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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

b62bd1  No.3191974

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3165055 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Friday 09.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/292 ——————————— https://voat.co/v/QRV [Reddit Replacement] ( Cap: >>3132036 )

>>3131847 rt >>3131764 -————————– We will remain here.

>>3131764 rt >>3131643 -————————– Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

>>3131643 rt >>3131408 -————————– https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3130492 rt >>3130421 -————————– We stand ready to support.

>>3130330 ————————————–——– /BO/ thank you for your service

>>3129182 rt >>3129085 -————————– 2.33_AM.png

>>3128926 rt >>3128846 -————————– [McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?

>>>/patriotsfight/291 ——————————— Comey & McCabe Talking? ( Cap: >>3128796 )

>>>/patriotsfight/290 ——————————— FAKE NEWS ABOUT TO SHIFT NARRATIVE AGAINST THEIR MASTERS ( Cap: >>3128530 )

>>>/patriotsfight/289 ——————————— MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP ( Cap: >>3128085 )

>>>/patriotsfight/288 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127989 )

>>>/patriotsfight/287 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/286 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127957 )

>>>/patriotsfight/285 ——————————— THE RED LINE ( Cap: >>3127549 )

>>>/patriotsfight/284 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3127297 )

>>>/patriotsfight/283 ——————————— Prior to each Rally 'threats' are called into local & federal authorities re: 'Qanon' ( Cap: >>3129623 )

>>3124476 rt >>3124058 -————————– PANIC!!!

>>>/patriotsfight/282 ——————————— We are at the PRECIPICE. ( Cap: >>3124353 )

>>>/patriotsfight/281 ——————————— FISA DECLAS WILL BRING THE HOUSE DOWN. ( Cap: >>3124007 )

>>>/patriotsfight/280 ——————————— Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3123958 )

>>>/patriotsfight/279 ——————————— ANONS ARE MONTHS AHEAD ( Cap: >>3122974 )

>>>/patriotsfight/278 ——————————— Read carefully - significant! (Cap: >>3121475 )

>>3121268 rt >>3121219 -————————– Important graphic.

>>>/patriotsfight/277 ——————————— Ask yourself, how would 'FOREIGN' Allies' KNOW what is within a US TOP SECRET FISA warrant? (Caps: >>3121219 ; >>3121828 )

>>3118306 rt >>3118079 -————————– 17 Second Delta Graphic

>>3118276 rt >>3117830 -————————– Nice catch, Anon.

>>>/patriotsfight/276 ——————————— 2165.png ( Cap: >>3117165 )

Thursday 09.20.18

Compiled here: >>3129162

Wednesday 09.19.18

Compiled here: >>3121357

Tuesday 09.18.18

Compiled here: >>3112614

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b62bd1  No.3191975


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----


>>3187364 List of Breads 404'd

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3191299 Planefag Updates

>>3191348 More on Oxfam and grants

>>3191420 Twitter commentary discussing FISA timeline

>>3191441 ; >>3191508 ; >>3191680 Kavanaugh’s calendars and submitted materials

>>3191465 DJT: “every option” on the table with Venezuela

>>3191525 Iran blames DJT for high oil prices

>>3191542 House Repub’s reportedly call Comey, Lynch, Yates to testify re: FBI abuses

>>3191628 DJT on Israel-Palestine peace deal, hopes to get it done before end of first term

>>3191709 2nd Kavanaugh accuser now refusing to testify

>>3191711 Names to dig re: Kavanaugh accuser

>>3191727 “Got your popcorn?” RT article on Trump’s Security Council speech later

>>3191730 Rep. Jordan: Freedom Caucus to speak with Speaker re: RR today

>>3191795 ; >>3191892 Soros funded Fusion GPS, further link to Feinstein

>>3191846 GAA Update

>>3191942 Grassley tweet on de-politicizing the Kavanaugh hearing

>>3191940 #4040


>>3190555 German carmaker Daimler chief executive to resign in May 2019

>>3190567 Facebook removing pages in hyper-partisan crackdown

>>3190586 Ted Cruz and wife finished meal after recent harassment at restaurant

>>3190595 ; >>3190598 On Beth Dozoretz and the Meridian Ball’s “Alice In Wonderland” theme

>>3190602 More on Oxfam

>>3190630 ; >>3190719 ; >>3190948 ; >>3190968 ; >>3190995 Planefag Updates

>>3190668 Pakistan jails software firm chief in $140M diploma scam

>>3190713 ; >>3190725 New DJT

>>3190913 Minnesota paper sues to unseal Keith Ellison’s divorce records

>>3190992 Kavanaugh accuser throwing four more corroborators into the mix

>>3191033 TX state senator accused of sexting a grad student

>>3191056 WhatsApp co-founder discusses Facebook fuckery

>>3191172 Senate democrats claim firing RR would be a “break the glass” moment

>>3191162 #4039


>>3189716 Economy started to improve in Feb 2016, when DJT won NH primary

>>3189739 DiFi also tied to OxFam, Soros

>>3189746, >>3189776 2015 Wikileaks Pedo-sta emails show DiFi knew of illegal server

>>3189802, >>3189806, >>3189826 Strzok-Blasey dig (inconclusive, help requested)

>>3189815 Musk, Mars, and NASA

>>3189866, >>3189871 Kav Accuser #1's attorney wearing Socialist Power T-Shirt to protest POTUS

>>3189875 [RR] replacement could rein in Mueller per Wash. Examiner article

>>3189910 ABC (Oz) Chairman Milne refuses to step down

>>3190037, >>3190062 More on Strzok and Blasey

>>3190135 The Basics and POTUS speech; anon Author should get speech writer pay

>>3190251 SoA star Vasquez worked with kids, had a heart attack at 48. Nothing to see here. Move along

>>3190340 Become an EU MEP and get 4400 Eur per month just for expenses. No questions asked!

>>3190416 Mercedes CEO resigning

>>3190424 #4038


>>3188955 Oxfam is heavily involved in online forum manipulation (HRC/Soros connections)

>>3189016 The Benghazi Scandal Is Obama’s Watergate But Worse (2014)

>>3189060 Why Cory Booker's cozy relationship with Silicon Valley is bad for New Jersey

(Baker Change)

>>3189367, >>3189364 Richard Blumenthal, DJT et al critic, second worst Att Gen

>>3189474 Good synopsis of Clinton Foundation Fuckery, Uranium 1, and all the players involved

>>3189502, >>3189507 Blumenthal improves his standing and becomes worst Attorney General

>>3189506 Climate change agenda, last hope for globalists

>>3189401, >>3189520 Pharma Fraud exposed - NYC

>>3189536 The Basics side-by-side

>>3189626 DJT MAGA speech from 2016 (text)

>>3189675 #4037

Previously Collected Notables

>>3188860 #4036

>>3186478 #4033, >>3187257 #4034, >>3188077 #4035

>>3184162 #4030, >>3184943 #4031, >>3185714 #4032

>>3181825 #4027, >>3182599 #4028, >>3183373 #4029

>>3179493 #4024, >>3180258 #4025, >>3181053 #4026

>>3177252 #4021, >>3178204 #4022, >>3178773 #4023

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

b62bd1  No.3191976

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

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Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3165205

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

b62bd1  No.3191977

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/6h2LLBhG

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

b62bd1  No.3191986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



LIVE: President Trump Presides Over U.N. Security Council Meeting 9/26/18

938675  No.3192015

File: 58189c8678810f4⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1173x806, 1173:806, ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican Marines Arrest and Disarm Acapulco Police Over Drug Ties

MEXICO CITY—Heavily armed Mexican marines and soldiers on Sept. 25 stormed the police force of Acapulco on suspicions of ties to organized crime.

Acapulco police were disarmed and at least two of its officers arrested as Mexico’s military seized equipment and weapons.

The arrested officers have been accused of homicide.

The violent port city of Acapulco, in southern Guerrero state, was once a glamorous beach resort for Hollywood’s rich and famous. The city has fallen on hard times as entrenched drug crime has transformed it into one of the most murderous places in the world.

Guerrero is a hub for opium poppy production and the scene of frequent violent clashes between warring drug cartels.

The military personnel, along with federal and state police and the Guerrero state’s attorney general’s office, disarmed Acapulco municipal police officers and arrested at least two of them for their “probable responsibility” in homicide, they said in a joint statement.

Acapulco’s other police officers are under investigation, the group said, without specifying how many, adding that weapons, bulletproof vests, ammunition, and radios were seized.

There were over 30,000 murders across Mexico last year, the highest in records going back to 1997, as rival drug gangs splintered into smaller, more bloodthirsty groups following more than a decade of a military-led campaign to battle the cartels.


4a2046  No.3192018


When talking about Iran


005cbc  No.3192021

Pics of Kavanaugh's calandar:


8945d5  No.3192028

File: e310b948cd01061⋯.jpg (48.02 KB, 591x358, 591:358, cap.jpg)

They have already started the campaign against POTUS's fave Amy, whether it's for a Kav defeat or an RBG replacement. "Web site coming soon!"

ec0d5f  No.3192041

Going after anons individually would be a waste of the cabals diminishing resources and also a risk without much reward. If a few of us go it wouldn’t really impact the mission but would risk them to criminal exposure. Plus they are worrying more about saving their own asses at this point.

984ccd  No.3192045

Can some German Anon tell us if this is big or HUUUUGE?






c10ef5  No.3192046

File: 61b6f6e6dccc536⋯.png (43.44 KB, 603x346, 603:346, AQ1.PNG)


Yes, Blasey Ford has submitted signed,sworn declarations from 4 witnesses to Senate to allegedly corroborate her story. Problem is, none is contemporaneous. They r all from w/in last several yrs, in Calif incl husband, not from 35 yrs earlier, in Maryland, when allegedly happened

Spoopy stuff here

96e7b2  No.3192047

HOW SOON WILL RGB announce her departure or be departed?

a0bbba  No.3192048

File: a2a287a0214d88d⋯.jpg (80.97 KB, 556x424, 139:106, Africa Animals Apple Deskt….jpg)

190038  No.3192049

President Trump must have balls of steel, how can you not love him?! Wish we had a leader like him over here…

47158b  No.3192050

daily reminder that when Q says

"you dont know how bad it is"

they are not kidding

it really is that bad

and its probably worse than i think

unending rabbit hole of evil

whats the worst thing you can think of

that times a million

or more

6a7253  No.3192051

Sowing the seeds of doubt about [RR]?

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.170 📁

Aug 19 2018 23:02:47 (EST)

[Movie 1]


>>BO>>CS>>BO>>NO>>CS>>NO>>BO>>[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Who instructed the DOJ to release 'select' text messages?

When did [RR] learn of involvement [BO][NO]?

What happens if [RR] knew PRIOR TO signing CP FISA?

Why did [RR] under congressional testimony refuse to answer the question re: reading of FISA prior to execution?

607d04  No.3192052

File: a5cd7d1fce894ee⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Fox News on Twitter- '.@PO….mp4)

“We found that China has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming 2018 election.”

8113a1  No.3192053

File: 2f20ecac8360bd7⋯.jpg (165.68 KB, 800x750, 16:15, Barack-Obama-and-Joe-Biden….jpg)

File: ab14abd2eb147ba⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 510x484, 255:242, clip_image001_thumb.jpg)

(((Vintage Biden clip on FBI fuels GOP pushback on Kavanaugh probe)))

Republicans are seizing on a vintage clip of then-Sen. Joe Biden during the 1991 Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings dismissing the usefulness of having the FBI investigate allegations against the Supreme Court nominee.

It comes as Democrats are calling on the FBI to investigate allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh – a request that has been rejected by Republicans.

“The next person who refers to an FBI report as being worth anything, obviously doesn’t understand anything,” Biden, then Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said at the time. “The FBI explicitly does not, in this case or any other case, reach a conclusion, period. Period.”….cont.


ce908c  No.3192054

putain de macron

005cbc  No.3192055

File: 90fe408909686d4⋯.jpg (159.65 KB, 1068x1424, 3:4, 3.jpg)

File: dbdda62019c3cf0⋯.jpg (162.24 KB, 1068x1424, 3:4, 4.jpg)

File: 2186c1b92c8471a⋯.jpg (179.44 KB, 1068x1424, 3:4, 5.jpg)

688a44  No.3192056

A useful and amusing summary of POTUS' speech, composed by someone on Facebook.

Part 1:

- - - - - -

I guess it's that time again. He always makes these speeches so long. Anyway, here's a summary of each paragraph of Trump's 2018 UN speech

1. Listen up, bitches

2. I pretty much already covered all this shit last year, but I guess it bears repeating

3. Check it out, I've been on a roll

4. My administration is better than all the other presidential administrations the US has ever had. I've made these last two years my bitch

5. Why's everybody laughing at me?

6. Not to brag or anything but I basically saved the entire economy. Even minorities have jobs now.

7. Taxation is theft and we're building The Wall

8. You thought our military was fucking hardcore before? Sheeet, wait until you see them now that we're actually paying them

9. Thanks to me, AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!

10. America First

11. Globalism is shit

12. Cultures are distinct, so act your culture

13. America likes to declare independence. We're gonna declare independence from the rest of you globalist sons of bitches

14. Do you, boo

15. Let us do us

16. So I just got back from a world tour and everybody who matters likes me

17. I even got the Norks to chill the fuck out

18. No shit, there I was: Staring Rocket Man in the face

19. It's alright though, I smoothed it out

20. Dude's getting rid of his nukes and giving us back our dead bodies we've been wanting back

21. Not too shabby, Li'l Kim. (Don't fuck this up)

22. Everybody who helped out with that is cool in my book. It was pretty much the greatest peace talk ever talked. Just sayin'

23. Shout out to Real Korea, Japan, and China

24. Oh, and I'm fixing the Middle East, too

25. I put most of the countries there to work fucking over Iran and ISIS

26. They're spending money to help with Syria and Yemen, too. Ya hear that Iran? We can outspend your fucking Obama money

27. But, I don't really want to get involved

28. Except when I do, so I've been delegating to the less fucked-up sand countries


30. Syria's a damn shitshow. But so help me, if I see one more chemical weapon attack…

31. Glad to see Jordan is taking in refugees from Syria. Better you than me, Abdullah

32. But seriously, it's a lot better than flying them all the way over here. RIGHT, EUROPE?

33. Iran's trying to get away with its involvement? YOU THOUGHT!

34. Fuck you, Iran! I know what you've been up to, you garbage-ass regime! All you do is ruin everything else for everyone else, you miserable sons of bitches!

35. Seriously, even your own citizens are sick of your shit, Iran! Where'd all that Obama money go, eh Iran? Terrorism? Yeah, I'm sure your people are just THRILLED about that! 0/10 all around, Iran

36. The Iran Deal was shit, and everybody knows it

37. We basically funded their military dictatorship, nuclear weapons programs, and terrorism. Thanks, Obama

38. -But then I came to tooown- and let Iran know who's boss. DEAL'S OFF, BITCHES!

39. Like, seriously, who the fuck thought letting Iran have nukes was a good idea?

40. Everybody point and laugh at Iran's government. Their people are cool, though. #IranProtests

41. Jerusalem? More like Jew-rusalem, amirite?

42. Let's clear some shit up about the Israel conflict, alright? Israel has a right to exist.

43. Fuck what you used to do, we're being pragmatic, here.

44. You ain't gonna take advantage of the US anymore, you freeloaders.

45. I'm sick of all this "made in China" crap

46. We buy all their shit and they don't buy all of our stuff and they do all that skeezy, nerdy, accountant stuff to take advantage of us

47. No more, I say!

48. So I made some great deals with Mexico and Real Korea. Expect yuge discounts on taco bowls and Samsung phones

49. The WTO is a fucking joke.

50. China took all our manufacturing jobs


52. Would you like some tariffs with your rice?

aba231  No.3192057


That is so fuckiong YUGE !

47158b  No.3192058


stronger than steel

still cant kill him

or even make him scared lmao

you gotta admit thats pretty funny

86e219  No.3192059

File: 234a4568e9cdbe8⋯.jpeg (670.75 KB, 2364x1536, 197:128, EF586E93-6F45-4347-9915-4….jpeg)

>>3191686 last bread

2003, 2cnd gen 6.0

These things pull !!!

aba231  No.3192060



91a342  No.3192061

File: eb8539d3df986e8⋯.jpeg (17.41 KB, 185x255, 37:51, a12.jpeg)

Michael Avenatti [MA] Operation [MA]D MAX MAD = Michael Avenatti Dossier

ANONS! The first collection of data on [MA] dubbed operation “Guido” was a great success with data collection from [MA]s former wife (who may have been threatened by [MA] afterwords), former clients and former high school and college classmates. As we all know we were told to hold that data dump until further notice, well guess what? Operation [MA]D MAX is a go! The rumor is that the [MA] Dossier may now be in the possession of the SJC. This being the case hold all [MA]D MAX data until the SJC publicly admits to possession of same. When this admission is made public by the SJC then operation [MA]D MAX is a GO! Get the data dumps ready and load the memes! Get ready to fire for effect!

544def  No.3192062

File: 5edbca297474ff8⋯.jpg (277.24 KB, 600x345, 40:23, nu08w.jpg)


It's not bad news.

29cbf4  No.3192063

Anyone else notice the enormous push for online voter registration through Facebook, Goog, etc. these past few days? Never saw a push like this during the 2014 or 2016 elections as far as I know. Kinda suspicious.

688a44  No.3192064


Part 2

53. America First

54. The UN Human Rights Council is a fucking joke, too

55. Y'all wouldn't listen to Nikki Haley when she told you that

56. So deuces, we out

57. Same with your International Criminal Court. It's all bullshit

58. You have no power, here, Gandalf ICC

59. Everyone should leave the EU. Run your own damn countries

60. America's killin' it in the energy industry

61. We have so much energy to sell

62. Those other oil-producing countries will rip you off and that makes me angry

63. Seriously, it's a scam. They're like the Comcast of countries. Stop falling for it.

64. Poland is way smarter than Germany

65. Men of the West! Protect yourselves from foreign influence!

66. The Monroe Doctrine is back and better than ever!

67. Now about those Mexican immigrants, they're being trafficked. Lame

68. It's all the street gangs and cartels. Getting rid of them, and building The Wall, are the only ways to fix things

69. Your country, your immigration rules. Our country, our immigration rules. Fuck that "global citizen" malarkey

70. Make Your Countries Great Again


72. Venezuela used to be great, but then along came socialism. Now it sucks.

73. Socialism and Communism have never worked, never will work, and only ever result in tragedy. It's the Goddamn worst

74. We're making Venezuela great again by hitting Maduro and his entourage in the pocket books. We were able to identify their pocketbooks because they're THE ONLY ONES IN THE COUNTRY WHO HAVE THEM

75. The UN tries, we'll give you that

76. But the US is still better at charity. Seriously, we give and give and nobody ever returns the favor. So we're gonna be a lot more stingy with our wallets until the entire world stops taking us for a ride

77. So we're only going to give money to the cool kids. And we're not going to protect you guys, either. Time for you to buy your own militaries

78. The UN could be cool if it just changed everything about it

79. And we're only going to pay for the stuff we like, now, too

80. Start pulling your own weight, you damned freeloaders

81. The UN is good in concept, terrible in execution

82. Every country has something to contribute

83. India's doing great

84. Saudi Arabia's shaping up

85. Israel's still here, bitch!

86. Poland's had enough of your shit, EU

87. All cool things, if I do say so myself

88. Distinct borders and cultures make the world a better place

89. Things just work out better with cultural homogeneity

90. America's gotta America

91. America, FUCK YEAH!

92. Love your country like Americans love America

93. Patriotism: It's what's for dinner

94. Shhhh. Don't fight it. Just let it happen

95. In order to make it work though, YOU NEED A BORDER AND SOVEREIGNTY

96. You'll do better, the world will do better. Everybody wins


98. Well, time to hit the ol' dusty trail

99. You've been a great crowd. Thank you

a0bbba  No.3192065

File: 5830dc5c23c4d49⋯.jpg (61.3 KB, 384x365, 384:365, original-311221-1.jpg)


We are a farm planet. We are renegotiating our leaders. We are Human Resources.

1906b5  No.3192066

Here is link toAdela Gildo-Mazzon letter


Why would she have a receipt from a restaurant where she met Blasey in 2013?

22bd7c  No.3192067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Many things are happening behind the scenes"

Clip from POTUS Address to the UN

44b88e  No.3192069

File: f87334841d31543⋯.jpg (94.08 KB, 556x928, 139:232, 197159e602d50ce98e53b5bc8e….jpg)

Thank You Baker

8945d5  No.3192070


All we know is that Q said "RBG next" in drop 1607 June 27.

ce908c  No.3192071


clickfarms who wants clickfarms getcher clickfarms rightheeere

0f9913  No.3192072


Fucking Yuuuge. Lots of fuckery going on with China lately. I am starting to thing they are like the Jews… but for the Alternative Media. Numerous alt-media outlets that are otherwise very solid are hard-core China dick suckers. Namely Rogue News and Sirius Report. I have a feeling there are tons of money flying around by China to try to manipulate western governments.

a8b1cc  No.3192073

File: 23ca7133c8aa4fb⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, gfgf.png)

little boy squirming.

