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File: 0c06eb4698ef042⋯.png (1.21 MB,1200x800,3:2,storm_shift.png)

acff91 No.22243500 [Last50 Posts]

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acff91 No.22243501

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acff91 No.22243502


#27211 >>22241735

>>22241927 Michael Goodwin: All of Team Joe aidedin the Big Lie — now the world knows the truth of the Biden crime family

>>22241946 ICYMI: @DanScavino Credit Score Judgement


>>22241972, >>22242001, >>22242006, >>22242013 YOU HAVE 2 AGENDAS ATM hint not Visas

>>22242141 Morgan McSweeney is an Irish political aide who has served as the Downing Street Chief of Staff

>>22242168 They want to 14th Amendment Trump before the inauguration

>>22242173, >>22242234 Refresher: THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

>>22242189, >>22242246 Krebs on Security aka CISA (not in the constitution) and DHS (not in the constitution) are gaslighting America

>>22242221 Pork producers in America have been administering mRNA-based gene therapy to pigs secretly???

>>22242290 The Reckoning in Higher Education: Why Linda McMahon As Secretary of Education Has Academia Shaking

>>22242296 Hertz’s EV debacle exposes the green tyranny scam

>>22242313, >>22242327 Drone sightings a DISTRACTION from the Deep State’s plan to use suitcase nukes???

>>22242356 Kamala Harris to Certify Trump’s Winon January 6 After The Hill Sets Internet Ablaze with Insurrection Plan

>>22242360 Hapag-Lloyd US Port Strike Surcharges To Go Into Effect Same Day As Trump Inauguration

>>22242378 Dayle Haddon dies in suspected carbon monoxide leak at Hallmark star's Pennsylvania home

>>22242436 US and UK planning terrorist attacks on Russian bases in Syria

>>22242535 TS highjacked accounts

>>22242602 O’Leary: Canada and U.S.Together ‘Would Be the Most Powerful Country on Earth’

>>22242642 #27211

#27210 >>22240939

>>22241095 The U.S. Air Force Keeps Pulling Old B-1B Lancer Bombers from the ‘Boneyard’

>>22241135, >>22241172, >>22241200 How are these people looking up jobs that are h1b visas? What's the website?

>>22241235 Ninth American telecoms firm hit by a massive espionage campaign that gave Chinese officials access to private texts, phone calls

>>22241723 #27210

#27209 >>22240187

>>22240463 Trump asks Supreme Court to delay TikTok law

>>22240524 First Supertanker to Be Scrapped in Two Years Is a Dark Ship

>>22240668 A person has been “set on fire” near the escalator at Penn Station in New York City, per multiple reports

>>22240677 Man With Burns on His Body Is Rescued at Penn Station, Police Say

>>22240847 @elonmusk - The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B. Take a big step back and F*** YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.

>>22240926 #27209

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acff91 No.22243503

#27208 >>22239415

>>22239448 EU state threatens Ukraine with power cuts

>>22239587 Legendary Sports Broadcaster Greg Gumbel Dies at 78 Following Cancer Battle

>>22239625 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton just blocked the Biden regime from auctioning off any more border wall materials before President Trump takes office.

>>22239642 Dark secret in the last unsealed JFK files that could make Donald Trump regret his vow to finally release them

>>22239657 DEVELOPING: Graphic Bodycam Footage Released of New York Correctional Officers Beating Prisoner to Death

>>22239829 Crossfire Hurricane FOIA, get this in the notables, fuck download the fuck outta it.

>>22239911 @elonmusk - The “contemptible fools” I’m referring to are those in the Republican Party who are hateful, unrepentant racists.

>>22240169 #27208

#27207 >>22238484

>>22238501, >>22238506 Baker change

>>22238500 Jewish Florida State Rep. Hilary Cassel says she’s switching to the Republican Party

>>22238510 Judge Rules Fani Willis Can Be Forced to Testify Under Oath About Crimes She Committed During RICO Lawfare Case Against Trump

>>22238514 January 6 Political Prisoners Launch Historic $50 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Against DOJ

>>22238518 US to send $1.25 billion in weapons to Ukraine, pushing to get aid out before Biden leaves office

>>22238523 Pelosi's 'House Ethics Committee' Caught in Multiple Staggering Lies in Gaetz Report

>>22238614, >>22238657 @elonmusk - How the U.S. Government Spent your Tax Dollars in 2024

>>22238655 Homelessness in the U.S. Hits Highest Level on Record as Billions of Dollars Are Sent to Foreign Nations

>>22238691 Musk accused of muzzling critics of his migration agenda (RT)

>>22238722 Attempted home invasion in Bradenton FL. — homeowner starts shooting, killing one of the intruders. Both of the suspects are Chilean nationals.

>>22238821, Inside how the Capitol Police has changed since Jan. 6, 2021

>>22238856 Tucker interviews everyone on election night at Mar Lago

>>22238885 Hospitals brace for federal cuts in 2025

>>22238907 "l didn't want to hire any boring 50 year old white guys to design the submersible. They're not inspirational and bring nothing new to the table" CEO Stockton Rush

>>22238928 👀 Tucker is Horrified to Learn How Aborted Fetal Tissue is Used in the Development of Some Vaccines, Reveals His Child is Vaccine Injured


>>22239000 @elonmusk - The H1-B program should be reserved for people who would address an important shortfall of domestic expertise. There is some degree of fraud and considerable incompetence in every government program and H1-B is no exception. That fraud and incompetence need to be fixed throughout the government.

>>22239189 Here We Go Again! The Latest Attack on Democracy and Our Right to Vote

>>22239400 #27207

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acff91 No.22243504

Previously Collected

>>22237566 #27205, >>22238457 #27206

>>22234669 #27202, >>22235830 #27203, >>22236725 #27204

>>22231839 #27199, >>22232922 #27200, >>22233883 #27201

>>22228462 #27196, >>22229243 #27197, >>22230843 #27198

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #26: High Hopes >>22083727

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acff91 No.22243505

File: cc64ba040ba124c⋯.png (401.02 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)




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6c8b02 No.22243506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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781543 No.22243507

File: 29627b5379dc493⋯.png (91 KB,240x352,15:22,ClipboardImage.png)

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06218c No.22243508

File: a7c00eb79808689⋯.png (1.15 MB,693x923,693:923,ClipboardImage.png)


>New Photo Shows Biden With Hunter's Business Associates #China


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4c8d3f No.22243509

Canada will have 1 billion Pajeets by the time it becomes the 51st state.

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704f5d No.22243510

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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704f5d No.22243512

File: c86f26450eb2c5a⋯.png (198.57 KB,568x425,568:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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620607 No.22243513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MIA Reveals Her Torture At Jay Z & Beyonce's HANDS | They Destroyed Her

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acff91 No.22243514

File: cc64ba040ba124c⋯.png (401.02 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2a3ac6b3eca0e5⋯.png (117.54 KB,641x511,641:511,ClipboardImage.png)

New Photo Shows Biden With Hunter's Business Associates Despite Past Denials


“I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the Chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

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a777c6 No.22243515

>>22243356 LB

>0.1% of engineering talent


Who's counting the talent?

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6ed00b No.22243516

File: 94d1d06968bc85e⋯.png (53.81 KB,888x959,888:959,ClipboardImage.png)


>New Photo Shows Biden With Hunter's Business Associates


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08f31a No.22243517

File: 388d5af6f0ad436⋯.png (286.61 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d2f7c0a6852f96⋯.png (488.68 KB,667x374,667:374,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2a4d2e7ab101dc⋯.png (762.91 KB,975x500,39:20,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd2ed153bce2047⋯.png (536.92 KB,524x500,131:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f9e99 No.22243518

File: 44f4bc461ec55e4⋯.jpg (74.58 KB,500x500,1:1,9f1dc5.jpg)

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704f5d No.22243520

File: 9759a527d72a26b⋯.png (260.36 KB,568x699,568:699,ClipboardImage.png)

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a777c6 No.22243521

>>22243392 LB

The talent is there.

-Maybe they weren't given a chance.

-Maybe they don't want to work 100hours a week.

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5f9e99 No.22243523

File: cd1b3d3a77300ad⋯.jpg (74.43 KB,500x671,500:671,9f2cma.jpg)


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769652 No.22243524

File: a804c1f55ebb2ee⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB,1330x1242,665:621,IMG_7015.jpeg)

Biden’s legacy

Record homelessness

Almost 20% of Americans are homeless…..holy shit


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620607 No.22243525

File: 93ae51f2cb72155⋯.jpg (65.36 KB,1200x800,3:2,elon_musk_1499013102_32146….jpg)

File: 380baa4847f2896⋯.jpg (99.57 KB,728x567,104:81,0201_jay_z_rock_sign_3.jpg)

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8789a3 No.22243526

File: 76f1f4e59a8a8c2⋯.jpg (34.66 KB,564x564,1:1,pepeSUIT.jpg)

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337c19 No.22243527


is that the paper planes singer?

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704f5d No.22243528

File: f966931601d3069⋯.png (276.75 KB,568x814,284:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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a777c6 No.22243529


Might be reaching a bit…..

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6f8491 No.22243530

File: 8541409c303c361⋯.png (179.13 KB,1338x214,669:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f9e99 No.22243531

File: ea5150400126d1d⋯.jpg (82.21 KB,578x457,578:457,9f0rq8.jpg)

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6c8b02 No.22243533

File: d2f482b39549e98⋯.png (2.37 MB,933x925,933:925,gh.PNG)


all must make the climb

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620607 No.22243534

File: 28b89348f06a2bd⋯.mp4 (4.22 MB,480x854,240:427,snoop_was_diddled_snoopdog….mp4)

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3192fc No.22243535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Leviticus 23:22

King James Version

22 And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am the Lord your God.

James 1:27

King James Version

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

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3b2ff8 No.22243536

>>22243167 lb

Did Elon discover anything or was he informed about Jack Dorsey and Rizvi Traverse Management when he took on Twitter? Suhail Rizvi….

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a777c6 No.22243537


So H1b is a trafficking angle.

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5f9e99 No.22243538

File: 9e0353a6416020e⋯.jpg (52.04 KB,550x458,275:229,9f0sj3.jpg)

But I paid muh 8 dollars!

Chip me elon.

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8789a3 No.22243539

File: 27a9bec898b3606⋯.png (101.1 KB,592x782,296:391,whiteDISCRIMINATION.png)

File: ac977200a3e9b35⋯.jpg (82.09 KB,723x1024,723:1024,whiteDISCRIMINATION2.jpg)


>-Maybe they weren't given a chance.

they discriminated against indigenous workers

>-Maybe they don't want to work 100hours a week.

you have to understand that an American worker can quit and get another job…a foreign worker on a visa cannot. so they are literally indentured servants if they want to stay in America

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704f5d No.22243540

File: eb96de3fbac97f3⋯.png (347.93 KB,568x710,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f170 No.22243541


Ride Captain Ride

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6f8491 No.22243542

File: b26dc16a0030811⋯.png (100.28 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6fb82 No.22243543

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37e4fd No.22243544

Anything can be abused.

H-1-B has rules

Fact Sheet #62O: Must an H-1B employer recruit U.S. workers before seeking H-1B workers?

July 2009

This fact sheet provides general information concerning recruitment required for use of the H-1B program.

The H-1B employer is not required to recruit U.S. workers, unless it is H-1B dependent (see WH Fact Sheet #62C), a previous willful violator of H-1B requirements (see WH Fact Sheet #62S), or an employer receiving funding described in the Employ American Workers Act (EAWA) which hires a new H-1B worker during the period Feb. 17, 2009 through Feb. 16, 2011, (see WH Fact Sheet #62Z).

Such employers must take good faith steps to recruit U.S. workers for any job for which they seek H-1B workers.


Now look at Mar A Lago

What is the H1B Approval Rate for The Mar A Lago Club ?

The Mar A Lago Club filed 0 LCAs in fiscal year 2024, of which 0 were approved and 0 were denied. Also, The Mar A Lago Club filed 0 with USCIS and 0 were approved and 0 were denied. The H1B LCA Approval rate ≈N/A%. The USCIS H1B petitions approval rate ≈ N/A%

Does The Mar A Lago Club Sponsor H1B Visa?

Yes, The Mar A Lago Club sponsors H1B Visa. The above sections on this page show the complete H1B Sponsorship data for The Mar A Lago Club. They filed a total of 0 LCAs in fiscal year 2024 with US Department of Labor. For additional H1B sponsorship data for The Mar A Lago Club on the job titles, approvals, and salaries they sponsored, check the relevant tabs on this page.

Trump practices what he preaches. He Hires Americans first, hence ZERO H-1-B's employed at Mar A Lago


H-1-B's are fine unless the employer abuses the law. this apply s to many things.

Sometimes you have to show them

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3192fc No.22243545


psychiatrists don't give a fuck about your service

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704f5d No.22243546

File: 5c1885565e31cc5⋯.png (409.04 KB,568x550,284:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f170 No.22243547

File: 52bbd5e6a301e11⋯.png (603.75 KB,1280x914,640:457,ClipboardImage.png)

I think there’s a method behind the Elon/Vivek H-1B madness…

Fact is, the Deep State has intentionally dumbed down our educational system, chiseled away at Christian culture, incentivized out-sourcing manufacturing overseas, weaponized the DOJ, destroyed energy independence & flooded our country with illegals (who take jobs from Americans & drive-down wages).

THEY are the enemy.

I have zero doubt that Trump, Elon & Vivek are well-aware of the problem & know EXACTLY who’s responsible for creating it. I think they started the #H1B conversation to bring our attention to it — & have a plan to fix it.

#AmericaFirst means a government, immigration & business system based on MERIT, not DEI or EQUITY — & certainly NOT on hiring illegals for low-pay that depresses American wages.

Our country was built on the belief that anyone can make it with hard work & dedication. Meritocracy is how we return to the principles that will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain: fairness, hard work & opportunity for all.

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4ee76d No.22243548

File: 20782b367ec5594⋯.jpeg (48.82 KB,410x680,41:68,IMG_8952.jpeg)

Per Grok, Elon is lying about his own personal Visa. Kek. You can’t make this up!

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36bbea No.22243549

it's crazy that we've been waiting for nearly a decade now

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781543 No.22243551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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769652 No.22243552

File: 48a15b432d36a69⋯.jpeg (76.78 KB,720x680,18:17,IMG_2375.jpeg)


Obviously, “Jack” wasn’t following orders, so Q canned him and brought Musk in to make everyone all starry eyed over Mr. High Tech

Fuck Nuerlink

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6f8491 No.22243553

File: 6b64f940f79757f⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,720x900,4:5,happysomething.mp4)

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8789a3 No.22243554

File: 7cbd595525e6f03⋯.jpg (66.53 KB,913x1328,11:16,MUSK2018WTF.jpg)


>So H1b is a trafficking angle.

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5f9e99 No.22243555

File: 663c32af6b0e3cd⋯.jpg (61.22 KB,570x346,285:173,9f2dmm.jpg)

File: 8718ccd42b991e4⋯.jpg (62.6 KB,500x518,250:259,9f2e13.jpg)

Let's let the idiot savant off his self fucking hookp

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fea75a No.22243556

File: 54020cc859fb512⋯.jpeg (94.17 KB,664x531,664:531,54020cc859fb512a4fc84af53….jpeg)

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b6fb82 No.22243557


>Elon/Vivek H-1B

They both use it to depress American wages and hire foreign slaves

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6ed00b No.22243558

File: 6dc4e9537eb5d4b⋯.png (8.66 KB,306x443,306:443,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ride Captain Ride

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6f8491 No.22243559


>H-1-B has rules

kek….rules for who, exactly?

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769652 No.22243560


Kek…..MUSK is a liar

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dc4580 No.22243561

File: 8ee8745eed15234⋯.png (30.69 KB,756x341,756:341,_2017_11_30_Q_Post_239_The….png)


>>22243477 (lb)

>>22243483 (lb)

>>22243486 (lb)

His "work" was then continued byThe Asia Foundation, i.e., there's a reason Q told Anons to dig intoThe Asia Foundation, a group that was created by the Clowns in 1951. . . .

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a777c6 No.22243562




Methods of trafficking:

-coyotes (border)


-Bidan Admin undocumented flights into this country

-what other methods could they use?

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c787a1 No.22243563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is anyone onthe board talking about thisHoney Scam??Many Youtube influences were shilling this and they scammed billions out of people and say they provide you with coupons but the company that uses them can limit what coupons you're allowed to use. Oh it is aPAYPAL Company–so Paypal Scammed Everyone== this is huge


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d4703e No.22243564

File: 71de67521c72ab5⋯.png (443.6 KB,598x602,299:301,ClipboardImage.png)

Hegseth Shares Powerful Christmas Message with Stark Warning for America’s Enemies

Christ is Born. The Savior of the World. (Also, a reminder to our enemies: America was willing to cross a frozen river in the middle of the night on Christmas of 1776 to defeat you. And we still are.) pic.twitter.com/gFD0wmCUWU


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6fa9ba No.22243565

File: 855232257e537f2⋯.png (1.15 MB,1284x672,107:56,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 984131ff2ba25d1⋯.png (193.42 KB,967x311,967:311,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Posts Bizarre Truth Social Message Allegedly Directed at Elon Musk — Claims Bill Gates Requested Mar-a-Lago Meeting

President-elect Donald Trump dropped a cryptic message on Truth Social Friday, claiming Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates had requested to visit Mar-a-Lago while seemingly directing a personal message to Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk.

“Where are you? When are you coming to the “Center of the Universe,” Mar-a-Lago. Bill Gates asked to come, tonight. We miss you and x! New Year’s Eve is going to be AMAZING!!! DJT,” the post read.

The cryptic note has left pundits and the public wondering: Was this message intended for tech billionaire Elon Musk? The phrase “We miss you and x!” appears to be a direct nod to Musk and his son named X Æ A-Xii.

Far-left CNN reported:

Gates has reached out to the Trump transition about a possible meeting with Trump, a person familiar with the talks told CNN, but as of now it’s unclear whether the two will meet. Trump has met with several tech CEOs and business leaders at his home since winning November’s election. CNN has reached out to Gates for comment.

The message appears to include a reference to Musk’s son, X Æ A-Xii, whom Musk colloquially refers to as X. The post comes as Musk, whom Trump named as co-leader of his government efficiency initiative, has drawn fresh criticism from loyal Trump supporters over his support of the visa program that allows highly skilled foreign workers to immigrate to the US.

Trump and Gates first met in December 2016 as Trump was preparing to take office for the first time.

Since Trump’s election victory last month, a number of tech CEOs have either spoken with Trump or visited him in Mar-a-Lago in an attempt to curry favor with the president-elect. Several Fortune 500 companies and other corporate interests have committed millions to his inauguration as well.

The CEOs who have met with Trump have come in with a clear strategy, people familiar with the meetings have previously told CNN. That includes discussing issues they know Trump will like — such as bringing manufacturing and jobs back to the US — while also sneaking in potential policy concerns they have with his new administration. Many of these CEOs are seeking the meetings as an opportunity to “start on the right page,” a source familiar with the matter previously told CNN.

Social media users were far from pleased with the news.

Conservative commentator Robby Starbuck wrote, “Bill Gates should be in a prison cell, not inside Mar-a-Lago. He’s not there to kiss the ring. Gates is there to lie and manipulate. What he did during COVID should result in him being seen in the same light as war criminals & thugs. He chose the far left, let him rot with them.”

Bill Gates should be in a prison cell, not inside Mar-a-Lago. He’s not there to kiss the ring. Gates is there to lie and manipulate. What he did during COVID should result in him being seen in the same light as war criminals & thugs. He chose the far left, let him rot with them. https://t.co/hKC2fEtsBl

— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) December 27, 2024

Former member of the West Virginia House Derrick Evans wrote, “Some people are excited that Bill Gates is asking to visit Mar-a-Lago. I will be excited when Bill Gates is arrested for his crimes against humanity. We are NOT the same.”

Some people are excited that Bill Gates is asking to visit Mar-a-Lago.

I will be excited when Bill Gates is arrested for his crimes against humanity.

We are NOT the same.

— Derrick Evans (@DerrickEvans4WV) December 27, 2024

Political Commentator Gunther Eagleman wrote, “Bill Gates should be in prison, not hanging out at Mar-A-Lago.”

Bill Gates should be in prison, not hanging out at Mar-A-Lago.

— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) December 27, 2024


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b6fb82 No.22243566

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4c8d3f No.22243567


Laws only apply to WASPs.

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d4703e No.22243568


>Almost 20% of Americans are homeless…..holy shit

homeless people are easier to disappear

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704f5d No.22243569

File: 08f387c16892a5e⋯.png (100.23 KB,568x319,568:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f170 No.22243570

File: 14b487d84d7376c⋯.png (525.19 KB,1280x1026,640:513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad88950f3d60e14⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,720x406,360:203,IwFrI4edSVVDAynT.mp4)

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a777c6 No.22243571


-NATURAL disasters (Haiti, any hurricane, flood, tornado)

-war (bombing civilian areas)

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6f8491 No.22243572

File: 31ed5437e39bda3⋯.png (285.95 KB,580x591,580:591,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b25373271dd6300⋯.mp4 (8.76 MB,480x270,16:9,wow.mp4)

It was a rough year for the MSM. From “cheap fakes” to editing interviews to help Kamala, the media was exposed over and over again. Here’s a look back at some of the media’s worst moments of 2024. 😂


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704f5d No.22243573

File: 8bb74ee75759fe1⋯.png (124.12 KB,568x320,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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4baeea No.22243574

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>22243360 pb

Why does anti-White Elon has factories in China then, faggot?

Americans will no longer allow foreigners to turn them into a minority in their own homeland, period.

If the people I charge insist on that, then Americans will engage them in Revolutionary War. As simple as that.

Dr. William Luther Pierce - Our Revolutionary Right


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37e4fd No.22243575

File: 1584c7cf09b6d0f⋯.png (423.15 KB,720x540,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


I gave you the links, Maybe understand laws and rules and those that break the rules. I'm not here to spoon feed you everything. Dig for yourself.

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06218c No.22243576

File: a9801bd99b742de⋯.png (436.38 KB,629x1017,629:1017,ClipboardImage.png)

Dec 28, 2024, 10:06 AM


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704f5d No.22243577

File: e7861384daeba0a⋯.png (103.17 KB,568x228,142:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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36bbea No.22243578


what about israel's empire? how much us government subsidies are being used there?

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90822f No.22243579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Forget all that other crap, anons.

Turn it up and be renewed (embedrel).

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dc4580 No.22243580



Anyone got the link to the H-1B database?

Is it searchable only by country, or can we look up individual names?

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d4703e No.22243581

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4ee76d No.22243582

File: 1782f58651e9727⋯.jpeg (152.65 KB,1125x1280,225:256,IMG_8953.jpeg)

Musk is now RTing anti-Trump activists who claim they will "follow him (Elon) into battle" with the MAGA base over H1B visas.


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704f5d No.22243583

File: d23f2df1007cd88⋯.png (155.08 KB,568x378,284:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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4baeea No.22243584

File: 8742a513d0431b3⋯.jpg (110.53 KB,750x750,1:1,1735179784718313.jpg)

Long live Saint Luigi the Deposer.

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d4703e No.22243585


>Anyone got the link to the H-1B database?

try twitter faggot

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36bbea No.22243586


i wonder if we're watching more theatre? incoming trump vs elon narrative

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d4703e No.22243587


>Musk is now RTing anti-Trump activists who claim they will "follow him (Elon) into battle" with the MAGA base over H1B visas.

shill nigger filtered

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6f8491 No.22243588


go ahead and stay optimistic about the "rules" while the rest of the world takes a big ole pajeet shit all over them

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f8f170 No.22243589

Elon pointing to human trafficking through the use of H1B visa's.

It's human trafficking

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704f5d No.22243590

File: 113d9230a897725⋯.png (366.8 KB,568x747,568:747,ClipboardImage.png)

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ccc10d No.22243591

File: daabcb0c0e0ac6c⋯.jpg (60.14 KB,672x537,224:179,daabcb0c0e0ac6ce6dc3e6a8fe….jpg)

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704f5d No.22243592

File: dc7e96fa2fd61ca⋯.png (226.63 KB,568x560,71:70,ClipboardImage.png)

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769652 No.22243593


Kek….no, we will hire Hessian soldiers to carry out a commando raid

Sound familiar?

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fea75a No.22243594

File: bbce1f2c2828642⋯.gif (1.23 MB,400x328,50:41,99654e1f_f5f3_40b4_b58f_04….gif)

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d4703e No.22243595


any anons needing to filter, you are more than welcome to use this post





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3192fc No.22243596

File: 768405cda309d8e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1658x668,829:334,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: 284d6a86090b02b⋯.png (834.38 KB,1224x1046,612:523,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)


Rumspringa (Pennsylvania German pronunciation: [ˈrʊmˌʃprɪŋə]),[2] also spelled Rumschpringe or Rumshpringa (lit. 'running around',[3] from Pennsylvania German rumschpringe 'to run around; to gad; to be wild';[4] compare Standard German herum-, rumspringen 'to jump around'), is a rite of passage during adolescence, used in some Amish communities. The Amish, a subsect of the Anabaptist Christian movement, intentionally segregate themselves from other communities as a part of their faith. For Amish youth, the Rumspringa normally begins at age 16 and ends when a youth chooses either to be baptized in the Amish church or to leave the community.[5]: 10–11  For Wenger Mennonites, Rumspringa occurs mostly between ages of 17 and 21.[6]: 169–173, 244 

Meaning of sow your wild oats in English

sow your wild oats


Add to word list

If a young man sows his wild oats, he has a period of his life when he does a lot of exciting things and has a lot of sexual relationships.

(Definition of sow your wild oats from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

Jack Mormon | ˈjak ˌmôrmən |

noun informal

a member of the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) who is not strictly observant: the only thing that's going to end up happening is me doing homework on Sundays and drinking Pepsi and being just another Jack Mormon.

Jack Mormon | ˈjak ˌmôrmən |

noun informal

a member of the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) who is not strictly observant: the only thing that's going to end up happening is me doing homework on Sundays and drinking Pepsi and being just another Jack Mormon.

Alex Soros


Last year, the crime and inflation crises largely evaporated. So did the leading theories about what had caused them.

From theatlantic.com

4:55 PM · Jan 21, 2024




attacks on doge are notable but not endorsed


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b6fb82 No.22243597



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348bc0 No.22243598

File: a3fbbc255ae9c04⋯.jpg (81.35 KB,640x861,640:861,hy17qr0v89sy.jpg)


Anons stand with President Trump!!!

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6f8491 No.22243599




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d4703e No.22243600

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8789a3 No.22243601

File: dc65dd4ed283644⋯.png (137.88 KB,377x368,377:368,pepeKOnpc.png)



look who's talking >>22243524

>Almost 20% of Americans are homeless…..holy shit

homeless people are easier to disappear

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f8f170 No.22243602

File: eee51815e845977⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,_FUN_Moon_Monster_Beating_….mp4)

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3192fc No.22243603


President Trump stands with me.

Get in line.

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d4703e No.22243604



no need, q already told you, ur a fucking nigger and need to kys. have a nice day

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5f9e99 No.22243605

File: 758c6c87058ad78⋯.jpg (75.39 KB,720x476,180:119,Hig6rxet.jpg)

Bobby is not in charge of Liquid Gold.

Elon is not in charge of Immigration.


