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7e5c2d No.21638629 [Last50 Posts]

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7e5c2d No.21638630

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#26500 >>21637728

>>21637736 September 2014 Corbett Report on collusion of ISIS & Israel - fact or fiction?

>>21637749 “All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists

>>21637753 PURE GAYNESS Tampon Tim Walz says to Get a Clean Air Filter for your vintage muscle car

>>21637774 Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene - ELON rt from Dec 10, 2022

>>21637777 Biden vs Trump re INFLATION: 20.2% vs 6.7%

>>21637785 Kamala had a TELEPROMPTER on Ophrah & FAKE zoom callers, too

>>21637793 TRUMP to hold a rally on MONDAY Sept 23, 2024 at 7 pm EDT

>>21637807 Ukrainian drone strikes 'struck Putin's Satan-2 nuclear missiles'

>>21637815, >>21638364 Feds raid home of interim NYPD Commish Thomas Donlon — week after predecessor Edward Caban resigned

>>21637816 Kamala on Oprah - entire show

>>21637820 Proof 2020 was stolen - for about the 20th time

>>21637764 2009 - Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he would choose President Barack Obama.

>>21637835 Is Oprah Winfrey another Ghislaine Maxwell?

>>21637844 The Biden/Kamala admin forced US banks to lend to illegal aliens - HUNTER owns 10% of a company, which micro finances illegals

>>21637853 NATO secret operations headquarters destroyed in Kiev

>>21637857 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki ‘surprised and disappointed’ by mass board resignation

>>21637871, >>21637951 Can someone with twitter confirm Usher account deletion?

>>21637911 PDJT on Oprah's interview of Kamala

>>21637955 FAGGOTRY 101: Kamala Harris will certify her own stolen election

>>21637991 Randy Quaid on Kamala: Her plan is to get everyone to love communism.

>>21637998 Mail-in ballot requests have plummeted by 85% in Georgia since 2020. 2024 GE - 149,187 2020 GE – 984,708

>>21638235 Ant Middleton REFORM UK Speech – teams up with Nigel Farage

>>21638288 A Week to Remember

>>21638292 Kamala's Celebrity Brigade and Their Reasons for Supporting Her Show Just How Out of Touch She Is

>>21638300 Trump Promises Federal Recognition of Lumbee Tribe in NC Speech—and It Could Matter in November

>>21638301 Harris Senior Advisor Suggests VP Is 'Too Busy' to Do Interviews

>>21638312 Why Does Jill Biden’s Signature Appear on Joe Biden’s Official Legislation Folders?

>>21638316 Democrats Losing Mail-in-Voting Advantage over GOP in Swing States, Florida

>>21638420 Simple, Basic, Georgia Election Ballot Rule Sends Left-Wing Activists into Apoplexy

>>21638467 Usher deletes all of his X posts following Diddy revelations.

>>21638552, >>21638565 ICYMI: Former NSA Director Nakasone opens new institute at Vanderbilt to train ‘right type of leader’

>>21638557 The Deep State is caught in a series of Kobayashi Maru's.

>>21638563 Stand for truth, even if no one stands with you.

>>21638616 Experience Donald Trump's powerful entrance at the Uniondale, NY rally, where he boldly declares, 'We will win New York!'

>>21638625 #26500

#26499 >>21636957

>>21636964, >>21636995 @TuckerCarlson - No one in Washington seems to know how much we’re spending on illegal aliens. JD Vance plans to find out.

>>21637045, >>21637412 BREAKING🚨 Israel has hit Lebanon with a massive bomb, bunker buster or even a tactical nuclear weapon judging by the initial flash. (6 seconds from flash to boom = ~1.28 miles away so not a nuke)

>>21637088 Israel Hezbollah Fighting

>>21637090 🔥🚨BREAKING: Janet Jackson is being slammed as ‘irrelevant’ and a ‘leech’ after questioning Kamala Harris’ race and saying ‘She’s not black.’


>>21637104, >>21637474 BUSTED: Hidden teleprompter spotted at Oprah's "town hall" with Kamala Harris

>>21637111, >>21637122 🚨 Amazing close up photos show the incredible Iron Dome missiles intercepting enemy rockets!

>>21637116 Trump Declines Second Debate on CNN After Harris Agrees, Says It’s Too Late

>>21637140 Musk’s X Hit With Fines After Platform Reappears in Brazil Despite Ban

>>21637148 MAHA Town Hall with Charlie Kirk

>>21637152 Americans Urged to Leave Lebanon as Israel, Hezbollah Trade Fire

>>21637186 Iran steals Trump campaign data. Provides it to the Harris campaign. That story disappears. Why isn’t the media covering it like the Russia “collusion” scandal?

>>21637198 PACKED HOUSE for Tucker and JD Vance..

>>21637214 Secret Service Agents to Be Disciplined Over July 13 Trump Shooting, Director Says

>>21637220 California Bars Insurance Cancelation for Properties in Fire Zones for 1 Year


>>21637254 Will Lower Rates Be Enough to Save the Banks?

>>21637259 Police chase in NYC, Long Island ends with driver dead and 7 officers, civilian taken to hospitals

>>21637264, >>21637268, >>21637272, >>21637304 Russia has published a list of enemy countries.

>>21637281 A federal ban on fracking would eliminate over 600,000 jobs in Pennsylvania. Kamala Harris supported it.

>>21637289 DEEPFAKE LIE? CALL NEWSCUM! ARREST HER: Kamala Harris’s campaign senior spokesperson, Adrienne Elrod, confirms that Kamala Harris does NOT own a firearm.

>>21637323 Exclusive: Arab-American Democrat Mayor in Key Michigan County Had 'Very Productive' Meeting with Donald Trump

>>21637336 (LoL) Squatters have taken over a nearly 10,000 square foot, $6.5 million mansion in Hollywood Hills in CA. According to locals, the squatters are attacking locals and are spreading their “artwork” to other properties now that the mansion is completely covered.

>>21637345, >>21637350, >>21637401 Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk's SpaceX over alleged trespassing in Texas

>>21637359 Hung Cao is running a phenomenal campaign for Virginia's U.S. Senate. If Trump wins the state, Cao will win the senate race as well

>>21637364 Janet Jackson:Kamala is not black.

>>21637382, >>21637415, >>21637443, >>21637445 Boeing has fired the head of its space and defense unit. Since the start of 2022, the defense and space division as a whole has lost $6 billion, slightly more than Boeing’s airplane business.

>>21637399 Will Jay-Z fall along with P. Diddy?

>>21637407 Say hello 👋 to your New Diversity Fire Fighters #DEI (Oh good lord I hope these are interns or the clerical staff…)

>>21637422 US House Passes Bill To Label Products From Jewish Settlements In West Bank As 'Made In Israel'

>>21637438 IDF raids Al Jazeera office (VIDEO)

>>21637441 Welcome to cashless society 🤣🤣

>>21637452 ITALIAN PM: NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ALLOWED! Italian PM Meloni: “From now on, if you enter Italy illegally, you will be immediately deported!”

>>21637463 Disregarding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent warning that enabling long-range strikes would place NATO in a state of war with Russia as “bluster and saber-rattling,” Johnson argued that these steps are necessary to “send the crucial message to the Kremlin.”

>>21637467 BREAKING: RFK Jr. just announced that on day one of Trump's 2nd term, they will sign a national emergency declaration to begin the war against Big Pharma and food corporations to fight the chronic disease epidemic

>>21637486 Study Finds Spike Mutations Help COVID Infect the Brain

>>21637490 The Origin of COVID: Beyond Natural and Lab Theories

>>21637510, >>21637549 NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

>>21637537 Christian Kat Williams tried to warn us about Diddy while on stage

>>21637590 @libsoftiktok - This is Shangela, a drag queen. Shangela has now been accused of s*xual assault by at least 6 people. Here he is with Kamala at the VP residence

>>21637717 #26499

#26498 >>21635994


>>21636002, >>21636489 TRUMP FORCE ONE - Permission to buzz the tower…

>>21636056, >>21636067, >>21636074, >>21636080 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA SEPT 21st 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21636014, >>21636108, >>21636237 Middle East latest

>>21636026 Arizona Supreme Court: 98,000 People with Unconfirmed Citizenship Can Vote

>>21636034 Only 44 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21636042 The Mayor of ONLY Muslim-majority city in America, Amer Ghalib, is on the verge of endorsing Trump

>>21636043, >>21636102, >>21636124, >>21636163, >>21636184, >>21636252, >>21636417, >>21636904 Kamala and her MANY boomerangs

>>21636052, >>21636077, >>21636178 Kamala bluffed and was called. NO second debate

>>21636058 Trump Credits Success of His NFTs for Change of Heart on Bitcoin and Crypto

>>21636060 'Gutfeld!' Sets Record of Nearly 5 Million Viewers During Trump Interview

>>21636065, >>21636070, >>21636071, >>21636072, >>21636073, >>21636224 is Senomyx Flavoring From Human Bodies still used?


>>21636089 Ashli Babbitt’s Family Must Wait Nearly Two Years For Wrongful Death Lawsuit to Go to Trial

>>21636113, >>21636120, >>21636590 BORDER FROM HELL

>>21636138 Greta goes Jihad

>>21636167 CNN schooled on where the real anti-semitism is coming from

>>21636184, >>21636672 IRS agents endorse Kamala.. Isn't this a Hatch Act Violation?

>>21636208 Dinesh D'Souza Movie: VINDICATING Trump Trailer | In Theatres Friday. Sept 27th 2024

>>21636248 THE WORLD IS WATCHING and America looks insane

>>21636282 Dem “Vote from Abroad” & "Center for US Voters Abroad" running ads in other countries soliciting votes

>>21636283 Newsom Banning Political Deepfakes (memes) Elon Musk Stating Newsom Is ‘In Violation Of The Constitution’ (FREEDOM)

>>21636297 @cmz Runbeck is going to be a big player in the 2024 elections. Watch Runbeck closely.

>>21636322 Minnesota Republican state Rep. Peggy Bennett was incorrectly listed as a Democrat on the ballot due to a "ballot processing error"

>>21636343 Support QResearch (we need you) CASH + ENVELOPE + 2118 Wilshire Blvd #403 Santa Monica, CA. 90403 = $UPPORT

>>21636351, >>21636378 Ya might as well face it, You're Addicted to TRUMP

>>21636353 Defense Secretary’s last-minute decision to toss 9/11 plea deal likely to be rejected by judge

>>21636334, >>21636402 Biden, with fellow Quad leaders, gets distracted by "that little thing up in the air" (a helicopter): "It's not armed"

>>21636426 Trump fan sues Mets for $2M over MAGA hat ban at Citi Field

>>21636511, >>21636535 Kamala Harris Deploys Election War Chest To Massively Outspend Donald Trump 3 to 1

>>21636548 Urgent Alert - Israel is bringing their hamas here constructing tunnels between Mexico and San Diego

>>21636575 Billionaire David Geffen’s new ‘husband’ is a former go-go dancer with a murky past

>>21636633 Voter registration is spiking, particularly among young adults

>>21636655 RFK Jr. To Appeal Decision Letting Michigan Keep Him On Ballot

>>21636726 Biden’s totally gone. Remember: Kamala Harris COVERED THIS UP!

>>21636751 US Gun Sales Booming With Soaring Numbers Of Democratic Buyers

>>21636775 Tune in for The Intelligence Briefing: Dark Ops & Stolen Children with John B. Wells LIVE 9PM-12AM CT

>>21636783 Farage Rallies Thousands at ‘Reform UK’ Conference

>>21636629, >>21636809, >>21636821, >>21636851, >>21636879 President Trump interview tonight with Brian Kilmeade FAUX News

>>21636943 #26498

Previously Collected

>>21635233 #26496, >>21635979 #26497

>>21632657 #26493, >>21633393 #26494, >>21634452 #26495

>>21630263 #26490, >>21631114 #26491, >>21631890 #26492

>>21627714 #26487, >>21628402 #26488, >>21629341 #26489

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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7e5c2d No.21638637

File: b3915f539d12ae4⋯.png (387.93 KB,553x500,553:500,NOT.png)

File: 6cd7f7f590abcc7⋯.png (633.48 KB,815x746,815:746,not2.png)

File: 929de114a73f17d⋯.png (670.2 KB,1444x467,1444:467,not3.png)

File: b950e84d2d4b105⋯.png (1.3 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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a55a5f No.21638644

File: 325793395a3dfc4⋯.gif (150.07 KB,320x234,160:117,Triple_expansion_engine_an….gif)

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1de389 No.21638651

“Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.”

‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭49‬-‭50‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Manas is an old ancient Buddhist understanding of the process of the mental plane or the Mind.

Christianity doesn’t know how to read the Bible correctly because they take it at face value in its translation.

Good luck on your awakening. It’s the only purpose of life

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9f3ebd No.21638657

File: 283a89c9ae0e254⋯.png (1.02 MB,808x768,101:96,43_days_to_winning.png)


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4d78e5 No.21638671

A rare polar bear showed up on the shores of Iceland and police quickly kill it.


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a702fc No.21638672

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4d78e5 No.21638674


B/c no one elected him either

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1de389 No.21638675


The fact that people sat around her is Treasonous

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4d78e5 No.21638676

Crushing victory incoming

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7e5c2d No.21638677

File: bf483d76b0b26da⋯.png (457.71 KB,508x408,127:102,ClipboardImage.png)



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3dd96a No.21638678

File: e8f6b1a2a99e243⋯.jpeg (868.94 KB,1290x2122,645:1061,IMG_8244.jpeg)

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161d45 No.21638679

File: 9c94eb29b81f506⋯.png (240.85 KB,539x359,539:359,ClipboardImage.png)


Blackmail rules America, so who is the Blackmailer? We all know that answer.

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7a8888 No.21638681

File: d5c7422cd894b99⋯.jpeg (16.9 KB,255x246,85:82,bc23b932e48a02c5c0b1284a1….jpeg)

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4f9bda No.21638683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Even though the strange behavior we observe in the quantum realm isn’t part of our daily lives, new simulations and a recent breakthrough at CERN’s LHC suggest otherwise.

It’s becoming increasingly likely that our reality could be one of the many worlds in a quantum multiverse.

Especially with the groundbreaking observation of a quantum entanglement between a top quark and its antimatter counterpart.

Simply put, quantum entanglement is where two particles remain interconnected regardless of the distance between them. Like an invisible thread is binding them.

This topic has intrigued physicists for decades, because of its potential connection to parallel worlds. Also what makes this discovery all the more disruptive, is that it has been seen in a top quark, which is the heaviest known fundamental particle with very high energies.

And if scientists experience more successes with such experiments, then we could test the Standard Model in ways that look for signs of new physics that lie beyond it.

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1de66b No.21638685

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a702fc No.21638687

File: 9f9f07f883416f2⋯.png (697.99 KB,996x464,249:116,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5dfd782a2c0f54⋯.mp4 (872.74 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17270106177….mp4)

Stephen L. Miller


And the American media is fine with all of it


T. Becket Adams



Sep 20

It's insane that the world's #1 nuclear superpower just sort of stumbled its way into a power vacuum. It's even more insane that the vacuum has been filled by the former ruler's wife, who holds no legal governing authority.



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acc04f No.21638688

File: 4527348fa16e4b1⋯.png (365.34 KB,609x727,609:727,Screen_Shot_09_22_24_at_09….PNG)

File: 15ca748c9658b16⋯.mp4 (9.48 MB,576x1024,9:16,dncinterview.mp4)

Meidas_Charise Lee


Great interview 👀


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a55a5f No.21638693

File: 27971193c2aeb81⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,laughing.mp4)


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a702fc No.21638694

Don't mistake eyerolls as "Fear".

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521c3c No.21638698

File: 14fb052a471733d⋯.jpeg (286.88 KB,1366x683,2:1,F0AAA3B7_7418_4A54_A2AD_2….jpeg)

File: bc7a8a17947a99e⋯.jpeg (167.67 KB,801x801,1:1,A22BEA17_7784_45F7_B76F_3….jpeg)

File: 0f76f2606c6970f⋯.jpeg (112.71 KB,960x948,80:79,IMG_0013.jpeg)

File: 6073296e27c8ae9⋯.jpg (131.11 KB,801x801,1:1,4F0400D1_D6C2_4139_86DA_3D….jpg)

File: be891c1f6a8f701⋯.jpg (154.1 KB,800x534,400:267,P_Diddler_with_Reverend_.jpg)

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1c81cc No.21638702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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521c3c No.21638705

File: 4654041c8214956⋯.png (773.15 KB,800x551,800:551,PedoWood.PNG)

File: 80cd61ccfb407e3⋯.jpg (444.39 KB,638x776,319:388,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

File: 870a4ddb2bc7c23⋯.jpg (182.08 KB,643x778,643:778,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

File: b365298d815d728⋯.jpg (178.89 KB,628x782,314:391,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

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521c3c No.21638707

File: ef35461921bf39a⋯.jpg (110.2 KB,533x800,533:800,Jimmy_Biden_04_Predator.JPG)

File: 5ff70b012bed76a⋯.jpg (223.89 KB,966x776,483:388,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

File: f7e50a6ac4913f4⋯.jpg (504.43 KB,644x783,644:783,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

File: d69f3a4059410dd⋯.jpg (473.63 KB,636x781,636:781,Hollywood_and_Politician_N….JPG)

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1c81cc No.21638708

File: 6373ebf55f8ffca⋯.png (586.58 KB,1071x793,1071:793,ok.PNG)


Kamala Harris was ‘joking’ about shooting an intruder, insist aides in latest u-turn

Harris campaign adviser said the comment was designed to ‘humanise’ the vice president to voters

Tony Diver

US Editor

22 September 2024 1:23am

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521c3c No.21638709

File: f38219a8a615027⋯.jpg (78.33 KB,480x389,480:389,Ghislaine_Maxwell_Database.jpg)

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521c3c No.21638710

File: 5fca30e17b3cf86⋯.png (2 MB,4931x3423,4931:3423,IMG_0143.PNG)

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1c81cc No.21638711

File: 563f1507d468abb⋯.png (17.57 KB,592x231,592:231,cs.PNG)


Elon Musk



Elon Musk



Dec 10, 2022

Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene

5:47 PM · Sep 21, 2024




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7a8888 No.21638712

File: 8e62c5c52e9a4da⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,478x360,239:180,8e62c5c52e9a4da5993eacde2a….mp4)

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86a502 No.21638713

This anon remembers being banned from Jims telegram by an anti american moderator. This anon still has questions about that experience. This anon will not donate or support Jim without a very good reason for that ban.

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1de389 No.21638714


Fucking boring.

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ec1ada No.21638716


>This anon

The word you are looking fore is EYE.

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1de389 No.21638717



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7e5c2d No.21638718

File: 1b66441f4fd49e9⋯.png (454.13 KB,634x567,634:567,1b66441f4fd49e90032b59a0d8….png)

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8f374d No.21638719

File: d555ab5df49873d⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,337x101,337:101,Screenshot_2024_09_22_0823….jpg)


>This anon will not donate or support Jim

You either have lotsa company or no anon wants to be the one that ruins the Q.


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a55a5f No.21638720


smoke em if you got em


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01feb8 No.21638721

File: bf2bd2fe3f3a58a⋯.png (857.52 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_3510.png)

File: cee508c05892bcb⋯.png (906.42 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_3511.png)

File: 202fed5cef45f4e⋯.jpeg (370.76 KB,1284x1945,1284:1945,IMG_3512.jpeg)

File: 0de932ffe5c241f⋯.jpeg (574.76 KB,1205x2080,241:416,IMG_3513.jpeg)

The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine… 9/19/24. 1/2

News spread like wildfire yesterday of yet another assassination attempt against Trump as explosives were allegedly found in a car near the location Trump was scheduled to speak at his Long Island rally.

James Lelino:

Sources in the Nassau County Police Department just told me that “the perimeter was breached and a blue barrel was removed” from the area surrounding tonight’s Trump rally site.

Source said “During K9, doing their checks,they found an explosive device in one of the vehicles and that driver ended up running into the woods. No one saw if he had anything on him, they just saw him take off running. A lot of cars are now parking, they’re lining up on Hempstead Turnpike, just parking on the grass. Even over at Eisenhower Park, they’re just parking over there.”

Almost as quickly as the story spread, the media swooped in to debunk it as “misinformation.” Report after report came out suggesting that the paranoid Trump supporters just fell for another conspiracy theory—silly of them to take such reports seriously; after all, Trump had only experienced two assassination attempts before, soreports of a third couldn’t possibly be credible, could they? Just take a look at how aggressive and coordinated these “debunking” headlines are.

See the following from Associated Press:

Axios makes the headline about big bad Elon Musk spreading misinformation!

PBS, US News, and countless other outlets followed suit with similar narratives. But the buried lede beneath the barrage of regime-approved “misinformation” headlines is even more bizarre and potentially damning than one can possibly imagine.While the official story is now that there was no incident with “explosives,” reports have confirmed that there was indeed an incident in which a citizen was training a dog to sniff explosive devices. In its frenzy to pounce on a “debunking” opportunity, the media evidently neglected to explore the bizarre circumstance that a private citizen was training a dog to sniff explosives at an event in which President Trump was scheduled to speak.

Let’s read that again, shall we?

An individual who might have been training a bomb detection dog at the site “falsely reported explosives being found,” Ryder added. Police detained that person for questioning.

Rather than probing for details about this incredibly bizarre state of affairs, we’re told that the real story is that Elon Musk was spreading misinformation!What on earth makes sense about a private individual training a bomb detection dog at a site where President Trump is scheduled to speak just hours later? Was there by chance a decoy bomb being used for this training? If so, did the decoy look anything like the hoax January 6 pipe bombs? Who is this mysterious individual bomb training his dog at that location? Does he perchance have an interesting travel history in Ukraine like the previous would-be assassin?

The media exhibited zero interest in any of these key questions as it aggressively attempted to bury the story under another vapid “misinformation” headline.

Of course, it’s quite possible that this incident is just a bizarre fluke. That a random person just happened to be engaging in an innocent bomb sniffing exercise at an event where the former President, who has survived two assassination attempts, was to speak an hour later. It’s also possible that there’s more to the story. Revolver News’ DarrenBeattie pointed out that the feds often run drills or training exercises concurrently with suspicious or questionable events. That way, if the bad actors are caught in the act, they have the plausible deniability of explaining their behavior as a training exercise rather than something more nefarious.


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c9d79d No.21638722

File: 8a95d1306d61193⋯.jpg (76.48 KB,800x532,200:133,8a95d1306d611934253351da53….jpg)

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293750 No.21638723

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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113235 No.21638724

File: a7cc65ad77ae174⋯.png (1.17 MB,976x706,488:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc17ca No.21638725

>>21637820 lb

"Makes no sense at all". It certainly does make every bit of sense if the votes are being changed and the election itself, stolen. Makes absolute sense.

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08d04f No.21638726

File: d25e28d977ab810⋯.jpeg (445 KB,1125x1330,225:266,IMG_4239.jpeg)


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9f3ebd No.21638728

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


God bless the swordAnon

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1c81cc No.21638729

File: 0517eff89c92387⋯.png (500.53 KB,710x471,710:471,c.PNG)

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86a502 No.21638732


The ad at the bottom of the page for "undresser.ai" screams integrity and nobility. I came for the bread. Stayed for a few memes. There are more important things to do than hide in a message board proving that you didnt understand the entire point of Q.

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521c3c No.21638733

File: 11c7958415a516d⋯.jpeg (559.41 KB,880x1099,880:1099,IMG_0018.jpeg)

File: 4bbadf7722a66bb⋯.jpeg (155.43 KB,1063x1280,1063:1280,IMG_0017.jpeg)

File: fd8628295d7b700⋯.jpeg (281.75 KB,1024x1280,4:5,IMG_0019.jpeg)

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7e5c2d No.21638734


got a primary source?

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036b7e No.21638737

File: d03d8a0ed6753f3⋯.png (297.21 KB,828x1792,207:448,tylerPerry.png)


Fren sees crazy big house w/ for sale in West ATL, for sale sign at mailbox, looks it up, curious, tells me Tyler Perry's house is for sale. "who's that?, sounds familiar".

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516ddb No.21638744




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c709c9 No.21638747

File: ed36a60dfc7d373⋯.jpeg (338.98 KB,1284x1685,1284:1685,IMG_3512.jpeg)

File: 0de932ffe5c241f⋯.jpeg (574.76 KB,1205x2080,241:416,IMG_3513.jpeg)

File: 2f7e2c1ffda4080⋯.jpeg (399.15 KB,1141x1686,1141:1686,IMG_3514.jpeg)

File: a64e12617faf879⋯.jpeg (530.46 KB,1115x1601,1115:1601,IMG_3515.jpeg)



Darren Beattie:

If you look into historically suspicious events, you’ll see a pattern in which there is some kind of training exercise or drill whose subject matter almost exactly overlapswith the real life thing that allegedly happens.

This allows for plausible deniability when feds are caught—it was just confusion from the exercise I’m not saying that this is what’s happened here, but its interesting to point out this pattern.

Readers might be surprised to learn this and wonder what such examples exist of major catastrophic events that also, just coincidentally, happened to have training exercises running simultaneously that very closely resemble the event in question. Given that we recently commemorated the 23rd anniversary of the tragic 9/11 terrorist attacks, it might be appropriate to note that, bizarrely, there were multiple exercises that happened to be running on that fateful day. One does not need to dig much further than Wikipedia to find several examples of such exercises. Let’s look at a few.

Vanity Fair:

BOSTON CENTER: Hi. Boston Center T.M.U. [Traffic Management Unit], we have a problem here. We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, and we need you guys to, we need someone to scramble some F-16s or something up there, help us out.

POWELL: Is this real-world or exercise?

BOSTON CENTER: No, this is not an exercise, not a test.

Powell’s question—”Is this real-world or exercise?”—is heard nearly verbatim over and over on the tapes as troops funnel onto the ops floor and are briefed about the hijacking. Powell, like almost everyone in the room, first assumes the phone call is from the simulations team on hand to send “inputs”—simulated scenarios—into play for the day’s training exercise.

Remarkably,there was not one but multiple military aviation and Norad training exercises involving military aircraft, hijacked planes, and planes being flown into buildings. Indeed, one of the scenarios being tested in the exercises that day was a “traditional” simulated hijacking. Aside from these military exercises, there was an additional National Reconnaisance Office exercise that drilled a scenario of a plane crashing into a building.


WASHINGTON (AP) — In what the government describes as abizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn’t terrorism — it was to be a simulated accident.

Officials at the National Reconnaissance Office based in Chantilly, Va., had scheduled an exercise that morning in which a small corporate jet would crash into one of the four towers at the agency’s headquarters building after experiencing a mechanical failure.

The agency is about four miles from the runways of Washington Dulles International Airport.

The man who ran the exercise acknowledged it was an “incredible coincidence.”

9/11 isn’t the only such event during which such coincidences involving training exercises took place. Remarkably enough,April 19th, the day of the Oklahoma City Bombing, also by chance happened to be a training day for the Oklahoma Sheriff’s Bomb Squad. The following is a relevant excerpt from the book “Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed and Why It Still Matters,” noting the exercise and associated anomalies.

This is all simply to establish a notable pattern and not to say anything specific about either 9/11 or Oklahoma City, each a complicated event that would require detailed treatment in its own right.

We do, however, think there is a non-negligible possibility that the infamous January 6 pipe bombs were initially planted as part of a drill or exercise to maintain plausible deniability. Our confidence threshold is not yet high enough to stake that claim, but it wouldn’t be surprising.

At any rate, there is enough strangeness surrounding this private citizen dog bomb trainer that we should at least know his name and who he is. It’s our job not to let the media simply bury it.


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1c81cc No.21638748

File: 2651293195ccf1b⋯.png (549.07 KB,575x805,5:7,d.PNG)

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a55a5f No.21638752

File: 9b4bcb7ac3f7527⋯.gif (837.36 KB,320x352,10:11,humaeyes.gif)


>Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene

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2505ab No.21638754


The military was the only way they could do what they've done to us. Ex military that are decent people should hang their head in shame for taking part in such an evil operation.