86e219  No.3192074

File: 48e0be56829a662⋯.jpeg (380.85 KB, 1242x408, 207:68, 964EE308-1075-4384-B05B-0….jpeg)

thankQ baker!

544def  No.3192075

File: 0d7c044fc5dd23d⋯.png (103.63 KB, 909x552, 303:184, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: f330819bb316a14⋯.gif (19.89 KB, 89x111, 89:111, mmhmm.gif)


Trump said China is trying to interfere in midterms because of his trade policies. No mention of Russia which the US intel community says is the world leader in election meddling activities.


c9131c  No.3192076


the part about giving cash to Iran was bigly yuge

86c3ec  No.3192077

(Bread #4040)


Also involved in blue dress investigation.

8113a1  No.3192078

File: f0490c891b4776c⋯.png (4.85 MB, 870x6668, 435:3334, 8cb32398a48f8f0f5f6da73eaa….png)


Thanks, but keep the silly nonsense to FB and Twatter.

This is 8 chan Q research/dissemination.

40ab76  No.3192079


they clank

53bcd5  No.3192080

File: 8084423f3ba2ac6⋯.jpg (234.18 KB, 1000x1281, 1000:1281, Untitled1.jpg)

File: 884e9a09dc6c852⋯.jpg (460.61 KB, 1000x1749, 1000:1749, Untitled2.jpg)

File: b2095505c745e66⋯.jpg (405.7 KB, 1000x1775, 40:71, Untitled3.jpg)

Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on new FDA commitment to disclose retailer information for certain food recalls to improve consumer safety


e8ed58  No.3192081


He emphasized "The World is Watching" !

47158b  No.3192082


i know we are

negative energy farm

its the only thing that makes sense

why all the abortions

why all the gay sex

why does literally everything have weird satanic patterns on it

my bed literally has eyes in the design

my guess would be that there are ley lines around the earth

that harvest all the fear and suffering

and send it to only God knows what

im going to go with "lizard people"

because its the easiest term

i think the only way to fight it is to be yourself

be happy

be loving

dont let anyone else tell you who to be

do what you love

kanye seems to get it

were also all infected with stuff like lymes and toxoplas

wouldnt be surprised if we were in a version of the matrix

but not like in the movie

its still reality

but they are doing something to the reality

compress it ?


190038  No.3192083


And not one word about russia, nor positive or negative. Trump+Putin = best team ever

8f2b7e  No.3192084


I fucking hate these people. How anyone could ally themselves with them is beyond me.

8113a1  No.3192085

File: 8ba91a3e1fb020b⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB, 533x518, 533:518, DjimIzNU8AAnZA8.jpeg)

File: 79efe88417a1aec⋯.jpg (940.53 KB, 1500x1264, 375:316, 79efe88417a1aeca72d6c0ab62….jpg)

File: 5dbc44cc09b9e10⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 340x408, 5:6, 2evlto.jpg)

e8ed58  No.3192086


This!! I caught that too!

c9131c  No.3192087



top kek , but that's from the other day , not just now

70d8ff  No.3192088


Serious sauce needed on that one.

75fd9a  No.3192089

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The meaning of the akashic records is explained.

20360e  No.3192090

>>3191799 (lb)

My first twatter follower was @Matt_VanDyke.

Blue check mark and founder of 'Sons of Liberty International'.

The other 30 or so followers seem to be run-of-the-mill red-pilled anons/normies.

I have less than 40 twats and have yet to follow anyone.

Things that make you go, 'Hmm…'.

47158b  No.3192091


you know what i dont care who Q is

i dont ever need to know

it just needs to stop

all of this

inhuman cruelty

kids dismembered for fun


6a296c  No.3192092

File: 4663f12fe3a0213⋯.png (58.43 KB, 645x378, 215:126, aa7fd61e-7827-9ba8-eebd-66….png)


The fifth FISA

Surveillance on Papadopoulos

Connected to energy business in Israel

Saving Israel for last…


If this explosive document about me that congressman Gowdy mentioned is a FISA then it couldnt be about Russia. My business ties were connected to the energy business in Israel. Maybe Obama and Brits wanted to spy on that. Wait and see.

89c6bc  No.3192093


I'm copying this to send to the spouse, that's a well done list.

29 is a personal favorite, could even hear it in his voice (oh noes President Trump voices in muh head)

cb2d8f  No.3192094

Kavanaugh Attorney: Lawyers for Christine Ford Have Not Turned Over Results of Lie Detector Test or Therapist’s Notes

Wilkinson told CBS the lawyers for Dr. Ford have not turned over the results of her lie detector test or her therapist’s notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Christine Ford is scheduled to testify under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday morning.

Note the first question by liberal reporter Nora O’Donnell:

Nora O’Donnell: Is the evidence mounting against your client?

Beth Wilkinson: No, I wouldn’t say that, Nora. As you know those are statements that were made relatively recently and sadly this is an allegation from almost 36 years ago. And there was at the time no report which is understandable. But the first time these allegations came to light as far as we know from reading the reports in the media, Dr. Ford told her therapist and told her husband. They announced that there were notes and there was a lie detector test but as I understand it they did not turn any of those over to the senate committee even though they were requested. So, the information that would have shown what she said at the very first time when she revealed these allegations have not been turned over to the senate.

CBS This Morning


WATCH: Brett Kavanaugh's attorney Beth Wilkinson tells us that lawyers for Dr. Ford have not turned over the results of her lie detector test or her therapist’s notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

3:58 AM - Sep 26, 2018


06136d  No.3192095

more pope fuckery


Pope says Catholic Church should not be judged by modern standards over sexual abuse scandal as he refuses to answer questions after 3,700 children were assaulted by German priests

•Pope gave press conference yesterday on his way home from tour in Estonia

•He said Church should not be judge by modern standards over sex abuse

•Also refused to answer awkward questions until he finished speaking about tour

By Charlie Moore For Mailonline

Published: 04:48 EDT, 26 September 2018 | Updated: 08:45 EDT, 26 September 2018

Matthias Katsch, who was sexually abused when he was 13, said he was outraged that the German Church - the richest in the world because it takes eight per cent of German Catholics' incomes - was only paying each survivor an average of £2,600 as a 'recognition fee'.

He said: 'The Church paid me a recognition fee of 5,000 euros, he said. 'They don't call it compensation. And I don't call it compensation either.'

'They call it a recognition fee? Well, thank you very much, but that's not what I want. I want justice.'

544def  No.3192097

File: 2b3af7c55a7a118⋯.png (131.59 KB, 968x714, 484:357, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

Google launched a censored search engine in China in 2006, but stopped operating the service in 2010, citing concerns about Chinese government censorship and efforts to hack activists’ Gmail accounts. Google co-founder Sergey Brin said in 2010 that he saw “earmarks of totalitarianism” in China in relation to censorship and surveillance, which he said he found “personally quite troubling.”

Poulson told The Intercept in an interview earlier this month that he “very much agree[s] with the case Sergey made in 2010. That’s the company I joined, the one that was making that statement.” If Google was now reversing its anti-censorship position, he said, then he could no longer “be complicit as a shareholder and citizen of the company.”

Google did not respond to a request for comment on this story.



2047df  No.3192098


She is next. Her time just hasn't come up yet. One day not long from now we're going to hear that she's retiring, or dead.

1906b5  No.3192099

Add Rebecca White to the list of people we need to dig on. She is one of the 4 that Ford is saying she told.

Again the names are

1) Keith Scarborough Koegler

2) Adela Gildo-Mazzon

3) Rebecca White

0f9913  No.3192100


You are describing the "Loosh Farm"Not Qresearch 'yet'.

2f439a  No.3192101


Meh. I dunno.

China and Russia have a pretty interesting relationship going waaaaaaaaaaay back.

Anything is possible, yet I remain skeptical re: Putin and DJT being besties.

8113a1  No.3192102

File: 236743de2d79ccb⋯.png (10.23 MB, 2000x5755, 400:1151, 236743de2d79ccb8bd872cd572….png)

190038  No.3192103

16a91d  No.3192104

File: c692ea06d802b07⋯.png (403.38 KB, 2252x2196, 563:549, c6e60107930dfa0b4ed215c9b7….png)

>>3191780 (lb)


>We are the world's news source.

If that's the case, we better brush up on our research skills before shooting our mouths off then.

Peter & Jill Strzok appear to be cousins through marriage, not brother & sister.

>>3191855 (lb)

>>3189802 (pb)


And if you can find that Thomas & Chrissie Blasey are brother & sister, please post the sauce.

That doesn't mean unsauced articles from known disinfo sites.

8113a1  No.3192105

File: 4fde56b935804f9⋯.png (3.66 MB, 2000x2866, 1000:1433, 4fde56b935804f9cdb573a3242….png)

f568dc  No.3192106

File: b1589bf08397439⋯.jpg (91.15 KB, 702x300, 117:50, whats-that-smell.jpg)

344209  No.3192107

Offer US citizenship to entrepreneurial Venezuelans to move to PR and fix it up. Maduro left with the dregs. PRs in FL compete with new Americans to get PR back in the game.

a0bbba  No.3192108

File: 14f5daeb7451ec8⋯.jpg (84.52 KB, 614x318, 307:159, 0af60586.jpg)

File: 3a8e0722b57c7a8⋯.jpg (47.63 KB, 555x451, 555:451, john-podesta-imagetwitter.jpg)


I've been rereading Bradbury. He knew.

9a9d7f  No.3192109


How can a woman who becomes a Doctor in psychology want to portray such weakness now. Can’t do this and that because of the effects of the assault.

All her patients should ask for their money back.

df2ba9  No.3192110

File: 450ca945be947c9⋯.png (239.65 KB, 559x884, 43:68, Christine Blasey Ford conn….PNG)

File: 461e3664efb1d08⋯.png (502.4 KB, 818x921, 818:921, Christine Blasey Ford conn….PNG)

This is interesting. Connection from Peter Strzok to Christine Blasey Ford

Peter Strzok>Jill Strzok>Excrelis Inc>Thomas Blasey>Christine Blasey Ford


8113a1  No.3192111

File: fdd23f62ea96878⋯.png (7.69 MB, 2645x5315, 529:1063, fdd23f62ea968780bdcfff1f63….png)

e8cb16  No.3192112


He did indeed, NOTABLE?

e8ed58  No.3192113


I got that too. He definitely emphasized it by looking up and saying it!

91a342  No.3192114

File: b0e51e1c235c329⋯.jpg (219.61 KB, 1067x778, 1067:778, best for last.jpg)


>Michael Avenatti Dossier

[MA]D SJC has investigtors who vet/check all info for validity before making public

This is going to be SUPER KEK!

930a33  No.3192115

File: f41ca7bf94d11f0⋯.jpg (86.18 KB, 640x466, 320:233, 2irsas~2.jpg)

Biden/Ryan 2020

aba231  No.3192116

Wierd to hear the French dude speak with a female voice…

644ef7  No.3192117

File: 4eb734e8a15d2e6⋯.png (50.89 KB, 550x220, 5:2, 77C16DFA-11F2-4986-A024-F3….png)


Yeah, really suspicious…

71a925  No.3192118

File: 0f2ede11bc31d8b⋯.jpg (158.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, OK1.jpg)


Ya know. I read people. Pretty Well.

In the speech in front of the General Assembly POTUS was talking directly to the Iranian ass hat, whoever he was.

Iran dude was pissed, but part of the anger was that he was being outed in front of his peers.

Same with China Ass Hat in this video.

Trump is the BOSS

2f439a  No.3192119


She's a research psychologist.

544def  No.3192120

File: 3e23dba1e495883⋯.png (947.98 KB, 895x1226, 895:1226, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

Creepy Pron Lawyer:

Here is a picture of my client Julie Swetnick. She is courageous, brave and honest. We ask that her privacy and that of her family be respected.


ef33fe  No.3192121



how much do you wanna bet this is shameless self promotion (Q: The Basics graphic) attached to spiteful jab at another anons witty attempt at summary of POTUS' UN speech

749e16  No.3192122


So, I have a "Q" question. Does this still apply given China's tinkering with trade normalization with the US?


>Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?

>Can you find an owl / Y there?

>Was this to prevent evil from entering?

>Was this to protect their children/people?

>Why was BO shamed during trip to China, SA, other locations?

>How was POTUS hosted?



>Fantasy land.


Is China a black hat operation, now, or are they using the same playbook of those that they prevented from entering?

fb43ea  No.3192123



>Hell of a week for him and the team, not much for us

Describes every week since last October, actually.

I thought there would have been some type of public "reveal" about the evil shit committed and high crimes of the Left and political elites.

Maybe something to put them on the defensive and allow the public to see their sacred celebrities are scum of the earth.

It would instantly change the MSM narrative, which at the moment, is still 100 percent against Trump.

Maybe a Hillary video, or Obama photo, or proof of Clinton theft from Haiti, or Bush cover up of 9/11

But no. Apparently Q team is waiting until after the mid-terms.

I hope this is not a catastrophic miscalculation.

By the way, for those who have not noticed, Spanish-language television news programs are now plastered with "Voto" commercials - basically clip of Trump, some images of "undocumented" holding signs, and then imploring viewers to register to vote.

ce908c  No.3192124






that 80% of memers


re-read their memes


making them

and before

posting them

cb2d8f  No.3192125


>All her patients should ask for their money back.

They're all MK Ultra'd to obey

a4c5fe  No.3192126


Love all of this slow drip. They're slowly setting the stage for a big reveal. Everyone getting worried about the DECLAS needs to sit back and enjoy the show. This is 100% about timing. The sheep have such short term memories it needs to be released right before voting to shock them awake. If DECLAS doesnt come before midterms then I'll start to worry.

8113a1  No.3192127


Nice try but pathetic.

e62127  No.3192128


POTUS has been anointed by God. Listen to what the Prophets have said.

6e2b76  No.3192129

Homebrew way to get the fluoride out of my brain?

282cd2  No.3192130

File: 3e1ded944c5c02e⋯.jpeg (215.84 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUS.jpeg)

GOD bless you all.

190038  No.3192131

File: d77102db682e7ce⋯.jpeg (211.17 KB, 1029x700, 147:100, E922011C-9DD0-41C2-AF21-F….jpeg)


He posted the wrong picture.

8113a1  No.3192132

File: bc1640290d70d92⋯.png (6.09 MB, 2000x4386, 1000:2193, bc1640290d70d9200cf15f8ed6….png)

930a33  No.3192133

File: 9324e56edb860ad⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 491x492, 491:492, 2irstc~2.jpg)

74f4cb  No.3192134


Agreed, anon. I dont think djt trusts putin as much as some would think. There is still Russian fuckery going on in regards to iran and syria.

He called them out on this this morning.

2047df  No.3192135


And imagine yourself living in glorious times with them after this is over. I love Q, but I'm still not seeing that part of it. A whole lot of these people are now totally out of control and will have to be forcefully stopped and put down. If it takes the military or the NG to make that happen then this won't really be over for a long time. Some people will never change, and they stop doing evil only when they are dead. Think NoName.

1eedbd  No.3192136

File: f7279b7228d3e47⋯.jpg (127.25 KB, 665x848, 665:848, julie4.JPG)

File: 4deb2d8dda2494c⋯.jpg (115.52 KB, 661x849, 661:849, julie5.JPG)

File: 928e2ed4ca24ea8⋯.jpg (103.26 KB, 670x849, 670:849, julie6.JPG)

File: f98f4a010d64844⋯.jpg (91.74 KB, 737x752, 737:752, julies.JPG)

CPL Tweets signed declaration of train rape accuser

f568dc  No.3192137

File: 127964ae24dfa20⋯.jpg (273.57 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Avenatti Psych Ward (4).jpg)

58da1d  No.3192138

File: 065fd42b953f138⋯.jpg (299.64 KB, 1400x1000, 7:5, electre-3 - Copy.jpg)

>>3191538 (lb)

Darling, sweetie, got Takei issues.

>>3191846 (lb)

Mother Of All Bakeries.

15171e  No.3192139

File: 8f16cb4f0b444e5⋯.jpg (27.32 KB, 400x224, 25:14, 2gqcxz.jpg)

1906b5  No.3192140


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Uploaded: Thu, Apr 27, 2017, 5:07 pm

Palantir's plan for Cubberley party riles neighbors

Data giant takes over half of soccer field at Cubberley for annual worker event

by Gennady Sheyner / Palo Alto Weekly

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Palo Alto Online



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Uploaded: Thu, Apr 27, 2017, 5:07 pm

Palantir's plan for Cubberley party riles neighbors

Data giant takes over half of soccer field at Cubberley for annual worker event

by Gennady Sheyner / Palo Alto Weekly



Palo Alto's famously secretive data-mining giant Palantir entered the spotlight this week when its event organizers installed a gigantic white tent on the soccer field at Cubberley Community Center to house its upcoming employee party.

Several also attended the Tuesday night meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission to voice their discontent about the city's agreement with Palantir. Edith Groner, a resident of Greenmeadow, said she and her neighbors are "shocked and disturbed to see the field used for a commercial enterprise." And Rebecca White, a resident of Greenmeadow, said the company does not reflect the city's values and said she and her neighbors plan to picket the event.

"Our neighborhood is super stressed about this," White told the commission. "So, in the future it would be better if you engaged us and asked us whether or not we thought a commercial event is appropriate for our community, particularly a company like Palantir."

db7cbc  No.3192141

220on (lb) close. 100 posts in current, 58 here. Do we need a fkn shuttlebus now?

Seems oldfags lurkin and diggin offline while the bread's all shitted up with muh feels, muh fats and muh gangstalkers.

22bd7c  No.3192142


i liked your muh dick memes better

cb2d8f  No.3192143


>We ask that her privacy and that of her family be respected.

So we are posting her name and picture on Twitter and going on national TV to talk about her….

89c6bc  No.3192144


Perhaps not besties, but they have many common interests and can help one another with that. Including China. A buffer of sorts… just my thinking on it. Better to unite under common cause than have the whole world go to shit.

3ea78c  No.3192145

File: 707686a4553b8c0⋯.jpg (672.82 KB, 600x796, 150:199, virgin.jpg)


bookworm kav

>>3192033 (lb)

Any chance u would like to share?

8f2b7e  No.3192146


Big if true

a0bbba  No.3192147


aw shit

7ab695  No.3192148

File: 3364ab42288f987⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1017x878, 1017:878, trumphitemwitit.png)

8113a1  No.3192149

File: 200abb0eec81adc⋯.jpg (475.47 KB, 1100x763, 1100:763, deep-state-swamp-ben-garri….jpg)

File: 9724c0fea620a88⋯.jpg (141.97 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2hm44x.jpg)

File: 41286ff10af85b9⋯.jpg (598.98 KB, 1536x1042, 768:521, xbfz5k9wg4c01.jpg)

From the inside out.

57b37d  No.3192150


What did that EO state were the repercussions for interfering in elections?? Wasn’t it signed in August? Leaving to locate it now.

607d04  No.3192151

File: 15cb2816514d7ca⋯.png (401.79 KB, 821x562, 821:562, www_washingtonpost_com_wp-….png)

>Julie Swetnick

Is this the same person?


6a296c  No.3192152

Has Kavanaugh said whether he even drank alcohol in High School?

cec8bc  No.3192154

The Pentagon’s poor accounting practices;

In the spring of 2017, Mark Skidmore, an economist at Michigan State University who specializes in public finance, heard what he thought was an erroneous, but interesting, claim: that a Pentagon report indicated the Army had posted $6.5 trillion worth of unsupported accounting adjustments for 2015. He was intrigued, though knowing that the Army’s budget was $122 billion, and that the entire 2015 budget for the Department of Defense (DoD) was $565 billion, he assumed it was an error — the figure was surely “billion,” not “trillion,” already a hefty number for an unaccounted-for adjustment.

To his shock, upon examining the report himself, he found no such error: the figure was $6.5 trillion, fifty-four times the spending authorized by Congress. To investigate the matter further, Skidmore got in touch with Catherine Austin Fitts, a former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and the person who had made the initial claim that had so shocked Skidmore.

With the help of two graduate students, Skidmore and Fitts trawled through thousands of government reports to find similar unsupported adjustments. They were shocked by what they found: since 1998, the Pentagon logged unsupported adjustments worth at least $21 trillion, while the Department of Housing and Urban Development registered $350 billion worth.


544def  No.3192155

File: 2eec45018aa1078⋯.png (62.03 KB, 1542x327, 514:109, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: d4da8432052d27d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1186x789, 1186:789, Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at ….png)

The new Beast is one of a dozen initially estimated at $15.8 million in total, and is plated with a military grade armor and has five-inch, multilayer windows, according to NBC. All the protective measures make the doors as heavy as those of a 757 jet.

It's also stocked with a variety of light weapons in case an assailant actually breaches the outer defenses, including a shotgun and tear gas cannon.

The limo also contains a fridge stocked with the president's blood type and an extensive array of medical supplies, NBC reported.

