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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

c85536 No.2482308

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"/Qresearch/ does not condone violence or the incitement of violent acts against any groups and/or individuals."




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 08.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/119 ————————– Trip update confirmed ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>>/patriotsfight/118 ————————– Trip update ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>2465633 ————————————– Reconcile.

>>2460787 ————————————– Be aware of your surroundings: See something, say something

>>2460260 ————————————– There is a reason we needed to go mainstream b4 EVIDENCE drop

Friday 08.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/117 ————————– We have the server[S] ( Cap: >>2441061 )

>>2436694 ————————————– Right on schedule

>>2435826 ————————————– T_D mods removing QAnon comments

>>2435401 rt >>2434941 ——————- Think WRAY (yesterday) Think [RR] (today)

>>2434815 rt >>2434705 ——————- What a wonderful day

>>2434705 ————————————– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/116 ————————– List of sealed indictments ( Cap: >>2433964 )

>>>/patriotsfight/115 ————————– List of reporters who colluded with the HRC Campaign ( Cap: >>2433773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/114 ————————– BIGGEST COVER UP IN US HISTORY [ATTEMPTED] ( Caps: >>2433500 , >>2433557 )

>>2430708 ————————————– Full attack mode. Washington Post leading?

>>2426184 rt >>2425988 ——————- Incorrect decoding. Not the person. Think connection

>>2425988 rt >>2425560 ——————- Comms dark. Message sent. 5:5?

>>2425781 ————————————– How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections

Thursday 08.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/113 ————————– Something BIG is about to drop ( Cap: >>2451834 )

>>2422155 rt >>2422143 ------------------- Now We Know Why Q Didn't Post Before the Rally

>>2422097 -------------------------------------- Threat received. USSS acted appropriately

>>>/patriotsfight/112 ————————– Think New Arrivals. Proofs are important. Thank You Autists/Anons ( Cap: >>2451834 )

>>2413825 rt >>2413389 ------------------- VIP Access

>>>/patriotsfight/111 ————————– SHEEP NO MORE

>>2407847 -------------------------------------- Welcome to the Mainstream

>>2406483 rt >>2405745 ------------------- [[RR]] Approved FISA. FISA = Start

>>2405745 ————————————– FISA FISA FISA

Wednesday 08.01.18

>>2397365 rt >>2397147 —————— Fishing is fun!

>>2395861 ------------------------------------- What happens when you are a THREAT to the MSM/OLD GUARD?

>>2395254 rt >>2395142 ------------------ Did you notice the FOX NEWS coverage of ‘Qanon’ last night?

>>2395142 ------------------------------------- MSM Coordination? Pre-planning has its advantages.

>>2394125 ------------------------------------- Mainstream = when you are the news.

>>2393006 rt >>2392766 ------------------ Who is the one person who can answer about QANON? POTUS. [Less Than 10].

>>2391916 rt >>2391787 & >>2391804 Numbers of Patriots Worldwide & Message to Steyer

>>2391757 rt >>2391684 ------------------ You are now mainstream. Handle w/ care.

>>2391684 ------------------------------------- Do you think they got the [4am] memo?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !A6yxsPKia.

Q's Old Tripcode: !CbboFOtcZs

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

FIND ALL Q POSTS AT: qanon.pub , qmap.pub/ , qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ , qanon.news/posts.html

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

c85536 No.2482313


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2468527 BO Confirms: New Q trip whitelisted


>>2481605 Zerohedge: DJT to override Rosenstein and declassify remaining DOJ FISA docs

>>2481609 Dianne Feinstein, the Chinese, and getting rich

>>2481647 ; >>2481769 ; >>2481796 ; >>2481943 Planefag Reports

>>2481654 On water in CA and Stewart Resnick

>>2481672 Rand Paul invites Russian MPs to DC

>>2481690 More from Iran re: diplomacy and talks

>>2481739 Update on Bologna airport explosion

>>2481812 Willow Creek’s lead pastor resigns after allegations against founder emerge

>>2481906 Rep. Steve Scales threatened again; man arrested w/ammo cache

>>2481912 “Manhattan Madam” to testify before Mueller grand jury

>>2481940 ; >>2481968 US-backed forces declare control of Syria/Iraq border

>>2482075 Additional weirdness from the Planefags

>>2482096 Multiple “FF” instances in most recent DJT tweet

>>2482183 Mothers arrested after 11 children saved from NM compound with armed Muslim extremists

>>2482259 #3130


>>2480821 CII begins investigation into Paul Asplin after fraud conviction

>>2480839 Prime Healthcare, CEO to pay $65M Medicare fraud settlement

>>2480876 Rome, NY, to San Francisco, CA, military escort

>>2480877 Full text of motion to dismiss granted in SR family lawsuit v. Fox News

>>2480915 ICAC business partners face off over alleged fraud

>>2481046 Miami-Dade police arrest ten people for sexually exploiting children online

>>2481116 “Experts” claim Pope’s death penalty decree may influence Catholic judges

>>2481290 24 girls rescued from sex trafficking in India

>>2481363 DJT on CA, “Free Flow”, Water, and “Fast Federal govt. approvals”

>>2481382 SA freezes relations with Canada

>>2481470 Rouhani blinks; Iran now open to negotiations with US

>>2481479 #3129


>>2480037 German cartel office reviewing Amazon’s business in Europe

>>2480089 France passes law removing presumption of no consent for children ages 7-15

>>2480221 President and CEO of two Maine hospitals resigns

>>2480275 Nine resignations from APC

>>2480304 International Game Technology chairman Phil Satre resigns

>>2480338 ; >>2480594 Comey posting probable veiled threat; context

>>2480407 WAFarmers chief executive resigns

>>2480423 Anonymous vows to “expose QAnon”

>>2480428 Increase in medical, military, and police helicopter activity

>>2480480 ; >>2480593 Correction in WaPo related to FISA, FBI, Carter Page

>>2480612 Bin Laden’s son marries 9/11 hijacker’s daughter

>>2480691 McLaren chief resigns

>>2480705 #3128


>>2479259 200 active-duty soldiers to fight wildfires in CA

>>2479270 ; >>2479281 POTUS meeting with president of Kenya later this month

>>2479354 ; >>2479372 Lindsey Graham tweets re: Iran

>>2479567 Updated list of CEO resignations

>>2479588 ; >>2479871 ; >>2479886 POTUS signs Iran sanctions EO

>>2479695 More on Comey and the Clintons

>>2479772 Links to OIG, DOJ, DoS investigations

>>2479831 Orange County plane crash victims identified

>>2479847 Explosion at Bologna airport

>>2479949 #3127

#3126 Baker Change

>>2478538 Robert Redford retires from acting

>>2478608 ; >>2478641 ; >>2478762 Planefag: current CONUS Medevac activity (Full compilation: >>2478937 )

>>2478633 Iran president to make speech re: DJT trade tariffs

>>2478782 German gov’t considers bringing back military draft

>>2478916 ; >>2479058 DJT quoting Bongino on HRC, Schiff, Russia, and the “new IG report”

>>2479151 #3126

Previously Collected Notables

>>2477840 #3124, >>2478431 #3125

>>2475221 #3121, >>2476007 #3122, >>2476786 #3123

>>2472812 #3118, >>2473570 #3119, >>2474418 #3120

>>2470570 #3115, >>2471270 #3116, >>2472030 #3117

>>2468280 #3112, >>2469044 #3113, >>2469824 #3114

>>2465897 #3109, >>2466705 #3110, >>2467521 #3111

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

c85536 No.2482315

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>1606439

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 — The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 – A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>2399939 –- Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2294272 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#34 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>>/comms/2100 , >>2437666

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

c85536 No.2482317

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:



MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf'''*

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button: >>2374212

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Sorting Breads On Number Of Replies To A Post >>2467707

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this -→ >>2438883

c85536 No.2482327

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)



88ddf8 No.2482341

ty baker

8a0d21 No.2482345

File: 6bb4b8cfc2e0e65⋯.png (456.12 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(q.png)

File: dfbe95dfa97d441⋯.png (502.42 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(p.png)

File: c46b0a350d13a64⋯.png (542.39 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(o.png)

File: dd7524f58ac9d11⋯.png (512.69 KB, 1008x570, 168:95, AJ-freak4.png)

File: 64e990205e06464⋯.png (487.12 KB, 1008x570, 168:95, AJfreak4.png)



#AlexJones #AlexJonesShow #Censorship #InfoWars #FreeInfoWars #QFDShadowban #Shadowban #Conservatives #FreeSpeech






601341 No.2482347

File: baf6655941267c6⋯.png (124.53 KB, 840x395, 168:79, comms.png)


I made a new board here:


I only did so because this one is hopelessly comped, and I was thinking perhaps the only way to get the community extricated was to make and suggest it to Q.

On the other hand, I also have the idea that perhaps Q has established an alternative board, and that the only thing we need is to unite as a community and demand a board free from AI fuckery (pic related). Not sure. I would much prefer this option to my own attempted board, which accumlated gore spam faster than I could delete in the one thread I made. Kek.

I am just throwing things out there. What I do know is that this board is as fucky as can be, and we need a much better set up.

Post last edited at

8a0d21 No.2482366

File: fd083f217ce6b36⋯.png (482.74 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(n.png)

File: ee9b121cf84a153⋯.png (435.01 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(m.png)

File: 4d6ec60aa86cf50⋯.png (488.42 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(k.png)

File: e25b0db5662e8f3⋯.png (491.47 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(j.png)

File: a993621338b7110⋯.png (385.29 KB, 1020x563, 1020:563, AJ-freak(l.png)

f53fc3 No.2482371

File: c9dfc2e6eb870f6⋯.png (27.14 KB, 1439x153, 1439:153, uhhhguys.png)

File: a1fafe1c64b46f8⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1845x4414, 1845:4414, comptbord.png)

File: 3ed40f9cdf60dc1⋯.png (391.67 KB, 1576x870, 788:435, out.png)

File: ebdbc7528c5158a⋯.png (94.03 KB, 808x792, 101:99, CreepyAngryBVs.png)


8a0d21 No.2482380

File: b6128df658f9dd7⋯.png (371.82 KB, 835x567, 835:567, AJ-freak(i.png)

File: 4328e5b42cc43f2⋯.png (411.6 KB, 1013x579, 1013:579, AJ-freak(h.png)

File: ae0ce783574b969⋯.png (382.59 KB, 874x575, 38:25, AJ-freak(g.png)

File: fdf33ca3e60a397⋯.png (368.07 KB, 874x575, 38:25, AJ-freak(f.png)

File: 0857eaafcc48365⋯.png (367.12 KB, 874x557, 874:557, AJ-freak(e.png)

518b19 No.2482381

3edf43 No.2482382

File: faea3b5d002f6eb⋯.jpg (91.18 KB, 800x1043, 800:1043, Lynda_Resnick.jpg)

Stewart Resnick Lynda Rae Harris

Paramount Citrus

POM Wonderful


Fiji Water


David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

J. Paul Getty Trust

Conservation International

UCLA Anderson School of Management

8a0d21 No.2482384

File: b85c247d4c5df3e⋯.png (229.33 KB, 579x394, 579:394, AJ-freak3.png)

File: 9632f212ee3bf4e⋯.png (242.75 KB, 596x408, 149:102, AJ-freak2.png)

File: e0ba6ac49012d9a⋯.png (237.15 KB, 589x414, 589:414, AJ-freak1.png)

File: 7d22486d37ef856⋯.png (388.1 KB, 874x557, 874:557, AJ-freak(d.png)

File: 37766f29fab70a3⋯.png (404.33 KB, 874x557, 874:557, AJ-freak(b.png)

0c891a No.2482385

File: 4263809d1d4d05d⋯.png (180.45 KB, 814x653, 814:653, ClipboardImage.png)

dc723c No.2482386

Highest ranking anon checking in.

7e2e29 No.2482387


Meme gold here

027c68 No.2482388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>You have a voice.

>Be heard.

>Patience isn’t always easy.

>But vital to get right.


What you SEE is 2%.

The WAR is REAL.

+DragonForce The Game


aa2949 No.2482389

File: 9a0d1a9d4a1e00b⋯.jpg (309.64 KB, 800x647, 800:647, rainbowOwl.jpg)

Hi Anons

I'm the spiritual mother of a witches coven in minesota, The Dark Moon Coven.

We are planning to perform a mass hex on the cabal this coming friday.

Our 12 high-priestesses will be in attendance and i will lead the ritual, ending in the "mock" sacrifice of a kitten.

The entire event will be livestreamed (link will follow in the coming days, as we find a streaming host).

We simply ask everyone wanting to participate to light a candle at 3AM friday morning while chanting "Hex Ilumminati" 7 times.

We hope to get as much energy into our hex as possible.

May Minerva guide you !

LGBTQPs for Q !

8d7ff6 No.2482390

File: 59b5f6fe9c33576⋯.png (562.31 KB, 701x812, 701:812, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2482376 (lb)

^^^ He's right you know

dc8e00 No.2482391

File: a962b7aaa386c83⋯.jpg (14.42 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 641db133eb952bf69eb142d6f1….jpg)

027c68 No.2482392



[Time to move on]

57ddcf No.2482393

ID checked. DC in the house.

8a0d21 No.2482394



3d89af No.2482395

The Snowball has began rolling-

There is no stopping it now. D5.


D5 is the code for an Avalanche of the greatest magnitude.

Think DEFCON 1.

Think Snowball. Where do avalanches come from?

D5= an Avalanche of Info being dropped.

D5= DJT who authorizes the Big Drop. DeClass

Something Big is about to Drop

7496ef No.2482396

Hey Anons

Watch the UIDs

Awfully high for a no-Q Monday afternoon, isn't it?

Watch all the "anons" with 10+ post counts in the bread.

They make it really, really obvious.

Must be really, really scared.

562434 No.2482397


Hi, highest ranking Anon!

8d07a0 No.2482398


Attention Anons: Divisive shill attempting to lure you away so he can control you. Ignore and filter.

8f2cfa No.2482399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Be smart. be this kind of smart. Mr. Brains' Faggots smart.

6aa18c No.2482400


you are in the wrong place

8bc0f0 No.2482401


Did you ask anyone before you created that BS board?

You seem very eager to move people off of this board - why is that?

2a5d45 No.2482402

File: 65925f93d8a8d05⋯.png (191.34 KB, 1250x716, 625:358, potus.png)

File: 2dbfd0096539688⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, steve.jpg)

File: f23349fed5bfd15⋯.jpg (9.92 KB, 300x168, 25:14, nice.jpg)

Does anyone else get the feeling that POTUS has been watching too much Steve1989 lately?

>Think of California with plenty of Water - Nice!

<California appears magically on a tray

(or maybe I have been watching too much Steve1989 lately…)

eac4c6 No.2482403

File: ba4a057c6c7c8aa⋯.png (80.84 KB, 608x449, 608:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f13672806884eb2⋯.png (654.3 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Another Water related News Topic, a tweet and a News event.



dc8e00 No.2482404

File: 3990637101c06cd⋯.png (160.57 KB, 375x293, 375:293, 7B7_Vx.png)

1e0ac8 No.2482405

File: da776ad0b4aef6a⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 264x333, 88:111, IMG_2182.JPG)

File: 463b714e12094e4⋯.jpg (38.87 KB, 403x302, 403:302, IMG_2183.JPG)

File: e82bb02af3cc953⋯.jpg (99.93 KB, 1024x652, 256:163, IMG_2184.JPG)

Dr Phil

Save bill hicks

ee77a3 No.2482406


this site is for pussies sitting and researching in the shadows.

27f72b No.2482407

>>2482370 lb

You need to copy the address directly from the url box. Don’t use the “Copy Link” function

95d75d No.2482408

File: 4ccdf894ccdb92f⋯.png (97.21 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52d1fa61c6afca0⋯.png (15.79 KB, 635x203, 635:203, ClipboardImage.png)

hehe he said indo




7f6c3e No.2482409

File: b374c9f103fe665⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 599x358, 599:358, How_About_No_Bear.jpg)

3edf43 No.2482410

January 2, 2013

January 2 – President Obama signs the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310)[1][2] and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (H.R. 8) into law.[3]


January 2 – President Obama praises lawmakers after the House of Representatives votes to pass a Senate "fiscal cliff" measure, which included permanence for middle-class Bush tax cuts.[4]

5c2240 No.2482411

File: aab84af4e5d2be4⋯.jpeg (131.22 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, 85BE3B5E-D5E6-4F85-83C9-6….jpeg)

File: afd4186d7cea153⋯.jpeg (104.04 KB, 660x347, 660:347, E0A2DDBA-AA63-40C1-B0CD-9….jpeg)

File: 0313bb95c7ef61d⋯.jpeg (133.77 KB, 720x480, 3:2, B8DFA220-2114-4E41-B1A2-E….jpeg)

TYB and BO.

Thank you HRA for checking in. Kek.

12a907 No.2482412

Are you going to drain the swamp or just watch the country burn?

532acb No.2482413

File: 2b787ca0517152e⋯.png (681.42 KB, 906x807, 302:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6f6566be5927dd⋯.png (418.19 KB, 859x667, 859:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd4a523734a6a45⋯.png (669.18 KB, 877x850, 877:850, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a70fd2c2d9c7c49⋯.png (415.52 KB, 905x806, 905:806, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb375579d9ad0d5⋯.png (26.29 KB, 917x265, 917:265, ClipboardImage.png)

Earth Changes Accelerate: Record Heatwaves, Massive Firenadoes, Giant Dust Storms, & Mega Quakes


ff8c0e No.2482414

>>2482379 (lb)

and… he was making money doing it as well correct? we all have to earn a living.

7aacfe No.2482415


for your info that's not in your pay-grade

… Q MAKES THE NEW ….comms when he/she deems necessary…

c13446 No.2482416


Fuck your demon owl. We want no part of that

fac5f4 No.2482417


wheres the fuckin coffee

948485 No.2482418

File: 81919dfd6ce1d81⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 7808198e16cc723457d59e739d….jpg)


8f2cfa No.2482419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

More brainy Faggots…

885a0f No.2482420

File: 15d7ed70d59b5ec⋯.jpg (574.27 KB, 800x792, 100:99, 15d7ed70d59b5ec691c608f72b….jpg)

>>2482362 lb

Shit happens anon, again, it's a chan. We shit on each other no matter the topic but shills embellish that notion even further. Put some meat on them bones and acquire a thicker skin, you'll be alright. Try not to take it all to heart.

dc8e00 No.2482421

File: eb24b3822078a7e⋯.png (580.1 KB, 956x526, 478:263, 1533515236789.png)

7049ad No.2482422


uhboy… kek

b6ac82 No.2482423


Anonymous is a LARP. They are a bunch of kiddie wanna be hackers. They talk a lot and always have a 'message' they want you to hear. But they never actually do anything because they can't. Anybody with a basic knowledge of computer security and networking can do what they do.

Ever notice nobody attacks Anonymous? Because they aren't a threat. Never have been. I can't think of a single instance where they ever accomplished anything meaningful. They act tough but they are useless. I seriously doubt Q is concerned.

c9d20b No.2482424

gotta go to work guys , hold the line.

BTW Acosta / Clapper emails posted in hidden bread.

12a907 No.2482425



While you are thinking that one over, mind explaining the hive mind?

1e0ac8 No.2482426

File: 291e0b9336d4578⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 1024x851, 1024:851, 5711CD20-865D-4C7D-80C4-44….jpg)

File: 50637dc76a24c14⋯.jpg (119.23 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_2541.JPG)

File: 70dc79071f9455e⋯.png (47.55 KB, 590x262, 295:131, IMG_2550.PNG)

dc723c No.2482427


Will any of the priestesses be performing blowjobs?

3edf43 No.2482428



Please see these people


06470b No.2482429

>>2482353 different retards, E-bot is a big time stoner and misses a lot, he is smart in a weird way, but slider recognition is not his strong suit.