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c9d79d No.21638757

File: a030b0332c39f12⋯.mp4 (883.75 KB,404x360,101:90,When_the_IRS_endorses_Kama….mp4)

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7e5c2d No.21638761




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521c3c No.21638762

File: ee867b44463ff1e⋯.webp (150.04 KB,1920x1280,3:2,IMG_0021.webp)

File: f614937d3ad90e7⋯.jpeg (3.02 MB,1640x2142,820:1071,IMG_0020.jpeg)

File: 42d108b94a1ce5c⋯.png (3.37 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_0023.png)




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86a502 No.21638764


Seems to me they are raising money from everywhere they can. He doesn't own that house anymore than he made his own career. If they need mooney they will sell everything in their portfolio to keep the beast moving.

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646e04 No.21638768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember dont let some asshole

Ruin your day

Be a man fuck it up yourself

Have a beautiful day

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521c3c No.21638769

File: fb0ae35dd35c6de⋯.jpeg (653.28 KB,1270x2539,1270:2539,Gates_Foundation_Assets_0….JPEG)

File: 690b79ecd943d4e⋯.jpeg (478.45 KB,1978x1413,1978:1413,BlackRock_Vanguard_Assets….JPEG)

File: fd8de68c550b929⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,3064x3828,766:957,Gates_Foundation_Assets_0….JPEG)

File: 6e2872d8fd0e842⋯.png (3.71 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Bill_Gates_sells_Fiji_prop….PNG)

File: c9d1f09c430122e⋯.png (3.01 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Bill_Melinda_Gates_Dead_in….PNG)

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c8ea18 No.21638770

File: a3c8b51924d4b64⋯.mp4 (6.49 MB,576x1024,9:16,Kamala_Harris_campaign_is_….mp4)

>>21638394 lb


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521c3c No.21638772

File: 1133faa819f70e2⋯.jpg (65.98 KB,1206x1040,603:520,Gates_Top_Donator_2014.JPG)

File: 406eb57d7392e9a⋯.jpg (772.14 KB,1477x1640,1477:1640,Gates_Top_Giver_2014.jpg)

File: 3b60a80900484aa⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,2065x1640,413:328,Gates_Sells_1Billion_of_Mi….jpg)

File: df5a1c873ec1765⋯.jpg (301.66 KB,1986x859,1986:859,Gates_Sells_1Billion_of_Mi….jpg)

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2eac17 No.21638774

File: 553ea4be1bf1ef3⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,574x384,287:192,20240922_163527.jpg)


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b83db8 No.21638776

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a5440f No.21638777


She probably has power of attorney over him because of the cognitive decline!

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e1eac0 No.21638780


smells like bullshit they would splash a list of names all over the place

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1c81cc No.21638784

File: 419384fc7b6d718⋯.png (294.56 KB,597x527,597:527,foo.PNG)





Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

From twitchy.com

2:13 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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8f158d No.21638788


The ex-military you refer to were just as mislead and outright lied to as the civilians

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8f374d No.21638789

Muh Pain Index

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9bdd9a No.21638790


Can you post video?

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521c3c No.21638791

Executive Order 13818 — Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.

You are witnessing the death of the Pedo Elites and their twisted lifestyles. The false idols of the world are falling. It’s finally happening.

Celebrity homes for sale:

Ellen Degeneres, Johnny Depp, Mathew Perry, Eli Manning, Kat Von D, Shia Lebeouf, The Hemsworth brothers, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Brittany Snow, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Cindy Crawford and Rand Gerber, Gene Simmons, Bella Thorne, Tom Cruise, George Strait, Emily Blunt, Alonzo Mourning, Jemima Kirke, Kevin Jonas, Chelsea Handler, John McEnroe, Tommy Lee, Jason Derulo, Alicia Keys, Frankie Muniz, Keith Richards, Lil Wayne, Peter Thiel, Pharrell Williams, Loris Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, Rosie O’Donnell, Kellie Clarkson, Cheryl Tieg, Joe Pesci, Suzanne Somers, Adam Lambert, Meghan Markle, Sean Diddy Combs, Billy Joel, Gary Levinsohn, Dr Phil, Barry Manilow, Mel Gibson, Diane Keaton, 50 Cent, Heidi Klum, Ryan Seacrest, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Jennifer Aniston, Katharine Hepburn, Christie Brinkley, Nicholas Cage, Ricky Martin, Angelica Huston, Charlie Sheen, Burt Reynolds, Emilia Clarke, J.Lo & Alex Rodriguez, Simon Cowell, Kris Jenner, Jeffree Star, Gordon Ramsay, Jason Aldean, Pamela Anderson, Jerry Seinfeld, Jimmy Fallon, Dave Ramsey, Jon Bon Jovi, LeBron James, Matt Damon, J.J. Abrams, Sugar Ray Leonard, Ellen Degeneres, Sylvester Stallone, David Bowie, Clay Mathews, Michelle Pfiefer, David E Kelley, Shonda Rhimes, Rihanna, Pete Townshend, Britney Spears, Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, Robert Redford, Steve McQueen, Shaquille ONeil, Glen Frey, Sammy Hagar, Stockard Channing, Michael Chiklis, Tom Petty, Serena Williams, Bill Russell, Kathryn Bigelow, Don Rickles, Bruce Kovner, Adam Neumann, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barb Ellison, Alicia Keys & Swizz Beatz, Kate Beckinsale, Robert Herjavic, Josh and Heather Altman , Soleil Moon Frye, Jim Harbaugh, Anthony Kiedis, Fredrik Eklund, Meghan Trainor, Gideon Yu, Hellen Miren, Taylor Hackford, Bette Midler, Todd Phillips, Mitt Romney, Dianne Feinstein, Miley Cyrus, Kelly Clarkson, A-Rod, Bobby Patton-LA dodgers co owner, Dwyane Wade & Gabrielle Union, Michael Amini, B-52 Kate Pierson, Bill Guthy, Victoria Jackson, Will Arnett, Zac Efron, Wayne Gretzky, Katy Perry, Derek Jeter, Mike Piazza, Shane Smith, Bryon Cranston, DJ Khaled, Leonard Ross, Ted Sarandos- Netflix co Ceo, Dustin Johnson, John Fogerty, Melissa Rivers, Jamie Lynn Sigler, Lena Dunham, Lyndsey Vonn, PK Subban, Robyne Moore

Cara and Poppy Delevingne, Big Sean, Steph Curry, Chris Bosh, Phil Collins, Liam Payne, Bryan Singer, Tom Ford, Robby Naish, Tom Brady & Giselle Bundchen, Anthony Davis, Emilia Clarke, Clare Bronfmsn-Seagrams heiress with ties to Nxivm, Jane Fonda, Carmen Electra, Morgan Moses, Bobby Cox, Danny Masterson, Evander Kane, Kate Winslet, Mark Teixeira, Jonah Hill, Judd Hirsch, Carlos Santana, Kennet Chesney, Brooke Shields.

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113235 No.21638792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: fantastic speech, calling out all their crimes, how to fix the problem and using old wise and influential people from history.

a blue print to how tony blair has imported this type of inflitration around the worlds governments. The media have called a conspiracy theory filled speech.

runtime 24 minutes (well worth spending this short amount of time to watch this)


Rupert Lowe Full Speech | Reform UK 2024 National Conference

22 Sept 2024


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da55f3 No.21638793


how to prove?

most likely accurate

digits of truth.

October Surprise on Deck.

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2eac17 No.21638794

File: 2b721e48bed3930⋯.jpg (154.24 KB,1080x1080,1:1,20240922_164420.jpg)

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9e7dce No.21638795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


PS5, PC (400million dollar DEI) Disaster Concord Is Now Officially Offline Indefinitely

Gone and likely forgotten

And just like that, two weeks after it launched, Concord is officially offline indefinitely. A 1.3GB patch has been deployed confirming that Sony has pulled the plug on the first-person shooter, and you can no longer connect. The release – arguably the biggest flop in PlayStation first-party history – sold an estimated 25k copies. If you did buy a copy, you’ll be entitled to a full refund.

Gamers are slowly waking up and voting with their dollars


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1c81cc No.21638796


this is about the reaction ?

Is it not Anon ?

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521c3c No.21638797

File: f02a80b38a149b0⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1511x1640,1511:1640,IMG_0024.jpeg)


Hmm 🤔 Weight Loss

REVEALED: The most shocking celebrity face transformations due to weight loss

Sometimes when a star sheds pounds quickly it results in their faces changing

Matthew McConaughey recently stepped out and his face looked different

See all the other celebrities whose facial features were impacted by weight loss

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7f0637 No.21638798

File: 62b5a64484edfe1⋯.png (331.92 KB,750x531,250:177,again.png)

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c032e0 No.21638799

File: d1008da5fe46fc1⋯.jpg (28.13 KB,605x605,1:1,d4124b17ed68225da17d790898….jpg)

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2eac17 No.21638800

File: a0287ee08e35191⋯.jpg (287.77 KB,2048x1548,512:387,20240922_163417.jpg)

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7a73c4 No.21638801

File: b82a7c5a72a3f9c⋯.mp4 (703.61 KB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17269415456….mp4)

This is the ‘white pill’ moment you couldn’t get back in 2016 or 2020…. 9/19/24

something incredible is happening in the USA. =•It’s as if the shroud of fear that once silenced so many Americans who supported President Trump has finally been lifted==. Suddenly, it’s no longer “shameful” or “uncool” to back the so-called “racist” Trump. That ridiculous and baseless label has lost its sting, no matter how hard the regime and their media lackeys keep trying to flog that dead horse.

We’re witnessing a “white pill” moment like never before. In 2016 and 2020, we didn’t have this.President Trump is now mainstream America—and it’s finally cool to support him.

What is a white pill, some may be asking? Here you go:


This metaphor was extended to political matters, where, after being red-pilled (recognizing, and then rejecting, the dominant political narratives), one can then become either black-pilled (pessimistic or apathetic about the future), or white-pilled (hopeful about the future or believing change is possible.)

Hope is real in 2024, and we’re seeing signs of it everywhere. Take for example the amazing MAGA rally that unfolded at Penn State, of all places.

This time around, President Trump is seen for what he’s always been: a fighter for “We the People,” a champion of the anti-establishment, and a hero who took a bullet for America once, almost took another, and still stood tall, fighting on. He also has a wildly successful record of leadership that includes peace through strength, a booming economy, and rebuilding the middle class—the complete opposite of what Harris stands for. Her nearly four years of disastrous policies have left the middle class decimated.

Things got seriously America First and patriotic at Penn State—a place that used to churn out miniature Marxists.

The media will lie and tell you that “hundreds” showed up to support President Trump. The truth is, there are reports of as many as two thousand young people being there.

Just look at this line of Gen Z’ers, all waiting to hear Charlie Kirk, the leader of TPUSA, speak:

Of course,Penn State officials made sure that nobody actually heard Charlie’s message by cutting his and everyone’s micsand citing some goofy “campus law” that probably has never been enforced before.

So, TPUSA could be on campus; they just couldn’t speak, apparently. And Penn State is claiming this was nothing “personal” or “political.”

Sure bet, guys.

State College:

Penn State spokesperson Lisa Powers told Onward State that while Turning Point USA was permitted to be on campus,the group did not have university permission to host a speaker. Additionally, Powers said the group had been reminded the morning of the event that Kirk’s use of amplification was not permitted.

“The requested activity by the student chapter of Turning Point USA was to set up a table to distribute information, which was approved,” Powers said.

“There was no request made nor did the group follow University policy for having a speaker. Regardless, Charlie Kirk’s presence on campus is permitted under the First Amendment as well as under Penn State Policy AD 51 “Use of Outdoor Areas for Expressive Activities,” which provides guidance to those who wish to engage in speaking at outside locations at Penn State.

“Under AD51, however, there are requirements that must be followed including the prohibition of the use of sound amplification equipment between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Penn State, the regime-run media, and Hollywood celebrities can try their best to silence the message. They can twist stories, cut off microphones, and roll out fake endorsements, but none of that works anymore. The jig is up.The American people have snapped out of their media-induced fog, and they’re not afraid to stand up and say, “I support the guy who’s fighting for me.The guy who’s survived two assassination attempts and nearly 100 felony counts. The guy the corrupt government is trying to stop—that’s the guy who gets my vote.”

That’s what many more Americans are saying and believing these days. And like we mentioned earlier, it’s the “white pill” moment that could only happen in 2024, after everything we’ve been through. It’s finally cleared the way for the truth to come out.

(What about all the violent and noisy protests for Hamas. Did students have permission to tear about University buildings and property? Yes the did but only patriotism is banned on University campus and there is free speech is allowed for students supporting terrorists! This is the beginning of the end of "useful idiots" at colleges and universities!)




2000+ students at Penn State @TPUSA for @charliekirk11

Gen Z is on FIRE for Free Speech!!!




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7e5c2d No.21638802

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8f158d No.21638803


How many of those "ex-military officials" are now lobbyists?

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ec1ada No.21638804



there is no video, it's a link to an article.


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1de389 No.21638805

So this is funny.

Heard some kids talking last night and they were saying, no diddy no diddy.

I asked what’s that mean?

They said it meant like no homo.

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7a8888 No.21638806


saul olde knews

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2505ab No.21638807


They were programmed by Hollywood and flyovers at sportsball games.

Veterans are a parasite on the U.S. taxpayer. It's time they come to terms with what they did and what they were a part of and apologize to the world.

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1de389 No.21638808


Once the Judaism is removed from the Mystical meanings of the Bible. You will see the truth and be free.

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646e04 No.21638809


While in line at supermarket

Reading the inquirier

Quit it

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9bdd9a No.21638810


Anons are about that sauce!

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eb6f45 No.21638811

File: 9fdc125f9795a5b⋯.webp (48.04 KB,1024x1024,1:1,9fdc125f9795a5b9335d289c8….webp)


tyb habby Sunday

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9bdd9a No.21638812


Tanks anon

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7a8888 No.21638813

File: 5aa650c0122e66d⋯.gif (2.15 MB,360x270,4:3,5aa650c0122e66d4edbaae9cb3….gif)

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887ab2 No.21638814

File: 01042cf08a9f4f3⋯.png (141.74 KB,400x419,400:419,ClipboardImage.png)

>cracks top

>takes sip


>fuck yes

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14433d No.21638815

File: 472aa0e9c288435⋯.png (211.4 KB,1214x1004,607:502,A_long_time_ago_Oprah_Winf….png)

A long time ago, Oprah Winfrey asked me to do her last Network Television Show. The final week of her show was a big deal, and it was my honor, with my family, to do it. When I watched her interview yesterday with a woman who is destroying, through her complete and total incompetence, America, I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah, this isn’t a person that wants millions of people, from prisons and mental institutions, and terrorists, drug dealers, and human traffickers, from all over the World, pouring into our Country. Kamala looked really foolish, couldn’t answer the simplest of questions on Inflation, the Cost of Goods, or our very porous and dangerous Border - No leader there, and Oprah just wanted to crawl under a table! Comrade Kamala Harris is mentally unfit to be President. She knows it, and so does everyone else!


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7e5c2d No.21638816

File: 0cfb45bf3dfa7ef⋯.png (294.77 KB,531x531,1:1,6a37d44a660f66eaa7a6d305a6….png)


habby Sunday to you too

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646e04 No.21638817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sunny afternoon

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bc17ca No.21638818

File: 120e2114f76bbcd⋯.png (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,NCSWIC_MF.png)

>>21637359 pb


What a political ad. This Patriot is reading nothing. Every bit of this comes straight out of his heart and love for America. We need, our POTUS needs, 1000's of people just like Hung Cao to set this shit straight. I wish that MAN represented me here in Georgia.

I salute you Capt. Hung Cao!!!



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a55a5f No.21638819


>Oprah just wanted to crawl under a table!

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14433d No.21638820

File: 89290d690bd6235⋯.png (1.81 MB,1326x1570,663:785,Diddy_Oprah_and_Kanye_Jesu….png)

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521c3c No.21638821

File: 06318075e39af7f⋯.jpeg (754.35 KB,1332x886,666:443,IMG_0027.jpeg)

File: 35189ded530d571⋯.jpeg (72.98 KB,306x395,306:395,IMG_0026.jpeg)

File: 387e33af88401d3⋯.jpeg (713.86 KB,1318x815,1318:815,IMG_0025.jpeg)

File: 8c19b8e10f48a42⋯.jpg (127.47 KB,761x554,761:554,Waxwork_Kate_and_Wills.jpg)

File: f328fd9a06c4fc3⋯.jpg (801.25 KB,1921x1509,1921:1509,Waxwork_Royals_01.jpg)


The new clones/doubles are about as convincing as a Windsor Waxwork model.

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bc17ca No.21638822

File: 9529a8a32812320⋯.png (646.91 KB,959x714,137:102,He_s_Right.png)

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da55f3 No.21638823


>not the real oprah.

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cfb680 No.21638824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Same with London 7/7

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00dd5e No.21638825

File: a1d69af6de16227⋯.jpg (72.37 KB,720x819,80:91,diddyamazingfrensj.jpg)

>>21637955 lb

maybe that's why they are running her?

She can definitely block DJT if she cares to? Epic.

Happy Autumn Equinox (north hemisphere)

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7f0637 No.21638826

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

Can already tell that it's going to be a good day today.

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684ccb No.21638827


And THAT is the great awakening

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704895 No.21638828

File: 866d985f62d8e41⋯.gif (2.97 MB,480x200,12:5,1q.gif)

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23dba0 No.21638829

File: 53d2a28b639df30⋯.png (14.97 MB,3000x2420,150:121,ClipboardImage.png)


Everyone knows that image is shopped…right?

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7a73c4 No.21638830

>>21637785 Kamala had a TELEPROMPTER on Ophrah & FAKE zoom callers, tooPN

What's even more pathetic, since she had s teleprompter her answers should have been logical and straight forward, but she answered questions with word salad, and actually never addressing the questions they asked. So even a teleprompter can't help her make sense. At least Bidan could read some answers, he always messed them up but he tried to read answers.She doesn't even try, is Kamattack dislexic?

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23dba0 No.21638831

File: 7162e0bf372b45a⋯.png (633.63 KB,474x765,158:255,ClipboardImage.png)



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98232a No.21638832

File: 897ca41a0ed4f6d⋯.png (102.36 KB,1365x1117,1365:1117,Q_Post_Sep_22_01_post.png)

Today in Q Post History we had 01 Delta

September 22

There was only01 Q Poston the date ofSeptember 22.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+22

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/hNmFl

Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


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8f374d No.21638833

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,SmokingPepe_DudeWeed.png)


Off to a great start as it finally rained again in flyover country.

Been too dry and too warm lately.

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00dd5e No.21638834

File: 59d8baf6e5f5045⋯.png (169.76 KB,491x368,491:368,oprahsuckmyc.png)


"Oprah" is another "position" not a static assignment

Been switched out many times.

Vid that shows it is somewhere buried.

It's a montage of Oprah images over the years. She definitely a personae not one person,

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7509ce No.21638835

File: d0f5fff3c3764db⋯.gif (499.58 KB,480x228,40:19,4choosepainpussy.gif)

swear to fucking god!

say PODUNK one more fucking time!

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98232a No.21638836

File: 3d455a77d77582f⋯.png (562.39 KB,563x730,563:730,Pepe_Card_Pepe_Smoking_in_….png)



Indeed, it's going to be a good day today, and also tomorrow, the next day, and so on, and so on, and so on. . . .

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6bd21a No.21638837

File: efaeb602afc945a⋯.jpg (12.39 KB,228x221,228:221,smokingpepe2.jpg)



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7509ce No.21638838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7f0637 No.21638839


That's nice, but I have to filter you now.

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1c81cc No.21638840

File: 978e98ef6c9fd8e⋯.png (352.72 KB,597x750,199:250,g.PNG)




George Galloway reposted

Shadow of Ezra


Kim Porter, Diddy's assistant and the mother of his children, allegedly stumbled upon copies of s*x tapes featuring Diddy and young kids hidden in his vault.

Porter reportedly made copies of the tapes to protect herself, claiming they contained things she never could have imagined.

Not long after discovering the tapes, Porter tragically passed away from pneumonia, though some members of her family remain convinced that Diddy was involved in her untimely death.

Where are the copies of those tapes now?

12:01 PM · Sep 21, 2024




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887ab2 No.21638841

File: 0ccc22cb1d7e794⋯.png (214.63 KB,460x443,460:443,ClipboardImage.png)

>q groupies

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1de389 No.21638842


Maybe you and them can all sit in Heaven and laugh about all this one day.

Stupid ass meme.

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7509ce No.21638843

File: ce6d9dcd4b6a7bd⋯.jpg (14.22 KB,255x169,255:169,01z1.jpg)

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7f0637 No.21638844

File: dcd130c92b2b68f⋯.jpg (31.16 KB,750x405,50:27,in_time.jpg)

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7a8888 No.21638845

File: f86c5150405df99⋯.mp4 (16 MB,640x360,16:9,f86c5150405df992a0bd51a38a….mp4)

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b83db8 No.21638846

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smokingpepe17.png)


happy fall

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00dd5e No.21638847

File: 47c9caa5ed1424e⋯.jpg (46.82 KB,760x750,76:75,truthisunique.jpg)


"everybody knows"

no they don't.

besides, Truth isn't majority rule.

Truth is singular.

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23dba0 No.21638848


I wonder if it's Diamond from Diamond and Silk?

Diamond's Cause of Death Revealed: Pro-Trump Internet Star Dies at 51 of Heart Disease

Lynette "Diamond" Hardaway — half of the conservative political commentator duo, Diamond and Silk — died on Jan. 8

By Tracey Harrington McCoy Published on January 24, 2023


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8f158d No.21638849


Nice bait you are throwing

Go to a local VFW and say that shit or tell the vets sleeping on the streets about being parasites

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7c5aac No.21638850



Here’s the list

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7f0637 No.21638851


I have to filter you too. So easy to draw them out now.

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835b26 No.21638852

Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities August 21 2024


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c29bfc No.21638853

File: 447ec1d666dcce8⋯.mp4 (12.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,JD_Vance_on_Tucker_Carlson….mp4)



<JD Vance on Tucker Carlson interview 9-18-24 - clip @ 16m accountability and pointless wars.mp4

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835b26 No.21638854

Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


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dcf080 No.21638855

File: 1ce3ad00e723e50⋯.gif (13.91 MB,600x483,200:161,9DDCD84A_F370_4FC0_84A5_4E….gif)

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835b26 No.21638856

Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


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835b26 No.21638857

Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


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a8996b No.21638858

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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835b26 No.21638859

Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


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98232a No.21638860


Oh, boo fucking hoo.

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835b26 No.21638861

Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


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835b26 No.21638862

Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


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7f0637 No.21638863

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,SP_pepe_sip2.png)

All I need to do is post one SmokingPepe meme to draw out the mimics now. Easier and easier every day. Knew it was going to be a good day today

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00dd5e No.21638864

File: 8f3299d0aad581e⋯.jpg (146.72 KB,749x500,749:500,pizzapodesta_2_.jpg)


shut up Strzok

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835b26 No.21638865

Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


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835b26 No.21638866

Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


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1c81cc No.21638867

File: 730c6261e5bacc6⋯.png (294.55 KB,587x616,587:616,till.PNG)


Elon Musk


Until the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s vaccination decree, he tried to demand that we fire all unvaccinated personnel – some of our finest people


Tom Elliott



May 12, 2023

Covid Retrospective Series, Vol. 1

Media: The Unvaccinated Are Scum

3:27 PM · May 13, 2023




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835b26 No.21638868

Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


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bc17ca No.21638869


Oprah is beautiful today at 70. She has never looked this good in her entire life. Good on her for that. Bad on her for supporting such a fraudulent, grotesque hump like Kamala Harris.

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116b0d No.21638870


Rizvi Traverse Management

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835b26 No.21638871

In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


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835b26 No.21638872

Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023


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5a34c4 No.21638873

File: 53af30e28d9e219⋯.jpeg (378.35 KB,1643x1640,1643:1640,IMG_3742.jpeg)

Face it. The outcome of this election will come down to a few thousand, maybe a few hundred votes in key swing states. The cheating will be enacted, and Kamala will be installed. There will be teeth gnashing, and shouts of “I’m comfy”, maybe even some ranting about the 2nd amendment and civil war. In the end, nothing will happen, no one will save anyone. Will anyone shout “Follow the Plan” the next morning? Bonus points if someone shouts “the military is the only way” or “Trust Wray”. Back to work. Enjoy your new Haitian neighbors. Or, maybe I’m completely wrong and being an early morning demoralization shill.

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a6105a No.21638874

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835b26 No.21638875













12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


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c29bfc No.21638876

File: b8bd39c31ad7220⋯.png (87.78 KB,346x311,346:311,ClipboardImage.png)


death to the shills.

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c29bfc No.21638877


>Southern Border

most of it is done with planes

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8f158d No.21638879

File: b2c92663b5b9917⋯.png (521.98 KB,599x625,599:625,f87cf08d24d74883e7f3804f67….png)

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116b0d No.21638882



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00eaee No.21638883

File: b86d04b7a6809cf⋯.jpeg (418.46 KB,1125x1556,1125:1556,IMG_4240.jpeg)


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c29bfc No.21638885


>Same with London 7/7

kings cross was simply due for a major fucking renovation. the ultimate cheapness of the british establishment on show

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b83db8 No.21638886

File: c4a6268c03e8424⋯.png (538.4 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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00eaee No.21638887

Great polls out for Harris today!

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bc17ca No.21638888


Fuck Bloomberg. These NGOs are aiding and abetting the overthrow of the United States of America and I don't give one fuck if they are churches, latino open border groups or whatever else they want to call their deceptive asses. They are committing Treason and every damn one of them should face a Military Tribunal for such. This shit has got to stop!!!

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7a8888 No.21638889

File: d8a948a3fe1e1e4⋯.jpeg (701.28 KB,1125x1134,125:126,IMG_2801.jpeg)

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a6105a No.21638890


Trump sounds mad jealous

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830668 No.21638891

File: b94d36ed5c9c8b0⋯.jpeg (66.84 KB,577x433,577:433,B80387BD_F91A_4FA9_AFE4_7….jpeg)


It won’t stop until election day.


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cd9fed No.21638892

File: 66347e787909010⋯.jpeg (387.42 KB,1125x1324,1125:1324,IMG_4241.jpeg)


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7f0637 No.21638893

File: 3de900d90b5097c⋯.png (349.31 KB,604x715,604:715,3de900d90b5097c1c3e264d403….png)

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bc17ca No.21638894


You're an illiterate faggpt. Go back to FB.

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a6105a No.21638895


Tell dumfuck trump that. He tweeted it

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c29bfc No.21638897


>Until the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s vaccination decree, he tried to demand that we fire all unvaccinated personnel – some of our finest people



the vax stockpile of his admin was destroyed

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161d45 No.21638898

File: 039462ad0eb7055⋯.png (242.35 KB,410x379,410:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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55fd92 No.21638899

File: dda61129f78ff72⋯.png (671.43 KB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE3.png)

File: cb037d074db7ae3⋯.png (802.14 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA203.png)

File: 7544a9e28b6bf26⋯.png (894.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN617.png)

File: f74067b7ef82e80⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE2.png)

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7a73c4 No.21638900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21637815 Feds raid home of interim NYPD Commish Thomas Donlon — week after predecessor Edward Caban resignedPN

Donlon and others support participation of the Ukraine Hoax on Trump


Donlon was a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), where he was in charge of their National Threat Center. He put together the FBI's "Guardian" system, a centralized terror threat database and "managed the FBI’s Terrorism Watch List." He also ran the FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force[3] and served as Assistant Special Agent in charge of the FBI's New York Counter-terrorism Division. As a special agent, he was assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force-JTTF in the FBI's New York City office, where he was assigned to share the responsibility of investigating the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. That investigation led to five federal court convictions.[4]

After retiring from the FBI, He was a global security director at two financial corporations. Between 2009 and 2010, Donlon served as the Director of New York's Office of Homeland Security.[5]

In 2020, he founded a security firm called Global Security Resolutions.[6] The company produced an event series called Focus Under Pressure that featured Joe Pistone, a former FBI agent who went undercover to investigate organized crime.[7][8]


It mentioned in the article the FBI took papers of 20+ years old, is this related to 9/11

Youtube with pencil neck Schitt and Donlon 5+ years

Tom Donilon: "Obligation To Share" Significant Intel Matters With CongressThe Last Word |

MSNBC2019 Sep 20

Tom Donilon, the former National Security Advisorto President Obama, tells Lawrence that the whistleblower complaint allegedly involving Pres. Trump and Ukraine is worthy of serious investigation by Congress and that the whistleblower must be protected. Aired on 09/19/19.

