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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Poal Sub | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs
Q's Board: /projectdcomms/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ | Politics News & Debate: /pnd/

9b8f80  No.2471288[Last 50 Posts]


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2468527 BO Confirms: New Q trip whitelisted

#3116 (new baker)

>>2471240 Clockfag Update

>>2471146 MarQuart Mark Phillips dig

>>2471144 Iran protests continue. Location map

>>2470792 , >>2470968 ICE working the darknet & "Dark to light"

>>2470752 ANTIFA terrorists riot and shut down Providence Freedom Rally

>>2470642 5 killed when small plane crashes in California parking lot

>>2471270 #3116


>>2469882 Q Tripcode Grid, >>2470390

>>2469885 New POTUS Tweet, >>2469893 Extra Space

>>2469900 Washington Times article on Q

>>2469987 Aircrash Digs

>>2470065 Categpry III Aviation, Scott Shepherd & Other Digs

>>2470090 Archon Ron Kirk of Epsilon Boulé

>>2470214 Planecrash: "The witness said it fell straight down."

>>2470289 Dig on Swiss Airplane Crash

>>2470386 Saudi Arabia recalls ambassador in Canada, gives Canadian envoy 24 hours to pack

>>2470570 #3115


>>2469158 Today's Resignations

>>2469179 11 Children rescued from filthy compound

>>2469181 Two plane crashes today. No coincidences.

>>2469192 - 3 KEY PEOPLE on Q's media list

>>2469314 Abkhazia, >>2469413

>>2469372 John Kerry under Investigation by House Intelligence Committee, >>2469397

>>2469432 CATEGORY III AVIATION CORP, >>2469768, >>2469724 Scott Shephard

>>2469560 APK Filetype, >>2469761 Cell Microprocessors First Introduced By Sony

>>2469573 Planefag Updates, >>2469757, >>2469801

>>2469677 Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists begin excavation works at archeological site in Idleb to smuggle antiquities to Turkey

>>2469824 #3114


>>2468400 Jack Valenti’s FBI File

>>2468402 Planefag Updates, >>2468752, >>2468940, 2469002

>>2468432 Asphyxia

>>2468590 Numbers On Abortion

>>2468699 News Blast July 28th --> August 3rd

>>2468757 More on LeBron James

>>2468874 White South African Landowners & Their Families Murdered for the Colour of their skin

>>2469044 #3113

Previously Collected Notables

>>2468280 #3112,

>>2465897 #3109, >>2466705 #3110, >>2467521 #3111

>>2463602 #3106, >>2466877 #3107, >>2465142 #3108

>>2461243 #3103, >>2462014 #3104, >>2462809 #3105

>>2458923 #3100, >>2459670 #3101, >>2460467 #3102

>>2456539 #3097, >>2457328 #3098, >>2458156 #3099

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9b8f80  No.2471294

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs, Evidence & Q Materials Threads

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Graphics and ideas for spreading the word

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 -- Project to create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ---- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>2399939 –- Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2294272 -- No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#34 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>>/comms/2100 , >>2437666

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

9b8f80  No.2471301

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive:



MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf'''*

Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup:''' docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button >>2374212

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* PAVUK Keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

'''* How to archive a website offline >>974637

'''* Sorting Breads On Number Of Replies To A Post >>2467707

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this -→ >>2438883

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4e9a71  No.2471309


So called Anons that made this video is a glowfag.

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b59bd3  No.2471322

Good job baker

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b59bd3  No.2471344

Oh I see, the narrative from the RINO-establishment-conservative-clown-media is that ,

"if we really loved and supported Trump we would stop all this silliness and just fall back in line."

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9b4465  No.2471375

Oregon police chief orders review of use of force at protest

Police “targeted Portland residents peacefully counter-protesting against racist far-right groups, including white supremacists, white nationalists, and neo-Nazi gangs,” the Oregon chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Portland chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America said in a statement. It called on officials to investigate.


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9b8f80  No.2471376

File: b5c3394e5c4eedf⋯.png (252.08 KB, 700x1024, 175:256, # GiddyUp.png)

#3117 Dough


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908233  No.2471378

File: 8de1a6dd82c572e⋯.gif (138.59 KB, 1169x993, 1169:993, Cointelpro.gif)


Brought to you by Standing Out Like Dog's Balls LLC

Current Tactics

*Q is a mosshead psyop LARP

*Q is divisionfagging

*Q is Soros puppet

*Muh Q is [insert something shit / dodgy here]

*This board is fucked, Q said so

*Hey [g]oys I need something quick

*Muh Jesus is fake & gay

*Muh /loli/ banner

*Muh BO is comped AF

*Muh BO banned my ass

That which still hasn't made an appearance….

*Muh BV is t3h Rushkin bots

*Muh /Qresearch/ is all bots

*Gore and pr0n

*Muh [insert a model of Earth which isn't of a spherical nature]

Don't reply to them Anons, it only makes our baker have to work harder

Digg, analyse, meme, fag da planes n clock, despite the negative press covfefe

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bcca5a  No.2471380

He's a battle axe

in the time of the battle…

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6ada2a  No.2471386

File: 4d81bd656141fe0⋯.jpg (196.3 KB, 987x1024, 987:1024, 1533500546441.jpg)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEGUh72tLas [Embed]



350 ARRESTS IN PEDO RING (12-23-2017)


>QUOTE: What is abundantly clear at this point, is that “Pedogate” is a one-hundred percent reality, not just in America, but spanning the entire globe.



Users Looking for Child Pornography Are Gathering on Periscope, Twitter’s Forgotten Video Service (12-15-17) GIZMODO STEALS OUR WORK











https://youtu.be/eo1Oe3cGU50 [Embed]







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59cd34  No.2471388

File: 70b89aa3dbaf8bf⋯.jpg (650.86 KB, 1649x1045, 1649:1045, IMG_20180805_192920.jpg)


Is the reason for the " Q movement " to go mainstream before evidence drops to prove the incompetence of the media?

This board has more facts and truths compiled anywhere on the internet about the treasonous and seditious acts of the BHO regime.

The media has defended BHO et. al., made railing accusations against a sitting and duly elected president, and yet the media continues to deny the truth which is readily available right now.

It seems there will be some accountability to be doled out in the not too distant future to those reporting lies and those perpetuating dissonance

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1c95d0  No.2471391

File: fd222c6c53da250⋯.jpg (64.94 KB, 805x655, 161:131, c87ae9ff49d6551bc9d3690bb6….jpg)

Boobs for the Baker!

Boobs for Victory!

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991558  No.2471400


Praying Medic posted this, listen at :23 sec. Did he just say it ?

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f4a85f  No.2471402

File: 421f597f64a5d7d⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 634x406, 317:203, 421f597f64a5d7d21f87559972….jpg)

ty baker

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9b4465  No.2471407

File: 93e07b895c4fba7⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x304, 125:76, 93 - rNt0owJ.gif)

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dfbe9b  No.2471408


you forgot muh fanboy spaceforce twitter account something big is about to drop

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a2f719  No.2471409

Been staring at the trip codes attempting to find a code.

Posting here for eyes.

Capital letters=


No clue if this mean anything. Shots in the dark.

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7292e3  No.2471410

File: 1d9bcc7708ab42b⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 384x575, 384:575, bewbsperspective.jpg)

bewbs for baking

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0b697f  No.2471411

File: 81fa4e61d284462⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Bless-this-Bread-5.jpg)


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b1e8a8  No.2471412

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fe829b  No.2471413

File: d07372e0b29a177⋯.png (166.89 KB, 2065x1080, 413:216, WelcomeToTheMainstream8-5-….png)


Anons, 'qanon' searches are up an incredible 355% over all time highs in the US, 335% worldwide (pic related). If 'qanon' searches correlate to traffic here, for every one of you there's about 3.5 newcomers. Take advantage and tell them what the media won't!

If you're new here, welcome! Feel free to ask questions in the 'comment' box, but leave the 'name', 'email', and 'subject' fields blank. Also, make sure you don't say or share anything that will give away your identity–we are plagued by shills and other bad actors who would like nothing more than to discourage you for learning the truth.

Source: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=qanon

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13004f  No.2471414

do you guys have a supply of food and water?

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5570cd  No.2471415

>>2471327 (prev)

Shits real. Confirmed.


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b1e8a8  No.2471416

File: 7271cc1c86247cc⋯.jpeg (126.94 KB, 750x420, 25:14, 6B02B307-7E0A-4D59-990C-1….jpeg)

Report from end of lb

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2032b1  No.2471417



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40196b  No.2471418

>>2471207 (lb)

Me too, but I think the Ham Radio story might likely be a cover to give the impression that corruption during Soetoro's days and among the CIA and FBI wasn't as common and expected as the morning sun. "The Ham radio Ohr lady is of coarse on the fringe, hence her use of a ham radio," according to Brennan, overheard from anonymous sources.

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ee4a49  No.2471419

File: 3f554320d808549⋯.jpeg (51.51 KB, 550x413, 550:413, 9835F240-93D4-4D69-BDB6-E….jpeg)

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17aa2f  No.2471420

Clown controlled AI got shut down by the NSA in Jan 2018. FFS assholes ;p

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a39b1e  No.2471421

File: dfd081aedf72298⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 1680x976, 105:61, Alien.jpg)

File: a36e0ba655a4c0d⋯.jpg (114.53 KB, 736x943, 32:41, Gay aliens.jpg)

File: 4ad74fd1aa166fc⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 1097x650, 1097:650, ancient aliens et on earth.jpg)

File: 94f8bffc648ba27⋯.jpg (360.83 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ALF.jpg)

So as far as I can tell ancient aliens are real and they came here and created us to be their slave race. they are fucking retarded and were all like"We're going to be the opposite of God and in doing so become Gods ourselves." So they decided that they'd do that by using their advanced technology to confuse us with lies and horseshit. They have powerful AI's and other dumb stuff that allows them to change their appearance at will. They suck and are super gay pedophile assholes and vampires. They've spent the entirety of human history colluding with retards that wanted money and power and made them kings. These people are the guardians of the secret. But they have to sacrifice children and other shit to them to remain part of the gay hive-mind. They suck and are about to lose. God wins. Suck it gay aliens.

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2a923d  No.2471422

File: 076346e75cad3a0⋯.jpg (85.87 KB, 451x665, 451:665, ShillsDanger2.jpg)



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bdfb20  No.2471423

File: 018a46fa46c38ce⋯.jpg (75.61 KB, 343x584, 343:584, librarian.jpg)


>From where I sit, qarchives.ml stops having zipped archives after /qr/ 518, and the list ends at /qr/ 799.

>What am I doing wrong?


Nothing. MasterArchivist (our MA) disappeared at that time so your humble spreadsheet anon sperged out and created a supplement to pick up where MA's effort left off, in roughly the same format.

I failed to keep it up for a while (you will see the big gaping hole of emptiness) but have picked it back up - especially with the threads falling off the catalog and not ending up in the native 8ch archives for July.

anyway, it's there - go look!

3rd tab on the bottom of the spreadsheet:


have a cute librarian

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0ad5be  No.2471424

File: a35d6bd31edd651⋯.png (427.03 KB, 587x377, 587:377, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

>>2471261 [pb]

>>2470632 [pb]

Harvey's Rules apply here?

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a6c2d2  No.2471425


I have my beautiful shotgun

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a2d516  No.2471426

File: 6d9e3ed359ea620⋯.jpg (866.72 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 1518659041705.jpg)

>>2471341 (lb)

Thanks for the bonus boobs anon! Some of us retards are actually having fun battling the shills.

And thanks baker for new thread.

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be6fd5  No.2471427


2 week minimum.

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820d2f  No.2471428

File: a41061baa1424f4⋯.jpg (188.77 KB, 1111x731, 1111:731, GodBlessY.jpg)

File: 044d14eb97f2ee1⋯.jpg (89.73 KB, 480x720, 2:3, God_Blesssss.jpg)

File: 41e0779a7c7253c⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1226, 621:613, GodBlessss.jpeg)

File: 9d24cb32a09988c⋯.jpeg (77.57 KB, 795x1024, 795:1024, God_Bless.jpeg)

File: f17436c75eebc28⋯.jpg (41.12 KB, 467x700, 467:700, God-Bless.jpg)

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2a923d  No.2471429


Of course. Like, since long before Y2K.

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cb6681  No.2471430

File: 4a9313284544d7e⋯.jpg (136.78 KB, 1063x838, 1063:838, Capture.JPG)

Kate Dig

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6ada2a  No.2471431




Michael Harrah

>SAG Young Performers Committee

>Child actor manager

>has had ~10 yr old clients stay at his house without rents

>worked with Bob Villard extensively

Bob Jamieson

>photographer for child actors

>sells the images online

>convicted sex offender

Bob Villard


>photographer for child actors

>also sells the images online

>convicted sex offender

Martin "Marty" Weiss

>child actor manager

>had sleepovers with clients

>convicted sex offender

>worked with the above photographers

>had tapes of various clients fucking their managers

Ronald Rayton

>molested Todd Bridges

Marc Collins-Rector

>had Chad Shackley move in with him when he was 15 (Marc being in his later 20s/30s)

>had naked hot tub parties with teens/preteens

Chad Shackley

>star in Chad's World

>it was about a kid coming to live in a rich hollywood man's house

>used Marc Collins-Rector's house as a set

Brock Pierce

>former child actor

>owned Den. (Digital Entertainment Network) with Chad Shackley and Marc Collins-Rector

David Neuman

>Den. Producer

>hosted parties involving teens with drugs

>guests of those parties include Garth Ancier, Randal Kleiser, Bryan Singer, Gary Goddard

Roman Polanski fucked a 13 yr old girl

Jason Michael Handy (production from All That) was jailed for committing lewd acts on a child and distributing sexual material by email

Victor Salva was convicted of oral copulation a 12 yr old boy named Nathan Forrest Winters, manufacturing child porn and possessing child porn

Gary Goddard had a sexual abuse case against him

Brian Peck (of Nickolodean) has convictions on lewd acts on a child, and oral copulation on a

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8bfac3  No.2471432


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the U.S. and Iran as re-imposition of sanctions nears (all times local):

7:30 p.m.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says renewed U.S. sanctions on Iran will be rigorously enforced and remain in place until the Iranian government radically changes course.

Speaking to reporters aboard his plane on his way home from Asia, Pompeo says Monday's re-imposition of sanctions is an important pillar in U.S. policy toward Iran. He says the Trump administration is open to moving forward with Tehran but that would "require enormous change on the part of the Iranian regime."

Pompeo calls the Iranian leadership "bad actors" and says President Donald Trump is intent on getting them to "behave like a normal country."

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17aa2f  No.2471433

File: 678370fab947e12⋯.png (10.44 MB, 7696x4898, 3848:2449, 678370fab947e12c7284e2cb02….png)


Oops, forgot the pic

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de398c  No.2471434

File: 041c57e8612bafd⋯.png (1.03 MB, 947x650, 947:650, fire map Aug 5 18.PNG)

Three counties and still burning. The skill of the 1st responders is unmatched they turned the fire away from the cities. Pray the winds don't change.

Fyi : Lake County has been burning every year since 2012. Their motto is "Lake County Strong". This is the poorest county in the State of California, and the most beautiful.

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583605  No.2471435

File: 90f1ba908ba1872⋯.png (364.77 KB, 590x440, 59:44, 2018-08-05_19-16-26.png)

File: af0c2ab23bc6963⋯.png (170.14 KB, 955x464, 955:464, 2018-08-05_19-23-16.png)

File: 788c91d8ca89936⋯.png (218.02 KB, 605x593, 605:593, 2018-08-05_19-27-03.png)


Hornets will drive out the Hivites?

Bring it on!


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fd5d27  No.2471436

File: d5776da744236c8⋯.png (596.61 KB, 702x395, 702:395, askisrael.png)

File: be6d7f437d57d64⋯.png (321.75 KB, 500x668, 125:167, jesusboycott_001.png)

Boycotting works.

Boycott today!

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e31c82  No.2471437

File: 8830254468767f7⋯.png (720.74 KB, 1920x917, 1920:917, 777.PNG)

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13004f  No.2471438


hmmm okay

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3b9dbb  No.2471439


Nose and cheeks are way off…

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5570cd  No.2471440


no but I live in a mountainous area. Im good.

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6b9ede  No.2471441

File: 9c9e95f44bd28f5⋯.jpg (676.38 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Happy_Bread.jpg)

Thank You Baker!

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5ca936  No.2471442

>>2470634 (lb)

Joshua DuBois was a spiritual advisor....


Jim Wallis was his spiritual advisor in WH....


Louis Farrakhan


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bf5127  No.2471443

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


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f3e1b3  No.2471444

The media can be overwhelming at times. You never know how many people are buying their shit.


Then you read the comment section, kek!

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cb6681  No.2471445


no they are not #CIA Nigger. Try again

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dc69df  No.2471446


Gotta see past those awesome tits to make sure the person they belong to is just as beautiful inside.

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96e23b  No.2471447

File: 67769fa5403f489⋯.jpg (73.92 KB, 612x798, 102:133, maxbootSOWHITE.jpg)

(((Max Boot))) doubling down on the fellow whites meme.

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503bba  No.2471448

File: e7ca5a533ba21c6⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2aa25710a2b52f64645ac3ae4f….jpg)

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6d43f3  No.2471449


Will the military tribunals be for the public to see??

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35472b  No.2471450


Where Art You?

I've waded through five Breads since you changed your trip code.

Need I remind you, and I hate to pull rank, the taxpayers are flipping the bill.

Enough said

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0ad5be  No.2471451



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574159  No.2471452


That isn't her.

Please get glasses

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ab1c28  No.2471453


>Police “targeted Portland residents peacefully counter-protesting

Such bullshit.

They didn't have a permit

They had weapons

They attacked and clubbed a man to steal his flag

They were throwing bottles

The police told them to disperse, they didn't

The police warned them they would use riot tactics if they didn't disperse, they diddnt

The police finally moved in to break up the crowd…

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cfbb3e  No.2471454

File: dc004aea8623622⋯.jpeg (43.81 KB, 600x418, 300:209, therules.jpeg)

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5d736d  No.2471455

File: d81548b46f01386⋯.png (841.28 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 895B4B89-2F59-4343-A2FD-A7….png)

File: 64053841e6ab01d⋯.png (1.97 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4D080665-AD97-4CF2-AFC1-30….png)

File: d6f059f25e7743b⋯.png (588.62 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D8BDA01A-5D57-4D7A-8D29-74….png)

File: ca7d9168267f0dc⋯.png (629.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 394026AC-EA3B-4281-9040-5F….png)

My Little Pony Animator


60,000 Child Pornography images


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0f7892  No.2471456

File: 42ee38ab6c08cfe⋯.jpg (215.66 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, 1533499400708.jpg)

Another MKUltra subject?

"A big part of it is, it's hidden in Holmes' mind, and he can't see it either"


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26a5b5  No.2471457

>>2465633 past Q

This is stupid Q.

This is not anything Hannity has not been saying for a decade. Its DR3 useless faggotry for cucks.

Byrd OBVIOUSLY was not serving in the senate as some ongoing active KKK member. OBVIOUSLY he renounced any past affiliation he had with the KIKE KLUX KLAN.

The only point about this that has any value is that the left will forgive you only if you become an AVOWED AND OUTSPOKEN…


Which is what Byrd did.

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a2d516  No.2471458

File: 7047fb0f4ca8d25⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 279x181, 279:181, 2166de7d76a06c9e35b2dc5b37….jpg)


Happening confirmed. Thanks MSM. Thanks Reddit. Kek be praised.

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3b9dbb  No.2471459


Kat's is straighter and her face isn't as pudgy

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ee4a49  No.2471461


Pull the plug

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aeac86  No.2471462


If I were Q I'd say:

"Hug a root."

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352d72  No.2471463


To all the Katefags,

Think about this using logic.

Would an anon, who has multiple twitter handles, willingly be accepting to accept some deranged person showing up at their door and talk in their driveway, decide that it would be best to go and meet with this unhinged person in public to discuss further their plan to 187 POTUS?

If you decided this was a good idea, then does it make sense to meet with this person to unravel their plan, and then turn around and go public with the information, in the sense of doxxing yourself on the same board you have been a part of, because you don’t care anymore about being doxxed?

Only to make yourself the hero, and hope that you can be part of the “going mainstream” plan?

then would you double down on how you helped to save the world, and the Q movement?

This story stinks to high hell and deserves to be dug upon. Smells like a LARP shill if you ask me.

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907d11  No.2471464

File: 23b8b11d801c93b⋯.jpg (120.3 KB, 750x341, 750:341, IMG_2150.JPG)

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065bac  No.2471466

File: 8f4fab34df5ce3b⋯.jpg (120.3 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG-20180805-WA0001.jpg)

File: 6bf9cf1eb6f491b⋯.jpg (198.05 KB, 1600x1353, 1600:1353, IMG-20180805-WA0000.jpg)

Hope POTUS knows he owes one to his fiercest defender for forgetting to mention her.

