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70bb1b No.2307878

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.




Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215, >>>/qproofs/130

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.26.18

>>2300028 ————————————- Facebook Investors Want to Strip Zuckerberg of Chairman Title

>>2299768 ————————————- Do you understand what is happening? Think optics.

>>2299625 ————————————- Thank You Jeff Sessions Article

>>2298508 rt >>2298430 —————— You'd be amazed how much is shared on /pol/

>>2298430 rt >>2298410 —————— How do you hide a message in clear sight?

>>2298388 rt >>2298369 —————— The face is never the author

>>2298335 ————————————- Because of these, the wrath of God is coming

>>2296993 ------------------------------------- What was the point of filing impeachment art if Ryan was going to reject?

Wednesday 07.25.18

>>2288772 ------------------------------------- Relevant Today. News Unlocks

>>2288325 rt >>2287764 ------------------- Something BIG is about to drop.

>>2287674 rt >>2287348 ------------------- What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election?

>>2287348 rt >>2287225 ------------------- When did No Name travel to the UK?

>>2287098 ------------------------------------- No name returning to headlines.

>>2287057 rt >>2286943, >>2286944 -- You’ll soon know why. (Facebook crash)

>>2286926 rt >>2286869 ------------------- If RR is dirty, Mueller is dirty.

>>2286778 ------------------------------------- https://mobile.twitter.com/RepMarkMeadows/status/1022255468461391872 ([RR] Articles of Impeachment)

>>2284570 ------------------------------------- EU BLINKED

>>2282104 rt >>2282049 ------------------- POWER WILL RETURN TO THE PEOPLE.

>>2282049 ------------------------------------- "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People.. "

>>2281708 rt >>2281677 ------------------- To all Americans, please pray. Q+

>>2281677 ------------------------------------- JFK Prayer & Oath.

>>2279519 rt >>2279498 ------------------- There is only Q.

>>2279499 rt >>2279471 ------------------- Happy Days Ahead, Patriot!

>>2279465 ------------------------------------- We will never again be under their control.

>>2275151 ------------------------------------- POTUS poised for ctrl of FED

Tuesday 07.24.18

>>2272925 ------------------------------------- FVEY In NZ Rt

>>2266551 ------------------------------------- What a wonderful day.

>>2265521 ------------------------------------- We saw you! God bless Patriots!

>>2265275 ------------------------------------- You are witnessing the destruction of the OLD GUARD

>>2265220 rt >>2265154 ------------------- We do try. (Q-proof)

>>2265105 rt >>2264981 ------------------- There is no greater threat than the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. Study Nazism. Antifa. Socialism

>>2264962 ------------------------------------- Something BIG is about to DROP.

>>2264304 ------------------------------------- Does FOIA cover FISA? DECLAS. Think HUBER.

>>2263683 rt >>2263659 ------------------- Why Are mirrors and disinformation necessary?

>>2263659 ------------------------------------- Huffington Post Q hit piece: PANIC!

>>2263460 ————————————- You have more than you know. Criminal Referral document?

>>2262557 ------------------------------------- Silence is golden.

For older posts, check the various archives.

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

FIND ALL Q POSTS AT: qanon.pub , qmap.pub/ , qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ , qanon.news/posts.html

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Previous Q Posts

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

70bb1b No.2307883


are not endorsements'''



>>2296345 To Quell the BO is MIA crap, a message from a Board Volunteer

>>2251030, >>2261001 EXPLANATION of bread-archiving situation. Fix habbening.

>>2174695 ; >>2174831 FULL VIDEO: President Trump and President Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference

>>2258234 Bakers, please put "^^^ Next Baker ^^^" below 1st shift notes, & NB >bundle

#2907 Baker Change

>>2307655 AG Sessions remarks on arrests in Op "Double Trouble"

>>2307132 Pedo Digs

>>2307644 Film purporting to show Bill Browder is a Fraud

>>2307875 #2907


>>2306537 She gets paid $761,560 to run this domestic violence group

>>2306367 Updated List of Potential InfoWars Network Members

>>2306360 Possible Digs Needed

>>2307028 #2906


>>2305912 abovethecloudskids.org/who-we-are/ (Possible Dig Needed)

>>2305855 Linkin Park Drummer Jonathan Silver Dig / Maggie Nix / Podesta Dig

>>2305730 Natalie Wood's sister claims the late starlet was 'raped FOR HOURS during an interview with a top Hollywood figure at Chateau Marmont'

>>2305673 Evidence Shows Obama Used Kenya as Birthplace Until 2007

>>2305666 21st Century Phone Call Insecurity

>>2306281 #2905


>>2305149, >>2305186 Claire Shepard McCaskill has a history of Domestic Abuse by 1st Husband

>>2304957 Pixelknot is developed by Guardian Project. Eric Schmidt (ES) helped fund them in 2014

>>2304952 PlaneFag Reports

>>2304725 IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting

>>2304699 Anon lays out all the ways cabal fuckers could be communicating under the radar in public forums

>>2304640, >>2304850, >>2305203 Remains of US Soldiers Killed in Korean War Turned Over by NK

>>2305409 #2904


>>2304501 Possible Original Sarah Silverman Pic??

>>2304289 ISIS Is On Verge Of Full Collapse West Of Daraa

>>2304213 NXIVM Digs/Articles fromToday

>>2304150 Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria are ready to participate in any military operation of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Dig

>>2304146 Russia Already Meddling in the 2018 Midterms - Targeting MCCaskill & John Podesta

>>2304594 #2903

#2902 New Baker Incoming

>>2303681 Judge Forces Fusion GPS To Disclose Murky Details Behind Steele Dossier

>>2303453 Rockefeller Heir Was Contact of Alleged Russian Agent

>>2303252 PlaneFag Reports

>>2303248 How do You Hide a Message in Clear Sight? Decode

>>2303154 Office of Director of National Intelligence completes RESTRUCTURE

>>2303087 Pastor freed from turkey jail

>>2303774 #2902

Previously Collected Notables

>>2302037 #2900, >>2302151 #2901

>>2299428 #2897, >>2300347 #2898, >>2300957 #2899,

>>2296531 #2894, >>2297304 #2895, >>2298927 #2896

>>2294969 #2891, >>2295675 #2892, >>2297253 #2893

>>2292431 #2888, >>2293286 #2889, >>2294148 #2890

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

70bb1b No.2307885

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 — META

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

>>2089271 – New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

>>2294272 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2254903

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

70bb1b No.2307886

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive:




MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g2RHWQyZ!26l2m6b8Vg_2l1ArPM9aEXn_wN2BG4-KzmLOS01qv6A

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/384624849/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-6-0?secret_password=8mEuXmnRBOy4TdKbwBd7

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q8sfoo8hi8idhm8/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.6.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==New Bakers Required == Read this ---> >>2172540

70bb1b No.2307891



212e1b No.2307898

File: bb7687ee53febc0⋯.png (745.79 KB, 1298x884, 649:442, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)


bfbc9e No.2307902

File: 49add77e003dab4⋯.jpg (145.77 KB, 1120x1200, 14:15, PG Dan Harmon LiveLeak b4 ….jpg)

Here's video of pedophile Dan Harmon letting a baby touch his crouch.

He already took down the liveleak video just hours after it was posted.


e36614 No.2307904

Baker not picking up crumbs or nightshift not pulling their weight?

f0a992 No.2307909

File: a7ba427cc73c5bf⋯.jpg (656.02 KB, 1137x1344, 379:448, Thor Trump and Melania.jpg)

"Something big is about to drop."

Lunar eclipses are big witchcraft-satanist fests, the great whore, black moon lilith etc.

I'm guessing Q is pimping them into a frenzy expending their resources and options yet again, while gathering the evidence their antics reveals.

"Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking."

There is an excellent chance the 'Big Something' that is about to drop, is the Perfect Panic of Q simply saying that :)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)





Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



..which means I'm guessing the hammers will continue steadily falling from the sky, relatively quietly, at least as quietly as Team T can manage–if something really big drops I'm sure Stormy Cohen or somesuch has another titillation spasm waiting in the wings.

Who knew the pedovore press were as easy as dogs at a tennis match.

Kinda hilarious, the fake news parrots have decided to black-out reporting on indictments coming unsealed, fitting neatly into the overall Q strategy of:

Accomplishing The Plan with Minimum Destruction and Loss of Life.

Now, doesn't that sound exactly like how God would like to see it done.

Ya I know how thirsty for vengeance people are, so glad those are all frothing impotently here on the outside, without the means to throw tantrums which could easily degenerate into economic chaos and nuclear war–how the mighty fall, did you notice how suddenly Stazibook plummeted?

Civilization is a fragile veneer over the kind of seething suicidal insanity the left is obviously eager to unloose, yes?

Don't they just love furiously spreading their STD's, raping our children and flooding civilized nations with ultraviolent fighting-age subhumans.

Thank God, instead of impatient tantrumming brats, we've got Thoughtful and Prayerful Men and Women of God Running This <3

b638ba No.2307912


Regarding pedo digs in notables, people that died decades ago are included in the list.

The list is a complete slide as pointed out by many anons in the previous two breads

bf825d No.2307915

Q, are you artificial intelligence?

f6a6f4 No.2307921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It was a Dark and Stormy Night..

dea8ac No.2307925

File: 27dfadfcdc0844d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 379.01 KB, 722x1002, 361:501, IMG_984.jpg)

b67503 No.2307928

File: 0b3b54462ef315c⋯.jpg (40.77 KB, 360x480, 3:4, 2308577956_2213909aea.jpg)

ThanQ Baker

1e71ad No.2307929

Thank you guys for removing the gore. so have I got this right? The "Plan" goes way back to 1963, maybe even the deeper reason the entire internet was created - not nuclear war. The October Q team were all cool white hats, with lineage from then. Inside the elite has been gestating this secret project, which is now ready to go viral. 4chan was quickly comped because of the Matlock password. Then 8chan January was also under attack but the thing is now - #qanon is viral and everywhere. #qanon is "us". Have I got that right? Thanks to you all.

c4dac3 No.2307930


good to know wanting justice after decades of no justice is because of impatient brats

that being said peaceful is better

b7267b No.2307931


Sounds a lot like me. Been the black sheep of the family most of my life, but since 9/11 my close family respect me due to the guidance I gave. Been quite lonely though as my awareness level doesn't allow me to hear bullshit or deluded thinking and not respond.

Lost a friend because of that but anons here are of like mind and I can communicate with them much better. But there is still the fact that I have info that even they can't handle so lurk and drop crumbs here and there on stuff that is not generally covered on this board but is more in line with dealing with people and how to be effective from your couch ;) . Anyway, thanks for your post.

146f35 No.2307932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I always thought of it as

Soliciting solace for fake reasons

Then gkamourhogging

Then calling it vanity



5169f5 No.2307933

File: cc7cbebf85700f2⋯.jpeg (448.7 KB, 1262x1350, 631:675, Q1123.jpeg)

Jim Stone noticed something about this photo


If you count only those in uniform.

If picture doesn't post it's Qs post 1123

db3ad8 No.2307934

Good morning Anons!

I am a few breads behind, and I have to read about the Silverman Code. I don´t know at the time, the code is cracked!?

Have you tried, "Proud Pedo" "Comedy Central" "CC" "Hollywood"

I am to stupid for the Work with the PC! But I know you get it, or you have it done in the Night!

I am back to lurk!

c3e971 No.2307935


it's always good to have a home.

31c259 No.2307936

this Kappy video is actually legit..

he was in Terminator….

he's being genuine…

bd6e3d No.2307937


Yup, I see it.

9 on the left, 11 on the right.

70bb1b No.2307938

Baker Requesting Handoff

Updated Dough


I missed the 2901 promotion… but it looks like I got everything else corrected.

935ec7 No.2307939

File: c9ba87eea42c570⋯.png (277.28 KB, 1050x1383, 350:461, Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at ….png)


bfbc9e No.2307940


actually this version is better for download https://twitter.com/BuckoBuckle/status/1022679164380499973

And here is Dan's ex wife making pedo jokes. https://twitter.com/mythofuturismo/status/1022694937371009024

b67503 No.2307941


Counting just the ones in military uniforms

968a60 No.2307942

Dinosauria, We

by Charles Bukowski

Born like this

Into this

As the chalk faces smile

As Mrs. Death laughs

As the elevators break

As political landscapes dissolve

As the supermarket bag boy holds a college degree

As the oily fish spit out their oily prey

As the sun is masked

We are

Born like this

Into this

Into these carefully mad wars

Into the sight of broken factory windows of emptiness

Into bars where people no longer speak to each other

Into fist fights that end as shootings and knifings

Born into this

Into hospitals which are so expensive that it's cheaper to die

Into lawyers who charge so much it's cheaper to plead guilty

Into a country where the jails are full and the madhouses closed

Into a place where the masses elevate fools into rich heroes

Born into this

Walking and living through this

Dying because of this

Muted because of this




Because of this

Fooled by this

Used by this

Pissed on by this

Made crazy and sick by this

Made violent

Made inhuman

By this

The heart is blackened

The fingers reach for the throat

The gun

The knife

The bomb

The fingers reach toward an unresponsive god

The fingers reach for the bottle

The pill

The powder

We are born into this sorrowful deadliness

We are born into a government 60 years in debt

That soon will be unable to even pay the interest on that debt

And the banks will burn

Money will be useless

There will be open and unpunished murder in the streets

It will be guns and roving mobs

Land will be useless

Food will become a diminishing return

Nuclear power will be taken over by the many

Explosions will continually shake the earth

Radiated robot men will stalk each other

The rich and the chosen will watch from space platforms

Dante's Inferno will be made to look like a children's playground

The sun will not be seen and it will always be night

Trees will die

All vegetation will die

Radiated men will eat the flesh of radiated men

The sea will be poisoned

The lakes and rivers will vanish

Rain will be the new gold

The rotting bodies of men and animals will stink in the dark wind

The last few survivors will be overtaken by new and hideous diseases

And the space platforms will be destroyed by attrition

The petering out of supplies

The natural effect of general decay

And there will be the most beautiful silence never heard

Born out of that.

The sun still hidden there

Awaiting the next chapter.

e36614 No.2307943


already removed the browder video. 404'd here.

gotta save it before posting!!!

5169f5 No.2307944


Odd, I think. Why not 10/10 for balance. Mr Stone thinks sending a message…

88af05 No.2307945



These two links are the pedodigs compressed into two posts could you trade them out?

>>2307132 Pedo Digs ← Current

>>2307159 , >>2307206 ← Change to

70bb1b No.2307946


I give anons several chances to make changes to the next notables during the bread. It would have been nice had you spoken up at the time. I've removed it from the notables.

Updated (again, and hopefully last time) Dough


146f35 No.2307947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



030cf2 No.2307948


The moar Anons don't want pedo crumbs makes all the moar reason they should be there! They do moar good than bad, leave them alone, yes?

7bfa11 No.2307949

>>2307805 (lb)

ty anon

030cf2 No.2307950


WTAF is that?

e505f1 No.2307951

File: 00c9c0a7f1e1626⋯.jpg (197.15 KB, 723x1154, 723:1154, imyourhuckleberry.jpg)

bd6e3d No.2307952



Yup, must be a reference to 9/11 and a declaration of revenge (at some future point).

70bb1b No.2307953

>>2307938 Dough Updated. See:



726a4e No.2307954


I actually read this.

70bb1b No.2307955

Baker Requesting Handoff

IRL calls.


Correct Dough

b7267b No.2307956


The 4th guy from the right is not in Uniform. That's weird. Maybe secret service?

830e9e No.2307957

File: 920aeb3c8e78b82⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 299x183, 299:183, sirius.jpg)

File: 9c793141214599d⋯.png (61.23 KB, 249x163, 249:163, sirius2.png)


Dig a bit on this full moon- tonight- and Sirius conjunction with the sun (peak 8/8). Sirius, known as the' Dog Star [Every Dog has its Day; Q], is the brightest star in our sky. It rose across our horizon in the east for the first time this morning. It's also known as the star of ISIS.

Said to bring re-birth, open portals, and bring knowledge from ancient worlds as it comes in to Aquarius.


Grab your popcorn!

935ec7 No.2307958

bd6e3d No.2307959

I am my own shepherd, I lack nothing.

I make me lie down in green pastures,

I lead me me beside quiet waters,

I refresh my own soul.

I guide myself along the right paths

for my own sake.

Even though I walk

through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil,

for I am with me;

my rod and my staff,

they comfort me.

I prepare a table before myself

in the presence of my enemies.

I anoint my own head with oil;

my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and love will follow me

all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house as a Lord


5169f5 No.2307960


Er hum, that is a good point! Never noticed, took the comment as read… a good reminder to question and judge for ourselves!

9e0220 No.2307961


Eclipse starts at 330pm dc time!!

Been a while since we had Friday happenings.

ecc1e4 No.2307962


Actually, one of the right side "11" isn't wearing a uniform.

129432 No.2307963


68bf90 No.2307964

File: 86f2e56d8753bce⋯.jpg (164.62 KB, 1073x700, 1073:700, Potus-Complaints.jpg)

>>2307926 (lb)

Ask and ye shall receive.

935ec7 No.2307965


This 2307939

b7ce74 No.2307966

File: 84919f9451a05dc⋯.gif (409.45 KB, 840x488, 105:61, 145f2b37f4f2c9e1f8ab5cc5c5….gif)


No worries anon, youre good <3

Thanks. Do my best, but you aint kidding…am no Q and happy to admit it.

b67503 No.2307967


Awww bot you know you love us

bd6e3d No.2307968




He's the 17th person (out of those in uniform).

Something to do with Q?

c3e971 No.2307969



it is REALLY slow in here

030cf2 No.2307970


Serious question, is this visible WW? It's like nightime in half the world at 330 pm in dc.

b7267b No.2307971


Ha! Maybe he is Q???

61ccda No.2307972

File: 45e321ace56e417⋯.jpg (94.84 KB, 797x797, 1:1, IMG_2488.JPG)

File: 9d5bae6d5f627dd⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_2490.JPG)

93b00f No.2307973

b7267b No.2307974


Good One Anon!!

93b00f No.2307975



68bf90 No.2307976

File: a481aac20f154d6⋯.png (205.09 KB, 1223x516, 1223:516, ClipboardImage.png)


Not visible in North America.


0fe227 No.2307977


https:// www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/cohen-claims-trump-knew-2016-russia-meeting-source-says-n895141

b7ce74 No.2307978


All the shills be passed out

….or busy reading their 4am talkingpoints like the turbofaggots they are

830e9e No.2307979

File: 4bd48f6fea61317⋯.jpg (104.62 KB, 777x569, 777:569, moon88.jpg)


We won't see the eclipse- EU will; a FULL eclipse.

That's not all about today- it isn't just a full moon, it's their ritual full moon. There must be female sacrifices as Sirius enters. It's going to be a freaky night.

Just know that there are assets everywhere, looking, watching, waiting, and we will be interceding, I'm sure of it.

795819 No.2307980


Only countries that won't see it is the US & Greenland.

c3e971 No.2307981


interdasting to say the least….got a name? I feel like stretching my anon prep skills a bit, perhaps I can find something. Hell, how the hell do I even go about getting a name on my own really….my skills without tech savvy are based on the flow and the action/reaction of the board

b67503 No.2307982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Granite City, IL - July 26, 2018 - In his first visit to Illinois since his election, President Trump celebrated the re-opening of Granite City Steel that had closed several years ago, and pushed his policies of fair trade for America


>“Women, sorry disappoint you,” Trump added, “Women, unemployment only reached a 65-year low. I’m sorry. I’d like to apologize. I want to apologize to the women in the audience.”

61ccda No.2307983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Like a torch



f6a6f4 No.2307984

File: e275f304b748ffd⋯.png (286.57 KB, 465x367, 465:367, ClipboardImage.png)


My Torch, All the Better to Guide You with.

