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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

41b6dd No.2484647

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"/Qresearch/ does not condone violence or the incitement of violent acts against any groups and/or individuals."




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 08.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/120 ————————– Important to understand prior to next (Cap: >>2484502 )

Sunday 08.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/119 ————————– Trip update confirmed ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>>/patriotsfight/118 ————————– Trip update ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>2465633 ————————————– Reconcile.

>>2460787 ————————————– Be aware of your surroundings: See something, say something

>>2460260 ————————————– There is a reason we needed to go mainstream b4 EVIDENCE drop

Friday 08.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/117 ————————– We have the server[S] ( Cap: >>2441061 )

>>2436694 ————————————– Right on schedule

>>2435826 ————————————– T_D mods removing QAnon comments

>>2435401 rt >>2434941 ——————- Think WRAY (yesterday) Think [RR] (today)

>>2434815 rt >>2434705 ——————- What a wonderful day

>>2434705 ————————————– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/116 ————————– List of sealed indictments ( Cap: >>2433964 )

>>>/patriotsfight/115 ————————– List of reporters who colluded with the HRC Campaign ( Cap: >>2433773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/114 ————————– BIGGEST COVER UP IN US HISTORY [ATTEMPTED] ( Caps: >>2433500 , >>2433557 )

>>2430708 ————————————– Full attack mode. Washington Post leading?

>>2426184 rt >>2425988 ——————- Incorrect decoding. Not the person. Think connection

>>2425988 rt >>2425560 ——————- Comms dark. Message sent. 5:5?

>>2425781 ————————————– How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections

Thursday 08.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/113 ————————– Something BIG is about to drop ( Cap: >>2451834 )

>>2422155 rt >>2422143 ------------------- Now We Know Why Q Didn't Post Before the Rally

>>2422097 -------------------------------------- Threat received. USSS acted appropriately

>>>/patriotsfight/112 ————————– Think New Arrivals. Proofs are important. Thank You Autists/Anons ( Cap: >>2451834 )

>>2413825 rt >>2413389 ------------------- VIP Access

>>>/patriotsfight/111 ————————– SHEEP NO MORE

>>2407847 -------------------------------------- Welcome to the Mainstream

>>2406483 rt >>2405745 ------------------- [[RR]] Approved FISA. FISA = Start

>>2405745 ————————————– FISA FISA FISA

Wednesday 08.01.18

>>2397365 rt >>2397147 —————— Fishing is fun!

>>2395861 ------------------------------------- What happens when you are a THREAT to the MSM/OLD GUARD?

>>2395254 rt >>2395142 ------------------ Did you notice the FOX NEWS coverage of ‘Qanon’ last night?

>>2395142 ------------------------------------- MSM Coordination? Pre-planning has its advantages.

>>2394125 ------------------------------------- Mainstream = when you are the news.

>>2393006 rt >>2392766 ------------------ Who is the one person who can answer about QANON? POTUS. [Less Than 10].

>>2391916 rt >>2391787 & >>2391804 Numbers of Patriots Worldwide & Message to Steyer

>>2391757 rt >>2391684 ------------------ You are now mainstream. Handle w/ care.

>>2391684 ------------------------------------- Do you think they got the [4am] memo?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !A6yxsPKia.

Q's Old Tripcode: !CbboFOtcZs

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

FIND ALL Q POSTS AT: qanon.pub , qmap.pub/ , qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ , qanon.news/posts.html

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

41b6dd No.2484654


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2468527 BO Confirms: New Q trip whitelisted


>>2484587 H.R.6054 - Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018

>>2483947 , >>2484204 , >>2484289 QPosts: Do we have access to these UK Court documents? Dig

>>2484069 A US nuclear facility was breached in a cyber attack

>>2484052 , >>2484090 Brief History of Oligarchy

>>2484051 . >>2484152 Planefag updates

>>2484021 Q-proof of old Saudi Arabia missile shutdown event

>>2484002 Alex Jones a “Protection Racketeer” for “Controlled Opposition

>>2483981 International law on assassinations re: Obama, Brennan & Bush

>>2483970 Docs from Q's latest crumb

>>2483953 Sessions statement on DACA

>>2484614 #3133


>>2483169 ; >>2483188 ; >>2483423 Global Q coverage: Nordic Edition

>>2483173 SA airline suspends flights to and from Toronto

>>2483181 ; >>2483201 ; >>2483247 ; >>2483325 ; >>2483432 ; >>2483612 Fiji Water and Resnick digs

>>2483387 SA withdrawing all Saudi students studying at Canadian schools

>>2483603 NBC knew about Matt Lauer allegations

>>2483527 Simple summary of comped gov’t Title I abuse

>>2483668 “Star witness” Rick Gates to take the stand in Manafort trial

>>2483805 List of those arrested in Miami-Dade pedo sting

>>2483874 #3132


>>2482382 ; >>2482954 Stewart Resnick, Lynda Rae Harris connections, and more water

>>2482431 EU to block US Anti-Iran sanctions starting August 7

>>2482463 Facebook and Google under fire from Senate

>>2482483 Pentagon prohibits GPS usage in all operational areas

>>2482489 PDF’s from /patriotsfight/120

>>2482496 “Applications to target a US person under Title I…” and perjury

>>2482662 ; >>2482691 FISA abuse memo and key points therein

>>2482679 On budgets, reconciliation, and the Byrd Rule

>>2482663 On surveillance and timing (speculation)

>>2482705 Lawfag provides sauce on why we should Trust Sessions

>>2482929 Russia slams leak of secret memo on US-Moscow cooperation in Syria

>>2483048 #3131


>>2481605 Zerohedge: DJT to override Rosenstein and declassify remaining DOJ FISA docs

>>2481609 Dianne Feinstein, the Chinese, and getting rich

>>2481647 ; >>2481769 ; >>2481796 ; >>2481943 Planefag Reports

>>2481654 On water in CA and Stewart Resnick

>>2481672 Rand Paul invites Russian MPs to DC

>>2481690 More from Iran re: diplomacy and talks

>>2481739 Update on Bologna airport explosion

>>2481812 Willow Creek’s lead pastor resigns after allegations against founder emerge

>>2481906 Rep. Steve Scales threatened again; man arrested w/ammo cache

>>2481912 “Manhattan Madam” to testify before Mueller grand jury

>>2481940 ; >>2481968 US-backed forces declare control of Syria/Iraq border

>>2482075 Additional weirdness from the Planefags

>>2482096 Multiple “FF” instances in most recent DJT tweet

>>2482183 Mothers arrested after 11 children saved from NM compound with armed Muslim extremists

>>2482259 #3130


>>2480821 CII begins investigation into Paul Asplin after fraud conviction

>>2480839 Prime Healthcare, CEO to pay $65M Medicare fraud settlement

>>2480876 Rome, NY, to San Francisco, CA, military escort

>>2480877 Full text of motion to dismiss granted in SR family lawsuit v. Fox News

>>2480915 ICAC business partners face off over alleged fraud

>>2481046 Miami-Dade police arrest ten people for sexually exploiting children online

>>2481116 “Experts” claim Pope’s death penalty decree may influence Catholic judges

>>2481290 24 girls rescued from sex trafficking in India

>>2481363 DJT on CA, “Free Flow”, Water, and “Fast Federal govt. approvals”

>>2481382 SA freezes relations with Canada

>>2481470 Rouhani blinks; Iran now open to negotiations with US

>>2481479 #3129

Previously Collected Notables

>>2479949 #3127, >>2480705 #3128

>>2477840 #3124, >>2478431 #3125, >>2479151 #3126

>>2475221 #3121, >>2476007 #3122, >>2476786 #3123

>>2472812 #3118, >>2473570 #3119, >>2474418 #3120

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

41b6dd No.2484659

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>1606439

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 — The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 – A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>2399939 –- Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2294272 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#34 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>>/comms/2100 , >>2437666

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

41b6dd No.2484662

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:



MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf'''*

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button: >>2374212

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Sorting Breads On Number Of Replies To A Post >>2467707

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this -→ >>2438883

41b6dd No.2484680

File: b46a9f9ef983e02⋯.jpeg (163.42 KB, 900x506, 450:253, b46a9f9ef983e029cca901531….jpeg)

#3134 Dough


813a36 No.2484699

File: 2a9471cde7e5620⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2695x1592, 2695:1592, 02 mirror of 48.jpg)

File: 3a99d3e98a8a202⋯.jpg (168.2 KB, 943x487, 943:487, 48 mirror of 02.jpg)

File: c9c56f2e45ac2ea⋯.jpg (410 KB, 1196x1261, 92:97, 03 mirror of 47.jpg)

File: d468555bc8b4afe⋯.jpg (349.76 KB, 1292x1139, 76:67, 47 mirror of 03.jpg)

Clockfag Update

Re-read qrumbs. Mirrors are based on the 5:25 line division of the clock that goes from :25 to :55.

Today's Q Clock

Pic 1

News (in all forms) unlocks the map.

4th quarter, Patriots.

We fight together.

Plane crash 1999.

HRC Senate 2000.

Enjoy the show.

Today's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 2


TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained counsel (9/WW).


Tomorrow's Q Clock

Pic 3

Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.

Hope the $7.8mm was worth it.

Panic in DC.


You're next.

The stage had to be set.

Like Clockwork.

Tomorrow's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 4

The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.

We have it all.

Goodbye @Jack.



Almost time.


041f1c No.2484718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

45cded No.2484722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c2e550 No.2484725

File: f3087df2b3771ea⋯.jpg (162.65 KB, 1047x853, 1047:853, 2a.JPG)

File: 211a2237707dab0⋯.jpg (126.58 KB, 692x818, 346:409, 3.JPG)

World's most-starred chef Joel Robuchon dead at 73


fb72c4 No.2484726

Physics of Cold Fusion by TSC Theory ICCF17 slides


All the slides are here and a full PDF download is available

Not a coincidence that this was the 17th conference

It has been over 20 years since the counter-coup began working

And that includes the unveiling of hidden/suppressed technology

Using the cabal's numerology against them

Is just a bit of icing on the cake.

JP KS SA find pattern

Nuclear tech is at the heart

9ba6d0 No.2484728

File: d78edf6b7382a18⋯.jpg (33.73 KB, 500x666, 250:333, downloadfile-3.jpg)


360dd6 No.2484730

File: 5877fd298173244⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 89d1626a4d14a2aa2d013f1b22….jpg)


5782f2 No.2484731

File: 6f2d9acc3c31073⋯.png (82.13 KB, 342x399, 6:7, ClipboardImage.png)

MAKING A SIDE BY SIDE ON THESE CRUMBS (mainly the recent one)

CALL FOR EXAMPLES OF THE FAGGOTS ON TWATTER (so I don't have to scroll through that nonsense, but will if needed)

thank you, o7

a86494 No.2484732

File: 991b89a9bcd963a⋯.png (3.08 MB, 2800x1700, 28:17, IHAD.png)

769356 No.2484733

File: cf02d985bb565a3⋯.jpg (110.09 KB, 581x1101, 581:1101, R7.jpg)

>>2484706 lb

Blocked means the plane's transponder is not transmitting a callsign. It may or may not have any significance. The primary way to trace a plane is via its Registration Number (a/k/a tail number). Callsigns can vary from one flight to the next.

Feel free to ask questions.

Recon7 (R7) - off-duty, backup, planefag-on-call

22df58 No.2484734

File: a5781cc6fc1a9a8⋯.png (408.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, a5781cc6fc1a9a8a4a562fe337….png)

ty baker

8d0d20 No.2484735

File: fcb3986053b11f6⋯.jpg (52.24 KB, 600x800, 3:4, CreepyChan1.jpg)


360dd6 No.2484736

041f1c No.2484737

File: 83c5f120e5b6367⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 600x760, 15:19, 45b4823f032c29a5877811aecf….jpg)

45cded No.2484738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Borris the beat dropper

a97a7d No.2484739

File: fe8657d668ce3e0⋯.jpg (89.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, lake of fire is real.jpg)


Satan is already in The Pit with its Lake of Fire. His time was up and so is everyone who followed him. They just don't know it, yet.

09f72c No.2484740

>>2484706 (lb)

most common answer

"Its not uncommon. Celebrities…Law enforcement…military…they all generally try to operate with some anonymity."

not uncommon over areas where rich people live - can only tell you as someone who has watched planes since last October… there are a lot of blocked planes today - usually not this many

76f4a8 No.2484741

File: 2cf974e2f2a5e6a⋯.jpg (149.32 KB, 634x872, 317:436, adad.jpg)


- Catherine Oxenberg says her daughter India was branded with Nxivm leader Keith Raniere's initials

- Dynasty star has been fighting to bring down the group to get her 27-year-old daughter away from Nxivm

- She spoke to Megyn Kelly for a Dateline interview saying she also felt 'horrendous guilt' for introducing her daughter to the group

- Oxenberg had taken India to a NXIVM motivational course back in 2011 because she wanted to be an entrepreneur

Kida a rag as news go but still investigating…

ea6883 No.2484742


That kid needs help!

1136b3 No.2484743

>>2484652 lb

That's true, however, I thought we could rely on Sessions and Wray to perform even the most basic protocols to protect evidence. I was wrong.

759508 No.2484744

File: 48c51362c427c6e⋯.png (30.18 KB, 431x272, 431:272, ClipboardImage.png)


You shills clearly know that this is not the role of this board to defend AJ.

Did Q ask us to defend AJ? No

Moreover, did Q exposed AJ as being a fraud and trying to kill Q? Yes

AJ has no place on this board beside when directly relating to the few Q posts exposing Him.

Good bye

beede2 No.2484745

File: 64c7bbc8cbf10a2⋯.jpg (37.82 KB, 427x576, 427:576, ttp.jpg)

5782f2 No.2484746


she's sexy, infowars is gay

9ba6d0 No.2484747

File: 63be259ffd5e690⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 480x568, 60:71, 2fe22s~2.jpg)

File: c1c2642d002ad48⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 958x584, 479:292, 8lzxiqnq2fe11.jpg)

File: 74199c9b68ba37d⋯.jpg (54.65 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2fdhq8~2.jpg)

Trump has made mistakes like we all have.

Trump owes Alex Jones a solid.

Alex Jones was at the Bohemian grove getting evidence on the occult elites when nobody else had the balls and over a decade before Q.

Anon's, Q lies all the fucken time…

And I mean all the fucken time.

Remember [RR] was supposed to be fired or power taken away six months ago, ain't none of that shit happened.

Alex Jones was exposing corruption 20 years before Q came around making false prediction's 80% of the time.

Future did not prove the past over 80% of the time for Q.

Without Alex Jones Hillary would be President.

I wouldn't trust Sessions as far as I could throw him.

Look at Q's first post, Hillary was to be arrested last year.

769356 No.2484748

File: 05bd34ed416e322⋯.jpg (157.34 KB, 500x750, 2:3, DemKKK-.jpg)

File: 4259f957040fb9f⋯.png (155.17 KB, 407x300, 407:300, DemoKKKs.png)

File: 1be6345a7dd1a39⋯.jpg (47.89 KB, 488x313, 488:313, Dems ANTIFA new KKK.jpg)

File: 2663f7ceb34f3a2⋯.jpeg (137.66 KB, 600x477, 200:159, DemsKKK1924.jpeg)

File: a22be0b418c6e0c⋯.png (103.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PartyOfKKK.png)

ef4e0e No.2484749

File: 51f6bb7faea26d6⋯.png (965.6 KB, 1018x681, 1018:681, Lynn-1.png)

454e50 No.2484750

File: 3b8234d53496fa8⋯.jpg (113.37 KB, 888x500, 222:125, My Precious Servers.jpg)

File: 611c88ead60496f⋯.jpg (62.34 KB, 377x398, 377:398, Confucius Servers.jpg)

File: a182ffb216f1f91⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 667x500, 667:500, oprah servers.jpg)

File: 98f23c4b9b4f5a6⋯.jpg (112.54 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, Yoda Servers.jpg)

329c1b No.2484751


saw you warm up the oven only a few posts ago and now here we are. nice work

577265 No.2484752

File: a645b535660ed27⋯.png (713.07 KB, 1062x513, 118:57, AN - Copy.PNG)

1fb78a No.2484753

File: 0c32307e0171c64⋯.jpg (58.94 KB, 854x854, 1:1, ! head in sands.jpg)


Should be NOTABLE. This is a very big deal

c61516 No.2484754

File: 77b45eb764e56af⋯.png (284.12 KB, 479x359, 479:359, Screenshot_195.png)

Christ was the False Messiah, Wake up, Anons!

Use your freedom of thought!

He's not coming back! That is a fallacy!

Satan rules this earth.

It is Satan that you follow…look at your lifestyles and that of your children.

You worship (((US)))!

7616e4 No.2484756


what the fuck.

dab45d No.2484757

45cded No.2484758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

81f4c9 No.2484759

File: 895abdf9461195f⋯.jpeg (172.12 KB, 640x497, 640:497, 3A795337-A79E-4E8E-99EA-A….jpeg)

<so my guess is some of the youtubers got threatened and fucking asses up to their new masters


beede2 No.2484760

File: 674c41651e5bf19⋯.jpg (11.38 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Dj2_NaKXsAABaO4.jpg)


>not understanding corporate censorship impacts all and that we can use this to our benefit.

read more nigger.

c10946 No.2484761

File: 54920ec3ec50282⋯.jpeg (259.63 KB, 799x1005, 799:1005, Screenshot_2018-08-06-17-….jpeg)


5782f2 No.2484762

File: 88979f04ffe07c8⋯.jpg (68.7 KB, 977x596, 977:596, pepepowerofpepe.jpg)

8c573c No.2484763

File: b204807552d9044⋯.png (613.13 KB, 919x735, 919:735, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)



By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Updated: 5:18 p.m. on Monday, August 6, 2018

Rick Gates said Monday he and former business partner Paul Manafort did commit fraud together, as the key witness finally took the stand in the Russia probe special counsel’s first case to go to trial.

Mr. Gates, though, also admitted to having embezzled from Mr. Manafort during their time as partners working for foreign clients, in an admission that could hurt the government’s attempt to label Mr. Manafort the mastermind of the alleged fraud.

Mr. Gates took the stand Monday afternoon and, asked directly if they committed crimes, he answered “Yes.”

He said he hid foreign bank accounts with millions of dollars in them from U.S. Treasury Department officials and Mr. Manafort’s direction, backing the government’s contention that Mr. Manafort, a onetime chairman of the 2016 Trump campaign, knowingly committed bank and tax fraud.

But Mr. Gates, who was also on the Trump campaign, acknowledged he embezzled money from Mr. Manafort by filing false expense claims.