The vehicle is reportedly able to seat seven passengers and is protected against biochemical attacks and comes with flat-run tires.



74f4cb  No.3192156


I think she is a researcher, not a practitioner.

86c3ec  No.3192157


PR is being destroyed so it can be turned into a resort.

f968de  No.3192158

File: b3ae0338434b134⋯.jpeg (55.18 KB, 500x586, 250:293, 7A1176F0-8CCB-48CD-9C28-B….jpeg)

036ba2  No.3192159

File: bc15e466a19e3a8⋯.png (4.07 MB, 2000x1336, 250:167, magicmumu.png)

b62bd1  No.3192160

File: 01f8133dacde1f6⋯.jpeg (40.96 KB, 354x246, 59:41, MineArt.jpeg)


Time to dig?

6b9557  No.3192161

File: 22675737aad4efa⋯.jpg (67.13 KB, 498x364, 249:182, RollerCoasterIII.jpg)


Another Jew?

749e16  No.3192162

File: ff4569ce6382cfa⋯.jpg (92.57 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 13aa6e293bce801e738b45c0c1….jpg)



Proofreading trick I use. Start with the last word, and work your way backwards. You will catch every mistake you make.

dc0899  No.3192163

File: 68e75774b740c2a⋯.png (36.33 KB, 1316x148, 329:37, ClipboardImage.png)

Ignore the shills. Ignore. Ignore.

ae94e0  No.3192164

>>3191991 Sorry but I'll get Gazoo on this right away.

Who is Brice Taylor....this is a bit far fetched. Yet we have no pictures over all the years of all the people she said she has been with?

I am sure this is Ford's half sister from different mothers.

d0d2c3  No.3192165

File: 26955661f5b4590⋯.png (467.89 KB, 764x509, 764:509, 2018-08-22_07-55-42.png)

File: 8c55847cf0f5509⋯.png (339.23 KB, 670x379, 670:379, 2018-09-26_10-50-29.png)


Take orders from a snake or a goat?

No thanks!

20360e  No.3192166




931f83  No.3192167


This is a joke right? Asking for privacy while posting name and a photo of her?

Loony tunes….. complete screwballs.

005cbc  No.3192168

fbba0f  No.3192169

File: 72866f1137ad198⋯.jpeg (433.81 KB, 750x1204, 375:602, D8C57522-16BC-450D-BD68-7….jpeg)


57b37d  No.3192170



Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Intereference


2f439a  No.3192171


Why are you here?

16a91d  No.3192172

ab2ba5  No.3192173

Hey daybaker, you good? We didn't get a report for handoff which is fine. We're here though.

0c3676  No.3192174

File: 4bdb670aae146f4⋯.jpg (172.55 KB, 542x529, 542:529, n deak.jpg)

File: e78019c0dbd4d96⋯.png (90.58 KB, 846x505, 846:505, schumer blasey deak.png)

File: 2cf391c301f6c6d⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 800x513, 800:513, d triangle.jpg)

why was chuck schumer sitting at nicholas deak's desk rifling through his papers when the NYPD arrived with deaks warm body on the floor

why was chuck there b4 NYPD

what is chuck's relationship with the BLASEY fam?

930a33  No.3192175

File: e5146c4d3c1262a⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 448x448, 1:1, 2iouai~2.jpg)

7f5edc  No.3192176

File: 2be4bf2301423f0⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, download (1).jpg)

Too many newfags, shills, and other assorted divisionfags, concernfags, etc.

I'm going to make a statement. Consider me a high ranking anon or a retard that needs to neck himself. I don't care.


Some of you overlook this as time goes on. Concerning is showing shortsightedness. If we were not in control, we would not have a POTUS that is fighting for us.

"But, but, muh Israel, muh deep state working with Trump" Why? Why would (((they))) do that? Why would they expose themselves? How would exposing their fuckery help build onto their fuckery? That's dumb ass, clueless, fear mongering. These shills concerns are as bad as their memes.

The entire fucking world is up in arms over him. What does that tell you? (((They))) can only try to concern you as (((they))) go down. It's over. All they have is their emotional outbursts. Let them come in here and cry Q is a larp. Let them come in here and bash us. Who fucking cares?

Anyone here run around the night before Christmas debunking Santa Claus? How about the night before Easter? Are the forums going crazy of easter bunny larping? Maybe the boogeyman under the bed gets some attention on a board? No? Must be because those things are fake and gay. Why would someone have so much anger and resentment toward someone or something unless that something was accurate?

"It's taking too long"

The longer this goes, the guiltier the guilty look. FISA being held, shows guilt. Kavanaugh delays, shows guilt. Ford fuckery, shows guilt.

Two months ago after the Tampa Bay rally fucking everyone claimed they would expose Q. Microdick is the only one to try. And he failed miserably. Like..If I was his father, I'd of wished I pulled out the night he was conceived. Talk about a born failure.

What other losers are you worried about? The empty teenagers in here projecting? Fuck em. The sharebule hourly? They'll be out of work soon. The crazy left? They'll be humble shortly.

Good things come to those who wait.

So to summarize. Donald Trump is not exposing the cabal, to help the cabal. As that shit is as stupid as Micro claiming to be Q. POTUS is POTUS which means HILLARY aint and that alone makes life better for the world.

Just look at the people in upheaval. Up in arms. All similar.


dc0899  No.3192177


Go Fund Me Account being in 3 … 2 …

b62bd1  No.3192178




Definitely sent one.

Still doing just fine, should be good for quite a bit.

Thank you for checking in.

07d15c  No.3192179





1ec608  No.3192180


Nice gold eyeliner.

ef33fe  No.3192181


well put, try to catch more flies with honey, we are going to need to adopt Q's MO during the Great Awakening and abandon salty text as much as possible. have a good day fren?

22bd7c  No.3192182

File: cbeeb25e6aae3d4⋯.jpg (70.7 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cbeeb25e6aae3d41f89fec7cc7….jpg)

930a33  No.3192183

File: f756a1d7b88233e⋯.jpg (77.38 KB, 500x712, 125:178, 2irt3r~2.jpg)

3c7a66  No.3192184

File: 7c4b848837213ad⋯.png (629.48 KB, 723x409, 723:409, DumbCunts.PNG)

And you thought Russia was immune to the Feminist bullshit and lies ,

maybe they will accuse America of interfering in their culture

WATCH: Feminist Pours Bleach On Over 60 Men's Crotches To Fight 'Manspreading'


8dcaa8  No.3192185


These people are putting themselves in a world of pain.

c0b375  No.3192186

File: 70fff1151b5d6c0⋯.jpeg (535.94 KB, 2288x2700, 572:675, BF2DA8E3-E4C8-4EDB-A912-2….jpeg)


Pompeo Intl. travel := Q drought

CORRELATION := 100.00%

89c6bc  No.3192187

And complainers?


8f2b7e  No.3192188


The lynch testimony should be fun but i doubt any of this will be open door (if they even show)

544def  No.3192189

File: 2f2b1248b4e2361⋯.png (568.94 KB, 935x787, 935:787, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: 9c69df08fa34c3c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1374x721, 1374:721, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: 4bfe97cb680e30a⋯.jpg (46.09 KB, 600x338, 300:169, WC7UCWAXIRBYTI5LMVARFJMO5Y.jpg)

Marines gon' get some badass assistance in future…

MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. ― Officials have unveiled a built-to-scale model of a futuristic tilt-rotor drone that they hope meets the need for massive firepower and intelligence that Marines want to have their back or as their wingman in a fight.

The Bell V-247 Vigilant is an unmanned, armed escort that, if demonstrations prove out, could be the hub of both delivering its own payload or coordinating fires from air, land, sea, space, cyber and electronic warfare nodes.

And if you fold the wings, it fits in all the spaces a V-22 Osprey does with room to spare. It even takes up less room than a UH-1Y helicopter.



931f83  No.3192190



Moving up the food chain

SCOOP: House Republicans probing the FBI/DOJ have sent a new round of interview requests to:

-James Comey

-Loretta Lynch

-Sally Yates

-Glenn Simpson

-George Papadopoulos

The inquiry is ramping up for weeks of highly charged testimony: https://t.co/8B95zeOnhl

57b37d  No.3192191


“Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:

(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or

(iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.”

faac75  No.3192192

Next Friday (09.28) Kavanaugh.

Thats 09.11 plus 17 days.

Just sayin'.

No coincidences.

b62bd1  No.3192193


Out of curiosity, could you please provide a status update on the 404 situation?

5fc231  No.3192194

File: 1a4585eb0464cc2⋯.jpg (25.18 KB, 350x245, 10:7, js.jpg)



a0bbba  No.3192195

File: af5b222476ae3bc⋯.jpg (82.9 KB, 614x318, 307:159, 0af60586 (1).jpg)

5a4670  No.3192196


african american, agnostic

1eedbd  No.3192197


crazy story! I knew the punch was being spiked for the purpose of gang raping vulnerable girls so I didn't drink the punch. I continued to go to parties where I knew this was happening to girls and kept myself safe by not drinking the punch. Later I was gang raped because someone spiked my drink with ludes! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

e21e58  No.3192198

File: e43a9ae0d9e2b38⋯.png (202.03 KB, 693x253, 63:23, Screen-Shot-2016-11-27-at-….png)

File: 630948cb7402653⋯.png (84.15 KB, 500x779, 500:779, where-were-the-podestas-on….png)


http:// tapnewswire.com/2017/06/madeleine-mccann-detective-accuses-ex-pm-gordon-brown-and-mi5-of-epic-cover-up-the-podesta-connection/

930a33  No.3192199

File: abae2a09c107e9b⋯.jpg (77.58 KB, 480x514, 240:257, 2irub1~2.jpg)

File: 62801d90e228627⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 601x454, 601:454, 2ipyrm~2.jpg)

Fuck off Avenatti scum.

71a925  No.3192200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He said that in the speech yesterday also.


"I would like to thank the many member states who helped us reach this moment, a moment that is actually far greater than people would understand."

Anons understand. CABAL OUT OF NK

If you guys have not listened to this speech it is epic

293133  No.3192201

File: 46dd22f207c93e6⋯.png (236.42 KB, 640x472, 80:59, ClipboardImage.png)

Pope acknowledges China bishop deal will cause suffering


ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (AP) — Pope Francis acknowledged Tuesday that his landmark deal with China over bishop nominations will cause suffering among the underground faithful. But he said that he takes full responsibility and that he — and not Beijing — will have the ultimate say over naming new bishops.

Francis provided the first details of the weekend agreement signed during an in-flight news conference coming home from the Baltics. The deal aims to end decades of tensions over bishop nominations that had contributed to dividing the Chinese church and hampered efforts at improving bilateral relations.

China's estimated 12 million Catholics are split between those belonging to the government-backed Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, which is outside the pope's authority, and an underground church loyal to the pope. Underground priests and parishioners are frequently detained and harassed.

Francis — and before him Pope Benedict XVI — had tried to unite the two communities, and years of negotiations kicked into high gear over a year ago.

Francis acknowledged that both sides lost something in the talks, and said members of the underground Chinese church "will suffer" as a result of the deal, the text of which has not been released.

"It's true, they will suffer. There is always suffering in an agreement," the pope said.

b7819c  No.3192202

>>3191172 Senate democrats claim firing RR would be a “break the glass” moment

I am officially at the point where I want POTUS to call their bluff and do it. Lets let them show the world just how insane they really are.

f07fb4  No.3192203



make a blog. do this for every speech.


this is fucking great

493e77  No.3192204


lol I witnessed girls get gang raped over and over at these parties and I kept going to them until I was gang raped..

ya ok..

97eb1a  No.3192205

File: 835707ec4f60182⋯.png (35.02 KB, 1196x403, 92:31, HR 5404.PNG)

2f439a  No.3192206


I'm kinda jealous, not gonna deny that.

5da28a  No.3192207

>>3191442 (LB)

What does this mean?

4a1581  No.3192208

File: bb194789dc0c9d0⋯.jpg (114.94 KB, 824x718, 412:359, IMG_20180926_105513_538.JPG)

7d7d3f  No.3192209


How is that weird? Don’t they all?

5da28a  No.3192210

File: 87db57af87c77c4⋯.png (49.21 KB, 178x172, 89:86, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: 93026074f5c387a⋯.png (191.37 KB, 292x383, 292:383, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: e1c39ea4d6b66dc⋯.png (195.81 KB, 303x375, 101:125, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)


fc8b7d  No.3192211

File: 1e10507d0d10ee6⋯.jpg (32.29 KB, 440x430, 44:43, corcept_at_concept__ion.jpg)

File: b4fa7212a793ed4⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 723x352, 723:352, untitled.jpg)

Mr. Stossel,

If the Swedes find 'Distracted Boyfriend' to be sexist, would it still be legally permissable to run a billboard with my ultra low-fidelity yet politically relevant meme? (pic related)

cb2d8f  No.3192212


So now all of China's assets in the U.S. have been frozen per the E.O.?

930a33  No.3192213

File: e47226ec8b57813⋯.jpg (57.14 KB, 719x720, 719:720, downloadfile-3~2.jpg)

File: 2836814baea4aec⋯.jpg (93.89 KB, 651x482, 651:482, 2irstc~3.jpg)

293133  No.3192214

File: e54f061e74fa10a⋯.png (173.63 KB, 640x326, 320:163, ClipboardImage.png)



22bd7c  No.3192215


Many direct comms to us during the UN speeches

Quite exciting he normally doesn't go that direct

50ccf2  No.3192216


I like the reference to BEACH WEEK. Amazing!

479858  No.3192217


Citation needed

6b9557  No.3192218


America First!

American African

0c3676  No.3192219

File: 834e80115a76034⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 768x534, 128:89, J.jpg)

3cce5b  No.3192220


She reportedly saw all of these allegations and said nothing for 36 years.

She was then, allegedly, gang raped and again said nothing for 36 years.

No police reports, no reports to school counselors - nothing for 36 years.

What a crock of shit.

88515e  No.3192221


Well done.

0c3676  No.3192222

File: 6ca772249d91f6a⋯.jpg (79.36 KB, 1020x536, 255:134, yung blood.jpg)

File: a07fb638c957652⋯.png (46.95 KB, 821x287, 821:287, fuckery.png)

58da1d  No.3192223

File: ded51fbb7d78d2c⋯.jpg (11.33 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 64f46fe5689a4678e04f103cf3….jpg)


Thanks for posting anon and thank you Doctor Gottlieb.

5da28a  No.3192224



2047df  No.3192225


Here we go again. By now everyone can see what this is. Things never should have been allowed to get to the point where we have to trust Grassley. It all should have ended after Ford missed the first two deadlines.

Sorry Q, but I don't trust him or any of the rest of them. They are sending another omnibus spending bill to POTUS to sign, and once again, they completely left out funding for the wall. Where is the money for the wall? We want the wall! They cornered POTUS into signing an omnibus bill without the wall money the last time. He said it would never happen again. Yet, here we are. AGAIN.

The people are not stupid. We can see it all clearly from here.


544def  No.3192226

File: 69d72a1c372e529⋯.png (458.51 KB, 710x517, 710:517, Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at ….png)

fda019  No.3192227


It was a slap in the face for Merkel.

Kauder was her closest confidante and he was the one who had the power to rule the members of the CDU party.

After 13 years he was finally voted out of his position

with only 8 votes more in favour of his opponent

(iirc, there were around 250 people voting as a whole).

This outcome was also a result of voting in secret

and not like usual with open hand signs.

Merkel will not resign.

More revolts will have to happen.

930a33  No.3192228

File: c2b0e6296b94094⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 480x560, 6:7, 2ipofp~2.jpg)

File: 899c484a241b365⋯.jpg (55.96 KB, 481x379, 481:379, 2iov5i~2.jpg)

ce908c  No.3192229


means you didn't get it, since you ask.

20360e  No.3192230


Baste = Based = red-pilled truthful content

Noice = Nice

Learn /our/ comms, faggot.

9d4547  No.3192231

File: 6f9e6455bcd9f7e⋯.png (12.57 KB, 143x255, 143:255, 5a1c65d4484d4c35cff761d07c….png)

File: 6f436393645fd58⋯.png (10.69 KB, 143x255, 143:255, 8b1abf0f93ca2c085348b117f4….png)

File: 8d656ea1530aa62⋯.png (11.43 KB, 143x255, 143:255, ebe237742d1b1f31e5b32431c9….png)

18 Year Emerson College (Boston) "ART" Professor Commits Suicide After Being Suspended Without Pay for Sexual Harassment

This was in the media earlier this month but I haven't seen any digs on the guy here yet. Given that Professor Robert Todd was an "ART" professor – an avant garde film maker, to be exact – I think he's worth some digging.

He allegedly killed himself in Franklin Park, in Boston's Jamaica Plain neighborhood. He and his wife, Tessa Day, were and are liberal lefties. Day is still a graduate student at Emerson.

There are lots of articles about him but I hadn't seen this discussed here. Since the story has libtards, art, sex abuse by one in power , and suicide, I thought we ought to give it the 8chan treatment.

Notice the disgustingly respectful and lionizing tone of these articles. The hypocritical, lawless libtards "celebrate" the life of Professor Rob Todd, a known sex abuser, while simultaneously attempting to destroy the life of the esteemed, patriotic, and fully-vetted Judge Kavanaugh without a shred of credible evidence.


Daily Mail - https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6135257/amp/Emerson-professor-filmmaker-54-suspended-sexual-harassment-dead-Boston-park.html?__twitter_impression=true

Inside Higher Ed - https:// www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/09/06/when-rumors-swirled-about-professor-found-dead-emersons-president-risked-sharing

New York Post - https:// nypost.com/2018/09/05/professor-found-dead-had-been-suspended-for-sexual-harassment/

4aff9c  No.3192232


Proofreading Trick #2: Read It Out Loud

Word for word. (Or have someone read it outloud to you, so you can hear the mistakes.)

1eedbd  No.3192233


the crux of her complaint against Kavenaugh is he was at a party she was raped at. He can't be Justice because she saw gang rapes go on at 10 parties and was eventually gang raped herself

092196  No.3192234


nothing scares real anons at this point.

victory or death for this fucker. the worst they can do is torture and kill you. i suspect 90% of us were suicidal/severely depressed at one point.

fuck off shills. you're time is so fucking short. give up


d0d2c3  No.3192235

File: 813d09f02c050ed⋯.png (1.35 MB, 793x1190, 793:1190, 2018-09-26_10-42-38.png)

File: cf90b98fdc5f020⋯.png (890.97 KB, 1107x618, 369:206, 2018-09-26_10-57-09.png)

File: a10595082d0ca2f⋯.png (753.22 KB, 796x449, 796:449, 2018-09-26_10-58-42.png)

File: 2d04b13f550d0f4⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1510x1023, 1510:1023, 2018-09-26_11-00-30.png)


No snakes!

No mark!

No tattoo!


2122a4  No.3192236

File: 6d456d8ac96fe37⋯.jpg (21.35 KB, 350x245, 10:7, Julie Swetnick.jpg)

File: 7fa881347a2a26f⋯.png (131.01 KB, 443x271, 443:271, washingtonpost com Entert….png)


UPS Jim Bruce?

749e16  No.3192237


Sometimes I wonder if he had an entire heart transplant that was publicized as a valve operation. Just sayin'.

d69039  No.3192238


If you want to hear what Donald Trump ACTUALLY said, including the parts left out of the video, check this


0c3676  No.3192239

File: 4cd31dbcf36380b⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 1449x1000, 1449:1000, huma gf.jpg)

File: bf45133516b9b1f⋯.jpg (120.47 KB, 988x661, 988:661, rolling.stone.jpg)

File: ee890218f638231⋯.jpg (43.34 KB, 787x442, 787:442, huuuumaaaaa.jpg)

when is the el chapo trial…

544def  No.3192240

Did, Equitorial Guinea guy, just say

"The international community of Masons…"


f07fb4  No.3192241

File: c7b33b498ede34f⋯.jpg (53.09 KB, 625x425, 25:17, respect.jpg)


fuck off.

concise. accurate. humorous…

what part of that doesnt belong here?

7f5edc  No.3192242



06136d  No.3192243


bring her to hearing

let Rachel cross examine her

3724fc  No.3192244

File: afa89b46f4a7570⋯.png (59.09 KB, 265x187, 265:187, afa89b46f4a7570d90a73a76d0….png)


>US intel community

Mueller is NOT the US intel community.

69cad2  No.3192245


I thought they were already singing behind closed doors?

293133  No.3192246

File: 03928a953a85256⋯.png (96.01 KB, 307x173, 307:173, ClipboardImage.png)



Pope says youth are 'scandalized' by Catholic Church's 'monstrous' abuse crisis


Pope Francis says young Catholics are "scandalized" by the Catholic Church's "monstrous" clergy sexual abuse crisis but adds that church officials who tried to handle abusive priests many years ago should not be judged by today's standards.

The Pope's comments came Tuesday aboard the papal flight home from the Baltics, when he answered reporters' questions for about 50 minutes.

On Tuesday, Francis met with young people in Tallinn, Estonia, where he also acknowledged the church's abuse scandal and said Catholic leaders need to be "converted" to address young people's concerns.

