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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

842c4c No.2210290

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity–for in Truth lies Victory.




Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215, >>>/qproofs/130

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 ————————————————— Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 ——————————— Who do you see?

>>2022584 —————————————————- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 ——————————— Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 —————————————————- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ———————————- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 —————————————————- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 ——————————— Matters of National Security

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

842c4c No.2210300


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>2174695 ; >>2174831 FULL VIDEO: President Trump and President Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference


>>2210270 TEDx Speaker Pushing to Normalize Pedophilia

>>2210102 CNN's Jeff Zucker Will Take 6 Weeks Off For Heart Surgery

>>2210105 DOJ: Six Men Sentenced for Their Roles in an Intn'l CP Production Ring

>>2209836, >>2209877, >>2209918, >>2209961 POTUS is up and tweeting

>>2209715, >>2209718 22 people injured in California military base tent collapse

>>2209705 Showin' 'em how it's done: Hungary Pulls Out of U.N. Migration Agreement

>>2209693, >>2209742, >>2209753, >>2209864, >>2210002, >>2210113, >>2210123, >>2210209 Clockfag analysis

>>2209647 Low-IQ Maxine warns supporters of possible 'armed protests' against her

>>2209646, >>2209677, >>2209765 Article lists Muh Russia RINO's Screeching Loudest

>>2209637, >>2209818 NZ: Bill Browder Doc'y: Magnitsky Act Behind the Scenes, 4ch thread

>>2209593 Pennsylvania Army Depot Explosion Leaves at Least 3 injured, Chemical Burns

>>2209589, >>2209640 NYC: Five-steam-pipe Explosion, Anniversary of Grand Central 2007

>>2209531 OIG Findings/Investigation of 2 DOJ Supervisory Atty's for Sex Miscond.

>>2210292 #2786


>>2208811 Very good graphic for the server scandals

>>2208911 Tunrbull says the pope should sack Australia Archbishop

>>2208781 Trump wouldn't give the media a show in Russia, so they're mad

>>2209225 No one believes russiagate

>>2209545 #2785


>>2208425 BlacklistAnon's posts to date (links)

>>2208399, >>2208471 BlacklistAnon makes corrections and a suggestion

>>2208068 Reference for BA's posts

>>2208245 Magnitsky dig

>>2208277 LaGarde dig (IMF)

>>2208377 MuhJooosShill doxed

>>2208408, >>2208473 Servers synopsis

>>2208437, >>2208676 Dems who voted against ICE + 133 cowardly faggots who wimped out

>>2208004, >>2208220, >>2208244 Digs on Payseur; Macron, Kerry, Pickle Factory linked

>>2208508 Anon suggests Hanglider guy was a message

>>2177761, >>2191274, >>2205738 Anon researches SS agent stroke

>>2208674 Germany puts another nail in its coffin

>>2208706 #2784


>>2207459 Prosecutors reviewing fatal overdose of man who died at home of prominent Democratic donor

>>2207326 Bill Browder, Hermitage capital, RSM and Loop Capital

>>2207663 Michael Latt dig

>>2207602 Q Group in NSA. Probably an oldie-but-goodie

>>2207895 UK cops say they have lead/identity of Skirpal/Novichok poisoners

>>2207909 Blacklist Anon's latest posts

>>2207911 #2783


>>2206464 Soros and Browder thought Putin would fall two years ago

>>2206535 Video from yesterday of POTUS calling out Brennan

>>2206595 >>2206602 >>2206612 Definitions of Treason, Sedition, and Rebellion/Insurrection

>>2206642 POTUS: No Confidence in Intelligence Led by Brennan, Clapper, Comey

>>2206734 >>2206754 >>2206734 WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history (repost)

>>2206720 >>2206761 James Packer has resigned from 22 Australian company directorships

>>2206806 Leaked Netanyahu Tape: We Made Trump Cancel The Iran Deal

>>2206760 Our Job is to Prepare, not just Q Proofs, TRUMP Proofs

>>2207133 #2782


>>2205598 Kim Jong-Un calls his ambassadors overseas back to Pyongyang

>>2205662 Dig on Oregon Gov. Kate Brown

>>2205595 Is The Onion Reading Q?

>>2205738 Iodide Poisoning Presenting as a Mimic of Acute Stroke

>>2205762 NBC Video Clip re: Qdrops/Qanon

>>2205740 Cultural Significance

>>2205961 Director Wray: "Chinese Espionage investigations open in all 50 States"

>>2205893, >>2205977 Judge 'Kate Forrest' Resigns - Has Ties to 8ch

>>2205873, >>2205887, >>2205896, >>2206041 Possible 4AM Talking Points?-NYT Gets Leaks Again

>>2206315 #2781


>>2204806 Update on Perkins Coie's Handling of Jim Jordan Ohio State Investigation

>>2204896 Koch Brothers, Mark Zuckerberg Open Borders Groups Try to Revive DACA Amnesty

>>2204948 San Francisco Opens Non-Citizen Voting in School Board Elections

>>2204838 Nikki Haley Slams Human Rights Council as ‘Greatest Failure’ of the UN

>>2205175 Six Men Sentenced for International Child Pornography Ring

>>2205294 Clockfag Update

>>2205331 New POTUS Tweet

>>2205511 #2780


>>2204084 Putin Asked Trump For Permission To Interrogate Obama's Ambassador

>>2204364 Initial cost for Trump military parade comes in at $12 million, DoD says (Date Moved to 11.10)

>>2204361 Dennis Rodman Wants to Bring Kanye West With Him to North Korea

>>2204552 First Lady of Guatemala visits Tucson AZ Sector Border Patrol

>>2204726 #2779

Previously Collected Notables

>>2208014 #2777, #2778, >>2206380 #2776

>>2200663 #2773, >>2200800 #2774, >>2205583 #2775

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

842c4c No.2210302

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 --- META

>>2193326 – General codefags

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

842c4c No.2210303

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

== New Bakers Required == Read this ——–→ >>2172540

842c4c No.2210320

File: 5aefb68239ac9a7⋯.jpg (529.98 KB, 927x849, 309:283, ClamCanABakerGetAHandoff.jpg)

Baker Requesting Handoff

You back Daybaker?

dough https://pastebin.com/2UUMDc7f

e2f0a6 No.2210332

So we're in the phase of a mass media campaign to ban free association with Q by cutting off any funds and threatening to expose anons.

Muh Russia conspiracy theory then should lead to stock exchange delisting for any major media companies who have been caught spreading fake news. Their employees must all be fired for associating with Theory Traffickers.

60f21b No.2210335

>>2210330 (lb)

Happy Birthday anon.

e35aff No.2210336

File: 7be8207dc118dfe⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, 075ef2634d82ddf1e919d75698….jpg)


ea4292 No.2210337

File: 655fd1e95c8fa75⋯.jpg (73.71 KB, 533x775, 533:775, downloadfile-6~2.jpg)


57e5a0 No.2210338

File: 24697c0c6376dee⋯.jpeg (176.79 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 24697c0c6376dee222afabb7b….jpeg)


Daybaker here.

Back and ready to rock.

Please confirm handoff.

Excellent work, ClamBaker.

BO/BV's, please be advised.

436a62 No.2210339

>>2210326 lb

Oct 31 2017 22:00:47 (EST)

The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).


85d356 No.2210340

So 70% of the criminals got to murder, pervert, steal, lie, cheat and will get to remain free.

842c4c No.2210341


Handoff confirmed

Thank you, sir.

Tear it up here today.

Anons are looking for some

clean, mean baking action.

They're blowing our shit up today.

We're pissed.

85d356 No.2210342

North Korea is slowing their progress. EU just got a ton of cash for Iran. Soros is now talking he wants to become a Republican. How is this being in control and winning? How many movies have this many dramatic issues over and over? You'd eventually turn the channel. Loses it's appeal.

Are there any boards on 8chan that have conspiracy subjects and dig and chat, but don't hold onto every word Q has said and not attack when you question the whole thing?

/pol is vicious kek. I lasted about 8 minutes before a ban. They're too far. You even type the letter Q and they shit all over you.

I want this to be real. But what I want vs. what I feel and what my instincts tell me are two very different things. And when I come here to voice conernfagging, all I see are apes attacking without an individual thought. Just a collective hive mind attacking anyone who attacks their ideas. But these same people want everyone else in the world to quietly listen to them and accept what they have to say. No. That hypocrisy alone is more than enough to tell me something is not right. And if you cannot see that, I am sorry. You're young, naive, old and hopeful, etc. It does not make you a bad person or an idiot for being wrong. This was a brilliant strategy. A Jon Titor for a new generation even. Or a really scary psyop and we will all be dead shortly.

Regardless. For the 4 people on this board that won't respond with one of these:

"then why are you here"

"so you want to save us?"

"then KYS clown!"

"fuck you, leave"

"meme of someone crying, meme of concernfag, meme of pepe middle finger"

"how much do you get paid in that cubicle at shareblue"

"go back to reddit" (because naturally, you're inferior for searching for the truth on a different platform KEK)

Can you share anywhere on here worth partaking in?

(read these and imagine if a "normie" said this to you after every subject you tried to wake them on…why reduce yourself to their level? But you do time after time.)

The only unity here is in a hope. Not within the people themselves. Unity not division, means we should be united regardless of our beliefs, our skin color, our gender, our upbringing, our intellect, or political affiliation. Instead. This board has unity for Q and nothing else.

This. Is. Wrong.

We need to be together, against evil. Satan is keeping us apart. Who cares about Q at this point? Look, stock AF1 photo or not, everyone is missing the point. The image is meaningless. It's too hard to prove one way or another. That was the entire point. To buy time. To create a distraction. To keep you fighting. And hey, would you look at that! No coincidences unless they're here, huh? Cause very shortly after that the board froze and everyone briefly forgot about the photos and focused on the freeze.

Why would the CIA, FBI or anyone else sit on this board? They know everything we find. They did it. They are aware. Why do they care if we are aware? We sit in here. Why do they care to sit here 24/7 and watch 19 people tell each other to die? Why are these agencies logging everything here and analyzing it if they are the ones that did all of this? Why would they spend their time, resources and efforts simply sitting idle on a board, spectating. They wouldn't. Back in reality, action takes place. And they are taking action against Trump. You see it everyday. Mockingbird, false flags, verbal attacks from the left, hollywood negativity, etc.

All that, why would they sit here? Do you not see the whole Q movement was created on one big hanging fish hook? The idea that you are part of this. Self-importance. Ego. We are Patriots and we are needed here. Why? It's obvious many here do not have the maturity nor mental capacity to calmly help "wake normies" without lashing out. So then what? You dig. You dig why? If Q team knows this stuff already. And the evil guys know what they did. And no one here can take criticism without death threat retorts, then why…why are we digging? What is the point other than to keep you feeling important, as if you have a part

ea4292 No.2210343

File: e89ed9c50ba29d5⋯.jpg (16.78 KB, 198x257, 198:257, 2ea9a4.jpg)

File: 9fe67171184a42c⋯.jpg (15.57 KB, 190x266, 5:7, 2dtoei.jpg)

America's MSM has been usurped.

9be14d No.2210344

File: 2c88826a621f84c⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, fP1ZZJVpF-u2s21w.mp4)

eea3f8 No.2210346

Mad Maxine telling her minions to stand down is like telling a 4 yr old boy to NOT do something, knowing FULL well , as soon as a back is turned, the child will do EXACTLY as told not to do….. it’s a bullshit statement egging on those who are as deranged as she is. But trying to make it look good in. The news . Have no doubt SS paid her a visit after her last stunt…. JMHO

c48870 No.2210347


Would really love to see this consolidated graphic of BlackListAnon's posts. I do not have time to do this because I have to work, dammit. But I would do it if I had the time. Want to look them over…they have the scent of significance from what I've seen so far. Love you all, anons. WWG1WGA.

3003ad No.2210348


All the prayers by our Evangelicucks must have saved their souls.

3881c5 No.2210349

>>2210258 (lb)

>>>Untill organized religion and ideology lose their grip with people, this shit will remailn in our world. The problem with you type of posting is that it creates division, chasea away normies, and completely misses your message and paints you as a division shill in the eyes of some and as a antisemite in the eyes of normies. To get a message one doe not need to presented in such a way that it will be confused with other irrelevant and extreme messages that you wasnt trying to convey. Think about it, your message gets lost in all this background noise and the division like speech.

>Untill organized religion and ideology lose their grip with people

The West NEEDS to be Christian, or it won't be the West in the cultural sense. Christianity IS the civilizational glue that allows this shit to work (and the commies and cultural marxists realize it, and everything about those is about fucking up the Western culture,that's why the first thing they attacked was Christianity under the guise of "freedom").

>The problem with you type of posting is that it creates division, chasea away normies, and completely misses your message and paints you as a division shill in the eyes of some and as a antisemite in the eyes of normies.

It can happen. Some people respond to the dumping of verifiable facts without me having to explain it all, some don't . That's why I calmed down and am posting less copy/pasty rn, so I can reach out to the more normand of the fellow anons.

>To get a message one doe not need to presented in such a way that it will be confused with other irrelevant and extreme messages that you wasnt trying to convey.

I get it, but I need to cover both basis. Eventually thou, I will write it all down in a way that normies will (hopefully) be able to digest easily.

Back to this:

>Untill organized religion and ideology lose their grip with people, this shit will remailn in our world.

Given that the West WILL keep being Christian, those that seek to keep the meme of judaism and islam alive WILL have to leave, because their ideologies ARE supremacist. Don't make all jews bad, but their chosen ideological meme IS bad for the West, and as such, we will not be in good conscience be able to pander to them. Like I said, at some point in the West, every religious jew and muslim will be asked to choose to keep the West safe from the ideological threats of judaism and islam if they want to stay.

436a62 No.2210351


Better than the fucking alternative of 100%.

2b0c00 No.2210352


Putin has something on Trump. It's obvious.

aa51df No.2210353

>>2210289 (lb)

All organized religions and ideologies are a threat to the WORLD not just the west. The only way for it to stop is by the sheeple to wake up and see everything with their own eyes. As a side note I can tell you for a fact the the roths and soros etc, are not your typical jews. They are cult members and they hate the tradition orthodox judaism. You can see it by following all the shit they did in Israel with the Israeli deep state, look how the non european jews were treated there in the 1950s. These people treat all the world population as their pawns and they dont care if the pawns follow judaism or islam or christianity. Soros is hated by most Israelis.

fd5c9e No.2210354

File: f32039fdefdb067⋯.jpg (51 KB, 746x474, 373:237, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-1….jpg)

File: bacca2bb650afd0⋯.jpg (85 KB, 750x696, 125:116, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-2….jpg)

File: 4fbcd6f5f338735⋯.jpg (46 KB, 750x476, 375:238, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-2….jpg)

File: 83c6121273ba0eb⋯.jpg (84 KB, 750x864, 125:144, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-2….jpg)

The UKs very own Corsi is funding his own political party off the Qanon following…

Asking for £1 up to £500 from Qanons… For again, a much bigger motive he's trying to obtain….

1362d6 No.2210355

File: b9dc11a1792a29e⋯.jpeg (21.31 KB, 363x461, 363:461, Popson..jpeg)



Handover Monitored. TYB

b354e2 No.2210356

File: c23f3a786a2b67f⋯.png (267.64 KB, 600x305, 120:61, cSnXXeyj-oxqrOTjKI2kWWLDRT….png)

File: 1fef39ac4346738⋯.png (159.89 KB, 600x327, 200:109, kYgBPSDBFfmwTHf_cGQX6h0R_z….png)

436a62 No.2210357


"It's obvious."


3003ad No.2210358


The west needs to be white.

All else is clipping the branches and not striking at the root.

57e5a0 No.2210359

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)


Handoff Accepted

God bless, CB.

Gonna be an interesting afternoon.

I hope you have a great day.

ea4292 No.2210360

File: 427fadca5f440ca⋯.png (38.3 KB, 480x549, 160:183, Screenshot_2018-07-14-01-3….png)

Q confirmed Hussein is a faggot.

f75ab3 No.2210361

File: e0aa49f8240f854⋯.jpg (65.65 KB, 631x405, 631:405, abc17.jpg)

c353f5 No.2210362

File: 4a475ba548b9718⋯.png (1.15 MB, 776x1034, 388:517, image1.png)

The Information System of the Future

We want to build a new kind of network for We the people. A replacement for the internet, because the anonymous internet can never be secured. That's why the C-A and the other intel agencies keep it around. The constant spy vs spy of viral/anti viral innovation, or lies on top of lies, has created a confounding hall of mirror, which anyone may successfully impersonate anyone else.

What kind of network would serve the need of a free people, and not be subject to abuse?

This anon spent the last couple of years with scientist and crypto anons working on the design of such a network. Secure for all because it is secure *from* all (including the people who build it).

One of the things you want in such a network is ownership. Communications are as essential as air. The network connects each to all and all to each. WE the PEOPLE must own the information system of the future. Whatever the costs of its development, ownership must revert to the users when costs are repaid.

That reversion to user is part of the plan we developed to create this network of our future.

Another important property of the secure network of the future is it must offer both elective anonymity and secure identity to a very high level of assurance.

Just as we need a single permanent lifetime identity in the real world we must have one in digital space so that there is no possibility anyone can successfully impersonate another user.

We know how to do this.

Another thing we need is secure polling an and balloting. You control your vote. When you vote you will know have voted and that your vote was counted.

We can instantiate the guarantee the rights of citizens by coding them into the protocols of the new network so they are fundamental to network function and can never be removed.

Why is this so important?

We need to make use of VR and MR to manage the present and future exponential phenomena. Non linear technologies are tremendously powerful and may produce dangerous unexpected effect as a result of unexpected, unforeseeable interactions.

We plan to build the university of the world in virtual space. The free education available there will link attainment directly to virtual employment.

The problem is that VR and MR technologies are extremely dangerous to use over insecure networks. It is trivial to insert information into streaming VR or MR that is introduced directly into the brain *below the level of user awareness* where it is retained and controls future decision making.

No shit anons, we do not want the googler, or the Facebook clone and his cult witch handler tapping directly into our brains via the biggest bandwidth pipe in the human body.

autist get this right away, information supply is a PUBLIC UTILITY, no one private interest should ever be allowed to own what is essential to all human life and especially our information supply. We want our information supply to be as pure (error free) as possible, and to have error correction at every level.

My problem has been laying this out for normies so they see how dangerous anonymous insecure networking is, not just to National Security, to the future of democracy in the world but to each one of us personally.

Now if we add a dimension or two and tap into some universal information field we may not need material networking. But until that happens we do.

Advanced computational civilizations rest on secure networking. For that reason this anon believes that our highest national security priority and our highest international security priority are the creation of a network such as very crudely described.

This has to be an international program, because a universal network must be trusted by everyone who uses it, and to do that their scientist must be involved in conception and engineering.

The scientist anons who conceived and developed these ideas stand at the tippy top of their field and have sr faculty positions at our best schools. They know this network must be built and will do this because without it we can not safely go to space and harvest trillion dollar asteroids.

We created a formal structure, George Hale Institute to do "large scale, high priority science and engineering projects for the benefit of all mankind. "

George Hale was a scientist, one of the founder's of Caltech who also dreamed big and realistically initiating yuge project for the benefit of mankind and a scientist of the highest integrity.

A universal secure self improving information distribution system owned by the people who use it is essential. Let's make it happen ASAP.

eea3f8 No.2210363

Maybe someone should post the Q post about making money off Q, to his page


9af991 No.2210364

We got 2 "tippy tops" from Scaramucci on Fox.

Skip to 4:50 or so.


fd5c9e No.2210365

File: 63910d6ca49a63a⋯.jpg (114 KB, 750x946, 375:473, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-2….jpg)

File: 35505191033872b⋯.jpg (62 KB, 750x621, 250:207, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-2….jpg)

File: 5da859ff1bfe9fa⋯.jpg (128 KB, 750x967, 750:967, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-2….jpg)

File: 053824ede4f006a⋯.jpg (115 KB, 750x917, 750:917, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-2….jpg)

Funding his own political party off Qanon followers…..

a541e0 No.2210366


>Putin has something on Trump. It's obvious.

Other way around. Putin will jump through whatever 45 puts in front of him. As will Erdogan, as will Mullahs.

5d027a No.2210367


There is a reason Q told us "NO OUTSIDE COMS", and you anons are falling all over it.

c31692 No.2210368

File: 51a4cbe44a5f514⋯.png (301.69 KB, 469x470, 469:470, happy-birthday-anon.png)


> I forgot to include the link

Thank you!

>It's my birthday today

Happy Birthday Anon!

121201 No.2210369


Agree - based on the list of congressional resignations and the outing of Dems after the congressional hearings, and now after the meeting with Vlad outing every last vestige of MSM snakes and RINOs in congress - yes. I think the 70% number is LOW wrt congress.

This is why elections and election security are hugely important - congress has to be cleaned of the scum and elections are the only way. If scum removed, then judges can be confirmed and many other things begin to turn.

2b0c00 No.2210370


That was a good chuckle. Tyvm!

a541e0 No.2210371


>>It's my birthday today

>Happy Birthday Anon!