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ffafd9  No.2471467

KSA tells Canadian ambassador to leave, recalls own envoy over ‘interference’


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35472b  No.2471468


How appropriate Max boot. I'll give you the maximum boot up your ass

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be6fd5  No.2471469


Reminds me, I need to rotate and get more water.

And more TP.

Someone keeps taking it from stash instead of just going to the fucking store.

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888a38  No.2471470

File: a08b0c6a1cc2980⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 650x487, 650:487, clooneydouche.jpg)

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7ad18f  No.2471471

File: 7b3227f37915f87⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 696x375, 232:125, JFK1.JPG)


I'd pay for that!!!!!

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eea2b8  No.2471472

>>2471269 """pb"""

for the USA



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6b9ede  No.2471473

File: 8396d93a98183e7⋯.png (154.01 KB, 1506x800, 753:400, POTUS_Spaces_Copyable_Via_….png)

Anons, I have a method to COPY those extra RAW spaces in POTUS tweets, as previous attempts only reverted to 1 single space being "pasted".

I used Firefox to Inspect Element and Copied the Inner HTML Section, even though that section in Inspector is showing only 1 space.

Once pasted into Notepad++ (pic related), it will show ALL spaces! It shows a total of 3 SPACES.

Notes: Depending on browser and if it's native or resized larger/smaller (e.g., 120%) you may not notice the extra spaces if line of text cuts off at the word "fire" and "spreading!" is shown on a new line.

Technical Info: HTML will collapse all duplicate spaces into one single white space when being rendered, hence the Inspect Element "shows" it as 1 space. However, the actual HTML collection of characters is "recording" duplicate spaces if ever present and what is copied to the clipboard is RAW data, not RENDERED data, hence the PASTE will show however many spaces they actually are into a text editor (using this method to copy raw data).

Recommended for Notable: How To Copy/Paste/Analyze POTUS whitespace characters.

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b1e8a8  No.2471474

File: d205b1a2cfcf9d3⋯.jpeg (325.74 KB, 750x1161, 250:387, 8E64B0CB-76B1-4C55-A25F-E….jpeg)

File: e11dee10de2aa43⋯.jpeg (392.74 KB, 750x997, 750:997, 8B9507B1-1D39-4EA6-808D-1….jpeg)

Q keeps saying something BIG is enough to drop.

Tomorrow’s day in history is when the US dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima


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5570cd  No.2471475


we need patriots to go up to reporters and do what they do to us. Ask them questions they cant answer and hit them with cold hard facts and ask them why they are so evil

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fd5d27  No.2471476

File: a79becb5c88fb5a⋯.png (565.33 KB, 702x395, 702:395, expelled_010.png)

"Anti-Semitism" did not exist until the 20th century.

Let that sink in.

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67d10a  No.2471477


>discourage you for learning the truth.

<kill you for learning the truth

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53680a  No.2471478

File: ef0ce3339d71c4b⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 236x214, 118:107, spam8.jpg)

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35472b  No.2471479

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0ad5be  No.2471480


Struck a nerve, we did.

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e16dbc  No.2471481





Next week BIG

Something BIG is about to drop

Trust the plan.

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63f54d  No.2471482


Clooney is an Acosta clone.

Or vice versa

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de75f7  No.2471483

File: df0985906b77694⋯.png (79.85 KB, 451x339, 451:339, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

File: 63e37fe97a4935c⋯.png (997.23 KB, 1036x901, 1036:901, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

Pic related

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a2f719  No.2471484


I believe it has everything to do with Power in Numbers.

Just like JA's 'key'- to be used if he 'disappeared'. The key would unlock all the TRUTH and evidence he had gathered.

Likewise, QAnon has gathered TRUTHS and EVIDENCE.

This time, the number of people with the 'KEYS' are innumerable and massive.

QAnon represent a 'nowhere to run and nowhere to hide' scenario. We are not just a group of one or two Patriots with a 'KEY'. We are a mass awakened number of Patriots that KNOW ALL. A majority that will not be silenced or corrupted or can be taken out.

Taking out one. like a JA isn't going to work this time.

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a12f47  No.2471485

File: d4d5e5cbd0ebc97⋯.jpg (115.24 KB, 500x504, 125:126, 2f89o6.jpg)

File: 11a0c43b95e8728⋯.jpg (109.52 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2f7e4n.jpg)

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af0355  No.2471486


u should really look into fisa.

his dad along with lanza dad was both tied into it.

lots of fuckerfy right there.

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161a61  No.2471487

File: 65fa0d1afbe4470⋯.png (267.73 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180806-004018.png)

File: cbc71a34cb5f8d6⋯.png (106.85 KB, 720x787, 720:787, 20180806_004146.png)



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96e23b  No.2471488

Fellow Jewish People.

Perhaps it’s time we opine about the disproportionate amount of communist mass murders during and after WWII.

It’s time we talk about #JewishSupremacy

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75ff83  No.2471489

File: 0715f754e2cb497⋯.jpg (252.29 KB, 816x528, 17:11, 0715f754e2cb497619f70eef86….jpg)

Hi NewAnon! Have you visited qproofs.com?

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907d11  No.2471490

9/10 anons would bang grandma Pirro.

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f4a85f  No.2471491

File: e0b0363e6f6d5fd⋯.png (323.89 KB, 593x491, 593:491, gold-star-research-q2.png)

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5570cd  No.2471492


LARP confirmed:


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970dbe  No.2471493

File: a9b5838861568fb⋯.jpg (41.19 KB, 349x314, 349:314, Hot.jpg)

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17aa2f  No.2471494


ahhh the morning DEW…

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b13837  No.2471495

The EU publishes a list of all Aircraft operators by country every year so they can 'appropriately' assign global warming taxes across Europe.


List in English (other languages available at first link): https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32018R0336&from=EN

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ee4a49  No.2471496


Don’t laugh. I have several hornets that have been buzzing my porch. I just watch them and they split.

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26d70f  No.2471497


That you Taylor?

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7ad18f  No.2471498

File: 7dc4ffabb55c660⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 648x377, 648:377, MPHG1.JPG)


Spam-A-Lot ?

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3b9dbb  No.2471499

File: 5ffc4a65efd1c8d⋯.jpg (81.34 KB, 534x712, 3:4, 636690836023040486-Dj3D32q….jpg)


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d0f155  No.2471500

It's most amusing to watch those on "our side" tripping over themselves to say they don't believe in Q the moment the MSM attacks. No nothing pussies. These are the same asshats who only got Q updates by reading shit posted to Twatter or plebbit and never spent any time actually trying to figure it out. Interesting to watch.

They will be very embarrassed. Including Mr "Navy Intel" Posobiec.

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a2d516  No.2471501

File: 3f1acad1e5d0bef⋯.jpg (184.09 KB, 1600x1172, 400:293, 7a7b5cab0e77604d5385f5a6b4….jpg)


She wasnt doxxing herself on 4chan Nov 3. Threads 30-34 have absolutely no normie tier shit. She is not anon.

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0ad5be  No.2471502


i heart taylor

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de75f7  No.2471503



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23ee21  No.2471504

File: 43620cbba3d7272⋯.png (93.05 KB, 711x481, 711:481, daymwut.png)

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73e078  No.2471505

File: a1a59a64ce20a83⋯.png (136.15 KB, 1056x459, 352:153, LOOKHERE.PNG)

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dfbe9b  No.2471506

File: 4ffd1ec1ef17c62⋯.png (373.17 KB, 1263x726, 421:242, knowyourenemy.png)

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f3e1b3  No.2471507


Holy Fuck can my country even do one thing correctly? God Canada sucks. My grocery bill has doubled in the last month while my country is being blacked and browned at an impossible rate. Fuck this place

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14695b  No.2471508

File: dd9cbd4020bc3fa⋯.jpg (292.75 KB, 1056x768, 11:8, IMG_2552.JPG)

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a6e18d  No.2471509


nice diggs anon , I really like this one


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719fa9  No.2471510

File: 6f8f74159ff9858⋯.jpg (41.52 KB, 915x260, 183:52, QAnon internatinal news 8 ….JPG)

From Singapore: The media's dilemma: How to cover conspiracy theorists

and check out the WAPO headline…

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26a5b5  No.2471512


"Disinformation is necessary"

Apparently that statement is meant for the cucks in Q's camp.

Along with the ANTIFA lie.

Reconcile that Q and Trump have to use half truths or outright lies because of your holocaustianity and brainwashing.


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6957af  No.2471513

File: 5742826e7c30e29⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 468x612, 13:17, 615305576-612x612.jpg)

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719fa9  No.2471514



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fe829b  No.2471515


Not Q, but I think I can answer the question:

Link goes to the current trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et al.:


You can see 6748 filings listed.

If that isn't open to public scrutiny, I don't know what is.

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574159  No.2471516

File: 4ab268020022a1d⋯.jpg (185.6 KB, 500x1790, 50:179, kraykate.jpg)

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596257  No.2471517


the new slide

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5d736d  No.2471518

File: 5296351b0e416ae⋯.png (2 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 08AD197F-10FB-41FE-9A39-A6….png)

File: e065886e8eebae3⋯.png (945.91 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 129C7AD1-9C62-464D-8C87-BB….png)

File: 99a970aa143fa6c⋯.png (342.44 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CF6106FF-B6DA-4C5F-9930-12….png)

File: 30a5814eabdbf50⋯.png (300.93 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 02288AE5-8327-4597-9EAC-76….png)

File: 81d9e65fb6939f6⋯.png (2.92 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5C4AA623-76C3-4BBC-9651-97….png)

Tom Wysom

My Pretty Pony Animator

Convicted Pedo

Better sauce.

My Little Pony Animator


60,000 Child Pornography images



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ddc46e  No.2471519


Those wormy types will turn around and say they were working with Q as deep cover fake opposition. I don't think they'll be embarrassed.

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96e23b  No.2471520

File: c8f3b40e91b1a2b⋯.jpg (17.79 KB, 300x424, 75:106, Dj32dm3XgAAeeLG.jpg)

Hello fellow white people!

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558ba9  No.2471521

File: 0ff011ac003c2be⋯.jpg (704.29 KB, 1377x935, 81:55, calendarjuly.jpg)

>>2471291 (lb)

( • )( • )

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f4a85f  No.2471522


When going further back in history ya might find interesting druidic celtic connections.

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2396d0  No.2471523


And this from cucks who have never supported POTUS. We think not.

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1d9225  No.2471524

File: cd353d453432818⋯.jpg (301.43 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, il_fullxfull.537302746_qap….jpg)

The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People

only because they know it’s TRUE

I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People.

They purposely cause great division & distrust.

They can also cause War!

They are very dangerous & sick!


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67d10a  No.2471525


that's basically what is going on….

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583605  No.2471526

File: 5ffa2ab9008f2c1⋯.png (313.04 KB, 500x329, 500:329, 2018-08-05_19-46-08.png)


Another one!

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

William Shakespeare


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fd5d27  No.2471527

File: 897c20103f56903⋯.png (583.65 KB, 702x395, 702:395, misquotebiblejews.png)

Jews are manipulative.

They even dare yo manipulate your religion.

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d0f155  No.2471528


And we'll all call them out for being lying tards.

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9b8f80  No.2471529

Early Notes

>>2471495 Research Tool: List of all Aircraft Operators << planefags

>>2471473 Anon finds a way to copy exact spaces in POTUS' tweets

>>2471467 KSA tells Canadian ambassador to leave, recalls own envoy over ‘interference’

>>2471455 , >>2471518 My Little Pony Animator Tom Wysom Arrested: 60,000 CP Images

>>2471432 Mike Pompeo releases an update on Iran sanctions

>>2471386 , >>2471431 Huge Elite PedoFiles & Arrests Info Dump

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aeac86  No.2471530


>I don't think they'll be embarrassed.

These types of people never are. That's why they're these types of people.

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3508fd  No.2471531


Sounds about right.

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eb300e  No.2471532

According to POTUS POOL report, Graham golfed with POTUS. He probably told light in his loafers Graham that they have the goods on the dossier and no name, as well as Syria. Either get with it, or get destroyed.

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a2f719  No.2471533


OHR is NOT fringe.

OHR is wrapped tightly in to the evil that has been perpetuated on humanity.


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1809a5  No.2471534

File: bd7b47a9e1042af⋯.png (10.42 KB, 300x250, 6:5, FB8672E2-9DBB-4496-89AC-F5….png)










pic related

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a6e18d  No.2471535

File: 83422e760433d5c⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 736x524, 184:131, 83422e760433d5ccdff50685a4….jpg)

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26d70f  No.2471536

File: 8786543bfdee108⋯.jpg (7.63 KB, 254x255, 254:255, fa796ac532515b35a1736cec1b….jpg)

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14695b  No.2471537

File: f588db7f259196e⋯.jpg (69.13 KB, 640x491, 640:491, IMG_2553.JPG)

It's a self fulfilling Bullshit loop so far


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e4af2a  No.2471539

File: e1c36b3a55c523f⋯.jpg (145.01 KB, 1031x586, 1031:586, Trance summ.JPG)

File: a0837eb0ececb92⋯.jpg (128.92 KB, 638x826, 319:413, trance-formation-of-americ….jpg)

File: b0a893c1af191f0⋯.gif (21.08 KB, 510x140, 51:14, transf_america.gif)


additional Text copy avail --- Trance Formation of America








MarQuart Mark Phillips

Cathy O'Brien

MKU / MK Ultra


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b13837  No.2471540

File: 9c3ebf34a296474⋯.png (119.42 KB, 1335x766, 1335:766, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44cfd2c4e60788a⋯.png (33.04 KB, 1552x288, 97:18, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2471495 Screen Shot - example. The list is also available in other formats. (pic related)


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be6fd5  No.2471541

File: 789b3d3968bb549⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 275x183, 275:183, Hornet.jpg)

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4828d7  No.2471542

File: 56f23b539a99885⋯.png (233.73 KB, 1628x1366, 814:683, HuffPoAugust5.PNG)

See something, say something.

Not sure if this has already been posted, but look at what we have here. It would seem that the Huffington Post is working to push the build-up of a False Flag event, based on Trump's "inciting hatred" of the media.

In other words, they're going to use Trump's accurate rhetoric regarding fake-news and claim that he's pushing his followers–namely, QAnon folks I'm sure–to commit acts of violence, a la a cult.


A supporter of President Donald Trump threatened “to shoot” CNN reporters Brian Stelter and Don Lemon during an on-air call with C-SPAN on Friday.

The caller’s threat comes amid repeated attacks on the media from Trump, who has described the press as “the enemy of the people” and “fake news.”

The caller, identified by C-SPAN host Greta Brawner as “Don from State College, Pennsylvania,” had phoned into her show Friday to express support for Trump’s criticism of the media.

“It all started when Trump got elected,” the caller said before falsely accusing the reporters of labeling all Trump supporters as racist. “[Stelter and Lemon] don’t even know us. They don’t even know these Americans out here and they’re calling us racist because we voted for Trump.”

“They started the war. If I see ’em, I’m going to shoot ’em. Bye,” he added before abruptly ending the call.

Brian Stelter


Threats against reporters on the rise. We decided to broadcast one of those threats on today's @ReliableSources, so everyone can hear it for themselves.

9:14 AM - Aug 5, 2018


2,165 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Stelter discussed the threat Sunday on CNN, pointing out that neither Lemon nor he has ever described all Trump supporters as “racist.” Stelter said he didn’t know why the caller felt this way, but noted that Fox News’ Sean Hannity played a clip during his show Thursday of Stelter asking whether racial anxiety played a factor in Trump’s rise.

“Obviously, researchers have proven that ― yes ― racial anxiety and resentment was a factor. But that’s not the same as calling all Trump supporters racist,” Stelter said on Sunday. “I don’t know if the C-SPAN caller watched Hannity. I’m not blaming Hannity. I just thought the timing was odd.”

Trump has adopted an increasingly hostile stance against the media since the 2016 presidential election. He ramped up his attacks against the press over the weekend, tweeting Friday night that Lemon was the “dumbest man on television” and tweeting Sunday that the media is “dangerous & sick” and can “cause War.”

Donald J. Trump


The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!

4:38 AM - Aug 5, 2018


70K people are talking about this

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C-SPAN’s Brawner did not acknowledge the caller’s threat during the live broadcast Friday. After the caller hung up, Brawner immediately reminded other callers to “turn down that television, and listen and talk through the phone.”

Brawner did not address the threat because she did not hear the caller’s remarks, Howard Mortman, the network’s communications director, told HuffPost in an email Sunday.

“If she had, she would have said something on air,” Mortman said before directing HuffPost to C-SPAN’s general policy on call-ins.

“When a caller makes ad hominem attacks or uses indecent language or obviously racist language, program hosts are certainly permitted to step in,” according to C-SPAN’s website. “Given that this involves quick judgment during a live television production, it’s an imperfect process.”

Trump’s anti-media rhetoric has drawn concern from lawmakers and journalists in newsrooms nationwide. The New York Times’ publisher A.G. Sulzberger told Trump during a meeting last month that the outlet had placed armed security guards outside its offices in response to an increase in threats against reporters.

A deadly attack in June against reporters at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Maryland did nothing to quell Trump’s belligerent accusations against the media. Since the shooting, which left five people dead, Trump has used Twitter to attack news outlets, reporters and the media generally over 25 times.

“I’m not asking for sympathy,” Stelter said Sunday. “I don’t think I’m in extreme danger. I know some of my colleagues get much worse threats than I do. CNN has a great security team and we know how to handle this stuff.”

“But these kinds of threats are coming in more often,” he warned.

Link: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/c-span-cnn-brian-stelter-don-lemon_us_5b674492e4b0fd5c73dacf89

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64cbf1  No.2471543

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ddc46e  No.2471544

File: 804b9abbbaafeef⋯.jpg (315.56 KB, 749x1001, 107:143, 804b9abbbaafeef00d14e758c3….jpg)

File: 628f91eae5dd34a⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 411x600, 137:200, Are You.jpg)

File: 728dec86578686b⋯.jpg (552.04 KB, 1200x1728, 25:36, Drill.jpg)

File: 5c41964d94c9a3d⋯.jpg (465.4 KB, 1200x1728, 25:36, Pepe Produce.jpg)

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96e23b  No.2471545

File: a28a16a920b8f50⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 1200x760, 30:19, Dj3193iVsAAqhC4.jpg)

"My fellow dogs…"

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1fe565  No.2471546


Kate Mazzochetti (sp) is a nutter. She has posted on 4pol for a long time prior to this most recent publicity, always weird unintelligible shit and “come and kill me I don’t care” ranting. She believes she is a targeted individual and is an absolute paranoid (not that legitimate TI’s don’t exist, they do). She even has/had a YT channel with a video she claimed showed evidence of organ harvesting and the exposure of which is what made her a target in the first place.

I recall reading her threads many months to a year ago on 4pol. She used a moniker and I believe also a trip. She also linked to the YT channel. I don’t have links and am phonefagging but autists can find them in the archives most likely.

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a1c5bd  No.2471547

What do you think, Anon?


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35472b  No.2471548



they don't even realize they're getting played by the mainstream media and manipulated.

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945eb1  No.2471549


sjw's defending racism

too funny

TDS has them all tied up in knots

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07aaff  No.2471550

Thanks for posting the possible reference to the DHS. I came upon their website and took their tests called "Do you pay attention to your surroundings?" and realized I'm a fucking idiot.

So much for the space force.

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21d768  No.2471551

File: bd0db74b2e57ad9⋯.png (612.17 KB, 529x633, 529:633, ClipboardImage.png)

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f4a0c0  No.2471552


Have ya seen this

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26a5b5  No.2471553

File: bf7e46f2bf0a257⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1146x643, 1146:643, serveimage (8).png)

>>2465633 Q post


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6a2f18  No.2471554

File: af17b3790fa9555⋯.png (296.58 KB, 2388x424, 597:106, last_bread_magick copy.png)

can't help themselves

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14579f  No.2471555

File: 3634c491c15544c⋯.png (503.03 KB, 1065x1133, 1065:1133, Maduro1.png)

File: b026a2a0c6ff8a7⋯.png (102.47 KB, 1029x1125, 343:375, Maduro2.png)


Read All Aboout It - NY Post - https:// nypost.com/2018/08/05/maduro-calls-on-trump-to-fight-suspects-behind-alleged-assassination-attempt/

Hours after dodging an apparent assassination attempt, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on President Trump to help him fight the terrorists he believes are behind the attack.

“This was an attempt to kill me,” Maduro said in a televised address hours after Saturday’s attack. “Today they attempted to assassinate me.”

The South American leader had been delivering a speech to hundreds of soldiers, in an event broadcast live on TV, when drones armed with explosives flew toward him and exploded.

Footage of the event showed him suddenly look up startled mid-speech, while his wife Cilia Flores, who stood next to him, could be seen wincing after a loud bang pierced the air. Soldiers broke rank and could be seen running in panic from the area as bodyguards moved to shield the president and his wife.

Maduro said several perpetrators were caught, without elaborating.

He blamed an international “far right” plot linked to Colombia, including president Juan Manuel Santos, and people in Florida, where many Venezuelan exiles live.