Will do, Mr President

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d4703e No.22243606

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52a9f2 No.22243607

File: ce9c93a42a2a1cd⋯.png (1.78 MB,1254x1162,627:581,7A2FC2BF_A815_4835_9021_A2….png)

File: 7776d6881c785ea⋯.jpeg (736.44 KB,980x979,980:979,IMG_7149.jpeg)

File: 5840e09f805be4e⋯.png (530.32 KB,568x568,1:1,IMG_2440.PNG)

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6f8491 No.22243608


weak faggot….give us some more CAPS pleaseeeeeeeeeee

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fea75a No.22243609

File: 69fc8915597b42f⋯.png (192.84 KB,800x574,400:287,69f.png)

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d4703e No.22243610

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b08768 No.22243611

File: 738705cd8738410⋯.jpg (105.81 KB,1156x294,578:147,1735369784572748.jpg)

File: 962a73055e4da10⋯.png (98.03 KB,1608x844,402:211,The_tweet_that_started_the….png)

File: 36656c884ba148c⋯.png (72.38 KB,1592x756,398:189,1735369813693094.png)

File: efeffc82799f0e2⋯.jpg (48.03 KB,640x462,320:231,1735370350000383.jpg)

File: 3a11f1ec223d0d3⋯.jpg (65.25 KB,573x657,191:219,1735369576921473.jpg)

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6f8491 No.22243612


that account is not the president ffs

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620607 No.22243613

File: 7cbd595525e6f03⋯.jpg (66.53 KB,913x1328,11:16,7cbd595525e6f0390c654624e6….jpg)

File: eea55616951fc4e⋯.mp4 (2 MB,360x640,9:16,freemasonry_is_satanic_fre….mp4)

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4c8d3f No.22243614


Call Shill and Dismiss.

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d4703e No.22243615


>Elon is not in charge of Immigration.



>Elon is not in charge of Immigration.



>Elon is not in charge of Immigration.



>Elon is not in charge of Immigration.



>Elon is not in charge of Immigration.



>Elon is not in charge of Immigration.


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5f9e99 No.22243616


Joey from frens passes on someone … so no one told you life was gonna piss away.

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704f5d No.22243617

File: c647378aa5d536a⋯.png (167.86 KB,568x430,284:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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348bc0 No.22243618

File: 04b22134ebff902⋯.jpeg (11.45 KB,255x255,1:1,04b22134ebff90291dd73f466….jpeg)


Pwned by the same AI he created. Delicious.

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d4703e No.22243619

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769652 No.22243620

File: b84abe520557dd1⋯.webp (60.74 KB,640x643,640:643,IMG_7002.webp)


Anons make the rules

We are the news

You are toast Elon…..poser

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b6fb82 No.22243621

File: 1b296b8ecdacd5e⋯.png (426.21 KB,644x484,161:121,1b296b8ecdacd5ee64ba369bcc….png)

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08f31a No.22243622

File: 6aff11fbf4205ff⋯.png (415.44 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa627f No.22243623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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348bc0 No.22243624


KEK! Top tier meme sir. o7

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5f9e99 No.22243625


Yes I am - DJT when asked are you donaldo trumpol

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8c8060 No.22243626

File: 5510a3431e69f2e⋯.png (735.57 KB,978x836,489:418,iwan.png)

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d4703e No.22243627


so what news do you have on biden and china or pete and ernst, maybe something about the 500k children missing?

probably not

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52a9f2 No.22243628

File: 48462f1f67e1003⋯.jpeg (121.79 KB,992x1204,248:301,IMG_7161.jpeg)

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704f5d No.22243629

File: fd85cea854246b8⋯.png (320.74 KB,568x444,142:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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8789a3 No.22243630

File: 7d7c6ee050fdbb2⋯.png (272.57 KB,524x636,131:159,ELONmuskDRAWING.png)


this must be Elon

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90822f No.22243631

File: 1d35ea9f732edd0⋯.png (98.01 KB,593x378,593:378,devolution_2.png)

>>22240668 n A person has been “set on fire” near the escalator at Penn Station in New York City, per multiple reports

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4c8d3f No.22243632


When you track all this Subversion back to the Popes of Rome you get Filtered, part of the Roman Catholics Elimination of the Wight Races and 7.3 billion other people.

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2c9110 No.22243633

File: 785b9a35aa0688e⋯.png (742.09 KB,1200x500,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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52a9f2 No.22243634

File: e834fca0aab8e65⋯.jpeg (167.77 KB,916x536,229:134,IMG_7108.jpeg)

File: ffb641d88fc52a4⋯.png (424.53 KB,688x438,344:219,5CE0E225_A4B6_4CF4_96D5_DA….png)

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b08768 No.22243635

File: d27c8abac81e967⋯.png (81.73 KB,600x642,100:107,1735360820029246.png)

File: 4398d05c4c7600d⋯.png (92.21 KB,713x1225,713:1225,1735363254509563.png)

File: 567993191070918⋯.jpg (473.07 KB,860x2300,43:115,1735367020318677.jpg)

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f8f170 No.22243636

File: 68cf83d8eeae2b6⋯.png (502.12 KB,627x1280,627:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

How would you know this if Elon didn't say something?

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6f8491 No.22243637

File: 6138b40efeeee4b⋯.png (217.19 KB,582x530,291:265,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f640b3d158d7a3e⋯.mp4 (4.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,ohhowtimeschange.mp4)

The ultimate grifter. In the 2008 race Joe Biden was big on securing the border and hiring American workers. In 2019 Biden ran on no deportations, migrants should surge to the border, and immigrants (including illegals) are the backbone of our economy.


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3192fc No.22243638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


u.s. haters

tax-payer funded


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6fa9ba No.22243639

CDC can't substantiate COVID vaccine ingredient claims, FDA forced to turn over Pfizer data

Federal public health agencies are known for black-and-white public service announcements that portray their favorite COVID-19 treatments as universally beneficial without providing supporting data, particularly the effectiveness of each new vaccine formulation.

Food and Drug Administration Commissioner-nominee Marty Makary once accused the current officeholder, Robert Califf, of wildly exaggerating data in claiming that since-rescinded bivalent vaccines, which targeted two COVID strains, showed a "significant reduction in hospitalization and death in all populations examined, which is clinically meaningful."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which similarly claims COVID vaccines are safer than infections for all populations, has now been caught empty-handed when asked for data to support its claim, on the same "myths and facts" page, that "nearly all the ingredients" in the therapeutics are found "in many foods – fats, sugars, and salts."

The Informed Consent Action Network and Mississippi Medical Professionals for Informed Consent filed a Freedom of Information Act request for all documents including "studies, journal articles, manufacturer data, etc." that are "sufficient to show the foods that contain the same ingredients as those found in the COVID19 vaccines" to verify the CDC's claim.

They also asked for data on foods that contain the ingredients listed in the vaccine inserts, in another five FOIA requests: "recombinant spike protein from the SARS-CoV-2 virus … nucleoside-modified messenger RNA …extracts from the soapbark tree" and exotic-sounding chemicals such as "methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside," and evidence that the body responds the same to an ingredient whether eaten or injected.

The CDC's response to the broadest request? Its National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases does not have "any documents pertaining to your request."

The FOIA officer told the entities to ask the FDA for the data because "the subject matter expert notes that ingredients in specific vaccines fall under the responsibility of the FDA," and also told them how to appeal the agency's response up the FOIA command chain.

"Typically, if one agency points us to another, ICAN will have us submit the same requests to that other agency although here, ICAN was questioning the evidence justifying a statement on CDC’s own website so it’s unclear why CDC would have no records yet FDA would have them," ICAN's lawyer Elizabeth Brehm told Just the News in an email.

She shared the agency's responses to all six FOIAs, which gave the same no-records response but also cited various CDC and FDA pages, including kinds of vaccine ingredients and examples, such as the stabilizer gelatin and "residual inactivating ingredient" formaldehyde, and a long explanation of why certain ingredients are in vaccines.


No Records Found - Segment 1.pdf

"CDC’s approach to truth and data is a joke," Brehm's colleague Aaron Siri, who leads the effort, wrote on X. ICAN alleged the agency's shrugging response shows it's violating the Information Quality Act by not being able to "substantiate the quality of the information it has disseminated."

The CDC didn't respond to Just the News queries.

The agency's inability to back up its public messaging comes as the feds continue hiding safety data, healthcare workers worldwide express hesitancy toward COVID vaccines and some state public health agencies ditch one-size-fits-all recommendations.

Another FOIA filer beat the FDA this month, with a federal judge ordering the agency to produce its emergency use authorization file on the Pfizer COVID vaccine by June 30, 2025.

The FDA argued the EUA file isn't covered by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency's FOIA request for the "biological product file" in the formal application for licensing, but U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman quoted its own press release on the vaccine's formal approval, which said it used and builds on the EUA's data.

The Biden administration pulled out all the stops to delay the release of the FDA's COVID vaccine safety data that are kept apart from the public Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, in response to Just the News litigation.

The docket shows the feds secured a stay of the proceedings before Donald Trump's election victory. The case is scheduled to resume five months into the second Trump administration.

ICAN recently launched a dashboard for searching the "free-text" entries from the CDC's v-safe surveys for the earliest COVID vaccine recipients, which the feds unsuccessfully fought to withhold for a year after turning over the "checkbox" answers from v-safe.



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90822f No.22243640


<f> larp w/daddy issues.

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6f8491 No.22243641


show me

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2ae519 No.22243642

>>22242810 (lb)

The movie was called "The Boys from Brazil"

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620607 No.22243643

File: a38fcfa04173976⋯.png (990.44 KB,720x738,40:41,a38fcfa0417397645d62ce4478….png)

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d4703e No.22243644

File: 88315a0b381dfb7⋯.png (444.25 KB,598x602,299:301,ClipboardImage.png)

Christ is Born. The Savior of the World. (Also, a reminder to our enemies: America was willing to cross a frozen river in the middle of the night on Christmas of 1776 to defeat you. And we still are.)

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d4703e No.22243645

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5f9e99 No.22243646

File: f04eea386096b87⋯.jpg (92.32 KB,500x806,250:403,9f1cjv.jpg)

Does elon have a history of owning his fuxk ups?

It seems not likely

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769652 No.22243647


I know 500k children don’t go missing without police and government help

Your local sheriff is a trafficker

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3192fc No.22243648

File: 1f451c987849730⋯.png (174.81 KB,516x374,258:187,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: 28a078dfb3babd9⋯.png (448.08 KB,1044x638,18:11,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: 5a8486174dea109⋯.png (1.86 MB,2248x1042,1124:521,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: 4495ab0bcec1286⋯.png (1.1 MB,1258x1250,629:625,melania_open_gift_christma….png)

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b6fb82 No.22243649



you're attempting to make an absolute statement with absolutely nothing to back it up

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4c8d3f No.22243650

What are the Controls of Elon by the Popes of Rome?

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d4703e No.22243651

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b08768 No.22243652

File: dca93dc525e8131⋯.jpg (277 KB,1070x834,535:417,1735366342590875.jpg)

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6f8491 No.22243653


i asked for proof….you said there is yet provide jack diddly and shit but moar bullshit

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06218c No.22243654

File: bf7ab471e799a2b⋯.png (326.31 KB,997x642,997:642,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ed00b No.22243655

File: 00f128a5c42ba80⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,406x720,203:360,3Tqa9jifNX_BQQls.mp4)

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620607 No.22243656

File: b249a8e26eddc45⋯.jpg (126.15 KB,600x600,1:1,c25e0413ef30ec209d94691fde….jpg)

File: f677e2f84e30899⋯.jpg (79.33 KB,529x719,529:719,999606_1398119293748523_15….jpg)

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d4703e No.22243657


>Your local sheriff is a trafficker

most likely

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8c8060 No.22243658


CDC has been so discredited!! what is going on with them? what a mess. welcome to 2020

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6f8491 No.22243659


doh meant for other anon….everyone says the same shit but no one has proof. end of

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4c8d3f No.22243661

Canada has been eliminating White Anglo Saxon Protestants for 60 years with Vaccines and putting all property and wealth in the hands of the Roman Catholics.

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aa627f No.22243662



That would be you at this point.

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620607 No.22243663

File: 1a488feda1d99f8⋯.png (1.24 MB,1473x1105,1473:1105,elon_musk_3372799790.png)

Elon is gonna cry.

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6ed00b No.22243664

File: 47ea05339873945⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,864x720,6:5,j_MKupaCXX148AXp.mp4)

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8c8060 No.22243665

File: 18c67a24c84293c⋯.png (955.26 KB,976x824,122:103,istoo.png)

american workers need migrants to do jobs that are too low for them and foreigners to do jobs too hard for them :(

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dc4580 No.22243666

File: 10d1a468825715d⋯.png (637.3 KB,1334x3392,667:1696,Breaking_Bad_Los_Pollos_He….png)

File: c9dba6d6731c08c⋯.png (59.83 KB,1280x873,1280:873,Madison_Avenue.png)




Corporations, i.e., companies that use the trucking and shipping industries for making "deliveries" that seem to be legitimate but actually are not.

ThinkSwift Trucking.


Heck, [THEY] demonstrated the use of "front organizations" withLos Pollos HermanosinBreaking Bad, apparently because [THEY] always have to throw stuff right in our faces.

LINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Pollos_Hermanos

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/HiLHA

To me, this is why tracking the resignations seems to be so important.

Remember a Sunday, several years ago, when Anons discovered and documented Ghislaine Maxwell's married boyfriend being the owner of a shipping company headquartered on Boylston Street in Boston?

I do, but I don't have time to dig up the notes.

I think Corporate America is not what we've been led to believe it is, by any stretch, and it's all going to get fully exposed, the harder we work.

So let's keep digging and posting, because whoever came up with the idea for this board is a genius, and the researchers on the Internet always bring the truth.

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1aa984 No.22243667

File: 958f5f160a5c681⋯.jpg (113.69 KB,638x802,319:401,feds_hijack_TRuth_social.jpg)

Who deleted Trump's truth? Was it him or the Feds?

It's gone now.

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94268f No.22243668

File: 873e226d4964c4b⋯.jpg (220.18 KB,1024x1185,1024:1185,TeslaBurnReal.jpg)




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b6fb82 No.22243669


You're are saying it's absolutely not him/his team, I'm asking you, how you do know that?

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b08768 No.22243670

File: 36656c884ba148c⋯.png (72.38 KB,1592x756,398:189,1735369813693094.png)

File: fc8e8c7927b2d9d⋯.png (127.59 KB,1077x503,1077:503,1735367002617061.png)

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8c8060 No.22243671

what is going on in south africa did they still end apartheid and the black gang were killing the white food providers and taking their farm and starving???

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52a9f2 No.22243672



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5f9e99 No.22243674

File: 50cbaa93614c6dd⋯.jpg (57.91 KB,500x688,125:172,9f0tjv.jpg)

When the elon shill tells you for the fourth time You're filtered

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52a9f2 No.22243675

File: 42330e7f0557b35⋯.jpeg (238.48 KB,937x468,937:468,IMG_7163.jpeg)

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704f5d No.22243676

File: edbc8bc8748ce2e⋯.png (278.18 KB,568x303,568:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c8d3f No.22243677



Find clean street and Poo

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35cb9f No.22243678

File: 91610f68fa3396e⋯.jpg (83.66 KB,1024x640,8:5,91610f68fa3396e001d655f0d9….jpg)

Just for the record, and Ive stated it plenty of times on here before, I am not here to 'follow' Trump. I follow god.

I think he's gonna do what he said he would, but let's not pretend that we're all OK with Elon.

Because we're not.

There are LOTS of very valid questions about that guy and it only takes a few seconds of peeking under the damn bed to see enough you'll need to bleach your eyes.

So to that "anon" who cap-screamed at the entire fucking board in NOTABLES over his take on "what anons should be doing" can kindly fuck off.

I don't follow you, or anyone else. And I'll ask as many questions about any one, or any policy, as I want.

Free speech is still a thing, right?

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5f9e99 No.22243679

File: 3e46657bc81fa6c⋯.jpg (56.75 KB,497x644,71:92,9f0hrc.jpg)


So close

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2c9110 No.22243680


Controlled immigration is the bases of all strong nations. take the best from the enemy.

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dc4580 No.22243681


Thank you, Anon.

Been so busy in my own corner of research that I didn't know about this database, but I realize how how useful this could turn out to be to a bigger picture. . . .


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6f8491 No.22243682



call it a fucking hunch…..Ill ask it better for you……DOES ANY ANON HAVE PROOF THAT THIS ACCOUNT IS TRUMP????

didnt fucking think so

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8c8060 No.22243683


this is a quote from Network (1976 film)

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f8f170 No.22243684


5th gen warfare

47 G Chess

Expand your thinking

There are no coincidences

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5034d5 No.22243685

File: 90837f48921a0e9⋯.mp4 (13.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,Immigration_GUMBALLS_14mb.mp4)

Elon is 100% wrong!!!

This goes for the H-1B visas programs…

Immigration will "NEVER" work…


We can't allow over 1 million immigrants to flood this County,

the world's population growth using gumballs

Immigration World Poverty and Gumballs 2010 - Immigration Doesn't Work

Pay attention…THIS VIDEO IS FROM 14 YEARS AGO!!!

Call it "Thinning the herd!!!

The Vaccine is to slow the population growth of the world…It makes sense but it is ethically wrong

The Democrats are shoving us towards instability…The Migrants will take over the low wage earners and there will be a communistic uprising!!!

Almost there now, If you lose your job, someone who may be here Illegally will be in your place in a New York minute!!!


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b6fb82 No.22243686


so nothing, just trying to craft a narrative


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6f8491 No.22243687


Ill wait by my hunch while you find some evidence

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8c8060 No.22243688

File: fac7877a49afdcf⋯.png (690.58 KB,978x530,489:265,youaret.png)

this movie is so sad!

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b08768 No.22243689

File: 738705cd8738410⋯.jpg (105.81 KB,1156x294,578:147,1735369784572748.jpg)

File: 962a73055e4da10⋯.png (98.03 KB,1608x844,402:211,The_tweet_that_started_the….png)


He had tweeted "if you need a school you already lost" referring to not investing in Americans. But he had explained dec 26, one day before his melt down over all of this, that the government is wasting money on somebody else and not Americans. He knows what's going on and is a hypocrite.

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06218c No.22243690

File: 0ec54319ef2f9ce⋯.png (837.44 KB,882x1280,441:640,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e21dcd2189450f0⋯.png (728.95 KB,832x1280,13:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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ccc10d No.22243691




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f8f170 No.22243692


Elon is deliberately provoking

And the DS Shills have taken the bait

They will loose

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620607 No.22243693


Immigrants are too stupid to do my job.


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58c238 No.22243695

File: de6ca66341a8b57⋯.jpeg (639.51 KB,750x1093,750:1093,IMG_7335.jpeg)

And now he believes he can get the girl he was doubting he could, and once he gets his sea legs, he’ll get her. It is certain. It is law. Doubt is the illusion that distorts the Truth. Truth is all there is.

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52a9f2 No.22243696

File: f6e1d8dad802eac⋯.jpeg (99.36 KB,451x465,451:465,047B25B9_41E1_4725_8720_6….jpeg)

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8c8060 No.22243697


american worker is the ultimate prima donna, won't get dirty like mexicans and can't do math like indians

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94268f No.22243698

File: 46953a8e50b65b7⋯.jpg (49.31 KB,760x246,380:123,CDCult.jpg)


>CDC… what is going on with them?

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fea75a No.22243699

File: 4defb46eaaa8363⋯.png (12.72 KB,255x191,255:191,4defb46eaaa8363d4bcb3497b0….png)


>DS Shills have taken the bait

Every stinking time.

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913669 No.22243700

File: 2428ef76b0f4da0⋯.png (326.61 KB,598x544,299:272,ClipboardImage.png)


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b08768 No.22243701

File: dda61eae970d1d6⋯.png (64.43 KB,941x722,941:722,1735361524083148.png)

Indians want civil war now.

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2c9110 No.22243702

File: 121b4548c02f50e⋯.png (5.67 MB,2048x1366,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


Her name is Usha Chilukuri Vance and she is a lawyer. Which one of these do you think is a lawyer(picrel)

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6f8491 No.22243703


everyone put on your goggles!

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b08768 No.22243704

File: 1d6b075aea67b2e⋯.png (136.52 KB,567x773,567:773,1735367962958275.png)

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34b967 No.22243705

File: 1e8af0edb39a54d⋯.png (198.43 KB,521x489,521:489,pepe_breaking_news.png)

Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Stops Biden’s Attempt to Get Rid of Border Wall Materials Before Trump Returns to Office


Paxton’s office announced the court order in a press release on Friday.

According to Paxton, border wall segments have already been auctioned off for “pennies on the dollar.”

“The Biden Administration confirmed to the court today that it will agree to an order preventing the outgoing administration from disposing of any further border wall materials over the next 30 days—allowing President Trump to use those materials as he sees fit,” the press release explained. “This will be adopted as an order of the court, making it enforceable if any violations occur.”

“Additionally, the court stated that Texas is entitled to documentation proving that the Biden Administration has not violated an injunction secured by Attorney General Paxton in May of 2024 that required the Biden Administration to spend statutorily obligated funds on border wall construction after the federal government attempted to illegally redirect the money. If it is shown that the Biden Administration disposed of border wall materials purchased with funds subject to that injunction in violation of a court order—or that the Department of Justice made misrepresentations regarding the border materials that have been auctioned off—this would constitute unethical and sanctionable conduct, and the responsible parties could be held in contempt of court.”

“We have successfully blocked the Biden Administration from disposing of any further border wall materials before President Trump takes office,” said Attorney General Paxton.

“This follows our major victory forcing Biden to build the wall, and we will hold his Administration accountable for illegally subverting our Nation’s border security until their very last day in power, especially where their actions are clearly motivated by a desire to thwart President-elect Trump’s immigration agenda.”

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913669 No.22243706

File: 0b047908889e088⋯.png (775.99 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)


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769652 No.22243707

File: b2f346160a7aab6⋯.jpeg (839.62 KB,1668x1459,1668:1459,IMG_1320.jpeg)


Hey, Elon got one right

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3b2ff8 No.22243708

File: ca46236bf94953c⋯.png (993.12 KB,1171x745,1171:745,ClipboardImage.png)


Mr. Biden met with Mr. Xi at least eight times in 2011 and 2012 to gauge China’s incoming leader, even playing basketball with him at a high school in Sichuan Province.

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8c8060 No.22243709


the 19th century really f'd us over

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620607 No.22243710


It's not racist to stand up for your country.

Most of these hindus are satantic faggots that work with zionist filth

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fea75a No.22243711

File: 8293eb4cfbea5a8⋯.png (164.89 KB,512x512,1:1,8293eb4cfbea5a8c877e6b3de1….png)


Oh, the drama.

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ef496c No.22243712


Why would anybody want to have to work everyday, never get ahead, and never have any money when you're old, thats American life.

American life is working to make others rich at your expense.

Especially if you have a family, and your wife is a stay at home mom.

It grueling out there.

You can never make enough to escape the slavery.

If America is about getting by and surviving, week after week, month after month.

Foreigners live in 5-10 a house and dont have expenses, they get the government monthly cash and food stamps, plus getting paid at their job.

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3192fc No.22243713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Your local sheriff is a trafficker


Rehoming for Pets: What It Means and Why People Do It | PetPlace …

Mar 11, 2018 … What is rehoming for pets? This is a process in which you try to find a new home for your pet. Many people would prefer to take in a

Work release

State of temporary outside employment for prisoners

In prison systems, work release programs allow a prisoner who is sufficiently trusted or can be sufficiently monitored to go outside the prison and work at a place of employment, returning to prison when their shift is complete.


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2c9110 No.22243714

File: 1d0cf8c56458508⋯.png (442.42 KB,620x413,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fdb99 No.22243715

File: 23296a48793a8cf⋯.png (3.67 MB,1365x7549,1365:7549,Q_Posts_Dec_28_09_posts.png)

Today in Q Post History we have 09 Deltas

December 28

There were09 Q Postson the date ofDecember 28.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=Dec+28

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/v42VX

Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


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bc47b8 No.22243716

File: e65b48977067d39⋯.png (984.35 KB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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4c8d3f No.22243718

India is still run on 1800's WASP Technology.

Stop pushing them as the answer to the Future.

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74d3ea No.22243719


i like this guy

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f8f170 No.22243720

You think you'll get country back with the Epstein List?

How about with the Diddy List?

or by spitting Elon from Trump?

Oh how narrow minded thinking is being expressed.

This aint no walk across park.

We're playing the long game

Get with program or be swept aside

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8c8060 No.22243721

why is this all about indian tech workers does china send tech workers? and korea? or just india

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3192fc No.22243722


Mr. Jay Hill

>Your local sheriff is a trafficker


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c198a0 No.22243723


Stop hitting yourself

Stop hitting yourself

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2c9110 No.22243724

india has a space program. Who bankrolls and trains the staff? Merica.

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620607 No.22243725


Most of these hindus are satantic faggots that work with zionist filth


Nothing to see here.

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3b2ff8 No.22243726

File: 3020baf6e9a29f2⋯.png (191.57 KB,425x227,425:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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fea75a No.22243727


Donald J. Trump


BREAKING: In a major, crucial WIN for America, and our National Security, a Federal Judge in Texas, based on papers we filed just a few days ago, has PROHIBITED the Biden Administration from selling any materials designated for the Border Wall, that has been wrecked by Biden and his cronies, and which I am going to rebuild in order to protect our Country from violent migrant crime, fentanyl smuggling, sex trafficking, terror attacks, and other heinous, Nation ending disasters. The Judge has also ordered an investigation into the illegal selling of the materials, which will expose just how corrupt and anti-American Radical Democrats are. I am honored to be joined in this vital case by the Great States of Texas and Missouri, and applaud Judge Drew Tipton for doing the right thing for our Country. We have to protect our Borders, and Save America. MAGA!





Dec 28, 2024, 11:45 AM


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769652 No.22243728

File: 0dfa1bed5eb5869⋯.webp (52 KB,800x450,16:9,IMG_7017.webp)


What the world needs now

Alexander the Great…..he saw this coming over 2000 years ago

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fea75a No.22243729


Donald J. Trump


Congratulations to Hillary Cassel for becoming the second State Representative from the Great State of Florida to switch her Party affiliation from Democrat to Republican, once more expanding the GOP Supermajority in the State House! I would further like to invite other Disillusioned Democrats to switch Parties, and join us on this noble quest to Save our Country and, Make America Great Again - GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE. THANK YOU HILLARY!





Dec 28, 2024, 11:45 AM


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f8f170 No.22243730

File: 6b1f5662db89389⋯.png (5.05 KB,398x57,398:57,ClipboardImage.png)

Everyone who can needs to prepare for a new financial future.


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7855c1 No.22243731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3b2ff8 No.22243732


They might be on the nw border of China, but Kazahkstan?

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2c9110 No.22243733

File: fda44a4ae6193c7⋯.png (526.51 KB,1024x682,512:341,hunter.png)

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34b967 No.22243734

File: f71687591498c62⋯.png (105.6 KB,574x475,574:475,ClipboardImage.png)


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03abe6 No.22243735

File: e65b48977067d39⋯.png (984.35 KB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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8789a3 No.22243736

File: 1980ab4a314504d⋯.jpg (34.28 KB,680x534,340:267,apuCLEANteeth.jpg)


why would you call people shills when they are simply calling out the ant-American rhetoric of a government grifter?

Elon was nominated to do a job, not insult American's intelligence and call them lazy whilst importing foreigners for cheap labor.

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c7bbd2 No.22243737

File: 37bb769fa24365a⋯.png (380.61 KB,1099x1200,1099:1200,ClipboardImage.png)

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03abe6 No.22243738

File: 5bbc0157ae7f439⋯.png (688.73 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)


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b08768 No.22243739

File: 0dadec5682b6724⋯.jpg (372.75 KB,860x986,430:493,1735369576921473.jpg)

If anything, Elon's meltdown explains the problem with globalism.The corporate elite just don't care about you. They only care for their profits. And if Elon was such a genius he wouldn't depend on so much "talent" that he imports.

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8c8060 No.22243740

are white UCLA Stanford silicon valley tech bros too retarded?

