135-425F-9502-4….jpeg)

File: 3b741d6574988b4⋯.jpeg (208.36 KB, 1240x1885, 248:377, C3CEE594-06B1-42E2-BABE-3….jpeg)

File: 43cb4f9afd6d612⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1635, 414:545, 3D712CD8-DE68-4E76-AB25-C….jpeg)

>>3520031 for your consideration


8e61e8  No.3520062


Amen Anon.

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword."

Amen Anon.

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword."

bb6e40  No.3520063

File: 49254ad179865c5⋯.png (494.27 KB, 944x948, 236:237, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

File: 32d6a99a0211239⋯.png (684.04 KB, 1142x731, 1142:731, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

The US consulate serving the Palestinian community is being closed and its operations merged with the new US embassy in Jerusalem, according to @StateDept.


d6fea0  No.3520064


FoxNews is unbiased.

That is what sets them apart from the other MSM's.

That is the reason POTUS left them out of the Fake News Awards earlier this year.

a07939  No.3520065



Make you [HAPPY]

Make you [SLEEPY]

Make you [GRUMPY]

Make you [SNEEZY]

Make you [BASHFUL]

Make you [DOPEY] (remind you of someone?)

Why? so the [DOC] can give you some medicine. just what you need to keep you distracted. just move ya one peg up or down. grumpy? ok instead be sleepy! sneezy? ok instead be dopey! WHERE IS WISDOM? WHERE IS TRUTH? WHERE IS HEALTH? Do we get anything positive from this relationship? Instead they DRAIN US OF OUR ENERGY.

Our 1776 is a revolution of the mind. It is the paradigm shift. We are the true collective representatives of individual freedom & liberty; all others are false prophets with false promises.

3f637d  No.3520066

File: c41cbbae685261b⋯.png (118.57 KB, 1196x508, 299:127, ClipboardImage.png)

"Said it before and will say this again, all this is actually a spiritual battle. Until people realize that they won't be fighting with the right weapons."

21f68d  No.3520067

Hey Anons I am in one of those moods today to accuse a woman/man running for office that she tried to get me to touch her inappropriately and made sexualized comments that made me uncomfortable.

Any Anons have a good target to go after?

Beto possibly?

611b92  No.3520068

File: 4e51d7b479dc5e0⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 0eqltN4ijFuQvdtspd-bhxgCVa….mp4)

PUTIN is a fuckin' G. I love this guy..


0a9d1b  No.3520069


What’s your gay hand signs mean?

6d6fc5  No.3520070

Top US general escapes injury in shooting at Afghanistan palace; 2 Americans wounded

Gen. Scott Miller, commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, escaped injury during a shooting that wounded two other Americans at Kandahar Palace, a spokesman for Operation Resolute support said Thursday.

“Initial reports indicate this was an Afghan-on-Afghan incident,” said Col. Knut Peters, a U.S. military spokesman in an email.

“Two Americans were wounded in the crossfire and they have been medically evacuated,” he said. “General Miller is uninjured. We are being told the area is secure.”


271960  No.3520071

I am actually not trying to 'subvert' Q. I am showing the power of the meme and who I truly am. I am a patriot and a US citizen and I believe Q is real. Am I your traditional Qanonist? no.

d5ce90  No.3520072


No they're not. Wake up.

271960  No.3520073


666 psyop division

2fb54a  No.3520074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf0a21  No.3520075

79edff  No.3520077


Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen and that is why the water can not be cleaned.

aee3dc  No.3520078

File: 1dccbc72b9e2f03⋯.jpeg (67.47 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 9410A3D2-E31A-4C7D-ABE4-3….jpeg)


Excellent recall Anon. He stated to Mossad that they would be losing media assets.

cbb419  No.3520079


Which echos exactly what Q has told us. Very true.

0a9d1b  No.3520080


Translated from Hebrew, that means “I suck baby dick”

10cd5a  No.3520081


That's why it's taking so long.

Gotta get everything under wraps - first.

Then pull the trigger.

34dd1b  No.3520082

File: 1af4d0660cb05a6⋯.jpg (74.3 KB, 600x383, 600:383, beldr1hole.jpg)

ad03b5  No.3520083



Stop trying to label the unlabelable.

f30a1f  No.3520084


Oh my god, you are right, we must vote democrat to stop the evil republicans

2fd219  No.3520085


FoxNews, owned by Murdoch (still) is NOT unbiased. It's 100% biased to Republicans. It is also full of bullshit anchors and lying ass stories to control.

Tucker Carlson is the only show on Fox worth watching imo, and I don't foresee his style lasting long as it speaks too much truth, too loudly.

05295a  No.3520086


They were just green screen'd from a hospital because she was too sick to appear in person.

bd0006  No.3520087


>But even so a lot of local news is fear porn.

All local news is stripped of anything that has naional import.

You won't hear about the car crash that killed the investigative journao that was uncovering pedoshit.

You'll hear about a car crash with no immediate details about the occupant… And if it is learned, well, that's old news now! We're talking about the local dog pound or some other stupid shit that means nothing.

271960  No.3520088



(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST(Banned so we can say we banned you when you do some stupid shit facefag. ))

1908ab  No.3520089


>Beto possibly?

Beto's Buffoons are busy beating up Heidi Cruz

Because privilege or something

738557  No.3520090


Federal cockblower protection you mean

2c9c27  No.3520091


except they don't tell you what is going on around you and what excuse does some pedo covering cunt at a local station have for continuing to lie by omission? none. fuck them all. they've got you fooled do you think they are your friends cos they do a puff piece on the local high school band whilst NOT telling you about family courts stealing kids?

5af3f0  No.3520092

File: 81c36b09ea8fe1a⋯.jpg (93.74 KB, 500x332, 125:83, clown npc.jpg)

239e61  No.3520093

File: 26ca7637fee95b3⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 600x318, 100:53, db19ed32f3515b771a1f48515a….jpg)

892afe  No.3520094

I realize I may be way out over my skis on this one, but it caught my curiosity.


Could this be used to "explain" a real heavenly body??????? If Nibiru was actually real, is a simulation used as an explanation not to believe our eyes??

d6fea0  No.3520095


Why do you think Shep Smith is on there?

He's as libtared left as you can get, and that's only 1 example.

They are unbiased and letting BOTH sides sling shit at the wall.

2aaa06  No.3520097

File: 5a49b088d809521⋯.png (299.66 KB, 572x331, 572:331, Capture.PNG)

Marine Le Pen Ordered to Take Psychiatric Tests for Opposing Jihad Terror

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer discusses the recent court order in France, requiring Marine Le Pen to undergo psychiatric tests for posting material critical of the Islamic State (ISIS). France is beginning to use Soviet tactics against dissidents; where will it end?


21f68d  No.3520098

File: ad3f504b285beb5⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 500x280, 25:14, suspect ded.jpg)

Khashoggi Murder Suspect Dies In "Suspicious Car Accident"


2fd219  No.3520099


Nothing on tv is unbiased. Nothing.

be3d36  No.3520100

Haven't seen this in any breads Anons. A video of Elizabeth Warren promoting Resistance School is making the rounds.

This is the link to Resistance School. What would happen if a bunch of NPC accounts were created on that site???

https:// www.resistanceschool.com

c11880  No.3520101


Post a picture of yourself. And then one of your asshole.

83256d  No.3520102

File: f70b52c9b771ac0⋯.png (34.56 KB, 700x700, 1:1, actually.png)


Literally probably?

Though I approve of the message the delivery reads like one of 'them'

c747b7  No.3520103


Or she was already killed by tribunal in another country quite a while ago and Q is waiting for the governments to do the right thing and stop covering it all up so the public knows and the bullshit cycle can't be repeated…..spitballing here…

58427b  No.3520104

>>3519046 PB

Fake as Stormy Daniels' Tits

05295a  No.3520105

File: 640e61d70259bad⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, eww.jpg)


>And then one of your asshole.

d33e41  No.3520106


702669  No.3520107


In an article in USA Today, Rod Rosenstein characterized the Mueller investigation as "appropriate and independent."

The article ends with the following regarding his position as Deputy Attorney General:

"“The president knows that I am prepared to do this job as long as he wants me to do this job,” Rosenstein told the Wall Street Journal. “You serve at the pleasure of the president, and there’s never been any ambiguity about that in my mind.”



c11880  No.3520108


I'm gonna fill that asshole so full of my creamy load you'll be shitting whip cream for a week.

f30a1f  No.3520109


They are not taking on a President this time, they are taking on a worldwide great awakening supported by the most powerful military ever to grace the face of god's green earth…WWG1WGA

d5ce90  No.3520110


Well people always have a natural curiosity about things happening near them. That's not bad. I know people who sit listening to police scanner radios. But I think sometimes they show a little too much negativity on local news. Like you'll hear all about car crashes, or someone shooting someone else or stealing a charity basket or something. But positive news stories are not promoted because it doesn't grab people's attention like some negative story does. I assume it's because bad stories activate primal threat responses in humans maybe?

6c478e  No.3520111

How much paperwork do intel guys have to jump through in order to justify getting anything done

or do they get a blank check for their purchases or spending?

54b9a6  No.3520112


My favorite

3a5a99  No.3520113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dd7117  No.3520114


You must have not noticed the lack of RALLY coverage with FOX.