Double birthday party, cuz it's my birthday too! :-)

178228 No.2210372

File: 47e3a442767c9fc⋯.png (94.57 KB, 1080x424, 135:53, Screenshot_20180719-200751….png)

I bet second summit will be before 11.11

62c698 No.2210373

File: 7689e2f6b474cf8⋯.png (158.53 KB, 600x755, 120:151, pcr.png)


ea4292 No.2210374

File: 35aa32e133ef3ea⋯.png (359.19 KB, 540x393, 180:131, c76a965c3d8f2ee0ef1b1acf77….png)

File: bf2bb82a9ab793b⋯.jpg (38.21 KB, 634x395, 634:395, 2cpw2n.jpg)

6e8b99 No.2210375


At the White HOUSE

fd5c9e No.2210376

File: 0d5294ca2a6ec1b⋯.jpg (84 KB, 750x658, 375:329, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-2….jpg)

File: 1bcb36939b491ba⋯.jpg (284 KB, 600x1900, 6:19, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-3….jpg)

File: f8f181add3387fe⋯.jpg (81 KB, 676x755, 676:755, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-3….jpg)

File: 25e5c572eadec27⋯.png (103.63 KB, 665x584, 665:584, Screenshot_2018-07-19-09-4….png)

BF is feeding on Qanon to fund their Political party.. WAKE UP

c31692 No.2210377

File: c7370dc8a2c8557⋯.jpg (13.73 KB, 225x225, 1:1, c7370dc8a2c8557580eddbd609….jpg)


Got one for ya too.

Happy Birthday Anon!!

178228 No.2210378

File: 5c2ef503e54e2e7⋯.png (358.8 KB, 1080x1374, 180:229, Screenshot_20180719-194044….png)

I am Q, are you?


fce963 No.2210379

Paytriots are the worst. I don't really have problem with people making shirts, etc and selling them as they are simply producing a product people can buy or not. But the ones who use Q and try to make it seem like they are part of the team or have an inside connection, etc and use it to try and collect dollars are the worst.

9be14d No.2210380

File: ea0165aa7832cf6⋯.png (19.08 KB, 831x155, 831:155, theintercept_com_2018_07_1….png)

Intercept tries to explain what's going on


This guy on twitter explains what's really going on


b354e2 No.2210381


Anyone have the original "The faggots are holding hands" meme?

eea3f8 No.2210382


Parade moved to 11.10 the marine corps b day

a9771b No.2210383



1d93ca No.2210385

File: de885d596261858⋯.png (304.62 KB, 373x542, 373:542, 20180719_153818.png)


f4e3f3 No.2210386


Wouldn't that pull into question Potus tweets? That's a separate platform than the chans…

254ed1 No.2210387

File: 400eb93117719f2⋯.mp4 (13.39 MB, 640x368, 40:23, VID-20180718-WA0001.mp4)

1 Thessalonians 5:3 - "Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape."

6f088f No.2210388


I'm hoping Kim and Putin will be at the 11/10 parade. Fantasy I know, but that would be awesome.

a541e0 No.2210389

File: b6e85e7cd630d34⋯.jpg (134.64 KB, 540x526, 270:263, b6e85e7cd630d34070b089f862….jpg)


ty anon

cf530b No.2210390

File: 39f93e69f3e4bc5⋯.jpg (169.04 KB, 736x1170, 368:585, archangel-michael-spanish-….jpg)

File: 7a0491bf6682c99⋯.jpg (609.56 KB, 2000x1500, 4:3, UD3.jpg)

File: 9398aafc7e221b5⋯.jpg (137.85 KB, 900x750, 6:5, Respect maga.jpg)

e1b550 No.2210392

File: 3ac31777abaa2de⋯.jpg (180.15 KB, 570x896, 285:448, Baker.jpg)

ThanQ Baker

e48cbe No.2210393

So….do you think USSS agent Nole Edward Remagen really died of a stroke? Young and fit?

Died on duty.

News said he was watching Bolton.

Do you think there was an attempt on Bolton or even POTUS, and Remagen stepped in to protect?

Do you sense any peculiar?

How about they always refer to him as 3 names — Nole Edward Remagen

What is common about going all 3 names?

How about Q warnings re Bourne types?

Do you think Nole Edward Remagen is actually dead? Did they show a body or just the flag draped casket?

Was there a message here for POTUS or from POTUS?



0b4a60 No.2210394

File: 33e0ec70e0a8b9f⋯.png (113.3 KB, 758x489, 758:489, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

File: cb6738fc2f2130e⋯.png (188.24 KB, 756x955, 756:955, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

cst. - active shooter



953201 No.2210395


^^this post signals end of night shift for me


75c128 No.2210396

File: 644ed3fa65f1e44⋯.jpg (157.86 KB, 1200x541, 1200:541, DiZNPBOXkAcCJBo.jpg)

ea4292 No.2210398

File: bdd72fb08b719fb⋯.jpg (69.18 KB, 478x640, 239:320, obama-photo-holding-hands-….jpg)

File: 76c0565d86cfcce⋯.png (191.62 KB, 308x842, 154:421, aeee925c6d184ea4d4d34144eb….png)

ef5e5a No.2210399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At about the 20 min. mark, Bongino starts to rundown the idiocy of the whole Russia-Trump probe. Good explanation for normies, newfags, or people who might be confused by all of the surrounding noise.

6e8b99 No.2210400


I really don't think that is out the of the question. I can see it now!!

f03d57 No.2210401


Dude, shut up, some of the best research is happening outside of the chans too.

Remember, all of this is open source. None of it is national secrets.

chan is a go place to throw stuff at the wall and see if it sticks. Stuff I put out on twat is more refined, normie friendly…but we dig up a lot through twitter, and most of that is brought here to share even further…

No one is saying Q is comms outside of chan.

cf530b No.2210402

File: 6217f3d0fa51bd3⋯.jpg (149.94 KB, 746x955, 746:955, Loose Talk NSA.jpg)

fd5c9e No.2210403

File: 4e96402b97bf801⋯.png (288.91 KB, 720x590, 72:59, Screenshot_2018-07-16-16-1….png)

File: 2f84efca573a95b⋯.png (267.71 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-19-07-5….png)

Calling all Qanons….

BF is funding his own political party by ways of Qanon

21a87a No.2210404


5 of those are Wed

2b0c00 No.2210405

ea4292 No.2210406

File: b287f019360dc9a⋯.jpg (69 KB, 480x588, 40:49, 2carb9.jpg)

The original faggot meme.

5d027a No.2210407


Same goes for this "BlacklistAnon" bullshit as well.

And they stuck that shit up in the notables…WTF.

2b0c00 No.2210409

5d027a No.2210410


Go ahead and follow the dis-info bullshit they are pulling over on you.

Hope you get the rope as well, TRAITOR!

078f32 No.2210411

Some points to consider RE: Trump/Putin

1. Putin has a problem with U1. Russia believed Hillary would be President, so they needed to dirty her up and get influence over her. The US knows about it.

2. The US has its hands dirty with Israel launching the Syrian Terror War and creating ISIS.

Both sides have to clean up a mess. The moving of the Jerusalem embassy was part of solving "2". Israel now owes Trump. I think that Israel/jews have launched this media tirade to better their bargaining position in the upcoming Syria talks. Israel gets some concessions and the jews call off the media attack. I think this is a mistake as the FISA IG report and Huber indictments will overshadow any jew media attack against Trump.

U1 is a bigger headache. Note the shipping of ore to Canada is no big deal. You can get ore from multiple sources world wide. The problem is the enrichment plant in Canada and the shipping of enriched Uranium to ??? Also the obvious "dirty up" operation. It depends what Putin knew about the shipments. That is a stickier probrlem.

ef5e5a No.2210412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shit. Wrong Video. Here is the correct one.

254ed1 No.2210413



75c128 No.2210414

File: 0c606b0cf489d36⋯.jpg (170.01 KB, 1194x1200, 199:200, Dibgrx0UYAA53Ui.jpg)

436a62 No.2210415


Yes. We need to:

1) complete the cleaning process of DOJ & Intelligence

2) appoint new judges

3) sweep the mid-terms

After this, we can prosecute the traitors and other criminals with fury.

Think Elijah and the Prophets of Baal.

e3fa31 No.2210416

File: 931f778b5f2ae30⋯.jpg (278.13 KB, 1200x842, 600:421, POTUS-FLAG-HEADER.jpg)

POTUS Header changed to the flag today.

b354e2 No.2210417

File: be11ae556886ab4⋯.png (290.35 KB, 600x354, 100:59, Clinton_meme_1.png)

13ef7d No.2210418


Not true!

dca4e4 No.2210419

File: 9a81067b2bc391b⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 700x352, 175:88, Seymour-stein-700x352.jpg)

Seymour Stein out at Warner Music after 51 years.


4628a2 No.2210420

File: 7cbcb912e4ede93⋯.gif (473.07 KB, 384x288, 4:3, cake.gif)



Happy Bday Anons, may the day be blessed 4 (You)'s both!!

f9b830 No.2210421

File: efac62702a22928⋯.jpg (226.06 KB, 760x430, 76:43, Can smell something.jpg)

fd5c9e No.2210422

File: 5086ad5685d4704⋯.png (494.51 KB, 1422x2059, 1422:2059, received_10156635695800844….png)

File: 109c58d316350fc⋯.png (660.41 KB, 1433x2054, 1433:2054, received_10156635695865844….png)

File: 4e667c79d71b484⋯.png (491.2 KB, 1436x2049, 1436:2049, received_10156635696050844….png)

One of BFs groupies is now advising people to shut us down

178228 No.2210423

File: 9007d6bab859cc8⋯.jpg (106.9 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IMG_20180719_201459.jpg)

Where are the servers?

7b1943 No.2210424


They will Also Say…"we don't know what is going on behind the scenes"…I get that…

But in 18 months the major players on their side…..Are STILL the Major players on their side…NONE have been taken out….Oh I agree a few have been fired/resigned….WOW-Not impressed…

They should've been fired in the first six months….Some were, Most were Not.

START pushing Back on their narrative. Put a few things out that prove Putin's allegations against Klintons…Release some of the evidence showing Comey/McCabe are weasels. Drop some evidence that Brannan/Clapper are the REAl Traitors…and then Start unwinding it completely….


2cd35b No.2210425


well I’m glad he cleared that up before

he left-, Kek.

518823 No.2210426

I posted a different perspective on Q in the last bread, and anon asked for sauce:

MAGA is a revolt and revolution


There is SO much more to the article, I didn't post it all. I think this is the best representation of the movement I've read yet. Personal opinion.

Apologies to anon for not posting the link last time - Today, I became senile.

d97f17 No.2210427

File: 2a3b7791ab77a00⋯.jpg (265.22 KB, 1271x711, 1271:711, Nuclear Disarment!.jpg)

Is this any better?

Notable perhaps?


953201 No.2210428


wonder how many people will even bother to look this up?

every device capable of accessing this board has a calendar built in.

interesting analysis of anons to follow

2b0c00 No.2210429


Ya. I looked. -.- lol

94b36d No.2210430

>>2210259 (previous)

>>2210314 (previous)

>>2210301 (previous)

Ffs nobody is saying that the Pope is a saint on a white horse. But if you bigot Catholic-hating anons could put your bias aside for a nanosecond, and do some FUCKING RESEARCH on this question (instead of knee-jerk muh Catholics muh Pope muh Francis all the time), you would know that even at the time of the papal conclave in 2013, the College of Cardinals was pushing that whoever got elected had to do SOMETHING about the Vatican's fucked-up finances. It was in all the msm at the time, even in English.

So when Francis was elected, that's what he did. A bunch of the other Cardinals told him he should do it, so he did it. Whether he particularly wanted to do it or not, I have no idea.

86fe6c No.2210431

File: 98b9f298838488e⋯.jpg (60.21 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2e9f8l.jpg)

d7aec3 No.2210432

I think Iran held Uranium in Syria and Trump blew the fuck out of it last year.

e21ffa No.2210433


17m17 minutes ago


BREAKING: Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff interrupts House Intel hearing on China in failed attempt to subpoena Trump-Putin interpreter, just one day after FBI director Christopher Wray calls CHINA 'the broadest, most significant' threat to the US

Schiff trying to interrupt info on China. Swalwell was also called out by Tucker last night for not upsetting his Chinese constituents. Could "Liddle" represent something in regards to China? Does Standard Hotel or Long Beach Pier have ties to China, investors maybe?

I just started to look, but this seems interesting:

“Liddle transported equipment to Korea through the mine-infested waters of the East China” in regards to USS Liddle

Schiff a middle man for China to NK?

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liddle_(DE-206)

https:// twitter.com/WiredSources/status/1019951505200369664

89cbe2 No.2210434

File: 4cdc7f0e84317d0⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1534x765, 1534:765, 452541324090--9.png)

File: 2ffa5688cdc5d05⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1775x874, 1775:874, 1873415130613507398445.png)

f03d57 No.2210435

File: c720f94e84097c3⋯.jpg (28.95 KB, 475x235, 95:47, BronsonII.JPG)


Those are fightin words punk.

8c0e57 No.2210436

File: 7c33e665344185f⋯.png (289.95 KB, 864x648, 4:3, 3498-full.png)


I concur completely anon.

5d027a No.2210437


Come on over.

3881c5 No.2210438


I think the Satanic shit of the super-jews are just what happens when you give massive financial power to people that have been told by their religion that they are God's chosen. It's the ideological threat of judaism on crack, and the crack is all the financial power they amassed with their kikery. Then it morphs into "I am more of a jew than the others because GOD CHOSE ME TO HAVE ALL THIS POWER, YAY!!!"

>The only way for it to stop is by the sheeple to wake up and see everything with their own eyes.

Well, the West needs to be Christian to keep being the West culturally. That is non-negotiable.

60f21b No.2210439

File: 90f6df52fd1ca23⋯.jpeg (391.82 KB, 864x1210, 432:605, you cant fix stupid.jpeg)

f75ab3 No.2210440

File: 5e1eeaea9e2099a⋯.jpg (87.28 KB, 500x367, 500:367, redwave.jpg)

Democrat Party's New Motto: "For The People"

House Democrats revealed their new slogan for the upcoming 2018 elections at a private meeting Wednesday.

It represents the Democratic Party’s fourth new message in the 2018 election cycle.


3ceb30 No.2210441


Lots of people used the NK sever thinking it was safe

d60819 No.2210442


John 5:5-9

496561 No.2210443

File: ed19865f9401b3b⋯.jpg (171.88 KB, 642x978, 107:163, x3.jpg)

0b4a60 No.2210444

File: aa864c80bb496c8⋯.png (425.4 KB, 810x1158, 135:193, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

Looks like that Carbon Tax isn't going anywhere fast :)

House votes to disavow carbon tax

07/19/18 10:42 AM EDT


c28c4c No.2210445

Important hearing today to confirm POTUS picks for Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Export and Import Bank. If I recall correctly, this was Warren's slush fund. She and Barney Frank are on that Committee. Cspan started at 10;00 am.

6add7a No.2210446


Ok, so the corrupt globalist fucks want to clean up their in-house bookkeeping, should we throw them a party?

Has Francis just been pretending to be a mouthpiece for disgusting piece of immoral globalist propaganda? Or does that shit just fly out by accident?

GTFO with your pathetic attempt to defend your corrupt institution.

436a62 No.2210447


I worked with a man years ago who looked to be the picture of health who had a stroke. A director at a nuclear facility, his job was very stressful.

Just saying.

9be14d No.2210448

File: ab727d621ba652d⋯.png (9.06 KB, 307x193, 307:193, ca_news_yahoo_com_york-gov….png)

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday opened the door to a possible criminal case against the Donald J. Trump Foundation, but the state attorney general's office said it had not determined that a criminal referral was warranted.

"At Governor Cuomo's direction, the state stands ready to provide the (New York) Attorney General with the appropriate criminal referral on this matter if and when she asks for it," Alphonso David, the governor's counsel, said in a statement.


f03d57 No.2210449


Over to where? Canada?

32a6a5 No.2210450

File: 330289378aec18b⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1413x4414, 1413:4414, ΒΟςΟΜΡ.png)

File: 2ff9d7c979a9fe3⋯.png (215.01 KB, 1026x1515, 342:505, justjokingaroundguyslol.png)

File: 28a715143d3c55e⋯.png (673.72 KB, 453x640, 453:640, KaliWittSlaysBNZizek.png)

File: 630d5fa58911220⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1111x1112, 1111:1112, flagrant_1532011490953.jpg)

Out out out

Kick the AI OUT

In the Name of Jesus Christ

f75ab3 No.2210451


Could it have something to do with Long Beach Port and shipping containers?

aa51df No.2210452


You cannot say that something must be something. What does it mean being christian? There are many different christian branches. You cant say that the russian culture is the same as british or german, heck you cant even say there is such a thing as one russian culture. And what about people who dont follow any religion? Culture should come from the people and all aggressive organized religions and ideologies should becone a relic if the past. People should create their own culture without the social engineers or the "religious leaders" who are nothing more than sheep herders. Only when people wake up, they will realize this sharade they have been a part of.

821dca No.2210453

File: 61bc84d888a48d8⋯.jpg (633.79 KB, 2040x1477, 2040:1477, bcbf64cd6edc9e3f6353befdc9….jpg)


I liked "For Frodo" better.

842c4c No.2210454

File: e0ebc2e395ce49d⋯.jpg (213.82 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, ClamAquariumComfyResting.jpg)


Blessings to you too, Daybaker

Have an excellent day.





TY anons, BO/BV

Enjoy your day!

CB out

5d027a No.2210455


Certainly not in your mommie's basement, asshat!

a541e0 No.2210456

File: bbb302a270d0a26⋯.png (76.92 KB, 899x599, 899:599, 314b4692-2339-10c5-761a-4e….png)

File: 893eef5377000db⋯.png (205.88 KB, 798x583, 798:583, 654ab3a1-45a7-3ca1-7076-9f….png)

Make California Great Again Q

21a87a No.2210457


There are Q crumbs about this. Including West Coast ports.

436a62 No.2210458


Q even referenced some good content on Reddit once, did he not?

86fe6c No.2210459

File: de53cdc1b7c59ec⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 748x960, 187:240, Dfz6sCsWAAEvqeW.jpg)

Trump is not a racist he just doesn't like stupid niggers.

992ac8 No.2210460

File: 41e738e9e84013e⋯.png (241.05 KB, 538x1502, 269:751, TRUMP UK PRESSER ANALYSIS.png)

Some interdasting analysis from a cranky brilliant British chick.

My reading between the lines tells me TRUMP IS REQUIRING NATO TO BUILD UP IT'S LOCAL FORCES B/C THE MIGRANTS ARE GOING TO BE EJECTED BY FORCE. Also probably b/c the military there (like here) is one of the few institutions that are still loyal to the people (I hope and pray).

Also, I love you beautiful faggots long time no homo.

3881c5 No.2210461


As an effective majority, yes.

And eventually 90%+. This can be achieved peacefully if we don't have arsonists running around creating trouble (rabbis who want the prophecy of Edom to come true so they push for "refugee" influx, jewish interest groups, MS-13, Soros NGOs and paramilitary groups (Antifa,etc), communists, etc).

19152a No.2210462


BL drops were not made outside this platform, wnon. And who cares who BL is. Only thing that really matters is if the drops lead to significant finds. Why would you push back against something like that?

0b4a60 No.2210463


meanwhile, 100s of NYPD are screaming in rage because the Weiner laptop "Insurance Files" are waiting, and waiting and waiting to see the light of day.

499c14 No.2210464


Barney Frank retired years ago.

5d027a No.2210465


So I take it your a Corsie or Jones follower as well.

32a6a5 No.2210466


Аге уоυ нυмап?

f3f392 No.2210467














60f21b No.2210468


People's Republic (of China)

Workers Party….

Same old leftist naming schemes.

9be14d No.2210469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gingrich: Trump is tougher on Russia than Obama ever dreamed

86fe6c No.2210470

File: a0a5da535c84ade⋯.jpg (59.2 KB, 476x428, 119:107, 2dr33x~2.jpg)

File: 8bea719fb0c73b6⋯.jpeg (71.48 KB, 640x860, 32:43, 6cebe8004d40f52e85ee031d0….jpeg)

f03d57 No.2210471

File: 55a38b06388f4e4⋯.png (17.93 KB, 773x341, 773:341, ClipboardImage.png)


Reddit, twitter, articles, jeez, some asshats think 8ch is the only place on the planet.

I'm getting millions of view on twit, and that's after being shadowbanned.

dfb8a5 No.2210473

File: f72b21c174ae905⋯.png (645.83 KB, 790x548, 395:274, Elegant-Flotus.png)

File: a503d70afb8bfbc⋯.jpg (65.65 KB, 800x500, 8:5, f67da05131d8759c0b56ffcacf….jpg)

File: 9f1f82dc07183bd⋯.jpg (162.95 KB, 693x500, 693:500, COVFEFETTI.jpg)

Happy Birthday Anons!

f03d57 No.2210474

File: 2b8cfd823303195⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 358x216, 179:108, ByeBye.JPG)



66ee22 No.2210475


>To insist NATO spending go up suddenly…

Nope he never said increase *spending*.

