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File: dfc3ab28e3f9eca⋯.png (68.8 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

ae0394 No.21665036 [Last50 Posts]

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ae0394 No.21665039

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ae0394 No.21665043


#26530 >>21664142

>>21664164 Middle-school election poll

>>21664187 @robbystarbuck: It’s time to expose Toyota

>>21664203, >>21664304, >>21664962 Hurricane Helene watch

>>21664208, >>21664213 Pentagon Sending US Troops to Mid-East as Israel Pounds Lebanon Escalating the War

>>21664227 Following Arrest, Russia-born Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Agrees to Provide User Data to Governments

>>21664238 Roger Stone: I am putting together a group to buy InfoWars and hire Alex Jones to run it

>>21664243, >>21664757 2013: Kamala Harris encourages students to "read the style section" to keep up with what Puffy (Diddy) is up to

>>21664246 (April 20, 2019) Israel Has Back Door on All Microsoft Devices

>>21664255, >>21664260 Arizona Supreme Court Rules that 98,000 People with Unconfirmed Citizenship May Vote

>>21664308 Anyone find out why the hell Kamala's big interview yesterday was held in a dirty construction site?

>>21664313 Biden / Kamala Flying Terrorists Into The U.S. on Private Flights

>>21664331 Far-left Journalist Ken Klippenstein Suspended By X After Publishing Hacked JD Vance Dossier

>>21664339 Coca Cola exposed for blocking “Trump 2024” and “Jesus”, but allowing Kamala and Satan on their cans

>>21664365 Did you know that FEMA is still paying up to $9,000 for funerals for people who die with covid on the death certificate?

>>21664370 Stephen K. Bannon Pens ‘Victory is at Hand’ Message to MAGA from Danbury Prison

>>21664398 Trump says he'll meet with Zelenskyy at Trump Tower Friday morning

>>21664414 First Lady Melania Trump's Full Interview on Fox & Friends

>>21664429 Mozilla faces backlash for Firefox’s “Privacy Preserving Attribution” feature

>>21664430 EPA must address fluoridated water's risk to children's IQs, US Federal judge rules

>>21664438 Representative Darrell Issa violated the STOCK Act, disclosing $175 million in Treasury transactions 500 days late

>>21664440, >>21664445, >>21664877 China’s Newest Nuclear Submarine Sank, Setting Back Its Military Modernization

>>21664521 NYC, so hot right now

>>21664575 Scavino: On this day 7 years ago

>>21664755 Robert Kennedy Jr meets the head of the CDC

>>21664770 Harris-Biden Immigration Fail: TN Shooting Spree Suspect Appears to Be in US Illegally

>>21664778 DJT: CONGRATULATIONS to our incredible former First Lady—as her new book MELANIA hit #1 in the USA!

>>21664782 NTSB Issues Urgent Safety Recommendations on Boeing 737 Rudder System

>>21664818 Macklemore goes full Libtard

>>21664834 Trump was so concerned about Wiles & LaCivita & the RNC that he authorized an informal review and audit

>>21664835 "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" Star Eduardo Xol Dead A Week After Stabbing

>>21664861, >>21664932 PF: Ukraine plane flying over Missouri (EYES ON)

>>21664866 QClock September 26, 2024 - Navy Ship Crashes - We Are Active

>>21664889 DoJ Notified of Suspected Intentionally Faulty Welds on Subs, Aircraft Carriers at Newport News Shipbuilding

>>21664892 "He's Jeffrey"

>>21665012 A mob has taken over the streets of NYC waving Hezbollah and Hamas flags while igniting smoke bombs

>>21664152, >>21664333, >>21664349, >>21664395, >>21664883, >>21664897 Memes

>>21665035 #26530

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ae0394 No.21665046

#26529 >>21663111

>>21663208, >>21663241, >>21663254, >>21663259 Archive: DJT holds press conference @ Trump Tower in NYC - 9/26/24

>>21663776 Live: Major Hurricane Helene Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>21663174 Florida Gov. DeSantis holds briefing on Hurricane Helene in Tallahassee

>>21663181, >>21663397, >>21663534, >>21663812, >>21663477, >>21663578 Hurricane Helene bun

>>21663168 Rep Anna Luna says FBI confirms Biden’s bribery scheme real but Biden Crime Family will murder whistleblower if evidence released

>>21663233 PF: UAV17

>>21663257 The North Carolina Election Board just revealed that they have removed 750,000 names from the voter rolls

>>21663271, >>21663339 RFK Jr: Enough is enough; this is what most Americans innocently put into their bodies these days

>>21663273 Donald Trump unveils new line of signed gold watches

>>21663278 Costco says that none of their US locations carry the baby oil that Diddy's lawyer says he bought them from

>>21663285 Disney bloodbath: latest round of layoffs hitting hundreds of corporate employees

>>21663291 Federal judge orders EPA further regulate fluoride in drinking water due to concerns over lowered IQ in kids

>>21663302, >>21663417, >>21663428 DC National Guard whistleblower testifies before house administration committee on J6 delays

>>21663320 Criminal charges coming in alleged Iranian hack of Trump campaign emails

>>21663485 A grand jury has indicted multiple Iranians on charges related to hacking Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign

>>21663333 FULL HEARING: Donald Trump Butler Shooting Congressional Task Force

>>21663357 Andrew Cuomo eyes NYC mayor job

>>21663465, >>21663842 The U.S. Marshalls have issued a Manhunt for Fani Willis’ lover Nathan Wade who is now reportedly missing

>>21663466 Kamala's Stolen McValor

>>21663467 President Trump has just called on Nancy Pelosi to be PROSECUTED for insider trading

>>21663498, >>21663590 Dave Ramsey interview with Trump inbound

>>21663552 An appeals court appears likely to overturn the $454 million civil fraud judgment against Trump

>>21663554, >>21663576, >>21663585, >>21663727 9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border point of entry

>>21663569 Kari Lake's Daughter Attacked by 'Radical Leftist' While Registering Voters on College Campus: 'This Is a Crime'

>>21663620 President Trump Says NYC Mayor Adams’ Indictment May Be Due to Him Speaking Out on Biden’s Border Crisis

>>21663702, >>21663704, >>21663818 Haitian leader drinks straight from the water pitcher during speech at the UN 🤣

>>21663740 The Cure returns with first new song in 16 years

>>21663796, >>21663860 Today is National Situational Awareness Day

>>21663903 Keir Starmer is in New York for the UN General Assembly, to potentially meet with Trump for first time

>>21663938 Unborn babies disguise selves as Death Row inmates so liberals will defend their right to live

>>21663939, >>21663963 British PM confuses the word hostages with sausages

>>21663992 Toyota promotes DEI, supports child sex changes, divides employees by race and gender: report

>>21663994, >>21664034 Roseanne Barr tells Tucker Carlson Satanic Elites Eat Babies

>>21664001, >>21664050 A woman from Guatemala in US for only 5 days showed up at an Arkansas woman's clinic with a Medicaid card

>>21664013 Dem senator pushes bill to pack, regulate Supreme Court

>>21664043 Real estate magnate moves $500M NYC investment to Florida over Trump conviction

>>21664053 Leader in 2012 Benghazi Attack that Killed U.S. Ambassador Stevens and 3 Other Americans Is Resentenced to 28 Years

>>21664061 Colorado dean of students fired after saying USA is 'the greatest country in the world' during mandatory DEI training

>>21664083 NYC Mayor Eric Adams placed several Turkish agents in various positions inside his admin for $$$

>>21664099 A DC court has SHUT DOWN Missouri courts by blocking our lawsuit against Media Matters from moving forward

>>21664113 PF: CH-47 Chinook (17-01001) over Redstone

>>21663142, >>21663155, >>21663169, >>21663177, >>21663185, >>21663474, >>21663518, >>21663837, >>21664100 Memes

>>21664123 #26529

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ae0394 No.21665047

#26528 >>21662229


>>21662333, >>21662369 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Press Conference at Trump Tower in New York - 9/26/24

>>21662611, >>21662629, >>21662872 POTUS IS LIVE Talking BORDER with his favorite chart.

>>21662628, >>21662652, >>21662654, >>21662663, >>21662668, >>21662669, >>21662680, >>21662682, >>21662686, >>21662689, >>21662701, >>21662711, >>21662716, >>21662720, >>21662732, >>21662740, >>21662746, >>21662750, >>21662759, >>21662760, >>21662778, >>21662791, >>21662797, >>21662803, >>21662808, >>21662814, >>21662820, >>21662827, >>21662836, >>21662838, >>21662841, >>21662846, >>21662853, >>21662862, >>21662867, >>21662882, >>21662890, >>21662894, >>21662898, >>21662906, >>21662909, >>21662923, >>21662924, >>21662927, >>21662931, >>21662938, >>21662940, >>21662941, >>21662945, >>21662956, >>21662964, >>21662977, >>21662992, >>21663008, >>21663056, >>21663059, >>21663066, >>21663074 TRUMP QUOTES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21662237 First Lady Melania Trump''s Full Interview on Fox & Friends

>>21662277 Covid Vaccinated Children Have Damaged Immune Systems, Study Warns

>>21662292 International Governments Are Criminalising Free Speech Through Global Coordination

>>21662344 Swamp Events

>>21662431, >>21662451 China’s Steel Industry Faces Harsh Reality and Trump is always right

>>21662447 New UFO Doc ‘The Program’ Set From ‘The Phenomenon’ Director James Fox

>>21662454, >>21662515 Chinese Hospital Finds Matching Lung for Transplant in 10 Days, Raising Questions About Organ Sourcing

>>21662483 TRUMP TRUTH - Letter from Zelensky to Trump

>>21662528 Army now acknowledges the brother of Michael Flynn was a part of Army response to Capitol riot

>>21662589, >>21662613 Alex Soros Inspiring conversations with world leaders

>>21662687, >>21663001, >>21663011, >>21663018 TRUMP TRUTH - POTUS confirms WHO WAS BEHIND JANUARY 6

>>21662780 Praying for all anons and Patriots in Florida. Stay safe

>>21662962 GOP opens investigation into Soros' fast tracked purchase of 200+ radio stations by the FCC

>>21663052 @SenSchumer welcomes Zelensky to the US Capitol ATM

>>21663098 #26528

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ae0394 No.21665048

#26527 >>21661368

>>21661386 LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

>>21661389, >>21661949, >>21662208 Documentation for the immigration of Shyamala Gopalan Harris (Kamala's mother)

>>21661402, >>21661532, >>21661564, >>21661608 [Task Force hearing on attempted assassination of President Trump]

>>21661407, >>21661412 Trump ex lawyer Giuliani disbarred in DC over 2020 election claims

>>21661414, >>21662033 WATCH LIVE SDNY Attorney News Conference on Mayor Adams Indictment

>>21661406, >>21661416, >>21661862 big storm HELENE projected CAT 3+ at landfall


>>21661488 But why do you send me a picture of my house Donold?

>>21661493 Today in Q Post History we have 04 Deltas

>>21661499 Eric Adams Indictment Unsealed – Here are the Charges

>>21661500, >>21661502, >>21661553, >>21661555, >>21661590, >>21661631, >>21661710, >>21661911 Space Related & NASA

>>21661558, >>21661733, >>21661743, >>21661788, >>21661998, >>21662039 Swamp Stuff

>>21661607 China’s Newest Nuclear Submarine Sank

>>21661782, >>21661796, >>21661808 Inside Thailand's $2 Billion Scam Call Industry Now Targeting Americans

>>21661832 Good morning from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay.

>>21661858 Chinese Financial Executives Resign in Droves Amid Heightened Scrutiny

>>21661869 Justin Bieber pictured in bizarre outfit for church - Pray for the victims of PedoWood

>>21661915 The U.S. Marshals Service: A Legacy Since 1789

>>21661952 Biden and Harris to Offer $153 Million in ‘Awards’ for States That Adopt Pre-Crime Gun Confiscation Laws

>>21661974 Minnesota’s flag and seal redesign to cost state $2.1 million

>>21662042 Panama’s President Says Biden’s Open Border is Leaving Trail of ‘Decomposing Corpses’ in His Country

>>21662046, >>21662049 SpaceX's Elon Musk calls on FAA chief to resign

>>21662070, >>21662201 Biden Pledges $8BN More For Ukraine As Zelensky Pitches 'Victory Plan' At White House

>>21662159 NYC Schools Chancellor David Banks Announces Retirement After Feds Raid His Home

>>21662366 #26527 posted in #26528

Previously Collected

>>21661357 #26526

>>21658052 #26523, >>21658999 #26524, >>21660163 #26525

>>21655600 #26520, >>21656366 #26521, >>21657417 #26522

>>21652857 #26517, >>21653960 #26518, >>21654597 #26519

>>21650338 #26514, >>21651125 #26515, >>21651877 #26516

>>21647544 #26511, >>21648193 #26512, >>21649463 #26513

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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ae0394 No.21665051

File: 2167b7d480a4a83⋯.png (38.39 KB,800x1200,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)



can continue or defer

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0adca3 No.21665055

File: 255c81f8acd1e71⋯.png (2.6 MB,1080x1786,540:893,nightshift_skyking.png)

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e540ec No.21665057

File: 8669c1c61d483f9⋯.png (522.52 KB,634x634,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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16f7a4 No.21665060



Just so you know …. The Weather Channel for the past 14 hours had my area’s radar with these dark red and yellow storms hitting all day with this tremendous power caused by the outer bands of the hurricane. But in reality, there was zero lightning, zero thunder, and almost no wind all day where I live. Just thought you might want to know.

Sep 27, 2024 · 3:06 AM UTC

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28c267 No.21665064

File: 78fe317b299ccbb⋯.jpeg (246.37 KB,1800x1800,1:1,78fe317b299ccbbd8afd61fa7….jpeg)

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b50477 No.21665065

File: 9e77fb07eee52ec⋯.jpg (43.03 KB,500x287,500:287,zetareticuli09_07.JPG)

File: c5fa03477fb582e⋯.jpg (321.59 KB,744x742,372:371,wtcoverhead.jpg)

File: 55ece8f43956fd5⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,960x1280,3:4,Washington.JPG)

File: 0e4b86696a15c1f⋯.jpg (62.77 KB,600x900,2:3,Washington_Monument_and_Su….jpg)

File: b69da8fb0b25c9e⋯.jpg (144.14 KB,881x644,881:644,Sandstorm.jpg)



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387755 No.21665066

File: f24a601985a7f67⋯.jpg (58.98 KB,950x706,475:353,f24a601985a7f67327cb957468….jpg)


Thanks Baker!

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de323e No.21665070


Its Trump Time.

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9a2c84 No.21665071

File: ef4bab2bafb8a96⋯.png (87.71 KB,760x577,760:577,ClipboardImage.png)


you have my Shield of Faith B

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395253 No.21665073

Liddle Soros has meetings in NYC and the next wave of commies starts up. Coincidence, I’m sure.

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b50477 No.21665082

File: 94ef0db2f3a2812⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,2304x1728,4:3,P1030133.JPG)

File: b8b20107c8c19d4⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2304x1728,4:3,P1030112.JPG)

File: 35d663d4371cdb2⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,2304x1728,4:3,P1030105.JPG)

File: 245e0b5c5e4d628⋯.jpg (23.3 KB,400x476,100:119,lodestar.jpg)

File: 1b46915a37bb476⋯.jpg (216.44 KB,1928x2372,482:593,Firing_Party_2.jpg)

Fuck You Deepstate

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b129fc No.21665083

File: 05d17fc6793207c⋯.jpg (21.1 KB,450x405,10:9,7e033dbfb003e1d3c3fde17375….jpg)

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0419ea No.21665086

File: d838a775be742c7⋯.png (139.48 KB,1080x1689,360:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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b50477 No.21665090

File: b5953b1efee5228⋯.gif (11.41 MB,336x721,48:103,Atlanta_Fukt.gif)

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0ac810 No.21665094

File: d1d7c96cab609d8⋯.png (825.79 KB,980x614,490:307,whitelive.png)

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e540ec No.21665096

File: c199b6dc8881b3d⋯.png (382.12 KB,598x631,598:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ebde634c3306d5⋯.png (601.57 KB,679x482,679:482,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8457351f038bf85⋯.png (438.54 KB,680x467,680:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49c714d7c11470d⋯.png (5.05 MB,1971x2342,1971:2342,ClipboardImage.png)


Someone's dead man switch just activated.'

RyanMatta 🇺🇸 🦅


BREAKING. I just received this bizarre email about evidence related to the Trump Assassination. EMAIL: " An email should have reached you 30 ago informing you of the situation, this is a scheduled failsafe send meaning that I should be presumed unable to login to the server, missing, or dead; here is all the intelligence the members of the group investigating the assassination attempts have been able to put together." @JG_CSTT was tagged as a evidence source



5:39 PM · Sep 25, 2024


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a7beb9 No.21665097


anxiety could also be considered.

heard there was pharmaceutical remedy for such a panic stage.

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b129fc No.21665099

File: 7f1ea64cbd095c2⋯.jpeg (76.43 KB,720x890,72:89,7f1ea64cbd095c2e7a2294880….jpeg)

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e540ec No.21665100

File: f6e377f2f108500⋯.png (312.36 KB,600x278,300:139,ClipboardImage.png)

Senator tells Merrick Garland to hand over communications with Jack Smith 'The DOJ is blatantly ignoring norms and for the first time in our nation's history prosecuting its political opponents'

Republican Sen. Eric Schmitt of Missouri addressed a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland Thursday demanding that the Department of Justice (DOJ) hand over internal communications with special counsel Jack Smith regarding his latest superseding indictment of the former president.

Schmitt criticized Smith’s indictment in the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump as well as the DOJ’s renewed interest in the “Russian election interference bogeyman” as evidence of political weaponization, according to the letter. Schmitt is urging Garland to provide relevant information regarding Smith’s latest superseding indictment on the Trump 2020 election case, as well as the DOJ’s most recent indictments against Russian nationals.

“I write to express my disappointment with two political decisions by the Department of Justice in recent weeks,” the letter states. “These decisions do not seem thought out and threaten to continue to turn the DOJ into a ‘political weapon.’”

