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b91525  No.2451185[Last 50 Posts]


are not endorsements


>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2451103 Anons Already Striking Back at Posobiec

>>2450918 Exclusive: Donald Trump Jr. Calls Out New York Times Racist Sarah Jeong

>>2450888 Student protesting in Bangladesh due to unsafe road conditions that caused the death of multiple students. Local government shut down internet so that international news does not report.

>>2450840 Lawmakers Pressure Google Over “Deeply Troubling” China Censorship Project

>>2450532 Human Trafficking Map for Those Who Have Not Seen

>>2450619 Anon Analysis of Media Coverage Validating Q as a Credible Threat

>>2450567 New York – Bronx Teacher Pleads Guilty To Performing Oral Sex On 14-Year-Old

>>2450552 Twat About North Korea

>>2450528 PlaneFag Reports

>>2450495 Figures. New Documentary Shows How Sweden’s Far Left Social Democrats ‘Inspired and Helped’ German Nazis

>>2451172 #3090


>>2450293 Anon sums up the Q Movement.

>>2450183 Wow. Hawaii Senator Stands with Racist Cop-Hating NYT Writer Sarah Jeong

>>2450137 New FBI Docs Reveal Agency Paid Steele, Admonished Him, And Strzok Sat On Weiner Probe

>>2450007 Another VIP Q Drop - Decode

>>2449924, >>2449942, >>2449991 Colombian child prostitution ring where 250 underage girls were branded with tattoos by their Israeli 'owners' is smashed as madame who recruited them is arrested

>>2449828, >>2449777, >>2449736, >>2449986 Meteor & Related Stuff

>>2449821, >>2450259 Randy Quaid Comes Out About Q!

>>2449784 Trump Stops Motorcade to Thank Firemen

>>2449713 Ed Rendell Pedo Emails & Other

>>2449712 Watergate was Pedogate Theory

>>2449703 Hussein Calls His Significant Other Michael

>>2450416 #3089

#3088 New Baker Incoming

>>2449504 Israel going crazy, again

>>2449381 Archives Status Update

>>2449365, >>2449456 For construction of Contingency Mass Migration Complex, Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

>>2449340, >>2449322 You Don't Say, Posobiec...

>>2449313 Sealed Indictment Proofs

>>2449130 British Fight on Twatter is helping Britfags fight the Cabal in a similar vein to Q.

>>2449087 Trump Video, Watch his Lips according to Lipreading Anon

>>2449136 Lawyers in NXIVM Cult Case to Review 'Sexually Explicit' Photos and Conversations

>>2449068 - Follow the Pens - Scott Adams visits POTUS and receives a presidential pen.

>>2448947, >>2448996 Trump Video Comments About Clinton Wedding & Yoga Class

>>2449615 #3088


>>2448447 3 Arrested in Birmingham human trafficking case

>>2448284, >>2448215 4am talk pts? Spinning MAGA/QAnon ppl planning violence in Portland

>>2448534 First Israeli MSM take on QAnon?: "moderate but still fake news" says anon

>>2448361, >>2448454 Digg on NoName's Flunky Henry Kerner

>>2448117 A call to digg Spanish navy captain overboard on EU Antarctica project

>>2448845 #3087

Previously Collected Notables

>>2448094 #3086, >>2447249 #3085

>>2446482 #3084, >>2444859 #3082, >>2446487 #3083

>>2442524 #3079, >>2443280 #3080, >>2444626 #3081

>>2440092 #3076, >>2440943 #3077, >>2441709 #3078

>>2437819 #3073, >>2438552 #3074, >>2439331 #3075

>>2437835 #3072, >>2438465 #3071, >>2439881 #3070,

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

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b91525  No.2451190

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 --- META

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

>>2294272 -- No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>2399939 –- Clockwork Qrange #3 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#34 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>>/comms/2100 , >>2437666

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

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b91525  No.2451195

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive:



MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf'''*

Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup:''' docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button >>2374212

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* PAVUK Keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this ---> >>2438883

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ada70c  No.2451201

File: c439c4779373355⋯.jpg (140.8 KB, 896x560, 8:5, c439c4779373355293a23db17c….jpg)

File: d3e8623e9d68f2d⋯.png (43.5 KB, 666x394, 333:197, d3e8623e9d68f2d12713b3a91a….png)

FEB 21









[ ]














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b91525  No.2451224




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351e0a  No.2451232

Q is protecting the pedophiles.

0 arrests

0 disclosure

0 happenings

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c3122c  No.2451234

>>2447838 (previous)

>>2447838 (previous)

When I responded to the question above, it got me thinking about the process I went through.

I don't think my process was unique and may be helpful to others starting on this journey to discuss it.

I think most people who found this place early (I wasn't here at the beginning, but before Christmas,

I think around Nov.) had lost faith in media, our govt., organized religion and worst of all

was losing faith in my fellow man. I was looking for truth but also a path forward that offered hope.

Crazy as it sounds, I found it here.

You don't lose faith in the above without turning into a skeptic, and I am. I went through

all the Q posts (there were less then), the Anon's findings and did my own digging (twice). At the end

of this I was confident that Q had access to POTUS and was being directed by him. I was hopeful but not confident

that Q was revealing the war against the cabal. What was being revealed was so different from what I had believed

that I felt adrift, rudderless. But Q kept dropping and anons kept digging and so did I. I don't know when I finally

believed, I think it was just before the Olympics when KJU contacted South Korea and said that he would like to participate

and have their countries compete together.

Anyway, this journey to believe...isn't easy, it takes work. The anons have done a good job with the documentation,

proofs and side by sides, go through them and do your own research. This journey also has its perils that will anger you and

disturb you. If you can get to the point where you believe.....well, I have hope and am optimistic about the future of this world.

I'd like to thank the anons, Q, POTUS and all those that have sacrificed for the world in this silent war.

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8ffa48  No.2451238

File: c3053e8a59dff2b⋯.png (922.25 KB, 1440x854, 720:427, Fake_page_curl_effect.png)

File: 657fc0fc3f06227⋯.jpg (6.84 MB, 8893x6548, 8893:6548, Alex Jones Bill Hicks Slid….jpg)

File: 0b31d0727d26683⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, alex jones admits he is bi….mp4)

File: 0df624851263519⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1440x853, 1440:853, Praise satan.png)

File: 3adfcb892ac45f4⋯.jpg (153.25 KB, 840x417, 280:139, crazy_alex.jpg)


The phrase "sheep dipped", is commonly used in intelligence circles. It's a way of saying someone has been given an alternate identity. The best known example being Air America, but also in many other covert ops applications. Not necessarily military. "Those who were accepted got "sheep-dipped" and vanished."

Dipping a sheep gets rid of creepy crawlies. Dipping a person figuratively gets rid of details of his/her former life.

SHEEP-DIPPED - Stripping a soldier of his military uniform and identification so he can pose as a civilian during a covert mission.

Lee Harvey Oswald was "sheep dipped" in order to carry on his involvement in the CIA's clandestine activities.




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a94b97  No.2451241


kys CTA

Q doesn't arrest anyone


try harder faggot

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a94b97  No.2451242

File: cd0a38f57f6033c⋯.png (44.96 KB, 383x326, 383:326, ClipboardImage.png)

read this

then see the shills


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0594ce  No.2451243


Congrats to…


For hitting post # 751

With the new bread message

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5a05b4  No.2451244

>>2451213 (lb)

same here it's very cool to see what people save… sometimes they don't give you acknowledgement at the time… then boom…. someone posts something you posted 6 months ago…. props to you on laimfag… one of my favs… I've told you before tho ;)

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778dfe  No.2451245

File: 78c5138682e08d7⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 500x268, 125:67, FEEEEEEED.gif)

Gen 50:20

Time to FEED.


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60bfaa  No.2451246

File: a25c88a51d59285⋯.jpg (103.4 KB, 757x826, 757:826, 2a.JPG)

File: 718bfd98991407a⋯.jpg (170.43 KB, 748x763, 748:763, 3.JPG)

Former WH staffer Leon Panetta's nephew busted in gun raid


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b7a799  No.2451247

A perfectly timed bread delivery, Baker. Tippy top culinary skills.

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cb4687  No.2451248

Who's got the best live Antifa funeral link?

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351e0a  No.2451249


Q is covering up all the info and not passing it along to law enforcement.

Q is king pedo

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1eb708  No.2451250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Portland OR

Both sides are suited up and fully funded

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c6113e  No.2451252

File: a03255acadd0765⋯.jpg (471.1 KB, 720x720, 1:1, TRUMPBOOM1copy.jpg)

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e0edd4  No.2451253

I think the light blue and black american flag is disrespectful.

Use ol'glory or don't.

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ada70c  No.2451254

File: bb6dd29c4103f6b⋯.png (64.87 KB, 720x547, 720:547, Screenshot_20180804-140944….png)

File: aa5f758fff1e157⋯.png (191.21 KB, 720x882, 40:49, Screenshot_20180804-141015….png)

FEB 22

Clowns revealed in China/other.



Sold intel?

HRC open source server?

[Missing emails]


Granted access.


Only the tip.

This will be made public [soon].




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09a6c8  No.2451255

File: 8a0cc7861e9dcde⋯.png (434.15 KB, 680x650, 68:65, BasketWeaving.png)

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22361e  No.2451256

File: 405926cec290a10⋯.jpeg (500.02 KB, 750x999, 250:333, 3FD27D3D-9F21-4E8B-B58F-4….jpeg)


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646f0c  No.2451258

Q going to respond to Sean Spicer saying Q is not legit in his AMA?

I trust Q, just curious.

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a94b97  No.2451259


kys faggot

get a better line CTA

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b91525  No.2451260


Haha, that means I barely made it…

I was going to post a quick 2 line notice, then decided I had 10 posts to spare & I would make a nice one…

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6a0636  No.2451261

Good timing, baker


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514de0  No.2451262

File: 36fffeb1b597088⋯.png (2.15 MB, 700x10413, 700:10413, god bless the usa.png)


Once you realize that the Bible that has been around for many thousands of years speaks of the very events that are occurring today….. it really puts your mind at ease.

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e7a3de  No.2451263

>>2450959 (last)

Maybe you are answering my question, but I just don't get it.

Can you do this same search for, for example July of 2015 and compare the numbers?

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8d3ffa  No.2451264

File: 2e3c7958fe872a1⋯.png (357.33 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

So basically, Comey fuckin' lied before Congress about this…


National Security

FBI has obtained warrant to search newly discovered emails potentially relevant to Clinton probe

The Post’s Matt Zapotosky breaks down the unknowns following the FBI’s announcement on Oct. 28 that it will renew its Hillary Clinton email probe. (Video: Bastien Inzaurralde/Photo: Melina Mara/The Washington Post)

By Matt Zapotosky, Ellen Nakashima and Rosalind S. Helderman October 30, 2016 Email the author

The FBI has obtained a warrant to search the emails found on a computer used by former congressman Anthony Weiner that may contain evidence relevant to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to law enforcement officials.

One official said the total number of emails recovered in the investigation into Weiner (D-N.Y.) is close to 650,000, but that reflects many emails that are not related to the Clinton investigation. But officials familiar with the case said that the messages include a significant amount of correspondence associated with Clinton and her top aide, Huma Abedin, Weiner’s estranged wife.

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c3ef97  No.2451265

File: b98afe1c6dec6dd⋯.png (1.13 MB, 964x588, 241:147, ClipboardImage.png)

Texas chemical plant, CEO indicted for 'reckless' release following Hurricane Harvey

After Arkema's plant lost power, its organic peroxides began heating and decomposing. The compounds caught fire and partially exploded.

HOUSTON — The North American subsidiary of a French chemical manufacturer and two senior staff members have been indicted in connection with last year's explosion at the Crosby, Texas, plant in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

Arkema North America, its CEO Richard Rowe and plant manager Leslie Comardelle were charged in Friday's Harris County indictment with "recklessly" releasing chemicals into the air. The charge carries up to $1 million in fines and five years' imprisonment.

After Arkema's plant lost power, its organic peroxides began heating and decomposing. The compounds, used in products including plastics to paints, caught fire and partially exploded, sending plumes of smoke skyward.

First responders and neighbors said they were sickened after the incident.

Arkema spokeswoman Janet Smith on Friday said the corporation would fight the indictment.


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a94b97  No.2451266

File: d97ed9ad0301cf7⋯.png (134.25 KB, 1514x1139, 1514:1139, spicer.png)


its laughable

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36b841  No.2451267

File: 124740483ffe87a⋯.jpg (645.77 KB, 1200x1061, 1200:1061, pepe1.jpg)

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7329e2  No.2451268

File: 4939c524c6e1c9f⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 480x480, 1:1, alexjonesdisinfowars.jpg)

File: bf56881e6d39816⋯.jpg (292.24 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, 97252792-1024x1024.jpg)

File: 9ca0123b4f1c982⋯.jpg (261.52 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, cohnnetwork.jpg)


good, very good. but you need to go deeper.

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c3ef97  No.2451270


Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!




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22361e  No.2451271

File: ad0deb0676a7cd2⋯.jpeg (272.13 KB, 750x798, 125:133, 9EBED2C1-B565-4FA0-9D13-6….jpeg)

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d39b7f  No.2451272

Is the board owner around?

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0ee5d7  No.2451273

File: 5ad0c601b6da57f⋯.png (313.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5ad0c601b6da57fd3d155c56e8….png)


Bye Bye now.

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08d870  No.2451274


Try "former CIA director and communist."

MSM trying to reduce the importance of Panetta?

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35e944  No.2451275

Holy shit anons.

I just figured out what Q wanted right at the start.

Future proves past.

Building map with the legends as a guide.

45k sealed indictments.

Put the location of every Dem on there, all those not standing for re-election and all the US based CEO home cities on there.

It will be an exact match for the indictments in terms of concentration of sealed cases.

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c56135  No.2451276

File: c48fe5501bdbda6⋯.jpg (120.73 KB, 524x500, 131:125, MerchantResearch.jpg)



>>Creepy Joe check


>>Faceberg Q and Trump memes check


>>Hat tip to the Military check


>>Hat tip to the Flag check




>>Socialism Socialism Socialism check


>>"love" comment on an anons military patches check

Well done. Well done.

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351e0a  No.2451277

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fbf4fd  No.2451278

File: d217b5404feb69d⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 299x163, 299:163, QANONFOLLOWRS.jpg)

File: dd74aba03226e3d⋯.png (95.2 KB, 260x160, 13:8, ANTIFAFOLLOWES.png)


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072a06  No.2451279

File: 75cec078c5ccba7⋯.jpg (226.43 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 1533409181801.jpg)

Hogg in the house.

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514de0  No.2451280


I came in to see what the hell was going on with antifa in Oregon. Hal Turner seems to have contacts on the ground but they are not actually in the rally.

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c3ef97  No.2451281




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64a300  No.2451282




Austists need red bull?

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85dce4  No.2451283


I guess Keith Rainiere, Allison Mack, and the Bronfmans are fake.

My bad,.