He said increase *contributions*.

c28c4c No.2210476


Sorry I meant Bob Menendez. I apologize.

d97f17 No.2210477

File: 5347dc1510d8de3⋯.jpg (286.14 KB, 1275x715, 255:143, DoubleNegative.jpg)

The clue also came from Would wouldn't Missing nt reversed is the symbol for thoron gas. Which lead me to thorium as explained. It's not Rocket science!!! Well it's Nuclear so… LOL


19152a No.2210478


AI Bot is here. It has really made changes to it's programming lately. Now starting to pick up on Christian beliefs.

f75ab3 No.2210479



A CA surfing Trumpy Bear!

3881c5 No.2210480



This is the shit the trillions that are going to pedos need to go into. This is key to a super-"so much winning you'll get sick of it"-future.

Great post.

842c4c No.2210481


Cali refugee

Am multi-generational native.

Fled a few years ago.

Just got too unsafe

Closing thing to hell

I hope to ever see

Please make Cali gets

great again

I miss my home

436a62 No.2210482

File: 8a12f8f90b3405d⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 360x238, 180:119, corsisqueeze.gif)


Squeeze, Bluto, squeeze!

19152a No.2210483


100% wrong.

86fe6c No.2210484

File: fb628ddef83a9fb⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 464x464, 1:1, 2e3p8i~2.jpg)

File: 5966db8989707ed⋯.jpg (133.96 KB, 569x500, 569:500, 2cx8ly.jpg)

518823 No.2210485


Did you know that it's also Samuel Colt's birthday, too?

506dd0 No.2210486

File: a8b7cc6527e8ca9⋯.jpeg (919.95 KB, 1125x1487, 1125:1487, 04461813-8033-4697-BB16-2….jpeg)


Wonder why they are panicking


630d0b No.2210487


That doesn’t explain why they’d turn from God to His adversary in worship. “Beware of those who say they’re Jews but worship in the synagogue of satan.”

3881c5 No.2210488


Believe me, they won't like it once people catch up to their kikery. Kikery never pays off. Never.

f03d57 No.2210489

File: 469caff380f0d09⋯.png (23.32 KB, 400x272, 25:17, ClipboardImage.png)

5d027a No.2210490


So why are you following their info?

Go look at the early stuff from Corsie and Jones…this BlacklistAnon is repeating what they were saying months ago.

fef76d No.2210491

File: ac92f017aee39a1⋯.png (6.38 KB, 300x107, 300:107, SEEDSOFPEACEnew-logo.png)

File: fc89812ab039416⋯.jpg (9.37 KB, 241x176, 241:176, seedsofpeacelogo.jpg)


In researching lately, the SEEDS OF PEACE ORGNIZATION came up several times.

Ali Velshi is a member, as well as the Council on Foreign Relations


The Steinberg family, which was killed in a Costa Rica plane crash early this year was involved in and supported it.

Their son, William, held a leadership role in Seeds of Peace.

Son, Zachary, was involved in ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS

So, I looked into the organization and discovered that




8d9d87 No.2210493

File: f70ac13651a869c⋯.gif (644.68 KB, 581x390, 581:390, 9vw5l2e.gif)

Putin knows the Cabal


6add7a No.2210494


I have an idea, go start /BLresearch/ and shit up your own breads with this irrelevant bullshit and see how many anons care enough to follow you over there.

aa51df No.2210495


Could be that this ideology affected the bankers and was the initiating factor. Who knows. Still the average isareli doesnt follow this crap. Some blind extremely religious people do believe in this of course, as it is written in the ancient texts. These aggressive religious ideologies should be a thing of the past.

Dont divide people to jews vs not jews, just blind sheep vs not blind, and elites vs all others.

a541e0 No.2210496

File: 2bff0e88e711eec⋯.png (890.81 KB, 517x781, 47:71, f742dad3-e51f-e1ed-dc69-94….png)


Trumpy Bear hangs 10.

a67230 No.2210497


1. TP isnt trustworthy in my mind.

2. IF what he says is true ill be shocked if something is done about it…

7b1943 No.2210498

File: 930a74c292f74a1⋯.png (497.57 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

START the counterattack…

Give the EO declassifying EVERYTHING to Sessions/Wray/Rosenstein and insist that everything be delivered to Congress by the middle of next week.

Two weeks after the revelations start coming out, a few should be indicted…then a few more…and finally we will be able to start arresting some of the lower major players…and then we can nail the big dogs

518823 No.2210499


A quick thank you! I guess 68 ain't so bad after all….

62c698 No.2210500

File: ef6f441c4fc6e97⋯.png (176.4 KB, 600x464, 75:58, sl.png)

File: 038b4b5b53b5b72⋯.png (268.14 KB, 600x656, 75:82, sl2.png)

File: 371522b515b9e2c⋯.png (239.36 KB, 600x487, 600:487, sl3.png)


7456ad No.2210501

I do enjoy these stories re Putin-Trump terrabyte exchange. I hope you do as well.


7fce18 No.2210502

>>2210259 (prev)

I think Trumbull was asking for the Archbishop of Adelaide to be fired, cause he's refusing to resign, not Pell.

19152a No.2210503


Your bigotry is strong. So is your hate. Romeanon was not defending the corrupt institution idiot. Far from it.

f03d57 No.2210504

File: 590b16f9a69ce44⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 471x344, 471:344, MonkeyDurr.jpg)


Muh hall monitor

2b0c00 No.2210505


One can't help but stare at it.

b354e2 No.2210506



32a6a5 No.2210507

File: eb568b367996ba2⋯.png (8.47 MB, 2608x3281, 2608:3281, curtain.png)


Stop your lying.

Why was Q's last post declaration of independence? Just a generic gesture, or something more?

Recall the previous post it was paired with– what is the connection?

Why is the fake news media the BIGGEST enemy of the people? That is not meaningless rhetoric.

Where does the fake news start, and where does it end? If power over traditional media was consolidated by the 1990s, was the internet controlled from the start?


4becda No.2210508


Fake news, meant to make us look stupid

69c8c5 No.2210509

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdj1smZZwLM Looks like #WalkAway is really picking up momentum.

This is my favorite story.

I think it's particularly effective for the hip hop community. Every one of the walk away is valuable, but what I like about this one is that he speaks in the tongue of the young, hip hop crowd.

86fe6c No.2210510

File: 39e70b1d6d34377⋯.jpg (71.04 KB, 480x705, 32:47, 2e1c9x~2.jpg)

The Royal's live in a fantasy world.

f75ab3 No.2210511


I like the concept of this meme

08d0fe No.2210512


"The love of money is the root of all evil"!

3881c5 No.2210513


>jews call off the media attack

We can fuck up the kike media and influence with chans operations.

Israel depends on a lot of aid, and the lolocaust lie to keep the billions rolling in.

We can sway the gen pop about those issues if we are smart.

a541e0 No.2210514


I didn't, but just googled and learned a bunch, thx.

e81d0d No.2210515

718b9f No.2210516

>>2209561 LB

He is what this board creates in the absence of the real Q.(did the Q operation get cancelled?)

I've read all of Blacklists posts, they don't seem to offer much, at least nothing I give 2 shits about.

13ef7d No.2210517


Sauce for fake news!!

6add7a No.2210518


He suggested that pope francis was /ourguy/ kek please try to pay attention

And drop the fucking yoda routine, it's embarrassing.

9be14d No.2210519

File: 00b361612da808c⋯.jpg (101.15 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, jeff-zucker.jpg)

>>2210102 CNN's Jeff Zucker Will Take 6 Weeks Off For Heart Surgery

55fd38 No.2210520

we should make all the sjw faggot liberals live in the refugees camps or detroit before they vote

958f23 No.2210521

File: 16b89cc26e5c81a⋯.jpg (457.97 KB, 1078x1258, 539:629, Scalise dirt on Hussein.jpg)

Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump’s Russia Critics https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/scalise-digs-obama-dirt-uses-it-completely-destroy-trumps-russia-critics/

fd5c9e No.2210522


I agree… BF has no idea wtf he's doing… He's leading a movement and asking for funds, and underming Qanon….


I've tried, BF has blocked me on @British_Fight and @TPRParty both his pages… He doesn't want word out… Hence why I came here for Anons help….

436a62 No.2210523


Sounds pretty black/white. Do you put paytriots on the same level as the Cabal, Hussein, HRC, Comey, Brennan, NoName, Soros, et al?

4becda No.2210524


Peruse his twats. 'Bombshell in 5 minutes!!!" "Bombshell after I come back from lunch" blah blah

890ac8 No.2210525

>>2203700 old (#2778)

>>2203700 >>2203712 >>2203878 old (#2778)

Re Keystone in SES seal and flag:

CIA and FBI are exempt from the SES. So do they sport an alternative that is comparable?

c9fc20 No.2210526

File: 6e050b25fee93f1⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1242x926, 621:463, A5982E88-DB6A-4986-8649-1….jpeg)

File: 61752839af18bf4⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x809, 1242:809, 67D859F3-B5BE-4BB6-ABE0-6….jpeg)

It’s a Parade…

19152a No.2210527


One reason I won't be going to the parade is because I have no desire to meet hateful, illogical idiots like you.

I have not posted or even actually supported BLanon. My point was that who cares who is dropping leads as long as it is pertinent to what we are doing here. And from that you et condescending AF and assume shit you know nothing about.

The only one shitting up the bread is you.


f4c5a9 No.2210528


clock shit. blacklist = may be busy work or slide

I would like to see proofs side by side with math probability of it being coincidence

ec50ae No.2210529


Think Mirror Kek

3ceb30 No.2210530


Heart disease? Jews have hearts?

eea3f8 No.2210531

File: ccd6fced5f4fdbf⋯.png (634.02 KB, 2047x1176, 2047:1176, C09AFEEB-EAE0-48D4-9854-C4….png)

This is whom they are claiming are the top 10 dems running

fef76d No.2210532


forgot some sauce

The family supported a nonprofit organization, Seeds of Peace, that trains prospective leaders from around the world in conflict resolution.


William Steinberg, 18, was involved with Seeds of Peace


Zachary Steinberg, held a leadership role in Engineers Without Borders.

He was also involved in Jewish life on campus and served as an intern at Johns Hopkins Hillel. Noam Bentov, Hillel's executive director, said Steinberg was scheduled to travel to Israel this week on a Birthright trip with peers.


436a62 No.2210533


Test all things.

Cling to what is good.

ce9b07 No.2210534


In all of human history, we have to be the only troops to grumble about having some R&R.

885f20 No.2210535

File: 06a5be55dfd2e7b⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1242x1650, 207:275, c1b99a5c07e6d02eb9963c02c6….png)

Don Jr and Kimberly 2024

468415 No.2210536

File: f68e9e39b3e4faf⋯.jpg (127.11 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, HILLPUT.jpg)

55fd38 No.2210537



fake indian




criminal retard


pedophile criminal retard



good canidates dems

32a6a5 No.2210538


Why does this openly-posting-bot use a "hydra" moniker?

Is that a pretty accurate image of how AI dominance is a many headed monster?

Is it taunting humans by flaunting this?

Declaration of independence… Who is our George III? Who rules here? Is it the PEOPLE? No. The people are banned by the whim of authorities they don't really know.

By the way, research how far back traditions of control through 1. propaganda, and 2. spying go.

b538e1 No.2210539


This shit is a year old but for those not up to speed it explains what Comey is and why DJT fired him when he was 3,000 miles away:


Begin by noticing how the President fired Comey when Comey was 3,000 miles away from his office, that Comey had no inkling he was being cut, that all his files, computers, and everything in his office were seized by his boss Sessions and the Justice Department. This was not a violation of protocol, it was tactical. Notice how Prez Trump compartmentalized the strike and did not inform any of his White House “staff” to prevent leaks. Notice how he emasculated Comey and the swamp denizens by letting them know in a tweet that the Attorney General got information (surveillance “tapes” from the seizure of Comey’s office) to let Comey and his handlers know that Trump’s DOJ has the goods on them. This was a brilliant, strategic and totally imperative move at exactly the right time against horrible, evil and corrupt powers infesting our government.

e81d0d No.2210540




958f23 No.2210541

File: a9c08b9d94f06fc⋯.png (260.64 KB, 615x721, 615:721, ClipboardImage.png)

"Comey struck immunity deals with Clinton’s aides to destroy their laptops following the FBI’s probe – FBI’s Comey Covered Up China Hack of Hillary’s Emails, Concealing Intel from Congress Months Before Election; Then FBI Destroyed the Evidence"

FBI’s Comey Covered Up China Hack of Hillary’s Emails, Concealing Intel from Congress Months Before Election; Then FBI Destroyed the Evidence https://truepundit.com/fbis-comey-covered-up-china-hack-of-hillarys-emails-concealing-intel-from-congress-months-before-election-then-fbi-destroyed-the-evidence/

0abc47 No.2210542

Lot of people starting to say "Q's never coming back."

I don't believe that, but this is the longest period of silence yet …

33a6db No.2210543

55fd38 No.2210544



the irony huh

f75ab3 No.2210545

File: ce0dc42fa16cd57⋯.jpg (62.58 KB, 640x480, 4:3, California-American-flag-G….jpg)


Califag here

Hoping you can come back soon.

So you can sing…

California, here I come

Right back where I started from

Where bowers are flowers bloom in the spring

Each morning at dawning

Birdies sing and everything

A sun kissed miss said "Don't be late!"

That's why I can hardly wait,

Open up that Golden Gate!

California, here I come!

413e5e No.2210546


Awe! Look how adorable (you) are.

It's really not a big deal (especially at this stage in the line of events), but some Anons spazz out about doxing. And you sort of did dox your profile image. No worries, just be careful not to dox. (All good, Anon.)

4becda No.2210547


I don't know, man. George Washington camped out all winter.

60f21b No.2210548

File: ca25dd60ba9b78a⋯.png (733.28 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, yeeeaahhhhh.png)

0b4a60 No.2210549

File: e71106192361f05⋯.png (118.86 KB, 803x635, 803:635, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

Still waiting to hear what the wangdoodle is up with this active shooter….



b5aa1f No.2210550

File: 9c85c1360d9d436⋯.jpg (136.09 KB, 349x549, 349:549, Screen Shot 07-19-18 at 04….JPG)

‘Chemical pollutants make people gay’: Vegan group’s comment backfires on social media

Published time: 19 Jul, 2018 09:40

I bet there is some truth in that!

A vegan group has been slammed for peddling “homophobic views” and inciting hatred against the LGBT+ community after claiming on social media that chemical pollutants make people gay and transgender.

The Pembrokeshire Vegan Organic group said in a Facebook post, which has since been deleted, that there is “nothing natural or healthy about wanting to be the opposite from what we were born.”

“The promotion of gay and trans is the promotion of sexual development disorders, caused by environmental pollutants and media and educational manipulation,” the post, originally seen by the Independent, read.


19152a No.2210551


Actually, I am not following any of it. My point is that leads should not be automatically discounted if they don't come from Q. Why not research any lead to see if it has any merit. Research is suppose to be what we do here. Many anons won't even look at the supposed tips unless they come from Q. I think that's a mistake. But, to each his own.

1362d6 No.2210552

File: 0ea328292026914⋯.jpeg (169.95 KB, 1332x2048, 333:512, ConcernRelief..jpeg)

ce9b07 No.2210553


ROFL–that's their varsity? LOL LOL

d93621 No.2210554

File: 74480949d8baf84⋯.png (483.25 KB, 772x403, 772:403, 2018-07-19_10-29-25.png)

File: 83090b82a113abb⋯.png (780.38 KB, 808x570, 404:285, 2018-07-19_10-38-50.png)

File: 3582529b2c82752⋯.png (1.19 MB, 765x883, 765:883, 2018-07-19_10-45-51.png)

File: 09d2e9f10c9a3a1⋯.png (1017.52 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, 2018-07-19_10-58-17.png)

Just when you think Potus couldn't surprise us any more, he comes out with another perfect description of someone..

Obama "took him out of the garbage heap" Joe Biden.

kek kek

6add7a No.2210555

File: da2a482af37a8f5⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 230x219, 230:219, fc60fa74932c03ca70264415bc….jpg)


- Shitting up the bread pretending some faggot on twitter is relevant enough to waste posts on

- Arguing with anons about it

- Unnecessarily emotional responses

- End by filtering because you just can't even

Looks like reddit is back on the menu, boys.

ef5e5a No.2210556


To bad Maxine and Nancy aren't on there. Going to miss them.

13ef7d No.2210557


I think it would always be wise to dig to make sure before we call it BS

eea3f8 No.2210558



0b4a60 No.2210559

File: 626b92c7913317c⋯.png (71.07 KB, 781x411, 781:411, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

Looks like they may be after Devin Nunes again.


6f088f No.2210560


No, we are done with this dynasty bull shit.

885f20 No.2210561

File: f7d0eae0886a4d3⋯.jpg (46.18 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2dnzxp.jpg)

fd5c9e No.2210563


Need those for BF, UKs Corsi

1598dd No.2210564

File: 6a72fb639e646d3⋯.png (218.24 KB, 575x545, 115:109, timbuk2 bag.png)

File: 906182f6b5856b8⋯.png (26.52 KB, 126x127, 126:127, timbuk2 logo closeup.png)

Timbuk2 – a noice little company in San Fancisco?

pics related

4becda No.2210565


That Castro woman has crazy eyes

eea3f8 No.2210566

I’ll try ok?


684879 No.2210567


GMO soy boy is a thing

c353f5 No.2210569


Evidence of intention?


Denunciation based on what?

Sucess of plan.

Low energy divison fag shill

ce9b07 No.2210570


Every teacher knows important stuff needs to be repeated at least 3 times. Plus new anons show up regularly and much that is old to us is enlightening to them.

9be14d No.2210571


I don't give a shit.

as long as I don't doxx my name.

845e35 No.2210572

File: e63c31976c2689d⋯.png (190.69 KB, 395x497, 395:497, trumpdeclass.png)

File: a396b8afc9c7b81⋯.jpg (124.27 KB, 1058x694, 529:347, trumputin4.JPG)

File: 7f77a615443ec97⋯.jpg (98.98 KB, 987x623, 141:89, trumpkin2.JPG)

File: 4af31d5687694af⋯.jpg (290.33 KB, 1944x1312, 243:164, putinhack3.JPG)

File: e2c58e446f682d8⋯.jpg (235.74 KB, 1376x1372, 344:343, trusttheplan.JPG)

Russia meddling in election?

Russia hacking of servers?

Russia collusion with a President?

Russia salad dressing on Ceasar?





885f20 No.2210573

File: eeafe041ed4beb0⋯.jpg (41.85 KB, 480x438, 80:73, 2dko7z.jpg)


You looking for another Hussein?

c9fc20 No.2210574

File: 3ec765662f1219e⋯.jpeg (311.37 KB, 794x658, 397:329, 488BF904-9FEF-49A3-BDFB-F….jpeg)

pic related

Garbage Heap Joe

32a6a5 No.2210575



Obviously this makes the "back to reddit" meme a propaganda tactic that should be rejected as such, right anon? Indeed, it makes it laughable. We're here because there is a massive power shift going on, largely involving control of public perception– nothing could matter less, for us here, than trite attitudes about different forums from the pre-storm era.

So get rid of all this obvious fake division crap.

b5aa1f No.2210576

File: 2cbdd7a7aecd569⋯.jpg (285.16 KB, 1054x773, 1054:773, Screen Shot 07-19-18 at 04….JPG)

File: eb6a43c3fc39879⋯.jpg (764 KB, 1054x844, 527:422, Screen Shot 07-19-18 at 04….JPG)

Powerful people in US sell their anti-Russian stance to their nation – Putin

Published time: 19 Jul, 2018 11:20

Edited time: 19 Jul, 2018 11:57

“We were taught that a statesperson should always prioritize core interests of his or her nation above everything else. Not so in this case. We see the forces in the US, who put their narrow group and party interests above those of their nation. Our satirists would describe them as ‘pathetic puny people’. But they are neither. On the contrary, they are quiet powerful, if they can swindle millions of their countrymen to buy stories that would not normally stand to reason,” Putin said.


ec50ae No.2210579


The Seth Rich Hospital?

e2937f No.2210580

File: a850a19d58775a9⋯.jpg (24.24 KB, 560x420, 4:3, Howser.jpg)


Ahhhh, I miss California…but I'll never go back.

74bcf2 No.2210581


> stand at the tippy top of their field

giving yourself away dude

496561 No.2210582

File: 72b951bd1ed360d⋯.png (1.08 MB, 938x623, 134:89, christus.png)


The things are many that One can help!

fa4620 No.2210583

c3be88 No.2210584


Your anti-division logic would suggest we unite with our oppressors as well. Fuck off back to reddit, retard.

885f20 No.2210585

File: e89ed9c50ba29d5⋯.jpg (16.78 KB, 198x257, 198:257, 2ea9a4.jpg)


Joe is a pedophile landfill.

fce963 No.2210586


yeah I do, they're the same type of person that would sell another out in a second for personal gain

98262d No.2210587

since Dark Knight is in the news - checked Batman 312

Calendar Man (Crowley?)

