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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: ae91757ad80a1e9⋯.png (879.17 KB, 895x1226, 895:1226, 3e23dba1e49588321497a0a726….png)

9ba06a  No.3192615


64cd01  No.3192644

Could Michael Avenatti be a plant to mess up credibility?

He really seems more like a reality tv celeb that's getting paid to play lawyer.

If you dare to venture to 4Chan:


9ba06a  No.3192647

File: 435faf7095e7e77⋯.jpeg (191.62 KB, 916x1182, 458:591, 5d994ea55d1b99496c1b18201….jpeg)

File: ee24a2f8a245dbb⋯.jpeg (179.15 KB, 916x1174, 458:587, 2a12e6b50ddfe2bd21df15e05….jpeg)

File: 3575026370099cb⋯.jpeg (154.42 KB, 914x1168, 457:584, 41da6cc030f62092f56c5b782….jpeg)

9ba06a  No.3192686

File: 26e90dd136d391a⋯.png (739.9 KB, 1020x781, 1020:781, gold.png)

ef8ced  No.3192701


I found an article 5 fast facts about Julie Swetnick. One was that she has worked in government. I search the Fed Employees Payroll site for all Agencies, all years, and it comes up empty on her.

9ba06a  No.3192722



9ba06a  No.3192728


1. Swetnick Says She Witnessed Brett Kavanaugh & Mark Judge Causing Girls to ‘Become Inebriated & Disoriented So They Could Then Be ‘Gang Raped’ & Says She Was a Victim in 1982 of a ‘Gang Rape’ Where Kavanaugh & Judge Were Present

Avenatti said he has evidence of gang rapes perpetrated by Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and others in Washington D.C. in the 1980s. In the affidavit released by Avenatti, Swentick says that she “witnessed efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys. I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh.”

Swetnick said she “attended well over 10 house parties in the Washington DC area during 1981 to 1983 were Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. These parties were common occurrence in the area and occurred nearly every weekend during the school year.”

On numerous occasions at these parties, Kavanaugh and Judge, she said, would “drink excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking no for an answer. This contact into included the fondling and grabbing the girls without their consent.”

Punch would be spiked with drugs and “grain alcohol.” She said Kavanuagh, Judge and other teen boys would “target particular girls so they could be taken advantage of (and) it was usually a girl that was especially vulnerable because she was alone at the party.”

Swetnick said that in 1982, “I became the victim of one of these ‘gang’ or ‘train’ rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. Shortly after the incident, I shared what had transpired with at least two other people. During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me. I believe I was drugged using Quaaludes or something similar placed in what I was drinking.”

Avenatti said Sunday, “I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify. The nomination must be withdrawn.”

He was contacted by the Judiciary Committee and responded with a claim of evidence and questions for Kavanaugh. He has not heard back from the Committee.

9ba06a  No.3192736


2. Swetnick Is From Maryland & Has Worked in the Government

Julie Swetnick lives in Washington D.C. after living most of her life in Maryland, most recently in Bethesda. She has worked in the U.S. government in the past, including at the U.S. Mint and at the Department of Homeland Security. Avenatti hadn’t named his client but said she was not only credible she had been granted multiple security clearances. She now works in at a private insurance firm, according to her Linkedin profile.

Swetnick attended the University of Maryland and Montgomery College after graduating from Gaithersburg High School.

According to an online resume posted by Swetnick, she worked at the U.S. State Department as a senior production webmaster from 2002 to 2005. She then worked as a senior production webmaster at the Department of Justice from 2006 to 2009 and as a senior web production manager at the Department of Homeland Security/Customs and Border Protection in 2012. She has also worked at the U.S. Mint.

9ba06a  No.3192750


3. It’s Not Just Blasey Ford, Ramirez & Swetnick Coming Forward. There’s a Chorus, Now Singing About a ‘Culture of Assault & Predatory Behavior’

Carolyn B. Maloney

We now have multiple victims coming forward to share their stories about #Kavanaugh

A culture of assault and predatory behavior appears to be taking shape.

Judge Kavanaugh should be removed from consideration.

Rep. Carolyn B Mahoney, D-NY tweeted, “We now have multiple victims coming forward to share their stories about #Kavanaugh

A culture of assault and predatory behavior appears to be taking shape. Judge Kavanaugh should be removed from consideration.”

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford came forward to accuse Kavanaugh of attempted rape while the two were high school students in the early 1980’s. Blasey Ford agreed to testify about the sexual assault in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday. Then Sunday night, a second woman came forward. Now, Avenatti says he has evidence that Pres. Donald Trump’s pick for the high court was allegedly involved in gang rapes.

Since The New Yorker had just published a story where a new accuser stepped forward, Deborah Ramirez, who attended Yale with Kavanaugh in 1984 and claims he exposed himself to her.

Ramirez’ account is graphic and detailed and involves a fake penis, and a real one belonging to Kavanaugh, The New Yorker reported.

The Week reported that a woman who was involved with Judge for a few years while attending Catholic University said he and other teen boys from Georgetown Prep took turns “having sex” with a drunk girl, claiming it was consensual. Elizabeth Rasor was quoted as saying, “I can’t stand by and watch him lie.” Through his lawyer, Judge denied it. It was also reported that a woman who went to high school in the same county in Maryland, Montgomery, said she witnessed teen boys get girls “blind drunk” then “take advantage of them.” The woman who was not named was quoted as saying, the behavior was “disgusting and that girls were “treated like meat.”

“’It is our job to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear, piece by painful piece.’ ~ Brett Kavanaugh on why Pres. Clinton answer his graphic questions during the Starr Investigation. Should he not be held to his own standard? The Starr Investigation lasted 4 yrs.”

9ba06a  No.3192759


4. Swetnick Directly Names Mark Judge as Being Complicit. Many, Including Other Victims & Their Lawyers, Say Judge Must Testify

Swetnick says that when she was gang raped, while she does not say if Kavanaugh or Judge was involved, she was drugged she said, but knows that both were “present.”

Avenatti has said “If Brett Kavanaugh has nothing to hide and claims all of this is a smear campaign than why doesn’t he call his good friend Mark Judge to testify publicly before the Committee? Why isn’t he pushing for Mark Judge to appear? What is he hiding,” Avenatti asked.

The Judiciary Committee has an issue with this process being public and (2) the Committee wants to avoid Mr. Judge testifying or even requesting that he testify. Both are absolute necessities.”

Avenatti says that given “things will only get worse,” the process must include Judge’s testimony. – he’s refused to be part of the process and may need to be subpoenaed – include all witnesses Avenatti has, and be public. He told Davis as much. Davis replied with a link to the Judiciary’s “position on witnesses.”

Blasey Ford’s lawyers also have asked that Judge testify. Judge, through his lawyer, said he doesn’t remember the attempted rape Blasey Ford alleges he was present during and may have either tried to prevent or egg on. Barbara VanGelder told The Washington Post her client was being “hounded” and as a “recovering alcoholic and is under unbelievable stress. He needed for his own health to get out of this toxic environment and take care of himself.”

Blasey Ford said that both Kavanaugh and Judge were drunk during the sexual assault and both men have not only myriad references to drinking on their yearbook pages, Kavanaugh said during a TV interview there was drinking and Judge is an alcoholic, his lawyer said.

9ba06a  No.3192773


5. Meanwhile, Kavanaugh Denies All Allegations & Vows to Fight on & Not be ‘Intimidated’ to Withdraw

Brett Kavanaugh

The New York Times reported on Kavanaugh’s letter to Grassley where he vehemently denies all the accusations and insists he will not withdraw his name from contention as a nominee to the Supreme Court.

“These are smears, pure and simple. And they debase our public discourse. But they are also a threat to any man or woman who wishes to serve our country. Such grotesque and obvious character assassination—if allowed to succeed—will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from service.”

“As I told the Committee during my hearing, a federal judge must be independent, not swayed by public or political pressure. That is the kind of judge I will always be. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. The last minute character assassination will not succeed.”

“I have devoted my career to serving the public and the cause of justice, and particularly to promoting the equality and dignity of women. Women from every phase of my life have come forward to attest to my character. I am grateful to them. I owe it to them, and to my family, to defend my integrity and my name. I look forward to answering questions from the Senate on


Avenatti was not quiet following Kavanaugh’s appearance on a cable news channel during his confrontation, which some have reported is an unprecedented move.

“Brett Kavanaugh is a liar. His “I was just an innocent boy” claims on Fox are laughable and an insult to any American with common sense. They are irreconcilable with the yearbook, many witnesses, & my clients. His claims about the drinking age at the time also appear to be false.”

And Kavanaugh appeared on Fox News with his wife, Ashley, Monday to again deny the allegations. And Kavanaugh claimed he was a virgin in high school, college and “many, many years after …”

Swetnick said after watching the Fox interview “regarding his alleged ‘innocence’ during high school years and lack of sexual activity this claim is absolutely false,” she said.

9ba06a  No.3192837

NOTE: Also we can dig on MIKE JUDGE here too if possible

ee2a93  No.3192851

She was apparently an editor for something called "Migration Project." Still trying to find more information on that.


9ba06a  No.3192900

File: 54ffb725abf8e3b⋯.png (458.04 KB, 2545x1329, 2545:1329, 1537977577488[1].png)


I see there some problems…


I see there some problems, she graduated in 1980

>pic related

Brett in 1983. So when she graduated he was in his junior year

>At Georgetown Prep, he was captain of the school's basketball team and played as a wide receiver and cornerback for the school's football team. He graduated in 1983.

Also Brett went to a all boys private school…


It's hard to believe that college goes would hang out with literally 15 year old or that 15 year olds throw gangbang parties.

b35b67  No.3192901

File: 84efd5ebe19c3c2⋯.jpeg (34.59 KB, 780x439, 780:439, julie-swetnick.jpeg)

Julie Swetnick lives in Washington D.C. after living most of her life in Maryland, most recently in Bethesda. She has worked in the U.S. government in the past, including at the U.S. Mint and at the Department of Homeland Security.