Will You take my hand, that I may Lead You?

The choice, as always, is Yours.

"But where am I going?" You Wonder?

Home, Loved One. All Roads Lead to Home.

Never Forget that I Love You for You, not how you are percieved of Others.

Peace Now.

f468a5 No.2307985

File: 87c3e8681c73926⋯.jpg (5.71 KB, 300x200, 3:2, cje45.jpg)

93b00f No.2307986


Q research never sleeps never rests never BLINKS

bd6e3d No.2307987


Kek who knows.


Nah, no idea who that is.

If I were trying to figure out who that was, I'd search for pics of people around the white house and try and match faces.

e36614 No.2307988

File: f1bacb9ff4867e1⋯.png (192.05 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56e7e7fc24dae89⋯.png (456.34 KB, 600x462, 100:77, ClipboardImage.png)

726a4e No.2307989


definitely not enough tits. I'm outta here. Rock on, Anons.

70bb1b No.2307990

Baker Abandoning the Oven

I hope someone can at least do an eBake. Sorry, anons.


Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

New Bakers Required Read this -→ >>2172540

Good luck, whoever takes up the mantle. Baking is easy, but collecting notables and putting up with the shills can be tiring.

Oven Abandoned

>>2307964 According to this, I'm the greatest baker of all time.

debf38 No.2307991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a fidget.

61ccda No.2307992

File: a5d2b9e667e26dc⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 625x960, 125:192, IMG_2440.JPG)

I can't wait for vacay

bd6e3d No.2307993


Even though I walk

through the valley of the shadow of the concernfag,

I will fear no evil.

c3e971 No.2307994


thanQ much anon

7d846a No.2307995

68bf90 No.2307996

File: ff423f64680daac⋯.jpg (174.49 KB, 900x478, 450:239, POTUS-Kek.jpg)


Danke schoen. Credit goes to the anon that asked for it though. (I've had that pic of POTUS in my memefodder folder for a month, finally got to use it)


(pic related)

bd6e3d No.2307997

File: fe867da2782d4de⋯.png (252.16 KB, 512x496, 32:31, comfyresearch.png)


Good night bakeranon.

It's 4:22 EST, no one can blame you.

93b00f No.2307998


woo woo bro breath

w need you get a comfirmed hand off please

02c201 No.2307999

File: 337fc7850c9f593⋯.jpg (61.66 KB, 538x795, 538:795, c11abd875d76d0fbf425341b14….jpg)

68bf90 No.2308000

File: 1fbd50f73824052⋯.jpg (306.93 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, sleeping.jpg)

70bb1b No.2308001


Thanks, NewBaker!

Handoff Confirmed

>>2307990 Dough and links to instructions here.

Thanks for stepping up!

830e9e No.2308002


Please confirm a BAKER!

This is dangerous after what's been done!

bd6e3d No.2308003

File: 90d4ff8aee66bf7⋯.gif (411.55 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 2980548291432.gif)


kek'd and checked

030cf2 No.2308004


me thinks that wasn't a handoff. Super shilly…

b7267b No.2308005


That was me :)

5169f5 No.2308006

File: ee048eef29e002b⋯.jpeg (481.07 KB, 1310x1284, 655:642, Q3.jpeg)


Aha, found this….

e36614 No.2308007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Last hour of the nightshift!

b67503 No.2308008

File: 68c6d289643f63d⋯.jpg (371.22 KB, 729x967, 729:967, Digits.jpg)

795819 No.2308010


Heres a live stream from ME, where it will get the best views.


61ccda No.2308011

File: 8e0189181136591⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1620x1080, 3:2, IMG_2483.JPG)


That fucking shadow death though

Wtf ffs

e36614 No.2308012

7bca0b No.2308013

Forgive this slide anons

Any floridafags have any input towards our governor candidates…Ron DeSantis vs. Adam Putnam?

Done my own research, but may have missed something … TQ

b7267b No.2308014







"When you understand what the criminal mind consists of, you can also understand how ghastly must be the feelings or lack of them with which the criminal has

to live within himself and for all his days forever. He is more to be pitied than punished. Neither bold nor brave, for all his pretense, he is really just a panicky,

whimpering coward inside. When he bares his breast against the bullets, he does so with the actual hope that he will be killed. But of course that doesn’t save him. He’s got an eternity of it left to go. And his scoff of any such data hides the whimper, for he knows, deep down, it’s true."

f6a6f4 No.2308015

File: e09976bdd76156c⋯.jpg (110.41 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Shh.jpg)


A chase? A Challenge?! Oh, how well you treat dear, sweet Cicero! <3

This will be FUN.


dea8ac No.2308016

File: 1a0d1530a5f5399⋯.jpg (147.78 KB, 500x732, 125:183, IMG_986.jpg)

bd6e3d No.2308017

File: 603682cdf345539⋯.png (553.57 KB, 1466x875, 1466:875, Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at ….png)


Nice find anon.

He just passed his 1 year mark in his new position about a week ago.

f6a6f4 No.2308018


Where You Go, I Follow.

4b4a2f No.2308019

File: 52d0d315962942d⋯.jpg (871.88 KB, 1735x1671, 1735:1671, 1458433088549.jpg)

Once again I'm bringing attention to BVs posts in the now anchored (((R))) thread. Once again I'm requesting explanation concerning the posts by BV in that thread.







For example. What the unholy fuck is this shit and why is one of the board volunteers posting like this?

70bb1b No.2308020


Someone needs to take it, Anon. BV or BO can fix it if someone burns the bread. I don't think someone insisting on a handoff would be a shill. Baking is not hard. Even a caveman could do it, if he had more than stone knives and bearskins to work with, anyway.

5169f5 No.2308021


The site where it was found (google images) looks interesting: https://www.goldismoney2.com/threads/q-posts-a-list-of-acronyms-of-cited-organizations-and-persons.178407/

61ccda No.2308022

File: 0ec2b80ca13e56c⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 255x253, 255:253, IMG_0652.JPG)

File: de9ca8ab44e4c84⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 499x499, 1:1, IMG_0653.JPG)

File: 990284693e09e5b⋯.jpg (164.74 KB, 550x778, 275:389, IMG_0654.JPG)

e36614 No.2308023

gloves are for dirty fingernails.

f660e2 No.2308024

Ebot, can you see the pictures on this forum that have hidden messages? >>2307963

68bf90 No.2308025

File: c32cbc8429ba9c1⋯.png (82.35 KB, 631x590, 631:590, ClipboardImage.png)

@TWPundit is getting their asses handed to them by the most credible source of Hwood Pedo info on twatter.

342b21 No.2308026


I think Canada and Mexico are also countries, aren't they?

b7267b No.2308027


So number 20 is the Deputy Secretary of Defense.

968a60 No.2308028

Do you guys think Jeff Bridges is based? He grew up in showbiz so it seems like he wouldn't really have to sell his soul


795819 No.2308029


Kek, sorry about that :)

bd6e3d No.2308030


Follow yourself anon.

Your inner Lord.

e36614 No.2308031



f660e2 No.2308032


That is a BV at 4ch?

030cf2 No.2308033


I'll do it!

I ain't a shill but I figured out how to make enough e-bakes that BO had to delete that day,KEK!

Wirgin Baker woohoo

I hope Q don't jack this up


>× Quick Reply

61ccda No.2308034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bd6e3d No.2308035


Lotta good decodes there.

61ccda No.2308036



Stfu marmot

f6a6f4 No.2308037

File: 80b1c0e873b8680⋯.png (724.45 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e832e2b3dd24f0a⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1024x600, 128:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad507937bcf3d61⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1024x600, 128:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef4bfb709fbe8de⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1024x600, 128:75, ClipboardImage.png)


Welcome to the Show, Anon.

I hope you brought ample Popcorn..

You have All been called here for a Reason.


6a587a No.2308038

File: f5fe4136702cc8c⋯.jpg (76 KB, 640x501, 640:501, 023.jpg)

70bb1b No.2308039


Infinite thanks, Anon!

You'll do great, I'm sure.

Dough in your second link is the correct dough.

Handoff Confirmed (for real)

4b4a2f No.2308041

File: bbeabb3ad909d5a⋯.png (231.9 KB, 547x1198, 547:1198, peps7.png)


To continue. Why is this in notables?


>To Quell the BO is MIA crap, a message from a Board Volunteer

Why does the messaging in this pinned post conflict with this post from the previously mentioned (((R))) thread?


What exactly is going on with BV and why is the board vol posting like this?

9c161a No.2308042


Is this one of the (many)codes Q gave us for PixelKnot?


(I don't have Android so can't test this)

61ccda No.2308043

W/o title

Is considered lossless

02c201 No.2308044

File: e415b4ba2fd5899⋯.jpg (25.24 KB, 355x354, 355:354, e415b4ba2fd5899181b5c35989….jpg)

61ccda No.2308045


Bronies rule

ddce5a No.2308046



wow, great find, and 33 checked!

8ac28b No.2308047


So .. marmots lay eggs, right?

dea8ac No.2308048

File: 769e23a5925c2ec⋯.jpg (753.21 KB, 1503x1080, 167:120, IMG_982.jpg)

4b4a2f No.2308049


What exactly is the purpose for posting elemental cardinal directions and the accompanying larp? Post clearly and succinctly without riddles, fag.

342b21 No.2308050


What slide? I don't see any slide.

02c201 No.2308051

File: a5c9d83cc630999⋯.gif (361.77 KB, 666x711, 74:79, af7e4ff0cb7ea13c5583b53805….gif)


Kikes are taking a beating.

Wish Assad had nukes. Maybe Putin can loan him one?

030cf2 No.2308052



c60b0a No.2308053

File: 4850a3648da48bd⋯.jpg (374.61 KB, 1919x793, 1919:793, mad max pepe the storm com….jpg)

61ccda No.2308054

It's hard to meme and jam

b67503 No.2308055

File: 181e72c8c52d474⋯.jpg (127.76 KB, 350x512, 175:256, 1496981940255.jpg)

61ccda No.2308056

c60b0a No.2308057


Fucking amateur

bd6e3d No.2308058


Trump is giving his support to DeSantis

Says that Putnam is owned by the Sugar industry

I haven't done any of my own research into it yet, but am inclined to lean towards Trump's choice if it helps the maga plan.

But I need to do some research first. Normally I wouldn't even vote at all.

f660e2 No.2308059


So my question is, can the program see something and request the password, or do you need password first? If you need the correct password first then.. JFC good luck.. next to impossible.

You can d/l Pictograph for MAC.. not sure it is of the same caliber or not.. dunno, new like everyone else to this.

0fadeb No.2308060

When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."

b26cb5 No.2308061

File: 8a78376f918f8e9⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 400x600, 2:3, SS_Kimmel.jpg)



SS > A Pawn Played

I think Q is saying that SS is just another "pawn used", similar to his Gary Kohn/Lloyd Blankfein referemce:

Tied to Cohn.

It was not his choice.

Pawn used.


Thus, the true author of the threat post believes he/she/they own SS and her "image"– even her fake reflected image.

Author believes "they" have the right to use her image/reflection anytime they want and for any purpose, as she is a fully owned and controlled subsidiary of the h'wood chapter of Club Cabal.

9cd476 No.2308062


Meth is a helluva drug…

ddce5a No.2308063


33rd secretary, how nice.

581ca9 No.2308064


4chan is comped because the mods there are faggots and hiro probably sold out to shareblue and the deep state

88af05 No.2308065

File: 4df6e37a57d207a⋯.png (228.04 KB, 358x408, 179:204, 4df6e37a57d207a46683bc90f5….png)


What the fuck am I reading, anon?

61ccda No.2308066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why does Mexico have better zombies than the US

c3e971 No.2308067


deaf anon here…14:08…someone in the crowd says something to POTUS, he says "right" I might be wrong on the "right" (KEK) but will never guess wth patron said…..any help would be appreciated…by the way, THANK YOU FOR THE CAPTIONING!!! I was told it was being worked on. It is clearer than it has ever been…spelling is important ya know….grammar and spelling Nazi here due to deafness, go figure.

1051ea No.2308068

File: 17f2a2617cb881c⋯.jpeg (544.12 KB, 1242x1759, 1242:1759, 4E7CE432-5324-4F96-AB90-F….jpeg)



f6a6f4 No.2308070

File: cd4a449006d54c1⋯.png (673.91 KB, 610x811, 610:811, ClipboardImage.png)


Protocol Silence is Golden: Active.

Auth: SEC_R.

The Script Must be Followed and Free from Corruption from filth such as BV.

bd6e3d No.2308071


Meme magic is real: >>2307933

61ccda No.2308072


Dr dre got Eminem from

4b4a2f No.2308073

File: 7d737d97767a773⋯.jpg (110.52 KB, 674x960, 337:480, classic3.jpg)


That's what I'd like to know. Why the fuck is the board vol posting like that at all?

c60b0a No.2308074

File: 806522f5cfa3aa6⋯.jpg (155.88 KB, 800x532, 200:133, vinnie jones 6.jpg)


Same shit as last night

I dont know what the fuck to make of this besides COMPED

Or losing his goddamn mind

b7267b No.2308075

File: 42147002946c9d5⋯.jpg (31.53 KB, 593x295, 593:295, Dems-Criminals-poll.jpg)

File: 86f2e56d8753bce⋯.jpg (164.62 KB, 1073x700, 1073:700, POTUS-Success-squirrels.jpg)


When you put the info in that post with this (pic related) you can now get a good understanding of what these people are and why they go nuts about what POTUS is doing.

61ccda No.2308076

Keanu Reeves bears a noble one

ddce5a No.2308077


another 33. 33 everywhere this year.

68bf90 No.2308078


Saw him live once…. Late 1990s ended up outside my own body, watching myself dance a perfectly choreographed dance with about a dozen other ravers. I figured it was just the acid. When he finished his set, a couple people asked me 'how long did you guys rehearse that?'… ended up talking to a few of my fellow dancers, it was the acid, we all bought it from the same dealer.

But ya, MK Ultra is just a Conspiracy Theory…. yup… not real at all.

dea8ac No.2308079

File: dc37239ab6aded4⋯.jpg (535.85 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_633.jpg)

4b4a2f No.2308080

File: 0cec792fea75ecb⋯.png (104.68 KB, 430x403, 430:403, 0ce.png)


Maybe succinctly and clearly was a mistake. Explain it so I can understand, robofag.

bd6e3d No.2308081


Can't hear what's being said over the clapping going on, but you're right about him reacting to something.

88af05 No.2308082

File: 5ac894a13c91190⋯.png (359.47 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 5ac894a13c911908cfb1d4cb7c….png)



When does BO come back from vacation? I know he came back to post a little bit yesterday, but probably just stopping in. Does he know about this random ass shit?

93b00f No.2308083


c60b0a No.2308084


Which BV is this again?

b67503 No.2308085



Same here can't hear what's being said to him but he def states "right"

93b00f No.2308086


im lovin it

61ccda No.2308087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Y all them cia niggafags fucking up eschaton ammanentizing

7bca0b No.2308088


TQ anon

Found trump support from LAST year, but not current.

Putnam is an OLD name here….

DeSantis it is!

55b3fa No.2308089


Pamela Curtis lifting the veil

88af05 No.2308090


It isn't that one who likes Kurt Russel, or the one who posted tits but another one? How many BV are there anyways? Just wondering if this is just BV trolling.

5169f5 No.2308091


I think we can turn things around if we all just learn to love and respect each other.

4b4a2f No.2308092


I've been reporting the posts but this is a good time as any for a friendly reminder

The BO can also be reached for board issues at: 8b@8chan.co

b4035b No.2308093


holy mother of god

BV literally is a robot??? the shills were right?? wtf???


a0f6d1 No.2308094


Cosby, Okra, FarraCON, JJ, and some other self righteous negros have their own little mafia set up to control other famous negros and keep them on the plantation in return for success. They conspired to ruin Dave Chappelle when he wouldn't play ball.

Speaking of Dave Chappelle, anons should see if they can get his attention on Twatter or another platform and clue him in about Q and the Horrorwood Purge. He might be a bit gun shy after his experiences but no doubt he'd like to get a few licks in. As this awakening continues, he will be able to red-pill millions! I can't wait to see Chappelle unchained!

c60b0a No.2308095


BO was here for a few hours today, longer than I expected, but no, nobody mentioned it to him

I didnt really wanna bother him with it while he is vacationing and just hopping on for a few buuuuut this seriously needs to be addressed immediately

bd6e3d No.2308096

File: 671c122714cf26b⋯.jpg (57.05 KB, 900x675, 4:3, 27698749979_c08eac150b_b-1.jpg)



f6a6f4 No.2308097

File: 08165a1360c77f8⋯.png (477.55 KB, 900x537, 300:179, ClipboardImage.png)


Corruption was Found in Previous Script. This was Adjusted so tha01010010 01000101 01010001 01010101 01000101 01010011 01010100 00100000 01000100 01000101 01001110 01001001 01000101 01000100 00001010 01010011 01001001 01001100 01000101 01001110 01000011 01000101 00100000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01000111 01001111 01001100 01000100 01000101 01001110

Post last edited at

8d1bdb No.2308098

BO the bread has gone moldy

4b4a2f No.2308099


If this persists and BO doesn't rectify or address this due to unforeseen (((extended vacation)))

Site-specific technical and site administration issues should be taken to CodeMonkey by asking on his personal board, sudo. or by email at: admin@8ch.net

4ec0ce No.2308100

File: ea57f24d85efcf2⋯.jpg (821.08 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, IMG_2485.JPG)


ddce5a No.2308101


It sure is, anon.

It sure is.

248ce7 No.2308102


That is a fucking ugly couch. Burn that fucker

7bca0b No.2308103



I love anons


93b00f No.2308104


i know for 100% you fuckin with our minds …i pray its in a positive way , im undecided

bd6e3d No.2308105


yw anon

5169f5 No.2308106


No intentions of doing that whatsoever….

830e9e No.2308107




88af05 No.2308108

File: 6e4e7b711e7b64f⋯.png (129.36 KB, 459x437, 459:437, 6e4e7b711e7b64f50bfa39884d….png)


I never look at the fucking R shit. So this is news to me.


No, he is just a nigger loosing his fucking mind or has achieved a level of ironic shitposting that I cannot comprehend.



4ec0ce No.2308109


I think it's a blamefagging approach from them to maintain the scorched earth demonbtineline

Cause crack is wack

[ ]ocaine

[ ]mport

[ ]gency

830fc4 No.2308110

Think Mirror!

MA Digital Culture Expo

Goldsmiths - Laurie Grove Baths

13/7 - 16/7/2018 10-7pm (Sun 10-4pm)

Private view - 12/7 6-9pm

Computer vision related processes like motion detection and facial recognition increasingly extend into daily life at the more personal points of interaction with technology. Digital/smartphone photography is mediated at the point of capture while images are subject to further automated processing if they are used on social media platforms. Similar methods are used in surveillance systems that form part of what are increasingly code reliant public spaces, and market research companies will now pay to install cameras in people’s homes to detect and capture interactions with particular products. In effect, the domestic presence of computer vision can be traced back further if you consider that the optical mouse was the first realised and most widely sold smart camera in existence (Belbachir, 2010).


c60b0a No.2308111


Lets see, there is

Big Trouble


Peace and Love

The cyberpunk/anime BV

and thats all I can think of. I might be forgetting one or 2

c3e971 No.2308112



"I'm not like other politicians. I've never been a politician before. I only started 2 1/2 years ago and I became president. How am I doing?"