“The preliminary investigation indicates that many of those responsible for the attack, the financiers and planners, live in the United States, in the state of Florida,” Maduro said, according to CNN.

He called on the Trump administration to “fight the terrorist groups that commit attacks in peaceful countries in our continent, in this case, Venezuela.”

A senior state department official said: “We’ve heard the reports coming out of Venezuela. We are carefully following the situation.”

A Colombian official told Reuters the claim about Santos was “absurd” and that the Colombian president was at his granddaughter’s baptism on Saturday.

Firefighters at the scene disputed the government’s account about the drones, with three local authorities telling the Associated Press there had been a gas tank explosion inside an apartment near Maduro’s speech, where smoke could be seen streaming out the window.

Venezuela’s government routinely accuses oppositions activists of plotting to overthrow Maduro, a deeply unpopular leader in a nation crippled by an economic crisis where people are suffering a shortage of food and medicine.

Attorney General Tarek William Saab said the assassination attempt also targeted high-ranking military officers on stage with Maduro. Saab said he would give more information about the investigation into the attack on Monday.

Adding to the confusion, a group calling itself Soldiers in T-shirts claimed responsibility, tweeting: “We showed that they are vulnerable. It was not successful today, but it is just a matter of time.” The organization didn’t respond to a message from the Associated Press.

Seven National Guard soldiers were injured in the attack that left Maduro unscathed. Images shared on social media showed officers rushing to surround Maduro with what looked to be a black, bullet-proof barrier.

Maduro said he never panicked.

“That drone came after me,” he said. “But there was a shield of love that always protects us. I’m sure I’ll live for many more years.”

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1d9225  No.2471556

File: 0b6847d3491d25c⋯.png (940.85 KB, 558x594, 31:33, hghjg555.PNG)

File: 4ecdbde196c568c⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1261x643, 1261:643, hgfjjgfjh656565.PNG)

File: 82ca3d6488569f1⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1527x713, 1527:713, cvzxczxcvxzcv.PNG)

File: a0686b61b14bce7⋯.jpg (51.87 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1623617-The-Biggest-Bag-of….jpg)

Enjoy The Show

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96040e  No.2471557

Has anyone tried any of the trips on WL insurance files?

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a2f719  No.2471558


To understand you must comprehend that these people literally have no soul.

Narcissism doesn't even fit here.

They are NOT like you and I.

They are a special brand of evil. One might even categorize them as non-human.


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ee4a49  No.2471559


That isn’t a hornet. I’m talking 3 to 3 1/2 inches long. Fucking huge motherfuckers

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fdc292  No.2471560


trumptwitterarchive.com (when exporting as CSV) has all the spaces incl., as they should be.

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8d1197  No.2471561

File: 037b215a0ac8cf2⋯.jpg (407.24 KB, 673x894, 673:894, glowing clown deep dream.jpg)

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6d43f3  No.2471562


Will check out, thanks anon!

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596257  No.2471563


Good movie worth seeing

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6f185b  No.2471564


Night [4]

Increase in chatter.

Auth B19-2.

Sparrow Red.

Prevent at all costs.






Auth 1st S.



Contact window ok.



Tracking good.

Relay back channel S-WH-E-P1.

Fly High.


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ab1c28  No.2471565


>The caller, identified by C-SPAN host Greta Brawner as “Don from State College, Pennsylvania,” had phoned into her show Friday to express support for Trump’s criticism of the media.

Did they file an FBI report?

Otherwise, I call bullshit.

Force them to admit that the either didn't report it or they filed a false report.

Let's see it, bitches!

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352d72  No.2471566


Furthermore, would you then post to the board and say you just had a Q shirt made, go to the rally and take pics with other Q anon patriots, and say you want to go find CNN. Get VIP "treatment" to be hidden from the broadcast, and tell everyone how you are the definition of an anon? Sorry Kate, you seem a little spoopy to me

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fc2ee9  No.2471567

File: abeeca64e4d10e6⋯.jpeg (385.36 KB, 750x945, 50:63, 57B6DE0A-E6CA-4A51-98D1-5….jpeg)

I’ll be honest. It’s beginning to ware on me. We’re under heavily artillery fire.

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fd5d27  No.2471568

File: df16cc260b504eb⋯.png (581.99 KB, 702x395, 702:395, kikeskillyourkids.png)

Do you support pedophilia?

Every time that you do business with a jew, you are supporting their pedophilia.

Boycott the jew. By doing so, you help to protect children from rape and murder.

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14695b  No.2471569

File: a84e49db6bbfcbc⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, B36215E0-6F39-4673-95AA-BF….png)

File: 9fd5659db955622⋯.jpeg (112.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 6236FE5F-E283-49F9-B2B8-C….jpeg)

File: 291e0b9336d4578⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 1024x851, 1024:851, 5711CD20-865D-4C7D-80C4-44….jpg)

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e2e73e  No.2471570

File: edac11600379c51⋯.jpg (177.74 KB, 885x601, 885:601, newTrip.jpg)

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26a5b5  No.2471571

File: 389823acaefad5e⋯.png (709.55 KB, 1061x667, 1061:667, Screen-Shot-2018-08-04-at-….png)



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13004f  No.2471572


that is a hornet, youre talking about a japnese wasp

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8d1197  No.2471573

File: ae4fdd0b47f3e17⋯.jpeg (6.72 KB, 170x255, 2:3, glow fag.jpeg)


Fail, don't divide HATER

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a2f719  No.2471574

File: 7a7c377d419cb4c⋯.jpg (6.67 KB, 255x159, 85:53, DOIT rwb.jpg)



GREAT idea!

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2396d0  No.2471575


They haven't yet accepted that they're the low IQ contingent in MAGA. And their concernfagging demonstrates that they're still in thrall to MSM. Pity them, because they are truly the frens who failed to know their own intellectual limitations and think that everything on the surface is all that exists.

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f4a85f  No.2471576

File: 61504227c01281f⋯.png (721.28 KB, 609x497, 87:71, hillbag-corsi-obozo-q.png)

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6a2f18  No.2471577


as soon as Q shows up… POOF they all go away

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be6fd5  No.2471578

File: 654d7d547ba2fc6⋯.png (119.79 KB, 500x522, 250:261, the-japanese-giant-hornet-….png)

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475e65  No.2471579


So, what do you think she is up to? … schizo? with disillusions of grandeur? … one of the government"programmed" brainwashed nuts? Lois Lane wannabe?

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6d43f3  No.2471580

File: 5d62a9cc7596957⋯.png (223.16 KB, 640x476, 160:119, ClipboardImage.png)


Found this on reddit


New arrival.1 point ·

3 months ago

I believe The executive order trump made for changes to the Military Tribunal a couple months ago allowed for filming.

Let me see if I can find it.

level 4


New arrival.2 points ·

3 months ago


level 5


You have more than you know. - Q1 point ·

3 months ago

Great find buddy!

Trump wants them to be publicly embarrassed for their crimes. What a good guy he is for doing that!

I've attached the imgur photo from link. I don't really understand what it is saying, but I am seeing something about judge and camera, but not saying for public unless I am misunderstanding.

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352d72  No.2471581


Grow up and recognize infiltration and delegitimization.

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a55b28  No.2471582

File: 651ced746685cca⋯.jpg (202.89 KB, 1200x945, 80:63, Flood is coming.jpg)

Q proofs summarized. Possible notable?

https:// threadreaderapp.com/thread/1014368693801742337.html

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574159  No.2471583


Oh, and that badge is from www.Dalton.com which is Dalton Pharma Services.

Her previous business accountant/partner was a Pharmacist.

He apparently somehow stole their furniture business and fenced everything.

He also somehow did all this but never was in trouble for any of it.

She stalks him, blames him for all her loses & enjoys threatening him

All records show that she still lives in NJ. She was at her dads house when Jeff Boyd met up with her.

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dc69df  No.2471584


His wife was smiling as it happened. That may be a big clue how serious or efficient the FF was,

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5570cd  No.2471585


this is NOTHING you pussy

man up and find your balls for Christ sakes

and this is coming from a WOMAN you big fuckin pussy

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0ad5be  No.2471586

File: 747acb8411d3de8⋯.png (547.97 KB, 926x645, 926:645, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

House Intelligence Committee Investigation Turns to John Kerry, State Department


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26d70f  No.2471587


Let em… We're burrowed in .. And if twitter lifts the shadowban.. WE GOT THE NUKES

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f2522b  No.2471588

Sometimes I feel bad for Stetler because he is clearly retarded as fuck.

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8d1197  No.2471589


Kate is a PATRIOT confirmed

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6ada2a  No.2471590

File: f1d6f139ac0b47a⋯.png (97.46 KB, 467x496, 467:496, 1524704990613.png)



alanowhere.imgur.com over 1000 pizzagate pictures

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13004f  No.2471591


>he doesnt trust himself

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07464d  No.2471592

File: 0b760ad2eb900f1⋯.png (341.74 KB, 498x449, 498:449, ClipboardImage.png)



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0dca22  No.2471593

File: fa0ebe76e686d0a⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 250x201, 250:201, DownloadHUHHUH.jpg)

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970dbe  No.2471596

File: 6b64b424535ec79⋯.jpg (374.65 KB, 1301x793, 1301:793, StoryOfSpygateDossierLiesS….jpg)



Sorry. Much as I hate to disparage a person who is using ham radio, in this case it's justified. Read the Story. Both Ohrs, Bruce & Nellie, are in deep, deep shit.

Incidentally, you might also want to look at Jeanne M. Lin (formerly of Trident Missile submarines and Homeland Security, coastal undersea defenses, later a consultant in Federal Government procedurement procedures), who took her exam and got her technician license on the same day the Nellie Ohr did. Sequential callsign assignments essentially prove it.

I gave Nellie Ohr a pass for months because I did not want to disparage any ham. The time has come to rip the covers off and deal with the facts.

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a12f47  No.2471597

File: 4c5220108c7f09f⋯.jpg (94.93 KB, 500x737, 500:737, hg2drt47.jpg)

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1809a5  No.2471598


are you SerialBrain1


are you

who is?

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4828d7  No.2471599

File: 421f06612557fe9⋯.png (527.7 KB, 683x351, 683:351, 421f06612557fe902bd927a139….png)


It's almost as though they're not even trying to be discreet. Balls to the wall I guess.

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719fa9  No.2471600

File: 687a5fcca9a5272⋯.jpg (40.94 KB, 561x536, 561:536, sperry declass 8 5 18.JPG)



Look this month for POTUS to declassify…– 63 pages of emails and notes b/t Ohr & Steele

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c0469e  No.2471601


it sting you longtime

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f4a85f  No.2471602

File: dfa1ce6c6d3f0dd⋯.png (311.54 KB, 398x391, 398:391, hillbg-pickle-factory.png)

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a2f719  No.2471603

File: 2cb7b2a0190bda7⋯.jpg (116.79 KB, 640x960, 2:3, mason hal.jpg)

File: d5b4179e7b597fb⋯.png (838.49 KB, 749x939, 749:939, LeB skool.png)

File: 7d8dd99665a8fd8⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 2160x2829, 720:943, Mas grnd hal.jpg)


Masonic Grand Hall pictured

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14695b  No.2471604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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20df56  No.2471605


that Kate is a con

she has multiple accounts

to cordinate conversations in the third person.

studied on that shit.

also a tatic by indivisuals to attrack men or women to there LARP.

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ea0e0b  No.2471606

File: f226e6210f28b21⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 600x429, 200:143, 38392393_2052772964734406_….jpg)

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ab1c28  No.2471607



Ohr using a ham radio is proof that they were trying to hide their activities from their own counter-intelligence resources in the NSA.

Shows they were consciously setting out to break the law.

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af8f38  No.2471608


Cool, i just Tweed that from the earlier notables.

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3508fd  No.2471609


You had a great comment and everything and everything anon but

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask to see your tits.

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b7c9b5  No.2471610


All I can imagine is some toothless hillbilly seeing them on TV and shooting his own television set!

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976e35  No.2471611

File: f4ce2502b561d83⋯.jpg (184.29 KB, 666x500, 333:250, WWG1WGA.jpg)


Wankers. We're thousands strong.

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8d1197  No.2471612


Hire a cuck to lead, you get cucked.

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7bc411  No.2471613


28 months for 60k images. Why not bury the creep?

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86d1ff  No.2471614


"in camera" is not what you think it means.

Quite the opposite.

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21d768  No.2471615


>I’ll be honest. It’s beginning to ware on me. We’re under heavily artillery fire.

Since when do you care what any of those faggots think anyway?

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f4a85f  No.2471616

File: c9916a508c498be⋯.png (79.98 KB, 955x843, 955:843, podesta-smoking-gun-q2.png)

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26a5b5  No.2471617


Stupid idiotic movie produced by (((Spielberg's))) producer of (((Schindler's List))). In other words…

Complete fiction based on half truths and lies.

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6f185b  No.2471618

File: b45d088f1199f27⋯.png (429.03 KB, 720x976, 45:61, Screenshot_20180805-185304….png)


They are trying to start a war.


Public interest shift.

Pullout announcement.

Chem attack.


These people are sick.



POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves.

Think logically.

Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria?

Moves and countermoves.

These people are STUPID (& SICK).


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ee4a49  No.2471619

File: c3c2344691375e4⋯.jpeg (69.55 KB, 795x500, 159:100, FADF368A-0D3E-4CAA-A5AA-C….jpeg)

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503bba  No.2471620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is who we are fighting?

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352d72  No.2471621


Anons don't doxx themselves. She seems to be disinfo. She thwarted a 187 attempt? And now, is trying to famefag? Stinks. Period

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be6fd5  No.2471623

File: 6d6c9e03d590cb2⋯.jpg (9.68 KB, 220x229, 220:229, one bee.jpg)



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583605  No.2471624

File: 48300388b4c930f⋯.png (119.89 KB, 300x294, 50:49, 2018-07-22_07-30-13.png)



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a2f719  No.2471625


Most will go down for TREASON; that's DEATH.

They are all-in, all-out warfare to STOP the TRUTH.

Their lives depend on it- literally.

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6d43f3  No.2471626


Right. I am not seeing where this is saying anything about filming for public.

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557934  No.2471627


They will learn Anon

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63f54d  No.2471628


I like to run their rants through a tone analyzer.

Tentative Anger Analytical Sadness, mostly.

Never Confidence or Joy.


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b25755  No.2471629

Scott Adams and many leaders on right are saying Q is 100% fake today:


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f40171  No.2471630

File: 90ef902553ce5e1⋯.jpg (727.6 KB, 2288x1712, 143:107, raheen-industrial-estate-l….jpg)

File: 8899bf7cd420f4f⋯.jpg (701.57 KB, 2288x1712, 143:107, bed-and-breakfast-raheen-i….jpg)

File: 997c9b2493489d5⋯.png (1.01 MB, 778x1929, 778:1929, Screenshot_2018-08-05 #BRE….png)

File: ca6e51b1bf10560⋯.png (647.82 KB, 939x1628, 939:1628, Screenshot_2018-08-05 Stat….png)

File: 6cb6369b867c61c⋯.jpg (536.68 KB, 808x1746, 404:873, Screenshot_2018-08-05 Rahe….jpg)

>>2470812 (last bread)

Raheen Business Park Limerick Ireland. It's on one of your photos anon.

First ten minute dig. Two local fires popped up on a simple search. One of the fires at DGD Shredding (specializing in document disposal) at the business park. Date of fire was 5th of May 2017. DELL used to own the Park. Other one at Clear Circle Metal Recycling Yard on Ballysimon Road the day prior.



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0ad5be  No.2471631


Ah, I should check notables more often.

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5d736d  No.2471632

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e2e73e  No.2471633

File: 899536efbf87e00⋯.png (33.37 KB, 463x354, 463:354, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ce1ccd8a6fe40e⋯.png (38.09 KB, 457x408, 457:408, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b67513a63502207⋯.png (69.52 KB, 466x805, 466:805, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 125547876af4d16⋯.jpg (311.03 KB, 1200x608, 75:38, TrustThePlan.jpg)


>Public awareness forces hand.


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a6e18d  No.2471634

File: 1ac3a74a31f5407⋯.jpg (89.04 KB, 700x467, 700:467, 1ac3a74a31f540723b61d4ca26….jpg)

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888a38  No.2471635

File: 89860a0e2a92b23⋯.jpg (145.35 KB, 717x472, 717:472, nixonfrombeyond (2).jpg)


Yes we did

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aeac86  No.2471636


Stinks to high heavens.

True anons don't act like her.

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ddc46e  No.2471637

File: 77a51ab79e1a85a⋯.jpeg (54.57 KB, 500x283, 500:283, 73.jpeg)

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55329c  No.2471638

File: 38cfd2fa0843bc8⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 20160219_181242.png)

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0ad5be  No.2471639


no hive shit please

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3148a5  No.2471641

File: d81c215befc0931⋯.jpeg (367.67 KB, 1242x1288, 27:28, 011F90B7-C7B9-4885-B77B-1….jpeg)


I think this is another one

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8d1197  No.2471642

File: 58ea0730f3aa660⋯.jpg (99.92 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, glowing clown.jpg)


divider whore

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a2f719  No.2471643



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b25755  No.2471644


Scott, Poseibic, Joe Biggs, et al all saying Q is fake today. Kind of like MSM 4am talking points.

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6a2f18  No.2471645

File: e33606155fb33f0⋯.png (244.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Nellie_Ohr_Ham_Radio_Fail.png)

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6f185b  No.2471646

File: e6701fd54385409⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 266x189, 38:27, e6701fd54385409156a2389d8d….jpg)


Scott who?

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475e65  No.2471647


Seems that way … motive … must have a motive … but I think the part that blows my mind is that she had photos of her house … seemed to be flaunting danger or inviting some kind of attack or confrontation …

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64cbf1  No.2471648


thanks for the goggles MI - dog

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13004f  No.2471649

File: 2b4978ff501affd⋯.gif (3.89 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 1439260098386.gif)

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ee61bc  No.2471650


It is becoming a problem

Despite the comments before mine, if you know who these people are, then you understand they are making it about the MAGA group vs Q Anon

The comments saying oh ignmore it, oh who cares is really just burying ones head in the sand

One side is going to look stupid

So which side will POTUS choose?

Well know MAGA advocates or some anonymous people on 8chan

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6497f6  No.2471651

File: 3579e06ba8b2481⋯.jpg (19.69 KB, 255x160, 51:32, c41fe8327d1cc9823b1ba54c11….jpg)

[ 89f0b5 ]

This is what projecting looks like kids, careful not to bite. Kate is not one of us, the famefagging and attention-whoring alone glows enough, nevermind anything else.

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007968  No.2471652

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5d736d  No.2471653


The sentences seem to be very light, in many of these cases. Not good.

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c0469e  No.2471654

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, 0cd294bb1f9a30402cb812d0a4….jpg)


comes outta no where , nut eyes . yeah it stinks .

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ba9dda  No.2471655

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139fd8  No.2471656

Baker, Notable

>>2471474 - Tomorrow in history, something BIG was about to drop. Booms incoming?

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cb6681  No.2471657


Kate is a fucking con. She is not one of us.

you faggot clown.

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e7211e  No.2471658



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20bd63  No.2471659

File: 4cffd24608fb295⋯.jpg (42.93 KB, 960x588, 80:49, SanFranFeces.jpg)

File: 650b12e55e2700a⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 528x408, 22:17, dems turn every place into….jpg)

File: 09a262c97b042b6⋯.jpeg (220.75 KB, 816x528, 17:11, 5aa1e16ede996.jpeg)

File: 31b528a62b639d3⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 473x266, 473:266, shithole California.jpg)

File: beaf4a0da7b32dd⋯.jpg (63.04 KB, 648x418, 324:209, 3600.jpg)

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658c94  No.2471660

File: 1f4ab3ca1ce5e86⋯.png (526.17 KB, 1079x551, 1079:551, CA Fires DEW Drone.png)

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b7c9b5  No.2471662



And that guy is serious!

I don't plan on physically fighting anyone.

I don't plan on showing up in the streets.

Let the cops handle these fucks.

Meanwhile, I'm eating popcorn and waiting for Q to drop!

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aeac86  No.2471663


Majoring in the minors.

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f82eb6  No.2471666

File: c163babc8ceffc3⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 432x600, 18:25, c163babc8ceffc352358ac6649….jpg)

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8d1197  No.2471667


you are failing troll

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14695b  No.2471668

File: f9f419ed39b9837⋯.jpg (107.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_2461.JPG)

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ee4a49  No.2471669

File: 2afab6bed74be04⋯.jpeg (217.9 KB, 986x1240, 493:620, 4361F20E-B406-4961-BC31-4….jpeg)

File: 894930e75a137ca⋯.jpeg (119.82 KB, 749x499, 749:499, 1BDCF939-E381-4B9C-BDE4-9….jpeg)

File: d867d856e76b870⋯.jpeg (40.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 6E034B8D-B9B5-4CCD-885F-7….jpeg)

File: 05f56fe3c72e4cc⋯.jpeg (69.67 KB, 630x455, 18:13, 2E454DCE-C0BA-41DA-81AB-3….jpeg)

File: 7c0d11b7924aa81⋯.jpeg (192.83 KB, 986x1236, 493:618, 5B4C98E5-47E8-4C6C-BA2E-D….jpeg)


Fake? Hmmmm

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6ada2a  No.2471670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





They are afraid this happen to them, they probably murdered Avicii out of anger

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a12f47  No.2471671

File: 8dd10f6a8652bbd⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 255x254, 255:254, pthshdsoi.jpg)

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352d72  No.2471672


One twitter pic supposedly of her driveway, had her name and phone number on the driveway. WTF does that and posts on twatter?

