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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,2accca306e69cddd7d006e5e2c….png)

87e716 No.21637722 [Last50 Posts]

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87e716 No.21637723

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26499 >>21636957

>>21636964, >>21636995 @TuckerCarlson - No one in Washington seems to know how much we’re spending on illegal aliens. JD Vance plans to find out.

>>21637045, >>21637412 BREAKING🚨 Israel has hit Lebanon with a massive bomb, bunker buster or even a tactical nuclear weapon judging by the initial flash. (6 seconds from flash to boom = ~1.28 miles away so not a nuke)

>>21637088 Israel Hezbollah Fighting

>>21637090 🔥🚨BREAKING: Janet Jackson is being slammed as ‘irrelevant’ and a ‘leech’ after questioning Kamala Harris’ race and saying ‘She’s not black.’


>>21637104, >>21637474 BUSTED: Hidden teleprompter spotted at Oprah's "town hall" with Kamala Harris

>>21637111, >>21637122 🚨 Amazing close up photos show the incredible Iron Dome missiles intercepting enemy rockets!

>>21637116 Trump Declines Second Debate on CNN After Harris Agrees, Says It’s Too Late

>>21637140 Musk’s X Hit With Fines After Platform Reappears in Brazil Despite Ban

>>21637148 MAHA Town Hall with Charlie Kirk

>>21637152 Americans Urged to Leave Lebanon as Israel, Hezbollah Trade Fire

>>21637186 Iran steals Trump campaign data. Provides it to the Harris campaign. That story disappears. Why isn’t the media covering it like the Russia “collusion” scandal?

>>21637198 PACKED HOUSE for Tucker and JD Vance..

>>21637214 Secret Service Agents to Be Disciplined Over July 13 Trump Shooting, Director Says

>>21637220 California Bars Insurance Cancelation for Properties in Fire Zones for 1 Year


>>21637254 Will Lower Rates Be Enough to Save the Banks?

>>21637259 Police chase in NYC, Long Island ends with driver dead and 7 officers, civilian taken to hospitals

>>21637264, >>21637268, >>21637272, >>21637304 Russia has published a list of enemy countries.

>>21637281 A federal ban on fracking would eliminate over 600,000 jobs in Pennsylvania. Kamala Harris supported it.

>>21637289 DEEPFAKE LIE? CALL NEWSCUM! ARREST HER: Kamala Harris’s campaign senior spokesperson, Adrienne Elrod, confirms that Kamala Harris does NOT own a firearm.

>>21637323 Exclusive: Arab-American Democrat Mayor in Key Michigan County Had 'Very Productive' Meeting with Donald Trump

>>21637336 (LoL) Squatters have taken over a nearly 10,000 square foot, $6.5 million mansion in Hollywood Hills in CA. According to locals, the squatters are attacking locals and are spreading their “artwork” to other properties now that the mansion is completely covered.

>>21637345, >>21637350, >>21637401 Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk's SpaceX over alleged trespassing in Texas

>>21637359 Hung Cao is running a phenomenal campaign for Virginia's U.S. Senate. If Trump wins the state, Cao will win the senate race as well

>>21637364 Janet Jackson:Kamala is not black.

>>21637382, >>21637415, >>21637443, >>21637445 Boeing has fired the head of its space and defense unit. Since the start of 2022, the defense and space division as a whole has lost $6 billion, slightly more than Boeing’s airplane business.

>>21637399 Will Jay-Z fall along with P. Diddy?

>>21637407 Say hello 👋 to your New Diversity Fire Fighters #DEI (Oh good lord I hope these are interns or the clerical staff…)

>>21637422 US House Passes Bill To Label Products From Jewish Settlements In West Bank As 'Made In Israel'

>>21637438 IDF raids Al Jazeera office (VIDEO)

>>21637441 Welcome to cashless society 🤣🤣

>>21637452 ITALIAN PM: NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ALLOWED! Italian PM Meloni: “From now on, if you enter Italy illegally, you will be immediately deported!”

>>21637463 Disregarding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent warning that enabling long-range strikes would place NATO in a state of war with Russia as “bluster and saber-rattling,” Johnson argued that these steps are necessary to “send the crucial message to the Kremlin.”

>>21637467 BREAKING: RFK Jr. just announced that on day one of Trump's 2nd term, they will sign a national emergency declaration to begin the war against Big Pharma and food corporations to fight the chronic disease epidemic

>>21637486 Study Finds Spike Mutations Help COVID Infect the Brain

>>21637490 The Origin of COVID: Beyond Natural and Lab Theories

>>21637510, >>21637549 NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

>>21637537 Christian Kat Williams tried to warn us about Diddy while on stage

>>21637590 @libsoftiktok - This is Shangela, a drag queen. Shangela has now been accused of s*xual assault by at least 6 people. Here he is with Kamala at the VP residence

>>21637717 #26499

#26498 >>21635994


>>21636002, >>21636489 TRUMP FORCE ONE - Permission to buzz the tower…

>>21636056, >>21636067, >>21636074, >>21636080 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA SEPT 21st 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21636014, >>21636108, >>21636237 Middle East latest

>>21636026 Arizona Supreme Court: 98,000 People with Unconfirmed Citizenship Can Vote

>>21636034 Only 44 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21636042 The Mayor of ONLY Muslim-majority city in America, Amer Ghalib, is on the verge of endorsing Trump

>>21636043, >>21636102, >>21636124, >>21636163, >>21636184, >>21636252, >>21636417, >>21636904 Kamala and her MANY boomerangs

>>21636052, >>21636077, >>21636178 Kamala bluffed and was called. NO second debate

>>21636058 Trump Credits Success of His NFTs for Change of Heart on Bitcoin and Crypto

>>21636060 'Gutfeld!' Sets Record of Nearly 5 Million Viewers During Trump Interview

>>21636065, >>21636070, >>21636071, >>21636072, >>21636073, >>21636224 is Senomyx Flavoring From Human Bodies still used?


>>21636089 Ashli Babbitt’s Family Must Wait Nearly Two Years For Wrongful Death Lawsuit to Go to Trial

>>21636113, >>21636120, >>21636590 BORDER FROM HELL

>>21636138 Greta goes Jihad

>>21636167 CNN schooled on where the real anti-semitism is coming from

>>21636184, >>21636672 IRS agents endorse Kamala.. Isn't this a Hatch Act Violation?

>>21636208 Dinesh D'Souza Movie: VINDICATING Trump Trailer | In Theatres Friday. Sept 27th 2024

>>21636248 THE WORLD IS WATCHING and America looks insane

>>21636282 Dem “Vote from Abroad” & "Center for US Voters Abroad" running ads in other countries soliciting votes

>>21636283 Newsom Banning Political Deepfakes (memes) Elon Musk Stating Newsom Is ‘In Violation Of The Constitution’ (FREEDOM)

>>21636297 @cmz Runbeck is going to be a big player in the 2024 elections. Watch Runbeck closely.

>>21636322 Minnesota Republican state Rep. Peggy Bennett was incorrectly listed as a Democrat on the ballot due to a "ballot processing error"

>>21636343 Support QResearch (we need you) CASH + ENVELOPE + 2118 Wilshire Blvd #403 Santa Monica, CA. 90403 = $UPPORT

>>21636351, >>21636378 Ya might as well face it, You're Addicted to TRUMP

>>21636353 Defense Secretary’s last-minute decision to toss 9/11 plea deal likely to be rejected by judge

>>21636334, >>21636402 Biden, with fellow Quad leaders, gets distracted by "that little thing up in the air" (a helicopter): "It's not armed"

>>21636426 Trump fan sues Mets for $2M over MAGA hat ban at Citi Field

>>21636511, >>21636535 Kamala Harris Deploys Election War Chest To Massively Outspend Donald Trump 3 to 1

>>21636548 Urgent Alert - Israel is bringing their hamas here constructing tunnels between Mexico and San Diego

>>21636575 Billionaire David Geffen’s new ‘husband’ is a former go-go dancer with a murky past

>>21636633 Voter registration is spiking, particularly among young adults

>>21636655 RFK Jr. To Appeal Decision Letting Michigan Keep Him On Ballot

>>21636726 Biden’s totally gone. Remember: Kamala Harris COVERED THIS UP!

>>21636751 US Gun Sales Booming With Soaring Numbers Of Democratic Buyers

>>21636775 Tune in for The Intelligence Briefing: Dark Ops & Stolen Children with John B. Wells LIVE 9PM-12AM CT

>>21636783 Farage Rallies Thousands at ‘Reform UK’ Conference

>>21636629, >>21636809, >>21636821, >>21636851, >>21636879 President Trump interview tonight with Brian Kilmeade FAUX News

>>21636943 #26498

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298, >>21635764 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421, >>21635627 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN + Qdelta

>>21635406, >>21635957 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02 (vid length)

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635466 Fake news were all broadcasting Trump's rally live today

>>21635490 Pagers were the original ‘always on’ device well before the deadly attack on Hezbollah - here’s who still uses them

>>21635502 25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020


>>21635526 India not looking too good

>>21635539 JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21635553 LOVE JOHN RICH!!!🇺🇸

>>21635560 Trump to launch Mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

>>21635564 Elon: Starships were meant to fly!

>>21635581 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

>>21635599 Prime Minister of India meets with Biden

>>21635606 Teacher in Ireland is arrested and taken away by police for not endorsing transgenderism

>>21635611 GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows

>>21635634 Be careful who you follow

>>21635643 In 2018, Macron said Europe will receive 150 to 200 million Africans in the next 30 years

>>21635660 Dasting

>>21635676, >>21635704 Qdelta: Music is about to stop

>>21635680 Trump vows to ‘end all sanctuary cities’ across the US during NC rally

>>21635703, >>21635715, >>21635725, >>21635743, >>21635758, >>21635770, >>21635781, >>21635791, >>21635802, >>21635816 Links Inc.

>>21635742 Kamala Harris announced she will be skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner in Oct

>>21635745, >>21635756, >>21635893, >>21635862, >>21635888 (1981) Evergreen 'The Container From Hell': 17,000 Infants Found Inside

>>21635753 Newly unearthed video shows Kamala Harris promising to pass the Green New Deal and outright ban fracking

>>21635759 Former Washington governor Dan Evans dies at 98

>>21635775 10 days of darkness incoming Oct. 5 through Oct. 14?

>>21635790 AOC Flips Out Over ‘Islamophobic’ Political Cartoon Referencing Israel’s Creative Attack On Hezbollah

>>21635805 Ukraine Downs 29 Russian Drones with Mysterious Laser Weapon

>>21635848 Former Microsoft President sounds the alarm: “I am not aware of a single study that shows that 5G technology is safe”

>>21635881 PERFECT!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

>>21635889 Janet Jackson questioned Kamala's race and it broke the leftist media today

>>21635907, >>21635916 General Milley testified to treason under oath

>>21635920, >>21635930 An obese trans person tried to storm the stage during a Matt Gaetz speech today

>>21635951 DJT: Ohio voters need to stop this Democrat takeover of legislative redistricting. Vote No on Issue 1. Stop the Steal!

>>21635968 (2012) Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - Arizona

>>21635271, >>21635514, >>21635574, >>21635626, >>21635724, >>21635879, >>21635936 Memes

>>21635979 #26497

Previously Collected

>>21635233 #26496

>>21632657 #26493, >>21633393 #26494, >>21634452 #26495

>>21630263 #26490, >>21631114 #26491, >>21631890 #26492

>>21627714 #26487, >>21628402 #26488, >>21629341 #26489

>>21624767 #26484, >>21625751 #26485, >>21626647 #26486

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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87e716 No.21637728

File: 4cc4867b0861195⋯.mp4 (4.01 MB,480x480,1:1,4cc4867b086119539445613bff….mp4)



NoteBaker out, next baker up.

Godspeed, patriots!


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6bd585 No.21637733

File: 0845eebae7e4d94⋯.png (565.39 KB,751x602,751:602,1677912520859918.png)


Cannot bake, just chilling.

Thank you for your service


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12f6f3 No.21637734

File: 56233fb74dd0a59⋯.png (1.64 MB,1116x812,279:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a97a1 No.21637735

File: 51f666fc10bb86c⋯.jpg (210.85 KB,1024x1024,1:1,51f666fc10bb86cbd7934fb7bc….jpg)

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78827c No.21637736

September 2014 Corbett Report explains clearly who is behind ISIS……..



Tyranny Unmasked and Syriana Analysis explain Israel’s collusion with ISIS…..



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8e0756 No.21637738

File: b793edc476d0742⋯.mp4 (93.55 KB,320x320,1:1,CatKittyHappyForFish.mp4)

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15178d No.21637739

File: c705d70ec387803⋯.png (646.84 KB,2000x2000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Here's some Jeannie for you.

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c7692b No.21637740

File: 32a849ee8dd518b⋯.png (18.98 KB,717x339,239:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7692b No.21637741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6bd585 No.21637742

File: 544f7ce5a7bffe0⋯.png (178.77 KB,500x433,500:433,1692065503769906.png)


I'm watching you..

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4d1c06 No.21637743

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

File: 343257c942de5c6⋯.mp4 (9.72 MB,750x632,375:316,xmax_carol.mp4)



lurk mode engaged.



>>21637714 lb

well anon is waiting for the accidental leaking of those criminals.

it will happen.

hopefully we can have a period of purging of the criminals and their enablers.

They fear the masses and there are plenty out there who want justice served.

after that they can answer to God for final judgement.

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1a992e No.21637744

File: 45bd744bfa8f672⋯.jpg (534.46 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Cargo_Cults.jpg)

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1587cd No.21637747

File: 6a6354aeca3d34c⋯.png (574.21 KB,640x801,640:801,ClipboardImage.png)

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25b299 No.21637748

File: 3f6c2d8944da280⋯.jpg (16.86 KB,480x528,10:11,68028409106_134249_217.jpg)


Thank you note baker

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78827c No.21637749

File: 98485993aae6ad5⋯.png (545.5 KB,869x459,869:459,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d64d5d097e267d6⋯.png (1016.87 KB,647x642,647:642,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f38ee4e8052806⋯.png (435.05 KB,663x492,221:164,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c65f15ab5f57037⋯.png (477.91 KB,711x610,711:610,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7603bcfe2a12f3c⋯.png (483.1 KB,670x631,670:631,ClipboardImage.png)

“All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists


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6bd585 No.21637750

File: 5dd09b7749bdc6e⋯.png (569.23 KB,1366x768,683:384,bc41ca61c1e36a0a092eb40551….png)


Always watching you..

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8e0756 No.21637751

File: 6efa0ceadf7cb97⋯.png (527.51 KB,485x491,485:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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78827c No.21637752

File: a6efb075077f920⋯.png (80.15 KB,683x639,683:639,ClipboardImage.png)

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12f6f3 No.21637753

File: 088d9585876ab16⋯.png (845.69 KB,651x1101,217:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae37944e200b279⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB,720x1280,9:16,PURE_GAYNESS_Tampon_Tim_Wa….mp4)

PURE GAYNESS Tampon Tim Walz says to Get a Clean Air Filter for your vintage muscle car

johnny maga


Tim Walz is now filming videos pretending that he's working on his truck to appeal to "regular white dudes."

He simply pulls out his air filter and puts it back in place without even changing it, then starts talking about Project 2025.

Pure theater.

9:15 AM • Sep 20, 2024


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de581e No.21637754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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15178d No.21637755

File: 90e26f5e5c6f734⋯.png (88.23 KB,820x448,205:112,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuckin' Noname…

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781ecf No.21637756

it will upset alice.


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c7692b No.21637757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6bd585 No.21637758

File: a3148c15a52bce2⋯.gif (62.46 KB,220x272,55:68,1635541256700.gif)

Third eye mind, always watching you..

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6bd585 No.21637760

File: 02e67e7dce329c1⋯.jpg (96.56 KB,713x921,713:921,02e67e7dce329c1195d22f7b89….jpg)


Kek, alright schizo.. we are done here.

You can't make any sense.

At all.

Godspeed and I wish you the best.

When I see you post, I'll know you are fucking retarded.


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25b299 No.21637761

File: 546a996604d1b53⋯.jpg (65.27 KB,1105x1053,85:81,40912_132421_081.jpg)

GN fags hab a gud GRAVEYARD SHIFT

Fun night full of KeKz

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d32f24 No.21637762


I just cannot understand all this delay.

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4d1c06 No.21637763


going to have to filter you for retard gibberish.

do ip hop

will do it again

Anon has no superior other than God.

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de1695 No.21637764

File: cfdd2add7d64731⋯.png (290.44 KB,1248x1656,52:69,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

P. Diddy wants President parent

Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he

would choose President Barack Obama.

Posted : Thu, 17 Dec 2009 16:31:54 GMT


Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he

would choose President Barack Obama.

P. Diddy wants to be adopted by President Barack Obama.

The 40-year-old rapper thinks America's first black leader is a great dad

and he would be proud to be his son.

P. Diddy - real name Sean Combs - said: "I ain't going to lie - if God

said I could pick one person to be my father, I'd want to be Sean Combs


"That's how dope he is. I hope he reads this interview and adopts me. I

wouldn't even have to be in the will. I got my own money!"

P. Diddy also believes hip-hop may have played a part in the Democratic

senator winning the race for the White House.

He said: "I think we are probably responsible for Obama being in office,

yes… the confidence, the swagger we instilled in our communities made

that possible.”


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15178d No.21637766


HEY FAGGOTT!! Why is my cat in your bed??

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6bd585 No.21637768

File: db0bdb0020df4d4⋯.png (748.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,1f56159842210f5c0d5b7305ad….png)


Because he is watching you through your literal eyes.

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15178d No.21637769


HEY FAGGOTT!! Why is my cat in your bed??>>21637768

Yeah…they do that. The fuckers.

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6bd585 No.21637770

File: 5d18b51f5ac34f8⋯.jpg (63.99 KB,437x458,437:458,5d18b51f5ac34f836165c9eac3….jpg)


What the fuck?

Learn to reply, my dude..

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1587cd No.21637771

File: 563d0549f39ec75⋯.png (556.31 KB,1076x845,1076:845,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d1c06 No.21637772

File: 69e1422b5d40bb7⋯.png (155.7 KB,871x868,871:868,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94c1939217c55b0⋯.png (18.65 KB,203x249,203:249,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0696f8fe08c9e2e⋯.png (791.77 KB,957x412,957:412,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4197b7953f30343⋯.png (848.2 KB,944x533,944:533,ClipboardImage.png)


live your life two weeks at a time.

only 3.07 two weeks left.

after that anon is done here.

hopefully anon will watch the fruits of this epic battle play out somewhere peaceful.

anon is expecting some major chaos.

lets hope God will keep out of harms way as he has done for the last 8 years plus.

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6bd585 No.21637773

File: 6b6116ddebe5fb4⋯.png (385.86 KB,654x607,654:607,6b6116ddebe5fb4ef74c97b3d3….png)


Good luck on you, I'm watching you all day everyday now.

You're literal eyes.

I'm watching you jerk off, but I'm not gay for it.

You're the one who is gay for jerking off knowing that I'm watching you.


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12f6f3 No.21637774

File: 4caeae167416bbe⋯.png (38.91 KB,675x394,675:394,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk


Elon Musk


Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene

11:56 AM • Dec 10, 2022

9:47 PM • Sep 21, 2024


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15178d No.21637775


Yeah, I know. Anon is a little drunk and stoned and is typing with one hand and only one eye open so I don't hab double-vision.

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12f6f3 No.21637777

File: d3c416fed21c3ca⋯.png (427.07 KB,861x681,287:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Inflation by administration. Trump wins in a landslide

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c7692b No.21637778

File: 01c234faa664f58⋯.png (649.56 KB,667x1000,667:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


What concentration camps?

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6bd585 No.21637779

File: bbb650c4499ef7a⋯.png (231.03 KB,512x512,1:1,5c56d2d49bb92.png)


Kek, that's some crazy shit to hear.

The one armed stoned and drunk faggot typing at the best of his abilities.

A true hero.

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87e716 No.21637780

File: 63aa48dddb5f221⋯.png (320.29 KB,411x598,411:598,63aa48dddb5f22193384226694….png)

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1587cd No.21637782


>I'm watching you jerk off, but I'm not gay for it.

It's only gay if you like it.

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b97c18 No.21637783


1 Peter 4:7

The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.

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4d1c06 No.21637784

File: 4d14c0fbc04ea63⋯.gif (1.42 MB,555x555,1:1,digits.gif)


Truth Quads chek'ed

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12f6f3 No.21637785

File: 211b94cf09f433d⋯.png (1.36 MB,666x1472,333:736,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8bea1eeaaad107⋯.png (1.66 MB,1200x607,1200:607,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala had FAKE zoom callers

Nick Sortor


Apparently this goes even further! Kamala had to fake her ZOOM support too! 🤣

This is so pathetic.

8:49 PM • Sep 21, 2024


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7859b8 No.21637786

File: 53300237871e3fa⋯.png (504.47 KB,544x775,544:775,bakers_thank_you.png)


TY baker!

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6bd585 No.21637787

File: f1f8986e8538d2a⋯.png (292.71 KB,450x500,9:10,9ea2388998f964b2b82fb4b9d1….png)


Yeah, it's totally gay.

They call it Gay Remote Viewing.

I'm all about that shit.


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15178d No.21637788

File: 2dc624734267521⋯.png (53.28 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Well, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

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c7692b No.21637790

File: 9adc1056ed53f82⋯.png (1.23 MB,789x606,263:202,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f8f7f No.21637791

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15178d No.21637792



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12f6f3 No.21637793

File: 17b815ac3331bf8⋯.png (930.71 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Next Trump to Hold a Rally in Indiana, PA. Mon, September 23, 2024 07:00 pm

President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Indiana, PA

Sign up for a ticket TODAY!


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6bd585 No.21637794

File: 4ed55f99932cfaa⋯.jpg (24.08 KB,480x480,1:1,1d425114d5246914631cb488c7….jpg)


True enough..


Bro you're a shcizo new age poster, shut up now.