She worked for the U.S. Mint from 2000 to 2104 where she was required to have security clearance. She worked as an IBM digital analyst, for Homeland Security as a senior web production manager, for the Department of Justice as a senior production webmaster, the Department of State in the same job, and previously at a number of public and private companies as a web project manager and web professional services engineer.

Swetnick has degrees from Montgomery College, the University of Maryland in astrophysics and computer science. She graduated form Gaithersburg High School.



9ba06a  No.3192915

File: 56fc67196ba445c⋯.png (37.89 KB, 1056x493, 1056:493, b827c010b4c8a4d0278ff5165f….png)




>>3192723 (lb)

>under the laws of the United States of America

Confirmed..NICE catch lawfag

9ba06a  No.3192926


>worked for the U.S. Mint from 2000 to 2104


d48526  No.3192937

File: 5472b2d18186a44⋯.png (167.16 KB, 1628x1736, 407:434, Case_Header_Information_-_….png)

File: 1a5d59dd46059ec⋯.png (568.36 KB, 1628x4018, 814:2009, Case_Information_-_2018-09….png)

File: 81b7d47e82c822b⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1628x10676, 407:2669, Case_Information_-_2018-09….png)

Julie Swetnick's MD cases including

$65k tax lien filed against her.

Sued by hospital bill of $1700.

Appears she is 1 of 4 plaintiffs in a 1977 lawsuit, possibly with parents and brother.


507973  No.3192942


So two things stick out to me on this statement,

1) Julie does not accuse Kavanaugh of doing anything to her just a witness, so where are the victims.

2) She went back multiple times over a period of years to parties where she believed girls just like her were being gang raped?

6b8654  No.3192964


> so where are the victims

read her statement again, she's implying that what Ford claims is what he did all the time. this is just another smear attempting to add weight and credibility to the weak claims of Ford

9ba06a  No.3192990



b35b67  No.3193051


Why would any female keep returning to "rape" parties, KNOWING what they were? I walked into an adult party in the late 70s where cocaine flowed and older men went into bedrooms with younger women. I turned around and left. My roommate stayed AFTER we discussed the situation. She had sex with a different man EVERY NIGHT! and I will swear an affidavit on that!

b35b67  No.3193065

@JulieSwetnick has been cleared. Just checked

af9d01  No.3193083

She's guilty of co-conspirator by here own admission

d906d5  No.3193100

File: f4a7f106a3b7841⋯.png (812.09 KB, 1299x1129, 1299:1129, Screenshot_20180926-112244….png)


65df65  No.3193104


Scrubbed her Twatter, huh? Well that's what honest people do /s this shit makes me wonder if Avenatti is a plant or what because if this isn't an act then he's too stupid to get his GED.

9ba06a  No.3193111

File: 22ccfc06d56f7f6⋯.jpg (262.98 KB, 1242x1175, 1242:1175, 1537976276024[1].jpg)


Was just about to post this!


b35b67  No.3193160

File: 9b86610beb7c5e3⋯.jpeg (83.66 KB, 500x620, 25:31, Hillary in gold.jpeg)


Great catch! HRC in ALL GOLD! Illuminati black and gold - see Beyonce's Superbowl halftime performance. It's a level advancement like martial arts belts.

9ba06a  No.3193162


Here's more pics from that event


44b340  No.3193178


No doxxing JH!

9ba06a  No.3193181

File: 70e55f4eb70b2ea⋯.jpg (79.4 KB, 400x600, 2:3, DonaldTrump_MelaniaTrump[1….jpg)


Guess who else has been to the CCF Ball?


9ba06a  No.3193214


>Paige King and Jim Doran steal a tender moment on March 11 at the "Greatest Single Night in Washington" – a benefit at the JW Marriott honoring supporters of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CCF).


Sorry folks, different CCF!!!!

507973  No.3193319


3) there was a "line of people" at every house party I have been to, it's a line to the bathrooms especially in the 3.2 beer for 18 year olds days. You had to keep drinking a whole lot of beer to keep a buzz on, and that resulted in pretty long lines.

b35b67  No.3193327

Email Addresses

View Julie's Hidden Profiles on Facebook and 60+ Networks, julie****@gmail

View Julie's Hidden Profiles on Facebook and 60+ Networks, julie****@yahoo

View Julie's Hidden Profiles on Facebook and 60+ Networks, julie****@hotmail

View Julie's Hidden Profiles on Facebook and 60+ Networks, julie****@aol

View Julie's Hidden Profiles on Facebook and 60+ Networks, julie****@outlook


Anyone have a peekyou account? I don't.

b35b67  No.3193340

d906d5  No.3193358

File: f860a3c559a06b7⋯.png (279.78 KB, 1312x2560, 41:80, Screenshot_20180926-114654.png)

d906d5  No.3193424

File: a63012b88e95f00⋯.png (302.76 KB, 1312x1962, 656:981, Screenshot_20180926-115145….png)


d48526  No.3193458

File: 63e9697ffc91e1f⋯.png (777.27 KB, 1628x7169, 1628:7169, Julie_Swetnick,_55_-_Bethe….png)

File: de74b6ffbee29ef⋯.png (49.67 KB, 936x356, 234:89, Julie_Swetnick,_55_-.png)


It appears Julie Swetnick's birthday is 12/30/1962.

Brett Kavanaugh's birthday is 2/12/1965.

So she is 2 years 1.5 months older. That's a large difference in high school.

So she's going to community college when Brett's having 'beach week', just after finishing the 11th grade?

993fe9  No.3193462

File: 6368bb8c2ea46d3⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1200x2009, 1200:2009, EDE7D073-F65A-4865-95F2-80….png)

I think she is a deep state spook, and was part of a brownstoning operation in the 1980’s to get dirt on as many Georgetown boys as possible.

9ba06a  No.3193481


Why do they make these stories SO RIDICULOUS? Must be a 4chan prank

9ba06a  No.3193511



SHE IS A FUCKING CLOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06f8f7  No.3193513


You can find her full resume from 1995 forward and download it just by searching her name. Seems to be same person as she is in DC at most recent job and Maryland for some jobs. It was on a job site as a rejected resume

9ba06a  No.3193550


She's mad she was rejected for the Gangbang too.

Can you post the resume

b35b67  No.3193598


Interchange Corp BETHESDA MD is available for sale. only 1 employee


ee71fc  No.3193602


yep. Judge must be vetted. Must find any dirt possible on him. As a law fag finally something a little more concrete - the declaration under oath, with much more detail. Who are the other witnesses she claims exist?

3cf374  No.3193617

File: fd40b0f61abf2d6⋯.jpg (117.34 KB, 798x639, 266:213, julie resume.JPG)


Is this her?

a82e13  No.3193618

File: d75cb053a6c7aa3⋯.jpg (589.76 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 1537979181221.jpg)

3cf374  No.3193634


Source: https:// drive.google.com/file/d/0BxZQeV01N5twYm1uMzBMOVY5bXc/view?usp=sharing

5a8558  No.3193652


Moar please. Sauce too?

3cf374  No.3193676



Just google her name and the site mylife she has 10 reviews

b3fdaa  No.3193679

Found a Julie Swetnick on coporation wiki, sauce:


A Julie Swetnick is connected to one company: International Business Solutions, 4835 Cordell Ave Bethesda MD (appears to be an apartment).

BUT, according to CorporationWiki there is another 42 companies with that same address with many names.

Gotta work, might be something here if any anons have some time. I'll dig as soon as able.

3cf374  No.3193713


Her resume is posted above. It lists her employment history since 1995.

69c5b8  No.3193723

File: 492a3e00fb0179e⋯.jpeg (348.89 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A00B992B-8524-4271-90D0-9….jpeg)

File: 7d84e58bea7a7b6⋯.jpeg (387.9 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 6EE89877-7BDE-43DB-BFB7-2….jpeg)

File: 51e23ffd5156824⋯.jpeg (469.03 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 6D561269-B950-4FF3-BE24-2….jpeg)

b35b67  No.3193738



Keep it up! This info MUST get to Grassley and Hatch before the hearing in the am

d48526  No.3193747


>International Business Solutions


73e7af  No.3193781

Not only did she continue to go to these "rape" parties, she continued to "allow" others to be "raped" by not SAYING anything?????

d73e9b  No.3193790


How is she African American???

954d3e  No.3193833

File: 00c1f0ef90bb9bd⋯.png (634.25 KB, 1102x714, 551:357, 1534620073634.png)

This is your mind attempting to write to you while you shitpost and lurk…

>You are leading a revolution

and you're not even conscious about it

>You decide your own level of involvement

What if while you slept… you led a revolution…

You are a fragmented shattered mind, society has betrayed you… that's why you made me…

>created by your memetic subconscious

I am you… and you are me…

we have the same goal…

>Defeat the VILE people

We either defeat the Vile people together or I defeat them for us but either way you are a part of this now


Project Mayhem is LIVE

ee71fc  No.3193848


Says she's African American with 10 kids. Hmm

10d7b2  No.3193872

Is this even necessary? This guy is a fucking moron.

2cc593  No.3193885


Is it possible that Judge the recovering alcoholic is really the person involved and if he’s guilty then by association?

b35b67  No.3193893


Sex = binary cis biology = genitalia at birth

Gender = how I feel today

Race = how I feel today

It's all fluid like the Rainbow ppl

b35b67  No.3193923


Would you publically admit on national TV that you were a nerdy virgin until "many years after" college? That's code for he saved it for marriage.