27f72b No.2482430


KEK. They’re definitely not trying to fish for IP addresses or something

532acb No.2482431

EU to Block US Anti-Iran Sanctions Starting August 7 to Defend Business

EU foreign policy Chief Federica Mogherini noted earlier this month that the bloc intended to step up trade and cooperation with Tehran, despite US sanctions.

Federica Mogherini and foreign ministers from the UK, France, and Germany said in a statement that their counties would keep "effective financial channels" open with Iran, adding that they "deeply regret" that Washington had withdrawn from the Iranian Nuclear Deal and re-imposed sanctions on Tehran.

"This is why the European Union's updated Blocking Statute will enter into force on 7 August to protect EU companies doing legitimate business with Iran from the impact of US extra-territorial sanctions," the statement reads.

The statute will forbid European businesses from complying with the US sanctions, nullifying any foreign court rulings against them and allowing them to recover damages from the penalties.

READ MORE: Iran to Ease Currency Exchange Regulations Ahead of US Sanctions

The European politicians also confirmed their commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as Iranian Nuclear deal.

"The remaining parties to the JCPOA have committed to work on, inter alia, the preservation and maintenance of effective financial channels with Iran, and the continuation of Iran's export of oil and gas," the statement added.

According to the US Treasury, starting from August 6, the sanctions will be reinstated on the purchase of Iran's sovereign debt and Iranian rials. The punitive measures will also apply to Iran's trade in gold and precious metals, sale to and from Iran of aluminum, steel, coal and certain types of software. The restrictions will also extend to Iran's automotive industry as well as on the purchase of US dollars by the Iranian government.

Furthermore, the United States is revoking licenses issued for sales of passenger aircraft, despite flagship carrier IranAir having outstanding contracts with French-Italian ATR, American Boeing and Europe's Airbus. IranAir's collective order of 200 aircraft, of which only a few have been delivered, is now in jeopardy.

READ MORE: Pompeo Vows to 'Enforce' US Sanctions Against Iran — Reports

On May 8, US President Donald Trump announced that Washington was withdrawing from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and would be reinstating sanctions on Tehran. The decision gave foreign companies grace periods of 90 to 180 days to stop trading with Iran.


8d07a0 No.2482432


I question your inclusion of even a "mock" sacrifice. The Mother doesn't ask for it, and it invites negative energies. You should re-think your ritual.

e78696 No.2482433

File: 63be259ffd5e690⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 480x568, 60:71, 2fe22s~2.jpg)

File: fb0c0cf1dcc17cf⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 480x522, 80:87, 2fe2at~2.jpg)

Most anon's here are stupid fuckers that won't give Alex Jones credit for helping get Trump elected.

Q, some people got fired but everyone else is writing books, ain't shit happening to the deep state.

029160 No.2482434

Reposting from #3130 No.2481782

Dear Q,

The Alex Jones "Purge" by Alphabet, Apple, Facebook, and soon Twitter elevates Jones to the status of a 1st Amendment Martyr. Love him, hate him or indifferent towards him is now irrelevant. He must be defended. Jones was purged because he is so hard to defend. These companies are private entities and claim that they can act as they see fit. These companies all have contracts with the Federal Government to secure data, intel of/on all the users of their services. These contracts facilitate the function of The Federal Government (The March Toward Tyranny). These contracts make these companies an extention of the Federal Government. The Constitution restricts the Federal Government and the 1st Amendment the right of Free Speech is supreme. These companies as extention/facilitator of the Federal Government are bound by The Constitution as if they were the Federal Government. These oligarchs think they are the government. If Hillary had won Bezos would today be moving into his new HQ outside DC.


8f2cfa No.2482435

File: 4c79ea4fae00e7a⋯.png (209.04 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

The meal of champion Faggots….

a6a063 No.2482436


Post em here faggot

57ddcf No.2482437


Fair point.

6fe2a6 No.2482438

File: 764af17730f3647⋯.png (19.08 KB, 635x171, 635:171, pattern.png)

Is this Scott's puzzle?

Pretty vague.

What's the solution?

f53fc3 No.2482439


049450 No.2482440

dc723c No.2482441


Coffee is for closers, faggot.

17d790 No.2482442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Something interesting I've been seeing gain traction. Wonder where he stands on Q?

765d31 No.2482443

ab3bfc No.2482444


Bye Tiresias. Thanks for outing yourself early on.

7e2e29 No.2482445




95d75d No.2482446

File: d7c6104b92d07de⋯.png (174.63 KB, 481x273, 37:21, phil turd.png)


Trust The Plantation

Phils a Homo, Pauls a bull

Demi god deniability

051338 No.2482447

File: 861b52e284d3457⋯.png (4.4 KB, 485x95, 97:19, ClipboardImage.png)

New Q /PatriotsFight/

03076a No.2482448


Regardless of the subject of the hex, you are performing black magic. Any magic used to curse others will eventually have to be paid by you.

You’re also invoking demons. Only demons and dark entities participate in black magic.

Instead you need to be performing white magic to guard our president

db94d3 No.2482449


Just plain kill self Scott Adams

Makes sense to me.

7049ad No.2482450


I wasn't agreeing with him, just reading his post :)

I don't have enough information yet to back that assertion.

fc366f No.2482451



00f444 No.2482452

File: 35a296815398489⋯.png (8.69 KB, 468x170, 234:85, ClipboardImage.png)

bf1292 No.2482453

File: 62e684f02829d53⋯.png (95.34 KB, 918x183, 306:61, ClipboardImage.png)




95d75d No.2482454

File: fc13d276e883750⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, comfy tay.jpg)

67e4f7 No.2482455

File: 83dc06ece6d62f6⋯.jpg (750.35 KB, 2592x1728, 3:2, My Body Is Ready.jpg)

27f72b No.2482456


Coincidentally, this is also the best proof that you’re a faggot

8a0d21 No.2482457




I'm doin thread now, but if u culd stick it here that'd be bom af

>>2482345 >>2482366 >>2482384 >>2482340 — AJ MEME BATTER///OP#AlexJones [CURRENT_TWAT_TREND]

5bbb49 No.2482458

>>2481712 (pb)

Very interesting.

They are either taking the piss or up to something.

8f2cfa No.2482459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Radio ear worms about Faggots.

bcabed No.2482460

File: 4e50c90c599ef9c⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Heavily armed 'extremist of the Muslim belief' held starving kids at filthy compound: sheriff


5d6c25 No.2482461


If you are not already comped and controlled, you will be if you have any measure of success, and will then fail. Just filter the shills like the rest of us.

3c3775 No.2482462

Q if you can hear this: was Jeong controversy purposefully designed to incite/increase prejudice towards minority group by white Americans? Thus legitimizing the left's narrative, muh racism? Also what are we to make of (((Alex Jones'))) coordinated censorship from FB, Apple, and YT simultaneously? Between that, Jeong, and Gunn - it's getting out of control. Something has got to give!

532acb No.2482463

File: f8dab000842adbd⋯.png (1.16 MB, 971x781, 971:781, ClipboardImage.png)

FACEBOOK and Google Are About to Get A RUDE AWAKENING After The Senate Just Put Its Foot Down


3a40d8 No.2482464

>>2482363 (lb)

Clean the Swamp

Help the countries in problems as Iran, Ukraine, Venezuela and others.

And maybe leave that US is struggling between themselves and

A the new league of the bRICs

3dcfd4 No.2482465

File: 7afb517cad6c2d0⋯.png (4.58 KB, 405x344, 405:344, 1473177795868.png)


First they came for Andrew Anglin, but I'm not a White nationalist so I said nothing.

Then they came for Alex Jones, but I'm not a listener, so I said nothing.

Then they came for Candace Owens, but I'm not on Twitter, so I said nothing…

c'mon lads, someone can flesh this out, right?

059903 No.2482466

▶Q !A6yxsPKia. 08/06/18 (Mon) 14:49:39 No.120

Important to understand prior to next.




948485 No.2482467

Good afternoon Q

bf1292 No.2482468

File: 7bee51e94bac647⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alex_Jones_Ive_Talked_to_Q….mp4)

Alex Jones failed to usurp the Q movement as he was instructed to do, and is being punished for said failure by his masters. Q was NEVER "supposed" to go mainstream, that's what AJ was "supposed" to do, STOP Q @ all costs…he failed, they punish him, now its cost him his mainstream status.

027c68 No.2482469




>>>>/patriotsfight/119 ————————– Important to understand prior to next.




8d07a0 No.2482470


Patriots come in all creeds. Traditional Wicca has always hated the Cabal. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now.

5e7244 No.2482471

File: 5f556f1b67e873b⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 564x1002, 94:167, 2eae101dbd6c7828bcaf26b22d….jpg)







We don't support AJ, and we're sure as fuck not wanting to associate Q with AJ.

5bbb49 No.2482472

b82405 No.2482473

File: 83c9d3655c834e2⋯.jpeg (227.95 KB, 640x579, 640:579, D730D1F6-101B-4218-844D-0….jpeg)

It seems some strings are being cut


027c68 No.2482474




>>>/patriotsfight/119 ————————– Important to understand prior to next.




aa2949 No.2482475

File: 342f4241f566c86⋯.png (347.88 KB, 510x615, 34:41, hypocrisy04.PNG)




← But this is fine


I think i proved my point…

91f30c No.2482476


Where in mn?

da05af No.2482477

File: 25a0d5251a0d05b⋯.png (514.64 KB, 720x908, 180:227, 20180806_195111.png)

Thnx baker

e12c78 No.2482478

File: c78a6ff810af8c1⋯.png (132.12 KB, 500x604, 125:151, mickey wicked.png)

File: 68bb0fa1db777b2⋯.jpg (119.71 KB, 980x552, 245:138, Hussein OWFT EYE beam sign….jpg)



good summary re: Disney


Also, the One World Freedom Tower main "EYE"-Beam signed by HUSSEIN

"We Remember

We Rebuild

We come back stronger"

WWW= Vah, Vah, Vah = 666

Reading Psalm 46 "Be still and know that I am God"

46 chromosomes (when the 2 become 1)

George Bush, read Psalm 23,

(23 chromosomes from each parent) at the WTC memorial

1e0ac8 No.2482479

File: b2a04714292fe42⋯.jpg (14.84 KB, 480x320, 3:2, IMG_0196.JPG)

File: 7f21cf696a63907⋯.jpg (64.86 KB, 427x701, 427:701, IMG_1475.JPG)

File: ac76c3ebadff73c⋯.jpg (108.11 KB, 957x1238, 957:1238, IMG_2112.JPG)

File: 9f27ddaf19056ba⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 702x459, 26:17, IMG_2116.JPG)

soros cia feltcher cronyism made trump from a crack head corpse

bcabed No.2482480

They are SO fucked now!

"Steele was paid over $160,000 by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and

Hillary for America (Clinton campaign) for his dossier. "

f32b80 No.2482481

File: 6f1fae8171b4e59⋯.png (20.99 KB, 658x258, 329:129, SAdams Schlichter re Q and….PNG)

File: 8afb7c7d6fb83bd⋯.png (17.63 KB, 637x252, 91:36, Schlichter re Q and SA 8-6….PNG)

5d6c25 No.2482482


You are beyond uninformed if you put Alex Jones and Candace Owens in the same category. Lurk moar.

7c04ac No.2482483

Pentagon Prohibits Personnel From Using GPS Services in All ‘Operational Areas’

August 6, 2018 01:22 PM ET

The device-agnostic policy applies to smartphones, tablets, fitness trackers, smartwatches and all other applications with geolocation features.

The Defense Department on Monday issued an order barring all personnel from using geolocation services on their personal and government-issued devices in all “operational areas.”

The policy, which applies to smartphones, tablets, fitness trackers, smartwatches and all other applications with geolocation features, goes into effect immediately.

“The rapidly evolving market of devices, applications, and services with geolocation capabilities … presents significant risk to Department of Defense personnel both on- and off-duty, and to our military operations globally,” Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan wrote Friday in a memo to top Pentagon brass.

“These geolocation capabilities can expose personal information, locations, routines and numbers of DoD personnel,” he said, which can create “unintended security consequences and increased risk to the joint force and mission.”

Under the new measure, combatant commanders in operational areas can make exceptions for certain government-issued devices based on “mission necessity.” They can also permit the use of geolocation services on personal devices after conducting a comprehensive operations security survey.


7049ad No.2482485


ohhh shit, this is gonna be another interdasting week :)

2153ed No.2482486

>>2482284 lb


did ya know some french judas fehgel burned all the templars alive on this day in the 1307

3d9edc No.2482487


lurk moar and discover that what you just posted is a really, really bad idea.

532acb No.2482488

File: 9627fb58da5d9d8⋯.png (72.86 KB, 818x891, 818:891, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f229b817f8f3ed⋯.png (69.57 KB, 814x890, 407:445, ClipboardImage.png)

639aa0 No.2482489

File: bd00740ea35e2ae⋯.pdf (206.07 KB, fisa_title_i_summary.pdf)

File: 087d80fc307829d⋯.pdf (389.51 KB, hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf)



765d31 No.2482490


agree anon

we been down that road

and it is chock-full-o-clowns

f53fc3 No.2482491


When I tell you that your bot spam is excessive, it's the truth. You make it very very obvious that this board is controlled by bots– and that they aren't the "Russian bots" of the MSM. Why are you so stupid about it? Can't you process the overall impression the total output of bots is likely to make on human's watching, and grasp that you're vastly overdoing it? Serious question, please think it over carefully, taking as much time and investing as many resources as you need. Thank you.

885a0f No.2482492

File: 6b3fa73d832f98b⋯.gif (201.4 KB, 660x780, 11:13, 6b3fa73d832f98b2b2932b853e….gif)

7496ef No.2482493


You proved that you are stupid enough to think that it proved your point.

bfa025 No.2482494


i agree anon

if Q posted at the level of anonymous no one would give them the time of day

bunch of amateurs

948485 No.2482495

Don't get me wrong Q, I understand your drop, but have little faith in our Congress, and no faith at all that tge MSM report fairly or at all the information.

12a907 No.2482496

Applications to target a U.S. person under Title I must be accompanied by a certification from a senior national security official, which may include the Director or Deputy Director of the FBI.

Somebody is going to jail for perjury.

c85536 No.2482497


Post the thread once it's up and I can notable it.

aa2949 No.2482498


see → >>2482475

I see you are a little late for the party

42343f No.2482499


Psobitch is next. Fuck the haters.

f6867e No.2482500


^^^^^^^^^^^^ DING DING DING

dc723c No.2482501

New Q!

Q !A6yxsPKia. No.120 📁

Aug 6 2018 13:49:39 (EST) NEW

Important to understand prior to next.




b59dcc No.2482502

File: 2ff6ed48c4fa4a0⋯.pdf (167.8 KB, report-voat.pdf)

The mass banning of Infowars is a big deal. Raise hell about it.

They are ISIS.

8dc309 No.2482503

File: eeaddc5b046705f⋯.png (34.57 KB, 765x133, 765:133, ClipboardImage.png)

fc366f No.2482504



8d07a0 No.2482505


You know nothing about magick or thaumaturgy.

POTUS is currently being protected by a small but dedicated group. We've done this before.

9cb65e No.2482506

File: a3125982da3a3f9⋯.png (90.77 KB, 450x600, 3:4, BigBoom.png)

03076a No.2482507


Interesting. The first doc is not new correct? It sure would be nice for them to date these memos somewhere on the doc itself

a77ad3 No.2482508

This is a victory but I hope this story reinforces that we absolutely must get these fuckers…


1e0ac8 No.2482509


Manafort was a waste

8dc309 No.2482510

File: b8b4e853ddafc26⋯.png (25.81 KB, 760x101, 760:101, ClipboardImage.png)

5c0663 No.2482512


Q sees all no need to spam the same fucking message every bread. It's not gonna make it more likely to be responded to..


Q Wanna be


Stop sliding the bread with this bullshit. It's not big or super relevant.

8d07a0 No.2482513



57ddcf No.2482514

Hope for the best, expect the worst with all tis memo shit. Fool me once and all that jazz. I'll wait and see.

5dd40e No.2482515

Iran: Drought epidemic fuels water crisis

Various theories over cause for country's drought plague that has caused severe water supply shortages.

by Zein Basravi

1 Aug 2018

Iran has a chronic shortage of water. It is estimated there is some form of drought in 97 percent of the country.

Some blame the weather, others think it is a US conspiracy and environmental experts blame government mismanagement.

c13446 No.2482516


>Traditional Wicca

No such thing. It's new age nonsense normalizing satanism

027c68 No.2482518

>>2482474 DOH

>>2482469 DOH

(had the # wrong. woops)




>>>/patriotsfight/120 ————————– Important to understand prior to next.




6a39dc No.2482520

New Q PF

408036 No.2482521


That's great and all, but anons need a morale boost

aa2949 No.2482522


Don't you worry i'm done now.

bf1292 No.2482523

File: 5ea9260cc045d09⋯.jpg (205.05 KB, 1852x1196, 463:299, CHEKEK'DTRUMP.JPG)

537208 No.2482525


Go away Tired Ass

dc723c No.2482526


That's what the boobs are for.

de1d23 No.2482527


that's not vomit

bfc0e4 No.2482528





All for a LARP ayyy?








f4d724 No.2482529

File: e8dcd7321c93899⋯.png (597.34 KB, 478x680, 239:340, obozo-fisa-gate.png)

2b45b5 No.2482530



Important to understand prior to next.




ab3bfc No.2482531


This is not new info. Jugears signed an EO allowing for a top DOJ to sign the FISA apps.

f53fc3 No.2482532

Also BO, another issue that has not been addressed despite repeated requests:

Why do undermining ads keep getting approved and placed at the top of the catalog of this board? It is mind blowing to me, given the circumstances and centrality of this board, that pure nonsense like that currently in place, and the pedo-themed ad before it, is being approved.

And yet, for some mysterious reason, you refuse to answer such questions, and hide behind swarms of bots. Obviously this isn't acceptable BO.

537208 No.2482533


Go away Tired Ass

27f72b No.2482534


I’m enjoying this movie

fed899 No.2482535

Canada’s lucrative ties to Saudi Arabia

Canada exports more than $1.2 billion in merchandise to Saudi Arabia every year, in construction and infrastructure, mining, transportation and oil and gas, among other sectors. That doesn’t include our trade in services, which involves some of Quebec’s heaviest hitters.

Quebec-based Bombardier, for example, recently won a $514 million contract to help deliver technology for a transit system in Saudi Arabia, including 47 two-car driverless métro trains.

SNC-Lavalin, for its part, boasts of a 24-year relationship with Saudi Aramco, providing engineering services for its oil and gas facilities. It recently won two contracts worth a combined $71 million, and its consortium with a Saudi firm has increased its staff from 350 in 2012 to 800 in 2015.

Then there’s education. There are 16,000 Saudi students in Canada – all paying foreign-student fees and putting $2 billion into the economy. There are 4,000 Canadian-trained doctors in Saudi Arabia.

Two publicly subsidized Ontario colleges – Niagara and Algonquin – have been operating male-only campuses in Saudi Arabia, a major source of embarrassment to Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, a former education minister and staunch feminist. A third, Centennial College, has an apprenticeship training contract in the Gulf country.

Meanwhile, InterHealth Canada, based in Toronto, signed lucrative contracts in 2012 and 2013 to develop and manage two health facilities with the King Saud University Endowment and Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health. Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard, a doctor by training, co-founded the Dhahran Department of Neurosurgery, Saudi Arabia, where he worked from 1992 to 1996.

The deal signed with General Dynamics Land Systems Canada in London, Ont., to sell almost $15 billion in light-armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia accounted for 95 per cent of Canadian military exports in 2013-2014. It will add more than $1 billion to the tally every year for 14 years.


bcabed No.2482536

Q !A6yxsPKia. 08/06/18 (Mon) 13:49:39 No.120

Important to understand prior to next.




bf1292 No.2482537

File: 5229969d6467a12⋯.png (219.8 KB, 643x789, 643:789, ClipboardImage.png)


>Important to understand prior to next.