7:54 minutes


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a702fc No.21638901

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)

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2eac17 No.21638902

File: 1b33a9319b57deb⋯.jpg (158.3 KB,1170x1830,39:61,20240922_171154.jpg)

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7a8888 No.21638903

hao does our greatest ally feel about the catholic church?

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c9c560 No.21638904

File: d38a9d9fd5f4d11⋯.jpeg (657.35 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,IMG_4242.jpeg)


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bc17ca No.21638907


Yes, yes, yes!!!! Kammy is SURGING!!!! And this poll from NBC has got to be truth!!!

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c9d79d No.21638908

File: 98036c00dc52a4d⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,480x270,16:9,the_unvaccinated_are_uncle….mp4)

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5a8d43 No.21638909

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116b0d No.21638911

File: 63d8371a7f09600⋯.png (469.44 KB,619x403,619:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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da55f3 No.21638912


you sound gay.

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646e04 No.21638913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shanty you say

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58bffe No.21638914

Is P Diddy the [P] who controls the pope and all kinds of other stuff? N Korea even maybe?

Honestly I could believe it. Any pictures of P Diddy doing masonic handshakes or the triangle sign and stuff?

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7a73c4 No.21638915


Christie really doesnt want his big fat rear ended to him, thats my take on his stupid statements

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ace716 No.21638916


It’s more than nbc.

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bc17ca No.21638917


Absollutely anon. The Vatican and the Inner City of London.

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1c81cc No.21638918

File: ea17e5c0851fa21⋯.png (129.32 KB,610x388,305:194,face.PNG)



Paul Joseph Watson


During a cringe fake Hollywood town hall meeting earlier this week, Kamala Harris suggested that everyday Americans should get in the faces of their friends and neighbors about “misinformation”.



Kamala Encourages Americans To Grill “Friends And Neighbors” About “Misinformation”

"Help them now see how it occurs"

Sep 22, 2024, 2:01 AM

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6d89e2 No.21638919

File: 4006ed30ee7746c⋯.png (253.42 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_101419.png)

File: 532d056efda1a7d⋯.png (45.24 KB,766x540,383:270,845_1_.png)

sugartits posted this morning.

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9e7dce No.21638921



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c29bfc No.21638922

File: 5aa8ccbf52f1c0d⋯.png (120.94 KB,240x255,16:17,12_cops_nypd_suicide_weine….png)


>It mentioned in the article the FBI took papers of 20+ years old, is this related to 9/11


I'd have to assume all this is electino related tho, because timing

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c29bfc No.21638924


>Celebrity homes for sale:

could you pls sauce the list mr anon sir

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7f0637 No.21638925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are you scared?

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116b0d No.21638926


Have another donut Chris and go lounge with Joe

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bc17ca No.21638927


Certainly is.

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7a73c4 No.21638928


Is this person stupid or something

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2eac17 No.21638929

File: fd5ce5841f66779⋯.jpg (56 KB,669x1000,669:1000,51ail1iDrSL_AC_UF1000_1000….jpg)

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161d45 No.21638930


"white hats" left a lot of people hung out to dry

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6bd21a No.21638932

File: 89224411ff0324f⋯.png (1.92 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingspace3.png)


fat fuck

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6d89e2 No.21638936

File: 3a34962cfdcd346⋯.png (640.1 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_101700.png)

File: bc02126a49e9330⋯.png (68.91 KB,766x984,383:492,955_3_.png)

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2505ab No.21638939


Why can't I find a single Harris supporter or sign in the wild?

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c29bfc No.21638940

File: 3321d1b3d8659c6⋯.png (1.54 MB,1600x1536,25:24,BOLSHIVIST_TEACHERS.png)



meme to-do

"leftist dictionary"

definition: stuff that conflicts with our agenda & plans

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c29bfc No.21638943

File: 6b7165d1f1540dc⋯.mp4 (120.94 KB,240x180,4:3,In_95_Kent_Brockman_knew_t….mp4)

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3f109b No.21638944




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f60123 No.21638945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's Dance

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7a73c4 No.21638946


Nice thx anon

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6d89e2 No.21638947

File: 5228b58e58b4366⋯.png (234.89 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_101907.png)

File: 08958ca13eae716⋯.png (421.68 KB,766x3536,383:1768,1009_1_.png)

File: c750e90e039158d⋯.png (1.13 MB,766x3314,383:1657,1987_2_.png)

File: 1e8142c26920474⋯.png (34.88 KB,766x496,383:248,110_2_.png)

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646e04 No.21638948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Said he flew up there

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d87114 No.21638949

File: 6b0bce67400f49b⋯.png (322.67 KB,890x695,178:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f6e7c78f58d4ae⋯.png (131.33 KB,677x531,677:531,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38499b93a905ec6⋯.png (1.29 MB,1537x814,1537:814,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a548c6861e3d01⋯.png (652.02 KB,1475x901,1475:901,ClipboardImage.png)

Usher Domain scrubbed and replaced




Hmm Peaches?

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7f0637 No.21638950

File: b2086ffc02c3d79⋯.gif (1.48 MB,420x236,105:59,kek35.gif)


Oh look, another little piddly mimic that copies down to the exact filename. Say there, l'il guy, I can't help but notice there's no MuhJoo going on right now but a ton of SmokingPepe memes being posted after the OG posted his. You wouldn't happen to know where those idiotic deep state fools are, would you? Compare your winning of imitating him to his winning of not having to see the retarded shit you used to post. Later, chuckles the failure.

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887ab2 No.21638951

File: 77862b2825b7f52⋯.png (10 KB,478x78,239:39,ClipboardImage.png)

thernovith hath thomething to thay guysth

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c29bfc No.21638952

File: ada2db95f979517⋯.mp4 (5.18 MB,320x180,16:9,American_Vice_President_Mi….mp4)


>Why can't I find a single Harris supporter or sign in the wild?

because racism anon

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a6105a No.21638953


Absolutely no proof of this

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6d89e2 No.21638954

File: 99f6df687802bfc⋯.png (552.42 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_102231.png)

File: fbd4b8f9ae578c8⋯.png (56.78 KB,766x584,383:292,857_4_.png)

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3f109b No.21638955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c29bfc No.21638956



nice weather this afternoon?

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7a73c4 No.21638957


Silk insinuated it was from the jab

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20140b No.21638958

File: 743369a82f69d23⋯.png (277.83 KB,330x394,165:197,02a.png)

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299fac No.21638959

File: 8c98534ac96cf49⋯.jpeg (12.97 KB,168x300,14:25,7D85A077_9BD7_4334_BE9B_9….jpeg)


who's under the diddy mask is the question

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f505c3 No.21638960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Ric Grenell and Lee Zeldin behind the dirty trick Future Coalition PAC?

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f60123 No.21638961

They call me apu Sioux at midnight



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646e04 No.21638962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One horse town

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20140b No.21638963

File: 4fd26f2e56797e2⋯.jpg (316.9 KB,1000x782,500:391,02b.jpg)

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a6105a No.21638964


Based Rupar is based

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6bd21a No.21638965

File: b308fece9387c6d⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingstorm5.png)

why is it upset again?

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20140b No.21638966

File: d6f370510f58839⋯.jpg (81.4 KB,565x700,113:140,02c.jpg)

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f60123 No.21638967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7f0637 No.21638968

File: 52d2e26f85d351a⋯.jpg (426.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,40k_raven_guard_primaris2.jpg)

Herding shills with a smoking frog meme. KEK. It's like those idiots can't help themselves.

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20140b No.21638969

File: f2adffba8d22660⋯.gif (800.87 KB,650x540,65:54,01g.gif)

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887ab2 No.21638970

File: a071f0b1ad72b27⋯.png (531.39 KB,400x560,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c7241e109501f0⋯.png (78.29 KB,705x366,235:122,ClipboardImage.png)


wouldn't know cuz it's not afternoon yet

but why don't you let me know mr mossad man

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f505c3 No.21638971


Who is doing this? Dem setup?

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c556c9 No.21638972

File: 413e7eeaa3a0cc5⋯.png (1.78 MB,1454x995,1454:995,413e7eeaa3a0cc5f6e2b61edc0….png)


Read your pager.

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20140b No.21638973

File: bdb9ce9d2ec6470⋯.jpg (77.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,SA8.jpg)

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d086fa No.21638974

File: 830c82b50f27232⋯.png (1.88 MB,960x1200,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 22, 2024

Chicagohenge: Equinox in an Aligned City

Chicago, in a way, is like a modern Stonehenge. The way is east to west, and the time is today. Today, and every equinox, the Sun will set exactly to the west, everywhere on Earth. Therefore, today in Chicago, the Sun will set directly down the long equatorially-aligned grid of streets and buildings, an event dubbed #chicagohenge. Featured here is a Chicago Henge picture taken during the equinox in mid-September of 2017 looking along part of Upper Wacker Drive. Many cities, though, have streets or other features that are well-aligned to Earth's spin axis. Therefore, quite possibly, your favorite street may also run east - west. Tonight at sunset, with a quick glance, you can actually find out.


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55fd92 No.21638975

File: 351cbe1ca59194c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x768,4:3,MAGA5.png)

File: 990ca6248cdb060⋯.png (274.48 KB,1180x759,1180:759,MAGATOGETHER1.png)

File: f3605cacbc1483d⋯.png (164.03 KB,842x1191,842:1191,MEMO1.png)

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f60123 No.21638976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc17ca No.21638977


There is a pretty good percentage of Nom Noms that if even shown the truth with empirical, irrefutable evidence, will make the conscious decision to ignore it, never mind understand it.

One of the hardest things in these libtards lives is to come to the realization that everything you've ever been told, learned and understood your entire life to be the "truth", is one, big lie.

Just one of the reasons I love Tammy Bruce so much. That took a lot for her to make that turnaround and I greatly respect her for that. She is one of the sharpest conservatives on FNC.

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c29bfc No.21638978

File: 0119c569956c0e2⋯.png (78.28 KB,235x180,47:36,ClipboardImage.png)


> christie rear end handed to him

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72fc09 No.21638979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sunday morning in a town full of satanists spooks ex Intel faggots and other assorted pedophile commie vermin.

Walking it off head down.

Beasts ripe for easy cleansing, emotionally savaged squid, soft underbelly drags in the mud if memories of last night's fucksalad shit circus.


Clear these foul like the wilted brush the(y) are

Satan is DEAD

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f505c3 No.21638980


Iran supporters to hurt Trumps standing with Jews?

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14433d No.21638981

File: 85eb84fd4c0985c⋯.png (781.42 KB,1028x1224,257:306,This_is_a_wonderful_day_fo….png)

This is a wonderful day for our amazing Polish-American community. My great friend, Polish President Andrzej Duda, is at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, to honor and remember the brave heroes who fought for Poland’s independence after World War II. It was the incredible example of Polish heroes throughout history that inspired the closing words of my speech to the courageous Polish People on July 6, 2017: “So, together, let us all fight like the Poles — for family, for freedom, for country, and for God.”


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35c099 No.21638982

File: 7383903d44fc0d7⋯.png (42.84 KB,678x188,339:94,ClipboardImage.png)


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00dd5e No.21638983

File: 265996a9fa97bc6⋯.jpg (235.42 KB,1200x794,600:397,medusmediablindfaith.jpg)



I got it somewhere but it's buried.

puter, last one, wasn't strong enough for the search.


You ll have to stick with Blind Faith for two moar weeks?

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f60123 No.21638984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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62ea18 No.21638985


just came back from a wander around the lower 48 and saw many many more Trump and Trump/Vance signs than Harris ones until I made it to my old house. It was only in my small town where I saw 4 or 5 of them and was saddened until I realized there were a few hundred of Trumps around that town

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14433d No.21638986

File: f69e049d7eca88a⋯.png (1.52 MB,1774x1434,887:717,Vote_for_Grandpa_.png)

"Vote for Grandpa!" - Patriot Luke Trump, 9-21-24

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dcf080 No.21638987

File: 6a7d5f119e989b0⋯.jpeg (92.3 KB,1024x586,512:293,C45EC40A_0DAC_4EAA_BAFD_6….jpeg)

banning red3y3 from tg was tantamount to treason

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7e5c2d No.21638988


#26501 >>21638637

>>21638687 It's insane that the world's #1 nuclear superpower just sort of stumbled its way into a power vacuum, has been filled by the former ruler's wife

>>21638688, >>21638708, >>21638892 Wimmins huh

>>21638721, >>21638747 The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine…

>>21638726, >>21638744 A bipartisan group of moar than 700 NS leaders and ex mil endorsed kneepads

>>21638784 Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

>>21638792 Rupert Lowe Full Speech | Reform UK 2024 National Conference

>>21638801 President Trump is now mainstream America—and it’s finally cool to support him.

>>21638815 ICYMI: >>21638815 TRUMP TRUTH America, I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah

>>21638832 Today in Q Post History we had 01 Delta

>>21638900 ICYMI: Recently Raided Tom Donlon and others support participation of the Ukraine Hoax on Trump

>>21638974 NASA Chicagohenge: Equinox in an Aligned City

>>21638981 @realDonaldTrump This is a wonderful day for our amazing Polish-American community. My great friend, Polish President Andrzej Duda, is at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, in Doylestown, Pennsylvania

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72fc09 No.21638989

Fecal fuck sandwich, commie prick traitor.

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fe3a27 No.21638990

File: 49d3b8a9b41919c⋯.png (2.03 MB,972x1260,27:35,antigl.png)

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6d89e2 No.21638991

File: 4006ed30ee7746c⋯.png (253.42 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_101419.png)

File: 532d056efda1a7d⋯.png (45.24 KB,766x540,383:270,845_1_.png)

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bc17ca No.21638992


Well, November 5th will be the ultimate Q proof. One way or the other. [They] pull this shit off again and the Military does nothing? Then I know for certain this entire thing was a psy op. I will be out to never again fight for this country unless it comes to my front fucking door.

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fe3a27 No.21638993

what do you think P Diddy is doing now?

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2505ab No.21638994

File: dc8156c09951e7e⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,1222x720,611:360,WHEN_PUFFY_TRIED_IT_WITH_M….mp4)

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72fc09 No.21638995


Diddy be thinkin bout Diddy surviving did storm shit


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c5aea4 No.21638996


who's the girl in the middle?

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6bd21a No.21638997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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55fd92 No.21638998

File: 06067110baae5b8⋯.png (358.31 KB,800x600,4:3,rigforred3.png)

If there is an 'October surprise' (voting has started in many locations, so October is now too late to sway most voters), it will likely be on J.D. Vance… and no one outside the TDS faithful will care.

Nothing either Trump or Vance has done in their past comes close to the crap SCAMala and Wuss have done ON THE RECORD!

What I would like to see as an 'October Surprise' are state police raids on printing shops producing hundreds of thousands of illegal mail-in ballots. Not holding my breath, though.

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bc17ca No.21638999


A whole lot of regret drenched in despair. A whole lot. He's fucked now. He'll take others down with him.

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35c099 No.21639000

File: 8565f5f450cca33⋯.png (326.55 KB,680x544,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d89e2 No.21639001

File: 61590b2c0ef78e0⋯.png (1.34 MB,1088x725,1088:725,61590b2c0ef78e00d1fa1d85c2….png)

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d086fa No.21639002

File: 457f80f023c07bd⋯.png (504.32 KB,650x400,13:8,ClipboardImage.png)

'Lowest Note Ever': NASA Reveals Sound Vibration Near A Black Hole 250 Million Light Years Away

Updated: September 21, 2024 12:52 pm IST

US space agency NASA has recorded an eerie audio clip that captures sound waves coming from near a supermassive black hole situated 250 million light years away.

The acoustic waves, coming from near the black hole located at the heart of the Perseus cluster of galaxies, were transposed up 57 and 58 octaves to make them audible for human ears.

The audio was released in 2022 and it was the first time when the sound waves were extracted and made audible.

Sound vibrations (waves) do exist in space, even though we might not be able to hear them naturally.

In a surprising discovery in 2003, astronomers detected acoustic waves rippling out through the huge amounts of gas surrounding the supermassive black hole at the Perseus galaxy cluster, which is now popular for its eerie humming sound.

It is difficult to hear them at their current pitch as it includes the lowest note ever detected in the universe by humans – much below the limits of human hearing.

NASA's recent sonification has majorly amplified these sound waves, in order to get a sense of how they would sound like while ringing through the intergalactic space.

The lowest note, which was identified in 2003, is a B-flat and is located over 57 octaves below middle C, the report said, adding that its frequency is 10 million years at that pitch.

It is to be noted that the lowest note that can be detected by human ears has a frequency of one-twentieth of a second.

After being extracted radically from the supermassive black hole, these sound waves were played in an anti-clockwise direction from the center.

This was done to make them audible in all directions from around the supermassive black hole at the enhanced pitches of 144 quadrillion and 288 quadrillion higher then their original frequency.

Like several other waves recorded from space, the result for this one was eerie too.

The tenuous gas and plasma, which drifts between the galaxies, in clusters known as the 'intracluster medium' is denser and much hotter than the intergalactic medium outside it.

As the temperatures help to regulate star formation, hence sound waves could play a pivotal role in galaxy clusters' evolution over longer periods.


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bc17ca No.21639003


>as an 'October Surprise' are state police raids on printing shops producing hundreds of thousands of illegal mail-in ballots.

Mass arrest on November 6th would satisfy me.

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a87372 No.21639004

File: 303efb24381df42⋯.png (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcf6288a8a0ebe2⋯.png (711.34 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04c923cc239b319⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Niggers shot some other niggers

Kilt fo with 17 injured I know area well. It used to be the place to be on weekends till they showed up.

BPD: 4 dead, 17 injured in Birmingham mass shooting

A total of 21 people were shot in Five Points South Saturday night

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) - Birmingham Police say four people are dead after a mass shooting in Five Points South Saturday night.

Just after 11 p.m., Birmingham Police received a call of a shooting in the 2000 block of Magnolia Avenue.

Officials arrived on scene and saw two men and one woman lying unresponsive on the sidewalk. Police say the victims died at the scene.

Officer Truman Fitzgerald says a fourth victim was pronounced dead at UAB Hospital.

Birmingham Fire and Rescue reports taking eight victims to the hospital. BPD says four of them have life-threatening injuries.

Dozens of victims arrived at various hospitals across the city.

Police say there are a total of 21 gunshot victims, including the four who were killed.

The other 17 victims have injuries ranging from critical to non-life-threatening.

Police believe multiple suspects arrived at the location in a vehicle. The suspects exited the vehicle and fired multiple shots into a group of people on Magnolia Avenue before getting back into the vehicle and fleeing the scene.

Detectives believe the shooting was not random and stemmed from an isolated incident where multiple victims were caught in the crossfire.

Police confirmed that the weapons used were fully automatic. More than 100 shell casing were found at the scene.

They are also working to determine who the target of the shooting was.

“These mass shootings have more to do with culture than they do criminally. Mayor Randall Woodfin said it best this week…we’re seeing far too many arguments being settled by bullets, and I think this speaks exactly to what our mayor just said,” said Officer Fitzgerald.

At this time, authorities say nobody is in custody.


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c94763 No.21639005


Where is this list of 700 traitors?

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646e04 No.21639006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ruby starr

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6bd21a No.21639007

File: 73f5eeb05b22014⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,300x300,1:1,smokingthinker2.jpg)


>Mass arrest

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72fc09 No.21639008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Charlie will cut his losses and bury the shit eating satanists, long term charlie always carries the day, super number one zero fuck givens

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f60123 No.21639009

File: 584cec707f57695⋯.jpg (80.37 KB,515x550,103:110,Thunderbird_shapeshifting.jpg)

Today Story

The Thunderbird of Native Americans

Described as a supernatural being, the enormous bird symbolized power and strength that protected humans from evil spirits. It was called the Thunderbird because the flapping of its powerful wings sounded like thunder, and lightning would shoot out of its eyes. The Thunderbirds brought rain and storms, which could be good or bad. Good – when the rain was needed or bad when the rain came with strong destructive winds, floods, and fires caused by lightning.

The bird was so large that several legends say it picked up a whale in its talons. They were said to have bright and colorful feathers, sharp teeth, and claws. They were said to live in the clouds high above the tallest mountains.

Various tribes have different oral traditions about the magical Thunderbird, which they both highly respected and feared.

In Gros Ventre traditions, it was the Thunderbird who gave the sacred pipe to the people.

Some Plains tribes, including the Arapaho, associated Thunderbirds with the summer season, while White Owl represented the winter season.

In Algonquian mythology, the Thunderbird controls the upper world. In contrast, the underworld is controlled by the underwater panther or Great Horned Serpent, from which the Thunderbird protects humans by throwing lightning at it. According to their legends, the Thunderbirds were ancestors of the human race and helped to create the universe.

The Menominee of Wisconsin tells of a great mountain that floats in the western sky, upon which the Thunderbirds live. From there, they control the rain. They are the enemies of the great horned snakes, called the Misikinubik, which they fight with to prevent them from overrunning the earth and devouring mankind. They are said to be messengers of the Great Sun himself and delight in deeds of greatness.

The Ojibway version is similar in that the Thunderbirds fight underwater spirits. Their traditions also say the Thunderbird is responsible for punishing humans who break moral rules. They said that the bird was created by Nanabozho, a high spirit, and cultural hero and that the birds lived in the four directions and migrated to Ojibwe lands during the spring with other birds. They stayed until the fall, when the most dangerous season for the underwater spirits had passed when they migrated south with other birds.

The Winnebago says that a man with a vision of a Thunderbird during a solitary fast will become a war chief. They also believe that the Thunderbird has the power to grant people extraordinary abilities.

The Thunderbird of the Sioux People was a noble creature that protected humans from the Unktehila, who were dangerous reptilian monsters.

Some believed they were shapeshifters who often changed their appearance to interact with people. To the Shawnee tribe, they appeared as boys and could be identified by their tendency to speak backward.

In some tribes, Thunderbirds were considered highly sacred forces of nature, while others were treated like powerful but otherwise ordinary members of the animal kingdom.

Many legends reference the anger of the Thunderbirds as something fearsome to behold, which could result in harsh punishments. In one story, an entire village was turned to stone for their wrongdoings.

Some say that the mythology began with the ancient mound builders.

Throughout history, the Thunderbird symbol has appeared on totem poles, pottery, petroglyphs, masks, jewelry, and carvings. The legends have been told through songs and oral histories.

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a87372 No.21639010


The "horse"..kek

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887ab2 No.21639011

>the entire judicial is corrupt

>congress and the house are corrupt

>43 days until election

>last shooter was a major fuck up for the deep state and media ties

>breaking news about a nigger everyone knows about getting arrested

>by the same corrupt judicial mind you

>all the same shit posted by the usuals gets reposted again for clicks

>heat dies down off dems media and deep state all of a sudden

good job niggers

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624fa9 No.21639012

File: 3bdbf9a937d1d42⋯.jpeg (391.26 KB,1283x1442,1283:1442,IMG_3518.jpeg)

22 Sep, 2024 14:24

Motorcade carrying Russian ambassador hit by explosion

An escort vehicle carrying Albert Khorev’s delegation has struck a landmine in Pakistan, resulting in injuries to police

A motorcade carrying Russian Ambassador Albert Khorev and other diplomats has been hit by an explosion in Pakistan, the country’s mission has said in a statement.

The envoy was traveling in a motorcade alongside a delegation involving ambassadors of several other nations. Earlier in the day, the delegation attended a tourism forum hosted by the Trade and Industry Chamber of Islamabad.

Several police officers were injured in the blast after an escort car hit a landmine, the Russian Embassy said.None of the diplomats were injured, it added.



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35c099 No.21639014

File: db7925a0f91364b⋯.png (52.11 KB,883x206,883:206,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21638982 me


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683653 No.21639015

File: 58268ded61051a2⋯.png (39.71 KB,603x366,201:122,ClipboardImage.png)

Matt Walsh nails it.

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da55f3 No.21639016


what if Kamala gets installed before the election? What if the military acts when she refuses to relinquish control.

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72fc09 No.21639017

Any industry connected to da Diddy ith gone

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72fc09 No.21639018

Pragmatic grey hats move their chips……….

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116b0d No.21639019


But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time

And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home

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72fc09 No.21639020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stupid fuckin bitch(s) lose their riches


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bc17ca No.21639022


I certainly will, The evidence is irrefutable. Naker?

This is NOTABLE.

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9f3ebd No.21639023

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,really.png)


>Why can't I find a single Harris supporter or sign in the wild?

Hookers don't put signs out.

They rely on word of mouth.

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7f0637 No.21639024

File: 365863e66c9fd1f⋯.jpeg (489.94 KB,2160x2700,4:5,365863e66c9fd1f24c655fff8….jpeg)

I think I'll make this my new favorite pepe.

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646e04 No.21639025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Far away eyes

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7e5c2d No.21639026


nic shoes

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33f389 No.21639027


wasting bread anon

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55fd92 No.21639028

File: fe48868edab40c1⋯.png (341.05 KB,800x600,4:3,VOTEBLUE33.png)

File: 23d37f6ebbed445⋯.png (466.86 KB,1024x768,4:3,walkaway7.png)

File: b337d2117cfa30f⋯.png (398.09 KB,800x603,800:603,warmFeeling1.png)

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7f0637 No.21639029


Yeah, they really bring the meme together.

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116b0d No.21639030



The letter endorsing Harris consists of 741 former high-ranking national security officials, including 233 general and flag officers. Among those 741 officials are 15 four-star generals, 10 former cabinet secretaries and 10 service secretaries as well as leaders who served in Republican administrations.


ay caramba

oy vey


and whatever other sigh

one wishes to add to

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1e5189 No.21639031


>unless it comes to my front fucking door

oh, it's coming to your front door


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d086fa No.21639032

File: adb27937ad56844⋯.png (217.44 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch NASA astronaut, 2 record-breaking cosmonauts head home to Earth on Sept. 23

September 22, 2024

A NASA astronaut and two record-setting Russian cosmonauts are set to head back to Earth on Monday (Sept. 23), and you can watch their homecoming live.

Russia's Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft, with Tracy C. Dyson, Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub aboard, is scheduled to undock from the International Space Station (ISS) on Monday at 4:37 a.m. EDT (0837 GMT) and land on the steppe of Kazakhstan about 3.5 hours later.

You can watch all the action live here at Space.com, courtesy of NASA, or directly via the space agency.

NASA's coverage will begin today (Sept. 22) at 10:15 a.m. EDT (1415 GMT), to show the change-of-command ceremony marking the end of the orbiting lab's Expedition 71 and the beginning of Expedition 72.

Kononenko, who commands Expedition 71, will hand the keys of the ISS over to NASA astronaut Suni Williams.

She and fellow NASA spaceflyer Butch Wilmore arrived on Boeing's Starliner capsule in June for a supposed week-long stay but will continue living on the ISS until February 2025, after Starliner developed problems and returned to Earth uncrewed.

NASa's coverage will resume Monday at 12:45 a.m. EDT (0445 GMT) to show the closing of the hatches between MS-25 and the ISS, which is expected to occur at 1:05 a.m. EDT (0505 GMT).

The show will pick up again at 4 a.m. EDT (0800 GMT) for undocking, then again at 6:45 a.m. EDT (1045 GMT) for the Soyuz's deorbit burn, entry and landing.

If all goes according to plan, touchdown will occur at 8 a.m. EDT (1200 GMT), southeast of the Kazakh town of Dzhezkazgan, according to NASA officials.