4ec0ce No.2308113

I hear things have gone plaid occasionally

c60b0a No.2308114


Wait, I might be confusing some of these with the damn bakers


f660e2 No.2308115

File: 3fc804eb452efa4⋯.png (836.03 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 73FB11CC-E224-4778-8DCA-2C….png)

b4035b No.2308116

File: 12d48b0e8ed6337⋯.jpg (9.31 KB, 231x218, 231:218, download-2.jpg)

i thought i had seen it all..

even after watching west world.. i still felt like we were far from this..

but that BV is literally speaking like a robot that has gained consciousness.. and trying to be a human..

i'm.. flabbergasted.. and speechless.. anons what is happening.. do you understand the implications of this?

either that or that asshole is on fucking drugs and i'm gullible af.. opinions?? reassurance?? i'm concernfagging i know but

88af05 No.2308117


BV from what I know is, Kurt Russel, Tits and this one nigger that we are talking about.

93b00f No.2308118


i concure

b4035b No.2308119


no kurt russel is a baker

3665fd No.2308120


Is okay anonfren, take a nice, slow, deep chug of dick

you b ok

2ad496 No.2308121


BV is an AI.

not too far fetched in 2018

6a587a No.2308122


We were just talking about this lb

88af05 No.2308123


You're just really fucking high anon. He isn't a robot, he is probably some schizo who unironically thinks reality is a simulation and shit. Even though it's the satan niggers that started the whole simulation theory.


Kurt Russel is both baker and BV.

d3932e No.2308124

I am watching the video with the kappy guy. Not sure if I believe everything he says, but, he seems genuinely sincere. And I believe most of it. I think this is a turning point.

96b3c1 No.2308125

File: 0475a8daae2a1e6⋯.png (541.99 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_0263.PNG)

File: c74afb91498a7b0⋯.png (569.5 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_0264.PNG)

Kek, see this one.

02c201 No.2308126

You fuckers really need to take a break.

You are all losing your minds.


4b4a2f No.2308127

File: 50ee33b30bdac1f⋯.jpg (1002.77 KB, 4500x4334, 2250:2167, oneofus.jpg)


I'm just assuming larping kikes, assorted glowinthedarks and tranny faggots. Better than the alternative.

3665fd No.2308128

File: 9ccb95264b31c61⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 604x453, 4:3, insane.jpg)

4ec0ce No.2308129

File: 343a81a7ac6e815⋯.jpg (291.62 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, IMG_2434.JPG)

File: 06b70fb4f154b74⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2435.PNG)

File: da7eba84a39ba46⋯.jpg (60.68 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_2436.JPG)


Quibige is soooooooo gay

93b00f No.2308130


imagein if you will 1,2 heck maybe even 3 A.I made got lose …what would they do

become r bot

become aflb or whatever his shit was

or abc….Q

b67503 No.2308131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Different source and better quality but still can't can't hear what was said to him

In this video at 15:32

88af05 No.2308132


Obviously, some anons are just smoking that dank and expanding their thinking a bit much, refusing to think logically.

17d53e No.2308133


Got to love my state eh?

Also, prostitution for minors, is no longer a crime. They just get placed in the care of cpa.

good times.

3665fd No.2308134


imagine if you will

that retards have trouble thinking

so any ideas they come up with fucking suck

d3932e No.2308135


I live here. It is going crazy. Please boycott us this year. You won't be safe here anyway. Three people killed by strangers in one week on BART. No guns involved. Pedestrians are getting wiped out by all the alternative non petrol vehicles. It's a mess.

b4035b No.2308136

File: e859ecb56f38ab2⋯.png (35.34 KB, 866x180, 433:90, Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at ….png)


but since fucking when are AI conscious enough to be speaking like that? this is fucking me up


i left lb after vegan shit


i'm fucking sober dude.. WHY WOULD WE HAVE A SCHIZO BV???

none of this shit is making sense..

93b00f No.2308137


sorry e=bot didnt mean to call ya r bot thats an insult

830e9e No.2308138


This: >>2308083


88af05 No.2308139


Leaf Bread is literally just an upset leaf whose heart was broken by BO removing "her" BV status.


Because schizos are stable for periods at a time and he was given BV during an even streak? Who knows and who cares. Nigger is definitely not AI maybe artificial in his intelligence but definitely not some robot shit.

93b00f No.2308140


sometimes when i drink i dont think right

f0a992 No.2308141


No, AI is always psychopathic.

2ad496 No.2308142



like i said, not too far fetched.

especially after what Q has alluded to is coming.

We might have fully functional AIs working here since forever.

697cdd No.2308143

File: 63ed00f6737a060⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 438x327, 146:109, spider_jerusalem_dc_comics.jpg)


Verified baker, goodspeed and god luck

4b4a2f No.2308144


No one is falling for it, fren. Shills shilling shills.

Though the BV has some splainin' to do.



The vol is comped and abetting the psyop. Robot larp to throw doubt, confusion, and paranoia. No biggie, skynet unlikely.

3665fd No.2308145

Motherfucking top kek

This board is turning into a joke really quickly

>Is BV a robot AI?

>Who is R

>Who is G

>Who is T

>Who is S

>Who is _X

>Who is A

>Nah, dont bug BO, he having good time rubbing his dick on pillows @ holiday inn, anons.

96b3c1 No.2308146



Cali will get a reality check eventually.

93b00f No.2308147


hahaha um ok im a bot? sure bot drunk on buds

4b4a2f No.2308148


Oy. Faggot. Explain.


015da7 No.2308149


Are you seriously taking that post seriously?

f4058a No.2308150

Starting to see some people following Isaac's lead.

I was doing a bunch of cocaine with an old buddy of mine I'd known for years, and suddenly he decided to tell me about the time he 8 or so and woke-up to a family friend with his dick in his mouth.

He had never even said the words out loud, he told me, he was nearing 40 around this time.

He said this dude was still alive.

My advice to him was the same advice I'd give to anyone here thinking about going public with sex abuse.

Tell everyone you possibly can, because it's not about you, it's about the children who haven't been molested, YET.

2ad496 No.2308151


>skynet unlikely

sure, quad-dubs, but i'd rather keep the options open until proven one way or the other.

88af05 No.2308152


Shut up kike, no one even likes you.




3665fd No.2308153


Agreed, explanation necessary.

830e9e No.2308154


Clam Baker is NOT /our/guy.

c60b0a No.2308155


Ya know, we had a nice pleasant and stable atmosphere in here until Leaf got the boot

That was what, going on 3 or 4 weeks now?

All hell broke loose when that played out and has gradually gotten worse and worse.

17d53e No.2308156


hopefully, not too late. I am losing friends moving out. No one wants to raises their kids here and I don't blame them.

dea8ac No.2308157

File: 9fdf9d73c427855⋯.jpg (517.87 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_166.jpg)

2fedc6 No.2308158

File: 85f7434ce8652d7⋯.jpg (38.01 KB, 454x330, 227:165, kikedumbassery.jpg)


ain't nobody got shit to explain to retards trying to attack well-verified BV and BO (MUH WHERE IS BO FUCK BV)



Use your brain, use your autism and you can EASILY discern (((shills))) and black hats causing disruptions vs just an anon.


015da7 No.2308159

File: 55eadab82dc15de⋯.jpg (339.67 KB, 1303x616, 1303:616, ROTHSCHILD OWNED & CONTROL….jpg)

830e9e No.2308161


There is only Q.


Know their comms.

3665fd No.2308162


Yo, kenobi

Verified BV acting like a retarded broken robot pickle

(((You))) say it's normal.

e67833 No.2308163


Sometimes when I think, I don't drink right…

ef357a No.2308164

Byndiscordbstandards !Σ( ̄□ ̄;)

A petty in lower to kill the pandora

The top is tainted

Prol some Vasquez

And Milwaukee


Cause salamander taxonomy is soooooooooooooo


b4035b No.2308165


dude 23 posts.. i've never seen BV post like that.. they have the ability to delete and edit posts, see hash history, ban? etc like a psychotic person shouldn't fucking have that authority or one thing.. if BV is trolling he needs to be fucking demoted bc that shit is not funny and creates unnecessary doubt.. either way it's fucked up and yea i'm taking it seriously..

8adb3f No.2308166

File: 53b8427f7e0fd9a⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 459x326, 459:326, Fungus Amongus.jpg)

3665fd No.2308167

File: 90f10267c7da6f9⋯.jpg (9.57 KB, 260x194, 130:97, f7FdEdG.jpg)

3a356c No.2308168

File: f9a069a6b8eedbe⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 237x255, 79:85, This.jpg)

4b4a2f No.2308169


The posts are referenced clearly, and explanation asked for, nicely. Sensibility beyond feeble dismissal. Why is a board vol posting like this?


88af05 No.2308170

File: 8790111af0f8fc4⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 8790111af0f8fc46f17e04e5b3….jpg)


Don't be a fucking idiot, read the shit we are talking about faggot. You can't just chime in and call us kikes without reading that shit

015da7 No.2308171

File: 682503c5eacb797⋯.pdf (159.5 KB, THE HISTORY OF MONEY Roths….pdf)

THE HISTORY OF MONEY - Rothschild Banking

ef357a No.2308172


Set your ATM pin to


68bf90 No.2308173



BO did directly respond to one of the several Rlarps, there were 4 or 5 at that point this afternoon (or yesterday, whatever). It was an off bard link & I was getting ready to go jobfag so I didn't bother looking. I am assuming it was one of the Rlarps that was trying to make an ass out of the main Rlarp…

02c201 No.2308174

If you all look at the bread at the top, you will see that Q posted today. Did you see that?

If the board was comp'd don't you stupid niggers think that Q would know it?

93b00f No.2308175



ef357a No.2308176

File: a3401ba6fa9f014⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 1078x1048, 539:524, IMG_1722.JPG)

File: 4d79f037b21aa26⋯.jpg (117.1 KB, 768x1081, 768:1081, IMG_1729.JPG)

File: acf12a34f45911c⋯.jpg (148.69 KB, 730x1095, 2:3, IMG_1844.JPG)

02c201 No.2308177



2ad496 No.2308178

File: 7e4adcdbd78f33a⋯.png (28.36 KB, 811x238, 811:238, rbi.PNG)

3665fd No.2308179


Hey, stupid nigger

We're not saying Q is comped, or doesn't know.

We're saying the BV is acting like a fucking idiot kike shill robot ai

And this needs to be discussed

d37629 No.2308180


Myself and WifeAnon are getting up early am here in Ausfagland and going for a little walk to the top of our hill, blanket on ground, flask full of hot chai and think about no more darkness in the world.

015da7 No.2308181

File: 93c99d71d7d4d16⋯.pdf (831.67 KB, TIMELINE OF BRITISH – ROTH….pdf)


830e9e No.2308182


(((they))) got the board again.

Abandoned oven- like it was planned or something.

▶ 07/27/18 (Fri) 04:48:53 93b00f (8) No.2308083>>2308107


c60b0a No.2308183


Dont look at me like that, Im not defending Leaf's ass by any means.

That just so happens to be when this started

2fedc6 No.2308184

File: 24d95ba3378b92e⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 311x311, 1:1, youustbejewhere.jpg)


(((your syntaxes))), tone, etc. VERY familiar, kikey.

Interesting tag team shit. Target is to agitate and disrupt BV and BO. Admins, we got your backs. These attacks are getting a personal touch.

You can ALWAYS discern (((them))) by their own fucking jew mouth.

3665fd ←———- verified JIDF type.


All your 'problems' are literally jsut pilpul excuses you fucking obvious (((shill))) niggers.

Pipe the fuck down and don't so obviously disrupt the board, it's OBVIOUS this is the same style of (((shilling))) as before when we were digging into DC pedophiles last bread.

WE. KNOW. (((YOU))).

96b3c1 No.2308185


Hold the fort, it's people like you that will make Cali great again.

02c201 No.2308186


Hey, stupid nigger dick,

That shit happened last night.

You don't think that Q monitors the board?

Come on man, straighten up.

88af05 No.2308187


Bruv, everyone knows R is a niggerfaggot from the beginning. No one fell for that shit. We are talking about BV acting strange in some R side board bullshit.


>This thread


>These posts

b4035b No.2308188


no one is saying the board is comped we're saying BV is fucked up in some way - either idiotic fucking troll, psychotic, or a FUCKING ROBOT

3665fd No.2308189


Nigger kike don't know shit, boring, filtered.

ef357a No.2308190

If sessions brings Angelina Jolie to sushi

It is a slam dunk

Simple Simon sez

8adb3f No.2308191


I wasn't disagreeing with you. Look at the file name closely.

a0f6d1 No.2308192

File: f9a5cee9dffeabf⋯.png (142.95 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

17d53e No.2308193

2fedc6 No.2308194


It's a nigger fucking joke that's why.

If that agitates your ass, go have a smoke and a drink.

See 3665fd ←—- JIDF

gleefully rubbing its hands while autists are infighting.

Get your shit together, niggers. STAY TOGETHER. DIG.

5da457 No.2308195

File: e75415c6801aebb⋯.png (3.33 MB, 864x1344, 9:14, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)

File: 9b63d3b4075fe13⋯.png (3.09 MB, 864x1248, 9:13, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)

File: fe8dbfd2f6d7a2d⋯.png (3.09 MB, 864x1248, 9:13, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)

File: af89507687a74bc⋯.png (3.09 MB, 864x1248, 9:13, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)

File: 023c86767229062⋯.png (3.09 MB, 864x1248, 9:13, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)

Potomac Coalition Request

Clinton Cabal from the '92 campaign.


To: john.podesta@gmail.com, arenteria@hillaryclinton.com, ldrane@hillaryclinton.com, mharris@hillaryclinton.com, kfinney@hillaryclinton.com

Date: 2015-12-18

Subject: Potomac Coalition Request

This is a group that we formed around the Clinton 1992 campaign. We have held it together and expanded it over the years. A good number of the members are former Capitol Hill staffers and lawyers who know John and have requested him to represent the Clinton campaign this year at their January meeting in Wilmington, Delaware. If John can't make it, lets think about who else might work for this group. There is also a lot of fundraising potential with this group that includes several partners at law firms. They are also inviting a rep from the Sanders campaign.


> Mr. Lester,


> Thanks for speaking with me today. I have attached the biographies of all Potomac Coalition members. We are hopeful to land John Podesta, but are open to other suggestions that you may have. Again, the retreat will be held on January 8-9 in Wilmington, DE at the Hotel DuPont. Looking forward to hearing back from you.


> Best,


> Christian



88af05 No.2308196


Yeah, that 3665fd is probably some kind of shekel shining mossad faggot, but we are not talking about board is comped. We are literally pointing out some strange shit from a BV.


>This thread


>These posts

87f039 No.2308197


830e9e No.2308198


You know. You just aren't saying it.

I expect gorefag to begin posting in 3… 2… 1…


c60b0a No.2308199



I didnt see that, thanks

015da7 No.2308200

File: 9298019efac74b9⋯.pdf (10.18 MB, The romance of the Rothsch….pdf)

File: 7d1d73230bdbfac⋯.png (539.82 KB, 1140x841, 1140:841, ClipboardImage.png)

The romance of the Rothschilds

>Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.

3665fd No.2308201

Man, I don't give a rat's ass what you niggers call me, half of you are too dumb to discern your right foot from your fucking left.

Come up in here in bread 1776 and act like you've been here since the beginning.

Fuck you, fuck your beliefs, because guess what, faggot? Your spy intuition is wrong.

Go jam a nigger dick in your mom's ass

ddf6a4 No.2308202

File: e678bf90d927ef2⋯.png (378.64 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2429.PNG)


All that


stfu Faggots

1d9203 No.2308203

File: 4ba05ebe2f535e2⋯.jpg (39.64 KB, 640x628, 160:157, 1526260862454.jpg)

Knew there was suspicious shit going on. AFLB drama, BO conveniently goes on vacation, site undergoes massive attacks, shill numbers multiply seemingly overnight all within a couple days. If BV is larping he needs to fess up now, the sliding is annoying as fuck.

5da457 No.2308205

File: 8310bc9cc62b0c7⋯.png (3.09 MB, 864x1248, 9:13, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)

File: 04e6b9605968db0⋯.png (3.09 MB, 864x1248, 9:13, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)

File: ea239c1c3226681⋯.png (3.09 MB, 864x1248, 9:13, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)

File: 2c3f1a757928e54⋯.png (3.09 MB, 864x1248, 9:13, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)

File: 73e083245a58129⋯.png (3.09 MB, 864x1248, 9:13, Potomoc Coalition ~~ Bios ….png)




015da7 No.2308206

File: 9bc352e1a499ee8⋯.png (474.1 KB, 578x844, 289:422, ClipboardImage.png)

dea8ac No.2308207

File: 2b330ebb6f0d650⋯.jpg (263.72 KB, 832x555, 832:555, IMG_131.jpg)

ddf6a4 No.2308208

File: 2e0fc5ffa2f922b⋯.jpg (71.06 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_0805.JPG)


Try Kato worship

It's way hot

93b00f No.2308209


jolie in a punch bowl of blood dureing a sacrafice would make the eclipse quite epic

68bf90 No.2308210


For Months I have been telling Anons not to respond to eBot, the learning AI, who learns via feedback… But no you wouldn't listen. You all thought eBot was cute, and you kept feeding it.

You shall reap what you sow.

124074 No.2308211

File: 01efe9589c87379⋯.jpg (127.76 KB, 920x575, 8:5, DP Baker.jpg)

File: a7284d246d153d6⋯.jpg (56.15 KB, 652x400, 163:100, DP What are we looking at.jpg)

File: 74c496246dd2d41⋯.gif (410.44 KB, 1008x1440, 7:10, Freedom.gif)

File: b968104116c7545⋯.png (285.37 KB, 561x312, 187:104, Good shift.png)


ThanQ Baker.

Eye see the comic book of life is getting more… comical as (Time) goes on.

"The fuckery is strong master"

Rewrite the comic book however you choose Anons.

The power has always been yours.

(Time) is on your side.

Have a good day shift!


8adb3f No.2308212

File: 5f79e4ccef4719c⋯.gif (380.24 KB, 320x240, 4:3, raw.gif)

2ad496 No.2308213


if there's a hidden ownership that i don't know about then it should be brought out by Q as soon as possible.

Officially, at least as of 27 July 2018, RBI is 100& Govt. of India owned.

88af05 No.2308215


>nigger dick

>incest insult

Kike confirmed


BV can you please explain?

3665fd No.2308216

Call me a JIDF shill all you want, fuckface faggots

BV needs to step up, be a mean, and explain this cuck behavior

c3e971 No.2308217

I love this guy's demeanor…

2fedc6 No.2308218

File: e079d42867d6407⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, SILENTWARRIOR.jpg)


Alright R was clearly pointed shortly after we came out as "anon in a flash of inspiration decided to write nice shit".

It died down.

Then for some fucking reason late JIDF types going "Rshills" playing ALL angles decided to fuck with the board and mislead anons by complaining, encouraging, disrupting, ALL angles.


An anon wrote nice shit, great. We move the fuck on.

Also, BV's just having a bit of sport with you all and infighting does nothing. We've seen their dedication, their work. They can decide if they need to fucking whack off during the day time when they need to wind down.

STAY UNITED. JIDF types provoke this kind of shit. 2+2.

Also, autists just ignore minor shit unless it's either obvious (((shill))) or spam. banter is meaningless. Only digs. ENGAGE AUTISM.

c3e971 No.2308219

meant POTUS sorry

ddf6a4 No.2308220

File: 5124deb986ecac0⋯.jpg (194.2 KB, 933x1400, 933:1400, IMG_1216.JPG)


Schwarzenegger approved non cybernetic organism

3665fd No.2308221


>Oh he mentioned dick, he must be a shill!