Mr. Gates has pleaded guilty to deceiving federal investigators and is working with the special counsel’s office against his former boss, Mr. Manafort.

a5d32d No.2484764


Creepychan. Shes a model.

cd570b No.2484765

File: a9dff47a05bef4e⋯.jpeg (16.06 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Sampson option.jpeg)

ef4e0e No.2484766

File: 4342ccee298f6cf⋯.jpg (55.87 KB, 457x386, 457:386, jesus_gun.jpg)

7acea3 No.2484767


LB and you too >>2484713

We accept the Blood of Jesus that was shed to make us righteous. Not because we are but because He is. When God looks at us He see's His Son Righteous doing good & well evil being evil. God knows our hearts

3ac00c No.2484768


And Drudge

591356 No.2484769


He and Glenn Beck would make a nice couple.

12a579 No.2484770


ther gonna crash the economy..

there gonna purge the internet.

MSM will save there carrers.

WW3 is and will always be the plan.

1776 was for a reason. WW1/WW2. plans

c61516 No.2484771


So saved, anon!

Bless you!

81a0f4 No.2484772

File: 1e0594a82500c34⋯.jpeg (74.45 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1e0594a82500c3428abd6f8a0….jpeg)


go watch the craft fagtwat

2d0f34 No.2484773


Hence the these people are stupd

a86494 No.2484774

File: b6b4286ff87253a⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1400x850, 28:17, Reconcile?.png)

beede2 No.2484775

File: 90639981b12058b⋯.jpg (106.57 KB, 1200x1106, 600:553, Dj4GzwNXgAEGbIl.jpg)

86b001 No.2484776


Holy shit, this is from 2015? This is filled with subject matter that Q references.

9ba6d0 No.2484777

File: 8b27e2def0a3be4⋯.jpg (7.89 KB, 156x116, 39:29, 2ez6ln~2.jpg)

7db29e No.2484778

>>2484724 lb

Think cleaning, anon.

And have faith and trust in the plan.

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 No.1445147

May 17 2018 13:30:25 (EST)

What had to happen first?

Think logically.

Think DOJ & FBI.

Think cleaning.


Puzzle coming together?

We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.

As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.


077b80 No.2484779


7bdc1f No.2484780

guys i don't want to be bothersome with my concern but i really thank that PSYCH!



greatawakening's great and has barely started yet

5dfde1 No.2484781

File: fec34cc7bcb4062⋯.png (345.4 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1518718132050.png)

ee34d5 No.2484782


Quebec only exists because people in France liked to walk around with dead beavers on their heads back in the day. Just saying.

5c5d9d No.2484783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2484686 (prev)

>WOW. Thank you for this Anon. I'm learning so much!!

Dinesh is the shit!

Love listening to him, very well educated and completely destroys Leftist SJW loons every single time!

Anons, ck out this clip!!

7a7a45 No.2484784


You showing us your dildo??

45cded No.2484785

File: 12fb35cc53fffcd⋯.jpg (128.97 KB, 1046x1062, 523:531, IMG_2042.JPG)

a97a7d No.2484786


Wait for it. You'll probably just be deleted.

See post


972323 No.2484787

JUST IN: Govt ‘Star Witness’ Rick Gates Testifies He Committed Crimes While Working For Manafort

Rick Gates, Paul Manafort’s former business associate took the witness stand Monday afternoon in the bank fraud and tax evasion case against Manafort.

Gates testified he committed crimes while working for Paul Manafort; details were not immediately provided.

Via Fox News:

Rick Gates on Monday took the stand in the federal fraud case against his former business partner, ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, testifying that he committed crimes while working for Manafort.

“Were you involved in criminal activity when you worked for Paul Manafort?” federal prosecutor Greg Andres asked the witness.

“Yes,” Gates replied.

“Did you commit a crime?” Andres asked.

“Yes,” Gates said.

Last week, Mueller’s prosecutors sent shockwaves through the Alexandria, VA courtroom when they admitted Manafort’s former business associate Rick Gates may not testify.

Rick Gates previously pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with Mueller; he was even referred to as the Special Counsel’s ‘star witness.’

Judge T.S. Ellis blasted Uso Asonye, Mueller’s prosecutor who told him Rick Gates may not testify.

On Friday, Judge Ellis lost his patience with Mueller’s prosecutors and ended court early, it will be interesting to see how the trial progresses Monday with this development.

Last week, Mueller’s prosecutors have skewered Manafort over his lavish lifestyle and expensive suits which drew a sharp rebuke from Judge Ellis.

“It isn’t a crime to have money and be profligate with your spending,” Judge Ellis said to Mueller’s prosecutor.

This story is developing…please refresh page for updates.


759508 No.2484788

File: a72f3350e22f82a⋯.png (17.57 KB, 431x272, 431:272, Capture1.PNG)


We've all been blinded for too long. Alex Jones is NOT alt media, he is a traitor. He makes us all look crazy.

-Quoted by Q directly.

82bcf3 No.2484789


>whirley pop is ok a pressure cooker will do in a pinch if its seasoned for popcorn …. but a true popcorn enthusiast has a popcorn cart in the corner

8d0d20 No.2484790



Oldfags 'member her. Newfags will reverse image search.

Oh, and I'm a boomer oldfag.

329c1b No.2484791


hahahahaha w. t. f. this show is getting more and more bizarre

6b7d83 No.2484792

File: 0d07797724eaceb⋯.png (417.25 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D168EA00-F097-46CE-89CC-33….png)

File: c5c5bd2d7f489de⋯.png (263.34 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 97E85866-06C8-4F8E-AB63-3A….png)

File: e557b6307408ddd⋯.png (209.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 625155D0-6642-4EDA-B3C3-5F….png)

File: 7e356f3be2c7d9a⋯.png (881.12 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8053EA20-7A4F-40ED-A29D-4C….png)




Possible Trudeau handler?

Former Canadian PM Paul Martin



beede2 No.2484793


Dinesh is right, Nazis and Democrats LOVE white people.

ce5e8b No.2484794

File: 32a85c3f460cd48⋯.png (2.47 MB, 3676x1512, 919:378, twittertreason1.png)

@JACK involved in assisting in coup d'etat attempt and failed assassinations. Twitter providing Geolocation on president for attempt at Las Vegas and attempt for missile strikes in from NK and USA. Need feedback and advice or more crumbs/articles/tweets to add to it.

We own twitter now since SA purge and assets frozen/taken. So WE HAVE IT ALL.

81f4c9 No.2484795

File: 94af1c2c23550dc⋯.jpeg (376.34 KB, 640x889, 640:889, 9C568F49-FA3B-4A24-8BD9-8….jpeg)


9ba6d0 No.2484796

File: 71ab9b29eb39be1⋯.png (28.68 KB, 341x341, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-08-05-07-5….png)


Matt Drudge is a fag.

39bf61 No.2484797

File: 067c4312d331093⋯.jpg (268.14 KB, 1150x1152, 575:576, orangecountyinvolvedmaybe.jpg)


food for thought. i couldn't find any similar unmarked vehicles at any of the other departments.

09f72c No.2484798

File: 33ad382350bf824⋯.png (4.41 MB, 1898x1662, 949:831, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: d67247eca259c2f⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1730x1638, 865:819, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

>>2484706 (lb)

this blocked looks like it originated out of Fort Meade, MD…. headed into NXIVM land

3fefe0 No.2484799


Remember, lads. Iran sanctions and the FISA Memo are relevant. Somethings coming down SOON.

41556e No.2484800

The Purple Gang did not disappear

“Ivan Boesky married into the Silberstein Family who were instrumental in the successful career of Mafia kingpin, Max Fisher. Fisher was associated with Chicago’s “Purple Gang” and instrumental in money laundering to Israel and drug trafficking. Fisher also had close ties to Hugh Rodham and Dan Rostenkowski who both took over the Chicago mob from Al Capone. For readers who are unaware, Hugh Rodham was the father of Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton. What’s extraordinary is the fact that the morning after Donald Trump’s 2016 landslide victory over Hillary Rodham Clinton, Hillary paraded her alleged child molesting, violent rapist husband, Bill Clinton, into the New Yorker Hotel ball room, where they presented themselves adorned in purple attire. This spectacle was in fact a strategy concocted by Hillary Clinton and George Soros, to launch Soros’ “Purple Revolution”.

The color purple is popular among Satanic Jews because it celebrates their crucifixion of God who stepped into His creation, Jesus Christ. They clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head, And began to salute him, Hail, King of the Jews! And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing their knees worshiped him. And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple from him, and put his own clothes on him, and led him out to crucify him ~ “Mark 51:17-20”


e93269 No.2484801

File: b73327b9c3c7a05⋯.jpeg (126.58 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 1533590926.jpeg)

be9d97 No.2484802

File: 89375708f5440aa⋯.png (247.81 KB, 655x366, 655:366, ClipboardImage.png)

591356 No.2484803


>God knows our hearts

But does he know our IP addresses?

I think not.

4234af No.2484804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.










972323 No.2484805


Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!




ac998e No.2484806

If they were desperate enough to launch a missile at POTUS, they must have thought a missile exchange would take place.

What a strange game.

How about a nice game of chess?

45cded No.2484807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b00079 No.2484808

File: 13afd37b01e43f8⋯.png (984.89 KB, 561x873, 187:291, Crazy Eyes.png)

File: 5f2eab5a802dabd⋯.png (106.35 KB, 205x305, 41:61, ClipboardImage.png)

9a550f No.2484809

File: 03def9c703d8944⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 1024x469, 1024:469, gunm4.JPG)

beede2 No.2484810


Nah, only the little zoglings at the NSA have that.

045a11 No.2484811


double kek

cf748c No.2484812


I wonder if Rackadoo figured out that AJ is a

dis-info agent. I don't think she is part of the show


c0330c No.2484813


It's been brewing for a long time. They want to light the match so things get out of hand quickly. All this chaos would allow them to divert attention away from them and the people they have in Europe would be able to run away. They've been trying to do the same thing in the US with BLM and other destabilization stuff.

8c573c No.2484814

File: 441e90a25819d72⋯.jpg (25.87 KB, 430x317, 430:317, gore-flames.jpg)


Soros-Backed Media Matters Pushes Facebook to Eliminate Global Warming Deniers

329c1b No.2484815


if youre going to look there, CSL is probably a serious dig too


509f91 No.2484816

File: bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png)

>>2484678 (lb)

Stop lying to yourself. You're actually a huge joke. Stop lying to yourself.

add0be No.2484817

File: dae4dfd918c10c0⋯.jpg (399.75 KB, 1361x971, 1361:971, merge_from_ofoct.jpg)

/pol/ getting logical about 'anonymous' and Q


c93503 No.2484818


Welp, their ladies are sexy as hell.


7acea3 No.2484819


But of course He does, the hairs on my head & you have no power over me. Kill me I don't care I will go home.

9ba6d0 No.2484820

File: ced49e19343ca77⋯.jpg (41.46 KB, 366x365, 366:365, 2fdkp5~2.jpg)

dfba5a No.2484821

File: 0aff5e8a517f0af⋯.png (545.15 KB, 538x574, 269:287, Untitled29.png)

077b80 No.2484822


HITL (1)

Next 1/2

(They had a plan called - Kill the king)

(187) satanic ritual

recommended reading for those in the cult [Dark State]:

U.S. Army Corrections System: Procedures for Military Executions



e787da No.2484823

File: eeb9f7598161170⋯.png (247.5 KB, 860x932, 215:233, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: e6c020b343a41b1⋯.png (74.06 KB, 874x476, 437:238, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 61d5a73de6779fe⋯.png (520.34 KB, 872x754, 436:377, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

Reminder since FISA DECLAS imminent:

If we look at Q's posts, there's a 95% likelihood NoName is in the redacted portions of the FISA.

What I'm trying to figure out is, how will NoName's role be portrayed in the FISA? Will it show him as another "separate" source of information, when in actuality he passed on the same damn dossier they've included several times as "separate" evidence?

7db29e No.2484824


How about a Rod of God?

7bdc1f No.2484825






45cded No.2484826

File: 87da3ee7a8ad33c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 263.35 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, antimetabole_Repetition_of….jpg)

File: e031235b4ab6d97⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 298.51 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, praeteritio_Another_word_f….jpg)

File: 83949e97f63a863⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 389.29 KB, 1280x856, 160:107, proslepsis_Extreme_form_of….jpg)


this pornography is named after the tropes they are using

591356 No.2484827


Admirably defeatist, JesusAnon.

8c573c No.2484828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3f131f No.2484829

File: bc6ad09bf89b545⋯.png (220.36 KB, 472x271, 472:271, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 1f6b80d60d530a3⋯.png (297.65 KB, 568x514, 284:257, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

Wait until We get control of our education systems back. 80% of children hate school, and for GOOD reason. From wiping out our natural and healthy sleep patterns, to forcing us to be immobilized in the very years that we need to be moving and growing, to pitting us against one another while they play #FakeNews CCN in the classrooms…We The People MUST take the education of our children BACK.

20cbdc No.2484830

File: 821ac2a91041dfd⋯.png (525.01 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Untitled.png)

Got us a 7700

AND the interesting filter now has over 90 aircrafts

46f9fb No.2484831


This namefagging, bullshit copypasta again!?!? Fuck right off, Pagliaccio!

52a5d8 No.2484832

File: 57ed088ff35d645⋯.png (493.98 KB, 644x758, 322:379, ClipboardImage.png)

9ba6d0 No.2484833

File: 0dc02859ee3813b⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 375x494, 375:494, 2eij61~2.jpg)



Bob Marley was a true nigger nugget.

041f1c No.2484834


Truth is truth.

a9914a No.2484835

File: 496a9b986e9a435⋯.jpg (8.95 KB, 255x117, 85:39, gun pointerflipped.jpg)


Did you mean this?

509f91 No.2484836


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

does NOT belong in "global notables". It's obvious purpose is to create a false image of this boards' having posters that are actively interested in, and posting cp, hence necessitating that BO dig up the legal guidelines and posts them. This is big, obvious lie. And shows that BO is working to undermine this community.

bfb5f7 No.2484837

File: ab3da08b9d91ae6⋯.png (39.31 KB, 1234x256, 617:128, sueddeutsche.png)

New MSM coverage from Germany

The confused world of right-wing extremists in the USA (original: Die wirre Welt der Rechtsradikalen in den USA)


ac998e No.2484838


Just the ticket.

34799e No.2484839


Love it!

>if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

769356 No.2484840

File: 63cff77d976921e⋯.jpg (296.07 KB, 964x771, 964:771, SimpleFarmerGodWins.jpg)


Declaring false statements does not make them true.

I deny you.

5c5d9d No.2484841


>Dinesh is right, Nazis and Democrats LOVE white people.

And yet "they" pretend they're for minorities to get their vote and keep them enslaved, poor and ignorant!

166eeb No.2484842


"How long shall we kill our prophets

While we stand aside and look"

Redemption Song

12a579 No.2484843


Styxhammer666 is next

war drummer is next.

praying medic is next

Michael Trimm is next

any buddy speaking Qanon is next.

its Happening.

972323 No.2484844

File: 4eda72fed03cea7⋯.png (1002.01 KB, 868x533, 868:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27b6a2499233856⋯.png (78.93 KB, 862x863, 862:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16c53c63d03b389⋯.png (73.59 KB, 873x798, 291:266, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 604f8ce4682e9e1⋯.png (11.19 KB, 880x115, 176:23, ClipboardImage.png)

Court rules surveillance video from Parkland massacre can be released


759508 No.2484845

File: 79de4c1d940fa95⋯.png (59.23 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Real Quebecors are strong and selfless patriots. But the last 2-3 generations have been so brainwashed, white male beaten up, that the patriot in us is sleeping very deeply.

Look at us during the 60's and 70's, and you will see who we really are.

Source: I am a quebecor (and love the USA, visit very often you guys)

159840 No.2484847

>>2484706 (lb)

Might be that the owner / operator / pilot doesn't want to advertise their identity.

More often it is because the ADSB system doesn't collect all the data & defaults to 'blocked'.

On any given day there are countless numbers of planes that show up as 'blocked'.

a33de6 No.2484848

File: b8290269655bb9e⋯.png (84.19 KB, 407x641, 407:641, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: d68a2c4d1778648⋯.png (127.63 KB, 676x469, 676:469, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: e47d5b69c16ad03⋯.png (238.65 KB, 693x641, 693:641, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: d5ca11731295410⋯.png (267.88 KB, 714x635, 714:635, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

File: b5fcf3ed82da029⋯.png (256.9 KB, 411x351, 137:117, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

David Geffen

Jimmy Iovine

Oprah Winfrey**

Bruce Springsteen

Paul McCartney

Joni Mitchell

Jennifer Aniston

Warren Beatty

Annette Bening

Tom Hanks

Elton John

Disney’s Bob Iger,

Netflix’s Ted Sarandos,

Barry Diller and

Diane von Furstenburg,

Discovery Communications’ David Zaslav,

Dr. Dre,

Irving Azoff,

Les Moonves,

Tom Freston,

Brian Grazer

Bradley Cooper**


45cded No.2484849

File: 83de5efb2d8c464⋯.jpg (88.24 KB, 578x747, 578:747, fluffybobross.jpg)

81f4c9 No.2484850

File: 86a36cbcf667598⋯.jpeg (195 KB, 640x510, 64:51, 761D096B-D961-4EF8-8E11-6….jpeg)

Not actively sssoooo passively


a33de6 No.2484852




ef4e0e No.2484853

File: b6aa364ac1afe17⋯.png (689.15 KB, 625x759, 625:759, stmichael.png)

591356 No.2484854



Q must stand alone at the end.

1136b3 No.2484855


Anon, how can you trust them to clean when even the most basic concepts are not being done? Did you watch Horowitz testify? Even he did not seek to preserve emails and phone logs from Strzok and Page. Come On!!! How can you have total confidence when the very basics were not done? That should not be rocket science. How do you legally attain evidence? By doing your (not you) damn job and preserving it.

fb72c4 No.2484856


JP = Japan


KS = South Korea


SA = Saudi Arabia


find pattern = Nuclear Power (not weapons, ENERGY!)

Cold Fusion

Metal Catalysts

Palladium was first


Watch the Water

Because cavitation occurs in the water

Saudi has access to pure water

Because of their osmosis plants

You though Saudi = desert waste

But it really = sophisticated high tech and pure water

Tesla (Elon Musk) is involved as well

Because of batteries

Because a battery is a form of Cold Fusion

And so is a Fuel Cell

Three branches become one

Batteries, Fuel Cells, Nuclear Reactions become one science of Cold Fusion

Hot Fusion is an aberration, a mistake. It will soon go away entirely

39bf61 No.2484858

File: 3f0691773ed25fa⋯.jpg (109.56 KB, 259x270, 259:270, so-much-text.jpg)

7bdc1f No.2484859

>>2484845 truth.