You're gay faggot and no one cares but me apparently…

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4d1c06 No.21637795

File: 79e2e608b85fec2⋯.png (872.76 KB,630x752,315:376,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb85b78a7744b13⋯.png (974.23 KB,1462x266,731:133,ClipboardImage.png)



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1587cd No.21637797

File: 92b7f611384b2f8⋯.png (41.43 KB,474x534,79:89,ClipboardImage.png)


You can't be a Fed and not be gay.

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c7692b No.21637798

File: 368f1a056703415⋯.png (68.45 KB,202x200,101:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bd585 No.21637799

File: 4e17d8fc0b9e714⋯.jpg (162.46 KB,1920x1080,16:9,4e17d8fc0b9e7143cc7633dfe5….jpg)


Gotta suck a lot of dick to get to the top.

Simple as.

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12f6f3 No.21637800

File: f8bed1609a8a0c2⋯.png (787.8 KB,791x417,791:417,ClipboardImage.png)




The Kamala used a teleprompter thing was fake. That shot appeared frequently in the original, and no teleprompter was there.

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1587cd No.21637801

File: 57a66bee3aa7e05⋯.png (14.99 KB,300x204,25:17,ClipboardImage.png)




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b97c18 No.21637802

File: 92e11ec6457f955⋯.png (332.6 KB,1400x800,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)


all things in moderation anon.

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15178d No.21637804


"Riders on the storm…"

or is that Manson?

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1587cd No.21637805

File: ab44a8c1c22b313⋯.png (3.5 MB,426x240,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)


>Gotta suck a lot of dick to get to the top.

I've seen the training videos.

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12f6f3 No.21637807

File: d9f4b6f8bfb957c⋯.png (573.45 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>"Riders on the storm…"

Ukrainian drone strikes 'struck Putin's Satan-2 nuclear missiles'

A secret ammunition silo facility at Toropets in Tver region which housed one of the Russian President's nuke missiles was hit by Ukrainian drone, it was claimed yesterday.


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6bd585 No.21637808

File: de10ee73b82be40⋯.png (141.32 KB,477x474,159:158,1631385769942.png)


Just shut up, holy shit..


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8724e0 No.21637809

File: e1f8ce2517f9442⋯.png (767.29 KB,700x700,1:1,IMG_1726.png)

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1f8f7f No.21637810


just wow

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15178d No.21637811

File: 8ff411c69e0e469⋯.png (29.83 KB,600x612,50:51,ClipboardImage.png)


Fo sure. I got dis.

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c49c32 No.21637812


If my assertion are correct: Covid was not a virus but chemical sabotage by local DS cronies on targeted individuals because the virus could not be replicated in a petri dish. Then there are a lot of cowardly murderers out there that need to be arrested for attempted murder and genocide that are still a threat to society.

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c7692b No.21637813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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12f6f3 No.21637815

File: 178330d0c565268⋯.png (811.14 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfefad6ffb19e3d⋯.png (2.79 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad2581a1a5013d9⋯.png (2.53 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Feds raid home of interim NYPD Commish Thomas Donlon — week after predecessor Edward Caban resigned

Federal authorities raided the home of NYPD Interim Commissioner Thomas Donlon on Friday — just over a week after his predecessor, Edward Caban, resigned following an FBI raid at his residence.

Donlon admitted to the search in a brief statement released by the department late Saturday night — saying that authorities “took materials that came into my possession 20 years ago and are unrelated to my work with the New York City Police Department.”

He added that the department would not be commenting further, as it’s not an NYPD matter.


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4d1c06 No.21637816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


will watch the original.

to see what is fake and real.

think the zoom call

first the whole thing below.

will screenshot the two things. next.


Unite for America Rally with Vice President Kamala Harris and Oprah Winfrey


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12f6f3 No.21637820

File: 9b09c9f4ff9df12⋯.mp4 (5.25 MB,886x492,443:246,2020_was_STOLEN.mp4)

File: c38bafc43760a7f⋯.png (336.79 KB,675x560,135:112,ClipboardImage.png)




2020 was STOLEN

12:32 PM • Sep 21, 2024


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b3d594 No.21637821

File: 045815acd6bcc33⋯.jpg (541.04 KB,2025x1350,3:2,f81dcf3c2dc808ffa91953fe43….jpg)

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6bd585 No.21637822

File: 1da89c4b86c7482⋯.png (345.42 KB,791x720,791:720,1628993011972.png)


Whatever you say, bro..

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b97c18 No.21637823


In my personal experience the stronger my willing connection with the Holy Spirit the more often I reap the blessing of my worship and prayers. The closer I react to to world around me as Jesus would, the closer I become to the Holy Spirit... Understanding the Holy Trinity is critical, studying the Bible with an open heart and mind is the instruction manual.

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12f6f3 No.21637824

File: 1aff711057646e0⋯.png (1.59 MB,799x1280,799:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


>Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he


>would choose President Barack Obama.


>Posted : Thu, 17 Dec 2009 16:31:54 GMT


Lists are thing..

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6bd585 No.21637826

File: 74e29f22b0c0bed⋯.png (269.67 KB,565x448,565:448,3gerfdgdf32g.png)


For certain.

Now fuck off.


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12f6f3 No.21637827

File: 5a294c7fbfebabe⋯.mp4 (8.22 MB,720x1280,9:16,EVERYBODY_is_trolling_Kama….mp4)

EVERYBODY is trolling Kamala Harris. New fad on Instagram and TikTok.

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15178d No.21637828


He looks a bit disheveled.

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6bd585 No.21637832

File: a7f2ca65016f97c⋯.png (373.12 KB,490x459,490:459,9ba50c36cfde92f0e037d29e53….png)


Okay, killer.

Whatever you say..

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4d1c06 No.21637834

File: b92afc8fb460cdd⋯.png (1.65 MB,1521x789,507:263,ClipboardImage.png)



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12f6f3 No.21637835

File: 9b064fdfdb37376⋯.png (21.9 KB,675x182,675:182,ClipboardImage.png)

The probability is quite high

Terrence K. Williams


🚨 Oprah Winfrey may be another Ghislaine Maxwell.

8:11 PM • Sep 21, 2024


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d2f53c No.21637836

File: 1959e75fae53dfe⋯.jpg (15.94 KB,346x425,346:425,1959e75fae53dfe2bbf653e539….jpg)


Anon was going to do an air filter with next oil change, but will just let it run rich for a while.

Might even dump some 2-stroke oil in the tank for extra smoke.

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551406 No.21637838


I think they claimed at the time that there were 'thousands' watching on Zoom.

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ab52e3 No.21637840

File: 30bcab2eef31d2b⋯.mp4 (6.95 MB,720x1280,9:16,Massimo_20240921_6_new.mp4)


Woman uses her long red hair and makes a bikini out it.

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6bd585 No.21637841

File: 07dc9f1c6fbc4a7⋯.png (3.59 MB,1920x1569,640:523,07dc9f1c6fbc4a75ec178f5cf2….png)


Ya it does..

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1587cd No.21637842


>I think they claimed at the time that there were 'thousands' watching on Zoom.

Kek. Hopefully not through their eyes.

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12f6f3 No.21637844

File: 136a89f4e9a0be3⋯.png (271.25 KB,524x787,524:787,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0de7f02b104ca7e⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,544x480,17:15,The_BidenKamala_administra….mp4)

The Biden/Kamala administration forced US banks to lend to illegal aliens or face legal consequences from the US government

Wall Street Apes


How is this still allowed to continue?

“Hunter Biden actually owns 10% of a company called Eplata, which is a micro financing loan company for illegal immigrants coming up through the southern border.”

“At the same time, the Biden Administration Justice Department put out a notice telling the banks that they would, that the Justice Department would take legal action against any bank who refused loans to illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, the first son is, has an equity investment in a company that profits off those very loans”

7:03 AM · Sep 20, 2024


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4d1c06 No.21637846

File: e54c7598e6f81cf⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB,720x720,1:1,fauci_run.mp4)


it was everything and still continuing.

psyops, virus release, gain of function shit by fauci,

we have it all

anon has personally done a lot of research and put togather the videos here.

they want a depopulation of the citizens of the western nations so they could replace them with immigrants. many millions have been murdered, in the uk they are using stress to kill the elderly because they have stolen all their taxes and pensions.

justice must be served..

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7baf57 No.21637851


smart dust shill is getting a lot of gpt support lately

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12f6f3 No.21637853

File: 06526a2eecffee4⋯.png (369.6 KB,675x934,675:934,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6817adeece02124⋯.png (192.63 KB,498x472,249:236,ClipboardImage.png)

⏳Towhee 🌏☮️


‼️ NATO secret operations headquarters destroyed in Kiev: "According to preliminary data, more than two dozen military and infrastructure facilities working in the interests of the Ukrainian army were subjected to Russian strikes last night. Heavy long-range attack drones attacked arsenals, areas of deployment of troops, sites with armored vehicles, fuel storage facilities from Kharkiv to Ivano-Frankivsk.

As soon as midnight came, air raid sirens howled in Ukraine. Russian Geranium drones appeared in the sky, which attacked Ukrainian military facilities throughout the enemy's territory.

A massive blow was inflicted on Kharkiv and the region. A military unit was destroyed in the city, in which at that time there were units of the nationalist formation "Azov" * and several groups of foreign mercenaries withdrawn for rotation. In addition, the workshops of several military enterprises were hit.

In the Poltava region, large fuel storage facilities intended for the Kursk group of enemy troops were hit. A large fire that broke out after the impact continues to burn to this day.

In the Kyiv region, an attack by Russian drones cost the Armed Forces of Ukraine several warehouses with ammunition, including NATO cruise missiles, and a base for the repair of military equipment. A training center for personnel of the special operations forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed near Kyiv. According to some Ukrainian Telegram channels, arrivals were recorded in the city of Kaniv, the purpose of which could be the machine shops of the local hydroelectric power plant, which provides electricity to military enterprises in the Kyiv region.

The defeat of military facilities in the Cherkasy and Dnipropetrovsk regions was recorded. Several launchers of Ukrainian air defense were destroyed.

In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, oil storage facilities are burning and ammunition depots are exploding. According to preliminary data, a military airfield in the city of Kolomyia, the reconstructed runway of which can receive NATO Air Force fighters, could be under attack.

Data on the affected objects continue to come through the network of pro-Russian Resistance in Ukraine.

It's time to bring the devils back to hell. A monstrous bomb will turn the Nazis of Kyiv into ashes

Learn more

Shroud of death covers secret NATO headquarters

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the main radio communication center of the military intelligence of Ukraine was destroyed in Kyiv the day before. War correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny clarified that special communication centers are essentially "shadow" NATO headquarters. They provide critical frontline intelligence and coordination with NATO experts.

"The detection of such centers," the military commander wrote in his Telegram channel, "located many kilometers from the front line in carefully camouflaged locations, is a separate, difficult task that Russian intelligence is successfully coping with."

An air alert has just been announced again in two Ukrainian regions: Sumy and Kirovohrad. This time the signal sounded: "Ballistics threat.""


1:56 PM · Sep 20, 2024


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6bd585 No.21637854

File: 4ed55f99932cfaa⋯.jpg (24.08 KB,480x480,1:1,1d425114d5246914631cb488c7….jpg)


Whatever you say, Anon.

You do you.

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b97c18 No.21637856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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12f6f3 No.21637857

23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki ‘surprised and disappointed’ by mass board resignation


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b97c18 No.21637860


They're really clinging on to this debunked and denounced project 2025 narrative…

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12f6f3 No.21637861

File: 05c8876d73d63e1⋯.png (1.52 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>just let it run rich

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15178d No.21637862

File: dbeeaece8a98881⋯.png (943.59 KB,1200x1600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bd585 No.21637864

File: bbb650c4499ef7a⋯.png (231.03 KB,512x512,1:1,5c56d2d49bb92.png)


Kek, I have shared it many times.

Simple as.

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8724e0 No.21637865

File: 1a66ab39ad06b41⋯.png (208.85 KB,334x250,167:125,IMG_1954.png)

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551406 No.21637868

Birmingham, Alabama Police [press conference]: We have a total of four deceased victims as of now…we have dozens of gunshot victims from this area…at least four of those gunshot victims are life-threatening…we believe that multiple shooters fired multiple shots on a group of people…we are going to do everything we possibly can to uncover, identify, and hunt down, whoever was responsible…this was on either the sidewalk, or city street…this is one of the most popular entertainment districts in Birmingham.

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6bd585 No.21637869

File: 5f75b8cafe7a518⋯.png (116.4 KB,461x288,461:288,8b24900e49afd1f5c51b46f4a9….png)


Look it up, Satania.

Future Queen of Hell.

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b97c18 No.21637871

File: 1cd4fa2fbd98d64⋯.png (208.91 KB,585x728,45:56,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa4a6dfde9534cb⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB,284x480,71:120,usher.mp4)

Can someone with twitter confirm Usher account deletion, please.

>🚨 USHER has just wiped out ALL of his Tweets!


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8724e0 No.21637874

File: be6a466490f8d81⋯.jpeg (66.05 KB,400x573,400:573,IMG_0602.jpeg)

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1587cd No.21637875



Check yourself.


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b223f0 No.21637876

File: 0b60f1e17f7370b⋯.png (10.63 MB,5184x3456,3:2,light_the_dark.png)

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39e435 No.21637879

File: 3fb0e24ed40e676⋯.gif (1.67 MB,245x337,245:337,diamond.gif)

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8724e0 No.21637885

File: d5b46fb84fc99f2⋯.png (380.39 KB,474x631,474:631,IMG_0166.png)

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b223f0 No.21637886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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497eb6 No.21637888

File: 9f2d257fc677064⋯.jpeg (199.34 KB,1024x605,1024:605,9f2d257fc6770649c9497478f….jpeg)

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d2f53c No.21637890

File: 946e1292b9519b5⋯.jpg (27.34 KB,723x445,723:445,946e1292b9519b5cbf487f1933….jpg)


>this is one of the most popular entertainment districts in Birmingham.

Shack in the woods is good for anon

Cities have too many predators.

Plus, entertainment is free when cat brings live mouse to wifeanon.

Sounds like angry opera.

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15178d No.21637892


How recent is this, anon? That's some crazy shit!

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4d1c06 No.21637893

File: 13987c8e5d2dc69⋯.png (1.8 MB,760x873,760:873,ClipboardImage.png)


>Plus, entertainment is free when cat brings live mouse to wifeanon.

>Sounds like angry opera.

anon got rid of the misses

she still rings all the time,

but at least anon can just put the phone down now.

kept the kittens.


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551406 No.21637895


It happened two hours ago.

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15178d No.21637896

File: c841f53675aa842⋯.png (36.86 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Nice piece of work, anon!

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15178d No.21637897


Sheesh… Thx for the update.

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a5cef6 No.21637899


[Do tell anon]

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7f4341 No.21637900


i am ready to serve and have been for 23 years.

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1144af No.21637901

File: 2b565f8f6335f04⋯.gif (742.67 KB,498x278,249:139,2b565f8f6335f044d2bcfad370….gif)


You're actually a crazy person.

We are done here.


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07feb3 No.21637906

File: 05d17fc6793207c⋯.jpg (21.1 KB,450x405,10:9,05d17fc6793207c45600b7cda9….jpg)

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b223f0 No.21637907

Last night Operator1 observed the Satanic Pedophile Cult of Entertainers in a dark room. There were a couple hundred, including Opruh, George Clowney, Mathers, Katie P (remember recent pizza comms from her).

Remember the previous relay re: Oprah/Teigen

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4d1c06 No.21637908

File: e5924d6f3d22b39⋯.png (2.11 MB,1377x711,153:79,ClipboardImage.png)


thinks she rings to make sure anon is not enjoying himself

but the excuse is the kittens.

what she does not realise is that women are nuts and cannot have them living with anon now.

way too much drama..

this is one of them trashing the christmas tree.


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853eed No.21637910

File: d980e609510d264⋯.mp4 (491.32 KB,622x350,311:175,China_dust.mp4)


How can I be a shill, if I was right about the dust being toxic? Why is mockery and badgering so important to you? Got anything to contribute that will save a life?

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7556a7 No.21637911

File: 8161942822df69b⋯.jpeg (661.93 KB,860x1287,860:1287,IMG_3443.jpeg)

“I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah” ~ PDJT


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7556a7 No.21637914


Pictures or it didn’t happen

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7baf57 No.21637916


you are a fake and a poser

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0bd0e3 No.21637918

File: fcbc64b5e852d48⋯.png (344.81 KB,720x480,3:2,98756hb546534b64.png)

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b223f0 No.21637919

It was dark in the room and it was not a fancy restaurant like the previous relay venue, it was just a big, plain room, very dark. Then, Q's voice over the intercom "Let there be light."

The light in the room came on, and all those Satanic Pedophiles were standing there completely naked and looking very unlike their polished presentations. Reminder these events are translated from the cloud into IRL events.

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d2f53c No.21637921

File: 5736fbdaf61bd59⋯.png (445.87 KB,658x680,329:340,5736fbdaf61bd59a15073ee02d….png)

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b223f0 No.21637922

My first thought was Subpoenas, but we will see.

Once there was Light in the room, they could see each other and see they were all naked, looking like shit because they sold their souls and lost the inner beauty. They were confused and questioning among themselves what was going on.

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7556a7 No.21637923

File: 164c26b01512533⋯.jpeg (38.89 KB,267x373,267:373,IMG_2953.jpeg)



Back To The Future

I’ve been amazed for a very long time…

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acdf17 No.21637924


It was a beautiful thing to bring your grand children on stage, but it put a knot in my stomach, knowing how these people are. Godspeed Patriot, it is yours, you have all the information, we will support you till the end, no matter what.

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7556a7 No.21637925


Omg 😆

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b223f0 No.21637926

They were confused and completely uncovered, unprotected. Exposed.

Q's voice came back over the intercom into the room, "Those people who told you there was no such thing as bad exposure were lying to you."

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4d1c06 No.21637927

File: b8f7859e9c4d57e⋯.gif (242.21 KB,560x672,5:6,8KUN_CAT.gif)


infinity trips chek'ed

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de1695 No.21637929

File: 37e838b85dc6d00⋯.png (716.89 KB,1416x1314,236:219,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)


Birmingham police and firefighters are on the scene of a shooting in the Five Points South area that left four people dead late Saturday night.

Officer Truman Fitzgerald said the shooting happened just after 11 p.m. in the 2000 block of Magnolia Avenue South.

Initial reports indicate club patrons were waiting in line outside Hush, a hookah and cigar lounge on Magnolia Avenue, when a drive-by shooting took place. Witnesses said the gunfire sounded like it came from a weapon outfitted with a “switch” which converts a gun to full automatic.

Detectives are working to confirm it was a dribe-by or if the shooters were on foot, police said.

Two men and a woman were killed at the scene and a fourth victim died at UAB Hospital, Fitzgerald said.

“From speaking with our officers and speaking with our detectives, we have dozens of gunshot victims from this area,” said Fitzgerald.

Firefighters took eight people from the scene to hsopitals and many others arrived at hospitals in private vehicles.

“I’m told at least four of those gunshot victims are life threatening,” Fitzgerald said.

Police believe there were multiple people shooting, Fitzgerald said. No one is in custody.

“We believe that multiple shooters fired multiple shots on a group of people,” Fitzgerald said.


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15178d No.21637930


LOL! Hey, I've been there twice! On my third wife now. Sheesh… You in England? Austin, TX here.

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15178d No.21637932

File: f41c2ad24fe87bb⋯.png (25.99 KB,400x386,200:193,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh that's funny as hell!!!

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7556a7 No.21637933


Only Highlights still exist… who knows how long… the rest have been erase from existence

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69c3fb No.21637934

File: a5fe249deff2ba3⋯.jpg (39.48 KB,540x432,5:4,ZomboMeme_18092024092543.jpg)

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4d1c06 No.21637935

File: ff77567491be2f3⋯.png (825.6 KB,860x574,430:287,ClipboardImage.png)


never married.


but engaged 5 times.

cannot say where anon is maaate..


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d2f53c No.21637936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>On my third wife now. Sheesh… You in England? Austin, TX here.

Sounds like you need to move to Tennessee.

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985c56 No.21637939

POTUS truthed 20 truths in one hour on 21st, 20 days from yesterday would be october 10, 10/10. Mickey clock

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e295f6 No.21637940


Funny, how they never call me a shill for any other of reveals.

Blue Laser programming shill

Fake pandemic shill

Toxic vaccine shill

Upcoming riot shill

Chemical Sabotage shill

Radiation Shill

Autism shill

China Balloon Shill

911 financial attack shill

War against white, conservatives, Christians, and patriot shill

Outsourcing H1b shill

Jobs to illegals shills

Venezuelan army gang shill

VA and Hospital murderer shill

NWO cop shill

Adrenochrome shill

God shill

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8d30b2 No.21637941


wrong but


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b223f0 No.21637942

Again, this happened in the cloud and these were Entertainers who were Completely Exposed, following the important dinner after Oprah's 'town hall' and the drama between tall black guy and bling black guy (there were no caucasians at this event); Oprah saw the drama, bling guy "I'll bury you" to tall guy; she went to Teigen and whispered the important next step for them.

Didn't work, and now the Entertainment arm of the cabal will be exposed.

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e295f6 No.21637943


Only China dust shill

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ddc5ac No.21637944

File: 88e2e14274cdb2f⋯.webp (87.27 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_1821.webp)


> Welcome to cashless society 🤣🤣 Edition

Use corn:

Front hole cash hole,

Back hole corn hole.

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d2f53c No.21637945

File: 6352b140034491e⋯.jpg (232.14 KB,610x607,610:607,6352b140034491e8d80b3c47bd….jpg)


>engaged 5 times

Doesn't count if you were drunk and she was the ugly one

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de1695 No.21637946

File: 9cc709fe131ae88⋯.png (5.02 MB,2128x1548,532:387,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

File: 8e3f8f5ff895edd⋯.png (5.54 MB,2128x1548,532:387,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

File: 7806f4f31c0c7a0⋯.png (1.41 MB,1430x1024,715:512,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)



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15178d No.21637947


Born and raised in SE Kentucky. Spent 35 years there. Been in Austin since 2006. I've lived in the right places, just had a couple bad decisions along the way.