"Young people are scandalized by the hypocrisy of older people," Francis told journalists on Tuesday. "They are scandalized by war. They are scandalized by incongruity, they are scandalized by corruption, and as part of this corruption … sexual abuse."

"In old times these things were covered up," the Pope told journalists on Tuesday. "They were covered up also in the homes when the uncle raped the little niece, or the father raped his children. They were covered up because the shame was very big."

"It is how people thought in the last century," Francis continued. "There is a principle that helps me a lot to interpret history. An historic event must be interpreted with the hermeneutics of that time, not with the hermeneutics of today."

"In old times these things were covered up," the Pope told journalists on Tuesday. "They were covered up also in the homes when the uncle raped the little niece, or the father raped his children. They were covered up because the shame was very big."

d54b13  No.3192247


We already know what the akashic records are anon…we've known all along.

2f439a  No.3192248


Here's a direct link.

Read this and think about what it means for some of our shills.



22bd7c  No.3192249

File: b361329789ec1ad⋯.png (321.03 KB, 700x700, 1:1, b361329789ec1ad10f1a442916….png)


amen anon

282cd2  No.3192250


>Word for word. (Or have someone read it outloud to you, so you can hear the mistakes.)

Is outloud a word? Fucking retard!

50ccf2  No.3192251


Is this Julie Swetnick


40e300  No.3192252

File: d674d8d31f70255⋯.jpg (7.51 KB, 182x173, 182:173, pepe laughing.jpg)


please keep it private. here she is Name, rank and serial #

0bdee2  No.3192253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Any video fags or science fags around? Interesting shot of Jupiter shooting out laser beams or vice versus. Skip to 10:36 on video.

2047df  No.3192254


Not huge. She just lost a little more influence. Its going to take a lot of seriously violent riots or a civil war in that country to get rid of her. The people see the shit she's doing and a whole lot of them STILL vote for her. They need to feel more pain first. That usually does the trick.

930a33  No.3192255

File: 29c572c5d5b5f95⋯.png (107.03 KB, 480x788, 120:197, Screenshot_2018-09-25-05-2….png)

9cc127  No.3192256

Snowden ii failed


cb2d8f  No.3192257

The time has come to disentangle Health Insurance from Employment. It's an old concept stemming from post-WWII wage regulations.

Small business owners say health care costs is biggest issue they face

Small Business Owners say that the most important issue affecting them is the cost of health care, according to the National Small Business Association’s annual Politics of Small Business Survey.

When asked what issues they raised most with elected officials, 40 percent of the surveyed owners said health care costs. Local issues were second on the list at 28 percent and tax reform came third with 37 percent.

The survey found that small business owners are politically active, with 96 percent saying they are registered to vote, 77 percent saying they regularly vote in local elections and 93 percent saying they vote in national contests.


5fc231  No.3192258


Why the FUK would she keep going to parties like this if she knew what was happening? 10 parties and she never said a word??? come on…she should be arrested for not reporting it!

20360e  No.3192260

File: ea30ac641bfccca⋯.png (607.94 KB, 641x795, 641:795, titties7.png)



d259b3  No.3192261

File: 0884df89f86e35e⋯.png (19.52 KB, 480x530, 48:53, painn.PNG)

82741d  No.3192262


Setting the stage to deploy Homeland Security at polling locations. I think that there will be large number of arrests prior to the election for the fraud perpetrated in the recent special elections (Roy Moore).

ab2ba5  No.3192263


I would if I could but we get the same updates as everybody else. If there's any threads that are still 404'd that are not full I can post in them and bring them back according to the global message.

2122a4  No.3192264

File: 1c3b91207d92166⋯.png (213.36 KB, 865x533, 865:533, Jim Bruce U S Chamber o….png)


Jim Bruce

fb32c4  No.3192265

File: e2d71869d04d0d2⋯.png (53.3 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

the Senate should have called on Gina

for interrogating Blasey Ford

0c3676  No.3192266

File: 7f92881332f27be⋯.jpg (57.61 KB, 580x381, 580:381, saipan.jpg)



james woolsey


louis freeh

chinese communist party


chinese takeover if the pacific

742374  No.3192267


my money is on health crisis a few days after Kavanaugh confirmed

6a7253  No.3192269



(Redirected from International Right to Know Day)

Sept 28


[RR] Senate CONF vote?

94 - 6

September 28 is the 271st day of the year (272nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 94 days remaining until the end of the year.

0096c9  No.3192270

File: 41bd22166d67f08⋯.jpg (144.72 KB, 871x575, 871:575, HRC STILL FREE.jpg)


NSA employee who took secret files home sentenced to prison


ce908c  No.3192271

File: 05fbd16714d9605⋯.jpg (423.79 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, redrum.jpg)

File: 62f67dcadf2a1fa⋯.png (831.97 KB, 864x882, 48:49, redrum.png)


>"It is how people thought in the last century," Francis continued. "There is a principle that helps me a lot to interpret history. An historic event must be interpreted with the hermeneutics of that time, not with the hermeneutics of today."

>"In old times these things were covered up," the Pope told journalists on Tuesday. "They were covered up also in the homes when the uncle raped the little niece, or the father raped his children. They were covered up because the shame was very big."

this fucking francis

the nerve of this beast

cec8bc  No.3192272

A spokesman for left-wing billionaire financier George Soros is acknowledging that he indirectly funded Fusion GPS, the firm behind the Steele dossier

Sources have told The Daily Caller News Foundation in the past that Soros helped fund Fusion’s post-election work on Russian interference in the election process


aba231  No.3192273

File: d89a397b16abc64⋯.png (54.72 KB, 219x255, 73:85, FreeCandy.png)

7c6b94  No.3192274

Things are really speeding up now boys.

4aff9c  No.3192275


I forgot a "space".

Give me the gun, I'll do it myself.

<hangs head in shame>

544def  No.3192276

File: a5b837595320841⋯.png (290.87 KB, 1573x1097, 1573:1097, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)


Jim Bruce – her new kilted friend - is a broad man…

fbba0f  No.3192278


Yup. It’s finally hitting the public. We had the preview of this info from q.

b0f620  No.3192279


Oh yeah, big time.

They know that all the social media whores and activist retards don't vote. Theyre trying to make it trendy kek

58da1d  No.3192280


okay. fair enough. why are you sure she's Ford's half sis? help us all out. rabbit hole.

7f5edc  No.3192281

20360e  No.3192282

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

0c3676  No.3192283

File: 858c5341d2dc4f2⋯.png (219.1 KB, 394x476, 197:238, no rape.png)



i wuz rapd

7442d8  No.3192284

WoW outstanding did the board just go into Warp Drive????

Good Job Sir _o7

69cad2  No.3192285


I suspect they will not answer questions in public, so what's the point? They'll plead the 5th.

57b37d  No.3192286


Per the EO, it sounds like an investigation must be completed within 45 days of the election and the results handed over for implementing.

If China was already caught and they have evidence after Sept 12, then they’re getting hit- but it likely won’t happen until the 45 days are up.

930a33  No.3192287

File: 107d18cfb72ba8f⋯.png (25.63 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-09-26-08-0….png)

I like the way children smell.

Pope Francis.

11b945  No.3192288


Agree… but can you sauce where we see pompeos travel schedule?

0c3676  No.3192289

File: be107ff92844fb6⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 410x600, 41:60, fake.jpg)


d54b13  No.3192290

File: e0842dfc5e54bf1⋯.jpg (50.4 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, zina-bash-ok-hand-sign-102….jpg)


I don't know why we aren't putting OK girl behind Kavanaugh on the bench.

54a2d4  No.3192291

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


Hey baker let me know if you need a break.

544def  No.3192292

File: efc3755aa37ea23⋯.jpg (37.37 KB, 450x626, 225:313, static1.squarespace.jpg)

2047df  No.3192293



I posted something similar. I'm so sick and tired of all the bullshit from everywhere. I don't even post with a VPN. Let them come and get me. I have a nice surprise waiting for whoever shows up. I might die, but some of them will too. I'm so fucking over them and all their evil and bullshit now. Whatever.

15a695  No.3192294

File: 9e766ffa0f3e299⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 96AEA97F-5110-4714-87EA-06….png)

Stormy weather for Cuomo?


53bcd5  No.3192295

File: ace739b6fa31681⋯.jpg (93.82 KB, 1000x761, 1000:761, Untitled1.jpg)

File: 98295f83103c67e⋯.jpg (96.4 KB, 1000x726, 500:363, Untitled2.jpg)

File: 047f45f42006eca⋯.jpg (118.49 KB, 1000x813, 1000:813, Untitled3.jpg)

The FCC is holding this Open Meeting on the subjects listed below:

-Kari's Law NPRM

-Presentation on Connect America Fund Phase II Auction Results

-Wireless Infrastructure Order

-Enforcement Bureau Action x2

-Cable Data Collection

-Toll Free Assignment Modernization

-Satellite Earth Stations in Motion


FCC SEP 26 2018 September 2018 Open Commission Meeting

3cce5b  No.3192297


She looks very familiar, I've seen her somewhere before. Going to dig.

fda019  No.3192298


watching now

2f439a  No.3192299


You are clearly not familiar with the nuances of "Iowa Nice".

Be patient, anon.

5a4670  No.3192300

File: 9eb7c9595ee7c50⋯.png (23.51 KB, 782x228, 391:114, Screenshot_2018-09-26 Juli….png)


are we sure?

71a925  No.3192301


When she is a no show, Grassley needs to call for a vote on the spot.

Dems freak, and in a prefect scenario, walk out on the American people for all to see.

faf5f7  No.3192302


It is huge, cause merkel is a lame duck no.

she lost her life insurance with kauder. It is now only a matter of time until the beast is finally gone.

8f9fe5  No.3192303


blue logo at the top doesn't look like the client biz cards for ups, I have. Not 100%

06136d  No.3192304


Q said ll is singing

if so, ll will answer questions

the rest may plead the 5th

bad optics for them

8a1b45  No.3192305

I saw that Juliette Lewis is going to be on "The Connors". It started me digging on Scientology, knowing she is a member. While digging I noticed that Sara Gilbert's "The Talk" took the time slot of "As The World Turns". I tried to dig on Sara's real father (Harold Abeles) but there is barely any info available on him, strange considering he was a Hollywood attorney. It seems pretty fishy to me that Sara has become so powerful in Hollywood considering her lack of talent and plain Jane appearance. CDAN blind says she had sex before legal age with a lesbian who was 18 years older than her.

2b724b  No.3192306

File: d3aaf27ed17bc46⋯.png (210.17 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ALoneSM.png)

cf7b7b  No.3192307

File: 475ed0b213d3597⋯.png (40.64 KB, 938x279, 938:279, adelaGildoMazzon.png)

File: ea3086850881db9⋯.png (722.99 KB, 1184x626, 592:313, adelaGildoMazzon02.png)

File: 3fe2a1370b453f9⋯.png (119.19 KB, 1023x565, 1023:565, adelaGildoMazzon05.png)

File: 47008b1a5197816⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1181x2461, 1181:2461, adelaGildoMazzon06.png)

File: 5923e1660412a14⋯.png (103.8 KB, 1181x992, 1181:992, adelaMazzonRehold.png)

reposting and consolidating from last bread since theres a notable to dig the name Adela Gildo Mazzon.

The bitch scrubbed her linkedin and probably other social media from the looks of it.There was one link with her profile pic on yandex. There are still linkedin images when searching through a Goolag Image search though. Also goes by the name Orozco. Real estate agent. On the board of directors of Blossom. Companies and names to dig on mylife page

Adela G Mazzon, 49


Adela Gildo Mazzon, Adela Gildo, Adela Gildo-Mazzon, Adela Gildo Orozco, Adela G Orozco, A N, Mazzon Adela Gildo, Mazzon Living Gildo, Orozco Adela Gildo

Menlo Park, CA

Closest known relatives

Irasema Gildo 28 Ronaldo J Orozco Hernan A Gildo 36 Lisa J Orozco 40 Maurizio M Mazzon 60 Irasema Gildo 55 Irasema Gildo 30 A N Mauro Mazzon 56 Adela Gildo-Mazzon 49 Joyce J Wilton 69






53bcd5  No.3192308

File: 1652534a7a7c1eb⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 600x334, 300:167, Pointing to GOD.jpg)

fbba0f  No.3192309

File: 9d654c21bf635b9⋯.jpeg (40.43 KB, 261x355, 261:355, 7945FE7E-C9E2-4AD4-9550-2….jpeg)


Spoopy crusifix imo

544def  No.3192310

File: 3d541749018dfcc⋯.png (115.9 KB, 1161x696, 387:232, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

cb2d8f  No.3192311


Which puts us into October, kek!

7f5edc  No.3192312

File: 54b269a398654e3⋯.jpg (36.14 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, 89B31898-DA55-4C5E-86E8-C0….jpg)

US Intel Chief Warns China Perfecting 'Surveillance State'

Sauce -



China's growing prowess in cyberspace is a bigger, more dangerous threat to the United States than Russia's attempt to undermine U.S. elections, Washington's top intelligence official said, warning that Beijing is on a path that could lead to global supremacy.

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats characterized the Chinese threat as deliberate, methodical and subtle, allowing it to escape the type of notoriety that has followed Moscow's exploits.

Most worrisome, Coats said, is the way in which an increasingly aggressive China is taking advantage of its relative stable relationship with the U.S. and the rest of the world to hone its cyber capabilities internally.

Specifically, he cited China's use of its ongoing crackdown on Muslims in the Xinjiang region as a testing ground for its cyber capabilities.

Intelligence officials and human rights groups estimate that China has rounded up possibly millions of Uighurs and other Muslims minorities, including families and children, sending them to re-education centers, where they are forced to renounce their religion and their culture.

ca18f6  No.3192313

File: e5da5f8f094a46b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1111x799, 1111:799, falcon-of-happenings.png)

File: 6574c56a26ee415⋯.png (969.66 KB, 1111x633, 1111:633, HRPNN.png)

File: e808649426f5c3d⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1248x1000, 156:125, It-is-the-Lords-doing.jpg)

File: 6e6261c03e571dd⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 999x999, 1:1, I.jpg)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

5fc231  No.3192314


10 KIDS?!?!?

db7cbc  No.3192315


Julie is now single, and also has 10 children. ???

c8f933  No.3192316

File: 3bb11a11b646e1a⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 950x377, 950:377, International Day for the ….jpg)

88515e  No.3192317


That could shut the left up. We just water boarded Kavanaugh and his story checks out. Dr. Ford declined questioning after Kavanaugh went first.

53bcd5  No.3192319

File: 5060700169595e9⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 600x406, 300:203, Death.jpg)

5429ec  No.3192320


I bet we can get a lot more than four people to sign sworn affidavits saying that they heard that Jimmy Kimmel was harvesting adrenochrome from little children.

0c3676  No.3192321

File: 8638854abef4778⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 474x315, 158:105, bavaria.jpg)

File: b285a95a34611aa⋯.jpg (270.87 KB, 1300x694, 650:347, him.jpg)

File: 2d67a3ee9939551⋯.jpg (55.41 KB, 474x428, 237:214, pointy.jpg)

iran contra

bcci pak


7c6b94  No.3192322

File: 99ee354e88aa516⋯.png (433.07 KB, 955x716, 955:716, 6082680D-2E25-4986-82E5-E9….png)


Here here! At this point we have been so fucked psychologically by being forced to live in a world that you know is false, surrounded by people who think YOU are the crazy one when it’s the other way around. So we camp out the chans and fight amongst ourselves, not knowing we were mentally preparing ourselves for this. We have been so harsh to one another but it just made us stronger and immune to anything they throw at us.

We are one mighty faggot.

544def  No.3192323

File: 307356c349b9570⋯.png (126.94 KB, 914x553, 914:553, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: 7b39d0728936745⋯.png (338.98 KB, 915x1167, 305:389, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: e721ce45d2e4f18⋯.png (342.83 KB, 1420x698, 710:349, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: a775b6590cc6626⋯.png (569.04 KB, 935x1162, 935:1162, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

Twats re Creepy Pron Lawyer:


7f5edc  No.3192324

File: 15cf5b914fb4ffc⋯.jpg (176.21 KB, 699x393, 233:131, fetal tissue_16x9.jpg)

Trump administration to review human fetal tissue research

By Meredith WadmanSep. 25, 2018 , 5:50 PM

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in Washington, D.C., which funds much of the nation’s biomedical research, has launched a “comprehensive review” of human fetal tissue research, to ensure that it’s complying with laws and regulations. The move comes on the heels of letters to the chiefs of HHS and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Silver Spring, Maryland, from antiabortion groups and lawmakers decrying a recent FDA contract with a firm that supplies fetal tissue. Fetal tissue research is legal under a 1993 law.

“HHS has initiated a comprehensive review of all research involving fetal tissue to ensure consistency with statutes and regulations governing such research,” and to ensure adequate oversight “in light of the serious regulatory, moral, and ethical considerations involved,” the department said in a statement issued yesterday.

The action was accompanied by the abrupt cancellation of a contract under which a company, Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) of Alameda, California, was supplying fetal tissue to FDA to create so-called humanized mice for drug testing. HHS also said it would now audit all similar government contracts for tissue procurement.


69cad2  No.3192325


Makes sense, but I'm not sure optics are going to help those that have lost their minds, especially when tribunals start. I believe Q mentioned martial law? So, why bother with optics? Get down to business.

07d15c  No.3192326



and african american

2f439a  No.3192327


Re-read that EO, ComprehensionAnon. :)

74f4cb  No.3192328


Sara Gilbert is a tool for (((them))).

I would not ever trust one word that comes out of her mouth.

Traitor in the highest sense.

fda019  No.3192329


He isn't one of us.

baf8f0  No.3192330

anybody have a link for the hearings?

d259b3  No.3192331

File: b54c1dd2acd0b15⋯.png (32.96 KB, 555x561, 185:187, maga1.PNG)

File: 670f50dd23ee366⋯.png (33.8 KB, 635x568, 635:568, maga2.PNG)

File: c102f5f05fd4594⋯.png (32.32 KB, 506x542, 253:271, maga3.PNG)

File: 7d0d27e5d1676fd⋯.png (32.65 KB, 607x552, 607:552, maga4.PNG)

fd9375  No.3192332


Which "Jesus Christ" is he referring too?

749e16  No.3192333

File: 0dd6941aed6d7c9⋯.jpg (51.79 KB, 748x499, 748:499, 183541-women-redhead-blue_….jpg)






>Beat me to it, anon!

c9131c  No.3192334

Julie Swetnick declaration


ce908c  No.3192335


>why are you sure

gotta send us on some goosechase or other

drunkpicknick table

some woman w soros

etc etc

b62bd1  No.3192336


Gotcha, fair enough.

Apologies for the lack of notification.

Not sure if it's on my end or a site issue, owing to the hiccups.

Will do my best to be persistent without being too annoying for future notifications.

Thank you again for all your hard work and diligence.


Feeling good for now, but if you'd like to bake in a bit, that works for me.

I'll shout out in the next bread, just say the word.

89c6bc  No.3192337


I'm thinking that's his sister in law, her and Ashley's face are very similar looking. Already established who okgirl is?

7f9db2  No.3192338

WTF boliva

c4bf85  No.3192339

File: 1d069f077e53b20⋯.png (851.63 KB, 1494x1136, 747:568, Mckinnon.png)

File: 93e7022d4458213⋯.png (203.01 KB, 1548x722, 774:361, Q 1337.png)

Baker Notable


Was lurking around on the Alien, UFO thread here and came across this article. Article was published back in 2015 about a hacker, Gary McKinnon, who reportedly gained access to the US NASA and Navy computers.

Here's a little excerpt to spark a little interest anons. Also look at pictures attached.

“If you look at DARPA [Defence Advanced Research and Projects Agency] literature at the moment and in the last few years it’s all about ‘space dominance,’ that is the final frontier,” McKinnon told Project Camelot.

Maybe some autist can help dig into Building 8 and how its connected to DARPA. When I search Q post with 'DARPA' a lot crumbs in the direction of FB and GOOG.

f568dc  No.3192340

This globalist is so full of it…..

cc2c9d  No.3192341



Trust the plan.

Enjoy the show.

(Re_read crumbs)

0f9913  No.3192342


she did her part…

6829b8  No.3192343

File: 6a1a98195ee273a⋯.png (2.48 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 845678B4-E11E-4D43-B502-62….png)

Anons, some of you are most likely on the email list and received an email for this. If not, go here and sign the petition supporting Kavanaugh - if you’re okay with putting your name out there. I feel it’s the least we can do to help.


54a2d4  No.3192344


Hell yes anon. They threw a lot at me and we're still here. So glad to be a part of this.

544def  No.3192345

File: 030262b0a164802⋯.png (110.31 KB, 913x522, 913:522, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

Democratic colleagues did not treat Dr. Ford or her allegation with the seriousness and discretion she deserved. At the 11th hour, when its introduction was certain to introduce further delay, they got it to the press. So much for Dr. Ford’s request for confidentiality, I guess.