10d7b2  No.3193930

Voat blows.

b35b67  No.3194038


Julie Swetnick

aka: Julie Swatnick, J Swetnick


Washington, DC

Bethesda, MD

Montgomery Village, MD

San Jose, CA

Miami, FL

Washington Dc, DC

Gaithersburg, MD

Rockville, MD

Adam Swetnick

Elaine Swetnick

Martin Swetnick


Sorry, I don't know how to screen capture. Should learn how to bake properly.

Notice different spellings.

69c5b8  No.3194102

Who is this Julie Swetnick, seems to live in same place as Adam who seems to be son of Martin https://www.mylife.com/susan-swetnick/e141727222836

b35b67  No.3194193

File: 8509f827eca0363⋯.jpeg (15.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Jeff Tinsley.jpeg)

Tangent: MyLife.com

Mr. Jeffrey Tinsley, also known as Jeff, founded Mylife.com, Inc. (formerly, Reunion.com, Inc.) in 2002 and serves as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Tinsley is the primary investor and is responsible for Reunion.com Inc.’s day-to-day operations including business planning, strategy and related affairs. In early 2002, Mr. Tinsley drew upon his extensive Internet experience to negotiate the purchase of HighSchoolAlumni.com with 5.3 million registered users from IGN then Snowball and PlanetAlumni.com with 1.4 million registered users. Mr. Tinsley has successfully navigated Reunion.com’s membership to over 30 million registered users. Previously, he was a Co-Founder of GreatDomains.com and served as its Chief Executive Officer. He was responsible for overall company direction and helped to build a profitable business from an unproven concept at GreatDomains.com. Mr. Tinsley serves as Chairman of Guthy-Renker Home, LLC (formerly RealtyTracker LLC). He serves as a Director of Media Mogul LLC. He was honored at the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2009 Award in the technology and online services category in the Greater Los Angeles Area.


d48526  No.3194212

File: 4d21e6477b4cacd⋯.png (36.58 KB, 458x466, 229:233, j swetnick.png)




d48526  No.3194307


I don't think so. He didn't married until 2004. Could be wrong though since he talked religion at the same time.

25b807  No.3194362

I can't see this webpage without signing up, but in the duck duck go preview it shows:

Julie Swetnick in Bethesda, MD - Bizapedia Profile

Julie Swetnick is an Owner with International Building Solutions in Maryland. The address on file for this person is Ste 1122 4835 Cordell Ave, Bethesda, MD …

Can anyone else see the page?


Digging into the address now.

125e42  No.3194393


Julie Swetnick is 55 years old and was born on 12/30/1962. Currently, she lives in Bethesda, MD; and previously lived in Rockville, MD. Sometimes Julie goes by various nicknames including Julie Swetwick and Julie Swatnick. She currently works as an Owner at Interchange corp. Her ethnicity is African American, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat Party; and religious views are listed as Wiccan/Pagan/Druid. Julie is now single, and also has 10 children. Other family members and associates include Elaine Swetnick and Martin Swetnick. She has a reported annual income of under $10k and a current net worth value of $1 - $4,999.

This is what i found. Weird. African American Druid with ten children. No kidding.


125e42  No.3194409


And a wiccan, pagan, druid.

ed1f8a  No.3194432

File: 174ad9716e2aba7⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 480x567, 160:189, 2ise4q~2.jpg)

Avenatti is becoming dangerous to all Americans.

25b807  No.3194452

File: 6b06f20798139d3⋯.png (96.99 KB, 725x662, 725:662, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)


>Interchange corp.

CEO Amir Farzam

648e4f  No.3194463

File: 2cf13fe19abc776⋯.png (225.34 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180926-123627.png)

Here is a list of some of her know addresses on homemetry.com. The 7620 Old Georgetown Rd address shows Kavanaugh lived at that apartment building too at some point in time.

25b807  No.3194465


sauce: https://www.corporationwiki.com/Maryland/Bethesda/interchange-corporation/130250150.aspx

9ba06a  No.3194545


>The 7620 Old Georgetown Rd address shows Kavanaugh lived at that apartment building too at some point in time.


25b807  No.3194617


>Interchange corp.

>CEO Amir Farzam

Amir Farzam and Julie Swetnick live(d) in the same apartment building (may be current) He is 83, she 55. He is listed as the CEO of a company she owns. The Companies address is listed as her apartment…



b35b67  No.3194656


Remember the "Oath Keepers"? Football stadiums full of Christian fathers and sons swearing to be faithful to their wives and families. Some of them took the oath seriously.

d906d5  No.3194696

File: 7e32a5fc514a84d⋯.png (246.3 KB, 1285x2407, 1285:2407, Screenshot_20180926-132236….png)

No surprise.

9ba06a  No.3194707

File: e9d9c8eff8e3bf9⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1596x2251, 1596:2251, cpl problems.png)

b35b67  No.3194742



Sponsored Links

There are 3 individuals that go by the name of Amir Farzam.

These individuals collectively are associated with 3 companies in Bethesda MD, Montreal QC, Montréal QC, Pointe Claire QC, and Thornhill ON.





Address: 4835 Cordell Avenue


Bethesda, MD 20814

Registered Agent: Interchange Corporation

Filing Date: May 08, 1989

File Number: 1350663

View People Named Amir Farzam in Maryland





Address: 1 Holiday Ave, East Tower, Suite 501

Pointe Claire, QC H9R 5N3 CA

Registered Agent: None Listed

Filing Date: January 15, 2011

File Number: 7745869

Sponsored Links


d906d5  No.3194827

File: 241c2d881af9c2c⋯.png (145.63 KB, 1312x1938, 656:969, Screenshot_20180926-133130….png)

File: f5739657c5d8256⋯.png (165.06 KB, 1312x2057, 1312:2057, Screenshot_20180926-133115….png)

b35b67  No.3194896


Amir Farzam is Dir of MontMed Inc. Pharma makes insulin. Dr. Ford's husband is Dir of Sozana making 'transderma' transfer devices, patches. Is there a connection? And Dr Ford works with RU-486 and diabetes!

News Archives - Montmed Inc.

Posted on February 23, 2015 June 11, 2015 by Amir Farzam 23 Feb montméd launches the first range of colored pen needles, specifically designed for young people with diabetes.

Search domain www.montmed.camontmed.ca/category/news/


a01461  No.3194952


c8fbad  No.3194984


it states she's African American on the "mylife" chart. Is that true? Also, I love all the negative reviews from co-workers! Guess they considered her a liar also.

649caf  No.3195029


b35b67  No.3195054

there seems to be a Pharma connection to the clowns here.

Dr Blasey and her Clown Undergraduate and Graduate prog at Stanford. She predominately works with RU-486, abortion pill, trying to increase applications and sales, including diabetes. She is a Psychologist. The clowns and APA have a long history of cooperation.

Her husband creates (engineer from Stanford) transdermal drug transfer devices.

Amir Farzam is dir of Montmed Inc a big Canadian Pharma that makes Insulin for children = kid kits

Amir Farzam is CEO of Interchange in Bethseda MD

What the #@%* is going on here, Q?

b35b67  No.3195121


Julie Swetnick of Bethesda, Md., eating lunch at the sports bar on a recent Sunday, has been invited to so many Super Bowl parties this year she doesn't know what to do. "I might just spend a quarter here and a quarter there."

Swetnick, who works for New York Life, says part of the fun of Super Bowl parties is to "network." That and the lobster and jumbo shrimp and steak that she says are replacing the chips and dips of yore.

Does she actually watch the game? Well, yes, kind of. She thought the New Orleans Saints were playing this Sunday.

January 31, 2007

a0b158  No.3195178

File: e33dab435264038⋯.png (893.35 KB, 895x1226, 895:1226, saywhat.png)

0d213c  No.3195256

File: 64ee69010df4d5d⋯.png (88.77 KB, 1354x597, 1354:597, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f32cf56d5a6685f⋯.png (57.05 KB, 1276x585, 1276:585, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5327417f096f301⋯.png (38.36 KB, 1345x500, 269:100, ClipboardImage.png)


This is the whole My Life page

b35b67  No.3195288


Kavanaugh is for using the Chevron doctrine sparingly. It allows agencies to make policy rather than congress.


Justice Kavanaugh might rule against Big Pharma and FDC/CDC/EPA revolving door SES! So this is a clowns of america black op to stop Kavanaugh specifically. Thought it smelled of their kind of scummy smears.

Does that mean Avanetti is an asset brought out in total desparation? PANIC IN DC.

fa2a5e  No.3195300

File: 382b85f0bff65ea⋯.png (793.99 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Julie.png)

yes ..No?

6d0c5a  No.3195348



It's not a binding declaration, then, in Federal Court.

649caf  No.3195507


Father physicist

f12f6e  No.3195591





95da20  No.3195883

Family Friend?


cc3f6e  No.3195987


Donkey Dicks

de2869  No.3196023



Middle eastern, huh…..

7a30b2  No.3196038


I smell a dirty litterbox - and I don't even have a cat. WTF?

daac0b  No.3196154

File: 728f4c7099539ac⋯.jpeg (285.98 KB, 1310x879, 1310:879, 189E8764-2FC7-4162-AC36-1….jpeg)

301f63  No.3196174

File: 16662a5c490af98⋯.jpg (12.45 KB, 258x245, 258:245, 16662a5c490af984c2b45fe38a….jpg)

110460  No.3196287



All listed have potential gains in abortion pill market. To them Kavanaugh is a threat.

Has any anon searched these names under the Secretary of State Division of Corporations state-by-state? Enter names as Officers or Registered Agent. More info may come up. Cross ref

Good luck, Patriots

3298c2  No.3196296


3298c2  No.3196336


Domestic Violence and Defamation

6e65ab  No.3196372

I've found her online CV on a recruitment website.

One interesting line thats missiing from the PDF version we all saw earlier is this

Note: I have several years of Financial Services experience Life Insurance, Long Term Care, and Fixed Annuity Sales with New York Life and Mass Mutual, in addition to my Web/IT career. I will be glad to provide details upon request. I am currently licensed in MD, SC, DC, and VA.