Ask yourself, WHY?

0d2e07  No.3520115


Yeah Putin is a great guy and leader.

The USA finally also has a leader who loves his country and people. Maybe germany will get there some day…

58427b  No.3520116


LS has been around a while & is very good

c11880  No.3520117


I'm gonna glaze you with my fat load. So hard right now, I know you want it. Pressed up against your hot asshole, feeling me throb.

6f578e  No.3520118

File: d794fef62677437⋯.jpg (66.43 KB, 789x460, 789:460, g kelly.jpg)


>Remember anons, Defense/Mil has anti-infective countermeasures to any bioweapon the cabal can cook up. I worked on one of these projects in the aughts, they were careful to be prepared b4 taking the plan to the final offense stage. Don't let these guys scare you. Small stuff will still go on a bit, but no major epidemics.

this is very important info.

thx for sharing anon!

9562c9  No.3520119



Man, I always wanted one of those! Don't remember if it was Cracker Jacks or Cheerios. I did get a little submarine powered by baking soda. Took forever to arrive after I sent in the coupon and my entire allowance. ($.10)

3f637d  No.3520120

File: 588a214b321ca87⋯.png (574.23 KB, 1210x1148, 605:574, ClipboardImage.png)

So twitter is now the arbiter of which insects and/or animals that are used to compare against.

For example how would twitter feel if someone said that Hussein was a snake, rat, dog or worm?

I supposed being compared to a termite is not the worst thing in the world. However Farakan is a racist by another name. Imagine if someone said that Black people were termites? What is the difference between calling out various groups. Why are there sacred cows?

Twitter we know what you are up to.

be3d36  No.3520121

https://. www.resistanceschool.com. Anyone else seen this? Senator Warren is promoting Resistance School, an online course it.

48122c  No.3520122


it´s engineered, compare your reaction to let´s say any emotional positive video that you watch,

wich one gives you more satisfaction ?

7e8a80  No.3520123

File: 800e65cce1b0db8⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 627x353, 627:353, top story.jpg)

bd0006  No.3520124



>I know people who sit listening to police scanner radios.

They know the news is fake ;)

> I assume it's because bad stories activate primal threat responses in humans maybe?


99de10  No.3520125


Well that’s a new one.

Didn’t see that coming.

Clever or not?

Have to think about that one but I have to say on first look it’s smacks of JFK MO.


a07939  No.3520126


plus ultra loves morse and hive mind is throwing us towards morse, plus ultra etc

you are onto something

2fd219  No.3520128


Bruce Willis Sells Idaho Estate Originally Listed at $15 Million for One Third the Asking Price

Bruce Willis has finally sold his Sun Valley, Idaho, ranch, and it isn’t your typical cabin in the woods.

The Die Hard star unloaded his 20-acre estate for $5.495 million, PEOPLE confirms. The actor had previously attempted to sell the property twice before—once in 2011 for a high listing price of $15 million—and again in 2016 for $6.5 million. But despite slashing the price by more than half, the final sale still represents the single biggest residential sale ever in the immediate area


d5ce90  No.3520129


Jews are actually worse than termites though.

406082  No.3520130


Anon, please alert us that you are linking off-bread with a "lb" or "pb" after the post. Like this:

>>3519403 lb



>You don't think that celebrating a woman's right to kill her unborn child for decades might have something to do with it?

Technically, this is more a symptom than a cause of secondary psychopathy. Ppl can only be brainwashed with info so far. To truly create brains fully devoid of empathy requires arrested development in the early years: trauma or birth defect.

21f68d  No.3520131

File: e72b7a7e5653120⋯.jpg (46.03 KB, 490x464, 245:232, 2ke8qz.jpg)

c11880  No.3520133


How wide can your balloon knot open up? I've got a big thick one and am looking to go scuba diving

f99ecc  No.3520134

If this place is what “in control” looks like


throw shit now

70e778  No.3520135

File: e7a0938182ea0f6⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 888x500, 222:125, soros.jpg)

c7e54a  No.3520136


I'm going to dig a shit load of them up tonight and make graphics for each set like the Anon in previous bread did.

7133b7  No.3520137

Rather than white people being perceived as being the deserving beneficiaries of their own collective progress, PC dogmatism insists that white European people are the “undeserving beneficiaries” of “undeserving white privilege”. And anyone perceived as daring to advocate for white people is also deeply resented, is deemed automatically wrong, and automatically a “racist” — the modern equivalent of being a heretic.

http:// www.protectionist.net/2017/05/28/theres-a-time-and-a-place-for-white-pride/?fbclid=IwAR2qKI8F0Ys25dzWlfOJRdofbKuwl3EqFOeQdySbpL-AzCP_iRQhA_BPAUE

9153e5  No.3520138


'rod-rosenstein-defends-russia-probe-says-he-serves-trumps-pleasure' - KEK! Unfortunate choice of words for that headline.

9562c9  No.3520139

File: c22de88d9209e12⋯.jpg (10.09 KB, 255x167, 255:167, Steal that.jpg)


>You sir are graycist.

d33e41  No.3520140

This caravan is totally depressing. Ugh!!

565fdb  No.3520141

I was doing some timeline comparisons of Q drops and Arthur drops via dauntlessD. Interesting note:

B Ohr power removed Q 4/4/18

BO post 1828 8/9

BO post 1891 8/15

BO post 1929, 1928, 1934, 1939

1st Nellie O was 8/9/18

Now what is interesting is this was dropped by Arthur on 7/10. I have gone back to watch the interviews and I am finding more and more connections. I do not believe Q and Arthur are the same, but both part of the Alliance


Obama got wind of the Star State contacting Trump. Obama knew the military coup was going on. So Obama said, “I’ll just get all of the information, I’ll get Mueller, Rosenstein, I’ll get the skunks, I’ll wipe Trump off the face of the Earth. One problem: Mike Rodgers shuts down Obama’s access from the White House to the NSA. He shut it down. If he can’t get to the NSA, what’s he going to do?

Obama has a plant in the NSA. He has another plant in the DOJ. One of them is Mr. Or and the other is Mrs. Or. A Husband and wife team.

d5ce90  No.3520142


Lol I've heard people say that you can actually hear some of the craziest, funniest shit on those scanners. Police come across some real weirdos in their line of work I must say.

f99ecc  No.3520143


Those went over like a wet fart

3f637d  No.3520144


And you are free to believe that. That is why we supposedly have freedom of speech.

Thought and idea control by Twitter and rest is a problem.

68ae0f  No.3520145


a07939  No.3520146


4:24 on the clock..

4424 morse…


4287c2  No.3520147


Incredibly important.

Cannot state that enough.

ad03b5  No.3520148


Define Control.

Patriots in control.

Is Control = Structure?

Ordo Ab Chaos?

48b70f  No.3520149


If the guy is even dead. We are being told a whole story with no proof.

f9cc5c  No.3520150

File: 32014055a2749a4⋯.jpeg (516.69 KB, 655x1237, 655:1237, 88678D1D-7C52-4033-B926-D….jpeg)

Could be code?

10-2 = signal good

10-4 = acknowledgment (ok)

10-5 = relay

Note: 10-26 = detaining subject; expedite

(HRC bday)

99de10  No.3520151





Sorry. Can’t do red on short notice.

05295a  No.3520152

File: 5c08e37447a147c⋯.jpg (105.94 KB, 637x640, 637:640, Hillary - disappears.jpg)

File: 709767f708ef1d8⋯.jpg (112.79 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ABC News.jpg)


Something was odd about the whole thing. Between her blinking in and out during her televised speeches, and her being reported dead after fainting during the 9/11 memorial…fuckery is afoot.

d5ce90  No.3520153


Well enjoy it now because soon you won't physically be able to not think that. Given what you will find out…nearly an entire century, lost to jewish supremacists. You need to research more..

73f9d8  No.3520154


split meme with clowns ' school of the Americas '

3f637d  No.3520155

File: 17e50ecc0f8d588⋯.png (113.2 KB, 1210x510, 121:51, ClipboardImage.png)

That the media doesn’t understand that they’ve become a national joke is the biggest joke of all. What a clown show. It’s embarrassing.

c8b050  No.3520156

File: 6e75d092bd8d957⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1004x843, 1004:843, 234890843870621397864389.png)

f35441  No.3520157


Assets were most likely seized or about to be or is happening now under this headline.

f30a1f  No.3520158

File: 90eb49cfed00419⋯.png (67.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dqBn3.png)


To stop the arms deal, sacrifice a pawn to break a defense pact…we hear all, we see all.


4287c2  No.3520159


Bongino proves time and again he is /ourguy/.

2fd219  No.3520160


Yeah that was what I was saying.

479362  No.3520161


maybe count total characters used.. the … maybe used to get to a certain total character count

d33e41  No.3520162


KEK C_A clown show!

bb6e40  No.3520164

File: 6ecdebec5260ca1⋯.png (119.46 KB, 925x580, 185:116, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

File: f72fc7cc169e9fb⋯.png (111.04 KB, 933x518, 933:518, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

File: cd44712e6aeb8aa⋯.png (156.37 KB, 428x519, 428:519, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

A source from Kandahar tells me the moment @ResoluteSupport commander Gen. Miller stood up to leave the meeting, the automatic fire spree started. He hadn't left the room nor taken a step yet when it began. He rolled behind a sofa & took cover. As narrated by a survivors.