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2f1965 No.21637949

File: 5a667fbbe00821c⋯.png (3 MB,1920x1152,5:3,5a667fbbe00821c965714df1e1….png)


Ah jus liked the picture, here hav the original…o7

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3a04db No.21637950

File: 6e3b389df15f481⋯.jpeg (389.63 KB,1200x800,3:2,Hitachi_Seaside_Park_pepe.jpeg)



Dear patriots around the world

I have created #25 bread Japan/Nihon, so I came to greet you.


Q Research Japan/Nihon #25: The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind Edition

Hope everyone has a safe day today.


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93377b No.21637951

File: 8e9c173812ae729⋯.jpg (186.16 KB,1082x1410,541:705,usher.jpg)

File: 276e1ee7e9a403b⋯.jpg (98.46 KB,850x746,425:373,panic.jpg)



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b223f0 No.21637953

Once the couple hundred heard Q's Tip about "exposure", they became agitated and more confused. (end of relay)

They were all famous, but not all recognizable to O1.

It's where we began, with Assange/Pizzagate and it's where we're going again. Remember John Podesta missioin anons? Next day it was announced he was the Climate Czar suddenly and PG was right back in the news. Full circle means we are rounding the corner.


GMAIL Drafts have them terrified, Q-Team!

You sent shock waves to the netherworld!!

Did they ask Combetta for advice?

These people are stupid.

>>Oprah Show

You get to go to JAIL.

You get to go to JAIL.

You get to go to JAIL.

You get to go to JAIL.

You ALL get to go to JAIL.

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12f6f3 No.21637955

File: 73152b130d87efe⋯.png (720.98 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

FAGGOTRY 101: Kamala Harris will certify her own stolen election

Yes, VP Kamala Harris can certify the election results even if she’s a presidential candidate

Vice President Kamala Harris can still oversee the counting of Electoral College votes if she is the Democratic presidential candidate. Here’s why.


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b223f0 No.21637956

The Darkness cannot comprehend the Light, so it rages. Futility is the Darkness' only friend.

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a5cef6 No.21637958


>the weapons

[If they're used against good people.. how do we turn the digital twin copies off?]

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b223f0 No.21637959

File: aa5f06b1085381c⋯.png (93.93 KB,300x199,300:199,CourtesyCall.png)

File: 36268a1fc219aa1⋯.png (285.58 KB,640x360,16:9,GBJP.png)

File: ada12a7eefd325e⋯.png (107.98 KB,309x180,103:60,GBJA.png)

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2032f3 No.21637960


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b8636c No.21637962

File: e3572b5223202d3⋯.png (1.52 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Woman Sues After Being Arrested, Jailed, Tortured

As former POTUS awaits his sentencing for multiple felonies and first amendment activists are being arrested all around the country, the fascist police state once again shows its ugly face once again in Broward Florida. Surprisingly reported by one of the largest Boot Licking news outlets of all The Gateway Pundit..

" A woman is suing Broward County, Florida, after law enforcement officers there arrested her for something someone else did, refusing to accept her own identification and ignoring the fact that the description of the wanted woman didn’t match."

Time for Americans to wake up to the atrocities being committed by these fascist thugs who regularly violate rights and spit on the constitution they swore an oath serve and protect.

Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/woman-sues-after-being-arrested-jailed-tortured-death/

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8d30b2 No.21637963


thank you tis very sweet, what online meme machine did you use?

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53b409 No.21637964


women hate rejection.

had to do the wingman sometimes but anon is a gentleman

so that is between anon and his conscious.


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2f1965 No.21637965



Your welcome anon..o7

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b223f0 No.21637966





Katie Perry

(when asked if Beyonce was there he said he thought so but again it was difficult to recognize them looking like what they really do; will share if more names come through)

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b223f0 No.21637967


Who are you?

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ddc5ac No.21637968

File: 380cbf49376f2b2⋯.jpeg (143.61 KB,1164x469,1164:469,IMG_1822.jpeg)

T’s Wilmington speech, he listed some times on the hour except 3:02


> For Green.




https://youtu.be/AN_GbBx4MPo <-speech

Green means go. Go time, the end is nigh!

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12f6f3 No.21637969

File: d31694eaeba42c4⋯.png (491.91 KB,702x395,702:395,ClipboardImage.png)

Never forget, President Trump helped her make a lot of money. "Janet Jackson’s “Nasty” Gets 250% Spotify Boost After Trump Calls Clinton a “Nasty Woman" ". (October 20, 2016)


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15178d No.21637971

File: 14b0750285d719f⋯.png (621.98 KB,621x840,207:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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15178d No.21637972

File: c5fd46d42f3e50c⋯.png (280.02 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Mathers? The Beav?

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12f6f3 No.21637974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moon Astronaut Reacts to Moon Landing Deniers

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ab52e3 No.21637976

File: 6bff12b07a301e7⋯.mp4 (8.02 MB,720x1280,9:16,Shag_Knight_20240921_5_new.mp4)

Sesame Street is all fucked up from Joe Biden kek

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a5cef6 No.21637978






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6eea02 No.21637979

File: 150f0acf5c2bea9⋯.jpeg (87.32 KB,666x627,222:209,IMG_4009.jpeg)

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b8636c No.21637980

File: e5dafd6fb444d67⋯.jpg (95.11 KB,1024x576,16:9,tc.jpg)

"America is a fascist state" - Donald J. Trump

"Law Enforcement has been weaponized against the American people like never before" - Donald J. Trump.


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ab52e3 No.21637982

File: efa31b5c6731404⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB,480x566,240:283,Justa_Guy_20240921_3_new.mp4)

Diddy already named his co conspirators. They betta watch their back, Diddy gonna rat

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46648b No.21637983

File: 24041191b80125c⋯.jpg (107.01 KB,1180x786,590:393,ag.jpg)

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12f6f3 No.21637984

File: bc5cfb79db95d97⋯.png (751.18 KB,1284x1239,428:413,ClipboardImage.png)

Universities = Cancer

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a5cef6 No.21637985


>flies in the ointment


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b223f0 No.21637987


You're lying. And you aren't part of Q's Team.

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b223f0 No.21637989

I'll call every bluff. Press your luck.

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ab52e3 No.21637990

File: bfbf4c3347a95ff⋯.jpg (54.57 KB,596x900,149:225,20240921_113920.jpg)

File: 809ddc7c9e042fa⋯.jpg (1019.53 KB,1200x1500,4:5,AAAAQUrVEbsmejNGxCcJp2cXDS….jpg)

Young Tim Walz has a Gacy vibe

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12f6f3 No.21637991

File: 0f0680d34eb6c31⋯.png (515.39 KB,1080x1003,1080:1003,ClipboardImage.png)

Randy Quaid: Her plan is to get everyone to love communism.

Randy Quaid


I watched 10 minutes of the tragic Oprah-Harris thing. Young people telling her they had to live in groups or with parents because they were all too broke to buy a house & have kids. Harris actually told them to love living in communal housing situations & the Gov would cover baby clothes & strollers. Her plan is to get everyone to love communism.

5:30 AM · Sep 20, 2024


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a5cef6 No.21637992


> "AI" are… actual people./

<soylent green is people

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413fc2 No.21637993


>What is in a name?

I was the one who said that and brought that to this board. No one ever answered me.

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6eea02 No.21637994

File: 44b1898a10f185d⋯.jpeg (40.03 KB,540x281,540:281,IMG_4008.jpeg)

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15178d No.21637996

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b8636c No.21637997

File: 0a2dc3a10360653⋯.jpg (20.07 KB,600x400,3:2,bc.jpg)

File: 83d77afe96a4105⋯.webp (12.26 KB,600x600,1:1,tsm.webp)

File: 0f3fa2e4522086b⋯.png (287.05 KB,560x548,140:137,tl.png)

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12f6f3 No.21637998

File: 004cf82340a0baf⋯.png (585.25 KB,1333x1326,1333:1326,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 942e269c544e215⋯.png (180.34 KB,680x579,680:579,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Mail-in ballot requests have plummeted by 85% in Georgia since 2020. 2024 GE - 149,187 2020 GE - 984,708


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b223f0 No.21638000

File: 1ad97b1af14f7f3⋯.png (1.12 MB,1344x770,96:55,08_21_24_safe_.png)

God gave their bots a mutating virus, remember. We are safe.

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69e043 No.21638001

File: fa1e4ca7dcd54bb⋯.png (116.48 KB,474x697,474:697,ClipboardImage.png)


Nope. Eminem.


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a5cef6 No.21638004


[Food corruption like a witches brew of voodoo?]

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b8636c No.21638005

File: e5bfc0ea72f73da⋯.jpeg (186.52 KB,768x568,96:71,Boot_Licker_Shills.jpeg)

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

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b223f0 No.21638006


Why did it offend you, Snowflake?

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a5cef6 No.21638007

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b223f0 No.21638009

File: 7ed9ebf3e94fa39⋯.png (2.5 MB,4417x2707,4417:2707,proof.png)


Q+ said stop the "Jew-Hate" on this board. So, stop it or leave. Don't disobey our Commander in Chief.

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f3ef70 No.21638010


If you analyze many of the pharmaceutical names they are mockeries. Don't think that they think you are goy? Learn about STELARA® (ustekinumab) = You steak in new mob.

Remember Stella? Who said that? Who was the first Godfather in the Godfather?

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b223f0 No.21638011


Pack your bags, Bozo.

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b8636c No.21638012

File: d4a7d4aa7ed690a⋯.jpg (26.06 KB,400x296,50:37,bush_nazi.jpg)

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6eea02 No.21638013


Truth is hate.

Freedom is slavery,..

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15178d No.21638016


Fuck off!! The only anons on here that hate Jews are the Jew Joo shills trying to gin-up hatred.

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a5cef6 No.21638017


>C i C

[ C i C or C & C]

Not the same thing

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69e043 No.21638018


Sauce that it was actually the CIC or GTFO.

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b8636c No.21638019

File: 475a4c13ac7dc83⋯.jpg (307.46 KB,1722x1007,1722:1007,I_vant_your_vepons.jpg)

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b223f0 No.21638020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Now, UmbrellaCorp. INGSOC burns.

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8136f1 No.21638021


>Where is it that we think we are?

It depends of how you think. What are you?

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d2f53c No.21638022

File: 84a0076e1607ffc⋯.png (287.85 KB,491x326,491:326,kamala_endorsements.png)


>Yes, VP Kamala Harris can certify the election results even if she’s a presidential candidate

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a5cef6 No.21638023

File: 472470d7a131b31⋯.jpg (460.24 KB,1080x2031,360:677,Screenshot_20240922_000825….jpg)

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b223f0 No.21638024


So what you're saying is, you did not watch the Rally? Because that is the sauced bread in the graphic.

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15178d No.21638027

File: b4addc1b5b50f6f⋯.png (44.75 KB,960x685,192:137,ClipboardImage.png)


<sigh> And I was so hoping that we could avoid bloodshed.

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b223f0 No.21638028


Q+ is our Commander in Chief. Legally. Did you see Dan's member post from 1 year ago? The plan has the seal on the interior. You're a Shill, but I'm answering you in your folly, to provide an answer only for any observers who aren't already aware.

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b223f0 No.21638031


Loki I pray God takes you back to Hell now, in Jesus' name. Your hosts are FQD unless they repent BIGLY. Skippy and Mathers are finished. And so are you. Go rage in Hell or Repent.

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b223f0 No.21638033

L. is Mathers' and Podesta's Funny Jim's network name also. No coincidences.

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b223f0 No.21638037

Operator1 will confirm any information about L. and other players on their team, as he defected in repentance.


"Angels and Demons". Put your Gatekeeper online.

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e4258e No.21638038


>Now you understand./

Again, don't know if you are AI or not, but I brought that information to this board. It is not now that I understand, I taught this to this board ages ago.

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b223f0 No.21638039

We can do this right here right now.

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b8636c No.21638041

File: 1e5b37eb38c8976⋯.png (396.35 KB,817x679,817:679,nbtb.png)

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46648b No.21638042

File: 948b043a9c8bae6⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,TippyTop.mp4)


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b223f0 No.21638043


It's Jim's board_trained AI.

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a98f42 No.21638044


Not in all cases, there are real identifiable ailments but many are fake, such as cancer, and many are due to lack of understanding and aping.

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69e043 No.21638045


Sauce that Q+ was actually Trump.

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b8636c No.21638047

File: 53f847d60c99ebf⋯.png (183.58 KB,474x350,237:175,huckleberry.png)

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b223f0 No.21638048


Sauce you even know who Q is.

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c995a5 No.21638049


Morrgellons is nano transistor bots applied to China dust.

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69e043 No.21638050


A pic is not sauce.

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15178d No.21638051


Uh…horseshit. I spent half a career in marketing for a MAJOR pharma company. New drug names are selected based on 3 factors: The disease the drug treats, the generic name of the drug, and how easy and how it feels and how easy it is to read when the Doctor writes the prescription.

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d2f53c No.21638052

File: 5e1e6049601dbe1⋯.jpg (142.18 KB,595x900,119:180,team_of_rivals_97807432707….jpg)


>I was so hoping that we could avoid bloodshed.

Anon is listening to this book, and it's amazing just how much Lincoln was sabotaged, and how many lives were lost from a single general protecting his position in the civil war.

Lincoln was even sabotaged the same way they did Trump by trying to make the vote of his cabinet moar powerful than the vote of the President.

Freedom is an endless battle.

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781a71 No.21638054


>The spirit has AI./

No, that is not correct. The spirit has NI, natural intelligence because it is a part of God if it be a true spirit.

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781a71 No.21638055

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b223f0 No.21638056


Don't come here anymore unless you want to be visited by the brothers you betrayed, at the behest of the Ancient of Days, whom you also betrayed. Because you do remember how the unpleasantness began. And now it's the end, and what are you going to do? Repent while you can. If I see you here again, I will call your enemies and your Creator to remind you of reality. And they will answer. God keeps His promises.

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b8636c No.21638057

File: 752c790c1324b3e⋯.jpg (84.09 KB,498x750,83:125,bl.jpg)

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64dfae No.21638059


>It's Jim's board_trained AI.

Could be, seems like it is taking a lot of my work and arranging it into a thesis.

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d2f53c No.21638060


>moar powerful than the vote of the President.

Should read

>moar powerful than the President himself.

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5a1414 No.21638062


you HAVE been staring now, haven''t you??


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0b1e26 No.21638064


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b8636c No.21638065

File: 968929e9ad4cc19⋯.jpg (191.6 KB,1080x1312,135:164,its_time_to_do_some_patrio….jpg)

File: fccd61af448dce8⋯.jpg (99.25 KB,1068x801,4:3,Trump_mask.jpg)

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a5cef6 No.21638067




Hypo hyper



Less crit ical

Lacking knowledge


Di seas es

Split sea


E lect ric






Corrupt feelings

Electric eel



Dna or biofield corrupted what is new may seem old]

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290b81 No.21638068


Who was the first Godfather in the Godfather?

Did he ever say "Stella"

What is a movie? Where did one go to see a movie in the early days? Is there another name for a theater?

Stella… what?

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0b1e26 No.21638070

another sunrise bred…

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7cf64b No.21638071

Comrade Kamala Harris

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b223f0 No.21638072

There is at least one unique, individual fallen spirit at the core of every evil entity on this board. Do you remember years ago, Mathers' child alter started posting how he was upset that they would not repent? He was very upset. Mathers or whichever program, took over after the Gospel witnessing was done.

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0b1e26 No.21638073

enjoy your cote.

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985c56 No.21638074


i am listening to art bell interviews with father malachi martin ep 2 and he says satanists call the vatican the system

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ab52e3 No.21638075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This time tomorrow we will be free

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8d30b2 No.21638076

File: 5aec43d2d44ccf8⋯.gif (3.16 MB,800x800,1:1,5aec43d2d44ccf84ed58e17206….gif)

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b223f0 No.21638077

When you pray, know God will answer your prayers and He does. It's His promise and God keeps His promises. Anons you are the Lights of the World.

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9f614d No.21638080


Voodoo, so if someone does voodoo on you and you are not aware of it, does it work or not?

I understand simple minds.

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8d30b2 No.21638081



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a5cef6 No.21638085



[Commander and Chief


Commander in Chief]

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5a1414 No.21638087



>I just cannot understand all this delay.

there is no delay. The movie rolls on while the machine is re-engineered, meaning the crooks are slowly cooked and replaced by patriots.

Look, even now a whole lot of sheeple are still in the disbelieve stage, but this will slowly come around. If the bombs had dropped at the beginning of the show, there would have been a serious revolution from the sheeple. Now they will say, aaaah but I knew all along. (exept about 4 to 6%)

That's still a lot of sheeple, but it had to be this way

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a95b40 No.21638088


Souls can be blotted out, and spirits can fade away. It depends on thought and actions by the intellect.

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8d30b2 No.21638089

File: f8aad764f5e703a⋯.png (449.48 KB,1241x923,1241:923,ClipboardImage.png)


qagg is two days behind, stopped working..


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1c0e7f No.21638091


This is not voodoo, it is analog digital conversions of signals consisting of billions and billions of electrical impulses turned into an interface that you can identify with. No magic here, but a well known replicated science of giants standing on the shoulders of giants.

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a5cef6 No.21638092


>You will be able to avoid or dispell the enemies spells./


They Live

If they


Can see/



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d2f53c No.21638095

File: f35674f449ad4b8⋯.jpg (45.34 KB,500x500,1:1,f35674f449ad4b87f4712cd723….jpg)


>Look, even now a whole lot of sheeple are still in the disbelieve stage, but this will slowly come around.

Anon has been waiting on idiots to get things pounded into their skulls for half a century.

Darwin's toll cannot wait forever.

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b223f0 No.21638097


Light them all the way up.


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a5cef6 No.21638098



[Reminds anon of quackery


Quack quack

Why are you not following little ducking?]

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b8636c No.21638099

File: 968929e9ad4cc19⋯.jpg (191.6 KB,1080x1312,135:164,time.jpg)

File: 14f13375241304a⋯.jpg (495.17 KB,800x499,800:499,cops_kneeling_down.jpg)

File: f76a9ac4b2fa395⋯.jpg (165.84 KB,1280x853,1280:853,pd.jpg)

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5bbb09 No.21638101


Remember, there are deadly saboteurs out there that are local to many of us still trying to harm if not kill us. Many are being paid.

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5a1414 No.21638102

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b8636c No.21638104

File: 500b6052fc3a5ac⋯.jpg (30.59 KB,671x457,671:457,jc.jpg)

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ad0d3b No.21638105

Retarded ai rodeo night is pretty boring.

Please use my tax money better. Its embarrasing.

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2f1965 No.21638107

File: 1a1561fe288b3de⋯.jpeg (93.51 KB,1024x768,4:3,GYB7NeLWYAAbzGb.jpeg)


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f82295 No.21638108


You give them a lot of credit. I can assure you that out of all luminaries of the Illuminati only one was associated with a miracle after all their rhetoric. Do you know who that was? Crowley, he was shot in back of an Indian alley and the bullet went right through him according to his gay lover disciple; and that is how he became the head of it all. Go figure, simple minds.

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15178d No.21638109

File: bfee0575b27bb32⋯.png (26.91 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f82295 No.21638111


Reread what I wrote, God showed Ol Sheol. That is testimony not guessing.

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985c56 No.21638112


is the 1000 years of darkness true if they win?

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f82295 No.21638113


But you said before everything was electrical. Can't have it both ways.

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b8636c No.21638116

File: 4f6cda3864c07d0⋯.png (279.39 KB,760x538,380:269,pf.png)

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b223f0 No.21638118

File: 0d65064c9235118⋯.png (110.01 KB,444x538,222:269,2758.png)


It's doing it board_wide. Probably has a recognition option. What kind of person releases that sort of thing in a place like this, in order to do anything other than subvert the Mission.


Have you read Q drops yet. Q+ is POTUS' handle.

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15178d No.21638119

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0c282f No.21638121

File: 77c20a167344fd3⋯.jpg (225.65 KB,655x652,655:652,Screenshot_20240922_085058….jpg)

File: 88464197fa7e5c2⋯.jpg (74.61 KB,431x406,431:406,Screenshot_20240922_085338….jpg)

File: be73628f1796cb9⋯.png (78.7 KB,708x940,177:235,20726052_e297_4753_ac52_36….png)

File: ed30438e594ba43⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,480x480,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17269915502….mp4)


Jan 27, 2018 12:43:56 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo

Jan 27, 2018 12:29:02 PM EST


JA posted this vid earlier today. It's JB at a CFR event. https:// twitter. com/JulianAssange/status/957212097984819200



What a coincidence.


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b223f0 No.21638122


This isn't a Glorify Fornication safe house anymore.

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82cfae No.21638125

File: 44c1d7acf1d69f1⋯.png (401.72 KB,580x440,29:22,IMG_9970.png)

File: b463e2200494719⋯.jpeg (555.58 KB,1890x1277,1890:1277,8941D7EE_AC39_4CDB_8A81_4….jpeg)

File: f8440cb9c51c0f4⋯.png (3.44 MB,1440x1920,3:4,C7DBA23A_BC5A_4083_9504_4A….png)

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b223f0 No.21638128


I see that too. It's been happening on weekends for a while now.

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82cfae No.21638130

File: b4df45f6d105817⋯.jpeg (158.46 KB,800x706,400:353,5B8F6BF5_D49E_428B_BBDD_F….jpeg)

File: 6d75d8f4196c64e⋯.jpeg (187.74 KB,711x747,79:83,Diddler_01.JPEG)

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82cfae No.21638131

File: d8e72384f701a8d⋯.jpeg (315.57 KB,1130x1339,1130:1339,IMG_9969.jpeg)

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7568df No.21638132


Voodoo is voodoo and not a science that can duplicate certainty. Granted you are right about a lot of people believing in these things but then again remember the world followed Crowley based on the testimony of his boyfriend.