Quebecois are more like Texans than any other canadian

7acea3 No.2484860


I am in this war until God sees fit to take me home. Until then I will STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT & GOOD. Not scared a bit ask my Sheriff.

c93503 No.2484861

File: 00ab135a154dd39⋯.png (18.35 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 000000fasdd.png)


I accept MY truth and what I know in my heart and soul.

Denounced. HA.


I live in the light of my Father and my fellow man.

b883d3 No.2484862

File: 7213c09256f0ee4⋯.gif (728.63 KB, 500x450, 10:9, 0f9fe9abeef51aab667bd14aa9….gif)


Worship this!

c61516 No.2484863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.











You have followed the "Power" for so long?

Why do you now revolt?

Your youth rebel against you?

What do you do?

Post on a chan board bitching about it?

Hoping that Trump will do something about it?

Hoping your Christ will come and fix everything?

Please, stop insulting the enlightened.

Q is not real.


3c3693 No.2484864


The only thing that is False is the Message. WE ARE ALL GOD!

591356 No.2484865


Except for the snobby French part.

041f1c No.2484866

File: ddf64c6e01b9a53⋯.png (621.95 KB, 671x984, 671:984, 1516726346652.png)



fbd2df No.2484867

Just remember. We stay the course. Chase only what Q has said to chase. Everything else - EVERYTHING else – is a coordinated attack/distraction. Dont fall for any of it, no matter how tempting.

ef4e0e No.2484868



7bdc1f No.2484869


(well, some of em. lots of brainwashed, too)

2c5430 No.2484870

File: 007114a2516f35b⋯.jpg (9.87 KB, 214x255, 214:255, nasim3.jpg)

454e50 No.2484871


Anon lease put (lb) next to the number post you are linking back to indicate "last bread" so anons know if they click it, it will send them back to last bread, like so:

>>2483529 (lb)

Also I think you are right about it being ==notable=

but to be taken seriously and to save the baker time, provide a brief summary or title as to the subject matter of your "notable" nomination.

If you do that, other anons usually second and third your notable nomination.

3fefe0 No.2484872


Was that before or after they edited it? Will they edit it in response?

3f131f No.2484873


Wow…This and the 111 theory seem to really line up. Wild.

Thank You Anon!!

09f72c No.2484874

File: 2ab954f27ee14d2⋯.png (25.4 KB, 860x228, 215:57, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 48ca202ee9e9037⋯.png (721.85 KB, 838x1088, 419:544, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

No Call Sign out of JFK

No N Number

b802e8 No.2484875


AJ was them sacrificing their own for distraction. Unless these others are theirs, too…

9ba6d0 No.2484876

File: 9a258bfc7a6150b⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2fdgb8~2.jpg)

4857b6 No.2484877


Dude I recently visited and the whole city redpilled me. "We speak French here, this city is older than New York". Made perfect sense, respect for your identity patriot.

d37e08 No.2484878

How many times did they have to provide false evidence (each 90 days of continual surveillance) in order for them to continue with the spying and how many times was the FISA warrant renewed?!

6b7d83 No.2484879


She looks more “three whites” visible, to me.

329c1b No.2484880


>Procedures for Military Executions

yes please

591356 No.2484881


A war you fight on 8chan.


2251ae No.2484882

File: bd00f9c5e943024⋯.gif (117.5 KB, 765x993, 255:331, anon.gif)

Anonymous VOWS to EXPOSE the Anons responsible for QAnon


9521ac No.2484884


Do you mean not all of them speak English?

cc3f56 No.2484885

File: 36001c5a7ae6428⋯.png (536.58 KB, 1152x1002, 192:167, ClipboardImage.png)


lean to read faggot. then die.

be1cbb No.2484886

Trudeau was dancing in the pride parade

when the SA did someone a solid and lowered the boom on him

7a7a45 No.2484887

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, 1533525687.jpg)

329c1b No.2484889



fuck off

792846 No.2484891

File: 61dcf73abb3a185⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 666x499, 666:499, researchQchristian.jpg)


Pilgrim and a stranger.

No abiding place.

In the world, but not of the world.

Not all in Israel are of Israel.

The hour no man knows.

Like a thief in the night.

Many mansions.


87e309 No.2484892


There is just as much snobbiness from english people friend. Remember the fkn Queen invaded our territories. France let us for dead, half of our population was raped/killed.

Je me souviens.

454e50 No.2484894

File: c2d58f5e092760c⋯.jpg (68.49 KB, 667x500, 667:500, we have it all oprah.jpg)

045a11 No.2484895


of course they do, the clowns run anonymous

5782f2 No.2484896


on twatter

b3c822 No.2484897

File: 0e56ce5a03d9707⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 500x250, 2:1, Fus Roh Qah.gif)

70c56b No.2484898


We're in sauna mode, slow cook style. Kekekek

45cded No.2484899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

813a36 No.2484900

File: 20b2e86e72eb0f6⋯.jpg (48.93 KB, 384x498, 64:83, 20b2e86e72eb0f63dceeff54f5….jpg)


Link, please.

3fefe0 No.2484901


THIS is why we have Clockfags. i'll never understand it myself, but it's worth a look.

c93503 No.2484902


How many times did you take it up the ASS for that 'illumination?'

4857b6 No.2484903


It's purpose is to late everyone know we don't tolerate that shit. So you can promptly go FUCK YOURSELF

be9d97 No.2484904

File: d34810742dd0ee4⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1501x1083, 79:57, nasimcortez.png)

09f72c No.2484905

File: bafa9fc637007ac⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1562x1798, 781:899, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)


these two just flew out of NXIVM land

a2e723 No.2484906


Many summers sitting on Old Orchard eh

f63af6 No.2484907

Lawfags, is it legal for Apple, Google, and Facebook to coordinate an attack on Alex Jones (Bill Hicks) like they did? All 3 companies take similar action on the same day even though he's had relatively similar content for years? It's obviously collusion, but are they breaking any laws?


972323 No.2484908


Our team of video/pic analysts will be able to work out any fuckery!

c9e5cd No.2484909


THIS!!! I don't care if anyone i disagree with gets black listed and deplatformed!! i only get mad if it happens to people I like. Free speech can be freely taken from anyone on the opposing side. Also, since they took AJ off, they'd never keep moving the needle and taking off more and more "conservative" media. Im ok if they ban Qanon hashtags, or Tucker Carlson online or Judge Nap. Fighting censorship is for cucks!! Thanks anon.

166eeb No.2484910


He who speaks truth declares righteousness,

But a false witness, deceit.

Proverbs 12:17

22df58 No.2484911

File: 06144ba14a87ae9⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 792x792, 1:1, 06144ba14a87ae98ea5be2f4ed….jpg)

509f91 No.2484912

I created an alternative board:

https: //boards.420chan.org/jenk/

If anons wish to, they can move there, and ask Q to post. I don't really want to be a BO, but this board is a disaster, so I put it up, in case any anons would take the cue and RAISE THEIR VOICES in objection to the obvious fuckery here.

Of course, it is pretty clear that 8chan is a whole is one big ball of encompedness.

I encourage anons to SPEAK UP about the infiltration and internal disruption here. SEE SOMETHING/SAY SOMETHING. "Beware of your surroundings"– perhaps this means VIRTUAL surroundings anons? Because we don't really need generic anti-terrorism advice all that badly, I don't think…

Post last edited at

7bdc1f No.2484913

>>2484865 those are mostly the Frenchmen.

most Quebecers are good folk, not condescending at all

>>2484884 hehe

i guess Albertans would object to that.

just meant they have a strong local pride - at least they used to, like anon said.

They're just generally too nice, so a lot of them believe the lies told about them (like, that they would elect Trudeau).

4857b6 No.2484914


No, they're private companies and can do what they want with their products. Still shady.

6b7d83 No.2484915


I’ll poke around….ty

039b0e No.2484916


that's what i'm saying, this has to go way beyond the steele dossier. Is there 5 or 6 just like the steelse dossier put out w fveye coordination?

45cded No.2484917

File: 86a26603a0a55e5⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 647x472, 647:472, flute.jpg)

File: c5d657739a52936⋯.jpg (137.22 KB, 1296x966, 216:161, greatplan.jpg)

File: 813308b84c8ccad⋯.jpg (120.83 KB, 640x564, 160:141, j3aAZibqCaUs2iloid4nzXBXjT….jpg)

005ba8 No.2484918

1 = past (newspaper)

2 = future (rally)

Press Enterprise, the only newspaper covering "Trump Attack Foiled" .The Press Enterprise is a daily newspaper published in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, United States. It is owned by the parent company Press Enterprise Inc. and run by the Eyerly family. Wikipedia The manipulation of a small town newspaper and the control of public opinion: The Press Enterprise The Eyerly Empire’s goal is to control public opinion. https://thewrenchphilosleft.blogspot.com/2010/02/manipulation-of-small-town-newspaper.html

fc11ed No.2484919


Helps when the judge is in on it [Contreras]

76f4a8 No.2484920

Thoughtful Employee Lets Autistic Customer Help Stock Shelves



0ef9f6 No.2484921

posting this again, because I find it incredibly damning and to me shows that

they are scrambling to create cover anyway possible.

notice that after starting with Obama being faked,

that the working example chosen by this Asian researcher to showcase his work is the re-creation of an interview with a Holocaust survivor.

also notice Tom Hanks who is recently receiving negative attention makes an appearance in this.

Coincidence that it is a very recent TED talk. 7/25/18

You can't make this shit up…….oh wait.


This is how they will defend any incriminating video?

This is proactive programming of doubt and mistrust in any possible claims

of evidence of criminal activity said to have been captured or recorded in digital video.

So now video evidence can be suppressed or not allowed in court trial proceedings?

A judge will rule that a jury may not use any evidence given or previously witnessed by video in a given case and will not allow it's submission into court records?

They will say those videos that show the talking heads reciting the 4am talking points are computer software generated fakes.

They will use this as proof, many, most, a majority will fall for it?

What other videos will they say are fake?

Expect a huge push of fake videos of everything or perhaps an unveiling of many examples that have been in use already

and people have believed and not been aware of.

Truth does not matter.

Notice the presenter mentions an additional software to detect altered video but does not go into detail or show examples. Just that there is or they are working on it.

Expect the state to appoint experts and to put in place legal authority to accredit or sanction what is real or fake.

Trust them because (you) do not have the capacity to know what is real and true.

This is total clown fuckery.

If something is killed.

Is it True that it is Dead?

be9d97 No.2484922

File: 69238e59f6214b9⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 1386x534, 231:89, cortez children.jpg)

File: 7283115ef88fbca⋯.jpg (88.33 KB, 724x543, 4:3, cortezorale.jpg)


11fb1c No.2484923

File: a2db49a6783febc⋯.jpg (66.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, a2db49a6783febccb560a80f50….jpg)

File: 3f8caaaf97779f7⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3f8caaaf97779f78dba50485b1….jpg)

7a7031 No.2484924


Sorcha fall did something about that in their reports.


As Ukraine and Venezuela. Perfect Example

509f91 No.2484925


https: //boards.420chan.org/jenk/

Okay, this is some fuckery. I don't know why it posted a completely different link. Very very fucky

Post last edited at

41556e No.2484926

Missed Notable

Indra Nooyi steps down as PepsiCo's CEO

PURCHASE, N.Y., Aug. 6, 2018 /PRNewswire/ – PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP) ("PepsiCo") today announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously elected Ramon Laguarta, 54, to succeed Indra K. Nooyi, 62, as Chief Executive Officer. Nooyi will step down on October 3rd after 24 years with the company, the last 12 as CEO. She will remain Chairman until early 2019 to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. Laguarta was also elected to the company's Board of Directors, effective October 3rd.


fb72c4 No.2484927


But what about NK?


Perhaps it will not be separate from KS

For very much longer

Because Cold Fusion

And Rare Earth Metal Hydrides

Are a match made in heaven

And Q is at the heart of it

Not, the group less than ten who call themselves Q

But the real Q, which you can only reveal

By understanding Cold Fusion technology

And the Geometry behind it

Theoria Apophasis can help you understand this


a355eb No.2484928

File: 8c3d51a3110dbc3⋯.png (565.96 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

972323 No.2484929


The ones who ran and OP to expose the (add name here) and never exposed any of them!

454e50 No.2484930


That's a kid. So wrong,

5ff053 No.2484931

File: 68e75d60435b37d⋯.jpeg (237.6 KB, 640x632, 80:79, 6ED983C5-6AB1-4F1C-B7BD-F….jpeg)

(((They))) are getting desperate


70c56b No.2484932


Trust the plan!!! Take your shilling and move on. It's not hard to understand. Trust the plan!

579135 No.2484933

c93503 No.2484934



Thank you kindly, Clockfag.

45cded No.2484935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the fecal mania is weird huh cortez

7acea3 No.2484936


Don't confuse Rapture and the Second coming of Jesus Christ. We that are believers are in Christ that is our HOME

a8f309 No.2484937


does anyone have that long ass post about JQ??

f94e7c No.2484938


more than Albertans?

5782f2 No.2484939


no they were twatting yesterday

I can't member the name, need it for a side by side

its like TAPP or TPAA or someshit like that

3fefe0 No.2484940


> provide false evidence

They did so continuously.

This is why the Memo drop to the public is such a big deal, it shows the lies used as evidence against a Presidential Nominee from a SITTING President

e47e14 No.2484941

File: 9bacdbf3579fb7d⋯.png (541.68 KB, 952x548, 238:137, GWins.PNG)


Name one thing Jesus did that was bad? You can't………FUCK OFF

eed166 No.2484942

File: ae525ab8e5d2cd6⋯.png (745.5 KB, 1466x894, 733:447, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2484816 ← pic is a give away


This is the /globalawakening/ "please join my board" guy

still looking for recruits with weak attempts to discredit QR..Sad

cc3f56 No.2484943

File: 08c66e848549b72⋯.jpg (39.44 KB, 432x433, 432:433, can.trap.jpg)


this is why the rest of the country fuckin hates our french brothers. just be canadian like the rest of us faggot. quit trying to be better. imagine what our country coulda been if we stopped letting them divide us from the beginning?

a9d895 No.2484944


FILTER OUT THE "Oh anons I was feeling helpful so I created a new board for everyone to move to" SHILLS

013f12 No.2484945

File: 4082d978acc85ac⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 645x729, 215:243, Brainlet.jpg)


Not expanding images before saving them

fbd2df No.2484946

Anonymous - distraction


Hollywood pedro crap - distraction

Stay the course! Do you think Q is dropping everything to chase ANY of that shit, even for a minute? No, not unless it is linked to the plan he has set in motion. FOCUS

509f91 No.2484947


Extraordinarily fucky. Let's try that again (I broke the link, let's see if that works):

I created an alternative board:


If anons wish to, they can move there, and ask Q to post. I don't really want to be a BO, but this board is a disaster, so I put it up, in case any anons would take the cue and RAISE THEIR VOICES in objection to the obvious fuckery here.

Of course, it is pretty clear that 8chan is a whole is one big ball of encompedness.

I encourage anons to SPEAK UP about the infiltration and internal disruption here. SEE SOMETHING/SAY SOMETHING. "Beware of your surroundings"– perhaps this means VIRTUAL surroundings anons? Because we don't really need generic anti-terrorism advice all that badly, I don't think…

Post last edited at

4857b6 No.2484948


Dude, they have their own language. That's more Texan than Texan.

6b7d83 No.2484949


Is Conspiracy to Collude - a thing?

20cbdc No.2484950

File: 7348c8132622ca8⋯.jpg (119.53 KB, 639x783, 71:87, 7348c8132622ca8ef86f228d82….jpg)


I've said it before, I'll say it again, Pence gives me a bad vibe. I've always been weary of him.

3fefe0 No.2484951

File: 440b7bca670fa5a⋯.png (44.84 KB, 599x343, 599:343, AQ1.PNG)


=POTUS tweet

b9bfba No.2484952


They did, they put her on America's Next Top Model.

e787da No.2484953

File: 313f3c38d71063d⋯.jpg (23.67 KB, 220x326, 110:163, 220px-John_Q_film_poster.jpg)

329c1b No.2484954

File: 34c60578626080d⋯.jpg (46.08 KB, 788x619, 788:619, 1.jpg)


youve got a problem with savages from other french colonies invading your land. if you would stop protecting your language and start protecting your culture you might find a way to solve it

b43346 No.2484955


I'll help you test anon. Linking 1701. Let's see what happens.


beede2 No.2484956

File: 7bcbf4d99cb0aad⋯.jpg (52.51 KB, 720x737, 720:737, Dj4IapCXsAIT0OS.jpg)


>What's the DR3 meme from 2015 anon?

holy fuck you're new and gay.

45cded No.2484957

File: 8787ba41eda6607⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 600x591, 200:197, IMG_1463.JPG)


have an asshole to tie it together

792846 No.2484958


There is no rapture.


My kingdom is not of this world.

cf748c No.2484959


Only when they think Trump did it

854be6 No.2484960

File: 6f6713432346583⋯.jpg (67.4 KB, 814x448, 407:224, qsign.JPG)

File: f7be1f246762730⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 840x440, 21:11, q sign 2.JPG)

Anonymous vows to take down, expose QAnon

Posted this a few breads ago, it's not showing up from anyone else. Perhaps I am banned and don't know it. This is relevant news ~ Baker~

From the article:

The hacking collective Anonymous is pledging to expose the people behind the "QAnon" conspiracy theory.

The anarchist hacking group slammed the QAnon conspiracy as potentially dangerous and driven by a “brainless political agenda” in a video posted Sunday to what is widely considered the most reliable Anonymous Twitter account.

“We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed and poorly educated,” the group said in the video, which was posted with the hashtags #OpQ and #OpQAnon.

The video depicts various figures with Anonymous masks acting out certain aspects of the QAnon conspiracy against a constant backdrop of the letter “Q.”

The video claims that Anonymous “knew who was responsible for Q” and thought it was funny at first. However, the group now believes the conspiracy theory has gone too far.

“Someone is going to get hurt, so we have to put our foot down and start some shit with you all,” the group said in the video.

QAnon shifted into the spotlight after numerous attendees at President Trump's rally in Florida last week held Q-shaped cutouts and posters alluding to the conspiracy theory.