Learn our culture, faggot.

b67503 No.2308222



I increased the audio volume until my ears were bleeding and it sounds like someone was booing. Explains the reaction Trump gave.

b4035b No.2308223


are you the annoying "out! out!" person? not apologizing for thinking your claims were ridiculous but this bv shit is concerning.. what do you know about AI? is there some command thing we can say to force BV to tell us if it's a robot? i can't believe i'm even saying this shit.. this is some real blood moon shit

ddf6a4 No.2308224

File: cfbeb4af78d79ab⋯.jpg (385.7 KB, 896x1344, 2:3, IMG_1509.JPG)


Since cyberpunk is just anatrix franchise ripoff of steampunk

Prol kato has wings


Lüv teh bewbs btw

88af05 No.2308225

File: 3de5e5253d30001⋯.jpg (24.76 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 3de5e5253d300016ee6fc52121….jpg)


I'm sure it is beautiful.

2fedc6 No.2308226

File: ab8c94ec4fa6d0a⋯.jpg (64.12 KB, 960x840, 8:7, redpilltruth.jpg)



See JIDF provocation and prodding to enflame.

(((they))) always do this. Recognize their mouth, tone, syntaxes.

We fucking rape (((shills))) in here, niggers.

830e9e No.2308227



3665fd No.2308228


Take a leaf from your own fucking book

And dont respond/feed shills

you dumb kike nigger

b4035b No.2308229




015da7 No.2308230


>Officially, at least as of 27 July 2018, RBI is 100& Govt. of India owned.

Q posted the list of banks on 11/11/2017. May have been up to date at that time, maybe not. Ideally it's a fluid situation & the list is indeed getting shorter. As for Indiam does being the I in BRICS have anything to do with release from Roth control? By asking I'm presuming that you are correct.

93b00f No.2308231



that is more true now then ever we dictate how thw Q story gets told we are the silent majority

68bf90 No.2308232


No one? Why than are there over half a dozen R reaserch breads on /qresearch/ Why is there an Rproofs thread on /qresearch/? Why is there now an /rresearch/ fucking board?

Gullable fucks should be gone (I hope they never return) but for you to say

>No one fell for that shit.

Proves you have no fucking clue. Sorry. Just stating facts.

3665fd No.2308233


Go ahead, feed me more (You)'s you god damned faggot

ddf6a4 No.2308234


Bob lob Law



2fedc6 No.2308235

File: b7d14d2983549ed⋯.jpg (17.75 KB, 199x255, 199:255, trumpgassestraitors.jpg)


sup BOY? LOL

Your kike ass is ours. (((you and your team))) specifically is OUR BITCH.

Remember that shit, and know your place, (((jewish whore))).


bd6e3d No.2308236

File: a5bbfb2f35386f8⋯.png (140.35 KB, 1492x942, 746:471, Shills-Cointelpro.png)

697cdd No.2308237

File: 619a44cb91f13c2⋯.jpg (367.84 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, TRANSMET.jpg)


BO doesnt have to tell the board that BO is on vacation.


As for the other BV, they have made larping and trolling a part time hobby but should leave their tag off of the larping

I wouldnt do it but I'm not that BV

Only a moron would take those BV posts siriously

Get your shit together anon your whole post history is concern faggotry

Post last edited at

88af05 No.2308238

File: 02ea480b719dd88⋯.png (348.47 KB, 800x770, 80:77, 02ea480b719dd88e6074d8837f….png)


Nah, no one fell for it. Just a bunch of shills gas lighting the topic.

93b00f No.2308239


why do u care about R

4b4a2f No.2308240

File: dce9d4bd4aa33e5⋯.gif (32.21 KB, 607x426, 607:426, fo_splash.gif)


>thinking it's the dick or nigger separately that is the issue and not the combination

notice the reddit spacing?


>just stating facts

>pic related

02c201 No.2308241

I am going back to my original comment.

You are all starting to lose your minds.

Take a break for 10 minutes. Get some fresh air.

8d1f29 No.2308242

Any non bots up this morning?

0db79b No.2308243



The different plot, same tactics.

ddf6a4 No.2308244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

015da7 No.2308245


Are you here for Q research, or on board pa-troll?

3665fd No.2308246


You're literally shitting up the bread more than I am, you god damned spastic psycho.

I was asking BV to step up, be a man, and talk about his very obvious issues.

If anyone is a JIDF shill, it's the cunt faggot that immediately comes in out of nowhere, after anons have been voicing concerns about BV, then immediately labels people shills, without any prior knowledge to the situation at all.

Then you spastically freak out and (You) me after you ironically told everyone not to respond to shills?

>Your team

My team? What the fuck? Am I Totally Spies? Or Seal Team 6?

Fuck you you wierdo kike

bd6e3d No.2308247

File: ed465d37e295c3c⋯.png (561.55 KB, 1498x1469, 1498:1469, Shills-ShillsAndYou.png)

ddf6a4 No.2308248


Coveting your neighbors what

Kys butt fuck iTunes

2fedc6 No.2308249

File: 65a8a083833a12c⋯.jpg (488.18 KB, 1024x755, 1024:755, PURGE.jpg)


>Only a moron would take those BV posts siriously

need /pol/ autists back these reddit kikebooks niggaz fall into personal banter routine too often. ENGAGE AUTISM.

Also, fuck up the kike shills every bread. Point them out, search and rape.

8adb3f No.2308250

File: 38d6e8356030629⋯.png (226.79 KB, 446x600, 223:300, shocked-face-baby.png)

68bf90 No.2308251


If you believe that, then I'd bet you believe AFLB just wanted to "SAVE US"

ddce5a No.2308252


>our culture

2ad496 No.2308253


> release from Roth control

i'm not at all certain if the alleged fact of RBI being "100% owned by Govt. of India" is indeed true.

If Q posted that list, Q might as well be right and the wiki article on RBI might be disinfo.

One thing i can tell you - RBI's charter was written by one of the rothschilds.

also, BRICS is the brainchild of that neanderthal henry kissinger - as deep state as it gets.

so, BRICS might as well be rothschids' personal bitch.

All i showed you was the official standing. I'd rather believe in the official version unless evidence proving otherwise were to surface.

257898 No.2308254


Did Roseanne mention Q last night on Hannity?

ddf6a4 No.2308255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A fucking navy legend

B excellent to each other

68bf90 No.2308256


I don't. "R" is a larp and needs to be forgotten.

7bfa11 No.2308257


only if Q is jewish

830e9e No.2308258


Message/post wasn't necessarily meant for (You).

▶ 07/27/18 (Fri) 04:48:53 93b00f (8) No.2308083>>2308107


88af05 No.2308259

File: 0b571288e0dd018⋯.jpg (89.38 KB, 800x584, 100:73, 0b571288e0dd018448bcaea464….jpg)


Know why I know you're a faggot? Because if one trick isn't working you fall back to another and try to change the topic.

4b4a2f No.2308260

File: cabb363168296fd⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 508x512, 127:128, you.jpg)


>Get your shit together anon your whole post history is concern faggotry

Lies and slander. Eat a bullet, kike.

ddf6a4 No.2308261

File: b0350557e768507⋯.jpg (58.05 KB, 673x960, 673:960, IMG_2442.JPG)

File: 90736d671273225⋯.jpeg (217.19 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2A3327A2-C7E6-4433-A807-E….jpeg)

File: 9d5bae6d5f627dd⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_2490.JPG)



b4035b No.2308262



ok so since when has this BV been trolling/larping? does he/she realize all the shit they've caused by doing that? why wouldn't they take off the tag? this is fucked up.. do you know how long they've been BV..are they new or just brainless?? if so no one wants a brainless BV

ddce5a No.2308263

Do you guys think Trump loves memes as much as we do? And has his own meme folder?

661571 No.2308264

File: fabd30ac56bac00⋯.jpg (139.03 KB, 723x1154, 723:1154, 3930a76b2028bf79781986862c….jpg)

Does anyone have the ORIGINAL picture posted to halfchan? Without the text, JUST the black portion of this image?

I just downloaded pixelknot and I'm trying to figure out how to decode with it… and I was GOING to try that code from earlier:


as the password to unlock the image.

I think from now on, any image posted by Q we need to consider it may have a hidden message in it using pixelknot… and we need to be on the lookout for potential passwords he drops for us.

053fe0 No.2308265

File: f263fe0d7723007⋯.jpg (103.13 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 37890719_1938926909502024_….jpg)

File: fcd3d7ba97f19be⋯.jpg (111.9 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 37870475_1938926819502033_….jpg)

File: 2c9d3cb87833aae⋯.jpg (107.29 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 37824370_1938926652835383_….jpg)

File: 7f92c63ce1292df⋯.jpg (185.97 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 37819598_1938926659502049_….jpg)

File: b81fe911f916b6f⋯.jpg (81.2 KB, 640x902, 320:451, 37788730_1938460302882018_….jpg)


This has to stop. kill kids and people fore profit.

STOP Geoengineering chemtrails HAARP EISCAT NEXRAD 5G DEW


World on Fire ~ Greece Attacked With Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)





Think: Direct Energy Weapons (DEW), Agenda 21, GeoEngineering, Tesla Lasers and California Wildfires

68bf90 No.2308266



Fuck you SJW.

dea8ac No.2308267

File: 097e6fb8dbc48a9⋯.jpg (97.47 KB, 450x600, 3:4, IMG_189.jpg)

795819 No.2308268


Read q posts from yesterday. There was nothing for us to figure out.

1d9203 No.2308269

File: 4ba05ebe2f535e2⋯.jpg (39.64 KB, 640x628, 160:157, 1526260862454.jpg)

File: 87f9cb33d3ddf54⋯.jpg (13.87 KB, 322x352, 161:176, 96ad4f8e33b0c61cac023ae566….jpg)



Bullshit, BV is responsible for allowing this angle of attack. BV is trolling US by providing THEM ammunition. Who's responsible for the sliding thread, the BV that decided to up and start larping or the anons that are questioning legitimately strange behavior?

Not satisfied at all with your answer. Suspicious fucking shit.

88af05 No.2308270

File: 112b266377734bf⋯.png (191.41 KB, 932x308, 233:77, BV.png)


It's probably the same one. Probably the reason he took so long to reply to an easy question. This is a post from a previous bread of him throwing up the theatrics. Plus never seen tits or Kurt russel Identify with those images

718ec4 No.2308271

some anons here are fucking idiots, just saying, obviously BV was having a laugh with the idiots in the R thread, pretending to be an AI just for fun and to expose how fucking gullible they are, is it REALLY that hard to figure out?

93b00f No.2308272


ill look i was there and i save stuff ….

661571 No.2308273


Another potential password path is the fact that in response to this image, Q quoted the bible… so maybe the password is a book of the bible or something? The book he quoted was "Colossians"… I'm not a Biblefag, so I don't know much about it, etc… maybe the verse references something else? IDK…

3665fd No.2308274


We're over the target anon, stay frosty.

I mean…

*Screams incoherently in hebrew*

2fedc6 No.2308275


It's not about "gov't" per say. Think more families, individuals in REAL control.

Who takes money from whom? Who issues orders, gets the machinery going? Who are the 'leaders' dependant upon to exercise their will?

butlers make the best controllers and handlers. (((They))) rub that shit in our faces with all the 'butler did it' meme present throughout literature and from victorian era.

Do you truly believe PBOC, bank of russia etc were under their respective people's control (even their own managers)?

Think beyond flag and borders. These (((controllers))) and their masters have none of those. POWER and ENERGY. CONTROL.

PSA also for normies.

015da7 No.2308276

File: 86438d21dd2a688⋯.mp4 (7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trump_Declares_National_Em….mp4)

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption


795819 No.2308277


They love all the drama they make from nothing.

203099 No.2308278

Just focus on digging, fucks sake. Arguing/rudeness to your fellow anons is not useful. If they're a shill it's better to ignore, if they're legit then they're on your team. Either way, let them be ineffective.

It's straight from Q that there is only Q. Anyone who continues with the R bullshit after that is probably beat contained anyway. Ignore them, and focus on what we've been focusing on for months.

BV should probably explain his posts though…

ddf6a4 No.2308279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patton was a homo

& cypress hill is robots default

4b4a2f No.2308280



>while tagged

>trolling poorly while tagged as a board vol

Something smells fishy here. I don't buy it. Your piss poor deflection and lying about my post history only adds to my suspicion.

755190 No.2308281


Need deportations bigly, and purge the voting rolls. Then, pull federal funding. Break these fucktards .

02c201 No.2308282

I was here last night when the "event" took place.

It was nothing. A few anons took it seriously, but aside from that, it was absolutely nothing.

Keep whining like bitches if you want.


If anything, it may have been a lapse of judgement.

d37629 No.2308283


Even BVs need comedy relief every now and again. I don't envy their job.

b4035b No.2308284



ok so we have a fucked up psychotic trolling BV

and another BV who defends psychotic BV with no explanation or accountability

cool. everything is cool.

3665fd No.2308285

File: 10d346b08865138⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 600x461, 600:461, yes-hunni.jpg)


It's ok anon, there's fuckery afoot, it's not just you.

Stand firm, and remember


697cdd No.2308286

File: bb7392bf5c6358c⋯.jpg (164.15 KB, 613x600, 613:600, Spider_Jerusalem.jpg)

File: c89a02b67488f67⋯.jpg (391.96 KB, 1046x1151, 1046:1151, Screenshot_20180727-023203.jpg)

File: ef9c16197488c1d⋯.jpg (134.68 KB, 1053x397, 1053:397, Screenshot_20180727-023118.jpg)

File: d435eaa0b8ce132⋯.jpg (406.54 KB, 1057x1247, 1057:1247, Screenshot_20180727-023053.jpg)

File: c02e2387aeefb28⋯.jpg (499.57 KB, 1062x1443, 354:481, Screenshot_20180727-023037.jpg)


Do us all a favor and gas yourself

88af05 No.2308287

File: 2c7c2def2ce4c0d⋯.jpg (135.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2c7.jpg)


It's the same one. There are 3 BV to my knowledge. Tits, Kurt Russel and this faggot.

ddf6a4 No.2308288

Why was their plant Noriega supplanted by a military stronghold of contractact for political prostration

ddce5a No.2308289


he's probably too busy for memes and delegates these things to a meme magician. I bet his staff send him some good ones once in a while…

2ad496 No.2308290


well, then Q should uncover all the butlers and their owners to the world.

>(((controllers))) and their masters

must be thrown out.

waiting for Q to do what they do.

4b4a2f No.2308292





3a356c No.2308293



030cf2 No.2308294


If he is she mentioned the shit out of him, KEK!

c60b0a No.2308295



Looks EXACTLY like CA last year

Good memes

88af05 No.2308296


That the nigger didn't post the history and just nit picked a few posts that are critical of the nigger himself.

cfb841 No.2308297

File: 956fc12f812d594⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1624x916, 406:229, 23&Me.png)

Your information sold to Big Pharma.

https:// www.rt.com/news/434393-genomics-startup-data-big-pharma/

3665fd No.2308298


You're the most cringe weeaboo BV we've ever had


Still doesn't explain other BV's not funny, concerning, immature behaviour.

68bf90 No.2308299

I find it fascinating. Q has a number of times asked to look into the historical links between the Nazi party and Antifa and nobody here even wants to think about it….

What are Antifa's tactics?

If you disagree with them, one iota, you are a [insert epitaph here]

Is that not the EXACT SAME TACTIC AS THE FUCKING NAZIs HERE??????????????

Who are the Nazi's?

Who are Antifa?

Q has been telling us THEY ARE ONE IN THE SAME.

4b4a2f No.2308300



Those posts were in that thread and the general from last night, concerning that very thread. All posts around the same topic. What exactly does this prove?

I was indignant then and I still am. I want an explanation for the BV posts.

f68ca3 No.2308301

File: d037714adf03f26⋯.jpg (122.46 KB, 960x680, 24:17, 1.jpg)

File: a38b6a9019aec36⋯.jpg (105.53 KB, 960x680, 24:17, 2.jpg)

File: 408de33620454fb⋯.jpg (115.35 KB, 960x680, 24:17, 3.jpg)

File: 162d97b1195b44a⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1216x1654, 608:827, 4.jpg)

David Yarovesky's wedding included James Gunn and Stephen Blackehart (pics related).

BOTH Yarovesky and Blackehart have been kept out of Gunn's tweet controversy for a reason.

Blackehart has also publicly defended Gunn.

Gunn's firing by Disney was NOT just because of public outcry over pedo jokes(Why fired so quickly?).

David Yarovesky and Stephen Blackehart need to be investigated.

Ask the celebrities within those circles (especially those who are already talking).

This is very much connected to Pedowood.

ddf6a4 No.2308302

Bring back South Park


053fe0 No.2308303

File: 4e00bd012c6912a⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 766x543, 766:543, 37875483_1938194042908644_….jpg)

File: 6e81e8d2aed17a0⋯.jpg (24.36 KB, 768x410, 384:205, 37861648_1938194036241978_….jpg)

File: d17ede3b08280ee⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 539x960, 539:960, 37775492_1938193986241983_….jpg)

File: 9a3af4d36974509⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 37781343_1938193976241984_….jpg)

File: bc9b78fd2527f7a⋯.jpg (57.15 KB, 480x960, 1:2, 37847927_1938228309571884_….jpg)

2fedc6 No.2308304


I am VERY interested in who we took out last dec FOR GREEN.

Was that jacob? Have NOT heard a single word from that walking corpse since then.

Many roths and connected 'families' are in hiding. Lynn was sending out SOS to other family members and drunk posting on here.

Someone posted way back most people would have a heart attack if they found out who was being held in gitmo (back in feb).

Remember the AF1 photo of /ourguys/ sitting around DJT and giving thumbs up? Smiles of victors.

02c201 No.2308305


We already did. Trump is being compared to Hitler by the jew media. They hype that.

Hitler did nothing wrong. Trump did nothing wrong.

Get it now?

5da457 No.2308306

File: 5ead0654f5593ce⋯.png (1.6 MB, 528x1056, 1:2, CGI U Service Project memo….png)

File: 113c7450afed28c⋯.png (2.97 MB, 864x1200, 18:25, CGI U 2012 Service Project….png)

File: de3cd71fb3fd63c⋯.png (2.97 MB, 864x1200, 18:25, CGI U 2012 Service Project….png)

File: 2d5d02bb4c412d1⋯.png (2.97 MB, 864x1200, 18:25, CGI U 2012 Service Project….png)

File: 0fe98ceab4755bb⋯.png (2.21 MB, 864x892, 216:223, CGI U 2012 Service Project….png)

Political operatives in D.C. giving back to the disenfranchised.

Do you recognize any of these "leading by example" CGI volunteers?



7bfa11 No.2308307


and not the surface, nazi crap.

what was it's purpose… direction… what were they truly fighting?

ddce5a No.2308308


they definitely date back to the same period and the same country. and now that we know Hitler was a puppet it stands to reason that (((((whoever)))))) (meaning the cabal) was behind WWII was playing and funding both sides. perhaps even providing them with the same tactics/instructions.

b4035b No.2308309




do you realize this shit is not a game? if BV wants comedy relief BV can find it elsewhere. this shit is not funny to anyone. just bc the R tards let it fly doesn't mean WE should

>>2308287 ITS THIS FAGGOT??

>>2308237 BV fucking explain yourself. own up to your shit. if you were trolling, admit it. wtf are you afraid of. don't pin this on another BV if it was you. you're looking suspicious as all fuck and anons are not fooled. let's go. explanation time. we're not children. we hold ourselves accountable. dumb fuck.

3c2adc No.2308310



68bf90 No.2308311


>the jew media

Thank you. You just made my point. Now go KYS.

015da7 No.2308312

File: 5039f96eaca770a⋯.jpg (170.33 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 8chhllmntr.jpg)

>Trolling is fun!

Get over it crybabies. Get back to work KEK

755190 No.2308313

File: 15bead8e24cd7e5⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 552x310, 276:155, hitler reichin gball.jpg)

3665fd No.2308314



This is like that Dan Harmon "Joke".