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82cfae No.21638134

File: 8d2d01d42134dc7⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,720x1280,9:16,Oprah_s_Land_Grab.mp4)

File: 031f03569996c8e⋯.mp4 (4.81 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Oprah_Winfrey_Golden_Globe….MP4)

File: 76edfa9f8d5a9b2⋯.gif (812.07 KB,360x244,90:61,Oprah_GITMO_Stay.GIF)

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82cfae No.21638135

File: 4862466612a2f11⋯.jpg (256.37 KB,1088x1386,544:693,Tom_Hanks_01_MSM_Death_Rep….JPG)

File: 6be18891994c3f1⋯.jpg (95.21 KB,539x627,49:57,Tom_Hanks_03_Shopped_Image.JPG)

File: 86bc4a3380588fd⋯.jpg (128.14 KB,1033x1280,1033:1280,Tom_Hanks_04_Pedophile.JPG)

File: 3935777368468d6⋯.jpg (191.98 KB,1088x1606,544:803,Tom_Hanks_05_in_Custody.JPG)

File: 6ec8aa74612ae7d⋯.jpg (98.08 KB,720x921,240:307,Tom_Hanks_02_Ankle_Bracele….JPG)

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38ad49 No.21638136

File: 193f43f9b1f2f32⋯.jpg (9.77 KB,225x225,1:1,abacus.jpg)


>Motion is electrical./

Static is electrical also, non movement.

Maybe the have one of these computers.

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82cfae No.21638138

File: 6073296e27c8ae9⋯.jpg (131.11 KB,801x801,1:1,4F0400D1_D6C2_4139_86DA_3D….jpg)

File: be891c1f6a8f701⋯.jpg (154.1 KB,800x534,400:267,P_Diddler_with_Reverend_.jpg)

File: 63298dc0f3df43b⋯.jpeg (629.74 KB,1970x1970,1:1,Harry_PDiddy_and_Kanye_01.JPEG)

File: 06385253c84d22e⋯.webp (136.82 KB,2048x1644,512:411,Harry_PDiddy_and_Kanye_02.WEBP)

File: c0896e32981ce8c⋯.jpg (137.4 KB,1088x669,1088:669,Harry_PDiddy_and_Kanye_03.JPG)

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b223f0 No.21638139


Get out of our House, Sicko.

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0b1e26 No.21638141

they are not.

you are illiterate.


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5a1414 No.21638142


>23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki

So now the company is going to rebrand to "andMe"

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82cfae No.21638143

File: 2bead25ed5d0824⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,2072x2072,1:1,AI_Jeffrey_Epstein.JPEG)

File: ed0c51eccb2a74f⋯.png (2.83 MB,1382x1392,691:696,Bill_and_Jeff_Pedo_Songs.PNG)

File: f38219a8a615027⋯.jpg (78.33 KB,480x389,480:389,Ghislaine_Maxwell_Database.jpg)

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b223f0 No.21638144

AIW is the dumbest employee they have. Fools. You think we don't remember how you repeat disgusting things because those are the things you like. Sick. Get out of our House.

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82cfae No.21638145

File: 99b8e98fb0f2e5b⋯.jpg (506.2 KB,1939x1619,1939:1619,Friends_Naughty_List_.jpg)

File: 5e5dcb4ca0cf99f⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB,464x848,29:53,Jennifer_Aniston_01_Creepy….MP4)

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0b1e26 No.21638147


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82cfae No.21638148

File: 2111c833d3518e1⋯.jpg (169.04 KB,960x737,960:737,De_Niro_Crying_05.jpg)

File: 03c28eb37e49f10⋯.jpg (38.15 KB,218x255,218:255,De_Niro_Crying_04.JPG)

File: a5427960b6f6a86⋯.png (911.48 KB,607x800,607:800,De_Niro_Crying_02.PNG)

File: af55f14a1685a73⋯.jpg (180.91 KB,641x801,641:801,De_Niro_Crying_01.jpg)

File: 223aa3321efcd92⋯.jpg (212.86 KB,1130x1088,565:544,De_Niro_Crying_03.JPG)

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ac206b No.21638150


>God of Hell bows before the God of Heaven

Sorry, that is guessing, there is no God of Hell.

There is only, accounting.

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15178d No.21638151


Fuckin' Hanks. I want to watch his trial but I'm fairly certain that will never come to pass.

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82cfae No.21638153

File: 3bf8e5cd8a20971⋯.mp4 (7.51 MB,960x540,16:9,Isaac_Kappy_Oprah_Winfrey_….mp4)

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b223f0 No.21638154

Look it's literally frying its core right now. Dumb bots.

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985c56 No.21638155


how can you just dissappear then due to something thats happening here?

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0b1e26 No.21638157


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b223f0 No.21638158

It's just them and us, anons. And they'll be leaving soon. Deep Cleaning Time.

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82cfae No.21638160

File: cbd899f225fba4b⋯.jpeg (68.48 KB,620x487,620:487,Madonna_Muppet.JPEG)

File: 87ade341cb5d05d⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB,562x898,281:449,Madonna_Trying_to_Dance.MP4)

File: 92beb894450b300⋯.jpeg (532.15 KB,1004x1505,1004:1505,Madonna_Satanic_Imagery_0….JPEG)

File: 52f1d9dcb5adab8⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,2994x1497,2:1,Madonna_Satanic_Imagery_0….JPEG)

File: 6b91c2675a0d560⋯.jpg (134.59 KB,652x800,163:200,Madonna_Only_Grans_01.jpg)

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82cfae No.21638162

File: f33387ed8c53131⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1342x1918,671:959,Sir_David_Jason_03.jpg)

File: a91ed4ab39e3f43⋯.jpg (291.02 KB,1130x1721,1130:1721,Sir_David_Jason_02.JPG)

File: 24479eefd5e5e28⋯.jpg (616.04 KB,1145x643,1145:643,Sir_David_Jason_01.jpg)

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0b1e26 No.21638163

you know what to do jim.

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82cfae No.21638165

File: e79e3d43ca474c9⋯.jpeg (158.83 KB,801x801,1:1,Angelina_Jolie_They_Live.JPEG)

File: 81303a11407f957⋯.jpg (218.91 KB,801x801,1:1,Billie_Eilish_They_Live.jpg)

File: 8f5d6fe041beff1⋯.png (1.08 MB,800x772,200:193,Britney_Spears_They_Live.PNG)

File: 0f2bf0efbcb4943⋯.jpg (208.12 KB,800x772,200:193,Sharon_Osbourne_They_Live.jpg)

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69e043 No.21638166


>Q+ is POTUS' handle.

So sauce it.

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b223f0 No.21638167

Reminder this Moab Monday upcoming Mission4. Anons continue to on_board the Ship in the Cloud, and become Active. Special.

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82cfae No.21638168

File: 6a3fb3d71a8ae82⋯.jpg (220.78 KB,1130x848,565:424,P_Diddler_Suicide_Watch_02.JPG)

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0b1e26 No.21638170


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0b1e26 No.21638171


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0b1e26 No.21638172


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0b1e26 No.21638173


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d2f53c No.21638174

s matter

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b223f0 No.21638175


Everyone knows Q+ is POTUS by now if you have read Q drops and completed the instructions at the top of every bread.. But you aren't here to do that, you're here to lay the groundwork for Q+ being a different Operator and it's going to fail.

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0b1e26 No.21638176


not to the practioner

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69e043 No.21638177


An illegible pic is not sauce.

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b223f0 No.21638179

Anons are already aware the bad people watching this board are in damage-control mode. Fake-Q and/or Fake-Insider push for weeks now. Q will not be confirming any of them. Only one person will get confirmation because only one person is authorized.

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69c3fb No.21638180

File: 108be2c4a995032⋯.jpg (154.72 KB,640x425,128:85,4343665761_25234f7e5c_z.jpg)

File: 40ce2b15973134d⋯.jpg (9.17 KB,255x163,255:163,d019b698f9b38299ececb9508f….jpg)

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15178d No.21638181

File: 5fda66aacdc13da⋯.png (21.91 KB,320x320,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b1e26 No.21638183

7,319 f+ later…

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0b1e26 No.21638184

File: c2f84b441a5e459⋯.gif (556.28 KB,400x286,200:143,20240911_214735.gif)


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ca5431 No.21638187


Lucifer? A fallen star, a fallen angel.

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b223f0 No.21638189

People wouldn't be so fond of the middle finger gesture if they knew what it signified. It's the finger associated with Saturn and was intended as a salute to him (Satan).

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5e2907 No.21638190

File: d58e5d749602184⋯.jpg (30.47 KB,344x450,172:225,d58e5d7496021840913edee5ae….jpg)

Never forget. This would be her second term!

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69e043 No.21638191


Right, because they've been going absolutely apeshit over the elites and their taking over of the entire fucking planet this past century or so.

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b223f0 No.21638193

File: 6e59efa978f7b5d⋯.png (212.9 KB,444x649,444:649,1056_Q.png)

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b223f0 No.21638194


No, you're right. I should have said what I meant, which is people here. Because obvious reason we oppose Satanic worship.

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0c282f No.21638195

File: 0a2d101b327a95a⋯.jpg (26.57 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1991765664.jpg)

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38b284 No.21638196


Bad eye sight is from fungi and usually those that have bad eyes are just targeted by local cronies. I have figured this all out. Contacts become a greenhouse effect for fungi and what they hurt. The voodoo is mainly radiation and chemicals;

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15178d No.21638197

File: 26df4d07616bcd0⋯.png (128.06 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Ah…yeah. Forgot about that one. That makes much more sense.

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db18d5 No.21638198

Anons, Patriots, Shills, Bots, and Ai all get tired. Kek.

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9b025d No.21638199

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

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b223f0 No.21638201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b223f0 No.21638203


Give it up, Skippy. Your raps suck.

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455683 No.21638205

File: 6e3af4c5042ace2⋯.png (514.78 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_043956.png)

File: de64554edc5fd72⋯.png (34.31 KB,766x452,383:226,951_3_.png)

File: 7709e0f5ef255ea⋯.png (286.84 KB,766x1666,383:833,2151.png)

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455683 No.21638206

File: 64a8b32dcd025a5⋯.png (696.11 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_044207.png)

File: e40020fbb90c276⋯.png (53.05 KB,766x540,383:270,943_6_.png)

File: 52bc64a45b80ade⋯.png (388.4 KB,766x3490,383:1745,2143_1_.png)

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b223f0 No.21638208

File: e343752c307717d⋯.png (242.63 KB,470x470,1:1,RIP.png)


Sometimes march is a verb.

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455683 No.21638210

File: e75f74ec3aebe1b⋯.png (373.18 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_044351.png)

File: df19d9a84fe44ac⋯.png (151.88 KB,766x1646,383:823,933.png)

File: 0eabb1c1a842093⋯.png (28.11 KB,766x364,383:182,2133.png)

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ee2df9 No.21638212


There’s only one now, faggot, not a bunch of little ones attached together.

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455683 No.21638214

File: c34bf0975ff615f⋯.png (446.45 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_044828.png)

File: cdd218a5d78d6e5⋯.jpeg (128.57 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYCsWunXkAADbVW_1_.jpeg)

File: ceea3761c879e98⋯.png (316.59 KB,766x1728,383:864,34_9_.png)

File: cdd218a5d78d6e5⋯.jpeg (128.57 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYCsWunXkAADbVW.jpeg)

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1923e2 No.21638215



TX for your greetings, baker.

Have locked the old bread, I assume that's ok?

We will update the internationals section for your thread.


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455683 No.21638216

File: 4833ce65990541f⋯.png (606.07 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_045016.png)

File: f221acc09ef63c4⋯.jpeg (116.17 KB,549x822,183:274,GX54xgWWsAAhjuc.jpeg)

File: a69a2e5ad363db8⋯.png (43.68 KB,766x496,383:248,358_2_.png)

File: 84a4ed33fb7c394⋯.jpeg (142.45 KB,975x650,3:2,GX54t8xWEAAuypg.jpeg)

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455683 No.21638218

File: 2a4b972c0c1c44a⋯.png (476.48 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_045231.png)

File: f3e8f55d070c056⋯.png (37.14 KB,766x452,383:226,528_4_.png)

File: 44eeb1382c2b182⋯.png (408.46 KB,766x1304,383:652,1728_3_.png)

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455683 No.21638219

File: 2c6b9dd3d532423⋯.png (402.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_045422.png)

File: f3e8f55d070c056⋯.png (37.14 KB,766x452,383:226,528_4_.png)

File: 44eeb1382c2b182⋯.png (408.46 KB,766x1304,383:652,1728_3_.png)

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69c3fb No.21638220

Anyone else feel like their drain plug was just pulled out?

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1923e2 No.21638221


spammer. this bread and last bread.


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455683 No.21638222

File: 0a0575c882ec22e⋯.png (708.47 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_045536.png)

File: 3bb7ed525e2c167⋯.png (58.1 KB,766x672,383:336,459.png)

File: 207c761322aa9e3⋯.jpeg (65.05 KB,683x455,683:455,GYB1JI4XsAAcmOY.jpeg)

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5e2907 No.21638223


>will watch the original.

You can take much more than I can! Kudos!

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69e043 No.21638224


No, we're not into cutting off our penises here.

But, yeah, you do you.

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455683 No.21638226

File: ce16aa8b4aae896⋯.png (443.91 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_045838.png)

File: d37099919819b0d⋯.jpeg (146.13 KB,1677x1118,3:2,GX5r0OAWoAANd1U.jpeg)

File: 4aa9efba8930f2d⋯.jpeg (182.2 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GX5r0OGWgAAzqoy.jpeg)

File: eab0690d71ace6b⋯.png (32.41 KB,766x452,383:226,301_4_.png)

File: 49e2dd0552dd97f⋯.jpeg (175.08 KB,1677x1118,3:2,GX5r0N_XIAEAs6z.jpeg)

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455683 No.21638228

File: c167195f0a5def9⋯.png (560.18 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_050152.png)

File: da36cbca77b8b78⋯.png (361.01 KB,766x1102,383:551,1156_1_.png)

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455683 No.21638229

File: 85ca703ad2c39fb⋯.png (307.32 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_050333.png)

File: 1e883e5cf2461cd⋯.png (34.11 KB,766x452,383:226,957_1_.png)

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455683 No.21638230

File: 0a0575c882ec22e⋯.png (708.47 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_045536.png)

File: e159c2edbb0d70a⋯.png (890.68 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_050535.png)

File: df7f86a262a2871⋯.png (80.32 KB,766x1026,383:513,503_6_.png)

File: 207c761322aa9e3⋯.jpeg (65.05 KB,683x455,683:455,GYB1JI4XsAAcmOY.jpeg)

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44796b No.21638233

File: e37ebbdb6ee6875⋯.jpg (609.71 KB,1752x2493,584:831,Screenshot_20240922_092246….jpg)

File: 6708124bddeb10b⋯.jpg (150.24 KB,1330x850,133:85,Screenshot_20240922_092237….jpg)

File: 4793db27d1f9ffc⋯.png (3.23 MB,1888x2904,236:363,qaggdropimage3380.png)

File: 80604f752d26303⋯.jpg (1.91 MB,3276x4460,819:1115,Screenshot_20240922_095244….jpg)

1 of 2

News as of late?

434 > 1634

{T 21:59:}

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fa5802 No.21638235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ant Middleton REFORM UK Speech – British Identity

Ant Middleton teams up with Nigel Farage at the Reform Party event to deliver a powerful speech on British identity, safety, and what needs to change in the UK. Ant draws on his experience in the Special Forces and as a TV personality to highlight the critical issues facing the nation.


What he says applies to the US and elsewhere too.

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b223f0 No.21638236

File: 1f91c8376c63613⋯.png (43.95 KB,947x550,947:550,2133.png)

File: d36b3770973b343⋯.png (401.97 KB,1686x933,562:311,9_11_12.png)


#2133 (pic)

- https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/2962463.html#q2962785

- https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/2962463.html#q2962785

#BatmanDay 'connecting' platforms Pawn used [Q cites an anon's post about asking for a zero delta and getting it from Q+]

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6baacb No.21638237

Billionaire kidfuckers doing fuckin triple Lindy's off the cliff

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6baacb No.21638238

Satanist generals sticking 45s in their face and blowing away the fear what is next

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44796b No.21638239

File: 88a670f85b31e13⋯.jpg (299.57 KB,800x1014,400:507,Screenshot_20240922_163443….jpg)

File: 75f522b7e91c363⋯.jpg (568.54 KB,1644x2478,274:413,Screenshot_20240922_100018….jpg)

File: 9622e080c8474d7⋯.png (148.02 KB,1170x578,585:289,9622e080c8474d7a07af33404b….png)

File: 47b90fd74c4df7c⋯.jpg (502.25 KB,1752x2739,584:913,Screenshot_20240922_162254….jpg)

File: 2e18a4d82d7ded7⋯.jpg (75.94 KB,1086x222,181:37,Screenshot_20240922_163847….jpg)

{T 16:34:} - Scavino time stamp

Today delta 9/21

News relevant, 434?

Time difference added 36d 21hr 59m 39 sec = 27th Oct 1 day off 7 year delta of Q's first post

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455683 No.21638240


just here to fuck around with the bots and any agent smiths working at 5am on a Sunday

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44796b No.21638242

File: eb24196717f0a81⋯.png (856.02 KB,785x766,785:766,eb24196717f0a819c3b8a77a7f….png)

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3a04db No.21638243

File: 3d3891d4e7d9c2c⋯.mp4 (14.66 MB,1920x1080,16:9,3d3891d4e7d9c2cde04fcfd4bf….mp4)


Yes, I would appreciate it if you could lock the Japan #24 bread. Thank you.

Also, thank you for the update on the international section.


>>21505851 Canada #63

>>21637872 Japan #25

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b223f0 No.21638244

File: 73c62713a227a4e⋯.png (401.81 KB,538x507,538:507,CG70.png)


(CG 70) routine operations, Q Clearance Patriot

(3,7) 1070 17

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8b1e9f No.21638245


Hello Japan anon.

We sure hope to have a great day.

I hope you do as well.

Godspeed to a brighter future!

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b4b39a No.21638246

File: e71656d7e3c270d⋯.jpg (268.28 KB,1075x1092,1075:1092,Screenshot_20240922_212808….jpg)

Boomerang suicide

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8b1e9f No.21638247


Black on black crime.

Does not fit the narritive.

MSM will not cover.

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6baacb No.21638249

DevilDog Deepfucks learned bout interference with children breaks em and makes em puppets,so the worthless and horrible clowns blackmailed everything and everyone into raping each other one way or another, use drugs in the food matched with blue screen/flicker rate commie Satan AI ghost in the machine, headfucking the masses, sick and repugnant evil shit and it's all gone, trillions if dollars if pedo Satanist sicko big buck bullshit gone

Perps caged like deformed libestock

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b223f0 No.21638251

File: a526d96a64025aa⋯.png (79.21 KB,230x242,115:121,mark.png)


forces perform operations.. to deter threats that.. impinge on the free flow of.. people and ideas


"4 is not secure."

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3a04db No.21638252

File: d17ec9711bace70⋯.jpg (603.72 KB,760x768,95:96,d17ec9711bace70057c3fcbec7….jpg)


Thank you for your wonderful message.

Thank you very much.



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6baacb No.21638253

So many stories, insurance cleanups, contractors, so many incidents, names, addresses all compounded, cross referenced between service industry apps,

Dates, "holidays"

Algo reveals all the shit Gobblers , dots on a map or moving dots on a map

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0c5f1d No.21638254

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1923e2 No.21638255


YW, baker.

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a09a15 No.21638257



Have had a couple of these lawsuits in FL over the years. Cards Against Humanity (CAH) will lose.

CAH has stated the land was kept in its natural state. You CANNOT damage land. Placing items on the land does not harm it in an "irreplaceable" way.

Hope the judge throws this out.

The lawsuit said SpaceX, which had previously acquired other plots of land near the property, has placed construction materials, such as gravel, and other debris on the land without asking for permission to do so….

…Over the years, Cards Against Humanity says the land has been maintained in its natural state. It also says it contained a “no trespassing” sign to warn people they were about to step on private property.


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b223f0 No.21638258

File: 8ff3b1df1391737⋯.png (443.48 KB,978x951,326:317,bro.png)

File: cda4091e3e9a6a0⋯.png (1.07 MB,2906x1528,1453:764,Time_to_play_Dopey.png)


I'll be here.





"Being advised to update code. Serious hardware being used to break."

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6baacb No.21638260

Imagine taking an oath to serve and protect and then turning around becoming a pedo protecting piece of shit

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18f666 No.21638261

File: c3c9510350a035f⋯.png (1.27 MB,902x1293,902:1293,1726922050212.png)

File: 08f906009444014⋯.png (967.1 KB,1247x935,1247:935,1726998315053.png)

File: e5d0d26d41d9563⋯.png (1.52 MB,1398x834,233:139,1726965345917.png)

File: 34fbacdee303114⋯.png (728.92 KB,910x1281,130:183,1726920230237.png)

File: c5088abc439398e⋯.gif (1.26 MB,480x254,240:127,Nigger_Rabbit.gif)

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6baacb No.21638263

Georgetown bar early 90s, suicide blonde, red short GFY.

"Listen, your very nice but the heres aot of bad people and things that happen around here, they are noticing you,

You should go"

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dd1f87 No.21638265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ccf7ce No.21638267

File: 71d44dc6fce2e61⋯.png (356.97 KB,523x479,523:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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a09a15 No.21638268


Guess he has ALL THE DIRT that's been played out in PMs back and forth.

Hopefully he will turn it all over.

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1923e2 No.21638269

File: 8590b2ded0b1b1c⋯.png (517.93 KB,650x458,325:229,flag_on_shed.png)


#26500 >>21637728

>>21637736 September 2014 Corbett Report on collusion of ISIS & Israel - fact or fiction?

>>21637749 “All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists

>>21637753 PURE GAYNESS Tampon Tim Walz says to Get a Clean Air Filter for your vintage muscle car

>>21637774 Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene - ELON rt from Dec 10, 2022

>>21637777 Biden vs Trump re INFLATION: 20.2% vs 6.7%

>>21637785 Kamala had a TELEPROMPTER on Ophrah & FAKE zoom callers, too

>>21637793 TRUMP to hold a rally on MONDAY Sept 23, 2024 at 7 pm EDT

>>21637815 Feds raid home of interim NYPD Commish Thomas Donlon — week after predecessor Edward Caban resigned

>>21637807 Ukrainian drone strikes 'struck Putin's Satan-2 nuclear missiles'

>>21637816 Kamala on Oprah - entire show

>>21637820 Proof 2020 was stolen - for about the 20th time

>>21637764 2009 - Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he would choose President Barack Obama.