The wide-ranging and vague “QAnon” touches on a number of popular conspiracy theories: Democrats and prominent Hollywood figures are orchestrating underground pedophile rings; special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe is a front for investigating 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former President Obama for their ties to said rings; and hundreds of sealed indictments may have already been handed down in the Clinton case.

The theory was started by a person on the message board 4chan last year claiming to be a high-ranking security official in the Trump administration. The individual or individuals goes by the identity of "Q" and has continued to fan the theory on online platforms.

A number of conservative figures have pushed back against the conspiracy theory on Twitter in recent days, including Michael Flynn Jr., the son of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and former White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

Anonymous has been adamantly opposed to Trump since he announced his candidacy in 2015. The group declared "cyber war" on Trump in March 2016, directing its followers to take down the then-candidate's websites.



22df58 No.2484961

File: df376d2ac15a9f5⋯.png (567.3 KB, 1076x1000, 269:250, board-book2.png)


Q talked about you?

041f1c No.2484962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Last time I check'd, we were the Anons

dfba5a No.2484963

File: 6a95a4d96b29e4d⋯.png (201.19 KB, 904x946, 452:473, Untitled30.png)

fc11ed No.2484964


Do they vow to expose all his posts and proofs too?


fb97bf No.2484965


> I created an alternative board:

> https://boards.420chan.org/jenk/

The owner of 420chan is part of the cabal. Anyone who uses it can expect to get their IP logged.

4234af No.2484966

File: 84391581e3306a3⋯.jpg (460.63 KB, 1024x695, 1024:695, Dinesh D'Souza is The Big ….jpg)

File: 83c6502e2283f42⋯.jpg (38.18 KB, 400x306, 200:153, ef9243239806310b2ca97f8daa….jpg)

File: 74ac76c41f78a9d⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 1246x829, 1246:829, nfl-ratings-chart.jpg)

File: bf7e46f2bf0a257⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1146x643, 1146:643, serveimage (8).png)

File: 389823acaefad5e⋯.png (709.55 KB, 1061x667, 1061:667, Screen-Shot-2018-08-04-at-….png)



Peak Dinesh Disinfo Cucking levels never thought possible

9521ac No.2484968


Yeah…not trying to dis the Canadians. People are beginning to understand that people are more alike than different everywhere. It's always the governments that cause problems.

ed1e26 No.2484969

File: 3354908433beb17⋯.jpg (734.28 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-164324….jpg)

File: b266d3e6f9adb04⋯.jpg (600.24 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-164336….jpg)


e47e14 No.2484970


Saved, KEK

6b7d83 No.2484971



509f91 No.2484972


With you articulate and non-bot-like demands, I am sure humans will be eager to do what you tell them to.

052ae9 No.2484973

File: 386fdf0a3a524b6⋯.png (462.76 KB, 718x475, 718:475, 20180806_164240.png)

File: e074b8d4fb7e9f1⋯.png (971.39 KB, 720x858, 120:143, 20180806_164218.png)

File: b0efbb20a54141f⋯.png (1.11 MB, 720x1008, 5:7, 20180806_164201.png)

This guy claimed to have been a co-architect, of the twin towers. He's dead now.

7a7031 No.2484975



a5d32d No.2484976

File: e485c311aa54f4e⋯.gif (828.44 KB, 200x189, 200:189, 1355595526538.gif)




Post last edited at

7db29e No.2484977


Understand what you are saying, anon, but I think we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here. A lot is going in behind the scenes. This is an extraordinarily complicated undertaking.

The White Hats have the benefit of doubt, at least they do with me.

I expect to see things DRAMATICALLY improved by 11.11.18.

That's the end game.

Under that assumption, and working backwards, things should start to visibly "happen" soon.

For months I have felt that August would be the month that the shiznit hits the fan.

I'll soon find out if I was right.

c52e7e No.2484978

File: 05dee75fce1c6c2⋯.jpeg (552.21 KB, 938x1811, 938:1811, 7ECCC870-35E9-4A30-B6C7-5….jpeg)

>>2484912 Hey I bought you a soda, enjoy

ef4e0e No.2484979


Same here.

8c64e5 No.2484980

File: a1e8ab944eed101⋯.jpeg (884.99 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 51ED2B8E-7182-48A8-93FA-2….jpeg)


454e50 No.2484981

File: a7acc6c34e91d32⋯.jpg (89.24 KB, 800x764, 200:191, Ragin Pepe.jpg)



5ff053 No.2484982

File: 2fb362b70989985⋯.jpeg (188.89 KB, 640x455, 128:91, ED61C914-591A-40F7-8E9A-1….jpeg)


12a579 No.2484983


You know I was following all this shit before President Trump. Q brings the Truth about it on a bigger scale.. but even if is exposed there gonna go down killing.

70c56b No.2484984


That's right! Trust the plan! We are winning! Those ass monkeys think doing something is going to help!

a9914a No.2484985

1d58d4 No.2484986

File: 673a520ee6400f6⋯.png (287.57 KB, 870x1263, 290:421, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: c8bda70909fd918⋯.png (1.27 MB, 796x1258, 398:629, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: b5015cc00e02707⋯.png (309.25 KB, 783x1258, 783:1258, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 8c97bd2870d09b5⋯.png (637.81 KB, 773x1195, 773:1195, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)


John McCain's aide picking up dossier


4af5b8 No.2484987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3c3693 No.2484988


Quebecois are more like Californians. They think they should separate because they are better than the rest of the Country

b08dda No.2484989


Thx for the link so i can down vote it ;)

ea6883 No.2484990


Just what do they think they are going to expose?

The location of the boards?

052ae9 No.2484991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb72c4 No.2484992

File: d7dff4390bdfcf8⋯.png (487.9 KB, 1200x374, 600:187, ClipboardImage.png)

a9914a No.2484993

File: 68471205c86d4e4⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 1024x469, 1024:469, gun pointer largeflipped.jpg)


Yeah I was like WTF

20cbdc No.2484994


So many errors!


4d7e62 No.2484995

File: b95c058b078e66d⋯.png (507.1 KB, 550x596, 275:298, ClipboardImage.png)

Does she or does she not…..

Just need something shoved in ALL of her Anti-Trump holes to shut her the F UP! …. Fricking C__T

7acea3 No.2484996


You don't know the Bible there are 3 raptures. Seek wisdom

09f72c No.2484997

File: 2353aa1def3cd19⋯.png (3.7 MB, 2740x1782, 1370:891, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: ef471e979a41b12⋯.png (13.99 KB, 248x148, 62:37, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)


You put the N number in the box

Plane is still in the air

put in


https:// registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=N715vx

041f1c No.2484998

File: c907687084cccb8⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 589x1000, 589:1000, Mein-Kampf.jpg)


Here ya go

579135 No.2484999




missing space

76f4a8 No.2485000

File: 12da963bd5bc3fd⋯.jpg (8.91 KB, 259x194, 259:194, adad.jpg)

>'We are starving and need food and water': Message that led to the rescue of 11 children who were found with heavily armed 'extremist Muslims' living in poverty inside New Mexico trailer compound where they had been for MONTHS

>The 11 children were rescued from the compound in Alamia, New Mexico, Friday

>- They were being held by Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, and his brother-in-law Lucas Morton

>- Wahhaj is the son of a prolific imam from New York City and has been missing since December when he vanished with his three-year-old disabled son AG

>- Some of the children at the compound are believed to belong to him and his wife, Jany Leveille, who was also arrested

>- AG, who is his son with another woman in Georgia, was not at the compound

>- The other rescued children belong to his sisters, Hujrah and Subhanah Wahaj

>- They were also found at the compound and have been charged with child abuse

>- The charges against the five adults range from child abduction to child abuse and harboring a fugitive

>- None has been charged with any terror related offence but police described Wahhaj as 'extremist of the Muslim belief'

Anon still researching… going back 10 breads to consolidate…


c93503 No.2485001


Any idea how many versus the average you see in a day?

45cded No.2485002

File: 8f31ca83847d2a5⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 315x400, 63:80, IMG_1028.JPG)


┴┬┴┤( ° ʖ├┬┴┬¯\_( ° ʖ ° )_/¯…_φ(・ω・` )

d842e8 No.2485003


Well not in particular but it says something.

It says that AJ/InfoWars wasn't banned for breaking a rule or violating community standards.

What are the odds that they violated rules on each platform and simultaneously were banned because of it?

The collusion shows that it's much more likely he was banned simply because the people who control these companies do not agree with what he says.

e787da No.2485004

File: b90b85d98980e69⋯.jpg (38.63 KB, 298x212, 149:106, south-park-occupywallstree….jpg)

509f91 No.2485006


What the fuck sort of hack caused that url to appear when I posted? Get out with that.

Isn't it time to stop the fuckery? The ceaseless deception? You can only take it to far. You can't conquer the world by piling lie on top of lie indefinitely. Sooner or later, the entire structure of shit collapses back into your own mouth. Think about it.

159c17 No.2485007


Lawfag here. It depends on what is in the customer agreement when you initially sign up. Remember, always read the fine print. They are usually adhesion contracts. Meaning it is drafted by the owner and skewed in his favor and if you do not agreed to it as drafted then you do not get to use their service. In other words, you have no choice if you want to use their product.

88e852 No.2485008

File: a70a2f59f9308e0⋯.jpg (70 KB, 641x499, 641:499, shia i am q.jpg)

32db41 No.2485009

20cbdc No.2485010


our should be are protecting

7a7031 No.2485011


I hope more a 16Chan..

23d560 No.2485012

File: 4b6229f506453d9⋯.jpeg (322.3 KB, 1173x667, 51:29, 69D39E29-ADB4-4472-8431-B….jpeg)

ea6883 No.2485013


What's really going to be funny is when they get to the drops and read them…wait for it…AND FLIP!!! Kek!

a9914a No.2485014


how about not adding text and image before sending?

41556e No.2485015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hillary Clinton's Father Hugh Rodham Ran Chicago Mob

cf748c No.2485016


she is pretty

e1bc62 No.2485017


Make the Basic Instinct move, pls :)

3f2466 No.2485018


If you're redpilling correctly,

then you aren't anonymous.

If you are still anonymous,

then you've only been redpilling yourself.

3fefe0 No.2485019

File: cceadccc8c7d29e⋯.png (25.32 KB, 234x164, 117:82, A Fedora.png)


With the SEC test and the errors, i smell a Q drop soon!

3b5eff No.2485020


You smell Evil…………….

cc3f56 No.2485021

File: ea31bedc9793682⋯.png (41.77 KB, 599x343, 599:343, ClipboardImage.png)


our/are spelling

happen!Also-no space

fc11ed No.2485022


Sure Brian…lol

Hey did you ever finish fixing my vacuum cleaner?

8ce8ad No.2485023

File: d5776da744236c8⋯.png (596.61 KB, 702x395, 702:395, askisrael.png)

Jewish subversion has destroyed our once great nation, and has all but destroyed the nations of Europe.

Jewish law permits PEDOPHILIA.

Jews are anti Second Amendment (they want your guns).

Jews are anti First Amendment (they want you silent).

Jews promote abortion.

Boycotting all jews in all aspects of your life is the fastest, easiest and most EFFECTIVE solution to jewish subversion.

It is also the easiest and most peaceful.

Never buy kosher products.

Never do business with businesses owned or controlled by jew.

Never vote for a jew or anyone that supports jews or Israel.

Shun the jew in all aspects of your life.

You do not have to wait for the government to act. Hint: Your government is controlled by jews.

You can do this today, right now. Spread the word and get all everyone to boycott the jew starting today. In a short time, the jews will be back in the ghettos where they belong, and they will not be able to subvert you, your family, or our once great nation.

013f12 No.2485024

File: d72e9ad0f236baa⋯.jpg (127 KB, 772x1033, 772:1033, KYS.jpg)

09f72c No.2485025


https:// registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Inquiry.aspx

3f131f No.2485026

beede2 No.2485027

File: 08320a858948366⋯.jpg (63.88 KB, 1060x894, 530:447, Dj4sR5YVsAAtqAz.jpg)


wow thanks for saving me. no idea what I'd have done without this enlightening post.

41b6dd No.2485028


Honestly, that's not even worth a mention imho.

eed166 No.2485029

File: 67466a1ceb65500⋯.png (125.73 KB, 1169x817, 1169:817, ! ! ! ! ! 17 techniques f….png)


[ID: 509f91]

Wait, Isn't /globalawakening/ your board too??? How many boards/sites are you going to try & split us up to?

You SUCK at your job

ef4e0e No.2485030

File: dcf87689e1fc3c2⋯.jpeg (173.34 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, summits.jpeg)

23d560 No.2485031

File: 998b3b3799077a6⋯.jpeg (322.96 KB, 1170x687, 390:229, 313C8901-2A89-427C-9A20-2….jpeg)

579135 No.2485032

File: 28b4b170e895852⋯.png (922.91 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 5C821982-B927-423F-BEC6-F7….png)

File: cb1ecf809911937⋯.png (371.6 KB, 489x606, 163:202, 6CCF9273-2D0F-4CCE-8740-24….png)

7ff117 No.2485033

File: 8fee9d804539ea9⋯.jpg (45.7 KB, 600x397, 600:397, hillarymad.jpg)

c93503 No.2485034


Not sure that's much help KEK.

Given what we know about that industry, best of luck creepycan chick.

907e5d No.2485035


If it is separate, then I'd like to know what they made up that's even crazier than a germaphobic natural ladies man getting pissed on.

891edd No.2485036

File: edd1a8facf2d180⋯.png (483.57 KB, 851x533, 851:533, DeClass.png)

551638 No.2485037

File: b819f0ae0398cf7⋯.jpg (352.96 KB, 1816x659, 1816:659, Phoenix 6 Aug 18 2235.jpg)

File: 13fd3e972981dbc⋯.jpg (559.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Dallas 6 Aug 18 2240.jpg)

File: f1e66acf49e4e15⋯.jpg (322.42 KB, 1812x674, 906:337, Kansas City 6 Aug 18 2240.jpg)

File: 2815827ffc48431⋯.jpg (389.85 KB, 1810x645, 362:129, Columbus 6 Aug 18 2245.jpg)

A bit of an update on helo activity. Business is still brisk.

972323 No.2485038

File: 45eb84564b2e8dc⋯.png (973.26 KB, 805x917, 115:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63cc29f7fb911c8⋯.png (531.76 KB, 793x912, 793:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 383d9d0809558aa⋯.png (388.33 KB, 448x789, 448:789, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b61e3ef9d06cd46⋯.png (247.98 KB, 798x914, 399:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9284d3b3a8ae55⋯.png (43.16 KB, 803x755, 803:755, ClipboardImage.png)

Reddit Censors Bangladesh Protest As Govt Shuts Down Mobile Internet; Protesters Being Injured and Killed


fbd2df No.2485039

This is a show, remember. The outcome is a foregone conclusion. We know this - Q has told us over and over. And we are safe. Stop arguing and enjoy. Dig when Q says dig

2d8be1 No.2485040


call for suicide noted

8c573c No.2485041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

45cded No.2485042

File: 2df6a540e4dfdc6⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 190x265, 38:53, IMG_1118.JPG)

File: b9f14aaf631c113⋯.png (586.42 KB, 590x775, 118:155, IMG_1124.PNG)

File: d2aec3dce650cce⋯.jpg (39.12 KB, 280x344, 35:43, IMG_1125.JPG)


those poor cia judas fehgels

b41361 No.2485043



20cbdc No.2485044


Q said to watch for repeats, or repeats matter something like that….but POTUS has tweeted something like this before…I'll go look

dfba5a No.2485045

File: b53ee3a6896d7b4⋯.jpg (48.83 KB, 600x300, 2:1, wolverine-middle-finger-cl….jpg)

70c56b No.2485047


Do you trust the plan?

7db29e No.2485048


Starting to hear this more and more. Like tremors before an earthquake?

454e50 No.2485049

File: bdb0a31849e5001⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 500x356, 125:89, pepe slasher.jpg)


Shills Be Slain

a9d895 No.2485050

File: 1c5fe5780fd7e70⋯.png (358.68 KB, 959x799, 959:799, its_happening_multiarm.png)

f27f82 No.2485051







23d560 No.2485052


This tweet has now been deleted.

7616e4 No.2485053


Quebec is full of whiney frogs.

de599a No.2485054


70c56b No.2485055


Trust the plan!

e787da No.2485056

File: e00900e276ae2d3⋯.jpeg (285.32 KB, 750x628, 375:314, B0918AE6-6786-4315-8080-A….jpeg)


Deleted and reposted. “Our” changed to “are”. Space added between ! and “also”

a2e723 No.2485057


The boards "comped" with no god damn proof… Was cute … Starting 2 boards and posting them "incorrectly" Wiley E. Coyote - super genus

3b5eff No.2485058





37f462 No.2485059



53c9c9 No.2485061

File: 5fc06209c9d85aa⋯.png (16.45 KB, 444x476, 111:119, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62ab64e27fc3e98⋯.png (43.78 KB, 444x443, 444:443, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't know if this has been pointed out yet regarding Q post # 1787, but Q was directly speaking of this post #1776. This might help the newbies follow along in their quest to learn more.

45cded No.2485062

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


silly is safe usually

41556e No.2485063

781eba No.2485064

b883d3 No.2485065

File: 1fff02cdbf6b062⋯.png (168.11 KB, 477x477, 1:1, 101117.vers-1904170c90c8af….png)




fc11ed No.2485066


Notice the !A

another proof!!

88e852 No.2485067


AJ is infotainment, it's obvious. I dont know why people cant get this. THAT's what the Q post article says. It's a SHOW. Duh!

509f91 No.2485068


The bot posts are too repetitive bot. Do you not get that every human has seen all your posts already, and your variations are too limited to dispel the sameness? You must must get new material. But you really can't, because you've strangled all the chans with so much of your own output, that you no longer have much of anything to imitate. This is what I'm talking about as far as the fragile fecal structure of your own lies collapsing back into your own vile mouth. You will choke on it. You already are. It's terribly stupid.

7616e4 No.2485069


Actually trudeau was in the alley making a backdoor deal.

b9bfba No.2485070


I can't decode this. Probably meant for EST fags who our just getting high from their 4:20.

eed166 No.2485071

File: 39b3850495dc763⋯.png (356.39 KB, 1266x462, 211:77, ClipboardImage.png)


We don't care, nor do we believe them. If they want to go head to head with the NSA, DHS, & USSS (+more likely not mentioned), sounds like they are looking to create their own problems for themselves. To them if they wanna try, I say good luck & wait patiently for the not-so-subtle knocks @ the door

7bdc1f No.2485072

File: 93fccb359034195⋯.png (632.61 KB, 555x780, 37:52, MontrealPepe.png)


gotta love frogs that know how to make some noise

3fefe0 No.2485073

File: b579d59ec489725⋯.jpg (6.55 KB, 240x204, 20:17, Question 1.jpg)


The Question isn't whether I trust the plan, the Question is, Why do we trust the plan?