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34b967 No.22243741

File: 1a31475342ce2e6⋯.png (49.06 KB,606x262,303:131,ClipboardImage.png)


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03abe6 No.22243742

File: 806c34bfaa5050b⋯.png (62.7 KB,777x294,37:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f4a9a No.22243743

File: 68940792408d6e1⋯.png (53.11 KB,1020x997,1020:997,676f8fd851388.png)

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c7bbd2 No.22243744

File: ec11b2422d52f37⋯.png (109.97 KB,1076x1135,1076:1135,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b87fb No.22243745

Anonymous 12/27/24 (Fri) 21:21:15f4ce04 (1) No.22240941>>22240949 PB

>>22240847 PB

American don't want shitty Tesla cars. We want our stick shift, gas guzzling mucle cars and hardy diesel trucks without computers manufacturing plants to be resurrected from the grave.

Just had to say, Anon above must be pretty old because he is living in the past. Where I live we are inundated with teslas everywhere.

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03abe6 No.22243746

File: eae2d88fcc55088⋯.png (42.23 KB,404x120,101:30,ClipboardImage.png)



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8c8060 No.22243747


what about white tech bros like Mark Zuckerberg and Sam Altman are they retarded to work?

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03abe6 No.22243748

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b08768 No.22243750

File: fae709d0efda050⋯.png (363.63 KB,834x400,417:200,ClipboardImage.png)


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fea75a No.22243751

File: 411878c149f88a6⋯.jpg (58.84 KB,680x672,85:84,524d4d44cf1752c4c5fad99b77….jpg)


We need both. All. Options. Competition. Capitalism.

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3192fc No.22243752

File: 36bf16404fffd51⋯.png (765.36 KB,1088x654,544:327,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: b62e1d49261693c⋯.png (1.73 MB,1838x966,919:483,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: abd07a851a9377b⋯.png (808.68 KB,802x970,401:485,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)



Alex Jones on Leaked Video: 'I Wish I Never Met Trump'

Mar 2, 2021 … Before multimillionaire conspiracy theorist Alex Jones riled up Donald Trump's fans with lies about a stolen election, he privately …

Visit in Anonymous View


Alex Jones in Leaked Video: 'I Wish I Never Met Trump' - Facebook

Mar 2, 2021 … Before multimillionaire and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones riled up Trump's fans with lies about a stolen election on January 5th and

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769652 No.22243753

File: 6ccf4a148545d37⋯.webp (34.45 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_6807.webp)


Hilarious to watch the Silent Generations greatest achievement, bite them in the ass

Opening China was a boondoggle

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03abe6 No.22243754

>>22243749 8


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35cb9f No.22243755


He hired that bish from the WEF to run things.

That pretty much says it all.


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08c0f3 No.22243756

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620607 No.22243757



Look how afraid the shills are.


Nice projection

Over the target

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03abe6 No.22243758

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03abe6 No.22243759

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08f31a No.22243760

File: f0d075300bfafb3⋯.gif (99.55 KB,416x416,1:1,pepe_gif.gif)

File: 4a435c77146e020⋯.gif (267.88 KB,1208x851,1208:851,pepe_and_putin.gif)

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348bc0 No.22243761

So individuals with a H1B visa have to return to their country after 6 years. When they go back to their original country, what's stopping them from providing their countries businesses with everything they have learned?

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03abe6 No.22243763



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5034d5 No.22243764


Elon Musk needs to leave those smart immigrants where they are raised and let them bloomer their own Countries…

If Elon Musk had his way…"Reductio ad absurdum"…all the smart people would be working for him and everyone else would be dumb as shit picking crops…almost brings to mind the say from "George Carlin"…They want you dumb, un-educated…

Teach them here and send them on their way to bloom their own Country.

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620607 No.22243765

The hindus are cooperating with the zionists.


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8789a3 No.22243766


and the result is this >>22243524

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03abe6 No.22243767

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7f6245 No.22243768

Musk and Vivek

Total sellouts who figured since we won't offshore jobs anymore, they would being their literal indentured visa servants here to undercut American wages. There is no topic more important right now.




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fea75a No.22243769

File: 4e70d27e61ab416⋯.jpeg (49.58 KB,460x679,460:679,4e70d27e61ab41644f1ab2f2a….jpeg)


Imagine being that blown out for almost ten years. I'm surprised how resilient they actually are.

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03abe6 No.22243770

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620607 No.22243771

The hindus are cooperating with the zionists.


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f8f170 No.22243772

If the American people insist the H1B program is ended… It will end.

And another human trafficking door will close

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03abe6 No.22243773

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03abe6 No.22243774

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b08768 No.22243775


>literal indentured visa servants

kek, exactly

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35cb9f No.22243776


The "right" isn't eating itself.

The "right" is outing the fucking Globalists.

And this MUST happen.

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620607 No.22243777

Without there fiat debt system, the zionists are shot out of luck

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03abe6 No.22243778



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7f6245 No.22243779


Bakers totally comped and likely work at X and are tasked with full time shilling here. Not a SINGLE notable criticizing their H1B servant plan.

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3192fc No.22243780


catch 22 is that work experience and professional standards are key. have you met any of those foreign "students/workers"?

cheatin ass motherfuckers

they're gamed up on public funds and projects,

catchin on?

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2ae519 No.22243781


Just shut off immigration and the H1b. And until every American that has a degree is hired, no one comes into the country. Fixed it. kek

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f8f170 No.22243782

Elon is controlling the narrative

and your listening to him now


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03abe6 No.22243783

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08c0f3 No.22243786

File: a0df2564fc93e26⋯.png (1.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Kessler syndrome: How crowded satellite orbits could lead to a runaway space debris problem

6:52 PM, Dec 27, 2024

As the number of satellites in Earth orbit increases, so too does the risk from space debris — and some experts warn certain orbits could already be getting dangerously crowded.

The mass of debris in Earth orbit totals nearly 7 million kilograms, and it ranges from obsolete satellites to tiny flecks of paint.

More than 27,000 pieces of space junk are currently being tracked by the U.S. Department of Defense’s global Space Surveillance Network sensors.

Other pieces are too small to detect, but still present dangers to spacecraft due to their high velocities.

Much of the debris will eventually re-enter Earth’s atmosphere and burn up, that process can take years. While it remains in space, it creates new problems and poses risks to space missions and astronauts.

The more collisions there are, the more debris is created, and then that junk can cause even more crashes. The problem can keep compounding.

The phenomenon is known as Kessler syndrome, named after retired NASA engineer Don Kessler, who first proposed it mechanisms in 1978.

At its most extreme, Kessler syndrome may reach a self-perpetuating threshold that could render entire orbits unusable due to debris.

According to NASA, some experts believe low Earth orbit is already pushing the limits that could lead to this runaway reaction.

The risks of debris and cascading crashes could continue to rise as companies like SpaceX and Amazon push forward with orbital projects that call for large numbers of satellites.

Amazon's Kuiper internet project, for example, could eventually include more than 3,000 satellites, while SpaceX's Starlink system already has more than 7,000 satellites in orbit and could eventually field more than 30,000.

It some cases, though, new satellites like those used with Starlink are designed to quickly fall into the atmosphere at the end of their useful life instead of lingering in orbits where they could become part of the debris problem.


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03abe6 No.22243787





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2c9110 No.22243788

File: f574c6ec221036e⋯.png (522.01 KB,500x537,500:537,ClipboardImage.png)

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620607 No.22243789


In addition, they are unable to assimilate with culture for instance in field jobs where they need to interact. They cannot even park without taking hours. Kek

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7fb281 No.22243790

File: 61e1b9957c096b5⋯.png (327.53 KB,672x294,16:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6445f9e3b1e0f2c⋯.png (556.68 KB,1432x268,358:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b8c59e3ee00836⋯.png (699.62 KB,1444x296,361:74,ClipboardImage.png)


>go ahead and stay optimistic about the "rules" while the rest of the world takes a big ole pajeet shit all over them


>>22242898 PB

>Who calls people nigger or Jew or pajeet?

>Racist and bigoted remarks are not Maga. AF is a stolen term used by Groypers to try and blend in.

>If they use the term America First (AF) then proceed to call you a nigger it's a Groyper.

>It's that simple.



Your narrative has no power here Groyper

You are easily spotted

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bc0cc1 No.22243791

File: 70e4ba5d7ccefa9⋯.png (478.83 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


unfortunately the truth is more prosaic.


by an educated Indian expatriate

Most Westerners know nothing about India beyond vague ideas about Hinduism, yoga, gurus, and maybe a dash of Bollywood. To such people, this article will be a rude awakening.

I grew up in Bhopal in central India. Since as early as I can remember, I worked in my father’s printing press. I studied engineering in the nearby city in Indore and went to Manchester Business School in Britain to do an MBA. I returned to India to set up a subsidiary of a British company, which was a huge success. When I lived in Delhi, I wrote for the mainstream Indian media. I traveled widely in India and around the world.

I had first returned to India with the idea of improving it, but after 11 years, I realized that India was a sinking ship, with worsening and increasingly shameless corruption, degraded people, and a society that was falling apart. I had never met an honest bureaucrat or politician. I applied to emigrate to Canada and my application was approved in a record three weeks.

I now advise East Asian and Western corporations on investing in India. Most of what I tell them sounds to them exaggerated, unrealistic, and unbelievable. After much dance, drama, and a great deal of lost money, they begin to believe what I tell them. However, this learning is never institutionalized because of a refusal to understand India. This is a form of political correctness, a poison eating away the innards of Western values…

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4ee76d No.22243792

File: 5fb308add57d8ca⋯.jpeg (133.49 KB,871x1179,871:1179,IMG_8136.jpeg)


I wonder how many you will get to

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52a9f2 No.22243794

File: ea75d721cec33c5⋯.jpeg (75.65 KB,768x1024,3:4,IMG_7166.jpeg)

Q. You’re a Millennial/Gen Z women in a shop changing room.

Do you?

A. Actually try on some clothes

B. Take a selfie of your tits and post to Social Media

C. Make a fake voyeur video for your OnlyFans account.

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a429d9 No.22243795

File: 0aa1528e3bfdea3⋯.jpg (322.74 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_115843….jpg)

File: fad7110c60cfe4e⋯.png (26.18 KB,710x408,355:204,1133_4.png)

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c7bbd2 No.22243796

H1B are still diversity hires. And companies get tax breaks for hiring them…this is still DEI, maybe the very roots of it. Didn’t it start under Bush 2?


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2ab8c6 No.22243797

File: 5bbb402e6fe1998⋯.png (310.92 KB,568x460,142:115,5bbb402e6fe19985ed601ffc91….png)

H1b slide is over

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03abe6 No.22243798


>Who calls people nigger or Jew or pajeet?


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1b236d No.22243799

File: 11649f862d92e81⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,624x480,13:10,Creepy_Indian_Kid_Dance_Fa….mp4)

Indian's on the stage.

Enjoying the show!


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03abe6 No.22243800

>>22243796 DAMN U GOT THE Q FILTER 17


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f8f170 No.22243801


Attention seeking wh__

No Shame anymore

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06218c No.22243802

File: d9839f5822fad2f⋯.png (155.15 KB,568x548,142:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 350cbdb441d066e⋯.png (211.51 KB,626x645,626:645,ClipboardImage.png)

@LaurenWitzkeDE 45m

These Indians hate us, and they especially hate Trump.

They should all be deported.



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2ae519 No.22243804


Whose side are you on ?

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7982e7 No.22243805


But how will they make money off H1B's?

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03abe6 No.22243806


>Indian's on the stage.


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0751cc No.22243807


>"The New Jews"

Oy vey! That's going to ruffle some kippahs.

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08c0f3 No.22243808

File: 0f8e4ed02466f01⋯.png (810.92 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Blue Origin’s New Glenn Rocket Completes Integrated Launch Vehicle Hotfire

Dec 27, 2024

New Glenn successfully completed an integrated launch vehicle hotfire test today, the final major milestone on our road to first flight.

NG-1 will carry a Blue Ring Pathfinder as its first manifested payload and will launch from Launch Complex 36 in Cape Canaveral, FL.

The seven-engine hotfire lasted 24 seconds and marked the first time we operated the entire flight vehicle as an integrated system.

The multi-day test campaign leading up to the hotfire included numerous inert functional and tanking tests.

The integrated launch vehicle included the first and second stages of the NG-1 flight vehicle, and a payload test article comprised of manufacturing test demonstrator fairings, a high-capacity fixed adapter flight unit, and a 45,000 lb payload mass simulator.

One of the primary goals of the test campaign was to demonstrate day-of-launch operations in our NG-1 test configuration.

Additionally, the team conducted several tests to validate vehicle and ground systems in the fully integrated, on-pad configuration.

This data will be utilized to finalize day-of-launch timelines, confirm expected performance, and correlate our models to real-world test data.

“This is a monumental milestone and a glimpse of what’s just around the corner for New Glenn’s first launch,” said Jarrett Jones, SVP, New Glenn.

“Today’s success proves that our rigorous approach to testing–combined with our incredible tooling and design engineering–is working as intended.”

The tanking test included a full run-through of the terminal count sequence, testing the hand-off authority to and from the flight computer, and collecting fluid validation data.

The first stage (GS1) tanks were filled and pressed with liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquid oxygen (LOX), and the second stage (GS2) with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen–both to representative NG-1 set points.

The formal NG-1 Wet Dress Rehearsal demonstrated the final launch procedures leading into the hotfire engine run.

All seven engines performed nominally, firing for 24 seconds, including at 100% thrust for 13 seconds.

The test also demonstrated New Glenn’s autogenous pressurization system, which self-generates gases to pressurize GS1’s propellant tanks.

This test campaign captured a number of firsts for the New Glenn launch system, including the first seven-engine operations, the first integrated GS1-GS2 tanking demonstration, the first LNG/LOX fill for GS1, as well as first chilled helium operations for GS2.

The campaign met all objectives and marks the final major test prior to launch.

Blue Origin has several New Glenn vehicles in production and a full customer manifest. Customers include NASA, Amazon's Project Kuiper, AST SpaceMobile, several telecommunications providers, and a mix of U.S. government customers.

Blue Origin is certifying New Glenn with the U.S. Space Force for the National Security Space Launch (NSSL) program to meet emerging national security objectives.

About New Glenn

New Glenn stands more than 320 feet (98 meters) high and features a seven-meter payload fairing, enabling twice the volume of standard five-meter class commercial launch systems.

Its reusable first stage aims for a minimum of 25 missions and will land on Jacklyn, a sea-based platform located several hundred miles downrange. Reusability is integral to radically reducing cost-per-launch.

The vehicle is powered by seven of Blue Origin’s BE-4 engines, the most powerful liquefied natural gas (LNG)-fueled, oxygen-rich staged combustion engine ever flown.

LNG is cleaner-burning and higher-performing than kerosene-based fuels, and the seven BE-4s generate over 3.8 million lbf of thrust.

The vehicle’s second stage is powered by two BE-3Us, liquid oxygen (LOX)/liquid hydrogen (LH2) engines designed to together yield over 320,000 lbf of vacuum thrust.

In addition to the BE-4 and BE-3U, Blue Origin manufactures BE-7 engines for our Blue Moon lunar landers and New Shepard’s BE-3PM engine.


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34b967 No.22243809


She got my attention…she's a would.

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03abe6 No.22243810

>>22243802 18 [PAJEET FILTER



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620607 No.22243811

File: 22942e91898a471⋯.png (14.81 KB,255x248,255:248,221e51e1fa3408b309f1d66570….png)

The hindus are cooperating with the zionists.


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74d3ea No.22243814

guys its the ending with doctor strange and dormamu

loop de loop

hulk beat the illuminati

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94268f No.22243815

File: 47ecd3d3be5de9a⋯.gif (4.04 MB,450x450,1:1,181004_satellite_thumb.gif)

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f8f170 No.22243818



Scap would

not building material

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fea75a No.22243820

File: 2ad44f099b5ab13⋯.jpg (30.88 KB,414x456,69:76,2ad44f099b5ab13453bac4daad….jpg)

I filtered the filter shill.

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03abe6 No.22243821

>>22243805 18



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6c4596 No.22243823


I love you

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03abe6 No.22243824



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7855c1 No.22243827



Operation Pooperclip shill isFilteringjust like a shill

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f8f170 No.22243828


Create a problem for the solution you have…

Shields UP!

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34b967 No.22243829


>not building material

Correct, but play-time material to be sure.

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03abe6 No.22243831











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3192fc No.22243832

File: 03ae0707fc0e0a0⋯.png (556.96 KB,658x1058,329:529,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: c382c6e9a8c1f6f⋯.png (23.58 KB,534x564,89:94,Screenshot_2024_12_22_at_1….png)

File: b69a6b523227dc7⋯.png (503.51 KB,792x402,132:67,Screenshot_2024_12_11_at_0….png)

File: 3d79f0a8c68a572⋯.png (490.2 KB,510x480,17:16,Screenshot_2024_12_07_at_1….png)

File: e7243bea090c2d6⋯.png (1.72 MB,1302x1256,651:628,Screenshot_2024_12_07_at_1….png)


God of all beginnings, gates, transitions, time, choices, duality, doorways, passages, and endings

Member of Di selecti

Statue representing Janus Bifrons in the Vatican Museums

Other names Ianuspater ("Janus Father"), Ianus Quadrifrons ("Janus Fourfaced"), Ianus Bifrons ("Two-faced Janus")

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6b87fb No.22243833


Consider this thought for a moment

How about he couldn't find enough Bright, hard working young men and needing them them now, he took them from where ever he could find them.

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03abe6 No.22243835

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fea75a No.22243836

File: b8b4a314560724e⋯.jpeg (8.79 KB,189x267,63:89,images_10_.jpeg)


I love you too, anon fren.

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7982e7 No.22243838



Wouldn't Pajeet be pro H1B?

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a429d9 No.22243839

File: a2a64f086e0e87b⋯.jpg (340.91 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_120335….jpg)

File: 3870f60a79f1593⋯.png (117.01 KB,710x980,71:98,1221_4.png)

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620607 No.22243840

File: 7cbd595525e6f03⋯.jpg (66.53 KB,913x1328,11:16,7cbd595525e6f0390c654624e6….jpg)

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03abe6 No.22243841

>>22243833 21




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f8f170 No.22243843


You'd pound that with a 6 inch nails

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03abe6 No.22243844


>Wouldn't Pajeet be pro H1B?


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08c0f3 No.22243846

File: 35b5bd62592764d⋯.png (2.53 MB,1279x1706,1279:1706,ClipboardImage.png)

China's new radio telescopes put into use for deep space exploration

09:23, 28-Dec-2024

Two radio telescopes with 40-meter-diameter antennas, one located in northeast and the other in southwest China, were put into use on Friday.

These telescopes will aid in exploring deep space and unraveling cosmic mysteries.

The two telescopes were built by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in the Changbai Mountain area in northeast China's Jilin Province and in Shigatse in southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region respectively.

Following the deployment of the two new telescopes, the Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) network in China now includes one control center in Shanghai and six stations: two in Shanghai and one in each of Urumqi, Kunming, Changbai Mountain and Shigatse, according to SHAO.

VLBI is a radio interferometry technology that can be used to obtain fine radio images and precise positions of cosmic objects.

Additionally, it is capable of achieving high-precision positioning for deep space probes. Unlike conventional techniques, the VLBI technique can combine signals received at different telescopes for joint processing.

In other words, it is a "virtual telescope" with a size equal to the maximum separation between the telescopes, scientists explained.

With the two new telescopes, the longest baseline of China's VLBI network, or the "effective aperture of the virtual telescope" has been extended from approximately 3,200 kilometers to about 3,800 kilometers, said Shen Zhiqiang, head of SHAO.

As a result, the observable sky area of the upgraded VLBI network in China could be expanded by 25 percent, and the angular resolution in the X-band could be improved by 18 percent, according to Shen.

China's VLBI network has supported lunar exploration missions from Chang'e-1 to Chang'e-6 and the Mars mission Tianwen-1, providing high-precision measurement information about the orbits and position of the spacecraft.

Such a Chinese VLBI network with six stations will allow simultaneous measurement and flexible tracking of multiple targets in different celestial regions, providing stronger support for lunar and deep-space exploration missions in the future, Shen said.

At the launch ceremony for the two telescopes on Friday, Ding Chibiao, vice president of CAS, emphasized the crucial role of major sci-tech infrastructure in supporting innovation, and called for promoting openness and sharing of sci-tech facilities.

Ye Shuhua, an academician of CAS, said the two new telescopes will play an important role in future lunar exploration, as well as deep space missions to explore asteroids, Mars, Jupiter and other celestial bodies.

The construction of the two telescopes, which started in September 2023, has featured great challenges.

One telescope was built at an altitude of 4,100 meters, while the other was located in the frigid region where winter temperatures can drop below minus 20 degrees Celsius, according to Shen.

The two telescopes will enhance China's capability in radio astronomy research and promote cutting-edge astronomical studies such as supermassive black holes, compact astrophysical objects with rapid variability, electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves and galactic dynamics, Shen added.


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6c4596 No.22243848


Hello sir

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620607 No.22243849

File: 7cbd595525e6f03⋯.jpg (66.53 KB,913x1328,11:16,7cbd595525e6f0390c654624e6….jpg)

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7855c1 No.22243850


It's a really hard narrative for the shills to filter around.

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5f9e99 No.22243851


Trumpo sed it

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86871a No.22243852

File: a7e21b28cfa4ffe⋯.mp4 (7.83 MB,720x894,120:149,abortion.mp4)

Sodom and Gomorrah.

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7855c1 No.22243853


Yea, I'm opposed to slave labor.

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7982e7 No.22243854


Thought you said "refiltered"?

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620607 No.22243855

File: 7cbd595525e6f03⋯.jpg (66.53 KB,913x1328,11:16,7cbd595525e6f0390c654624e6….jpg)


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f8f170 No.22243856


Receives a busy signal

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a429d9 No.22243857

File: b54d9c8b7099bfe⋯.jpg (280.12 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_120537….jpg)

File: a20ba2e03864be5⋯.png (77.93 KB,710x894,355:447,1968_1.png)

silly breads

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03abe6 No.22243858





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4ee76d No.22243859

File: d152aa2bf552150⋯.jpeg (116.48 KB,1125x1083,375:361,IMG_3954.jpeg)

Tbf the anon talking about the Biden/China/Hunter stuff that came out has a point. The immigration argument is shadowing other important things right now.

Defo need more eyes on

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7982e7 No.22243860



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0751cc No.22243861


>How about he couldn't find enough Bright, hard working young men and needing them them now, he took them from where ever he could find them.

What Elon is saying is that all theAmerican BornIndians are still retards™, 'cos they'll expect the same level of payment their American Born White counterparts receive, have become decadent themselves, due to American Culture™, so he must hire from third world countries, as they're smarter™ and will work for less.

Elon is showing his true colors. He's always been about the shekels.

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d0e48f No.22243862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE is about to kick in.

Who has it?

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2e8bfd No.22243863


is she a prostitute looking for clients?

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620607 No.22243865


The hindus are cooperating with the zionists.


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34b967 No.22243866


>You'd pound that with a 6 inch nails

…and enjoy every minute.

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03abe6 No.22243867





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86871a No.22243868

File: c3624c882df9209⋯.png (214.86 KB,625x532,625:532,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f170 No.22243870


Flash the cash to find out

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620607 No.22243871


The muslims are cooperating with the zionists.


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8789a3 No.22243872

File: 94550e4b7d505b5⋯.png (418.87 KB,922x1329,922:1329,MUSKblackrock.png)

File: f7fcf9ace91ebf8⋯.png (237.75 KB,903x1109,903:1109,MUSKrnaLAB.png)

File: fb3efb3e12eeb61⋯.png (454.61 KB,925x635,185:127,MUSKtranshumanism.png)

File: 074ebf5d220db62⋯.png (307.93 KB,914x1593,914:1593,MUSKteslaH1B.png)

If you're going to ride Elon's dick so hard, put some peddles on his balls





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03abe6 No.22243874




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5f9e99 No.22243876


And 75 lb hailstones rained down on the earth. Book of Revelation

What goes up must come down.

Spinning wheels got to go round

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b08768 No.22243877

File: 58c82cc23e99e13⋯.png (128.07 KB,1586x910,61:35,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 256cd28923e730e⋯.png (149.88 KB,1079x566,1079:566,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c77a0 No.22243878

File: 2865f5dc1c580e1⋯.png (2.98 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,ClipboardImage.png)


Pajeet Siide


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620607 No.22243879

File: 1831d39841b1cdf⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,480x854,240:427,hinduism_is_an_extremely_d….mp4)

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1b236d No.22243880


Anon worked with these heathens for many years. They're all grifters looking for the American Dream with zero values or interest in preserving it.

How is a polytheistic(satanic) society going to integrate into a monotheistic(Godly) one?

Answer? It's not. Our country turns into the shithole they came from.


Faggot: >>22243806

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7855c1 No.22243881





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a429d9 No.22243882

File: ecbb342f15c5e4b⋯.jpg (301.71 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_120823….jpg)

File: 6a831c04ec44e42⋯.jpeg (75.26 KB,1200x675,16:9,Gf5BDQQWwAAwcWH.jpeg)

File: 403cddea781dd9d⋯.jpeg (74.39 KB,1200x675,16:9,Gf5BEeZWYAAIoK6.jpeg)

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7855c1 No.22243883


Why does this racist want me to hate Chinese people so much?

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620607 No.22243885

File: d250a6adcd43310⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB,460x806,230:403,d250a6adcd433102ff8f46c7fa….mp4)

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0751cc No.22243886

File: 2b95bb2108e1706⋯.png (291.84 KB,609x664,609:664,ClipboardImage.png)


>The hindus are cooperating with the zionists.

Kek. Fucking Pudoo.

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4ee76d No.22243887

File: 8a900ea526789d3⋯.jpeg (36.81 KB,595x435,119:87,IMG_8959.jpeg)

Other things to distract:

Kanye west is back on X

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7982e7 No.22243888


>75 lb hailstones rained down on the earth

The waters stand for people (rev 17:15) so what does hail stand for?

When love grows cold.

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d0e48f No.22243889

File: 64c0490f45ee6aa⋯.jpg (1.27 MB,969x1766,969:1766,Screenshot_20241228_091007….jpg)



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35cb9f No.22243890


>Biden/China/Hunter stuff that came out 4 fucking years ago


We all fucking know about Hunter and China and Joe, anon.

That's not new to anyone HERE

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a9dff6 No.22243891


India And China takeover not loyal to usa

to the country people and military

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5f9e99 No.22243892

File: 3ffa93a14a80441⋯.jpg (73.84 KB,483x669,161:223,Biy7ygjxw.jpg)

File: 7a9bc821bca2caf⋯.jpg (69.64 KB,720x487,720:487,Jo9evid.jpg)

Elon on diet pills is insane elon.

Get to rehab?

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620607 No.22243893

File: 72f9c9c16d511b3⋯.mp4 (249.34 KB,320x568,40:71,72f9c9c16d511b3dc687509977….mp4)

Look at how panicked and scared they are.

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7520a8 No.22243894

File: 8f56608d5a26017⋯.jpg (55.99 KB,636x960,53:80,QueenDruid.jpg)

File: fec1e859a5e3e80⋯.png (482.05 KB,900x845,180:169,blackeyequeencloseup.png)

File: 328daf670fc20bc⋯.png (400.72 KB,977x662,977:662,1eyeriverphoenix.png)

File: 01e486526365781⋯.jpg (139.68 KB,634x1001,634:1001,BlackEyeClubReid.jpg)

File: 76dbb8190309d94⋯.jpg (162.83 KB,800x770,80:77,blackeyeclub2.jpg)




Jew haters offer:

Nothing about Q research or Trump that's relevant to q research


Because the Q drops explicitly point us away from judgment based upon religion, color (ethnicity) gender, party whatever.

The cult who owns us and who wants to destroy us hides under all these different fronts.

They are secret.

It's a secret club. That's why the codes and the symbols.

The one eye club .

The pointing at the left eye.

and rarely the right, for a publicly available and posted photograph.

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f8f170 No.22243895


The left complained about Trump using the very tax loopholes they created for themselves

Now you are complaining that Elon is using the very loophole the left uses for human trafficking, that he uses to find good employees.

How narrow you thinking is

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a9dff6 No.22243896


Honey well board member NYSE

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34b967 No.22243897


I like her!