3ab90c  No.3192346


What site is this from?

d0d2c3  No.3192347

File: c1e5529ebc542cf⋯.png (376.73 KB, 565x481, 565:481, 2018-09-26_11-07-02.png)

File: 1545cdaa106f417⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1140x853, 1140:853, 2018-09-26_11-08-41.png)

File: e4017e8afa22376⋯.png (943.33 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, 2018-09-26_11-09-35.png)

File: 228f29a43c44ed0⋯.png (764.27 KB, 675x511, 675:511, 2018-09-26_11-12-28.png)


Ever wonder what goes on in the snake pits ehind those 40 foot walls surrounding the Vatican?



ab2ba5  No.3192348


You're good, hit us up when you need us, otherwise why even bother having staff?

e2a119  No.3192349


The backward suggestion is a proven technique. Longtime professional copyeditor fag.

7f9db2  No.3192350



5b1cb1  No.3192351

File: b7c64fc0abae912⋯.png (528.99 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Nostradamus-President-Pred….png)


Not a Nostrofag, but didn't Nostradamus say that in the end, it'd be the Eagle and the Bear against the Arabs and the Lords of the Orient? Any Anons up on this?

20360e  No.3192352



Sounds like something Q might sing to us, no?

Pain without love

Pain, I can't get enough

Pain, I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

You're sick of feeling numb

You're not the only one

I'll take you by the hand

And I'll show you a world that you can understand

This life is filled with hurt

When happiness doesn't work

Trust me and take my hand

When the lights go up, you will understand

Pain (pain) without love

Pain (pain) can't get enough

Pain (pain) I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Pain (pain) without love

Pain (pain) can't get enough

Pain (pain) I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Anger and agony

Are better than misery

Trust me, I've got a plan

When the lights go up, you will understand

Pain (pain) without love

Pain (pain) can't get enough

Pain (pain) I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Pain (pain) without love

Pain (pain) can't get enough

Pain (pain) I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing

Rather feel pain

(I know, I know, I know, I know)

I know that you're wounded

(You know, you know, you know, you know)

That I'm here to save you

(You know, you know, you know, you know)

I'm always here for you

(I know, I know, I know, I know)

That you'll thank me later

Pain without love

Pain, can't get enough

Pain, I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Pain (pain) without love

Pain (pain) can't get enough

Pain (pain) I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Pain (pain) without love

Pain (pain) can't get enough

Pain (pain) I like it rough

'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Rather feel pain than nothing at all

Rather feel pain

bfd8eb  No.3192354


Interesting indeed. Most all of my followers are just friends & family.

I was very surprised to see that this morning. Yep, going hmmmm over here too…

388b24  No.3192355

File: ceec7615a0be8e0⋯.png (325.16 KB, 474x352, 237:176, ClipboardImage.png)


>Which "Jesus Christ"

pic related

a0bbba  No.3192356

File: ebad3752b3dacc2⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 513x322, 513:322, the_grammar_gun_by_industr….jpg)

53bcd5  No.3192357

File: c3d7cc6d8df9781⋯.jpg (180.55 KB, 800x795, 160:159, Cocaine Mitch.jpg)


Yeah that was pretty glaring.

3cce5b  No.3192358

Julie Swetnick lived in the following cities:

Washington, DC

Bethesda, MD

Montgomery Village, MD

Miami, FL

San Jose, CA

San Francisco, CA

Rockville, MD

6b9557  No.3192359

File: dfb28e30496f9ca⋯.jpg (113.92 KB, 651x571, 651:571, Room101.jpg)

57b37d  No.3192360


Unfortunately only those shills paid through foreign funding…

(Psst- don’t use emotes here)

b8f80e  No.3192361


>the people are not stupid

Good point, we have yet to see any evidence of them actually being stupid.

3724fc  No.3192362


Her only purpose is to force a subpoena of Mark Judge from what I see.

cb2d8f  No.3192363

File: df87c6d2923868a⋯.jpg (6.56 KB, 250x223, 250:223, pepe_thumbsup.jpg)

b0f620  No.3192364


I have a hard time believing there was a line of dudes waiting to fuck this passed out drunk chick. These people are all ugly and stupid.

fd9375  No.3192365


It's not looking good.

7c6b94  No.3192366


Kek. Never thought I’d see the day when Mitch’s little balls dropped

a387c2  No.3192367

File: 9228e8e4ea0f62a⋯.png (147.88 KB, 305x408, 305:408, popePIPER.png)


It needs the "free candy" sign … but I cannot find it.

544def  No.3192368

File: 569867a86488ce3⋯.png (689.56 KB, 905x899, 905:899, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

Very positive meeting with #DPRK Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho @UNGA to discuss upcoming summit & next steps toward denuclearization of #NorthKorea. Much work remains, but we will continue to move forward. @StateDept


20360e  No.3192369


Fuggin' owl!

a0bbba  No.3192370

File: e09398ccba4d731⋯.jpg (24.1 KB, 287x175, 41:25, 5b41b38a1bb44a0fbb7272ad16….jpg)

749e16  No.3192371


It takes a while, but it's worth it in the end. Never really went to college, but somehow, I find myself writing a number of papers on things I've never studied. Funny how that works out…

b1211f  No.3192372

File: a2b79470d79feb9⋯.png (394.6 KB, 699x878, 699:878, phonevoting.PNG)

Nothing to see here.


2b724b  No.3192373

File: b782c3cf040bbf7⋯.png (579.06 KB, 1226x675, 1226:675, NottooLate2.png)

Bolivia is woke but doesn't realize Trump is changing direction of US leadership from the cabal!

07d15c  No.3192374


that's what I see, as well. it's just another attempt to stall

282cd2  No.3192375

File: 2ff81ec3ad58947⋯.png (46.72 KB, 641x329, 641:329, Screenshot_2018-09-26_16-1….png)

File: 84dd2d6a7167558⋯.png (164.5 KB, 401x511, 401:511, Screenshot_2018-09-26 Mich….png)

File: 8470992ac8e0e6c⋯.png (147.8 KB, 400x511, 400:511, Screenshot_2018-09-26 Mich….png)

54a2d4  No.3192376


Feeling especially appreciate today. I'll keep an eye out next bread and work on some memes in the mean time. Thanks baker.

3cce5b  No.3192377

Julie Swetnick's relatives:

Elaine Swetnick

Martin Swetnick

53bcd5  No.3192378

File: 427ee313af6e507⋯.png (425 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe-AW.png)

7773ed  No.3192379




fuck you newfaggot

fd9375  No.3192380


Lol. So much wrong in one sentence.

930a33  No.3192381

Hello USA

How did you allow the Chinese to take control of ports around the globe?

Are all your elected leaders bought and sold

Like.used rags or prostitutes? I'd say both!

As the Greeks did in the days gone by -

You all.should hang for your treason…

To your country


b1211f  No.3192382


wow wtf

544def  No.3192383

File: 295cead4e67c8be⋯.png (74.31 KB, 919x424, 919:424, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

Christine Blasey Ford filed her charges against Kavanaugh with the Democrats instead of the police.

Pretty much tells you all you need to know.


50ccf2  No.3192384


Is CPL trying to troll the Chans back?

d14a9d  No.3192385

File: 5b47999f787c847⋯.png (759.16 KB, 1188x677, 1188:677, ALGOR - chinese puppet.png)

74f4cb  No.3192386


Are you kidding me? We all know a teenaged boy will fuck anything. They're not interested in the face.

e7b887  No.3192387



e00025  No.3192388

File: a4c26ce7dc90e89⋯.png (287.3 KB, 530x368, 265:184, ClipboardImage.png)

Has this one been posted?


cf7b7b  No.3192389

File: 4f8b3153b6d5a64⋯.png (209.96 KB, 1300x1384, 325:346, strzokBlaseyFordSauced3.png)


anon updated that graphic this morning. Jill and Peter are 2nd cousins through Sidney Strzok. Also in graphic both worked at ITT

1b5def  No.3192390

File: e696939eea5a8b7⋯.png (1.24 MB, 900x603, 100:67, F041A803-EE61-49F8-A16E-9C….png)

File: 0496221b540f501⋯.png (210.21 KB, 347x280, 347:280, 2E19936E-E327-474C-A118-4F….png)

File: c593d0115323bdd⋯.png (221.46 KB, 300x241, 300:241, 30920D6D-A97F-495F-82BB-E7….png)

File: 5b4cb4e294eef8e⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, A651E3C5-0E6F-4B38-BB0E-5D….png)

0c3676  No.3192391

File: 22c7a563fbca527⋯.jpg (158.25 KB, 700x466, 350:233, v bank.jpg)

File: 3ab7917ed1378af⋯.jpg (13.79 KB, 521x301, 521:301, calvi blackfriars.jpg)

File: 53ef3b6e63de738⋯.jpg (232.25 KB, 1940x1530, 194:153, papa $.jpg)



a0bbba  No.3192392

File: 5fdf7f336ca48fd⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 512x262, 256:131, iu (7).jpg)

File: faa6909737d2a9f⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 466x353, 466:353, iu.jpg)

4a1581  No.3192393


No we're not sure. She's a spook. Plus they're wise to us and who knows what bs is out there. The info you've posted is obviously wrong.

8578a1  No.3192394

File: 9d745e9d9fbb48e⋯.jpg (120.47 KB, 1374x1031, 1374:1031, pol meetup.jpg)

/pol/ meetup

so THIS is the power of weaponized autism, huh?

d54b13  No.3192395



Wifeanon asked why I listened to NPR driving to work if it makes me so mad….training.

e21634  No.3192396

There is clearly something MAJOR happening around the world right now.

Morals will be our watershed moment.

The “tipping point” has arrived.

06136d  No.3192397


you may be right

but look at it as a chess match

every single move is calculated and has great meaning

ae94e0  No.3192398



All these women are nut jobs plain and simple.

Ford, Taylor and now the new bimbo Swetnick….

They are all looking for their collective 15 seconds of fame but thanks to the age of technology they can't back up anything they say.

If Ford said it really happened then as I remember going to keg parties in college there were always people there with their Instamatic cameras taking pictures to remember the moment. Hell I even have a few old pics in which friends documented something and gave us all a copy of the picture

Taylor with no photo proof over all the years…come on…total bullshit….there are photos of Bush senior out and let's not forget pics of Billy Blow job with Monica

And now the latest slut Swetnick, lets see how fast this ball of yarn unrolls.

All three bimbo's had motive for their bizarre actions and it wasn't what they say it was.

c66889  No.3192399


I agree

df2ba9  No.3192400


So this is true then.

e7b887  No.3192401


Nice how he incorporated BEACH WEEK from the calendar! Kek

ce908c  No.3192402


nice priorities you got there, "Swedish authorities".


b0f620  No.3192403

File: 2972383a9c58bb9⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 232x217, 232:217, fknsvd.jpg)


LOVE! ty Anon!

e21634  No.3192404


It’s everywhere. There isn’t an aspect of life this hasn’t touched.

1eedbd  No.3192405

File: 420bbcf6ac57a7b⋯.jpg (32.27 KB, 793x190, 793:190, silly.JPG)

File: f847951af663997⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 760x144, 95:18, silly1.JPG)

here are some of the comments tweeted on the CPL client declaration post. This is insane! She didn't declare anything criminal about Kavenaugh!

f22372  No.3192406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Accuses China of 2018 Election Interference at UN Security Council 9/26/18

e2a5d8  No.3192407


A fucking PLUS anon!

This kinda brought a tear to my eyes, so happy to be here among frens

16a91d  No.3192408

File: 83fd4a8d31e21d9⋯.png (187.79 KB, 835x571, 835:571, FakeNews.png)

Ralph Blasey, Jr is NOT Nick Deak's son.

Nick Deak's son is the guy connected with the Ground Zero Mosque, R. Leslie Deak.

This appears to be an attempt to divert attention away from Ralph Blasey Jr's well-documented connection to Red Coats, Inc., Admiral & DataWatch. Plenty there to dig through.

Stop doing the clowns' work for them.

fukkin amateurs

81c732  No.3192409

File: de81cd11efd0486⋯.png (30.56 KB, 476x490, 34:35, 1985.png)

Bill Priestap and Mike Kortan still have to get their turn

20360e  No.3192410


Just tell her this;

Know your enemy, know yourself, and you will always be victorious.

—Sun Tzu

fdd3f2  No.3192411

File: 41da6cc030f6209⋯.jpeg (227.19 KB, 914x1168, 457:584, FBAF54D3-12A4-45E6-96C7-3….jpeg)

File: 2a12e6b50ddfe2b⋯.jpeg (263.57 KB, 916x1174, 458:587, 506A909F-81B7-4F74-AB2D-5….jpeg)

File: 5d994ea55d1b994⋯.jpeg (281.11 KB, 916x1182, 458:591, 9385F56F-D809-49F6-BAD2-C….jpeg)

Creepy porn lawyer client sworn statement

fc8b7d  No.3192412


I was at a gazillion parties where multiple boys ran trains using multiple girls, multiple times, at multiple places but………………………..

I'M THE ONLY ONE who has come forward to discuss these events and trauma?

Apparently, none of the other assualted women care to corroborate my testimony and none of the men present, but not involved (or who were and feel guilty now, years later) have come forward to describe these events and name names?

Ugh, and I'm totally credible because I work for the federal government. You know, like those employees being outed daily by James O'Keefe.

d14a9d  No.3192413

File: f74a948c303f474⋯.jpg (101.06 KB, 540x810, 2:3, tumblr_pflkvwNqQF1uk1edm_5….jpg)


Thank you anon. Perfect timing

74f4cb  No.3192414


Imo they are not looking for fame. They are being used by (((them))).

We dont know how they were bought, but they were.

c66889  No.3192415


I can't sleep. I can feel it coming, just matter of days

c9131c  No.3192416


can you grab the first page of that declaration?

fd9375  No.3192417

File: 325ffab8ab2cb46⋯.jpg (80.08 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5baa38e7dda4c8890d8b45bc.jpg)

‘Threat’ from rivals? Pig heads with knives found at doorstep of Moscow lawmaker (PHOTO)


baf8f0  No.3192418


Yeah…gotta be a little bit direct here…I LOVE President Trump, BUT I HATE the Republican party ALMOST as much as I hate the Democrats…I want to see both sides of the isle brought to justice! I'm sure this link is going to ask me to donate to the Republican party…NOPE…I have donated but will donate to President Trump himself going forward…just NOT the Republican party! Screw 'em! They need to go down just as much as the Dems!

41e45d  No.3192419

File: c7fd64c3202f8a6⋯.jpg (327.21 KB, 940x500, 47:25, bostonfirecracker.jpg)

>>3191709 lb notable

2nd Kavanaugh accuser now refusing to testify

>>3191711 lb notable

People are used to / they have been adapted to believing the fucking crisis actors - every week for years; so this is what it has led to

Every week a new fucking crisis actor, day in and day out, and they believe it.

"As the World Turns" lads

Politics by "Soap Opera"

"As the World Turns" every day a new segment.

All crappy writers.

No need for logic, just get involved with the narrative, with the story-line.

cf : Zelikow - who apparently helped mold the public legend of "9/11" and cover the true story.

a good podcast on LARP ,



It s good info.

I don't think "Q" project is LARP ; but the military study group behavior and group online behavior - propagation of information, effects on actions; all that. Belief systems.

So the LARP projects of the past would've influenced the genesis of the "Q" project.

I disagree with quite a few of Steve O's points, some doesn't seem logical to me, such as "people with zero background are more suspect to be gov agents.."

No. Gov agents get backgrounds and bios fabricated for themselves. Real researchers may need to be anon.

And other quibbles.

Still it's very informative and gives a good perspective on the field, as it stands.

Outtrim is a New Zelander who left USA after some scary threats to his family. He's done a lot of good work.. for instance , Social engineering; Burning Man - Ooutrim is very through. Always backs ups his work with citations and sources.

Still need to listen all the way though and I'll likely have more comments.

It all relates to how the public believes these Crisis Actors, such as Ford and her whole clique. [why I'm posting it under these links]

We've been propagandized so much- the gov. actions have been supposedly technically legal since 2012 - most - at least what you can gauge from online comments [which may in large part be sock puppets] most can't tell up from down

They don't realized they are being played.

That is why the shills come here and accuse us of exactly that!

: The shills continue to claim those who work on Q research are being played!?

That's why they do it.

And as we all know the criminal conspirators always accuse others of what they themselves do.

b1211f  No.3192420


Fuck China

40e300  No.3192421


wait there's no mention of her accusing Kavanaugh of doing anything to her. its all I saw him there doing this. wow. she saw this happening and did nothing. Fucking Zero.

092a6b  No.3192422


They target Apple users and tailor there FB, google, Twitter, etc feeds to indoctrinate the voters 1 degree at a time into manipulating the minds of voters. They’re using Beleif Propagation - AI software to do this.

c79fc4  No.3192423

Sorry haven't been here for awhile, but could the bread please be modified to change Human/Sex Trafficking to Human/Sex Trafficking Arrests as it was originally intended?

81c732  No.3192424

Julie Swetnick Revealed As Michael Avenatti’s Client Accusing Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Misconduct

https:// www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/michael-avenatti-third-kavanaugh-accuser_us_5ba8838ce4b069d5f9d43c72

e36f96  No.3192425

Tfw the lizards try and fuck with you

And youre like ayy lmao

69cad2  No.3192426


If Grassley had said at 10pm last Friday time's up. You're done. Vote Monday. We wouldn't be here.

c9131c  No.3192427


nm , i'll scroll up

5b1cb1  No.3192428

File: 4ae9b5e2eebe355⋯.jpg (180.15 KB, 577x750, 577:750, Portrait_of_Thomas_Paine.jpg)


Who was Thomas Paine?

Was it said that "Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain".

What did Paine (Pain) write that shook up the old order so badly?

Common Sense

The American Crisis

The Age of Reason

The Rights of Man


The more you know…


8f2b7e  No.3192430



e2d79b  No.3192431

FLOTUS, in a televised speech from the UN, announced she will be traveling to four countries in Africa including Kenya.

1152b5  No.3192432

>>3192419 anybody got a live link?

892b60  No.3192433

File: eb852557be87c27⋯.jpg (249.68 KB, 3192x2352, 19:14, ipad on robot CBF.jpg)

2f439a  No.3192434



Also, don't be creepy and weird.

b0f620  No.3192435

File: 7abc03908b14f11⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 255x144, 85:48, whitehatinaction SMALL SIZ….jpg)


kek couldn't have said it better Anon

544def  No.3192436





e7b887  No.3192437


This bitch SERIOUSLY is overplaying her hand. Wow. She should go to jail if what she's saying is true. She's claiming she KNEW that they were Cosbying the Punch so that they could rape unconsious women, and further more had a rape club where this went on continuously… AND SHE NEVER EVER TOLD THE POLICE OF THIS OBVIOUS AND DISGUSTING CRIME? She was therefore a knowing accomplice.

You simply DON'T attend parties where evil criminals are actively being evil criminals without trying to stop evil criminals unless you are yourself an EVIL CRIMINAL. FULL STOP.

This story is complete BULLSHIT

cf7b7b  No.3192438


some Gildo Mazzon Orozco digs here >>3192307

>From Mylife

About Adela Mazzon

Birthday: 11/20/1968

Political Party: Info Pending…

Ethnicity: Info Pending…

Religion: Info Pending…

Income: Info Pending…

Net Worth: Info Pending…

Relationship: Info Pending…

Kids: Info Pending…

Work History

Title: Marketing Manager

Company: HAPPYneuron, Inc.

City: Info Pending…

Start: Info Pending…

End: Current

Title: Marketing Communications Manager

Company: Menerva Technologies

City: Info Pending…

Start: 2000

End: 2001

Title: Sales/Trade Show Manager

Company: GeoNet Communications, Inc.

City: Info Pending…

Start: Info Pending…

End: Current

Title: Marketing and Business Development Consultant

Company: Various Companies (Self-employed)

City: Info Pending…

Start: Info Pending…

End: Current

7c7dfa  No.3192439


Well, who knows what the fuck they are messing around with genetically - crossbreeds/hybrids. Fucked up surgical procedures/head transplants? Is the human centipede/saw more of a documentary? Drug/paralyze a person so they can watch/be conscious as they are eaten.

Why Ringmaster? Do they have some kind of show? How fucked up do you want to get. Place your bets - fight to the death - 10 x 10 yr olds vs 20 x 5 yr old children. How long can 20 kids survive against a tiger? 1 adult vs 10 kids with weapons.

Once you get magnitudes worse than that I don't even fucking know.

f202f2  No.3192440


I'm followed by all of those and I don't have the mAjIk check mark.

I'm also blocked by CreepyPornLawyer, Hitlery, Chuckles Schroomer and a bunch of others. Can't imagine why, I'm really nice on twitter. Well not nice nice, honest nice.

d54b13  No.3192441


Its her current night time read coincidentally.

fc8b7d  No.3192442


Cheers anon.

a0bbba  No.3192443

File: f1099a3ce03c8c4⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 476x420, 17:15, P1030712.jpg)

20360e  No.3192444



b1211f  No.3192445


I hope you are correct.