Pack it up boys lets go home

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35e944  No.2451284


The CEOs that have stood down I mean

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22523a  No.2451285

>>2451213 (pb)

Sorry to bring this to a new bread - I just. Ugh… So much ugh,.


This is not your resume.

Add the memes to your PORTFOLIO, maybe, and staaaaaahp with the "I love my memes so much".

I don't even meme and, ugh.

Not trying to be meme (kek), anon.

Please do not do that thing.

Make a portfolio that includes views and organic shares or whatever to show to a potential future employer.

Christ amighty…

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6b5e1d  No.2451286

>>2451154 last

Death of King Aella of Northumbria. "Oh, how the little piggies will cry when they see what we have done to the big piggy."

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91c9f5  No.2451287

File: db7756cfd895654⋯.jpg (508.25 KB, 1964x1024, 491:256, meteor-missle-attack.jpg)

Hey Anon's I know I'm probably behind the curve on this one (some of guys are lighting fast) but still posting in case it slipped through the cracks this week?

June 10 = CABAL missile attack intercepted by missile defense early warning radar.

July 24 = Q "Something BIG is about to DROP".

July 25 = BIG "Meteor" DROP hits 27 miles from missile defense early warning radar

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7e1e24  No.2451288

>>2450978 lb

>>2451020 lb

>>2451035 lb

>>2451078 lb

>>2451114 lb

Ok guys, so what do YOU think would be the best case of an answer for Q's strategy, if you mind elaborating?

What are the possibilities here?

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ca429a  No.2451289


Wow, didn’t see this one coming /s

I wonder how many agent provocateurs are in that crowd

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0a9551  No.2451290

Signing off….I'll see some of you faggots at the Rally.

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64a300  No.2451292



Stopped reading right there.

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ada70c  No.2451293

File: e6701fd54385409⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 266x189, 38:27, e6701fd54385409156a2389d8d….jpg)

When someone talks about 0brain/Posobiec/Cassandra/_xyz_

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f3d19a  No.2451294

File: 3bfeccc194ef100⋯.jpg (847.16 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180804-144803….jpg)

>>2451137 (lb)

>>2451161 (lb)


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9e9452  No.2451295


no you don't trust q, you're just trying to not get called some fag name…

It's a legit question, why don't you anon up and stand behind it.

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67235a  No.2451296


You honestly don't know anything about the DoJ, do you?

Every state has federal court buildings, federal agents, federal judges…you still want to keep spitting that shit out?

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30ee15  No.2451297

>>2451181 (lb)

>The day i woke up…

It started for me when I heard GHWB talk about the NWO on network TV in the 1990's in positive terms as if it was just around the corner (we now know that it in fact, was just around the corner, in hindsight)… During a time that that idea was in deep tin foil territory…

9/11 was the confirm that I wasn't crazy. I watched Silverstein say "pull it" re: WTC7 in RT on the news that day. (Denied at the time, but later confirmed by Silverstein himself in a 9/11 documentary)

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60bfaa  No.2451299

File: eb812a1bf15296f⋯.jpg (108.47 KB, 638x826, 319:413, 2a.JPG)

File: 6d3fd60aec37546⋯.jpg (190.59 KB, 658x936, 329:468, 3.JPG)

File: 833cf1a04c6abc2⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 659x198, 659:198, 4.JPG)

Former Labour MP and transport minister has resigned from the party.


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08d870  No.2451300


Makes more sense when you realize the FBI is provoking/harassing these kids after they show up on their radar.

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a29732  No.2451301


Be gone shill

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351e0a  No.2451302


none will ever spend a day in jail. Just a horse and pony show for morons

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661b89  No.2451303




Deepstate Jack

All eyes on China now …what language does Jack speak?

His clearance recently revoked. Never interrupt an enemy when they are revealing themselves.


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680258  No.2451304

Posobiec is just another Corsi

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b91525  No.2451305


Please be advised - Baker has to go!!

I apologize, but have given fair notice several times

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951c10  No.2451306

File: 8c0537d7f31a105⋯.jpeg (295.34 KB, 1366x1248, 683:624, 8D363D39-77FD-4997-835D-5….jpeg)

Be sure to use the word “erupting in your headline!”

4am, mockingbirds;

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785e90  No.2451307


Q never said to Trust Q.

Q said to Trust Yourself.

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ee3e65  No.2451308

File: 6f4e8594b5fb246⋯.png (340.98 KB, 1223x994, 1223:994, ClipboardImage.png)

this guys broadcasting from the portland protest is acting sketchy af


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351e0a  No.2451309


Even Trump banned you retards, how much longer can you believe this crap?

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a94b97  No.2451310


gotta go to


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8d3ffa  No.2451311

File: 75e4f9fd72d2489⋯.png (260.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Will Jack soon write a piece for OANN about the Bumble App?

Is Bumble real Jack?

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94b591  No.2451312

File: 3150591a194a5ab⋯.gif (2.08 MB, 300x363, 100:121, 3150591a194a5ab1ab0584766d….gif)

Danke, Baker!

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30a043  No.2451313


that might be hard given all the dis info

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d0078d  No.2451314


“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

― George Orwell, Animal Farm

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f436c5  No.2451315


We need a BAKER

Thank you baker for your service!!!

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a94b97  No.2451316


go back to reddit shill

then kys

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e3b079  No.2451317

Off topic a bit but I watched "Death of a Nation" and it is highly recommended. Most interesting was the portion with Richard Spencer who is without a doubt not ring wing in any manner. All of his beliefs, literally all of them, are of the progressive wing. Not to mention I honestly think he is gay as listening to him speak in a casual way (ie: not one of his bullshit conferences) he has a major lisp, is extremely feminine, supports that movement, is very much against religion, etc. All the earmarks. Very clearly a plant.

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22361e  No.2451318


Very nice anon. Wish it had dates on it, but very nice indeed!

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ff6f8b  No.2451319


Someone has an over abundance of FEELZ they feel compelled to share and try to force feed everyone else with.

My biggest issue with this kind of roll over and pee on your belly strategy is that these people are abdicating power to the government, giving it a monopoly of using force to project power.

That is part of the problem we are trying to fix in the first place.

I have been to Grandma's house many times and there are certain people in this world who do not respond to words on a computer screen or good intentions. They only understand violence, brutal violence.

Whoever it is that keeps pushing this pacifist bullshit has obviously never met one of these other types of people.

I have.

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ca429a  No.2451320

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877777  No.2451321


>Can you do this same search for, for example July of 2015 and compare the numbers?

Yes you could do the same query for prior years and then compare. That would be a really good proof but need richanons or a team to do it.

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9092ee  No.2451322

File: 7dd7a2ae44872f8⋯.jpeg (96.4 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 30EF25EE-F768-496E-8853-7….jpeg)

File: c22d106c12543bf⋯.jpeg (138.32 KB, 960x540, 16:9, D2596857-B8CA-4E7B-A6AB-B….jpeg)

File: 2c6757cc234275f⋯.jpeg (35 KB, 900x778, 450:389, 958EA3CD-2084-44BA-AD78-C….jpeg)

jazz music intensifies. coltrane theory.

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3242c9  No.2451323

Koch brothers are selfish globalist pricks.

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658de7  No.2451324

File: d56c98e52f158c0⋯.png (127.03 KB, 817x656, 817:656, 6a9a01c2f82bf86d1a143f647f….png)

File: 993acdb7a76c9fb⋯.jpg (234.51 KB, 1226x764, 613:382, DZ-BRjmUMAACcr6.jpg)

File: db4a12e34ebc0fe⋯.png (239.47 KB, 1829x709, 1829:709, Sums.png)


pic 1 related

>>2450529 (lb)


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0594ce  No.2451325


Q doesn't exist.

But the police do and they have approx 10,000 pedo arrests in two years, SO FAR

Maybe they will knock on your door, tonight

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e1b97f  No.2451326


Kek, some of these guys should NOT trust themselves. They are idiots.

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c3ef97  No.2451327

File: d9dc539c9336c46⋯.png (319.85 KB, 1034x297, 94:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e48d71d44720b2⋯.png (61.04 KB, 700x926, 350:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5264eab200bdf83⋯.png (75.3 KB, 723x716, 723:716, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3ccab8fdf640a3⋯.png (470.07 KB, 706x906, 353:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f55e1f94e76143c⋯.png (352.81 KB, 705x851, 705:851, ClipboardImage.png)

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations



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3b9ba0  No.2451328



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e9fe05  No.2451329


I keep seeing "CTA" but was always behind on the threads to ask what it referred to before… so what is it? It's not CTR (feeling a bit dense over here) ty

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ac4d83  No.2451330

File: 9d803692b4c1dc8⋯.png (186.64 KB, 624x884, 12:17, NPG Poll re OANN and Posob….PNG)

Poll Alert


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351e0a  No.2451331


Laughing at you morons makes my day

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065eb1  No.2451332

Looked into the list of books tied to Q's tripcodes and IDs when searched in google books, mind blowing amount of relative info, too many coincidences here to disregard


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d8b671  No.2451333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2451308 I'm watching this one. The antifas will just go psycho and the cops will shut the whole thing down.

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785e90  No.2451334

File: 793cc3e84bca343⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 500x375, 4:3, tumblr_m37lmdoUvw1rofbxao1….jpg)


memes are helpful…

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b91525  No.2451335


Thanks, Please feel free to handoff on my behalf

Baker Out

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9092ee  No.2451336

File: 41290172aea5eb1⋯.png (210.52 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 11802678-E8F2-4E8E-B053-73….png)

File: f947f8504336f1e⋯.png (296.91 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, E4AAC8DA-57B4-4BE2-851F-63….png)

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94b591  No.2451337

File: 07fe6c73aec002c⋯.png (730.6 KB, 1333x1092, 1333:1092, b877baaa8e022309b2f0400cc2….png)


Something big is about to erupt.

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fbf4fd  No.2451338

Can't find much else about her, but DNC chairperson Tom Perez's wife is an advocate for the homeless in Dc

>Tom Perez's wife Ann Staudenmaier worked as a volunteer at the Jesuit Volunteer Corps from 1983 to 1984 in Buffalo, New York. Ann studied Journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and later pursued law at the George Washington University Law School.

>Ann, who first joined Washington Legal Clinic in 1996, works at the Washington Legal Clinic, a non-profit organization that provides pro-legal services and also works on cases involving police treatment of the homeless.


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cb4687  No.2451339


I don't see any prayer at this "prayer rally."

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82ed33  No.2451340


Nice work… We have alot more than we know. FUCK THE SHILLS. They've got more problems than they can imagine.

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4b8b9f  No.2451341


Do we know who is leading Patriot Prayer? This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

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7329e2  No.2451342

File: 678c6d8b76a1d63⋯.jpg (37.17 KB, 564x329, 12:7, 8e682cb8983652f9cefd3e14d0….jpg)

File: 82ab3ca70454ad9⋯.jpg (145.38 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, static.politico.com.jpg)

File: ce6494518cd1414⋯.jpg (36.51 KB, 520x280, 13:7, 090707_stone_web.jpg)

File: 8e9a3bb6cf199dd⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 800x445, 160:89, STO.jpg)

someone mentioned 'watergate is pedogate'. go deeper.

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d0078d  No.2451343

File: e484668ab0f6198⋯.jpg (80.05 KB, 360x526, 180:263, qisforquantum.jpg)

File: c93b6784696dd9f⋯.jpg (23.42 KB, 255x152, 255:152, d46f3de7ec82534c70a21207e0….jpg)

RED wave coming?




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72a02f  No.2451344

File: b7312673d3d542e⋯.jpeg (271.19 KB, 640x695, 128:139, DA22F213-453B-4994-A792-5….jpeg)


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c3ef97  No.2451345

File: e0333445b88c4f5⋯.png (887.87 KB, 906x514, 453:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ee5d7  No.2451346

File: 6ca4e363ade8cc2⋯.jpg (64.69 KB, 500x358, 250:179, 15135599856072.jpg)

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dac582  No.2451347

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 360x360, 1:1, cat nails.gif)




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69f4d9  No.2451348


Stop. We don't think … we know. This is not a chat room. Find a play pin get your binkie and suck the air out of the room somewhere else

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9c3449  No.2451349

File: 986e6a6ee42fb3e⋯.jpeg (74.47 KB, 635x437, 635:437, 79C67D82-8658-450B-B08B-D….jpeg)

File: 62c1706d85b0bcb⋯.jpeg (84.49 KB, 514x500, 257:250, AC2886A2-A913-437D-8B76-5….jpeg)

File: e5ba853282fb8d3⋯.jpeg (73.35 KB, 635x437, 635:437, AF6ACCEF-7828-4DB9-B80C-2….jpeg)

File: 51ac270f4937843⋯.jpeg (83.71 KB, 635x437, 635:437, 1B3BC032-FECE-44AF-8FF5-F….jpeg)

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35e944  No.2451350


Someone with Pacer access can. I think the person who made the original graphic would be up for it. He's on Twitter.

Pretty sure the map and guide Q was talking about is an overlay of all politicians not standing again and all CEOs that have stepped down, overlaid with where the indictments are. The two will be a match. Out of the 45k, that would be about 4500 or so actual indictments on individuals.

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680258  No.2451351

File: 1d4cf8496a3c9da⋯.png (135.84 KB, 476x466, 238:233, 72B76BF8-507B-4DFE-8B5C-6E….png)

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cd0c5a  No.2451352


Posobiec, like AJ, is golfing with Q this weekend.

Everyone is volunteering to claim they're Q now that there's a deep state media push to discredit.

This is the attention whore phase of not caring about Q.

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7d5e59  No.2451353


notable imo

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85dce4  No.2451354


you do not know that

in the same way you so confidently said zero arrests

james wolfe was a sealed indictment

he gave the nyt reporter the dossier

he will go to jail

they all will

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e9fe05  No.2451355


He admitted he's jewish, like Lauren Southern, and Moldbug etc.




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ca300e  No.2451356

Reminder to IGNORE SHILLS. Do not doxx yourself. BE CAREFUL

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7b7b88  No.2451357

Just catching up. But you guise have seen this, right?

Q just watch!


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94b591  No.2451358

File: f6bfe865465debc⋯.jpg (147.88 KB, 658x969, 658:969, IMG_2051.jpg)


Time to go back to your safe space.

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a8d1d7  No.2451359


Good for you, badassanon.

Maybe try an anarchy board. We have to do this by the book, which means using that gov't monopoly of force. We'll need it. Even with a badass like you.

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373dd7  No.2451360


They groomed him

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60bfaa  No.2451361

Wycombe MP Steve Baker Resigns

This week Wycombe MP Steve Baker writes exclusively to Bucks Free Press readers:

Parliament went into recess last week, and I am now catching-up on correspondence and meeting many different people at various constituency engagements.

Those people who follow the news will know I recently took the difficult decision to resign from the Department for Exiting the EU following the Cabinet’s policy agreement on this country’s future relationship with the EU.

I resigned as a matter of principle. Ministers who cannot accept collective responsibility for policy must leave the Government.