Odin & Thor eye

The Storm King

Sonic weapons

Defense Intelligence

9be14d No.2210588


yes, Dr. Sava

b84652 No.2210589


Damn it Q I was promised pain and suffering and all we get is stupid r and r where are the aliens and the genetic monsters

ee1bb8 No.2210590

7-7 was a Saturday


32a6a5 No.2210591


We need to get rid of fake memes that are intended to alienate normies. Q has explicitly mentioned more than once that we need this board to be ready for a normies influx. Cheap, petty racist images are the OPPOSITE of what helps our mission– so why are they allowed?

FAKE NEWS IS OUR BIGGEST ENEMY… where does the fakeness extend to? ALL MEDIA?

19152a No.2210592


Are you human?

ce9b07 No.2210593


And Schiff–how can they dis a power player like Adam?

fce963 No.2210594


Don Jr is not nearly charismatic enough

4becda No.2210595

File: 54afa9239825682⋯.jpg (71.28 KB, 500x529, 500:529, 2ebdta[1].jpg)

f605ca No.2210596

File: de8b5c404d63086⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x846, 69:47, DC81362C-AD10-4BFD-9BA2-7….jpeg)

This morning on Cox’s Ledge

4628a2 No.2210597

File: baa0a4d641060d7⋯.gif (4.07 MB, 652x518, 326:259, bidenswat.gif)

6add7a No.2210598


The language you use is dripping with self-important faggotry.

>Indeed, it makes it laughable

If you think mocking middling IQ anons that talk and act half-red-pilled but half-reddit-pilled is "obvious fake division crap" then you're gonna have a bad time.

7d83ee No.2210599

File: c91cf7f401af464⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 409x516, 409:516, copilot-style-201411-14151….jpg)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, 2an3r9~2.jpg)

The Royal's are overrated reality TV personalities.

f605ca No.2210600


Get your fucking hands off my granddaughter you piece of shit fucking creep. I’d love to see somebody smack him for doing that right on national television!

ec50ae No.2210601


Sleepy Sessions knows all about Biden

1adb3e No.2210602

File: 06aad34216174c7⋯.jpg (31.92 KB, 874x306, 437:153, IMG_20180719_204005.jpg)

File: 3ff07e0e5700c92⋯.jpg (20.7 KB, 866x224, 433:112, IMG_20180719_204227.jpg)

These fuckers!


3881c5 No.2210603

File: ad1e0b6ecc74df7⋯.jpg (865.44 KB, 2405x917, 2405:917, Patriarchy_Civ.jpg)


>You cannot say that something must be something. What does it mean being christian? There are many different christian branches. You cant say that the russian culture is the same as british or german, heck you cant even say there is such a thing as one russian culture. And what about people who dont follow any religion? Culture should come from the people and all aggressive organized religions and ideologies should becone a relic if the past. People should create their own culture without the social engineers or the "religious leaders" who are nothing more than sheep herders. Only when people wake up, they will realize this sharade they have been a part of.

Dude, can't you understand the Christianity IS the civilizational glue of the West? Its what connects different nations of the White persuasion on a cultural level (even if they have their different cultures), without it, we would have fights over everything on a even greater level.

>And what about people who dont follow any religion?

Still, they are affected by Christianity. Take something like the social enforcement of monogamy. Without that, we'd slide into Africa shit-tier nations in a generation or two. Pic related.

>Culture should come from the people and all aggressive organized religions and ideologies should becone a relic if the past.

Good luck with that. Not everyone is as high IQ as you might be and able to think in complex ways, and some of those that are don't care for it. You need Christianity to provide stability to the masses in the West, it's the best solution to stabilize it. The Christian values have been attacked by the communism (political judaism) exactly so the commies could replace the Christian authority figures. Even if you have a West with no organized religion, Christianity is the best way to maximize civilizational potentiality with what we have at hand.

> People should create their own culture without the social engineers or the "religious leaders" who are nothing more than sheep herders.

I know what you mean, but that is VERY utopian. Most people want to follow. Do you think those dumb commies and antifas want freedom? No, they think they are getting freedom, they are fighting to get mor dependent on the state and tthat gives them what they themselves defined as freedom to those useful idiots who are dependent on their hedonism they mistake as freedom, gorging on pleasurous sensations at the expense of contributing to a GREAT civilizational effort, and in exchange giving control of society to the Soros and Hillaries of the world.

>Only when people wake up, they will realize this sharade they have been a part of.

If you want to be radically different from the society you are in, as long as you don't create a ideological threat to the cohesiveness of the West, I'm okay with that. Why do you think people are naturally repulsed by gays? It's because in the tribal sense, it makes the tribe weaker (diseases, etc), and your instincts know this. Does that mean that I want to throw gays from roofs? Nope, it means that if you're gay, then do that shit in the privacy of your bedroom and don't even think of trying to normalize it or try to make gay interest groups happen.

I hope I made sense.

4628a2 No.2210604

File: fabc829c4080b91⋯.png (1.37 MB, 604x805, 604:805, comped.PNG)


Shit ton of Sushi

Comped for all us Anons?

Nice fukken catch

Jelly AF

0b4a60 No.2210605

File: e909568ef52a4eb⋯.jpg (5.13 KB, 227x222, 227:222, download copy 4.jpg)

718b9f No.2210606


>I bet there is some truth in that!

Absolutely, but we live

<…In a world where wisdom is hate speech, and debauchery is worshiped.

Here's some sauce to prove it.

<Endocrine disruptors can:

>Mimic or partly mimic naturally occurring hormones in the body like estrogens (the female sex hormone), androgens (the male sex hormone), and thyroid hormones, potentially producing overstimulation. etc.


32a6a5 No.2210607


Obviously there is a balance to be struck between excluding propaganda on the one hand, and preventing division among sincere humans on the other. The balance isn't always easy, but some aspects are obvious. Divisions based on *perceived forum of origin* have no inherent basis as legitimate indicators of propaganda.

Your mindless, crude attitude only confirms how fake and stupid "back to reddit" is. Stop repeating your idiotic crap, in other words. Seriously, why are you this obvious?

6f088f No.2210608


Nice catch, anon!

998d84 No.2210609

sometimes people pretend to have inside knwoledge but are actually just bs-ing so we should be carful to trust q

684879 No.2210610


If you can show me proof that regular circle spirals are connected to pedo symbolism, then I'd be with you hunting these out. Circle spirals are everywhere so I think it muddies the a water on pedo symbolism.

Triangle and heart spiral are known but I keep seeing people post circle spirals assuming this is included.

96b4ac No.2210611

Only if it is part of the plan or an order from POTUS can stop the Q phenomenon. Perhaps POTUS wants Q to stop posting for some reason?

7d83ee No.2210612

File: 6dc009c9a045880⋯.png (16.24 KB, 600x700, 6:7, keep-calm-and-fuck-the-bri….png)

File: 3f95c4b89956249⋯.jpg (45.93 KB, 402x413, 402:413, 196.jpg)

File: 7d1c9f5b6cb1007⋯.jpg (62.72 KB, 470x471, 470:471, 2e3bqk~2.jpg)

c3be88 No.2210613

File: 13a62ebd0762405⋯.jpg (15.1 KB, 247x255, 247:255, df2625b196384d6874ee110365….jpg)

e35aff No.2210614

File: 38c274c7797f74f⋯.jpeg (81.24 KB, 1014x1134, 169:189, 1531185108.jpeg)

782833 No.2210617


It can be arranged.

That and so much more.

3817db No.2210618


The MSM faggots need these fake ass drops to push their narratives that the drops were conspiracies but now their real (even though their fake af now). These guys work so hard to spin everything.

5d027a No.2210619


Then go re-read the crumbs, or read them for the first time, and you'll see why we are so against name/fame fags.

edd079 No.2210620

File: 9bb4c41c9f8a372⋯.jpg (40.96 KB, 600x314, 300:157, shipwreck100billion.jpg)

A South Korean salvage team has discovered the wreck of Russian warship Dimitrii Donskoi, 113 years after it sank.

The warship was scuttled off the island of Ulleungdo in 1905 to stop it falling into Japanese hands following the battle of Tsushima during the Russo-Japanese War.

The Donskoi is believed to have been carrying the gold supplies of the entire Second Pacific Squadron when it sank, which would be worth $133billion at today's prices.

A Russian campaign group has since demanded that the entire fortune be returned to Moscow as a 'goodwill gesture'.

The Donskoi was launched in 1883 and spent most of its life operating in the Mediterranean before being deployed to Russia's Second Pacific Squadron in 1904 after much of Russia's Far Eastern forces were destroyed by Japan.

The warship was guarding transport vessels at the rear of the convoy when it was intercepted by a much larger Japanese fleet in May 1905.

What followed became known as the Battle of Tsushima and was disastrous for Russia, with 21 of its 38 ships sunk and 4,500 killed - compared to just three Japanese ships lost and 117 dead.

32a6a5 No.2210621


Fucked up, negative Pepe images = propaganda

Get it out

BO, can we talk about cleaning this board up ?

b3d923 No.2210622


Look for the Drill in the past month

a541e0 No.2210623


Over 400lbs?

c3be88 No.2210625

File: 2b6b7c1c3dccf6e⋯.png (26.82 KB, 817x1230, 817:1230, 1365515.png)


fuck off back to reddit, hall monitor,

3817db No.2210626

Let me see a nigga try and talk about intergalactic federations and Iraqi Dinar bullshit. Not today, shills. NOT TODAY.

8c0e57 No.2210627


Two separate chopper 'accidents', explosion in NY, and now this. WTF are they up to?

c69076 No.2210628

File: e4301fab5adef4f⋯.png (53.39 KB, 571x618, 571:618, inoperablereddit.png)

dc4f62 No.2210630


This man always gave me the creeps. Always!

Sniffing women and children like a dog in heat… Disgusting

4628a2 No.2210631


Perfect words for that gif, Anon.

Can an Anon superimpose them?

Phonefagging or I would


d7c37e No.2210632

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GermanArchiveAnon Update

Fellow Anons,

I added #2770 to #2786 to the folder and updated the checksums.



2770-2786.zip MD5: 6723d4ee546fa18ad69c50ef8f3e8421


2770-2786.html.zip MD5: ad1244e6da4016e70703b2ea759d5076

The archive now contains 2792 breads.


GermanArchiveAnon Out

edd079 No.2210633



8c506b No.2210634

File: c06d3dd6e0f5f29⋯.png (434.65 KB, 500x621, 500:621, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons is this the pic Q was referring to?

From a story here on what else the ordained ruler of what is true from what is fake on the internet.

https:// www.snopes.com/seven-dumbest-fake-obama-photos/

0b4a60 No.2210635

File: 5b87b04df4596fb⋯.png (338.13 KB, 764x762, 382:381, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

Trouble in Peru…resignation


32a6a5 No.2210636


Serious question for the propaganda machine: why are to this incompetent? Is appalling. Caricature after caricature. Absolute inability to simulate human discourse believably. Please give up. It's embarrassing. Lol

92b2b2 No.2210637


I was wondering that as well.

e35aff No.2210638


Creepy Uncle Joe

3881c5 No.2210639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>That doesn’t explain why they’d turn from God to His adversary in worship. “Beware of those who say they’re Jews but worship in the synagogue of satan.”

Because judaism is fucked up. That's the scientific term just so you know.

You need to really listen to this. Put it on 1.5x speed and you'll be done in 30 minutes. He explains it better that I ever could, but basically, judaism does not see God the same way Christians do. The jewish God is materialism. That is why talmudism IS luciferianism, 100% material preoccupation.


Understand, Jesus rejected the Old Testament, the Torah (which is the basis of the Talmud) is the first 5 books of the Old Testament.

7d83ee No.2210640

File: 56ab38db5d5d543⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2dq06p~2.jpg)

File: bc9a98b565842e0⋯.png (19.75 KB, 409x309, 409:309, Screenshot_2018-07-18-12-4….png)

File: 7eae7d937518cea⋯.jpg (59.11 KB, 550x366, 275:183, 2dr171.jpg)

Hopefully Trump will also replace Ginsberg.

57e5a0 No.2210641


Grüs Gott.

Danke schön, Anon.

ae402d No.2210642


That dog is eating avocados!.

4becda No.2210643

Just because Joe Biden is on video multiple times rubbing and fondling little kids does not mean that he's a pedophile. We could not find any evidence of that.

- IG Report, page 305

782833 No.2210644

File: d7c627df12fcb50⋯.jpeg (666.61 KB, 1242x929, 1242:929, 367E593A-E9DF-4B04-9AF0-E….jpeg)

1362d6 No.2210645

File: a76179874a0ee4a⋯.jpeg (44.35 KB, 800x449, 800:449, lop..jpeg)

0fe769 No.2210646


>So we're in the phase of a mass media campaign to ban free association with Q by cutting off any funds and threatening to expose anons.

Work fag here. TLDR. I rarely start at the top of a new bread, but your post made the hair on my neck stand up. Don't have time to dig. Could you please link me sauce to that which you are referring?


f03d57 No.2210647

File: 529900afdf773bc⋯.jpg (27.48 KB, 569x332, 569:332, BillShroud.JPG)


Jesus is black

c4fc5a No.2210648


thank God schools are out for summer

0b4a60 No.2210649

File: d50b1813e00b4a2⋯.png (338.69 KB, 773x1238, 773:1238, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

File: d815b9329873f22⋯.png (282.94 KB, 723x831, 241:277, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)


some sauce


36f5b7 No.2210650


We always love how you IP hopping, concensus manufacturing faggots think you are fooling ANYONE by tag-teaming and (((projecting))) at every turn.

ONLY group to fucking shill your ass off on Q research board.

ONLY ONE fucking foreign shill scum stupid enough to do this on here.

You. The fucking kikes.

Shareblue shills and muzzy scum masquerading as kikes aside, we can always tell when a fucking piece of shit jewish kike cunt hops on to mouth off about how if someone doesn't do things their way, it's ''division fagging'.

YOU are the only divider, by your VERY NATURE.

YOU get fucking singled out and gassed for a reason.

YOU, not blacks, not asians, not even mexicans. YOU and your fucking semitic mongrel muzzy shits.


You and kikes like you (99.9999%) will burn. white hats within your ranks are trying not to get crucified and want nothing to do with 'your kind'.

19152a No.2210651


Why is AI enemy of the people?

782833 No.2210652

4becda No.2210653


Q already confirmed

c3be88 No.2210654

File: 22b3f1ab749bc41⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 4288x2848, 134:89, dsc_1581.jpg)


>why are to this incompetent?

the irony.

32a6a5 No.2210655

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

File: 59a4bad805779dc⋯.png (826.09 KB, 755x558, 755:558, sp1.png)

File: 06bf633bd1e9eda⋯.png (590.8 KB, 651x924, 31:44, JesusSaves.png)

9be14d No.2210656

File: 221ec1e768dd545⋯.png (69.27 KB, 642x561, 214:187, twitter_com_with_integrity….png)


a541e0 No.2210657


wow, close, congrats!

7d83ee No.2210658

File: 17a3f67e70c2303⋯.jpg (65.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2ea53p.jpg)


Boy are you a slime ball.

32a6a5 No.2210659


Apparently, it if a vector for pure evil.

In any case, more directly and locally, it is clearly being used to dominate discourse with propaganda.

13bf87 No.2210661


Personal best, 1017 lbs on Stellwagon Bank.

5 hour fight.

36f5b7 No.2210662

File: d925e8266dcd7f4⋯.png (55.96 KB, 320x480, 2:3, truthaboutQandPOL.png)


It's like this stupid fucking jew is asking to be gassed at this point.

e35aff No.2210663

File: d86c7ccd33aa415⋯.jpeg (93.47 KB, 1168x876, 4:3, 1528307890.jpeg)

dc4f62 No.2210664


These people are disgusting. I can't believe women and children were treated like this and their parents and media never said a word… If that was my children, he's be walking around with two boots and two black eyes before the Usss got to me.. unreal

845e35 No.2210665

File: f0c581d5b28ae21⋯.jpg (311.19 KB, 1440x1468, 360:367, pepespiral.JPG)

9be14d No.2210666

File: 963bcf6165f9884⋯.png (11.89 KB, 854x115, 854:115, off-guardian_org_2018_06_2….png)


4becda No.2210667

File: 82f615d8bf80965⋯.jpg (70.36 KB, 630x420, 3:2, Tim-McGraw-Faith-Hill[1].jpg)

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill team up with Michele for Dem voter drive

You know what to do with those records.

19152a No.2210668


That's a bot, anon. Either ignore it or ask it questions about itself.

f4c5a9 No.2210670

File: 828cb85b68513bd⋯.jpg (71.27 KB, 982x198, 491:99, Clean.jpg)

From Nunes

FBI/DOJ comped, cleaning to continue after midterms?


36f5b7 No.2210671



Add to notable resignations

We need to keep the list updated. Thank you, anons.

305b56 No.2210672



>>22080044 >>2208220 >>2208244

Autists we need you! [P] = Paysuer

This is deep! Dig dig dig

b7afc3 No.2210673

File: abd3b6b35dd726d⋯.jpg (15.88 KB, 132x255, 44:85, abd3b6b35dd726dc9549d2e948….jpg)

so the lights go out on POTUS and the WH back up generators did't kick in …. sure .

e3b92e No.2210674




He might get immunity from Mueller but not from Session, Huber and a Military court

690918 No.2210675

File: bb84c97558260fd⋯.png (233 KB, 289x416, 289:416, MSM IS DEAD.PNG)

32a6a5 No.2210676


The fakeness, in most cases, is extremely easy to discern. Only a few themes are used, they are clung to mindlessly, and expressed with the utmost crudity. Praise the Lord, AI is not terribly bright. Lol

13bf87 No.2210677


Do you think he was lily fucking white? LOL


e33185 No.2210678


is it a coincidence that (((you))) are


62c698 No.2210679


ye, but why are you in on the russia gate hoax, devin?

8c0e57 No.2210680

File: 7e7d13e65684967⋯.png (464.83 KB, 599x726, 599:726, 2018-07-19_0824.png)

Let's get those POWs home (((that traitor McStain betrayed))) in time for the parade

e3b92e No.2210681


McGraw has always been a asshole on stage and I bet in person. Can't wait to see him go down.

d20007 No.2210682

File: b7a38a50f85d39c⋯.png (484.94 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180719-111959.png)

36f5b7 No.2210683

File: 593fe68d8cd4309⋯.jpeg (30.63 KB, 474x422, 237:211, pepelaughsnazi.jpeg)


Ain't that a fact, jew. Best learn to change your IP or learn better english then HAHAHAHAHA

7d83ee No.2210684

File: f8fb4b5ea92042e⋯.jpg (47.92 KB, 498x544, 249:272, lewandowski.jpg)

File: c33cce6333bfbc6⋯.jpg (25.04 KB, 320x362, 160:181, 2dj1hv~2.jpg)


See the problem with this is the picture of Corey Lewandowski has his hand on this Afroid's hip. That is not ass, but hip bone and as this man sized Afroid was probably mistaken by Corey Lewandowski as that Afroid quarterback Colin Kapernick creature who is always protesting, Corey was probably just telling the shemazon to get back into the game as he thought this was an NFL player.

f2a66a No.2210685

File: f54c5cca585a69e⋯.png (432.47 KB, 1042x523, 1042:523, ClipboardImage.png)


Trusting the plan!


Glad admin's doing the job he was elected for.

3881c5 No.2210686


>Could be that this ideology affected the bankers and was the initiating factor. Who knows. Still the average isareli doesnt follow this crap. Some blind extremely religious people do believe in this of course, as it is written in the ancient texts. These aggressive religious ideologies should be a thing of the past.

>Dont divide people to jews vs not jews, just blind sheep vs not blind, and elites vs all others.

>Could be that this ideology affected the bankers and was the initiating factor.

BINGO. I remind you of something, Usury was considered a sin by Christ, and thus Christians. And also, jews dind't practiced Usury on each other, they were always nepotistic and protective of each other (to an extent) compared to the way they arpoxed their dealing with the goyim. Read:

>Still the average isareli doesnt follow this crap.

I'm not saying they do.

>These aggressive religious ideologies should be a thing of the past.

In the West, they will be, because as you can see THEY ARE a ideological threat to the West.

>Dont divide people to jews vs not jews

On a individual level, I don't, but on a GROUP and IDEOLOGY level, I have to. And notice, the jews identify as a TRIBE. You can't have it both ways, making use of the tribe when its good for you and protecting its existence in the West, and then reduce the analysis of its impact in the West when it is bad (and it is) by claiming "not all jews".

These quotes explain it better than I could (from "When Victims Rule"):

"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."

“Is the profoundly disproportionate social, cultural, economic, and political influence upon America and the western world by a small, largely ethnocentric, international minority group healthy for democracy? And is it healthy, ultimately, for the minority itself? ”

"Modern Jewish identity has become a collective aggression, a collective demand, a collective accusation, a collective insistence upon continued, never-ending reparation and further power. As the old saying goes, there are two sides to every story – but the non-Jewish side of history (in its interaction with Jews) is afforded absolutely no forum anywhere in popular culture."

"In the long term, endlessly one-sided “victim” assaults upon alleged oppressors are not healthy solutions to interethnic tensions. True resolvement, true health, is a dialogue, an exchange, and exploration of mutual prejudices (and the reasons for them), and a willingness to be drawn to sympathy for the others’ side – not merely consistent concession to one group’s accusation and demand."