She's building material.

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2ab8c6 No.22243899

File: 772a9d1f086461d⋯.jpg (17.59 KB,412x251,412:251,Punt_gun.jpg)

"Dawn patrol on Finger Lakes"

Image shows an anon "hunting the vetala Raj with 8 guage "

Circa 2026

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52a9f2 No.22243900

File: 14511156fd084ff⋯.jpeg (153.91 KB,745x745,1:1,2561CC22_3F80_4AD3_8746_9….jpeg)

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3192fc No.22243901

well, when the indian companies come over here, you might have rethought the H1B1visa hatin…


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a429d9 No.22243902

File: 410475e25820dba⋯.jpg (382.88 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_121007….jpg)

File: a1ebb058dfb681d⋯.jpg (217.42 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_121034….jpg)

File: edfc3e8493607e0⋯.jpg (203.28 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_121047….jpg)

File: 49ec8b3c47644d3⋯.jpg (222.24 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_121105….jpg)

File: 357e3872f516dfd⋯.png (711.85 KB,710x3562,355:1781,128_4.png)

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74d3ea No.22243903

fashioners fashioning

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4ee76d No.22243904

File: 17da40e243226e5⋯.jpeg (90.8 KB,923x742,923:742,IMG_8960.jpeg)

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7855c1 No.22243905


Yea, I'd say the wealthiest pedophile in the country calling all white people racist and participating in ethnic genocide via Operation Pooperclip is way more recent fuckery.

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7855c1 No.22243906


>white people racist

My bad how retarded of me, he called us retarded racists.

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2e8bfd No.22243907


Lara's breasts never looked like that

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aa0843 No.22243908

the actual mails are 10 and 8 weeks ago.

since then:




and now:


[nsa folks]

More or less sound questions

Hello CIA,

I would kindly want to know the following and try to express myself in the language that you folks use.

- do you use agents and assets that are e.g. doing jobs as postman, or women, to e.g. quickly run to the next drop box when things in front of that one white house start cooking again?

- The head of the Hesbolla (in Germany that is what we say when someone has a strong head, to talk about him, in any name that comes to mind, using a variety of different words to express a strong head, "He´s Bollakopf.") was appearantly killed. I hope you folks did not do it and are in that way completely dismanteled with only knowing assisetnece of kindness to offer, maybe to those folks who look like Roger from Amarican Dad on the Mediteranian Ocean, next to the guy with the glasses and the beard and tie. Please, would you make sure there is not another revolution where folks scream at each other on the fence, but rather find joy and relaxation and love thinking through different things.

- do some agents actually get red noses, because "clown" and all that? you know, for easy marking and such.

- how many of those very active YT folks are on your payroll?

- Is it true after having changed the nuclear code for the US on the same day, it´s basically the very same numbers again, but rearranged? If so, why? And is it true, Iran is using also arrows within that nuclear code entering devise? Did they get guidance on that? From my pov it´s not recommended to sort of get out of that loop while thinking from numbers to arrows, more than colors.

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

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1db135 No.22243909


They do this stuff on purpose, its no accident.

They know what they are trying to cause to.

Its a great opportunity for a false flag to trick the people.

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aa0843 No.22243910


Hello CIA,

I was not quite sure if you are already in the age of innovation and such, also given your approach on "yes, we folks do internet too." and willing or staffed to reply in a "twitter joke" way, so I mail again and again sort of expect no reply at all times.

is Frank (B)ribery reported to have gotten bribery? with all those political scandals around money and all that.

are you folks really the biggest agency? the highest court of US is the one single court folks did hear from, even if not from US. are you the biggest agency doing stuff in my home country, Germany? is it true the BND is working also within Germany, when being the Dienst for out of the country? Ge heim Dienst prolly does mean something different. is it because those folks are better in organizing than the VS is? is mr kahl reported to have climbed the kahler asten? (was thinking about that because of the early snow around here ;) ) / are guided tours within the pentagon really backwards? like time wise?

there has been a lot of bs in the world, supposedly, even when I never was to China (I also would not become a consultant, indepentend from allnighter reports.) War in a country that has rain in the name, conflict in a country that has a stripey name, like zebras. there has been Dönermorde within my home country, I did had my food burned a couple of times, but noone would ever do that I suppose. also there has already been much talk on war on Ungläubige, a sensible because religious topic. in a real temple, it would be really bad to have folks be there with non belief but half sentences or even psychologically skilled half sentence routines.

are you folks responsible for having folks feel comfortable (and with that trusting and sort of being an example for live like that) that e.g. glue themselves on the streets and then claim to be part of this or that? I even saw someone, maybe a guy from the Bundesumweltministerium, gluing himself on the street, while sort of using a disabled person. making folks wait in traffic can seem powerfull, but is misused trust.

does Putin actually use a Doppelgänger, in case folks want to check him out?

do you folks have some sort of a death laser? a devise making you sort of become dizzy and then drop out? or is that science fiction I hear? do you or maybe did you use satellites like that or other stuff?

mr kahl, the german bnd chief is widowed. I suppose his wife died in an unusual early age. how comes there is no consiracy bs around that? do folks not care?

and some more on that:

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

when having managed to code like that, you would also want to not be discovered doing that. for this it seems a struggle to sit in the park and wait for that one lady with the funny handback that you claimed your thought on. pros, I superpose, will wait and sort of look at that thought while accepting the emotion as one of many things that folks do think about while thinking and talking, a normal thing.

and when trying to make your manipulation skills work within a real crowd, you could use groupy momentum. like having a police guy do a loudspeaker announcment, in the moment folks are likely to look anyway, because being bored or whatever. this would make a single person from the crowd have the experience that they want to look at the person, while others do the same, while this was sort of ordered.

(I suppose I had a chance to think about groups while being in a hotel room some years back, there I carefully checked the tiltedness of my window in relation to crowds downstairs (because being next to a stadium), I do not mean Las Vegas and the shooting, but a totally different Hotel that I ended up being in.) I also did think how a curtain from a newly rented room could be moldy, but did not manage to complain about that, because of the toilet brush having had a big piece of shit onto it, when entering the neewly rented room, this sort of was psychological pressure to better not mention the curtain, even when I did neither make it moldy nor took a shit in the room yet.

and the most important question, do folks who have to do the baddest of shit occasionally shoot themselves in the head (no discussion on death penalty) to spare life itself from their doings or thoughts? those folks cannot possible think God would fix that in a world where couched usually are placed on the ceiling.

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a9dff6 No.22243911



Americans do not stand with this sht

The great Lou Dobbs stood with American Engineers.

Why is EL on Subsidized.

El on


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620607 No.22243912




Globalist are so fucked.

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bc0cc1 No.22243913

File: 66a25612ff07da0⋯.png (10.7 KB,449x135,449:135,ClipboardImage.png)

Apparently this is a free speech site.

So people can say what they like.

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aa0843 No.22243914

I do use language and words, if you take the word no and turn it into bs everytime it´s obviously a lie.

heavens are asking for symbolik in terms of me having a "track".

that is often when I watch tv, it´s every week.

I am not living on the Autobahn though and will not choose to have my luxory villa placed next to an elders home.

in the kloster I was not God because having jerked off also there, but because every leave turned when I walked by.

in the kloster I did not read Quaran, I do not really know much but love all religions, that is me.

clown team with those folks gluing themselves to my seats and throwing stones while claiming to have a certain color of jacket, did make the women in my house air out garlic smell a billion times, then, when daddy heavens took a look, she tried to self cook the intentional garlic smell in the house to grilling on the balkony.

the other day Putin himself did give a look on how calm actually agency work is. that was the 3rd out of 4 times, other times heavy agitating.

I do not need clowns who communicate my stuff with bad shit, ever.

the last two days, the guy living next to my house did those two things all day long, a real guy with half sentences in his head and a clown team that likes to have everyone ever promoted to God that bought a car:

- mentioning the word Iran a billion times.

- trying to convince heavens, cats to better have me torture all day long so I while appearing if I was not even to notice it, do Godspeed, what I do since over a year, with 8 degree turn instead of 7.

I love cats very much and will have ended the commando bs that makes God himself an ape in the zoo, together with enough of those half sentence "cutns" that are not cunts and that do not wear my helmet but steal it for a few secs if the half sentence crew is engaged enough.

If you shout at the heavens to annoy God, you will be done.

again, those who agitate heavily, those with psychology skills and others, after I bought a peace of marzipan cake, those folks get told "cake" and "marzipan" a billion times a week.

heavens: "stable", prolly that is bc I create all that is, 'currently' the numbers.

clown team: sure, let´s check stableness again with heavy torture and making an ambulance appear by using the heavens who are powerfull and thoughout time, not an ambulance that is a real one, but one of those who is likely to let me think and not complain about so to see more.

I will sit on a couch next week also and will be most easy to find for heavens, e.g. when I sing, or talk about music or math. the guy next door with the commando cunts are using the questions of heavens asking for me to sing to make a billion of noises, to go find out when I sing, heavens get a shoulder clap, also not knowing what a body even is, agitators are out and, as told yesterday several times, will be [ ] in a number that basically equalls all of them and then one more. only humans and those few reds who work the agency torture thing, I am the one with "crate".

the lady who walked behind me a few times, is not a grey eminenz by thinking over a few thousand years, that is bullshitting the heavnes. someone working at a doctors office, also when having a fitting name, does not need to copy my body movements to claim he is God for a few secs to work half sentence routines.

the tiltedness of my window in my hotel room I prolly would have forgiven, bc you did not know. "hes bollakopf" I won´t forgive.

I superpose you will be gone before I look at you, so.

close the board.

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7855c1 No.22243915


>find good employees.

Cheap employees, not good ones.

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cb28d7 No.22243916


Trump said it was find it yourself

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34b967 No.22243917

File: 21b3b2cfd7027e2⋯.png (162.11 KB,606x496,303:248,ClipboardImage.png)


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2e8bfd No.22243918


to bad you don't use words in a way to post something useful here.

please keep your drug-addle love poetry to keroac and the beats somewhere else.

filtered for being a twit who can't stop chattering but doesn't really say anything real.

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0f0726 No.22243919






Elon Musks anti-white meltdown summarized:









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f86846 No.22243920



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fea75a No.22243921

File: b00cd02aa05bca9⋯.jpg (41.93 KB,560x560,1:1,08_1331755984365_2_2024_04….jpg)

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b6fb82 No.22243922

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a429d9 No.22243923

File: 9af100c499fae51⋯.jpg (428.17 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241227_132139….jpg)

File: a89c0f929f24e2e⋯.jpeg (11.11 KB,168x300,14:25,images_44.jpeg)

File: ce8b858c3e60b93⋯.jpeg (547.91 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GfwHG9PXMAEbY4Q.jpeg)

File: 1a4d5954ab769cc⋯.png (781.27 KB,710x1698,355:849,2836.png)


slides fucking boring. burn it with fire

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b08768 No.22243924

File: 97ee8cefbb0a861⋯.png (319.61 KB,869x1221,79:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9dff6 No.22243925



EL ON hating on white people

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23396c No.22243926

100 days from 1/20/25 will be 4/30/25

so this is within the 11.3-11.4 window, they want to destroy his first 100days.. and EVERYTHING we are seeing is to provoke and goad the dummies into delivering their very own death blow!

im loving it!




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7982e7 No.22243927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Lara's breasts never looked like that

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08c0f3 No.22243929

File: 540555566420a31⋯.png (283.11 KB,650x350,13:7,ClipboardImage.png)


The rare 'black moon' of December 30 rises next week

December 27, 2024

December 2024 will see a rare "black moon," a term for the second new moon in a calendar month.

The second new moon of December will occur at 5:27 p.m. ET (2227 GMT) on Dec. 30, according to the U.S. Naval Observatory, two days after the waning moon passes by Mercury in the predawn sky.

A second new moon is sometimes called a "black moon," just as two full moons in a month is sometimes called a "blue moon"  — though neither is a true astronomical term.

New moons happen when the sun and the moon share the same celestial longitude, a position also called conjunction.

You can't see the moon during this phase from Earth because the illuminated side is facing away from us; only during solar eclipses do new moons make themselves visible.

New moon nights are a boon to astronomers both professional and amateur; the lack of a bright moon means that fainter objects are easier to see in the sky.

This can be especially true in the winter in much of North America when in addition to having no interference from the moon, the air tends to be drier and offer better seeing through telescopes.

A Mercury conjunction

On Dec. 28 at 11:24 p.m. Eastern Time, the moon will be in conjunction with Mercury; the two will appear about 6 degrees apart. The event itself won't be visible from the United States.

However, in New York City Mercury will rise at 5:38 a.m. on Dec. 28, and the sun follows at 6:48 a.m. The moon, meanwhile, rises at 5:26 a.m.

If one looks towards the eastern horizon by 6:15 a.m. one can spot Mercury and the moon, both about 6 degrees high; the moon will be a thin crescent and to the right of Mercury.

The closeness to the horizon makes spotting the two a challenge, but one can use the moon to orient.

To see the conjunction one must go eastward; in Cairo, for example, the conjunction is at 6:24 a.m. local time on Dec. 29, according to In-the-sky.org.

Sunrise is at 6:50 a.m. but Mercury rises at 5:13 a.m. and the moon at 5:33 a.m. At the time of conjunction (6:24 a.m.) the moon is 8 degrees high in the southeast and Mercury is at 13 degrees.

From Cape Town, the viewing is little better because the austral summer means that the sun rises earlier, at 5:36 a.m., so the conjunction happens after sunrise.

Mercury rises there at 4:12 a.m. local time and the moon at 3:48 a.m. The pair will be about 10 degrees high by 5:00 a.m. with the moon above and to the right of Mercury.

Visible Planets

On the night of the new moon itself, Mercury will be just visible in the dawn skies on Dec. 31, rising at 5:45 a.m. in New York.

Sunrise isn't until 7:20 a.m. By 6:45 a,m. Mercury will be about 9 degrees high in the southeast – difficult to see but not impossible with a flat horizon and clear conditions.

In the evening, by about 6 p.m., Venus and Saturn will be in the southwestern sky, at 22 degrees and 35 degrees respectively. In New York Venus sets at 8:27 p.m. and Saturn at 9:57 p.m.

Jupiter, meanwhile, is in the east about halfway to the zenith from the horizon at 43 degrees; the planet will be situated to the left of Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus and the contrast between the two – Aldebaran is much redder than Jupiter – makes them easy to spot.

Jupiter sets on Dec. 31 at 5:26 a.m. Mars rises at 6:07 p.m. and by 8 p.m. is 20 degrees above the eastern horizon; it is visible until sunrise.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the days are long – at the latitude of Buenos Aires the sky doesn't get dark until about 9 p.m. (sunset there on Dec. 30 is at 8:09 p.m.) and sunrise is early; at 5:43 a.m. a.m. in Buenos Aires.

In the predawn hours of Dec. 31 Mercury rises at 4:18 a.m., and as in the Northern Hemisphere is only about 7 degrees high by 5 a.m.

On Dec. 30, as in the Northern Hemisphere, one will see Venus and Saturn in the west, with Venus closer to the horizon and Saturn above and to the right (northwards).

In Buenos Aires Venus sets at 10:54 p.m., Saturn at 11:44 p.m. Turning northeast one will see Jupiter; from mid-southern latitudes the planet appears to be below Aldebaran; Jupiter sets at 4:00 a.m. Dec. 31.

In Buenos Aires Mars rises at 9:42 p.m. and takes some time to get high enough to see easily; by 11:30 p.m. the red planet is only 18 degrees high in the northeast.


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2e8bfd No.22243930


ok, so what's that, the original version on a low rez box?

Or did you get some code to dress her up as a vox princess?

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fea75a No.22243931

File: 7d246e063740a62⋯.jpg (45.65 KB,460x345,4:3,unnamed_2_.jpg)

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31e43b No.22243932

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)

Elon's sure got everyone riled up. I mean, I can understand why. The appearance of being America First while arguing for importing foreign workers mixes like oil and water. I think it was done to force a debate on the subject. Either that or to light a fire under the assess of the American youth.

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08c0f3 No.22243933


Stars and constellations

Winter constellations are in full swing for Northern Hemisphere observers in January. By about 6 p.m. Orion, the Hunter, is just above the Eastern horizon, and one can watch its stars appear as the sky darkens.

Orion faces Taurus, which early in the evening is above the Hunter (the constellation is actually to the west and north). One can see the Hyades, a cluster of bright stars that is the "face" of the bull.

Looking left, above Orion's head, one sees Auriga, the Charioteer. To find it, look for Orion's Belt, then for Betelgeuse, the Hunter's right shoulder (his left from the perspective of a ground-based observer). Betelgeuse is recognizable as it is visibly reddish-orange.

Looking almost straight upwards from Betelgeuse one will see Aldebaran, another orange-colored star that will be to the right of Jupiter, which will be slightly brighter and emit a steady light; if you can see stars twinkle you will notice that Jupiter does not; marking it as a planet.

Draw a line straight from Aldebaran through Jupiter and you will reach the middle of Auriga, eventually hitting a fainter star called Menkalinan, or Beta Aurigae. Above Menkalinan is Capella, noticeably brighter and yellowish white.

By about 9 p.m. on Dec. 30, Canis Major and Canis Minor, the "hunting dogs" of Orion, have both cleared the horizon and are in the southeast.

Canis Major is below Orion (to its south and east) while Canis Minor is to the east (on Orion's right, the observer's left). Canis Major, the Big Dog, contains Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.

Looking left and above Sirius one will see Procyon, the brightest star in the Little Dog. Procyon, Sirius and Betelgeuse in Orion form the Winter Triangle asterism that is easy to see even from light-polluted locations in cities and suburbs.

By 11 p.m. Leo the Lion has fully risen; one can spot it by looking for Sirius which by that point is in the south-southeast. Turn to the left (eastwards) and upwards; one will see Procyon.

Continue left from Procyon and downwards slightly until one is facing nearly due east; one should be able to see Regulus, or Alpha Leonis, also called Cor Leonis, the Heart of the Lion.

Regulus is at the bottom of a sickle-shaped group of stars that is Leo's head and mane. Look towards the horizon and to the left and one encounters Denebola, the Lion's tail.

By this time of night Orion is fully "upright" with the Belt stars making a line from east to west angled slightly upwards; it's much easier to see the shape that forms Orion's shoulders and legs.

To the right and below the Belt is a bright blue-white star; that's Rigel, the foot of Orion.

If local city lights are not too bright one can spot a fainter star just above and to the right of Rigel; this is the start of Eridanus, the River, and the star is called Cursa or Beta Eridani, as it is the second-brightest star in the constellation.

Eridanus' brightest star, Achernar, isn't visible at all north of 33 degrees latitude. In the continental U.S. that means one must be in one of the states along the Gulf Coast, the southern half of Arizona or New Mexico, or San Diego.

For Southern Hemisphere observers, January is when Puppis, Carina and Vela, the three constellations that make up the ship (connected to the Argo, the famous ship of Jason and the Argonauts) are prominent, rising in the southeast as the sky gets dark.

As it is the austral summer the sky takes until about 9 p.m. to get fully dark (in Buenos Aires civil twilight ends at 8:38 p.m.) At that point in the northeastern sky one would see an "upside down" Orion, with the Belt stars above Betelgeuse, which is below the Belt and to the right.

Rigel, meanwhile, is upwards and to the left, and this time when one follows the River from Cursa, one goes across the sky through the zenith to a point a full 64 degrees high in the southeast, to Achernar.

If one uses Betelgeuse and Sirius as "pointers" one can draw a line between them southwards (this will be to the right) and above that line is the bright Canopus, the brightest star in Carina, the Ship's Keel, about 47 degrees high in the southeast.

Between Canopus and Sirius is a group of seven fainter stars that forms a long shape something like a foot; that's Puppis, the Poop Deck.

Look just south (to the right) and one can see the ring-shaped group of stars that is Vela, the Sail.

Turning a bit further south – it will be to the right – one can see Crux, the Southern Cross, which covers an area between 6 and 12 degrees high in the south-southeast.

From the latitude of Buenos Aires Crux never sets; at this point it is rising from its low point just above the southern horizon.


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7520a8 No.22243934

File: 64e0867486f358e⋯.jpeg (66.91 KB,524x526,262:263,peaceonearthd2.jpeg)



Queen is short? The druid must be really small? Is it a man?


People make assumptions about Elon and that he cheats his employees.


This kerfluffle is amplified by the haters.

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a9dff6 No.22243935




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f8f170 No.22243936


Cheap employees at SpaceX Skilled

Cheap employees at X Skilled

Cheap employees at Tesla Skilled

So BTW it's not about the jews today?

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1afa86 No.22243937

File: 5a6e76333a3a48b⋯.png (113.67 KB,292x300,73:75,ClipboardImage.png)


>Bobby is not in charge of Liquid Gold.

Scott is in charge!

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38d047 No.22243938


it's simple-

trust NO ONE

including ALL nominated, appointed and/or elected officials

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3ca47d No.22243939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They did in 1996…

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2ab8c6 No.22243940

File: d9b4c6eaa1b44e1⋯.jpg (206.61 KB,1000x875,8:7,d9b4c6eaa1b44e14768c83f805….jpg)


Q How many QR shillers are H1B ?

ANS. Plenny.

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06218c No.22243941

File: 3ca7469593da501⋯.png (752.82 KB,524x699,524:699,ClipboardImage.png)


>light a fire under the assess of the American youth.

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34b967 No.22243942


That explains why he built those communities down around Star City.

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3192fc No.22243943


importing workers on corporate quotas seems reasonable to control unwanted worker pops and promotes a sustainable globalism led by america

we can beat em, but we'll let em join us.. no?

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a9dff6 No.22243944




The Great Lou Dobbs disagrees

with IS RA EL


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52a9f2 No.22243945

File: aeeff1954c31304⋯.jpeg (27.42 KB,474x320,237:160,IMG_7176.jpeg)

File: b698a3bab005424⋯.jpeg (84.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_7175.jpeg)

File: a0dae91b138f126⋯.jpeg (45.99 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_7177.jpeg)

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3b2ff8 No.22243946

Joe Biden wanted to follow up on the letter he got from the "Biden from Mumbai". However, he didn't find time to pursue it. The letter suggested that "our mutual, great, great, great, something or other worked for the East India Trading Company back in the 1700s and came to Mumbai," Mr Biden said.

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6b1da6 No.22243947


>worldwide white population

it was 30% in 1900

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f8f170 No.22243948


The shills think they have a winning wedge issue.


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a9dff6 No.22243949


FREE tax peyer money to EL ON

Cliff high calls him EL ON

Musk says he is an El

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b08768 No.22243950

File: d085847d73fd7ce⋯.png (670.45 KB,860x745,172:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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06218c No.22243951

File: a664788e2022aa6⋯.png (680.92 KB,568x563,568:563,ClipboardImage.png)


So you know that rhymes with Ramaswama, rite?

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81ba5b No.22243952

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf.png)



America is being invaded and replaced by a foreign culture who only care about themselves, from tech companies to 7-11s, from drug stores to 7-11s, to your local convenience store.

There is no other way to say it.

Wake up.

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f8f170 No.22243953

File: 86ee7f1934cc024⋯.png (1.12 MB,836x1280,209:320,ClipboardImage.png)

This is Real Winning

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aa0843 No.22243954

the actual mails are 10 and 8 weeks ago.

since then:




and now:


[nsa folks]

More or less sound questions

Hello CIA,

I would kindly want to know the following and try to express myself in the language that you folks use.

- do you use agents and assets that are e.g. doing jobs as postman, or women, to e.g. quickly run to the next drop box when things in front of that one white house start cooking again?

- The head of the Hesbolla (in Germany that is what we say when someone has a strong head, to talk about him, in any name that comes to mind, using a variety of different words to express a strong head, "He´s Bollakopf.") was appearantly killed. I hope you folks did not do it and are in that way completely dismanteled with only knowing assisetnece of kindness to offer, maybe to those folks who look like Roger from Amarican Dad on the Mediteranian Ocean, next to the guy with the glasses and the beard and tie. Please, would you make sure there is not another revolution where folks scream at each other on the fence, but rather find joy and relaxation and love thinking through different things.

- do some agents actually get red noses, because "clown" and all that? you know, for easy marking and such.

- how many of those very active YT folks are on your payroll?

- Is it true after having changed the nuclear code for the US on the same day, it´s basically the very same numbers again, but rearranged? If so, why? And is it true, Iran is using also arrows within that nuclear code entering devise? Did they get guidance on that? From my pov it´s not recommended to sort of get out of that loop while thinking from numbers to arrows, more than colors.

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

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a429d9 No.22243955

File: 7423c0aacafb736⋯.jpg (394.49 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_121832….jpg)

File: 961e0f74e9dcba9⋯.png (418.31 KB,710x2872,355:1436,138_2.png)

File: 9483112ff5006a9⋯.jpg (386.79 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241228_121838….jpg)

File: bada32503771efe⋯.png (842.17 KB,710x2078,355:1039,79_1.png)


video 1:38

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6c77a0 No.22243956

File: eb6f0a0092145da⋯.jpg (130.48 KB,1002x1020,167:170,luvglasses.jpg)


you seein sumone now?

mabbe we find a nice patch of grass and commune

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2e8bfd No.22243957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



OK, I must have been running better graphics cards.

to be fair I never played it on a gaming station, always on a PC.

also I never played the very first version.

I would upgrade my systems every time a new Lara came out until one time they made this Lara that was horrible and then I stopped buying it.

here is a remastered version of Tomb Raider 2 at the very end when she goes into the shower . . . and . . . .

"Don't you think you've seen enough"

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aa0843 No.22243958


Hello CIA,

I was not quite sure if you are already in the age of innovation and such, also given your approach on "yes, we folks do internet too." and willing or staffed to reply in a "twitter joke" way, so I mail again and again sort of expect no reply at all times.

is Frank (B)ribery reported to have gotten bribery? with all those political scandals around money and all that.

are you folks really the biggest agency? the highest court of US is the one single court folks did hear from, even if not from US. are you the biggest agency doing stuff in my home country, Germany? is it true the BND is working also within Germany, when being the Dienst for out of the country? Ge heim Dienst prolly does mean something different. is it because those folks are better in organizing than the VS is? is mr kahl reported to have climbed the kahler asten? (was thinking about that because of the early snow around here ;) ) / are guided tours within the pentagon really backwards? like time wise?

there has been a lot of bs in the world, supposedly, even when I never was to China (I also would not become a consultant, indepentend from allnighter reports.) War in a country that has rain in the name, conflict in a country that has a stripey name, like zebras. there has been Dönermorde within my home country, I did had my food burned a couple of times, but noone would ever do that I suppose. also there has already been much talk on war on Ungläubige, a sensible because religious topic. in a real temple, it would be really bad to have folks be there with non belief but half sentences or even psychologically skilled half sentence routines.

are you folks responsible for having folks feel comfortable (and with that trusting and sort of being an example for live like that) that e.g. glue themselves on the streets and then claim to be part of this or that? I even saw someone, maybe a guy from the Bundesumweltministerium, gluing himself on the street, while sort of using a disabled person. making folks wait in traffic can seem powerfull, but is misused trust.

does Putin actually use a Doppelgänger, in case folks want to check him out?

do you folks have some sort of a death laser? a devise making you sort of become dizzy and then drop out? or is that science fiction I hear? do you or maybe did you use satellites like that or other stuff?

mr kahl, the german bnd chief is widowed. I suppose his wife died in an unusual early age. how comes there is no consiracy bs around that? do folks not care?

and some more on that:

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

when having managed to code like that, you would also want to not be discovered doing that. for this it seems a struggle to sit in the park and wait for that one lady with the funny handback that you claimed your thought on. pros, I superpose, will wait and sort of look at that thought while accepting the emotion as one of many things that folks do think about while thinking and talking, a normal thing.

and when trying to make your manipulation skills work within a real crowd, you could use groupy momentum. like having a police guy do a loudspeaker announcment, in the moment folks are likely to look anyway, because being bored or whatever. this would make a single person from the crowd have the experience that they want to look at the person, while others do the same, while this was sort of ordered.