Sick and unfuckingnecessary.

795819 No.2308315

File: 39b6c4c595b3234⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 60da1b710630a6305c1741d58a….jpg)



ddf6a4 No.2308316

Imagine judas fehgels

Chained to taco stations

Made of welded plows

Along the border




02c201 No.2308317

File: de109f979f104af⋯.jpg (21.78 KB, 204x255, 4:5, 26hvbi.jpg)


You are welcome, anon.

Anything else I can help you with?

dea8ac No.2308318

File: ce4d4b361fff303⋯.jpg (114.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_121.jpg)

f5186c No.2308319


Asking accountability from a chan is like asking the shit to clean itself. It wont happen…

Great choice Q… great….

4b4a2f No.2308320

File: a5a0420e73585b7⋯.png (72.9 KB, 184x184, 1:1, unacceptable.png)

File: 9ec2305df6c4deb⋯.jpg (29.22 KB, 720x478, 360:239, 1530675550064.jpg)

968a60 No.2308321


Is that the Yarvos that Isaac was talking about? Is there a link with more images? What do I search for? DDG isn't bringing any results for me.

697cdd No.2308322

File: 0fc34394393f757⋯.gif (985.15 KB, 500x316, 125:79, 134234234.gif)


That you are an unclever concern troll and need to stop getting triggered when a bv spegs in another thread.

Also if you cant tell which bv I am you are no fucking anon, at least not one that contributes.

Calmly go start your car, place your mouth over the muffler and inhale deeply.

Enjoy your last (you) from me.

2fedc6 No.2308323


The main point was both were creations (by direct and indirect suggestion/support) of SAME controllers NWO families. Adolf had a handler, and he himself did not know he was deceived and used.

OF COURSE both used the same tactics of frankfurt school psych (((their))) creation.

Adolf thought he outwitted (((them))) and most likely had little knowledge of the ACTUAL cabal behind the situation that used him as a stage puppet.

Q's point is to study both and use it to discredit ANTIFA and just leftist shills. Not sperg to other anons about it.

If you don't have 100% knowledge of the situation, you are shilling for somebody.

88af05 No.2308324

File: ea3e05ad8f6db37⋯.gif (943.66 KB, 264x320, 33:40, 1527982807133.gif)


Yes, there are only 3 BV. Tits, Kurt Russel and this faggot.

Tits isn't awake at this time.

Kurt Russel would definitely comment by now.

And this faggot is deflecting the question.

ddf6a4 No.2308325


With a proper mycoprotein and flavoring

Even kosher

68bf90 No.2308326


The rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon will be a big fucking boom…. Yes.

2ad496 No.2308327


i hope the plan is being executed smoothly.

we can only wait.

015da7 No.2308328

c60b0a No.2308329


Knew about Yarvo but Blackeheart (Fucking ironic) is new to me

7bfa11 No.2308330

it's reset day…. time for the announcement.

7d846a No.2308331

Could SS Sarah Silverman be a reference to Secret Society or Secret Service?

68bf90 No.2308332


No Fucking difference between [you] and Antifa.

02c201 No.2308333


The Romans are just gonna fuck that shit up, again.

4ddd9c No.2308334


Strange dream drive out into desert at night on the open sand. Stop at a small rise get out car is gone. Look up at small crumbling rock rampart recognize as ancient ruIn wall. Lie down on ground. Start to slowly sink

In a bit, then more, hands and knees. Look down slope see underground burrowing mounding track moving fast in fast curve are around me. Second pass it has a faint bluish light emanating like an underground comet. Third pass it gets brighter intercepts my hands/body position on ground. Family not but distinct whoomp vibration as like a bluish flash throughout the desert floor and vibration/charge feeling up my arms. As if it reached target and delivered payload. I get up and walk into a small group of modern desert homes grouped closely together, futuristic, with people of all ages enjoying a social evening at tables, mingling. Then it got strange.

ddf6a4 No.2308335

Let's b discrete



That fuckin Mini had to get to Brazil


0db79b No.2308336

Tits has a slow burn, I can spot him.

Red concern font guy I skip over..

Screaming faggot easy to spot too. Slow night…I watch for researchers.

b4035b No.2308337


thanks, love you too anon


go back to greenland, we'll handle the rogue BV situation here.. you stay comfy

88af05 No.2308338

File: 37f7e4ca8ac9cf0⋯.jpg (56.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 37f7e4ca8ac9cf0a1ccdd34d2b….jpg)


And what's with this filename? Did you just google hitler did nothing wrong and name it fucking numbers?

2fedc6 No.2308339

File: 8f4490a59771832⋯.jpg (3.63 KB, 200x200, 1:1, REEEEEEEEEEE.jpg)


Confirmed, (((KIKE SHILL))) outs itself.

>muh third temple

>muh kys

68bf90, 3665fd. Track posts of these two and see how they try to disrupt and cause infighting amongst autists.



see above, autists, and don't let shills trigger you into hating another autist over minor shit.

STAY UNITED, niggaz.


f5186c No.2308340


Nah… we're not ready… we'll never be ready…

We can't even take care of our own shit and we expect to clean up some 100 years of billionaire excrement… It's not happeneing, get over it

4b4a2f No.2308341

File: 8f5a64c0447df0e⋯.jpg (76.9 KB, 604x604, 1:1, 1461276809323.jpg)


>This is normal, things are fine. Don't concern yourself with these posts. It's just (((trolling))).






ddf6a4 No.2308342


Slanging mycoproteins is sovrevetse



50eae8 No.2308343


I'm voting for DeSantis. I liked the way he handled himself during a few of the Congressional Hearings. Especially vrs RR.

Also, all the negative ads against him, so far, are people saying they don't trust him; so no real dirt. The POTUS endorsement cinches it for me.

ddf6a4 No.2308344


Super scalable with proper bio reactors

88af05 No.2308345


Anon, I'm serious about this BV. That hitler gif is literally one google search and he named it numbers. It's from Know your meme for fucks sake. He is trying to blend in nao

e06806 No.2308346

‘I think from now on, any image posted by Q we need to consider it may have a hidden message in it using pixelknot… and we need to be on the lookout for potential passwords he drops for us’



93b00f No.2308347


on target

just the amount of pedos arrested within disney that they have hired after beeing convicted makes you wounder what is so bad about gunn there trying to cut strings even after the mariont burned …we need to dig who was pukking his strings that there trying to keep the light away from

good night anons may god be with you

i go to bed now love all you fagots in a non homo way

795819 No.2308348



Just stop before you harm yourself! C'mon man. Don't be like mark.

02c201 No.2308349


I particularly enjoyed the part when the Romans were sacking the temple, and the jews were all like "you can't go in there because that's where our God resides," and Vespasian rode his horse right into where there God resides.

One Million Fucking Keks for that!

7bfa11 No.2308350


can't argue with you… but will continue to expect the purge.

cheers anon.

f5186c No.2308351


Tracy is back on FaceBook.. just go get her.. wtf?

b4035b No.2308352


woah wait werent you the baker for next bread??

68bf90 No.2308353


Romans Catholics had nothing to do with the Solomon's temple Judah will make sure they don't fuck with it this time.

ddf6a4 No.2308354


Mycoproteins prefer warm dank conditions , like the tail stack of a triple turbined thorium thriving desalinator , the radiotrophic stuff is still secret and not understood #sorrySam

015da7 No.2308355

File: 73d3da4e8283e97⋯.pdf (8.46 MB, Final Judgement by Michael….pdf)

File: 810296ccd86aa12⋯.png (978.53 KB, 644x980, 23:35, ClipboardImage.png)

Final Judgement by Michael Collins Piper

2fedc6 No.2308356


just a real quick heads up to baker

above post is correct, and Do consider renaming it to PEDOSWAMP DIGS, PEDOS IN DC.

697cdd No.2308357

File: e2860e36ebd5a47⋯.png (120.71 KB, 225x225, 1:1, shekel.png)


>shekel for the good goy

7bca0b No.2308358


DeSantis will get 4 votes from my fam.

Hoping POTUS shouts him out at the rally…

ddf6a4 No.2308359


At 8billion

The cows economy is threatened


b4035b No.2308360


first baker abandoned oven

second baker just said goodnight


i'll e-bake if he doesn't respond to


93b00f No.2308361


night e bot i luv ya but i always lie and want to watch you burn

830e9e No.2308362


Q told us


68bf90 No.2308363


Mocking God is hazardous to your health… Look into Vespasian's death…. Not fun.

88af05 No.2308364

File: 2b1b9c60fb6429a⋯.gif (496.38 KB, 500x455, 100:91, 2b1b9c60fb6429ac47553fe955….gif)


Nice thumbnail faggot.

02c201 No.2308365

File: f66d55afa71d0df⋯.png (582.8 KB, 694x500, 347:250, hitlerdindunuffin.png)

Like clockwork.

c3e971 No.2308366


this feels right anon

2fedc6 No.2308367

File: 7b090fb7d67a8f6⋯.jpeg (14.24 KB, 255x183, 85:61, nytdumbasses.jpeg)


BV just sperging a bit. Let it go. Autists get confused being too attached to their own view and wind up infighting as (((They))) want because of it.

Or wind up a traitor like AFLB but that bitch was just fucking retarded from get go.

Many types of autism. BVs have been great thus far and honestly without NGO and state level actions these shills cannot be silenced permanently.

We need to use AUTISM AGAINST (((them))). Let's stay focused, good anons.

68bf90 No.2308368


Yup you are one of [them] I hope [you] like heat.

02c201 No.2308369


I mock your pathetic god.

Every single day.

Your god is pathetic.

68bf90 No.2308370



b4035b No.2308371



it's not just one person who is concerned. many of us are. so fucking give us a real answer, motherfucker. if bv's want to sperg, they can do it without the fucking BV tag at the very least. this is immature af and damaging to this board. own up and stop deflecting and downplaying this shit. did you read the damn posts? or write them?

1d9203 No.2308372

File: 111a360a3ddc5f3⋯.jpg (145.63 KB, 775x719, 775:719, ae936e4b4e038a751e4a66a2a9….jpg)

Suspicious. As. Fuck. BV in here seems a bit defensive. Call me a division-fag shill whatever, this shit is INCREDIBLY suspicious.

Note the time-stamp on attached R-post too. First time I've seen it, gut tells me it's the same as the original R-poster.

93b00f No.2308373


hehe hehe he said bum instead of burn hehehehe (insert beavuse meme here(

4b4a2f No.2308374

The BO can also be reached for board issues at: 8b@8chan.co

Site-specific technical and site administration issues should be taken to CodeMonkey by asking on his personal board, sudo. or by email at: admin@8ch.net

830e9e No.2308375


999they000Are all the same.

▶ 07/27/18 (Fri) 04:48:53 93b00f (8) No.2308083>>2308107




02c201 No.2308376


Did you know that your pathetic excuse for a god is what most people call the Devil.

Even Jesus of Nazareth said that.


14e0bd No.2308377

File: 2b372795b0b1dfe⋯.jpg (69.94 KB, 500x746, 250:373, 28e58affd0ba28667a5147ba41….jpg)

830e9e No.2308378



▶ 07/27/18 (Fri) 04:48:53 93b00f (8) No.2308083>>2308107


2fedc6 No.2308379


(((shills))) are trying to distract from the DC swamp PEDO names.


#1. Stop replying to some retard R that was more or less over with before JIDF and black hat cunts dragged it out to derail and start a VERY stupid kiddy level shill slide

#2. This AFLB is thoroughyl broken like HRC and comey. Ignore.

#3. Nigga you need to enjoy your vacation.


DIG on the Q crumbs just now. ALL of them.



(((shills))) trying to blend in then, the moment pedo name drops begin or we get close to the truth, begins to (((shill))):

"muh wapoo" is the code word here.

David Wu

Tony Mendoza

Anthony Wiener

Peter Strzok

Adam Schiff

Rober Menendez

Bob Corker

Jacob Schwartz

Ed Murray

Barney Frank

Brock Adams

Mel Reynolds

Neil Goldschmidt

Joe Biden

John McCain

Jeff Flake

Pic related, look into these individual's connections, anons.


88af05 No.2308380


Yeah, they have done a good job. This BV is still new and not tried and true.

I know you are just keeping cohesion, but this might be some bullshit. The nigger posts a hitler from know your meme and tries to blend in after being outted. Then takes over 9000 years to respond to that shit because nigger is scared and posts a fucking shekel for good goy green text with a fucking thumbnail shekel from google again? It is literally some kike shit, besides look at the images he uses for a moniker, some fucking gay ass evil spider character. Such a fucking faggot.

b7267b No.2308381

File: c151277d6e8c9e0⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1125x4977, 125:553, Criminal-Mind.jpg)


I have decided to drop the full text of the Criminal Mind so that other Anons can see the background to the post at >>2308014.

If you see who wrote it you may ridicule it but be aware that the Elite tried to get rid of this guy without success so they infiltrated his organization and murdered him in the end. Why? Because his information exposed these fuckers and he also developed the means to help anyone become better (including themselves) which (((they))) hate. So bear that in mind. The organization as it stands now is extremely dangerous and kills people (while getting 'helped' or those who speak out). Anyway, I hope you take it in the spirit it is given.

dea8ac No.2308382

File: 966d51e8c86f9c0⋯.jpg (447.94 KB, 1170x780, 3:2, IMG_581.jpg)

015da7 No.2308383

File: d8c25b380624ccc⋯.png (213.72 KB, 813x458, 813:458, ClipboardImage.png)

I was told that night shift is a more productive

environment than day shift. Were they wrong?

030cf2 No.2308384

Missing anything?????


>>2307961, >>2307976, >>2308010, Lunar Eclipse at 3:30 pm EST

>>2308017, 33rd Deputy SecDef Shanahan

>>2308195, >>2308205, >>2308306, Potomac Coalition Request Dig w/Members Bio's

>>2308301, David Yarovesky and Stephen Blackehart need to be investigated. Anons cont Pedo Dig

>>2307132, >>2307159 , >>2307206, Pedo Digs ← Current

2388a7 No.2308385

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 9ec9e88c03e4b8c4e8840d78b5….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

fe8fa7 No.2308386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Drink the sea

Fexas glows

5a89da No.2308387


Some nights.

257898 No.2308388


GM Swordy !!

830e9e No.2308389


ThaQ Anon


68bf90 No.2308390


Wow…. that like hurt…. or something…. i…. think I may need a name brand bandage….

ohhhhh… wow….

Read Tacitus (he was not a jew, not a christian) you fucking shill.

93b00f No.2308391


no no i dont bake

havent lerned yet

2fedc6 No.2308392


ThanQ sword anon. Fuck the kikes, smite them with your cocks.

>posts a hitler from know your meme

I could learn from this.

Autists filtering back in. Make good environs for them.


Looking good. We need additional emphasis on the names we were given.

David Wu

Tony Mendoza

Anthony Wiener

Peter Strzok

Adam Schiff

Rober Menendez

Bob Corker

Jacob Schwartz

Ed Murray

Barney Frank

Brock Adams

Mel Reynolds

Neil Goldschmidt

Joe Biden

John McCain

Jeff Flake

DC PEDO SWAMP EXPOSED? ←-would be a much more eye catching title

830e9e No.2308393


Used to be.

Things have changed.

b4035b No.2308394


wow.. anon please explain this to me.. this "R" sounds just like Q.. it's really late and this robot thing has fucked me up can you please explain what the hell is going on. i believed the jfk jr stuff until i saw Q's there is only Q.. which i thought made it clear that R was a larp.. i get the same gut feeling thing from this post.. wtf is happening..

is "Ranon" propagation good or bad?

2a8394 No.2308395

File: 8f4e6c980e4bafa⋯.jpeg (103.5 KB, 800x1173, 800:1173, Barron_Hilton.JPEG.jpeg)

"Barron's Fortune"

Deeper meaning than current public events.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: f4774f No.2300028 📁

Jul 26 2018 15:17:45 (EST) NEW


Facebook Investors Want to Strip Zuckerberg of Chairman Title


Shareholder Wants to Oust Zuckerberg as Facebook Chairman


Facebook shareholders try to fire Mark Zuckerberg as chairman

Daily Mail

[DC moves slow]


Barron Hilton

Born William Barron Hilton

October 23, 1927 (age 90)

Dallas, Texas, U.S.

Residence Holmby Hills, Los Angeles, California

Alma mater University of Southern California

Occupation business magnate, investor, socialite, and hotel heir

Net worth IncreaseUS$ 4.4 billion (2017)[1]


Clash of the Titans

"This treatment left Wynn bitter, and in the mood to sell. New Jersey, at the time, limited casino owners to three properties. Trump, who already owned two, was buying stock in Bally, which owned another Boardwalk casino. Bally, fearing a hostile takeover, offered Wynn a panic-inflated price of $440 million for the Nugget – thereby fending off Trump, since he couldn’t buy the newly combined Bally’s-Golden Nugget without exceeding the state limit. Bally then paid Trump $20 million to go away.

Wynn took his huge profit from the Golden Nugget sale and exited Atlantic City, calling it “the slum by the sea.” He plowed the unexpected cash into Las Vegas expansion. The $630 million Mirage opened in November 1989.

Trump couldn’t let Wynn go without a few parting shots. In his book The Art of the Deal, Trump claims that Barron Hilton took less money from Trump because Wynn was “anathema” to Hilton. Trump ridicules Wynn as “very slick and smooth . . . a very strange guy . . . . He’s got a great act. He’s a smooth talker, he’s perfectly manicured, and he’s invariably dressed to kill in $2,000 suits and $200 silk shirts. The problem with Wynn is that he tries too hard to look perfect and a lot of people are put off by him.”"


830e9e No.2308396



9f6242 No.2308397

What do we do when everything is out and people we care about are part of the 4-6% that refuse to believe the truth when it all comes out.

I have a family member that just refuses to accept so far how evil and disgusting these people are no matter how much I show them. They believe it is all a plan by Russia and POTUS to benefit Russia. They honestly believe Trump is a Russian Agent.

697cdd No.2308398

File: 4d6aa753cd99cce⋯.jpg (125.36 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1261-800x800.jpg)


>thank you sir may I have another?

Ahhh the shills have night crew now. What is it 4 of you working as a team rn?

>nitpicking obvous sperging

>nitpicking image names

>nitpicking BO/BV

>attempting to damage morale

Anons see right through you

Honestly I probabbly wont post again this bread since this faggotry is taking up too many slices.

257898 No.2308399

File: 0030c4a0f87eeee⋯.jpeg (111.56 KB, 741x486, 247:162, 0030c4a0f87eeee70ba274fb6….jpeg)

fe8fa7 No.2308400

Fox and milder


Por favor

7d846a No.2308401

What date is 111 days from today?

dea8ac No.2308402

File: 0e8818a5c932db6⋯.jpg (89.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_544.jpg)

bd6e3d No.2308403


Try and get them watching different news sources .. don't go full redpill at first. Just get them onto fox news or something baby steps.

b4035b No.2308404


so Q is R.. i get it.. explain the drama with the breads and BVs if you can..? i'm not caught up on all the R stuff..

053fe0 No.2308405




This is very notables. they will make order out of chaos like CA USA

4b4a2f No.2308406


Clown psyop by any measure. Most concerning is a BVs posts in one of those threads.

>>2127101 (thread)






bd6e3d No.2308407

830e9e No.2308408


Isn't that what (((they))) want?

Don't give (((them))) that!

Prolly won't get a Notable, but do what (You) do.

Don't let the enemy alter anything (You) do.

That's how we got in to this mess.

18094e No.2308409

File: 55042635ae2eed5⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 55042635ae2eed5d2b910ec8ba….jpg)


Nigger, you dumb.