Dyson arrived at the station aboard Soyuz MS-25 in March, along with Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy and spaceflight participant Marina Vasilevskaya of Belarus.

Dyson's current mission aboard the orbiting lab will end up lasting 184 days, according to NASA officials.

Novitskiy and Vasilevskaya stayed in orbit for just 12 days, coming home in April aboard the Soyuz MS-24 spacecraft with NASA astronaut Loral O'Hara.

Soyuz MS-24 launched in September 2023, carrying O'Hara, Kononenko and Chub to the ISS.

Kononenko and Chub will end up spending 374 days on the station — a new record for a single mission, according to officials with Roscosmos, Russia's space agency.

The old record, nearly 371 days, was held by cosmonauts Sergei Prokopyev and Dmitry Petelin and NASA's Frank Rubio, who lived on the ISS from September 2022 to September 2023.

Kononenko already holds the all-time record for most total time spent in space. When his current mission ends, he will have accrued 1,111 days in orbit, according to NASA.




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6d89e2 No.21639033

File: 0a0575c882ec22e⋯.png (708.47 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_045536.png)

File: e159c2edbb0d70a⋯.png (890.68 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_050535.png)

File: df7f86a262a2871⋯.png (80.32 KB,766x1026,383:513,503_6_.png)

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f60123 No.21639034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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624fa9 No.21639035

File: 4b3090e9ea5d79e⋯.jpeg (130.5 KB,1153x661,1153:661,IMG_3519.jpeg)

22 Sep, 2024 08:17

Ukraine conflict damaging EU tourism

The loss of Russian visitors has hit Finland and Cyprus especially hard, a European Travel Commission study suggests

The conflict between Moscow and Kiev has severely affected EU tourism in a market that was recovering from the Covid-19 slump, a major report shows.

The loss of Russian and Ukrainian tourists, a drop in consumer confidence, and increased travel costs, all stemming from the conflict, have severely hit some of the bloc’s tourist destinations, according to a major European Travel Commission (ETC) study published in September.

Prior to the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict in February 2022, Russian and Ukrainian outbound tourism accounted for 3% ($14 billion) of global spending in the industry, the study says. In Europe, Russian tourists made up 10-20% of incoming business in neighboring countries such as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, and Moldova, as well as coastal destinations like Türkiye, Montenegro, and Cyprus.

Cyprus, the report notes, has suffered especially, losing nine-tenths of its Russian tourists – its second biggest market – and entirely losing the Ukrainian market. Finland lost its biggest tourist market in Russian tourists, causing “extreme difficulties for businesses, especially in the eastern part of the country,” the report says. Bulgaria similarly lost two of its priority markets, Russian and Ukrainian tourists.

The wider impact of the conflict was felt in slower economic growth, higher inflation, interest rates, higher oil prices, and the resulting hike in transportation costs, the report suggests. This was accompanied by lower demand for Europe as a travel destination due to the area being perceived as unsafe, especially for US and Canadian tourists, it adds.

Prior to the Ukraine conflict and the Covid-19 pandemicand subsequent travel limitations,Europe was the most popular tourism destination for Russians, official statistics show. Finland and Estonia were the most popular EU destinations for Russians in 2019, followed by Germany, Italy, and Poland, according to outbound border crossing statistics from the Federal Security Service (FSB), as quoted by the media.

Russians have traveled to Europe 13 times less in the first half of 2024than in a similar period in 2019, recent FSB statistics suggest.

These statistics do not only include tourist trips, and do not include Russians arriving via other countries.

After the Ukraine conflict began, the European Council fully suspended the Visa Facilitation Agreement it had with Russia. This complicated the visa application process for Russians and made it more expensive. Some European states have stopped giving tourist visas to Russians entirely.

(I bet European countries are looking forward to Trump back in office now.)


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ad84af No.21639036

File: 513163df1b7a5ff⋯.png (487 KB,737x561,67:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38f4ceb4bf209ae⋯.png (364.15 KB,729x473,729:473,ClipboardImage.png)


Usher & Kamala

Usher & Pressley


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116b0d No.21639037


oxfords not brogues?

fashionable pepe

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887ab2 No.21639039

File: cfa55b1189a549a⋯.png (42.22 KB,396x473,36:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b1d5b49e011210⋯.png (1.27 MB,1196x629,1196:629,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5aea4 No.21639040



saw a biden harris sticker on a car thursday

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72fc09 No.21639041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Bird is indeed the word

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62bc91 No.21639042

File: d48db5ea53d561b⋯.png (228.8 KB,552x395,552:395,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b7731bb4c8bd59⋯.png (12.46 KB,255x255,1:1,bc7460e9da59deefa4d8cb17a9….png)

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55fd92 No.21639043

File: e5c9967d5a52d24⋯.png (615.05 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA10.png)

File: 99ad65358bf1f35⋯.png (342.44 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA19.png)

File: c52c04fe3639a13⋯.png (321.35 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA22.png)


Then it's NO FUCKING WONDER why Harris campaign spending is reported to be triple or more above Trump's campaign spending.

Trump doesn't have to hire his crowds.

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bc17ca No.21639044


The 25th is still there. [They'll] use it if they have to. Add a few FF's, Kammy declares Martial Law and suspends the election. If Military steps in and takes them all down? My trust and support will be verified and renewed. Only thing holding that together right now for me is my POTUS. That Man is for fucking real. He's proved it.

Anything is possible with these people. Anything. They are that desperate.

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683653 No.21639045

File: 8406aa999cc27d8⋯.png (9.28 MB,4200x3108,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bd21a No.21639047

File: 4584f09ecf0ffa7⋯.jpg (102.34 KB,600x576,25:24,smokingpepe15.jpg)


he needs a cigar

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c133e6 No.21639048


>Watch NASA astronaut, 2 record-breaking cosmonauts head home to Earth on Sept. 23

More make believe CGI shit

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3bf594 No.21639049


lately I've heard a lot of people who talk poorly about Donald Trump, and go down through the old list of all that was always said about him: blah blah blah, when I suggest that they need to vote for him anyway . . .

they agree. (it's happened a couple of times)

there is a sign at the head of my street for Harris.

the guy who had the sign took down his Biden sign about a month before Biden ended his candidacy.

Will be have a Red wave? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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1e5189 No.21639050


dear uncle vlad,

pls nuke israel off the face of the earth forever

thx on behalf of the human race


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7f0637 No.21639052

File: e9c18b44f4bf64d⋯.gif (1.57 MB,320x180,16:9,abstract_parallels.gif)

File: 6c7a6b1dfe9d4cc⋯.jpg (63.73 KB,640x512,5:4,tank_pepe2.jpg)


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c133e6 No.21639053


>'Lowest Note Ever': NASA Reveals Sound Vibration Near A Black Hole 250 Million Light Years Away

More made up fake pictures made on a computer…. it's all lies

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1c81cc No.21639054

File: 18641d78833c1f3⋯.png (147.22 KB,598x793,46:61,pink.PNG)




Melissa Hallman



has deleted all of her tweets following @Usher


3:53 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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72fc09 No.21639055


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646e04 No.21639056

File: 86994311b992a16⋯.png (394.68 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240922_110125.png)

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c709c9 No.21639057

File: 0c251fe8275e3c6⋯.jpeg (117.07 KB,1157x640,1157:640,IMG_3521.jpeg)

22 Sep, 2024 00:53

Zelensky accuses US media of lying

The Ukrainian leader has objected to a WSJ estimate that 80,000 of Kiev’s troops have been killed in the conflict with Russia

Vladimir Zelensky has dismissed a Wall Street Journal report on Ukrainian casualties in the conflict with Russia as fake news.

On Tuesday, the newspaperclaimed that around 80,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed and around 400,000 more were wounded. The journal cited “a confidential Ukrainian estimate”from unnamed sources familiar with the matter.

Reporters asked Zelensky on Friday to comment on the WSJ’s estimate. “80,000? That is a lie. The actual figure is much lower than what has been published. Significantly so,” he claimed.

While Kiev does not provide regular updates on casualties, commanders and regular soldiers have repeatedly admitted to heavy losses on the battlefield, particularly during the failed 2023 counteroffensive and the recent fighting in Donbass.

In February, Zelensky said that 31,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed in two years of fighting, without mentioning the number of wounded. The Washington Post cited an unnamedUkrainian lawmaker in April as saying that Zelensky had “vastly downplayed” the death tollin order to preserve morale amid Ukraine’s flagging mobilization drive. Ukraine has since expanded its conscription laws to draft more men.

The WSJ estimate of 480,000 killed and wounded corresponds with an earlier estimate provided by Russia, which reported in April that Ukraine had lost around half a million troops. Kiev has since lost more than 15,650 soldiers during its invasion of Russia’s Kursk Region, which began in August, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Moscow does not reveal its own casualties. President Vladimir Putin, however, said in June that the battlefield losses were “one to about five” in Russia’s favor. He previously stated that the West is ready to “fight to the last Ukrainian,” using Kiev as a tool in its proxy war against Russia. (So Russia has lost about 100,000).

(You know the Ukraine Zelensky media supporters are starting to tell the truth, what next? Zelensky lies about everything, so this is a start to exposure)


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1e5189 No.21639058

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116b0d No.21639059


one could only hope that the

"Here to Stay"

No, you're not

applies to these "cats"

Flash Dir_






Key secured.

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41321b No.21639060

File: fe63b1a853f90c3⋯.jpg (36.59 KB,370x379,370:379,PutinPopcorn.JPG)

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72fc09 No.21639061


Without question

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cb3276 No.21639062


Wasn't yesterdays delta "the music is about to stop"?


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2505ab No.21639063

File: d981fd6df66d420⋯.jpeg (956.44 KB,1179x1968,393:656,IMG_4422.jpeg)



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116b0d No.21639064




Over 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris in her run for the White House, with some leaders expressing concerns about former President Trump’s “scary authoritarian streak.”

“Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue,” retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Michael Smith told The Hill. “We saw as much during the debate.”

But no letter is produced…just fishwrap blah blah blah


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bc17ca No.21639065


Well, it will have to get past the Governor and then the Sheriff of my county and I seriously doubt that this particular sheriff would stand down. And all he would have to do is put the call out and he would have 50K deputies he could mass deputize. Then it's on. That's the kind of county I live in. Either way, I stand.

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f60123 No.21639066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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72fc09 No.21639067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Very busy thruways indeed.

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1e5189 No.21639068




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35c099 No.21639069

File: e9fffb855c6f158⋯.png (1.28 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>waiting for the answer

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bc17ca No.21639070


Well, that's too bad.

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14433d No.21639071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PATRICK HENRY said “Give me Liberty or give me death.” But he also said, “I leave you my most precious possession. My faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior. With Him is happiness, without Him there cannot be happiness."

"'Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.'

'You are not alone.

We stand together.'" Q post #3931

Patrick Henry had the courage to say “Give me Liberty or give me death” because his courage came from his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory hallelujah!

The Conviction Of Our Courage


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bc17ca No.21639072


You also fren.


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bc17ca No.21639073


Man, what a great fucking album!!!!

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a5ab76 No.21639074

File: 011c04df3869b1e⋯.webp (7.96 KB,680x336,85:42,BDEF2DF6_B7C8_4A95_B1B3_D….webp)

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887ab2 No.21639075

File: b702e140cf624f3⋯.png (169.75 KB,882x638,441:319,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77fc50c550442e5⋯.png (834.9 KB,1264x774,632:387,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 437426c867e340f⋯.png (522.73 KB,608x793,608:793,ClipboardImage.png)


>Rear Admiral Michael Smith

shill network



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72fc09 No.21639076


Top shelf

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f60123 No.21639077


Call me

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7e5c2d No.21639078


listening to Beck and McLaughlin now

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26c592 No.21639079

File: 4c2a7eeeb07f6fd⋯.jpeg (26.77 KB,255x255,1:1,4c2a7eeeb07f6fd42387034e8….jpeg)

File: 455db38084969db⋯.png (887.94 KB,798x960,133:160,455db38084969dbcdfb060693c….png)

File: 547ff33bc88732a⋯.jpg (415.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,547ff33bc88732aefbf15d27a4….jpg)

File: 5829a7262870bc5⋯.png (877.51 KB,1917x2035,1917:2035,5829a7262870bc5c79eda957b2….png)

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116b0d No.21639080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Front Door

they've already flanked both sides and the rear

the front door is a trap

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887ab2 No.21639081

File: e7e8509f6223b27⋯.png (73.54 KB,1270x784,635:392,ClipboardImage.png)



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0f0fca No.21639082

File: ac0d55755698e0e⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x2242,600:1121,Task_Force_statement_on_Se….png)

Task Force statement on Secret Service Mission Assurance Report

September 20, 2024

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump Chairman Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) and Ranking Member Jason Crow (D-Colo.) issued this statement after the U.S. Secret Service released its Mission Assurance report into the agency's handling of former President Donald Trump's July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania:


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f60123 No.21639083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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55fd92 No.21639084

File: 4c3af5b7dcd2936⋯.png (724.87 KB,1000x1500,2:3,REDOCTOBER6.png)

The first signal of an overwhelming Trump victory will be the sudden delay of precinct reporting from Eastern time zone locations. They will suddenly shut the counting down to try to see if they can rig the vote, then open the floodgates back up when they see the planned steal is hopeless.

It feels like 1980 and 1984 across the country again. No one believed Ronald Reagan, a B-movie actor, but former CA gov, could beat the Democrat machine. America had other ideas.

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15e0e2 No.21639085


If you believe this I've got some moon seeds for ya' Buck 50 a bag.

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72fc09 No.21639086


Old man played me Beck from the get go

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887ab2 No.21639087

File: d8c7319c10de0a4⋯.png (434.81 KB,1903x928,1903:928,ClipboardImage.png)




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6bd21a No.21639088

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63395b No.21639089

File: e9f5de17d7d43e6⋯.png (266.9 KB,505x518,505:518,ClipboardImage.png)

We are at DEFCON 1


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0f0fca No.21639090

File: 378a76d4da7246e⋯.png (73.44 KB,473x623,473:623,qaggdropimage1470.png)

File: df1955f4320ef3a⋯.jpg (83.75 KB,732x928,183:232,HRes_1470.jpg)


Craig Caplan


House today passed legislation by unanimous consent expanding the jurisdiction of the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump to include the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on September 15, 2024, in West Palm Beach, Florida.

12:01 PM · Sep 20, 2024


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7e5c2d No.21639091


you haz classy dad yo

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bc17ca No.21639092


Only learned a few years ago that Beck finger picks. That blew me away. Saw his gig on PBS at Ronnie Scott's in London. His daughter was playing bass. Unfuckingbelivable!!!

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72fc09 No.21639093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2d793f No.21639094


The PEDOs running scared

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1c81cc No.21639095

File: 1a2f1b152adb3b9⋯.png (273.72 KB,597x507,199:169,at.PNG)


𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫


PINK JUST DELETED OVER 4,000 POSTS FROM X. First Usher, and now Pink?



3:44 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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0f0fca No.21639096

File: 0d2c41a60e65eec⋯.mp4 (12.13 MB,480x572,120:143,DEFCON_1_GOP.mp4)

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f60123 No.21639097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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72fc09 No.21639098


OG star he was bro

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a05b26 No.21639099



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0f0fca No.21639100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Guitarist Jeff Beck loves American hot rods


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a05b26 No.21639101

Qagg.news is behind on posts hasn’t updated since 9/20

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6bd21a No.21639102


Elon has it all though, he should republish all her and Ursher's tweets to show them it's too late.

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d086fa No.21639103

File: c0d899cfe6eba0d⋯.png (168.16 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4982a62216e1949⋯.png (245.3 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8c641f0e81679b⋯.png (931.47 KB,970x767,970:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e15c94e4b9aad9⋯.png (2.31 MB,2000x1496,250:187,ClipboardImage.png)

How Canada is preserving what remains of its iconic supersonic Avro Arrow jet

September 22, 2024

Six decades after the supersonic Avro Arrow suddenly stopped flying, Canada is working hard to preserve what few pieces of it are left.

The Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow (known as the Arrow among its fans) was one of the most advanced supersonic jets of its era in the 1950s.

It even has a link with NASA across the border, according to the Canadian Encyclopedia. But the Arrow program's funding was nixed in 1959 in a still-controversial decision by the Canadian government of the day, led by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker.

There was a silver lining for NASA, as a few of Avro's employees eventually were hired by the agency and participated in the early U.S. space program, according to Ingenium.

Some even worked on the Apollo moon landings.

The Arrow's legacy was recently celebrated at a Canadian museum trying to keep safe the few parts that remain from the program, as the airplanes, plans and most other artifacts were destroyed in the aftermath of the cancellation decision.

Luckily, there's an Arrow nose section on display in Ottawa that represents the largest surviving piece of any of the airplanes; it's in the Cold War section of the Canada Aviation and Space Museum (CASM). Ingenium, which is the organization made up of CASM and two other Ottawa museums, recently took a look at the nose piece to see how it was doing.

After museum officials noticed flaking paint, they called in representatives from the government's Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI), as the institute works with government heritage collections.

At CASM, the institute told the public on Sept. 5 how they feel the artifact is holding up after decades in storage or on display.

To be clear, there are other pieces of the Arrow still preserved, but only a few; most of the airplane pieces were cut up for scrap while "blueprints, models, designs and machines used to make the planes were destroyed," the Canadian Encyclopedia wrote.

This situation makes the nose cone all the more precious, as there are scarce remnants of the Arrow's existence still with us six decades on.

CCI representatives did non-invasive examinations with techniques such as X-rays, and took a few tiny samples, to check on the nose cone's health.

The analysis uncovered new clues about how the airplane was made. For example, at least one part of the plane's exterior was made of an aluminum alloy, likely including elements such as copper, iron and manganese.

The hatch door of the nose piece had some bare metal and yellow-brown "material" that also underwent scrutiny.

The analysis showed the Arrow was treated with zinc chromium before flying, to prevent corrosion when flying through the air.

"These materials are known to actually 'brown' as they discolor or degrade," Kathleen Sullivan, CCI conservator of archaeological materials, told the audience during the Sept. 5 event.

Degrading, cream-colored paint on the aircraft as well as a greasy-looking substance on the radar dome also were scrutinized.

The radar dome is made from chloroprene rubber, similar to what wetsuits require; that rubber is "becoming almost spongy" with age, CCI conservation scientist Jennifer Poulin said.

The grease is also due to age; it's from non-toxic silicone "migrating out from inside the rubber to the surface."

The new analysis will allow conservators to better implement strategies in the coming years to keep the Arrow pieces, which also include ejection seats and flight models, preserved in the coming decades.

The Arrow is a popular exhibit at the museum, as its loss remains a sore point in the Canadian aviation community.

Debate continues about whether the government made the right choice given the high cost and quickly changing technology of the era.

"Some think that the Arrow’s high costs contributed to its downfall," the Canadian Encyclopedia stated; the program was estimated at $1.1 billion CDN in 1959, which translates to roughly $11.65 billion CDN today, or $8.57 billion USD at current exchange rates.

(For perspective, Canada's 2024 federal budget anticipated $449.2 billion CDN in spending.)

"The Arrow program was very expensive for a country of Canada's size," the encyclopedia added. "But its technology was another concern.

The [Canadian] Army's chief of the general staff, Lieutenant-General Guy Simonds, was among those who thought that it was already outdated."

Other countries, including the United States, were catching up and surpassing the Arrow's supersonic technology, the encyclopedia noted.

Also, satellites were starting to enter orbit as of 1957, throwing into doubt the Arrow's primary role in defense, as it was designed to deal with intercontinental ballistic missiles originating from Earth.



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23dba0 No.21639104


It wasn't his daughter…

Tal Wilkenfeld (born 2 December 1986) is an Australian bassist, singer and songwriter. She has performed with artists including Chick Corea, Jeff Beck, Prince, Incubus, Eric Clapton, Herbie Hancock, and Mick Jagger. In 2008, Wilkenfeld was voted "The Year's Most Exciting New Player" in a Bass Player magazine readers' choice poll. In 2013, Wilkenfeld was awarded the Bass Player magazine's "Young Gun Award" by Don Was; she then performed "Chelsea Hotel" by Leonard Cohen.


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c709c9 No.21639105

File: fb8212ed388995a⋯.jpeg (126.11 KB,1126x628,563:314,IMG_3523.jpeg)

21 Sep, 2024 18:57

‘It’s over for Russia’ – ex-UK PM

Boris Johnson has argued that Russia must be forced to accept defeat, even if doing so costs a trillion dollars (Boris is insane)

Russia must understand that “it’s over,” and that Ukraine will not concede any territory for peace, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has argued. For this goal to be achieved, however, Kiev will need long-range weapons, NATO membership, and half a trillion dollars, Johnson added.

In an op-ed published in The Spectator on Saturday, Johnsonargued that Ukrainian forces still have the “ability to win,” if only the West would cave to every single one of Kiev’s demands. These include, he wrote, permission to strike deep inside Russian territory with Storm Shadow and ATACMS missiles, and immediate invitation to NATO with Article 5 security guarantees, and “half a trillion dollars… or even a trillion.”

Disregarding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent warning that enabling long-range strikes would place NATO in a state of war with Russia as “bluster and saber-rattling,” Johnson argued that these steps are necessary to “send the crucial message to the Kremlin.”

“The message is: that’s it. It’s over. You don’t have an empire any more. You don’t have a ‘near abroad’ or a ‘sphere of influence’.You don’t have the right to tell the Ukrainians what to do, any more than we British have the right to tell our former colonies what to do,” he asserted.

“It is time for Putin to understand that Russia can have a happy and glorious future, but that like Rome and like Britain, the Russians have decisively joined the ranks of the post-imperial powers, and a good thing, too,” he continued.

The West, Johnson argued, “must abandon any idea that the Ukrainians will do a deal” or “trade land for peace.”

“We in the West would be mad to try to impose that outcome,” he added.

Ironically, Russia and Ukraine reportedly agreed to a peace deal during talks in Istanbul in 2022.The agreement would have involved Ukraine declaring military neutrality, limiting its armed forces, and vowing not to discriminate against ethnic Russians. In return, Moscow would have joined other leading powers in offering Ukraine security guarantees.

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky withdrew from the talks at the last moment. According to Ukrainian negotiator David Arakhamia, former US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, and several Ukrainian media reports, Johnson was instrumental in convincing Zelensky to abandon negotiations.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and the deputy leader of Türkiye’s ruling party, Numan Kurtulmus, have also claimed that several Western states conspired to scupper the deal.

Five months after the Istanbul talks, Russia assumed control of four former regions of Ukraine. According to the most recent figures from the Russian Defense Ministry, the Ukrainian military has lost nearly half a million men since February 2022, and the Pentagon concluded last year that Ukraine stands little chance of regaining its former territories.

(I hope to God Trump never works or talks to Boris again, he's the worst neocon, and has singlehandedly destroyed Ukraine but stopping the peace deal)


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6f46e9 No.21639106

File: 2285a2318535067⋯.png (400.95 KB,544x1177,544:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad84af No.21639107

File: 06f9c738c550568⋯.png (482.96 KB,722x648,361:324,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3135b7020923cd6⋯.png (595.18 KB,733x669,733:669,ClipboardImage.png)



Usher & WEF


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646e04 No.21639108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beck …Page..Clapton

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72fc09 No.21639109

File: f070cdb2c2913a3⋯.jpg (155.58 KB,548x362,274:181,1000001386.jpg)

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55fd92 No.21639110

File: 9237d1a98dd2b0c⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIRDFLU1.png)

What ever happened to BirdFlu and MonkeyPox???

Those were supposed to create another health crisis to enable a second mail-in vote fraud.

Are the Q working behind the scenes and heading off this planned scam?

What else are the Q doing while they are not posting here?

Rig for silent.

Rig for RED (Remove Every Democrat).

'Nothing can stop what is coming' is not just a catch phrase.

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1c81cc No.21639111

File: bb09e701a31030a⋯.png (258.13 KB,438x445,438:445,mm.PNG)


Gov. Greg Abbott: "Another reason the crossings at the border are down because Biden is flying them across the border and moving them to cities across the entire United States."


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1e5189 No.21639112

File: 85956d8330587b4⋯.jpg (66.61 KB,940x736,235:184,justice_louis_brandeis.jpg)

File: d1b353c6b895c49⋯.jpg (89.67 KB,720x720,1:1,a373791165e41040ab163e00a9….jpg)

File: 8a6593faf453327⋯.jpg (70.31 KB,465x600,31:40,9150216321_88c5e1533e_z.jpg)

File: 80e419b3f900de2⋯.png (27.49 KB,600x400,3:2,8674A_the_right_to_be_let_….png)

File: 5142a4a8669bc01⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,3840x2160,16:9,858991_Louis_D_Brandeis_Qu….jpg)


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829e6f No.21639113


Many thanks kind Anon

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a87372 No.21639114

Lawyer explains what’s really happening behind the scenes of Diddy’s arrest, which could potentially lead to life in prison 😳


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bc5c29 No.21639115

File: d78539d6cc5d531⋯.png (134.55 KB,1122x766,561:383,Flynn.png)


His Jan 2021 tweet got "released"(?) since that time.


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887ab2 No.21639116


spoken like an anon

a little more polished but nonetheless

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116b0d No.21639117


While they served and all

does involvement in political activitiy

while receiving govt gibs, retired pay, obligate former service members on the dole as being

on duty and as such, subject to UCMJ?

And if so, there be a lot of Articles that should be carried out


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bc17ca No.21639118


It wasn't? I thought I remembered him introducing her as his daughter. She was damn good either way. Thanks for the info anon!!!

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14433d No.21639119

File: 5643a31f3516ea0⋯.png (1 MB,976x704,61:44,_My_most_cherished_possess….png)

“My most cherished possession I wish I could leave you is my faith in Jesus Christ, for with Him and nothing else you can be happy, but without Him and with all else you'll never be happy.” - Patrick Henry


>Patrick Henry had the courage to say “Give me Liberty or give me death” because his courage came from his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory hallelujah!

>The Conviction Of Our Courage


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c133e6 No.21639120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Boris Johnson has argued that Russia must be forced to accept defeat, even if doing so costs a trillion dollars (Boris is insane)


MIDEAST, brink of war. BORIS, give Ukraine $1T + NATO entry. Trump, NO 2nd debate. Biden QUAD fails

Alex Christoforou

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bc17ca No.21639121


Like Sprinfield, OH.

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ad84af No.21639122

File: 1aa43182163cfdf⋯.png (66.28 KB,715x257,715:257,ClipboardImage.png)





No wonder Usher is scrubbing his timeline


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9f3ebd No.21639123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And a one, and a two…

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6fb6c6 No.21639124

File: 2c967d60a8cb5e7⋯.png (15.47 KB,670x125,134:25,ClipboardImage.png)

Timing is everything

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35c099 No.21639125

File: a8136fd87adf8c1⋯.png (14.77 KB,255x233,255:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f0fca No.21639127

Task Force to Hold Hearing on Butler, Pa. Trump Assassination Attempt

September 19, 2024

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump will hold its first hearing entitled "The Ongoing Investigation of the Butler, Pennsylvania Security Failure: The Secret Service's Reliance on State and Local Law Enforcement."


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7e5c2d No.21639128


nice tie too


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2b9cab No.21639129

File: 70bb0ef334fa4b8⋯.jpeg (154.48 KB,1132x610,566:305,IMG_3524.jpeg)


9 Sep, 2024 10:11

Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal

Ukraine-Russia talks fell apart after Kiev asked foreign backers for advice, the former US deputy secretary of state has said

The US, UK and other backers of Ukraine told Kiev to reject the deal reached at the 2022 Istanbul peace talks with Russia, former US under secretary of state Victoria Nuland has said.

In an interview with Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar, former editor-in-chief of the liberal news channel Dozhd, which aired on Thursday, Nuland was asked to comment on reports that the peace process between Moscow and Kiev in late March and early April 2022 collapsed after then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Ukraine and told Vladimir Zelensky to keep fighting.