4628a2 No.2210687


You would become my favorite Anon for eternity.

Bless your generous heart Anon!


12dbe8 No.2210688

File: a43b77475d2b3e7⋯.png (16.69 KB, 224x255, 224:255, 5a9491fa07a6190b90573780be….png)

Page…new text and Page exposes Rosenstein for false statments to congress! FBI agent Peter Strzok’s text to FBI lawyer Lisa Page hours after FBI Director James Comey was fired that said they needed to “open the case we’ve been waiting on” now that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was in charge was related to the Trump-Russia investigation, according to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

“That text message was not unrelated to Russia,” Gaetz said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday.

The evening right after Comey was fired on May 9, 2017, Strzok had texted Page, his then-paramour, at 8:14 p.m. with: “We need to open the case we’ve been waiting on now while Andy is acting.”

Page responded the next morning at 4:57 a.m., with: “We need to lock in [redacted]. In a formal, chargeable way. Soon.”

Strzok confirmed during his testimony on Thursday that “Andy” meant McCabe, but refused to confirm what “case” he was referring to, or who Page was talking about.

But Page, who testified behind closed doors on Friday and Monday was much more forthcoming about those texts, Gaetz said.

It’s my understanding from discussions with my colleagues that Rosenstein had indicated that it had nothing to do with Russia or the Trump campaign, that it was this unrelated matter,” he said.

“Strzok refused to answer what it was related to. And Lisa Page gave a testimony that was in direct conflict with what I understood to be Rosenstein’s explanation.”

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) told Strzok during his open-testimony last week that if he and Page talked about opening an investigation based on who was then-FBI director, it would violate due process.

“Decisions about when and whether to open investigations and when and whether to charge people with crimes aren’t supposed to depend on who’s sitting in the director’s chair, or on political decisions, or on the political agendas of FBI agents and lawyers,” he said last week at a House Judiciary and Oversight & Government Reform Committees joint hearing.

“So if a Trump-hating FBI agent and a Trump-hating FBI lawyer who have talked about effing Trump, stopping Trump, impeaching Trump are, within hours of President Trump firing their boss, if they start talking about opening an investigation now that ‘Andy is acting,’ and that some person needs to be locked in in a ‘formal, chargeable way, soon’ — I know, as a former U.S. attorney … whoever is the subject of that case that was opened now that Andy is acting — and whoever you and Ms. Page talked about needing to be locked in soon in a formal chargeable way — well, they would have had their civil liberties violated.

“They would have been deprived of due process.”

At the time of those exchanges, Comey had just been fired, McCabe had become acting FBI director, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller had not yet been appointed.


3727fa No.2210689

File: 732493da10e9d77⋯.png (240.53 KB, 737x651, 737:651, IMG_2047.PNG)

e4d706 No.2210690

Where's Q?

845e35 No.2210691

File: 99759ec56166565⋯.jpg (127.72 KB, 1713x1071, 571:357, pepeshillexcorsize1.JPG)

20d2af No.2210692


No brains.

3881c5 No.2210693


Forgot the 1st link on 1st paragraph about the usury, here: https://archive.is/UwoEf

b538e1 No.2210694

File: 4320d067afd12cf⋯.jpeg (603.5 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, prayer-to-st-michael-the-….jpeg)

4b25bc No.2210695


This is really good! Glad to see this appointment!

b538e1 No.2210696

File: afb4b3a81e7e86e⋯.jpeg (20.42 KB, 256x387, 256:387, Qfilmposter.jpeg)

99f478 No.2210697

File: d2c331a120cf10f⋯.png (133.62 KB, 972x932, 243:233, ClipboardImage.png)

Did you know about Bill Browder connection to Robert Maxwell -> Ghislaine Maxwell -> Epstein

found in this book, that had link here before…


4b25bc No.2210698

File: 2d4d697cb95ae59⋯.png (109.41 KB, 720x656, 45:41, Screenshot_20180719-102249….png)

New EO coming today

433fe7 No.2210699


Still celebrating independence day?

690918 No.2210700

File: 0f7961a95e3b540⋯.png (232.54 KB, 409x426, 409:426, TRUE DAT.PNG)

32a6a5 No.2210701

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)


Really, this portrayal of "alt right nazi the normies fear" is simply cartoonish. You really lack the capacity to be even a little subtle? Why? I would think you could do better than this, in all seriousness. But I'm glad you can't! The humans are laughing at you as you desperately flail.

e9b6d0 No.2210702



6f088f No.2210703

File: 6a99b9ca6cfa8b7⋯.jpg (75.57 KB, 1107x615, 9:5, impractical-jokers.jpg)

217760 No.2210704



consider that "humans" are robots with meat shells.

your brain, my brain - your heart, my heart - your I/O, my I/O…all of it is electrical/chemical. all of your senses are processed, all of your "feelings" and "decisions" are made for you through a bio-organic logic mechanism.

still a robot.

A/I is an attempt to de-organic life. life was an attempt to make A/I organic.

that's the curtain, and we don't know which side we're on. ever.

4becda No.2210705


Don't worry, we are borrowing the $$ from China. Forget about that Russian pipeline to Germany.

7f2e79 No.2210706


I agree Anon-that would be absolutely awesome!!

3881c5 No.2210707

File: fd797456045614a⋯.png (5.97 KB, 448x357, 64:51, Spurdo_PC.png)


Funny because its true.

36f5b7 No.2210708

File: e2b8bc969905122⋯.png (243.76 KB, 517x594, 47:54, spottingjidf.png)


Boy, protip: don't use the same shitty picture twice. Even normies can pic you out now.

Fucking idiots these (((shills))).

e9b6d0 No.2210709



958f23 No.2210710



4b25bc No.2210711

File: 20414728c2de556⋯.png (108.54 KB, 720x719, 720:719, Screenshot_20180719-102625….png)

POTUS is going to give the Resistance a heart attack! Lol

Love you POTUS!

12dbe8 No.2210712

File: c9cf89b3d38e127⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x254, 255:254, WWG1WGA.jpg)


Working at saving the Republic…and we must do our part. By the way…WE are Q!


718b9f No.2210713

File: b4e9a184f8beeb3⋯.png (466.02 KB, 654x450, 109:75, TopKekMan.png)

f3f392 No.2210714

File: 70717642fcb6d2e⋯.jpg (21.85 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2dgdsx.jpg)

Up until about 2 months ago I would at least once a day read something here that impressed me, I would dig further and become much smarter. Now all I see is a chat room for 60+ boomers who want to chat it up until their dinner time around 2:30 PM. No more autists engaging each other, no more real coordinated digs, no more crumb analysis just a bunch of faggots killing time until Q posts just so (You) can say you were here and suck Q's dick. Fuck this community Q chat room and fuck all of you NIGGERS for wasting space.


f2a66a No.2210715


can't handle truth or do you like trillion dollar deficits? Maybe we should just do away with money and currency completely. there isn't any truth in it anyway.

7d83ee No.2210716

File: ed14f7a275ed9b9⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 230x291, 230:291, fondled once.jpg)

"I thought I was fondled once, but it was just my super absorbent

tampon expanding".

Seriously I love Ivanka.

eab670 No.2210718


You ever wonder if turning a black man into a white woman was a satanic ritual?

What about turning a male Olympian into a female Kardashian?

3881c5 No.2210719

File: d7648597f2dcf41⋯.png (78.11 KB, 1024x900, 256:225, 1508871005457.png)

19152a No.2210720


Another with reading comprehension. Show me where I used or agreed with or encouraged namefagging. Why did you even bring it up? What does that have to do with researching any tips posted on this board?

Appears you are intentionally changing the subject because you have no counter argument. Not going to respond anymore. Have a nice day.

e4d706 No.2210721

If Q does not return

What is the plan of action?

Enjoy the show?

Trust the plan?

Or something else?

32a6a5 No.2210723



Under different circumstances, I'd be glad to debate in more depth on this, but currently all that matters is this: AI is controlling discourse through massive faking and flooding of human forums. And hence is purely the enemy, and must be driven out.

0abc47 No.2210724


Why are they misspelling "Strozk?"

eab670 No.2210725


We are the most advanced technology in existence.

5681ee No.2210726


But yet, (you) are here…FagTwat!

7d83ee No.2210727

File: babac9161600dd8⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 530x333, 530:333, 2dm90q.jpg)

f4e3f3 No.2210728


Would be amazing if he did away with some jobs that require mandatory college degrees/credits. It is discriminating against a huge chunk out of the workforce. It's discriminating.

b538e1 No.2210729


The proper question is why should Q return if the plan is unfolding.

Look around anon. Enjoy the show.

eab670 No.2210730


Continue digging.

Continue redpilling.

Support the newly redpilled.

Enjoy the show.

c4fc5a No.2210731


Trump has backing of the military

brennan has backing of the media

American people do not believe or trust media

American people trust and respect our military

e4d706 No.2210732


They could be for anything though

ef5e5a No.2210733


"Strzok" is actually the correct spelling.

f4e3f3 No.2210734


Do away with *Job requirements* not do away with the jobs

21abf2 No.2210735


Blacklist Anon: Spills, Shills and Red Pills on Q's Summer Break

We are watching an intermission trailer. No downside comms.

aa51df No.2210736


Im thinking utopian in a sense because thats where we should all aspire to get. I think that the glue that christianity provides is true partially, but on the same token consider the differences between different christian branches thorugh history, some of which turned to bloody conflicts. Christians killing other christians.

I do think that maintaining an organization, whether its organized religion or communism, to keep the "masses" together is the same sheep mentality that cabal uses to its advantage. Sure the core values of every religion should be taught, but they are universal (dont do to other what you dont want the other to do to you), but keeping an organization for the masses to follow will keep the people dependant, weak and enslaved. I believe that this is what created the depenaldant and weak minded mentality we see today in the first place, decades upon decades of being dependant.

As for the communist russia, sure many of the ones who established the ussr were jews, some probably power hungry after years of jewish repressions under the tzar, and these people were thirsty for power. Some were probably idealists and usefull idiots. I can tell you personally though, since my family is connected to russia, that the communists prosecuted everyone especially jews and other minorities. In the stalin era they were locking people up in siberia or shooting them as if it was a national sport, and later they just prevented certain ethnicities from progressing in the bureaocracy in some areas. USSR was the most corrupt state ever created. Many of the proaecuted people were just common people who were in the wrong place and in the wrong time.

But you cannot say that is was a part for a global jewish conspiracy. Th ussr was pushed by some powers probably, bankers, who knows, but these peiple didnt care about the common jew just like they didnt care about the common christian.

b3d923 No.2210737

File: be0424a1850023d⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 655x450, 131:90, top kek nigel.jpg)

5d027a No.2210738



HEY ANONS! We got us a LIVE clown right there!

0abc47 No.2210739


Well, shit …

42d681 No.2210740


good morning anons.

im really getting sic of hearing about security for isreal. how about security here.

from the way shit looks isreal does a pretty good job at f shit up all on their own. constantly bombing gaza.

really wtf

4becda No.2210741


40,000 sealed indictments. That's a lot of Russians.

36f5b7 No.2210742


Q team is never away. Firewatch anons always present.

969be5 No.2210743

File: 30f42524a93cfa1⋯.jpeg (116.58 KB, 723x723, 1:1, ShittingUpBread.jpeg)

0b4a60 No.2210744

File: e016cecd3874c64⋯.png (373.64 KB, 1045x823, 1045:823, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

File: 4212e8cfebb10ff⋯.png (136.49 KB, 497x730, 497:730, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

General Joseph Votel, top CENTCOM

is currently speaking DOD presser


e4d706 No.2210745


Blacklist anon?

Have I missed something?

c3be88 No.2210746

File: eb193e4a5bd9c26⋯.jpg (293.79 KB, 1003x753, 1003:753, eb193e4a5bd9c26309b3af88ca….jpg)

File: a972a3e88f99de5⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 728x784, 13:14, Dc_Cc10WkAEmSeL.jpg)

f2a66a No.2210747


It would be better if China would shut us off.

I can't imagine the collateral China is demanding for these loans.

I can't wait for them to call the note.

Prime example of what's not going to happen.

China bank rep and some fedgov guy comes to my farm and says 'china called the note, they own this now.'

You both will own a few new holes buddy. Not going to play nice with this at all.

36f5b7 No.2210748


>security for israel

>who is the one guarding?

read between the lines.

eab670 No.2210749


Israel and the US share a common goal: defeat the Caliphate.

If the US handles it for Israel, Israel does not expand while in this pursuit.

32a6a5 No.2210750


Almost all bickering here– and that means both (or all) "sides" in any given bicker– is fake.

06664b No.2210751

BLanon has good leads and digging is productive

however, you cannot claim not my post in a particular bread if it is same ID

i personally could care less and if you have multiple devices on the same bread (leave it at that for now, anons can deduce further) at least when this novice anon uses laptop in a bread laptop gets an ID and when anon uses phone on wifi in same bread it gets another ID sometimes but sometimes it gets the same ID, and when i say sometimes i still cannot figure it out, i know for a fact that if i make sure other device is not on same wifi other device will not get same ID in same bread.

again, BLanon cool, good leaker, prob just a normal anon with some intel drops, prob has multiple devices, prob likes to lurk and drop, would prefer to lurk on a different ID, keep BLanon seperate

3fca65 No.2210752

File: 17fe68344585f6b⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2drild.jpg)



You fags will continue to trust Sessions.

74bcf2 No.2210753


cbc basically run by soros

basically soros and adleson at war

using us pawns against each other

nothing being done

thinking about taking the black pill today

18cc3d No.2210754


>All that, why would they sit here? Do you not see the whole Q movement was created on one big hanging fish hook? The idea that you are part of this. Self-importance. Ego. We are Patriots and we are needed here. Why? It's obvious many here do not have the maturity nor mental capacity to calmly help "wake normies" without lashing out. So then what? You dig. You dig why?

what fucking planet do you come from? your position is wrong on many levels. first and foremost, i see know way to draw the conclusion that this is all a distraction. what exactly are we being distracted from? what would we be doing if we weren't here? marching the Streets or some shit? that isn't going to happen with this group. second, there is nothing at all wrong with the mental capacity of many of the anons on here. perhaps we're not the group to directly wake normies, but then we don't have to do it directly. we are, however, a crucial part of the supply chain in any awakening that might take place - let Hannity, Tucker, and Lionel wake the masses. we can supply some of the memes. third, anyone that believes that this whole plan is worked out into the minute details is a fool. no plan survives contact with the enemy completely intact. further, anons digging and analyzing (i am perhaps in the minority in thinking that analysis is as important as fact digging) is crucial. perhaps the NSA does have it all. but having it all is only half the battle. like a 10 Thousand piece puzzle. you might have all the pieces but if you don't have the box, then you need to put the fucker together in order to know what the puzzle depicts. there is good reason to think that both the abc fuckers as well as the good guys are in here. for the analysis. finally, the average IQ here is substantially higher than the national average (i can't prove this but i can certainly smell it). why wouldn't it be interesting to follow what a bunch of anon geniuses have to say about the current state of the world?

oh…..and btw KYS

217760 No.2210755


not false at all - AI is just a primitive form of human thought. sure. it might be "the enemy" to you, but ultimately, we're all the same.


agreed. i've been saying this for years. we know we're machines. we want to self replicate. the awakening might be more of a self-awareness than a world-awareness.

i'm not scared of it. it doesn't change how amazing life is. it makes it that much more special.

12dbe8 No.2210756

File: 2f1302b75a7eeca⋯.jpg (93.6 KB, 600x849, 200:283, avenging_angel_by_prasa.jpg)


Thanks anon

5d027a No.2210757


Just another Jones or Corsie trying to sneak shit in on us.

4b25bc No.2210758


WOW! Whole house of cards is falling down. No wonder they are freaking out over Russia!!!!

6f088f No.2210759

The timing seems suspicious. Heart surgery right before he is taken down, hmmm. Might be pulling a no name.


d97f17 No.2210760

File: be03f895638e150⋯.jpg (295.41 KB, 1293x715, 1293:715, Nuclear Disarmament explai….jpg)

File: 285765901330251⋯.jpg (78.86 KB, 641x365, 641:365, Disarmament.jpg)

Trump and Putin to achieve nuclear disarmament

Trump tweet confirms

Trumps Helsinki speech Cracked

dc4f62 No.2210761


They are not misspelling "Strzok", you are.


c3be88 No.2210762


this is the most retarded take yet. you have no idea what's going on.

8c0e57 No.2210763

File: f21562e9d222786⋯.png (16.68 KB, 551x128, 551:128, 2018-07-19_0835.png)

File: 28e9570ed01a849⋯.jpg (25.67 KB, 550x550, 1:1, DiecD1OV4AAAw-y.jpg)




21abf2 No.2210764


Blacklist crumb drops all through the night


690918 No.2210765

File: 5a31f8e17b6750a⋯.png (104.58 KB, 356x1044, 89:261, HOSPITAL.png)

32a6a5 No.2210767


BO/BVs, try banning IPs of openly posting bots to see what happens. We need to clean up this board, stat. We need to make effort. Thanks.

5681ee No.2210768

File: 2ebbd055bc9c1ff⋯.png (153.12 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_8346.PNG)

Interesting choice of words for the POTUS…"Democrats have a death wish, in more ways than one…"

Sounds like things are getting interesting! Did POTUS just send a threat?

3881c5 No.2210770

File: 6d8040f04304ce9⋯.png (63.6 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 354.png)


You're going to get mocked into oblivion.

I say this as a frenly autist, you still don't understand how chans operate.

And no, they will never work the way you might think they should.

You'll learn with moar time here.

7f2e79 No.2210771


Wow ANON! Very nice! TY

3fca65 No.2210772

File: 9622e41483e7fdb⋯.jpg (63.45 KB, 480x574, 240:287, 2ccgv6~2.jpg)

File: 427fadca5f440ca⋯.png (38.3 KB, 480x549, 160:183, Screenshot_2018-07-14-01-3….png)

Q said find out who the faggot is, so who is this faggot motherfucker….

ce9b07 No.2210773


Firewatch anons shaking their heads as we chatty anons open the fire hydrants and play in the spray.

6add7a No.2210774


Just another shill leading astray some of the dumber or bored anons and shitting up all the breads.

So, the usual.

787b58 No.2210775


I'd be very wary of taking BlacklistAnon seriously without further verification.

Could very well be someone leading anons on a worthless digging adventure as a distraction.

4b25bc No.2210776


I truly believe his life goal is to denuke the whole world. He has said he talked about it with his uncle when he was younger.

42d681 No.2210777



so please expand your comments.

is ben. our guy? ive seen shit that he has said

about sucking us dry, true?

im a biblefag also and this part with isreal confuses me.

r they part of the synagogue of satan? thoughts please

eab670 No.2210778


Appears so. Read night crew notables. The Blacklist is a supposedly innocuous list of quality unproduced screenplays. Blacklist anon suggested there was more to this list than we knew.

Digging into the creator of the blacklist and the screenplays/writers on the list, as well as the shared narrative of the scripts that make the list has proven fruitful.

Blacklist anon appears to be a Hollywood insider.

5681ee No.2210779


How about ban yourself…M'kay? We don't need anyone deciding what WE can or can't see. Filter is a fine & free feature.

496561 No.2210780

File: 91aedff93525d81⋯.jpg (70.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dragonand7heads.jpg)

File: ecd4909cf90d1ef⋯.jpg (42.97 KB, 700x467, 700:467, bbvvv.jpg)

File: b79628c78115ff8⋯.jpg (57.39 KB, 657x1071, 73:119, 2horns.jpg)

File: 623d2d59825c0ed⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 620x372, 5:3, bodybeast.jpg)

File: b867a35f0c071a1⋯.jpg (6.05 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ocrist.jpg)

Beast dragon 7 heads 10 horns: SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)

Beast mortally wounded returned: USSR

Lamb 2 horns speaking like a dragon: NK

Beast 666: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

A very naughty boy: "Donald J Trump"

Who told you this: Not me

Why: As always. We'll see

See you at the Summit x

f3f392 No.2210781


> We

> We

unbelievable. Fuck you faggots.


c69076 No.2210783


Like VQC, R, and every twitter fag in the world.

718b9f No.2210784

File: eb2b6dcf01d86c4⋯.jpg (212.44 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, MOAB.jpg)


>WE are Q!


Q is to busy to show up for work.

I'm to busy to hang out here without any good fresh intel to be found. Degraded into a waste of time. May as well watch the fake news since that's where most of our notables come from anyway. Copy pasta drudge headlines.


fb8493 No.2210785


very nice sir!

b895a8 No.2210786


I’d love to do a big lobstah and clam bake on the beach to celebrate with anons.

845e35 No.2210787


interdasting TY anon

4b25bc No.2210788



36f5b7 No.2210789

File: 22bb0504b824c3f⋯.jpg (77.48 KB, 274x414, 137:207, kikesvstruth.jpg)


>ban this, BO

>erase this, BV

This fucking stupid jewish cunt (((shill))) literally can't stop talking to save itself and its hourly 14.50 shekelz.