A 2nd source tells me that the automatic fire spree started when these officials were leaving the meeting room and walking towards helicopters to fly to another unnamed location. Its difficult to verify which report the absolute fact at this moment until official details come.


3f637d  No.3520165

File: 760f2e81398d825⋯.png (842.41 KB, 956x714, 478:357, ClipboardImage.png)

This is false advertising. It should read "0.0001" pure.

05295a  No.3520166


Calling it like it is.

d6f025  No.3520167


Says a guy who makes a living off it. kek!

04f0b3  No.3520168


What could go wrong?

99c24a  No.3520169


This turned out to be fake back in the day. Someone walked in front of the crowd with that banner. I think it had to do something with an Mike Cernovich.

d33e41  No.3520170

We are about to seize the top of the pyramid!

I feel it!

aeaf6d  No.3520171


lmfao heads will explode over this, nice move

d6fea0  No.3520172


Those rallies are for that state…not the whole country, or do you not realize that?

7e8a80  No.3520173

File: 892eb23a2d321ac⋯.jpg (90.96 KB, 484x644, 121:161, MOCKINGBIRD.jpg)


plz explain the decision to stop broadcasting the rallies.

>if you see it on the internet, some one wanted you to see it.

<if you see it on TV, some one paid for you to see it.

a07939  No.3520175


why do they all end with 19?

c3b5f3  No.3520176



They’re right you know.

030d8c  No.3520177

File: df8964b46b2585c⋯.png (795.45 KB, 664x650, 332:325, plus.png)

File: 9e7ae7ce46728bb⋯.png (380.32 KB, 662x536, 331:268, trumpfe1.png)

File: 7c9022bf6347abc⋯.png (43.93 KB, 190x198, 95:99, trumpets3.png)

File: ca365bfbcf19d19⋯.png (579.6 KB, 971x645, 971:645, goldenratio1.png)

File: f64ae76d83557fc⋯.png (477.15 KB, 656x471, 656:471, wakeywakey.png)

83256d  No.3520178

File: e0d7dc708fe962f⋯.png (257.52 KB, 567x361, 567:361, trumpv3.png)

bb6e40  No.3520179

File: c84492b3ae3303b⋯.png (535.77 KB, 1278x942, 213:157, Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at ….png)

c7e54a  No.3520180


I have no idea. I just copied link to Tweet. Not sure what it even means.

4bcf4e  No.3520181


True that. Biden is a complete moron.

2fd219  No.3520182


Low ratings. And Fox being soooo Patriotic and caring about our Nation, feels that advertising dollars and user ratings mean moar than the rallies that are, still good ratings-wise, but not "good enough".

1c633e  No.3520183

File: 9b1a2762d98680c⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1466015126313.jpg)


anon sees sandnigga head blown off with 50cal

>don't feel anything

anon sees pupper treated badly


does God forgive if we extinguish/kill those who are evil?

dfdd7e  No.3520184


Are you trying to get people for harrassing you? Is that what the goal here is? Weak bait tbqh. And if you are under a federal whistleblower program, what you are doing is not protected under that system. Antagonizing people on the internet and then running to the govt for help is none of the govts business. You are being incredibly stupid about this.

Reminds me of the meme "the jew cries out as he strikes you"

You obviously have no idea what the legal liabilities you are undertaking in these endeavors. And the govt will not prosecute anyone who harrasses you even if you are under whistleblower protection.

So you are either incredibly misinformed about your protections, and incredibly stupid for doing what you are doing right now, OR you are just a shill trying to nail people to the wall for "harrassing" you.

Based on your antagonistic actions, im leaning towards the latter. And that is truly just sad. I pity you and the decisions you have made in your life that have led you to this course of action.

d6fea0  No.3520185

bd0006  No.3520186


>Police come across some real weirdos in their line of work I must say.

Yes they do. And a portion of them are the weirdos. Those ones make the legit leo's look bad.

Here's a question for leo's:

Do you guys close ranks around pedophile leo's?

We know you'll do it to protect your own, and we know it's been done to protect bad cops in the past.

So… what's your answer, leo's?

030d8c  No.3520187


They support pedos, dipshyt. That was the red flag.

c747b7  No.3520188


kek…fuckery been a foot since single celled organisms grew into fish then decided gills were too much and crawled out onto land and grew feet

dd7117  No.3520189


I believe the first count is 4, not 5. "U.S." the period within "U.S." was incorrectly included

7e8a80  No.3520191


right… kind of like sending tornado victims prayers instead of a twenty?

d33e41  No.3520193


68ae0f  No.3520194


They cover the rallies on their web site

21f68d  No.3520195


Sounds right, thanks Anon.

Now let's see if the truth comes out.

Pompeo said he was missing nothing about him being dead

c7a0f4  No.3520196

do you remember, if at all, when you migrated from myspace to facebook? both the group think times and you personally? personally probably had the myspace was great but everyone was or wasn’t getting facebook but i remember, i wasnt vert woke back then so much much more tv was on, the tv people were all muh facebook and “us on facebook”

-huge media push

myspace was a lot funner, custom pages n shit,

open ended post

good morning anons! suns up in cali during this ‘days [darkness] phase’

af7bab  No.3520197

>Joe Biden: No basis for impeaching Trump

Give me a fucking break. As if anyone should take that seriously. They're just trying to calm the waters to preserve the uninformed independent vote (who wouldn't want impeachment) from going R. SO obvious.

2aaa06  No.3520198

File: d0c557aa42bbbb7⋯.png (1020.24 KB, 845x488, 845:488, Capture.PNG)

Insider Attack: Afghan guards ambush NATO meeting, shoot two US soldiers and kill top Afghan police Chief

A shooting took place in Kandahar, Afghanistan during a NATO meeting with U.S. forces present. The reported insider attack by at Afghan guards killed an Afghan police chief and injured two American soldiers.

Shots rang out at the high-level security meeting held at the compound of the Afghan governor, where Gen. Scott Miller, Commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, was present but escaped without injury, NBC News reported Thursday.

BREAKING: Top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Scott Miller, escapes injury during shooting incident Thursday but police commander of Kandahar, Gen. Abdul Razeq, has been killed, and two other American citizens have been wounded https://t.co/8I58cXFKPg – @NBCNewsWorld

— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 18, 2018

Taliban spokesperson Qari Yousuf Ahmadi said the group was responsible for the attack, which intended to target Gen. Miller, according to the Associated Press.


73f9d8  No.3520199

Any anons have a GPS position of the invasion caravan ?

Good to plot their advance, know when its showtime.

d21603  No.3520200

File: d14a13c650b9388⋯.gif (334.79 KB, 640x636, 160:159, 0a159c9dd96360bcbbf80ea970….gif)

late workfag parent anon. with a question for ya'll

wtf happen to ewtube the other day? wanted the real info so im asking anons here /we/ all know you /guys/ dont fuck around

what say you anons?

c3b5f3  No.3520201


Oh u support MC?

7fb9aa  No.3520202

At the ready!!!!!!

d33e41  No.3520203



These insider attacks are BAD NEWS.

406082  No.3520204

Basket of deNotables

Still combing 2nd half of bread, but anything called out and sauced has been looked at. ty!


>>3519891 Shooting death of Afghan official w/U.S. Commander Gen. Miller (unharmed)

>>3519839 Putin: US & Euro citizens incl in 700 hostages ISIS holding in Syria

>>3519833 Trouble with POTUS & Can't-Get-Drunker-than-Juncker's EU trade truce?

>>3519733 UK: Oxitec/Gates Foundation's 2nd generation Friendly™ Mosquito technology

>>3519743 Moar @DJT, endorses Dave Brat

>>3519669, >>3519690, >>3519744 Revisiting Hussein's youth: 2011 Trump speech, Cathie Currie

>>3519640 Italy: Based Salvini considers run for high position in EU


Messed up how? Are these not yet >>3520063

notable due to an error, clockfag?

>>3520063, >>3520151

Help baker w/sauce (URL) please?

ad03b5  No.3520205


Fire on all cylinders !

34dd1b  No.3520206


and KLM, when they used to send a limo to pick you up when you flew bizclass.

i stopped flying about 7 years ago.

was about to go postal on the TSA morans - knew it was time to figure another way to work.

the internet is amazing, and will be so great when it gets sorted.

bd0006  No.3520207



That image is a shoop, geniuses.

95ae5f  No.3520208


Spot on!

2fd219  No.3520209


No one knows. You'll only receive opinions and hearsay. Facts are not available.

bf0a21  No.3520210

File: 37ca060cde5da7a⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 440x242, 20:11, Casting_porkys_porkys.jpg)

d33e41  No.3520211


If POTUS said we need back up down there I would be down there in a heart beat. This is insanity.

7fb9aa  No.3520212


Mantis, start!

21f68d  No.3520213

Added to FBI VAULT


Threats Against U.S. Senator George Voinovich


29fc34  No.3520214


Suspicious indeed.