1152b5  No.3192446


If you're going through all the trouble and risking your freedom to send a message…dontcha think you might want to use a real knife as opposed to a wine bottle opener?

952475  No.3192447

File: efc2a14bf6780fa⋯.jpg (13.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 964f54e2b928441905d2a2f334….jpg)

My father just recently abandoned our family, packed his shit and left the country, leaving my poor mother to raise my 9 year old brother by herself, in commiefornia of all places. I've been trying so hard to cope with the fact that he'll grow up without knowing his dad, or having him around for special events.

Part of me really wants to hate him for doing this, but I also understand that California has destroyed him just like it's destroyed many other families who reside here.

I hate this state, I hate what it has done to us, I hate these so called human beings who fuck over decent people because they're soulless greedy beings. I don't know how to cope right now, but I know better things are coming for us, and that helps a lot.

I hope that anons can keep my mother and my kid brother in their prayers, they need it.

07d15c  No.3192448




58da1d  No.3192449

File: a41de5cac73e52c⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1317x10150, 1317:10150, Screenshot-2018-3-29 Meet ….png)

File: 12be822f398904a⋯.jpg (186.75 KB, 1080x1198, 540:599, 12be822f398904a6981d207b31….jpg)

File: db65f5b558879ed⋯.png (396.7 KB, 810x570, 27:19, f457913cdfd6d8019bb9f8dc9d….png)

File: 7a9051f65298aa8⋯.jpg (150.8 KB, 643x681, 643:681, 6c113743fca8fd6aba68cae435….jpg)

File: 63eb90fda20aab9⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, 56d54ed111626ee5ff8f29c2dd….png)

7773ed  No.3192450

<shameless self promotion of something that says on the top of every page "All credit Belongs to the Anons of The Board and Q" and that it's "By Anons"

kek, never seen that kind of attack against it

5fc231  No.3192451


Ask Hillary or Diane

6a7253  No.3192452


Third weekend after 9.11.

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f81874 No.320057 📁

Feb 9 2018 21:17:44 (EST)

[Next week]

[Next week]

[Next week]

Suicide weekend?


Suicide weekend is this weekend?

544def  No.3192453

File: db8ce3291d21b5a⋯.png (177.71 KB, 934x847, 934:847, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: c227e272853ef4e⋯.png (137.21 KB, 417x490, 417:490, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

.@MichaelAvenatti's client claims to have witnessed multiple gang rapes yet never called authorities.

She kept attending the parties until she herself was raped, and only spoke up after 37 years.

Nothing about this is credible. Nothing.


1906b5  No.3192454

If these "allleged" gang rapes happened then why did she not call the police? Why did she continue to go to these parties "every weekend"? Notice when she was gang raped she doesn't mention Judge and Kavanaigh being involved in that one, but makes it like they did it all the time.


3724fc  No.3192455

File: 1a3f212c737739b⋯.png (336.06 KB, 1889x1889, 1:1, 1a3f212c737739b44f5275d268….png)


Savage… I didn't get all the caps last night but holy shit, roast was coming at the Dems from all directions.

fac289  No.3192456


That also says that she is African American.

The pics is a white girl, unless she is another Rachel Dolezal.

d259b3  No.3192457

File: 2aca7cc86e51756⋯.png (631.18 KB, 492x727, 492:727, pledg.PNG)

File: 7b3955da349d8db⋯.png (443.75 KB, 495x456, 165:152, pledge.PNG)

File: 2897e8063487ef8⋯.png (849.37 KB, 777x699, 259:233, pledj.PNG)

6b9557  No.3192458

File: 478f3dd8948058d⋯.jpg (90.71 KB, 537x563, 537:563, BeachWeek.jpg)


Imagine that.

5b1cb1  No.3192459

File: 94550c40f2c93ee⋯.gif (1007.97 KB, 400x198, 200:99, 94550c40f2c93eec4d264fd747….gif)


PAIN or is it PAINE?



e36f96  No.3192460

Anons what if the members of your family that died that you loved didnt just die because of randomness

But the cabal killed them

We know how sick these people are

If they knew who you were and wanted to fuck with you they could easily do this

Give your family cancer


These people get away with what they do because they are so sick that its unreal

cf7b7b  No.3192461



by both, I meant Christine Blasey's brother Thomas Blasey and Peter's cousin Jill Strzok both worked at Exelis and ITT

f22372  No.3192462


It's the TRAITORS in China that are interfering. They are really scared right now, because if Trump won, they would lose, at least, for the next 100 years, and they would not be allowed to hold onto their powers and continue to enslave their own citizens and implement their Nazi ideology around the world.

c8f933  No.3192463

File: b432377508a9ec8⋯.mp4 (13.72 MB, 854x480, 427:240, List of Candidates.mp4)

Enjoy a short video of our Potus.

Along with slides of ALL Candidates!

a4c5fe  No.3192464

File: 555f3006f01ef37⋯.png (334.28 KB, 958x1895, 958:1895, ClipboardImage.png)



b1211f  No.3192465

File: 5b0052e7684eb75⋯.png (659.32 KB, 715x949, 55:73, tooearly.PNG)

This was released too early. Now the enemy can see it and form story to fit the schedule.

Why is our side always so fucking stupid?


20360e  No.3192466



I've been shadow-banned pretty much since twat #2.

The next day, boom, first follower.

I think we've some guardian angels on the twatter.


544def  No.3192467

File: d57375ccd218145⋯.png (60.62 KB, 880x324, 220:81, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

NBC: First Lady Melania Trump announces October trip to Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, and Egypt


73f260  No.3192468

Of course krassenstein already has an article about swetnick. Coincidence?

Alleged Rape Victim Julie Swetnick Comes Forward As Latest Brett Kavanaugh Accuser


c10ef5  No.3192469


Creepy porn Lawyer called in his Chain Gang Rape story to The View

e7b887  No.3192470



b0f620  No.3192471


Fuck yeah Anon. Used to selfharm and my father shot himself in the head 3 months ago. Now I spend my days fighting my demons instead of feeding them. Not easy, but being a part of something truly good and pure has changed my life. Love u frens. Don't worry bout me, I have a great therapist and support.

7836e5  No.3192472


Messages come in many forms. You would have to ask whoever sent it.

f2d26b  No.3192473




81c732  No.3192474


I hope Krassendick goes down eventually too.

984ccd  No.3192475


Anon so many people are awaking every day, great time to be alive

20360e  No.3192476



You should know by now, there's no such thing.

059e18  No.3192477



You support the marxist Rajavi Cult to take over?

Idiot. Half of the things POTUS says is theater.

74f4cb  No.3192478


I will, anon, but it is your father who abandoned your mom, brother and you.

For whatever reason, he is the only one at fault.

Yeah, CA politics suck, but your dad gave up and ran. Put the blame where it belongs.

e36f96  No.3192479

These bloodlines should not be given a single shred of mercy

They know very well what they are doing

Their puppets ?

No idea

But the bloodlines do all this sick shit to us and laugh

They do so of their own free will

No "demon control" they do serve those entities tho

58da1d  No.3192480


I agree with this aamof.

I think the United Kingdom ought to cede all her South Atlantic possessions to the US. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

a4c5fe  No.3192481

File: aea60bd1e9eb7f9⋯.png (191.3 KB, 961x1054, 31:34, ClipboardImage.png)

ede549  No.3192482

If Schumer is going to presume his guilt and deny Kavanaugh his right to due process I see no reason why Schumer should have any prior to his helicopter ride out over the ocean. The law must apply equally to all.


5496a5  No.3192483


Sounds like he might be trying to get back at the Chan's. Could be a fake ID to incite "Operation 4Chan Retribution"

1152b5  No.3192484


Come on man..it's funny!

ae94e0  No.3192485





Who knows what their motive is for doing what they are doing.

Only the shadow knows…..to coin a old movie line.

Hopefully when all said and done Q team will get the truth as to why they are doing what they are doing AND we get to know the truth and the whole truth.

No John McNonames antics allowed.

If they had no control then help them and if they are involved for a fee and knowingly did so then sic Beauregard on them since he has a lot of time available according to 45.

Then they can pay the price.

607d04  No.3192486


Avenatti's client waits until Kavanaugh releases his calendars, which includes a reference to 'Beach Week' that is mentioned in the complaint.

d259b3  No.3192487

File: 413404a3a7e1e8e⋯.png (910.24 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6257ee58d43e7c⋯.png (341.97 KB, 428x344, 107:86, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc9a79f0013a7c3⋯.png (411.36 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

81c732  No.3192488

File: 83a0b4c0da3139d⋯.jpg (15.02 KB, 300x200, 3:2, 2iqwkn.jpg)

50ccf2  No.3192489

Michael Avenatti, the attorney representing adult film actress Stormy Daniels in her suit against President Trump released the identity of his client accusing Brett Kavanaugh of being present for a “gang rape” of which she was a victim.

Avenatti tweeted out a sworn testimony from Julie Swetnick in which she declares she met Kavanaugh in “approximately 1980-1981” and attended several house parties for which Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge were also present.


ef33fe  No.3192490

File: e20123b215391af⋯.png (1013.23 KB, 736x935, 736:935, 1446021176716.png)

not that i really care that much, thankful to be infinite, but startup in VOAT is stupid, lots of cocksucking for CCP and then if you dont do shit for like a few days your CCP goes down, and all ANONS for QRV want or need is 10 CCP ← that lets you post, and its a whorefest just for that and then they have this bullshit about CCP farming will get you deleted, so lame, faggotville, but i feel having something there and having >10 CCP is something needed, what a fucking hassle though


e7b887  No.3192491


Hey, who's Suzzanne? GF?

b0f620  No.3192492

File: 13b27d0842a6060⋯.jpg (8.06 KB, 255x208, 255:208, tayrwsftKEK.jpg)


love u fren! amen!

53bcd5  No.3192493

File: aebb6d2ee8f70c7⋯.jpg (51.46 KB, 600x292, 150:73, Untitled1.jpg)


Readout of President Donald J. Trump’s Meeting with President Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces of the United Nations General Assembly

7836e5  No.3192494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e21634  No.3192495


Listen shit bag, this isn’t Hussein’s America anymore.

faf5f7  No.3192496

"Decreto Salvini" - Strengthening immigration policy in Italy

Salvini says in talk shows: "If I let you into my house as a guest, and you sell drugs to my children at home, then I will take you back to where you came from, with all humanity".

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini presented in Rome the new law "Salvini" for more security and migration, as promised in the election campaign.

The "Decreto Salvini" is seen by the opposition and several renowned media as a harder pace and tightening of laws, especially against asylum seekers and arriving refugees.

Giuseppe Conte, himself a respected professor of jurisprudence, reiterated at the presentation of the "decree" that the law was definitely checked for humanity and human rights and found to be realistic. Salvini, on the other hand, appeared very confidently before the assembled journalists and parried, as he always does, self-confidently and sovereignly, knowing that a majority of society absolutely supports this law.

Security policy was always on the Lega's agenda, and incidents like those in Germany, years earlier, increased dissatisfaction among Italians - the previous government of Matteo Renzi could no longer cushion this mood.

Giuseppe Conte, along with Salvini, explained it this way: "In order to improve the security situation of everyone, including the refugees themselves, as well as migration, it is first necessary to create appropriate framework conditions in order to define what security is" and how this can be guaranteed if one bears responsibility for it.

Just as in Germany, critics attack Salvini by saying that crime statistics are currently announcing the opposite: a decline in the total number of acts of violence. Salvini and his family argue that most rapes and brutal acts of violence are committed largely by migrants and immigrants.

Furthermore, Salvini continues, who has the latest data and facts on paper in his hand, that of initially 27% of those entitled to asylum, according to the extended analysis "only seven per cent" are actual war refugees. While 43,000 refugees arrived by boat and ship in the last period from January to June, there were only 7,000 since the Salvini government. First fruits of the rigorous implementation of Salvini's goals to minimize the number of refugees in Italy.

Salvini, appreciated and supported by a wave of euphoria in the citizenship from Bolzano to Palermo, described it quite clearly: refugees will continue to be taken in, those who are justified, but otherwise the following applies: "In the case of asylum seekers who commit crimes, who are caught dealing, in the case of theft or sexual harassment of minors, the asylum procedure will be stopped immediately". If it is confirmed that these persons are considered to be a public danger, "they are taken to a deportation centre". As Matteo Salvini rather rhetorically asked, this certainly does not violate a fundamental right.

And further, quite figuratively, and the Legachef repeated this scenario also in talk shows: "If I let you into my house as a guest, and then you sell drugs to my children at home, then I take you, with all humanity, back to where you came from".

The great adversary Salvinis and former president of the Chamber of Deputies, the oco-logical-left Laura Boldrini, often accused Salvini in advance of "slogan, slogan" - just words, empty phrases. How would he deport refugees without passports and documents?

Salvini, always preserving form, said dryly at the time: "I will send them back to where they claim to have come from…". Now the centre-right government is taking things seriously. Residence permits? Very difficult to get. Pickpockets, burglaries, or rebellion against the authorities? Quite bad cards.

The credo: Whoever comes to us, out of necessity, must be grateful and show respect. They will examine very carefully for what "humanitarian reasons" who would come to Italy. New parameters for the right of asylum are, for example, if victims of exploitation, domestic violence or natural disasters can make this credible, or if this is clear. Here one wants to help and show kindness. And, Salvini added, Italian ports will continue to be closed to foreign NGO ships.

The law still has to be signed by Parliament and the President of the Republic, but all the survey results speak for the government. Who would want to make themselves unpopular here?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator



160547  No.3192497

POTUS basically says - if you don't speak English - fuk off!

d259b3  No.3192498

File: 6291829f7bd2cda⋯.png (119.4 KB, 697x694, 697:694, frenz.PNG)

File: 03a3cbf86d17957⋯.png (809.06 KB, 780x521, 780:521, revolu.PNG)

215bec  No.3192499


How suspicious that politically active Americans are trying to get other Americans to vote. We should have the FBI investigate. The next thing you know they'll be using channels like MTV to do things called Rock the Vote or some evil shit like that. Voting must stop for God's sake!

ef33fe  No.3192500

File: 6c2c2ecc95dcac4⋯.jpg (69.73 KB, 680x471, 680:471, tay tay comfy.jpg)

e02349  No.3192501


So in respect of her privacy, he posts her picture on Twitter?

7836e5  No.3192502


Lol! How scary right, death by wine opener.

fadc89  No.3192503

File: 8739b6a733ef70c⋯.jpg (992.78 KB, 1500x1101, 500:367, distracted-girlfriend.jpg)


I believe in equal opportunity memes!

b1211f  No.3192504


June 25 1982 is when he banged her.

d54b13  No.3192505

Whatever happened to MAGA Mission anon from yesterday afternoon. Is he kill

53bdf1  No.3192506

Judiciary committee should have headsets and earbuds for themselves, Ford, Kavanaugh and their attorneys so principals can hear questions and answers regardless of what protestors do. Panels with one way mirrors behind Ford and Kavanaugh would also reduce distractions. Armed security at each panel???? No suggestions for how to stop Dems from signaling protestors.

558823  No.3192507


hes a dark satanic soul harvester

c8f933  No.3192508




5b1cb1  No.3192509

File: 5d473aec1e23117⋯.jpg (573.78 KB, 990x812, 495:406, Coming Soon.jpg)

41e45d  No.3192510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



e264ba  No.3192511

Did AvaCunty shut the Chan’s down yet?

20360e  No.3192512


"This one time, at band camp"…

e53b64  No.3192513

File: facf510abd0b94c⋯.jpg (127.83 KB, 567x800, 567:800, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg)

>>3191107 (pb)

Anon being followed, if you pray and you about your father's biz you will not be harmed, or rather as been anon's experience working among servants of satan /darkness. They know anons rl ID.

(((They))) dont want to kill you or they would have. They want terrorize you . So buckle on the full armor if God uphold your Faith in the source & continue to MAGA and they will move on.

We are protected anon.

7148ec  No.3192514


I dond't see a problemd.

6829b8  No.3192515


I don’t donate, but I do fill out the surveys and sign the petitions. I agree with you that both Dem and Rep parties are crap, but right now our Potus needs Republicans in office to keep his agenda moving forward. One step at a time, and maybe in the future we will have both parties working for the people they represent or we get another party that will. It’s in our hands, as Potus reminds us time and time again.

54a2d4  No.3192516


I'm praying for all of you anon. I'm really sorry. Things will get better and we're glad you're here. WWG1WGA

544def  No.3192517


A creepyPRONlawyer trap?


1906b5  No.3192518

She said she attended “well over ten house parties” from 1981-1983. Between 1981-1982, she said at these parties she began to notice Judge, Kavanaugh and others would attempt to “‘spike’ the ‘punch’ at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say ‘No.’”




cd5adf  No.3192519

File: 979c045b3298dd3⋯.jpg (108.91 KB, 889x699, 889:699, DoB2fENXsAAuCqP.jpg)

File: a4091a9ae79ca24⋯.jpg (52.18 KB, 607x353, 607:353, DoB2dpVXUAAg71s.jpg)


Establish Timeline

When was Judge Kav calendar available publicly?

When was client statement prepared?

a00fc3  No.3192520

File: c5ccf9d1c0da816⋯.png (185.04 KB, 783x426, 261:142, ayn rand 2.png)

9421f7  No.3192521

File: d44baac5a5528fc⋯.jpg (191.53 KB, 1000x1260, 50:63, White-Hats-vs-Black-Hats.jpg)

31c25e  No.3192522


wanna hook your little truck to my 7.3 and see who wins the tug of war?

160547  No.3192523

ab0599  No.3192524

so Let me get this sraight Twat number 3's claim is she heard or saw Older guys "Spiking" the Punch with Alcohol or Grain alcohol?????? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW that has never happened at parties before. that God those guys didn't see Hollywood Knights

aae58c  No.3192525

File: 1bba53128d83b45⋯.jpeg (158.7 KB, 1722x280, 123:20, Virginia.jpeg)

I know I keep harping on about the midterms, and I'm not even American. but you HAVE TO BE CAREFUL!! If the dims take over, Trump and all he stands for will be lost. Praying for you all.


d54b13  No.3192526

File: 84cb9f8ff950190⋯.png (579.57 KB, 2200x837, 2200:837, 2b0ba6031b68b44ec4facafc53….png)


Buck up anon you are among frens. It will all work out.

1ec608  No.3192527


What a terrible situation. But, just so we are clear. Your dad is a steaming pile of shit.

22142d  No.3192528


That’s why we need to OBEY SCRIPTURE!

“ whatever things are good, pure, true, holy, if there’s anything a good report – let your mind while on these things!“

Ephesians 6:10-

cf7b7b  No.3192529

File: 20bf7dc78a0374a⋯.png (204.25 KB, 828x510, 138:85, Screenshot from 2018-09-26….png)



>It is derived from the element 'gild' meaning sacrifice, tribute.

e21634  No.3192530


Many have lost friends, family members, job performance slumping…all for a glimmer of hope that justice will be served and the nation healed.

We can never reunite until HRC et al are dragged out and punished like we would be had we committed these atrocities.

e7b887  No.3192531


NO DUDE! CPL told us to respect her privacy! BELIEVE HER AND SHUT THE FUCK UP

1152b5  No.3192532

Lol…yeah…maybe I shouldn't have brought it up!

a0bbba  No.3192533

File: bb8372de8c4e69c⋯.jpg (104.38 KB, 738x498, 123:83, USA-TRUMP-RUSSIA-COHEN.jpg)

8d95c2  No.3192534


shits all fn over it popped up on snapchat??? totally sus these fukin retards think ppl dont notice

5b1cb1  No.3192535

File: 0a027d35dbefa43⋯.jpg (85.31 KB, 500x649, 500:649, common sense.jpg)


Common Sense… if only it were more true today.

bb4686  No.3192536


Where in her statement does it say GANG RAPE?

e60441  No.3192537

File: d75b30dc14f53b6⋯.jpeg (77.12 KB, 625x480, 125:96, 240947CA-4681-4742-9D3F-F….jpeg)

File: e7d0185652b5678⋯.jpeg (199.31 KB, 955x500, 191:100, A9F4CE1F-CE5C-495F-90E2-F….jpeg)

File: fb6fa0219f20cac⋯.jpeg (135.78 KB, 1200x598, 600:299, 66C0385F-C139-4841-8F3C-6….jpeg)

File: ddb88ceb41f65fe⋯.jpeg (80.82 KB, 1242x810, 23:15, 8AD16D6F-8768-4B80-B018-5….jpeg)

df3121  No.3192538

File: f05384a8f55a882⋯.png (245.54 KB, 860x480, 43:24, pigeon.PNG)

Anons- I think there is a bigger connection going on between RR, Rachel Brand, Eric Schneiderman (disgraced NY AG) and NXIVM. Here is the theory-

1. Q drops on April 28- Shall we play a game? And also “Can you Trust?” (see pic attached)

2. Ronan Farrow’s article comes out about 4 abuse allegations on May 7th, and Schneiderman leaves office THAT afternoon.

3. I believe the the Qdrop referenced Schneiderman in 2 ways- his “excuse” was that he liked “role playing” with partners. (Shall we play a game?) and Schneiderman was also instrumental in creating a website for Mortgage customers based on the idea of “who can you trust?” in online lending (among other internet retailers). (again- see pic)

4. I believe the drop was a signal to Schneiderman that POTUS had all the details and was going to make them public. Within a week Schneiderman was out.