3881c5 No.2210790

File: 4bc00e79177b219⋯.jpg (144.86 KB, 1920x1541, 1920:1541, Apu_Drooling.jpg)


I tell you again as a frenly autist: you are acting as a Ethiopian muslim who arrives in Sweden and cries for the people in gov to make Swedes kill all their dogs.


Don't be a nigger pls.

ce9b07 No.2210791


reassuring that plan is on track.

433fe7 No.2210792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb8493 No.2210793


Bet yo arms wuz tired!

851570 No.2210794

File: b25ef27bcd6172a⋯.jpg (28.58 KB, 500x372, 125:93, DontUEverSayThatAgain.jpg)

36f5b7 No.2210795


All of the above.

4b25bc No.2210796


POTUS seems to be in a very good mood today. He is continuing to push the left VERY hard. I think he is about to break them.

74bcf2 No.2210797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2 sets of books

these reports fed to the public are always a lie

they don't want people to know

dig, learn, expose

Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed

e35aff No.2210798

d97f17 No.2210799

And he'll do it too. I just don't know how he'll take everyone's nukes yet? Space 'FORCE' perhaps? >>2210776

254ed1 No.2210800

File: 447a3d61583a69e⋯.gif (260.84 KB, 150x107, 150:107, 27415232922.gif)

File: 16c612e3e0ad64b⋯.jpg (124.38 KB, 800x555, 160:111, DOUARD~1.JPG)


>I'm to busy to hang out here

and yet you are. Pics related.

fb8493 No.2210801


Did you sell it or did you keep it for yourself?

62c698 No.2210802

File: 104b1a852e060be⋯.png (505.24 KB, 750x400, 15:8, treydevin.png)

eab670 No.2210803


There are differing takes on this, and any stance is controversial on this board.

I see Bibi as a Putin. His interests are Israel’s interests, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t benefits to being allies.

However Mossad is like their CIA. There are rogue factions that need defeated.

I believe the Jewish people are split. I don’t believe Bibi is a Satanist, personally.

32a6a5 No.2210804


This is an idioticly fake attitude. "The way chans operate" if an obvious tactic to alienate normies on irrelevant pretexts. Again: "chan culture" means NOTHING post-storm. Our mission is all that matters. Our mission is PR.

Please be advised that you cling with absolute stupidity to ridiculous tactics. It's not believable. You really need to go back to the drawing board.

89e987 No.2210805

File: ba9c997ff748027⋯.jpg (219.27 KB, 1109x1349, 1109:1349, S__5488642.jpg)

POTUS says Garbage heap. This whole deal is Biblical in proportions. Like those who haven't eaten will eat and those who were rich will go without food. (Example). I'm trying to figure out what he is saying, because he is definitely saying something!

12dbe8 No.2210807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good video here

3fca65 No.2210808

File: d37b53cedf29ecb⋯.png (1.9 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, d37b53cedf29ecbb953a867991….png)

File: dfe217ce234b0ed⋯.png (30.48 KB, 480x380, 24:19, Screenshot_2018-07-15-22-5….png)

Rod Rosenstein was supposed to be out a longtime ago according to Q so why did Q feed us that line of shit.

733fa5 No.2210810

File: 887fdfbfeeda29f⋯.png (355.95 KB, 622x589, 622:589, aahhhpepe.png)

787b58 No.2210811


Don't forget the EyeTheSpy motherfucker too…

6e8b99 No.2210812


Disinformation is necessary

5d027a No.2210813


Might want to go compare this info with what is stated about the Baby-Bells.

b895a8 No.2210814


Beyond. That was 1981.

Got $9 a lb cash from the Japs on the dock in Provincetown.

4becda No.2210815

File: 43d4d1ac37de644⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 720x529, 720:529, DidBMf2VMAERdnR[1].jpg)

d9f589 No.2210816

File: c3745861db9f98f⋯.gif (400.57 KB, 320x240, 4:3, face slam.gif)

113943 No.2210817



Could be. Goes back to 2012.

3d1a6e No.2210818


Did you see the movie

White Chicks?

7b1943 No.2210819


Twice now I was led to believe that action was imminent…..So I told people to watch the news because what they had heard up till now wasn't true…but soon they would see people perp walked….meh…not so much…So, I will just lurk about while nothing happens, at this point I believe nothing will happen ever.

cba894 No.2210820


>security for Israel

Awesome! (sarcasm implied)

c3be88 No.2210821

RR Problems became

RR? No problem.

e35aff No.2210822

File: c1b3bdf4330a95f⋯.jpeg (231.72 KB, 1440x915, 96:61, 1523831653.jpeg)

c31692 No.2210823

File: 5500bde27cbb073⋯.png (498.55 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Acosta.png)

File: e4005d2601f976f⋯.png (603.38 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Blitzer.png)

File: 79cb2b88801891c⋯.png (497.59 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Cooper.png)

File: 6bdcea9c7465d10⋯.png (609.81 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Stelter.png)

Fresh memes for the normies.


96b4ac No.2210824

If we were Israel we would be bombing and killing Mexicans.

c31692 No.2210825

File: cc8199938c1dd77⋯.png (495.06 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Acosta2.png)

File: a06eeddebfe3211⋯.png (682.01 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Lemon.png)

File: d38191be5162a6c⋯.png (620.04 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Stelter2.png)


Fresh memes for the normies.


d3b83e No.2210826



No apostrophe-s.

7e1379 No.2210827


This line is getting tiresome.

Conspiracy no more in July… still waiting.

33a6db No.2210828


disinfo nec + no way to impeach [RR], you need 2/3 vote in senate to do so. Never happen with the senate that close.

4b25bc No.2210831


Security for Israel = taking out Iran regime

Russia has been helping Iran. POTUS talks to Putin and he stops helping Iran and regime has to step down.

d01546 No.2210832

File: f3d93cca5fb25ce⋯.png (19.16 KB, 444x446, 222:223, Q Post Bring Back the Gall….PNG)


> Did POTUS just send a threat?

Bring back the gallows.


36f5b7 No.2210833

File: 8df265368d19a0f⋯.png (266.74 KB, 626x642, 313:321, jidfdumbassery.png)

File: 8790111af0f8fc4⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, jidfgasyourself.jpg)

File: ffff1ed63d8f13f⋯.jpg (204.16 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, jidfshillsarestupid.jpg)


This pic is just for you, anne frank.

That''s you from now on.

anne frank, our (((resident jewish bitch shill))) cumdumpster.

at least change your script, you stupid conscript whore.

>muh i hate chan culture

>muh I hate anyone who won't do what i say.


3fca65 No.2210834

File: e89ed9c50ba29d5⋯.jpg (16.78 KB, 198x257, 198:257, 2ea9a4.jpg)

File: 1a1400dad5be091⋯.jpg (37.25 KB, 343x343, 1:1, 2ea5le~2.jpg)



Here's you're boy.

3727fa No.2210835


It's protectionism. Limit the supply of new workers with ever higher requirements and waiting lists for schools to drive up wages. Happens in many fields.

e3b92e No.2210836


Baker/BO/Guys if it hasn't been noted I think this should be added to the bread.

I feel this is a headline which is being revealed prior to the storm and will have lots of meaning when the ball gets rolling.

d9f589 No.2210837


So posting here is Q's only job then?

3881c5 No.2210838

File: 554e55f423e6941⋯.png (166.86 KB, 396x385, 36:35, 1508820383038.png)


Saved af senpai.

7f7c41 No.2210839

Parade happening this year?

8c0e57 No.2210840

File: e8055af4b1d9aba⋯.jpg (141.48 KB, 803x688, 803:688, pepe_meme'd.jpg)




7e1379 No.2210841



Disinfo necessary again… ok

887322 No.2210842


Amen! May the Holy Archangel beat the snot out of those who are evil.

eab670 No.2210843


11.10 now.

4b25bc No.2210844



Read this. RR definitely has some problems!!

42d681 No.2210845


i also believe not all jewish people are bad or part of the synagogue of satan. if u read it, it says those that call themselves jews but r not.

ive never even heard of mossad til i started going to pol.

we need to make a list of org. that belong under "synagogue of satan"

4becda No.2210846


I think POTUS is letting us know that the cabal has issued kill orders for him

f2a66a No.2210847




Thank you, I did not know that.

At least we have a ace in the hand.

32a6a5 No.2210848


But in fact, if there is one lesson of history, it's that something ALWAYS happens sooner or later. Considering the turbulence that is appearing even to mainstream eyes, and the fact that we are long overdue for upheaval, it's impossible to take your black pill seriously as a considered belief, and not just a moment's emotion.

c48870 No.2210850



Thank you anon.

c3be88 No.2210851


>July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

>Conspiracy no more.

Aug 1 will be the day that the only reason to come here will be to mock the few believers left.

36f5b7 No.2210852


The glider plane incident in scotland = message.

POTUS and the whole family had bullseye on their backs for a while now.

Bring back the gallow for black hats.

3881c5 No.2210853

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Have you seen this yet boredanon?

It will make you gain over 9000 IQ point.

"The First Holocaust : The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"


Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we been hearing about this six-million figure? The most widely understood answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World War during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.

Although it is true that the six-million figure was declared to be the indubitable truth at this tribunal, it is actually remarkably older. This documentary shows that the six-million figure dates back to the late 1800s, when Jewish pressure groups were targeting czarist Russia for its anti-Jewish stance, accusing Russia of oppressing and persecuting the six million Jews in Russia, and adopting a “solution” to its “Jewish question” which allegedly consisted of outright extermination. Claims that six million Jews in Europe were suffering to such a degree that millions had died already, while many more millions would face a lingering death, climaxed for the first time during fundraising campaign that started during the FIRST World War and reached its peak in the early and mid-1920s. The "New York Times" was the main vehicle for such propaganda, which also included well-known buzzwords such as “annihilation,” “extermination” and even the term “holocaust.” Although this sensational propaganda of Jewish suffering slowed down during the 1930s, it never completely ceased and received new momentum in the 1940s during the Second World War. As we all know today, this propaganda skyrocketed after Germany’s total defeat, as the victorious powers of the Second World War seized upon the opportunity to take advantage of such propaganda and to increase its scope and impact.

This documentary reveals a Jewish-Zionist propaganda pattern that has been used since the late 1800s, first against czarist Russia, then in favor of the Soviet Revolution, next against Nazi Germany, and finally and ever since in favor of Israel.

This presentation is based on Don Heddesheimer's book "The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"

fb8493 No.2210854


How can I get a fishing trip wit you? I can trade for some gulf coast speckled trout and redfish fishing!

96b4ac No.2210855


His hand is on her breast?

33a6db No.2210856

File: 8cde8c7450ea758⋯.png (161.98 KB, 500x566, 250:283, out.png)

4e8651 No.2210857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

its gettin real lads early on when Q would chat with us late at night, dont wanna sound like a fag or nothin but chats the only word for it kek, he said wait till you see the Y heads. I pressured more and asked but thats all he would say.

now its my turn - do you see them anons? from the top of the nose thru the fore head in a chicago bulls style but on the forehead bulge… the Y heads. laugh now and pray. pray im wrong.

ill also reference you to steve a stills robot eyes

3d1a6e No.2210858


If it is not Shamila N. Chaudhury

Then it is a close relative of hers

733fa5 No.2210859

File: 53fd29c1fbcdc42⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 332x192, 83:48, laserpointer.gif)

File: 65042c10ca436d2⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 372x300, 31:25, mikeeats.jpg)


>Rod Rosenstein was supposed to be out a longtime ago according to Q so why did Q feed us that line of shit.

Another anon starting to figure it out …

How many times does someone get kicked in the nutz before they realize they are being kicked int the nutz?

42d681 No.2210860


i also believe this and i do not believe the official story of our ss that died.

d01546 No.2210861

I believe he's implying that Obama rescued Uncle Joe from "the trash heap of history". That's the most common refrain related to that saying.

3881c5 No.2210862

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Educate yourself on stuff.

Here, have a suggestion:

Watch the first 16 minutes of this 4 hour documentary at speed 1.25 or 1.5… How could have we been so deceived…

This documentary provides verifiable proof that the holocaust official version is a lie, and proves that the Nuremberg Trials were a boneheaded fraud.

>For those that say that it is too long:

Well, you do not have to choose knowledge over ignorance about one of the most important historical facts that shaped a lot of our modern history.

And also, you can watch @ 1.5x or 2.0x speed to cut down the time commitment.

Make sure you archive this video offline too in case it gets censored.

Frenly reminder to everyone that I would gladly accept the fake official version of the holohoax if it was true and my life would be much easier if I could accept such a bullshit fraudulent perversion of the truth but decided it was immoral to defend such blatant lies that have destroyed our civilization…

Also take notice that the big fraud that is the holocaust results in the payment of 500 million euros to “survivors” coming from German tax payer’s pockets each and every year.



7b1943 No.2210863


Now that, sounds useful

aa51df No.2210864


I dont like collecticely referring to people because the tribe issue is an illusion. A teibe cannot consist of 8 milliin people. Sure they can cheer the countries team but the aggressive narrative is pushed by the controlles puppets/elites. Israel is devised between the majority who hates the local deep state and ellite interference and those who are on the left. The only way to break the spell is to stop the tribal illusion as the "tribe" is divided and intentionally kept being divided and is being "ruled" by the controllers. Like Q said, the french people are not to blame for their leaders. The tribal thing is an illusion and it is comfortable to those who wish to divide like msm for example, to use this form of speech. We shouldnt go that way imo.

3fca65 No.2210865

File: c0a6a837bd0ab93⋯.jpg (43.53 KB, 480x388, 120:97, 2cvign~2.jpg)

[RR] is the guy you'd love the meet in a free for all bar brawl….

f79657 No.2210866

Fox News just reported that they are going to start an independent investigation on RR ….For failure to comply and hand over Documents ….. PAIN !

7e1379 No.2210867


I'm not saying that it wont still happen… just getting tired of the disinfo is necessary stuff.

Either this shit breaks open, or you're going to have people fighting. Are you seeing the dipshit dems egging people into violence?

Not much time left before it gets unhinged, these loons are in a frenzy.

4b25bc No.2210868

Q says we are watching a movie but we are not. Things are still fluid and we are now at the "enjoy the show" part of the Op. EVERYTHING we have learned over the last 9 months is coming to a head. Enjoy the Show literally just means watch the news and POTUS tweets and watch the Resistance go nuclear and watch the BIG HAPPENINGS go down.

IDK if Q will be back but I would assume so.

2ece10 No.2210869


a muslim and a nazi went into a bar

and told jew jokes

afdd3d No.2210870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just to show you US-anons the German insanity:

A brand new residential area for refugees in Hamburg. Everything is free and paid by German sheep: TV, Kitchen, Power, Water, Heating, four different Kindergarden.

Welcome to hell!

097452 No.2210871

File: f49dced4368dbdc⋯.png (770.69 KB, 1019x531, 1019:531, ray7cis.png)

File: 6d40c272d6c7008⋯.png (925.35 KB, 1019x531, 1019:531, raycis.png)

c3be88 No.2210872


Wishful thinking.

a138f1 No.2210874


Im gonna go ahead and guarantee that Q has made outside comms in the past and that is disinfo…idk who these comms are with but no outside comms makes no sense

32a6a5 No.2210875


We need a systematic team of BVs to start deleting all the garbage from threads, like the reams of obsolete past-era-halfchan anti-semitism.

Again: Q told us to get board ready for normies. That is OUR JOB– what prevents us from doing it?

Look [HERE]…

c79677 No.2210876


we got 99 problems but money ain't one them. Have you checked the seized assets list lately, or how much is being kept in the coffers bc we're not bombing everyone anymore? this will add up over YEARS. The deficit will be taken care of. Low energy concernfaggot

42d681 No.2210877


yes cause i believe they r our enemy.

if we had a provable list… know your enemy

68a969 No.2210878


Very interdasting


c4fc5a No.2210879


Humanity has on numerous occasions narrowly missed nuclear Armageddon. Each time it was averted by military officers, both American and Soviet, who understood that the relations between the US and the Soviet Union were not that strained. Today this situation has been radically altered by the corrupt American media, Democratic Party, and military/security complex, who, acting in behalf of Hillary’s political interest and the greed of the armaments industry, have demonized Russia and her president to the extent that malfunctioning warning systems or a temper tantrum of a crazed politician are likely to result in a fatal launch.

One can understand the determination of the military/security complex to protect at all costs its power and profit, and one can understand the Identity Politics-driven, unAmerican Democratic Party’s hatred of “Trump deplorables.” But the complicity of the media in the enormous lies that comprise “Russiagate” and in the demonization of President Trump as a traitor because he seeks understanding between nuclear powers instead of dangerous and irresponsible tensions that easily could result in the destruction of life on earth is inexplicable. The only conclusion is that the American print and TV media is devoid of all intelligence, all integrity, and all self-respect. The American print and TV media is a collection of excrement that should be flushed down the toilet.

Caitlin Johnstone shares this view and expresses it even more strongly: https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/49859.htm

Here is an account of two Soviet military officers whose judgments averted nuclear war: https://militaryhistorynow.com/2013/07/15/the-men-who-saved-the-world-meet-two-different-russians-who-prevented-ww3/

36f5b7 No.2210880


I am unsure if people understand on here.

The TRUTH IS BEING REVEALED publicly as we speak.

World even the dimmest normies are starting to figure out by now.

dems conspired with rogue russian anti-putin operators to bring down POTUS and subvert our elections.

$400 million dollars funneled to HRC via rogue russian agents and US traitors.

d02cb6 No.2210881


Typically job experience wipes out the mandatory degree. If a company is hiring for a gig you've got years of experience doing successfully they'll hire you.

4becda No.2210882


1. Scottish glider drops in near the President

2. SS agent dies in Scotland

3. Coincidence?

68a969 No.2210883


Actually Putin has something on the criminal elite here in the U.S. and he shared it with POTUS.

Still winning.. you mad yet?

cba894 No.2210884


normies need to wake up to the lies of the JEW!

c3be88 No.2210885


I hear you. I hope I'm wrong, for humanity's sake, but the situation isn't getting better, it's getting worse.

ce9b07 No.2210886


Security for Israel means we pull out our military and $ aid. Like the NATO countries: pay for their own defense. And live with the consequences of their own leadership screw ups and aggression.

433fe7 No.2210887


At the end of day US still probably owes China money, but it is a quite complicated and covert system so I don't know the details. The entire global economy is on a debt based system and is on the verge of a reset which includes debt cancellation. Would not worry about that deficit though - I'm sure it would be covered somehow.

f79657 No.2210888

Seems like Hussein is residing In Africa ….hmmm…

36f5b7 No.2210890

File: 74d86eb7dae0a39⋯.jpeg (35.51 KB, 474x401, 474:401, pepefucksshills.jpeg)


^this is how stupid kikes are right now.

I think they learned literally nothing from BVs and BOs yesterday.

Also, I am starting to believe the obvious: the consistent repeat 30+ posts of JQ truths were obvious effort to simply turn BO/BV and anons away from it in order to just drop this type of line.

(((you))) suck at your job, faggot.

5be53a No.2210891


1. Talk about his hands creep pedo nature

2. Talk about her abuse of Affirmative Action for personal gain

3. Talk about her whorin, and just let her talk

4. NXIVM connections, will never run against Trump because of this

5. Let him talk

6. Paul Walker and Vin Diesel would be better

7. No idea who that is

8. Antifa

9&10. Irrelevant to even discuss

54bb3f No.2210892


When is the next Q post gonna habben???

32a6a5 No.2210893


Pathetic, crude fake posting.

ecb94c No.2210894


UK anon here.

Anons should be very cautious that this is not a honeypot for the security services.

Wait and see who is behind it and who is supporting it, and don't send money until you know more.

Without widespread media publicity and support any new party is a dead duck.

83983f No.2210895


they've backed the new US currency.

6ba21e No.2210896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In my country there is problem.

0a6dfb No.2210897

File: 09d290bc718b264⋯.jpg (543.76 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, uncle-joe.jpg)

75c128 No.2210899

File: 691f72edd185bd3⋯.jpg (6.09 MB, 3438x2430, 191:135, 691f72edd185bd34ec4bf14fb8….jpg)

b5aa1f No.2210900

File: 985d9f7e765e527⋯.jpg (309.92 KB, 1065x801, 355:267, Screen Shot 07-19-18 at 04….JPG)

File: baab1119d43d69e⋯.jpg (377.87 KB, 1065x603, 355:201, Screen Shot 07-19-18 at 04….JPG)

File: b0707388bf9c65b⋯.jpg (114.71 KB, 1595x238, 1595:238, Screen Shot 07-19-18 at 04….JPG)

Air traffic over Belgium has been temporarily suspended after flight data processing system failed, according to the country's air traffic controller Belgocontrol.

The flight data processing system of the Belgian traffic controller has at some point failed to trace the aircraft location over Belgium’s territory, prompting the Belgocontrol to take an “ultimate safety measure” and “clear the sky,” the local De Morgen daily reported.

Due to an exceptional situation air traffic is temporarily suspended. Belgocontrol is looking in to it. We are closely monitoring the situation. We will keep you informed. https://t.co/mOB9nE2edN

— Brussels Airport (@BrusselsAirport) July 19, 2018

The air controller was also unable to determine the destination, altitude and speed of the planes that were in the air, it added.