(I suppose I had a chance to think about groups while being in a hotel room some years back, there I carefully checked the tiltedness of my window in relation to crowds downstairs (because being next to a stadium), I do not mean Las Vegas and the shooting, but a totally different Hotel that I ended up being in.) I also did think how a curtain from a newly rented room could be moldy, but did not manage to complain about that, because of the toilet brush having had a big piece of shit onto it, when entering the neewly rented room, this sort of was psychological pressure to better not mention the curtain, even when I did neither make it moldy nor took a shit in the room yet.

and the most important question, do folks who have to do the baddest of shit occasionally shoot themselves in the head (no discussion on death penalty) to spare life itself from their doings or thoughts? those folks cannot possible think God would fix that in a world where couched usually are placed on the ceiling.

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620607 No.22243959

File: 4f7c734d580bfa3⋯.jpg (57.37 KB,500x625,4:5,4f7c734d580bfa38757c10847a….jpg)

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aa627f No.22243961


>And the DS Shills have taken the bait

You spelled Elon is a deep state shill wrong.

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aa0843 No.22243962

I do use language and words, if you take the word no and turn it into bs everytime it´s obviously a lie.

heavens are asking for symbolik in terms of me having a "track".

that is often when I watch tv, it´s every week.

I am not living on the Autobahn though and will not choose to have my luxory villa placed next to an elders home.

in the kloster I was not God because having jerked off also there, but because every leave turned when I walked by.

in the kloster I did not read Quaran, I do not really know much but love all religions, that is me.

clown team with those folks gluing themselves to my seats and throwing stones while claiming to have a certain color of jacket, did make the women in my house air out garlic smell a billion times, then, when daddy heavens took a look, she tried to self cook the intentional garlic smell in the house to grilling on the balkony.

the other day Putin himself did give a look on how calm actually agency work is. that was the 3rd out of 4 times, other times heavy agitating.

I do not need clowns who communicate my stuff with bad shit, ever.

the last two days, the guy living next to my house did those two things all day long, a real guy with half sentences in his head and a clown team that likes to have everyone ever promoted to God that bought a car:

- mentioning the word Iran a billion times.

- trying to convince heavens, cats to better have me torture all day long so I while appearing if I was not even to notice it, do Godspeed, what I do since over a year, with 8 degree turn instead of 7.

I love cats very much and will have ended the commando bs that makes God himself an ape in the zoo, together with enough of those half sentence "cutns" that are not cunts and that do not wear my helmet but steal it for a few secs if the half sentence crew is engaged enough.

If you shout at the heavens to annoy God, you will be done.

again, those who agitate heavily, those with psychology skills and others, after I bought a peace of marzipan cake, those folks get told "cake" and "marzipan" a billion times a week.

heavens: "stable", prolly that is bc I create all that is, 'currently' the numbers.

clown team: sure, let´s check stableness again with heavy torture and making an ambulance appear by using the heavens who are powerfull and thoughout time, not an ambulance that is a real one, but one of those who is likely to let me think and not complain about so to see more.

I will sit on a couch next week also and will be most easy to find for heavens, e.g. when I sing, or talk about music or math. the guy next door with the commando cunts are using the questions of heavens asking for me to sing to make a billion of noises, to go find out when I sing, heavens get a shoulder clap, also not knowing what a body even is, agitators are out and, as told yesterday several times, will be [ ] in a number that basically equalls all of them and then one more. only humans and those few reds who work the agency torture thing, I am the one with "crate".

the lady who walked behind me a few times, is not a grey eminenz by thinking over a few thousand years, that is bullshitting the heavnes. someone working at a doctors office, also when having a fitting name, does not need to copy my body movements to claim he is God for a few secs to work half sentence routines.

the tiltedness of my window in my hotel room I prolly would have forgiven, bc you did not know. "hes bollakopf" I won´t forgive.

I superpose you will be gone before I look at you, so.

close the board.

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638e54 No.22243963


Q - What is the definition of hard working, honest, and loves America?

A - They raise their hand when asked "Do you want to gtf out of India?"

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a9dff6 No.22243964


BILL Gates is a doctor

EL ON is an EL ?


for his interests

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000000 No.22243965

Illegals crossing the border every day.

Nah. Let's focus on the H1B visas and deport Elon.

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f8f170 No.22243966

The shills have their panties all in a bunch today!

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08c0f3 No.22243967

File: 8585dcd87f23c18⋯.png (418.13 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0aeb5c90968098a⋯.png (624.88 KB,940x562,470:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Christmas solar flares erupt from the sun. Will they trigger aurora 'fireworks' as we close out 2024?

December 27, 2024

In the final hours of Christmas Day, the sun fired off four solar flares within less than three hours.

The biggest flare of the series, recorded at a M7.3, erupted from sunspot region AR3938 on Dec. 25 at 10:15 p,m. EST (0315 GMT on Dec. 26).

Solar flares are ranked and categorized by their power on a 4-level classification scale, with M-class the second strongest to the beastly X-class at the top.

According to Spaceweather.com, this was part of a group of four different flares that happened within two and a half hours coinciding with three sunspot regions — AR3938, AR3933, and AR3936.

In footage of the sun taken during time period, it looks like the lights twinkling on and off on a Christmas tree.

This same active show on the sun can be seen in images captured by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Solar Ultraviolent Imager (SUVI) aboard its Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-16).

These types of synchronized blasts are referred to as sympathetic solar flares, and are a very rare phenomenon.

When these explosions happen at practically the same time from different sunspot regions, they are actually intertwined and do not fire off on their own.

This can occur when the sunspots are spaced far away from each other but are still linked by magnetic loops that are invisible to the eye.

As always, the big question when solar flares occur is if we will have any effects from the sun’s explosions here on the Earth (which for space lovers, would be another opportunity to see auroras).

According to the Thursday morning discussion from forecasters at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), at this time it appears the coronal mass ejection (CME) that resulted from the M7.3 flare is predicted to miss our planet just to the north.

CMEs are supercharged plasma bubbles that get hurled off into space following powerful solar flare eruptions.

Sscientists remain confident that the sun will remain active through the end of the year with these active regions.

All is takes is just one powerful flare to send a CME our way that could bring a late Christmas gift of auroras before the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s Eve.



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0f0726 No.22243968

Normally, I'd agree any of these shitstorms were created artificially, but this time, Elon and Vivek obviously were primarily responsible.

That the left tries to use this as an opportunity should come naturally, however this time they weren't those that launched it.

If you think that's divisive and harming MAGA, you'll have to discuss that with Elon and Vivek, and not those pointing out their questionable actions.

The people should not and will not follow anyone blindly just because they're "in the team now". We are over this, it doesn't matter what party or group you belong to and we know some mistakes are not being made accidentally.

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9f4a9a No.22243969

File: 5593ffe39b669cb⋯.webm (2.39 MB,460x480,23:24,aVvxGn8_460svvp9.webm)

How the top 0.1% engineers fish

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9e5fc4 No.22243970


So we now all know that Elon Musk is and always has been an Illuminati owned asset.

Trump played that Freemason like a fiddle. keep your friends close your enemies closer.

DOGE was a legal way to get all the “Ron Swansons” of the US info legally & also how to make sure others H1B visas get pushed thru to exploit wages, therefore Americans.

Immigration should be stopped indefinitely.

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b08768 No.22243971

File: 962a73055e4da10⋯.png (98.03 KB,1608x844,402:211,The_tweet_that_started_the….png)


This is the tweet that started it all

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a9dff6 No.22243972


Controlling US MIL Assets and Science and Engineering.

Engineering schols since we are aLL from CHYNA let us speak in Chineses.

Controlling us from within. using money as a weapon. from taxpayers.

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620607 No.22243973

File: 9b46f6c3e80a219⋯.webm (191.16 KB,427x240,427:240,9b46f6c3e80a21910c307fbcb….webm)

Deport Elon for Treason!


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200c36 No.22243974

File: f5275320addeeee⋯.png (65.58 KB,262x192,131:96,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e97e031e78c9ca⋯.png (294.46 KB,619x588,619:588,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0e48f No.22243975

File: 24ef7c1d7858931⋯.gif (1.57 MB,498x211,498:211,thor_cut.gif)

And don't worry, when I find you, it will be swift and you won't even realize what happened.

Unlike you, I have zero desire to prolong the INEVITABLE.

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a9dff6 No.22243976


The China Price

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8da51e No.22243977

File: 4bc477b9b3d7b93⋯.jpeg (165.72 KB,1197x563,1197:563,IMG_7996.jpeg)

Meet the new members: A Californian returns to Capitol Hill

He previously won a swing California House seat in 2018, but lost reelection to Rep. Young Kim.

Anthony Adragna


12/27/2024, 12:54PM ET

The new member:Rep.-elect Gil Cisneros (D-Calif.)

How they got here:Cisneros reclaimed a seat in the House after defeating Republican Daniel Martinez, 57 percent to 43 percent.

Inside the campaign:Cisneros switched districts upon the retirement of longtime 88-year-old Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-Calif.). He emerged first in a crowded all-party primary with 23.6 percent of the vote.

He previously won a swing California House seat in 2018, but lost reelection to Rep. Young Kim (R-Calif.).

The issues he’ll focus on:The former congressman said he’ll focus on “gun safety reform, educational opportunities, climate action, and women's rights” upon his return to Congress.

He vowed to fight to reduce the cost of living, promote additional housing construction in California and expand access to mental health resources.

Background:Cisneros got his start in electoral politics after becoming a philanthropist following a 2010 Mega Millions jackpot win worth $266 million. He prevailed in the 2018 Democratic wave, besting Young Kim by a narrow margin. He lost a 2020 rematch to Kim, in which she won the House seat she still holds to this day.

President Joe Biden then tapped Cisneros to be undersecretary of Defense for personnel and readiness, a post he held from 2021 until 2023, when he stepped aside to mount another bid for Congress.

Campaign ad that caught our eye:Cisneros highlighted his lottery win in an ad as motivation to help children attend college — and why he’s not accepting special interest money in his campaign.

Fun fact:Cisneros and his wife put $1 million of their lottery winnings toward helping George Washington University students.

Fun fact:California always cheat, so that's why Democrats win in a majority Red state, but Politico will never mention, because they are election deniers and cheaters.

(Plus they let CA some Republicans win, mostly the corrupt ones, so it seems not as corrupt as they've been, since Shwartzeneger won the Governor seat, they couldn't let that happen again.)


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a9dff6 No.22243978


Great Lou Dobbs


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bcc479 No.22243979






Notice Vivke is pajeet so is kamala and jd's wife. dont forget Kash and Dinish

fuck you niggers have no clue why pajeet is in the news do you?

anon does, and all of you syhould have been at night shift class and found out


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5f9e99 No.22243980

File: 6a98ff778e055be⋯.jpg (44.91 KB,500x500,1:1,9f14my.jpg)

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7982e7 No.22243981


I played the original PS1 version but couldn't really get into it. My wife played it some.

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35cb9f No.22243982



NOTABLE. ESP the halfchan thread

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3192fc No.22243983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

most populous nation on earth, no one cares!


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620607 No.22243984

File: d8f1db38f3ba35e⋯.jpg (67.5 KB,750x422,375:211,92083867_6fe2_4eba_830e_39….jpg)

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21e8f5 No.22243985

File: 43d4f2570757a28⋯.png (100.64 KB,347x250,347:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e5fc4 No.22243986


correct. It’s actually worse than a scam because we have to rely on our shitty government to stop it which they won’t. Trump is *literally* our only hope here.

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3b2ff8 No.22243987



As chair, Yaccarino partnered with the Biden administration in 2021 to create a COVID-19 vaccination campaign that featured Pope Francis.[

Trump dropped her onto the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition.

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326a3b No.22243988

File: f2e997aa5d0b22d⋯.png (923.39 KB,1154x1130,577:565,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_9….png)


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08c0f3 No.22243989

File: 505e7588d2571ad⋯.png (262.25 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Year of Venus: How to see the 'evening star' at its best in 2025

December 28, 2024

In early 2025, Venus will dazzle in the southwest sky after sunset, earning its "evening star" nickname.

This phenomenon, which occurs when Venus gets close to Earth, happens once every 19 months.

However, as Venus brightens, it will retreat to a slim crescent as it goes through its astonishing moon-phase-like dichotomy.

Here's everything you need to know about Venus in 2025.

Venus as the "evening star" and "morning star"

As seen from Earth, Venus doesn't cross the night sky as the slower-moving planets appear to do.

Instead, it can be seen only near sunrise and sunset, moving from "morning star" to "evening star" and back again every 584 days, or about 19 months.

Venus orbits the sun every 225 days, compared with Earth's 365-day orbit. Those orbital periods combine to create an eight-year cycle in which Venus appears to orbit the sun 13 times, as seen from Earth.

During that time, Venus traces a pentagram pattern in Earth's sky every eight years.

Because Venus is closer to the sun than Earth is and orbits faster, from Earth's point of view, Venus is always seen close to the sun, just after sunset, when it's called the "evening star," or just before sunrise, when it's dubbed the "morning star."

About once every 19 months, Venus gets exceptionally bright because it gets closer to Earth than any other planet and because its global clouds reflect a lot of sunlight.

Venus has spent much of the second half of 2024 climbing higher into the post-sunset night sky as the "evening star," but in 2025, its position above the western horizon will peak and then quickly decrease.

On Jan. 10, 2025, Venus will reach its greatest elongation east in the post-sunset sky, putting it high above the western horizon after dark.

From Earth's point of view, this is the farthest it appears to be from the sun in its current apparition. A few days later, it reaches dichotomy, which is when a planet's disk is half lit by the sun as seen from Earth.

In the following weeks, Venus will get closer to Earth and appear to shrink to a crescent. Just 23% of it will be lit by Feb. 19, when it reaches its highest point in the post-sunset sky.

By that time, it will be shining at a brilliant magnitude -4.9. (Lower magnitudes are brighter.) If you have a small telescope, point it at Venus in January and February 2025 to see the planet's phase change.

With a telescope, you'll be able to see Venus appear to grow as it gets closer to Earth. In fact, during the planet's dichotomy, the size of Venus' disk will increase by about 60% between Jan. 12 and Feb. 16.

Want to get an up-close look at the planets? Check out our guides to the best telescopes and best binoculars.

Plus, we have tips for how to photograph the planets, as well as guides to the best cameras for astrophotography and the best lenses for astrophotography.

After its dichotomy and performance as a brilliant "evening star" in the southwest after dark during early 2025, Venus will move into the sun's glare in March and emerge the following month as the "morning star."

Here are some important dates for Venus in 2025:

Jan. 3, 2025: Crescent moon and Venus after sunset (separated by 1.4 degrees)

Jan. 10, 2025: Venus at its greatest elongation east after sunset (47.2 degrees angular distance from the sun)

Jan. 12, 2025: Venus at dichotomy (a half-moon shape)

Jan. 18, 2025: Venus-Saturn conjunction after sunset (separated by 2.2 degrees)

Feb. 1, 2025: Crescent moon and Venus after sunset (separated by 2.3 degrees)

Feb. 16, 2025: Venus at its brightest in the evening sky

March 22, 2025: Venus at inferior conjunction (between Earth and the sun)

April 22, 2025: Venus at its brightest in the morning sky

April 24, 2025: Crescent moon and Venus before sunrise (separated by 2.4 degrees)

May 31, 2025: Venus at its greatest elongation west before sunrise (45.9 degrees angular distance from the sun)

Aug. 12, 2025: Venus-Jupiter conjunction before sunrise (separated by 0.9 degrees)

Sept. 19, 2025: Crescent moon and Venus before sunrise (separated by 0.8 degrees)


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a9dff6 No.22243990



The El says it is less demanging if ELON M_sk

gets free taxpeyer money while in is EL or Devil suit

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2e8bfd No.22243991


maybe the DOGE plan is fire all Americans in government and replace them with phone workers from India . . .

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f8f170 No.22243993



And you not see he did it deliberately


Did he need the heat it would produce?

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42f6d5 No.22243994


Nope. Elon shit the bed. They all do eventually. They cannot fake being MAGA forever.

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620607 No.22243995

File: eea55616951fc4e⋯.mp4 (2 MB,360x640,9:16,freemasonry_is_satanic_fre….mp4)

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a9dff6 No.22243996


Elon works twice as hard if the federal reserve gives him money like honeywell and warren buffet

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2ab8c6 No.22243997

File: 1278b98869efb9b⋯.jpg (61.2 KB,800x800,1:1,mark_thompson_800x800.jpg)

A black pedo is called a Pedorastus

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8789a3 No.22243998



Elon was simply nominated to cut wasteful government spending through D.O.G.E.

not tell Americans they are lazy and not as educated as foreign workers

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0f0726 No.22243999


Honestly, I never liked Elon or Vivek from the beginning. I didn't understand people cheering on him before he joined the Trump campaign, even less so when he did.

There are countless tweets of Elon posting questionable opinions. I thought well okay, if he is ready to change his mind and work for us that's great. Sadly it seems that did not really happen. Or maybe he is still controlled, IDK but who gives a fuck.

This is a signal for everyone who thinks they can board the train and then backstab. Get off and show your true face or get thrown off.

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a96654 No.22244000

Anyone else feel like today's a little more "PRESS ALL THE BUTTONS!" by the DS than usual?

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3ca47d No.22244001

File: cdc2467cd803bf7⋯.png (211.88 KB,1019x1011,1019:1011,ClipboardImage.png)


Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Blocks Biden Admin­is­tra­tion from Dis­pos­ing of Wall Mate­ri­als Before Pres­i­dent Trump Takes Office

December 27, 2024 | Press Release

Attorney General Ken Paxton secured a victory for President-elect Donald Trump’s border-security agenda during a hearing today before a federal judge. The hearing was called at Attorney General Paxton’s request to uncover potential legal violations committed by the Biden Administration after recent reports that segments of the border wall were auctioned off for pennies on the dollar.

The Biden Administration confirmed to the court today that it will agree to an order preventing the outgoing administration from disposing of any further border wall materials over the next 30 days—allowing President Trump to use those materials as he sees fit. This will be adopted as an order of the court, making it enforceable if any violations occur.

Additionally, the court stated that Texas is entitled to documentation proving that the Biden Administration has not violated an injunction secured by Attorney General Paxton in May of 2024 that required the Biden Administration to spend statutorily obligated funds on border wall construction after the federal government attempted to illegally redirect the money. If it is shown that the Biden Administration disposed of border wall materials purchased with funds subject to that injunction in violation of a court order—or that the Department of Justice made misrepresentations regarding the border materials that have been auctioned off—this would constitute unethical and sanctionable conduct, and the responsible parties could be held in contempt of court.

“We have successfully blocked the Biden Administration from disposing of any further border wall materials before President Trump takes office,” said Attorney General Paxton. “This follows our major victory forcing Biden to build the wall, and we will hold his Administration accountable for illegally subverting our Nation’s border security until their very last day in power, especially where their actions are clearly motivated by a desire to thwart President-elect Trump’s immigration agenda.”


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a9dff6 No.22244002


The Great Lou Dobbs is asking where

DJ_ is ?

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86871a No.22244003

File: 5943eb845726cc4⋯.png (42.86 KB,527x680,31:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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3192fc No.22244004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


buddy! buddy, buddy!

India and China

Peaches in Heaven

opiom hopium!

Jardines, buddy!

East India Co., buddy!

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bcc479 No.22244005

File: a0ee036e9e32321⋯.png (1.06 KB,189x125,189:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f170 No.22244006


I guess it's not the Jews today

it's ELON

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7982e7 No.22244007


>posting questionable opinions

I believe those are tests. They bend their persona and opinion based on public reaction.

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a9dff6 No.22244008


What is with the devil suit ?

Did you wear it at


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2ab8c6 No.22244009

File: 9c76cd1d95b39a9⋯.jpeg (303.22 KB,897x1195,897:1195,9c76cd1d95b39a90007b6a15e….jpeg)

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86871a No.22244010


Jews have a lot to do with H1b

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7855c1 No.22244011

File: f3354058c7f4d07⋯.jpg (8.44 KB,191x263,191:263,download.jpg)


>I guess it's not the Jews today

>it's ELON


>Peaches in Heaven

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5f9e99 No.22244012


And a feisty jewess exposed him

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bcc479 No.22244013


sounds good anon, nice dig. you should go publish that and get to work on helping us let the world know about biden and china

could use all anons on it

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620607 No.22244014


The freemasons cooperate with the





All satantic pieces of shit.

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a9dff6 No.22244015


Elon needs money to place a device in the taxpayers heads that connect to his sats

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3192fc No.22244016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Indian farmers sow discontent among Georigan locals

Al Jazeera English

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6c77a0 No.22244017


and other visa programs as well

czech it out

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0f0726 No.22244018


Do you think he is trolling or what?

The effect speaks for itself, division was created. Personally I thought we were ready to unify and then Elon and Vivek started throwing shit. To provoke the "racists" to show themselves? Come on.

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bcc479 No.22244019


>Jews have a lot to do with H1b

aweesom anon, can we work on the Biden China connection now?

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8789a3 No.22244020


These Ten People Made $796B in This Year’s Tech Stock Surge

1. Elon Musk—founder, Tesla and Space X: $252 billion

2. The Waltons—inheritors, Walmart: $148 billion

3. Mark Zuckerberg—founder, Meta: $82 billion

4. Larry Ellison—founder, Oracle: $73 billion

5. Jensen Huang—founder, Nvidia: $72 billion

6. Jeff Bezos—founder, Amazon: $63 billion

7. Warren Buffett—chairman and CEO, Berkshire Hathway: $29 billion

8. Steve Ballmer—former CEO, Microsoft: $20 billion

9. Larry Page and Sergei Brin—founders, Alphabet: $19-20 billion

10. Michael Dell—founder, Dell: $14 billion


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3ca47d No.22244021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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3192fc No.22244022


are indian farmers exporting gmo monsanto to their newfound host countries? afaf

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bcc479 No.22244023

>>22244017 probably, but need anons eyes on Biden and China if you have a moment to help save the world

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aa0843 No.22244025

the actual mails are 10 and 8 weeks ago.

since then:




and now:


[nsa folks]

More or less sound questions

Hello CIA,

I would kindly want to know the following and try to express myself in the language that you folks use.

- do you use agents and assets that are e.g. doing jobs as postman, or women, to e.g. quickly run to the next drop box when things in front of that one white house start cooking again?

- The head of the Hesbolla (in Germany that is what we say when someone has a strong head, to talk about him, in any name that comes to mind, using a variety of different words to express a strong head, "He´s Bollakopf.") was appearantly killed. I hope you folks did not do it and are in that way completely dismanteled with only knowing assisetnece of kindness to offer, maybe to those folks who look like Roger from Amarican Dad on the Mediteranian Ocean, next to the guy with the glasses and the beard and tie. Please, would you make sure there is not another revolution where folks scream at each other on the fence, but rather find joy and relaxation and love thinking through different things.

- do some agents actually get red noses, because "clown" and all that? you know, for easy marking and such.

- how many of those very active YT folks are on your payroll?

- Is it true after having changed the nuclear code for the US on the same day, it´s basically the very same numbers again, but rearranged? If so, why? And is it true, Iran is using also arrows within that nuclear code entering devise? Did they get guidance on that? From my pov it´s not recommended to sort of get out of that loop while thinking from numbers to arrows, more than colors.

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

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f8f170 No.22244026




Back to normal at the kun

beginning to think something was wrong here.

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a9dff6 No.22244027


Steve what do you think of the Great Lou Dobbs?

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aa0843 No.22244028


Hello CIA,

I was not quite sure if you are already in the age of innovation and such, also given your approach on "yes, we folks do internet too." and willing or staffed to reply in a "twitter joke" way, so I mail again and again sort of expect no reply at all times.

is Frank (B)ribery reported to have gotten bribery? with all those political scandals around money and all that.

are you folks really the biggest agency? the highest court of US is the one single court folks did hear from, even if not from US. are you the biggest agency doing stuff in my home country, Germany? is it true the BND is working also within Germany, when being the Dienst for out of the country? Ge heim Dienst prolly does mean something different. is it because those folks are better in organizing than the VS is? is mr kahl reported to have climbed the kahler asten? (was thinking about that because of the early snow around here ;) ) / are guided tours within the pentagon really backwards? like time wise?

there has been a lot of bs in the world, supposedly, even when I never was to China (I also would not become a consultant, indepentend from allnighter reports.) War in a country that has rain in the name, conflict in a country that has a stripey name, like zebras. there has been Dönermorde within my home country, I did had my food burned a couple of times, but noone would ever do that I suppose. also there has already been much talk on war on Ungläubige, a sensible because religious topic. in a real temple, it would be really bad to have folks be there with non belief but half sentences or even psychologically skilled half sentence routines.

are you folks responsible for having folks feel comfortable (and with that trusting and sort of being an example for live like that) that e.g. glue themselves on the streets and then claim to be part of this or that? I even saw someone, maybe a guy from the Bundesumweltministerium, gluing himself on the street, while sort of using a disabled person. making folks wait in traffic can seem powerfull, but is misused trust.

does Putin actually use a Doppelgänger, in case folks want to check him out?

do you folks have some sort of a death laser? a devise making you sort of become dizzy and then drop out? or is that science fiction I hear? do you or maybe did you use satellites like that or other stuff?

mr kahl, the german bnd chief is widowed. I suppose his wife died in an unusual early age. how comes there is no consiracy bs around that? do folks not care?

and some more on that:

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

when having managed to code like that, you would also want to not be discovered doing that. for this it seems a struggle to sit in the park and wait for that one lady with the funny handback that you claimed your thought on. pros, I superpose, will wait and sort of look at that thought while accepting the emotion as one of many things that folks do think about while thinking and talking, a normal thing.

and when trying to make your manipulation skills work within a real crowd, you could use groupy momentum. like having a police guy do a loudspeaker announcment, in the moment folks are likely to look anyway, because being bored or whatever. this would make a single person from the crowd have the experience that they want to look at the person, while others do the same, while this was sort of ordered.

(I suppose I had a chance to think about groups while being in a hotel room some years back, there I carefully checked the tiltedness of my window in relation to crowds downstairs (because being next to a stadium), I do not mean Las Vegas and the shooting, but a totally different Hotel that I ended up being in.) I also did think how a curtain from a newly rented room could be moldy, but did not manage to complain about that, because of the toilet brush having had a big piece of shit onto it, when entering the neewly rented room, this sort of was psychological pressure to better not mention the curtain, even when I did neither make it moldy nor took a shit in the room yet.

and the most important question, do folks who have to do the baddest of shit occasionally shoot themselves in the head (no discussion on death penalty) to spare life itself from their doings or thoughts? those folks cannot possible think God would fix that in a world where couched usually are placed on the ceiling.

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620607 No.22244029


Nationalism is not racism. They love that slide.

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aa0843 No.22244030

I do use language and words, if you take the word no and turn it into bs everytime it´s obviously a lie.

heavens are asking for symbolik in terms of me having a "track".

that is often when I watch tv, it´s every week.

I am not living on the Autobahn though and will not choose to have my luxory villa placed next to an elders home.

in the kloster I was not God because having jerked off also there, but because every leave turned when I walked by.

in the kloster I did not read Quaran, I do not really know much but love all religions, that is me.

clown team with those folks gluing themselves to my seats and throwing stones while claiming to have a certain color of jacket, did make the women in my house air out garlic smell a billion times, then, when daddy heavens took a look, she tried to self cook the intentional garlic smell in the house to grilling on the balkony.

the other day Putin himself did give a look on how calm actually agency work is. that was the 3rd out of 4 times, other times heavy agitating.

I do not need clowns who communicate my stuff with bad shit, ever.

the last two days, the guy living next to my house did those two things all day long, a real guy with half sentences in his head and a clown team that likes to have everyone ever promoted to God that bought a car:

- mentioning the word Iran a billion times.

- trying to convince heavens, cats to better have me torture all day long so I while appearing if I was not even to notice it, do Godspeed, what I do since over a year, with 8 degree turn instead of 7.