030d8c  No.3520215

e76157  No.3520216

File: eaed069f44347a2⋯.jpg (138.28 KB, 880x703, 880:703, iu (16).jpg)

File: dcab46d217bb5ad⋯.jpg (90.6 KB, 850x511, 850:511, Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at ….jpg)

f99ecc  No.3520217

What is the point here now?

I know what it was.

Why keep this circle jerk going?

Truly curious.

But this is probably a ? not allowed.

Are there autists here anymore?

Even Q has asked “where are the autists”.

This shit accomplishes what now?

I know what it was doing.

yeah, yeah I’m a pos shill.

I know….

7c1c98  No.3520218


The correct way to say "meme", according to the Oxford English Dictionary and the BBC's Pronunciation Unit, is "meem" - not "may may" or "mee mee".

The word was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. In addition to defining the term, Dawkins also provided a handy tip on how to say it: "It should be pronounced to rhyme with 'cream'."

10cd5a  No.3520219


That sounds like a fairly plausible explanation.

2aaa06  No.3520220

File: 3c5ff72d3fd907f⋯.png (503.45 KB, 706x434, 353:217, Capture.PNG)

This kinda gave me a chuckle, Then the FKwits here cry like babies about the Flag

China jails blogger for disrespecting national anthem during live stream

Chinese police held a 20-year-old woman in custody for five days for “being disrespectful to the national anthem.”

In 2017, China passed a law against anyone disrespecting or mocking the “March of the Volunteers,” which is also the anthem for Hong Kong and Macau, Reuters reported.

The penalty for breaking that law is up to 15 days in jail.


612385  No.3520222


Preventing an invasion is not the same as "law enforcement".

And if we really are under martial law, national emergency or any other designation that permits the military to be used domestically, then we need to be educating people that the use of the military is permitted by law.

Stop surrendering before the skirmish.

c747b7  No.3520223


digging for it, but I remember a Q drop with a photo of her getting out of a car while her reflection could clearly be seen to have been shopped…was quite a while ago.

782d46  No.3520224

Anybody seen the former (illegitimate) occupant of 1600 pennsylvania ave?

696f92  No.3520225


Listen psycho dipshit. There is no argument over Q being real - it's simply undeniable (nothing to believe or disbelieve). All you're doing is shitting up the board with mental retardation. You need professional hep, go back to twitter fag.

b7ee5a  No.3520226


Thanks for reminder, agree!

80eba1  No.3520227



921c93  No.3520228


Love the hand sign he’s throwing up, too. Couldn’t be more obvious and Satanic. Their symbolism will be their downfall.

2fd219  No.3520229


Why post 9 times in a circle jerk?

bd0006  No.3520230


nope, that image was found out for what it was (a troll) right when it appeared. There was a lot of sperging then about it too.

dc3aa5  No.3520231

It's super frustrating when biblefags teeter on the edge of wokehood, but instead of contemplating the new things they're learning they just try to conform all new information to their prepossessed beliefs; then right as you think they're about to swallow that juicy redpill, you're slapped in the face with some kind of fucked up word salad theory about how everything they don't understand is just demons.

271960  No.3520232


im banned

f1f6b3  No.3520233

File: fdb2665d8acac94⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 500x332, 125:83, NPCclown.jpg)


(PB) Anon wanted Woj face on clown fixed.

a0a51c  No.3520234

File: 1c87fc9f17530c3⋯.jpeg (592.19 KB, 1229x1144, 1229:1144, 99F79FA6-B77C-4C94-BEB3-5….jpeg)

d33e41  No.3520235

File: 546fbc4b0471ad5⋯.png (434.1 KB, 932x647, 932:647, Capture.PNG)


The California guardsman killed Tuesday in a fighter jet crash in Ukraine has been identified as Lt. Col. Seth “Jethro” Nehring.

Nehring’s unit, the 144th Fighter Wing in Fresno, released his name late Wednesday night in a statement posted on the unit’s Facebook page.

“It’s with a heavy heart we share the news that we lost a member of our team yesterday,” the statement said. “A loss of any kind is always difficult and our thoughts and prayers go out to Jethro’s family and friends.”

Nehring was serving as operations officer in the Joint Operations Center. In that job, he was the liaison between the exercise director, California Air National Guard Commander Maj. Gen. Clay Garrison, and all flying operations, the unit said.

80eba1  No.3520236

File: 1a24ab9003e6023⋯.jpg (5.66 KB, 255x169, 255:169, npcwojak.jpg)

ad03b5  No.3520238


The point is free speech.

While i understand your idea that some questions might be "not allowed"

The ones screaming this are shills who don't want you to think for yourself.

We keep this going because the job is not done. If it never gets done, we'll be here forever.

271960  No.3520239

File: a1dc99d1a1323d0⋯.png (1.4 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageMK.png)

9562c9  No.3520240


>i stopped flying about 7 years ago.


>was about to go postal on the TSA morans

14 years here. Film photographer and competitive shooter, always set off their alarms leading to intrusive searches. Being hassled in my own country by a TSA plug that doesn't even speak comprehensible English is too much for me.

611b92  No.3520241


pretty sure I wasn't reein'. Just acknowledging my respect for Putin.

030d8c  No.3520242

d21603  No.3520243

File: cfd9bde95620f4d⋯.jpg (16.41 KB, 229x255, 229:255, 1ba5d8b88cd86315c845017b4b….jpg)


some anons opinions and hearsay are spot on

bb6e40  No.3520244

File: 9b321de08624431⋯.png (166.4 KB, 937x739, 937:739, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

File: 289814cb4bc5c56⋯.png (204.05 KB, 1519x1005, 1519:1005, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

The word is that Manafort, Gates & Maria Butina were getting big cash payouts from Coie & Perkins & she became a whistleblower to the MSM to expose the fact that they were DNC plants in the Trump Campaign. #DeepState had her arrested. She might be a good guy leaker bad guy.

This is getting very interesting. Ms. Flowers was leaking information about Manfort, Gates & the Russian Spy Maria Butina about SAR (Suspicious Activity Report) about transactions in their bank account as a whistleblower. #MAGA




2fd219  No.3520245


Congo's Ebola outbreak to worsen without stepped-up response -WHO committee

f99ecc  No.3520246


really mr. 25?

thanks for answering my ? so well you fucking idiot.

d6ed8d  No.3520247

>>3518402 (a few threads ago)

> Obama's Operation Choke Point finally unmasked

This one is BIG in case you missed it. Obama's FDIC ordered banks to shut down LEGAL payday loan businesses and to FIRE EMPLOYEES who resisted!



95ae5f  No.3520248

File: ae09e509a092904⋯.png (971.65 KB, 1607x721, 1607:721, kristen bell snow white np….png)

ebe8cb  No.3520250

File: afb43b3fdd8a19c⋯.jpg (27.08 KB, 557x198, 557:198, Q post 1581.jpg)


Signal to Anons that RR is a patriot?

2fd219  No.3520251


I'm not sitting here contemplating this place…im posting news and responding to questions. Keep crying.

e76157  No.3520252

File: 236c5aa988b55af⋯.jpg (97.91 KB, 822x741, 274:247, 7a5bd04bac30b7265853e7f68c….jpg)

061d32  No.3520253

File: fc393367850b081⋯.png (532.54 KB, 828x546, 138:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Investigators ready to ask top FBI lawyer if there was 'legal analysis' after Rod Rosenstein talk of secretly recording Trump

The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, will appear before a congressional Russia task force on Thursday for a second private meeting in recent weeks. During an interview on Fox News, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said the first questions the former general counsel will be asked will focus on whether there was any kind of "legal analysis" following Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's discussion of secretly recording President Trump. "Was there some kind of legal analysis of actually looking to record the president of the United States? What subsequent meetings took place? Those are the first series of questions we'll ask Mr. Baker," Jordan said about half an hour before the meeting with members of the House Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Committees was scheduled to start.

Rosenstein pulled out of a private appearance before a joint Judiciary and Oversight panel last week. The postponement upset lawmakers and shocked President Trump. GOP investigators, who have routinely clashed with Rosenstein over document requests, were eager to grill him on a recent New York Times report on him discussing secretly recording Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to oust the president after FBI Director James Comey was fired in May 2017. Rosenstein has denied considering such actions.

During Baker's closed-door deposition earlier this month, he reportedly he said took the news of Rosenstein discussing wearing a wire to secretly record conversations with President Trump very seriously. Rosenstein reportedly made the comments to two top officials in the meeting, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and bureau lawyer Lisa Page, who then went to the office of a third FBI official, Baker, and conveyed that they thought he was being serious about the use of a wire. Jordan, a member of the Judiciary Committee, previously said that Baker's first meeting was "cut short" and still had questions. During his the deposition, Baker also provided "absolute proof" that the FBI failed to inform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of pertinent Democratic interests when applying to spy on onetime Trump campaign official Carter Page, according to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes.


a0a51c  No.3520254

File: cd24aaaebda529b⋯.jpeg (359.19 KB, 1242x793, 1242:793, 0F6E38C6-42CC-4AE1-B0EA-3….jpeg)



f3dfda  No.3520255

File: 1df0c6375ec8f2d⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 4128x2322, 16:9, 2018-05-04 12.35.40.jpg)

Let's not forget why we're here…

0a9d1b  No.3520256


Mr 26 isn’t casting seeds of division and doubt. Now kys. Find collage anon and u can both kill each other by chewing on one another’s cocks until u bleed out.