“Relatively late in the game the Ukrainians began asking for advice on where this thing was going and it became clear to us, clear to the Brits, clear to others that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's main condition was buried in an annex to this document that they were working on,” she said of the deal being discussed by the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in Türkiye’s largest city.

The proposed agreement included limits on the kinds of weapons that Kiev could possess, as a result of which Ukraine “would basically be neutered as a military force,” while there were no similar constraints on Russia, the former diplomat explained.

“People inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal and it was at that point that it fell apart,” Nuland said.

The veteran diplomatic hawk, who during her time in the State Department was renowned for her hostility towards Russia, quit the post of under secretary of state for political affairs in March this year. Nuland played a key role in the violent Western-backed coup in Kiev in 2014, which toppled Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovich.

During the escalation between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022, she called for deeper US involvement in the conflict and advocated for Ukraine to be armed with increasingly sophisticated weapons. However, in February, the 63-year-old essentially acknowledged the failure of her longstanding policy of containing Moscow, telling the CNN that modern Russia had turned out to be “not the Russia we wanted.”

During her conversation with Zygar, Nuland confirmed that both Moscow and Kiev were eager to seek a diplomatic solution a month after the outbreak of the fighting.

“Russia had an interest at that time in at least seeing what it could get. Ukraine, obviously, had an interest if they could stop the war and get and get Russia out,” she said.

US officials “were not in the room” during the talks in Istanbul, only offering Kiev “support” in case it were needed, she claimed.

Putin said last week that the only reason the Istanbul deal failed was because of “the wish of the elites in the US and some European nations to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,” adding that Boris Johnson served as the messenger to quash the peace process.

The negotiations in Türkiye yielded a draft agreement, which would have ended the hostilities, Putin recalled. Kiev was willing to declare military neutrality, limit its armed forces, and vow not to discriminate against ethnic Russians. In return, Moscow would have joined other leading powers in offering Ukraine security guarantees, he stressed.

According to the Russian leader, talks with Kiev are still possible, but can only happen “not on the basis of some ephemeral demandsbut on the basis of the documents that were agreed and actually initialized in Istanbul.”


(I wonder if Zelensky thinks it was worth it, killing 1/2 million Ukrainians, losing 1/2 the population to other countries and they don't want to come back, destruction of cultural sites and a major part outside of kiev. No tourists. Was it worth it? Only if he only wanted the billions they've stolen.)

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f71a67 No.21639130

File: a316a7be9f2ff81⋯.jpg (114.45 KB,640x549,640:549,Cohen_wiki.jpg)

P Diddy's handler was a Israeli named Lyor Cohen (pronouned Liar)

The numberology of his birthdate is 1141 (1*1+57*20 = 1141

Strong's Concordance Greek 1141

daimoniódés: demon-like

"Lyor" = 550 (Latin)

"Human Trafficking" = 550 (Latin)

"rapper" = 286 (Latin)

"Demon Inside" = 286 (Latin)

Scary shit!

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9454bc No.21639131

File: 2285a2318535067⋯.png (400.95 KB,544x1177,544:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

Heres a little tidbit for you.

Blackrock has filed for Bankruptcy

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887ab2 No.21639132


probably only applies to active duty

once they're back to private citizens they can campaign

still means they're a shill regardless and they're shilling for the establishment elite

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116b0d No.21639134


Rats running.


Enjoy the show.

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7e5c2d No.21639135


gonna need sause on that one

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646e04 No.21639136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The day the music died

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fe368c No.21639137

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d086fa No.21639138

File: db32449843fcadd⋯.png (291.87 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76840170582816c⋯.png (619.73 KB,970x522,485:261,ClipboardImage.png)

Autumnal equinox 2024 brings fall to the Northern Hemisphere today

September 22, 2024

When is the first day of fall in 2024?

A carefully worded answer is that on Sunday, Sept. 22, at 8:44 a.m. Eastern daylight time (5:44 a.m. Pacific daylight time) autumn begins astronomically in the Northern Hemisphere, and spring in the Southern.

At that moment, the sun would be shining directly overhead as seen from a point in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, 461 miles (743 km) south-southwest of Monrovia, Liberia.

This date (like last March 20) is called an equinox, from the Latin for "equal night," alluding to the fact that day and night are then of equal length worldwide. But this is not necessarily so.

The definition of the equinox as being a time of equal day and night is a convenient oversimplification. For one thing, it treats night as simply the time the sun is beneath the horizon, and completely ignores twilight.

If the sun were nothing more than a point of light in the sky and if the Earth lacked an atmosphere, then at the time of an equinox the sun would indeed spend one half of its path above the horizon and one half below.

But in reality, atmospheric refraction raises the sun's disk by more than its own apparent diameter while it is rising or setting.

Thus, when we see the sun as a reddish-orange ball just sitting on the horizon, we're looking at an optical illusion. It is actually completely below the horizon.

In addition to refraction hastening sunrise and delaying sunset, there is another factor that makes daylight longer than night at an equinox: sunrise and sunset are defined as the times when the first or last speck of the sun's upper limb is visible above the horizon — not the center of the disk.

And this is why if you check your newspaper's almanac or weather page on Wednesday and look up the times of local sunrise and sunset, you'll notice that the duration of daylight, or the amount of time from sunrise to sunset, still lasts a bit more than 12 hours, and not exactly 12 as the term "equinox" suggests.

In Indianapolis, for instance, sunrise is at 7:32 a.m. and sunset comes at 7:40 p.m.

So, the amount of daylight is not 12 hours, but rather 12 hours and 8 minutes. Not until Sept. 25, are days and nights truly equal (sunrise is at 7:35 a.m., sunset coming 12 hours later).

And at the North Pole, the sun currently is tracing out a 360-degree circle around the entire sky, appearing to skim just above the edge of the horizon.

At the moment of this year's Autumnal Equinox, it should theoretically disappear completely from view, and yet its disk will still be hovering just above the horizon.

Not until nearly 51 hours later will the last speck of the sun's upper limb finally drop completely out of sight.

This strong refraction effect also causes the sun's disk to appear oval when it is near the horizon.

The amount of refraction increases so rapidly as the sun approaches the horizon, that its lower limb is lifted more than the upper, distorting the sun's disk noticeably.

Certain astronomical myths die hard. One of these is that the entire arctic region experiences six months of daylight and six months of darkness.

Often, "night" is simply considered to be when the sun is beneath the horizon, as if twilight didn't exist. This fallacy is repeated in innumerable geography textbooks, as well as travel articles and guides.

But twilight illuminates the sky to some extent whenever the sun's upper rim is less than 18-degrees below the horizon.

This marks the limit of astronomical twilight, when the sky is indeed totally dark from horizon to horizon.

There are two other types of twilight. Civil (bright) twilight exists when the sun is less than 6-degrees beneath the horizon. It is loosely defined as when most outdoor daytime activities can be continued.

Some daily newspapers provide a time when you should turn on your car's headlights. That time usually corresponds to the end of civil twilight.

So even at the North Pole, while the sun disappears from view for six months beginning on Sept. 24, to state that "total darkness" immediately sets in is hardly the case! Civil twilight does not end there until Oct. 8.

When the sun drops down to 12-degrees below the horizon it marks the end of nautical twilight, when a sea horizon becomes difficult to discern.

In fact, at the end of nautical twilight most people will regard night as having begun. At the North Pole we have to wait until Oct. 24 for nautical twilight to end. Finally, astronomical twilight — when the sky indeed becomes completely dark — ends on Nov. 13.

It then remains perpetually dark until Jan. 28 when the twilight cycles begin anew. So, at the North Pole the duration of 24-hour darkness lasts almost 11-weeks, not six months.


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1c81cc No.21639139

File: 6ca207b63973101⋯.png (384.8 KB,593x712,593:712,ink.PNG)


Clown World ™ 🤡


PINK JUST DELETED OVER 4,000 POSTS FROM X. First Usher, and now Pink? What the heck is happening?


3:33 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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37566c No.21639140

How safe is New York and Orlando on election day?

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bc17ca No.21639141


Kek!! Thanks for this anon. Have never heard him interviewed before. I like him!!!

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eb6f45 No.21639142


Pepe's Sunday Best

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bc5c29 No.21639143

File: e899b53adb1ab62⋯.png (163.96 KB,868x664,217:166,Taliban.png)

"if the Taliban listen to what they are told in Moscow, Beijing and Tehran…"

Does the Taliban exist to fight against DS terrorists?

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7e5c2d No.21639144

Baker haz IRL, needs off hand


#26501 >>21638637

>>21638687 It's insane that the world's #1 nuclear superpower just sort of stumbled its way into a power vacuum, has been filled by the former ruler's wife

>>21638688, >>21638708, >>21638892 Wimmins huh

>>21638721, >>21638747 The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine…

>>21638726, >>21638744, >>21639064, >>21639075, >>21639087, >>21639096 A bipartisan group of moar than 700 NS leaders and ex mil endorsed kneepads/Michael Smith/DefCon 1

>>21638784 Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

>>21638792 Rupert Lowe Full Speech | Reform UK 2024 National Conference

>>21638801 President Trump is now mainstream America—and it’s finally cool to support him.

>>21638815 ICYMI: >>21638815 TRUMP TRUTH America, I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah

>>21638832 Today in Q Post History we had 01 Delta

>>21638900 ICYMI: Recently Raided Tom Donlon and others support participation of the Ukraine Hoax on Trump

>>21638974, >>21639002, >>21639032, >>21639138 NASA Chicagohenge: Equinox in an Aligned City/lowest note ever

>>21638981 @realDonaldTrump This is a wonderful day for our amazing Polish-American community. My great friend, Polish President Andrzej Duda, is at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, in Doylestown, Pennsylvania

>>21639002 Pakistan: Motorcade carrying Russian ambassador hit by explosion/Albert Khorev

>>21639035 Ukraine conflict damaging EU tourism, loss of Russian visitors has hit Finland and Cyprus especially hard

>>21639054, >>21639095, >>21639102 @Pink has deleted all of her tweets following @Usher

>>21639082, >>21639090 Task Force statement on Secret Service Mission Assurance Report

>>21639103 How Canada is preserving what remains of its iconic supersonic Avro Arrow jet

>>21639105, >>21639120 Boris Johnson has argued that Russia must be forced to accept defeat, even if doing so costs a trillion dollars (Boris is insane)

>>21639127 On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump will hold its first hearing …

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c5989a No.21639145


[They]'ll all be scrubbing their timelines. Anons were told toARCHIVE EVERYTHING!

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eb6f45 No.21639146


Can Bake

Confirm Baker

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9f3ebd No.21639147

File: 11deb2247cbc62a⋯.png (623.02 KB,946x948,473:474,churchill.png)

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b702f0 No.21639148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Douglas Macgregor: Putin's Brutal Counteroffensive Turns Kursk into a Ukrainian Graveyard!

Sep. 21, 2024

In this video, Colonel Douglas Macgregor dissects the catastrophic failure of Ukraine's Kursk offensive, revealing how Putin has outmaneuvered Zelensky on the battlefield. Despite significant Western military aid, Ukraine's forces find themselves trapped, with their armored vehicles burning on the frontlines.As Russia tightens its grip, the Kursk region has become a nightmare for Zelensky's ambitions, leaving Ukraine on the brink of collapse.Tune in as Macgregor explains the critical shortage of Western missiles and how it’s leading to Ukraine’s undoing, with severe global implications tied to the upcoming U.S. elections.

His reports are always good, he explains the military terms of the war and how this whole thing is a disaster pushed by NATO and originally planned by Petraus



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bc17ca No.21639149


Both anons are right. Gonna need some Big Fucking Sauce on this. I watch my business shows everyday on FBN in the afternoon. Big Money, Charles, Liz, Larry and there was nothing about this on Friday.

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7e5c2d No.21639150

File: 3ec16dc1a0d6358⋯.png (628.94 KB,663x650,51:50,3ec16dc1a0d635836392318c79….png)


firmed can bake fam

tyvm for relief

habby finish

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129873 No.21639151

File: afe30f1c78d1961⋯.png (104.79 KB,320x580,16:29,ClipboardImage.png)


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116b0d No.21639152


Likely so,

but like that PO who got nabbed in Okinawa

for serious crimes

it appears DoD can come back and get you

if, if

treason and sedition are proven

anon wagers those be serious enough

whether one served twenty or 30 plus

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1e5189 No.21639153

File: ed4dde9e36ec686⋯.png (62.52 KB,540x540,1:1,Freedom_of_Speech_Quotes_2….png)

File: c8aaf5593cbaad2⋯.jpg (54.59 KB,706x1000,353:500,41_RAJ4AD3L_AC_UF894_1000_….jpg)

File: 1a44f66e57e3da0⋯.jpg (29.26 KB,600x600,1:1,st_small_507x507_pad_600x6….jpg)

File: e3538cc54e364a6⋯.jpg (84.11 KB,803x450,803:450,louis_brandeis_zeal.jpg)

File: b8c7fa64dc5c3a9⋯.png (83.13 KB,593x247,593:247,supreme_court_justice_quot….png)


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6e0509 No.21639154

File: 26f7d924111e055⋯.jpg (246.89 KB,673x665,673:665,BALANCED_BREAKFAST2.jpg)

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d086fa No.21639155

File: 8743032826461e7⋯.png (647.84 KB,797x445,797:445,ClipboardImage.png)


If I may

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db6735 No.21639156


Get your own sauce shill, the one who cries SAUCE on everything he doesn't like. Suck it up loser.

Q the Storm Rider told us yesterday the white hats have taken over Blackrock, now you are ALL going down.

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6bd21a No.21639157

File: 98ac752246ac77c⋯.png (1.99 MB,2961x1905,987:635,ClipboardImage.png)

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f60123 No.21639158



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b4fb86 No.21639159

File: 421d3b0d37901e5⋯.jpeg (58.94 KB,500x821,500:821,IMG_1823.jpeg)

File: fb7db908b21dfef⋯.jpeg (235.98 KB,1290x1165,258:233,IMG_1824.jpeg)


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eb6f45 No.21639160

File: 2fda47ffced83cd⋯.png (518.74 KB,600x892,150:223,2fda47ffced83cd84e5909d787….png)

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012994 No.21639161

File: 1fea347c1034ba7⋯.jpeg (12.96 KB,255x206,255:206,coffeencswic.jpeg)


Anons loving winning with brekkie!

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1e5189 No.21639162


>Does the Taliban exist to fight against DS terrorists?

most so-called "terrorist" groups arose in retaliation to the oppression of the deepstate and their puppetmasters, the banksters (jews)

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116b0d No.21639163


Blackrock International, Inc. filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code12. The voluntary filing occurred on December 15, 2020 and the bankruptcy case number is #20-509221.

out of Lafyette, LA

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14433d No.21639164

File: 8ab969f76904ca7⋯.png (314 KB,1656x980,414:245,The_real_Howard_Stern_is_a….png)

File: c812a3cf57cb946⋯.png (37.66 KB,996x202,498:101,Disgusting_Howard_Stern.png)

The real Howard Stern is a weak, pathetic, and disloyal guy, who lost his friends and MUCH of his audience. Until just recently, I haven't heard his name mentioned in years. I did his show many times in the good old days, and then he went Woke, and nobody cares about him any longer. I don't know what they (really!) pay him, but it shouldn't be much. His influence is gone, and without that, he's got NOTHING - Just a broken weirdo, unattractive both inside and out, trying like hell to be relevant!


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bc17ca No.21639165

File: 077d3b7797fbeab⋯.jpg (52.87 KB,480x524,120:131,Tell_Em_Donny_.jpg)

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2965x2409,2965:2409,Tell_Em_Johnny.jpg)


Says the faggot ass fucked shill. Just for you this morning. Tell him Donny, Johnny.

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f60123 No.21639166


ablág hiŋglá

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887ab2 No.21639167

File: a15b89ae4b74a2d⋯.png (72.57 KB,550x582,275:291,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5aa30a2ab9a1415⋯.png (31.56 KB,466x254,233:127,ClipboardImage.png)


if you're talking about this dude then yea that's a whole different ballgame

he did that knowingly

the former admiral could just be some weak and woke faggot wanting a little taste of fame while taking some money not necessarily knowing what he's part of

some people are forced into this shit and some do it for money

knowingly or unknowingly plays a part


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7f0637 No.21639168

File: e54ec2bc8176ccb⋯.png (483.04 KB,736x572,184:143,rightweek.png)

Think I'll finish the rest of that reiver box.

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bc17ca No.21639169


Thank you anon.


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f71a67 No.21639170


Very nice anon

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4766be No.21639171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former Israeli Soldier Explains Psychological Warfare Against Palestinians

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d2c3a3 No.21639172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc17ca No.21639173


Not to mention that he wears a wig. Bald headed as fuck. Damn faggot.

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1e5189 No.21639174


>Former Israeli Soldier Explains Psychological Warfare Against Palestinians


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14433d No.21639175

File: 8ab969f76904ca7⋯.png (314 KB,1656x980,414:245,The_real_Howard_Stern_is_a….png)

1 year ago today:

The real Howard Stern is a weak, pathetic, and disloyal guy, who lost his friends and MUCH of his audience. Until just recently, I haven't heard his name mentioned in years. I did his show many times in the good old days, and then he went Woke, and nobody cares about him any longer. I don't know what they (really!) pay him, but it shouldn't be much. His influence is gone, and without that, he's got NOTHING - Just a broken weirdo, unattractive both inside and out, trying like hell to be relevant! - President Donald J. Trump, 9-22-23


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3cc8f4 No.21639176


Just proves it's CiC and not the puppet show running things.

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6e0509 No.21639177

File: d32669b829b21cf⋯.jpg (161.57 KB,501x558,167:186,THE_DROP_ON_DS.jpg)

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116b0d No.21639178


That's another one

The one at White Beach was retired, worked as a contractor, and was sending messages to someone he believed was 15, but was an NCIS agent…

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129873 No.21639179

File: 27d8296f885695b⋯.jpg (17.64 KB,222x255,74:85,funny.jpg)

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521c3c No.21639180

File: d243f74629de6a7⋯.png (711.25 KB,800x533,800:533,D2B1A1D2_8CA0_45E2_9998_6A….png)

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35c099 No.21639181

File: 9d8efaee48d0da7⋯.png (9.95 KB,255x194,255:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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116b0d No.21639182

File: f3d84a9725a508c⋯.png (336.19 KB,525x476,75:68,ClipboardImage.png)


Move it on over please

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521c3c No.21639183

File: 7621e71ff7437d7⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1336x1293,1336:1293,IMG_0028.jpeg)

File: 6073296e27c8ae9⋯.jpg (131.11 KB,801x801,1:1,4F0400D1_D6C2_4139_86DA_3D….jpg)

How Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher went from hot property to has-beens: Six key moments that caused couple's popularity to plunge


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1e5189 No.21639184

File: 5f2f29593d1bc4b⋯.jpg (29.2 KB,236x217,236:217,5f2f29593d1bc4b5f143c23680….jpg)

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116b0d No.21639185



Hanz und Franz

Werden eine bowlingkugel auf den dumkopf bekommen

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d2c3a3 No.21639186


You mean It wasn't the dead body kootchie found?

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521c3c No.21639187

File: dc93747f3e2f6fb⋯.jpg (144.51 KB,1088x805,1088:805,Popcorn_Week_04_Lloyd_Brid….JPG)

File: 4a16860d5139388⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB,640x360,16:9,Popcorn_Week_02_Real_Geniu….mp4)

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1e5189 No.21639188

File: 5f2f29593d1bc4b⋯.jpg (29.2 KB,236x217,236:217,5f2f29593d1bc4b5f143c23680….jpg)

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f60123 No.21639189



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6d89e2 No.21639190

File: ba1d29d0cab22e3⋯.png (447.34 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_114522.png)

File: fcced63802278ca⋯.png (128.05 KB,766x1550,383:775,1113_3_.png)

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1e5189 No.21639191


your slovak stumped google translate

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28c5bf No.21639192

File: 5317b02c369e94d⋯.jpeg (343.75 KB,1619x1390,1619:1390,IMG_2033.jpeg)

Add Pink to the list of deleted X posts

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0e4b3e No.21639193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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521c3c No.21639194


Was the guy a patsy for a Satanic sacrifice?

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d086fa No.21639195

File: 719c948472b922f⋯.png (487.33 KB,735x444,245:148,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44fa2901af8c746⋯.png (469.13 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Boeing Space & Defense chief Ted Colbert is leaving: reports

September 20, 2024

Boeing is getting a new space chief.

Ted Colbert will no longer be CEO of Boeing Defense, Space & Security, one of the aerospace giant's subdivisions, according to media reports.

Those reports cite a staff memo circulated today (Sept. 20) by Boeing CEO Kelly Ortberg, who took the top job in August.

"At this critical juncture, our priority is to restore the trust of our customers and meet the high standards they expect of us to enable their critical missions around the world," Ortberg said in the memo, according to CNBC.

"Working together we can and will improve our performance and ensure we deliver on our commitments." The change is effective immediately.

Steve Parker, the chief operating officer of Boeing Defense, Space & Security, will take over as the unit's acting CEO until a long-term replacement is named, CNBC reported.

The news comes less than two weeks after Boeing's Starliner capsule returned to Earth uncrewed, wrapping up a troubled test flight to the International Space Station (ISS).

Starliner launched June 5 on its first-ever crewed mission, a test flight that carried NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams to the ISS.

That mission, known as Crew Flight Test (CFT), was supposed to last just 10 days or so.

But Starliner suffered thruster issues shortly after reaching space, and, after more than two months of study and debate, NASA decided to bring the capsule back to Earth uncrewed.

That landing, which occurred on Sept. 7, was successful, and NASA officials said that Wilmore and Williams would have been fine had they been aboard the capsule.

The duo remain aboard the ISS, however, and they won't come down until February 2025 — aboard a Crew Dragon capsule, built by Boeing rival SpaceX.

Both Boeing and SpaceX received multibillion-dollar NASA contracts in 2014 to carry astronauts to and from the ISS.

SpaceX is getting ready to launch its ninth operational crewed mission for the agency, whereas Starliner has yet to be certified for such flights.


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b8163e No.21639196

I wasn't gonna vote this year. But then I realized, I have to vote. It is the most peaceful, legal, and formal way to cast my intention for our future into the universe, as sanctioned by the system.

So I will vote, as well as use the other Alchemical methods available.

And together, we will win.


Vincit Amor Omnia

Cras Es Noster



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d2c3a3 No.21639197


It was a female

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28c5bf No.21639198


Ties in with the CDAN blind item revealed yesterday

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887ab2 No.21639199


can't find that one

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6d89e2 No.21639200

File: cb20ac79fae095b⋯.png (448.96 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_114755.png)

File: d4c710df26c65c0⋯.png (42.9 KB,766x496,383:248,1032_5_.png)

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3849bb No.21639201


Still not impressed.

Tired of people misquoting me.

"What I say, doesn't mean I'll actually do it,

You know why?" Because I'm Odin wannabe.

Only cause played with scissors and crap doubled meanie exist.

Misquoted like Trump. Chump.

Chump does de bump d bump,

and the humpty dump.

What if People really did support Trump,

I don't know

If Jesus' daddy was a Carpenter;

No way he walked with Kanye.

Jesus white. Knew how to write as well;

Must be pissed the fuck off at you;

for the Royalties; and, the edits.

Church having meetings without him,

To make board decisions. Shit, Lunches, Trips, probably got strippers too.

And nigga I mean JC wrote the shit.

muthafucking Apostles;

After the freaking Twelve, ate fo freex

While they just Stood around.

Had Jesus even made all them C,

And like I said fo freaking FUR- RER

What Kind of bullshit is dat. Or how my mommes would say.

Uat Kind of

Ting, es dat Mijo.

Donde aprendiste a decir

All dose things Mijo.

. Donde aprendio eso.

Por Dios Santo y Bendito

Tanta's veces vay y reze

Unos Setenta y Siete

Aves Maria's

Y SE percina, de abajo a arriva,

Arriva abajo, derecha izquierda

Y izquierda derecha

Hagome favor y pass me

El sal porfavor y ponte

El hielo en la lengua,

Para que ya no hable.

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0e4b3e No.21639202

Zero markers left.


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9610a0 No.21639203

File: f30cbac37a20345⋯.png (166.94 KB,417x234,139:78,ClipboardImage.png)

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646e04 No.21639204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

That's not my dog

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521c3c No.21639205

File: 4047c9c651da3e6⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB,484x648,121:162,Popcorn_for_Anons.JPEG)


Looks like public court dates are coming up.

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3cc8f4 No.21639206

File: 35e3492a8b9cace⋯.jpg (61.52 KB,597x469,597:469,Screenshot_20240920_090137….jpg)

"..I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah.." -Donald Trump

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521c3c No.21639207


No the perpetrator not the victim

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1e5189 No.21639208


>you miss me

never even heard of you

you are less than insignificant


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6d89e2 No.21639209

File: 7b85a946704f6b6⋯.png (705.96 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_115025.png)

File: 5b321e6c845dbc1⋯.png (200.62 KB,766x1822,383:911,1118_4_.png)

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2b9cab No.21639210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scott Ritter: Putin Unleashes 2.4 Million Troops — Ukraine Faces Total Annihilation!


WarZone Echo 2/22/24

In today’s critical update, Scott Ritter analyzes the significance of Russia’s latest military expansion, with President Putin signing a decree to mobilize 2.4 million soldiers. This strategic decision sends a clear signal that Russia is preparing for a prolonged conflict, while Ukraine struggles under the weight of continuous losses. From fierce battles in Kherson to the devastating strikes in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine’s forces are spread thin, unable to withstand Russia’s tactical advances. Will Ukraine survive this surge? Stay tuned for in-depth analysis and breaking developments on the shifting dynamics of this war.



No matter how Boris spews his stupid propaganda, Russia will not lose. Boris is trying to convince people of the UK and EU to continue to waste trillions to save Ukraine. His bullshit is Ukraine can still win the war. Boris is the last person anyone should be listening to. The Bankers and other NWO bet big on destroying Russia, and nothing will stop Russia from winning. The Bankers and Arms dealers along with NATO will allow Ukraine to be obliterated with Blackrock ravens going in and stealing all that is left as scraps. This is the biggest miscalculation of all time by these forces of control and evil. The major food companies will have very little land left due to the pollution and destruction by this war. Zelensky should have left a year and a half ago. Now the EU will not fund them any longer. The amazing lapse of judgement of underestimating the will of the Russian people and leaders is leader to a toxic and unusuable territory for the NWO

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149c62 No.21639211

File: 430b3e7431a4d70⋯.jpg (61.27 KB,1200x498,200:83,Oprah_Winfrey_Leadership_A….JPG)


She got a school too..everybody gots a school!

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521c3c No.21639212


Classic Movie and they lazer the UN.

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521c3c No.21639213

File: 039a1f38f672f07⋯.jpeg (158 KB,800x623,800:623,Goodbye_05_UN.JPEG)

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6d89e2 No.21639214

File: 1a6420470692f77⋯.png (694.27 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_115251.png)

File: c7d23e21bc36a70⋯.png (36.4 KB,766x452,383:226,1132_4_.png)

File: dcd16ff42ea0f79⋯.png (89.12 KB,766x760,383:380,25_6_.png)

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31037f No.21639215

File: e565ae506be42de⋯.png (292.76 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_ir_blackrock_com_….png)



BlackRock Announces Expected Closing Date for Acquisition of Global Infrastructure Partners

13 Sep 2024


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a87372 No.21639216


There has to be a country music 'Diddy'. Has anyone heard rumors of who that might be?

And yes, unfortunately, the cabal would similarly have employed the same techniques to control that slice of the larger music industry pie. Every genre for that matter.

Keep in mind that the evil bastards controlling the world from behind a veil of deceit and plausible deniability have been extremely successful raping and pillaging mankind this long for a reason. They're so good at it that they've long ruled over us as alpha predators - with or without our knowledge of their existence.

That being true, it stands to reason that they would leave no morsels on the table untouched. Why would they?

So, instead of asking yourself what industries have they infiltrated, ask yourself what they haven't.