“Yet, the DOJ is blatantly ignoring norms and for the first time in our nation’s history prosecuting its political opponents—not only while votes are being cast but also with a constitutionally suspect prosecutor,” the letter continues.

Smith’s initial indictment against Trump over the classified documents case was dismissed due to his “improperly appointed” post as special counsel. Despite his alleged unconstitutional appointment, Smith was allowed to oversee the January 6 investigation and was permitted to file the most recent superseding indictment in the Trump 2020 election case.

Schmitt requested any communications DOJ officials had with Smith in the aftermath of the presidential immunity Supreme Court decision as well as communications after Trump-appointed District Judge Aileen Cannon found Smith was unconstitutionally appointed to his position, according to the letter.

“If Smith’s appointment to oversee one of the cases is unlawful, then so is the other,” the letter states. “Moreover, the lawfulness of Smith’s appointment is currently on appeal at the Eleventh Circuit. DOJ, by allowing Smith to remain as special counsel, is flouting the only judicial decision we have on the lawfulness of his appointment and ignoring the fact that his position’s legal status is in limbo before a federal appellate court.”

“I want to be crystal clear, Russian interference—or interference from any foreign actor—has no place in our election,” the letter states.

“After President Trump’s complete exoneration from the Mueller investigation into the 2016 election and the verification of the Hunter Biden laptop following its suppression in 2020, I fear this may be 2024’s attempt to roll out the same old playbook—use arms of the DOJ to scare the American electorate into believing the Russian collusion hoax to advance its preferred candidate,” the letter continues.

The letter criticizes the decision to indict Trump right before mail-in ballots were sent out in key states, with Schmitt likening this to the “election interference” the DOJ had focused on.

Schmitt questioned whether Smith’s most recent superseding indictment that was filed against Trump this close to the election was an example of misconduct or dereliction of duty, which would allow Garland to remove him from office, according to the letter.

“While a federal judge has a ruling against his constitutional authority to act, the DOJ has, imprudently, acquiesced to Jack Smith’s rabid, political prosecution of President Trump,” the letter states. “His continued action has created a miniature constitutional crisis as a man with highly suspect constitutionality to act is like a dog after his bone antagonizing the Republican nominee for President (and a former President of the United States). He must be leashed.”


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8a5002 No.21665101

>>21664192 pb

notable if sauce was good

BUT the "slaynews" story linked does NOT have any links or references to the alleged peer review journal article

i will dig on this as time permits, and get back to QR with what i find

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0403a0 No.21665102

File: d5a9af35fbd0696⋯.png (536.31 KB,638x451,58:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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861754 No.21665103


It's because they know the placebo also works in the unhealthy direction. Make people believe, it becomes so.

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e540ec No.21665104

File: 8982c63bbdb1947⋯.png (332.81 KB,598x614,299:307,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f36ea35e0ff318⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB,888x678,148:113,NFL_HALL_OF_FAME_BRIAN_URL….mp4)




7:59 PM · Sep 26, 2024


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5228f5 No.21665105


covid vaccine trials indicated a 86% effective bioweaponas early as 2018

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0ac810 No.21665106

File: 9c25b795f74fad1⋯.png (1.42 MB,976x1092,244:273,freak.png)

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d30a5e No.21665107

File: 0dafbc5c520145c⋯.png (1.5 MB,1500x1250,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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20cfa0 No.21665108

File: c6a5ea931766302⋯.png (523.7 KB,1200x1200,1:1,BAGA_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker

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ffb09a No.21665109

File: 11ecb1c0dcfe841⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_09_26_22_53_52.mp4)

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085bdd No.21665110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



repost of djt kier starmer and farage question with a slight edit.




Note: A reporter called chrispthor chope asked trump a question about kier starmer who is going to see trump tonight. djt was polite but firm. than the reporter asked about farage and trump stated, farage won a lot more seats during the elections in the u.k but was only allowed to have a few seats.

looks like there was massive fraud in the u.k elections, he had over 90 seats where reform u.k came second. interdasting.

this video is only worth watching up to the 1st 8 minutes. total runtime 11 minutes 50 secs.


Donald Trump tells GB News Nigel Farage 'WON' General Election - 'He's a fantastic person!'


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bb3f72 No.21665112


> Make people believe, it becomes so.


That's why half the country thinks its a democracy.

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66fe2a No.21665113

You fags are so much fun and knowledgeable to hang out with, but I'm on the day shift.

I'll hang out until I totally fuck my work day tomorrow. That should be fun, KEK


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e540ec No.21665114

File: 7a7eb91dabcba15⋯.png (194.3 KB,519x749,519:749,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aeb82ddb697bfe6⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB,512x768,2:3,The_new_song_Bulletproof_T….mp4)

Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING: The new song Bulletproof Trump has just been released by everyone's favorite country-western act, the 5 Assassin Team Hunters!

Check it out and pre-order Bulletproof! '



4:32 PM · Sep 26, 2024



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35df66 No.21665115

Would it be possible for their to be a Jewish schism; asking for a friend

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8bd840 No.21665116

File: b3a0920bae88149⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB,1170x2068,585:1034,IMG_6347.jpeg)

File: 2783b6641fb5303⋯.jpeg (669.03 KB,1170x1069,1170:1069,IMG_6346.jpeg)

Game Theory Ron Watkins Edition

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e540ec No.21665117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a48d49 No.21665118

File: 6d88064a922e6b2⋯.jpg (130.17 KB,999x1068,333:356,media_GXDZn_HXUAA9oOo.jpg)

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b1293a No.21665119

File: 5c7f85000bb76b7⋯.jpg (73.59 KB,640x480,4:3,94u9db.jpg)

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e540ec No.21665120

File: 3e3437bdb46bba5⋯.png (694.94 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: Jack Smith Files Evidence Under Seal in Latest Attack Against President Trump

Special Counsel Jack Smith filed evidence in the January 6 case in his latest attack against President Trump.

With 40 days to go until the presidential election, Jack Smith sent Judge Tanya Chutkan evidence in the January 6 case.

Judge Chutkan will decide whether to release the filing to the public.

President Trump’s attorneys are expected to object to the release of the filing.

The size of the filing was not disclosed, however, Judge Chutkan granted Jack Smith’s request to file a 180-page ‘opening brief’ on President Trump in the January 6 DC case.

Jack Smith knows he can’t get to trial before the election so he is trying to release a “hit piece” on Trump in the January 6 case as he addresses the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling.

Trump’s attorneys previously asked Chutkan to deny Jack Smith’s request to file a 180-page opening brief because it is quadruple the page limit in DC.

“The Motion is a new development illustrating the unprecedented and irregular nature of the Office’s approach on remand, as they are seeking permission to file a document that would quadruple the standard page limits in this District. The Office cites no case in which such relief was granted, just as they cited no authority for the previous request to file a free-standing brief relating to Presidential immunity that is not responsive to a pending defense motion,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in a 9-page court filing reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

CNN reported:

Filings from special counsel Jack Smith laying out never-before-seen evidence in the election subversion case against Donald Trump – including interview transcripts and notes from an investigation that counted among its witnesses former Vice President Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows – are now in the hands of a federal court.

It will now be up to District Judge Tanya Chutkan to determine how much of that evidence the public gets to see and when they will be able to see it.

Prosecutors filed the documents under seal as of 4:40 p.m. ET, according to Peter Carr, the special counsel office’s spokesman.


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b129fc No.21665121

File: ef5ff87527fdeb1⋯.png (208.71 KB,528x498,88:83,fc5.png)

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f4a171 No.21665122


=I hate that word now, when I hear it I feel like screaming we are a fucking Republic you assholes, with the democratic right to speak==. But no one has to listen to you because we are NOT majority rule (thats what they are programming to believe, thats why all the protests), we are a Constitutional Representative Republic, so stop with the democracy MKUktra programming

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085bdd No.21665123

File: 9b9e2ee8dc3b749⋯.png (626.05 KB,500x592,125:148,ClipboardImage.png)


at least they have better uniform for the MacDonald's staff now.

the food is still shit and over priced.

would not eat.

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6f000f No.21665124

Think of all the otherwise normal people who have been influenced.


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0333ed No.21665125

File: 7ef771699521195⋯.jpg (25.88 KB,313x471,313:471,69ee84076a002ad02e0e8e4b71….jpg)

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d5d878 No.21665126

File: 5e6b89ba4116380⋯.png (682.22 KB,654x653,654:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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129e53 No.21665127

File: c11c1c775ae6c59⋯.png (953.9 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4a171 No.21665128


We need a lot more heros and people like him

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053d64 No.21665129

File: 64abb6ca74a215d⋯.mp4 (473.45 KB,640x360,16:9,drMzIVNuRjmdtOw7.mp4)


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e540ec No.21665130

File: 631dd8610c4a564⋯.png (2.65 MB,1343x1307,1343:1307,ClipboardImage.png)

Male prostitute turns in alleged videotape of Diddy ‘freak-off’ to feds


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129e53 No.21665131


Is this supposed to be their October surprise?

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a0f643 No.21665132

File: a2d6b924e6acbb3⋯.png (649.77 KB,720x576,5:4,129_2492543266.png)

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ffb09a No.21665133

File: 6104cfd63a724fa⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,360x640,9:16,AC.mp4)

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f4a171 No.21665134


Garland's final punishment will be he's sent to jail by Aileen Cannon

She might not be prepared but she could USAG, or second in command. She obeys the law

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0403a0 No.21665135


invents metaglasses

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66a099 No.21665136

File: d88a55a1ffdf6d1⋯.png (35.64 KB,181x266,181:266,IMG_2641.png)

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d5d878 No.21665137

File: d7d6dee06a4f2d5⋯.png (428.13 KB,1056x617,1056:617,ClipboardImage.png)

TUAF165 Turkish Military AIRBUS A-400M

Leaving New York

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ec0d81 No.21665139

File: 9351346bdd0860e⋯.png (325.75 KB,750x1334,375:667,9351346bdd0860e1e6336df5dc….png)

I'm a pedovore trying to stop Trump from runing my life

Been here long time.

=You listen listen.==

I'm oldfag

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f4a171 No.21665140


It's pouring cats and dogs here in sorta N. GA. A lot of rain, not much blowing and wind.

My prayer is God slides it on the path to DC quickly

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b129fc No.21665141

File: dcb7565fd55ea32⋯.jpg (12.76 KB,255x193,255:193,dcb7565fd55ea32fc1c2c1741f….jpg)


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f4a171 No.21665142


Yep, really don't.

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f4a171 No.21665143


Me too, Catturd is in FL

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736972 No.21665144


good infographic though, that alone is worth a notable. webb was making half the stuff up as he was going though.

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395253 No.21665146


Brace for Haitians then Anon

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085bdd No.21665147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: worth watching and sharing 22 minutes runtime.


SHOCKING: They Just EXPOSED Him Like Never Before! Health Official Confronted Over Covid Policy



48,001 views 26 Sept 2024 #covid #pandemic #reaction

Bev Turner reacts to a heated exchange between commentator Steven Crowder and Dr. Jay Varma, who was a key figure in New York City's COVID-19 response. Crowder confronts Varma about his own behaviour during the pandemic, including attending large private gatherings, while advocating for strict lockdowns and mandates for the general public. The discussion highlights the perceived

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b129fc No.21665148

File: 8c674f5140e70ef⋯.jpeg (159.03 KB,460x547,460:547,8c674f5140e70eff7ca502b59….jpeg)



You just called yourself a faggot.

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e540ec No.21665149

File: 69953952f08aeb5⋯.png (241.43 KB,448x779,448:779,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59ebcf112b0812f⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,NYC_s_Covid_Orgy_Kingpin_R….mp4)

Steven Crowder


BREAKING: NYC’s Covid Orgy Kingpin Reveals He Was Hired by Pharmaceutical Company @SigaTech to Help Sell Monkeypox Drug ‘TPOXX’; Details Media “Spin” Scheme To Ensure Investors Don’t “Dump” Company’s “Worthless” Stock; Says Disease Primarily Impacting Gay Community is Not a Problem for United States Despite World Health Organization’s Emergency Declaration

“We want the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, to approve our drug specifically for Monkeypox and right now it’s only considered experimental and they won’t approve it based on this study.”

“We also need to keep up the people’s belief that the [TPOXX] drug works. So, that’s why spinning it in the media is helpful.”

“You can spin them [TPOXX study results] so that people – won’t like, dump the stock thinking that the company is worthless.”

“Honestly, in the United States, the risk [for Monkeypox] is very low. It’s only primarily transmitted among gay men. It basically got into the sexual networks of gay men, and a lot of gay men have tons and tons of sexual partners and often don’t use condoms. So as a result, it spreads more easily.”


5:00 AM · Sep 25, 2024


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a48d49 No.21665150

File: 7382f1cbdec58e1⋯.png (250.31 KB,618x435,206:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d277bec59489cf⋯.jpg (56.41 KB,1024x962,512:481,media_GYcrYjLa0AAjmnu.jpg)

Vice President Kamala Harris

@VP 2h

Gun violence is the number one cause of death for children in America.It does not have to be this way.

Today, President Biden and I took more bold steps to save lives. We continue to call on Congress to have the courage to act and pass commonsense gun safety legislation.

Sep 27, 2024 · 2:05 AM UTC



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e540ec No.21665151

File: 78372895452b4de⋯.png (89.3 KB,448x562,224:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e87c51463238831⋯.mp4 (550.63 KB,720x926,360:463,BREAKING_Catastrophic_wind….mp4)

Insider Paper


BREAKING: Catastrophic winds in Perry, Florida as Category 4 Hurricane Helene makes landfall

9:03 PM · Sep 26, 2024


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da4b3b No.21665152

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0333ed No.21665154

File: 5366f9bbb4ffc14⋯.jpg (604.07 KB,3012x1728,251:144,2ndamdt.jpg)


Shall Not Be Infringed.

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5228f5 No.21665156


the game theory probably means this is meant for jim to see and anons dont read 3rd grade level memes

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2929d2 No.21665157

File: e2a2ce241f283aa⋯.png (647.85 KB,865x1053,865:1053,e2a2ce241f283aa879d8ab1668….png)


ty bakes

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5228f5 No.21665158


dare I say you just got wrecked using IDs?

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e540ec No.21665159

File: 26d4ac6f92a35c4⋯.png (564.1 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

GO WOKE GO BROKE: CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month

CNN will introduce a metered paywall next month for online readers, part of a broader plan to restructure the news giant into profitability.


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a48d49 No.21665160

File: ba002a1d4e91e5a⋯.jpg (41.73 KB,680x493,40:29,media_GYWDypaXwAA_uW3.jpg)



Friday is usually a day of bad news for them. So the probability of a shooting tomorrow is high.

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c588ae No.21665161

File: 2ab679e3464e345⋯.webp (13.63 KB,612x408,3:2,IMG_6611.webp)

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9a2c84 No.21665162


good luck with that

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d5d878 No.21665164

File: 830ae0cda34c9fc⋯.png (256.52 KB,912x621,304:207,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1dcc78e56923dd2⋯.png (126.55 KB,1484x672,53:24,4511.png)

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c588ae No.21665165

File: 3440e23eb02ae9c⋯.webp (33.68 KB,300x300,1:1,IMG_6612.webp)


You got the YMCA thing right

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e540ec No.21665166

Activists Defend 'Minor-Attracted Persons' Camp Next To School

Local residents said in a public meeting that the camp owner said she is 'best friends' with a 'minor-attracted person' who visits her camp.


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04dd02 No.21665168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Repost from lb

Studies on mice and rats show cell phones increase cancer in brain and heart, and children are more susceptible.

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c9af9f No.21665169

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04dd02 No.21665170

File: f873f803e1bc015⋯.jpg (381.32 KB,1008x1094,504:547,SmartSelect_20240927_00163….jpg)

File: e01ead3fa9324a7⋯.jpg (310.01 KB,1020x1121,1020:1121,SmartSelect_20240927_00132….jpg)

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ca593c No.21665172


You namefagged in both posts. You are more retarded than I thought. I put you at a 3. You are actually more like a 7.

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e540ec No.21665173

File: 77c2c5619cfcae8⋯.png (253.14 KB,360x271,360:271,ClipboardImage.png)



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c9af9f No.21665175


onchan in 5… 4… 3..

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0333ed No.21665177

File: ebb44812e7420b6⋯.jpg (43.88 KB,540x311,540:311,32121780108d53729209086cf3….jpg)



Get rid of NASA first.

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d6d7f0 No.21665178


[Anons 2 cents

Antarctica before Mars]

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4d040e No.21665179


Ain't nobody gonna pay to see that shit.

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48da3d No.21665180


It's actually niggers killing niggers

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e540ec No.21665181

File: 02353b4f584becc⋯.png (530.48 KB,598x645,598:645,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59e456cf7fc7422⋯.png (761.86 KB,680x424,85:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b14fdc7f377041⋯.png (263.37 KB,360x270,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0579923d947da7c⋯.png (238.81 KB,360x270,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Cat 4

SPRINGFIELD, OHIO: This morning— 𝗔 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴.

Tayler Hansen



This morning— 𝗔 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴.

The Springfield resident who was hit by the drunk driver was taken away in an ambulance.





2:18 PM · Sep 26, 2024


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8a5002 No.21665185


oh cool…

now i don't have to do any actual research on SciFinder

we'll all just take your word

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04dd02 No.21665186


Do the math, Americans are 115x statistically likely to be killed in the womb by a Dr, than by a firearm.

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e90496 No.21665188

Mike Lindell says $14.88 sale price for pillows not intended as pro-Nazi symbolism

MyPillow chief says he didn’t know the numbers are used by white supremacists, links criticism to his backing of GOP candidate Donald Trump.

Mike Lindell, the outspoken Donald Trump ally and CEO of MyPillow, says he did not know the number $14.88 was a neo-Nazi symbol when he advertised it as the new price of one of his products.

Customers who visit the pillow company’s website can purchase the “Classic Collection” for $14.88, a price MyPillow advertised on X as a “a limited time offer!” discounted from $49.98.

But users of the social media platform also took note of something else: 1488 is a popular calling card for white supremacists. The number 14 refers to the number of words in a white supremacist slogan, while 88 refers to H, the eighth letter of the alphabet, and thus symbolizes the Nazi salute “Heil Hitler.”