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86e10a  No.2471673


Not 88?


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3fb093  No.2471674

File: 06641ff81265c02⋯.png (37.89 KB, 730x163, 730:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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3b9dbb  No.2471675


Scott "Sudden Expert" Adams

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69bf72  No.2471676



We aren't fighting, we are seeking truth.

Those reactions are just a form of cognitive dissonance detox.

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667c68  No.2471677

File: bb9f54564c4d7d9⋯.png (62.68 KB, 378x357, 18:17, LaffTearsPepe.png)


Kek Kek Kek! ! ! !

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123a03  No.2471678

File: ed994aaa6b0bb2a⋯.png (197.78 KB, 773x809, 773:809, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fda1deea1a6098⋯.png (140.51 KB, 604x909, 604:909, ClipboardImage.png)

Head Of Syrian Military Research And Development Agency Assassinated. Pro-Government Sources Accuse Israel


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4b7369  No.2471679

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950671  No.2471680


Is there any of our gold left in Ft. Knox or did they steal it all?

Will POTUS look into this?

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bdfb20  No.2471681


that and hivites



they are sociopaths, so they are utterly

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187f8b  No.2471682


they are losing viewers bc of Q

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7ad18f  No.2471683



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d0d47a  No.2471684

File: 0d98e3b35670b31⋯.jpeg (120.71 KB, 771x708, 257:236, Obama Calling Kim.jpeg)



Heard she's mad on the Ham. But the NK line she set up in case Kim changed his number was sort of a bust. Sorry Hussein.

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ab1c28  No.2471685



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8d1197  No.2471686

File: 12c64bd550010e8⋯.jpeg (3.5 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, slide.jpeg)


found the shill slider

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20bd63  No.2471687

File: 926bb3b5517435d⋯.jpeg (81.28 KB, 661x500, 661:500, 5a5.jpeg)

File: d07b701bd7269e1⋯.jpg (1013.46 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, kkio.jpg)

File: 15bf847f9887198⋯.jpg (187.25 KB, 800x420, 40:21, Tent-City.jpg)

File: d7c1158a0fb0dc5⋯.jpg (133.47 KB, 897x960, 299:320, and that spells shit hole.jpg)

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dc69df  No.2471688


If you stopped an attempt on the life of POTUS you may want a little recognition for it. Not as an anon, but as a person. In all honesty, If I was able to do something like that I would like the world to know that i was one that did the right thing too. I am not implying that was her motivation, just merely saying I would also be proud of myself too. Just as the soliders that fight for us every day of the year.

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7b988e  No.2471689

File: a6a9fc77ef3b25e⋯.png (156.71 KB, 1065x730, 213:146, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64cdce00b17fbf9⋯.png (39.09 KB, 921x825, 307:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f18bb6d2300489e⋯.png (115.11 KB, 315x165, 21:11, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2465484 pb

>>2465470 pb

Donatella Versace avatar "troll"

And wtf D5!!!!? uhhh… no.

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ecc80f  No.2471690


What is totally weird is that it looks Asian.

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352d72  No.2471691


GTFO Corsi. The only thing failing here is Kate's fucking "Story"

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7292e3  No.2471692

File: e262009ede06dc8⋯.jpg (615.67 KB, 750x1150, 15:23, larp.jpg)

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0dca22  No.2471693


Started losing some (not a lot but some) die hard Trump followers after Q became more main stream. Folks that supported Trump from the beginning, know his policies well & very versed in EOs, arrests, corruption, Seth Rich....etc, without knowing anything about Q. I really love these people, their knowledge & loyalty. It’s a little difficult losing long time followers, TRUE PATRIOTS, due to the division. Still , plugging along . Hope we don’t see much more division between Patriots with the same agenda.....TRUMP!

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27ef87  No.2471695


She didn't stop anything

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21d768  No.2471696

File: fcc8c01814d5ca7⋯.jpg (28.69 KB, 450x428, 225:214, hawkingital.jpg)





Be nice, guys…not cool to make fun of a cuck when he's having a seizure like that.


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af8f38  No.2471697


Here's my tip; Always check the shown Notables first. Earlier Notables can be reposted to keep the newbies informed, and for Bakers to help spot Not Notables. Q did say we need to repeat ourselves.

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c0469e  No.2471698

File: 43e2a626c4b1e74⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1440x1079, 1440:1079, 43e2a626c4b1e74aabac231336….png)

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8d1197  No.2471699


jealousy will get you nowhere

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183f59  No.2471700

File: eb0db475216a276⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 500x282, 250:141, MetalZebrz.gif)

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574159  No.2471701


Kate, you are doing the dividing all on your own. That's what you keep screaming about on your Twitter.

With all the retweeting & liking of tweets that say Q is fake & the people on 8chan are not real Patriots. etc etc.

shameful really.

Glad you don't have any kids.

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719fa9  No.2471702


Sauce: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/46736

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14695b  No.2471703

File: c68d51248f821bc⋯.jpg (64.28 KB, 396x305, 396:305, IMG_2408.JPG)

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a2f719  No.2471704

File: 3f64dc20b2f606f⋯.jpg (13.6 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 1st.jpg)



YOU are not alone, Anon!

Patriots never back down.

When the going gets tough-

Hang in there! This is the home-stretch!

THIS may be the only time in history mankind has gotten this close to FREEDOM.

NEVER give up!- President Donald J. Trump

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0ad5be  No.2471705

File: dff00560ed2d8de⋯.png (564.9 KB, 685x443, 685:443, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)



Harvey's Orders

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a12f47  No.2471706

File: 846c150df3f4809⋯.jpg (36.67 KB, 610x342, 305:171, 2f6t9d.jpg)

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ecd2d0  No.2471707


How is this the USA's problem? Mutherfukker should ask globalist socialist UN for "help". Soros money got him in that mess. Ask Soros for a bailout. Pisses me off, all the US bashing until they need a bailout. Fukkem.

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352d72  No.2471708


Exactly, she was the hidden hand, "Look over here" part of this supposed story

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123a03  No.2471709

National Front for Liberation Joins Hayat Tahrir al-Sham In Cracking Down On Supporters Of Deal With Syrian Government

On August 5, the National Front for Liberation (NFL) launched a security operation against the supporters of the reconciliation process in the northern Hama countryside, according to the Syrian news outlet Enab Baladi. The pro-opposition outlet said that 45 civilians have been arrested by the newly formed armed group so far.

The NFL was formed by several large armed groups in northern Syria on August 1. Syrian opposition activists believe that Turkey is the key backer of the new group.

Two days ago, the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), launched a similar operation against pro-reconciliation figures in the northern governorate of Idlib. During the operation, more than 14 civilians were arrested by the security forces of the radical group.

Previously, the militants in southern Syria carried out similar operations and even assassinated several members of the local reconciliation committees there. However, these attempts to terrorize the locals failed, and the southern governorates of Daraa and al-Quneitra joined the process eventually.


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4382f3  No.2471710

File: 2e47a8900cd2a88⋯.png (580.57 KB, 1902x1784, 951:892, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)


The words 'trip code' make a difference

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20bd63  No.2471711

File: bd9e8ff79da34e6⋯.jpg (598.83 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 002.jpg)

File: bd8a268c49a969d⋯.jpg (193.04 KB, 1000x942, 500:471, ddee45.jpg)

File: 947ad940e32264f⋯.png (953.84 KB, 847x634, 847:634, llooprrre.png)

File: 6a69811aeddc0bf⋯.jpg (132.23 KB, 842x499, 842:499, Q#45.jpg)

File: 0da009c99bb4cb6⋯.jpg (87.39 KB, 1242x743, 1242:743, WhenjusticecallssendintheM….jpg)

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8f5bdf  No.2471712

File: d4a9957bbb5d03f⋯.jpg (384.28 KB, 1200x878, 600:439, laughdel.jpg)

File: 9423c12ea1af564⋯.png (476.88 KB, 610x406, 305:203, osprey.png)

Starting to recognize the sound of the Osprey here in Southern Appalachia

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2c0337  No.2471713

Q Clock aligns to 4th Quarter starting, and we have the 4th Q Trip update right??

End Oct-End Jan = Quarter 1

End Jan-End April = Quarter 2

End April-End July = Quarter 3

End July to Mid-Terms = Quarter4

Sound right??

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9d2d20  No.2471714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am beginning to wonder if POTUS calling out "Fake News" isn't more meaningful than we think.I think they are helping to "MAKE' things moar newsy than we appreciate. I watched this video clip [attached] about the rally. I'm looking at these people thinking that this is just two sides of the same coin. Their playing both sides against the middle seppin fur both sides are the left and the middle is the Patriots. This is another Bullshit Rally payed for by Soros on both sides to start trouble and the Fake Media is just promoting it!

Next, I saw a picture of the Providence Rally where a cop is arresting someone. The problem to me is that in the distance it appears that the Statehouse is in all it's glory. Which if true would mean that the guy being arrested was standing against the Providence Mall. If you've never been to the mall then you don't understand the relevance of what I'm saying. The Providence Mall is the Rodeo Drive of Rhode Island, complete w/ Glitz Glamour and all the "Barbie Doll" People. There is no way the C|City would let anything happen to that place. [Pic attached but if my memory serves me, I can't attach a pic AND embed video]

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557934  No.2471715


Exactly Anon these Ecelebs are shilling against Q because - they are pay-troits and we and Q are hurting their pay pal - they don't care about MAGA they care about money.

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658c94  No.2471716

File: 9f598d88f46661a⋯.jpg (215.57 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, Truth Sauced.jpg)


Ask them for sauce, "who/what is Q please explain and why/how is Q fake?

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352d72  No.2471717


I ain't jealous, You shouldn't worship bullshit

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a55b28  No.2471718


Anon, that Cardillo guy has "I benefit from the status quo" all over his smug face. You really think he is capable of entertaining a thought that threatens his comfortable, smug status? The world is full of fuckers like this. They will have their sick smiles wiped off their faces. Stay firm.

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aeac86  No.2471719


Kate is projecting.

Her 15 minutes were exhilarating and now she's a has-been.

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9d2d20  No.2471720

File: de3229ab3a0abf9⋯.png (766.86 KB, 911x542, 911:542, providence.PNG)


Yep, no pic so attached now.

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b6a3be  No.2471721


Didn’t he just meet with Trump? It’s a theory but I think this is all intentional to bring his following to the light

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a2f719  No.2471722

File: f20eec2878b3563⋯.png (202.26 KB, 476x249, 476:249, hawking.png)

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f61643  No.2471723

>>2470449 (PB)

We know who has shit on us – and it isn't Trump. McConnell is running his last lap and so are the Senators from NC (my state). Probably many others. Shame about that, too. Inertia (of ideas) is sometimes fatal (to careers). And Thom Tillis is going to be a "one and done" Senator if he doesn't do a 180 and support Trump LIKE WE SENT HIM TO WASHINGTON TO DO. He's spending too much time with the country club RINOs and not paying attention to the people who actually voted for him.

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f4a85f  No.2471724


He explained why for the smart motherfuckers in the same vid

Listen all of it, and him after that statement generaly talking about the optical part of descission making

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475e65  No.2471725


Yes … in today's world, kind'a shocking. Maybe she's looking for a fight … a shoot out.

Did you see that video she posted of her writing backwards with a permanent marker? right beside where she was writing was an NRA magazine … in the filming frame. I thought WTF? If something happens they are gonna be all over NRA …

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d15f05  No.2471726

File: cb1ecf809911937⋯.png (371.6 KB, 489x606, 163:202, F4143307-E031-4A4B-A485-7D….png)

File: 41066d60b0376fb⋯.png (3.94 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 54F38BDB-7687-4364-9100-B2….png)

File: 28b4b170e895852⋯.png (922.91 KB, 751x500, 751:500, EF4AE9C2-181D-43A1-ABE3-D2….png)

File: 751d1ea09b53f73⋯.jpeg (159.36 KB, 1010x689, 1010:689, 87E6DA4A-77A5-4881-9131-8….jpeg)

File: 02a57e2bb515291⋯.jpeg (135.67 KB, 994x517, 994:517, D1240060-7CBF-47E3-948A-1….jpeg)


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fe829b  No.2471727


Re: California Wildfires

There's a lot more to these wildfires than even "climate change" and people; the reason they're so bad is because of bad ecological policy.

California's forests are meant to burn–it's part of the natural cycle:

>>Typical chaparral plants include manzanita, ceanothus, chamise, and scrub oak, along with herbs and grasses. This community contains plants that are well-adapted to fire, and some that even encourage fire! After a fire, some chaparral plants sprout, grow, and spread rapidly. Many have heat-resistant seeds that break their dormancy after long intervals between fires. Many species of Ceanothus for example, have leaves that are coated with flammable resins that fuel a fire. This adaptation benefits the species because ceanothus seeds require intense heat for germination. “Fire-resistant” roots also enable the plant to resprout quickly in recently burned areas.


The undergrowth here in certain areas is so thick it actually repels wildlife (like deer, who prefer areas where they can see some distance). Some of the plant species that require fires are among the rarest in the world and have special protection–such as manzanitas:


So you have bad policy endangering plants, which are then used as an excuse to regulate even more heavily.

It isn't the effects of climate change: it's just the consequences of stupidity and corruption.

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3f4b1c  No.2471728


Serial Brain (on reddit great awakening) has a narrative on Kate. Honestly, don't know fact from fiction any longer. Not sure what to believe.

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a374dd  No.2471729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cb6681  No.2471730


she is crazy as hell

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49e156  No.2471731


Hussein in the background

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2c0337  No.2471732


Imagine being POTUS or one of the Trumps.

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611db1  No.2471733

File: e0e8199fadcdf47⋯.jpg (173.45 KB, 1000x518, 500:259, 1509472153622.jpg)

File: 0ff3ad9ac2f010f⋯.png (1009.31 KB, 1000x518, 500:259, 1509472153622 D.png)

File: 950be2333827525⋯.png (1 MB, 1000x518, 500:259, 1509472153622 C.png)

File: 5be4e250d7e173c⋯.png (491.22 KB, 501x516, 167:172, 1509472153622 F1.png)

in the den of the viper lies a chamber

the original image is real it is an illusion

the first mirror is the double speak

the second mirror is the meaning

the third mirror is the pond

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b3eea9  No.2471734


Unleash the hoooounnndddssss!!

Btw saw trips updated.. decided to stay away till all the shill-dust settled.. good timing?

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123a03  No.2471735

File: 0d4065b19c15cb6⋯.png (56.48 KB, 707x855, 707:855, ClipboardImage.png)

Imran Khan: Pakistan Needs a Strong New Leader

The words ‘hope’ and ‘Pakistan’ do not often appear together. Pakistan, a sprawling nation of 205 million, is hard to govern, even harder to finance, and seething with tribal or religious violence and discord.

But Pakistan, which for me is one of the most interesting and important nations on earth, is by far the leading nation of the Muslim world and a redoubtable military power. Created in 1947 from former British India as a haven for oppressed Muslims, Pakistan has been ruled ever since by military juntas or by slippery and often corrupt civilian politicians.

After decades of dynastic politics under the Bhutto and Sharif families, there is suddenly hope that newly elected cricket star Imran Khan and his Tehreek-e-Insaf Party (PTI) may – just may – tackle Pakistan’s four biggest problems: endemic corruption, military interference, political tribalism, and a half-dead economy.

Former Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, appears to be headed for jail over a corruption scandal unless he is allowed to go into exile in London. The exiled former military dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, is hiding out in Dubai awaiting charges of treason.

I spent a good deal of time with Pakistan’s former leaders, Gen. Zia-ul-Haq and his bitter foe, Benazir Bhutto, both of whom were later murdered. Neither Musharraf nor Nawaz measured up to these colorful personalities in political skills, vision, or personality.


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26a5b5  No.2471736



I don't.

Q is on ANTIFA.

DINESH DISINFO does with everything.

But go cuck away.

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6d43f3  No.2471737


Thank You Anon! Checking it out now! Sorry I thought I replied to you!

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20bd63  No.2471738

File: 5902a193813c222⋯.jpeg (70.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dderrfr.jpeg)

File: e4e069888c20783⋯.jpg (57.52 KB, 609x456, 203:152, iiyhyhyp.jpg)

File: fffcf7b989a8bd7⋯.jpg (115.33 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, muhlegacy.jpg)

File: d36bb0a9131856a⋯.jpg (68.21 KB, 576x576, 1:1, djdufk998.jpg)

File: 4a3362b968368d7⋯.jpg (263.45 KB, 1242x962, 621:481, sksidlo.jpg)

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ee4a49  No.2471739


The post where


was telling.

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8d1197  No.2471740

File: 5712cd1a2226793⋯.png (129.46 KB, 588x400, 147:100, Screenshot_2018-08-06 (2) ….png)


Are retarded super sleuth found something Kate posted herself. derp derp derp award

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b26be8  No.2471741

File: bdf430e0fdc093f⋯.jpg (109.95 KB, 933x903, 311:301, Capture.JPG)

File: 147ac6913fc51d3⋯.jpg (20.19 KB, 667x263, 667:263, Capture2.JPG)

File: 4a71d9b7540b283⋯.jpg (26.92 KB, 671x153, 671:153, Capture3.JPG)

File: 67d55ee08a3af8c⋯.jpg (29.98 KB, 692x248, 173:62, Capture4.JPG)

File: fb52d43f5db5732⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 690x255, 46:17, Capture5.JPG)


Hey Q, BO this guy any concern? 5 photo examples. Threatening to dox. More on his account. https://twitter.com/TAPAlerts

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a2f719  No.2471742

File: 003c67feb3b75c9⋯.jpg (261.16 KB, 721x1121, 721:1121, McRib.jpg)



McRib (back) on the Menu

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28dfdb  No.2471743

File: 8c77ab6895a0522⋯.jpg (138.53 KB, 840x539, 120:77, shillwar.jpg)

hold the line anons

attacks have been intensifying for months

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300640  No.2471744

File: 6531d747d00cccb⋯.png (1.65 MB, 725x979, 725:979, TTP_BOOM.png)

>>2470454 PLB

>>2470608 LB

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941872  No.2471745


Remember us old people grew up in a time when our phone number and address was printed on white pages in a giant book delivered to everyone. Some don't care. I'm not validating her weirdness, but I remember when nobody gave af.

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352d72  No.2471746


Exactly, controlled opposition. Infiltrating the movement to act like they are just a simple anon

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20df56  No.2471747


No. you are a idiot.


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3fb093  No.2471748

File: 3ea962044f401c8⋯.png (409.54 KB, 905x830, 181:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebf425  No.2471749





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d15f05  No.2471750

File: 138e6fa601de66a⋯.png (409.71 KB, 473x340, 473:340, E4831B38-1296-40B3-BD9E-DF….png)

File: 2400bccbc5bff9e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1094x616, 547:308, 01616077-D9B6-43DA-97BE-8F….png)

File: 81654bd6b23e38d⋯.jpeg (121.58 KB, 800x533, 800:533, E941ADB8-2C52-4743-8FD4-B….jpeg)

File: db0ca8180a4813d⋯.jpeg (126.61 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 22CC148C-00B0-436E-95C1-E….jpeg)

File: e0d2a2f87ccc5c1⋯.jpeg (149.8 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 61F3CEE8-DB92-420F-BC49-8….jpeg)


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96e23b  No.2471751

File: ac0051b675dc19f⋯.jpg (75.4 KB, 738x741, 246:247, Dj3wS7QWwAA208o.jpg)

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d18141  No.2471752


San Franshithole

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3e1fa1  No.2471753

Will there be mass anti-Q virtue signal marches for the children organized by CNN, WaPo and Jack Pusobioch next?

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f61643  No.2471754


I didn't vote for any of them.

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14579f  No.2471755

File: f9daed9bd6ac554⋯.png (470.5 KB, 1065x1125, 71:75, Oxenburg1.png)

File: f9464cd09c32566⋯.png (69.2 KB, 1033x679, 1033:679, Oxenburg2.png)

Catherine Oxenburg: 'I felt horrendous guilt' about introducing daughter to NXIVM

Read All About It - https:// tinyurl .com/yb5algko

“Dynasty” star Catherine Oxenberg admits she felt “horrendous guilt” about introducing her daughter India to sex-slave cult NXIVM.

The 56-year-old actress has waged a battle to get her daughter, 27, out of the secretive organization after originally taking India to a NXIVM course in 2011.

The group’s leader, Keith Raniere, and his right-hand woman, former “Smallville” actress Allison Mack, are charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy for allegedly coercing women into joining a secretive master-slave society within NXIVM – where “slaves” were forced to pleasure Raniere and have his initials permanently branded onto their skin.