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7e5c2d No.21639217

File: 99955e73422709f⋯.png (383.02 KB,510x371,510:371,cat.png)


how do Mr.Pig

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3cc8f4 No.21639218

File: 5e386f628a7a45d⋯.jpg (68.02 KB,498x498,1:1,y767.jpg)


Prolly ordering from the children's menu on Twitter.

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26c592 No.21639219

File: 7ed9904efa2c573⋯.png (498.86 KB,568x579,568:579,7ed9904efa2c573f33bcf58cbd….png)


no, no, no. If I may!

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31037f No.21639220





In connection with the closing of the GIP Transaction, BlackRock has also notified the NYSE of its intention to voluntarily delist from the NYSE and deregister its Euro-denominated 1.250% Notes due 2025 (the “2025 Notes”). BlackRock’s decision to withdraw the 2025 Notes from listing on the NYSE and registration under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) was based on its decision to make BlackRock a wholly-owned subsidiary of New BlackRock and to delist BlackRock’s common stock from the NYSE and withdraw registration of BlackRock’s common stock under the Exchange Act. The 2025 Notes will remain outstanding and BlackRock has applied for admission of the 2025 Notes to the Official List of The International Stock Exchange (TISE) to be effective following the closing of the GIP Transaction.

To delist the 2025 Notes from the NYSE, BlackRock will file a Notification of Removal from Listing on Form 25 relating to the delisting on or about September 23, 2024 (the “Form 25”) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). The delisting will be effective on the 10 th day following filing of the Form 25, and the 2025 Notes will no longer trade on the NYSE effective on such date. BlackRock reserves the right to delay the filing of the Form 25 for any reason, including, without limitation, in the event that the GIP Transaction is delayed or is not completed for any reason.


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a87372 No.21639221


What are we really fighting that takes the entire world to fight? This isn’t just a handful of bad guys. What’s really going on here? The effort, the time, the logistics, the psyop, the money, needed to steer the world is beyond imagination. Who or what are we really fighting? The world is being psyopped…why? The look-here focus is corruption and treasonous acts, but what or who is the real enemy? Will there always be a forced perception of reality? Injecting pedophilia symbolism into movies and tv for example, how would one do that? Trying to wake people up by doing that, seems a bit absurd to me, and I could think of a million ways to get that word out if that was the case…but no, it was done this way…the jab, it had to be done this way..The why is becoming way more intriguing to me than this journey. I see a spiritual and physical element to all battles. Im sure in the end there will be surprises and revelations that will shock the world. We think we know. Why?

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9f3ebd No.21639222

File: 4dd816cfec269a7⋯.png (32.2 KB,498x193,498:193,2024_09_22_11_38_03_copy.png)


> BlackRock has filed for bankruptcy

Not a good thing for the American taxpayer if the government picks up the tab to bail them out?

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6e0509 No.21639223

File: 49eea53f5baec16⋯.jpg (196.04 KB,771x612,257:204,PIG_AGENDA.jpg)



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1e5189 No.21639224


>There has to be a country music 'Diddy'. Has anyone heard rumors of who that might be?

look to the "country music stars" who appear as judges on TV "talent" shows

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a87372 No.21639225

File: 3b68500a69fd117⋯.png (242.02 KB,1071x597,357:199,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh this is good

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eb6f45 No.21639226

File: 6bb83e8141f86e6⋯.jpg (14.25 KB,200x271,200:271,Trance_2020_07_22_02_12_08….jpg)

File: 0e89584a379b361⋯.pdf (6.06 MB,Trance_Formation_of_Americ….pdf)

>>21639210 Scott Ritter: Putin Unleashes 2.4 Million Troops — Ukraine Faces Total Annihilation


read dis

been known for decades

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f60123 No.21639227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63395b No.21639228


NOT bailing them out, took them over

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619d33 No.21639229

File: 68c5f6a29e5b141⋯.jpg (143.84 KB,600x1022,300:511,LightningHands.jpg)

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116b0d No.21639230


Real Genius!

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9610a0 No.21639231

File: dfcd7c2d2ba5181⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,468x352,117:88,dfcd7c2d2ba51813e1b42bcb05….mp4)


download it and watch it a million times, then you can come back.

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f60123 No.21639232


Líla amáčhaŋze

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daddde No.21639233


>To be clear, there are other pieces of the Arrow still preserved, but only a few; most of the airplane pieces were cut up for scrap while "blueprints, models, designs and machines used to make the planes were destroyed," the Canadian Encyclopedia wrote.

This is a consistent pattern in the defense industry/MIC. Spend billions to develop the newest tech for themselves and then scotch the project just as it fulfills its promise and destroy the history of the development so that the next iteration is not able to benefit from the evolution of previous art but has to start from scratch, being the most expensive approach.

All on the backs of the taxpayers as their politicians get the kickbacks from the lobbyists and the bankers print more fake money as they all use their profits to buy tangible wealth as they continue to diminish yours with inflation.

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31037f No.21639234


Delisting on the NYSE not bankruptcy.

See >>21639220, >>21639215

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a87372 No.21639235

File: 431d1ca134e6a61⋯.png (103.45 KB,204x255,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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b83db8 No.21639236

File: e5f073e8daa69bb⋯.png (659.21 KB,700x667,700:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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116b0d No.21639237



Closing on acquisition of GIP

As of January 2023 Global Infrastructure Partners had aggregate assets under management of approximately US$100 billion, such investments being concentrated in OECD countries, generating revenues of approximately US$80 billion. Its portfolio specifically included investment in the following assets:[14]

ADNOC Gas Pipelines

Access Midstream Partners

ACS Renewables

Ascend Telecom Infrastructure Private Limited

Atlas Renewable Energy


Bluepoint Wind

Borkum Riffgrund 2

ChannelView Cogeneration

Clearway Energy

Compañía Logistíca de Hidrocarburos

Competitive Power Ventures


East India Petroleum

Edinburgh Airport

Empresa Eléctrica Guacolda S.A.

EnLink Midstream

Eolian Energy

Freeport LNG

Naturgy (fka Gas Natural SGD, S.A.)

Gatwick Airport

Gladstone LNG Project

Gode Wind 1

Great Yarmouth

Hess Infrastructure Partners

Hornsea 1

London City Airport

Medallion Gathering & Processing

Pacific National

Peel Ports

Perdaman Karratha Ammonia-Urea Project

Pluto Train 2

Port of Melbourne

Port of Brisbane Corporation

QCLNG Common Facilities

Rio Grande LNG

Ruby Pipeline

Saavi Energía

Signature Aviation

Skyborn Renewables

SUEZ Group

Sydney Airport

Terra-Gen Power

TransitGas AG

Terminal Investment Limited


Vantage Towers AG

Vena Energy

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6d89e2 No.21639238

File: 5c795c2b2affcd3⋯.png (634.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_120036.png)

File: fb609a078710388⋯.png (208.19 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_120109.png)

File: b820028aadbd608⋯.png (640.57 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_120140.png)

File: 972c6e04793ba4b⋯.png (576.08 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_120150.png)

File: 91c81a20b588736⋯.png (64.91 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_120204.png)

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521c3c No.21639239

File: d3a09265f62895f⋯.jpg (220.92 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Elon_Musk_07_Satanist_Pedo.JPG)

File: 8835023b03213e8⋯.jpeg (60.03 KB,1130x515,226:103,IMG_0037.jpeg)

File: 4654041c8214956⋯.png (773.15 KB,800x551,800:551,PedoWood.PNG)

File: 184c2f8963104d7⋯.jpeg (140.65 KB,800x533,800:533,D2B1A1D2_8CA0_45E2_9998_6….jpeg)

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646e04 No.21639240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heavy. Man

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f4d771 No.21639241

File: eecc48f4798bc85⋯.jpg (685.18 KB,750x1050,5:7,NWO_Watermelons.jpg)

The illuminati card game called it.

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cd3929 No.21639242

File: f96612ffea144cd⋯.jpg (88.04 KB,577x432,577:432,94blx6.jpg)

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1e5189 No.21639243


>The effort, the time, the logistics, the psyop, the money, needed to steer the world is beyond imagination.

not really

it took them centuries to amass the wealth, power, and control needed, but they were patient and persistent

>Injecting pedophilia symbolism into movies and tv for example, how would one do that?

fill all positions of control with degenerates

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984447 No.21639244

File: bfb79d4d3032142⋯.png (140.22 KB,640x494,320:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f0637 No.21639245

File: 4af4699b4314ba4⋯.png (668.67 KB,800x652,200:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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d086fa No.21639246

File: b08dd089e924220⋯.png (1.19 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Innovative Transformer UFO LED High Bay Light Promises Efficiency and Cost Savings

September 20, 2024

In a significant development for the lighting industry, a new high-performance LED lighting solution has been introduced to the market.

The Transformer UFO LED High Bay, launched on September 20, 2024, in Anaheim, CA, is set to redefine standards in industrial and commercial lighting with its exceptional efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

This innovative lighting fixture is designed to replace traditional 400W HID fixtures while offering superior illumination and substantial energy savings.

The Transformer UFO LED High Bay boasts an impressive efficiency of 150 lumens per watt, which translates to energy savings of up to 80% compared to conventional HID fixtures.

Moreover, its lifespan is three times longer than metal halide or high-pressure sodium lamps, significantly reducing replacement costs and maintenance requirements.

The Transformer UFO LED High Bay’s design prioritizes durability and reliability. Its solid-state construction, free from fans or moving parts, ensures long-lasting and stable performance.

The fixture incorporates a four-way protection system, including varistor protection, lamp body protection, and safeguards against over-temperature and over-voltage conditions.

This comprehensive protection system contributes to the product’s safe and dependable operation.

One of the standout features of this LED high bay is its smart interface, which supports plug-and-play sensors such as microwave sensors, passive infrared sensors, and WiFi sensors.

This capability facilitates easy integration with intelligent control systems, making it an ideal choice for modern, smart building environments.

The product’s unique design has garnered international recognition, including patents in the U.S., China, and Europe, as well as the prestigious Red Dot Award.

A notable feature is the 7% upper light design, which enhances overall lighting performance and makes the fixture suitable for use in totally enclosed settings.

The Transformer UFO LED High Bay is certified by CE/UL/CUL/DLC 5.1, ensuring compliance with global safety and quality standards.

Versatility is a key attribute of the Transformer UFO LED High Bay. It is adaptable for various applications, including use in lanterns, post tops, shoebox fixtures, and low bay installations.

The fixture’s adjustable angle design, compliant with Dark Sky standards, helps reduce light pollution. Additionally, its 350° rotatable E base allows users to easily adjust the light direction for optimal performance.

Available in power options of 50W, 70W, and 100W, with a color temperature of 4500K, the Transformer UFO LED High Bay is suitable for a wide range of industrial and commercial settings.

The IP40-rated housing provides robust protection against environmental factors, and an optional PIR sensor is available to enhance its adaptability to different environments.

The introduction of the Transformer UFO LED High Bay represents a significant step forward in lighting technology.

Its combination of high efficiency, low energy consumption, and intelligent design positions it as a competitive solution in the market.

As businesses and industries increasingly prioritize energy efficiency and smart technology integration, this innovative lighting solution is poised to make a substantial impact on the lighting industry and contribute to more sustainable and cost-effective lighting practices.

With a 5-year warranty, the Transformer UFO LED High Bay offers customers long-term peace of mind, further underscoring its value proposition in the competitive lighting market.

As energy costs continue to be a concern for businesses, and environmental considerations become increasingly important, innovative solutions like the Transformer UFO LED High Bay are likely to play a crucial role in shaping the future of industrial and commercial lighting.


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3cc8f4 No.21639247

File: 9b052949dae353a⋯.jpg (162.41 KB,720x1299,240:433,Screenshot_20240908_061234….jpg)

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bc4835 No.21639248

File: 7941750717b4298⋯.png (42.03 KB,246x518,123:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e0509 No.21639249

File: 329ee7b293f63c9⋯.jpg (106.67 KB,530x534,265:267,STUMP_4_AMERICA.jpg)

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eb6f45 No.21639250

just past @500


#26501 >>21638637

>>21638687 It's insane that the world's #1 nuclear superpower just sort of stumbled its way into a power vacuum, has been filled by the former ruler's wife

>>21638688, >>21638708, >>21638892 Wimmins huh

>>21638721, >>21638747 The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine…

>>21638726, >>21638744, >>21639064, >>21639075, >>21639087, >>21639096 A bipartisan group of moar than 700 NS leaders and ex mil endorsed kneepads/Michael Smith/DefCon 1

>>21638784 Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

>>21638792 Rupert Lowe Full Speech | Reform UK 2024 National Conference

>>21638801 President Trump is now mainstream America—and it’s finally cool to support him.

>>21638815 ICYMI: >>21638815 TRUMP TRUTH America, I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah

>>21638832 Today in Q Post History we had 01 Delta

>>21638900 ICYMI: Recently Raided Tom Donlon and others support participation of the Ukraine Hoax on Trump

>>21638974, >>21639002, >>21639032, >>21639138 NASA Chicagohenge: Equinox in an Aligned City/lowest note ever

>>21638981 @realDonaldTrump This is a wonderful day for our amazing Polish-American community. My great friend, Polish President Andrzej Duda, is at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, in Doylestown, Pennsylvania

>>21639002 Pakistan: Motorcade carrying Russian ambassador hit by explosion/Albert Khorev

>>21639035 Ukraine conflict damaging EU tourism, loss of Russian visitors has hit Finland and Cyprus especially hard

>>21639054, >>21639095, >>21639102 @Pink has deleted all of her tweets following @Usher

>>21639082, >>21639090 Task Force statement on Secret Service Mission Assurance Report

>>21639103 How Canada is preserving what remains of its iconic supersonic Avro Arrow jet

>>21639105, >>21639120 Boris Johnson has argued that Russia must be forced to accept defeat, even if doing so costs a trillion dollars (Boris is insane)

>>21639127 On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump will hold its first hearing

>>21639131, >>21639163, >>21639215, >>21639220, >>21639234, >>21639237 BlackRock to voluntarily delist from the NYSE

>>21639148 Putin's Brutal Counteroffensive Turns Kursk into a Ukrainian Graveyard

>>21639171 Former Israeli Soldier Explains Psychological Warfare Against Palestinians

>>21639195 Boeing Space & Defense chief Ted Colbert is leaving

>>21639210 Scott Ritter: Putin Unleashes 2.4 Million Troops — Ukraine Faces Total Annihilation

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634761 No.21639251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🔴BREAKING: Trump Lawyer SHOCKS the WORLD With Latest News!

Sept. 20, 2024


Stephen Gardner and Trump lawyer Will Scharf https://x.com/willscharf discuss the Trump NYC cases, the sentencing date change, the supreme court and more.Will also exposes new evidence against Fani Willis that will get her removed from the case completely. Will Scharf - Trump lawyer in the New York case against DA Alvin Bragg

Why did Judge Juan Merchan delay former President Donald Trump’s sentencing date?

Will Juan Merchan or his daughter be reviewed or investigated for raising money for democrats off the case father Juan Merchan presided over?

I know you focus mostly on the New York case, but Judge Scott Macafee down in Georgia removed several criminal charge filed by DA Fani Willis for not having authority to bring such charges. What do you know about that?

Ex-Border Chief Aaron Heitke said he was Ordered to Hide Illegal Aliens from the Media and Cover up the Border Disaster by the Biden/Harris Administration

“Special Interests Aliens” (SIAs) and “Known and Suspected Terrorists”.

Former head of border patrol ordered to lie and cover up crime video

A new survey came out from Napolitan New Services where 30% of democrats surveyed said they wished Trumps assassination attempts had happened. To me this is so gross, but I think it also proves all of the vile rhetoric democrats and democrat infiltrated mainstream media spew that Trump’s life is constantly in danger. Thoughts on this?

158 democrats in the house just voted against deporting illegals immigrants that assualt women? Are democrats so worried about losing future voters that they would keep woman abuser in the country? This makes no sense to me. I thought democrats were the party of protecting women.

Nearly 60% of @Teamsters are voting for President Trump.

TODAY: 70% of Steamfitters Local 638 are voting for President Trump.

ALSO TODAY: It’s estimated 65-70% of UAW members are voting for President Trump.

Hardworking Americans know President Trump HAS THEIR BACK.

Thank you Will Scharf. If people want to follow you, how do they do that?

This is really interesting


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9f3ebd No.21639252

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,really.png)


> we need a president who sucks…

Already had 8 years of that with Obama.

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6d89e2 No.21639253

File: 5c795c2b2affcd3⋯.png (634.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,5c795c2b2affcd3b7a9db042c5….png)

File: 2a1fd507bb6ae0c⋯.gif (947.86 KB,360x200,9:5,2a1fd507bb6ae0c5cd043ec0ae….gif)

File: c05cc9b40e31473⋯.png (551.59 KB,766x2044,383:1022,1384.png)

File: 3749f178fd64a54⋯.png (399.99 KB,766x2520,383:1260,36_3_.png)

File: 6f518c690b53964⋯.png (57.67 KB,766x496,383:248,21_6_.png)

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1e5189 No.21639254

File: 9a1633212bd46f8⋯.jpg (89.7 KB,577x432,577:432,948ppg.jpg)


>These mass shootings have more to do with culture than they do criminally. Mayor Randall Woodfin said it best this week…we’re seeing far too many arguments being settled by bullets

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116b0d No.21639255



It was Gyrines that did these…

In Larrabee v. Braithwaite, a retired Marine Staff Sergeant, Steven Larrabee, was convicted of sexually assaulting a fellow bartender, the wife of an active-duty Marine, and videotaping the encounter on his cell phone while she was unconscious. This occurred in 2015, only three months after he retired and accepted a job in the private sector in Iwakuni, Japan. Larrabee eventually pleaded guilty to sexual assault and indecent recording. He then appealed his conviction to the Supreme Court, but in the early months of 2019, the justices decided not to hear the case. When the court declined to hear the case, his conviction stood. However, a federal judge in DC agreed with Larrabee that his military conviction was unconstitutional in 2020. It is possible the Supreme Court could grant certiorari and agree to review the case, but it has yet to be confirmed or denied.

United States v. Dinger is another instance involving a retiree who was sent back to face UCMJ charges. Marine Gunnery Sergeant Derek Dinger was employed as a civilian contractor in Okinawa when the Naval Criminal Investigative Service detained him for downloading and spreading child pornography. He had been retired for over ten years. Despite being found guilty, Dinger appealed the verdict to the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals in 2018. His conviction under the UCMJ was upheld by the Court. After being found guilty, Dinger appealed the verdict to the Supreme Court, which turned down the opportunity to hear his case.

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6d89e2 No.21639256

File: cdd218a5d78d6e5⋯.jpeg (128.57 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GYCsWunXkAADbVW.jpeg)

File: ceea3761c879e98⋯.png (316.59 KB,766x1728,383:864,34_9_.png)

File: c34bf0975ff615f⋯.png (446.45 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_044828.png)

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3cc8f4 No.21639257

File: d5dc6e3931d055b⋯.jpg (97.13 KB,500x714,250:357,ur8xb1osn.jpg)

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887ab2 No.21639258

File: e8694a5c58ced69⋯.png (635.17 KB,785x877,785:877,ClipboardImage.png)


>United States v. Dinger

this may help


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6d89e2 No.21639259

File: beba7908c48c434⋯.png (244.8 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_121424.png)

File: 1a97cffc9cbca5f⋯.jpg (247.89 KB,1536x768,2:1,1a97cffc9cbca5f8454077559f….jpg)

File: 9f2d392e1a19127⋯.jpg (266.7 KB,1536x768,2:1,9f2d392e1a191276ffc04c2e65….jpg)

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521c3c No.21639260

File: 9f4365188771dba⋯.jpeg (173.11 KB,800x601,800:601,D23A07A7_FB6F_4138_8D63_7….jpeg)

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f3655e No.21639261

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙀𝙭𝙚𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙊𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨- (13848-13818).

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙮𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣-

𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙞𝙯𝙚𝙙. 𝙇𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙨 "𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙎𝙖𝙡𝙚".

𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧 100 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙘𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙞𝙣 2021.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚? 𝘾𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝘼𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩 𝙃𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮.

Adam Levine & Behati Prinsloo

Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis

Chris Hemsworth & Elsa Pataky

Drew Barrymore

Eva Longoria

Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk

Jamie Foxx

Jennifer Lawrence & Cook Maroney

Jessica Alba and Cash Warren

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Lady Gaga

LeBron James & Savannah Brinson

Liam Hemsworth

Margot Robbie

Matt Damon

Nick Jonas & Priyanka Chopra

Olivia Wilde & Jason Sudeikis

Penelope Cruz & Javier Bardem

Reese Witherspoon & Jim Toth

Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively

Salma Hayek & François-Henri Pinault

Sarah J. Parker & Matthew Broderick

Shakira & Gerard Piqué

Snoop Dogg

Steve Carell

The Weeknd

Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith

Zac Efron

Ellen DeGeneres & Portia de Rossi

Tom Cruise

Tim McGraw & Faith Hill

The Weeknd

Dustin Johnson

Kat Von D

Jennifer Lawrence

Chrissy Teigen & John Legend

Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker

Kylie Jenner

Mark Wahlberg

Justin Bieber

Kelly Clarkson

LeBron James

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Matthew McConaughey

Reese Witherspoon

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

Cameron Diaz


Goldie Hawn

Kate Upton

Justin Verlander

Chris Pine

Zooey Deschanel

Emily Blunt

John Krasinski

Chris Pratt

Anna Faris

Keanu Reeves

Cameron Diaz

Cindy Crawford

Rande Gerber

Courteney Cox

David Arquette


Most of these Hollywood Homes are crimes scenes. Which were not allowed to be bought by anyone. They are all connected to what is currently bringing down P. Diddy. All it will take is a quick look at the EOs to understand the scope of this list. These EOs were never revoked under the J. Biden administration. There is a reason for that some of you know already.

Which is why there is no one you can locate in that area of California who bought all those homes in such a short period. Mainstream media will never tell you the true culprit as to why those homes were put up for sell. If you want to find out more about the EOs. Click on the link below this post.





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21bc4e No.21639262


Anon, Regardless of your belief system, Paul the Apostle Outlined the enemy pretty clearly.

Ephesians 6:12 NIV‬ For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

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6d89e2 No.21639263

File: beba7908c48c434⋯.png (244.8 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_121424.png)

File: efe9b98def32940⋯.png (594.83 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_121733.png)

File: 20cfeabb4bc0027⋯.png (1.76 MB,766x4126,383:2063,1149_3_.png)

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0f8722 No.21639264

File: efbeaa69212a4da⋯.png (1.2 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f0637 No.21639265

File: 904492c4c262ac7⋯.png (2.57 MB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d89e2 No.21639266

File: 10fc3ca193a6d7d⋯.png (1.44 MB,766x3788,383:1894,1150.png)

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f3655e No.21639267

File: d2562dba4136370⋯.png (453.84 KB,1440x763,1440:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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2679cf No.21639268


>Tim McGraw & Faith Hill

THERE is your "country" Oprah

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b83db8 No.21639269

File: f581e6ad0ff0d17⋯.png (1.09 MB,1000x1180,50:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d89e2 No.21639270

File: 66c42c4bd55e171⋯.png (12.35 KB,255x230,51:46,34d04784cf8463ee771b7ec69a….png)

File: b904af96fce549c⋯.jpg (150.48 KB,626x616,313:308,b904af96fce549c5619edd987d….jpg)

File: 2c86080e237ebdc⋯.jpeg (505.62 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX710zyWsAIxu1p.jpeg)

File: 57681297bb1f24a⋯.jpeg (207.13 KB,2048x1417,2048:1417,GYE1vfGWYAAmvo2.jpeg)

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6bf5a8 No.21639271


>not against flesh and blood,

your fellow mankind, your neighbor

>but against the rulers, against the authorities,

the elected officials and the rich and powerful

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d086fa No.21639272

File: 9f113028d624da2⋯.png (781.54 KB,1200x673,1200:673,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA creates space sustainability division to consolidate orbital debris activities

September 21, 2024

NASA has established a space sustainability division that will consolidate much of the work the agency is doing on orbital debris and related issues.

Speaking at the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) Conference Sept. 19, NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy said the agency received the required approvals from congressional appropriations committees the previous day for the reorganization required to create the division.

The division will be a “unified organization that will integrate our operational, research and policy functions,” she said.

Those functions had been spread out among several offices spread out among different NASA mission directorates and centers.

She noted eight different entities within NASA have some role in orbital debris, including the Orbital Debris Program Office, Meteoroid Environments Office and Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis program.

Other parts of NASA’s science and space technology directorates also play roles in space sustainability, along with offices involved in policy.

“We can’t move every organization under this one umbrella,” she said, such as the trajectory operations officer, or TOPO, at the Johnson Space Center, who has responsibilities beyond orbital debris conjunction assessments for the International Space Station.

“But what we can do is move the organizations that can be moved together and then take action going forward to have a coordination function.”

The Space Sustainability Division will be part of the Space Operations Mission Directorate, which includes the ISS.

“If you have an operational mission, having it under operational control is really helpful,” she said. “That’s the day-to-day urgent mission. We’re keeping astronauts and our spacecraft safe.”

The division will be led by Alvin Drew, a former astronaut that the agency recently named the first director of space sustainability.

NASA created that position as part of the space sustainability strategy it unveiled in April.

That strategy also included the creation by the agency of “an empowered organizational entity to focus on day-to-day coordination and accountability of NASA’s space sustainability efforts.”

Melroy said the new division will have access to about $40 million “sprinkled across the agency” that she said should be better coordinated now.

“It’s so important for us to be on the same page so that we can make effective use of that money.”

That includes tackling challenges in orbital debris research.

The strategy calls for developing a framework for space sustainability as well as improved metrics and modeling to address “serious uncertainties” about debris models.

“I can tell you it has not escaped senior leaders’ notice that we don’t even have common numbers of debris posted on various websites for how much is out there,” she said, which she argued was one reason why there has been little progress on solutions to the debris problem.

“There are sometimes orders of magnitude difference in how much orbital debris of what site exists out there. People notice that.”

“Don’t even get me started on how we can remediate debris when we can’t even track it,” she added.

She called on debris researchers to work on ways to reduce uncertainty in those models, saying it can lead to “more consensus around projects that we can do together” in the field.

“You’ve got to tell this story better to leaders, and I’m here to help.”


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840663 No.21639273

File: 4c9b64461068dee⋯.png (160.88 KB,2866x897,2866:897,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a4016bdc44ec9e⋯.png (268.32 KB,2866x1720,1433:860,ClipboardImage.png)



BLACKROCK INTERNATIONAL, INC. filed a 11 chapter bankruptcy in the Western District of Louisiana bankruptcy court on December 15, 2020. This is a voluntary filing; it was assigned the bankruptcy case number #20-50922.


The bankruptcy petition for BLACKROCK INTERNATIONAL, INC. showed assets in the range of $1MM - $10MM with liabilities in the range of $100,001-$1,000,000. BLACKROCK INTERNATIONAL, INC. reports that the number of creditors is in the range of 1-49.

The debtor indicated their nature of business as Single Asset Real Estate. The options for nature of business in bankruptcies are rather limited and archaic. They include 'Health Care Business', 'Single Asset Real Estate', 'Railroad', 'Stockbroker', 'Commodity Broker', 'Clearing Bank', or 'None of the Above'.

Unsecured Creditor Treatment in BLACKROCK INTERNATIONAL, INC. Bankruptcy:

BLACKROCK INTERNATIONAL, INC. indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it expects there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.