Over the last few weeks I have received many messages from constituents and others, both Leavers and Remainers. I know Brexit is, rightly, a matter of serious concern to the people of this country.

Back in March, President Tusk, on behalf of the European Council proposed a security partnership, participation in institutions related to research and innovation, culture and education, dealing with potential absurdities like any threat to flights and a free trade agreement covering all sectors with zero tariffs and including services.

If the political and administrative will could be found to solve the issues at the Irish border, that settlement would make us a normal independent country.

The Chequers policy marked a departure from the policy being developed by the ministerial team at DExEU. The Cabinet papers were prepared by the Cabinet Office’s Europe Unit and cut firmly across the policy of the Department in a number of ways.

I believe the establishment in the UK is not persuaded of the merits of our leaving the EU, so it has sought to remain as close to the EU as feasible, knowing that to be virtually impossible to reconcile with the implications of a Leave vote or the EU’s legal order.

I have advised against a challenge to the Prime Minister and have urged fellow MPs to make constructive policy proposals. I am confident the Government will not fall.

I will continue to speak-up for the interests of Wycombe constituents from the backbenches.


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c3ef97  No.2451362

File: 95f36245d1b080b⋯.png (696.16 KB, 658x520, 329:260, ClipboardImage.png)

Steven Seagal Appointed Special Representative for Russian-US Humanitarian Ties

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - US actor Steven Seagal, who also has Russian citizenship, has been appointed the Russian Foreign Ministry's special representative for the Russian-US humanitarian ties, the ministry said on Saturday.

"Steven Seagal has been appointed a special representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry for the Russian-US humanitarian ties. The task is to contribute to further development of the Russian-US relations in the humanitarian area," the ministry said in a statement on Facebook.

The ministry stressed that this was a post related to social and political matters without a "monetary reward."

Seagal received Russian citizenship in November 2016.


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351e0a  No.2451363




Trumps getting impeached

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4d5309  No.2451365

File: 1c07cb01dea0922⋯.png (5.31 KB, 637x118, 637:118, roll 0 happening.png)

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30ee15  No.2451366


Is it just me or do I smell comped talking points in the shill ranks?

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ab9493  No.2451367

File: 6337b6df3683a4c⋯.jpg (294.65 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Rustling Stops.jpg)

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c04d17  No.2451368

File: c52274ea92d4d1e⋯.jpg (103.37 KB, 950x534, 475:267, https-//blueprint-api-prod….jpg)

File: d2f2b7ad55c860b⋯.jpg (507.78 KB, 1439x1251, 1439:1251, Screenshot_20180804-133811….jpg)

File: e817fb86c8d0729⋯.jpg (196.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PicsArt_08-04-08.29.53.jpg)

One more time I will gift anons with this:

Jack Posobiec tried to Cheat on his Wife with a young girl on the Bumble App while she was Pregnant

>play with fire, get burned


(its not going down BTW, several sources for it, USE IT.)

You're welcome

>BTW- Codemonkey knows Q's trips match, and without any tripcode proofs, all of these efforts to debunk are complete bs from paid SuperPAC propagandists like Jack Posobiec (who was also Naval intelligence BTW)

Also, because I'm shadowbanned like a mofo-

Bill Maher Says POTUS Holds "Hillbilly Nuremberg Rallies for QAnon Trump Cult"



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67235a  No.2451369


GTFO and go back to reddit.

YOU know nothing about what is going on here and are only trying to paint us a violent group.

So fuck right off.

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6b5e1d  No.2451370


Most of Dougie's images seems to be scrubbed off the web.

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37ff8a  No.2451371


Baker here

I've got you baker, if you're still looking, BV/BO permitting o/c.

Confirm handoff?

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785e90  No.2451372

File: e1b4477995a3732⋯.jpg (35.54 KB, 480x319, 480:319, 4vr8f.jpg)

File: 15cea08a1eaca34⋯.jpg (34.32 KB, 520x371, 520:371, passing-the-torch.jpg)

File: f4cd53f72ef6ff8⋯.jpg (404.51 KB, 1300x907, 1300:907, warm-hand-off-procedure-he….jpg)

File: cc371afd3af895b⋯.jpg (43.77 KB, 600x438, 100:73, SHOTGUN-HANDOFF-DONT.jpg)

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877777  No.2451373


>Looked into the list of books tied to Q's tripcodes and IDs when searched in google books, mind blowing amount of relative info, too many coincidences here to disregard

Nice work, anon.

Not a techy - the trip codes are automatically generated right? So does that mean Q could be manipulating something in the search engines?

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7e1e24  No.2451374

this is a pertinent question, fuck off


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f3d19a  No.2451375


Yup. Totally says "Q"…wife showed me earlier this morning.

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91c9f5  No.2451376


Thinking outside the box and throwing this out there.

We know the CABAL has highly advanced space tech (for their fake alien invasion).

Is it possible they have developed tech powerful enough to re-direct meteors from space to strike locations at will?

Think Hollywood movies re: meteor strikes, Volkswagen Tiguan TV Commercial, 'Meteor' strike, news drops, conditional programming, etc…

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81a2b3  No.2451377

File: 2dbccfbdfc30751⋯.jpeg (9.47 KB, 310x163, 310:163, 7089A64E-BC69-4BF5-86F2-B….jpeg)

File: d57e9b30d8a1c43⋯.jpeg (149.59 KB, 1089x995, 1089:995, 33A73C35-AEA3-4F28-BEAE-A….jpeg)

File: 8f3e9b95581e9dd⋯.jpeg (197.95 KB, 1072x1181, 1072:1181, A2C0ACEB-0FD5-4787-AA30-7….jpeg)

File: 99db310d4991dc6⋯.jpeg (212.07 KB, 1080x1279, 1080:1279, 349B0530-208E-4A13-A683-C….jpeg)

File: bcfa062ef5eae3f⋯.jpeg (175.86 KB, 1061x1109, 1061:1109, EF04CD6A-D73C-4BD2-B589-9….jpeg)

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6d1c61  No.2451378


I think it will be a good idea to condone violence everytime someone gets interviewed. Or make it very clear in the T-shirts and banners that we are not a violent movement.

Also point out that in all this months we haven't had any violent incident related to anons, and that Democrats and the media are the ones that have been promoting violence before even Trump got to the White House. We should point out the media hypocrisy on this every chance we got.

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351e0a  No.2451379


no they won't. Especially that rich jew. They are above the law. Keep dreaming faggot

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15f6aa  No.2451380

File: 4d1949f55d0b964⋯.png (8.12 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4d1949f55d0b9641117323bf06….png)

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ada70c  No.2451381

FEB 22

How do you break up something this big?

What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out?

What happens?

Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots?

Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection?


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ec61b2  No.2451382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Portland Patriot Prayer Rally Live Feeds

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhONU_yFeaw (JAKE LLOYD)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL8Tt7-PJHc (TIM POOL)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbICbBvVf1A (WE ARE CHANGE)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In7WtDUgOSA (PRESS FOR TRUTH)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W4ybz2SCN0 (UNITE AMERICA FIRST)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZQvuC-B-EI (Gloom Tube)

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30a043  No.2451383

that leon panetta article is already down

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514de0  No.2451384


Yeah it does. Patriot Prayer seems to have made a name for themselves with peaceful rallies but I don't fucking understand why they keep going back to the same damn city… there are so many cities in the united states that they can go protest in peacefully.

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9da0ed  No.2451385

File: 145dc4fb922522b⋯.png (3.53 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 848D6630-F7E7-4251-A427-35….png)

File: 6a678e6958877f5⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EE283ABB-15F1-4345-8AF7-37….png)

File: 3c590ef0b734f8e⋯.png (1010.12 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ADDE9349-D62D-4816-9FEF-73….png)

First Human Trafficking Unit launched on Long Island, NY.


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9c3449  No.2451386


It’s a false front. Watched rally live feed weeks back. No prayer at all anywhere anytime.

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2a0967  No.2451387


Implicit Dick is friends with the Bushes and was inserted into the “alt-right” movement to cause damage.

Remember, you must be >< rich to ride Richard Spencer’s Phalanx.

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22361e  No.2451388


Excuse me? Wha?

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4d5309  No.2451389

File: 186f88535f7bf16⋯.png (39.43 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0df6383e5dda592⋯.png (76.52 KB, 491x429, 491:429, doubling sequence.png)

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680258  No.2451390

Shills are so nervous and filled with doom they can’t even put up decent trolling

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64a300  No.2451391

Anyone know what time the rally's in Ohio and Oregon are?

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ada70c  No.2451392

FEB 22

For those watching, this should scare you.

It’s the POWER you depend on to survive.

Money is worthless w/o those in power serving you.

WH / Military / Patriots.

Ready to play?


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69f4d9  No.2451393


What you think they are going to pull out some benches and all kneel in unison?

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7329e2  No.2451394

File: a2a720c16034157⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 567x364, 81:52, alshuer.jpg)

File: 3f36537a3fc11d5⋯.jpg (150.44 KB, 703x556, 703:556, alexander-emric-jones-1.jpg)

File: 8e9a3bb6cf199dd⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 800x445, 160:89, STO.jpg)

bronfman/nxivm not many degrees of separation here

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1eb708  No.2451395


Anons know why

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ac4d83  No.2451396


>Posobiec, like AJ, is golfing with Q this weekend.

Q you golfing with AJ and Posobiec??

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8d3ffa  No.2451397

File: c389c3464476413⋯.png (3.92 MB, 2333x1750, 2333:1750, ClipboardImage.png)

"Q…def'nly not real.

30 minutes to Wapner… (rocking)

Yeah….Q's not real…def'nly not real.

29 minutes to Wapner…

We're gonna be late Charlie…(more rocking)

28 minutes to Wapner…

Yeah…Q's not real…def'nly not..def'nly not….def'nly not real."

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f66269  No.2451398


hilarity ensues.

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fbf4fd  No.2451399

File: eee8f946c328e93⋯.png (83.11 KB, 1392x562, 696:281, nn4y1.PNG)

File: bf5087f10a3e662⋯.png (66.18 KB, 1382x336, 691:168, nn4y2.PNG)

National Network for Youth

anybody know anything about this group?

I can't find a board of directors/advisors

They are an NGO that takes federal money.


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35e944  No.2451400


Further, I think I solved the Q Map.

Side by side.

Sealed cases on the left as a map. CEOs standing down and politicians not standing again as a map on the right.

They should match.

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b47044  No.2451401


loud and clear

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60bfaa  No.2451402

File: 527940c79c83738⋯.jpg (117.05 KB, 757x850, 757:850, 2a.JPG)

File: 0627aebb49634e1⋯.jpg (44.69 KB, 736x185, 736:185, 3.JPG)

Interior Ministry receives resignation of Musharraf treason case prosecutor


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09a6c8  No.2451403

File: 822c52f8f84978f⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 640x630, 64:63, AllisonMackNXIVMCult.jpg)

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001704  No.2451404

File: c8321f1945f2c0b⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 373x499, 373:499, serverissue.JPG)

>>2450487 (lb)


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514de0  No.2451405


>4500 or so actual indictments on individuals.

then how do you explain the 15,000-25,000 empty jail spaces?

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4b8b9f  No.2451406


Are they registered as a non-profit? Are they being paid? Any diggers know where I could start investigating this?

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785e90  No.2451407

File: 3915d2ae63b02f3⋯.gif (472.13 KB, 670x377, 670:377, torch_pass.gif)

File: ece733ccb8b100e⋯.jpg (412.7 KB, 2048x1328, 128:83, pass-the-torch.jpg)

File: 2242a6dc16e0a8a⋯.jpg (348.69 KB, 970x758, 485:379, passing-the-torch (2).jpg)

File: c3ff4d28a7dcb7c⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Passing-the-Torch (1).jpg)

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ec61b2  No.2451408

File: 31a81db18d27322⋯.jpg (327.66 KB, 978x1038, 163:173, 2018-08-04_15-21-14.jpg)


>leon panetta


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dac582  No.2451409

File: 7f10ed35ffcf505⋯.jpeg (41.19 KB, 500x282, 250:141, FIA.jpeg)


Both sides are glowing.

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82ed33  No.2451410


Tell the prick they'll go to jail because we won't stop until they ARE in jail. Fuck the pricks opinions.

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72a02f  No.2451411

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1eb708  No.2451412


DO IT!!!

Side by side it

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e3b079  No.2451413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do you guys remember when faggot Jones brought on his claimed "insider" named "Zack"? Well, this is him. Jones is without a doubt a piece of shit fuckface anti American trashy fucktard controlled oppo. Bringing on an America hating muzzlehead and claiming he had some secret intel to counter Q.

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30ee15  No.2451414


This is how it is done. Great job anon

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8ffa48  No.2451415

File: 7bee51e94bac647⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alex_Jones_Ive_Talked_to_Q….mp4)

File: deeba80f02c6b54⋯.png (268.83 KB, 734x716, 367:358, deeba80f02c6b5465b5000c43a….png)

File: 81d0731913e028b⋯.jpg (238.41 KB, 1200x1152, 25:24, alex_Jones.JPG)

File: 5f0b0dd117ec616⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 2a6qkr.jpg)

File: 2f9442de3d4e686⋯.jpeg (11.33 KB, 255x141, 85:47, 0aa09806715b7b48022acf35f….jpeg)


Don't know much about Roger Stone, but heard he's BH/AJ's C_A handler.




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12da6c  No.2451417

File: 8df0efaa2036a8c⋯.png (226.94 KB, 626x489, 626:489, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 287b27c33df6e22⋯.png (198.83 KB, 620x265, 124:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf3285f8135a47d⋯.png (989.75 KB, 1425x385, 285:77, #2409245 QR.png)

File: eaed7d7defcc513⋯.png (185.98 KB, 652x222, 326:111, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2451235 (lb)

>Spin that shit some where else.

>NG will have complete control when that shit starts up.

Whoa whoa slow down attack mode anon, no spin…gave a short brief explanation (pic 1 related), not intended to go into details that should already be a given (pic 2 related)



>There is no greater [current] threat to the American people than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA.


>Break the MSM.

Pic 3 related, even a normie can figure it out. Pic 4 is the best summary of the overall strategy, w/o telegraphing specific moves.

Read what Q himself has said, read, read, & re_read crumbs, I had to go no further than that to answer your questions. The answers are there.

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12317d  No.2451418

>>2451178 lb

I just looked for yous i might have missed but don't see any hence my earlier comment "feeling like a shadow in here today"

I'll take another look, but yes your right I did miss that, will re read.

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f7f546  No.2451419

File: 9af4970c2b9d61d⋯.png (403.98 KB, 700x570, 70:57, ClipboardImage.png)

=dig on mockingbird media==

In 1977, a Rolling Stone magazine article written by Carl Bernstein alleged that over 400 mainstream media journalists were employed by the CIA to parrot their disinformation. He also claimed that one of the most important journalists contracted by Operation Mockingbird was Joseph Alsop (top), who wrote for over 300 different newspapers. Other journalists implicated by the investigation in promoting the tales of the CIA – true or false – were (pictured above, left to right): Stewart Alsop (NewYork HeraldTribune), Ben Bradlee (Newsweek), James Reston (The New York Times), Charles Douglas Jackson (Time), Walter Pincus (Washington Post) and Charles Bartlett (Chattanooga Times). At far right is Carl Bernstein, pictured about the time of his Rolling Stone expose.