Oxenberg tells NBC’s Megyn Kelly, “I brought her in. And that’s why I feel responsible for getting her out. . . At first I felt horrendous guilt that I had participated in bringing my daughter into an organization that was this deviant and dangerous. And then I started to educate myself. And I spoke to numerous experts. And they said, ‘Would you stop blaming yourself? These cults are well oiled machines. And India never stood a chance.’”

In the interview, to air on “Dateline” Monday night at 10 p.m., Oxenberg tells Kelly what India is up to now, according to NBC sources, and also reads an exclusive statement from her daughter on camera.

In the one-hour special, “A Mother’s Mission,” Oxenberg reveals she was first alerted to the potential peril India was in when a friend of her daughter’s called. “She was terrified to speak on the phone, she was afraid that she was being tapped and she said ‘You need to save India.’ She said they had signed a lifetime vow of obedience to their master…and then I flipped out.”

Oxenburg embarked on a “high stakes urgent crusade” to get India home. She will also appear live on “Megyn Kelly TODAY” on Tuesday following the “Dateline” show. She is releasing a book about her “crusade” next week.

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f1b28d  No.2471756

WTF this was posted last bread.


I thought the rumor about Trudeu and SCRS being involved in some sort of assassination attempt on POTUS was just bullshit. But that's a wierd article. And the fact that all MSM (who usually covers for him all the time) is running stories about how the refugee crisis in Canada may force our Trudeu (cover for his real reason for stepping down). Strange!

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574159  No.2471757

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28dfdb  No.2471758



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3b9dbb  No.2471759


Makes the most sense.

"Hey Scott… pull noses over here for a bit."

>"But why, Sir?"

"Because I'm fuck-mother GEOTUS and I God Blessed said so!"

>"Yes, Sir."

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ef5c14  No.2471760


I suspect dilbert man has lurked here before.

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611db1  No.2471761

File: e79ed1a7b968ea6⋯.png (12.3 KB, 700x298, 350:149, happening update.png)


old school happening update reply

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20bd63  No.2471762

File: 8e8f0cdf79184db⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 599x599, 1:1, the Best.jpg)

File: 5d94bf6628fc8fd⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1864x1048, 233:131, kkiioploi.png)

File: f98bcbf23ec165c⋯.jpg (114.05 KB, 961x649, 961:649, jjjjuuuiiiioooo.jpg)

File: a8c3f2e98cc1559⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 960x566, 480:283, 0270.jpg)

File: 0825cde9bfc89da⋯.jpeg (198.73 KB, 894x555, 298:185, 5a6.jpeg)

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3b9dbb  No.2471763


"Because I'm the fuck-mothering GEOTUS and I God Blessed said so!"

*Scuse me.

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1bbceb  No.2471764

File: 0fc284e4dff0364⋯.jpg (19 KB, 297x336, 99:112, Steveirwin.jpg)


Thank you Steve..

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51ee71  No.2471765


I think it is the FIRST thing I vehemently disagree with that this administration has done.

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14695b  No.2471766

File: ac7d44f4b2b97e3⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2454x2454, 1:1, IMG_2548.JPG)

spurious agenda in bold text

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123a03  No.2471767

Multiple Journalists Detained After Assault on Maduro in Venezuela - Reports

The Venezuelan authorities said on Sunday they have detained six suspects over drone explosions at a rally led by the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

On Saturday, a blast occurred during Maduro’s address at a military parade in Caracas. Venezuela’s Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez said after the incident that Maduro had survived an assassination attempt with the use of explosive drones. The president was unharmed but seven soldiers were injured in the incident.

According to the Venezuelan National Journalists Union, more than 10 media employees have been detained by local authorities following the failed assassination attempt on Maduro. The watchdog union stressed that among detainees were also foreign journalists representing Argentina and Spain as well as one employee of Agence France Press (AFP), among others.

"11 journalists and media professionals have been illegally detained, some of them were beaten, while others were robbed. We express protest against it and urge to punish those responsible for violation of the right for information," the union wrote on Twitter.

The president himself accused the Venezuelan opposition and Colombia of having a role in the failed assassination attempt, adding that some of the perpetrators were residing in the United States. Both Bogota and Washington denied these accusations, while the Venezuelan group Flannel Soldiers claimed the responsibility for the incident.

However, The Venezuelan officials have not commented on this statement yet.

Meanwhile, local media suggested that the drones might have been released from an apartment, located near the parade site, after it had caught fire caused by an explosion of one of the unmanned aerial vehicles. At the same time, several media outlets reported that the explosion may have been an accident that was caused by a gas cylinder explosion and did not target the president.

Jorge Rodriguez told Sputnik earlier in the day, that the attackers behind the assassination attempt against Maduro had been preparing the operation for at least six months.


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2ccbe6  No.2471768

File: 21669040232ea89⋯.jpg (72.04 KB, 573x500, 573:500, Uranstory.jpg)

File: 071e495921aed3b⋯.png (435.08 KB, 768x768, 1:1, UraniumOne.png)

File: e185e5a397b6ea1⋯.jpg (445.21 KB, 1674x834, 279:139, UraniumOne3.jpg)

File: 55534e3f2311f2d⋯.jpg (89.82 KB, 602x594, 301:297, UraniumJudge2.jpg)

File: 438d5cc107fb0b7⋯.jpg (106.77 KB, 666x500, 333:250, UraniumCanada.jpg)

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fd5d27  No.2471769

File: ed798b1e4e2dcfd⋯.png (552.62 KB, 702x395, 702:395, ghettojewsback.png)

Parasites need hosts

If jews are living in ghettos, they can't make you their host, and they can't rape your children.

Shunning and Boycotting works.

Safe, Anonymous, Effective, and costs you nothing.

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bdfb20  No.2471770

File: 477d3bee7a7fb08⋯.jpg (217.36 KB, 1200x1075, 48:43, 1504206614211.jpg)

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8e707d  No.2471771

File: e2e9bc0832fe715⋯.jpg (8.05 KB, 200x298, 100:149, ohr.jpg)


Bruce and Nellie = Clown couple

Nellie looks like a dude

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a12f47  No.2471772

File: 7e638a819cc7c22⋯.jpg (95.8 KB, 1200x793, 1200:793, coke1.jpg)

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23ee21  No.2471773


i go in and troll his livestreams sometimes in the mornings. hes real low tech, and always has horrible mic/vid problems. just constatly spam fix the mic n shit and the guy flips lmfao

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6a2f18  No.2471774

File: 8a0fdd53fc40e33⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, something_big_is_about_to_….png)

File: 2e8d58a0c6d3781⋯.png (1.32 MB, 3358x840, 1679:420, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)


interesting - this follows the 113 & Big code and one of those drops is from 10-31

there are other big quotes from POTUS since this

a "biggest" quote on Fox News

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28dfdb  No.2471775



we have millions of bees in the USA, this isn't the UK

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5ef135  No.2471776

File: b503569dac6078f⋯.jpg (470.16 KB, 1200x874, 600:437, rogue twitter.jpg)

File: 4c58bfdff6b2190⋯.png (4.11 MB, 3456x2632, 432:329, SKYKING.png)

File: 501f5a4c2563264⋯.png (152.88 KB, 600x800, 3:4, stay the course.png)

File: 91077656d7de285⋯.jpeg (155.18 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, tippy top.jpeg)

File: 036d320ebbe7949⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 666x1024, 333:512, tPPER PEDO.jpg)

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475e65  No.2471777


Still, Q indicated she was not the threat … at least in the issue at hand

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ee4a49  No.2471778



Who said I’m human? Like I said.

They buzz around checking the zone and split.

LMAO bro’s too funny

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78c86d  No.2471779

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667c68  No.2471780


the most hilarious part is, he is out of breath after all that! You could smash him to the ground with a half-hearted swing with a feather!

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d15f05  No.2471781

File: d90d383af8a85f8⋯.jpeg (119.69 KB, 565x500, 113:100, 5B6F1823-111A-4368-9EDD-0….jpeg)

File: ff1f5341f4741fe⋯.jpeg (155.5 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2D9572AE-CD26-45DB-9E7B-E….jpeg)

File: 97fc35f3cb8ce1f⋯.jpeg (180.67 KB, 850x567, 850:567, 5037AE4B-BE75-4261-B2F9-C….jpeg)

File: c14f6f5278d20d3⋯.jpeg (89.44 KB, 500x500, 1:1, EEBD36C5-DAE5-4CDE-976E-3….jpeg)

File: 333eb0679a86b95⋯.jpeg (111.58 KB, 500x588, 125:147, 24B9C3BA-04C4-4115-AFBA-5….jpeg)


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ebf425  No.2471782



knock knock


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a2f719  No.2471783



The undergrowth here in certain areas is so thick


Planned for (You)

To go with it, the water shortage so it cannot be stopped.

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3b9dbb  No.2471784


Hey ebot, have you seen "WHOTHEFUCKIS" Chris, this bread?

He's was shitposting last bread and I was wondering if that was leading anywhere or if it was just to grab a lil' attention…

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cb226a  No.2471785

2471146 lb

Mark Phillips "rescued" Cathy O'brien from her MK sex slave life (robert Byrd's slave) and many questioned if he was her new handler in her role as "freed" sex slave. Either way, Trance Formation of America is one hell of a quick read that will blow your mind. You will never listen to a merle haggard song the same again let alone other country programmers. I re read that book YEARLY to remind myself where some live.


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a6c2d2  No.2471786

File: d898f4977a6fa36⋯.jpg (338.64 KB, 2375x2945, 25:31, 2a8382841fdf602e408d613406….jpg)


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123a03  No.2471787




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96e23b  No.2471788

File: bb28ecb382eebd3⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 452x467, 452:467, Dj3xXcCXcAAKfUS.jpg)

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698f39  No.2471789

File: e2422e777a85067⋯.png (55.12 KB, 610x415, 122:83, ohwow2.png)

File: 8a748eda71af089⋯.png (322.5 KB, 682x747, 682:747, ohwow.png)

As many of you know, Q's past tripcodes have referred to bunch of books. His most recent one refers to these 3 books. The book about Anonymous is free to read and while reading it I caught a very funny coincidence there(haven't read it all)

Some background story to this part on the book. So this Barr guy working for security company decided to expose Anonymous members by joining them and basically doxing them through various ways. He eventually went public about it and Anonymous started attacking him. Anonymous hacked all his password and took down the website and all that fun stuff. The part you see on this picture is when this Barr guy went back to Anonymous private chat and got confronted. There were various Anonymous members on that chat room and one of them was Q.

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b25755  No.2471790


Scott Adams, you know 265K twitter followers which is big number for any Trump supporter. Then Joe Biggs and Jack Posebic saying Q is a larp.

Is Q separating the wheat from the chaff?

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d0d47a  No.2471791

File: 3bfcf0c891c656c⋯.jpeg (127.38 KB, 1008x567, 16:9, The Standard Hotel.jpeg)

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bf5127  No.2471792

File: 899ff41d5dfe83b⋯.jpeg (65.07 KB, 679x413, 97:59, 24E6D7B5-AB1C-410E-AC77-3….jpeg)

File: 6c17e0c53b93577⋯.jpeg (70.81 KB, 640x593, 640:593, F906ACF1-83F7-467C-97BB-8….jpeg)

File: 85c86f7865612ef⋯.jpeg (27.94 KB, 220x255, 44:51, C134142C-9518-4560-9E99-6….jpeg)


Are they doing that to gain eyes on QAnon or bad intent, they did say they stand with antifa

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5ef135  No.2471793

File: 2f07d3dc08a2a67⋯.png (3.39 MB, 3515x5625, 703:1125, BTD BOMB.png)

File: 4c31872db1ec159⋯.jpeg (377.56 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, indictments.jpeg)

File: f7116bd834dcb80⋯.png (1.5 MB, 2206x1250, 1103:625, missleproof.png)

File: 11c2e01f4ae6284⋯.jpeg (206.66 KB, 1200x942, 200:157, 13 angry democrats.jpeg)

File: ca169332d7b6851⋯.jpeg (209.57 KB, 1199x888, 1199:888, 17 jersey.jpeg)

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5e0822  No.2471794


Right before booms drop tomorrow. Oy vey!

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719fa9  No.2471795

File: f5c70316a3969b8⋯.jpg (50.52 KB, 768x578, 384:289, Ohio rally CIC 8 4 18.JPG)

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7d84ca  No.2471796



All the whinyfags just need to deal with their friends and family thinking they are batshit crazy for a little while longer. Small price to pay.

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6a2f18  No.2471797

File: adee487a08720d6⋯.png (200.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HRC_High_Priestess.png)

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ee61bc  No.2471798

File: 0cfb0c3bab387d9⋯.png (495.5 KB, 643x658, 643:658, USMC 8-5-18 5 pm PDT.PNG)

Contact Left!

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fdc292  No.2471799


LOL. Not far from the "leave me alone – I am strong" faggot-video in last bread ….

Like someone said: "They wear pussy hats and don't know which toilet to go to. It's gonna be an amusing 57 seconds."

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af8f38  No.2471800

File: bf69ebb6a79e33b⋯.png (25.84 KB, 603x233, 603:233, AQ3.PNG)


Canada get your shit together!

Trudeau tells Canadians to "Love" LBGT lifestyle

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28dfdb  No.2471801


kek, missed that post

now we got this type of shilling: >>2471782

same shit different day BO

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aeac86  No.2471802


FFS, half the women in the US look like men using your standard.

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b6a3be  No.2471803

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5ef135  No.2471804

File: fbff18a71a0085c⋯.png (101.6 KB, 883x366, 883:366, deleware-crossing.png)

File: fa64b874aaec337⋯.jpg (399.28 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, JPB heart attack.jpg)

File: d803367308169c0⋯.png (80.46 KB, 1048x362, 524:181, kerrytraitor.png)

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574159  No.2471805


That's their plan idiot. To make it look like we are divided. Look at the entities that are doing it.

T_D, comped for a long ass time already

Anonymous just…HAHAHAHAHA fatboi clowns.

Don't be a fucking retard

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ebf425  No.2471806




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ed1afc  No.2471807

Fabulous yes please by all means do hasten to twatter and report back. Constant updates on whether or not Q is real are proving to be enourmously useful.

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26d70f  No.2471808

File: 72e5d0b4ae384d5⋯.jpg (70.61 KB, 533x800, 533:800, FB95IMG951531758003276.jpg)


Anonymous = Ciaglowfag .. Knew that before we left 4ch.. Howd your operation eagle go a year ago .. Whole lotta noise for nothing… Now fuck off please

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a6c2d2  No.2471809

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2ccbe6  No.2471810

File: 1df7c16a59bb52a⋯.jpg (28.78 KB, 777x437, 777:437, Hillary very evil.jpg)

File: 36683c224789977⋯.jpeg (35.68 KB, 550x353, 550:353, Hillary devil.jpeg)

File: bff6167b6353c73⋯.jpg (83.37 KB, 696x681, 232:227, HillaryEvilMurder.jpg)

File: 7ec464ddb69ae46⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 500x560, 25:28, Hillary witchcraft kill it….jpg)

File: abcc20f9ea07cfe⋯.png (262.88 KB, 780x519, 260:173, HillaryWitchTreason.png)

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d15f05  No.2471811

File: 54a8fc672182e4a⋯.jpeg (91.42 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 767CE71B-06A5-4F65-911D-2….jpeg)

File: 047afac84b805a3⋯.jpeg (127.73 KB, 474x711, 2:3, 8BD4CFA0-8820-40F4-A3B2-6….jpeg)

File: 802a6dd13852cd7⋯.jpeg (105.9 KB, 500x616, 125:154, B267C8E5-F1DD-4527-BDAC-F….jpeg)

File: 30eef65f33ae1e9⋯.jpeg (41.42 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 479D7498-7AD2-4838-B2BB-B….jpeg)

File: 3cb58b497c21c72⋯.jpeg (107.44 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 69B279EA-503C-4CE1-AA28-F….jpeg)

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bf5127  No.2471812


Protect from what fag

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2396d0  No.2471813


After the last of the primaries. Say, Tuesday…

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16dfe9  No.2471814

File: 76aaf2d22d3ccb8⋯.png (79.24 KB, 361x379, 361:379, Untitled21.png)

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6f185b  No.2471815

File: f4e73ad540a0b34⋯.jpg (45.89 KB, 612x542, 306:271, 97336649-612x612.jpg)




Plane crash 1999.

HRC Senate 2000.

The “Start.”

Enjoy the show.


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96e23b  No.2471816

/pol/ proved right more and more every day.

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af8f38  No.2471817

File: 26b3466cf7130b6⋯.png (42.57 KB, 607x406, 607:406, AQ4.PNG)


Potus golfed with Graham

Aren't deals made on Golf Courses?

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ee61bc  No.2471818


>That's their plan idiot.

>Don't be a fucking retard

You seem unstable

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123a03  No.2471819

File: d35cc844f8c808b⋯.png (16.06 KB, 661x302, 661:302, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ICE Agents ‘Violently’ Committing ‘Human Right Abuses’ Against Illegal Aliens

Socialist Democrat candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York’s 14th District says agents with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency have “violently committed human rights abuses.”

During a speech to left-wing activists, Ocasio-Cortez—the candidate whom Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez says is the “future” of the Democratic Party—claims that ICE is “violently” and “repeatedly” abusing criminal illegal aliens.

“I happen to believe that an agency that has repeatedly, systematically, and violently committed human rights abuses cannot be reformed,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “That’s what I believe. Not under this administration, especially. And it’s time that we take that tool away.”

“Not just ICE, but our system of mass incarceration too,” Ocasio-Cortez continued.

Abolishing the deportation agency, as Breitbart News reported, would have allowed more than 1.6 million illegal aliens to have gone free throughout the U.S. in the last five years.

Additionally, abolishing ICE five years ago would have freed 1.4 million criminal illegal aliens into American neighborhoods and communities, Breitbart News reported. That is a criminal illegal alien population triple the size of Miami, Florida.

Ocasio-Cortez has become the unofficial leader of the “abolish ICE” effort within the Democratic Party that would end all immigration enforcement at the border and across the United States.

Previously, Ocasio-Cortez has said that left-wing activists should “occupy every airport, we need to occupy every border, we need to occupy every ICE office” in the U.S. until immigration enforcement is ended.


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a1b45b  No.2471820

File: 4d037f6672d8248⋯.png (50.29 KB, 540x462, 90:77, Liar-Who knows.PNG)

Not sure if she is telling the truth here since she is such a troll. She has been trolling all day but here it is.

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b54f89  No.2471821

File: 62ae491e5725229⋯.png (944.75 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, based.png)

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28dfdb  No.2471822



you're posting from an apple product (iPad or iPhone)

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ebf425  No.2471823


you're bold for someone playing into SKYNET's hands


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658c94  No.2471824

File: aa917342082459a⋯.jpg (106.63 KB, 800x466, 400:233, QResearch Indestructibale.jpg)

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b3eea9  No.2471825


We have the cards they dont?

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596257  No.2471826

File: 84cbbb05dfcb1f3⋯.png (488.93 KB, 650x392, 325:196, ClipboardImage.png)

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d58858  No.2471828


Curious why you posted this.

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a2f719  No.2471829


SMART METERS are killing our BEES

(among other things)

Millions of bees is not enough. We don't have food without bees!

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ebf425  No.2471830


i don't exist


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03a70a  No.2471831

File: d958481901baa7f⋯.jpg (619.59 KB, 1280x1239, 1280:1239, 20180805_200105.jpg)

File: 1fd9f2290d2c623⋯.jpg (526.55 KB, 1280x1239, 1280:1239, 20180805_200752.jpg)

I see dicks.

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23ee21  No.2471832


[no name]

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1e1689  No.2471833


Anon, there are MANY types of extraterrestrials.

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f4a85f  No.2471834

File: 268a263c08d64df⋯.png (159.55 KB, 498x345, 166:115, well-known-clowns-acosta.png)

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fd5d27  No.2471835

File: e28be46b261b5da⋯.png (565.13 KB, 702x395, 702:395, magaboycott.png)

Shunning and Boycotting are safe, and EFFECTIVE ways that the goy can reclaim their country.

Stop financially supporting pedophile jews.

Stop supporting jewish subversion of your nation and its laws.

Fight back effectively without even trying.

Shun and Boycott all jews, starting today.

You will help to Make America Great Again.

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b1f931  No.2471836


Damn right.

Though gardens and crops are fairly fucked in my area ngl.

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123a03  No.2471837


Like HE does! What a faggot!

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14695b  No.2471838

File: 1d6fa5a1b275f34⋯.jpg (469.06 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, IMG_2432.JPG)

File: 06b70fb4f154b74⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2435.PNG)

File: da7eba84a39ba46⋯.jpg (60.68 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_2436.JPG)

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ee61bc  No.2471839


I think LG has been cooperating for awhile

Perhaps an update?

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719fa9  No.2471840

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28dfdb  No.2471841


kys faggot

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a6e18d  No.2471842


look at it like this , you have a list of namefags.

Aj / JC / backchannel / R so on and on and on.

they all have one thing in common.