236416  No.3520257

File: f83825892794990⋯.png (155.06 KB, 540x722, 270:361, NPC_SW2.png)




Updated per off site request.

bb6e40  No.3520258

File: 94cb36d507cb078⋯.png (442.14 KB, 1268x714, 634:357, Screen Shot 2018-08-29 at ….png)

File: 0ce97744de00c1f⋯.png (66.94 KB, 229x255, 229:255, ea3bab1f1cc9f3c44173ffe046….png)

2aaa06  No.3520259

File: f366f7eaf2699ea⋯.png (767.68 KB, 654x495, 218:165, Capture.PNG)

Old news but its interesting that its being reprinted today

Ecuador planned to move WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to Moscow as a diplomat

October 18, 2018 Stephan Kueffner - Bloomberg News

Ecuador granted citizenship to Julian Assange as part of a failed attempt to transfer the WikiLeaks founder to Russia as a diplomat, documents provided by an opposition Ecuadorian lawmaker showed.

The plan consisted in appointing Assange as an Ecuadorian diplomat to Moscow, allowing him to leave the London Embassy where he sought refuge six years ago. Documents made public by legislator Paola Vintimilla showed Quito granted him citizenship on Dec. 12, three months after he requested it and about a week after he voluntarily renounced his asylum status.

If successful, the move would allow Ecuador to put an end to a standoff that President Lenin Moreno has called a “stone in the shoe” inherited by his administration. Assange fled to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he faced rape accusations, or to the U.S., where he would likely face sanctions for publishing secret government communications.


003a43  No.3520260



2fd219  No.3520261







"much crazy here…later"

…then EmoFags for 9 posts. KEK.

f99ecc  No.3520262


keep telling yourself that. I’ve read your “answers”.

you really are an idiot.

Hence my original ?

Bye now, bye…

fd8639  No.3520263

Oregon anon here..

Chemtrails all over the sky this morning.

296fd2  No.3520264




1c633e  No.3520265


ah soz yeh i kow, wasn't directed at ya.

was talking about myself really

Putin cares for pupper

b7ee5a  No.3520266


22 days does not equal 22nd…

What are you saying? Don't get it.

2fd219  No.3520267

629067  No.3520268


yup - no evidence, no body. oh, they chopped him up and dissolved the parts in acid. Silly me.

f99ecc  No.3520269


look around

2aaa06  No.3520270

File: 92a72d5ad4bdbe2⋯.png (903.99 KB, 852x491, 852:491, Capture.PNG)

‘Bullets don’t have a name’: 11 shot, three fatally, in Baltimore City on Tuesday

Eleven people were shot Tuesday, three fatally, according to Baltimore City police.

The violence began around 1:40 a.m. and continued into Tuesday night.

Around 7:30 p.m., Tanya, who declined to give her last name for fear of her safety, sat on the front steps of a rowhouse in Sandtown-Winchester, her young son asleep in her arms. Less than an hour earlier, they’d heard a barrage of gunfire.

“Bullets don’t have a name. … We had to duck for cover,” she said. “It’s kind of sad you got a 4-year-old asking, ‘What we running for?’ “

Police said a 52-year-old man was fatally shot about a block away, on the 1100 block of N. Carey St., around 6:21 p.m. He was taken to University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, where he was pronounced dead. Near the crime scene, family members of the victims wailed as they walked toward the crime tape.


a0a51c  No.3520271

File: 69bbef88925a193⋯.jpeg (284.85 KB, 1242x625, 1242:625, A531BA78-110D-4A39-87FC-2….jpeg)


99c24a  No.3520272


Baker Notable?

James Baker making second appearance before Congress which will ask about [RR] wire.

11ef8f  No.3520273


Wapo journalists are not people

8f1b50  No.3520274


Rod God-damn Rosenstein is Q!?

f99ecc  No.3520275


answering questions posting news?

uh huh

3407aa  No.3520276

Put the author of this article on the list of people who need to be considered as mockingbirds. Note the paragraph about "growing body of evidence" – a bald-faced lie, if I ever saw one.


296fd2  No.3520277


>‘Bullets don’t have a name’:

They are all kinda gray, so they don't need names….


ad03b5  No.3520278


Doubt it.

95ae5f  No.3520279


Shift in tactics.

Attacks ^

I think it's time.

34dd1b  No.3520280

File: 27680c940c1ece2⋯.jpg (65.5 KB, 704x291, 704:291, borg.jpg)


we will add your uniqueness to our own.

5af3f0  No.3520281


"You won't believe who you are talking to" at this point, anything is possible.

061d32  No.3520282

File: da613664e41a42b⋯.png (448.22 KB, 390x546, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Devin Nunes celebrates arrest of ‘Soros funded hack’

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., celebrated the arrest of a Democratic operative for American Bridge 21st Century, a group funded by billionaire George Soros, whom the lawmaker said chased him around the U.S. Capitol this summer. Wilfred Michael Stark III was arrested Tuesday after Kristin Davison, the campaign manager for Nevada gubernatorial nominee Adam Laxalt, accused him of grabbing her arm and refusing to let go, Fox News reported. Davison said the incident “terrified and traumatized” her and left her with bruises on her neck and arms. “Soros funded hack finally arrested for assaulting young female campaign staff in Nevada,” Nunes tweeted late Wednesday. “This should not happen in the USA!” Months earlier, Nunes tweeted a photo of Stark, asking if anyone knew the identity of the man. ' “Kept chasing me around the Capitol with a camera phone today,”' he said.

Stark was in custody at the Las Vegas city jail as of Wednesday. "He was arrested by our city marshals last night about 7 p.m. after Kristin Davison contacted them saying Mr. Stark had grabbed her by the arm and pushed her. The arrest is classified as a citizen’s arrest because the incident did not happen in the presence of the marshals,” the city marshal’s office told Fox News. Stark was also arrested earlier this year for allegedly assaulting a press secretary for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. American Bridge did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Washington Examiner.


dfbd3d  No.3520283

File: 927b489fb854f59⋯.png (164.06 KB, 400x216, 50:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab97fc33d5ea868⋯.png (1006.46 KB, 1083x690, 361:230, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 857adf829afefc7⋯.png (810.47 KB, 960x664, 120:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 857adf829afefc7⋯.png (810.47 KB, 960x664, 120:83, ClipboardImage.png)



Names to remember:

Planet.com - Planet Labs Inc. = Total Planet Satellite "Mapping" - Surveillance. CubeSat type micro Satellites = Hundreds upon Hundreds.

WILL MARSHALL - Co-Founder & CEO Planet Labs Inc. (From UK)

(twitter) - @wsm1

(Retweets - sister?)

DR HARRIET MARSHALL - SJW Teacher of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)

(twitter) - @ham1

CHRIS BOSHUIZEN - Co-Founder Planet Labs Inc. (From Australia)

(twitter) - @cboshuizen

(Connected to)

JEFF BLEICH - Former BHO Special Counsel, Former Ambassador to Australia, Running for Lt Gov of California

ROBBIE SCHINGLER - Co-Founder Planet Labs Inc. (From USA)

(twitter) - @schingler

a07939  No.3520284

File: 4bcfdd882850a0c⋯.png (479.22 KB, 500x693, 500:693, lotrmem.png)


i think this might be good.

I donno how to word it but this meme works

6e92ea  No.3520285

File: 9de9407a5e6b9cb⋯.png (808.55 KB, 1280x846, 640:423, migrants.png)

48122c  No.3520286

File: af32c49f10f3d0b⋯.png (386.9 KB, 696x469, 696:469, ClipboardImage.png)


apply psyco(mental-ilness)filter to dialog

just a tip

73f9d8  No.3520287


what about that little reported plane crash 3 days ago north of Ryiad ?

2aaa06  No.3520288


About time

cff56e  No.3520289


Wow! I don't think we ever came up with a 'Stark'. Good shootin', Nunes!

7f8e8f  No.3520290

The SDNY complaint catalogues disturbing leaks of classified info, mostly to BuzzFeed:

SARs on Manafort, Gates, Russian banks.

SSCI docs on Manafort


What do you think all the sealed indictments is for?

You already know the answer.

S&Bs arent even protected from this one.

They aren't just CP.

Our guys will get them all.

Nerds know everything.

All tracked through Bluffdale.

296fd2  No.3520291

File: 3c68b9ff73b8e3a⋯.jpg (57.04 KB, 483x485, 483:485, !Graycist.jpg)

125aa2  No.3520292


I'm about 95% sure Q team is military. RR is a weasley lawyer and doesn't look like he's spent a second in the military

ce8f93  No.3520293

File: f2a8549ad1c0b67⋯.jpeg (18.35 KB, 255x247, 255:247, C'est compliqué.jpeg)

File: ad8748aa73c714c⋯.png (170.02 KB, 1620x659, 1620:659, Mil Tribunal.png)


Yes indeed event are accelerating. The voter fraud in the US that is being presently address + the pressure that is apply on the CCP + the EU meltdown all happening simultaneously is a sight to behold.