Many journalists who wrote propaganda stories on behalf of the CIA viewed their collaboration as patriotic justifying their actions as serving national interests against communism. “I’m proud they asked me and proud to have done it,” Joseph Alsop, a noted American journalist and syndicated columnist, unabashedly crowed after it was discovered he (along with many other top journalists) engaged in clandestine operations on behalf of the CIA. “The notion that a newspaperman doesn’t have a duty to his country is perfect balls.”

In congressional investigations into the CIA’s relationship and cooperation with major American media corporations, which included both House and Senate committee investigations in the 1970s, the agency acknowledged utilizing journalists to gather and spread information. However, as Bernstein notes in his report, “The CIA’s use of the American news media has been much more extensive than agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress.”

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6b5e1d  No.2451420


FBI op still ongoing.

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6f7282  No.2451421

CNN hasn't shut up about Qanon the entire time I've been stuck having to watch this shit show called News.

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9da0ed  No.2451422

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dd28e0  No.2451424

File: 8380bc59e5102db⋯.jpg (68.35 KB, 449x600, 449:600, memebetter.com-20180804142….jpg)

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22523a  No.2451425




Nerds gonna nerd, ammiright?


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81a2b3  No.2451426



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c3ef97  No.2451427

File: 7d6c2a8c8e16557⋯.png (66.93 KB, 756x923, 756:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e403c8d49740f9b⋯.png (66.32 KB, 760x905, 152:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2813557ba407558⋯.png (62.34 KB, 774x886, 387:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2814cbd919d2013⋯.png (67 KB, 762x923, 762:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9443891903d30e⋯.png (68.84 KB, 767x919, 767:919, ClipboardImage.png)

The Mystery Fixer Who is Negotiating an End to the Syrian War

Read on here:


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83d955  No.2451428


I can back that up. Richard Spencer is a tool, but certainly makes me wonder if he's on (((someone's))) payroll to give white people a bad name.

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123676  No.2451429

File: 650e399f25e340b⋯.jpg (59.07 KB, 724x483, 724:483, crank 2.jpg)

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9c3449  No.2451430


Probability very high

Nice work anon

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289312  No.2451431


>Be sure to use the word “erupting in your headline!”


>4am, mockingbirds;

Word is spread. Nice find Anon !

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cd4533  No.2451432

File: 0befba91d4f92c4⋯.png (784.67 KB, 5942x4982, 2971:2491, ClipboardImage.png)


They're both spooopy

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69f4d9  No.2451433


I noticed. What do you FEEL what do you THINK why isn't it THIS, how do you KNOW. Miserable slave minds, struggling to exist

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ada70c  No.2451434

FEB 22

They want you DIVIDED.

How can some be so blind?

Help them wake up.

Estimated 20mm reached.

Question everything.

Keep talking.

Stand up.

Fight fight fight.

How do they control children?

What prevents a child revealing the truth?


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c6113e  No.2451435


Q just watch!

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b47044  No.2451437


lol shut up

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55d765  No.2451438

File: 02e47ec6a73e3b2⋯.png (113.74 KB, 670x912, 335:456, HillarysCULT.PNG)

File: e5ad0911e9d525f⋯.png (115.13 KB, 635x866, 635:866, NXIVMClintonPT2.PNG)

File: dea1b8b3d37c4de⋯.png (46.72 KB, 480x629, 480:629, NXIVMwiki.PNG)

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30a043  No.2451439


certificate revoked


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1eb708  No.2451441


Beautiful Anon

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2c5d66  No.2451442

File: c0d1017cab2c8bb⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 260x260, 1:1, 1458191604166.gif)



holy shit it was a clear 'Q'

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c89d48  No.2451443



Live from Portland

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d52e99  No.2451444

Note to guys in Portland:

FlexSeal spray works great inside the big end of a bullhorn

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426d0a  No.2451445

DS is fishing for ANYBODY they think we follow, who they think that we would follow away from Q

Corsi (I believed Q once, but now I don't, and Im an expert)

AJ (I totally talked to Q, guise!)

Clown Kate (OMG she saved our dear leader, we must follow her…and then off a cliff)

Sean Spicer AMA (ex-employee, not insider and out of the white house for months before Q started, less than 10 know, and he pretends to know either way)

Jack Posobiec (poised to do an interview with a list of names in an email he got, who say they are Q, and he's going to push that as truth with NO vetting)

0hour (clowns think 0hour is original Anonymous, when he's not even anonymous)

It didn't work. It won't work. The only thing they'll have left to try is to step up pretending to be Q when we don't follow these people speaking for Q, they'll have to try to BE Q.

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fbf4fd  No.2451446


>>>2451281>>WeStopped reading right there.

always gets my attention too.



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82ed33  No.2451447



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514de0  No.2451448


LMGTFY https://bfy.tw/JGXV


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b4f369  No.2451449

A user namefagging as Kike Vaporizer is on the Kappy board doxxing Roth’s, Alefantis, and more right now.

All of the info is public, but he has IG handles, Alex Jones address, claims to drop a full dump in 3 days.

Anons over there aren’t having it, calling him out from the first response. Dude is obviously trying to sow dissent.

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f436c5  No.2451450



We need a Baker , please look at above post

You are stepping up thank you!!

Baker found

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37ff8a  No.2451451





Baker here, will bake

Unless someone else has got it, let me know. TY!

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c3ef97  No.2451452

Tehran Reveals Terms of Its Withdrawal From Syria

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Iran might decrease its military presence in Syria and even leave altogether after the situation in the war-torn country normalizes and the fight against terrorism there brings significant results, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said.

"As soon as we see that Syria is close to certain stability, and the fight against terrorism is close to its end, and significant results have been reached, of course, we might decrease the presence of our advisors in Syria or even withdraw from the country," Qassemi said in an interview with the Iranian Pupils Association News Agency (PANA) as quoted by the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s website on Saturday.

Tehran would maintain its presence in Syria as long as Damascus wants it to, Qassemi pointed out. The diplomat noted that fighting terrorism was one of the Iranian forces’ tasks in Syria, apart from granting support to the war-torn country’s government.

In July, Iranian Supreme Leader's Top Adviser for International Affairs Ali Akbar Velayati said Tehran would be present in Syria and Iraq at the request of these countries' legitimate governments and would not leave despite the threats voiced by the United States.

Israel has also repeatedly expressed security concerns over the Iranian presence next to its borders in Syria. Velayati has noted that the Iranian presence in Syria was coordinated with Moscow and Damascus and did not have to be agreed upon with Israel.

Iran, alongside Russia and Turkey, is a guarantor state of the Syrian truce. Syrian President Bashar Assad has said that only Iranian officers, not troops, were operating in his country.


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68abba  No.2451453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At the Prayer march right now, the police just announced there were weapons seen.

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767f8d  No.2451454

File: 4e5329013be3dab⋯.jpg (140.59 KB, 983x983, 1:1, Posoyboyic .jpg)

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d0078d  No.2451455

File: ddf71748080b8bb⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 500x280, 25:14, iu (6).jpg)

Thank you Baker

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123676  No.2451456


Best fucking timeline

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12da6c  No.2451457

File: c1cfdd329b39d57⋯.png (414.09 KB, 664x782, 332:391, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2451418 a little help from anon

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6b5e1d  No.2451458


This is some stupid fucking shit. Lurk MUCH moar.

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dfaf3c  No.2451459


You're 1000 times worse than the Anon who is happy to see that his/her worked touched others that he identifies with and admires.

So you're going to TELL them, along with taking what. 5-6 passive aggressive swipes at them as well, what to do?? Fuck off.


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63c66d  No.2451460

BO can you pin this in reseach threads

I am trying to identify bad actors in the canadian goverment

and i am going to need HELP

any anons canadian or not if you can help dig

senators https://sencanada.ca/en/senators/

members of parliament https://www.ourcommons.ca/Parliamentarians/en/members

cabinet members https://www.ourcommons.ca/Parliamentarians/en/ministries

thank you anons


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67235a  No.2451461


Was wondering why they are so easy today.

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c3ef97  No.2451462



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81a2b3  No.2451463



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72a02f  No.2451464


KEK the harder they push back the more they get the word out… they are so dumb

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557ae7  No.2451465


Wrong message.

Right message:

We reserve the right to defend and protect ourselves at all time. Be careful what you start.

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9da0ed  No.2451467


She makes “Molly’s Game,” look like a game of go fish.

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785e90  No.2451469

File: 1fa93d7012bf5f0⋯.jpg (11.11 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pass-the-torch-passing-the….jpg)

File: cbf23b9c90c0258⋯.jpg (110.61 KB, 980x552, 245:138, 120721093413-torch-13-hori….jpg)

File: a9992cd31e2f9fd⋯.jpg (453.25 KB, 3508x2480, 877:620, passing-the-torch (3).jpg)

File: ebd951cf69c6131⋯.jpg (24.72 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

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22523a  No.2451470


You must be a US airport, if you cannot change the channel.

Pop over to Brookestone - they may have a good set of noise cancelling ear plugs at a decent price?

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e3b079  No.2451471


To what, the original IF show?

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60bfaa  No.2451472

File: c2e3fb639005b47⋯.jpg (91.82 KB, 783x862, 783:862, 2a.JPG)

File: ac53d9b137a35a5⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 651x498, 217:166, 3.JPG)

Charles Herbert resigned as head of the Barbados Private Sector Association (BPSA)


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ac4d83  No.2451473



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9c3449  No.2451475

File: 69873c11756a0f0⋯.jpeg (59.75 KB, 468x394, 234:197, F179F4D1-DE1F-4963-BDFA-5….jpeg)

File: 52556a434eaba3c⋯.jpeg (69.93 KB, 531x499, 531:499, 95F67272-7F8E-4955-A64D-C….jpeg)

File: f8ef796270def21⋯.jpeg (26.27 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 20C913D3-6AC1-4FDA-983A-C….jpeg)

File: f84125d5710ea7a⋯.jpeg (44.75 KB, 300x297, 100:99, 342609FE-DB53-4C83-B76F-2….jpeg)

File: 2400bccbc5bff9e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1094x616, 547:308, 6A5DDE29-9245-4213-B87D-45….png)

Tweet humor

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4048c2  No.2451476

SKY EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to Wikileaks.org in search bar search for ETI

Podesta emails have several!

Key names: Terri Mansfield, Eryn Sepp, Edgar Mitchell (astronaut)

From what I gather, ETI's, non violent, zero point energy, were requesting a treaty for ZERO weapons in space

Nine countries needed to sign

Evidently, the SOB Hussein would not agree

I'm assuming other presidents previous, until Reagan, refused also

China, Russia, Canada were on board,

Look at attachments

The Treaties are there

Podesta emails 2015 cover a lot.

I have to go to work and can't explore more right now and it's killing me

Maybe a good thing Twitter kicked me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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35e944  No.2451477


There's more.

That first side by side solves the Q Map.

But it is also a summary map.

If the politicians resigning and CEOs resigning are down month by month with their home districts, these should also match assuming when you get indicted you resign.

The Ultimate proof.

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6b5e1d  No.2451478


It's not even coherent, that anon must be on pills.

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7b7b88  No.2451479


Thanks, anon. Sauce for text?

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12317d  No.2451481

>>2451178 lb

I see them now!

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7b098b  No.2451482


BO/BV check?

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b4f369  No.2451483

A user namefagging as Kike Vaporizer is on the Kappy board doxxing Roth’s, Alefantis, and more right now.

All of the info is public, but he has IG handles, Alex Jones address, claims to drop a full dump in 3 days.

Anons over there aren’t having it, calling him out from the first response. Dude is obviously trying to sow dissent.

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c3ef97  No.2451485

File: 038c97742138c2e⋯.png (587.27 KB, 762x471, 254:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e3310382f72859⋯.png (428.56 KB, 595x829, 595:829, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30610fccfe9a45e⋯.png (458.74 KB, 600x866, 300:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc809d1518425e0⋯.png (6.3 KB, 587x89, 587:89, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel seizes second Gaza-bound Flotilla boat


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cf46d5  No.2451486



If you have an old anon post #, but not the original link, is there a place here where you could just enter the number and it would take you there. I usually use the notables page as a sort of index to find the previous bread, but that is only so useful. Thx

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b7a799  No.2451487


And it should take work, fren.

But a fundamental question that people need to ask themselves is this: if POTUS really means to root out endemic corruption, break the power of evil in high places, drain the swamp, and return the United States to Constitutional governance, what might/should that look like?

Most of us have come to the conclusion that it looks a lot like the process unveiled here. Those that don't likely haven't recognized the depth and extent of the essential problems, or have a rather simplistic understanding of reality and how real and lasting change is effectuated.

Whether Q is legitimate or not - and people are free to draw their own conclusions - the worldview, diagnosis, and prescription outlined here is eminently plausible and consistent with that implicit in things POTUS has said many times.

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cd4533  No.2451488



70s version of 4 a.m. talking points

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8d3ffa  No.2451489

AJ and his chimps like Jack and Corsi are out in full force now.

Q's cutting into his paytriot MAGA revenue stream.

They're losing money!!!

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73fe19  No.2451490




KEK. With each passing day, we're being vindicated. Goddamn! What a time to be alive! I want to put up the talking points meme on my insta but need a stingy, sharp phrase calling out the naysayers who called it a conspiracy. Especially my ex who still lurks on my social media accounts while she's "in love" with some sheep faggot after a weekend of beer pong. Fuck everyone who doubted our power. We are ANON.

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2c5d66  No.2451491


yea this goes to aliens, but shhhhhhhhh anons cant handle it yet

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b3e6a9  No.2451492

File: 7ab23e45f54fa4d⋯.png (923.71 KB, 1400x1117, 1400:1117, 21373278347834289032903298….png)

File: 06fbf3857e76489⋯.png (914.63 KB, 1400x1117, 1400:1117, 21977665565465621763217832….png)

fresh memer chum

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35e944  No.2451494


Done month by month I mean.

We should now be able to build Q's map, month by month and match Pacer month by month.


Exactly fits the description by Q of the map.

Open source too.

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f436c5  No.2451495


I guess its you

Possible Baker for next bake

I dont know your history so


Please confirm!

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66e5f9  No.2451496




Is anyone deleting the number of sealed indictments from our total which have become unsealed since they were counted?