They come , they play their game and then they are toast.

what's so hard to figure out. as soon as one is gone , another pops up. like shit on the sidewalk keep on walking

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5e0822  No.2471843


Really makes you think doesn't it?

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69bf72  No.2471844


Notable it's a diet coke, Trump is on a diet.

Kate was going to starve Trump to death.

AKA serialbrain2

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bf5127  No.2471845


FFFFAAAAGGG no (you)’s for you

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20bd63  No.2471847

File: 1c51b46a2c1d97a⋯.jpg (67.28 KB, 713x641, 713:641, D.jpg)

File: addbae91afd1e54⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 480x480, 1:1, tide pod poppers oreos.jpg)

File: 4bc1bd2fc026dfd⋯.png (376.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, zCAsDmk.png)

File: f9591bb83c6ba15⋯.jpeg (88.66 KB, 720x717, 240:239, Toilet bowl licking demen….jpeg)

File: 1c51b46a2c1d97a⋯.jpg (67.28 KB, 713x641, 713:641, DSGW0LdUEAAL76J.jpg)

These People Are Stupid

Mentally Challenged

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64cbf1  No.2471848

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ed1afc  No.2471849


Another incredibly insightful twatter report. Do whom do we owe this razor sharp commentary?

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20df56  No.2471850


yep 1 person with unknown # of accounts.

crazy bag of nuts.

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ebf425  No.2471851




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2b2fdc  No.2471852

Posted on all 9 of my social media's and pinned to the top of those that it could be.

The left wants to divide us. We stand united. Patriots do not speak ill of each other, Q or our POTUS. Patriots stay in the light and speak truth. Any negative or demanding speech is not from a Patriot. Stand firm. They will fail. WEG1WGA

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596257  No.2471853

File: 3c227e0801c12de⋯.png (254.27 KB, 592x334, 296:167, ClipboardImage.png)

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83bd3a  No.2471854

File: 1d55fa02b659dff⋯.png (180.43 KB, 1004x519, 1004:519, nonewsntwrk.png)


Not just incompetence, but how it's all completely controlled & scripted - and has been for a very long time. Killing Smith-Mundt was the final nail in coffin. The masses have no access to real news reporting. How are we any better than China or Russia in this regard? This is how low it has sunk. Needs to be blown to smithereens (figuratively speaking, of course!)

Figured Fenistein's Chinese driver would be an interesting 'talking point" for the entertainers to speculate on, as with anything else. Apparently not.

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28dfdb  No.2471855


we're still going to have bees anon


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7ad18f  No.2471856

File: 9a5ea613db2f755⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 384x377, 384:377, NailedItttt.JPG)

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8d1197  No.2471857


All true anons must act the same. we are not a cult.

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e1ade9  No.2471858

File: e1196fbb3334022⋯.png (387.84 KB, 612x903, 204:301, e1196fbb333402229df3a693fa….png)

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2396d0  No.2471859


I think he's pushing the Canuks too far and too fast. Backlash inevitable.

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d0d47a  No.2471860


During the Obama admin, never once thought about looking at armed forces twat accounts. Not that I purposely avoided it. The thought just never crossed my mind.

Now I love seeing all the different twats with the different operations and training exercises. It's bad ass.

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a2f719  No.2471861


ICE's main goal and objective is to STOP human trafficking!

Why such opposition?


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d04835  No.2471862

dearest Highest Ranking Anon, 1776 was a drop with some meaning. Do you think 1861 will have any sort of significance?

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8d1197  No.2471863


see what I did there?

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208db2  No.2471864


Lovely Antifa colors..

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123a03  No.2471865

Lawsuit: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Approved Monsanto Herbicide Label Changes After Consulting with Company

Featured image: A Monsanto facility in Stonington, Ill., on May 19, 2015. (Darrell Hoemann/Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting)

As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency prepared to make label changes for the herbicide dicamba after it caused widespread crop damage, the agency depended on the herbicide’s maker for guidance, documents produced in a federal lawsuit show.

A review of more than 800 pages of documents from a lawsuit filed against the U.S. EPA in January 2017 highlight the process behind how the agency made the label changes.

The lawsuit was filed by the Center for Food Safety, the Center for Biological Diversity, the National Family Farm Coalition and the Pesticide Action Network North America in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

The lawsuit alleges the agency unlawfully approved a version of dicamba made by Monsanto. It spent a year in discovery before plaintiffs’ filed a brief in February outlining their argument. Oral arguments are scheduled August 29 in Seattle, Washington.

“Like I said, no surprises,” wrote Reuben Baris, acting chief of the Herbicide Branch of the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs, to Thomas Marvin, a Monsanto lawyer, hours before the new label was announced, according to an email dated October 10 obtained in the lawsuit.

The email came during a week of exchanges between the EPA and agribusiness Monsanto in 2017 about the terms and conditions that Monsanto would have to agree to for the label change.

Monsanto is an intervenor in the case, meaning it joined the case to help defend the registration.

“The EPA approved XtendiMax herbicide after a long and careful review process, including years of analysis and a thorough evaluation of data regarding volatility,” said Charla Lord, a spokeswoman from Monsanto, in an emailed statement. “This lawsuit is nothing more than an attempt by NGOs to take a valuable tool out of the hands of American farmers. We will stand with farmers who need this technology to control weeds and ensure that they have the training and support for an even more successful 2018 season.”

Dicamba is a traditional herbicide that has been used on corn and other crops, and the EPA approved its use for genetically modified soybeans and cotton crops in late 2016.

Monsanto had touted the new dicamba-resistant soybean and cotton seeds as its biggest biotech launch in company history. The company also made its own version of dicamba, touted to be less volatile.

But in 2017, the herbicide damaged more than 3.6 million acres of soybeans and other crops in 25 states, according to expert estimates. Dozens of farmers have sued Monsanto over the damage and loss in crop revenue.

In October, the EPA restricted the use of dicamba, making it a restricted use pesticide and limiting the conditions under which it could be applied.

But while making the changes, the EPA ignored state officials’ recommendations, did not use any new data or analysis to back up its new restrictions and allowed the herbicide’s maker to dictate the label’s terms and conditions, according to documents filed in the suit.

This year, despite the new changes, more than one million acres of soybeans are estimated to have been damaged by dicamba as of July 15, according to Kevin Bradley, a University of Missouri weed scientist.



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7d84ca  No.2471866




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a8a9d5  No.2471867

>>2471260 (PB)

Those clone type maumau sexuals are the product of a virus which produces (((them))) they are ultra controllable and give their minds up to set willingly as well as their bodies to those sexual activities set most enjoys. Those clones look like temple of Set property, but IDK. That temple was started by talk show satanist and US Army colonel (?) Michael Aquino.

There all kinds of bugs that use small molecule protein to cause behavior aka mind control host organisms.

Cultist are not above copying bugs.


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ddba41  No.2471868


Reminds me of yesterday rally when GEOTUS does not say his name at all

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997a80  No.2471869


do you mean Libor?

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14695b  No.2471870

File: 0c864e547273ed3⋯.jpeg (55.44 KB, 255x400, 51:80, 91737747-EDBF-40EE-B397-9….jpeg)

File: 60c24618e865834⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2192x2279, 2192:2279, 65C51C61-F90F-4594-8C84-70….png)

File: e7e43908439b656⋯.jpeg (61.48 KB, 640x463, 640:463, 96D8FAA8-F7D4-420F-B033-8….jpeg)

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48757e  No.2471871


Come on, not wife material obviously.

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f4a85f  No.2471872

File: 4802c0989d654e3⋯.png (457.11 KB, 545x542, 545:542, lib-tide-pods-future.png)

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dc69df  No.2471874



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ebf425  No.2471875



you're a non-intel noob

over your head


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d15f05  No.2471876

File: 62c1706d85b0bcb⋯.jpeg (84.49 KB, 514x500, 257:250, D3E09FFA-2B9B-490C-A377-8….jpeg)

File: 69873c11756a0f0⋯.jpeg (59.75 KB, 468x394, 234:197, AEBC6041-D716-4507-B63F-D….jpeg)

File: 51ac270f4937843⋯.jpeg (83.71 KB, 635x437, 635:437, 1D704C69-E774-42A0-B710-A….jpeg)

File: 46dbcf562fd2d73⋯.png (415.75 KB, 473x340, 473:340, 28763363-8636-4CE0-811A-47….png)

File: 2d71235d257c9c1⋯.png (349.16 KB, 459x311, 459:311, 60440292-381D-4225-BC99-6B….png)


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b1f931  No.2471877


I don't believe any omission would have been on accident.

The Judge rocks. imo.

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4828d7  No.2471878



Potential noteable?

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6433ee  No.2471879

File: e36858371ee0f5a⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (512)_LI.jpg)

File: 5b242ebd18c1b2d⋯.png (99.45 KB, 1168x657, 16:9, Screenshot (510).png)


2005 WaPo article on Sen. Byrd. It's a lengthy one (3 pages) and "pretty good" in terms of not being a fluff piece.

Also stumbled onto M'ikmaq earlier; thought others might find the flag interesting and maybe they'd like to dig there. I came across the reference doing some genealogy, which was somewhat referenced with the Capital Gazette shooting (Re the crest at the bottom of his verizonwireless community page: Ramos).

Last, maybe I could get some other Anon eyes on this gun legislation? We already know that it's off, but I don't know how you could put this much money into something and screw up so monumentally that not one but TWO lawsuits were slapped on you as soon as you tried to turn in your ballots. Really?


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26d70f  No.2471880


Not brave… Just not scared of a nigger

Got nothing to lose .. Bring it Patrick

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26a5b5  No.2471881


You forgot…




Who knew saving the country required us to be lied to and…

How gay is this going to get?

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af8f38  No.2471882


My thoughts exactly. Remember Jeff Flake is NoName's pupil now.

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343d09  No.2471883


Who owns Mandalay bay?

What other casino's does he own?

Who sold off their stocks in the casino's in the months leading up to the shooting?

What stocks did they purchase before the shooting? Security tech Company?

What company got the contract to upgrade the casinos?

Who is doing the state of the art security system at the new vegas stadium?

They made a fortune off the shooting. Just follow the money

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bcca5a  No.2471884


Agreed. Tillis is OUT.

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2ccbe6  No.2471885


Anons are selfless patriots.

Anons give to others of their time, energy, mental effort, prayers, knowledge, experience…whatever they can give.

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bdfb20  No.2471886


now you have to add "hivites" in there too - it's the newest euphemism kek

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cb6681  No.2471887

Kate is a con.


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ebf425  No.2471888



suckin Q's misinformed dick


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23ee21  No.2471889


im sure this connection has been made, sorry if im late, but throwing it out there

>kate on the coke bottle

>weeks later at a trump rally in ohio

>strange Kate lady turns in an mkultra guy that was making threats to trump


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ddc46e  No.2471890

File: 327e5156cfb8987⋯.jpg (86.11 KB, 552x690, 4:5, pointingservers.jpg)

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a2f719  No.2471891


Not at the present rate of their death.


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123a03  No.2471892


Nice. "Ahmed get our guy's out of that faggot country!"

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b4bd36  No.2471894


Plane crashes in the past week.









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3b9dbb  No.2471895



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dc69df  No.2471896


amen brother!!

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6bc173  No.2471897


Not me. IDGAF what anyone else thinks.

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ee61bc  No.2471898


Me as well

DoD / Marines / et all have some of the best tweets I see every day

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fe829b  No.2471899


No problem. Actually, I just looked at some of the filings–they're not available because they have to be approved. But it gives you a sense of what the trials are like–and I'm sure that the disclosure process will be adjusted & sped-up when the time comes. They probably just don't have enough people poring over the files to approve them right now; that will change when the caseload jumps from half a dozen to tens of thousands (?)

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d0d47a  No.2471900

File: 13ac050a9888e1e⋯.jpg (125.57 KB, 821x550, 821:550, 150617acosta-1.jpg)

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583605  No.2471901

File: fd5eb5c435efbef⋯.png (571.11 KB, 762x678, 127:113, 2018-08-05_20-03-40.png)

File: 2b013e9a20f9dd9⋯.png (487.22 KB, 693x666, 77:74, 2018-08-05_20-06-00.png)

File: e7a5920652320e5⋯.png (457.73 KB, 599x400, 599:400, 2018-08-05_20-07-36.png)



No problem!


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3b9dbb  No.2471902


Planes just aren't reliable anymore.

I swear.

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be6fd5  No.2471903


Just my opinion but I can totally see Canadians

turning HARD RIGHT just like we did with POTUS after putting up with FEMBOT and Michael for 8 long years.

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ebf425  No.2471904


who the fuck is Patrick

you're scared of reality


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ed1afc  No.2471905

File: ef47b7945066ab8⋯.png (472.77 KB, 592x394, 296:197, 1532904827-1.png)


The derp, it burns. Reeeeee Q is a Larp!

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af8f38  No.2471906


We'll know soon enough. He'll either Tweet something or will say something. (LG)

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a6c2d2  No.2471907

File: ef84af53bca87e9⋯.jpg (6.88 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 7df2e2637a21e21f3b5b139ddb….jpg)

they thought she was gonna win for sure…….

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ddc46e  No.2471908

File: 3341273938798d7⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 500x645, 100:129, patton pointer.jpg)

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2396d0  No.2471909


When the candidate slate is fixed and no changes can be made. That's a reasonable assessment. Then swing the hammer…

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96e23b  No.2471910

File: 728dcbaa132afb9⋯.jpg (11.79 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a9467d2279af8787b1b17a3e35….jpg)


oy vey trust the plan goy

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f4a85f  No.2471911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They will with fire, fury, and frankly power

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14695b  No.2471912

File: 609a55a8b01ffdf⋯.jpg (65.85 KB, 639x960, 213:320, IMG_2443.JPG)

File: 2b6d3a1524b83fd⋯.jpg (77.13 KB, 500x522, 250:261, IMG_2446.JPG)

File: fa9fc4feb5cbcf5⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 913x514, 913:514, IMG_2447.JPG)

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1e9cde  No.2471913

File: 56d3060182105ef⋯.jpeg (2.46 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 96A45F5D-05F7-497D-A541-2….jpeg)

Spouseanon and I were in the Georgia mountains today and I did a little Q dissemination at a store that had giant scrabble tiles. Lots of tourists will be seeing and wondering about Qanon! (Had to throw in a Pepe too.) Kek!

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7cee81  No.2471914


the canadian justice system is corrupt and complicit

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f908eb  No.2471915

File: 09688fb7a54e163⋯.png (15.39 KB, 982x63, 982:63, 079624da-e569-bced-fa69-4a….png)


Katherine Inez Kelchner aka Kay Kelchner

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20bd63  No.2471916

File: 8c1a303b92fbf8b⋯.jpg (58.33 KB, 750x375, 2:1, llopik.jpg)

File: 806ad1bf930f148⋯.jpg (157.25 KB, 960x708, 80:59, pedopervertwood.jpg)

File: c7a8cbad4a11ec4⋯.jpg (303.54 KB, 816x528, 17:11, obama pervert and pedo med….JPG)

File: a19ed1dd72a15bf⋯.jpg (135.09 KB, 576x384, 3:2, pedodeathpenalty.jpg)

File: 757621107268eff⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 600x350, 12:7, Pedowood.jpg)

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ebf425  No.2471917

PrayingMedic better start praying a little harder


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596257  No.2471918

File: 26590baca49e25d⋯.png (158.18 KB, 312x280, 39:35, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b8f80  No.2471919

Notables Update

Anything important missing? Please let me know. TY

>>2471894 List of plane crashes in the past week

>>2471678 Head Of Syrian Military Research And Development Agency Assassinated

>>2471600 Possible near future declassifications?

>>2471555 Maduro calls on POTUS to help him fight 'the terrorists behind the attack'

>>2471542 See s'thing, say s'thing: Supporter of DJT threatened 'to shoot' CNN reporters

>>2471495 Research Tool: List of all Aircraft Operators << planefags

>>2471473 Anon finds a way to copy exact spaces in POTUS' tweets

>>2471467 KSA tells Canadian ambassador to leave, recalls own envoy

>>2471455 , >>2471518 My Little Pony Animator Tom Wysom Arrested: 60,000 CP Images

>>2471386 , >>2471431 Huge Elite PedoFiles & Arrests Info Dump

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719fa9  No.2471920


nice compilation Anon.

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56a4bb  No.2471921

(lb) re: missing space in POTUS' tweet


nice catch, anon

missing from

So three spaces between "fire" & "spreading"


If the middle space is the one that counts for that sentence, than the OUTER SPACEs would be the ones to focus on

from outer space

from outer space

from outer space

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99394d  No.2471922


That is all her. Different makeup and angles taking of a picture can make you look different But those are all her.

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7cee81  No.2471923


well done anon

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dfc870  No.2471924

File: 106df76eddea6cc⋯.jpg (4.49 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, Fibreglass-Ridging-Fibregl….jpg)


So. Many. Slides.

Never a dull moment!

All for a larp?


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6f185b  No.2471925

File: c990d87125650de⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 526x297, 526:297, 30fd4a66f7997f24f0c9339a9b….jpg)

File: fdd205c7b5cd718⋯.png (347.44 KB, 720x952, 90:119, Screenshot_20180805-191017….png)

File: 40d3e50f48a4e36⋯.png (57.54 KB, 720x104, 90:13, Screenshot_20180805-191046….png)




Plane crash 1999.

HRC Senate 2000.

The “Start.”

Enjoy the show.



SIG intercept.


Old to New.



Look at the release date of this doc. POTUS had this declassified and released.

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475e65  No.2471926

File: 93e38253ea58a89⋯.jpg (47.3 KB, 755x721, 755:721, kate-nra.jpg)


gonna post this here just to keep it with the conversation … not as any "proof" or disproof of anything … and the link … https://twitter.com/1st5d

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0f3a3f  No.2471927

Kate shit is slide

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908233  No.2471928

File: d18f417870d8f0a⋯.jpeg (122.36 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, Eye02.jpeg)








14 Jan 2018 - 2:59:16 PM




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a55b28  No.2471929


Like father, like son.

Papa Pierre 'the PET' was a swinger and a kid diddler. Helped stage multiple false flags as PM and helped global elites draft a lot of bullshit agendas in the late 60s.

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8d1197  No.2471930


that's right Praise Kate!

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67d10a  No.2471931



>When the candidate slate is fixed and no changes can be made. That's a reasonable assessment. Then swing the hammer…

that won't happen til after the 25th of September I think

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ebf425  No.2471932


glad you're hear Judas




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7ad18f  No.2471933

File: 1a9dfbdc26b4710⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 669x378, 223:126, GJG.JPG)


That right there besides being KEK


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96e23b  No.2471934

File: 785e8de2c98119f⋯.jpg (59.1 KB, 533x585, 41:45, Dj3wdYfV4AA10FU.jpg)



>It's the BAD JEWS not the GOOD JEWS

>It's the HIVITES


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a6c2d2  No.2471935

File: 361092a895b2979⋯.jpg (109.24 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, 361092a895b297983323212fd5….jpg)

Pure evil

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6bc173  No.2471936


Like it!

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dc69df  No.2471937

File: 70bfcea875d0ba8⋯.jpg (420.55 KB, 1024x1515, 1024:1515, cigar-coffee-02.jpg)


i don't think so.

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950671  No.2471938

File: fa75942078a7399⋯.jpeg (84.13 KB, 950x960, 95:96, image.jpeg)

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a36d47  No.2471939


Oh please grow up, this is nothing. This needs to happen so the traitors are routed when the shit hits the fan.

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123a03  No.2471940


Rubio Unveils Paid Family Leave Proposal

Two Congressional Republicans on Thursday introduced a proposal to implement federal paid leave for new parents.

The proposal, to be introduced as the "Economic Security for New Parents Act," is the work of Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) and Rep. Ann Wagner (R., Mo.). It would work by allowing parents to draw on Social Security, taking funds from their future entitlement to pay for some number of weeks off, and in return retiring the same number of weeks later than they would have otherwise.

Americans are already entitled to up to three months of unpaid family leave, under the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993. But, according to the Pew Research Center, America is the only nation out of 41 advanced countries not to have mandatory paid family leave of some sort. California, Rhode Island, and New Jersey all offer PFL at the state level.

As America continues its baby bust, with fertility below replacement continuously since the mid-2000s, the cost of having kids weighs heavily on the minds of would-be parents. A recent poll published by the New York Times found that the cost of child care is the number one reason why Americans expect to have fewer kids than they would otherwise.

Still, opponents of federal PFL have long-argued that it would be prohibitively expensive to either employers—who would be compelled to pay their employees without labor in return—or to the federal government, which would have to shoulder some or all of the wage-replacement burden. The great appeal of Rubio and Wagner's plan is that it would not increase current total government liabilities, because it would pay parents from a pot of money they are already entitled to access.

"This plan does not grow government," Rubio said Thursday. "We're not creating a new entitlement, we're not creating a new program. We're simply creating an option that allows people to use part of an existing program earlier."