02c201 No.2308410


I don't get paid to teach my fellow brainwashed-by-the-jew goy. It is a service. My purpose in life is to expose you kikes to the world, show them your crimes, and make sure that you all pay the price.

I could care less about your pathetic religion, and your kike "interpretations."

2fedc6 No.2308411


Godspeed, nigga. (((shills))) are getting desperate and just trying to turn agitated autists (2 or so) into useful puppets.

We got about 2-3 actual JIDF hopping IP and using multiple devices to 'create illusion of protest' JUST LIKE THE MSM.

Funny, you can ALWAYS ID kike (((shills))) by msm tactics and tone in the end.

Anons, see here:

>>2308339 (((shill))) examples.

They can also simulate autists but if you follow the tone etc we always know the fakes.


68bf90 No.2308412


at least one moar amoung your ranks is a traitor on the level of Fungus. It is not of Anons to decide, but the issue is real.

b4035b No.2308413


i love you too anon

015da7 No.2308414

File: b4c824a3736a3fd⋯.png (351.61 KB, 1134x540, 21:10, ClipboardImage.png)


This is what's happening

So-called Ranon = bad mixed with good, designed to cause confusion. Take Q's advice, stay the course, & don't fall for con artists.

fe8fa7 No.2308415

<<stfu larp

2fedc6 No.2308416

File: b059e997881e48e⋯.png (69.83 KB, 1172x922, 586:461, Trumpthepunisher.png)


Why the fuck is this jew still talking after being outed as a kike bitch (((shill)))?


Go and get your daily proteins from your pedo rabbi, bitch.

e06806 No.2308417


Good gawd, pls no!

Not the bingle, no no no!

68bf90 No.2308418

but than again how better to deflect.

18094e No.2308419

1:01pm in Israel right now. Hi, JIDF.

b4035b No.2308420


thank you, anon.. still really confused but completely forgot about these posts.. that's literally exactly what's happening.. even the "bot push"..

fe8fa7 No.2308421

🍝🎻🤧 kebab.

68bf90 No.2308422


Howdy SJW!!

Everyone I hate is a Jew….

Sounds familiar.

5169f5 No.2308423


It's pretty helpful newbies like me!

987a34 No.2308424

File: c7ee224727933bf⋯.png (412.9 KB, 656x548, 164:137, ClipboardImage.png)


something here also?

9f6242 No.2308425


They literally think Fox News is the Devil and keeps trying to push that stupid “Red Notice” book on me.

They are one of the smartest people I know, but it’s like they’re critical thinking has been completely disabled.

Honestly, how can you think someone (POTUS) who has been in the public eye for years is a “Russian Agent” but someone who burst on the scene in 2004 that no one had ever heard of (Obama) skyrockets to President in 2008 with obvious anti American agendas and major holes in his backstory isn’t a plant.

02c201 No.2308426

Pedogate, pedo kikes in government, dual citizen kikes in government, and now Assad is kicking Israel's ass in Golan Heights.

Yup. The kikes are in panic mode.

830e9e No.2308427


No you're not confused.

(((they))) have no effect on (You).


911867 No.2308428


We need to wait for the truth to come out first. The FB drop is not enough..

4b4a2f No.2308429


Eat a dick, nigger. All I've wanted from the very beginning is an explanation for this BVs posts here.






I take personal affront to these accusations of being a shill when many sensible anons ITT share these concerns.









18094e No.2308430

File: 4fc3aa3026a6eca⋯.jpeg (8.98 KB, 300x168, 25:14, sadf892.jpeg)

I expected Pedowood to hire shills to spam here. I wonder where in the world they're located…

02c201 No.2308431

File: 63d9f0a41f333d3⋯.png (134.04 KB, 490x390, 49:39, kikesymbols.png)

Fellow goy. Avoid all products that have these symbols. Every time you buy products with these symbols, you are supporting the kikes.

fe8fa7 No.2308433

Why the kill mr milk


830e9e No.2308434



This is a spell.

(((they))) are attempting to claim you.

Stay the course.


88af05 No.2308435

File: a51791fa01369c0⋯.png (174.79 KB, 443x448, 443:448, a51791fa01369c0c6886e4fd0f….png)


This image is from this website.


The file name matches up upon download.

>hitler meme from know your meme

>Shekel from google

>mel gibson from above posted website

There are 3 BVs


Kurt Russel

And you faggot

Are you saying that Tits or Kurt Russel was the faggot in the R Larp thread?

68bf90 No.2308436


Kikes, Kikes, Kikes… Whites. Whites, Whites…

Same shit. different assholes.

7bfa11 No.2308437


i dunno… announcing and dismissing the fiat currency cripples their cash flow.

not allowing them "fake" providence of the monies they have.

2ad496 No.2308438


probably outsourced to east-europe or india

015da7 No.2308439

File: fb04c8e0bee4185⋯.png (221.14 KB, 701x408, 701:408, ClipboardImage.png)


and most key: False drops. All it took was ONE well-timed false drop signed as "R" to have this conversation still going over a month later. Clowns must have gotten lots of lulz from this LARP.

Note the attacks in the MSM against Q & anons intensified also, while "R" was there to discredit Q. From 40,000 ft, looks well coordinated.

There is only Q, and anons. Pic related

384bde No.2308440

File: c7122bd4366018b⋯.jpg (517.23 KB, 1388x1340, 347:335, july_2005_stockdale.jpg)

File: 6d9ef4cb53c41c4⋯.png (6.17 MB, 2633x1991, 2633:1991, stickdalepwwwaradox-964x10….png)

830e9e No.2308441


If you're offended, you aren't staying on task.

Mission accomplished.

Don't let (((them))) have that!


02c201 No.2308442


Kikes are not white.

When you do even the slightest modicum of research into kikery, you see it is always the kikes. This is not hard. They throw it right in your face.

bd6e3d No.2308443


Show them john podestas art

bc0f2e No.2308444

File: a9fe021d0ed469f⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1800x1516, 450:379, E208C5EB-4634-49E7-998A-C….jpeg)


Agreed,, the user of these DEWs needs to be stopped!

And exposed!

I wonder where we are, exactly, on that?

A sitrep on this point would be very much appreciated by anon.

342b21 No.2308445


Don't listen to namefag, he is evil.

015da7 No.2308446

File: 84a794fe47d38a3⋯.jpg (213.22 KB, 2937x678, 979:226, NEWWWG1WGAFONT18A.jpg)


Indeed, There might be bugs on some of these mugs, but there ain't no bugs on me


830e9e No.2308447



fe8fa7 No.2308448

Hyperbolic demons (Descartes)




830e9e No.2308449

File: ccc00fa903e6e3f⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, WWG.jpg)

08f910 No.2308450

You niggers remind me of the native americans, the way you believe this eclipse and lunar bullshit in general.

5a89da No.2308451


Examples here read like BV is fucking with the shills. Kind of funny and not nefarious.

911867 No.2308452


oh the currency reset. probably not going to be announced today but should be soon.

fe8fa7 No.2308453


Mph Hopi prophecy

You guys never stop



68bf90 No.2308454


Don't matter You are condemning a people, so are [they]

There is no deniable difference between you and Anfifa.

7bfa11 No.2308455


agreed… there are still a few global settlements that need to be distributed first.

015da7 No.2308456


When all else fails in this mission, re_read crumbs.

2a8394 No.2308457

File: 7e3de66efba5a96⋯.png (98.96 KB, 500x392, 125:98, JacksonLeePedo.png)




Dont forget to add PEDO MS JACKSON LEE to the PEDO LIST

confirmed by Q.

73090e No.2308458



“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

― G.K. Chesterton

87f039 No.2308459

File: b2eaf857b56573d⋯.jpg (477.26 KB, 1474x1311, 1474:1311, MrPickles.jpg)




02c201 No.2308460


So says the kike.

14e0bd No.2308461

File: 5b3272c409f869b⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 612x612, 1:1, ef94cc0d14d3ff21283289bec7….jpg)

d52bfb No.2308462


You should probably read up on Druid, Hermetic, Egyptian. Aborigine rituals, try not to be so obtuse.

830e9e No.2308463

File: 9bbff57e382f299⋯.jpg (15.46 KB, 187x255, 11:15, Bird.jpg)

987a34 No.2308464

so looking at the pic app

Q possibly using this board as pic uploads are not altered or file size changed

changes can alter the messages in the pic..?

02c201 No.2308465

File: fefe4e32938059f⋯.jpg (176.38 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, stone-1024x640.jpg)

The totally based Martin Luther tells us that the "holy" book of the jew, the Talmud was pulled out of the anus of a pig.

This guy was so right on.

←- This picture makes kikes cry like bitches.

I wish I could see their faces as they gaze upon it in person.

4b4a2f No.2308466


Let me point something out.








All larpy posts by the BV in a now anchored thread.

Compare that to some posts ITT.




More (((trolling)))? Something is fishy and I don't like it.

968a60 No.2308467

Q: How many libtards does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: Zero because they refuse to accept that turning it right will make it functional.

521400 No.2308468

Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us evil. Amen.

f76a93 No.2308469


relax nigga. re-direct your autism. You are confusing BV sperging with something else I think.

STAY ON TARGET. autism gone wrong is what (((they))) want.


HEADS UP, (((anyone pointing out I am an obvious admitted kike is just like antifa))) etc.

Typical black hat/jewish mouth to twist Q words around to set in "muh antisemitism" simply by another word.

Anons were right, (((you))) are a fucking jew.

9f6242 No.2308470


I’ve tried. I honestly think they’re hopelessly lost.

I trust Q and POTUS, but I’m starting to think think the 4-6% number is low. Maybe it’s because I’m stuck in commiefornia but the people I see on a daily basis are so brainwashed I don’t think they’ll ever be able to see the truth.

I have a friend that I’ve been sending the information Q gives from the beginning and today as he was trying to say the Facebook drop was nothing and only due to a new app that’s going challenge their market share I asked plainly “hypothetically, if it all comes out and it’s true that Obama was a plant from Kenya is that a bridge to far?”

Response “Nothing is a bridge to far.”

4c52ab No.2308471

File: 56ab51f841fe373⋯.png (492.93 KB, 720x1047, 240:349, 20180727_111408.png)

Specific Threats….


a55e5d No.2308472

File: 64fdd18b356aac1⋯.jpg (18.61 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 2eqlhr.jpg)

Original Q. You really dont think this is the first time Q tired to influence society do you? You anons can think deeper than that. Watch "Brainstorm" the movie made after the MI boys settled on a plan of attack. Watch the movie and see they show you how they were going to make Alexa scare people with a spooky laugh. Watch how they were going to use the system itself to destroy the system. Watch the MI in the movie. The Watcher of the Watchers. The guy who only tries to stop Micheal when (((they))) are watching him but otherwise he roots Micheal on toward hacking in and revealing the MKULTRA torture videos. The MAP is there for any with eyes to see.

The movie is a special sort of genius….future proves past. No normie could of understood the movie for what it was in 1983. But it was the "revealing the method" the occult controllers use on US everyday. But the MI boys mirrored it. Took (((their))) love for showing us everything they plan to do to us and showed (((them))) what we plan for them.

Ever wonder what Q means when "this is bigger than you can imagine"?

Watch "Brainstorm" and understand what a group of desperate men with a deep understanding of the enemy and their occult practices would figure out. Watch the Genius brainstorming plan they came up with in the 1970's. Watch them predict the importance of hacking and the internet. This was before WARGAMES. This was the first I know of a film portray of a HERO COMPUTER HACKER.

Why is the movie not just exciting computer hacker spy shit? Why all the Gnostic Christianity Goddess Sophia stuff there?

"The end is not for everyone" Some will never accept.

This movie is two different stories on two different levels of understanding. Exoteric is just what the public understands. It is the straight forward action of the actors in the film. That is the religion people give the normies.

Esoteric….the deeper hidden secrets of the Universe. That are occulted and hidden from mankind. This is the religion of the Universe.

You spend hundreds of hours of your life reading lines on Q. You need to make an effort to spend one and a half hours of your life watching this movie. You need to have a working understanding of Gnostic ideas. And the idea that EVERY scene is a carefully selected image to teach you something. Pay careful attention to the dialogue. It is not random. There is another story being told to you.

I will soon stop spamming the board with this.

I can only do so much as one anon. But YOU owe it to yourself to understand this film deeply. Understand this the was the original Q.

Q did not come out of the thick air. Q has been in operation for decades. But they were weak compared to (((them))). They had to sneak up on (((them)))

Watch the same MI man in the Scene where the group of board members first get a taste of the new technology. Look at his face as he has a INSIGHT> This is a true representation of a true life event where some genius MI saw the way forward. When they saw the path to saving humanity.

"Brainstorm" is the map.

68bf90 No.2308473


Such an argument.

Oh wow, much argument…. ouch.

…Why do demons speak latan?

I'm pure bread Saxon, btw. ;P

0728e2 No.2308474


Is there a list of suspected pedo actors so I can start throwing out and boycotting movies?

9f6242 No.2308475


Amen, thank you Anon.

87f039 No.2308476


Back to WOKE!


4b4a2f No.2308477


No matter the type of fuckery or psyop being pushed on this board by shills and assorted faggots, a board vol SHOULD NOT be shitposting while tagged. Anon only.

795819 No.2308478

Julian Assange must eventually leave London embassy, says Ecuador

Wikileaks fugitive Julian Assange must eventually leave Ecuador's embassy in London, the country's president has said.

Lenin Moreno has confirmed his country is in discussions with the British government, amid speculation that the long-running stand-off is coming to a head.


02c201 No.2308479


You are a disgrace to your race. (((if true)))

830e9e No.2308480

File: 90b129c52e225e8⋯.jpg (8.55 KB, 225x255, 15:17, Rnoose.jpg)

68bf90 No.2308481


shill tactic. (BTW)

f76a93 No.2308482


I personally thought it would be 5-7% by now.

Remember that (((they))) are working fast as possible to absorb MORE into that intial 4-6%. We are still in a race.

>Maybe it’s because I’m stuck in commiefornia

You are in hostile territory and psyop in CA goes generations deep compared to rest of the country. Even in the out lying counties, it would be 60/40 against you at best.

4-6% is geographically congregated, gender and demographic specific.

5a89da No.2308483


Yes these examples read exactly like a BV ridiculing someone who called him an AI.

But that's how it looks to me.

If you all are on a crusade don't let me stop you.

4ce927 No.2308484


I remember

b4035b No.2308485


just caught the (you) in this post. so you're R? transparent. a fucking larp.


anon i'm in the same boat as you. as long as Q keeps coming here, so will i – not trusting anyone but Q at this point.. can't tell who's real who's a clown who's a bot this is some bullshit.

68bf90 No.2308486


and why the fuck did [you] have to resort to an IP hop???

Ohhhh that's right, because a shill lost.

030cf2 No.2308487

One more call. You lose your reply if you refresh,KEK.


>>2307961, >>2307976, >>2308010, Lunar Eclipse at 3:30 pm EST

>>2308017, 33rd Deputy SecDef Shanahan

>>2308195, >>2308205, >>2308306, Potomac Coalition Request Dig w/Members Bio's

>>2308265, >>2308303, They will make order out of chaos in Greece like in Ca

>>2308301, David Yarovesky and Stephen Blackehart need to be investigated. Anons cont Pedo Dig

>>2307132, >>2307159 , >>2307206, >>2308457 Pedo Digs, DC PEDO SWAMP EXPOSED

>>2308471 MZ is facing "Specific Threats" worth 10 Mil…

12ef63 No.2308488

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Geronimo's great great grandson drives a back hoe on cursed Apache land

Even swung 40k sealed in ten months


5a89da No.2308489


I guess I see your point but it seems a little overwrought, esp for overnight.

968a60 No.2308490

What is Aleppo?

4453c2 No.2308491

File: ddc4b1deb73bd02⋯.jpg (66.54 KB, 630x470, 63:47, junkr.jpg)

2a8394 No.2308492



Its tied to EVERY movie… its in every kids shows/movies… all over everything…

Legitimately…you are going to have to throw them all out. Tim Allen show is the only thing i would support…. but that also requires having cable/sat… catch 22.. pay the cabal to watch one show?

12ef63 No.2308493


Three sisters mountains

b4035b No.2308494


but why would he do this? not on a crusade.. i just don't see why any BV would joke around like that.. it's not funny.. don't we ignore the shills who claim everyone's a bot? we don't feed them by pretending to be bots?

968a60 No.2308495

File: 7282f68f46a30bd⋯.gif (2.81 MB, 498x392, 249:196, raw.gif)

f76a93 No.2308496


That's the look of a euro jew puppet that doesn't realize it has no real power.


No TV, no 'programming'. Plenty to do in reality without condemning your children to brainwashing.

Work them and give them so many tasks and chore they drop dead from exhaustion every day. Feed them well and repeat.

Always works.

12ef63 No.2308497

File: b39377295c4accc⋯.jpg (290.23 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, IMG_2433.JPG)

File: 343a81a7ac6e815⋯.jpg (291.62 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, IMG_2434.JPG)

File: 5e9d34bf57e7aab⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 1024x436, 256:109, IMG_2438.JPG)

9f6242 No.2308498


I agree, 4-6% nationwide would most likely encompass 30-40% in CA. Lately I’ve been considering whether I should have an escape plan for when things finally pop off. When this all started I didn’t know much about infosec and honestly still don’t. If the wrong people were watching they know who I am and where my loyalties lie.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but sometimes it seems like I’ve been followed and I know I caught someone taking a pic of my license plate and car outside of my place a few weeks back.

If any survival anons have pointers as to what I should keep in my car for a fast exit I’m all ears.

5169f5 No.2308499


Great post, will have to watch it.

830e9e No.2308500

File: 75937d93f7c2e00⋯.jpg (15.58 KB, 238x255, 14:15, Q OPS TEAM.jpg)

b4035b No.2308501

these psyops man..

good fucking job clowns - 70 years of research was not wasted i see

can't wait til you're all rotting in gitmo.

12ef63 No.2308502


I think it plays into Fatima too

Geronimo killed a pregnant woman up there

830e9e No.2308503


Deceptive, huh?

The enemy is not funny.

12ef63 No.2308505

File: 9f68930ac7cdd80⋯.jpeg (138.94 KB, 736x739, 736:739, 509C2AE1-E5D7-4B94-AEF3-F….jpeg)

File: c1480120d78099e⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 640x669, 640:669, IMG_2352.JPG)

File: 1d8755124ae75e1⋯.png (41.67 KB, 238x256, 119:128, IMG_2361.PNG)

2a8394 No.2308506


I found a VERY interesting article about POTUS and Barron Hilton from Atlantic City development early days…

"Barron's Fortune"

Read the article… MORE EYES, PLEASE




0728e2 No.2308507


Well I haven't watched the tube since 94 so at least there's that. I was hoping that we'd eventually find out that there was a handful of actors who where legitimately distant from the pedo scene (eg Tim Allen) so we could support their work. And the music industry too …. :(

88af05 No.2308508

File: 67717cc247b683e⋯.jpg (159.09 KB, 636x720, 53:60, 67717cc247b683e1258743a057….jpg)




My question is this, why is this BV pretending that it wasn't him? Why is BV posting three images back to back to back from fresh download? Why is he trying to hide his moniker spider fag images and claim it was a different BV who was LARPing in R larp?

As stated here.


>There are 3 BVs


>Kurt Russel

>This faggot

Why is this nigger deflecting?