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ada70c  No.2451497

File: a85d63bb87d5129⋯.png (291.19 KB, 661x714, 661:714, 9948ea0187054824b7686420a0….png)

File: cf397db87618bc1⋯.jpeg (102.69 KB, 891x900, 99:100, D6C46F7A-C7B1-4A32-9576-E….jpeg)

File: 8e8bb791cce52a6⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 678x356, 339:178, composite_15191465876720-6….jpg)

File: 22b6eeecfea0eb7⋯.jpg (29.53 KB, 460x259, 460:259, 180225131235-david-hogg-me….jpg)

FEB 22

WHY school shootings?

What is more precious than our children?

Emotional pull.

Distraction event.

Gun grab event.

D security.

WHY would locals go along w/ such a sick organized event?

[THEY must control local police / school / county officials / etc to work].



Federal aid + donations.

These people are SICK.


Follow the money.

It’s always about the money.



Who do you think is leaking the info?

Take a wild guess.

Analyze shooter (pawn).

Voices in his head?

We know.

We are taking action behind the scenes.

CNN was set up.



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6b5e1d  No.2451498


It's gonna be fun seeing Poboballsack, CNN et al.

go down in flames over Q without q doing anything. QDS is the new TDS?

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3eb0ad  No.2451499

Husseins birthday is today lol

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4048c2  No.2451500

email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)


To: john.podesta@gmail.com

CC: esepp@equitablegrowth.org, eryn.sepp@gmail.com

Date: 2015-08-18 10:30

Subject: email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)

Dear John,

Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.

Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth.

They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.

The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.

Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.

NEW GREAT NEWS: Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal proposed cooperation in space technology between Pakistan and China as part of the historic declaration, saying it will take the Pak-China relations to new heights. https://tribune.com.pk/story/937041/cooperation-20-mous-worth-2-billion-signed/ A consortium of 35 Chinese companies was also formed that will invest in Pakistan: Pakistan and China on Wednesday signed 20 memoranda of understanding (MoU) worth $2 billion…emphasis on sustainability


The Cosmic Consequences of Space Weapons: Why they Must be Banned to Preserve our Future

FULL ARTICLE: https://consciousreporter.com/global-agendas/treaty-ban-weapons-space-urgently-needed/



War in space isn't considered fantasy anymore



PREPARING FOR WAR IN SPACE (articles below):


Satellite Missiles and International Tensions See US, China and Russia Preparing for War in Space



War in Space May Be Closer Than Ever

China, Russia and the U.S. are developing and testing controversial new capabilities to wage war in space despite their denial of such work

By Lee Billings | August 10, 2015



World War Three in SPACE? Fears over rise in anti-satellite weapons created by Russia

A HUGE rise in anti-satellite weapons being developed by world powers has sparked fears the West could soon be embroiled in a fully-fledged war with Russia and China in outer space.


War in space isn't considered fantasy anymore


We're arguably closer than ever to war in space. Most satellites orbiting Earth belong to the U.S., China and Russia. And recent tests of anti-satellite weapons don't exactly ease the scare factor.

It sounds like science fiction, but the potential for real-life star wars is real enough. It's just not new.

Fears of battles in space go back to the Cold War and several initiatives, like President Reagan's "Star Wars" missile-defense system.

Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work spoke to Congress in June about the threat. He said during a speech the technology the U.S. developed during the Cold War allows it "to project more power, more precisely, more swiftly, at less cost."

Take a moment to think about everything satellites do. GPS, surveillance and communications all depend on them.

And the Scientific American notes you can disable satellites without missiles. Simply spray-painting lenses or breaking antennas is enough.

President Obama requested $5 billion for space defense in the 2016 fiscal budget.

And a former Air Force officer told the Scientific American most of the United States' capabilities in space have been declassified to send a clear message: There are no rules for war in space.

Best regards,


Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD

Apollo 14 astronaut

6th man to walk on the Moon

Zero Point Energy Consultant

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76a08c  No.2451501


Yes I had lost faith and hope in all areas of my life, including my relationship with God. My hope is being renewed through Q and POTUS.

Thank you Patriots for laying down your lives for your brothers and sisters.


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f222c9  No.2451502


Anon's need coffee this morning?

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333741  No.2451503

File: eaa132874061889⋯.jpeg (339.9 KB, 719x1108, 719:1108, 715624F4-B3C4-4BD0-93E8-3….jpeg)

File: 07bf4672afee742⋯.jpeg (283.28 KB, 682x1002, 341:501, 07AE9A9A-0EB6-4D8C-886D-4….jpeg)

In response to the “meteor” above Thule/Qaanaaq: Thank you Bill Cooper! You were a fine patriot.

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55d765  No.2451504

File: be0945d291b790a⋯.jpeg (16.99 KB, 244x255, 244:255, SOMUCHTEXT.jpeg)

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dac582  No.2451505

File: 712e78b0fee4ca5⋯.jpg (64.98 KB, 550x483, 550:483, k pointer.jpg)

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8419d8  No.2451506

File: a5d72aea77a678d⋯.png (545.56 KB, 796x518, 398:259, jack-subverted-q3.png)

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c3ef97  No.2451507

File: 3fc97739db47fbb⋯.png (959.8 KB, 920x645, 184:129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66c17d51483e10b⋯.png (68.9 KB, 835x778, 835:778, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe O’Hara: Asleep At The Switch – How local officials allowed NXIVM to grow into an international crime syndicate



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30ee15  No.2451508


I've reported your post with a requ. to bv/bo for confirms..

Be advised, and Shadilay.

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514de0  No.2451509

File: f3982c4c2c22b73⋯.png (563.55 KB, 1915x940, 383:188, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a112cba3af5a27⋯.png (1.46 MB, 600x6094, 300:3047, new to the chan.png)


Do you have the javascript installed? I have absolutely NO problem finding ALL of my (you's)

See the pic for my view of the chan. On desktop, firefox.


The link in my graphic no longer works- use the pastebin I just linked to. It is my personal javascript that has the nope button added into it. It is NOT the newer version of the nope button that is at the top of the board though.

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f14047  No.2451511


the internet has that info- look it up

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4048c2  No.2451512




Extra Terrestrials wan't to make a treaty and contact

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7e1e24  No.2451513

thanks anon


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69f4d9  No.2451514



Are the police giving counter measure warnings when they talk about weapons?

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557ae7  No.2451515

File: fd1c16afb023d51⋯.jpg (76.57 KB, 655x625, 131:125, $RP7KWJU.JPG)


Check out his Twitter banner.

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2744d6  No.2451516

>>2450478 (lb)

Seeing a book on my shelf after I shut down the desktop, I was shocked to realize I have yet to read any post on another patriot of the highest caliber, and very much akin to Admiral Rogers.

His name is Chalmers Johnson. I'll write more later as I have to rest, but if your hip to Bill Binney, Thomas Drake…..shit, even Smedley Butler, check him out.

An impressive background in the Intelligence arena, I want to say retired NSA, he is a prolific author and has covered such broad topics as the Intelligence community, American Empire, the global fight over oil and a myriad of other ones. I purchased and read Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Empire and have read others, including Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire. The list of works is long and they're all great. He spoke about these issues before they were popularized.

I would be surprised if Admiral Rogers doesn't have Mr. Johnson's direct contact information.

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6b5e1d  No.2451517



Cassandra was hotter when she was a Rawn Pawlist with fewer tattoos and less kids from random dudes.

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09a6c8  No.2451518


Q enters password.

8ch server generates cryptographically related tripcode.

Q personnel enter tripcodes into Google search and associate them with desired search results.


A possible mechanism.

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2c5d66  No.2451519

File: 217b8ada5eeddaa⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1502219149042.jpg)


love you brother, no homo

if she lurks she is thinking bout you, went through the same thing

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f3f786  No.2451521


Coincidence how in the past century two nutcase conspiracy theories were prevalent - alien abductions and secret mil bases like Area 51?

And then suddenly they both vanished, with no abductions reported at all and all info about mil bases being decades old?

Ike had a deal with greys. They were allowed to abduct humans in exchange for tech that was whisked away in unaccounted SAP's.


Then Ike's dentists, the OTHER ET faction, decided this was against the will of the People, and terminated this deal.

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9e9452  No.2451522


Looks like lines are drawn

Police states start just like this.

Can't wait,

This should be fun to watch.

The only way is to not engage.

To not engage is to surrender.

The left is the borg.

Resistance is futile you will be assimilated or destroyed.

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69f4d9  No.2451523

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680258  No.2451524


I think they came here all full of confidence reading the press articles and then after reading actual Q drops their confidence began to drain quickly

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4048c2  No.2451525


No I copied John Podesta email

Had to go to work and don't have time to paraphase

see attachments


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3b9ba0  No.2451526

Scannerfag here…..I'll be listening to Portland PD and update if anything

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ac4d83  No.2451527


He is really giving OANN a bad look

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d8b671  No.2451528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Portland cops just told antifa to leave. They have seen guns on the antifa side. They won't go. Something going to happen.

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c56135  No.2451529

File: 361d3c5962f433c⋯.png (579.45 KB, 618x554, 309:277, Screen-Shot-2018-08-01-at-….png)

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ada70c  No.2451530

FEB 23

Libel laws.

End of MSM.


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c3ef97  No.2451531

File: 95cfb101a189f9c⋯.png (83.26 KB, 833x804, 833:804, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bf43bb2ac1e401⋯.png (69.13 KB, 836x616, 19:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Larry Shea: The Tanster – the woman who paid for Ben Szemkus lie detector test – Revealed!

The Tanster is the woman who paid for Ben Szemkus’ lie detector test. Ben was called into question after he claimed he went to a NXIVM mixer/recruitment party in Feb. 2007 where he encountered Keith Raniere, Allison Mack, Nancy Salzman, Clare Bronfman, Sara Bronfman, Anthony Wiener, Huma Abedin, Stormy Daniels, her bodyguard, Eric Schniederman, James Alefantis and some 20 Yale college girls – all in a smallish apartment in Connecticut.

Now our correspondent Larry Shea introduces to our readers the woman known as the Tanster – who paid for ben Szemkus’ lie detector test – which we are told he passed.


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1ab040  No.2451532


basically came here to say this. I've stopped talking to most people I know about the Mueller probe because only time will tell and I'm tired of having to defend myself. Best to just sit back and wait for the nothing burger to finish cooking

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6b5e1d  No.2451533


Yeah, I knew he was a bad apple in the Reagan days and his new world order pronouncement was clearly a negative to me. [Him]

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f7f546  No.2451534


sure thing anon..

here you go


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065eb1  No.2451535


probably manipulating something in 8chan around automatic ID generation, the list of books is fascinating, probably an insight into the mind of Q, the kinds of research that he does, who is said to be the most knowledgeable man in DC?

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289312  No.2451536



Jones interviewed kappy a few days ago on Pedowood.. Is he trying to build up and and than discredit him ?

double-agend ?

or in this case: "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" ?

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30ee15  No.2451538

File: 3de2074b29b3ebb⋯.png (9.07 KB, 1176x130, 588:65, #476245.png)

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dfaf3c  No.2451539


POTUS says "Q"??

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762112  No.2451540


Good job, how on earth did you mange to find it and make the connection, it's from 8 years ago. He has a similar voice and figure of speech and the same first name.

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dac582  No.2451541

DS clown faggots in PDX are dancing rn kekekek


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dfaf3c  No.2451542

File: a09ac1713f81bd3⋯.png (657.76 KB, 1182x778, 591:389, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

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877777  No.2451543


>Is anyone deleting the number of sealed indictments from our total which have become unsealed since they were counted?

damartin32 says one of his 'counters' was analyzing the sealed cases as they become unsealed. I have to find that post again. I believe they said ~5,000 have been unsealed.

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35e944  No.2451544

Given the family nature of the swamp crimes, it's likely more than one family member is indicted in many cases. This should make the Q Map I've described match even more convincingly to the month by month sealed cases. I.e. when a CEO resigns, it is likely his co conspirators will be dealt with in the same sealed court record. I am positive this is how we build the Q map and prepare people for the unsealing.

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7329e2  No.2451545

File: cfcb10f82df64cc⋯.jpg (252.74 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, thoth-deck-my-favorite-tar….jpg)

File: 14e0eece3eb53d5⋯.png (250.86 KB, 610x419, 610:419, joy.png)

File: abf064c16ca8394⋯.jpg (166.61 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, church-of-scientology-aust….jpg)


been pondering the links here for a while now. don't claim to have all the answers, but i know there is much to see on this topic. here are some interesting 'coincidences' i think may relate. what other 'sex-cult' style groups are related, and active in Austin? are there themes that link people jones promotes? https://thegoldwater.com/news/10990-Alex-Jones-Scientology-Shill

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7b7b88  No.2451546


Nice catch, anon.

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e3b079  No.2451547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the original InfoWars article on their "insider" named "Zaq":


Anons on the private channels began looking into it, this anon produced a video (attached) which was the initial release of the identity based on finding. In essence Jones brought on a Muslim who interviewed with Al Jazeera, was booted for non conformity, fucking supported the Ft. Hood shooter stating Muslims are made fun of, etc, and his statements came directly after that shooting as if in a way to run cover. "Zaq" is actually Zachari Klawonn. Alex Jones brought on an anti Amercan Muslim and attempted to counter Q with a guy who's entire background is running interference for Islam accusations.

This goes hand in hand with what Avenatti has done in term of his Middle East connections.

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37ff8a  No.2451548





Thank you all, I'll bake then until BV/BO confirms.

Shadilay ; )

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b47044  No.2451549

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6c7ed9  No.2451550


I asked this to partially get anons thinking critically. I fully believe in Q + POTUS and trust the plan. TY for the encouraging replies, Patriots

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c85a41  No.2451551


Smart booksellers have linked the tripcodes and id's to conspiracy oriented books.

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514de0  No.2451552


I would have to assume so. Once they are no longer unsealed they will no longer show up in the database that they are looking at as sealed.

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4048c2  No.2451553


Please look at Wikileaks,

THey've known for decades and evidence sitting right there

Something big going to drop

Big Sky Event

They are nonviolent want to make contact and POTUS will do It!!!

Other Fuckers wanted to enrich themselves with OIL so wouldn't meet b/c zero point energy

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e95305  No.2451554


"Q just wait. We have the cards, they don't."

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82ed33  No.2451555


Yeah right… you as pussified as the enemy

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6b5e1d  No.2451556

File: c3cd9d931b94b44⋯.jpg (112.5 KB, 758x787, 758:787, obama legacy.jpg)


At least Trump kept Bummercare though.

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cd4533  No.2451558


That might be his job.

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2d0d46  No.2451559


Not believable. More likely she would have been hanging out in Thomas Hooker's camp.

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9c3449  No.2451560

File: eff5bd19b72ea85⋯.jpeg (103.33 KB, 833x499, 833:499, 47EA58AE-8480-4C4A-A5C5-A….jpeg)

File: c1c78236d965149⋯.jpeg (103.85 KB, 833x499, 833:499, 814DF0F7-E685-430A-A263-B….jpeg)

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7b098b  No.2451561


Godspeed baker


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d8b671  No.2451562

Portland cops are telling antifa if they cross the street force will be used.

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78e814  No.2451563

File: 2c1133e1996041d⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 805x903, 115:129, chicken6.jpg)


==BOOM== Baby…..