But we are not out of the wood yet. Once it is clear that they will not be able to cheat at the ballot box. It is very possible that you wont have a mid-term this years.

I don't think the Cabal will allow the vote. With a solid majority in both house Trump will be unstoppable. And we all know what that mean…..

ded798  No.3520295


Jimmy learned from Steinhardt, the Dark Lord of hedge funds

406082  No.3520296


You're welcome. I post it from time to time, when they try new scare tactics. When Q said "you are safe" they meant it. Godspeed Anon

99c24a  No.3520297


What does this have to do with [RR]?

Everyone in the exec branch serves at the pleasure of the President.

9c99e3  No.3520298

File: b3056b8ea59587e⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB, 640x796, 160:199, 5F44433B-CD5E-45D4-9ECB-37….mp4)

Pepe the destroyer

b7ee5a  No.3520299


Pics (or body) or it did not happen…

d6fea0  No.3520300


Funny how washingtonexaminer.com is quoting FROM FoxNews! KEK!

d33e41  No.3520301


Whoa, wow! I wonder why they never went through with making him a diplomat? I think the change in leadership after their election majorly screwed over Julian.

003a43  No.3520302

File: adfb9cff7b245b0⋯.png (170.22 KB, 521x366, 521:366, ClipboardImage.png)

bad deals in Kanuckistan


10cd5a  No.3520303


Digital warriors, many thousands strong.

Force multiplier for POTUS and our nation.

4f1ada  No.3520304


because it starts the vid at the 19 second mark

cff56e  No.3520305



a0a51c  No.3520306

File: 83227642c83ac28⋯.jpeg (274.85 KB, 1242x648, 23:12, 72B87F2C-DD72-4665-B545-2….jpeg)

File: a6d8460cb23981c⋯.jpeg (325.84 KB, 1242x808, 621:404, 5CE8C4DB-D333-47F0-B2A9-7….jpeg)


b7ee5a  No.3520307


We are the news.

Fuck MSM and turn it off!

21f68d  No.3520308

File: 4694e70fc6b48b8⋯.pdf (10.97 MB, Threats Against U.S. Senat….pdf)


Threats Against U.S. Senator George Voinovich

2aaa06  No.3520309

File: 3317746ca9c78b4⋯.png (744.32 KB, 702x512, 351:256, Capture.PNG)

on October 17, 2018 in World News

State Department provided ‘clearly false’ statements to derail requests for Clinton docs, ‘shocked’ federal judge says

In a combative exchange at a hearing Friday in Washington, D.C., a federal judge unabashedly accused career State Department officials of lying and signing “clearly false” affidavits to derail a series of lawsuits seeking information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server and her handling of the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.


829612  No.3520310


They are watching you closely. They know who you are…

f3dfda  No.3520311

File: 300f6661d009405⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 474x588, 79:98, .jpg)

The swamp is conducting a frontal assault:

1. The Saudi hit

2. Immigrant caravan

3. Social Media brown outs

4. Mueller's final finale

5. Brexit push back

6. Midterm fuckery


d10af9  No.3520312


Data center there.

cc6a4d  No.3520313

File: cca16cd79c6dd36⋯.jpg (161.64 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 390f3d54c2ce1eb1f1488eda93….jpg)

798733  No.3520314


Still haven't reached Mexico

cff56e  No.3520315


Ah, thanks. And THANKS ;)

34dd1b  No.3520316


radioactive half-life of tritium is like 12 years, IIRC.

just a fact to keep in your brain as you think.

a07939  No.3520317




003a43  No.3520318

File: b1d8313c17d622d⋯.png (725.82 KB, 527x800, 527:800, ClipboardImage.png)

8f1b50  No.3520320


he said that in an interview yesterday, that he "serves at the pleasure of the president"

66bc60  No.3520321


So it appears SA fucked up for real, not drawing conclusions yet…

6d6fc5  No.3520322

What if…

Jr really is still alive? What if he revealed himself before 2020? What if he became DJT's running mate?

What if he's just a hologram and a tool to psyop The Witch who had him killed?

a07939  No.3520323


not even worried at this point

99c24a  No.3520324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10cd5a  No.3520325


Antifa and loan wolf attacks.

3c772d  No.3520326


Cankle bone. KEK.

d10af9  No.3520327


I got you.

BNCs still holding.

Jumping IP.

They'll never catch up.

All safe here.

4a095c  No.3520328


Correction: Mueller and RR were leveraged in the past and POTUS gave them a choice- vindication or prison.

They aren't GOOD, they are just working on the side of white hats at this point in time.

a0a51c  No.3520329


Maybe there will be a « coup de theatre »!

bf0a21  No.3520330

File: 5514b0d1c993d2b⋯.jpeg (138.67 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1528904166.jpeg)

b7ee5a  No.3520331


Real G. Doesn't give a f.

Real kgb. Knows it all.

Now ourguy! BOOM!

ad03b5  No.3520332


Too much psilocybin in your system

d6fea0  No.3520334

This should be a fun show to watch!

'The caravan, which as of Thursday morning was estimated to contain about 4,000 people, is persistently inching toward the Mexico-Guatemala border, where Mexican officials have sent 500 additional federal police officers ahead of the procession's arrival, NBC News reported, citing U.S. government documents.

Mexico has said anyone with travel documents and the correct visa will be allowed to pass, and some others in the group can apply for refugee status. But officials also cautioned those who try to cross in an “irregular manner” could be detained and deported, according to the Associated Press.

The AP added that none of the migrants its reporters spoke to were carrying passports, which all but assures a high-stakes showdown with Mexican border officials in the coming days.'


769b43  No.3520335


If they have that level of hologram

Then i dunno

d33e41  No.3520336



6d6fc5  No.3520337

8c90e7  No.3520338

File: 822c663ada2b43f⋯.jpg (424.93 KB, 1581x1750, 1581:1750, fakemigrants.jpg)

Okay anons.

I did a little rough calculating. Using news reports and online maps I figured out how far the "Migrant Caravan" is traveling every day.


8f1b50  No.3520339


psilocybin doesn't cross the blood brain barrier. It is dephosphorlated to psilocin via stomach acid, only psilocin is psychoactive in vivo

bd0006  No.3520340

File: a427b3ef91df6e4⋯.png (314.64 KB, 615x410, 3:2, NPCs_be_like.png)

38bcf9  No.3520341


Go to Godlike productions and search, The storm in a nutshell. The Imgur file will layout Alwaleeds involvement in LV and Deepstate

829612  No.3520342


when we kick illegal aliens out of the school, ban them from the hospitals, cut them off from welfare and housing assistance,and bankrupt companies that hire them a wall will become unnecessary.

dc80bd  No.3520343

File: d1fdc58b7484450⋯.png (41.27 KB, 449x321, 449:321, Screenshot_2018-10-18-07-3….png)

d71d35  No.3520344

Canada legalizing marijuana as justification to start going after smoker's guns?

bd0006  No.3520345

File: 0f7099333334a7e⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 0f7099333334a7e4ffc6d518b1….jpg)


> Go to Godlike productions

a0a51c  No.3520346

File: 443532f59a5305f⋯.jpeg (306.03 KB, 1242x658, 621:329, 6B8DC487-0433-4A34-BC94-F….jpeg)


003a43  No.3520347

File: 3045c1b340df355⋯.png (30.37 KB, 518x179, 518:179, ClipboardImage.png)



c8e113  No.3520348

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5X5 JK.jpg)

ad03b5  No.3520349


Thanks for the Chemistry lesson.

But i think my point was understood.

061d32  No.3520350

File: d1b1b1f38ad33da⋯.png (441.03 KB, 770x277, 770:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a62532438f3232a⋯.png (90.27 KB, 818x703, 818:703, ClipboardImage.png)

Here come the 2020 Democrats! 30 could compete for White House

Get ready for the undercard debates. Democrats are completely out of power in Washington D.C. - for now, at least - but that hasn’t stopped a record number of them from eyeing the White House. Up to 30 Democrats are considering a 2020 presidential campaign, a figure underlining the true level of ambition within the party amid a burning desire to defeat President Trump and one of the widest-open fields in recent memory. Sixteen Democrats were tested in a CNN poll this month, ranging from old-timers like former Vice President Joe Biden and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry to relative newcomers like California Sen. Kamala Harris and her New Jersey counterpart Sen. Cory Booker. Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test was a sure sign she's running. Millennial heart-throb Bernie Sanders looks like he'll take the plunge. Billionaire former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg is limbering up, former Obama attorney general Eric Holder is testing the waters, and bomb-throwing lawyer and provocateur Michael Avenatti is signaling he's in. Other prominent names in the mix are Sens. Kirsten Gilibrand of New York and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, and Montana Gov. Steve Bullock. Rep. John Delaney of Maryland has already declared. Texas candidate Beto O'Rourke may lose his U.S. Senate race in the Lone Star State but his supporters are urging him to go for the big one. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti seems to be running.