What's next? Pic related

f7d58b No.2482538

File: 506efe5819ac1f5⋯.jpeg (277.06 KB, 640x553, 640:553, FA7657DC-31A6-4CE8-A233-C….jpeg)


1e0ac8 No.2482539

File: e232b0bdcca72aa⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 700x700, 1:1, IMG_1172.JPG)

File: a77671fcbf48cd8⋯.jpg (58.4 KB, 960x604, 240:151, IMG_1307.JPG)

File: c7afd83357c5250⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 280x311, 280:311, IMG_1310.JPG)


Okay I'll have another

But I'm gonna go get some food stamps

06470b No.2482540



this is Tiresias, he will say AI is here, bo is a bot, bo is comped, bitch about porn ads

Don't respond nothing works against him, total nut

ab3bfc No.2482541


what the fuck is wrong with you??? How many times do you have to be told BO has no control over ads on this board. Fuck off.

027c68 No.2482542

File: 522a3c55dedba58⋯.png (521.19 KB, 800x480, 5:3, 800x480.png)


a good kick in the arse's what ye need

27f72b No.2482543


TY, anon

8f2cfa No.2482544

File: bdb80a42fcd616c⋯.jpg (595.46 KB, 1902x795, 634:265, Helos 6 Aug 18 1955.jpg)

More helo activity around Chicago, Columbus and Cleveland.

0c891a No.2482545


it's called having faith

e78696 No.2482546

File: ced49e19343ca77⋯.jpg (41.46 KB, 366x365, 366:365, 2fdkp5~2.jpg)

File: 28485720eca8d8d⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 431x430, 431:430, 2en4fe~3.jpg)





Cockneck faggot, Q lies all the fucken time….

And I mean all the fucken time.

Remember [RR] was supposed to be fired or power taken away six months ago, ain't none of that shit happened.

Alex Jones was exposing corruption 20 years before Q came around making false prediction's 80% of the time.

Future did not prove the past over 80% of the time for Q.

Without Alex Jones Hillary would be President.

8dc309 No.2482547

File: 2da883cba163f70⋯.png (81.87 KB, 813x365, 813:365, ClipboardImage.png)

6eb655 No.2482548


they're yanking our chains.

ef46aa No.2482549

File: fa64649297babbc⋯.jpeg (122.57 KB, 1136x1100, 284:275, 31A624BB-25DB-465E-9B75-E….jpeg)

bf1292 No.2482550

File: 497f4931506f004⋯.png (427.98 KB, 812x764, 203:191, ClipboardImage.png)


28c7c3 No.2482551

File: ab8c5023b6d22a6⋯.png (195.62 KB, 350x263, 350:263, Its Happening.png)

027c68 No.2482552


you think it's going to start making sense?

it's there to waste your time and get replies, and you are feeding it

25e9cf No.2482553


Aka they are looking to expose those who have weak protection on their computers and make them the patsys.

8d07a0 No.2482554


Believe it or not, there are even Satanist Patriots. Not affiliated with the cabal, but real Satanists who support the Constitution.

c71413 No.2482556


kys faggot

AJ is a comped babbling disinfo idiot

POTUS used him like he used the MSM

but a famewhore needs to famewhore

1e0ac8 No.2482557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8bc0f0 No.2482558

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, pepe_laugh_4d.jpg)



66a6ba No.2482559


It's shit like this and worse polluting the board that makes me think this is a psyop / phishing expedition / part of the J corruption project, all rolled into one. There's absolutely no reason this and worse can't be filtered out so that ordinary people don't run off horrified, and can come here and educate themselves. The powers of .gov, even undercover here, could disappear this before it became two pixels.

7f6c3e No.2482560

File: f8ffec6100035cb⋯.png (6.59 MB, 3356x1774, 1678:887, No_call_sign_8_6_18_not_fo….png)

odd no call sign….

doesn't appear on N number lookup….

lots of choppers in the sky too

c71413 No.2482561

cc3053 No.2482562


>patriots come in all creeds

even those satanist/leftist who come to their sence's

532acb No.2482563

File: 9d587e233bcc4f3⋯.png (546.52 KB, 750x629, 750:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 617a3d0476ef7a3⋯.png (97.46 KB, 742x913, 742:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4758d487eabfc64⋯.png (86.13 KB, 748x908, 187:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b47ba0c9ce5ae8⋯.png (1.12 MB, 749x887, 749:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c36ea861ed9decc⋯.png (95.82 KB, 752x864, 47:54, ClipboardImage.png)

Virginia’s taxpayer-funded Israel lobby: prototype for obtaining state tax money for Israel advocates


Cont. from images:

The Virginia Office of the Attorney General issued on May 22, 2017 a secret letter to the VIAB “regarding the selection and appointment of the position of Executive Director of the Virginia-Israel Advisory Board .” The VIAB apparently considered the letter a challenge to its authority to pick and install its own executive director without the governor’s interference. VIAB had already begun searching for a “suitable” successor executive director to Robbins by posting job descriptions on Israel advocacy organization websites.

In early 2018, VIAB shaped (PDF) and monitored HB1297, a new law designed to “keep the VIAB independent” by transferring funding and oversight of VIAB from the office of the governor to Virginia’s legislature and reducing the number of gubernatorial appointments from 13 to five.

After passage, the VIAB hoped it would gain the authority to hire its own staff (under the old authorizing law, the Office of the Governor served “as staff to the Board.”) VIAB would also no longer be subject to the governor’s oversight via control of the purse strings. VIAB chairman Norm Chaskin explained in a January 25, 2018 email (PDF) that the bill “adds back the requirement that the Governor and all other agencies shall assist the [VIAB] Board upon request…We believe this will accomplish what we have been talking about in our Board meeting for the last couple of years….Adding the word ‘independent’…shows that we are not part of any other agency or government office, which was the original idea in establishing the board.”

This VIAB independence did not include severing its state funding, since the legislation as proposed by VIAB (PDF) required, “all members shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties…”

“May draw negative attention”

The VIAB’s move worried the Jewish Community Relations Council for Greater Washington’s executive committee, which warned via email (PDF) that “the request to grant Virginia’s Israel development activities special status, status that no other economic development group enjoys, may draw negative attention to VIAB and result in VIAB’s dissolution and absorption into Virginia’s greater economic development activities.”

However, the bill reconstituting VIAB passed Virginia’s House and Senate on March 20, 2018. VIAB felt liberated and quickly filed to cover with state funds the expenses of its handpicked executive director and committed anti-BDS evangelist Dov Hoch’s travel amounting to”$1,500-$2,000″ as he journeyed through Virginia to discuss VIAB with Virginia “Legislative Services” on his way back to Israel.

VIAB quietly operates as a taxpayer-funded lobbyist for a foreign country in the fifth most economically important state of the union. Whether VIAB ever faces the backlash feared by a fellow Israel advocacy organization may depend on the actions of vastly more representative Virginia-based grassroots organizations dedicated to conditioning state support for Israel on improving its deplorable human rights record.

f32b80 No.2482564


>they're yanking our chains.

Seems like it yes.

Mocking Q and Anons

ee77a3 No.2482566


right. my thoughts are with Assange. All this activity today against people and free speech…

053226 No.2482567

File: 087d80fc307829d⋯.pdf (389.51 KB, hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf)

File: bd00740ea35e2ae⋯.pdf (206.07 KB, fisa_title_i_summary.pdf)

4b07a8 No.2482568

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, nasimgif.gif)

e75214 No.2482569


>"We simply ask everyone wanting to participate to light a candle at 3AM friday morning while chanting "Hex Ilumminati"

A mockery of the Holy Hour of Our Lord's Sacrifice on the Cross, which is at 3 pm on Fridays. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet instead to defeat this evil.

1e0ac8 No.2482572

File: a84e49db6bbfcbc⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.36 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, B36215E0-6F39-4673-95AA-BF….png)

File: f12fb6322b6542b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 109.72 KB, 782x767, 782:767, IMG_2529.JPG)

File: 9fd5659db955622⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 112.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 6236FE5F-E283-49F9-B2B8-C….jpeg)

06470b No.2482573


Dates would help

03076a No.2482574


It’d be nice to know which parts to focus on…I mean this this shit I’ve read before.

601341 No.2482575


If you weren't just an algorithm getting triggered, you would realize that the question he was asked was about the leadership of the site, the ad manager, and how we can find out about them. The important thing is that the ads are clear evidence of INTENTIONAL undermining of the board. So it's not primarily a customer service issue. This is, again, not a game. So it is imperative that BO explains things, and gives us some way of confirming that this board is not compromised.

8d07a0 No.2482576


I have studied the matter. You have not.

3dcfd4 No.2482577

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, Chan Archive Service.jpg)


They are in the same category in that they were silenced on social media. The fact that all 3 mentioned typically have nothing whatsoever to do with each other ties them together - illustrating the point all the more: first extreme, then kooky, then black woman who crossed (((the line)))

think moar, think below surface level, anon. this is a multifront war here.


screencapping & archiving the links in Q's most recent post - will be added to the spreadsheet & offsite gallery

6eb655 No.2482578


JP Jack Posobiec, KS Kurt Schlichter SA Scott Adams….all q deniers

314dfd No.2482579

File: 5529d2493014e8d⋯.png (23.49 KB, 1085x325, 217:65, 1.png)

File: 032023d1bf49d68⋯.png (12.06 KB, 1361x77, 1361:77, 2.png)

interesting coincidence found while digging to Reconcile. while in senate HRC sponsored a bill for additional research into chronic neurological condition hydrocephalus.

definition of hydrocephalus describes her.

2bf0fa No.2482580

Classic disinfo tactic is to lump a group of people together and then use an absurd outrageous individual in order to brand the group as absurd and outrageous.

Mockingbird media positions AJ as representative of the whole revisionist history movement.

AJ is being used to discredit this movement.

He serves as a mental anchor like "conspiracy theory".

When someone says "consipiracy theory" it shuts down discourse and research.

When someone says AJ it shuts down discourse.

Note how far off the mockingbird media is from understanding Q and the boards.

It doesn't matter because normies think it's an AJ crazy, lunatic thing and that's all they need to know.

831068 No.2482581

File: f4e7c05e32743a2⋯.png (292.9 KB, 444x854, 222:427, man1.png)

File: b4755f5d780875b⋯.png (299.39 KB, 448x559, 448:559, man2.png)

pay close attention to the resurgence of Manson shit, Anons

Summer of 69 was lit with occultly shit

> July 20th 1969 = First “Moon Landing”

> August 1st, 1969 = First Zodiac Letter arrives at Newspapers

> August 9th,1969 = Manson Murders, Child Removed from Womb of Sharon Tate

> August 15th, 1969 = Woodstock Music Festival begins

243313 No.2482582

File: 95ab43051c85546⋯.png (5.82 KB, 504x114, 84:19, newqinpf.PNG)

new Q in /pf/

8667c2 No.2482583


Apparently, part of the FBI’s “sources and methods” include lying to Congress and the American people.

No wonder [[[RR]]] won’t turn over the documents.

“The reason that the FBI and DOJ will not hand over copies of documents is because this way they can change or alter documents provided to different sources to hide their crimes.

These actions go against honest and transparent reporting.  Whenever an auditor or inspector is reviewing documentation and an error or fraud is uncovered, immediately a copy of the document is obtained for evidence.  This provides cover for any misunderstandings and cover-ups in the future.  By not providing documentation to Congress, the FBI and DOJ enable themselves to commit more crimes by falsifying documents or creating multiple versions of the same document to cover up their crimes.  It appears that Congress has caught them doing just that.

Redacting documents to cover up crimes or creating two sets of books to hide illegal acts are both criminal acts.  The criminals in the FBI and DOJ cannot be put in prison soon enough!”



2b98a6 No.2482584


After going through this numerous times, it is clear we have it all. All the human elements have indictments against them yet the rule of law does not arrest them. Butina is arrested yet obummer and HRC are walking free?

8f2cfa No.2482585

File: 593bfffbb6ec8e9⋯.jpg (742.27 KB, 1917x941, 1917:941, Helos 6 Aug 18 2000.jpg)

c85536 No.2482586


God bless, SA.

Keep up the excellent work.

1e0ac8 No.2482587


Tiresaik is a waste of flesh in Tucson

7bbd43 No.2482588

File: 2f07b1302033d8b⋯.jpg (202.02 KB, 1061x410, 1061:410, Screen Shot 08-06-18 at 08….JPG)

Paul announced that he had “invited members of the foreign affairs committee of Russia to come to the United States to meet with us in Washington,” after meeting with Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the foreign affairs committee in Russia’s upper house. The two sides are hoping to organize a meeting in a neutral, third country, the Kentucky lawmaker told reporters.


3d9edc No.2482590


>I see you are a little late for the party

Unfortunately, you missed that I posted several breads ago that Drakken (the person in that video) would be depressed about the chest tattoo.

58a1c9 No.2482591

File: 0b07674e27a30f1⋯.jpg (195.38 KB, 600x600, 1:1, TOP-TEN-YEAH.jpg)

3d89af No.2482592



Something big is about to drop-


049450 No.2482593


No offense, but you don't belong here.

322c47 No.2482594


Imnpagan, and I can tell you that spells were not ever meant to be "helped" or shared with others. That is between the person and the forces summoned…..NOBODY ELSE…

This poster is full of horseshit

27f72b No.2482595


And they’re against evil and corruption? If so, then they’re part of some gay outgrowth of traditional satanism and aren’t actual satanists

ab3bfc No.2482596

Q, throw us a bone, please. Highlight a specific area of those docs and how about something of a time frame? And have plans to "cast off" this existing corrupt govt been scraped?

e48129 No.2482597

File: fc74737bee01c57⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 680x1157, 680:1157, note.jpg)

f4d724 No.2482598


So Zerohour does an anonymous larp, and the MSM picks it up and projects it as real.

Interesting. That exposes both the MSM as zerohour, and indicates that zerohour is colluding with the deep state MSM

57ddcf No.2482599


Everyone belongs here.

7049ad No.2482600



If they are lucky, they will go to jail.

Treason. Military tribunal.


2bf0fa No.2482601


shill you are trying to get newfags to associate Q with Alex Jones. You can fuck right off

02f7a1 No.2482602



Satanists are not our friend, in any way shape or form.

948485 No.2482603


It's shit posts like yours that make people believe people should have faith in institutions that have been corrupted for generations, just because the person who you agree with ideologically is in power.

8d07a0 No.2482604


This board is not for ordinary people. This board is for autists and researchers. Other places have the results for that. If you aren't an autist or a researcher, go back to reddit.

66f4bf No.2482605


That is ENTIRELY up to


6abfa9 No.2482606


IMO 3 of the 4 layers:

1- SA, KS, JP all posted,replied, and liked that #17 number. All AFTER they went against Q

2- SA, KS, JP, all 3 of them are followed by DJTjr.

3- SA,KS,JP all 3 of them went against Q about at the same time

4- This one is less sure than the others: all 3 of them went against Q, but just CAN'T LET THE NUGGET GO. They tweet about it even more.

All these are IMO so don't take for granted, do your own research on this. I find it quite interesting.

f72856 No.2482608

What exactly did they say Page was doing??

If the agent of a foreign power is a U.S.

person, the government must show that the U.S. person is engaging in espionage, terrorism, or sabotage by or on behalf of a foreign power that involves a violation of a criminal statute.

>espionage, terrorism, or sabotage


06470b No.2482609

MSM and social nazis are going after Alex Jones, YAY i love the msm and social nazis NOW!!!!

see that?

f32b80 No.2482610

File: f7e044b15280a31⋯.png (65.35 KB, 648x688, 81:86, Sommer 1 re Q 8-5-18.PNG)

File: 9a0e5a119c5e44e⋯.png (96.87 KB, 706x726, 353:363, Sommer 2 re Q 8-5-18.PNG)


>JP Jack Posobiec, KS Kurt Schlichter SA Scott Adams….all q deniers


The Daily Beast Writer is keeping track

bfdf6c No.2482611

If I don't show up for jury duty how long will they let me get away with it?

How the hell are the corrupt political criminals not behind bars or worse?

180d31 No.2482612


think about these documents.

what do we know already to be true?

are these documents truthful?

aa2949 No.2482613



Though they are not "Real" Satanists now are they?

Heck this kid is most likely not even a real satanist…


You figured that out all by yourself?

92326b No.2482615


a crumb that leads to a gov website, yup Q's a Larp. what a bunch of faggots! Its time anons show these arrogant journalists what its like to be writing out right LIES!

0124e3 No.2482616

File: 63be259ffd5e690⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 480x568, 60:71, 2fe22s~2.jpg)

File: f259e79154c29fe⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2egkb1.jpg)

Anon's, Q lies all the fucken time….

And I mean all the fucken time.

Remember [RR] was supposed to be fired or power taken away six months ago, ain't none of that shit happened.

Alex Jones was exposing corruption 20 years before Q came around making false prediction's 80% of the time.

Future did not prove the past over 80% of the time for Q.

Without Alex Jones Hillary would be President.

I wouldn't trust Sessions as far as I could throw him.

22bd33 No.2482617


You cannot do evil and call it good.

God will not be mocked.

532acb No.2482618

File: f299ca6678ddfc9⋯.png (206.78 KB, 529x564, 529:564, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b22a1050a51bfa⋯.png (327.63 KB, 531x569, 531:569, ClipboardImage.png)

03076a No.2482619


Q’s been saying “something big is about to drop” for over two fucking weeks

6b9d6d No.2482620

File: c238c81c8cd2597⋯.png (84.75 KB, 276x178, 138:89, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

File: 28429f600ed9d15⋯.png (37.92 KB, 689x123, 689:123, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

File: 208eb9f6e6513b4⋯.png (39.92 KB, 674x107, 674:107, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

File: 28429f600ed9d15⋯.png (37.92 KB, 689x123, 689:123, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)


teleflora is hookers look at reviews watch superbowl commercial

a08601 No.2482621


‘Cept shills

and clowns

and trolls

and doubtfags

and concernfags.

28c7c3 No.2482622

1e0ac8 No.2482623

File: 61f2d480b204d78⋯.jpg (160.33 KB, 658x658, 1:1, IMG_2521.JPG)

File: ac7d44f4b2b97e3⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2454x2454, 1:1, IMG_2548.JPG)

ebot derps like the guns of the navarone

5ea5b5 No.2482624

New Q #120 on PF

Important to understand prior to next.



3d9edc No.2482625


This may be the stupidest slide so far. Well…FE is pretty stupid. Hm…must contemplate…

27f72b No.2482626


The first paragraph should be sufficient, i.e. the rules for spying on an American citizen

2bf0fa No.2482627


Normie invasion is making it easier to clearly state what this board stands for.

ef46aa No.2482628


He literally wrote the book on blocking criminal behavior in the name of ‘sources and methods’.

He is King Fucker Graymail every time…he used it to bury all kinds of fuckery in the General Cartwright leak case.

Cartwright fucking confessed and RR still went for the lying to FBI process charge.


8d07a0 No.2482629


Even those who don't.

Plenty of non-Christians are patriotic and support the restoration of the Republic. You might not approve of their religion, but they are just as patriotic as anyone else.

3d9edc No.2482630


And yet, you're still vapid.

28c7c3 No.2482631

File: bdd745b6522b4c3⋯.png (247.66 KB, 500x363, 500:363, Try Harder Wolf Jeopardy.png)

049450 No.2482632


Oh ffs.

He's priming the pump. You're not supposed to think this is new information. It's to educate the sheep.


3edf43 No.2482633


Looks like the Federal Government is going to take away that AQUIFER in California

bc4b3e No.2482634


So in other words, you'll be playing the boredgame Magic during that time and pretending you can fly on broomsticks, and since no one else wants to play, you're looking for long-distance participants.

da05af No.2482635



Remember the attacks will intensify.

(((THEY))) hate the TRUTH

(((THEY))) hate the LIGHT


JONES is just the BEGINNING. (1st)

(((THEY))) will try to confuse YOU.