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2c5d66  No.2451564

File: 6ab6922f5dfb0ab⋯.png (111.86 KB, 576x507, 192:169, 6ab6922f5dfb0abec383d9c148….png)

File: 32ab51dfd2e465e⋯.gif (2.91 MB, 309x313, 309:313, 1501275172350.gif)

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7b7b88  No.2451565


Q just watch it for yourself. I think it's pretty clear. Normies will scoff and dismiss, but this wasn't a message for the normies :-)

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6f7282  No.2451566


I wish I was at an airport. Stupid restaurant i was forced to go to.

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9513cf  No.2451567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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69f4d9  No.2451569

Looks like all Portland politicians and officials are certifiable. Why would they allow ANY two groups protesting do it on the same day. AND on the same street.

WTF Portland only has one street to march down?

The Mayor should be impeached. Totally incompetent.

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35e944  No.2451570

Hopefully Q confirms that this is how we build the map.

Side by side. Sealed cases on one side, politicians and CEOs standing down on the other. Plus all the dems that Q has mentioned.

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001704  No.2451571

File: 5d48a648d087641⋯.jpg (49.68 KB, 450x609, 150:203, TIMESUP.JPG)


>>2451414 >>2451441


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09a6c8  No.2451572

File: 57f693f64193f5e⋯.jpg (152.31 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Bezos - Mockingbird.jpg)

File: dd1d52ccd69d74e⋯.jpg (44.6 KB, 512x384, 4:3, MockingbirdCIAWork.jpg)

File: 878c17bd41abbdc⋯.jpg (683.67 KB, 1210x1200, 121:120, CIA Mockingbird against go….jpg)

File: 2d1577c8a274a85⋯.png (609.67 KB, 492x746, 246:373, MockingCFR.png)

File: 7354c3687dc6228⋯.png (307.35 KB, 1478x900, 739:450, InfographAlwaleedMediaMock….png)

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0594ce  No.2451573


It doesn't put my mind at ease

Because I know that those fuckers in the Cabal

Have been using it as a playbook

And setting up the situations that they need

For over 250 years

Just so they can claim, falsely

That the events of today

Are Biblical prophecy coming true

But that is a LIE

Because the events of today


Which the cabal have orchestrated

To pull the wool over our eyes

And I know this to be fact

Because I asked God myself, directly

And he answered that I am right

Everything is created by the will of man

Because he created us


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81a2b3  No.2451574

File: 4349159208351c9⋯.jpeg (398.07 KB, 1920x824, 240:103, 3efc8b6b86b8742f51a141da4….jpeg)

File: a47f9e7d392dd15⋯.jpeg (290.59 KB, 1140x830, 114:83, fullsizeoutput_f6f.jpeg)

File: bc23264a40c523e⋯.jpeg (299.39 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, fullsizeoutput_f70.jpeg)

File: 6f6f31565d733bc⋯.jpeg (223.85 KB, 1196x684, 299:171, fullsizeoutput_f72.jpeg)

File: 836e35b8a020b38⋯.jpeg (518.29 KB, 1200x739, 1200:739, da377fb2997ce8bbcd3e7174a….jpeg)

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c3ef97  No.2451575

File: 6bd39609b03cbf7⋯.png (389 KB, 860x569, 860:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41d362d79cb86a8⋯.png (564.59 KB, 910x778, 455:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0411449ff4776b5⋯.png (457.11 KB, 704x787, 704:787, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fceb65725393456⋯.png (841.97 KB, 549x847, 549:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce0e4ff182ea670⋯.png (589.93 KB, 539x843, 539:843, ClipboardImage.png)

CA Wildfire Surges 25% Overnight As Exhausted Firefighters Battle On

A rapidly growing wildfire that has forced thousands to evacuate in Northern California surged overnight into Saturday - growing over 25% in size according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire). The "Mendocino Complex Fire" which consists of two fires had reached 201,471 acres and 34% containment as of the agency's last report.



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514de0  No.2451576


>my relationship with God. My hope is being renewed through Q and POTUS.

I have been in the same spot. I did a LOT of searching last fall and earlier this year and that's how I came up with this graphic. Be strong in the Lord.


Once I truly understood the info in this graphic and seeing what was actually going on in the world…. everything came together for me.

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b781bb  No.2451577

Google search: chair Catholicism


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e95305  No.2451578

File: acde82f1661e67a⋯.jpg (958.72 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, ccc5135589a9d4695bd608579d….jpg)

File: f4000957da5df49⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, 7c6749520cf71efa4980a75fcb….png)

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e7b070  No.2451579


Looks like you're too lazy to read.


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3242c9  No.2451580

More contemptuous? Socialist Democrats or NeverTrumpers?

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b3e6a9  No.2451581

File: cb77f632056e12e⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1161x835, 1161:835, 21897217832784389089784376….png)

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b390e7  No.2451582

File: a2a08d809ba6a76⋯.png (312.05 KB, 610x368, 305:184, my digga.png)

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60bfaa  No.2451583

File: 4cd816b60bd368c⋯.jpg (133.67 KB, 905x895, 181:179, 2a.JPG)

11 boys rescued from human traffickers in India


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426d0a  No.2451584


Q just wait-

(trust the plan. we have the servers.)

Thanks Potus for the pep talk. Its been a bit rough and media is going crazy. But we're not going anywhere.


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072a06  No.2451585


Alex Jones deserves the fucking rope at this point.

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09a6c8  No.2451586

File: f3492f5e9ebeb15⋯.png (191.75 KB, 601x468, 601:468, QProofCIAreportsToNSA.png)

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9daad0  No.2451587

File: 1f51cbfa5cbbd91⋯.png (142.55 KB, 500x1029, 500:1029, s3-popcorn-pepe-22030086.png)

March started, now watch these faggots beat eachothers head in.

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73fe19  No.2451588


Love you too, anon. She's thinking about me yet she's sucking someone's else dick. Bitches be straight trippin, yo. I need a comment with the 4am talking point meme to drive it home so when she sees that meme and reads the comment, her cunt will start crying. Help a brotha out. I might smoke a cigar with that cat, anon.

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b91525  No.2451589


Thank You Baker!!

Handoff Confirmed

I couldn't completely go until I knew everything was good… Thank you for Stepping up.

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81a2b3  No.2451590



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dfaf3c  No.2451591


I've watched it several times. Not seeing it. No worries.

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82ed33  No.2451592


Amazing… Doing his "job" is an impeachable offense.

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778dfe  No.2451593

File: 6c7448a51ca488a⋯.jpg (98.09 KB, 1343x748, 79:44, Laughs1.jpg)

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f83276  No.2451594

File: 7a03842218ab2bd⋯.png (784.66 KB, 949x632, 949:632, changetheworld.png)


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7b098b  No.2451595

File: 703e4157d3710be⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 274x177, 274:177, HOTYB.jpg)

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c04d17  No.2451596


>fighting in the streets against muh Antifa (other Americans) will make it better

Okay, faggot. Filtered for being a pawn to (((their))) game.

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065eb1  No.2451597


read the list of books, very few are conspiracy oriented, most are think tank type books, many q related, just read the list then decide


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22361e  No.2451598

File: edc575e20ffede2⋯.jpeg (381.09 KB, 750x922, 375:461, F6D3A4D8-0A7F-48CC-A165-6….jpeg)


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9da0ed  No.2451599

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4e3d31  No.2451600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9c3449  No.2451601



RBG next…?!

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9e9452  No.2451602



Can I see the official documentation that confirms this please.

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8d3ffa  No.2451603

File: 1ad737e4428115b⋯.png (577.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Hi..I'm Jack Posobiec…I've changed jobs 50 times in the last six months. You might be familiar with my Periscopes from my parent's basement. Yep…that's me talking into the hairbrush.

I was in Navy Intelligence for two years in charge of coffee pot maintenance. I believe in Star Wars and other fantasies that keep me grounded.

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e1b97f  No.2451604


Yes, and that old man tried to walk it back, but some of us never forgot. The proverbial cat was out of the bag.

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8bfe80  No.2451605


Dude come on - stop with the violence talk man.

AJ is a joke and do not let him get under your skin. He will say anything to get some ratings and advertising. do not play into his game. Be smart.

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e9fe05  No.2451606


tbqh it is nice to see someone else post your work here or especially elsewhere, nothing wrong with that. gloating however is unseemly in general; but I don't think the thankful anon was gloating imo


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b7a799  No.2451607


Been there. Suffered the consequences, fren.

But conspiracy theory is merely a weaponized injunction: don't look there, or be ridiculed.

It's wholly inapplicable to this wonderful bunch of misfits. We are not a conspiracy, which has a legal definition: two or more persons operating together to commit a crime. We are not a theory: Q posts and we analyze, based on open source information.

Do we think that others have conspired? You betcha, and the FISA shit will demonstrate that conspiracy is alive and well within the halls of government. But the conspiracy lies elsewhere.

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426d0a  No.2451608

File: c518d26f82c5b44⋯.png (144.43 KB, 500x534, 250:267, images.duckduckgo.com.png)


I came to the realization sometime in late 2016 that the bible really was written for the ages. At every moment in time, it speaks.

I wish that we had the full un-churchified version tho

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514de0  No.2451609


ty for updates. hard of hearing so no clue whats going on can see video from press for truth.

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22523a  No.2451610



I see weapons, too, and am just sitting on a hotel balcony.

They are:

An ashtray, a plate of shellfish (so, not reliable, I guess), a serrated knife, a glass bottle, a rather low railing at a likely lethal height, a corkscrew, a drinking glass, several heavy chairs, a marble ledge, a shoe lace, and a pen.

And that is just within arms reach, give or take.

The weapons one might find INSIDE:

Honey roasted peanuts and stuff.

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6c7ed9  No.2451611

File: e95cf7d22c5e4e6⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 800x500, 8:5, the-mole-15th-anniversary-….jpg)


AC 180's Last Job. Kek

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e7b070  No.2451612


Do one with her thinking, "I can smell the urine seeping out of my Depends."

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f3f786  No.2451613



Welcome to the most shilled, psyop'd and also the most dangerous topic in history.

Unless you believe in Flat Earth, the topic of extraterrestrials must be considered.

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37ff8a  No.2451614


There's this, called 'Bread Magic', created by the incredible qanon.news anon. It's not 100% accurate, but mostly. With Q posts it should be fine, as they are all archived. Other posts may not be archived. Here's what to do -

Bread Magic

Find Any Previous Post With Only The Number

Even archived -


Replace 2214424 with the post number you wish to find

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4295bc  No.2451615

File: 4ba0b3f8124efac⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1680x1374, 280:229, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 82a58f031b70ea8⋯.jpg (297.87 KB, 800x600, 4:3, frogs_of_war_Soros.jpg)

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive…

Perkins Coie have their Tentacles in EVERYTHING evil, Democrat, International and Corporate, as well as IT. So They are the nexus of the cabal and all that is tied to it.


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c3ef97  No.2451616

File: 8ff77128cc469fe⋯.png (557.78 KB, 652x818, 326:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46b5b4087142834⋯.png (375.58 KB, 664x875, 664:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 311f396b048b6fb⋯.png (67.31 KB, 666x788, 333:394, ClipboardImage.png)

British ISIS fighters are training in Afghanistan after 'caliphate' crumbled in Iraq and Syria

Afghanistan's ambassador to the UK said the fanatics posed a threat to Britain

The IS fighters were found in the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan

Over the past two years IS has established a foothold in Afghanistan as its 'caliphate' has crumbled in Iraq and Syria


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e3b079  No.2451617


The private anon board do a lot of things like this and in terms of voice one of the anons created a voice recognition program which is very top of the line. I recognized patterns in his statements which echoed something so we began to look for similar patterns and it narrowed down to this individual and we went from there.There is no doubt it is the same person and the biggest WTF is that we also know that Alex Jones knew as well. So there can be no doubt that IF and Jones are indeed Controlled Oppo.

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7fecc6  No.2451618


he also claimed that Elon Musk was a patriot.

LOL. Silly Zaq, Trix are for kidz.

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e95305  No.2451619






FIGHT the censorship.

You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.

You simply forgot how to PLAY.


They want you divided.

They want you silenced.


We are WITH you.



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8419d8  No.2451620

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85aa74  No.2451621


Lemme clear my throat.


Go back.

Maxine wants her tagline back.

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81a2b3  No.2451622

File: 3e5775b5c5db7c9⋯.jpeg (456.73 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 6b566ac75dd5ceae4b826de23….jpeg)

File: 47f43aa2f8f9b30⋯.jpeg (451.23 KB, 550x1080, 55:108, 9b43d49a1b4502095cf04ebbe….jpeg)

File: f9639bc2c93d7a9⋯.jpeg (810.53 KB, 1200x895, 240:179, b9447f01fc6f6fefcb5e73b70….jpeg)

File: 796335cf48e734e⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1920x772, 480:193, bacd115f1a9b3877d710fed84….jpeg)

File: 5cbc4537794d636⋯.jpeg (225.27 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, fullsizeoutput_fb3.jpeg)

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76518f  No.2451623

File: 2cafbfef62dccde⋯.jpg (55.39 KB, 634x272, 317:136, 7cc853ea99b40431060b947039….jpg)

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d8b671  No.2451624

>>2451609 They moved away from the intersection and are coming face to face antifa vs patriot prayer group.

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9e9452  No.2451625


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6b5e1d  No.2451626

File: 20d3e934b2027cd⋯.jpg (46.42 KB, 780x381, 260:127, laim poballisak.jpg)

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7329e2  No.2451627

File: 62e7752bc241c52⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 9c6af29ec138e5e⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 480x204, 40:17, babalonbunch.jpg)


ever noticed the top degree of scientology is called OT9, and the connection between hubbard and crowley is well known. crowley's org (OTO) also has openly sexual initiation rituals "Sex Magick The degrees of the Hermit Triad are of a sexual nature. In the VIII° degree, the initiate is taught masturbation magical practices, in the IX° degree magical techniques related to vaginal intercourse, and in the XI° a form of sex magick involving anal intercourse.[23] "

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072a06  No.2451628


Shut the fuck up faggot. Jones deserves to be tied to a post and executed for his subversive actions after a fair hearing by a jury of his peers.

He was good meme but is a terrible America.

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8ad611  No.2451629

I can't see how Portland has any police left. They are clearly being used to set up a fight. I'm surprised the cops haven't quit or issued a no confidence vote on their mayor/chief

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caaabe  No.2451630

Yada yada

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2c5d66  No.2451631


hoes be hoes dude

cant prevent it

thats how theyve evolved

and modern society has made them hypersexual

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3b9ba0  No.2451632

On scanner now….Portland PD chasing a vehicle with a 5 year old in the backseat…speeds of 70 mph….now 90 mph…..these people are stupid

Police setting up spike strips

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30ee15  No.2451633


Learn Sumerian.

The Bibles are correct, but they are still just an archetype of a far older story.

God Is.