The true figure of eventual runners will almost certainly eclipse the 17 major candidates for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 — which was in itself a far cry from “the seven dwarves,” as the 1988 Democratic presidential field was called. CNN's 16 didn't count former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, who has remained a fixture since his ill-fated 2016 run, ex-Starbucks executive Howard Schultz, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro, who has said he is “likely” to run, or the stubbornly persistent Hillary Clinton, who refused to go away even after her star was substantially dimmed by her loss to Trump. The probable next governor of California, Gavin Newsom, was not polled. Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has been to Iowa and New Hampshire while campaigning for Democratic candidates and finding himself the subject of magazine profiles. Billionaire environmentalist and pro-impeachment activist Tom Steyer has also been acting like a candidate, as has Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. A bevy of House members are vying for a profile high enough to run for president. This includes Reps. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., Seth Moulton, D-Mass., and Tim Ryan, D-Ohio. Even South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg and former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu are telling everyone who will listen they'd like to give it a shot. New York governor Andrew Cuomo has been floated and former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe seems keen. If all of the above run, that's a field of 30.


b8a2b6  No.3520351




d6fea0  No.3520352



f30a1f  No.3520353

File: 6bab38fdaee63c7⋯.jpg (10.01 KB, 186x272, 93:136, caravan meme.jpg)

d6fea0  No.3520355


Yup, the same thing will be tried in the US as well.

dc80bd  No.3520356

File: b15dd996bc69061⋯.png (41.46 KB, 445x338, 445:338, Screenshot_2018-10-18-07-4….png)

406082  No.3520357


>>3520253 James Baker making second appearance before Congress which will ask about [RR] wire

>>3520282 /Ourguy/ Devin Nunes celebrates arrest of ‘Soros funded hack’

>>3520213, >>3520308 Added to FBI Vault: Threats Against U.S. Senator George Voinovich

>>3520098 ZH on Turk media: Khashoggi Murder Suspect Dies In "Suspicious Car Accident"

>>3519891, >>3520070, >>3520164, >>3520198 Shooting of Afghani w/US Comm. Gen. Miller (unharmed)

>>3519839 Putin: US & Euro citizens incl in 700 hostages ISIS holding in Syria

>>3519833 Trouble with POTUS & Can't-Get-Drunker-than-Juncker's EU trade truce?

>>3519733 UK: Oxitec/Gates Foundation's 2nd generation Friendly™ Mosquito technology

>>3519743 Moar @DJT, endorses Dave Brat

>>3519669, >>3519690, >>3519744 Revisiting Hussein's youth: 2011 Trump speech, Cathie Currie

>>3519640 Italy: Based Salvini considers run for high position in EU

Last call for notables changes

ty anons!

5c7c6a  No.3520358

File: 1f3d5d5b1a05014⋯.jpg (55.47 KB, 500x516, 125:129, npc fake and gray.jpg)

611b92  No.3520359



3be96b  No.3520360

File: 70c25fcbc7c6025⋯.jpg (20.65 KB, 283x389, 283:389, powder.JPG)

a07939  No.3520361

2aaa06  No.3520362

File: bca50733788eebc⋯.png (518.25 KB, 814x508, 407:254, google.PNG)

on October 17, 2018 in Featured World News

Supreme Court Will Hear Case to Decide if Far Left Tech Giants Can Censor Users

For over a year The Gateway Pundit has spoken out about how the tech and social media giants are censoring and eliminating conservative publishers and conservative content


ce8f93  No.3520363


This is important!!!!

We will see who is really in control of the US forces in Syria. And it look like the Trump administration is not in control!

d33e41  No.3520364

File: 9d1ae1b4b5e1852⋯.png (539.33 KB, 936x541, 936:541, Capture.PNG)



6d6fc5  No.3520365


what will put us all in the hospital? That ppl we believe to exist, dont and/or people we believe not to exist, do. I dont do drug, btw. My crazy comes natural.

54b9a6  No.3520366

File: 8d495a41dec8234⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 345x640, 69:128, 533048_880x660.jpg)

Have some boobs faggots

bb6e40  No.3520367

File: fdb1b1b0875697f⋯.png (535.04 KB, 935x1074, 935:1074, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at ….png)

File: be61c7def468a92⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 582x388, 3:2, Deepfake_Fin.jpg)

Dr. Siwei Lyu @ualbany is one of the #AI researchers helping our Media Forensics program tackle the challenge posed by "deep fakes" in images and video. @WIRED explores his efforts, along w/ related work @LosAlamosNatLab.




422a37  No.3520369


Anon is correct, FoxNews allows all sides to be presented, every panel, all day. The FoxNews listeners/viewers like me get tired of hearing it all gaddamn day. Juan that skinny bitch that skinny bitch wth glasses all teh shills and clowns, Fox has it all.

c7a0f4  No.3520370

File: 8d5c98e50834780⋯.png (258.01 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, BE92202A-7AE5-4A79-A146-BC….png)

check it out fagfrens

praised kek in clockfag thread post 222 was noted, kek gave me back a 333 post number

abc869  No.3520371

File: 90bfd63e89f09d0⋯.jpg (89 KB, 800x450, 16:9, fakenews tarlov.jpg)

File: f062ebc29f0a669⋯.jpg (131.75 KB, 1053x467, 1053:467, q drop 091720118.jpg)

File: ea1352b74bc42ae⋯.jpg (498.56 KB, 1399x948, 1399:948, yournewswire 10152018_1.jpg)

File: f32c85fec7bb132⋯.jpg (390.98 KB, 1232x847, 16:11, Big league 10152018_1.jpg)

File: bf54826cd50f74d⋯.jpg (517.32 KB, 1175x943, 1175:943, True Pundit 10152018._1.jpg)

95ae5f  No.3520372


>We will see who is really in control of the US forces in Syria.

Rogue zionist factions.

d71d35  No.3520373


Ohh, Habbenings!

d33e41  No.3520374


Interesting that all their "example" photos are Obama.

They are very very nervous about these pics coming out.

bb6e40  No.3520375

File: 1409e36c448a4b0⋯.png (376.64 KB, 686x677, 686:677, Screen Shot 2018-08-27 at ….png)

86c936  No.3520376

Wikileaks Assange: “Hillary Clinton has committed High Treason and if not formally charged by Oct. 21 for mishandling sensitive material, we will release proof that she is guilty of high treason against the US for selling patented military secrets to Saudi Arabia, with crimes against Russia, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Caledonia, and Brazil.”


63796d  No.3520377


Kek. 2020s looking very comfy

9153e5  No.3520378


That you, Arkanon?

406082  No.3520379


>>3520338 Anon analyzes Honduran March, concludes they can't be just walking

>>3520253 James Baker making second appearance before Congress which will ask about [RR] wire

>>3520282 /Ourguy/ Devin Nunes celebrates arrest of ‘Soros funded hack’

>>3520213, >>3520308 Added to FBI Vault: Threats Against U.S. Senator George Voinovich

>>3520098 ZH on Turk media: Khashoggi Murder Suspect Dies In "Suspicious Car Accident"

>>3519891, >>3520070, >>3520164, >>3520198 Shooting of Afghani w/US Comm. Gen. Miller (unharmed)

>>3519839 Putin: US & Euro citizens incl in 700 hostages ISIS holding in Syria

>>3519833 Trouble with POTUS & Can't-Get-Drunker-than-Juncker's EU trade truce?

>>3519733 UK: Oxitec/Gates Foundation's 2nd generation Friendly™ Mosquito technology

>>3519743 Moar @DJT, endorses Dave Brat

>>3519669, >>3519690, >>3519744 Revisiting Hussein's youth: 2011 Trump speech, Cathie Currie

>>3519640 Italy: Based Salvini considers run for high position in EU

abc869  No.3520380

File: 1f5c70d2582cf8d⋯.jpg (99.81 KB, 576x419, 576:419, 22 percent.jpg)

File: 1e5a308c726be50⋯.jpg (23.35 KB, 500x210, 50:21, Law Day.jpg)

File: 99211d68504790d⋯.jpg (152.03 KB, 591x556, 591:556, Trump Tweet 0430_32018.jpg)

File: e243667de8820d4⋯.jpg (208.7 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GAgraphic3.jpg)

File: f7c6ae39c5792d9⋯.jpg (44.61 KB, 430x244, 215:122, Jon Tester dem.jpg)

406082  No.3520381

File: 188add1ae60a91f⋯.jpg (25.63 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Baking.jpg)


bf0a21  No.3520382

479362  No.3520384



66bc60  No.3520385


Its real bad, i agree. However, maybe someone finally wakes up to whats really going on in Syria. Cuz it appears syrians lives matter less than europeans for example. Sorry to say but its true unfortunately

ad03b5  No.3520386


That wouldn't surprise me at this point. Not enough to put me in Hospital at least.

>My crazy comes natural.