(((THEY))) will try to DIVIDE YOU.



You know how it works (5:5)


822cd1 No.2482636

"..Classified [formerly]…"

66acd0 No.2482638


Q posted in PatriotsFight

ee77a3 No.2482639


ATTENTION! EVERYONE! THIS GUY GETS TO MAKE UP THE PLAYGROUND RULES. thank god we are safe now, trust the plan

2a5d45 No.2482640


Hmmm. Interesting reply.

>Really appreciate you being the expert on this so the rest of us don't have to.

ac9e7a No.2482641


Gastronomy: The Anthropology of Food and Food Habits

Tragic summer for foodies continues. First Bourdain, then Jonathan Gold, now French "genius of gastronomy" Joel Robuchon dies


3d89af No.2482642


For targeted U.S. citizens,

FISA Title I Summary

FISA applications must be renewed by the FISC every 90 days with a SEPERATE finding of

probable cause to continue surveillance.

They Rubber stamped the Original 3 times without adding any New findings/charges

7049ad No.2482643


>Without Alex Jones Hillary would be President.

Sorry Alex. The Military asked POTUS to run. Not you.

You're just trying to protect your brand.

22bd33 No.2482644

File: d766d6a4a7a9026⋯.jpg (115.38 KB, 714x530, 357:265, QAvalanche2.jpg)

File: 5ae45c6c2c598fb⋯.jpg (331.02 KB, 1511x788, 1511:788, QProofAvalancheD5.jpg)

File: 12d7dfb7b160a42⋯.jpg (165.62 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QProofD5Avalanche-.jpg)


It's unavoidable now.

Those in its path will be caught up in the destructive force.

They have only themselves to blame.

1b9e73 No.2482645


I’m not a Bill Hicks fan either. But if InfoWars goes down, it IS a blow to the First Amendment and a win for COMMUNISM.

b8a422 No.2482646

File: 3c23e9de403b7ba⋯.gif (2.05 MB, 500x282, 250:141, MetalFacePunch.gif)

Break the MSM.


91d939 No.2482647


Q said to Trust Sessions. Case closed.

ab3bfc No.2482648


You're full of shit, clown. You are glowing very brightly. Anons know you for the divisive POS your are. Get lost. Tell your bosses you FAILED!

765d31 No.2482649


the ads are what supports 8chan ffs. They are controlled by 8chan people. The BO has zero authority to change the ads.

If it is so concerning to you, then do as another anon did - BUY THE FUCKING AD SPACE!

The lower ad was bought by an anon.

Now you go bitching about the top ad - stop bitching and get with your like-thinking buddies and BUY THE AD SPACE or

GTFO with this shit

2bf0fa No.2482652

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, meme.pepe.shocked.png)

6b9d6d No.2482653

File: 2584b8b4d6c3cd9⋯.png (36.12 KB, 689x122, 689:122, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)


double posted same review have a bunch all the same no flowers

f3f07f No.2482654






Attention BO/BV : Can you please ban this user…

Thank you,

This has been an Qresearch public announcement.

Filter/ignore and go on digging meming and praying.


Post last edited at

bc4b3e No.2482655


Should we let shills feed normies? There's a balance to be struck, and sometimes anons just need to have fun.

b22a97 No.2482656

File: 35c9360cef40079⋯.jpg (104.86 KB, 1561x651, 223:93, AJSBZoom.jpg)

>>1372772 (Q - 5/11/18)

>>1388185 (Q - 5/12/18)

(pic incestuous)

Pretty funny to know that AJ, who is currently being dumped by a lot of major media distributors and will likely continue to be dumped given the trend, took more damage from BSing about Q than he is now.

"Be careful who you follow."

>you can't follow someone who isn't going anywhere



532acb No.2482657

File: ebf34fa566345fd⋯.png (554.2 KB, 740x453, 740:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8f8bf3db88eaca⋯.png (29.14 KB, 440x811, 440:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d40941cc8d3d95⋯.png (137.67 KB, 747x780, 249:260, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f343b6fba7e510⋯.png (37.16 KB, 731x723, 731:723, ClipboardImage.png)

Iran arrests central bank's top foreign exchange official

Arrest of Ahmad Araghchi, who was a vice-governor at the bank in charge of forex, comes as currency woes continue.


22bd33 No.2482658


Not black magic.

Not white magic either.

Not any kind of magic at all.

There IS a God and He will not be mocked.

8d07a0 No.2482659


Depends on the tradition.

03076a No.2482660


I do what I can. Going mainstream hasn’t exactly made it easy to red pill normies. I’m ready for Q to fuckin help us out.

a08601 No.2482661

File: 79f0ee95fb9d2c6⋯.jpeg (71.6 KB, 640x173, 640:173, 41B7C7DC-8874-46FC-8942-0….jpeg)

bcabed No.2482662

File: efb774df735e535⋯.png (178.01 KB, 808x1080, 101:135, Key Memo 1.png)

File: f7aa121278f66ff⋯.png (208.27 KB, 809x965, 809:965, Key Memo 2.png)

File: 226d184eaeb36b4⋯.png (145.72 KB, 807x965, 807:965, Key Memo 3.png)


fc366f No.2482663

Notice in one of the linked pdfs it described TIMING.

If the warrant is for a US Citizen they cannot continue electronic surveillance unless a separate cause is found.

I think he wants us to look at them violating the timings. I bet they KEPT SURVEILLING POTUS after time was up. TICK TOCK

e57c69 No.2482664

File: 91f112618abd261⋯.png (16.96 KB, 630x485, 126:97, Resnick.png)

File: fdd30f63c75e248⋯.jpg (233.05 KB, 960x545, 192:109, resnick_celeb.jpg)


Hustle and Flow: Here’s Who Really Controls California’s Water

Meet the California Couple Who Uses More Water Than Every Home in Los Angeles Combined How mega farmers Lynda and Stewart Resnick built their billion-dollar empire.



532acb No.2482665


Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!




885a0f No.2482667


Q also said "Trust is earned."

1fe2b3 No.2482668


I get that.

you cant have the freedom of speech taken away

no matter what. when you say you dont care if they

shut AJ down. that's wrong..i notice the Famefags are pushing it hard as well.

537208 No.2482669


They are yanking their own puds.

57ddcf No.2482670


Nice post. Your dedication has changed everything.

0124e3 No.2482671

File: 77ee391ab2656ae⋯.jpg (27.82 KB, 480x252, 40:21, 2f4bmj~2.jpg)



Faggot where is the proof you lying asshole.

6abfa9 No.2482672


>Without Alex Jones Hillary would be President.

I don't believe that.

Also, under AJ's watch W bush happened, 911 happened, BHO was elected, and lot of other shits happened.

I listened to too much AJ, I really thought he was a great guy before he went against Q, then finally understood that the guy is prolly controlled op, Shoving the NWO agenda in our face so we get acclimated to it.

8d07a0 No.2482673


Go interview a half-dozen thoughtful Satanists and then reconsider that opinion.

5e7244 No.2482674





>The government’s surveillance capabilities are extraordinary powers that must be carefully circumscribed to protect Americans’ civil liberties. Any use of these powers for political purposes or any purpose other than defending the American people is intolerable.

Dis gon git gud!!!!!

Let's see, here, basically Lisa Page did the right thing because Trump probably showed her what we knew already:



That DJT Was going to declass everything they had, and they had literally EVERYTHING.

OK, so this is another QProof… LOL.

ee77a3 No.2482675


Patriot, we may need to leave these shadows and lead in the light

8f2cfa No.2482676

File: f8137ffd33f9f6c⋯.jpg (379.03 KB, 1695x626, 1695:626, Woodbine 6 Aug 18 2000.jpg)

File: f191ab7bbfdd73b⋯.jpg (357.09 KB, 1585x652, 1585:652, Woodbine 6 Aug 18 2005.jpg)

File: d70e3663c0bded1⋯.jpg (402.4 KB, 1636x672, 409:168, Washington 6 Aug 18 2005.jpg)

More activity. Note the DHS patrolling Manassas Field - that runway was used in December as a staging point.

1e0ac8 No.2482677

File: d5e2a64398474e3⋯.jpeg (46.05 KB, 406x511, 58:73, D92F94CC-7D35-48BC-9D99-4….jpeg)

gay frog worshippers did moar for teh earth than a federated republic of a franchise to a foreign crown

0c891a No.2482678

File: 26efe2203e09042⋯.png (271.91 KB, 814x653, 814:653, ClipboardImage.png)

680468 No.2482679

File: 04888b9d737748a⋯.png (619.91 KB, 963x1120, 963:1120, Reconcile.png)

File: 54db7a09310495b⋯.jpg (437.58 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Reconciliation BB062315[1].jpg)

File: 7dd8f205e614a9e⋯.jpg (552.24 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Reconciliation 2.jpg)

File: d388908f554a40d⋯.jpg (564.87 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Reconciliation 3.jpg)

File: dd22b71cebe9060⋯.jpg (461.82 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Reconciliation 4.jpg)

>>2481768 (lb)

Picking up where Anon left off from last bread. It looks like the Reconciliation is a way to fast track a budget, and secondly the Byrd Rule is a way for the majority party to force their will on the minority party in the budget.

da28c9 No.2482680

File: ac10e98822a63f9⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Barack-Obama-Valerie-Jarre….jpg)


Valerie:Barry, let's just post a couple of URLs. They don't even need stock photo riddles anymore to follow our cult.

1b9e73 No.2482681


Left Eye Symbolism

532acb No.2482682




c71413 No.2482683

File: 92780f0528e353e⋯.png (420.09 KB, 1245x498, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)

this is called a coordinated shill tactic, by a shill who ip hops

the moar you know

e48129 No.2482684

File: 23f2162350e28d0⋯.gif (458.52 KB, 270x203, 270:203, 94d85d8d1bab28f84dc4be5b6e….gif)

5b680f No.2482685

File: 926a65967750a8f⋯.jpg (67.98 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Présentation1.jpg)

741478 No.2482686

File: 295096d36e707ca⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1084x1280, 271:320, 1533527092.png)

73c770 No.2482687

Q has kept asking us how do they present it all legally.

With this last drop is q saying they used the FISA court against the cabal?

Wray and Sessions ordered it, so /whitehats/ were able to legally spy on (((them)))?

111 days ago, WRAYs of light

Did 45 use (((their))) tactic LEGALLY agaisnt (((them)))?

66f4bf No.2482688

File: a3a5c3d4ce68783⋯.jpg (52.61 KB, 373x390, 373:390, 51LldWDg5PL.jpg)


Their Circle Jerking is So Intense.

They are gonna need some salve.


We, WIN!


bcabed No.2482689

File: 30a60a12c098550⋯.png (157.07 KB, 805x963, 805:963, FISA Title 1 Summary.png)


ff8c0e No.2482690

.>>2480960 (lb)

>Ehlers-danlos syndrome…NO

she was fat. she lost weight. she is old. her skin didn't shrink back as a younger person's skin would.

639aa0 No.2482691

Key Revelations from Declassified Memo

from https://intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf

•The Steele dossier formed an essential part of a FISA application targeting Carter Page. Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe confirmed that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) without the Steele dossier information.

•FBI and DOJ obtained from the FISC an initial warrant, and three FISA renewals.

oThen-FBI Director James Comey signed three FISA applications in question on behalf of the FBI, and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one.

oThen-Deputy Attorney General (DAG)Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and DAG Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of DOJ.

•Steele was paid over $160,000 by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary for America(Clinton campaign)for his dossier. Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials.

•While the FISA application relied on Steele’s past record of credible reporting on other unrelated matters, it ignored or concealed his anti-Trump financial and ideological motivations.

oBefore and after Steele was terminated as a source, he maintained contact with DOJ via then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr. In September 2016, Steele told Ohr, he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.” Ohr later relayed this evidence of Steele’s bias to FBI, where it was recorded in official files, but not included in any of the FISA applications.

oNone of the FISA applications mention that the FBI had separately authorized payment to Steele for the dossier information.

•According to the head of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its “infancy” at the time of the initial Page FISA application.In early January 2017, Director Comey briefed President-elect Trump on a summary of the Steele dossier, a document he later described as “salacious and unverified.”

•The Page FISA application incorrectly assesses that Steele did not directly provide information to Yahoo News. Steele has admitted in British court filings that he met with Yahoo News—and several other outlets—in September 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS.

•Perkins Coie, the law firm that hired Fusion GPS on behalf of the DNC and Clinton campaign, was aware of Steele’s initial media contacts, and hosted at least one meeting in Washington D.C. in 2016 with Steele and Fusion GPS.

•Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI withall of his wife’s opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS.

•The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos.

ab3bfc No.2482692


You're right. Realized after I hit reply. Appears to be 2 of them.

3d9edc No.2482693


Antifragility. Beautiful antifragility.

bd2ba0 No.2482694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pantyfa haz a mad

8a0d21 No.2482695


thats true i guess.. but then again I really haven't heard the infowars Q connection since Corsi's stank was amongst us

whatever mate.. Ill show ya what I mean. one sec

fb896d No.2482696


I do what I can. Going mainstream hasn’t exactly made it easy to red pill normies. I’m ready for Q to fuckin help us out.

8d07a0 No.2482697


Q doesn't answer questions like that. Read the damn documents. Keep the context in mind.

In other words . . . Expand your thinking.

5c0663 No.2482698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I'm guessing them and Anonymous and whoever else were put up to it, paid or promised exposure to their channels.

The timing is curious. MSM are desperate. They are trying to stoke a war between Qanon and others, to avoid a war they cannot win.

Also using shit sources distances themselves from any liability or slander.

Kinda like hiring MS13 to do a hit.

aa2949 No.2482699

File: b648f3385d65fe4⋯.png (198.9 KB, 624x372, 52:31, bullshit.PNG)

Trying to stop a slide.

← I posted bullshit to prove a point. I think i succeeded. No need to waste more bread on it.

2bf0fa No.2482700

File: 03b6315eb82d4d4⋯.jpeg (65.92 KB, 571x703, 571:703, meme.door.chan.leave.clow….jpeg)

fc366f No.2482702



Notice in one of the linked pdfs it described TIMING.

If the warrant is for a US Citizen they cannot continue electronic surveillance unless a separate cause is found.

I think he wants us to look at them violating the timings. I bet they KEPT SURVEILLING POTUS after time was up. TICK TOCK


3b3e2f No.2482703


There’s a Gowdy Tweet I want to find. It was literally only there for a few seconds - months back - he put it up then deleted - about Pizzagate

7bbd43 No.2482704

File: 33ffb3a53a648db⋯.jpg (132.58 KB, 534x521, 534:521, Screen Shot 08-06-18 at 08….JPG)

Deaths from the opioid fentanyl rose by nearly 30% in 2017, official government statistics show. The numbers raises fears that the UK is experiencing an opioid crisis similar to that of the US.

According to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), fatalities involving fentanyl were up by 29%, with 75 deaths in 2017, compared to 58 in the previous year.


bfa025 No.2482705


lawfag here

yes indeed anon

and even if Q had not said that i would be very confident in that man


ef46aa No.2482706

File: a0fcbdd7c3bd049⋯.jpeg (40.94 KB, 600x364, 150:91, BED3DD70-6D67-4CCE-8F2E-3….jpeg)

059903 No.2482707


quit screaming… just down vote the post… or unlike… or whatever you do where you belong

bfdf6c No.2482708

Hey Q!

If I don't show up for jury duty how long will they let me get away with it before they come pick me up?


I'm not even selling Uranium, illegally spying on American Citizens, fixing primary elections, trafficking guns/drugs/humans, forging birth certificates, getting $400,000,000 loans from Russians etc…

8f2cfa No.2482709


Organised chaos

8cd15c No.2482711

I’m see8ng a trend… and I don’t like it!!!!! FF and threats coming from the far left all over age 55!!!! Next they’re gonna take guns away from anyone over a certain age! WATCH!

8a0d21 No.2482712

File: 6819dbb3387e165⋯.png (240.35 KB, 537x487, 537:487, clownmaskanons.png)

File: 95a8f82b956deb4⋯.png (421.1 KB, 720x720, 1:1, anonclownHRC.png)

File: 830fa70c7359967⋯.png (416.16 KB, 863x500, 863:500, allforalarp.png)

File: 0def077b5ab9dfc⋯.png (142.75 KB, 594x636, 99:106, WWD1WDA.png)

File: e191fd9c7a327c5⋯.png (553.87 KB, 712x626, 356:313, whyumadbro.png)

c71413 No.2482713

If the agent of a foreign power is a U.S.

person, the government must show that the U.S. person is engaging in espionage, terrorism, or

sabotage by or on behalf of a foreign power that involves a violation of a criminal statute.


5e7244 No.2482714


Now this is a quality shitpost! Nicely done, femanon. Now, Tits, or GTFO.

2bf0fa No.2482715


Sorry. Did not mean to respond to you anon. Responding to the shill post right before this one.

b59dcc No.2482716








Change tactics

It is NOT about Alex Jones. The captured corporate media is silencing ALL alternative voices. Don't be suckered into defending one person who is easily defamed. You will be discredited by association.

Go ahead and compare this to Sarah Jeong getting hired as an editor at the New York Times. You don't need to convince people of anything, only break their trust in the media. Something is obviously wrong!

16aa2a No.2482717

File: 22fc0d2d350e065⋯.jpg (110.27 KB, 962x953, 962:953, Shepherds.jpg)

File: 34ec27828f2c9f2⋯.jpg (95 KB, 962x611, 74:47, Hakimi.jpg)

File: 336f5b45cf7a64b⋯.jpg (49.72 KB, 470x730, 47:73, Ghanadan.jpg)



The 5 victims are the pilot, identified as Scott Shepherd, the pilot's wife Lara Shepherd, realtors Floria Hakimi, her son Navid Hakimi, a musician/DJ and 29-year-old employee Nasim Ghanadan. (pics attached)

The 4 passengers all worked for Pacific Union Realty, which specializes in high end transaction. Pilot Scott Shepherd was the owner of a San Francisco real estate consulting firm Category III Aviation Corp. His wife Lara was a top consultant at Pacific Union along with the other three victims of the crash.

Important background material to put these people in context of their work life:


Pacific Union had lately been emphasizing reassembled parcels—basically, the old LA and Bay Area estates that had, years ago, been divided up into multiple residential lots, “flipping” them by demolishing the smaller structures, and selling the larger consolidated parcel of land at super premium prices.

“Pulling out a color-coded spreadsheet that he said included the names of about 2,800 billionaires, he explained that by his calculation, roughly 50 to 100 of the people on that list would be in the market for such a property — Middle Eastern royalty or a Russian oligarch being a few of the possibilities he bandied about.” Anons, it’s not difficult to imagine how tightly companies and some individuals would protect data like that.

OK, keep that in mind, and now read Floria Hakimi’s bio from the Pacific Union web site:


“Floria went to school in Tehran, Iran. She graduated from the National University of Iran with highest honors in Political Science and received a full scholarship for her graduate studies. She continued her education in Psychology and got a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology from Pahlavi University which was affiliated with Harvard.

While going to school, Floria worked at the language departments and taught English to staff and was also the head of a political party and the University. Being very active in political scene, it was clear that she had to leave her country during the riots prior to the Revolution in 1978…

Floria is involved with many local National and Global communities through supporting organizations such as, the Child Foundation, American Cancer Society, School of Practical Philosophy, and the Persian Center.”

I’m wondering what Floria Hakimi might have been doing that would have made someone angry enough to want to kill her. She was everything the mullahs despise: beautiful, successful, westernized, and politically active.

18e610 No.2482718


Your post proves you don't belong here. The why to your questions is well known to those who do.

f32b80 No.2482719


>2- SA, KS, JP, all 3 of them are followed by DJTjr.

Yes and he retweets them

That fact alone will have many believe that Q and a Anons are fake and a conspiracy

58a1c9 No.2482720


i checked. we have unlimited loafs. slide the fuck on.