“Together, the numbers form a general endorsement of white supremacy and its beliefs,” reads the “1488” entry in the Anti-Defamation League’s Hate Symbols Database. “As such, they are ubiquitous within the white supremacist movement.”

Accounts appearing to belong to white supremacists praised the pricing, which remains unchanged on MyPillow’s site as of Wednesday evening, while many others mocked it. The episode reflects both how white supremacists have resumed activity on X since Elon Musk lifted many of its hate speech guardrails in recent years, and how seemingly innocuous number combinations can unintentionally resonate in a charged political environment.

“Yes, I think we have a deal,” wrote one user who self-identifies as an “ethnostatesman” and posted a picture of Pepe the Frog, another common white supremacist symbol, in his reply. Another user called “Goy division” whose bio is full of white supremacist symbology (including a Nazi SS-esque lightning bolt and the phrase “Fourteen words, eighty-eight precepts”) wrote, “6,000,000 positive reviews can’t be wrong.”

Plenty of others poked fun at the post. “You’ve heard of Mein Kampf, but have you ever read the sequel, Mein Kampfort,” tweeted one user.

For his part, Lindell says he had no idea the number was a Nazi symbol, and that he came to it as a common discounting tactic used by Walmart.

“When they have a sale on a sale, right? That 88,” he said on FlashPoint, a conservative online talk show. “I get a call from all the media around the country and the world, all the way to the Daily Mail, saying, what are you, a Nazi?”

He added, “I’m going, ‘Who comes up with this stuff?’”



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c9af9f No.21665189

File: 13b2e3c231756fe⋯.gif (691.03 KB,640x640,1:1,20240926_223200.gif)

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473a2a No.21665190


>The Springfield resident who was hit by the drunk driver was taken away in an ambulance.

A class action against every NGO and person who aided and abetted the Haitian would be nice.

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8a5002 No.21665191

File: 7ab14a00157c760⋯.jpg (66.35 KB,500x375,4:3,7ab14a00157c7609aeb6bb470f….jpg)


>It's actually niggers killing niggers




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a13af8 No.21665192

File: 3ae1fae87850a25⋯.png (59.27 KB,680x510,4:3,3ae1fae87850a25b4320a9c33e….png)

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0333ed No.21665193

File: fbe630917e0b81b⋯.jpg (60.88 KB,769x1024,769:1024,HerbHover.jpg)

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f4a171 No.21665194


LaCivita and Wiles has been called out by Bannon and the War room

For months. He says they are lazy traitors, and grifters.

My experience this cycle:

I get a letter everyday by Trump campaign, its been going on for months. Lara has no idea how to run the RNC. I don't need a freakin letter.

I get hundreds of "supposed" Trump texts, and they have used 1,000s of "Trump" phone numbers, i have to block 5-6 a day. They don't look or sound like something Trump would send out. The more I block the more I get.

There is something very wrong with RNC, they shouldn't have put Lara (Eric's wife) in charge.

They need to shift immediately, no Trump supporter needs 100's (not kidding) letters in the mail or texts.

Trump needs to find a real leader that will spend money wisely.Do not send fundraisers to dedicated Trump Supportersthey don't need it. And since the last RNC leader Ronna stole another $1,600 from me, when for the first time in my life I donated $1,600 to Trump, I will never donate to RNC.

I've tried to send the donation directly to Trump but cannot bypass RNC.but it will miminal.

RNC charged my credit card $1,600 twice, when it a one time donation. I complained they refunded the second. Then a week later (which I found out months later) they recharged the $1,600.

I will never donate to any politician. I vowed I never would before Trump, and was only one time. You think Democrats do dirty things, Republicans are in competition with them.

The problem with the RNC they left the rotten leaders under Ronna, when she was cast out, and i think they manipulated Lara. They were warned by Kari to get rid of the rest but they didn't

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04dd02 No.21665195


FacePager glasses.

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e540ec No.21665196

File: 8592b8c6a074862⋯.png (849.68 KB,1184x896,37:28,ClipboardImage.png)

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2929d2 No.21665198


I am Q.

I've been on the move.

Can bo get me a new trip to prove it's we?

Seem to have miplaced mine, but belive me when I say we is Q.

I'm not saying you're Q.

You posted a ss saying it was you without posting now without the same trip to prove you posted 1 sec after Q.

anybody can say that was them in ss without a trip to prove it.

only way now is if Q returns with a zero, minute, or 17 min delta from Q+.

or something to that effect.

you, i never paid much attention to.

you post a ss and say it's you with NOTHING to back it up.

buh-bye drama drama drama

over n OUT

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e5141a No.21665199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e90496 No.21665200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hello, Helene?

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473a2a No.21665201


>FacePager glasses.

Anon would guess exploding vaxxes designed to target a specific organ already exist.

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e540ec No.21665202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Needz DIGG:‘Significant setback’: Reports of China’s nuclear submarine sinking

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2929d2 No.21665203




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e5141a No.21665204

File: 66fb03fceb8e823⋯.jpg (21.88 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_895586129.jpg)

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400cf5 No.21665205

File: 2b5a1036aab0369⋯.png (340.85 KB,750x499,750:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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f062b1 No.21665206


Where is your TRIP code?

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e540ec No.21665208

File: 2bd467b3ee82cbb⋯.png (2.6 MB,1136x1136,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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f062b1 No.21665209



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395253 No.21665210


Poast count agrees

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5228f5 No.21665212


they seem to have trouble reading anon

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6f000f No.21665213

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f062b1 No.21665214


> I’m not Q

My apologies for this.

Then can you please explain to me why you are posting here with a Qp?

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085bdd No.21665216


Qp = Queer pedo

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861754 No.21665217



Is this the same group behind the new flouride ruling data?

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de056e No.21665219


I thought george floyde died.

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b1293a No.21665220


yes heart attacks happening everyday from the vax

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a48d49 No.21665221

File: 6f25b8e6f79893d⋯.png (254.85 KB,616x443,616:443,ClipboardImage.png)


@RT_com 22m

Anti-bullfighting activist stops Pope Francis' car

Follow us on Telegram: t.me/rtnews

Sep 27, 2024 · 4:30 AM UTC


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f062b1 No.21665222

File: 400ee3bf97e8b31⋯.gif (161.48 KB,400x223,400:223,6FF986FB_182B_436F_8A36_D0….gif)


Oh wonderful theoretical name!


Then what is the reason for claiming that name here?

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c3d07a No.21665224

File: a5d89fe3c1c1cbd⋯.jpg (125.73 KB,555x500,111:100,94q2yy.jpg)

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f062b1 No.21665225


That's because there is already a Q here in QR, and if I use Q's name here, it's going to be hard to find him, isn't it?

In no small part, I would agree.

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0333ed No.21665226

File: ca2dd029d62a30a⋯.jpg (131.83 KB,800x800,1:1,CDntSurf.jpg)



Surfs up.

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400cf5 No.21665228

File: 28fcebd3da76554⋯.png (9.57 KB,220x218,110:109,ClipboardImage.png)


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9d6165 No.21665229


can you suck your own cock too?

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f062b1 No.21665230

>>21665225 edit

Don't you think that using the name Q in QR makes it harder to find Q here and QR?

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400cf5 No.21665232

File: cb778bfef488b76⋯.png (1.17 MB,817x783,817:783,ClipboardImage.png)

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66a099 No.21665233

File: 5bba7c4b71cf592⋯.png (2.39 MB,1245x1046,1245:1046,IMG_1714.png)

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400cf5 No.21665237



That's all you got?

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f062b1 No.21665238


I'd like to see your brilliant theory, so please create your own board and post it there, as it will interfere with QR's Q here.

I look forward to seeing your brilliant theory.

How would you mourn if someone said this to you?

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f062b1 No.21665240


There is a search function in 8kun, yes?

If you make the board I can catch a glimpse of your brilliant theory in an instant!

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f062b1 No.21665241



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400cf5 No.21665242

File: b578bce007ef893⋯.png (108.26 KB,576x384,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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2929d2 No.21665243



I was imitating Qp in red text.

I'm not Q.

And Qp isn't who he says he is.

Read past the red text in my post to understand the point I was getting at.

Qp posted a ss sayin it was him as BidenIsAPedo that had a trip #.

But he can't prove it was him because he doesn't post with the same trip#.

Different board so fucking what.

Goto 4chan today, post about disscussion here under the same trip, then ss it and pist ss and link.

But Qp be all like durrrrrrr duuuuh dumb diddy dumb doo doo

It's a drama slide.

nuff said on the matter


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1bddf8 No.21665245


Prayers out to the victim and their family.

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28c267 No.21665247


That's Big Mike

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400cf5 No.21665248


Fuck, you wish.

Isn't it past your bed time?

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3f20d8 No.21665249

File: 4a5164515f4655b⋯.png (19.78 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Namefags and their liddle playmates get the filter.

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ce2890 No.21665250


Where did he get the money for the car and how did he read the drivers manual?

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f062b1 No.21665251


I wanted to share with you the best way to post it because I want to see what a great theory you have.

Because you complain here that you were erased.

Then just post it somewhere where it won't be erased.

If your theory is great, maybe it will be shared, and more importantly, how do you plan to use it?

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c3d07a No.21665252

File: 8811a7fab8fabb4⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,360x640,9:16,NodiddlerTyson.mp4)

Mike Tyson not letting Puff Diddler touch his butthole

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400cf5 No.21665255


Nice try.

No trophy for you

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9d6165 No.21665257


serious fucking creep begging to get punched by Mike Tyson?

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2929d2 No.21665258



>Goto 4chan today, post about disscussion here under the same trip, then ss it and post ss and link.

>But Qp be all like durrrrrrr duuuuh dumb diddy dumb doo doo

>It's a drama slide.

Any shill then could of taken ss, or saved the originals posted.

Plus no (You) in ss you just posted.

How dumb are you?

Now you will resort to calling me names.

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9a3366 No.21665260

File: 0c14397eeb8cb9a⋯.png (337.66 KB,585x633,195:211,0c14397eeb8cb9a0cddda08e29….png)


No the trip hash is still the same.

You can go to any board and post with the original trip hash and get the same code.

You're full of shit and your SS don't show (you) and doesn't prove you are BidenIsAPedo..

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501c35 No.21665261

>>21664414 First Lady Melania Trump's Full Interview on Fox & FriendsPN

I have to say I really respect her honesty, I also think many misinterpret her answers, but she is working with a brain that knows 7 different languages. She will never speak like an American, but she was very profound and insightful.

She is a regular human being, adapting to many cultures. I have a profound amount of respect for Melania. She doesn't lash out to the sick and awful media that smear her, she deserves a lot better.

My opinion is HRC that started disgusting treatment of Melania and PDJT, and controls this hatred from the press, because she still believes she was the best and most beautiful First Lady of all times.

The lies they tell should make all of them feel ashamed, but they will never admit it.If any of them believe in God, they know what's coming.

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f062b1 No.21665262


Did you think you were safe inside the Internet?

Is it possible that someone else erased it instead of Jim or Ron?

Ah yes.

Your theory must be so brilliant that it might have been erased by a three-letter agency.

So you were not in possession of the data of this important thing yourself?

Didn't Q mention the importance of archive?

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9d6165 No.21665263


weirdest fuckers ive ever encountered irl, seem to do that creepy shit TRYING to get people to lash at them. super fucking demonic or what?

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0beb18 No.21665264


mouth breathin faggot

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0482a1 No.21665266



2001 before gay Q

3 months rolling face and no sleep.


Weeks standing

Weeks months awake.

Q is bullshit.

Told ya wouldn't work.

Para salvar Al Mundo hay que

Deshacerse de la lacra que creaste.

I'll enjoy a beer later on.

Why did I stop drinking and dealing?

Best times of my life.

Chosing the "right thing" doesn't payoff.

Cortes, should stayed with the scammer.

Mike, yeah…..

U and the players are hay as fuck.

I know u don't remove shit from the board

Cause u are a degenerate faggot.

U always keep them there as traps.

And ur skaters are faggots.

If they really had balls…destroying this place would be atop the list.

And later rebuilding.

Maybe even taking your shit antennas

To mars and building a board without daddy electrician.

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9a3366 No.21665267

File: 4ed55f99932cfaa⋯.jpg (24.08 KB,480x480,1:1,1d425114d5246914631cb488c7….jpg)


Why don't you just go to another board and link your trip to this board to prove it?

Just go to another board on 8kun and on this board type >>>/boardname/postnumber and it will show here.

I don't see what the problem is, unless you're a doofus and forgot your password.

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f062b1 No.21665268


So what is this trying to claim?

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eaccf8 No.21665269

File: 7320e2c7860aba0⋯.png (7.23 KB,255x134,255:134,Q_Angel.png)

May the Good Lord watch over you, guide you, and keep you in these coming days; that His work might be done, for the sake of all humanity and the children of this world. In the Name of the Living God Almighty, the Lord of Host, take President Trump and all his family under your wing and protect them from all evil, Amen.

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9d6165 No.21665270

File: bba990d17bac0be⋯.jpg (52.98 KB,660x809,660:809,fdf9fdd71fa951daa36b672f51….jpg)

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2929d2 No.21665273


Ok, so (You) are a shill from halfchan that capped that shit right away.

Now you use that/those ss's to shill here today.

whoop te doo

*one handed golf clapping ensues*

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e5141a No.21665274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9a3366 No.21665275


Link your tripcode, unless you forgot the password like a doofus..

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f4a171 No.21665279


Notablebut the song sounds like a challenge.

Thank you God for always protecting PDJT

He was not making things up when he said the generals and military are ready to protect him,he is the COC

I just pray he has all the right men.

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9a3366 No.21665280

File: 0eac1f20ad65fdb⋯.png (222.24 KB,516x600,43:50,1628733602660.png)


So you can't link your tripcode?

You do realize that tripcodes are the same across all chan imageboards.

Just input your password behind a hashtag and it should show your original trip.


Then type it in on another board to prove you are BidenIsAPedo.

Simple as..

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d801af No.21665281

File: 844919db0ef2f14⋯.jpg (13.87 KB,255x172,255:172,844919db0ef2f1414a8c8b00d8….jpg)

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f062b1 No.21665282


Doesn't it matter what you are accomplishing now, whether you were here at the beginning or later?

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01e7b0 No.21665284

File: 4f21ea894bffd83⋯.png (798.06 KB,1080x1589,1080:1589,Zucky.png)


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e540ec No.21665285

File: 86abacabfca7253⋯.png (372.13 KB,679x368,679:368,ClipboardImage.png)

Mayor Adams in a Freemason uniform taking pictures with fellow pedo brothers at the Freemason Lodge.


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9a3366 No.21665287


Why can't you link your tripcode if you know the password?

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8a5002 No.21665289

File: 386bd9370d4cf19⋯.png (120.13 KB,1484x1050,106:75,Screen_Shot_2024_09_27_at_….png)



the pdf file is linked

it's over 500 pages and takes a while to wade thru

i saw no glaring issues

looks like solid research to me


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129e53 No.21665290


It's not his, but anyway.

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01e7b0 No.21665291

File: 4f21ea894bffd83⋯.png (798.06 KB,1080x1589,1080:1589,Zucky.png)

File: ecafd5c9349243d⋯.png (239.24 KB,720x720,1:1,downloadfile_3.png)


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0419ea No.21665293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For your entertainment

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9a3366 No.21665294

File: 544d7e575c98ec0⋯.png (408.13 KB,810x780,27:26,1631564455776.png)


Then you can't prove who you are and that you've been here from the start..

I have a tripcode and can show for it.

Why don't you link it from another board?

Because you are a liar, simple as.

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2929d2 No.21665295



Avoids question and turns it back on anon.

You're so marxist.

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9a3366 No.21665296


You can't provide your tripcode, so you aren't who you say you are.

Simple as.

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f062b1 No.21665297



If a person who has been called a good person commits a crime at this very moment, what effect will that have?

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a0f643 No.21665298




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f4a171 No.21665300

NAVY SEALs Find and Trash Sean “Diddy” Combs’ Adrenochrome StockpileMichael Baxter - September 25, 2024

Navy SEALs on Tuesdayransacked a Miami warehousewhere Sean “Diddy” Combs hoarded a thousand Adrenochrome infusion bags stored in refrigerated chests, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

White Hats, he said, learned of the stash from one of Combs’ former acquaintances whom Gen. Smith has placed in protective custody. Although our source wouldn’t name the informant, he said the individual and Combs are intimate acquaintances, and that Combs had groomed and sexually exploited the person from adolescence. The person—we believe it’s Justin Bieber—had been used as a “sexual prop” at Combs’ star-studded “Freak offs,” where Adrenochrome flowed like tap water. Drug use, sexual molestations, physical violence, and murders occurred with alarming regularity at Combs’ jamborees, our source said.

“This person has concrete, specific details about Combs’ criminal empire, his guests, and his dark tendencies. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression ‘you can’t make this shit up,’ and well, much of what he said, you can’t make that shit up. And he was polygraphed,” our source said.

According to the witness, Combs in 2015 had purchased a warehouse in the Port of Miami under a fictitious name and revamped the building to hold dozens of upright medical refrigerators in which he stashed substantial amounts of refined Adrenochrome. The witness told White Hats that Combs sourced Adrenochrome from both domestic and overseas sellers. Combs picked Adrenochrome with malevolent, fastidious care; he bought products only from dealers that specified adrenal fluid, the drug’s principal ingredient, had been harvested from Caucasian children between three and nine years old.

“We were told this warehouse was restocked often,” our source said.

Gen. Smith, he added, asked allies at Naval Special Warfare Command to discretely investigate the warehouse and destroy any Adrenochrome stockpiled within.

At 3:00 a.m. Tuesday, an unspecified SEAL team approached the Port of Miami from Biscayne Bay on a Combatant Craft Medium, also called a stealth boat, a multi-mission tactical craft built to infiltrate and exfiltrate Special Operation Forces and conduct special reconnaissance operations. It delivered the SEALs to the southeast tip of Dodge Island, and they crept stealthily toward the target, navigating through the labyrinth of shipping containers that dotted the island like rows of dominoes. Having reached the building undetected, the SEALs split into four-man teams and began looking for guards and anti-intrusion devices that might alert someone to their presence.