I love cats very much and will have ended the commando bs that makes God himself an ape in the zoo, together with enough of those half sentence "cutns" that are not cunts and that do not wear my helmet but steal it for a few secs if the half sentence crew is engaged enough.

If you shout at the heavens to annoy God, you will be done.

again, those who agitate heavily, those with psychology skills and others, after I bought a peace of marzipan cake, those folks get told "cake" and "marzipan" a billion times a week.

heavens: "stable", prolly that is bc I create all that is, 'currently' the numbers.

clown team: sure, let´s check stableness again with heavy torture and making an ambulance appear by using the heavens who are powerfull and thoughout time, not an ambulance that is a real one, but one of those who is likely to let me think and not complain about so to see more.

I will sit on a couch next week also and will be most easy to find for heavens, e.g. when I sing, or talk about music or math. the guy next door with the commando cunts are using the questions of heavens asking for me to sing to make a billion of noises, to go find out when I sing, heavens get a shoulder clap, also not knowing what a body even is, agitators are out and, as told yesterday several times, will be [ ] in a number that basically equalls all of them and then one more. only humans and those few reds who work the agency torture thing, I am the one with "crate".

the lady who walked behind me a few times, is not a grey eminenz by thinking over a few thousand years, that is bullshitting the heavnes. someone working at a doctors office, also when having a fitting name, does not need to copy my body movements to claim he is God for a few secs to work half sentence routines.

the tiltedness of my window in my hotel room I prolly would have forgiven, bc you did not know. "hes bollakopf" I won´t forgive.

I superpose you will be gone before I look at you, so.

close the board.

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326a3b No.22244031

"Elon is a man-child to be blunt, the first rule of gladiator school bro don't punch down; punch pure or punch up. someone call child protective services we need to do a wellness check on this toddler."

Steve Bannon

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aa0843 No.22244032

the actual mails are 10 and 8 weeks ago.

since then:




and now:


[nsa folks]

More or less sound questions

Hello CIA,

I would kindly want to know the following and try to express myself in the language that you folks use.

- do you use agents and assets that are e.g. doing jobs as postman, or women, to e.g. quickly run to the next drop box when things in front of that one white house start cooking again?

- The head of the Hesbolla (in Germany that is what we say when someone has a strong head, to talk about him, in any name that comes to mind, using a variety of different words to express a strong head, "He´s Bollakopf.") was appearantly killed. I hope you folks did not do it and are in that way completely dismanteled with only knowing assisetnece of kindness to offer, maybe to those folks who look like Roger from Amarican Dad on the Mediteranian Ocean, next to the guy with the glasses and the beard and tie. Please, would you make sure there is not another revolution where folks scream at each other on the fence, but rather find joy and relaxation and love thinking through different things.

- do some agents actually get red noses, because "clown" and all that? you know, for easy marking and such.

- how many of those very active YT folks are on your payroll?

- Is it true after having changed the nuclear code for the US on the same day, it´s basically the very same numbers again, but rearranged? If so, why? And is it true, Iran is using also arrows within that nuclear code entering devise? Did they get guidance on that? From my pov it´s not recommended to sort of get out of that loop while thinking from numbers to arrows, more than colors.

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

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08f31a No.22244033

File: 8185636b2e24916⋯.png (395.09 KB,1181x800,1181:800,ClipboardImage.png)


guess what

anon is seeing patterns on who is pushing this elon attack.

1) groypers (fuentes) alex jones

2) Gab (neon revolt morans)

3) youtube (loser dems spreading shit and making videos)

Track the accounts which are getting banned.

they were never maja, they helped during the j6 to set up trump.

now pretending to be maga.

They think they have something but tbh they should get banned for being two faced traitors and losers.

show anon a trusted source who the anons know who has said anything over this issue?

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aa0843 No.22244034


Hello CIA,

I was not quite sure if you are already in the age of innovation and such, also given your approach on "yes, we folks do internet too." and willing or staffed to reply in a "twitter joke" way, so I mail again and again sort of expect no reply at all times.

is Frank (B)ribery reported to have gotten bribery? with all those political scandals around money and all that.

are you folks really the biggest agency? the highest court of US is the one single court folks did hear from, even if not from US. are you the biggest agency doing stuff in my home country, Germany? is it true the BND is working also within Germany, when being the Dienst for out of the country? Ge heim Dienst prolly does mean something different. is it because those folks are better in organizing than the VS is? is mr kahl reported to have climbed the kahler asten? (was thinking about that because of the early snow around here ;) ) / are guided tours within the pentagon really backwards? like time wise?

there has been a lot of bs in the world, supposedly, even when I never was to China (I also would not become a consultant, indepentend from allnighter reports.) War in a country that has rain in the name, conflict in a country that has a stripey name, like zebras. there has been Dönermorde within my home country, I did had my food burned a couple of times, but noone would ever do that I suppose. also there has already been much talk on war on Ungläubige, a sensible because religious topic. in a real temple, it would be really bad to have folks be there with non belief but half sentences or even psychologically skilled half sentence routines.

are you folks responsible for having folks feel comfortable (and with that trusting and sort of being an example for live like that) that e.g. glue themselves on the streets and then claim to be part of this or that? I even saw someone, maybe a guy from the Bundesumweltministerium, gluing himself on the street, while sort of using a disabled person. making folks wait in traffic can seem powerfull, but is misused trust.

does Putin actually use a Doppelgänger, in case folks want to check him out?

do you folks have some sort of a death laser? a devise making you sort of become dizzy and then drop out? or is that science fiction I hear? do you or maybe did you use satellites like that or other stuff?

mr kahl, the german bnd chief is widowed. I suppose his wife died in an unusual early age. how comes there is no consiracy bs around that? do folks not care?

and some more on that:

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

when having managed to code like that, you would also want to not be discovered doing that. for this it seems a struggle to sit in the park and wait for that one lady with the funny handback that you claimed your thought on. pros, I superpose, will wait and sort of look at that thought while accepting the emotion as one of many things that folks do think about while thinking and talking, a normal thing.

and when trying to make your manipulation skills work within a real crowd, you could use groupy momentum. like having a police guy do a loudspeaker announcment, in the moment folks are likely to look anyway, because being bored or whatever. this would make a single person from the crowd have the experience that they want to look at the person, while others do the same, while this was sort of ordered.

(I suppose I had a chance to think about groups while being in a hotel room some years back, there I carefully checked the tiltedness of my window in relation to crowds downstairs (because being next to a stadium), I do not mean Las Vegas and the shooting, but a totally different Hotel that I ended up being in.) I also did think how a curtain from a newly rented room could be moldy, but did not manage to complain about that, because of the toilet brush having had a big piece of shit onto it, when entering the neewly rented room, this sort of was psychological pressure to better not mention the curtain, even when I did neither make it moldy nor took a shit in the room yet.

and the most important question, do folks who have to do the baddest of shit occasionally shoot themselves in the head (no discussion on death penalty) to spare life itself from their doings or thoughts? those folks cannot possible think God would fix that in a world where couched usually are placed on the ceiling.

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3192fc No.22244035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a9dff6 No.22244036


He is EL

ON. call him El

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aa0843 No.22244037

I do use language and words, if you take the word no and turn it into bs everytime it´s obviously a lie.

heavens are asking for symbolik in terms of me having a "track".

that is often when I watch tv, it´s every week.

I am not living on the Autobahn though and will not choose to have my luxory villa placed next to an elders home.

in the kloster I was not God because having jerked off also there, but because every leave turned when I walked by.

in the kloster I did not read Quaran, I do not really know much but love all religions, that is me.

clown team with those folks gluing themselves to my seats and throwing stones while claiming to have a certain color of jacket, did make the women in my house air out garlic smell a billion times, then, when daddy heavens took a look, she tried to self cook the intentional garlic smell in the house to grilling on the balkony.

the other day Putin himself did give a look on how calm actually agency work is. that was the 3rd out of 4 times, other times heavy agitating.

I do not need clowns who communicate my stuff with bad shit, ever.

the last two days, the guy living next to my house did those two things all day long, a real guy with half sentences in his head and a clown team that likes to have everyone ever promoted to God that bought a car:

- mentioning the word Iran a billion times.

- trying to convince heavens, cats to better have me torture all day long so I while appearing if I was not even to notice it, do Godspeed, what I do since over a year, with 8 degree turn instead of 7.

I love cats very much and will have ended the commando bs that makes God himself an ape in the zoo, together with enough of those half sentence "cutns" that are not cunts and that do not wear my helmet but steal it for a few secs if the half sentence crew is engaged enough.

If you shout at the heavens to annoy God, you will be done.

again, those who agitate heavily, those with psychology skills and others, after I bought a peace of marzipan cake, those folks get told "cake" and "marzipan" a billion times a week.

heavens: "stable", prolly that is bc I create all that is, 'currently' the numbers.

clown team: sure, let´s check stableness again with heavy torture and making an ambulance appear by using the heavens who are powerfull and thoughout time, not an ambulance that is a real one, but one of those who is likely to let me think and not complain about so to see more.

I will sit on a couch next week also and will be most easy to find for heavens, e.g. when I sing, or talk about music or math. the guy next door with the commando cunts are using the questions of heavens asking for me to sing to make a billion of noises, to go find out when I sing, heavens get a shoulder clap, also not knowing what a body even is, agitators are out and, as told yesterday several times, will be [ ] in a number that basically equalls all of them and then one more. only humans and those few reds who work the agency torture thing, I am the one with "crate".

the lady who walked behind me a few times, is not a grey eminenz by thinking over a few thousand years, that is bullshitting the heavnes. someone working at a doctors office, also when having a fitting name, does not need to copy my body movements to claim he is God for a few secs to work half sentence routines.

the tiltedness of my window in my hotel room I prolly would have forgiven, bc you did not know. "hes bollakopf" I won´t forgive.

I superpose you will be gone before I look at you, so.

close the board.

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31e43b No.22244038


If you want to be a racist, knock yourself out. I'm not going to suddenly change because of something Elon said on Twitter. The fuck's wrong with you?

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8789a3 No.22244039

File: 4acbcbede09fd7c⋯.jpg (42.95 KB,1179x738,131:82,IMMIGRATIONgood.jpg)

because it works so well, right?

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638e54 No.22244040

File: 05e8f26e9e30fb2⋯.png (229.92 KB,1264x893,1264:893,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3b5788008a639b⋯.png (1.42 MB,1201x700,1201:700,ClipboardImage.png)

What happened here?

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2e8bfd No.22244041


To be fair to Elon, some of those young Indian men are rather swarthy and smoldering with a passionate intensity that a dottering old pahg might have a hard time resisting . . .

he must love the idea of surrounding himself with so many young lotharios . . .

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7855c1 No.22244042

File: f07f29a894e1d02⋯.mp4 (13.71 MB,426x238,213:119,f07f29a894e1d020535aaa6786….mp4)


>can we work on the Biden China connection now?



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bcc479 No.22244043

File: cc64ba040ba124c⋯.png (401.02 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


probably anon, i think its great timing that it starts as soon as we get the new biden china intel

im sure purely unrelated and not at all to keep anons from telling the world about that

how many post shares have you made about the new biden china photos released

I mean the baker made note of it, so must be important, no?


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35cb9f No.22244044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The tech companies use "ghost jobs" or job postings to *pretend* they're looking for American workers. In actuality, these are just a thin veneer. They already decided they want H-1B migrants, who are more loyal to the company since if they lose their employer, they'll be deported.

Actual American citizens apply to these jobs only to get the run-around, sometimes the company will even stage fake interviews pretending to examine the job candidate. The job, if it even exists, is going to an Indian.

This is such established practice in Silicon Valley I can link you a video from 2007 where they casually explain how they do it:


From 4chan: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/492388390#top

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34b967 No.22244045

File: 7a7b4a88aca61f9⋯.png (255.26 KB,1036x617,1036:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f0726 No.22244046


>trust NO ONE

>including ALL nominated, appointed and/or elected officials

So many people joined, before and after the election, they changed their mind maybe and started to see bits of what is going on, but they still think someone is coming to save them.

This is so important, everyone should be reminded regularly.

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638e54 No.22244047


Effin snip and sketch slid

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620607 No.22244048


Again you are pushing a racist slide. This is not racism. You are retarded.

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f93376 No.22244049

Cliche stereotyping by low iq kayfabe devils advocates and amplification of underdeveloped token strawmen causes blindness and retardation in our children, making collectivism the dominant thought pattern and marginalized rational thought

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337c19 No.22244050

File: 80c4d245158c7cf⋯.png (19.24 KB,618x466,309:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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638e54 No.22244051


I can vouch. I have an Indian doctor at the VA.

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b08768 No.22244053

File: 62b4ab44a28c128⋯.png (162.3 KB,927x699,309:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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bcc479 No.22244054


To be real fair, biden basically got a away with murder, thanks for your attention to this matter as we are all talking about it, except you.



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7855c1 No.22244056


>new biden china intel


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620607 No.22244058

File: 65fefbb66247b20⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,320x360,8:9,65fefbb66247b2089a130ccc74….mp4)


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a9dff6 No.22244059


protect his subsidies like warren Buffet

He is a Doggie !!!

Gate E now arriving in Chyna and North Korea

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3192fc No.22244061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Protest For Indian Farmers Reaches Sacramento

CBS News Sacramento

183K subscribers

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31e43b No.22244062


I'm pushing a "racist slide" by not agreeing with it? And then a (32) poster comes out to accuse me of being retarded for pushing a

"racist slide" that I disagreed with? Get lost,.

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669c25 No.22244063

File: 4e39a7cfdfe655c⋯.pdf (3.36 MB,KVBJHB_1.pdf)

File: 2c148de8003ccce⋯.jpg (584.34 KB,1080x1531,1080:1531,Screenshot_20241209_084614….jpg)

File: 115f6c6b776771b⋯.jpg (141.77 KB,1080x1519,1080:1519,Screenshot_20241209_084626….jpg)

File: 45c9de7fe8e627e⋯.jpg (362.36 KB,1080x1522,540:761,Screenshot_20241209_084637….jpg)

File: d4a10ffc183d0c1⋯.jpg (310.81 KB,1080x1456,135:182,Screenshot_20241209_084647….jpg)

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c5db3d No.22244064


> can vouch. I have an Indian doctor at the VA.

awesome anon, did you tell anyone about the new biden china photo release?

i notice you dont speak much and so far havenot contributed to this dig.

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34b967 No.22244065

File: 78cbe3df48dad24⋯.png (200.44 KB,1125x399,375:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e8bfd No.22244066


there was a time when they had to interview Americans, reject them, and then they could say 'we couldn't find an American to fill the role'

so they would offer jobs half way across the country.

usually they would include some new software fad in the job description, a toolset that is brand new that anyone who was seasoned would be able to pick up immedately and work around it's clunkiness.

but if you'd never used it . . . they could say 'he doesn't qualify'.

they must have figured out that no one was auditing their fraudulent candidate search process. Sometime in the Early Obama years they just stop pretending and were just hazing people.

Remember when they gave out 100 weeks of unemployment and the government admitted that many of those 'let go' would never return to the job market?

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620607 No.22244068


Did you hear his skull hit the deck?

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1b8c3b No.22244069


They want you divided so that there is acceptance of a great unification, one world government. We cha id dovish credit, Elon is making we chat with open ledger digital payments.

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7855c1 No.22244070



You really needed a fucking photo?

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5f9e99 No.22244071

In other sad news

Russia accepts responsibility for the Azerbaijani Airline plane crash.

‎In a phone call between Russian President Putin and Azerbaijan's President Aliyev, Putin apologized for the incident.

According to the Kremlin, Putin explained to Aliyev that the Azerbaijani plane was hit while Russian air defenses were confronting Ukrainian drones.

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a9dff6 No.22244073


H1B is Human Trafficking

The Great Lou Dobbs

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1b8c3b No.22244074


We chat is social credit, Elon is making X into we chat with open ledger digital payments.

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aa0843 No.22244075

the actual mails are 10 and 8 weeks ago.

since then:




and now:


[nsa folks]

More or less sound questions

Hello CIA,

I would kindly want to know the following and try to express myself in the language that you folks use.

- do you use agents and assets that are e.g. doing jobs as postman, or women, to e.g. quickly run to the next drop box when things in front of that one white house start cooking again?

- The head of the Hesbolla (in Germany that is what we say when someone has a strong head, to talk about him, in any name that comes to mind, using a variety of different words to express a strong head, "He´s Bollakopf.") was appearantly killed. I hope you folks did not do it and are in that way completely dismanteled with only knowing assisetnece of kindness to offer, maybe to those folks who look like Roger from Amarican Dad on the Mediteranian Ocean, next to the guy with the glasses and the beard and tie. Please, would you make sure there is not another revolution where folks scream at each other on the fence, but rather find joy and relaxation and love thinking through different things.

- do some agents actually get red noses, because "clown" and all that? you know, for easy marking and such.

- how many of those very active YT folks are on your payroll?

- Is it true after having changed the nuclear code for the US on the same day, it´s basically the very same numbers again, but rearranged? If so, why? And is it true, Iran is using also arrows within that nuclear code entering devise? Did they get guidance on that? From my pov it´s not recommended to sort of get out of that loop while thinking from numbers to arrows, more than colors.

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

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aa0843 No.22244076


Hello CIA,

I was not quite sure if you are already in the age of innovation and such, also given your approach on "yes, we folks do internet too." and willing or staffed to reply in a "twitter joke" way, so I mail again and again sort of expect no reply at all times.

is Frank (B)ribery reported to have gotten bribery? with all those political scandals around money and all that.

are you folks really the biggest agency? the highest court of US is the one single court folks did hear from, even if not from US. are you the biggest agency doing stuff in my home country, Germany? is it true the BND is working also within Germany, when being the Dienst for out of the country? Ge heim Dienst prolly does mean something different. is it because those folks are better in organizing than the VS is? is mr kahl reported to have climbed the kahler asten? (was thinking about that because of the early snow around here ;) ) / are guided tours within the pentagon really backwards? like time wise?

there has been a lot of bs in the world, supposedly, even when I never was to China (I also would not become a consultant, indepentend from allnighter reports.) War in a country that has rain in the name, conflict in a country that has a stripey name, like zebras. there has been Dönermorde within my home country, I did had my food burned a couple of times, but noone would ever do that I suppose. also there has already been much talk on war on Ungläubige, a sensible because religious topic. in a real temple, it would be really bad to have folks be there with non belief but half sentences or even psychologically skilled half sentence routines.

are you folks responsible for having folks feel comfortable (and with that trusting and sort of being an example for live like that) that e.g. glue themselves on the streets and then claim to be part of this or that? I even saw someone, maybe a guy from the Bundesumweltministerium, gluing himself on the street, while sort of using a disabled person. making folks wait in traffic can seem powerfull, but is misused trust.

does Putin actually use a Doppelgänger, in case folks want to check him out?

do you folks have some sort of a death laser? a devise making you sort of become dizzy and then drop out? or is that science fiction I hear? do you or maybe did you use satellites like that or other stuff?

mr kahl, the german bnd chief is widowed. I suppose his wife died in an unusual early age. how comes there is no consiracy bs around that? do folks not care?

and some more on that:

- And in case you folks did not yet know how to code, it´s done like this:

Do you like football?

Nah. But I did watch football in spain last year in holyday. We get 6 weeks off every day, 2 I took in spain. There I watched football. Do you like spain?

oh, spain.

when having managed to code like that, you would also want to not be discovered doing that. for this it seems a struggle to sit in the park and wait for that one lady with the funny handback that you claimed your thought on. pros, I superpose, will wait and sort of look at that thought while accepting the emotion as one of many things that folks do think about while thinking and talking, a normal thing.

and when trying to make your manipulation skills work within a real crowd, you could use groupy momentum. like having a police guy do a loudspeaker announcment, in the moment folks are likely to look anyway, because being bored or whatever. this would make a single person from the crowd have the experience that they want to look at the person, while others do the same, while this was sort of ordered.

(I suppose I had a chance to think about groups while being in a hotel room some years back, there I carefully checked the tiltedness of my window in relation to crowds downstairs (because being next to a stadium), I do not mean Las Vegas and the shooting, but a totally different Hotel that I ended up being in.) I also did think how a curtain from a newly rented room could be moldy, but did not manage to complain about that, because of the toilet brush having had a big piece of shit onto it, when entering the neewly rented room, this sort of was psychological pressure to better not mention the curtain, even when I did neither make it moldy nor took a shit in the room yet.

and the most important question, do folks who have to do the baddest of shit occasionally shoot themselves in the head (no discussion on death penalty) to spare life itself from their doings or thoughts? those folks cannot possible think God would fix that in a world where couched usually are placed on the ceiling.

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f65b2e No.22244077

File: 0267646b8921bb7⋯.png (44.55 KB,448x308,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7b2c4d44a320f7⋯.png (10 KB,652x111,652:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25cc5c085c2e9fc⋯.png (195.13 KB,350x262,175:131,ClipboardImage.png)





Northwest Semitic word for "god"

El is a Northwest Semitic word meaning 'god' or 'deity', or referring to any one of multiple major ancient Near Eastern deities. A rarer form, 'ila, represents the predicate form in the Old Akkadian and Amorite languages. The word is derived from the Proto-Semiticʔil-. Wikipedia

Other names Adon Ilim

Abode Mount Lel

Symbol Bull

Unelected foreigners should not have decision-making power in America.

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08f31a No.22244078

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aa0843 No.22244079

I do use language and words, if you take the word no and turn it into bs everytime it´s obviously a lie.

heavens are asking for symbolik in terms of me having a "track".

that is often when I watch tv, it´s every week.

I am not living on the Autobahn though and will not choose to have my luxory villa placed next to an elders home.

in the kloster I was not God because having jerked off also there, but because every leave turned when I walked by.

in the kloster I did not read Quaran, I do not really know much but love all religions, that is me.

clown team with those folks gluing themselves to my seats and throwing stones while claiming to have a certain color of jacket, did make the women in my house air out garlic smell a billion times, then, when daddy heavens took a look, she tried to self cook the intentional garlic smell in the house to grilling on the balkony.

the other day Putin himself did give a look on how calm actually agency work is. that was the 3rd out of 4 times, other times heavy agitating.

I do not need clowns who communicate my stuff with bad shit, ever.

the last two days, the guy living next to my house did those two things all day long, a real guy with half sentences in his head and a clown team that likes to have everyone ever promoted to God that bought a car:

- mentioning the word Iran a billion times.

- trying to convince heavens, cats to better have me torture all day long so I while appearing if I was not even to notice it, do Godspeed, what I do since over a year, with 8 degree turn instead of 7.

I love cats very much and will have ended the commando bs that makes God himself an ape in the zoo, together with enough of those half sentence "cutns" that are not cunts and that do not wear my helmet but steal it for a few secs if the half sentence crew is engaged enough.

If you shout at the heavens to annoy God, you will be done.

again, those who agitate heavily, those with psychology skills and others, after I bought a peace of marzipan cake, those folks get told "cake" and "marzipan" a billion times a week.

heavens: "stable", prolly that is bc I create all that is, 'currently' the numbers.

clown team: sure, let´s check stableness again with heavy torture and making an ambulance appear by using the heavens who are powerfull and thoughout time, not an ambulance that is a real one, but one of those who is likely to let me think and not complain about so to see more.

I will sit on a couch next week also and will be most easy to find for heavens, e.g. when I sing, or talk about music or math. the guy next door with the commando cunts are using the questions of heavens asking for me to sing to make a billion of noises, to go find out when I sing, heavens get a shoulder clap, also not knowing what a body even is, agitators are out and, as told yesterday several times, will be [ ] in a number that basically equalls all of them and then one more. only humans and those few reds who work the agency torture thing, I am the one with "crate".

the lady who walked behind me a few times, is not a grey eminenz by thinking over a few thousand years, that is bullshitting the heavnes. someone working at a doctors office, also when having a fitting name, does not need to copy my body movements to claim he is God for a few secs to work half sentence routines.

the tiltedness of my window in my hotel room I prolly would have forgiven, bc you did not know. "hes bollakopf" I won´t forgive.

I superpose you will be gone before I look at you, so.

close the board.

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f93376 No.22244081


Same script as before doge was created and before Trump invited both on the campaign trail. You aren't keeping up

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3192fc No.22244082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why are South African Farmers Moving to Georgia? Part 1

JAMnews in English

3.35K subscribers

> Indian farmers sow discontent among Georigan locals

>Al Jazeera English

is Al Jazeera FakeNews?

27K views 7 years ago

Boers’ newfound home in rural Georgia. South Africans enjoy peaceful farming and friendly atmosphere. “We don’t want to go back”, says the middle-aged blonde woman confidently, as we park our car and continue our journey in her off-roader. The muddy road leads to a farmhouse, 64 km south of Georg

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c5db3d No.22244083

File: 5bbc0157ae7f439⋯.png (688.73 KB,1024x682,512:341,5bbc0157ae7f439c82d43e69a4….png)

File: e65b48977067d39⋯.png (984.35 KB,1536x1024,3:2,e65b48977067d39306e60b5fdb….png)

File: ca46236bf94953c⋯.png (993.12 KB,1171x745,1171:745,ca46236bf94953c154cab01a79….png)


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6c77a0 No.22244084


lay it out shades, all MAGA trusts the plan

these are not MAGA

show em


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669c25 No.22244086

File: eb9ef17324489e9⋯.jpg (259.7 KB,1079x852,1079:852,Screenshot_20230729_220213….jpg)

File: 37ce82008d2d209⋯.jpg (66 KB,1080x874,540:437,Deagal_USA.jpg)

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08c0f3 No.22244087

File: 4c34c5496d1f64e⋯.png (5.54 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d24622c35455ca4⋯.png (395.89 KB,500x400,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Air Force Accessions Center early wins pave the way for FY25 success

Dec. 27, 2024

Within the first week of declaring Initial Operational Capability, personnel at the Air Force Accessions Center demonstrated their ability to adapt quickly to evolving accession requirements, resulting in dozens of highly qualified cadets being notified of a pilot career field selection.

These additions came after Headquarters Air Force Manpower, Personnel and Services directed a mid-year production increase of over 200 officers both rated and non-rated for fiscal 2025.

The AFAC was able to execute a smart solution quickly, which was key to maintaining the overall officer accession requirement for fiscal 2025.

This achievement was made possible by the successful merger of the Air Force Recruiting Service and Holm Center at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Dec. 2, which allowed the AFRS and Reserve Officer Training Corps to bypass traditional bureaucratic hurdles.

AFRS and the Holm Center worked together to reallocate pilot Air Force Specialty Codes to cadets who had previously been unable to secure a pilot position due to limited availability.

With the new organization, AFAC was able to provide increased slots to awaiting ROTC cadets, while also adding additional slots to a just completed Officer Training School rated board.

According to Brig. Gen. Chris Amrhein, AFAC commander, “The early successes of the Air Force Accessions Center are a testament to our commitment to building a more agile and ready force.

In its first weeks of operations, we have the ability to move with unprecedented agility and provide rapid response to dynamic mission requirements.”

“It’s exciting that our new organization’s flexibility was able to quickly fulfill the dreams of these 50 candidates," he added.

“Additionally, this will also assist 19th Air Force in delivering these new lieutenants into pilot production as early as June.”

Within the same week, AFAC graduated the first Warrant Officer Training School class at Maxwell AFB, Dec. 6, celebrating a major milestone in the Air Force's vision to reoptimize for Great Power Competition.

The new warrant officers’ ability to integrate advanced technical solutions into operational planning strengthens the Air Force’s strategic edge in future conflicts at a critical time for national defense.

As the first quarter of the fiscal year ends, AFAC's mission execution remains on an upward trajectory.

The Air Force and Space Force have thus far exceeded its enlisted accession goals, with the active-duty Air Force filling jobs into March 2025.

“By expanding our programs and embracing innovative approaches to recruitment and accessions training, we're ensuring the Air and Space Forces are prepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow,” Amrhein said.