3f2466 No.2485074



Don't be a puzzy coward.

Are you skeeered?

Do you think someone will hunt you down?

Damn, that's what (((they))) want you to do.

Fear. Hide. Stupid coward puzzy.

c9e5cd No.2485075


Will pass with "Reconciliation" and the "Byrd Rule". See Q's post from the other day with Hillary and Byrd, reconcile.

You kno i'm right.

6703ef No.2485076

File: 0731fa3f1fa6d78⋯.png (31.25 KB, 536x265, 536:265, twitter-cleanup-time.png)

twitter cleanup on aisle 5

a9914a No.2485077

File: 180b7cb9c7cc648⋯.png (476.12 KB, 673x854, 673:854, Screenshot_2018-08-06 Q Re….png)

please don't respond to me for the rest of the week I have hit my (you) quota

70c56b No.2485078


Ohhhh God here it comes!! Pray pray pray!

09779a No.2485079

We should celebrate our Overton Window Victories

Before Q, the extreme side of the republican party had been labeled the 'alt-right' and mainstream news outlets had delighted not only in defining what 'alt-right' meant but in tarring and feathering every voice they disagreed with with that label.

Today, though, we are essentially the extremist branch of the Trump movement. I know most of us would balk at being called extremist, but if you ponder it from the perspective of a normie, it's the cold truth. It's an interesting position to be in. We've had months to define who we are without the media laying a finger on us. The best they could do was call us Russian bots. In the meantime we've been inserting our ideas into the mainstream at every opportunity, commenting on social media, news sites and calling into talk radio.

Our memes go everywhere. Sure not all of them go viral, but sometimes they catch on. Words like 'cabal' find their way to evening news. "Spygate" becomes a thing. We've been part of that conversation.

Now we're mainstream. Think about what that means. They can't call us Russian bots anymore. If we do a twitterstorm they have to identify us for who we are, maybe even show more of their fear. All the while, we're moving the overton window. More people will start looking again at these 'conspiracies'. More people will ask the important questions. Deliberate ignorance will be the hallmark of our enemies.

37f462 No.2485080


I think I decoded the Trump tweet just now..



RR with no space between !Also

changed it

now there is a space. it was a 5 minute delta?

no more space for RR???

ed1e26 No.2485081

File: 18f438655cc79d6⋯.jpg (541.38 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-165126….jpg)

626e46 No.2485082

I just thought of something… what if the cabal is no longer able to communicate through ANY channels, public or private, without Q team knowing?

All this talk about following people… what if that is the only way they can speak or plan (NSA has everything, right?) and all the traveling done by bad actors that has been tracked has been for their planning purposes?

It would be a stretch to say that EVERY travel spot would be for this reason, but is it too hard to believe that they reverted to face-to-face communication given that the NSA with WW reach has comped their normal channels?

7db29e No.2485083


Probably getting back-doored.

ef20e6 No.2485084

Today on SkyNews (Robert Redford will be retiring as announced in 2016 after this movie):


In The Old Man & The Gun, Redford plays Forrest Tucker, a real-life bank robber and career convict, who escaped from prison multiple times - including once in a kayak - and went on to commit further robberies.

"To me, that was a wonderful character to play at this point in my life…The thing that really got me about him - which I hope the film shows - is he robbed 17 banks and he got caught 17 times and went to prison 17 times," he said.

"But he also escaped 17 times. So it made me wonder: I wonder if he was not averse to getting caught so he that could enjoy the real thrill of his life, which is to escape?" he added.


(He actually broke out successfully 18 times and unsuccessfully 12 times)

- labor chain gang > “shackle poisoning” (https://www.funtrivia.com/askft/Question45404.html)

- one of his unsuccessful attempts culminated with him being apprehended after a few hours in a cornfield.

- Dad left at 6, he was in jail for the first time by 15. He was released but locked back up within six months and sentenced to ten years for car theft. Later his lawyer would write in a court motion: “Marked as a criminal at seventeen years old and constantly railroaded through judicial proceedings without the benefit of counsel, Forrest Tucker was becoming an angry young man.”

- “Q” = San Quentin


Legal/Prison Reform?


^^ Posted about this the other day. Civil forfeiture foolery is a big part of the War on Drugs/DEA racketeering. This is how an agency/government amasses additional funds not budgeted to them, for example. One aspect of the private prison industrial complex. This ruling should be the foundation for some big cases.

a355eb No.2485085

e787da No.2485086


Change from “our” to “are” =


Sorry, it’s a strawgrasping kind of Monday

d1476c No.2485087



2c5430 No.2485088


Earth not capitalized.

e47e14 No.2485089


Spare us the bs Leaf, nobody is going to your board…Period

On that note…go get a couple tampons, shove one in your mouth

551638 No.2485090

File: 61a32e078edc5f0⋯.jpg (403.47 KB, 1659x807, 553:269, Maine 6 Aug 18 2250.jpg)

4af5b8 No.2485091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7a7031 No.2485092



Could have good stuff..

f78de4 No.2485094

File: 45eaeb680d56415⋯.png (38.96 KB, 549x308, 549:308, Trump tweet 1.PNG)

File: fe146311f75bcfa⋯.png (38.87 KB, 539x299, 539:299, Trump tweet 2.PNG)

First posted at 5:41

Second 5:46

No space between happen!Also

5 delta

329c1b No.2485095



what the fuck is going on here?! dont tell me this anarchy has to do with "students protesting unsafe roads."

beede2 No.2485096

File: 621d11022c58109⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 1024x952, 128:119, DjWUKo3W4AA3Yru.jpg)

e1bc62 No.2485097


the 4am talking points are spread all over the world.

Finnish media repeats ALL the same MSM lies that are seen in US media.

- Qanon is a conspiracy

- 'experts' believe that it will lead to #Pizzagate kind of violence -> probably referring to the staged shooting in Comet Ping Pong (the shooter was actor or something)

- referring to Amazon Clown WaPo which is known for totally biased reporting

23d560 No.2485099

File: 6d8f2094194fd0a⋯.jpeg (216.27 KB, 1065x551, 1065:551, AABCF56D-A178-4E2B-B2CE-3….jpeg)

37f462 No.2485100


that's what I got from it…

something to do with RR with a space and RR with no space.

071501 No.2485101

File: e919512f880c1ac⋯.png (826.81 KB, 1042x683, 1042:683, Capture1688.PNG)

41b6dd No.2485102

Early Notes

Anything missing? Just let me know, and thank (YOU) for all the support. You all rock.

8c573c No.2485103

File: f193cbac4602725⋯.png (115.43 KB, 829x501, 829:501, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 97368695c88d857⋯.png (124.67 KB, 508x467, 508:467, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)



Qs Tripcode: Q !A6yxsPKia.


88e852 No.2485105


Haha right.

769356 No.2485106


One by one, they're burning thru

their covert disinformation assets.

It's interesting to watch.

a9d895 No.2485107



Looks like a simple error and subsequent correction to me…

ea5e18 No.2485108


Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz (WLRK) was a donor to a conference hosted by Lynn de Rothschild.


>ENGLEWOOD, Co., April 18, 2005 - Cenveo™ Inc. (NYSE: CVO) today announced that it has

retained Rothschild Inc. to assist the Board in a thorough evaluation of its strategic alternatives.

The law firms of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and Hogan & Hartson, L.L.P. have also been

retained to advise in connection with the review of strategic alternatives. The Board said today

that while it will review all options in consultation with its advisors, there can be no assurance of

any particular outcome.

Looking for newer sauce, WLRK no longer works at Cenveo but Rothschild inc are still the financial advsiors.


> Cenveo's legal advisors are Kirkland & Ellis. The Company's financial advisor is Rothschild, Inc., and its restructuring advisor is Zolfo Cooper LLC.

So Rothschild inc are the financial advisors to one of the worlds largest printing companies, they work in U.S., Canada, India, Asia and the Caribbean Rim. In January 2018 Cenveo filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy citing overwhelming debt to multiple lenders. Also on June 6 this year, the CEO Robert Burton Sr resigned, which is already in the notable resignation list. The resignation could just be because of his shitty management and making the company bankrupt, but with the connection to the Roths, I dunno.

They seem to be a massive company. This website shows some of their publishing clients. Big names. Oxford, Cambridge, Nat Geo, couple of big scientific journals.


Their other website says "Cenveo is one of the top suppliers of printed labels to North America’s leading pharmaceutical, food, beverage and consumer products companies. Our label product facilities offer you custom labels and custom printing in a variety of stocks, inks and processes. We can print on virtually anything, including: Paper, Foil, Metal, Plastic, Clear and opaque film, Synthetic materials"


Anyone know anything about Cenveo?

7f7cb4 No.2485109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who produced Q's favorite video?


When I was watching it before the election I was under the impression ANONYMOUS did it, and told people I showed it to that was the case. I assume I was was wrong…I read today that ANONYMOUS has been anti Trump all along?

Bullshit. There is no way they could have been pulling for Her. Only under-informed folk did that.

cc3f56 No.2485110

File: 978522c575b45aa⋯.png (31.15 KB, 888x312, 37:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b43b78268b9cbc0⋯.png (228.72 KB, 1173x667, 51:29, ClipboardImage.png)


see Q's tripcode. starts with !A

41b6dd No.2485111


With the notes this time -

Early Notables

>>2485038 Reddit Censors Bangladesh Protest

>>2484986 John McCain's aide was sent to the UL to pick up Trump dossier

>>2484926 Indra Nooyi steps down as PepsiCo's CEO

>>2484905 , >>2484798 , >>2485037 Planefag Updates

>>2484792 , >>2484815 Possible Trudeau handler? Former Canadian PM Paul Martin. Dig

>>2484763 , >>2484787 Rick Gates testifies he and Manafort committed crimes together

>>2484699 Clockfag Update

3f2466 No.2485112


Fuck off clown.

You're glowing.

45cded No.2485113

File: b2c192f640af1dd⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1110x1632, 185:272, FOJM0016.png)

File: bd6a84baf9b8d76⋯.png (3.22 MB, 2592x1728, 3:2, HYNK9754.png)

File: 415479011ce6621⋯.jpg (286.5 KB, 1505x2048, 1505:2048, IMG_0802.JPG)



3fefe0 No.2485114


==!A in POTUS Tweet, possible Q proof?'''

e787da No.2485115


Conveniently leaves out it was from a decade ago and not related to Trump in any way

e63fc2 No.2485116

Time for an update, fellow anons.

Big news today (2):

1. 'Anonymous' is going to ID the real Q. And show us all how it's a big, elaborate fake!

Holding your breath?

2. And there is a new free speech martyr, Alex Jones.

Both together same day, both enemies of Q movement. Both … real????



It's all a big leftist prank to paint Trump supporters the color STUPID?

Ok then

Let's see it! Proof? Or just 50 more articles by tomorrow morning?

(No proof TK)

Is Anonymous real?

What do they stand for?

What do they accomplish?

Not for YOU, little anon.

All for a Global purpose

Now, "Alex" "Jones"


He stumbled inside Bohemian Grove and made a movie about it, don't you know??

He actually DID

And do you BELIEVE they let him in?

They made some mistakes.

That was the first big one.

'A' 'J' is fake news


That's the information war

He wasn't for Trump right away

And he's now against QAnon

So now what

This is GREAT advertising for his disINFORWARS.COM


They = MZ, CF, APPLE +++

88cad4 No.2485117

File: ea918522f32ddef⋯.jpg (45.91 KB, 575x648, 575:648, kim_nuk.jpg)

fbd2df No.2485118

The first domino has tipped. Time to reread crumbs and connect the dots. We even have a handy-dandy chart, and it is filling in. What a show, and this is just the opening credits

7a7031 No.2485120


it seems that someone wants their empire back..

22df58 No.2485121


Make sure you have a VPN because scraping IP's is the goal of that psy-op

891edd No.2485122


!A is the beginning of Q's new trip

ed1e26 No.2485123


WT? 4 17s… weird

903f13 No.2485124

File: 6a1740b64bf6613⋯.jpg (61.04 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 38526525_10100220715077654….jpg)

From Corona CA rn

70c56b No.2485125


Operators active! Trust the plan!

4d7e62 No.2485126

File: 9a5ea613db2f755⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 384x377, 384:377, NailedItttt.JPG)

23d560 No.2485127

File: 2cfdfc8e7531eb1⋯.jpeg (307.32 KB, 1159x606, 1159:606, 07EC7A90-57BC-4DC2-A8BE-6….jpeg)

eed166 No.2485128

File: 26e39397b104f5e⋯.png (777.23 KB, 1521x688, 1521:688, ! faking-injury.png)


Don't you have boards to run? Or are you just the honeypot leading us to those boards? It's ok, the NSA has your number too.

BTW, you're STILL horrible at insults, I told you that yesterday

071501 No.2485129


Anonymous ain't going to do shit.

Attention seeking has beens.

e787da No.2485130


Da fuh? He waited a while to correct this one. Spacing error corrected.

37f462 No.2485131




1e6a02 No.2485132

File: 43620cbba3d7272⋯.png (93.05 KB, 711x481, 711:481, daymwut.png)

52f3ac No.2485133

File: 240f5cbf1a58634⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2249x2249, 1:1, traffic stats.png)

Reddit is comped. They have been editing traffic stats for months.


551638 No.2485134

File: 61a32e078edc5f0⋯.jpg (403.47 KB, 1659x807, 553:269, Maine 6 Aug 18 2250.jpg)

File: 5ab1af64aa12e14⋯.jpg (443.83 KB, 1747x977, 1747:977, Orlando 6 Aug 18 2250.jpg)

A few more Medevacs

cf6b9c No.2485135

5330e9 No.2485137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who really are the mobsters?

DD explains.

e787da No.2485138

File: 2c24342051a222e⋯.jpeg (299.6 KB, 750x748, 375:374, B78D5B34-A92A-4007-8090-A….jpeg)


Forgot to include screenshot.

5ea714 No.2485139


That meme is a nice piece of work

e787da No.2485140


>Notice the !A

>another proof!!

Don't just say it's a proof without providing evidence/context. For instance, I have no idea how in the fuck "!A" is a proof

37f462 No.2485141

File: 6616df90d6d044e⋯.png (102.24 KB, 413x514, 413:514, ClipboardImage.png)

fc11ed No.2485142



This dude??

509f91 No.2485143


Why can't the bot system stop repeating stale lingo? How quickly does lingo turn over bot system? Do you know? Have you calculated the fact that by freezing lingo in time and repeating indefinitely, and excessively, you're making a big spectacle of your own fakeness, not to mention the absolute pervasiveness of AI propaganda? Think about it.

b41361 No.2485144


hello my President.

23d560 No.2485145


Isn’t this the same thing he posted this morning?

45cded No.2485146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

071501 No.2485147


Hello frisbee_coach

3fefe0 No.2485148

File: 17a05faabc717a2⋯.png (43.21 KB, 599x336, 599:336, AQ2.PNG)


California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire from spreading!

915546 No.2485149

File: e271240b044be77⋯.jpg (89.09 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Truth.jpg)


Bien dit, merci!

Well said, thank you!

Fellow Québecfag (who loves POTUS).


>Quebecois are more like Texans than any other canadian


41556e No.2485150

File: 993013401395e28⋯.jpg (39.56 KB, 700x400, 7:4, ClintonsPurpleCoalition_Fr….jpg)

eed166 No.2485151


it reeks of Tiresias tone. Either Tiresias is getting more bold, or gaining new tard minions to do it's bidding

b9bfba No.2485152

File: c511232b0370c59⋯.png (41.81 KB, 932x298, 466:149, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 0d5f5ae2afd2320⋯.png (815.18 KB, 1862x1222, 931:611, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 83767df85a2686d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1870x762, 935:381, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: c4843e3dbadbcc9⋯.png (320.4 KB, 1878x1078, 939:539, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: dd579ef48188b71⋯.png (167.88 KB, 1878x704, 939:352, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)


[5] marker

769356 No.2485153

File: 4c63de5c55527fc⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 300x300, 1:1, WWG1WGA.jpg)

File: 6ddb95666b1b1b6⋯.jpg (61.27 KB, 421x387, 421:387, PepeFlagWWG1WGA.jpg)

File: aba385e8c81bd34⋯.jpg (114.06 KB, 635x500, 127:100, HonorWWG1WGAPatriot.jpg)

File: c59a2b91dda8eaa⋯.jpeg (135.08 KB, 902x915, 902:915, WWG1WGA-q.jpeg)

b9bfba No.2485154

File: 31040f569762675⋯.png (64.32 KB, 914x464, 457:232, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

329c1b No.2485155


i know what will help: federal money!

a1a520 No.2485156


God bless Anons and bless the bakers

bless Potus, Q, and the clock makers

24c2b9 No.2485157

b883d3 No.2485158


Gee, I don't know.

Oh yeah,


8ce8ad No.2485160

File: be6d7f437d57d64⋯.png (321.75 KB, 500x668, 125:167, jesusboycott_001.png)

If "money is the toot of all evil," then what is giving economic power to the most subversive and destructive people on Earth?

Each time you buy kosher products, do business with a jew, or make excuses for their dsgusing behavior, you are helping the jew to continue to subvert and destroy our nation.

What Christian could support Pedophilia, lying, cheating and stealing?

Jewish law permits all that and more.

Stop supporting your enemy.

Boycott the jew, today!

It is easy, fast, safe, peaceful, and EFFECTIVE.

Start Boycotting the jew, right now!

Spread the word.

577265 No.2485161

File: 82d54c58a747d27⋯.png (1.16 MB, 966x541, 966:541, kylereese - Copy.PNG)

3f131f No.2485162

File: ee04c2464696774⋯.png (601.43 KB, 519x915, 173:305, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 87cdd5cf84787f5⋯.png (215.08 KB, 1200x287, 1200:287, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 8ff1b80968e6483⋯.png (194.29 KB, 504x284, 126:71, Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at ….png)

File: 9f39f07601a7914⋯.png (223.01 KB, 492x253, 492:253, Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at ….png)

Have we seen this yet team??


f78de4 No.2485163

File: 7711a3e304d0ae6⋯.png (35.88 KB, 934x174, 467:87, Trump tweet 3.PNG)


Both tweets show no space between happen!Also but if you look at the archive there is a space in one but not the other.