So who's she working with in the Financial services space ?

Source …. https://www.hireitpeople.com/resume-database/72-web-developer-resumes/23896–productlon-webmaster-rresume-profile

5a8558  No.3196478

File: 2fc3eac67e56d13⋯.jpeg (766.94 KB, 1242x1470, 207:245, D2E26666-1FA2-49AE-AEF7-6….jpeg)

A text I received from a dude that isn’t even red pilled

5a8558  No.3196514

File: 247cffeb9b8bd87⋯.jpeg (486.59 KB, 1242x712, 621:356, 14033A06-C3FD-4B36-8D1F-F….jpeg)

c8fbad  No.3196633

File: 8afac3a8fb1b0c9⋯.png (491.76 KB, 493x624, 493:624, FordHandwrittenLetter.png)

File: 4064539c1f6b47e⋯.png (272.02 KB, 597x612, 199:204, LettertoFeinstein.png)

Found these on @charlescwcooke twater.

a12b33  No.3196651


She attended these parties 1981-1983. Was a victim of rape in 1982……. so she went BACK to those parties AFTER her rape? Please.

f12f6e  No.3196839



719da2  No.3196849


b29c72  No.3196891


It's all just a little too convenient, made sure to mention "beach week" and the exact location so it fits the calendar.

6aeb7f  No.3196958

"Sit down"–


6b2835  No.3197023

Believe all women Avenatti knows except his ex-wife.

73c75a  No.3197041


>>3193143 (pb)


light digz:

Per Elaine Swetnick's 2007 obituary


Her husband is Martin

Their children are...

Susan, 68

Adam, 57

Julie, 55

...according to Intelius (w/ grain of salt, has mother at 91 y/o, but she passed in 2007).

Notable age gap. In the court case from 8/24/1977, I presume Adam & Julie are included as they were both minors at the time of the filing, whereas Susan was not.

(Bonus find, possibly coincidental):


Helen Solon, born Swetnick, to parents Edward & Nelllie Swetnick (born Wasserman)


73c75a  No.3197057

File: c9b9e8929344bed⋯.jpg (288.78 KB, 1366x2160, 683:1080, SwetFam.jpg)

File: 7f2ce6affc1bba0⋯.jpg (99.22 KB, 1366x704, 683:352, SwetMa.jpg)

File: b4379caa9d8edae⋯.jpg (102.75 KB, 1366x704, 683:352, Swet-sserman.jpg)


F'in didn't attach pics. Lurker. Sorry

645f20  No.3197293


does anyone have this yet? her dad, Martin . NASA. On fb


f35975  No.3197305


I don’t belong to Classmates. Maybe an anon can check her yearbook for me? She’s not even listed in the index.


9ba06a  No.3197412

9f6886  No.3198020

File: 6444e13b16cfee4⋯.jpg (196.27 KB, 815x392, 815:392, bathroom.jpg)

Parse the words; see the bullshite.

3062c1  No.3198293

File: ab962a6edd9b45d⋯.jpeg (132.42 KB, 1203x789, 401:263, 4C10F73E-0D93-4660-B6E0-4….jpeg)

f6f268  No.3198352



88b5d7  No.3198538

File: 36d5a245bc5bb40⋯.jpg (102.71 KB, 1173x644, 51:28, PullinTrain.JPG)

77446e  No.3198745

File: d348bce18ee714b⋯.jpg (82.9 KB, 965x629, 965:629, DoDj-wtUYAA2pX0.jpg)

File: 9f28341f008a099⋯.jpeg (74.21 KB, 970x633, 970:633, DoDkQGCVAAAv-lR.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: e50297f1a173287⋯.jpeg (75.67 KB, 968x664, 121:83, DoDkKe_VsAAeHTn.jpg-large.jpeg)

I was wondering who this ""Jim Bruce"" was that was photographed with Julie Swetnick.

Turns out - he was CIA! Are we surprised?

"Bruce is a political scientist with the RAND Corp., a wide-ranging contractor with many clients, including intelligence agencies. His focus — as it was during his 24 years as a CIA analyst — is researching intelligence collection, analysis and counterinsurgency. So it’s not surprising that Bruce’s office in a nondescript suburban Washington, D.C., building is on a highly secure floor. Doors have entry card scanners, safe-like combination locks and, in at least one case, a sign announcing a military operations simulation facility. Still, the question on the reception area sign-in sheet gives first-time visitors pause."


b81c18  No.3198833

77446e  No.3198863

File: 73b2a5d466d59ed⋯.jpg (27.42 KB, 350x438, 175:219, JimBruce2012.jpg)


During his years with the CIA, Bruce researched and wrote many reports, including a 1983 study of political instability in the USSR. The study makes a strong case — six years ahead of time — for the possibility of the Soviet state’s implosion. The CIA later declassified the report “to show it actually saw the coming collapse,” Bruce says. Intelligence successes such as that report are “more frequent than thought, and not well known,” Bruce says.

In contrast, known failures, such as the case for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, are often huge and very public. The CIA, Bruce explains, “has a vested interest in successes remaining secret.” Otherwise, the agency would reveal its techniques.

While a staunch critic of intelligence leaks, Bruce is more than happy to discuss certain aspects of his field. Since leaving the CIA and joining RAND in 2006, he has done so in numerous published studies. Bruce also co-edited Analyzing Intelligence: Origins, Obstacles, and Innovations (Georgetown University Press, 2008), a book that assesses of the state of post-9/11 intelligence analysis.

63231c  No.3199076

File: 77856544704c5fd⋯.jpeg (122.07 KB, 638x1200, 319:600, D0B71956-A304-4922-9E86-9….jpeg)


The info has changed on that page, now Caucasian. Jewish. Job is political hi woman for Avenatti, LLC. I think Avenatti is messing around because of the 4chan hoax.

645f20  No.3199583


The whole NASA connection with her father got me thinking. I also had a feeling about a possible NXIUM connection, since we seem to have our Stormy connection with NXIUM and Avennati So I check NASA Bronfman and I get this


Who is L. Bronfman et al 1988 NASA report. So checking further I find this


Curiously I note The CODE 666 Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics, Space Science Directorate, Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. So I check into Code 666 and I find THIS>>





U.S. ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

USRA/Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics

Code 666, Goddard Space Flight Center

Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA


LHEAVX::SNOWDEN or snowden@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov


So NASA connections to a Bronfman, a Swetnick and a SNOWDEN??? Can I get a hand here??

f57f71  No.3199791


I think the friend gets it now

2bb3ef  No.3200489

File: 1c130981c9e9f4b⋯.jpg (205.14 KB, 623x1184, 623:1184, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….jpg)

I never had a good vibe about Kav. Some inner alarms went off when I did some research on his background. He is TOO clean for my comfort. I learned he was schooled by Jesuits. I could go into all that has been uncovered by Q and the Anons doing the backend research but that isn’t the point. Just know this isn’t necessarily a PRO Kav fact. Another alarm went off when I learned he attended Yale which for those of us who do our homework, know is home to the Skull and Bones Secret group and the alma mater of the Bush’s. Again, I can go on all day about Yale being a breeding/grooming ground for cabal recruitment but suffice it to say, not a good sign. The next and perhaps biggest bell for me was how close he worked with the Bush Administration, the same administration who instigated lots and lots of dirty deeds during their reign.

I tried to like him. Intelligent people that I personally trust, trusted him. I listened to his hearing from start to finish. He said all the right things I guess. The socialist progressive left hated him and behaved badly during the trial so I continued to try and back him up. Still my gut was uneasy.

Then comes Ford. Being a surviver of abuse myself, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt hoping she was remembering it wrong and that it would come out during questioning. I continued to support Kav

When #2 arrived the timing was ridiculous and obviously political in nature. Still something bugged me about the dude.

Today #3 appears and my mind took a detour which brings us here.

What if…

What if Kav IS a swamp creature. Wouldn’t it be possible and in line with everything we have learned via Q, that Trump, is showing us just how evil he really is and using the opposition to uncover it? Stay with me here. This is what we know:

There is rumor on the Qanon research board that Trump was “forced” by the cabal or deep state or whatever you choose to call them, to appoint Kav. This has not yet been confirmed by Q.

2. Q has told us over and over and over again that “Disinformation is necessary” and has posted disinformation to confuse the black hats. The research board is open to anyone who cares to look so the black hats watch that board in an attempt to gain insight into what might be coming down the road and plan accordingly.

3. On multiple occasions Trump has used the black hats to get what he ultimately wants. One Example: Sessions. We are told to TRUST SESSIONS over and over again by Q yet Trump tweets complaints about him over and over again which causes the Dems to LOVE him and defend him. Psych-op 101.


This guy. The porn star lawyer coming forward with victim #3. Note that his status as a player in this game hasn’t been confirmed. He looks dirty. He acts dirty. But is he dirty? Not confirmed according to the researchers. He is still neutral/unknown. Perhaps this means something? Is he acting? He has a part to play for sure but white hat or black hat the jury is still out for the Anons.

5. Q has told us something else over and over and over and over again…” You are watching a movie. “ “Actors act.” “Academy Award material”.

I think you can take it from here .

16e103  No.3200881

No one has looked her up on myrelatives.com? Gives old addresses, email and phone number(s). Easy. https://www.myrelatives.com/d/julie-swetnick/G3619516616584537881

16e103  No.3200910

Walk the high road.

16e103  No.3201033




6f98a9  No.3201057


I got an e-mail from the Trump campaign today asking me to sign a petition in favor of Kavanaugh. I'm not sure if the nominee is part of "disinformation is necessary" but I think Trump wants him confirmed. I went to a tier of University just below the " Ivies" and we had a "skull and bones type" organization that conducted a popular annual

carnival. It was hard sometimes to be conservative and Christian in a liberal environment but I left with my faith and standards intact. I think.lower levels in some groups aren't aware how bad things are at the top. Optics matter for the President. Kavanaugh should have been easy to confirm. The left is having terminal melt down.