5. Further- there are many somewhat substantiated rumors that Schneiderman was involved in NXIVM, which just the week before, they had pinched Allison Mack. BUT I DON’T THINK SHE WAS THE “BIRD THAT SINGS.”

6. Q has repeatedly asked “When does a bird sing?” and it was in relation to this drop as well.

7. I believe the bird that sings… is STEVE PIGEON. Pigeon was “supposedly” targeted by Schneiderman and is up for a Grand Jury hearing in October. Prior to this, he was a consultant to NXIVM, a friend of BC / HRC as a bundler, and worked with BO campaign. He was a TRUE insider to the DNC Cabal players and was basically screwed over by them all. https://www.cityandstateny.com/articles/personality/interviews-and-profiles/steve-pigeon-the-pariah.html

8. I believe that the BIRD THAT IS SINGING IS A PIGEON and he is giving it all to POTUS team because he was stabbed in the back by the DNC- NXIVM (Hollywood and DNC), HRC info, BO info, NY Dems (Cuomo, Schneiderman, etc.) info.

9. This is why Q referenced the “timing” of Schneiderman as extremely relevant.

10. The only outstanding questions are how was Rachel Brand and also RR related to either Pigeon, NXIVM, or Schneiderman? I can’t find the connection but it seems that is the one Q wants us to make to understand HOW RR is going down, WHY Brand went down exactly when she did, and what ties them all together.

22142d  No.3192539


That’s what we need to obey the Bible! Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your soul and your strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Strength in the leg that is weak. Be kind one to another! We have been given dominion over the earth. We need to exercise that authority that is been given to us by God. We need to change the negative energy through the power of God!

16a91d  No.3192540

File: 5964fb3a4f0f25c⋯.png (278.23 KB, 737x572, 67:52, Happy-Neuron.png)



> Adela Mazzon

>Title: Marketing Manager

>Company: HAPPYneuron, Inc.

Wonder what they're doing with the data.


0c3676  No.3192541

File: 5d7c869cc729f3b⋯.jpg (74.56 KB, 525x407, 525:407, dif panda.jpg)

File: 7c4780a37ea2430⋯.jpg (65.06 KB, 992x558, 16:9, china.jpg)

f202f2  No.3192542


The meeting between Potus & RR is tomorrow. RR will no doubt be confronted with evidence.

The left is using RR as their current "red line" and plan protests all over the country if he's fired.


ab0599  No.3192543


NAH just a TOOL

df2ba9  No.3192544


This looks like a set up

53bdf1  No.3192545


1 secret to POTUS success-ability to move forward on many issues at once.

f2d26b  No.3192546




b0f620  No.3192547


This is a very scary path to go down if you have lost an immediate family member to suicide. You could lose your mind.

8d95c2  No.3192548


fuk the gop these spineless pathetic fkin cucks gettin played by sleazy dems for decades now

c66889  No.3192549


exactly. I can't rest until see their blood

7f5edc  No.3192550


fake and gay

e36f96  No.3192551

So this makes no sense to me

Why is potuses limo called the "beast"

Trolling them ?

Whats really going on here

7c7dfa  No.3192552

File: 560541f5a095f52⋯.png (269.2 KB, 460x306, 230:153, ClipboardImage.png)

c9131c  No.3192553


so . . . she was present at multiple parties Kavanaugh was at. He drank and tried to get lucky. She got 'gang raped' at one of these parties where Kavanaugh was present.

"In approximately 1982, I became a victim of one of these "gang" or "train" rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present."

Doesn't say that Kavanaugh was of the boys who raped her, just present at the party it happened.

"During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me."

again doesn't say that Kavanaugh was one of those 'boys'

am i missing something here?

a35e90  No.3192554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Noose Around Israel Being Constructed

In Your Face Netanyahu! Russia To Supply S-300!

US Forces remain in Middle East

President Trump UN Security Council Briefing on Counterproliferation

Iran said at UN, Israel implied?


190038  No.3192555


Russia doesn’t fuck around. Putin tries to do the best for his people, and not for the cabal.

e36f96  No.3192556


Bitch i already lost my mind

Cant lose what you never had can you ?

b1211f  No.3192557

POTUS should complain and withdraw Kav and pick the female (extreme conservative) instead.

Be like, you guys win, I surrender and withdraw the evil male. I will pick this female to ensure this doesn't happen with her.

6a296c  No.3192558

File: bd53c23bc4d3742⋯.png (310.89 KB, 693x465, 231:155, PewPewPew.png)

File: 4b5ae65a08c7129⋯.jpg (106.42 KB, 500x663, 500:663, MuellerWhiteHat.jpg)

e74b50  No.3192559

File: 5472b2d18186a44⋯.png (167.16 KB, 1628x1736, 407:434, Case_Header_Information_-_….png)


It appears she has a $65k tax lien in MD from 2015. Motivation?


749e16  No.3192560

File: 1616793468d904d⋯.gif (3.59 MB, 298x224, 149:112, 1471370392870.gif)


Pic related.


No one is pointing out the most obvious fucking thing on earth. This chick writes like a


53bdf1  No.3192561


As one twatter pointed out–this is hilarious. Best way to secure her privacy is to not broadcast her name and picture.

d14a9d  No.3192562

File: 41574a8acb0023c⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 236x251, 236:251, 1537909401477.jpg)

c9131c  No.3192563


it's a car thing, "that thing's a beast", refers to it's size, power etc

74f4cb  No.3192564


I remain skeptical.

b0f620  No.3192565



I was speaking from personal experience Anon. Never said you were wrong, kek.

ab0599  No.3192566

File: b7af52edaee0fb3⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 640x960, 2:3, soros 2.jpg)

8d95c2  No.3192567


yeaaaa no

df2ba9  No.3192568


I had to laugh at that too.

b0e8cd  No.3192569

File: 27955138c070441⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 186x255, 62:85, VP.jpg)

0c3676  No.3192570

File: 0457f1a8b34371b⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 474x447, 158:149, wherez barry.jpg)

File: 80d08f993e0440b⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1600x1201, 1600:1201, deep fake.jpg)

east west center

bank of hawaii

deak and co.

nugan hand



7ee47a  No.3192571



These graphics are gold! I worry I've missed some.

0c5ee7  No.3192572


I think [RR] departure, FISA declas, and Kav on SC all linked.

[RR] departure and FISA declas delayed

because Kav on SC delayed.

Kav must be placed first.

Then FISA full declas.

That will force [RR] out (arrest?)

POTUS will not have to fire.

22142d  No.3192573


This is why we need to understand the deep rooted intrinsic value of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for all of us. His death burial and resurrection not only gives us eternal life, but it makes us new again. He restores our innocence! We are declared righteous in the throne room of heaven. We need to stand in that. We need to walk and exercise the authority that God has given us. He said we are seated with him in the heavenly‘s through Jesus Christ. There is so much more to this.

49fc41  No.3192574

File: 408aab23199ea71⋯.png (158.35 KB, 450x253, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

b62bd1  No.3192575

File: 0a640772474dc9f⋯.jpeg (50.91 KB, 354x246, 59:41, MineArt__.jpeg)


Good find, Anon.

e2d79b  No.3192576


This is important considering Hussein's goal was to become Emperor of the United Nations. Also note the US continued relations with Kenya. Heading him off at the pass.

73f260  No.3192577


Also, when u Google swetnick, scroll down to krass's article, it says 1day ago, but when u click it, it says 15minutes ago. Fuckery much?

544def  No.3192578


from Anon's sauce:

For Pigeon, the charges threaten the life he has worked tirelessly to build. Long the center of controversy in the often brutal world of Western New York politics, Pigeon could end up in prison because of the charges, a fact that is not lost on him. He and his co-defendants have all pleaded not guilty. His attorney persuaded the judge to suppress Pigeon’s emails – which included key evidence in the case – and that ruling has put the trial on hold.

“I know I didn’t break the law,” Pigeon told City & State in a recent interview, “and I believe I’ll be exonerated.”


agree on the Rachael Brand conundrum.

89c6bc  No.3192579


In my hs experience we had to bring a liquor for the punchbowl. We willingly did that or 'paid a cover' so we could indulge in it if we couldn't find someone to buy us booze. Same at keg parties.

81c732  No.3192580


Yep agreed. I cant figure out how the EBS test is related to Kavanaugh / SC though

64a2a2  No.3192581


No. This one is just as credible as Ramirez. He may have been there but may not have known about this. Plus nobody can believe Avenatti. Seriously, he’s a media-whoring douche.

They will still confirm him Friday, IMO.

c88b8e  No.3192582

Just thought you should know that the side by side meme by an anon here with blasey ford on one side and hitlery on the other just got mentioned on the chris plant radio show. Love you glorious fags, no homo.

31c25e  No.3192583


it's not an American thing.

not a Russian thing.

not a Swedish thing.

not a Canadian thing.


20360e  No.3192584





16a91d  No.3192585


where is the sauce stating that schumer was there when deak was murdered?

7836e5  No.3192586


All I am seeing is a special made out of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

If there is a "let's not take sexual harassment and sexual assault serious" agenda. They are doing a fine job pushing it.

0c3676  No.3192587

File: 6098796fc8d283e⋯.png (23.76 KB, 912x166, 456:83, deak blasey schumer.png)

somebody needs to ask schumer about



lois lang

ab0599  No.3192588



7836e5  No.3192589

Spectacle *

53bcd5  No.3192590

File: f9867257bcebca9⋯.jpg (68.46 KB, 420x298, 210:149, SEIZE.JPG)

50ccf2  No.3192591


When I first googled Swetnick it said twitchy released avenatti names name article 20 hrs ago

3c7a66  No.3192592

File: fc94780149f16ed⋯.png (626.99 KB, 621x416, 621:416, internet.PNG)

File: 7cc36a283d0a02e⋯.png (353.08 KB, 500x271, 500:271, Google666.PNG)

American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology

Notable Findings: People are currently revealing almost 40 percent more sensitive personal information online than they would if they knew the risks. In elections, search rankings that favor one candidate over another can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups. Automated search suggestions and the "featured snippet" (the answer box at the top of the page of search results) also influence people's opinions, purchases and votes without their knowledge. The search engine is, in effect, the most powerful mind control machine ever invented.

Recognition: As of January 2018, the National Academy of Sciences ranked AIBRT's 2015 paper on the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) to be in the top 1 percent of all scientific papers the organization monitored in all the sciences, both short-term and long-term. As of this writing (August 25, 2018), the paper has been downloaded from PNAS's website more than 100,000 times. Ongoing research on SEME suggests that search rankings are having a significant impact on many of the most important decisions people make in their lives, not just on voting preferences. Because SEME is virtually invisible as a form of social influence, it is especially dangerous.


b1211f  No.3192593

File: dc780ecc9000a92⋯.png (320.59 KB, 1157x860, 1157:860, OHMY.PNG)

File: 0cc483fd0e94740⋯.png (370.31 KB, 777x713, 777:713, OHNO.PNG)

7f5edc  No.3192594

Chrome 70 To Drop Controversial Mandatory Automatic Browser Logins After Backlash


2f439a  No.3192595


You mean the MEK, which is against extremist ideology?


Sure, the MEK DOES have a complicated history and no, the MEK is NOT without controversy.

493e77  No.3192596

damn..this security council is boring as fuck.. a bunch of bullshit speak

984ccd  No.3192597

Ryan confident Trump will sign spending bill that prevents a government shutdown



49fc41  No.3192598

File: 8ffc4f89d5aaaaa⋯.png (549.57 KB, 800x551, 800:551, ClipboardImage.png)

50ccf2  No.3192599


the Hill reporting the same title posted about it above

e82f04  No.3192600


>I was also one of the first 100 women in the world to achieve a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineering Certification.

Well whoopty fuckin do! And your point is?

7f5edc  No.3192601


Shut down will happen. It's part of the plan.

0c3676  No.3192603


it may be in salon article

there are also stories about macau and hkg

an ol' fren used to golf in manila and carry bags

some priests might carry things to japan

9be21e  No.3192604


So every journalist in DC has been chasing down people from Kavanaugh and Ford's high school. You would think somebody would have said "Ya know, I don't know about Christines story because I wasn't there, but there were several parties where they would run trains on passed out girls"

There is a special place in hell reserved for Avanetti.

0c5ee7  No.3192605


Maybe more to be announced

than to test the system?

07d15c  No.3192606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

did you guys see that christina aguilera released a song called "Wonderland" yesterday??

fcdf91  No.3192607


Did Blasey Ford submit her 1982 swimsuit?

ab0599  No.3192608


who the flying fuck cares?

c788fa  No.3192610

US Law on Slander (Kavanaugh?) In the United States, Federal defamation law is closely tied to the First Amendment. . In short, "opinion" is NOT considered defamation in the U.S. BUT, False Statements of Fact that harm the reputation of a person or business, ARE NOT protected under Constitutional Free Speech provisions. Defamation of character accusations involving issues of slander or libel, in which the FALSE and DAMAGING statements are made in verbal form through slander, or in written form through libel. In the United States, if they are deemed to be so by the courts, they are punishable by law.

7836e5  No.3192611


Coincidences. Who believes in those lol

1205c3  No.3192612

I Listen to Dane Wigington from geoengineeringwatch.org and he tells you a lot about these chemtrails. Drying out the west coast, massive rainfall in the midwest and almost permanent damage to our ecosystem. Being in CA my question was why the hell are they spraying over the Sierras? Maybe it's multifaceted. I've heard of the "zapping" of the stratosphere to fry nuclear warhead circuitry, but not the laser detection. My best guess from everything I've heard is weather manipulation. If you follow Q , there was the drop about what do you do when you're a state like CA, in debt (almost a trillion), not getting anymore funding,….light fires. Man,…have there been fires over here. Not enough to get the illegals to leave,..unfortunately.

984ccd  No.3192613


And Jordan speaker of the house?

6a296c  No.3192614

The affirmation at the end of Swetnick's declaration uses the phrase "under the laws of the United States of America" which is only required if executed when the declarant is outside the United States. 49 CFR 1104.5

d14a9d  No.3192616

"Judge Kavanaugh, you have had a distinguished impeccable career, but we demand you explain why you were grounded for 3 weekends in high school."

- Is this what we have come to?

b4f659  No.3192617


I guess the 4chan troll story wasn't true.

d54b13  No.3192618


Expand lawfag. She's not here?

e36f96  No.3192619


All i know is i believe in God

And that there is good happening here

Thats all you can really believe in isnt it

Because i know the cabal knows who i am and is fucking with me

But they cant break me

And for some reason they cant kill me


Or maybe they can i dont really care

Energy never dies

06136d  No.3192620


she saying kavanaugh spiked the punch, which led to her gang rape

0c3676  No.3192621

File: b5f33e410d1358a⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 623x405, 623:405, blasey.jpg)



east west center


e7b887  No.3192622



fda019  No.3192623


Learn, how to build sentences.

Never read such stupid babbling.

What a fucking waste of time.

d54b13  No.3192624


I'm still holding that to about 50/50

7f5edc  No.3192625


No idea. But darkness comes with shutdown.

50ccf2  No.3192626

Fox just now reporting on Julie

9be21e  No.3192627


they 100% already scrubbed her social media profiles. We need somebody with a Lexus Nexis account to find any real information

16a91d  No.3192628


Nice work on Pigeon. Is the possible Brand connection to NXIVM through the word "TRUST" being used in both drops?

b1211f  No.3192629


Some branches need to be terminated.

b4f659  No.3192630


If you can't trust a bunch of anonymous freaks on the internet who can you trust?

ab0599  No.3192631


yeah a Hasbeen puts out a song called Wonderland so all you RETARDISTS go apeshit on it. Cuz it means something

50ccf2  No.3192632


Where is Allison Hrabar?

6829b8  No.3192633


Is that your answer when Potus says “Vote Republican”? At the moment, they are the lesser of the two evils we have to choose from.

6a296c  No.3192634


You'd know the declaration was executed in the US if that phrase was absent. Here, it could be sloppy legal drafting, or pre-planned unavailability.

c05ac5  No.3192635

File: 9741a5f9ec995e0⋯.jpeg (105.49 KB, 1495x417, 1495:417, 63E98CEE-7B3B-4361-960F-B….jpeg)

File: 09e2a8f62746e34⋯.png (290.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, E82DC182-2F90-4A52-89C1-AE….png)

File: 60ac5d2c346fd87⋯.png (561.61 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 307B1CDB-E1C0-49F6-B766-F1….png)

6b9557  No.3192636

File: ea898dfa158371c⋯.jpg (15.28 KB, 264x299, 264:299, Goyim.jpg)


Let's not forget, Avenatti knew about the missile launch..

THis rat's in deep

b0f620  No.3192637

6a7253  No.3192638

Wonder what Friday Q is referring to?

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147592019 📁

Nov 2 2017 02:06:41 (EST)

Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.

f202f2  No.3192639



I can't stand that guy. The Hill. He's always at the top on comments on Potus' /REAL DT's tweets.

If we could have a National Throat Punch Day…

f7a9e4  No.3192641

File: 209f074ffb95a00⋯.jpeg (23.97 KB, 874x594, 437:297, AAAF9G1.jpeg)

the only justice you niggers gonna see is right here and its only half justice this nigger should be dead buuuut no we dont really want justice we just want a shit show muh huckstable fuck you niggers you drugging and raping subhumanoids

7756d8  No.3192642


She does not say that kavanaugh spiked the punch at this party.

e75782  No.3192643


wouldn't that make HER guilty of crimes against the other girls? Since she did not notify the police, even anonymously? So girls were raped because she did nothing to stop what she KNEW was happening. Granted she is not the rapist, but she did allow it to continue by doing nothing.

2616c7  No.3192645

File: d2a3c18804fca20⋯.jpg (673.53 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180926-104531….jpg)

File: 063cf85ff55f2f5⋯.jpg (666.02 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180926-104541….jpg)

File: 8887803a8358a89⋯.jpg (565.36 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180926-104552….jpg)

File: df508b31f6c5af4⋯.jpg (494.67 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180926-104601….jpg)

File: f69bfad3f36eca6⋯.jpg (570.03 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180926-104610….jpg)


749e16  No.3192646

File: 7884077364c3897⋯.jpg (183.06 KB, 490x735, 2:3, 7884077364c3897447833e77ab….jpg)


Kav has to come first, hence the delay:


Kav has to come first because RR will get the sedition/treason charges, and the SC will have to decide whether his case meets or is outside the bounds of Ex Parte Milligan.

That's that.


Best guess i have here is Verizon suffered supermassive outages yesterday to get into compliance. This means software/system updates across all carriers to get into compliance with the FCC requirements to be able to handle that type of broadcast. It would be REALLY cool if that test EMS message said something along the lines of:

My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…

36511e  No.3192648

File: c1a3a5d168fc4de⋯.jpg (13.68 KB, 217x255, 217:255, a66d8df4b8c1804862b8e81465….jpg)


anagram fag here today?

the one yesterdy with ford was spoopy af

81c732  No.3192649


FWIW, Nov 2 this year is a Friday

984ccd  No.3192650


UN speech → SC vote → FISA declass → RR departure → government shutdown

sky is falling

22c3b6  No.3192651

Bolivian president calling out US on Iraq weapons if mass destruction ( saying a lie) and Libya

74f4cb  No.3192652


Calm the fuck down and stop being your usual asshole self.

7836e5  No.3192653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ab0599  No.3192654


Guess what sweeetheart the Midwest in the 1930's was called the Dustbowl. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM must have been ChemTrails then to Right chemTARD???

6475de  No.3192655

File: acff15ad915379f⋯.png (445.77 KB, 720x1154, 360:577, 20180926_104252.png)

File: a1e667c23f03167⋯.png (135.8 KB, 718x694, 359:347, 20180926_104407.png)

File: 4c52e1c04e94cde⋯.png (185.42 KB, 720x1010, 72:101, 20180926_104446.png)


86e219  No.3192656

Whats up with qanon.pub

Sloooow loading, locks up, freezes.

Qmap.pub doesn’t do tgat shit.

Been that way since day one for me

b58760  No.3192657

File: 81492e7b2d6df66⋯.png (544.14 KB, 756x470, 378:235, POTUS_UN.PNG)

maybe (not only) for german anons

a very good translation/explanation of the speech

fyi- this guy was one of the first in germany to translate and interpret Q drops into german


c05ac5  No.3192658

File: c2d1e5daf344adf⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 7D5613FB-B4CC-41EE-9CC9-15….png)


ce908c  No.3192659






ab0599  No.3192660


don't like facts do ya ??

1eedbd  No.3192661



she doesn't even say the punch was a cause in her rape. she says the exact opposite. she wouldn't drink the punch

f45d76  No.3192662

I'm fuckin angry. It's really hard to sleep. I can't focus on work. Please BOOM on these cabalfags. Enough is enough.