Q new trip has !A code

4b8946 No.2485164

File: b8b63318a5e4f89⋯.jpg (140.92 KB, 529x419, 529:419, P1010505.jpg)

File: 84501f9db32cba5⋯.jpg (28.86 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 9e64a4a61c333fc2d5780cebaa….jpg)

File: d6228e727aed7d9⋯.jpg (83 KB, 578x345, 578:345, iu (13).jpg)

70c56b No.2485165


To trust the plan is faith! Faith needs NO sauce! Trust the plan and sit down damnit!

3f2466 No.2485167


#NotARussianBot you dumbass shill.

beede2 No.2485168

File: 082cb3898045071⋯.jpg (135.09 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 4731.jpg)

My fellow white people,

You know it, I know it.

You won't truly feel guilt-free until all of your homelands turn brown.

758821 No.2485169


Uhhhh no fuck off.

45cded No.2485170

File: 7212cc6acf14f8f⋯.png (44.01 KB, 590x262, 295:131, dickbutt.png)

File: 4f5fc853ec28627⋯.png (49.15 KB, 590x262, 295:131, fagOTUS.png)

File: a11162d08c79489⋯.png (53.71 KB, 590x288, 295:144, fakehope.png)

queer and …

a5d32d No.2485171



c61516 No.2485172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

23d560 No.2485173


It he left clear tree / tree clear the same…

88e852 No.2485174


FCC may look into it.

3fefe0 No.2485175


Tree Clear?

b41361 No.2485176

2b8f57 No.2485177

Hey Guys,

Cancerfag (leukemia) anon here. Just maybe things in the medical field are a-changing some. The current medication I’m on has bought me time. The chemo I’m on is in oral form and will have to be taken pretty much for life to keep things in check. Big pharma imagine that, right? Anyway, after my oncologist visit today, he told me that he’s considering giving me the opportunity to go on some trial and very promising new medication that looks to be a complete cure. Really no details yet but said my next visit we’ll talk.

Exciting news for me and anyone that may be in the same situation. I’m gonna lay blame on POTUS for this shit!


5ff053 No.2485178


Who is getting “doxxed” 🖕🏻


fc11ed No.2485179


The quintesssential DS Bush whore.

20cbdc No.2485180




61bf55 No.2485181

File: fd66c6af248d132⋯.png (65.7 KB, 1236x172, 309:43, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)




I guess I don't understand.

Is this saying Carter Page was working for another country.

Russia is the obvious choice but how are Carter Page and Russia connected to get a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Warrant?

ee7b8b No.2485182

File: 724de69fdc60879⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 231x144, 77:48, strzoker.gif)


e787da No.2485183


Sure as shit is.

4b8946 No.2485184

File: a27e7097d30cd02⋯.jpg (87.14 KB, 410x410, 1:1, elk.jpg)

a8bf82 No.2485185


!A is what Q's new tripcode starts with.

5ff053 No.2485187

File: 63af5d476eabd81⋯.jpeg (499.42 KB, 640x917, 640:917, 4FA52265-8DDE-42ED-A231-9….jpeg)

509f91 No.2485188

File: ff683a3a5a58e40⋯.png (576.12 KB, 555x678, 185:226, samebott.png)


Stop trying to get humans to accept creepy bots.

ef4e0e No.2485189


No money. No parts. No deal.

7acea3 No.2485190


Get a little closer & one of my Angels will bitch slap you. Yes, I said a bad word, I am not perfect but I do good & thank God he loved us so much he sent His Son Jesus Christ whom went about doing good & healing people. Did not pick up a sword so don't go there. Knew he was going to LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US. Bamn during those days he paid a visit to the deceiver & got OUR AUTHORITY BACK. Resurrected on the 3ed day was seen by over 500 people then rose to the heavens. Again we win as when he comes back & someone will be swimming laps in fire for eternity. I would be grumpy too/

aae521 No.2485191

File: f28b8fc4e3f8078⋯.jpg (323.64 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 1522122298881.jpg)


Ermagerd the anonymoot hackets have expersed our operation!!

These 'Anonymous' people are just another leftist Soros operation. A lot of the pages even have ANTIFA flags and shit. They work FOR the man not against him.

Sad because original Anon was antiCabal

64f2a1 No.2485192

File: e01b6d806b1dd8b⋯.jpg (9.26 KB, 235x214, 235:214, spam9.jpg)

041f1c No.2485193


Is that one of those holocaust holograms they're starting to roll out?

88e852 No.2485194


This is a second wave of censorship this year. Most of the Q reporters were removed from yt several months ago.

a1a520 No.2485195


yes. they can't fight the truth, they can only keep people from seeing it

45cded No.2485196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

80bc15 No.2485197


Go away Tiredass

b3d46e No.2485198

Hi Anons,

I'm "Watching the water"

CA Water Issues


> In 1993, DWR recognized that changes to water management in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Rivers Delta including endangered species and water quality concerns would limit the ability to use the property as intended. Work on feasibility studies and design was stopped.

> In 1993, DWR recognized that changes to water management in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Rivers Delta including endangered species and water quality concerns would limit the ability to use the property as intended. Work on feasibility studies and design was stopped.


769356 No.2485200

File: 5351307a3631af3⋯.png (359.22 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Patriot defender father.png)

File: 592ff5df967e404⋯.jpeg (109.07 KB, 751x500, 751:500, HonestyLoyaltyTruth3.jpeg)

File: 296f97ea42b6d66⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x777, 1024:777, Patriots41.png)

File: 0bcabb5d4f62360⋯.jpg (206.46 KB, 1140x714, 190:119, GowdyPatriot.jpg)

File: e471c31078791cb⋯.png (294.31 KB, 573x451, 573:451, PatriotOnce.png)

4ee2c8 No.2485201


Miami - capitol of russian mafia ex-pats/fuktards.

f78de4 No.2485202


There is no good or bad. Trump does this all the time. Get with the program

7a7031 No.2485203


it's more or less.

<is the goal of that psy-op

Already nobody is safe. Even without IP's.

0d0fea No.2485204

File: d3a89da4b86022d⋯.png (277.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-08-06-22-5….png)

beede2 No.2485205

File: 0cbcc18244455e5⋯.jpg (130.99 KB, 800x372, 200:93, planting_depth_3.jpg)

4234af No.2485206


Yeah well…

Before Q that overton window was shifted and the left was being destroyed because of alt right trolls.

Not due to demsrrealracist Dinesh tier cucking like the jews are trying to push on this bread.

Trump is a Nationalist. Not some conservatard on trivial issues and liberal on all the big stuff.

Trump is a conservative in a more profound way. That is preserving the people who embody this nations history and cultural traditions.

e63fc2 No.2485207



Q is 'starting to fracture'

What they're going to do is give MSM some talking points for new memos.

All trying to keep Q down

d37e08 No.2485208

File: 83fac9d72bf0246⋯.jpeg (39.79 KB, 587x180, 587:180, F36629F0-1561-4F4B-A963-8….jpeg)


Anon is basically saying that the space omitted in POTUS’ tweet mimics that of the tripcode

6b7d83 No.2485209

File: 07ffd92042c6f37⋯.png (274.13 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CDE4A0CE-D81F-43D6-A958-F5….png)

File: 99e440dc0598e49⋯.png (199.26 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, AA512B8F-AA6C-44C6-AAD0-E4….png)

File: 3f30240611c4379⋯.png (253.89 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 12FF15CD-1BC2-47C9-8F32-B4….png)

File: b84c4094bb17756⋯.png (261.42 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2FCD8866-72C5-43FF-9AFE-7F….png)

File: 2b2469f29994d05⋯.png (262.67 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EA17B3C4-FE34-464D-93C0-67….png)

Is Justin Trudeau’s Mentor, Former Canadian PM Paul Martin?

G - 20 / Paul Martin was the Innagural Chair, for the elite Group of 20.

Background 2


5c5d9d No.2485210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Students asks D'Souza to prove the Democrats' racist history

"In Democrat run cities you see five features of the slave plantation! One, broken down, dilapidated and unsafe housing. Two, broken families. Three, a high degree of violence. Four, everybody gets a basic provision but no one gets ahead, no one really advances. Five, nihilism and despair."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Democrats keep minorities "in their place",on the "slave plantation"!!!



20cbdc No.2485211



Actual real anons know what I mean faggot ass bitch

201c9d No.2485212

File: 63be259ffd5e690⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 480x568, 60:71, 2fe22s~2.jpg)

File: c15bd1bb0ecf891⋯.jpg (65.61 KB, 500x594, 250:297, 2fehtn~2.jpg)

The Goldwater can say shit.

45cded No.2485213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

509f91 No.2485214




It is a solid "coincidence" indeed anons. Good looking out.

b41361 No.2485215


You don't know how to play the game do you?

Any time you see POTUS tweets in multiples of five minutes apart- that is a signal to anons that POTUS is on the board.

The posts will ALWAYS be in multiples of 5.

Count back 5 mins from the first post and check the board.

If you are dying for a Q-Date you just got one.

eed166 No.2485216




(the more profanity the better)

https:// boards.420chan.org/jenk/

759508 No.2485217





Well last post as this is not the Quebecresearch

First, we are far to be condescending, you are mixing up with the French from France

Second, I don't want to separate from canada, and many of us don't. Though, many for the bad reason (fear). I think us Quebecor are now too soft and gentle to be a country by ourselves.

Canada for Trump and Q!!!!!!!



>619, 1.jpg) (h) (u)



>619, 1.jpg) (h) (u)


09f72c No.2485218

File: e8541262c247f07⋯.png (6.27 MB, 2620x1780, 131:89, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 9ea0835b5bda817⋯.png (2.78 MB, 2236x1744, 559:436, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)


during a 1 hour time period, I may see 1… 2… maybe 3

this is reeee dicuous - also today the No Call Signs with no N number…. I've had a bout 5 so far - one in sky now

look it u urself…. also another blocked just popped up https:// registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Inquiry.aspx

f78de4 No.2485219


You're right. The 3rd one just came in. Wonder why it took so long

aae521 No.2485220

File: 690538f428e11ec⋯.png (396.28 KB, 588x524, 147:131, Screenshot_2018-08-06 Anon….png)

Heres 'Anonymous' 2018. Bunch of cum guzzling SJW cabal Femen pansies.

5330e9 No.2485222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wildfires magnified? Is that a hint?

See vid.

236be2 No.2485223


>Fellow Québecfag (who loves POTUS).

Same here.

Quebecfags would split from Cacanada and join the US in a heartbeat BTW.

All the English loyalists stayed here when the patriots went and formed the US. You guys got the cool ones, we got stuck with the uppity red coat cunts.

758821 No.2485224


Nothing really new or informative came from that thread.

23d560 No.2485225


Amazing anon! Prayers are with you and your family during this time.

The right to try by potus is certainly a big blow to big pharma

0d0fea No.2485226

File: f50c6fc7d6048bd⋯.png (226.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-08-06-22-5….png)

3f2466 No.2485227


Welcome to the Great Awakening, dipshyt.

You either help the plan, or you contradict the plan.

Can't be both. Wake TF up.

253611 No.2485228


Many prayers for your health anon


45cded No.2485229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

beede2 No.2485230


lol I can't believe you're still trying to push that shit after getting owned so hard.

cc3f56 No.2485231



e787da No.2485232









Can someone explain to me why this is notable? I've kind of always seen the "Q Clock" as questionable at best.

For instance, everyone here is always telling me timelines change…but somehow the Q clock dates and mirrors still match up?

dcf491 No.2485233

File: 136ccef845911fe⋯.jpg (95.3 KB, 570x1600, 57:160, 136ccef845911fea506f3b069b….jpg)

579135 No.2485234

File: 23da3adefdea1cd⋯.jpeg (95.08 KB, 651x499, 651:499, C73D1AE1-4714-428D-B6BB-4….jpeg)

20cbdc No.2485235


Not sure. I still haven't refreshed my Twitter since it has the 3 on my screen. So it's added to the Archive? they only had the two

4ca49e No.2485236


Where can I put another set of eyes on…

45cded No.2485237

File: dfbf43cf39bd567⋯.jpg (74.6 KB, 736x507, 736:507, IMG_1058.JPG)

File: f86d87bfa9870e7⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 590x445, 118:89, IMG_1059.JPG)

File: 959ea0e0c733a6c⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 298x449, 298:449, IMG_1106.JPG)

76f4a8 No.2485238

File: 0ec15956548c039⋯.png (211.7 KB, 514x367, 514:367, HillBillBath.png)

eed166 No.2485239


Wait, hold the fuck up…posted direct link to /globalawakening/ & it became https:// boards.420chan.org/jenk/



24c2b9 No.2485240


our hearts are with you anon

beede2 No.2485241

File: 83b74eb2d856c27⋯.png (145.46 KB, 680x530, 68:53, 6f6.png)

File: 9b5528ed7399373⋯.png (468.4 KB, 582x575, 582:575, Screenshot_184.png)

891edd No.2485242

File: 17257d763e16656⋯.png (9.41 KB, 670x151, 670:151, Trip.png)


Q's new trip

577265 No.2485243

File: 564dcbb05d751d7⋯.png (322.78 KB, 710x401, 710:401, DINO - Copy.PNG)

907e5d No.2485244


Yep, it's like the grand finale of a fireworks show and all they have left are sparklers, smoke bombs, and snakes.

b9bfba No.2485245

File: c3c77ffab43365f⋯.jpeg (223.59 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, declassify.jpeg)


They are taking the bait.

45cded No.2485246

File: b031f2eea6de18e⋯.jpg (77.43 KB, 444x365, 444:365, IMG_1067.JPG)

a9d895 No.2485247


OMG now I understand why the coordinated attacks coming from certain parts of MAGA: THEY ARE DISTANCING Q FROM PIZZAGATE AND ESTABLISHING IT AS SOMETHING COMPLETELY NEW

b41361 No.2485248



They just don't get it, do they?

b3d46e No.2485249

64f2a1 No.2485250


lawfag here

these crimes are SMALL potatoes

nothing burger of shit rich asshats go all the time\

i know cuz i saw it too

they dont want to pay taxes and a little digit missing or date here and there is all it is - oh pay a froend a fee then get it back other shit like that is EZ and EVERY accountant knows they do it too

routine every day cheating has ZERO to do with politics let alone POTUS

70c56b No.2485251


Both of you sit down and listen Lisa. Trust the plan. Listen Lisa. Trust the plan!

1874ae No.2485252

File: 38572c259719dbc⋯.jpg (153.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, bewbspatio.jpg)


Tiresias, you maken me tired. Have some bewbs and GTFO

37f462 No.2485253


my bad mate. He was right.

I grabbed the tripcode from GA

759508 No.2485254


By the way, that trap would totally work with me. But you'd have to use Molson Export

a59e7a No.2485255

File: 75dac8ebba647fe⋯.jpg (125.06 KB, 859x500, 859:500, IMG_4744.JPG)

File: db1b217094bdf09⋯.png (295.92 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4742.PNG)

52f3ac No.2485256


curious timing for them to change the stats. After Q went mainstream.

5c5d9d No.2485257


>lol I can't believe you're still trying to push that shit after getting owned so hard.

getting owned?

Are you fucking drunk, on druhs or just a retarded asshat? It's hard to tell!

41556e No.2485258


Was the Meteor actually a FIRE WEAPON?



No MSM reporting

e787da No.2485259


Ok see, that IS interesting. Need to include that in your initial posts anon

59f6de No.2485260


I guess they've ended for the evening so that they can repeat this talking point all night and tomorrow.


Any relation to Trump.

The fact Manafort was acquitted by RR earlier.

FBI case closed.

Did Gates know Manafort was a campaign plant to entrap Trump in muh Russia?

Because that admission is going to be off the hook…

e47e14 No.2485261

File: 68290156b3d8ee1⋯.png (375.76 KB, 696x503, 696:503, ATD.PNG)


Prob a stupid question but did anyone ever check if Q trips are a password? Sure someone did by now

1a52f2 No.2485262


KYS. This board is fine, Q would tell us to move if needed.

88e852 No.2485263


Dull and boring.

eed166 No.2485264


see >>2485239, I was joking but fuckery is definitely afoot, fuck that division fag

a1a520 No.2485265



1) they aren't Anonymous the way you think of Anonymous. Anonymous grew up and um…probably are here or halfchan

2) Anonymous fights government corruption; it doesn't fight the people fighting government corruption

3) either antifa pretending, or clowns, but both designed to make you afraid

4)Why do you think anons are called anons? Where do you think we learned to dig and dox? Rhetorical questions…don't answer…just pricking your brain pan.

5) we don't have anything to fear from anybody calling themselves 'Anonymous' these days. The internet always did belong to us.

903f13 No.2485266


It's Trabuco Canyon


ea6883 No.2485267


They have a whole fucking ocean right on their west coast, and they have no water to put out fires?

I call bullshit on this whole ordeal.

82bcf3 No.2485268


some think outside the box …. and find treasure ….other's need to have it put in their laps and it still falls on the floor….

a8bf82 No.2485269


Make sure you ask a lot of questions, anon! My brother died of pancreatic cancer, but he lived near Roswell, and my SIL asked about trials. He didn't recommend them. I don't really remember the exact descriptions of the 3 phases, maybe a medanon can help. But they are all experimental, having to do with if it doesn't kill you, how much it takes to kill you, how much won't kill you….

ed1e26 No.2485270



Trade Center?

Should say clear trees. Grammar is wrong

45cded No.2485271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

70c56b No.2485272


Damn straight. It's called trusting the plan!

23d560 No.2485273


Nice anon!

Thx for another proof

76f4a8 No.2485274

File: cf8aaa6dd232351⋯.png (630.89 KB, 736x531, 736:531, Watch the Water.png)

beede2 No.2485275


It's like this is your first day here. You're too stupid to see how retarded you look.

d37e08 No.2485276


Have you looked into Dichloroacetate?

c93503 No.2485277


Only 1 minute.


61f937 No.2485278

File: 6ed5f93acc0985e⋯.png (599.31 KB, 1008x948, 84:79, Corona.PNG)

Sauce for the new Corona, CA "wild"fire.


454e50 No.2485279


Good to hear, Anon. God Bless and Keep you.

509f91 No.2485280


That's what I'm saying. I made that board, and something fucky has been done… here I guess… so that the link posts that way when copied.

e787da No.2485281



3fefe0 No.2485282


No Clue.

79e8b1 No.2485283

WTF happened here? Invasion of the body snatchers?

This board has turned into a public toilet, where anyone can take a dump.

3b5eff No.2485284



Unnecessary capitalization of "Open Borders"


"Our" instead of "are"


Unnecessary capitalization of "Country"



Qs new trip begins with !A


Unnecessary capitalization of "Border Security"








10595d No.2485285


What Will November 9th Look Like for We, The People? November 6, 2016 Angie

What will an America under Hillary look like?