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12da6c  No.2451634

File: 93f217d02bf7e3d⋯.png (21.01 KB, 503x231, 503:231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e341e4dbf901c1⋯.png (33.96 KB, 495x399, 165:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9189dcd1e03a68a⋯.jpg (82.32 KB, 750x609, 250:203, shut it down.jpg)


Glad to assist


>Chalmers Johnson

Note taken, gonna have to get on that one


Started with the Texas bombings, trying to pin those on Q and/or anons, didn't work, so they're still trying to pin an act of violence on us. 3rd pic related

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072a06  No.2451635



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ca429a  No.2451636

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514de0  No.2451637


thank you anon. I do read the book of Enoch. The book of Adam and Eve is fascinating.

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9e9452  No.2451638


did AJ call Q a fraud again?

Who got under who's skin?

poor dear..

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785e90  No.2451639


And then the link between L Ron Hubbard and Gene Roddenberry?

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877777  No.2451640




Spreadsheet showing RELEVANT books/search results when searching on Q's tripcodes/IDs

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4295bc  No.2451641


KEK a Licious Anon.

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b47044  No.2451642


not useful

you should be more upset that the movement split;

Why they went that way I dont know.

Just curious, how do you think 2016 wouldve been different without IW?

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69f4d9  No.2451643


If his job is to risk citizens lives unnecessarily…and you consider that doing a job … I'd say your void of street smarts. But then these politicians in Portland took a course on how to go Venezuelain on their city.

Poor guy filming is terrified, and penned in.

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514de0  No.2451644


oh ok that makes sense from what I am seeing, kek. TY for update.

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04c1ba  No.2451645

File: b0d598d289549ae⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, danceing.png)

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12317d  No.2451646


PV, Someone told me CTA= Green Seamen Eater+ Pivot man was still in here shilling!

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e3b079  No.2451647


Baker you may wish to look at this for ==NOTABLE== given many people listen to that con man.

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4295bc  No.2451648

File: 3fd7ad5c650a88d⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 656x656, 1:1, NeonReee.jpg)


here is a neon pepe, the colors will match the hat KEK

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313838  No.2451649

File: 512c65851d1e113⋯.jpeg (721.37 KB, 1252x1942, 626:971, 86D78C95-624C-4AF7-875C-4….jpeg)


>>2451097 ( last bread)

Agreed. 45,000 sealed indictments now as of July 31. This is all I needed. Back in November Q was dropping some very serious shit. As the indictments grew so did my believe that Q was real deal. As the months went on all the Q drops started to pop up weeks later, hints ok North Korea and removal of CIA control back in late Nov and December. You would never have believed NK would flip. Think of it. Did it really make sense that NK was this crazy country that just wanted war with the U.S. because of a crazy dictator? Hell no, that country has been PsyOps and brainwashed to Hate the U.S. Iran is similar however the people have been trying to break free from this massive oppression and PsychOps for decades. See some answers in Pic of the Nov Q post.

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e9fe05  No.2451650


don't think there's one for anon posts, but if you know the date of the post, you can call up old threads and do ctrl+f for the post #

Archives are listed at the top in the dough:

qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

and this takes up where MA's sites leave off:

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab at bottom (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

These include all threads on 8ch, all boards

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81a2b3  No.2451652

File: 5db18189bdeee45⋯.jpeg (137.85 KB, 660x440, 3:2, fullsizeoutput_fb4.jpeg)

File: 79cf67afa79473c⋯.jpeg (244.7 KB, 329x1080, 329:1080, 09bd489de0f17a0d8022761b9….jpeg)

File: 034235c82cc2e90⋯.jpeg (391.52 KB, 1199x922, 1199:922, d9a05e1837eeb43fb1a8cda01….jpeg)

File: d7ad9b75d35d69c⋯.jpeg (497.07 KB, 1362x652, 681:326, aa536a9ea9cc4b04d9f54b7db….jpeg)

File: 06c83f824ab9dab⋯.jpg (136.31 KB, 750x500, 3:2, IMG_3890.JPG)

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f436c5  No.2451653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f83276  No.2451654

File: 10f2fb2a3e7f100⋯.jpg (7.76 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 9aede10923c4e2bc415456da52….jpg)


>I was in Navy Intelligence for two years in charge of coffee pot maintenance.

Due to the fact that the Navy understood I was the next Jonathan Pollard placed to spy on the US for Mossad.

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351e0a  No.2451655


Posted without realizing Lord Krishna supports serpent worship

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cf46d5  No.2451656

File: 7b108bb3a419075⋯.jpg (152.74 KB, 672x770, 48:55, seaman.jpg)

File: 4b6770d16f2038f⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 271x279, 271:279, DS HOMELESS.jpg)


>DS is fishing for ANYBODY they think we follow, who they think that we would follow away from Q


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10e53f  No.2451657

Hello Posobiec, how are you today? Good, good. Let me tell you this: either Q doxxes Q here on this board, or POTUS makes public announcement about Q. There is no other source. So, either you're misinformed, your sources are bullshitting you and you're foolish to believe them, or you're a liar. Have a nice day.

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68abba  No.2451658


LOL Then I have no idea what the police are yelling about.

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37ff8a  No.2451659

File: d2b5d9e214a154c⋯.jpg (173.87 KB, 600x600, 1:1, d2b5d9e214a154c99a52947108….jpg)


Thanks to you Baker! Enjoy and catch you later.

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8ffa48  No.2451660

File: dafb531168d7afe⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 230x230, 1:1, 1527705530671.gif)

File: fb996f5a9454a2e⋯.png (447.4 KB, 686x900, 343:450, Alex Dancing With Jews.png)

File: b179381cdd90c1a⋯.jpeg (234.08 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, ALEX_JONES_2.jpeg)

File: b91124e963d1e8b⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 150x281, 150:281, alexjonesfear.jpg)

File: 1c16ce1160090c9⋯.webm (1.52 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jones SCAN EVERYTHING.webm)


AJ is one of the worse interviewers out there.

Talking over guests.

Interrupting guests.

Getting irrationally angry and emotional.

Gas lighting.

That interview with Kappy was no exception.

Another tactic he uses is implicitly calling the people he interviews 'crazy'.

He's say something along the lines of: "I'm not saying you're schizo delusional making stuff up for attention as part of a publicity stunt and basically lying, but some people out there may say you're schizo delusional making stuff up for attention as part of a publicity stunt and basically lying, so what would you say to those critics out there that say you're schizo delusional making stuff up for attention as part of a publicity stunt and basically lying…

Uses repetition to imply that the person he's interview is crazy. SerialBrain2 called him out for

employing those tactics when he interviewed Sather about Q a few months back. It's so obvious once you see it.

BH/AJ false flags legit truth movements e.g. Sandy Hoax and Pizzagate by going all in crazy, HRC is personally trafficking kids from a DC pizza place, to then backpedaling, apologizing, saying he wrong, don't investigate any further, goy

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caaabe  No.2451661

File: d5e2a64398474e3⋯.jpeg (46.05 KB, 406x511, 58:73, D92F94CC-7D35-48BC-9D99-4….jpeg)

r teh distributed cia zombies haunting your chans with egregores and superfalous superlative sphincter memes from the Oval. Has thine glary orifice missed teh yuge obelisk parked in front of that oval. Are shifty jews shitting your taco War breads.

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6b5e1d  No.2451662


qresearch is an anon collective; qresearch doesnt condone or disapprove of shit.

If you want opinions, watch Hannity ffs.

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e9fe05  No.2451663



who or what does that acronym refer to?? haven't gotten an answer when I asked before


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3fc03d  No.2451664

File: 1d77072c71e7030⋯.jpeg (53.97 KB, 474x340, 237:170, CD8F5B5F-56D9-4534-8EAE-4….jpeg)

File: f85dc04b1bb93b0⋯.png (295.4 KB, 890x550, 89:55, 0D2D8F52-4BB8-4747-87A1-27….png)

File: 0f13ae29f7a9b34⋯.jpeg (53.41 KB, 474x294, 79:49, 78C8818F-8CB7-4A41-9F5A-B….jpeg)


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f3f786  No.2451665


This is a possible explanation.

But then again there's this gem,

Michael E Salla: Exopolitics: The Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence


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072a06  No.2451666


Its the fact he got some fucking muslim apologist like Zaq to discredit Q as some reliable source. It's subversive, malicious and an affront to the American body politic.


Fuck off nigger. Traitors get the bullet.

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04c1ba  No.2451667


kala-sarpa, the serpent of time is behind you

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c85a41  No.2451668


Q Just Watch!

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b390e7  No.2451669




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9513cf  No.2451670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tim pool's stream


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514de0  No.2451671

LIVE: Portland Antifa Vs Proud Boys

checking out this feed, hard of hearing, who the fuck is this guy

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36d069  No.2451672

I wonder why MSM isn't going after Scientology like they are with our movement. They're ravenous these past few months! And we haven't even really done much of anything yet (IRL)

Scientology is a known scam, even the people that go there know they're being scammed. It's a cult by definition. A dangerous, violent, and volatile one at that. A cult of trained scam artists that charge an entry fee!

Those people are actually hurting people and ruining lives, and you almost never hear about them on MSM. Why? Maybe they've been around for so long, it's a moot point.

Why us?

We're new? Maybe.

Trump is a hot topic/We're pro-Trump? Could be part of it.

Easy ammo to hide real news? Before us, they used to use dog shows and local events. When's the last time you saw local news on TV?

Why REALLY us?

None of us are any of them.

Why REALLY none of them?

Some of them are any of them.

Fear the darkness, what lies in wait? For beyond it lies your darkest fate. I, alone, can shine the light, that which you use to navigate the night.

- an excerp from the poem "One Oil Lamp To Illuminate the World" by BananAnon

The sun is rising. I guess we'll see what there is to see soon enough.

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7329e2  No.2451673


i like your style, homie. yes i do ponder this also. https://www.oocities.org/marksrealm/et045.html

deep space 9, order of the 9 angles, ennead, big government and big $$$ billionaires very interested in faking space. kubrick involved, disney involved, USAF and NASA/NAZI involved.

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c3ef97  No.2451674

File: 38b50d585035546⋯.png (568.38 KB, 720x700, 36:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c97ed807e44dfb8⋯.png (22.01 KB, 707x268, 707:268, ClipboardImage.png)



Bushfire on the NSW Central Coast 'deliberately lit' and burning at advice level


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4295bc  No.2451675


1 optics

2 to try to rile up sides to fight and get someone killed so they can say told you so…

3. beause portland is mostly full of absolutely reeeeetarted fucking libtards with very little brain matter in their mushy skulls

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a72c86  No.2451676


Start by getting rid of "political correctness" and return personal accountability.

No more "Hiring someone to fill a quota", hire them because they are the best qualified.

No more treating any Race or skin color differently because of something that I cannot be held responsible for that happened 200 years or more ago.

There will always be corruption and evil, good cannot exist without evil. Look at how they have tried to blur those lines with normalizing pedophilia, the whole gender identity bullshit, "white guilt", the list goes on.

Without making it appear authoritarian or totalitarian, peoples moral compasses need to be reset and definitions of what is acceptable and not need to be enforced.

Unfortunately I think it would take a "shock" to the general public such as public executions of the evildoers to wake some people up.

All I do know is I instill good values into my kids and remain accountable for and to them and can only hope, which is slowly being restored to me for my fellow man, that life for them will be better.

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785e90  No.2451677



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7b098b  No.2451679

File: 388856dabb1b4b4⋯.jpg (231.22 KB, 828x830, 414:415, WWG1WGA.jpg)


Can confirm coffee pot duty as a former IS sailor. Sucks being the lowest man on the totem pole.

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7fecc6  No.2451680

Why is no one Talking About LENR Cold Fusion?\


tick tock tick tock.

this technology exists.

Why are they sitting on it?



Let's get real.


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e7ffaa  No.2451681


>“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

Interesting trivia: the CIA produced the animated version of Animal Farm and Allen Dulles changed that part of the ending.

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f0a829  No.2451682


OT9 doesn't exist. OTVIII is the top.

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76518f  No.2451683

File: c996cc7169e4374⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 451x665, 451:665, 076346e75cad3a0d5cf1653f5c….jpg)


austim feed


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8419d8  No.2451684


4 livestreams, including the pregame of the Trump rally. KEK

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b47044  No.2451685



this anon is bullshit and should be filtered; infiltrator @ "traitors get the…"

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4295bc  No.2451686


ignore that idiot. he cant read. and he is a shill

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04c1ba  No.2451687

File: ef44f53f800dc7f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, cleanspace.png)

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48099f  No.2451688


Those you trust the most… which Q post was that?

School shootings - so many questions there.

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2c5d66  No.2451689

File: 8a89dcfe83d96fe⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 8a89dcfe83d96fe9ae47ade11b….gif)


dont uncover my tacticss!

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e7b070  No.2451690


Why endanger a kid by chasing? Back off and maintain high altitude chopper surveillance until the car finally stops. Then arrest. Yeesh.

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f3f786  No.2451691


Serpent is an ancient interpretation of how energy fields work. Due to ET knowledge imparted on ALL ancient cultures, some areas of their society were more advanced than what we have today.


DNA and chakras are the inspiration for this common symbol.

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c3ef97  No.2451692

Kim Dotcom: I Will Bury Facebook, Google, Twitter …. #GoogleGestapo “Days are Numbered”

EXCLUSIVE: Kim Dotcom Drops Bombshell on Twitter, Facebook: “Their Days Are Numbered;” Confirms He’s Now Building Rival ‘Free Speech’ Social Media Platform

US tech companies are selling out their users to the Deep State,” Dotcom told True Pundit. “And they engage in opinion manipulation by censorship and promotion of their political biases. They have been exposed.


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35e944  No.2451693


Exactly anon.


Side by side graphics.

Month by month.

One side.

Sealed cases.

Other side.

Politicians not standing.

Politicians mentioned by Q (dems)

CEOs standing down.

This is the Q Map.

With legends it becomes a guide to the happenings since November.

Compared to the same months from previous years it is the proofs.

We had more than we knew.

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ee3e65  No.2451694

File: 2d8444638438f3b⋯.png (547.53 KB, 918x662, 459:331, ClipboardImage.png)

>So I'm on an Antifa hit list. 24 hours till Portland.


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a32bb6  No.2451695

File: 6dc268d6b9e5e06⋯.jpg (599.2 KB, 736x1160, 92:145, 2018-08-01 21.03.27.jpg)

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0ee5d7  No.2451696

File: 889b0f8a6c3fd0d⋯.jpg (223 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Djx2km_U8AA6vW6.jpg)

File: 9d9c611254c742b⋯.jpg (172.87 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Djx3gIbUwAIdd1z.jpg)

File: 0ff4c2642530fa3⋯.jpg (149.67 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Djx4_6RUcAAetlg.jpg)

File: f7578d0a4e02275⋯.jpg (215.17 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DjxxoIBV4AAI9-L.jpg)


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3fc03d  No.2451697

File: aa3121037c88968⋯.png (77.52 KB, 500x305, 100:61, 05A53B0E-998E-4DE4-AA79-7F….png)

File: b4d0eea66b125de⋯.jpeg (147.7 KB, 651x438, 217:146, D3CD442A-D88D-4865-BC02-8….jpeg)

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e9fe05  No.2451698



>>2451053 Anon's rebuttal re: Conspiracy Theories

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6b5e1d  No.2451699

File: 9931938d39254b0⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 780x381, 260:127, laim shut down baord.jpg)

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4295bc  No.2451700


Interdasting… Notable?