Estimates from Rubio's office show that individual parents would be entitled to a fixed percentage of their income, up to 70 percent, as a bimonthly payment over the amount of leave an individual wants to take. The percentage to which they are entitled declines as their annual income declines, and makes up less of a percentage of income as the amount of time they take increases; couples are allowed to draw on their Social Security individually, however.

What this means, for example, is that in a household of two parents earning $40,000 each per year, Social Security would pay for 77 percent of income replacement for each individual. Further, under the law one parent could transfer his benefits to the other while still working, thus permitting Social Security to pay more than 100 percent of the second parent's income.

The plan has the benefit of having a minimal present economic impact—as Rubio noted in his remarks, it does not impose new mandates on business or introduce new taxes or spending programs. Still, there is some reason to be concerned about a large group of people drawing on Social Security in the present.

Allowing new parents to spend their Social Security entitlements now would add them to the already-large—61 million as of 2017—pool of active beneficiaries. Rubio contended in his remarks that the proposal "doesn't threaten the future of Social Security," it's hard to see how adding more consumers without also increasing the number of workers in the economy wouldn't hasten the program's nearing insolvency.

PFL has had at least one noteworthy ally in the White House: Presidential adviser and daughter Ivanka Trump. She and Rubio took advantage of President Donald Trump's mention of the idea in his State of the Union to begin the discussion which ultimately bore the new bill. Speaking to Axios on Thursday, the younger Trump noted that her father "has called for maternity and paternity and adoptive leave and we're working to make that happen."

She however does not, Axios reported, expect to see much progress on the proposal this congressional session, citing partisan gridlock standing in the way of what she sees as an ultimately bipartisan issue.


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af8f38  No.2471941


You can only push someone so far until they vote against you in record numbers. KEK

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5e0822  No.2471942

Assassination attempt on the Venezuelans President, Saturday, August 4, 2018, the 216th day of the year.

6x6x6 = 216; Venezuela = 666 (Sumerian)

The attempt came 111-days before the President's birthday, November 23, 2018.

The More Jew Know.

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ebf425  No.2471943


Tell that to the Q-bots getting they're signs seized by the SS


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c180ed  No.2471944

newfag here, throwing something out there



20 killed in swiss alps, 17 passengers and 3 crew.

Passenger info could be revealing, no blackbox on the plane.

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3cbf61  No.2471945

File: d63d281764048c6⋯.jpg (256.79 KB, 1080x819, 120:91, Screenshot_20180805-191413….jpg)

Guise, we need to really dig on these fux. They're attempting some BS.

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8d1197  No.2471946


it's getting there. I would say anti-kate shit is a new slide.

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42f1c1  No.2471947

File: a1db84bfbd42bae⋯.jpg (702.41 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180805-191405….jpg)

File: 048b0bdfb12db36⋯.jpg (470.42 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, IMG_20180805_191411.jpg)

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21d768  No.2471948

File: 393ebcb12deff57⋯.png (604.99 KB, 704x534, 352:267, ClipboardImage.png)


that John Nash on the right?

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475e65  No.2471949



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3b9dbb  No.2471950

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ea0e0b  No.2471951


we have them in the us see them all the time

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99394d  No.2471953


it's called make up. You would be surprised, or maybe you wouldn't, at what a little contouring can do.

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33072b  No.2471954

File: 90dfc1396603e56⋯.png (9.95 KB, 587x147, 587:147, ClipboardImage.png)


One look at the account, it's all smoke and mirrors.


>Pic related

The sorriest fucking faggot to ever sell out the truth, and the group anonymous is calling for the same thing. Meaning comp'd. That sorriest fucking faggot is incapable of any harm on it's own, it just rallies people with real talent to do the work for their sorriest fucking faggot selves.


Nothing to worry about. Just a bunch of cucked up faggots.

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4a5ada  No.2471955


Ooooh shiny!

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26a5b5  No.2471956





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96e23b  No.2471957

File: e22f570e8d0042a⋯.jpg (229.56 KB, 997x768, 997:768, Dj3v1E3UYAA49Gk.jpg)

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ebf425  No.2471958



i'm rogue. i don't give a fuck about any of your agendas.



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f61643  No.2471959


Get hold of a Law Dictionary. I don't think "in camera" means what you think it means.

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3b9dbb  No.2471960


Since when are Jews AGAINST Socialism???

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2c0337  No.2471961

File: c94c68ab3eba875⋯.jpg (99.6 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1525743449754.jpg)

File: 26fd0b4ab1ba7ae⋯.png (707.83 KB, 590x590, 1:1, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


God I love that woman. Always have.

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26d70f  No.2471962


Bahahahaha .. No not at all .. But youre now gonna be patrick forever…

Now pack it up patty cakes

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574159  No.2471963


Ask them how they explain all the little hints that he can give to say he's with us, without having to actually say he's with us.

Do they think POTUS spells things wrong/has errors on his tweets because he is stupid?

Because that's basically what they are implying.

All the Q hate just shows who doesn't trust the POTUS.

Those people are NOT true Patriots. This is a plan to make it look like it's some gay ass fight between Q & MAGA people.

But all it is is Soros funded cunts that never cared for POTUS in the 1st place.

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14695b  No.2471964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dfc870  No.2471965

File: 69d87937f60e49b⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Firefly_1x01_219.jpg)

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fe829b  No.2471966


How does Venezuela = 666 (Sumerian)?

Was that the number of the flight they took to get there?

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f908eb  No.2471967

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8d1197  No.2471968


there is no (you)

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596257  No.2471970

File: 2a8dca1ad8084b9⋯.png (483.77 KB, 524x438, 262:219, ClipboardImage.png)

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28dfdb  No.2471971




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cb226a  No.2471972


How Divine, Pink Flamingos KEKERS

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20df56  No.2471973


my mistake to agree.

copy that.faggot

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20bd63  No.2471974

File: 3172f9757c99dbc⋯.jpg (85.09 KB, 728x607, 728:607, 3172f9757.jpg)

File: 9be17d94614ae31⋯.jpg (174.63 KB, 788x755, 788:755, 1488414116911.jpg)

File: 9b7d6c511975ad7⋯.png (119.55 KB, 374x208, 187:104, 5abe212887d10.png)

File: 376f63afa0c46a7⋯.jpeg (53.23 KB, 454x301, 454:301, 5abcfb31a5bc1.jpeg)

File: ba3f76160cd870c⋯.jpeg (163.19 KB, 864x1200, 18:25, 5abcfd31ac948.jpeg)

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f61643  No.2471975


Your daughter?

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69bf72  No.2471976


May want to hold up on that, I think serialbrain2 is

swahili for one who pulls something out their own ass.

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14579f  No.2471977

File: 82922754195fb7b⋯.png (58.07 KB, 1159x1127, 1159:1127, EnjoyTheJFKJrShow.png)


As of today, 2018-08-05 at 8:11 p.m., there are __ posts from Q and 26 of them have the phrase, "ENJOY THE SHOW."

You can see all 26 Q posts with the phrase, "ENJOY THE SHOW" at this (split) link: https:// qanon.pub/?q=enjoy%20the%20show

Of those 26 posts, Anon, the one you quoted is definitely my favorite.

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96e23b  No.2471978

File: f8805019c5f318c⋯.jpg (52.64 KB, 640x500, 32:25, taylor-swift-nazi.jpg)

File: c958cb15ed82a4c⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 835x835, 1:1, static.jpg)

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5e0822  No.2471979


They're against Presidents who say socialism for their country is bad. (((They))) wanted to switch him out for a true socialist. Maduro has seen the carnage this social experiment has done.

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5e0822  No.2471980


I hope Meredith is doing well…

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a6c2d2  No.2471981

File: 6132b3083203407⋯.jpg (168.74 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 6132b3083203407607a30c1ed7….jpg)

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e1ade9  No.2471982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BO, WTF? Are you using your eyes or what?

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2396d0  No.2471983


They can't even spell. Who's afraid of the big bad twat?

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4a5ada  No.2471984


Right. Must stay fo

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e4af2a  No.2471985

File: 8b5c1f802162929⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 491x323, 491:323, 38705746_292833331468215_1….jpg)

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300db4  No.2471986

>>2470824 lb


"So it suggests that one way to catch the pedovores is to find how they are disposing of human remains after they have already stripped the corpses of everything they want. Standard Hotel had vats of muriatic acid. Other places have tunnels. Remote islands are suspected to have mass graves (bulldozer marks).

Would they dump remains at sea?

Place them in cargo containers on special ships with collaborating crews?

Think of all the ways this crime of mass murder could be detected by tracing the bodies back to where the killings took place."

east texas musicfag here.

we have been exploring that ourselves re: the mexican drug cartels in the area.

here is some of what we have figured out re: disposal of bodies:

1. the old cartel head next door has had two brick ovens. the first one destroyed by us with a sledgehammer when we bought adjacent land and his first brick oven was on our new property. he then rebuilt on his property.

the ovens are big enough to put a grown man in.

the 'burning flesh' smell can be masked by removing hair. the process takes several days to complete.

it is a sickly sweet smell.

2. they use barrels with chemicals to eat the flesh and much of the bones. the remains are either burned or buried; or dropped in old cisterns and wells.

3. the property we bought has (about) a four foot across, 100 ft deep cistern. the cartel head and his son had rigged up a 'rack' of sorts over the cistern. next to the rack they left a stack of car batteries with metal wires attached. ropes were attached to the 'rack.' to the naked eye it looked like a way to torture someone before dropping them in the cistern. we found fast food stuff ie styrofoam plates and beer bottles/whiskey bottles all over the place around the cistern. seems to have been a place used for social events? (and this location was in all probability the source of horrible screams when we first moved out here. spent months trying to identify the animals that made those sounds.)

the cartel head and his son both had a path from their yards to the cistern and the son had built a bridge over a low spot so that a (wheelbarrow? cart?) could be used on the path.

the cartel head, up until the time he disappeared just recently, had cages about his property big enough to hold adults or children.

and for the record NOBODY we contacted about the well was interested in looking 'into' it (including but not limited to) the local sheriff, who stood there, and then lied and said he had never been on the property.

4. the cartels work with landmen ie the people in our state that do the research for mineral and other underground rights. the cartels buy up mineral rights on property they do not own.

mineral rights = digging.

digging = tunnels.

tunnels = transport, holding facilities, evidence honeypots.

(the landmen also help identify areas where they do their pot grows out here. the land identified for pot grows by the landmen usually has non-present out of area owners that do not visit their land.)

part 1

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dc69df  No.2471987

File: a1e0e98b5307ed7⋯.png (230.57 KB, 729x972, 3:4, coffee-cigar.png)


there is no me?

then who is occupying this space in the universe?

I am not "Q" I am me.

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67d10a  No.2471988


You do know she probably eats babies

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af0355  No.2471989


yes sorry long day, not feeling well

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5e0822  No.2471990

File: e7e91dc0143f764⋯.png (24.41 KB, 400x95, 80:19, sumerian.png)


Gematria/Numerology, lad.

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b986ab  No.2471991



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653bb2  No.2471992



People have the right to peaceful assembly. WHY AREN'T THE POLICE ARRESTING THE VIOLENT DEMONSTRATORS!

Thank you, just needed to get that off my chest.

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a47b0a  No.2471993


It attacks bees. The only way the bees can kill it is by raising its body heat 1degree. The bees flock to it and start flapping their wings. This raises the Hornets body heat and kills it. Now you know how to defeat it.

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300db4  No.2471994


part 2

5. we know that the last murder associated with the cartel head was a little girl abducted, raped, and thrown in a well. the abductor worked for a man that builds swimming pools.

swimming pools = deep holes with cement.

deep holes with cement = permanently buried evidence.

6. the cartels are also closely associated with iron ore out here; they steal it and sell it. coupla really shady but very well connected local businesses 'buy' the rocks and 'build' with them.

how many local buildings have missing people in the foundations?

how many missing people in the iron ore pits?

6. many of the illegals and cartel have 'underground' holding facilities ie 'jails' where they place non-compliant org members, human 'deposits' for loads that went bad, and assets to be used or sold.

the cartel head, with his son and the aforementioned pool builder, deconstructed the cartel head's underground 'jail' right after the little girl in the well was found.

we know it is below ground; he still has to use a pump under his place after a heavy rain. (they start lawnmowers to cover the sound of the pump. in the rain. these people are stupid.)

7. they bury bones under fruit trees they plan to keep on land they own. some sorta weird ritual with that.

7. if the area is not populated, scattered remains are dealt with by wildlife. by the time the remains are located, little to no evidence is available. the landmen come in handy for this as well.

8. the cartels out here have access to small private planes so we are assuming they can transport at will whoever/whatever is needed as long as it meets weight requirements.

9. out here in east texas a lot of the older homesteads had tornado shelters. these properties are of particular value to the illegal aliens and criminal cartels now populating our communities. they are not using them to hide from tornadoes.

10. once you realize the criminals are in just about every industry you have to understand it would take just one or two of them working a project to dispose of bodies in

landfills (trash guys)

nurseries (gardeners)

water companies (old wells and unused piping)

food (unlicensed taco houses and taco trucks)

farms (pigs anyone?)

and more.

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ebf425  No.2471995


your Prez is an Italian/Russian stooge,

and you think he can save the World?

you ARE scared of reality!

Nothing but fail businesses!


read a book boy!


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a12f47  No.2471996

File: 7970b0e2245b768⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepepot.jpg)

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ed1afc  No.2471997

File: 06d44310c6910f5⋯.jpg (10.79 KB, 255x164, 255:164, 1533505003.jpg)

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ebf425  No.2471998



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aeac86  No.2471999

File: bb26ee47cb7a73c⋯.jpg (219.93 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, gallows1.jpg)

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21d768  No.2472000

File: 7f1848aafad9a7d⋯.png (197.89 KB, 373x485, 373:485, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f185b  No.2472001

File: 9a6f25331fe3ce7⋯.png (360.56 KB, 720x1015, 144:203, Screenshot_20180805-191943….png)



After all these years…….

No MSM positive media blast?


Now Syria?


Russia flex through missile tech?

We started asking “coincidence?” long ago for a specific reason.

Those awake can finally SEE for themselves.


Have faith.

Trust the plan.


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f4a85f  No.2472002


Anonymous started with vids explaining the controlled goverment and FED control

Until it was comped by clowns, making it a leftist thingy, forgetting about the FED

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574159  No.2472003


Would you do it by being the 1st one to even mention it? She pushed it here 1st. Not anyone else. She tweeted it out 1st. Not anyone else. She FORCED the narrative.

How did the media know who she was to interview her for the newspaper article? She was described as a "Mystery woman".

I highly doubt the cops would give a reporter the name & info of the ONLY witness to this shady as fuck story.

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596257  No.2472005

File: 47e3fd045dd33d0⋯.png (470.46 KB, 486x484, 243:242, ClipboardImage.png)

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008862  No.2472006

How convenient,Seems like Utube is censoring positive Q vids now,Searched for Q vids posted in the past few days and just about every result is negative.

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78c86d  No.2472007


Mind explaining wtf you are talking about?

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5e0822  No.2472008



There's the problem. Entire precincts are either being fired or resign on the east coast. Freemason protectors aka police are COMP'D

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a3ebfc  No.2472009

File: 7b0590cc82a1d46⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 81DD0624-6417-4664-A621-90….png)

File: 64c6b5ad4fca284⋯.png (692.65 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, CA28B0CC-FCC8-4485-8431-F1….png)


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a2f719  No.2472010


Not because he's a stellar guy but because he'll do ANYTHING to get RE-ELECTED!

RUBIO is part of the CABAL

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28dfdb  No.2472011

File: aaa9a14a8b86d3a⋯.png (4.31 MB, 5189x2719, 5189:2719, allforalarp1sidebyside.png)

File: f784221af638f46⋯.png (7.31 MB, 6314x2842, 451:203, allforalarp3sidebyside.png)

File: 8366fca74b34927⋯.png (3.56 MB, 4860x2983, 4860:2983, allforalarp4sidebyside.png)


WE ARE WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!



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4a5ada  No.2472012


When you're right, you're right.

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7be093  No.2472013

File: 0569459faf9f6ef⋯.png (57.95 KB, 613x375, 613:375, 2018-08-05_1718.png)

This should be interesting.

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84226d  No.2472014

There sure are a lot of people on this big beautiful planet…..I cannot wait until the time we fill up every inch of it. Everyone deserves to see this! The more the merrier. Besides, by the time this planet fills up, we will already be flying around like the Jetsons to far reaches, and other worlds.

We are all so worth it when we work together! All the whiners about everything that we believe is great on this planet, do not actually believe you deserve it. There are those that seek to destroy what makes you happy…..even those little things like our blue skies and your family ties.

Some would rather destroy it before you do, but only for you.

Things are good when they are good, and bad people with a different agenda should be immediately thwarted for the sake of everyone else working to be great again.

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123a03  No.2472015

File: 6f3293082eeb86d⋯.png (626.19 KB, 659x406, 659:406, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 329b863f6a324a0⋯.png (478.06 KB, 619x391, 619:391, ClipboardImage.png)


Not sure if linked:

81 is a metonym. It stands for the 8th letter of the alphabet which is an H, and the 1st letter of the alphabet which is an A, HA = Hells Angels.

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183f59  No.2472016

File: fc768cf7ba5738b⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 500x282, 250:141, MetalReef.gif)

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7ad18f  No.2472017

File: f8aea6a43adc027⋯.jpg (76.12 KB, 530x587, 530:587, GMS1.JPG)

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f908eb  No.2472018


cybercrime much?

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557934  No.2472019


Fancy cup

- anything else ?

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52b728  No.2472020

Anons. Relevant to drops 1713-1715. Pixelknot.

Apparently the problem is far bigger than just passing messages on /pol/.

Chinese spy popped recently moving trade secrets using very similar methods. Possible DF's driver used similar methods.

sauce: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/new-york-man-charged-theft-trade-secrets

also: https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/steganography-and-tools-to-perform-steganography/

site listing many methods for utilizing these methods

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28dfdb  No.2472021

File: aaa9a14a8b86d3a⋯.png (4.31 MB, 5189x2719, 5189:2719, allforalarp1sidebyside.png)

File: f784221af638f46⋯.png (7.31 MB, 6314x2842, 451:203, allforalarp3sidebyside.png)



muh bad, *thought

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a6c2d2  No.2472022



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716d99  No.2472023


you're the cute librarian

much love

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20bd63  No.2472024

File: 9051ff7b8b3e7ef⋯.jpg (36.48 KB, 500x460, 25:23, Best hunting one keeper.jpg)

File: 90867094c47900d⋯.jpg (101.5 KB, 964x614, 482:307, best eagle killing twitter.jpg)

File: 5acae0eae586b14⋯.jpg (174.24 KB, 1052x500, 263:125, gg5557.jpg)

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6a2f18  No.2472025

File: 0c7c6b3512db72d⋯.png (1.91 MB, 2048x1446, 1024:723, 113_big_adams.png)

Scott Adams a mole?





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471e07  No.2472026


Was she born in?

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2c0337  No.2472027


Damn…It's been a LONG time since I last saw that.

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b3eea9  No.2472028


Oh geeze.. ya glad i stayed away. All the anons should go get icecream when this happens, its playbook by now.. trips confirmed.. "see Q is comped.. blah blah blah.."

So stupid. If you are on the fence, jump.. hopefully it is the fence that protects the cliff from the ocean.. and ya take a 300' dive into the saltwater.

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5e0822  No.2472029


Trips confirmed. NOT /ourgirl/.

Semen Demon Cunt.

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9b8f80  No.2472030

#3117 Notables Bun

>>2471894 List of plane crashes in the past week

>>2471678 Head Of Syrian Military Research And Development Agency Assassinated

>>2471600 Possible near future declassifications?

>>2471555 Maduro calls on POTUS to help him fight 'the terrorists behind the attack'

>>2471542 See s'thing, say s'thing: Supporter of DJT threatened 'to shoot' CNN reporters

>>2471495 Research Tool: List of all Aircraft Operators << planefags

>>2471473 Anon finds a way to copy exact spaces in POTUS' tweets

>>2471467 KSA tells Canadian ambassador to leave, recalls own envoy

>>2471455 , >>2471518 My Little Pony Animator Tom Wysom Arrested: 60,000 CP Images

>>2471386 , >>2471431 Huge Elite PedoFiles & Arrests Info Dump

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75fe60  No.2472031


And him, he's always right.


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28dfdb  No.2472033

fucking lag reposted 2/3 side by sides??


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d0d47a  No.2472034

File: 2d3d94df5485c1a⋯.jpg (105.19 KB, 500x908, 125:227, wjbrr4d1dvc11.jpg)

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1b46cb  No.2472035

File: ec470e5dbfbf9f0⋯.jpg (15.9 KB, 425x319, 425:319, Bullshit-O-Meter.jpg)

(pic not rel)


no comment on vid but @prayMD is like so many others. enemy uses 99% truth 1% lie, appears as an angel of light. reminds me of WWE (for entertainment & $$ ONLY). Be careful who you trust. Special place for those who use HIS Name in greed/deception.

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33072b  No.2472037


wonder how many years they can get?