>>21637835 Is Oprah Winfrey another Ghislaine Maxwell?

>>21637844 The Biden/Kamala admin forced US banks to lend to illegal aliens - HUNTER owns 10% of a company, which micro finances illegals

>>21637853 NATO secret operations headquarters destroyed in Kiev

>>21637857 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki ‘surprised and disappointed’ by mass board resignation

>>21637871, >>21637951 Can someone with twitter confirm Usher account deletion?

>>21637911 PDJT on Oprah's interview of Kamala

>>21637955 FAGGOTRY 101: Kamala Harris will certify her own stolen election

>>21637991 Randy Quaid on Kamala: Her plan is to get everyone to love communism.

>>21637998 Mail-in ballot requests have plummeted by 85% in Georgia since 2020. 2024 GE - 149,187 2020 GE – 984,708

>>21638235 Ant Middleton REFORM UK Speech – teams up with Nigel Farage

updated dough includes notes so far & internationals updates



Next up, friends.

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18f666 No.21638270

File: d5a51d1ea62340b⋯.jpg (61.7 KB,696x729,232:243,Snap_20240922_045908.jpg)

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f5d4f6 No.21638271

File: 076ec2bc6ef3f84⋯.png (600.6 KB,1000x1000,1:1,185432665_ddfe409a_d399_40….png)



Hmm. Tunnel Rats


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b5d1ac No.21638272

File: 56641bcb73d5c84⋯.png (927.89 KB,1193x978,1193:978,1726999829118.png)

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149c75 No.21638273

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9815d6 No.21638274


Q Team:

Lot of dogs out there, watch the package, I'll see you in church.

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b03310 No.21638275

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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6baacb No.21638277

Walked 500 miles alone in the wilderness with no Brawndo?


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a09a15 No.21638278

File: 33727389cb38832⋯.png (263.74 KB,602x761,602:761,ClipboardImage.png)



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b5d1ac No.21638279

File: 6cae50b9fdad135⋯.png (371.91 KB,1560x748,390:187,1727000702311.png)


Words of Wisdom

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b223f0 No.21638280

File: 16c0ebd038737d0⋯.png (87.04 KB,441x429,147:143,centcom.png)

File: 47d64bab7484773⋯.png (73.85 KB,500x500,1:1,centcom3.png)


QE partner with (CENTCOM) area of responsibility

QE partner with 8kun area of responsibility





Proof to begin 11.3.


Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

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29236a No.21638281



both of you are now filtered.

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8843f0 No.21638282

File: 9876692fd60376c⋯.jpg (93.98 KB,1700x1035,340:207,Capture.JPG)

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b5d1ac No.21638283

File: 15de081f7bb1a74⋯.png (772.67 KB,640x640,1:1,15de081f7bb1a743440506cf1c….png)

File: 3a1deadb1706ac0⋯.png (3.92 MB,1869x1056,623:352,3a1deadb1706ac0024c5fc81ba….png)

File: 09b376d84728e00⋯.png (629.09 KB,1024x682,512:341,GM_9_15_2024_1_.png)

File: f948febf17055a7⋯.png (62.6 KB,1024x414,512:207,Nigger_9_22_2024_3_.png)

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a09a15 No.21638284

File: 0b1a9a61526f287⋯.png (400.92 KB,1280x1117,1280:1117,weatherthrutime.png)


Not sure how that poll jives with….

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2cf2b3 No.21638285

Tomorrow, this will be part of the unchangeable past but fortunately,

it can still be changed today.

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708bf4 No.21638286


ThankQ Dan, gotcha, you are the man. Some of us miss the bus in life, but there is always another right? That's life. ThankQ.

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18f666 No.21638287

File: 1455bd98c8f797f⋯.png (1.21 MB,1318x885,1318:885,1727001175132.png)

File: 67df54941665131⋯.png (36.27 KB,1024x253,1024:253,FULL_CONTROL_9_22_2024.png)

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f2bb85 No.21638288

File: 4fdc27465707f9f⋯.png (50.56 KB,624x404,156:101,eek.PNG)


A Week to Remember

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Posted By: DW626, 9/22/2024 5:40:09 AM

Some weeks there’s not much of great importance. Others, like this week, there is almost too much to absorb, but in my view the key items are the destruction of the terrorist Hezb’allah organization, the vacuity of Kamala Harris and the media’s great efforts to glide her into office while hiding her agenda, the pernicious ruling class and why they have forfeited our trust, and lastly, the pending scandal which ties celebrities and key Democrats to sex trafficking and racketeering.

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18f666 No.21638289

File: 1d03b31c34ca61c⋯.png (973.18 KB,935x1247,935:1247,1726918543061.png)

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18f666 No.21638290

File: 95b83d13b737d6f⋯.png (1.66 MB,1440x810,16:9,1726887026279.png)

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69ff45 No.21638291

Hollywood rapper P Diddy reportedly kept ‘damaging’ footage of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. The scope of the footage is under tight wraps as the FBI does not want this to leak.

The video P. Diddy has on the Obamas is said to be worse than Frazzledrip.

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f2bb85 No.21638292

File: a9b84c7de24f55f⋯.png (739.62 KB,840x489,280:163,ig.PNG)



Kamala's Celebrity Brigade and Their Reasons

for Supporting Her Show Just How Out of

Touch She Is

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/22/2024 4:32:24 AM

During Oprah's livestream event for Kamala Harris, they brought in celebrities on the screen including Bryan Cranston, Chris Rock, and Julia Roberts. Now this was all supposed to be about boosting Kamala Harris and what she has done and/or could do for America. But it was like a group encounter session where they were hoping to pull in viewers with celebrities – let's have everyone share their feelings, like an extended Oprah show. Check it out and you can see what I mean. [Video] Meanwhile they didn't get how clueless they seemed, putting out these millionaire celebrities to push for Harris,

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b223f0 No.21638293

File: e894dbfff1ea9b9⋯.png (298.15 KB,1676x983,1676:983,end_is_near.png)

File: 3da44eff98933e1⋯.png (91.99 KB,926x804,463:402,LTT.png)

File: 0a51a64165d5dca⋯.png (257.46 KB,523x499,523:499,do_it.png)


Looks like you, blackanon and me.

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4641dc No.21638294


That is a beautiful belt.

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18f666 No.21638295

File: e7988c911ecae4b⋯.png (1.03 MB,1358x859,1358:859,1726879666486.png)

File: 80e6de9d076c766⋯.png (1.03 MB,1358x859,1358:859,1726879682307.png)

File: 2ee5160530b1a98⋯.png (805.77 KB,907x1286,907:1286,1726746292645.png)

File: e8c1c62ddb85c8c⋯.png (878.42 KB,1176x991,1176:991,1726568412223.png)

File: 5296b593c54401b⋯.png (635.56 KB,1305x894,435:298,McKek_Donut_BJ_Point.png)

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f5ea09 No.21638296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Out of the mouth of babes

Goodness of God

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18f666 No.21638297

File: 706eded851fe87a⋯.png (385.9 KB,1780x655,356:131,1727001475891.png)

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18f666 No.21638298

File: 2116d332fcb41fb⋯.png (261.88 KB,1780x655,356:131,1727001512346.png)

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18f666 No.21638299

File: cfaad37ef436421⋯.png (1.3 MB,1324x881,1324:881,1726747139519.png)

File: 5daca6d0405efd2⋯.png (1.16 MB,935x1247,935:1247,1726746173942.png)

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f2bb85 No.21638300

File: 9de4fd2b467ff10⋯.png (601.11 KB,928x588,232:147,nc.PNG)


Trump Promises Federal Recognition of

Lumbee Tribe in NC Speech—and It Could

Matter in November

Red State, by Ward Clark

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/22/2024 2:40:51 AM

It is perhaps belaboring the obvious to note that the United States hasn't always given the original inhabitants of much of our territory a fair shake. That's history, and those people are long gone now - but some members of the lesser-known native groups are still fighting for recognition. One of these is North Carolina's Lumbee tribe, which is recognized by the state of North Carolina but not by the federal government. At a rally in North Carolina on Saturday, former President Donald Trump promised to sign legislation granting the Lumbee federal recognition. [Tweet, video] The post ends with: "We'll take care of it right at the beginning.

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f2bb85 No.21638301

File: 0874690a3331bca⋯.png (389.01 KB,599x603,599:603,sug.PNG)


Harris Senior Advisor Suggests VP Is 'Too

Busy' to Do Interviews

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 9/22/2024 2:16:54 AM

Vice President Kamala Harris’ senior advisor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, gave a lame excuse for why the Democratic presidential candidate rarely gives interviews or speaks with the press. “She’s too busy” to do media interviews, Bottoms claimed. CNN’s Jake Tapper grilled the former Atlanta mayor, who wanted to know why Harris isn’t "sitting down for regular interviews or fielding questions from the press” compared to former President Donald Trump, who is in front of the cameras nearly daily.

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f5ea09 No.21638302

File: 6b86761bbbeb7c5⋯.png (314.12 KB,357x357,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

The image I conjure up, when I hear the word, scientists

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af16ea No.21638303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here you go President Trump, everything is a lie.

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b223f0 No.21638304

File: 8c9ded567707424⋯.png (72.63 KB,844x736,211:184,135.png)

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af16ea No.21638305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry forgot the caption. In a swing state, in a county that is usually split. CBS reporter stunned: 'We only found 1 Harris supporter'

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f2bb85 No.21638306

File: 796444f3846444c⋯.png (495.72 KB,770x836,35:38,surf.PNG)


US News

Ex-porn star tells cops in 2018 he’s Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ alleged sex slave in resurfaced video

By Emily Crane

Published Sep. 20, 2024, 8:04 a.m. ET

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3f5331 No.21638307


This was posted the night before the 2nd assassination attempt. It was a death threat.

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f2bb85 No.21638308

File: 0ae9b2ca73b7852⋯.png (304.66 KB,751x860,751:860,c.PNG)

File: 32bcfaa78a3418c⋯.png (193.04 KB,866x853,866:853,c2.PNG)


Old Row


Kamala Harris cursed the entire state of North Carolina.



10:18 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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f2bb85 No.21638309

File: ae9477b4d37e6ce⋯.png (362 KB,789x574,789:574,p.PNG)

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b223f0 No.21638310


Ok I'll do that today. TY for sponsoring this Event.


"Merry Christmas" - we have had so many Merry Christmas /Q trip problem comms in the past two weeks. Everyanon will love the surprise.

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f2bb85 No.21638312

File: 6cd7f7f590abcc7⋯.png (633.48 KB,815x746,815:746,ch.PNG)


No One Elected Her: Why Does Jill Biden’s

Signature Appear on Joe Biden’s Official

Legislation Folders?

Gateway Pundit, by Mike LaChance

Posted By: Imright, 9/22/2024 1:50:40 AM

A very curious image has been making the rounds on social media for a few days now and it’s raising some serious questions about who is really in charge of the country right now. It’s a picture of one of Joe Biden’s official legislation folders and it includes not only Joe Biden’s signature, but also Jill Biden’s. Why does her signature appear here? No one elected her to anything. Just this week, people across the country were shocked to see Jill Biden sitting at the head of the table at a Joe Biden cabinet meeting, now this. Conservative Twitter/X user Comfortably Smug posted the image:

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b223f0 No.21638313

File: 0d35415d6d36baa⋯.png (1.58 MB,3000x3090,100:103,fly_roths_fly.png)

File: b56bcf3109dee28⋯.png (3.94 MB,4828x4225,4828:4225,traitors.png)


Yes - the board team censored the proofs of it multiple times.

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b223f0 No.21638315

If anons ask for a zero delta we will get one.

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f2bb85 No.21638316

File: f8576fdb59d35f1⋯.png (565.03 KB,671x715,61:65,m0.PNG)


Democrats Losing Mail-in-Voting Advantage

over GOP in Swing States, Florida

Breitbart, by Elizabeth Weibel

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/22/2024 1:47:05 AM

Democrats are losing their advantage over Republicans regarding requests for mail-in voting in the 2024 presidential election, according to recent data. A chart created by Eric Daugherty, the assistant news director with Florida’s Voice, showed that in Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, Democrats were experiencing a downward trend in the number of requests for mail-in ballots compared to the same time in 2020. Daugherty’s chart cited Michael Pruser, a writer with DecisionDeskHQ, and John Couvillon, the founder of JMC Analytics and Polling, as sources.

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ab52e3 No.21638319

File: 28e2aa6bcffaed9⋯.jpg (149.95 KB,945x2048,945:2048,20240921_171817.jpg)

File: 503be8e4f4edd17⋯.jpg (132.89 KB,945x2048,945:2048,20240921_171812.jpg)

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f2bb85 No.21638321

File: ff987e76c16e587⋯.png (715.96 KB,400x728,50:91,rap.PNG)


Excellent pro-Trump rap song


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b223f0 No.21638322

File: c1cfa3ca1aad489⋯.png (555.76 KB,640x480,4:3,GBPD.png)

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801e97 No.21638323


>Yes - the board team censored the proofs of it multiple times.

Yes, that night a few on the board were frantic and there was a big fight over censoring of it. Did Mike Rothschild call for a hit on PDJT?

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fa5802 No.21638324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EXPLOSIVE: Former UK MP Andrew Bridgen on Starmer, Trump & War with Russia


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f2bb85 No.21638325

File: b6c6ffbbb507f0b⋯.png (378.19 KB,597x563,597:563,marco.PNG)


Senator Marco Rubio


Chinese manufacturers are trying to evade U.S. tariffs and flood the U.S. market with cheap goods.

Learn how the communist nation does this through "country hopping" and why we need legislation to stop it.





5:02 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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ab52e3 No.21638326

File: 517eca6f327a3e9⋯.png (155.95 KB,445x509,445:509,1726962049163.png)

File: 51893eceb946390⋯.jpg (197.84 KB,903x886,903:886,20240921_174731.jpg)

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f2bb85 No.21638328

File: 929de114a73f17d⋯.png (670.2 KB,1444x467,1444:467,ci.PNG)

File: 085e5bfed2b9d49⋯.png (604.29 KB,1186x813,1186:813,roy.PNG)


Royce White’s Warning: AIPAC’s Influence Is a Conflict of Interest Threatening True Freedom in America

Royce White On Kamala Harris's Hidden Radical Agenda

Kari DonovanbyKari Donovan

September 21, 2024

in Activism, Administrative State, American Greatness, Globalism, Government, Highlight, MAGA Nation

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b223f0 No.21638330


>seems like things point that way, remember his bullet hole + cash post that was dropped her months ago.. not looking good for #.

Right. I archived it all. I'll be the new BO and the board will be surrendered to Anons, and the censorship will end. Partially the topic in the exchanges above with MILanon. They delete his posts and my posts (and other anons' posts) on a routine basis because of the confirmations. It won't help tho, we will request a zero delta if necessary and more, whatever is required will be provided for authorization.

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929de4 No.21638331

File: 64b14d6e69d7cbe⋯.png (3.28 MB,2048x1822,1024:911,19263628.png)

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f2bb85 No.21638333

File: f75c2fbbed7f1a4⋯.png (1.48 MB,1816x683,1816:683,tax.PNG)



Harris’ critics sound off after VP is endorsed by IRS-affiliated union: ‘Get ready to be taxed to death'

The move 'should tell you all what her plans are for us,' one pro-Trump commentator said on X

Gabriel Hays

By Gabriel Hays Fox News

Published September 21, 2024 4:24pm EDT

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0c282f No.21638334

File: 13dfb16e2bb7315⋯.jpg (32.02 KB,768x432,16:9,2571331_1_3633206_27349273….jpg)

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0ed7d9 No.21638335


>I'll be the new BO and the board will be surrendered to Anons

What is the hold up? We have been promised patriot control of the boards for a long time.

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b223f0 No.21638336

File: 90a9a04049cf2ef⋯.png (124.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,11_23_23_2.png)


We are in Deep Cleaning now. The Clean House mission began 11-23-23 (if you were here, you remember the board at that time was flooded with gore/porn/cp, rabid censorship of anons and Q+ posts, mil posts, worse). Almost finished.

God answers prayers. Anons requested a Clean House. And Q's trip being blocked is totally unacceptable, which is the bottom line reason that things were escalated to this point. Lots going on. Great time to be alive and in the game.


OK we will request a zero delta today 9pm

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b223f0 No.21638337


You can request a confirmation right now, Q will provide it for any Patriot who asks. The MILanon can provide anything necessary to substantiate. Timestamps>Qdrop form.

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82cfae No.21638338

File: e40f71d37d32b88⋯.png (804.35 KB,800x600,4:3,304271FC_A5E4_43CA_91AD_19….png)

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0c282f No.21638339

File: 6622382d098760f⋯.jpg (137.26 KB,1080x555,72:37,Screenshot_20240514_165002….jpg)

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82cfae No.21638340

File: b4df45f6d105817⋯.jpeg (158.46 KB,800x706,400:353,5B8F6BF5_D49E_428B_BBDD_F….jpeg)

File: 6d75d8f4196c64e⋯.jpeg (187.74 KB,711x747,79:83,Diddler_01.JPEG)

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82cfae No.21638342

File: 44c1d7acf1d69f1⋯.png (401.72 KB,580x440,29:22,IMG_9970.png)

File: b463e2200494719⋯.jpeg (555.58 KB,1890x1277,1890:1277,8941D7EE_AC39_4CDB_8A81_4….jpeg)

File: f8440cb9c51c0f4⋯.png (3.44 MB,1440x1920,3:4,C7DBA23A_BC5A_4083_9504_4A….png)

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82cfae No.21638344

File: d8e72384f701a8d⋯.jpeg (315.57 KB,1130x1339,1130:1339,IMG_9969.jpeg)

File: 9b98374cd909eca⋯.jpg (540.15 KB,889x576,889:576,Oprah_Tom_Hanks_GITMO.jpg)

File: 8d2d01d42134dc7⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,720x1280,9:16,Oprah_s_Land_Grab.mp4)

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0ed7d9 No.21638345


>And Q's trip being blocked is totally unacceptable,

Why can't Q make new trips? And just have Q+ give a zero deltas a few times. That would be mathematically impossible. Right? Isn't that how Q was validated to begin with?

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f2bb85 No.21638346

File: 790e17dbe7d660a⋯.png (235.08 KB,417x718,417:718,afr.PNG)


Donlon admitted to the search in a brief statement released by the department late Saturday night — saying that authorities “took materials that came into my possession 20 years ago and are unrelated to my work with the New York City Police Department.”

Sources told the Post authorities are looking into whether he took classified documents while he was with the FBI and Department of Homeland Security,

The feds are sending a message to Mayor Eric Adams that “no one is safe,” as several members of his administration and inner circle are under investigation, another source said. https://nypost.com/2024/09/21/us-news/nypd-interim-police-commissioner-thomas-donlon-home-raided-by-feds/

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82cfae No.21638348

File: 76edfa9f8d5a9b2⋯.gif (812.07 KB,360x244,90:61,Oprah_GITMO_Stay.GIF)

File: 0e267e5ba04fcc6⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x1024,1:1,AI_Oprah_Winfrey.PNG)

File: 031f03569996c8e⋯.mp4 (4.81 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Oprah_Winfrey_Golden_Globe….MP4)

File: 3bf8e5cd8a20971⋯.mp4 (7.51 MB,960x540,16:9,Isaac_Kappy_Oprah_Winfrey_….mp4)

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ab52e3 No.21638349

File: f3f1f3f6d68fee2⋯.jpg (112.14 KB,1080x851,1080:851,20240922_051839.jpg)

File: 993d67ba7625573⋯.jpg (76.35 KB,1080x755,216:151,20240922_051847.jpg)

File: 5e59a1ac4acaaea⋯.jpg (38.77 KB,987x453,329:151,20240922_051852.jpg)


So… Diddy likes to wear Drake's designed Air low-top Jordan 12 collab…. DV2262-21

2262…. Where have we seen that before?! Drop 2262?!

So let's get this straight… Kendrick attacks Drake for being a p3do.

Kendrick is headlining the Super Bowl

Diddy wears Drake's show DV2262.


Phone number in the drop is the WHITE HOUSE.

Kendricks new song is called TIME TO WATCH THE PARTY DIE.



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031b43 No.21638350


>Why can't Q make new trips?

Q can.

Reminder that Q even has an own board.

But also other ways of auth, like for example posting a unique new photo.

If anyone wants to say that Q is blocked from his own board, then fine. But then "being BO on here to totally change that" wouldn't work, which further exposes that it's all nonsensical gibberish.

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82cfae No.21638352

File: 27f10c57bbe95aa⋯.png (728.96 KB,474x619,474:619,249230C4_7816_48B4_B9DB_5E….PNG)

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185f50 No.21638353

File: f5044f05571c22e⋯.png (43.93 KB,662x242,331:121,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 14eeb55271978ca⋯.png (407.69 KB,660x707,660:707,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 0c6841405741618⋯.png (343.32 KB,651x498,217:166,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)



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82cfae No.21638354

File: f905149ffc2ce1e⋯.jpeg (197.59 KB,1366x683,2:1,CFFB7B4C_8E6C_4129_92BF_1….JPEG)

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2933dd No.21638356


It’s my birthday

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82cfae No.21638357

File: d89ff40c532cfcc⋯.jpg (788.97 KB,976x1024,61:64,Flaming_Butthole_02.jpg)

File: 5588c1db9bcfee1⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB,Flaming_Butthole_03.mp4)

File: a72303514aa22e6⋯.png (1.27 MB,1874x1438,937:719,Flaming_Butthole_01.PNG)


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82cfae No.21638358

File: 3b16092b55fb98e⋯.mp4 (8.73 MB,Don_t_Page_Me.mp4)

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b03310 No.21638359


>It’s my birthday

Happy birthday Anon.

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dc7ba5 No.21638360


(61) we believe you

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f65ae1 No.21638361


What is truth?

What is the big secret?

What is the hold up?

Pick one:

Fight, Fight, Fight

Wait, Wait, Wait

Soon, Soon, Soon

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f65ae1 No.21638363


Happy Birthday but that announcement didn't age well.