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12da6c  No.2451701

File: e11c36229b0a1e8⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 08.04.2018 ''Q just watch'….mp4)

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9e9452  No.2451702


wow, really…?

Subversive eh. So, not believing in Q is subversive to the body politic.


Looks to me like anyone who doesn't agree with you is a personal affront to your opinion of yourself.

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69f4d9  No.2451703

Now the police are saying..get off the streets and stay on the sidewalk. ANTIFA terrorists are crowding and threatening the poor prayer group. We owe this to the indoctrinated globalist elite agenda our progressive liberal's are too willing to throw their brains under the bus for. Man … you wonder how these ANTIFA people walk and chew gum at the same time.

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3b9ba0  No.2451704


They described it as a black Nissan Frontier…male driver, shaved head, ponytail, hes also high on a substance

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04c1ba  No.2451707


the idiot just wanted to come across as smart, put the foot in the mouth, just a babbling mind :)

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12317d  No.2451708


I have no Idea what it means accept every CTA posts He leaves that CTA bs.

He's a shill so I gave him a new handle Pivot man Green Seamen Eater since he seems to be a David Seamen and Isaac Green devotee.

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351e0a  No.2451709


No serpents are venerable creatures and vast stores of knowledge. Sadly the Christ fags hunt and kill them

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c8057f  No.2451710

File: 7eccbfbc9710f60⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1840x714, 920:357, ClipboardImage.png)

96% of the MSM is bought & paid for by the Establishment Uniparty….

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d8b671  No.2451711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2451696 Uh,oh. cops just rode up on one of those tank things.

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d0078d  No.2451712

File: 027d0cc91e06006⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 404x453, 404:453, P1030700.jpg)

File: 691358bff32cb85⋯.jpg (139.37 KB, 514x492, 257:246, Lost Coast Yellow Flowers ….jpg)

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877777  No.2451713


>Indisputable and just leads to more questions when you bring it up.

Also leads to MOAR SHILLING and obvious spinning


> 45,000 sealed indictments now as of July 31. This is all I needed.

Me too. It was how I found qresearch and the sealed indictments give me HOPE. It is proof PATRIOTS are DRAINING THE SWAMP!

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7e1e24  No.2451714

File: 3ef1f9b132ce9e3⋯.png (1.46 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 3ef1f9b132ce9e331df77e9691….png)

a goldie that you don't see often, from GEOTUS himself!

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8d3ffa  No.2451715

When AJ and his shills like Jackie P. are assigned to attack Q, you know MOS is panicked now.

D5 down the mountain now…unstoppable!!

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cf9c7d  No.2451716

File: c4c6ed91a4b85f6⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 619x534, 619:534, bumblejack3D.jpg)

>>2451112 lb




we side-by-side, you decide

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514de0  No.2451717


I will confirm that he said Q JUST WATCH and NOT YOU just watch…. I lipread and he def. had a Q on the lips.

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680258  No.2451718


Great cant wait

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8499cd  No.2451719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If I were the devil | remastered audio | Paul Harvey

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caaabe  No.2451720

File: 46edb16608653a3⋯.jpg (24.71 KB, 300x168, 25:14, IMG_0889.JPG)

File: 240673521145980⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 255x191, 255:191, IMG_0890.JPG)

File: 6e411d0d4cfbb22⋯.jpg (118.55 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, IMG_0891.JPG)

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7fea1b  No.2451721


Huh, so they've moved from kicking over trash cans to becoming shielded by trash cans.. brilliant.

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69f4d9  No.2451722

There is a small group praying now. There are some in the distance chanting USA USA.

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09a6c8  No.2451723


I don't know. From archive meme collection. Anon asking for sauce, I don't have sauce. I believe it to be true. Now I'm looking for the Church Committee testimony from the 1940s and can't find that either. Shit.

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04c1ba  No.2451724


they are dead-ended by their own etymology

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072a06  No.2451725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>abloo bloo bloo

>this anon wants to his enemy dead

They deserve nothing less.

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7329e2  No.2451726


sure it is. if you are an idiot. everyone knows the higher degrees are always hidden (publicly), but they can't help telling you about it anyway. even on wikipedia. Beyond the attainment of the state of Operating Thetan is that of Cleared Theta Clear, which Hubbard describes as such:

A thetan who is completely rehabilitated and can do everything a thetan should do, such as move MEST and control others from a distance, or create his own universe; a person who is able to create his own universe or, living in the MEST universe is able to create illusions perceivable by others at will, to handle MEST universe objects without mechanical means and to have and feel no need of bodies or even the MEST universe to keep himself and his friends interested in existence.

— L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology 8-8008, p. 114 (1st ed), p. 151 (1990 ed.)

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dac582  No.2451727

File: d1110d6bdf06f77⋯.png (922.19 KB, 1822x2119, 1822:2119, doj.png)

Department of Justice thinking about de-regulating the way Hollywood distributes films to movie theaters.

If they abolish the decree, these companies are no longer bound by the decree?

Paramount Pictures, Inc.

Twentieth Century-Fox Corporation

Columbia Pictures Corporation

Warner Brothers Pictures

Loew’s (MGM)




not a business nor lawfag

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351e0a  No.2451728


or eternal

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785e90  No.2451729



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c3ef97  No.2451730







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348cd6  No.2451731


>It started for me when I heard GHWB talk about the NWO on network TV

I remember when it said it. If I remember it correctly it was just after Desert Storm ended and he had like a 90 percent approval rating.

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9513cf  No.2451732

File: 693406eabdb22e0⋯.webm (2.2 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, boom.webm)


here's a classic highlight…

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69f4d9  No.2451733


He said you. Get a hearing aid.

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b47044  No.2451734



"Think shell."

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04c1ba  No.2451735

File: 9b9d929ebb4505e⋯.png (596.22 KB, 1200x450, 8:3, spaceb.png)

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ec61b2  No.2451736

File: 5ffe87b4fa10c82⋯.jpg (182.44 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, 5ffe87b4fa10c829c354c97203….jpg)

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30ee15  No.2451737


>Never forget

I never truly understood my grandfather's reverence for the US Navy (he served in the Pacific) until now.

Marines are a part of the US Navy. And the only military branch POTUS could make use of immediately after his inauguration.

Most of POTUS's inner circle are… Generals :) Adm. Rogers? Navy man. Shh, don't tell anybody ;)

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82ed33  No.2451738


Moot? Don't be nuts. like them. Focus on the obvious difference between truth and lies. Truth always moves forward.

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cf46d5  No.2451739


>DS is fishing for ANYBODY they think we follow, who they think that we would follow away from Q


When Q blows this thing wide open, AJ, DS, VOX Dos, et. al., will claim that they knew Q was real all along, but decided to sacrifice themselves using the "Streisand effect" to attack Q so as draw their own followers to Q. They will claim it was a "brilliant Op" and we all fell for it, so we owe them now.

you heard it first :-)

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fb64e9  No.2451740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patriot Prayer Portland is a powder keg :(


Tim Pool Livestream, if you'd like to tune in.

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a2378f  No.2451741

File: 31219e807c97aa1⋯.jpg (92.41 KB, 831x471, 277:157, Capture.jpg)

Seen on Gab

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7329e2  No.2451742



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f3f786  No.2451743

File: ea4ae10ce2b3690⋯.png (429.93 KB, 610x607, 610:607, mr smith.png)


When talking about this I'm having trouble discerning between anons whose Mr. Smith programming kicked in and actual shills.

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37ff8a  No.2451744

Notables Update

Anything I've missed, please let me know. TY

>>2451640 Spreadsheet showing RELEVANT books/search results when searching on Q's tripcodes/IDs

>>2451614 Find Any Previous Post With Only The Number

>>2451531 Re Ben Szemkus' lie detector test

>>2451507 Local officials allowed NXIVM to grow into an int. crime syndicate

>>2451460 Anon requests help in identifying bad actors in the Canadian goverment. Dig

>>2451275 , >>2451400 Anons theory on 'building the map'

>>2451327 How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

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12da6c  No.2451745

File: cdb6fd674e77058⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 403x398, 403:398, checktrumpcheck.jpg)


Digits confirm!

Read his lips too, was hoping that a better lip reader chimed in!

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35e944  No.2451746

Since we just developed the possibility of exactly how to build the Q Map, the shills went dead quiet. spoopy. Awaiting orders? Q incoming?

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8419d8  No.2451747


Exactly what we discussed as comms during the rally to Trump

Shouting Q-SA (sounds like U-SA)

Now we get the (only by us known) comms back

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351e0a  No.2451748


it's actually slow here today.

cottage season

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42c7d1  No.2451749


They Never thought she would lose.

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7fecc6  No.2451750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


welcome to our world.

flat earth is a gatekeeper trap to keep you from looking at celleular cosmology aka concave earth.

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e3b079  No.2451751

Private boards also requested through FOIA records relating to claimed service of Jack P and connection in Canada and the US. More on this later but as it stands I feel very confident in saying Jack is a stolen valor fag and official documentation will be following very soon (nights end at latest).

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69f4d9  No.2451752

File: 311d9644169ec7b⋯.png (563.3 KB, 602x652, 301:326, Q - Generation.png)

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2c5d66  No.2451753

File: d06e8d2c96806c8⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 170x123, 170:123, 1352044573685.gif)

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c3ef97  No.2451754


I was thinking the exact same thing.

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f9d539  No.2451755

Nice title baker! They knew we were here for months and said nothing until we got optics at Tampa.

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e9fe05  No.2451756


I see

>I still have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on and I have no clue who those people are


thanks anyway, I do appreciate the answer

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ca429a  No.2451757


Wow, makes a lot of sense now. Especially with the supposed activity of Marines around Langley awhile back

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4e3d31  No.2451758

File: a524a716e65c2a7⋯.png (116.9 KB, 500x341, 500:341, aleister-crowley-jack-w-pa….png)

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12317d  No.2451759


I meant Pivot Man or Green Seamen eater

either will do.

He seems to like both equally and both apply

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caaabe  No.2451760

File: 61f2d480b204d78⋯.jpg (160.33 KB, 658x658, 1:1, IMG_2521.JPG)


In taco warfare

You steal the priest

Than kidnap their bankers

Than poke politicos with a stick in case candy comes out

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808e08  No.2451761

File: 950fcc8cc52a26c⋯.png (143.51 KB, 720x979, 720:979, Screenshot_20180804-144009….png)

File: 70e8982d0844abb⋯.png (97.43 KB, 720x564, 60:47, Screenshot_20180804-144449….png)

File: 8aef09a6b2eeb36⋯.png (190.67 KB, 720x1092, 60:91, Screenshot_20180804-144227….png)

File: 2dd3e87d6d8f367⋯.png (439.56 KB, 720x1001, 720:1001, Screenshot_20180804-144736….png)


What I say a class action lawsuit?

When is it effective?

Who controls the narrative?

WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm?

WHO deployed the algorithm?

WHO instructed them to deploy the algorithm?

SAME embed across multiple platforms.


Why is the timing relevant?

Where is @Snowden?

Why did ES leave G?

Why has NK out of the news cycle?

Define false flag?

What event(s) change the news cycle?

Why didn’t LV change the news cycle?

You have more than your know.



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04c1ba  No.2451762


stay here and hopefully your discernment will increase

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7b7b88  No.2451763


Thanks, anon.

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4e5937  No.2451764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7b098b  No.2451765


Probably 10-15 ppm just guessing.

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4295bc  No.2451766

File: 70290e758695b96⋯.png (4.09 MB, 3270x1612, 1635:806, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 888d7701edcaf45⋯.png (396.33 KB, 1204x1728, 301:432, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)

File: 65dac77a08e7868⋯.png (697.57 KB, 1214x1062, 607:531, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)



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785e90  No.2451767

File: c214407bfb520f3⋯.jpg (127.83 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1203-spacecruising-1920.jpg)

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514de0  No.2451768

From what I am seeing Patriots Prayer is on one side of the street and ANTIFA is on the other side of the street and the cops are in between them?

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27c5ac  No.2451769

Until POTUS denies Q, I am in like Flynn, baby.


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09a6c8  No.2451770

File: 5306eaf2257da02⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 612x550, 306:275, re_read_crumbs_2.jpg)


Q omits verbs.

Q sometimes describes a future event without a time referent.

It could refer to something that is going to happen, or is planned to happen, or has already happened without public announcement.

I took it as meaning the rogue intelligence agencies WERE going to be reorganized in such a way that they are no longer rogue. I suspect it it still in play and not yet fully complete.

My 2c

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17d247  No.2451771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c8057f  No.2451772

File: c0329052422f01d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1548x1736, 387:434, ClipboardImage.png)

We need to resolve this peacefully, or we will resolve it the other way….

What has been is Broken and cannot continue

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2b98c7  No.2451773

The shills out today is full force. Why does Soros continue to pay these slugs when they are truly ineffective?

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0ee5d7  No.2451774

File: 5b0c293bb71c9dd⋯.jpg (272.71 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DjxhZK8V4AAh9Lx.jpg)

File: 2f62c580fbec0cb⋯.jpg (228.34 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DjxiUmMU8AAaCUG.jpg)

File: 90612ff4538805d⋯.jpg (334.83 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DjxjGktU0AAP2CX.jpg)

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1eb708  No.2451775


ebot drop some Hussein pics

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22523a  No.2451776



And then what?

Impeach doesn't mean ousted from office, right?

WJC was impeached, etc - you know the rest -

and ALL IT TOOK for Doug Brand to create a veryveryvery lucrative series of "foundations" based on WJC's fucked up presidency was saying "India is my spiritual home" or some shit.

Do you really think Trump is worried about how impeachment will harm him?

For that matter, what have the last 2 years BEEN, if not an impeachment of sorts?

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dcfbf9  No.2451777


The cops know they're sitting on a powderkeg. It might get ugly anons.

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514de0  No.2451778

File: 868e77fab74c43f⋯.png (2.02 KB, 358x41, 358:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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3b9ba0  No.2451779

Vehicle stopped, suspect swimming in river…..the child is safe…..they are closing in on him from the air

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04c1ba  No.2451780

File: ca63cc505dfcf51⋯.png (100.48 KB, 383x300, 383:300, them copy.png)

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584c93  No.2451781

File: c9568e0e50fc8ac⋯.jpg (18.95 KB, 297x162, 11:6, 1533277921.jpg)


son of beech

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22361e  No.2451782

File: dbb709268152452⋯.jpeg (255.59 KB, 750x716, 375:358, 455F242E-1C1C-4846-A17B-5….jpeg)

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