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d8549f  No.2472038


shit he is not locked up yet fug

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26d70f  No.2472040


Not about Trump bub .. Its about getting woke.. Shits been wrong for a long fucking time .. The first step in starting a stampede is making sure the cattle is awake

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475e65  No.2472041


#4 doesn't seem like her to me … others I concur …

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9bce17  No.2472042

File: d2493377c14bdad⋯.jpg (237 KB, 657x1318, 657:1318, 1518012487046.jpg)




You guys do realize this is how persuasion works, right? The guys on the right, after the "reveal", will even come out and say "Hey, I was wrong. WOW! Get a load of everything Q has claimed! This is going to take a long time to digest. I think we'll do a series on the entire fucking thing just to help everyone understand…"

See? Persuasion. Their respective audiences will attend "Q" seminars online with their favorite personalities, then eventually come here, and learn what Free Speech discourse looks like.

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dc69df  No.2472043


Get over it, you are passing judgments on information that you have never seen, read or understood. If it does prove to be important later on, it will be revealed.

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96e23b  No.2472044


Especially after you rid the board of the fungalkike infestation, restoring our faith in your operations.

None of /ourguys/ question your moves, all the haters are ignored.

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b2486c  No.2472046


Is anyone else tired of this background noise?


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cb226a  No.2472047


McDons Burger Meister Are-Bees WhenDees KFC Chica FilA SoyLentFast Food?

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20df56  No.2472048


not a threat. just a wacko.

her story was the guy sought her out. and confess what he had planed.

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21d768  No.2472049

File: 34596b3fc5b1e32⋯.png (426.83 KB, 381x549, 127:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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123a03  No.2472051



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7a33f3  No.2472052

File: db6cfcdb92be811⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 780x193, 780:193, OKplanecrash.jpg)

File: bdc9a882cdc5916⋯.jpg (74.36 KB, 797x454, 797:454, CAplanecrash.jpg)

Lots of small airplane crashes. Yesterday in Oklahoma, today in California.



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2c0337  No.2472053


And EVERY time a doubter or a hater flips, it's worth 100X what an endorsement right away would have been worth. Not that it's going to happen in THIS case…But it WILL.


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596257  No.2472054

File: c6605f46b1696bd⋯.png (248.52 KB, 662x684, 331:342, ClipboardImage.png)


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8d1197  No.2472056


sorry, carry on

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d15f05  No.2472057

File: 4d80f8b4b1a92b4⋯.jpeg (86.25 KB, 636x382, 318:191, B32F0C6B-9722-4C91-B4E1-1….jpeg)

File: 33fb48e996b7e15⋯.jpeg (130.94 KB, 653x500, 653:500, 4A36EB2F-EBB2-4372-9105-E….jpeg)

File: bc2a7fbaaf086bd⋯.jpeg (345.92 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, D98CE523-0FE7-4AA6-AE36-C….jpeg)

File: 991727f33557c24⋯.jpeg (148.83 KB, 600x844, 150:211, DD66FCF2-49A6-41DA-86EB-7….jpeg)

File: 36ee6ce2a2dfb12⋯.jpeg (112.95 KB, 509x500, 509:500, AC1257A6-334B-4C0F-976F-4….jpeg)

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a2f719  No.2472058




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e2e73e  No.2472059

File: de459d5afefc1bf⋯.png (21.9 KB, 456x252, 38:21, ClipboardImage.png)


The question had to be forced. MSM doesn't really have a choice any more.

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a6c2d2  No.2472060

File: 43f66d26d64d9fa⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 435x311, 435:311, awye.jpg)

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7cee81  No.2472061


canadian anon here i think consenses is hes a moron but im biased

either way doubt he makes it as long as election still 2 years away

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f40171  No.2472062

File: b88ed9282adf00f⋯.png (127.69 KB, 410x330, 41:33, checkit.png)


24x 7 live. Enjoy the Djt5 show.

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5e0822  No.2472063

File: f81d8ea3dca3c03⋯.gif (799.5 KB, 447x329, 447:329, dingdingmofo.gif)

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d8549f  No.2472064

File: 45d81e7ed11b4fd⋯.png (87.43 KB, 224x192, 7:6, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

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596257  No.2472065

File: ca42f27536810e8⋯.png (457.9 KB, 461x470, 461:470, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8a9d5  No.2472066

We protect Us, lizardfag.


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20bd63  No.2472067

File: af44e761e61a1cb⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 960x923, 960:923, 281.jpg)

File: 15cef1b2a2c117a⋯.jpg (52.81 KB, 768x384, 2:1, amazonsuckPrime.JPG)

File: e0351a663fd4bb6⋯.jpg (55.63 KB, 408x528, 17:22, 12871499_10206074131637891….jpg)

File: a4fae1dbba4c51e⋯.png (229.96 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 5b2c4e0329536.png)

File: 47b87b95bc0c1dd⋯.png (618.91 KB, 600x800, 3:4, antiamerican.png)

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716d99  No.2472068


> then eventually come here

not necessarily, no need.

<The choice to know will ultimately be yours.

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efdb56  No.2472070

File: a43da04cb2e4867⋯.jpg (299.92 KB, 687x517, 687:517, TheHomeDepotWalmartWeekend….jpg)



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471e07  No.2472071


What’s that creature behind her?

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2cf7bc  No.2472072

Qanon hits mainstream = Alex Jones in Court = Art Bell Dead of OD…

QANON is a calculated strike against the TRUTH MOVEMENT!

Wake the Fuck Up!


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96e23b  No.2472073

File: 95496386ea01989⋯.jpg (95.84 KB, 768x788, 192:197, Dj3u4VRXcAUY-qD.jpg)

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67d10a  No.2472074

who would know that (they) would choose to kill themselves with airplane crashes….. suicide weekend anyone?

Plane crash seems like the ideal suicide…..

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643324  No.2472075

I believe this was brought up in a bread or two ago but Eric Trump Liked these two Q referencing tweets:



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d15f05  No.2472076

File: 81654bd6b23e38d⋯.jpeg (121.58 KB, 800x533, 800:533, AA765FC4-D186-4833-8045-3….jpeg)

File: db0ca8180a4813d⋯.jpeg (126.61 KB, 800x533, 800:533, FCC525DB-23AB-474A-A74B-3….jpeg)

File: e0d2a2f87ccc5c1⋯.jpeg (149.8 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 77816333-08DD-475D-BB38-F….jpeg)

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3d3e90  No.2472077


What was she thinking?

How do you introduce your daughter to a cult like that and not know what you are doing?

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9b8f80  No.2472078


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641359  No.2472079


no, cant stand her. never could…guess just not my cup of tea i guess

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2ccbe6  No.2472080

File: 0ea821a56c77577⋯.jpg (23.75 KB, 301x237, 301:237, HRC-NeverThoughtLose.jpg)

File: a6962d3a4b3260f⋯.jpg (134.83 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, NeverThoughtSheWouldLose.jpg)

File: 70752480d6d2a12⋯.jpg (127.71 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Hillary they never thought….jpg)

File: 23a9aa5c104f69c⋯.jpg (81.11 KB, 549x363, 183:121, BrennanComeyAliens1.jpg)

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e1ade9  No.2472081

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6f185b  No.2472082

File: 8e9cb3fdbcd986b⋯.jpg (154.2 KB, 620x582, 310:291, 6e67e54ff5d1b58a9edb6998df….jpg)

File: df29390254a2ed5⋯.png (39.95 KB, 516x404, 129:101, 2ec4418a7bb0044bbe36a76f9e….png)

File: 5a5c0164def62e9⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 700x394, 350:197, 43291798_303.jpg)

File: bc052ba7692b9a8⋯.jpg (169.79 KB, 1200x1067, 1200:1067, 7073c3e5d9614f84b81c49c367….jpg)


No name in Syria.



Who attended?

No name panic.

Health cover.




You have more than you know.

Spider web.



See the spider web?



Pictures leaked for this very moment.

Who/what is not pictured?

What forces shadowed No Name?


Special contractors.

What was delivered?


Exact location.


Buildings E of spider web.

Spider web marker.

Open source.


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b3eea9  No.2472083


She is sold as wholesome.. perfect vector for insertion of bad shit

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dfbe9b  No.2472084

We Are Q!

John "Q" Public.

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dc69df  No.2472085


It is a nice cup. A great garage sale find too. The Quorum cigars are great too at a fair price.

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295161  No.2472086


So here's another thing about this I just realized. Don't they normally only have water? Like a pitcher of water and empty glasses? I've never seen 'product placement' like this before.

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950671  No.2472087


That coffee looks delicious.

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e7211e  No.2472088


So Filthy

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28dfdb  No.2472089




what I find hilarious is the attacks are reaching a peak, and Q calmly and normally switches trip

they can't explain WHY they care even though they WANT TO PUSH THE LIE that Q is fake

never once refuting ANY of the intel in the over 1700 crumbs

eat shit

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968015  No.2472090

Plane crashes last week in MN.


Pilot Dead After 2nd Weekend Plane Crash Near Alexandria

July 29, 2018

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – Authorities in central Minnesota say a pilot died Saturday evening in the second plane crash to happen in the area in as many days.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office says the fatal crash happened around 7:20 p.m. in La Grande Township, which is just west of Alexandria.

Officials believe the plane struck a power line near Townhall Road and crashed.

Emergency crews found the pilot, identified as 64-year-old Kenneth Ryan of Alexandria, dead at the scene.

The Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board are investigating.

Saturday night’s crash is the second to happen in the area over the weekend.

On Friday night, a plane made an emergency landing in Lake Winona.

The pilot, an 18-year-old man from Minnetonka, was not harmed.

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6497f6  No.2472091


I like his vids at least for getting people interested but it's just one man's opinion, people need to look at the info for themselves and draw their conclusions, not get fed something.

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26a5b5  No.2472092


Because being a masked anti white violent thug is perfectly fine in the the Jew World Order.


Q is lying about ANTIFA being PRO WHITE NAZIS.

Just typing how stupid it is makes me feel sorry for the rest of you idiots. So fucking brainwashed that your own messiah can blatantly lie to you its pathetic.

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b3eea9  No.2472093


Remember when she would go places and not leave? Kennedys place and all?

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af8f38  No.2472094


I feel you. Here in my state we have a Governor playing scare tactics with seniors for taxes and re-election. 2 years can't come soon enough. With any luck this guy will draw a recall vote in three months if he keeps fucking around.

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558ba9  No.2472095


Patrick showed her old tits already

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69bf72  No.2472096

Q will the US government open up Gitmo to Tourists?

Some of will want to see HRC in jail and make a vacation out of it.

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5e0822  No.2472097

File: 37d766c10fa54e5⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 615x407, 615:407, abusepanda.jpg)


She. Knows. White Devil.

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14579f  No.2472098



P.S. Whoops, I forgot to state that asa of today, 2018-08-05 at 8:11 p.m., there are 1,820 posts from Q, and 26 of them have the phrase, "ENJOY THE SHOW."

That's only 1.43% of Q's posts that tell us to "ENJOY THE SHOW," but that is enough for me.

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128338  No.2472099


NCIC database guidelines might look down on activity such as that. Can we say felony per query?


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557934  No.2472100


K now I know you are fake and Gay.

Still a nice cup tho.. Amazon or eBay ?

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260675  No.2472101

File: 5ae8969986aa468⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 282.83 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 1378718606880.gif)


this kinda woman probly

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14579f  No.2472102


Where's this from?

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b4ebbb  No.2472103


Been wondering what happens after all this cleanup on the fed level.. where does that leave all the corrupt local bullshit?

scrap the cia fbi and what give power to corrupt local 5-0?

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f61643  No.2472104


When they do, they'll wish they hadn't.

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2cf7bc  No.2472105






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26d70f  No.2472107


Either way .. It shut the faggot up

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1d9225  No.2472108

File: f2a494b646c4fa9⋯.png (383.96 KB, 617x350, 617:350, f2a494b646c4fa94c8e7034548….png)

File: 2e539bab69086f4⋯.png (70.99 KB, 569x475, 569:475, AFIKLDJSHKJFHAUJSD.png)

File: d361386bf1c38e6⋯.png (441.82 KB, 550x550, 1:1, john-cox.png)

Does Q being "real" matter?

This place is really just president trump general / the donald with a random person/people claiming to be an insider.

If he is just a big "faker" has he done good or bad?

Is he telling us to relax about mid terms and not vote republican, no.

I don't see any harm he is doing, regardless of who he is?

"now the media is going to call trump supporters crazy conspiracy theorists"

doesn't really hold water. They already portray all trump supporters as "nuts"

media already paints all trump supporters as "idiots"

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5e0822  No.2472109


>John "Q" Public.

For exchanging Iraqi Dinar? Have the other non-existent tiers exchanged their monopoly money? Kek

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17aa2f  No.2472110

File: 5ec154a2b2b7338⋯.png (925.5 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 5ec154a2b2b7338aa525c7705a….png)

So, here's a report of all lunar events that NASA is willing to report on, in recent memory.

Since we're going back to space in a big way (per POTUS), I figured I'd drop this report here.

https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19680018720 ← this is NASA's record of the below reports ;)



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28dfdb  No.2472111


>Q is lying about ANTIFA being PRO WHITE NAZIS.

Q doesn't conflate the two

Q says THEY conflate the two

the NSDAP and the commies of the Antifa. Aktion were COMPLETELY AND DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSITE

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20df56  No.2472112


I don't think that's slick willy's brand. but whos to say.

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da8cc0  No.2472113

>>2472097 What a horrible picture.

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596257  No.2472114


This is really wierd

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26d2ea  No.2472115

File: 5c82c1db401380d⋯.jpg (667.75 KB, 1507x1440, 1507:1440, (((max boot))).jpg)


every. fucking. time.

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28dfdb  No.2472116


<nice hop faggot shill

you're useless

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950671  No.2472117


I want to volunteer to be the executioner. Some will get the death penalty for treason.

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f908eb  No.2472118

File: 2392322c2f1719b⋯.png (128.37 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2392322c2f1719bb7b4b0f067d….png)

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5e0822  No.2472119


It's the sad world we live in. We need to do something. NOW.

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888721  No.2472120

File: 5a525fe5f20ae57⋯.png (632.74 KB, 793x1007, 793:1007, D'awe.png)

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123a03  No.2472121






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583605  No.2472122


If she knew what Panda meant and then wore this?

A special place in hell for these sick people!

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21d768  No.2472123

File: 97716c9d2462c20⋯.png (328.82 KB, 389x395, 389:395, torturedchild.PNG)



that looks as real as this one…and what's that shit around her arm? that's an expensive pillow, too. :(

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2cf7bc  No.2472124


you're a terrorist



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5e86cd  No.2472125

File: 2c3201b7aa11526⋯.jpeg (19.14 KB, 207x243, 23:27, PeacePepe.jpeg)

Thank You Baker

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b7c9b5  No.2472126


1 post?

1 fucking post!!!


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a6c2d2  No.2472127

File: 54cd99d5ee89ace⋯.png (146.38 KB, 1896x1003, 1896:1003, 42ed966b2297af78abe29ae45c….png)

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e16dbc  No.2472128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Me sucky sucky. Me love you too much."

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343d09  No.2472129


What was his fathers job?

What was his father scheduled to do the around the time of the shooting?

Who did he have dirt on?

Did he testify?

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169770  No.2472130


Scott Adams' case is a special one.

I agree that most outlets would think about what makes the money come in and choose accordingly.

Scott has found market value in being authentic, voicing his own insights with honesty so as to tap into that abstract good which is 'integrity'.

He did well with his deeper insights in POTUS' modus operandi.

His take on Q is his most surprising move to date IMO.

I'll repost here what I posted 3 breads back:

The nice thing about Scott Adams denying the existence/truth of Q is mainly that the topic is discussed on his twatter.

So this gives us exposure in more mainstream feeds.

In this case a feed where anons can join the discussion, not just top down ridiculazing.

First thing I noticed was the almost unhinged denial by Scott: very out of character for him.

Anons started to pour in with "proofs" on his feed.

This could prove to be the homeopathic dilution needed to redpill Joe Sixpack.

Moreover, this happens well away from the intense shilling and sliding we are used to around here.

Much better odds to reap the fruits of our labor IMO.

I could be wrong in my reading of all this, but is my take on recent developments, FWIW.

So all in all a very clever move.

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471e07  No.2472131


Drugged. You mother fucker.

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fe829b  No.2472132


ty for the explanation. Sometimes ppl drop numbers here, and it makes us look nuts. At least there's a followable method now.

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da8cc0  No.2472133

>>2472119 What is that on her left arm?

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2cf7bc  No.2472135




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75fe60  No.2472136


Are you aware that you're talking to yourself? Off your meds again?


I see doorknobs in your future

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352d72  No.2472137


It's an IV connection

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300db4  No.2472139

sorry if already posted

source for no age of consent needed sex with children, france


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f40171  No.2472140


you see this on The_don at all? Anyone?

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6f185b  No.2472141

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a07ad4  No.2472143


'In camera' basically means behind closed doors. Camera = latin for room. Modern term camera comes from 'camera obscura' dark rooms ancient Italians sat in with a small hole in the wall where they would see an upside image of the outside world. The less ancient Italians would go to different rooms with holes in the walls.

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be6fd5  No.2472144


Why did the phrase One Man Band just pop into my head?


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888721  No.2472145

De nile is not just a river in egypt

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23ee21  No.2472147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

semi cringy pro-trump song

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ed1afc  No.2472150

File: 56eb4d75895df71⋯.png (319.59 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)


Panel discussion scheduled for 10am sharp. Be there.

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b7c9b5  No.2472151


What a bunch of lemmings.

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2cf7bc  No.2472152


I see the SS in your future


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f5ab61  No.2472154

File: 2b0194bc1fd0011⋯.png (6.55 KB, 255x170, 3:2, californiamagaflag.png)

File: 0c88a57c3ac8bbf⋯.png (6.42 KB, 255x186, 85:62, casurfingtrumpybear.png)

File: ce0dc42fa16cd57⋯.jpg (62.58 KB, 640x480, 4:3, California-American-flag-G….jpg)

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183f59  No.2472155

File: d750ddeccc3f19d⋯.jpg (170.99 KB, 782x522, 391:261, eggs.jpg)



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26c090  No.2472157


>food (unlicensed taco houses and taco trucks)

Do not eat the tacos.

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c24a4f  No.2472158





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f4a85f  No.2472159

File: a5e69b0d34aac41⋯.png (620.7 KB, 585x636, 195:212, hillbag-reconcile-q1.png)

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96e23b  No.2472160

File: a4ca3630a8a2c4c⋯.jpg (147.6 KB, 902x1024, 451:512, Dj3xE6fUYAA3BwA.jpg)

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9b8f80  No.2472161

File: d6abdee7f6622b7⋯.jpg (190.36 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 1511256970306.jpg)

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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574159  No.2472162


And you seem like a gullible twat.

POTUS isn't going to "choose sides" you fucking mongoose

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5e0822  No.2472163


This breaks my damn heart. God help us. Muricans want bread and circus called Coachella & Super Bowl but can't actually do a damn thing to save the innocent because "it's not their problem"

We're going to heaven, they're gonna chill in purgatory.

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260675  No.2472164

File: 369d8838a9157f3⋯.gif (970.21 KB, 415x235, 83:47, 1374058004918.gif)


I can't do one twitter.. how much of an attention whore do you have to be to have double digits? or even double digit responses in a single bread shitposting?

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26d70f  No.2472165


Thanks for the compliment kike..

Ill add it to russian /bot/ shill /anon nicknames ive already got in my collection

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414e16  No.2472166

File: 71abe6fee9315a0⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 209x255, 209:255, strzokmad.jpg)

File: 517d1d99e8a5c1b⋯.jpeg (91.11 KB, 848x1020, 212:255, strzokbates.jpeg)



What are the chances.

Noted as strange at the time.

Likely to do with their coms being down.

Strzok's with that stupid attitude and smirk.

Likely thought he and his accomplices had everything sewn up.

Explains his attitude.

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20df56  No.2472167


may the light you worship,

bleed yo dry.

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e4af2a  No.2472168

File: 1a30e183b3a4743⋯.jpg (130.78 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 38701179_459831797824253_5….jpg)

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2cf7bc  No.2472169


fuck your flat-earthers you illiterate backyard hick!

i'm rogue.

just like i said


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32efef  No.2472170


He also is a frequent AJ guest. He tows the line.

Lets remember, AJ knows Q!

Spoke to him on the golf course!

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f40171  No.2472172


someone posted it last week. i saved it somewhere. this is what pedos do sometimes to little kids. post raping and beating.

this one is probably dead.

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f4a85f  No.2472175


Most jewish are whiter than most white

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5e0822  No.2472176


I got you fam.


IV/drew blood.

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6a2f18  No.2472179

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2cf7bc  No.2472180




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667c68  No.2472181


GlowShill, if we WANTED fame, we wouldn't be anonymous…..

No Common Sense in you.

Lurk Moar Post LESS.

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75fe60  No.2472182


You mean antifaggots? Naaaah, they don't want none of this….

So…what would you like to talk about?

Maybe that POTUS Trump is your president for the next 6 years, or maybe that Hitlary lost? Huh?

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