Muffled voices echoed in the distance—cruise ship personnel and dockworkers manning cranes that clamorously hoisted containers in the air and lowered them onto a berthed cargo ship. The SEALs found and disabled four security cameras, then slipped a fiberoptic camera through a tiny gap between the cement landing and the bay door. The well-illuminated building, lit by fluorescent ceiling lights, was empty save for the 15 refrigerators that hummed audibly.

The SEALs used bolt cutters to snap and break the locks and chains on the door. Inside, they found exactly what the witness had said was in the warehouse; fridges loaded with intravenous bags filled with an amber liquid. It certainly was not saline solution. They saved one bag from each fridge as evidence and sliced open the rest. In one refrigerator they also found a notebook, perhaps an enchiridion of Diddy’s dastardly deeds, that had what appeared to be people’s initials, times, and dates.

“The SEALs trashed the refrigerator and left a note saying the place was shut down; if they had to come back, they’d catch and kill the suppliers. They successfully left Dodge Island and forwarded their findings to Gen. Smith,” our source said.

Can't post the link

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01e7b0 No.21665301

File: b6651fb2538144f⋯.png (1012.74 KB,1080x1476,30:41,Actor.png)

File: 4f21ea894bffd83⋯.png (798.06 KB,1080x1589,1080:1589,Zucky.png)


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9a3366 No.21665302

File: 92c16808d7aca63⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,746x672,373:336,1629644070958.jpg)


You can't prove you have done anything.

You can't even figure out how to provide your tripcode.

You're a faggot, nuff said.

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f062b1 No.21665305


Ok, let's start that proof right away!

I am very much looking forward to it!

This is not the time to talk about it!

Just tell us where you are going to present it!

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2929d2 No.21665306


yet you don't prove anything and resort to name calling.

hope you making anlot of shill payments.

tell david brock he can fuck you.

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9a3366 No.21665307

File: 958895d2a5031e2⋯.png (455.79 KB,796x726,398:363,1629370632425.png)


Why can't you provide your tripcode if you remember the password?

You're a fake, simple as.

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01e7b0 No.21665308

File: 075d14ba6fc802a⋯.png (791.13 KB,768x403,768:403,075d14ba6fc802a89a62ce8c36….png)

File: 4f21ea894bffd83⋯.png (798.06 KB,1080x1589,1080:1589,Zucky.png)


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8abdf6 No.21665310

File: 0d81a82c1a04488⋯.png (263.67 KB,640x340,32:17,054F6972_4D28_41C6_A736_09….png)

File: 224dc00831796bc⋯.png (101.47 KB,554x405,554:405,B9F01A7B_5508_4F91_BF01_69….png)

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8abdf6 No.21665311

File: 6bb43a40784227e⋯.jpeg (132.34 KB,728x971,728:971,D0806459_53EB_473E_8FA8_B….JPEG)

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f062b1 No.21665312


Don't get me wrong!

I for one am looking forward to your theories!

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2929d2 No.21665313


>nobody believes you gaslighter

what does that even mean?

you running out of ideas to keep the larp going?

you rank #452 of halfchan larps.

perhaps it's time for (You) to join the womens team.

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9a3366 No.21665314


Why can't you prove your tripcode?

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0333ed No.21665316

File: 81d3b430fc3aef4⋯.jpg (40.05 KB,474x364,237:182,HillSatan.jpg)


>believe in God

the other god. it will be their downfall.

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14530b No.21665318

notables @ 240

#26531 >>21665051

>>21665096 Trump assassination dig

>>21665100 Senator tells Merrick Garland to hand over communications with Jack Smith

>>21665104 NFL Hall of Famer Brian Urlacher just endorsed Trump in new ad

>>21665120 Jack Smith Files Evidence Under Seal in Latest Attack Against President Trump

>>21665130 Male prostitute turns in alleged videotape of Diddy ‘freak-off’ to feds

>>21665137 PF: TUAF165 Turkish Military AIRBUS A-400M Leaving New York

>>21665150 Kamala McValor: Gun violence is the number one cause of death for children in America

>>21665159 CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month

>>21665176 PF: US RQ4 drone over Israel

>>21665181 Springfield, Ohio shitshow continues

>>21665232 Memes


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f4a171 No.21665319


Since the board three days ago found oyt about thud island and containers and railroad across the water,Can plane fags find any military planes within a 10-15 mile radius if the visited in the last three days

Its obvious baxter reads here, but there may be a dab of truth in what he writes, or he's just creative.

But I don't doubt a secret military unit could be tracking him. If not, they are stupid

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2929d2 No.21665320


>I don’t have to do any of that shit.

You do if you want to be believed by any anon's or lurkers here.

Otherwise, Qp is a larp.

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e540ec No.21665322

File: b2211fb9c9ffc62⋯.png (546.6 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

COVID vaccine-related suicide raises more questions about vaccine harms

Sky News reports that in the UK: “The family of an NHS pharmacist who took his own life after suffering paralysing complications from a COVID jab are calling for urgent reform of the government’ s compensation scheme for vaccine damage.


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8abdf6 No.21665324

File: c26f4f5ae218b37⋯.gif (1.69 MB,320x240,4:3,IMG_0600.gif)

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2929d2 No.21665325


You can't provide your tripcode, so you aren't who you say you are.

Simple as.

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9a3366 No.21665326

File: eec6a89c6a54681⋯.png (178.43 KB,442x456,221:228,poops.png)


No it gives the same tripcode.

I can prove it.



See, my trip is still the same from years ago.

It didn't change for me, shouldn't have changed for you.

Now prove your trip you lying ass faggot.

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f062b1 No.21665328


Wait a minute!

I remember you saying you were a man of great theories.

So I would to see your wonderful theory!

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8abdf6 No.21665330

File: 8b83a3cbed2434b⋯.jpeg (29.58 KB,442x408,13:12,C53919C2_5E59_47C9_A0FC_4….jpeg)

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9a3366 No.21665332


You are a lying faggot, kek.

You can't provide your trip.

I showed you clearly that it still works.

Simple as.

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8abdf6 No.21665334

File: 81d4f74256c47e7⋯.jpeg (101.41 KB,570x541,570:541,5E137A23_126E_4CEF_977E_1….jpeg)

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9a3366 No.21665335


You're so full of shit, it's laughable.

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8abdf6 No.21665336

File: 3de3c8dad346c6d⋯.gif (1.96 MB,270x434,135:217,IMG_0601.gif)

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9240ed No.21665337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2929d2 No.21665339


You are not anon.

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8abdf6 No.21665340

File: 43c6ac57fb21173⋯.jpeg (589.31 KB,971x706,971:706,IMG_0539.jpeg)

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bafd93 No.21665342


Didn't forget about you Dan or anyone else. Family is anyone who cares for your life, once they stop caring they are no longer family.

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2929d2 No.21665343


fak go poof

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9a3366 No.21665344


I literally showed you a trip from nov 2017..

You are actually an idiot at this point.

You are lying as to who you are, simple as.

Provide the trip.

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0419ea No.21665346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

More good times

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e540ec No.21665347

File: 2139ab52d15c83b⋯.png (597.5 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Musk bans journalist for publishing ‘hacked’ J.D. Vance dossier

Independent journalist Ken Klippenstein has been suspended from X after publishing a dossier compiled by the Trump campaign


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2929d2 No.21665350


you don't larp well

practice moar

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9a3366 No.21665351


Create the trip, the code hasn't changed.

You're a liar.


No not rent free, you are posting so that is an effort.

Trust me you are a liar that doesn't understand how tripcodes work.

Mine worked and it shown to have worked since November 2017 and to today.

So why can't you prove yours?

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9a3366 No.21665352


I remember that poster and you are not him, as you cannot even provide the tripcode.

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266daa No.21665353


Who the fuck do you think gave it to him in the first place?

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e540ec No.21665354

File: 9b46024a1fbe4b2⋯.png (888.1 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

FLYING WOKE: Boeing 737’s wheel falls off shortly after landing in Argentina in latest potential safety fail by planemaker

The Aerolineas Argentinas flight had just soared from Ushuaia to Buenos Aires on Monday at 6 p.m. when a left-side wheel detached on the taxiway, according to the airline and photos.


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c015a5 No.21665355

File: 82ffffa53da8195⋯.png (165.5 KB,509x262,509:262,2024_09_26_22_44_51.png)


great stuff.

can you repost this on the election fraud and assassination thread?


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f062b1 No.21665356



I seem to have acquired the speed of a robot.

I don't care if you've been around since the beginning of this movement, show me the great theories you've learned from it!

Maybe it will lead to someone's awakening!

Maybe it will spawn a new idea!

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8abdf6 No.21665357

File: 77577901bcf51cf⋯.jpg (263.29 KB,1195x976,1195:976,Creepy_Joe_ask_girls_age_0….jpg)

File: 25fd08b8fbcae80⋯.jpg (177.91 KB,1088x1401,1088:1401,Joe_Biden_Pedo_Pete.JPG)

File: ac02a30355a0b15⋯.jpg (1018.17 KB,2444x1375,2444:1375,Pedo_Pete_the_Sniffer_01.jpg)

File: ad95f4ae5b8a23f⋯.jpg (81.01 KB,680x499,680:499,Joe_Biden_Snogging_Grandda….JPG)

File: a48672778d6f967⋯.jpg (295.39 KB,1390x842,695:421,Jill_was_12_Joe_was_30_01.jpg)


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f4ef7b No.21665358


>Real Raw News


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14530b No.21665359

baker is ghosted

baker is ghosted

baker is ghosted

notables @ 230

#26531 >>21665051

>>21665096 Trump assassination dig

>>21665100 Senator tells Merrick Garland to hand over communications with Jack Smith

>>21665104 NFL Hall of Famer Brian Urlacher just endorsed Trump in new ad

>>21665120 Jack Smith Files Evidence Under Seal in Latest Attack Against President Trump

>>21665130 Male prostitute turns in alleged videotape of Diddy ‘freak-off’ to feds

>>21665137 PF: TUAF165 Turkish Military AIRBUS A-400M Leaving New York

>>21665150 Kamala McValor gun control twat

>>21665159 CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month

>>21665181 Springfield, Ohio shitshow continues

>>21665202 ‘Significant setback’: Reports of China’s nuclear submarine sinking

>>21665285 Mayor Adams Freemason

>>21665354 Boeing 737’s wheel falls off shortly after landing in Argentina in latest potential safety fail by planemaker

>>21665232 Memes


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e540ec No.21665360

File: 23b07f9cab2f23b⋯.png (235.37 KB,598x766,299:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a67147b6d5cf819⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,1268x720,317:180,James_O_Keefe_announces_Do….mp4)




James O’Keefe announces Dozens of Federal Whistleblowers Coming forward in the next few Weeks and it’s gonna be Shocking! 🙌

You know what’s funny?

The Whistleblowers Reform Act was just passed last year…

It’s almost as if all of this was planned and timing is everything.

Buckle up fam… we have 40 days of turbulence… and we have the popcorn 🍿

This Clip


3:20 PM · Sep 26, 2024


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8ddbc8 No.21665361

In order to receive, tune in.

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8ddbc8 No.21665363


It's about frequencies.


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2929d2 No.21665364


Even if I bought his Hawaii estate for a $1 after seizure, I couldn't afford the upkeep for a week.

Quick sale for $5 million would do.

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400cf5 No.21665365

File: 97bbfa58cc2c2e3⋯.png (513 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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400cf5 No.21665366

File: 05994ad43d81672⋯.png (269.15 KB,482x478,241:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ddbc8 No.21665369


Too far out of range?

Amplify or use a repeater.

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0333ed No.21665371

File: c883371d922739b⋯.gif (302.8 KB,250x153,250:153,IDnt.gif)

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9a3366 No.21665372


Post trip or you're a liar.

Simple as.

Anyways, I'm done with you.

You're being deleted at this point for being a faggot.

Trips haven't changed and I have proven that already.

So you are just a faggot at this point.

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8abdf6 No.21665373

File: 44609f61b5a52e6⋯.png (467.01 KB,800x400,2:1,67E85EE6_47FB_4E87_96F8_EF….PNG)

File: 8503dc23d825fbf⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,2500x1471,2500:1471,One_Org.jpg)

File: c01cdcd96011612⋯.jpg (831.03 KB,2500x1326,1250:663,one_directors_2.jpg)

File: 20266f81ea94718⋯.jpeg (880.42 KB,1808x2260,4:5,NWO_Puppets_01_Bono_U2.JPEG)

File: 058514648717aca⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB,480x852,40:71,Bono_Paul_Hewson_1.MP4)

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9240ed No.21665375

File: 38331c791ff511a⋯.png (57.28 KB,891x369,99:41,ClipboardImage.png)


>Mayor Adams Freemason


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2929d2 No.21665376


all the attention it got tonight, will be able to feed it's family for three months.

i feel all charitable n sheit now.

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8ddbc8 No.21665377


The noise…


Dial in.

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9a3366 No.21665379


And not one SS with a (you) in it to prove it?

Anyone can go back into the archives and SS an image.

Post your trip, simple as.

You're a fake.

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d2546f No.21665380


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e540ec No.21665381

File: 7130bc96e6d76d2⋯.png (243.41 KB,570x569,570:569,ClipboardImage.png)




>great stuff.


>can you repost this on the election fraud and assassination thread?






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daba49 No.21665382


you didn’t show a trip, you showed a username and no proof of anything connected to it. I showed that I still have the original image file from my post which means it DOES NOT EXIAT IN THE INTERBWT ANYWHERE PRIOR TO ME POSTING IT ON 8CHAN

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8ddbc8 No.21665383


Technically, if you can receive, you can send.

You are in range.

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9240ed No.21665384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2929d2 No.21665385


>Find and Trash

destroyed evidence

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c015a5 No.21665386



please post anything else you find, will use for digs.

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9a3366 No.21665387


I literally hashed my trip on another board and linked it to this one.

Something you seem incapable of doing.

Simple as, you're a fake.

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f08943 No.21665388


Home on the range.


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f062b1 No.21665389


Well, what's going on all of a sudden?

I am not sure.

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daba49 No.21665390


no you didn’t, you posted a single image one time with one name and that was it. Stfu clown

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2929d2 No.21665391




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171225 No.21665392

File: e17ec30c3e9f6a4⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x1431,40:53,Scrvfu.png)

Hunter and Joe just took in 28 million dollar last week… Biden's are milking America for the last penny.

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83df94 No.21665393


Rearrange until you are sane.


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9a3366 No.21665394


No I posted a link from another board with the trip hash.

But you obviously don't understand how all that works, which proves utterly that you are a fraud.

You don't even know how to link your tripcode or have the password to post it.

You are just SS from archives, you're a huge liar.

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daba49 No.21665395


mayhe illl interrupt the bots more?

I AM your puppeteer

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daba49 No.21665396


I checked all the posts with your id it dipshit

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2929d2 No.21665397


Proving Qp is a namefag larp tonight.

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83df94 No.21665398


What are you transmitting?

There are costs associated with everything.

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8abdf6 No.21665399

File: 1e8fd355ed67816⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,2500x1618,1250:809,luisa_greta.jpg)

File: 1f3e356709efc02⋯.jpg (2.26 MB,2886x3022,1443:1511,Greta_Thunberg_03_Collage_….jpg)

File: de157f5625fa29e⋯.jpeg (334.48 KB,800x623,800:623,Greta_Thunberg_06_Will_Sh….JPEG)

File: b59c24f665bdf74⋯.jpeg (352.22 KB,1089x871,1089:871,Greta_Thunberg_05_Gretawo….JPEG)

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9a3366 No.21665400


Guy I have a Q (you) with my triphash and I posted my triphash from another board.

Link and everything, you can't do any of that.

You only post SS from archives to prove who you are.

Post your tripcode on another board and link it here, unless you don't know how to do any of that or even have the password.

You're a fraud, simple as.

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e540ec No.21665401

File: 351be1049e9821f⋯.png (75.73 KB,373x714,373:714,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a82805ce4e4556⋯.mp4 (4 MB,640x360,16:9,Tobacco_nicotine_destroys_….mp4)

I need an I Smoked A Pack A Day During The Scamdemic To Survive t-shirt.

“Sudden And Unexpected”


Breaking: Tobacco nicotine destroys nanobots in shots

A new study by microscopists with La Quinta Columna has shown that the “self assembling entities” found inside Pfizer, Moderna, and most recently, dental anesthetic, are “totally destroyed” by a nicotine mixture, derived from stepping tobacco in distilled water.

Researcher Rafa Calvin made this discovery by isolating a sample of dental anesthetic for 30 days, then applying a nicotine mixture taken from a solution of 1 gram of Tabacco and 5ccs of distilled water.

In the video below, you can see that when the nicotine mixture interacts with the nanotechnology, the structures disintegrate and disappear completely.

La Quinta Columna is now testing this nicotine solution on a Pfizer shot sample, and if successful, may have the beginnings of a treatment protocol for detoxing humans of this alien technology.

This would include use of nicotine without additives, straight from tobacco, not cigarettes you buy in the store.

Nicotine has already been identified by Dr. Bryan Ardis and others to uniquely combat covid infection, by safeguarding receptors, a phenomenon even recognized by establishment scientists.

Could nicotine hold the key to defeating invasive nanotechnology?



1:43 AM · Aug 31, 2024


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cc923c No.21665402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2929d2 No.21665403




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8672f6 No.21665404


Costs in time, energy, space, resources, life.

Calculate the costs

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a0f643 No.21665405



Freemasons are wack.

He was indicted because of corruption.

There is nothing special about freemasons.

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ea1d3f No.21665406


The shortest path may not be the most cost affective.

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e540ec No.21665407

File: 97e69a885591ba7⋯.png (1.09 MB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

New York appeals court judge calls Trump’s $454M civil fraud judgment ‘troubling’

A panel of New York appeals court judges appeared skeptical about the gargantuan $454 million civil fraud judgment Donald Trump was dealt after he was found liable for business fraud — with one jurist calling it “troubling.”

The former president is attempting to reverse or reduce the judgment of $354 million — plus an additional $100 million in interest — after a judge sided with New York Attorney General Letitia James, who argued in a lawsuit Trump inflated his net worth by billions to get better loan and insurance terms.