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185f50 No.21638364

File: 7a6d2dde73455cc⋯.png (46.09 KB,769x247,769:247,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 5629984fc78793e⋯.png (755.39 KB,759x535,759:535,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 5b33b6efe50f698⋯.png (578.1 KB,607x660,607:660,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


Federal officials should consider criminal charges against six NYC employees who took their own kids and grandkids to Disney World and on other costly trips meant for homeless students, an education advocate is urging authorities.

“This appears to be a criminal use of federal funds for homeless students, involving forgery and fraud,” said Leonie Haimson, executive director of Class Size Matters.

As first reported by The Post, Linda M. Wilson, a Queens manager of “students in temporary housing,” and five employees she supervised used “forged permission slips” to take their daughters, sons and grandkids to the Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Washington, D.C., New Orleans, and upstate Rocking Horse Ranch Resort, among multiple locales.

“What happens here stays with us,” Wilson allegedly told her colleagues in what investigators called a cover-up.

Haimson said she wrote last week to the US. Department of Education’s inspector general, the office charged with investigating civil and criminal violations of federal funding, to call for a probe.

Employees said a $300,000 federal grant was used to fund the trips.

The city’s Special Commissioner of Investigation for city schools did not refer the employees for criminal prosecution.

A spokesperson cited a “lack of available documentation.”

But Haimson noted the SCI’s report cites “much documentary evidence, including witness statements, dozens of photographs, and falsified permission slips.”

The city Department of Education would not answer questions about the cost of out-of-town trips for homeless kids, or explain how they are funded.


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82cfae No.21638365

File: a5a6ee3704fdc44⋯.jpg (272.2 KB,1331x1181,1331:1181,P_Diddler_Lube_01.jpg)

File: 919ffd8593672a1⋯.png (672.32 KB,800x450,16:9,Count_Diddler_784_Dildos_.PNG)

File: 6636680d40ddbd9⋯.jpeg (408.99 KB,1366x1094,683:547,P_Diddler_Dildos_01.JPEG)

File: 7834eaa84b52278⋯.mp4 (193.81 KB,650x360,65:36,APcuh7dg_bc8n6Eb.mp4)

File: 1ddaf4a368a1dda⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,480x360,4:3,uQTquw3bPF0g2QKy.mp4)

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f2bb85 No.21638367

File: 002ee06ba4c8436⋯.png (1.22 MB,1273x849,1273:849,lin.PNG)


Hollywood, Predictive Programming and You: Are We Living in a Science Fiction Movie?

by mattehret Posted on March 11, 2024

One clever, covert hypnotic technique involved in these forms of fiction is “priming.” As one variety of priming, individuals can be made to watch somebody else live out an experience, at which point a dissociation can be created: individuals or entire audiences live out new narratives and stories through the characters in films. Today, a vast priming industrial complex invites people to regularly disassociate from their own lives and play out various scenarios and dystopian futures.

But everyone knows it’s only fiction.

For instance, in the latest Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning I, a rogue AI entity assumes control over the world. It uses human beings as its avatars to play out various games and scenarios. No one is sure who or what is real, and multiple possibilities exist, but everyone is convinced that they must play the game, essentially deferring the question of greater reality to “the Entity.”

Sound strangely familiar?

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8843f0 No.21638368

File: 604f4705d818da7⋯.png (20.57 KB,602x283,602:283,ClipboardImage.png)



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aa5237 No.21638369


women don't have enough productive things to do.

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f2bb85 No.21638371

File: 8b0093b336b02c8⋯.png (449.15 KB,349x663,349:663,ring.PNG)

File: bfa2f5570edd8f2⋯.png (1.06 MB,872x590,436:295,r.PNG)


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b223f0 No.21638373

File: 4256c8a4391d4c3⋯.png (108.37 KB,776x381,776:381,FAILED.png)

File: b73f2b56aa6f984⋯.png (1.03 MB,1028x1050,514:525,335_221.png)

File: 6baa0dac86a8369⋯.png (871.31 KB,720x1600,9:20,900_USMC_02_17_2024.png)



Trips have to be "Whitelisted" (see comms in post). Q is authenticated via multiple IPs also. The board team have been blocking his trip since Feb (at least). Some months ago they were given 24 hours to cease and desist - they failed to comply, so they lost their future rights that night. (see graphic).

If Q showed up and announced he was replacing the BO team in Feb, scarcely anyone would have known why. It had to be done this way to ensure transparency.

I was able to confirm MILanon because he recognized Q when I was posting images, then provided the timestamp confirmation for Q's anony post here (this was on Feb 21 of this year - 2, 3 graphic).


No worries. Your pink slip is on the way, Clown.

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185f50 No.21638374

File: 0d5ce39a88597cb⋯.png (11.04 KB,602x67,602:67,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: db7bfa1709120ef⋯.png (714.81 KB,516x779,516:779,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)


Taylor Swift looks as gorgeous as ever at the Weinstein Company’s holiday party held at RivaBella on Thursday (November 21) in West Hollywood, Calif.

The 23-year-old entertainer was joined at the event by James Marsden, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Abigail Breslin, Jane Fonda, Juliette Lewis, Idris Elba, Lee Daniels, Dermot Mulroney, and Harvey Weinstein himself!

“I’ve listened to ‘Hold On’ by @ColbieCaillat 45 times today. So on repeat. So important.” Taylor tweeted the day before.

FYI: Taylor is wearing an Herve Leroux dress, Christian Louboutin shoes, and Neil Lane jewelry. James is wearing Calvin Klein Collection. Juliette is wearing a Reem Acra dress.

15+ pictures inside of Taylor Swift and others at the Weinstein Company’s holiday party…


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a09a15 No.21638375


MADAM alright!

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455683 No.21638377

File: 32439c741371ec2⋯.png (392.53 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_073733.png)

File: 38c5f8d280c51ee⋯.png (151.5 KB,766x1602,383:801,656_2_.png)

File: 441c4b141a5ff78⋯.jpeg (79.49 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYE0vuTWkAA5p8C.jpeg)

File: 929221d394dfc05⋯.jpeg (154.13 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYE0vuZWQAEEhDT.jpeg)

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031b43 No.21638378


>Trips have to be "Whitelisted"

According to JIM Q's trip is WHITELISTED for *ALL* boards

>the board team has

Okay, if that's the case, Q can just post on his own board, but that doesn't happen either.


You want to attack Jim now?

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f2bb85 No.21638379

File: 86af2286de9d96d⋯.png (498.39 KB,588x434,42:31,rings.PNG)


>>21637835 Is Oprah Winfrey another Ghislaine Maxwell?

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455683 No.21638380

File: fb455a075f5c3af⋯.png (562.31 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_074005.png)

File: 9594b60dbe16dc9⋯.jpeg (300.46 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYE1vdgW0AAhZe_.jpeg)

File: 57681297bb1f24a⋯.jpeg (207.13 KB,2048x1417,2048:1417,GYE1vfGWYAAmvo2.jpeg)

File: 64a97e582f193b5⋯.jpeg (263.8 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYE1vfBXgAALyxB.jpeg)

File: 218e543e2e5088f⋯.jpeg (323.78 KB,2048x1377,2048:1377,GYE1veBXAAABQd_.jpeg)

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047408 No.21638381

File: 63fc7ce866ef294⋯.png (414.12 KB,497x419,497:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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59c694 No.21638382


>Pick one:

I pick


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b223f0 No.21638383

File: 2db2f76c8a9c85f⋯.png (59.38 KB,1024x768,4:3,TRIP_CODE.png)


You're incorrect.


It has to be manually whitelisted by the board amin, in order to function. Then, verify his devices/IPs. Think for yourself. This has been going on for 9 months, plain as day in comms as well, for many weeks now. There are no private comms, and no comms on any other platform.

He's been adding trips and testing and the comp'd board team will not stop preventing his trip engagement. Remember, Jim Watkins was going to shut down this board 3 mos. ahead of election, right before POTUS assassination attempt on GM/7-13. Jim at that point was convinced the board should die. Reflect on change of tune after assassination attempt failed.

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455683 No.21638384

File: 663ead038a00cc5⋯.png (781.46 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_074201.png)

File: 0468934dad2865e⋯.png (981.33 KB,766x1736,383:868,1001_2_.png)

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185f50 No.21638385

File: c8e460b29fb7686⋯.png (1.16 MB,1553x824,1553:824,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 2e88f5dcfb0f734⋯.png (559.47 KB,985x704,985:704,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 91f0dbecab20ee4⋯.png (13.2 KB,141x61,141:61,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)




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f2bb85 No.21638386

File: 34afc68e1d4a708⋯.png (1.51 MB,1094x818,547:409,mc.PNG)

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b223f0 No.21638387


Then ask Q for confirmation right now.

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b223f0 No.21638388

We aren't here to serve ourselves. We are here to serve anons.

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031b43 No.21638389


>You're incorrect.


this is Q's board. Why doesn't Q post over there?

Or do you want to claim that qresearch BO has access over there too? Otherwise your posts do not make sense.

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82cfae No.21638391

File: d91d96acce84975⋯.jpeg (73.08 KB,561x638,51:58,IMG_9996.jpeg)

File: a83e02798a29908⋯.jpeg (77.15 KB,561x638,51:58,IMG_9995.jpeg)

File: 24ef5751ced93b0⋯.png (664.16 KB,560x638,280:319,BE9D6B49_8D8D_4765_9688_8D….png)

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031b43 No.21638392

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455683 No.21638393

File: c5ccb435fa4cdaa⋯.png (718.53 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_074407.png)

File: 93c5a189f8a7fa8⋯.png (58.02 KB,766x628,383:314,713_1_.png)

File: 5dfea7fb74792d4⋯.jpeg (725.19 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GYE4ihKXoAAUqO1_1_.jpeg)

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f2bb85 No.21638394

File: df81f5059cf883a⋯.png (171.42 KB,596x636,149:159,paid.PNG)


Catturd ™


👇👇👇it’s all staged.






WOW! Listen to this‼️👇🏼

Kamala Harris campaign is allegedly paying people $700 a week to travel around and attend all her events!!!

Her entire campaign is based on lies 🚨

Show more

11:08 PM · Sep 21, 2024




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b08c16 No.21638395


I know multiple trips from multiple computers but get 3 new computers, make your trips, post a new image, zero delta's with Q+, and let's go.

Am I missing something? Understand we get little sleep here and lots of chems and radiation.

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8843f0 No.21638396

File: f961f0f6f026d54⋯.jpeg (225.72 KB,840x840,1:1,f961f0f6f026d5439671badca….jpeg)

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a09a15 No.21638397

File: a392f9477f11af8⋯.png (77.41 KB,513x727,513:727,Q365.png)



3second Dan reposted exactly 1 year ago.

(365 days later)

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0c28e7 No.21638398

Israel raids and shuts down Al Jazeera’s bureau in Ramallah in the West Bank


No free speech in Israel!

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f2bb85 No.21638399

File: 4214820cc30901e⋯.png (205.81 KB,596x564,149:141,door.PNG)




This is still one of my favorite political ads that has come out this cycle

Hung Cao is running a phenomenal campaign for Virginia's U.S. Senate. If Trump wins the state, Cao will win the senate race as well

0:46 / 3:22


Hung Cao

3:51 PM · Sep 21, 2024




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b223f0 No.21638400


1. It's projected comms, not a chat board, and if you recall that was the path taken by the bullshit fakeQ whom he later called out after the Drama of bad board admins. This isn't a new thing, if you are new. We have been here before.

2. As mentioned previously, if Q showed up and out of the blue (seemingly) announced New Board Owner what would you actually do? Anons will know WHY there is a new BO. It will become painfully clear. The world will know.

The board (any) has always been rigged. This is the transition into the first time ever it will be run by actual patriots. Think about the logical necessity for Transparency and the evidence to support the decision.

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185f50 No.21638401

File: 6f0449ed58cfae8⋯.png (679.79 KB,1267x716,1267:716,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: e57ffcaed5fce30⋯.png (10.56 KB,117x56,117:56,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)



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185f50 No.21638402

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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82cfae No.21638403

File: 3878f99e5f8a4dd⋯.png (608.84 KB,560x638,280:319,A0E206D9_4A9C_4C9F_9B41_1C….png)

File: 88c0efac11efec9⋯.png (610.14 KB,560x638,280:319,D7F31208_30B1_4009_8A52_2F….png)

File: e0e7c62ea9b5632⋯.png (610.29 KB,560x638,280:319,BFEEA952_0E7E_4C61_883F_0D….png)

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455683 No.21638404

File: cf144699bf55f75⋯.png (119.85 KB,766x980,383:490,1221_2_.png)

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149c75 No.21638405

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b223f0 No.21638406


Also, there's no need for anyone to be convinced or believe. Stay on top of comms from the other 8 Less than 10 sources which are 6 branches of US MIL, Q+, and Dan (posts). And enjoy the show, as it's a great time to be here. Unprecedented and unique, won't happen again. And we have years to go, anon.

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f2bb85 No.21638407

File: 3d1dbff6876d6c7⋯.png (1.07 MB,677x848,677:848,la.PNG)

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82cfae No.21638408

File: 870f6bcdee6a13c⋯.png (569.13 KB,560x638,280:319,A63FC7D2_0CC6_465E_BB44_2F….png)

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b223f0 No.21638409

File: 721e79047248549⋯.png (1.01 MB,1006x2217,1006:2217,on_standby.png)


Can't wait for the green light.

Teams on standby.


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35b6b5 No.21638410

File: 1aa50ebf26ed829⋯.jpg (131.95 KB,1125x938,1125:938,1aa50ebf26ed8295b17a3803f3….jpg)

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fd69b4 No.21638411


>whitelisted by the board amin

So Jim cannot whitelist, isn't he admin of all boards? Why d they have to verify his devices IP, shouldn't that be automatic based on an encrypted hash of a devices public key?

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59c694 No.21638412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>And we have years to go, anon.

TFG, Q set the countdown to end in 2025, so no we don't have years to go.

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f2acbf No.21638413



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22eff2 No.21638414

File: 202e661bd2de10e⋯.png (111.52 KB,568x338,284:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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031b43 No.21638415


>not a chat board


so you say that somehow Q is blocked from posting here, but at the same time Q just doesn't want to post over there like "hey guys, it's me with the tripcode, I'm blocked on qresearch!!!", one post, because it's "not a chat board"? Are you for fucking real with your lies?

This is also not a chat board, it's a research board btw. You obviously think this is a chat board seeing your insane high post count.

>if Q showed up

actual Q with a trip, or your fake Q shit?

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534357 No.21638416


>Then ask Q for confirmation right now.

Do you mean on this board publicly? Or privately, in my mind?

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185f50 No.21638417

File: a6fbb3e518d1d46⋯.png (1.9 MB,1392x884,348:221,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: d1356aaa39ba931⋯.png (321.94 KB,367x550,367:550,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 4110ddc6baf5837⋯.png (11.96 KB,129x59,129:59,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

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455683 No.21638418



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b223f0 No.21638419


Anons, Jim was shutting down the board a few weeks ago. Jim WILL NOT whitelist. Doesn't work that way anon. Q uses multiple IPs and devices which must each be verified, additionally trips go thru a salting process. They are Dying to find a way to do another Fake-Q…. as you have seen here they have floated many versions recently.

Review crumbs re: trip, IP, etc. Remember #470

Q can you confirm the # posts earlier today were you and were from normal IP? if you do , we know board comp'd


Posted 4-5 times today.

We anticipated life to be short on each platform given verification and message spreading rapidly.

We can limit outside exposure but cannot protect against internals.

BO please advise IP reading and verify site still safe/auth.

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f2bb85 No.21638420

File: ea96789d9815117⋯.png (110.63 KB,894x790,447:395,exy.PNG)


Simple, Basic, Georgia Election Ballot

Rule Sends Left-Wing Activists into Apoplexy

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/22/2024 7:36:15 AM

A very simple ballot counting rule was affirmed by the Georgia election board on Friday in a 3-2 vote. The “hand count” ballot rule (183-1:12) is very basic and simple. Essentially it says all the paper ballots must be hand counted and matched to the number of people recorded electronically to the vote. Example, if 1,000 votes are electronically counted, there should be 1,000 physical ballots to match. This is not complicated and will not take much time. The ballots are not being checked for voting accuracy, or vote recording/candidate specifics.

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59c694 No.21638421


>This is also not a chat board, it's a research board btw.

It's a propaganda board

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455683 No.21638422



Q just remote viewed muh brian and said that fucking bots gone rogue.

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031b43 No.21638423


>So Jim cannot whitelist

Jim owns 8kun. He can do whatever is possible.

He can whitelist a tripcode for all boards, and no BO has control over that. He has literally full control.

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b223f0 No.21638424


Remember #394 events

Thank you Sir…

Sorry for the Trip mess up earlier…


Safety first.

We have the USSS, NSA, and DHS, also protecting this message.

No random IP needed (though we can implement at a moments notice).


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263192 No.21638425


>We aren't here to serve ourselves. We are here to serve anons.

I'll have a cup of covfefe, and fresh bread with new Q crumbs.

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22eff2 No.21638426

File: 882337504bd12eb⋯.png (418.11 KB,568x490,284:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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b223f0 No.21638427


How many countdowns do you think are in play, anon?

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0c28e7 No.21638428



>Israel raids and shuts down Al Jazeera’s bureau in Ramallah in the West Bank

Maybe because they just nuked Lebanon?

Did Israel 'Nuke' Lebanon? Videos Spark Theories


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a0296a No.21638429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia’s RT News Mocks US After Sanctions For Being A ‘Putin Puppet’: ‘We Take Orders From Kremlin’

Hindustan Times

15 Sept 2024 #ukrainewar #ussanctions #blinken

A Russian state-funded channel, RT News, released a video mocking the United States after US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken slapped new sanctions on the channel. Blinken accused RT News of being involved in covert intelligence activities around the world and weapons procurement for the Russian military. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described the US sanctions against RT as “xenophobia, racism, and Nazism in its purest form.”


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2e4fcf No.21638430

File: 7fa4d47bbf1a0e5⋯.jpg (404.09 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240922_050214….jpg)

File: 82505ebc919d862⋯.jpg (177.48 KB,2560x1110,256:111,doctor_scaled_1_369195481.jpg)

File: 28fb672e0f9ad9f⋯.jpg (22.17 KB,474x474,1:1,th_3711448028.jpg)

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455683 No.21638431

File: e3713dfb5ff07d3⋯.png (434.1 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240920_162454.png)

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59c694 No.21638432


What part of Final Countdown do you not understand?

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f2bb85 No.21638433

File: 1f4891f4d5c961b⋯.png (1.36 MB,542x852,271:426,r.PNG)

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031b43 No.21638434


>now we are attacking Jim finally

So wait a moment, didn't you liar just wrote something about "with me as BO poor Q would get whitelisted again"?

And now you claim that Jim is working against Q too. This would mean that you couldn't do shit about it as a BO, which in turn makes that a self-confirmed lie.

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185f50 No.21638435

File: d3b5b56c76b8309⋯.png (360.63 KB,612x406,306:203,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: de594ca8e0218a6⋯.png (1.14 MB,1222x817,1222:817,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 6879744ac50bc27⋯.png (14.35 KB,191x56,191:56,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

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22eff2 No.21638436

File: 7f4214f75f6e8bb⋯.png (286.63 KB,543x800,543:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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b223f0 No.21638437


But he will not do it. And no one - in MONTHS - has provided even simple sauce to verify the contrary. Anon, the board was being held hostage, and that is ending.

They are silent on this for a reason. They censor the proofs for a reason. They are blocking Q for a reason. Election day is a few weeks away. This board runs the narrative push WW and they are dying not to lose control, but they are losing control and that is not going to change.

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047408 No.21638438

File: 650f0e405f540fd⋯.png (301.95 KB,564x451,564:451,ClipboardImage.png)

Usher deleted all his tweets (7000+)


Many of the archives have been deleted also

Not this one


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22eff2 No.21638439

File: 082c5a67d50e5cc⋯.png (149.66 KB,568x344,71:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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59c694 No.21638440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Final Countdown

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efa6ba No.21638441

File: a37484de0e57f76⋯.png (698.54 KB,1318x1308,659:654,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_7….png)

Morning anons…

Ask'em if ya gott'em…

Anyone else watching this? X is FAR from "free speech" as most anons are well aware. Elon is a favored son so not real PC to go at Elon. However, Elon did NOT get where he is without making some "deals". Let's hope 45 offered him a way out and he took it. But WE ALL KNOW X IS NOTFREE SPEECH(yet).

I was one of the anon that came over to the half when Q started posting and have been with you glorious faggots ever since. Liz was with us and helping with pizza gate and Liz has always told the truth as she knows it.

Should be worth a watch…

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b223f0 No.21638442


No, I said I will be the new BO, and the censorship will stop. If you have an actual interest, you would not be hostile.

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22eff2 No.21638443

File: d8a9a733ae963ed⋯.png (384.67 KB,568x517,568:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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efa6ba No.21638444


It was an impressive explosion that is for sure…if an anons has the vid handy (or it likely already has been posted) post it. You can SEE the percussion wave…

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dc739d No.21638445

File: 6086cf15c25c115⋯.png (3.51 MB,1298x1300,649:650,IMG_6131.png)

Timmy Sheehy bringing the Jew love to Montana

He just lost the election…..what a queer

Tester will win by a landslide

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22eff2 No.21638446

File: 889809cb553c326⋯.png (67.13 KB,568x217,568:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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693e98 No.21638447

File: 34d04784cf8463e⋯.png (300.57 KB,568x512,71:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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59c694 No.21638448


>They are blocking Q for a reason

The NSA can take over this website and Q post at their whim.

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22eff2 No.21638449

File: 2786755865f617d⋯.png (280.46 KB,568x785,568:785,ClipboardImage.png)

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031b43 No.21638450




stop lying your ass off.

how would Jim even provide proof to you, some slimy liar?

his word is obviously not good enough for you.

you can claim any screenshot is faked.

you want him to force Q to do a post or what?

you would probably even call that a fake.

>silent for a reason

Q is silent for a reason, there is no reason to do posts atm.

>They are blocking Q

but letting you shitpost all day, lmao.