6b9557  No.3192663

File: 481b139992bb2bb⋯.jpg (22.27 KB, 355x300, 71:60, 1941.JPG)


I smell a shill.

463faa  No.3192664


Feinsteins charity also connected to Soros and Oxfam. They are donors. :

Sauce: https://freedomoutpost.com/senator-dianne-feinsteins-ties-to-george-soros-organizations/

c05ac5  No.3192665

PUBLIC LAW 107–40—SEPT. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 224-225

To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.

Whereas, on September 11, 2001, acts of treacherous violence were committed against the United States and its citizens; and

Whereas, such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that the United States exercise its rights to self-defense and to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad; and

Whereas, in light of the threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by these grave acts of violence; and

Whereas, such acts continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States; and

Whereas, the President has authority under the Constitution to take action to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States: Now, therefore, be itResolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This joint resolution may be cited as the ‘‘Authorization for Use of Military Force’’.


(a) IN GENERAL.—That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organiza- tions, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.



section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statu- tory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.

PUBLIC LAW 107–40—SEPT. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 225

(2) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS.—Nothing in this resolution supercedes any requirement of the War Powers Resolution.

Approved September 18, 2001.


1b5def  No.3192666


The progressives are planning to riot when KAb is confirmed. The EMS will be used to tell the people that the NG is activated for our safety.

75a5a8  No.3192667



7f5edc  No.3192668

File: 97123e3169666b6⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 536x480, 67:60, meh.ro3984.jpg)


I like this scenario.

e58457  No.3192669

Somewhere on a hard drive lies a photo album full of juicy pictures of Hussein and all the deep state. Could someone just release it all already ? This movie needs a little chaos for the left (for once)

6a7253  No.3192670


And, as another Anon stated earlier, 9.28 is 17 days past 9.11

9.28 ?

86e219  No.3192671

c05ac5  No.3192672

File: 966196393da6b59⋯.jpeg (85.09 KB, 500x583, 500:583, AB4D2219-083C-4DA2-96A4-2….jpeg)

7836e5  No.3192673


This is for you.


5b1cb1  No.3192674

File: 06aea5d369909ba⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2000x1124, 500:281, 06aea5d369909ba36c686b029c….png)


This guy is autist to the bone! I mean, seriously…what 15 year old keeps and day timer and holds onto it for 35 years? I thought I was bad… he might not be Highest Ranking Anon…but he ain't far from it.. KEK

6b9557  No.3192675

File: 16541ec4919dcae⋯.jpg (155.25 KB, 721x588, 103:84, CloudSeeding.jpg)

ab0599  No.3192676


Nope sorry Sweetheart you smell that you Shit your Underoos

1906b5  No.3192677

If you continue to go to parties after seeing these alleged things, or being gang raped at one yourself….


8db418  No.3192678

Release all hell on them Q

81c732  No.3192679


Makes perfect sense

4c953d  No.3192680

File: d8fc128c3940178⋯.jpg (47 KB, 770x316, 385:158, GermansLOLatPOTUS.JPG)


Ask him if he knows who these jokers are…

1eedbd  No.3192681


I don't know what the laws in 82 were related to bystanders. I don't think so though because most laws about sexual crimes were very weak, still too weak

7756d8  No.3192682



f968de  No.3192683



Since these are obvious crimes and there isn’t no statute of limitations on sex crimes in MD, have charges been filed? She is a co-conspirator and needs to be brought to justice

81c732  No.3192684


The pieces are all starting to come together

53bcd5  No.3192685

74f4cb  No.3192687


I would say so. That a girl woul continue to go parties where she knew other girls were being raped is absolutely absurd. Who would do that?

What did she get out of it?

It's bullshit. Lies

7f5edc  No.3192688

File: 4e1c7c2601bd6df⋯.gif (60.69 KB, 200x352, 25:44, Moloch_the_god.gif)


Ever notice?

749e16  No.3192689



She has worked for almost every bureaucracy in the US Govt. Think about that for a second.

c05ac5  No.3192690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Senator Lindsey Graham Questions Brett Kavanaugh Military Law vs Criminal Law.



ab0599  No.3192691


Called a Holepunch cloud, Do some research chemTARD

2cdd21  No.3192692

File: dd574dfa23c73aa⋯.png (941.26 KB, 1265x1198, 1265:1198, Pointa--.png)


Riots if any will be minimal, weak

But yeah

8d95c2  No.3192693


def not, obv dont go support dems lmao cmon anon im jus saying lotta the GOP estab sucks major cock

c9131c  No.3192694



for the keks

Incite Jew Sulk

6a296c  No.3192695

File: 2abe3c348b8ccd8⋯.gif (917.89 KB, 459x254, 459:254, bumpandgrind.gif)

41e45d  No.3192696

File: 44bff2ee407542e⋯.jpg (140.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, imaginegreatamerica.jpg)

File: c1be0000368a39d⋯.jpg (103.53 KB, 737x559, 737:559, pasttofuturega.jpg)


Forgot to mention.

Outtrim is a Trump supporter.

This line should've had a question mark at the end of it:

"So the LARP projects of the past would've influenced the genesis of the "Q" project?"

I thinking "Q" project was set as a counter to what the others [gov] were doing on-line.

For sure there was no freedom of discourse.

Only by slanting the playing field could the bad guys win.

So by leveling the playing field a "great awakening" is allowed to arise, naturally - by the growth of the awareness of the public via free interaction rather than "control group" "manipulation group"!

What a great gift.

e36f96  No.3192697


Gratz youre feeding the eye

Dont let it consume you

4587b2  No.3192698

File: e10aa91b1e11100⋯.jpg (84.41 KB, 450x725, 18:29, Q14.JPG)

Q post No.295 removed from >>/patriotsfight#295

cec8bc  No.3192699

9c3e10  No.3192700


My mom threw mine out when they moved 5 yrs ago, or else I would have had mine in my old room.

I’m 48 now


0c3676  No.3192702

File: a2562a780dddeee⋯.jpg (807.49 KB, 776x994, 388:497, gesu.jpg)


53 year old virgin

dick slapping is allowed in the jesuit order

190038  No.3192703


We know those traitors. Hang them higher

d14a9d  No.3192704

File: 6af79c988973bf7⋯.jpg (100.36 KB, 674x1200, 337:600, 6af79c988973bf71fa3cd91be9….jpg)

7f5edc  No.3192705

File: 709cb302b290a49⋯.jpg (7.62 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 709cb302b290a4930a8dfd91bb….jpg)

b62bd1  No.3192706

Notables Bun


>>3192018 POTUS: “The world is watching.” during UN Security Council address

GENERAL: Commentary made by other UN Sec. Council speakers

>>3192046 On the timing of the sworn declarations from Kavanaugh accusers’ four corroborators

>>3192094 Kavanaugh accuser’s lawyers have not turned over polygraph results

>>3192095 Pope says Catholic Church should not be judged by modern standards

>>3192097 Former GOOG scientist urges Senate to act over GOOG’s China censorship plan

>>3192120 ; >>3192136 ; >>3192151 ; >>3192599 ; >>3192614 Avenatti reveals ID of client Julie Swetnick; signed declaration; big tax lien in MD; other oddities (Dedicated Digging: >>3192615 )

>>3192307 ; >>3192438 ; >>3192540 Dig on Adela G. Mazzon, linked to Kavanaugh accuser

>>3192368 Pompeo success with NK leaders at UNGA

>>3192467 FLOTUS traveling to Africa in October

>>3192645 ICE arrests 98 in TX, OK operation

86e219  No.3192707


If you are not being paid to do this you are a special kind of stooopid.

Enjoy the u

e7b887  No.3192708

File: 26e90dd136d391a⋯.png (739.9 KB, 1020x781, 1020:781, gold.png)

d01e0b  No.3192709

File: 6525ba28a432ff5⋯.png (667.49 KB, 789x680, 789:680, Autoweek 1 re new Beast 9-….PNG)

File: 90702c720b6b4b7⋯.png (588.13 KB, 707x850, 707:850, Autoweek 2 re new Beast 9-….PNG)

File: b0cd1e38f68f24e⋯.png (111.42 KB, 711x399, 237:133, Autoweek 3 re new Beast 9-….PNG)

The Beast is loose: Trump's Cadillac presidential limo quietly debuts


f7f39e  No.3192710


this have to do with avenatti?

fdd3f2  No.3192711


Schneidermann stonewalled investigations into NXIVM


0c3676  No.3192712


fake and gay

ce22c1  No.3192713


Please lurk more, you arent down the rabbit hole yet, and you are going to confuse people.

Also, give this a google.


89c6bc  No.3192714


Saved! Meme all minez nao

b0f620  No.3192715

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, hugpepe.jpg)


thanks fren :)

ab0599  No.3192716

>>3192707 says a RETARDIST chemTARD who can't argue facts

f31505  No.3192717

File: 0da2f9da792b1fe⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1262x926, 631:463, Julie Swetnick.png)

File: f0c30b6fd75048d⋯.png (228.4 KB, 1214x1502, 607:751, julie1.png)

File: d83fe9b9c1aab88⋯.png (194.23 KB, 1456x992, 91:62, julie2.png)



>Julie Swetnick


1205c3  No.3192718


Check out the website. He shows patents, hard science,..etc. But it sounds like your mind is already made up. Too bad. What the hell are you doing on this site anyways. Everyone here knows about geo-engineering (chemtrails). Fortunately, I haven't seen much of any for the last 4 months. So,…if they are contrails,…why have they all of the sudden disappeared after all these years of daily sightings?

20360e  No.3192719

File: 2b166772fc06d85⋯.png (32.84 KB, 450x241, 450:241, seahag.png)


Think on this;

NEXRAD/HAARP + Chemtrails + 5G + MK + BlueBeam + Cellphones next to brains/genitals 24/7 = ???

059e18  No.3192721


She looks like a nice witch.

d54b13  No.3192723

File: b827c010b4c8a4d⋯.png (51.42 KB, 1056x493, 1056:493, confirmed.PNG)



>under the laws of the United States of America

Confirmed..NICE catch lawfag

544def  No.3192725

File: 1dbcc5bbd1f5ee9⋯.png (595.78 KB, 446x790, 223:395, Screen Shot 2018-09-14 at ….png)

53bdf1  No.3192726


Same with Swetnik-out of a zillion attorneys in the country she took her story to Avenatti for sensationalism, nothing else.

a56504  No.3192727


This is Kav’s Calendar.

36ccd5  No.3192729


Has the Gov been funded yet? I am thinking that it may be shut down and then all hell breaks loose.

f405c0  No.3192730

File: f8562dd9760943d⋯.jpg (280.67 KB, 900x575, 36:23, avenatti-email2.jpg)

Hey! Avanntii sent the email with the document stating it was signed on the 25th on the 24th!

f4f8d1  No.3192731

File: cdee6a803701339⋯.jpg (130.77 KB, 955x500, 191:100, 2iqqkl.jpg)

22c3b6  No.3192732

Now talking crap about our backing out of Paris Accord and Iran deal .. got excited for a minute

ab0599  No.3192733


check out Dustbowl Back when there was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO "ChemTrails" chemTARD

e60441  No.3192734


Biblical kinda headline there.

36511e  No.3192735

File: ce86a873a4f4100⋯.jpeg (13.66 KB, 240x237, 80:79, 03439430d1a4d3f7b60384e5f….jpeg)



i get fb banned everytime i use this one (pic related)

wth is so wong with it?

f7a9e4  No.3192737

File: 0ebd86e595185a5⋯.png (243.87 KB, 599x383, 599:383, 1537941309928.png)


>▶ before the drop

ce908c  No.3192738




ha, memories of that insane masked protester blowing her whistle and playing with (dolls, it was?)

1205c3  No.3192739


FYI- That was mother nature.

5fc231  No.3192740


well…and the 10 kids…

6829b8  No.3192741


Oh hell, I know they all suck. But Potus is relying on us to get out and vote, so maybe I get a little worked up about it. Sorry.

07d15c  No.3192742


she must be snowed in

7f5edc  No.3192743



4166fe  No.3192744


Lighten up, faggot. You don't control this board.

ab0599  No.3192745

>>3192718 & I will try this question you since every chemTARD has avoided answering it, why not just do chemtrails when cloudy or at night

4c953d  No.3192746


Yeah, but nobody does smug quite like the Germans though

f309d6  No.3192747

File: 9efcd4aef599fc0⋯.jpeg (402.57 KB, 2048x1538, 1024:769, 6AAA3B19-CA46-408E-B929-F….jpeg)

Still saving (((them))) for last?

190038  No.3192748

6ac06c  No.3192752

File: 3b6d26dcbfe652c⋯.jpg (118.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

4ee2cb  No.3192753


Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer….

7f5edc  No.3192754


"Not mentioned a single time on this board"

Learn sarcasm.

74f4cb  No.3192756


The French.

06136d  No.3192758


okay thanks

I think that what she's trying to imply is that she witnessed him spiking punch then girls were gang raped and she was also gang raped at a later time

not a strong argument for a crime, but they using her story for optics to get senators to vote no on his confirmation

190038  No.3192760


You faggot again. What’s your agenda REtard?

3724fc  No.3192761

File: ce119d8b437b838⋯.jpg (241.48 KB, 600x431, 600:431, ce119d8b437b83839164776739….jpg)

Q incoming likely…eyes on anons.

2f439a  No.3192762


I don't know what Putin thinks about the "cabal" or his placement within that web of fuckery.

I do understand that disentangling from ANY web of fuckery is very difficult, considering all of the changes that are required. Never mind Russian history. THAT is another thing altogether. (Not a bad thing, just a complex thing.)

Russia does fuck around, though.

ab0599  No.3192763


OHHHHHHHHHHHH I see back then it was mother nature that nearly wiped out the breadbasket of America, but now it is chemtrails? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

6654c2  No.3192764

File: f4a869ccd4cb8f8⋯.webm (962.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FUCKJEWS.webm)

75a5a8  No.3192765


89c6bc  No.3192766


That highlights the color of her eyes too, just sayin'

6829b8  No.3192767


Don’t read too much into it. Gold eyeshadow and liner is a good look for brown eyed brunettes.

4ee2cb  No.3192769




ce908c  No.3192770


can you imagine all the previous Avenatti clients, embarrassed to hell to ever have associated with him before his famefag days?

Terrified they'll be contacted for comments?

hey MSM, there's a story for ya.

get on it

3dd495  No.3192771

File: 8b5008d03b18a28⋯.png (459.73 KB, 720x915, 48:61, 20180926_105352.png)

…saving Israel for last…

1205c3  No.3192772


Nothing,…it's hilarious in an artsy-fartsy kinda way.

41e45d  No.3192774

File: 4cbb1b1f34046a1⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 500x378, 250:189, enjoytheshow.jpg)


Forget to mention:

This lecture might help a person see through some of the shill / agents "lines" "tacs"

Realize when they try to emotionally manipulate you, so to ignore and "Enjoy the Show"

More easily notice the game and not get sucked in.

d14a9d  No.3192775

File: 46a9fd3a320bd16⋯.jpeg (119.19 KB, 760x480, 19:12, 46a9fd3a320bd16682648968d….jpeg)


ATF – why am I not surprised

282cd2  No.3192776

File: f40eea1188ce569⋯.jpg (202.88 KB, 635x439, 635:439, snatch3.jpg)

File: ccf80d284cbea8d⋯.jpg (106.82 KB, 852x480, 71:40, snatch.jpg)

ab0599  No.3192777


Common sense but among chemTARDsS there is none

1b5def  No.3192778

File: 836c44cfde3e787⋯.png (568.11 KB, 700x518, 50:37, DD7FA266-86C0-4FFB-AC19-59….png)

File: 56fb727514d2051⋯.png (413.1 KB, 800x350, 16:7, D152833C-34C0-4652-A345-5B….png)

File: 77ca3b82ccc7f3f⋯.png (13.78 MB, 3739x2452, 3739:2452, D22E1F39-8466-4F58-9F0A-1B….png)

f202f2  No.3192779


That's a really good graphic.

544def  No.3192780

File: c98f741ed855672⋯.jpg (10.99 KB, 255x190, 51:38, staytuned.jpg)

f31505  No.3192781

File: f4304d84c69a72c⋯.png (41.87 KB, 906x196, 453:98, julie3.png)



0c3676  No.3192782

File: 7abc70b52cfd5ea⋯.gif (219.46 KB, 630x351, 70:39, fag.gif)



trey gowdy

china commies

2cdd21  No.3192783

File: 20cde098a12c823⋯.jpg (83.5 KB, 636x433, 636:433, AntifaPussies.jpg)

File: 84f24d63e8b6361⋯.jpg (439.69 KB, 835x487, 835:487, PussyHatTalk.jpg)

File: 92722959d130773⋯.jpg (158.29 KB, 992x1147, 32:37, antifa_living_in_mom_and_d….jpg)

File: 2f3e7b02090d1e3⋯.jpeg (111.46 KB, 715x481, 55:37, AntifaMotherPickup.jpeg)

e36f96  No.3192784

What if i told you if the cabal uses satanic spells and weaponized language to redirect your prayer in church to the fallen

Say amen

Amun ra ?

1eedbd  No.3192785

>>3192765 she didn't state anything Kavenaugh did wrong to her either

3cce5b  No.3192786

A little background on Planter's Punch - 180 proof alcohol, usually Everclear or Bacardi mixed with fruit flavored, Hawaiian Punch. Throw in lots of fruit, to absorb the alcohol. Made in a large cooler.

Big in the early 80's. Drink too much (or eat too much of the fruit) you throw up. You do not pass out with no recollection of what happened from drinking the punch. Mixing it with beer, makes you sicker quicker.

4c953d  No.3192787


I used to think that, too.

But, the "we make the best autos" attitude pushes the Germans past the Frogs.

75a5a8  No.3192788


7756d8  No.3192789


Agree. We have to wonder though, if she knew he was doing this horrific thing, why did she keep going to parties he was also going to?

d0d2c3  No.3192790

File: 87406c5637787a6⋯.png (370.91 KB, 674x492, 337:246, 2018-04-18_18-06-32.png)

So close.

She wasn't supposed to lose!


0c3676  No.3192791

File: 87598fbe7fa2e6f⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 506x612, 253:306, e gremlin.jpg)

File: 2cf391c301f6c6d⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 800x513, 800:513, d triangle.jpg)

File: 14e2ac3e70e499a⋯.jpg (264.24 KB, 1024x769, 1024:769, conan cdp edelman.jpg)

53bdf1  No.3192792


And never came forward in any prior confirmation process.

984ccd  No.3192793

fdd9ae  No.3192794

how old is JULIE SWETNICK???

e36f96  No.3192795

Why does the cabal make so many jokes about "airplane food"

Chemtrail reference

Or are they putting something in the food

What if the chemtrails poison us but also feed something else

2f439a  No.3192796



(Am not allowed to use emotes, anymore.)

fdc525  No.3192797


Prayers your way, Anon. My dad was abandoned before birth and it fucked him up. He didn't have a positive male role model, didn't know how to be a dad. Be the best role model possible for your little brother. He'll need it.

bc63bf  No.3192798


I don't think they're voting for her. I think she's part of EU cabal, and the vote is rigged like it was here in the us for decades before POTUS.

1ec608  No.3192799


Well damn, her mailbox is full.

86e219  No.3192800


Never met a mob of Brits huh

a00fc3  No.3192801

File: 929d95a0328de3d⋯.jpg (31.86 KB, 460x276, 5:3, rare Qaddafi_withshades22.jpg)

36ccd5  No.3192802


Also, what are the chances none of the rape victims didn't report to the police? It is all crap being made up imo.

74f4cb  No.3192803



Hey, they do make good cars. Loved my beemer.

4776b7  No.3192804

File: e4e797a8f1c16d5⋯.png (98.96 KB, 500x265, 100:53, ClipboardImage.png)

282cd2  No.3192805


Mommy the retard is back!

e36f96  No.3192806

God damn it be careful what you wish for was good advice

9c3e10  No.3192807


Sounds like JUNGLE JUICE

f7a9e4  No.3192808


hahaha after mikey cohen trump says kikey me no likey..look at bibi talking shit like the jews do

ab0599  No.3192810


what if your ass sucks wind?

ede549  No.3192811


Neither of you did anything wrong.

75a5a8  No.3192812

Did she continue to go to Kav parties after the gang rape?

What was the exact date, time, place of this gang rape?

4c953d  No.3192813


Only in pairs,

but is it smugness you're talking about?

b62bd1  No.3192814

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)






fdc525  No.3192815


Or because it tastes and smells like shit. At least that's how it used to be. It's been a while since I've flown.

e36f96  No.3192816

File: 6886d0605c49104⋯.jpeg (30.36 KB, 621x289, 621:289, 27836.jpeg)

190038  No.3192817


Aus Muttis Keller sieht man natürlich keinen Himmel…

4776b7  No.3192818

File: 0628bcd96540e76⋯.png (100.67 KB, 382x286, 191:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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