Trump’s lawyers, who have called Judge Arthur Engoron’s February ruling “draconian, unlawful, and unconstitutional,” appeared before a five-judge panel on a Manhattan appeals court on Thursday to plead their case.

Some judges appeared receptive to changing the bond.

Judge Peter Moulton questioned if James’ lawsuit turned into “something it was not meant to do.”

Moulton added the “immense penalty in this case is troubling.”

Donald Trump is ordered to pay $454 million in a civil fraud judgement. AP

Trump attorney D. John Sauer argued that James’ lawsuit stretched New York consumer protection laws. There were “no victims” and “no complaints” about Trump’s businesses from lenders and insurers, Sauer claimed.

The lawyer claimed the case was “a clear-cut violation of the statute of limitations,” noting transactions used in the non-jury trial.

If the verdict is not overturned, he warned, “people can’t do business in real estate” confidently.

Trump, who has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing since James first brought the suit against him, was not present.

Engoron ruled that Trump, his company and top executives including sons Eric and Don Jr. deceived banks by inflating Trump’s wealth on financial statements — allowing them to obtain favorable loans which they used to reap profits.

The lawsuit, brought against Trump by New York Attorney General Letitia James, accused Trump of lying about his company’s worth. AP

Trump’s legal team said the initial requested bond was “unprecedented for a private company,” and said posting full amount was a “practical impossibility.”

In a brief submitted in July to the Appellate Division — the mid-level state appeals court — Trump’s lawyers argued that the financial statements he submitted to banks actually understated his wealth, and there was no indication that any of the lenders were financially harmed.

His legal team has also claimed James’ suit against Trump was politically motivated.

Trump’s lawyer John Sauer speaks in front of appeals court judges. REUTERS

The Appellate Division typically rules about a month after arguments wrap up — meaning a final decision could come before Election Day on Nov. 5.

Three of the five judges who heard Thursday’s arguments must agree in order to alter the outcome.

If the court rules against Trump, the former president can appeal to New York’s highest court and, potentially, the Supreme Court — though that would mean a final decision would come no sooner than 2026.

The former commander in chief has vowed to fight the case “all the way up to the US Supreme Court if necessary.”


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171225 No.21665408

File: 98ff66de7b0fc89⋯.png (750.53 KB,758x1259,758:1259,Screens.png)

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733242 No.21665409

File: 0797199c78e365c⋯.png (149.17 KB,474x475,474:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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8abdf6 No.21665410

File: 4f1ad4ad109be22⋯.jpeg (643.06 KB,958x1301,958:1301,IMG_0517.jpeg)

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3f20d8 No.21665411


Nicotine also cures Parkinsons, Alzheimers, Dementia and more.


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e540ec No.21665412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>New York appeals court judge calls Trump’s $454M civil fraud judgment ‘troubling’

In case you missed it, Trump's appeal for the $454 million dollar judgement in NY did not go well for the Democrats. Soo bad in fact, that their closing statement was basically them begging to not be sanctioned for their impropriety…

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8abdf6 No.21665413

File: c0b9637291f59a9⋯.jpg (90.87 KB,500x531,500:531,Fat_Taylor_Swift_01_Cake.jpg)

File: 2548ced15acb237⋯.jpg (902.69 KB,1601x2000,1601:2000,Fat_Taylor_Swift_02.jpg)

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400cf5 No.21665414

My prediction.

Trump will be elected by a huge margin because the cheat factor has been neutralized and cannot overcome the actual vote.

But this will trigger the "rabid dog" scenario and things will degrade quickly.

Trump's election and inauguration will not be accepted by the DS, they have already projected this and have made their intentions clear.

The real battle for our Republic will start on November 5, 2024.

Be prepared.

And show no mercy.

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f2eac1 No.21665415


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52cbcf No.21665416

File: 4a0d0ea5024790e⋯.jpeg (2.33 MB,1170x2162,585:1081,IMG_6390.jpeg)

File: 9bf41b2713726b1⋯.jpeg (363.88 KB,1170x951,390:317,IMG_6384.jpeg)


Q post 531 Q FOX 3

Queen to f3 timestamp 531

fucking retard

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f249bf No.21665417



These things are costly: time, energy, space, resources, life.

The only way to circumvent these costs is through the intellect.

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733242 No.21665418

File: cc0cc9a546cd943⋯.png (736.43 KB,679x493,679:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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9345a0 No.21665419

File: c403115919baade⋯.jpeg (854.09 KB,1170x1831,1170:1831,IMG_6387.jpeg)

File: 4a0d0ea5024790e⋯.jpeg (2.33 MB,1170x2162,585:1081,IMG_6390.jpeg)

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f2eac1 No.21665420

fucking sheep

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3f20d8 No.21665421


Do you have a timestamp for the grovelling? Thanks.

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f249bf No.21665422


End transmission

Silence is Golden.


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9a3366 No.21665423


You're about to get banned again, have fun with that, fraud.

You're a literally famefag liar and isn't who you say you are.

You're trash, utterly.

Post tripcode.

You can't.

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f2eac1 No.21665424


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e540ec No.21665425

File: 23cb7506a2b7efb⋯.png (748.49 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

How a conservative won on sex trafficking in California's deep blue legislature

Sen. Shannon Grove of Bakersfield is one of the Democratic-majority legislature's most conservative members, giving her little political power, but she has passed significant bills to combat sex trafficking.


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d64d4c No.21665427


The new, pregnancy 20 years after birth pics are in

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733242 No.21665428

File: a418692d4053d95⋯.png (1.84 MB,880x1167,880:1167,ClipboardImage.png)


you sound racist.

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473a2a No.21665429


Had it filtered by name, but went back and changed it to ID+ because of all the idiots, shills, and sockpuppets replying.

Everything slowed to a crawl.

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a0f643 No.21665430



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9a3366 No.21665431


Yeah yeah, you're all full of shit.

I get it schizo larper.

Bye bye now, we are done here.

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9a3366 No.21665434


You're fake and gay.

Bye bye now.

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d64d4c No.21665435

every time you engage with a shill, they get a hard on, that's ghey, and now intentional

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171225 No.21665436

File: e8358c17b3cc35d⋯.jpg (59 KB,622x451,622:451,93p4czf.jpg)

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9a3366 No.21665438


No, you can't provide the tripcode.

So you are fraud, simple as.

Bye bye bye bye bye

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2929d2 No.21665439

File: fa4ad812b258bb5⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,480x360,4:3,fa4ad812b258bb55caf42ecb8c….mp4)


goats ackually

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2aa073 No.21665440

File: 00f596f6caac9c4⋯.jpeg (95.51 KB,750x500,3:2,IMG_4057.jpeg)

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f2eac1 No.21665441



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f062b1 No.21665442


No, I don't really care if it's larp or not.

I'd rather see the great theory he claims to have?

Let him tell us about it.

It doesn't matter if it is a failure.

I want to see what he has learned.

That would be a roadmap for someone, wouldn't it?

Let's take a look.

But this place could get in the way of bakers and anons, so by all means, why not catalog it?

I told him that this was the case,

He really wants to post it here.

Why is that?

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2aa073 No.21665444

File: 96f4545f18f009a⋯.jpeg (44.62 KB,642x306,107:51,IMG_4058.jpeg)

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d64d4c No.21665446

gheys that interact with shills, are both larpists, both filtered

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9a3366 No.21665447

File: 6fb65be0be5f79f⋯.png (714.31 KB,1600x900,16:9,0d598ae3a792302f42ecd7f026….png)


I am XXX!a22tubbaks.

And you are a fraud.

You cannot prove otherwise.

Triphash works to this day.

Now go an SS the archives more.

Bye bye bye bye bye

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1f5ccf No.21665450


I guess Archie was right all along, he really IS a meathead.

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d96399 No.21665451

File: 38114d45c145bd2⋯.jpg (153.61 KB,750x722,375:361,20240927_001304.jpg)

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f062b1 No.21665452


What? You said it, didn't you?


Then let's just go with your wonderful proof?

Come on, speak quickly.

You can still post now, so take a chance!

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9a3366 No.21665453


Funny how you don't understand that triphash hasn't changed at all and can't provide a cross board link of your tripcode.

Simple as, you are just pretending to be someone you aren't.

Stealing valor, sad.

Many such cases.

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578c1c No.21665454

File: 009967bce4cc359⋯.png (491.29 KB,1080x1114,540:557,Screenshot_20240927_011150….png)



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bb1f72 No.21665455

File: f4c9b05fc5bd801⋯.png (617.79 KB,500x779,500:779,f4c9b05fc5bd801ff86d7da27a….png)

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ec5cbb No.21665456

File: 971fab0b9d6e516⋯.jpg (105.18 KB,626x706,313:353,Screenshot_2024_09_27_0206….jpg)

File: d4f9eea81412df4⋯.jpg (257.2 KB,600x450,4:3,wheres_wade.jpg)

Where's Wade?

Did he get tired of Fani's fanny?


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f062b1 No.21665458

>>21665442 edit

>Let him tell us about it.

Let him talk and see.

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1f5ccf No.21665459

The shills have been really irritated today for some reason. Guess they are starting to feel the noose tighten.

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d96399 No.21665460

nathan wade did not kill himself.

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7baeba No.21665461

File: 4fd365ff769132b⋯.png (286.92 KB,1707x747,569:249,ordo.png)

And then, one day, for no reason at all,

Trump created Space Force

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8ecc4d No.21665462

File: 8be06a0c5981b7b⋯.png (7.58 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_6391.png)


fbi clown says my photo album isn’t proof of anything lmao while he’s deleting my comments literally erasing proof of me being here currently. Yall see the flaw in this logic?

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733242 No.21665463

File: dd2d86a74daeac8⋯.png (615.42 KB,667x500,667:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e85d00e9a450cc⋯.png (593.79 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)


from the 1st of October which is next Tuesday there will be exactly 5 weeks until the 5th November

That is 2.1 two moar weeks.

very soon anon will be able to say

two moar weeks

and it will actually be

two moar weeks.

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400cf5 No.21665464

File: 2645ddd4b5c9345⋯.png (72.48 KB,578x431,578:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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578c1c No.21665465

Diddy cornhole experience with Nathan Wade tape?

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281cf3 No.21665466

File: 9223f76656cd7ad⋯.jpg (22.15 KB,362x349,362:349,a0NDdorb_700w_0.jpg)

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196c4d No.21665468

File: d37f4b9117cd6c8⋯.png (40.18 KB,708x452,177:113,fbf4ff22_77f3_455c_9d55_b6….png)

File: b586103a9a7fec7⋯.jpg (486.24 KB,934x1055,934:1055,Screenshot_20240927_071616….jpg)

File: 2b5ca9cbae52769⋯.jpg (247.11 KB,1043x503,1043:503,Screenshot_20240927_071709….jpg)

File: 78eb0f792dcd1e4⋯.jpg (246.71 KB,1044x498,174:83,Screenshot_20240927_071719….jpg)

File: c7efdb96d81b245⋯.jpg (183.59 KB,815x460,163:92,Screenshot_20240927_071639….jpg)


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f062b1 No.21665469


I have to say it like this.

Because they'll soon be bemoaning the lack of proof.


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1332ec No.21665470

all the retards think they are the boss tonite… lmfao… something in the water

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400cf5 No.21665471

File: 3c2df6521d08f33⋯.png (499.09 KB,281x281,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c114b No.21665472

File: f1a1c9600d67150⋯.jpeg (325.96 KB,1170x874,585:437,IMG_6395.jpeg)


because my name before that was PedoJoeBiden

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9a3366 No.21665473

File: defacfeef557389⋯.jpg (28.89 KB,540x540,1:1,aff9b0274eacbe6ecd01fd5500….jpg)


Listen, I want to believe you.

But you can't provide the tripcode.

They haven't changed.

Just type it into another board and crosslink.

Simple as.

And yeah, I'm based.

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a0f643 No.21665474



This is a wet dream.

Kinzal misses with nuclear warheads will be launched on strategic cabal sites, it will be over before they can even start there fake bs

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129e53 No.21665475


How do we know these are not crystalline structures of dehydrated Novocain?

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196c4d No.21665476

File: ccb9abb5bf18af7⋯.png (32.65 KB,708x408,59:34,292fd2fb_ff22_4b06_98cf_f6….png)

File: 1460051a1fe7de9⋯.png (773.49 KB,708x3242,354:1621,1144b2ae_75e3_40fc_9b45_e3….png)

File: 03e4a518bd723df⋯.png (616.62 KB,708x1710,118:285,2e42e9e3_9e93_490c_bfa6_a3….png)

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8abdf6 No.21665477

File: 74a0dddefd9da92⋯.jpeg (616.98 KB,1248x1111,1248:1111,IMG_0602.jpeg)

File: 262fb813ddc587d⋯.png (2.95 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_0605.png)

File: c99329bb89d3a7b⋯.mp4 (6.4 MB,480x352,15:11,1134788781548171876.mp4)

WAIT WHAT???!!! Kamala Harris was the prosecutor against Michael Jackson in California????


Wow!! You cannot make this up!!




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0675d9 No.21665478


I tried it years ago and it don’t not work, you’re as dumb as a box of bricks.

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578c1c No.21665479

File: 009967bce4cc359⋯.png (491.29 KB,1080x1114,540:557,Screenshot_20240927_011150….png)

File: a80cbae23d79902⋯.png (593.64 KB,1080x1057,1080:1057,Screenshot_20240927_004508….png)

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e350b5 No.21665480


I know what the password was, it was the same as the username, it doesn’t give the same trip code anymore

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9a3366 No.21665481

File: b846c369fb64c8a⋯.png (413.9 KB,457x623,457:623,1660373615865742.png)


Maybe you forgot the password?

But for intents and purposes, you're still being a schizo faggot.

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8216e0 No.21665482


You must be one of those people that they send to disrupt, where are you other two buddies that hang out day and night.we see you losers.

You seem to like calling others feds, interesting mirroring technique.

Enjoy the ride

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da6eba No.21665483


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578c1c No.21665484

File: 868e0b7f61a1eee⋯.mp4 (74.45 KB,504x360,7:5,868e0b7f61a1eeee002e98455e….mp4)

File: 81027644dd690fe⋯.jpg (29.57 KB,700x700,1:1,downloadfile_1.jpg)

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9240ed No.21665485

File: 884ae941b74c593⋯.jpg (1012.89 KB,1079x1841,1079:1841,Screenshot_20240927_182214….jpg)

File: 78f2f1c87a3ff8a⋯.jpg (946.24 KB,1080x1848,45:77,Screenshot_20240927_182230….jpg)

File: 2515378adcc4283⋯.jpg (415.87 KB,1080x1457,1080:1457,Screenshot_20240927_182125….jpg)

File: 57e630dcfa7c21b⋯.jpg (509.99 KB,1076x1904,269:476,Screenshot_20240927_182141….jpg)

Where is the moon child from?

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a0f643 No.21665486



This is the freemason MO.

They will claim your feds.

They literally have iqs of children.

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9a3366 No.21665487

File: b490b66d5473095⋯.jpg (65.56 KB,359x347,359:347,1652747994889.jpg)


Well then, I guess you are fugged and can't tripfag like me.

Just going to have to prove your worth by your merits and stop schizoing out about your gitmo girlfriend.

No one is going to care or believe that without absolute proof.

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2929d2 No.21665488


2 moar weeks

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ce0572 No.21665489

File: 9dd9d11e3cf46c6⋯.jpeg (483.04 KB,1170x1257,390:419,IMG_6396.jpeg)

File: d35ac57a22ab8f4⋯.jpeg (746.18 KB,1170x1886,585:943,IMG_6397.jpeg)


no you’re just willfully ignorant

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e540ec No.21665490

File: ac1ad3ec8795f12⋯.mp4 (790.58 KB,480x346,240:173,BOOM.mp4)


>2.1 two moar weeks.


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266daa No.21665491


5 fingers and a thumb. Kek

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bdcdc4 No.21665492


I just so happen to have all the original images with timestamps BEFORE THE FUCKING POSTS WERE MADE IN 4chan right?

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e540ec No.21665493


>WAIT WHAT???!!! Kamala Harris was the prosecutor against Michael Jackson in California????






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4e7887 No.21665494



Kek, I'm tired of her many doubles

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d64d4c No.21665495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anal sphincter repair training

Once repaired, and large objects inserted again, it gets blown out, and un-repairable.

Sample is of tough fabric, not soft tissue

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9a3366 No.21665496


Okay then what is your point of namefagging?

What is your purpose here?

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1332ec No.21665497

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7baeba No.21665498

RRN published an article that HRC was dead, and within 30 minutes, every single media outlet in the world published a photo of HRC sipping wine in NYC. Every single one.

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578c1c No.21665499

File: 425c2853254e1c4⋯.png (195.87 KB,666x375,222:125,425c2853254e1c4c115c2efe2b….png)

Vladimir Putin's tactical nuclear weapons on fighter jets in the Ukraine is a GAME CHANGER

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f062b1 No.21665501


Perhaps a salt rotation panic?

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129e53 No.21665502


Stupid cow is so vain she gives herself up.

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4bdc7c No.21665503

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2929d2 No.21665504


sauce on crystalline structures of dehydrated Novocain


can compare the two

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d64d4c No.21665505

File: fbbb45357078391⋯.png (185.9 KB,357x357,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


There fore, those with blown out sphincters, can no longer hold in the stool, when coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, depends helps

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2629dc No.21665506

File: dc365440d3c1751⋯.png (972.22 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_6398.png)

File: 41f7b0c711258e7⋯.jpeg (719.38 KB,1170x1666,585:833,IMG_6399.jpeg)

File: f1d560aef460f9e⋯.jpeg (616.25 KB,1170x1494,65:83,IMG_6401.jpeg)


im sure somebody else has the image of my bosses son riding apollos chariot before q started posting right?

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9a3366 No.21665507


No idea what a fat kid means.

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8216e0 No.21665508


Question: why are you typing in all red text on every post, are you angry? I haven't followed the conversation, but it seems weird this late at night to be so angry. Can you verbalize what has happened to you lately?

I know I have a problem with using red text but not everything I write. Just worried for you.