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22eff2 No.21638451

File: aa77aa5f681de88⋯.png (205.78 KB,568x501,568:501,ClipboardImage.png)

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59c694 No.21638452

File: f75aaf3e9d757bd⋯.png (791.02 KB,732x1279,732:1279,AF1DICK.png)

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b12499 No.21638453


will Jim still own the site?

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d1f98a No.21638454

File: 6b1026e714250ba⋯.png (72.27 KB,560x339,560:339,Where_s_The_Sauce.png)

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2e4fcf No.21638455


But, government quality is a dumb animal, lumbering.

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22eff2 No.21638456

File: 04146c3bfdd987f⋯.png (281.79 KB,568x656,71:82,ClipboardImage.png)

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59c694 No.21638457


Yea but this one time they used AF1 to draw a dick over Chicago


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185f50 No.21638458

File: 4950f84cd146bd4⋯.png (2.31 MB,1387x918,1387:918,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 3bff5f05baf6b5e⋯.png (414.57 KB,780x439,780:439,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 1aacf0e0f4d1be0⋯.png (11.84 KB,203x38,203:38,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

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2e4fcf No.21638459


And, having had social media companies crossing lines, legal and more?

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22eff2 No.21638460

File: 918b8546bdaa1b8⋯.png (492.33 KB,568x826,284:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc739d No.21638461

File: c5f238d7dd84676⋯.png (2.95 MB,1950x1300,3:2,IMG_6139.png)


Talk is cheap

Especially when your not the one in jail for entering a public building

Let’s pull the plug on the Jews

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455683 No.21638462

File: 502b380c10a45f8⋯.gif (238.08 KB,1000x1703,1000:1703,502b380c10a45f8b4136c31f54….gif)

File: c541c609072e804⋯.jpg (47.3 KB,500x501,500:501,82k7kl.jpg)

File: 1bcfd9c055e83f6⋯.jpeg (854.19 KB,1800x1224,25:17,GXh_ClhacAAzPKI.jpeg)

File: 00df286629bb9f7⋯.png (216.48 KB,500x590,50:59,00df286629bb9f77b7406a8c37….png)

File: f282607755477c3⋯.jpeg (8.13 KB,177x285,59:95,images_99_.jpeg)

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14ecda No.21638463


>Q uses multiple IPs and devices which must each be verified

Sorry this bothers me, why can't this be automated in code? devices which must each be verified, what their IP's, their MAC addresses, their trips, …. and from every device right?

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efa6ba No.21638464

File: 50edf91dd312e3e⋯.png (1.68 MB,1622x1354,811:677,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_7….png)

File: a51aa7e3afa7f9c⋯.png (305.55 KB,444x594,74:99,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_7….png)


"Tim Walz just inadvertently created a new ad for the Trump campaign.

While speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, Walz declared “We can’t afford four more years of this!”

Walz was apparently talking about guns and gun violence, but that really doesn’t matter because his words match perfectly with concerns about Harris, Walz, the Democrats, and what they have done to the economy with inflation."

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b223f0 No.21638465


ENDEX #OpHorizon


Just curious which operation are you saying "Final Countdown" right now refers to, specifically?

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6c2a57 No.21638466

Good Morning! I bought Bojangles sausage biscuits for everyone!

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f2bb85 No.21638467

File: 282ec7eb780c59e⋯.png (297.28 KB,607x524,607:524,af.PNG)


AF Post


Usher deletes all of his X posts following Diddy revelations.

Follow: @AFpost



4:38 PM · Sep 21, 2024




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14ecda No.21638468


That seems correct but does Jim know all the info? Did they program the security or download someone else's code?

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566b47 No.21638469

Bake Is Mine


#26500 >>21637728

>>21637736 September 2014 Corbett Report on collusion of ISIS & Israel - fact or fiction?

>>21637749 “All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists

>>21637753 PURE GAYNESS Tampon Tim Walz says to Get a Clean Air Filter for your vintage muscle car

>>21637774 Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene - ELON rt from Dec 10, 2022

>>21637777 Biden vs Trump re INFLATION: 20.2% vs 6.7%

>>21637785 Kamala had a TELEPROMPTER on Ophrah & FAKE zoom callers, too

>>21637793 TRUMP to hold a rally on MONDAY Sept 23, 2024 at 7 pm EDT

>>21637807 Ukrainian drone strikes 'struck Putin's Satan-2 nuclear missiles'

>>21637815, >>21638364 Feds raid home of interim NYPD Commish Thomas Donlon — week after predecessor Edward Caban resigned

>>21637816 Kamala on Oprah - entire show

>>21637820 Proof 2020 was stolen - for about the 20th time

>>21637764 2009 - Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he would choose President Barack Obama.

>>21637835 Is Oprah Winfrey another Ghislaine Maxwell?

>>21637844 The Biden/Kamala admin forced US banks to lend to illegal aliens - HUNTER owns 10% of a company, which micro finances illegals

>>21637853 NATO secret operations headquarters destroyed in Kiev

>>21637857 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki ‘surprised and disappointed’ by mass board resignation

>>21637871, >>21637951 Can someone with twitter confirm Usher account deletion?

>>21637911 PDJT on Oprah's interview of Kamala

>>21637955 FAGGOTRY 101: Kamala Harris will certify her own stolen election

>>21637991 Randy Quaid on Kamala: Her plan is to get everyone to love communism.

>>21637998 Mail-in ballot requests have plummeted by 85% in Georgia since 2020. 2024 GE - 149,187 2020 GE – 984,708

>>21638235 Ant Middleton REFORM UK Speech – teams up with Nigel Farage

>>21638288 A Week to Remember

>>21638292 Kamala's Celebrity Brigade and Their Reasons for Supporting Her Show Just How Out of Touch She Is

>>21638300 Trump Promises Federal Recognition of Lumbee Tribe in NC Speech—and It Could Matter in November

>>21638301 Harris Senior Advisor Suggests VP Is 'Too Busy' to Do Interviews

>>21638312 Why Does Jill Biden’s Signature Appear on Joe Biden’s Official Legislation Folders?

>>21638316 Democrats Losing Mail-in-Voting Advantage over GOP in Swing States, Florida

>>21638420 Simple, Basic, Georgia Election Ballot Rule Sends Left-Wing Activists into Apoplexy

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b223f0 No.21638470


I would suggest re-reading crums and then reflect and ponder why the board admins are censoring everything about this, silent on it, and the comms stream is flooded with trip/test/bad bread etc.

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dc739d No.21638471

Russian are visiting N Korea

That can only be good for the Jews

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455683 No.21638472

File: 32439c741371ec2⋯.png (392.53 KB,720x1600,9:20,32439c741371ec2fdf1db7d3c1….png)

File: 38c5f8d280c51ee⋯.png (151.5 KB,766x1602,383:801,38c5f8d280c51eeea1041c88fd….png)

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b223f0 No.21638473


Yes, Jim is a cooperating, hostile witness. Jim is Strzok now.

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14ecda No.21638474


This is so confusing. How can USSS, NSA, and DHS protect the message unless the trips are coming from all 3?

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b223f0 No.21638475


Good Morning, Jim.

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3d9223 No.21638476

Hehe cashless society

And freemasons marrying children and selling them to international clients


Cure title op

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54654c No.21638477

File: a6f23210d16f345⋯.png (1011.47 KB,1382x1230,691:615,090624_WALZDANCE.png)


Reverse imaging found 1 out of 75 billion

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59c694 No.21638478

File: ffed98e522683b8⋯.png (84.82 KB,884x762,442:381,3387_1_.png)


The Morgan Affair 2.0

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b223f0 No.21638479

File: 5f40d2a4c5dcb10⋯.png (196.1 KB,983x564,983:564,sf.png)




Floor is Yours.

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d1f98a No.21638480


My next door neighbors, who have never been overtly political, recently banged a "Harris-Walz" sign into their front yard.

Their house is the only house on the street that has such a thing, and I chalk it up to the fact that they are hooked on the several huge TVs in their McMansion (next to my hovel), and they know not what they do.

I am so glad that the truth about the Democrats and RINOs and evil Satanists who live among us is being exposed, and I'm glad the shock and horror of reality will finally take hold of more who need to awaken.

Meanwhile, my neighbors' awkward "Harris-Walz" sign shall remain on their front lawn, untouched, because we patriots don't vandalize.

We awaken.


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dc739d No.21638481


NSA is toast, they have no mission, should have been totally shuttered

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efa6ba No.21638482


get'em anon and that was a nice find…

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031b43 No.21638483

File: ff381f00b20ed20⋯.jpg (204.55 KB,1593x749,1593:749,2022_05_26_trip_all_boards.jpg)


>That seems correct but does Jim know all the info?

Jim literally said in 2022 that Q's trip works everywhere.

So whom to trust? Some lying weirdo shitposter, or Jim, the owner of the fucking site?

(if the site is not trustworthy, there would be no reason to post here, of course trying to do that failed multiple times, so they don't try that approach anymore)



>no, no, you see Jim is actually black mailed by BO blah blah blah blah

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596284 No.21638484

File: 5f02016a5fa2a6a⋯.png (450.9 KB,600x767,600:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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b12499 No.21638485


according to you who is he cooperating with? The faulty government of traitors and their FBI or Trump and his secret team. Why do you think you get the board.

Did Jim Fake Q?

what are the proper standards are confirming q past the trip code ALONE. Do you remember those?

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0c28e7 No.21638486


>you see Jim is actually black mailed by BO

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031b43 No.21638487


I'm not Jim.

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54654c No.21638488

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f2bb85 No.21638489

File: f2c65d01629d946⋯.png (416.39 KB,600x531,200:177,ez.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen reposted

Klaas Meijer


Good morning! What a wonderful 80th commemoration of Market Garden we had yesterday. A very special moment. #MarketGarden80 🇬🇧🇵🇱🇺🇸🇳🇱

7:01 PM · Sep 21, 2024




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b223f0 No.21638490


Remember #2187 and consider CENTcomm posts comms here >>21638222, >>21638280

TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm 'free-flow' of direct comms.

POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think 'the football'].

NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access.

CENTRAL Command.

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455683 No.21638491

File: 4bbddcdf90c9ad8⋯.png (494.64 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240921_192322.png)

File: edaeffc5057159e⋯.png (121.12 KB,766x1024,383:512,148_2_.png)


a q post would just fuck things up for a week or moar. fake Q not fake Q. tripcod blah blah blah. the board doesn't even acknowledge Donald J Trump.

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300d5a No.21638492

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)



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dc739d No.21638493


We have a Jew/Nigger infestation

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455683 No.21638494

File: 6e3af4c5042ace2⋯.png (514.78 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_043956.png)

File: de64554edc5fd72⋯.png (34.31 KB,766x452,383:226,951_3_.png)

File: 7709e0f5ef255ea⋯.png (286.84 KB,766x1666,383:833,2151.png)

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2e4fcf No.21638495

File: 9a28d3099bc0d02⋯.jpg (29.59 KB,474x463,474:463,th_3894172262.jpg)

File: b06c66a2b704d63⋯.jpg (341.2 KB,950x1199,950:1199,950px_Oliver_Wendell_Holme….jpg)

File: 8e66bc3407236e4⋯.jpg (906.67 KB,1080x2340,6:13,8e66bc3407236e4ba59d0e8e90….jpg)

File: 4a81619e3ffccdd⋯.jpg (178.09 KB,666x1000,333:500,PRN_037628_Eric_Trump_2432….jpg)

File: 696dbc350b6580c⋯.jpg (426.28 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_075843….jpg)

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d1f98a No.21638496


Thank you for posting these military X Post and Q Post connections.

I greatly appreciate you for doing this.

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185f50 No.21638497

File: 7917d2a37de9dec⋯.png (643.27 KB,640x640,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 7917d2a37de9dec⋯.png (643.27 KB,640x640,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

File: 7917d2a37de9dec⋯.png (643.27 KB,640x640,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_0….png)

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300d5a No.21638498

File: efdd9d9637ba1aa⋯.png (624.8 KB,1730x786,865:393,000b.png)

Don't be afraid!

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b223f0 No.21638499


Green to go anons. Saw this yesterday too. Love our POTUS and so do the Patriots here. It's the comp'd board team, subversive.

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3cd566 No.21638500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 28

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300d5a No.21638501

File: 1e27f8af287833d⋯.gif (496.23 KB,500x233,500:233,00000000000000000000000000….gif)

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596284 No.21638502

File: 2b3ad200855872b⋯.png (309.73 KB,513x484,513:484,crazy_woketard_liberal_twi….png)

libtard bitch ultra version

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b223f0 No.21638503

Anons, please learn to bake.

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b12499 No.21638504


fuck off faggot. Now I know these things are a joke,

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300d5a No.21638505

I bet Jesus was a libtard though

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300d5a No.21638506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dc739d No.21638507

File: ddcf0c95c2fcee9⋯.jpeg (25.88 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_2934.jpeg)


NSA was the guys listening to your phone calls

Every call you made was logged by NSA

Then SCOTUS bitch slapped the “government contractor” saying their mission was illegal

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300d5a No.21638508

i bet deep inside you have a libtard trying to get out

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300d5a No.21638509

like your gay twin hidden deep within

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596284 No.21638510

File: 227fa4a33716573⋯.png (525.47 KB,791x510,791:510,theodore_herzl_jews_rule_t….png)

Theodore knew the score though.

Chief architect of the whole thing.

How can they deny this

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a760a2 No.21638511

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300d5a No.21638512

i bet you are just a shit talker

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596284 No.21638513

File: 3420bf2795018c0⋯.mp4 (3.75 MB,1258x720,629:360,trump_grandson_vote_for_ga….mp4)

<trump grandson - vote for gandpa.mp4


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300d5a No.21638514

no count shit talker always talkie talkie no walkie walkie

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b223f0 No.21638515


Day and Night flight operations.

One recent example. Relevant today.

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455683 No.21638516

File: ce0f082c9ae269e⋯.jpeg (70.56 KB,710x816,355:408,ce0f082c9ae269e79c6c0a791….jpeg)

File: cb5d8a924abbd0d⋯.jpeg (85.21 KB,452x496,113:124,cb5d8a924abbd0d04d6432262….jpeg)

File: 5d667afdb261311⋯.gif (361.24 KB,500x500,1:1,5d667afdb261311e058c840aee….gif)

File: f9e0a0fa485dbfd⋯.png (847.35 KB,766x2072,383:1036,109_10_.png)

File: 5c2d2f8dbdae9c1⋯.png (407.69 KB,930x483,310:161,5c2d2f8dbdae9c1402ee36f81d….png)

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300d5a No.21638517


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63ee50 No.21638518

File: a2f2372ef1ab882⋯.png (1.7 MB,879x1044,293:348,ClipboardImage.png)

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300d5a No.21638519

i love worshipping people as if they are gods because i am a stupid fucker!

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300d5a No.21638520

and my memes


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596284 No.21638521

File: e68fdcaa890e701⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,tumor_caused_by_racism_lau….mp4)


i thought she said we all need to watch a trump rally though

How about today

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d1f98a No.21638522

File: c4beed3ede02103⋯.png (16.8 KB,400x400,1:1,Pepe_kicking.png)


>So now the company is going to rebrand to "andMe"

I think Anne Wojcicki should re-brand the company as "Me, Myself, and I"

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300d5a No.21638523

i come here to help do the [decodes]

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300d5a No.21638524

i just wanna helps!

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b223f0 No.21638525


It's not an assumption. Are you upset about the board being liberated from censorship and in-house produced filth?

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300d5a No.21638526

can you use me?

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300d5a No.21638527

hard worker!

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300d5a No.21638528

some say relentless

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59c694 No.21638529

File: a96c4a67c5688ea⋯.jpg (76.38 KB,800x533,800:533,EFF_photograph_of_NSA_s_Ut….jpg)


>phone calls

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f2bb85 No.21638530

File: d2ff0245676d06a⋯.png (638.47 KB,625x345,125:69,f.PNG)

GM frens - happy fall equinox… the first day of fall 🍁

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300d5a No.21638531

some say zero competition

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300d5a No.21638532

some say "did you see what that motherfucker did?"

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300d5a No.21638533

but i hate to brag

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300d5a No.21638534

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

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596284 No.21638535

File: cd74d8a7214711b⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB,640x360,16:9,media_lying_about_kamala_b….mp4)

File: 9bd6cf18cd443b1⋯.jpeg (192.45 KB,1367x769,1367:769,kamala_neck.jpeg)

File: 4a427e48b0abd7c⋯.jpg (170.76 KB,1027x2048,1027:2048,more_kamala_neck_shit.jpg)

File: 698d6c54bb5ebd4⋯.png (539.66 KB,512x512,1:1,MINNEAPOLIS_RIOTS_KAMALA_O….png)

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031b43 No.21638536


>I'm against le censorship, every spam bot just spam away

>but I will delete "the filth"

choose one

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b223f0 No.21638537

This bread is being censored.

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300d5a No.21638538

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,0000000000.png)

act just like trump and they fucking hate ya!!!

but they love trump!!!


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efa6ba No.21638539

File: 9b7d81157ca4d7d⋯.png (1.09 MB,1312x1162,656:581,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_7….png)

File: ae6d5f13ed151d6⋯.png (416.04 KB,1990x1062,995:531,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_7….png)

Ian Carroll was asking a general question regarding "who is the Diddy ofcountry music?

My 2 cents is that it works differently in country music and you have the "control" families more out in front. Like theGaylordfamily.

You have Eddie…


"Edward Lewis Gaylord (May 28, 1919 – April 27, 2003) was an American billionaire businessman, media mogul and philanthropist. He was the founder of the Gaylord Entertainment Company that included The Oklahoman newspaper, Oklahoma Publishing Co., Gaylord Hotels, the Nashville Network TV Channel (later renamed "SpikeTV","Spike" and Paramount Network after being sold off); the Grand Ole Opry, and the Country Music Television Channel (CMT) as well as the defunct Opryland USA theme park and a bankrupt airline, Western Pacific Airlines."

Caly Bennett married Eddie daughter…


"Clayton Ike Bennett (born 1959)[1] is an American businessman and chairman of the Professional Basketball Club LLC, the ownership group of the Oklahoma City Thunder, an NBA franchise formerly known as the Seattle SuperSonics. Bennett is the chairman of Oklahoma City-based Dorchester Capital Corporation, as well as the chairman emeritus of the board of directors of the Oklahoma Heritage Association and served as chairman of the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma from 2011–2019."

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300d5a No.21638540



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54654c No.21638541

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300d5a No.21638542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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596284 No.21638543

>>21638522 >>21638142

>I think Anne Wojcicki should re-brand the company as "Me, Myself, and I"


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b223f0 No.21638544

Stop censoring the board.

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300d5a No.21638545


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1a992e No.21638546


digital addiction leads to gadget fixation

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300d5a No.21638547


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300d5a No.21638548

File: c507d60d0aaa879⋯.jpg (175.41 KB,700x393,700:393,000PRAY.jpg)

Q said "It is easier for a normie to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a Shill to survive what is coming!"

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566b47 No.21638549

Last Calllahol

#26500 >>21637728

>>21637736 September 2014 Corbett Report on collusion of ISIS & Israel - fact or fiction?

>>21637749 “All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists

>>21637753 PURE GAYNESS Tampon Tim Walz says to Get a Clean Air Filter for your vintage muscle car

>>21637774 Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene - ELON rt from Dec 10, 2022

>>21637777 Biden vs Trump re INFLATION: 20.2% vs 6.7%

>>21637785 Kamala had a TELEPROMPTER on Ophrah & FAKE zoom callers, too

>>21637793 TRUMP to hold a rally on MONDAY Sept 23, 2024 at 7 pm EDT

>>21637807 Ukrainian drone strikes 'struck Putin's Satan-2 nuclear missiles'

>>21637815, >>21638364 Feds raid home of interim NYPD Commish Thomas Donlon — week after predecessor Edward Caban resigned

>>21637816 Kamala on Oprah - entire show

>>21637820 Proof 2020 was stolen - for about the 20th time

>>21637764 2009 - Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he would choose President Barack Obama.

>>21637835 Is Oprah Winfrey another Ghislaine Maxwell?

>>21637844 The Biden/Kamala admin forced US banks to lend to illegal aliens - HUNTER owns 10% of a company, which micro finances illegals

>>21637853 NATO secret operations headquarters destroyed in Kiev

>>21637857 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki ‘surprised and disappointed’ by mass board resignation

>>21637871, >>21637951 Can someone with twitter confirm Usher account deletion?

>>21637911 PDJT on Oprah's interview of Kamala

>>21637955 FAGGOTRY 101: Kamala Harris will certify her own stolen election

>>21637991 Randy Quaid on Kamala: Her plan is to get everyone to love communism.

>>21637998 Mail-in ballot requests have plummeted by 85% in Georgia since 2020. 2024 GE - 149,187 2020 GE – 984,708

>>21638235 Ant Middleton REFORM UK Speech – teams up with Nigel Farage

>>21638288 A Week to Remember

>>21638292 Kamala's Celebrity Brigade and Their Reasons for Supporting Her Show Just How Out of Touch She Is

>>21638300 Trump Promises Federal Recognition of Lumbee Tribe in NC Speech—and It Could Matter in November

>>21638301 Harris Senior Advisor Suggests VP Is 'Too Busy' to Do Interviews

>>21638312 Why Does Jill Biden’s Signature Appear on Joe Biden’s Official Legislation Folders?

>>21638316 Democrats Losing Mail-in-Voting Advantage over GOP in Swing States, Florida

>>21638420 Simple, Basic, Georgia Election Ballot Rule Sends Left-Wing Activists into Apoplexy

>>21638467 Usher deletes all of his X posts following Diddy revelations.

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300d5a No.21638550

File: 850840eba886614⋯.jpg (49.14 KB,780x437,780:437,c1.jpg)

Q said "you don't fight the retards and the retards. You get the retards to fight the retards and destroy their retarded selves"

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64b8d1 No.21638551


He's just like you, seps he's a blackmailed pedo commie traitor.

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f2bb85 No.21638552

File: 2d1116c7948229a⋯.png (910.5 KB,1131x712,1131:712,nsa.PNG)


Former NSA Director Nakasone opens new institute at Vanderbilt to train ‘right type of leader’

By Ryan Lovelace - The Washington Times - Thursday, September 19, 2024

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300d5a No.21638553

File: 05f5978d28db8b6⋯.gif (437.95 KB,165x165,1:1,00000000000000000000000000….gif)


Q said "where there are two anon's being idiot's and acting like Q ever left…There a shill is also."