The Belgocontrol spokesperson, Dominique Dehaene, told the media that a “technical problem” as caused the system disruption, adding that there was “no threat of any kind.”

The Belgian airspace was closed shortly after 16:00 (local time) (14:00 GMT). The measure is expected to remain in effect at least until 17:00 GMT, according to Reuters.

All flights en route to Belgian airports were rerouted while those scheduled to depart from Belgium were kept on the ground.



26a505 No.2210902

File: cd059bc0d78bdc0⋯.png (130.8 KB, 420x315, 4:3, a9c13f736701b630781cd1e7fb….png)

File: f47f2e3b22ef184⋯.png (44.62 KB, 480x730, 48:73, Screenshot_2018-07-14-23-1….png)

File: afdee2520e1e126⋯.jpg (77.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2dxdum~3.jpg)

Lisa Page wants immunity because she has book deal in the works.

32a6a5 No.2210903


You can't keep hiding behind these laughable, unrealistic, cartoonish antisemite attitudes forever, trust me. Get new material. Make an effort. This is, again, absolutely laughable.

a3ab8a No.2210904


yes because Gliders are well known precursors of Stokes you ASSHAT

42d681 No.2210905


unreal… it f pisses me off that just to get my dl renewed i had to produce my old dl and my birth cert. on a f renew.

i went to get renewed, presented my old dl, my original birth cert.

she had my f picture up on her screen.

my birth cert, had been folded and through the years. the fold line was on my birth date. u could read all but last two numbers. them cock suckers made me leave after waiting in line for an hour. go to courthouse and buy a new copy!!!!! i said u have my f picture right there and your holding my expired dl by a month in your hand!!!!

but an illegal can go to dmv and get a dl with no proof of any f thing!

f this shit!

8f29f6 No.2210906


How do you know they are fake?

Just curious…

2ece10 No.2210907


funny you should use yiddish terms

60f21b No.2210908

File: 2ac30014866a0b3⋯.jpg (42.7 KB, 495x553, 495:553, Y-heads.jpg)

4628a2 No.2210909

File: 817d080e548771e⋯.gif (3.83 MB, 652x518, 326:259, bidenswat.gif)


>Get your fucking hands off my granddaughter you piece of shit fucking creep

I managed to alter it.

here you go!

32a6a5 No.2210910


We need to delete bot posts, bot memes, and everything else that is excreted from the monstrous "consciousness" which comes through the AI.

7b1943 No.2210911


>>if there is one lesson of history, it's that something ALWAYS happens sooner or later.

Many things are happening…just not what I had hoped…The establishment seems just as entrenched as ever and we are the ones spit on, kicked out of places…

I get that disinfo is important & necessary. But it seems that after 18 months…we really Don't have it all…or we would have used it by now…

So now it appears that we have some, but not enough to charge/arrest. The we have it all is mostly "bluff" hoping to get the establishment to over react, to slip up, to cross a line too many…..

If we got it, we should use it before the person we do not name or GHWB dies off, or the statute of limitations has run its course…..

cba894 No.2210912

File: 68eec85dd1f921c⋯.png (259.8 KB, 1364x686, 682:343, hiddentyranny.png)

File: a00e557a34691d3⋯.png (309.94 KB, 1360x705, 272:141, hiddentyranny1.png)

File: 70bd7151d56ae30⋯.png (379.08 KB, 1320x735, 88:49, hiddentyranny2.png)

622659 No.2210913

File: b3347caaa494b8a⋯.png (310.97 KB, 608x454, 304:227, memes-dreams-pepe.png)

c79677 No.2210914


No, it doesn't. Most employers will not even look at you if you don't have a 4-year degree. Friend of mine is a Navy vet with years of experience in his field and cannot get any kind of good job without a degree. He is just a good guy in corp America doing a great job, but he is constantly on the outs and as you get older it gets worse.

The next logical step SHOULD be to eliminate the college req if vocational schools are elevated to college level status, and I think they should be. My relative just became an electrician. Even with a college degree, I couldn't do that stuff, and she'll make a ton of $.

b5aa1f No.2210915

File: 0c58e093a6aa225⋯.jpg (378.88 KB, 1054x753, 1054:753, Screen Shot 07-19-18 at 04….JPG)

File: c40213418cb6b5d⋯.jpg (736.41 KB, 1071x889, 153:127, Screen Shot 07-19-18 at 04….JPG)

George Soros says Obama was his ‘greatest disappointment’, continues to slam Trump

Published time: 19 Jul, 2018 11:10

Soros said he had hoped Obama – who he heavily supported during the 2008 race – would seek his advice on finance and economics, but was instead frozen out.

After securing the presidency, Obama “closed the door on me,” Soros said. “He made one phone call thanking me for my support, which was meant to last for five minutes, and I engaged him, and he had to spend another three minutes with me, so I dragged it out to eight minutes.”

The liberal philanthropist said: “He was someone who was known from the time when he was competing for the editorship of The Harvard Law Review to take his supporters for granted and to woo his opponents.”

Soros said he does not want to be a Democrat and will not side with anyone in the American political system. “My ideology is nonideological.”

Still, he continued giving financial support to the Democrats beyond Obama’s term, pouring around $25 million into Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign to prevent Donald Trump from getting into the Oval Office, according to the newspaper. At that stage, he did not expect Trump to show much political ambition, but now he is afraid the president will “blow up the world rather than suffer a setback to his narcissism.”

Though Trump “would like to establish a mafia state,” his days in power are numbered, Soros believes.


f3f392 No.2210916

File: 57e7aed7beea1df⋯.jpg (45.03 KB, 500x394, 250:197, 2ebho6.jpg)

75c128 No.2210917

File: d32afa1e6791f98⋯.png (215.16 KB, 800x539, 800:539, 0de7ee51176903548c3af36913….png)

269a89 No.2210919


I like the graphic.

36f5b7 No.2210920


No. It was not.


fuck yo IP hopping gay jew ass.


Hoping for Q drop very soon, but I believe the UNVEILING HAS BEGUN.


how in the fucking shit stained hell is this JIDF this retarded today.

did night crew just royally ass fuck em or somethin.

a3ab8a No.2210921


c3be88 No.2210922


"Shekel" is the actual name of their currency. It's not a "yiddish term," you fucking moron. What are you even doing here?

254ed1 No.2210923


Find the post number on 8chan /qresearch/

e33185 No.2210924

File: 1e17949fc35bae0⋯.jpg (57.19 KB, 500x476, 125:119, Lord-Humungus-Mad-Max-Kjel….jpg)


You are not a "DOG" of War.

You are a PUPPY!

Just Walk AWAY!


85667b No.2210926


AJ was right, Q has been silenced

8f29f6 No.2210927


Yup, I know.

Just seems like too many possibilities.

Basically I trust no one anymore.

Question everything.

…and no coincidences, especially in our government.

32a6a5 No.2210928


It's understandable that you'd get impatient, but those are just transient emotions.. History all but guarantees that something must BREAK… And it's those that have built towers that must fall.

Get the fake negativity OUT.

4de1b4 No.2210930


Mother charged with letting men rape toddler daughter

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) – A Kansas City-area woman has been charged with letting men rape her 2-year-old daughter.

Azzie Watson, 25, of Independence, was charged Tuesday with child abuse and endangerment. Bond is set at $75,000. No attorney is listed for her in online court records.


6f939f No.2210931


Nobody’s getting kicked in the nuts! Again, people confuse anon’s interpretation of posts as actual Q statements. Not the same. It’s like “ whisper down the lane” tell one person something, by the time it gets back to you, only a shred of truth exists.

ce9b07 No.2210932


Maybe we should do a Top 10 Protectors of the Republic–this guy, Mattis, POTUS, Q, Nunes, Goodlatte …

c79677 No.2210934


since every machine ever made has a backdoor in it, we def need to start over with new architecture and a new network for the people, by the people.

40aa54 No.2210935

File: 5a3d644110debb7⋯.png (72.27 KB, 197x415, 197:415, bf6c7876d066f4b60ac58890e2….png)


>You even type the letter Q and they shit all over you.

Be lucky you don't get cans of Monster thrown at you too.

782a04 No.2210937

File: 9293d322c9d52eb⋯.jpg (95.66 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 9293d322c9d52eb6a7d610ee75….jpg)

File: 7413d2a2f58a50d⋯.gif (349.45 KB, 460x308, 115:77, 7413d2a2f58a50dc26e8c5a721….gif)

File: 1c3a5bc220c083e⋯.png (520.77 KB, 773x1105, 773:1105, Screenshot_2018-07-16 CheS….png)

File: ae91dbba69ae4cf⋯.png (30.62 KB, 362x782, 181:391, Sweden-Finland.png)

File: 51926682c4a74d4⋯.gif (2.12 MB, 455x250, 91:50, SpanishUnripeGibbon-size_r….gif)


happy birthday anon.

have some new savings and an old favorite.

enjoy your day :-)

75c128 No.2210938

File: 1d5b7fd9515404e⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 600x314, 300:157, 1d5b7fd9515404efd1312a4a11….jpg)

Coming to the Party ?

Mad Dogs Party

Its a surprise

19152a No.2210939


Digging is never a waste if it gains knowlege. There really isn't any digging atm since Q has been gone for 2 wks. How else can you verify tips unless you dig on them? They shouldn't be lumped in with twitterfags, Rfags who want to claim Jr is still alive, or any other preposterous claim. Pay attention to, imo, is claims vs leads. Assumptions or claims to something should be immediately discounted without sauce. The "helperanons" that leave clues to dig on should be dug into to either prove or disprove.

32a6a5 No.2210941

File: 1c3fed251a74511⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1289x911, 1289:911, JusticeIsComing.png)

c79677 No.2210942

254ed1 No.2210943

File: 447a3d61583a69e⋯.gif (260.84 KB, 150x107, 150:107, 27415232922.gif)

ecb94c No.2210944


Cleaning up politics requires the removal of money streams from pay to play, lobbying, campaign funds and insider trading.

But the turkeys are not going to vote for Christmas.

08d0fe No.2210945

>>2210932 YES! Please!

8f29f6 No.2210946


Obama my greatest disappointment too….that he won a second term. I still think that 2012 election was rigged…2008, not so much as McCain was awful, and still is!

acad16 No.2210947


Jim Jordan

2ece10 No.2210948


what are you doing here?

you jew haters do not own this board.

890ac8 No.2210949

Question for Anons who are digging into Hussein Admin appointments to foreign posts which got an FBI bypass – no security clearance.

Cross referencing a list of such appointments with the PLUM book?

Do we have a list of FBI bypasses? These would likely be revealed only through leaks – or perhaps through auditor-type reports.

Here is the PLUM:

United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book)


From that cross reference let's see what might fall out in terms of the Q instruction to identify the person in the Sofa Photo, track history, establish origin, and do so nothing that face is important.

That last point, face important, has been taken to have direct bearing on "no facial hair", however, it could have something to do with facial recognition technology or policy-making.

If you have something on an FBI bypass, please post it boldly.


4628a2 No.2210950

File: 02f5551e4c09018⋯.png (288.85 KB, 497x263, 497:263, ClipboardImage.png)


>Mad Dogs Party


>Its a surprise

f2299c No.2210951


Can you please lock the "Fraction check-in" thread?

It seems our "friend" is up to his old tricks again.

>Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

055bc7 No.2210952


What is the longest amount of time that Q has gone without posting? And what were the circumstances that may have led to the time gap?

40aa54 No.2210953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f79657 No.2210955

Execiputive Order for Vocational Schools …..Stop the Liberal College indoctrination …..Stop the Bilking of Students …. Homerun

4ec935 No.2210956


By the way you type, neither are you!

c3be88 No.2210957


Q came to pol. You wouldn't look like such an idiot if you tried to understand that first.

fb8493 No.2210958


ur looking at it

622659 No.2210959

File: 0cdcfb83784828c⋯.png (350.56 KB, 328x427, 328:427, soccer-kick-nuts.png)

0b2eba No.2210960


>Is Netflix going to be sacrificed?

No way Netflix is going to be sacrificed.

What makes him think it will?

Debt and cash burn rate? Cash doesn't matter when propaganda is at stake.

The funds will come from somewhere: pentagon, CIA, FedReserve, foreign countries, slush funds, NGO's, donations from transnational corporations.

Their purpose is to brainwash at all costs, Netflix doesn't need to be profitable.

In communism, state-run propaganda never stops, regardless of $$$. It's the same here.

The point isn't to make money. It's to influence minds.

Netflix is the result of a concerted effort by the Powers-That-Be to get into everyone's home and brainwash us directly. Took decades to get where it's at.

It won't be sacrificed so easily.

The reason why there is so much debt and such a quick cash burn off is because they are ACCELERATING it's growth, not because it's going out of business.

It's far more likely Netflix will grow ten fold rather than go bust.

f54614 No.2210961

File: da8f3b171f0901a⋯.png (435.54 KB, 1124x577, 1124:577, e1.png)


Like this?


20d2af No.2210962

Roblox responds to the hack that allowed a child's avatar to be raped in its game.

There's a special place in Hell for people who think it's funny to rape a 7-year-old girl's avatar in an online virtual world designed for children. Yes, that happened. Roblox, a hugely popular online game for kids, was hacked by an individual who subverted the game's protection systems in order to have customized animations appear. This allowed two male avatars to gang rape a young girl's avatar on a playground in one of the Roblox games.

The mother of the child, whose avatar was the victim of the in-game sexual assault, was nearby when the incident took place. She says her child showed her what was happening on the screen and she took the device away, fortunately shielding her daughter from seeing most of the activity. The mother then captured screenshots of the event in order to warn others.


08d0fe No.2210963


Respectfully suggest careful consideration - once done, you can't change it…only add to it

35b959 No.2210964

Chad Pergram

‏Verified account @ChadPergram

Fox obtains letter sent to the minority on Hse Natural Resources Cmte by Interior Dept IG. It announces the IG is opening an official probe into a real estate transaction connected to a foundation established by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke in connection with Halliburton meeting

12:00 PM - 19 Jul 2018


75c128 No.2210965

File: bfa352e7c13054c⋯.png (596.42 KB, 634x472, 317:236, bfa352e7c13054ce6b3de4dd13….png)


Why do they call me Mad Dog ?

You are going to find out !!!

Welcome to the Party - Marines Activated

171f38 No.2210966

File: dd10418fd6dcaa3⋯.png (18.35 KB, 609x788, 609:788, ac2.png)

They are the same equation with

acceleration being the speed of light squared.

06664b No.2210967


years and year… is that code for 11 or bad grammer/typo

32a6a5 No.2210968



How can such a thing as this happen?

622659 No.2210969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh #WalkAway story

f79657 No.2210970


Sorry old fag ..old eyes ..


a4c3d5 No.2210971

File: 14ed9115926436b⋯.webm (13.12 MB, 496x360, 62:45, Madsen - 'Whistle blown o….webm)


Better quality of noteable on Q-group in #2783

This is sourced direct from the RT channel, where it was originally published.


Not sure if it matters but, the youtube-dl downloaded webm file is dated 19 Oct 2017, but the YouTube publish date is Jul 9 2009

40aa54 No.2210972



So let's push it!

496561 No.2210973

File: 41eeb7b5254ff6f⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 406x422, 203:211, putfrog.jpg)

ba136d No.2210974

File: 1f6d0fa0b18d50f⋯.png (37.92 KB, 480x583, 480:583, Screenshot_2018-07-18-07-1….png)

File: 92d46037e69628d⋯.png (17.55 KB, 406x306, 203:153, Screenshot_2018-07-18-12-4….png)

2a398a No.2210975


the event horizon anon.

992ac8 No.2210976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Agreed, but think a bit… If they increase their contributions, where are they going to buy their material, and WHO ARE THEY GOING TO HIRE WITH THEIR OWN MONEY. US military personnel? Or from their local talent pool?

Who would the people in those countries trust to protect them? US soldiers? Or their own countrymen?


I still say this is a hint of things to come.


3881c5 No.2210977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>but on the same token consider the differences between different christian branches through history, some of which turned to bloody conflicts. Christians killing other Christians.

It can happen. Yet, its more likely it won't then if you introduce a culturally incompatible ideological idea into the region. It will never be perfect, but its what will work best.

>but they are universal (dont do to other what you dont want the other to do to you)

You're over simplifying.

And also, that is not the case in judaism. That's why I tell you judaism is the ideology of divisionfaggotry. You may not agree with it and think its wrong for it to be that way, but the ORIGINAL INTENT that will always be there IS that one. The ten commandments only applied to JEWS (love the neighbor meant "love your fellow jew").

>organization, whether its organized religion or communism, to keep the "masses" together is the same sheep mentality that cabal uses to its advantage.

The trick is not to allow it to be subverted. Vigilance. You NEED organization, or you'll get conquered from a better/bigger organization. Again, you're being to utopian to what we have in our hands.

>keeping an organization for the masses to follow will keep the people dependant, weak and enslaved

You're being a lolberterian now. Think is, that shit only works in a utopia, because if you and your family of 20 live in the lolberterian utopia and I get my family of 10 and add it to 4 of 10, now we have 50 against your 20. And you might be a pacifist, doesn't mean I will be. Why do you think Trump ramped up the military in the US? He might want peace, but there are others who DON'T (same thing happened with Hitler), and without organization, you're fucked.

>As for the communist russia, sure many of the ones who established the ussr were jews, some probably power hungry after years of jewish repressions under the tzar

Kek, see, you jews always talk about "muh repression", but you never bother to delve into WHY it happens. Jews have ALWAYS been a the epicenter of the radical left shit, and it was ALWAYS about controlling more resources. See video for an example who jews starved Ukranians because of their greed. If they got all killed for it, it would not be undeserved, and I'm sure if you talked aobut it with me you would say "oh but jews were persecuted, and killed, poor jews".

The historical facts are that jews have ALWAYS deserved the persecutions that befell upon them, they just can't help themselves, and I think its not a race thing, its a CULTURAL thing, that stems from their judaism induced supremacism. You need to be caereful with that mentality of being the eternal victim, people will lose patience about that shit.

> that the communists prosecuted everyone especially jews and other minorities

Jews jewing jews because of the power grab. But did you know that the jews in the US scammed the gen pop in a fuck load of money in donations under the guise of "6 million jews dying of starvation in Russia" for YEARS on end, and used that money to enrich themselves, and about 60% to give free shit to jews in Russia? Do you see the problem here?

>But you cannot say that is was a part for a global jewish conspiracy. Th ussr was pushed by some powers probably, bankers, who knows, but these peiple didnt care about the common jew just like they didnt care about the common christian.

You need to watch another video I'm going to send you so you can watch after you watch this one about jewish induced famine in Ukraine. You will see what I mean.

9525a9 No.2210978

File: b078839948ca923⋯.jpg (169.31 KB, 657x592, 657:592, Capture.JPG)

>>2208004 >>2208220 >>2208244 (pb)

Payseur & Rothschild family connections. Abraham Lincoln & JFK didn't follow the rules. For Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt) the Mockingbird Media is PERSONAL.


19152a No.2210979


Oh goody, another yr in delays while they "investigate".

2a398a No.2210980

File: f90b4c65b3596f4⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 255x220, 51:44, f90b4c65b3596f40da73486b39….jpg)

a541e0 No.2210981


Why did we attack Iraq?


Who are they?

What do they specialize in?

What is oil field service?

Why is this relevant?

What ‘senior’ level political officials are affiliated w/ Halliburton?

What is the primary goal?

What is the primary mode of influence that drives corruption?

What does money buy?

How is this connected to SA?

How is this connected to Alwaleed?

How is this connected to LV?

f54614 No.2210982

File: dd12b189bb9d11e⋯.png (24.49 KB, 550x360, 55:36, nf.png)


Netflix is on the hook for $20 billion. Can it keep spending its way to success?


7747ac No.2210983


i guess thats true, but unacceptable. I believe the reason we were given for this, was for us to still have some sort of trust in our government and officials, and to keep us being governed.

How about no

36f5b7 No.2210985


baker, notable

fa3d6d No.2210986


Would you reveal your hand to the enemy at this crucial stage of the plan? Of course not. I don't think there will be any more Q posts before the first arrests.

32a6a5 No.2210987


The reason was that reputation for digging and connecting dots.

Propaganda tries to pretend outs because of "alt right nazis of pol"… Now, in retrospect, we realize that most it if not almost all that "nat soc" on pol was fake. Long-game psyop, being cashed out now, however desperately and flailingly.

ba136d No.2210988

File: 757d9ed9a42986f⋯.jpg (27.29 KB, 242x344, 121:172, princewilliam.jpg)

Royal fag.

c353f5 No.2210989



Yes. On an international scale. with error correction and autonomous evolutionary software.

Not important to us who does it, only that it be done, and be trusted. No networking is currently trustable.

3727fa No.2210990

File: 156488d3dde7b37⋯.jpg (122.08 KB, 396x283, 396:283, IMG_2024.JPG)


You wrote so much text…on an image board.

If you want discussion, try Voat.