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578c1c No.21665509

File: 009967bce4cc359⋯.png (491.29 KB,1080x1114,540:557,Screenshot_20240927_011150….png)

File: 075d14ba6fc802a⋯.png (791.13 KB,768x403,768:403,075d14ba6fc802a89a62ce8c36….png)

File: fe2b198e9d3d170⋯.png (831.5 KB,1080x825,72:55,Screevcf.png)

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e3a5aa No.21665510


fucking clowns came up with no namefagging rule. Only liberals use labels to shame people and divide people, have you never leavened anything? I do what I want. I’m not a sheep, I don’t flock with the herd. I stand out, I bait the deep state. Using a name makes that 1000000x easier. Don’t ever be fooled by groupthink manipulation

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129e53 No.21665511


There was no proof in vid that they were nano bots.

The only other logical conclusion would be the substance itself.

Specifically, crystals dissolving when water introduced.

Meaning the nicotine, is a larp.

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9a3366 No.21665512


Yeah but what is your point?

Like why are you even here and why the fucking red text in every fucking post?

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a1890f No.21665513


it’s the original image in the post shown just above it. Open something dummy

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9a3366 No.21665514


Yeah but what does a fat kid have to do with Q stuff?

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10e1ff No.21665515


I use the red text to easily find my posts because of my poor eyesight, as I have said for the last 7 fucking years

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8abdf6 No.21665516

File: 72cfa4bf7675a36⋯.png (2.23 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_0606.png)

File: 8b44a15dcac08c6⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,1068x2360,267:590,IMG_0607.jpeg)


Janet Jackson's Feud With Kamala Harris Likely Began In 2004


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733242 No.21665517

File: ef0a56bb155e1ee⋯.png (712.06 KB,680x972,170:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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266daa No.21665518

Is it national red text day?

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92380c No.21665519


oh now you’re moving the goalposts? Now we’ve moved on from me proving I am who I am? Fuck off

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0b9578 No.21665520

>21664255 (pb), >>21664260 (pb)

Arizona Supreme Court Rules that 98,000 People with Unconfirmed Citizenship May Vote

Before the election, the truth about the criminals working at the Arizona Supreme Court will be exposed.

You heard it here first from someone who knows what's going on in Arizona.


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400cf5 No.21665521

File: b18a76722183659⋯.png (870.78 KB,693x923,693:923,ClipboardImage.png)

Detroit, Michigan 1-75 Overpass

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578c1c No.21665522


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9a3366 No.21665523


Well regardless if you are that tripfaggot, doesn't make your argument any stronger.

What is your purpose here?

To just type autistically with your poor vision and show us a fat kid?

I don't get it..

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8abdf6 No.21665524

File: 62e3d62861cd564⋯.png (3.79 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_0609.png)

File: cb48b355de3e250⋯.webp (41.75 KB,728x546,4:3,IMG_0608.webp)






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b4a547 No.21665525

File: 32f52dafe6f9ad8⋯.png (50.29 KB,734x385,734:385,2024_09_26_23_36_41.png)


Can also be viewed in Google docs:


Sources include George Webb, Laura Loomer, DecentBackup, lawyersclubofindia, Tony Seruga, JG_CSTT, John Cullen, intelligencer.today, grassley.senate.gov, gaetz.house.gove

what it does NOT include is any reference to PETER RIDDLE as Heckman's predicted future assassin

>>21656680 pb

Edward Heckman


Donald Trump will face a third assassination attempt this October. The perpetrator is expected to be Peter Riddle.

Riddle, along with Ryan Routh and Maxwell Yearick, have worked together in Ukraine for the CIA.

2:32 PM · Sep 16, 2024


who is Edward Heckman?

who is Peter Riddle?


Related digs from assassination thread:

>>21665096 pb

>>21653522 pb


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2929d2 No.21665526



You sound experienced.

Even giving a brand recommendation.

*giggles in kek*

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2929d2 No.21665527


sauce or it didn't maximum happened.

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3cf20d No.21665529

File: cd9a8db249a1cd1⋯.jpeg (468.83 KB,1170x1153,1170:1153,IMG_6403.jpeg)

File: afd40edc2acd129⋯.png (1.58 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_6404.png)

File: e6b4a97ce52bb5b⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB,2076x1170,346:195,IMG_6229.jpeg)

File: 4c06800ca509ab5⋯.jpeg (1.51 MB,1170x1387,1170:1387,IMG_6179.jpeg)


I guess it’s just a coincidence that BidenIsAPedo talks about Virginia Beach and the air show every year here right?

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4e7887 No.21665530


This is weird, is Boeing intentionally sabotaging their equipment because they are incapable of fulfilling government contracts on the two new AF1's Trump signed?

Or are they really that fucked up they are willing to kill citizens?

Or is the company so corrupt they don't want the government to find out how many billions they stole from federal government contracts for 30+ years.

Boeing is not even to try to correct tge record. Did a foreign malignant force blackmail them to sabotage AF1's and would rather look incompetent than participating on killing the next President.

Something very strange going on with this company

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578c1c No.21665531


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c156c7 No.21665532

File: bb0d2347a2d6c2e⋯.mp4 (771.42 KB,360x640,9:16,bb0d2347a2d6c2ed9c0bae1e04….mp4)


Dumbass STFU

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861754 No.21665533


>tobacco water

wait just a minute. This is what the cheyenne used to trip on before going to battle. No reccomend for normals.

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60a39c No.21665535

File: a7b6e5bcf633f78⋯.mp4 (14.45 MB,IMG_3710.mp4)

A lot of wind and rain and noise blowing through here in GA, N of ATL

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d64d4c No.21665536


It's a counter, all post about rainbows, but never the medical

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60a39c No.21665537


And you are stupid trying to explain things to anons. You exposed yourself

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0b9578 No.21665538


Good riddance.

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fe3a6c No.21665539

File: 1b41ce07b8d3b20⋯.png (649.23 KB,492x495,164:165,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e10e3701c3e3166⋯.png (500.32 KB,453x500,453:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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f02648 No.21665540


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2929d2 No.21665541



bullet dubs

bring proof of your alternate conclusion

otherwise you are the larp

i'm not a scientist, so your words have no meaning to me.

the vid with pic and sauce has more value than you.

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b3140a No.21665543

File: 3a908dbaa72b301⋯.png (269.24 KB,796x597,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03133cc360419ca⋯.png (530.79 KB,693x593,693:593,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2442a9debb11e14⋯.png (196.94 KB,693x1076,693:1076,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ce1859d4db5544⋯.png (113.55 KB,693x692,693:692,ClipboardImage.png)

Targeting Trump's plane?

Anons already knew that.

They would blame it on Russia or Iran.

But anons already knew that as well…

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9a3366 No.21665544


4chan and 8kun share the same hash system.

You're actually a newfag at this point.

Holy shit..

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60a39c No.21665545


Well that's interesting, does rrn get more eyes than we think. The facke site

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0b9578 No.21665546


Must be, 'cause I used a little of it in my poast.


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85dc25 No.21665547

File: 85f0d92e00a5084⋯.png (164.57 KB,627x973,627:973,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a737d40d427d599⋯.png (186.62 KB,577x455,577:455,ClipboardImage.png)

sorry if late to the game

is there a thread that's discussed this

latest threat to 45?



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60a39c No.21665548


How do you ip hop so fast?

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c156c7 No.21665549

File: 009967bce4cc359⋯.png (491.29 KB,1080x1114,540:557,Screenshot_20240927_011150….png)

Man that's a bio, health restricted area, Proceed with caution and full Preox air suit.


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e540ec No.21665550

File: 3e2d9ad82b690f7⋯.png (475.74 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Pence is delusional.

Mike Pence quietly lays the groundwork for a post-Trump future

The former vice president’s policy group is stoking the last embers of Reagan conservatism.


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0b9578 No.21665551


Think logically.

While Harris's comments during the Michael Jackson trial might have annoyed Janet Jackson, the more likely source of the beef they're having right now is that Kamala's not Black and never was and Janet Jackson's ticked.

I am, too, and I am not even Black.

Kamala is fake as fuck.

Everyone hates Kamala.

Well, at least everyone who's not still brainwashed.

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60a39c No.21665552


Seriously Zuch should never be trusted, everything he says sounds lifeless and robot like. His apologies are never apologizing .Is he dead?

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0b9578 No.21665553

File: e6a389cf6864faa⋯.jpeg (13.79 KB,247x204,247:204,Jesus_with_Darkness_Bad_L….jpeg)

Goodnight, you guise.

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60a39c No.21665554


Glorious patriots

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0b9578 No.21665555

File: ad8ca3e98c16f57⋯.jpg (82.11 KB,500x576,125:144,Jesus_with_his_8kun_Laptop….jpg)

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85dc25 No.21665556


ok, just saw this post


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c156c7 No.21665557


Mike Pence will be charged for treason that is guaranteed.

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cbb198 No.21665558


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8abdf6 No.21665559

File: d3a7ffe61ee194a⋯.jpeg (3.64 MB,4167x3929,4167:3929,IMG_0610.jpeg)

File: 5043d0689b8b71f⋯.jpeg (4.9 MB,4167x3967,4167:3967,IMG_0611.jpeg)

File: 77b9f433538d76e⋯.jpeg (275.39 KB,1676x399,1676:399,IMG_0612.jpeg)

File: 069ac0af5e10a4c⋯.jpeg (6.8 MB,4167x4704,1389:1568,IMG_0613.jpeg)

How San Francisco’s Wealthiest Families Launched Kamala Harris

At splashy weddings, charity balls and all the right restaurants, she hobnobbed with San Francisco’s moneyed elite—and made lasting allies who backed her at every stage of her political career.


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861754 No.21665560


checked digits

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2929d2 No.21665561

"have to red text to see what i'm typing."

red text doesn't turn red till after hit send

red text so eaiser to go back to ss for proof to get paid for trolling

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b4a547 No.21665562


>is there a thread that's discussed this

latest threat to 45?

NOT YET afaik

There is a new thread on the board where we are digging on assassination threats

can you repost there?


re this tweet: have to say, not a big fan of Vandersteel but who knows? she might have sometimes….but what's her SOURCE?

"intelligence just in from the southern border"

"a confidental human source"

(…..the usual)

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60a39c No.21665563


Why is my ID changing all the time? Its been happening for 2+ weeks

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d64d4c No.21665565

File: 0be136dc4113563⋯.png (76.89 KB,804x1030,402:515,ClipboardImage.png)

𝕄𝕂 𝕌𝕝𝕥𝕣𝕒 𝕄𝔸𝔾𝔸𝕥 🐸@Sad_But_True

Here's a fun coinkidink. 🍿 9/27/2024


We keep hearing Diddy 1000, Diddy 1000, Diddy 1000. Q only mentioned Epstein 4 times in the fist 3,000 post.

#1000 👀

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85dc25 No.21665566


it looks like exact same pic i saw a few weeks ago, but it was from, of all unlikely places, SOUTHERN Commiefornia.

can anyone confirm?

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85dc25 No.21665567

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60a39c No.21665568


Pence really has no idea of who is tracking him, does he?

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c156c7 No.21665569

File: a8b984361437ceb⋯.mp4 (430.67 KB,806x792,403:396,a8b984361437ceb6b72bb02802….mp4)

Kamala Harris is Native American.

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6f000f No.21665570


lol ok

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d64d4c No.21665571

File: 337f2ad979d95ff⋯.png (194.28 KB,653x612,653:612,ClipboardImage.png)

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35df66 No.21665572

Would bad actors plant a FF during the port closure during the strike?

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b4a547 No.21665573

moar notes


#26531 >>21665051

>>21665096, >>21665525, >>21665547 Trump assassination dig

>>21665100 Senator tells Merrick Garland to hand over communications with Jack Smith

>>21665104 NFL Hall of Famer Brian Urlacher just endorsed Trump in new ad

>>21665120 Jack Smith Files Evidence Under Seal in Latest Attack Against President Trump

>>21665130 Male prostitute turns in alleged videotape of Diddy ‘freak-off’ to feds

>>21665137 PF: TUAF165 Turkish Military AIRBUS A-400M Leaving New York

>>21665150 Kamala McValor gun control twat

>>21665159 CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month

>>21665181 Springfield, Ohio shitshow continues

>>21665202 ‘Significant setback’: Reports of China’s nuclear submarine sinking

>>21665285 Mayor Adams Freemason

>>21665354 Boeing 737’s wheel falls off shortly after landing in Argentina in latest potential safety fail by planemaker

>>21665360 James O’Keefe: Dozens of Federal Whistleblowers Coming forward in the next few Weeks!

>>21665401 Tobacco nicotine in DISTILLED WATER destroys nanobots in shots - Dr David Martin

>>21665407 New York appeals court judge calls Trump’s $454M civil fraud judgment ‘troubling’

>>21665425 Cali Sen. Shannon Grove of Bakersfield has passed significant bills to combat sex trafficking.

>>21665550 Mike Pence quietly lays (or TRIES to lie) the groundwork for a post-Trump future

>>21665232, >>21665381 Memes


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60a39c No.21665574


Agreed. Janet also knows a lot more about Kamala then many do. Janet needs a lot of protection

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0b9578 No.21665575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You bet Mike Pence will be charged for treason (under 18 U.S.C. 2381), along with many, many others.

I'm so ready.

A patriot named Tory Smith warned us about Pence more than 8 years ago, and was apparently poisoned for his efforts.

We watched Tory Smith die slowly, on YouTube.

God, we're so close.

Help us finish the job You gave us.




LINK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh4sno9WgsU

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b3140a No.21665579

File: d1062d9bf7460df⋯.png (2.63 MB,1239x1681,1239:1681,iran_protest_oiac_deep_sta….png)

File: dbe5963c7963e97⋯.jpg (46.83 KB,720x451,720:451,maryam_rajavi_rabbi_daniel….jpg)

File: a98039ef96c2f87⋯.png (4.93 MB,2584x1166,1292:583,MEK_then_and_now.png)

File: c76c89aeb873f62⋯.png (444.05 KB,1414x929,1414:929,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdebec2e790ac97⋯.jpg (65.5 KB,750x499,750:499,2432772.jpg)



>ok, just saw this post


My best guess is the Iranian MEK/Rajavi SIG (#FreeIran), which is fully supported by the bipartisan deep state has a hand in this. They want the US start a war with Iran and do regime change for the Zionist Project. They operate from Washington DC as the Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC). Check their website and who are all involved: oiac.org

What did Q mean with 'BLUE METAL'?

Does it refer to Maryam Rajavi's clothing?

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f062b1 No.21665580


You say you have been here for years and can make great posts.

But that it will or has been erased.

So do you understand my suggestion that you build your own catalog once so that you can post them reliably?

That said it might create confusion if your name is posted in QR in Qp

Well, it's just a name, so maybe there is no such problem,

Also, while I think past posts and your proofs are interesting, don't you think it would create clutter in this General where current and up-to-date information is flowing?

If that is the case, why don't you propose to create a thread specific to QR BO first?

If you make it out of the blue, it could be deleted.

But it is possible, isn't it?

because it may be content that may not be appropriate here.

But if you think it is so important, why don't you share the information elsewhere, if not here?

If someone thinks your post is important, isn't that fine?

Wouldn't it be great to have a catalog that gives a glimpse of what you've learned?

If your stuff is legendary, maybe you can join the LEGACY board?(I don't know.)

In any case, I think cataloging is a great performance in preserving what you think is important,

I don't think this is a division, but an expansion.

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733242 No.21665582

File: 142f247f5334538⋯.png (463.06 KB,500x747,500:747,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1822da54301c6fa⋯.png (926.6 KB,860x573,860:573,ClipboardImage.png)


the all sound like a.i overlords.

There is a thought that keep reoccurring in anons mind, even had visions of it.

There is a black cube somewhere in switzerland which is supposed to be a artwork.

seems to be everywhere, the jews wear it on their head, the muslims face towards it when praying.

Anon has wondered if the globe is being held hostage by a super a.i system which has all the dirt on everyone and the elites are using it to keep everyone on a certain 2030 path.

many people have lost the ability to apply common sense and they keep using language like esg, dei, sustainibility, climate change netzero etc.

to a point when they no longer remember what the origin of words mean.

very strange and robotic,

that is before actual robots, clones and all the other stuff around which is muddying the chaos.

zuck is plugged in, elon is inventing it, it controls the markets with Aladdin with fink.

peter teal, google, apple etc.

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60a39c No.21665583


It seems like a big panic for many today repeating the same thing. It makes me wonder why. Van desteel? Is a follower.

No doubt he's in danger but they are accelerating the fear.

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2929d2 No.21665585

File: a19190734d1af66⋯.jpg (45.4 KB,400x400,1:1,a19190734d1af6611b9ab3a74a….jpg)



>Pence really has no idea of who is tracking him, does he?


most of them don't know we even exist here i bet.

All they hear through msm is Qanon is not relevent to their plans.

So perhaps everything Q to them is irrelevant and they ignore us.

So they continue down their path to self destruction.


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d64d4c No.21665587


Magic, is nothing more than smoke and mirrors, that's all they have left.

Say it enough, to make it so, not practical.

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c156c7 No.21665589

File: 0799d0699c499bd⋯.png (1.1 MB,812x1265,812:1265,0799d0699c499bdf5856365d54….png)

File: befacc1a82e3d91⋯.gif (2.09 MB,498x498,1:1,befacc1a82e3d9126da246a3e2….gif)


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85dc25 No.21665591

of course, noname's mug has to pop-up.

plausible possibility, anon.

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60a39c No.21665592


Thats so funny, they want to be paid now. Good luck with that. Just because Trump praised two of their leads, now executives think they deserve to be paid.

CNN has 8 years of lies to pay for to Trump. These people are delusional

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f062b1 No.21665593



Enough about others, let's talk about your proof.

Or are you here to label others and this space?

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d64d4c No.21665594


habits die hard, they have gotten away with their bs for so long, even in the death throws, they can't get off the mental loops, they have.

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b4a547 No.21665596


DS will always try to use fear as a weapon

Striking a balance between awareness and paranoia is the challenge

FIB, DOJ and SS aren't doing much

(except mebbe colluding)

the more info we can collect, the better

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8abdf6 No.21665598

File: c653bc06d1cafaf⋯.png (4.34 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_0614.png)


Fact check: Harris campaign social media account has repeatedly deceived with misleading edits and captions



A social media account run by Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has been repeatedly deceptive.