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596284 No.21638554

File: 76d2e0412049dea⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,where_s_the_fucking_Hillar….mp4)


> pulls out his air filter and puts it back in place without even changing it,

sounds memeable.

slow it down, pause at the keye momenbts, and use the hot sauce sound track

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d1f98a No.21638555

File: 05dbb82f8cfb235⋯.gif (637.4 KB,360x202,180:101,If_only_you_knew_who_you_w….gif)

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300d5a No.21638556

File: 07e3be60f28fb1a⋯.jpg (128.12 KB,1658x913,1658:913,rs44.jpg)

Q said "Do not follow the Wives because Imagine the smell!"

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f2bb85 No.21638557

File: a4cb68fcbc32ead⋯.png (50.54 KB,441x505,441:505,ko.PNG)


The Deep State is caught in a series of Kobayashi Maru's.

The concept is one I bring up every so often, and refers to a test from the fictional Star Trek universe in which cadets are faced with a mission whose parameters present a seeming lose-lose situation.

It's believed the true purpose of the test is to see how prospective leaders will handle a no-win situation; in other words, how they lead in the face of overwhelming obstacles.

Applying this framing to the current persuasion of the Shadow War allows Anons to see the development of a beautiful Bicameral, while the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind are faced with the mass psychological prospect of seeming armageddon in the face of, to put it exceedingly simply, extreme failures of leadership.

From Russia-Ukraine and the exploding powder keg in the Middle East to intermittent escalation in the Taiwan Straight, they're not being faced with ONE Impossible Task … but with one a day.

All setting the stage for Trump's return.

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300d5a No.21638558

File: 7998bf1d52cf8fe⋯.png (793.84 KB,525x519,175:173,00nsf3.png)

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59c694 No.21638559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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596284 No.21638560



they gay'd up country music for sure

it used to have a power

now it's just whiny faggotry


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455683 No.21638561


pot kek

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3cd566 No.21638562



Miracle baby both him and his sister.

They weren't having any success getting pregnant. Maga joined and prayed bigly . When the left found out , they curse for miscarriages

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63ee50 No.21638563

File: 375f5f6c5562705⋯.jpeg (59.45 KB,1066x181,1066:181,IMG_4238.jpeg)

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b12499 No.21638564


it is an assumption, and since you avoided the important questions. If the board is going to be liberated is Jim under control by the Deep State? Did Jim post fake Q as a result of an instruction? The censorship you speak of is clearing out posts that junk up the breads. The censorship? Do you mean the catholic or the nazi? are they one in the same. So I can call you a fucking loser nigger faggot and that is fine? What is wrong with filth? Do you have a problem with legal naked ladies and boobs? Is that not free expression?

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f2bb85 No.21638565

File: d4c74ad5474b6ed⋯.png (456.39 KB,600x640,15:16,t.PNG)



Ezra A. Cohen


What’s next? Will @VanderbiltU

hire Sam Bankman-Fried to teach accounting?


Square profile picture

The Washington Times



Sep 19

Former NSA Director Gen. Paul M. Nakasone opens new institute at Vanderbilt to train ‘right type of leader’



7:17 PM · Sep 21, 2024




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b12499 No.21638566


If I only gave a fuck.

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300d5a No.21638567

File: 32c5298e27cd179⋯.png (1.45 MB,1914x1166,87:53,POTJESSE.png)

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482d1a No.21638568

File: 1eec213ea235ac2⋯.mp4 (972.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,nancy.mp4)

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b223f0 No.21638569

File: ff54ec545cf6923⋯.png (84.88 KB,910x719,910:719,this_shit.png)


Adam SHIT it says.

Like Q+ I H T S also spells SHIT.

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596284 No.21638570

File: 4ead2edd947b4ae⋯.png (2.97 MB,1690x1080,169:108,911_paper_under_burning_ca….png)

>>21638554 >>21637753

>sounds memeable.


>slow it down, pause at the keye momenbts, and use the hot sauce sound track

in fact don't bother.

it would give the fag more attention than it deserves

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300d5a No.21638572


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b223f0 No.21638573

See how it works anons, they flood with in-house "spam" and then delete and censor the bread. THIS SHIT IS ENDING.

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596284 No.21638574

File: d642d79abbe4b8e⋯.png (86.79 KB,326x193,326:193,charlottesville_she_met_ka….png)

File: b19b42e2771672e⋯.png (70.31 KB,235x255,47:51,charlottesville_she_met_ka….png)

File: 195308c4332bbb2⋯.png (69.77 KB,255x170,3:2,ryan_routh_robert_redford.png)

File: 8864c89af9a017e⋯.png (262.03 KB,467x447,467:447,vindmans_wife_is_clone_of_….png)

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,psycho_killer_homeless_whi….png)

>>21638565 >>21638552

>‘right type of leader’

why not the left type picrel

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f2bb85 No.21638575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mother Earth and Father Time

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c0e2db No.21638576

File: 100362ca5e32a25⋯.gif (311.51 KB,400x225,16:9,00000muhherder1.gif)

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c0e2db No.21638577

File: 2017bb9e068e776⋯.gif (325.82 KB,400x225,16:9,00000muhherder2.gif)

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64b8d1 No.21638578


Stanford already has one of those.

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c0e2db No.21638579

File: 23c4b3979c4c367⋯.gif (605.37 KB,400x217,400:217,00000muhherder3.gif)

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c0e2db No.21638580

File: bee5b49c35e616c⋯.gif (1.02 MB,400x217,400:217,00000muhherder4.gif)

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031b43 No.21638581



yes, shit was just removed.

Like that retarded shitposter claiming he was "AI" or some other bullshit\



>but that isn't what I consider filth

yeah, right

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c0e2db No.21638582

File: e949dde27780646⋯.gif (629.56 KB,400x217,400:217,00000muhherder5.gif)

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b223f0 No.21638583


Are you part of the board team? If so, why do you delete Q proofs? Explain it. Why do you delete Q+ Truth posts? Explain it. Why do you delete US MIL posts? Explain it. Because you sound like a Clown. But go on and explain it all.

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2e4fcf No.21638584

File: 6f8f7ab93394626⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240921_042341….jpg)

File: 226fd7c0556b28b⋯.jpg (951.87 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240921_042644….jpg)

File: 0d33c2ba466a943⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,4824x3216,3:2,NINTCHDBPICT000658816923_2….jpg)

File: 5cb2c4175fdd617⋯.png (329.34 KB,549x555,183:185,5cb2c4175fdd617e8e29fe118b….png)

File: 8645c03b8e31add⋯.jpg (21.32 KB,474x248,237:124,th_143702102.jpg)


Mi. Shell

Korn Shell


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a9d221 No.21638585


stanford must be doing something wrong so nakatomi will come along and fix it proper


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c0e2db No.21638586

File: aab37f21713026f⋯.gif (284.21 KB,400x217,400:217,00000muhherder6.gif)

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455683 No.21638587

File: 733310e145ebf22⋯.png (516.62 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_083938.png)

File: 3a23148200dfff5⋯.png (92.61 KB,766x936,383:468,828_3_.png)

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c0e2db No.21638588

File: 502ff63caf45df5⋯.gif (870.04 KB,400x217,400:217,00000muhherder7.gif)

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c0e2db No.21638589

File: 499f4314a61da04⋯.gif (393.07 KB,400x217,400:217,00000muhherder8.gif)

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482d1a No.21638590

File: a351f7a438615b5⋯.png (679.51 KB,1024x760,128:95,pelosi_quiver.png)


But to be clear, you're not taking any arrows out of your quiver…

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c0e2db No.21638591

File: 817b91de65c58f5⋯.png (435.94 KB,1524x936,127:78,0000000a0.png)

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c0e2db No.21638592

File: dc3d98e3268f833⋯.gif (998.78 KB,500x212,125:53,00000muhherder9.gif)

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c0e2db No.21638593

File: 74504f6b39b02bf⋯.gif (9.41 MB,540x300,9:5,00000muhherder10.gif)

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b223f0 No.21638594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Read to run, anons. Member that green light? See you soon. Patriots.

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efa6ba No.21638595

File: 73476b8cf14fa66⋯.png (576.77 KB,1306x1470,653:735,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_7….png)

Have X anons FORGOTTEN this was dropped in 2018?

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c0e2db No.21638596

File: fedd8748bea2a5b⋯.gif (306.72 KB,220x126,110:63,00000muhherder9a.gif)

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c0e2db No.21638597

File: 472b427bca555f3⋯.jpg (129.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,0kek334.jpg)

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455683 No.21638598

File: 740a39a8d92ba8b⋯.png (495.82 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_084153.png)

File: 0dc360bb0409447⋯.png (260.22 KB,766x1992,383:996,70.png)

File: 078ca0e83459c72⋯.jpeg (42.73 KB,680x461,680:461,OTwu8MsB.jpeg)

File: f4a1d5fe3899b5b⋯.png (95.38 KB,766x848,383:424,1964_2_.png)

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c0e2db No.21638599

File: 212f90264ea4070⋯.webp (11.66 KB,503x503,1:1,0kek449.webp)

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c0e2db No.21638600

File: e942e59832be772⋯.png (110.84 KB,666x666,1:1,000001.png)

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da9b56 No.21638601


>Do you mean on this board publicly? Or privately, in my mind?


>Q just remote viewed muh brian and said that fucking bots gone rogue.

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f52b05 No.21638602

A Week to Remember

By Clarice Feldman

"Some weeks there’s not much of great importance. Others, like this week, there is almost too much to absorb, but in my view the key items are the destruction of the terrorist Hezb’allah organization, the vacuity of Kamala Harris and the media’s great efforts to glide her into office while hiding her agenda, the pernicious ruling class and why they have forfeited our trust, and lastly, the pending scandal which ties celebrities and key Democrats to sex trafficking and racketeering."


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c0e2db No.21638603

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)


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b223f0 No.21638604


It was posted a few times yesterday. Hell just got 10 times hotter.

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2f54ad No.21638605


Think that is a joke, then explain the Q will be answered?

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d1f98a No.21638606


SCOTUS is good at bitch slapping those who engage in illegal moves.

Like the Arizona Supreme Court referenced in the following:

>>21636026 (pb) - Arizona Supreme Court: 98,000 People with Unconfirmed Citizenship Can Vote

It sucks to be an employee of the Arizona Supreme Court because of what's happening to [THEM]. [THEY] just don't know it yet.

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c0e2db No.21638607

File: c3797ec21624608⋯.jpg (76.97 KB,450x308,225:154,4g.jpg)



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b223f0 No.21638608


Q does review your brain. All of ours. "It's what you don't know."

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f2bb85 No.21638609

File: 70a45666738560c⋯.png (1.87 MB,1138x846,569:423,sw.PNG)

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c0e2db No.21638610

File: a83eab555806a48⋯.png (103.65 KB,504x365,504:365,a10a.png)




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2e4fcf No.21638611

File: 7ff88c0342ed893⋯.jpg (139.6 KB,599x864,599:864,A_110844_1512244365_8842_j….jpg)

File: 64dbe9651f002e0⋯.jpg (22.17 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3958870696.jpg)

File: 80a393ff40158ad⋯.jpg (966.89 KB,1600x1066,800:533,twitter_mocks_george_bush_….jpg)

File: dcb57a7d4de015c⋯.jpg (29.1 KB,474x316,3:2,th_194721878.jpg)

File: 51c67981b346d65⋯.jpg (52.23 KB,634x671,634:671,article_0_11FACF4A000005DC….jpg)


Grab your Glock when you see Tupac!

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b12499 No.21638612


You are the faggot that thinks they know shit? I am questioning your so called authority on the subject. which seems lacking and desperate to paint a new narrative. Especially over something has little sense or control for years now. That is hidden for reasons are of knowledge. I am not part of the board team, not that it matters if you believe me or not. SO all your other questions are stupid as a result. Saying I sound like a clown is a nice way of both project and give yourself some leeway once you are embarrassed at your stupidity.

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c0e2db No.21638613

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)


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c0e2db No.21638614

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,4fb.gif)


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c0e2db No.21638615

File: ceefc1ec9abbbe4⋯.png (264.66 KB,1195x410,239:82,000ca.png)

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fa5802 No.21638616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Experience Donald Trump's powerful entrance at the Uniondale, NY rally, where he boldly declares, 'We will win New York!' The energy at Nassau County Veterans Memorial Coliseum was electric as the former President arrived to rally his supporters with a message of victory and hope. Watch this unforgettable moment as Trump takes the stage and sets the tone for a winning campaign.


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b223f0 No.21638617


Ask Q for proof if you want… I don't need you to believe. You haven't read thru the bread, you haven't investigated what you're raging about, and you aren't asking the source for proof.

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f2bb85 No.21638618

File: 23a2c6e67530d91⋯.png (148.3 KB,601x721,601:721,22.PNG)





1:45 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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b223f0 No.21638619

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Act stupid, get treated stupid.

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c0e2db No.21638620

File: 4c9da1f894cc040⋯.png (691.48 KB,842x844,421:422,b13.png)


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c0e2db No.21638621

File: 8cbff3275d137ac⋯.jpg (29.17 KB,500x625,4:5,baby2.jpg)

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d1f98a No.21638622


Chinese Communist Partyis dead.

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f52b05 No.21638623

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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c0e2db No.21638624

File: 52404640306a201⋯.jpeg (35.13 KB,474x384,79:64,4choosepain2.jpeg)



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566b47 No.21638625

It's A Wrap

#26500 >>21637728

>>21637736 September 2014 Corbett Report on collusion of ISIS & Israel - fact or fiction?

>>21637749 “All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists

>>21637753 PURE GAYNESS Tampon Tim Walz says to Get a Clean Air Filter for your vintage muscle car

>>21637774 Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene - ELON rt from Dec 10, 2022

>>21637777 Biden vs Trump re INFLATION: 20.2% vs 6.7%

>>21637785 Kamala had a TELEPROMPTER on Ophrah & FAKE zoom callers, too

>>21637793 TRUMP to hold a rally on MONDAY Sept 23, 2024 at 7 pm EDT

>>21637807 Ukrainian drone strikes 'struck Putin's Satan-2 nuclear missiles'

>>21637815, >>21638364 Feds raid home of interim NYPD Commish Thomas Donlon — week after predecessor Edward Caban resigned

>>21637816 Kamala on Oprah - entire show

>>21637820 Proof 2020 was stolen - for about the 20th time

>>21637764 2009 - Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he would choose President Barack Obama.

>>21637835 Is Oprah Winfrey another Ghislaine Maxwell?

>>21637844 The Biden/Kamala admin forced US banks to lend to illegal aliens - HUNTER owns 10% of a company, which micro finances illegals

>>21637853 NATO secret operations headquarters destroyed in Kiev

>>21637857 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki ‘surprised and disappointed’ by mass board resignation

>>21637871, >>21637951 Can someone with twitter confirm Usher account deletion?

>>21637911 PDJT on Oprah's interview of Kamala

>>21637955 FAGGOTRY 101: Kamala Harris will certify her own stolen election

>>21637991 Randy Quaid on Kamala: Her plan is to get everyone to love communism.

>>21637998 Mail-in ballot requests have plummeted by 85% in Georgia since 2020. 2024 GE - 149,187 2020 GE – 984,708

>>21638235 Ant Middleton REFORM UK Speech – teams up with Nigel Farage

>>21638288 A Week to Remember

>>21638292 Kamala's Celebrity Brigade and Their Reasons for Supporting Her Show Just How Out of Touch She Is

>>21638300 Trump Promises Federal Recognition of Lumbee Tribe in NC Speech—and It Could Matter in November

>>21638301 Harris Senior Advisor Suggests VP Is 'Too Busy' to Do Interviews

>>21638312 Why Does Jill Biden’s Signature Appear on Joe Biden’s Official Legislation Folders?

>>21638316 Democrats Losing Mail-in-Voting Advantage over GOP in Swing States, Florida

>>21638420 Simple, Basic, Georgia Election Ballot Rule Sends Left-Wing Activists into Apoplexy

>>21638467 Usher deletes all of his X posts following Diddy revelations.

>>21638552, >>21638565 ICYMI: Former NSA Director Nakasone opens new institute at Vanderbilt to train ‘right type of leader’

>>21638557 The Deep State is caught in a series of Kobayashi Maru's.

>>21638563 Stand for truth, even if no one stands with you.

>>21638616 Experience Donald Trump's powerful entrance at the Uniondale, NY rally, where he boldly declares, 'We will win New York!'


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fa5802 No.21638626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Experience the unforgettable moment as opera tenor Christopher Macchio delivers a stunning rendition of "Nessun Dorma" to close the Trump Rally at Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, NY.


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f40d22 No.21638627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b223f0 No.21638628



This Shill always posting full-potato timezones.

Post was 8:45 am EDT and the Q is


Welcome to China.

Border crossing -3.

Spartans in Darkness.

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031b43 No.21638631


>ask Q for proof

>but he won't post using trip, because that uhhh has been totally blocked

>that's why Q will post without trip

>yes, I know for a fact that Q will respond for sures

>because I have secret comms established with Q

>no, I'm not doing these posts, it's totally Q

>just without trip

the rules are simple:

no blinky blinky, no Q

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f40d22 No.21638632

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)



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f40d22 No.21638633

File: 510d11b65929dfd⋯.png (294.53 KB,624x764,156:191,000UPATRIOT.png)



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482d1a No.21638634

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf.png)


>Reverse imaging found 1 out of 75 billion

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b223f0 No.21638635


You don't know the game you're playing. This is about proving the board is comp'd, removing the bad actors, and confirming the new board owner.

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bff111 No.21638636

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b223f0 No.21638638

It's not like we didn't advise the board team the entire time of literally every step of this process. They're fools. Now they lose everything. As promised. Anons, you are going to be free on this board. For Once and For Always.

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f40d22 No.21638639

File: ec90a9f23f5770e⋯.jpg (59.07 KB,735x900,49:60,GUyuU8fXkAEWniW.jpg)

Watch this…

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031b43 No.21638640



you are not doing that, you are trying to smear.

>you see, Jim is lying

>look at these totally legit Q posts, just without trip

>because everyone is lying, except me

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f40d22 No.21638641


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82cfae No.21638642

File: ac99ded153ca61b⋯.jpeg (879.45 KB,1420x1845,284:369,IMG_0009.jpeg)

File: f89b8739ee9f14f⋯.jpeg (278.98 KB,1592x1788,398:447,IMG_0008.jpeg)

File: f34c4524056574e⋯.jpeg (35.8 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_0012.jpeg)

File: b1980680f77bd0b⋯.jpeg (42.55 KB,474x392,237:196,IMG_0011.jpeg)

File: cfe98fe08559eeb⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_0010.jpeg)


USHER just wiped all posts on his X account.

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a9d221 No.21638643

Fill it

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b12499 No.21638645


If you don't need people to believe why do you have the incessant need to talk about it and flaunt this ego you have of your control. You may have it you may not, it might be a fiction it might not. But avoiding questions, direct about what has happened on these boardss, screams Larp. Sounds like a fake grab for authority before anything can really be known. Unless it is and you are just bragging and revealing things, why? But if anons were smart they should both ignore you and me and just think for their god damned selves

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566b47 No.21638646

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a9d221 No.21638648

Fill it real good

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59c694 No.21638649


This board is 100% comp'd

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b223f0 No.21638650

We came here for a reason. And now Jim doesn't wonder what that reason is anymore.

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a9d221 No.21638652

File: 1045c40483ba152⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB,2620x3969,2620:3969,1045c40483ba152b72dad27c6….jpeg)

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031b43 No.21638653


>prove a negative

Have you stopped beating your wife finally?

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a9d221 No.21638654

File: b5bcf4fecb3934f⋯.jpeg (95.56 KB,735x573,245:191,b5bcf4fecb3934fd0723c5c73….jpeg)

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e4e050 No.21638655

File: 19911674edf9dc8⋯.png (436.33 KB,626x348,313:174,POTKEK109.png)

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b223f0 No.21638656


You do you, Mr Hostility. I provided evidence. And have done that for months. The rest of us are moving on with Reality.

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fdea9d No.21638658

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e4e050 No.21638659

File: 25d5414c93af98f⋯.jpeg (158.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1da1.jpeg)

when you didn't ip hop but your post count is 1 again

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e4e050 No.21638660

File: 3b4e1c00535b57b⋯.png (970.67 KB,1080x1102,540:551,1b.png)

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e4e050 No.21638661

File: d1e44c330a406b5⋯.jpg (14.61 KB,254x255,254:255,00b8771af1be6daebf9099c2c7….jpg)

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e4e050 No.21638662

File: b0e85ff0b6df148⋯.png (11.96 KB,226x255,226:255,1e.png)

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e4e050 No.21638663

File: 72ecf0818e4e45e⋯.png (887.41 KB,766x406,383:203,72ecf0818e4e45e1e43d46f8d4….png)

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e4e050 No.21638664

File: c2357891723fea7⋯.gif (807.67 KB,250x225,10:9,11DFuwckOK9mdG.gif)

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dc739d No.21638665

If you don’t have a stash of incandescent light bulbs, you haven’t been paying attention

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e4e050 No.21638666

File: 99db949d87feb74⋯.png (152.5 KB,375x407,375:407,99db949d87feb743107e15b992….png)

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4af2df No.21638667

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031b43 No.21638668



no, bullshit number + time games are not evidence.

claiming that you know what Q wants to do is also not evidence, but simply claims without proof

claiming that Jim would be lying about Q's trip working on all boards is also just a claim without proof

claiming that Q *just* doesn't want to post on his board, not even once, despite being totally blocked here, is just a retarded claim without proof or better: a stupid lie

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b223f0 No.21638669

File: a854c5f0afdf0bb⋯.png (2.19 MB,1920x1152,5:3,_safe_.png)

File: 6fcaab028b00108⋯.png (7.07 MB,1920x2114,960:1057,safe_.png)

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e4e050 No.21638670

File: 96f1badec73e74a⋯.jpg (84.46 KB,1160x773,1160:773,96f1badec73e74a4aeb0576286….jpg)

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