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736af6 No.21639274


Im sure they filed bankruptcy insurance

got paid back

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9e7dce No.21639275

File: ac0dfd13a9b128f⋯.jpeg (516.53 KB,1170x2410,117:241,IMG_3474.jpeg)

File: 968043b288b1b9b⋯.jpeg (509.96 KB,1170x2392,45:92,IMG_3475.jpeg)

File: de5443db0402f5a⋯.jpeg (358.61 KB,1170x2381,1170:2381,IMG_3476.jpeg)



… comms

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6d89e2 No.21639276

File: 5878addf04d3a5d⋯.png (64.3 KB,766x628,383:314,560_1_.png)

File: 5878addf04d3a5d⋯.png (64.3 KB,766x628,383:314,560.png)

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f3b879 No.21639277

File: 2de431e809c86af⋯.jpg (53.26 KB,502x540,251:270,460975295_903744645139049_….jpg)

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a7476d No.21639278

File: ec2ff95a95af743⋯.png (598.41 KB,1038x1758,173:293,Capture_2024_09_22_12_22_2….png)

Only two posts left on the @pink page are:

P!nk reposted


Aug 12, 2017

The President of the United States is now by his own words and actions an apologist for Domestic Terrorism. @realdonaldtrump must be REMOVED

P!nk reposted


Nov 19, 2016

Replying to


ppl are getting tired of celebs like you throwing around your opinion. Remember the Dixie chick's? Yeah, it can happen to you too!

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1e5189 No.21639279


before you become moar obsessed with literal word-for-word passages from the bible


these were written in a foreign language

a NOW DEAD LANGUAGE that was so foreign it used a different alphabet

the original texts exist as fragments, from different locations, that often contradict one another

they were translated and transliterated dozens of times by people of unknown and dubious qualifications

what survived is at best a shadow of the original intent of the original author

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8f158d No.21639280


calling Planefags

Can PF confirm that the Cyril E, King airport on St. Thomas is the only filed capable of landing Epstein's 727 "Lolita Express?"

Signature Aviation is the world’s largest network of private aviation terminals

As one of the world's preeminent hospitality companies, we deliver exceptional experiences and essential support to business and private aviation customers.

Signature provides world-class service at more than 200 locations in 27 countries across 5 continents.


St. Thomas Cyril E. King Airport

For the well-traveled elite, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands is the gateway to the Caribbean experience. This stunning island boasts the most beautiful harbor in the Caribbean and is the entrance to one of the finest sailing and yachting arenas in the world.


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e26645 No.21639281

File: 9698d718d8b8349⋯.jpg (671.11 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Be_the_Hammer_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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840663 No.21639282

File: 856d0bb451ac1bd⋯.png (232.12 KB,2085x1203,695:401,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't know about that, but it looks like it was dismissed in 2021.


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da55f3 No.21639283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



you might appreciate this.

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6d89e2 No.21639285

File: a06190ae311856e⋯.mp4 (15.08 MB,706x720,353:360,a06190ae311856eb8a398dea1a….mp4)

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e7b599 No.21639286

File: 1ba3d2a7659ab92⋯.png (852.6 KB,1000x542,500:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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21bc4e No.21639287


not obsessed, just think it is a fitting description of the battle. The puppet masters are not of this world, the transient families bowing to them for power and riches are just the proxies in this fight.

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f3b879 No.21639288

Rich Baris The People's Pundit



Sep 20

The Oprah infomercial for Kamala Harris is not good beyond constituencies she's going to win anyway.

This is not going to help her with the demographics Democrats are in a panic over behind the scenes.

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26c592 No.21639289

File: a6b87b1bbc4afc2⋯.png (1021.55 KB,788x796,197:199,a6b87b1bbc4afc2fdc18e159ce….png)

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1e5189 No.21639290

File: 05c711722802dcc⋯.jpg (64.33 KB,502x540,251:270,2de431e809c86af5eb74c860b9….jpg)

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8589f3 No.21639291


Too busy printing money to ship overseas to the Khazarian Mafia.

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7d6c51 No.21639292

File: 6922d6da464267e⋯.jpg (33.99 KB,600x400,3:2,dev1.jpg)

GM & Merry Meet most glorious Anons!

I am an Emissary from the Church of Satan USA Chapter.

Please do not shoot the Messenger as I come in Peace… which we heard was the Prize?

We Satanist's are not as you have been told by the main stream media.

We do not seek to molest and/or eat children, we do not drink blood and we would never harm anyone.

We certainly do not eat the Flesh nor drink the Blood of our unholy Father and Savior, Lord Satan.

We enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy concerning most religions and those who hide behind them while worshipping our unholy father, Lord Satan.

That is why we formed the Church of Satan and perform outlandish stunt's in order to get the attention of the media.

We are American's and it is our Right to Worship as we please with the full rights of U.S. Citizens per the U.S. Constitution.

Our Voting Demographic is much larger than is reported and so it might be worth your time to give us some Political consideration.

We have noticed that the majority of the most prominent religious figures that you hold so dear almost always end up being child molesters or worse.

We have read the drops and we noticed that inDrop #133 Q states "Does Satan Exist?" and "Does the THOUGHT of Satan Exist?".

Although we are greatly offended by the Thought that Q indicate's that Satan does not Exist, which as you say, is the oldest trick in the book, we do enjoy 99% of the Drops.

We also love most of what President Trump did in his first term and what he has promised to do in his second term.

We Endorse Trump.

We love the Drops and what we have seen being exposed over the last 8 years.

We believe that Patriots and our Unholy Father Lord Satan as indeed in control.

Thank you for the Freedom of Speech to make this Endorsement on Q's research board.



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27b539 No.21639293

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)

Guud afternoon, frens

God bless you all

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a87372 No.21639295


wish i could sauce this

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7bcd07 No.21639296

File: b9229e45599c597⋯.jpg (57.39 KB,677x369,677:369,GA.jpg)


You as well, fren.

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521c3c No.21639297

File: 8fdc1fea3170fb9⋯.jpeg (200.19 KB,800x770,80:77,3729E8E9_9BF7_435A_A500_C….jpeg)

File: f5718d09de6f4ad⋯.png (3.36 MB,1600x1600,1:1,803DF5F4_6F52_4306_96EA_C5….png)

Now it’s there turn.

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521c3c No.21639298


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8589f3 No.21639299

File: 0f2ec3f6b6f35f1⋯.png (446.09 KB,1793x626,1793:626,Screenshot_2024_09_22_Q_Re….png)



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482adb No.21639300


Saying the Bible was originally written in a language that had no vowels and a handful of words that could mean a lot of different things seems unlikely at best.

Prolly written in Greek. The early Greek versions are at least plausibly translatable.

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7d6c51 No.21639301



Thank you, Baker

Could you please include this Endorsement of Trump from Patriotic U.S. Satanist's?

Please respect the Religion of others as it is in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.


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d086fa No.21639302

File: 8275fa5970a8819⋯.png (1.64 MB,1200x1567,1200:1567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd6aa5b5771535d⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,576x1024,9:16,radianttimetraveler_Insane….mp4)

'Time traveller' claims to know exact date aliens will make contact

12:29, 20 SEP 2024

A self-proclaimed 'time traveller from the year 2671' has claimed to know the exact date aliens will make contact with humans — but it apparently won't end well.

Eno Alaric, who is known under the username @radianttimetraveller, has amassed over 900,000 followers by sharing claims about future events.

He has previously warned of twin planets colliding with Earth and even the onset of World War 3.

But in his most recent post, the bloke warned that aliens will make contact with humans within a matter of days.

In a video, which has gained more than 4,000 views, the alleged time-warper wrote: "September 23: The first confirmed alien signal arrives from a distant solar system."

However, it doesn't appear to be peaceful as he claimed: "They plan to soon visit Earth and try and take it over, they attempt to conquer and end humanity."

He continued: "October 23: The sun lets out a rare energy that lets people see how they pass, it happens everyday for 3 months.

"November 12: An alien artifact is found buried in Antarctica, it contains a mysterious disease. This disease is very contagious and quickly spreads throughout the world, it has no cure.

"November 17: A meteor shower appears out of no where, they leave a glowing pattern in the sky. Later it creates new types of animals, essentially giving Earth an animal update.

"December 17: A new storm forms, it is known as an Electric Tornado, it happens when lightning and a tornado mix. It is much larger than the average tornado, some being 20 miles wide and traveling 600-800MPH."

TikTok users were left divided over whether they believed the claims - with viewers having a debate in the comments. One user said: "Let the aliens come then and see the next."

Another argued: "I highly doubt any of that is true because I’ve seen a bunch of other ones and they’ve never happened," while a third suggested:

"Give it a rest." Someone else joked: "Finally I am tired of paying bills, all my loans will be free."



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eee59c No.21639303


Go to Ariels Twitter, he copies his twitter to telegram as well.

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35c099 No.21639304

File: 3abf763296570e0⋯.png (272.45 KB,508x501,508:501,ClipboardImage.png)

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65ccf1 No.21639306

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did Sacha Baron Cohen know something about the darker side of Mohamed Al-Fayed?

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befca4 No.21639307



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21bc4e No.21639308


Filturd for stupidity and spam

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8589f3 No.21639309


Why are people on social security paying any taxes? They should be completely tax exempt.

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27b539 No.21639310

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)


GA frenly

It's Frenly day in the frenlyhood today fren

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1e5189 No.21639311


>not obsessed, just think it is a fitting description of the battle. The puppet masters are not of this world, the transient families bowing to them for power and riches are just the proxies in this fight.


you protest by proving you ARE obsessed

you continue to cling to phrases like "not of this world" which you imply to mean supernateral or extraterrestrial or interdimensional or SSLT

"not of this world" could mean a thousand different things if let go of the LITERAL

not of this world could be a metaphor for INTANGIBLE

love, hate, lust, greed, fear, etc are all INTANGIBLE

try USING the imagination that God gave you, instead of clinging to dead ancient dogma

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521c3c No.21639312


They spoke perfect English in biblical times. I seen all the Tv documentaries and movies on Netflix,

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7f0637 No.21639313

File: 8fab861cf027241⋯.webm (645.3 KB,427x240,427:240,filtered12.webm)


Silence, failfag mimic. Imposter. Deep state loser. Simple Legion to some, Angry inch to others, broken clown to all.

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6d89e2 No.21639314

File: e386c52a1de7062⋯.png (621.82 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_124121.png)

File: 1b9b24788272ad2⋯.png (87.01 KB,766x1070,383:535,647_2_.png)

File: 08c628c5832544d⋯.jpeg (678.22 KB,1800x1200,3:2,FJ5m6ToWYAM5J9v.jpeg)

File: d4ad795cb6ed810⋯.jpeg (230.29 KB,1600x1200,4:3,FJ5m6UPXIAknpNP.jpeg)

File: 1390c14352c5364⋯.png (146.88 KB,766x1112,383:556,341_2_.png)

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7d6c51 No.21639315


At the Church of Satan, we do not believe any American's should have to pay taxes as import duties and Tariffs would more than make up for whatever "short fall" the main stream media is paid to say about it.

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21bc4e No.21639316


The Ponzi scheme needs everyone to pay

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b61e05 No.21639317


What a double it will be

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27b539 No.21639318

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)


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8589f3 No.21639319


You know predictions with dates always fail.

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7d6c51 No.21639321


I am a proud Satanist and I can tell when one of my sisters/brothers is trapped in the Closet.

Please come out.

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27b539 No.21639322

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)

Anon thinks Anon will shave today

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27b539 No.21639323

File: a984ca33788d3b6⋯.jpg (259.94 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIGsm.jpg)


What you mean? 2 moar weeks has always been accurate

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7d6c51 No.21639324


In the Bible it says not to shave or othewise alter your appearance.

Are we Friends?

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7d6c51 No.21639325


Are you a Wizard?

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dc0e0d No.21639326


very true

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da55f3 No.21639327


it was written in greek. which is why there are so many greek traditions,gods, and modification of ancient myths that occur in it. Check out the scholars who discuss the ideas about Homer being ripped off in the Bible and how many of the ancient stories not just Genesis are rehashings of more ancient myths.

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21bc4e No.21639328


Do Extra Terrestrial Beings exist ?

What is the true origin of the species ?

How much contributory DNA ?

What trademark exists in human DNA ?

Who thinks they are the rulers of little old Terra ?

Basically take your ill informrd judgements and


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7d6c51 No.21639330

Is it ok to say a Prayer here?

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27b539 No.21639331

File: 80a7ae7fbbed4d4⋯.png (181.21 KB,490x469,70:67,80a7ae7fbbed4d417d4410327c….png)


I shave it to 1/4in not all the way. I am saved from burning in hell by a technicality.

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99f594 No.21639332


mini stroke due to vax injury

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27b539 No.21639333

File: ec1344d522b06a1⋯.png (10.98 KB,253x255,253:255,7a0002828afc98228d82e06081….png)


You're a hairy now, Wizard.

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7d6c51 No.21639334



Wow! That's cool.

Nice memes too.

I do not wish to DIVIDE BY RELIGION yet is it cool to offer prayers here?

Especially prayers for President Trump and his Family?

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d44718 No.21639335

File: c06128151a3d432⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB,480x756,40:63,Joggers.mp4)

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21bc4e No.21639336


Agree with much of what you state.

(Tut)Moses would have been educated in all of Egypt's mysteries as a ward of the royal family.

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0d63fe No.21639337

File: f560eb778627f9a⋯.jpeg (107.24 KB,876x1280,219:320,IMG_6904.jpeg)

I started archiving X accounts last night but I’m not sure if archive.org or archive.today scrapes the entire account with all the posts. Can any anons shed some light on if I’m doing it right or what not?

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9f3ebd No.21639338

File: 3d254d61d56b2bc⋯.png (387.02 KB,818x460,409:230,flute.png)

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2b9cab No.21639339

File: 5e77ce4760991b9⋯.jpeg (116 KB,1154x638,577:319,IMG_3525.jpeg)

21 Sep, 2024 20:30

Putin’s Kamala endorsement was a joke – Lavrov

The “deep state” is the real source of power in Washington, the Russian foreign minister has said

Russian President Vladimir Putin was joking when he endorsed US Vice President Kamala Harris’ election campaign, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.The outcome of the election doesn’t matter, Lavrov added, because Washington is controlled by the “deep state.”

Speaking to reporters in Vladivostok earlier this month, Putin claimed that while he previously favored US President Joe Biden, he would root for Harris since Biden endorsed her after suspending his campaign in July. Harris “laughs so infectiously” that it suggests “everything is going well for her,” he added. Putin’s ‘endorsement’ immediately made headlines in the US, with the White House demanding that the Russian president “stop talking about our elections.”

Putin “has a good sense of humor” and “often resorts to jokes during his speeches and interviews,”Lavrov told Sky News Arabia earlier this week.

However, Moscow doesn’t “see any difference”between Harris, former US President Donald Trump, or any other American politician, “because the notorious ‘deep state’ is operating”in the US.

The term ‘deep state’ refers to the unelected and often unknown government bureaucrats who steer government policy, particularly the leaders of intelligence agencies and the military. Trump railed against the deep state throughout his presidency, accusing its members of obstructinghis efforts to withdraw from Afghanistan and Syria, and orchestrating the ‘Russiagate’ hoax to damage his reputation and sour relationsbetween Washington and Moscow.

Putin has asserted before that these shadowy bureaucrats are the real center of power in the US,telling American journalist Tucker Carlson in February that US policy is “not about the personality of the leader, it is about the elites’ mindset.”

“I have no illusions about the US leader,” Lavrov told Sky News Arabia,explaining that while Trump was friendly to himself and Putin, sanctions against Russia were still “introduced regularly, consistently and quite seriously” under his administration.

Likewise, despite Biden being “in such a physical condition that he has not been able to lead the country for a long time,” the US maintains its foreign policy. “It continues the military campaign through the Ukrainian regime, and in other parts of the world continues to block any resolutions at the UN Security Council that demand a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.”

The ‘machine’ is working,” he stated, “and it is charged with never having a competitor who will threaten American dominance.”

Faced with this reality, Russia must rely on itself, Lavrov concluded. “We will never again in our history rely on the fact that a ‘good uncle’ will come to the White House or another Western capital and everything will be fine for us,” he declared.

(Sad but true.)


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d44718 No.21639340

File: 0e72dab42b1deea⋯.png (5.06 KB,808x112,101:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>I do not wish to DIVIDE BY RELIGION yet is it cool to offer prayers here?

>Especially prayers for President Trump and his Family?

Do what you will, Anon. Just remember some of us don't believe what you do, so keep that in mind. Your religious beliefs are just that. Yours. Don't push them upon people who have no interest. (picrel)

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bc0e9d No.21639341

File: 0ea392543294975⋯.png (1.91 MB,1080x1468,270:367,ClipboardImage.png)

Rommel death

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6d89e2 No.21639342

File: b8dde92974a744d⋯.mp4 (316.39 KB,640x360,16:9,b8dde92974a744d55a92795b3c….mp4)

File: 24a549ceccd169e⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,720x900,4:5,24a549ceccd169e0dde71abc53….mp4)

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e7b599 No.21639343

File: 174befcee06a7d0⋯.png (520.8 KB,786x734,393:367,ClipboardImage.png)



It's in the wrist.

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2f9c46 No.21639344


doesn't know its enemy.

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b92b85 No.21639345

File: d2997af37fe9b08⋯.jpg (526.02 KB,1080x1940,54:97,Screenshot_20240922_095618….jpg)

File: d618b2191411efb⋯.png (543.66 KB,941x552,941:552,d618b2191411efb3632877c7d5….png)


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710ed9 No.21639346


As children of God, we are compelled to tell you the truth. Its your decision after that.

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683653 No.21639347


How much money are the Feds giving to Mega Churches, I wonder. Or to Mosques and Synagogues?

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27b539 No.21639348

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


"If you are religious, PRAY." - An old fren told me dat.

Just respect free will of others and find acceptance for those who do not believe the same. Pray all you can for Trump and God bless you.

P.S., yes Anons memes are tippy top, aren't they yo

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7d6c51 No.21639349


Well I noticed that a certain religion get's in the Notes quite often and thought that it must be ok?

Well okay and thank you!

Oh sweet sweet unholy Father Lord Satan!

Hear your faithful servant, Father!

Bless President Trump and his Family, Father!

Keep them safe in these most darkest of times!


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2f9c46 No.21639351


this is why humans died.

denial of observable reality.

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7f0637 No.21639352

File: 735eef60f55eda5⋯.webm (258.67 KB,427x240,427:240,brrrrrt.webm)

KEK. The whole Absolute Retard crew and their miserable band of sockpuppets. Buncha fuckin' failures.

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d44718 No.21639353


>As children of God, we are compelled to tell you the truth.

Wrong. Your truth™ is yours. Just 'cos you believe it, doesn't make it truth for another. This is precisely why you're not taken seriously. All you Abrahamic Religions have your "or else"™ clause. That's not free will™. It's anultimatum.

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27b539 No.21639354

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)



Its a frenly day in the frenlyhood, a frenly day for a frenly, would you be mine?

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2f9c46 No.21639355


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7d6c51 No.21639356


crazy good meme's!

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da55f3 No.21639357


if that story even has validity because and you allude to it Moses is like a surname or something so there is some mystery even about him, if he existed at all.

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a8bc6f No.21639358

File: 053e6e335bffc62⋯.png (293.29 KB,640x502,320:251,GrnPll.png)

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6d89e2 No.21639359

File: 0ef8a6df5acaa2d⋯.mp4 (72.28 KB,256x144,16:9,images_10_.mp4)

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….mp4)

File: 2a1fd507bb6ae0c⋯.gif (947.86 KB,360x200,9:5,2a1fd507bb6ae0c5cd043ec0ae….gif)

File: 5d667afdb261311⋯.gif (361.24 KB,500x500,1:1,5d667afdb261311e058c840aee….gif)

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9e7dce No.21639360

File: 962e6926ec281dd⋯.png (364.71 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_3477.png)

Flynn truth.

Flags out faggots

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d44718 No.21639361

File: 6c9cb83aa27d388⋯.png (365.43 KB,914x404,457:202,ClipboardImage.png)

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683653 No.21639362


>fully automatic

That means the CIA dropped them off in the alley.

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7d6c51 No.21639363


I love Flynn!

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27b539 No.21639365

File: 3b534bc47a1b629⋯.png (437.56 KB,500x500,1:1,winning_pepe2.png)

Anyone else feel like the winning and comradery is off the charts today fam. Love all you frenlys, bigly

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0fadc3 No.21639366

File: db7427160db650d⋯.gif (3 MB,498x498,1:1,2d.gif)


Haters always be mimic's.

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d44718 No.21639367


>denial of observable reality.

Kek. You want to believe in fairy tales, that's your business. I'mnotgoing to stop you. I won't, however, put up with you trying toforceothers to accept your nonsense. Your religious beliefsendwith you.

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8f158d No.21639368

File: 4354c6d0a01c463⋯.png (447.99 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: b1ebb36c039a461⋯.png (670.92 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7b8fb3d841215e2⋯.png (356.1 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)


Just another means of wasting bread to bury goodies. Flood religious stuff or bait to start arguments. If it gets deleted then scream about "muh scripture, muh censorship" or some "anti-christian" reeeee

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814f18 No.21639369

File: 8d242ed6c3756e2⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB,848x480,53:30,wwg1wga.mp4)


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0fadc3 No.21639371

crazy good meme's though

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7f0637 No.21639372

File: aaa25b635031a8f⋯.png (360.63 KB,835x500,167:100,ClipboardImage.png)


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7e5c2d No.21639373

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b9ad66 No.21639374


If you think that Jim wastes his energy on anger at you or any shill you are sadly mistaken.

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26c592 No.21639375

File: d83666c4c7d3efc⋯.png (22.39 KB,735x242,735:242,ClipboardImage.png)

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d44718 No.21639376

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Haters always be mimic's.

Kek. Indeed.

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6d89e2 No.21639377

File: ca722895b64a941⋯.jpeg (8.55 KB,182x276,91:138,images_2024_09_22T130550_….jpeg)

File: dcb7dcde01f9acd⋯.gif (315.85 KB,220x147,220:147,father_mulcahy_mulcahy.gif)

File: 89ecfd4edccf203⋯.gif (1.55 MB,306x213,102:71,tumblr_nw2st5dZga1ubp79xo3….gif)

File: a5fe827aac2a123⋯.jpg (30.87 KB,328x399,328:399,hotlips.jpg)

File: 89ecfd4edccf203⋯.gif (1.55 MB,306x213,102:71,tumblr_nw2st5dZga1ubp79xo3….gif)

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26c592 No.21639378

File: d0ee5891d0f30cd⋯.png (725.79 KB,1110x1974,185:329,ClipboardImage.png)


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f60123 No.21639380


Under my


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0fadc3 No.21639381


video replay not working so well, fren

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1c81cc No.21639382

File: 72f4d19ca97cb25⋯.png (385.61 KB,432x798,72:133,2.PNG)


Usher and Pink deleted their entire Twitter history. I'm sure it has nothing to do with their connection to Diddy and that no one in the music industry is currently panicking.

Who's next?


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0fadc3 No.21639383


I heard a rumor that anon's KEK instead of LOL?

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984447 No.21639385

File: bfb79d4d3032142⋯.png (140.22 KB,640x494,320:247,ClipboardImage.png)


> a president who sucks…

>Already had 8 years of that with Obama.

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ad84af No.21639386

Time to reopen those cold case files…

Diddy Accused of 1991 Sexual Assault of College Student in New Lawsuit

The lawsuit claims the victim "couldn't independently stand or walk" after Diddy allegedly drugged her in 1991

By Liza Esquibias Published on November 23, 2023 09:00PM EST

Sean “Diddy” Combs is being accused of sexual assault in a lawsuit filed in the Manhattan Supreme Court on Thursday. The allegations come just days after Diddy settled a different lawsuit accusing him of rape and abuse.

According to the court documents obtained by PEOPLE, a woman named Joi Dickerson-Neal is accusing Diddy, 54, of drugging and raping her when she was a college student at Syracuse University in 1991. Attorneys for Dickerson-Neal claim she was the victim of “revenge porn” after the music mogul allegedly recorded the incident and shared the tape with others in the music industry.

Diddy is denying the allegations, claiming Dickerson-Neal fabricated the story.

“This last-minute lawsuit is an example of how a well-intentioned law can be turned on its head. Ms. Dickerson's 32-year-old story is made up and not credible. Mr. Combs never assaulted her, and she implicates companies that did not exist. This is purely a money grab and nothing more," a spokesperson for the rapper wrote in a statement to PEOPLE.

According to the complaint, Dickerson-Neal knew Diddy through mutual friends and appearing alongside him in a music video. Dickerson-Neal’s lawyer, Jonathan Goldhirsch, said in a press release sent to PEOPLE that the victim had already heard of Diddy’s alleged “mistreatment of women” at the time that she met him, and was cautious around him.

When they went on a date, which Dickerson-Neal claims she “reluctantly” agreed to, she says she was drugged after leaving her drink at the table with Diddy and soon “couldn't independently stand or walk.”

“Days later, a male friend revealed to her that he had viewed the ‘sex tape’ along with other men,” the documents allege. “Horrified, Ms. Dickerson asked how many others saw it, to which he responded, ‘everyone.’”

Kesha Changes Diddy-Referencing Lyric in 'Tik Tok' on Stage After Cassie's Abuse Lawsuit Against Rapper

Dickerson-Neal claims the assault led to a decline in her mental health, causing her to drop out of college and never receive her degree.

“We are privileged to assist our client, Ms. Dickerson-Neal, as she courageously steps forward in an effort to hold Mr. Combs to account,” said her attorney Michelle Caiola, partner at Phillips & Associates, PLLC. Caiola added, “Everyone deserves to be heard and Combs should not be immune from liability because of his wealth and public stature.”

In addition to Combs, Bad Boy Entertainment, Bad Boy Records and Combs Enterprises are also listed as defendants in the suit.

The filing comes just one day before the New York Adult Survivors Act expires on Friday. This law allowed adult sexual assault survivors to file a lawsuit a year after the statute of limitations expired.

“Our client has not been able to escape the continuing impact of the harm Combs caused her many years ago. Through the Adult Survivors Act, she can avail herself to the courts to finally seek justice,” Goldhirsch said.

Earlier this week, Diddy and Casandra “Cassie” Ventura reached a settlement just one day after the singer filed a lawsuit against him for rape, sex trafficking, domestic violence and more in New York.

“I have decided to resolve this matter amicably on terms that I have some level of control,” Ventura said in a statement. “I want to thank my family, fans and lawyers for their unwavering support.”

Her attorney, Douglas Wigdor, said, “I am very proud of Ms. Ventura for having the strength to go public with her lawsuit. She ought to be commended for doing so.”

Combs added, “We have decided to resolve this matter amicably. I wish Cassie and her family all the best. Love.”


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1c81cc No.21639387

File: 108db7c1dec1d10⋯.png (590.2 KB,570x618,95:103,1.PNG)

File: 319bd24b7c37da4⋯.png (437.11 KB,570x623,570:623,22.PNG)


New Team Trump Tik Tok is 🔥🔥🤣🤣

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26c592 No.21639388


a kek is a scoff, lol is for actual laughter.

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683653 No.21639389



kek is lol in Korean

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984447 No.21639391

File: bf51387057893a2⋯.png (354.58 KB,819x460,819:460,bf51387057893a2710c1a00dd2….png)



>>>>buy buuk

>hobamamoo fights off bleached rump an black tranny coke election gahy barr turd turm

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984447 No.21639392

File: 9ccbdf5cd373dcd⋯.png (89.62 KB,458x682,229:341,9ccbdf5cd373dcd76422f046e5….png)


>> a president who sucks…

>>Already had 8 years of that with Obama.



>>>>buy buuk

>hobamamoo fights off bleached rump an black tranny coke election gahy barr turd turm

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293750 No.21639393

Call it "iconic" again, won't you?

Do you speak cult gibberish? Or "just a few words?

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0fadc3 No.21639394


so much more panic about P diddler than Epstein!

the deep digging Media says P DIDDLER is equal to or greater than Epstein

I always trust the media and believe what they tell me so much that I completely albeit accidentally become a force multiplier for whatever bullshit story they are force feeding to the masses currently because there is nothing more important to do with my time and energy.

I am a real Patriot just like you.

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d44718 No.21639395


>video replay not working so well, fren

Ironic that it works for me.

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6265fb No.21639396


all good here problem at your end

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0fadc3 No.21639397


oh oh okay


I hate feeling stupid like I do right now

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0fadc3 No.21639398



my shit must be [infil]

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a8bc6f No.21639399

File: 07bfab459ee085b⋯.jpg (52.85 KB,619x930,619:930,IcePFFT.jpg)

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d44718 No.21639400


The Diddler is a household name, across the world. Epstein was not.