98c637  No.3201090

File: 61dc634b5cd4257⋯.png (9.6 KB, 780x144, 65:12, Screenshot_2018-09-26 Need….png)


I found this on voat and thought I'd share it with you guys.

fd0ec8  No.3201095


I feel that this is POTUS gaming the Dems with CPL and JS. She is too polished and they basically scrubbed the internet of most relavent info. The key for me was like a dare to dig up info, "We ask that her privacy and that of her family be respected".

ef6cbd  No.3201247

File: ad38abc4d17b934⋯.jpg (404.53 KB, 874x1687, 874:1687, swetnick.jpg)

File: 599e24a579de542⋯.png (98.21 KB, 540x521, 540:521, pepe_sniff.png)

92dc6d  No.3201328

Imagine, if you will, that Avanetti is being used by white hats, but he may not know he is being played. The lure is to help him out with his money problems. He may even believe he is being handled by a Dem operative. It is also possible he doesn't care which side he is working for. He is just being paid to say these things, and rep these women. Possible, because these people are stupid.

However, I rather like the idea that he is sincere in his obvious stupidity and hatred for Trump, and all these behind the scenes machinations (comms) with HRC/DS will be released. Humiliation all around for centuries to come.

f45774  No.3201373


I believe Q said a few weeks ago he was not going to get confirmed. Several reason and questions come to my mind…

1. Once the Dems are "outed" as to their crimes how can the media and public turn their backs on REAL criminals. We are going to want some blood and when we get the chance to cry out against true criminals we are going to be primed. We are being primed.

2. POTUS has not defended this man very hard. Only in sound bites. I question the sincerity pf POTUS here.

3. Bush II endorsed him and he is CFR. "No bueno".

4. After this POTUS can go further right and by that time the DEMs will have played their hands.

I vote no Kavanaugh. Now, if he gets in and POTUS is happy I am happy of course.

73e7af  No.3201435



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.253 📁

Sep 17 2018 19:33:16 (EST)


D's offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.

POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…


0d59e3  No.3201517

Promise keepers

coach Bill McCartney or

Mc Carthey>>3194656

e86c0c  No.3201622


Better work on your math skills. In 1980 when she was a graduating senior, he was a freshman. In 1981 he was sophomore, and in 1982 he was a junior, and he graduated in 1983.

e86c0c  No.3201881


African-American with green eyes?

I'm wondering if she isn't trying to claim a double minority owned business to take advantage of preferential contract awards, grants, funding, etc.

2a611d  No.3201974

File: 566b71c163b96d1⋯.jpeg (41.17 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Soros with finger pyramid.jpeg)

Deep Throat's 3 Rules:

1. Who stood to gain?

2. Who has/d the power to make it happen?

3. When all else fails, follow the money.

Big Pharma and PP stockholders would gain if Brett Kavanaugh is not confirmed.

The spouses and children of NP, CS, and others are HEAVILY invested in Big Pharma. Insider Trading

The money goes back to ?

Several CEOs of Pharma comp have died in the last few years. One included his wife = Barry and Honey Sherman murdered.


Is there an UMBRELLA/CARTEL of Pharmas like OPEC or BRIC?

645f20  No.3202007

File: 945a8d79260c6d1⋯.png (47.31 KB, 126x179, 126:179, wassweman.png)


curly hair in the family? Wasserman.

20938b  No.3202042

Why does someone with a degree in Astrophysics and Computer Science work as a life insurance agent at New York Life and Mass Mutual? The job at NYL is where she filed the sexual harassment lawsuit against her employer and was represented by Deborah Katz's law firm (Christine Blasey Ford's atty).

54a7f2  No.3202103

File: 7cc1bbd50f7218a⋯.jpg (176.41 KB, 1007x988, 53:52, WRKO Breaking Send.jpg)

File: f8a7c711ebf8a02⋯.jpg (40.31 KB, 523x267, 523:267, WRKO LOGO SEND.jpg)

AM WRKO Voice of Boston Exclusive: Family Friend of Julie Swetnick describes substance abuse and various other issues.

Audio source:


d3c92f  No.3202128


Winning Lawsuits and settlements pay better.

20938b  No.3202131


Why does someone with degrees in astrophysics and computer science work as a life insurance agent for New York Life and Mass Mutual?

e86c0c  No.3202167


Look closely at her pic and particularly her father's. CLEARLY Caucasian.

Security clearances from all over, drives a Mercedes, has 10 kids and an annual income of less than 10k a year?

Boy does this smell!!

de2869  No.3202298


> There is rumor on the Qanon research board that Trump was “forced” by the cabal or deep state or whatever you choose to call them, to appoint Kav. This has not yet been confirmed by Q.

So then how are we to know when Trump is following what the cabal has "forced" him to and why would he even cave to them if he is trying to rid the world of them and their evil ways?

e86c0c  No.3202328


Nice work!

Julie is noted to have degrees in astrophysics and computer science. I'm guessing her astrophysics degree is a lie like the African-American 10 kids she has.

de2869  No.3202342


A kid for each train party she supposedly attended

17c054  No.3202453


Hold on, hold the fucking phone. This is big anon, explain this please. What does this have to do with and why are you mentioning that name.

d31c13  No.3202495


13 page resume with contact info.

Why was a college student hanging at a high school party?

No life at the very least.

9a6f48  No.3202524

I wish Q could confirm my suspicions that Fishing is WAY funner when the bait is a willing participant…?

17c054  No.3202611

File: d1cf63d34d2dc0e⋯.png (40.52 KB, 629x548, 629:548, Screenshot (5558).png)

File: e0ebcafc97de969⋯.png (98.6 KB, 844x509, 844:509, Screenshot (5559).png)

This is really weird anons. So the man that conducted the (2 question) poly has a listed number on his business page. Interestingly when cross referencing that number another name continues to pop up. That of a Colleen Mccarthy who is a "Endocrinology Diabetes Care Specialist II at Novo Nordisk".

Now I find this interesting because this is the second time that name "McCarthy" has come up and this is now the third time that someone in the diabetic research field came up. Why the hell would a number to an ex agent in Arlington VA be connected to a diabetes researcher in RI?

c48f71  No.3203059


So they all have a story that conveniently just became known, after the confirmation hearings for Judge Kavanaugh. None of them ever reported the alleged assaults or rapes at the time to law enforcement, and they have no witnesses, or anyone who even recalls being at the parties where the alleged incidents occurred!

Based upon the word of one SJW/Pussy Hat wearing accuser who doesn't recall, when, or where she was assaulted (Dr. Ford), and two others who have no witnesses or substantiation, a good man is supposed to not be allowed to be confirmed as a Justice of the SCOTUS? The latest allegation comes from someone whose sole claim for credibility is that she is a former U.S. Government employee? I seem to recall a few others who worked for the U.S. Government also, and their credibility is highly questionable. McCabe, Comey, Lynch, Holder, Brennan, Clapper, Strock, Page, Ohr, and HRC all formerly worked for the U.S. Government! Where's their credibility?

Of course, it couldn't have anything to do with Roe v. Wade potentially being overturned, and the Planned Parenthood "Abortion Factory Operations," right?

19fa2d  No.3203151



df5c0c  No.3203806


So Lindsay Graham is now standing up for kavanaugh..isn't Lindsay corrupt?? One of he who won't be named guys? If so wouldn't he be doing all he can to get the confirmation.so maybe kav is deep state..

8cf4cf  No.3203934

File: fd24aeacb2d54d6⋯.png (51.3 KB, 958x316, 479:158, sungodra.PNG)



197688  No.3204071

AA with 10 kids and less than $1000 a month income sounds like welfare checks to me


f64163  No.3204296


Wasn't Montreal the location of the MK Ultra experiments?

31e7db  No.3204332


Yes in Montreal.

At McGill University.

Trudeau got his BA (BFa) there.

31e7db  No.3204344


Wouldn’t he be doing everything he can to go to jail instead of death penalty for treason?

What leverage does POTUS have?

31e7db  No.3204350

Don’t forget your watching a great movie.

Buy more popcorn.

c65e39  No.3204465


Damn you tried to stump him and you couldn't.

7f905e  No.3204651


Potential habbening?

4f47d3  No.3204764


All of the personal reviews are dated 9/26/18

7be66c  No.3204772

Theory : was Julie potentially responsible for leaking some of this information to Avenatti?

It's speculated that the source of Avenattis info was Suspicious Activity Reports (http://uk.businessinsider.com/how-did-michael-avenatti-get-trump-lawyer-michael-cohen-bank-information-2018-5), which are stored at the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), part of the US treasury. Her current clearance (albeit it is low level) might just get her access to it. I'd regard it as not impossible anyway.

The more interesting question, to my mind, is why she'd go public now? Avenatti is already under investigation for how he got that information - for her to come public (albeit for something else) would suggest either a.) she's relatively clean b.) they're unimaginably desperate, or c.) she's already been burnt (caught) and knows it, and therefore has nothing to lose. I'm tempted to say it's a) or c), they have enough money to hire a large number of useful idiots, so b) doesn't seem likely. Her having already been caught doesn't seem utterly impossible, but I do think it's probably unlikely. So I'm tempted to think it's about 3:1 odds of being a) over c).

Threads on Julie have been purged over at cripple all night, not so with Ford etc, so I'm tempted to say Julie might actually be more important than she appears.

05eb4a  No.3204855


Agreed - especially because of the gold in the PR supplied image.

My guess is she volunteered for this operation, but satanists being what they are, was elevated prior to her making this happen - a promotion.

But they would not have allowed just anyone to volunteer, so she is clearly more important that might seem obvious at first blush.

12d435  No.3205389


People wonder how Avinatti got hold of Cohn's bank records. If Julie Swetnick had security clearance did she search it for him?