The @KamalaHQ account, which has more than 1.3 million followers on the X social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has made a habit of misleadingly clipping and inaccurately captioning video clips to attack former President Donald Trump.

The Harris campaign deploys @KamalaHQ as a kind of irreverent attack dog, using jocular posts to draw attention to controversial, incorrect, or dubious comments by Trump and his allies. But the account, which the Harris campaign calls its “official rapid response page,” has itself made inaccurate comments on multiple occasions.

Below are eight examples of false or misleading video posts from the account since mid-August, including three from the latter part of this week. All of them have previously been highlighted by an anonymous rebuttal account called @KamalaHQLies, which itself has more than 268,000 followers.


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f062b1 No.21665602


Aww, I took you seriously, but you guys don't dialogue with me properly.

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60a39c No.21665603


What a weird night here, nightshift is usually sane and great. Haven't been here for while a while, what happened anons?

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d64d4c No.21665604

File: 656569b9cb449a0⋯.png (91.62 KB,460x227,460:227,ImproviseAdaptOvercome.png)

This is what the ds is NOT, use it against them.

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b3140a No.21665605




>>ok, just saw this post


>My best guess is the Iranian MEK/Rajavi SIG (#FreeIran), which is fully supported by the bipartisan deep state has a hand in this. They want the US start a war with Iran and do regime change for the Zionist Project. They operate from Washington DC as the Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC). Check their website and who are all involved: oiac.org

>What did Q mean with 'BLUE METAL'?

>Does it refer to Maryam Rajavi's clothing?

Was planned for this saturday (:27)

Proof coming.

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2929d2 No.21665607



>habits die hard

just like a drug

junkie is as a junkie does

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b4a547 No.21665608


some of us are digging, just depends on where you look.

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60a39c No.21665609


Did Fani and friends terminate him because he knew too much?

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0beb18 No.21665610




dont count

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853262 No.21665612

H is the 8th letter

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2929d2 No.21665614

fuck off adl

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fe3a6c No.21665615

File: 82cba272cebfe74⋯.png (315.48 KB,549x826,549:826,ClipboardImage.png)

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85dc25 No.21665616


will listen/watch right now.

elderly mom (got one shot)

and her sister (pureblood)

both showing signs of dementia.

and both have hbp. will nicotine

have adverse effect on their

blood pressure?

already have them on

Methylene Blue and

quercetin, berberine, nattokinase

and some other stuff

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d64d4c No.21665618


the flip side, is, is he now a whistleblower? Might not be, but possible.

Steve Harvey went missing too.

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f062b1 No.21665619


Is that your wonderful proof constructive to the world?

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2929d2 No.21665620


Just a beatdown on a larp.

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85dc25 No.21665622

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b4a547 No.21665624







Of course it's possible that someone could try to hit Trump's plane. But is there any evidence or is this pure conjecture?

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48da3d No.21665626

It ALL leads back to israel.

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733242 No.21665627

File: d90cf5cf71c8be5⋯.png (1.14 MB,1244x691,1244:691,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b93cca5154de3d9⋯.png (715.45 KB,900x500,9:5,ClipboardImage.png)

what book is that


This image was taken in lord ali's penthouse flat in covent garden which kier starmer used during covid, during the queens funeral to broadcast his messages.

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f38ef6 No.21665628

File: 7e5e98b0386a9ba⋯.jpg (152.75 KB,710x800,71:80,1717739332294885.jpg)


every time

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48da3d No.21665629


>>21665550 Mike Pence quietly lays (or TRIES to lie) the groundwork for a post-Trump future

on one hand, I want to believe that Pence is just playing his role, and he's actually on our side. On the other hand, he DID receive a letter with the rest of the bad actors during Bush Sr's funeral service.

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f062b1 No.21665630

File: 0b57de4be808cce⋯.gif (804.24 KB,400x223,400:223,C5981A38_681C_4089_A22B_2A….gif)


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d64d4c No.21665631

File: b30b85213330837⋯.png (17.83 KB,550x306,275:153,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a48689cd5b38980⋯.png (63.22 KB,542x626,271:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d30e252c4259515⋯.png (60.18 KB,562x624,281:312,ClipboardImage.png)


only 6 posts with insulated.


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60a39c No.21665632


Whats wrong with bold black, its easier to read and see

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f38ef6 No.21665633

File: 81a95ec3eb0870c⋯.jpg (521.14 KB,1920x1280,3:2,1717739181011919.jpg)


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fe3a6c No.21665634

File: 3c005ca3b266a53⋯.png (323.01 KB,512x291,512:291,ClipboardImage.png)

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48da3d No.21665635


god i hate homosexuals

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f38ef6 No.21665636

File: 2cf54a10eccf7cf⋯.jpg (135.2 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1715050349419092.jpg)

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b4a547 No.21665637


tx, anon.

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f965b9 No.21665638

File: 7ec6d6c1a3f7194⋯.jpeg (29.74 KB,122x122,1:1,IMG_6838.jpeg)



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60a39c No.21665640


Kek makes sense

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f38ef6 No.21665641

File: 2ded750c4a0fd7c⋯.jpg (73.18 KB,500x697,500:697,4253647.jpg)

File: ecf8d15c91b2fac⋯.png (1.57 KB,1200x490,120:49,64757585.png)

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60a39c No.21665642


They really do, don't they?

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d6d7f0 No.21665643



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37b62e No.21665644


im German, English and Cherokee there goy

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473a2a No.21665645


>will nicotine

>have adverse effect on their

>blood pressure?

Nicotine is vasal constrictor, so BP will go up temporarily.

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9a0a32 No.21665646


Nice catch.


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b1e19a No.21665647

File: 8430de30d6829d5⋯.jpg (148.31 KB,720x904,90:113,20240927_012534.jpg)


Secret Service ripped for plan to send agents to Disney World LGBTQ summit amid failures protecting Trump

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d64d4c No.21665648


I have deadly low bp, drink coffee and smoke keeps me ticking.

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60a39c No.21665649


I remember him, and Karen is much worse

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9a0a32 No.21665650


All according to plan.

Long ways to go though.

Do you really think they will hand over power after the election?

This will be a FIGHT.

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f38ef6 No.21665651

File: f21da56f7f496ea⋯.jpg (19.34 KB,255x255,1:1,f21da56f7f496ea939c3470237….jpg)


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b3140a No.21665652


Proof is coming.

Networks will be fully exposed.

Will sicken some people to the core.

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b4a547 No.21665653


got a description for that nom?

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634472 No.21665654

File: 170a6d0f458963c⋯.jpg (11.33 KB,227x225,227:225,th_1_.jpg)

File: 69d9194dfb4960a⋯.jpg (10.06 KB,169x225,169:225,th.jpg)

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f965b9 No.21665655

File: 474523bef721d56⋯.jpeg (49.15 KB,255x240,17:16,IMG_6820.jpeg)


> Recently found video of Tampon Tim

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60a39c No.21665656


Yeah I'm pretty surprised about Peter Thiel but he made his loyalties lie at All in conference. He was really weird and captured

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d64d4c No.21665657


Primer for public, Epstein, then Diddy, well known, leads to many, from pharma, ports, dc, worldwide figures, now Oct comes the whistleblowers, all before election, seems many won't be available to cause havoc, sounds like a damn good plan, the team has going.

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b4a547 No.21665658


>Proof is coming.


>Networks will be fully exposed.

"fully"? can't wait.

>Will sicken some people to the core.

"those who know cannot sleep"

Can't you do better?

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37b62e No.21665659


yeah you stopped talking now huh? I remembered who you are

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60a39c No.21665660

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b3140a No.21665661



Why do you think Trump keeps reposting the popcorn vid…


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8abdf6 No.21665662

File: 79bac527562abcd⋯.jpeg (227.07 KB,1366x769,1366:769,815BCF93_AA02_4333_A6D7_9….jpeg)

File: 668d797816b817d⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB,1303x1302,1303:1302,IMG_0621.jpeg)

File: b81b90a1e32560c⋯.jpeg (381.18 KB,1765x1290,353:258,IMG_0620.jpeg)

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b3140a No.21665663


>Can't you do better?

Ok… you asked.


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e4a10b No.21665664


I heard east coast port workers are planning to strike soon

Estimated 5B loss per day

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b4a547 No.21665665

File: 42c2c61074ac67d⋯.jpg (10.19 KB,318x158,159:79,popcorn_study.jpg)


>Why do you think Trump keeps reposting the popcorn vid…

same reason we do.

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60a39c No.21665666


They are ramping up the fear big time. Are they trying to reduce participation at Trump rallies? Its not working. They don't understand loyalty

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b4a547 No.21665667



no "10 days of darkness"?

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d64d4c No.21665668


awww, lol, what a shame.

They are leaking funds, nothing coming in, what will paid shills do, once they are no longer paid? Some tend to leak info, to get even…

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b3140a No.21665669

File: 3c3acc204a313c4⋯.png (106.64 KB,934x447,934:447,ClipboardImage.png)




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e4a10b No.21665670


would make sense tho

People taking easy way out rather than facing trial

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60a39c No.21665672


Thank God some of you are left

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e4a10b No.21665673


obviously you need to lurk moar

Q said darnkes in drops, not darkness

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b4a547 No.21665674

File: 67cc8988712749e⋯.jpg (205.11 KB,1200x670,120:67,panic_in_dc_film.jpg)


not is it only NOT WORKING, it's great meme ammo

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60a39c No.21665675


Well that is interesting and unusual

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48da3d No.21665676

What happened to Epstein's blackmail material?

Either the FBI got it.

Or israel recovered it.

either way, it's not coming out.

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b4a547 No.21665677


can't lurq atm, collecting notes

one moar drop, then time for pepe bedtime

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d64d4c No.21665678


drugs/poison is their weapon of choice.

Drug those to blackmail,

drug the public,

drug to get out of the mess they've caused.

Drugs are used during rituals, creating delusions, they pre-installed via videos, so once it is brought up during the ceremony, they all recall the dark videos, ergo, faking an entity, in their delusions.

Magic is a science, not a miracle, which is their weak attempt at it.

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afa1eb No.21665679

File: ece74ec9d65e8dc⋯.jpeg (221.59 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_6619.jpeg)

File: 9ada5c37e5fba2b⋯.jpeg (51.38 KB,500x549,500:549,IMG_6616.jpeg)


Big Mike fake pregnancy photo has a similar face structure to a young Dionne Warwick. Big Mike didn’t style herself like that 20 years ago when her daughter was born. Nobody did.

Fake AI is fake.

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60a39c No.21665680


That's fun, but this one is butthurt ego, he seems like he is obsessed to exist

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d64d4c No.21665681


Question, is Epstein dead? Same thing,,,

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733242 No.21665682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Last night djt did a press conference, there was a break in the broadcast when he took questions from the press - this is the missing sections - runtime 15 minutes,


WATCH: Trump Takes Reporters' Questions About Eric Adams, Iran At Trump Tower Press Briefing


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60a39c No.21665683


He's a traitor I saw it with his interactions with Trump a month into the 2017 Admin. Pence us a pedophile and his wife is in charge if him. Wouldn't be surprised Karen fed the media hateful stories about Melania. She hated her it was obvious

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8abdf6 No.21665684

File: d37ac386e7baf81⋯.jpeg (463.77 KB,1366x911,1366:911,8BA2F795_79D5_4437_A0E7_E….jpeg)

File: 04aac04c8ece19f⋯.jpeg (310.19 KB,1366x911,1366:911,3D918006_ED74_4359_87F7_4….jpeg)

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e4a10b No.21665685


It's probably in the hands of white hats

white hats probably using the material to make key players play their roles in the movie before being sentenced to death for their pedo shit.

General public will probably not know until movie is over, even then some things will be kept from public because of how dark and depraved these people are.

Q team is probably the only people who have full view of the list of crimes perpetrated by these sick individuals.

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9a0a32 No.21665686

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB,581x614,581:614,BDD1654F_E440_418D_9563_F5….png)


He’s hiding at the Love Cabin he and Fani never stayed at.

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60a39c No.21665687


But you just made an excuse for using bold red because you can see it better, black bold is easier, so I think its logical to ask.

I wouldn't worry about you, its just a good question. Arrogance may be your problem.

I'm a therapist do you want some help?

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2929d2 No.21665688


not if a bunch of the playas are mia.

congress writing up plans to replace congress if congress goes mia under cover of death.

but what if mia due to unsealing of indictments?

can't blame Trump, the civilian.

perhaps a coup within an agency?

merick garland arrested due to corruption.

Wray arrested or comes out from cover?

FBI/DOJ cleaned up on biden watch?

goose bumps just thinking about it.

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9a0a32 No.21665689


Sinaloa Cartel = Clowns, Clowns, Clowns

Just like Iran = Clowns, Clowns, Clowns

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d64d4c No.21665690

Epstein didn't hang himself, we saw images, that were NOT Epstein, why couldn't they have created a story, that Nathan Wade was on the run, when in fact, he could be protected, to give insider info, just a theory but one to consider, since we do not have the facts, yet.

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9a0a32 No.21665691


Hopefully it’s because of arrests.

Been thinking that myself lately.

This is just part of the excitement of the Movie.


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fe3a6c No.21665692

File: 22ed04f8d5ba48d⋯.png (243.23 KB,519x266,519:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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8abdf6 No.21665693

File: 933d563d43524a1⋯.mp4 (331.42 KB,480x596,120:149,Kamala_Harris_Indian_01.mp4)

File: dd5ebff4ebb9408⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,480x852,40:71,Kamala_Harris_Indian_02.mp4)

File: ba57f79c4de9a15⋯.jpg (108.25 KB,894x555,298:185,Kamala_Harris_Indian_03.jpg)

File: abcaa7d13b6ffb6⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,480x360,4:3,Kamala_Harris_Black_or_Whi….mp4)

File: d7142980851effb⋯.jpg (277.65 KB,1130x1406,565:703,Prof_Harris_Marxist.JPG)

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b1293a No.21665694


yes. they will be scared and will organize to sabotage , undermine and corrupt his admin without ceasing

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fe3a6c No.21665695

File: c15261e0d408e29⋯.png (366.25 KB,519x291,173:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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60a39c No.21665696


I never thought he was

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d64d4c No.21665697

Fear mongering, is one thing, that is being cancelled. I'm not going to run with the style the left has used, when I am seeing, their plans, crumble, with each attempt at fear mongering, begins and ends sometimes in less than a day.

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2929d2 No.21665698





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9a0a32 No.21665699


Havoc is coming.

Havoc is required.

The public must see.

The public must reject the narrative to accept the truth.

Contrast will clarify.

The Great Awakening.

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60a39c No.21665700


Thank you and with that I'm going to bed, because I'm on the dayshift.


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9a0a32 No.21665701


Starmer cucked for Obummer.

We always knew but confirmation is always nice.

They use these books behind them for comms.

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d64d4c No.21665702


Controlled, Havoc

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b4a547 No.21665703

File: 364cac0366853f4⋯.png (251.52 KB,297x379,297:379,sleepy_pepe.png)

collector notes

no there's no baker

#26531 >>21665051

>>21665096, >>21665525, >>21665547, >>21665624, >>21665631 Trump assassination dig

>>21665100 Senator tells Merrick Garland to hand over communications with Jack Smith

>>21665104 NFL Hall of Famer Brian Urlacher just endorsed Trump in new ad

>>21665120 Jack Smith Files Evidence Under Seal in Latest Attack Against President Trump

>>21665130 Male prostitute turns in alleged videotape of Diddy ‘freak-off’ to feds

>>21665137 PF: TUAF165 Turkish Military AIRBUS A-400M Leaving New York

>>21665150 Kamala McValor gun control twat

>>21665159 CNN Plans to Paywall News Content Starting Next Month

>>21665181 Springfield, Ohio shitshow continues

>>21665202 ‘Significant setback’: Reports of China’s nuclear submarine sinking

>>21665285 Mayor Adams Freemason

>>21665354 Boeing 737’s wheel falls off shortly after landing in Argentina in latest potential safety fail by planemaker

>>21665360 James O’Keefe: Dozens of Federal Whistleblowers Coming forward in the next few Weeks!

>>21665401 Tobacco nicotine in DISTILLED WATER destroys nanobots in shots - Dr David Martin

>>21665407 New York appeals court judge calls Trump’s $454M civil fraud judgment ‘troubling’

>>21665425 Cali Sen. Shannon Grove of Bakersfield has passed significant bills to combat sex trafficking.

>>21665550 Mike Pence quietly lays (or TRIES to lie) the groundwork for a post-Trump future

>>21665598 CNN: Fact check - Harris campaign social media account has repeatedly deceived with misleading edits and captions

>>21665647 Secret Service ripped for plan to send agents to Disney World LGBTQ summit amid failures protecting Trump

>>21665456 Where's WADE?

>>21665682 Trump Takes Reporters' Questions About Eric Adams, Iran At Trump Tower Press Briefing

>>21665232, >>21665381, >>21665463 Memes



between the eve and the graveyard

when the lids are beginning to 'lo-wer'

comes a pause in the day's occupation

that is known as ANON'S hour…..

time for this anon to sleep


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2929d2 No.21665704



To many more arrests!


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fe3a6c No.21665705

File: cde557612064734⋯.png (222.93 KB,500x269,500:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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2929d2 No.21665706


dubs aught


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d64d4c No.21665707

File: 83e89e80ad2ae5e⋯.png (49.7 KB,544x711,544:711,ClipboardImage.png)


Controlled Havoc

The anons, that understand the plan, will know, or that choice is given, to know.

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473a2a No.21665708

File: b42db7b17a35306⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,666.21 KB,1274x715,98:55,b42db7b17a353063ed57dac71d….jpg)


Maybe they suicided him.

On a totally unrelated note, his slightly flood damaged cybertruck is for sale.

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fe3a6c No.21665709

File: e129e3be156d9d4⋯.png (1.09 MB,723x584,723:584,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f20d8 No.21665710


I honestly don't know.

I've shared the info with others who are in early stages but they still trust the docs. You can lead a horse to water….