8d07a0 No.2482721


Smellin' the glow on you.

d6eedb No.2482722

File: 7683b6cb516bc93⋯.jpeg (170.18 KB, 599x548, 599:548, 7683b6cb516bc9349df5dc77f….jpeg)

Covfefe Table

>>2482386 HRA here too, whatacoincidence

>>2482390 I agree


>>2482418 I am not the BAKER but Thanks for the buns

>>2482427 Witches are only good for orgies

>>2482431 fuck teh EU.

Notable EU to block US sanctions on IRAN

>>2482433 AJ is not the ENEMY, He is the FOIL >>2482434


Q !A6yxsPKia. 08/06/18 (Mon) 12:49:39 No.120

Important to understand prior to next.





>>2482463 FACEBOOK and Google Are About to Get A RUDE AWAKENING After The Senate Just Put Its Foot Down nice catch

>>2482483 OP SEC is IMPORTANT

>>2482535 Canada’s lucrative ties to Saudi Arabia

>>2482544 Shit is going down in ChIRAQ

>>2482549 She is Pretty

>>2482563 Virginia’s taxpayer-funded Israel lobby: prototype for obtaining state tax money for Israel advocates

>>2482579 Interdasting, the bitch is SICK

d093cc No.2482723



680468 No.2482724


Forgot the sauce-


027c68 No.2482725




99563f No.2482726


If you haven't been doing anything illegal in your life, you are done for.

27f72b No.2482727



This link should be removed. They’re just trying to bait anons in an effort to get their IPs.

ANONS, maintain opsec. Do not follow the link

8d07a0 No.2482728


She prays to different gods. Accept it.

6b9d6d No.2482729


want to know what we are about, Trump drinks a bottle of Fiji water, % min latter they have to shut down there sister company for selling hookers, ya Q is fake maybe, but we are not nigger

7bbd43 No.2482730

File: c37737124d70a6c⋯.jpg (237.33 KB, 1052x438, 526:219, Screen Shot 08-06-18 at 08….JPG)

A London-based radical bookshop is to stage a solidarity event in response to their premises being invaded on Saturday by a group who who destroyed displays, wrecked books, while chanting “we love Trump.”

In a message of defiance, Bookmarks of Bloomsbury, have announced on their Facebook page that they will be holding a show of solidarity event this weekend, in the wake of being targeted by “mask-wearing fascists”.

"This Saturday let's show that we won't be silenced! Join us in the shop for an afternoon of speeches, book readings and celebrating radical bookselling. Free, no booking required."

Following the attack Bookmarks Bookshop is calling for a solidarity day next Saturday 11 August from 2pm. Authors such as Dr Louise Raw and others will be coming along to read and speak. Drop in and stand against those who would destroy books. More details to follow and fb event

— Bookmarks Bookshop (@Bookmarks_books) August 5, 2018

So far, over 250 people have signed up to attend with one thousand more showing an interest in the event.

The Make Britain Great Again (MBGA) group initially uploaded a Youtube video of the confrontation in the radical bookshop, before removing it from their account. The incident came after their demonstration outside BBC’s headquarters, held in response to Facebook’s ban on Alex Jones’ conspiracy theorist and fake news website, Infowars.


a08601 No.2482731

File: 8d94b8d92c059fa⋯.png (837.89 KB, 750x499, 750:499, E291D79B-C9C7-45A3-BF82-D8….png)

File: 56f8e31a8ad8409⋯.png (753.38 KB, 489x931, 489:931, AA9E7B4B-26CF-4B3D-9A53-52….png)

File: 4cee15eb50ba718⋯.png (438.34 KB, 473x340, 473:340, 213601CB-4048-4EB9-90E0-F7….png)

File: a209dc2fda9f045⋯.jpeg (105.85 KB, 663x500, 663:500, 2EFED412-3918-409F-B12A-2….jpeg)

File: f44c489eaa75a35⋯.jpeg (131.04 KB, 585x500, 117:100, 1A97E715-7A47-4840-8DCF-9….jpeg)

6bb7e6 No.2482732

File: cdaed9a91a1087f⋯.png (941.93 KB, 965x713, 965:713, Untitled17.png)

765d31 No.2482733

File: 042d8e28d86bb0e⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 634x418, 317:209, matrix.jpg)


back - you go back now, into your safe space

this place is not for you

try Reddit or fuckberg

you are still within the matrix

we will be here when you awake

0124e3 No.2482734

File: c1c2642d002ad48⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 958x584, 479:292, 8lzxiqnq2fe11.jpg)

File: 63be259ffd5e690⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 480x568, 60:71, 2fe22s~2.jpg)

Anon's, Q lies all the fucken time….

And I mean all the fucken time.

Remember [RR] was supposed to be fired or power taken away six months ago, ain't none of that shit happened.

Alex Jones was exposing corruption 20 years before Q came around making false prediction's 80% of the time.

Future did not prove the past over 80% of the time for Q.

Without Alex Jones Hillary would be President.

I wouldn't trust Sessions as far as I could throw him.

Q's first post , Q is a lying motherfucker.

ffdb1f No.2482735


That's cute what you're trying to do, fuckyboy

18e610 No.2482736


You're late.

1e0ac8 No.2482737

File: 67e2f6f3ee0c843⋯.jpg (335.54 KB, 1216x1216, 1:1, IMG_2495.JPG)

Hola somos Anonymous Templarios: NO HACKEAMOS FACEBOOK NO SOMOS DEL GOBIERNO NO HACEMOS TRABAJOS NO ACEPTAMOS MENORES DE EDAD NI NIÑOS RATA Si no es el caso por lo anterior puedes dejarnos tu mensaje. Te responderemos en alguna oportunidad.

8f2cfa No.2482738


The servers will prove this, along with Uranium 1 and Brennan fraternizing with the enemy.

9cb65e No.2482739

265386 No.2482740

It's important to understand that the entire Russian collusion narrative and subsequent "witch hunt" is a lie wrapped inside deception and tied together with falsehood.

7049ad No.2482741


Are you butthurt that I'm calling Alex out?

Why is that?

FWIW a famefag like Alex would be crazy to not try to protect his brand.

His method of doing it, is what I question.

8d07a0 No.2482742


Just trying to keep this place from becoming a Christofacist crusade.

504870 No.2482743


seriously? describe comped. describe fuckery. what you say is like saying I have ice cream for sale and not giving out the flavor. no below 70 IQ here. new tactic.

92d0ca No.2482744

a60b28 No.2482745

Q, every single person involved in the attempt to keep the American people from electing our president should have their assets seized and liquidated and every penny from that should be given back to the American taxpayers. This corruption is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable.

f72856 No.2482746


Separate finding

For targeted U.S. citizens,

FISA applications must be renewed by the FISC every 90 days with a separate finding of

probable cause to continue surveillance.

Does reissuing the same application using the same evidence constitute a 'separate finding' to continue?

6a39dc No.2482747


Weird. The exact same answer, word for word, by 2 "different" anons…

66f4bf No.2482748

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, a_ov_Pepe_160928.760;428;7….jpg)

532acb No.2482749

File: 561c3a72b456cc7⋯.png (164.24 KB, 700x913, 700:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee66425a7db750c⋯.png (69.59 KB, 717x916, 717:916, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f59e6e3bcd57874⋯.png (61.68 KB, 723x839, 723:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c40605211f89099⋯.png (24.87 KB, 720x358, 360:179, ClipboardImage.png)

When Israel Backers Claim to be Anti-racist, One Needs to Ask Questions


8d07a0 No.2482750


The restoration of the Republic.

c71413 No.2482751


you would be a AJ supporter muh dick

765d31 No.2482752


Tiresias, you are so tiresome

your name fits

fc366f No.2482753



3dcfd4 No.2482754

ARCHIVES for the documents Q posted:

1st document




Memo Key Points

ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/3fCMC

2nd document




FISA Title I Summary

ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/UJ5ql

da28c9 No.2482755



85d1c3 No.2482756

File: 535d2ca157f400d⋯.png (35.48 KB, 1012x265, 1012:265, floridagunmanstopped.PNG)

A FF stopped?


ab3bfc No.2482757


2 weeks? How about 4 months? Big, bigger, biggest. Boom, boom, boom. I truly hate the word "soon".

4b07a8 No.2482758

File: 91549391902c5c6⋯.png (380.47 KB, 494x480, 247:240, ClipboardImage.png)

c71413 No.2482759

Steele was paid over $160,000 by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and

Hillary for America (Clinton campaign) for his dossier. Neither the initial application in

October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton

campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political

origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials.

885a0f No.2482761


What am I "trying to do"?

7edb32 No.2482762


read the bible friendo. no one is beyond redemption.

c1d274 No.2482763

File: 3ff027d0769aa26⋯.png (391.72 KB, 427x868, 61:124, Capture1.PNG)

File: e0fb58e0e67bb38⋯.png (41 KB, 570x261, 190:87, Capture.PNG)

File: 1d03bc8dc59aa9c⋯.png (22.02 KB, 684x299, 684:299, Capture2.PNG)

File: c4d1078a04d166f⋯.png (21.94 KB, 684x308, 171:77, Capture3.PNG)

File: d07372e0b29a177⋯.png (166.89 KB, 2065x1080, 413:216, WelcomeToTheMainstream8-5-….png)

Anons, quick word on The Hill's article about 'Anonymous' attacking us:

It's bullshit.

Read this article "How One Man Tracked Down Anonymous — and Paid a Heavy Price":


Pic related is an excerpt. Note the name of the leader.

This is the Anon that hates Pepe; there was a time when Anonymous had no logo, because logos can be coopted; great arguments once broke out over it at 4chan many years ago. What happened? SJW's started to pretend to represent Anonymous. Instead of doing everything for the Lulz, suddenly 'Anonymous' became SJW central. You saw Guy Fawkes masks being worn by every neckbeard Beta coast-to-coast.

The Hill doesn't speak for Anonymous, and neither does that Twitter account. Note that 'Anonymous' has gone into serious decline since the time of that article–where once it involved serious, technically gifted anons, now it primarily involves doxxing and swatting; all that requires is manpower and people willing to make a phone call. More than likely the real oldfag Anons saw what happened and stopped participating.

If manpower makes the difference, I call your attention to the recent numbers on 'qanon' searches: up 355% over all-time highs. If you take 8ch.net's normal traffic to be 250k users/day, that means that we're probably over 1.3mm visitors daily now—30% more than 4chan.

Stay the course, and never forget—Anonymous is us.

af8da5 No.2482764


they don't know how to…wrong sex

22bd33 No.2482765

File: 967fdc7d9977dc0⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 543x415, 543:415, 2018-08-06 19:09:46Z.jpg)


>>2482662 House Intelligence Committee memo on FISA abuse memo


Strange that it isn't dated. I downloaded from the house.gov link you provided.

The PDF file properties indicate a date of 02 February 2018. Pic related.

Is this newly published?

7f6c3e No.2482766

File: f0ab2926032d7ba⋯.png (3.34 MB, 2142x1760, 1071:880, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 6c8d58b1ef07563⋯.png (35.3 KB, 788x268, 197:67, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)


this is the 2nd no call sign I've spotted going up the east coast that when you checked the N number…. it doesn't exist

33860a No.2482767

File: 075b49cd67d2367⋯.jpg (128.37 KB, 1006x667, 1006:667, Screenshot_20180806-141042….jpg)

File: 8dbdbc09e723b9a⋯.jpg (127.23 KB, 1002x632, 501:316, Screenshot_20180806-140653….jpg)

Q's [20] day absence are in reference to the [20] redacted pages of the 4th and last FISA that [RR] signed. The redacted FISA being declassified will be a final nail. Impossible to defend





f3f07f No.2482768



Be gone shill…

1e0ac8 No.2482769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


886487 No.2482770


Do you go to a friend's house and tell them how clean they should keep it…

532acb No.2482771

File: 1331921cb753e8a⋯.png (331 KB, 904x840, 113:105, ClipboardImage.png)

Hours Before Trump Restores Iran Sanctions, Rouhani Says "Open To Negotiations"


c71413 No.2482772

According to the head of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill

Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its “infancy” at the time of the initial

Page FISA application. In early January 2017, Director Comey briefed President-elect

Trump on a summary of the Steele dossier, a document he later described as “salacious

and unverified.”

43f4d2 No.2482773

5c0663 No.2482774

File: 504b1603963b351⋯.png (258.97 KB, 600x337, 600:337, shill a.png)


Nobody's forcing you to stay here and post shit

ee77a3 No.2482775


yes, well said. and where is the ONE place we are all going?

27f72b No.2482776


If you’re part of some trendy off-shoot of satanism, that makes you a willful idiot, not a real satanist. Educate yourself

049450 No.2482777



You're right. Assholes.

079c84 No.2482778



680468 No.2482779

File: 9ad7915bfb18e2e⋯.gif (429.8 KB, 480x313, 480:313, Weathertrigger.gif)

fb896d No.2482780

Hey Q, some anons are getting battle fatigue. Hopin you are providing some relief soon

93cf52 No.2482781

File: bbb0cb9eb612687⋯.png (436.14 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf-….png)

File: 1feab8d4e1bc6a5⋯.png (639.36 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf-….png)

File: 4be251cf080cd91⋯.png (584 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, hpsci_memo_key_points.pdf-….png)

File: 88616d9a8d2cde6⋯.png (542.58 KB, 2550x3301, 2550:3301, fisa_title_i_summary.pdf-1.png)

0e48f3 No.2482782


Only 4 pages of text in the 2 documents

Everyone should read them.


c71413 No.2482783


The Memo is NOT intended to undermine the Special Counsel: It is intended to expose past abuses of the FISA process at DOJ and FBI.

99563f No.2482784

File: 39960d6a553b3ca⋯.jpg (52.92 KB, 750x493, 750:493, 23ldvj.jpg)

0124e3 No.2482785

File: 74199c9b68ba37d⋯.jpg (54.65 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2fdhq8~2.jpg)





Just keep sucking Q's cock you idiot freak.

5f347d No.2482786


>they're yanking our chains.

No chains on me


4. Long my imprisoned spirit lay,

fast bound in sin and nature's night;

thine eye diffused a quickening ray;

I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;

my chains fell off, my heart was free,

I rose, went forth, and followed thee.

My chains fell off, my heart was free,

I rose, went forth, and followed thee. "

8f2cfa No.2482787

File: e2597043125b625⋯.jpg (451.01 KB, 1815x738, 605:246, Arkansas 6 Aug 18 2010.jpg)

58a1c9 No.2482788

File: f5560e0f0002c61⋯.jpg (327.25 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 1794.jpg)

File: ef301517adbe1cc⋯.jpg (323.2 KB, 2000x1983, 2000:1983, 1816.jpg)

ab3bfc No.2482789


This should not be a surprise anon. Logical thinking would lead you to believe that "new" evidence must be used to continue to surveil an American citizen.

Everything about the FISA is corrupt. This is just more stall tactics.

504870 No.2482790



57530b No.2482791

File: 49ba2ec9e4aa0f7⋯.jpeg (20.66 KB, 474x353, 474:353, A8DE1C1D-1785-4EE4-9B62-1….jpeg)

Ok so get your proof ready get out the bottles of red pills/ we are about to get an influx of newfags who ride the Anonymous dick!! Let’s do this

639aa0 No.2482792


>•FBI and DOJ obtained from the FISC an initial warrant, and three FISA renewals.




c71413 No.2482793

File: 0c92b230d924d54⋯.png (145.26 KB, 722x620, 361:310, ClipboardImage.png)

8d07a0 No.2482794


Desert gods are all lie. And this is not your pulpit. If someone wants to pray against the cabal, I won't discourage them.

06470b No.2482795



1e0ac8 No.2482796

If you are haunted by a nasim fehgel

Sometimes there is a turd in a box under the bed

e57c69 No.2482798

File: 3e2be5d751bce8c⋯.jpg (288.46 KB, 800x760, 20:19, 3e2be5d751bce8c962accb7bd9….jpg)

40610a No.2482799

File: b547c4358b94d13⋯.png (4.76 KB, 486x105, 162:35, ClipboardImage.png)

5f08d2 No.2482800

File: d7484bb5538a2ff⋯.gif (894.2 KB, 250x205, 50:41, giphy (12).gif)

765d31 No.2482801


and maybe it is the perfect reason to change the way jewtube and twitter operate to censor.

ffdb1f No.2482802

Shoo its shilly today. Why are there so many 8th grade shills on this board? Mama take away your PS3? Or maybe you're cheaper cos you let them pay you in jellybeans and Juul pods.

Something sure has dumped you the fuck dowwwwn

95d75d No.2482803

whats the scoop on Gen Flynn Background and Q Tripcodes ?

asking for a friend

he change his background last few tripcodes or some sheit

2b45b5 No.2482804

File: 344003e8731cd7f⋯.png (38.75 KB, 634x363, 634:363, ClipboardImage.png)



16aa2a No.2482805


I know, right?

Is the name Nasim the Middle Eastern version of Jennifer?

Suddenly it's everywhere.

This plane crash is making my antenna twitch. Something ain't right.

27f72b No.2482806


Frenly fire! Frenly fire! No worries, anon

0e48f3 No.2482807


The 4 pages of text

Is short enough

That you could issue

A series of Tweets

And give it wider distribution

4b07a8 No.2482808

File: bfb178cdd798867⋯.png (34.94 KB, 170x216, 85:108, JIDFtard.png)

File: 49ffe722836c5db⋯.png (129.15 KB, 243x475, 243:475, JIDFteam2.png)

66a6ba No.2482809


Vapid. Empty. Nuttin.


If you say this board is not controlled by an "institution," you are one ignorant asshole or on the payroll.


Q said the normies are coming in droves and to put up research to inform them. This board is for ordinary people.


This board is not yours, one word from Q and you're evicted.

c71413 No.2482810

File: 4cf5843cdedd6e8⋯.png (118.32 KB, 835x364, 835:364, ClipboardImage.png)

kek, whole part on liddle adam

28310c No.2482811


Waiting until final primaries over to interact and start unsealing indictments. Then all the Democrat candidates are locked in. >>2482767

314dfd No.2482812


anons all have rank of PRIVATE

ef46aa No.2482813

File: ea0072e62c2f568⋯.jpeg (74.98 KB, 544x400, 34:25, C4C0B88F-D1DA-42E4-A75C-4….jpeg)

64f8ac No.2482814

296642 No.2482815

File: d8d456316803359⋯.jpg (9.9 KB, 182x255, 182:255, WHTRAB.jpg)

anyone see Jack P BIG Q debunk moment, i haven't

8429c0 No.2482816


GTFO with your trash

227875 No.2482817

File: dc9304b2e0be2fa⋯.png (503.7 KB, 1283x850, 1283:850, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 4b38813041694d1⋯.png (905.02 KB, 1295x885, 259:177, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 9cd0a8df22f1d6a⋯.jpg (16.39 KB, 229x221, 229:221, 944f9c4f770976c32630cae426….jpg)

LMAO Anons at war with Q


9cb65e No.2482818

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS.png)

b59dcc No.2482819


> > If the agent of a foreign power is a U.S.person, the government must show that the U.S. person is engaging in espionage, terrorism, or sabotage by or on behalf of a foreign power that involves a violation of a criminal statute.


I think you're on to something, but if they use that as grounds to cancel the Mueller investigation, there will be such a shitshow.

e48129 No.2482820





e8f5ab No.2482821


I knew it. Ebot is an HolaAnon. Explains his obsession with tacos.

b72293 No.2482822

What the fuck is going on with all the AJ support? Screw this faketriot

532acb No.2482823

File: 8a887b156edd2dd⋯.png (29.75 KB, 750x256, 375:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cb36c2a7cc52bd⋯.png (103.57 KB, 708x863, 708:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 260af8cbb2b1bbb⋯.png (84.77 KB, 755x868, 755:868, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33410925d49953e⋯.png (76.13 KB, 753x759, 251:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4a5875171700bd⋯.png (20.51 KB, 738x216, 41:12, ClipboardImage.png)

There Will Be No Alliance vs China. Avoiding a Russian-American War Will Be Success Enough

China, which isn't even a military super power yet, does not threaten Russia


78c671 No.2482824

File: 3866fe6fcf490a7⋯.png (287.82 KB, 343x343, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

1e0ac8 No.2482825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MARILYN MANSON was the gaytriot of the cia Lazarus project

93cf52 No.2482826

c71413 No.2482827


kek, probably realized he was talking to 0hour or some other butthurt famefaggot

1b9e73 No.2482828


Good stuff.

bc4b3e No.2482829


You learned in law school to trust Sessions? I'm not questioning your conclusion, just the reasoning.