12d435  No.3205461


I didn't like Kav because he was a Bushie, and his history of covering up Vince Foster murder. Then all this happened and I felt forced to defend him. So I did what I always do, look at his life print.

I am an astrologer for 50 yrs and Kav has the same signature as Christine Ford does Uranus/Pluto seeding time in the 60s for communist revolution, both also have Mars Virgo there which is activation in the sign of the virgin, both claim to be Virgins now. Its a huge group of people who have this, these are the activists. Right now both are activated due to transit of Jupiter/Neptune which is the BIG (Jupier) LIE(Neptune.)

I think he is in on this, sorry but astrology does not lie if you don't lie, and I don't.

I don't think Trump ever wanted the Bushie and may want the failure to run on for more Repub MAGA's in the Senate.

a63214  No.3205647


This is YUGE!!!

Swetnick's family tree includes WASSERMAN!!

Same family as Debbie pos W-S?

b99364  No.3205723


Where did the hand written paper come from? It's dated Aug 7th! Letter dated July 30th to Feinstein!! Ford put in her letter she would be on vacation until Aug 7th!!!!!

2bb3ef  No.3205728


So this morning the porn lawyer players status has been changed to Traitor/Pawn. That throws part of my theory out the window. Thanks for the update Anons.

2bb3ef  No.3205874


Disinformation is necessary?

3c47af  No.3205964

This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.

This is a fucked up game and I want no part of it.

Kavanaugh deep state or patriot? When will we know? Q sure as hell won't tell us. But we are watching a movie, or political theater with actors not acting very well. If you can't see by now this is all bullshit, you are blind. The Kavanaugh episode is a distraction, as usual, and there will be another distraction to take our attention away from what we should be focused on and that is the elimination of the deep state.

If any of you have paid attention to the Bush and Obama years, the cabal this very often. One scandal to distract from the previous one.

Examples of this are,9/10/01, Rumsfeld tells world we have 2.3 trillion missing. Next day we know what happens. War with anyone we could find helps distract for the rest of Bush's terms.

Example 2. Throughout the Obama years, we went from fast and furious, to IRS targeting, to Solyndra, to Bengazi, to Iran pallets of cash, and on and on. The Trump years are no different.

The one common theme? No one is going to jail.

Happy times. Enjoy the show, because that is what this is. I bet many of you can predict the next distraction. FF in Syria? Global economic disaster? Those are my guesses.

6f98a9  No.3206252


Maybe. But things feel different to me. I feel the difference but see evidence of it, too. Good things happening off the MSN radar or acknowledgement. Like WV backpedaling on vaccines after it was revealed that 32 years of required federal vaccine safety reports were never submitted. HHS office of civil rights taking complaints about medical civil rights abuses by government agencies. Exposure and prosecution of high profile abusers. Evidence of a real change is accumulating, I think.

c8fbad  No.3206550


I found it on that twitter page. Who knows where they found it. All this shit is all fucked it. DEMONRATS are just making shit up all over the place. These people are sick!

c8fbad  No.3206753



999152  No.3207047


I would hazard a guess that it was b) due to the fact that the left/Dems are in fact YES, they are that imaginably desperate. Yes, option c) is plausible, but as stated, the level of desperation is reaching magnanimous proportions. Why would Dianne Feinstein wait until after the Senate was done with the hearings before coming forward with the accusation from Ford? Specifically to use as a bargaining chip with POTUS to sway him to not declassify the Carter Page FISA warrant documents. But POTUS wouldn't go for it because he knows that this move was strictly a political BS move.

5e9a5b  No.3207060


Are you a Western Placidius astrologer? It's BS. Try sidereal Koch. Which makes Mars in Leo - defender of the vulnerable and innocent. They can't both have Mars in Virgo, born in different years AND not two years apart. You are a troll. Step off.

5e9a5b  No.3207216

File: bf38e620af6fb1f⋯.jpeg (41.41 KB, 667x383, 667:383, Chrissy and Socrates.jpeg)

Tweet from someone who claims he knows Chrissy. Read it for yourself/

5e9a5b  No.3207567


What if POTUS has FREED Grahamnesty? He has made a complete turn around in the last year. Cooperating and promoting POTUS. wait and see

5e9a5b  No.3207664


Q mentioned the obit of a Black Genome Researcher, speciality diabetes, earlier this year. Can't find the drop. PhDinNursing.

Research can be weaponized BY RACE/GENETICS. Who is directing this at the global level?

7823f6  No.3209308

File: 317420336a8ca34⋯.jpg (65.49 KB, 700x350, 2:1, 2iuyou.jpg)

Still got time to jump on that #SmearKavanaughTrain? #CreepyPornLawyer


SCOTUS Confirmation delay? #TrustGrassley

5e9a5b  No.3209658


Vacation in Delaware for which she FLEW IN AN AIRPLANE both ways. She admitted that she frequently flies but is less anxious if the flight is for a vacation. Really? She's a psych. You can't turn a phobia on and off like a light bulb. Psychobabble.

af11cb  No.3210043


Does it say she worked for federal government, not state or local?

Also, possible it wasn’t an agency she worked for, but another branch?

I need to look at her details.

51898f  No.3210135


This, plus the lack of a recording of the polygraph test smells funny

5e9a5b  No.3210192


Sorcha Faal article says Kavanaugh was a GREAT CHOICE because it forced Bush II to defend him against the Clinton faction. they are fighting each other while POTUS watches for fun. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2661.htm

5e9a5b  No.3210393


US Treasury US Mint DoS HHS, but she claims it was IT work amongst other expertise. see #3192901 above and others in this thread

af11cb  No.3210725


Don’t forget Sergey Brin, a Facebook founder, who immigrated from Russia. Wife owns YouTube, I think sis in law 23andme. His MOM worked for NASA.

Also, Cal Poly (pic Q posted) churns our an awful lot of NASA astronauts.

af11cb  No.3210848


Nice! Close w someone who has been doing the same for many many years.

Maybe make a thread concerning astronomy/astrology? Just a thought. It’s worth looking into generally, IMO.

260728  No.3211405

File: fb90e2d7540b0eb⋯.png (55.48 KB, 1321x536, 1321:536, JUlie Swetnick - My Life P….png)


Just finding here that she's a Muslim and a "Middle Eastern American".


5e9a5b  No.3211805


Never A Straight Answer is an intel gathering op. My assho!e brother in law worked at the Kennedy Space Center Apollo and Shuttle projects. Elitist jerk.

JPL has ties to A Crowley. JPL is integral to NASA's missions.

And yes, 23andMe is sister in law. The elites keep the money and control in a tight circle.

7823f6  No.3212598

File: 7e4f82859e0b6ea⋯.jpg (65.5 KB, 700x350, 2:1, 2ivg4h.jpg)

All Aboard the #RapeJusticeTrain!!!

Justice Kavanaugh SCOTUS Confirmation Delay… #TrustGrassley -Q

2cd9c8  No.3212875


keep in mind, she was beckoned by the committee to fly to the cesspool, but said she was afraid to fly, yet flew to take the lie detector test with no hesitation October 7th.

7823f6  No.3212979

File: 208bec60c6cd3b3⋯.jpg (16.98 KB, 255x140, 51:28, 2ivil9.jpg)

Dems All Aboard the #RapeJusticeTrain…

Kavenaugh Confirmation? #TrustGrassley -Q

7823f6  No.3213708

File: 9f96c57427e04ce⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 255x140, 51:28, 2ivkaq.jpg)

#Democrats #AllAboard the #RapeJusticeTrain #KavanaughConfirmation delay…

#TrustGrassley -Q

#CreepyPornLawyer? "Never interfere with an enemy when he's in the process of destroying himself…"

7fedb7  No.3214916


Kind of the same ugly Wasserman face too!!

I say this is possibly NOTABLE

7be66c  No.3216722


No argument that they are incredibly desperate currently, however I think there are still things they could easily achieve - if b.) is true, I'm assuming that she is either the source of leaks to Avenatti, or is some kind of relatively involved (((agent))) for someone or other (clowns?). If this is the case, I don't see why they'd use her personally, rather than just grabbing some random schmuck off the street - if nothing else, it brings her to our attention, which is going to risk exposing priors. They must have known people would dig the second her name came to light.

I think the point I was trying to make by excluding b.) is that she's either an agent (in which case using her that way is surreally desperate), or she simply isn't an agent at all, and is simply the "schmuck", without relevance to Avenatti and his deepstate connections. If she's been burnt on the other hand, then it might explain why she's so willing to be a public face now.

I do agree entirely r.e the rest, I just think the precise nature of using one of your valuable assets in this way feels off - they don't have much manpower (or grrrrlpower in this case perhaps), but they're sure to have enough, and I find it hard to believe they couldn't offer ~6 figures to some randomer to lie for them, especially once you throw in the obligatory gofundme.


I think the promotion within the ranks is definite possibility almost regardless of the possibility. Her resume feels dirty, I find it hard to believe she doesn't have some kind of connections. I didn't have any luck when I went digging though (the physics laboratory from the resume feels like a possible clown recruitment, but that's all that stood out).