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c556c9 No.21639401


DAY 1 shut off their EBT cards.

Explain that any naturalized citizen harboring illegals will lose that citizenship and be deported as well. Citizens doing the same will be prosecuted.

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6d89e2 No.21639402

File: 3ec81c98c38b107⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,3ec81c98c38b107d00e0225849….mp4)

File: e5ac93a60018534⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,480x270,16:9,e5ac93a600185341cb8f021e53….mp4)

File: 50ca1fd93a0985b⋯.mp4 (8.11 MB,360x360,1:1,50ca1fd93a0985b2817a0f37b7….mp4)

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0fadc3 No.21639403


oh oh well that explains it

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d44718 No.21639404

File: ed54e20287b584b⋯.png (448.45 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>I heard a rumor that anon's KEK instead of LOL?

You're about to make some Koreansveryangry.

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683653 No.21639405


ㅋㅋㅋ (keukeukeu) is the childish Korean equivalent of the English "haha". Since this is often used in StarCraft matches, Blizzard, StarCraft’s developers, decided to reference it in World of Warcraft: when a player of the Horde faction types "lol" using the /say messaging command, members of the opposing faction see it as "kek".[1]


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1c81cc No.21639407

File: cb0d3466346ff51⋯.png (563.49 KB,592x692,148:173,lh.PNG)


Brian Roemmele


The Learned Helplessness Experiment was a part of most High Schools in the 1980s. It is no longer taught on any scale.

4:24 PM · Sep 21, 2024




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0fadc3 No.21639408


interesting meme stuffs. fren

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26c592 No.21639409

File: 1f9ce95300e3445⋯.png (222.03 KB,400x400,1:1,tastetherainbow.png)


it's ok. we all put ourselves in tard jail every once in a while.

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eb6f45 No.21639410

>>21639280 calling PLANEFAGS can you confirm?

last call


#26501 >>21638637

>>21638687 It's insane that the world's #1 nuclear superpower just sort of stumbled its way into a power vacuum, has been filled by the former ruler's wife

>>21638688, >>21638708, >>21638892 Wimmins huh

>>21638721, >>21638747 The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine…

>>21638726, >>21638744, >>21639064, >>21639075, >>21639087, >>21639096 A bipartisan group of moar than 700 NS leaders and ex mil endorsed kneepads/Michael Smith/DefCon 1

>>21638784 Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

>>21638792 Rupert Lowe Full Speech | Reform UK 2024 National Conference

>>21638801 President Trump is now mainstream America—and it’s finally cool to support him.

>>21638815 ICYMI: >>21638815 TRUMP TRUTH America, I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah

>>21638832 Today in Q Post History we had 01 Delta

>>21638900 ICYMI: Recently Raided Tom Donlon and others support participation of the Ukraine Hoax on Trump

>>21638974, >>21639002, >>21639032, >>21639138 NASA Chicagohenge: Equinox in an Aligned City/lowest note ever

>>21638981 @realDonaldTrump This is a wonderful day for our amazing Polish-American community. My great friend, Polish President Andrzej Duda, is at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, in Doylestown, Pennsylvania

>>21639002 Pakistan: Motorcade carrying Russian ambassador hit by explosion/Albert Khorev

>>21639035 Ukraine conflict damaging EU tourism, loss of Russian visitors has hit Finland and Cyprus especially hard

>>21639054, >>21639095, >>21639102, >>21639278 @Pink has deleted all of her tweets following @Usher

>>21639082, >>21639090 Task Force statement on Secret Service Mission Assurance Report

>>21639103 How Canada is preserving what remains of its iconic supersonic Avro Arrow jet

>>21639105, >>21639120 Boris Johnson has argued that Russia must be forced to accept defeat, even if doing so costs a trillion dollars (Boris is insane)

>>21639127 On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump will hold its first hearing

>>21639131, >>21639163, >>21639215, >>21639220, >>21639234, >>21639237, >>21639273 BlackRock to voluntarily delist from the NYSE

>>21639148 Putin's Brutal Counteroffensive Turns Kursk into a Ukrainian Graveyard

>>21639171 Former Israeli Soldier Explains Psychological Warfare Against Palestinians

>>21639195 Boeing Space & Defense chief Ted Colbert is leaving

>>21639210 Scott Ritter: Putin Unleashes 2.4 Million Troops — Ukraine Faces Total Annihilation

>>21639251 Latest from Will Scharf - Trump lawyer in the New York case against DA Alvin Bragg

>>21639339 Putin’s Kamala endorsement was a joke – Lavrov

>>21639386 Time to look again at Diddy cold case files?

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42cd85 No.21639411


Filtered for provoking and enabling the mimics

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1c81cc No.21639412

File: 34d5ca4a7a16cf2⋯.png (352.55 KB,412x734,206:367,uss.PNG)


Usher and P!nk both delete all their X posts in light of Pdiddy arrest.

We're about to find out exactly why Elon Musk bought Twitter.

"Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene" - Elon Musk

(Elon has it all 🔥)

🔗 Shipwreck (https://x.com/shipwreckshow/status/1837880070158860682?s=46)

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0fadc3 No.21639413


Well tell them that this Anon is truly sorry

My translator says it sounds like this "Ching Chang, Ping Pong"


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7e5c2d No.21639414


them ebo sox yo

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d44718 No.21639415


Kek. Don't hate. The truth isn't always palatable.

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902d88 No.21639416

File: d7dde22787f3bc1⋯.png (560.77 KB,720x477,80:53,nebytrytryert.png)

I guess cisa and the yin and yang department will try and lower inflation and make everybody relaxed for 4 more years and let the people have their win this last time.

Its so they can wind us up again in 28 and bring it all back up even higher than before, as they install a democrat and wipe everything out for the previous 4 years during the 24 trump admin.

America the Zimbabwe Democracy

No sauce, just old

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6265fb No.21639417

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)


we are coming for you…….

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d44718 No.21639418

File: 07a338d111f5b26⋯.png (365.31 KB,964x667,964:667,ClipboardImage.png)



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683653 No.21639419


I never heard of this P Diddy guy until he started being accused of being a pervert. But I don't listen to Rap Crap.

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2b9cab No.21639420

File: 749c3e61f07206d⋯.mp4 (390.35 KB,400x270,40:27,ssstwitter_com_17270257993….mp4)



RFK Jr. sheds light on how Big Pharma operates: "They are making $60 billion a year selling those vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by the vaccines. The diabetes medication, the Adderall, the Ritalin, the Concerta…This is a really great business plan for these companies…"

Apr. 25, 2024


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6d89e2 No.21639421

File: 4f822e9ea231bd6⋯.gif (1.53 MB,479x258,479:258,NJo6pTa.gif)

File: b26589bb272bfef⋯.png (27.41 KB,220x220,1:1,sorpresa.png)

File: 272166637ee9cf3⋯.png (1.98 MB,1119x1242,373:414,272166637ee9cf3201ef62e982….png)

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1c81cc No.21639422

File: 8d486f82ef91706⋯.png (905.34 KB,785x638,785:638,e.PNG)

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d44718 No.21639423


>But I don't listen to Rap Crap.

He's beyond the "Rap Genre." He produced many artists. Sean Combs is the first domino. He's also a coward. He'll rat to save his own skin. Next couple of months should be interesting.

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e7b599 No.21639424


Big Mike Exposed?

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26c592 No.21639425

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0fadc3 No.21639427

File: befacc1a82e3d91⋯.gif (2.09 MB,498x498,1:1,devil_i_rebuke_you_satan.gif)


Please let an anon out of tard jail when the time is right


Nice notes, Baker!

Did you miss the Endorsement of Trump by the Religious Group?

I copied it just in case.


"GM & Merry Meet most glorious Anons!

I am an Emissary from the Church of Satan USA Chapter.

Please do not shoot the Messenger as I come in Peace… which we heard was the Prize?

We Satanist's are not as you have been told by the main stream media.

We do not seek to molest and/or eat children, we do not drink blood and we would never harm anyone.

We certainly do not eat the Flesh nor drink the Blood of our unholy Father and Savior, Lord Satan.

We enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy concerning most religions and those who hide behind them while worshipping our unholy father, Lord Satan.

That is why we formed the Church of Satan and perform outlandish stunt's in order to get the attention of the media.

We are American's and it is our Right to Worship as we please with the full rights of U.S. Citizens per the U.S. Constitution.

Our Voting Demographic is much larger than is reported and so it might be worth your time to give us some Political consideration.

We have noticed that the majority of the most prominent religious figures that you hold so dear almost always end up being child molesters or worse.

We have read the drops and we noticed that inDrop #133 Q states "Does Satan Exist?" and "Does the THOUGHT of Satan Exist?".

Although we are greatly offended by the Thought that Q indicate's that Satan does not Exist, which as you say, is the oldest trick in the book, we do enjoy 99% of the Drops.

We also love most of what President Trump did in his first term and what he has promised to do in his second term.

We Endorse Trump.

We love the Drops and what we have seen being exposed over the last 8 years.

We believe that Patriots and our Unholy Father Lord Satan as indeed in control.

Thank you for the Freedom of Speech to make this Endorsement on Q's research board.



I do not endorse this Patricular RELIGIOUS GROUP and VOTING DEMOGRAPHIC yet it seems imperative to get EVERYBODY ON BOARD so…

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3bf594 No.21639428


you build it around yourself, uncharitible porn-mongering satanist

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5f3bf2 No.21639429




look in

Trance Formation of America

by Cathy O'Brien

she has plenty to say about the dark side of country music

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27b539 No.21639430

File: 36cf301015dd51e⋯.png (167.09 KB,425x408,25:24,36cf301015dd51e32bcfce73bc….png)



Jim is habsolutely a Saint, my frenly

God bless Jim

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0fadc3 No.21639431


I did not intend to offend anyone

so very sorry

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1c81cc No.21639432

File: a0741a4d21f6284⋯.png (863.63 KB,585x589,585:589,f.PNG)

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c556c9 No.21639433




mine bigger than yours


This is an Army of Veterans

who are prepared to do whatever is necessary

to uphold the Constitution.

Their numbers are growing by the thousands.

Getting real!


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0fadc3 No.21639434


nice memes!!

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72fc09 No.21639435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kick the hornet nest in the cunt, the balls,the whatever

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d44718 No.21639436

File: 6ac7e0fdf583a2d⋯.png (833.42 KB,350x497,50:71,ClipboardImage.png)


>Black Bastard STFU

Wrong ethnic background.

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0fadc3 No.21639437


yes as BIG MIKE is so much more important than foreign heads of State, Dignitaries, ex U.S. Presidents and hundreds of A list celebrities.

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f60123 No.21639438

File: 602c39097f08c86⋯.jpg (417.14 KB,1920x1920,1:1,make_america_healthy_again….jpg)

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3bf594 No.21639439


sick people who build hell around themselves post this kind of tripe.

they mock pretending it's not real, they have no shame.

they speak of themselves in their diatribes, accusing everyone else.

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d44718 No.21639440


>I did not intend to offend anyone

You must be a NewFag. No offense was taken. You're in the big leagues now, Anon. Time to get a thicker skin or you won't survive here.

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975164 No.21639442

File: 474caccb6cb110e⋯.jpeg (133.96 KB,749x500,749:500,6446601B_55F9_405E_90AC_C….jpeg)

File: 4b10c97afc83e2c⋯.jpeg (107.18 KB,749x500,749:500,FA0501AF_4AC0_45ED_83CE_7….jpeg)

File: 462e61cad33d77b⋯.png (573.59 KB,690x2690,69:269,CC5E05E9_287B_42EF_8D61_A7….png)

File: d30e3ab1836800c⋯.png (1.65 MB,750x1334,375:667,EF8E5F77_F7D7_4E66_ACE7_DB….png)

File: 3478bd5bcca36df⋯.jpeg (17.22 KB,339x149,339:149,FAA04AE2_BBA8_4497_A6C8_D….jpeg)

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673386 No.21639443

Hi Q. Are we still the news?

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7f0637 No.21639444

File: d4ec2c5e62e6884⋯.gif (2.2 MB,200x150,4:3,lawler_lol.gif)


>Enabling the mimics.

That made me laugh, one post. I don't use nor require forced visibility so filter away if I'm not your cup of tea.

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1c81cc No.21639445

File: a1ebe15b0dcf057⋯.png (71.45 KB,437x547,437:547,fs.PNG)


🚨 SHOCKING REVEAL: LAST CHANCE to Join the QFS System – Everything EXPOSED!

🔒 The Quantum Financial System (QFS) has been shrouded in mystery, fueling countless theories. But here’s the TRUTH they don’t want you to know…

💣 97 out of the TOP 100 central banks are ALREADY secretly connected!

👉 Time is RUNNING OUT! Get in on the action NOW before it’s TOO LATE.

🔗 Discover how to ACTIVATE your QFS account TODAY – the official site has all the answers. But HURRY, this opportunity WON’T last!



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a8bc6f No.21639447

File: b390df7c61f0d95⋯.jpg (34.79 KB,500x545,100:109,9b07e3bc82e083260e2b65cc06….jpg)


>He's also a coward

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3bf594 No.21639448


the mockers pretend that it's OK to be that way. They build the prison cells even more secure.

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000000 No.21639449

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 1h

Netanyahu arrives at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff in Tel Aviv to hold security consultations.


When you run a country from a basement.

This is not going to end well…

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673386 No.21639450


I wish I listened to this tripe so that I could boycott it.

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1c81cc No.21639451

File: 07e3920b5ccd27d⋯.png (1.18 MB,660x822,110:137,4.PNG)

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984447 No.21639452

File: 78f0fe4a96749a4⋯.png (339.5 KB,400x162,200:81,78f0fe4a96749a4a40f0215623….png)


>>> a president who sucks…

>>>Already had 8 years of that with Obama.



>>>>>buy buuk

>>hobamamoo fights off bleached rump an black tranny coke election gahy barr turd turm

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily nohomo

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d44718 No.21639453


Yeah, I'm wondering how they're gonna get rid of him. Epstein was easy. They can't just make Diddy suicide™ in the big house. Even if he was murdered, too many normies will ask questions and demand answers.

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c29bfc No.21639455

File: 447ec1d666dcce8⋯.mp4 (12.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,JD_Vance_on_Tucker_Carlson….mp4)

>>21637749 pb

>“All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists

"clarity of signal" - sounds good

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d44718 No.21639456


>I wish I listened to this tripe so that I could boycott it.

Kek. Don't worry. When all the names drop, we'll have a ton of stuff to boycott, divest and sanction.

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673386 No.21639457

Q. What did Diddy do to piss off Obama?

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984447 No.21639458

File: 4991e33ade2021b⋯.png (49.99 KB,750x701,750:701,4991e33ade2021b3ccc0574597….png)


oh no

dianetics is fightin with itself

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c29bfc No.21639459

File: 87b801fa138274a⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,586x360,293:180,Kanye_Ye_West_told_us_year….mp4)

File: 9a9df3b7c55cb99⋯.png (421.24 KB,724x733,724:733,fake_kanye.png)

File: 7a923055ca0e681⋯.png (848.94 KB,1528x798,764:399,reminder_that_ye_is_dead_o….png)


>They can't just make Diddy suicide

they'll just pull a kanye replacement

"they all look the same"

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bc0e9d No.21639460

File: c2afc2fe7a35547⋯.png (199.63 KB,716x545,716:545,ClipboardImage.png)

Why deny its existence when 3M owned the (now-expired) patent for it?

Process for Preparing Adrenochrome – Patent #4,501,923

Inventor: Deryck F. Boot, Knighton England

Assignee: Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company (now 3M)

Date: February 26, 1985

#EndChildTrafficking #EndHumanTrafficking #EndSatanicSacrifice #EndRitualTorture #EndTheEndless #WWG1WGA


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d44718 No.21639461

File: 33fde1b20d34dc0⋯.png (413.37 KB,330x550,3:5,ClipboardImage.png)



Kek. They, for sure, have experience with making people disappear.

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6d89e2 No.21639462

File: 7ff41a7508f819c⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB,500x270,50:27,7ff41a7508f819c30bfccf0dc2….mp4)

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a360fb No.21639463


Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.

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c29bfc No.21639464

File: 8f55584acea9411⋯.png (610.69 KB,957x499,957:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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d44718 No.21639465

File: 4ce9b47f9f761e8⋯.png (4.7 MB,430x215,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>"they all look the same"

Kek. I don't know about that one. People are calling out Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Diddy™.

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daf028 No.21639466


>Ex military that are decent people should hang their head in shame for taking part in such an evil operation.

Fuck You - poster-johnson-kissinger-nixon-and manyy many others

The American People were lied to.

Its not like today where information was readily available to discern.

The fake news manipulated peoples emotions and fears through TV.

You internet faggots have no idea what TV and news was before the internet.

The military numbers are dwindling because nobody want to die for another nation in a foreign land anymore.

Telling me I wont be free if I dont fight this war over here in this other foreign land is psychological manipulation.

They want to take people from the homeland and send them overseas so they can die.

Most people know this now.

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8a50ec No.21639467

File: b26efe5ecd6ba30⋯.png (408.12 KB,750x1624,375:812,ClipboardImage.png)

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673386 No.21639468


Glad I have zero interest in seeing that. That solidifies I am not gay. Thank you Q for the answer.

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c29bfc No.21639469

File: 16c00323208e386⋯.mp4 (11.84 MB,576x1024,9:16,israel_explained.mp4)


>kanye mossad black mask (with that groyper guy and that proud boys guy)

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d44718 No.21639470

File: ee4a66a5c91508a⋯.png (145.41 KB,373x340,373:340,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Stolt.

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a360fb No.21639471



>Diddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.

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e7b599 No.21639472


International Scout. Corn binder?

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1c81cc No.21639473

File: ad8a8b73b8037f2⋯.png (443.25 KB,601x836,601:836,ho.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Wait so you’re telling me the woman who advertised she will give out p**n at her concerts just deleted all her tweets amidst the Diddy s*x trafficking revelations?



Rate proposed Community Notes

Only visible to contributors

P!nk/@Pink (Alecia Beth Moore) quit Twitter and deleted all but two retweets in February 2024.

She stated she got death threats & experienced "absolute hatred" on the platform before she decided to leave.




Is this proposed note helpful?

5:03 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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c29bfc No.21639474

File: e56ccb8e03199dc⋯.gif (2.43 MB,289x216,289:216,trump_thumbs_up_you.gif)

File: 9a2767d666de965⋯.jpg (15.45 KB,474x255,158:85,barron_thumbs_up_Copy.jpg)

File: a3e40d47eb3bb6c⋯.png (151.98 KB,411x555,137:185,thumbsup_trump_rally.png)

File: 7f53a95eac7d80d⋯.gif (1.05 MB,320x240,4:3,good_news_rambo_kid_thumbs….gif)

File: e9e60c9664fa531⋯.jpg (35.91 KB,624x390,8:5,trump_2_thumbs_up_calm_bef….jpg)


>That solidifies I am not gay

see. this board helps people.

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673386 No.21639475


If that noise could be called music this would be a notable.

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0fadc3 No.21639476


Well it seems clear that you do not respect the religion of other's nor their right to free speech.

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0fadc3 No.21639477


I will try my best!

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1c81cc No.21639478

File: 9aad39f78f7adc5⋯.png (44.18 KB,603x449,603:449,g.PNG)




Robert F. Kennedy Jr




Due to their failure with the pandemic treaty, the UN has decided to move on this issue through the General Assembly giving the Secretary General the emergency powers they could not get for the WHO.

The United Nations Pact for the Future is an unconstitutional attempt to pass a

Show more

General Mike Flynn


This is how they maneuver to eventually declare the New World Order (Schwab’s Great Reset or 4th Industrial Revolution) has arrived. It can only be stopped by one action currently and that is electing @realDonaldTrump

as POTUS and getting selfless leaders like you into our government immediately.

6:37 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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673386 No.21639479


He's handsome.

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984447 No.21639480


>oh no

>diane tics is fightin with itself

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267718 No.21639481

File: 6229ba585efb820⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,358x312,179:156,1510734018819.jpg)

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0fadc3 No.21639482


is this like one of those Q decode thingies but using memes instead?

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267718 No.21639483

File: cd7e0fa0574659f⋯.jpg (139.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1510729794667.jpg)

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267718 No.21639484

File: 299b11b3db3f12a⋯.png (363.98 KB,633x510,211:170,CIA_Pakistan.png)

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984447 No.21639485

File: 2040773267f303b⋯.png (7.14 KB,800x800,1:1,2040773267f303b87fc5f95322….png)


stap LEEEEKY JUUUUUUS frum gahybarr <<21634540


<berlinur BIGLY GAHY WALL BUILT halpin stap poleland invadurhs


<berlinur fillur gloatables so far





< >>21632285

<<<<<<<git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat














< >>21632285

<<<<<<git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat











mowi wow


juwish farting ccattle noises

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267718 No.21639486

File: 7759f53e7b7da32⋯.jpg (67.14 KB,480x480,1:1,1510732831403.jpg)

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0fadc3 No.21639487


wow thats crazy

almost like everything and [EVERYONE] is connected somehow

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267718 No.21639488

File: 773a144ed4a5cd7⋯.jpg (90.32 KB,740x600,37:30,1510765423231.jpg)

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d44718 No.21639489

File: c941c3d8c90944b⋯.png (40.36 KB,984x448,123:56,ClipboardImage.png)



It's getting wild how every time we have a story like this, there's always a Coincidence™. Kek. It's starting to get mathematically impossible.

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267718 No.21639490

File: 763b7debdb35d88⋯.jpg (72.18 KB,574x574,1:1,1510765637162.jpg)

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eb6f45 No.21639491



#26501 >>21638637

>>21638687 It's insane that the world's #1 nuclear superpower just sort of stumbled its way into a power vacuum, has been filled by the former ruler's wife

>>21638688, >>21638708, >>21638892 Wimmins huh

>>21638721, >>21638747 The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine…

>>21638726, >>21638744, >>21639064, >>21639075, >>21639087, >>21639096 A bipartisan group of moar than 700 NS leaders and ex mil endorsed kneepads/Michael Smith/DefCon 1

>>21638784 Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

>>21638792 Rupert Lowe Full Speech | Reform UK 2024 National Conference

>>21638801 President Trump is now mainstream America—and it’s finally cool to support him.

>>21638815 ICYMI: >>21638815 TRUMP TRUTH America, I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah

>>21638832 Today in Q Post History we had 01 Delta

>>21638900 ICYMI: Recently Raided Tom Donlon and others support participation of the Ukraine Hoax on Trump

>>21638974, >>21639002, >>21639032, >>21639138 NASA Chicagohenge: Equinox in an Aligned City/lowest note ever

>>21638981 @realDonaldTrump This is a wonderful day for our amazing Polish-American community. My great friend, Polish President Andrzej Duda, is at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, in Doylestown, Pennsylvania

>>21639002 Pakistan: Motorcade carrying Russian ambassador hit by explosion/Albert Khorev

>>21639035 Ukraine conflict damaging EU tourism, loss of Russian visitors has hit Finland and Cyprus especially hard

>>21639054, >>21639095, >>21639102, >>21639278, >>21639473 @Pink has deleted all of her tweets following @Usher

>>21639082, >>21639090 Task Force statement on Secret Service Mission Assurance Report

>>21639103 How Canada is preserving what remains of its iconic supersonic Avro Arrow jet

>>21639105, >>21639120 Boris Johnson has argued that Russia must be forced to accept defeat, even if doing so costs a trillion dollars (Boris is insane)

>>21639127 On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump will hold its first hearing

>>21639131, >>21639163, >>21639215, >>21639220, >>21639234, >>21639237, >>21639273 BlackRock to voluntarily delist from the NYSE

>>21639148 Putin's Brutal Counteroffensive Turns Kursk into a Ukrainian Graveyard

>>21639171 Former Israeli Soldier Explains Psychological Warfare Against Palestinians

>>21639195 Boeing Space & Defense chief Ted Colbert is leaving

>>21639210 Scott Ritter: Putin Unleashes 2.4 Million Troops — Ukraine Faces Total Annihilation

>>21639251 Latest from Will Scharf - Trump lawyer in the New York case against DA Alvin Bragg

>>21639339 Putin’s Kamala endorsement was a joke – Lavrov

>>21639386 Time to look again at Diddy cold case files?

>>21639420 RFK Jr. sheds light on how Big Pharma operates

>>21639445 @CMZ - LAST CHANCE to Join the QFS System – Everything EXPOSED!

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267718 No.21639492

File: b2f483c0fda68c2⋯.jpg (120.82 KB,800x473,800:473,1510765346527.jpg)

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267718 No.21639495

File: b58a6fef54dcb0f⋯.gif (1001.43 KB,600x450,4:3,1510796598156.gif)

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267718 No.21639496

File: d2cecbdac1c47f4⋯.jpg (44.59 KB,500x546,250:273,JFK_DJT.jpg)

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1c81cc No.21639497

File: dfbbf9fc5331330⋯.png (54.44 KB,627x428,627:428,df.PNG)


The Democrats Defraud the Voters With

A Little Help From Their Friends

American Thinker, by David Kahn

Posted By: Imright, 9/22/2024 11:46:23 AM

Lying has always been part of politics. Politicians lie about what they supported in years past or what they would do if elected. But because of the magnitude of the frauds promoted by Democrats in recent years and because they are assisted by the MSM and our intelligence services, the Democrats have taken lying to a new level. Elections are democracy’s lifeblood. Lying to voters threatens the very underpinnings of our democracy. A review of lies the Democrats and their allies have foisted on voters in recent presidential elections demonstrates that something must be done. In 2016, the Democrats fabricated the Trump-Russian collusion hoax. That’s far more serious than

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267718 No.21639498

File: 328dbc695eb880b⋯.jpg (54.3 KB,798x600,133:100,jfk_cia.jpg)

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5f3bf2 No.21639499

File: 5b76f178fbc7e1c⋯.jpg (36.13 KB,934x678,467:339,bakers_funny_from_WNB.jpg)


anger is exhausting, better to laugh and continue on.

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267718 No.21639500

File: e89a907892a08dd⋯.png (161.41 KB,500x689,500:689,T1.png)

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d44718 No.21639501

File: eaeae9211448f99⋯.png (475.25 KB,599x800,599:800,ClipboardImage.png)


Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.

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c29bfc No.21639503

File: 80e529b9adf2062⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,270x480,9:16,talmud_source_of_gender_co….mp4)


how dare you

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673386 No.21639504


As a christian that is required by scripture to support the enslaved chosen I am at a crossroad since it is every single damn time.

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eb6f45 No.21639505

File: e1c458ef7630a84⋯.png (315.52 KB,550x330,5:3,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

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15e0e2 No.21639506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Most of the money spent on Sweet Baby Inc DEI

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267718 No.21639507

File: 707024ced32e467⋯.jpg (304.56 KB,1100x619,1100:619,T2.jpg)

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d44718 No.21639509


Kek. I have this saved. Bitch is so fucking creepy.

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267718 No.21639510

File: bdff8e76e9e4daa⋯.jpg (269.26 KB,1408x787,1408:787,RedShoes.jpg)

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984447 No.21639511


Season 26 epsiode 501

jfk almost climbs up Soros sphinctur

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eb6f45 No.21639512

File: e23648289078ed0⋯.jpg (24.79 KB,240x240,1:1,Product_3657.jpg)

File: d8475c61c4b45ac⋯.jpg (18.53 KB,255x186,85:62,d8475c61c4b45ac4fe0aef3241….jpg)

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0fadc3 No.21639513


Sir, Yes, Sir!

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267718 No.21639514

File: 1c30a8e04d9a404⋯.jpg (519.66 KB,926x1067,926:1067,NoCoinTellPro.jpg)

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267718 No.21639516

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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267718 No.21639518

File: 6a102dacdcc711e⋯.jpg (69.44 KB,611x900,611:900,_Anonymous_17_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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267718 No.21639519

File: 3fd14dacf3d57f5⋯.png (7.13 KB,255x172,255:172,_Anonymous_Just_now_7ee177….png)

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