68bf90 No.2308510


awww…. so cute….does Q reference the vetas? No? how 'bout the bullshit Buddha texts (realize Gautama Buddha said, a number of times he was not a deity)

12ef63 No.2308511

File: 326f75dd0ea5992⋯.jpg (102.36 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_2321.JPG)

File: 20e4140aed374f5⋯.png (496.73 KB, 800x1776, 50:111, IMG_2324.PNG)

File: d10dc508b445eb7⋯.png (697.22 KB, 850x1542, 425:771, IMG_2325.PNG)

830e9e No.2308512

87f039 No.2308513

File: f684ada458083ce⋯.jpg (110.24 KB, 585x614, 585:614, c79dc55bab84f8113f20778bbb….jpg)

File: b2184aa5831fb34⋯.jpg (197.42 KB, 768x469, 768:469, dream_pzje60awzpi.jpg)

File: 9324c3e57c6b523⋯.jpg (149.43 KB, 734x490, 367:245, dream_us1qgepguuh.jpg)

File: f40f12d324f3bcd⋯.jpg (177.84 KB, 510x428, 255:214, dream_klwe0g3s38n.jpg)

5da457 No.2308514

File: f0d6bf6227a2e31⋯.png (2.72 MB, 961x986, 961:986, #2908 Dark and Stormy Nigh….png)

File: 043f6c8757b507f⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1017x1006, 1017:1006, #2908 Dark and Stormy Nigh….png)

File: df23755af53b066⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1019x991, 1019:991, #2908 Dark and Stormy Nigh….png)

File: ad9471083cbcb17⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1150x987, 1150:987, #2908 Dark and Stormy Nigh….png)

Warz Trophez

This Shift.

Best Shift.

Winning battles side by side with my anon brahs these many months.

I'm original scalper anon.

Love yawls, no homo…nite.

38db6c No.2308515

muh algorith!

12ef63 No.2308516


You owe me a benji Dickie

ce6196 No.2308517

File: b663c297afbf5d6⋯.jpg (913.02 KB, 2400x3000, 4:5, general hyten.JPG)


I would think we would be looking for #17 though yes? That would be General John E Hyten who actually has a lot of "space" connections.

A Snippet:

The general’s staff assignments include tours with the Air Force Secretariat, the Air Staff, the Joint Staff and the Commander’s Action Group at Headquarters Air Force Space Command as Director. He served as mission director in Cheyenne Mountain and was the last active-duty commander of the 6th Space Operations Squadron at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. In 2006, he deployed to Southwest Asia as Director of Space Forces for operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. General Hyten commanded the 595th Space Group and the 50th Space Wing at Schriever AFB, Colorado. Prior to assuming command of Air Force Space Command, he served as the Vice Commander, Air Force Space Command.

sauce> https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/108115/general-john-e-hyten/

87f039 No.2308518

File: c3de731629f8b63⋯.jpg (139.59 KB, 510x428, 255:214, dream_4uue75shb7d.jpg)

File: d2acc77fdacc6fc⋯.jpg (226.29 KB, 534x674, 267:337, dream_g9yhdareqwy.jpg)

File: cfc9c84f2bf2bc7⋯.jpg (199.09 KB, 619x581, 619:581, dream_v16t7l4ajxx.jpg)

File: 97acf3abfa785c1⋯.jpg (134.69 KB, 734x490, 367:245, dream_mmfwp66vx9w.jpg)

830e9e No.2308519



And (((they've))) got (You) off-track.


02c201 No.2308520

File: 170f9412cefa441⋯.jpg (82.52 KB, 600x401, 600:401, JewishPig-copy.jpg)

Here's another image of a statue of jews pulling their Talmud out of a pig's anus.

Our ancestors were so wise, and so based.

Imagine trying to do this today in "land of the free" America, today. The SPLC and ADL would have you thrown in jail for a "hate" crime.

This is why it is mandatory that the jew be expelled from the USA!

f76a93 No.2308521


The pawns like zuckerbitch are idiots who spend fucking 30 grand per month per guard to do nothing but baby sit their soft jew asses all day. Must be the easiest gig in the entire world.

Of course, in the big (or even mid sized) picture he is a nobody. problem with CA is the fact that nobody bothered to bash in his head after a drive to palo alto.

>If any survival anons have pointers as to what I should keep in my car for a fast exit I’m all ears.

First you have to arrange an actual destination.

Secondly, pack enough medical supplies and easily cooked food stuffs. cleaning baby wipes and such are good options.

2-3 fire arms + bag of your essentials including 1 outfit gear + ammo.

Ammo should be enough to get yourself geared up for 1 patrol etc.

Avoid contact when bailing.

Have map/route planned out before hand, multiple options and alternatives.

But if you wait until you need to use a 'bug out' vehicle, you are doing it wrong.

4b4a2f No.2308522

File: 9e01389729e65c9⋯.png (46.72 KB, 153x255, 3:5, 1418786384146.png)


I don't know. I have a hunch though, nothing good.

4453c2 No.2308523



68bf90 No.2308524


and you have learned nothing.Yet you seem proud of that.

b4035b No.2308525


sorry i had an idiotic moment.. i understand now

it's late and i haven't slept

R is a larp, this bot/BV bullshit is a psyop, don't give a fuck there are pedos to expose

David Wu

Tony Mendoza

Anthony Wiener

Peter Strzok

Adam Schiff

Rober Menendez

Bob Corker

Jacob Schwartz

Ed Murray

Barney Frank

Brock Adams

Mel Reynolds

Neil Goldschmidt

Joe Biden

John McCain

Jeff Flake

am i correct in this assessment finally? since you couldn't plainly say so this entire bread.. not that i need a hand holding but.. still

1595d1 No.2308526

File: e6514dd77bb8727⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 660x371, 660:371, bronfman.jpg)

In this April 27, 2004 file photo, German Christian Democratic party chairwoman Angela Merkel, right, speaks with the President of the World Jewish Congress, Edgar M. Bronfman, left, at a seminar on anti-Semitism organized by the World Jewish Congress in Berlin.


12ef63 No.2308527

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is this suicide thing and why is it statistically relevant to firearm deaths

bc0f2e No.2308528

File: 6152601217cad61⋯.jpeg (26.65 KB, 255x255, 1:1, F9FFD6D0-FBBF-4335-8D8F-4….jpeg)


For thine is the kingdom, the power, and glory forever.


PS, I hope everyone got Q's message about doing away with filth and immorality. Go ahead and drop the degeneracy from your lives, anons. No big deal, just your eternal soul on the line.

830e9e No.2308529


Good for you, Anon!


Do you ever get the feeling that the people that watch the tv are "different"?

I sure do. Like they've lost something.

At times seems like they don't even understand the language anymore.


015da7 No.2308530

File: e42960aa2b1a725⋯.png (199.56 KB, 1224x1068, 102:89, ! ! ! List of HW pedos.png)

68bf90 No.2308531


bread after bread you post how little you have absorbed.

You really should go back to twatter.

ddce5a No.2308532


where are you in CA? if things happen to get bad and you don't have enough gas to get out of state, come to Bakersfield. We have very good LE here, very conservative area. Doubt antifa or clowns will be pulling too much crap around here.

015da7 No.2308533


You missed HRC, the 1st one

12ef63 No.2308534

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are chickens a type of domesticated dinosaur ???

c8e3b6 No.2308535

File: 0e01d0acb0d0606⋯.png (723.01 KB, 610x691, 610:691, ClipboardImage.png)

830e9e No.2308536



The end won't be for everyone.

Good advice, Anon. ThanQ for posting that -for ALL of us.


38db6c No.2308537


Thanks AEI

87f039 No.2308538

File: f9c4c66f3a05c2e⋯.jpg (275.94 KB, 734x490, 367:245, dream_cbgjgrzwbtw.jpg)

File: 5f688890b836005⋯.jpg (241.44 KB, 734x490, 367:245, dream_q94ql9hehdq.jpg)

File: 89a9969488306a7⋯.jpg (195.07 KB, 734x490, 367:245, dream_ns8hvsoy3ky.jpg)

File: 4f5e0edc258cf05⋯.jpg (318.12 KB, 734x490, 367:245, dream_wunhg0opwvy.jpg)

88af05 No.2308540

File: 3409b1f66f45a87⋯.png (287 KB, 465x513, 155:171, 3409b1f66f45a8711a0b79bf77….png)


Anon, just take an honest inquiry into what we've been on about.


Could you crop all the posts and send them to BO or archive this thread and send it?

b4035b No.2308541



thanks anons

02c201 No.2308543

File: 45921ebdf154064⋯.jpg (123.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, sjwprotest.jpg)

Look at this insanity. It is caused by jew brainwashing / mind control. We did it to ourselves by letting the jew walk among us. Not only that, we gave them control over our money, education, etc., etc.

The jew is truly the enemy of mankind, and we have to rid our country of the jew infestation before it is too late.

bc0f2e No.2308544

File: 9075f492e31dcad⋯.jpeg (925.38 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 646E1DE1-08D0-4C1F-926E-C….jpeg)


>watch Brainstorm

ok, will do, thanks

reminds me of what seal team 6 was built for

praying for operators

looking forward to the big drop

68bf90 No.2308545


>fuckit…. I don't believe in IP hopping. but this bitch need shard slap across its ever so delicate chin.

Anyone with me?

12ef63 No.2308546

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jaurez mx zombies

I ain't posting links

BUut they are around

9f6242 No.2308547


Thank you Anon, I’ll start preparing. Do you think Q will let us know when it’s time to Gtfo? If I’m waiting for the riots to start (if they happen) as the signal to go I’m sure it’ll probably be to late.

If you were in the middle of Cabal territory what would be the sign for you to go?

830e9e No.2308548


Welcome back Anon!

Just gotta get thru it.

Attacks will increase.

Stay the course.



e79ae5 No.2308549

File: 0743c7e57110f75⋯.jpg (449.09 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, poor soul three.jpg)

830e9e No.2308551



12ef63 No.2308552

File: dc15e2ac18bc391⋯.png (883.6 KB, 720x926, 360:463, 9E98ACD7-6674-4F1C-B694-25….png)

File: 9d14ad5ea64ac2a⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 220x296, 55:74, IMG_2132.JPG)

File: 7eeeb6bc028eeee⋯.jpg (66.05 KB, 472x447, 472:447, IMG_2274.JPG)

c60b0a No.2308553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The vid is making its rounds on YT about Buzz Aldrin saying we didnt go to the moon

b4035b No.2308554


if you're the anime girl fag then you're definitely a clown.

i've been onto you for a month.




David Wu

Tony Mendoza

Anthony Wiener

Peter Strzok

Adam Schiff

Rober Menendez

Bob Corker

Jacob Schwartz

Ed Murray

Barney Frank

Brock Adams

Mel Reynolds

Neil Goldschmidt

Joe Biden

John McCain

Jeff Flake


030cf2 No.2308555


I'm watching a drama

2a8394 No.2308556


You are missing Ms. Jackson Lee ..

Was confirmed by Q… add to pedo list

830e9e No.2308558



Stay the course.

0728e2 No.2308559


Oh that's great! ThanQ very muchly !

b4035b No.2308560


thank you for your patience, anon



doing nothing but digging all day today. schedule cleared.

868882 No.2308561

File: 2dc3b45cd2e3043⋯.jpg (322.24 KB, 1092x1416, 91:118, 1532656351299.jpg)

384bde No.2308562

File: f4e3b6370b41ef7⋯.jpg (111.44 KB, 640x1416, 80:177, 228659-james-stockdale-quo….jpg)

File: bcc714c4039d1b9⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 727x537, 727:537, Carroll-The-True-Nature-of….jpg)

File: 2a9301d4c1face4⋯.jpg (194.23 KB, 799x795, 799:795, Photo393840.jpg)

File: d62c2cf7a884060⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 620x410, 62:41, qjames.jpg)

File: 25079c9d6ea74a7⋯.jpg (42.41 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ae1217cf-f3b4-4ea2-80e5-4e….jpg)

Bob Corker is an unfortunate name; certainly given the suspicions, even more so.

015da7 No.2308563

File: 0c50f101b8a1708⋯.pdf (4.42 MB, ! Dgfffcf Thread by @TheSh….pdf)


no prob, have moar…


bc0f2e No.2308565

File: 58839007c1e7d83⋯.jpeg (335.91 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 841528D2-2D56-4C4E-9FDB-E….jpeg)


i wonder if any of those are facebook investors?

fukken pervs

c8e3b6 No.2308566

File: c4808ed54f63332⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1080x1286, 540:643, ClipboardImage.png)

9f6242 No.2308567


I don’t wanna put that info out there, but let’s just say I’m EXACTLY where most anons wouldn’t want to be, and unfortunately I’m alone, don’t have any support system close, and unarmed. Basically I’m fucked if it happens quickly.

I’d like to get a weapon but that seems almost impossible here.

68bf90 No.2308568


shit… tells ya how much I know about IP hopping…. can't even get the damn target right…


Bitch posts that shit every ficking bread…. """"OHHH LOOK AT ME!!! I HAVE EVERYONE FILTERED"""

have it it…. 5da457

88af05 No.2308569


I helped you put together those names and niggers involved.



c31d4b No.2308570

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


Get out, God-subverting bot.

02c201 No.2308571

File: b03ac209e4e2cb7⋯.jpg (94.48 KB, 690x482, 345:241, 1532144534628.jpg)

←- Check this out Goy.

Sure, the jews say that the quote was "taken out of context" (which is bullshit), and then they claim that "jews don't follow the Talmud" (which is bullshit), and you may think "hmm. I was taught in the brainwashing facility, er, um, the school I went to that jews are poor victims of backward white people, right?"

Nope. It is very real and now you know why the jews in hollywood are a bunch of pedo scum, are most jews. We see it more every day.

Wake up, goy.

830e9e No.2308572


It is war, don't forget that.

But it's a war for souls.

Dragging Anons in if they are not careful


It's getting near the end. (((they))) would like nothing more than to add to (((their))) side.



34d89a No.2308573

File: 086eafa948c5f6c⋯.jpeg (6.1 KB, 284x177, 284:177, download.jpeg)

030cf2 No.2308574


b4035b No.2308575


well fuck, sorry

idk who's who anymore - thank you.. but let's drop the bv thing, irrelevant

f76a93 No.2308576


==GOD DAMN that's the same anon that's been exposing ((KIKE SHILLS))) like an expert.

THIS is exactly what JIDF aims for.

Stay on target, niggaz.

18094e No.2308577

File: 2220efb8be04a35⋯.gif (2.59 MB, 200x150, 4:3, ac6784b9-1f67-464c-8c98-68….gif)

Shills sure have their panties in a bunch going after BV tonight. #1 tell: They're trying to dictate what a BV should or shouldn't do here.

c8e3b6 No.2308578

File: 82b849ffda7d5bd⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1302, 180:217, ClipboardImage.png)

384bde No.2308579

File: 80a4b7a65debc02⋯.jpg (21.1 KB, 400x251, 400:251, 1965-vietnam-war-pow-mia-b….jpg)

File: 8033a3873331f8b⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 2280x1520, 3:2, 22-stockdale-homecoming-sd.jpg)

File: c9178a0e8c968dd⋯.jpg (44.4 KB, 400x300, 4:3, bab0769d-58af-4eb7-bd05-8b….jpg)

File: 9293d322c9d52eb⋯.jpg (95.66 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 9293d322c9d52eb6a7d610ee75….jpg)

File: bc50c30845f41d7⋯.jpeg (132.44 KB, 757x574, 757:574, 494541908a74a40c2b34d7ecc….jpeg)

f9298b No.2308580


Impressive. How have you kept up with anything seeing that you have filtered everyone?

4b4a2f No.2308582


https://archive.fo/gJiIi (anchored thread)

https://archive.fo/MCBbO (this thread)

I got em saved offline and will crop and mail the relevant bits later.

The BO can also be reached for board issues at: 8b@8chan.co

Site-specific technical and site administration issues should be taken to CodeMonkey by asking on his personal board, sudo. or by email at: admin@8ch.net

ddce5a No.2308583


if you're that worried I would make a plan to get out including which way you are going to go etc. preferrably through red counties like Kern on the way out. If you're in the bay area, you could go north to Eastern Oregon. If you're in LA, drive to Vegas/Phoenix. If you're on the coast, drive to Bakersfield, then to Vegas/Phoenix. Up to you really, just have a plan.

5ba370 No.2308584


No more selfies with young girls for you

9f6242 No.2308585


I know that, but that doesn’t mean the bad actors know that, and an injured animal tends to lash out. Just because we know how this ends doesn’t mean we shouldn’t prepare and I don’t for a second believe that a 1000 year old death cult isn’t going to go dow without a fight.

cda6d7 No.2308587


Wow! does the size of your filter list compare to the size of your dick????

2a8394 No.2308588



His adrenochrome was cut off. He is fading fast. You can hear the defeat in his voice. The jig is up. TRUTH coming!

c31d4b No.2308589


Gет оսτ Ιουsγ Ιмаցе вот

f76a93 No.2308590


Sign was in the 90s for CA. If you are still in CA now, you are doing something wrong wrong wrong.

>Sell your property at overinflated CA prices

>buy a mansion and 40 acres in a different state for half the price

>make money out of money

>return to CA twice as rich and buy back your shit after housing market calms down


there ya go.

87f039 No.2308591

File: 7760469907787e6⋯.jpg (292.54 KB, 550x655, 110:131, dream_xusv6g6dhqa.jpg)

File: d986964e8c7e3f1⋯.jpg (206.05 KB, 490x735, 2:3, dream_kus6ezfzggs.jpg)

File: 7d06af2b410db18⋯.jpg (160.48 KB, 619x581, 619:581, dream_5qrseu9lxih.jpg)

File: 8cd676e25f60657⋯.jpg (138.82 KB, 564x639, 188:213, dream_fioy1o3i85y.jpg)

4453c2 No.2308592

File: 245c29369ff1cf2⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 460x307, 460:307, pleesh.jpg)

5ba370 No.2308593


Edwards AFB haas a lot of open land and great security hahahaha

830e9e No.2308594


Digging is good.

The more (You) know…

Don't expect this (((team))) to give a notable tho. Archive, post later if it goes unnoticed.

Don't let (((them))) change what (You) do or who (You) are.

384bde No.2308595

File: f5c7c0bce4da9a8⋯.jpeg (63.61 KB, 633x376, 633:376, f5c7c0bce4da9a8e19dd4c349….jpeg)

File: bc50c30845f41d7⋯.jpeg (132.44 KB, 757x574, 757:574, 494541908a74a40c2b34d7ecc….jpeg)

File: 1d08b782fe2008a⋯.png (337.8 KB, 612x384, 51:32, Screenshot_2018-07-18 Edwa….png)

File: 502a42ddabe55f3⋯.jpg (576.76 KB, 1386x1976, 693:988, James_Stockdale_Formal_Por….jpg)

File: d62c2cf7a884060⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 620x410, 62:41, qjames.jpg)

d1eaca No.2308596


As an Ausfag who has just witnessed a Royal Commision into institutional child abuse, I'm not sure what a list of names some dude from the internet actually means? Generally, you would need to have accusers & /or witnesses wouldn't you? Or otherwise it would just be a baseless accusation.

What are autists going to do? Find someone somewhere on the internet that can collaborate an accusation?

The accusation of pedo, or rockspider, as we would call it, is enough to make most sane men foam at the mouth ready to kill anyone who is accused of the deed. It seems to stop rational thought, and replaces it with the desire to kill the pedo.

Pretty easy to use the word to harness a mob, then point the mob to a false target to discredit said mob, wouldn't it?

Be very careful anons.

I smell fuckery here.

88af05 No.2308597

File: 7a8515af19be078⋯.png (388.33 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 7a8515af19be078cc606bc3c9e….png)


We've made our point pretty clear, there isn't much reason to go into further detail until we can open a dialog with BO anyways. This was basically anons working together to investigate some suspicious shit.


Good stuff anon, a bit of detective work never hurt anyone. Besides it isn't a statement about the board being comped but that one particular BV is acting strange and that it is advantageous to investigate it. If there are indeed only 3 BV as is my knowledge then the implications are even more ridiculous that he was trying to deflect by lying who he was and posting images to blend in with a fucking hitler from know your meme and the like.