These initiatives reflect AFAC’s proactive response to meet rising demands and build a stronger, more capable force.

As the organization charges forward into 2025, its focus remains clear: preparing future leaders, embracing innovation and adapting to ensure mission success across the Department of the Air Force.


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31e43b No.22244088


>Musk has people working at X FULL TIME shilling here for him and his indentured servitude H1B people.

Fuck off, Simple Legion.

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c5db3d No.22244089


if i have to filter all of your ips, i guess i will have to filter all of your ips

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2ab8c6 No.22244090

File: bddacca60948153⋯.jpg (210.05 KB,1024x1024,1:1,bddacca60948153fd591cdeb52….jpg)

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620607 No.22244091

File: b3e9a3d2a391ee2⋯.mp4 (3.99 MB,480x854,240:427,scammer_rages_when_i_ignor….mp4)


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42d1c8 No.22244092

File: 857119b6ac1d308⋯.png (742.25 KB,750x1052,375:526,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3ad71 No.22244094

File: 4f62f8105b1908c⋯.png (574.56 KB,582x709,582:709,1e.png)




something to tell your graandbabies!

"I went to the 8kuns and got my ass handed to me by NIGHT SHIFT, Childrens!"

"You could say I am sorta famous"



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08f31a No.22244095

File: 51a95bf93e0ddbb⋯.png (43.48 KB,568x241,568:241,ClipboardImage.png)


8kun is also comped.

but anons already know this.


shill central from halfmind

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7fb281 No.22244096

File: a45962063626a44⋯.png (696.84 KB,1060x1227,1060:1227,ClipboardImage.png)

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7982e7 No.22244097

File: 675f371128f295e⋯.png (66.56 KB,553x334,553:334,ClipboardImage.png)


>They want you divided so that there is acceptance of a great unification

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f3ad71 No.22244099

File: 2d405a55bad1b74⋯.png (88.7 KB,761x787,761:787,000crymoar4.png)

you got your ass beat!

whole world watching!!!

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0f0726 No.22244100


Obviously we are seeing an organized shill slide since it started and because of that, this topic is now is not getting the attention it should. We have seen this countless times, again and again, everytime something of note comes out we get the distraction slide.

My point is, why exactly would Elon and Vivek go down that route, if not trolling to troll, but to distract, doesn't that make it worse?

Yes, currently I'm talking about the twitter meltdown, simply because I can't keep reading anons playing down Elon's and Vivek's words and dismiss it as being irrelevant as if we should just keep sucking their cocks because they're the amazing billionaire tech bros freshly supporting MAGA (TM). I don't need anyone like Elon and Vivek to be "part of the team" and then backstabbing those that supported them because they thought they could help.

Does this distract from China? Certainly, it's nothing we haven't seen yet though. This makes it even more obvious the Elon / twitter clique is still some agent for foreign interest.

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34b967 No.22244101


Especially now that they went ahead and released Matt Gaetz's shit.

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a9dff6 No.22244102


EL ON Loves his subsidies and his devil suit. He is tankfull for his slaves.

Now taxpayers give him money !!!Lets start cutting by cutting electric cars. Bring in the 2500 dollar cars from India and eliminating any money to TES LA

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2e8bfd No.22244103



No, anon, I'm still on the 20 year HELL that outsourcing did to MY LIFE

and how I was treated like a pledge hazed who wasn't ever going to be let into the fraternity and the brothers knew it.

you can pretend to change the subject, but the loathing produced by having to deal with know-it-all yes-men from Asia and Africa has left a sour taste in people's mouths.

pretend it's about Biden, if you need to, and pretend that you get to say what people want to talk about.

You don't.

PS: whatever Joe Biden, blah blah blah. That doesn't negate the bigoted methods of cabal hiring and how Elon and patel clearly don't get it: they descriminated against Americans for over 20 years and want to keep doing it and that's not going to be OK.

PS: what a racist you are. you don't think some young indian guys are really hot?

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f8f170 No.22244104

Where are the ELON is really a jew rants?

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f3ad71 No.22244105

File: 8b857f1f8970139⋯.png (4.26 MB,3288x3104,411:388,00000000000000000000000000….png)



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ac1fd2 No.22244107

File: 95cbe25ecf3d47d⋯.jpg (989.44 KB,2560x2560,1:1,No_Deals_Q.jpg)


Thank You Bakers o7

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3192fc No.22244109

File: add9bc1516bd40c⋯.png (1.82 MB,968x1438,484:719,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

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620607 No.22244110

File: 9381ba0e4782ef6⋯.mp4 (11 MB,480x852,40:71,9381ba0e4782ef6af11f71cbec….mp4)


Why you so mad?

Do you work for Elon?

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f3ad71 No.22244111

File: 575ccd61db448c3⋯.jpg (90.99 KB,1024x768,4:3,42.jpg)

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7855c1 No.22244112


>this elon attack.


>they were never maja


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c5db3d No.22244114








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0f0726 No.22244115


What if he were? Would this be a problem for you? Would it be "antisemitic"?

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4baeea No.22244116

File: 5fc45318c1cb391⋯.png (395.61 KB,680x510,4:3,213704dd82d41a6dd42e70bad2….png)

"Who-a is-a retardi now-a Eloni?" - Luigi (probably)

Disclaimer: always follow the law.

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326a3b No.22244117

File: 26a0bd91824a477⋯.png (512.55 KB,824x1144,103:143,ClipboardImage.png)

DEI meant and means "no Whites".

If DEI is still endemic in the world of hiring, this would to be fixed first before actually going "hyper-DEI" by simply replacing the argument that minorities are disadvantaged compared to Whites with "minorities are so much more awesome than whites" BOTH are bullshit.

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f3ad71 No.22244118

File: 08096c4f9e8a6ef⋯.png (775.08 KB,2856x1508,714:377,b2.png)

File: fc37083d1f16318⋯.png (488.3 KB,648x360,9:5,sorostearsa.png)


why you so sads? you work for Soros?

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502788 No.22244119


Shils that work for Elon at X have been given specific tasks to come here and bake, and shill for H1B because they want their slave labor imported.




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2e8bfd No.22244120


no, red text shill,

outsourcing ALL JOBS is NOT OK.

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d6e9c1 No.22244121


Dubs chkt

The dynamic duo of regular retards is easy to spot when they are working the same angle, they never learned the word organic

As for the rest, all of em are a bunch of fake Maga fags using the spotlight, all these former lib celebs "making the change" are disingenuous

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7855c1 No.22244122

File: 4f06575543da0be⋯.jpg (10 KB,206x244,103:122,download.jpg)


>Do you work for Elon?

Night Shift is a retarded bot

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08c0f3 No.22244123

File: caab8c0090a71f3⋯.png (177.35 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Yemeni army shoots down yet another giant US drone

Dec 28, 2024, 9:08 PM

Local media in Yemen reported on Saturday the downing of an American reconnaissance drone in the skies over Yemen.

The Israeli media also confirmed the report, saying that an advanced reconnaissance drone "MQ-9" belonging to the US military was downed in Yemeni airspace.

This is not the first time the Yemeni armed forces down highly expensive "MQ-9" drone over their country.

Yemenis have declared their open support for Palestine’s struggle against the Israeli occupation since the regime launched a devastating war on Gaza on October 7 after the territory’s Palestinian Resistance movements carried out a surprise retaliatory attack, dubbed Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, against the occupying entity.

Yemeni Armed Forces have said that they won’t stop their attacks until unrelenting Israeli ground and aerial offensives in Gaza, which have killed at least 27,948 people and wounded another 67,459 individuals, come to an end.

The United States and Britain in December 2023 announced a military coalition to target Yemen in support of Israel.


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f3ad71 No.22244124

File: 6b0183531f366c3⋯.gif (517.9 KB,220x195,44:39,002f.gif)



Massie has been outspoken against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its influence on American politics, and in December 2023 tweeted out a meme appearing to contrast Zionism with American patriotism.[102] In May 2024, AIPAC and allied groups announced a $300,000 ad campaign targeting Massie for perceived “anti-Israel views” while not officially endorsing any primary challenger.[103] Massie responded by posting a poll on X asking his followers whether AIPAC should be forced to register as a foreign agent.[104] In a June 2024 interview, he claimed that each Republican member of Congress besides himself has an "AIPAC person" that directs them to vote in line with the positions of the organization.[105]

In 2019, Massie was the only member of Congress to oppose an act that refused to recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea.[106] He was also one of three members to oppose a March 2022 resolution supporting Ukraine's sovereignty after it was invaded by Russia.[107][106] He later amplified Russian claims that Ukraine was developing biological weapons. Referring to Victoria Nuland's statement that Ukraine had biological research facilities that the U.S. feared might be seized by Russia, Massie tweeted, "I didn’t take the concern over Ukrainian biological labs seriously … until now."[108] Massie opposed a resolution in 2022 to support Sweden and Finland joining NATO, saying he did not want to "subsidize socialist Europe's defense".[109] In March 2024 he voted against House Resolution 149 condemning the illegal abduction and forcible transfer of children from Ukraine to the Russian Federation, one of nine Republicans to do so.[110]

Massie voted "present" on the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, the only member of the House to do so and the only Republican not to vote against it.[111] Massie was the only member of the House to vote against extending sanctions on Iran in 2016.[112] He was also one of only three House members to vote against a 2017 bill to impose new sanctions on Iran, Russia, and North Korea.[113]

Massie is a part of a small group of Republicans who voted against a House resolution reaffirming commitment to the orderly and peaceful transfer of power in the United States under democratic principles.[181][182] He was also one of seven Republicans who did not support their colleagues' efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election on January 6, 2021; these seven signed a letter that, while giving credence to election fraud allegations made by President Donald Trump, said Congress did not have the authority to influence the election's outcome.[183]

Massie endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for president in the 2024 election, saying that "America needs a leader who is decisive, respects the Constitution, understands policy, puts family first, and leads by inspiring".[189]

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a9f472 No.22244125

File: 22831cec720f185⋯.png (12.13 KB,255x255,1:1,0d894290ba4a6d8233db0afd88….png)


They are scared

And not as smart as us

But they think they are

you can poke at the lion as long as he lets you

The real boss will emerge soon

think mirror

Elon is a placeholder

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620607 No.22244127


I'm not sad.

We know the zionists cooperate with the Indians. We have been watching long time.

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326a3b No.22244128


>this would have to be fixed

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f8f170 No.22244129

File: e799e50a2012fde⋯.jpg (47.56 KB,888x499,888:499,DARKMAGA.jpg)

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502788 No.22244130


You're losing, Elon. You've exposed your globohomo agenda. You can't convince anons of lies, narcissist.

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3ca47d No.22244131

File: 001b1f85842fa62⋯.png (115.15 KB,756x376,189:94,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 392917e64ccedf6⋯.png (260.75 KB,789x350,789:350,ClipboardImage.png)


Putin apologises over plane crash, without saying Russia at fault

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has apologised to the president of neighbouring Azerbaijan over the downing of a commercial airliner in Russian airspace, in which 38 people were killed - but stopped short of saying Russia was responsible.

In his first comments on the Christmas Day crash, Putin said the "tragic incident" had occurred when Russian air defence systems were repelling Ukrainian drones.

Ukraine's President Volodymr Zelensky said Russia must "stop spreading disinformation" about the strike.

The plane is believed to have come under fire from Russian air defence as it tried to land in the Russian region of Chechnya - forcing it to divert across the Caspian Sea.

The Azerbaijan Airlines jet then crash-landed near Aktau in Kazakhstan, killing 38 of the 67 on board.

Most of the passengers on the flight were from Azerbaijan, with others from Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

It is believed most of those who survived were seated in the plane's rear.

Flight J2-8243 had been en route from the Azerbaijan capital of Baku to the Chechen capital of Grozny on 25 December when it came under fire and was forced to divert.

The Kremlin released a statement on Saturday noting Putin had spoken to Azerbaijan's president Ilham Aliyev by phone.

"(President) Vladimir Putin apologised that the tragic incident occurred in Russian airspace and once again expressed his deep and sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the injured," it said.

In the rare publicised apology, Putin also acknowledged the plane had repeatedly tried to land at Grozny airport in Chechnya.

At the time, the cities of Grozny, Mozdok and Vladikavkaz were "being attacked by Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, and Russian air defence systems repelled these attacks", he said.

The Kremlin read-out made no direct admission that the plane had been struck by Russian missiles.


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c5db3d No.22244132


>My point is, why exactly would Elon and Vivek go down that route, if not trolling to troll, but to distract, doesn't that make it worse?



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f3ad71 No.22244133

File: 97be92e11b190cf⋯.jpg (341.63 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1a56.jpg)



you just your aass beat again

you are currently batting .000

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4baeea No.22244134

File: 2ca6af4aa5844fe⋯.jpeg (318.23 KB,1242x2040,207:340,e2dfecd1064eb768c5066e538….jpeg)

File: efd81986bfb27ab⋯.png (509.66 KB,1280x1067,1280:1067,efd81986bfb27aba5e44bcd533….png)

File: 91930fb43014d5e⋯.webp (51.63 KB,568x818,284:409,7ae388125c10addda28ed4a73….webp)

File: 274b110a9944a1e⋯.png (1.33 MB,1125x1034,1125:1034,1735263109976.png)


He is a kike though.

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669c25 No.22244135

File: e81928100a114ca⋯.png (38.93 KB,708x452,177:113,68b7ff5d_b117_4e8e_9125_63….png)



Oct 22, 2020 12:11:25 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6




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f65b2e No.22244136

File: 19cce23ab6fecfc⋯.png (14.98 KB,652x215,652:215,ClipboardImage.png)


>DEI meant and means "no Whites".



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c5db3d No.22244137







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f3ad71 No.22244138

File: e345ab1be9b70a1⋯.png (543.21 KB,955x1277,955:1277,0000000000000000a23.png)


oh really, supreme faggot commander?!

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0f0726 No.22244139


Surely more all caps and red text will help

>Until he says otherwise

God-king unmistakable saviour and so on.

It's in our hands - we the people. I don't dance because someone on the world stage told me to and neither should any self respecting man.

Trump knows this, he knows there are people who want to work together in fairness, on eye level, with respect.

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08f31a No.22244140

File: 76e60fb1e0a8807⋯.png (670.54 KB,500x939,500:939,ClipboardImage.png)


anons can point the way.

banned by neon revolt

do not have a X account

youtube content makers are all dems

those anon can provide.

do some leg work anons.

told you it was not organic.

anon is very rarely wrong.

everyone of maga got banned, attacked and doxed whilst they were out there causing chaos whilst getting paid from all ends whilst pretending to be maga

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502788 No.22244141


Fuck you shill, you're here to keep us talking about ANYTHING ELSE other than Elon and Vivek exposing themselves as infiltrators. Fucking retard, welcome to the chans.

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620607 No.22244142

File: 3364f7f114b1f09⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,3364f7f114b1f09e6acb7fde85….mp4)


Why do you have to reply everytime.

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3192fc No.22244143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"i will not tolerate actions that harm… our communinies"

the opporuniny to protect our communiny.. mmmkay, t?

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c5db3d No.22244144


>no, red text shill,





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f3ad71 No.22244145

File: 8316e5fb1af4cb9⋯.jpeg (22.36 KB,400x400,1:1,4f.jpeg)



are you anon just rike me?

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7855c1 No.22244146


Yes retard, you're a retarded bot that only tells half a story.

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704f5d No.22244147

File: d7ee67d6c3ba0d5⋯.png (106.2 KB,568x603,568:603,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b87fb No.22244148


elon doesn't doDODGE(s)

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410e53 No.22244149


Canada #69

Homelessness in the U.S. Hits Highest Level on Record as Billions of Dollars Are Sent to Foreign Nations

by Cassandra MacDonald Dec. 27, 2024

Homelessness in the United States has hit the highest level ever recorded as billions of taxpayer dollars are repeatedly shipped to foreign nations.

Despite these problems at home, the United States has sent a total of $106 billion in aid to Ukraine and about $310 billion in total economic and military assistance to Israel since its founding.

The 2024 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development was released on Friday and revealed the shocking number of homeless Americans.

“The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) tallied more than 770,000 people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January 2024, an 18 percent increase from 2023 that is likely an undercount,” The Hill reports.

The number of families with children experiencing homelessness also jumped 39 percent — meaning 150,000 children are out on the streets.

“Veterans were the only population where homelessness continued to decline, down 8 percent from 2023. The number of veterans experiencing homelessness has fallen 55 percent since HUD started collecting data on veteran homelessness in 2009,” the report noted.

HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman released a statement about the surprising figures, saying, “No American should face homelessness, and the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to ensuring every family has access to the affordable, safe, and quality housing they deserve.”

“We at HUD deeply appreciate the work of our continuums of care and other community partners to end homelessness, especially given the challenges of 2023,” said Marion McFadden, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. “You are critical to the success of HUD’s mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.”


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f3ad71 No.22244150

File: 8f495fb50f4df5e⋯.png (44.43 KB,841x326,841:326,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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638e54 No.22244151


She was kind of a hottie. I was a little aroused.

She had big brown nipples, like a turd in the street.

Does that help?

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a5896a No.22244152

File: 387b9640b4fef5e⋯.png (909.2 KB,1091x783,1091:783,Screen_Shot_2024_12_28_at_….png)

File: c0634da717bde18⋯.png (964.9 KB,1122x782,33:23,Screen_Shot_2024_12_28_at_….png)

Archives releases photos of Joe Biden with son Hunter and his Chinese business partners

National Archive Photos: Joe & Hunter with Chinese are from Dec 2013

Hunter's Pardon only goes back to Jan 1, 2014

→ What crimes being committed in these photos?


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f93376 No.22244153


Never learned the word organic, at best. Selfish lazy deceivers at worst, disingenuous is too kind, manipulations are destructive, authentic achievement beneficial.

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620607 No.22244154


These people are stupid.

Filtered for being a moran.

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4baeea No.22244155

File: 24a1bbb4dc3dbf9⋯.mp4 (8.93 MB,606x1078,303:539,34a5ecb7a31315db.mp4)

Who is down for some traditional shit cakes?

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f3ad71 No.22244156

File: 1f46e2a4813b557⋯.jpg (56.33 KB,589x604,589:604,4h.jpg)




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c5db3d No.22244157


Surely more all caps and red text will help




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0f0726 No.22244159


>same script

read Elon's tweets, why did he write them like this? why? yes, outsiders are pushing this shit, obviously they profit off of it. why did Elon start it though?

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4baeea No.22244160

File: 82f9e2236bce6ab⋯.jpg (143.47 KB,1024x768,4:3,82f9e2236bce6ab83c3d05f235….jpg)

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4bc25c No.22244161

File: f74f5d530a1722c⋯.png (255.46 KB,474x553,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39e6fda589723b1⋯.png (225.84 KB,592x547,592:547,ClipboardImage.png)


>all MAGA trusts the plan

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34247c No.22244162

File: a62d4e66124d1a7⋯.png (46.12 KB,841x326,841:326,00000000000000000000000000….png)



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c5db3d No.22244163


>God-king unmistakable saviour and so on.


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7855c1 No.22244164



You do a great job telling that half, but it's still just half the story.

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f8f170 No.22244165

Haters gotta Hate

They inconstantly look for the next person to project their hate on.

Dark to Light

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502788 No.22244166

Elon lives in Texas

But he should live in South Africa. Call Americans lazy and stupid all you want, but GET OUT FAGGOT.

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08c0f3 No.22244167

File: 0e860afe66b2cac⋯.png (1.52 MB,2048x1091,2048:1091,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07a2d46ba888439⋯.png (313.2 KB,1586x854,13:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf4ae42cef6fbd6⋯.png (364.29 KB,2048x1361,2048:1361,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a118ebae4ef99f⋯.png (1.11 MB,1374x864,229:144,ClipboardImage.png)

YouTuber says video shows drones flying ‘in deliberate formations’ off New Jersey coast

Dec. 28, 2024, 12:02 p.m. ET

A former stock car racer and self-proclaimed paranormal investigator has posted footage to YouTube he said shows drones flying off the New Jersey coast in “deliberate formations” over the Atlantic Ocean.

CJ Faison, a Delaware YouTuber with 600,000 subscribers, rented himself a boat, grabbed his night vision video camera, and ventured from the Pine Barrens to the ocean 26 miles east.

Faison claimed in the 45-minute video to be “doing something no YouTuber or news outlet has done.”

He teased in the footage “we think we uncovered the truth” about the recent sightings of mysterious unmanned aircraft hovering over the Garden State.

Sightings of unidentified drones emitting strange light patterns started back in mid-November, and reached a fever pitch around Dec. 8.

The debate over what the drones actually are and who is controlling them rages on, with the feds providing little more than assurances they pose no threat to the public.

Like most of the purported drone footage online, Faison’s footage from the rented boat fails to provide clear images of what he claimed were drones that emerged from the ocean.

A series of blinking lights was caught by Faison’s camera. He noted the lights blinked in a pattern similar to the lights of commercial aircraft.

They’re blending in,” the YouTuber said. “Hidden in plain sight!”

Some of the alleged drones Faison filmed moved quickly, darting across the horizon.

“It’s wild,” he proclaimed. “It’s eerie.” “This is only the beginning,” Faison further warned. “I have so many questions. What’s launching these drones?

How are they staying airborne for hours? What’s their energy source? And why here? Why New Jersey?”

New Jersey officials said this week the number of sightings had dropped, with very little activity reported around Christmas.

The drop-off follows FAA-imposed restrictions on New York and New Jersey airspace.



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9e5fc4 No.22244168


Yeah they didn’t drop new info. It’s to distract from Elon & Vivek. Old anons already knew all of this, there’s nothing new to dig on. I implore newfags to stay on the conversation of immigration. Look into your state database

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c5db3d No.22244169



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3192fc No.22244170


H1B1 designers?

you get deserve what you pay for

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6b1da6 No.22244171


nice video

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c0e00b No.22244172


The 1 is pronounced like EE H1b = Heeb

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f8f170 No.22244173


Nobody likes the truth teller

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34247c No.22244174

File: 363d4b9a3e4b8cf⋯.png (4.6 MB,6366x3104,3183:1552,00000000000000000000000000….png)



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c5db3d No.22244175


>Does that help?


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ccc10d No.22244176

File: a122e305ecd6395⋯.mp4 (6.95 MB,640x360,16:9,lion.mp4)

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620607 No.22244177

Look at them pull the racism card.

They already overplayed the antisemitism card.

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6f8491 No.22244178


kek exactly

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326a3b No.22244179

pulling the wool over our eyes. replacing:

"minorities need to be placed at the front of the line because they suffer discrimination"


"minorities need to be placed at the front of the line because they are so much better than whites"

You cannot have it both ways. you cannot fool us by telling us lipstick on a pig makes the pig a beautiful woman. DEI will still be DEI regardless of it now being called something else.

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4c8d3f No.22244180

Few more Roman Catholic Vaccines and no WASPs will be left to challenge the Immigration of the replacements.

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c5db3d No.22244181



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2ab8c6 No.22244182

File: 5a9f50ae9149df6⋯.png (6.57 MB,2252x1572,563:393,5a9f50ae9149df6fed45657e32….png)

Pinhead polling wants your opinion about strangers you read about on the internet.

Elon Musk

Spotted Dogge

Le Pouffe Celebre


Adolf Hiddler


1 all shitheads

2 mostly shitheads

3 noble, selfless beings, angelic expressions of God's love for mankind.

4 IDK its the internets FFS

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34247c No.22244183

File: 176b4da6b111864⋯.png (463.24 KB,764x938,382:469,16.png)

File: 4e7f080cd8af49c⋯.png (137.02 KB,314x368,157:184,C11.png)

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d6e9c1 No.22244184


>why did Elon start it though?

exposure has to be the default answer for these types of hypotheticals

who knows, maybe some indian social media engineering bot farm is being exposed

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502788 No.22244185


>30 posts

>shilling for importing 3rd worlders to undercut American workers

Kill yourself you anti-American piece of shit. The truth is that people like you are going to hang form lampposts now that even liberals are waking up to the scourge of immigration.

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620607 No.22244186


Oh ya cause that will.work after everyone is aware.

These people are stupid.

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34247c No.22244187

File: 9289d4a6a6b0961⋯.png (57.75 KB,230x166,115:83,C6.png)

Beholdeth the Power of the Freed and/or Flipped!

Elon was [Elon]Bought and Paid for by the CCP and Putin yet now Elon is ]Elon[ and will do as he is told!

Enjoy the Show!

Nov 23, 2017 12:05:13 AM EST209

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 66o6MRSe No. 150562694

Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program?

What is SpaceX?

Expand your thinking.


Nov 23, 2017 12:10:13 AM EST210

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 66o6MRSe No. 150563217

NK _ SpaceX.


Dec 22, 2017 1:13:36 AM EST 428

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5902e7 No. 146268

Dec 22, 2017 1:04:31 AM EST

Anonymous ID: f6add3 No. 146142

Missile tech/guidance cap is SpaceX tech, methinks. Via Obama possibly?

Amirite q?


Why isEMprovided BIG WW subsidies?

No subsidies = ?

Clowncontribution in exchange for access code?

Why relevant?

Amazon Echo?

Google Home?

Clown contributions?

Apple Face ID Tech?

FB Face ID Tech?

Catching on?

Bombs Away.


Dec 23, 2017 1:12:33 AM EST 438

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 78f9ff No. 154238

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.

US loses space dominance.


IRAN Nuke deal.

NK Nuke/Missile Tech.


NASA Tech to ?

HRC SAPs (private server).


$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).


Left eye [marker].






Dec 23, 2017 1:44:16 AM EST 439

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 78f9ff No. 154468

Dec 23, 2017 1:32:47 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 7cda9d No. 154372


Q posts missing letter "i" are markers?


What rocket fired today?


Message sent.


Dec 23, 2017 1:49:14 AM EST 441

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 78f9ff No. 154535

Dec 23, 2017 1:45:17 AM EST

Anonymous ID: b04d48 No. 154477




Future news will unlock more of the message.

Missing [i] confirmed.


Dec 23, 2017 1:53:22 AM EST 442

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 78f9ff No. 154583

Dec 23, 2017 1:46:21 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 50e089 No. 154493

2017-12-23 00_46_02-Elon Musk on Twitter_ _Nuclear alien UFO from North Korea https___t.co_GUIHpKkkp.png

Media Keywords: space x launch picture nk north korea ufo detraction

Media Keywords Contributor(s): justkeke8



Message back.

UFO put out to detract from drops.


Dec 23, 2017 2:02:58 AM EST 443

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 78f9ff No. 154682

Dec 23, 2017 1:59:14 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 6763ae No. 154644


I'm from SoCal, everybody worked their ass off to win in space, so many people that made a lot of money in the 70s till 80s, it was a dream to make your country the greatest on earth, so many dreams destroyed, a fountain of talent squashed and sold out, it really hurts, we really cried when we watched each shuttle launch and knew we did that


It's coming back in a big way.

Space is critical to our NAT SEC.

Was terminated for a specific reason.

Godspeed, Patriot.


Elon Musk @elonmusk

Let’s set an age limit after which you can’t run for political office, perhaps a number just below 70 …

3:47 AM · Dec 2, 2021

Elon Musk @elonmusk

Trump would be 82 at end of term, which is too old to be chief executive of anything, let alone the United States of America.

If DeSantis runs against Biden in 2024, then DeSantis will easily win – he doesn’t even need to campaign.

10:16 PM · Jul 11, 2022

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0f0726 No.22244188



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f8f170 No.22244189


everyone knows the slacker at work

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6b1da6 No.22244190


she's not a coal-burner, she's a dung-burner

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704f5d No.22244191

File: 4258afff49960bf⋯.png (57.57 KB,568x204,142:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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efe8bf No.22244192


Division tactics abound, all while the new fake pandemic is being kick started in our face.

The real issue is the fake bird flu narrative and the division has diverted most attention away from it.

Trump’s first executive order should be to allow HCQ and Ivermectin to be allowed to be sold over the counter.