Crazy is subjective. In the eyes of Society we are all crazy here.

a0a51c  No.3520387

File: 5ad6fe0bce76fd8⋯.jpeg (345.12 KB, 1242x1189, 1242:1189, 660BD244-6A6A-4B4A-9921-B….jpeg)


d71d35  No.3520388


Moar habbenings!

dc80bd  No.3520389

File: 692f25e85cc789a⋯.png (38.18 KB, 439x381, 439:381, Screenshot_2018-10-18-07-3….png)

b22b7b  No.3520390


I agree 100% with everything you said, but we still need the wall for security….I am not comfortable with the cartels being able to smuggle people, drugs or weapons across the border. Also, add legalize weed to your list.

abc869  No.3520391

File: 02175e20696d3aa⋯.jpg (121.99 KB, 642x602, 321:301, Caravan.jpg)

File: 7094fe76a28d428⋯.jpg (416.69 KB, 1100x743, 1100:743, TruePunditNews04302018.jpg)

File: 8d0b4c1f0d8b4fb⋯.jpg (150.22 KB, 900x575, 36:23, hrf.jpg)

File: ab495b0cc0a4362⋯.jpg (199.87 KB, 879x609, 293:203, Brennon Feinstein Apology.jpg)

File: f52ecce550ec8e4⋯.jpg (84.93 KB, 306x541, 306:541, clapper.jpg)

cff56e  No.3520392


kek you may be talking to sauce

66bc60  No.3520393


Hope so

061d32  No.3520394


Indeed it is!

2aaa06  No.3520396


pompous bitch

e76157  No.3520399

File: 42a83fda2e655b8⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 520x351, 40:27, iu (12).jpg)

abc869  No.3520400

File: 0ea4927229dc7e1⋯.jpg (92.92 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Sanders1.jpg)

File: f86fff0c77383f2⋯.jpg (157.42 KB, 650x433, 650:433, what happened Haiti.jpg)

File: 4fa0523fb2b52be⋯.jpg (175.5 KB, 1000x554, 500:277, End Korean War.jpg)

File: 681e102f643b254⋯.jpg (497.21 KB, 1200x817, 1200:817, TruePunditNews04272018.jpg)

File: afaa2543a5d9801⋯.jpg (167.33 KB, 592x649, 592:649, Trump Tweet 04272018.jpg)

bda05e  No.3520402


Ha! Damn good point. Stephanie's putting on a good show.

38bcf9  No.3520403


I posted this way back in the beginning and was notable then, great detail

abc869  No.3520404

File: 5543de491a0eef8⋯.jpg (125.16 KB, 1049x573, 1049:573, michelle obama.jpg)

File: 11fc8a3fc710e37⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 733x406, 733:406, Natives beware ew.jpg)

File: 8374831d3532cdb⋯.jpg (81.13 KB, 800x450, 16:9, CBSN debate Trump clinton.jpg)

File: 58672e1b9d0505a⋯.jpg (105.55 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 99 percent went to dems fr….jpg)

File: e7833d9d76c55c0⋯.jpg (96.58 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 1 32 or 1 512.jpg)

7fe7ea  No.3520405


Does that mean if you get CPR .

Your really getting molested ?

c7a0f4  No.3520406



kek is on fire 🔥 today

watch SYRIA anons

re read magic sword crumbs n breads, bakers bolo these posts for us pls

422a37  No.3520407

File: 165481d527a72ba⋯.jpg (105.92 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Rooftop korean pepe.jpg)


this is one of the worst ones, totally spewing the lie all day long on FOXNEWS.

She is there morning noon and night. Foxnews gives the left a lot of room to espouse their point of view. This is not available on the other CableNews Outlets. Its all DEMS al the TIME. Its like everyone is a SHEPSMITH bot or goddamn NPC-Smith, fuck you if you think Foxnews is the BIASED one!

7c1c98  No.3520408


And where do they stop for a piss and a crap? - everybody's front yard?

422a37  No.3520410

File: 4afb842905c7a95⋯.png (418.13 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


forgot main pic

d33e41  No.3520412

File: a4292e4724373b9⋯.png (345.93 KB, 742x434, 53:31, Capture.PNG)

File: 5667f36e328d2bc⋯.png (312.63 KB, 862x430, 431:215, capcap.PNG)


>>3520387 Looks like we are all in agreement then. At least we have more on our side.

061d32  No.3520413




In all hopefull this starts a beautiful snowball!

abc869  No.3520414

File: be861ff73fcb15b⋯.jpg (299.94 KB, 788x886, 394:443, Fox Greg Opinion.jpg)

File: fbd67d3d37e11c4⋯.jpg (240.18 KB, 792x888, 33:37, Fox news lisa page about M….jpg)

File: 6d7dc337fd56a4f⋯.jpg (101.77 KB, 800x445, 160:89, Fox news obama seoul south….jpg)

File: 763b6e9f398f92e⋯.jpg (87.45 KB, 800x444, 200:111, Fox news hillary and Russi….jpg)

File: b76186509044716⋯.jpg (122.59 KB, 800x442, 400:221, Fox Hannity obama economy.jpg)

f99ecc  No.3520415


Still have the sub here

2aaa06  No.3520416

File: 8c3e7fc4b03d19e⋯.png (720.17 KB, 641x481, 641:481, Capture.PNG)

Sessions: ‘Whole of Government Effort’ to Take Down Drug Cartel, ‘They Are in Our Crosshairs’

Attorney General Jeff Sessions held a press conference on Tuesday with officials from the Department of Justice, U.S. Treasury, and State Department to announce a “whole of government effort” to take down the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG).

Sessions said the drug cartel is “one of the five most dangerous transnational criminal organizations on the face of the earth and it is doing unimaginable damage to the people of this nation.”

Sessions said although it was formed only nine years ago, it has established its network around the world, including in Europe, Asia, and Australia.

“CJNG has a presence in cities across the United States from San Diego to Omaha to Roanoke to New York City to Orlando,” said Sessions, adding that the cartel is believed to traffic ten tons of cocaine and methamphetamines into the United States every month.

“They are in our crosshairs,” Sessions said. “This cartel is our top priority.”


f99ecc  No.3520418



dca63c  No.3520419


>Fuck MSM and turn it off!

I could not agree more

d6fea0  No.3520420


>In all hopefull this starts a beautiful snowball!

That would be great! KEK!

dc80bd  No.3520421

File: ccb1f6026d8eced⋯.png (44 KB, 428x428, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-10-15-09-1….png)

File: 816b40d39c23e83⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 415x415, 1:1, 2ke5wb~2.jpg)

abc869  No.3520423

File: 5827b3ad59e9486⋯.jpg (473.95 KB, 1200x804, 100:67, TruePunditNews04023018_2.jpg)

File: d45ef87d30289aa⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 229x340, 229:340, Clean house.jpg)

File: 75331f7bace3575⋯.jpg (182.37 KB, 592x819, 592:819, Trump Tweet Date.jpg)

File: b2f4bb39b70c2df⋯.jpg (76.23 KB, 700x439, 700:439, Hog.jpg)

File: 8e91a4a2758f247⋯.jpg (158.84 KB, 667x698, 667:698, UK 250B_2.jpg)

bd0006  No.3520424


It could be many things; It was debated exensively when the drop first happened.

It could be anything from pathogens created in a lab to people losing their minds due to the culture shock to the idea that MKULTRA is, at this point, literally institutionalized in the mental health professions.

The consensus essentially ended up at "all bets are off, we'll find out when we get there."

406082  No.3520425

File: 17c4815869b4224⋯.jpg (6.14 KB, 275x183, 275:183, BreadBowlPresidio.jpg)

Fresh Bread Bowl




Fresh Bread Bowl

e76157  No.3520426

File: 14dfc358fc0c4c5⋯.jpg (109.02 KB, 873x534, 291:178, Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at ….jpg)

abc869  No.3520427

File: b2431ca52d2bbf7⋯.jpg (202.54 KB, 594x817, 594:817, Trump Tweet 04202018.jpg)

File: 9bb84605b5e02b1⋯.jpg (508.79 KB, 1255x901, 1255:901, Resigned.jpg)

File: ff519eab1925b39⋯.jpg (255.48 KB, 1129x635, 1129:635, Zuckererg LifeLog FB.jpg)

File: 1ce05d5581899ee⋯.jpg (149.95 KB, 1024x991, 1024:991, Chelsey Clinton Cross.jpg)

File: ce5424f40ec2e60⋯.jpg (152.56 KB, 771x638, 771:638, HRCU1LynchComeyRBG.jpg)

c04462  No.3520429



of course

Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko

Alexander Litvinenko was a former officer of the Russian Federal Security Service and KGB, who fled from court prosecution in Russia and received political asylum in the United Kingdom. On 1 November 2006, Litvinenko suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized.More at Wikipedia

ebe8cb  No.3520430


Many good people were forced to do bad things under previous administrations, not just the service members guarding poppy fields or forced to fight on the side of terrorists. Perhaps RR and Mueller have been closet patriots all these years just waiting for DJT.

829612  No.3520431


1) Bin Salman turned Al Taweed loose.

2) If Q (MI teams) rounded up the deep state and cut them all up, American would be cheering.

3) Where double standards exist there is a flaw in the rationale.

abc869  No.3520432

File: 34cf8d071fd7c7c⋯.jpg (249.84 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, California Bear.jpg)

File: e7bc03b9da24c1b⋯.jpg (74.33 KB, 605x490, 121:98, HuffPostWrong.jpg)

File: 44f16985ead8c8d⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 472x354, 4:3, Bummer and who.jpg)

File: 2cbc4d89cb5a68f⋯.jpg (159.4 KB, 557x500, 557:500, Covered eyes.jpg)

File: 1be809085ab7d74⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ObummerSpying Trump.jpg)

54c5e8  No.3520433

File: e7ee5c6afbc0b9d⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 481x493, 481:493, IMG_6176.JPG)


For your yard

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