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d64d4c No.21665711


We plant the seeds….

others make them grow.

I am seeing those I've planted seeds in, come back with now, 'telling me' what is going on.

I do not say, 'but I told you that already', they don't remember. I let them begin to tell me, and end with, well, keep me updated, so they continue now with a mission to look further.

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fe3a6c No.21665712

File: 0ff85cb3a8954fe⋯.png (392.49 KB,601x519,601:519,ClipboardImage.png)

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ffb0a4 No.21665713


Chkd, nice…

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740bc2 No.21665714

File: 2f2f85c16fcf1a3⋯.png (89.11 KB,220x219,220:219,ClipboardImage.png)


>Jack Smith Files Evidence Under Seal in Latest Attack Against President Trump

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d64d4c No.21665715


It is very much like teaching a child lessons, we allow them to bring info to us, and smile proudly, that the little ones, sheep, are figuring things out on their own.

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0d34a1 No.21665716

File: ef592f3409c82ed⋯.jpg (287.46 KB,1242x1546,621:773,IMG_2040.JPG)

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2929d2 No.21665717


Best job I ever had was working in cosmetics supply.

Me and 63 women all day every day.

I was the test subject for their facial products.

"Can I apply this eye cream on you?"

I'm like Ohhh kaaay.

Nothing else to do when slow business day.

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0b9578 No.21665718




>Do you really think they will hand over power after the election?

No, but I do know that the power will be yanked from them so fast that [THEY] won't know what hit [THEM].

Do you think that the good guys in the United States Military will let [THEM] hold power indefinitely?

I don't.

This is because I know that there are things coming out that will destroy [THEIR] entire system and expose [THEM] as the disgusting criminals that [THEY] are.

[THEY] have no idea how quickly things will collapse around [THEM].

[THEY] will not be able to walk down the street.

There's a lot of time left for theSLOW DRIP > Floodabout which Q posted to happen.

It's going to be glorious.

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2929d2 No.21665719



>destroy [THEIR] entire system

>not be able to walk down the street.

>It's going to be glorious.

*hugs your post* ( no homo)

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0d34a1 No.21665720

File: 193d4fa57c707b3⋯.png (993.26 KB,994x1280,497:640,IMG_2109.PNG)

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634472 No.21665721

File: c547abb695a6fd0⋯.png (553.94 KB,750x881,750:881,sleep_.png)


good night and thank you

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d64d4c No.21665722


This is very scripted, like a book.

Just because the make up artist, makes a mistake on a mask, there are many that make up a news cast, from lighting to cameramen, to stage design, all working together, yet no one stops them to say, 'go to commercial, we see the mask falling?', no, because it's a script that is meant to push it in your face, to wake the sleepers. Those people have all been replaced, old habits die hard, and creating the perfect lie, was their thing, common sense, needs to be applied.

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f72667 No.21665723

Bye-bye hurricane.

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0d34a1 No.21665724

File: f2e803e7144f5dd⋯.jpg (505.39 KB,653x1388,653:1388,IMG_2066.JPG)

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fe3a6c No.21665725

File: a5161451772d5ab⋯.png (302.58 KB,1024x962,512:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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f72667 No.21665726

They don’t get what they want.

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2929d2 No.21665727


Gotta love Dave.

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b1e19a No.21665728

File: d490491f9bfd328⋯.jpg (37 KB,720x488,90:61,20240927_022550.jpg)

How long before Ellen wipes her X feed


Ellen has her fingers in every dirty pie

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82633f No.21665729


Only two things guaranteed this election, Trump will win and they will cheat.

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2929d2 No.21665730


add in illegal aliens

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4bdc7c No.21665731

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f062b1 No.21665732


What are you projecting against?

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0d34a1 No.21665733

File: 9a15b8e06227318⋯.png (1.43 MB,1280x1083,1280:1083,IMG_2571.PNG)

File: 8e657797d434789⋯.png (140.41 KB,500x786,250:393,IMG_2577.PNG)

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2929d2 No.21665734


>Ellen has her fingers in every dirty pie


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2929d2 No.21665735


>Trump will win and they will cheat.

Trump will win and they will attempt to cheat.


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d64d4c No.21665736

File: 32008f8e9639444⋯.png (342.67 KB,550x357,550:357,ClipboardImage.png)


This is the basic view, in CNN's control room, so many eyes, to fix, any problem that occurs.

They never take a day off, they've been doing their jobs for decades, yet, no one sees a mask slipping? Think logically.

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0cc319 No.21665737

File: 61e7e9770a99a60⋯.mp4 (6.31 MB,480x270,16:9,Justice_Thomas_Litany_of_H….mp4)

File: c57e01031065208⋯.jpg (653.78 KB,2400x3000,4:5,Litany_of_Humility.jpg)


ThanQ Baker!

Happy Friday, anons.

PDJT meets with Zelenskyy today. Here's hoping he can get to the end of the war. A couple million souls have been sacrificed for nothing.

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0cc319 No.21665738

File: c8db6a737d797fe⋯.jpg (51.66 KB,620x800,31:40,Jack_Handey_came_here_in_p….jpg)

File: 55cd6e04033b207⋯.jpg (73.59 KB,750x756,125:126,Gold_earwax.jpg)

File: 531d5c46c127097⋯.png (121.75 KB,460x471,460:471,gold_digger.png)

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0b9578 No.21665739




>Trump's election and inauguration will not be accepted by the DS

This statement presumes that the DS will still be intact by the time of the election. . . .

Don't bet on it.

What if something happens, between now and then, that cripples the DS?

What if something that [THEY] never expect comes to light?

With all the Diddy stuff in the news, and only snowballing every day, plus all the other criminal investigations that have been quietly proceeding, in the background, something enormous happens to [THEM]?

My money's on that.

It will be like [THEY]'re standing out in the yard, waiting to scream and cry about President Trump's re-election, but as [THEY] are standing there, waiting to launch [THEIR] attack, [THEY] will get a chop at the popliteal fossa (the back of the knee) that [THEY] never expected.

All will fall.

Wait for it. . . .


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f965b9 No.21665740

File: 0aa14b6f56799a0⋯.png (882.48 KB,730x692,365:346,38_days_to_winning.png)





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5dc216 No.21665741


I hope we catch them this time, I thought I did when I decoded RemoveRestrictions.bat from Mike Lindell's symposium which proved widespread voter fraud; even Jan Halpner said it stop 46 lawsuits and reiterated what I said" "No Standing" in a court of law means your lawyers never claimed damages; although she used injury which relates to bodily and is a subtype of damages.

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5af2fa No.21665742


You just proved why NASA won't be going anywhere. They made you believe space is explorable.

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0d34a1 No.21665743

File: 91232b75fa29126⋯.jpg (32.96 KB,480x504,20:21,IMG_2090.JPG)

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b1e19a No.21665744

File: 5505aecba636fa4⋯.jpg (179.12 KB,720x1188,20:33,20240927_023827.jpg)

#Diddy's not afraid of other inmates giving him a poisoned apple in prison ..


Poison apple? Witch ? Hillary?

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9592b0 No.21665745


ThankQ anon, I hope that today is that day, it is well overdue. These people have taken everything from us, I can't even donate to the campaign because were the first ever targeted in this, since a year before 911.

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733242 No.21665746


you should watch the clinton global initiative video anon posted yesterday.

it starts of with a section from nasa.

so much garbage,

the whole thing was a grift of global grifters with bill clinton collecting a cheque from post code lottery for over 1.6 million, global central kitchen,

very few views on the videos but huge global connections all the way up to the space station, promises of travelling to space, the moon and mars.

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2929d2 No.21665747



mi only protected enough of the electronic vote to get trump over the top in '16.

full eletronic protect in play '24.

plus all paper ballots under tight scrutiny.

and as you say, too big to rig.

imagine 50 states vote red.


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d64d4c No.21665748


lol, why do rockets, arc, instead of going straight to the planet they are attempting to reach?

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5af2fa No.21665749

In a desperate attempt to fool the foolish Disney have defrosted the name Walt and have a started using his name again. It's officially Walt Disney world again on their holiday web site ditching plain old Disney land.

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f18290 No.21665750


I surely hope so. I did not foresee 2020 playing out as it did.

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2929d2 No.21665751


"I think about death every minute of every day."

"Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock."

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53c969 No.21665752


Correct, I think that if Zelinsky moved their 500 bio-weapon plants off the Russian border, and treated some Russian fairly, and promise no to join NATO, it could have averted the whole war.

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afa1eb No.21665753

File: c8191d139385f2f⋯.jpeg (916.31 KB,1763x1536,1763:1536,IMG_6620.jpeg)

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733242 No.21665754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1st 12 minutes - nasa only

LIVE: Everything Everywhere All At Once | Clinton Global Initiative 2024 Annual Meeting | Mainstage


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5af2fa No.21665755


You can control the ISS from your computer at home. Go to the live feed and see where the space station is then change the time and date on your computer clock and watch the ISS shift it's position. Magic!

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0d34a1 No.21665756

File: c2d0867783a87e1⋯.jpg (225.52 KB,1100x1100,1:1,IMG_2173.JPG)

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2929d2 No.21665757


Well, through all the court battles where there was "no standing," hopefully they find 'covfefe' this time around.

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5af2fa No.21665758


It's all about the Minsk agreement. Remember Merkel having a seizure when she met zelensky?

She knew what was coming.

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0d34a1 No.21665759

File: e61b35e46db949f⋯.jpeg (177.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,DGUN1071.jpeg)

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d64d4c No.21665760


I've written many a letter, to get a military person, into a top secret area.

Not all factions of the military, know what they others are doing, as far as the masses, above, I'm sure they do.

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b76aae No.21665761

File: f60772c2a235604⋯.mp4 (472.6 KB,320x328,40:41,HurricanHeleeneWeatherMani….mp4)


Is Hurricane Helene Being Manipulated?

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0e4da2 No.21665762

File: 914997b9005c9a3⋯.png (425.16 KB,591x599,591:599,bm.PNG)


John B Wells


Big Pharma’s Death Grip on America - John B Wells LIVE • Dr. Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD @Doctor_I_am_The

🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

John B Wells


Big Pharma’s Death Grip on America - John B Wells LIVE • Dr. Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD @Doctor_I_am_The 🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

2:22 PM · Sep 26, 2024




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3f20d8 No.21665763


Constitutional Crisis

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0e4da2 No.21665764

File: 8b458371198f3d1⋯.png (583.45 KB,758x750,379:375,kam.PNG)


Kamala’s Project 2025 — Talk About Scary

Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Boardi

Posted By: RockyTCB, 9/26/2024 3:50:14 PM

After being beaten over the head for months by Democrats about “Project 2025” – about which the left has mounted an unprecedented disinformation campaign – Donald Trump has finally figured out how to respond. And it’s a doozy. Up until now, all Trump would say about Project 2025 is that he didn’t know anything about it. That left the door open for Democrats to say whatever they wanted about that effort and claim it’s a Trump plan. Project 2025 was never a Trump plan. The book Democrats keep parading around is called “Mandate for Leadership,” which the conservative Heritage Foundation has published every four years since 1980.

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0e4da2 No.21665765

File: 14a230d7b8fa0ca⋯.png (26.59 KB,594x375,198:125,v.PNG)


Elon Musk


You can’t just convert a non-profit into a for-profit. That is illegal.





Sep 25

so let me get this straight

openai decides to become a for-profit company now

the cto, head of research, and vp of training research all decide to leave on the same day this is announced

sam altman gets a $10.5B pay day (7% of the company) on the same day

tim cook and satya

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

7:15 PM · Sep 25, 2024




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0e4da2 No.21665766

File: fd44bc8741e176a⋯.png (206.29 KB,593x669,593:669,j.PNG)


Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.today


Eric Adams allegedly took $100k.

Red Bill de Blasio washed almost a billion dollars through his wife's "non-profit," and all the money disappeared.

Red Bill never defied the people in charge. Eric Adams embarrassed them. And now he's paying for it.


6:05 AM · Sep 26, 2024




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733242 No.21665767


>sam altman gets a $10.5B pay day (7% of the company) on the same day

he don't like sam altman who is all in on a.i and hates humans.

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0e4da2 No.21665768

File: 296d7c7acf8d2a2⋯.png (12.37 KB,601x136,601:136,ja.PNG)


BNO News


BREAKING: Shigeru Ishiba elected as prime minister of Japan

7:27 PM · Sep 26, 2024




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f798b3 No.21665769

File: aac1c0120527019⋯.jpg (163.06 KB,1920x1920,1:1,dcsd.jpg)


zaaah zah ohh tre bein

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76343a No.21665770


If you have the proverbial "mirror"…it doesn't matter what happens to the original.

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2929d2 No.21665771


same, till i realized biden was the darkness.

then it all made sense.

but damned if this isn't the longest chess game eva.

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0d34a1 No.21665772

File: 47542be5c048d5d⋯.jpg (106.34 KB,960x960,1:1,IMG_2448.JPG)

File: df66bd84320c372⋯.jpg (428.7 KB,1344x742,96:53,IMG_2449.JPG)

File: e193115e23cdd8c⋯.jpg (50.43 KB,450x450,1:1,IMG_2450.JPG)

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2929d2 No.21665773

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0e4da2 No.21665774

File: f0a9fb247fb7ed2⋯.png (278.64 KB,593x454,593:454,h.PNG)


WxChasing- Brandon Clement


#hurricanehelene in Cedar Key, #Florida. @jpetramala

7:11 PM · Sep 26, 2024




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0e4da2 No.21665775

File: 7a829fb7a84f869⋯.png (1.27 MB,539x873,539:873,r.PNG)

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fe3a6c No.21665776

File: 994ab1632753527⋯.png (323.4 KB,1024x1300,256:325,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d34a1 No.21665777

File: 15179d1243db097⋯.jpeg (91.51 KB,900x539,900:539,VKTF1680.jpeg)

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a063a7 No.21665778

File: 2ac150c49a3d74e⋯.gif (193.01 KB,600x447,200:149,1709977260189201.gif)


RIP Stanley K

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fe3a6c No.21665779

File: 6e0e9130dbca624⋯.png (70.99 KB,240x330,8:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e4da2 No.21665780

File: 87ac4c3a57d547b⋯.png (19.38 KB,584x307,584:307,am.PNG)





Canada is fining the Amish community $300.000 as they failed to download the covid app.

Can't make it up.

Rate proposed Community Notes

6:49 AM · Sep 26, 2024




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fe3a6c No.21665781

File: d16f96e8009eaf8⋯.png (1.12 MB,1030x1618,515:809,ClipboardImage.png)

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a063a7 No.21665782

File: 50199ecc34252e9⋯.png (778.5 KB,1200x632,150:79,3536.png)


trips checked

10 second hivemind delta on Kubrick reference posts

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0e4da2 No.21665783

File: b66230e725ba43a⋯.png (280.57 KB,587x861,587:861,f.PNG)


Nick Sortor



This video released by the Lee County Sheriff is terrifying.

Storm surge is DECIMATING Lee County, and Hurricane Helene hasn’t even made landfall yet.


2:24 PM · Sep 26, 2024




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76343a No.21665784

File: d2a7eb51f1de078⋯.png (168.46 KB,900x665,180:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Round #2 incoming

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d64d4c No.21665785


Forced sales, if you do not 'buy' our tools of deception, we will then fine you, for more money.

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0e4da2 No.21665786

File: 04ecfadf4101e4f⋯.png (438.63 KB,592x829,592:829,mon.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Journalist Nick Shirley traveled to Kyiv, Ukraine and asked Ukraine citizens where they think the money is going when the United States sends aid

They say that 100% Ukraine government officials are stealing money into their personal accounts, “because it's a lot corruption here”

8:20 AM · Sep 26, 2024




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fe3a6c No.21665787

File: 118f811affa36f4⋯.png (121.68 KB,320x315,64:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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a063a7 No.21665788

File: 3d5632da32e36ea⋯.png (660.61 KB,990x978,165:163,1718680540054528.png)

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0e4da2 No.21665789

File: 527742c6575f431⋯.png (31.34 KB,585x351,5:3,rr.PNG)


Attorney General Ken Paxton


As the Biden Administration continues its assault on common sense, my office will continue to stand in their way.

"Gender dysphoria" is not a disability and Biden's continual pushing of gender ideology cannot be ignored.


Square profile picture

Texas Attorney General




Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Biden Administration to Stop New Regulation that Illegally Attempts to Rewrite Federal Disability Law to Include "Gender Dysphoria": https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-sues-biden-administration-stop-new-regulation-illegally-attempts-rewrite

12:53 PM · Sep 26, 2024




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0e4da2 No.21665790

File: c7abbf56156862d⋯.png (96.97 KB,438x439,438:439,sm.PNG)


Santa Maria, CA - a man supposedly threw a bomb into a courthouse and yelled "the FDA is poisoning 900,000 people every year". No injuries, but it already sounds like sus to me - what narrative will come out of this?


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0e4da2 No.21665791

File: b853c92045f8387⋯.png (306.91 KB,436x617,436:617,ve.PNG)


NEW: Joe Rogan says the alliance between Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and the Make America Healthy Again movement is "very exciting."

"One of the things that people are so excited about with this Trump union with Tulsi Gabbard and Robert Kennedy is that you have these movements that seem to be almost impossible to achieve outside of an outsider. Like the Make America Healthy Again concept… That's very exciting."



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2929d2 No.21665792


they use lasers to burn things down, why not heat things up like Gulf waters to fuel the hurricane?


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f798b3 No.21665793

File: a3c5822b81202fc⋯.jpg (75.92 KB,512x512,1:1,pepe_cycle_by_ron_tweedie_….jpg)

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0e4da2 No.21665794

File: 2801c1aae42aa37⋯.png (398.07 KB,597x531,199:177,jw.PNG)


Jesse Watters


ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT UPDATE: SWAT leaders testify they weren’t told about Iran's plot to kill Trump on July 13. If they'd known, it would have changed everything. Why would the feds hide the threat from Butler authorities?

1:59 PM · Sep 26, 2024




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a063a7 No.21665795

File: 2d5a192c8c62cba⋯.jpg (128.59 KB,932x663,932:663,5tdgdgdy.JPG)

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