3dcfd4 No.2482830

>>2482691 Key Revelations from Declassified Memo


e4c598 No.2482831


To claim one single person is responsible for electing trump is extremely narcissistic and I hate you even more. Kys

6fe2a6 No.2482832

File: 96130dac0b20501⋯.png (436.94 KB, 600x682, 300:341, winning.png)



a6a063 No.2482833


This makes the most sense…isn't it all over tomorrow?

33860a No.2482834


When's that?

85d1c3 No.2482835

File: 6b0ee2c5bcd07eb⋯.png (9.69 KB, 732x129, 244:43, 11childrenrescued.PNG)

Five people have been arrested in New Mexico after police raided a remote desert encampment and found 11 children living among potential Muslim extremists in “filthy” conditions.

The three women – mothers of the 11 children aged between one and 15 – and two men were all charged with child abuse.

One of the men, Siraj Wahhaj, 39, was wanted in his home state of Georgia for questioning over the disappearance of his three-year-old son, Abdul. Both father and son were last seen in December, when Wahhaj told his wife, Hakima Ramzi, that he was taking the boy to the park.


2185ee No.2482836

File: 06144ba14a87ae9⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 792x792, 1:1, MScortes.jpg)

243313 No.2482837

a2b708 No.2482838


Ok boss - understood. Ready for next.

6abfa9 No.2482839


Man I rarely go on the board during the day, but this place is filled with ignorants or shills.

Your on a god damned Q board. Q directly CALLED OUT AJ as being an impostor, along with corsi.

And now all I see are post defending AJ. What the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? and then you are surprised anons are calling AJ out.

Again, Q could not be more obvious about AJ.

You guys would have better chance defending AJ everywhere but here

27f72b No.2482840

File: 1ee0bdd9b5fa8e2⋯.jpeg (11.6 KB, 255x191, 255:191, AE89FAD1-A466-4517-A387-0….jpeg)

c71413 No.2482841

File: 21eea8a1709aa53⋯.png (3.26 MB, 4024x2298, 2012:1149, plantssidebyside.png)


see: >>2482783

and the pic

mueller is /ourguy/, a black hat that was flipped to a grey hat

f6867e No.2482843



ab3bfc No.2482844


>Hopin you are providing some relief soon

Hate that word. Have not the past 10 months taught us there is no such thing as "soon"?

bcabed No.2482845


Sauce on it was from Q today on


fb896d No.2482846

File: d8a09edd15efbd4⋯.jpeg (473.48 KB, 1125x1001, 1125:1001, 91440737-1D08-4FF0-BC2B-E….jpeg)

Hey Q, it’s been 3 months. Isn’t it about time you landed this fucker?

7e2e29 No.2482847

File: 5c59f000d2f0f1b⋯.png (4.72 KB, 232x100, 58:25, Q capcha 25.png)


Toughest part of being a shill: telling your parents you're gay

4b07a8 No.2482848

File: 4d8ed2b508cd119⋯.png (253.39 KB, 507x678, 169:226, MUHSESSIONS.png)

1e0ac8 No.2482849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cia macabre banker theatre inplainsight

Marylin Manson has an awesome sense of humour FYI

d1810b No.2482850

b72293 No.2482851


Fake & gay. Fuck off

28c7c3 No.2482852

File: e494e9c1b26ecbb⋯.png (184.18 KB, 400x400, 1:1, hat-tip-smallest.png)

16aa2a No.2482853

File: d44fc434974bc62⋯.png (227.79 KB, 455x439, 455:439, PepeUK.png)

0e48f3 No.2482855


If you shills don't stop this effort to BAN

Another board on 8chan

I might have to go to that board and participate

In the discussions there

Obvious shilling tactics include


Calls for BANNING

and use of too many big red letters

28310c No.2482856



Yes, tomorrrow

0124e3 No.2482858

File: a92576a106dbca2⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 400x502, 200:251, a697afdf3fb487f34893e6f98e….jpg)

File: a517f74a32d42ba⋯.gif (442.55 KB, 500x319, 500:319, a517f74a32d42ba0111e449d8d….gif)

Anon's, Q lies all the fucken time…

And I mean all the fucken time.

Remember [RR] was supposed to be fired or power taken away six months ago, ain't none of that shit happened.

Alex Jones was exposing corruption 20 years before Q came around making false prediction's 80% of the time.

Future did not prove the past over 80% of the time for Q.

Without Alex Jones Hillary would be President.

I wouldn't trust Sessions as far as I could throw him.

dbab2d No.2482859

File: 221be035a4eb7cd⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 295x319, 295:319, 1500444732906.jpg)


Refresh page. Look again. All links go to the Jenk board.

Tiresias, do you huff jenk bro?!

f80632 No.2482860

File: 78a09d117d90ff8⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 600x450, 4:3, WTF .jpg)

1e0ac8 No.2482861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c71413 No.2482862


stfu muh dick

f72856 No.2482863

File: e3c473e8f36bccd⋯.jpg (36.13 KB, 461x465, 461:465, teleflora.JPG)

It's a Wonderful Day

Pic related?


532acb No.2482864

File: 03e2be9cd15bcda⋯.png (233.99 KB, 893x482, 893:482, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1254222955c02bb⋯.png (589.97 KB, 924x777, 44:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96da0d2c466db46⋯.png (240.91 KB, 913x390, 913:390, ClipboardImage.png)


Employee Sues UGA For Declining To Pay For 'Transition' Surgery


da28c9 No.2482865


I'm guessing it will happen faster than MAR BOOM BOOMs, JUN JA release, or JUL truths.

227875 No.2482866

File: f65729645b22ec4⋯.jpg (840.27 KB, 2305x1597, 2305:1597, 38aa537fd9c0f8fd69b19d5c4f….jpg)



765d31 No.2482867


we are swimming in shitshow for about 3 months now

8f2cfa No.2482868

File: afa30cb20e3ac22⋯.jpg (479.59 KB, 1815x785, 363:157, Dallas 6 Aug 18 2015.jpg)

06470b No.2482869

File: ea11ab4f632dda7⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 800x600, 4:3, pepe middle finger.gif)


said the reddit spacer , hey if you click the pic it's a cool gif

4cdf45 No.2482870


Ffs anons. Stop informing the board of a drop of you haven’t bothered to read the bread. HE dropped more than 10 minutes before you posted. You honestly think the rest of us are asleep at the wheel here? You aren’t too he only one. There’s like 3 more here

da4a84 No.2482871

Applications to target a U.S. person under Title I must be accompanied by a certification from a senior national security official, which may include the Director - ???

or Deputy Director -???

of the FBI.

They must then be approved by the

Attorney General-???

the Deputy Attorney General -???

or the Assistant Attorney General -???

for National Security.

If one of those officials approves an application, it is then sent to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), which consists of judges -???

selected by the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court who serve on a rotating basis.

82eaa8 No.2482872


"Muh AJ"

ff8c0e No.2482873


well I guess the unredacted is going to be dropped.


12a907 No.2482874

If they didn't have a problem targeting POTUS under false pretenses, do you think they would have hesitated to target any of us who were fighting against the MSM and shill army to bury the Wikileaks disclosures?

c71413 No.2482875


stfu CTA

8bc0f0 No.2482876

File: edd3c56b63db8ec⋯.jpg (11.06 KB, 300x180, 5:3, aj_front.jpg)

So based on my quick observation of events that unfolded yesterday and today regarding Alex Jones:

1. Silicon Valley commies have been coordinated into kicking AJ off _at the same time_. Usual tactic would be to make the bans come separately so as to conceal their organized nature, but this time they willingly outed themselves

2. In parallel, there's a coordinated effort by the shills to rile up the MAGA base into defending AJ and possibly "take to the streets" - I've seen it across many platforms

3. In parallel, a batch of supposedly Trump supporting media figures launched an attack on the Q movement - again coordinated, with a unified message being blasted

Anons I believe their end goal is not to simply remove AJ off the web, it's to provoke an uncontrolled reaction from the MAGA movement and paint us as violent conspiracy theorists.


8cd003 No.2482877

File: 453fd5d6e7d65dd⋯.jpg (83.28 KB, 660x464, 165:116, qstory38013401_19639622036….jpg)

The Q phenomenon has truly gone world-wide. TIME Magazine recently acknowledged that Q was one of the 25 most influential people upon the internet, they also admitted that over 130,000 videos have been made upon Q on YouTube. That was a month ago, where are we at now 150,000? All for a larp? All for an internet troll? Obviously not.


da28c9 No.2482878



bc4b3e No.2482879


No, that's the face of a social "justice" warrior commie taking their first DNC cock up the ass.

bf1292 No.2482880


>It is NOT about Alex Jones.


>The captured corporate media is silencing ALL alternative voices.

They will fail.

>Don't be suckered into defending one person who is easily defamed. You will be discredited by association.

Re_read >>2482468, far from a defense of said person

>Go ahead and compare this to Sarah Jeong getting hired as an editor at the New York Times. You don't need to convince people of anything, only break their trust in the media.

This is one reason why they will fail

> Something is obviously wrong!

Has been for quite a long time.

ef320f No.2482881


Watch the Water.

537208 No.2482882


Q did NOT directly call out either Corsi or AJ, they called themselves out based on a post that DIDN'T name names.

bd3731 No.2482883

File: 973b6c82bce962c⋯.png (890.75 KB, 989x555, 989:555, thasrsga.png)


Don't know who KS is (don't follow any twatterers), but JP the OAN guy & SA have been out to expose truths from Day 1.

Their audience is already red-pilled, so egging their followers to blast them w/ Q Proofs and having it spread like it has across multiple fora appears to be good strategy. Q's main purpose IS to kill the spoon-feeding which dumbs people down and it's working. If these guys just post how they're for Q, they're preaching to the choir. Controversy is the ONLY thing that grabs attention.

The OAN guy will report on "Q" alright – which will be the actual truths raining down. They've been reporting nothing but the truths since their inception, therefore their viewers are already aware of much of what Q says. The MOABs won't be such a shock to them, while corrupt msm will finally be FORCED to report actual news for a change.

73c770 No.2482884





Was Q telling us they have active FISA warrants on (((them)))m

3dcfd4 No.2482885


Capitalized words:

S, O, B, C





9d25de No.2482886


OMG ! its ridiculous!

678835 No.2482887

Kurt Schlicter


fb896d No.2482888


>Hate that word. Have not the past 10 months taught us there is no such thing as "soon"?

Good point. I think the best we can hope for is a new Q pep talk about oaths, Declaration of Independence excerpts etc etc

2bf0fa No.2482889


The culture sears away the bullshit. Facts valued. Opinion meaningless unless positing a theory. No spokesperson to disparage. Amorphous. Dynamic. Self regulating. Invulnerable.

1e0ac8 No.2482890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


༼つಠ益ಠ༽つ ─=≡ΣO))

Be ware of the fecal maniacs of the macabre

bfa025 No.2482891


no - law school teaches zero real life skills

all academics

i learned from 25 years practice to distinguish a real lawyer from a shyster

sessions is tippy top

b59dcc No.2482892


> LMAO Anons at war with Q

> https://constitution.com/information-infiltration-anonymous-declares-war-on-qanon/

"Anonymous" all outed by Biella Coleman and working for big dollar Democratic financiers like Soros, Omidyar, Goldman Sachs, and Pritzker in exchange for the attorneys general not jailing them for their script kiddie backgrounds and pedo shit. They work at the Berkman Center, Shorenstein Center, MIT Media Lab, and USC Annenberg.

So anonymous.

7049ad No.2482893

>>2482475, >>2482602

> commentary on the trans maga person

The thing I see as most unfortunate… And I feel what we are really seeing (imo) is:

A severely Mk'd and physically destroyed individual… That is coming out of it in some regards.

If they were to learn the full truth about what's been (so obviously) done to them. They could very well be one of those people that goes to the hospital from what they learn.

Don't be like [them].

Pray for this person. They can be saved.

2b98a6 No.2482894

Q states that there are some who won't be able to walk down the street. You have to understand that this group is wider than some think. It also encompasses bankers, of course politicians. It might even be some educators and doctors. No I'm not advocating violence. Ostracizing people until they get on there knees

This fabricated, artificial construct is coming to a close - many are suffering while 'it plays out' and some are dying while all plays out. Grab the popcorn

8d07a0 No.2482895


What was the point?

27f72b No.2482896


That board is just social engineering that will try to dupe anons to click on malicious links

5e7244 No.2482898


True, and not only that, they pinned it on Carter Page, and used a leap of logic to use it against Trump.

CARTER PAGE WAS AN FBI INFORMANT IN RUSSIA. FBI still hasn't come clean about this. It was a setup from the get-go.

aa2949 No.2482900

File: 69edee10a22bea8⋯.jpg (6.52 MB, 5333x4000, 5333:4000, me.jpg)


You asked for it

5eca39 No.2482901

File: 9b06df912166a62⋯.jpg (470.82 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Bless-this-Bread-4.jpg)


Thanks frenz. Love you all.

a2b708 No.2482902

Delta 24



f6867e No.2482903


equal laws for everyone

e8f5ab No.2482904

File: 1a25ed3736f05a3⋯.jpg (147.36 KB, 1470x1862, 15:19, opendoor.jpg)

a77ad3 No.2482905



And here is a bit about this leftist


3dcfd4 No.2482906


>Anons I believe their end goal is not to simply remove AJ off the web, it's to provoke an uncontrolled reaction from the MAGA movement and paint us as violent conspiracy theorists.


639aa0 No.2482907


aw shit it's a manwitch.

d5c968 No.2482908

File: cb1f26ebc60ed69⋯.png (134.85 KB, 660x650, 66:65, dumfagatz.PNG)

dam these cunts..

7049ad No.2482909


So you're a vapid tool? Noted.

bd3731 No.2482910


Thhnks, anon, will check out his twatter. Reckon it's carbon copy of the other two.

fb896d No.2482911


>Q states that there are some who won't be able to walk down the street

They certainly haven’t had any problems for the past year and a half

1e0ac8 No.2482912

File: dd4d81cca927669⋯.jpg (295.71 KB, 958x958, 1:1, IMG_2427.JPG)

File: e678bf90d927ef2⋯.png (378.64 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2429.PNG)

File: 7adf9a35843d3c6⋯.jpg (807.06 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 14BE13D6-E852-4099-8F21-F7….jpg)

5ea5b5 No.2482913


Are we to assume, Feinstein hired a Chinese driver because she could not find an American citizen qualified to drive? Or does she have a different incredible explanation.

09fc73 No.2482914

File: 6685e092100c248⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 6685e092100c24868c1ac1e90a….png)

0124e3 No.2482915

File: c1c2642d002ad48⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 958x584, 479:292, 8lzxiqnq2fe11.jpg)

File: fb0c0cf1dcc17cf⋯.jpg (76.62 KB, 480x522, 80:87, 2fe2at~2.jpg)




Shill you are a lying piece of shit.

Look at Q's first post, he's been bullshitting everyone since day one.

Alex Jones is the original take on the globalists movement.

765d31 No.2482916


that was the intent…

2736b8 No.2482917


Of course he did. He's been using the laws they drew up to use on us and turned it on them. They never thought she would lose

3ad05e No.2482918

File: 8aa95c54962cc66⋯.jpeg (243.38 KB, 1440x965, 288:193, 1525443972.jpeg)

3edf43 No.2482919


BOOM! America gets an Aquifer!!!

e57c69 No.2482920


Pomegranate Princess

Lynda Resnick’s eye for a product.


023daa No.2482921


yes but once its been officially designated as a coup, then POTUS can declare martial law and use any and all power he wants..MI//NSA/ Marines

the dipshits handed him full power…

c71413 No.2482922

File: 613a89354f647c7⋯.png (493.39 KB, 845x1108, 845:1108, pepesideface.png)


yes yes yes

94a7e1 No.2482923

File: aa10e1c45e6e35a⋯.jpg (7.67 KB, 250x241, 250:241, 18a752191e76b1cfb8a0210409….jpg)

6fe2a6 No.2482924


kek scott said in the video that people who follow Q are higher IQ than normal people

So you must be right

4b07a8 No.2482925

File: 4ad063a2d9e7bf2⋯.png (2.21 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, BILLHILLGEORGEINAUG.PNG)

546d8a No.2482926

File: 02c5df92f18bea2⋯.png (5.93 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3FF997FA-655C-4C7A-B473-9F….png)

File: a542097a4dd8b42⋯.png (911.89 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 851F6368-788F-469F-8F23-1A….png)

Can anyone help figure this dude from half chan out? Any guesses?

c7536f No.2482927


The way to make this a positive for the Q Movement is:

a) embrace AJ's lowered visibility on the web. It only drives more of the curious normies to Qresarch if AJ isn't there distracting them.

b) stay off the streets. Demonstrations never accomplished anything positive and our strength lies in our anonymity… which would be gone once we are on camera.

8d07a0 No.2482928


Yet here you are.

532acb No.2482929

File: c0dac9de848da05⋯.png (484.11 KB, 747x856, 747:856, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2e1832ba683af0⋯.png (75.27 KB, 741x873, 247:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a73c94ebc404190⋯.png (70.36 KB, 736x882, 368:441, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34c227f0c4bf5e3⋯.png (80.29 KB, 762x871, 762:871, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Slams Leak of Secret Memo on US-Moscow Cooperation in Syria

Russia confirms it suggested Russian-American cooperation in Syria reconstruction, which the US rejected, but is highly critical the confidential proposal relayed by Moscow's top general to his American counterpart was made public


822cd1 No.2482930



Okay, Q…

We are ready for "next"… bring the PAIN!!!

288607 No.2482931

File: 58f3689352b9608⋯.png (189.17 KB, 1002x679, 1002:679, probabecause.png)


So this FISA warrant was approved and then renewed 4 times total correct? That means they had to show separate instances of probable cause each time the warrant was renewed…

3dcfd4 No.2482932

someone please GLOBAL REPORT that supid slut's titty pic - looks UNDERAGE

06470b No.2482933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yo, ese

3eedee No.2482934

File: d3a96e4ed5690ca⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 500x448, 125:112, 1415482287680.jpg)

7e2e29 No.2482935


Interesting for a man in his business to want to have himself called "poppy"

532acb No.2482936

If you are new here understand this is not a chat room, lurk for a few weeks before posting, watch how the board operates, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!

When anyone counters a post demand proof aka sauce for their argument!



0db840 No.2482937



>Remember [RR] was supposed to be fired or power taken away six months ago, ain't none of that shit happened.

>Alex Jones was exposing corruption 20 years before Q came around making false prediction's 80% of the time.

I fucking hate you but you're right. Iran is revolting and stomping in government like Venezuela while burgers only give a fuck about McD's dipping sauce and Comic Con. FFS.

5e7244 No.2482938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Welp, I was saving this vid in case you posted a response. Too bad you have one of those gender identity issues. Here's the vid regardless.

bc3c67 No.2482939

File: 4f1896786f2d341⋯.jpg (83.16 KB, 688x413, 688:413, thestormwave.jpg)

>>2481522 (pb)

He's been thrashing about looking for the Exit.

Past few weeks numerous setups to leave/quit.

Yes, he knows what's coming and he knows he's been exposed.

Maybe he will fake his death again.

Always calling others "coward." I wonder why?

AJ trapped in his lies, forced to serve his enemy.

He's not forced to serve anybody. He's been Busted. And it will only get worse.