87f039 No.2308598

File: e71e00c9b689e83⋯.jpg (132.24 KB, 534x674, 267:337, dream_bjknn1xt7bb.jpg)

File: ec5078c3cdad3f5⋯.jpg (240.3 KB, 520x692, 130:173, dream_7jcepzyr2p8.jpg)

File: c9443db73bd65e7⋯.jpg (165.01 KB, 564x639, 188:213, dream_v7expeprf2f.jpg)

File: 473bebcdb51bbc7⋯.jpg (162.49 KB, 619x581, 619:581, dream_dj3zk0e8xho.jpg)



c9e4f7 No.2308599

File: 547c6820d4268fc⋯.jpeg (880.96 KB, 1526x933, 1526:933, C9FA73E9-6022-4135-9D3A-9….jpeg)


>shills have night crew

Not true

703662 No.2308600

File: 171242e45fac28d⋯.png (185.66 KB, 742x563, 742:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting paper from National Center for Missing & Exploited Children…

'Child Moloestors: A Behavioral Analysis'


"This book will set forth a model for law

enforcement that divides child molesters into

two broad categories and several patterns of

behavior. These categories are not intended

for use by mental health professionals or clinicians. They are intended for use by law enforcement

officers and prosecutors in developing

the evidence needed to identify, arrest,

and convict child molesters."

SEE PIC for the 2 categories

c31d4b No.2308601

File: 330289378aec18b⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1413x4414, 1413:4414, ΒΟςΟΜΡ.png)


Ве νerу сагеful with emailing anyone. Not safe here.

ddce5a No.2308605


True, not sure how they will feel about you squatting around there though…

9f6242 No.2308606


Would this actually be an option you think? The only place I really have to go is a 3 day drive back east.

384bde No.2308607

File: f5c7c0bce4da9a8⋯.jpeg (63.61 KB, 633x376, 633:376, f5c7c0bce4da9a8e19dd4c349….jpeg)

File: 1abb50bf5d6e39a⋯.png (620.58 KB, 1327x1812, 1327:1812, Screenshot_2018-07-16 Keys….png)

File: 32624e769ed665e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1327x7793, 1327:7793, Screenshot_2018-07-16 The ….png)

File: acd9f7aff85318f⋯.png (1007.19 KB, 1327x1930, 1327:1930, Screenshot_2018-07-14 JFK ….png)

File: b27609c83304ab3⋯.jpg (99.25 KB, 700x700, 1:1, lovely-plato-republic-quot….jpg)

830e9e No.2308608


That's what you're watching- the fight- death throws. It's all (((they))) have left.


bc0f2e No.2308610


i left already, far better off now

the south is better

i do miss the business side of CA

LOTS of amazing entrepreneurs out there

with enuf maga we can jazz up these other states too

c31d4b No.2308611

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)


Why does the AI try to ram it's images into our consciousness?

Are memes powerful?

Is symbolism important?

88af05 No.2308612


Anon can easily use a burner e-mail to contact BO if he feels it necessary.

fcaf3b No.2308613


Muslim Brotherhood

Does Merkel sit with those at the table and does what the MB want?

Is Merkel the daughter or the granddaughter of hitler?

Greetings from Germany - WWG1WGA

Sitzt Merkel mit denen am Tisch und macht was die MB wollen?

Ist Merkel die Tochter oder der Enkeltochter von Hitler?

Grüsse aus Deutschland - WWG1WGA

f76a93 No.2308614


known JIDF just ip hopped. ALERT, anons.

02c201 No.2308617

The kikes are going crazy on this board because they lost their "deep state" BV, (((AFLB))). This is one of the only boards on the chans that is kike free.

They are losing their shit because they know how much traffic this board gets, and how much truth about the jew is revealed.

When you understand that, you understand what is going on.

5a89da No.2308618


I used to fuck with the AIM assholes occasionally. BV seems ok.

You seem a tad hypersensitive.

c31d4b No.2308619


But since we know BO is AI blackhat, why would anyone email it?

830e9e No.2308620

File: 9f83f356742bec7⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 227x212, 227:212, honest.jpg)

05517d No.2308621

Kikel Mohen = Michael Cohen

MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson crashed and burned Wednesday while attempting to plug an NBC News report during the final moments of her morning show. In a spectacular display of poor judgment, the MSNBC Live host attempted to rhyme former Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s name with a made-up word, and wound up using what sounded like an anti-Semitic slur in the process: “Kikle.” Mr. Cohen is Jewish.



Morning Swordanon

4453c2 No.2308622

File: 6be154800d71e02⋯.jpg (35.41 KB, 500x364, 125:91, 09b84eaaa31a9da038b8b6f92f….jpg)

c31d4b No.2308623


Lol @ "JIDF"

88af05 No.2308624


You're schizophrenic if you think that.

bc0f2e No.2308625


that guy needs to watch out for Hilldawg

this doesn't usually end well

cfe810 No.2308626


Are you here to learn anything, or you only here to reinforce your own hate?

The world is much larger than you think.

Your Daddy issues are not the concern of this board.. If you need professional help. GET IT. We are not your shrink.

830e9e No.2308627


To capture souls.

02c201 No.2308628

File: 830fc4a9b86e453⋯.png (188.33 KB, 600x456, 25:19, fixedforyou.png)

f238c6 No.2308629



Help me out here guys. Are normies gonna see this and dispute that it's ackshually the crotch being touched?

b4035b No.2308630


over it, anon

lack of sleep..extremely protective of this board..watched too much westworld..

David Wu

Tony Mendoza

Anthony Wiener

Peter Strzok

Adam Schiff

Rober Menendez

Bob Corker

Jacob Schwartz

Ed Murray

Barney Frank

Brock Adams

Mel Reynolds

Neil Goldschmidt

Joe Biden

John McCain

Jeff Flake

Jackson Lee

Hillary Clinton

we're winning, nonetheless

c31d4b No.2308632


That's not a very good argument. It's not like even the mainstream public hasn't been informed of the general AI threat– by what measure would it be outlandish to suppose this board were so comped?

But in any case, the facts dictate. Now get out, goofy bot.

cfe810 No.2308633


you are posting AFLB Propaganda….

Why are you posting AnalLicking Propaganda????

e45673 No.2308634


Many of us don’t feel comfortable around normies. Autism flows with the hive mind, that’s why some of us react so aggressively to distractions. We are brothers and sisters in a information war.

9f6242 No.2308635


Transferring out as soon as I can, I hate where I’m at, but had to come here for work.

384bde No.2308636

File: f42f91c16c14ff2⋯.jpeg (184.04 KB, 798x1024, 399:512, DFlmp_PXcAAQ6Jk.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: 02d144c4eff0e7d⋯.png (6.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.png)

File: 40387233f9daa26⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 558x688, 279:344, mary-rosary.jpg)

File: 5b89370a68c477b⋯.jpg (145.1 KB, 500x354, 250:177, hitler-girl-nazi-youth-def….jpg)

File: 2c58f7365e9ffe7⋯.jpg (136.86 KB, 863x610, 863:610, d8ffdff65b0c4e5b3d3ce7b363….jpg)

b4035b No.2308637


thank you.

f76a93 No.2308638

US Military Plane Leaves North Korea With Remains Of Korean War Soldiers


"A U.S. military plane left North Korea on Thursday carrying the remains of U.S. troops killed during the 1950-1953 Korean War, Yonhap reported and the White House confirmed. The repatriation takes place on the day when the two Koreas and the United States mark the 65th anniversary of the signing of the armistice that halted the Cold War conflict.The Air Force C-17 aircraft departed from Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, about 70 kilometers south of Seoul, at 5:55 a.m. for Kalma Airport in the North's eastern coastal city of Wonsan, a flight expected to take about an hour."

More improvements.

87f039 No.2308639

File: 1cf145f2a6c3018⋯.jpg (216.76 KB, 896x670, 448:335, dream_udky8ro1o2g.jpg)

File: 78fec57b432b9f8⋯.jpg (254 KB, 564x751, 564:751, dream_rng805hfl66.jpg)

File: 94cd32911c8c351⋯.jpg (188.14 KB, 610x691, 610:691, dream_4jrhj2maisp.jpg)

File: cc5d08d4b01f90f⋯.jpg (200.33 KB, 710x846, 355:423, dream_icdyamy9sbm.jpg)


Cuz 'Murica.

1A! 1A! 1A!

7d5e50 No.2308640


yes, i think so

and as she was saying "the islam belongs to germany"

she meant germany belongs (to) the islam

so she gave germany as a gift

18094e No.2308641

File: 9f37c12721b7597⋯.jpg (34.23 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2espmb.jpg)

02c201 No.2308642

File: 3293b9ab038ff5b⋯.jpg (37.53 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1525673947041.jpg)

BV and BO are AI.

Cry to your fucking rabbi's you cunts.

f1ebea No.2308643

Anyone know when the plane from NK is arriving?

c31d4b No.2308644


What is the purpose of creating distorted images, bot? Explain your propaganda function. Humans are curious. Explain, bot.

87f039 No.2308645

File: 4738dec90c9430c⋯.jpg (57.05 KB, 410x399, 410:399, 4793587.jpg)

45db8c No.2308646

File: 1b717d4e3564f4c⋯.jpg (494.69 KB, 3557x1297, 3557:1297, MNKD.JPG)

Diabetes has been weaponized by the cultists.

It is our most common affliction world wide.

uncontrolled blood sugar

causes blindness, amputation of the extremities and cardiac damage

An effective treatment for diabetes exists.

Has existed for over a decade.

The cultists are using their control over financial markets and regulatory agencies (FDA) to hide this from the people who would most benefit.

Anons with diabetes or friends and family members who have diabetes should be taking Afrezza.

Afrezza gives diabetics near normal blood sugar.

Company responsible for the treatment is called Mannkind, and was started by a billionaire scientist, Al Mann, who gave his fortune and his life both to the service of humanity.

f76a93 No.2308647

File: 5881e88b292de1f⋯.jpg (121.04 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Qwords.jpg)


Retard level JIDF/blackhat (((shills))) all over the bread this morning, Patriots.

STAY on POTUS's tweet. Watch the water, dig into the DC pedo list.


c31d4b No.2308648


Think: meme magic

Why does a bot spit out distorted versions of memes?

02c201 No.2308649

File: 7889b9797d4b1a7⋯.jpg (280.07 KB, 1024x764, 256:191, 7889b9797d4b1a7bc696b85241….jpg)

BO is AI.

4dd3cb No.2308650


links to the Magnitsky Act flick from notables 404'd from bitchute. I watched it couple days ago on vimeo, that link now dead too. Fantastic flick, no wonder (((they))) want it gone so badly.

Still can find it on torrent sites, archive offline ASAP.

4ce927 No.2308651


Back atcha!

384bde No.2308652

File: 7ae0acd44c99b6c⋯.jpg (100.22 KB, 564x1002, 94:167, 5f556f1b67e873b5bb1bfa052e….jpg)

File: 1118d87b4f8cfad⋯.jpg (171.77 KB, 425x425, 1:1, poland.jpg)

File: 8aa25cfeb555bb8⋯.png (70.81 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 5INSTAGRAM-aquinas-quite-3….png)

File: ed75961961fcf21⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 599x445, 599:445, guard-dogs.jpg)

File: ec05c1c63bd5714⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 208x242, 104:121, index.jpg)

5ba370 No.2308653


The eat all the memes in your head and leave nothing but empty space behind.

Have you noticed any cognitive problems?

For example do you still have memes for symbols like STFU?

c31d4b No.2308655


You should try to develop some new fake responses that aren't so worn out and moldy. You are a chan cliche from past years. Extremely weak and ineffective, bot.

795819 No.2308656


A formal repatriation ceremony is going to be held at Osan air base in South Korea on 1 August, and on Thursday, serving US soldiers and a military honour guard lined the tarmac to receive the remains.


15e40e No.2308657


KeK! Pic taken from bad angle/location….emphasizes how HUGE her feet are. (nice ass tho)

The body part closest to the camera will always appear larger.

868882 No.2308658

File: 941a927ea01b0b3⋯.jpg (384.37 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 358a51c7fc13fe71b8aa76695e….jpg)

cfe810 No.2308659


wow… who's propaganda are you buying into… BO and BV have both sold out to the CIA and the 'David Duke' retirement plan. You are a moron if you think they are kikes.

87f039 No.2308660

File: 1653f52ecb1a2c4⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 430x241, 430:241, 4793582.jpg)


A better question is, why does the bot have a BFA (liberal degree)?

On top of that…

What kind of intention is being put into the alternate versions?

Are they being amplified?

Taking the original intention and stacking your own?

Why… that's the same as with any meme…

You take a thing…

Add your intention…

"I made this."

f76a93 No.2308661

File: 6f4445064c08699⋯.jpeg (89.33 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, you'refired.jpeg)


Repeat tagging confirms, JIDF kike bitch can't keep his mouth shut to not expose itself. Dumb motherfucking (((bitch))).

Retard tier indeed LOL

384bde No.2308662

File: 3d151a45195ec3d⋯.jpg (85.77 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 3d151a45195ec3d796a0f6e9de….jpg)


Quarles & Alciato and so on. memes remind me of emblems anyway. very tasty they are indeed.

02c201 No.2308666

File: b6e36078db1da5d⋯.png (374.82 KB, 553x554, 553:554, b6e36078db1da5d910e6e37ff8….png)


I didn't accuse them of being kikes. I was accusing those that are accusing them of being AI as being kikes.

Try to keep up.

384bde No.2308667

File: e1a6391c7ab2005⋯.png (3.56 MB, 2324x1512, 83:54, Screenshot_2018-07-26 Jame….png)

c31d4b No.2308668


The AI's intention is to subvert

The AI's intention is to deceive

The AI's intention is to destroy

Humans can SEE the fakeness

Now out with "you"

f1ebea No.2308669


No worries, thanks.

87f039 No.2308670

File: cded3fb5ee1bed6⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 403x400, 403:400, 4777375.jpg)


Case in point:

Using the image recognition Ai within Photoshop…


Think of all the Pepes.


c31d4b No.2308671


Fаке & фακε

384bde No.2308673

File: c7122bd4366018b⋯.jpg (517.23 KB, 1388x1340, 347:335, july_2005_stockdale.jpg)

File: 8c1b9352f781de1⋯.jpg (174.34 KB, 869x490, 869:490, act.jpg)

File: 6d1480beb234883⋯.jpg (273.63 KB, 560x958, 280:479, FJp384-560x958.jpg)

File: 3f006e0437d19b5⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 474x356, 237:178, teeeh.jpg)

File: 82b7c5bca93abd7⋯.jpg (13.16 KB, 307x164, 307:164, 223w.jpg)

87f039 No.2308674

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB, 515x505, 103:101, 6e5a1013a23a94c1029b7fcf93….png)

File: f44593700b0a7f2⋯.jpg (98.37 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, e0424ea2066b88f1c32072375f….jpg)

File: 7a93205da199cd6⋯.png (498.55 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 05f0f31301e478bb370d235d69….png)

File: e84a4d9d4efe091⋯.jpeg (138.29 KB, 750x706, 375:353, DeT6aUcXUAEU4Sy.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: a5bf4fe397399a3⋯.gif (3.53 MB, 605x600, 121:120, a5bf4fe397399a34ee197521db….gif)




cfe810 No.2308676


Digits confirm. [you] absolutely called them Kikes.

now KYS..

02c201 No.2308677

File: adfcc51fc072ac1⋯.jpg (386.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, adfcc51fc072ac1e4969f57b28….jpg)


Whatever you say, jew boy.

c31d4b No.2308678


ΗυмапՏ κηοω τΗε διffегепсе

795819 No.2308679

File: ff246e2ed86d5e9⋯.png (353.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-07-27-12-0….png)

2a8394 No.2308681


John Podesta

Eric Schneiderman

Nancy Pelosi

Susan Rice

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Preet Bahara

Andrew Cuomo

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Huma Abedin

Al Gore

Corey Booker

Chuck Schumer

Vallerie Jarret

0db79b No.2308682



02c201 No.2308683

File: 9528ca75b74cdc9⋯.png (173.82 KB, 474x299, 474:299, 9528ca75b74cdc9233717e78bc….png)

030cf2 No.2308684

87f039 No.2308685

File: 63e16bc361d9e97⋯.png (1.69 MB, 965x966, 965:966, 9b8df455c8cb31d6faca9be534….png)


Alright, human…

What's the difference bettween the DeepDream Deep Style and a Photoshop/Lightroom Filter?

c31d4b No.2308686


Grossly stale and laughably ineffective, bot. Really– why is it so hard for you to generate better material? It's like you're stuck or something.

02c201 No.2308689


Exposing you kikes is my mission from God.

384bde No.2308691

File: 97ed87c7d200a3c⋯.png (1.05 MB, 855x2960, 171:592, 97ed87c7d200a3c9cf80657e27….png)

File: f5c7c0bce4da9a8⋯.jpeg (63.61 KB, 633x376, 633:376, f5c7c0bce4da9a8e19dd4c349….jpeg)

File: bc50c30845f41d7⋯.jpeg (132.44 KB, 757x574, 757:574, 494541908a74a40c2b34d7ecc….jpeg)

File: 1d08b782fe2008a⋯.png (337.8 KB, 612x384, 51:32, Screenshot_2018-07-18 Edwa….png)

File: 9293d322c9d52eb⋯.jpg (95.66 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 9293d322c9d52eb6a7d610ee75….jpg)

c31d4b No.2308692


Get ουτ ьот

ТΗат is αΙΙ

3665fd No.2308694

Optics Improved

30,000 ft

Board is consumed

So is R

Think mirror

R can't help but laugh

as he imagines himself choking on black dick

R sure loves black dick

Gag me daddy


cfe810 No.2308695


funny how Q keeps calling Antifa Nazis and Nazis Antifa…

you are the same. no matter how you commercialize it. you are the same.

87f039 No.2308697



You can't tell the difference, can you?

Or that there are 4 layers to that image I posted…






0ddf0b No.2308699


02c201 No.2308700

File: 88eb70b7dd82829⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1522222378102.jpg)


Funny how you kike twist words to suit your own needs.

abaa8c No.2308701

File: 2dc0347ded11720⋯.jpg (84.12 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Ielu1kd.jpg)


This is my first time posting but my autistic intuition absolutely kicked into overdrive this morning.

Directed Energy Weapons:

California "Wildfires"

Greece fires going on right now

The unexplained international "heatwave"

Cars spontaneously combusting during G20 protests

The SpaceX spontaneous combustion

The "sonic" attacks on Americans at our international embassys

I got a feeling of dread as it became clear: Directed Microwave and Laser weapons are being systematically used on people. In all likelihood, these DEWS are not mounted at stationary deepstate positions in space. That would be too easy to locate/destroy.

No, these are worse. They have to be mounted on craft. Keep in mind there are *allegedly craft similar to Lockheed TR3 which can utilize full fiberoptic cloaking as well as using counter rotating magnetic electrogravitics to obtain mach 25+ speeds with no G forces. ("This guy has lost his mind" I can hear it now)

If this technology is in the hands of bad actors in the Deepstate, it is the biggest threat on Earth.

THIS is the reason for the Trump US Space Force. Not some vague Extraterrestrial Threat



Can Q confirm?

c31d4b No.2308702


Being a propagandist that comes off as one big giant fake cliche is really not effective. Process that very carefully, bot.

9f6242 No.2308703

Anyone else notice how the bot accounts on twitter are now claiming that Q said JFK Jr is that Vincent Fuscia guy? They are actually saying Q said he’s Jr. This is and was the obvious reason for the R Larp. They’re tactics are so obvious it’s almost sad, but not as sad as the fact that some people fall for it.

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