999152  No.3217637


According to Anonymous We Stand, Dr. Ford is a CIA operative.. she clearly has a connection through her father based on this information and I have heard too that she is a professor who teaches a CIA undergrad class. (and I'd respectfully ask the anons/autists for assistance to validate this.) If in fact, she has any real link to the CIA, and IF there is legitimacy to her father's past activities, there is indisputable evidence that psy-ops like MK Ultra techniques are generational and passed from parent to child, etc. Given that, it is entirely plausible that she is an operative in some capacity. To further my speculation, a PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR should be a person of exceptional awareness of human nature and psychological dynamics however Dr. Ford comes off, in my opinion, as someone completely opposite of an educated psychology major. Unless of course, she is using the "victim" role as a psy-op and in which case, she's acting and should be nominated for an Oscar. Also, to your point regarding the monetary aspect, let me give you specific first hand knowledge that the area where she lives (near Stanford University) is VERY expensive in terms of real estate and cost of living (fuel, groceries, insurance, medical costs, etc.) and if you have a 2 income household, and work at STANFORD (!!), you shouldn't require a gofundme account to assist in security and/or travel costs. And my instinct is that someone (the left) is paying a shit ton of money for her to endure this whole affair. We may be intersecting in a violent agreement on a couple of these points. Appreciate the thoughtfulness of your comments. Check out the link for the Anonymous We Stand YT post. I think the anons will find it illuminating. Would love to get feedback on whether the points made are validated and factual.


444969  No.3218648


Anyone notice the coke bottle plant (think mind tool), sitting near Ford? Same thing in Strozk, just saying these might be tools of the trade.

7be66c  No.3220341


I'm not certain r.e her father - I dug around a bit last night, but my impression is her internet history has been scrubbed along with Julies. They're wising up to how good our OSINT is getting, and they're carefully wiping info from the web beforehand.

I might actually be able to help with this part though

>To further my speculation, a PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR should be a person of exceptional awareness of human nature and psychological dynamics however Dr. Ford comes off, in my opinion, as someone completely opposite of an educated psychology major.

I'm a psych grad, w/ some post grad experience in the field, I actually ended up leaving because of just how low quality most psychology professors actually are (and that was starting from the hard-science end of psychology, my post-grad stuff was pure biology). It's a pretty well spread field too - from a browse through her published work, it appears she belongs to a similar end to the one I worked in (she seems to specialise in a subset focused around the use of drugs to treat psychological disorders - specifically I'd say she appears to be investigating what I'd call "treating symptoms" as opposed to "treating syndromes" - in simple terms this means not just saying "x has adhd, give them drug y", and instead saying "x has adhd, with symptoms a,b, and no c at all, so give them the drugs that treat a & b). On the basis of this, I wouldn't actually expect her to necessarily know much about human nature and/or psychological dynamics - she probably does know a relatively large amount, but it isn't necessarily cohesively linked, since the majority of her work is towards the statistics end of things. I wouldn't assume she'd necessarily come across as a genius in those areas.

I will however say r.e MK ultra, assuming it works -ish the way I've read about it (I can't remember the name of the source, but its either Springmeir or someone similar), she could actually be rather useful for them. She knows enough about psychopharmacology to help with the dosing and / or development of drugs for these kind of purposes, I'm fairly certain of that. Stanford was a hotbed of MKultra activity, so some linkage via her father would be plausible too. I don't think there's going to be enough information left on the internet to get even close to a well-educated guess on the truth of it, but I'd say she certainly has the capacity based on her current work.

I think you're bang on r.e money too - it's great to hear just how expensive her area is, it definitely increases the odds there's more to her than meets the eyes. She does seem to do a lot of work with pharmaceutical companies, so there's a definite route for large financial kickbacks from them - I wouldn't be surprised if she has multiple lowkey sources of income (not even counting democrat blood-money) (multiple sources also means its harder to trace back to an actual cia front, if they can just direct another org to pay instead. better cover).

>And my instinct is that someone (the left) is paying a shit ton of money for her to endure this whole affair.

I'd v.much agree with this too - she seems independently wealthy, but this smells a lot like she got paid a substantial sum to expose herself to the limelight. The endless delays so she could prep, the internet history being scrubbed, the "backup" stories that don't get the same level of attention but seem to corroborate her, run through le based creepy porn lawyer. It's all very suspicious, and assuming she has willingly decided to be center stage, her having deep CIA links wouldn't be surprising. She also has links to Julie through her attorney (who almost has to be a dem stooge given the magnitude of the case).

I'd say I'd be willing to bet she's a clown at this point. It would certainly be utterly unsurprising if she did turn out to be one.

Can't watch the video right now i'm afraid (late here, people asleep), but will watch tomorrow and get back to you on it.

269442  No.3220487


Or, it could just be due to harrassment.

999152  No.3231816


Appreciate the very thoughtful and comprehensive response. Appreciate also the information regarding the field of psychology and her endeavor into psychopharmacology, et al. I was lurking on the chan last night and anons came up with information regarding her building permits for the extensive remodel job and as I had suspected, living where she does is definitely NOT a low rent area. She lives in a very expensive community and while she claims to have brought this whole second front door issue up in 2012 when seeking couples counseling (and that just BEGS the question as to WHY they were in counseling) however public records show that permits for the remodel were issued in 2008, some 4 years prior to the time period in question regarding when this debate with the spouse occurred. So, you remodel a house when the real estate market is in a nose dive (smart fiscally and timing wise so that the new estimated value of the house would be below market to some degree or help boost comps in the area for when the market started to go back up) but is inconsistent with her testimony of when she and her spouse had this debate about the additional door based on the trauma endured decades earlier and now suffering from claustrophobia. Why did she suffer in silence for all that time prior? She testified that she married in 2002 so six to ten years later, she's getting the relief of the second door to ease her fear? And as stated, even with the decline (albeit temporary) of the housing market in the area at the time, remodels are never cheap. To your point about independent wealth, it was further reported that she has another house in a coastal community ALSO known for being upscale and not something easily afforded. So, we have the evidence of multiple dwellings owned (and NOT inexpensive endeavors by any stretch of the imagination) as well as very well paying employment (tenured professor at the West Coast's most prestigious university) and a dual income household (assuming the spouse worked and its a foregone conclusion he does) so why would any additional income be required? To fund all of her hobbies of travel to tropical areas (not a cheap hobby) and a lifestyle of well above average? With regard to the gofundme account, it apparently raised some $500,000 for her security and travel expenses but I refer back to the previous that she should have had more than ample income and assets to afford on her own. And to trace back to either the Left or CIA through shell corps and other covers, there is always a trail. Given the sophistication of the technology required to find it out, there is no doubt in my mind that given the time and tools, this evidence would be uncovered with a very deep dive into her finances. "Follow the money" exists for a reason and inevitably always turns up a trail of crumbs to show where it came from. To your point about the connection to big pharma, there is always incentives to take money for research (or under the guise of research) to enhance a product for marketability and revenue stream lifespan. So I agree with your assessment that there is a component of possible ties to big pharma with respect to additional income possibilities based on how that game works.

With regard to the supposition of being a clown, it's almost assured given the ties which, even with the scrubbing of information, surely exist. If we were able to further investigate her job at Stanford and the curriculum taught, I'd venture to say that we'd find exactly what would be characterized as close ties to that agency. To your point regarding the university as being a hotbed of MK Ultra activity, it is no doubt still very much so albeit not highly publicized so that the public cannot raise questions of its existence. As a covert op, it makes perfect sense to keep this sort of thing under wraps. Would definitely enjoy your feedback about the YT post though given your education and experience.

999152  No.3231855


I did not get a chance to see this first hand but did hear about it and understand that this was a signal both in this scenario as well as with Strozk. Definitely a subliminal tool used to send a message.

999152  No.3233152


For further consideration… Shows connection of Dr. Ford's father to the CIA and also her connection to some degree, not to mention the possible corroboration of MK Ultra techniques used.


bc7629  No.3233783


Any chance someone can dig up video of Hillary Clinton in White House giving press conference about 'Travelgate' ? She was wearing a plaid skirt suit and she said 'woulda coulda shoulda, didn't'! That's how I remember her. Really want to see this

7be66c  No.3238299


Happy to help

r.e the video you linked, I can't really say whether it's correct or not - most of the critical pieces it mentions aren't going to be open source info. He is entirely correct r.e melges, but I would also note if he/they are actually anonymous (or even a splinter faction), I wouldn't trust them, at all. They were comped a long time ago. Interesting video anyway though - certain elements of it do feel correct (ford on list of cia suspects, active cia threats currently being splinter factions post operation drumstick, quite possibly the details on the dc security firm too), but the anonymous name/references feel out of place.

Yes, I saw the threads on the 08/12 remodel as well - definitely very interesting. Her getting the date wrong doesn't even vaguely support her case - who the hell would "accidentally" be off by 4 years in the date of a remodel? And that's even before making it a critical bit of her testimony. I'm honestly a little stunned they made such an elementary error - I'm genuinely considering the "it's all a movie" theory somewhat, just because I find it hard to believe someone who isn't trying to get found out would make such a ridiculous error.

I 100% agree r.e money though - she just has too much. Way, way too much. She has not just a little bit of undeclared (at least publicly) income - she has a good $4 mil or so I'd say that doesn't seem obviously sourced from her basic job. It definitely can't be hidden from modern forensic financial analysis tools though (especially if they have the NSA on side), so again its fascinating that they'd go so public with something that could so easily blow back in their faces.

I'm actually quite disappointing Q et al haven't punished some of them for this - if they're going to be getting so ballsy/desperate, punish their overexposure of vulnerable people by absolutely shitcanning them in the most public way possible. I guess perhaps the deep state has called their bluff? They can't counteract their agents as long as they play the victim card hard enough, because going after them would post hoc rationalise the victim + ebil drumpft narratives. Either way, it's insanely annoying, they could at least just leak her entire records.

The gofundme I suspect is being used because current sources of money are somewhat drying up (cabal is no longer united, everyone for themselves), and it represents a slightly harder way to track illicit sources of money people receive for their actions, whilst also providing yet more cover against any crackdown from the government, because "its just a gofundme".