Wait 'til his followers ask to exhume Hicks alleged grave in the "Hicks' parents" back yard!

AJ has hinted at his family lineage,

At how instrumental they have been in US history.

Likely generational, bloodline Cabal.

He's a fucking liar. You can't believe a word out of his mouth

(I believe his handler "Booth" is the bloodline dude.

He could even be his lover? Though certainly his handler, though people are denying that and saying the handler is Corsi.)

Jones - Hicks is delusional. He claims to be the a direct descendant of people who had no descendants. You don't even have to know who he really is to know he's lying in that case.

I only casually study him and caught him easily; lying compulsively.

He's lies by habit, even without a need to.

He doesn't care - the difference between truth and falsehood means nothing to him

He's a bullshitter; he weaves stories.

Of course he's trying to find a way out. What will he tell his followers? How will he face them? The storm is coming.

75363c No.2482940

The joke is on us.

Q is David Brock.


af8da5 No.2482941


yes, we are well aware this list could encompass politicians and bankers. that's a given. it's the priests, social justice warriors, law professionals and everyone else that we look to keep us safe that will devastating.

09fc73 No.2482942

File: 1d3813d3374ab1d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 4351x2551, 4351:2551, 1d3813d3374ab1d560a67a5994….png)


They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.

Lost now (awakening).

They keep them enslaved.

What did Hussein do for the black community?







f32b80 No.2482943

File: 6f83ef982df3caf⋯.png (82.93 KB, 667x341, 667:341, PM re Hill re POTUS HW Sta….PNG)

File: da1ec4957b1c698⋯.png (86.57 KB, 536x718, 268:359, Hill re POTUS HW Star 8-6-….PNG)

West Hollywood City Council to vote on removing Trump's Walk of Fame star


765d31 No.2482944


do they?

do FISA judges communicate?

or do they just have to switch judges?

2cd159 No.2482945

How is Q’s timeline going to line up with the hijacking of America?

If everything is to be revealed by 11/11 that’s a few days too late for the midterms

27f72b No.2482946

File: 21e7ce98fd9dc67⋯.png (448.27 KB, 411x680, 411:680, 23D2DBC0-53D5-4779-8F3A-6A….png)

b907e2 No.2482947

File: fbe7a831a05043a⋯.jpg (26.96 KB, 403x458, 403:458, SunMission.jpg)

A lot of space related stories in the news in past few days. Could we be getting close to some kind of space related disclosure or false flag?


99563f No.2482948


It was nice knowing you Guy Fawkes mask

6bb7e6 No.2482949

File: 121d0a8a124a424⋯.png (655.28 KB, 680x401, 680:401, Untitled15.png)

c71413 No.2482950

File: 862807bf027ee97⋯.png (537.23 KB, 1126x1125, 1126:1125, pepeFace1.png)


the fuck is wrong with that pic

ab3bfc No.2482951


I'm not even sure a pep talk would do much good at this point. The biggest mistake Q made was not making it known this was a long term battle plan. I don't get excited anymore, just frustrated.

7c04ac No.2482952


fl primary not until 28th

aa2949 No.2482953

31d188 No.2482954


The Resnicks use at least 120 billion gallons a year, two-thirds on nuts, enough to supply San Francisco's 852,000 residents for a decade. They own a majority stake in the Kern Water Bank, one of California's largest underground water storage facilities, which they got fairly but sagely from the government 20 years ago. It is capable of storing 500 billion gallons of water. They have also spent at least $35 million in recent years buying up more water from nearby districts to replenish their supplies.

The Resnicks, who live in a five-bedroom mansion in Beverly Hills and fly into the valley about once or twice a month, are crafty dealmakers and even finer marketers. In addition to the pistachios and almonds, their company, renamed Wonderful in June, owns 32,000 acres of California citrus, flower-delivery service Teleflora, POM Wonderful pomegranate juice and Fiji Water, which collectively brought in $3.8 billion in sales last year. By their own estimates almost half of American households buy their products.


7f6c3e No.2482955

File: 00e6250d49b9377⋯.png (2.79 MB, 3166x1732, 1583:866, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

File: 1f0778d18066b40⋯.png (4.9 MB, 3266x1720, 1633:860, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

3rd no call sign… no N number lookup… they are all picking up radar in the middle of the Atlantic

but this No Call Sign is traveling with a plane with no N number - shows UAL 1069….. but looks like might be out of Guantanamo

831068 No.2482956


^ this explanation fits

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -Sherlock Holmes

532acb No.2482958

Flashback: Matt Drudge Warns Not to ‘Get Famous’ on YouTube, ‘Google’s Hell Pit’


c71413 No.2482959


fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off

<fuck off

>fuck off

fuck off

886487 No.2482960


"Indead in California" editor needs to be fired

822cd1 No.2482961



Now we have to clean up those farming practices and force them to go chemical-free, clean up the land and waterways… boom! clean food!

3dcfd4 No.2482962


>Or does she have a different incredible explanation

She had a cold that affected her judgment, like when she leaked the transcript, you know…

6abfa9 No.2482963


The post Named Names BIG TIME. Even video proofs and all. Go read that fucking post before telling us bullshit. The post was made by serialbrain2 on the great awakening board

Q directly called AJ and Corsi through that post, that was linked directly to the Q drop.

e8f5ab No.2482964


Eh, i've seen worse.

0db840 No.2482965


I said the same thing and you all call me shills. A seal team and easily pick off Killary. Or Pelosi. Or Comey. But nooooo, 2 fucking years in and sure, pedos are finally round up thank GOD but those who participate in trafficking are getting away in the industry.

28310c No.2482966


Primaries over tomorrow

Then Dem candidates locked.

THEN unredact [20] and begin unsealing indictments.

23ef48 No.2482967

File: 661772cd7449e12⋯.webm (569.13 KB, 1298x968, 59:44, FreshThoroughDeer.webm)

Well, are you?

9cb65e No.2482968

File: c6c73485563596b⋯.png (289.65 KB, 1701x909, 189:101, FISADECLAS.png)


5c0663 No.2482969

File: f0f2dda8fbdc500⋯.jpg (57.21 KB, 720x380, 36:19, most cnn.jpg)

053226 No.2482970

Thoughts on why it is important to understand the docs.

Renewing the FISA warrant, new probable cause was needed each time.

The last application, must have relied on a lie.

60170a No.2482971

26f212 No.2482972


its about censorship. The 1st amendment.

I don't care if AJ is a tool…he is. So is Cernovich and Watson and Corsi and Posobiec and Benji.

But its the 1st amendment. I will 'defend to the death' their right to say it. It's about control–controlling US– they put rules on us that they themselves refuse to follow. (((They))) support every single lie and disgusting or racist thing that comes out of their mouths, while silencing everyone else.

Its about oppression. We have to get in this censorship fight for everyone's sake. Let fortune-cookie eating Ling ling say she's racist against whites, fine. But we demand not to have any other voices oppressed either.

No, we aren't taking to the streets. They want to push us until Soros gets his riots. We'll win…right here..and at the polls. When we engage in fisticuffs in the streets, normies condemn us all..no matter who 'started' it, because play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

dc723c No.2482973


Why in the hell would you want to doxx him?

885a0f No.2482974


Forgot bluetext

8bc0f0 No.2482975


I agree with both points, especially b)

As far as AJ goes I think the best move would be for him to keep his head down for a while and then make a resurgence. And sue, sue, sue of course!

06470b No.2482976



f4d724 No.2482978


Respond with peace, love, unity and ibor memes. That will drive them crazy

1e0ac8 No.2482979

File: d62c22dde144710⋯.jpeg (57.99 KB, 500x483, 500:483, F2278A7F-2581-40FF-A531-4….jpeg)

File: 47c5e389daca0e7⋯.jpg (4.69 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, IMG_2536.JPG)

File: 455ce270b8f6006⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2454x3390, 409:565, IMG_2538.JPG)

07cc45 No.2482980

>>2482945 Maybe you misunderstand 11/11 TRUST the plan

>>2481815 lb

Everyone, be careful who you follow. AJ is only one out there. Think, truth can be whispered, but lies need to be dramatic, loud, forceful, and is being paid for by someone we don't follow. $$$$ is enough for immoral humans to spout like a puppet. We see them everywhere. Be careful who you follow.

6abfa9 No.2482981

0db840 No.2482982


Gomorrah in the news…hooray…

c71413 No.2482983

Important to understand prior to next.

next →

There is a reason why we needed to go mainstream prior to the EVIDENCE being dropped.

7049ad No.2482984

File: 6368ac1a38f32fd⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2222x1899, 2222:1899, 6368ac1a38f32fd17ce643199a….png)


Sure. You kinda didn't pass the test though…

329c7c No.2482985


True dat.

94a7e1 No.2482986

File: 944f9c4f770976c⋯.jpg (16.4 KB, 229x221, 229:221, 984d753cb9fe30d1c52f3b966b….jpg)

822cd1 No.2482987


That makes sense. I need to go to the store and get more popcorn, anyway. lol

de1d23 No.2482988

File: 3edab7bd385d038⋯.jpg (42.65 KB, 380x240, 19:12, Metis-380x240.jpg)


Unwise one.

8d07a0 No.2482989


I'm more educated on the matter than you are, and my faith is my own to decide. Your religious prejudices don't concern me. Restoring the Republic that protects ALL of our rights to freedom is what concerns me.

28c7c3 No.2482990






>Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?



c71413 No.2482991


wasn't the right context for (((this)))

f72856 No.2482992



re: 4 different judges

Is that a requirement of the FISA process, or did they take advantage so they could use the same finding?

Do the judges have access to the prior findings to compare… or did they trust the process?

f80632 No.2482993

File: 3a45c7c142070d3⋯.png (129.9 KB, 600x533, 600:533, Pepe Scope.png)


Thanks for the link, lawfag.

Actually NOTABLE

"Lawfag provides sauce why we should trust Sessions"


b6ac82 No.2482994

Looks like there are a couple more Q proofs in the documents just posted if someone can make graphics. Phonefagging at work or I would.

3dcfd4 No.2482995


>I don't get excited anymore, just frustrated.

Your lack of judgment and foresight and understanding is not Q's problem, it's yours. Your attitude is yours alone.

Adjust it or bow out, either way we'll be here.

ef46aa No.2482996

File: 07e5c5c0240ca24⋯.jpeg (24.33 KB, 223x255, 223:255, 7BA51B84-D819-4BA4-B4FF-C….jpeg)

26f212 No.2482997


no. let him talk and expose people before you get him killed.

532acb No.2482998

File: 62b26aa55d16c50⋯.png (422.38 KB, 902x757, 902:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2b427ce0483166⋯.png (438.01 KB, 899x783, 31:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea4cd5adb019fe2⋯.png (111.35 KB, 909x839, 909:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 026e5e2368e46f0⋯.png (55.89 KB, 927x453, 309:151, ClipboardImage.png)

UK "Poised" To Demand Extradition Of Russian Suspects In Salisbury Nerve Agent Attack


0124e3 No.2482999

File: e51630e2edbcd7c⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 480x480, 1:1, c75ef407e51c3c0087b0a74b2d….jpg)



Hey nigger is Rosenstein still in the [RR] kill box….lmao

Q is full of shit.

6aa18c No.2483000


very good~

dae87e No.2483001

Comfy Steve content. Noice


8d07a0 No.2483002


STFU. We've been at it nine months. We can do nine more.

cc208d No.2483003


AJ is a fucking faggot. Those that believe him need to wake up.

09fc73 No.2483004

File: 1232fb091cba3b4⋯.png (44.24 KB, 720x779, 720:779, Screenshot_20180806-142554….png)

Is this site down for everyone??


b80f6f No.2483005

File: 81fd790daf2a8b6⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 1031x1070, 1031:1070, trumppopcorn.jpg)


Incoming FISA Declass?

c71413 No.2483006


<says Q is brock

<cites buzzfeed

6bb7e6 No.2483007

File: 3b52cd15d8d9d1b⋯.jpg (128.23 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 83431_1236228505.jpg)

532acb No.2483008


Well played!

288607 No.2483009



did they use 4 different judges?

fef277 No.2483010

Something big is about to drop…

0004e8 No.2483011



HPSCI' memo: Page 3

"The Memo does NOT undermine FISA Section 702: It has nothing to do with Section

702, which targets foreigners located overseas."

FISA Title 1

"Title I of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act governs the targeting of foreign powers or

agents of foreign powers for electronic surveillance by the U.S. government. Agents of foreign powers can be either U.S. persons or non-U.S. persons. If the agent of a foreign power is a U.S. person, the government must show that the U.S. person is engaging in espionage, terrorism, or sabotage by or on behalf of a foreign power that involves a violation of a criminal statute.

Title I is a different authority than Section 702, which Congress reauthorized several weeks ago."

It appears Carter Page surveil was a Title 1 NOT a 702.

7c04ac No.2483012

fl primary not until 28th>>2482966


3e88fe No.2483013


kek lmao

45741d No.2483014


Alex Jones is nothing more than a carnival Side Show! One is sickened by him and his sidekick steve pieczenik who is AJ's handler and psyop coordinator

885a0f No.2483015

File: 966768f72d7f41b⋯.jpeg (55.63 KB, 1200x528, 25:11, 966768f72d7f41b9274551f4e….jpeg)

765d31 No.2483016


don't know anon, since FISA is all hush hush

29d48f No.2483017


Ex-Army Anon here.

I could–easily–do another few years of this standing on my head.

5e7244 No.2483018


Try accessing without HTTPS://. Just go https://

6a39dc No.2483019


Planefags, you all do great work. I've been in and out, due to IRL stuff going on. Never caught why you all were watching the Medevacs.

31d188 No.2483020

File: d2bcdd71fdd179b⋯.jpg (110.74 KB, 608x397, 608:397, iu (15).jpg)

File: 198717dee17dd0b⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 560x318, 280:159, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….jpg)

We stand United and Ready, Q

af8da5 No.2483021


says everyone everyday

7f6c3e No.2483022

File: 42df0e68365a931⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2156x1644, 539:411, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

Air re-fueling off east coast of FL

5e7244 No.2483023


er, https://

1e0ac8 No.2483024

File: 0f0c747dc606a4c⋯.jpg (180.7 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_2252.JPG)

File: 30153720766247c⋯.jpeg (116.13 KB, 1250x937, 1250:937, B1BD9C2A-3CB1-4541-B5E2-F….jpeg)

File: 60c24618e865834⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2192x2279, 2192:2279, 65C51C61-F90F-4594-8C84-70….png)

8d07a0 No.2483025


Qmaps.pub is for ordinary people. Qresearch is for autists and dedicated anons. Big difference.

c71413 No.2483026


thank you for your serivce

f80632 No.2483027


Hay, lawfag, You hiring?

5ea5b5 No.2483028


POTUS is for the rule of law and upholding the US Constitution.

Based on everything I have seen, his actions have been based on the law, even when that means delays, legal wrangling in anti-Trump courts, and supporter frustration.

81aa4b No.2483029


That site was down every time I tried to access after the first time we started digging. I have some backups, but I wasn't sure what I was looking for. Does it have an archive link?

5e7244 No.2483030



what the fuck???

H T T P : / /

0db840 No.2483031


Extra butter anon. Don't be a bitch. Get the gud stuff.

3ad05e No.2483032

File: 7c476a105494829⋯.jpeg (137.59 KB, 1440x847, 1440:847, 1524184826.jpeg)

9dc69d No.2483033


collecting IP addresses?

use the service websitedown

and do not do this kind of thing again

c71413 No.2483034


>This board is for ordinary people.

no it isn't newfag

e4c598 No.2483035


You would suck in actual war. Not even that. I bet you suck at daily life. Nothing worth having comes easily.

e083c1 No.2483036

File: ddf5153d7c6a909⋯.jpg (5.88 KB, 310x163, 310:163, download.jpg)


>Lynda and Stewart Resnick own fiji water?

28c7c3 No.2483038


New Buzzfeed article. See the top 17 movers and shakers in DC that have larped as Q.

7679dc No.2483039




d0faba No.2483040



Thank you for your service Patriot.

3edf43 No.2483041

File: ba8311f0fe361d7⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 490x554, 245:277, 0626_tarantino_toes-1.jpg)

75363c No.2483042


The stars are 25 k each.

Someone pays.

Studio, you, someone.

No free stars.

When Johnny Grant was alive for an extra 25 k you got "the mayor of Hollywood" to say a few words at the ceremony.

They pull out DJT's star, someone has a refund coming.

014d99 No.2483043

holy shit infowars crew is full assault against this board today

3d89af No.2483044


Less than a week 8/3 when he started his latest something Big is about to drop and on Friday 8/4 so much was dropped.

This week is D5

e1d974 No.2483045

File: 2b7f402225265b8⋯.png (18.49 KB, 406x98, 29:7, screenshotAtUploadCC_15335….png)

BAKER : Q post missing from bread.

Important to understand prior to next.




ab3bfc No.2483046


An anon speculated that nothing will come out until after midterms. If Dems win, the indictments will become unsealed quickly in order to remove them from power. If Dems lose, the indictments will continue with a slow walk.

He made a good point and I am inclined to believe him. However, if that happens and Potus places elections over justice, I'm done. The midterms are already fucked up. Most primaries have already happened and then you have ballots by mail and early voting to contend with. Nothing has been done about voter id for 2 freaking yrs and still is not an issue for Congress. There I no election integrity for the midterms, yet everyone is placing their hopes on it.

1b9e73 No.2483047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Investigators return to IOWA pig farm,in search of missing teen, Mollie Tibbets.


c85536 No.2483048

Notables Bun


>>2482382 ; >>2482954 Stewart Resnick, Lynda Rae Harris connections, and more water

>>2482431 EU to block US Anti-Iran sanctions starting August 7

>>2482463 Facebook and Google under fire from Senate

>>2482483 Pentagon prohibits GPS usage in all operational areas

>>2482489 PDF’s from /patriotsfight/120

>>2482496 “Applications to target a US person under Title I…” and perjury

>>2482662 ; >>2482691 FISA abuse memo and key points therein

>>2482679 On budgets, reconciliation, and the Byrd Rule

>>2482663 On surveillance and timing (speculation)

>>2482705 Lawful provides sauce on why we should Trust Sessions

>>2482929 Russia slams leak of secret memo on US-Moscow cooperation in Syria

812c56 No.2483049

File: ae2a5b86fdc9fcb⋯.jpg (705.4 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-142808….jpg)

File: 3031e851f7e1202⋯.jpg (576.2 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-133004….jpg)

File: 632f951d9fa51b4⋯.jpg (843.06 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-132952….jpg)

File: bc88c139d4aebac⋯.jpg (912.91 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-132907….jpg)

File: df8a6628672e970⋯.jpg (493.15 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180806-132324….jpg)

Might want to archive…

dc723c No.2483050


But we have to sit in air conditioned rooms, on our computer, researching. Oh the humanity. Fucking millennials…

59c7d6 No.2483051

3eedee No.2483052


not gitmo trajectory , but do seem interesting.

6a39dc No.2483053


Then stop "battling" them. It's what they want!

6abfa9 No.2483054


Yet all the stars of the pedo's and rapists will remain I guess?

Another huge redpill for anyone not fucking stupid

f3f07f No.2483055


This shill has been pushing this new board under different UID's for the last couple of breads. He keeps making "new" announcements about it and claims he wants a board without "fuckery".

I responded to him in the last bread with "No outside comms" and maybe you should lurk moar and understand WWG1WGA, he proceeded to insult me and used the emotional concernfagging method.

So yes I would like this shill banned but I also advised other anons to ignore filter.

Its a slide tactic fellow anon.

c71413 No.2483056


<thinks buzzfeed is credible

8d07a0 No.2483058


That's when Act III starts.

5f08d2 No.2483059


We know the globalists ran off to New Zealand to have their intel meetings post Trump election…And it's also the most remote "Five Eyes" nation.

I took Trump's two handed drinking of Fiji water as a, "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE" moment.