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b08768 No.22244193

There has been many Mein Kampf equivalents written about what they plan for majority white western countries. They explain everything that is going on but it's not allowed to be posted anywhere. All the platforms except for one will erase any exposure on who is behind the planning of the downfall of the west by design.

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704f5d No.22244194

File: d283a49ceb079f2⋯.png (188.7 KB,568x433,568:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9dff6 No.22244195


RON PAUL should take over


The Great Lou Dobbs

Not EL ON should be El Off

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4baeea No.22244196

File: 1c06c42915278f5⋯.png (63.26 KB,568x139,568:139,Elon_slaves.png)

File: 6ff2f89586a709d⋯.jpg (94.69 KB,619x1024,619:1024,Elon_Americans_too_retarde….jpg)

File: 6a704cd107351f6⋯.png (45.72 KB,469x455,67:65,Elon_playing_with_fire.png)

File: 857095d2e54686c⋯.png (120.27 KB,680x409,680:409,Elon_easier_to_replace_you.png)

File: 46c7fbabccbda0d⋯.png (53.16 KB,666x914,333:457,Elon_autistic.png)


All anti-Whites will be removed one way or the other. Enjoy :)

Americans will no longer allow foreigners to turn them into a minority in their own homeland, period.

If the people in charge insist on that, then Americans will engage them in Revolutionary War. It's as simple as that.

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3192fc No.22244198

File: 4c4829536f03f9b⋯.gif (5.34 MB,640x360,16:9,waitin_on_you_army.gif)

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d8ed7a No.22244199

the only way to Keep America Great is to use HB1 visas because we need the best of the brightest around the world to MAGA!

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704f5d No.22244200

File: e11361db157e417⋯.png (413.03 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f170 No.22244201

Slackers hate the over achievers

because it makes them look bad…

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0f0726 No.22244202


Ok, why didn't Elon highlight that then for a change?

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c5db3d No.22244203


>It’s to distract from Elon & Vivek. Old anons already knew all of this,

See this stupid nigger. Hes one of the broighter shill division slides.

Shows the agreement, but yet still has to knife you in the back

>Yeah they didn’t drop new info. It’s to distract from Elon & Vivek.

then name throws for confirmation "IM ANON TOO"

Old anons already knew all of this,

>last ditch effort

starts to beg like the joo she is

newfags to stay on the conversation of immigration.

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704f5d No.22244204

File: c5bde9b02aa10f3⋯.png (431.31 KB,568x702,284:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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704f5d No.22244205

File: cee228a19f762ee⋯.png (310.25 KB,568x725,568:725,ClipboardImage.png)

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f93376 No.22244206

Yeah it's about whites and non whites. You are obviously a deep thinker

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4baeea No.22244207

File: df560a53f5cec5f⋯.png (1.11 MB,1190x930,119:93,df560a53f5cec5f0f90ed715ef….png)

File: 315fe4d27a14039⋯.png (1.94 MB,1342x1406,671:703,315fe4d27a140395c768a0556f….png)

File: b217704de695f05⋯.png (129.78 KB,568x627,568:627,b217704de695f05fad0fb6b7fa….png)

File: 3a48fb95205718a⋯.jpg (73.06 KB,620x442,310:221,1735351008985002.jpg)

File: ec09f7fb319fc9d⋯.jpg (90.9 KB,1024x1021,1024:1021,a19b6dee091e27d2078e22348b….jpg)





I've worked in tech 25 years.

Used to be no immigrants during the 90s explosion.  White dudes built the entire framework everything rides on.

Then a series of offshoring waves started and continued to cascade.

We're talking 15-20 years of building foreign labor pipelines as your priority.  An ungodly amount of money has been invested in employment outsourcing networks in India because they make about $0.20 (or less) on the US $1 wage, and there is no 7.65% or any other costs associated.

They're just paying a flat fee to a "consulting firm" who does all the on the ground leg work in India.

The H1B program is a carrot to bring over the contractors that actually can do the job and rise above entry level.  They want to elevate them as perm hires.  Let's not pretend like you are scouting for great talent and bringing in high value prospects.  You don't do that.  This is about managing wages.

H1B is just creating an incentive driver for an offshore workforce.  When they come over, they do as many say - they create nepotistic informal networks.

Once they got a toehold here they partnered with folks back home to create contractor to H1B pipelines to grease the wheels and a growing inertia never stopped.

You say you will cease to be competitive if we slam the door shut oh H1Bs.  It's not because there isn't a capable US domestic workforce that can be cultivated to create domestic talent pipelines.

It's because of the Porter's 5 Forces model.  India has become the source of cheap global tech labor and if you don't make use of it others will.  They'll have better margins than you and be able to cut your throat in the market.

Or so you say.

What you aren't telling people is that domestic US innovators threaten the current system all the time - well until ESG, Fink and the Biden admin slammed the door on domestic hiring and thus domestic talent development.

What is generally done is use quantitative easing magic infinity bucks to buy out upstarts before they could disrupt.  Or put them out of business with the regulatory state.  Or collude with vendors to squeeze them.  Or sometimes all of the above.

The tech bros only jumped onto MAGA recently because this system finally became so restrictive and so consolidated the cool kids club shrank down beyond the comfort levels (and was starting to get run by looney toons). 

Kamala Harris is a drunk retard who got into politics by sucking the SF Mayor's dick and stopping fraud prosecution of the Soros clan.  She now is followed by a literal procession of cross dressers and pedophiles, a was the Biden administration.

These assholes got some of you in a room and were trying to tell you who was going to run what businesses like drunken gangsters.

Those who had enough $$ and influence in the "got shit on" group jumped to MAGA to shake things up.  You all started to feel stifled.

Well…  Welcome to the party pal.

So here's the deal.

You need a serious rollback of overseas labor pipelines.  Not just to pick on you, it needs to happen everywhere.  Some egregious exploitation has occurred - society ending apocalyptic level bullshit.

The cost of being free from totalitarian lunatics and partnering with MAGA is domestic hiring.  Period.  Telling us we're not smart enough is really bad.  We already know you're shitting on us, don't fucking insult us too.  We know what the real story is.  We have serious rock stars in our ranks.  We know.

In return, we will give you high performance and do a very good job.  Remigration will probably trigger a market correction, so the opportunity to make some changes should present itself.

Now it's up to you.  This is a choices and consequences moment.

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6b1da6 No.22244208


>All the platforms except for one will erase any exposure on who is behind the planning of the downfall of the west by design.


you get censored here for saying the truth

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502788 No.22244209


Elon is a narcissist, which is very literally a form of retardation. It's why he's awkward in interviews. He doesn't actually own any of his money or assets as they're owned by both Mossad and CIA. His narcissism is why he likes the image, but he just burned his image in pursuit of appearing like a "big guy."

Narcissists are retards. Elon is fat as fuck too which is pretty hilarious.

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f65b2e No.22244210

File: 9d198409198bc7a⋯.png (428.97 KB,600x490,60:49,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post

@nypost 47m

More than 400 fur seal pups spotted off San Francisco coast in ‘truly remarkable’ comeback


Dec 28, 2024 · 5:11 PM UTC


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34247c No.22244211

File: e345ab1be9b70a1⋯.png (543.21 KB,955x1277,955:1277,0000000000000000a23.png)

File: b32f08aece610ba⋯.png (909.4 KB,955x1277,955:1277,0000000000000000a234.png)

File: 077219c8ba0cd53⋯.png (478.74 KB,955x1277,955:1277,0000000000000000a236.png)

File: c5bffc6f0d6d623⋯.png (961.64 KB,950x1269,950:1269,0000000000000000a240.png)

File: 3cbb5123dd14baa⋯.jpg (145.71 KB,1486x991,1486:991,ca_times_brightspotcdn.jpg)

This next piece is called"Where are you? The center of the Universe?"

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Where are you? When are you coming to the “Center of the Universe,”Mar-a-Lago. Bill Gates asked to come, tonight. We miss you and x! New Year’s Eve is going to be AMAZING!!! DJT

Dec 27, 2024, 8:47 AM


Doocy: Elon Musk has become the center of the universe on Capitol Hill

Fox News 867,866 views Dec 19, 2024

Fox News' Peter Doocy reports the latest on the battle over the spending bill. The 'Fox & Friends' co-hosts discuss how lawmakers are scrambling over the more than 1,500-page bill to avert a government shutdown.


Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



Trump is ‘not safe’ – Putin


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c5db3d No.22244212

File: 118119b41578e6d⋯.png (14.88 KB,524x104,131:26,ClipboardImage.png)


now they are speaking to theirselves

>>22244172 1 post wonder at end of bread with a post no other related than the h1b slide


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f8f170 No.22244213


Slackers can't stand it if you a little more

Because they always do a little less

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704f5d No.22244214

File: 36cfda94eef460e⋯.png (175.22 KB,568x379,568:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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620607 No.22244215

Musk will be dumped once trump is office and can confiscate starlink for antitrust. Who wants to bet money?

Elon stepped in it big time.

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3192fc No.22244216


this is 45potus47's gig

THEY are using the red herring

divide and conquer

same ol bullshit

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a9dff6 No.22244217


It is not EL ON

It is El Off

Cliff High and the Great Lou Dobbs

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6f8491 No.22244218


good grief

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34247c No.22244219

File: 51e994fb4be932f⋯.png (1 MB,934x437,934:437,1BC.png)



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b08768 No.22244220


The way the game is played is on the board they set up. But if you point at the player and say look at who is behind this, you lose the game.

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a5896a No.22244221

Cools your jets Freddy Red Text.

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c5db3d No.22244222




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704f5d No.22244223

File: d76be7fa5b04a9d⋯.png (340.15 KB,568x762,284:381,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f8491 No.22244224



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08c0f3 No.22244225

File: bfb77a2bf6fb6dc⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54483cc4724be75⋯.png (1.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f65c69c18b466c2⋯.png (197.3 KB,402x472,201:236,ClipboardImage.png)

Drone show to mark the opening and conclusion of Mahakumbh 2025

December 28, 2024 08:48 pm IST

Uttar Pradesh government is planning for a drone show, showcasing mythological tales linked to the Mahakumbh and Prayagraj during the Mahakumbh.

The show will feature 2,000 drones and light up the skies over Sangam Nose, marking the grand opening and conclusion of the world-famous religious gathering.

Uttar Pradesh government is planning for a drone show, showcasing mythological tales linked to the Mahakumbh and Prayagraj during the Mahakumbh.

The show will feature 2,000 drones and light up the skies over Sangam Nose, marking the grand opening and conclusion of the world-famous religious gathering.

“A fleet of around 2,000 illuminated drones will bring to life the legendary tales of ‘Prayag Mahatmyam’ and the Mahakumbh.

The spectacular show will depict iconic events like the mythical Samudra Manthan [ocean churning] and the emergence of the Amrit Kalash [nectar pot], creating a magical visual narrative in the evening skies,” Aparajita Singh, district tourism officer, Prayagraj, said.

The show will also highlight the religious and spiritual significance of Prayagraj, offering a unique experience for pilgrims and locals, she added.

Mahakumbh, held every twelve years, will take place from January 13 to February 26, 2025.

The U.P. government departments are developing and beautification temples, Ganga ghats, parks, roads, and flyovers in Prayagraj.

U.P. CM Yogi Adityanath undertook multiple visits of Prayagraj in recent weeks to inspect the progress in preparation for the Mahakumbh.



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3192fc No.22244226


doesn't negate that i'm sick of you

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a9dff6 No.22244227



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704f5d No.22244228

File: c8380558d75628a⋯.png (379.99 KB,568x902,284:451,ClipboardImage.png)

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4baeea No.22244229

File: 87c0439bd58989d⋯.jpg (123.89 KB,1024x570,512:285,jew_Israel_mindset_3.jpg)

File: e928929883de314⋯.png (172.94 KB,719x561,719:561,jew_mindset_double_standar….png)

File: d4ede81f2611930⋯.jpg (111.16 KB,1024x645,1024:645,jew_Israel_mindset_2.jpg)

File: 2ed23b3d8ad54db⋯.png (624.68 KB,2966x1728,1483:864,Jew_mindset_minecraft.png)

File: 5a1567670fb04bf⋯.jpg (93.95 KB,1024x685,1024:685,jew_Israel_mindset_1.jpg)


There would be a real holocaust in the US before that retarded vain kikess gets anywhere near the white house as president. Count on that.

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326a3b No.22244230


DEI is central to the issue. DEI is race centered.

Intellectually honest people cannot deny that people who are white have not been passed over in favor of "minorities" in the job market due to DEI policy.

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6f8491 No.22244231

File: dc6a480f0d2042a⋯.png (785.07 KB,603x680,603:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f170 No.22244232

File: ff8306db8f16f83⋯.png (1.39 MB,1490x745,2:1,GetTheLink.png)

Shills are like cats

They always follow the little red dot!

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56ccb1 No.22244233

Anyone know what Canada is doing with all that meat?

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bf4098 No.22244234

Get the fucking rope. >>22244058

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102688 No.22244235


they want to kill off the vets to kill off the warrior culture

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34247c No.22244236

File: 41dc5ce6fff3d29⋯.png (2.14 MB,2826x1526,1413:763,0000cryb.png)

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06218c No.22244237

File: c5a6175a7c260e6⋯.png (986.22 KB,880x495,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Vivek Babu

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4baeea No.22244238


Indians are shitty people, literally. They live in shit and love it.

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c5db3d No.22244239

File: 5bbc0157ae7f439⋯.png (688.73 KB,1024x682,512:341,5bbc0157ae7f439c82d43e69a4….png)


>Ok, why didn't Elon highlight that then for a change?






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34247c No.22244240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6f8491 No.22244241

File: 8f991994e673afd⋯.png (726.53 KB,680x483,680:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6e9c1 No.22244242

File: df73d8d053166b9⋯.jpg (76.79 KB,625x651,625:651,5828619476d562e69fe06be806….jpg)


Let's celebrate!

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000000 No.22244243


>Slackers can't stand it if you a little more

>Because they always do a little less

Some slaves are better than others

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f65b2e No.22244244

File: d7e080a3699379c⋯.png (436.17 KB,600x513,200:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7defab15dea0c9⋯.jpg (153.53 KB,980x897,980:897,media_GaqcjCiX0AAIvwy.jpg)

New York Post

@nypost 1h

Police Commissioner Jessica Tisch ousts dozens of NYPD bosses in shocking purge — one week after sex scandal that rocked department


Dec 28, 2024 · 4:13 PM UTC


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704f5d No.22244245

File: 6882b1913ffd028⋯.png (122.08 KB,568x455,568:455,ClipboardImage.png)

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f93376 No.22244246


So in other words it is about whites and non whites to your enemy. Join them, fool

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6b1da6 No.22244247


>pointing out the Wizard of Oz is a fake

I have to make a stand against evil.

It's in my DNA.

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704f5d No.22244248

File: 7c17320dfeef930⋯.png (299.92 KB,568x423,568:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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102688 No.22244249



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6f8491 No.22244250

File: c0aa0a60d5dea0f⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB,576x768,3:4,wat.mp4)

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4baeea No.22244251

File: 6a704cd107351f6⋯.png (45.72 KB,469x455,67:65,Elon_playing_with_fire.png)


Bullshit. People who say that are domestic enemies that will be removed one way or the other.

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704f5d No.22244252

File: 4d8cfe310ae7369⋯.png (228.14 KB,568x368,71:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9dff6 No.22244253



In Africa they say kill the white Farmers

Where is EL ON ?

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410e53 No.22244254


> Why are South African Farmers Moving to Georgia?

Not a mystery

South Africa #11

>>18856654 Maclear farmer (74) tortured for 13 hours – Attackers make themselves dinner

>>18999691 Farm attacks and farm murders are being driven by false narratives

>>19296794 21 Farm attacks, 4 farm murders in South Africa, July 2023

>>19315378, >>19315380, >>19315381, >>19315385, >>19315393, >>19315405, >>19315444 The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

>>19323437 ‘Anti-white racism’: Farmers being targeted in South Africa (video)

>>19362494 Julius Malema cries "Kill the Boer" at rally: Could South Africa end up going the way of Zimbabwe? (video)

>>19410871 Factually incorrect police statistics about farm murders raise serious questions

>>19524643 Victim recalls the morning a suspect chanted ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ during farm attack”

>>19590370 AfriForum’s latest report on farm attacks/murders offers a perspective on the nationality of arrested farm attackers (video)

South Africa #12

>>20362713 8 things you need to know about farm murders in South Africa (video)

>>20397875, >>20406078 South Africa’s Racist EFF Leader Vows to Take the Farmlands and Redistribute to “Our People” (video)

>>20407726 Resilient voices - Farm attack survivors tell their stories: Ep 2 (video)

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a5896a No.22244255


Installed by cartels.

Traitor Quisling.

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620607 No.22244256


Elon playing that race card again.

The American taxpayers funded this ungrateful piece of shit.

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35cb9f No.22244257

File: 645ed94dc0574eb⋯.png (753.93 KB,614x680,307:340,645ed94dc0574eb9ec8ac2d4d6….png)


>Division tactics abound, all while the new fake pandemic is being kick started in our face.

Anon, this is the fucking Precipice, OK?

There are plenty of battles for everyone.

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bcc479 No.22244258


so, who are these people?


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f8f170 No.22244259

File: 66975a89b5b981b⋯.png (14.92 KB,680x300,34:15,ClipboardImage.png)

I work a 7eleven

and I'm the problem

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bcc479 No.22244260


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56ccb1 No.22244261

YouthinAsia seems racis to me.

The word I mean.

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669c25 No.22244262

File: 088d6aed0b4a5fc⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,400x224,25:14,Deep_State_OP.mp4)

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a9dff6 No.22244263


Was EL ON in an underground Tunnel ?

Does he have an AIPAC guy ?

Is that why he wore his devil suit ?

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4baeea No.22244264

File: 8000c59196d1815⋯.png (2.74 MB,3580x1252,895:313,1965_Immigration_Act_Jews.png)

File: b48134459202a08⋯.jpg (91.48 KB,1024x613,1024:613,jews_anti_White.jpg)

File: bcdbc9665e025a5⋯.png (342.99 KB,1199x1019,1199:1019,Jews_migration_UN_Holocaus….png)

File: b9f863dc0cd8328⋯.png (897.08 KB,1602x1308,267:218,jew_anti_White_books.png)

File: b2c5f36bec79839⋯.jpg (47.9 KB,522x720,29:40,jew_anti_White_1.jpg)


It is.

Sarkozy, a zionist jew that was President of France, publicly said that French people should be forced to race mix if they refuse to do it voluntarily:






"Illegals in line for application process are told not to talk to a normie conservative asking them questions. The woman telling them not to talk is part of an NGO called Jewish Family Services. That's an interesting name for an organization helping illegals flood our country.




Rabbi Joshua Stanton says the Jewish community proudly helps Muslims settle in America to fight 'White Supremacy':




Backup 2:




"Israel strikes U.N. deal to send thousands of African migrants to Western countries"



https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”


"Rabbi wants a War in Europe between Christians and Muslims"


Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


https://youtu.be/wb_4U2UJucE - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"

Backup link:


https://archive.vn/mPh2x – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi”

https://archive.vn/b5WRf – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.”

https://archive.vn/oUB3V – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen”

https://archive.vn/ilUVp – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees”

https://archive.vn/C1BzD – “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries”

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


UN paper: the stated goal is to use the Holocaust as a weapon to demand Multiculturalism and Globalism.

This is from the official site of the UN:


BARBARA- SPECTRE: We make You multikulti




"She married Rabbi Philip Spectre, and the couple moved in 1967 to Ashkelon, Israel, where she served on the faculty of Jewish Studies at Achva College of Education. After moving to Jerusalem in 1982, she served on the philosophy faculty of the Shalom Hartman Institute of Jerusalem, the Melton Center of the Hebrew University, and Yellin College of Education, where she was cited as Outstanding Lecturer 1995–1997. She was the founding chairperson of the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem in 1984. She served as a scholar in residence for the United Synagogues, Midwest Regions in 1987, 1990, 1992, 1996, and has lectured extensively throughout the United States.

In 1999, she emigrated to Sweden, settling in Stockholm and joining her husband, who was then serving as the Rabbi of the Stockholm Synagogue. The following year, she applied to the Swedish government for the government-funded formation of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, which she has continued to direct."

White Replacement Theory w/Zionist Intent:


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704f5d No.22244265

File: 76388de74e1a97a⋯.png (323.25 KB,568x473,568:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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a96654 No.22244266


Antitrust? I think it's much more likely the man with the nous ordo seclorum clothes will get bit by the EO about confiscating the wealth of those trafficking children.

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f8f170 No.22244267

File: ee0a8563a6ca4de⋯.png (453.33 KB,1024x1280,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

IMMIGRATION POLICY & all VISA PROGRAMS needs a complete re-work. Elon knows that. Trump knows that. They DEFINITELY got the conversation started, didn’t they???

Admittedly, I was annoyed by it at first & thought it was a distraction. And while I still think there’s paid opposition chiming in to stoke division — I now realize it’s a VERY important topic that we needed to learn more about!

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a9dff6 No.22244268


massie wants to know

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d6e9c1 No.22244269


>will be the downfall of the republican party

Is the republican party in name really that important? Why?

Next round of voting can just be team MAGA vs … well, who fucking knows who's up next for the bad guys!

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06218c No.22244270

File: 1d3ec26d7794b84⋯.jpg (1.56 MB,4256x2832,266:177,Plaasmoorde_For_Youtube.jpg)


>In Africa they say kill the white Farmers

>Where is EL ON ?

Completely quiet as far as Anon knows.

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f65b2e No.22244271

File: 62748b218d8ef3d⋯.png (229.84 KB,524x262,2:1,62748b218d8ef3d94b28c3d344….png)

Are you distracted enough?


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d8ed7a No.22244272

to make businesses as wealthy and thriving we need to import brightest minds from Asia! simple as! bring smart tech bros from china here and give them high paying jobs now!

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94268f No.22244275

File: 21f078b2bd60bcf⋯.jpg (37.04 KB,537x461,537:461,1b760ecf3beaff707bae08ab9e….jpg)


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bfaf09 No.22244277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Truthstream Media: Brain-to-Brain Interface 1.0b


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6f8491 No.22244279

File: 53b1daa0798e118⋯.png (445.31 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9dff6 No.22244280



Is RA El On kissing the wall

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b08768 No.22244281


Even without mentioning the devil, they still call you racist and nazi for opposing their scams. Every child is raised to either use the labels or fear being labeled those things. The greatest mindfuck ever.

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f8f170 No.22244285

Someone is shaking the ant farms again

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b7368a No.22244286


Jewish Communist Agenda - Destroy the United States By Any Means Necessary

makes it all make sense

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3192fc No.22244288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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502788 No.22244289


Elon is a narcissist and literally said he hates the American people.

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704f5d No.22244290

File: 85e70aeedbefc8e⋯.png (505.68 KB,568x680,71:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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410e53 No.22244291



Beijing or London?

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6b87fb No.22244292


I think so!

They do look Ukrainian.

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7fb281 No.22244293

File: 123c85ddd93d4e2⋯.png (22.06 KB,738x163,738:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 002930cc37f437e⋯.png (26.86 KB,725x188,725:188,ClipboardImage.png)

The shills are running out of ammo.

They keep exposing themselves as bigoted racists as they expel more ammo.

Trump is the master troll

MAGA there is no substitute.

The shills can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. kek

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725f96 No.22244294

There needs to be a class action lawsuit for injecting food supply with unsafe vaccines. America First Law, 1776 Law This needs to start immediately.

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d8ed7a No.22244295

ChatGPT AI and X would not exist without foreign code bros

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704f5d No.22244297

File: 7c8a6578487ce2e⋯.png (64.69 KB,474x295,474:295,ClipboardImage.png)

H1B database.

This is how people are finding the listings for pickleball coaches, “dancers”, and 26k a year CA plumbers through the H1B program.

“Elite Human Capital” 🤡


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08c0f3 No.22244298

File: 2e2cff4d4a80db4⋯.png (483.39 KB,602x529,602:529,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 590842edd4b67b3⋯.png (395.45 KB,710x649,710:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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b08768 No.22244299


Elon will call Trump racist.

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4baeea No.22244300

File: 287c288dc8d64cf⋯.png (130.45 KB,2268x2167,2268:2167,1735223131848730.png)


People like you will be permanently removed from America one way or the other.

H1B visas



We keep getting told that H-1B is essential for .1% talent brainiac superstars that we absolutely can't live without. 

The reality of how the program is abused is the exact opposite.  Cooks, Dog Trainers, Massage Therapists, Laborers.  Some making as low as $22,000 a year.

Millions of Americans can fill these jobs, they just don't want to work for SLAVE WAGES.

The system MUST be reformed to put AMERICANS FIRST before any discussion of cap expansion can even be considered.

Turns out the H-1B ‘lotto system’ is totally and completely rigged…


H1-Bs for all kinds of jobs (including janitors)

Just spitting in native stock’s faces

I’m always skeptical of normies waking up but this seems like a big deal


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3192fc No.22244301

File: 1ad84e568f7c420⋯.gif (2.08 MB,640x362,320:181,bean_waitsogood.gif)

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a9dff6 No.22244302


Is that EL On at an AIPAC party ?

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7520a8 No.22244303

File: 029270e397415ba⋯.jpg (174.13 KB,736x1016,92:127,johndrockfeller3asiasocand….jpg)

File: 43a23677d9ed47d⋯.jpg (57.8 KB,634x419,634:419,davidrockfellerjdrok3.jpg)


Asia Society Rockefeller

Asia Foundation Rockefeller

But official story denies there is an overlap.

"Both are run by "independent" Board of Trustees" (committees?)"

The culture branch John D. 3 was hands on for his lifetime;

Apparently his main charity / hobby?

Though he is said to have many others:

among those

He was a pioneer in addressing global population issues. He established the Population Council in 1952, which focused on research and policy related to population growth, family planning, and reproductive health.

John D. Rockefeller III left a lasting legacy through the institutions he helped establish, which continue to influence cultural, educational, and social policies globally

He served on numerous boards and was a key figure in the development of urban planning, education, and conservation efforts.

John D. Rockefeller III (March 21, 1906 – July 10, 1978)

His interests were vast but notably included international relations, the arts, and social sciences.

He served on numerous boards and was a key figure in the development of urban planning, education, and conservation efforts.

David was the youngest but given the mantle of Leader - which was only made clear to him after his father's death (?) He had no clue before hand, so he says.

I believe its a very secretive family, who keep secrets even from their own House.

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102688 No.22244304


that could be a good thing

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f8f170 No.22244305

File: 8e69d54c1cbf1ae⋯.png (2.13 MB,1576x1051,1576:1051,ShillCentral.png)


Shill are predictable

we know their game book

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704f5d No.22244308

File: f2d15e471637f04⋯.png (199.62 KB,568x786,284:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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4baeea No.22244309


He allowed his son to be castrated on his watch. He will inevitably die a failure of a man regardless of how much money he ever makes.

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326a3b No.22244311


not exclusively Whites. All Americans born on American soil, MANY White are being replaced by foreigners. You cannot tell me who my enemy is, and name calling is a fail. The Point is: this started with DEI/ESG policy. They are simply keeping the policy in place while at the same time telling us it has ended. "MInority" workers once labeled "disadvantaged" in need of DEI are now labeled "better than Americans".

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34247c No.22244313

File: c04c2e485ba3309⋯.png (372.03 KB,720x389,720:389,01faggotsA.png)

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704f5d No.22244315

File: 19eb8e204eddbbf⋯.png (218.85 KB,568x319,568:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f170 No.22244318

Shills are better than comedy central

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704f5d No.22244319

File: 84d689277dc5c51⋯.png (145.21 KB,568x544,71:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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31e43b No.22244320


And the overchievers hate the naturals that do with second nature that the overachievers had to spend time and money learning.

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08c0f3 No.22244322

File: 4e9c4e20c1884cd⋯.png (596.15 KB,1124x567,1124:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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960870 No.22248175

File: beff6d547705ad9⋯.png (227.49 KB,500x487,500:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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