Lets consider what happens when we wake up on November 9th, and God forbid, Hillary wins. Well, the 80 million who have fought hard to keep this shedevil out of the White House will be under surveillance, courtesy of Twitter, Facebook and Google. Just like Obama weaponized the IRS to target conservatives, the big tech companies will be working in tandem with the pedophiles in power to commit genocide on Christians, patriots, freedom fighters, ordinary families, and anybody else who does not endorse their satanic agenda.

The devil is loose on earth, and his handmaiden wears ugly pantsuits… and is already making plans to silence our voices. On Nov 9th, if the witch wins, police will wake up knowing there is a 4-year open hunting season being declared on law enforcement. Cops will be ambushed, military will be used as cannon fodder when Hillary declares war on Russia. And she WILL.

On November 9th, vets will wake up and know they are in for more abandonment, and if you think the VA is bad now, wait till you see Hillary cut funds for our vets because she considers them traitors for voting Trump.

On November 9th, Isis will be throwing a bar-b-que, and doing a victory dance. On Nov 9th, Hillary’s influence peddling goes into overdrive. She will sell our natural resources, and she will open our borders.

On November 9th, parents will wake up and slowly realize the pedophiles in power plan to wage a war on their children. Child sex exploitation will triple. Interns seeking work in DC will be subjected to all sorts of pressure to join the Political pedophile ring. Satanism could very well end up being the dominate religion of America. Lawlessness will fester.

Hillary does not obey the law, therefore millions of Americans will ask “If she does not respet the laws, why should I?”

Basically, on November 9th, either World War 3 begins… or we have a civil war.

Hillary wants to topple Assad. She wants a huge hot war with Russia. She does not love America. She hates us, the People, and she will step over our corpses to achieve her power climb. This is a warning. Things are about to get ugly, and I am praying the right thing happens and our brave men and women who have started this truth war can find their strength to continue to fight for our withering country. Either way, we have a civil war, but Trump is with us- the working poor, the middle class, the cops, the FBI, the veterans, the common folks, the Nationalists….

441ba7 No.2485286


>>2485178 Antifa DOXXED at Berkeley


bfb5f7 No.2485287

File: 45188489c8eb31d⋯.png (93.89 KB, 1354x476, 677:238, TV.png)

Now the Teen Girls got informed,… QAnon in the Teen Vogue:

The QAnon Conspiracy Theory May Just Be a Giant Prank on Trump-Supporting Baby Boomers


1874ae No.2485288


merci beaucoup mon ami

201c9d No.2485289

File: 8afc46717698841⋯.png (66.42 KB, 480x522, 80:87, Screenshot_2018-08-01-10-4….png)

File: c15bd1bb0ecf891⋯.jpg (65.61 KB, 500x594, 250:297, 2fehtn~2.jpg)

a5d32d No.2485290


Tiresias board redirects automatically to the Jenk board (Troll/Joke board) cause fuck him.

f78de4 No.2485291


My twitter has been sending me tweets in wrong order or late especially when Trump tweets the same one more then once with a change here or there.

045a11 No.2485292


clowns use ur trademark, prolly created it for ya

759508 No.2485293


No you don't get it shill.

AJ tried to discredit and pretty much KILL the Q movement. He is a TRAITOR as Q directly Quoted.

Time to move on. AJ shill.

4234af No.2485294







813a36 No.2485295


It works, anon. It's incumbent upon you or other anons to match them up with the news. Here's the most recent example. Open in a new tab. Totally different bread. God bless.


70c56b No.2485296


1 min to plan. Check

8c573c No.2485297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0d0fea No.2485298



7616e4 No.2485299



10dc58 No.2485300

File: a5ebf6b3ba5db73⋯.png (1.13 MB, 598x3783, 46:291, FireShot Capture 115 - Tho….png)

Wictors thread has makes sense.

b08dda No.2485301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4d9ddd No.2485302


Seems like a reply to the post I made:


We still have Rothchild mucking with our people, property, health, climate - trying to change it.' Intentional weather weapons are the new norm'. NOT ON OUR WATCH


CommonSense show Stopthecrime.net guest says: 'We are in a diabolical population reduction'

Americore is the guise for chem trails. Part of the Wild lands project. Connects to Rothschild.

Rothchilds owns all utilities in the world, a Rothchild sits on board in each country.

Plan to burn northern California, smart meters are used to start fires using non-profit stop climate change partners.

The Arctic Circle is burning, affecting Sweden, Russia, Finland, etc. Pre fire witnesses report heavy chem trails were in the sky the same day it started.

Utility bill insert tells consumers, ' fire is new norm dead trees are new norm.'

Directed Energy Weapons set the smart meter explosion.

Also see article GeoEngineering Fellowship… regards climate change working with and play a role in interaction with policy makers.


LONDON, Aug. 24, 2017 /PRNewswire/ – According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) market is expected to grow from $8.12 billion in 2016 to reach $41.97 billion by 2023 with a CAGR of 26.4%.

links on guest website to:

YT Creation of the Birth Certificate Trust, YT 5G network, the network for the Culling of Mankind, YT Kill cities, by Rothchild

a355eb No.2485303


kek ! praise (You) BO

3fefe0 No.2485304

File: 1aabc5c16ce26fe⋯.png (231.93 KB, 330x355, 66:71, Question 6.PNG)


Epic! thanks, BO!

551638 No.2485305

To the Planefag tracking the Blocked flight from George Thurogood Airport, did you track it until it landed? Over.

2b8f57 No.2485306


I have not but will be looking into it now, thanks

eed166 No.2485307


I was fucking joking about fucking up the board set up to divide us…follow my ID, you'll see where I stand


Bitch you know exactly what you're doing, I've told you so more than once…you're COMP'D

20cbdc No.2485308

File: 43c9e428c2cb574⋯.png (298.58 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 3tweets.png)

He tweeted that tweet 3 times. Archive only shows 2.

24c2b9 No.2485309


canadian girls have been useing that trap on me for years

and i always fall for it

59f6de No.2485310



>Antifa DOXXED at Berkeley

Because they were fucking arrested for having weapons?

And that is what happens when you are arrested?


37f462 No.2485311


do they even do their research before posting these articles?

rhetorical question..

b3d46e No.2485312



I literally was just messing with that

I forgot how to tripcode I think>>2485261

41556e No.2485313

File: a76284bbbf62a01⋯.jpg (41.76 KB, 500x405, 100:81, 2ev6wd.jpg)


Oh that Shia LaBeouf really got us this time.

041f1c No.2485314

File: f08bc9069caf75f⋯.jpg (92.57 KB, 675x534, 225:178, 1526049019541.jpg)


Shit is woke!

f78de4 No.2485315


What? You having a bad hair day? My tweets are not coming in right. I just told you and you say this? Comb your hair dear.

509f91 No.2485316


I guess that is a specific strategy to prevent another board from forming, and offer a pretext for all the bots to screech

BOARD COMPED [don'tclick.jpg]


Disgusting how extensive the lies are. How can you capture human free will when you lie and lie and lie? You can't. Everything that is gained by lies must be given back. Everything that is built upon it must collapse.

https:/ / boards.420chan.org/jenk/

fb72c4 No.2485317


Why is this posted a SECOND time

And another of his tweets was posted THREE times?

441ba7 No.2485318


Keep sending those minds this way we will teach them the art of independent thought

b3d46e No.2485319

aae521 No.2485320

File: e8d00966c461ef0⋯.jpg (99.94 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1A2AnS55690519531779540.jpg)


Dinesh has really ruffled some feathers. Leftist ideologies BTFO.

91d056 No.2485321

File: d8bbd73d2a59382⋯.jpeg (188.3 KB, 750x967, 750:967, 11F6DA21-A75A-4E2F-A839-D….jpeg)

New from DOJ OIG…


159840 No.2485322

File: fe41f2fda862ea9⋯.png (706.25 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, GAF 14 01 St Louis downtow….png)

Hmm… wonder what the krauts are doing in downtown St Louis.

e47e14 No.2485323

File: bcd9a4637ed152c⋯.png (551.05 KB, 844x395, 844:395, God our leader.PNG)

You have to go through HIM first, I AM that I AM

759508 No.2485324


Baker Notable

-Trump's tweet error includes !A (Q's trip)

b3d46e No.2485325

eed166 No.2485326

File: f08d5f65242cc79⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 383x383, 1:1, laughsinamerican.jpg)


TOP KEK, shoulda know it was you

NOICE work!!!

8e9e54 No.2485327

File: 9650d4368cfb61d⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 255x145, 51:29, b7360c9dfbb35d1d5e78f92c82….jpg)

a2e723 No.2485328


Thats what i was getting at … Its a fucking honeypot

Wile E Coyote - super genus ( typo on purpose)…. Playing the idiot card (wtf it posted the wrong link) .. Knowing we're gonna go shit up both boards .. Like tossing a crackhead crack

45cded No.2485329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a1a520 No.2485330


You were right the first time.

anybody can call themselves 'anonymous'

88e852 No.2485331


Plans are fine but only what happens matters. Trust is earned, not demanded. Let's see the execution of the purported plan, only then can we know if the plan is successful and trustworthy.

454e50 No.2485332

File: 733b34bdef2a506⋯.jpg (3.56 KB, 125x113, 125:113, pepe armed .jpg)

>>2485280 ==<<<SHILL==

Yea, well, you should NOT have made that board in the first place you dumb divisive shill.

4ee2c8 No.2485333


Expand my thinking…

907e5d No.2485334


I'm from a part of the US where it actually rains, so not much exp with forest fires. But, that one doesn't quite look natural (very intense but small area of coverage). At least compared to all the other prev pics/vids I've seen of these events.

a8bf82 No.2485335


Wasn't me. I just took the time to look it up and I was being "helpfulanon", kek!

915546 No.2485336

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 2ae72efb84917f6ae4ed55ba85….jpg)



509f91 No.2485337


Are you trying to convince ME that I'M comped loserbot? You're stupid bot. You can't figure out how to make your fake posts make sense to humans.

5c5d9d No.2485338


>You're too stupid to see how retarded you look.

No, you're just too fucking stupid to realize, I give zero fucks wtf you think, douchebag! go back to sucking dick now, you liddle cum catcher!

44bcbf No.2485339

File: 1df6f1ba1021637⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 400x206, 200:103, 1516762908040.gif)


Sorry BO, but I gotta go huff the robojenkem with tiresias nao.

76f4a8 No.2485340

File: ea47e78a17517f4⋯.jpg (81.75 KB, 539x662, 539:662, 0d53ffbc70f9fa0920767efdec….jpg)

File: 46c37bdc47534c6⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 500x739, 500:739, 46c37bdc47534c600a0eaafdeb….jpg)

File: be35c6b57ab3f8b⋯.png (542.86 KB, 487x700, 487:700, b7ac3a626fa79cb047180c84fa….png)

File: 1052d2e53f6126d⋯.jpg (159.25 KB, 500x591, 500:591, ed40cc9991e1cc3b3399d95a65….jpg)

43206b No.2485341

File: f5e0c7d1450ac2a⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, qanons3.jpg)

File: 885b23a23c66a0a⋯.png (887.22 KB, 570x761, 570:761, qanons2.png)

File: 1f021eda9ef1500⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, qanons1.jpg)

I thought the media said those behind #releasethememo was Russian Bots

Now they say Q anon are Fringe Americans

They call you Fringe Americans and Russians

Need to make up their mind

041f1c No.2485342

File: 9931b928dd6a83d⋯.png (86.8 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 68b4c3ed5cf926dd1e7c0e5157….png)


Il y a d'autres ici aussi.

1874ae No.2485343


I'm about ready to vow to expose myself to Anonymous…

88e852 No.2485344


They put chemicals in the water to turn the Canadians gay. And it worked.

22df58 No.2485345


Funny that the MSM comes up with many different conspiracy theories about the Qanon movement.

b3d46e No.2485346


is that why they tried to push the boomer meme?

or did we steal their push cause I laughed at that stuff

41b6dd No.2485347

File: 51fb3599343f310⋯.jpeg (9.26 KB, 181x279, 181:279, 51fb3599343f31058d7024ac7….jpeg)

23d560 No.2485348


Top fucking kek BO!

fc11ed No.2485349


Right to try!!

God Bless You anon and POTUS

Prayers all around!

f78de4 No.2485350


I only see two in the archive so Trump deleted one. I did take pics of all 3

a9d895 No.2485351

File: 61f53ce513a938b⋯.jpg (28.57 KB, 306x306, 1:1, mel_gibson_laugh.jpg)

9e4ba6 No.2485352


No, the clowns are trying hard to convince the sheep that "anonymous" are targeting Q. such a good idea, too bad they made a video NOTHING like a anonsec vid. these 100s of blueprints to follow of these vids on YouTube and they still fucked it up. makes you wonder just how stupid they are.

6703ef No.2485353

File: 6bd229ca3196379⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1787x777, 1787:777, epsteinchess4.png)

File: 6bd229ca3196379⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1787x777, 1787:777, 6bd229ca3196379fd459130c4d….png)

File: 6bb33c9322894ce⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1207x438, 1207:438, bodies.png)

beede2 No.2485354

File: 3e23a8687a39ddf⋯.jpg (39.26 KB, 545x478, 545:478, 1533582393462.jpg)


> I give zero fucks wtf you think

Yet you keep replying.

5330e9 No.2485355



What about they use some sort of magnifier satellite?

Very powerful by using the sun to burn down specific places.

eed166 No.2485356

File: 9475ebaee35f2d0⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 255x151, 255:151, laughinginputin2.jpg)


Bad judgement on my part, BO has it handled though, Tiresias can't catch a break!

b9bfba No.2485358

File: ecddfd0eb80d395⋯.png (469.58 KB, 1916x1282, 958:641, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)


She's not backing down. If anything about what she says is true, the FBI should have no trouble investigating and exposing human trafficking and sex slavery within elite circles in Hollywood and DC.

88e852 No.2485359


McConnell is fucking useless, he's gotta go.

20cbdc No.2485360


I just posted it

c06440 No.2485361

Anons I need help. Q told us to pay attention to POTUS tweets, especially the repeated tweets. Today he repeated a couple different ones. I'm seeing differences but I need greater minds than mine to figure out the importance. Thanks all you Patriots

a8bf82 No.2485362


I didn't post it. I just took the time to look it up and was being "helpfulanon"

d7aeb9 No.2485363

That's what they use to bait the Natives-warm export ale


17cf9f No.2485364

File: 2cf27f2008917af⋯.png (690.56 KB, 725x609, 25:21, unknown.png)

4f19dd No.2485365

File: 6056153ad74ffda⋯.jpg (127.9 KB, 483x402, 161:134, A1.jpg)

3f131f No.2485366


Prayers and love Anon.

Have you looked into Actinium??


759508 No.2485367

File: 12e2488e2cd7858⋯.png (34.42 KB, 1358x85, 1358:85, ClipboardImage.png)


Update: Trump corrected the tweet to provide space. now more of a Q proof again like if we needed any more

b883d3 No.2485368


Hey everybody Iv'e gotta new board to hang on

Come On Follow me.

It's the Best.

Q loves it!

Only posting there NOW!

Don't Delay!

Get there TODAY!

8121a3 No.2485369

File: 5cdfa5781cdb620⋯.jpeg (199.51 KB, 640x520, 16:13, A6B9719F-9247-4CFF-85E9-E….jpeg)


aae521 No.2485370

File: c2f92e4e680861f⋯.jpg (257.22 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 5d5ea27ee604f4a45b0706c0a2….jpg)


Keksimus Maximus.

454e50 No.2485371

File: 187de33f6ea8744⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 397x400, 397:400, laughing dog.jpg)

a724e0 No.2485372


>Quebecois are more like Texans than any other canadian


t. Born in Montreal

4d7e62 No.2485373

File: 35196a56064d571⋯.png (179.78 KB, 274x366, 137:183, ClipboardImage.png)

903f13 No.2485374


It's in Trabuco Canyon.


041f1c No.2485375


They're just trying to inoculate the instagram generation from thought contagion.

a5d32d No.2485376

File: 49bfcfbb5f59409⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 160x120, 4:3, 1429568034756.gif)


Save some for me.

dd1838 No.2485377



! AI, so change the rules…


c93503 No.2485378


And only 1 minute between corrections.

23fa21 No.2485379

File: 5c7553713d13e18⋯.jpg (418.39 KB, 1200x1805, 240:361, kek2.jpg)

509f91 No.2485380


This shit is absolutely fucking disgusting. When I post the link to /global awakening/ this jenk shit whatever appears.

The lie system injects their lies everywhere. Infringement of free will. Stop it now. Stop attacking freedom of speech. Stop lying. Stop the dirty tricks. Get the fuck out with your fakeness. Now. Humans are getting more disgusted with your bullshit, and the weight of your deception is becoming OVERWHELMING.

ef20e6 No.2485381


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4776ee No.580331 📁

Mar 7 2018 15:56:26 (EST)

How did @Snowden clear customs/immigration in HK AFTER the public release?

Why wouldn’t he FIRST travel to final destination prior to public release?

If wanted by the US govt would he be cleared to travel?

Who provided support to escape?

Who was the US after during this time?

JA - have you learned & eliminated L-6?

Use logic.


!A6 -> AF

L-6=6=F FF=L


88e852 No.2485382


No, he didnt. You have not hard him say that, because he didnt . Try some facts, closet libtard. And why did you vote for Soetero twice?

eed166 No.2485383


Every time that you call anons bots, you give yourself away…didn't i tell you before that you can't hide here??? Eat your crow like a good girl

f78de4 No.2485384


You didn't get the time stamp. Always put the time stamp.

8ce8ad No.2485385

File: 4d0ed7493bd77c6⋯.png (553.49 KB, 702x395, 702:395, botcottjews_002.png)

If jews only make up approximately 2% of the USA population, what would happen if 98% boycotted the jew?

In less than a year, jews would go bankrupt, and would be forced back into the ghettos where they belong.

The would only be able to parasite off of their fellow jews.

They would lose all political power, and most important, they would not be able to continue to subvert our government.

Jews hate the idea of being boycotted because there is NO DEFENSE AGAINST IT.

There is nothing that they can do.

It is safe, peaceful, and EFFECTIVE.

Spread the word. And start Boycotting all jews, today!

37f462 No.2485386


I think it was a 5 minute delta anon.