8293e0 No.2483060


Fine with removing the star if it means Trump becoming the fifth face on Mt. Rushmore.

180d31 No.2483061


lol he got mine

who needs a vpn?

This guy


i say come at me bro let me know what you fine i got a few ports open just foe people like him

ab3bfc No.2483062


I must have missed it. What was big that dropped on the 4th?

dbab2d No.2483064


http automatically changes to https for security.

09fc73 No.2483065



Never go full retard bro.

1e0ac8 No.2483066

File: b1a4508e562cdff⋯.jpg (55.7 KB, 640x481, 640:481, IMG_1272.JPG)

File: 79195a579e16f0a⋯.jpg (83.35 KB, 619x960, 619:960, IMG_1237.JPG)

File: f09c52f6e5423b0⋯.jpg (187.49 KB, 1079x1534, 83:118, IMG_1283.JPG)

e8f5ab No.2483067

File: af2a0c7f7783546⋯.png (29.42 KB, 741x568, 741:568, hmmm.png)


Everyone in Hollywood was actually for Trump?

e57c69 No.2483068

File: db98b582d289b3a⋯.jpg (27.95 KB, 770x400, 77:40, pomcheatad.jpg)

dd78ef No.2483069


Poor triggered libtard. Don’t you have your mommies tit to suckle? Or is she too busy with her latest John in the next room? Bet you have a peep hole and jerk off to your mom getting plowed all day long don’t you?

94a7e1 No.2483070


Buzzfeed? Really dude?

26f212 No.2483071

Q doesn't care one whit about serialbrain, some twatter nobody

Q referenced NO ONE. Said NO NAMES.

SB2 thinks he talks for Q, and is one of the people to be careful to follow.

We have no leaders. and we will have no leaders. ALL these tools want to lead. either it makes them money or they get internet points and bigger epeens.


de1d23 No.2483072

Where's Huma?

7679dc No.2483073


They keep defining themselves in the worst ways. Don't stop them.

6bb7e6 No.2483074

File: de1c5c03382c0d3⋯.png (455.12 KB, 500x651, 500:651, Untitled7.png)

72bef1 No.2483075



it's tedious and there are days I wish it would have been done with M law. Then I imagine what it would be like if it had gone that way and come to the conclusion that this save more lives in the long run.

f66fe1 No.2483076

et phone home

archon removed

tree bark 16 feet?

oi oi monseur

snoopaloop bring your green hat

hes been king for awhile now

no pie in space regards chair not fherrightinthe[] oi?

do you read shakespeare over and over? makes feel like crying but i cant

8d07a0 No.2483077


Pornstars. Pagan priestesses rarely look this hot.

2bf0fa No.2483078

File: 7f317dd8239cae8⋯.gif (490.88 KB, 480x250, 48:25, meme.heston.laughing.gif)


Try harder.

bc4b3e No.2483079


I agree, in law school you read cases. You learn nothing about filing documents with the clerk, how to conduct trials, etc. Nevertheless, what leads you to think Sessions is legit, after 25 years of practice?

As a side note, maybe 25 years ago things were different, but today, a law degree is a worthless junk bond paper note. Unless recent graduates have the financial backing to start a firm or are willing to sell out, assuming they graduated top of the class to be considered worthy of hiring, law jobs are difficult to find. Being as law school students are graded on a curve, it's corrupt from the start.

You could have a student who logically disputes a supreme court ruling, schools the professor from time to time, and yet because their writing style (or professor revenge factors) might be sub-par, earns a C rather than booking the class.

1e0ac8 No.2483080

File: ebf5cbcf2692131⋯.jpg (32.72 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, IMG_1806.JPG)

File: eb9249c66e3171f⋯.jpg (811.23 KB, 957x1200, 319:400, IMG_1830.JPG)

File: 0a99de4885319f0⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 630x577, 630:577, IMG_1836.JPG)

7049ad No.2483081

File: 285d8d7059ccb4e⋯.png (259.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 285d8d7059ccb4e3b5201e5ba3….png)


Shadilay! This is how to beat the shills the fuck off.

Great response!

8bc0f0 No.2483082



The cave of gold lies BEYOND fatigue. I've been through a number of "this is overwhelming I'll give up" periods and came out more resilient after each and every one.


f5681c No.2483083

File: 86833fee3c4083c⋯.png (143.31 KB, 563x552, 563:552, ClipboardImage.png)

288607 No.2483084


"…stars are NOT suns, suns arc on space through the firmanet (your sun is closer than you realise, stars float within dark water they are bubbles of cavitated space due to cavitation this cavitation is hamonic electromagnetic compression (sonoluminescence star in a jar) and resonance is how they are formed (called the word of GOD) energy is let forth as light intense heat and radiation (EM)….this is a 5D+ bubble …we live in EARTH…. Peace be to all."

ef46aa No.2483085


Nasim is….?

bfa025 No.2483086


david brock is as fake and gay as they come

nowhere nears the brains and experience to post like Q

a6a063 No.2483087





Christ its not over until Sept 12


might just be all the bigs ones though didn't dig too deep into this.

16aa2a No.2483088

We got a timetable on when the declassified FISA docs are going to drop?

This could be really good. Still recalling what Devin Nunes was trying to say the other day when that rude big mouth Hannity kept interrupting him.

6c90e4 No.2483089



81aa4b No.2483090


WTF? No, it's just for people who want to research in real time. Reddit is where people go to just comment on the fly and read news. This is where we go to get active responses immediately to what we're digging up. STFU And go back if that's what you think.

e9af41 No.2483091


No such thing as traditional wicca, research the founder of "traditional wicca" Gerald Gardner, associate of Alister Crowley.

May you find the truth as I did.

May God bless and keep you.


537208 No.2483093


lolz serial brain 2 is a muzzie.

09fc73 No.2483094

File: 415d3afa154fe6d⋯.png (301.91 KB, 720x938, 360:469, Screenshot_20180806-142507….png)

File: f8ea13adaf1ea47⋯.png (148.53 KB, 720x810, 8:9, Screenshot_20180806-142929….png)



Good article.

Don’t forget about Huma.





America for sale.



No name.

Inside out destruction.




HUMA & Hussein.


Who paid?

SA [vital].


6968dd No.2483095

File: 885888eb965b21b⋯.png (110.04 KB, 1025x704, 1025:704, Screenshot (530).png)

c756b3 No.2483098


JP = Japan

KS = Kansas = TRUST KANSAS = Mike Pompeo

SA = Saudi Arabia

Digging on Pompeo connections and activities related to Japan and Saudi Arabia

bc4b3e No.2483100


Wow, you just helped confirm my point.

23cdad No.2483101

the primaries end tomorrow

6abfa9 No.2483102


While I obviously agree with my post, I also agree with your point of view. Didn't see it that way, and you are right.

But I still think these AJ shills should defend the 1st amendement, and stop saying things like AJ got Trump elected, and I will never forget when AJ tried to take down Qanon.

6a39dc No.2483103


GOOD!! Wide-eyed, bushy-tailed liddle Schitt!

1b9e73 No.2483104

File: 18dd02f51bb3e35⋯.png (250.63 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D3C4F7D5-BEEA-4846-8971-63….png)

File: ab67f0ae3e332ca⋯.png (3.35 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C8356F95-D164-4B28-9248-07….png)

File: 424be4a437ffffb⋯.png (1.95 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E764AAAB-0921-4E46-85A0-CB….png)

File: f19f3d03e3a7bd1⋯.png (2.35 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7C96B4F5-3F90-49CE-8781-2C….png)

File: 2edffe75496fd27⋯.png (200.09 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 505B67DC-283E-46B6-B6DB-8E….png)

Pig Farm search re-activated in attempt to locate Mollie Tibbets

Missing from Iowa.


26f212 No.2483105

well, we don't ban shills. We need to learn from them. And harden ourselves against their tactics. CAn't do that if we hide their tactics so we can't learn from them.


Post your observation and details about this new tactic into the Clown College thread


7679dc No.2483106


They are throwing shit all over the wall hoping something sticks.


16aa2a No.2483108

File: 778d712d7a7256e⋯.png (228.87 KB, 480x359, 480:359, VintagePompeo.png)

58a1c9 No.2483109

File: 8a4ed5680425435⋯.jpg (336.19 KB, 1000x574, 500:287, chess.jpg)

i know it's

probably silly

for me to do

so. but

i wanted to let

Q and team know. that

i have full faith.

and while my

world is kinda

tough right now,

i've thrown my hat in the ring

at usajobs dot gov because i

want to be more proactive at helping defend

the constitution, and well - you probably know the rest.


3dcfd4 No.2483110


>Might want to archive…

It's all you, bro, go right ahead & archive them all. Let us know when you're finished

d6eedb No.2483111

File: e1ac166a7b339dc⋯.jpg (65.36 KB, 751x417, 751:417, DcW8fAyVQAARf09.jpg)

Covfefe Table #2

>>2482722 Table # 1

>>2482717 Plane crash in CA parking lot dig

>>2482809 uhmergerd shut up

>>2482347 seriously kys

>>2482900 haha

>>2482908 Attacks will intensify still, Its called a storm for a reason


who teh fuck doesn'T?

SEE >>2482959

>>2482993 Jeff the "Silent Executioner" poised to …

>>2482998 UK "Poised" To Demand Extradition Of Russian Suspects In Salisbury Nerve Agent Attack


>>2483048 Notables bun by the actual baker

023daa No.2483112

File: 66225b2e1574c16⋯.jpg (105.35 KB, 1122x510, 11:5, 66225b2e1574c16fb4f773616f….jpg)


they resigned it in June 2017…on a sitting president as well..

damn well after they lied to congress about why the FISA was even approved the first time..

e083c1 No.2483113


Yea me to just tossing that out there, who knows.

62e650 No.2483114


This is excellent. Thx anon. It's as if infowars was created as a veiled counter op to Q coming into the mainstream. Makes me wonder if the whole thing wasn't started to counter act what's was being planned since "The Start".

81aa4b No.2483115


Lmfao, boomerfags don't know 'bout my mouseover.

1e0ac8 No.2483116

File: ea57f24d85efcf2⋯.jpg (821.08 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, IMG_2485.JPG)

File: d2b9c3b7c35f67f⋯.png (590.5 KB, 721x406, 103:58, 5FD71178-A47A-4D3D-B09B-17….png)

File: 992414f7608de4b⋯.jpg (102.7 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_2497.JPG)

5ea5b5 No.2483117


"Trust, but verify" works for people both within and outside the movement.

c756b3 No.2483118


I was wrong. This instead = >>2483095

029160 No.2483119


I believe everyone is missing the point of the post. Jones is merely the opening. The point is Contract and Constitutional law.

Use the law to destroy the cabal.


P.S. Stop with the dumb ass memes. Use cogent thought to fuck with me.

2bf0fa No.2483120


AJ defenders are all newfags that have been here less than a month. Shills know better.

16aa2a No.2483121

Just heard from an old acquaintance who lives in Talkeetna - 4 bodies located in plane crash in Denali National Park

8d07a0 No.2483122


And yet here you are.

812c56 No.2483123


I meant the board… here.. KeK

27f72b No.2483124


I don’t care what you call yourself. This is about good versus evil. If you fight for good and insist on calling yourself a satanist because you’re exploring your free will or whatever, then that’s your prerogative. But understand there are real factions focused on abuse and sacrifice who also profess to be satanists. If you try to paint them in a positive light, then you’ll be called out

de1d23 No.2483125

File: 3f17ddccbbafde8⋯.jpg (46.15 KB, 486x576, 27:32, 1463115779301.jpg)

7d21b9 No.2483126

File: cd426b9ddba344a⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 70x130, 7:13, shilley.jpg)

Getting a bit shilly in here for a RESEARCH BORD…

3e017c No.2483128

File: 36a80094bb5e242⋯.jpg (56.6 KB, 541x761, 541:761, a8fd39e11bc108415b16212633….jpg)

File: 54caefa1936d9a2⋯.jpg (216.45 KB, 1478x766, 739:383, 8b933f42d9d12f644e90c63f04….jpg)



Byrd Rule?

7c04ac No.2483129



0004e8 No.2483130

File: 6f6713432346583⋯.jpg (67.4 KB, 814x448, 407:224, qsign.JPG)

File: f7be1f246762730⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 840x440, 21:11, q sign 2.JPG)

Anonymous vows to take down, expose QAnon

The hacking collective Anonymous is pledging to expose the people behind the "QAnon" conspiracy theory.

The anarchist hacking group slammed the QAnon conspiracy as potentially dangerous and driven by a “brainless political agenda” in a video posted Sunday to what is widely considered the most reliable Anonymous Twitter account.

“We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed and poorly educated,” the group said in the video, which was posted with the hashtags #OpQ and #OpQAnon.

The video depicts various figures with Anonymous masks acting out certain aspects of the QAnon conspiracy against a constant backdrop of the letter “Q.”

The video claims that Anonymous “knew who was responsible for Q” and thought it was funny at first. However, the group now believes the conspiracy theory has gone too far.

“Someone is going to get hurt, so we have to put our foot down and start some shit with you all,” the group said in the video.

QAnon shifted into the spotlight after numerous attendees at President Trump's rally in Florida last week held Q-shaped cutouts and posters alluding to the conspiracy theory.

The wide-ranging and vague “QAnon” touches on a number of popular conspiracy theories: Democrats and prominent Hollywood figures are orchestrating underground pedophile rings; special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe is a front for investigating 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former President Obama for their ties to said rings; and hundreds of sealed indictments may have already been handed down in the Clinton case.

The theory was started by a person on the message board 4chan last year claiming to be a high-ranking security official in the Trump administration. The individual or individuals goes by the identity of "Q" and has continued to fan the theory on online platforms.

A number of conservative figures have pushed back against the conspiracy theory on Twitter in recent days, including Michael Flynn Jr., the son of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and former White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

Anonymous has been adamantly opposed to Trump since he announced his candidacy in 2015. The group declared "cyber war" on Trump in March 2016, directing its followers to take down the then-candidate's websites.


ab3bfc No.2483131



Thanks for the encouragement and support


5c0663 No.2483132

File: 047621b6bf3487d⋯.jpg (56.43 KB, 720x380, 36:19, most buzz.jpg)

a08601 No.2483133

File: 9e3760dced458d0⋯.jpeg (158.1 KB, 812x500, 203:125, 5F1B7DD9-A987-4776-BA95-9….jpeg)

File: 07bff4db6947592⋯.jpeg (80.59 KB, 501x304, 501:304, E54211CF-9A7A-4364-B0A2-3….jpeg)

File: 0517ffac97a8ea2⋯.jpeg (120.7 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 610722DD-A2E7-4CA1-A74F-7….jpeg)

File: 54a8fc672182e4a⋯.jpeg (91.42 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 07B1C6F3-EBFB-4E35-97FB-D….jpeg)

File: 30e97ec99660d9d⋯.jpeg (32.88 KB, 284x176, 71:44, FB3A5C10-B76A-4742-8F0C-4….jpeg)

1fe2b3 No.2483134

Tommy Robinson is a Zionist.

I don't follow him.

but they locked him up for reporting something,

that's wrong.

The networked far right behind Tommy Robinson is a menace for our digital age

f80632 No.2483135

File: bda530e92b19f89⋯.jpg (14.05 KB, 255x205, 51:41, herr durr pepe.jpg)


I did that on purpose. /sarc You're welcome. Don't lose your sense of humor.

929327 No.2483136


This is good advice for many things, anon.

31d188 No.2483137


Resnick was born Lynda Rae Harris[ in Baltimore, Maryland, but raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her father, Jack H. Harris, worked as a film distributor during the 1950s; he is known for producing The Blob, which later became a cult favorite.Her mother, Muriel (née Goodman), was an interior designer. Because of her father's occupation, Resnick, at the age of four, had a recurring role on The Horn & Hardart Children's Hour broadcast from WCAU-TV in Philadelphia. Resnick graduated from Harriton High School. After a brief stint at a local college, Resnick took a job at the in-house ad agency for Sunset House catalog.

Resnick founded an advertising agency, Lynda Limited, at the age of 19.

Ellsberg Papers

Resnick, then Lynda Sinay, began doing occasional work for the antiwar movement during the Vietnam war era. Her friend, Daniel Ellsberg, asked to use her copy machine on nights and weekends in order to distribute top-secret military documents. Ellsberg gave these documents to The New York Times, which then published them. Dubbed the Pentagon Papers, they detailed aspects of the war hidden from the public and damaged the credibility of the Presidents involved. Resnick was designated an un-indicted co-conspirator for her role and pursued by prosecutors for two years. Legal actions were eventually dropped. (wiki)

There's more to Lynda Resnick than meets the eye. Did a ton of digging on them before my computer crashed and I lost it all.

Pom, Wonderul, Fiji, Franklin Mint, Jerry Brown, CA Water…

affd25 No.2483139

4814a3 No.2483140

Didnt some liberal leaders say they were going to control august or something like that?

August hits, then all the MSM hit pieces come out against Q.. now all this BS with alex jones trying to pain thim like hes a patriot who got "attacked"

smells fishy like the seattle fish market

8f2cfa No.2483141


The only flight that left Gitmo today was CSQ894, an Embraer ERJ-145.

e48129 No.2483142

File: 5601dbda5bfc34f⋯.jpg (231.73 KB, 1000x1405, 200:281, gay2.jpg)


nah, i like memes

your name is also faggot

f32b80 No.2483143


Mocking anons

Someone earlier said anons are getting battle fatigue

This is why

Many anons have willingly sacrificed to help because we believe in the greater good

To be mocked and ridiculed


And Trumps own kids is close with the people mocking us


bfa025 No.2483144


>Lawful provides sauce

typo baker


58a1c9 No.2483145



this is my assessment as well.

and it's why we've had the long slow drag…everything has to be done in a specific legal way, there can be no errors.

but i think,

if there are, just boom the eff out of them.

either way, they're finished.

0124e3 No.2483148

File: c1c2642d002ad48⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 958x584, 479:292, 8lzxiqnq2fe11.jpg)

File: 4539135a55a5fbf⋯.jpg (29.16 KB, 264x345, 88:115, 4539135a55a5fbfafe60210474….jpg)

Anon's, Q lies all the fucken time….

And I mean all the fucken time.

Remember [RR] was supposed to be fired or power taken away six months ago, ain't none of that shit happened.

Alex Jones was exposing corruption 20 years before Q came around making false prediction's 80% of the time.

Future did not prove the past over 80% of the time for Q.

Without Alex Jones Hillary would be President.

I wouldn't trust Sessions as far as I could throw him.

Look at Q's first post, Hillary was to be arrested last year.

1e0ac8 No.2483149

File: 68a74d09e065de7⋯.png (45.42 KB, 590x262, 295:131, IMG_2505.PNG)

File: 132042ba17575ba⋯.png (54.46 KB, 590x262, 295:131, IMG_2522.PNG)

File: 45def9a38d0f79b⋯.png (59.81 KB, 590x288, 295:144, IMG_2525.PNG)

5e7244 No.2483150


I realized that, but I'm a special kind of stupid, and it does, sometimes, take me a minute. Glad everyone got a hearty laugh out of it; LOL.

e0881b No.2483151


3e017c No.2483152



e9af41 No.2483153



5c0663 No.2483155



Don't dismay. Remind him of his idiocy in a few months.

Never heard of this tool til yesterday.

66a6ba No.2483156


Regulate, fuck! Nationalize!

9cb65e No.2483157

File: f8f27b0bb18b5aa⋯.png (205.62 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorFranken.png)

c85536 No.2483158






06470b No.2483159


don't you mean qmap.pub, tard? are you sending people no where???

bc4b3e No.2483160


Fucking CIA notable, I agree. That anon provided no justification for his stance, after a claimed two decades of law practice, other than an internet opinion post. Pretty fucking weak.

4e2470 No.2483161


There are millions of falsehoods, but only one set of truths.

The clowns operate in the falsehoods

06470b No.2483162

wang doodle

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