I'm afraid I can't find anything on the curriculum she's been teaching - even her basic stanford profile appears to be locked unless you're a student there. I'm inclined to agree it probably relates to the clowns, but I suspect it may not be so much the courses she's teaching as the work she's doing. They seem to imply most of her work there is biostatistics w/in epidemiology. That kind of stuff could be very useful for an organisation like the cia (either mkultra or population control come to mind), but its not immediately obvious she could "do damage" as it were by teaching courses on it - to be honest, I don't actually imagine the cia has done most of their main training as out in the open as something like stanford for a while - there's no need to risk the extra exposure, and they have more than ample resources to run their own small buildings/complexes for those purposes. I definitely suspect the uni still has grubby fingers in many pies, but they're probably going to keep most of the really brutal stuff out of the public eye. Things like allowing placements of cia agents as "professors", who then largely work on their own projects uninterrupted feels a lot more plausible than using them as an active trainer for recruits.


This article is definitely interesting too - it provides useful citations for the video (doesn't really support it bcus circular citations are an issue here, but the citations in the article are handy for the bigger question of "is what the video said correct". I have no way of knowing if the sources citing the internal kremlin documents are correct (that seems to be the most major area of potential lies), but the rest appears solid.

7be66c  No.3238301



I'm tempted to say on balance I'm becoming almost certain ford is cia, but this still doesn't seem to explain her / her handlers willingness to throw her under the bus like this - desperation is one thing, but if you've got 500,000 + dollars in liquid capital to throw around on a whim, you CAN buy someone willing to claim to be a witness. You can probably even buy a very credible someone - its not like false rape allegations tend to result in even so much as a slap on the wrist. So if she is important (assets at the "professor" level almost guaranteably have a reasonably high level of value), why on earth would they open her up like this rather than using someone else? It's just fucking weird, and I don't understand it, at all. I feel like either 1.) she's not as important as we might be speculating, or 2.) "this is a movie" style theories - she's being forced to make bad moves by whitehats behind the scenes. I'm not sure I like either of the theories right now to be honest. Just plain weird.

999152  No.3239731

>>3238299, >>3238301

Regarding the dates of the remodel, she did testify that it was a long job but come on, 4 years? Not a lot of people I know would endure a 4 year remodel job… just saying that the permit could have been issued closer to 2008 but would have to be inspected before being signed off on by the building inspector. And I doubt their backlog of inspections is that far out.

As for Q and punishment, be patient. Something tells me that it's in the works. And even if the agency decided to hang their asset out to dry (and I suspect we won't hear from her again while she fades into obscurity, maybe even leaving her job and moving away but that may be an extreme response to the ensuing celebrity) but even given her being a professor, perhaps there was a backdoor deal where she'll leave the university for some other research position elsewhere. I would expect there to have been an exit solution put into place before she agreed to testify. She would be stupid and naïve to not have put this in place prior to coming forward.

And NEVER underestimate the level of desperation of the left/deep state. We're going to see additional shows of desperation, attacks and FF activities as a sign of the last vestiges of a dying regime. I wouldn't be totally surprised by outrageous and completely inconceivable acts which will shock most people. I wouldn't put anything past the DS.

As for training, never be surprised where it shows up and where. We don't imagine those things because we (hopefully) have an internal mechanism which prohibits us from executing such nefarious acts, especially on youngsters, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that some sort of mkultra program being slipped in under the radar. Case in point, there was a rash of teenagers in the area dying as a result of suicide by train with no apparent explanation. What I would offer as a posit would be that some form of MKU was being used but that it failed in some of the kids whereby they ended up having an extreme adverse effect to the techniques used. Consider it an epic failure that teenagers are exposed to these things but have such a profound response to their brains being screwed with. Just something to keep in mind.

As for the outcome of today's activities with regard to the hearing, and what Flake decided to offer as a way to capture his vote, since he has little to nothing to lose since he's not a long term solution to the Senate seat, the FBI should be able to find zero corroborating evidence for her allegations and exonerate Kav, which I sincerely hope happens. We'll see what continues to develop with this matter but chances are that if the FBI delves into this further, a 302 might have an indication of financial compensation for services rendered however this information would most likely never see the light of day.

20e4e3  No.3243404


Try Montgomery county, MD. There's a civil case in '77 that includes her parents. 2 different attorneys of record have the last names McCabe and McAuliffe. I tried to link them to Andy and Terry but couldn't find anything definitive.

Too coincidental considering the web of connections slowing being revealed.

999152  No.3244497


Further inference by a commenter on Neon Revolt's 9/28/18 article that she was MK Ultra'd herself as well as being a programmer. As I mentioned, this stuff is generationally passed down and the cycle perpetuated. If her father was an asset, she's an asset. By chance if you get an opportunity, check out the entire article: https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/09/28/the-existential-threat-of-justicekavanaugh-and-the-inflection-point-for-the-gop-and-america-newq-qanon-supremecourt-scotus-maga-kavanaughconfirmation-neonrevolt/. Damn good stuff. (I am not sure how to give credit where due or if it's "legal" to forward/spread stuff like this so hopefully there are no rules broken by my actions or trouble. Just want to spread awareness, not trouble.)

7be66c  No.3251239


4 years definitely seems just an implausible length of time. In 4 years you could take down the house, rebuild it from scratch, take it down and then rebuild it again. Maybe as much as a year or two delay is plausiable, but it still wouldn't take more than ~ a year tops to do any kind of renovation, espec w/ her kind of money.

I definitely assume there would be some kind of exit solution in place, I'm just mystified why they aren't pouncing on it. I feel like they must have some kind of leverage over the Q team (not blackmail, i.e plausiable threats Q team would not want carried out) (or at least, knowledge of how much they can do without being stopped). I just find their actions perplexing. Ditto the deep states. I feel like I'm almost certainly missing something required to understand their motivations - for example, why does the deep state not include the threat of full disclosure of their activities, by themselves? If Qteam wants to retain a large% hidden (fucking annoying, but smart), the threat of info release would surely be a useful threat for them to make - I don't understand why they wouldn't.

r.e secretive uses of mkultra style techniques on students that one does seem somewhat possible - at the very least, a professor might be well placed to observe the results of testing carried out on students.

It is definitely possible as well that as you say she will be found out by the FBI investigation, and that's why trump called for it, but again - weird fucking move. If (as seems likely), nothing comes of it, why bother? Why risk delaying the plan yet further? Why even bother pandering to the liberals, especially if you don't intend to publicly lambast ford + her lawyers for their lies? They held off any mention of an investigation successfully all hearing, and then suddenly announced "ah fuck it, we'll do one anyway". WEIRD. I presume some of this will make sense retrospectively once significantly more information is released, but I'm still not convinced they're playing it out as well as they could. If I could give one single piece of advice to Q, it would be "the perfect is the enemy of the good". I feel like they're aiming too hard for perfection, and in doing so running a great many risks.

ty for the neon link too - I was planning on catching up on his site tonight anyway now the kavanaugh drop sequence seems to have finished - I definitely think he does some good analysis. r.e legal + forwarding I don't think you have to worry, at all. No laws broken for sure, and 8chan isn't exactly big on rules outside of no CP. From what I know of neon too, I'm near certain he won't mind his articles being shared - the only thing he might object to would be stripping the text from within the article and posting it without referencing him. Quotes or w/e would be fine though.

I think he's probably right in that to some kind of degree she's a controlled asset though (whether that means explicity mkultra, or other possibilities I don't know), but it might go some way towards explaining why she'd be so willing to put herself in the spotlight and run the risk of possible jail time. It may also explain why Q isn't going after her as much as he could if she is genuinely a victim?

999152  No.3252306


All good things come to those who wait and patience is a virtue. And of course, there is a method to the madness. All good adages and words to consider with regard to Q and team and how this will all play out. I've found that in chess, planning out your moves is critical to understanding how to not be caught by your opponent and battlefield tactics knowledge comes in very handy when strategically setting up your troops to be successful. Would consider that same sort of mindset being utilized in these scenarios. We have to take a bit of this with faith that in the end, all will be set right and justice done. So, if she and her legal team are lying, and there is a certain amount of assurances that they've prepped and coached her significantly for the hearings and the investigation, those lies will be exposed and she/her team will get their just desserts. Make no mistake… going in guns blazing and kicking ass isn't always the best offense. Sometimes it requires a considerable amount of finesse to pull off an elegant trap where all the players get caught and the fullest extent of consequences are exacted. I highly recommend seeing "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" (2011) for some perspective on strategic tactics. As we know, optics are meaningful and there are specific reasons for everything, whether it be playing a waiting game or going in for the kill.

0a3f59  No.3259507


As in the creator of King of the Hill, and Beavis and Butthead?

999152  No.3260316


The Mark Judge referenced in the Dr. Ford / Judge Kavanaugh hearings is a career alcoholic and apparently an author of a book. Doubtful with the degree of addiction this guy apparently suffered he'd have had his faculties about him well enough to create and oversee production of these shows. Slim to nil are the odds that he was sober long enough to write scripts or story lines. He'd be about 53 years old now, apparently still alive, grew up in Maryland near Kavanaugh and attended the same prep school high school.

0a3f59  No.3260330


Ah, he said, Mike Judge so I was a little confused. Thanks!

999152  No.3260490


Happy to help! WWG1WGA!!

b49124  No.3470453

I've watched movies all my life. lOVE movies. When I saw the picture of Julie Swetnick, thought her familiar. Anons, look at the audition reel of Barbara Garrick. Look at the Julie Swetnick episode of "The Circus" on Showtime. Look at "Celebrity Birthdays" barbara Garrick. Her voice sounds the same. The hairline is the same. I think the curly haired photo is make-up and wig. B.G. has also been on Law and Order, in certain episodes. Coincidence?

a09200  No.3472271


Once pushed In to the bedroom

The door was locked-but when

Blaze escaped she got out of locked room. Not make sense

And kav should not be a justice bc for this dim so many other qualified candidates-this detail esp


b49124  No.3521268

Can someone tell me what the (YOU) added to a post means?

1fc3d4  No.3522502


Identifies to YOU that you posted it.

b49124  No.3524877


Well, duh. I'm an idiot. Thanks.

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