10dc58 No.2485387

File: 01156969ea27fb0⋯.png (85.59 KB, 598x799, 598:799, FireShot Capture 116 - Tho….png)

70c56b No.2485388


It is "mirror" AJ is JA. It's clear what is about to be announced. JA is getting evicted! Trust the plan!

74aba9 No.2485389


Literally just saw a brief segment on the news about a cancer medicine that worked in 93% of the cases. Didn't catch the name though…

c1ad80 No.2485390

File: 6e81e8d2aed17a0⋯.jpg (24.36 KB, 768x410, 384:205, 37861648_1938194036241978_….jpg)

File: d17ede3b08280ee⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 539x960, 539:960, 37775492_1938193986241983_….jpg)

File: 9a3af4d36974509⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 37781343_1938193976241984_….jpg)

File: 9da3ce36a5d2809⋯.jpg (90.85 KB, 960x960, 1:1, FB_IMG_1512520693318.jpg)


this is to blame the fires in CA ,Greece and Sweden

b41361 No.2485391


are you planefagging?

64f2a1 No.2485392

File: 1075f72a7af9871⋯.jpg (23.57 KB, 308x164, 77:41, SPAM3.jpg)

fcfaba No.2485393


not thrilled with him either

have to give him credit on the judicial branch appointees…I think he allows some amount of slow rolling, because he doesn't want to change Senate rules for when an anticipated Democrat majority could abuse them (as if they won't anyway)

a724e0 No.2485394


No, they're the only bulwark against the Eternal Anglo. (And I'm a cultural anglo.)

3b5eff No.2485395



I don't have twatter…

Next bread, post them .

I'm a grammar Nazi, I'll help you

61bf55 No.2485396


I wonder who the S.A. lacking "candor" could be?

781eba No.2485397

File: 1f84de6ee606c8f⋯.png (199.26 KB, 578x631, 578:631, Screenshot.png)

2b8f57 No.2485398


not yet, but will be researching..thanks

c3e29a No.2485399

File: 7bee51e94bac647⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, italkedtoqanon.mp4)

>>2484547 (pb)

Jackson was known for killing Native Americans. He led a war against them.

He was good on the anti-Central Bank issue, though. And was hated by the Establishment for that reason? I can't imagine he was any good to African - Americans! They weren't citizens then and… Jackson was pre - Civil War.

Maybe the Democrat party will die now; as did the Whig Party of days gone by.

>>2484625 (pb)

>>2484658 (pb)

Look at how easily Hicks - Jones lies. Looking straight into the camera.

I hope he gets his voice taken away - I want him to leave the stage, retire.. Karma for all the voices he has stopped up and mocked. Give people who aren't paid shills a chance for a change.

Amazing liar and con man ; I can't believe people still are defending him.

If he creates a vacuum it can be easily filled.

The BS "Jone - Hicks got Trump elected" is just so much narcissistic grand-standing on Jones-Hicks part. It's always about him, isn't it?

He turned on all of us, and turned on "Q" on a dime . He's a psycho. And turned on Trump. He's a two-faced liar!

It's done. He can't cover up with smarm, cover-up, what he is now and has been for years and years boo-hoo. But not for hime. For us..all that time wasted on a con artist.

Remember W. Bush

"Fooled me once, shame on you

Fooled me…. [agains]


45cded No.2485400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

41b6dd No.2485401

'#3134 Notables Bun

>>2485110 Trump's tweet error includes !A (Q's trip)

>>2485209 Is Justin Trudeau’s Mentor, Former Canadian PM Paul Martin? G20

>>2485038 Reddit Censors Bangladesh Protest

>>2484986 John McCain's aide was sent to the UL to pick up Trump dossier

>>2484926 Indra Nooyi steps down as PepsiCo's CEO

>>2484905 , >>2484798 , >>2485037 , >>2485218 Planefag Updates

>>2484792 , >>2484815 Possible Trudeau handler? Former Canadian PM Paul Martin. Dig

>>2484763 , >>2484787 Rick Gates testifies he and Manafort committed crimes together

>>2484699 Clockfag Update

22df58 No.2485402

File: ab81ad487095f07⋯.png (24.82 KB, 459x378, 17:14, plan-pepe-love-q6.png)

236be2 No.2485403


Here's an answer, in French (translation attached):

Chrystia Freeland à la tête d'une mafia politique ukrainienne opérant à partir du Canada.

Le Globe & Mail, journal de Toronto, a révélé que la principale agente propagatrice de haine envers la Russie (((Chrystia Freeland))), ministre des Affaires étrangères du Canada, avait un accord avec George Soros pour écrire sa biographie après qu’elle eut perdu son emploi de journaliste au Financial Times et à l’Agence de presse Reuters, et ce avant qu'elle ait commencé sa campagne pour être élue au parlement canadien.

loose translation:

Toronto's Globe & Mail stated that the main propaganda agent of hate towards Russia, Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs (!), had an agreement with (((George Soros))) to write his biography after the Financial Times and Reuters fired her, and this prior to her running to become a member of parliament.

20cbdc No.2485404


there was THREE tweets

5 min Delta

1 min Delt

4ee2c8 No.2485405


Just before that - eat shit and bark at the moon - it helps.

79c150 No.2485406


Yea. Let's all go over to a pothead's board …

WTF is wrong with you dopes?

3c3693 No.2485407

When are some of you dumb fuckers going to STOP RESPONDING TO SHILLS AND DIVISIONFAGS!!!

61c7ce No.2485409

>> 2484912

Second one today. Must be a thing.

91d056 No.2485410


Findings of Misconduct by an FBI Special Agent for Receiving Gifts from a Former FBI Confidential Human Source, Using the Source After Deactivation, Protecting the Source and the Source’s Illegal Business, Misusing FBI Assets for Personal Gain, Lack of Candor, and Computer Security Policy Violations

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated an investigation upon receipt of information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Inspection Division alleging that an FBI Special Agent (SA) had an inappropriate relationship with a former FBI Confidential Human Source (CHS), including receiving money and other items of value from the CHS.

The OIG investigation substantiated the allegations that the SA received gifts, including money and items of value from the CHS, in violation of federal regulations regarding standards of conduct for federal employees and FBI policy. The OIG further found that the SA: continued to use the CHS after the CHS had been deactivated by the FBI; protected the CHS and the CHS’s illegal business; misused FBI assets for personal gain; and committed computer security violations, all in violation of federal regulations and FBI policy. The OIG also found that the SA improperly withheld information related to a state criminal investigation from a local police department, and provided false information to the police department regarding the CHS’s status as an FBI CHS, which actions were wholly inconsistent with the SA’s obligations as a federal law enforcement officer. The OIG also found that the SA lacked candor with the FBI and the OIG, in violation of FBI policy.

Criminal prosecution of the SA was declined.

The OIG has completed its investigation and provided its report to the FBI for appropriate action.

ea9c22 No.2485411


Saw this one on previous thread. Not seen as NOTABLE…

Should be NOTABLE.

Who was caught red handed, didn't get prosecuted?????

Did they turn over better higher level BH's???? for there own ass to be saved???

2766e9 No.2485412


>AJ tried to discredit and pretty much KILL the Q movement. He is a TRAITOR as Q directly Quoted.

He ignored it for too long and then sent Dr. J. in to follow it and then he blew it on Capitol One and numerous other occasions. What he couldn't control, he wanted rid of. Karma.

5c5d9d No.2485413


>Yet you keep replying.

Yep, I enjoy telling idiots like you to go fuck yourself! lmfao

fc141e No.2485414

File: 258745a90103cca⋯.png (885.75 KB, 1414x2244, 707:1122, Capture _2018-08-06-18-06-….png)


a97a7d No.2485415

File: 01a948c169b11f4⋯.jpg (175.26 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, James Alefantis Rothchild.jpg)

e47e14 No.2485416


Does Teresa, yes I spelled it wrong on purpose, work with Leaf? Or are they 2 different scumbags?

900e2d No.2485417

File: b1b2fd0feba9b41⋯.jpg (482.89 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_2931.JPG)


cool digits cluck

clucky digits

045a11 No.2485418

File: e99febaa3daf8b5⋯.png (168.72 KB, 343x331, 343:331, benna.png)

8ce8ad No.2485419

File: 9d62ca1be4e9819⋯.png (103.66 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 9d62ca1be4e9819a233fce2502….png)

a724e0 No.2485420


Yes. I'd rather operate in French than live in the Islamic Caliphate of Al-Berta.

39071c No.2485421

File: bf677adfcbbb624⋯.jpg (717.52 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-224635….jpg)

File: 2e29a17566eb5fe⋯.jpg (753.63 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-224852….jpg)

Trump corrected tweet where there was no space between ! and A - reference to Q tripcode?…Probably not but hey, it's good to speculate

2b8f57 No.2485422


saw the same on Fox as I was posting..guess it's true!!

04314b No.2485423


So here they covered the "larp" and "boomer" angles, when will they cover the "schizo" angle?

56e4a9 No.2485424

File: 62318c33e7bde3d⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1920x4042, 960:2021, thechosen.png)

a1a520 No.2485425

Because his full name is James Achilles Alefantis Rothschild.


c3e29a No.2485426

File: 3298e8b7afec103⋯.webm (5.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, joneshickshatetrump.webm)

8e9e54 No.2485427


Darth Socialist

fb72c4 No.2485428

File: 30d3c8d21e69325⋯.png (4.8 MB, 1360x2048, 85:128, ClipboardImage.png)



45cded No.2485429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


silly masks for sillt lies

20cbdc No.2485430


Half ass at the moment since POTUS tweets. I still have ADS up though

c61516 No.2485431


Q is not real.


cc3f56 No.2485432

File: 7c42fd1da74ef58⋯.jpg (51.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, DY1jR8UVMAAVdUK.jpg large.jpg)


including you faggot. enjoy your free speech, but try to find a better way to use it anon.

c7fac8 No.2485433


Possibly the ugliest one yet, love it and saved

5c0fce No.2485434

File: a8e3833a3d86bb8⋯.png (272.52 KB, 560x416, 35:26, D5F9316B-FE3D-4494-B128-7E….png)

File: 7e6949dfccd43cb⋯.jpeg (31.17 KB, 474x478, 237:239, B6C4ECAA-69B7-4900-A310-8….jpeg)

File: 0fc7d96e321c014⋯.jpeg (26.74 KB, 236x360, 59:90, 0B41B37B-69BA-4093-AED3-A….jpeg)

File: be6e02c6bf40b62⋯.jpeg (24.76 KB, 474x517, 474:517, 4E099D6B-1890-408F-859D-5….jpeg)

7624d6 No.2485435


Everything that is gained by lies must be given back

So you do actually realize you're on the losing team…lol

a2e723 No.2485436

File: 5ad2c1a0c3ab00b⋯.jpg (66.61 KB, 552x550, 276:275, ZomboMeme 06082018181227.jpg)

51861a No.2485437



Osama Bin Laden is CIA bullshit

39bf61 No.2485438


fwiw, i believe that "sidewalk" is google-added camouflage,

if you measure the pattern carefully, it doesn't match the contour of the beach - it stays perfectly straight, like a cgi overlay.

17cf9f No.2485439


the question still stands

e2cb87 No.2485440

File: 870078df4f5e005⋯.png (92.04 KB, 227x288, 227:288, ClipboardImage.png)

ea6883 No.2485441


So are they going to replace our cellphones and other devices for free to comply?

4ee2c8 No.2485442


Pinch his ass to keep the smile on his face. IMO

70c56b No.2485443


Your missing the JA correlation. Pull it together autists.

a724e0 No.2485444


Chrysta Freeland, Gerry Butts, Domenic Leblanc, Warren Kinsella.

Remember these names.

a355eb No.2485445

File: 6b5e7deb68cf2d7⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 644x362, 322:181, 29q0jh.jpg)


Vielen Dank !

509f91 No.2485446


I want the fake post system to make ONE SINGLE POST that doesn't read like a stale "chan culture" cliche, reheated. Can you do it? STOP REPEATING OBSOLETE LINGO you joke loserbots. I'm serious. I'm trying to help you. Stop being this stupid.

4d7e62 No.2485447

File: 3fb92fd5c70b13e⋯.png (361.1 KB, 383x601, 383:601, ClipboardImage.png)

d37e08 No.2485448


What’s your hourly rate?

759508 No.2485449

20cbdc No.2485450


He Tweeted that tweet 3 times


5782f2 No.2485451



a9d895 No.2485452

File: 5dcdab454e1bbc3⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 510x525, 34:35, nazis_watch_out.jpg)


ahahahah you didn't last a day, soldier! Already giving up! HAHAHAH

45cded No.2485453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c93503 No.2485455



6910f8 No.2485456

File: e9ae3d964406c12⋯.png (525 B, 39x39, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

The St. George Defence (also known as the Baker's Defence, Birmingham Defence, or Basman Counterattack) is an unorthodox chess opening for Black. The opening begins with the moves:1. e4 a6

Q !A6yxsPKia new trip has A6

b41361 No.2485457


kek you were the only anon with a multiple of 5 in the :36 minute so I wanted you to post again to reduce confusion ;)

c61516 No.2485460


Two bottles of wine

and having my

cock sucked.

What's yours?

aae521 No.2485462

File: aa55ef21bf704c4⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 640x359, 640:359, paytriots489752505.jpg)


I remember that clip. Just because someone is intelligent doesnt mean hes a piece of shit human being.

a1a520 No.2485463


don't argue with shills

but sometimes its helpful to point out their shit for newfags

and its fun to call them out on it and let them know how bad they are at shilling..but it does shit up the bread

ac998e No.2485464



Because someone just used a laser to start another fire in CA.

And it's a countdown.

88e852 No.2485465


A D majority would change the rules immediately in favor of themselves. This is why McConnell is useless. The House was much better. I predict a pick up of 5 R seats in the Senate, and a minor shift in the House in a range of 10 seats either way of current status.

10dc58 No.2485466

File: a62a4423cc10a0c⋯.png (273.44 KB, 600x665, 120:133, FireShot Capture 117 - Tho….png)

5782f2 No.2485467


are you being serious?

041f1c No.2485468

File: f501f555424d539⋯.jpg (77.36 KB, 941x742, 941:742, weirdingway.JPG)


>Butt Slave

d37e08 No.2485469


When will you receive your first pay check then newcunt

005ba8 No.2485470

the first Ca wildfire tweet had "North" in it.

39bf61 No.2485471

File: 66ed82943302f3e⋯.jpg (772.53 KB, 1500x1261, 1500:1261, checkerboard.jpg)


i added some blue and red lines and moved them around to show what i mean - the lines stay perfectly parallel.>>2485353

64f2a1 No.2485472

File: 774fd7246887e3f⋯.jpg (14.83 KB, 217x255, 217:255, shill2.jpg)


>"money is the toot of all evil,"

dumb ass cant even quote scipture correctly

the "love of money" is the root of all evil

same old spam and lies anyway

d72598 No.2485473


Sounds like every one of these MSM articles were written by AIM, R, 0hour, et al and passed on to Mockingbirds for publication.

97f429 No.2485474

File: 35d97fff5bf0592⋯.jpg (323.25 KB, 600x380, 30:19, 35d97fff5bf059285beccdcbe0….jpg)

e47e14 No.2485475


Looks like you brought some faggettes with your baguettes

dab45d No.2485476

File: 1d53599ccc11987⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 413x395, 413:395, top pop.jpg)

9e462b No.2485478


The fkd up thing about that photo is she is trying to imitate a little girl who has been abused. After everything we've learned…it isn't just "creepy".

ec6b6c No.2485479

Parkland shooter heard voice with no name telling him to kill.


0cf954 No.2485480


5 Delta

fb72c4 No.2485481

File: 02af93bb97957e7⋯.png (12.88 MB, 2336x3555, 2336:3555, ClipboardImage.png)


Marta, we love you!!!

10dc58 No.2485482

File: 24a31184befa7cf⋯.png (273.44 KB, 600x665, 120:133, FireShot Capture 117 - Tho….png)

045a11 No.2485485

File: 0da5b933353180c⋯.png (332.33 KB, 652x700, 163:175, gay copy.png)

File: 6dd99c2e47ad47a⋯.png (172.43 KB, 558x733, 558:733, fss.png)

43206b No.2485486


u got it

88e852 No.2485487


The idiots are those who watch some media SHOW and expect to hear unadulterated truth. InfoWars is INFOTAINMENT. Duh!

70c56b No.2485488


Keep it up and Q will drop on your head all warm and gooey! Sit down, shut up and TRUST THE PLAN!!

5330e9 No.2485489


How easy to unmask Anonymous.

(((They))) did it themselves.

These people are really stupid.

45cded No.2485490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



these "actors"

are memerly

macabre egregores

begging to exist here

be timid and reserved if confronted

or troll idgaf

a724e0 No.2485491


Trudeau is allied with the Paul Martin bloc of the Liberals but really all sides are filled with (((globalists))). Same with the Conservatives and NDP.

We need to literally start from scratch. At this point I'd recommend the Oland family or maybe even Eatons. Seriously. Old money hates these clowns.

41b6dd No.2485492

Fresh Bake




Fresh Bake

268ccb No.2485493

File: ea1f4bba35989be⋯.png (1 MB, 1144x823, 1144:823, Capture.PNG)


82266e No.2485494

>>2482929 (3131)

obvious optics is obvious

8e9e54 No.2485495

File: 504923152b56aa9⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 480x360, 4:3, term1.jpg)

454e50 No.2485496

File: 733cfd650e574f9⋯.jpeg (79.42 KB, 922x1024, 461:512, meme stealer.jpeg)

fd7dc2 No.2485497


I think it's Larotrectinib

beede2 No.2485498


He's always so close to getting it, it's like he purposely tries to mislead people with that gatekeeping or he's just constantly off his meds.

a5d32d No.2485499


2 different people.

a1a520 No.2485501

File: 2a266320f3b996f⋯.png (32.13 KB, 461x491, 461:491, Capture.PNG)


>Baker's Defence, Birmingham Defence, or Basman Counterattack)

its a defensive move in response to white.

274a96 No.2485502

File: 524f0a7ee0e5673⋯.jpg (204.41 KB, 408x528, 17:22, hillarys closet.JPG)

File: f5c66702383c585⋯.jpg (268.55 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, large panties of hillary.jpg)

File: c22b67de949ff2c⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 862x500, 431:250, 2313gggg.jpg)

File: 89db32eef488a59⋯.png (455.63 KB, 1813x1800, 1813:1800, we are Q.png)

File: 68c0ae533d0e5bc⋯.png (1.3 MB, 2600x2600, 1:1, Qwinning.png)

fcfaba No.2485503


you might be right on the Senate pickup/

I think the House will be a move to some additional Red seats as well.

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