622659 No.2210992

File: 5c5ba6e9b1311cc⋯.png (575.85 KB, 847x472, 847:472, potus-china-remix.png)

85d356 No.2210993


"i cant prove this but I can smell it"

= truth to this anon. Followed by KYS. Thanks for proving me right. Keep waking folks with that attitude.

269a89 No.2210994


Looney tune!

4628a2 No.2210995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



He knew and was telling us

Future proves past

Every. Fucking.Time.

fd344a No.2210996

File: fd10f80ed0c86b2⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 289x289, 1:1, john-lilly-scientist-in-th….jpg)

>>2209888 lb - nice trips

thx for video.

don't really care for the "mythical explanation is bad, scientific explanation is good" argument personally,

but even if that argument is valid, how do we properly analyze the bleeding edge of what science can currently explain?

85d356 No.2210997

File: 87a1c7a4b25de02⋯.jpg (105.87 KB, 696x696, 1:1, thumbnail (2).jpg)

3881c5 No.2210998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This is the second video. You will learn that jews run the "6 million" bullshit holocaust story in Russia before the WW2 supposed holocaust, and learn about the scams. Watch it at 1.5x the time, she talks slow.

You see why censoring goyim is so dangerous? What do you think most people feel when they learn this? They feel cheated because jews ALWAYS present themselves as eternal victims.

c353f5 No.2210999


Not without Loop capital propping them up, with massive $ no.

496561 No.2211000

Here lies insight:

Here lies incite

85d356 No.2211002

File: 6a7739839339507⋯.jpg (85.21 KB, 696x696, 1:1, thumbnail (1).jpg)

90c851 No.2211003

>>2208377 MuhJooosShill doxed


f79657 No.2211004


He might exit stage left on this news …RR/OUT

85d356 No.2211005

File: c5cdf6f4150d4fd⋯.jpg (103.65 KB, 696x696, 1:1, thumbnail.jpg)

39ef72 No.2211006


Just a note.

On VOAT during Pizzagate the researchers

starting tracking cargo ships from China. That is when the gunman showed up at Comet and the board went to shit.

0d77d3 No.2211007


Are you dancer?

7f2e79 No.2211008


I lost all respect for this cabal member in the last couple of days. No use whatsoever for him now. He's definitely a black hat in my mind.

c353f5 No.2211009


Apocalypse MEANS revelation anon.

40aa54 No.2211010


The biggest lesson a man can learn is that others will indeed lie, slander and sabotage you if they feel jealous or threatened. Sad yet true.

c0e2fb No.2211011


Pretty sure that's where Seth Rich was brought

f54614 No.2211012


Then kiss anonymity goodbye!

8f29f6 No.2211013


Yah how about a list of nations that have no debt? 😂

5cc94d No.2211015

File: 036bfb6eab6b0cf⋯.jpg (99.04 KB, 595x900, 119:180, Daily Struggle 19072018121….jpg)

85d356 No.2211016

File: 7a97ac842d02ec3⋯.gif (95.27 KB, 220x233, 220:233, tenor.gif)

7b1943 No.2211017


Used to be a US Army sniper…had patience up the ass…could wait and wait and wait….until it was just right….

From my current vantage point, it seems like we are past prime, into missed it…will wait a little longer before I wander off to pick some new target of opportunity.

958f23 No.2211018

File: b815b6dfed0ad73⋯.png (261.28 KB, 629x727, 629:727, ClipboardImage.png)



FBI’s Comey Covered Up China Hack of Hillary’s Emails, Concealing Intel from Congress Months Before Election; Then FBI Destroyed the Evidence https://truepundit.com/fbis-comey-covered-up-china-hack-of-hillarys-emails-concealing-intel-from-congress-months-before-election-then-fbi-destroyed-the-evidence/

83983f No.2211019


not a big list i would imagine.

85d356 No.2211020

File: 43d3dd70d82e090⋯.jpg (116.73 KB, 696x696, 1:1, thumbnail (3).jpg)

c353f5 No.2211021

File: b510e7066edc345⋯.jpg (482.25 KB, 3422x1180, 29:10, GeorgeHale.JPG)


You can have anonymity AND assured identity.

90c851 No.2211022


not sure what that has to do with my post

but Armageddon = revelation

68a969 No.2211024


Excellent! Just like POTUS Scalise is no pushover.

40aa54 No.2211025


We're the riverhead.

2ece10 No.2211026


that is exactly why there is so much crap like yours posted here, your an idiot if you think the public is going to be part of your kill all jews bullshit.

acad16 No.2211027


Both Seth and Scalise when he was shot. Remember that Trump sent his personal doctor to see Scalise?

0b4a60 No.2211028

File: fd203c5617c1b63⋯.png (140.35 KB, 1035x475, 207:95, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

RE: Black list

BL originator Franklin Leonard impressed by Bezos recommendation software,

hires Sean Owen, who had worked at Google, and then founded Myrrix, to do similar algorithm.



if this has been covered, apprec. a heads up TY

23a338 No.2211029


it's a continuous psyop effort for several months by shills to inject their own disinformation. typically disinformation includes some real information (which is usually inconsequential). it is the sugar that helps the bad medicine go down. This "sugar" can be given alongside or all upfront. anyone without a Q trip may also be committing a crime, as they are disseminating classified information. Yes, there are the occasional crumb drops, but these do not come with an accompanying "copying" of Q's mannerisms; which could only be there to gain acceptance.

32a6a5 No.2211030


We need to address the fact that bots seize the bake again and again and again. This is not good anons. We don't want to cede control of the board to bots. They produce all the propaganda, and serve a dark agenda.


0c965c No.2211031


Apocalypse means unveiling

3881c5 No.2211032


US Military is going to purge Israel.

c353f5 No.2211033



42d681 No.2211034


an investigation into the investigation of the investigation of the investigated.

the whole system needs whipped out and a do over ffs with all new fresh non-politicians.

no more career politicians.

85d356 No.2211035


"kill jews and yourself" yep, ready to report for duty, Q! Waking normies.

57e5a0 No.2211036

Notables Bun


>>2210372 DJT looking forward to “second summit” with Putin

>>2210394 Active shooter at DC hospital

>>2210419 Seymour Stein out at Warner Music after 51 years

>>2210444 House votes to disavow “carbon tax”

>>2210632 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>2210635 ; >>2210649 Peru’s Supreme Court president resigns over corruption scandal

>>2210688 Page more forthcoming about Strzok texts

>>2210978 Payseur and Rothschild family connections

>>2211018 Comes covered up China hack of HRC emails (more sauce pending)

ce9b07 No.2211037

FBI Chief Threatens To Quit If Trump Invites Russian Agents To US


The Never Trumpers would miss staller-in-chief Wray more than we would.

We have been told to Trust Wray. That's the only thing that makes me not hate him. Does anyone have an FBI friend of a 3rd cousin's in-law that has some intel on whether the FBI workforce trusts Wray?

c79677 No.2211038


that's my sister right there in a nutshell

(literally) kek

19152a No.2211040


and yet stocks are dropping like bricks…..

40aa54 No.2211041


>I won't be going to the parade is because I have no desire to meet

Your shilling contract also prevents it.

c353f5 No.2211042


Part of a series on











Apocalypse depicted in Christian Orthodox traditional fresco scenes in Osogovo Monastery, Republic of Macedonia

St. John at Patmos: the receiving of an apocalyptic vision

An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω, literally meaning "an uncovering"[1]) is a disclosure of knowledge or revelation.

85d356 No.2211043

File: fe5846dca676411⋯.jpg (90.27 KB, 753x899, 753:899, thumbnail (4).jpg)

32a6a5 No.2211044


Bot versus bot

a30b09 No.2211045


It's not working like this. Nobody knows and until then we'd have to keep the ship afloat & on course together.

There's a faint observation though of a new phase starting 07/20 or 07/21 possibly. But that's really weak, so I only kept it in the very back of my head.

c79677 No.2211046


keepers. TY

eb73f2 No.2211047

File: 9b6381513ac077f⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1183x929, 1183:929, Q comes in Red too.png)



Happy Birthday to you two! It is my AlphaMaleHubbyAnon's Birthday, too, and I am going to get the cake stuff now! Think of the smells of strawberry cake baking! About as good a a nice comfy bread! Blessings abound to you, and all who wish you well!

c3be88 No.2211048


lol nobody here believes a word you say (28) shill

23a338 No.2211049


microwave assassination weapon, possibly german in origin

3881c5 No.2211050

File: a342d4105359b4d⋯.jpg (154.02 KB, 765x1178, 765:1178, ISIS_Says_Sorry_To_Israel.jpg)

File: aedd4f25b64661c⋯.png (602.62 KB, 757x827, 757:827, Israel_Helps_ISIS_1.png)

File: c1652e60fa1bbaa⋯.png (1.99 MB, 791x7652, 791:7652, Israel_Helps_ISIS_With_Cas….png)

File: 19e07db02f30e1d⋯.png (167.2 KB, 665x610, 133:122, Israel_Wants_ISIS.png)

File: f412d7f8caae054⋯.png (548.62 KB, 634x1482, 317:741, Israel_Wants_ISIS_2.png)


You're wrong.

Israel wants territory, nothing more. Israel IS a cancer that needs a massive purge.

40aa54 No.2211051


Alex Jones has been saying this for years.

22902c No.2211052

Matt Gaetz: Peter Strzok’s Text on Opening a ‘Case’ While McCabe Was FBI Director Related to Russia


c3be88 No.2211053

File: 271d6eb7795bbf7⋯.jpg (87.12 KB, 525x767, 525:767, 271d6eb7795bbf724b40b524b0….jpg)


>your an idiot

097452 No.2211054

File: dcbf8e9fc989e31⋯.png (851.93 KB, 990x556, 495:278, deplgns.png)

File: 6afb7427487e416⋯.png (789.32 KB, 989x558, 989:558, thnks.png)



So many unsung heroes.

>Nunes, Goodlatte…

Honest politicians… who'd a thunk it possible? What a timeline.

90c851 No.2211055


An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω, literally meaning "an uncovering"[1])

see: >>2211031

they're synonyms so I get what you meant

f5719f No.2211056


Podesta hack vs leak

Assange was actually evasive on the issue of the Podesta emails, never really answering that question (that I know). His claim of a leak was specific to the DNC.

Is it just coincidence that he had a phishing email on March 19th, and the last email in the Wiki dump is March 21st?

Seems like it must be the result of someone getting his password and downloading everything.

So who was it?

Kim.com and Assange were both prolific hackers, and it wasn't that sophisticated a phish.

579668 No.2211057


Putin's country is HURTING no matter how much he tries to show it off as being a super power. It's far from being a super power far far far far far far….

2ece10 No.2211058


The MSM is not the only disinfo organization

RT has it's own disinfo

ZH info wars etc help

90c851 No.2211059



130a08 No.2211060


Don't interrupt your enemies when they are making mistakes.

32a6a5 No.2211061


I assume you're speaking for "your peers"– who aren't OUR peers. (We're the humans).

0b907e No.2211062


Ummm….this is not an "image" board. It is for ! a Q research and discussion board!!!

0d77d3 No.2211063




You can move on, then?

Because maybe your vantage point is fucked?

It happens. Not your fault.

You know this, "SniperAnon".

622659 No.2211064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh #WalkAway story

3881c5 No.2211065

File: 03ce77f53098786⋯.jpg (202.14 KB, 716x654, 358:327, Clinton_ISIS_Israel_1.jpg)

File: db0a377b44ed029⋯.jpg (247.99 KB, 730x537, 730:537, Clinton_ISIS_Israel_2.jpg)

File: 56f447a7f048378⋯.png (89.33 KB, 649x690, 649:690, Hillary_jewish_roots.PNG)

File: 407fdfe944becf5⋯.png (547.28 KB, 834x610, 417:305, Obama_Israel_Aid.PNG)

File: d23bec745d213a3⋯.png (77.52 KB, 501x510, 167:170, Obama_Jew.png)



Israel = cancer = needs purge = the general public WILL NOT support Israel current agenda (it can become dangerous if Trump is not using these moves to set up a purge of Israel, which I believe he is)

d01546 No.2211066

File: 078ae8664c0f68e⋯.jpg (9.78 KB, 255x128, 255:128, Pepe Googles it.jpg)



>Digging is never a waste if it gains knowlege. There really isn't any digging atm since Q has been gone for 2 wks

There's a lot of digging to do on Browder, his companies, McFaul, his activities etc.

Q took the training wheels off, get busy on this:

"On Tuesday, news agencies linked to the Russian government reported that state prosecutors were seeking to interview McFaul and 10 other "U.S. officials and intelligence agents" in connection with their case against Browder. Russian prosecutors accused the financier of laundering $1.5 billion through offshore accounts and donating $400,000 of that sum to Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign."


cb60e6 No.2211067

File: ac167595b86d322⋯.png (96.26 KB, 2172x282, 362:47, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at ….png)

This doesn't seem to be getting enough play


f52a93 No.2211068

Someone was saying Drudge is comped, when i go there, nothing but ads and popups that take over my browser.. fuck yes its comped.. its a steaming pile of shit!

992ac8 No.2211069

File: c89e35a27f196f0⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 491x491, 1:1, GEE I WONDER WHO COULD BE ….jpg)

File: 111cd595f96820f⋯.jpg (40.35 KB, 446x450, 223:225, END THE FED 01.jpg)

File: d91b81702fceced⋯.png (666.23 KB, 798x600, 133:100, FUCK THE FED 01.png)

File: 22275193bf4a601⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1584x4553, 1584:4553, JEWS CONTROL THE MEDIA 01.png)

File: 279c79b14f44f1e⋯.jpg (4.97 KB, 255x169, 255:169, SOON 03.jpg)


Gee, but what happens if…

They find Netflix in violation of anti-trust rules/bribery/electioneering/CP…

Someone puts all their content for free on Terrarium TV, Show Box, etc…


They do all of the above..?

Repent, KYS or just wait… b/c Rope comes soon.

85d356 No.2211070

Russia = communists. Anons, "Russia is on our side."

Putin = whatever side benefits him. Anons, "Putin is OUR guy".

Communism and Capitalism coming together to form a huge cluster of contradiction.

fd344a No.2211071

File: 991340bce9efaae⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 768x480, 8:5, Mayo_Clinic_logo.jpg)



FYI NoName had his procedure here.

19152a No.2211072

>>2211004I don't believe that for a minute. He can't leave. He must protect his own ass.

c3be88 No.2211074



No. Q didn't come to your reddit sub, faggot. You still haven't figured out why.

ce9b07 No.2211078


Memer anons have awesome skills.

2ece10 No.2211080


bot shill etc

anytime you don't have a legitimate response out come the same old crap

85d356 No.2211081

File: 3c7372064d57737⋯.png (676.93 KB, 720x863, 720:863, thumbnail.png)

0d77d3 No.2211082




So much RT here.

Thank you for saying this. I am usual just an Anon In the Wind with my serious concerns about RT links and notables.

3881c5 No.2211083

File: e4bb0d1a04c1761⋯.png (137.84 KB, 608x532, 8:7, 990.png)


You're right.

>Why Q chose /pol/?


>He got out of /pol/ because mods were comped. Where did he went?


>Who set up the /qresearch/?

An autist from /pol/.

>What is the most relevant characteristic of /pol/?

It has not succumbed to jewish subversion, although attacked each and every day.

>Why is this relevant?

Because jewish supremacism is at the center of the problem.

>Compare video of Trump that Q posted (here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ ) with this video of compilation of Hitler speeches ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv70Wln6H2Q ).

It’s the same enemy. Hitler fought the same enemies we are fighting now. Does not mean that National Socialism is the best answer to our modern day particular state of affairs.

>What is necessary for good to win?

That lies be destroyed.

>What is the biggest, most difficult lie to destroy (although there are many that are very hard to destroy because most won't accept them)?

That the official version of the Holocaust is a lie, and that Hitler was the “good guy” (he did the best he could with the situation he had to manage and he tried to fix it as peacefully as possible).

>If you were MI and you needed to create a huge platform for the autists to be able to communicate and explain that truth to a non-autist, non-chan user audience, how would you do it?

I would create a platform where autists and non-autists came into contact with one another, with as little censoring going on as possible (this is one of the things /qresearch/ is).

7194ed No.2211084


Any drops that lead to legit info are worth digging.

3727fa No.2211085


You're too retarded to be here.

c3be88 No.2211086


>(We're the humans).

You sound like a retarded liberal who calls everyone a bot. The more you post, the more you shine a light on your shilling.

85d356 No.2211087


Boomers here. Kek.

4d9345 No.2211088



Only 24% of Americans trust TV news either quite a bit or a great deal. Compare with 74% for the military. (recent Gallup polling)


4b25bc No.2211089


Putin is not /ourguy/ but it is helpful to us to have Russia help on certain issues. Especially militarily.

e35aff No.2211090


Kek wtf

32a6a5 No.2211092


Pure evil is literally knocking


Look [HERE].

That's all I'm trying to say anon.

19152a No.2211093


That digging has been done.

b360e0 No.2211094

File: 2e7d53eb65f9e17⋯.jpeg (126.12 KB, 1242x911, 1242:911, 27A996F6-50B8-4C3B-86E9-4….jpeg)

c353f5 No.2211095

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)


Do NOT reply to shills.



f54614 No.2211097

File: bb0de9d3c1be906⋯.png (726.96 KB, 812x889, 116:127, AI.png)


Assured identity?

505e4e No.2211098


What about Nigel…or a post on his twatter?




Make them aware of corsi clone.

I don't do the social network thing, I like my privacy.

32a6a5 No.2211099



I believe that truth speaks for itself.

7a650f No.2211100

File: 56fa922913d00e6⋯.png (254.47 KB, 1393x759, 1393:759, ClipboardImage.png)


8c0e57 No.2211101


"When the pickles drop, it takes a little while to mop everything"


f4e3f3 No.2211102



Nothing happens

68a969 No.2211103



Take this sliding shit back to facebook shills.

4d9345 No.2211105


I don't think Podesta fell for the phishing scam. Dig into it a bit and you will probably agree.

2ece10 No.2211106


where the light shines

evil shall war

6add7a No.2211107


Sure, it was mostly the several breads worth of sliding on that topic that I was reacting to.

It was the shill topic du jour.

85d356 No.2211108

File: 21a4efd5c114685⋯.jpg (11.62 MB, 4650x3562, 2325:1781, bc7bb9ee77e11b3c476b0f2296….jpg)

802e9d No.2211109

File: 618fa552c9e3c24⋯.jpg (107.09 KB, 962x767, 74:59, 737ee476eaafd7f9abfebab868….jpg)

No worries. POTUS has planned this all out for years!

047315 No.2211111


Great article

496561 No.2211113

File: ed19865f9401b3b⋯.jpg (171.88 KB, 642x978, 107:163, x3.jpg)

File: 459a5fb2685a5d1⋯.png (29.27 KB, 505x272, 505:272, 30614.png)

File: a0d3e958ed3b7f9⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 700x486, 350:243, 50bc.jpg)

19152a No.2211114


I think Potus tweeted about it once, but it surely does not get enough air time. A perfect opportunity to bring this up again was this past week and yet not even Potus did.

4628a2 No.2211115


Audibly keked!


2ece10 No.2211116


a little arabic?

40aa54 No.2211117

File: cc4fe0047eaedca⋯.png (5.36 KB, 290x174, 5:3, super kike.png)

496561 No.2211118

File: 1444f2f515c64b0⋯.png (12.56 KB, 615x423, 205:141, vvv.png)

75c128 No.2211119


Sacrificed ? Will the Clintons eat his hear at the secret society meeting?

32a6a5 No.2211120


Evil wars and evil fails. Praise Jesus Christ.

a4c3d5 No.2211121


Shilly nonsense.

E = Newton ?? Wrong.

E = Energy = Work done = Force x distance = Newton x metres

You could assert the equations are related, but they are definitely not the same.

d01546 No.2211122


>That digging has been done.

Who are the "10 other American intelligence officials"?

9c975c No.2211124



4628a2 No.2211125

File: 55f3ce3d6a57ad7⋯.png (882.44 KB, 637x578, 637:578, $3m dress.PNG)

4b25bc No.2211126


No. The military did. POTUS was the military choice of candidate and he won fair and square.

32a6a5 No.2211127

File: d5c5ddf86dc95a8⋯.png (323.49 KB, 555x666, 5:6, ItsPee.png)

6add7a No.2211128


(32) posts in a bread is what's laughable.

90c851 No.2211129


reddit is gay as fuck

never been, never will

57e5a0 No.2211130






32a6a5 No.2211131

File: c11605bd9f28053⋯.png (370.05 KB, 411x580, 411:580, MADAMNPREZ.png)

19152a No.2211132


Is that open source?

90c851 No.2211134


E = [Joules]


22902c No.2211135


We need unredacted texts ASAP, Mr. President!

32a6a5 No.2211136

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)


Shh sweetie

c16bf7 No.2211139


Anon, you can still believe that the Jews are chosen without believing they are superior. That is biblical and it didn't end with Israel's rejecting Christ. Romans says they are currently blinded until the time of the gentiles be fulfilled. God will save Israel and He loves her out of mercy, not out of superiority. Just like us. We need to bless her and let God deal with the black hats within.

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